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abstract: 'In this paper we present for the first time the exact solution in the narrow-band limit of the $1$D extended Hubbard model with nearest-neighbour spin-spin interactions described by an exchange constant $J$. An external magnetic field $h$ is also taken into account. This result has been obtained in the framework of the Green’s functions formalism, using the Composite Operator Method. By means of this theoretical background, we have studied some relevant features such as double occupancy, magnetization, spin-spin and charge-charge correlation functions and derived a phase diagram for both ferro ($J>0$) and anti-ferro ($J<0$) coupling in the limit of zero temperature. We also report a study on density of states, specific heat, charge and spin susceptibilities. In the limit of zero temperature, we show that the model exhibits a very rich phase diagram characterized by different magnetic orders and by the coexistence of charge and spin orderings at commensurate filling. Moreover, our analysis at finite temperature of density of states and response functions shows the presence of low-temperature charge and spin excitations near the phase boundaries.'
- 'F. Mancini$^{1,2}$'
- 'E. Plekhanov$^{3}$'
- 'G. Sica$^{1,4,}$'
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Exact solution of the 1D Hubbard model in the atomic limit\
with inter-site magnetic coupling
For many years the Mott-Hubbard theory has been considered as the archetype for a class of Hamiltonian models aiming the description of correlations between electrons in the *d*-bands of transition metal compounds. However, although the Hubbard model[@HubbardModel] and its reduction, the $t$-$J$ model[@tJModel], have been successful in reproducing a plethora of different anomalous phenomena among which magnetic orders[@Ferromagnetism1; @Ferromagnetism2; @AntiFerromagnetism; @Paramagnetism], Metal Insulator Transition (MIT)[@MIT], Spin Density Waves (SDW)[@SDW] and High-Temperature Superconductivity (HTSC)[@HighTcSC1; @HighTcSC2; @HighTcSC3], their application to a large class of compounds is still controversial. The Mott-Hubbard theory, in its simplest formulation, leads to a band gap of the order $U$ ($\sim 7$-$10$eV in oxides) which is difficult to justify for charge-transfer insulators such as Co, Ni and Cu. Furthermore, it is also difficult to understand the metallicity of many sulfides among which NiS, CuS and CoS which would require a strong reduction of the on-site interaction $U$ to $1$-$2$eV [@Zaaen1985].
These and many other issues led to the conviction that single-band Hubbard and $t$-$J$ models are not sufficient to catch all the relevant features due to electronic correlations. Therefore, with the aim of describing strong electron-electron correlations as well as interactions of electrons with other degrees of freedoms (such as lattice vibrations, light), several extensions of the bare Hubbard Hamiltonian have been proposed resulting in the introduction of the so-called Extended Hubbard Models (EHMs). Among these, in the recent years an increasing interest arose in the study of the $t$-$U$-$J$ model as the minimal model capable to reproduce the exchange correlations, widely believed to be the basis of the pairing mechanism in cuprates[@Dagotto1992; @Rice1995; @Arita1998; @Japaridze1999; @Daul2000]. Unlikely the Hubbard and $t$-$J$ models, in the $t$-$U$-$J$ Hamiltonian the exchange coupling $J$ is not related to the Hubbard $U$ as $J\approx4t^2/U$, allowing finite exchange correlations even in the presence of strong on-site couplings. Furthermore, contrarily to the $t$-$J$ model, an independent treatment of $J$ does not necessarily require the $U\rightarrow\infty$ limit in which charge fluctuations are heavily suppressed.
The $t$-$U$-$J$ model has been analyzed in 1D and 2D cases. In the 2D case the $t$-$U$-$J$ Hamiltonian has been used as the minimal model capable to describe the charge-transfer nature of cuprates. In particular, several studies have been done to understand the influence of the on-site Coulomb repulsion and spin-spin exchange on superconductivity [@Laughlin2002; @Zhang2003].
Motivated by the discovery of close proximity of magnetic and superconducting ordering in (TMTSF)$_{2}$X family of quasi one-dimensional Bechgaard salts[@BechgaardSalts], analytical and numerical studies on the $t$-$U$-$J$ model have also been performed in the one-dimensional case. At half-filling, the ground-state phase diagram of the 1D $t$-$U$-$J$ model has been intensively studied for both ferro and anti-ferro magnetic couplings in the weak-coupling limit in which $U,J\ll t$. By means of the bosonization procedure, it has been pointed out that, in the presence of ferromagnetic interactions, the system is dominated by superconducting and spin-density-wave instabilities even in the presence of moderate values of the on-site Hubbard interaction[@Japaridze1999]. On the contrary, in the presence of an anti-ferromagnetic exchange, bosonization and transfer-matrix renormalization group methods showed that at half-filling the ground state of the system is a Mott insulator characterized by spontaneous dimerization for $U\ll J$. A transition to a gapless spin liquid phase occurs at $U_c\approx J/2$ [@Dai2004]. The 1D $t$-$U$-$J$ model at $n=1$ has also been studied with the inclusion of an easy-plane anisotropy in the exchange interaction in order to investigate the coexistence of triplet superconductivity and ferromagnetism in a class of quasi-one-dimensional materials [@Dziurzik2004; @Ding2010]. It has been shown that, in the large bandwidth limit, magnetic correlations are enhanced by the presence of a repulsive Coulomb potential $U$ and a transverse spin-exchange interaction between electrons on nearest-neighbor (NN) sites. Therefore the coexistence of antiferromagnetism and triplet superconductivity is no longer observed except for small values of the Coulomb interaction [@Dziurzik2004]. Recently, it has been also shown that in the weak-coupling limit and for $n=1$, in the presence of an isotropic anti-ferromagnetic exchange, CDW and bond SDW phases are suppressed and the ground state exhibits an insulating behavior characterized by SDW and bond CDW phases[@Ding2010].
Because of the complexity of the model, in spite of numerous attempts, there are no exact solutions for the $t$-$U$-$J$ Hamiltonian and only few results are known outside of the weak coupling regime or away from half-filling. Within this context we present in this work the exact solution of the $1$D $t$-$U$-$J$ model in the atomic limit and in the presence of an external magnetic field $h$. It is important to stress that the $t$-$U$-$J$ Hamiltonian, even in the atomic limit, does not represent an abstract toy model since a number of quasi-one dimensional insulating compounds, like CsMnBr$_{3}$, Sr$_{3}$ZnIrO, CuGeO$_{3}$, Ca$_{3}$CoRhO$_{6}$ and Sr$_{3}$CuPt$_{x}$Ir$_{1-x}$O$_{6}$ show magnetic features that can be described by the introduction of an inter-site magnetic coupling[@CuGeO; @CaCoRhO; @SrCuPtIrO]. Moreover, because of charge-charge and spin-spin interaction terms, the $U$-$J$ Hamiltonian in the presence of an external magnetic field represents a key model for the study of phase transitions between different magnetic orders or a good starting point for perturbative approaches in terms of the hopping parameter $t$. Besides all the motivations given above, we would like also to stress that the model is interesting from the point of view of statistical mechanics, showing several phase transitions, two tricritical points, anomalous behaviors for all the system response functions near the phase boundaries. Furthermore, as we shall see in Sec.\[SubSec:Isomorphism\] for the one-dimensional case, the $U$-$J$-$h$ model can also be mapped to a spin ladder Hamiltonian with effective inter-chain and intra-chain spin-spin interactions, allowing for the exact solution of a quasi two-dimensional spin system.
Hereafter we report a summary of the work. In the second Section we introduce the Green’s functions formalism and present the exact solution of the model obtained using the Composite Operator Method [@Ave1; @Ave2] which, in the last fifteen years, has been successfully applied to several models and materials among which: Hubbard [@Ave3; @Ave4; @Ave5; @Ave6], $p$-$d$ [@Ave7], $t$-$J$ [@Ave8], $t$-$t^\prime$-$U$ [@Ave9], extended Hubbard ($t$-$U$-$V$) [@Ave10], Kondo [@Ave11], Anderson [@Ave12], two-orbital Hubbard [@Ave13; @Ave14], exact solvable models [@Ave15; @Ave16; @Manc; @EuroPhysLett], $J_1$-$J_2$ [@Ave17; @Ave18], Hubbard-Kondo [@Ave19], and Cuprates [@Ave20]. We show that, by means of algebraic relations, the hierarchy of the equations of motion closes and the Green’s functions can be expressed in terms of a finite number of parameters to be determined self-consistently. A collection of results, including single particle correlation functions, charge and spin susceptibilities, density of states and some thermodynamic quantities, obtained in the limit of zero temperature and for finite $T$ , is reported in the third and in the fourth Sections, respectively.
Our study in the limit of zero temperature shows that the model exhibits a very rich phase diagram in which different magnetic orders are generated by the competition between $J$, $h$ and $U$ in the whole range of the filling $n$. In particular, in the presence of an anti-ferromagnetic inter-site coupling, we observe two different types of ferromagnetic order for high values of the magnetic field. Coexistence of charge and spin ordering has also been observed for commensurate fillings. Finally, our study on density of states at $T\rightarrow0$ and thermodynamic quantities at finite temperature shows clear signatures of charge and spin excitations in all the studied thermodynamic functions: specific heat, spin- and charge-susceptibilities.
The model - Composite fields and Green’s function {#Sec:COM}
A simple generalization of the Hubbard model can be obtained by including magnetic inter-site interactions. In this case, the Hubbard Hamiltonian can be written as follows: $$\begin{aligned}
H & = & \sum_{\boldsymbol{i,j}}\left(t_{\boldsymbol{ij}}-\mu\delta_{\boldsymbol{ij}}\right)c^{\dagger}(i)c(j)+U\sum_{\boldsymbol{i}}n_{\uparrow}(i)n_{\downarrow}(i)+\nonumber \\
& & +\frac{1}{2}\sum_{\boldsymbol{i}\neq\boldsymbol{j}}J_{\boldsymbol{i},\boldsymbol{j}}n_{3}(i)n_{3}(j)-h\sum_{\boldsymbol{i}}n_{3}(i)\;,\label{eq:Hubbard_MagnInExtField}\end{aligned}$$ where $c(i)$ and $c^{\dagger}(i)$ are annihilation and creation operators of electrons in the spinorial notation: $c^{\dagger}(i)=\left(\begin{array}{cc}
c_{\uparrow}^{\dagger}(i) & c_{\downarrow}^{\dagger}(i)\end{array}\right)$, satisfying canonical anti-commutation relations. The spinorial notation will be used for all fermionic operators. The Heisenberg picture is used $[i=(\boldsymbol{i},t)]$, $\boldsymbol{i}$ is a vector of the lattice; $t_{\boldsymbol{i},\boldsymbol{j}}$ denotes the transfer integral and describes hopping between different sites; $\mu$ is the chemical potential. $n_{\sigma}(i)=c_{\sigma}^{\dagger}(i)c_{\sigma}(i)$ is the number density operator of electrons at the site $\boldsymbol{i}$ with spin $\sigma$. The intensity of the local Coulomb interaction is parameterized by $U$; $n_{3}(i)=n_{\uparrow}(i)-n_{\downarrow}(i)$ is the third component of the spin density operator; $J_{\boldsymbol{i},\boldsymbol{j}}$ is the exchange inter-site interaction; $h$ represents the strength of the external magnetic field. In this work we restrict our analysis to the narrow-band limit and consider only first neighbor interactions by taking $J_{\boldsymbol{i},\boldsymbol{j}}=-2dJ\alpha_{\boldsymbol{i},\boldsymbol{j}}$, where $d$ is the dimensionality of the system and $\alpha_{\boldsymbol{i},\boldsymbol{j}}$ is the projection operator on the NN sites. For a $d$-dimensional cubic Bravais lattice of lattice constant $a$, the Fourier transform of $\alpha_{\boldsymbol{i},\boldsymbol{j}}$ is $F.T.\left[\alpha_{\boldsymbol{i},\boldsymbol{j}}\right]=\frac{1}{d}\sum_{n=1}^{d}\cos(k_{n}a)$. Then, the Hamiltonian (\[eq:Hubbard\_MagnInExtField\]) can be written under the form: $$H=\sum_{\boldsymbol{i}}\biggl[-\mu n(i)+UD(i)-hn_{3}(i)-dJn_{3}(i)n_{3}^{\alpha}(i)\biggr]\;,\label{eq:Hubbard_Intersite+StrCoupl+Nn}$$ where $n(i)=c^{\dagger}(i)c(i)$ is the total density operator and $D(i)=n_{\uparrow}(i)n_{\downarrow}(i)$$=$$\frac{1}{2}n(i)[n(i)-1]$ the double occupancy operator. Hereafter, for a generic operator $\Phi(i)$ we use the following notation: $\Phi^{\alpha}(i)\equiv\sum_{\boldsymbol{j}}\alpha_{\boldsymbol{ij}}\Phi(\boldsymbol{j},t)$. We note that (\[eq:Hubbard\_Intersite+StrCoupl+Nn\]) is invariant under the transformation: $\left(h\rightarrow-h\;,\; n_{\uparrow}\rightarrow n_{\downarrow}\right)$. Also, under the particle-hole transformation, the chemical potential scales as $\mu(2-n)=U-\mu(n)$.
To solve the Hamiltonian (\[eq:Hubbard\_Intersite+StrCoupl+Nn\]), we shall use the formalism of Green’s functions and equations of motion [@Ave1]. As a first step, we show that there exists a closed set of eigenoperators and eigenvalues of $H$. To this end, we introduce the composite field operators: $$\psi_{p}^{(\xi)}(i)=\xi(i)[n_{3}^{\alpha}(i)]^{p-1}\;,\;\psi_{p}^{(\eta)}(i)=\eta(i)[n_{3}^{\alpha}(i)]^{p-1}\;,$$ where $\xi(i)=[1-n(i)]c(i)$ and $\eta(i)=n(i)c(i)$ are the Hubbard operators responsible for the transitions $|0\rangle_{i}\leftrightarrow|\sigma\rangle_{i}$ at the site $\boldsymbol{i}$, and $|\sigma\rangle_{i}\leftrightarrow|\uparrow\downarrow\rangle_{i}$, at site $\boldsymbol{i}$, respectively. These fields satisfy the equations of motion: $$\begin{array}{cl}
i\frac{\partial}{\partial t}\psi_{p}^{(\xi)}(i) & =\left[\psi_{p}^{(\xi)}(i),H\right]=\\
& =-(\mu+h\sigma_{3})\psi_{p}^{(\xi)}(i)-2J\sigma_{3}\psi_{p+1}^{(\xi)}(i)\;,\\
i\frac{\partial}{\partial t}\psi_{p}^{(\eta)}(i) & =\left[\psi_{p}^{(\eta)}(i),H\right]=\\
& =-(\mu-U+h\sigma_{3})\psi_{p}^{(\eta)}(i)-2J\sigma_{3}\psi_{p+1}^{(\eta)}(i)\;,
\end{array}\label{eq:EqsOfMotion}$$ where $\sigma_3$ is the third Pauli matrix. By taking higher-order time derivatives we generate a hierarchy of composite operators. However, on the basis of the algebraic relations: $$\begin{array}{ll}
n^{(p)}(i)=n(i)+a_{p}D(i) & \quad[n_{3}(i)]^{2p}=n(i)-2D(i)\\
a_{p}=2^{p}-2 & \quad[n_{3}(i)]^{2p+1}=n_{3}(i)\\
D^{p}(i)=D(i) & \quad n(i)n_{3}(i)=n_{3}(i)\\
n^{p}(i)D(i)=2^{p}D(i) & \quad D(i)n_{3}(i)=0
\end{array}\;,\label{eq:AlgebraicRelations}$$ for $p\geqslant1$, the following recursion formula can be established for the field $[n_{3}^{\alpha}(i)]^{p}$: $$\begin{array}{l}
\end{array}\label{eq:RecursionRules}$$ where $A_{m}^{(p)}$ are rational numbers, satisfying the sum rule $\sum_{m=1}^{4d}A_{m}^{(p)}=1$, and, for $1\leqslant p\leqslant m$, $A_{m}^{(p)}=\delta_{pm}$. For $p>m$ the expressions of the coefficients $A_{m}^{(p)}$ depend on the coordination number $z=2d$. In the Appendix \[AppendixA\] we report some values.
We now define the composite operator: $$\psi(i)=\left(\begin{array}{c}
\end{array}\right)\;,$$ where $\psi_{\sigma}^{(\xi)}(i)$ and $\psi_{\sigma}^{(\eta)}(i)$ are multiplet operators of rank $2z+1$: $$\begin{array}{l}
\end{array}$$ On the basis of the equations of motion (\[eq:EqsOfMotion\]) and by means of the recursion rules (\[eq:RecursionRules\]), it is easy to see that these fields are eigenoperators of the Hamiltonian (\[eq:Hubbard\_Intersite+StrCoupl+Nn\]): $$\begin{array}{l}
i\frac{\partial}{\partial t}\psi_{\sigma}^{(\xi)}(i)=\left[\psi_{\sigma}^{(\xi)}(i),H\right]=\varepsilon_{\sigma}^{(\xi)}\psi_{\sigma}^{(\xi)}(i)\\
i\frac{\partial}{\partial t}\psi_{\sigma}^{(\eta)}(i)=\left[\psi_{\sigma}^{(\eta)}(i),H\right]=\varepsilon_{\sigma}^{(\eta)}\psi_{\sigma}^{(\eta)}(i)
\end{array}\;,\label{eq:FieldEqs}$$ where $\varepsilon_{\sigma}^{(\xi)}$ and $\varepsilon_{\sigma}^{(\eta)}$ are the energy matrices which can be calculated by means of the equations of motion (\[eq:EqsOfMotion\]) and the recursion rule (\[eq:RecursionRules\]), whose eigenvalues, $E_{\sigma}^{(\xi,n)}$ and $E_{\sigma}^{(\eta,n)}$, with $n\in\{1,4d+1\}$, determine the quasiparticle excitation spectrum. Explicit expressions of $\varepsilon_{\sigma}^{(s)}$ and $E_{\sigma}^{(s)}$ ($s=\xi,\eta$) for $z=2$ are given in Appendix \[AppendixB\].
The knowledge of a complete set of eigenoperators and eigenvalues of the Hamiltonian allows for an exact expression of the retarded Green’s function (GF): $$G_{\sigma}^{(s)}(t-t^\prime)=\media{R\left[\psi_\sigma^{(s)}(\textbf{i},t)\psi_\sigma^{(s)\dagger}(\textbf{i},t^\prime)\right]}$$ and consequently, by using the spectral theorem, of the correlation function (CF): $$C_{\sigma}^{(s)}(t-t^{\,\prime})=\media{\psi_{\sigma}^{(s)}(\boldsymbol{i},t)\psi_{\sigma}^{(s)\dagger}(\boldsymbol{i},t^{\,\prime})}\;.$$ In the above equations $s=(\xi,\eta)$, $\media{\dots}$ denotes the quantum-statistical average over the grand canonical ensemble while $R$ represents the retarded operator with $\langle R[\psi(x)\psi^\dagger(y)]\rangle=\theta(t_x-t_y)\langle\{\psi(x),\psi^\dagger(y)\}\rangle$. By means of the field equations (\[eq:FieldEqs\]), this Green’s function satisfies the equation: $$\left[\omega-\varepsilon_{\sigma}^{(s)}\right]G_{\sigma}^{(s)}(\omega)=I_{\sigma}^{(s)}\;,\label{eq:EqForG}$$ where $I_{\sigma}^{(s)}$ is the normalization matrix: $$I_{\sigma}^{(s)}=\media{\left\{ \psi_{\sigma}^{(s)}(\boldsymbol{i},t),\psi_{\sigma}^{(s)\dagger}(\boldsymbol{i},t)\right\} }\;.$$ The solution of Eq.(\[eq:EqForG\]) gives: $$\begin{aligned}
& & G_{\sigma}^{(s)}(\omega)=\sum_{n=1}^{2z+1}\frac{\rho_{\sigma}^{(s,n)}}{\omega-E_{\sigma}^{(s,n)}+i\delta}\;,\label{eq:GF}\\
& & C_{\sigma}^{(s)}(\omega)=\pi\sum_{n=1}^{2z+1}\rho_{\sigma}^{(s,n)}T_{\sigma}^{(s,n)}\delta\left(\omega-E_{\sigma}^{(s,n)}\right)\;,\label{eq:CF}\end{aligned}$$ where $T_{\sigma}^{(s,n)}=1+\tanh\left(\beta E_{\sigma}^{(s,n)}/2\right)$, $\beta=1/k_{B}T$ and the spectral density matrices $\rho_{\sigma}^{(s,n)}$ are given by: $$\rho_{\sigma,ab}^{(s,n)}=\Omega_{\sigma,an}^{(s)}\sum_{c=1}^{2z+1}\left[\Omega_{\sigma,nc}^{(s)}\right]^{-1}I_{\sigma,cb}^{(s)}\;.\label{eq:SpectralDensityMatrix}$$ $\Omega_{\sigma}^{(s)}$ is the matrix whose columns are the eigenvectors of the matrix $\varepsilon_{\sigma}^{(s)}$. Calculations of the matrices $\Omega_{\sigma}^{(s)}$ are reported in Appendix \[AppendixB\]. It is worth noting that $\Omega_{\sigma}^{(\xi)}=\Omega_{\sigma}^{(\eta)}$. It can be shown that the $\rho_{\sigma}^{(s,n)}$ satisfy the sum rule $\sum_{n=1}^{2z+1}\rho_{\sigma,ab}^{(s,n)}=I_{\sigma,ab}^{(s)}$. The relevant elements of $\rho_{\sigma}^{(s,n)}$ are given in Appendix \[AppendixB\] for $z=2$. It is important to stress that the expressions (\[eq:GF\]) and (\[eq:CF\]) are exact and, in principle, give an exact solution of the Hamiltonian (\[eq:Hubbard\_Intersite+StrCoupl+Nn\]) *for any dimension of the system*. However, in order to obtain quantitative information of the physical properties of the system we need to have a complete knowledge of the Green’s and correlation functions. As (\[eq:GF\]) and (\[eq:CF\]) show, both of them depend on two quantities: the energy matrix and the normalization matrix. The energy matrices are exactly known (see Appendix \[AppendixB\]). Let us then concentrate the attention on the normalization matrix. At first, we note that by using the recursion rules (\[eq:RecursionRules\]), the matrix elements $I_{\sigma;ab}^{(s)}$ can be expressed in terms of the elements of the first raw $I_{\sigma;1,p}^{(s)}$ ($p=1,\dots,2z+1$): $$\begin{array}{l}
\end{array}\;(p=1,\dots,2z+1)\;,$$ where $\kappa^{(p)}=\media{\left[n_{3}^{\alpha}(i)\right]^{p-1}}$ and $\lambda_{\sigma}^{(p)}=\media{n_{\sigma}(i)\left[n_{3}^{\alpha}(i)\right]^{p-1}}$. Thus, the correlation functions depend on the external parameters $n=\media{n(i)}$, $T$, $U$, $J$, $h$ and on the internal parameters: $\mu$, $\kappa^{(p)}$, $\lambda_{\sigma}^{(p)}$. It is easy to show that the CFs obey the following self-consistent equations: $$C_{\sigma;1,p}^{(\xi)}+C_{\sigma;1,p}^{(\eta)}=\kappa^{(p)}-\lambda_{\sigma}^{(p)}\;(p=1,\dots,2z+1)\;,$$ where $C_{\sigma}^{(s)}=\media{\psi_{\sigma}^{(s)}(i)\psi_{\sigma}^{(s)\dagger}(i)}$. The number of these equations is not sufficient to determine all the internal parameters, and one needs other equations. This problem will be considered in the next Section, where a self-consistent scheme, capable of computing the internal parameters, will be formulated for the one-dimensional case.
Self-consistent equations
The previous analysis shows that the complete solution of the model requires the knowledge of the parameters $\mu$, $\kappa^{(p)}$, and $\lambda_{\sigma}^{(p)}$. These quantities may be computed by using algebra constraints and symmetry requirements.
Let us consider a one-dimensional system and fix one site, say $\boldsymbol{i}$, at some arbitrary point of the chain. We split the Hamiltonian (\[eq:Hubbard\_Intersite+StrCoupl+Nn\]) as the sum of two terms[@Manc; @EuroPhysLett]: $$\begin{array}{l}
H\equiv H_{0}^{(i)}+H_{I}^{(i)}\\
\end{array}\;,$$ and introduce the $H_{0}^{(i)}$-representation: the statistical average of any operator can be expressed as: $$\media O=\frac{\media{Oe^{-\beta H_{I}(i)}}_{0,i}}{\media{e^{-\beta H_{I}(i)}}_{0,i}}\;,\label{eq:StatisticalAverage}$$ where $\media{\dots}_{0,i}$ stands for the thermal average with respect to the reduced Hamiltonian $H_{0}^{(i)}$: $\media{\dots}_{0,i}=Tr\left\{ \dots e^{-\beta H_{0}(i)}\right\} /Tr\left\{ e^{-\beta H_{0}(i)}\right\} $. Because of translational invariance, hereafter the dependence on the index $\textbf{i}$ will be omitted. As it is shown in Appendix \[AppendixB\], the parameters $\kappa^{(p)}$ and $\lambda_{\sigma}^{(p)}$ can be written as functions of three parameters $X_{1}=\media{n^{\alpha}(i)}_{0}$, $X_{2}=\media{n_{3}^{\alpha}(i)}_{0}$ and $X_{3}=\media{D^{\alpha}(i)}_{0}$, in terms of which one finds a solution of the model. In the $H_0$-representation, by exploiting the translational invariance along the chain: $$\begin{array}{l}
\end{array}\;,\label{eq:TranslationalInvariance}$$ one obtains three equations, reported in Appendix \[AppendixB\]: -, allowing to determine $X_{1}$, $X_{2}$ and $X_{3}$ in terms of $\mu$. The chemical potential is fixed by means of the equation $\langle n(i)\rangle=n$ that gives: $$\begin{aligned}
F_{4} & \equiv & (1-n)\langle e^{-\beta H_{I}^{(i)}}\rangle_{0}+G_{1}-1=0\;,\label{eq:SCequationForN}\end{aligned}$$ where $n$ is the particle number per site, and $$\begin{aligned}
\langle e^{-\beta H_{I}^{(i)}}\rangle_0 & = & 1+2aG_{2}X_{2}\left[1+b(X_{1}-2X_{3})\right]+\nonumber \\
& & +(G_{1}-2G_{3})\bigr[a^{2}X_{2}^{2}+2b\left(X_{1}-2X_{3}\right)+\nonumber \\
& & +b^{2}(X_{1}-2X_{3})^{2}\bigr]\;.\end{aligned}$$ The final expressions for $G_1$, $G_2$ and $G_3$ are reported in Appendix \[AppendixB\]: . Thus, (\[eq:SCeq1\])-(\[eq:SCeq3\]) and (\[eq:SCequationForN\]) constitute a system of coupled equations ascertaining the four parameters $\mu$, $X_{1}$, $X_{2}$ and $X_{3}$ in terms of the external parameters of the model $n$, $U$, $J$, $h$, $T$. Once these quantities are known, all local properties of the model can be computed. In particular, the magnetization $m=\frac{1}{2}\media{n_{3}(i)}$ and the double occupancy $D$ are given by: $$\begin{aligned}
m & = & \frac{1}{2\langle e^{-\beta H_{I}^{(i)}}\rangle_{0}}\{X_{2}+(G_{1}-2G_{3})X_{2}[b+\nonumber\\
& & +(a^{2}+b+b^{2})(X_{1}-2X_{3})]+aG_{2}[X_{2}^{2}(1+b)+\nonumber \\
& & +(X_{1}-2X_{3})+b(X_{1}-2X_{3})^{2}]\}\;,\\
D & = & \media{D(i)}=\frac{G_{3}}{\langle e^{-\beta H_{I}^{(i)}}\rangle_{0}}\;.\end{aligned}$$ It is worth noting that from Eqs. and we can derive the following exact relation between the particle number and the double occupancy $$1=gD+n\;,$$ where $g=(1-G_{1})/G_{3}$. The local charge, spin and double occupancy correlation functions are given by: $$\begin{aligned}
\media{n(i)n^{\alpha}(i)} & = & \frac{1}{\langle e^{-\beta H_{I}^{(i)}}\rangle_{0}}\{G_{1}X_{1}+aG_{2}X_{2}[1+X_{1}+\nonumber \\
& & +2b(X_{1}-2X_{3})]+(G_{1}-2G_{3})\nonumber \\
& & [a^{2}X_{2}^{2}+b(1+X_{1})(X_{1}-2X_{3})+\nonumber \\
& & +b^{2}(X_{1}-2X_{3})^{2}]\}\;,\\
\media{n_{3}(i)n_{3}^{\alpha}(i)} & = & \frac{1}{\langle e^{-\beta H_{I}^{(i)}}\rangle_{0}}\{G_{2}X_{2}+G_{2}X_{2}[b+(a^{2}+\nonumber \\
& & +b+b^{2})(X_{1}-2X_{3})]+a(G_{1}-2G_{3})\nonumber \\
& & [(1+b)X_{2}^{2}++(X_{1}-2X_{3})\nonumber \\
& & [1+b(X_{1}-2X_{3})]]\}\;,\\
\media{D(i)D^{\alpha}(i)} & = & \frac{G_{3}X_{3}}{\langle e^{-\beta H_{I}^{(i)}}\rangle_{0}}\;.\end{aligned}$$ The internal energy per site is given by: $$E=UD-J\media{n_{3}(i)n_{3}^{\alpha}(i)}-2hm\;.\label{eq:InternalEnergyPerSite}$$ Specific heat $C$, charge $\chi_{c}$ and spin $\chi_{s}$ susceptibilities are given by: $$C=\frac{dE}{dT}\;,\;\chi_{c}=T\frac{\partial n}{\partial\mu}\quad,\quad\chi_{s}=\frac{\partial m}{\partial h}\;.\label{eq:Susceptibilities_Definition}$$
Half-filling case
When $n=1$, equation (\[eq:SCequationForN\]) gives $G_{1}=1$. Recalling (\[eq:GiCoefficients\]): $$e^{\beta(2\mu+h-U)}=e^{\beta h}\;\Rightarrow\;\mu=U/2\;,$$ in agreement with the particle-hole requirement $\mu(2-n)=U-\mu(n)$.
Then, the self-consistent equations (\[eq:SCeq1\])-(\[eq:SCeq3\]) take the form: $$\begin{aligned}
F_{1} & \equiv & (1-X_{1})[1+aG_{2}X_{2}+\nonumber \\
& & +b(1-2G_{3})(X_{1}-2X_{3})=0\;,\label{eq:SCeq1(n=00003D1)}\\
F_{2} & \equiv & G_{2}-X_{2}+(1-2G_{3})X_{2}\{2a-b+\nonumber \\
& & -\left[b+(a-b)^{2}\right](X_{1}-2X_{3})+\nonumber \\
& & +G_{2}\bigl\{ aX_{2}^{2}(a-b-1)+(X_{1}-2X_{3})\cdot\nonumber \\
& & \cdot\left[2b-a+b(b-a)(X_{1}-2X_{3})\right]\bigr\}=0\;,\label{eq:SCeq2(n=00003D1)}\\
F_{3} & \equiv & G_{3}-X_{3}\bigl[1+aG_{2}X_{2}+b(1-2G_{3})\cdot\nonumber \\
& & \cdot(X_{1}-2X_{3})\bigr]=0\;.\label{eq:SCeq3(n=00003D1)}\end{aligned}$$ The first equation has the solutions: $$\begin{array}{l}
\end{array}\;.$$ For the second solution, substituting in (\[eq:SCeq3(n=00003D1)\]) we obtain $G_{3}=0$ which is clearly not satisfied. Therefore, for $n=1$ we have $X_{1}=1$, and we remain with two parameters $X_{2}$, $X_{3}$ to be determined by means of the equations: $$\begin{aligned}
F_{2} & \equiv & G_{2}-X_{2}+(1-2G_{3})X_{2}\{2a-b+\\
& & -\left[b+(a-b)^{2}\right](1-2X_{3})+\\
& & +G_{2}\left\{ aX_{2}^{2}(a-b-1)+(1-2X_{3})\cdot\right.\\
& & \left.\cdot\left[2b-a+b(b-a)(1-2X_{3})\right]\right\} =0\;,\\
F_{3} & = & G_{3}-X_{3}\bigl[1+aG_{2}X_{2}+b(1-2G_{3})\cdot\\
& & \cdot(1-2X_{3})\bigr]=0\;.\end{aligned}$$
Density of states
By noting that the cross GFs $\media{R\left[\psi^{(\xi)}(\textbf{i},t)\psi^{(\eta)\dagger}(\textbf{i},t')\right]}$ vanish, the electronic density of states (DOS) for spin $\sigma$ is given by $$\begin{aligned}
N_{\sigma}(\omega) & = & \left(-\frac{1}{\pi}\right)Im\left[G_{\sigma,11}^{(\xi)}(\omega)+G_{\sigma,11}^{(\eta)}(\omega)\right]=\nonumber\\
& = & \sum_{n=1}^{2z+1}\biggl[\rho_{\sigma,11}^{(\xi,n)}\delta\left(\omega-E_{n}^{(\xi)}\right)+\nonumber\\
& & \qquad+\rho_{\sigma,11}^{(\eta,n)}\delta\left(\omega-E_{n}^{(\eta)}\right)\biggr]\;.\label{eq:DOS}\end{aligned}$$ Therefore we have: $$\int_{-\infty}^{+\infty}d\omega N_{\sigma}(\omega)=\sum_{n=1}^{2z+1}\biggl[\rho_{\sigma,11}^{(\xi,n)}+\rho_{\sigma,11}^{(\eta,n)}\biggr]=1\;.$$
Isomorphism with a two-level Ising model {#SubSec:Isomorphism}
Let us consider the following transformation: $$n_\uparrow(i)=\frac{1}{2}\left[1+S_1(i)\right]\;,\;n_\downarrow(i)=\frac{1}{2}\left[1+S_2(i)\right]\;.$$ From the properties of $n_\uparrow(i)$ and $n_\downarrow(i)$, it is clear that $S_1(i)$ and $S_2(i)$ are two spin variables with $S_{1,2}(i)=\pm1$. According to this transformation the Hamiltonian reads as: $$\small
% H&=\left(\frac{U}{4}-\frac{\mu}{4}\right)N+\left(\frac{U}{4}-\frac{\mu}{2}-\frac{h}{2}\right)\sum_{\boldsymbol{i}}S_1(i)+\\
% &\;+\left(\frac{U}{4}-\frac{\mu}{2}+\frac{h}{2}\right)\sum_{\boldsymbol{i}}S_2(i)+\frac{J}{2}\sum_{\boldsymbol{i}}S_1(i)S_2^\alpha(i)+\\
% &\;+\frac{U}{4}\sum_{\boldsymbol{i}}S_1(i)S_2(i)-\frac{J}{4}\sum_{\boldsymbol{i}}\left(S_1(i)S^\alpha_1(i)+S_2(i)S^\alpha_2(i)\right)=\\
\end{split}$$ and describes two interacting spin chains in the presence of an external magnetic field. Here $J_{//}=-J/4$ is the NN intra-chain interaction, $J_{\perp}=U/4$ and $J_{\perp}^\alpha=J/2$ are NN and next-NN inter-chain interactions, respectively. Importantly, in both chains the spins are coupled with an effective chain-dependent magnetic field $h_n=U/4-\mu/2+(-1)^nh/2$ ($n=1,2$). In particular, at half-filling we have $\mu=U/2$ and an alternating magnetic field $h_n=(-1)^nh/2$.
Summarizing, in this Section we have shown that the atomic Hubbard model with magnetic inter-site interactions is in principle exactly solvable for any dimension of the system by using the Green’s function formalism and the equation of motion method. The central point is the fact that there exists a closed set of eigenoperators of the Hamiltonian (\[eq:Hubbard\_Intersite+StrCoupl+Nn\]) [\[]{}see Eqs. (\[eq:FieldEqs\])[\]]{} allowing to determine exact expressions of the Green’s and correlation functions. These expressions are determined in terms of few local correlators $\kappa^{(p)}$ and $\lambda_{\sigma}^{(p)}$. For the one-dimensional case, by using algebraic relations of the relevant operators and symmetry properties, these correlators can be expressed in terms of the chemical potential $\mu$ and of the basic parameters $X_{1}$, $X_{2}$, and $X_{3}$. These four quantities are determined as functions of the external parameters $n$, $U$, $J$, $h$, $T$ by solving the system of equations (\[eq:SCeq1\])-(\[eq:SCeq3(n=00003D1)\]) and (\[eq:SCequationForN\]). Once these quantities are known, all properties of the model can be computed. In the next Section we shall present a comprehensive study of the zero-temperature phase diagram and report the distribution of the state density by identifying the different phases in the plane ($U$,$h$). We shall also study the behavior of several quantities such as specific heat, charge and spin susceptibilities, and density of states, in the limit of vanishing $T$. A detailed analysis on the temperature dependence of all the aforementioned quantities is reported in Sec.\[Sec:TfiniteResults\].
Zero temperature limit {#Sec:TzeroResults}
In this Section we present several results obtained in the limit of zero temperature. Hereafter we will put $|J|=1$ in order to fix the energy scale and analyze both ferro ($J=1$) and antiferro ($J=-1$) inter-site magnetic couplings.
Phase diagram
In the limit of zero temperature we expect to find charge and spin long-range orders. To characterize all the possible configurations, we have solved numerically the set of equations -, and studied the trends of each relevant correlation function depending on the values of $n$, $J$, $h$ and $U$. For the sake of simplicity, due to the invariance under $h\rightarrow-h$, $n_{\uparrow}\rightarrow n_{\downarrow}$ transformation, we restrict our analysis to $h\geqslant0$ . One can distinguish two different cases: $J=1$, $J=-1$.
### Ferromagnetic inter-site coupling
The phase diagram at zero temperature for positive values of $J$ is shown in Fig. \[fig:PhDiagJp\], where we consider the ($U$,$h$) plane. Two different phases can be identified.
![(Color online) $2$D phase diagrams for $J=1$ at $T=0$.\[fig:PhDiagJp\]](Fig1UJh.eps){width="0.5\columnwidth"}
*NM-phase*. This phase, which we call non-magnetic (NM) phase, is observed for $U<U_{c}$ where $U_{c}=-2(J+h)$ and for $0\leqslant n\leqslant2$. It is characterized by the absence of magnetization and spin-spin correlations; there is no dependence on the external magnetic field $h$. The attractive local potential $U$ prevails on both the magnetic field and the ferromagnetic coupling; there are no sites singly occupied and the double occupancy $D$ is an increasing function of the filling. The chemical potential depends only on $U$; the electrons are not correlated and the two-site charge and double occupancy correlation functions are the squares of the corresponding one-site ones:
\mu=U/2 & & \langle n(i)n^{\alpha}(i)\rangle=n^{2}\\
\langle D(i)\rangle=n/2 & & \langle n_{3}(i)n_{3}^{\alpha}(i)\rangle=0\\
\langle m(i)\rangle=0 & & \langle D(i)D^{\alpha}(i)\rangle=(n/2)^{2}
\end{array}\;,\;\forall\;0\leqslant n\leqslant2\;.\label{eq:Features_NM(Jpositive)}$$
Recalling , it is immediate to see that the internal energy per site has the value $E_{NM}=nU/2$. A typical configuration occurring in this phase is a mixture of doubly occupied and empty sites and is shown in Fig. \[fig:NM\_configuration\].
![One of the possible spin and charge configurations for the NM-phase at $T=0$, $J=1$. $\uparrow$and $\downarrow$ represent the two possible spin states.\[fig:NM\_configuration\]](Fig2UJh.eps){width="1\columnwidth"}
*F-phase.* This phase, called ferromagnetic (F) phase, is observed for $U>U_{c}$ and for $0\leqslant n\leqslant2$. It is characterized by a dominant ferromagnetic order and finite values of magnetization and spin-spin correlation functions. In the region $0\leqslant n\leqslant1$ the double occupancy is zero; all the spins are aligned and the magnetization reaches its saturation value $\langle m(i)\rangle=n/2$; the spin-spin correlation function is positive and increases with $n$. The chemical potential does not depend on the filling and is a function of $J$ and $h$: $$\begin{array}{lll}
\mu=-J-h & \langle n(i)n^{\alpha}(i)\rangle=n\\
\langle D(i)\rangle=0 & \langle n_{3}(i)n_{3}^{\alpha}(i)\rangle=n & \;,0\leqslant n\leqslant1\;.\\
\langle m(i)\rangle=n/2 & \langle D(i)D^{\alpha}(i)\rangle=0
\end{array}\label{eq:FeaturesFphase1}$$ At $n=1$ the chemical potential exhibits a discontinuity and jumps at $\mu=U/2$ . In the region of filling $n>1$ the chemical potential takes the value $\mu=J+h+U$, in agreement with the scaling law $\mu(2-n)=U-\mu(n)$. The double occupancy increases linearly with $n$; correspondingly, the magnetization and the spin-spin correlation function $\langle n_{3}(i)n_{3}^{\alpha}(i)\rangle$ decrease:
\mu=J+h+U & \langle n(i)n^{\alpha}(i)\rangle=3n-2\\
\langle D(i)\rangle=n-1 & \langle n_{3}(i)n_{3}^{\alpha}(i)\rangle=2-n & \;,1\leqslant n\leqslant2\;.\\
\langle m(i)\rangle=1-n/2 & \langle D(i)D^{\alpha}(i)\rangle=n-1
The internal energy has the value: $$\label{eq:Energy_Fphase}
-n(J+h) & ,\;0\leqslant n\leqslant1\\
U(n-1)-(2-n)(J+h) & ,\;1\leqslant n\leqslant2
\end{cases}\;.$$ A typical configuration occurring in this phase is shown in Fig. \[fig:F\_configuration\] for the cases $n<1$ and $n>1$. We see that: $$\label{eq:E_NMF}
-n\left(J+h+\frac{U}{2}\right) & ,\;0\leqslant n\leqslant1\\
-(2-n)\left(J+h+\frac{U}{2}\right) & ,\;1\leqslant n\leqslant2
\end{cases}\;,$$ therefore, regardless of the specific value of filling $n$, there is a critical value of the local potential $U_{c}=-2(J+h)$ which separates the two phases.
![Some of the possible spin and charge configurations for the F-phase at $T=0$, $J=1$.\[fig:F\_configuration\]](Fig3UJh.eps){width="1\columnwidth"}
Signatures of the NM-F phase transition occurring in magnetization and spin-spin correlation function are reported in Fig. \[fig:Signature\_NM-F(Jp)\].
![(Color online) Signature of NM-F phase transition in magnetization (left) and spin-spin correlation function (right) plotted as functions of the magnetic field $h$, for different values of $U$ at $n=1$ and $J=1$.\[fig:Signature\_NM-F(Jp)\]](Fig4UJh.eps){width="1\columnwidth"}
It is immediate to see that for $U<-2$, there is a phase transition from the NM phase to the F phase at $h=h_{c}=-J-U/2$. According to , both magnetization and spin-spin correlation functions are zero for $h<h_{c}$ . Vice-versa, when $h>h_{c}$, $\langle m(i)\rangle$ and $\langle n_{3}(i)n_{3}^{\alpha}(i)\rangle$ assume finite values according to -. For $U\geqslant-2$ instead, there is no phase transition: the system is always in the F phase. In particular, for zero field there is a magnetic order: the spin-spin correlation function is equal to $n$ while the magnetization jumps from $-n/2$ to $n/2$ crossing $h=0$.
### Antiferromagnetic inter-site coupling
The phase diagram at zero temperature for negative values of $J$ is shown in Fig. \[fig:PhDiag\_hU(Jn)\], where we consider the $2$D ($U$,$h$) and the $3$D ($U$,$h$,$n$) cases.
![(Color online) $2$D and $3$D phase diagrams for $J=-1.0$ at $T=0.$\[fig:PhDiag\_hU(Jn)\]](Fig5UJh.eps){width="1\columnwidth"}
In the regions $0\leqslant n\leqslant0.5$ and $1.5\leqslant n\leqslant2$ the phase diagram does not depend on $n$ (as shown in Figs. \[fig:PhDiag\_hU(Jn)\]$a$ and \[fig:PhDiag\_hU(Jn)\]$b$) and is characterized by three different phases which join at the tri-critical point $P_{1}$=$\left\{ U=-2,h=1\right\} $. In the region $0.5\leqslant n\leqslant 1.5$ the phase diagram depends on n and is characterized by four different phases and two tricritical points: $P_1$ and $P_2$, as shown in Figs. \[fig:PhDiag\_hU(Jn)\]$c$ and \[fig:PhDiag\_hU(Jn)\]$d$. It is worth noting that while $P_1$ is fixed, the position of $P_2$ in the $U$-$h$ plane changes as a function of $n$, as reported in Fig. \[fig:3criticalPoint\]. We can also note that, changing the filling, $P_1$ and $P_2$ never coincide and remain always well separated from each other. *NM-phase.* Also for negative values of $J$ a non-magnetic (NM) phase is observed, characterized by the absence of magnetization and spin-spin correlations. All the features of this phase have already been reported in Eqs..
*AF-phase.* For $U>-2J$ and for low values of the magnetic field $h$ an antiferromagnetic (AF) order is observed in the entire region of filling. This phase is characterized by the absence of magnetization and negative values of spin-spin correlation function $\langle n_{3}(i)n_{3}^{\alpha}(i)\rangle$:
& $0\leqslant n<1$ & $n=1$ & $1<n\leqslant2$ \\
$\mu$ & $J$ & $U/2$ & $U-J$ \\
$\langle m(i)\rangle$ & $0$ & $0$ & $0$ \\
$\langle D(i)\rangle$ & $0$ & $0$ & $n-1$ \\
$\langle n(i)n^\alpha(i)\rangle$ & $n$ & $1$ & $3n-2$\\
$\langle n_3(i)n_3^\alpha(i)\rangle$ & $-n$& $-1$ & $n-2$ \\
$\langle D(i)D^\alpha(i)\rangle$ & $0$ & $0$ & $n-1$ \\
$E_{AF}$ & $nJ$& $J$ & $U(n-1)-J(n-2)$\\
For $0\leqslant n\leqslant1$, as the filling increases, the electrons start to singly occupy the available empty sites aligning their spins opposite with respect to their nearest neighbors; correspondingly, the magnetization and the double occupancy are zero. The half-filling configuration corresponds to a perfect Neel state. For $n>1$, by increasing the filling, some of the sites become doubly occupied, while the magnetization remains zero. A typical configuration which takes place in this phase is shown in Fig. \[fig:AF\_configuration\] for the cases $n=0.5$, $n=1$ and $n=1.5$.
![Some of the possible spin and charge configurations for the AF-phase at $T=0$, $J=-1$.\[fig:AF\_configuration\]](Fig6UJh.eps){width="1\columnwidth"}
*F1-phase.* When the external magnetic field is strong enough to dominate with respect to $J$, a ferromagnetic behavior (F1) is observed despite of the presence of an anti-ferromagnetic coupling. In this phase, the effect of the magnetic field induces the spins to be all aligned and the magnetization reaches its saturation value. Due to the presence of an anti-ferromagnetic coupling, contrarily to what has been said for the F-phase, NN spin-spin and charge-charge correlation functions remain zero until $n=0.5$. At $n=0.5$ a charge order state is observed with a checkerboard structure.
& $0\leqslant n\leqslant0.5$ & $0.5\leqslant n\leqslant1.0$ & $n=1$ \\
$\mu$ & $h$ & $h-2J$ & $U/2$ \\
$\langle m(i)\rangle$ & $n/2$ & $n/2$ & $1/2$ \\
$\langle D(i)\rangle$ & $0$ & $0$ & $0$ \\
$\langle n(i)n^\alpha(i)\rangle$ & $0$ & $2n-1$ & $1$\\
$\langle n_3(i)n_3^\alpha(i)\rangle$ & $0$& $2n-1$ & $1$ \\
$\langle D(i)D^\alpha(i)\rangle$ & $0$ & $0$ & $0$ \\
$E_{F1}$ & $-nh$& $-J(2n-1)-nh$ & $-J-h$\\
& $1<n\leqslant1.5$ & $1.5<n\leqslant2$ \\
$\mu$ & $-h+2J+U$ & $-h+U$ \\
$\langle m(i)\rangle$ & $1-n/2$ & $1-n/2$\\
$\langle D(i)\rangle$ & $n-1$ & $n-1$ \\
$\langle n(i)n^\alpha(i)\rangle$ & $2n-1$ & $4(n-1)$\\
$\langle n_3(i)n_3^\alpha(i)\rangle$ & $3-2n$ & $0$ \\
$\langle D(i)D^\alpha(i)\rangle$ & $0$ & $2n-3$ \\
$E_{F1}$ & $U(n-1)-J(3-2n)+$ & $U(n-1)+$\\
& $-h(2-n)$ & $-h(2-n)$\\
![(Color online) Position of $P_{2}$ 3-critical point in the h-U plane (left) and in the 3D phase diagram (right).\[fig:3criticalPoint\]](Fig7UJh.eps){width="1\columnwidth"}
On the contrary, as reported in Fig. \[fig:F1\_configuration\], for $0.5<n<1.5$ the spin-spin correlation function becomes finite; $\langle n_{3}(i)n_{3}^{\alpha}(i)\rangle$ increases with n up to half-filling, then decreases and vanishes for $n\geqslant1.5$. For $0.5<n\leqslant1.0$, $D=0$ and the sites are singly occupied by electrons with parallel spins. Exactly at half-filling, all the sites are singly occupied with polarized spins, therefore the magnetization assumes its maximum value. For $1.0\leqslant n<1.5$, the double occupancy becomes finite but the NN correlation function $\langle D(i)D^{\alpha}(i)\rangle$ is always zero; exactly at $n=1.5$ another checkerboard structure with a pattern composed of alternating singly and doubly occupied sites is observed. For $n\geqslant1.5$, $\langle D(i)\rangle$ and $\langle D(i)D^{\alpha}(i)\rangle$ increase up to the maximum value, while the magnetization goes to zero as $n\to 2$.
![Some of the possible spin and charge configurations for the F1-phase at $T=0$, $J=-1$.\[fig:F1\_configuration\]](Fig8UJh.eps){width="1\columnwidth"}
*F2-phase.* As shown in Fig. \[fig:PhDiag\_hU(Jn)\], in the range in which $h$ and $J$ are comparable, for $U<0$ and for $0.5<n<1.5$ the model exhibits an anomalous ferromagnetic phase (F2) induced by the competition between the magnetic field and the antiferromagnetic inter-site coupling. This phase is characterized by the absence of NN spin-spin correlations and the presence of a constant magnetization.
\mu=U/2 & & \langle n(i)n^{\alpha}(i)\rangle=2n-1\\
\langle D(i)\rangle=n/2-1/4 & & \langle n_{3}(i)n_{3}^{\alpha}(i)\rangle=0 & \;.\\
\langle m(i)\rangle=1/4 & & \langle D(i)D^{\alpha}(i)\rangle=0\\
As shown in Fig. \[fig:F2\_configuration\], in this phase both $\langle D(i)\rangle$ and $\langle n(i)n^{\alpha}(i)\rangle$ are finite while $\langle n_{3}(i)n_{3}^{\alpha}(i)\rangle$ remains zero. At $n=0.5$, doubly occupied sites appear in between two singly occupied ones; by increasing $n$, the number of doubly occupied sites increases, while the number of singly occupied sites remains constant. This explains why the magnetization does not change. The $n=1$ configuration is characterized by a particular pattern in which one or more clusters, composed of the following pattern: ($\sigma$,$\uparrow\downarrow$,$\sigma$,$0$), are repeated periodically along the chain. Some signatures of NM-F1-F2 and AF-F1-F2 phase transitions occurring in magnetization and spin-spin correlation function are reported in Fig. \[fig:Signature\_Jn\].
![Some of the possible spin and charge configurations for the F2-phase at $T=0$, $J=-1$.\[fig:F2\_configuration\]](Fig9UJh.eps){width="1\columnwidth"}
![(Color online) Signatures of phase transition in magnetization (left) and spin-spin correlation function (right) plotted as functions of the magnetic field $h$, for different values of $U$ at $n=1$ and $J=-1$.\[fig:Signature\_Jn\]](Fig10UJh.eps){width="1\columnwidth"}
As shown in Fig. \[fig:Signature\_Jn\], for $U\leqslant-2$, changing $h$ one crosses three different phases: NM, F1 and F2. In this range (solid curves) the magnetization assumes three different values: $0$ in the NM-phase, $1/4$ in the F2-phase and $n/2$ in the F1-phase. The spin-spin correlation function jumps from zero (in NM and F2 phases) to one (in the F1-phase). Instead, at $-2\leqslant U\leqslant0$ (dashed curves), NM-phase is replaced by AF-phase and the spin-spin correlation function becomes negative when $|h|\leqslant1.5$. Finally, for positive values of $U$ (solid curves) the F2-phase is not observed: the magnetization jumps from zero (AF-phase) to $n/2$ (F1-phase) while the spin-spin correlation function goes from negative (AF-phase) to positive (F1-phase) values.
Charge and spin excitations
The presence of different phases and long-range orders at $T\to0$ can also be predicted by looking at charge and spin excitations in system’s response functions such as charge and spin susceptibilities. As shown in the previous Subsection, in each phase at $T=0$ all single particle properties and correlation functions depend only on $n$ but not on the model parameters ($U$, $J$, $h$). Therefore charge and spin susceptibilities are expected to have a constant value in all the phases with divergencies or discontinuities localized at the phase boundaries where small variations of the model parameters can imply the transition from a charge/spin ordering to another. In particular, while $\chi_s(T=0)=0$ in each phase, for the charge susceptibility we have instead:
\textrm{NM}&$n(2-n)$&$0\leqslant n\leqslant1$\\
&$0$&$n=0\textrm{, or, }n=1$\\
\textrm{F1}&$n(n-1)(2n-1)$&$0\leqslant n\leqslant0.5$\\
\textrm{F2}&$2n(2-n)-3/2$&$0.5\leqslant n\leqslant1$\\
As reported in Fig. \[fig:ChiC\_ZeroT\] and Fig. \[fig:ChiS\_T0JpJn\], the zero temperature behavior of charge/spin susceptibilities shows a discontinuity/divergence crossing the phases characterized by different charge/spin orderings, reproducing the boundaries of the phase diagram of the model for both $J=1$ and $J=-1$.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --
![(Color online) Contour-plot of the charge susceptibility at $T=0.001$ as a function of the external magnetic field $h$ and the local Coulomb potential $U$ for: $(a)$ $J=1$, $n=0.5$; $(b)$ $J=1$, $n=1$; $(c)$ $J=-1$, $n=0.75$; $(d)$ $J=-1$, $n=1$.\[fig:ChiC\_ZeroT\]](Fig11aUJh.eps "fig:"){width="0.4\columnwidth"} ![(Color online) Contour-plot of the charge susceptibility at $T=0.001$ as a function of the external magnetic field $h$ and the local Coulomb potential $U$ for: $(a)$ $J=1$, $n=0.5$; $(b)$ $J=1$, $n=1$; $(c)$ $J=-1$, $n=0.75$; $(d)$ $J=-1$, $n=1$.\[fig:ChiC\_ZeroT\]](Fig11bUJh.eps "fig:"){width="0.4\columnwidth"}
![(Color online) Contour-plot of the charge susceptibility at $T=0.001$ as a function of the external magnetic field $h$ and the local Coulomb potential $U$ for: $(a)$ $J=1$, $n=0.5$; $(b)$ $J=1$, $n=1$; $(c)$ $J=-1$, $n=0.75$; $(d)$ $J=-1$, $n=1$.\[fig:ChiC\_ZeroT\]](Fig11cUJh.eps "fig:"){width="0.4\columnwidth"} ![(Color online) Contour-plot of the charge susceptibility at $T=0.001$ as a function of the external magnetic field $h$ and the local Coulomb potential $U$ for: $(a)$ $J=1$, $n=0.5$; $(b)$ $J=1$, $n=1$; $(c)$ $J=-1$, $n=0.75$; $(d)$ $J=-1$, $n=1$.\[fig:ChiC\_ZeroT\]](Fig11dUJh.eps "fig:"){width="0.4\columnwidth"}
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --
![(Color online) 3D plot of spin susceptibility in the limit of zero temperature ($T=0.001$) at $n=1$ as a function of the external magnetic field $h$ and local Coulomb potential $U$ for $J=1$ (left) and $J=-1$ (right).\[fig:ChiS\_T0JpJn\]](Fig12UJh.eps){width="1.0\columnwidth"}
Importantly, it is worth noting that the phase diagram of the model can be reconstructed by joining together all the information coming from both charge and spin susceptibilities since different phases can exhibit the same charge ordering but different spin orderings. In this regard, we note for example that at $n=1$ the charge susceptibility is not able to distinguish between AF and F2 phases since both of them at $n=1$ are characterized by the same charge ordering with all sites singly occupied. Similarly, spin susceptibility is not able to distinguish between NM and AF phases since both of them are characterized by the absence of magnetization.
The same analysis can also be done in terms of the specific heat $C(T)$ whose behavior in the $T\rightarrow0$ limit, as we shall see in detail in the next Section, is characterized by low-temperature peaks in the proximity of the phase boundaries. This analysis does not allow to distinguish between charge and spin excitations; however, as shown in Fig.\[fig:Cv\_ZeroT\], it provides a good estimate of all the phase boundaries of the model.
![(Color online) Contour-plot of the specific heat at low temperature at half filling for $J=1$ (left) and $J=-1$ (right) as a function of the external magnetic field $h$ and local Coulomb potential $U$.\[fig:Cv\_ZeroT\]](Fig13UJh.eps){width="1.0\columnwidth"}
Density of states
To complete the zero temperature analysis, we report in this Subsection the results obtained for the density of states in the limit of zero temperature. As shown in Eq., the density of states is expressed as a superposition of several delta functions, each of them centered at the energy levels $E_{n}^{(a)}$ and weighted by the spectral functions $\rho^{(a,n)}$ . In the limit of zero temperature, most of the weights vanish and only few energies, corresponding to the ground state and first excited states, give a contribution. We report in Fig. \[fig:DOS\_Jpositive\] and Fig. \[fig:DOS\_Jnegative\] the density of states calculated for each phase that appears in the $J=1$ and $J=-1$ phase diagrams at half-filling and $T=0.001$.
![(Color online) Density of states in the limit of zero temperature for the NM and F phases ($J=1$) . We report the total density of states ($c(i)=\xi(i)+\eta(i)$) contributions for both spin up ($\sigma=+1$) and spin down ($\sigma=-1$). The contributions due only to $\xi(i)$ and $\eta(i)$ fields are also reported in the insets.\[fig:DOS\_Jpositive\]](Fig14UJh.eps){width="1\columnwidth"}
![(Color online) Density of states in the limit of zero temperature for the AF, F1 and F2 phases ($J=-1$). We report the contributions for both spin up ($\sigma=+1$) and spin down ($\sigma=-1$). In the insets the contributions due to $\xi(i)$ and $\eta(i)$ fields are reported.\[fig:DOS\_Jnegative\]](Fig15UJh.eps){width="1\columnwidth"}
For ferromagnetic inter-site coupling, as shown in Fig. \[fig:NM\_configuration\], the NM-phase at $n=1$ is characterized by the presence of either doubly occupied or empty sites. Accordingly, the low-laying excited states contain singly occupied sites with spins aligned along $h$. Therefore, as shown in Fig. \[fig:DOS\_Jpositive\], the density of states has a peak above the Fermi level induced by $\xi_{\uparrow}(i)$. The F-phase at $n=1$ is composed of singly occupied sites with spins pointing towards $h$. On the contrary, the low-laying excited states admit a number of doubly occupied sites, resulting in a peak above the chemical potential induced by $\eta_\downarrow$, as shown in Fig. \[fig:DOS\_Jpositive\].
The same considerations can also be done in the case of negative $J$ (see Fig. \[fig:DOS\_Jnegative\]) so that the nature of the peaks around the Fermi level can be easily predicted by observing the zero-temperature configuration of each phase. It is worth noting that, only in the F2-phase, both the contributions of $\xi$ and $\eta$ are allowed thanks to the fact that any F2-configuration comprises either polarized spins or double occupancies (Fig. \[fig:F2\_configuration\]).
Our analysis of the density of states also allows to get some insight about the gap $\Delta$ that separates the ground state from the first excited one. It can be seen that, as long as the system remains in the same phase, a finite gap exists according to the results obtained for the specific heat in the limit of zero temperature (Fig.\[fig:Cv\_ZeroT\]). On the contrary, moving from a phase to another, $\Delta$ closes as one approaches the phase boundaries and low-temperature excitations appear in the specific heat signalling a level-crossing between the ground and the first excited state.
Comparison with variational approach {#SubSec:Comparison}
In closing this Section, to further emphasize the crucial role played by our exact solution as a guideline for testing analytical and numerical approximations, we compare our results with those obtained in Ref., where the same model, but in absence of magnetic field, has been studied within a variational and a mean-field approach. First of all, the absence of magnetic field introduces a symmetry between the ferro ($J>0$) and the antiferro ($J<0$) case. Owing to this reason, only the case $J>0$ has been studied in Ref., where the ground state phase diagram exhibits only the two phases NM and F (or AF for $J<0$). We note that, as a consequence of the mean-field approach, the ground state energy in the F phase (called EF Ref.) reported in Ref. does not agree with ours, given in Eq.. In particular EF of Ref. depends on the square of the filling and this implies that the transition line between the NM and F phases depend on $n$ in strong contrast with our exact calculations reported in Eq.\[eq:E\_NMF\]. Another important difference is that the thermodynamic instability of the NM phase, predicted in Ref., is not observed in our exact solution.
Finite temperature results {#Sec:TfiniteResults}
In this Section we present the study of the model at finite temperature. As already done in the previous Section, we put $|J|=1$ and analyze both $J=1$ and $J=-1$ cases. We report the temperature dependence of single-particle (chemical potential, double occupancy, magnetization) and thermodynamic (entropy, specific heat, charge and spin susceptibility) quantities for different values of $n$, $U$, $h$ and $J$. Because of the one-dimensionality of the model, there is no long-range order at finite temperature. However, in this Section we maintain the reference to the $T=0$ phases, described in Section III, in the sense that we label each set of parameter ($n$, $U$, $h$, $J$) according to the corresponding phase observed at zero temperature.
*Chemical potential*. The behavior of the chemical potential $\mu$ as a function of the particle density $n$ is reported in Fig. \[fig:ChemPotT\_JpJn\] for different values of $T$, $J$, $U$, and $h$. In the magnetic phases, an interesting feature is the presence of crossing points in the chemical potential curves, when plotted versus the filling for different temperatures. More precisely, one observes crossing points at the commensurate fillings which also are turning points where the derivative $d\mu/dT$ changes sign.
![(Color online) Chemical potential plotted as a function of the filling for different temperatures. Different values of $h$ and $U$ are related to NM (top, left), F (top, right), F1 (bottom, right) and F2 (bottom, left) phases.\[fig:ChemPotT\_JpJn\]](Fig16UJh.eps){width="1\columnwidth"}
*Double occupancy*. We report in Fig. \[fig:DT\_JpJn\] the temperature dependence of the double occupancy at $n=1$ and different values of $U$ and $h$, for both $J=1$ and $J=-1$ cases.
In the NM phase (Fig. \[fig:DT\_JpJn\]a, $U=-4$ and $U=-3$), the attractive local potential $U$ prevails and at zero temperature $D$ reaches its maximum value $D=n/2$; as the temperature increases, the thermal excitations tend to break the doublons (the pairs of electrons with anti-parallel spins residing on the same site); several configurations with singly occupied sites become available resulting in a depression of the double occupancy. $D$ appears always a decreasing function of the temperature, going to $n^2/4$ in the limit $T\to\infty$.
In the F phase (Fig. \[fig:DT\_JpJn\]a, $U=-2.8$ and $U=-2$), the magnetic interactions prevail on the attractive local potential $U$ and $D$ vanishes at $T=0$. For $U>U_c$ two behaviors can be distinguished. When the temperature is raised above zero, $D$ increases: because of the presence of an attractive on-site $U$ potential, the thermal fluctuations favor the formation of doublons, and the relative contribution of the excited states with large average $D$ increases. By further increasing $T$, the double occupancy $D$ reaches a maximum, then decreases. The temperature where $D$ exhibits a maximum decreases with $U$ and goes to zero for $U\rightarrow U_c$. When $U$ is very close to $U_c$ (e.g. $U=-2.9$) at the temperatures of the order of the gap between the first excited and the ground state, the two become quasi-degenerate, and $D$ acquires a contribution from the latter. In the limit of $U\rightarrow U_c$, close to $T=0$ the double occupancy exhibits a jump from zero to $n/2$.
Similar considerations can be done for the $J=-1$ case. As reported in Fig. \[fig:DT\_JpJn\]b, in AF ($h=0.1$ and $h=1.4$) and F1 ($h=2.6$ and $h=4.0$) phases double occupancy is suppressed by the presence of magnetic orders at $T=0$. By increasing the temperature, $D$ monotonically increases. On the contrary, in the F2-phase ($h=2.0$ and $2.4$), despite the presence of a ferromagnetic order, one has a finite double occupancy at $T=0$ $[D(0)=(2n-1)/4]$, resulting in a non-monotonic $T$-dependence. In all phases $D$ tends to $n^2/4$ in the limit of $T\rightarrow\infty$ .
![(Color online) The double occupancy as a function of temperature for $J=1$, $h=0.5$, $n=1$, $-4\leqslant U\leqslant -2$ (left panel) and $J=-1$, $U=-1.0$, $n=1$, $0.0\leqslant h\leqslant4.0$ (right panel).\[fig:DT\_JpJn\]](Fig17UJh.eps){width="1\columnwidth"}
*Magnetization*. We report in Fig. \[fig:mT\_JpJn\] the temperature dependence of the magnetization at different values of $U$ and $h$, for both $J=1$ and $J=-1$ cases at $n=1$. In the NM phase (Fig. \[fig:mT\_JpJn\]a, $U=-4$ and $U=-3$) the ground state is composed of double occupied sites only (see Fig. \[fig:NM\_configuration\]). By increasing $T$, excitations destroy doublons and a finite magnetization appears. The increase of the magnetization with temperature is contrasted by thermal fluctuations which eventually destroy $m$ at $T\rightarrow\infty$. In the F-phase (Fig. \[fig:mT\_JpJn\]a, $U=-2$ and $U=-2.8$) the spins in the ground state are fully polarized. Therefore $m(T=0)=n/2$. Increasing the temperature, doubly occupied sites progressively emerge, lowering the magnetization that also exhibits a broad maximum at intermediate temperatures associated with higher energy excited states.
Apart from the NM-phase, in the case of antiferromagnetic coupling, three different behaviors of magnetization can be distinguished which correspond to three different phases. As reported in Fig. \[fig:F1\_configuration\], in the F1-phase at $T=0$ all the spins are aligned in the field direction and $m(T=0)$ assumes its saturation value. Thermal fluctuations destroy the magnetization which decreases monotonically upon the increase of temperature. In the AF phase the average magnetization per site is zero at $T=0$ because of the antiferromagnetic ordering. At finite $T$, the magnetization acquires contributions from the excited states which are magnetic only at finite $h$. Therefore, for $h\neq0$ the magnetization exhibits a maximum at an intermediate temperature $T^\ast$ and goes gradually to zero as $T\rightarrow\infty$. As shown in Fig. \[fig:F2\_configuration\], in the F2-phase ($h=1.6$ and $h=2.4$) the ground state is characterized by the coexistence of singly and doubly occupied sites under the constraint that $m=1/4$ independently on the value of $n\in[0.5,1.5]$. Upon the increase of $T$, thermal excitations break some of the doublons and misalign the spins. Hence there is a high competition among multiple energy scales: $T$, $h$, $J$, $U$ and the magnetization may exhibit one or several peaks, each of them corresponding to a distinct energy scale.
![(Color online) The magnetization as a function of temperature for $J=1$, $h=0.5$, $n=1$, $-4\leqslant U\leqslant-2$ (left panel) and $J=-1$, $U=-1.0$, $n=1$, $0.0\leqslant h\leqslant 4.0$ (right panel).\[fig:mT\_JpJn\]](Fig18UJh.eps){width="1\columnwidth"}
*Internal energy*. In the NM phase, as shown in Fig. \[fig:ET\_JpJn\]a, the internal energy monotonically decreases by lowering $T$ and tends to the value $E_{NM}=nU/2$ as $T\rightarrow0$. In Fig. \[fig:ET\_JpJn\]b, the temperature dependence of the internal energy $E$ is shown for the F-phase, by considering various values of $U$ and $n=1$. E decreases with $T$ and tends to the value $E_F=-n(J+h)$ as $T\rightarrow0$. When $U$ is close to $U_c$, $E$ exhibits a discontinuity at a certain temperature, which goes to zero as $U$ tends to $U_c$.
For the case $J=-1$, interesting features for the internal energy are observed (see Fig. \[fig:ET\_JpJn\]c) only for the AF-phase in proximity of the transition to the NM-phase. For all the other phases, the energy is found to be a continuous and increasing function of the temperature. The significant variations observed in the $E(T)$ dependence lead to the presence of very low temperature features in the specific heat, as we shall discuss below.
![(Color online) Internal energy as a function of temperature for NM-phase (panel a) and F-phase (panel b) at $J=1$ and AF-phase (panel c) at $J=-1$.\[fig:ET\_JpJn\]](Fig19UJh.eps){width="1\columnwidth"}
*Charge susceptibility*. We report in Fig. \[fig:ChiCT\_Jp\] the temperature dependence of the charge susceptibility $\chi_c$ at different values of $n$, $U$ and $h$ for the $J=1$ case. In the NM phase (Fig. \[fig:ChiCT\_Jp\]a, $U=-4$ and $U=-3$), $\chi_c$ takes the value $\chi_c=n(2-n)$ at $T=0$, independently on the value of $U$, and decreases by increasing $T$. For a given temperature, $\chi_c$ decreases by increasing $U$ and by decreasing the filling. In the F phase at $n=1$ (Fig. \[fig:ChiCT\_Jp\]a, $U=-2.8$ and $U=-2$) $\chi_c$ vanishes at $T=0$, increases with $T$ up to a maximum and tends to a finite value in the limit $T\rightarrow\infty$. When $U$ approaches $U_c$, the maximum becomes more pronounced and tends to one as $T\rightarrow0$. As shown in Fig. \[fig:ChiCT\_Jp\]b, in the F phase $\chi_c$ has a different behavior away from half filling. The charge susceptibility increases by lowering $T$ and tends to diverge as $T\rightarrow0$; when $U$ approaches $U_c$, the tendency to diverge becomes much stronger. In the limit of high temperatures, for both the NM and F phases, the charge susceptibility tends to a constant value which does not depend on $U$ but only on $n$ according to the law: $\lim_{T\rightarrow\infty}\chi_c=n(2-n)/2$.
![(Color online) The charge susceptibility as a function of temperature at $J=1$, $h=0.5$ for: $n=1$, $-4\leqslant U\leqslant -2$ (left panel) and $U=-2$ and $0.4\leqslant n\leqslant1$ (right panel).\[fig:ChiCT\_Jp\]](Fig20UJh.eps){width="1\columnwidth"}
![(Color online) The charge susceptibility as a function of the filling and different temperatures for AF-phase (left panel) and F1 (central panel) and F2 phases (right panel).\[fig:ChiCT\_Jn\]](Fig21UJh.eps){width="1\columnwidth"}
In the case of anti-ferromagnetic coupling ($J=-1$), the AF phase exhibits the same temperature and filling dependence already described for the F phase. As reported in Fig. \[fig:ChiCT\_Jn\]a, for any $n\neq1$ the charge susceptibility increases as the temperature decreases and diverges for $T\rightarrow0$. At half-filling $\chi_c$ has a peak which gradually moves towards $T=0$ as the system approaches the phase boundary.
On the contrary, as reported in Fig.\[fig:ChiCT\_Jn\]b and Fig.\[fig:ChiCT\_Jn\]c, in F1 and F2 phases there are no divergencies in the charge susceptibility at any value of filling and temperature. In the F1-phase (Fig.\[fig:ChiCT\_Jn\]b) $\chi_c(T=0)$ is zero at any value of the filling which corresponds to the presence of ordered phases at $T=0$ ($n=0$,$1/2$,$1$,$3/2$,$2$). In the F2-phase (Fig.\[fig:ChiCT\_Jn\]c) $\chi_c$ has a maximum at $n=1$, then decreases as one approaches to $n=1/2$ and $n=3/2$. These values of filling are situated at the phase boundary between the F1 and F2 phases, therefore $\chi_c(T=0)=0$ in agreement with the above discussion. It is worth noting that, similarly to the $J=1$ case, $\lim_{T\rightarrow\infty}\chi_c=n(2-n)/2$ in all the phases.
*Spin susceptibility*. In Fig. \[fig:ChiST\_Jp\]a, the temperature dependence of the spin susceptibility $\chi_s$ is shown for the NM phase, by considering $J=1$, $h=0.5$, $n=0.8$ and various values of $U$. $\chi_s$ vanishes at $T=0$, increases by increasing $T$ up to a maximum temperature $T_{\max}$, then decreases. This behavior is observed for all values of the filling. For a given temperature, $\chi_s$ decreases by decreasing $U$ and by decreasing the filling. The temperature $T_{max}$ decreases by increasing $U$. In Fig. \[fig:ChiST\_Jp\]b, the temperature dependence of the spin susceptibility is shown for the F-phase, by considering various values of $n$ and $U=-2.8$. $\chi_s$ vanishes at $T=0$, increases by increasing $T$ up to a maximum temperature $T_s$, then decreases. When $U$ approaches $U_c$, the temperature $T_s$ moves toward zero and $\chi_s$ tends to diverge.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --
![(Color online) The spin susceptibility $\chi_s$ as a function of $T$ for $J=1$, $h=0.5$; left panel: $n=0.8$ and various values of $U$; right panel $U=-2.8$ and various values of $n$.\[fig:ChiST\_Jp\]](Fig22aUJh.eps "fig:"){width="0.5\columnwidth"} ![(Color online) The spin susceptibility $\chi_s$ as a function of $T$ for $J=1$, $h=0.5$; left panel: $n=0.8$ and various values of $U$; right panel $U=-2.8$ and various values of $n$.\[fig:ChiST\_Jp\]](Fig22bUJh.eps "fig:"){width="0.5\columnwidth"}
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --
![(Color online) The spin susceptibility $\chi_s$ as a function of $T$ for $J=-1$, $n=1.0$ and various values of $U$ for $h=3.0$ (left panel) and $h=0.5$ (right panel).\[fig:ChiST\_Jn\]](Fig23UJh.eps){width="1\columnwidth"}
![(Color online) The spin susceptibility as a function of the filling and different temperatures for AF-phase (panel $a$), F1-phase (panel $b$) and F1 ($0\leqslant n\leqslant 1/2$, $3/2\leqslant n\leqslant2$) - F2 ($1/2\leqslant n\leqslant3/2$) phases (panel $c$).\[fig:ChiSnT\_Jn\]](Fig24UJh.eps){width="1\columnwidth"}
In the case of anti-ferromagnetic coupling ($J=-1$), $\chi_s(T)$ in the AF-phase (see Fig. \[fig:ChiST\_Jn\]a, $U=-1.9$ and $U=-1.0$) exhibits the same features already analyzed for NM and F phases with a maximum that moves to $T=0$ as the phase boundary is approached. The behavior of $\chi_s(T)$ in the F1 and F2 phases is shown in Fig. \[fig:ChiST\_Jn\]b. Low-temperature peaks, whose heights increase by approaching the transition line, are observed in the F1 phase and are due to the contribution from the low-laying magnetic excited states.
Concerning the filling dependence, we can note that in all the phases $\chi_s(T=0)=0$ in the whole range of filling. By increasing the temperature the spin susceptibility also increases with different temperature dependencies according to the particular choice of the external parameters. In the AF phase, as shown in Fig.\[fig:ChiSnT\_Jn\]a, $\chi_s\neq0$ at any $n\neq 1$ at low-temperatures, with a maximum at $n=1/2$, $3/2$ moving to $n=1$ with increasing $T$. In the F1-phase instead, as shown in Fig.\[fig:ChiSnT\_Jn\]b, $\chi_s(T\neq 0)$ exhibits a very narrow low-temperature peak, centered at $n=1$, whose dispersion increases with increasing temperature. This feature also clearly appears in the crossover from F1 to F2 phase. In fact, as reported in Fig.\[fig:ChiSnT\_Jn\]c, $\chi_s(T)$ remains finite in a wide range of temperatures for $1/2\leqslant n\leqslant3/2$ (F2-phase) while rapidly decreases with decreasing temperature in the F1-phase for $0\leqslant n\leqslant1/2$ and $3/2\leqslant n\leqslant2$.
It is worth noting that, independently on the sign of the spin exchange $J$, in the limit of high temperatures the spin susceptibility follows the Curie law with a coefficient which does not depend on $U$ but only on $n$: $\lim_{T\rightarrow\infty}\chi_s=n(2-n)/4T$. Therefore we have $\lim_{T\rightarrow\infty}\chi_c/\chi_s=2T$, in which the factor $2$ is due to the spin multiplicity.
*Specific heat*. In the NM phase the specific heat exhibits a peak at high temperature (see Fig. \[fig:CvT\_Jp\]a). The position of this peak, $T_2$, and its intensity, $h_2$, decrease by increasing $U$. $T_2$ decreases with almost a linear law. At finite temperature, the possible excitations are transitions to configurations where some sites are singly occupied, with spins aligned in the direction of the magnetic field. The field $\psi_\sigma^{(\eta)}$ is responsible for these transitions and this explains why $T_2$ is linear in $U$. It is worth noting that the temperature $T_2$, at which the specific heat has a maximum, is close $T_m/2$, where $T_m$ is the position of the peak in the magnetization.
The specific heat in the F-phase is shown in Fig. \[fig:CvT\_Jp\]b. In general, in the F-phase $C$ exhibits lower ($T_1$) and higher ($T_2$) temperature peaks, associated to transitions involving the ground state and the low-laying excited states. Approaching the boundaries, the ground and the first excited states become quasi degenerate. Hence a temperature of the order of the gap between these two states will be sufficient to induce thermal excitations, resulting in the presence of a low-temperature peak that moves towards $T=0$. On the contrary, position and intensities of high-temperature excitations, responsible for a second lower and broadened peak, remain almost unchanged. In fact, as shown in Fig. \[fig:PeaksCv\_Jp\]b, the intensity $h_2$ of the higher temperature peak remains almost constant when $U$ varies. Contrarily, $h_1$ rapidly increases as $U$ approaches $U_c$ and diverges in the limit $U\rightarrow U_c$. This occurs since the degeneracy of the first excited state (belonging to the NM-phase) is infinite in the thermodynamic limit with respect to the degeneracy of the ground state (F-phase).
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![(Color online) Specific heat as a function of temperature for $J=1$, $h=0.5$, $n=0.8$, $-4\leqslant U\leqslant-3$ (left panel) and $-3\leqslant U\leqslant-2$ (right panel).\[fig:CvT\_Jp\]](Fig25aUJh.eps "fig:"){width="0.5\columnwidth"} ![(Color online) Specific heat as a function of temperature for $J=1$, $h=0.5$, $n=0.8$, $-4\leqslant U\leqslant-3$ (left panel) and $-3\leqslant U\leqslant-2$ (right panel).\[fig:CvT\_Jp\]](Fig25bUJh.eps "fig:"){width="0.5\columnwidth"}
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![(Color online) Positions ($T_1$ in F-phase and $T_2$ in NM-phase) and intensities ($h_1$ in F-phase and $h_2$ in NM-phase) where the specific heat has maximas as functions of $U$ for $J=1$, $h=0.5$, and different values of the filling.\[fig:PeaksCv\_Jp\]](Fig26UJh.eps){width="1\columnwidth"}
![(Color online) Specific heat as a function of temperature at $J=-1$ for AF (left panel), F1 (central panel) and F2 (right panel) phases at $n=1.0$.\[fig:CvT\_Jn\]](Fig27UJh.eps){width="1\columnwidth"}
Most of the features observed in the F-phase persist for $J=-1$ in the AF-phase. As shown in Fig. \[fig:CvT\_Jn\]a, the specific heat exhibits a low-temperature peak whose height (dispersion) increases (decreases) as one approaches the phase boundary. As reported in Fig. \[fig:AF\_configuration\], the AF-configuration at $n=1$ is composed exclusively of singly-occupied sites. Therefore, the low-laying features correspond to transitions from the ground states to some excited states with finite $D$ or $m\neq0$ as confirmed by the analysis of the temperature dependence of double occupancy (Fig.\[fig:DT\_JpJn\]) and magnetization (Fig.\[fig:DT\_JpJn\]). On the contrary, F1 and F2 phases are characterized by both low and high temperatures peaks whose heights remain quite constant when the phase boundaries are approached. While the position of the former remains roughly constant, the latter moves towards $T=0$.
![(Color online) Low-temperature features of the specific heat at different transition lines for $J=-1$. The maximum of the specific heat (right panel) and its position $T^{\ast}$ (left panel) are reported as a function of $h-h_{c}$ where $h_{c}$ is the critical value of the external magnetic field $h$ at the phase transition point.\[fig:PeaksCv\_Jn\]](Fig28UJh.eps){width="1\columnwidth"}
We report in Fig.\[fig:PeaksCv\_Jn\] a detailed analysis of position and height of the low temperature peaks in the specific heat for all possible phase transition occurring at $J=-1$. As already pointed out, the position $T^\ast$ of low temperature peaks is a linear function of the temperature while, contrarily to what has been observed for the $J=1$ case, the height remains constant. Furthermore, it is worth noting that, at the transition point, there is a jump in the height of the low temperature peak which can be traced back to the degeneracy ratio between the ground and the first excited states. As reported in Fig. \[fig:CvJn\_3criticalPointLowT\], this last finding, that represents a common fingerprint for all the phase transitions analyzed so far, is not observed at the tricritical points because the first and the second excited states become degenerate with respect to the ground one in this very special case.
![(Color online) Low temperature specific heat features at $P_{2}$ tricritical point for $n=1$ and $J=-1$. Contour-plot and 3Dplot on the left report specific heat at as a function of $h$ and $T$ for $U=0$. The four plots on the right report position and intensity of low temperature peaks moving to the phase transition point fixing $h$ and changing $U$ (top) and vice versa (bottom).\[fig:CvJn\_3criticalPointLowT\]](Fig29UJh.eps){width="1\columnwidth"}
*Entropy*. The entropy can be calculated by means of two equivalent formulas: $$\label{eq:EntropyDef}
&S(T,n)=-\int_0^n\frac{\partial\mu(T,n^\prime)}{\partial T}dn^\prime\;.
\end{array}$$ The first expression requires the knowledge of the entropy at zero temperature which can be computed by means of the formula $S(0,n)=k_B\ln(\Omega)$, where $k_B$ is the Boltzmann’s constant and $\Omega$ is the degeneracy of the ground state. Discarding few simple cases, it is generally not easy to compute $\Omega$ and, in the case when the degeneracy of the ground state is not known a priori, the only way to calculate the entropy is the use of the second equation in . The study of the entropy plays a crucial role in the characterization and the identification of possible ordered phases in which we expect to have $S\rightarrow0$ in the thermodynamic limit. Filling and temperature dependence of the entropy for both $J=1$ and $J=-1$ cases are reported in Figs. \[fig:Entropy3\]-\[fig:Entropy2\].
For $J=1$, as shown in Fig. \[fig:Entropy3\] for different values of the filling, a finite ground state degeneracy is observed only in the NM-phase, as signalled by the value of the entropy in the $T\rightarrow0$ limit. In the F-phase, because of the presence of a spin ordering at $T=0$, the entropy goes to zero at any filling as one would expect. Importantly, as shown in Fig.\[fig:Entropy1\], when $U$ is close to $U_c$, $S$ rapidly decreases showing a zero-temperature jump in the limit of $U\rightarrow U_c$.
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![(Color online) Temperature dependence of the entropy plotted for different values of the external parameters corresponding to different phases at $T=0$.\[fig:Entropy3\]](Fig30aUJh.eps "fig:"){width="0.5\columnwidth"} ![(Color online) Temperature dependence of the entropy plotted for different values of the external parameters corresponding to different phases at $T=0$.\[fig:Entropy3\]](Fig30bUJh.eps "fig:"){width="0.5\columnwidth"}
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --
![(Color online) The entropy $S$ at $J=1$, $h=0.5$ as a function of the filling and for different values of $T$ (left panel) and at $n=1$ as a function of $T$ for different values of $U$ (right panel).\[fig:Entropy1\]](Fig32UJh.eps){width="1\columnwidth"}
For the case $J=-1$, the filling dependence of the entropy is shown in Fig. \[fig:Entropy2\] for different values of the external parameters $U$, $h$ and $T$, corresponding to the phases observed at $T=0$. As the temperature increases, the properties of the system at finite $T$ can be described as a superposition of an increasing number of different configurations. In contrast, at low temperatures the entropy as a function of filling decreases rapidly near those values of $n$ associated with charge and/or spin orderings. At these points, in fact, the state of the system can be uniquely described by a finite number of configurations (see Figs.\[fig:F\_configuration\], \[fig:AF\_configuration\], \[fig:F1\_configuration\], and \[fig:F2\_configuration\] for F, AF, F1 and F2-phase respectively) whose contribution to the entropy is expected to vanish in the thermodynamic limit.
![(Color online) Entropy as a function of the filling for different temperatures and four sets of the external parameters $U$ and $h$ corresponding to NM (top-left), AF (top-right), F1 (bottom-right) and F2 (bottom-left) phases observed at $J=-1$ and $T=0$.\[fig:Entropy2\]](Fig31UJh.eps){width="1\columnwidth"}
Concluding Remarks
In this paper, we have evidenced how the use of the Composite Operator Method, based on Green’s function and equations of motion formalism, leads to the exact solution of the $t$-$U$-$J$ model in the narrow-band limit. In this limit the system can be described by a closed set of composite eigenoperators allowing for an exact solution that holds in principle for one, two and three dimensions. We have considered the cases of both ferro ($J>0$) and antiferro ($J<0$) couplings with an external longitudinal magnetic field. We have shown that a complete rigorous solution of the model does exist in the one-dimensional case in which Green’s and correlation functions can be expressed in terms of four parameters, determined self-consistently. Within this framework, we have reported a detailed analysis of zero and finite temperature properties for both ferro and antiferro exchange coupling $J$. We have found that in the $T\rightarrow0$ limit the system exhibits a very rich phase diagram characterized by long-range charge and spin orderings. In addition to the standard ferromagnetic and anti-ferromagnetic phases, that occur for $J=1$ and $J=-1$, respectively, in the case of antiferromagnetic coupling the competition between $J$, $U$ and $h$ results in the presence of two ferromagnetic phases. We have reported a detailed analysis of each phase in terms of all the relevant single-particle correlators (magnetization, double occupancy, density-density and spin-spin CFs), thermodynamic quantities (free energy, entropy) and density of states. Furthermore, we have also reported that the presence of zero-temperature long-range orderings clearly characterizes the temperature dependence of response functions such as specific heat, charge and spin susceptibilities, leading to the presence of low-temperature charge and/or spin excitations.
Summarizing, we have presented an exact and comprehensive study of the one-dimensional $t$-$U$-$J$-$h$ model, in the narrow-band limit. Our results show that this study is of substantial interest from many points of view. The model itself can be considered as a key-model for the study of phase transitions between different charge and spin orderings, generated by the competition among the different energy scales ($U$, $J$ and $h$). The present exact solution is an important test for various approximate approaches. Our exact solution of the model can be used as a starting point for a perturbative expansion in powers of the hopping term in which the exact analytical knowledge of the Green’s function will be of crucial importance. This work is currently in progress. Furthermore, we also remark the importance of the model from the point of view of statistical mechanics, motivated by the presence of several phase transitions, bicritical and tricritical points and anomalous behaviors in all the system response functions near the phase boundaries. Moreover, because of the isomorphism discussed in Sec.\[SubSec:Isomorphism\] for the one-dimensional case, the analytical framework developed in Sec.\[Sec:COM\] also provides the exact solution for a two-leg ladder spin system with effective inter-chain and intra-chain spin-spin interactions in the presence of an external magnetic field.
Algebraic relations, spectral densities, energy and normalization matrices {#AppendixA}
$A_{1}^{(p)}$ coefficients {#AppendixA1}
By means of the algebraic relations (\[eq:AlgebraicRelations\]) it is straightforward to show that the filed $n_{3}^{\alpha}(i)=\frac{1}{z}\sum_{z=1}^{z}n_{3}(i_{k})$, where $i_{k}$ ($k=1,\dots,z$) are the first neighbor site of $\boldsymbol{i}$, satisfies the following recursion formula: $$\begin{aligned}
\left[n_{3}^{\alpha}(i)\right]^{2p-1} & = & \sum_{m=1}^{2d}A_{m}^{(p)}\left[n_{3}^{\alpha}(i)\right]^{2m-1}\;,\\
\left[n_{3}^{\alpha}(i)\right]^{2p} & = & \sum_{m=1}^{2d}A_{m}^{(p)}\left[n_{3}^{\alpha}(i)\right]^{2m}\;,\end{aligned}$$ where $A_{m}^{(p)}$ are rational numbers, satisfying the sum rule: $$\sum_{m=1}^{4d}A_{m}^{(p)}=1\;.$$ For $1\leqslant p\leqslant m$, $A_{m}^{(p)}=\delta_{pm}$. For $p>m$ the expressions of the coefficients $A_{m}^{(p)}$ depend on the coordination number $z=2d$. For $z=2$ we have: $$\begin{aligned}
A_{1}^{(p)} & = & \frac{1}{3}\left(2^{4-2p}-1\right)\;,\\
A_{2}^{(p)} & = & \frac{4}{3}\left(1-2^{2-2p}\right)\;.\end{aligned}$$ In Tab. we report some values for $z=2$ and $z=4$.
----- ------------------- ------------------- --------------------- --------------------- ---------------------- -------------------
$p$ $A_{1}^{(p)}$ $A_{2}^{(p)}$ $A_{1}^{(p)}$ $A_{2}^{(p)}$ $A_{3}^{(p)}$ $A_{4}^{(p)}$
$1$ $1$ $0$ $1$ $0$ $0$ $0$
$2$ $0$ $1$ $0$ $1$ $0$ $0$
$3$ $-\frac{1}{4}$ $\frac{5}{4}$ $0$ $0$ $1$ $0$
$4$ $-\frac{5}{16}$ $\frac{21}{16}$ $0$ $0$ $0$ $1$
$5$ $-\frac{21}{64}$ $\frac{85}{64}$ $-\frac{9}{1024}$ $\frac{205}{1024}$ $-\frac{273}{256}$ $\frac{15}{8}$
$6$ $-\frac{85}{256}$ $\frac{341}{256}$ $-\frac{135}{8192}$ $\frac{3003}{8192}$ $-\frac{3685}{2048}$ $\frac{627}{256}$
----- ------------------- ------------------- --------------------- --------------------- ---------------------- -------------------
: Values of the coefficients $A_{m}^{(p)}$ for $p=1,\dots,6$ and $z=2,4$. \[tab:Am(p)\_coefficients\]
Energy matrices {#AppendixA2}
For $z=2$ we have: $$\varepsilon_{\sigma}^{(\xi)}=\left(\begin{array}{ccccc}
-\mu-\sigma & -2\sigma J & 0 & 0 & 0\\
0 & -\mu-\sigma h & -2\sigma J & 0 & 0\\
0 & 0 & -\mu-\sigma h & -2\sigma J & 0\\
0 & 0 & 0 & -\mu-\sigma h & -2\sigma J\\
0 & \sigma J/2 & 0 & -5\sigma J/2 & -\mu-\sigma h
\end{array}\right)\;,\label{eq:EnergyMatrix_Xi}$$ $$\begin{aligned}
\varepsilon_{\sigma}^{(\eta)} & = & \varepsilon_{\sigma}^{(\xi)}+U\cdot\boldsymbol{I}_{5\times5}\;,\label{eq:EnergyMatrix_Eta}\end{aligned}$$ where $\sigma=(\uparrow,\downarrow)$ or $\sigma=(+1,-1)$ and $\boldsymbol{I}_{5\times5}$ is the $5\times5$ identity matrix. The eigenvalues of these matrices are: $$\begin{aligned}
E_{n}^{(\xi,\sigma)} & = & \left(\begin{array}{c}
-\mu-\sigma h-2\sigma J\\
-\mu-\sigma h-\sigma J\\
-\mu-\sigma h+\sigma J\\
-\mu-\sigma h+2\sigma J
E_{n}^{(\eta,\sigma)} & = & \left(\begin{array}{c}
U-\mu-\sigma h-2\sigma J\\
U-\mu-\sigma h-\sigma J\\
U-\mu-\sigma h+\sigma J\\
U-\mu-\sigma h+2\sigma J
The spectral density matrices {#AppendixA3}
The matrices $\Omega_{\sigma}^{(s)}$ are defined as the matrices of rank $(2z+1)\times(2z+1)$ whose columns are the eigenvectors of the energy matrices $\varepsilon_{\sigma}^{(s)}$. It is worth noting that the $\Omega_{\sigma}^{(s)}$ do not depend on $\sigma$ and $s$. For $z=2$, from and we have: $$\Omega_{\sigma}^{(s)}=\left(\begin{array}{ccccc}
1 & 1 & 2^{4} & 2^{4} & 1\\
0 & 1 & 2^{3} & -2^{3} & -1\\
0 & 1 & 2^{2} & 2^{2} & 1\\
0 & 1 & 2 & -2 & -1\\
0 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 1
\end{array}\right)\;.$$ The spectral density matrices $\rho_{\sigma}^{(s,n)}$ are calculated by means of in terms of the matrices $\Omega_{\sigma}^{(s)}$ and $I_{\sigma}^{(s)}$. The relevant elements of $\rho_{\sigma}^{(s,n)}$ for $z=2$ have the expressions: $$\begin{aligned}
\rho_{\sigma;1,1}^{(s,1)} & = & I_{\sigma;1,1}-5I_{\sigma;1,3}^{(s)}+4I_{\sigma;1,5}^{(s)}\;,\\
\rho_{\sigma;1,1}^{(s,2)} & = & \frac{\left(-I_{\sigma;1,2}^{(s)}-I_{\sigma;1,3}^{(s)}+4I_{\sigma;1,4}^{(s)}+4I_{\sigma;1,5}^{(s)}\right)}{6}\;,\\
\rho_{\sigma;1,1}^{(s,3)} & = & \frac{4\left(I_{\sigma;1,2}^{(s)}+2I_{\sigma;1,3}^{(s)}-I_{\sigma;1,4}^{(s)}-2I_{\sigma;1,5}^{(s)}\right)}{3}\;,\\
\rho_{\sigma;1,1}^{(s,4)} & = & \frac{4\left(-I_{\sigma;1,2}^{(s)}+2I_{\sigma;1,3}^{(s)}-I_{\sigma;1,4}^{(s)}-2I_{\sigma;1,5}^{(s)}\right)}{3}\;,\\
\rho_{\sigma;1,1}^{(s,5)} & = & \frac{\left(I_{\sigma;1,2}^{(s)}-I_{\sigma;1,3}^{(s)}-4I_{\sigma;1,4}^{(s)}+4I_{\sigma;1,5}^{(s)}\right)}{6}\;.\end{aligned}$$
The normalization matrix {#AppendixA4}
We recall that the normalization matrix is defined as $I_{\sigma}^{(s)}=\langle\left\{ \psi_{\sigma}^{(s)}(\boldsymbol{i},t),\psi_{\sigma}^{(s)\dagger}(\boldsymbol{i},t)\right\} \rangle$. By considering that this matrix is Hermitian and by recalling the recursion rule , it is easy to see that all the matrix elements can be expressed in terms of the elements of the first raw. By means of the algebra, these elements have the expressions: $$\begin{array}{l}
\end{array}\;(p=1,\dots,2z+1)\;,$$ where: $$\kappa^{(p)}=\langle\left[n_{3}^{\alpha}(i)\right]^{p-1}\rangle\;,\;\lambda_{\sigma}^{(p)}=\langle n_{\sigma}\left[n_{3}^{\alpha}(i)\right]^{p-1}\rangle\;.$$ For $z=2$ the explicit expression of $I_{\sigma}^{(s)}$ is: $$I_{\sigma}^{(s)}=\left(\begin{array}{ccccc}
I_{\sigma;1,1}^{(s)} & I_{\sigma;1,2}^{(s)} & I_{\sigma;1,3}^{(s)} & I_{\sigma;1,4}^{(s)} & I_{\sigma;1,5}^{(s)}\\
I_{\sigma;2,1}^{(s)} & I_{\sigma;2,2}^{(s)} & I_{\sigma;2,3}^{(s)} & I_{\sigma;2,4}^{(s)} & I_{\sigma;25}^{(s)}\\
I_{\sigma;3,1}^{(s)} & I_{\sigma;3,2}^{(s)} & I_{\sigma;3,3}^{(s)} & I_{\sigma;3,4}^{(s)} & I_{\sigma;3,5}^{(s)}\\
I_{\sigma;4,1}^{(s)} & I_{\sigma;4,2}^{(s)} & I_{\sigma;4,3}^{(s)} & I_{\sigma;5,4}^{(s)} & I_{\sigma;4,5}^{(s)}\\
I_{\sigma;5,1}^{(s)} & I_{\sigma;5,2}^{(s)} & I_{\sigma;5,3}^{(s)} & I_{\sigma;5,4}^{(s)} & I_{\sigma;5,5}^{(s)}
\end{array}\right)\;,$$ with: $$\begin{array}{l}
$H_{0}$-representation {#AppendixB}
By considering a one-dimensional system, let us write the Hamiltonian as: $$\begin{array}{l}
\end{array}$$ where $i$ is a site of the infinite chain. Since $H_{0}^{(i)}$ and $H_{I}^{(i)}$ commute, for any operator $O$ we can write: $$\media O=\frac{\media{Oe^{-\beta H_{I}(i)}}_{i}}{\media{e^{-\beta H_{I}(i)}}_{i}}\;,$$ where the notation $\media{\dots}_{i}$ denotes the thermal average with respect tot he reduce Hamiltonian $H_{0}^{(i)}$: $$\media{\dots}_{i}=\frac{Tr\left\{ \dots e^{-\beta H_{0}^{(i)}}\right\} }{Tr\left\{ e^{-\beta H_{0}^{(i)}}\right\} }\;.$$ By using the algebraic properties we have: $$e^{-\beta H_{I}^{(i)}}=1+an_{3}(i)R(p)+\left[n(i)-2D(i)\right]Q(p)\;,\label{eq:Exp_betaH_I}$$ where: $$\begin{aligned}
R(p) & = & n_{3}(i_{1})+n_{3}(i_{2})+bn_{3}(i_{2})\left[n(i_{1})-2D(i_{1})\right]+\nonumber \\
& & +bn_{3}(i_{1})\left[n(i_{2})-2D(i_{2})\right]\;,\\
Q(p) & = & b\left[n(i_{1})-2D(i_{1})+n(i_{2})-2D(i_{2})\right]+\nonumber \\
& & +a^{2}n_{3}(i_{1})n_{3}(i_{2})+b^{2}\left[n(i_{1})-2D(i_{1})\right]+\nonumber \\
& & +\left[n(i_{2})-2D(i_{2})\right]\;,\end{aligned}$$ with: $$\begin{array}{l}
a=\sinh\left(\beta J\right)\\
b=\cosh\left(\beta J\right)-1
\end{array}\;,$$ $i_{p}$ ($p=1,2$) are the first neighbor site of $i$. Now, we observe that $H_{0}$ describes a system where the original lattice is divided in two non interacting sub-lattices (the chains to the left and right of the site $i$). Then, the correlation functions which relates two sites belonging to different sub-lattices can be written as the product of the two correlation functions: $$\media{a(j)b(m)}_{0}=\media{a(j)}_{0}\media{b(m)}_{0}\;,\label{eq:PropertyAverage}$$ for $j$ and $m$ belonging to different sub-lattices. By using these properties and the algebraic relations we have: $$\begin{aligned}
\langle e^{-\beta H_{I}^{(i)}}\rangle & = & 1+2aG_{2}X_{2}\left[1+b(X_{1}-2X_{3})\right]+\nonumber \\
& & +(G_{1}-2G_{3})\bigr[a^{2}X_{2}^{2}+2b\left(X_{1}-2X_{3}\right)+\nonumber \\
& & +b^{2}(X_{1}-2X_{3})^{2}\bigr]\;,\end{aligned}$$ where we define: $$\begin{array}{ll}
G_{1}\equiv\media{n(i)}_{0} & \quad X_{1}\equiv\media{n(i+1)}_{0}=\media{n(i-1)}_{0}\\
G_{2}\equiv\media{n_{3}(i)}_{0} & \quad X_{2}\equiv\media{n_{3}(i+1)}_{0}=\media{n_{3}(i-1)}_{0}\\
G_{3}\equiv\media{D(i)}_{0} & \quad X_{3}\equiv\media{D(i+1)}_{0}=\media{D(i-1)}_{0}
\end{array}\;.$$ In order to calculate the quantities $\media{n(i)}_{i}$, $\media{n_{3}(i)}_{i}$, $\media{D(i)}_{i}$ let us consider the retarded Green’s functions: $$\begin{cases}
\end{cases}\;.$$ In the $H_{0}$-representation the Hubbard operators satisfy the equations of motion: $$\begin{cases}
i\frac{\partial}{\partial t}\xi(i)=\left[\xi(i),\mathcal{H}_{0}(i)\right]=-\left(\mu+h\sigma_{3}\right)\xi(i)\\
i\frac{\partial}{\partial t}\eta(i)=\left[\eta(i),\mathcal{H}_{0}(i)\right]=-\left(\mu+h\sigma_{3}-U\right)\eta(i)
\end{cases}\;.$$ By means of these equations we obtain: $$\begin{cases}
G_{\sigma}^{(\xi,0)}(\omega)=\frac{1-\media{n_{\bar{\sigma}}(i)}_{0}}{\omega+\mu+\sigma h+i\delta}\\
G_{\sigma}^{(\eta,0)}(\omega)=\frac{\media{n_{\bar{\sigma}}(i)}_{0}}{\omega+\mu+\sigma h-U+i\delta}
\end{cases}\;,\label{eq:GFs}$$ and for the equal-time correlation functions: $$\begin{cases}
C_{\sigma}^{(\xi,0)}=\media{\xi_{\sigma}(i)\xi_{\sigma}^{\dagger}(i)}_{0}=\frac{1-\media{n_{\bar{\sigma}}(i)}_{0}}{1+e^{\beta\left(\mu+\sigma h\right)}}\\
C_{\sigma}^{(\eta,0)}=\media{\eta_{\sigma}(i)\eta_{\sigma}^{\dagger}(i)}_{0}=\frac{\media{n_{\bar{\sigma}}(i)}_{0}}{1+e^{\beta\left(\mu+\sigma h-U\right)}}
\end{cases}\;.\label{eq:CFs}$$ Recalling the algebraic relations: $$\begin{array}{l}
\end{array}$$ we obtain from : $$\label{eq:GiCoefficients}
G_{1}\equiv\media{n(i)}_{i}=\frac{e^{\beta\mu}\left(1+e^{2\beta h}+e^{\beta(\mu+h-U)}\right)}{e^{\beta h}+e^{\beta\mu}+e^{\beta(\mu+2h)}+e^{\beta(2\mu+h-U)}}\\
G_{2}\equiv\media{n_{3}(i)}_{i}=\frac{e^{\beta(\mu+2h)}-e^{\beta\mu}}{e^{\beta h}+e^{\beta\mu}+e^{\beta(\mu+2h)}+e^{\beta(2\mu+h-U)}}\;.\\
G_{3}\equiv\media{D(i)}_{i}=\frac{e^{\beta(2\mu+h-U)}}{e^{\beta h}+e^{\beta\mu}+e^{\beta(\mu+2h)}+e^{\beta(2\mu+h-U)}}
\end{array}$$ For a homogeneous solution, the internal parameters $X_{1}$, $X_{2}$, $X_{3}$ are determined by means of the self-consistent equations: $$\begin{cases}
\end{cases}\;.\label{eq:TranslationalInvarianceRequest}$$ By using and the property , it is easy to show that: $$\begin{aligned}
\media{n(i)e^{-\beta\mathcal{H}_{I}(i)}}_{i} & = & G_{1}+2aG_{2}X_{2}\left[1+b\left(X_{1}-2X_{3}\right)\right]+\nonumber \\
& & +\left(G_{1}-2G_{3}\right)\cdot\Bigl[a^{2}X_{2}^{2}+2b\cdot\nonumber \\
& & \cdot\left(X_{1}-2X_{3}\right)+b^{2}\left(X_{1}-2X_{3}\right)^{2}\Bigr]\label{eq:n(i)0}\end{aligned}$$ $$\begin{aligned}
\media{n(i_{1})e^{-\beta\mathcal{H}_{I}(i)}}_{i} & = & X_{1}+aG_{2}X_{2}\left[1+X_{1}+2b\left(X_{1}-2X_{3}\right)\right]+\nonumber \\
& & +\left(G_{1}-2G_{3}\right)\Bigr[a^{2}X_{2}^{2}+b\left(1+X_{1}\right)\cdot\nonumber \\
& & \cdot\left(X_{1}-2X_{3}\right)+b^{2}\left(X_{1}-2X_{3}\right)^{2}\Bigr]\label{eq:n(i+1)0}\end{aligned}$$ $$\begin{aligned}
\media{n_{3}(i)e^{-\beta\mathcal{H}_{I}(i)}}_{i} & = & G_{2}+2a\left(G_{1}-2G_{3}\right)X_{2}\Bigr[1+b\left(X_1\right.\nonumber \\
& & \left.-2X_{3}\right)\Bigr]+G_{2}\Bigr[a^{2}X_{2}^{2}+2b\left(X_{1}-2X_{3}\right)\nonumber\\
& & +b^{2}\left(X_{1}-2X_{3}\right)^{2}\Bigr]\label{eq:n3(i)0}\end{aligned}$$ $$\begin{aligned}
\media{n_{3}(i_{1})e^{-\beta\mathcal{H}_{I}(i)}}_{i} & = & X_{2}+\left(G_{1}-2G_{3}\right)X_{2}\Bigl[b+\left(a^{2}+b+b^{2}\right)\nonumber \\
& & \cdot\left(X_{1}-2X_{3}\right)\Bigr]+aG_{2}\Bigl[X_{2}^{2}\left(1+b\right)+\nonumber\\
& & +\left(X_{1}-2X_{3}\right)+b\left(X_{1}-2X_{3}\right)^{2}\Bigr]\label{eq:n3(i+1)0} \\
\media{D(i)e^{-\beta\mathcal{H}_{I}(i)}}_{i} & = & G_{3}\label{eq:D(i)0}\end{aligned}$$ $$\begin{aligned}
\media{D(i+1)e^{-\beta\mathcal{H}_{I}(i)}}_{i} & = & X_{3}\Bigl[1+aG_{2}X_{2}+b\left(G_{1}-2G_{3}\right)\nonumber \\
& & \left(X_{1}-2X_{3}\right)\Bigr]\;.\label{eq:D(i+1)0}\end{aligned}$$ Putting - into we obtain the equations: $$\begin{aligned}
F_{1} & = & G_{1}-X_{1}+aG_{2}X_{2}(1-X_{1})+b(G_{1}-2G_{3})\nonumber \\
& & (1-X_{1})(X_{1}-2X_{3})=0\;,\label{eq:SCeq1}\\
F_{2} & = & G_{2}-X_{2}+(G_{1}-2G_{3})X_{2}\nonumber \\
& & \left\{ 2a-b+-\left[b+(a-b)^{2}\right](X_{1}-2X_{3})\right\} +\nonumber \\
& & +G_{2}\bigr\{ aX_{2}^{2}(a-b-1)+(X_{1}-2X_{3})\nonumber \\
& & \left[2b-a+b(b-a)(X_{1}-2X_{3})\right]\bigl\}=0\;,\label{eq:SCeq2}\\
F_{3} & = & G_{3}-X_{3}[1+aG_{2}X_{2}+b(G_{1}-2G_{3})\nonumber \\
& & (X_{1}-2X_{3})]=0\;.\label{eq:SCeq3}\end{aligned}$$ The parameters $\kappa^{(p)}$ and $\lambda_{\sigma}^{(p)}$ can be straightforwardly calculated. For example: $$\begin{aligned}
\kappa^{(1)} & = & 1\;,\\
\lambda_{\sigma}^{(1)} & = & \frac{1}{2\media{e^{-\beta H_{I}^{(i)}}}_{i}}\Bigl\{\left(G_{1}+\sigma G_{2}\right)+2a\Bigl[G_{2}+\nonumber \\
& & +\sigma\left(G_{1}-2G_{3}\right)\Bigr]X_{2}\left[1+b\left(X_{1}-2X_{3}\right)\right]+\nonumber \\
& & +\left(G_{1}-2G_{3}+\sigma G_{2}\right)\Bigl[a^{2}X_{2}^{2}+\nonumber \\
& & +2b\left(X_{1}-2X_{3}\right)+b^{2}\left(X_{1}-2X_{3}\right)^{2}\Bigr]\Bigr\}\;,\end{aligned}$$ $$\begin{aligned}
\kappa^{(2)} & = & \frac{1}{2\media{e^{-\beta H_{I}^{(i)}}}_{i}}\Bigl\{ X_{2}+aG_{2}\bigl\{\left(1+b\right)X_{2}^{2}+\nonumber \\
& & +\left[1+b\left(X_{1}-2X_{3}\right)\right]\left(X_{1}-2X_{3}\right)\bigr\}+\nonumber \\
& & +\left(G_{1}-2G_{3}\right)X_{2}\Bigl[b+\nonumber \\
& & +\left(a^{2}+b+b^{2}\right)\left(X_{1}-2X_{3}\right)\Bigr]\Bigr\}\;,\end{aligned}$$ $$\begin{aligned}
\lambda_{\sigma}^{(2)} & = & \frac{1}{2\media{e^{-\beta H_{I}^{(i)}}}_{i}}\Bigl\{\left(G_{1}+\sigma G_{2}\right)X_{2}+\nonumber \\
& & +a\left[G_{2}+\sigma\left(G_{1}-2G_{3}\right)\right]\bigr\{\left(1+b\right)X_{2}^{2}+\nonumber \\
& & +\left[1+b\left(X_{1}-2X_{3}\right)\right]\left(X_{1}-2X_{3}\right)\bigr\}+\nonumber \\
& & +\left(G_{1}-2G_{3}+\sigma G_{2}\right)\Bigl[bX_{2}+\nonumber \\
& & \left(a^{2}+b+b^{2}\right)X_{2}\left(X_{1}-2X_{3}\right)\Bigr]\;,\end{aligned}$$ $$\begin{aligned}
\kappa^{(3)} & = & \frac{1}{2\media{e^{-\beta H_{I}^{(i)}}}_{i}}\Bigl\{ X_{1}-2X_{3}+X_{2}^{2}+G_{2}\left(f_{1}+2f_{3}\right)+\nonumber \\
& & +\left(G_{1}-2G_{3}\right)\left(f_{2}+f_{4}\right)\Bigr\}\;,\end{aligned}$$ $$\begin{aligned}
\lambda_{\sigma}^{(3)} & = & \frac{1}{4\media{e^{-\beta H_{I}^{(i)}}}}\Bigr\{\left(G_{1}+\sigma G_{2}\right)\left(X_{1}-2X_{3}+X_{2}^{2}\right)+\nonumber \\
& & +\left[G_{2}+\sigma\left(G_{1}-2G_{3}\right)\right]\left(f_{1}+2f_{3}\right)+\nonumber \\
& & +\left(G_{1}-2G_{3}+\sigma G_{2}\right)\left(f_{2}+f_{4}\right)\Bigr\}\;.\end{aligned}$$
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- 'A. Khlystova'
- 'ref.bib'
date: 'Received ; accepted '
title: 'Center-limb dependence of photospheric velocities in regions of emerging magnetic fields on the Sun'
[We investigate the ratio of the vertical and horizontal velocities of the photospheric plasma flows in the region of emerging magnetic fields on the Sun.]{} [We carried out a study of photospheric velocities during the first hours of the appearance of 83 active regions with magnetic flux more than 10$^{21}$ Mx with data acquired by the Michelson Doppler Imager (MDI) on board the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO). The emerging magnetic fluxes under investigation were isolated from extended concentrations of existing magnetic fields; they have different spatial scales and are located at different distances from the solar disk center.]{} [We found that the values of maximum negative Doppler velocities that accompany the emergence of active region magnetic fields during the first 12 hours increase nonlinearly with the heliocentric angle. This result shows that the horizontal photospheric velocities of plasma outflows are higher than the vertical ones of the plasma upflows during the first hours of the emergence of active regions. The horizontal velocity component at the site of emerging active regions exceeds that of convective flows in the quiet Sun. A comparison between the velocities and the maximum value of the total magnetic flux has not revealed any relation.]{}
The emerging magnetic flux of active regions on the solar surface appears in the form of separate loops; they then coalesce to form opposite polarity poles that separate and increase in size [@str99]. Earlier studies of velocities of plasma motions were carried out in the region of emerging magnetic fields at different height levels of the Sun. Investigations into the chromospheric level have been made by @bru67 [@bru69] and others [see review by @cho93]. Velocities at the photospheric level were measured with different methods (discussed in more detail below). In the last decade, helioseismological methods have been applied to study the subphotospheric level [@cha99; @kos00; @zha08; @kos09; @kom08; @kom09].
Direct measurements of photospheric velocities revealed negative values (blue Doppler shift) on the polarity inversion line of emerging magnetic fields. The events under consideration were located in the central part of the solar disk, and, therefore, vertical motions were measured. Negative velocities or plasma upflows up to 1 km s$^{-1}$ were observed in separate magnetic loops inside emerging active regions [@tar90; @lit98; @str99; @kub03; @gri09]. @gri07 revealed high velocities of about 1.7 km s$^{-1}$ at the beginning of the powerful active region emergence NOAA 10488 at heliographic coordinates N08 E31 ($B_{0}$ = + 4.9).
Indirect measurements of the horizontal velocities of the photospheric flow that accompanies the emergence of active regions were made by tracking the displacement of individual magnetic elements. The velocities obtained ranged from 0.1 to 1.4 km s$^{-1}$ [@fra72; @sch73; @str99]. @bar90 studied 45 bipolar pairs in the emerging active region. The opposite polarity poles were separating from each other with velocities of 0.5–3.5 km s$^{-1}$, decreasing with time (consequently, the drift with regard to the polarity inversion line is only half that value). @gri09 calculated the separation velocities of the external boundaries of the photospheric magnetic flux in the active region NOAA 10488. The velocities decreased as the magnetic fields emerged: they were 2–2.5 kms$^{-1}$ by the end of the first hour and 0.3 km s$^{-1}$ in two hours and a half.
It should be noted that there are several papers dealing with the study of vertical [@gug06] and horizontal [@har73; @cho87; @hag01] velocities at photospheric level during the appearance of ephemeral active regions. We do not discuss these works in detail, since they concern another spatial scale of emerging magnetic fields.
The papers above are the researches into photospheric velocities that accompany the emergence of magnetic fields in active regions located only in the central zone of the solar disk. Plasma motions in the emerging magnetic fields distant from the disk center have never been studied before.
Data processing and investigated objects
We used full solar disk magnetograms and Dopplergrams in the photospheric line Ni I 6768 $\mbox{\AA}$ and continuum images obtained on board the space observatory SOHO/MDI [@sch95]. The temporal resolution of the magnetograms and Dopplergrams is 1 minute, that of the continuum, 96 minutes. The spatial resolution of the data is 4$\arcsec$, the pixel size is approximately 2$\arcsec$. Magnetograms with a 1.8.2 calibration level were used [@ulr09]. Besides photospheric velocities of solar plasma motions, the Dopplergrams include the contribution of 1) the velocity of the differential solar rotation; 2) the velocity of the SOHO satellite with regard to the Sun; 3) the instrumental distortions caused by nonuniform transmission of MDI’s filter systems on the field of view. The technique described in @gri07 was used to separate photospheric velocities. The negative velocity on SOHO/MDI Dopplergrams corresponds to the blue Doppler shift (motion of matter toward the observer); the positive one, to the red Doppler shift (motion of matter away from the observer). There are regular errors in velocity measurements at different distances from the disk center. For example, Doppler velocities near the limb are underestimated by up to 40 m s$^{-1}$ because of limb darkening [@alb85]. Additionally, we deal with different height levels above the solar surface in measurements of velocities at the disk center and near the limb because of the different optical thickness of the atmosphere.
We study the velocities that accompany the emerging magnetic fields. Therefore, the precise spatial superimposition of the used data is vary important. For this purpose, the region of the emerging magnetic fields was taken from the time sequences of magnetograms and Dopplergrams, taking into account solar rotation. An approximate value of the displacement of the region was calculated with the differential rotation law for photospheric magnetic fields [@sno83]. The exact tracking of the region under investigation was performed by applying two magnetograms adjacent in time, with the use of cross–correlation analysis. This procedure requires the existence of the magnetic poles which slightly vary in time on the magnetograms. The heliographic coordinates obtained were used to crop identical fragments with a size of 160$\arcsec\times$160$\arcsec$ (or 80$\times$80 pixels) from the magnetogram and Dopplergram obtained at the same time. Thus, we achieved the precise spatial superimposition of the data. It has allowed us to draw reliable conclusions about the processes that take place. For the active region emerging near the limb, we selected the cropped region in a way that it excludes the area outside the limb.
Time variations of the total magnetic flux of the active region and the maximum negative velocities were calculated with the use of a sequence of the magnetogram and Dopplergram fragments corresponding to the emerging active region. The calculation area was limited to the region of the emerging magnetic fields (Fig. \[fig1\]). The position of the limits was visually controlled.
The plasma motions connected with the emerging magnetic fields are observed on the background of the convective flows. If the average velocity or the velocity flux is considered as a characteristic of motions of matter, the center–limb dependence of convective velocities will make a substantial contribution. Besides, the active regions under consideration have different spatial scales and are located at different distances from the solar disk center; therefore the solar surface regions where the calculation is performed have different sizes. This complicates a comparison of the emerging active regions that are located at different distances from the disk center. The maximum negative velocity (motion of matter toward the observer) is taken as a characteristic of plasma motion in the regions of the emerging magnetic fields during the first 12 hours (Fig. \[fig1\]b). The magnetic field emergence begins with the appearance of the loop apex where the magnetic field is horizontal; therefore, we began the calculation of the maximum velocity values 30 minutes before the beginning of the appearance of active region. The magnetic flux of the active region emerges as separate loops, and the maximum negative velocity corresponds to the appearance of a single magnetic loop. Therefore, the chosen parameter does not characterize the emerging active region as a whole, it only shows the highest velocity. For example, two peaks corresponding to the emergence of two different magnetic loops can be distinguished in the plot of variations in the maximum negative velocity during the first hours of the NOAA9456 appearance (Fig. \[fig1\]e). The residual magnetic flux emerges at lower velocities. To exclude Evershed flows we also took care of the time of the penumbra formation in sunspots, using continuum images. The Evershed flows are horizontal photospheric outflows in a sunspot penumbra. Their maximum velocity values can reach 2 km s$^{-1}$ in SOHO/MDI low spatial resolution data [@bai98].
The total magnetic flux is calculated inside isolines $\pm$60 G taking into account the projective effect (Fig. \[fig1\]c)
\Phi & = & |\sum_{i=1}^{n_{+}}(B_{i} \cdot S_{i})| + |\sum_{i=1}^{n_{-}}(B_{i}
\cdot S_{i})|,\end{aligned}$$
where $\Phi$ is the total magnetic flux in Mx, $B_{i}$ is the magnetic field induction in G, $S_{i}$ is the area on the solar surface corresponding to $i-th$ pixel, $n_{+}$ is the number of pixels inside isoline +60G (positive polarity) and $n_{-}$ is the number of pixels inside isoline -60G (negative polarity). The isoline level of 60G was chosen to exclude both the magnetogram noise (about 30G) and the contribution of the magnetic field with a short lifetime. Sometimes small magnetic loops appear in the place of the future active region several hours prior to the main emergence of the magnetic fields. The beginning of the active region emergence was taken as a time moment corresponding to the beginning of the continuous growth of magnetic flux. We determined the maximum value of the total magnetic flux by the first inflection point of the curve where the flux increase was followed by its decrease (Fig. \[fig1\]f) or by the last value of the plot (for active regions passing beyond the west–limb or with insufficiently downloaded data sequences). Note that powerful active regions significantly increase in size as they develop, and the extended concentrations of the magnetic fields existing on the surface enter into the region of new flux emergence (Fig. \[fig1\]a, \[fig1\]b, and \[fig1\]c). Interaction between existing and emerging magnetic fields is accompanied by integration or cancellation processes and, hence, by increase or decrease in the magnetic flux. In order to take this into account to some extent, the signal background that existed before the emergence of magnetic fields was subtracted from the total magnetic flux maximum in all active regions.
![Total magnetic flux of the active regions under investigation versus the heliocentric angle that corresponds to the beginning of the magnetic field emergence. The total magnetic flux maximum was determined by the inflection point in the increase of the flux curve (marked by diamonds) or by the last measurement (marked by asterisks). Active regions with magnetic saturation are also marked by asterisks. In active regions marked by asterisks, the maximum of total magnetic flux may be higher.[]{data-label="fig2"}](f2){width="8.86cm"}
The selection of active regions for this investigation was based on the following criteria. Active regions have to emerge on the visible side of the solar disk. Emerging magnetic fields have to be isolated from the extended concentrations of existing magnetic fields. The presence of single poles with a total magnetic flux of less than 0.5$\times$10$^{21}$ Mx was allowed in the area of the direct emergence of an active region during the first 12 hours. The objects under investigation have to have complete data series with a one–minute time resolution during the first 12 hours of appearance. With this in mind, the 83 active regions were selected for the period of 1999–2008. Among them, there were 80 active regions with a normal magnetic field configuration and three with an inverse magnetic field configuration according to Hale’s polarity law. The events had different spatial scales and were located at different distances from the solar disk center (Fig. \[fig2\]). The total magnetic flux of each event exceeded 10$^{21}$ Mx. Magnetic saturation is possible in SOHO/MDI measurements of the magnetic field strength. This occurs when the spectral line is shifted out of the filter system passband. @liu07 modeled MDI measurements and demonstrated that magnetic saturation takes place only in strong magnetic fields with high velocities. According to their calculations, magnetic saturation is reached at the magnetic field strength of 2800 G, when the velocity is $\pm$2000 m s$^{-1}$. In our study, the maximum magnetic field strength exceeds 2800 G only in two events of the active regions under consideration. These events are also marked by asterisks in Fig. \[fig2\]. The morphology of the active regions (i.e., the degree of fragmentation of magnetic fields, the rate and monotony of magnetic flux increase, and the orientation of the axis connecting opposite polarity poles with regard to the line of sight) was not taken into account.
Figure \[fig3\]a presents the maximum negative velocities observed during the first 12 hours emergence of active regions according to their position with regard to the disk center. The distance from the disk center is expressed in the heliocentric angle $\theta$ – it is the angle between the normal to the surface and the line–of–sight to the emerging magnetic flux. The maximum negative velocities obtained are observed, as a rule, on the polarity inversion line of the emerging magnetic fields; however, they are related to the convection in adjacent regions for some events in the central part of the disk ($\theta<25^\circ$). Figure \[fig3\]a shows that values of maximum negative velocities increase nonlinearly with the heliocentric angle. The mean velocity for $\theta=20^\circ$ is -673 m s$^{-1}$; the deviation from the mean does not exceed 200 m s$^{-1}$. The mean velocity for $\theta=60^\circ$ is -1277 m s$^{-1}$; the deviation from the mean reaches up to 550 m s$^{-1}$. One can see a growth tendency of deviation from mean with increasing $\theta$ (Fig. \[fig3\]a). The high deviation for large $\theta$ indicates the existence of other relations that determe the value of the horizontal velocity of plasma flow at the site of emerging magnetic fields at the photospheric level. Our statistics include three inverse active regions whose parameters do not deviate from the dependence formed by normal active regions. Thus we see that the horizontal velocities of plasma outflows exceed the vertical ones of plasma upflows at the beginning of the emergence of active regions.
Figure \[fig3\]b shows the maximum negative velocities for the quiet Sun connected with convective flows. To calculate this dependence, the region on the surface was traced taking into account solar rotation. The region with a size of 40$\arcsec\times40\arcsec$ under study was going through the longitude range of W00–W67 at the latitude of S04 from 3 to 8 May 1999. The tilt of the solar North rotational axis toward the observer $B_{0}$ was -3.5$^\circ$. Data with a one-minute resolution were used; they were processed with the technique described in section 2 of this paper. In Fig. \[fig3\]b one can see that the velocities increase with the heliocentric angle; these values do not exceed 1200 m s$^{-1}$. The comparison between the plots in Fig. \[fig3\]a and Fig. \[fig3\]b has revealed that the horizontal velocity component at the sites of the emergence of active regions is higher than that of the convective flow in the quiet Sun.
We performed the regression analysis with the second degree polynom. As a result, we obtained the equation
\upsilon & = & 6.01 - 40.18 \theta + 0.31 \theta^2,\end{aligned}$$
where $\upsilon$ is the maximum negative Doppler velocity during the first 12 hours of the emergence of active regions in ms$^{-1}$ and $\theta$ is the heliocentric angle in degrees. According to the F–statistic this regression model is significant. The correlation ratio (estimate of the closeness of the nonlinear relation) between the value of the maximum negative velocity and the heliocentric angle $\theta$ (or the angle of view to the emerging magnetic flux) is equal to -0.74; this implies a high relation between the parameters under consideration. The confidence intervals for the means were calculated with a confidence probability of 99$\%$. They are marked by dotted lines in Fig. \[fig3\]a. The confidence intervals have close limits for $10^\circ<\theta<70^\circ$ with high statistics and show that equation (2) approximates the data well. The limits of the confidence intervals essentially increase for $\theta<10^\circ$ and $70^\circ<\theta$ with low statistics. It follows from equation (2) that the mean vertical velocity for $\theta=0^\circ$ is 6 m s$^{-1}$ with a confidence interval of $\pm$399 ms$^{-1}$. Positive velocity values are false in this confidence range. Obviously, velocities corresponding to $\theta=0^\circ$ at the sites of emerging active regions will be not lower than the velocities of convective flows of the quiet Sun ($\sim$-150 m s$^{-1}$). The absence of statistics for $\theta<10^\circ$ at the emerging active regions does not allow one to take it into account in regression equation (2). The mean horizontal velocity for $\theta=90^\circ$ from equation (2) is -1081.44 m s$^{-1}$ with a confidence interval $\pm$601 m s$^{-1}$. The wide confidential interval shows that this value of the mean horizontal velocity is ambiguous.
A comparison of the maximum negative velocities with the total magnetic flux did not reveal any relation (Fig. \[fig4\]). The comparison between the plots in Fig. \[fig2\] and Fig. \[fig3\]a also showed no connection, because high velocities were not observed in emerging active regions with high magnetic flux in the central part of the solar disk, whereas near the limb there may be high velocity values even in active regions with low magnetic flux. From the author’s point of view the absence of a dependence between velocity and total magnetic flux can be explained by the fact that active region magnetic fields emerge by separate fragments on time scales from several hours to 5-7 days and therefore the maximum negative velocity during the first 12 hours does not characterize an active region emergence as a whole.
![Maximum negative velocities during the first 12 hours of the magnetic field emergence versus the maximum value of the total magnetic flux in the active regions. The designations are the same as for the Fig. \[fig2\].[]{data-label="fig4"}](f4){width="8.86cm"}
We presented a statistical study of the velocities of plasma flows that accompany the emergence of active regions during the first 12 hours at the photospheric level with data with high temporal resolution. We found that the values of maximum negative Doppler velocities increase nonlinearly with the heliocentric angle. This shows that the horizontal velocities of plasma outflows exceed the vertical ones of plasma upflows during the first hours of active region emergence. Horizontal velocities at the sites of emerging active regions are higher than those of convective flows in the quiet Sun. This result is a direct confirmation of theoretical models that showed that magnetic fields emerging in the solar atmosphere expand faster in the horizontal direction than in the vertical direction [e.g. @shi89; @fan01; @mag03; @arc04].
The author is grateful to the referee for helpful comments that improved the manuscript. This work used data obtained by the SOHO/MDI instrument. SOHO is a mission of international cooperation between ESA and NASA. The Michelson Doppler Imager is a project of the Stanford–Lockheed Institute for Space Research. I am grateful to my supervisors V.M. Grigor’ev and L.V. Ermakova for their helpful suggestions on this scientific research, and to V.G. Fainshtein for very useful discussions. I would like to thank Tom Duvall and Alexander Kosovichev for discussions that helped me to understand peculiarities of SOHO/MDI Dopplergrams better. This study was supported by RFBR grants 08-02-00027-a, 09-02-00165-a, 10-02-00607-a, 10-02-00960-a, the NNSFC-RFBR grant 08-02-92211, state contract 02.740.11.0576 and by the Russian Academy of Sciences (the program 4 of the RAS Presidium and the joint project 4 of its Siberian Branch).
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- 'Arindam Ghosh$^{1}$ and Sandip K. Chakrabarti$^{1,2}$'
title: 'Anomalous Outbursts of H 1743-322'
[$^1$S. N. Bose National Centre for Basic Sciences, Salt Lake, Kolkata 700106, India.\
$^2$Indian Centre for Space Physics, Chalantika 43, Garia Station Rd., Kolkata 700084, India.\
[*[email protected]; [email protected]*]{}\
**Keywords:** Accretion Disc; Viscosity; Accumulation Radius; Disc Hysteresis
Transient sources are low-mass X-ray binaries (LMXBs), which exhibit outbursts from time to time either regularly or sporadically. During a typical outburst, the soft (black body) photon flux peaks after a few days to a few weeks of the peaking of the hard (non-thermal power-law) photon flux (Ghosh & Chakrabarti 2018). Moreover, the total radiated energy of outbursts of a single source can be very much different (Chakrabarti, Debnath, & Nagarkoti 2018; Ghosh 2018; Ghosh & Chakrabarti 2018; Zhou et al. 2013; Capitanio et al. 2009 and the references therein). It is believed that this variation is due to the variation of the accumulation radius, $X_{a}$. At $X_{a}$, Keplerian disc matter is piled up due to a lack of viscosity in pre-outburst quiescent phase before being ushered in during outbursts by viscosity higher than its critical value (Chakrabarti 1990, 1996). However, $X_{a}$ may be different for each outburst (Chakrabarti, Debnath, & Nagarkoti 2018; Ghosh & Chakrabarti 2018; Ghosh, Banerjee, & Chakrabarti 2018). The accumulation radii represent the sizes of the Keplerian discs in multiple outbursts exhibited by transient LMXBs such as GX 339-4 or H 1743-322. It has been found earlier (Ghosh & Chakrabarti 2018) that the disc size during the consecutive five outbursts of GX 339-4 varies from one to the other, even though both temporal and spectral properties are more or less similar. However, the successive outbursts of H 1743-322 are different in many ways from those in GX 339-4 (Ghosh 2018). For example, the outburst in 2008 is reported to be ‘a failed’ (Capitanio et al. 2009) or ‘almost successful’ (Zhou et al. 2013) since the source transits from hard state to hard-intermediate state before becoming harder again with decreased luminosity. H 1743-322 remained quiescent for about a quarter of a century until its detection in the outburst in March 2003 and recently, Chakrabarti, Debnath, & Nagarkoti (2018) show that the total energy liberated per outburst appears to be proportional to the time elapsed in quiescent state prior to the outburst, provided the outburst of 2004 is considered to be associated with that of the 2003.
In this paper, eight successive outbursts of H 1743-322 during 2003–2010 observed in RXTE era are analysed using the RXTE/ASM (1.5-12) keV data and within the framework of Two-Component Advective Flow (TCAF, Chakrabarti & Titarchuk 1995). The two components in TCAF are responsible, in a non-linear way, for the two components of the observed spectra. A thin Keplerian disc having high angular momentum dissipates gravitational energy through viscosity and radiates multi-colour black body (soft) photons (Shakura & Sunyaev 1973; hereafter SS73). A geometrically thick, optically thin, hot sub-Keplerian halo surrounds the Keplerian disc vertically. This component dissipates its thermal energy through recurrent inverse Comptonization close to the black hole, where it is puffed up due to the centrifugal barrier. This region is known as the CENtrifugal pressure supported BOundary Layer, or CENBOL. It produces high-energy (hard) photons as a power-law distribution in the spectrum. This emission property of a hot electron cloud or Compton cloud was demonstrated by Sunyaev & Titarchuk (1980). Chakrabarti & Titarchuk (1995) showed that the variation in X-ray flux from the Keplerian disc and the sub-Keplerian halo could be achieved by the changes in the mass accretion rates of the two components near the black hole. However, the correspondence is not one to one, as the power-law photons are the results of repeated Compton scattering by the CENBOL and hence the CENBOL property is also important. However, the disc matter moves inward by viscosity. Unlike an SS73 disc, an advective sub-Keplerian flow with a low angular momentum does not require viscosity for accretion. As a consequence, the advective halo component arrives earlier than the viscous disc component. The difference in the times-of-arrival is defined as, $$\tau = t_{disc}-t_{halo},$$ where, $t_{halo}$ and $t_{disc}$ are the infall timescales of the halo and the disc respectively. $\tau>0$ implies that the disc lags behind the halo. If $\tau=0$, it would mean that the disc arrives simultaneously with the halo.\
According to transonic flow solution even if the accretion rate in the Keplerian disc is increased at the outer radius the disc matter with high angular momentum would not be able to move inwards if viscosity is low enough to transport the angular momentum of the enhanced Keplerian matter. The matter would therefore pile up at some radial distance $X_{a}$ until the flow becomes highly viscous, presumably due to convective viscosity, crossing the critical viscosity parameter (Chakrabarti, 1990, 1996). This will trigger a rapid inflow of disc matter and an outburst would ensue. If the viscosity is sufficient so that the spectra eventually becomes soft, we call it a normal outburst. In case the viscosity does not rise sufficiently, so as to evolve to either the hard-intermediate or the soft-intermediate state, or a premature hard state, the outburst will be anomalous or failed. Both the normal and anomalous outbursts should be readily distinguishable in the lightcurves of soft and hard radiation fluxes, or/and from their temporal (and spectral) characteristics. In general, the disc properties in H 1743-322 during all its outbursts can be understood from a simple timing analysis discussed in $\S2$. Using the two energy fluxes (soft and hard) of X-ray radiation, and by the use of a suitably defined photon index, we show that the aforesaid travel time lag between the two components of accretion, and in turn, the disc size during the brightest/longest outburst (2003) in H 1743-322 is much higher than those observed in its subsequent weak or faint outbursts. This is consistent with the preceding long time quiescence of the source (Chakrabarti, Debnath, and Nagarkoti 2018). The failure or an anomaly observed during the outburst of 2008 (Capitanio et al. 2009; Zhou et al. 2013) is more directly reflected from our analysis. Furthermore, each normal outburst is shown to be either preceded or followed by an otherwise premature or anomalous outburst. In $\S3$, we present the detailed results of our simple analysis. Finally, in $\S4$, we summarize major results.
RXTE/ASM Data Analysis
Despite the presence of negative counts and narrow energy binning, RXTE/ASM data is useful because of its availability for a long duration of time. During outbursts, these negative counts become very less in number. We use the [ascii]{} version of public/archival RXTE/ASM lightcurve data during the outbursts of H 1743-322 observed in the time span of about 7.5 years ($MJD~52700-MJD~55435$). RXTE/ASM operates over $1.5-12~keV$ energy range and it has three energy bands, viz. $A=(1.5-3 keV)$, $B=(3-5 keV)$, & $C=(5-12 keV)$ respectively. If $a$, $b$, & $c$ are respectively the number of photons in A, B, & C bands with mean energies of $E_{A}=2.25~keV$, $E_{B}=4~keV$, & $E_{C}=8.5~keV$ respectively, then the A-band represents low-energy flux $aE_{A}$ (or, soft flux) with absorbtion, B & C bands together represent the total Comptonized, high-energy (3-12 keV) flux (or, hard flux) of $(bE_{B}+cE_{C})$.\
A dynamic photon index, $\Theta$, introduced and explained earlier in Ghosh & Chakrabarti (2018), is given by, $$\Theta = \tan^{-1} [\frac{(c-b)}{(E_{C}-E_{B})}].
\eqno{}$$ Here, $\Theta$ is defined to be the slope of the hard region of the spectrum drawn in [*linear scale*]{}.
By definition, $-1.57<\Theta<1.57$. In reality, $tan\Theta$ must be negative only, since $c$ is expected to be less than $b$ for equal energy binning. In soft states, $\Theta \rightarrow -1.57$ while in the hard states the spectrum is flatter, i.e., $\Theta \rightarrow 0$. However, in ASM, the size of the C band is largest, so the possibility of $c>b$ exists and this often gives rise to $\Theta>0$ indicating a harder state. Physically, this spectral hardening happens due to a significant arrival time lag at the commencement of an outburst (Ghosh 2018; Ghosh & Chakrabarti 2018). $\Theta$ is used for cross-correlation with individual fluxes, as the former represents relative change of one flux with respect to the other. So, the relative lag between the hard flux and the soft flux of either photons or energy would be defined as (Ghosh & Chakrabarti 2018), $$\tau_{r}=t_{(\Theta,Soft)} - t_{(\Theta,Hard)}\rightarrow\tau.$$ $\tau_{r}>0$ implies that the disc radiation flux lags behind the halo radiation flux. Both evolve simultaneously if $\tau_{r}=0$. Typical behaviour of $\Theta$ during a normal outburst is schematically shown in Fig. 4 later. We wish to mention that while taking cross-correlations, the hard flux vs. soft flux correlation is not the proper quantity to discuss, because the hard flux does not depend on the soft flux alone. It also depends on the properties of the Compton cloud such as its size (CENBOL) and its optical depth. Furthermore, in an outburst, hard flux will always be seen increasing with the soft flux. So the lag between hard and soft, in general, would be seen to be zero. What is important is the rate at which two accretion rates change, since they are guided by the viscosity in the halo and disc components in a complex way.
Since RXTE/ASM did not record X-ray data continuously from any particular source, there are gaps in the data, in particular, due to the annual solar constraints. We smoothed out the unevenness of the data interval by using a [fortran]{} code for interpolation. The [fits]{} files obtained from these daily lightcurves are used to produce cross-correlations between $\Theta$ and two fluxes using [crosscor]{} task of HEASOFT/XRONOS package in order to obtain the time lags estimated from $\Theta$.
We present the photon energy fluxes, $\Theta$-behaviour, their cross-correlations, and most importantly, the [*hysteresis*]{} property of the standard Keplerian disc for showing difference in temporal and spectral properties during various outbursts of H 1743-322. Figure 1 shows (a) total photon counts, (b) hard (dotted/online-blue) & soft (continuous/online-red) photon fluxes, (c) average hard (dotted/online blue) & soft (continuous/online-red) energy fluxes (intensities), and (d) the spectral slope $\Theta$. All the time series in Fig. 1 are drawn with weekly mean data for clarity. Eight successive outbursts are marked in (a) as OBn, where n=1, ..., 8. The outbursts are manifested by the strong enhancements in Fig. 1a and the strong dips in Fig. 1d. In addition, a flare-up soft state (which was not recognized as an outburst), marked as FUSS in Fig. 1a, is also considered in the same spirit, as the peak and total amount of soft flux are comparable to those in all outbursts. The spectral state becomes hard immediately after it, as is evident from the sharpest peak ($\sim$ MJD 53375) in $\Theta$ (Fig. 1d). Figure 2a shows bar charts or histograms, heights of which represent the total hard (dotted/online-blue) and soft (continuous/online-red) energy fluxes released per outburst. Equal width of the bars is not to the scale of time axis. Calendar years are also marked for referring to available reports. The dashed curve with triangles represents the ratio of soft energy flux to the hard one. This ratio is the highest ($\sim 3.5$) in FUSS (2004), just following OB2 (2004), due to the lower value of total hard flux. However, in outbursts, this ratio never exceeds $0.3$. Histogram for FUSS is not shown here to avoid smudging. Triangles also indicate midway of the duration of outbursts. It is clearly seen from Fig. 2a that both soft and hard fluxes drop drastically in OB3 (2005) from their highest values in OB1 (2003). A long time ($>2$ years) of quiescence followed thereafter is instrumental behind the brighter OB4 (2007-8) and subsequent faint outbursts (OB5-OB8). Average hard energy flux (dotted/online-blue) and average soft energy flux (continuous/online-red curves) during the outbursts of Fig. 1 are zoomed in Fig. 3, where average daily data are used. Two peaks of the brightest outburst OB1 (2003) are marked as A & B in (a).\
Figure 4 is drawn schematically to show the typical behaviour of $\Theta$ during any normal outburst. This well-like appearance was earlier observed for ten normal outbursts in five other transient LMXBs, namely, GX 339-4, 4U 1543-47, XTE J1550-564, XTE J1650-500 & GRO J1655-40 (Ghosh & Chakrabarti 2018). Any normal outburst is characterized by four spectral states, viz. hard state (HS), hard-intermediate state (HIMS), soft-intermediate state (SIMS), and soft state (SS). Spectral transition must go through HS$\rightarrow$HIMS$\rightarrow$SIMS $\rightarrow$SS$\rightarrow$SIMS$\rightarrow$HIMS$\rightarrow$HS for a normal outburst. This is depicted in Fig. 4. $\Theta$ should attain its highest value at the beginning (HS) and at the end (HS) of a normal outburst. Approximately, $ \Theta \ge 0 $, $ \Theta_{\pm} \rightarrow -0.5 $, and $ \Theta \rightarrow -1 $ can be respectively assigned to HS, HIMS/SIMS, & SS for a better understanding of our results. In our analysis, $\Theta_{maximum}$ always exceeds $0$ in HS, $\Theta_{minimum}$ does not go below $-1$ in SS except for OB1 (2003). The possibility of having more hard/soft state(s) within the well of Fig. 4 would indicate the multiplicity (twin, trine, etc.) of the outburst, or the number of mini outbursts. If any outburst shows significant deviations of $\Theta$ behaviour from that of Fig. 4, then we will call the outburst as ‘anomalous’.
Figure 5 shows the actual behaviour of $\Theta$ with time during all outbursts, which are labelled as OB1–OB8 along the vertical axes. The dotted/online-red curves are drawn to represent average envelopes of $\Theta$ so that the aforesaid multiplicity becomes clearer. $\Theta$ attains its highest value a few days after the commencement of the normal outbursts OB1 (2003), OB2 (2004), OB3 (2005), & OB6 (2009) and rises again at their culmination, as seen in Figs. 5a, 5b, 5c, & 5f respectively. On the other hand, its trend is the same as above at the onset of OB5 (2008) in Fig. 5e, but it declines thereafter. With reference to Fig. 4, a direct HS$\rightarrow$ HIMS spectral transition and a further hardened spectrum at the end of this [*failed*]{} outburst are indicated (Capitanio et al. 2009), whereas in view of Figs. 5c & 5f it is [*almost successful*]{} (i.e. almost normal) outburst (Zhou et al. 2013). In view of both Fig. 3a & Fig. 5a, OB1 (2003) is a twin outburst characterized by two soft states (though OB1-A could be a twin itself due to an interim temporary HS) and OB1-B is normal and comparable to the following OB2 of Fig. 5b. However, features of $\Theta$, in comparison with Fig. 4, are deviated in (Fig. 5d) OB4 (2007-8), (Fig. 5g) OB7 (2009-10) & (Fig. 5h) OB8 (2010). Erratically fluctuating $\Theta$ is probably due to multiply exhibited mini outbursts (indicated by multiple wells in dotted/online-red) with rapid softening/hardening spectra. There appears to be same spectral states occuring several times in the same outburst.
It has been shown in Ghosh & Chakrabarti (2018) that the commencement of an outburst in HS does not ensure an immediate spectral transition to a softer state. Rather, the spectrum becomes gradually harder. According to TCAF, as the halo matter rushes in, the hard photons become spectrally harder with more electrons to cool down. The time elapsed in attaining the hardest possible state from HS would indicate the lag time between disc and the halo components. These time lags (ranging from $13d$ to $1d$) are marked in Figs. 5a, 5c and 5e-g. In Figs. 5b & 5d, the time lag is approximately $0d$. However, this lag time is not generally observed from a direct flux-flux cross-correlation (CC) method, but readily evident from $\Theta$-flux correlations as illustrated in Fig. 6. CC($\Theta$, Hard Flux) and CC($\Theta$, Soft Flux) are represented respectively by dotted/online-blue and continuous/online-red curves. Dashed curves show CC(Hard Flux, Soft Flux). Two regions A & B of Figs. 3a & 5a are used separately in Fig. 6a. Non-zero time lags are marked in each box. A lag time of about a week, as indicated in Fig. 5f for OB6 (2009), is consistent with a lag of $5\pm3.5d$ obtained from $\Theta$-flux correlations (Fig. 6f). Similarly, a lag of about two weeks in Fig. 5a for OB1 (2003) is corroborated by $20\pm8d$ from Fig. 6a. So, we can rely upon $\Theta$-behaviour alone in understanding all the outbursts. This makes $\Theta$ a [*spectro-temporal*]{} index which dynamically traces any outburst throughout in terms of both spectral and temporal characteristics. Figs. 6e & 6g are different from the rest of the Figures: hard and soft fluxes are anti-correlated with reference to $\Theta$. An exceptional lag of $11d$ in Fig. 6g for OB7 (2009-10) from direct CC(Hard Flux, Soft Flux) may be due to either the fact that fresh incoming matter with the leftover of OB6 (2009) increased hard flux, or a jump in Comptonization efficiency following a sudden increase in accretion rate (see also Figs. 3g & 5g). This further ensures that a fast increase in hard flux does not guarantee a spectral transition. Although the brightest outburst in Fig. 6a shows a time lag of $20\pm 8d$ for OB1-A (2003), but the lags are negligibly small in the subsequent weaker outbursts.
In Fig. 7, mean intensity in all the outbursts of Fig. 3 is plotted with $\Theta$ of Fig. 5. However, without any loss of generality, curves are drawn with running average data for clarity and comparison. Time lags obtained in Fig. 6 are marked along the vertical axis of each box. The multiplicity observed again in closed ([*hysteresis*]{}) loops is reasonable for the number of wells in $\Theta$ (Fig. 5). Closed loops in (a), (b), (c) & (f) are respectively pertaining to normal outbursts OB1 (2003), OB2 (2004), OB3 (2005) & OB6 (2009). These are consistent with the $\Theta$-behaviour in Figs. 5a-c & 5f respectively. Loops in solid and dotted/online-red in Fig. 7a pertain to OB1-A & OB1-B respectively. OB1 (2003) is a twin outburst, though OB1-A itself is complex showing an anomaly and is itself a twin due to 2-fold loop, arisen due to the presence of an interim temporary HS (Fig. 5a); OB1-B is comparable to OB2 of Fig. 6b and both are normal. For anomalous outbursts, OB4 (2007-8), OB7 (2009-10) & OB8 (2010), the excursion path is erratic as seen respectively from Figs. 7d, 7g & 7h. The multiplicity is also apparent from the folded loops (see also Figs. 5d, 5g & 5h). The closed loop in Fig. 7e indicates that OB5 (2008) could almost be a normal outburst which lacks a proper softening as $\Theta>-0.3$ (see Fig. 4 & Fig. 5e). The biggest loop area in Fig. 7a (for OB1-A) is consistent with the corresponding highest time lag of about $20 \pm 8d$. This indicates the largest disc size in the brightest outburst OB1 (2003) in H 1743-322. Negligibly small lag in all subsequent outbursts is indicative of small size of the Keplerian disc.
Figure 8 shows (a) energy fluxes, (b) $\Theta$, (c) cross-correlation profile and (d) hysteresis diagram for FUSS (2004). Line types or colour stamps are similar to Figs. 3, 5 & 6. The magnitude of soft flux in (a) is comparable with those in all outbursts. FUSS is also showing a striking excursion path in (d). The lumpy behaviour of $\Theta$ and hysteresis diagrams (Figs. 5d, 5g, 5h, 7d, 7g & 7h) indicate that OB4 (2007-8), OB7 (2009-10) & OB8 (2010) are comparable and almost similar to FUSS (2004). These three, along with OB5 (2008), are possibly premature outbursts. Chakrabarti et al. (2018) have recently shown that OB2 (2004) could also partially release energy from disc matter piled up in the period prior to OB1 (2003). Similarly, FUSS (2004) can also arise from the surplus disc matter of OB2 (2004).
It is expected that due to viscous time needed to transport matter inward, farther the piling radius $X_{a}$ is, greater should be the time lag. OB2 (2004) is a normal outburst for which $X_{a}$ was very close to the outer edge of the CENBOL because of $0d$ time lag. FUSS (2004) occurs immediately after OB2 (2004). OB3 (2005) is normal followed by anomalous OB4 (2007-8). Then appears ‘almost normal’ OB5 (2008), which precedes the next normal OB6 (2009). The next one, OB7 (2009-10), is once again anomalous. This is followed by yet another anomalous OB8 (2010). All numerical estimates of our analysis are summarized in Table 1, which also briefly indicates the transient trend in H 1743-322. Therefore, by treating FUSS (2004) as a mini-outburst, every normal outburst following the brightest OB1 (2003) appears to be either followed or preceded by one or more otherwise premature outbursts with varying degrees of anomaly and transience.
In this paper, we have revisited the properties of several outbursts from a completely different perspective in order to have a unifying understanding of this unique system. After about two and a half decades, in 2003, an outburst in H 1743-322 occurred, which released enormous energy and had a very complex structure. Soon after in 2004, again another outburst occurred which Chakrabarti et al. (2018) considered as a leftover of the energy that should have been emitted in 2003. After this till 2010, outbursts, which we considered, were occurring at almost regular intervals and releasing a very little energy compared to that of 2003. In a ‘normal’ outburst, the spectral state usually passes through the HS, HIMS, SIMS, and SS before returning back to the HS following the reverse route. Some of the outbursts did not even reach the SIMS or SS. In Mondal et al. (2017, and references therein) it was mentioned that when the viscosity parameter at the piling radius at a large distance crossed well above the critical value, the disc would become Keplerian till the inner edge and a soft state could form. If the viscosity did not rise much, the outburst would be anomalous. It has been shown that the viscosity parameter indeed has a specific limit to cross in order to reach a certain spectral state.
We could differentiate the outbursts in H 1743-322 by a completely new method, and in that process, obtain new insights if we stick to the TCAF paradigm. Here, the Keplerian disc of high viscosity is sandwiched by the sub-Keplerian flow having low viscosity and thus two types of time lags between the hard and the soft radiation fluxes are expected. First, a lag comes from the fact that as soon as an outburst is triggered at the accumulation radius, the sub-Keplerian component matter rushes towards the black hole and the spectrum hardens since more electrons are to be cooled down by the soft photons. The times taken to reach the hardest spectra would be proportional to the size of the disc. The second lag comes from the fact that the Keplerian matter reaches much after that through viscous time scale. In general, both the fluxes start to rise, and thus direct cross-correlation between the hard and soft fluxes would not give any information about these lags. However, the spectral slope $\Theta$ that we defined, continuously traces the way one component changes with respect to the other, and thus the cross-correlations of the fluxes with $\Theta$ would reveal the lags.
We have computed these cross-correlations for all the outbursts and we could easily identify that the initial lag for further hardening is different for different outbursts. This would indicate that the accumulation radius is also different. Second, we have found that for a normal outburst, the mean intensity vs. $\Theta$ makes a simple closed loop. On the contrary, for an anomalous outburst, this becomes complex with multiple/folded loops. Third, we found that the 2003 outburst appeared to consist of (at least) two separate outbursts occurring back to back. There was a ‘flare’ type outburst, which we termed as FUSS, whose behaviour was different from the others in that the hardness ratio behaves in an opposite manner. Moreover, when seen together, there is a general tendency to have a normal outburst followed by one or two anomalous ones. Compared to this object, in GX 339-4, which also exhibits several outbursts, such anomalies were not observed (Ghosh & Chakrabarti 2018; Ghosh 2018). However, there also, it was found that $X_{a}$ could go farther away or come closer in successive outbursts in GX 339-4. In H 1743-322, $X_{a}$ seems to be at the farthest distance prior to OB1 (2003) with the largest disc. Thereafter, $X_{a}$ moves closer with smaller disc sizes. However, our study revealed that not all the matter piled up in the preceding quiescent state is always emptied out at the outburst. Multiple attempts could have been made to evacuate the matter (such as twice/thrice in 2003 and once in 2004), if the piled up matter is very high. We also find that the normal outbursts are separated by anomalous ones. We shall continue such studies in other systems having recurring outbursts to understand the physics behind outbursts in black hole binaries.\
Acknowledgement {#acknowledgement .unnumbered}
The authors are indebted to NASA Archives for RXTE/ASM public data and facilities.
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--------------- ---------- ---------- ---------------- ----------------- ---------------- ----------- ----------
Time Span Calendar Outburst $\tau_{r}$ (d) $\tau_{r}$ (d) $\tau_{r}$ (d) Remarks Disk
(MJD) Year ($\Theta$) ($\Theta$-Flux) (Flux-Flux) Size
(A) 13 $20 \pm 8 $ $ 0 \pm 1$ Anomalous Big
$52720-52950$ 2003 OB1 Brightest
(B) – $2 \pm 0.7$ $ 0\pm 1$ Normal Small
$53181-53300$ 2004 OB2 0 $0 \pm 1.1$ $0\pm 1$ Normal Small
$53350-53380$ 2004 FUSS 4 $4 \pm 0.7$ $4\pm 2$ Anomalous Small
$53588-53641$ 2005 OB3 2 $2 \pm 1.4$ $0\pm 1$ Normal Small
$54430-54490$ 2007-8 OB4 0 $2\pm 7.8$ $0 \pm 1$ Anomalous Small
$54735-54772$ 2008 OB5 3 $0 \pm 6.4$ $0 \pm 7$ Anomalous Small
$54970-55020$ 2009 OB6 7 $5 \pm 3.5$ $2 \pm 1$ Normal Moderate
$55165-55240$ 2009-10 OB7 2 $0 \pm 0.7$ $11 \pm 1$ Anomalous Small
$55415-55435$ 2010 OB8 1 $1 \pm 3.2$ $0 \pm 2$ Anomalous Small
--------------- ---------- ---------- ---------------- ----------------- ---------------- ----------- ----------
: Estimation of $\tau_{r}$ and Characteristics of Outbursts in H 1743-322
![(a) Total photon counts, (b) hard (dotted/blue) & soft (continuous/red) photon fluxes, (c) average hard (dotted/online-blue) & soft (continuous/online-red) energy fluxes (intensities), and (d) the slope $\Theta$. All time series are drawn with week-mean data for clarity. Eight successive outbursts are marked in (a) as OBn, where n=1, ..., 8. These outbursts are manifested by the strong dips in (d). In addition, a flare-up soft state, marked as FUSS in (a), is also considered in the same spirit, as its peak and total amount of soft flux are comparable to those in all OBs; the spectral state becomes hard immediately after it, as is evident from the sharpest peak ($\sim$ MJD 53375) in (d).](fig1.eps){width="\columnwidth"}
![Bar charts or histograms represent the total hard (dotted/online-blue) and soft (continuous/online-red) energy fluxes released per outburst by their heights. Equal width of the bars has nothing to do with the duration. Calendar years are also marked. The dashed curve with triangles represents the soft-to-hard ratio of these fluxes; this ratio is highest in FUSS (2004), the histogram of which is not shown here. Triangles also represent the central points during outbursts.](fig2.eps){width="\columnwidth"}
![Average hard energy flux (dotted/online-blue) and average soft energy flux (continuous/online-red) during the outbursts of Fig. 1 are zoomed. Average daily data are used. Two parts showing two peaks of the brightest outburst OB1 (2003) are marked as A & B in (a).](fig3.eps){width="\columnwidth"}
![Typical behaviour of $\Theta$ in any normal outburst is shown by the well-like schematic curve. Hard state (HS), hard-intermediate state (HIMS), soft-intermediate state (SIMS), and soft state (SS) are approximately marked. $\Theta$ should be highest at the beginning (HS) and at the end (HS) of a normal outburst. The typical ranges of $\Theta$, namely, $ \Theta \ge 0 $, $ \Theta_{\pm} \rightarrow -0.5 $, and $ \Theta \rightarrow -1 $ can be assumed for HS, HIMS/SIMS, and SS respectively.](fig4.eps){width="\columnwidth"}
![Behaviour of $\Theta$ with time during all outbursts of Fig. 3 is shown in black/continuous. Average daily data are used. The dotted/online-red curves represent the average envelopes. With reference to the ideal diagram of $\Theta$ in Fig. 4, $\Theta$ drops down from its gradually attained highest value following the commencement of the normal outbursts OB2 (2004), OB3 (2005) & OB6 (2009) and anomalous OB1 (2003) in (b), (c), (f) & (a) respectively and rises again at the end; whereas its features are deviated in (d) OB4 (2007-8), (g) OB7 (2009-10) & (h) OB8 (2010). The situation is different in (e) OB5 (2008), the trend is declining throughout; comparison with Fig. 4 readily indicates a direct HS $ \rightarrow $ HIMS spectral transition and a further hardened spectrum at the end of this [*failed*]{} outburst, whereas in view of (c) & (f) it is [*almost successful*]{} outburst. More than one well in (a) indicates the multiplicity in OB1 or mini outbursts in OB4, OB7 & OB8. Estimated time lags $>0d$ are marked.](fig5.eps){width="\columnwidth"}
![Cross-correlation (CC) profiles of energy fluxes and $\Theta$ during outbursts are drawn. CC($\Theta$, Hard Flux) and CC($\Theta$, Soft Flux) are represented respectively by dotted/online-blue and continuous/online-red curves. Dashed black curves represent CC(Hard Flux, Soft Flux). Time lags are marked in each box. Two regions A & B of Figs. 3a & 5a are used separately in (a). Both (e) & (g) are different from the rest of the plots; hard and soft fluxes are anti-correlated with reference to $\Theta$. Non-zero time lags are marked. Although the brightest outburst in (a) shows a time lag of $20(\pm8)d$, but the time lags are negligibly small in the subsequent weaker outbursts.](fig6.eps){width="\columnwidth"}
![Mean intensity in all the outbursts of Figs. 3 & 5 is plotted with $\Theta$. Running-average data are used for clarity and comparison. Time lags computed in Fig. 6 are marked along the vertical axes. Closed ([*hysteresis*]{}) loops in (b), (c) & (f) are pertaining to normal outbursts. 2-fold loop for OB1-A as well as dotted/online-red loop for OB1-B (comparable to OB2 in (b)) in (a) indicates a twin (if not a trine) outburst OB1 (2003). This is an anomalous outburst altogether. For anomalous outbursts, excursion path becomes erratic or folded (indicating multiple mini outbursts) as seen from (d), (g) & (h). The situation is marginal for [*almost successful / failed*]{} outburst OB5 (2008) in (e). The biggest loop area in (a), which is consistent with the corresponding highest time lag of about $20(\pm8)d$, indicates the largest disc size in the brightest outburst OB1-A (2003) in H 1743-322. Negligibly small lags and small loop areas in all subsequent outbursts are indicative of small sizes of the Keplerian disc or nearby accumulation radii ($X_{a}$s).](fig7.eps){width="\columnwidth"}
![FUSS: (a) Energy fluxes, (b) $\Theta$, (c) cross-correlation profiles, and (d) hysteresis diagram. Line types or colour stamps are the same as before. Time lag of $4d$, obtained from both flux-flux and $\Theta$-flux cross-correlations, is marked in (c).](fig8.eps){width="\columnwidth"}
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"pile_set_name": "ArXiv"
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abstract: 'We give a new bound on the sum of the linear Fourier coefficients of a Boolean function in terms of its parity decision tree complexity. This result generalizes an inequality of O’Donnell and Servedio for regular decision trees [@OS08b]. We use this bound to obtain the first non-trivial lower bound on the parity decision tree complexity of the recursive majority function.'
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Eric Blais[^1]\
University of Waterloo\
[[email protected]]{}
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Li-Yang Tan[^2]\
Simons Institute, UC Berkeley\
[[email protected]]{}
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Andrew Wan[^3]\
Institute for Defense Analyses\
[[email protected]]{}
- 'pdt.bib'
title: An inequality for the Fourier spectrum of parity decision trees
In this note, we explore connections between two different notions of complexity of Boolean functions $f{:{{\{-1,1\}}^n}\to{\{-1,1\}}}$: its decision tree complexity, and the sum of its linear Fourier coefficients.
Decision trees are full binary trees with internal nodes labelled by variables $x_i$ for some $i\in [n]$ and with leaves labelled with constants $\ell \in \{-1,1\}$. A decision tree $D$ is said to compute $f$ if the path from the root to a leaf in $D$ defined by $x$ leads to a leaf labelled by $f(x)$ for every $x \in \{-1,1\}^n$. The *depth* of a decision tree is the maximum number of internal nodes along any root-to-leaf path, and the *decision tree (depth) complexity* of a function $f$ is the minimum depth of any decision tree $D$ that computes $f$.
Every Boolean function $f{:{{\{-1,1\}}^n}\to{\{-1,1\}}}$ has a unique representation as a multilinear polynomial $$f(x) = {\sum_{S{\subseteq}[n]}}{{\widehat{f}}}(S)\chi_S(x)$$ where $\chi_S(x) := \prod_{i\in S} x_i$ and the numbers ${{\widehat{}}}{f}(S) = {\operatorname{{\bf E}}}\big[f({\boldsymbol{x}})\chi_S({\boldsymbol{x}})\big] \in [-1,1]$ are the *Fourier coefficients* of $f$. The Fourier coefficients corresponding to singleton sets $S = \{i\}$, $i \in [n]$ are called *linear Fourier coefficients*. For notational clarity, we will write ${{\widehat{}}}{f}(i)$ to denote the linear Fourier coefficient ${{\widehat{}}}{f}(\{i\})$. As mentioned above, we consider the measure of complexity of $f$ determined by the sum $\sum_{i=1}^n {{\widehat{}}}{f}(i)$ of its linear Fourier coefficients.
In [@OS08b] O’Donnell and Servedio established a connection between these two measures of complexity by establishing the following inequality on the linear Fourier coefficients of a Boolean function computed by a depth-$d$ decision tree:
Let $f : \{-1,1\}^n \to \{-1,1\}$ be computable by a decision tree of depth $d$. Then $
\sum_{i=1}^n {{\widehat{}}}{f}(i) \le \sqrt{d}.$
In addition to being a natural statement relating a combinatorial notion of complexity (decision tree complexity) to an analytic one (the sum of linear Fourier coefficients), this inequality is also the crux of the main algorithmic result of [@OS08b], the first algorithm for PAC learning the class of monotone functions to high accuracy from uniformly random labelled examples, running in time polynomial in a reasonable complexity measure of the target function (in this case, its decision tree complexity). To date this remains our best progress towards the goal of efficiently learning monotone polynomial-sized DNFs, a longstanding open problem in PAC learning [@Blum:03tutorial].
Our main result
Another notion of complexity of Boolean functions related to decision trees is their parity decision tree complexity. *Parity decision trees* (PDTs) are generalizations of decision trees where internal nodes are now labelled by subsets $S \subseteq [n]$ instead of indices $i \in [n]$, and the edge taken from an internal node is determined by the parity $\bigoplus_{i\in S}x_i$ of the input (instead of the value of the single value $x_i$ in the case of regular decision trees). The *parity decision tree (depth) complexity* of a function is the minimum depth of a parity decision tree that computes $f$.
Geometrically, parity decision trees correspond to partitions of the hypercube $\{-1,1\}^n$ into *affine subspaces*, whereas regular decision trees partition the same hypercube into subcubes. The PDT model of computation has received significant attention in recent years [@montanaro2009communication; @zhang2009communication; @shaltiel2011dispersers; @ben2012affine; @tsang2013fourier; @cohen2014two; @shpilka2014structure; @OSTWZ14], and in particular, there has been much interest in generalizing results that apply to normal decision trees to the more general setting of PDTs (see e.g. the survey [@zhang2010parity]).
The parity decision tree complexity of a Boolean function $f$ can be much smaller than its regular decision tree complexity. The parity function over $n$ variables, which can be computed by a trivial parity decision tree of depth $1$ but requires regular decision tree depth $n$, gives the largest possible separation between the two complexity measures. As a result, many inequalities related to the decision tree complexity do not necessarily hold with respect to parity decision tree complexity. In particular, the O’Donnell–Servedio inequality does not imply that any similar inequality must hold between the sum of linear Fourier coefficients of a Boolean function and its parity decision tree complexity. Our main result shows that, nevertheless, such a generalization does hold.
\[thm:os2\] Let $f : \{-1,1\}^n \to \{-1,1\}$ be computable by a parity decision tree of depth $d$. Define $\sigma^2 = 4 {\operatorname{{\bf Pr}}}[ f(x) = 1 ] {\operatorname{{\bf Pr}}}[ f(x) = -1 ]$ to be the variance of $f$. Then $$\sum_{i=1}^n {{\widehat{}}}{f}(i) \le \sqrt{4\ln2\,\sigma^2 d}.\footnote{This result was
originally circulated in an unpublished
manuscript titled \emph{Discrete isoperimetry via the entropy method} (2013).}$$
The main technical component in the proof of Theorem \[thm:os2\] is a fundamental inequality (presented in Lemma \[lem:parityDT\]) concerning small-depth parity decision trees. One notable aspect about the proof of this inequality is that it is first established for a subclass of parity decision trees called *correlation-free* parity decision trees. We then show that every parity decision tree of depth $d$ can be refined to obtain a correlation-free parity decision tree of depth at most $2d$ to obtain Lemma \[lem:parityDT\]. See Section \[sec:lemPDT\] for the details.
We complete the proof of Theorem \[thm:os2\] using an information-theoretic argument. While the proof can also be completed using analytical arguments and Jensen’s inequality, the information-theoretic argument appears to be required to obtain the sharp bounds in our theorem statement. This same argument can also be used in the regular decision tree model to sharpen the O’Donnell–Servedio theorem directly as well.
Application: Recursive majority function
We use Theorem \[thm:os2\] to obtain the first non-trivial lower bound on the parity decision tree complexity of the recursive majority function. The *3-majority function* is the function ${\mathsf{MAJ}}_3 : \{-1,1\}^3 \to \{-1,1\}$ defined by ${\mathsf{MAJ}}_3(x) = (-1)^{\mathbf{1}[x_1+x_2+x_3 < 0]}$. For every $k \ge 2$, the recursive majority function ${\mathsf{MAJ}}_3^{\otimes k} : \{-1,1\}^{3^k} \to \{-1,1\}$ is defined by setting $${\mathsf{MAJ}}_3^{\otimes k}(x) = {\mathsf{MAJ}}_3\left( {\mathsf{MAJ}}_3^{\otimes k-1}(x_{\{1,\ldots,3^{k-1}\}}),
{\mathsf{MAJ}}_3^{\otimes k-1}(x_{\{3^{k-1}+1,\ldots,2\cdot 3^{k-1}\}}),
{\mathsf{MAJ}}_3^{\otimes k-1}(x_{\{2\cdot 3^{k-1}+1,\ldots,3^k\}}) \right).$$
The recursive majority function was introduced by Boppana [@SW86] to determine possible gaps between the deterministic and randomized decision tree complexity of Boolean functions. It is easy to verify that the deterministic decision tree complexity of ${\mathsf{MAJ}}_3^{\otimes k}$ is $3^k$. By contrast, the problem of determining the randomized decision tree complexity of ${\mathsf{MAJ}}_3^{\otimes k}$ is much more challenging: following a sequence of works on this question [@SW86; @JKS03; @MNSX11; @Leo13; @MNS+13], Magniez et al. [@MNS+13] have shown that the minimal depth $R({\mathsf{MAJ}}_3^{\otimes k})$ of any randomized decision tree that computes the ${\mathsf{MAJ}}_3^{\otimes k}$ function satisfies $$\Omega(2.57143^k) \le R({\mathsf{MAJ}}_3^{\otimes k}) \le O(2.64944^k)$$ but the exact randomized query complexity of the recursive majority function is still unknown.
A closely related problem that naturally arises when considering the recursive majority function is to determine its (deterministic) [parity]{} decision tree complexity. A standard adversary argument can be used to show that every parity decision tree that computes the recursive majority function has depth at least $2^k$. Using Theorem \[thm:os2\], we obtain the first lower bound on the parity decision tree complexity of the recursive majority function that improves on this trivial lower bound.
\[thm:3majk\] Every parity decision tree that computes ${\mathsf{MAJ}}_3^{\otimes k}$ has depth $\Omega(2.25^k)$.
The proof of Theorem \[thm:3majk\] is established by computing the linear Fourier coefficients of the ${\mathsf{MAJ}}_3$ function directly, using a fundamental identity on the linear Fourier coefficients of function powers (see Fact \[fact:level-1-mult\]) to determine the linear Fourier coefficients of the ${\mathsf{MAJ}}_3^{\otimes k}$ function, and applying the inequality in Theorem \[thm:os2\]. This approach is quite general, and may be useful for obtaining lower bounds on the parity decision tree complexity of other Boolean functions in the future as well.
Preliminaries {#sec:prelim}
Information theory
All probabilities and expectations are with respect to the uniform distribution unless otherwise stated. We use boldface letters (e.g. ${\mathbf{X}}$, ${\boldsymbol{x}}$) to denote random variables. The proof of Theorem \[thm:os2\] uses elementary definitions and inequalities from information theory. A more thorough introduction to these tools can be found in [@CoverThomas:91].
The *entropy* of the random variable ${\mathbf{X}}$ drawn from the finite sample space $\Omega$ according to the probability mass function $p : \Omega \to [0,1]$ is $H({\mathbf{X}}) = -\sum_{x \in \Omega} p(x) \log p(x)$. The *conditional entropy* of ${\mathbf{X}}$ given ${\mathbf{Y}}$ when they are drawn from the joint probability distribution $p : \Omega \times \Omega' \to [0,1]$ is $H({\mathbf{X}}\mid {\mathbf{Y}}) = - \sum_{x \in \Omega, y\in \Omega'} p(x,y)\log(p(y)/p(x,y))$.
The *binary entropy function* is the function $h : [0,1] \to {\mathbbm R}$ defined by $h(t) = -t\log_2(t) - (1-t)\log_2(1-t)$. The value $h(t)$ represents the entropy of a random variable ${\mathbf{X}}$ drawn from $\{-1,1\}$ with ${\operatorname{{\bf Pr}}}[{\mathbf{X}}= 1] = t$.
If ${\mathbf{X}}$ and ${\mathbf{Z}}$ are conditionally independent given ${\mathbf{Y}}$, then $H({\mathbf{X}}\mid {\mathbf{Z}}) \ge H({\mathbf{X}}\mid {\mathbf{Y}}).$
\[fact:h-approx\] The binary entropy function $h : [0,1] \to {\mathbbm R}$ is bounded above and below by $
1 - t^2 \le h(\tfrac12 + \tfrac{t}2) \le 1 - \frac{t^2}{2\ln2}.
Fourier analysis and function composition
We assume that the reader is familiar with the Fourier analysis of Boolean functions. For a complete introduction to the topic, see [@o2007analysis].
The *composition* of $f:\{-1,1\}^m\to \{-1,1\}$ and $g:\{-1,1\}^n \to \{-1,1\}$ is the function $f \circ g : \{-1,1\}^{mn} \to \{-1,1\}$ where $$(f \circ g)(x) = f\big( g(x_1,\ldots,x_n),\ldots,g(x_{(m-1)n+1},\ldots,x_{mn}) \big).$$ For $k \ge 1$, the *$k$th power* of $f : \{-1,1\}^n \to \{-1,1\}$ is the function $f^{\otimes k} : \{-1,1\}^{n^k} \to \{-1,1\}$ defined recursively by setting $f^{\otimes 1} = f$ and $f^{\otimes k} = f \circ f^{\otimes k-1}$.
As we can verify directly, the recursive majority function ${\mathsf{MAJ}}_3^{\otimes k}$ is the $k$th power of the ${\mathsf{MAJ}}_3$ function.
We use the following fact on the linear Fourier coefficients of composed functions. (See Appendix \[sec:mult\] for a proof of this fact.)
\[fact:level-1-mult\] For any $f:\{-1,1\}^m\to \{-1,1\}$ and any balanced function $g:\{-1,1\}^n \to \{-1,1\}$, $$\sum_{k \in [mn]} \widehat{f \circ g}(k) =
\left(\sum_{i \in [n]} {{\widehat{}}}{f}(i) \right) \left( \sum_{j \in [m]} {{\widehat{}}}{g}(j) \right).$$
Parity decision trees
As mentioned in the introduction, a parity decision tree is a rooted full binary tree where each internal node is associated with a set $S \subseteq [n]$, the two edges leading to the children of a node are labelled with $-1$ and $1$, respectively, and each leaf is associated with a value in $\{-1,1\}$. Each input $x \in \{-1,1\}^n$ defines a path to a unique leaf in a parity decision tree $T$ by following the edge labelled with $\chi_S(x)$ from a node labelled with $S$. We say that the tree $T$ *computes* the Boolean function $f : \{-1,1\}^n \to \{-1,1\}$ if each input $x$ defines a path in $T$ to a leaf labelled with $f(x)$. When $T$ computes $f$ and $\ell$ is a leaf of $T$, we write $f(\ell)$ to denote the label of $\ell$.
We can represent each leaf of a parity decision tree $T$ with a vector $\ell \in \{-1,0,1\}^n$ where $\ell_i$ is the expected value of the coordinate $x_i$ over the uniform distribution of all inputs $x \in \{-1,1\}^n$ that define a path to the leaf $\ell$ in $T$. We let ${\mathrm{leaf}}_T : \{-1,1\}^n \to \{-1,0,1\}^n$ be the function that returns the vector representation of the leaf reached by the path defined in $T$ for every input $x \in \{-1,1\}^n$.
Proof of Theorem \[thm:os2\] {#sec:OS}
The main technical component of the proof of Theorem \[thm:os2\] is the following inequality.
\[lem:parityDT\] For any parity decision tree $T$ of depth $d$, $
{\operatorname{{\bf E}}}_{\ell \in T}\left[ (\sum_{i=1}^n \ell_i)^2 \right] \le 2d.
We now complete the proof of Theorem \[thm:os2\] assuming Lemma \[lem:parityDT\]. The proof of the lemma then follows in the next subsection.
[thm:os2]{} Let $f : \{-1,1\}^n \to \{-1,1\}$ be computable by a parity decision tree $T$ of depth $d$. Define $\sigma^2 = 4 {\operatorname{{\bf Pr}}}[ f(x) = 1 ] {\operatorname{{\bf Pr}}}[ f(x) = -1 ]$ to be the variance of $f$. Then $$\sum_{i=1}^n {{\widehat{}}}{f}(i) \le \sqrt{4\ln2\,\sigma^2 d}.$$
Draw ${\mathbf{X}}\in \{-1,1\}^n$ and ${\boldsymbol{i}}\in [n]$ independently and uniformly at random. Let us first compute the conditional entropy $H({\mathbf{X}}_{{\boldsymbol{i}}} \mid f({\mathbf{X}}))$. Write $\mu = {\operatorname{{\bf Pr}}}[ f({\mathbf{X}}) = 1]$. Then $${\mathop{{\bf Pr}\/}}_{{\mathbf{X}}}[ {\mathbf{X}}_i = 1 \mid f({\mathbf{X}}) = 1]
= \frac{{\operatorname{{\bf E}}}[ (\tfrac{1 + {\mathbf{X}}_i}2)(\tfrac{1 + f({\mathbf{X}})}{2})]}{{\operatorname{{\bf Pr}}}[f({\mathbf{X}}) = 1]}
= \frac12 + \frac{{{\widehat{}}}{f}(i)}{4\mu}$$ and so $${\mathop{{\bf Pr}\/}}_{{\mathbf{X}}, {\boldsymbol{i}}}[ {\mathbf{X}}_{{\boldsymbol{i}}} = 1 \mid f({\mathbf{X}}) = 1]
= \frac12 + \sum_{i=1}^n \frac{{{\widehat{}}}{f}(i)}{4\mu n}.$$ Similarly, $${\mathop{{\bf Pr}\/}}_{{\mathbf{X}}, {\boldsymbol{i}}}[ {\mathbf{X}}_{{\boldsymbol{i}}} = 1 \mid f({\mathbf{X}}) = -1]
= \frac12 - \sum_{i=1}^n \frac{{{\widehat{}}}{f}(i)}{4(1-\mu)n}.$$ By the definition of conditional entropy and the upper bound in Fact \[fact:h-approx\], $$\begin{aligned}
H({\mathbf{X}}_{{\boldsymbol{i}}} \mid f({\mathbf{X}}))
&= \mu h\Big(\tfrac12 + \sum_{i=1}^n \frac{{{\widehat{}}}{f}(i)}{4\mu n}\Big)
+ (1-\mu) h\Big(\tfrac12 + \sum_{i=1}^n \frac{{{\widehat{}}}{f}(i)}{4(1-\mu) n}\Big) \nonumber \\
&\le \mu\left(1 - \frac1{2\ln 2} \left( \frac{\sum_i {{\widehat{}}}{f}(i)}{2\mu n} \right)^2 \right)
+(1-\mu)\left(1 - \frac1{2\ln 2} \left( \frac{\sum_i {{\widehat{}}}{f}(i)}{2(1-\mu)n} \right)^2 \right) \nonumber \\
&= 1 - \frac{\big(\sum_i {{\widehat{}}}{f}(i) \big)^2}{8\ln 2 \,\mu(1-\mu) n^2}. \label{eq:entropy-fx}\end{aligned}$$
Since the leaf reached in $T$ by an input $x$ determines $f(x)$, the data processing inequality implies that: $$\label{eq:entropy-fx-tx}
H({\mathbf{X}}_{{\boldsymbol{i}}} \mid f({\mathbf{X}})) \ge H({\mathbf{X}}_{{\boldsymbol{i}}} \mid {\mathrm{leaf}}_T({\mathbf{X}})).$$ We also have that $$H({\mathbf{X}}_{{\boldsymbol{i}}} \mid {\mathrm{leaf}}_T({\mathbf{X}})) = {\mathop{{\bf E}\/}}_{\ell \in T}\Big[ h\Big(\frac12 + \frac{\sum_i \ell_i}{2n}\Big) \Big]$$ where the expectation is over the distribution defined by the relative mass of each leaf in $T$. Applying the lower bound in Fact \[fact:h-approx\], we get $$\label{eq:entropy-tx}
H({\mathbf{X}}_{{\boldsymbol{i}}} \mid {\mathrm{leaf}}_T({\mathbf{X}})) \ge 1 - {\mathop{{\bf E}\/}}_{\ell \in T}\left[ \left(\frac{\sum_i \ell_i}{2n}\right)^2 \right].$$ Combining –, we obtain $$\Big(\sum_i {{\widehat{}}}{f}(i) \Big)^2 \le 2\ln 2 \cdot 4 \mu(1-\mu) {\mathop{{\bf E}\/}}_\ell\left[\Big(\sum_i \ell_i\Big)^2\right]$$ and the theorem follows from the bound in Lemma \[lem:parityDT\].
A result that is similar to Theorem \[thm:os2\], but with a slightly weaker bound, can also be obtained directly from Lemma \[lem:parityDT\] and Jensen’s inequality. This approach gives the weaker bound $\sum_{i=1}^n {{\widehat{}}}{f}(i) \le \sqrt{2d}$. See Appendix \[app:coarse\] for the details.
Proof of Lemma \[lem:parityDT\] {#sec:lemPDT}
The proof of Lemma \[lem:parityDT\] has three main components. The first is a proof of the lemma for a class of parity decision trees that we call *(pairwise) correlation-free*.
The parity decision tree $T$ is *(pairwise) correlation-free* when for every $i \neq j \in [n]$ and any path in the tree $T$, if $x_i \oplus x_j$ is fixed by the queries in the path, then so are $x_i$ and $x_j$.
\[prop:uncor-variance\] Let $T$ be a correlation-free parity decision tree of depth $d$. Then $
{\operatorname{{\bf E}}}(\sum_i \ell_i)^2 \le d.
Consider any node $v$ in the parity decision tree that fixes the parity $x_i \oplus x_j$. Since $T$ is correlation-free, every leaf below $v$ satisfies $\ell_i, \ell_j \neq 0$. In particular, ${\operatorname{{\bf Pr}}}_{\ell \sim v}[ \ell_i \ell_j = -1] = {\operatorname{{\bf Pr}}}_{\ell \sim v}[ \ell_i \ell_j = 1] = 1/2$ so ${\operatorname{{\bf E}}}_{\ell \sim v} \ell_i \ell_j = 0$. And every path that reaches a leaf without fixing $x_i \oplus x_j$ does not set both $x_i$ and $x_j$, so such a leaf $\ell$ satisfies $\ell_i \ell_j = 0$. This means that for every $i \neq j$, ${\operatorname{{\bf E}}}\ell_i \ell_j = 0$ and so $$\label{eq:variance}
{\operatorname{{\bf E}}}(\sum_i \ell_i)^2 = \sum_i {\operatorname{{\bf E}}}(\ell_i)^2 + \sum_{i\neq j} {\operatorname{{\bf E}}}\ell_i \ell_j \le d,$$ where the final inequality uses the fact that at most $d$ coordinates can be fixed by the queries of any path in $T$.
We want to use Proposition \[prop:uncor-variance\] by showing that we can refine every parity decision tree into an uncorrelated parity decision tree without increasing its depth by too much. The following proposition formalizes this statement.
\[prop:uncorrelated-refine\] Let $T$ be a parity decision tree of depth $d$. Then there is a refinement $T'$ of $T$ which is an uncorrelated parity decision tree of depth at most $2d$.
For each leaf of $T$, let $J$ be a set of disjoint pairs $(i,j)$ of coordinates such that $x_i \oplus x_j$ is fixed but neither $x_i$ nor $x_j$ have been fixed by the queries down the path to the leaf. Refine $T$ by querying the first coordinate in each such pair. Once we have done this refinement at every leaf, the resulting tree is uncorrelated. To complete the proof of the proposition, it remains to show that at most $2d$ disjoint pairs of correlated coordinates can occur in any path on the tree $T$.
Let $V$ be the subspace of $\{0,1\}^n$ spanned by the (at most) $d$ queries down any fixed path in $T$. Let $S$ be a maximal linearly independent subset of $V$ containing only vectors of Hamming weight $1$ or $2$. Since $V$ is a $d$-dimensional subspace, $|S| \le d$. Let $J$ be the set of coordinates that are set to $1$ in at least one vector in $S$. Then $|J| \le 2d$. Furthermore, if $i$ is fixed or correlated, there exists a vector $v$ of Hamming weight at most $2$ in $V$ for which $v_i = 1$. This means that either $v \in S$ or $v$ is a linear combination of some vectors in $S$; either case implies that $i \in J$.
The third and final component of our proof of the lemma is a simple argument showing that refining a decision tree can only increase the value of ${\operatorname{{\bf E}}}(\sum_i \ell_i)^2$.
\[prop:refine-variance\] Let $T'$ be any refinement of the parity decision tree $T$. Then $${\mathop{{\bf E}\/}}_{\ell \in T} \Big(\sum_{i=1}^n \ell_i\Big)^2 \le {\mathop{{\bf E}\/}}_{\ell' \in T'} \Big(\sum_{i=1}^n \ell_i'\Big)^2.$$
It suffices to establish the proof in the case where $T'$ replaces one leaf of $T$ with an extra node. Let $v$ be the leaf in $T$ that we replace with the node with leaves $u, w$. Let $\rho$ be the probability that a random input $x$ reaches the leaf $v$ in $T$. Then $${\mathop{{\bf E}\/}}_{\ell' \in T'} \Big(\sum_{i=1}^n \ell_i'\Big)^2 - {\mathop{{\bf E}\/}}_{\ell \in T} \Big(\sum_{i=1}^n \ell_i\Big)^2
= \rho \cdot \left( \tfrac12 (\sum_{i=1}^n u_i)^2 + \tfrac12 (\sum_{i=1}^n w_i)^2 - (\sum_{i=1}^n v_i)^2 \right).$$ Let $S \subseteq [n]$ be the set of coordinates that are fixed by the query at the node that replaced $v$. Then $v_i = 0$ for each $i \in S$, and $\delta := \sum_{i \in S} u_i = - \sum_{i \in S} w_i$. Write $\gamma = \sum_i v_i$. Then $$\tfrac12 \Big(\sum_{i=1}^n u_i\Big)^2 + \tfrac12 \Big(\sum_{i=1}^n w_i\Big)^2 - \Big(\sum_{i=1}^n v_i\Big)^2
= \tfrac12 (\gamma + \delta)^2 + \tfrac12 (\gamma - \delta)^2 - \gamma^2
= \delta^2 \ge 0. \qedhere$$
We can now complete the proof of the lemma.
Let $T'$ be the uncorrelated parity decision tree of depth at most $2d$ obtained by refining $T$, as promised by Proposition \[prop:uncorrelated-refine\]. By Propositions \[prop:refine-variance\] and \[prop:uncor-variance\], $${\mathop{{\bf E}\/}}_{\ell \in T} \Big(\sum_{i=1}^n \ell_i\Big)^2 \le {\mathop{{\bf E}\/}}_{\ell' \in T'} \Big(\sum_{i=1}^n \ell_i'\Big)^2 \le 2d. \qedhere$$
The same arguments in the proof of Lemma \[lem:parityDT\] can also be sharpened to show that the expression ${\operatorname{{\bf E}}}(\sum_i \ell_i)^2$ is bounded above by 2 times the average depth of the parity decision tree $T$.
When $T$ is a standard decision tree, directly implies that ${\operatorname{{\bf E}}}(\sum_i \ell_i)^2 \le d$. It is natural to ask whether Lemma \[lem:parityDT\] can be sharpened to obtain the same bound for parity decision trees as well. It cannot: consider the ${\mathsf{MAJ}}_3 : \{-1,1\}^3 \to \{-1,1\}$ function, which returns the sign of $x_1 + x_2 + x_3$. One parity decision tree that computes ${\mathsf{MAJ}}_3$ queries $x_1 x_2$ at the root and then queries $x_1$ if $x_1 x_2 = 1$, or $x_3$ otherwise. This tree has depth $2$ but ${\operatorname{{\bf E}}}(\sum_i \ell_i)^2 = \frac52 > 2$.
The recursive majority function
Let us now see how Theorem \[thm:os2\] yields a lower bound on the parity decision tree complexity of the recursive majority function.
[thm:3majk]{} Every parity decision tree that computes ${\mathsf{MAJ}}_3^{\otimes k}$ has depth $\Omega(2.25^k)$.
By direct calculation, we observe that the Fourier expansion of the ${\mathsf{MAJ}}_3$ function is $${\mathsf{MAJ}}_3(x_1,x_2,x_3) =
\frac{1}{2}x_1 + \frac{1}{2}x_2 + \frac{1}{2}x_3 - \frac{1}{2}x_1 x_2 x_3.$$ By Fact \[fact:level-1-mult\], for every $k > 1$ we have $$\sum_{i \in [3^k]} \widehat{{\mathsf{MAJ}}_3^{\otimes k}}(i) =
\left( \sum_{i \in [3]} \widehat{{\mathsf{MAJ}}_3}(i) \right)
\left( \sum_{j \in [3^{k-1}]} \widehat{{\mathsf{MAJ}}_3^{\otimes k-1}}(j) \right)
= \frac32
\left( \sum_{j \in [3^{k-1}]} \widehat{{\mathsf{MAJ}}_3^{\otimes k-1}}(j) \right).$$ By induction, this identity yields $$\sum_{i \in [3^k]} \widehat{{\mathsf{MAJ}}_3^{\otimes k}}(i) = \left( \frac32 \right)^k.$$ Let $d$ be the minimal depth of any parity decision tree that computes ${\mathsf{MAJ}}_3^{\otimes k}$. By Theorem \[thm:os2\], we have $(\frac32)^k \leq \sqrt{4\ln2\,d}$ and so $d \ge \Omega\big( (\frac32)^{2k} \big) = \Omega(2.25^k)$.
Conclusion and open problem {#conclusion}
We have shown that the O’Donnell–Servedio inequality generalizes to the setting of parity decision trees. A related conjecture of Parikshit Gopalan and Rocco Servedio posits that the O’Donnell–Servedio inequality can also be generalized in a different direction as well, to the setting of Boolean functions with low *Fourier degree*, where the Fourier degree of a Boolean function $f$ is the size of the largest set $S$ such that ${{\widehat{}}}{f}(S) \neq 0$.
Let $f{:{{\{-1,1\}}^n}\to{\{-1,1\}}}$ be a Boolean function with Fourier degree $d$. Then $\sum_{i=1}^n {{\widehat{}}}{f}(i) \le O(\sqrt{d})$.
While the Gopalan–Servedio conjecture and Theorem \[thm:os2\] both generalize the O’Donnell–Servedio inequality (as Fourier degree and parity decision tree depth are both upper bounded by regular decision tree depth), they are incomparable to each other — the $n$-variable parity function has PDT depth $1$ and Fourier degree $n$, and conversely there are functions whose PDT depth is polynomially larger than its Fourier degree [@OSTWZ14].
Acknowledgements {#acknowledgements .unnumbered}
We thank Ryan O’Donnell and Rocco Servedio for insightful conversations. We also thank the anonymous referees of an earlier version of this manuscript for valuable feedback.
Mulitiplicativity of the level-1 Fourier mass {#sec:mult}
Fact \[fact:level-1-mult\] is a direct consequence of the following identity.
For any function $f:\{-1,1\}^m\to \{-1,1\}$, any balanced function $g:\{-1,1\}^n \to \{-1,1\}$, and any $i \in [m]$ and $j \in [n]$, $$\widehat{f \circ g}\big((i-1)n + j\big) = {{\widehat{}}}{f}(i){{\widehat{}}}{g}(j).$$
By definition, the Fourier expansion of $f$, and linearity of expectation, $$\begin{aligned}
\widehat{f \circ g}\big((i-1)n + j\big)
&= {\operatorname{{\bf E}}}_x\left[ f\big( g(x_1,\ldots,x_n),\ldots, g(x_{(m-1)n+1},\ldots,x_{mn})\big)
\cdot x_{(i-1)n + j}\right] \nonumber \\
\sum_{S \subseteq [n]} {{\widehat{}}}{f}(S)
{\operatorname{{\bf E}}}_x\left[ \prod_{k \in S} g(x_{(k-1)n+1},\ldots,x_{kn}) \cdot x_{(i-1)n + j}\right].\end{aligned}$$ When $i \notin S$, $${\operatorname{{\bf E}}}_x\left[ \prod_{k \in S} g(x_{(k-1)n+1},\ldots,x_{kn}) \cdot x_{(i-1)n+j}\right]
= {\operatorname{{\bf E}}}_x\left[ \prod_{k \in S} g(x_{(k-1)n+1},\ldots,x_{kn})\right] \cdot {\operatorname{{\bf E}}}_x \left[ x_{(i-1)n+j}\right] = 0.$$ Similarly, when $S \setminus \{i\} \neq \emptyset$, we can fix any $\ell \in S \setminus \{i\}$ and observe that $$\begin{aligned}
{\operatorname{{\bf E}}}_x\left[ \prod_{k \in S} \right.& \left. g(x_{(k-1)n+1},\ldots,x_{kn}) \cdot x_{(i-1)n+j}\right] \\
&= {\operatorname{{\bf E}}}_x\left[ g(x_{(\ell-1)n+1},\ldots,x_{\ell n}) \right] \cdot
{\operatorname{{\bf E}}}_x\left[ \prod_{k \in S \setminus \{\ell\}} g(x_{(k-1)n+1},\ldots,x_{kn}) \cdot x_{(i-1)n+j}\right].\end{aligned}$$ When $g$ is balanced, ${\operatorname{{\bf E}}}_x\left[ g(x_{(\ell-1)n+1},\ldots,x_{\ell n}) \right] = 0$ so the only non-zero term of the sum in is the one where $S = \{i\}$ and $$\begin{aligned}
\widehat{f \circ g}\big((i-1)+j\big)
&= {{\widehat{}}}{f}(i) {\operatorname{{\bf E}}}_x[ g(x_{(i-1)n+1},\ldots,x_{in}) x_{(i-1)n+j}] \\
&= {{\widehat{}}}{f}(i) {\operatorname{{\bf E}}}_x[ g(x_1,\ldots,x_n) x_j] \\
&= {{\widehat{}}}{f}(i) {{\widehat{}}}{g}(j). \qedhere\end{aligned}$$
Coarser bounds {#app:coarse}
We can obtain a weaker version of Theorem \[thm:os2\] by combining Lemma \[lem:parityDT\] with the following easy inequality which is essentially equivalent to Lemma 3 in [@OS08b].
\[lem:os-easy\] Let $f : \{-1,1\}^n \to \{-1,1\}$ be computable by a parity decision $T$. Then $$\sum_{i=1}^n {{\widehat{}}}{f}(i) < {\operatorname{{\bf E}}}_{\ell \in T} \left[ \left|\sum_{i=1}^n \ell_i\right| \right].$$
The linear Fourier coefficients of $f$ satisfy $${{\widehat{}}}{f}(i)
= {\operatorname{{\bf E}}}_x[ f(x) x_i ]
= {\operatorname{{\bf E}}}_{\ell \in T} {\operatorname{{\bf E}}}_{x : t(x) = \ell}[ f(x) x_i ]
= {\operatorname{{\bf E}}}_{\ell \in T} \left[ f(\ell) {\operatorname{{\bf E}}}_{x : t(x) = \ell} [x_i] \right]
= {\operatorname{{\bf E}}}_{\ell \in T} [ f(\ell) \ell_i ].$$ So $
\sum_i {{\widehat{}}}{f}(i) = {\operatorname{{\bf E}}}_{\ell \in T}[ f(\ell) \sum_i \ell_i ] \le
{\operatorname{{\bf E}}}_{\ell \in T}[ |\sum_i \ell_i| ].
We are now ready to complete the proof of the slightly weaker version of Theorem \[thm:os2\].
\[thm:os2-weaker\] Let $f : \{-1,1\}^n \to \{-1,1\}$ be computable by a parity decision tree of depth $d$. Define $\sigma^2 = 4 {\operatorname{{\bf Pr}}}[ f(x) = 1 ] {\operatorname{{\bf Pr}}}[ f(x) = -1 ]$ to be the variance of $f$. Then $$\sum_{i=1}^n {{\widehat{}}}{f}(i) \le \sqrt{2d}.$$
By Lemma \[lem:os-easy\] and Jensen’s inequality, $$\left( \sum_{i=1}^n {{\widehat{}}}{f}(i) \right)^2 \le {\operatorname{{\bf E}}}_{\ell \in T} \left[ \left|\sum_{i=1}^n \ell_i\right| \right]^2
{\operatorname{{\bf E}}}_{\ell \in T} \left[ \left(\sum_{i=1}^n \ell_i\right)^2 \right].$$ Theorem \[thm:os2\] then follows directly from Lemma \[lem:parityDT\].
[^1]: Part of this research was done while supported by a Simons Postdoctoral Fellowship at MIT.
[^2]: Supported by NSF grants CCF-1115703 and CCF-1319788. Part of this research was done while visiting Carnegie Mellon University.
[^3]: Part of this research was done while visiting Harvard University and supported by NSF grant CCF-964401.
| {
"pile_set_name": "ArXiv"
} | ArXiv |
abstract: |
We present extensive calculations of the structure and the evolution of low-mass stars in the range 0.07-0.8 $\msol$, for metallicities $-2.0\le \mh \le 0.0$. These calculations are based on the most recent description of the microphysics characteristic of these dense and cool objects and on the lattest generation of grainless non-grey atmosphere models. We examine the evolution of the different mechanical and thermal properties of these objects as a function of mass and metallicity. We also demonstrate the inaccuracy of grey models and $T(\tau)$ relationships under these conditions. We provide detailed tables of the mass-radius-luminosity-effective temperature relations for various ages and metallicities, aimed at calibrating existing or future observations of low-mass stars and massive brown dwarfs. We derive new hydrogen-burning minimum masses, within the afore-mentioned metallicity range. These minimum masses are found to be smaller than previous estimates, a direct consequence of non-grey effects.
At last, we examine the evolution of the abundance of light elements, $Li, Be$ and $B$, as a function of age, mass and metallicity.
- '[Gilles Chabrier and Isabelle Baraffe]{}'
date: 'Received date ; accepted date'
title: ' Structure and evolution of low-mass stars'
Accurate modelling of the mechanical and thermal properties of very-low-mass stars (VLMS), or M-dwarfs, defined hereafter as objects with masses below $\sim$0.8$\msol$, is of prior importance for a wide range of physical and astrophysical reasons, from the understanding of fundamental problems in basic physics to astrophysical and cosmological implications. VLMS are compact objects, with characteristic radii in the range $ 0.1\wig < R/R_\odot \wig < 0.7$. Their central densities and temperatures are respectively of the order of $\rho_c\approx 10-10^3$ g cm$^{-3}$ and $T_c\approx 10^6-10^7$ K, so that correlation effects between the particles dominate the kinetic contribution in the interior stellar plasma. Effective temperatures of VLMS are below $T_{eff}\approx 5000$ K, and surface gravities $g=GM_\star/R_\star^2$ are in the range $\log g\approx 3.5-5.5$. These conditions show convincingly that the modelling of VLMS requires a correct description of non-ideal effects in the equation of state (EOS) and the nuclear reaction rates, and a derivation of accurate models for dense and cool atmospheres, where molecular opacity becomes eventually the main source of absorption. Several ground-based and space-based IR missions are now probing the VLMS wavelength range ($\lambda \approx 1-10\, \mu$) down to the end of the main-sequence (MS), reaching sometimes the sub-stellar domain. These existing or future surveys will produce a substantial wealth of data, stressing the need for accurate theroretical models. Indeed the ultimate goal of VLMS theory is an accurate calibration of observations, temperature, luminosity and above all the mass, with the identification of genuine brown dwarfs. At last, VLMS represent the major component ($>70\%$) of the stellar population of the Galaxy. A correct determination of the contribution of these objects to the Galactic mass budget, both in the central parts and in the outermost halo, requires the derivation of reliable mass functions for VLMS, and thus accurate theoretical [*mass-luminosity*]{} relationships for various metallicities.
Tremendous progress has been realized within the past decade in the field of VLMS, both from the observational and theoretical viewpoints. From the theoretical point of view, the most recent benchmarks in the theory, without being exhaustive, have been made by D’Antona & Mazzitelli (1985, 1994), who initiated the research in the field, the MIT group (Dorman, Nelson & Chau 1989; Nelson, Rappaport & Joss 1986, 1993) and the Tucson group (Lunine et al. 1986; Burrows, Hubbard & Lunine 1989; Burrows et al. 1993). So far, all these models, however, failed to reproduce the observations at the bottom of the VLMS sequence, predicting substantially too large temperatures for a given luminosity (see e.g. Monet et al. 1992). This shortcoming of the theory made a reasonable identification of the observational H-R diagram elusive. Such a discrepancy stemed from incorrect stellar radii (and adiabatic gradients), a consequence of inaccurate EOS, but most importantly from the use of [*grey*]{} atmosphere models. These points will be largely examined in §2.4 and §2.5. A significant breakthrough in the structure and evolution of VLMS was made recently by the Tucson group, who first derived evolutionary models based on non-grey atmosphere models (Saumon et al. 1994), although for zero-metallicity, and by the Lyon group (Baraffe et al. 1995, BCAH95; 1997, BCAH97; Chabrier et al. 1996) who derived evolutionary models based on the Allard-Hauschildt (1995a, AH95; 1997, AH97) non-grey model atmospheres for various finite metallicities. The BCAH95 models were shown to improve significantly the afore-mentioned discrepancy at the bottom of the MS. These initial calculations have now been improved substantially. The aim of the present paper is to present a complete description of the physics entering the theory of VLMS and to relate the properties of these objects to well understood physical grounds. Extensive comparisons with available observations, color-magnitude diagrams and mass-magnitude relationships, will be presented in companion papers (BCAH97; Allard et al. 1997a).
The present paper is organized as follows. In §2, we describe the input physics which enters the present theory, EOS, enhancement factors of the nuclear reaction rates, atmosphere models and boundary conditions. Evolutionary models are presented in §3, together with the prediction of the abundances of light elements ($^7$Li,$^9$Be,$^{11}$B) along evolution and the burning minimum masses for these elements. We also derive a new limit for the [*hydrogen*]{} burning minimum mass (HBMM), i.e. the brown dwarf limit, which is found to be lower than previous estimates, a direct consequence of non-grey effects. The mass-dependence of photospheric quantities is examined in §4. Section 5 is devoted to the concluding remarks.
Input physics
The Lyon evolutionary code has been originally developped at the Göttingen Observatory (Langer et al. 1989; Baraffe and El Eid, 1991 and references therein) and is based on one-dimensional implicit equations of stellar structure, solved with the Henyey method (Kippenhahn and Weigert, 1990). Convection is described by the mixing-length theory. Throughout the present paper, we use a mixing length equal to the pressure scale height, l$_{mix}$ = H$_p$ as a reference calculation. As discussed in §3.2, the choice of this parameter is inconsequential for the evolution of objects below $\sim 0.6\,\msol$. For larger masses, the dependence of the results on the mixing length is examined in BCAH97, along comparison with observations. The updated Livermore opacities (OPAL, Iglesias & Rogers 1996) are used for the inner structure ( T $>$ 10 000K). The effect of the improved OPAL opacities compared to the previous generation (Rogers & Iglesias, 1992) on the evolution of VLM stars (BCAH95; Chabrier, Baraffe & Plez 1996) is found to be negligible, affecting the effective temperature by less than 1% and the luminosity by less than 3% for a given mass. For lower temperatures, we use the Alexander and Fergusson (1994) opacities. The helium fraction in the calculations is Y=0.275 for solar-like metallicities and Y=0.25 for metal-depleted abundances.
An adequate theory for stellar evolution requires i) an accurate EOS, ii) a correct treatment of the nuclear reaction rates, iii) accurate atmosphere models and iv) a correct treatment of the boundary conditions between the interior and the atmophere profiles along evolution. Each of these inputs is discussed in the following sub-sections.
The equation of state
Interior profiles of VLMS range from $\sim 4000$ K and $\sim 10^{-6}$ g cm$^{-3}$ at the base of the photosphere (defined as $R_{ph}=\sqrt{(L/4\pi\sigma\te^4)}$) to $\sim 10^7$ K and $\sim 100$ g cm$^{-3}$ at the center for a 0.6 $\msol$ star, and from $\sim 2800$ K and $\sim 10^{-5}$ g cm$^{-3}$ to $\sim 5 \, 10^6$ K and $\sim 500$ g cm$^{-3}$ for a 0.1 $\msol$, for solar metallicity. Within this temperature/density range, molecular hydrogen and atomic helium are stable in the outermost part of the stellar envelope, while most of the bulk of the star (more than 90% in mass) is under the form of a fully ionized H$^+$/He$^{++}$ plasma. Therefore a correct EOS for VLMS must include a proper treatment not-only of temperature-ionization and dissociation, well described by the Saha-equations in an ideal gas, but most importantly of [*pressure*]{}-ionization and dissociation, as experienced along the internal density/temperature profile, a tremendously more complicated task. Moreover, under the central conditions of these stars, the fully ionized hydrogen-helium plasma is characterized by a plasma coupling parameter $\Gamma=(Ze)^2/akT\propto (Z^2/A^{1/3})\, (\rho_6^{1/3}/T_8)\approx 0.5-5$ for the classical ions ($a$ is the mean inter-ionic distance, $A$ is the atomic mass and $\rho$ the [*mass*]{}-density) and by a quantum coupling parameter $\rs=<Z>^{-1/3}a/a_0=1.39/(\rho/\mu_e)^{1/3}
\approx 0.1-1$ ($a_0$ is the electronic Bohr radius and $\mu_e^{-1}={<Z>\over <A>}$ the electron mean molecular weigth) for the degenerate electrons. These parameters show that both the ions and the electrons are strongly correlated. A third characteristic parameter is the so-called [*degeneracy parameter*]{} $\psi=kT/kT_F\approx 3\times 10^{-6}\, T\, (\mu_e/\rho)^{2/3}$, where $kT_F$ is the electron Fermi energy. The classical (Maxwell-Boltzman) limit corresponds to $\psi \rightarrow + \infty$, whereas $\psi \rightarrow 0$ corresponds to complete degeneracy. The afore-mentioned thermodynamic conditions yield $\psi \approx 2-0.1$ in the interior of VLMS along the characteristic mass range, implying that [*finite-temperature*]{} effects must be included to describe accurately the thermodynamic properties of the correlated electron gas. At last, the Thomas-Fermi wavelength $\lambda_{TF}=
\bigl( kT_F/(6\pi n_e e^2)\bigr)^{1/2}$ (where $n_e$ denotes the electron particle density) is of the order of the mean inter-ionic distance $a$, so that the electron gas is [*polarized*]{} by the ionic field, and electron-ion coupling must be taken into account in the plasma hamiltonian. Such a detailed treatment of strongly correlated, polarisable classical and quantum plasmas, plus an accurate description of pressure partial ionization represent a severe challenge for theorists. Several steps towards the derivation of such an accurate EOS for VLMS have been done since the pioneering work of Salpeter (1961) and we refer the reader to Saumon (1994) and Saumon, Chabrier and VanHorn (1995) for a review and a comparison of the different existing EOS for VLMS. In the present calculations, we use the Saumon-Chabrier (SC) EOS (Saumon 1990; Chabrier 1990; Saumon & Chabrier 1991, 1992; Saumon, Chabrier & VanHorn 1995; SCVH), specially devoted to the description of low-mass stars, brown dwarfs and giant planets. This EOS presents a consistent treatment of pressure ionization and includes significant improvements w.r.t. previous calculations in the treatment of the correlations in dense plasmas. This EOS is tied to available Monte Carlo simulations and high-pressure shock-wave experimental data (see SCVH and references therein for details). As shown in Saumon (1994) and SCVH, significant differences exist between the SC EOS and other VLMS EOS, for the pressure-density relations and for the adiabatic gradients, so that we expect substantial differences in the derived stellar radii and entropy profiles. The SCVH EOS has been used previously to derive interior models for solar (Chabrier et al. 1992; Guillot et al. 1995) and extrasolar (Saumon et al. 1996) giant planets and for brown dwarfs (Burrows et al. 1993).
The SC EOS is a pure hydrogen and helium EOS, based on the so-called additive-volume-law (AVL) between the pure components (H and He). The accuracy of the AVL has been examined in detail by Fontaine, Graboske & VanHorn (1977). The invalidity of the AVL to describe accurately the thermodynamic properties of the mixture is significant only in the [*partial ionization*]{} region (see e.g. SCVH). As mentioned above, this concerns only a few percents of the stellar mass under LMS conditions. Given the negligible [*number*]{}-abundance of metals in stars ($\sim 2\%$ by mass, i.e. $\sim 0.2 \%$ by number) we expect the presence of metals to be inconsequential on the EOS. Their contribution to the perfect gas term is just proportional to the number density ($P_{id}=\Sigma_i N_i kT/V$), i.e. $\sim 0.2\%$, whereas their non-ideal (correlation) contribution can be estimated either by the Debye-Huckel correction ($P_c\propto
(\Sigma_i N_i Z_i^2)^{3/2}$) for $\Gamma<1$ or by the electrostatic (ion-sphere) term ($P_c\propto \Sigma_i N_iZ_i^{5/3}$) for $\Gamma>1$. For solar metal-abundance (see e.g. Grevesse & Noels, 1993) this yields an estimated contribution to the EOS of $\sim 1\%$ compared with the hydrogen+helium contribution.
Although this simple estimation shows that metals do not contribute appreciably to the EOS of VLMS, as long as the [*structure*]{} and the [*evolution*]{} are concerned, we have decided to conduct complete calculations by comparing models derived with the SC EOS and models based on the so-called MHD EOS (Hummer & Mihalas, 1988; Mihalas, Hummer & Däppen, 1988), which includes the contribution of heavy elements under solar abundances. Although the MHD EOS is devoted to stellar [*envelopes*]{} and weakly correlated plasmas, like the solar interior ($\Gamma \sim 0.1$), and thus can not be applied to VLMS, it provides a useful tool for the present test. The test is even strengthened by comparing the complete MHD EOS with the pure hydrogen-helium ($Z=0$) MHD EOS kindly provided by W. Däppen. Note that the MHD EOS for mixtures does not assume the additive-volume law between the various components, so that comparison with this EOS provides also a test for the validity of this approximation.
Figure 1 shows in a HR diagram the results obtained with the MHD EOS for solar metallicity (open circles) and for $Z=0$ (triangles) up to 1 $\msol$ [^1]. The difference is less than 1% in $\te$ and 4% in L. This demonstrates convincingly the negligible contribution of the metals to the EOS over the entire LMS mass range. As shown above, the contribution of metals to the EOS is proportional to a power of the charge $Z$ and the atomic mass $A$. Therefore, when applying a metal free EOS to solar metallicity objects, the presence of metals can be mimicked by an equivalent helium fraction $Y^\prime = Y+Z$ in the EOS, at fixed hydrogen abundance. Varying X instead of Y would yield larger differences in $\te$ and $L$. Figure 1 also displays results based on the SC EOS, with the afore-mentioned equivalent helium fraction (filled circles). Both the SC and MHD EOS yield very similar results. The differences between the SC and the complete ($Z=Z_\odot$) MHD EOS amount to less than 1.3% in $\te$ and 1% in $L$. Below 0.3 $\msol$, however, the track based on the MHD EOS starts to deviate substantially from the one based on the SC EOS, a fairly reasonable limit for an EOS primarily devoted to solar conditions.
This is better illustrated in Figure 2, which displays the adiabatic gradient along the density-profile in a 0.2 $\msol$ and a 0.6 $\msol$ star for the SC and MHD EOS. For the 0.6 $\msol$ star, slight discrepancies between the SC and MHD adiabatic gradient appear in the regime of partial ionisation of hydrogen and helium (log $\rho$ $\approx$ -4 to -0.5 and log T $\approx$ 4.2 to 5.3 ). The differences become substantial for the 0.2 $\msol$ star because of the strong departure from ideality in a large part of the interior. The main discrepancies appear for log $\rho \wig > -3 ~g \, cm^{-3}$, with log T $\approx 4$ and $\Gamma \approx ~2-3$, which marks the onset of hydrogen pressure and temperature partial ionisation. The unphysical negative value of the adiabatic gradient in the MHD EOS for log $\rho > ~-1$ clearly illustrates the invalidity of the MHD EOS to describe the interior of dense systems, as clearly stated by its authors (see Hummer & Mihalas, 1988). Similar discrepancies occur also for other LMS EOS (see Saumon 1994; SCVH), which will affect substantially the structure and the [*evolution*]{} of these convective objects. We emphasize the excellent agreement between both EOS in the domain of validity of the MHD EOS, even though the SC EOS does not include heavy elements. This clearly demonstrates the negligible effect of metals on the adiabatic gradient. This latter is essentially determined by hydrogen and helium pressure- and temperature- ionisation and/or molecular dissociation.
These calculations clearly demonstrate that metal-free EOS can be safely used to describe the structure and the evolution of LMS with a solar abundance of heavy elements, providing the use of an effective helium fraction to mimic the effect of metals. It also assesses the validity of the Saumon-Chabrier EOS, devoted primarily to dense and cool objects, for solar-like masses[^2].
The nuclear reaction rates
The thermonuclear processes relevant from the energetic viewpoint under the central temperatures and densities characteristic of VLMS are given by the PPI chain :
$$p+p\rightarrow d+e^++\nu_e \eqno(1)$$ $$p+d\rightarrow ^3He\,+\,\gamma \eqno(2)$$ $$^3He+^3He\rightarrow ^4He\,+\, 2p \eqno(3)$$
The destruction of $^3He$ by reaction (3) is important only for T $> 6\times 10^6$ K i.e masses M $\wig> 0.15\, \msol$ for ages $t<$ 10 Gyrs, since the lifetime of this isotope against destruction becomes eventually smaller than a few Gyrs. In the present calculations, we have also examined the burning of light elements, namely Li, Be and B, whose abundances provide a powerfull diagnostic to identify the mass of VLMS and brown dwarfs (see §3.3). Our nuclear network includes the main nuclear-burning reactions of $^6Li,^7Li,^7Be,^9Be,^{10}B$ and $^{11}B$ (cf. Nelson et al. 1993). We will focus on the depletion of the most abundant isotopes $^7Li,^9Be$ and $^{11}B$, described by the following reactions :
$$^7Li\,+p\,\rightarrow \,2\,^4He \eqno(4)$$ $$^9Be\,+\,p\,\rightarrow \, d\,+\,2\, ^4He \eqno(5)$$ $$^{11}B\,+\,p\,\rightarrow \,3\, ^4He \eqno(6)$$
The rates for these reactions are taken from Caughlan and Fowler (1988). These rates correspond to the reactions in the vacuum, or in an almost perfect gas where kinetic energy largely dominates the interaction energy. As already mentioned, such conditions are inappropriate for VLMS. In dense plasmas, the strongly correlated surrounding particles act collectively to screen the bare Coulomb repulsion between two fusing particles. This will favor the reaction and then enhance substantially the reaction rate with respect to its value in the vaccuum. As mentioned in §2.1, under the central conditions characteristic of low-mass stars, the electrons are only partially degenerate and are polarized by the ionic field. This responsive electronic background will also screen the nuclear reactions and must be included in the calculations. [^3] Under the conditions of interest, both enhancement factors, ionic and electronic, are of the same order, i.e. a few units (Chabrier 1997). Different treatments of these enhancement factors have been derived, again following the pioneering work of Salpeter (1954). A complete treatment of the [*ionic*]{} screening contribution over the whole stellar interior density-range, from the low-density Debye-Huckel limit to the high-density ion-sphere limit was first derived by DeWitt et al. (1973) and Graboske et al. (1973). The inclusion of [*electron*]{} polarisability, in the limit of [*strongly degenerate*]{} electrons, i.e. $\rs \rightarrow 0$ and $\psi \rightarrow 0$, was performed by Yakovlev and Shalybkov (1989). An improved treatment of the ionic factor, and the extension of the electron response to finite degeneracy, as found in the interior of VLMS, was performed recently by Chabrier (1997). The difference between the Graboske et al. and the Chabrier results, which illustrates both the improvement in the calculation of the ionic factor and the effect of electron polarisability, is shown on Figure 3 along temperature profiles characteristic of VLMS, for two central densities, for Li-burning ($Z_1=1,
Z_2=3$). Substantial differences appear, in particular in the intermediate-screening regime ($\Gamma \sim 1-10$) characteristic of LMS and BD interiors. The larger the charge, the larger the effect ($H\propto \Gamma \propto Z_1Z_2$). Such differences translate into differences in the abundances as a function of time and mass, as will be examined in §3.3. Note that the inclusion of electron polarisability was found to decrease substantially the deuterium-burning minimum mass (Saumon et al. 1996).
Deuterium-burning on the main sequence
The [*initial*]{} D-burning phase ends after $\sim 10^6$ yrs and is inconsequential for the rest of the evolution and the position on the Main Sequence (Burrows, Hubbard & Lunine, 1989 and §3 below). We focus in this section on the deuterium production/destruction rate along the PPI reactions, given by eqn. (1) and (2), which is essential for the nuclear energy generation required to reach thermal equilibrium. For stars below $M \wig < 0.3 \, \msol$, which are entirely convective (see §3.2), the deuterium lifetime against proton capture $\tau_{pd}$ is found to be much smaller than the mixing timescale in the central regions, where energy production takes place. The mixing time in these regions is estimated from the mixing- length theory (MLT), $\tau_{mix}\approx l_{mix}/v_{mix}$, where $v_{mix}\propto (\nabla - \nabla_{ad})^{1/2}$ is the mean velocity of turbulent eddies. These fully convective stars are essentially adiabatic throughout most of their interior, with a degree of superadiabaticity $(\nabla - \nabla_{ad})$ variing from $\sim$ 10$^{-8}$ to $\sim 10^{-3}$ from the center to 99% of the mass. Thus the mixing-length parameter is inconsequential, and a reasonable estimate for the mixing length is the pressure scale height $l_{mix}\sim H_P$. This yields a mixing timescale $\tau_{mix}\approx 10^7 - 10^8$ s, to be compared with $\tau_{pd} << 10^6$ s in the central part of the star where nuclear energy production takes place. This is illustrated in Fig.4 where both timescales are compared in a 0.075 $\msol$ star evolving on the main sequence.
Since deuterium is burned much more quickly than it is mixed, a deuterium abundance gradient will develop in the central layers. This process can be described by the stationary solution of the following diffusion equation, since the diffusion and the nuclear timescales are orders of magnitudes smaller than the evolution time :
$$D_{mix} \nabla^2Y_d\,+\, \lambda_{pp} {Y_p^2 \over 2} \,-\, \lambda_{pd}
Y_pY_d = 0 \eqno(7)$$
Here $D_{mix}\approx v_{mix}l_{mix} \propto 1/\tau_{mix}$ is the convective mixing diffusion coefficient, $\lambda_{pp}$ and $\lambda_{pd}$ are the respective rates of reactions (1) and (2), and $Y_p$ and $Y_d$ denote respectively the hydrogen and the deuterium abundances by number ($\tau_{pd}={1 \over Y_p\lambda_{pd}}$, following the notations of Clayton 1968). As long as $\tau_{pd} << \tau_{mix}$, the deuterium abundance $ Y_{d}$ in each burning layer will be close to its nuclear quasi-equilibrium value, as given by $D_{mix}\sim 0$ in Eq.(7). The abundance of deuterium is relevant only in the central region, where we adopt the equilibrium value. The complicated task of solving Eq.(7) is thus not necessary in this case. The nuclear energy production-rate of the $d(p,\gamma)$ reaction is then given by:
$$\epsilon_{pd}= Q_{pd} \lambda_{pp} {Y_p^2 \over 2}\eqno(8)$$
where $Q_{pd}$ is the energy of the $d(p,\gamma)$ reaction. Note that during the [*initial*]{} deuterium burning phase, this situation does not occur and the deuterium abundance is calculated like other species in the network, under the usual [*instantaneous mixing*]{} approximation, which corresponds to $\tau_{mix} << \tau_{nuc}$. In that case abundances are homogeneous throughout the whole burning core, i.e. $\nabla Y_d=0$ and the concentration of deuterium is given by an average value over the convective zone $<Y_d>$. When $\tau_{nuc}< \tau_{mix}$, instantaneous mixing will thus overestimate the deuterium-concentration in the central layers. This can be understood intuitively since instantaneous mixing will provide too much deuterium, i.e. more than produced by nuclear equilibrium, at the bottom, i.e. the hottest part, of the burning region. This yields an overestimation of the nuclear energy production at a given temperature and $Y_p$, and thus of the total luminosity of the star. This effect is not drastic for stars M $ > 0.1 \msol$, but increases the luminosity by $\sim 20\%$ for 0.1 $\msol$ and by $\sim 55\%$ for 0.075 $\msol$ and thus bears important consequences for a correct determination of the stellar to sub-stellar transition.
Model atmospheres
The low temperature and high pressure in the photosphere of M-dwarfs raise severe problems for the computation of accurate atmosphere models. For these low effective temperatures ($\wig < 5000$ K) molecules become stable (H$_2$, H$_2$O, TiO, VO,...), and constitute the main source of absorption along characteristic wavelengths. The presence of these molecular bands complicates tremendously the treatment of radiative transfer, not only because of the numerous transitions to be included in the calculations, but also because the molecular absorption coefficients strongly depend on the frequency and a grey-approximation, as used for more massive stars, is no longer valid. Moreover, the high density in M-dwarf atmospheres yields the presence of [*collision-induced*]{} absorption, an extra degree of complication. These points have been recognized long ago and motivated various developments in the modelling of M-dwarf atmospheres since the pioneering work of Tsuji (1966). Substantial improvement in this field has blossomed in recent years with the work of Allard and collaborators (Allard 1990; Allard and Hauschildt 1995a; 1997), Brett (1995), Tsuji and collaborators (Tsuji et al. 1996) and Saumon (Saumon et al. 1994), due to recent interest in the extreme lower main sequence and the necessity to derive accurate atmophere models to identify the luminosity and the colors of M-dwarfs and brown dwarfs. We refer the reader to the recent review by Allard et al. (1997b) for details.
The present evolutionary calculations are based on the latest generation of LMS non-grey atmosphere models at finite metallicity (Allard & Hauschildt 1997; AH97), labeled $NextGen$. In order to illustrate the most recent improvements in LMS atmosphere theory, we will make comparisons with stellar models based on the previous so-called [*Base*]{} models (Allard and Hauschildt 1995a; AH95), as used in the calculations of Baraffe et al. (1995). A preliminary version of the [*NextGen*]{} models was used by Chabrier, Baraffe & Plez (1996) and Baraffe & Chabrier (1996) and compared with results based on the other source of non-grey atmosphere models presently available, computed by Brett and Plez (Brett 1995; Plez 1995, private communication; BP95). This latter set, however, is restricted to solar metallicity. As shown in Chabrier et al. (1996) the BP95 models lead to $\te$ intermediate between the $Base$ and $NextGen$ models, for a given mass. Note that the AH97 models used in the present work include improved molecular opacity treatment compared to the straight mean method used in the [*Base*]{} models, and the more recent water linelist of Miller et al. (1994) (see AH97 for details). A summary of the main differences in the input of these atmosphere models is outlined in Chabrier et al. (1996).
As shown e.g. by Jones et al. (1995), the models still predict too strong infrared water bands despite the inclusion of these new (even if still incomplete and preliminary) water linelists (see AH97). This shortcoming, and the remaining uncertainties in the calculation of the $TiO$ absorption coefficients, represent the main limitation of present VLMS atmosphere models for solar-like metallicities. A second limitation comes from grain formation below $\te < 2200 K$ (Tsuji, Ohnaka & Aoki; 1996) which is likely to affect the spectra and the atmosphere structure of the coolest M-dwarfs, and brown dwarfs, for solar-metallicity. Work in this direction is under progress.
Boundary conditions
The last but not least problem arising in the modelization of VLMS is the determination of accurate outer boundary conditions (BC) to solve the set of internal structure equations. All previous VLMS models relied on grey atmosphere models. The BC were based either on a $T(\tau$) relationship (Burrows et al. 1989; Dorman et al. 1989; D’Antona & Mazzitelli 1994, 1996; Alexander et al. 1996) or were obtained by solving the radiative transfer equations (Burrows et al. 1993). In order to make consistent comparison with these models, and to demonstrate the limits of a grey approximation for VLMS, we first give a short overview of the various procedures used in the literature.
$T(\tau$) relationships have the generic form : $$T^4= {3\over4} \te^4 (\tau + q(\tau))\eqno(9)$$ with different possible q($\tau$) functions (Mihalas, 1978). The most simple form is based on the Eddington approximation, which assumes that the radiation field is isotropic, which yields q($\tau$)=2/3, as used in Burrows et al. (1989). An exact solution of the grey problem (Mihalas 1978) gives actually a function which departs slightly from 2/3, but this correction is inconsequential on the resulting evolutionary models (Baraffe & Chabrier 1995).
As mentioned in the previous sub-section, the strong frequency-dependence of the molecular absorption coefficients yields synthetic spectra which depart severely from a frequency-averaged energy distribution (see e.g. Allard 1990; Saumon et al. 1994). Modifications of the function q($\tau$) have been derived in the past in order to mimic departures from greyness (Henyey et al. 1965, as used by D’Antona & Mazzitelli 1994; Krishna-Swamy 1966, as used by Dorman et al. 1989). These corrections, however, are based at least partly on ad-hoc calibrations to the Sun and do not rely on reliable grounds.
The assumption of a temperature stratification following a $T(\tau$) relationship requires not only a grey approximation [*but also*]{} the assumption of radiative equilibrium, implying that all the energy in the optically thin layers is transported by radiation. However, below $\sim 5000$ K, molecular hydrogen recombination in the envelope (H+H $\rightarrow$ H$_2$) reduces the entropy and thus the adiabatic gradient (see SCVH). This favors the onset of convective instability in the atmosphere so that convection penetrates deeply into the optically thin layers (Auman 1969; Dorman et al. 1989; Allard 1990; Saumon et al. 1994; Baraffe et al. 1995). Radiative equilibrium is no longer satisfied and flux conservation in the atmosphere now reads $\nabla(F_{rad}+F_{conv})=0$. Though rigorously inconsistent with the use of a $T(\tau)$ relationship, by definition, modifications of eqn.(9) have been proposed to account for convective transport in the optically thin layers. Henyey et al. (1965) prescribed a correction to the calculation of the temperature gradient and to the convective efficiency in optically thin layers which is equivalent to a correction of the diffusion approximation. This procedure was used by Dorman et al. (1989). On the other hand, some authors have just neglected the presence of convection in the optically thin regions of the atmosphere (Alexander et al. 1996). All these arguments show convincingly that a description of M-dwarf atmospheres based on grey models and $T(\tau)$ relationships is physically incorrect. The consequence on the [*evolution*]{} and the [*mass-calibration*]{} can be determined by comparing stellar models based on the various afore-mentioned grey treatments with the ones based on non-grey atmosphere models and proper BCs. These latter are calculated as follows. We first generate 2D-splines of the atmosphere temperature-density profiles in a ($\log g, \te$)-plane, for a given metallicity. The connection between the atmosphere and the interior profiles is made at $\tau = 100$, the corresponding (T-$\rho$) values being used as the BC for the Henyey integration. This choice is motivated by the fact that i) at this optical depth, [*all*]{} atmophere models are adiabatic and can be matched with the interior adiabat, and ii) $\tau= 100$ corresponds to a photospheric radius $R_{ph}\,<\, 0.01\, R_\star$, where $R_\star$ is the stellar radius, so that the Stefan-Boltzman equation $\te^4=L_\star/4\pi\sigma R_\star^2$ holds accurately. We verified that varying this BC from $\tau\approx 30$ to 100 does not affect significantly the results. Convection starts to dominate, i.e carries more than 50% of the energy in the atmosphere for $\tau \wig > 1$ (Allard, 1990; Brett, 1995). Therefore, $\tau$ = 100 is a safe limit to avoid discrepancy between the treatment of convection in the atmosphere and in the interior. Note that $\tau=100$ corresponds to a pressure range $P\approx 10^{-1}$ to $ 10^3 $ bar, depending on the temperature, gravity and metallicity. Along this important pressure-range, the dominant source of absorption shifts, going inward in the atmosphere, from water absorption to TiO, and eventually CIA H$_2$ absorption, whereas the molecular line width changes from thermal-broadening to pressure broadening (AH95; Brett, 1995). For a fixed mass and composition, there is only one atmosphere temperature-density (or pressure) profile with a given effective temperature and gravity wich matches the interior profile for the afore-mentioned BC. This determines the complete stellar model for this mass and composition. The effective temperature, the colors and the bolometric corrections are given by the atmosphere model. Figures 5a-b show the temperature-pressure profile of $NextGen$ atmospheres for $\te$ = 3500 K and log g = 5 for \[M/H\]=0 (Fig. 5a) and \[M/H\]=-1 (Fig. 5b). The location of the onset of convection is shown on the figures. For both metallicities, convection reaches the optically thin region ($\tau$ = 0.02 for \[M/H\]=0 and $\tau$ = 0.06 for \[M/H\]=-1). Also shown are profiles derived from grey models and $T(\tau)$ relationships using the Eddington approximation (dotted line), the Krishna-Swamy (KS) relation with a correction for the presence of convection in optically thin layers (cf. Henyey et al. 1965) (dash-dot line) and with convection arbitrarily stopped at T$\le \te$ (dashed line). The Eddington approximation yields severely erroneous results. The atmosphere profile is substantially cooler and denser than the non-grey one above $\tau \sim 1$, so that a hotter atmosphere model is required to match the internal adiabat, yielding too hot stellar models, as demonstrated in Chabrier et al. (1996). For solar metallicity, the two profiles based on the KS relation are almost undistinguishable and yield atmosphere models very close to the non-grey one. This agreement, however, strongly depends on the thermodynamic conditions, pressure and temperature, along the atmosphere profile. This is shown convincingly in figure 5b, for a denser metal-poor atmosphere. The higher pressure of metal-poor models favors the convective flux in the present grey models, and thus yields a flatter temperature gradient.
In that case, both KS profiles depart substantially from the correct one, even though the model based on the KS relation [*without*]{} convection in optically thin region, although physically inconsistent, yields less severe disagreement ($\sim 100$ K in $\te$). It must be kept in mind, however, that the convection correction in a grey atmosphere based on a $T(\tau$) relationship does not reflect adequately the influence of convection on a correct [*non-grey*]{} model (see e.g. Brett 1995, AH95; AH97). It also demonstrates that the Henyey et al. (1965) correction to the radiative diffusion approximation, when using a $T(\tau)$ relationship, overestimates the convective flux in optically thin regions. This yieds flatter temperature gradient in the atmosphere and thus larger effective temperature for a given mass. The models of Burrows et al. (1993), although based on grey atmosphere models, do not rely on a $T(\tau)$ relation but use BC based on the resolution of the transfer equations. Although cooler than the Burrows et al. (1989) models, they still yield too large effective temperatures compared with the non-grey models. As shown above this stems very likely from an overestimation of convection efficiency in the atmosphere.
Even when the temperature in the atmosphere is low enough so that convection does not penetrate anymore into the optically thin region ($\te \wig < 2500 $K), strong departure from greyness still invalidates the use of a $T(\tau)$ relationship. This is illustrated in Figure 5c for solar metallicity models with $\te$ = 2000 K and log g = 5.5.
The effect of grain formation in the atmosphere on the evolution was considered in Chabrier et al. (1996), by comparing, within a grey approximation, stellar models based on the Alexander and Fergusson (1994) Rosseland opacities and on similar dust-free opacities kindly provided by Dave Alexander. Grains were found to affect the evolution only below $\sim 1800 K$. This is confirmed on figure 5c where the two grey profiles, with and without grain, yield essentially the same atmospheric structure at $\te=$2000, i.e. $\sim 0.075\,\msol$. These calculations will be reconsidered once non-grey atmosphere models with grains will be available.
These calculations show convincingly that procedures based on a grey approximation and a $T(\tau)$ relation for the derivation of VLMS evolutionary models are extremely unreliable, even though they may yield, under specific thermodynamic conditions, to (fortuitous) agreement with consistent non-grey calculations. As a general result, a grey treatment yields cooler and denser atmosphere profiles below the photosphere (cf. Saumon et al. 1994; Allard and Hauschildt 1995b), and thus overestimates the effective temperature for a given mass (Chabrier et al., 1996). Therefore, they lead to erroneous mass-luminosity and mass-$\te$ relationships, as will be discussed in §4.
Evolutionary tracks
As mentioned in the introduction, the present study focusses on a mass-range limited to $M \le 0.8 \msol$ and will consider the brown dwarf domain only scarcely. For larger masses, the physics of VLMS remains unchanged but variations of the mixing length parameter start to be consequential and require comparison with observations (such comparisons are considered in detail in Baraffe et al. 1997). On the other hand, a substantial improvement over existing brown dwarf models (e.g. Burrows et al. 1989; 1993), requires the derivation of non-grey atmosphere models [*with grains*]{}. As shown by the recent analysis of Tsuji et al. (1996), silicate and iron grains can contribute significantly to the opacity in the photosphere below $\sim 2200$ K (see also Lunine et al. 1986; Alexander and Fergusson 1994), a typical effective temperature for massive brown dwarfs with solar abundances (see §3.1). In the following sub-sections, we present the evolution of the mechanical and thermal properties of objects ranging from 0.055 to 0.6 $\msol$, over a metallicity-range \[M/H\]= -2 to 0. The general properties of VLMS and BDs have already been described by numerous authors (see §1). We will not redo such an analysis in detail but rather focus on selected masses to illustrate the differences arising from the new physics (EOS, nuclear rates, non-grey model atmospheres) described in the previous section. The different mechanical and thermal properties of the present models, for various metallicities, are presented in Tables 2-7.
Mechanical and thermal properties
### Internal structure
Figure 6 displays the behaviour of the central temperature, the radius and the degeneracy parameter along the main sequence (MS) for two metallicities, \[M/H\]=0 (solid line) and \[M/H\]=-1.5 (dashed line). For [*stars*]{} on the MS, the internal temperature is large enough in the stellar interior for the pressure to be dominated by [*classical*]{} contributions ($P=\rho kT/\mu m_H$), so that hydrostatic equilibrium yields $R\propto M/T$. Below $\sim 0.15 \, \msol$, the object is dense and cool enough for the electrons to become substantially degenerate ($\psi \propto T/\rho^{2/3}$), so that the electronic [*quantum*]{} contribution ($P\propto \rho^{5/3}$) overwhelms the ionic classical pressure. Eventually this will yield the well-known mass-radius relation for fully degenerate (zero-temperature) objects $R\propto M^{-1/3}$. The brown dwarf domain lies between these two limits (classical and fully degenerate) and is characterized by $R\sim R_0(1+\psi)$ $\sim 10^{-1}\,R_\odot$, about Jupiter radius, where $R_0$ is the zero-temperature (fully degenerate) radius (see e.g. Stevenson, 1991). The transition between the stellar and sub-stellar domains is characterized by this ongoing electron degeneracy in the interior, as illustrated in Figure 6. Note also that once degeneracy sets in, the temperature scales as $T\sim M/R-M^{2/3}/R^2$, where the first and second term represent the classical and quantum gas contributions, respectively. This yields the rapid drop of the interior temperature (and effective temperature for a given $\te-T_{int}$ relation) near the sub-stellar transition, and thus the characteristic severe drop in the luminosity ($L\propto R^2\te^4$).
Figure 7 displays the evolution of the radius for different masses. Although the radius is fixed mainly by the EOS, it does depend, to some extent, on the atmosphere treatment. The effect is negligible for solar metallicity, as shown on the figure for $m=0.2 \,\mso$, but can yield $\sim 3\%$ difference on the final radius for $\mh = -1.5$. After a similar pre-MS contraction phase for all masses, the hydrogen-burning stars reach hydrostatic equilibrium whereas objects below the hydrogen-burning minimum mass keep contracting until reaching eventually the afore-mentioned asymptotic radius, characteristic of a strongly degenerate interior.
### Luminosity
Figures 8a-b exhibit $L(t)$ for different masses, for $\mh=0$ and $\mh=-1.5$, respectively. Initial deuterium burning proceeds very quickly, at the very early stages of evolution, and lasts about $\sim 10^6-10^7$ years. Our calculations were done with an initial deuterium abundance $[d]_0=2 \times 10^{-5}$ in mass fraction, which corresponds to the average abundance in the interstellar matter (cf. Linsky et al. 1993). A value $[d]_0=5 \times 10^{-5}$ increases the deuterium burning timescale by a factor $\sim$ 2 and the luminosity by 10% to 50% during this phase. We verified that this effect is inconsequential for the rest of the evolution. As clearly shown on the figures, for masses above $0.07\,\msol$ for \[M/H\]=0 and $0.08\,\msol$ for \[M/H\]=-1.5, the internal energy provided by nuclear burning quickly balances the contraction gravitational energy, and the lowest-mass star reaches complete thermal equilibrium ($L = \int \epsilon dm$, where $\epsilon$ is the nuclear energy rate), after $\sim 1$ Gyr, for both metallicities. The lowest mass for which thermal equilibrium is reached defines the so-called hydrogen-burning minimum mass (HBMM), and the related hydrogen-burning minimum luminosity (HBML). These values are given in Tables 2-7, for various metallicities. Note the quick decrease of luminosity with time for objects below the HBMM, with $L\propto 1/t$ (cf. Burrows et al. 1989; Stevenson 1991). As mentioned above, we have not explored the BD domain and we stopped the calculations at 10 Gyrs for MS stars. Cooler models require non-grey atmospheres with grains.
As already shown by Chabrier et al. (1996), stellar models based on non-grey model atmospheres yield smaller HBMM than grey models, a direct consequence of the lower effective temperature and luminosity, as discussed in the previous section. The larger the luminosity, for a given mass, the larger the required central temperature to reach thermal equilibrium, which in turns implies a larger contraction (density) and degeneracy. As illustrated on Fig. 8, slightly below $\sim 0.072\,\msol$ (resp. 0.083 $\msol$) for \[M/H\]=0 (resp. \[M/H\] $\le$ -1), nuclear ignition still takes place in the central part of the star, but cannot balance steadily the ongoing gravitational contraction. This defines the [*massive*]{} brown dwarfs. The evolution equation thus reads $L =\int \epsilon dm\,\,-\,\, \int T{dS\over dt} dm$, where the second term on the right hand side of the equation stems from the contraction energy plus the internal energy released along evolution. As shown in Fig. 7, contraction is fairly small after $\sim 10^8$ yr, so that most of the luminosity arises from the thermal content. Below about $0.07\,\msol$ (resp. $0.08\,\msol$) for \[M/H\]=0 (resp. \[M/H\] $\le$ -0.5), the energetic contribution arising from hydrogen-burning, though still present for the most massive objects, is [*order of magnitudes*]{} smaller than the internal energy, which provides essentially [*all*]{} the energy of the star ($\epsilon << T|{dS\over dt}|$). As seen in the figures, objects with lower metallicity evolve at larger luminosities and effective temperatures, a well-known result. The effects of metallicity on the atmosphere structure have been discussed extensively by Brett (1995) and AH95 but can be apprehended with intuitive arguments. The lower the metallicity, the lower the opacity and the more transparent the atmosphere. The same optical depth thus lies at deeper levels, i.e. at higher pressure (${dP\over d\tau} = {g \over \kappa} $). Therefore, for a given mass ($\log g$), the $(T,P)$ [*interior*]{} profile matches, for a given optical depth $\tau$, an [*atmosphere*]{} profile with larger $\te$ (see Fig. 5). This yields a larger luminosity, since the radius barely depends on the atmosphere, as shown previously. Objects above 0.15 $\msol$ reach the MS in $t_{MS} \wig < 3 \times 10^8$ yrs, while it takes $3 \times 10^8 < t_{MS} < 2.5
\times 10^9$ yrs (resp. $t_{MS}\wig < 2\times 10^9$ yrs) for $\mh=0$ (resp. $\mh \le -1.0$) for objects in the range $0.075 < M/\msol < 0.15$. Objects above $M \sim 0.9 \mso$ (resp. $M \sim 0.8 \mso$) for $\mh=0$ (resp. $\mh \le -1$) start evolving off the MS at $t=10$ Gyr. As shown on Figure 8, an object on the pre-MS contraction phase which will eventually become a H-burning [*star*]{} ($M\wig > 0.075\,\msol$) can have the same luminosity and effective temperature as a bona-fide [*brown dwarf*]{}.
Full convection limit
Solar-like stars are essentially radiative, except for a small convective region in the outermost part of the envelope, due to hydrogen partial ionisation, and sometimes for a small convective core where nuclear burning takes place. As the mass decreases, the internal temperature decreases ($T\propto M$), the inner radiative region shrinks and vanishes eventually for a certain mass below which the star becomes entirely convective (see e.g. D’Antona & Mazzitelli 1985, Dorman et al. 1989). This transition mass $M_{conv}$ has been determined with [*grey*]{} atmosphere models, which become invalid below $\sim 5000$ K, and thus must be recalculated accurately. Figure 9 shows the interior structure of stars with $M \ge 0.4 \msol$ as a function of time for \[M/H\]=0. The pre-MS contraction phase proceeds at constant $T/\rho^{1/3}$, i.e. constant $R_{OPAL}$ ( $R_{OPAL} = \log \rho / T_6^3$). After $\sim 10^7$ years, a radiative core develops and grows. The physical reason is the decreasing opacity after the last bump due to metal absorption (mainly $Fe$,), for $T_6\wig > 2-3$ (this temperature decreases with metallicity) (cf. Rogers and Iglesias 1992, Fig. 2). The radiative core thus appears earlier for the more massive, hotter, stars. The minimum mass for the onset of radiation in the core is found to be $M_{conv}= 0.35\, \msol$, for all the studied metallicites ($-2\le \mh \le 0)$. After $\sim 10^8$ years, the star reaches thermal equilibrium, nuclear fusion proceeds at the center, and a small convective core develops for a certain time, depending on the mass and the metallicity, bracketting the central radiative region between two convective zones. We verified that the growth of the central convective core is governed by the $^3He+^3He$ reaction. The nuclear energy released by the $p+p$ and $p+d$ reactions is insufficient to generate convective instability. As long as the reaction given by eqn.(2) dominates, the $^3He$ abundance, and thus the convective core, increases. The situation reverses as soon as the central temperature is high enough for $^3He$ to reach its equilibrium abundance (eqns. (2)+(3)), wich decreases with increasing temperature (see e.g. Clayton 1968, Fig. 5.4).
The extension of the afore-mentioned radiative region decreases with temperature, and thus with mass, as shown on the figure. For the afore-mentioned limit-mass $0.35\,\msol$, this inner radiative zone remains only for $\mh=-1.0$. For all other (greater and smaller) metallicities, it vanishes as soon as the convective core appears. In this case the 0.35 $\mso$ star will become fully convective again after $\sim 3 \,10^9$ yrs. This rather complicated dependence on metallicity stems from the subtle competiton between the [*decreasing opacity*]{}, which favors radiation, and the [*increasing pressure and luminosity*]{} which inhibate radiation and favor convection, with decreasing metallicity ($\nabla_{rad} \propto {L\kappa P \over T^4}$). This yields the minimum value for $M_{conv}$ for $\mh=-1$. Table 1 gives the position of the bottom of the convective enveloppe as a function of mass and metallicity. We also give the results for the masses of the binary system YY-Gem. Note that grey models, which have higher luminosity (see §4.1), thus have a larger $\nabla_{rad}$, which favors convection and thus yields larger convective envelopes and larger convective cores and $M_{conv}$. As will be shown below, the onset of a radiative core, and the retraction of the bottom of the convective zone to outer, [*cooler*]{} regions bears important consequences on the abundance of light elements in the envelope.
Abundance of light elements
Observation of lithium in the atmosphere of VLMS is a powerful diagnostic for the identification of genuine brown dwarfs, as proposed initially by Rebolo and collaborators (Rebolo, Martin & Magazzù 1992). The first theoretical analysis of light-element burning in VLMS, and the expected abundances along evolution, were carried by Pozio (1991) and Nelson, Rappaport and Chiang (1993). As for the convective limit, this analysis must be redone with updated EOS, screening factors and atmosphere models. The initial abundances were taken to be $[^7Li]_0=10^{-9}$, $[^9Be]_0=10^{-10}$ and $[^{11}B]_0=3\times 10^{-11}$, as in Nelson et al. (1993). The modification of the abundances along evolution, i.e. the depletion factor, is given by $X_i/X_{i_0}$, where $X_i$ is the abundance of element $i$ at a given time and $X_{i_0}$ is the afore-mentioned initial abundance. The burning temperatures for these elements (in the vacuum) are $T_{Li}\sim 2 \times 10 ^6$ K, $T_{Be}\sim 3 \times 10^6$ K and $T_{B}\sim 4 \times 10^6$ K, respectively.
As for hydrogen, burning ignition temperatures translate into minimum burning masses. Using the ion+electron screening factors mentioned in §2.2, we get the following values, for solar metallicity : $M_{Li}/\msol = \, 0.055$, $M_{Be}/\msol = \, 0.065$ and $M_{B}/\msol = 0.08$. For comparison, Nelson et al. (1993) find that $\sim \, 50\%$ of $^7$Li is burned in a 0.059 $\mso$, whereas this value is already reached in our 0.055 $\msol$ model. D’Antona & Mazzitelli (1994) obtain $M_{Li}/\msol = \, 0.065$. This less efficient nuclear burning in Nelson et al. and DM94 stems on one hand from the grey approximation, which yields larger $L$ and $\te$ and thus central densities, which favors the onset of degeneracy (cf. §3.1.2 and Fig. 10 below), and also from the smaller Graboske et al. (1973) screening factors (see Figure 3).
These effects, and the metallicity dependence, are illustrated in Figures 10a-b which display the evolution of central temperature and lithium-abundance, respectively, for different metallicities. Comparison is made with a solar metallicity model of DM94 (cf. their Table 7). The [*denser*]{} metal poor stars (and grey models) reach the limit of degeneracy ealier ($\psi \propto \rho^{-2/3}$), yielding a lower maximum central temperature for metal poor objects. The direct consequence is an increasing minimum burning mass with decreasing metallicity, $M_{Li}/\msol = \, 0.06$ for \[M/H\] $\le -1$ instead of $0.055$ for \[M/H\] $\sim 0$.
Figure 11 shows the abundances of $Li$, $Be$ and $B$ as a function of [*mass*]{} and metallicity. The gaps correspond to fully convective interiors, as described in §3.2. In that case, convective mixing brings the elements present in the envelope down to the central burning region where they are destroyed. Above 0.4 $\msol$, the central radiative core appears and the bottom of the convection zone retracts to cooler regions, as described previously. As mentioned above, this depends mainly on the central opacity : the larger the opacity, and thus the metal-abundance, the larger the central temperature required to allow radiative transport ($\nabla_{rad}
\propto \kappa/T^4$). This yields more efficient depletion with increasing metallicity, as illustrated on the figure. Lithium is totally destroyed in the mass range 0.075-0.6 $\mso$ for \[M/H\]=0, whereas it reappears for M $\wig > 0.5 \mso$ for \[M/H\] $\le$ -1. However, below \[M/H\]=-1.5, the situation seems to reverse, as the \[M/H\]=-2 case shows a slightly higher level of depletion. At such low metallicities, the dependence of the opacity on the metallicity for T$_c \ge 3\times 10^6 K$ decreases rapidly and the dominant effect is now the higher luminosity at \[M/H\]=-2, which implies a larger central temperature to favor radiation ($\nabla_{rad}\propto L/T^4$). The depletion factors in the stellar interiors are given in Tables 2-7. The lithium depletion factors in the brown dwarf regime are given in Chabrier et al. (1996). A complete description of light elements depletion in this regime, which implies evolutionary models based on dusty atmosphere models, is under progress.
Mass-dependence of the photospheric quantities
Mass-luminosity relationship
Figure 12 shows the mass-luminosity (ML) relationship for VLMS for three metallicities, $Z=Z_\odot$, $Z=10^{-1.5}\times Z_\odot$ and $Z=0$, for $t=$10 Gyrs. The zero-metal [^4] case sets the upper limit for the luminosity for a given mass.
We first note the well-known wavy behaviour of the ML relation (see e.g. DM94). The change of slope below $M \sim 0.4 - 0.5\, \msol$ is due to the formation of H$_2$ molecules in the atmosphere (Auman 1969; Kroupa, Tout & Gilmore, 1990), which occurs at higher $\te$ for decreasing metallicity, because of the denser atmosphere (see SCVH). The steepening of the ML relation near the lower-mass end reflects the onset of ongoing degeneracy in the stellar interior, as demonstrated in §3.1.1. The previous stellar models of BCAH95, based on the $Base$ AH95 atmosphere models, are shown for comparison. We note that for solar-metallicity, the substantial improvement in the most recent atmosphere models translate into significant differences ($\sim 15\% - 25\%$ in $L$ and $\sim 200$ K in $\te$), the Straight-Mean approximation used in the $Base$ models leading to an overall overestimated opacity. This difference between the models vanishes for lower metallicities (see Allard et al., 1997b). Note that the present models have been shown to reproduce accurately the mass-$M_V$ and mass-$M_K$ relationship determined observationaly by Henry & Mc Carthy (1993) down to the bottom of the MS (Chabrier et al., 1996; Allard et al., 1997a). The $ML$ relations for different metallicities are given in Tables 2-7. The comparison with other models/approximations is devoted to the next subsection.
Mass-effective temperature relationship
Figures 13 display the mass-effective temperature relationships for sub-solar (Fig. 13a) and solar (Fig. 13b) metallicities. A shown in Fig. 13a, our zero-metal models reproduce correctly the models of Saumon et al. (1994)(filled circles). Figures 13 also display the $m-\te$ relation obtained with the Krishna-Swamy $T(\tau)$ relationship, with (dotted line) and without (dot-dashed line) convection in the optically thin region (cf. §2.5). The figures clearly show the overestimated effective temperature obtained by grey models using a diffusion approximation (Burrows et al. 1989, ($+$); DM94 (squares); DM96 (triangles)), as demonstrated in §2.5.
As already mentioned, the Krishna-Swamy relationship with convection [*arbitrarily suppressed*]{} at $\tau <1$ (Alexander et al. 1996, ($X$)) leads to less severe discrepancy in the region where convection [*does*]{} penetrate into the optically thin layers (2500 K $< \te <$ 5000 K). This paradoxal and inconsistent situation clearly illustrates the dubious reliability of such a treatment, and reflects the unreliable representation of the effects of atmospheric convection within a grey-approximation. This is clearly illustrated by the rather unphysical atmospheric profile obtained within this approximation, as shown in Figure 5b. For solar metallicity, however, both KS grey approximations yield a similarly good match to the innermost part of the atmosphere profile (see §2.5). It is the reason why the KS treatment [*with*]{} convection in the optically thin region, as used in Dorman et al. (1989) (filled circles), yields a reasonable agreement at solar metallicity, whereas it yields severe discrepancies for lower metallicities. This reflects the significant overestimation of the convective flux as density and pressure increase with decreasing metallicity. Models based on the Eddington approximation predict even higher $\te$ at a given mass (see Fig. 5).
The unreliability of any $T(\tau)$ relationship for VLMS becomes even more severe near the bottom of the MS ( $m< 0.1 \msol$), as shown on the figures. They yield too steep $m-\te$ relationships in the stellar-to-substellar transition region and thus too large HBMMs, by $\sim 10\%$, as discussed in §3.1.2. The difference between grey and non-grey calculations vanishes for $\te \wig > 6000$ K, i.e. $\sim 0.8\,\msol$ for metal-depleted abundances. For a 0.8 $\msol$ star with $\mh <0$, the difference between models based on non-grey AH97 atmospheres and on grey models calculated with Alexander and Fergusson (1994) Rosseland opacities amounts to $\sim$ 1-2% in $\te$ and less than 1% in L.
The different mass-$\te$ relations are given in Tables 2-7. Differences between effective temperatures as a function of the metallicity, for a given mass, $(\Delta \te/\Delta Z)_M$, decrease with mass. The 0.5 $\msol$ star with \[M/H\]=-1.5 is $\sim$ 800 K hotter than its solar metallicity counterpart, whereas the difference reduces to $\sim 300 K$ for the 0.09 $\msol$. This stems from the decreasing sensitivity of the atmosphere structure to metal abundance with decreasing $\te$ (see e.g. Allard, 1990; Brett, 1995; AH97).
In this paper, we have presented new calculations aimed at describing the structure and the evolution of low mass stars, from solar masses down to the hydrogen burning limit, for a wide range of metallicities. These calculations include the most recent physics aimed at describing the mechanical and thermal properties of these objects - equation of state, screening factors for the nuclear reaction rates, non-grey atmosphere models -. The Saumon-Chabrier hydrogen-helium EOS gives the most accurate description of the internal properties of these objects over the entire afore-mentioned mass range. Given their negligible number abundance, metals play essentially no role on the EOS itself and their presence is mimicked adequately by an effective helium fraction. Of course they do play a role as electron donors for the opacities and must be included in the appropriate ionization equilibrium equations when [*opacities*]{} are concerned. Note that, for the [*densest*]{} stars ($0.1\,\msol$, $\mh=-2.0$, $\log g=5.5$), departure from ideality at $\tau =100$ (resp. $\tau=1$) in the atmosphere is found to represent $\sim 3\%$ (resp. $\sim 1\%$) on the adiabatic gradient (as obtained from a comparison between the complete SC EOS vs an ideal gas EOS). Thus, under LMS conditions, an ideal (Saha) EOS can be safely used over the entire atmosphere, for metallicities $\mh \ge -2$. Note that an (incorrect) grey approximation yield denser atmospheric profiles (cf §2.4) and thus will overestimate non-ideal effects.
We show that under LMS conditions, the [*responsive*]{} electron background participates to the screening of the nuclear reactions, and must be included for an accurate determination of the various minimum burning masses and of the abundances of light elements along evolution. We show that, near the bottom of the main sequence, the deuterium lifetime against proton capture in the PPI chain is order of magnitudes smaller than the convective mixing time. Instantaneous mixing is thus no longer satisfied. This yields the presence of a deuterium gradient in the burning core, which bears substantial consequences on the determination of the luminosity near the brown dwarf regime.
We have examined carefully the effect of various grey-like approximations on the evolution and the mass-calibration of LMS. Under LMS conditions, these prescriptions are incorrect, or at best unreliable, and yield inaccurate mass-luminosity and mass-effective temperature relationships, which in turn yield inaccurate [*mass functions*]{} from observed luminosity functions. We examine the behaviour of the different stellar macroscopic quantities, radius, temperature, luminosity, as functions of mass, time and metallicity. We link the general behaviour of these quantities to intrinsic physical properties of stellar matter, in particular the transition from classical to quantum objects and the onset of convection or radiation in the stellar interior and atmosphere. We derive new limits for the hydrogen-burning minimum mass, effective temperature and luminosity, for each metallicity. These limits are smaller than the values determined previously, a direct consequence of non-grey effects in the atmosphere.
We believe the present calculations to represent a significant improvement in low-mass star theory and in our understanding of the properties of cool and dense objects. This provides solid grounds to examine the structure and the evolution of substellar objects, brown dwarfs and exoplanets.
At last the present models provide reliable mass-luminosity relationships, a cornerstone for the derivation of accurate mass functions (Méra, Chabrier & Baraffe, 1996; Chabrier & Méra, 1997). The comparison with observations has already been presented in different [*Letters*]{} (see references), and is examined in detail in two companion papers, namely Baraffe et al. (1997) for metal-poor globular cluster and halo field stars and in Allard et al. (1997a) for solar-like abundances. Tables 2-7 are available by anonymous ftp:
ftp ftp.ens-lyon.fr
username: anonymous
ftp $>$ cd /pub/users/CRAL/ibaraffe
ftp $>$ get CB97\_models
ftp $>$ quit
We are deeply endebted to our collaborators F. Allard and P. Hauschildt, for providing various model atmospheres and for numerous discussions. We are also grateful to D. Saumon and D. Alexander for providing their zero-metallicity atmosphere models and their grainless opacities, respectively, and to W. Däppen for computing zero-metallicity MHD EOS upon request. We also acknowledge useful conversations with A. Burrows in particular and with the Tucson group in general. The computation were done on the CRAY C90 of the Centre d’Etudes Nucléaire de Grenoble.
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------------- ---------- --------------------- ------------------ ------------ -- --
\[M/H\] $M/\mso$ ${\rm log} L/\lsol$ R ($10^{10}$ cm) $R_{CE}$/R
0 0.4 -1.71 2.640 0.49
0.5 -1.45 3.285 0.61
0.57 -1.25 3.806 0.64
0.6 -1.15 4.035 0.65
0.62 -1.09 4.189 0.66
-1 0.35 -1.66 2.269 0.43
0.40 -1.53 2.566 0.58
0.50 -1.18 3.335 0.69
0.60 -0.782 4.013 0.73
-1.5 0.4 -1.47 2.517 0.58
0.5 -1.12 3.252 0.69
0.60 -0.70 3.904 0.75
-1.5 $Grey$ 0.4 -1.42 2.455 0.54
-2 0.4 -1.42 2.460 0.55
0.5 -1.08 3.148 0.69
0.60 -0.67 3.837 0.76
------------- ---------- --------------------- ------------------ ------------ -- --
: Bottom of the convective enveloppe $R_{CE}$ normalised to the radius of the star R as a function of mass and metallicity, for an age of 10 Gyrs. Comparison is made with grey models based on the Krishna-Swamy prescription for the 0.4 $\mso$ and \[M/H\]=-1.5. The values 0.57 and 0.62 $\msol$ correspond to the eclipsing binary system YY-Gem (Leung and Schneider 1978)
----------- ------------ ------- --------------- ------------------ ----------- -------------- ----------- ----------- ---------
$M/\msol$ age (Gyrs) $\te$ log $L/\lsol$ R ($10^{10}$ cm) log $T_c$ log $\rho_c$ Li/Li$_0$ Be/Be$_0$ B/B$_0$
0.075 0.01 3006. -2.048 2.449 6.199 1.108 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000
0.10 2835. -2.831 1.118 6.459 2.125 0.35600 0.99800 1.00000
1.00 2211. -3.695 0.680 6.510 2.789 0.00000 0.03180 1.00000
10.00 2002. -3.929 0.634 6.492 2.882 0.00000 0.00000 0.99667
0.080 0.01 3025. -2.010 2.528 6.215 1.097 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000
0.10 2876. -2.780 1.152 6.482 2.117 0.17100 0.99400 1.00000
1.00 2374. -3.536 0.708 6.554 2.765 0.00000 0.00120 0.99333
10.00 2314. -3.605 0.689 6.552 2.803 0.00000 0.00000 0.91667
0.090 0.01 3059. -1.939 2.682 6.242 1.076 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000
0.10 2946. -2.694 1.213 6.522 2.106 0.02050 0.96100 1.00000
1.00 2645. -3.261 0.784 6.617 2.686 0.00000 0.00000 0.90333
10.00 2642. -3.265 0.781 6.619 2.691 0.00000 0.00000 0.16200
0.100 0.01 3090. -1.874 2.833 6.266 1.054 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000
0.10 3006. -2.614 1.278 6.555 2.087 0.00180 0.85200 1.00000
1.00 2811. -3.070 0.863 6.658 2.607 0.00000 0.00000 0.59333
10.00 2814. -3.069 0.863 6.659 2.607 0.00000 0.00000 0.00038
0.110 0.01 3112. -1.821 2.968 6.288 1.038 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000
0.10 3051. -2.550 1.334 6.585 2.075 0.00009 0.61000 1.00000
1.00 2919. -2.932 0.939 6.687 2.539 0.00000 0.00000 0.26533
10.00 2922. -2.929 0.940 6.688 2.538 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
0.150 0.01 3186. -1.636 3.503 6.354 0.964 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000
0.10 3199. -2.328 1.567 6.669 2.009 0.00000 0.02640 0.99667
1.00 3149. -2.581 1.209 6.759 2.349 0.00000 0.00000 0.00293
10.00 3153. -2.577 1.212 6.760 2.346 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
0.200 0.01 3251. -1.464 4.101 6.412 0.889 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000
0.10 3299. -2.137 1.835 6.738 1.934 0.00000 0.00009 0.91000
1.00 3290. -2.316 1.502 6.813 2.196 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
10.00 3295. -2.302 1.523 6.810 2.177 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
0.300 0.01 3345. -1.232 5.060 6.498 0.798 0.98700 1.00000 1.00000
0.10 3424. -1.873 2.310 6.818 1.831 0.00000 0.00000 0.79333
1.00 3437. -1.984 2.016 6.879 1.996 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
10.00 3436. -1.945 2.112 6.863 1.935 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
0.350 0.01 3396. -1.138 5.469 6.531 0.766 0.95300 1.00000 1.00000
0.10 3471. -1.767 2.540 6.836 1.821 0.00000 0.00000 0.97667
1.00 3478. -1.857 2.282 6.897 1.907 0.00000 0.00000 0.00847
10.00 3475. -1.822 2.380 6.882 1.850 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
0.400 0.01 3451. -1.050 5.863 6.559 0.735 0.87600 1.00000 1.00000
0.10 3525. -1.660 2.786 6.853 1.827 0.00000 0.00016 0.99667
1.00 3522. -1.727 2.581 6.905 1.852 0.00000 0.00000 0.82667
10.00 3524. -1.707 2.640 6.897 1.859 0.00000 0.00000 0.13533
0.500 0.01 3555. -0.903 6.547 6.608 0.691 0.52200 0.99700 1.00000
0.10 3658. -1.429 3.374 6.898 1.875 0.00000 0.30000 1.00000
1.00 3649. -1.478 3.205 6.935 1.848 0.00000 0.09220 1.00000
10.00 3654. -1.454 3.285 6.930 1.880 0.00000 0.00000 1.00000
0.600 0.01 3645. -0.785 7.134 6.645 0.668 0.28900 0.99300 1.00000
0.10 3987. -1.119 4.058 6.979 1.935 0.00000 0.86400 1.00000
1.00 3883. -1.195 3.919 6.969 1.860 0.00000 0.84200 1.00000
10.00 3914. -1.156 4.035 6.976 1.921 0.00000 0.70200 1.00000
0.700 0.01 3719. -0.681 7.721 6.669 0.655 0.38200 0.99600 1.00000
0.10 4246. -0.910 4.551 7.027 1.880 0.00205 0.97400 1.00000
1.00 4209. -0.909 4.637 7.009 1.876 0.00105 0.97300 1.00000
10.00 4284. -0.841 4.841 7.031 1.992 0.00000 0.96800 1.00000
0.800 0.01 4091. -0.539 7.515 6.729 0.796 0.10400 0.98900 1.00000
0.10 4647. -0.647 5.140 7.059 1.876 0.00173 0.97000 1.00000
1.00 4647. -0.632 5.235 7.051 1.897 0.00157 0.97000 1.00000
10.00 4762. -0.515 5.705 7.097 2.111 0.00085 0.96900 1.00000
----------- ------------ ------- --------------- ------------------ ----------- -------------- ----------- ----------- ---------
----------- ------------ ------- --------------- ------------------ ----------- -------------- ----------- ----------- ---------
$M/\msol$ age (Gyrs) $\te$ log $L/\lsol$ R ($10^{10}$ cm) log $T_c$ log $\rho_c$ Li/Li$_0$ Be/Be$_0$ B/B$_0$
0.080 0.01 3211. -1.988 2.299 6.238 1.218 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000
0.10 3023. -2.759 1.068 6.483 2.215 0.09320 0.99000 1.00000
1.00 2352. -3.608 0.664 6.508 2.849 0.00000 0.00772 1.00000
10.00 2128. -3.835 0.625 6.485 2.928 0.00000 0.00000 0.99333
0.090 0.01 3246. -1.918 2.441 6.266 1.196 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000
0.10 3102. -2.666 1.129 6.525 2.198 0.00708 0.93400 1.00000
1.00 2725. -3.261 0.738 6.594 2.764 0.00000 0.00000 0.95333
10.00 2716. -3.271 0.734 6.595 2.772 0.00000 0.00000 0.45333
0.100 0.01 3279. -1.852 2.580 6.290 1.173 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000
0.10 3160. -2.593 1.184 6.562 2.186 0.00026 0.73100 1.00000
1.00 2940. -3.035 0.822 6.644 2.671 0.00000 0.00000 0.67000
10.00 2943. -3.033 0.823 6.646 2.670 0.00000 0.00000 0.00282
0.110 0.01 3309. -1.797 2.700 6.313 1.158 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000
0.10 3211. -2.522 1.244 6.591 2.167 0.00001 0.44300 1.00000
1.00 3068. -2.882 0.900 6.677 2.595 0.00000 0.00000 0.29133
10.00 3072. -2.879 0.901 6.679 2.593 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
0.150 0.01 3399. -1.606 3.187 6.380 1.085 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000
0.10 3353. -2.310 1.457 6.681 2.103 0.00000 0.00543 0.99000
1.00 3311. -2.521 1.172 6.754 2.390 0.00000 0.00000 0.00320
10.00 3314. -2.517 1.175 6.756 2.386 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
0.200 0.01 3479. -1.435 3.704 6.442 1.020 0.99800 1.00000 1.00000
0.10 3467. -2.115 1.705 6.752 2.030 0.00000 0.00000 0.77333
1.00 3451. -2.257 1.462 6.809 2.230 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
10.00 3455. -2.241 1.485 6.806 2.211 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
0.300 0.01 3595. -1.193 4.586 6.526 0.924 0.94000 1.00000 1.00000
0.10 3640. -1.827 2.154 6.831 1.928 0.00000 0.00000 0.90000
1.00 3640. -1.909 1.960 6.877 2.032 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
10.00 3645. -1.865 2.058 6.860 1.969 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
0.350 0.01 3648. -1.100 4.956 6.560 0.892 0.81000 0.99900 1.00000
0.10 3703. -1.708 2.389 6.850 1.928 0.00000 0.00027 0.99667
1.00 3696. -1.759 2.260 6.888 1.923 0.00000 0.00000 0.19033
10.00 3697. -1.742 2.305 6.883 1.895 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
0.400 0.01 3702. -1.016 5.298 6.589 0.865 0.58500 0.99800 1.00000
0.10 3777. -1.582 2.656 6.874 1.947 0.00000 0.16200 1.00000
1.00 3754. -1.630 2.541 6.903 1.905 0.00000 0.00027 0.99000
10.00 3759. -1.609 2.598 6.899 1.919 0.00000 0.00000 0.94667
0.500 0.01 3810. -0.875 5.887 6.633 0.841 0.44400 0.99700 1.00000
0.10 4033. -1.269 3.338 6.950 1.997 0.00011 0.95900 1.00000
1.00 3947. -1.333 3.237 6.941 1.901 0.00000 0.93700 1.00000
10.00 3968. -1.298 3.333 6.944 1.954 0.00000 0.84900 1.00000
0.600 0.01 3920. -0.748 6.433 6.662 0.847 0.67000 0.99900 1.00000
0.10 4357. -1.008 3.862 7.002 1.941 0.25400 0.99700 1.00000
1.00 4321. -1.000 3.960 6.986 1.914 0.22000 0.99700 1.00000
10.00 4406. -0.935 4.109 7.004 2.020 0.11200 0.99600 1.00000
0.700 0.01 4039. -0.624 6.990 6.688 0.871 0.86300 1.00000 1.00000
0.10 4804. -0.704 4.509 7.038 1.921 0.77100 1.00000 1.00000
1.00 4806. -0.687 4.593 7.032 1.929 0.76500 1.00000 1.00000
10.00 4962. -0.569 4.933 7.075 2.136 0.74600 1.00000 1.00000
0.800 0.01 4176. -0.498 7.560 6.715 0.916 0.95300 1.00000 1.00000
0.10 5217. -0.432 5.228 7.075 1.923 0.94200 1.00000 1.00000
1.00 5225. -0.412 5.334 7.076 1.941 0.94100 1.00000 1.00000
10.00 5490. -0.190 6.239 7.164 2.359 0.94100 1.00000 1.00000
----------- ------------ ------- --------------- ------------------ ----------- -------------- ----------- ----------- ---------
----------- ------------ ------- --------------- ------------------ ----------- -------------- ----------- ----------- ---------
$M/\msol$ age (Gyrs) $\te$ log $L/\lsol$ R ($10^{10}$ cm) log $T_c$ log $\rho_c$ Li/Li$_0$ Be/Be$_0$ B/B$_0$
0.083 0.01 3421. -1.946 2.128 6.282 1.337 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000
0.10 3203. -2.705 1.013 6.511 2.303 0.00747 0.94700 1.00000
1.00 2527. -3.504 0.649 6.521 2.897 0.00000 0.00054 0.99667
10.00 2359. -3.660 0.622 6.504 2.952 0.00000 0.00000 0.98333
0.085 0.01 3429. -1.930 2.157 6.287 1.330 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000
0.10 3218. -2.690 1.020 6.521 2.304 0.00318 0.91700 1.00000
1.00 2636. -3.411 0.664 6.543 2.878 0.00000 0.00008 0.99333
10.00 2550. -3.492 0.646 6.536 2.914 0.00000 0.00000 0.93667
0.090 0.01 3449. -1.897 2.214 6.302 1.323 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000
0.10 3258. -2.644 1.050 6.542 2.294 0.00050 0.81300 1.00000
1.00 2848. -3.222 0.706 6.589 2.822 0.00000 0.00000 0.94667
10.00 2840. -3.231 0.703 6.590 2.829 0.00000 0.00000 0.47000
0.100 0.01 3486. -1.832 2.338 6.327 1.301 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000
0.10 3327. -2.564 1.104 6.579 2.277 0.00000 0.46400 1.00000
1.00 3103. -2.970 0.795 6.646 2.715 0.00000 0.00000 0.59000
10.00 3107. -2.967 0.796 6.648 2.713 0.00000 0.00000 0.00079
0.110 0.01 3518. -1.771 2.459 6.348 1.279 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000
0.10 3381. -2.499 1.153 6.612 2.266 0.00000 0.15900 1.00000
1.00 3240. -2.812 0.875 6.681 2.632 0.00000 0.00000 0.20800
10.00 3245. -2.808 0.876 6.683 2.631 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
0.150 0.01 3617. -1.581 2.899 6.417 1.208 0.99900 1.00000 1.00000
0.10 3549. -2.273 1.356 6.704 2.197 0.00000 0.00025 0.95333
1.00 3500. -2.445 1.143 6.761 2.422 0.00000 0.00000 0.00111
10.00 3505. -2.439 1.149 6.762 2.416 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
0.200 0.01 3701. -1.406 3.384 6.478 1.137 0.98600 1.00000 1.00000
0.10 3682. -2.069 1.593 6.776 2.118 0.00000 0.00000 0.46667
1.00 3666. -2.173 1.426 6.817 2.263 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
10.00 3674. -2.150 1.458 6.812 2.234 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
0.300 0.01 3831. -1.159 4.200 6.562 1.038 0.73100 0.99900 1.00000
0.10 3837. -1.782 2.042 6.855 1.990 0.00000 0.00000 0.75667
1.00 3834. -1.836 1.923 6.884 2.057 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
10.00 3841. -1.787 2.027 6.865 1.988 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
0.350 0.01 3881. -1.070 4.534 6.596 1.008 0.42500 0.99500 1.00000
0.10 3904. -1.659 2.273 6.874 1.993 0.00000 0.00074 0.99667
1.00 3891. -1.683 2.226 6.894 1.942 0.00000 0.00000 0.16667
10.00 3893. -1.665 2.269 6.891 1.926 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
0.400 0.01 3930. -0.989 4.853 6.622 0.984 0.27700 0.99300 1.00000
0.10 3984. -1.524 2.549 6.904 2.012 0.00000 0.51500 1.00000
1.00 3950. -1.553 2.509 6.909 1.928 0.00000 0.00496 0.99667
10.00 3959. -1.530 2.566 6.909 1.950 0.00000 0.00000 0.98333
0.500 0.01 4035. -0.848 5.413 6.658 0.980 0.58200 0.99900 1.00000
0.10 4261. -1.216 3.179 6.973 2.002 0.08520 0.99400 1.00000
1.00 4190. -1.231 3.230 6.951 1.927 0.03000 0.99200 1.00000
10.00 4235. -1.185 3.335 6.960 1.995 0.00014 0.98800 1.00000
0.600 0.01 4169. -0.708 5.956 6.690 1.015 0.87700 1.00000 1.00000
0.10 4728. -0.886 3.775 7.011 1.955 0.81300 1.00000 1.00000
1.00 4711. -0.873 3.859 7.002 1.938 0.80200 1.00000 1.00000
10.00 4867. -0.782 4.013 7.031 2.079 0.75400 1.00000 1.00000
0.700 0.01 4377. -0.543 6.534 6.726 1.073 0.97100 1.00000 1.00000
0.10 5236. -0.575 4.402 7.050 1.939 0.96700 1.00000 1.00000
1.00 5236. -0.559 4.483 7.048 1.943 0.96700 1.00000 1.00000
10.00 5478. -0.392 4.967 7.113 2.234 0.96700 1.00000 1.00000
0.800 0.01 4663. -0.349 7.195 6.770 1.163 0.99400 1.00000 1.00000
0.10 5662. -0.303 5.150 7.089 1.944 0.99400 1.00000 1.00000
1.00 5719. -0.269 5.247 7.097 1.990 0.99400 1.00000 1.00000
10.00 6055. 0.077 6.973 7.235 2.676 0.99400 1.00000 1.00000
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----------- ------------ ------- --------------- ------------------ ----------- -------------- ----------- ----------- ---------
$M/\msol$ age (Gyrs) $\te$ log $L/\lsol$ R ($10^{10}$ cm) log $T_c$ log $\rho_c$ Li/Li$_0$ Be/Be$_0$ B/B$_0$
0.083 0.01 3530. -1.931 2.031 6.299 1.397 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000
0.10 3283. -2.699 0.971 6.519 2.358 0.00181 0.90400 1.00000
1.00 2541. -3.516 0.632 6.510 2.930 0.00000 0.00049 0.99667
10.00 2283. -3.751 0.597 6.480 3.003 0.00000 0.00000 0.99333
0.085 0.01 3538. -1.915 2.061 6.304 1.390 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000
0.10 3304. -2.677 0.983 6.528 2.354 0.00082 0.86200 1.00000
1.00 2662. -3.417 0.646 6.534 2.913 0.00000 0.00006 0.99333
10.00 2542. -3.524 0.626 6.523 2.954 0.00000 0.00000 0.96000
0.090 0.01 3559. -1.883 2.113 6.319 1.384 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000
0.10 3347. -2.631 1.010 6.550 2.345 0.00009 0.70300 1.00000
1.00 2913. -3.204 0.690 6.585 2.854 0.00000 0.00000 0.94667
10.00 2903. -3.214 0.686 6.586 2.862 0.00000 0.00000 0.49333
0.100 0.01 3596. -1.818 2.231 6.345 1.362 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000
0.10 3419. -2.551 1.061 6.589 2.330 0.00000 0.30300 1.00000
1.00 3194. -2.936 0.781 6.647 2.738 0.00000 0.00000 0.53000
10.00 3200. -2.931 0.782 6.649 2.736 0.00000 0.00000 0.00035
0.110 0.01 3627. -1.759 2.347 6.366 1.340 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000
0.10 3479. -2.480 1.113 6.622 2.312 0.00000 0.08150 1.00000
1.00 3338. -2.773 0.862 6.684 2.653 0.00000 0.00000 0.16467
10.00 3343. -2.769 0.863 6.686 2.651 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
0.150 0.01 3726. -1.565 2.781 6.434 1.262 0.99700 1.00000 1.00000
0.10 3658. -2.251 1.309 6.716 2.243 0.00000 0.00004 0.90667
1.00 3618. -2.400 1.127 6.765 2.441 0.00000 0.00000 0.00056
10.00 3624. -2.392 1.134 6.766 2.433 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
0.200 0.01 3809. -1.392 3.247 6.495 1.191 0.96800 1.00000 1.00000
0.10 3785. -2.048 1.545 6.787 2.158 0.00000 0.00000 0.31667
1.00 3772. -2.134 1.409 6.821 2.279 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
10.00 3780. -2.107 1.447 6.815 2.244 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
0.300 0.01 3943. -1.145 4.026 6.580 1.094 0.53800 0.99700 1.00000
0.10 3940. -1.758 1.991 6.868 2.013 0.00000 0.00000 0.45667
1.00 3936. -1.798 1.906 6.887 2.068 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
10.00 3945. -1.747 2.011 6.868 1.998 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
0.350 0.01 3993. -1.056 4.353 6.613 1.061 0.23900 0.98700 1.00000
0.10 4005. -1.639 2.211 6.888 2.016 0.00000 0.00024 0.99667
1.00 3991. -1.646 2.208 6.897 1.949 0.00000 0.00000 0.04500
10.00 3994. -1.627 2.255 6.890 1.919 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
0.400 0.01 4042. -0.976 4.654 6.637 1.042 0.19400 0.99100 1.00000
0.10 4093. -1.498 2.490 6.916 2.026 0.00000 0.55100 1.00000
1.00 4055. -1.516 2.483 6.913 1.934 0.00000 0.00262 0.99667
10.00 4067. -1.492 2.537 6.914 1.960 0.00000 0.00000 0.97667
0.500 0.01 4150. -0.833 5.205 6.672 1.049 0.64300 0.99900 1.00000
0.10 4373. -1.190 3.110 6.976 2.001 0.22000 0.99700 1.00000
1.00 4318. -1.190 3.188 6.956 1.934 0.11100 0.99600 1.00000
10.00 4377. -1.139 3.291 6.968 2.008 0.00166 0.99300 1.00000
0.600 0.01 4322. -0.678 5.736 6.709 1.100 0.92200 1.00000 1.00000
0.10 4897. -0.841 3.706 7.015 1.959 0.89900 1.00000 1.00000
1.00 4884. -0.827 3.783 7.007 1.946 0.89300 1.00000 1.00000
10.00 5068. -0.727 3.944 7.042 2.100 0.86800 1.00000 1.00000
0.700 0.01 4603. -0.485 6.322 6.752 1.180 0.98700 1.00000 1.00000
0.10 5409. -0.531 4.341 7.054 1.943 0.98600 1.00000 1.00000
1.00 5406. -0.515 4.423 7.052 1.943 0.98600 1.00000 1.00000
10.00 5686. -0.326 4.970 7.128 2.273 0.98600 1.00000 1.00000
0.800 0.01 4981. -0.253 7.045 6.809 1.299 0.99800 1.00000 1.00000
0.10 5843. -0.258 5.093 7.094 1.951 0.99800 1.00000 1.00000
1.00 5914. -0.221 5.187 7.105 2.005 0.99800 1.00000 1.00000
10.00 6315. 0.199 7.373 7.268 2.841 0.99800 1.00000 1.00000
----------- ------------ ------- --------------- ------------------ ----------- -------------- ----------- ----------- ---------
----------- ------------ ------- --------------- ------------------ ----------- -------------- ----------- ----------- ---------
$M/\msol$ age (Gyrs) $\te$ log $L/\lsol$ R ($10^{10}$ cm) log $T_c$ log $\rho_c$ Li/Li$_0$ Be/Be$_0$ B/B$_0$
0.083 0.01 3597. -1.921 1.979 6.309 1.432 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000
0.10 3336. -2.688 0.952 6.522 2.384 0.00092 0.87700 1.00000
1.00 2538. -3.533 0.622 6.502 2.952 0.00000 0.00044 0.99667
10.00 2194. -3.844 0.582 6.459 3.039 0.00000 0.00000 0.99667
0.085 0.01 3606. -1.910 1.997 6.316 1.431 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000
0.10 3354. -2.672 0.959 6.532 2.385 0.00030 0.81300 1.00000
1.00 2669. -3.427 0.635 6.528 2.935 0.00000 0.00005 0.99333
10.00 2519. -3.559 0.613 6.512 2.982 0.00000 0.00000 0.97333
0.090 0.01 3626. -1.874 2.058 6.329 1.418 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000
0.10 3399. -2.625 0.985 6.555 2.378 0.00003 0.61600 1.00000
1.00 2948. -3.196 0.679 6.583 2.874 0.00000 0.00000 0.94667
10.00 2938. -3.207 0.675 6.583 2.882 0.00000 0.00000 0.51333
0.100 0.01 3662. -1.805 2.184 6.353 1.390 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000
0.10 3475. -2.545 1.035 6.595 2.363 0.00000 0.21400 1.00000
1.00 3249. -2.915 0.773 6.648 2.753 0.00000 0.00000 0.51000
10.00 3255. -2.910 0.774 6.650 2.750 0.00000 0.00000 0.00022
0.110 0.01 3695. -1.750 2.286 6.377 1.375 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000
0.10 3542. -2.470 1.085 6.629 2.346 0.00000 0.04450 0.99667
1.00 3399. -2.750 0.854 6.685 2.665 0.00000 0.00000 0.13833
10.00 3405. -2.745 0.856 6.687 2.663 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
0.150 0.01 3795. -1.556 2.707 6.444 1.297 0.99500 1.00000 1.00000
0.10 3722. -2.239 1.282 6.723 2.271 0.00000 0.00001 0.86000
1.00 3685. -2.375 1.119 6.767 2.451 0.00000 0.00000 0.00036
10.00 3691. -2.366 1.126 6.768 2.443 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
0.200 0.01 3880. -1.383 3.162 6.505 1.226 0.94400 1.00000 1.00000
0.10 3848. -2.033 1.522 6.793 2.178 0.00000 0.00000 0.24867
1.00 3836. -2.111 1.400 6.824 2.288 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
10.00 3845. -2.082 1.441 6.816 2.250 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
0.300 0.01 4013. -1.136 3.930 6.589 1.125 0.41900 0.99500 1.00000
0.10 4001. -1.745 1.960 6.875 2.032 0.00000 0.00000 0.16833
1.00 3999. -1.775 1.896 6.889 2.075 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
10.00 4008. -1.724 2.002 6.870 2.004 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
0.350 0.01 4064. -1.046 4.245 6.623 1.094 0.15400 0.97900 1.00000
0.10 4068. -1.620 2.188 6.893 2.022 0.00000 0.00009 0.99667
1.00 4058. -1.642 2.145 6.907 1.989 0.00000 0.00000 0.01817
10.00 4059. -1.602 2.247 6.891 1.924 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
0.400 0.01 4112. -0.968 4.540 6.647 1.077 0.14400 0.98900 1.00000
0.10 4157. -1.485 2.451 6.922 2.032 0.00000 0.49700 1.00000
1.00 4122. -1.495 2.463 6.915 1.937 0.00000 0.00088 0.99000
10.00 4134. -1.471 2.517 6.917 1.964 0.00000 0.00000 0.96333
0.500 0.01 4232. -0.820 5.084 6.682 1.087 0.63700 0.99900 1.00000
0.10 4435. -1.178 3.065 6.976 1.995 0.25500 0.99700 1.00000
1.00 4396. -1.169 3.150 6.958 1.937 0.11100 0.99600 1.00000
10.00 4462. -1.116 3.252 6.971 2.013 0.00107 0.99200 1.00000
0.600 0.01 4427. -0.657 5.603 6.721 1.148 0.93500 1.00000 1.00000
0.10 4977. -0.821 3.669 7.016 1.957 0.92200 1.00000 1.00000
1.00 4970. -0.807 3.738 7.009 1.946 0.91700 1.00000 1.00000
10.00 5167. -0.702 3.904 7.047 2.108 0.90200 1.00000 1.00000
0.700 0.01 4760. -0.444 6.194 6.769 1.239 0.99200 1.00000 1.00000
0.10 5497. -0.510 4.303 7.057 1.948 0.99200 1.00000 1.00000
1.00 5494. -0.494 4.388 7.055 1.947 0.99200 1.00000 1.00000
10.00 5792. -0.296 4.959 7.135 2.292 0.99200 1.00000 1.00000
0.800 0.01 5167. -0.195 7.004 6.834 1.376 0.99900 1.00000 1.00000
0.10 5933. -0.238 5.054 7.096 1.951 0.99900 1.00000 1.00000
1.00 6021. -0.198 5.138 7.109 2.015 0.99900 1.00000 1.00000
10.00 6483. 0.266 7.557 7.296 2.926 0.99900 1.00000 1.00000
----------- ------------ ------- --------------- ------------------ ----------- -------------- ----------- ----------- ---------
----------- ------------ ------- --------------- ------------------ ----------- -------------- ----------- ----------- ---------
$M/\msol$ age (Gyrs) $\te$ log $L/\lsol$ R ($10^{10}$ cm) log $T_c$ log $\rho_c$ Li/Li$_0$ Be/Be$_0$ B/B$_0$
0.083 0.01 3750. -1.900 1.867 6.330 1.507 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000
0.10 3455. -2.676 0.900 6.531 2.459 0.00009 0.76300 1.00000
1.00 2519. -3.578 0.599 6.480 3.000 0.00000 0.00045 0.99667
10.00 1779. -4.274 0.539 6.371 3.135 0.00000 0.00000 0.99667
0.085 0.01 3758. -1.889 1.883 6.337 1.507 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000
0.10 3479. -2.654 0.910 6.542 2.455 0.00003 0.67400 1.00000
1.00 2667. -3.461 0.611 6.509 2.984 0.00000 0.00004 0.99333
10.00 2342. -3.741 0.575 6.468 3.063 0.00000 0.00000 0.99000
0.090 0.01 3779. -1.852 1.941 6.351 1.495 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000
0.10 3532. -2.605 0.934 6.566 2.449 0.00000 0.41500 1.00000
1.00 3022. -3.186 0.654 6.574 2.924 0.00000 0.00000 0.95000
10.00 3005. -3.202 0.649 6.574 2.934 0.00000 0.00000 0.60333
0.100 0.01 3816. -1.784 2.060 6.375 1.466 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000
0.10 3623. -2.520 0.979 6.608 2.437 0.00000 0.08090 1.00000
1.00 3387. -2.866 0.753 6.649 2.788 0.00000 0.00000 0.43333
10.00 3395. -2.860 0.754 6.652 2.785 0.00000 0.00000 0.00006
0.110 0.01 3846. -1.727 2.167 6.397 1.444 0.99900 1.00000 1.00000
0.10 3696. -2.441 1.031 6.642 2.414 0.00000 0.01050 0.99667
1.00 3556. -2.692 0.834 6.689 2.696 0.00000 0.00000 0.09867
10.00 3565. -2.686 0.836 6.691 2.693 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
0.150 0.01 3947. -1.535 2.566 6.466 1.367 0.98400 1.00000 1.00000
0.10 3873. -2.207 1.229 6.736 2.326 0.00000 0.00000 0.72333
1.00 3845. -2.317 1.098 6.773 2.475 0.00000 0.00000 0.00013
10.00 3852. -2.306 1.109 6.773 2.463 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
0.200 0.01 4036. -1.362 2.993 6.528 1.298 0.84500 1.00000 1.00000
0.10 4002. -1.997 1.466 6.806 2.227 0.00000 0.00000 0.11800
1.00 3995. -2.054 1.377 6.829 2.309 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
10.00 4004. -2.020 1.427 6.820 2.263 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
0.300 0.01 4189. -1.114 3.696 6.615 1.206 0.15700 0.97900 1.00000
0.10 4162. -1.702 1.904 6.887 2.069 0.00000 0.00000 0.00843
1.00 4161. -1.717 1.872 6.894 2.092 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
10.00 4172. -1.665 1.978 6.875 2.020 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
0.350 0.01 4252. -1.021 3.996 6.649 1.173 0.03360 0.92400 1.00000
0.10 4231. -1.587 2.104 6.911 2.036 0.00000 0.00000 0.92333
1.00 4226. -1.589 2.104 6.915 2.009 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
10.00 4231. -1.541 2.218 6.897 1.941 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
0.400 0.01 4306. -0.943 4.258 6.673 1.162 0.02590 0.96200 1.00000
0.10 4315. -1.456 2.349 6.935 2.033 0.00000 0.08290 1.00000
1.00 4289. -1.444 2.411 6.921 1.939 0.00000 0.00000 0.92333
10.00 4304. -1.421 2.460 6.925 1.972 0.00000 0.00000 0.69667
0.500 0.01 4434. -0.791 4.789 6.707 1.172 0.38600 0.99700 1.00000
0.10 4589. -1.148 2.963 6.979 1.996 0.06000 0.99300 1.00000
1.00 4560. -1.136 3.042 6.963 1.941 0.00305 0.98400 1.00000
10.00 4623. -1.083 3.148 6.977 2.021 0.00000 0.95600 1.00000
0.600 0.01 4643. -0.621 5.308 6.747 1.234 0.89400 1.00000 1.00000
0.10 5093. -0.799 3.596 7.017 1.958 0.87700 1.00000 1.00000
1.00 5094. -0.784 3.655 7.012 1.951 0.87100 1.00000 1.00000
10.00 5292. -0.676 3.837 7.052 2.116 0.85200 1.00000 1.00000
0.700 0.01 5000. -0.401 5.899 6.800 1.335 0.98900 1.00000 1.00000
0.10 5596. -0.489 4.254 7.059 1.950 0.98900 1.00000 1.00000
1.00 5591. -0.473 4.340 7.057 1.946 0.98900 1.00000 1.00000
10.00 5914. -0.265 4.932 7.143 2.312 0.98900 1.00000 1.00000
0.800 0.01 5419. -0.123 6.917 6.871 1.485 0.99900 1.00000 1.00000
0.10 6045. -0.216 4.991 7.099 1.956 0.99900 1.00000 1.00000
1.00 6121. -0.180 5.078 7.111 2.007 0.99900 1.00000 1.00000
10.00 6688. 0.334 7.682 7.314 3.021 0.99900 1.00000 1.00000
----------- ------------ ------- --------------- ------------------ ----------- -------------- ----------- ----------- ---------
[^1]: the 1 $\msol$ case is shown only to illustrate the effect of metals in the EOS for the Sun; it is not intented to reproduce an accurate solar model, since we use a mixing length l$_{mix}$ = H$_p$ in the present calculations
[^2]: Only in term of structure and evolution. For helioseismological studies, which require extremely high accuracy ($\sim 1\%$ on the [*speed of sound*]{}), the effect of metals can become important and the MHD EOS or the OPAL EOS (Rogers & Iglesias, 1992), specially devoted to such study, must be used.
[^3]: This is what is called [*electron screening*]{}, the previous one denoting the [*ion screening*]{}. We stress that there is some confusion in the literature, including in some textbooks, where the term electron screening is erroneously used to denote what is just the ion screening.
[^4]: The $Z=0$ non-grey atmosphere models were kindly provided by D. Saumon.
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address: |
Graduate Center, City University of New York\
365 Fifth Avenue\
- Andrew Stout
date: 'May 1st, 2012'
title: A Generalizationed theorem of Katz and motivic integration
Introduction {#introduction .unnumbered}
In what follows, we are interested in an extension of a theorem of Nicholas Katz, which will be useful in studying the cohomology of generalized arc spaces develop by Hans Schoutens in [@Sch1] and [@Sch2]. As is well known, one is typically interested in the motivic volume of a definable subset of $\mathcal{X} \times X \times \mathbb{Z}^n$ where $\mathcal{X}$ is a scheme over $k((t))$ and $X$ the special fiber of $\mathcal{X}$, cf., [@CL1] . Schoutens has introduced the possibility of developing a motivic integration for *limit points* other than $k[[t]]$. In this note, we are concerned with a special type of limit point $k[[T]]$ where $T=(t_i)_{i\in\mathbb{N}}$.
Two lemmas
We start with a few lemmas from commutative algebra which we will need.
Let $R:=k[[x_1, x_2,\ldots, x_n, \ldots]]$ be the $\mathfrak{m}$-adic completion of the polynomial ring $k[x_1,x_2,\ldots,x_n,\ldots]$ along the maximal ideal $\mathfrak{m}= (x_1,x_2,\ldots,x_n,\ldots)$. For all $n\in\mathbb{N}$, let $R_n
:= k[[x_1,\ldots,x_n]] \cong R/(x_{n+1},x_{n+2},\ldots)$ and let $R_n
\rightarrow R_{n-1}$ be the homomorphism with kernal $(x_n)R_n$. Then there is an isomorphism $$R \cong \varprojlim_{n} R_n$$ Moreover, $R$ is a local ring with maximal ideal $\frak{m}R$.
It is straightforward to verify[^1] that $\mathfrak{m}R$ is the maximal ideal of $R$. For the other claim, we define a homomorphism from $R$ to $ \varprojlim_{n} R_n$ by $x_i \mapsto (y_j)_{j\in\mathbb{N}}$ where $y_j = 0$ if $j< i$ and $y_j = x_i$ if $i\geq j$. By definition of inverse limit, this map is injective. By the universal property of inverse limits, we conclude that it is surjective.
Note that this isomorphism takes place in the category of $k$-algebras and not the category of topological $k$-algebras.
Below we will state a version of Nakayama’s Lemma which will be important for our work below
Let $R$ be any local ring (or, in particular, the one above), and let $M$ be a finitely generated $R$-module. Then there is a surjective homormophism of $R$-modules $$M/\mathfrak{m}M \otimes_{\mathbb{Z}} R \rightarrow M$$
This is a special case of Proposition 2.6 of [@AM]
The theorem
From now on, we assume that $k$ is of characteristic zero. What follows is a natural extension, mutatis mutadis, of a theorem contained in a paper of Katz, cf., Proposition 8.9 of [@Katz]. The original argument is originally due to Cartier, whereas my contribution is to show that it works with an inverse system.
Let $M$ be finite $R$-module with a connection $\nabla$ arrising from the continuous $k$-derivations coming from $R$ to $M$. Then $M^{\nabla}$ is finitely generated and $$M \cong M^{\nabla}\otimes_k R$$
For all $i\in \mathbb{N}$ we define $$D_i =
\nabla(\frac{\partial}{\partial x_i})$$ and for each $j\in\mathbb{N}$ we define $$D_{i}^{(j)} = \frac{1}{j!}(\nabla(\frac{\partial}{\partial x_i}))^j$$
For any $n$ and any $n$-tuple $J_n=(j_1,\ldots,j_n)\subset \mathbb{N}^n$, we define the following
$$D^{J_n} = \Pi_{i=1}^{n} D_{i}^{j_i} \ \ \ x^{J_n} = \Pi_{i=1}^{n} x_{i}^{j_i}
\ \ \ (-1)^{J_n} = \Pi_{i=1}^{n} (-1)^{j_i}$$
Then, for each $n\in \mathbb{N}$ we successfully define an (additive) endomorphism $P_n$ by $$P_n : M \rightarrow M, \ \ \ P_n = \sum_{J_n}
Now the action of $R$ on $M$ is actually the inverse limit homomorphisms $\rho_n : R_n \rightarrow M$ of $k$-modules. In fact, $P_n$ will be considered an additive endomorphism of $M$ as an $R_n$-module (via the isomorphism established in Proposition 1). We define $P: M \rightarrow M$ to be the inverse limit $$P=\varprojlim_{n} P_n$$ More explicitly, consider $f \in R$, which by Proposition 1, can be identified with a sequence $(f_n)_{n\in\mathbb{N}}$ where $f_n\in R_n$, then $$P(f m) =
(P_n(f_n))P(m)$$ It is straightforward, that $P_n(f_n)=f_n(0) \ \forall n\in\mathbb{N}$, from which it follows that for all $f \in R$ and all $m\in M$ $$P(fm)=f(0)P(m)$$ Therefore, the kernal of $P$ contains $\mathfrak{m}M$ where $\mathfrak{m}$ is the maximal ideal of $R$.
As we will now pass to the quotient $M/\mathfrak{m}M$, we mention that it is not hard to see that the inverse system defined in Proposition 1 and hence above satisfies the Mittag Leffler Condition. Therefore, there is an isomorphism $$M/\mathfrak{m}M \cong \varprojlim_{n} M/(x_1,\ldots,x_n)M$$ Note that, for all $n$, $P_n$ induces the identity on $M/(x_1,\ldots,x_n)M$, and so $P$ induces the identity on $M/\mathfrak{m}M$ – i.e., $$P(m) \equiv m
\mbox{ mod }\mathfrak{m}$$ Therefore, the kernel of $P$ is $\mathfrak{m}$. In a similar fashion it is easy to check that $P$ as the following properties $$P|_{M^{\nabla}} = id_{M^{\nabla}} \ \ \ P(M) \subset M^{\nabla} \ \ \ P^2 =
P$$ Therefore, $P$ induces an isomorphism vector spaces over $k$ $$M/\mathfrak{m}M \cong M^{\nabla}$$ Therefore, $M^{\nabla}$ is a finite $R$-module. Using Nakayama’s Lemma (see Proposition 2 above), we have a surjective map $$M^{\nabla} \otimes_k R
\rightarrow M$$ Now, we will show that it is an isomorphism. Let $m_1,\ldots, m_l$ be $k$-linearly independent elements of $M^{\nabla}$ and let $f_1,\ldots,f_l$ be element of $R$, we need to show $$\sum_{k=1}^{l} f_k m_k \neq 0$$ In other words, writing $f_k$ as its corresponding sequence $(f_{n}^{(k)})$ in the inverse system, we need to show that for sufficiently large $n$ $$\sum_{k=1}^{l}
f_{n}^{(k)} m_k \neq 0 \ \ \ \ (*)$$ The only reason we to specify that $n$ be sufficiently large is to insure that there is an $n$ so that $f_{n}^{(k)} \neq 0$ for some $k$, which is clearly satisfied or else there is nothing to prove. Thus, we may assume there exists an $N$ such that for all $n>N$ $$f_{n}^{(1)} \neq 0$$ Then for all $n\geq N$ there exists a $n$ tuple $J_n=(j_1,\ldots,j_n)$ such that $$\Pi_{\nu=1}^{n} \frac{1}{j_{\nu}!}(\frac{\partial}{\partial
x_{\nu}})^{j_{\nu}}(f_{n}^{(1)})(0) \neq 0$$ Now, assume for the sake of contradiction that $$\sum_{k=1}^{l} f_{n}^{(k)} m_k
= 0$$ Applying $D^{J_n}$ to this equation, we get $$0 = D^{J_n}(\sum_{k=1}^{l}
f_{n}^{(k)} m_k ) = \sum_{k=1}^{l}\Pi_{\nu=1}^{n}
x_{\nu}})^{j_{\nu}}(f_{n}^{(i)})m_k$$ This is a sum of the form $$\sum_{k=1}^{l} g_k m_k =0, \ \ \ g_1(0)\neq 0, \ \ \
g_k \in R_n$$ Applying $P$ to this sum, we obtain $$\sum_{k=1}^{l}g_k(0)m_k = 0$$ which is impossible as $g_1(0)\neq 0$ and the $m_1,\ldots, m_l$ are a $k$-linearly independent set. Therefore, this must be an isomorphism.
Application of result
To apply the above theorem, we take $M = H_{DR}^{\cdot}(X/S)$ to be finite sheaf of modules on $S$, which is assured to us when we take $f : X
\rightarrow S$ to locally of finite type. We can define arc spaces by a universal property: we say that $T \rightarrow X$ is the arc space of $X$ along a scheme $Z$, working in the category of $k$-schemes, if for every closed fat point $\eta$ of $T$ we have a unique morphism $\eta\times_k Z \rightarrow X$ making the following diagram commute $$\xymatrix{\eta \ar[d] \ar[r] & \eta \times_k Z \ar[d] \\ T \ar[r] &X }$$ and which is unique in the sense that if $T' \rightarrow X$ is any other such space, we have a unique map $T' \rightarrow T$. When such a scheme exists, we write $\mathcal{A}_{Z}X$ for the arc space of $X$ along $Z$. This is a generalization of the notion of arc space found in [@Sch2].
Using this description of $\mathcal{A}_{Z} {\operatorname{Spec}}(k) = Z$ to conclude that $\mathcal{A}_{Z} X$ is a scheme over $Z$. In particular, if ${\mathfrak{x}}$ is a limit point (the direct limit of an infinite sequence of fat points), then we have have the following relation
$$H_{DR}^{\cdot}(\mathcal{A}_{{\mathfrak{x}}} X/{\mathfrak{x}})^{\nabla} \cong H_{DR}^{\cdot}(X/k)$$ when $\nabla_{{\mathfrak{x}}} X \rightarrow {\mathfrak{x}}$ is smooth. This last condition implies, for suitable point systems, that $X$ is rationally ${\mathfrak{x}}$-laxly stable – cf., [@St]. Therefore, we would expect a further decomposition of $H_{DR}^{\cdot}(\mathcal{A}_{{\mathfrak{x}}} X/{\mathfrak{x}})^{\nabla}$ which is captured motivically by the rational motivic measure as displayed loc. cit.
[I]{} M. Atiyah & I. Mcdonald [*Introduction to Commutative Algebra*]{}, Westview Press.
R. Cluckers & F. Loeser [*Constructible motivic functions and motivic integration*]{} Invent. math. 173, 23-121 (2008)
N. Katz [*Nilpotent connections and the monodromy theorem: Applications of a result of Turrittin.* ]{} Inst. Hautes Études Sci. Publ. Math. No. 39 , 175-232 (1970)
A. Stout [*Stability theory for schemes of finite type and schemic motivic integration*]{} arXiv:1212.1375v3
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[^1]: You can do this by verifying that $\mathfrak{m}$ is the additive subgroup of non-units
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"pile_set_name": "ArXiv"
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abstract: 'We consider regression with square loss and general classes of functions without the boundedness assumption. We introduce a notion of offset Rademacher complexity that provides a transparent way to study localization both in expectation and in high probability. For any (possibly non-convex) class, the excess loss of a two-step estimator is shown to be upper bounded by this offset complexity through a novel geometric inequality. In the convex case, the estimator reduces to an empirical risk minimizer. The method recovers the results of [@RakSriTsy15] for the bounded case while also providing guarantees without the boundedness assumption.'
- 'Tengyuan Liang [^1]'
- Alexander Rakhlin
- 'Karthik Sridharan [^2]'
- 'paper.bib'
title: 'Learning with Square Loss: Localization through Offset Rademacher Complexity'
Acknowledgements {#acknowledgements .unnumbered}
We thank Shahar Mendelson for many helpful discussions and for providing valuable feedback on this paper.
[^1]: Department of Statistics, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania
[^2]: Department of Computer Science, Cornell University
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"pile_set_name": "ArXiv"
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abstract: 'The recently introduced Tsetlin Machine (TM) has provided competitive pattern recognition accuracy in several benchmarks, however, requires a 3-dimensional hyperparameter search. In this paper, we introduce the Multigranular Tsetlin Machine (MTM). The MTM eliminates the *specificity* hyperparameter, used by the TM to control the granularity of the conjunctive clauses that it produces for recognizing patterns. Instead of using a fixed global specificity, we encode varying specificity as part of the clauses, rendering the clauses multigranular. This makes it easier to configure the TM because the dimensionality of the hyperparameter search space is reduced to only two dimensions. Indeed, it turns out that there is significantly less hyper-parameter tuning involved in applying the MTM to new problems. Further, we demonstrate empirically that the MTM provides similar performance to what is achieved with a finely specificity-optimized TM, by comparing their performance on both synthetic and real-world datasets.'
- Saeed Rahimi Gorji
- 'Ole-Christoffer Granmo'
- Adrian Phoulady
- Morten Goodwin
- 'ref.bib'
title: A Tsetlin Machine with Multigranular Clauses
The Tsetlin Machine (TM) is a new machine learning algorithm that was introduced in 2018 [@granmo2018tsetlin]. It leverages the ability of so-called learning automata (LA) to learn the optimal action in unknown stochastic environments [@narendra1989learning]. The TM has provided competitive pattern recognition accuracy in several benchmarks, without losing the important property of interpretability [@granmo2018tsetlin].
The TM builds upon a long tradition of LA research, involving cooperating systems of LA [@thathachar1987learning; @sastry1999learning; @sastry2009team; @rahnamazadeh2017node]. More recently, LA have been combined with cellular automata (CA), where each CA cell contains one or more LA, which learn in a distributed fashion [@esmaeilpour2012cellular; @ahangaran2017associative; @uzun2018solution]. Some noteworthy LA-based classifiers are further introduced in [@barto1985pattern; @goodwin2016distributed; @afshar2013presenting; @zahiri2012classification; @aghaebrahimi2009data; @zahiri2008learning]. However, these approaches mainly tackle small-scale pattern classification problems.
In all brevity, a TM consists of $m$ teams of Tsetlin Automata (TA) [@tsetlin1961behaviour] that interact to solve complex pattern recognition problems. It takes a binary feature vector $X=[x_1,x_2,...,x_n] \in \{0,1\}^n$ as input, which is further processed by $m$ conjunctive clauses $C^+_1, \ldots, C^+_{\frac{m}{2}}$ and $C^-_1 \ldots, C^-_{\frac{m}{2}}$. Each clause captures a specific sub-pattern, formulated as a conjunction of literals (binary features and their negations): $x_a \land \ldots \land x_b \land \lnot x_c \land \ldots \land \lnot x_d$. Half of the clauses are assigned positive polarity. These describe sub-patterns for output $y=1$. The other half is assigned negative polarity, describing sub-patterns for output $y=0$. The output $y \in \{0, 1\}$ is thus simply decided by a majority vote: $y = \left(\sum C^+_j - \sum C^-_j \ge 0\right)$.
During learning, each team of TA is responsible for a specific clause. There are two TA per feature $x_i$. One decides whether to include $x_i$ in the clause, while the other decides upon including $\neg x_i$. These decisions are updated based on reinforcement derived from training examples $(\widehat{X}, \hat{y})$, contrasting the current clauses against $(\widehat{X}, \hat{y})$ (see [@granmo2018tsetlin] for further details).
Learning in the TM is governed by three hyperparameters: number of clauses $m$, specificity $s$, and voting target $T$, all set by the user [@granmo2018tsetlin]. The number of clauses $m$ decides the overall capacity of the TM to represent patterns, with each clause capturing a particular facet of the data. Specificity $s$, in turn, is used by the TM to control the granularity of the clauses, playing a similar role as so-called *support* in frequent itemset mining. Finally, the voting target $T$ produces an ensemble effect by stimulating up to $T$ clauses to output $1$ for each input, but not more than $T$. This drives the $m$ clauses to distribute themselves uniformly across the patterns present in the data, avoiding local optima. In this paper, we will divide $T$ by the number of clauses $m$, to obtain a target value relative to the number of clauses.
A Tsetlin Machine with multigranular clauses
We now introduce the Multigranular Tsetlin Machine (MTM) with the goal of eliminating specificity $s$ as hyperparameter. Specificity controls how fine-grained patterns the TM seeks, and it is thus crucial to set this parameter correctly to maximize the accuracy of the resulting classifier. A poor choice for $s$ can easily result in inferior accuracy.
While $s$ is a global hyperparameter for the TM, to be set by the user, the MTM instead assigns a unique $s_j$-value local to each clause $C_j$, $1 \le j \le m$. In all brevity, we define a fixed range $[l, u]$ for $s_j$ and then assign $s_j$ a value decided by the clause index $j$: $$s_j = (u-l) \cdot \frac{m-j}{m-1} + l.$$ As seen, specificity values $\{s_j\}$ are decreasing linearly with the clause index $j$. In this paper, we use the range $l=2.0$ to $u=200.0$, which covers a wide range of both coarse and very fine patterns, as this range performs robustly across all of our experiments.
The above multigranular approach has two crucial effects. First, one avoids the need for finding a suitable value for $s$. Experimenting with different $s$-values can be computationally expensive, in particular for large datasets. Secondly, patterns of diverse frequencies can more easily be captured by the clauses when the clauses themselves reflect the diversity of the patterns. Indeed, the classic TM may in the worst case spend an unnecessary large amount of clauses to capture frequent patterns, when $s$ has been set to also capture less frequent patterns. This in turn may potentially clutter some clauses with unnecessary literals, making them less readable (of course, these unnecessary literals may also be pruned in a post-processing phase, but at a higher computational cost during learning). As an example, assume the classic TM tries to capture the pattern $x_1 \wedge \neg x_2$ of frequency $\frac{1}{4}$, with an $s$-value of $16$. In this case, the TM will potentially add two extra literals to the target pattern, introducing e.g. $x_1 \wedge \neg x_2 \wedge x_3 \wedge x_4$. Now, to capture the pattern $x_1 \wedge \neg x_2$, the TM must spend four clauses instead of one, that is, one clause per value configuration of $x_3$ and $x_4$.
Experimental results
In this section, we present experimental results examining how multigranular clauses affect accuracy and learning speed, in comparison with the classic TM. For the classic TM algorithm, we used a grid search to find the best $s$-values as well as the threshold parameters. For MTM, however, we only needed to find an appropriate threshold value, using $s$-values in the form of an arithmetic progression from $2$ to $200$.
In our first experiment, we consider a problem that intermixes two kinds of patterns of different complexity. In brief, we specify patterns using $6$ binary variables $x_1, x_2, \ldots, x_6$. The patterns for output $y=0$ are either $\neg x_1 \wedge \neg x_2$ or the more elaborate $x_1 \wedge \neg (x_3 \oplus x_4 \oplus x_5 \oplus x_6 \oplus x_7)$, while the patterns for output $y=1$ are either $\neg x_1 \wedge x_2$ or $x_1 \wedge (x_3 \oplus x_4 \oplus x_5 \oplus x_6 \oplus x_7)$.
Clauses s Threshold TM (200) TM (500) Threshold MTM (200) MTM (500)
--------- ----- ----------- ---------- ---------- ----------- ----------- -----------
10 110 0.1 75.7% 78.2% 0.16 76.1% 78.0%
20 100 0.06 76.6% 78.2% 0.08 78.8% 78.4%
50 50 0.04 88.4% 89.2% 0.04 88.5% 88.2%
100 60 0.03 94.3% 95.9% 0.02 93.2% 95.2%
500 35 0.01 97.8% 98.0% 0.01 98.0% 98.0%
: Accuracy after 200 and 500 epochs for TM and MTM on artificial data.[]{data-label="tab1"}
Both the training and test sets consist of 300 randomly generated examples and approximately $25\%$ of the examples fall within each of the four patterns. Table \[tab1\] shows the final accuracy for the TM and the MTM after 200 and 500 epochs, averaged over $10$ independent experiment runs, alongside the hyper-parameter values that led to that result. As seen, both algorithms exhibit similar performances for different number of clauses, however, MTM did not require tuning of $s$.
![The Tsetlin machine’s performance with 500 clauses after 500 epochs[]{data-label="fig:cls500-xor15-0"}](cls100-xor15-0.eps){width="\textwidth"}
![The Tsetlin machine’s performance with 500 clauses after 500 epochs[]{data-label="fig:cls500-xor15-0"}](cls500-xor15-0.eps){width="\textwidth"}
Fig. \[fig:cls100-xor15-0\] and \[fig:cls500-xor15-0\] depict accuracy as a function of the $s$ and the threshold parameters. As seen, finding high-performing hyperparameter values is not trivial, with the search space varying with the number of clauses employed. In contrast, MTM is optimized only with respect to the threshold.
In our second experiment, we evaluate performance on the Iris flower dataset[^1] [@Dua:2019]. This dataset contains measurements for three classes of flowers, 50 instances of each. Each instance consists of four real-valued features. We used five bits to represent each real number (three and two bits for the integer and fractional parts, respectively). We further employed $10$ random 80%-20% training-test splits to increase the robustness of the evaluation. The results reported in Table \[tab2\] are the average performance of $10$ independent experiment runs, for each training-test split. Fig. \[fig:cls100-iris20\] and \[fig:cls500-iris20\] capture the difficulty of finding suitable values for the hyperparameters, while Table \[tab2\] shows how the MTM attains slightly lower accuracy compared to the classic TM, however, by only fine-tuning the threshold value.
------- -------------------- -------------------- ------------------- -------------------
Epoch TM (100 clauses) TM (500 clauses) MTM (100 clauses) MTM (500 clauses)
$(s = 5, T = 0.2)$ $(s = 5, T = 0.2)$ $(T = 0.05)$ $(T = 0.03)$
100 95.1% 95.5% 94.2% 95.0%
200 95.3% 95.6% 94.5% 94.6%
300 95.1% 95.7% 94.5% 94.9%
500 95.2% 95.7% 94.7% 95.0%
------- -------------------- -------------------- ------------------- -------------------
: The accuracy of TM and MTM on the binary Iris dataset[]{data-label="tab2"}
![The Tsetlin machine’s performance with 500 clauses after 500 epochs[]{data-label="fig:cls500-iris20"}](cls100-iris20.eps){width="\textwidth"}
![The Tsetlin machine’s performance with 500 clauses after 500 epochs[]{data-label="fig:cls500-iris20"}](cls500-iris20.eps){width="\textwidth"}
Further experiments can be found in the unabridged version of this paper [@gorji2019].
In this work we introduced the multigranular Tsetlin Machine (MTM) to reduce the complexity of the hyperparameter search in Tsetlin Machine (TM) based learning. We achieved this by eliminating the specificity hyperparameter $s$, instead introducing clauses with unique and diverse local $s$-values. In our empirical results, it turns out that we actually can obtain similar accuracy as a finely optimized classic TM, however, eliminating the need to consider $s$. Furthermore, we explored the capability of the MTM to capture patterns of diverse frequencies by using an artificial dataset.
As further research, a natural next step is to work on the theoretical aspects of MTM. Although the theoretical convergence results for TM also should hold for MTM, this needs to be investigated more rigorously. Furthermore, other interesting areas of research could be mechanisms for improving convergence speed. Finally, we intend to investigate the possibility of eliminating the other two remaining hyperparameters as well, making the TM completely parameter-free.
[^1]: https://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/datasets/iris
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"pile_set_name": "ArXiv"
} | ArXiv |
abstract: 'The implementation of logical operations on polarization-encoded x-rays via resonant light-nucleus interactions is theoretically investigated. We show that by means of resonant scattering off nuclei and fast rotations of the nuclear hyperfine magnetic field to control the polarization of the output photon, single-qubit logical gates can be simulated. A second control qubit may be employed to trigger the magnetic field rotation, thus allowing several implementation choices for a controlled NOT gate for x-ray photons.'
- Jonas
- 'Christoph H.'
- Adriana
- 'mybibJ.bib'
title: 'Logical operations with single x-ray photons via dynamically-controlled nuclear resonances'
While atomic transitions are naturally used to resonantly manipulate optical photons, nuclear transitions may be the elementary counterparts for x-rays. A number of fundamental phenomena such as for instance electromagnetically induced transparency [@Rohlsberger2012.EIT], collective Lamb shift [@Rohlsberger2010.coll-Lamb], slow light [@Olga2009.slow-light; @Kilian.slow-light], spontaneously generated coherence [@Kilian.atomic-coherences] or single-photon revival [@Olga2013.gamma-revival] has already been experimentally transferred to the nuclear realm. Coherent self-seeded x-ray free-electron lasers in development today [@Amann2012.self-seeded-XFEL] are anticipated to further promote nuclear quantum optics [@Adams2013.JoMO; @Burvenich2006.PRL; @Palffy2008.PRC] aiming at long-term objectives like $\gamma$-ray lasing [@Baldwin.gamma-laser; @Olga1999.opt-control-mossbauer; @Coussement2002.PRL] or controlled energy storage in nuclear metastable states [@Walker1999.N; @Palffy2007.PRL; @Jonas.Mo-triggering]. For quantum optics applications, nuclear transitions present a clean, well isolated system with very long coherence times, while x-rays attract with their good detection efficiency, penetration power and remarkable focus. Admittedly, experimental challenges at the large coherent x-ray source facilities today will require a different paradigm compared to table-top optical experiments. However, control at the single-photon level has been recently demonstrated also in a laboratory-scale Mössbauer setup, where the coherent manipulation of waveforms of individual x-rays has been achieved [@Olga2014.N]. Such control procedures operated at single-photon nuclear interfaces open the perspective to extend fields like quantum information and quantum communication to photon energies in the keV-range.
The elementary building block of all quantum information protocols is the information carrier, the so-called qubit [@NielsenChuang2000]. X-ray photonic qubits potentially have sub- spatial resolution [@Doring2013.OE], drastically reducing the fundamental limitation on nanoscale photonic circuits. A promising way to encode information in single x-rays is to employ orthogonal polarization states like it is accomplished in the optical regime [@Kok2007.RMP; @Kocsis2013.NP; @Crespi2011.NC; @OBrien2003.N]. X-ray linear polarization can be measured with precision up to $0.3^{\circ}$ using polarimeters based on the Compton effect [@Tashenov2011.PRL; @Tashenov2013.PRA], and Bragg reflections on crystals can filter polarizations states as good as $10^{-6}\%$ [@Toellner1995.polarizer; @Marx2011.polarizer]. However, such information encoding requires precise control and processing schemes for the polarization of individual x-rays so far not addressed.
In this work, we investigate theoretically how polarization-encoded single x-rays can be coherently processed by means of resonant nuclear interactions. A broadband x-ray pulse resonant to a nuclear transition impinges on a target in the presence of a hyperfine magnetic field and produces a single nuclear excitation. Fast rotations of the hyperfine field [@Shvydko1996.PRL] are used to actively manipulate the polarization of the single-photon response of the nuclear target. We show that it is feasible to implement one-qubit logical gates via such magnetic field rotations, and even binary gates by introducing in addition a second, temporally synchronized control photon. In particular, a possible x-ray photonic realization of the destructive controlled NOT (C-NOT) gate is put forward.
![(color online) Nuclear forward scattering setup. $\sigma$- (orange, lighter hue) or $\pi$-polarized (blue, darker hue) x-rays scatter off a nuclear target in the forward direction. A spatially separated control photon triggers a magnetic field rotation from the $z$- to the $x$-axis. The hyperfine-split nuclear level scheme of $^{57}$Fe is illustrated in the inset.[]{data-label="fig:setup"}](fig1){width="1.0\linewidth"}
At present, typically in x-ray-nuclear-transition interfaces only one excitation, i.e., one resonant x-ray photon, exists in the system at any given time [@Roehlsberger2004]. The photon is in a coherent state rather than a Fock state, allowing for a semi-classical treatment of the light-nucleus interaction [@ScullyZubairy]. Entanglement occurs in the system only in its single-photon version [@Lee2000; @palffy2009], by having the x-ray photon entangle two spatially or temporally separated field modes. Furthermore, in contrast to nuclear magnetic resonance techniques [@NielsenChuang2000] that employ nuclear ground state spins as information carriers and process them with microwave fields, here we envisage magnetic fields to modify the properties of an x-ray transition to an excited nuclear state. These are rather unusual factors for the implementation of logical operations as known from the optical [@Jaksch2000.PRL; @Calarco2000.PRA; @Calarco2003.PRA; @Hammerer2010.review; @Halfmann2011.PRA] or microwave regimes [@Cory1997.NMR; @Gershenfeld1997.NMR; @Wunderlich2001.PRL; @Wunderlich2011.Nature], that call for a new approach.
The x-ray-nucleus interaction is considered here in a nuclear forward scattering (NFS) setup as presented in Fig. \[fig:setup\]. The x-rays, typically from a synchrotron radiation (SR) source monochromatized to the nuclear transition energy, propagate along the $y$-direction and impinge on the nuclear sample with an incident angle of $90^{\circ}$. The radiation is linearly polarized with $x$-($z$-)polarized light denoted as $\sigma$-($\pi$-)polarization by convention [@Siddons1999.HI]. In quantum information $\sigma$ is often referred to as horizontal polarization (H) and $\pi$ as vertical (V). The time spectrum of the resonantly scattered radiation is detected in the forward direction. The nuclear response occurs on a much longer time scale than the x-ray pulse duration and the non-resonant, electronic response, allowing for time gating of the signal [@Roehlsberger2004]. Due to the typically narrow nuclear resonances and the low brilliance of x-ray sources, at most one nucleus can be excited in the sample. The most used nuclear transition with the NFS technique is the one connecting the stable ground state of $^{57}$Fe (nuclear spin $I_g=1/2$) with the the first excited state (nuclear spin $I_e=3/2$, mean lifetime $\tau$=141 ns) at 14.413 keV. The recoilless nature of this transition in solid-state nuclear targets leads to the formation of a delocalized, collective excitation (in literature referred to as nuclear exciton [@Hannon1999.HI] or timed Dicke state [@Scully2009.superradiance]) which decays coherently into the forward direction leading to a relative speed-up and enhancement of the NFS yield [@Hastings1991.PRL; @Smirnov1996.HI; @vanBurck1987.PRL].
In the presence of a nuclear hyperfine magnetic field, the ground and excited nuclear states undergo Zeeman splitting according to their spin values as illustrated in the inset of Fig. \[fig:setup\]. Due to the Fourier limit of the temporally narrow incident x-ray pulses, several polarization-selected hyperfine transitions labeled in the following with the index $l$ can be simultaneously driven leading to well-known quantum beats in the NFS intensity spectrum [@Hannon1999.HI]. For instance, initially $\sigma$-($\pi$-)polarized x-rays couple to all $\Delta$m=0 ($\Delta$m=$\pm$1) transitions provided the magnetic field $\bm{B}$ points along the $z$-direction. Since only those photons are coherently scattered into the forward direction for which the nucleus returns to its original ground state Zeeman level, the $\sigma$-($\pi$-)polarization is conserved in the course of NFS with constant hyperfine field $\bm{B}_{\mathrm{I}}$.
Abrupt rotations of the nuclear hyperfine magnetic field offer means of polarization control of the nuclear signal. The magnetic field at the nuclear target $\bm{B}_{\mathrm{I}}$ is initially assumed to be constant and to point along the $z$-axis. A fast rotation of the magnetic field after the nuclear excitation has taken place (for instance, to $\bm{B}_{\mathrm{II}}$ parallel to the $x$-axis by a 90${}^{\circ}$ counterclockwise rotation around the $y$ direction) leads to an almost instantaneous change of the quantization axis and a redistribution of the collective excitation among the Zeeman levels. Each initially excited nuclear current [@Shvydko1999.PRB; @palffyjomo] is transferred into a sextet of new currents which can interfere constructively or destructively depending on the switching geometry and exact rotation moment $t_0$ [@Shvydko1996.PRL]. Experimentally such abrupt rotations could be realized on a timescale faster than 4 ns [@Shvydko1994.EPL] in $^{57}$Fe-enriched FeBO${}_3$ [@vanBurck1987.PRL; @Smirnov1983.JETP] due to the special magnetization properties of the latter.
We describe the coherent nuclear scattering process by a semi-classical wave equation following the procedure presented in [@Shvydko1999.PRB]. The x-ray electric field in front and behind the target can be written as a time-modulated plane wave $\bm{E}(y,t) \text{e}^{\text{i} (k y - \omega t)}$. The calculation of the scattered field amplitude behind the target is carried out within the slowly-varying envelope approximation using perturbation theory and can be written as a summation over all multiple scattering orders $p$ from 1 to $\infty$. The incident pulse $p$=0 is not of interest here and is typically eliminated in experiments by means of time gating. In a first approximation all multiple scattering events are assumed to occur only before the magnetic field switching, leading to the following expression for the electric field $$\bm{E}(\xi,t) \propto \sum_{p=1}^{\infty} \sum_l \frac{(-\xi)^{p}}{p!} \bm{\mathcal{A}}^{(p)}_l(t_0,\alpha,\beta,\gamma)\, \text{e}^{-\text{i} \Delta_l t - \Gamma_0 t/2}.
\label{eq:field}$$ Here, $\xi$ is the optical depth of the medium, $\Delta_l$ describes the detuning from the nuclear transition frequency $\omega_0$ due to magnetic hyperfine splitting and $\Gamma_0$ represents the natural transition width. For each contributing nuclear transition $l$ between the hyperfine-split levels and scattering order $p$, the time-independent amplitudes $\bm{\mathcal{A}}^{(p)}_l$ are completely determined by the magnetic field rotation geometry via the Euler angles $\alpha$, $\beta$ and $\gamma$ and by the switching time $t_0$. The expression (\[eq:field\]) represents the dominating contribution to the scattered field and can be used to determine up to a good approximation the desired switching parameters. By changing the order of the summations, the scattered radiation via the nuclear transition $l$ can be expressed as a product between a sum of time-independent amplitudes and a time-dependent phase factor, with specific parameter sets for which constructive or destructive interference between the summation terms with different $l$ occur. A suitable choice of $t_0$, $\alpha$, $\beta$ and $\gamma$ can control the scattered photon polarization on single-photon nuclear interfaces, building the basis for the compilation of logical x-ray gates.
Classically, there are four one-qubit, i.e, unary, logic gates: the *identity* leaves the target bit unchanged; the *true* and *false* operations give “1” and “0”, respectively, independent of the input; and the *negation* flips the operated bit from either “0” to “1” or from “1” to “0”. The single-photon qubits can be encoded as x-ray orthogonal polarization states, for instance “0” as $\pi$- and “1” as $\sigma$-polarization. The unary gates for polarization-encoded x-rays can be implemented in resonant NFS by a timed $90^{\circ}$-rotation (from $z$ to $x$) of the magnetic field as shown in Fig. \[fig:setup\]. Practically this corresponds to finding switching instances $t_0$ where $\sigma$- and $\pi$-polarizations are simultaneously converted into (pure) opposite polarization states.
Employing Eq. (\[eq:field\]) we can prove that such almost simultaneous switching times exist, allowing the implementation of the unary x-ray gates within the same setup. The numerical results for the scattered field are obtained going beyond the approximation in Eq. (\[eq:field\]) to include all multiple scattering events before and after $t_0$. The sum over the scattering order $p$ converges quickly such that including the first 14 scattering orders ($p_{max}$=14) is already sufficient. Our results are presented in Fig. \[fig:unary-gates\]. In the top row the incident radiation is $\sigma$-polarized (orange line and filling, lighter hue) whereas the bottom row shows the scattered photon yield for initially $\pi$-polarized x-rays (blue line and filling, darker hue). Fig. \[fig:unary-gates\] shows that depending on the moments of magnetic field rotation, it is possible to convert orthogonal polarizations into each other in the course of NFS. For instance, a magnetic field rotation of $90^{\circ}$ at t$\approx$22.3 ns simultaneously converts $\sigma$ into $\pi$ and vice versa as shown in the last column of Fig. \[fig:unary-gates\], successfully implementing the logical negation for all times $t>t_0$. In the same manner, it is also possible to realize the true, false and identity operation. The latter does not need any switching of the magnetic field since the chosen geometry conserves $\sigma$- and $\pi$-polarization in the case of static hyperfine fields.
![(color online). NFS intensity spectra with an optical depth of $\xi$=10 are shown for initially $\sigma$- (top row) and $\pi-$polarized (bottom row) x-rays. The switching times $t_0$ (red dashed lines) determine the implemented logical operation.[]{data-label="fig:unary-gates"}](fig2){width="1.0\linewidth"}
The polarization purity of the scattered radiation after the magnetic field switching is limited by three factors. First, in our choice of $t_0$ we rely on Eq. (\[eq:field\]) in which we have disregarded the possibility of further multiple scattering after the magnetic field switching at $t_0$. This approximation leads to small polarization mixing as shown by the complete numerical calculation, see Fig. \[fig:unary-gates\]. Thereby, the unwanted polarization component contributes less than 4% to the total intensity after $t_0$. Second, theoretically the switching times for an individual unary gate may differ by up to 0.5 ns depending on whether the incident radiation is $\sigma$- or $\pi$ polarized. For instance, in the case of the negation unary gate, $t_0^{\sigma}$=22.6 ns and $t_0^{\pi}$=22.1 ns (these are the values used in Fig. \[fig:unary-gates\]). Even if we choose an averaged switching time in between, the calculated probability of realization for times $t>t_0$ is still better than 95% for all four unary gates. Third, so far experimentally the switching time is known only to be less than 4 ns [@Shvydko1994.EPL] for a setup employing $^{57}$Fe-enriched FeBO${}_3$ [@vanBurck1987.PRL; @Smirnov1983.JETP]. However, the good performance of switching experiments [@Shvydko1994.HI; @Shvydko1996.PRL] indicates that the magnetic field rotation occurs on a shorter time than 4 ns. Already a rotation duration of 1 ns, leading to 1 ns uncertainty of $t_0$ corresponds to 90$\%$ probability of realization for the most affected case of the negation gate, motivating thus improvements in the experimental determination and control of the fast switching instant $t_0$. Finally, the condition $t>t_0$ strongly reduces the total probabilities of realization, since photons released before the time $t_0$ defined by the vertical dashed line in Fig. \[fig:unary-gates\] are lost. Rotations at late times therefore lead inevitably to significant losses, in the case of the logical negation, for instance, in average more than 80% of the scattered photons. In the following we introduce two approaches that circumvent the depicted limitations.
A first approach is to introduce a polarization-sensitive time delay line by using a polarizer as shown in Fig. . The instant of nuclear excitation becomes then dependent on the polarization of the incident SR pulse. Since the polarization is assumed to be either $\sigma$ or $\pi$ initially, the time delay can be chosen such that the two switching times exactly match and losses are minimized. For instance, in order to implement the logical negation via a switching time of 6.9 ns, the $\pi$-polarization needs to be delayed by 1.9 ns which reduces the losses from approx. 80% to approx. 38% in the case of initially $\pi$-polarized light. Practically, such a time delay line [@roling2012; @osaka2014] can be realized with modern x-ray optics like channel-cut silicon crystals as polarizers [@Toellner1995.polarizer; @Marx2011.polarizer; @Marx2013.polarizer] and almost 100% reflecting x-ray mirrors [@Shvydko2010.NP]. In Ref. [@Roseker2011.time-delay; @Roseker2013.time-delay], for instance, 8 keV photons have been temporally delayed up to 3 ns. Similarly, in a second approach the polarizer can be used to spatially split the SR pulse in order to use two separated nuclear targets \[see Fig. \]. The magnetic field rotations can be then chosen independently of each other. Analogously to the first approach, the switching times can then be optimized individually for each input polarization state potentially leading to theoretical probabilities of realization larger than 97%. The two spatially separated paths are later on recombined via a beam mixer BM [@Roseker2011.time-delay].
We now turn to the implementation of binary logical gates by means of x-ray photons. Since the x-ray-nuclear interface hosts a single photon only, a second, temporally synchronized photon is required in order to induce an effective nonlinearity as control. A simple but elegant idea is to have the magnetic field rotation triggered by the second control photon. The latter can be spatially separated from the x-ray line as shown in Fig. \[fig:setup\] in order to distinguish between control and target mode. Since the nature of the implemented logical operation is completely determined by $t_0$, the trigger photon responsible for the magnetic field switching acts as control for the polarization-encoded x-ray. The magnetic field rotation could be applied at a predetermined switching time $t_0$ (counted from the incidence of the x-ray target pulse at $t=0$), in case a control photon is detected at the trigger. Alternatively, the detection event of the control photon may trigger a prompt rotation of the magnetic field. In this case the switching instant $t_0$ is no longer predetermined but rather set during operation, and coincides with the incidence of the control photon at the trigger.
In the following, we show how the canonical example of the controlled NOT (CNOT) gate can be physically implemented with x-ray photons. A CNOT gate flips the state of a target (T) qubit conditional on a control (C) qubit being in the logical state “1” [@NielsenChuang2000]. The control photon may encode information for instance in polarization, time bin [@Physics.time-bins; @Humphreys2013.PRL; @Donohue2013.PRL], or path. Here, the NFS setup could be required to operate as identity or negation one-qubit gates for the target photon depending on the polarization state of the control photon. In order to render the triggering process dependent on the polarization of the control photon, a polarization-sensitive element such as a polarizer can be used. The magnetic field rotation is applied with a predetermined switching time of 22.3 ns if a control photon is detected at the trigger. With the same qubit notation as for the target x-ray photon, the polarizer allows $\sigma$-polarized photons to reach the trigger, leading to the flip in polarization for the target photon. In this way, the photon detection at the trigger induces an effective interaction of control and target. Since the information associated with the control photon is destroyed during operation, and the polarization control relies on resonant scattering, the presented setup corresponds to a nondeterministic version of a destructive CNOT gate [@Pittman2001.PRA; @Pittman2002.PRL], which cannot be used directly for reversible computing [@OBrien2007.S]. However, provided copies of the target photon can be made, also a non-destructive CNOT gate can be accomplished. In the optical regime, this is achieved by harnessing quantum teleportation [@Bennett.1993.PRL].
A proof-of-principle experiment can be carried out already today at SR facilities which have access to the keV photon energy regime and short pulses compared to the time-scale of the nuclear response ($\sim$ns). Moreover, the high pulse repetition rate renders it possible to record the presented intensity spectra in a reasonable time. The magnetic field rotation can be triggered by the detection of the control photon temporally synchronized with the synchrotron pulse clock. A fast triggering process is guaranteed by todays photodiodes which have response times shorter than 1 ns [@Seely2002.photodiode; @Keister2010.photodiode]. A tilt of the polarization plane of the scattered x-rays can be measured with a precision down to a few arcsec by using a special polarizer-analyzer setup [@Marx2013.polarizer]. Experiments at novel x-ray free electron sources [@LCLS-web; @SACLA-web] will facilitate with their high brightness the implementation of binary x-ray gates where both target and control photons are resonant to the nuclear transitions and originate from the same x-ray pulse.
In conclusion, we have shown that the light-nucleus interaction in NFS can be used to perform logical operations on single x-ray photons by applying nuclear hyperfine magnetic field rotations. An x-ray photonic realization of single-qubit gates can be compiled by the mere variation of the magnetic field switching moment. An additional control qubit which triggers the magnetic field rotation can be exploited to design an x-ray CNOT gate. The implementation of such basic logical operations with x-rays by using nuclear transitions may potentially advance quantum information in the near future towards new and promising parameter regimes characterized by long coherence times and sub-[Å]{}ngstrom spatial resolution.
The authors would like to thank S. Tashenov for fruitful discussions.
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- 'Frank Wen[^1]'
- Trevor Bedford
- Sarah Cobey
- 'agDriver.bib'
title: 'Explaining the geographic origins of seasonal influenza A (H3N2)'
Most antigenically novel and evolutionarily successful strains of seasonal influenza A (H3N2) originate in East, South, and Southeast Asia. To understand this pattern, we simulated the ecological and evolutionary dynamics of influenza in a host metapopulation representing the temperate north, tropics, and temperate south. Although seasonality and air traffic are frequently used to explain global migratory patterns of influenza, we find that other factors may have a comparable or greater impact. Notably, a region’s basic reproductive number ($R_0$) strongly affects the antigenic evolution of its viral population and the probability that its strains will spread and fix globally: a 17-28% higher $R_0$ in one region can explain the observed patterns. Seasonality, in contrast, increases the probability that a tropical (less seasonal) population will export evolutionarily successful strains but alone does not predict that these strains will be antigenically advanced. The relative sizes of different host populations, their birth and death rates, and the region in which H3N2 first appears affect influenza’s phylogeography in different but relatively minor ways. These results suggest general principles that dictate the spatial dynamics of antigenically evolving pathogens and offer predictions for how changes in human ecology might affect influenza evolution.
Antigenic variants of seasonal influenza continuously emerge and escape human immunity in a process known as antigenic drift. These drifted strains are less easily recognized by host immunity and therefore have a transmission advantage. More antigenically advanced strains are also more likely to spread globally and successfully perpetuate the evolutionary lineage of subsequent variants.
Asia has long been recognized as a major source of not only new influenza subtypes but also new strains of seasonal influenza [@Shortridge:1982wo; @Webster:1992wl; @Cox:1994ui; @Cox:2000gq]. Influenza A/H3N2, A/H1N1, and two B lineages currently circulate in the human population, with the H3N2 subtype causing the most disease [@FluNet]. Phylogeographic analyses show that East, South, and Southeast Asia contribute disproportionately to the evolution of seasonal H3N2, exporting most of the evolutionarily successful strains that eventually spread globally [@Rambaut:2008ew; @Russell:2008ke; @Bahl:2011ep; @Bedford:2010el; @Bedford:2015fj]. The trunk of H3N2’s phylogeny traces the evolutionary path of the most successful lineage and was estimated to be located in Asia 87% of the time from 2000 to 2010 [@Bedford:2015fj]. Additionally, strains of H3N2 isolated in E-SE Asia appear to be more antigenically advanced, with new antigenic variants emerging earlier in E-SE Asia than in the rest of the world [@Russell:2008ke; @Bedford:2014bf]. These observations suggest that ecological differences between regions, such as climate and human demography, affect the local antigenic evolution of H3N2, which in turn shapes its global migratory patterns. Here we ask what ecological factors might cause disproportionate contributions of particular host populations to the evolution of an influenza-like pathogen. This information may be immediately useful for viral forecasting. Over the long term, it could help predict changes in influenza’s phylogeography and identify source populations to improve global vaccination strategies.
The conspicuous role of Asia in H3N2’s evolution has been attributed to the seasonal nature of influenza in temperate regions [@Webster:1992wl; @Viboud:2006ge; @Rambaut:2008ew; @Russell:2008ke; @Bedford:2010el; @Bahl:2011ep]. Approximately 85% of Asia’s population and 48% of the global population resides in a climatically tropical or subtropical region [@GPWv3] where semiconnected host populations support asynchronous epidemics that enable regional persistence year-round [@Viboud:2006ge; @Russell:2008ke; @Cheng:2013hb]. Uninterrupted transmission might increase both the efficiency of selection and the probability of strain survival and global spread. By contrast, transmission bottlenecks from late spring through autumn in temperate populations necessarily limit local evolution and reduce opportunities for strain emigration [@Adams:2011dh; @Zinder:2014jx]. Smaller contributions from other tropical and subtropical regions might arise from the weaker connectivity of their host populations [@Bedford:2010el; @Chan:2010fu; @Lemey:2014ez].
Although seasonality clearly affects temporal patterns of viral migration [@Bahl:2011ep], a robust explanation for differences in regions’ long-term contributions to the evolution of H3N2 would consider the effects of seasonal variation in transmission in light of other potentially influential differences among host populations, including:
*Host population size.* E-S-SE Asia alone contains more than half of the global population [@UN:2013]. Larger host populations should sustain larger viral populations, and in the absence of other effects, they should contribute a proportionally larger fraction of strains that happen to spread globally. Additionally, if rare mutations limit the generation of antigenic variants, larger populations could contribute a disproportionate number of antigenically novel strains with high fitness.
*Host population turnover.* Birth rates have historically been higher in E-S-SE Asia than in most temperate populations [@UN:2013]. Demographic rates influence the replenishment of susceptibles and loss of immune individuals, thereby modulating selection for antigenic change. Faster replenishment of susceptibles increases prevalence, and thus viral abundance and diversity, but weakens the fitness advantage of antigenic variants. A more immune population imposes greater selection for antigenic change but supports a smaller, less diverse viral population. Thus, the rate of antigenic evolution may vary in a complex way with the rate of host population turnover [@Grenfell:2004ho].
*Initial conditions.* H3N2 first emerged in or near Hong Kong in 1968. The region in which a subtype emerges may effectively give the viral population a head start on evolution. The first epidemic will almost certainly occur in this region, and viruses here will be the first to experience selective pressure for antigenic change. If host migration rates are low and the founding viral population persists, this antigenic lead could be maintained or even grow in time.
*Transmission rates.* Differences in human behaviour can affect transmission rates. The transmission rate affects a strain’s intrinsic reproductive number ($R_0$), the expected number of secondary cases caused by a single infection in an otherwise susceptible population. Differences in regional $R_0$ could affect evolution in at least two ways. Higher $R_0$ increases the equilibrium prevalence, increasing the probability that rare beneficial mutations will appear. In addition, the rate of antigenic drift increases with $R_0$ in models that include mutation as a diffusion-like process [@Lin:2003ht; @Gog:2002bi; @Kucharski:2012ez; @Bedford:2015fj]. A higher intrinsic reproductive number in one population could thus accelerate the emergence of novel mutants in that area.
To understand the potential effects of these five factors on the evolution of H3N2 in space, we simulated an influenza-like pathogen in a simplified representation of the global human metapopulation. The simulated metapopulation consisted of three connected host populations, representing the temperate north, tropics, and temperate south. Conceptually, the tropics in the model approximate Asia, where most of the population is tropical or subtropical [@GPWv3] and epidemics are asynchronous, and exclude other less connected tropical and subtropical populations on other continents[@Bedford:2010el; @Chan:2010fu; @Lemey:2014ez]. The two temperate populations approximate northern and southern populations where influenza is strongly seasonal. The model can also be generalized to represent three arbitrary populations by reducing seasonality.
We analysed the effects of these factors on two key metrics of influenza’s spatial evolutionary and antigenic dynamics. The first metric measures the proportion of the trunk of the phylogeny present in the tropics (figure \[fig:example\_run\]*a*). The phylogenetic trunk represents the most evolutionarily successful lineage that goes on to seed all future outbreaks. The second metric measures the degree to which tropical strains are antigenically advanced (figure \[fig:example\_run\]*b*). Phenotypically, antigenic dissimilarities can be quantified as distances in antigenic space using pairwise measures of cross reactivity [@Smith:2004jc; @Bedford:2014bf]. Our model uses an analogous measure of antigenic distances, allowing us to determine the relative antigenic advancement of strains from each region. We analysed these two metrics from simulations to test whether any of the five ecological factors could create spatial evolutionary patterns of a similar magnitude to the observed data.
Influenza-like patterns
We simulated an individual-based model that included ecological and evolutionary dynamics in a metapopulation with three demes [@Bedford:2012bx]. By default, in one deme, transmission rates are constant throughout the year, and in the two others, transmission rates vary sinusoidally with opposing phases. Viral phenotypes occur as points in 2D Euclidean space, and mutation displaces phenotypes in this 2D space according to a fixed kernel [@Bedford:2012bx]. This space is analogous to an antigenic map constructed from pairwise measurements of cross-reactivity between influenza strains using a hemagglutination inhibition (HI) assay [@Smith:2004jc; @Bedford:2014bf]. Susceptibility to infection is proportional to the distance in antigenic space between the challenging strain and the nearest strain in the host’s infection history, giving distant or antigenically advanced strains greater transmissive advantage.
![Representative output showing influenza-like behaviour from a sample simulation using the default parameters (table \[tab:default\_parameters\]). Statistics reported here are based on 53 replicate simulations. (*a*) The phylogeny of the pathogen is reconstructed explicitly from the recorded ancestry of simulated strains. Branches are colored by region indicated in panel *d*. The trunk is determined by tracing the recorded ancestry of surviving strains at the end of the simulation. Side branches show lineages that go extinct. (*b*) Viruses evolve antigenically away from the founding strain in a canalized fashion. On average, the antigenic distance from the founding strain follows the trajectory indicated by the black LOESS spline fitted to viruses from all three regions. At any given point in time, strains above this line have drifted farther from the founder compared to average, and are thus considered antigenically leading. Conversely, strains below this line are considered antigenically lagging. Antigenic lead is calculated as the distance to the spline in antigenic units. (*c*) Prevalence of infection over time for each region. (*d*) Depiction of the totally connected model population, composed of the temperate north, tropics, and temperate south.[]{data-label="fig:example_run"}](example_run.pdf)
The model reproduces the characteristic ecological and evolutionary features of H3N2, except for the antigenic lead (table \[tab:flu\_metrics\]), under the default parameters (table \[tab:default\_parameters\]). We restricted our analyses to simulations where the virus remained endemic and where the time to the most recent common ancestor (TMRCA) never exceeded 10 years during the 40 years of simulation. We chose this cutoff because in some simulations, the viral population developed unrealistically deep branches. In excluding extinctions and excessive diversity (branching), we assume that H3N2’s historical evolutionary patterns represent the virus’ likeliest evolutionary dynamics. Of 100 replicate simulations, the viral population went extinct in 18 cases and exceeded the TMRCA threshold 29 times, leaving 53 simulations for analysis. The model tracks the ancestry of individual strains, allowing us to explicitly reconstruct the phylogeny of the virus and the geographic location of lineages. The phylogeny has the characteristically well-defined trunk with short branches of the H3N2 hemagglutinin (figure \[fig:example\_run\]). This shape arises due repeated selective sweeps of antigenic variants, which reduces standing diversity; the average TMRCA across replicates was 3.72 years (SD = 0.26), comparable to empirical estimates of 3.89 years [@Bedford:2015fj]. The antigenic distance from the founder increased linearly with time (figure \[fig:example\_run\]), characteristic of H3N2’s canalized antigenic evolution [@Bedford:2012bx; @Smith:2004jc]. The mean antigenic drift across replicate simulations was 0.97 antigenic units per year (SD = 0.11), comparable to observed rates of 1.01 antigenic units per year [@Bedford:2014bf]. The mean annual incidence was 9.1% (SD = 0.8%). Reported annual incidence across all subtypes of seasonal influenza range from 9-15% [@WHO:2014]. Since we only modeled one lineage (e.g., the H3N2 subtype), the low estimate from the model is comparable to observed incidence.
Although all three host populations were the same size, the tropical strains were on average more evolutionarily successful. The phylogenetic trunk traces the most evolutionarily successful lineage and was located in the tropics 77% (SD = 13%) of the time, comparable to the observed 87% of H3N2’s trunk in E-S-SE Asia between 2000-2010 [@Bedford:2015fj]. However, the default parametrization does not produce an antigenic lead in any population, despite the observed antigenic lead of Asian strains (table \[tab:flu\_metrics\]). Antigenic cartography shows that while H3N2 drifts on average at 1.01 antigenic units per year globally [@Bedford:2014bf], Asian strains tend to be farther drifted at any given time, and the region is thus considered to lead antigenically [@Russell:2008ke; @Bedford:2014bf].
[@[height 10.5pt depth4pt width0pt]{}lrr]{}\
Statistic & Model mean $\pm$ SD & Observed (Ref)\
Annual incidence & 0.091$\pm$0.0077 & 0.09 - 0.15 [@WHO:2014]\
Antigenic drift rate (a.u. yr$^{-1}$) & 0.97$\pm$0.11 & 1.01 [@Bedford:2014bf]\
TMRCA (years) & 3.7$\pm$0.26 & 3.89 [@Bedford:2015fj]\
Frac. of trunk in the tropics & 0.61$\pm$0.13 & 0.87 [@Bedford:2015fj]\
Tropics antigenic lead (a.u.) & 0.0025$\pm$0.036 & 0.25 [@Russell:2008ke; @Bedford:2014bf]\
[@[height 10.5pt depth4pt width0pt]{}lrcccc]{}\
Parameter & Value & Reference\
Intrinsic reproductive number ($R_0$) & 1.8 & [@Jackson:2010hi; @Biggerstaff:2014bu]\
Duration of infection $\nu$ & 5 days & [@Carrat:2008bk]\
Population size $N$ & 45 million & (see ESM)\
Birth/death (turnover) rate $\gamma$ & 1/30 year$^{-1}$ & [@UN:2013]\
Mutation rate $\mu$ & $10^{-4}$ $\text{day}^{-1}$ & (see ESM)\
Mean mutation step size $\delta_\text{mean}$ & 0.6 antigenic units & (see ESM)\
SD mutation step size $\delta_\text{sd}$ & 0.3 antigenic units & (see ESM)\
Infection risk conversion $c$ & 0.07 & [@Bedford:2012bx; @Gupta:2006bv; @Park:2009jp]\
Migration rate $m$ & $10^{-3}$ $\text{day}^{-1}$ & (see ESM)\
Seasonal amplitude $\epsilon$ & 0.10 & [@Truscott:2012fh]
We first varied the strength of seasonal forcing, holding other parameters at their default values. Seasonality by itself in the two temperate populations could not cause the tropics to produce more antigenically advanced strains; however, seasonality did cause the tropics to contribute a greater fraction of evolutionarily successful strains (figure \[fig:seasonality\]). By linear regression, we estimate that the trunk would spend 87% of its time in the tropics (the same fraction that is observed in Asia [@Bedford:2015fj]) with a seasonal transmission amplitude ($\epsilon$) of 0.19 (95% CI: 0.18, 0.20). Reduced seasonal forcing in the temperate populations equalized the fraction of the trunk in each population. In multivariate sensitivity analysis, the amplitude of seasonal transmission accounted for 33% of the variation in the tropical fraction of the trunk (electronic supplementary material, figure S2, table S2). This result suggests that seasonal bottlenecks in temperate populations discourage seasonal strains from fixing globally, in agreement with other models [@Adams:2011dh]. However, seasonality alone could not explain any variation in the tropic’s antigenic lead (electronic supplementary material, figure S2, table S3). We therefore hypothesized that ecological factors besides seasonality must contribute to regional differences in relative antigenic fitness.
Transmission rate in the tropics
Increasing $R_0$ in the tropics relative to the temperate populations caused the tropics to produce strains that led antigenically while also preserving the tropics’ contribution to the trunk (figure \[fig:relativeR0\]). Linear regression implies that a 28% (95% CI: 25%, 30%) increase in $R_0$ in the tropics causes the tropics to produce strains that are, on average, 0.25 antigenic units ahead of global mean, reproducing the observed antigenic lead in Asia [@Russell:2008ke; @Bedford:2014bf]. We also estimate that a 17% increase in $R_0$ (95% CI: 15%, 19%) causes the phylogenetic trunk to be located in the tropics 87% of the time, reproducing the observed fraction of the H3N2 trunk in Asia [@Bedford:2015fj].
The effects of $R_0$ on antigenic lead were robust to changes in other ecological variables and over a range of baseline values of global $R_0$. When we varied the other parameters (table \[tab:default\_parameters\]), relative $R_0$ in the tropics accounted for 77% of the variance in antigenic lead, making it the best predictor of antigenic lead in the tropics (electronic supplementary material, figure S2, table S3). The fraction of the trunk in the tropics also increased with the relative $R_0$, although $R_0$ explained less of the variation in trunk proportion (41%), due to the effect of seasonality (electronic supplementary material, figure S2, table S2).
Notably increased $R_0$ in one deme was sufficient by itself to make strains more evolutionarily successful and antigenically advanced. When we removed seasonality altogether to model three climatically identical populations, the population with the highest $R_0$ produced both the most antigenically leading and evolutionarily successful strains (figure \[fig:seasonality\_relativeR0\]). Thus, higher $R_0$ alone in one region can cause it to attain an antigenic lead and fraction of the trunk as large as is observed in Asia.
![Seasonal amplitude $\epsilon$ in the temperate populations increases the tropics’ contribution to the most evolutionarily successful lineage but alone does not affect regional differences in antigenic advancement. Transmission rates $\beta$ in the temperate north and south oscillate sinusoidally in opposite phase, with amplitude $\epsilon$. All other parameters remain at their default values (table \[tab:default\_parameters\]). (*a*) Effects of seasonality on the fraction of the trunk in the tropics (Pearson’s $r = 0.85$, $p < 0.001$; $R^2 = 0.72$). Each point shows the fraction of time that the phylogenetic trunk was located in the tropics during the course of one simulation. The dashed line represents the null hypothesis where tropical strains comprise one third of the phylogenetic trunk. (*b*) Effects on seasonality on the antigenic lead of the tropics (Pearson’s $r = -0.12$, $p = 0.20$, $R^2 = 0.01$). Each point shows the average antigenic lead of tropical strains over time from one simulation. The dashed line represents the null hypothesis where tropical strains are neither antigenically ahead or behind. Blue lines represent linear least squares regression.[]{data-label="fig:seasonality"}](seasonality.pdf)
To better understand why increasing regional $R_0$ causes that region to produce more antigenically advanced strains, we examined the effect of $R_0$ on antigenic evolution in a single deme. Simulations showed that increasing $R_0$ increases the rate of antigenic drift (electronic supplementary material, figure S3). To investigate further, we derived an analytic expression for the invasion fitness of a novel mutant in a population at the endemic equilibrium (electronic supplementary material, equation S1). When the resident and mutant strains have the same intrinsic fitness ($R_0$), the growth rate of an antigenically distinct, invading mutant increases linearly with $R_0$ (electronic supplementary material, figure S4). This linearity holds as long as the conversion between antigenic distance and host susceptibility (equation \[eq:risk\_conversion\]) is independent of $R_0$. As $R_0$ increases, not only do mutants invade faster, but the invasion speed increases faster as a function of antigenic distance (electronic supplementary material, figure S4).
![Increased $R_0$ in the tropics increases the tropics’ contribution to the most evolutionarily successful lineage and the antigenic advancement of tropical strains. Relative $R_0$ is calculated as $R_{0}$ in the tropics divided by $R_{0}$ in the temperate regions. $R_0$ in the tropics was varied while $R_0$ in the temperate regions was kept at its default. Other parameters were also kept at their default values (table \[tab:default\_parameters\]). (*a*) Effect of $R_0$ in the tropics on the fraction of the trunk in the tropics (Pearson’s $r = 0.88$, $p < 0.001$; $R^2 = 0.78$). Each point shows the fraction of phylogenetic trunk located in the tropics during one simulation. The dashed line represents the null hypothesis where tropical strains comprise one third of the phylogenetic trunk. (*b*) Effect of $R_0$ in the tropics on the antigenic lead in the tropics (Pearson’s $r = 0.93$, $p < 0.001$; $R^2 = 0.87$). Each point shows the average antigenic lead of tropical strains over time from one simulation. The dashed line represents the null hypothesis where tropical strains are neither antigenically ahead or behind. Blue lines represent linear least squares regression.[]{data-label="fig:relativeR0"}](relativeR0.pdf)
Although seasonality alone did not affect antigenic lead, the effects of $R_0$ on antigenic lead could be influenced by seasonality (figure \[fig:seasonality\_relativeR0\]). Introducing seasonality in the temperate populations reduced differences in antigenic phenotype between regions. When tropical strains were antigenically ahead of temperate strains (due to higher tropical $R_0$), introducing seasonality reduced the tropics’ antigenic lead. When tropical strains were antigenically behind temperate strains (due to lower tropical $R_0$), introducing seasonality reduced the antigenic lag. Two factors explain the equalizing effect of seasonality on antigenic phenotype. First, higher contact rates during transmission peaks in the two temperate populations increase the rate of strain immigration from the tropics. Second, seasonal troughs in prevalence allow tropical strains to invade more easily due to reduced competition with local strains.
Demographic rates, population size, and initial conditions
Other ecological factors affected regional contributions to evolution but could not reproduce the observed patterns as well as differences in $R_0$ (electronic supplementary material, figures S1, S2). Notably, strains were slightly more antigenically advanced in older populations (electronic supplementary material, figure S1). When the rate of population turnover in the tropics was half that in the temperate regions, the tropics led by 0.04 antigenic units (SD = 0.03). Larger populations generally contributed more to the trunk, although there was much variation that population size alone did not explain (electronic supplementary material, figures S1, S2 and table S2, S3). Initial conditions did not have a lasting effect (electronic supplementary material, figure S5).
Implications for other influenza subtypes
Influenza A/H1N1 and influenza B both evolve slowly compared to H3N2 and are suspected to have lower $R_0$ [@Bedford:2015fj; @Bedford:2014bf]. Specifically, H1N1 drifts at a rate of 0.62 antigenic units per year, and the B/Victoria and Yamagata strains drift at 0.42 and 0.32 antigenic units per year respectively [@Bedford:2014bf]. H1N1 and B viruses are also less apt to have Asian origins than H3N2 [@Bedford:2015fj]. When we simulate with lower baseline $R_0$, we find that differences in $R_0$ between regions have a weaker influence on spatial patterns of evolution (electronic supplementary material, figure S8). Based on the relationship between mean $R_0$ and antigenic drift (electronic supplementary material, figure S3), we would expect seasonal H1N1, for example, to have an $R_0$ of 1.6. For this $R_0$, a 17% increase in $R_0$ causes the tropics to occupy only 79% (versus 87% for H3N2-like $R_0$ of 1.8) of the trunk, and a 28% increase in $R_0$ causes the tropics to lead by 0.20 (versus 0.25 for H3N2) antigenic units.
![Seasonality in temperate populations has an equalizing effect on antigenic differences. Relative $R_0$ is calculated as $R_0$ in the tropics divided by $R_0$ in the temperate regions. (*a*) Effects of seasonality and $R_0$ on the fraction of the trunk in the tropics. Blue indicates that the phylogenetic trunk is located in the tropics less than 1/3 of the time, and red indicates that the trunk is the tropics more than 1/3 of the time. (*b*) Effects of seasonality and $R_0$ on antigenic lead in the tropics. Blue indicates that tropical strains are on average ahead antigenically relative to other global strains and red indicates that tropical strains are behind antigenically. Each square averages 1 to 17 replicate simulations.[]{data-label="fig:seasonality_relativeR0"}](seasonality_relativeR0.pdf)
In our model, we find that the simplest explanation for why a host population produces more antigenically novel and evolutionarily successful strains than other populations is that its strains have a higher intrinsic fitness, or $R_0$. The strong effect of regional $R_0$ on spatial patterns of viral evolution is caused by the effect of $R_0$ on antigenic drift. Higher regional $R_0$ facilitates invasion of antigenically novel strains, resulting in faster antigenic drift. Seasonality reduces the rate at which temperate populations export strains that are evolutionarily successful, but seasonality alone cannot explain regional differences in the production of strains that are antigenically novel. Size and age can influence global patterns too, but to a lesser extent: larger populations export more strains that fix, and populations with slower replenishment of susceptibles increase the rate of antigenic evolution. These last two effects are sensitive to changes in seasonality and $R_0$. These results highlight the relationship between human ecology and influenza’s phylogeography. Regions with high transmission rates may be expected to contribute disproportionately to influenza’s evolution and may also be ideal targets for vaccine campaigns. Accordingly, changes in human ecology can be expected to alter influenza’s phylogeography. These generalizations assume that H3N2 will evolve mostly as it has, with high strain turnover and limited genetic variation at any time, but more complex dynamics may be possible.
To make general predictions, we used a simple model. Although our three-deme metapopulation prevents us from replicating influenza’s phylogeographic dynamics precisely, the model nonetheless reveals how ecological differences in populations create spatial patterns in the evolution of an influenza-like pathogen. Simulations with more complex metapopulation models showed the same trends as the simple three-deme model (figures S9, S10), suggesting that our results are robust to changes in metapopulation population structure.
These results immediately raise the question of whether there is evidence of regional variation in $R_0$. Low reporting rates and antigenic evolution make the $R_0$ of influenza difficult to measure with traditional methods, but we can conjecture from several lines of evidence. Low absolute humidity favors transmission via aerosol in experimental settings [@Shaman:2009gp] and influences the timing of the influenza season in the United States [@Shaman:2010aa]. Based on absolute humidity and aerosol transmission alone, these results suggest that $R_0$ of tropical and subtropical Asia would be lower than in temperate latitudes. However, in Vietnam the onset of influenza-like illness is associated with periods of high humidity [@Thai:2015fp]. This observation suggests that humidity is not the dominant driver of influenza transmission, at least in this region.
Contact rates also influence transmission [@Wallinga:2006ct]. Multiple studies have detected a significant effect of school closure on influenza spread [@Cauchemez:2008cq; @Heymann:2004wy; @Chao:2010fo], although this trend is not without exception [@Cowling:2008bn]. Households also influence risk: after one household member is infected, the average risk of secondary infection in a household contact is 10% [@Tsang:2015kb]. Differences in classroom and household sizes may thus influence local transmission, and both are higher in, for instance, China and India than in Europe and the U.S. [@UNSD:2011; @OECD:2015]. Contact surveys report higher contact rates in Guangdong, China, than in European communities, whereas those in Vietnam are lower, although differences may arise from differences in survey design [@Read:2014kk; @Mossong:2008kk; @Horby:2011eh]. These surveys notably miss non-social, casual contacts (e.g., shared cafeterias and elevators) that might be important for influenza transmission.
Differences in local transmission rates may not scale: high rates of local transmission may be offset or attenuated by the structure of contact networks over larger areas. At the regional level, commuter and air passenger flows affect the spread of influenza epidemics, suggesting that adults are important to the long-range dispersal of the virus [@Viboud:2006ge; @Lemey:2014ez]. The frequency of long-distance contacts differs between communities [@Read:2014kk]. Although sensitivity of $R_0$ to network topology is well known theoretically [@Miller:2009kq; @Adler:1992wu], there is a need to integrate the features of local and regional empirical transmission networks to infer large-scale differences $R_0$.
Empirical estimates of $R_0$ are in theory attainable from seroprevalence. Under a simplistic, single-strain $SIR$ model, which assumes random mixing and no maternal immunity, differences in $R_0$ should appear in differences in seropositivity by age. For instance, if $R_0$=1.8, approximately 5.1% of 2 year-olds would be seropositive, whereas 7.4% would be seropositive if $R_0$ were 20% higher. $R_0$ variation in this range could be detected by sampling as few as 1500 2 year-olds in each population. Detailed surveys of H3N2 seropositivity by age cohort exist for some European countries [@Bodewes:2011fn; @Sauerbrei:2009ic] but show much faster increases in seropositivity with age than expected under the $SIR$ model: 100% of tested children are seropositive to H3N2 by age 7 in the Netherlands and by age 12 in Germany. This discrepancy between theory and data may be due to antigenic drift resulting in higher attack rates [@Bedford:2015fj]. The spatial difference in seroprevalence may also reflect greater contact rates among school-aged children [@Mossong:2008kk] and highlights the possibility that differences in exposure rates at young ages do not reflect mean differences in the populations. Such effects may be reduced by examining seroprevalence at older ages, but these estimates must balance a tradeoff between minimizing age-related correlations in transmission rates and increasing sample sizes required to detect asymptotically small differences in seropositivity. Another potential approach to measuring $R_0$ is to refine estimates of annual incidence in different populations. Estimates of $R_0$ based on annual incidence would have to incorporate the histories of recent circulating strains, survey timing and titer dynamics, and vaccination in each population.
A greatly reduced birth rate confers a slight antigenic lead, but actual differences in birth rates between regions appear too small to explain Asia’s observed lead. Current birth rates across most of Europe, China, and the United States are within 10% of each other [@UN:2013]. Birth rates are almost twice as high in some SE Asian countries, including Cambodia, Laos, and the Philippines. The highest birth rates are found in Africa and the Middle East, and are three to four times higher than birth rates in the United States and China. Our model suggests that these regions should contribute relatively less to influenza’s antigenic evolution, assuming the differences in population structure are not associated with higher $R_0$, and ignoring other differences. However, taking age-assortative mixing into account may negate this expectation, with younger populations having increased $R_0$ [@Adler:1992wu; @Dushoff:1995ht] thus contributing more to antigenic evolution.
We expect these results to apply to other antigenically varying, fast-evolving pathogens, including other types of influenza. Enterovirus-71 circulates globally, and its VP1 capsid protein experiences continuous lineage replacement through time, similarly to H3N2 hemagglutinin [@Tee:2010dia]. Norovirus also demonstrates rapid antigenic evolution by amino acid replacements in its capsid protein [@Lindesmith:2008en]. We might expect that areas with high transmission contribute disproportionately to the antigenic evolution and global spread of these pathogens. In addition, when we simulate with lower $R_0$, we find that differences in $R_0$ between regions influence spatial patterns of antigenic variation less (electronic supplementary material, figure S8). This may explain why influenza A H1N1 and influenza B, which are suspected to have lower $R_0$ [@Bedford:2015fj; @Bedford:2014bf], are less apt to have Asian origins than H3N2 [@Bedford:2015fj].
Material and methods
We implemented an individual-based $SIR$ compartmental model of an influenza-like pathogen, originally described by Bedford et al. [@Bedford:2012bx]. In this model, a global metapopulation is composed of three connected populations, representing tropics and temperate north and south. Individuals’ compartments are updated using a $\tau$-leaping algorithm. Within a region $i$, the force of infection is given by
$$F_{i}(t) = \beta_i (t) \frac{I_i}{N_i}$$
where $I$ is the number of infected hosts. Between regions $i$ and $j$, the force of infection is given by
$$F_{ij}(t) = m\beta_j (t) \frac{I_i}{N_j}$$
where region $i$ is where the infection originates and region $j$ is the destination. Here, $m$ is a scaling factor for interregional transmission, and $\beta_j$ is the transmission rate of the destination region. Transmission rates in the seasonal north and south oscillate sinusoidally in opposite phase with amplitude $\epsilon$. After recovery from infection, a host acquires complete immunity to viruses with that specific antigenic phenotype. Hosts that clear infection accumulate an infection history that defines their immunity. In a contact event, the distances between the infecting viral phenotype and each phenotype in the susceptible host’s immune history are calculated. The probability of infection after contact is proportional to the distance $d$ to the closest phenotype in the host’s immune history. An individual’s risk of infection by such a strain is
$$\text{Risk} = \min\left\{1,cd\right\}
where the proportionality constant for converting antigenic distance to a risk of infection $c=0.07$ [@Bedford:2012bx]; in other words, one unit of antigenic distance corresponds to 7% reduction in immunity. The linear relationship $c$ between antigenic distance and susceptibility derives from studies of vaccine efficacy [@Bedford:2012bx; @Gupta:2006bv; @Park:2009jp].
Antigenic phenotypes are represented by points in a two-dimensional Euclidean antigenic space. One unit of antigenic distance in this space corresponds to a twofold dilution of antiserum in an HI assay [@Smith:2004jc]. The model is initialized at the endemic equilibrium with antigenically identical viruses. By default, all of the initial infections occur in the tropics. Mutational events occur at a rate $\mu$ mutations per day. When a virus mutates, it moves in a random radial direction with a gamma-distributed step size. This mutation rate, along with the mutation size parameters ($\delta_\text{mean}, \delta_\text{sd}$) determine the accessibility of more distant mutations in antigenic space. The radial direction of mutation is chosen from a uniform distribution.
Additional methods are described in the electronic supplementary material.
Data accessibility
Code implementing the model is available at <https://github.com/cobeylab/antigen-phylogeography.git>. The complete code for reproducing these results is available at <https://github.com/cobeylab/influenza_phylogeography_manuscript.git>.
Competing interests
We have no competing interests.
Author contributions
TB and SC conceived the study. FW performed the analysis and wrote the first draft of the paper. All of the authors contributed to and approve the final version.
We thank Daniel Zinder, Maciej Boni, and Greg Dwyer for helpful discussion and Ed Baskerville for programming guidance. This work was completed in part with resources provided by the University of Chicago Research Computing Center. SC was supported by NIH grant DP2AI117921. FW was supported by NIH grant T32GM007281.
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Supporting Information
Extended methods
### Selection of parameters
Parameter values were selected to be consistent with influenza’s biology and to reproduce its major epidemiological and evolutionary patterns (table 1). The population size $N$ was chosen to minimize extinctions while also making efficient use of computational resources. The population birth/death rate $\gamma$ = 1/30 year$^{-1}$ reflects the global crude birth rate estimates of 34 births per 1000 [@UN:2013].
The proportionality constant $m$ for calculating the between-region contact rate was calculated from the number of international air travel passengers reported by the International Civil Aviation Organization divided by the global population [@ICAO:2014].
We chose a baseline $R_0 = 1.8$. Estimates of $R_0$ from the first pandemic wave H3N2 in 1968 range from 1.06-2.06 [@Jackson:2010hi], and estimates of $R_0$ for seasonal influenza range from 1.16 to 2.5, averaging approximately 1.8 [@Biggerstaff:2014bu].
The five-day duration of infection, $1/\nu$, is based on estimates from viral shedding [@Carrat:2008bk]. The transmission rate, $\beta$, is calculated using the definition of $R_0$:
$$R_0 = \frac{\beta}{\nu + \gamma}$$
We chose the seasonal amplitude to ensure consistent troughs during the off-season in temperate populations while remaining within reasonable estimates of seasonal transmission rates [@Truscott:2012fh].
Mutational parameters were selected to maximize the number of simulations where evolution was influenza-like (figure S6). Mutations occur at a rate of $10^{-4}$ mutations per day. This phenotypic mutation rate corresponds to 10 antigenic sites mutating at $10^{-5}$ mutations per day [@Rambaut:2008ew; @Bedford:2012bx]. The distance of each mutation is sampled from a gamma distribution with parameters chosen to yield a mean step size of 0.6 and a standard deviation of 0.3 antigenic units. These values correspond to a reduction in immunity of 4.2% for an average mutation (SD = 2.1%). These mutation effect parameters give the gamma distribution an exponential-like shape, so that most mutations yield small differences in antigenic fitness, while occasionally mutations will yield greater differences. We chose $\mu$, $\delta_\text{mean}$, and $\delta_\text{sd}$ so that the simulations would exhibit influenza-like behaviour as consistently as possible (figure S6). Here, the criteria for influenza-like behavior included endemism, reduced genealogical diversity (TMRCA $<$ 10 years) [@Bedford:2015fj], and a biologically plausible mean rate of antigenic drift (1.01 antigenic units per year) [@Bedford:2014bf] and incidence (9-15%) [@WHO:2014] (table 1, figure S6).
### Calculation of antigenic lead and trunk proportion
We examined two metrics that describe influenza’s evolutionary dynamics. For computational tractability, these metrics were calculated using a subset of strains sampled over course of the simulation. Strains were sampled proportionally to prevalence.
To calculate antigenic lead, we first calculated the antigenic distance of each sampled strain from the founding strain (figure 1*a*). We then fit a LOESS spline to these distances over time. The spline describes the expected antigenic drift of circulating lineages at any point in time. Strains above the spline have drifted farther than average and are considered antigenically leading. Strains below the spline have drifted less than average and are considered antigenically lagging. The antigenic lead in the tropics is calculated as the average antigenic distance to this spline for all sampled tropical strains.
To calculate the fraction of the trunk in each population, we first identified strains that comprise the trunk by tracing the lineage of strains that survive to the end of the simulation (figure 1*b*). Because multiple lineages may coexist at the end of the simulation, we excluded the last five years of strains from trunk calculations. The fraction of the trunk in the tropics is calculated as the fraction of the time the trunk was composed of tropical strains.
### Univariate sensitivity analysis
In the univariate sensitivity analyses, we created regional differences in host ecology by varying each of the five ecological parameters individually ($R_0$, population turnover rate, seasonality, population size, and initial conditions) while keeping all other parameters at their default values (table 2). To test the effects of regional $R_0$, we changed $R_0$ only in the tropics. Similarly, we tested the effects of the rate of population turnover by varying it only in the tropics. To investigate seasonality, we varied the seasonal amplitude of the transmission rate in the temperate populations. (The transmission rate in the tropics was always constant over time.) To explore population size, we examined the ratio of tropical to temperate population sizes, keeping the global population constant. We initialized all simulations at the endemic equilibrium such that the total number of initial infecteds was constant. We then scaled the number of initial infecteds in the tropics while keeping the number in the two temperate demes the same. We ran twenty replicates for each unique combination of parameter values and discarded any simulations in which the virus went extinct or the TMRCA exceeded 10 years at any time in the 40-year simulation. The analyses for antigenic lead and trunk proportion were performed on the remaining simulations (figure S1).
### Multivariate sensitivity analysis
To test the robustness of the effects of individual parameters on the antigenic lead and the phylogenetic trunk, we simulated 500 points from a Latin hypercube with dimensions representing relative $R_0$, seasonality, relative population size, relative population turnover rate, and the fraction of initial infecteds in the tropics (figure S2). The ranges for each parameter (table S1) were chosen to remain within reasonable estimates. We simulated twenty replicates for each of the 500 unique parameter combination and discarded simulations in which the virus went extinct or the TMRCA exceeded 10 years at any time in the 40-year simulation. We performed an ANOVA on the remaining 4119 influenza-like simulations to determine each parameter’s contribution to the variance in antigenic lead and the fraction of the trunk in the tropics (table S2, S3).
Invasion analysis
We assume that the host population supports a resident strain at the endemic equilibrium. We develop an expression for the fitness of an invading mutant strain to explain how the selection coefficient of the mutant changes with $R_0$.\
Here, $S,I$, and $R$ represent the fraction of susceptible, infected, and recovered individuals. The birth rate $\gamma$ and the death rate are equal, so the population size is constant. All individuals are born into the susceptible class. Transmission occurs at rate $\beta$, and recovery occurs at rate $\nu$.
\frac{dS}{dt} &= \gamma (1- S ) -\beta S I \\
\frac{dI}{dt}&= \beta S I - (\nu + \gamma) I\\
\frac{dR}{dt}&= \nu I - \gamma R\end{aligned}$$
We solve for the endemic equilibrium values of $S_\text{eq}$, $I_\text{eq}$, $R_\text{eq}$.
\frac{dI}{dt}= 0 &=\beta S_\text{eq} I_\text{eq} - (\nu + \gamma) I_\text{eq}\\
S_\text{eq} &= \frac{\nu + \gamma}{\beta} \equiv \frac{1}{R_0}\end{aligned}$$
$R_0$, the basic reproductive number, is defined as the number of secondary infections from a single infected individual in a totally susceptible population. Continuing to solve for $I_\text{eq}$ and $R_\text{eq}$, we have
\frac{dS}{dt}= 0 &=\gamma (1- S_\text{eq} ) -\beta S_\text{eq} I_\text{eq} \\
\frac{dR}{dt} = 0 &= \nu I_\text{eq} - \gamma R_\text{eq}\\
To find the selection coefficient, we develop an expression for the effective reproductive number $R_e$ for both the resident and mutant strains. $R_e$ is the expected number of secondary infections from a single infected individual in a given population. We will use the relationship
R_e &= SR_0\end{aligned}$$
The mutant strain is $d$ antigenic units from the resident strain. The conversion factor between antigenic units and infection risk is notated by $c$. Thus, the susceptibility to the mutant is given by $\min\{cd,1\}$, and immunity to the mutant is $\max\{1-cd,0\}$. For ease of notation, we assume $cd \le 1$, and use $k = 1-cd$.
The fraction of the population immune to the invading strain is denoted by $R'$. Note that the population is at the endemic equilibrium of the resident strain, and not the mutant.
R' &= (1-cd)R_\text{eq}\\
&= \frac{\nu}{\beta}(R_0-1)k\end{aligned}$$
We start by allowing coinfection. The fraction of susceptibles to the mutant strain is given by
S' &= 1-R' - \frac{1}{N}\\
&= 1- \frac{\nu k }{\beta}(R_0-1) - \frac{1}{N}\\\end{aligned}$$
For large $N$, we have
S' &= 1- \frac{\nu k }{\beta}(R_0-1)\\\end{aligned}$$
As defined by our initial set of ODEs, the growth rates of the mutant and resident strains are
\frac{dI'}{dt} &= I' [\beta S' - (\nu + \gamma) ]\\
\frac{dI}{dt} &= I_\text{eq} [\beta S_\text{eq} - (\nu + \gamma) ]\\\end{aligned}$$
To get the selection coefficient, we take the difference between the growth rates:
s &= [\beta S' - (\nu + \gamma)] - [\beta S_\text{eq} - (\nu + \gamma) ]\\
&= \beta-\gamma k(R_0-1) - \frac{\beta}{R_0}\end{aligned}$$
Recall that $\beta = (\nu + \gamma) R_0$
s &= (\nu +\gamma)R_0 - \nu k (R_0-1) - (\nu+\gamma)\\\end{aligned}$$
s&= (\nu cd + \gamma)(R_0 -1 ) \end{aligned}$$
Now disallowing coinfection, we have
S' &= 1-R'-I_\text{eq}-I'\\
&= 1- \frac{\nu}{\beta}(R_0-1)k - \frac{\gamma}{\beta}(R_0-1) - \frac{1}{N}\end{aligned}$$
For large $N$,
S' &=1 - (R_0-1)[\frac{\nu k + \gamma}{\beta}] \end{aligned}$$
Using the same arithmetic as in the case with coinfection, it follows that
s &= \beta-(\nu k + \gamma)(R_0-1) - \frac{\beta}{R_0}\\\end{aligned}$$
s&=(\nu cd)(R_0-1)\end{aligned}$$
In summary, the selection coefficient of an invading mutant strain increases linearly with the $R_0$, which is shared by both strains. The slope of this relationship is proportional to the distance $d$ between the two strains in antigenic space (figure \[fig:R0\_selection\]). Naturally, relationship between the selection coefficient on the distance $d$ between strains depends on the functional relationship between antigenic distance and immunity. However, the linear dependence of the selection coefficient on $R_0$ holds as long as the functional relationship between antigenic distance and immunity is independent of $R_0$.
Detecting differences in $R_0$
In the $SIR$ model, the force of infection is
F = \beta I\end{aligned}$$
where $\beta$ is the transmission rate and $I$ is the fraction of infecteds. At the endemic equilibrium, the cumulative fraction of seropositive individuals at a given age $a$ is
f(a) &= 1-\exp(-\beta I_\text{eq} a)\\
&= 1-\exp(-R_0 (\nu + \gamma I_{\text{eq}} a)\end{aligned}$$
where $\nu$ is the recovery rate and $\gamma$ is the birth/death rate. $I_{\text{eq}}$, the fraction of infecteds at the endemic equilibrium, is given by
I_{\text{eq}} = \frac{\gamma}{\beta}(R_0-1)\end{aligned}$$
Figure \[fig:SIR\_seropositivity\] shows the fraction of seropositive individuals by age for the baseline $R_0=1.8$ and a 20% higher $R_0=2.16$. The difference in the percentage of seropositive two-year-olds between the two groups is approximately 2.3%. The sample size in each group required to detect a difference $f_2(a) - f_1(a)$ with $\alpha$ confidence and $1-\beta$ power is
N =\frac{ f_1 (1-f_1) + f_2(1-f_2)}{(f_1 - f_2)^2} (\Phi_{\alpha/2} + \Phi_{\beta})^2\end{aligned}$$
For legibility, $f_i(a)$ is written as $f_i$. To detect a 20% difference in $R_0$ between two populations with 0.05 significance and 0.80 power, we would require a sample of at least 1503 individuals in both groups.
Supplemental tables and figures
[@[height 10.5pt depth4pt width0pt]{}lrcccc]{}\
Parameter & Range\
Relative $R_0$ & 0.8$-$1.2\
Seasonal amplitude ($\epsilon$) in temperate populations & 0.0$-$0.15\
Relative population size (N) & 0.5$-$2.0\
Relative turnover rate ($\gamma$) & 0.5$-$2.0\
Fraction of initial infecteds ($I_0$) in tropics & 0.0$-$1.0\
Parameter Df Sum Sq Frac of var Mean Sq F value Pr($>$F)
--------------------------- ------ -------- ------------- --------- --------- -----------
Relative $N$ 1 5.04 0.017 5.04 316.48 $<$0.0001
Fraction $I_0$ in tropics 1 0.62 0.002 0.62 38.94 $<$0.0001
Relative $R_0$ 1 114.49 0.406 114.49 7193.84 $<$0.0001
Relative turnover 1 2.37 0.008 2.37 148.97 $<$0.0001
Seasonal amplitude 1 94.04 0.334 94.04 5908.50 $<$0.0001
Residuals 4109 65.40 0.232 0.02
Total 4114 281.96 1.000
Parameter Df Sum Sq Frac of var Mean Sq F value Pr($>$F)
--------------------------- ------ -------- ------------- --------- ---------- -----------
Relative $N$ 1 1.94 0.033 1.94 754.71 $<$0.0001
Fraction $I_0$ in tropics 1 0.02 $<$0.001 0.02 8.75 0.0031
Relative $R_0$ 1 44.55 0.766 44.55 17344.41 $<$0.0001
Relative turnover 1 1.04 0.018 1.04 406.81 $<$0.0001
Seasonal amplitude 1 0.02 $<$0.001 0.02 9.53 0.0020
Residuals 4109 10.56 0.182 0.00
Total 4114 58.140 1.000
[^1]: [email protected]
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abstract: |
Many geometric and analytic properties of sets hinge on the properties of elliptic measure, notoriously missing for sets of higher co-dimension. The aim of this manuscript is to develop a version of elliptic theory, associated to a linear PDE, which ultimately yields a notion analogous to that of the harmonic measure, for sets of codimension higher than 1.
To this end, we turn to degenerate elliptic equations. Let $\Gamma \subset {\mathbb{R}}^n$ be an Ahlfors regular set of dimension $d<n-1$ (not necessarily integer) and $\Omega = {\mathbb{R}}^n \setminus \Gamma$. Let $L = - \operatorname{div}A\nabla$ be a degenerate elliptic operator with measurable coefficients such that the ellipticity constants of the matrix $A$ are bounded from above and below by a multiple of ${\,\mathrm{dist}}(\cdot, \Gamma)^{d+1-n}$. We define weak solutions; prove trace and extension theorems in suitable weighted Sobolev spaces; establish the maximum principle, De Giorgi-Nash-Moser estimates, the Harnack inequality, the Hölder continuity of solutions (inside and at the boundary). We define the Green function and provide the basic set of pointwise and/or $L^p$ estimates for the Green function and for its gradient. With this at hand, we define harmonic measure associated to $L$, establish its doubling property, non-degeneracy, change-of-the-pole formulas, and, finally, the comparison principle for local solutions.
In another article to appear, we will prove that when $\Gamma$ is the graph of a Lipschitz function with small Lipschitz constant, we can find an elliptic operator $L$ for which the harmonic measure given here is absolutely continuous with respect to the $d$-Hausdorff measure on $\Gamma$ and vice versa. It thus extends Dahlberg’s theorem to some sets of codimension higher than 1.
- 'Univ Paris-Sud, Laboratoire de Mathématiques, UMR8628, Orsay, 91405, France'
- 'Department of Mathematics, Temple University, 1805 N. Broad Street, Philadelphia, PA 19122, USA'
- 'School of Mathematics, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN 55455, USA'
- Guy David
- Joseph Feneuil
- Svitlana Mayboroda
date: 'February 25, 2017'
title: 'Elliptic Theory for Sets with Higher Co-dimensional Boundaries'
[^1] [^2] [^3]
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[^1]: This research was supported in part by Fondation Jacques Hadamard and by CNRS. The first author was supported in part by the ANR, programme blanc GEOMETRYA ANR-12-BS01-0014, the European Community Marie Curie grant MANET 607643 and H2020 grant GHAIA 777822, and the Simons Collaborations in MSP grant 601941, GD. The third author was supported by the Alfred P. Sloan Fellowship, the NSF INSPIRE Award DMS 1344235, NSF CAREER Award DMS 1220089, the NSF RAISE-TAQ grant DMS 1839077, and the Simons Foundation grant 563916, SM.
[^2]: We would like to thank the Department of Mathematics at Université Paris-Sud, the Ecole des Mines, and the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute (NSF grant DMS 1440140) for warm hospitality.
[^3]: Finally, we would like to thank Alano Ancona for stimulating discussions at the early stages of the project and for sharing with us the results of his work.
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"pile_set_name": "ArXiv"
} | ArXiv |
abstract: 'The exchange interactions and magnetic structure in layered system [CuMnO$_2$]{} (mineral crednerite) and in nonstoichiometric system [Cu$_{1.04}$Mn$_{0.96}$O$_2$]{},with triangular layers distorted due to orbital ordering of the Mn$^{3+}$ ions, are studied by [*ab-initio*]{} band-structure calculations, which were performed within the GGA+U approximation. The exchange interaction parameters for the Heisenberg model within the Mn-planes and between the Mn-planes are estimated. We explain the observed in-plane magnetic structure by the dominant mechanism of the direct $d-d$ exchange between neighboring Mn ions. The superexchange via O ions, with 90$^{\circ}$ Mn-O-Mn bonds, plays less important role for the in-plane exchange. The interlayer coupling is largely dominated by one exchange path between the half-filled $3z^2-r^2$ orbitals of Mn$^{3+}$. The change of interlayer coupling from antiferromagnetic in pure [CuMnO$_2$]{} to ferromagnetic in doped material is also explained by our calculations.'
- 'A. V. Ushakov'
- 'S. V. Streltsov'
- 'D. I. Khomskii'
- './CuMnO2.bib'
title: 'Orbital structure and magnetic ordering in stoichiometric and doped crednerite CuMnO$_2$'
Magnetic systems with geometric frustrations attract nowadays considerable attention. Due to competition of different exchange paths often rather complicated magnetic structures are realized, which are very sensitive to external influences and can be changed e.g. by small modifications of composition.
There exist many magnetic materials containing the triangular layers as a main building block. [@Collins-97] Among them there are well-known systems like NaCoO$_2$, [@Akimoto-03] delafossites $A$MeO$_2$ ($A$ = Cu, Ag, Pd, ...; Me – transition metals), such as multiferroic CuFeO$_2$ or AgCrO$_2$, [@Tokura-08; @Kimura-10] compounds with unusual charge state like Ag$_2$NiO$_2$, [@Johannes-07] ferroaxial multiferroic FeRb(MoO$_4$)$_2$ [@Kenzelmann-07] and even some organic systems with spin-liquid ground states. [@Kanoda-05; @Kanoda1-05] A regular triangular lattice with equilateral triangles is frustrated, which can lead to complicated ground states, especially in the presence of strong magnetic anisotropy. Such frustrations could in principle be lifted due to lattice distortion, for example caused by orbital ordering [@Mostovoy-02; @Mostovoy-03](which, on the other hand, can itself lead to frustration in some, even not geometrically frustrated lattices [@Khomskii-82; @Mostovoy-03]). However in certain cases frustrations can remain even after such orbital ordering.
Apparently an example of this type is delafossite [CuMnO$_2$]{} (mineral crednerite). The crystal structure of CuMnO$_2$ is shown in Fig. \[cryst.str\]. Two features, disclosed by the experimental studies of stoichiometric [CuMnO$_2$]{} [@Damay-09; @Martin-10] and similar system with the excess of Cu, [Cu$_{1.04}$Mn$_{0.96}$O$_2$]{}, [@Chapon-11] are quite nontrivial and require explanation. First, the presence of the Jahn-Teller Mn$^{3+}$ ($t_{2g}^3e_g^1$) ions in this system leads to change of the crystal structure (with corresponding ferro–orbital ordering) from the usual for delafossites rhombohedral $R\overline{3}m$ to a monoclinic $C2/m$ structure already at room temperature. In this structure different directions in the triangular $ab$-plane become inequivalent: there exist for each Mn two short and four long Mn-Mn distances in the plane. This in principle could lift frustration, if the antiferromagnetic (AFM) exchange $J_1$ on the long Mn-Mn bonds would be stronger than the exchange $J_2$ on the short ones: then the topology of the plane would essentially become that of a square lattice Fig. \[lattice\](a).
![\[cryst.str\] (Color online) The crystal structure of CuMnO$_2$ in the low temperature phase. Mn ions are shown as violet, Cu as blue, and O as red balls. Two different intralayer exchange constants via the long ($J_1$) and short ($J_2$) Mn-Mn bonds are shown. The MnO$_6$ layers alternating in $c$ direction are equivalent, but presented in slightly different ways to show common edges of the MnO$_6$ octahedra (upper layer) and the Mn-O bonds (lower layer). The image was generated using VESTA software. [@Momma-11] ](cryst-str.ps){width="0.9\columnwidth"}
However experimentally it turned out that this is not the case: apparently the exchange at short bonds is stronger, which, with the uniaxial magnetic anisotropy of Mn$^{3+}$ (spins are oriented predominantly along the long Mn-O bonds) still leaves the system frustrated \[the stacking of the antiferromagnetic chains along the short Mn-Mn direction is frustrated for equivalent long bonds which couple such chains, see Fig. \[lattice\](b)\]. According to Ref. this degeneracy is lifted below magnetic transition: at $T<T_N=65$ K the structure changes from monoclinic to triclinic $C\overline{1}$ due to magnetostriction.
The first question is why indeed the exchange coupling along the short Mn-Mn bond is stronger. At first glance it seems very natural: exchange interaction is expected to be stronger for shorter bond. But, besides the direct Mn-Mn exchange due to the overlap of the $d$-orbitals of Mn, usually also the superexchange via oxygen plays an important role, especially for the heavier $3d$ elements. And one could expect that for the ferro-orbital ordering like that found in CuMnO$_2$ this contribution could be stronger for longer Mn-(O)-Mn bonds (see in more details below). Why is this not the case, is a priori not clear.
Another surprising phenomenon was found in nonstoichiometric crednerite with small excess of copper, Cu$_{1.04}$Mn$_{0.96}$O$_2$, with part of the in-plane Mn substituted by Cu. It was found in Ref. that, whereas the in-plane magnetic ordering (and magnetostrictive distortions) remain practically the same as for pure CuMnO$_2$, the interlayer exchange coupling changes to the opposite: if it was antiferromagnetic in CuMnO$_2$, it becomes ferromagnetic in Cu$_{1.04}$Mn$_{0.96}$O$_2$. [@footnote] Interlayer coupling is not often treated seriously in the study of such layered frustrated systems; it is usually considered rather as a nuisance (although of course everyone understands that some such interlayer coupling is required to make a real 3$D$ long-range magnetic ordering). Here, however, we have to seriously address the question of such interlayer coupling and its dependence on the exact composition of the material.
To explain the observed features, one has to know the values of exchange interaction between different Mn-Mn pairs, both in-plane and out-of-plane. For the lattice geometry at hand, with its low symmetry and with many different exchange paths (exchange due to direct Mn-Mn overlap, different superexchange processes such as $t_{2g}$-$t_{2g}$, $t_{2g}$-$e_{g}$, $e_g$-$e_g$, see e.g. Ref. ), especially in the presence of orbital ordering existing in CuMnO$_2$, it becomes a formidable task, difficult to solve “by hand”. Therefore we decided to address this problem by [*ab initio*]{} band-structure calculations, which automatically take into account all exchange mechanisms, different bond lengths and angles present in this system. This allows us to compare relative stability of different types of magnetic ordering, for both stoichiometric and for doped CuMnO$_2$. To avoid symmetry changing of the system we did not use the supercell calculations with some particular Mn ions substituted by Cu to model [Cu$_{1.04}$Mn$_{0.96}$O$_2$]{}, but modeled the doped situation by changing the electron concentration, which is equivalent to virtual crystal approximation (VCA).
The results of our calculations, first of all, confirm that the experimentally observed magnetic structure is the theoretical ground state and also confirm the results of the previous first principle calculations [@Jia-12] for the stoichiometric case. The analysis shows, that the hopping between the $3z^2-r^2$ and $xy$ orbitals and the direct hopping between $xy$ orbitals should give the main contribution to the $J_2$ exchange, and this AFM exchange turns out to be much stronger than $J_1$, leading to the magnetic structure observed experimentally. The interlayer ordering from the calculations also coincides with that observed experimentally. For the nonstoichiometric CuMnO$_2$ the in-plane ordering remains the same, whereas the interlayer ordering changes to the opposite, in agreement with the findings of Ref. . We discuss the physical mechanism of this change.
![\[lattice\] (Color online) Possible magnetic structures for the distorted triangular lattice. a) Exchange parameters $J_1$ on the long bonds are larger than that on short bonds $J_2$; b) Exchange parameters on long bonds smaller that on short ones. This structure corresponds to the observed in CuMnO$_2$ experimentally. [@Damay-09] For both cases the strongest exchange paths are shown in red.](ris11.ps){width="0.9\columnwidth"}
Calculation details
The calculations were carried out by pseudopotential method in the PWscf code [@PW-SCF] in the framework of the density functional theory (DFT). We used the Vanderbilt ultrasoft pseudopotentials for all ions. $3d$, $4s$, $4p$ for Cu and Mn, $2s$ and $2p$ for O were considered as valence. The plane-wave cutoff energy for these pseudopotentials was taken be 40 Ry. The strong electronic correlations were included on Mn sites via the GGA+$U$ approximation [@Anisimov-97]. Effective $U_{eff}=U-J_H$ for the Mn 3$d$ states was chosen to be 4.1 eV. [@Wang2006] We checked that main conclusions doesn’t depend on the choice of $U_{eff}$ and also present the results for $U_{eff}=$3.6 eV.
The integration in the course of self-consistency iterations was performed over a mesh of 256 $k$-points in a whole part of the Brillouin zone with switching off the symmetry of the space group to allow any possible orbital order. We used the Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof (PBE) exchange-correlation functional. [@Perdew-96]
In order to estimate the exchange interaction parameters within the Mn triangular layers and the interlayer exchange we calculated the total energies of different magnetic configurations and used the Heisenberg model in the form $$\label{heis}
H = \sum_{ij} J_{ij} S_iS_j,$$ where summation runs twice over each pair. The in-plane exchange constants $J_1$ and $J_2$ (see Fig. \[lattice\]) were recalculated from the total energies of three magnetic structures: (1) fully ferromagnetic, (2) Mn ions along the short (long) Mn–Mn bond are ordered ferromagnetically (antiferromagnetically), (3) Mn ions along the short Mn–Mn bonds are antiferromagnetically coupled. The unit cell contains 4 f.u. In the LT phase the exchange parameters $J_1$ along two long Mn–Mn bonds were assumed to be the same, since the difference of the bond lengths is quite small, $\sim 0.02 \AA$. For the calculation of the exchange constants along the $b-$axis the unit cell was doubled in this direction, the magnetic ordering in plane was chosen as in the experiment (ferromagnetic chains are going along the longest Mn–Mn bond).
The lattice parameters (unit cell; atomic coordinates) used in the calculations were taken from the experimental data of Ref. for $300 K$ (HT phase) and for $10 K$ (LT phase).
Results and discussion
The first principles calculations of the stoichiometric CuMnO$_2$ were performed for the high-temperature (HT) and low-temperature (LT) phases. The magnetic moment on Mn$^{3+}$($d^4$) is close $3.7$ ${\ensuremath{\mu_{\text{B}}}}$ in both phases (3.68 ${\ensuremath{\mu_{\text{B}}}}$ in LT and 3.74 ${\ensuremath{\mu_{\text{B}}}}$ in HT phase). The occupancy of the $3d$ shell for the interlayer linearly-coordinated Cu$^{1+}$ was found to be 9.73 in LT and 9.71 in HT phase. This is close to the $d^{10}$ configuration expected from the simple ionic consideration. The Mn$^{3+}$ ion has $5.58$ (5.54) electrons in the LT (HT) phases. The deviation from the nominal filling $d^4$ is related with the hybridization effects as discussed below.
According to the GGA+U calculations CuMnO$_2$ is a metal at the HT phase in the ferromagnetic configuration, while at lower temperatures in the experimental [@Damay-09] AFM magnetic structure the energy gap opens, $E_g = 0.2$ eV, and system becomes insulating. We found that such magnetic order, with the AFM stripes in the Mn-plane and the AFM arrangement along the crystallographic $b$-axis \[Fig. \[lattice\](b)\] is the ground state in the LT phase with the lowest total energy.
The partial Cu $3d$, Mn $3d$ and O $2p$ densities of states for the LT phase are presented in Fig. \[total-dos\]. One can see, that the Mn $d$ states are lower and broader than the Cu $3d$ ones, which are closer to the Fermi level. A substantial hybridization between the Mn $3d$ and O $2p$ states is noticeable. Because of the hybridization the occupation of the $3d$ shell of Mn is larger than the nominal, but the spin moment is consistent with the $d^4$ configuration ($3.7 \mu_B$).
![\[total-dos\] (Color online) The partial densities of states (DOS) obtained in the GGA+$U$ calculation for stoichiometric CuMnO$_2$ at LT phase in the AFM configuration, shown in Fig. \[lattice\](b). Positive (negative) values correspond to spin up (down). The Fermi energy is in zero.](ris2.ps){width="0.8\columnwidth"}
The structural distortions caused by the Jahn-Teller character of the Mn$^{3+}$ and orbital ordering results in the structure with two types of inequivalent Mn-Mn pairs in the MnO$_2$ plane: those along the $a$-direction with the short Mn-Mn distance of $2.88$ Å, and the long bonds in two other directions, with the Mn-Mn distance of $\sim 3.14$ Å(they become inequivalent in the magnetically-ordered phase), see Fig. \[lattice\]. In effect one may expect that the exchange coupling in the $ac$ plane can be characterized by two exchange constants: $J_2$ (short Mn-Mn bonds) and $J_1$ (long Mn-Mn bonds). The direct calculation in the GGA+U approximation shows that $J_1 =-1.5 K$ (FM) and $J_2 = 16.5 K$ (AFM).
The MnO$_6$ octahedra in the basal triangular layer have common edge, so that the Mn-O-Mn angle is close to $90^{\circ}$. There exist in this geometry several contributions to the nearest neighbor magnetic coupling. First, there is a direct hopping between the Mn orbitals, especially $t_{2g}$ ones, with the lobes directed toward one another, see Fig. \[pathes\](a). This contribution must be antiferromagnetic. The direct exchange is known to be quite efficient for first few $3d$ transition metal ions, but it gradually decreases going from left to the right in the periodic table, and already for Cr and Mn the superexchange may become larger. [@Streltsov-08]
![\[pathes\] (Color online) Different processes for the exchange coupling of the neighboring Mn$^{3+}$ ions in the basal plane for the MnO$_6$ octahedra with common edge. (a) Direct overlap of the $t_{2g}$ orbitals; (b) antiferromagnetic $t_{2g}$–$t_{2g}$ superexchange via oxygen; (c) antiferromagnetic $t_{2g}$–$e_g$ superexchange via oxygen; the Jahn-Teller distortion makes the distance between these two Mn ions long. Common edge of the neighboring MnO$_6$ octahedra is marked by wavy line. Oxygen ions are shown by circles. ](ris4.ps){width="0.9\columnwidth"}
Let us consider contributions to the superexchange via O ions, some of which are illustrated in Fig. \[pathes\](b,c) (see more details e.g. in Ref. ). For a such Mn-O-Mn $90^{\circ}$ bond, according to Goodenough-Kanamori-Anderson rules (GKA), [@Khomskii-01; @Goodenough] the superexchange between the half-filled $t_{2g}$ orbitals via oxygens will be also antiferromagnetic $\sim \frac{t_{pd\pi}^4}{\Delta^2} (\frac{1}{U}+\frac{2}{2\Delta + U_{pp}})$, where $\Delta$ is the charge-transfer energy (energy of the excitation, in our case, Mn$^{3+}$($d^4$)O$^{2-}$(2$p^6$) $\rightarrow$ Mn$^{2+}$($d^5$) O$^-$(2$p^5$)), and $U_{pp}$ is the repulsion of oxygen $p$-electrons.
But potentially the most important contribution to the Mn-Mn exchange via oxygens could be the $t_{2g}$-$e_g$ exchange, which, for the hopping to the half-filled $e_g$ orbital, is antiferromagnetic, and could be quite strong, $\sim \frac{t_{pd\pi}^2t_{pd\sigma}^2}{\Delta^2}(\frac{1}{U} + \frac{2}{2\Delta + U_{pp}})$. In pair of the MnO$_6$ octahedra forming long Mn-Mn bond the single half-filled $e_g$ orbital ($2z^2-x^2-y^2$) will lie in the plane defined by common edge and two Mn ions and will take part in such an exchange process as shown in Fig. \[pathes\](c). Thus this contribution will be stronger for longer Mn-Mn bond. This is what we had in mind in the Sec. \[sec:introd\], where mentioned that superexchange may leads to the situation when $J_1$ would be stronger than $J_2$. But this not the case and direct exchange obviously dominates.
It has to be mentioned again that actually, it is a priori not clear whether – the direct $d-d$ exchange on a short Mn-Mn bond or the superexchange via oxygens on the long bonds would be stronger. In the second case we would have expected that the magnetic ordering would be simple two-sublattice antiferromagnetism in an effective square lattice formed by the long Mn-Mn bonds, Fig. \[lattice\](a) (it can also be viewed as the stripe ordering in the original triangular lattice, but with stripes of parallel spins running along short bonds, not along long ones, as in Fig. \[lattice\](b)). Note that such a situation is indeed realized on some triangular lattiсes, e.g. in NaVO$_2$ [@Cava-08] (in this case the orbital ordering and the direct $d$–$d$ exchange relieve geometric frustration).
There exist also other contributions to the nearest neighbor exchange, e.g. those involving one occupied and one empty orbital; according to the GKA rules, these processes would give ferromagnetic contribution, but weaker by the factor of $\frac{J_{H}}{U}$ or $\frac{J_{H}}{2\Delta}$. Still, there are many such exchange channels, so that the total contribution of these processes can be significant. The results of our [*ab initio*]{} calculations give an answer to the question raised above; it turns out that the antiferromagnetic exchange $J_2$ on the short Mn–Mn bond is stronger than the superexchange contributions on the long bonds. Apparently the rather short Mn–Mn distance ($2.88$ Å) on a short bond makes direct $t_{2g}$–$t_{2g}$ exchange dominant, but the superexchange between $e_g$ and $t_{2g}$ orbitals via oxygen should also be important.
In order to estimate the interlayer exchange interaction parameters and also to simulate the doped system Cu$_{1+x}$Mn$_{1-x}$O$_2$ we used the supercell with $8$ inequivalent Mn ions. Two different magnetic configurations were calculated. In both structures Mn ions constituting short in-plane Mn–Mn bonds were antiferromagnetically coupled, while the interlayer spin order was taken different, ferro- or antiferromagnetic. [@footnote] The calculated exchange constant $J_{inter} = 0.8 K$ (AFM) reproduced the observed interlayer ordering for undoped CuMnO$_2$. [@Martin-10; @Jia-12] the main contribution to the interlayer exchange is given by the process illustrated in Fig. \[beetwen\].
![\[beetwen\] (Color online) a) The strongest exchange path for interlayer antiferromagnetic coupling (involving the half-filled $e_g$-orbitals) in the stoichiometric [CuMnO$_2$]{}. Oxygens are shown by circles, Cu$^{1+}$($d^{10}$) ion is shown by square. b) The same exchange path, but for the upper Mn$^{4+}$ (for the nonstoichiometric Cu$_{1+x}$Mn$_{1-x}$O$_2$); the hopping would be to the empty $e_g$-orbital which is not shaded. According to the GKA rules this exchange would be ferromagnetic. ](ris55.ps){width="0.9\columnwidth"}
The strongest exchange path goes from the occupied (half-filled) $3z^2-r^2$ orbital of Mn ion in one layer, where the local $z$-axis is directed along the long Mn-O bond, via corresponding oxygen $2p$ orbitals and eventually diamagnetic Cu$^{1+}$ sitting in between layers, and then to the similar $3z^2-r^2$ orbital of one particular Mn in the next layer (see Fig. \[beetwen\](a)). This exchange coupling is antiferromagnetic, which provides the antiferromagnetic coupling between layers observed for CuMnO$_2$. [@Damay-09] Note that the Mn ions connected by this exchange path do not belong to one unit cell, i.e. one must be careful in comparing the obtained magnetic ordering with the experimental one (which is defined in Ref. in terms of relative orientation of crystallographically equivalent Mn ions in neighboring layers).
As it was mentioned above the same (as for pure CuMnO$_2$) supercell consisting of the 8 Mn ions was used to simulate the magnetic properties of the nonstoichiometric Cu$_{1+x}$Mn$_{1-x}$O$_2$ with x=0.04. Since the exact positions of the doped Cu$^{2+}$ in the Mn$^{3+}$-plane is unknown, the virtual crystal approximation was used: an extra $0.32$ holes were added in the calculations of the aforementioned superсell. This corresponds to the uniform distribution of this hole over a whole cell.
The occupations of the $3d$ shell of the Cu and Mn ions in doped system are slightly different from the stoichiometric case, being 9.71 and 5.55 respectively. The magnetic moment on Mn in triangular plane is $3.69$ [$\mu_{\text{B}}$]{}. The occupations for different $3d$ orbitals are the same as in pure CuMnO$_2$. The interlayer exchange for $x=0.04$ was found to be $J_{inter} = -1.8 K$, ferromagnetic, instead of antiferromagnetic interlayer coupling of $+0.8 K$ for undoped compound. The intralayer exchanges are $J_1=-6.4$ K and $J_2=-14.6$ K. Thus our calculations fully reproduce experimentally observed changes of the sign for the interlayer exchange coupling. [@Chapon-11] This can be explained in the following way: when we substitute some Mn ions by Cu$^{2+}$ (formally trivalent Cu$^{3+}$ is rather difficult to obtain, and it cannot be formed at these conditions, which is confirmed by our calculations), we induce two changes. One is that Cu$^{2+}$ itself is magnetic and has different orbital occupation, so that for some ions the same exchange path from the $3z^2-r^2$ orbital of the Mn in the lower plane would connect to Cu$^{2+}$ in the neighboring plane, for which the $3z^2-r^2$ orbital will be completely filled. The $d$-hole will be, as always, on $x^2-y^2$ orbital. Due to different orbital occupation this exchange would be ferromagnetic, in accordance with the GKA rules.
Another consequence of the substitution of Mn$^{3+}$ by Cu$^{2+}$ is that to guarantee electroneutrality one Mn ion per each Cu should become Mn$^{4+}$. These Mn$^{4+}$ ions, e.g. in the upper layer, would couple to Mn$^{3+}$ in the lower layer also ferromagnetically, see Fig. \[beetwen\](b). Besides, as just explained, each Cu$^{2+}$ in triangular layer, as well as each Mn$^{4+}$, would couple ferromagnetically to both the layer above and layer below. Thus effectively each extra Cu$^{2+}$ would make [*four*]{} interlayer bonds ferromagnetic instead of antiferromagnetic. Apparently all these factor combine to lead to the inversion of the interlayer magnetic ordering in nonstoichiometric crednerite with the excess of Cu. And the fact that already very small amount of excess copper, only $4\%$ in Cu$_{1.04}$Mn$_{0.96}$O$_2$ studied in Ref. , is sufficient to lead to this inversion of interlayer ordering, is probably connected with the factors discussed above: that effectively every extra Cu changes to the opposite the exchange of four interlayer bonds, so that the effective doping is not $4\%$, but is rather $\sim 16\%$ (i.e. $16\%$ of strongest interlayer bonds change sign).
There may be also other factors contributing to the same effect. Notably, it is known, e.g. on the example of CMR manganites, that the substitution of Mn by other ions with different valence can modify the in-plane magnetic ordering in a rather large region around the dopant. [@Raveau-01] It is not excluded that also here the in-plane ordering could be modified close to Cu$^{2+}$ and especially to Mn$^{4+}$ which should be created simultaneously. The interaction of this distorted region in a given plane with the next plane with its, say, original ordering could also have opposite sign from the interaction of two “virgin” planes. The eventual presence of magnetic distortions due to doping in CuMnO$_2$ should be checked by special experiments (the simplest indication of that would be certain broadening of magnetic reflexes in nonstoichiometric crednerite as compared to those in pure CuMnO$_2$ or ESR measurements).
It’s worthwhile mentioning that the results obtained in the present investigation does not strongly depend on the value on site Hubbard repulsion $U_{eff}$. In order to check $U$ dependence we performed additional calculations with smaller $U_{eff}=3.6$ eV. The decrease of the $U_{eff}$ leads to increase of the AFM contributions to the intralayer exchange coupling, which are known to be $\sim t^2/U$. As a result both in-plane exchanges become more AFM: $J_1$ equals 21.0 K and 17.2 K, while $J_2$ is $-0.2$ K and $-5.1$ K for pure CuMnO$_2$ and nonstoichiometric case respectively. For $U_{eff}=3.6$ eV the interlayer exchange coupling changes its sign going from CuMnO$_2$ ($J_{inter}=0.6$ K) to Cu$_{1.04}$Mn$_{0.96}$O$_2$ ($J_{inter}=-1.1$ K) as for $U_{eff}$=4.1 eV.
The results obtained in the present paper agree with the conclusions of Ref. , where it was shown that the magnetic properties of CuMnO$_2$ strongly depends of what kind of dopant is used: magnetic Cu$^{2+}$ with not completely filled $3d$ shell or non-magnetic Ga$^{3+}$. In the first case the interlayer coupling changes to the opposite, while in the second in remains the same (antiferromagnetic). This demonstrates that this change is not due to a modification of the crystal structure, but is connected with the substitution of Mn$^{3+}$ by magnetic Cu$^{2+}$, with the generation of another magnetic ion Mn$^{4+}$, as explained above.
In conclusion, on the basis of [*ab initio*]{} band structure calculations we obtained the physical picture, which explains experimentally observed stripy antiferromagnetic order in stoichiometric crednerite CuMnO$_2$, as well as in the system with the excess of Cu, Cu$_{1+x}$Mn$_{1-x}$O$_2$. Ferro-orbital ordering present in this system plays very important role in determining the exchange constants and finally the magnetic structure. We argue that the in-plane magnetic ordering is mainly provided by the direct exchange interaction between the $t_{2g}$, while superexchange between $e_g$ and $t_{2g}$ orbitals on different sites is expected to be smaller. The interlayer exchange is mainly given by the exchange path involving the half-filled $e_g$ orbitals of Mn$^{3+}$. Substitution of a part of Mn$^{3+}$ by Cu$^{2+}$, with corresponding creation of compensating Mn$^{4+}$ ions, leads to the inversion of the interlayer coupling already for rather small doping, which explains the puzzling experimental observation of Poienar et al. in Ref.
The obtained results once again demonstrate the importance of orbital ordering for magnetic structures, this time in a frustrated system. It also shows that such systems are very sensitive to even small variations of conditions, e.g. small doping, and their properties can be effectively modified even by small perturbations.
The authors are very grateful to Christine Martin for attracting our attention to this problem and for numerous discussions. This work was supported by the German projects FOR $1346$, by the University of Cologne via German Excellence Initiative and by the European project SOPRANO, Samsung by GRO program, and by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research via RFFI-$13$-$02$-$00374$ of the Ministry of education and science of Russia (grant MK-$3443.2013.2$) .
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abstract: 'We study the nature of motion in a logarithmic galactic dynamical model, with an additional external perturbation. Two different cases are investigated. In the first case the external perturbation is fixed, while in the second case it is varying with the time. Numerical experiments suggest, that responsible for the chaotic phenomena is the external perturbation, combined with the dense nucleus. Linear relationships are found to exist, between the critical value of the angular momentum and the dynamical parameters of the galactic system that is, the strength of the external perturbation, the flattening parameter and the radius of the nucleus. Moreover, the extent of the chaotic regions in the phase plane, increases linearly as the strength of the external perturbation and the flattening parameter increases. On the contrary, we observe that the percentage covered by chaotic orbits in the phase plane, decreases linearly, as the scale length of the nucleus increases, becoming less dense. Theoretical arguments are used to support and explain the numerically obtained outcomes. A comparison of the present outcomes with earlier results is also presented.'
address: |
Department of Physics,\
Section of Astrophysics, Astronomy and Mechanics,\
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki\
GR-541 24, Thessaloniki, Greece
- 'Euaggelos E. Zotos'
title: 'Are external perturbations responsible for chaotic motion in galaxies?'
Galaxies: kinematics and dynamics; external perturbations
Most galaxies in the Universe, are gravitationally bound to a number of other galaxies. These form a fractal-like hierarchy of clustered structures, with the smallest such association being termed groups. A group of galaxies is the most common type of galactic cluster and these formations contain the majority of the galaxies. In other words, galaxies interact with each other, most common in pairs or as triple systems. The Milky Way-Magellanic Clouds system, is a very good example of galactic interaction \[1,8,10,16,20,24,27,28\]. Another interesting system of interacting galaxies, is the Andromeda $M31$ galaxy, with its two small companion galaxies $M32$ and $NGC$ $205$. This interesting triple system was investigated, in an earlier paper, using a self consistent computer simulation code, with interesting results \[26\]. Moreover, the formation of spiral structure in a galaxy, as a result of the gravitational perturbation caused by a permanent companion, was studied in a previous work \[25\].
In this article, we shall use the gravitational potential $$V_0(r,z)=\frac{\upsilon_0^2}{2} \ln \left[r^2 + \alpha z^2 + c^2 \right],$$ in order to describe the motion in our galactic dynamical system. This potential is important for galactic dynamics and represents an elliptical galaxy, with a nucleus of radius $c$, which displays a flat rotation curve at large radii \[2\]. Here $r, z$ are the usual cylindrical coordinates. The flattening parameter $1 \leq \alpha \leq 2$, defines the axial ratio of the equipotential ellipsoids. Logarithmic potentials, have been frequently used by many researchers, over the last decades, in order to model galactic motion \[6,12,19,21,22\]. The parameter $0.01 \leq c \leq 0.25$ is the radius of the nucleus, while $\upsilon_0$ is a parameter used for the consistency of the galactic units. In order to keep things simple, we consider that our galaxy is subject to an external perturbation $V_1 = -\lambda r$, caused by a companion galaxy, where $\lambda > 0$ is the strength of the external perturbation. Thus the total potential is $$V(r,z)=V_0 + V_1=\frac{\upsilon_0^2}{2} \ln \left[r^2 + \alpha z^2 + c^2 \right] - \lambda r.$$
We use a system of galactic units, where the unit of length is $1 kpc$, the unit of time is $0.97746 \times 10^8 yr$ and the unit of mass is $2.325 \times 10^7 M_{\odot}$. The velocity and the angular velocity units are $10 km/s$ and $10 km/s/kpc$ respectively, while $G$ is equal to unity. The energy unit (per unit mass) is $100 (km/s)^2$. In the above units, we use the value $\upsilon_0 = 15 km/s$, while $\alpha$, $\lambda$ and $c$ are treated as parameters. We consider only bounded motion, therefore we take $\lambda \leq 21$.
As the total potential $V(r,z)$ is axially symmetric and the $L_z$ component of the angular momentum is conserved, we use the effective potential $$V_{eff}(r,z)=\frac{L_z^2}{2r^2} + V(r,z),$$ in order to study the character of motion in the meridian $r-z$ plane. The equations of motion are $$\begin{aligned}
\ddot{r} &=& -\frac{\partial V_{eff}(r,z)}{\partial r}, \nonumber \\
\ddot{z} &=& -\frac{\partial V_{eff}(r,z)}{\partial z},\end{aligned}$$ where the dot indicates derivative with respect to time. The corresponding Hamiltonian is written as $$H=\frac{1}{2}\left(p_r^2 + p_z^2\right) + V_{eff}(r,z) = E,$$ where $p_r$ and $p_z$ are the momenta, per unit mass, conjugate to $r$ and $z$ respectively, while $E$ is the numerical value of the test particle’s energy, which is conserved. Equation (5) is an integral of motion, which indicates that the total energy of the test particle (star), is conserved.
The outcomes of the present research are based on the numerical integration of the equation of motion (4). We use a Bulirsh-Stöer integration routine in Fortran 95, with double precision in all subroutines. The accuracy of our results was checked by the constancy of the energy integral (5), which was conserved up to the twelfth significant figure.
Our aim is to connect the external perturbation caused by a companion galaxy, with the character of motion (regular or chaotic). Moreover, we try to find relationships, in order to connect the dynamical parameters of the system, that is the strength of the external perturbation, the flattening parameter and the radius of the nucleus, with the chaotic percentage and the critical value of the angular momentum $L_{zc}$. Before doing this, it would be interesting to try to relate, the chaotic orbits or the chaotic motion, in general, with actual astronomical issues.
One of the main reasons for the transition from ordered to chaotic stellar motion, is the presence of a massive object in the central regions of galaxies. Stars reaching the center on highly eccentric radial orbits, are scattered out of the galactic plane, displaying chaotic motion \[23\]. Furthermore, a central mass concentration can strongly perturb the stellar orbits in elliptical galaxies, which become chaotic \[18\]. Observational indications suggesting, the presence of strong central mass concentration, with a very sharply raising rotation curve. A second reason, for chaotic behavior in galactic motion, is the presence of strong external perturbations. As the perturbation increases, it destroys the stability of orbits and increases the amount of the stochasticity of the dynamical system. Resonances are also responsible for chaotic motion \[9,11\]. Here we must emphasize, that resonances are not only responsible for the presence of chaos in galaxies, but also for the chaotic motion in the solar system \[14,29\]. The reader can find interesting information on the chaotic motion in galaxies and its connection with observations, in the work of Grosbøl \[13\].
The layout of this article is organized as follows. In Section 2, we study the structure of the phase plane and derive numerically relationships between the percentage of the area $A\%$ covered by the chaotic orbits in the phase plane and the parameters $\lambda$, $\alpha$ and $c$. In the same Section, we present relationships between the critical value of the angular momentum and the same basic parameters of the dynamical system. In Section 3, these relationships are also reproduced and explained, using theoretical arguments. In Section 4, we follow the evolution of the orbits, as the flattening parameter, or the strength of the external perturbation changes with time. We close with Section 5, where a discussion and the conclusions of the present research are given.
Structure of the dynamical system
Figure 1a-d shows the $r-p_r, z=0, p_z > 0$ Poincaré phase plane, for the Hamiltonian (5) obtained by numerical integration of the equations of motion (4). Figure 1a shows the $r-p_r$ phase plane when: $\lambda =0, \alpha =1, L_z=10$ and $E=467$. Here we have the case of a spherical unperturbed galaxy and therefore, as we expected, the entire phase plane is occupied by invariant curves produced by regular orbits of the 1:1 resonance. Figure 1b shows the $r-p_r$ phase plane when: $\lambda =21, \alpha =1, L_z=10$ and $E=300$. In this case, the spherical galaxy is affected by the largest permissible value of the external perturbation $\lambda$. Here we observe, that the majority of orbits are regular orbits. The external perturbation has as a result a considerable chaotic layer, which is confined in the outer parts of the phase plane. Secondary resonances, if any, are negligible. Figure 1c shows the $r-p_r$ phase plane when: $\lambda =0, \alpha =1.9, L_z=10$ and $E=467$. Here we have the case of the unperturbed, non spherical galaxy. As one can see, again the majority of orbits are regular, while a very small chaotic layer in the outer parts of the phase plane is present. Figure 1d shows the $r-p_r$ phase plane when: $\lambda =21, \alpha =1.9, L_z=10$ and $E=300$. One observes a large chaotic sea, while there are also areas of regular motion. In addition to the above, one can also observe smaller islands of invariant curves, embedded in the chaotic sea, which are produced by secondary resonances. The values of all other parameters are: $\upsilon_0=15$ and $c=0.25$. The values of the energy $E$, were chosen so that in all phase planes $r_{max} \simeq 8$.
The main conclusion from the above analysis, is that spherical galaxies display less chaos, than flat ones, when exposed to external perturbations. In other words, we see that chaos decreases when the symmetry of the galaxy increases.
Figure 2a-h shows eight representative orbits of the dynamical system. Figure 2a shows a regular orbit when: $\lambda =0, \alpha =1$ and $E=467$. Initial conditions are: $r_0=1.5, z_0=0, p_{r0}=0$, while the value of $p_{z0}$ is found from the energy integral (5), for all orbits. Figure 2b shows a regular orbit when: $\lambda =21, \alpha =1$ and $E=300$. Initial conditions are: $r_0=2.8, z_0=0, p_{r0}=12$. In Figure 2c a quasi periodic orbit, characteristic of the 2:3 resonance, is shown. Here: $\lambda =21, \alpha =1.9$ and $E=300$. Initial conditions are: $r_0=6.3, z_0=0, p_{r0}=0$. Figure 2d shows a quasi periodic orbit when: $\lambda =0, \alpha =1.9$ and $E=467$. Initial conditions are: $r_0=6.2, z_0=0, p_{r0}=0$. This orbit is characteristic of the 4:3 resonance. In Figure 2e a quasi periodic orbit, characteristic of the 4:5 resonance, is presented. Here: $\lambda =21, \alpha =1.9$ and $E=300$ while, initial conditions are: $r_0=0.6, z_0=0, p_{r0}=0$. In Figure 2f we see a characteristic orbit of the 6:7 resonance. Here: $\lambda =21, \alpha =1.9$ and $E=300$ while, initial conditions are: $r_0=3.5, z_0=0, p_{r0}=0$. Figure 2g shows a complicated orbit produced by the 8:7 resonance, when: $\lambda =21, \alpha =1$ and $E=300$. Initial conditions are: $r_0=6.23, z_0=0, p_{r0}=0$. A chaotic orbit is given in Figure 2h, when: $\lambda =21, \alpha =1.9$ and $E=300$. Initial conditions are: $r_0=0.42, z_0=0, p_{r0}=0$. All orbits were calculated for a time period of 100 time units. The values of all other parameters are: $\upsilon_0=15, c=0.25$ and $L_z=10$.
It is evident, that responsible for the chaotic regions is the external perturbation. This can be justified looking at Figure 3a, which displays the percentage of the area $A\%$ covered by chaotic orbits, in the $r-p_r, z=0, p_z>0$ phase plane as a function of the external perturbation $\lambda$. The values of all the other parameters are: $E = 300, \alpha = 1.9, c = 0.25$ and $L_z = 10$. We see that the chaotic area $A\%$ increases linearly with $\lambda$. Furthermore, the numerical calculations suggest that, for the above given values of the dynamical parameters, the chaotic regions are negligible when $\lambda \rightarrow 0$. Let us now come to see how the percentage of the chaotic regions in the $r-p_r$ phase plane, is connected with the flattening parameter $\alpha$. The results are given in Figure 4a, when $1 \leq \alpha \leq 2$. The values of all the other parameters are: $E = 300, \lambda = 21, c = 0.25$ and $L_z = 10$. One observes, that the chaotic area $A\%$ increases again linearly with $\alpha$. On the contrary, as we observe in Figure 5a, the percentage of the chaotic regions in the $r-p_r$ phase plane, decreases this time, linearly as the radius of the nucleus increases. The values of all other parameters are: $E = 300, \alpha = 1.9, \lambda = 21$ and $L_z = 10$. Therefore, we conclude that galaxies with less dense nucleus, display less chaotic motion. An explanation of these numerically found relationships of the dynamical system, will be given in the next Section.
Before closing this Section, we would like to present relationships connecting the critical value of the angular momentum $L_{zc}$ (that is the maximum value of the angular momentum $L_z$, for which the test particle displays chaotic motion) and the basic parameters of the dynamical system, that is the strength of the external perturbation $\lambda$, the flattening parameter $\alpha$ and the radius of the nucleus $c$. Our numerical experiments show that the relationship between $L_{zc}$ and $\lambda$ is linear. This linear relationship is shown in Figure 3b. In Figure 4b, we observe that the relationship connecting the flattening parameter $\alpha$ with the critical value of the angular momentum $L_{zc}$, ia also linear. Orbits starting in the upper part of the $\alpha - L_{zc}$ plane are regular, while orbits starting in the lower part of the same plane, including the line display chaotic motion. Figure 5b shows the relationship between the the critical value of the angular momentum $L_{zc}$ and the radius of the nucleus $c$. Here one can observe a straight line fitting all the numerically found data points. Orbits with values of $L_{zc}$ and $c$ on the left part of the $c - L_{zc}$ plane, including the line, are chaotic, while orbits with values of the parameters on the right part of the same plane are regular. What is more interesting, is that all these linear relationships can be also derived, using some elementary semi-theoretical arguments.
Semi-theoretical arguments
In this Section, we shall present some semi-theoretical arguments together with elementary numerical calculations, in order to explain the numerically obtained relationships given in Figs. 3, 4 and 5.
Our analysis takes place near the nucleus because, there, all internal forces acting on the star take their maximum values. Furthermore, the tangential velocity $\upsilon_{\phi}$ also takes its maximum value there. Note that the external force is constant, for all parts of the galaxy taking the value $$F_{ext} = -\frac{\partial V_1}{\partial r} = \lambda.$$
As the test particle approaches the nucleus there is a change in its momentum given by $$m \Delta p_r = < F_{int} + F_{ext} > \Delta t = < F_{int} + \lambda > \Delta t,$$ where $m$ is the mass of the test particle, $F_{int}$ and $F_{ext}$ is the internal and external average force acting on the particle, while $\Delta t$ is the duration of the encounter. We assume that the star displays chaotic motion, when the total change in the momentum after $n > 1$ encounters is of order of $$m \upsilon_{\phi} = m \frac{L_{zc}}{<r_0>}, \ \ r_0 << 1.$$
Thus we have $$m \displaystyle\sum_{i=1}^{n} \Delta p_{ri} \approx < F_{int} + \lambda > \displaystyle\sum_{i=1}^{n} \Delta t_i.$$
Setting $$\begin{aligned}
m \displaystyle\sum_{i=1}^{n} \Delta p_{ri} &=& m \upsilon_{\phi} =
\frac{m L_{zc}}{<r_0>}, \nonumber \\
\displaystyle\sum_{i=1}^{n} \Delta t_i &=& T_c, \nonumber \\
m &=& 1,\end{aligned}$$ in equation (9) we find $$\frac{L_{zc}}{<r_0>} \approx < F_{int} + \lambda > T_c.$$
Rearranging, we write equation (11) in the form $$< L_{zc} > \approx L_{zc0} + \mu_1 \lambda,$$ where $\mu_1 = T_c r_0, L_{zc0} = F_{int} T_c r_0$. As the internal force, at a given point near the nucleus ($r = r_0 \ll c, z = z_0 \ll c$), is fixed, equation (12) gives the linear relationship between $\lambda$ and $L_{zc}$, which explains the numerical results shown in Figure 3b.
The linear relationship between the radius of the nucleus $c$ and $L_{zc}$ can explained similarly, using again semi-theoretical arguments. In fact, we use essentially similar arguments to those used in Caranicolas & Innanen \[3\], Caranicolas & Papadopoulos \[5\], Caranicoals & Zotos \[7\] and Zotos \[30\]. When the star approaches the dense nucleus, its momentum in the $z$ direction changes according to the equation $$m \Delta p_z = < F_z > \Delta t,$$ where $m$ is the mass of the star, $< F_z >$ is the total average force acting in the $z$ direction, while $\Delta t$ is the duration of the encounter. It was assumed, that the star’s deflection into higher values of $z$, proceeds in each time cumulatively, a little more, with each successive pass by the nucleus and not with a single tragic encounter. It is also assumed, that the star is scattered off the galactic plane, after $n (n>1)$ encounters, when the total change in the momentum in the $z$ direction, is of order of the tangential velocity $\upsilon_\phi$, of the star near the nucleus, at an average distance $r = < r_0 >$. Thus we have $$m \displaystyle\sum_{i=1}^{n} \Delta p_{zi} \approx < F_z > \displaystyle\sum_{i=1}^{n} \Delta t_i.$$
If we set $$\begin{aligned}
m \displaystyle\sum_{i=1}^{n} \Delta p_{zi} &=& \frac{m L_{zc}}{< r_0 >}, \nonumber \\
\displaystyle\sum_{i=1}^{n} \Delta t_i &=& T_e, \nonumber \\
m &=& 1,\end{aligned}$$ and combine equations (14) and (15), we find $$\frac{L_{zc}}{< r_0 >} \approx < F_z > T_e.$$ The force acting in the $z$ direction for a star of unit mass $(m=1)$ is $$F_z = -\frac{\partial V_0}{\partial z} = \frac{- \alpha \upsilon_0^2 z}{r^2 + \alpha z^2 + c^2}.$$
Setting $z=c, r = < r_0 > \gg z$ (remember that the star before scattering is very close to the galactic plane) and keeping only linear terms in $z$ and $c$, Eq. (17) becomes $$< F_z > \approx - \frac{\alpha c}{< r_0 >^2}.$$ Inserting the value from Eq. (18) into relation (16) we obtain $$< L_{zc} > \approx - \frac{\alpha c}{< r_0 >} T_e = - \alpha \mu_2 c,$$ where $\mu_2 = T_e/< r_0 >$. Here we must note that, equation (19) cannot be considered as an exact representation of the relation, between the involved quantities. It rather can be seen, as an indication of the relation that needs to be completed with additional terms. Those terms, can be derived through numerical calculations, providing the necessary information. Actually, numerical calculations, suggest that expression (19), needs to be supplemented with an additional constant term giving the value of $L_{zc}$ in the case when $c \rightarrow 0$. Calling this term $L_{zc0}$, expression (19) takes the form $$< L_{zc} > \approx L_{zc0} - \alpha \mu_2 c.$$
Relation (20) explains the linear relationship between the radius of the nucleus $c$ and $L_{zc}$, shown in Fig. 5b. Equation (20) also contains the flattening parameter $\alpha$. As one can see, for a given value of $c$, there is a linear dependence between $\alpha$ and $L_{zc}$. This explains the numerically obtained linear dependence shown in Fig. 4b, where $c = 0.25, \lambda = 21$ and $E = 300$.
As the scattering occurs near the nucleus, it must be $r_0 \ll c$ and $z_0 \ll c$. The particular values of $r_0$ and $z_0$ are irrelevant. As we can see from Eq. (17), $|F_z|$ increases linearly with the flattening parameter $\alpha$. As a consequence of this linear increase of the $|F_z|$, we see that the chaotic region in the $r-p_r$ phase plane, increase to high values, up to about $A = 82\%$, when $\alpha$ reaches 2 (see Fig. 4a).
Evolution of orbits in the time-dependent model
In this Section, we shall study the evolution of orbits as the parameters $\alpha$ and $\lambda$ change linearly with time following the equations $$\begin{aligned}
\alpha(t) &=& \alpha_{in} - k_1 t, \nonumber \\
\lambda(t) &=& \lambda_{in} + k_2 t,\end{aligned}$$ where $\alpha_{in}, \lambda_{in}$ are the initial values of $\alpha$ and $\lambda$, while $k_1$ and $k_2$ are parameters.
Figure 6a-b shows the evolution of an orbit, as $\alpha$ changes with time, following the first of equations (21). The initial conditions are: $r_0 = 4, z_0 = p_{r0} = 0$. The initial value of energy is $E = 300$, $\lambda = 21, c = 0.25$, while the value of $p_{z0}$ is found from the energy integral (5) in all cases. The initial value of $\alpha$ is $1.9$, while $k_1$ is equal to $0.01$. The values of all other parameters are as in Fig. 1d. Figure 6a shows the orbit for the first $90$ time units, while figure 6b shows the orbit for the rest $110$ time units. One observes, that the orbit starts as chaotic and tends to be a regular orbit as $\alpha$ approaches unity. At $t = 90$ when $\alpha = 1$, the time evolution stops and the system is now spherical, but always subject to a large external perturbation $(\lambda = 21)$. The energy value was settled to the value $E = 276.48$. The evolution of the orbit in the spherically symmetric system is shown in Figure 6b. As expected, the orbit is now regular and remains regular. Of course, the value of energy $E$ must correspond to $r < 6$, for which regular orbits do exist. In Figure 6c one observes the complete evolution of the orbit for a time period of 200 time units. Figure 6d shows the evolution of the Lyapunov Characteristic Exponent (L.C.E) \[17\], for a time period of $10^5$ time units. For the first 90 time units, the profile of the L.C.E indicates chaotic motion, but for the rest time interval, the L.C.E corresponds to regular motion. Here we must point out, that the time scale with which the orbits become regular depends on the initial values of the quantities $\lambda$ and $c$. Numerical calculations not given here suggest that, as the system evolves from a flat system to a spherical one, the majority of chaotic orbits become regular.
Figure 7a shows the evolution of an orbit, as the external perturbation $\lambda$ changes with time following the second of equations (21). The initial conditions are: $r_0 = 2.0, z_0 = p_{r0} = 0, \alpha = 1.9, c = 0.25$, while the initial value of energy is $E=300$. The value of angular momentum is $L_z = 5$. The initial value of $\lambda$ is 0, while $k_2$ is equal to 0.1. Figure 7a shows the orbit for the first 210 time units, while Figure 7b shows the orbit for the rest 90 time units. One observes, that the orbit starts as a regular orbit and gradually becomes chaotic, as the value of the external perturbation $\lambda$ increases. After 210 time units, the value of $\lambda$ becomes 21. At this point, the evolution of our dynamical system stops and the orbit runs for 90 more time units, with its new value of energy, which is now $E=275.38$. In Figure 7c we present the evolution of the total velocity $\upsilon (t)=\sqrt {p_r^2+p_z^2}$ of the test particle, as a function of time for the above orbit and for time interval of 500 time units. One observes that, at about $t = 200$ time units, the velocity profile changes, while at the same time the velocity increases. This indicates that, in practice, the orbit becomes chaotic after the external perturbation has reached the value $\lambda =20$. Here one must notice, that the above results are in agreement with observational data, where an increase of the stellar velocity is expected, in regions with significant chaos. Moreover, observations show, that in chaotic regions one expects to get an asymmetric velocity profile \[13\]. As one can see in Figure 7c, our velocity profile becomes asymmetric, when the motion changes from regular to chaotic. In order to double check our results, we computed the maximal Lyapunov Characteristic Exponent (L.C.E), for a time period of $10^5$ time units, which is shown in Figure 7d. The L.C.E indicates regular motion for the first 210 time units and then has a mean value, of about 0.25, which shows that the motion has become chaotic.
The above analysis shows, that the role of the external perturbation is not only to affect the nature of orbits (regular or chaotic), but also to change the profile of the velocities of the stars. All numerical calculations suggest, that as the external perturbation increases and the orbit tends to be chaotic, the velocity increases and its profile changes.
Discussion and conclusions
In this work we have used a simple potential, in order to study the dynamical behavior of a galaxy with an additional external perturbation, caused by a companion galaxy. Our aim was to investigate the consequences of the external perturbation on the character of motion (regular or chaotic). Moreover, we have tried to connect the strength of the external perturbation, the flattening parameter and the radius of the nucleus, with the conserved component of the angular momentum $L_z$.
The numerical calculations suggest, that strong external perturbations cause large chaotic regions on the phase plane. Spherical galaxies display smaller chaotic regions than flat ones. On the other hand, numerical and theoretical outcomes indicate that linear relationships exist between the critical value of the angular momentum $L_{zc}$ and the dynamical parameters of the system, that is the strength of the external perturbation $\lambda$, the flattening parameter $\alpha$ and the radius of the nucleus $c$. Moreover the extent of the chaotic regions observed in the $r-p_r$ phase plane, increases linearly, as the strength of the external perturbation and the flattening parameter increases. On the contrary, the percentage covered by chaotic orbits in the phase plane, decreases linearly as the scale length of the nucleus increases and becoming less dense.
The magnitude of the core radius $c$ together with the value of the angular momentum $L_z$, are two basic parameters for the dynamical system to display regular or chaotic motion. It was found numerically, that a linear relationship exists between the critical value of the angular momentum and the corresponding radius of the central concentration. The above mentioned relationship can also be obtained, using semi-theoretical methods.
An important role on the evolution of the chaotic motion is played by the flattening parameter $\alpha$ of the dynamical system. For a given value of the radius $c$ and the external perturbation $\lambda$, there is a linear relationship between $\alpha$ and the critical value of the angular momentum $L_{zc}$. This strongly suggests, that low angular momentum stars, display chaotic motion in highly flattened or perturbed elliptical galaxies, having a dense nucleus. Here we must note, that this behavior is similar to that observed in disk galaxies, studied by Caranicolas & Innanen \[3\].
It is well known, from earlier work, that galaxies with dense and massive nuclei, produce chaotic regions \[4\]. The phenomenon is strongly connected with the critical value of angular momentum $L_{zc}$ and the mass of the nucleus $M_n$. The corresponding relationship $[L_{zc}, M_n]$ was found to be linear \[3\]. Thus, we observe that the behavior of low angular momentum orbits in galaxies with massive and dense nuclei, is similar to the same orbits in galaxies with strong external perturbation. In both cases we observe large chaotic regions on the phase plane and the corresponding relationships $[L_{zc}, M_n]$, $[L_{zc}, \lambda]$, $[L_{zc}, \alpha]$ and $[L_{zc}, c]$ are linear.
It is important to note that, in order to observe chaos, the external perturbation must be combined with a dense nucleus. Numerical calculations not given here suggest that, when: $\lambda = 15, \alpha = 1.9, L_z = 10$, no chaotic motion is observed when $0.5 \leq c \leq 1$. Furthermore, it is well known that when $\lambda = 0$ \[15\], the system displays small chaotic regions, only for small values of $c$. The importance of this fact, can be shown as follows.
The density corresponding to potential (1) is $$\rho (r,z) = \frac{\upsilon_0^2}{4 \pi} \frac{\left[(\alpha + 2)c^2 +
\alpha \left(r^2 - (\alpha-2) z^2\right) \right]}{\left(r^2 + \alpha z^2 + c^2\right)^2}.$$ For small values of $r$ and $z$, $\rho (r,z)$ tends to the value $$\rho_0 = \frac{\upsilon_0^2\left(\alpha + 2\right)}{4 \pi c^2}.$$ Thus, we see that the density near the center increases as $1 / c^2$. Equation (23) shows the critical role of the radius of nucleus in the character of motion. Therefore, we can say that our numerical experiments suggest that large external perturbations can cause significant chaos, if combined with high density objects in the central regions of galaxies.
An estimation of the total mass of the primary galaxy, can be obtained, if we assume a spherical galaxy of radius $R$. In this case $\alpha = 1$ and the density (22) becomes $$\rho (w) = \frac{\upsilon_0^2}{4 \pi} \frac{\left( 3c^2 + w^2 \right)}{\left(w^2 + c^2\right)^2},$$ where $w^2 = r^2 + z^2$. The mass of the galaxy is $$M_G = 4 \pi \displaystyle\int^R_0 \rho(w) w^2 \,dw =
\upsilon_0^2 \left[ R - \frac{R c^2}{c^2 + R^2} \right].$$ Taking $R = 20 kpc, c = 0.25 kpc$ we obtain the value: $M_G \simeq 4500$ mass units, that is $1.05 \times 10^{11} M_{\odot}$. Furthermore, we assume that the two bodies (the primary and the companion galaxy), are moving in circular orbits around the center of mass of the system, with an average period $T=5 \times 10^{9} yr$. The distance between the primary galaxy and its companion is $A=70 kpc$. The mass of the companion galaxy, can be obtained from the Kepler’s third law $$A \nu^2=G \left(M_G + M_c \right),$$ where $\nu$ is the relative velocity of the two galaxies. From relation (26) and for the given values of the involving parameters, we have that $M_c \simeq 670$ mass units, which is equal to $1.55 \times 10^{10} M_{\odot}$. Our numerical results, can now be compared with observational data from the binary stellar system, consists of the giant elliptical galaxy $NGC$ $3379(M105)$ and its companion $NGC$ 3384.
Interesting results are found, in the case where the potential is time dependent. In this case, the numerical calculations indicate that the motion evolves from regular to chaotic, or from chaotic to regular depending on the particular values of the parameters $\alpha$ and $\lambda$. The main conclusion is that, as the external perturbation increases, the orbits become chaotic and the total velocity increases. Always we must remember, that all numerical calculation suggest that a large external perturbation, as described by our dynamical model (2), is responsible for producing a large amount of chaos, only if the mass density near the central regions is high.
Forty years ago, galactic activity and interactions between galaxies were viewed as unusual and rare. Nowadays, they seem to be segments in the life of many galaxies. From the astrophysical point of view, in the present work, we have tried to connect galactic activity and galactic interactions with the nature of orbits (regular or chaotic) and also with the behavior of the velocities of stars in the primary galaxy. We consider the outcomes of the present research , to be an initial effort, in order to explore matters in more detail. As results are positive, further investigation will be initiated to study all the available phase space, including orbital eccentricity of the companion and its inclinations to the primary galaxy.
Acknowledgments {#acknowledgments .unnumbered}
*I would like to thank Professor N. D. Caranicolas for his fruitful discussions, during this research. I also would like to thank the anonymous referees for their very useful suggestions and comments, which improved the quality of the present paper.*
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abstract: |
Resource allocation problems are a family of problems in which resources must be selected to satisfy given demands. This paper focuses on the two-stage stochastic generalization of resource allocation problems where future demands are expressed in a finite number of possible scenarios. The goal is to select cost effective resources to be acquired in the present time (first stage), and to implement a complete solution for each scenario (second stage), while minimizing the total expected cost of the choices in both stages.
We propose an evolutionary framework for solving general two-stage stochastic resource allocation problems. In each iteration of our framework, a local search algorithm selects resources to be acquired in the first stage. A genetic metaheuristic then completes the solutions for each scenario and relevant information is passed onto the next iteration, thereby supporting the acquisition of promising resources in the following first stage. Experimentation on numerous instances of the two-stage stochastic Steiner tree problem suggests that our evolutionary framework is powerful enough to address large instances of a wide variety of two-stage stochastic resource allocation problems.
- 'Federal University of Itajubá - UNIFEI, Itajubá MG, Brazil.'
- 'Federal University of São Carlos - UFSCar, São Carlos SP, Brazil.'
- 'State University of Mato Grosso do Sul - UEMS, Dourados MS, Brazil.'
- 'University of Campinas - UNICAMP, Campinas SP, Brazil.'
- 'Pedro H. D. B. Hokama'
- 'Mário C. San Felice'
- 'Evandro C. Bracht'
- 'Fábio L. Usberti'
- 'refs.bib'
title: 'Evolutionary framework for two-stage stochastic resource allocation problems'
two-stage stochastic problems,local search,genetic metaheuristic
Introduction {#sec:intro}
Resource allocation problems arise when companies are faced with the decision of choosing resources to build an infrastructure at a minimum cost which meets some given demands and constraints. However, in the real world, there are many uncertainties concerning the costs and demands of future resources. Stochastic programming is a field of research that is concerned with the modeling of these uncertainties [@birge2011introduction; @shapiro2014lectures]. A common approach is to rely on a scenario decomposition analysis. The uncertainty about the problem parameters is modeled by a limited number of subproblems (scenarios), weighted by their occurrence probability and containing a restricted representation of the problem uncertainties. By obtaining the optimal solutions for each scenario, one could expect to find similarities and trends among the scenarios to come up with a solution that holds a good trade-off under all scenarios.
Two-stage stochastic programming is a mathematical framework to model stochastic problems using a scenario decomposition approach. The first stage reflects decisions that should be made at the present time. On the other hand, the second stage reflects the decisions that should be made at a future time, considering a set of possible scenarios, each giving a presumable realization of the uncertain data. The goal is to find the minimum cost solution, which comprises the first stage cost and the second stage expected cost considering all scenarios.
Literature is plenty of operations research problems modeled as two-stage stochastic problems. In the following, related works based upon real-life case studies offer examples of two-stage stochastic problems with an underlying resource allocation problem.
Supply chain network design:
: [@KaraOnut2010] developed a revenue maximization model for a network design problem, faced by a waste-paper recycling industry, in which one must find locations for recycling centers and flows among a multi-facility environment. The model deals with the management of a Closed-Loop Supply Chain (CLSC), i.e., it considers both the forward flow (new paper from manufacturers to customers) and the reverse flow (waste paper from customers back to manufacturer). [@Badri20171] introduce a model for the design of a CLSC in which demand and return volumes of a product are stochastic. The objective is to maximize the *economic value added* (EVA) of the supply chain, considering supply chain costs, sales growth, working capital and fixed assets during a given planning horizon. In the first-stage, the decisions are made with respect to the number and location of facilities in a three-echelon logistics network. In the second-stage, the flows and storage of products are determined to each scenario, from which the EVA can be obtained.
Inventory management:
: [@Cunha2017313] propose a model for inventory control, within a given planning horizon, of a single-item one-echelon supply chain, considering periodic review of the stock position and uncertainty of the demand levels from the retailer. The first-stage decisions concern the optimization of two inventory control variables: (*i*) the review periodicity of the stock level and (*ii*) the target level for each stock replenishment order. The second-stage decisions refer to the stock levels and to the quantities ordered over the periods of the planning horizon, which are directly influenced by the first-stage decisions and the realizations of the uncertain demands. The objective is to minimize the costs of ordering, carrying and shortage.
Airline operations:
: [@McCarty20181] propose a model for the decision-making of anticipating passenger reaccommodation from delayed flights. The first-stage decisions assign passengers to new itineraries in anticipation of the delay’s impact and second-stage decisions adjust itineraries for passengers who missed their connections once the delay has been realized. [@Carreira2017639] investigate an airline fleet planning problem with the objective to select aircrafts to purchase (first-stage) or lease (second-stage) in order to satisfy all passengers demands.
Disaster relief:
: [@Krasko2017265] present an optimization model to manage hazardous post-fire debris flow and to coordinate pre-disaster mitigation (first-stage) with disaster response (second-stage). More specifically, in the first stage the decisions concern on mitigation actions (mulching, check dams, straw wattles and debris basin) and setting the number of vehicles to stock in each hospital. The second stage is composed of storm scenarios, each one deriving in a rescue vehicle routing problem. The recourse decisions are made within a multi-period framework aiming for the evacuation plan which minimizes casualties.
Tour scheduling:
: [@Restrepo2017620] investigate a multi-activity tour scheduling problem with uncertain demands. A model is proposed to generate, in the first stage, weekly tours (days-off, working days, shift start times and shift lengths) for employees with identical skills (first-stage). In the second-stage a set of demand scenarios are given and for each scenario the working tours must cope with the realized demand. This is made by allocating work activities and breaks to the employees daily shifts while minimizing undercovering and overcovering of demand.
: [@Cobuloglu2017251] present a model for food and biofuel production incorporating economic and environmental impacts under yield and price level uncertainties. Sales revenue and the costs of seeding, production, harvesting and transportation at the farm level are considered as economic variables. The model also considers environmental effects including carbon emission and sequestration, soil erosion and nitrogen leakage to water. The first-stage decisions regards allocating different areas of land to food and energy crops, while the second-stage variables are recourse decisions related to harvesting, budget allocation and amounts of yield types.
The numerous real-life applications arising from different fields being modeled as two-stage stochastic problems, emphasize the importance of developing efficient methodologies to tackle these problems.
[@RockafellerWets1991] introduced a paradigm to solve two-stage stochastic problems, called *progressive hedging*. This method was originally proposed for problems with continuous variables only, preferably linear problems. In the first step, a set of optimal solutions is obtained for the scenarios. Then, in the second step, through an averaging computation over all scenarios solutions, a good compromise first stage solution is built. @RockafellerWets1991 have shown that, by iterating the first and second steps, the progressive hedging converges to the optimum if the problem is convex.
[@LokketangenWoodruff1996] extend the ideas of @RockafellerWets1991 introducing an integer progressive hedging framework applicable to mixed-integer two-stage stochastic problems. Later, [@Watson2010] noticed that some issues arise when using this integer progressive hedging, especially for large-scale instances, resulting in either non-convergence or unacceptably long running-times. Moreover, [@Watson2010] proposed a number of algorithmic enhancements to improve the progressive hedging performance as a heuristic for stochastic mixed-integer programs.
A two-stage mixed-integer stochastic problem can be reduced to a single mixed-integer programming model (MILP), often called *deterministic equivalent* formulation. For practical problems, this extended formulation takes the form of a large scale MILP, since all first and second stage variables, including all scenarios, are dealt with simultaneously. For relatively small instances, mixed-integer programming solvers can be used to solve the deterministic equivalent model of the problem, as suggested by [@ParijaAhmedKing2004]. However, for practical resource allocation problems, the deterministic equivalent forms are usually too large to tackle, even with a state-of-the-art MIP solver. Moreover, [@TometzkiEngell2009] points out that MILP solvers still do not exploit the staircase structure of these deterministic formulations.
To avoid the computational burden of solving a two-stage stochastic problem through its deterministic MILP model, [@TillEtAl2007] proposed a stage decomposition approach. Their method uses an evolutionary metaheuristic to explore and optimize the first stage decision variables. For each set of values explored by the metaheuristic for the first stage variables, the full second stage recourse cost is calculated for the decoupled scenarios. This is made by applying a MILP solver to each scenario independently. Both papers perform computational experiments on real-world scheduling problems with uncertain demands and capacities. The results show that the stage decomposition approach delivered better solutions than by solving the deterministic model, within limited computational time. Later, [@TometzkiEngell2011] showed that the stage decomposition approach proposed by [@TillEtAl2007] can potentially benefit from good starting solutions for the evolutionary algorithm. Numerical experiments show that initialization methods using mathematical programs can significantly improve the results compared to random initialization of the evolutionary algorithm population.
[@AmorimCostaAlmada2015] presented a hybrid method to build algorithms, that combine a mixed-integer linear solver with a path-relinking metaheuristic, to solve two-stage stochastic problems with continuous second stage decision variables. In the first step of this hybrid algorithm, each scenario is solved individually by a mixed-integer linear solver. The solutions obtained for each scenario are ranked by their stochastic costs. The best ones are used by the path-relinking phase as guiding solutions to better explore the solution space. The hybrid method was tested considering a stochastic lot sizing and scheduling problem, and results have shown that the method outperformed the use of the mixed-integer linear solver alone, especially for the hardest instances.
In the past few decades, there have been staggering increases on the rate by which new data sets are generated, as well as the amount of stored data collected by numerous devices (mobile phones, software logs, wireless sensor networks). This phenomena is commonly referred to as *big data* [@Han-etal-2014], which offers modern resource allocation problems the access to a continuous flow of information. Therefore, efficient optimization methods, capable of dealing with large volumes of data, are in need. This matter is even more relevant for two-stage stochastic problems, since an instance size is also affected by the number of scenarios.
Our contributions {#our-contributions .unnumbered}
This work proposes an efficient heuristic methodology, called *evolutionary framework* (), to tackle large-scale general two-stage stochastic optimization problems. It contains a two-step main loop, each step responsible for solving one stage and supplied with relevant information from the previous step. Briefly, the first step selects first stage resources until a local optimum is attained. The second step solves each second stage scenario using a *biased random keys genetic algorithm* (BRKGA). Our proposed methodology, to the best of our knowledge, is the first fully heuristic stage decomposition approach to solve two-stage stochastic resource allocation problems. The fact that does not rely on ILP solvers allows it to tackle larger instances, that derive from modern resource allocation problems.
The two-stage stochastic Steiner tree problem (SSTP) was selected to showcase the effectiveness. The SSTP is an NP-hard network design problem with many real-life applications and it was recently selected to compose the 11th DIMACS Implementation Challenge [@Dimacs2014]. Computational tests were performed on 24 instances from [@Bomze2010], and 560 much larger instances from DIMACS [@Dimacs2014] and first solved by us in [@Hokama2014]. For the former, our methodology obtains near-optimal solutions in short computational times. For the latter, within reasonable computational times, it obtains cost-effective solutions for instances with 20 times more scenarios than those from the literature. These results produce a new benchmark for stochastic optimization methods to solve large-scale resource allocation problems. To the best of our knowledge, these are all the instances with results reported in the literature.
This paper is organized as follows. Section \[sec:Rap\] provides a brief introduction to (non-stochastical) resource allocation problems, accompanied with their mathematical formulations. This section also gives the basic concepts of the BRKGA metaheuristic and how it can be applied to solve these problems. Section \[sec:two-stage\] extends the mathematical formulations given in the previous section for general two-stage stochastic resource allocation problems, which are the focus of this work. Section \[sec:Framework\] presents a detailed description of our proposed methodology, , addressing the first stage local search, second stage metaheuristic, feedback between iterations, and convergence criteria. Section \[sec:case-study\] shows a case study on the application of for the two-stage stochastic Steiner tree problem. Computational experiments for this case study are performed and discussed in the same section, comparing with results from the literature. Finally, Section \[sec:conclusion\] presents our considerations and final remarks.
Resource allocation problems {#sec:Rap}
We consider a generic (non-stochastic) resource allocation problem, which will be denoted by , where resources with non-negative costs are selected to build a minimum cost infrastructure that meets given demands and some side constraints. Side constraints restrict the possible combination of selected resources and must be respected in any feasible solution.
Let $R$ be a resource set, $c: R \rightarrow \mathbb{R}^+$ be a cost function, and $D$ be a demand set. We define $I = (R, c, D)$ as an instance for , and ${\Re}$ as the family of all combinations of resources that respect the given side constraints of . Let $f$ be a function that maps $D$ to the sub-family $f(D) \subseteq {\Re}$ of all resource sets that attend $D$.
A solution for instance $I = (R, c, D)$ of problem is a set $R' \in {\Re}$ such that $R'$ belongs to $f(D)$, that is, the set of resources $R'$ attends $D$ and respects the side constraints. The goal is to find a solution $R'$ with a minimum cost. Therefore, problem can be formulated as $$\begin{aligned}
\min & \sum_{r \in R'} c(r) \enspace,\\
\mbox{subject to} \quad & R' \in ({\Re}\cap f(D)) \nonumber \enspace.\end{aligned}$$
Now, let ${{\textrm{A}}_{\textrm{P}}}$ be a generic algorithm for a generic problem , that receives an instance $I = (R, c, D)$ and returns a solution $R'$. We consider that ${{\textrm{A}}_{\textrm{P}}}$ is any simple and fast heuristic for , such that it does not return an optimal solution. In the following subsections, we briefly describe the metaheuristic BRKGA and how to combine it with algorithm ${{\textrm{A}}_{\textrm{P}}}$ to find good solutions for .
BRKGA overview
The Biased Random Key Genetic Algorithm (BRKGA), presented by [@Goncalves2011], is a general search metaheuristic based on genetic algorithms, where a population of individuals evolves through the Darwinian principle of the survival of the fittest.
Each individual $j$ of the population is represented by a chromosome $Q^j$, encoded as a vector with $m$ alleles. Each allele is a random key uniformly drawn over the interval $[0, 1]$. The decoder is an algorithm that translates a chromosome $Q^j$ into a solution $R^j$. The fitness is a function that evaluates a solution $R^j$.
The BRKGA initializes the population with $p$ randomly generated chromosomes, and this population evolves along $g$ generations. For $i = 1, \dots, g-1$, the population is updated from generation $i$ to $i+1$ according to the following steps:
1. For each individual $j$ at $i$, decode the chromosome $Q^j$ into a solution $R^j$.
2. Evaluate the fitness of each solution $R^j$ for each individual $j$ at $i$.
3. Copy the best $p_e$ individuals (elite set) from $i$ to $i+1$.
4. Add $p_m$ randomly generated chromosomes (mutants) to $i+1$.
5. Produce $p - (p_e + p_m)$ new chromosomes to $i+1$ using crossovers.
The crossover generates a new individual by sampling each allele from one of its parents. Both parents are from the current generation and exactly one is from the elite set. An allele is sampled from the elite parent with probability $\rho_e$.
After $g$ generations, the BRKGA returns the best individual’s chromosome $Q^*$ and its decoded solution $R^*$.
BRKGA and resource allocation problems {#sec:BRKGA_op}
We show a method to apply the BRKGA to a resource allocation problem . This method is particularly interesting for dealing with NP-hard problems for which some fast approximation algorithm or heuristic is known.
Considering an instance $I = (R, c, D)$ and a BRKGA individual $j$, we define the following terms:
#### Chromosome
Each allele of chromosome $Q^j$ corresponds to a resource $r \in R$ with key $Q^j(r)$. Thus, the chromosome $Q^j$ is a vector of size $|R|$.
#### Initial population
We replace exactly one randomly generated chromosome from standard BRKGA initial population by a regular chromosome $Q$, in which all allele values are equal to $0.5$, this will be a neutral chromosome.
#### Decoder
For each resource $r \in R$ and chromosome $j$, the allele key $Q^j(r)$ is used as a perturbation for the corresponding resource cost $c(r)$. Let $\alpha \in {\mathbb R}^+_*$ be a parameter that determines the perturbation intensity. The new perturbed cost of $r$ is $$\label{eq:alt_costs}
c^j(r) = (1 - \alpha + 2 \,\alpha \,Q^j(r))\, c(r) \enspace.$$ Now, we decode $Q^j$ into a solution $R^j$ by using ${{\textrm{A}}_{\textrm{P}}}$ to solve a new instance $I^j = (R, c^j, D)$.
Note that for any $r \in R$, $Q^j(r) < 0.5$ gives a discount to the cost of resource $r$, while $Q^j(r) > 0.5$ increases its cost. The idea is that the perturbed costs allow ${{\textrm{A}}_{\textrm{P}}}$ to search over, possible good, solutions that were not considered when ${{\textrm{A}}_{\textrm{P}}}$ worked with the original costs. Moreover, the regular chromosome added to the initial population guarantees that the original costs are also considered by ${{\textrm{A}}_{\textrm{P}}}$.
#### Fitness
Individual $j$ fitness is the cost of the decoded (from $Q^j$) solution $R^j$ evaluated with the original costs, i.e. $\sum_{r \in R^j} c(r)$. It is important to note that perturbed costs are passed to ${{\textrm{A}}_{\textrm{P}}}$ to find $R'$ but are not considered to evaluate the real cost of $R'$.
We denote by [BRKGA($I, {{\textrm{A}}_{\textrm{P}}}, Q$)]{} a call for to solve input $I$ of , using algorithm ${{\textrm{A}}_{\textrm{P}}}$, and adding a chromosome $Q$ to the initial population.
Two-stage stochastic resource allocation problems {#sec:two-stage}
We now describe the family of two-stage stochastic resource allocation problems, based on (non-stochastic) resource allocation problems defined in the previous section. Our framework aims to solve this family of problems.
Formally, given a resource allocation problem , we denote as , the two-stage stochastic version of . We define as follows: Let $S$ be a scenario set, such that each scenario $s \in S$ has probability $p_s$ to occur. Let $R$ be a resource set, such that each resource $r \in R$ has first stage cost $c_0(r)$ and, for each scenario $s \in S$, resource $r$ has a second stage cost $c_s(r)$. Furthermore, let $D_s$ be the demand set to be attended for each scenario $s \in S$.
Considering probabilities $Pr = \{p_s : s \in S\}$, cost functions $C = \{c_0, c_s : s \in S\}$, and demands ${\cal D} = \{D_s : s \in S \}$, we define ${\cal I} = (S, Pr, R, C, {\cal D})$ as an instance for . A solution for is defined by a set of resources to be acquired in the first stage $R_0 \subseteq R$ and, for each $s \in S$, a set of resources $R_s \subseteq R \backslash R_0$, such that $R_0 \cup R_s$ is a solution for instance $I_s = (R, c_s, D_s)$ of . Note that it is necessary to find a solution for each possible scenario. The goal is to find an solution with the minimum cost. Therefore, the can be formulated as $$\begin{aligned}
\min & \sum_{r \in R_0} c_0(r) + \sum_{s \in S} \sum_{r \in R_s} c_s(r) \cdot p_s \enspace, \\ \mbox{subject to} \quad & (R_0 \cup R_s) \in ({\Re}\cap f(D_s)), \quad \forall s \in S \nonumber \enspace.\end{aligned}$$
Note that the two-stage stochastic versions of relevant problems from combinatorial optimization and operations research, such as set cover [@ChristofidesKorman1975], network design [@JohnsonLenstraKanRinnooy1978], facility location [@Drezner1995], and vehicle routing [@Caceres-Cruz:2014] problems, fit into this generic problem definition.
For an instance ${\cal I}$ of , the recourse cost function ${\textrm{F}}(R_0, {{\textrm{A}}_{\textrm{P}}}, {\cal I})$ is the cost of solving each scenario of ${\cal I}$ with ${{\textrm{A}}_{\textrm{P}}}$, considering cost zero for first stage resources $R_0$. Intuitively this is the cost of completing the solution for each scenario, given that resources $R_0$ are already acquired and paid in the first stage. More formally, for each scenario $s \in S$, we define $$c'_s(r) = \left\{ \begin{array}{ll}
0 & \mbox{if $r \in R_0$,}\\
c_s(r) & \mbox{otherwise,}
\end{array} \right.$$ and let $R_s$ be the solution obtained by algorithm ${{\textrm{A}}_{\textrm{P}}}$ when it solves instance $I_s = (R, c'_s, D_s)$ of , for each scenario $s$ of instance ${\cal I}$ of problem . We define the recourse cost function $$\label{eq:rec_cost_func}
{\textrm{F}}(R_0, {{\textrm{A}}_{\textrm{P}}}, {\cal I}) = \sum_{s \in S} \sum_{r \in R_s} c_s(r) \cdot p_s \enspace.$$
It is worth mentioning that an upper bound for the optimum cost of consists of letting all resources to be acquired at each scenario of the second stage using the ${{\textrm{A}}_{\textrm{P}}}$, i.e., no resource is acquired in first stage and $R_0 = \emptyset$. Moreover, note that if $\gamma$ is the highest inflation ratio of the resources and ${{\textrm{A}}_{\textrm{P}}}$ is a $\beta$-approximation algorithm for , then this upper bound is a $\beta (1+\gamma)$-approximation for the optimum cost of .
Formally, let ${\textrm{F}}(\emptyset, {{\textrm{A}}_{\textrm{P}}}, {\cal I})$ be the value of this upper bound, ${\mathrm{OPT}}({\cal I})$ be the cost of an optimal solution, and ${\mathrm{OPT}}_{{\textrm{P}}} (I_s)$ be the cost of an optimal solution for instance $I_s = (R, c_s, D_s)$ of . We have that $${\mathrm{OPT}}({\cal I}) \quad\leq\quad {\textrm{F}}(\emptyset, {{\textrm{A}}_{\textrm{P}}}, {\cal I}) \quad\leq\quad \beta \, \sum_{s \in S} p_s {\mathrm{OPT}}_{{\textrm{P}}} (I_s) \quad\leq\quad \beta (1 + \gamma) {\mathrm{OPT}}({\cal I}) \enspace.$$ If ${{\textrm{A}}_{\textrm{P}}}$ is an exact algorithm, the value of this upper bound is a $(1 + \gamma)$ approximation factor, that is, $
{\mathrm{OPT}}({\cal I}) \leq {\textrm{F}}(\emptyset, {{\textrm{A}}_{\textrm{P}}}, {\cal I}) \leq (1 + \gamma) {\mathrm{OPT}}({\cal I}) \enspace.
Evolutionary framework {#sec:Framework}
In this section, we describe the proposed Evolutionary Framework () for the family of two-stage stochastic resource allocation problems. We first give an overview of the main algorithm, then we give details of each step, and finally we present a flow diagram, in Figure \[fig:Flow\_Diagram\_EvFW\], summarizing the framework.
#### Overview
The proposed evolutionary framework () for an has a main loop with two steps. In the first step, the local search algorithm () selects first stage resources towards a local optimum. In the second step, the selected first stage resources are sent to the second stage metaheuristic () that uses to solve each scenario of the second stage. At the end of each iteration, a solution is obtained and relevant information is given as feedback for the next iteration. After any convergence criterion is met, the main loop terminates and a final tail step uses the to refine the solution. Algorithm \[algo\_iff\] shows the pseudo-code of . The subroutines are explained in the following subsections.
Local search
We first explain the local search algorithm () for the first iteration, which does not consider feedback information. In the subsequent iterations, the considers feedback from the , which we explain in Section \[sec:Feedback\].
The is responsible for identifying profitable resources to acquire in the first stage. A resource is considered profitable if acquiring it does not increase the overall cost of the solution, i.e. its reduced cost (RC) is non-positive. Let ${\cal I}$ be an instance for and $R_0 \subseteq R$ be a set of resources already acquired in the first stage, then we define the reduced cost of a resource $r$ in $R \backslash R_0$ as $${\mathrm{RC}}(r, R_0, {{\textrm{A}}_{\textrm{P}}}, {\cal I}) = c_0 (r) + {\textrm{F}}(R_0 \cup \{r\}, {{\textrm{A}}_{\textrm{P}}}, {\cal I}) - {\textrm{F}}(R_0, {{\textrm{A}}_{\textrm{P}}}, {\cal I}) \enspace.$$ Note that if ${{\textrm{A}}_{\textrm{P}}}$ is not an exact algorithm then the reduced cost is just an estimate of the resource actual profit.
The begins with $R_0 = \emptyset$ and considers one resource at a time in an arbitrary order. For each resource $r$, the algorithm computes its reduced cost ${\mathrm{RC}}(r, R_0, {{\textrm{A}}_{\textrm{P}}}, {\cal I})$. If ${\mathrm{RC}}(r, R_0, {{\textrm{A}}_{\textrm{P}}}, {\cal I}) \leq 0$ then $r$ is added to the first stage solution, i.e. $R_0 \leftarrow R_0 \cup \{r\}$. Note that this algorithm uses a first improvement approach.
Since the addition of new resources to $R_0$ may change the reduced cost of resources already in $R_0$, the verifies if removing some of the resources previously acquired reduces the cost of the solution. Considering each resource $r$ in $R_0$ in the order in which the resources were acquired, if $${\textrm{F}}(R_0 \backslash \{ r \}, {{\textrm{A}}_{\textrm{P}}}, {\cal I}) - {\textrm{F}}(R_0, {{\textrm{A}}_{\textrm{P}}}, {\cal I}) - c_0 (r) < 0$$ then the algorithm removes $r$ from $R_0$. The result is a set $R_0$ of resources to be acquired in the first stage.
The pseudo-code of the local search will be presented in Section \[sec:Feedback\] when feedback information will be described.
Second stage metaheuristic
The second stage metaheuristic () is responsible for solving each scenario, considering the resources acquired in the first stage. Additionally, the uses the solution for each scenario to compose an solution and give feedback about promising resources to be acquired in the first stage (in the next iteration). Note that $R_0$ is the set of resources acquired in the first stage by the .
For each scenario $s$, the consider an instance $I_s = (R, c'_s, D_s)$ of where $c'_s(r) = 0$ if a resource $r$ is in $R_0$, and $c'_s(r) = c_s(r)$ otherwise. Then we solve instance $I_s$ with BRKGA and ${{\textrm{A}}_{\textrm{P}}}$, as shown in Section \[sec:BRKGA\_op\], obtaining chromosome $Q^*_s$ with solution $R^*_s$ for the best individual. The cost for the solution can be obtained by equation (\[eq:SOP\_sol\_cost\]).
The receives the set $\cal Q$ of best chromosomes ${\cal Q}_s$ for each scenario $s$ from a previous iteration. In the first iteration, all alleles of all chromosomes are set to 0.5. Obviously returns the set ${{\cal Q}^*} = \{Q^*_s : s \in S\}$ of best chromosomes found in the current iteration as feedback for the next iteration. Algorithm \[algo\_ssm\] presents the pseudo-code for this procedure.
Feedback {#sec:Feedback}
From the second iteration onwards, similar to the , the receives as feedback the chromosome set ${\cal Q} = \{Q_s : s \in S\}$, where each $Q_s$ is the chromosome for the best individual in scenario $s$ from the previous iteration.
We define the weighted average allele, for each resource $r \in R$, as $$\label{eq:average_key}
\bar{Q}(r) = \sum_{s \in S} Q_s(r) \cdot p_s \enspace.$$ Recall that in the first iteration, the begins with $R_0 = \emptyset$ and considers one resource at a time, to be added to $R_0$, in an arbitrary order. From the second iteration onwards the uses a non-increasing order over $\bar{Q}$. This is motivated by the notion that resources with low weighted average allele were likely used in the best solution for several scenarios in the previous iteration. Thus, these resources represent promising acquisitions for the first stage.
For each scenario $s \in S$, using perturbed costs from , we define $$\label{eq:c'_s}
c'_s(r) = \left\{ \begin{array}{ll}
0 & \mbox{if $r \in R_0$,}\\
(1 - \alpha + 2 \alpha Q_s(r)) c_s(r) & \mbox{otherwise.}
\end{array} \right.$$ Let $R_s$ be the solution obtained by ${{\textrm{A}}_{\textrm{P}}}$ when it solves instance $I_s = (R, c'_s, D_s)$ of . We redefine the recourse cost function as $$\label{eq:F}
{\textrm{F}}(R_0, {{\textrm{A}}_{\textrm{P}}}, {\cal I}, {\cal Q}) = \sum_{s \in S} \sum_{r \in R_s} c_s(r) \cdot p_s \enspace.$$ Note that while the costs $c'_s$ from bias ${{\textrm{A}}_{\textrm{P}}}$ when building solution $R_s$ for scenario $s$, these costs are not used at (\[eq:F\]). Using this new recourse cost function, we redefine the reduced cost as $$\begin{aligned}
{\mathrm{RC}}(r, R_0, {{\textrm{A}}_{\textrm{P}}}, {\cal I}, {\cal Q}) &= c_0 (r) + {\textrm{F}}(R_0 \cup \{r\}, {{\textrm{A}}_{\textrm{P}}}, {\cal I}, {\cal Q}) \nonumber\\
&~~~ - {\textrm{F}}(R_0, {{\textrm{A}}_{\textrm{P}}}, {\cal I}, {\cal Q}) \enspace.\end{aligned}$$
By using the redefined ${\textrm{F}}$ and ${\mathrm{RC}}$ functions, the bias the construction of second stage solutions to take advantage of resources with low weighted average allele. Observe that both the new recourse cost function and the new reduced cost function are equivalent to the original ones if for every $Q \in {\cal Q}$ and $r \in R$ we have $Q(r) = 0.5$. Algorithm \[algo\_ls\] presents the pseudo-code of the Local Search Algorithm.
Convergence criteria and tail step
At the end of each iteration of the main loop, some convergence criteria are checked to decide if the algorithm should keep searching for better solutions in new iterations, or just refine the best solution achieved so far in the tail step.
The two basic convergence criteria need the parameters ${i}\in {\mathbb R}^+_*$, ${b}\in {\mathbb N}$ and ${l}\in {\mathbb N}$, that correspond to the minimum improvement ratio, the maximum number of iterations since the best solution was found, and the maximum number of iterations since the last solution improvement, respectively.
Let $S^*$ be the best solution found so far, $S'$ be the solution from the last iteration, and $S$ be the current solution. If $c(S^*) > (1 + {i}) c(S)$ then the global improvement counter () is reset to $0$. Otherwise, the increases by $1$. Similarly, if $c(S') > (1 + {i}) c(S)$ then the local improvement counter () is reset to $0$. Otherwise, the increases by $1$. When the equals ${b}$ or the equals ${l}$ then the respective convergence criterion is achieved. The idea behind these convergence criteria is to allow, up to a certain limit, the algorithm to search for solutions out of a local minimum. Another convergence criterion that may be used is a time limit.
If any of the convergence criteria is achieved, the main loop ends and the algorithm obtains the best solution $S^* = (R_0, {\cal R})$ so far, as well as the set of chromosomes ${\cal Q}$ associated with it, and uses a tail step to improve the solution achieved in each scenario. We use [TailStep(${\cal I}, {\cal Q}, {{\textrm{A}}_{\textrm{P}}}, R_0$)]{} to denote a call for the tail step algorithm. This algorithm is identical to the SSM, except that in its calls to BRKGA the number of generations is multiplied by a tail generations factor (${t}$).
Case study: stochastic Steiner tree {#sec:case-study}
In this section, we apply our to the two-stage stochastic Steiner tree problem (SSTP), and show some computational results. We also compare our results with those from the literature.
The Steiner tree problem in graphs (STP) is a classical network design problem. Its goal is to find a minimum cost tree that spans a given subset of nodes, called terminals. This combinatorial optimization problem has several applications, including: communication networks and power systems [@MagnantiWong1984], wire routing in VLSI circuits [@Lengauer1990], and the study of phylogenetic trees [@CavalliEdwards1967]. The STP supposes full knowledge of the terminals to be connected and of the edge costs involved.
The SSTP is a version of the STP that uses a set of possible scenarios to capture uncertainty, both from the terminal set to be connected, and from the costs of the edges. Each scenario is characterized by a terminal set, second stage edge costs and a probability of occurrence. In the SSTP, some edges are acquired in the first stage, considering the set of possible scenarios, and in each scenario of the second stage, some other edges are acquired, at an inflated cost, to complete a tree that connects the scenario’s terminal set (in fact, a subgraph that contains such a tree). The cost of a solution is the sum of first stage edge costs plus the expected second stage edge costs.
Figure \[fig:1\] depicts an instance of the SSTP with ten nodes and five scenarios. The top leftmost graph shows the first stage edge costs, and the other graphs show, for each scenario, the terminal nodes, the second stage edge costs and the occurrence probability.
Figure \[fig:2\] depicts the optimal solution for the instance shown in Figure \[fig:1\]. The top leftmost graph shows the edges acquired in the first stage, and the other graphs show, for each scenario, the edges acquired in the second stage. Notice that, in each scenario, the union of first and second stage edges contains a tree that connects the scenario’s terminal nodes.
[@Gupta07] investigated the SSTP, showing a $40$-approximation algorithm for the special case of the SSTP in which the second stage costs are determined by a fixed inflation ratio. This algorithm is based on a primal-dual scheme, guided by a relaxed integer linear programming (ILP) solution. [@Swamy2006] presented a $4$-approximation algorithm, that uses cost-sharing properties, for this SSTP fixed inflation ratio special case. [@Gupta07] have also shown that the general case (non-fixed inflation ratio) is as hard as the label cover problem, whose approximation ratio lower bound is ${\mathrm{\Omega}}(2^{\log^{1-\epsilon} n})$.
[@Bomze2010] proposed a two-stage branch-and-cut algorithm that consists of a semi-directed ILP model with integer L-shaped cuts, that is stronger than the undirected ILP model proposed by @Gupta07. @Bomze2010 were the first to report computational results for the SSTP, showing optimal solutions for instances up to $50$ scenarios and $274$ edges.
A BRKGA based heuristic, which we call MH, was proposed by [@Hokama2014] specifically for the SSTP, from which the first non-trivial solutions for instances from the 11th DIMACS Implementation Challenge [@Dimacs2014] were obtained. To the best of our knowledge, this is the only study proposing a heuristic approach for the SSTP. Four major improvements of the with respect to the MH are described next:
(i) The uses a local search algorithm to decide which resources are bought in the first stage and it only uses the BRKGA inside each scenario of the second stage metaheuristic, while the MH is a straightforward implementation of the BRKGA, which uses a single call, with arbitrary cut and perturbation values, to decide both which edges are bought in the first stage and in each scenario, respectively. Moreover, the MH uses a local search procedure, but just to generate one initial chromosome.
(ii) The BRKGA is applied independently to each scenario which led to solutions with better quality in a shorter time, as it allowed to combine the solutions obtained in each scenario. We highlight that the standard application of BRKGA involves representing the entire solution by a single chromosome. The decomposition was possible in this case due to the independence among scenarios.
(iii) Using several short cycles, instead of having one long first step followed by one long second step, helps to verify progress more frequently. This allowed the to finish much earlier for most instances and also enabled it to spend more time on instances which could benefit from the additional computational effort.
(iv) Using feedback from the second step solution to better inform the following first step decisions. uses this feedback to bias the first step in selecting “shortcuts” drawn by the previous second step. By “shortcuts” it should be understood a set of resources with consistently low chromosome keys, indicating that they are frequently used among the scenarios. This same mechanism allows the algorithm to avoid bad sets of resources that would otherwise be selected due to the greedy nature of the first step.
STP as a resource allocation problem {#sec:STP}
In this subsection, we formally describe the (non-stochastic) STP as a resource allocation problem, defined in Section \[sec:Rap\] as , and show a classical approximation algorithm for the STP. Moreover, we give an example on how the perturbed costs, proposed in Section \[sec:BRKGA\_op\], help to improve solutions for the STP.
Let $G = (V, E)$ be a graph, with the edges in $E$ being the resources (as defined in Section \[sec:Rap\]); $c: E {\rightarrow}{\mathbb{R}}^+$ be an edge cost function; and $D \subseteq V$ be a set of terminals, that corresponds to the demands. We define $I = (G, c, D)$ as an instance for the STP. A solution for this problem is a tree $T \subseteq E$ that spans $D$, and the goal is to find such a tree with the minimum cost. Therefore, the STP can be formulated as $$\begin{aligned}
\min & \sum_{e \in T} c(e) \enspace,\\
\mbox{subject to} \quad & \mbox{$T$ is a tree that spans $D$} \nonumber \enspace.\end{aligned}$$ Notice that in this problem, the side constraints correspond to restricting solutions to those representing a tree over the graph.
Both our method to solve a resource allocation problem (presented in Section \[sec:BRKGA\_op\]) and our framework to solve the related stochastic problem (presented in Section \[sec:Framework\]) rely on an algorithm ${{\textrm{A}}_{\textrm{P}}}$ for . For the STP, we use the minimum spanning tree $2$-approximation algorithm [@Va03], called MST-approx, as algorithm ${{\textrm{A}}_{\textrm{P}}}$. The MST-approx creates a complete graph $G' = \{D, E'\}$, where each edge $(i, j) \in E'$ has a cost equal to the shortest path between $i$ and $j$ in $G$. Then, it computes a minimum spanning tree $T'$ of $G'$. Finally, a Steiner tree $T$ for $G$ is derived from the union of the shortest paths represented by the edges of $T'$. All steps of this algorithm can be performed in polynomial time. More precisely, the time complexity to compute the shortest paths between all the terminals is ${\mathrm{O}}(|D| |E| \log |V|)$, the time complexity to compute a minimum spanning tree in $G'$ is ${\mathrm{O}}(|E'| \log |D|) = {\mathrm{O}}(|D|^2 \log |D|)$, and the time complexity to translate a minimum spanning tree in $G'$ to a tree in $G$ is ${\mathrm{O}}(|D||E|)$. Thus, the MST-approx runs in ${\mathrm{O}}(|D| (|E| \log |V| + |D| \log |D| + |E|)) = {\mathrm{O}}(|D| |E| \log |V|)$.
As described in Section \[sec:BRKGA\_op\], we use perturbed costs in the decoding process of to solve resource allocation problems. Figure \[fig:decoder\] illustrates the advantage of using these perturbed costs for the STP. Consider the instance illustrated in Figure \[fig:decoder\_a\], in which the edge set is $E = \{ a, b, c, d, e, f \}$, the edge costs given by $c : E {\rightarrow}{\mathbb{R}}^+$ are equal to $[9, 5, 9, 5, 5, 9]$, respectively, and the terminals are represented by red nodes. Figure \[fig:decoder\_b\] shows a solution with cost $18$, returned when the MST-approx considers the original edge costs. Supposing a chromosome $Q = [0.7, 0.4, 0.5, 0.5, 0.3, 0.6]$, we have that the perturbed edge costs, computed by $c'(e) = (1 - \alpha + 2\alpha Q(e)) \cdot c(e)$ with $\alpha = 0.5$, are $[10.8, 4.5, 9, 5, 4 , 9.9]$. When the MST-approx considers the perturbed edge costs, it returns an improved solution, represented by Figure \[fig:decoder\_c\], with original cost $15$.
SSTP as a two-stage stochastic resource allocation problem {#sec:SSTP}
In this subsection, we formally describe the SSTP as a two-stage stochastic resource allocation problem, defined in Section \[sec:two-stage\].
Let ${\cal I} = (S, Pr, G, C, {\cal D})$ be an instance for the SSTP, where $S$ is a scenario set; $Pr = \{p_s : s \in S\}$, where $p_s$ is the occurrence probability for scenario $s$; $G = (V,E)$ is a graph; $C = \{c_0, c_s : s \in S\}$, where $c_0$ is the edge cost function for the first stage and $c_s$ is the edge cost function for scenario $s$; and ${\cal D} = \{D_s : s \in S \}$, where $D_s$ is the terminal set for scenario $s$.
A solution for the SSTP is defined by a set of edges $E_0 \subseteq E$ to be acquired in the first stage and, for each $s \in S$, a set of edges $E_s \subseteq E \setminus E_0$, such that $E_0 \cup E_s$ contains a tree that spans $D_s$. The goal is to find a solution that minimizes the cost $$\sum_{e \in E_0} c(e) + \sum_{s \in S} \sum_{e \in E_s} c_s(e) \cdot p_s \enspace.$$
After reducing the STP to a resource allocation problem and the SSTP to a stochastic resource allocation problem, the application of the is straightforward.
Computational results {#sec:results}
In this subsection, we show our computational results for the application of to the SSTP tested with two sets of instances. The first set (benchmark 1), extracted from [@Bomze2010], contains 24 instances with $5-50$ scenarios, $80-274$ edges and inflation ratio $\gamma \leq 0.5$. The optimal solutions are known for all but one of these instances. The second set (benchmark 2), extracted from the 11th DIMACS Implementation Challenge [@Dimacs2014], contains 560 instances, with $5-1000$ scenarios and $64-613$ edges[^1]. These instances are divided into four types, *K*, *Lin*, *P* and *Wrp*, with inflation ratio $\gamma$ bounded by $0.3$, $0.5$, $0.3$ and $1.0$, respectively. Since our framework is non-deterministic, each instance tested in this section is executed with 20 different seeds (ranging from 1 to 20) and for each instance, we obtained the average and the standard deviation, both for cost values and time consumption. Tables \[tab:IFF\_parameters\] and \[tab:BRKGA\_parameters\] show the default parameter settings for the and for the BRKGA, respectively. These parameters were chosen after extensive computational tests.
--------------------------------------- -- ----------------
perturbation intensity $\alpha = 0.7$
minimum improvement ratio ${i}= 0.001$
max iterations since best solution ${b}= 3$
max iterations since last improvement ${l}= 2$
tail generations factor ${t}= 3$
--------------------------------------- -- ----------------
: parameters.[]{data-label="tab:IFF_parameters"}
----------------------------- -- ----------------------------
population size $\displaystyle p = 25$
elite set size $p_e = \lceil 0.1p \rceil$
number of mutants $p_m = \lceil 0.2p \rceil$
elite crossover probability $\rho_e = 0.4$
number of generations $\displaystyle g = 25$
----------------------------- -- ----------------------------
: BRKGA parameters.[]{data-label="tab:BRKGA_parameters"}
Following we show some results for parameter tests which were executed over the smaller half of benchmark 2 instances (280 instances ranging from 5 to 150 scenarios).
First, we iteratively tested different combinations of parameters perturbation intensity ($\alpha$) and elite crossover probability ($\rho_e$), until these converged to $\alpha = 0.7$ and $\rho_e = 0.4$. These are shown in Figures \[fig:alpha\] and \[fig:rhoe\], respectively.
The Improvement(%) of each data point is the average improvement over all instances, which is better explained during the upcoming analysis of benchmark 2. For all points in Figure \[fig:param\_local\_convergence\], the average standard deviation over all instances is less than $0.19$ in the $y$-axis scale, which we omitted from the charts for clearance reasons.
We verified the behavior of applied to the SSTP when the population size ($p$) ranged over the values in $\{ 12, 25, 50, 100 \}$, and we show these results in Figure \[fig:pop\].
We define a time ratio per pair (instance, population size) by dividing its average running time by the average running time for the same instance with population size $p = 25$. The $x$-axis corresponds to the average time ratio over all instances. We may see that while a larger population size leads to better results, the cost efficiency with respect to the time ratio decreases and the Improvement(%) tends to asymptotically stabilize.
Moreover, we observed the behavior of when the parameters ${b}$, ${l}$ and ${t}$ (respectively, max iterations since best solution, max iterations since last improvement, and tail generations factor) range over the triples in $\{(0,0,0), (1,1,1), (3,2,3), (6,4,6), (10,6,10) \}$. These results are shown in Figure \[fig:blt\] and their analysis is quite similar to the previous one.
For all points in Figure \[fig:param\_asymptotic\_convergence\], the average standard deviation is less than $0.19$ in the $y$-axis scale and less than $0.18$ in the $x$-axis scale, which we omitted from the charts for clearance reasons.
Our computational experiments were executed on an Intel Xeon CPU E5 V3 2.30GHz with 57,6 GB RAM, under Ubuntu 16.04. All codes were implemented in C++ using the Lemon Graph Library [@Lemon2014] as the framework for graph data structures.
### Benchmark 1 {#benchmark-1 .unnumbered}
[@Bomze2010] reported the best solutions obtained by their branch-and-cut algorithms for benchmark 1. In their paper, only one instance (lin05\_160\_269, $|S|=20$) remained without an optimal solution, given the time limit of two hours. Table \[tab:Bomze\] compares our results for benchmark 1 with those of exact methods Extensive Form ($EF$) and 2-stage Branch-and-Cut ($2BC^*$) from [@Bomze2010]. For each instance, we report the average cost over the 20 tested seeds. Since the instances for this benchmark are relatively small, we ran it with more permissive parameters than those from Tables \[tab:IFF\_parameters\] and \[tab:BRKGA\_parameters\], i.e., $p = 100$, $b = 10$, $l = 6$ and $t = 10$. The standard deviation for the solution costs is, on average, less than $0.5\%$ of the solution cost of each instance.
These results show that the presented a good performance for instances with known optimums, achieving small optimality gaps with an average of $1.17\%$. For the instance with unknown optimum, the has found a solution which is $2.3\%$ ($0.8\%$ on average) cheaper than the previous best known. Moreover, the required an average of $197.1$ seconds per instance, while $EF$ required on average $1879.7$ seconds and $2BC^*$ required on average $1482.0$ seconds, which means an overall convergence significantly faster for our approach. We highlight that these time comparisons are fair since the experiments from [@Bomze2010] used an Intel Core-i7 2.67GHz Quad Core machine with 12 GB RAM, whose single core speed is slightly faster than that from the Intel Xeon CPU E5 V3 2.30GHz used in our experiments.
### Benchmark 2 {#benchmark-2 .unnumbered}
Table \[tab:Dimacs\] shows our summarized results for benchmark 2, displaying average values for each combination of instance type and number of scenarios[^2]. Let *buy\_none* be the upper bound ${\textrm{F}}(\emptyset, \textrm{MST-approx}, {\cal I})$, described in Section \[sec:two-stage\], in which no edge is acquired in the first stage and each scenario of the second stage is solved using the algorithm . Since we do not know the cost of the optimal solutions for the instances in this benchmark, we have used the *buy\_none* upper bound to determine the relative cost reduction obtained by MH, the heuristic from [@Hokama2014], and by the . This comparison shows how much it is expected that each heuristic saves by anticipating future demands and acquiring cheaper edges in the first stage. More precisely, $\delta c$ (%) is the average of the improvement ratio achieved on each instance, which corresponds to one minus the ratio between the heuristic cost over the *buy\_none* cost. Therefore, higher $\delta c$ (%) indicates better solutions.
For the smaller half of this benchmark, i.e., instances with $5$ to $150$ scenarios, we ran the tests with more permissive parameters than those from Tables \[tab:IFF\_parameters\] and \[tab:BRKGA\_parameters\], i.e., $p = 100$, $b = 10$, $l = 6$ and $t = 10$. For the larger half, we used the parameters from those tables. Moreover, to promote a fair comparison among the execution times of MH and , we multiplied the MH times by a $1.6$ time ratio. We ran an experiment with the smaller half of the instances on the same machine used for the original MH experiments and the $1.6$ was obtained as a lower bound for the resulting time ratio. The results show that the is able to find non-trivial solutions for instances with number of scenarios and overall size well beyond what was possible for the exact branch-and-cut algorithms from [@Bomze2010]. We also observe that for sets of instances with 50 or more scenarios, in general, achieves higher improvements in significantly less computational time than the previous approach from [@Hokama2014]. For the smaller half of the benchmark, the average cost reduction achieved by the , relative to the *buy\_none* upper bound, was $4.01\%$ and took, on average, $1233.6$ seconds per instance. For the larger half, the average cost reduction was $3.59\%$ and took, on average, $1397.9$ seconds per instance. Furthermore, the average standard deviation of $\delta c$ (%) is $0.17$ for the smaller half and $0.11$ for the larger half of benchmark 2.
We use Figure \[fig:time\_ratio\_step\] to analyze how the splits its processing time among its steps. As shown in Figure \[fig:ratio\_pequenas\], when solving the smaller instances with more permissive parameters, i.e., $p = 100$, $b = 10$, $l = 6$ and $t = 10$, we have that spent $9\%$, $45\%$ and $46\%$ of its running time on first step, second step and tail step, respectively. Similarly, Figure \[fig:ratio\_grandes\] shows that when solving the larger instances with standard parameters, i.e., $p = 25$, $b = 3$, $l = 2$ and $t = 3$, spent $29\%$, $40\%$ and $31\%$ of its running time on each of those steps. Notice that the first step corresponds to the Local Search () and that both the second and tail steps correspond to the Second Stage Metaheuristc (), albeit with a different number of generations.
We analyze that the different distribution of time among the framework steps in these experiments is due to the change in parameters $p$, $b$, $l$ and $t$. Notice that $p$ affects both the time spent on second and tail steps, $b$ and $l$ affects the time spent on first and second steps, and finally $t$ affects the time spent on tail step. Thus, the time spent on second and tail steps is affected by a greater number of parameters.
Furthermore, each inner cycle of Figure \[fig:time\_ratio\_step\] shows that spent more than $90\%$ of its time solving ${{\textrm{A}}_{\textrm{P}}}$, i.e., MST-approx. This suggests that the is heavily dependent on an efficient ${{\textrm{A}}_{\textrm{P}}}$ algorithm. However, for some problems it may be hard to find fast heuristics, or one may want to use a particularly good algorithm, even though it is not really fast. A useful feature of , which can come in handy in these situations, is that it is easy to adapt the framework to parallel computation. In particular, it is possible to distribute the calls for ${{\textrm{A}}_{\textrm{P}}}$, in any step, for up to $|S|$ different cores.
It is interesting to notice how the number of calls to ${{\textrm{A}}_{\textrm{P}}}$ relates to the input parameters and to the number of cycles ($n$) which the main loop executes. This relationship per step of the framework is shown by the following inequalities: $$\begin{aligned}
\mbox{${{\textrm{A}}_{\textrm{P}}}$ calls on first step} & \leq n \cdot |S| \cdot (1 + 2 \cdot |E|) \\
\mbox{${{\textrm{A}}_{\textrm{P}}}$ calls on second step} & \leq n \cdot |S| \cdot p \cdot g \\
\mbox{${{\textrm{A}}_{\textrm{P}}}$ calls on tail step} & \leq |S| \cdot p \cdot t \cdot g\end{aligned}$$ Moreover, $n$ is closely related to other input parameters, like $i$, $b$ and $l$.
We use the instance K100 with 1000 scenarios to illustrate, in Figure \[fig:improvements\], how better solutions are obtained through the cycles and steps. In the beginning, both the first and second steps find significantly better solutions. After some cycles, the improvement obtained by the first step tends to zero, which we interpret as all edges worth acquiring in the first stage have already been chosen. Meanwhile, the improvements from the second step are still significant, albeit smaller than those from the first cycles. Eventually, the overall cycle improvement stops being significant, and then the tail step refines the best solution found, in pursuit of some final gain.
Final remarks {#sec:conclusion}
This work provides an evolutionary framework () that aims at solving hard two-stage stochastic resource allocation problems emerging from real-life uncertainties. The uses stage decomposition and supports the exchange of data between stages: the first stage transfers resources that were acquired in advance, while the second stage indicates resources that are frequently present among the scenarios best solutions.
The was case studied using the two-stage stochastic Steiner tree problem with two sets of instances. The first set contains 24 small instances, up to 50 scenarios, previously solved by an exact algorithm [@Bomze2010]. The results have shown that the achieved near-optimal solutions, with an average gap of $1.17\%$, in a very short execution time. The second set complies 560 instances with up to 1000 scenarios [@Dimacs2014]. For these instances, the achieved an average cost reduction of $3.8\%$ from reference solutions for which no resources are acquired in the first stage. The results attest the effectiveness of the proposed methodology in obtaining good solutions for large instances within suitable execution time.
Many sectors of modern society, such as companies, governments and academia, demand efficient solution methodologies to tackle the growing size and complexity of stochastic resource allocation problems. We believe that the attends this demand by providing an efficient methodology capable of solving instances that are comparable, in size and complexity, with real-life decision-making problems.
There are numerous two-stage stochastic resource allocation problems for which the can be applied, for example, the two-stage stochastic set cover problem. The application of the can be accomplished by simply implementing a heuristic for the underlying (non-stochastic) problem. Future research could investigate special-purpose improvements (regarding the problem) or even general improvements to the framework (e.g., alternative local searches). [^3]
[^1]: Instances available at: [ http://dimacs11.zib.de/downloads.html]( http://dimacs11.zib.de/downloads.html).
[^2]: Detailed results at: [http://www.ic.unicamp.br/\\textasciitilde fusberti/problems/sstp/](http://www.ic.unicamp.br/\textasciitilde fusberti/problems/sstp/).
[^3]: The complete code is available at [http://www.ic.unicamp.br/\\textasciitilde fusberti/problems/sstp/](http://www.ic.unicamp.br/\textasciitilde fusberti/problems/sstp/) and does not require any commercial ILP solver.
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"pile_set_name": "ArXiv"
} | ArXiv |
abstract: 'Today’s best atomic clocks are limited by frequency noise on the lasers used to interrogate the atoms. A proposed solution to this problem is to create a superradiant laser using an optical clock transition as its gain medium. This laser would act as an active atomic clock, and would be highly immune to the fluctuations in reference cavity length that limit today’s best lasers. Here, we demonstrate and characterize superradiant emission from the mHz linewidth clock transition in an ensemble of laser-cooled $^{87}$Sr atoms trapped within a high-finesse optical cavity. We measure a collective enhancement of the emission rate into the cavity mode by a factor of more than 10,000 compared to independently radiating atoms. We also demonstrate a method for seeding superradiant emission and observe interference between two independent transitions lasing simultaneously. We use this interference to characterize the relative spectral properties of the two lasing sub-ensembles.'
- 'Matthew A. Norcia'
- 'Matthew N. Winchester'
- 'Julia R. K. Cline'
- 'James K. Thompson'
- 'ThompsonLab.bib'
title: Superradiance on the milliHertz linewidth strontium clock transition
Introduction: {#introduction .unnumbered}
Optical atomic clocks have recently achieved fractional instability in their ticking rate of a few parts in $10^{18}$ [@Katori2015; @Bloom2014; @Hinkley2013; @chou2010frequency]. Significant improvements in the accuracy, precision and bandwidth of clocks and the lasers used to probe them would significantly advance a broad range of science and technology including: tests of general relativity [@chou2010optical], proposed gravitational wave detection [@2015arXiv150100996L], searches for variations of fundamental constants[@PhysRevLett.98.070801] and new gravitational couplings [@PhysRevLett.100.140801], searches for dark matter[@arvanitaki2015searching; @NaturePhys933], gravitational potential sensing for geodysy [@CHR10], stabilization of future quantum networks[@QNetworkClocks2014], and explorations of quantum many-body physics[@PhysRevLett.113.120402; @Zhang19092014].
At the heart of these optical clocks are atoms like $^{87}$Sr, which has a quantum state with a long decay lifetime of roughly 150 seconds [@porsev2004hyperfine; @santra2004properties]. The inverse lifetime of this state corresponds to a frequency linewidth of 1 millihertz, which is more than $10^9$ times narrower than typical optically excited states. This linewidth relative to the frequency of the optical photon emitted when the atom decays corresponds to a large fundamental quality factor $Q=4\times 10^{17}$, which is a key figure of merit for a clock. However, because of frequency instability in the lasers used to probe the atoms, today’s best clocks can only resolve a much broader linewidth, and therefore a lower $Q$ — the atoms are more precise than the lasers used to measure them [@Hinkley2013].
For decades, heroic efforts have been made to reduce the frequency linewidth of conventional lasers by stabilizing their frequency to mechanically stable optical reference cavities [@YCI99; @kessler2012sub]. The primary limitation of this approach is thermal Brownian motion of the cavity mirror spacing that produces noise in the cavity’s resonance frequency [@numata2004thermal; @notcutt2006contribution]. Here we present the first key step toward a radically different approach to narrow linewidth lasers — directly collecting light emitted from a long-lived quantum state [@CHE09; @MYC09]. Such a laser would be of order $10^4$ times less sensitive to thermal and technical sources of cavity frequency noise [@bohnet2012steady; @norcia2015cold].
In this approach, the long lifetime becomes a serious challenge. Typically, photons are emitted far too slowly to serve as a useful phase or frequency reference and are emitted into all directions, making them difficult to utilize. To overcome these limitations, we achieve pulsed superradiant lasing for the first time on an ultra-weak optical clock transition: the mHz linewidth $^3$P$_0$ to $^1$S$_0$ clock transition at 698 nm in $^{87}$Sr. Superradiant stimulation of photon emission allows us to efficiently collect photons emitted from the 150 second lifetime state in under 100 ms. The emitted laser light both serves as an absolute frequency reference and offers a new path towards lasers with linewidths at or below the mHz level [@MYC09], orders of magnitude narrower than has previously been achieved with traditional optical reference cavities [@kessler2012sub].
In order to achieve lasing, the collectively enhanced emission rate from the atoms must be made larger than atomic decoherence rates, a stringent requirement for this ultra-weak transition. To increase the collectively enhanced decay rate, we trap the atoms within a high finesse optical cavity (Figure 1a), effectively increasing the optical depth of the atomic ensemble. To suppress atomic decoherence, we rely on techniques used to provide long coherence times in optical lattice clocks [@PhysRevLett.91.173005; @Ye1734] — by laser cooling and confining the atoms along the cavity axis with a magic-wavelength optical lattice, we eliminate first-order Doppler shifts in the direction of emission without imposing large shifts to the lasing transition frequency.
In conceptually related work, Raman transitions between ground hyperfine states of rubidium have enabled proof of principle explorations of lasing in the deep bad-cavity or superradiant regime[@bohnet2012steady; @BCWHybrid], in which the bandwidth of the laser’s gain medium (the atomic transition) is much narrower than that of the laser’s optical cavity. However, because the frequency stability of a Raman laser is limited by the stability of the lasers used to induce optical decay between ground states, such a system is not suitable for a frequency reference. For this, a true narrow-linewidth optical transition is required. In addition, the clock transition used here is orders of magnitude narrower than the effective decay linewidth used in Raman systems.
Superradiance has been studied in a variety of other more broadband systems, including thermal molecular and atomic gasses [@skribanowitz1973observation; @gross1976observation], Rydberg atoms [@gross1979maser], atoms trapped near photonic crystals [@goban2015superradiance], ions [@PhysRevLett.114.023602], artificial atoms [@scheibner2007superradiance], and other Raman systems [@thompson2006high; @PhysRevLett.92.213601; @chaneliere2005storage]. More generally, collective interactions mediated by the 7.5 kHz linewidth dipole-forbidden $^3$P$_1$ to $^1$S$_0$ transition in $^{88}$Sr have been studied in the context of lasing, cavity QED, and collective scattering [@norcia2015strong; @norcia2015cold; @PhysRevLett.114.093002; @kwong2014cooperative; @bromley2016collective]. This work pushes into a new regime, exploring collective interactions mediated by a transition nearly seven orders of magnitude weaker than even that weak transition.
Experimental System {#experimental-system .unnumbered}
Our experimental system consists of up to $N = 2.5 \ \times \ 10^5$ $^{87}$Sr atoms cooled to $10\ \mu$K and tightly trapped along the axis of a high-finesse ($F = 2.4 \times 10^4$, linewidth $\kappa = 2\pi \times 160$ kHz) optical cavity by an optical lattice. The lattice is near the magic wavelength of 813.4274 nm, for which the frequency shift of the two clock states is equal, making the transition frequency independent of lattice intensity [@PhysRevLett.91.173005]. The interaction between the atoms and cavity mode can be characterized by the cooperativity parameter $C$ of cavity QED. In our system, the peak single-particle cooperativity parameter is $C = 0.41$ (assuming a Clebsch Gordan coefficient of 1). This number represents the relative probability that an atomic excitation leaves the system as a photon transmitted through a cavity mirror versus into free space. For a collective excitation of $N$ atoms, this ratio is enhanced to $\sim NC$. For our typical atom numbers, this means that an atom is far more likely to emit a photon into the cavity mode than into free space.
The state of the atomic ensemble can be represented by a collective Bloch vector, which is the vector sum of the Bloch vectors of the $N$ individual atoms. This is illustrated in Figure 1b. An atom in the excited state, ${\ensuremath{\left| e \right\rangle}}$ ($^3$P$_0$), has a Bloch vector pointing up, while an atom in the ground state, ${\ensuremath{\left| g \right\rangle}}$ ($^1$S$_0$), has a Bloch vector pointing down. An atom in an equal superposition of ${\ensuremath{\left| e \right\rangle}}$ and ${\ensuremath{\left| g \right\rangle}}$ corresponds to a Bloch vector on the equator of its Bloch sphere, with phase $\varphi$ determined by the phase of its superposition ${\ensuremath{\left| g \right\rangle}}+e^{i \varphi}{\ensuremath{\left| e \right\rangle}}$. To account for the spatial distribution of the atoms, the phase of each atom is defined relative to the phase of a cavity mode resonant with the ${\ensuremath{\left| e \right\rangle}}$ to ${\ensuremath{\left| g \right\rangle}}$ transition, evaluated at the location of each atom. A collective Bloch vector on the equator of the Bloch sphere corresponds to each atom in a superposition of ${\ensuremath{\left| e \right\rangle}}$ and ${\ensuremath{\left| g \right\rangle}}$ with the appropriate phases to collectively radiate into the cavity mode.
The atoms radiate an electric field into the cavity at a rate proportional to $J_\perp$, the magnitude of the projection of the Bloch vector onto the equatorial plane of the Bloch sphere. The collective enhancement of emission results from the fact that the power radiated is proportional to the square of the electric field. Because the electric field is proportional to the atom number $N$, the radiated power scales with $N^2$ [@Gross1982]. The electric field radiated into the cavity acts on the atoms by causing rotation of the Bloch vector about an axis in the equatorial plane of the Bloch sphere by a rate proportional to $\sqrt{M_c}$, where $M_c$ is the average number of photons in the cavity. This is the mechanism of stimulated emission in the superradiant regime. For an ensemble whose Bloch vector lies in the northern hemisphere of the Bloch sphere, this leads to positive feedback for emission. The atoms will radiate into the cavity, and the radiated electric field will then cause the Bloch vector to tip further from the north pole, and thus to radiate more strongly. The result is a pulse of light that builds up gradually, reaches a peak in power as the Bloch vector passes the equator, and falls to zero as the atoms reach the ground state (Figure 1c).
![Spontaneously generated superradiant pulses. (a) Representative single time traces of photon output rate $R$ for pulses at different atom number $N\approx$ $ 100\times10^3$ (green), $ 125 \times 10^3$ (blue), $150 \times 10^3$ (red), $ 200 \times 10^3$ (black). The equivalent average intracavity photon number is calculated on the right as $M_c= R/\kappa$. (b) Peak photon output rate, $R_{peak}$, versus initial total atom number. The black line is a quadratic fit to the output power. We observe a horizontal offset in the fit, indicating a threshold atom number $N_t$ (black vertical line in b,c,d). The threshold results from decoherence and atom loss and is a signature of lasing that would not be present for single-atom emission. (c) FWHM pulse duration (blue) and delay of peak power (red) versus initial total atom number. The blue line is a fit to the predicted functional form for the pulse duration, with $N_t$ determined from the fit to $R_{peak}$. The dashed red line is a fit to the pulse delay, assuming threshold is due to atomic homogeneous broadening without atom loss. The solid red line is a fit to the pulse delay, assuming the threshold is set only by atom loss from the lattice. (d) The ratio of emitted photons $M_{tot}$ to the number of atoms in excess of threshold $N_x$, plotted versus atom number. The dashed line is the average ratio, showing that 48% of the atoms in excess of threshold participate in the superradiant pulse, largely independent of $N$. []{data-label="fig:ExpDiag"}](Fig2.pdf){width="3.5in"}
Observation of Superradiant Pulses {#observation-of-superradiant-pulses .unnumbered}
To observe superradiant pulses, we prepare atoms in ${\ensuremath{\left| e \right\rangle}}$, the nuclear ${\ensuremath{\left| F=9/2, m_f = 9/2 \right\rangle}}$ sub-level of $^3$P$_0$. We first optically pump the atoms to ${\ensuremath{\left| g \right\rangle}}$, the ${\ensuremath{\left| F=9/2, m_f = 9/2 \right\rangle}}$ sub-level of $^1$S$_0$, then adiabatically transfer up to 75% of the atoms to ${\ensuremath{\left| e \right\rangle}}$ using a frequency-swept 698 nm transfer beam applied through the cavity. To prepare the atoms with full inversion (no atoms in ${\ensuremath{\left| g \right\rangle}}$) and to ensure that the laser pulses are initiated by quantum noise rather than residual atomic coherence associated with the adiabatic transfer process, we then briefly apply lasers to the dipole-allowed $^1$S$_0$ to $^1$P$_1$ transition to heat any atoms remaining in the ground state out of the lattice. The state-preparation process is described in more detail in the supplemental material.
When all atoms are initially prepared in ${\ensuremath{\left| e \right\rangle}}$, we observe collectively enhanced decay on the clock transition. Both quantitative and qualitative features of the collectively enhanced emission are dramatically different from that of independent atoms. Not only does the collective enhancement lead to an emission rate into the cavity mode of up to $10^4$ times greater than that of independently emitting atoms, but the functional form of the decay versus time is distinctly non-exponential. Figure 2a shows the photon output rate $R$ for four representative pulses recorded with different initial atom numbers. Because the rate of collectively enhanced emission per atom scales with $N$, for higher atom numbers the pulses appear sooner, have shorter duration, and have a higher peak power than for lower atom numbers.
Figure 2b shows the characteristic $N^2$ scaling of the peak output power $R_{peak}$ versus atom number that one expects for superradiance. In the presence of decoherence or atom loss, the atom number must exceed a threshold $N_t$ for superradiance to occur. $N_t$ is set by the requirement that the collectively enhanced decay rate exceeds the atomic decoherence rate. Above this threshold, we predict $R_{peak} = \frac{1}{4 \xi} N_x^2 C \gamma$, where $N_x= N-N_t$ is the total number of atoms in the lattice $N$ in excess of the theshold atom number. The inhomogeneous coupling of the atoms to the cavity mode is accounted for by the numerical factor $\xi \approx 2.95$. (see supplemental material for details and note that all following expressions account for this inhomogeneity.) From a fit of this form, we extract a fitted threshold of $N_t = 3.3 \times 10^4$ atoms. From the fitted $N_t$ and known $C$ and $\gamma$, the measured peak photon emission rate $R_{peak}$ is 0.7(4) times the above predicted rate. The time duration of the superradiant pulse provides a measure of the collectively enhanced decay rate. The measured FWHM versus atom number $N$ is shown in Figure 2c (blue points). We predict that the FWHM duration $t_w$ of the pulse is given by $t_w\approx 7.05 /(N_x C \gamma)$, such that the enhanced decay rate scales linearly with the excess atom number $N_x$. We fit this functional form (blue line) to the data, with the threshold held fixed to $N_t = 3.3 \times 10^4$ atoms from above. From this fit we find that the measured FWHM is 1.4(7) times the predicted FWHM given the known $C$ and $\gamma$.
The measured delay time $t_d$ of the peak in output power versus atom number $N$ is shown in Figure 2c (red points). In the presence of homogeneous broadening of the atomic transition, but with no atom loss, we expect the delay time to be given by $t_d \approx \frac{2(\ln{N} + \gamma_e)}{N_x C \gamma}$ (dashed red fit line with $N_t$ fixed and $C$ fitted), where $\gamma_e \approx 0.577$ is the Euler-Mascheroni constant. In the presence of atom loss from the lattice at rate $\gamma_\ell$, we observe a delay time in numerical simulations of the form $t_d \approx \alpha \gamma_\ell+\frac{2(\ln{N} + \gamma_e)}{N C \gamma}$ where $\alpha$ is a constant, a functional form which seems to better describe the data (solid red fit line with $N_t$ fixed and $C$ and $\alpha$ fit.)
We define the number of atoms that participated in a superradiant pulse in terms of the integrated number of photons $M_{tot}$ emitted from the cavity mode, i.e. one photon equals one participating atom. Figure 2d shows the number of emitted photons per atom in excess of threshold, $M_{tot}/N_x$. We observe that above threshold, $M_{tot}/N_x=0.48(15)$. Inhomogeneous coupling to the cavity mode would predict $M_{tot}/N_x=0.7$ partially accounting for the observed participation. Atomic collisions, which lead to an atom-number dependent contribution to $N_t$ may account for the additional reduction of participation. We may contrast this level of participation to the case where atoms emit independently: if there were no stimulation, only 0.1% of atoms would emit a photon into the cavity mode during our measurement time.
![Seeded superradiant pulses. (a) By terminating adiabatic transfer with atoms in a superposition of ${\ensuremath{\left| e \right\rangle}}$ and ${\ensuremath{\left| g \right\rangle}}$, we seed coherence in the atomic ensemble. Here, the atomic Bloch vector is rotated to just above the equator (i.e. a small amount of initial inversion.) Seeding leads to the immediate onset of superradiant emission, in contrast to the non-seeded pulses shown in Figure 2 for which quantum noise seeds the coherence. (b) Peak output power for seeded pulses exhibits $N^2$ scaling. In contrast to results of Figure 2, seeded pulses exhibit a peak photon output rate consistent with no threshold: $N_t=0$.[]{data-label="fig:ExpDiag"}](Fig3.pdf){width="3.5in"}
Seeding Atomic Coherence {#seeding-atomic-coherence .unnumbered}
Instead of preparing the atomic ensemble in the excited state with no initial coherence as before, we can terminate the adiabatic transfer process early and prepare the atoms in a superposition of ${\ensuremath{\left| g \right\rangle}}$ and ${\ensuremath{\left| e \right\rangle}}$. This seeds the collectively enhanced emission and unlike in the non-seeded pulses of figure 2, we detect an immediate output of light from the cavity. Figure 3a shows a typical output trace resulting from terminating the adiabatic transfer with the Bloch vector just above the equator of the Bloch sphere. Seeding the coherence in this manner also eliminates the threshold behavior observed in the spontaneously generated pulses of Figure 2. Figure 3b shows the peak output power $R_{peak}$ versus $N$ for pulses seeded with the Bloch vector just above the equator of the Bloch sphere. This data is well described by a quadratic fit with no offset, i.e. $N_t=0$.
We view this technique for establishing collectively enhanced emission with no threshold or delay time to be a key tool for the development of superradiant sources. In this work, being able to use these signatures of collectively enhanced emission to incrementally tune the system to meet threshold was essential. More fundamentally, seeding allows collectively enhanced emission to be achieved in systems that are incapable of meeting threshold, but that may still be of metrological value. If superradiant pulses are used to stabilize the frequency of another laser, seeding could be used to reduce dead-time that contributes to Dick noise aliasing [@Dick1987].
Simultaneous Lasing on Multiple Transitions {#simultaneous-lasing-on-multiple-transitions .unnumbered}
For all preceding data, we applied optical pumping to populate primarily the $^1$S$_0$, $m_f = 9/2$ sub-level before adiabatic transfer, resulting in a single relevant lasing transition. We can deliberately reduce the efficiency of the optical pumping to populate both the $m_f = 9/2$ and $m_f = 7/2$ ground states, and then adiabatically transfer the atoms into superpositions of ground and excited states with different $m_f$ projections, represented in Figure 4a. This creates two separate sub-ensembles of atoms that interact with the same cavity mode but have slightly different transition frequencies [@2015arXiv150306464W; @PhysRevLett.113.154101]. We observe a modulation in the output power at the magnetic-field induced frequency difference between the two transitions. This modulation is the result of interference between the fields radiated by the atoms lasing on the two transitions. Because more atoms are prepared in the $m_f = 9/2$ sublevel, the total field radiated never goes through zero and the contrast of the modulation is not full.
Figure 4b shows the average of 20 time traces recorded under these conditions, illustrating that the phase of the modulation is the same between trials, a result of seeding coherence into the two transitions. To verify that the observed amplitude modulation is the result of beating between adjacent Zeeman transitions, we compute a Fourier transform of the emitted power (Figure 4c) and fit the peak in the power spectrum that corresponds to the output power modulation. The frequency of this peak is plotted against our applied magnetic field in the inset of Figure 4b. The slope and offset of beat frequency are consistent with the expected Zeeman splitting between the $m_f = 9/2$ and $m_f = 7/2$ transitions. The smaller peak near 400 Hz indicates that a smaller number of atoms have been left in the $m_f = 5/2$ state.
A Lorentzian fit to the peak in the average power spectrum returns a FWHM linewidth of 11 Hz, primarily reflecting the finite length of the pulse. Because many photons are detected in a trial of the experiment, we can fit the center of the Lorentzian peak with deviation much smaller than its width.
Treating this as a differential frequency measurement of two lasers, we compute a fractional Allan deviation of $2.6 \times 10^{-15}$ at $\approx 2$ seconds, the repetition rate of our experiment. Because many sources of frequency errors that are common-mode to the two lasing transitions are not captured by this measurement, this number does not indicate the ultimate performance of the system as a frequency reference. It does, however, reflect a bound on its quantum-limited instability. To more fully characterize the spectral properties of the emitted light, including its sensitivity to effects that are common to the two transitions used here, it will be necessary to perform a comparison with an independent narrow linewidth laser [@kessler2012sub], which is a subject for future work.
Conclusion and Outlook {#conclusion-and-outlook .unnumbered}
We have demonstrated that an ultra-narrow optical transition can be made to lase in a pulsed manner, with each atom emitting up to a single photon. In the future, it will be advantageous to operate in a continuous manner, with pump lasers applied to return the atoms to the excited state and a means of replenishing atoms lost to heating or collisions. An important property of a continuous superradiant laser is that the linewidth of the emitted light is not limited by the collectively enhanced decay rate, as would be the case for single-atom decay [@bohnet2012steady; @norcia2015cold]. Rather, the fundamental limit to the linewidth of the laser is of order $C \gamma$, resulting from phase diffusion of the cavity field due to single-atom emission into the cavity mode [@MYC09].
This work demonstrates that dramatic effects can result from collective interactions with an optical field, even when mediated by an optical transition so weak that it takes roughly $150$ seconds to decay without stimulation. These interactions lead to stimulated emission in a regime where the cavity field is much shorter lived than the coherence of the atomic ensemble, and open new avenues for the improvement of optical clocks, ultrastable lasers, and other atomic sensors along with their many applications.
Acknowledgements {#acknowledgements .unnumbered}
We gratefully acknowledge useful conversations with Murray Holland, Jun Ye, Ana Maria Rey and Thomas Perkins, as well as technical assistance from John Robinson and Karl Mayer. All authors acknowledge financial support from DARPA QuASAR, ARO, NSF PFC, and NIST. This work is supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant Number 1125844.
Supplemental Material {#supplemental-material .unnumbered}
Atom Cooling and Trapping {#atom-cooling-and-trapping .unnumbered}
A new ensemble of atoms is loaded into the optical lattice roughly every 2 seconds. An atomic source from AOSense, Inc. with integrated oven, Zeeman slower and two 2-dimensional magneto-optical traps (MOTs) provides a collimated beam of atoms with speeds around 50 m/s to the main experimental chamber [@AOS_ref_note]. Roughly $10^7$ atoms are then captured and accumulated in a 3-dimensional MOT, and further cooled to mK temperatures. These slowing and cooling stages use the dipole-allowed $^1$S$_0$ to $^1$P$_1$ transition at 461 nm (see Figure S1).
To cool the atoms to a temperature compatible with loading into the optical lattice, we then form a second-stage MOT using the 7.5-kHz linewidth, dipole-forbidden $^1$S$_0$ $F = 11/2$ to $^3$P$_1$ $F = 11/2$ transition at 689 nm. We find that by applying a saw-tooth frequency modulation with peak-to-peak frequency deviation of 2 MHz to the MOT beams, we can robustly load up to $3 \times 10^5$ atoms into the lattice at a temperature of 10$\mu$K, as determined by turning off the lattice and measuring time-of-flight expansion of the atoms. The atoms are spread over roughly 1 mm along the cavity axis, corresponding to around 2000 occupied lattice sites.
At 698 (813) nm, the 4 cm long cavity mode has a waist size of 74 (80) $\mu$m. At a typical lattice depth of 100 $\mu$K, the frequency of axial (radial) motion in the trap is 170 kHz (270 Hz), giving a Lamb-Dicke parameter $\eta = 0.16$ in the axial direction [@Janik85]. For the ${\ensuremath{\left| e \right\rangle}}$ to ${\ensuremath{\left| g \right\rangle}}$ transition studied here $C = 0.33$, and the single photon Rabi frequency is $2g = 2 \times 2\pi \times 3.7$ Hz for a maximally coupled atom.
State Preparation and Adiabatic Transfer {#state-preparation-and-adiabatic-transfer .unnumbered}
Once atoms are loaded into the lattice, we apply a magnetic field of several Gauss perpendicular to the cavity to define the quantization axis. We then typically optically pump atoms to the $m_f = 9/2$ state by applying a circularly polarized pump beam oriented along the magnetic field axis and near resonance with the $^1$S$_0$ to $^3$P$_1$, $F = 9/2$ transition.
We adiabatically transfer the atoms to $^3$P$_0$ by applying a 698 nm laser sideband along the cavity axis. The transfer sideband is coupled to a TEM00 mode of the cavity, and is linearly swept by 200 kHz in 20 ms over the mode of the cavity that is on resonance with the clock transition.
The intensity of the 698 nm light at the location of individual atoms is spatially modulated by the standing wave formed within the cavity, with a peak Rabi frequency for atoms at antinodes of the cavity mode of roughly 5 kHz. We can transfer up to 75% of the atoms to $^3$P$_0$. Because the transfer beam is linearly polarized along the magnetic field, the atoms maintain their spin polarization $m_f$ when transferred to $^3$P$_0$. Because the transfer beam is applied parallel to the cavity axis, along which the atoms are tightly confined in the Lamb-Dicke regime, the interaction between the transfer beam and the atoms is Doppler-shift free. The frequency sweep range is slightly greater than the cavity linewidth. Larger sweep ranges are found to perform less well, presumably because the frequency crosses an axial motional sideband transition frequency.
The adiabatic transfer technique has several advantages over other techniques of populating the excited state. Compared to an incoherent pumping process where atoms reach $^3$P$_0$ from a higher-lying excited state, adiabatic transfer maintains the spin polarization present in the ground states and imparts far fewer photon recoils than would be required for optical pumping in $^3$P$_0$. Compared to a resonant $\pi$ pulse, adiabatic transfer has the advantage of being less sensitive to the difference in Rabi frequencies experienced by different atoms and requires less stringent stabilization of the transfer laser frequency. Because the transfer beam is phase-matched to the cavity mode, terminating the transfer sweep near atomic resonance creates an atomic ensemble whose atoms are in superposition states with the correct phases to radiate into the cavity mode. This allows us to prepare superradiant states, which emit collectively with no threshold or delay time.
Detection of Pulses and Atom Number {#detection-of-pulses-and-atom-number .unnumbered}
To detect the superradiant laser pulses, the output of the cavity is coupled to a single-mode fiber and detected on a single-photon counting module (SPCM) whose TTL output is low-pass filtered to provide a signal proportional to the photon emission rate.
After allowing a fixed time $T$ (typically 300 ms) to record the superradiant pulses, we perform atom counting using a resonant 461 nm fluorescence beam and a CCD camera. We calibrate the fluorescence signal by measuring a vacuum Rabi splitting on the $^1$S$_0$ to $^3$P$_1$, $F = 9/2$ transition, as described in [@norcia2015strong]. To measure total atom number, we apply pump lasers to the $^3$P$_0$ and $^3$P$_2$ to $^3$S$_1$ transitions to drive all atoms to the ground state. We then infer the number of atoms at the beginning of the 300 ms superradiance time window from a measured background loss rate from the lattice of $\gamma_0= 2.0(4)$/s and a measured additional atom-number dependent collissional loss rate of $ \gamma_N= 10(5) \times 10^{-6}$/(atom s) for excited state atoms. To account for the state-dependence of the collisions, we make a lowest order correction for the decrease in excited state population after the superradiant pulse, which leads to a 5% correction at 175,000 atoms, and a <1% correction below 100,000 atoms.
Simulations of Superradiance {#simulations-of-superradiance .unnumbered}
To provide theoretical predictions for superradiance in the presence of inhomogeneous coupling to the cavity mode and atomic decoherence and loss, we integrate a set of simplified optical Bloch equations: $$\ \ \dot{J_z} = - C \gamma J_{\perp}^2 - \gamma_\ell J_z,\ \ \ \ \ \ \textrm{(S1)}$$ $$\dot{J_{\perp}} = (C\gamma J_z -\gamma_{\perp} -\gamma_\ell)J_{\perp}.$$
Here, $J_z$ and $J_{\perp}$ are defined in Figure 1, $\gamma_\ell$ accounts for atom loss, and $\gamma_{\perp}$ accounts for other homogeneous atomic decoherence. In reality, both $\gamma_\ell$ and $\gamma_{\perp}$ depend on $N$, and on the instantaneous distribution of population in ground and excited states. For simplicity, and to arrive at the analytic expressions given below, we assume $\gamma_\ell$ and $\gamma_{\perp}$ to be constants. In arriving at these equations, we have assumed that the cavity mode is on resonance with the atomic transition, and that the cavity mode occupation quickly equilibrates to the instantaneous value of $J_{\perp}$. As discussed in [@Gross1982], the dynamics of superradiance consist of an initial time period, during which quantum fluctuations are important in providing initial coherence, and a later time period during which the classically radiated field greatly exceeds quantum fluctuations and the dynamics proceed classically, governed by the above equations. In the later time period, these equations can easily be solved for the case of homogeneous coupling and $\gamma_{\perp}, \gamma_\ell = 0$, with solutions of the form: $$J_\perp(t) = \frac{N}{2}\mathrm{sech}\left(\frac{N C \gamma (t-t_d)}{2}\right),$$ $$J_z(t) = -\frac{N}{2}\tanh\left(\frac{N C \gamma (t-t_d)}{2}\right).$$
To simulate the quantum fluctuations in the cavity field that lead to the onset of superradiance, we include a drive to $J_{\perp}$ that represents random vacuum fluctuations that are replaced at the cavity amplitude decay rate $\kappa/2$. This allows us to simulate the initial conditions that lead to the time delay $t_d$. We verify that in the limit of large atom number our simulation reproduces the expected peak power, as well as the pulse duration $t_w$ and time delay $t_d$ of the peak output power derived in [@Gross1982].
Effects of Atomic Decoherence and Loss {#effects-of-atomic-decoherence-and-loss .unnumbered}
Atomic decoherence, or a decay of $J_{\perp}$ at a rate $\gamma_{\perp}$, has the effect of setting a threshold atom number $N_t$ below which a superradiant pulse will not occur without seeding of coherence. This threshold can be derived from Equation S1 by setting $J_z = N/2$ to determine the minimum value of $N$ for which fluctuations in $J_{\perp}$ will grow. For atoms homogeneously coupled with cooperativity $C$, $N_t = 2 \gamma_\perp/(C \gamma)$. For atom numbers above this threshold value, $N$ atoms radiating in the presence of decoherence produce a pulse identical to the pulse that the number of excess atoms, $N_x = N - N_t$, would produce in the absence of decoherence. The solutions for $J_{\perp}$ and $J_z$ for homogeneous coupling in the presence of decoherence $\gamma_\perp$ are
$$J_\perp(t) = \frac{N_x}{2}\mathrm{sech}\left(\frac{N_x C \gamma (t-t_d)}{2}\right),$$ $$J_z(t) = -\frac{N_x}{2}\tanh\left(\frac{N_x C \gamma (t-t_d)}{2}\right) + N_t/2.$$
To treat the effects of atom loss, we rely on numerical simulation. In the presence of atom loss at a rate $\gamma_\ell$, we observe a threshold-like behavior at an atom number of $N_{t\ell} \approx 13.6\gamma_\ell/(C \gamma)$, assuming homogeneous coupling. For atom numbers well above threshold, peak output power and pulse duration are well-described by assuming an ensemble of $N-N_{t\ell}$ atoms radiating in the absence of loss. Near threshold, however, the peak power radiated is higher and the pulse duration is shorter than that predicted by this analogy. The delay time of the pulse exhibits a more striking difference: at fixed atom number, the delay time of the pulse peak increases linearly with loss rate up to the threshold loss rate.
Homogeneous Coupling Uniform Inhomogeneous Coupling
----------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------- -- --
peak output rate $R_{peak}$ $\frac{1}{4}(N-N_t)^2 C \gamma$ $\approx \frac{1}{11.8}(N-N_t)^2 C \gamma $
delay time $t_d$ $\approx \frac{(\ln{N} + \gamma_e)}{(N-N_t) C \gamma}$ $\approx \frac{2(\ln{N} + \gamma_e)}{(N-N_t) C \gamma}$
duration $t_w$ $\approx 3.5/(N C \gamma)$ $\approx 7.05/(N C \gamma)$
threshold atom number $N_t$ $2 \gamma_\perp/C \gamma$ $4 \gamma_\perp/C \gamma$
participation $M_{tot}/N$ $(N-N_t)/N$ $\approx 0.7(N-N_t)/N$
From our measured atom loss rate, assuming uniform inhomogeneous coupling (defined below), we expect a contribution to the threshold atom number of $3.0(6) \times 10^4$. The measured value is $3.3(8) \times 10^4$, which may indicate that the threshold behavior is due primarily to atom loss.
The rates of atom loss and decoherence due to atomic collisions scale in proportion to the number of atoms, $N$. This leads to a threshold atom number whose value depends on $N$. This raises the threshold atom number compared to its value in the absence of $N$-dependent decoherence and leads to a constant fractional reduction in $N_x$. For our measured atom-number dependent loss rate, we expect the threshold atom number to increase by 0.13(7) for each atom added. This effectively decreases $N_x$ by 13% compared to its value if the same threshold were the result of atom number independent processes only. Collisions that do not lead to atom loss, but whose rate would also scale with $N$ could lead to additional decrease in $N_x$.
Effects of Inhomogeneous Coupling {#effects-of-inhomogeneous-coupling .unnumbered}
In our system, the atoms are trapped at anti-nodes of the 813 nm lattice, which are not aligned with the anti-nodes of the lasing cavity mode at 698 nm. The coupling of an individual atom to the lasing mode thus depends on its location along the cavity axis.
We numerically simulate the effects of this inhomogeneous coupling by dividing the atoms into many classes, each with its own location $x_i$ and value of coupling to the lasing mode $g_i = g \cos(k x_i)$, where $k$ is the $k$-vector associated with the 698 nm cavity mode. We may reasonably assume that before atoms are transferred to $^3$P$_0$, they are effectively uniformly distributed with respect to the phase of the standing-wave 698 nm cavity mode. For simplicity, we analyze the case where the atoms maintain this uniform distribution after being transferred to $^3$P$_0$, meaning that the values of $x_i$ are sampled from a uniform distribution. In reality, the adiabatic transfer is probably more effective for atoms located at the anti-nodes of the 698 nm cavity mode, as these experience a higher Rabi frequency from the transfer beam. The true distribution of couplings for different transfer parameters will thus lie somewhere between the uniform distribution and the homogeneously coupled case.
Below, we summarize the results of the numerical simulations for key parameters under these two conditions: homogeneous coupling and uniformly inhomogeneous coupling. Homogeneous coupling refers to the case where all $N$ atoms are at anti-nodes of the lasing mode and are coupled with peak coupling $g$. Uniform inhomogeneous coupling refers to the case where $N$ atoms are distributed uniformly along the cavity mode. In all expressions, $C$ stands for the peak cooperativity $C = \frac{4 g^2}{\kappa \gamma}$.
The effect of uniform inhomogeneous coupling on $t_d$, $t_w$, and $N_t$ is to reduce $C$ by a factor of 2, corresponding to taking the spatial average of $C$ over the ensemble of atoms. Its effects on the peak photon output rate $R_{peak}$ and the fraction of atoms emitted into the cavity mode $M_{tot}/N$, however, are more complex. Differing Rabi frequencies within the ensemble cause the atoms to dephase with respect to the polar angle $\theta$. This shortens the length of the collective Bloch vector at the time of peak emission and strands poorly coupled atoms in ${\ensuremath{\left| e \right\rangle}}$ when the pulse terminates, leaving 30% of atoms in the excited state.
The finite temperature of the atoms within the lattice leads to a reduction of $C$ through several mechanisms. The finite temperature of the atoms leads to a non-zero radial extent of the ensemble, which causes the atoms to sample regions with lower coupling to the cavity mode. At 10 $\mu$K, this leads to a 10% reduction in the spatially averaged $C$. The finite Lamb-Dicke parameter $\eta = 0.16$ also leads to a reduction $C$ for the motional carrier transition observed here. We estimate this effect to lead to a 7.5% reduction in $C$. To compare measured values of $R_{peak}$ and $t_w$ to predictions in the main text, we take into account these two temperature-related effects, as well as the 13% reduction in $N_x$ from the measured atom number dependent loss rate.
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abstract: |
Recent $CP$ violation results in $B$ decays suggest that $Z$ penguins may have large weak phase. This can be realized by the four generation (standard) model. Concurrently, $B\to X_s\ell^+\ell^-$ and $B_s$ mixing allow for sizable $V_{t^\prime s}^* V_{t^\prime b}$ only if it is nearly imaginary. Such large effects in $b \leftrightarrow s$ transitions would affect $s\leftrightarrow d$ transitions, as kaon constraints would demand $V_{t^\prime d} \neq 0$. Using $\Gamma(Z\to b\bar b)$ to bound $\vert V_{t^\prime b}\vert$, we infer sizable $\vert
V_{t^\prime s}\vert \lesssim \vert V_{t^\prime b}\vert \lesssim
\vert V_{us}\vert$. Imposing $\varepsilon_K$, $K^+ \to
\pi^+\nu\bar\nu$ and $\varepsilon^\prime/\varepsilon$ constraints, we find $V_{t^\prime d}^* V_{t^\prime s} \sim$ few $\times
10^{-4}$ with large phase, enhancing $K_L \to \pi^0\nu\bar\nu$ to $5\times 10^{-10}$ or even higher. Interestingly, $\Delta m_{B_d}$ and $\sin2\Phi_{B_d}$ are not much affected, as $\vert V_{t^\prime d}^* V_{t^\prime b}\vert \ll \vert
V_{td}^* V_{tb}\vert \sim 0.01$.
- 'Wei-Shu Hou$^{a,b}$'
- Makiko Nagashima$^a$
- 'Andrea Soddu$^{a,c}$'
title: ' Enhanced $K_L \to \pi^0\nu\bar\nu$ from Direct $CP$ Violation in $B \to K\pi$ with Four Generations '
Just 3 years after $CP$ violation (CPV) in the B system was established, direct $CP$ violation (DCPV) was also observed in $B^0\to K^+\pi^-$ decay, ${\cal A}_{K^+\pi^-} \sim -0.12$. A puzzle emerged, however, that the charged $B^+\to K^+\pi^0$ mode gave no indication of DCPV, and is in fact a little positive, ${\cal A}_{K^+\pi^0} \gtrsim 0$. Currently, ${\cal A}_{K^+\pi^0} -
{\cal A}_{K^+\pi^-} \simeq 0.16$, and differs from zero with 3.8$\sigma$ significance [@AKpiAKpi0].
The amplitude ${\cal M}_{K^+\pi^-} \simeq P + T$ is dominated by the strong penguin ($P$) and tree ($T$) contributions, while the main difference $\sqrt2{\cal M}_{K^+\pi^0} - {\cal M}_{K^+\pi^-}
\simeq P_{\rm EW} + C$ is from electroweak penguin (EWP, or $P_{\rm EW}$) and color-suppressed tree ($C$) contributions which are subdominant. Thus, ${\cal A}_{K^+\pi^0} \sim {\cal
A}_{K^+\pi^-}$ was anticipated by all models. As data indicated otherwise, it has been stressed [@LargeC] that the $C$ term could be much larger than previously thought, effectively cancelling against the CPV phase in $T$, leading to ${\cal A}_{K\pi^0} \to 0$. While this may well be realized, a very large $C$ (especially if ${\cal A}_{K\pi^0}
> 0$) would be a surprise in itself.
In a previous paper [@Kpi0HNS], we explored the possibility of New Physics (NP) effects in $P_{\rm EW}$, in particular in the 4 generation standard model (SM4, with SM3 for 3 generations). A sequential $t^\prime$ quark could affect $P_{\rm EW}$ most naturally for two reasons. On one hand, the associated Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa (CKM) matrix element product $V_{t^\prime s}^*V_{t^\prime b}$ could be large and imaginary; on the other hand, it is well known that $P_{\rm EW}$ is sensitive to $m^2_{t^\prime}$ in amplitude, and heavy $t^\prime$ does not decouple.
Using the PQCD factorization approach at leading order [@PQCDKpiLO], which successfully predicted ${\cal
A}_{K^+\pi^-} < -0.1$ (and $C$ was not inordinately large), we showed that ${\cal A}_{K^+\pi^0} \gtrsim 0$ called for sizable $m_{t^\prime} \gtrsim 300$ GeV and large, nearly imaginary $V_{t^\prime s}^*V_{t^\prime b}$. As the $m_{t^\prime}$ dependence is similar, we also showed that data on $B \to X_s\ell^+\ell^-$ and $B_s$ mixing concurred, in the sense that large $t^\prime$ effect is allowed [*only if*]{} $V_{t^\prime s}^*V_{t^\prime b}$ is nearly imaginary. Applying the latter two constraints, however, $m_{t^\prime}$ and $V_{t^\prime
s}^*V_{t^\prime b}$ become highly constrained. In the following, we will take [@Kpi0HNS] $$m_{t^\prime} \cong 300\ {\rm GeV},\ V_{t^\prime s}^*V_{t^\prime b}
\equiv r_{sb}\,e^{i\phi_{sb}} \simeq 0.025\, e^{i\,70^\circ},
\label{eq:rsbphisb}$$ as exemplary values for realizing ${\cal A}_{K^+\pi^0} - {\cal A}_{K^+\pi^-} \gtrsim 0.10$, without recourse to a large $C$ contribution.
Comparing with $\vert V_{cs}V_{cb}\vert \simeq 0.04$, $r_{sb} \sim
0.025$ is quite sizable. In our $b\to s$ study, we had assumed [@Kpi0HNS] $V_{t^\prime
d} \to 0$ out of convenience, so as to decouple from $b\to d$ and $s\to d$ concerns. The main purpose of this note, however, is to show that, in view of the large $r_{sb}$ and $\phi_{sb}$ values given in Eq. (\[eq:rsbphisb\]), $V_{t^\prime d} = 0$ is untenable, and one must explore $s\to d$ and $b\to d$ implications. The reasoning is as follows. Since a rather large impact on $V_{ts}^*V_{tb}$ is implied by Eq. (\[eq:rsbphisb\]), if one sets $V_{t^\prime d} = 0$, then $V^*_{td}V_{ts}$ would still be rather different from SM3 case. With our current knowledge of $m_t$, the $\varepsilon_K$ parameter would deviate from the well measured experimental value. Thus, a finite $V_{t^\prime d}$ is needed to tune for $\varepsilon_K$.
We find that the kaon constraints that are sensitive to $t^\prime$ (i.e. $P_{\rm EW}$-like), viz. $K^+\to \pi^+\nu\bar\nu$, $K_L\to
\mu^+\mu^-$, $\varepsilon_K$, and $\varepsilon^\prime/\varepsilon$ can all be satisfied. Interestingly, once kaon constraints are satisfied, we find little impact is implied for $b\leftrightarrow d$ transitions, such as $\Delta m_{B_d}$ and $\sin2\Phi_{B_d}$. That is, $V_{t^\prime d}
\to 0$ works approximately for $b\to d$ transitions, for current level of experimental sensitivity. The main outcome for $s\to d$ and $b\to d$ transitions is the enhancement of $K_L\to
\pi^0\nu\bar\nu$ mode by an order of magnitude or more, to beyond $5\times 10^{-10}$.
![ Unitarity quadrangles of (a) Eq. (\[eq:sbquad\]), with $\vert V_{us}^*V_{ub}\vert$ exaggerated; (b) Eq. (\[eq:dbquad\]), where actual scale is $\sim 1/4$ of (a). Adding $V_{t^\prime s}^*V_{t^\prime b}$ (dashed) according to Eq. (\[eq:rsbphisb\]) drastically changes the invariant phase and $V_{ts}^*V_{tb}$ from the SM3 triangle (solid), but from Eq. (\[eq:db\_vals\]), the dashed lines for $V_{td}V^*_{tb}$ and $V_{t^\prime d}V^*_{t^\prime b}$ can hardly be distinguished from SM3 case. \[fig:Quadr\] ](Quads.eps "fig:"){width="1.5in" height="0.7in"} 0.1cm ![ Unitarity quadrangles of (a) Eq. (\[eq:sbquad\]), with $\vert V_{us}^*V_{ub}\vert$ exaggerated; (b) Eq. (\[eq:dbquad\]), where actual scale is $\sim 1/4$ of (a). Adding $V_{t^\prime s}^*V_{t^\prime b}$ (dashed) according to Eq. (\[eq:rsbphisb\]) drastically changes the invariant phase and $V_{ts}^*V_{tb}$ from the SM3 triangle (solid), but from Eq. (\[eq:db\_vals\]), the dashed lines for $V_{td}V^*_{tb}$ and $V_{t^\prime d}V^*_{t^\prime b}$ can hardly be distinguished from SM3 case. \[fig:Quadr\] ](Quadd.eps "fig:"){width="1.5in" height="0.7in"} -0.2cm
With four generations, adding $V_{t^\prime s}^*V_{t^\prime b}$ extends the familiar unitarity triangle relation into a quadrangle, $$V_{us}^*V_{ub} + V_{cs}^*V_{cb} + V_{ts}^*V_{tb} + V_{t^\prime
s}^*V_{t^\prime b} = 0.
\label{eq:sbquad}$$ Using SM3 values for $V_{us}^*V_{ub}$, $V_{cs}^*V_{cb}$ (validated later by our $b\to d$ study), since they are probed in multiple ways already, and taking $V_{t^\prime s}^*V_{t^\prime b}$ as given in Eq. (\[eq:rsbphisb\]), we depict Eq. (\[eq:sbquad\]) in Fig. 1(a). The solid, rather squashed triangle is the usual $V_{us}^*V_{ub} + V_{cs}^*V_{cb} + V_{ts}^*V_{tb} = 0$ in SM3. Given the size and phase of $V_{t^\prime s}^*V_{t^\prime b}$, one sees that the invariant phase represented by the area of the quadrangle is rather large, and $V_{ts}^*V_{tb}$ picks up a large imaginary part, which is very different from SM3 case. Such large effect in $b\to s$ would likely spill over into $s\to d$ transitions, since taking $V_{tb}$ as real and of order 1, one immediately finds the strength and complexity of $V_{td}^*V_{ts}$ would be rather different from SM3, and one would need $V_{t^\prime d}^*V_{t^\prime s} \neq 0$ to compensate for the well measured value for $\varepsilon_K$.
Note from Fig. 1(a) that the usual approximation of dropping $V_{us}^*V_{ub}$ in the loop remains a good one. To face $s\to d$ and $b\to d$ transitions, however, one should respect unitarity of the $4\times 4$ CKM matrix $V_{\rm CKM}$. We adopt the parametrization in Ref. [@HSS87] where the third column and fourth row is kept simple. This is suitable for $B$ physics, as well as for loop effects in kaon sector. With $V_{cb}$, $V_{tb}$ and $V_{t^\prime b}$ defined as real, one keeps the SM3 phase convention for $V_{ub}$, now defined as $$\arg V_{ub}^* = \phi_{ub},
\label{eq:phiub}$$ which is usually called $\phi_3$ or $\gamma$ in SM3. We take $\phi_{ub} = 60^\circ$ as our nominal value [@varphi3]. This can in principle be measured through tree level processes such as the $B\to DK$ Dalitz method [@DKDalitz]. The two additional phases are associated with $V_{t^\prime s}$ and $V_{t^\prime d}$, and for the rotation angles we follow the PDG notation [@PDG]. To wit, we have $$\begin{aligned}
V_{t^\prime d} &=& -c_{24}c_{34}s_{14} e^{-i\phi_{db}},
\label{eq:Vt'd} \\
V_{t^\prime s} &=& -c_{34}s_{24} e^{-i\phi_{sb}},\
\label{eq:Vt's} \\
V_{t^\prime b} &=& -s_{34},
\label{eq:Vt'b}\end{aligned}$$ while $V_{t^\prime b^\prime} = c_{14}c_{24}c_{34}$, $V_{tb} = c_{13}c_{23}c_{34}$, $V_{cb} = c_{13}c_{34}s_{23}$ are all real. With this convention for rotation angles, from Eq. (\[eq:phiub\]) we have $V_{ub} = c_{34}s_{13}e^{-i\phi_{ub}}$. Analogous to Eq. (\[eq:rsbphisb\]), we also make the heuristic but redundant definition of $$V_{t^\prime d}^*V_{t^\prime b} \equiv r_{db}\,e^{i\,\phi_{db}},\
V_{t^\prime d}^*V_{t^\prime s} \equiv r_{ds}\,e^{i\,\phi_{ds}},
\label{eq:dbsb}$$ as these combinations enter $b\to d$ and $s\to d$ transitions. Inspection of Eqs. (\[eq:rsbphisb\]), (\[eq:Vt’d\] –\[eq:Vt’b\]) gives the relations $$r_{db}r_{sb} = r_{ds}s_{34}^2,\
\phi_{ds} = \phi_{db} - \phi_{sb}.
\label{eq:rdsphids}$$ As we shall see, $s\to d$ transitions are much more stringent than $b\to d$ transitions, hence we shall turn to constraining $r_{ds}$ and $\phi_{ds}$.
Before turning to the kaon sector, we need to infer what value to use for $s_{34} = \vert V_{t^\prime b}\vert$, as this can still affect the relevant physics through unitarity. Fortunately, we have some constraint on $s_{34}$ from $Z\to b\bar b$ width, which receives special $t$ (and hence $t^\prime$) contribution compared to other $Z\to q\bar q$, and is now suitably well measured.
Following Ref. [@Yanir] and using $m_{t^\prime} = 300$ GeV, we find $$\vert V_{tb}\vert^2 + 3.4 \vert V_{t^\prime b}\vert^2 < 1.14.
\label{eq:Zbb}$$ Since all $c_{ij}$s except perhaps $c_{34}$ would still likely be close to 1, we infer that $s_{34} \lesssim 0.25$. We take the liberty to nearly saturate this bound ($\Gamma(Z\to
b\bar b)$ is close to 1$\sigma$ above SM3 expectation), by [*imposing*]{} $$s_{34} \simeq 0.22,
\label{eq:s34}$$ to be close to the Cabibbo angle, $\lambda \equiv \vert V_{us}
\vert \cong 0.22$. Note that Eq. (\[eq:s34\]) is somewhat below the expectation of “maximal mixing" of $s_{34}^2 \sim 1/2$ between third and fourth generations. Combining it with Eq. (\[eq:rsbphisb\]), one gets $\vert V_{t^\prime s} \vert \sim 0.11 \sim \lambda/2$. Its strength would grow if a lower value of $s_{34} \lesssim \lambda$ is chosen, which would make even greater impact on $s\to d$ transitions.
Using current values [@PDG] of $V_{cb}$ and $V_{ub}$ as input and respecting full unitarity, we now turn to the kaon constraints of $K^+\to \pi^+\nu\bar\nu$, $\varepsilon_K$, $K_L\to \mu^+\mu^-$, and $\varepsilon^\prime/\varepsilon$. The first two are short-distance (SD) dominated, while the last two suffer from long-distance (LD) effects.
Let us start with $K^+\to \pi^+\nu\bar\nu$. The first observed event [@E787] by E787 suggested a sizable rate hence hinted at NP. The fourth generation would be a good candidate, since the process is dominated by the $Z$ penguin. Continued running, including E949 data (unfortunately not greatly improving accumulated luminosity), has yielded overall 3 events, and the rate is now ${\cal B}(K^+\to \pi^+\nu\bar\nu) =
(1.47^{+1.30}_{-0.89})\times 10^{-10}$ [@E949]. This is still somewhat higher than the SM3 expectation of order $0.8\times
Defining $\lambda_{q}^{ds} \equiv V_{qd}V_{qs}^{*}$ and using the formula [@BSU] $$\begin{aligned}
{\cal B}(K^+ \rightarrow \pi^+ \nu \bar{\nu}) &=& \kappa_+
\left|\frac{\lambda_c^{ds}}{|V_{us}|}P_c +
\frac{\lambda_t^{ds}}{|V_{us}|^5} \eta_t X_0(x_t) \right.
&& \left . + \frac{\lambda_{t^{\prime}}^{ds}}{|V_{us}|^5}
\eta_{t^{\prime}} X_0(x_{t^{\prime}}) \right|^2,
\label{eq:pinunu}\end{aligned}$$ we plot in Fig. 2 the allowed range (valley shaped shaded region) of $r_{ds}$–$\phi_{ds}$ for the 90% confidence level (C.L.) bound of ${\cal B}(K^+ \rightarrow \pi^+ \nu \bar{\nu}) <
3.6\times 10^{-10}$. We have used [@BSU] $\kappa_+=(4.84 \pm 0.06)\times
10^{-11}\times(0.224/|V_{us}|)^8$ and $P_c=(0.39 \pm
0.07)\times(0.224/|V_{us}|)^4$. We take the QCD correction factors $\eta_{t^{(\prime)}} \sim 1$, and $X_0(x_{t^{(\prime)}})$ evaluated for $m_t = 166$ GeV and $m_{t^\prime} = 300$ GeV. We see that $r_{ds}$ up to $7 \times 10^{-4}$ is possible, which is not smaller than the SM3 value of $4 \times 10^{-4}$ for $\vert
V_{td}^*V_{ts}\vert$. The SD contribution to $K_L \to\mu^+\mu^-$ is also of interest. The $K_L \to\mu^+\mu^-$ rate is saturated by the absorptive $K_L\to \gamma\gamma \to \mu^+\mu^-$, while the off-shell photon contribution makes the SD contribution hard to constrain. To be conservative, we use the experimental bound of ${\cal B}(K_L
\to\mu^+\mu^-)_{\rm SD} < 3.7 \times 10^{-9}$ [@E871]. It is then in general less stringent than $K^+\to \pi^+\nu\bar\nu$, although the generic constraint on $r_{ds}$ drops slightly. We do not plot this constraint in Fig. 2.
![ Allowed region from $K^+ \rightarrow \pi^+ \nu \bar{\nu}$ (valley shaped shaded region), $\varepsilon_K$ (simulated dots) and $\varepsilon^\prime/\varepsilon$ (elliptic rings) in $r_{ds}$ and $\phi_{ds}$ plane, as described in text, where $V^*_{t^\prime d}V_{t^\prime s} \equiv r_{ds}\, e^{i\phi_{ds}}$. For $\varepsilon^\prime/\varepsilon$, the rings on upper right correspond to $R_6 = 2.2$, and $R_8 = 0.8$, $1.1$ (bottom to top), and on upper left, $R_6 = 1.0$, $1.2$ (bottom to top), $R_8 =1.2$. []{data-label="fig:Fig2"}](KpSCAT){width="2.2in" height="1.6in"}
The rather precisely measured CPV parameter $\varepsilon_K =
(2.284 \pm 0.014) \times 10^{-3}$ [@PDG] is predominantly SD. It maps out rather thin slices of allowed regions on the $r_{ds}$–$\phi_{ds}$ plane, as illustrated by dots in Fig. 2, where we use the formula of Ref. [@Yanir] and follow the treatment. Note that $r_{ds}$ up to $7\times 10^{-4}$ is still possible, for several range of values for $\phi_{ds}$. This is the aforementioned effect that extra CPV effects due to large $\phi_{sb}$ and $r_{sb}$ now have to be tuned by $t^\prime$ effect to reach the correct $\varepsilon_K$ value. We have checked that $\Delta m_K$ makes no additional new constraint.
The DCPV parameter, Re$\,(\varepsilon^\prime/\varepsilon)$, was first measured in 1999 [@eprime], with current value at $(1.67
\pm 0.26) \times 10^{-3}$ [@PDG]. It depends on a myriad of hadronic parameters, such as $m_s$, $\Omega_{\rm IB}$ (isospin breaking), and especially the non-perturbative parameters $R_6$ and $R_8$, which are related to the hadronic matrix elements of the dominant strong and electroweak penguin operators. With associated large uncertainties, we expect $\,\varepsilon^\prime/\varepsilon$ to be rather accommodating, but for specific values of $R_6$ and $R_8$, some range for $r_{ds}$ and $\phi_{ds}$ is determined. We use the formula $${\rm Re}\,\frac{\varepsilon^{\prime}}{\varepsilon} = {\rm
Im}\,(\lambda_c^{ds}) P_0 + {\rm Im}\,(\lambda_t^{ds}) F(x_t) +
{\rm Im}\,(\lambda_{t^{\prime}}^{ds}) F(x_{t^{\prime}}),
\label{eq:epsilonprime}$$ where $F(x)$ is given by $$F(x) = P_{X}X_0(x) + P_{Y}Y_0(x) + P_Z Z_0(x) +P_E E_0(x).
$$ The SD functions $X_0$, $Y_0$, $Z_0$ and $E_0$ can be found, for example, in Ref. [@BurasNLO], and the coefficients $P_i$ are given in terms of $R_6$ and $R_8$ as $$P_i = r_i^{(0)} + r_i^{(6)} R_6 + r_i^{(8)} R_8,$$ which depends on LD physics. We differ from Ref. [@BurasNLO] by placing $P_0$, multiplied by ${\rm Im}\,(\lambda_c^{ds})$, explicitly in Eq. (\[eq:epsilonprime\]). In SM4, one no longer has the relation ${\rm Im}{\lambda_c^{ds}}=-{\rm
Im}{\lambda_t^{ds}}$ that makes Re$\,(\varepsilon^\prime/\varepsilon)$ proportional to ${\rm
Im}(\lambda_t^{ds})$. We take the $r_i^{(j)}$ values from Ref. [@BurasNLO] for $\Lambda_{\overline{MS}}^{(4)} = 310\
{\rm MeV}$, but reverse the sign of $r_0^{(j)}$ for above mentioned reason. Note that Re$\,(\varepsilon^\prime/\varepsilon)$ depends linearly on $R_6$ and $R_8$. For fixed SD parameters $m_{t^\prime}$ and $\lambda^{ds}_{t^\prime} = V_{t^\prime d} V^*_{t^\prime s}$, one may adjust for solutions to $K^+\to \pi^+\nu\bar\nu$ and $\varepsilon_K$.
For the “standard" [@BurasNLO] parameter range of $R_6 = 1.23
\pm 0.16$ and $R_8 = 1.0 \pm 0.2$, we find $R_8 \sim 1.2$ and $R_6
\sim 1.0$–$1.2$ allows for solutions at $r_{ds} \sim (5$–$6)
\times 10^{-4}$ with $\phi_{ds} \sim +(35^\circ$–$50^\circ)$, as illustrated by the elliptic rings on upper left part of Fig. 2. For $R_6 = 2.2 \pm 0.4$ found [@Bijnens] in $1/N_C$ expansion at next-to-leading order (and chiral perturbation theory at leading order), within SM3 one has trouble giving the correct Re$\,(\varepsilon^\prime/\varepsilon)$ value. However, for SM4, solutions exist for $R_6 \sim 2.2$ and $R_8 = 0.8$–$1.1$, for $r_{ds} \sim (3.5$–$5) \times 10^{-4}$ and $\phi_{ds} \sim
-(45^\circ$–$60)^\circ$, as illustrated by the elliptic rings on upper right part of Fig. 2. We will take $$r_{ds} \sim 5\times 10^{-4},\ \ \phi_{ds} \sim -60^\circ\ {\rm
or}\ +35^\circ,
\label{eq:ds_vals}$$ as our two nominal cases that satisfy all kaon constraints. The corresponding values for $R_6$ and $R_8$ can be roughly read off from Fig. 2. We stress again that these values should be taken as exemplary.
![ (a) $\varepsilon_K$, (b) ${\cal B}(K^+\to \pi^+\nu\bar\nu)$, (c) Re$\,(\varepsilon^\prime/\varepsilon)$ and (d) ${\cal B}(K_L \to \pi^0\nu\bar\nu)$ vs $\phi_{ds}$, for $r_{ds} = 4$ and $6\times 10^{-4}$ and $m_{t^\prime} = 300$ GeV. Larger $r_{ds}$ gives stronger variation, and horizontal bands are current ($1\sigma$) experimental range [@PDG] (the bound for (d) is outside the plot). For (c), solid (dashed) lines are for $R_6 = 2.2$, $R_8 = 1.1$ ($R_6 = 1.1$, $R_8 = 1.2$). []{data-label="fig:Fig3"}](epsK_60 "fig:"){width="1.59in" height="1.02in"} ![ (a) $\varepsilon_K$, (b) ${\cal B}(K^+\to \pi^+\nu\bar\nu)$, (c) Re$\,(\varepsilon^\prime/\varepsilon)$ and (d) ${\cal B}(K_L \to \pi^0\nu\bar\nu)$ vs $\phi_{ds}$, for $r_{ds} = 4$ and $6\times 10^{-4}$ and $m_{t^\prime} = 300$ GeV. Larger $r_{ds}$ gives stronger variation, and horizontal bands are current ($1\sigma$) experimental range [@PDG] (the bound for (d) is outside the plot). For (c), solid (dashed) lines are for $R_6 = 2.2$, $R_8 = 1.1$ ($R_6 = 1.1$, $R_8 = 1.2$). []{data-label="fig:Fig3"}](Kp_60 "fig:"){width="1.6in" height="1.0in"} ![ (a) $\varepsilon_K$, (b) ${\cal B}(K^+\to \pi^+\nu\bar\nu)$, (c) Re$\,(\varepsilon^\prime/\varepsilon)$ and (d) ${\cal B}(K_L \to \pi^0\nu\bar\nu)$ vs $\phi_{ds}$, for $r_{ds} = 4$ and $6\times 10^{-4}$ and $m_{t^\prime} = 300$ GeV. Larger $r_{ds}$ gives stronger variation, and horizontal bands are current ($1\sigma$) experimental range [@PDG] (the bound for (d) is outside the plot). For (c), solid (dashed) lines are for $R_6 = 2.2$, $R_8 = 1.1$ ($R_6 = 1.1$, $R_8 = 1.2$). []{data-label="fig:Fig3"}](epsprOVEReps_60 "fig:"){width="1.62in" height="1.0in"} ![ (a) $\varepsilon_K$, (b) ${\cal B}(K^+\to \pi^+\nu\bar\nu)$, (c) Re$\,(\varepsilon^\prime/\varepsilon)$ and (d) ${\cal B}(K_L \to \pi^0\nu\bar\nu)$ vs $\phi_{ds}$, for $r_{ds} = 4$ and $6\times 10^{-4}$ and $m_{t^\prime} = 300$ GeV. Larger $r_{ds}$ gives stronger variation, and horizontal bands are current ($1\sigma$) experimental range [@PDG] (the bound for (d) is outside the plot). For (c), solid (dashed) lines are for $R_6 = 2.2$, $R_8 = 1.1$ ($R_6 = 1.1$, $R_8 = 1.2$). []{data-label="fig:Fig3"}](KL_60 "fig:"){width="1.6in" height="1.0in"} -0.1cm
To illustrate in a different way, we plot $\varepsilon_K$, ${\cal
B}(K^+\to \pi^+\nu\bar\nu)$ and Re$\,(\varepsilon^\prime/\varepsilon)$ vs $\phi_{ds}$ in Figs. 3(a), (b) and (c), respectively, for $r_{ds}= 4$ and $6 \times
10^{-4}$. The current $1\sigma$ experimental range is also illustrated. In Fig. 3(c), we have illustrated with $R_6 = 1.1$, $R_8 = 1.2$ [@BurasNLO] and $R_6 = 2.2$, $R_8 =
1.1$ [@Bijnens]. For the former (latter) case, the variation is enhanced as $R_6$ ($R_8$) drops.
It is interesting to see what are the implications for the CPV decay $K_L \to \pi^0\nu\bar\nu$. The formula for ${\cal B}(K_L \to
\pi^0\nu\bar\nu)$ is analogous to Eq. (\[eq:pinunu\]), except [@BurasNLO] the change of $\kappa_+$ to $\kappa_L
=(2.12 \pm 0.03) \times 10^{-10}\times(|V_{us}|/0.224)^8$, and taking only the imaginary part for the various CKM products. Since $\phi_{ds} \sim -60^\circ$ or $+35^\circ$ have large imaginary part, while $r_{ds} \equiv \vert V_{t^\prime d}^*V_{t^\prime
s}\vert \sim 5\times 10^{-4}$ is stronger than the SM3 expectation of ${\rm Im}\, V_{td}^*V_{ts} \sim 10^{-4}$, we expect the CPV decay rate of $K_L \to \pi^0\nu\bar\nu$ to be much enhanced.
We plot ${\cal B}(K_L \to \pi^0\nu\bar\nu)$ vs $\phi_{ds}$ in Fig. 3(d), for $r_{ds} = 4$ and $6 \times 10^{-4}$. Reading off from the figure, we see that the [*$K_L \to \pi^0\nu\bar\nu$ rate can reach above $10^{-9}$*]{}, almost two orders of magnitude above SM3 expectation of $0.3\times 10^{-10}$. It is likely above $5\times 10^{-10}$, and in general larger than $K^+\to
\pi^+\nu\bar\nu$. Specifically, for our nominal value of $r_{ds} \sim 5\times
10^{-4}$ and $\phi_{ds} \sim +35^\circ$, ${\cal B}(K_L \to
\pi^0\nu\bar\nu)$ and ${\cal B}(K^+\to \pi^+\nu\bar\nu)$ are $6.5$ and $2 \times 10^{-10}$, respectively, while for the $\phi_{ds}
\sim -60^\circ$ case, they are $12$ and $3 \times 10^{-10}$, respectively. The latter case is closer to the Grossman-Nir bound [@GrossNir], i.e. ${\cal B}(K_L \to
\pi^0\nu\bar\nu)/{\cal B}(K^+\to \pi^+\nu\bar\nu) \sim
\tau_{K_L}/\tau_{K^+} \sim 4.2$, because $V_{t^\prime d}
V_{t^\prime s}^*$ is more imaginary. Thus, both $K^+\to \pi^+\nu\bar\nu$ and $K_L \to \pi^0\nu\bar\nu$ should be very interesting at the next round of experiments. We note that the ongoing E391A experiment could [@Blucher] attain single event sensitivity with the Grossman-Nir bound based on the current ${\cal B}(K^+\to \pi^+\nu\bar\nu)$ measurement. However, for $r_{ds} \sim 3.5 \times 10^{-4}$ and $\phi_{ds} \sim
-45^\circ$, which is still a solution for $R_6 \sim 2.2$, one has ${\cal B}(K_L \to \pi^0\nu\bar\nu) \sim 4\times 10^{-10}$ with ${\cal B}(K^+\to \pi^+\nu\bar\nu)$ at lower end of current range.
With $\phi_{sb} \sim 70^\circ$ and $\phi_{ds} \sim -60^\circ$ (and $+35^\circ$) both sizable while the associated CKM product is larger than the corresponding SM3 top contribution, there is large impact on $b\to s$ and $s\to d$ transitions from $Z$ penguin and box diagrams. It is therefore imperative to check that one does not run into difficulty with $b\to d$ transitions. Remarkably, we find that the impact on $b\to d$ is mild. From Eqs. (\[eq:rsbphisb\]), (\[eq:rdsphids\]), (\[eq:s34\]) and (\[eq:ds\_vals\]), we infer $$r_{db} \sim 1\times 10^{-3},\ \ \phi_{db} \sim 10^\circ\
\label{eq:db_vals}$$ Since $r_{db}$ is much smaller than $\vert V_{td}^*V_{tb}\vert
\sim \lambda^3 \sim 0.01$ in SM3, the impact on $b \to d$ is expected to be milder, i.e. we are not far from the $V_{t^{\prime}d} \to 0$ limit. We stress that this is [*nontrivial*]{} since there is a large effect in $b\to s$; it is a consequence of imposing $s\to d$ and $Z\to b\bar b$ constraints. We illustrate in Fig. 1(b) the unitarity quadrangle $$V_{ud}V_{ub}^* + V_{cd}V_{cb}^* + V_{td}V_{tb}^* + V_{t^\prime
d}V_{t^\prime b}^* = 0.
\label{eq:dbquad}$$ In contrast to Fig. 1(a), $(V_{td}V_{tb}^* + V_{t^\prime d}V_{t^\prime b}^*)_{\rm SM4}$ and $(V_{td}V_{tb}^*)_{\rm SM3}$ can hardly be distinguished.
The $B^0_d$-$\overline B^0_d$ mass difference and CP violation phase in mixing are respectively given by $\Delta m_{B_d}\equiv
2\left| M_{12} \right|$ and $\sin 2\Phi_{B_d}\equiv {\rm Im}\,
(M_{12}/|M_{12}|)$, where $$\begin{aligned}
M_{12} &=& \kappa_{B_d}
\biggl[(\lambda_t^{db})^2 \eta_{t}S(x_t) +
(\lambda_{t^\prime}^{db})^2 \eta_{t^\prime}S(x_{t^\prime})
& &
+2 \lambda_t^{db} \lambda_{t^\prime}^{db}
\eta_{tt^\prime}S(x_t,x_{t^\prime}) \biggr],\end{aligned}$$ with $\kappa_{B_d}=\frac{G_F^2}{12 \pi^2}m_W^2 m_{B_d} B_{B_d}
f_{B_d}^2$. The functions $S(x)$ and $S(x,y)$ can be found in [@BuchBurLaut]. We take $\eta_{t}=0.55$, $\eta_{t^\prime}=0.58$ and $\eta_{tt^\prime}=0.50$, and plot in Fig. 4(a) $\Delta m_{B_d}$ vs $\phi_{db}$, for $r_{db} = 8$ and $12\times 10^{-4}$ (corresponding to $r_{ds} = 4$ and $6\times
10^{-4}$). We have taken the experimental value of $\Delta m_{B_d}
= (0.505\pm 0.005)$ ps$^{-1}$ from PDG 2005 [@PDG], and illustrated with the lower range of $f_{B_d} \sqrt{B_{B_d}} =
(246\pm 38)$ MeV [@IStewart]. We have scaled up the error for the latter by 1.4, since it comes from the new result on $f_{B_d}$ with unquenched lattice QCD [@fB], but $B_{B_d}$ is not yet updated. We see from Fig. 4(a) that $\Delta m_{B_d}$ does not rule out the parameter space around Eq. (\[eq:db\_vals\]) (equivalent to Eq. (\[eq:ds\_vals\])). The overall dependence on $r_{db}$ and $\phi_{db}$ is mild, and error on $f_{B_d} \sqrt{B_{B_d}}$ dominates. Seemingly, a lower value of $f_{B_d} \sqrt{B_{B_d}}
\sim 215$ MeV is preferred. SM3 would give $\Delta m_{B_d} = 0.44 - 0.62$ ps$^{-1}$ for $f_{B_d} \sqrt{B_{B_d}} = 208$ MeV $- 246$ MeV, so the problem is not with SM4.
![ (a) $\Delta m_{B_d}$ and (b) $\sin2\Phi_{B_d}$ vs $\phi_{db}$ for $r_{db} = 8$ and $12\times 10^{-4}$, with $V^*_{t^\prime d}V_{t^\prime b} \equiv r_{db}\, e^{i\phi_{db}}$. Larger $r_{db}$ gives stronger variation, and horizontal bands are the experimental range [@PDG]. ](DeltaMBd_60 "fig:"){width="1.6in" height="1.08in"} ![ (a) $\Delta m_{B_d}$ and (b) $\sin2\Phi_{B_d}$ vs $\phi_{db}$ for $r_{db} = 8$ and $12\times 10^{-4}$, with $V^*_{t^\prime d}V_{t^\prime b} \equiv r_{db}\, e^{i\phi_{db}}$. Larger $r_{db}$ gives stronger variation, and horizontal bands are the experimental range [@PDG]. ](sin2beta_60 "fig:"){width="1.6in" height="1.09in"} 1.mm
3.mm \[fig:Fig3\]
We plot $\sin2\Phi_{B_d}$ vs $\phi_{db}$ in Fig. 4(b), for $r_{db}
= 8$ and $12\times 10^{-4}$. One can see that $\sin2\Phi_{B_d}$, which is not sensitive to hadronic parameters such as $f_{B_d}
\sqrt{B_{B_d}}$, is well within experimental range of “$\sin2\phi_1$"$=0.73\pm0.04$ from PDG 2005 [@PDG] for the $\phi_{db} \sim 10^\circ$ case. However, for $\phi_{db} \sim 105^\circ$ case, which is much more imaginary, $\sin2\Phi_{B_d}$ is on the high side [@BelleLP05], and it seems that CPV in $B$ physics prefers $R_6 \sim 2.2$ over $R_6 \sim 1$. As another check, we find the semileptonic asymmetry $A_{SL} = -0.7\times 10^{-3}$ ($-0.2\times 10^{-3}$) for $\phi_{db} \sim 10^\circ$ ($105^\circ$), which is also well within range of $A_{SL}^{\rm exp} = (-1.1\pm7.9\pm7.0)\times
10^{-3}$ [@ASLBelle].
With Eqs. (\[eq:rsbphisb\]), (\[eq:s34\]) and (\[eq:db\_vals\]), together with standard (SM3) values for $V_{cb}$ and $V_{ub}$, we can get a glimpse of the typical $4\times 4$ CKM matrix, which appears like $$\begin{scriptsize}
0.9745 & 0.2225 & 0.0038\, e^{- i\, 60^\circ} &
0.0281\, e^{ i\, 61^\circ}
\\ \\
- 0.2241 & 0.9667 & 0.0415 & 0.1164\, e^{ i\, 66^\circ}
\\ \\
0.0073\, e^{- i\, 25^\circ} & - 0.0555\, e^{-i\, 25^\circ} &
0.9746 & 0.2168\, e^{- i\, 1^\circ}
\\ \\
- 0.0044\, e^{- i\, 10^\circ} & - 0.1136\, e^{- i\, 70^\circ} &
- 0.2200 & 0.9688
\label{eq:VCKM4}$$ for $\phi_{db} \sim 10^\circ$ case ($V_{cd}$ and $V_{cs}$ pick up tiny imaginary parts, which are too small to show in angles). For the $\phi_{db} \sim 105^\circ$ case, the appearance is almost the same, except $V_{td} \simeq 0.0082\, e^{-i\, 17^\circ}$ and $V_{ub^\prime} \simeq 0.029\, e^{i\, 74^\circ}$. Note the “double Cabibbo" nature, i.e. the 12 and 34 diagonal $2\times 2$ submatrices appear almost the same. This is a consequence of our choice of Eq. (\[eq:s34\]). To keep Eq. (\[eq:rsbphisb\]) intact, however, weakening $s_{34}$ would result in even large $V_{t^\prime s}$, but it would still be close to imaginary. Since $V_{t^{(\prime)}d}^*V_{t^{(\prime)}s}$ are tiny compared to $V_{ud}^*V_{us} \simeq -V_{cd}^*V_{cs}$, the unitarity quadrangle for $s\to d$ cannot be plotted as in Fig. 1. However, note that $V_{td}^*V_{ts}$ is almost real, and CPV in $s\to d$ comes mostly from $t^\prime$. The entries for $V_{ib^\prime}$, $i = u$, $c$, $t$ are all sizable. $\vert V_{ub^\prime}\vert \sim 0.03$ satisfies the unitarity constraint $\vert V_{ub^\prime}\vert < 0.08$ [@PDG] from the first row, but it is almost as large as $V_{cb}$. However, the long standing puzzle of unitarity of the first row could be taken as a hint for finite $\vert V_{ub^\prime}\vert \sim
0.03$ [@Vubp].
The element $V_{cb^\prime} \simeq -V_{t^\prime s}^*$ is even larger than $V_{cb}$ and close to imaginary. Together with finite $V_{ub^\prime}$, $V_{ub^\prime}V^*_{cb^\prime} \simeq 0.0033\,
e^{-i\, 5^\circ}$ ($0.0034\, e^{i\, 9^\circ}$) is not negligible, and one may worry about $D^0$-$\bar D^0$ mixing. Fortunately the $D$ decay rate is fully Cabibbo allowed. Using $f_D\sqrt{B_D} = 200$ MeV, we find $\Delta m_{D^0} \lesssim
0.05$ ps$^{-1}$ for $m_{b^\prime} \lesssim 280$ GeV, for both nominal cases of Eq. (\[eq:db\_vals\]). Thus, the current bound of $\Delta m_{D^0} < 0.07$ ps$^{-1}$ is satisfied, and the search for $D^0$ mixing is of great interest. This bound weakens by factor of 2 if one allows for strong phase between $D^0\to
K^-\pi^+$ and $K^+\pi^-$ [@PDG].
If $m_{b^\prime} < m_{t^\prime}$, as slightly preferred by $D^0$-$\bar D^0$ mixing constraint, the direct search for $b^\prime$ just above 200 GeV at the Tevatron Run II could be rather interesting. Since $V_{cb^\prime}$ is not suppressed, the $b^\prime$ quark would decay via charged current. Both $b^\prime$ and $t^\prime$, regardless of which one is lighter, with $m_{t^\prime} \sim 300$ GeV and $\vert m_{t^\prime} - m_{b^\prime}
\vert \lesssim 85$ GeV [@PDG], can be easily discovered at the LHC.
The large and mainly imaginary element $V_{t^\prime s} \simeq
-V^*_{cb^\prime}$ in Eq. (\[eq:VCKM4\]), being larger than $V_{ts}$ and $V_{cb}$, may appear unnatural (likewise for $V_{ub^\prime}$ vs $V_{ub}$). However, it is allowed, since the main frontier that we are just starting to explore is in fact $b\to s$ transitions. The current situation that ${\cal
A}_{K^+\pi^-} \sim -0.12$ while ${\cal A}_{K^+\pi^0} \gtrsim 0$ in $B \to K\pi$ decays may actually be hinting at the need for such large $b\to s$ CPV effects. The litmus test would be finding $\Delta m_{B_s}$ not far above current bound, [*but with sizable $\sin2\Phi_{B_s} <
0$*]{} [@Kpi0HNS], which may even emerge at Tevatron Run II. Our results studied here are for illustration purpose, but the main result, that $K_L \to \pi^0\nu\bar\nu$ may be rather enhanced, is a generic consequence of Eq. (\[eq:rsbphisb\]), which is a possible solution to the $B^+\to K^+\pi^0$ DCPV puzzle.
In summary, the deviation of direct CPV measurements between neutral and charged $B$ decays, ${\cal A}_{K^+\pi^0} - {\cal A}_{K^+\pi^-}
\simeq 0.16$ while ${\cal A}_{K^+\pi^-} \simeq -0.12$, is a puzzle that could be hinting at New Physics. A plausible solution is the existence of a 4th generation with $m_{t^\prime} \sim 300$ GeV and $V^*_{t^\prime s}V_{t^\prime b} \sim 0.025\, e^{i\,70^\circ}$. If so, we find special solution space is carved out by stringent kaon constraints, and the $4\times 4$ CKM matrix is almost fully determined. $K^+\to \pi^+\nu\bar\nu$ may well be of order $(1-2)\times
10^{-10}$, while $K_L\to \pi^0\nu\bar\nu \sim (4-12)\times
10^{-10}$ is greatly enhanced by the large phase in $V^*_{t^\prime
d} V_{t^\prime s}$. With kaon constraints satisfied, $B_d$ mixing and $\sin2\Phi_{B_d}$ are consistent with experiment. Our results are generic. If the effect weakens in $b\to s$ transitions, the effect on $K\to \pi\nu\bar\nu$ would also weaken. But a large CPV effect in electroweak $b\to s$ penguins would translate into an enhanced $K_L\to \pi^0\nu\bar\nu$ (and $\sin2\Phi_{B_s} < 0$).
0.3cm [**Acknowledgement**]{}. This work is supported in part by NSC-94-2112-M-002-035, NSC94-2811-M-002-053 and HPRN-CT-2002-00292. WSH thanks SLAC Theory Group for hospitality.
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It has been understood for a long time that redshift surveys are systematically distorted by peculiar velocities [@ja] – so called [*redshift distortions*]{}, which can cause the observed distribution of galaxies to become anisotropic. On large scales where linear theory applies, redshift distortions are characterised by the parameter [^1] $\beta \equiv \Omega_{\rm m}^{0.6}/b$ – see Hamilton [@ha98] for a detailed review.
In a classic paper, Kaiser [@ka] derived a simple formula for the effect of linear redshift distortions for a volume limited survey that subtends a small opening angle at the observer (the “distant observer” approximation – all lines of sight are treated as parallel). He showed that power is boosted by a factor $(1+\beta \mu^2_k)^2$, where $\mu^{ }_{k}$ is the cosine of the angle between wavevector and line of sight. Hamilton [@ha92] [@ha93] and Cole, Fisher & Weinberg [@cfw94] [@cfw95] analysed all-sky IRAS surveys using a method based on the Kaiser formalism, but were forced to break the survey up into sections because of the constraints of the distant observer approximation, losing information about the largest (and most reliably linear) scales.
Rather than fit a square peg into a round hole, Fisher [[*et al*]{}]{} [@fsl] and Heavens & Taylor [@ht] (HT) dropped the plane parallel approximation and used a spherical harmonic decomposition to match the spherical nature of the IRAS redshift surveys. HT used spherical Bessel functions to decompose the density field radially; using eigenfunctions of the Laplacian retains all the advantages of Fourier analysis. HT analysed the IRAS 1.2Jy survey, fitting $\beta$ and the amplitude of the power spectrum; Ballinger, Heavens & Taylor [@bht](BHT) extended this analysis to fit the shape of the power spectrum. Tadros [[*et al*]{}]{} [@t] (T99) applied these techniques to the IRAS PSCz survey – section \[previous\] includes a review of those results.
Spherical Harmonic Formalism
We will briefly review the formalism for spherical harmonic analysis – see HT and T99 for details. The density field of the galaxy distribution $\rho({\bf s})$ is expanded in terms of spherical harmonics, $Y_{\ell m}$, and a discrete set of spherical Bessel functions, $j_{\ell}$, $$\hat{\rho}_{\ell mn} = c_{\ell n} \int \! d^3s \,
\rho({\bf s}) w(s)j_{\ell}\left(k_{\ell n}
Y^{*}_{\ell m}\left(\theta,\phi\right),
\label{transequ}$$ where the $c_{\ell n}$ are normalization constants and $k_{ln}$ are discrete wavenumbers.
These observed coefficients can be related to those of the true underlying density field ($\delta_{\ell mn}$) by: \_[mn]{} = (\_[0]{})\_[mn]{} + \_[’ m’ n’ ]{} \_[n” ]{} S\^[nn”]{} W\_[’]{}\^[mm’]{}(\^[n” n’]{}\_[’]{} + V\^[n” n’]{}\_[’]{}) \_[’m’n’]{}. The transition matrices ${\bf W}$, ${\bf \Phi}$, ${\bf V}$ and ${\bf S}$ describe the effects of the sky mask, the radial selection function, the linear redshift space distortion and the small scale distortion correction respectively; $\left(\rho_{0}\right)_{\ell mn}$ is a mean term, non-zero because of partial sky coverage. The transition matrices are derived and defined in HT and T99.
A likelihood approach is used to constrain $\beta$ and the real-space power spectrum: -2 \[ [**D**]{} | , P(k)\] = ( ) + [**D**]{} [**C**]{}\^[-1]{} [**D**]{}\^[T]{}, where ${\bf C} = < {\bf D D}^{T} >$ and elements of the data vector ${\bf D}$ are given by $D_{\ell mn} \equiv [\hat\rho_{\ell mn}-(\rho_0)_{\ell mn}]/\bar\rho$ where $\bar\rho$ is the mean number density – Gaussian statistics are assumed. Two different parameterisations of $P(k)$ are used: following HT a fixed shape is assumed and the amplitude is fitted, following BHT a stepwise maximum likelihood method is used, allowing the power spectrum to assume any shape (within bin discreteness).
Data – The IRAS PSCz Survey
The PSCz survey [@sa] is a redshift catalogue complete down to 0.6Jy over $\sim 83
\% $ of the sky with a total of $\sim 15,000$ redshifts – it is the largest all sky survey in existence. As our method is very precise, we minimise systematic errors by using a more conservative flux cut (0.75Jy) and sky mask reducing the number of redshifts by a factor of roughly two – see T99.
Previous Results {#previous}
Both the fixed amplitude (HT) and stepwise $P(k)$ (BHT) methods were applied to the PSCz by T99 for modes with $k \leq 0.13 h$ Mpc$^{-1}$. The first method produced $\beta= 0.58\pm 0.26$ and the amplitude of the real space power measured at wavenumber $k=0.1h$ Mpc$^{-1}$ of $\Delta_{0.1}=0.42 \pm 0.03$ – see Fig. 2 (dashed contours). Freeing the shape of the power spectrum we find the consistent results $\beta=0.47\pm 0.16$ (conditional error), and $\Delta_{0.1}=0.47 \pm 0.03$ – Fig. 1. T99 also carried out extensive tests on simulations, and the methods were found to be reliable. In addition, we carried out a suite of tests for systematics effects in the data and found the cut catalogue gave consistent results.
The method was restricted to a small range of wavenumber because the likelihood analysis involves the repeated inversion of a large $n
\times n$ matrix; the time required for this process grows as $n^3$. More importantly, the matrix rapidly became numerically unstable. The results above do not strongly rule out either high ($\sim 1$) or low ($\sim0.5$) values of $\beta$. It would be nice to overcome the matrix problem, extend the k-range and reduce the error bar.
Data Compression
It is possible to transform the (length $n$) data vector ${\bf D}$ to create a new, smaller dataset, while retaining most of the information about the parameters of interest [@tth]. A new dataset is constructed which is a linear combination of the original: = [**B**]{} [**D**]{}, where ${\bf D'}$ is a new data vector of length $n' < n$, with a corresponding transformation for the covariance matrix. TTH show that the optimal matrix ${\bf B}$ which minimises the conditional error on a single parameter is made up from eigenvectors of [^2] \[eigen\] [[**C**]{}]{},\_i[[**b**]{}]{}= [[**C**]{}]{}[[**b**]{}]{}where the comma refers to a derivative with respect to parameter $i$. The new covariance matrix is smaller and also close to diagonal – hence much more stable.
TTH suggested extending this to multi-parameter problems by constructing a separate matrix ${\bf B}$ for each parameter and then using singular value decomposition to combine the matrices efficiently. However, Ballinger [@b97] (see also Taylor [[*et al*]{}]{} [@thbt]) tested this and found that error ellipses/ellipsoids tended to grow along correlation axes – only conditional errors are constrained. Instead it was shown that equation (\[eigen\]) could be used to constrain the marginal errors by using one or more linear combinations of the original parameters which lie directly along the correlation axes.
Unfortunately solving equation (\[eigen\]) involves manipulating uncompressed $n \times n$ matrices. This usually isn’t a timescale problem – it need only be done once – but still suffers from numerical difficulties. To avoid this problem, we split the data into several sections and compressed them separately, while still retaining full information about correlations between modes in different sections. Strictly speaking this is slightly less optimal than compressing the whole dataset in one go, but it should make a negligible difference in practice and will not bias the result.
New Results and conclusions
Fig. 2 shows the old $k_{\rm max}=0.13h$ Mpc$^{-1}$ result together with the new $k_{\rm max}=0.2h$ Mpc$^{-1}$ obtained using data compression. The original 4644 modes were compressed down to 2278. The new, lower, value of $\beta = 0.4 \pm 0.1$ is consistent with the previous result but the error ellipse is considerably smaller; the best-fit amplitude of the power spectrum is essentially unchanged. $\beta = 1$, corresponding to $\Omega_{\rm m}=1$, $b=1$, is now strongly disfavoured. More details will be in Ballinger [[*et al*]{}]{} and Taylor [[*et al*]{}]{} (in preparation).
The low value of $\beta$ is consistent with currently popular cosmological models with a low value of $\Omega_{\rm
matter}$ if the IRAS bias parameter is close to unity. The value is somewhat lower than that from other analyses of the PSCz survey [@bran] [@rr] [@s1] [@s2], but not inconsistent. It is consistent with the recent [*velocity-velocity*]{} comparison results from peculiar velocity catalogues [@w97], but somewhat lower than the corresponding [*density-density*]{} value [@sig]. See Willick [@w00] for a discussion.
References {#references .unnumbered}
[99]{} W.E. Ballinger, PhD thesis, University of Edinburgh, 1997.
W.E. Ballinger, A.F. Heavens and A.N. Taylor, (BHT).
E. Branchini [[*et al*]{}]{} .
S. Cole, K.B. Fisher and D.H. Weinberg, .
S. Cole, K.B. Fisher and D.H. Weinberg, .
A.J.S. Hamilton, .
A.J.S. Hamilton, .
A.J.S. Hamilton in [*The Evolving Universe, Ringberg Workshop on Large-Scale Structure 1996*]{}, ed. D. Hamilton (Kluwer Academic, Dordrecht, 1998), (astro-ph/9708102).
K.B. Fisher, C. Scharf and O. Lahav, .
A.F. Heavens and A.N. Taylor, (HT).
J. Jackson, .
N. Kaiser, .
M. Rowan-Robinson [[*et al*]{}]{} [(astro-ph/9912223)]{}.
W. Saunders [[*et al*]{}]{}, [(astro-ph/0001117)]{}.
I. Schmoldt [[*et al*]{}]{}, .
I. Schmoldt [[*et al*]{}]{}, .
Y. Sigad, A. Eldar, A. Dekel, M. Strauss and A. Yahil, .
H. Tadros [[*et al*]{}]{}, (T99).
A.N. Taylor, A.F. Heavens, W.E. Ballinger and M. Tegmark, (astro-ph/9707265).
M. Tegmark, A.N. Taylor and A.F. Heavens, .
J. Willick, these proceedings, [(astro-ph/0003232)]{}
J. Willick, M. Strauss, A. Dekel and T. Kolatt, .
[^1]: $\Omega_{\rm m}$ is the contribution to the density parameter from matter. The bias parameter $b$ depends on galaxy type, in this paper it refers to IRAS galaxies.
[^2]: This, like the Wiener filter, is one of those marvellous data-handling methods which were invented by astronomers then sent back in time so that signal processing engineers could use them for the past fifty years.
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abstract: 'Similar to the light, gravitational waves traveling in multiple paths may arrive at the same location if there is a gravitational lens on their way. Apart from the magnification of the amplitudes and the time delay between the gravitational wave rays, gravitational lensing also rotates their polarization planes and causes the gravitational wave Faraday rotation. The effect of the Faraday rotation is weak and can be ignored. The rotation of the polarization plane results in the changes in the antenna pattern function, which describes the response of the detector to its relative orientation to the gravitational wave. These effects are all reflected in the strain, the signal registered by the interferometers. The gravitational wave rays in various directions stimulate different strains, mainly due to different magnification factors, the phases and the rotation of the polarization plane. The phase difference mainly comes from the time delay. Moreover, the rotation of the polarization plane seemingly introduces the *apparent* vector polarizations, when these strains are compared with each other. Because of the smallness of the deflection angles, the effect of the rotation is also negligible.'
- Shaoqi Hou
- 'Xi-Long Fan'
- 'Zong-Hong Zhu'
- 'rotatepol\_v3\_fan.bib'
title: 'Gravitational Lensing of Gravitational Waves: Rotation of Polarization Plane'
The detection of the 11 gravitational wave (GW) events by LIGO/Virgo collaborations [@Abbott:2016blz; @Abbott:2016nmj; @Abbott:2017vtc; @Abbott:2017oio; @TheLIGOScientific:2017qsa; @Abbott:2017gyy; @LIGOScientific:2018mvr] confirmed the prediction of Einstein’s general relativity (GR) [@Einstein:1916cc; @Einstein:1918btx], and marked the new era of GW astronomy and astrophysics. Among them, GW170817, together with GRB 170817A, verified that GWs in GR are traveling at the speed of light [@TheLIGOScientific:2017qsa; @Goldstein:2017mmi; @Savchenko:2017ffs; @Monitor:2017mdv]. So GWs would experience the similar gravitational lensing by the gravitational potential on their way [@Lawrence1971nc; @Lawrence:1971hx; @Ohanian:1974ys; @Takahashi:2003ix]. In the geometrical optics regime, their trajectories would bend, and then might come together at the Earth, enabling the detection of all of them. Finally, the amplitudes of these GWs change by different factors due to the focusing effect of the lensing.
In the gravitational lensing of light, strong lensing is referred to the case where the images of the lensed object can be distinguished by the observer. Einstein rings or arcs are also within the regime of strong lensing. If the distortions of the images are much smaller, the gravitational lensing is said to be weak [@Paolis:2016roy]. Similar concepts might be defined for gravitational lensing of GWs, where “images” cannot be seen, but heard. Strong lensing of GWs can be used to put constraints on modified theories of gravity, formation and evolution of structures, and the Hubble constant $H_0$ [@Sereno:2010dr; @Sereno:2011ty]. The cosmology and the speed of the GW can also be constrained with the strong lensing of both GW and light [@Liao:2017ioi; @Fan:2016swi]. The primordial dark matter power spectrum and the growth of structure can be constrained using the weak lensing of GWs based on the method in Ref. [@Cutler:2009qv]. The extension of the previous method could discriminate different cosmological models ($\Lambda$CDM, dynamical dark energy/quintessence, modified gravity *et al.*) [@Camera:2013xfa]. These models can also be constrained with the future joint inference of standard siren and GW weak lensing [@Congedo:2018wfn]. In this work, we primarily consider the strong GW lensing.
There are also some differences between the GW and the light. For example, GWs have much longer wavelengths than the light. GWs, generated by a binary star system and traveling in various directions, are monochromatic with varying frequencies in time and differ by definite phases from each other [@Maggiore:1900zz; @Poisson2014], so they are coherent waves. Usually, they arrive at the detector at well-separated times, and are measured individually; if the earth nearly lines up with the lens and the binary stars, it is possible to observe the lensed GWs simultaneously, which might produce interesting phenomena of beat, the interference between GWs [@beatprl]. Other wave effects of GW could be found in [@Nakamura:1997sw; @Nakamura1999wo; @Takahashi:2003ix; @Liao:2019aqq]. In contrast, lights, emanating from a star, possess random frequencies and phases, so are incoherent.
And the third difference is related to the methods of detection, or the variables used to describe the light and the GW. For the light, it is the intensity that is usually measured, which is a scalar quantity, so does not fully explore the vector nature of the light. To the contrary, interferometers measure the strain, the relative change in the arm lengths. The strain, or rather the antenna pattern function (APF) [@Isi:2015cva], which is basically the strain for GWs with the unit amplitude, depends on the polarization of the GW. Therefore, it reflects the tensorial nature of GWs, which is the main target of this work.
GWs in GR have two polarizations, the well-known plus (+) and cross ($\times$) polarizations [@Misner:1974qy]. These polarizations are transverse, meaning the GW oscillates in the plane perpendicular to the direction of propagation. This plane can be called the polarization plane and is parallel transported along the null geodesic of the GW. When the null trajectory bends due to the presence of a gravitational lens, the polarization plane rotates accordingly. It is thus expected that the APF for the lensed GW will be different from the one for the GW that is not lensed. Likewise, the APFs for the lensed GWs in different paths will also differ from each other, depending on their directions.
The rotation of the polarization plane was not considered in the previous studies on the gravitational lensing of GWs [@Lawrence1971nc; @Lawrence:1971hx; @gravlens1992; @ArnaudVarvella:2003va; @Dai:2016igl; @Fan:2016swi; @Ng:2017yiu; @Dai:2018enj], except a short remark in a footnote in Ref. [@Ohanian:1974ys]. In the studies of the wave nature of GWs in gravitational lensing [@Takahashi:2003ix; @Liao:2019aqq], the tensor aspects of GWs is completely ignored in order to solve the Kirchhoff’s equation easily. Effectively, they treated the GW as a scalar field. In this work, this rotation effect will be specifically studied, discussing how the APF changes and what contributes to the modified strain in the gravitational lensing caused by a Newtonian potential. Since the Newtonian potential is very weak, the deflection angle is small, so this effect can be safely ignored in most situations, which will be clarified in the following discussion.
The difference in APFs or the strains for different GWs could be explained by the gravitational lensing. However, it might also be simply explained by the possibility that GWs come from sources at distinct locations but from almost the same direction. So there seems to be a degeneracy. One way to resolve the degeneracy is to realize that gravitational lensing barely affects the frequency evolution of the signal. In fact, the frequency evolution of the observed GW *does* change due to the inhomogeneous matter distribution along the path of the GW as well as the expansion of the universe according to Refs. [@Seto:2001qf; @Nishizawa:2011eq; @Bonvin:2016qxr]. However, interferometers have difficulties in detecting this effect, as the frequency shift is generally small for ground-based detectors and slightly larger for LISA [@Bonvin:2016qxr; @Seoane:2013qna]. Moreover, the mismatch would be at most $10^{-3}$ if a template without this effect considered were used for LISA. In addition, the recent paper [@Tamanini:2019usx] concludes that LISA cannot measure the peculiar acceleration of a binary black hole system, which causes the aforementioned change in the frequency evolution, during the nominal 4 years’ run. Therefore, from the point of view of the observation, gravitational lensing basically does not affect how the frequency of the detected GW varies over the course of detection. Based on this, the statistics method provided in Ref. [@Haris:2018vmn] can be used to tell whether some GW events detected by the LIGO/Virgo network are lensed or not. So in this work, we will also concentrate on the lensed GW events that could be detected by the LIGO/Virgo network.
This work is organized in the following way. Section \[sec-pro\] reviews how the GW propagates in a generic spacetime background in the geometric optics limit; three propagation effects will be discussed, including the rotation of the polarization plane and the GW Faraday rotation. Section \[sec-glgw\] discusses how the polarization plane rotates due to the gravitational lensing caused by a point mass. After that, the strain of the lensed GW is calculated in Sec. \[sec-mea\]. Finally, a brief discussion and conclusion are given in Sec. \[sec-dc\]. Appendix \[sec-app\] derives a general formula to calculate the strain. Throughout this work, the geometrized units ($G=c=1$) are used. Round brackets enclosing indices imply symmetrization, while square brackets mean antisymmetrization, e.g., $T_{(\mu\nu)}=(T_{\mu\nu}+T_{\nu\mu})/2$, and $T_{[\mu\nu]}=(T_{\mu\nu}-T_{\nu\mu})/2$.
The propagation of gravitational waves {#sec-pro}
In the short wavelength limit, the Einstein’s equation determines three major properties of GWs. First, GWs propagate in null geodesics. Second, the polarization tensors are parallel transported along the trajectories, and the number of gravitons is conserved; since the direction of the propagation changes, the polarization plane also rotates [@Ohanian:1974ys]. Third, the GW Faraday rotation occurs at high enough orders [@Piran1985nf; @Piran:1985dk; @Wang:1991nf]. In the following, these three properties will be analyzed in order.
GWs are perturbations $h_{\mu\nu}$ to the spacetime metric $g_{\mu\nu}=g^B_{\mu\nu}+h_{\mu\nu}$ with $g^B_{\mu\nu}$ describing the background geometry. When the wavelength $\lambda$ of the GW is much smaller than the characteristic curvature radius $\mathcal R$ of the background geometry, the geometric optics limit applies. In the transverse-traceless (TT) gauge ($\nabla^\nu\bar h_{\mu\nu}=0$ and $g_\text{B}^{\mu\nu}\bar h_{\mu\nu}=0$), it satisfies the following perturbed vacuum Einstein’s equation [@Isaacson:1967zz], $$\label{eq-ein-p}
\nabla_\rho\nabla^\rho\bar h_{\mu\nu}+2R_{\mu\rho\nu\sigma}^B\bar h^{\rho\sigma}=0,$$ where $\bar h_{\mu\nu}=h_{\mu\nu}-g^B_{\mu\nu}g_B^{\rho\sigma}h_{\rho\sigma}/2$ is the trace-reversed perturbation, $\nabla_\mu$ is the covariant derivative compatible with $g^B_{\mu\nu}$ and $R^B_{\mu\rho\nu\sigma}$ is its curvature tensor. In the following, the raising and the lowering indices are done with $g^\text{B}_{\mu\nu}$ and its inverse $g_\text{B}^{\mu\nu}$. One can write the GW as $\bar h_{\mu\nu}=\Re[(A_{\mu\nu}+\epsilon B_{\mu\nu}+\cdots)e^{i\Phi/\epsilon}]$ with $\Re$ standing for the real part [@Misner:1974qy]. Here, $\epsilon$ is a formal expansion parameter which indicates that the terms multiplied by $\epsilon^n$ are of the order of $(\lambda/\mathcal R)^n$. The traceless condition leads to $A^\mu{}_\mu=B^\mu{}_\mu=0$. Define $l_\mu=-\nabla_\mu\Phi$. At the leading orders $O(1/\epsilon^2)$ and $O(1/\epsilon)$, Eq. gives $l_\mu l^\mu=0$, and $$\begin{gathered}
l^\rho\nabla_\rho A_{\mu\nu}+\frac{1}{2}A_{\mu\nu}\nabla_\rho l^\rho=0,\label{eq-sj-2}\end{gathered}$$ and the Lorenz gauge is equivalent to $A_{\mu\nu}l^\nu=0$. Since $\nabla_\mu l_\nu=-\nabla_\mu\nabla_\nu \Phi=\nabla_\nu l_\mu$, one also finds out that $l^\nu\nabla_\nu l^\mu=0$. Indeed, in the geometric optics limit, $l^\mu$ is null and parallel transported along its own integral curve.
GWs have polarizations [@Will:2014kxa; @Gong:2018ybk]. To express the polarizations in a convenient way, one associates the graviton with a tetrad basis $\{l^\mu,\,n^\mu,\, x^\mu,\, y^\mu\}$, which are parallel transported along the trajectory of the graviton, and satisfy $-l^\mu n_\mu= x^\mu x_\mu= y^\mu y_\mu=1$ with the remaining contractions vanishing. For convenience, the Newman-Penrose (NP) null tetrad $\{l^\mu,n^\mu,m^\mu,\bar m^\mu\}$ can also be used with $m^\mu=(x^\mu-iy^\mu)/\sqrt{2}$ and $\bar m^\mu=(x^\mu+iy^\mu)/\sqrt{2}$, which is suitable for describing radiations [@Newman:1961qr; @Stephani:2003tm].
For the two GW polarizations in GR, their polarization tensors are defined as $$\label{eq-def-pols}
e^+_{\mu\nu}= x_\mu x_\nu- y_\mu y_\nu,\quad
e^\times_{\mu\nu}= x_\mu y_\nu+ y_\mu x_\nu.$$ These tensors are also parallel transported along the trajectory of the graviton, i.e., $$\label{eq-pte}
l^\rho\nabla_\rho e^P_{\mu\nu}=0,\quad P=+,\times.$$ Usually, one chooses a gauge such that $\bar h_{0\mu}=0$, and the spatial components $e^P_{ij}$ are often used to represent the polarization tensors [@Will:2014kxa; @Isi:2015cva]. Equation , together with Eq. , leads to the evolution of the amplitudes, $$\label{eq-ev-am}
l^\mu\nabla_\mu A^P+\frac{1}{2}A^P\nabla_\mu l^\mu=0.$$ This shows that the leading order polarizations evolve separately and in exactly the same way. Although the amplitudes vary along the trajectories of gravitons, the numbers of gravitons are constant, i.e., $\nabla_\mu[|A^P|^2l^\mu]=0$.
The gauge invariant quantities describing the GW are some components of the Weyl tensor $C_{\mu\nu\rho\sigma}$, i.e. the NP variable $\Psi_4=C_{\mu\nu\rho\sigma}n^\mu\bar m^\mu n^\rho\bar m^\sigma$ [@Newman:1961qr; @Stephani:2003tm]. A short calculation gives $$\label{eq-psi4-1}
\Psi_4^{(1)}=\frac{1}{2}\Re(A^+e^{i\Phi})+\frac{i}{2}\Re(A^\times e^{i\Phi}),$$ at the order $O(1/\epsilon)$. There is a freedom to choose the NP tetrad. In particular, one can carry out a spin, i.e., $l'^\mu=l^\mu$, $n'^\mu=n^\mu$ and $m'^\mu=e^{i\varphi}m^\mu$ for some angle $\varphi$, then $\Psi_4$ transforms according to [@Chandrasekhar:1985kt] $$\Psi_4\rightarrow \Psi'_4=e^{-i2\varphi}\Psi_4.$$ The angle $\varphi=\varphi_+$ at which $\Im(\Psi'_4)=0$ is called the polarization angle [@Wang:1991nf], given by $$\varphi_+=\frac{1}{2}\arctan\frac{\Im(\Psi_4)}{\Re(\Psi_4)},$$ with $\Im$ representing the imaginary part. At the order \[$O(1/\epsilon)$\], $$\varphi_+^{(1)}=\frac{1}{2}\arctan\frac{\Re (A^\times)}{\Re (A^+)}.$$ Due to Eq. , $l^\mu\nabla_\mu\varphi_+^{(1)}=0$, so there is no GW Faraday rotation at this order $O(1/\epsilon)$. The GW Faraday rotation has been known for a while, but here, we examine this effect in the context of the gravitational lensing for the first time.
At the next order $O(1)$ , one finds out that [@Misner:1974qy] $$l^\rho\nabla_\rho B_{\mu\nu}+\frac{1}{2}B_{\mu\nu}\nabla_\rho l^\rho=\frac{i}{2}\nabla_\rho\nabla^\rho A_{\mu\nu}+iR^B_{\mu\rho\nu\sigma}A^{\rho\sigma}, \label{eq-sb-2}$$ which shows that the evolution of $B_{\mu\nu}$ is affected by $A_{\mu\nu}$ as well as the background geometry. This feature also appears in even higher order corrections to $A_{\mu\nu}$, which is discussed in Ref. [@Harte:2018wni]. This behavior would generally lead to the GW Faraday rotation [@Piran1985nf; @Piran:1985dk; @Wang:1991nf]. The Lorenz gauge condition for $B_{\mu\nu}$ reads $B_{\mu\nu}l^\nu=i\nabla^\nu A_{\mu\nu}$, so $B_{\mu\nu}$ is not transverse to $l^\mu$. In the following, the focus will be on the propagation of GWs in the background generated by a Newtonian potential (the lens). As the Newtonian potential is very weak, and $B_{\mu\nu}$ is at least of second order in the Newtonian potential, so it will be ignored completely.
Gravitational lensing of gravitational waves {#sec-glgw}
We only work in the geometrical optical regime in this work. Consider the gravitational lensing caused by a Newtonian potential $M/r$. After passing the lens, the deflected 4-velocity of the GW is approximately $l^\mu=(1,\vec{\boldsymbol{l}}+\vec\alpha)$ in the limit where the lens is far away from both the source of the GW and the detector. Here, $\vec{\boldsymbol{l}}$ is the original direction of the GW, and $\vec\alpha=-4M\vec b/b^2$ is the deflection vector [@Poisson2014], where $\vec b$ is the impact vector, which is perpendicular to $\vec{\boldsymbol{l}}$ and whose magnitude is the distance of the closest approach. One also determines the remaining of the tetrad basis, which are $$\begin{gathered}
y^\mu=\left(\frac{1}{2}\vec\alpha\cdot\vec{\boldsymbol{y}},\vec{\boldsymbol{y}}-\frac{1}{2}(\vec\alpha\cdot\vec{\boldsymbol{y}})\vec{\boldsymbol{l}}\right).\end{gathered}$$ Here, a set of orthonormal 3-vectors $\{\vec{\boldsymbol{l}}, \vec{\boldsymbol{x}}, \vec{\boldsymbol{y}}\}$ (triads) is introduced, satisfying $\vec{\boldsymbol{l}}=\vec{\boldsymbol{x}}\wedge\vec{\boldsymbol{y}}$.
When the GW is emitted and far away from the lens, assume that the components of the trace-reversed metric perturbation $\bar h_{\mu\nu}$ are $\bar h_{0\mu}=0$ and $\bar h_{ij}=\bar A_{ij}e^{i\Phi}$, where $\bar A_{ij}=\bar A^+\bar e^+_{ij}+\bar A^\times\bar e^\times_{ij}$ with $$\bar e^+_{ij}={\boldsymbol{x}}_i{\boldsymbol{x}}_j-{\boldsymbol{y}}_i{\boldsymbol{y}}_j,\quad \bar e^\times_{ij}={\boldsymbol{x}}_i{\boldsymbol{y}}_j+{\boldsymbol{y}}_i{\boldsymbol{x}}_j.$$ $\bar e^+_{ij}$ and $\bar e^\times_{ij}$ would be the polarization matrices if there were no lens. For a binary system of two stars with masses $m_1$ and $m_2$, circling around each other in an orbit of radius $a$, the amplitudes during the inspiral phase are approximately given by [@Poisson2014], $$\begin{gathered}
\bar A^+=\mathcal{A}\left[-\frac{1+\cos^2\iota}{2}\cos2\psi+i\cos\iota\sin2\psi\right],\label{eq-ap-o}\\
\bar A^\times=\mathcal{A}\left[i\cos\iota\cos2\psi+\frac{1+\cos^2\iota}{2}\sin2\psi\right],\label{eq-ac-o}\end{gathered}$$ where $\mathcal A=\frac{4m_1 m_2}{aR}e^{-i2\varpi}$, $R$ is the distance from the source to the observer, $\psi$ is the polarization angle and $(\iota,\,\varpi)$ represents the angular direction of $\vec{\boldsymbol{l}}$ in the source frame with $\iota$ actually the inclination angle. From these expressions, one finds out that the amplitudes also depend on the direction ($\iota,\varpi$) and the polarization angle $\psi$ of the GW. The contribution of the angle $\varpi$ can be absorbed into the phase $\Phi$. So the GWs emanating from the binary star system in various directions not only have different amplitudes, but also differ in the initial phase.
![Geometry of a Schwarzschild lens. S is the position of the binary star system, and the interferometer is at O. L represents the gravitational lens, and the thick dashed line is the optical axis. The vertical squares represent the observer, lens and source planes, from the left to the right. $\beta$ is the misalignment angle between the optical axis and the line connecting O to S. Two GW rays 1 and 2 are emitted from S, initially in the directions of $\vec{\boldsymbol{l}}_1$ and $\vec{\boldsymbol{l}}_2$, respectively. After passing the lens plane, their directions change, given by $\vec{\boldsymbol{l}}'_1$ and $\vec{\boldsymbol{l}}'_2$, forming angles $\theta_\pm$ with the optical axis. The deflection angles are $\alpha_1$ and $\alpha_2$, respectively. []{data-label="fig-geogl"}](st1.pdf){width="45.00000%"}
For the Schwarzschild lens considered, there will be two “images" of the source, which are located at the angles [@gravlens1992] $$\label{eq-thepm}
\theta_\pm=\frac{\beta\pm\sqrt{\beta^2+4\theta_\text{E}^2}}{2},$$ as shown in Fig. \[fig-geogl\]. Here, $\theta_\text{E}=\sqrt{\frac{4M}{c^2}\frac{D_\text{LS}}{D_\text{S}D_\text{L}}}$ is the Einstein angle, and if the cosmological evolution is considered, one has [@gravlens1992] $$\begin{gathered}
(1+z_\text{L})\frac{D_\text{L}D_\text{S}}{D_\text{LS}}=\frac{1}{\chi(z_\text{L})-\chi(z_\text{S})}, \\
\chi(z)=\int_z^{+\infty}\frac{{\mathrm{d}}\zeta}{H(\zeta)D^2(\zeta)(1+\zeta)^2},\end{gathered}$$ where, in the denominator of the integrand, $H(z)$ is the Hubble parameter at the redshift $z$ and $D(z)$ is the angular diameter distance , so $D_\text{S}=D(z_\text{S})$ and $D_\text{L}=D(z_\text{L})$ are the angular diameter distances of the source and the lens, respectively. In this work, we mainly focus on the case where $z\lesssim 2$ because according to Ref. [@Yang:2019jhw] the probability for lensed GWs from neutron star-neutron star mergers peaks around $z=2$, while the probability for lensed GWs from black hole-black hole mergers peaks around $z=4$. Because of the focusing effect of the lens, the amplitudes of are enhanced by $$\label{eq-mf}
{\mu_\pm}=\frac{|\theta_\pm|}{\sqrt{|\theta_+^2-\theta_-^2|}},$$ respectively. The time delay between the two rays is $$\Delta t =4M(1+z_\text{L})\left(\frac{\theta_+^2-\theta_-^2}{2\theta_\text{E}^2}+\ln\frac{\theta_+}{-\theta_-}\right),$$ which contributes partially to the phase difference, $$\label{eq-pd-td}
\Delta\Phi=\omega\Delta t.$$
Now, after passing by the gravitational lens, the polarization tensors for the GW are given by $$e^P_{\mu\nu}=\left(
0 & -\displaystyle\frac{1}{2}\bar e^P_{ik}\alpha^k \\
-\displaystyle\frac{1}{2}\bar e^P_{jk}\alpha^k & \bar e^P_{ij}+\tilde e^P_{ij}
\end{array}\right),\quad P=+,\times,\label{eq-ep}$$ according to Eq. , where $\tilde e^P_{ij}$ are the corrections to $\bar e^P_{ij}$ given by $$\begin{gathered}
\tilde e^+_{ij}=-\frac{1}{2}(\vec\alpha\cdot\vec{\boldsymbol{x}})\bar e^{x}_{ij}+\frac{1}{2}(\vec\alpha\cdot\vec{\boldsymbol{y}})\bar e^{y}_{ij},\\
\tilde e^\times_{ij}=-\frac{1}{2}(\vec\alpha\cdot\vec{\boldsymbol{y}})\bar e^{x}_{ij}-\frac{1}{2}(\vec\alpha\cdot\vec{\boldsymbol{x}})\bar e^{y}_{ij}.\end{gathered}$$ Finally, in the above expressions, $\bar e^{x}_{ij}=\boldsymbol{l}_i{\boldsymbol{x}}_j+{\boldsymbol{x}}_i \boldsymbol{l}_j$ and $\bar e^{y}_{ij}=\boldsymbol{l}_i{\boldsymbol{y}}_j+{\boldsymbol{y}}_i \boldsymbol{l}_j$ are the vector polarization matrices for the unperturbed GW. Therefore, after passing a gravitational lens, the GW changes its direction of motion. Since the polarization tensors $e^P_{\mu\nu}$ are parallel transported, they are also modified [@Ohanian:1974ys].
Note that the gravitational lensing inducing vector polarizations ($\bar e^{x}_{ij}$ and $\bar e^{y}_{ij}$) is an illusion. In fact, the *appearance* of $\bar e^{x}_{ij}$ and $\bar e^{y}_{ij}$ is simply due to the use of the original triads $\{\vec{\boldsymbol{l}},\,\vec{\boldsymbol{x}},\,\vec{\boldsymbol{y}}\}$ to describe the changed GW polarizations, not because of the existence of some vector degrees of freedom as in certain alternative metric theories of gravity [@Gong:2018cgj; @Gong:2018vbo; @Gong:2018ybk; @Hou:2018djz]. The gravitational lensing causes the rotation of the propagation vector of the GW, from $\vec{\boldsymbol{l}}$ to $\vec{\boldsymbol{l}}'=\vec{\boldsymbol{l}}+\vec\alpha$. Note that neither $\vec{\boldsymbol{x}}$ nor $\vec{\boldsymbol{y}}$ is perpendicular to $\vec{\boldsymbol{l}}'$. This can be remedied by adding to $ x^\mu$ and $ y^\mu$ some linear combinations of $l^\mu$, $ x^\mu$ and $ y^\mu$, for example, $x'^\mu= x^\mu-(\vec\alpha\cdot\vec{\boldsymbol{x}}) l^\mu/2=(0,\vec{\boldsymbol{x}}-(\vec\alpha\cdot\vec{\boldsymbol{x}})\vec{\boldsymbol{l}})$ and $y'^\mu= y^\mu-(\vec\alpha\cdot\vec{\boldsymbol{y}}) l^\mu/2=(0,\vec{\boldsymbol{y}}-(\vec\alpha\cdot\vec{\boldsymbol{y}})\vec{\boldsymbol{l}})$. Now, call $$\begin{gathered}
\vec{\boldsymbol{y}}'=\vec{\boldsymbol{y}}-(\vec\alpha\cdot{\boldsymbol{y}})\vec{\boldsymbol{l}}.\label{eq-ntps-xy1}\end{gathered}$$ The use of the (primed) triads $\{\vec{\boldsymbol{l}}',\,\vec{\boldsymbol{x}}',\,\vec{\boldsymbol{y}}'\}$ to represent the GW polarizations will not introduce the apparent vector polarizations. To sum up, the appearance of the vector polarizations is simply because one expresses the polarization matrices in terms of the original (unprimed) triads. There are still two tensor polarizations.
Equation shows that the triad gets rotated by a small angle, after the GW passes the lens. This effect is displayed in Fig. \[fig-geogl\], where the red triad represents the initial basis $\{\vec{\boldsymbol{l}},\vec{\boldsymbol{x}},\vec{\boldsymbol{y}}\}$, and the blue one represents the final basis $\{\vec{\boldsymbol{l}}',\vec{\boldsymbol{x}}',\vec{\boldsymbol{y}}'\}$ for the GW ray 1. In order to calculate the strain, one has to compute the APFs first, which is the topic of the next section.
The measurement of lensed gravitational waves {#sec-mea}
When the GW reaches the interferometers, it causes the change in the lengths of the arms. This kind of the response of the detector is quantified by the so-called antenna pattern function [@Isi:2015cva]. To calculate this function, one needs compute the Riemann tensor of the GW.
According to Ref. [@Harte:2018wni], the leading order of the Riemann tensor for the GW is given by $$R^\text{GW}_{\mu\nu\rho\sigma}=-2\omega^2e^{i\Phi}l_{[\mu}A_{\nu][\rho}l_{\sigma]},$$ with $\omega$ the frequency of the GW. So the electric part of it is $$R^\text{GW}_{tjtk}=\sum_{P=+,\times}\frac{\omega^2}{2}e^{i\Phi}(2 e^P_{0(j}\boldsymbol l_{k)}+ e^P_{jk}).$$ Let $D^{jk}=\frac{1}{2}(\hat X^j\hat X^k-\hat Y^j\hat Y^k)$ represent the configuration of an interferometer, with unit vectors $\hat X^j$ and $\hat Y^j$ pointing in the directions of the arms. The strain is thus given by $$\label{eq-st-int}
h(t)=-2D^{jk}\int{\mathrm{d}}t\int{\mathrm{d}}t'R^\text{GW}_{tjtk},$$ whose justification is relegated in the Appendix \[sec-app\]. Performing the double integration and dropping the factor of the amplitude and the phase, the antenna pattern functions are simply given by $$\begin{gathered}
F^+=\bar F^+-\frac{1}{2}(\vec\alpha\cdot\vec{\boldsymbol{x}})\bar F^{x}+\frac{1}{2}(\vec\alpha\cdot\vec{\boldsymbol{y}})\bar F^{y},\label{eq-atp-+}\\
F^\times=\bar F^\times-\frac{1}{2}(\vec\alpha\cdot\boldsymbol{y})\bar F^{x}-\frac{1}{2}(\vec\alpha\cdot\vec{\boldsymbol{x}})\bar F^{y},\label{eq-atp-x}\end{gathered}$$ for the ground-based detectors, where $\bar F^P=D^{ij}\bar e^P_{ij}$ are the antenna pattern functions for the unperturbed GW. $F^{P}$ depend not only on the unperturbed polarization matrices $\bar e^P_{ij}$, but also the corrections $\tilde e^{P}_{ij}$. These relations show that the APFs get modified by the gravitational lensing.
Now, compare the APFs for the two GW rays 1 and 2. The initial triads for these GW rays are $\{\vec{\boldsymbol{l}}_1,\,\vec{\boldsymbol{x}}_1,\,\vec{\boldsymbol{y}}_1\}$ and $\{\vec{\boldsymbol{l}}_2,\,\vec{\boldsymbol{x}}_2,\,\vec{\boldsymbol{y}}_2\}$ [^1], respectively. Let $\vec\delta=\vec{\boldsymbol{l}}_1-\vec{\boldsymbol{l}}_2$, whose magnitude is $\delta=\arccos(\vec{\boldsymbol{l}}_1\cdot\vec{\boldsymbol{l}}_2)$, a small angle. Then, $\vec{\boldsymbol{x}}_2$ and $\vec{\boldsymbol{y}}_2$ can be approximately expressed as $\vec{\boldsymbol{x}}_2=\vec{\boldsymbol{x}}_1+(\vec\delta\cdot\vec{\boldsymbol{x}}_1)\vec{\boldsymbol{l}}_1$ and $\vec{\boldsymbol{y}}_2=\vec{\boldsymbol{y}}_1+(\vec\delta\cdot\vec{\boldsymbol{y}}_1)\vec{\boldsymbol{l}}_1$ up to an arbitrary rotation around $\vec{\boldsymbol l}_1$. One can thus relate the polarization tensors of the second GW to those of the first one in the following way, $$\begin{aligned}
\bar e^+_{2,ij}&=&\bar e^+_{1,ij}+(\vec\delta\cdot\vec{\boldsymbol x}_1)\bar e^{x}_{1,ij}-(\vec\delta\cdot\vec{\boldsymbol{y}}_1)\bar e^{y}_{1,ij},\\
\bar e^\times_{2,ij}&=&\bar e^\times_{1,ij}+(\vec\delta\cdot\vec{\boldsymbol x}_1)\bar e^{y}_{1,ij}+(\vec\delta\cdot\vec{\boldsymbol{y}}_1)\bar e^{x}_{1,ij}.\end{aligned}$$ Therefore, the relations between the APFs for the two gravitons are, $$\begin{aligned}
F^+_2&=& F_1^++(\vec\delta'\cdot\vec{\boldsymbol{x}}_1) F_1^{x}-(\vec\delta'\cdot\vec{\boldsymbol{y}}_1) F_1^{y},\\
F^\times_2&=&F^\times_1+(\vec\delta'\cdot\vec{\boldsymbol{x}}_1) F_1^{y}+(\vec\delta'\cdot\vec{\boldsymbol{y}}_1) F_1^{x},\end{aligned}$$ where $F_1^{x}\approx D^{ij}\bar e^{x}_{1,ij}$, $F_1^{y}\approx D^{ij}\bar e^{y}_{1,ij}$, and $\vec\delta'\equiv\vec{\boldsymbol{l}}'_1-\vec{\boldsymbol{l}}'_2=\vec\delta-(\vec\alpha_2-\vec\alpha_1)$.
In an ideal situation, one can measure the angle $\delta'=-(\theta_+-\theta_-)$, where the overall minus indicates that $\vec\delta'$ points downward in Fig. \[fig-geogl\]. Since the deflections $\alpha_1$ and $\alpha_2$ are small, it is a good approximation that the vectors $\vec\delta'$, $\vec\delta$, $\vec\alpha_1$, and $\vec\alpha_2$ are parallel to each other. Therefore, $\delta'=\delta+\alpha_1-\alpha_2$. From Fig. \[fig-geogl\], one recognizes that $b_1=\theta_+D_\text{L}$, $b_2=\theta_-D_\text{L}$, and $b_1b_2/D_\text{L}^2=\theta_+\theta_-=-\theta_\text{E}^2$, so $\delta=\left(1-\frac{4M}{\theta_\text{E}^2D_\text{L}}\right)\delta'$. In this way, the initial and the final angular separations of the two GW rays are related. As long as $\delta$ is known, it is possible to infer the initial phase difference between the rays 1 and 2.
To fully appreciate the effects of the gravitational lensing, the strains for the two GW rays 1 and 2 should be compared. The strain caused by the GW 2 is related to that of the GW 1 in the following way, $$\label{eq-s2-s1}
h_2=&A_2^+F_2^++A_2^\times F_2^\times\\
\end{split}$$ where $h_1=A_1^+F_1^++A_1^\times F_1^\times$ with $A_1^{P}\approx{\mu_{+}}\bar A_1^P$ \[refer to Eqs. and \], and the phase difference $\Delta\Phi$ is given by Eq. . $A_1^{x}$ and $A_1^{y}$ are approximately $$\begin{gathered}
\bar A^{x}=\mathcal A\left[-\frac{1}{2}\sin2\iota\cos\psi+i\sin\iota\sin\psi\right],\\
\bar A^{y}=\mathcal A\left[\frac{1}{2}\sin2\iota\sin\psi+i\sin\iota\cos\psi\right],\end{gathered}$$ multiplied by ${\mu_+}$ and evaluated along the GW ray 1 at the observer, respectively.
The differences in the strains $h_1$ and $h_2$ are multiple. First, they differ from each other in phase, which comes from (1) the time delay $\Delta t$ \[refer to Eq. \], and (2) propagation direction in the source frame, i.e., $\varpi$ in Eqs. and . Second, the magnification factors (${\mu_\pm}$) are not the same. Third, the polarization planes underwent distinct rotations, which is the reason for the existence of the terms in the curly brackets except $h_1$.
Discussion and conclusion {#sec-dc}
For a lens of mass $(10^6 - 10^{12})M_\odot$ and $\beta\sim1$ arcsecond, the deflection angle $\alpha=2M/b$ is about 1 arcsecond. Further decreasing the misalignment angle $\beta$ causes even smaller $\alpha$. Although we only work in the geometrical optical regime in this work, for the most cases, the terms with $\delta$ and $\delta'$ in Eq. are smaller than $h_1$ by at least 6 orders of magnitude, so they can be safely ignored. This justifies the ignorance of the rotation of the polarization plane in Refs. [@Takahashi:2003ix; @Liao:2019aqq], although these works discussed the wave nature of the GW. In addition, Refs. [@Lawrence1971nc; @Lawrence:1971hx; @gravlens1992; @ArnaudVarvella:2003va; @Dai:2016igl; @Fan:2016swi; @Ng:2017yiu; @Dai:2018enj] neglected the effects of the rotation because the authors mainly considered lensed signals that are well separated in time. The particularly interesting situation where there is a time window when the lensed signals are simultaneously observed is discussed in Ref. [@beatprl].
The difference between $h_1$ and $h_2$ mainly comes from the magnification and the phase shift caused by the time delay. The ratio $\mu_-/\mu_+$ between the magnification factors of the two GW rays can be much smaller than 1, especially when the misalignment angle $\beta$ is large, which can be estimated as $$\frac{\mu_-}{\mu_+}=-\frac{\theta_-}{\theta_+}\approx\frac{(\theta_\text{E}/\beta)^2}{1+(\theta_\text{E}/\beta)^2},$$ by Eqs. and . The magnification factors are very close to each other when $\beta\ll1$ arcsecond. In this case, the geometric optics might not be sufficient to describe the lensing. The phase difference $\Delta\Phi$ is very huge as the time delay could ranges from a few days to a few months. So in the geometric optics regime, the change in the strain is dominated by the magnification and the phase shift.
Finally, the GW Faraday rotation is also one interesting phenomena, which is due to the interaction between the GW and the background geometry [@Piran1985nf; @Piran:1985dk; @Wang:1991nf]. However, it happens at higher orders in the short-wavelength limit, so unlikely be observed in the near future.\
This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grants Nos. 11633001 and the Strategic Priority Research Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Grant No. XDB23000000.
Strain {#sec-app}
In this Appendix, Eq. is derived. One starts with the linearized geodesic deviation equation [@Misner:1974qy] $$\label{eq-gdv}
\ddot x^j=-R_{tjtk}^\text{GW}x^k,$$ where $x^j$ represents the relative displacement between two test particles, e.g., the mirrors used in the interferometers. Integrating twice gives the change in the relative displacement, $$\label{eq-cinx}
\delta x^j=-x_0^k\int{\mathrm{d}}t\int{\mathrm{d}}t'R_{tjtk} ^\text{GW},$$ where $x_0^k$ stands for the initial relative displacement. Here, one assumes that the total relative displacement $x^j(t)$ remains the same, i.e., $x^j(t)=x_0^j$, which is a good approximation as the GW is weak.
Now, consider the effect of the GW on an interferometer whose arms have the initial length $L$, and are in the directions $\hat x^j_1$ and $\hat x^j_2$. The change in the length of the first interferometer arm in the direction given by $\vec x_1/L=\hat x_1$ is $$\label{eq-cinl}
\delta L_1=\delta\sqrt{\delta_{jk}x_{1}^jx^k_1}=-\frac{x_1^jx_1^k}{L}\int{\mathrm{d}}t\int {\mathrm{d}}t'R_{tjtk}^\text{GW}.$$ One can obtain the similar expression for the second arm. Then the strain is $$\label{eq-stn-g}
h(t)=\frac{\delta L_1-\delta L_2}{L}=-2D^{jk}\int{\mathrm{d}}t\int {\mathrm{d}}t'R_{tjtk}^\text{GW},$$ where $D^{jk}=(\hat x_1^j\hat x_1^k-\hat x_2^j\hat x^k_2)/2$. From the derivation, one understands that the above expressions applies to any metric theory of gravity in any gauge. Since the angle $\arccos(\hat x_1\cdot\hat x_2)$ between the two arms is not specified, this result also applies to Einstein Telescope [@Punturo:2010zza]. In the transverse-traceless (TT) gauge, $R_{tjtk}^\text{GW}=-\ddot h_{jk}^\text{TT}/2$, then one recovers the usual expression for the strain, $$h(t)=D^{jk}h_{jk}^\text{TT}.$$
Equation can thus be obtained by setting $\hat x_1=\hat X$ and $\hat x_2=\hat Y$. This justifies the correctness of Eq. .
[^1]: Not shown in Fig. \[fig-geogl\], otherwise it would be too cumbersome.
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abstract: 'Motivated by recent experiments by the Westervelt group, which used a mobile tip to probe the electronic state of a segmented nanowire, we calculate shifts in Coulomb blockade peak positions, as a function of tip location, which we term “Coulomb blockade microscopy”. We show that if the tip can be brought sufficiently close to the nanowire, one can distinguish a high density electronic liquid state from a Wigner crystal state by microscopy with a weak tip potential. In the opposite limit of a strongly negative tip potential, the potential depletes the electronic density under it and divides the quantum wire into two partitions. There the tip can push individual electrons from one partition to the other, and the Coulomb blockade micrograph can clearly track such transitions. We show that this phenomenon can be used to qualitatively estimate the relative importance of the electron interaction compared to one particle potential and kinetic energies. Finally, we propose that a weak tip Coulomb blockade micrograph focusing on the transition between electron number $N=0$ and $N=1$ states may be used to experimentally map the one-particle potential landscape produced by impurities and inhomogeneities.'
- 'Jiang Qian$^{1,2}$, Bertrand I. Halperin$^1$ and Eric J. Heller$^1$'
title: Imaging and manipulating electrons in a 1D quantum dot with Coulomb blockade microscopy
Introduction {#intro}
Studies of nanoscale electronic structures hold important promise both as laboratories for few-body, interacting quantum mechanical systems and as technological testbeds for future classical or quantum computing technologies. Novel probe technologies [@amir_science; @topinka_science] are very important for studying electronic properties in nanoscale systems because they are often beyond the resolution of conventional imaging techniques like optical microscopy, and traditional transport measurements can only measure spatially averaged physical properties such as the conductance or the current. One scanning probe microscopy (SPM) [@topinka_science] technique utilizes a charged metallic tip to perturb the local electronic density in a nanoelectronic structure while monitoring the resulting change in transport properties. Using this technique one can obtain spatially resolved measurement of the electronic properties, including the local electron density and, in principle, the wavefunction itself in the case of a one-electron system [@Fallahi](see discussions below). This imaging technique has been fruitfully applied to study the flow of ballistic electrons across a range of two dimensional heterostructures.
Recently, a series of experiments [@ania_prepreint] applied SPM techniques to study quantum wires. In these experiments a segment of an InAs nanowire lying on top of a two-dimensional SiO$_x$ layer was isolated from the rest of the wire by two short InP segments, forming a one-dimensional quantum dot with lithographically defined boundaries. A negatively charged probe scanned controllably the two dimensional area around the wire and the conductance across the 1D quantum dot was measured as a function of the probe location. Both the voltage of the probe and its height above the surface can also be independently varied. Motivated by these new experimental possibilities, we turn to exact diagonalization techniques to study the conductance response of a few-electron quantum dot as a function of a spatially varied probe potential, in order to illustrate the kind of information that can be extracted in the case of a system of several electrons.
Model {#sec:model}
![\[fig:geometry\]Schematic geometry of Coulomb blockade microscopy of a quantum wire containing four electrons. When calculating the electron-electron interaction and the electron-tip interaction, we assume that the InP barriers have zero thickness, the InAs wire is infinitely long, and the substrate layers extend to infinity in x and y directions.](geometry_draw_01.eps){width="40.00000%"}
![\[fig:tip\](Color Online) (Dotted)Interaction potential $U(\Delta z)$.(Solid, long and short dashed) Tip $V(x)$ potentials with a tip charge $q=e$ and locations $\vec{r_0}=(0,0,z_0)$ where $z_0=30nm,50nm,100nm$.](tip_comparison_02.eps){width="48.00000%"}
We consider a uniform InAs (dielectric constant $\epsilon=15.4$, Bohr radius $a_B\approx34nm$) nanowire of radius $R=10$nm, which lies in vacuum atop a SiO${_x}$ ($\epsilon=3.9$) layer $100$nm thick, separating it from conducting doped bulk silicon (see Fig. \[fig:geometry\]). Electrons are modelled as point charges traveling along the center axis of the wire, confined to interval $-\frac{L}{2}<x<\frac{L}{2}$ by hard walls, representing the InP layers. We consider length $L$ from $110$nm to $500$nm. The electron-electron interaction $U(x_1-x_2)$ was calculated using the commercial finite-element program Comsolto solve the classical Poisson equation for a point charge on the axis of an infinite wire above in a substrate with the geometry described in Fig. \[fig:geometry\]. At short distance $\Delta x$, the potential was softened to account for the finite thickness of the electron wavefunction, by replacing $\Delta x^{-1}$ with $[(\Delta
x)^2+R^2]^{-1/2}$. Following the approximation used by Topinka [@topinka_thesis], we model the negatively charged probe as a fixed point charge of strength $q$ at a location $\vec{r_0}$ relative to the center point of the wire. This gives rise to a one-body potential $V(x;\vec{r_{0}},q)$ for an electron on the wire axis at point $x$, which we again obtain by solving the Poisson equation (results are shown in Fig. \[fig:tip\]).
In this paper, we diagonalize the exact 1D many-body Hamiltonian with the Lanczos method [@lanczos] for up to electron number $N=4$: $$\label{equ:Hamiltonian}
=E~\Psi,$$ where $\Psi$ is the full many-body wavefunction, depending on the position $x_i$ and spin $\sigma_{i}$ of the electrons. To connect to the experimentally observable variables, we consider the Coulomb blockade peak $\emph{positions}$ of the transition from $(N-1)$ to $N$ electron ground states. The conductance through the quantum wire is maximum when the chemical potential difference between the lead and the wire, controlled by the voltage $V_g$ on a back gate, is equal to the ground state energy difference between the two states in question. We may write this condition as $\Delta E
\equiv E_{N} - E_{N-1} = \alpha V_g + \beta $, where $\beta$ is a constant and $\alpha$ is the proportionality constant between changes in the back gate voltage and the chemical potential in the quantum dot. We probe the electronic states in the quantum wire through the dependence of $\Delta E$ on the tip position $\vec{r_0}$ and potential strength $q$. An interesting set of spatially resolved information about the electrons in the wire can be extracted from this function, and we call this method “Coulomb blockade microscopy”. It is a special application of the “scanning probe microscopy” developed by the Westervelt group [@topinka_science]. In calculations in this paper we focus on the transition from $N=3$ to $N=4$ electrons, but most of our conclusions are easily generalizable to other ground state transitions.
Finally, we note that for four non-interacting electrons with spin in a wire of radius $R=10nm$, when the dot length $L>L_m=18.2~nm$, the lowest four single particle energy levels are all longitudinal modes. The shortest wire length we consider in this paper $L=110nm\gg L_m$, we therefore expect the wires under consideration can be well approximated as strictly 1D under the assumption of weak interaction effects. Indeed, the gap between the transverse ground state and first excited state for our wire is $\Delta E\approx 148meV$. The most confined geometry we discuss is shown in Fig. \[fig:length\_strong\_tip\]: a $L=110nm$ wire with four electrons under an extremely strong tips, squeezing them into the both ends of the wire. Even in that case, the *total* energy per electron is less than $140meV$, not enough to cause an excited transverse mode, with full interaction effects taken into account. Thus we expect the quantum wire to be well approximated by a 1D model for all the parameters we explored in this paper.
The existence of higher transverse modes will lead to a renormalization of the effective electron-electron interaction (generally a softening of the potential at short distances) even if the energies of the modes are well above the Fermi energy. This is because two electrons that come close together in the lowest transverse mode will mix, virtually, with states where the electrons are in excited modes. As our calculations use, already, a crude phenomenological cut-off at short distances, we do not include explicitly effects of this renormalization. Technically, the existence of higher transverse modes can also lead to three-body and four-body effective interactions, arising from three-body and four-body collisions, but we do not expect such higher body terms to be important in the wires under consideration.
We want to emphasize that although we choose a specific wire geometry and a specific form of interaction that model some characteristics of the setup of the Westervelt group’s on-going experiments, most features of the Coulomb blockade micrographs we discuss below are applicable to any 1D quantum dot system under a mobile potential. Indeed, our discussions of the qualitative features of Coulomb blockade micrographs under both the weak-tip and the strong-tip limits rely only on the general properties of 1D electronic systems, independent of the specific geometry and interaction we adopt. Our numerical results mostly serve for illustrative purposes.
Electronic Density {#density}
![\[fig:length\_density\](Color Online) Electronic densities for a $L=110nm$ wire and for a $L=500nm$ wire in absence of tip potential. Only the right half is shown, as the plot is symmetric about $x=0$. We rescale the $x$ and $\rho(x)$ with wire length $L$ to ease the comparison.](length_density_comparison_03.eps){width="40.00000%"}
In the absence of a probe potential $V$, both the $N=3$ and $N=4$ wires the electronic density profile $\rho(x)$ undergoes a crossover as a function of $L$ from a liquid state characterized by a $2k_F$ Friedel oscillations to a quasi-Wigner crystal state characterized by a $4k_F$ density oscillation. Such a crossover from a liquid state to quasi-Wigner states with a decrease in density a very generic phenomenon for 1D interacting fermion system [@greg_prb; @matveev_prb]. Indeed, for any interacting decaying no faster than $x^{-2}$ at long distance a quasi-Wigner crystal state is known to emerge at low density [@matveev_prb]. This requirement for interaction will hold for a system with long screening length as compared to mean inter-particle distance, as is the case for our geometry when the screening doped silicon layer is relatively far ($100\mu m$) away. For our specific geometry and interaction, the crossover happens at around density $\rho^*\approx
35\mu m^{-1}$. A Wigner crystallized density variation is shown in the dashed curve of Fig. \[fig:length\_density\] for a quantum dot of $L=500nm$, whereas for $L=110$ the four electron density exhibits Friedel oscillations.
Weak Tip Limit {#weak}
![\[fig:height\_gap\](Color Online) Coulomb blockade micrographs for a 1D dot with $L=500$nm and tip charge $q=0.02e$ for three tip potential shown in Fig.\[fig:tip\]. Again, the right half is shown.](L0_5_z_comparison_04.eps){width="40.00000%"}
![\[fig:length\_gap\](Color Online) $q=0.02e$ weak tip limit for the $N=3$ to $N=4$ Coulomb blockade transition for densities shown in Fig. \[fig:length\_density\]. The tip distance to the wire is $z_0=30nm$. Only the right half is shown.](length_gap_comparison_05.eps){width="40.00000%"}
![\[fig:length\_strong\_tip\](Color Online) $q=8e$ strong tip limit for the $N=3$ to $N=4$ Coulomb blockade transition for densities shown in Fig. \[fig:length\_density\] The tip to wire distance is $30nm$. Only the right half is scanned. ](length_gap_comparison_large_q_06.eps){width="40.00000%"}
Now we introduce a weak tip potential, corresponding to a negatively charged tip of strength $q=0.02e$, scanning above the center axis of the quantum wire along its direction $(1,0,0)$, with the tip location vector $\vec{r_0}=(x_0,0,z_0)$. For a 1D quantum dot of length $L=500nm$, which as shown in Fig. \[fig:length\_density\] has $4k_F$ Wigner-crystal density variation, let us consider the three tip heights above the quantum wire, $z_0=30nm, 50nm, 100nm$, corresponding to the three tip potential shown in Fig. \[fig:tip\]. The resulting Coulomb blockade peak position $\Delta E$ as a function of the tip coordinate $x_0$ along the wire, i.e. the Coulomb blockade micrograph, is shown in Fig. \[fig:height\_gap\]. Clearly, in Fig. \[fig:tip\] the closer the tip approaches the wire, the more localized is the tip potential and a sharper tip potential make it easier to resolve the density variations, this is reflected in Coulomb blockade micrograph scans in Fig. \[fig:height\_gap\]. At $z_0=30nm, 50nm$ from the tip to the center of the wire, the $4k_F$ density oscillation of the quasi-Wigner crystal state on the right can be detected in the Coulomb blockade micrograph, whereas when $z_0=100nm$ away, the tip potential becomes much too broad to resolve the fine features of the density oscillations. We note that although the resolution of the tip is largely determined by the distance $z_0$, the contrast of a Coulomb blockade micrograph, i.e. the magnitude of the $4k_F$ variations in the micrographs, can be improved by modestly increasing the tip potential.
By contrast, in Fig. \[fig:length\_gap\] the $L=110$nm micrograph at $z_0=30nm$ does not show features of Wigner crystal oscillations. However, this micrograph does not by itself give a clearcut indication of the absence of Wigner crystal order for $L=110$nm. With the current interaction and tip parameters, one cannot observe the crossover from the Wigner crystal to the Friedel oscillations because it happens at a inter-particle spacing $\Delta x\approx30nm$, below the resolution of the micrograph even at $z=30$nm. To be more specific, we may define the onset of Wigner-crystal order for our four-electron system as the length $L$ at which there first appears a local minimum of the mean density $\rho(x)$ in the vicinity of $x/L = 0.25$. According to our calculations, this should occur at L=135 nm. However, with the tip at height 30nm, in the weak charge limit, the resolution of the micrograph is of the order of 60nm, so we would not see a secondary minimum in the micrograph signal until $L \geq 250 nm.$
To gain a more intuitive understanding of a weak tip Coulomb blockade micrograph, we observe that a weak tip only slightly disturbs the electron density as it scans across the wire, thus, a simple first order perturbation theory should be a good approximation to compute the ground state energy in the presence of the tip potential: $$\label{equ:perturbation}
=\int dx~V(\vec{r_0};q,x) \rho(x),$$ where $\rho(x)$ is the non-interacting ground state density and $E_0(\vec{r_0},q)$ is its energy. We have checked that for tip charges up to $q=0.1e$ the simple first order perturbation theory gives a decent fit to both the ground state energy and the Coulomb blockade micrograph. Since both the width and the center location of the tip potential $V(\vec{r_0};q,x)$ can be adjusted experimentally, the Coulomb blockade microscopy with a weak tip potential provides a flexible way to map the electronic densities in a quantum dot. Indeed, as an example of such flexibility, we find that one can improve the “contrast” of a Coulomb blockade micrograph; i.e., the prominence of the spatial variations in micrographs like Fig. \[fig:height\_gap\] as compared with the total energy shift $E_4-E_3$, can be improved by slightly increasing the tip potential while still staying within the weak tip perturbative approximation.
Strong Tip Limit {#strong}
![\[fig:strong\_tip\_density\]Electronic densities in $L=500nm$, $N=4$ quantum wire as a tip $q=8e$ scan through $0\leq
x_0\leq 250nm$. The density throughout the entire wire $-250nm\le x\le
250nm$ is shown.](L0_5_density_four_07.eps){width="48.00000%"}
In the opposite limit of strong tip, the Coulomb blockade tip scans present a very different physical picture. In Fig. \[fig:length\_strong\_tip\] we observe that irrespective of whether the electronic state is liquid or Wigner-crystal like as shown in Fig. \[fig:length\_density\], the Coulomb blockade micrographs show similar behavior: in the case of $N=3$ to $N=4$ transition, both the $L=110$nm and $L=500$nm wire show two relatively sharp peaks for a large tip charge $q=8$. This is in contrast with the case of a weak tip Fig. \[fig:length\_gap\], where the Coulomb blockade micrographs show smooth spatial dependence as well as sensitivity to the electronic states in the absence of the tip potential.
To understand the physics of this strong tip limit we note that the two sharp cusps in Fig. \[fig:length\_strong\_tip\] represents discontinuous slope changes in the $N=4$ electron ground state energy as a function of tip position $x_0$. Similarly the deep valley in the figure corresponds to a cusp in $N=3$ ground state energy. The origin of these three discontinuities in slopes can be seen in Fig. \[fig:strong\_tip\_density\]. In this limit, the negatively charged tip potential is so strong that it depletes the electronic density under it. Thus the tip creates an effective partition of the electrons in the wire into left and right sub-quantum dot. As shown in Fig. \[fig:strong\_tip\_density\], as the tip move from the center to right of the wire with four electrons, the partitions of the electrons undergoes two abrupt transitions $(2,2)\to(3,1)\to(4,0)$. These two transitions correspond to the two upward cusps shown in the $N=4$ curve in Fig. \[fig:length\_strong\_tip\]. Similarly, the discontinuous slope change shown on the $N=3$ curve of the Fig. \[fig:length\_strong\_tip\] corresponds to the transition between the $(2,1)\to(3,0)$ partition of the ground state. Thus the three discontinuities seen in the Coulomb blockade micrographs in Fig. \[fig:length\_strong\_tip\] correspond to, alternately, the transitions between the integer partitioning of total electron numbers in the $N=3$ and $N=4$ system. The upward slope of the curve near $x_0=0$ reflects an additional downward cusp at the origin, due to the transition (1,2)$\to$(2,1) in the $N=3$ wire.
![\[fig:strong\_schematic\] Schematic illustrations of partition of the four-electron state by the potential barrier under a strong tip potential. In (a) and (b), single-electron energy levels are shown for non-interacting electrons, for two positions of the tip. Because of spin degeneracy, we find either two electrons in each well, or all four in the same well, when the energy of the single-electron ground state on the right becomes higher than the first excited level on the left. In (c)-(e), we “incorporate” interaction energy into “single electron levels” schematically by plotting the energy needed to add an additional electron. In drawing energy levels this way, it is clear that the spin degeneracy in the non-interacting case is lifted by electron interaction, and an additional (3,1) partition will appear for the “energy level” arrangement in (d). Filled circles show electrons in occupied levels.](strong_schematic_08.eps){width="50.00000%"}
To better understand the transitions between different partitions, let us consider the transitions in a model of $N=4$ electrons, with spin, which have no Coulomb repulsion between them but interact with a repulsive tip potential. The scenario is illustrated in Fig. \[fig:strong\_schematic\], panels $(a)-(b)$. When tip is near the center of the wire, the electrons are partitioned $(2,2)$ and both electrons in each side reside in the single-particle ground state. As the tip moves rightward, the energy levels rise in the right partition and fall in the left. When the first excited level on the left partition crosses the ground state on the right, $\emph{both}$ electrons will move to the left partition. Therefore, contrary to the interacting case, there is no energetically favorable state of $(3,1)$ partitioning in the non-interacting system. In the $N=3$ case, the $(2,1)$ partition is not affected by this, and for non-interacting system the transition $(2,1)\to(3,0)$ will coincide with the transition in $N=4$, so the Coulomb blockade micrograph will show only a single peak. This analysis can also be generalized to a wire containing multiple non-interacting electrons, such that all the $(odd,odd)$ partitionings of electron number will be missing.
As schematically illustrated in Fig. \[fig:strong\_schematic\], panels $(c)-(e)$, when we take electron interaction into consideration, the one and two electron state would no longer be degenerate in either partition, so contrary to the non-interacting scenarios in panel $(a)-(b)$, here a $(3,1)$ partition can survive as an intermediate stage between the $(2,2)$ and $(4,0)$ partitions. With the non-interacting case in mind, we postulate that the distance between two peaks in $N=3$ to $N=4$ micrographs, corresponding to the tip positions where $(3,1)$ partitioning in the $N=4$ wire is stable, can serve as an indicator of the relative importance of the interaction energy versus the sum of kinetic and single particle potential energies. The less important interaction is compared to single particle energies, the less splitting would the one and two particle energies be, and the smaller is the region of stable $(3,1)$ partition. This can be seen in Fig. \[fig:length\_strong\_tip\]. The potential energy should have a larger share in the total energy in the longer wire with lower electronic density, and indeed we observe that the longer wire has a wider distance between the two peaks marking $(2,2)\to(3,1)$ and $(3,1)\to(4,0)$ transitions.
Intermediate Tip Charge {#intermediate}
![\[fig:micrograph\_tip\] (Color Online). $q=0.6e$ and $q=1.8e$ intermediate tip potentials for $N=3$ to $N=4$ Coulomb blockade transition in a wire of length $L=180nm$. The tip distance to the wire is $z_0=30nm$. Only the right half is shown.](micrograph_tip_09.eps){width="40.00000%"}
![\[fig:density\_under\_tip\](Color Online) Electronic density for a $L=180nm$ wire under three tip potentials, with effective charges $q=0e$, $q=0.6e$ and $q=1.8e$. Only the right half is shown, as the plot is symmetric about $x=0$. We rescale the $x$ and $\rho(x)$ with the wire length $L$.](density_under_tip_10.eps){width="40.00000%"}
We have carried out calculations with various tip charges intermediate between the two limits discussed above. In general, the larger the charge on the tip, the more readily one sees the secondary minima in the micrograph signal, which are seen in Fig. \[fig:length\_strong\_tip\] for a charge $q=8e$, even at $L=110 nm$. As one illustration, for a wire of length 180 nm, with a tip height of 30 nm, we find that the micrograph signal shows a secondary minimum at $x/L \approx 0.15$ for $q=1.8e$, but shows no secondary minimum when $q=0.6e$, as seen in Fig. \[fig:micrograph\_tip\] However, if we calculate the electron density in the wire when the tip is over the center of the wire ($x_0 =
0$), we find that a tip charge of $q=0.6e$ is enough to substantially modify the density relative to the density in the absence of the tip. As seen in Fig. \[fig:density\_under\_tip\], the electron density below the tip, at $x=0$ is reduced by a factor of three relative to the density with no tip charge. Nevertheless, the oscillations seen in $\rho(x)$ remain qualitatively similar to structure seen in the absence of the tip. For example, the charged tip only pushes out the position of the secondary minimum in the density from $x/L=0.25$ to $x/L=0.3$.
In general, when we increase the tip potential to intermediate values, the resolution of our micrographs improves compared with the weak tip limit. This is evident in the fact that at $q=1.8e$ we can already see signs of Wigner crystallization at $L=180nm$, in contrast with the weak tip case with $q=0.02e$ where we can only detect quasi-Wigner crystal at $L=250nm$. On the other hand, at $q=1.8e$ there is *no* signature of Wigner crystallization when the electrons are in a liquid state in a $L=110nm$ wire. Thus we do not have “false positive” signature of quasi-Wigner crystal, in contrast with the strong tip limit described in Section\[strong\], where the micrographs show $N$ peaks for a $N$-electron wire regardless whether, in the wire in the absence of the tip, the electrons are in a liquid or a quasi-Wigner crystal state.
Because of these two characteristics, an intermediate tip potential may help an experimentalist to reliably detect the presence of a quasi-Wigner crystal state in a shorter, higher density wire closer to the crossover from a liquid state.
Single Electron
Beyond the system of interacting electrons discussed above, a possible further application of Coulomb blockade microscopy is to experimentally “map” the rugged potential landscape produced by wire inhomogeneities and charged impurities in the substrate. One would focus on the transition from $N=0$ to $N=1$ state, in which case the Coulomb blockade micrograph would reveal information about the single particle density. By inverting the transformation in Eq. \[equ:perturbation\], one may be able to approximately obtain the single particle ground state density $\rho(x)$. In the absence of an external magnetic field, the ground state wavefunction $\psi(x)$ has no nodes and can be chosen to be $\psi(x)=(\rho(x))^{1/2}$ It is then straightforward to invert the Schrödinger’s equation to extract the potential landscape from the single particle wavefunction.
In summary, in this paper we show that tracking the peak position shift as a charged mobile tip moves above and across a nanowire, a technique we term Coulomb blockade microscopy, can reveal spatially-resolved information about the electronic density and states of a quantum 1D dot. A weak tip potential can serve as a probe with a tunable width, to reveal the spatial distribution of the electronic density in the wire. A strong tip potential that depletes part of the wire can be used to manipulate individual electrons from one partition to the other, and the accompanying Coulomb blockade micrograph can indicate the transitions between different partitionings. Furthermore, a feature of the resulting micrograph, the distance between peaks marking the $(odd,odd)$ partitioning, can serve as an indicator of the relative strength of the interaction.
In this paper we have chosen extreme values of the tip charge $q$ to illustrate the physics in the two limits. However, our calculations show that the discussions above hold true for a wider range of moderately small and large values of $q$.
To obtain a quantitative description of the energy shifts expected in Coulomb blockade microscopy, particularly in the intermediate coupling regime, we see that it is necessary to perform a realistic calculation, which takes into account both the electron-electron interaction and the non-linear effects of the charged tip on the electronic state of the wire. If one is prepared to carry out such a calculation, however, Coulomb blockade microscopy can be a powerful probe of interaction effects in the wire.
We would like to thank Erin Boyd, Halvar Trodahl and Jesse Berezovsky and especially Bob Westervelt for helpful discussions. This work is supported in part by NSF grants PHY-0646094 and DMR-0906475. Numerical work was performed in part at the Center for Nanoscale Systems, a member of the National Nanotechnology Infrastructure Network (NNIN) supported by NSF award ECS-0335765. JQ is also supported in part by NIM and DFG through SFB 631.
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| {
"pile_set_name": "ArXiv"
} | ArXiv |
abstract: 'We present experimental observations of the velocity and spatial distribution of inertial particles dispersed in the turbulent downward flow through a vertical channel at friction Reynolds numbers $\Rey_\tau = 235$ and 335. The working fluid is air laden with size-selected glass micro-spheres, having Stokes numbers St = $\mathcal{O}$(10) and $\mathcal{O}$(100) when based on the Kolmogorov and viscous time scales, respectively. Cases at solid volume fractions $\phi_v = 3\times10^{-6}$ and $5\times10^{-5}$ are considered. In the more dilute regime, the particle concentration profile shows near-wall and centerline maxima compatible with a turbophoretic drift down the gradient of turbulence intensity; the particles travel at similar speed as the unladen flow except in the near-wall region; and their velocity fluctuations generally follow the unladen flow level over the channel core, exceeding it in the near-wall region. The denser regime presents substantial differences in all measured statistics: the near-wall concentration peak is much more pronounced, while the centerline maximum is absent; the mean particle velocity decreases over the logarithmic and buffer layers; and particle velocity fluctuations and deposition velocities are enhanced. An analysis of the spatial distributions of particle positions and velocities reveals different behaviors in the core and near-wall regions. In the channel core, dense clusters form which are somewhat elongated, tend to be preferentially aligned with the vertical/streamwise direction, and travel faster than the less concentrated particles. In the near-wall region, the particles arrange in highly elongated streaks associated to negative streamwise velocity fluctuations, several channel height in length and spaced by $\mathcal{O}$(100) wall units, supporting the view that these are coupled to fluid low-speed streaks typical of wall turbulence. The particle velocity fields contain a significant component of random uncorrelated motion, more prominent for higher St and in the near-wall region.'
- 'Kee Onn Fong ^,^ , Omid Amili'
- 'Filippo Coletti^,^'
- 'keeonn.bib'
title: Velocity and spatial distribution of inertial particles in a turbulent channel flow
Wall-bounded turbulent flows laden with inertial particles are relevant to a broad spectrum of environmental, biomedical and industrial processes. Examples include sediment transport in rivers [@nino1996], aerosol inhalation in human airways [@kleinstreuer2010], and reactors in chemical engineering processes [@capecelatro2014]. The motion of heavy particles in homogeneous turbulence is already complex, featuring well-known (though not fully understood) phenomena such as preferential concentration and consequent clustering (@eaton1994, @monchaux2012, @bragg2014, @gustavsson2016). The latter is thought to be maximized when the particle response time, $\tau_p$, is comparable to the Kolmogorov time scale, $\tau_\eta$, such that the Stokes number $St_\eta = \tau_p/\tau_\eta$ is of order unity (@wang1993, @fessler1994). In the presence of a wall, a mean drift of the particles sets up following the negative gradient of turbulence intensity (so-called turbophoresis) and causing a segregation of particles towards the wall (@caporaloni1975, @reeks1983, @young1997, @guha2008, @fouxon2018). The relevant parameter is usually considered the Stokes number $St^+ = \tau_p/\tau_{\nu}$, where $\tau_{\nu}$ is the viscous time scale, with strong turbophoresis for $St^+ \sim 10\,–\,100$ (e.g., @marchioli2002, @sardina2012a, @bernardini2014). Moreover, inertial particles were experimentally observed to arrange in long near-wall streaks (@kaftori1995a, @kaftori1995b, @nino1996), and numerical simulations demonstrated the role of coherent turbulent structures in determining such behavior (@mclaughlin1989; @zhang2000; @rouson2001; @marchioli2002; @soldati2009; @sardina2012a; @nilsen2013; @richter2013; @bernardini2014). For typical Reynolds numbers used in laboratory and computational studies, the parameter ranges leading to both clustering and turbophoresis overlap. In fact, it has been argued that both phenomena represent different aspects of the same process [@sardina2012a]. Moreover, although rarely discussed in particle-laden turbulence studies, inelastic particle collisions may also contribute to near-wall particle accumulation [@hrenya1997].
Most of the studies mentioned above considered very dilute particles smaller than all scales of the flow – a regime in which the backreaction of the dispersed phase on the carrier fluid is usually deemed negligible. According to @elghobashi1994, this condition (referred to as one-way coupling) is satisfied only for volume fractions $\phi_v \leq $ $\mathcal{O}$$(10^{-6})$, while at higher loadings the particles do influence the turbulence (two-way coupling). Such classification, however, was merely proposed as a guideline for numerical approaches; the boundary between both regimes is problem-dependent and is affected by other physical parameters, including the particle-to-fluid density ratio, $\rho_p/\rho_f$. In wall-bounded turbulence, the flow dynamics and the local particle concentration also evolve with wall distance, especially in presence of turbophoresis. Several numerical studies investigated the two-way coupled regime by direct numerical simulation (DNS) of wall turbulence, representing the particles as material points that exchange momentum with the fluid (see, for example, @pan1996; @vreman2007; @zhao2010; @dritselis2011; @richter2013; @richter2014; @li2016; @wang2018). The particles were found to affect the ejection-sweep cycle, the dynamics of streamwise vortices, the formation and strength of hairpin eddies, and in general to significantly modify the fluid Reynolds stresses. These modifications to the flow, in turn, altered the particle transport and thus their concentration and velocity statistics. With increasing of the particle mass loading, $\phi_m = \phi_v\times\rho_p/\rho_f$ , simulations also indicated the sizeable effect of inter-particle collision (four-way coupling), notably in reducing the near-wall concentration otherwise enhanced by turbophoresis (@li2001; @vreman2007, @nasr2009, @kuerten2015). Recently @capecelatro2018 demonstrated a dramatic change from shear-production-dominated to drag-production-dominated regimes when the mass loading increased from $\mathcal{O}$(0.1) to $\mathcal{O}$(10).
Despite the remarkable insight offered by the point-particle approach, this method presents well-known limitations, partly related to the point-wise forcing on the fluid computational grid (@eaton2009, @balachandar2010). To overcome these shortcomings, advanced simulation strategies have been proposed (@capecelatro2013, @gualtieri2015, @horwitz2016, @ireland2017, @balachandar2019). In general, our understanding of the physics of two-way coupled particle-laden turbulence is still incomplete, and as a result any simplified model may miss or misestimate significant aspects [@balachandar2010]. The availability of ever-increasing computational capabilities has allowed particle-resolved DNS to investigate relatively large numbers of particles in wall-bounded turbulent flows without the need of modeling the momentum exchange (@garcia2012; @picano2015; @lin2017; @wang2017). Those studies, however, can typically deal with $\mathcal{O}$$(10^{4})$ particles much larger than the viscous scales, as opposed to the millions of sub-Kolmogorov particles usually present in point-particle simulations. The latter situation is most relevant to gas-solid mixtures.
In this scenario, the importance of well-controlled laboratory experiments is paramount to reach a predictive understanding of these regimes, and to inform and validate numerical models. Unfortunately, similar studies are rare in the literature and cover limited portions of the parameter space. Several past experiments considered particle-laden water flows with $\rho_p/\rho_f =$ $\mathcal{O}$(1) and particle diameters of several wall units (@kaftori1995a; @kaftori1995b; @nino1996; @kiger2002; @righetti2004; @rabencov2014; @oliveira2017; @shokri2017). These conditions are relevant to sediment transport and pipelines, but not to other important applications such as dust and particulate transport in air. For gas-solid suspensions, a non-exhaustive list of previous experiments and their relevant physical parameters is provided in table 1. the main reference is represented by the vertical channel flow measurements by Eaton and co-workers. In particular, @fessler1994 and @kulick1994 provided seminal insight into preferential concentration and turbulence modulation for a variety of regimes. However, @benson2005 showed that their apparatus presented substantial wall roughness due to particle deposition on the walls, which according to @vreman2015 partly explained the disagreement with simulations. @benson2005 repeated the measurements with a smooth test section, only focusing on the most inertial particles that did not display turbophoresis. @taniere1997 investigated a particle-laden boundary layer in a horizontal wind tunnel, focusing on particles with $St^+ > 270$. As in all horizontal flow configurations, the particle concentration profile was strongly impacted by gravity. @kussin2002 measured particle motion and concentration as well as turbulence modulation in a horizontal channel flow with rough walls. Their particles were highly inertial and could not display turbophoresis or turbulence-induced clustering. @caraman2003 considered a vertical particle-laden pipe flow in a regime where turbophoresis is expected, and carried out a detailed analysis of the moments of the particle velocity. Still, comparison with simulations was hampered by the measurement station being downstream of the pipe exit, the lack of concentration profiles, and possible wall roughness [@vreman2007]. @khalitov2003 conducted measurements in a vertical channel flow laden with glass spheres of various sizes, covering a range of Stokes numbers for which turbophoresis is expected. They documented both particle-particle and gas-particle , but not the concentration profiles. @hadinoto2005 considered a vertical pipe flow laden with glass beads that were too inertial to segregate at the wall. @li2012 imaged inertial particles at $St^+ \approx 100$ in a range of concentrations where two-way coupling effects are expected to be weak. Because their channel was horizontal and they only reported data near the bottom wall, possible turbophoresis was not distinguishable from gravitational settling.
Overall, there is a clear lack of laboratory observations of wall-bounded gas-solid flows in regimes where preferential concentration and turbophoresis are at play. In particular, little is known on the changes occurring when varying the loading across what is considered the boundary between one-way and two-way coupling. Liquid-solid flow studies cannot compensate for these deficiencies in the literature, as the momentum coupling is heavily affected by the density ratio. Importantly, concentration profiles are seldom reported, and therefore near-wall segregation (clearly evident in simulations) has not been fully documented. The seminal studies usually cited as experimental evidence of this phenomenon (e.g., @kaftori1995a; @kaftori1995b) were carried out in horizontal flumes where gravitational effects may be important. In order to bridge such knowledge gap, the present study experimentally investigates the transport of small solid particles in turbulent air flowing downward in a smooth-wall vertical channel. We focus on regimes (summarized in table 1) for which significant clustering and turbophoresis are expected, and use planar imaging to analyze the particle behavior for different levels of mass loading. The paper is organized as follows: in §2 we describe the laboratory facility and the methods used to conduct the experiments and analyze the data; in §3 we present the wall-normal profiles of particle concentration and velocities, and the spatial fields along wall-parallel planes at the channel core and near the wall; conclusions and an outlook for further research are provided in §4.
----------------------- ----------- ----------- --------- ------------------------------------ -- --------------------------- ---------------
$Re_\tau$ $St^+$ $d^+$ $\phi_v$ Configuration Wall quality
\[3pt\] @fessler1994 630 27-150 0.8-3 $5\times10^{-5}$ -$2\times10^{-4}$ Vertical channel Rough
\[3pt\] @kulick1994 630 1500-2000 2.5-3 $5\times10^{-5}$ -$2\times10^{-4}$ Vertical channel Rough
\[3pt\] @taniere1997 1700 270-540 1.6-2.3 $5\times10^{-6}$ Horizontal boundary layer Smooth
\[3pt\] @kussin2002 700-1300 570-7800 3-38 $4\times10^{-4}$-$4\times10^{-3}$ Horizontal channel Rough
\[3pt\] @caraman2003 133 70 0.8 $5\times10^{-5}$ Vertical pipe Smooth
\[3pt\] @khalitov2003 238 50-3190 0.6-5.1 $5\times10^{-5}$ Vertical channel Smooth
\[3pt\] @hadinoto2005 253-544 730-2700 0.8-15 $3\times10^{-4}$ Vertical pipe Smooth
\[3pt\] @benson2005 630 1800 5 $7\times10^{-5}$ Vertical channel Smooth, rough
\[3pt\] @li2012 430 100 1.7 $3\times10^{-7}$ -$5\times10^{-6}$ Horizontal channel Smooth
\[3pt\] Present study 235-335 64-130 0.8-1.1 $3\times10^{-6}$ -$5\times10^{-5}$ Vertical channel Smooth
----------------------- ----------- ----------- --------- ------------------------------------ -- --------------------------- ---------------
: A list of experimental studies addressing gas-solid wall-bounded flows. When not explicitly reported in the referenced papers, the parameters are calculated using information therein.[]{data-label="tab:past-exp"}
Experimental method {#sec:method}
Experimental facility and parameters
Experiments are conducted in a vertical recirculating wind tunnel depicted in figure \[fig:solidworks\_diagram\], featuring a 1.9 m long rectangular channel with a 0.24 m by 0.03 m cross-section. A 1.5 kW centrifugal blower (Atlantic Blowers) controlled by a frequency converter drives air downwards, and the flow rate is continuously monitored via a Venturi flowmeter. Before the air enters the channel, size-selected glass beads (Mo-Sci Corp.) with a density of 2500 kg/m^3^ and diameter of 50 $\pm$ 6 (mean $\pm$ standard deviation measured by optical microscopy over $\mathcal{O}$$(10^4)$ samples) are injected into the flow through a precision screw-feeder (Vibra Screw Inc.). A flow conditioning section consisting of four screens and three honeycombs is placed at the channel inlet to disperse the particles uniformly. The measurement station consists of a 0.3 m long, fully transparent acrylic section that follows a 1.6 m long development section. The latter has a through-flow time 25 - 40 times larger than the particle response time, depending on the air flow regime. Integration of the particle equation of motion with the Schiller and Neumann’s correction [@clift2005] indicates that the particles reach their terminal velocity in about half the time it takes them to reach the test section. The particles exhausted from the channel are collected in a 109-liter settling chamber, allowing for the run times needed to achieve well-converged statistics without particles being ingested into the blower. Electrostatic dissipative acrylic (SciCron Technologies) is used to build the optical test section, and the channel is provided with static discharge wires grounded to structural supports. This prevents the particles from accumulating upon impaction and building up unwanted roughness, an effect that has impacted past experiments [@benson2005].
![A schematic diagram of the particle-laden channel flow facility and its main elements.[]{data-label="fig:solidworks_diagram"}](expdiagram){width="130.00000%"}
The fluid and particle parameters for the investigated cases are listed in table 2. Two flow rates are considered, associated friction Reynolds numbers $Re_\tau$ = 235 and 335, respectively. The particle Reynolds number, defined with the still-air terminal velocity of the particles $V_t = \tau_pg = $ 0.17 m/s as a representative relative velocity with respect to the fluid, is $Re_p<1$ (here g is the gravitational acceleration). Using the particle root mean square (rms) of the particle velocity fluctuations as a velocity scale leads to higher values, but still within $Re_p = $ $\mathcal{O}$(1), suggesting that particle wakes negligibly affect the flow. The Froude number, defined as the ratio of the centerline fluid velocity over the still-air settling velocity, satisfies the condition $Fr\gg1$. It has been argued that this warrants a negligible influence of gravity (see the boundary layer study of @sardina2012b, where the freestream velocity is used to define $Fr$). However, this condition is not strictly applicable to the near-wall region where the fluid velocity vanishes. Moreover, for particle-turbulence interaction the relevant velocity scale is arguably the fluid rms fluctuation, which at the channel centerline is of the same order as the still-air settling velocity. Indeed, recent measurements in a vertical pipe from @oliveira2017 at $Fr>10$ show large differences in particle behavior between downward and upward flow. Therefore, we will not generalize the present findings to other channel orientations, as gravity may play a significant role in this regime (as also discussed in §3).
------------------------------------------------------------------ ------- -------
LoSt HiSt
\[3pt\] Fluid density, $\rho_f$ (kg m^-3^)
\[3pt\] Kinematic viscosity, $\nu$ (m^2^ s^-1^)
\[3pt\] Channel half height, $h$ (mm)
\[3pt\] Fluid centerline velocity, $U_c$ (m s^-1^) 4.41 6.51
\[3pt\] Fluid bulk velocity, $U_{bulk}$ (m s^-1^) 3.01 4.66
\[3pt\] Bulk Reynolds number, $Re_{bulk}=2hU_{bulk}/\nu$ 6020 9320
\[3pt\] Fluid friction velocity, $U_{\tau}$ (m s^-1^) 0.235 0.335
\[3pt\] Friction Reynolds number, $Re_{\tau}=hU_{\tau}/\nu$ 235 335
\[3pt\] Viscous lengthscale, $\lambda_{\nu}$ () 64 45
\[3pt\] Viscous timescale, $\tau_{\nu}$ (ms) 0.27 0.13
\[3pt\] Kolmogorov scale close to centerline, $\eta_c$ () 200 150
\[3pt\] Kolmogorov timescale (at centerline), $\tau_{\eta}$ (ms) 2.6 1.5
\[3pt\] Density, $\rho_p$ (kg m^-3^)
\[3pt\] Mean diameter, $d_p$ ()
\[3pt\] Mean diameter in wall units, $d_p^+$ 0.78 1.1
\[3pt\] Aerodynamic response time, $\tau_p$ (ms)
\[3pt\] Reynolds number, $Re_p = d_p\tau_pg/\nu$
\[3pt\] Froude number, $Fr = U_c/(\tau_pg)$ 26 38
\[3pt\] Kolmogorov-based Stokes number, $St_{\eta}$ 6.7 11.5
\[3pt\] Viscous Stokes number, $St^+$ 64 130
\[3pt\] Restitution coefficient, $e$
------------------------------------------------------------------ ------- -------
: Fluid and particle parameters for the investigated cases. []{data-label="tab:params"}
The regimes $Re_\tau = 235$ and 335 are associated different fluid timescales, resulting in two different Stokes number cases referred to as LoSt and HiSt, respectively. The change in Reynolds number, while not inconsequential, is expected to have a lesser impact over the considered range compared to the variation in $St$. The range of $St^+$ and $St_\eta$ (the latter being defined with the Kolmogorov timescale at the channel centerline in the unladen flow) suggests significant turbophoresis and preferential concentration. For each Stokes number, two sets of measurements are carried out by changing the screw size in the particle feeder, resulting in volume fractions $\phi_v = 3\times10^{-6}$ (for a mass loading $\phi_m = 0.6\%$) and $5\times10^{-5}$ ($\phi_m = 10\%$), referred to as LoVF and HiVF, respectively. These correspond to global concentrations $C_0 = $ 46 and 880 particles/cm^3^, respectively. The four-case matrix is summarized in table \[tab:expcases\]. The fluid phase parameters in table \[tab:params\] are based on the unladen flow, characterized by particle image velocimetry (PIV) as described in the following. While the mass loading for the LoVF cases is not expected to produce sizeable changes in the fluid flow, in the HiVF cases the turbulence is likely to be impacted [@kulick1994], and therefore the listed values of the flow properties should be regarded as estimates.
------------------------------------- ------------- ----------------
Parameters $St^+ = 64$ $ St^+ = 130 $
\[3pt\] $ \phi_v = 3\times10^{-6} $ LoSt-LoVF HiSt-LoVF
\[3pt\] $ \phi_v = 5\times10^{-5} $ LoSt-HiVF HiSt-HiVF
------------------------------------- ------------- ----------------
: Cases studied in this experiment and respective notation.[]{data-label="tab:expcases"}
Measurement methods
The imaging system consists of a double-pulsed Nd:YAG laser (30 mJ/pulse, New Wave Instruments) and a 1376 $\times$ 1040 pixel CCD camera (Sensicam, PCO Instruments) operated at 5 Hz and synchronized to the laser via a delay generator (BNC-5500, Berkeley Nucleonics). Planar measurements are obtained by shaping the laser beam into a sheet via an optical module combining cylindrical and spherical lenses. For all cases, the measurement locations include a wall-normal plane that contains the channel centerline. We denote with $x$, $y$, and $z$ the streamwise, wall-normal, and spanwise directions, the channel walls being located at $y = 0$ and $y = 2h$. For the HiVF cases, several wall-parallel planes are also imaged and compared, one at the centerline ($y = h$) and one in the near-wall region ($y = 0.11h$), see figure \[fig:planes\]a. An additional wall-parallel plane (not shown in figure \[fig:planes\]a) is imaged at $y = 0.2h$ for comparisons with wall-normal profiles. Spatial calibration and plane location are performed by imaging a target plate mounted on a micrometric traverse, inserted in the channel from the opening at the outflow end. The laser sheet thickness is evaluated using a photodiode (Thorlabs Inc.) coupled with a neutral density filter (CW Optics) and mounted on a traverse. The full width at half maximum is approximately 1.1 mm (Figure \[fig:planes\]b).
![(a) Main imaging planes investigated in the present study. (b) Light intensity profile as measured by a photodiode to estimate the laser sheet thickness. The dashed lines mark the full width at half maximum.[]{data-label="fig:planes"}](imaging_planes_new)
![(a) Main imaging planes investigated in the present study. (b) Light intensity profile as measured by a photodiode to estimate the laser sheet thickness. The dashed lines mark the full width at half maximum.[]{data-label="fig:planes"}](laser_thickness)
The unladen (single-phase) case is characterized using 2C-2D PIV along the wall-normal symmetry plane. The flow is seeded with DEHS oil atomized by a Laskin nozzle into 1 - 2 droplets that faithfully follow the flow, their viscous Stokes number being $\mathcal{O}$($10^{-2})$. For those measurements, the CCD camera mounts a 200-mm Micro-Nikkor lens at f/5.6 to obtain a 13.3 $\times$ 10.1 mm^2^ field of view. The full channel height is covered by stitching together four slightly overlapping windows. The pulse delay is set to 10 and 15 for the higher and lower flow rate, respectively, keeping the typical tracer displacement to about 8 pixels. Image pairs are processed via a multi-pass cross-correlation algorithm, with a final interrogation window of 32 $\times$ 32 pixels and 50% overlap. Flow statistics are obtained ensemble-averaging over 2000 uncorrelated realizations as well as in the homogeneous streamwise direction. The fully developed nature of the flow at the measurement station is confirmed by comparing profiles across the imaging window, with no appreciable changes for statistics up to second order.
In the particle-laden cases, the inertial particle position and velocity are characterized by Particle Tracking Velocimetry (PTV) using an in-house code developed based on the cross-correlation methods described in @hassan1992 and @ohmi2000. Further details on the algorithm can be found in @petersen2019. For the measurements along the wall-normal plane, the CCD camera mounts a 105-mm Micro-Nikkor lens at f/16, for a 34.3 $\times$ 25.9 mm^2^ field of view encompassing the full channel height. Along the wall-parallel planes, an aperture of f/4 is used, a 55 $\times$ 70 mm^2^ window at the spanwise center of the channel. The particle images are about 3 pixels, whose centroid is retrieved with an accuracy of approximately $\pm$0.1 pixels, as confirmed by tests on synthetic images. The pulse delay ranges between 70 and 100 depending on the cases and imaging locations, with typical particle displacements of 15 to 20 pixels. A pre-processing thresholding routine is applied to eliminate out-of-focus particles. The in-focus particles are tracked between image pairs using the relaxation method described by @baek1996. The local concentration is measured along the wall-normal plane by counting the number of particle centroids detected. This approach was used for inertial particles in air (@yang2005; @sahu2014; @sahu2016) and in water [@kiger2002]. @knowles2012 showed that, in water, laser-based measurements of particle concentration can be misestimated by as much as 30%; however, they considered volume fractions one order of magnitude higher than the present case. Even at the higher loading investigated here, the average interparticle distance is $\sim$ 1 mm, which is much larger than the particle image. Due to clustering, the instantaneous local concentration can be higher, and some particles may go undetected. However, intense clustering usually pertains to a limited fraction of the particle set [@baker2017]; here the regions where such bias may be more significant are near the wall, due to turbophoresis. Still, the volume fraction evaluated from the particle count along the wall-normal plane (assuming a 1.1 mm thick imaging volume) agrees within 12 - 15% with the value obtained by weighing the particles accumulated in the settling chamber during a given run time, lending confidence to the approach. Concentration and velocity statistics are based on ensemble-averaging over 2000 uncorrelated realizations (collected over four runs of 500 realizations each) as well as over the streamwise direction. The streamwise homogeneity of the particle statistics is discussed in §3.1.3. All statistics are verified to be steady-state during each run, with excellent repeatability in each run (within variations of the order of the statistical uncertainty).
Results {#sec:results}
Throughout this section, $\langle U \rangle$ and $\langle V \rangle$ denote streamwise and wall-normal components of the mean velocity. $u$ and $v$ are the corresponding fluctuating components, whose rms are denoted as $U_{rms}$ and $V_{rms}$, respectively. Error bars in the plots represent statistical uncertainties based on 95% confidence levels . When the wall-normal profiles are shown over half of the channel height, the symmetry of the results along the center-line is within the statistical uncertainty.
Wall-normal measurements
### Unladen air flow {#sec:unladen-flow}
As a baseline, we first present the wall-normal profiles for the unladen fluid velocity. These are plotted in inner units in figure \[fig:unladen-log\], showing the expected logarithmic behavior above $y^+ \sim 30$. This is used to determine the friction velocity using a Clauser chart method (@clauser1956; @wei2005). The profiles for the mean velocity, streamwise and wall-normal rms fluctuation and Reynolds shear stress are plotted in figure \[fig:unladen\] in outer units, i.e. normalized by the channel half-height and the centerline velocity. The agreement with DNS of spanwise-periodic channels at comparable Reynolds numbers (e.g. @moser1999) suggests that the flow in the central part of the channel is not significantly impacted by the finite width of the cross-section.
![The mean velocity profile shown in logarithmic scale for $Re_{\tau} = $ 235 and 335. The dashed black line represents the expected fluid velocity profile in the viscous sublayer ($y^+ < 5$). The solid black line indicates the log-law slope ($K=0.41, B = 5.2$, shifted up 1 unit in diagram for illustration) used to determine the friction Reynolds number from $y^+ = $ 30 to 100. []{data-label="fig:unladen-log"}](unladen_2umeanlog){width="60.00000%"}
![Wall-normal profiles for the unladen flow at both considered Reynolds numbers, normalized in outer units: (a) mean velocity, (b) streamwise rms velocity fluctuation; (c) wall-normal rms velocity fluctuation; (d) Reynolds shear stress.[]{data-label="fig:unladen"}](unladen_2umean)
![Wall-normal profiles for the unladen flow at both considered Reynolds numbers, normalized in outer units: (a) mean velocity, (b) streamwise rms velocity fluctuation; (c) wall-normal rms velocity fluctuation; (d) Reynolds shear stress.[]{data-label="fig:unladen"}](unladen_4urms)
![Wall-normal profiles for the unladen flow at both considered Reynolds numbers, normalized in outer units: (a) mean velocity, (b) streamwise rms velocity fluctuation; (c) wall-normal rms velocity fluctuation; (d) Reynolds shear stress.[]{data-label="fig:unladen"}](unladen_5vrms)
![Wall-normal profiles for the unladen flow at both considered Reynolds numbers, normalized in outer units: (a) mean velocity, (b) streamwise rms velocity fluctuation; (c) wall-normal rms velocity fluctuation; (d) Reynolds shear stress.[]{data-label="fig:unladen"}](unladen_6uvprime)
### Particle concentration {#sec:part-conc}
Figure \[fig:1conc\] displays the mean profiles of normalized particle concentration $C/C_0$ for the four particle-laden cases. Here and in the following wall-normal profile plots, data points in the profiles are plotted at the $y/h$ location at the center of the respective wall-normal bin, each bin having a width of 0.25mm (about 9 pixels). Data points measured for the HiVF cases along wall-parallel planes are also shown and found to agree closely to the wall-normal imaging results. Both LoVF and HiVF cases display a peak of concentration in the near-wall region, confirming that turbophoresis is active in the present regime. However, in the more dilute cases the peak is mild, and away from the wall the concentration gradually increases towards another local maximum at the centerline. On the other hand, the higher-loading cases display a much stronger peak of concentration near the wall, and the profile is essentially flat in the core region. The peaks appear to be at a finite standoff distance from the wall, which is however hard to quantify precisely.
As mentioned in the Introduction, previous measurements of near-wall segregation in similar regimes are lacking, and a comparison with past numerical simulations is in order. We refer to point-particle DNS studies, which are free from issues associated to turbulence modeling. Among those, several one-way-coupled simulations yielded near-wall concentration peaks two or more orders of magnitude above the channel mean, and mostly contained within the viscous sub-layer (@marchioli2002; @marchioli2008; @sardina2012a; @bernardini2014). Those results, while insightful, are influenced by the fact that point-particles can amass to arbitrary densities. In two-way-coupled simulations, the momentum back-reaction from the particles reduced the near-wall segregation, as did the inter-particle collisions, see @li2001, @vreman2007; @nasr2009. These authors did show concentrations reaching a minimum adjacent to the near-wall peak and increasing up to a centerline maximum, similarly to our LoVF profiles. However, they found that such reduction of the near-wall peak (and the simultaneous appearance of a centerline maximum) occurred for increasing mass loading, in contrast with the present results. On the other hand, the concentration profiles we observe for LoVF are consistent with the argument of @young1997 that turbophoresis is driven by the gradient of fluid $V_{rms}$ (figure \[fig:unladen\]c). is maximized in correspondence to the concentration minimum, decays steeply towards the wall and more mildly towards the centerline, . We remark that the centerline concentration maximum was observed in several, but not all, one-way-coupled simulations, and was found to depend on the flow orientation: for example, @nilsen2013 found it for downward and no-gravity flow, but not for upward flow.
![Mean particle concentration profiles normalized by the global concentration for (a) LoSt cases and (b) HiSt cases. Here and in the following plots, WP indicates data points from wall-parallel measurements, with the horizontal error bars indicating uncertainty on laser sheet position.[]{data-label="fig:1conc"}](lost_1conc)
![Mean particle concentration profiles normalized by the global concentration for (a) LoSt cases and (b) HiSt cases. Here and in the following plots, WP indicates data points from wall-parallel measurements, with the horizontal error bars indicating uncertainty on laser sheet position.[]{data-label="fig:1conc"}](hist_1conc)
### Particle velocity {#part-vel}
Figure \[fig:2umean\] displays mean velocity profiles compared to the unladen air velocity. The data is presented both in outer (a, b) and inner (c, d) units, normalizing by the unladen velocity scales. In the viscous and buffer layer, the particles travel faster than the unladen air. This is a consequence of fast-moving particles retaining part of their momentum when transported towards the wall by turbulent fluctuations, without being constrained by the no-slip boundary condition. Such behavior was already highlighted by @kulick1994 and in several later experimental and numerical studies (e.g., @taniere1997; @rouson2001; @vreman2007; @li2012). @righetti2004 explicitly commented on an effective slip boundary condition for the particle field. Further away from the wall, in the LoVF cases the particles travel at approximately the same speed as the unladen air, while in the HiVF cases they lag in the logarithmic and buffer layers, recovering the unladen air velocity in the channel core. A decrease of mean velocity with increasing mass loading was also reported by @kulick1994, although for higher $St^+$. In that case the lag was visible up to the centerline, but this was likely due to the wall roughness [@benson2005]. In general, we observe less flat velocity profiles than in previous experiments, see e.g. @kulick1994; @paris2001; @caraman2003; @benson2005. argued that those were again influenced by some wall roughness that enhanced the wall-normal particle velocity fluctuations and in turn flattened the mean velocity profiles.
![Profiles of mean streamwise particle velocity for (a, c) LoSt and (b, d) HiSt cases, normalized in outer units (top panels) and inner units (bottom panels). Unladen fluid profiles plotted for comparsion.[]{data-label="fig:2umean"}](lost_2umean)
![Profiles of mean streamwise particle velocity for (a, c) LoSt and (b, d) HiSt cases, normalized in outer units (top panels) and inner units (bottom panels). Unladen fluid profiles plotted for comparsion.[]{data-label="fig:2umean"}](hist_2umean)
![Profiles of mean streamwise particle velocity for (a, c) LoSt and (b, d) HiSt cases, normalized in outer units (top panels) and inner units (bottom panels). Unladen fluid profiles plotted for comparsion.[]{data-label="fig:2umean"}](lost_2umeanlog)
![Profiles of mean streamwise particle velocity for (a, c) LoSt and (b, d) HiSt cases, normalized in outer units (top panels) and inner units (bottom panels). Unladen fluid profiles plotted for comparsion.[]{data-label="fig:2umean"}](hist_2umeanlog)
Figure \[fig:3vmean\] displays profiles of mean wall-normal particle velocity. In a fully developed state, this should be identically zero. This is the case (within error bounds) for the unladen fluid, while the particles do show some residual drift towards the wall. This is likely caused by turbophoresis; . Numerical simulations at similar $St^+$ indicated that the turbophoretic drift continues to modify the particle field during $\mathcal{O}$($10^4$) viscous time scales, which over the considered range of $Re_{\tau}$ corresponds to $\mathcal{O}$($10^3$) channel heights (@marchioli2008; @sardina2012a; @bernardini2014). While these estimates are influenced by the one-way coupled nature of the modeling, they clearly indicate that the particle field requires a much greater development length than the sole hydrodynamics. However, we also remark that the observed wall-normal mean velocities are about 1% of the streamwise velocity, (reported below). Moreover, all statistics show no visible trend over the imaging windows (about 1.7$h$ and 3.7$h$ in streamwise direction for the wall-normal and wall-parallel measurements, respectively). Thus, also considering that the particles are expected to have reached terminal velocity much before entering the imaging section, the influence of the partial streamwise development is unlikely to qualitatively impact the reported trends.
![Profiles of mean wall-normal particle velocity for (a) LoSt and (b) HiSt cases. Unladen fluid profiles plotted for comparison.[]{data-label="fig:3vmean"}](lost_3vmean)
![Profiles of mean wall-normal particle velocity for (a) LoSt and (b) HiSt cases. Unladen fluid profiles plotted for comparison.[]{data-label="fig:3vmean"}](hist_3vmean)
The rms streamwise fluctuations of the particle velocity is plotted in figure \[fig:4urms\]. The LoVF cases display profiles similar to the unladen flow in the channel core, and significantly more intense fluctuations (up to 20% higher than the fluid) in the near-wall region, with little differences between LoSt and HiSt. Previous studies have found particles velocity fluctuations stronger than the carrier fluid in several configurations, including particle-laden jets and homogeneous turbulence (e.g., @hardalupas1989; @petersen2019). Specifically in channel flows, the observed trend agrees with one-way coupled simulations as reported by @marchioli2008 and @nasr2009 for lower but still turbophoretic Stokes numbers. Following @taniere1997, the increase in rms velocities may be interpreted as a consequence of the spread in momentum of particles with different history: the ones arriving to a near-wall interrogation window from more distant locations retain some of their relatively high speed due to inertia; while those coming from a rebound on the wall have lost some of their kinetic energy in the collision. Remarkably, the HiVF cases show a significant increase of particle velocity fluctuations even at $y/h \sim$ 0.4, which is even more dramatic for HiSt. The near-wall peak is about the same as in LoVF, but the cross-section-average rms fluctuation is substantially augmented for the higher loading. This is in contrast with past two-way and four-way coupled point-particle DNS: @li2001, @vreman2007, and @nasr2009 found a decrease in streamwise rms fluctuations (although the trend with increasing $\phi_v$ reported by Vreman was locally not monotonic at high loadings).
![Profiles of rms streamwise particle velocity for (a) LoSt and (b) HiSt cases. Unladen fluid profiles plotted for comparison.[]{data-label="fig:4urms"}](lost_4urms)
![Profiles of rms streamwise particle velocity for (a) LoSt and (b) HiSt cases. Unladen fluid profiles plotted for comparison.[]{data-label="fig:4urms"}](hist_4urms)
Figure \[fig:5vrms\] shows profiles of the wall-normal rms fluctuations of the particle velocities. For LoVF, the particle $V_{rms}$ is lower than the fluid $V_{rms}$ in the channel core, but it remains fairly flat across the channel and largely exceeds the unladen fluid levels for $y/h < 0.1$. The effect of $St^+$ in the considered range is minor. Moreover, while the fluctuation level decreases approaching the wall, it does not appear to vanish. This is in contrast with one-way coupled simulations where the particle $V_{rms}$ is consistently lower than the fluid $V_{rms}$ (thus vanishing at the wall, @marchioli2008), but is consistent with previous experiments with particles of similar $St^+$ [@li2012]. The approximately even redistribution of the lateral kinetic energy across the channel cross-section may partly be due to particle inertia, and partly to collisions with the wall (inter-particle collision being relatively unlikely at the lower volume fraction). At HiVF, $V_{rms}$ increases more significantly approaching the wall, and the tendency is stronger for HiSt. This behavior is similar as for $U_{rms}$, and indicates again that the particle-fluid dynamics has been altered: by the modification of the underlying turbulent flow and/or by the increase in particle-particle/wall-particle collisions.
![Profiles of rms wall-normal particle velocity for (a) LoSt and (b) HiSt cases. Unladen fluid profiles plotted for comparison.[]{data-label="fig:5vrms"}](lost_5vrms)
![Profiles of rms wall-normal particle velocity for (a) LoSt and (b) HiSt cases. Unladen fluid profiles plotted for comparison.[]{data-label="fig:5vrms"}](hist_5vrms)
The wall-normal velocity is tightly related to the particle flux towards the wall, which eventually may lead to particle deposition. The flux can be expressed as the rate of particles per unit area crossing a control plane, $J = (dN/dt)/A_s$, where $N$ is the number of particles on either side of the plane, $t$ indicates time and $A_s$ is the surface area of the control plane. Normalizing by the global concentration $C_0$ yields a characteristic velocity $k = J/C_0$; taking the control plane at the wall gives the commonly used deposition velocity $k_d$, which in turn can be made non-dimensional with a velocity scale usually taken as the friction velocity, $k_d^+ = k_d/u_{\tau}$ (@liu1974; @young1997; @bernardini2014). Here the spanwise direction is assumed homogeneous and the above definitions are adapted to the two-dimensional measurements: the concentration is areal rather than volumic, and wall-parallel lines act as the control planes. Figure \[fig:flux\] shows the non-dimensional characteristic velocity $k^+$ as a function of wall distance for the LoSt case (which shows similar trends to the HiSt case). We plot separately the fluxes towards and away from the wall. Because there is no net particle deposition, at the wall both fluxes are in balance (within experimental scatter). Wall collision cannot be directly detected with the present setup, but the absolute value of $k^+$ at the measurement location closest to the wall (i.e., control plane at $y^+ \sim 4$ for the LoSt case) is taken as a proxy of $k_d^+$. For the LoVF case, one retrieves $k_d^+ = $ $\mathcal{O}$(0.1), in agreement with previous observations (see, e.g., the collection of data in @young1997). On the other hand, the HiVF case shows a sharp increase of flux in the inner layer and a much higher deposition velocity $k_d^+ =$ $\mathcal{O}$(1). This is consistent with the high $V_{rms}$ levels reported above, and indicates that the change in particle transport properties at high loading greatly impact wall collision and (for a non-reflective wall) deposition.
![Profiles of characteristic flux velocity $k^+$ based on fluxes towards and away from the wall, for (a) LoSt-LoVF and (b) LoSt-HiVF cases.[]{data-label="fig:flux"}](lostlovf-flux)
![Profiles of characteristic flux velocity $k^+$ based on fluxes towards and away from the wall, for (a) LoSt-LoVF and (b) LoSt-HiVF cases.[]{data-label="fig:flux"}](losthivf-flux)
In figure \[fig:6uvprime\] we present profiles of the cross-correlation between the particle streamwise and wall-normal fluctuations, referred to as particle Reynolds shear stress, along with the fluid counterpart. For LoVF, these are found to follow the trend of the unladen fluid in the channel core up to about $y/h =$ 0.2, but visibly exceed those values in the near wall region. A similar behavior was reported in the vertical pipe flow of @caraman2003, whereas in horizontal flow studies such as @li2012 particle Reynolds stresses were above/below the fluid levels in the core/near-wall region. These discrepancies stress once more the consequential differences between configurations, in particular as it pertains the gravity force direction. The HiVF cases show again an earlier departure from the fluid statistics and a more dramatic increase in correlation magnitude.
![Profiles of particle Reynolds shear stress for (a) LoSt and (b) HiSt cases. Unladen fluid profiles plotted for comparison.[]{data-label="fig:6uvprime"}](lost_6uvprime)
![Profiles of particle Reynolds shear stress for (a) LoSt and (b) HiSt cases. Unladen fluid profiles plotted for comparison.[]{data-label="fig:6uvprime"}](hist_6uvprime)
To explore this dynamic further, we perform a quadrant analysis in the ($u, v$) plane. Following classic notation utilized in wall turbulence studies, we label events belonging to the four quadrants as Q1 ($u >, v > 0$), Q2 ($u < 0, v > 0$), Q3 ($u < 0, v < 0$), and Q4 ($u >, v < 0$). We report on the LoSt cases, which behave similarly to the HiSt. Figure \[fig:quad\]a shows, for reference, the contributions to the Reynolds stresses for the unladen fluid velocity at the same Reynolds number. This highlights the predominance of the Q2 and Q4 events which contribute to positive turbulence production, with Q4 prevailing on Q2 for $y/h < 0.06$ (or $y^+ < 15$), and vice versa further from the wall [@kim1987]. The particles (figure \[fig:quad\]b,c) follow a similar trend, but with noteworthy differences. The prevalence of Q4 events in the near-wall region is much more pronounced, which is consistent with sweeps being crucial in the process of trapping the particles near the wall . This is in stark contrast with the result of @li2012: they found overwhelmingly higher probability of Q2 events near the floor of their horizontal channel, where gravity caused much more frequent wall rebounds. At HiVF, both Q2 and Q4 contributions are similarly enhanced, but the cross-over point is farther from the wall compared to LoVF: the region where particles are is wider, which corresponds to a more intense turbophoretic drift, a stronger near-wall peak of concentration, and a depletion of the centerline peak (see figure \[fig:1conc\]). For this case also Q3 is remarkably large near the wall, probably a consequence of particles colliding with each other and with the wall [@righetti2004].
![Contribution of each quadrant of the (u, v) plane to the Reynolds shear stresses for (a) unladen fluid and (b) inertial particles for the LoSt-LoVF case and (c) LoSt-HiVF case.[]{data-label="fig:quad"}](re235-quad)
![Contribution of each quadrant of the (u, v) plane to the Reynolds shear stresses for (a) unladen fluid and (b) inertial particles for the LoSt-LoVF case and (c) LoSt-HiVF case.[]{data-label="fig:quad"}](lostlovf-quad)
![Contribution of each quadrant of the (u, v) plane to the Reynolds shear stresses for (a) unladen fluid and (b) inertial particles for the LoSt-LoVF case and (c) LoSt-HiVF case.[]{data-label="fig:quad"}](losthivf-quad)
For completeness, we present in figure \[fig:wrms\] the rms of the particle spanwise velocity fluctuations from the wall-parallel measurements. At $y/h$ = 0.2 and 1, the values are consistent with the fluid $W_{rms}$ in the DNS of @moser1999 for $Re_{\tau} = $ 180 and 395 at the same wall-normal locations, which are expected to be close to the unladen fluid values in the present case. The sharp increase at $y/h = 0.11$ for the LoSt-HiVF case indicates again an near the wall with higher loading, at odds with previous two-way coupled simulations (@li2001; @nasr2009).
![Profile of rms spanwise particle velocity for LoSt-HiVF and HiSt-HiVF cases, obtained from the wall-parallel measurements expanded in §3.2.[]{data-label="fig:wrms"}](lost-wn_7wrms){width="60.00000%"}
We conclude this section considering the skewness of the streamwise velocity fluctuations for the inertial particles, in comparison with the unladen fluid. Figure \[fig:LoSt-skew\] shows data for the LoSt cases (HiSt cases displaying the same trend). To improve convergence, the particle profiles are binned in four regions, each displaying fairly homogeneous behavior and roughly corresponding to the inner layer ($y^+ < 10$), buffer layer ($10 < y^+ < 30$), log layer ($30 < y^+ < 100$), and outer layer ($100 < y^+ < 235$). The fluid streamwise fluctuations have positive skewness in the inner layer and part of the buffer layer, and negative elsewhere as expected (see e.g. @kim1987). On the other hand, the inertial particles show positive skewness across the channel height, irrespective of volume fraction. Considering the flow is in the direction of gravity, this may be due to a tendency of the particles in the channel core to favor the downward side of turbulent eddies, as it is known to happen in homogeneous turbulence [@wang1993]. We will return to this point in §3.2.2.
![Profile of the skewness of the particle streamwise velocity fluctuations in the LoSt-LoVF and LoSt-HiVF cases. Unladen fluid profiles plotted for comparison. The vertical dashed lines demarcate the regions over which the particle-laden data are averaged.[]{data-label="fig:LoSt-skew"}](LoSt-skew){width="60.00000%"}
Wall-parallel measurements
We leverage the wall-parallel plane imaging to investigate the instantaneous spatial organization of the particles and their velocity distribution. Streamwise/spanwise planes are especially suitable for this analysis, as they extend along homogeneous directions and thus allow for the efficient calculation of statistics that are unbiased by spatial gradients. We employ two-point quantities such as radial distribution functions and two-point Eulerian velocity correlations of streamwise velocity fluctuations, as well as tessellation techniques such as Voronoi diagrams and box-counting. We do not report here on the spanwise velocity fluctuation as are not sufficiently larger than the uncertainty to yield accurate second-order statistics. These tools are used to investigate the wall-parallel plane at the centerline (center-plane) and the near-wall plane at $y/h = $ 0.11. The analysis is carried out only for the HiVF cases, for which the number of particles is sufficient to provide sufficient spatial resolution and statistical accuracy. While this does not allow direct assessment of the volume fraction effect on such quantities, it does bring useful insight on the particle spatial distribution in the regime for which the inter-phase coupling is expected to be more complex.
### Two-point statistics
We use radial distribution functions (RDFs) to describe the scale-by-scale concentration in the area surrounding a generic particle, compared to a uniform distribution [@sundaram1997]. For 2D distributions such as those obtained by planar imaging, this can be written as (see, e.g., @wood2005):
$$g(r) = \frac{\langle N_r/A_r\rangle}{N/A} ,
where $N_r$ represents the number of particles within an annulus of radius $r$ and area $A_r$, $N$ is the total number of particles within the planar domain of area $A$. In presence of clustering, the RDF is expected to increase above 1 for decreasing $r$, and the range over which it remains significantly greater than unity approximately indicates the length scale over which clustering occurs. We compute RDFs by binning particle pairs in equally spaced annuli of radial width 0.5 mm ($0.03h$). An edge-correction strategy is needed for particles near the image boundaries. Omitting annuli that cross the image boundary limits the maximum separation to the radius of the domain-inscribed circle, reducing the number of usable particle pairs with increasing separations and thus affecting the large-scale characterization. We instead mirror the particle field across the image boundaries, so that the same number of annuli is used for each particle location. The maximum separation then equals the full image size, introducing only small biases near the boundaries (@salazar2008; @dejong2010; @petersen2019). To avoid projection biases at separations below the illuminated volume thickness [@holtzer2002], we only present $g(r)$ for $r >\,$1.1 mm.
![Global and directional RDFs along the center-plane for (a) LoSt-HiVF and (b) HiSt-HiVF. The vertical dashed line indicates the laser sheet thickness.[]{data-label="fig:centerplane-rdf"}](WP02_RDF)
![Global and directional RDFs along the center-plane for (a) LoSt-HiVF and (b) HiSt-HiVF. The vertical dashed line indicates the laser sheet thickness.[]{data-label="fig:centerplane-rdf"}](WP01_RDF)
![Angular distribution functions (ADFs) along the center-plane for (a) LoSt-HiVF and (b) HiSt-HiVF.[]{data-label="fig:centerplane-adf"}](WP02_ADF-png)
![Angular distribution functions (ADFs) along the center-plane for (a) LoSt-HiVF and (b) HiSt-HiVF.[]{data-label="fig:centerplane-adf"}](WP01_ADF-png)
This “global” (i.e., omnidirectional) definition of RDF does not discriminate between different directions of the separation $r$. We also calculate “directional” RDFs, in which the separations are oriented either streamwise or spanwise. This allows us to characterize the streamwise and spanwise extent of the highly concentrated particle structures. Additionally, we calculate the angular distribution function (ADF, see @gualtieri2009, ) which is obtained by binning the planar domain in polar coordinates ($r, \theta$):
$$g(r,\theta) = \langle\frac{N_{r,\theta}(r,\theta)}{A_{r,\theta}(r,\theta)}\rangle\,/\,(\frac{N}{A}) ,
Here $\theta = 0$ and $\theta = 90\degree$ correspond to spanwise and streamwise directions, respectively. We use equally spaced annuli of radial width 0.03$h$ and divide each of them in 24 azimuthal sectors of area $A$ (in which we count $N$ particles). Streamwise and spanwise homogeneity are leveraged to limit the analysis to one quarter of the $(r, \theta)$ circle.
We first consider the wall-parallel plane at the center-plane. Figure \[fig:centerplane-rdf\] shows RDFs (global and directional) for LoSt and HiSt cases. The global RDFs indicate that clustering extends over similar length scales for both cases, but it is significantly more pronounced for LoSt. This is not unexpected since the latter is closer to the condition $St_\eta \sim 1$, which was shown to produce more intense clustering in homogeneous turbulence (@wang1993; @wood2005) and at the center-plane of channel flows [@fessler1994]. The directional RDFs also indicate that the clusters are more elongated in streamwise than in spanwise direction. The spanwise RDF remains somewhat above unity throughout the field, indicating that some structure in the particle distribution persists over large scales in that direction. This general picture is confirmed by the ADFs in figure \[fig:centerplane-adf\], which also show how the particle field becomes more quickly decorrelated for separations in direction $\theta \sim 45\degree$.
We next consider the two-point Eulerian velocity correlations, which provide information on the level of spatial coherence of the particle motion. We follow @fevrier2005, who in turn borrowed the formalism proposed by @sundaram1999, and write the general expression for the correlation between the streamwise velocity fluctuations of particles $m$ and $n$, normalized by their velocity variance:
$$R_{uu}(r) = \frac{\langle u^{(m)}u^{(n)}\,|\,\bm{x}=\bm{x_p^{(m)}};\bm{x}+\bm{r}=\bm{x_p^{(n)}}\rangle}{\langle u^2\rangle} ,
Here $\bm{x}$ is the location within the measurement plane, $\bm{x_p^{(i)}}$ is the position of the generic $\bm{i}$th particle, $\bm{r}$ is the separation vector connecting the particle pair ($m,n$), and angle brackets represent ensemble-averaging over all particle pairs. Boldface denotes vectorial quantities. The calculation is implemented with the same processing routine used for the RDFs and ADFs (which contains the information on the particle pair mutual positions). Again, we calculate both “directional” correlations, in which the separation vector is either streamwise or spanwise, and polar correlations, which span the ($r,\theta$) space.
Figure \[fig:centerplane-ruu\] displays the directional velocity correlations evaluated at the center-plane. For both LoSt and HiSt cases, the normalized values do not approach unity for vanishingly small separations. (This is also confirmed by data points for separations smaller than the laser sheet thickness, not shown because inherently less accurate.) This indicates that a significant portion of the particle velocity is not spatially correlated. This is in line with the mesoscopic Eulerian formalism introduced by @fevrier2005, according to which inertial particle motion consists of two components: a contribution from the underlying turbulent velocity field, spatially correlated; and a quasi-Brownian velocity distribution, random and as such spatially uncorrelated. The latter is rooted in the particle inertia, in particular the memory of interactions with distant eddies. This results in different velocities of arbitrarily close particles, possibly enhancing collision rates, and is consistent with the concepts of caustics and sling effect (@wilkinson2005; @bewley2013; @reeks2014). The gap between unity and $R_{uu}$ for vanishing separations is a measure of the fraction of random uncorrelated motion (@fevrier2005; @vance2006). This framework has been employed in numerous theoretical and numerical studies to analyze and model different particle-laden flows, from turbulent channels [@vance2006] to homogenous turbulence [@meneguz2011] and planar jets [@masi2014]. However, experimental observations of Eulerian particle velocity correlations have been rarely reported, @khalitov2003 and @sahu2014 being notable exceptions. Figure \[fig:centerplane-ruu\] indicates that HiSt particles display a larger uncorrelated component of the motion than LoSt, consistently with the mesoscopic Eulerian formalism.
From figure \[fig:centerplane-ruu\] one also observes that more inertial particles show a slower decay of velocity correlation with increasing separation, according to the picture of high-$St$ particles responding to larger turbulent scales. Moreover, the streamwise fluctuations are significantly more correlated in streamwise than spanwise directions. This is consistent with the idea that the correlated particle motion is dictated by the turbulent flow. Indeed, if one defines integral scales of the fluctuating particle velocity based on the separation at which the correlation drops by 50%, the transverse scale appears to be roughly half the longitudinal one, similar to the expected behavior of the underlying turbulence. The polar diagrams of $R_{uu}$ in figure \[fig:centerplane-quu\] confirm this picture, and further suggest that the particle motion is organized in large streamwise-elongated structures, whose half-width is about 0.5$h$. This is consistent with the spatial particle distributions as deduced from the RDFs.
![Two-point correlation of streamwise velocity fluctuations with separations in streamwise and spanwise directions along the center-plane, for (a) LoSt-HiVF and (b) HiSt-HiVF. The vertical dashed line indicates the laser sheet thickness.[]{data-label="fig:centerplane-ruu"}](WP02_Ruu)
![Two-point correlation of streamwise velocity fluctuations with separations in streamwise and spanwise directions along the center-plane, for (a) LoSt-HiVF and (b) HiSt-HiVF. The vertical dashed line indicates the laser sheet thickness.[]{data-label="fig:centerplane-ruu"}](WP01_Ruu)
![Polar map of streamwise velocity two-point correlation along the center-plane, for (a) LoSt-HiVF and (b) HiSt-HiVF.[]{data-label="fig:centerplane-quu"}](WP02_Quu-png)
![Polar map of streamwise velocity two-point correlation along the center-plane, for (a) LoSt-HiVF and (b) HiSt-HiVF.[]{data-label="fig:centerplane-quu"}](WP01_Quu-png)
After considering two-point statistics at the center-plane, we move our attention to the near-wall plane. We focus on the LoSt case, for which more significant preferential concentration is expected. Figure \[fig:nearwall-rdf\] displays global and directional RDFs and ADFs, which indicate how the particles are arranged in elongated streaks, multiple channel heights in length. Indeed, due to the highly anisotropic spatial distribution of the particles in this region, the global RDFs provide limited insight compared to the directional representations. The amplitude of the peak is significantly smaller than at the center-plane, indicating generally weaker clustering. This is consistent with the fact that particles have much larger response times than the near-wall turbulent scales. As mentioned in the Introduction, several authors used point-particle simulations to investigate the near-wall structure of the particle distributions in regimes for which turbophoresis and preferential concentration are intense (@mclaughlin1989; @zhang2000; @rouson2001; @marchioli2002; @soldati2009; @sardina2012a; @bernardini2014). They found thin streaks separated by $\mathcal{O}$(100) wall units, which roughly correspond to fluid-phase low-speed streaks in wall-bounded flows [@robinson1991], and are even longer than the fluid streaks. Experimental observations of particle streaks have been sporadic, and mostly limited to snapshot realizations (@kaftori1995a; @nino1996). The present measurements provide quantitative information on such structures: the spanwise RDF shows a minimum at separations of $\sim 0.3h$ or 70 wall units (which can be interpreted as a measure of the streaks width) and recovery to a local maximum at $\sim0.75h$ or 175 wall units (a measure of the streak spacing). These values are somewhat larger than what reported by numerical studies at similar regimes. Moreover, the RDF amplitude we observe at small separations is much smaller than in computations, . Beside the above-mentioned limitations of the point-particle modeling approach, the differences can be partly attributed to the location and thickness of the observation region. Most numerical studies report on streaks along thin slices within the viscous sublayer, which are challenging to isolate in laboratory experiments. Here the imaged particles are contained in a slab of thickness $\sim$ 1.1 mm centered at $y/h \sim0.11$, thus in the approximate range $y^+$ = 17 – 34. The projection through this thickness may significantly influence the apparent concentration in a region of large wall-normal gradients. Future quantitative comparisons with simulations should take into account such finite thickness of the illumination volume.
![(a) Global and directional RDFs and (b) ADF for the LoSt-HiVF case along the near-wall plane.[]{data-label="fig:nearwall-rdf"}](WP05_RDF)
![(a) Global and directional RDFs and (b) ADF for the LoSt-HiVF case along the near-wall plane.[]{data-label="fig:nearwall-rdf"}](WP05_ADF-png)
When compared to the center-plane, the velocity correlations at $y/h$ = 0.11 show an even stronger uncorrelated component of the motion as shown in figure \[fig:nearwall-ruu\]. is expected to increase with increasing particle inertia [@fevrier2005], and indeed in the near-wall region the particle response time is much larger than the local time scale of the turbulence (i.e., $St^+ \gg 1$). Besides inertia, inter-particle and wall-particle collisions may also contribute to the random particle motion [@vance2006]. In the HiVF regime considered, both near-wall concentration and deposition velocity are relatively high (§3.1), thus collisions may play a significant role in the observed partitioning between correlated and uncorrelated velocity. The negative lobe of velocity correlation along the spanwise direction indicates that the particles are arranged in a streaky fashion, alternating positive and negative streamwise velocity fluctuations. The longitudinal extent of those features cannot be precisely assessed from the present measurements, but the long tail of the correlation function in streamwise direction suggests they can extend beyond the field of view. The trends in figure \[fig:nearwall-ruu\] are quantitatively similar to the RDFs and ADFs in figure \[fig:nearwall-rdf\], implying that the fluctuations of particle velocity and concentration are simultaneous. We will elaborate on this point in the next subsection.
![(a) Two-point correlation of streamwise velocity fluctuations with separations in near-wall plane.(b) Spatial velocity correlation map for streamwise velocity fluctuations of inertial particles in the near-wall plane.[]{data-label="fig:nearwall-ruu"}](WP05_Ruu)
![(a) Two-point correlation of streamwise velocity fluctuations with separations in near-wall plane.(b) Spatial velocity correlation map for streamwise velocity fluctuations of inertial particles in the near-wall plane.[]{data-label="fig:nearwall-ruu"}](WP05_Quu-png)
### Domain tessellation
In order to further investigate the instantaneous distribution of the inertial particle positions and velocities, we apply domain tessellation methods along the wall-parallel planes. These have been widely used to study clustering of inertial particles in turbulence [@monchaux2012]. These approaches should be considered complementary to RDFs, since the latter are strictly two-point quantities, while tessellations are sensitive to the multi-particle arrangement. The simplest method is perhaps box-counting, which consists of dividing the domain into boxes of equal size, counting the particles in each box, and comparing the PDF of the number of particles per box against the Poisson distribution expected for randomly distributed particles. This technique provides a simple scalar measure of the amount of clustering and has been fruitfully exploited in experimental studies (@fessler1994; @aliseda2002). In recent years, the Voronoi tessellation method [@monchaux2010] has gained broader favor: the domain (in our case the two-dimensional image) is divided into cells associated to individual particles, each cell containing the set of points closer to that particle than to any other. The inverse of the area of each cell equals the local instantaneous concentration, $C = 1/A_{cell}$. The method has been used in several experimental and numerical studies of wall-bounded particle-laden flows (@garcia2012; @nilsen2013; ; @rabencov2014). Compared to the box-counting method, it has the advantage of not requiring an extrinsic/arbitrary length scale (the box size).
Here we adopt the Voronoi tessellation to investigate the particle distribution along the center-plane. Figure \[fig:voronoi-ctr\]a shows a sample instantaneous realization for the LoSt-HiVF case, with Voronoi cells drawn around each particle. In figure \[fig:voronoi-ctr\]c the PDF of the cell areas (normalized by its ensemble average) is plotted. As typical of inertial particles clustered by turbulence, the distribution is much wider compared to a random Poisson process, which is well approximated by a $\Gamma$ distribution [@ferenc2007]. The PDF of the Voronoi cells is found to closely follow a log-normal distribution (@monchaux2010; @petersen2019), which allows us to characterize the curve by its standard deviation $\sigma_A$. The latter is a metric of the amount of clustering: LoSt and HiSt cases are found to have $\sigma_A/\langle A_{cell}\rangle =$ , respectively, confirming that the former has stronger tendency to produce clusters.
![(a) Voronoi tessellation diagram in a sample center-plane realization, with (b) highlighted clusters (coherent clusters in cyan). (c) PDF of the Voronoi cell areas $A_{cell}$ along the center-plane (red circles), compared with a $\Gamma$ distribution (blue dashed line); the vertical dashed line indicates the threshold $A^*_{cell}$.[]{data-label="fig:voronoi-ctr"}](snapshot_bw_voronoi_ctr)
![(a) Voronoi tessellation diagram in a sample center-plane realization, with (b) highlighted clusters (coherent clusters in cyan). (c) PDF of the Voronoi cell areas $A_{cell}$ along the center-plane (red circles), compared with a $\Gamma$ distribution (blue dashed line); the vertical dashed line indicates the threshold $A^*_{cell}$.[]{data-label="fig:voronoi-ctr"}](snapshot_clusters_ctr)
![(a) Voronoi tessellation diagram in a sample center-plane realization, with (b) highlighted clusters (coherent clusters in cyan). (c) PDF of the Voronoi cell areas $A_{cell}$ along the center-plane (red circles), compared with a $\Gamma$ distribution (blue dashed line); the vertical dashed line indicates the threshold $A^*_{cell}$.[]{data-label="fig:voronoi-ctr"}](WP02_vpdf)
The topology and behavior of clusters of highly concentrated particles are relevant to the interphase coupling, especially in view of significant collective backreaction of the dispersed phase on the carrier fluid. We therefore analyze individual clusters , defined as connected groups of particles whose Voronoi cell areas are smaller than a threshold value $A_{cell}^*$ (figure \[fig:voronoi-ctr\]c): the latter is taken as the value below which the probability of finding small cell areas is higher than for randomly distributed particles [@monchaux2010]. To avoid spurious edge effects, we apply the additional constraint that the area of the cells neighboring a cluster also be smaller than $A_{cell}^*$ [@zamansky2016]. The sum of the areas of all cells belonging to each cluster is taken as its “cluster area”, $A_C$.
![PDF of the cluster areas []{data-label="fig:clust-area-pdf"}](cluster_area_pdf_newpdf)
![PDF of the cluster areas []{data-label="fig:clust-area-pdf"}](cluster_area_pdf_outer_newpdf)
Figure \[fig:clust-area-pdf\] shows the probability distribution of cluster areas $P(A_C)$ along the center-plane for LoSt and HiSt, Consistent with previous experimental studies, typical sizes are $\mathcal{O}$(10$\eta$) [@aliseda2002], although such may be affected by the number of particles in the system [@petersen2019]. HiSt particles tend to cluster over larger sets, consistent with their Above a certain size the probability distributions approach a power-law decay, which is a geometric self-similarity, [@baker2017]. This was clearer in the homogeneous turbulence studies of @sumbekova2017 and @petersen2019, probably due to a combination of limited number of particles in the field of view and limited dynamic spatial range at the present Reynolds numbers.
Following @baker2017, we define “coherent clusters” as those objects large enough to display a scale-invariant topology, i.e. in the range of $P(A_C)$ that approximates the power-law decay. Smaller objects are considered as randomly occurring groups of particles, not necessarily brought together by the underlying turbulent flow. We conventionally set the cutoff at the respective maxima of $P(A_C)$ for both LoSt and HiSt, noting that the choice of twice larger cutoffs does not qualitatively change the observed trends. Besides the physical interpretation discussed in @baker2017, this step allows us to discard clusters formed by only a few particles (too small for a meaningful topological description).
![PDFs of (a) the SVD-based aspect ratio and (b) the angle between the primary axis and the vertical for the LoSt-HiVF and HiSt-HiVF cases.[]{data-label="fig:AR-orientation"}](AR_newpdf)
![PDFs of (a) the SVD-based aspect ratio and (b) the angle between the primary axis and the vertical for the LoSt-HiVF and HiSt-HiVF cases.[]{data-label="fig:AR-orientation"}](orientation_newpdf)
We use the singular value decomposition (SVD) method introduced by @baker2017 to probe the shape and spatial orientation of the coherent clusters. The SVD provides the principal axes and corresponding singular values for a particle set: the primary axis lies along the direction of greatest particle spread from the cluster centroid, the secondary axis being orthogonal to it. The corresponding singular values $s_1$ and $s_2$ measure the spread along the respective axes. In figure \[fig:AR-orientation\]a the PDF of the aspect ratio $s_2/s_1$ is plotted for LoSt (differences with HiSt are marginal). The limit values 0 and 1 correspond to particles arranged in a straight line and in a perfect circle, respectively. The distribution is quantitatively similar to what reported by @petersen2019 for clusters settling in homogeneous turbulence. The peak ratio between 0.4 and 0.55 reflects a tendency to form somewhat elongated objects. Figure \[fig:AR-orientation\]b illustrates the probability distribution of the primary axis orientation, measured by the angle of the latter with the vertical ($\theta_g$). The peak at indicates a tendency of the (coherent) clusters to be aligned with gravity (and thus the direction of motion). This behavior was also reported in homogeneous turbulence studies (@baker2017; @petersen2019) and is consistent with the directional RDFs and ADFs presented above.
![PDFs of normalized in-cluster (shown in red squares) and global concentrations (in black circles) for (a) LoSt-HiVF and (b) HiSt-HiVF.[]{data-label="fig:clust-conc-pdf"}](WP02_part_conc_pdf_newpdf)
![PDFs of normalized in-cluster (shown in red squares) and global concentrations (in black circles) for (a) LoSt-HiVF and (b) HiSt-HiVF.[]{data-label="fig:clust-conc-pdf"}](WP01_part_conc_pdf_newpdf)
The local particle concentration within clusters can be significantly higher compared to the global value $C_0$ [@baker2017]. Figure \[fig:clust-conc-pdf\] shows PDFs of $C/C_0$ associated the particles within coherent clusters, compared to the unconditional distribution: the for the clustered particles are about four times higher in HiSt and almost five times higher in LoSt. Besides reaffirming that the latter case displays more intense clustering, these plots indicate how the in-cluster concentration can be substantial, such that two-way-coupling (and possibly four-way-coupling) effects may be at play.
![(a) The same instantaneous realization as in figure \[fig:voronoi-ctr\], with the Voronoi cell color-coded by the local particle streamwise velocity. (b) Joint PDF of streamwise velocity and concentration at the center-plane for the LoSt-HiVF case. The dashed lines indicate the velocity and concentration values averaged along the center-plane. The black contour line indicates the PDF level at 0.005.[]{data-label="fig:jpdf-ctr"}](snapshot_voronoi_ctr)
![(a) The same instantaneous realization as in figure \[fig:voronoi-ctr\], with the Voronoi cell color-coded by the local particle streamwise velocity. (b) Joint PDF of streamwise velocity and concentration at the center-plane for the LoSt-HiVF case. The dashed lines indicate the velocity and concentration values averaged along the center-plane. The black contour line indicates the PDF level at 0.005.[]{data-label="fig:jpdf-ctr"}](WP02_JPDF)
The traveling velocity of the clustered particles is also important to the transport process. Figure \[fig:jpdf-ctr\]a depicts the same instantaneous realization as in figure \[fig:voronoi-ctr\], with the Voronoi cells now color-coded by the streamwise velocity of the respective particles. The more concentrated regions appear associated with higher velocities, as confirmed by the joint PDF for LoSt-HiVF (figure \[fig:jpdf-ctr\]b): the local particle concentration and streamwise velocity are positively correlated. For a more quantitative account, shown in figure \[fig:clust-vel-pdf\] are the PDF of the streamwise velocity for particles belonging to coherent clusters along the center-plane, as well as for all particles in the field of view. The clustered particles travel downward measurably faster than the generic particles. The explanations may be two-fold: on one hand, particles may be favoring the downwash side of turbulent eddies, according to the picture of preferential sweeping originally proposed by @maxey1987 and later demonstrated by the simulations of @wang1993 and recently by the experiments of @petersen2019; on the other hand, the highly concentrated clusters may be exerting a collective drag force on the fluid, in turn enhancing their vertical velocity as shown in the numerical simulations of @bosse2006 and @frankel2016.
![PDFs of normalized in-cluster (shown in red squares) and global velocities (in black circles) for (a) LoSt-HiVF and (b) HiSt-HiVF in the channel center plane.[]{data-label="fig:clust-vel-pdf"}](WP02_part_vel_pdf_newpdf)
![PDFs of normalized in-cluster (shown in red squares) and global velocities (in black circles) for (a) LoSt-HiVF and (b) HiSt-HiVF in the channel center plane.[]{data-label="fig:clust-vel-pdf"}](WP01_part_vel_pdf_newpdf)
In principle, the Voronoi method may also be used to identify the highly concentrated structures near the wall. However, figure \[fig:box-nearwall\]a shows how the PDF of the Voronoi cell areas measured along the near-wall plane is in fact narrower than for randomly distributed particles. This may be an artifact due to the relatively high concentration near the wall: particles very close to each other might be identified as one, reducing the probability of detecting small cell areas. Alternatively, the actual topology of the particle field, expected to be organized in streaks, could result in a “crystallized” pattern with a relatively regular arrangement of cells (and thus a narrow PDF of their area). Either way, the Voronoi tessellation method (in its standard form) does not appear as a suitable tool to study clustering in the present near-wall particle fields. We therefore resort to the box-counting approach: we tessellate the domain with square boxes of size 60 wall units or $\sim 0.18h$, and in figure \[fig:box-nearwall\]b we plot the PDF of the concentration in each box $C_{box}$, comparing it with the Poisson distribution expected for randomly located particles. The relatively broad distribution indicates that the particles are indeed clustered over scales of the order of the box size. The choice of the latter is informed by the width of the particle streaks as estimated from the RDF analysis in the previous subsection, although it is verified that varying it by a factor two yields similar conclusions. The box index $BI = (\sigma\,–\,\sigma_{Poisson})/\mu$ (where $\mu$ and $\sigma$ indicate mean and standard deviation of the distribution, respectively, and $\sigma_{Poisson}$ is the standard deviation of the Poisson distribution) is a comparative measure of clustering. Near the wall we find $BI = 0.05$, while $BI = 0.2$ at the center-plane. The latter (consistent with the results of @fessler1994) confirms the indication from the RDF analysis that clustering in the channel core is significantly more intense.
![(a) PDF of the Voronoi cell areas $A_{cell}$ along the near-wall plane (red cicles), compared with a $\Gamma$ distribution (blue dashed line). (b) PDF of particle concentration in square boxes of size 0.18$h$ used to tessellate the (red circles) compared to a Poisson distribution (blue dashed line). []{data-label="fig:box-nearwall"}](WP05_vpdf)
![(a) PDF of the Voronoi cell areas $A_{cell}$ along the near-wall plane (red cicles), compared with a $\Gamma$ distribution (blue dashed line). (b) PDF of particle concentration in square boxes of size 0.18$h$ used to tessellate the (red circles) compared to a Poisson distribution (blue dashed line). []{data-label="fig:box-nearwall"}](boxpoisson_nearwall_newpdf)
Figure \[fig:jpdf-nearwall\]a shows an instantaneous realization of the near-wall particle field, color-coded with the mean particle velocity in each square box of the tessellation. The visual impression of elongated slow-velocity streaks is in line with the RDF results. In figure \[fig:jpdf-nearwall\]b we plot a joint PDF of local particle concentration and streamwise velocity, based on values averaged in each box. The apparent negative correlation contrasts with the center-plane trend in figure \[fig:jpdf-ctr\]b, indicating a tendency of the highly concentrated particles to travel slower than the average. Combined with the RDFs, ADFs and two-point correlations reported above, this confirms the picture of particles accumulating in slow-moving streaks.
![(a) Sample realization at the near-wall plane, tessellated by 0.18$h\,\times\,$0.18$h$ boxes and color-coded by the mean local streamwise particle velocity within the boxes. (b) Joint PDF of streamwise velocity and box-based concentration at the near-wall plane for the LoSt-HiVF case. The dashed lines indicate the velocity and concentration averaged along the near-wall plane. The black contour line indicates the PDF level at 0.005.[]{data-label="fig:jpdf-nearwall"}](snapshot_box_nearwall)
![(a) Sample realization at the near-wall plane, tessellated by 0.18$h\,\times\,$0.18$h$ boxes and color-coded by the mean local streamwise particle velocity within the boxes. (b) Joint PDF of streamwise velocity and box-based concentration at the near-wall plane for the LoSt-HiVF case. The dashed lines indicate the velocity and concentration averaged along the near-wall plane. The black contour line indicates the PDF level at 0.005.[]{data-label="fig:jpdf-nearwall"}](WP05_JPDF_box)
We have reported on a series of experiments conducted on a vertical turbulent channel flow at $Re_{\tau} = 235$ and 335, in which particle-laden air flows downward. Several aspects of the configuration are chosen to provide a canonical case: smooth walls, streamwise development, relatively large aspect ratio of the cross-section, and small size-selected particles with $St_{\eta}$ = $\mathcal{O}$(10) and $St^+$ = $\mathcal{O}$(100). Care is taken to keep the experimental parameters under strict control, including the smoothness of the walls and the particle mass loading. The latter is varied across what is usually considered the boundary between one-way and two-way coupling. Using laser imaging we have investigated in detail the particle spatial distribution and velocity, gaining new insight expected to be useful to reach a predictive understanding of particle-laden wall bounded flows. Here we summarize and discuss the main findings.
At volume fractions $\mathcal{O}$($10^{-6}$), the particles show a distinct, although relatively mild, tendency to segregate near the wall, with the concentration displaying a second maximum at the channel centerline. The results are consistent with turbophoresis acting down the gradients of turbulence intensity, and in particular of $V_{rms}$ as proposed by @young1997. At volume fractions $\mathcal{O}$($10^{-5}$), the near-wall peak is much more pronounced and the centerline maximum is absent, indicating more vigorous turbophoretic drift towards the wall. The increase of near-wall segregation with mass loading is opposite to what reported in previous two-way-coupled point-particle simulations.
The mean velocity profiles show particles traveling faster than the unladen fluid in the immediate vicinity of the wall, resulting in an effective slip velocity. Away from the wall, the more dilute case has particles following a profile similar to the unladen air velocity. In the denser case, the particles are measurably slower up to $y/h \sim$ 0.4 (0.6) for the lower (higher) Stokes number. Both streamwise and wall-normal velocity fluctuations of the particles exceed those of the unladen fluid near the wall; in the denser case the effect is much more significant and extended to larger wall distances. The wall-normal fluctuations do not vanish close to the wall, and lead to estimates of the deposition velocity in line with the expectations in the dilute case, but several times larger in the dense case. The particle Reynolds shear stress follows a similar behavior as the normal stresses: it equals the unladen fluid stress in the channel core, but exceeds it when approaching the wall to a degree that depends on the loading. A quadrant analysis reveals that the prevalence of Q4 events (the equivalent of “sweeps” for the fluid motion) is enhanced in the near-wall region compared to the unladen fluid, suggesting that fluid sweeps are key in the particle segregation process. The effects above are similarly displayed by all cases investigated here, but are more evident for the higher St.
For the denser cases, the spatial distributions of the particle positions and velocities are analyzed over wall-parallel planes using both two-point statistics and tessellation techniques, providing further details on the particle organization and dynamics. In the channel core, the particles show a strong propensity to cluster, forming somewhat elongated objects preferentially aligned in the vertical streamwise direction. Clustering is more intense for the cases closer to the condition $St_{\eta} \sim$ 1, although at higher $St$ the clusters tend to be larger [@petersen2019]. Groups of particles above a certain size range (“coherent clusters”, @baker2017) reach concentrations several times higher than the global mean, and tend to travel/fall faster than the non-clustered particles. This suggests that, although the flow in the channel core is a poor approximation of homogeneous isotropic turbulence, the classic phenomena of preferential concentration (@squires1991; or other more recent mechanisms that explain clustering, see @goto2008; @bragg2014) and preferential sweeping [@wang1993] are at play. In the near-wall region the particles are observed to form elongated streaks, several channel height in length and spaced by $\mathcal{O}$(100) wall units (although the limited range of Reynolds numbers does not allow us to determine a conclusive scaling). Those streaks tend to move slower than the generic particles, supporting the view that they are coupled to fluid low-speed streaks typical of wall turbulence. The particle velocity contains a significant component of random uncorrelated motion. In agreement with the mesoscopic Eulerian formalism introduced by @fevrier2005, this Brownian-like motion is more prominent for higher $St$ and in the near-wall region, where the particle response time is much larger than the turbulent time scales. In general, we note that the differences between the particle behavior near and far from the wall, already remarkable in the present regimes, are expected to be magnified at higher $Re_{\tau}$.
Taken together, these results are consistent with a scenario in which the increase in volume fraction from $\mathcal{O}$($10^{-6}$) to $\mathcal{O}$($10^{-5}$) triggers two-way and (locally) four-way coupling effects. In particular, the particle backreaction may alter the turbulence structure in ways that enhance the turbophoretic drift towards the wall (e.g., by enhancing the peak of turbulence intensity and/or displacing it away from the wall). In turn, the higher near-wall concentration may promote inter-particle and wall-particle collisions. These would the particle kinetic energy, causing them to travel more slowly but enhancing their velocity fluctuations, as observed. Moreover, the inelastic collisions may prevent the particles from escaping the near-wall region [@hrenya1997]. In the absence of simultaneous fluid measurements, this and other possible scenarios remain speculative. Future studies shall fill this gap, for example using phase separation techniques (@kiger2000; @khalitov2002; @capone2015; @petersen2019) to accurately measure fluid statistics in the near-wall region. This, however is expected to be a challenging task: small inertial particles accumulating near the wall pose a major problem to imaging surrounding tracers. .
Despite the relevance for practical applications and the understanding of particle-laden turbulence, previous experiments focused on the present regime have been scarce. The lack is unfortunate, especially given the need to validate point-particle models and the exorbitant cost of particle-resolved simulations. Contrasting our observations with previous numerical studies suggests that, while point-particle simulations capture many key features of the particle transport (e.g., @soldati2009), the underlying hypotheses may be missing or misestimating some important aspects, especially concerning the two-way and four-way coupling. This is exemplified by the increased near-wall concentration measured for increasing mass loading, which is opposite to the trend found in past simulations. The limitations of point-particle methods in capturing the two-way coupling are well known (@eaton2009; @balachandar2010) and have been assessed in detail by recent studies on homogeneous turbulence (@mehrabadi2018; @petersen2019). Wall-bounded turbulence may pose even harder problems due to the spatially varying resolution. However, as mentioned in the Introduction, recent approaches are showing promising improvements. For example, @capecelatro2015 used a volume-filtering method to simulate the configuration of @benson2005 and found satisfactory agreement. That case contained particles than the present one, with a Stokes number likely too high to produce strong near-wall segregation and clustering. It would be interesting to evaluate this and other modeling strategies against the present data, also considering that the dilute and dense cases we investigated should allow isolating one-way and two-way coupling issues. Importantly, given the significant role played by the dense regions in the momentum coupling, future comparisons with simulations should ideally include information on the spatial correlation of the particle field and the clustering properties. The moderate Reynolds number in our study may allow for a comparison with future particle-resolved simulations, which are becoming feasible even for relatively small particles [@schneiders2017].
Finally, we remark how the effect of inter-particle and wall-particle collisions could also contribute to experimental-numerical discrepancies. As mentioned in §2.1, the restitution coefficient may vary significantly depending on the collision velocity (@joseph2001; @gondret2002). Following @gondret2002, we can define a wall-collision Stokes number as $St_p = (1/9)Re_p\rho_p/\rho_f$ (where we used the fact that $V_t = \tau_pg$ is of the order of the particle $V_{rms}$ close to the wall, the latter giving a scale for the wall-normal collision velocity). One finds $St_p$ = $\mathcal{O}$(100), which is in the range for which $e$ is a strong function of $St_p$ [@gondret2002]. Given the possibly large variance of the collision velocity and the role of inelastic collisions to enhance near-wall accumulation [@hrenya1997], the common assumption of a constant restitution coefficient might be inadequate.
Acknowledgements {#acknowledgements .unnumbered}
This project is funded partly by the U.S. Army Research Office (Division of Fluid Dynamics, grants W911NF-17-1-0366 and W911NF-18-1-0354) and partly by the Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund of Minnesota.
Appendix A. Electrostatic dissipative acrylic {#appendix-a.-electrostatic-dissipative-acrylic .unnumbered}
Electrostatic dissipative acrylic (SciCron Technologies) is used to build the optical test section, and the channel is provided with static discharge wires grounded to structural supports. This prevents the particles from accumulating upon impaction and building up unwanted roughness, an effect that has impacted past experiments [@benson2005]. The importance of such precautions is illustrated in figure \[fig:roughness\], where cumulative wall-normal profiles of particle concentrations are plotted in the higher volume fraction case. The details of how those measurements are obtained are given in §2.2. When using standard acrylic walls, the concentration profiles start with a strong near-wall peak but drift in time, with particles migrating away from the wall. This is likely the consequence of wall deposition which leads to significant roughness (as verified inspecting the wall surface at the end of the experiments), in turn altering the collision dynamics and ultimately enhancing particle dispersion towards the channel core. Using electrostatic dissipative acrylic virtually eliminates particle deposition (as also verified by direct wall inspection) and warrants consistent concentration profiles during each run and between different runs.
![Wall-normal profiles of mean concentration for recordings of different durations, using (a) standard acrylic and (b) electrostatic dissipative acrylic. $C_0$ = 880 particles/cm^3^, corresponding to $\phi_v = 5\times10^{-5} $ for both cases. Refer to table \[tab:params\] for definitions on $y,h$.[]{data-label="fig:roughness"}](rough_conv)
![Wall-normal profiles of mean concentration for recordings of different durations, using (a) standard acrylic and (b) electrostatic dissipative acrylic. $C_0$ = 880 particles/cm^3^, corresponding to $\phi_v = 5\times10^{-5} $ for both cases. Refer to table \[tab:params\] for definitions on $y,h$.[]{data-label="fig:roughness"}](smooth_conv)
Appendix B. Coefficient of restitution {#appendix-b.-coefficient-of-restitution .unnumbered}
The coefficient of restitution, $e$ is measured by dropping individual glass beads from a height of 350 mm above a horizontal plate made of the same acrylic used for the test section. The particles reach steady-state terminal velocity before bouncing on the plate. This is achieved independently from the method of release due to the short free-fall stopping distance (of order $\tau_p^2g \sim 3$ mm). Particles are imaged at 2300 fps with a high-speed CMOS camera (VEO 640) paired with a 200 mm lens at f/4, and tracked using the same method used for the particle-laden flow measurements. The coefficient of restitution $e$ is defined as the ratio of the wall-normal particle velocity just after and just before the collision, and is calculated averaging over five trials as shown in figure \[fig:coeftest\].
![Particle height and vertical velocity data used for determining the restitution coefficient over five trials. Positive velocity indicates upward motion.Tracks for each trial are shown in markers of different shapes and colors.[]{data-label="fig:coeftest"}](coeftest){width="65.00000%"}
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"pile_set_name": "ArXiv"
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abstract: 'Thin films of [LuNi$_{\mbox{\scriptsize 2}}$B$_{\mbox{\scriptsize 2}}$C ]{}have been prepared on MgO(110) single crystal substrates using standard pulsed laser deposition from a stoichiometric target. Via the precise control of substrate temperature, laser energy density and pulse ablation rate, perfect epitaxial c–axis growth of the [LuNi$_{\mbox{\scriptsize 2}}$B$_{\mbox{\scriptsize 2}}$C ]{}phase was reproducibly achieved with an in–plane alignment of about 1 and an out–of–plane order of about 2.5 . The samples prepared under optimized deposition conditions obtain critical temperatures of up to 15.8 K and steep superconducting transitions of about 0.3 K in the best samples. Residual resistivity ratios up to 15 were measured in the unstructured samples. The upper critical field $H_{c2}$ was resistively measured along the \[001\] direction on a sample and fitted with a power law. The value of $H_{c2}(0)$ = 9.82 T obtained from that fit is in good agreement with single crystal data and the power exponent describing the positive curvature for small external magnetic fields $\alpha$ = 0.19 indicates a relatively low intraband scattering in the films.'
- 'T. Niemeier[^1], R. Hühne, A. Köhler, G. Behr, L. Schultz and B. Holzapfel'
date: 'Received: '
title: 'Growth and characterization of epitaxial [LuNi$_{\mbox{\scriptsize 2}}$B$_{\mbox{\scriptsize 2}}$C ]{}thin films on MgO single crystals'
Since their discovery in 1994 [@CZB+94; @CBS+94; @SZC+94; @SCKP94], superconducting rare earth nickel borocarbides [*R*Ni$_{\mbox{\scriptsize 2}}$B$_{\mbox{\scriptsize 2}}$C ]{}\[*R* $\epsilon$ {Y, Dy …Tm, Lu}\] have been extensively investigated for their structural, magnetic and superconductive properties. In particular, the interaction between rare earth magnetism and superconductivity has been studied in detail. The results have been published in several extensive review articles [@MN01; @TZ05; @MN05; @MSFD08]. During the years, all those compounds have then been synthesized as single crystals using different methods. Traditionally, small plate-shaped crystals of the highest quality were grown from a [Ni$_{\mbox{\scriptsize 2}}$B ]{}flux [@Mat95; @BC06]. Recently, the increasing experience on the growth of these materials using a travelling floating zone technique (TFZ) and a subsequent thermal treatment resulted in much larger crystals of also very high quality [@SBKL05; @BLS+08]. Therefore, the precise investigation of properties of this class of materials such as thermodynamical, superconductive or magnetic properties, which are highly dependant on the sample purity, became again an interesting field of research (see for examples: [@BIB+07; @NBY+07; @BCN+08; @SGK+08]. Since that time, there was much interest to grow textured thin films of these materials using epitaxial growth. Different groups successfully prepared borocarbide thin films and studied their structural, intrinsic and extrinsic properties [@AHNT98; @AAC+97; @ACG+01; @GMP+01; @HHHS00; @WHSH01; @WSH03; @WSH04; @BNY+05]. All those films were fabricated using physical vapor deposition techniques (PVD) on unbuffered or metal buffered oxidic single crystal substrates. Basically, several specific challenges have to be met for the preparation of intermetallic Borocarbide thin films: 1.) High crystallization temperature: The crystalline bulk phase formation temperature is about 1550 . While the first films were produced by room temperature sputtering and annealed afterwords[@AHH+94], a successful *in situ* preparation of epitaxial c–axis–oriented borocarbide thin films was not reported for growth temperatures below 700 . 2.) High sensitivity of the rare earth material against oxidation: Oxygen incorporation into the borocarbide phase has to be prevented during thin film growth. As a first consequence, ultra high vacuum (UHV) conditions are necessary for physical vapor deposition. Secondly, oxygen interdiffusion into the film must be either hindered choosing suitable buffer materials or has to be at least controlled in a way that enables clean borocarbide phase growth on top. 3.) High diffusion of metallic buffer materials: The use of refractory metal buffers such as tungsten can suppress the oxidation of the rare earth but at the same time, interface reactions resulting in compounds as for example tungsten carbide may lead to changes of the composition of the borocarbide phase [@HHHS00; @GMP+01]. To state the challenge more precisely, no stable buffer or substrate has been found that would allow a direct growth of borocarbides without a significant metallic or oxidic interdiffusion at all. While trying metallic buffers as well, most groups eventually used oxidic substrates such as magnesium oxide (MgO) or sapphire single crystals as those are chemically stable up to high temperatures. During their experiments, it overall turned out that at the interface between borocarbide and oxidic substrate, a [*R*$_{\mbox{\scriptsize 2}}$O$_{\mbox{\scriptsize 3}}$ ]{}layer is formed during the deposition of the [*R*Ni$_{\mbox{\scriptsize 2}}$B$_{\mbox{\scriptsize 2}}$C ]{}material. The thickness of this oxide interface layer, whose formation can be hindered by suitable metallic buffer layers as already mentioned[@HHHS00; @GMP+01], can reach about 100 nm[@CSS04]. Moreover, epitaxial growth can be transferred from the substrate through the interfacial oxide layer leading to a textured [*R*Ni$_{\mbox{\scriptsize 2}}$B$_{\mbox{\scriptsize 2}}$C ]{}phase under suitable deposition conditions. Investigations using transmission electron microscopy (TEM) revealed in detail how the in–plane alignment is transferred from the substrate to grains of the oxide interface layer and further to the borocarbide layer and located additional secondary phases at the substrate interface [@RWHK02; @CSS04]. The growth control of this buffer layer is therefore one of the key parameters for the successful preparation of epitaxial [*R*Ni$_{\mbox{\scriptsize 2}}$B$_{\mbox{\scriptsize 2}}$C ]{}films. However, the availability of epitaxial [*R*Ni$_{\mbox{\scriptsize 2}}$B$_{\mbox{\scriptsize 2}}$C ]{}films with appealing superconducting properties is rather limited. Various reports are present about the preparation of borocarbide thin films by sputtering or pulsed laser deposition (PLD), explicitly aiming for well–aligned textured [*R*Ni$_{\mbox{\scriptsize 2}}$B$_{\mbox{\scriptsize 2}}$C ]{}layers, high critical temperatures close to bulk values and high residual resistivity ratios, but achieving sufficient properties reproducibly at the same time has been reported only rarely. Mainly, two groups reported on significant progress in growing highly textured as well as in–plane ordered borocarbide thin films with good superconductive properties at the same time [@GMP+01; @WHSH01]. In this report, the preparation of epitaxial [LuNi$_{\mbox{\scriptsize 2}}$B$_{\mbox{\scriptsize 2}}$C ]{}thin films is presented starting from the target production until the final thin film samples. [LuNi$_{\mbox{\scriptsize 2}}$B$_{\mbox{\scriptsize 2}}$C ]{}was chosen because it is a non magnetic borocarbide and has the highest critical temperature of all stable rare earth nickel borocarbides. Single crystals of [LuNi$_{\mbox{\scriptsize 2}}$B$_{\mbox{\scriptsize 2}}$C ]{}show a superconducting transition temperature of up to 16.5 K [@MWK+97]. MgO(110) substrates are used which can lead to an improved in–plane texture in comparison to MgO(100) substrates[@FGB+03]. The growth parameters are therefore adapted for the use of these substrates enabling the reproducible synthesis of epitaxial superconducting [LuNi$_{\mbox{\scriptsize 2}}$B$_{\mbox{\scriptsize 2}}$C ]{}thin films showing critical temperatures close to 16 K and residual resistivity ratios up to 15 in the as-prepared state. The paper is structured as follows: First, the sample preparation is explained in detail. The structural investigations using x–ray diffraction in standard Bragg–Brentano geometry as well as texture measurements are presented in the next part. Finally, the superconducting properties of a representative thin film sample are shown and analyzed.
Target preparation
The target preparation is the similar to the feed rod preparation for TFZ single crystal growth [@BLS+08]: For the target, lutetium swarfs of high purity was cut into small pieces (weight approximately $<$ 500 mg each) under argon atmosphere and cold-pressed at 30 kN together with a mixture of carbon (99.9+ wt%) and nickel powder (99.99 wt%, both from *MaTeck*) and boron powder (99.52 wt% from *Eagle Picher*) in a stoichiometric 1:2:2:1 ratio. The received pill was molten several times in an induction melting oven under argon atmosphere (background pressure $< 2 \cdot \rm{10^{-5}}$ mbar) at about 1550 and homogenized for a few minutes at about 1100 . The molten pill was cooled down and again molten two times (once from each side) in an arc discharge oven under argon atmosphere to achieve an oblate shape of approximately 20–25 mm diameter. Rapid cooling on a water-cooled copper plate was used to suppress large grain growth. Finally, the target was laterally cut with a water-cooled wire saw and slightly grinded to its necessary shape. After sawing, some small lunkers (diameter roughly smaller than 1 mm) were observed in the center of the target, which were removed by grinding as good as possible. Pictures of selected steps of the target production process are shown in Fig.1.
Sample preparation
Thin film deposition took place in a standard ultra high vacuum chamber with a base pressure of about 2 $\cdot \rm{10^{-9}}$ mbar. The laser ablation was performed with a KrF laser (*Lambda Physik LPX 305*) at a wave length of 248 nm. The laser spot size was set to 1.5 x 4 mm approximately and the laser energy per pulse was chosen at 250 mJ giving an energy densityof about 4 J/cm².
![(color online.) Pictures of selected steps of the target preparation: (a) pressed pill, (b) induction melting and (c) target after last arc discharge melting step.](fig1.pdf){width="7cm"}
A deposition rate of 0.005–0.01 nm per laser pulse was measured with an *Inficon* rate monitor depending on the laser fluence and the target roughness using a target–substrate distance of 45 mm. The total film thickness $d$ was intended to 200 nm and the laser repetition rate $f$ was chosen between 5 and 20 Hz. Prior to thin film deposition, one–side polished, single–crystalline and \[110\]–edge–oriented MgO substrates with a size of 10 x 10 x 1 mm³ (from *Crystec*) were ultrasonically cleaned in acetone for 5 min, then transferred to the chamber and heated *in situ* under vacuum at about 1050 for 5 minutes. The substrates were then cooled down to the deposition temperature according to sample and held for 15 minutes in order to stabilize the surface temperature. The target was cleaned before the deposition using a number of additional laser pulses while the substrate was protected by a shutter. Furthermore, the substrate holder was axially slowly rotated during the deposition to improve the homogeneity of the growing films. Temperatures were measured using an *Infrawin* infrared pyrometer before and directly after deposition of the film. The films were analyzed with x–ray diffractometry (*Philips X’Pert* system) in Bragg-Brentano geometry using Co K$_{\rm{\alpha}}$ (standard Bragg-Brentano) or Cu K$_{\rm{\alpha}}$ (texture measurements) radiation. Superconductive properties of the films (patterning was not applied) were determined using resistive measurements in a *Quantum Design PPMS*.
Phase formation
A series of[LuNi$_{\mbox{\scriptsize 2}}$B$_{\mbox{\scriptsize 2}}$C ]{}thin films has been grown on MgO(110) single crystal substrates at different deposition temperatures as described. The laser repetition rate was fixed at 20 Hz for this series. The phase formation, analyzed using standard Bragg Brentano x–ray diffraction, is shown in Fig.2 in dependence of the post–deposition temperature. We draw three main conclusions from the data: (1) The patterns show that the borocarbide 1221–phase is formed in a pronounced c–axis oriented growth for the whole range of the investigated deposition temperatures. The c–axis lattice parameters obtained from the patterns fit well with the data obtained by powder diffractometry. For higher temperatures, the amount of the c–axis oriented [LuNi$_{\mbox{\scriptsize 2}}$B$_{\mbox{\scriptsize 2}}$C ]{}phase is considerably increased. All in all, the c–axis texture of the borocarbide phase is almost perfect. (2) A perfectly \[110\]–textured [Lu$_{\mbox{\scriptsize 2}}$O$_{\mbox{\scriptsize 3}}$ ]{}phase is observed in the measurements as well. This oxide is most likely formed at the interface via a rare earth oxidation reaction with the substrate as described ny other groups [@GMP+01; @CSS04]. (3) For high temperatures, an increasing amount of secondary phases is formed indicating strongly increased diffusion reactions. The most pronounced peak found at $2\theta$ = 49.8 can be addressed to a slightly off-stoichiometric [Ni$_{\mbox{\scriptsize 2}}$B ]{}phase, which is likely formed during the lutetium oxidation at the substrate interface. A similar phase was was already found in earlier studies on [YNi$_{\mbox{\scriptsize 2}}$B$_{\mbox{\scriptsize 2}}$C ]{}films [@HHHS00]. Based on those results, it is assumed that this impurity phase is most probably located within the interface region as well.
![X-ray measurements of [LuNi$_{\mbox{\scriptsize 2}}$B$_{\mbox{\scriptsize 2}}$C ]{}thin films deposited onto MgO(110) substrates at different substrate temperatures (laser repetition rate $f$ = 20 Hz). The c–axis texture is almost perfect. The phase formation is clearly enhanced with increasing temperature while for the highest deposition temperature of 880 , an increasing amount of secondary phase formation is observed.](fig2.pdf){width="8cm"}
![(color online). Pole figure measurements of the [LuNi$_{\mbox{\scriptsize 2}}$B$_{\mbox{\scriptsize 2}}$C ]{}(112) reflection of the four films from Fig.2 at 2$\theta$ = 40.05 (Cu K$_{\rm{\alpha}}$). The z–axis is scaled linearly and normalized for each measurement. Only one quadrant is shown due to the in–plane symmetry of the borocarbide crystal. The films exhibit almost perfect in–plane order.](fig3.pdf){width="7cm"}
Texture measurements were performed on the prepared samples in order to check the in–plane alignment of the grown films. The results are summarized in Fig.3. The (112) plane of [LuNi$_{\mbox{\scriptsize 2}}$B$_{\mbox{\scriptsize 2}}$C ]{}was chosen for these investigations as the highest intensity in powder diffraction is exhibited. Due to the tetragonal crystal structure with its double mirror symmetry of the basal plane, one quadrant of the pole figure already contains the necessary information.
![(color online). X–ray phi scan of a [LuNi$_{\mbox{\scriptsize 2}}$B$_{\mbox{\scriptsize 2}}$C ]{}film on MgO(110) deposited at 5 Hz at 830 . The (112) reciprocal lattice plane at $\psi$ = 65 was used for the measurement. The in–plane full width at half maximum (FWHM) is about 1 (Gaussian fit in the inset).](fig4.pdf){width="8cm"}
A sharp peak at ($\phi$,$\psi$) = (45, 65) is observed in the films deposited at different temperatures. This indicates an epitaxial relationship between the substrate and the borocarbide in the following way: $$(110)[010]_{\mbox{\footnotesize MgO}} \; || \; (010)[010]_{\mbox{\footnotesize {LuNi$_{\mbox{\scriptsize 2}}$B$_{\mbox{\scriptsize 2}}$C \/}}}$$ In agreement with the results of Fig.2, the intensity of the borocarbide (112) peak is strongly enhanced for higher deposition temperatures while a full width of half maximum (FWHM) of the phi scan of about 2 is almost preserved. It should be noted further at this place that also the [Lu$_{\mbox{\scriptsize 2}}$O$_{\mbox{\scriptsize 3}}$ ]{}interface layer has an epitaxial relationship to the substrate, which can be described as $$(110)[010]_{\mbox{\footnotesize MgO}} \; || \;
(110)[010]_{\mbox{\footnotesize {Lu$_{\mbox{\scriptsize 2}}$O$_{\mbox{\scriptsize 3}}$ \/}}}.$$ A further improvement of the film quality was achieved using lower laser repetition rates. [LuNi$_{\mbox{\scriptsize 2}}$B$_{\mbox{\scriptsize 2}}$C ]{}films with the best out–of–plane and in–plane texture were prepared with a frequency of 5 Hz under slightly optimized conditions. In Fig.4, a phi scan of the (112) pole of such the sample is shown: The FWHM is about 1 only, which is the lowest value reported so far on borocarbide thin films. The out–of–plane alignment has a FWHM value about 2.5 (not shown). Taking into account the low background signal, these data testify an extremely high in-plane order achieved under these optimized deposition conditions compared to earlier studies on borocarbide thin films.
Superconductive properties
The superconductive properties of the prepared [LuNi$_{\mbox{\scriptsize 2}}$B$_{\mbox{\scriptsize 2}}$C ]{}films were studied with resistive measurements in a *Quantum Design PPMS*. The films were resistively characterized in the as–prepared state using a four-point resistivity measurement, where the four contacts were linearly aligned in a row and placed about 2 mm from the sample edge. The results of the temperature series prepared with a laser repetition rate of 20 Hz are summarized in table 1.
![Resistive measurements of a sample prepared at 5 Hz under optimized conditions. The data were achieved using a four-point probe at $T$/$t$ = 1 K/min (R($T$) from 2 to 300 K: 5 K/min) and at a measurement current $I$ = 1 mA. (a) R($T$) measurement in the absence of an external magnetic field exhibiting a residual resistivity ratio of about 15. The superconducting transition with a $\Delta$[T$_{\mbox{\scriptsize c}}$]{} $\approx$ 0.3 K is shown in the inset. (b) R(T) at different external magnetic fields aligned parallel to the \[001\] borocarbide crystallographic axis.](fig5a.pdf "fig:"){width="8.5cm"} ![Resistive measurements of a sample prepared at 5 Hz under optimized conditions. The data were achieved using a four-point probe at $T$/$t$ = 1 K/min (R($T$) from 2 to 300 K: 5 K/min) and at a measurement current $I$ = 1 mA. (a) R($T$) measurement in the absence of an external magnetic field exhibiting a residual resistivity ratio of about 15. The superconducting transition with a $\Delta$[T$_{\mbox{\scriptsize c}}$]{} $\approx$ 0.3 K is shown in the inset. (b) R(T) at different external magnetic fields aligned parallel to the \[001\] borocarbide crystallographic axis.](fig5b.pdf "fig:"){width="8.5cm"}
It is apparent that the critical temperatures of these films with a value of 14 to 15.1 K are considerably below the bulk value of up to 16.5K. However, the increasing critical temperatures with increasing deposition temperature up to 840 clearly point out that with improved phase formation and in–plane texture intensity, better superconducting properties are achieved. For a deposition temperature of 880 however, the superconducting transition is dramatically broadened and the sample eventually becomes completely superconducting at a very low temperature of about 4 K only. We conclude that the superconducting phase is affected by increased interdiffusion of impurity phases from the interface into the film at this temperature. Thus, deposition temperatures around 840 are kept during further optimization of the deposition conditions. Consequently, the [T$_{\mbox{\scriptsize c}}$]{} values resistively determined from samples fabricated under optimized deposition conditions ($T$ = 830 , $f$ = 5 Hz) of up to 15.8 K are considerably closer to the optimum and typically sharp $\Delta$[T$_{\mbox{\scriptsize c}}$]{} $<$ 0.3 K are observed.
![Upper critical field of the [LuNi$_{\mbox{\scriptsize 2}}$B$_{\mbox{\scriptsize 2}}$C ]{}film in \[001\] direction, extracted from the midpoints of the R($T$) curves shown in Fig. 5. The data is fitted using the power law $H_{c2}(T) = H_{c2}(0) \cdot (1-T/T_c)^{(1+\alpha)}$. The positive curvature for $T \lessapprox$ [T$_{\mbox{\scriptsize c}}$]{} calculated from the fit is about $\alpha$ = 0.19 which indicates a relatively low intraband scattering in the film.](fig6.pdf){width="8.5cm"}
T$_{\mbox{\scriptsize Dep}}$ \[\] T$_{\mbox{\scriptsize $\Delta$[T$_{\mbox{\scriptsize c}}$]{} \[K\]
c}}^{\mbox{\scriptsize 90}}$ \[K\]
----------------------------------- ------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------- -- --
760 14.1 0.4
780 14.1 0.3
840 15.1 0.4
880 14.3 6.7
: Onset of the resistive superconduction transition temperatures (T$_{\mbox{\scriptsize c}}^{\mbox{\scriptsize 90}}$) and resistive transition widths ($\Delta$[T$_{\mbox{\scriptsize c}}$]{}) of [LuNi$_{\mbox{\scriptsize 2}}$B$_{\mbox{\scriptsize 2}}$C ]{}films prepared at different temperatures using a laser repetition rate of 20 Hz
The results of the resistive measurements on the [LuNi$_{\mbox{\scriptsize 2}}$B$_{\mbox{\scriptsize 2}}$C ]{}layer deposited under optimized conditions ($T$ = 830 , $f$ = 5 Hz) are shown in Fig.5 (a) and (b). The external magnetic field $H$ was aligned parallel to the c–axis of the borocarbide which here is parallel to the normal axis of the films. The transition curves are quite steep as seen in Fig.5(b) and the slight broadening for higher magnetic fields, caused by fluctuations in the film, is known from crystalline samples as well [@MWK+97]. The residual resistivity ratio (RRR) of the film was estimated to a value of about 15 from the R($T$) curve which is close to the highest values reported for borocarbide thin films so far (Fig.5(a)). Thus, the temperature dependence of the upper critical field [H$_{\mbox{\scriptsize c2}}$]{} can be extracted from the R($T$) curves taking the temperature values of the midpoints of the R($T$) transition curves for instance. As a result, the upper critical field [H$_{\mbox{\scriptsize c2}}$]{}($T$) for H $\parallel$ (001) is shown in Fig.6. It clearly shows a positive curvature close to the critical temperature in zero field, indicating a sufficiently low intraband scattering. Using a common power law fit $H_{c2}(T) = H_{c2}(0) \cdot (1-T/T_c)^{(1+\alpha)}$ for T $>$ 6 K, a zero temperature critical field of [H$_{\mbox{\scriptsize c2}}$]{}(0) $\approx$ 9.82 T and an exponent $\alpha$ = 0.19 is calculated. This [H$_{\mbox{\scriptsize c2}}$]{}(0) value extrapolated from that fit is close to the value of 9.3 T given in [@SDB+01] for a [LuNi$_{\mbox{\scriptsize 2}}$B$_{\mbox{\scriptsize 2}}$C ]{}single crystal with a critical temperature [T$_{\mbox{\scriptsize c}}$]{}$\approx$ 16.2 K and indicates a good agreement between the intrinsic properties of the thin film and the single crystal.
In summary, thin [LuNi$_{\mbox{\scriptsize 2}}$B$_{\mbox{\scriptsize 2}}$C ]{}film samples were prepared, which reproducibly combine almost perfect epitaxial growth with excellent superconductive properties (RRR up to 15, [T$_{\mbox{\scriptsize c}}$]{} up to 15.8 K). The epitaxial growth is transferred from the MgO substrate to the borocarbide thin film via a perfectly textured lutetium oxide interface layer and can leads to a complete epitaxial in–plane order of the borocarbide film. The optimized films’ electrical resistance shows a critical temperature close to the single crystal optimum and a transition width of about 0.3 K in the absence of an external magnetic field. This combination of excellent structural and superconducting properties was achieved for the first time in borocarbide thin films. The measurement of the upper critical field along the \[001\] crystallographic direction is highly comparable with exemplary single crystal data. Consequently, the films can be almost adequately used for investigations of intrinsic properties of the [LuNi$_{\mbox{\scriptsize 2}}$B$_{\mbox{\scriptsize 2}}$C ]{}phase.
The authors thank M. Kühnel and U. Besold for comprehensive laboratory services and K. Tscharntke for helpful thickness measurements. Helpful discussions with G. Fuchs are gratefully acknowledged. This work was financially supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft through the framework SFB 463.
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abstract: 'This paper is an attempt to show that, parallel to Elliott’s classification of AF $C^*$-algebras by means of $K$-theory, the graded $K_0$-group classifies Leavitt path algebras completely. In this direction, we prove this claim at two extremes, namely, for the class of acyclic graphs (graphs with no cycles) and multi-headed comets or rose graphs (graphs in which each head is connected to a cycle or to a collection of loops), or a mixture of these graphs.'
address: |
Department of Pure Mathematics\
Queen’s University\
Belfast BT7 1NN\
United Kingdom
- Roozbeh Hazrat
title: |
The graded Grothendieck group\
and the classification of Leavitt path algebras
Introduction {#introf}
In [@vitt62] Leavitt considered the free associative $K$-algebra $A$ generated by symbols $\{x_i,y_i \mid 1\leq i \leq n\}$ subject to relations $$\label{jh54320}
x_iy_j =\delta_{ij}, \text{ for all } 1\leq i,j \leq n, \text{ and } \sum_{i=1}^n y_ix_i=1,$$ where $K$ is a field, $n\geq 2$ and $\delta_{ij}$ is the Kronecker delta. The relations guarantee the right $A$-module homomorphism $$\begin{aligned}
\phi:A&\longrightarrow A^n\\
a &\mapsto (x_1a ,x_2a,\dots,x_na)\notag\end{aligned}$$ has an inverse $$\begin{aligned}
\psi:A^n&\longrightarrow A\\
(a_1,\dots,a_n) &\mapsto y_1a_1+\dots+y_na_n, \notag \end{aligned}$$ so $A\cong A^n$ as a right $A$-module. He showed that $A$ is universal with respect to this property, of type $(1,n-1)$ (see §\[gtr5654\]) and it is a simple ring. Modeled on this, Leavitt path algebras are introduced [@aap05; @amp], which attach to a directed graph a certain algebra. In the case that the graph has one vertex and $n$ loops, it recovers Leavitt’s algebra (\[jh54320\]) (where $y_i$ are the loops and $x_i$ are the ghost loops).
In [@cuntz1] Cuntz considered the universal unital $C^*$-algebra ${\mathcal{O}}_n$ generated by isometries $\{s_i \mid 1\leq i\leq n\}$ subject to the relation $$\sum_{i=1}^ns_is_i^*=1,$$ where $n\geq 2$. He showed that $\mathcal O_n$ is purely infinite, simple $C^*$-algebras. Modeled on this, graph $C^*$-algebras are introduced [@paskrae; @Raegraph], which attach to a directed graph a certain $C^*$-algebra. In the case that the graph has one vertex and $n$ loops, it recovers Cuntz’s algebra.
The study of Leavitt path algebras and their analytic counterpart develop parallel and strikingly similar. Cuntz computed $K_0$ of ${\mathcal{O}}_n$ [@cuntz2] and in [@Raeburn113] Raeburn and Szymański carried out the calculation for graph $C^*$-algebras (see also [@Raegraph Ch. 7]). Ara, Brustenga and Cortinãs [@arawillie] calculated $K$-theory of Leavitt path algebras. It was shown that when $K=\mathbb C$, the $K_0$-group of graph $C^*$-algebras and Leavitt path algebras coincide [@amp Theorem 7.1].
The Grothendieck group $K_0$ has long been recognized as an essential tool in classifying certain types of $C^*$-algebras. Elliott proved that $K_0$ as a “pointed” pre-ordered group classifies the AF $C^*$-algebras completely. Since the “underlying” algebras of Leavitt path algebras are ultramatricial algebras (as in AF $C^*$-algebras) Elliott’s work (see also [@rordam §8]) has prompted to consider the $K_0$-group as the main tool of classifying certain types of Leavitt path algebras [@aalp].
This note is an attempt to justify that parallel to Elliott’s work on AF $C^*$-algebras, the “pointed” pre-order [*graded*]{} Grothedieck group, $K^{{\operatorname{gr}}}_0$, classifies the Leavitt path algebras completely. This note proves this claim at two extremes, namely for acyclic graphs (graphs with no cycle) and for graphs in which each head is connected to a cycle or to a collection of loops (see (\[pid98\])) or a mixture of these graphs (see (\[monster\])). Leavitt’s algebra constructed in (\[jh54320\]) has a natural grading; assigning $1$ to $y_i$ and $-1$ to $x_i$, $1\leq i \leq n$, since the relations are homogeneous (of degree zero), the algebra $A$ is a $\mathbb Z$-graded algebra. The isomorphism (\[is329ho\]) induces a graded isomorphism $$\begin{aligned}
\phi:A&\longrightarrow A(-1)^n\\
a &\mapsto (x_1a ,x_2a,\dots,x_na), \notag\end{aligned}$$ where $A(-1)$ is the suspension of $A$ by $-1$. In the non-graded setting, the relation $A\cong A^n$ translates to $(n-1)[A]=0$ in $K_0(A)$. In fact for $n=2$, one can show that $K_0(A)=0$. However, when considering the grading, for $n=2$, $A \cong_{{\operatorname{gr}}} A(-1)\oplus A(-1)$ and $A(i)\cong_{{\operatorname{gr}}} A(i-1)\oplus A(i-1)$, $i\in \mathbb Z$, and therefore $A \cong_{{\operatorname{gr}}} A(-i)^{2^i}$, $i \in \mathbb N$. This implies not only $K^{{\operatorname{gr}}}_0(A)\not = 0$ but one can also show that $K^{{\operatorname{gr}}}_0(A)\cong \mathbb Z[1/2]$. This is an indication that graded $K$-groups can capture more information than the non-graded $K$-groups (see Example \[smallgraphs\] for more examples). In fact, we will observe that there is a close relation between graded $K$-groups of Leavitt path algebras and their graph $C^*$-algebra counterparts. For example, if the graph is finite with no sink, we have isomorphisms in the middle of the diagram below which induce isomorphisms on the right and left hand side of the diagram. This immediately implies $ K_0(C^*(E)) \cong K_0({\operatorname{\mathcal L}}_{\mathbb C}(E))$. (See Remark \[hjsonf\] for the general case of row finite graphs.) $$\xymatrix{ 0 \ar[r] & K_1(C^*(E)) \ar[r] \ar@{.>}[d] &
K_0\big(C^*(E\times_1 \mathbb Z)\big) \ar[d]^{\cong}
\ar[r]^{1-\beta^{-1}_*} & K_0\big(C^*(E\times_1 \mathbb Z)\big) \ar[d]^{\cong} \ar[r]& K_0(C^*(E))\ar@{.>}[d]\ar[r]& 0\\
0 \ar[r] & \ker(1-N^t) \ar[r] & K^{{\operatorname{gr}}}_0({\operatorname{\mathcal L}}_{\mathbb C}(E)) \ar[r]^{1-N^{t}} &
K^{{\operatorname{gr}}}_0({\operatorname{\mathcal L}}_{\mathbb C}(E)) \ar[r]& K_0({\operatorname{\mathcal L}}_{\mathbb C}(E)) \ar[r] &0}.$$
In the graded $K$-theory we study in this note, suspensions play a pivotal role. For example, Abrams [@arock Proposition 1.3] has given a number theoretic criterion when matrices over Leavitt algebras with no suspensions are graded isomorphism. Abrams’ criterion shows $${\operatorname{\mathbb M}}_3({\operatorname{\mathcal L}}_2)\not \cong_{{\operatorname{gr}}} {\operatorname{\mathbb M}}_4({\operatorname{\mathcal L}}_2),$$ where ${\operatorname{\mathcal L}}_2$ is the Leavitt algebra constructed in (\[jh54320\]) for $n=2$. However using graded $K$-theory (Theorem \[re282\] and Theorem \[mani543\]), we shall see that the Leavitt path algebras of the following two graphs $$\xymatrix@=10pt{
&\bullet \ar[dr] & &&&& & \bullet \ar[dr] \\
E: && \bullet \ar@(ur,rd) \ar@(u,r) & & && F: & & \bullet \ar[r] & \bullet \ar@(ur,rd) \ar@(u,r) &\\
&\bullet \ar[ur] & &&&& & \bullet \ar[ur]
}$$ are graded isomorphic, i.e., ${\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(E) \cong_{{\operatorname{gr}}} {\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(F)$, which would then imply $${\operatorname{\mathbb M}}_3({\operatorname{\mathcal L}}_2)(0,1,1) \cong_{{\operatorname{gr}}} {\operatorname{\mathbb M}}_4({\operatorname{\mathcal L}}_2)(0,1,2,2).$$ This also shows, by considering suspensions, we get much wider classes of graded isomorphisms of matrices over Leavitt algebras (see Theorem \[cfd2497\]). In fact, the suspensions of graded modules induce a $\mathbb Z[x,x^{-1}]$-module structure on the graded $K_0$-group. This extra structure helps us to characterize the Leavitt path algebras.
Elliott showed that $K_0$-groups classify ultramatricial algebras completely ([@goodearlbook §15]). Namely, for two ultramatricial algebras $R$ and $S$, if $\phi:K_0(R)\rightarrow K_0(S)$ is an isomorphism such that $\phi([R])=[S]$ and the set of isomorphism classes of finitely generated projective modules of $R$ are sent to and covers the set of isomorphism classes of finitely generated projective modules of $S$, i.e., $\phi$ and $\phi^{-1}$ are order preserving, then $R$ and $S$ are isomorphic. This isomorphism is written as $\big(K_0(R),[R]\big)\cong \big (K_0(S),[S]\big)$.
Replacing $K_0$ by $K^{{\operatorname{gr}}}_0$, we will prove that a similar statement holds for the class of Leavitt path algebras arising from acyclic, multi-headed comets and multi-headed rose graphs (see Figures \[pid98\]) or a mixture of these (called a polycephaly graph, see Figure \[monster\]) in Theorem \[mani543\]. Here the isomorphisms between $K^{{\operatorname{gr}}}_0$-groups are considered as ordered preserving $\mathbb Z[x,x^{-1}]$-modules (see Example \[upst\] for the action of $\mathbb Z[x,x^{-1}]$ on $K^{{\operatorname{gr}}}_0$-groups of acyclic and comets graphs).
& \bullet \ar[d] \ar[r] & \bullet & && \bullet \ar[d] \ar[r] & \bullet \ar@(ur,dr)\\
\bullet \ar[dr] & \bullet\ar[d] & & &&\bullet\ar@/^/[dr] &&& && & & && \bullet \ar@(ul,ur) \ar@(u,r) \ar@{.}@(ur,dr) \ar@(r,d)& \\
& \bullet && \bullet \ar[r] \ar[dr] & \bullet \ar@/^/[ur] &&\bullet \ar@/^1pc/[ll] & \bullet \ar[l] & &&
\bullet \ar[r] & \bullet \ar[r] & \bullet \ar[r] \ar[urr] & \bullet \ar[r] \ar[dr] & \bullet \ar[r] & \bullet \ar[r] & \bullet \ar@(ul,ur) \ar@(u,r) \ar@{.}@(ur,dr) \ar@(r,d)& \\
&& & & \bullet \ar@/^1pc/[rr] & & \bullet \ar@/^1.3pc/[ll]&&& &&& \bullet \ar[r] & \bullet \ar[r] & \bullet \ar@(u,r) \ar@{.}@(ur,dr) \ar@(r,d)&
This paves the way to pose the following conjecture.
\[weakconj\] Let $E$ and $F$ be row-finite graphs. Then ${\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(E)\cong_{{\operatorname{gr}}} {\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(F)$ if and only if there is an ordered preserving $\mathbb Z[x,x^{-1}]$-module isomorphism $$\big (K_0^{{\operatorname{gr}}}({\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(E)),[{\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(E)]\big ) \cong \big (K_0^{{\operatorname{gr}}}({\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(F)),[{\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(F)]\big ).$$
Whereas, in Elliott’s case, $K_0$ is a functor to the category of pre-ordered abelian groups, $K^{{\operatorname{gr}}}_0$ is a functor to $\Gamma$-pre-ordered abelian groups taking into account the $\Gamma$-grading of the rings (see §\[pregg5\]).
In fact the proof of Theorem \[mani543\] shows that an isomorphism between the graded Grothendieck groups induces a $K$-algebra isomorphism between the Leavitt path algebras. Therefore starting from a ring isomorphism, passing through $K$-theory, we obtain $K$-algebra isomorphisms between Leavitt path algebras. Therefore we obtain the following conjecture for the class of polycephaly graphs (see Corollary \[griso7dgre\]).
\[cofian\] Let $E$ and $F$ be row-finite graphs. Then ${\operatorname{\mathcal L}}_K(E) \cong_{{\operatorname{gr}}} {\operatorname{\mathcal L}}_K(F)$ as rings if and only if ${\operatorname{\mathcal L}}_K(E) \cong_{{\operatorname{gr}}} {\operatorname{\mathcal L}}_K(F)$ as $K$-algebras.
In fact we prove $K^{{\operatorname{gr}}}_0$ functor is a fully faithful functor from the category of acyclic Leavitt path algebras to the category of pre-ordered abelian groups (see §\[pregg5\] and Theorem \[catgrhsf\]). From the results of the paper, one is tempted to make the following conjecture.
\[strongconj\] The graded Grothendieck group $K^{{\operatorname{gr}}}_0$ is a fully faithful functor from the category of Leavitt path algebras with graded homomorphisms modulo inner-automorphisms to the category of pre-ordered abelian groups with order-units.
The graded Grothendieck group
In this note all modules are considered right modules unless stated otherwise. For a set $\Gamma$ by $\mathbb Z ^{\Gamma}$ we mean $\Gamma$-copies of $\mathbb Z$, i.e., $\bigoplus_{\gamma \in \Gamma} \mathbb Z_{\gamma}$ where $\mathbb Z_{\gamma} = \mathbb Z$ for each $\gamma \in \Gamma$.
Graded rings {#pregr529}
A ring $A = \textstyle{\bigoplus_{ {\gamma}\in {\Gamma}}} A_{{\gamma}}$ is called a *${\Gamma}$-graded ring*, or simply a *graded ring*, if ${\Gamma}$ is an (abelian) group, each $A_{{\gamma}}$ is an additive subgroup of $A$ and $A_{{\gamma}} A_{\delta} \subseteq
A_{{\gamma}+ \delta}$ for all ${\gamma}, \delta \in {\Gamma}$. The elements of $A_{\gamma}$ are called *homogeneous of degree ${\gamma}$* and we write deg$(a) = {\gamma}$ if $a \in A_{{\gamma}}$. We let $A^{h} =
\bigcup_{{\gamma}\in {\Gamma}} A_{{\gamma}}$ be the set of homogeneous elements of $A$. We call the set $\Gamma_A=\{ {\gamma}\in \Gamma \mid A_{\gamma}\not = 0 \}$ the [*support*]{} of $A$. A ${\Gamma}$-graded ring $A=\textstyle{\bigoplus_{ {\gamma}\in {\Gamma}}} A_{{\gamma}}$ is called a *strongly graded ring* if $A_{{\gamma}} A_{{\delta}} = A_{{\gamma}+{\delta}}$ for all ${\gamma}, {\delta}\in {\Gamma}$. We say $A$ has a trivial grading, or $A$ is concentrated in degree zero if the support of $A$ is the trivial group, i.e., $A_0=A$ and $A_{\gamma}=0$ for ${\gamma}\in \Gamma \backslash \{0\}$.
Let $A$ be a $\Gamma$-graded ring. A *graded right $A$-module* $M$ is defined to be a right $A$-module with a direct sum decomposition $M=\bigoplus_{{\gamma}\in \Gamma}
M_{{\gamma}}$, where each $M_{{\gamma}}$ is an additive subgroup of $M$ such that $M_{{\lambda}} \cdot A_{{\gamma}} \subseteq M_{{\gamma}+ {\lambda}}$ for all ${\gamma}, {\lambda}\in
{\Gamma}$. For ${\delta}\in {\Gamma}$, we define the ${\delta}$-[*suspended*]{} $A$-module $M({\delta})$ \[deshiftedmodule\] as $M({\delta})
=\bigoplus_{{\gamma}\in {\Gamma}} M({\delta})_{\gamma}$ where $M({\delta})_{\gamma}=
M_{{\gamma}+{\delta}}$. For two graded $A$-modules $M$ and $N$, a [*graded $A$-module homomorphism of degree $\delta$*]{} is an $A$-module homomorphism $f:M\rightarrow N$, such that $f(M_{\gamma})\subseteq N_{{\gamma}+\delta}$ for any ${\gamma}\in {\Gamma}$. By a [*graded homomorphism*]{} we mean a graded homomorphism of degree $0$. By $\mbox{gr-}A$, we denote the category of graded right $A$-modules with graded homomorphisms. For $\alpha \in \Gamma$, the [*$\alpha$-suspension functor*]{} $\mathcal T_\alpha:\mbox{gr-}A\rightarrow \mbox{gr-}A$, $M \mapsto M(\alpha)$ is an isomorphism with the property $\mathcal T_\alpha \mathcal T_\beta=\mathcal T_{\alpha + \beta}$, $\alpha,\beta\in \Gamma$.
For graded modules $M$ and $N$, if $M$ is finitely generated, then ${\operatorname{Hom}}_{A}(M,N)$ has a natural $\Gamma$-grading $$\label{hgd543p}
{\operatorname{Hom}}_{A}(M,N)=\bigoplus_{\gamma \in \Gamma} {\operatorname{Hom}}(M,N)_{\gamma},$$ where ${\operatorname{Hom}}(M,N)_{\gamma}$ is the set of all graded $A$-module homomorphisms of degree $\gamma$ (see [@grrings §2.4]).
A graded $A$-module $P$ is called a [*graded projective*]{} module if $P$ is a projective module. One can check that $P$ is graded projective if and only if the functor ${\operatorname{Hom}}_{\mbox{\tiny gr-}A}(P,-)$ is an exact functor in $\mbox{gr-}A$ if and only if $P$ is graded isomorphic to a direct summand of a graded free $A$-module. In particular, if $P$ is a graded finitely generated projective $A$-module, then there is a graded finitely generated projective $A$-module $Q$ such that $P\oplus Q\cong_{{\operatorname{gr}}} A^n(\overline \alpha)$, where $\overline \alpha =(\alpha_1,\cdots,\alpha_n)$, $\alpha_i \in {\Gamma}$. By ${\mathcal P \mathrm{gr}}(A)$ we denote the category of graded finitely generated projective right $A$-modules with graded homomorphisms. Note that the suspension functor $\mathcal T_\alpha$ restricts to the category of graded finitely generated projective modules.
Let $A= \textstyle{\bigoplus_{{\gamma}\in {\Gamma}}} A_{{\gamma}}$ and $B= \textstyle{\bigoplus_{{\gamma}\in
{\Gamma}}} B_{{\gamma}}$ be graded rings. Then $A\times B$ has a natural grading given by $A\times B = \textstyle{\bigoplus_{{\gamma}\in \Gamma}} (A \times B)_{{\gamma}}$ where $(A \times B)_{{\gamma}}=A_{\gamma}\times B_{\gamma}$. Similarly, if $A$ and $B$ are $K$-modules for a field $K$ (where here $K$ has a trivial grading), then $A
\otimes_K B$ has a natural grading given by $A \otimes_K B = \textstyle{\bigoplus_{{\gamma}\in \Gamma}} (A \otimes_K B)_{{\gamma}}$ where $$\label{tengr}
(A \otimes_K B)_{{\gamma}} = \Big \{ \sum_i a_i \otimes b_i \mid a_i \in
A^h, b_i \in B^h, \deg(a_i)+\deg(b_i) = {\gamma}\Big\}.$$
Some of the rings we are dealing with in this note are of the form $K[x,x^{-1}]$ where $K$ is a field. This is an example of a graded field. A nonzero commutative ${\Gamma}$-graded ring $A$ is called a [*graded field*]{} if every nonzero homogeneous element has an inverse. It follows that $A_0$ is a field and $\Gamma_A$ is an abelian group. Similar to the non-graded setting, one can show that any $\Gamma$-graded module $M$ over a graded field $A$ is graded free, i.e., it is generated by a homogeneous basis and the graded bases have the same cardinality (see [@grrings Proposition 4.6.1]). Moreover, if $N$ is a graded submodule of $M$, then $$\label{dimcouti}
\dim_A(N)+\dim_A(M/N)=\dim_A(M).$$ In this note, all graded fields have torsion free abelian group gradings (in fact, in all our statements $\Gamma=\mathbb Z$, $A=K[x^n,x^{-n}]$ is a $\Gamma$-graded field with ${\Gamma}_A=n \mathbb Z$, for some $n\in \mathbb N$). However, this assumption is not necessary for the statements below.
Grading on matrices {#matgrhe}
Let $A$ be a $\Gamma$-graded ring and $M=M_1\oplus \dots \oplus M_n$, where $M_i$ are graded finitely generated right $A$-modules. So $M$ is also a graded $A$-module. Let $\pi_j:M\rightarrow M_j$ and $\kappa_j:M_j\rightarrow M$ be the (graded) projection and injection homomorphisms. Then there is a graded isomorphism $$\label{fgair}
{\operatorname{End}}_A(M)\rightarrow \big[{\operatorname{Hom}}(M_j,M_i)\big]_{1\leq i,j\leq n}$$ defined by $\phi \mapsto [\pi_i\phi\kappa_j]$, $1\leq i,j \leq n$.
For a graded ring $A$, observe that ${\operatorname{Hom}}_A\big (A(\delta_i),A(\delta_j)\big )\cong_{{\operatorname{gr}}} A(\delta_j-\delta_i)$ (see \[hgd543p\]). If $$V=A(-\delta_1)\oplus A(-\delta_2) \oplus \dots \oplus A(-\delta_n),$$ then by (\[fgair\]), $${\operatorname{End}}_A(V)\cong_{{\operatorname{gr}}} \big [{\operatorname{Hom}}\big (A(-\delta_j),A(-\delta_i)\big )\big ]\cong_{{\operatorname{gr}}}\big[A(\delta_j-\delta_i)\big]_{1\leq i,j\leq n}.$$ Denoting this graded matrix ring by ${\operatorname{\mathbb M}}_n(A)({\delta}_1,\dots,{\delta}_n)$, we have
{\operatorname{\mathbb M}}_n(A)({\delta}_1,\dots,{\delta}_n) =
A({\delta}_1 - {\delta}_1) & A({\delta}_2 - {\delta}_1) & \cdots &
A({\delta}_n - {\delta}_1) \\
A({\delta}_1 - {\delta}_2) & A({\delta}_2 - {\delta}_2) & \cdots &
A({\delta}_n - {\delta}_2) \\
\vdots & \vdots & \ddots & \vdots \\
A({\delta}_1 - {\delta}_n) & A({\delta}_2 - {\delta}_n) & \cdots &
A({\delta}_n - {\delta}_n)
Therefore for ${\lambda}\in \Gamma$, ${{\operatorname{\mathbb M}}_n (A)({\delta}_1,\dots,{\delta}_n)}_{{\lambda}}$, the ${\lambda}$-homogeneous elements, are the $n \times n$-matrices over $A$ with the degree shifted (suspended) as follows: $$\label{mmkkhh}
{{\operatorname{\mathbb M}}_n(A)({\delta}_1,\dots,{\delta}_n)}_{{\lambda}} =
A_{ {\lambda}+{\delta}_1 - {\delta}_1} & A_{{\lambda}+{\delta}_2 - {\delta}_1} & \cdots &
A_{{\lambda}+{\delta}_n - {\delta}_1} \\
A_{{\lambda}+ {\delta}_1 - {\delta}_2} & A_{{\lambda}+ {\delta}_2 - {\delta}_2} & \cdots &
A_{{\lambda}+{\delta}_n - {\delta}_2} \\
\vdots & \vdots & \ddots & \vdots \\
A_{{\lambda}+ {\delta}_1 - {\delta}_n} & A_{ {\lambda}+ {\delta}_2 - {\delta}_n} & \cdots &
A_{{\lambda}+ {\delta}_n - {\delta}_n}
This also shows that $$\label{hogr}
\deg(e_{ij}(x))=\deg(x)+\delta_i-\delta_j.$$ Setting $\overline \delta=({\delta}_1, \dots,{\delta}_n)\in \Gamma^n$, one denotes the graded matrix ring (\[pjacko\]) as ${\operatorname{\mathbb M}}_n(A)(\overline {\delta})$. Consider the graded $A$-bi-module $$A^n(\overline {\delta})=A({\delta}_1)\oplus \dots \oplus A({\delta}_n).$$ Then one can check that $A^n(\overline {\delta})$ is a graded right ${\operatorname{\mathbb M}}_n(A)(\overline {\delta})$-module and $A^n(-\overline {\delta})$ is a graded left ${\operatorname{\mathbb M}}_n(A)(\overline {\delta})$-module, where $-\overline {\delta}=(-{\delta}_1, \dots,-{\delta}_n)$.
Note that if $A$ has a trivial grading, this construction induces a [*good grading*]{} on ${\operatorname{\mathbb M}}_n(A)$. These group gradings on matrix rings have been studied by Dăscălescu et al. [@dascalescu]. Therefore for $x \in A$, $$\label{oiuytr}
\deg(e_{ij}(x))=\delta_i - \delta_j.$$
We will use these gradings on matrices to describe the graded structure of Leavitt path algebras of acyclic and comet graphs.
For a ${\Gamma}$-graded ring $A$, $\overline \alpha = ({\alpha}_1 , \ldots {\alpha}_m) \in {\Gamma}^m$ and $\overline \delta=({\delta}_1, \ldots ,{\delta}_n) \in {\Gamma}^n$, let $${\operatorname{\mathbb M}}_{m \times n} (A)[\overline \alpha][\overline \delta] =
A_{{\alpha}_1 -{\delta}_1} & A_{{\alpha}_1 -{\delta}_2} & \cdots &
A_{{\alpha}_1 -{\delta}_n } \\
A_{{\alpha}_2 -{\delta}_1} & A_{{\alpha}_2 -{\delta}_2} & \cdots &
A_{{\alpha}_2 -{\delta}_n } \\
\vdots & \vdots & \ddots & \vdots \\
A_{{\alpha}_m-{\delta}_1} & A_{{\alpha}_m -{\delta}_2} & \cdots & A_{{\alpha}_m -{\delta}_n}
\end{pmatrix}.$$ So ${\operatorname{\mathbb M}}_{m\times n} (A)[\overline \alpha][\overline \delta]$ consists of matrices with the $ij$-entry in $A_{{\alpha}_i -{\delta}_j}$.
\[rndconggrrna\] Let $A$ be a ${\Gamma}$-graded ring and let $\overline \alpha = ({\alpha}_1 , \ldots , {\alpha}_m) \in {\Gamma}^m$, $\overline \delta=({\delta}_1, \ldots,{\delta}_n)\in {\Gamma}^n$. Then the following are equivalent:
1. $A^m (\overline \alpha) \cong_{{\operatorname{gr}}} A^n(\overline \delta) $ as graded right $A$-modules.
2. $A^m (-\overline \alpha) \cong_{{\operatorname{gr}}} A^n(-\overline \delta) $ as graded left $A$-modules.
3. There exist $a=(a_{ij}) \in {\operatorname{\mathbb M}}_{n\times m} (A)[\overline \delta][\overline \alpha]$ and $b=(b_{ij}) \in {\operatorname{\mathbb M}}_{m\times n} (A)[\overline \alpha][\overline \delta]$ such that $ab={\operatorname{\mathbb I}}_{n}$ and $ba={\operatorname{\mathbb I}}_{m}$.
\(1) $\Rightarrow$ (3) Let $\phi: A^m(\overline {\alpha}) \rightarrow A^n (\overline {\delta})$ and $\psi: A^n(\overline \delta) \rightarrow A^m (\overline \alpha)$ be graded right $A$-modules isomorphisms such that $\phi\psi=1$ and $\psi\phi=1$. Let $e_j$ denote the standard basis element of $A^m(\overline \alpha)$ with $1$ in the $j$-th entry and zeros elsewhere. Then let $\phi(e_j)=(a_{1j},a_{2j},\dots,a_{nj})$, $1\leq j \leq m$. Since $\phi$ is a graded map, comparing the grading of both sides, one can observe that $\deg(a_{ij})={\delta}_i-\alpha_j$. Note that the map $\phi$ is represented by the left multiplication with the matrix $a=(a_{ij})_{n\times m} \in {\operatorname{\mathbb M}}_{n\times m} (A)[\overline \delta][\overline \alpha]$. In the same way one can construct $b \in {\operatorname{\mathbb M}}_{m\times n} (A)[\overline \alpha][\overline \delta]$ which induces $\psi$. Now $\phi\psi=1$ and $\psi\phi=1$ translate to $ab={\operatorname{\mathbb I}}_{n}$ and $ba={\operatorname{\mathbb I}}_{m}$.
\(3) $\Rightarrow$ (1) If $a \in {\operatorname{\mathbb M}}_{n\times m} (A)[\overline \delta][\overline \alpha]$, then multiplication from the left, induces a graded right $A$-module homomorphism $\phi_a:A^m(\overline \alpha) \longrightarrow A^n(\overline \delta)$. Similarly $b$ induces $\psi_b: A^n(\overline \delta) \longrightarrow A^m(\overline \alpha)$. Now $ab={\operatorname{\mathbb I}}_{n}$ and $ba={\operatorname{\mathbb I}}_{m}$ translate to $\phi_a\psi_b=1$ and $\psi_b\phi_a=1$.
\(2) $\Longleftrightarrow$ (3) This part is similar to the previous cases by considering the matrix multiplication from the right. Namely, the graded left $A$-module homomorphism $\phi: A^m (-\overline \alpha) \rightarrow A^n(-\overline \delta) $ represented by a matrix multiplication from the right of the form ${\operatorname{\mathbb M}}_{m\times n} (A)[\overline \alpha][\overline \delta]$ and similarly $\psi$ gives a matrix in ${\operatorname{\mathbb M}}_{n\times m} (A)[\overline {\delta}][\overline {\alpha}]$. The rest follows easily.
When $m=n=1$ in Proposition \[rndconggrrna\] we obtain,
\[rndcongcori\] Let $A$ be a ${\Gamma}$-graded ring and $\alpha \in \Gamma$. Then the following are equivalent:
1. $A(\alpha) \cong_{{\operatorname{gr}}} A$ as graded right $A$-modules.
2. $A(-\alpha) \cong_{{\operatorname{gr}}} A$ as graded right $A$-modules.
3. $A(\alpha) \cong_{{\operatorname{gr}}} A$ as graded left $A$-modules.
4. $A(-\alpha) \cong_{{\operatorname{gr}}} A$ as graded left $A$-modules.
5. There is an invertible homogeneous element of degree $\alpha$.
This follows from Proposition \[rndconggrrna\].
Leavitt algebras as graded rings {#creekside}
Let $K$ be a field, $n$ and $k$ positive integers and $A$ the free associative $K$-algebra generated by symbols $\{x_{ij},y_{ji} \mid 1\leq i \leq n+k, 1\leq j \leq n \}$ subject to relations (coming from) $$Y\cdot X=I_{n,n} \qquad \text{ and } \qquad X\cdot Y=I_{n+k,n+k},$$ where $$\label{breaktr}
y_{11} & y_{12} & \dots & y_{1,n+k}\\
y_{21} & y_{22} & \dots & y_{2,n+k}\\
\vdots & \vdots & \ddots & \vdots\\
y_{n,1} & y_{n,2} & \dots & y_{n,n+k}
\right), ~~~~
x_{11} & x_{12} & \dots & x_{1,n}\\
x_{21} & x_{22} & \dots & x_{2,n}\\
\vdots & \vdots & \ddots & \vdots\\
x_{n+k,1} & x_{n+k,2} & \dots & x_{n+k,n}
This algebra was studied by Leavitt in relation with its type in [@vitt56; @vitt57; @vitt62]. In [@vitt56 p.190], he studied this algebra for $n=2$ and $k=1$, where he showed that the algebra has no zero divisors, in [@vitt57 p.322] for arbitrary $n$ and $k=1$ and in [@vitt62 p.130] for arbitrary $n$ and $k$ and established that these algebras are of type $(n,k)$ (see §\[gtr5654\]) and when $n\geq 2$ they are domains. We denote this algebra by ${\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(n,k+1)$. (Cohn’s notation in [@cohn11] for this algebra is $V_{n,n+k}$.) Throughout the text we sometimes denote ${\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(1,k)$ by ${\operatorname{\mathcal L}}_k$.
Assigning $\deg(y_{ji})=(0,\dots,0,1,0\dots,0)$ and $\deg(x_{ij})=(0,\dots,0,-1,0\dots,0)$, $1\leq i \leq n+k$, $1\leq j \leq n$, in $\bigoplus_n \mathbb Z$, where $1$ and $-1$ are in $j$-th entries respectively, makes the free algebra generated by $x_{ij}$ and $y_{ji}$ a graded ring. Furthermore, one can easily observe that the relations coming from (\[breaktr\]) are all homogeneous with respect to this grading, so that the Leavitt algebra ${\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(n,k+1)$ is a $\bigoplus_n \mathbb Z$-graded ring. Therefore, ${\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(1,k+1)$ is a $\mathbb Z$-graded ring. In fact this is a strongly graded ring by Theorem \[hazst\].
Graded IBN and graded type {#gtr5654}
A ring $A$ has an [*invariant basis number*]{} (IBN) if any two bases of a free (right) $A$-module have the same cardinality, i.e., if $A^n \cong A^{m}$ as $A$-modules, then $n=m$. When $A$ does not have IBN, the [*type*]{} of $A$ is defined as a pair of positive integers $(n,k)$ such that $A^n \cong A^{n+k}$ as $A$-modules and these are the smallest number with this property. It was shown that if $A$ has type $(n,k)$, then $A^m\cong A^{m'}$ if and only if $m=m'$ or $m,m' >n$ and $m \equiv m' \pmod{k}$ (see [@cohn11 p. 225], [@vitt62 Theorem 1]).
A graded ring $A$ has a [*graded invariant basis number*]{} (gr-IBN) if any two homogeneous bases of a graded free (right) $A$-module have the same cardinality, i.e., if $ A^m(\overline \alpha)\cong_{{\operatorname{gr}}} A^n(\overline \delta) $, where $\overline \alpha=(\alpha_1,\dots,\alpha_m)$ and $\overline \delta=(\delta_1,\dots,\delta_n)$, then $m=n$. Note that contrary to the non-graded case, this does not imply that two graded free modules with bases of the same cardinality are graded isomorphic (see Proposition \[rndconggrrna\]). A graded ring $A$ has [*IBN in*]{} $\mbox{gr-}A$, if $A^m \cong_{{\operatorname{gr}}} A^n$ then $m=n$. If $A$ has IBN in $\mbox{gr-}A$, then $A_0$ has IBN. Indeed, if $A_0^m \cong A_0^n$ as $A_0$-modules, then $A^m\cong_{{\operatorname{gr}}} A_0^m \otimes_{A_0} A \cong A_0^n \otimes_{A_0} A \cong_{{\operatorname{gr}}}A^n$, so $n=m$ (see [@grrings p. 215]).
When the graded ring $A$ does not have gr-IBN, the [*graded type*]{} of $A$ is defined as a pair of positive integers $(n,k)$ such that $A^n(\overline \delta) \cong_{{\operatorname{gr}}} A^{n+k}(\overline \alpha)$ as $A$-modules, for some $\overline \delta=(\delta_1,\dots,\delta_n)$ and $\overline \alpha=(\alpha_1,\dots,\alpha_{n+k})$ and these are the smallest number with this property. In Proposition \[grtypel1\] we show that the Leavitt algebra ${\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(n,k+1)$ has graded type $(n,k)$. Using graded $K$-theory we will also show that (see Corollary \[k43shab\]) $${\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(1,n)^k ({\lambda}_1,\dots,{\lambda}_k) \cong_{{\operatorname{gr}}} {\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(1,n)^{k'}({\gamma}_1,\dots,{\gamma}_{k'})$$ if and only if $\sum_{i=1}^k n^{{\lambda}_i}=\sum_{i=1}^{k'} {n}^{{\gamma}_i}$.
Let $A$ be a $\Gamma$-graded ring such that $A^m(\overline \alpha) \cong_{{\operatorname{gr}}} A^n(\overline \delta)$, where $\overline \alpha=(\alpha_1,\dots,\alpha_m)$ and $\overline \delta=(\delta_1,\dots,\delta_n)$. Then there is a universal $\Gamma$-graded ring $R$ such that $ R^m(\overline \alpha) \cong_{{\operatorname{gr}}} R^n(\overline \delta)$, and a graded ring homomorphism $R\rightarrow A$ which induces the graded isomorphism $A^m(\overline \alpha) \cong_{{\operatorname{gr}}} R^m(\overline \alpha) \otimes_R A \cong_{{\operatorname{gr}}} R^n(\overline {\delta}) \otimes_R A \cong_{{\operatorname{gr}}} A^n(\overline {\delta})$. Indeed, by Proposition \[rndconggrrna\], there are matrices $a=(a_{ij}) \in {\operatorname{\mathbb M}}_{n\times m} (A)[\overline \delta][\overline \alpha]$ and $b=(b_{ij}) \in {\operatorname{\mathbb M}}_{m\times n} (A)[\overline \alpha][\overline \delta]$ such that $ab={\operatorname{\mathbb I}}_{n}$ and $ba={\operatorname{\mathbb I}}_{m}$. The free ring generated by symbols in place of $a_{ij}$ and $b_{ij}$ subject to relations imposed by $ab={\operatorname{\mathbb I}}_{n}$ and $ba={\operatorname{\mathbb I}}_{m}$ is the desired universal graded ring. In detail, let $F$ be a free ring generated by $x_{ij}$, $1\leq i \leq n$, $1\leq j \leq m$ and $y_{ij}$, $1\leq i \leq m$, $1\leq j \leq n$. Assign the degrees $\deg(x_{ij})=\delta_i-\alpha_j$ and $\deg(y_{ij})=\alpha_i-\delta_j$. This makes $F$ a $\Gamma$-graded ring. Let $R$ be a ring $F$ modulo the relations $\sum_{s=1}^m x_{is}y_{sk}=\delta_{ik}$, $1\leq i,k \leq n$ and $\sum_{t=1}^n y_{it}x_{tk}=\delta_{ik}$, $1\leq i,k \leq m$, where $\delta_{ik}$ is the Kronecker delta. Since all the relations are homogeneous, $R$ is a $\Gamma$-graded ring. Clearly the map sending $x_{ij}$ to $a_{ij}$ and $y_{ij}$ to $b_{ij}$ induces a graded ring homomorphism $R \rightarrow A$. Again Proposition \[rndconggrrna\] shows that $R^m(\overline \alpha) \cong_{{\operatorname{gr}}} R^n(\overline \delta) $.
\[grtypel1\] Let $R={\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(n,k+1)$ be the Leavitt algebra of type $(n,k)$. Then
1. $R$ is a universal $\bigoplus_n \mathbb Z$-graded ring which does not have gr-IBN.
2. $R$ has graded type $(n,k)$
3. For $n=1$, $R$ has IBN in $R\mbox{-gr}$.
\(1) Consider the Leavitt algebra ${\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(n,k+1)$ constructed in (\[breaktr\]), which is a $\bigoplus_n \mathbb Z$-graded ring and is universal. Furthermore (\[breaktr\]) combined by Proposition \[rndconggrrna\](3) shows that $R^n \cong_{{\operatorname{gr}}} R^{n+k}(\overline \alpha)$. Here $\overline \alpha =(\alpha_1,\dots,\alpha_{n+k})$, where $\alpha_i=(0,\dots,0,1,0\dots,0)$ and $1$ is in $i$-th entry. This shows that $R={\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(n,k+1)$ does not have gr-IBN.
\(2) By [@cohn11 Theorem 6.1], $R$ is of type $(n,k)$. This immediately implies the graded type of $R$ is also $(n,k)$.
\(3) Suppose $R^n \cong_{{\operatorname{gr}}} R^m$. Then $R_0^n \cong R_0^m$ as $R_0$-modules. But $R_0$ is an ultramatricial algebra, i.e., direct limit of matrices over a field. Since IBN respects direct limits ([@cohn11 Theorem 2.3]), $R_0$ has IBN. Therefore, $n=m$.
Assigning $\deg(y_{ij})=1$ and $\deg(x_{ij})=-1$, for all $i,j$, makes $R={\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(n,k+1)$ a $\mathbb Z$-graded algebra of graded type $(n,k)$ with $R^n\cong_{{\operatorname{gr}}} R^{n+k}(1)$.
Recall from §\[pregr529\] that ${\mathcal P \mathrm{gr}}(A)$ denotes the category of graded finitely generated projective right $A$-modules with graded homomorphisms and $\mathcal T_\alpha (P)=P(\alpha)$, where $\mathcal T_\alpha$ is a suspension functor and $P$ a graded finitely generated $A$-module.
\[grmorita\] Let $A$ be a $\Gamma$-graded ring and let ${\overline}\delta = ({\delta}_1 , \ldots ,
{\delta}_n)$, where ${\delta}_i \in {\Gamma}$, $1\leq i \leq n$. Then the functors $$\begin{aligned}
\psi : {\mathcal P \mathrm{gr}}( {\operatorname{\mathbb M}}_n(A)({\overline}\delta) ) & \longrightarrow {\mathcal P \mathrm{gr}}( A) \\
P & \longmapsto P \otimes_{{\operatorname{\mathbb M}}_n(A)({\overline}\delta)} A^n(-{\overline}\delta) \\
\textrm{ and \;\;\;\; } {\varphi}: {\mathcal P \mathrm{gr}}( A) & \longrightarrow {\mathcal P \mathrm{gr}}( {\operatorname{\mathbb M}}_n(A)({\overline}\delta)) \\
Q & \longmapsto Q \otimes_A A^n({\overline}\delta)\end{aligned}$$ form equivalences of categories and commute with suspensions, i.e, $\psi \mathcal T_{\alpha}=\mathcal T_{\alpha} \psi$, $\alpha \in \Gamma$.
One can check that there is a graded $A$-module isomorphism $$\begin{aligned}
\theta : \; A^n({\overline}{\delta})\otimes_{{\operatorname{\mathbb M}}_n(A)({\overline}{\delta})} A^n(-{\overline}{\delta}) & \longrightarrow A \\
(a_1 , \ldots , a_n ) \otimes (b_1, \ldots , b_n) & \longmapsto a_1
b_1 + \cdots + a_n b_n. \end{aligned}$$ Furthermore, there is a graded ${\operatorname{\mathbb M}}_n(A)({\overline}{\delta})$-isomorphism $$\begin{aligned}
\theta' : \; A^n(-{\overline}{\delta}) \otimes_{A} A^n({\overline}{\delta}) & \longrightarrow {\operatorname{\mathbb M}}_n(A)({\overline}{\delta})\\
a_1 \\ \vdots \\ a_n
b_1 \\ \vdots \\ b_n
& \longmapsto
a_{1} b_1 & \cdots & a_{1} b_n \\
\vdots & & \vdots \\
a_{n} b_1 & \cdots & a_{n} b_n
\end{pmatrix}\end{aligned}$$ Now it easily follows that $\varphi \psi$ and $\psi \varphi$ are equivalent to identity functors. The general fact that $(P\otimes Q) (\alpha)= P(\alpha)\otimes Q =P \otimes Q(\alpha)$ shows that the suspension functor commutes with $\psi$ and $\phi$.
The Graded Grothendieck group
Let $A$ be a $\Gamma$-graded ring with identity and let $\mathcal V^{{\operatorname{gr}}}(A)$ denote the monoid of isomorphism classes of graded finitely generated projective modules over $A$. Then the graded Grothendieck group, $K_0^{{\operatorname{gr}}}(A)$, is defined as the group completion of $\mathcal V^{{\operatorname{gr}}}(A)$. Note that for $\alpha \in \Gamma$, the [*$\alpha$-suspension functor*]{} $\mathcal T_\alpha:\mbox{gr-}A\rightarrow \mbox{gr-}A$, $M \mapsto M(\alpha)$ is an isomorphism with the property $\mathcal T_\alpha \mathcal T_\beta=\mathcal T_{\alpha + \beta}$, $\alpha,\beta\in \Gamma$. Furthermore, $\mathcal T_\alpha$ restricts to the category of graded finitely generated projective modules. This induces a $\mathbb
Z[\Gamma]$-module structure on $K_i^{{\operatorname{gr}}}(A)$, $i\geq 0$, defined by $\alpha [P]
=[P(\alpha)]$ on the generators and extended naturally. In particular if $A$ is a $\mathbb Z$-graded then $K_i^{{\operatorname{gr}}}(A)$ is a $\mathbb Z[x,x^{-1}]$-module for $i\geq 0$.
Recall that there is a description of $K_0$ in terms of idempotent matrices. In the following, we can always enlarge matrices of different sizes by adding zeros in the lower right hand corner, so that they can be considered in a ring ${\operatorname{\mathbb M}}_k(A)$ for a suitable $k\in \mathbb N$. Any idempotent matrix $p \in {\operatorname{\mathbb M}}_n(A)$ gives rise to the finitely generated projective right $A$-module $pA^n$. On the other hand any finitely generated projective module gives rise to an idempotent matrix. We say two idempotent matrices $p$ and $q$ are equivalent if (after suitably enlarging them) there are matrices $x$ and $y$ such that $xy=p$ and $yx=q$. One can show that $p$ and $q$ are equivalent if and only if they are conjugate if and only if the corresponding finitely generated projective modules are isomorphic. Therefore $K_0(A)$ can be defined as the group completion of the monoid of equivalence classes of idempotent matrices with addition, $[p]+[q]=\left(\begin{matrix} p & 0\\ 0 & q
\end{matrix}\right)$. In fact, this is the definition one adopts for $K_0$ when the ring $A$ does not have identity.
A similar construction can be given in the setting of graded rings. Since this does not seem to be documented in literature, we give the details here for the convenience of the reader.
Let $A$ be a $\Gamma$-graded ring and ${\overline}\alpha=(\alpha_1,\dots,\alpha_n)$, where $\alpha_i \in \Gamma$. In the following if we need to enlarge a homogeneous matrix $p\in
{\operatorname{\mathbb M}}_n(A)({\overline}\alpha)$, by adding zeroes in the lower right hand corner, then we add zeros in the right hand side of ${\overline}\alpha=(\alpha_1,\dots,\alpha_n)$ as well accordingly (and call it ${\overline}\alpha$ again) so that $p$ is a homogeneous matrix in ${\operatorname{\mathbb M}}_k(A)({\overline}\alpha)$, where $k\geq n$. Recall the definition of $ {\operatorname{\mathbb M}}_k(A)[{\overline}\alpha][{\overline}\delta]$ from §\[matgrhe\] and note that if $x \in {\operatorname{\mathbb M}}_k(A)[{\overline}\alpha][{\overline}\delta]$ and $y \in {\operatorname{\mathbb M}}_k(A)[{\overline}{\delta}][{\overline}\alpha]$ then $xy \in {\operatorname{\mathbb M}}_k(-{\overline}\alpha)_0$ and $yx\in {\operatorname{\mathbb M}}_k(-{\overline}{\delta})_0$.
\[equison\] Let $A$ be a $\Gamma$-graded ring, ${\overline}\alpha=(\alpha_1,\dots,\alpha_n)$ and ${\overline}\delta=(\delta_1,\dots,\delta_m)$, where $\alpha_i, \delta_j \in
\Gamma$. Let $p\in {\operatorname{\mathbb M}}_n(A)({\overline}\alpha)_0$ and $q\in {\operatorname{\mathbb M}}_m(A)({\overline}\delta)_0$ be idempotent matrices (which are homogeneous of degree zero). Then $p$ and $q$ are [*grade equivalent*]{} if (after suitably enlarging them) there are $x \in {\operatorname{\mathbb M}}_k(A)[-{\overline}\alpha][-{\overline}\delta]$ and $y \in {\operatorname{\mathbb M}}_k(A)[-{\overline}\delta][-{\overline}\alpha]$ such that $xy=p$ and $yx=q$.
1. Any graded finitely generated projective module gives rise to a homogeneous idempotent matrix of degree zero.
2. Any homogeneous idempotent matrix of degree zero gives rise to a graded finitely generated projective module.
3. Two homogeneous idempotent matrices of degree zero are graded equivalent if and only if the corresponding graded finitely generated projective modules are graded isomorphic.
\(1) Let $P$ be a graded finitely generated projective (right) $A$-module. Then there is a graded module $Q$ such that $P\oplus
Q\cong_{{\operatorname{gr}}} A^n(-{\overline}\alpha)$ for some $n \in \mathbb N$ and ${\overline}\alpha=(\alpha_1,\dots,\alpha_n)$, where $\alpha_i \in \Gamma$. Define the homomorphism $f \in {\operatorname{End}}_A(A^n(-{\overline}\alpha))$ which sends $Q$ to zero and acts as identity on $P$. Clearly, $f$ is an idempotent and graded homomorphism of degree $0$. Thus (see (\[hgd543p\]) and §\[matgrhe\]) $$f \in {\operatorname{End}}_A(A^n(-{\overline}\alpha))_0\cong {\operatorname{\mathbb M}}_n(A)({\overline}\alpha)_0.$$
\(2) Let $p\in {\operatorname{\mathbb M}}_n(A)({\overline}\alpha)_0$, ${\overline}\alpha=(\alpha_1,\dots,\alpha_n)$, where $\alpha_i \in \Gamma$. Then $1-p \in {\operatorname{\mathbb M}}_n(A)({\overline}\alpha)_0$ and $$A^n(-{\overline}\alpha) = pA^n(-{\overline}\alpha) \oplus (1-p)A^n(-{\overline}\alpha).$$ This shows that $pA^n(-{\overline}\alpha)$ is a graded finitely generated projective $A$-module.
\(3) Let $p\in {\operatorname{\mathbb M}}_n(A)({\overline}\alpha)_0$ and $q\in {\operatorname{\mathbb M}}_m(A)({\overline}\delta)_0$ be graded equivalent idempotent matrices. By Definition \[equison\], there are $x' \in M_k(A)[-{\overline}\alpha][-{\overline}\delta]$ and $y' \in M_k(A)[-{\overline}\delta][-{\overline}\alpha]$ such that $x'y'=p$ and $y'x'=q$. Let $x=px'q$ and $y=qy'p$. Then $xy=px'qy'p=p(x'y')^2p=p$ and similarly $yx=q$. Furthermore $x=px=xq$ and $y=yp=qy$. Now the left multiplication by $x$ and $y$ induce right graded $A$-homomorphisms $qA^k(-{\overline}\delta)\rightarrow pA^k(-{\overline}\alpha)$ and $pA^k(-{\overline}\alpha)\rightarrow qA^k(-{\overline}\delta)$, respectively, which are inverse of each other. Therefore $pA^k(-{\overline}\alpha)\cong_{{\operatorname{gr}}} qA^k(-{\overline}\delta)$.
On the other hand if $f:pA^k(-{\overline}\alpha)\cong_{{\operatorname{gr}}} qA^k(-{\overline}\delta)$, then extend $f$ to $A^k(-{\overline}\alpha)$ by sending $(1-p)A^k(-{\overline}\alpha)$ to zero and thus define a map $$\theta:A^k(-{\overline}\alpha)=pA^k(-{\overline}\alpha)\oplus (1-p)A^k(-{\overline}\alpha) \longrightarrow qA^k(-{\overline}\delta)\oplus (1-q)A^k(-{\overline}\delta)=A^k(-{\overline}\delta).$$ Similarly, extending $f^{-1}$ to $A^k(-{\overline}\delta)$, we get a map $$\phi:A^k(-{\overline}\delta)=qA^k(-{\overline}\delta)\oplus (1-q)A^k(-{\overline}\delta) \longrightarrow pA^k(-{\overline}\alpha)\oplus (1-p)A^k(-{\overline}\alpha)=A^k(-{\overline}\alpha)$$ such that $\theta \phi=p$ and $\phi \theta=q$. It follows (see the proof of Proposition \[rndconggrrna\]) $\theta \in M_k(A)[-{\overline}\alpha][-{\overline}\delta]$ whereas $\phi \in
M_k(A)[-{\overline}\delta][-{\overline}\alpha]$. This gives that $p$ and $q$ are equivalent.
Lemma \[kzeiogr\] shows that $K_0^{{\operatorname{gr}}}(A)$ can be defined as the group completion of the moniod of equivalent classes of homogeneous idempotent matrices of degree zero with addition, $[p]+[q]=\left(\begin{matrix}
p & 0\\ 0 & q \end{matrix}\right)$. In fact, this is the definition we adopt for $K_0^{{\operatorname{gr}}}$ when the graded ring $A$ does not have identity. Note that the action of $\Gamma$ on the idempotent matrices (so that $K^{{\operatorname{gr}}}_0(A)$ becomes a $\mathbb Z[\Gamma]$-module with this definition) is as follows: For a ${\gamma}\in {\Gamma}$ and $p\in {\operatorname{\mathbb M}}_n(A)({\overline}\alpha)_0$, ${\gamma}p$ is represented by the same matrix as $p$ but considered in ${\operatorname{\mathbb M}}_n(A)({\overline}\alpha+{\gamma})_0$ where $\overline \alpha+{\gamma}=(\alpha_1+{\gamma},\cdots, \alpha_n+{\gamma})$. A quick inspection of the proof of Lemma \[kzeiogr\] shows that the action of $\Gamma$ is compatible in both definitions of $K^{{\operatorname{gr}}}_0$.
In the case of graded fields, one can compute the graded Grothendieck group completely. This will be used to compute $K^{{\operatorname{gr}}}_0$ of acyclic and comet graphs in Theorems \[f4j5h6h8\] and \[cothemp\].
\[k0grof\] Let $A$ be a $\Gamma$-graded field with the support the subgroup $\Gamma_A$. Then the monoid of isomorphism classes of $\Gamma$-graded finitely generated projective $A$-modules is $\mathbb N[\Gamma /\Gamma_A]$ and $K_0^{{\operatorname{gr}}}(A) \cong \mathbb Z[\Gamma /\Gamma_A]$ as a $\mathbb Z[\Gamma]$-modules. Furthermore, $[A^n(\delta_1,\dots,\delta_n)]\in K_0^{{\operatorname{gr}}}(A)$ corresponds to $\sum_{i=1}^n \underline \delta_i$ in $\mathbb Z[\Gamma/\Gamma_A]$, where $\underline \delta_i=\Gamma_A+\delta_i$. In particular if $A$ is a (trivially graded) field, $\Gamma$ a group and $A$ considered as a graded field concentrated in degree zero, then $K_0^{{\operatorname{gr}}}(A) \cong \mathbb Z[\Gamma]$ and $[A^n(\delta_1,\dots,\delta_n)]\in K_0^{{\operatorname{gr}}}(A)$ corresponds to $\sum_{i=1}^n \delta_i$ in $\mathbb Z[\Gamma]$.
By Proposition \[rndconggrrna\], $A(\delta_1) \cong_{{\operatorname{gr}}} A(\delta_2)$ if and only if $\delta_1-\delta_2 \in \Gamma_A$. Thus any graded free module of rank $1$ is graded isomorphic to some $A(\delta_i)$, where $\{\delta_i\}_{i \in I}$ is a complete set of coset representative of the subgroup $\Gamma_A$ in $\Gamma$, i.e., $\{\Gamma_A+\delta_i, i\in I\}$ represents $\Gamma/\Gamma_A$. Since any graded finitely generated module $M$ over $A$ is graded free (see §\[pregr529\]), $$\label{m528h}
M \cong_{{\operatorname{gr}}} A(\delta_{i_1})^{r_1} \oplus \dots \oplus A(\delta_{i_k})^{r_k},$$ where $\delta_{i_1},\dots \delta_{i_k}$ are distinct elements of the coset representative. Now suppose $$\label{m23gds}
M \cong_{{\operatorname{gr}}} A(\delta_{{i'}_1})^{{s}_1} \oplus \dots \oplus A(\delta_{{i'}_{k'}})^{s_{k'}}.$$ Considering the $A_0$-module $M_{-\delta_{i_1}}$, from (\[m528h\]) we have $M_{-\delta_{i_1}}=A_0^{r_1}$. This implies one of $\delta_{{i'}_j}$, $1\leq j \leq k'$, say, $\delta_{{i'}_1}$, has to be $\delta_{i_1}$ and so $r_1=s_1$ as $A_0$ is a field. Repeating the same argument for each $\delta_{i_j}$, $1\leq j \leq k$, we see $k=k'$, $\delta_{{i'}_j}=\delta_{i_j}$ and $r_j=s_j$, for all $1\leq j \leq k$ (possibly after suitable permutation). Thus any graded finitely generated projective $A$-module can be written uniquely as $M \cong_{{\operatorname{gr}}} A(\delta_{i_1})^{r_1} \oplus \dots \oplus A(\delta_{i_k})^{r_k}
$, where $\delta_{i_1},\dots \delta_{i_k}$ are distinct elements of the coset representative. The (well-defined) map $$\begin{aligned}
\mathcal V^{{\operatorname{gr}}}(A) & \rightarrow \mathbb N[\Gamma/\Gamma_A] \label{attitude}\\
[A(\delta_{i_1})^{r_1} \oplus \dots \oplus A(\delta_{i_k})^{r_k}
] & \mapsto r_1(\Gamma_A+{\delta}_{i_1})+\dots+ r_k(\Gamma_A+{\delta}_{i_k}), \notag\end{aligned}$$ gives a $\mathbb N[\Gamma]$-monoid isomorphism between the monoid of isomorphism classes of $\Gamma$-graded finitely generated projective $A$-modules $\mathcal V^{{\operatorname{gr}}} (A)$ and $\mathbb N[\Gamma /\Gamma_A]$. The rest of the proof follows easily.
\[upst\] Using Proposition \[k0grof\], we calculate the graded $K_0$ of two types of graded fields and we determine the action of $\mathbb Z[x,x^{-1}]$ on these groups. These are graded fields obtained from graded $K_0$ of Leavitt path algebras of acyclic and $C_n$-comet graphs, respectively (see Definitions \[mulidef\] and \[cometi\]).
1. Let $K$ be a field. Consider $A=K$ as a $\mathbb Z$-graded field with the support $\Gamma_A=0$, i.e., $A$ is concentrated in degree $0$. By Proposition \[k0grof\], $K_0^{{\operatorname{gr}}}(A)\cong \mathbb Z[x,x^{-1}]$ as a $\mathbb Z[x,x^{-1}]$-module.
2. Let $A=K[x^n,x^{-n}]$ be $\mathbb Z$-graded field with $\Gamma_A=n\mathbb Z$. By Proposition \[k0grof\], $$K_0^{{\operatorname{gr}}}(A)\cong \mathbb Z \big [ \mathbb Z / n \mathbb Z \big ]\cong \bigoplus_n \mathbb Z,$$ is a $\mathbb Z[x,x^{-1}]$-module. The action of $x$ on $(a_1,\dots,a_n) \in \bigoplus_n \mathbb Z$ is $x (a_1,\dots,a_n)= (a_n,a_1,\dots,a_{n-1})$.
Dade’s theorem {#dadestmal}
Let $A$ be a strongly $\Gamma$-graded ring. (This implies $\Gamma_A=\Gamma$.) By Dade’s Theorem [@grrings Thm. 3.1.1], the functor $(-)_0:\mbox{gr-}A\rightarrow \mbox{mod-}A_0$, $M\mapsto M_0$, is an additive functor with an inverse $-\otimes_{A_0} A: \mbox{mod-}A_0 \rightarrow \mbox{gr-}A$ so that it induces an equivalence of categories. This implies that $K_i^{{\operatorname{gr}}}(A) \cong K_i(A_0)$, for $i\geq 0$. Furthermore, since $A_\alpha \otimes_{A_0}A_\beta \cong A_{\alpha +\beta}$ as $A_0$-bimodule, the functor $\mathcal T_\alpha$ on $\mbox{gr-}A$ induces a functor on the level of $\mbox{mod-}A_0$, $\mathcal T_\alpha:\mbox{mod-}A_0 \rightarrow \mbox{mod-}A_0$, $M\mapsto M \otimes_{A_0} A_\alpha$ such that $\mathcal T_\alpha \mathcal T_\beta\cong\mathcal T_{\alpha +\beta}$, $\alpha,\beta\in \Gamma$, so that the following diagram is commutative. $$\label{veronaair}
\mbox{gr-}A \ar[r]^{\mathcal T_\alpha} \ar[d]_{(-)_0}& \mbox{gr-}A \ar[d]^{(-)_0}\\
\mbox{mod-}A_0 \ar[r] & \mbox{mod-}A_0
}$$ Therefore $K_i(A_0)$ is also a $\mathbb Z[\Gamma]$-module and $$\label{dade}
K_i^{{\operatorname{gr}}}(A) \cong K_i(A_0),$$ as $\mathbb Z[\Gamma]$-modules.
Let $A$ be a graded ring and $f:A\rightarrow A$ an inner-automorphism defined by $f(a)=r a r^{-1}$, where $r$ is a homogeneous and invertible element of $A$ of degree $\tau$. Then considering $A$ as a graded left $A$-module via $f$, it is easy to observe that there is a right graded $A$-module isomorphism $P(-\tau) \rightarrow P \otimes_f A$, $p
\mapsto p \otimes r$ (with the inverse $p\otimes a \mapsto p r^{-1}a $). This induces an isomorphism between the functors $-\otimes_f A :{\mathcal P \mathrm{gr}}(A) \rightarrow {\mathcal P \mathrm{gr}}(A)$ and $\tau$-suspension functor $\mathcal T_\tau:{\mathcal P \mathrm{gr}}(A) \rightarrow {\mathcal P \mathrm{gr}}(A)$. Recall that a Quillen’s $K_i$-group, $i\geq 0$, is a functor from the category of exact categories with exact functors to the category of abelian groups. Furthermore, isomorphic functors induce the same map on the $K$-groups [@quillen p.19]. Thus $K^{{\operatorname{gr}}}_i(f)=K^{{\operatorname{gr}}}_i(\mathcal T_\tau)$. Therefore if $r$ is a homogeneous element of degree zero, i.e., $\tau=0$, then $K^{{\operatorname{gr}}}_i(f):K^{{\operatorname{gr}}}_i(A)\rightarrow K^{{\operatorname{gr}}}_i(A)$ is the identity map. This will be used in Theorem \[mani543\].
Homogeneous idempotents {#idemptis}
The following facts about idempotents are well known in a non-graded setting and one can check that they translate in the graded setting with the similar proofs (cf. [@lamfc §21]). Let $P_i$, $1\leq i \leq l$, be homogeneous right ideals of $A$ such that $A=P_1\oplus\dots \oplus P_l$. (Recall that a homogeneous ideal, or a graded ideal, is an ideal which is generated by homogeneous elements.) Then there are homogeneous orthogonal idempotents $e_i$ (hence of degree zero) such that $1=e_1+\dots+e_l$ and $e_iA=P_i$.
Let $e$ and $f$ be homogeneous idempotent elements in the graded ring $A$. (Note that, in general, there are non-homogeneous idempotents in a graded ring.) Let $\theta:eA \rightarrow fA$ be a graded $A$-module homomorphism. Then $\theta(e)=\theta(e^2)=\theta(e)e=fae$ for some $a\in A$ and for $b \in eA$, $\theta(b)=\theta(eb)=\theta(e)b$. This shows there is a map $$\begin{aligned}
{\operatorname{Hom}}_A(eA,fA) & \rightarrow fAe\\
\theta & \mapsto \theta(e) \notag\end{aligned}$$ and one can prove this is a graded group isomorphism. Now if $\theta:eA\rightarrow fA$ is a graded $A$-isomorphism, then $x=\theta(e)\in fAe$ and $y=\theta^{-1}(f)\in eAf$, where $x$ and $y$ are homogeneous of degree zero, such that $yx=e$ and $xy=f$. Finally, for $f=e$, the map (\[hgwob\]) gives a graded ring isomorphism $ {\operatorname{End}}_A(eA) \cong_{{\operatorname{gr}}} eAe$. These facts will be used in Theorem \[catgrhsf\].
$\mathbf \Gamma$-pre-ordered groups {#pregg5}
Here we define the category of $\Gamma$-pre-ordered abelian groups. Classically, the objects are abelian groups with a pre-ordering. However, since we will consider graded Grothendieck groups, our groups are $\mathbb Z[x,x^{-1}]$-modules, so we need to adopt the definitions to this setting.
Let $\Gamma$ be a group and $G$ be a (left) $\Gamma$-module. Let $\leq$ be a reflexive and transitive relation on $G$ which respects the group and the module structures, i.e., for $\gamma \in \Gamma$ and $x,y,z \in G$, if $x\leq y$, then $\gamma x \leq \gamma y$ and $x+z\leq y+z$. We call $G$ a [*$\Gamma$-pre-ordered group*]{}. We call $G$ a pre-ordered group when $\Gamma$ is clear from the context. The [*cone*]{} of $G$ is defined as $\{x \in G \mid x\geq 0\}$ and denoted by $G^{+}$. The set $G^{+}$ is a $\Gamma$-submonoid of $G$, i.e., a submonoid which is closed under the action of $\Gamma$. In fact, $G$ is a $\Gamma$-pre-ordered group if and only if there exists a $\Gamma$-submonoid of $G$. (Since $G$ is a $\Gamma$-module, it can be considered as a $\mathbb Z[\Gamma]$-module.) An [*order-unit*]{} in $G$ is an element $u \in G^{+}$ such that for any $x\in G$, there are $\alpha_1,\dots,\alpha_n \in \Gamma$, $n \in \mathbb N$, such that $x\leq \sum_{i=1}^n \alpha_i u$. As usual, we only consider homomorphisms which preserve the pre-ordering, i.e., a $\Gamma$-homomorphism $f:G\rightarrow H$, such that $f(G^{+}) \subseteq H^{+}$. We denote by $\mathcal P_{\Gamma}$ the category of pointed $\Gamma$-pre-ordered abelian groups with pointed ordered preserving homomorphisms, i.e., the objects are the pairs $(G,u)$, where $G$ is a $\Gamma$-pre-ordered abelian group and $u$ is an order-unit, and $f:(G,u)\rightarrow (H,v)$ is an ordered-preserving $\Gamma$-homomorphism such that $f(u)=v$. Note that when $\Gamma$ is a trivial group, we are in the classical setting of pre-ordered abelian groups. In this paper, $\Gamma=\mathbb Z$ and so $\mathbb Z[\Gamma]=\mathbb Z[x,x^{-1}]$. We simply write $\mathcal P$ for $\mathcal P_{\mathbb Z}$ throughout.
Let $A$ be a $\Gamma$-graded ring. Then $K^{{\operatorname{gr}}}_0(A)$ is a $\Gamma$-pre-ordered abelian group with the set of isomorphic classes of graded finitely generated projective right $A$-modules as the cone of ordering and $[A]$ as an order-unit. Indeed, if $x\in K^{{\operatorname{gr}}}_0(A)$, then there are graded finitely generated projective modules $P$ and $P'$ such that $x=[P]-[P']$. But there is a graded module $Q$ such that $P\oplus Q \cong A^n(\overline \alpha)$, where $\overline \alpha =(\alpha_1,\dots,\alpha_n)$, $\alpha_i \in \Gamma$ (see §\[pregr529\]). Now $$[A^n(\overline \alpha)] -x = [P]+[Q]-[P]+[P']=[Q]+[P']=[Q\oplus P'] \in K^{{\operatorname{gr}}}_0(A)^{+}.$$ This shows that $\sum_{i=1}^n \alpha_i [A]=[A^n(\overline \alpha)]\geq x$.
Graded matricial algebras {#grmat43}
The Leavitt path algebras of acyclic and $C_n$-comet graphs are finite direct product of matrix rings over graded fields of the form $K$ and $K[x^n,x^{-n}]$, respectively (see [@haz Theorem 4.11 and Theorem 4.17]). In this section we establish that the graded $K_0$ is a complete invariant for these algebras. This will be used in the main Theorem \[mani543\] to settle Conjecture \[weakconj\] in the case of acyclic and multi-headed comet graphs.
Let $A$ be a $\Gamma$-graded field. A $\Gamma$-[*graded matricial*]{} $A$-algebra is a graded $A$-algebra of the form $${\operatorname{\mathbb M}}_{n_1}(A)(\overline \delta_1) \times \dots \times {\operatorname{\mathbb M}}_{n_l}(A)(\overline \delta_l),$$ where $\overline \delta_i=(\delta_{1}^{(i)},\dots,\delta_{n_i}^{(i)})$, $\delta_{j}^{(i)} \in \Gamma$, $1\leq j \leq n_i$ and $1\leq i \leq l$.
\[fdpahf\] Let $A$ be a $\Gamma$-graded field and $R$ be a $\Gamma$-graded matricial $A$-algebra. Let $P$ and $Q$ be graded finitely generated projective $R$-modules. Then $[P]=[Q]$ in $K^{{\operatorname{gr}}}_0(R)$, if and only if $P \cong _{{\operatorname{gr}}} Q$.
Since the functor $K^{{\operatorname{gr}}}_0$ respects the direct sum, it suffices to prove the statement for a matricial algebra of the form $R={\operatorname{\mathbb M}}_{n}(A)(\overline {\delta})$. Let $P$ and $Q$ be graded finitely generated projective $R$-modules such that $[P]=[Q]$ in $K^{{\operatorname{gr}}}_0(R)$. By Proposition \[grmorita\], $R={\operatorname{\mathbb M}}_{n}(A)(\overline {\delta})$ is graded Morita equivalent to $A$. So there are equivalent functors $\psi$ and $\phi$ such that $\psi\phi\cong 1$ and $\phi \psi \cong 1$, which also induce an isomorphism $K^{{\operatorname{gr}}}_0(\psi):K^{{\operatorname{gr}}}_0(R) \rightarrow K^{{\operatorname{gr}}}_0(A)$ such that $[P]\mapsto [\psi(P)]$. Now since $[P]=[Q]$, it follows $[\psi(P)]=[\psi(Q)]$ in $K^{{\operatorname{gr}}}_0(A)$. But since $A$ is a graded field, by the proof of Proposition \[k0grof\], any graded finitely generated projective $A$-module can be written uniquely as a direct sum of appropriate shifted $A$. Writing $\psi(P)$ and $\psi(Q)$ in this form, the homomorphism (\[attitude\]) shows that $\psi(P)\cong_{{\operatorname{gr}}} \psi(Q)$. Now applying the functor $\phi$ to this we obtain $P\cong_{{\operatorname{gr}}} Q$.
Let $A$ be a $\Gamma$-graded field (with the support $\Gamma_A$) and $\mathcal C$ be a category consisting of $\Gamma$-graded matricial $A$-algebras as objects and $A$-graded algebra homomorphisms as morphisms. We consider the quotient category $\mathcal C^{{\operatorname{out}}}$ obtained from $\mathcal C$ by identifying homomorphisms which differ up to a degree zero graded inner-automorphim. That is, the graded homomorphisms $\phi, \psi \in {\operatorname{Hom}}_{\mathcal C}(R,S)$ represent the same morphism in $\mathcal C^{{\operatorname{out}}}$ if there is an inner-automorpshim $\theta:S\rightarrow S$, defined by $\theta(s)=xsx^{-1}$, where $\deg(x)=0$, such that $\phi=\theta\psi$. The following theorem shows that $K^{{\operatorname{gr}}}_0$ “classifies” the category of $\mathcal C^{{\operatorname{out}}}$. This will be used in Theorem \[mani543\] where Leavitt path algebras of acyclic and multi-headed comet graphs are classified by means of their $K$-groups. This is a graded analog of a similar theorem for matricial algebras (see [@goodearlbook]).
\[catgrhsf\] Let $A$ be a $\Gamma$-graded field and $\mathcal C^{{\operatorname{out}}}$ be the category consisting of $\Gamma$-graded matricial $A$-algebras as objects and $A$-graded algebra homomorphisms modulo graded inner-automorphisms as morphisms. Then $K^{{\operatorname{gr}}}_0: \mathcal C^{{\operatorname{out}}}\rightarrow \mathcal P$ is a fully faithful functor. Namely,
1. (well-defined and faithful) For any graded matricial $A$-algebras $R$ and $S$ and $\phi,\psi\in {\operatorname{Hom}}_{\mathcal C}(R, S)$, we have $\phi(r)=x\psi(r)x^{-1}$, $r\in R$, for some invertible homogeneous element $x$ of $S$, if and only if $K^{{\operatorname{gr}}}_0(\phi)=K^{{\operatorname{gr}}}_0(\psi)$.
2. (full) For any graded matricial $A$-algebras $R$ and $S$ and the morphism $f:(K^{{\operatorname{gr}}}_0(R),[R])\rightarrow (K^{{\operatorname{gr}}}_0(S),[S])$ in $\mathcal P$, there is $\phi\in {\operatorname{Hom}}_{\mathcal C}(R, S)$ such that $K^{{\operatorname{gr}}}_0(\phi)=f$.
\(1) (well-defined.) Let $\phi,\psi\in {\operatorname{Hom}}_{\mathcal C}(R, S)$ such that $\phi=\theta\psi$, where $\theta(s)=xsx^{-1}$ for some invertible homogeneous element $x$ of $S$ of degree $0$. Then $K^{{\operatorname{gr}}}_0(\phi)=K^{{\operatorname{gr}}}_0(\theta\psi)=K^{{\operatorname{gr}}}_0(\theta)K^{{\operatorname{gr}}}_0(\psi)=K^{{\operatorname{gr}}}_0(\psi)$ since $K^{{\operatorname{gr}}}_0(\theta)$ is the identity map (see §\[kidenh\]).
(faithful.) The rest of the proof is similar to the non-graded version with an extra attension given to the grading (cf. [@goodearlbook p.218]). We give it here for the completeness. Let $K^{{\operatorname{gr}}}_0(\phi)=K^{{\operatorname{gr}}}_0(\psi)$. Let $R={\operatorname{\mathbb M}}_{n_1}(A)(\overline \delta_1) \times \dots \times {\operatorname{\mathbb M}}_{n_l}(A)(\overline \delta_l)$ and set $g_{jk}^{(i)}=\phi(e^{(i)}_{jk})$ and $h_{jk}^{(i)}=\psi(e^{(i)}_{jk})$ for $1\leq i \leq l$ and $1\leq j,k \leq n_i$, where $e^{(i)}_{jk}$ are the standard basis for ${\operatorname{\mathbb M}}_{n_i}(A)$. Since $\phi$ and $\psi$ are graded homomorphism, $\deg(e^{(i)}_{jk})=\deg(g^{(i)}_{jk})=\deg(h^{(i)}_{jk})=\delta^{(i)}_j-\delta^{(i)}_k$.
Since $e^{(i)}_{jj}$ are pairwise graded orthogonal idempotents (of degree zero) in $R$ and $\sum_{i=1}^l \sum_{j=1}^{n_i} e^{(i)}_{jj}=1$, the same is also the case for $g^{(i)}_{jj}$ and $h^{(i)}_{jj}$. Then $$[g^{(i)}_{11}S]=K^{{\operatorname{gr}}}_0(\phi)([e^{(i)}_{11}R])=K^{{\operatorname{gr}}}_0(\psi)([e^{(i)}_{11}R])=[h^{(i)}_{11}S].$$ By Lemma \[fdpahf\], $g^{(i)}_{11}S \cong_{{\operatorname{gr}}} h^{(i)}_{11}S$. Thus there are homogeneous elements of degree zero $x_i$ and $y_i$ such that $x_iy_i=g^{(i)}_{11}$ and $y_ix_i=h^{(i)}_{11}$ (see §\[idemptis\]). Let $x=\sum_{i=1}^{l}\sum_{j=1}^{n_i}g^{(i)}_{j1}x_ih^{(i)}_{1j}$ and $y=\sum_{i=1}^{l}\sum_{j=1}^{n_i}h^{(i)}_{j1}y_ig^{(i)}_{1j}$. Note that $x$ and $y$ are homogeneous elements of degree zero. One can easily check that $xy=yx=1$. Now for $1\leq i \leq l$ and $1\leq j,k \leq n_i$ we have $$\begin{aligned}
x h^{(i)}_{jk}&=\sum_{s=1}^{l}\sum_{t=1}^{n_s}g^{(s)}_{t1}x_sh^{(s)}_{1t}h^{(i)}_{jk}\\
& = g^{(i)}_{j1}x_ih^{(i)}_{1j}h^{(i)}_{jk}=g^{(i)}_{jk}g^{(i)}_{k1}x_ih^{(i)}_{1k}\\
&= \sum_{s=1}^{l}\sum_{t=1}^{n_s}g^{(i)}_{jk}g^{(s)}_{t1}x_sh^{(i)}_{1t}= g^{(i)}_{jk}x\end{aligned}$$ Let $\theta:S\rightarrow S$ be the graded inner-automorphism $\theta(s)=xsy$. Then $\theta\psi(e^{(i)}_{jk}))=
xh^{(i)}_{jk}y=g^{(i)}_{jk}=\phi(e^{(i)}_{jk})$. Since $e^{(i)}_{jk}$, $1\leq i \leq l$ and $1\leq j,k \leq n_i$, form a homogeneous $A$-basis for $R$, $\theta\psi=\phi$.
\(2) Let $R={\operatorname{\mathbb M}}_{n_1}(A)(\overline \delta_1) \times \dots \times {\operatorname{\mathbb M}}_{n_l}(A)(\overline \delta_l).$ Consider $R_i= {\operatorname{\mathbb M}}_{n_i}(A)(\overline \delta_i)$, $1\leq i \leq l$. Each $R_i$ is a graded finitely generated projective $R$-module, so $f([R_i])$ is in the cone of $K^{{\operatorname{gr}}}_0(S)$, i.e., there is a graded finitely generated projective $S$-module $P_i$ such that $f([R_i])=[P_i]$. Then $$[S]=f([R])=f([R_1]+\dots+[R_l])=[P_1]+\dots+[P_l]=[P_1\oplus\dots\oplus P_l].$$ Since $S$ is a graded matricial algebra, by Lemma \[fdpahf\], $P_1\oplus\dots\oplus P_l \cong_{{\operatorname{gr}}} S$ as a right $S$-module. So there are homogeneous orthogonal idempotents $g_1,\dots,g_l \in S$ such that $g_1+\dots+g_l=1$ and $g_iS\cong_{{\operatorname{gr}}} P_i$ (see §\[idemptis\]). Note that each of $R_i={\operatorname{\mathbb M}}_{n_i}(A)(\overline \delta_i)$ are graded simple algebras. Set $\overline \delta_i=(\delta_1^{(i)},\dots,\delta_n^{(i)})$ (here $n=n_i$). Let $e_{jk}^{(i)}$,$1\leq j,k\leq n$, be matrix units of $R_i$ and consider the graded finitely generated projective (right) $R_i$-module, $V=e_{11}^{(i)} R_i=A({\delta}_1^{(i)} - {\delta}_1^{(i)}) \oplus A({\delta}_2^{(i)} - {\delta}_1^{(i)}) \oplus \cdots \oplus
A({\delta}_n^{(i)} - {\delta}_1^{(i)})$. Then (\[pjacko\]) shows $$R_i \cong_{{\operatorname{gr}}} V({\delta}_1^{(i)} - {\delta}_1^{(i)})\oplus V({\delta}_1^{(i)} - {\delta}_2^{(i)}) \oplus \dots \oplus V({\delta}_1^{(i)} - {\delta}_n^{(i)}),$$ as graded $R$-module. Thus $$\label{lkheohg}
[P_i]=[g_iS]=f([R_i])=f([V({\delta}_1^{(i)} - {\delta}_1^{(i)})])+f([V({\delta}_1^{(i)} - {\delta}_2^{(i)})])+\dots+f([V({\delta}_1^{(i)} - {\delta}_n^{(i)})]).$$ There is a graded finitely generated projective $S$-module $Q$ such that $f([V])=f([V({\delta}_1^{(i)} - {\delta}_1^{(i)})])=[Q]$. Since $f$ is a $\mathbb Z[\Gamma]$-module homomorphism, for $1\leq k \leq n$, $$f([V({\delta}_1^{(i)} - {\delta}_k^{(i)})])=f(({\delta}_1^{(i)} - {\delta}_k^{(i)})[V])=({\delta}_1^{(i)} - {\delta}_k^{(i)})f([V])=({\delta}_1^{(i)} - {\delta}_k^{(i)})[Q]=[Q({\delta}_1^{(i)} - {\delta}_k^{(i)})].$$ From (\[lkheohg\]) and Lemma \[fdpahf\] now follows $$\label{bvgdks}
g_iS\cong_{{\operatorname{gr}}} Q({\delta}_1^{(i)} - {\delta}_1^{(i)})\oplus Q({\delta}_1^{(i)} - {\delta}_2^{(i)}) \oplus \dots \oplus Q({\delta}_1^{(i)} - {\delta}_n^{(i)}).$$ Let $g^{(i)}_{jk}\in {\operatorname{End}}(g_iS)\cong_{{\operatorname{gr}}} g_iSg_i$ maps the $j$-th summand of the right hand side of (\[bvgdks\]) to its $k$-th summand and everything else to zero. Observe that $\deg(g^{(i)}_{jk})={\delta}^{(i)}_j-{\delta}^{(i)}_k$ and $g^{(i)}_{jk}$, $1\leq j,k\leq n$, form the matrix units. Furthermore, $g^{(i)}_{11}+\dots+g^{(i)}_{nn}=g_i$ and $g^{(i)}_{11}S=Q(\delta^{(i)}_1-\delta^{(i)}_1)=Q$. Thus $[g^{(i)}_{11}S]=[Q]=f([V])=f([e_{11}^{(i)}R_i])$.
Now for $1\leq i\leq l$, define the $A$-algebra homomorphism $R_i\rightarrow g_iSg_i$, $e_{jk}^{(i)} \mapsto g_{jk}^{(i)}$. This is a graded homomorphism, and induces a graded homorphism $\phi:R\rightarrow S$ such that $\phi(e_{jk}^{(i)})= g_{jk}^{(i)}$. Clearly $$K_0^{{\operatorname{gr}}}(\phi)([e_{11}^{(i)}R_i])=[\phi(e_{11}^{(i)})S]=[g_{11}^{(i)}S]=f([e_{11}^{(i)}R_i]),$$ for $1\leq i \leq l$. Now $K^{{\operatorname{gr}}}_0(R)$ is generated by $[e_{11}^{(i)}R_i]$, $1\leq i \leq l$, as $\mathbb Z[\Gamma]$-module. This implies that $K^{{\operatorname{gr}}}_0(\phi)=f$.
\[gfw76\] Let $E$ and $F$ be finite graphs with no sinks. Then ${\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(E)\cong_{{\operatorname{gr}}} {\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(F)$ if and only if there is a $\mathbb Z[x,x^{-1}]$-module isomorphism $$\label{ncfd1}
\big (K_0^{{\operatorname{gr}}}({\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(E)),[{\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(E)]\big ) \cong \big (K_0^{{\operatorname{gr}}}({\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(F)),[{\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(F)]\big ).$$
Set $R={\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(E)$ and $S={\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(F)$. By Theorem \[hazst\], $R$ and $S$ are strongly graded rings. Using Dade’s theorem (see §\[dadestmal\]), the isomorphism (\[ncfd1\]), call it $f$, induces an ordered preserving isomorphism $$\label{lkadff}
f_0: \big (K_0(R_0),[R_0]\big ) \cong \big (K_0(S_0),[S_0]\big ),$$ (see Diagram \[gsqqwq\]), defined on generators by $f_0([M])=f([M\otimes_{R_0}R])_0$, where $M$ is a finitely generated projective $R_0$-module. $$\label{gsqqwq}
K^{{\operatorname{gr}}}_0(R) \ar[rr]^{f} && K^{{\operatorname{gr}}}_0(S) \ar[d]^{(-)_0}\\
K_0(R_0) \ar[u]^{-\otimes_{R_0}R} \ar@{.>}[rr]^{f_0} && K_0(S_0)
Since $R_0$ and $S_0$ are ultramatricial algebras, by Elliott’s theorem (see [@goodearl Theorem 15.26]), there exists an isomorphism $\rho:R_0 \rightarrow S_0$ which induces the isomorphism $f_0$ on $K_0$-groups, i.e., $f_0=K_0(\rho)$. Now define the functor $\mathcal G: \mbox{gr-}R \rightarrow \mbox{gr-}S$ as the composition of the functors of the diagram below. $$\xymatrix{
\mbox{gr-}R \ar@{.>}[rr]^{\mathcal G} \ar[d]_{(-)_0}&& \mbox{gr-}S \\
\mbox{mod-}R_0 \ar[rr]^{-\otimes_{R_0} {S_0}} && \mbox{mod-}S_0 \ar[u]_{-\otimes_{S_0}S}
}$$ Thus for graded finitely generated projective $R$-module $P$, $\mathcal G(P)=P_0\otimes_{R_0}S$. Note that since all the functors involved in the diagram are equivalences, so is $\mathcal G$.
We show that $\mathcal G$ commutes with the suspension functors $\mathcal T_\alpha$ for any $\alpha \in \Gamma$, up to isomorphism, i.e., there are natural graded $S$-isomorphisms $\mathcal G (P(\alpha)) \cong \mathcal G(P)(\alpha)$, where $P$ is a graded finitely generated projective $R$-module. Since $S$ is strongly graded, it suffices to prove $\mathcal G \big (P(\alpha)\big)_0 \cong \big (\mathcal G (P)(\alpha)\big)_0$ as $S_0$-modules. Since $S_0$ is an ultramatricial algebra and ultramatricial algebras are unit-regular, by Proposition 15.2 in [@goodearlbook], it suffices to show $$\label{ks5543}
\big [\mathcal G \big (P(\alpha)\big)_0\big] = \big [\big(\mathcal G (P)(\alpha)\big)_0\big]$$ in $K_0(S_0)$. But this is the case as all the functors involved (Diagram \[gsqqwq\]) induce $\mathbb Z[\Gamma]$-module homomorphism on the level of $K$-groups. In details, if $\big [\mathcal G \big (P(\alpha)\big)\big] = \big [\big(\mathcal G (P)(\alpha)\big)\big]$ in $K^{{\operatorname{gr}}}_0(S)$ then applying the functor $(-)_0$ we obtain (\[ks5543\]). But since $K_0(\mathcal G)=f$, we have $$\big [\mathcal G \big (P(\alpha)\big)\big]=f([P(\alpha)])= f(\alpha [P]) =\alpha f([P]) =\alpha [\mathcal G (P)]=\big [(\mathcal G (P)(\alpha)\big].$$
So $\mathcal G$ is a graded equivalence between $\mbox{gr-}R$ and $\mbox{gr-}S$ which commutes with suspension functors up to isomorphism, i.e., $\mathcal G\mathcal T_\alpha\cong \mathcal T_\alpha \mathcal G$ for $\alpha \in \Gamma$. Consider the group homomorphism induced by the functor $\mathcal G_\alpha$, $$\mathcal G_\alpha: {\operatorname{Hom}}_{\mbox{gr-}R}\big (R,R(\alpha)\big )\longrightarrow {\operatorname{Hom}}_{\mbox{gr-}S}\big (S,S(\alpha)\big ),$$ Thus for $h:R \rightarrow R(\alpha)$ we have $$\mathcal G_\alpha(h): S=(R_0\otimes_{R_0} S_0)\otimes_{S_0} S \stackrel{f_0\otimes 1}\longrightarrow (R_n\otimes_{R_0} S_0)\otimes_{S_0} S=S(\alpha).$$ Check that if $h\in {\operatorname{Hom}}_{\mbox{gr-}R}\big (R,R(\alpha)\big )$ and $k\in {\operatorname{Hom}}_{\mbox{gr-}R}\big (R,R(\beta)\big )$, then $$\mathcal G_{\alpha+\beta}(kh)=\mathcal G_{\beta} (k)\mathcal G_{\alpha} (h) \in {\operatorname{Hom}}_{\mbox{gr-}S}\big (S,S(\alpha+\beta)\big ).$$ Since $\mathcal G$ is an equivalence of the categories, (so it does have an inverse), then $\mathcal G_\alpha$ are isomorphism. Therefore $${\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(E)= R\cong_{{\operatorname{gr}}} {\operatorname{Hom}}_R(R,R) = \bigoplus_{\alpha \in \Gamma} {\operatorname{Hom}}(R,R(\alpha)) \longrightarrow \bigoplus_{\alpha \in \Gamma} {\operatorname{Hom}}(S,S(\alpha)) = {\operatorname{Hom}}_S(S,S) \cong_{{\operatorname{gr}}} S={\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(F).$$
The last part of the proof was inspired by Proposition 5.3 in [@greengordon]. This proposition states that if $\mathcal U:\mbox{gr-}R\rightarrow \mbox{gr-}S$ is a graded equivalence, then $\mathcal U$ is isomorphism to a graded functor $\mathcal U'$ such that $\mathcal U'$ also induces an equivalence between $\mbox{mod-}R$ and $\mbox{mod-}S$, i.e., there is an equivalent functor $\mathcal M$ such that the following diagram commutes $$\xymatrix{
\mbox{gr-}R \ar[rr]^{\mathcal U'} \ar[d]_{\mathcal F}&& \mbox{gr-}S \ar[d]_{\mathcal F}\\
\mbox{mod-}R \ar[rr]^{\mathcal M} && \mbox{mod-}S
}$$ where $\mathcal F$ is the forgetful functor.
This can’t be used directly here. For, in [@greengordon] a functor is defined to be graded if it commutes with suspensions, i.e., $\mathcal U \mathcal T_\alpha=\mathcal T_\alpha \mathcal U$. In our setting this is not the case, i.e., we only have $\mathcal U\mathcal T_\alpha\cong \mathcal T_\alpha \mathcal U$ for $\alpha \in \Gamma$
Leavitt path algebras
In this section we gather some graph-theoretic definitions and recall the basics on Leavitt path algebras, including the calculation of Grothendieck group $K_0$. The reader familiar with this topic can skip to Section \[daryak\].
A [*directed graph*]{} $E=(E^0,E^1,r,s)$ consists of two countable sets $E^0$, $E^1$ and maps $r,s:E^1\rightarrow E^0$. The elements of $E^0$ are called [*vertices*]{} and the elements of $E^1$ [*edges*]{}. If $s^{-1}(v)$ is a finite set for every $v \in E^0$, then the graph is called [*row-finite*]{}. In this note we will consider only row-finite graphs. In this setting, if the number of vertices, i.e., $|E^0|$, is finite, then the number of edges, i.e., $|E^1|$, is finite as well and we call $E$ a [*finite*]{} graph.
For a graph $E=(E^0,E^1,r,s)$, a vertex $v$ for which $s^{-1}(v)$ is empty is called a [*sink*]{}, while a vertex $w$ for which $r^{-1}(w)$ is empty is called a [*source*]{}. An edge with the same source and range is called a [*loop*]{}. A path $\mu$ in a graph $E$ is a sequence of edges $\mu=\mu_1\dots\mu_k$, such that $r(\mu_i)=s(\mu_{i+1}), 1\leq i \leq k-1$. In this case, $s(\mu):=s(\mu_1)$ is the [*source*]{} of $\mu$, $r(\mu):=r(\mu_k)$ is the [*range*]{} of $\mu$, and $k$ is the [*length*]{} of $\mu$ which is denoted by $|\mu|$. We consider a vertex $v\in E^0$ as a [*trivial*]{} path of length zero with $s(v)=r(v)=v$. If $\mu$ is a nontrivial path in $E$, and if $v=s(\mu)=r(\mu)$, then $\mu$ is called a [*closed path based at*]{} $v$. If $\mu=\mu_1\dots\mu_k$ is a closed path based at $v=s(\mu)$ and $s(\mu_i) \not = s(\mu_j)$ for every $i \not = j$, then $\mu$ is called a [*cycle*]{}. For two vertices $v$ and $w$, the existence of a path with the source $v$ and the range $w$ is denoted by $v\geq w$. Here we allow paths of length zero. By $v\geq_n w$, we mean there is a path of length $n$ connecting these vertices. Therefore $v\geq_0 v$ represents the vertex $v$. Also, by $v>w$, we mean a path from $v$ to $w$ where $v\not = w$. In this note, by $v\geq w' \geq w$, it is understood that there is a path connecting $v$ to $w$ and going through $w'$ (i.e., $w'$ is on the path connecting $v$ to $w$). For $n\geq 2$, we define $E^n$ to be the set of paths of length $n$ and $E^*=\bigcup_{n\geq 0} E^n$, the set of all paths.
\[llkas\][Leavitt path algebras.]{} \[LPA\]\
For a graph $E$ and a field $K$, we define the [*Leavitt path algebra of $E$*]{}, denoted by ${\operatorname{\mathcal L}}_K(E)$, to be the algebra generated by the sets $\{v \mid v \in E^0\}$, $\{ \alpha \mid \alpha \in E^1 \}$ and $\{ \alpha^* \mid \alpha \in E^1 \}$ with the coefficients in $K$, subject to the relations
1. $v_iv_j=\delta_{ij}v_i \textrm{ for every } v_i,v_j \in E^0$.
2. $s(\alpha)\alpha=\alpha r(\alpha)=\alpha \textrm{ and }
r(\alpha)\alpha^*=\alpha^*s(\alpha)=\alpha^* \textrm{ for all } \alpha \in E^1$.
3. $\alpha^* \alpha'=\delta_{\alpha \alpha'}r(\alpha)$, for all $\alpha, \alpha' \in E^1$.
4. $\sum_{\{\alpha \in E^1, s( \alpha)=v\}} \alpha \alpha^*=v$ for every $v\in E^0$ for which $s^{-1}(v)$ is non-empty.
Here the field $K$ commutes with the generators $\{v,\alpha, \alpha^* \mid v \in E^0,\alpha \in E^1\}$. Throughout the note, we sometimes write ${\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(E)$ instead of ${\operatorname{\mathcal L}}_K(E)$. The elements $\alpha^*$ for $\alpha \in E^1$ are called [*ghost edges*]{}.
Setting $\deg(v)=0$, for $v\in E^0$, $\deg(\alpha)=1$ and $\deg(\alpha^*)=-1$ for $\alpha \in E^1$, we obtain a natural $\mathbb Z$-grading on the free $K$-ring generated by $\{v,\alpha, \alpha^* \mid v \in E^0,\alpha \in E^1\}$. Since the relations in the above definition are all homogeneous, the ideal generated by these relations is homogeneous and thus we have a natural $\mathbb Z$-grading on ${\operatorname{\mathcal L}}_K(E)$.
If $\mu=\mu_1\dots\mu_k$, where $\mu_i \in E^1$, is an element of ${\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(E)$, then we denote by $\mu^*$ the element $\mu_k ^*\dots \mu_1^* \in {\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(E)$. Since $\alpha^* \alpha'=\delta_{\alpha \alpha'}r(\alpha)$, for all $\alpha, \alpha' \in E^1$, any word can be written as $\mu \gamma ^*$ where $\mu$ and $\gamma$ are paths in $E$. The elements of the form $\mu\gamma^*$ are called [*monomials*]{}.
Taking the grading into account, one can write ${\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(E) =\textstyle{\bigoplus_{k \in \mathbb Z}} {\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(E)_k$ where, $$\label{grrea}
{\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(E)_k= \Big \{ \sum_i r_i \alpha_i \beta_i^*\mid \alpha_i,\beta_i \textrm{ are paths}, r_i \in K, \textrm{ and } |\alpha_i|-|\beta_i|=k \textrm{ for all } i \Big\}.$$ For simplicity we denote ${\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(E)_k$, the homogeneous elements of degree $k$, by ${\operatorname{\mathcal L}}_k$.
We define an (anti-graded) involution on ${\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(E)$ by $\overline {\mu\gamma^*}=\gamma\mu^*$ for the monomials and extend it to the whole ${\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(E)$ in the obvious manner. Note that if $x\in {\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(E)_n$, then $\overline x \in {\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(E)_{-n}$.
By constructing a representation of ${\operatorname{\mathcal L}}_K(E)$ in ${\operatorname{End}}_K(V)$, for a suitable $K$-vector space $V$, one can show that the vertices of the graph $E$ are linearly independent in ${\operatorname{\mathcal L}}_K(E)$ and the edges and ghost edges are not zero (see Lemma 1.5 in [@goodearl]).
Throughout the note we need some more definitions which we gather here.
1. A path which does not contain a cycle is called a [*acyclic*]{} path.
2. A graph without cycles is called a [*acyclic*]{} graph.
3. Let $v \in E^0$. Then the [*out-degree*]{} and the [*total-degree*]{} of $v$ are defined as ${\operatorname{outdeg}}(v)={\operatorname{card}}(s^{-1}(v))$ and ${\operatorname{totdeg}}(v)={\operatorname{card}}(s^{-1}(v) \cup r^{-1}(v))$, respectively.
4. A finite graph $E$ is called a [*line graph*]{} if it is connected, acyclic and ${\operatorname{totdeg}}(v)\leq 2$ for every $v \in E^0$. If we want to emphasize the number of vertices, we say that $E$ is an $n$-line graph whenever $n={\operatorname{card}}(E^0)$. An [*oriented*]{} $n$-line graph $E$ is an $n$-line graph such that $E^{n-1} \not =\emptyset$.
5. For any vertex $v \in E^0$, the cardinality of the set $R(v)=\{\alpha \in E^* \mid r(\alpha)=v\}$ is denoted by $n(v)$.
6. For any vertex $v \in E^0$, the [*tree*]{} of $v$, denoted by $T(v)$, is the set $\{w\in E^0 \mid v\geq w \}$. Furthermore, for $X\subseteq E^0$, we define $T(X)=\bigcup_{x \in X}T(x)$.
7. A subset $H$ of $E^0$ is called [*hereditary*]{} if $v\geq w$ and $v \in H$ imply that $w \in H$.
8. A hereditary set $H$ is [*saturated*]{} if $s^{-1}(v) \not = \emptyset$ and $r(s^{-1}(v)) \subseteq H$, then $v \in H$.
\[petaldef\] A [*rose with $k$-petals*]{} is a graph which consists of one vertex and $k$ loops. We denote this graph by $L_k$ and its vertex by $s(L_k)$. The Leavitt path algebra of this graph with coefficient in $K$ is denoted by ${\operatorname{\mathcal L}}_K(1,k)$. We allow $k$ to be zero and in this case $L_0$ is just a vertex with no loops. With this convention, one can easily establish that ${\operatorname{\mathcal L}}_K(1,0)\cong K$ and ${\operatorname{\mathcal L}}_K(1,1)\cong K[x,x^{-1}]$. In a graph which contains a rose $L_k$, we say $L_k$ does not have an exit, if there is no edge $e$ with $s(e)=s(L_k)$ and $r(e) \not = s(L_k)$.
We need to recall the definition of morphisms between two graphs in order to consider the category of directed graphs.
For two directed graphs $E$ and $F$, a [*complete graph homomorphism*]{} $f:E\rightarrow F$ consists of a map $f^0:E^0 \rightarrow F^0$ and $f^1:E^1 \rightarrow F^1$ such that $r(f^1(\alpha))=f^0(r(\alpha))$ and $s(f^1(\alpha))=f^0(s(\alpha))$ for any $\alpha \in E^1$, additionally, $f^0$ is injective and $f^1$ restricts to a bijection from $s^{-1}(v)$ to $s^{-1}(f^0(v))$ for every $v\in E^0$ which emits edges. One can check that such a map induces a graded homomorphism on the level of Leavitt path algebras. i.e, there is a graded homomorphism ${\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(E) \rightarrow {\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(F)$.
Polycephaly graphs {#poiyre}
Two distinguished types of strongly graded Leavitt path algebras are $C_n$-comet graphs and multi-headed rose graphs (see Figure \[monster2\]). We consider a polycephaly graph (Definition \[popyt\]) which is a mixture of these graphs (and so include all these types of graphs). The graded structure of Leavitt path algebras of polycephaly graphs were determined in [@haz Theorem 4.7]. In this note we prove Conjectures \[weakconj\] and \[cofian\] for the category of polycephaly graphs.
\[cometi\] A finite graph $E$ is called a [*$C_n$-comet*]{}, if $E$ has exactly one cycle $C$ (of length $n$), and $C^0$ is dense, i.e., $T(v) \cap (C)^0 \not = \emptyset$ for any vertex $v \in E^0$.
Note that the uniqueness of the cycle $C$ in the definition of $C_n$-comet together with its density implies that the cycle has no exits.
\[wert\] A finite graph $E$ is called a [*multi-headed comets*]{} if $E$ consists of $C_{l_s}$-comets, $1\leq s\leq t$, of length $l_s$, such that cycles are mutually disjoint and any vertex is connected to at least a cycle. (Recall that the graphs in this paper are all connected). More formally, $E$ consists of $C_{l_s}$-comets, $1\leq s\leq t$, and for any vertex $v$ in $E$, there is at least a cycle, say, $C_{l_k}$, such that $T(v) \cap C_{l_k}^0 \not = \emptyset$, and furthermore no cycle has an exit.
\[popyt\] A finite graph $E$ is called a [*polycephaly*]{} graph if $E$ consists of a multi-headed comets and/or an acyclic graph with its sinks attached to roses such that all the cycles and roses are mutually disjoint and any vertex is connected to at least a cycle or a rose. More formally, $E$ consists of $C_{l_s}$-comets, $1\leq s\leq h$, and a finite acyclic graph with sinks $\{v_{h+1},\dots,v_t\}$ together with $n_s$-petal graphs $L_{n_s}$ attached to $v_s$, where $n_s \in \mathbb N$ and $h+1\leq s \leq t$. Furthermore any vertex $v$ in $E$ is connected to at least one of $v_s$, $h+1\leq s \leq t$, or at least a cycle, i.e., there is $C_{l_k}$, such that $T(v) \cap C_{l_k}^0 \not = \emptyset$, and no cycle or a rose has an exit (see Definition \[petaldef\]). When $h=0$, $E$ does not have any cycle, and when $t=h$, $E$ does not have any roses.
Note that a cycle of length one can also be considered as a rose with one petal. This should not cause any confusion in the examples and theorems below. In some proofs (for example proof of Theorem \[mani543\]), we collect all the cycles of length one in the graph as comet types and thus all the roses have either zero or more than one petals, i.e., $n_s=0$ or $n_s>1$, for any $h+1\leq s \leq t$.
\[popyttr\] Let $E$ be a polycephaly graph.
1. If $E$ contains no cycles, and for any rose $L_{n_s}$ in $E$, $n_s=0$, then $E$ is a finite acyclic graph.
2. If $E$ consists of only one cycle (of length $n$) and no roses, then $E$ is a $C_n$-comet.
3. If $E$ contains no roses, then $E$ is a multi-headed comets.
4. If $E$ contains no cycles, and for any rose $L_{n_s}$ in $E$, $n_s \geq 1$, then $E$ is a multi-headed rose graph (see Figure \[monster2\]).
The following graph is a (three-headed rose) polycephaly graph.
& & && \bullet \ar@(ul,ur)^{\alpha_{1}} \ar@(u,r)^{\alpha_{2}} \ar@{.}@(ur,dr) \ar@(r,d)^{\alpha_{n_1}}& \\
& \bullet \ar[r] & \bullet \ar[r] \ar[urr] & \bullet \ar[r] \ar[dr] \ar[ur] & \bullet \ar[r] \ar[dr] & \bullet \ar[r] & \bullet \ar@(ul,ur)^{\beta_{1}} \ar@(u,r)^{\beta_{2}} \ar@{.}@(ur,dr) \ar@(r,d)^{\beta_{n_2}}& \\
& & & & \bullet \ar[r] & \bullet \ar@(ul,ur)^{\gamma_{1}} \ar@(u,r)^{\gamma_{2}} \ar@{.}@(ur,dr) \ar@(r,d)^{\gamma_{n_3}}&
The following graph is a (five-headed) polycephaly graph, with two roses, two sinks and a comet. $$\label{monster}
& & & & & \bullet \ar@/^/[dr] \\
& & \bullet & & \bullet \ar@/^/[ur] &&\bullet \ar@/^/[dl] & \\
& & & & & \bullet \ar@/^/[ul] \\
\bullet \ar[r] & \bullet \ar[r] \ar[uur] \ar[ddr] & \bullet \ar[r] & \bullet \ar[r] \ar[ruu] & \bullet \ar[r] \ar[ddr] \ar[ru] & \bullet \ar[r] & \bullet \ar[r] & \bullet \ar@(ul,ur) \ar@(u,r) \ar@{.}@(ur,dr) \ar@(r,d)& \\
& & \bullet & & \bullet \ar[r] & \bullet \ar[r] & \bullet \ar@(ul,ur) \ar@(u,r) \ar@{.}@(ur,dr) \ar@(r,d)&
The following theorem classifies Leavitt path algebras of polycephaly graphs. This is Theorem 4.7 of [@haz]. This will be used in §\[daryak\] to calculate graded $K_0$ of polycephaly graphs (including acyclic, comets and multi-headed rose graphs) and prove Conjecture \[weakconj\] for the category of polycephaly graphs (see Theorem \[mani543\]).
\[polyheadb\] Let $K$ be a field and $E$ be a polycephaly graph consisting of cycles $C_{l_s}$, $1\leq s\leq h$, of length $l_s$ and an acyclic graph with sinks $\{v_{h+1},\dots,v_t\}$ which are attached to $L_{n_{h+1}},\dots,L_{n_t}$, respectively. For any $1\leq s\leq h$ choose $v_s$ (an arbitrary vertex) in $C_{l_s}$ and remove the edge $c_s$ with $s(c_s)=v_s$ from the cycle $C_{l_s}$. Furthermore, for any $v_s$, $h+1\leq s \leq t$, remove the rose $L_{n_s}$ from the graph. In this new acyclic graph $E_1$, let $\{p^{v_s}_i \mid 1\leq i \leq n(v_s)\}$ be the set of all paths which end in $v_s$, $1\leq s \leq t$. Then there is a $\mathbb Z$-graded isomorphism $$\label{dampaib}
{\operatorname{\mathcal L}}_K(E) \cong_{{\operatorname{gr}}} \bigoplus_{s=1}^h {\operatorname{\mathbb M}}_{n(v_s)}\big(K[x^{l_s},x^{-l_s}]\big)(\overline{p_s}) \bigoplus_{s=h+1}^t {\operatorname{\mathbb M}}_{n(v_s)} \big({\operatorname{\mathcal L}}_K(1,n_s)\big) (\overline{p_s}),$$ where $\overline{p_s}=\big(|p_1^{v_s}|,\dots, |p_{n(v_{s})}^{v_s}|\big)$.
\[kjsdyb\] Theorem \[polyheadb\] shows that the Leavitt path algebra of a polycephaly graph decomposes into direct sum of three types of algebras. Namely, matrices over the field $K$ (which corresponds to acyclic parts of the graph, i.e, $n_s=0$ in (\[dampaib\])), matrices over $K[x^l,x^{-l}]$, $l \in \mathbb N$, (which corresponds to comet parts of the graph) and matrices over Leavitt algebras ${\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(1,n_s)$, $n_s \in \mathbb N$ and $n_s \geq 1$ (which corresponds to rose parts of the graph). Also note that a cycle of length one can also be considered as a rose with one petal, which in either case, on the level of Leavitt path algebras, we obtain matrices over the algebra $K[x,x^{-1}]$.
\[nopain\] Consider the polycephaly graph $E$
& & \bullet \ar@(ul,ur) \ar@(u,r) \\
E: \bullet \ar[r] & \bullet \ar@<1.5pt>[r] \ar@<-1.5pt>[r] \ar@<0.5ex>[ur] \ar@<-0.5ex>[ur] \ar@<0ex>[ur] \ar[dr] & \bullet \ar@(rd,ru) &. \\
& & \bullet \ar@/^1.5pc/[r] & \bullet \ar@/^1.5pc/[l]& \\
}$$ Then by Theorem \[polyheadb\], $${\operatorname{\mathcal L}}_K(E)\cong_{{\operatorname{gr}}} {\operatorname{\mathbb M}}_5(K[x,x^{-1}])(0,1,1,2,2) \oplus {\operatorname{\mathbb M}}_4(K[x^2,x^{-2}])(0,1,1,2) \oplus {\operatorname{\mathbb M}}_7({\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(1,2))(0,1,1,1,2,2,2).$$
$K_0$ of Leavitt path algebras
For an abelian monoid $M$, we denote by $M^{+}$ the group completion of $M$. This gives a left adjoint functor to the forgetful functor from the category of abelian groups to abelian monoids. Starting from a ring $R$, the isomorphism classes of finitely generated (right) $R$-modules equipped with the direct sum gives an abelian monoid, denoted by $\mathcal V(R)$. The group completion of this monoid is denoted by $K_0(R)$ and called the Grothendieck group of $R$. For a Leavitt path algebra ${\operatorname{\mathcal L}}_K(E)$, the monoid $\mathcal V({\operatorname{\mathcal L}}_K(E))$ is studied in [@amp]. In particular using [@amp Theorem 3.5], one can calculate the Grothendieck group of a Leavitt path algebras from the adjacency matrix of a graph (see [@aalp p.1998]). We include this calculation in this subsection for the completeness.
Let $F$ be a free abelian monoid generated by a countable set $X$. The nonzero elements of $F$ can be written as $\sum_{t=1}^n x_t$ where $x_t \in X$. Let $r_i, s_i$, $i\in I \subseteq \mathbb N$, be elements of $F$. We define an equivalence relation on $F$ denoted by $\langle r_i=s_i\mid i\in I \rangle$ as follows: Define a binary relation $\rightarrow$ on $F\backslash \{0\}$, $r_i+\sum_{t=1}^n x_t \rightarrow s_i+\sum_{t=1}^n x_t$, $i\in I$ and generate the equivalence relation on $F$ using this binary relation. Namely, $a \sim a$ for any $a\in F$ and for $a,b \in F \backslash \{0\}$, $a \sim b$ if there is a sequence $a=a_0,a_1,\dots,a_n=b$ such that for each $t=0,\dots,n-1$ either $a_t \rightarrow a_{t+1}$ or $a_{t+1}\rightarrow a_t$. We denote the quotient monoid by $F/\langle r_i=s_i\mid i\in I\rangle$. Then one can see that there is a canonical group isomorphism $$\label{monio}
\Big (\frac{F}{\langle r_i=s_i\mid i\in I \rangle}\Big)^{+} \cong \frac{F^{+}}{\langle r_i-s_i\mid i\in I \rangle}.$$
\[adji\] Let $E$ be a graph and $N'$ be the adjacency matrix $(n_{ij}) \in \mathbb Z^{E^0\oplus E^0}$ where $n_{ij}$ is the number of edges from $v_i$ to $v_j$. Furthermore let $I'$ be the identity matrix. Let $N^t$ and $I$ be the matrices obtained from $N'$ and $I'$ by first taking the transpose and then removing the columns corresponding to sinks, respectively.
Clearly the adjacency matrix depends on the ordering we put on $E^0$. We usually fix an ordering on $E^0$ such that the elements of $E^0 \backslash {\operatorname{Sink}}$ appear first in the list follow with elements of the ${\operatorname{Sink}}$.
Multiplying the matrix $N^t-I$ from the left defines a homomorphism $\mathbb Z^{E^0\backslash {\operatorname{Sink}}} \longrightarrow
\mathbb Z^{E_0}$, where $\mathbb Z^{E^0\backslash {\operatorname{Sink}}} $ and $\mathbb Z^{E^0}$ are the direct sum of copies of $\mathbb Z$ indexed by $E^0\backslash {\operatorname{Sink}}$ and $E^0$, respectively. The next theorem shows that the cokernel of this map gives the Grothendieck group of Leavitt path algebras.
\[wke\] Let $E$ be a graph and ${\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(E)$ a Leavitt path algebra. Then $$K_0({\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(E))\cong {\operatorname{coker}}\big(N^t-I:\mathbb Z^{E^0\backslash {\operatorname{Sink}}} \longrightarrow \mathbb Z^{E^0}\big).$$
Let $M_E$ be the abelian monoid generated by $\{v \mid v \in E^0 \}$ subject to the relations $$\label{phgqcu}
v=\sum_{\{\alpha\in E^{1} \mid s(\alpha)=v \}} r(\alpha),$$ for every $v\in E^0\backslash {\operatorname{Sink}}$, where $n_v=
\max\{w(\alpha)\mid \alpha\in E^{{\operatorname{st}}}, \, s( \alpha)=v\}$. Arrange $E^0$ in a fixed order such that the elements of $E^0\backslash
{\operatorname{Sink}}$ appear first in the list follow with elements of ${\operatorname{Sink}}$. The relations (\[phgqcu\]) can be then written as $N^t \overline v_i= I
\overline v_i$, where $v_i \in E^0\backslash {\operatorname{Sink}}$ and $\overline v_i$ is the $(0,\dots,1,0,\dots)$ with $1$ in the $i$-th component. Therefore, $$M_E\cong \frac{F}{ \langle N^t \overline v_i = I \overline v_i , v_i \in E^0 \backslash {\operatorname{Sink}}\rangle},$$ where $F$ is the free abelian monoid generated by the vertices of $E$. By [@amp Theorem 3.5] there is a natural monoid isomorphism ${\operatorname{\mathcal V}}({\operatorname{\mathcal L}}_K(E))\cong M_E$. So using (\[monio\]) we have, $$\label{pajd}
K_0({\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(E))\cong {\operatorname{\mathcal V}}({\operatorname{\mathcal L}}_K(E))^{+}\cong M_E^{+}\cong \frac{F^+}{ \langle (N^t-I) \overline v_i, v_i \in E^0 \backslash {\operatorname{Sink}}\rangle}.$$ Now $F^{+}$ is $\mathbb Z^{E^0}$ and it is easy to see that the denominator in (\[pajd\]) is the image of $N^t-I:\mathbb
Z^{E^0\backslash {\operatorname{Sink}}} \longrightarrow \mathbb Z^{E^0}$.
Graded $K_0$ of Leavitt path algebras {#daryak}
For a strongly graded ring $R$, Dade’s Theorem implies that $K_0^{{\operatorname{gr}}}(R) \cong K_0(R_0)$ (§\[dadestmal\]). In [@haz], we determined the strongly graded Leavitt path algebras. In particular we proved
\[hazst\] Let $E$ be a finite graph. The Leavitt path algebra ${\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(E)$ is strongly graded if and only if $E$ does not have a sink.
This theorem shows that many interesting classes of Leavitt path algebras fall into the category of strongly graded LPAs, such as purely infinite simple Leavitt path algebras (see [@aap06]).
The following theorem shows that there is a close relation between graded $K_0$ and the non-graded $K_0$ of strongly graded Leavitt path algebras.
\[ultrad\] Let $E$ be a row-finite graph. Then there is an exact sequence $$\label{zerhom}
K_0({\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(E)_0) \stackrel{N^t-I}{\longrightarrow}
K_0({\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(E)_0) \longrightarrow K_0({\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(E)) \longrightarrow 0.$$
Furthermore if $E$ is a finite graph with no sinks, the exact sequence takes the form $$\label{kaler}
K_0^{{\operatorname{gr}}}({\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(E)) \stackrel{N^t-I}{\longrightarrow}
K_0^{{\operatorname{gr}}}({\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(E)) \longrightarrow K_0({\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(E)) \longrightarrow 0.$$ In this case, $$\label{imip}
K_0^{{\operatorname{gr}}}({\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(E)) \cong \varinjlim \mathbb Z^{E^0}$$ of the inductive system $\mathbb Z^{E^0}
\stackrel{N^t}{\longrightarrow} \mathbb Z^{E^0}
\stackrel{N^t}\longrightarrow \mathbb Z^{E^0}
\stackrel{N^t}\longrightarrow \cdots$.
First let $E$ be a finite graph. Write $E^0=V\cup W$ where $W$ is the set of sinks and $V=E^0 \backslash W$. The ring ${\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(E)_0$ can be described as follows (see the proof of Theorem 5.3 in [@amp]): ${\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(E)_0=\bigcup_{n=0}^{\infty}L_{0,n}$, where $L_{0,n}$ is the linear span of all elements of the form $pq^*$ with $r(p)=r(q)$ and $|p|=|q|\leq n$. The transition inclusion $L_{0,n}\rightarrow L_{0,n+1}$ is the identity on all elements $pq^*$ where $r(p) \in W$ and is to identify $pq^*$ with $r(p) \in V$ by $$\sum_{\{ \alpha | s(\alpha)=v\}} p\alpha (q\alpha)^*.$$ Note that since $V$ is a set of vertices which are not sinks, for any $v\in V$ the set $\{ \alpha | s(\alpha)=v\}$ is not empty.
For a fixed $v \in E^0$, let $L_{0,n}^v$ be the linear span of all elements of the form $pq^*$ with $|p|=|q|=n$ and $r(p)=r(q)=v$. Arrange the paths of length $n$ with the range $v$ in a fixed order $p_1^v,p_2^v,\dots,p_{k^v_n}^v$, and observe that the correspondence of $p_i^v{p_j^v}^*$ to the matrix unit $e_{ij}$ gives rise to a ring isomorphism $L_{0,n}^v\cong{\operatorname{\mathbb M}}_{k^v_n}(K)$. Furthermore, $L_{0,n}^v$, $v\in E^0$ and $L_{0,m}^w$, $m<n$, $w\in W$ form a direct sum. This implies that $$L_{0,n}\cong
\Big ( \bigoplus_{v\in V}{\operatorname{\mathbb M}}_{k_n^v}(K) \times \bigoplus_{v\in
W}{\operatorname{\mathbb M}}_{k_n^v}(K) \Big) \times \Big( \bigoplus_{m=0}^{n-1} \big ( \bigoplus_{v
\in W} {\operatorname{\mathbb M}}_{k_m^v}(K) \big )\Big),$$ where $k_m^v$, $v \in E^0$, $0\leq m\leq n$, is the number of paths of length $m$ with the range $v$. The inclusion map $L_{0,n}\rightarrow L_{0,n+1}$ is then identity on factors where $v \in W$ and is $$\label{volleyb}
N^t: \bigoplus_{v\in V} {\operatorname{\mathbb M}}_{k^v_n}(K) \longrightarrow \bigoplus_{v\in V}
{\operatorname{\mathbb M}}_{k^v_{n+1}}(K) \times \bigoplus_{v\in W} {\operatorname{\mathbb M}}_{k^v_{n+1}}(K),$$ where $N$ is the adjacency matrix of the graph $E$ (see Definition \[adji\]). This means $(A_1,\dots,A_l)\in \bigoplus_{v\in V} {\operatorname{\mathbb M}}_{k^v_n}(K) $ is sent to $(\sum_{j=1}^l n_{j1}A_j,\dots,\sum_{j=1}^l n_{jl}A_j) \in
\bigoplus_{v\in E^0} {\operatorname{\mathbb M}}_{k^v_{n+1}}(K)$, where $n_{ji}$ is the number of edges connecting $v_j$ to $v_i$ and $$\sum_{j=1}^lk_jA_j=\left(
A_1 & & & \\
& A_1 & & \\
& & \ddots &\\
& & & A_l\\
\right)$$ in which each matrix is repeated $k_j$ times down the leading diagonal and if $k_j=0$, then $A_j$ is omitted. This can be seen as follows: for $v\in E^0$, arrange the the set of paths of length $n+1$ with the range $v$ as $$\begin{aligned}
\big \{ & p_1^{v_1}\alpha_1^{v_1v}, \dots,
p_{k_n^{v_1}}^{v_1}\alpha_1^{v_1v}, p_1^{v_1}\alpha_2^{v_1v}, \dots,
p_1^{v_1}\alpha_{n_{1v}}^{v_1v}, \dots,
p_{k_n^{v_1}}^{v_1}\alpha_{n_{1v}}^{v_1v},\\ \notag &
p_1^{v_2}\alpha_1^{v_2v}, \dots, p_{k_n^{v_2}}^{v_2}\alpha_1^{v_2v},
p_1^{v_2}\alpha_2^{v_2v}, \dots,
p_1^{v_2}\alpha_{n_{2v}}^{v_2v}, \dots,
p_{k_n^{v_2}}^{v_2}\alpha_{n_{2v}}^{v_2v},\\\notag & \dots \big \},\end{aligned}$$ where $\{p_1^{v_i},\dots,p_{k_n^{v_i}}^{v_i}\}$ are paths of length $n$ with the range $v_i$ and $\{\alpha_1^{v_iv},\dots,\alpha_{n_{iv}}^{v_iv}\}$ are all the edges with the source $v_i\in V$ and range $v$. Now this shows that if $p_s^{v_i}(p_t^{v_i})^*\in L_{0,n}^{v_i}$ (which corresponds to the matrix unit $e_{st}$), then $\sum_{j=1}^{n_{iv}} p_s^{v_i}\alpha_{j}^{v_iv}
(p_t^{v_1}\alpha_{j}^{v_iv})^*\in L_{0,n+1}^v$ corresponds to the matrix with matrix unit $e_{st}$ repeated down the diagonal $n_{iv}$ times.
Writing ${\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(E)_0=\varinjlim_{n} L_{0,n}$, since the Grothendieck group $K_0$ respects the direct limit, we have $K_0({\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(E)_0)\cong
\varinjlim_{n}K_0(L_{0,n})$. Since $K_0$ of (Artinian) simple algebras are $\mathbb Z$, the ring homomorphism $L_{0,n}\rightarrow
L_{0,n+1}$ induces the group homomorphism $$\mathbb Z^V \times \mathbb Z^W \times
\bigoplus_{m=0}^{n-1} \mathbb Z^W\stackrel{N^t\times I}{\longrightarrow}
\mathbb Z^V \times \mathbb Z^W \times \bigoplus_{m=0}^{n}\mathbb Z^W,$$ where $N^t:\mathbb Z^V \rightarrow \mathbb Z^V \times \mathbb Z^W$ is multiplication of the matrix $N^t=\left(\begin{array}{c}
B^t \\
$ from left which is induced by the homomorphism (\[volleyb\]) and $I_n: \mathbb Z^W \times \bigoplus_{m=0}^{n-1} \mathbb Z^W \rightarrow
\bigoplus_{m=0}^{n}\mathbb Z^W$ is the identity map. Consider the commutative diagram $$\xymatrix{
K_0(L_{0,n}) \ar[r] \ar[d]^{\cong} & K_0(L_{0,n+1}) \ar[d]^{\cong}\ar[r] & \cdots \\
\mathbb Z^V \times \mathbb Z^W \times
\bigoplus_{m=0}^{n-1} \mathbb Z^W \ar[r]^{N^t\oplus I_{n}} \ar@{^{(}->}[d] &
\mathbb Z^V \times \mathbb Z^W \times \bigoplus_{m=0}^{n}\mathbb Z^W \ar@{^{(}->}[d] \ar[r] & \cdots \\
\mathbb Z^V \times \mathbb Z^W \times \mathbb Z^W \times \cdots \ar[r]^{N^t \oplus I_{\infty}}& \mathbb Z^V \times \mathbb Z^W \times \mathbb Z^W \times \cdots \ar[r] & \cdots
}$$ where $$N^t\oplus I_{\infty}=
B^t & 0 & 0 & 0 & \cdot\\
C^t & 0 & 0 & 0 & \cdot \\
0 & 1 & 0 & 0 & \cdot\\
0 & 0 & 1 & 0 & \cdot \\
\cdot & \cdot & \cdot & \cdot & \ddots
\end{array}\right).$$ It is easy to see that the direct limit of the second row in the diagram is isomorphic to the direct limit of the third row. Thus $K({\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(E)_0) \cong \varinjlim \big (\mathbb Z^V \times \mathbb Z^W \times \mathbb Z^W \times \cdots \big)$.
Consider the commutative diagram on the left below which induces a natural map, denoted by $N^t$ again, on the direct limits. $$\xymatrix{
\mathbb Z^{V} \times \mathbb Z^W \times \cdots \ar[r]^{N^t} \ar[d]^{N^t} & \mathbb Z^{V} \times \mathbb Z^W \times \cdots \ar[r]^{\quad \qquad N^t} \ar[d]^{N^t} & \cdots & & \varinjlim \cong K_0({\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(E)_0) \ar@{.>}[d]^{N^t}\\
\mathbb Z^{V} \times \mathbb Z^W \times \cdots\ar[r]^{N^t} & \mathbb Z^{V} \times \mathbb Z^W \times \cdots\ar[r]^{\quad \qquad N^t} & \cdots& &\varinjlim \cong K_0({\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(E)_0)
}$$ Now Lemma 7.15 in [@Raegraph] implies that $${\operatorname{coker}}\Big
(K_0({\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(E)_0)\stackrel{N^t-1}{\longrightarrow} K_0({\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(E)_0\Big )
\cong {\operatorname{coker}}\Big(\mathbb Z^{V} \times \mathbb Z^W \times \cdots \stackrel{N^t-1}{\longrightarrow}
\mathbb Z^{V} \times \mathbb Z^W \times \cdots \Big).$$ And Lemma 3.4 in [@Raeburn113] implies that the $$\label{thlap}
{\operatorname{coker}}\Big(\mathbb Z^{V} \times \mathbb Z^W \times \cdots \stackrel{N^t-1}{\longrightarrow}
\mathbb Z^{V} \times \mathbb Z^W \times \cdots \Big)\cong {\operatorname{coker}}\Big(\mathbb Z^V \stackrel{N^t-1}{\longrightarrow} \mathbb Z^V \times \mathbb Z^W\Big).$$ Finally by Theorem \[wke\], replacing ${\operatorname{coker}}\big (\mathbb Z^V \stackrel{N^t-1}{\longrightarrow} \mathbb Z^V \times \mathbb Z^W\big)$ by $K_0({\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(E))$ in (\[thlap\]) we obtain the exact sequence $$\label{zerhom11}
K_0({\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(E)_0) \stackrel{N^t-I}{\longrightarrow}
K_0({\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(E)_0) \longrightarrow K_0({\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(E)) \longrightarrow 0$$ when the graph $E$ is finite. Now a row-finite graph can be written as a direct limit of finite complete subgraphs [@amp Lemmas 3.1, 3.2], i.e., $E=\varinjlim E_i$, ${\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(E)\cong \varinjlim {\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(E_i)$ and ${\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(E)_0\cong \varinjlim {\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(E_i)_0$. Since the direct limit is an exact functor, applying $\varinjlim$ to the exact sequence (\[zerhom11\]) for $E_i$, we get the first part of the theorem.
When the graph $E$ is finite with no sinks, then ${\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(E)$ is strongly graded (Theorem \[hazst\]). Therefore $$K_0^{{\operatorname{gr}}}({\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(E)) \cong K_0({\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(E)_0).$$ This gives the exact sequence (\[kaler\]).
Let $E$ be the following graph.
& \bullet \ar[dr] \ar@/_1pc/[dl] & \\
\bullet \ar[ur] \ar@/_1pc/[rr] & & \bullet \ar[ll] \ar@/_1pc/[ul]
By Theorem \[hazst\], ${\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(E)$ is strongly graded and so by Thereom \[ultrad\](\[imip\]), $$K_0^{{\operatorname{gr}}}({\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(E)) \cong \varinjlim_{N^t} \mathbb Z\oplus \mathbb Z \oplus \mathbb Z,$$ where $N^t=
0 & 1 & 1 \\
1 & 0 & 1 \\
1 & 1 & 0 \\
\end{array}\right). $ Since $\det(N)=2 \not = 0$, one can see that $$\varinjlim_{N^t} \mathbb Z\oplus \mathbb Z \oplus \mathbb Z \cong \mathbb Z\Big [\frac{1}{\det(N)}\Big] \oplus \mathbb Z\Big [\frac{1}{\det(N)}\Big] \oplus \mathbb Z\Big [\frac{1}{\det(N)}\Big] \cong \bigoplus_3\mathbb Z[1/2].$$ On the other hand by Theorem \[wke\], $K_0({\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(E)) \cong \mathbb Z /2\mathbb Z \oplus \mathbb Z /2\mathbb Z$ (see [@aalp Example 3.8] for the detailed computation). By Thereom \[ultrad\](\[kaler\]), these groups fit into the following exact sequence. $$\bigoplus_3\mathbb Z[1/2] \stackrel{N^t-I}{\longrightarrow} \bigoplus_3\mathbb Z[1/2] \longrightarrow \mathbb Z /2\mathbb Z \oplus \mathbb Z /2\mathbb Z \longrightarrow 0.$$
\[hjsonf\] Let $E$ be a row finite graph. The $K_0$ of graph $C^*$-algebra of $E$ was first computed in [@Raeburn113], where Raeburn and Szymański obtained the top exact sequence of the following commutative diagram. Here $E\times_1 \mathbb Z$ is a graph with $(E\times_1
\mathbb Z)^0=E^0\times \mathbb Z$, $(E\times_1 \mathbb
Z)^1=E^1\times \mathbb Z$ and $s(e,n)=(s(e),n-1))$ and $r(e,n)=(r(e),n))$. Looking at the proof of [@Raeburn113 Theorem 3.2], and Theorem \[ultrad\], one can see that, $K_0\big(C^*(E\times_1 \mathbb Z)\big) \cong K_0({\operatorname{\mathcal L}}_{\mathbb C}(E)_0)$ and the following diagram commutes. $$\label{lol1532}
\xymatrix{ 0 \ar[r] & K_1(C^*(E)) \ar[r] \ar@{.>}[d] &
K_0\big(C^*(E\times_1 \mathbb Z)\big) \ar[d]^{\cong}
\ar[r]^{1-\beta^{-1}_*} & K_0\big(C^*(E\times_1 \mathbb Z)\big) \ar[d]^{\cong} \ar[r]& K_0(C^*(E))\ar@{.>}[d]\ar[r]& 0\\
0 \ar[r] & \ker(1-N^t) \ar[r] & K_0({\operatorname{\mathcal L}}_{\mathbb C}(E)_0) \ar[r]^{1-N^{t}} &
K_0({\operatorname{\mathcal L}}_{\mathbb C}(E)_0) \ar[r]& K_0({\operatorname{\mathcal L}}_{\mathbb C}(E)) \ar[r] &0.}$$
This immediately shows that for a row-finite graph $E$, $K_0(C^*(E)) \cong K_0({\operatorname{\mathcal L}}_{\mathbb C}(E))$. This was also proved in [@amp Theorem 7.1]. In particular if $E$ is a finite graph with no sinks, then $$K_0\big(C^*(E\times_1 \mathbb Z)\big) \cong K_0^{gr}({\operatorname{\mathcal L}}_{\mathbb C}(E)).$$
The graded structure of Leavitt path algebras of polycephaly graphs (which include acyclic and comet graphs) were classified in [@haz] (see Theorem \[polyheadb\]). This, coupled by the graded Morita theory (cf. Proposition \[grmorita\]) and (\[dade\]) enable us to calculate graded $K_0$ of these graphs. We record them here.
\[f4j5h6h8\] Let $E$ be a finite acyclic graph with sinks $\{v_1,\dots,v_t\}$. For any sink $v_s$, let $\{p^{v_s}_i \mid 1\leq i \leq n(v_s)\}$ be the set of all paths which end in $v_s$. Then there is a $\mathbb Z[x,x^{-1}]$-module isomorphism $$\label{skyone231}
\Big (K_0^{{\operatorname{gr}}}({\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(E)),[{\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(E)] \Big ) \cong \Big ( \bigoplus_{s=1}^t \mathbb Z[x,x^{-1}], (d_1,\dots,d_t)\Big ),$$ where $d_s=\sum_{i=1}^{n(v_s)}x^{-|p_i^{v_s}|}$.
By [@haz Theorem 4.11] (see also Theorem \[polyheadb\], in the absence of comet and rose graphs), $$\label{skyone23}
{\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(E) \cong_{{\operatorname{gr}}} \bigoplus_{s=1}^t {\operatorname{\mathbb M}}_{n(v_s)} (K)\big (|p^{v_s}_1|,\dots, |p^{v_s}_{n(v_s)}|\big).$$ Since $K_0^{{\operatorname{gr}}}$ is an exact functor, $K_0^{{\operatorname{gr}}}({\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(E))$ is isomorphic to the direct sum of $K_0^{{\operatorname{gr}}}$ of matrix algebras of (\[skyone23\]). The graded Morita equivalence (Proposition \[grmorita\]), induces a $\mathbb Z[x,x^{-1}]$-isomorphism $$K_0^{{\operatorname{gr}}}\big
({\operatorname{\mathbb M}}_{n(v_s)} (K)\big (|p^{v_s}_1|,\dots, |p^{v_s}_{n(v_s)}|\big)
\big)\longrightarrow K_0^{{\operatorname{gr}}}(K),$$ with $$\big [{\operatorname{\mathbb M}}_{n(v_s)} (K)\big
(|p^{v_s}_1|,\dots, |p^{v_s}_{n(v_s)}|\big)\big ] \mapsto
[K(-|p^{v_s}_1|)\oplus \dots,\oplus K( -|p^{v_s}_{n(v_s)}|)].$$ Now the theorem follows from Proposition \[k0grof\], by considering $A=K$ as a graded field concentrated in degree zero, i.e., $\Gamma_A=0$, and $\Gamma=\mathbb Z$ (see Example \[upst\]).
Leavitt path algebras of $C_n$-comets were classified in [@haz Theorem 4.17] as follows: Let $E$ be a $C_n$-comet with the cycle $C$ of length $n \geq 1$. Let $u$ be a vertex on the cycle $C$. Eliminate the edge in the cycle whose source is $u$ and consider the set $\{p_i \mid 1\leq i \leq m\}$ of all paths which end in $u$. Then $$\label{ytsnf}
{\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(E) \cong_{{\operatorname{gr}}} {\operatorname{\mathbb M}}_{m}\big(K[x^n,x^{-n}] \big)\big (|p_1|,\dots,
Let $d_l$, $0 \leq l \leq n-1$, be the number of $i$ such that $|p_i|$ represents $\overline l$ in $\mathbb Z/n \mathbb Z$. Then $$\label{ytsnfpos}
{\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(E) \cong_{{\operatorname{gr}}} {\operatorname{\mathbb M}}_{m}\big(K[x^n,x^{-n}] \big)\big (0,\dots,0,1,\dots,1,\dots,
n-1,\dots,n-1\big),$$ where $0\leq l \leq n-1$ occurring $d_l$ times. It is now easy to see $$\label{zgdak}
{\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(E)_0 \cong {\operatorname{\mathbb M}}_{d_0}(K)\times \dots \times {\operatorname{\mathbb M}}_{d_{n-1}}(K).$$
Furthermore, let $F$ be another $C_{n'}$-comet with the cycle $C'$ of length $n' \geq 1$ and $u'$ be a vertex on the cycle $C'$. Eliminate the edge in the cycle whose source is $u'$ and consider the set $\{q_i \mid 1\leq i \leq m'\}$ of all paths which end in $u'$. Then ${\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(E) \cong_{{\operatorname{gr}}}{\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(F)$ if and only if $n=n'$, $m=m'$ and for a suitable permutation $\pi \in S_m$, and $r \in
\mathbb N$, $r+|p_i|+n\mathbb Z=|q_{\pi(i)}|+n \mathbb Z$, where $1\leq i \leq m$.
Before determining the $\mathbb Z[x,x^{-1}]$-module structure of the graded $K_0$ of a $C_n$-comet graph, we define a $\mathbb Z[x,x^{-1}]$-module structure on the group $\bigoplus_n \mathbb Z$. Let $\phi: \mathbb Z[x,x^{-1}] \longrightarrow {\operatorname{\mathbb M}}_n(\mathbb Z)={\operatorname{End}}_{\mathbb Z}(\mathbb Z^n)$, be the evaluation ring homomorphism, where $$\phi(x)=\left(\begin{array}{ccccc}
0 & \dots & 0 & 0 & 1 \\
1 & 0 & \dots & \dots & 0\\
0 & 1 & 0 & \dots & 0 \\
\vdots & 0 & \ddots
& 0 & 0\\
0 & \dots & 0 & 1 & 0
\end{array}\right).$$ This homomorphism induces a $\mathbb Z[x,x^{-1}]$-module structure on $\bigoplus_n \mathbb Z$, where $x (a_1,\dots,a_n)=(a_n,a_1,\dots, a_{n-1})$.
\[cothemp\] Let $E$ be a $C_n$-comet with the cycle $C$ of length $n \geq 1$. Then there is a $\mathbb Z[x,x^{-1}]$-module isomorphism $$\label{ytsnf1}
\Big ( K_0^{{\operatorname{gr}}} ({\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(E)), [{\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(E)] \Big ) \cong \Big (
\bigoplus_{i=0}^{n-1} \mathbb Z, (d_0,\dots,d_{n-1}) \Big ),$$ where $d_l$, $0 \leq l \leq n-1$, are as in [ (\[ytsnfpos\])]{}.
By (\[ytsnf\]), $K^{{\operatorname{gr}}}_0({\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(E)) \cong_{{\operatorname{gr}}} K^{{\operatorname{gr}}}_0\big( {\operatorname{\mathbb M}}_{m}\big(K[x^n,x^{-n}] \big)\big (|p_1|,\dots,
|p_m|\big)\big).$ The graded Morita equivalence (Proposition \[grmorita\]), induces a $\mathbb Z[x,x^{-1}]$-isomorphism $$K_0^{{\operatorname{gr}}}\big
({\operatorname{\mathbb M}}_{m}\big(K[x^n,x^{-n}] \big)\big (|p_1|,\dots,
|p_m|\big)\big) \longrightarrow K_0^{{\operatorname{gr}}}(K[x^n,x^{-n}]),$$ with $$\big [{\operatorname{\mathbb M}}_{m}\big(K[x^n,x^{-n}] \big)\big (|p_1|,\dots,
|p_m|\big)\big ] \mapsto
\big [K[x^n,x^{-n}](-|p_1|)\oplus \dots,\oplus K[x^n,x^{-n}]( -|p_m|)\big].$$ Now the theorem follows from Proposition \[k0grof\], by considering $A=K[x^n,x^{-n}]$ as a graded field with $\Gamma_A=n\mathbb Z$ and $\Gamma=\mathbb Z$ (see Example \[upst\]).
Before determining the $\mathbb Z[x,x^{-1}]$-module structure of the graded $K_0$ of multi-headed rose graphs, we define a $\mathbb Z[x,x^{-1}]$-module structure on the group $\mathbb Z[1/n]$. Consider the evaluation ring homomorphism $\phi:\mathbb Z[x,x^{-1}] \rightarrow \mathbb Z[1/n]$, by $\phi(x)=n$. This gives a $\mathbb Z[x,x^{-1}]$-module structure on $\mathbb Z[1/n]$, where $xa=na$, $a \in \mathbb Z[1/n]$.
\[re282\] Let $E$ be a polycephaly graph consisting of an acyclic graph $E_1$ with sinks $\{v_1,\dots,v_t\}$ which are attached to $L_{n_1},\dots,L_{n_t}$, respectively, where $n_s\geq 1$, $1\leq s \leq t$. For any $v_s$, let $\{p^{v_s}_i \mid 1\leq i \leq n(v_s)\}$ be the set of all paths in $E_1$ which end in $v_s$. Then there is a $\mathbb Z[x,x^{-1}]$-module isomorphism $$\label{dampai}
\big(K_0^{{\operatorname{gr}}}({\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(E)),[{\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(E)]\big) \cong \big ( \bigoplus_{s=1}^t \mathbb Z[1/n_s], (d_1,\dots,d_t)\big),$$ where $d_s=\sum_{i=1}^{n(v_s)}n_s^{-|p_i^{v_s}|}$.
By Theorem \[polyheadb\] (in the absence of acyclic and comet graphs with cycles of length greater than one), $$\label{dampai2}
{\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(E) \cong_{{\operatorname{gr}}} \bigoplus_{s=1}^t {\operatorname{\mathbb M}}_{n(v_s)} \big({\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(1,n_s)\big)\big (|p^{v_s}_1|,\dots, |p^{v_s}_{n(v_s)}|\big).$$ Since $K_0^{{\operatorname{gr}}}$ is an exact functor, $K_0^{{\operatorname{gr}}}({\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(E))$ is isomorphic to the direct sum of $K_0^{{\operatorname{gr}}}$ of matrix algebras of (\[dampai2\]). The graded Morita equivalence (Proposition \[grmorita\]), induces a $\mathbb Z[x,x^{-1}]$-isomorphism $$K_0^{{\operatorname{gr}}}\big
({\operatorname{\mathbb M}}_{n(v_s)} ({\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(1,n_s))\big (|p^{v_s}_1|,\dots, |p^{v_s}_{n(v_s)}|\big)
\big)\longrightarrow K_0^{{\operatorname{gr}}}({\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(1,n_s)),$$ with $\big [{\operatorname{\mathbb M}}_{n(v_s)} ({\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(1,n_s))\big
(|p^{v_s}_1|,\dots, |p^{v_s}_{n(v_s)}|\big)\big ] \mapsto
[{\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(1,n_s)^{n(v_s)}(-|p^{v_s}_1|,\dots,- |p^{v_s}_{n(v_s)}|)]$. Now by Theorem \[ultrad\](\[imip\]), $K_0^{{\operatorname{gr}}}({\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(1,n_s))\cong \mathbb Z[1/n_s]$. Observe that $[{\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(1,n_s)]$ represents $1$ in $K_0^{{\operatorname{gr}}}({\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(1,n_s))$. Since for any $i \in \mathbb Z$, $${\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(1,n_s)(i)\cong \bigoplus_{n_s}{\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(1,n_s)(i-1),$$ it immediately follows that $\big [{\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(1,n_s)^{n(v_s)}(-|p^{v_s}_1|,\dots,- |p^{v_s}_{n(v_s)}|)\big]$ maps to $\sum_{i=1}^{n(v_s)}n_s^{-|p_i^{v_s}|}$ in $\mathbb Z[1/n_s]$. This also shows that the isomorphism is a $\mathbb Z[x,x^{-1}]$-module isomorphism.
\[mani543\] Let $E$ and $F$ be polycephaly graphs. Then ${\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(E)\cong_{{\operatorname{gr}}} {\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(F)$ if and only if there is an order preserving $\mathbb Z[x,x^{-1}]$-module isomorphism $$\big (K_0^{{\operatorname{gr}}}({\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(E)),[{\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(E)]\big ) \cong \big (K_0^{{\operatorname{gr}}}({\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(F)),[{\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(F)]\big ).$$
One direction is straightforward. For the other direction, suppose there is an order-preserving $\mathbb Z[x,x^{-1}]$-module isomorphism $\phi: K_0^{{\operatorname{gr}}}({\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(E)) \rightarrow K_0^{{\operatorname{gr}}}({\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(F))$ such that $\phi([{\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(E)])=[{\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(F)]$.
By Theorem \[polyheadb\], ${\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(E)$ is a direct sum of matrices over the field $K$, the Laurent polynomials $K[x^l,x^{-l}]$, $l \in \mathbb N$, and Leavitt algebras, corresponding to acyclic, comets and rose graphs in $E$, respectively (see Remark \[kjsdyb\]). Since $K_0^{{\operatorname{gr}}}$ is an exact functor, by Theorems \[f4j5h6h8\], \[cothemp\] and \[re282\], there is an order-preserving $\mathbb Z[x,x^{-1}]$-isomorphism $$K_0^{{\operatorname{gr}}}({\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(E))\cong \Big ( \bigoplus_k \mathbb Z[x,x^{-1}] \Big ) \Big ( \bigoplus_h \bigoplus_{l_h} \mathbb Z \Big )
\Big ( \bigoplus_t \mathbb Z [1/n_t] \Big ).$$ Similarly for the graph $F$ we have $$K_0^{{\operatorname{gr}}}({\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(F))\cong \Big ( \bigoplus_{k'} \mathbb Z[x,x^{-1}] \Big ) \Big ( \bigoplus_{h'} \bigoplus_{l'_{h'}} \mathbb Z \Big )
\Big ( \bigoplus_{t'} \mathbb Z [1/n'_{t'}] \Big ).$$ Throughout the proof, we consider a cycle of length one in the graphs as a comet and thus all $n_s>1$, $1\leq s \leq t$ and $n'_s>1$, $1\leq s \leq t'$.
[*Claim:*]{} The isomorphism $\phi$ maps each type of groups in $K_0^{{\operatorname{gr}}}({\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(E))$ to its corresponding type in $K_0^{{\operatorname{gr}}}({\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(F))$ and so the restriction of $\phi$ to each type of groups gives an isomorphism, i.e, $\phi: \bigoplus_k \mathbb Z[x,x^{-1}] \rightarrow \bigoplus_{k'} \mathbb Z[x,x^{-1}]$, $\phi: \bigoplus_h \bigoplus_{l_h} \mathbb Z \rightarrow \bigoplus_{h'} \bigoplus_{l'_{h'}} \mathbb Z$ and $\phi: \bigoplus_t \mathbb Z [1/n_t] \rightarrow \bigoplus_{t'} \mathbb Z [1/n'_{t'}]$ are order-preserving $\mathbb Z[x,x^{-1}]$-isomorphisms.
Let $a \in \mathbb Z[1/n_s]$, for some $1\leq s \leq t$ (note that $n_s>1$) and suppose $$\phi(0,\dots,0,a,0\dots,0)=(b_1,\dots,b_{k'},c_1,\dots,c_{h'},d_1,\dots d_{t'}),$$ where $(b_1,\dots,b_{k'}) \in \bigoplus_{k'} \mathbb Z[x,x^{-1}]$, $(c_1,\dots,c_{h'}) \in \bigoplus_{h'} \bigoplus_{l'_{h'}} \mathbb Z$ and $(d_1,\dots d_{t'}) \in \bigoplus_{t'} \mathbb Z [1/n'_{t'}]$. We show that $b_i$’s and $c_i$’s are all zero. Let $m={\operatorname{LCM}}(l'_{s})$, $1\leq s \leq h'$. Recall that the action of $x$ on $a\in \mathbb Z[1/n_s]$, $x a= n_s a$. Also the action of $x$ on $(a_1,\dots,a_l) \in \bigoplus_l \mathbb Z$, is $x (a_1,\dots,a_l)=(a_l,a_{1},\dots,a_{l-1})$ (see Example \[upst\]). Consider $$\begin{gathered}
(n_s^m b_1,\dots, n_s^m b_{k'}, n_s^m c_1,\dots,n_s^m c_{h'},n_s^m d_1,\dots n_s^m d_{t'})= \\ \phi (0,\dots,0,n_s^m a,0\dots,0)=
\phi (0,\dots,0,x^m a,0\dots,0)=x^m \phi (0,\dots,0, a,0\dots,0)=\\(x^m b_1,\dots, x^m b_{k'}, c_1,\dots, c_{h'},{n'_1}^m d_1,\dots {n'_{t'}}^m d_{t'}).\end{gathered}$$ This immediately implies that $b_i$’s and $c_i$’s are all zero. Thus the restriction of $\phi$ on the Leavitt type algebras, gives the isomorphism $$\label{lkara}
\phi: \bigoplus_t \mathbb Z [1/n_t] \longrightarrow \bigoplus_{t'} \mathbb Z [1/n'_{t'}].$$
Now consider $a \in \mathbb \bigoplus_{l_s} \mathbb Z$, for some $1\leq s \leq h$, and suppose $$\phi(0,\dots,0,a,0\dots,0)=(b_1,\dots,b_{k'},c_1,\dots,c_{h'},d_1,\dots d_{t'}).$$ As above, let $m={\operatorname{LCM}}(l'_{s})$, $1\leq s \leq h'$ (note that $m$ could be 1) and consider $$\begin{gathered}
(b_1,\dots, b_{k'}, c_1,\dots, c_{h'}, d_1,\dots d_{t'})= \\ \phi (0,\dots,0, a,0\dots,0)=
\phi (0,\dots,0,x^m a,0\dots,0)=x^m \phi (0,\dots,0, a,0\dots,0)=\\(x^m b_1,\dots, x^m b_{k'}, c_1,\dots, c_{h'},{n'_1}^m d_1,\dots {n'_{t'}}^m d_{t'}).\end{gathered}$$ This immediately implies that $b_i$’s and $d_i$’s are all zero. Thus the restriction of $\phi$ on the comet types, gives the isomorphism $$\label{lkara2}
\phi: \bigoplus_h \bigoplus_{l_h} \mathbb Z \longrightarrow \bigoplus_{h'} \bigoplus_{l'_{h'}} \mathbb Z.$$
Finally we show that $\phi$ induces an isomorphism on acyclic parts. Let $$\phi(1,0,\dots,0)=(b_1,\dots, b_{k'}, c_1,\dots, c_{h'}, d_1,\dots d_{t'}).$$ Since $(1,0,\dots,0)$ is in the positive cone of $K_0^{{\operatorname{gr}}}({\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(E))$, $(b_1,\dots, b_{k'}, c_1,\dots, c_{h'}, d_1,\dots d_{t'})$ is in the positive cone of $K_0^{{\operatorname{gr}}}({\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(F))$. Since the restriction of $\phi$ on Leavitt and comet types are isomorphisms (see (\[lkara\]) and (\[lkara2\])), there is $(0,\dots,0,c_1',\dots,c_h',d_1',\dots,d_t')$ in the positive cone of $K_0^{{\operatorname{gr}}}({\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(E))$ such that $\phi(0,\dots,0,c_1',\dots,c_h',d_1',\dots,d_t')=(0,\dots, 0, c_1,\dots, c_{h'}, d_1,\dots d_{t'})$. It follows $$\phi(1,0,\dots,0, -c_1',\dots,-c_h',-d_1',\dots,-d_t')=(b_1,\dots, b_{k'},0,\dots,0, 0,\dots,0).$$ But $(b_1,\dots, b_{k'},0,\dots,0, 0,\dots,0)$ is in the positive cone. This forces $c_i'$’s and $d_i'$’s to be zero. This shows that $\phi(1,0,\dots,0) \in \bigoplus_{k'} \mathbb Z[x,x^{-1}]$ and thus $\phi\big(\mathbb Z[x,x^{-1}],0,\dots,0\big)\subseteq \bigoplus_{k'} \mathbb Z[x,x^{-1}].$ A similar argument can be written for the other components of acyclic parts. Thus the restriction of $\phi$ on the acyclic types, gives the isomorphism $$\phi: \bigoplus_k \mathbb Z[x,x^{-1}] \rightarrow \bigoplus_{k'} \mathbb Z[x,x^{-1}].$$ This finishes the proof of the claim. Thus we can reduce the theorem to graphs of the same types, namely, $E$ and $F$ being both acyclic, multi-headed comets or multi-headed rose graphs.
We consider each case separately.
\(i) $E$ and $F$ are acyclic: In this case ${\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(E)$ and ${\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(F)$ are $K$-algebras (see (\[skyone23\])). The isomorphism between Leavitt path algebras now follows from Theorem \[catgrhsf\], by setting $A=K$ and $\Gamma_A=0$.
\(ii) $E$ and $F$ are multi-headed comets: By Theorem \[polyheadb\] and \[cothemp\], (since $K_0^{{\operatorname{gr}}}$ is an exact functor) $K_0^{{\operatorname{gr}}} ({\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(E)) \cong \bigoplus_{s=1}^h \bigoplus_{l_s} \mathbb Z$ and $K_0^{{\operatorname{gr}}} ({\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(F))\cong \bigoplus_{s=1}^{h'} \bigoplus_{l'_{s}} \mathbb Z$. Tensoring with $\mathbb Q$, the isomorphism $\phi$ extends to an isomorphism of $\mathbb Q$-vector spaces, which then immediately implies $\sum_{s=1}^h l_s=\sum_{i=1}^{h'} l'_s$. We claim that $h=h'$ and (after a suitable permutation), $l_s=l'_s$ for any $1\leq s\leq h$ and the restriction of $\phi$ gives an isomorphism $\phi: \bigoplus_{l_s} \mathbb Z \rightarrow \bigoplus_{l'_s} \mathbb Z$, $1\leq s\leq h$.
Let $r=\sum_{s=1}^h l_s=\sum_{i=1}^{h'} l'_s$. Consider the matrix $a=(a_{ij})$, $1\leq i,j \leq r$, representing the isomorphism $\phi$. We first show that $a$ has to be a permutation matrix. Since $\phi$ is an order preserving homomorphism, all the entires of the matrix $a$ are positive integers. Since $\phi$ is an isomorphism, $a$ is an invertible matrix, with the inverse $b=(b_{ij})$ with $b_{ij} \geq 0$, $1\leq i,j \leq r$, as $b$ is also order preserving. Thus there is $1\leq j\leq r$ such that $a_{1j}\not = 0$. Since $\sum_{i=1}^{r}a_{1i} b_{il}=0$, for $1<l\leq r$, $a_{1j}\not = 0$ and all the numbers involved are positive, it follows $b_{jl}=0$ for all $1<l \leq r$. That is the entires of $j$-th row of the matrix $b$ are all zero except $b_{1j}$, which has to be nonzero. If there is another $j'\not = j$ such that $a_{1j'}\not = 0$, a similar argument shows that all $b_{j'l}=0$ for all $1<l \leq r$. But this then implies that the matrix $b$ is singular which is not the case. That is there is only one non-zero entry in the first row of the matrix $a$. Furthermore, since $a_{1j}b_{j1}=1$, we get $a_{1j}=1$. Repeating the same argument for other rows of the matrix $a$, we obtain that $a$ consists of exactly one $1$ in each row and column, i.e., it is a permutation matrix.
Let $e_s$ be the standard generators of $K_0^{{\operatorname{gr}}} ({\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(E))$. Since $\phi$ is a permutation, $\phi(e_1)=e_k$ for some $k$. Suppose that for a suitable permutation of $l'_s$, $1\leq s \leq h'$, we have $1\leq k\leq l'_1$, i.e., $e_k$ is a non-zero element of $\bigoplus_{l'_1} \mathbb Z$. Then $$x^{l_1} e_k=x^{l_1} \phi(e_1)= \phi(x^{l_1} e_1)= \phi(e_1) =e_k.$$ This implies that $l_1 \geq l'_1$. On the other hand $$\phi(e_1)= e_k= x^{l'_1} e_k= x^{l'_1} \phi(e_1)= \phi(x^{l'_1} e_1).$$ So $e_1= x^{l'_1} e_1$. This implies that $l'_1 \geq l_1$. Thus $l_1=l'_1$. Again, since $\phi$ is a $\mathbb Z[x,x^{-1}]$-module isomorphism, the generators of $\bigoplus_{l_1} \mathbb Z$ maps to the generators of $\bigoplus_{l'_1} \mathbb Z$, so it follows that the restriction of $\phi$ gives an isomorphism $\phi: \bigoplus_{l_1} \mathbb Z \rightarrow \bigoplus_{l'_1} \mathbb Z$. Repeating the same argument for $2\leq s \leq h$, we obtain the claim.
This shows that ${\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(E)$ and ${\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(F)$ are direct sum of matrices over $K[x^{l_s},x^{-l_s}]$, $1\leq s \leq h$ with the graded $K_0$-group of each summand of ${\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(E)$ is $\mathbb Z[x,x^{-1}]$-module isomorphisms with the corresponding summand of ${\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(F)$. The isomorphism between each summand and thus the isomorphism between the Leavitt path algebras ${\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(E)$ and ${\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(F)$ now follows from applying Theorem \[catgrhsf\] $h$-times (i.e., for each summand), by setting $A=K[x^{l_s},x^{-l_s}]$, $\Gamma_A=l_s\mathbb Z$, $1\leq s \leq h$, and $\Gamma=\mathbb Z$.
\(iii) $E$ and $F$ are multi-headed rose graphs: By (\[dampai\]) $K_0^{{\operatorname{gr}}}({\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(E)) \cong \bigoplus_{s=1}^t \mathbb Z[1/n_s]$ and $K_0^{{\operatorname{gr}}}({\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(F)) \cong \bigoplus_{s=1}^{t'} \mathbb Z[1/n'_s]$. Tensoring with $\mathbb Q$, the isomorphism $\phi$ extends to an isomorphism of $\mathbb Q$-vector spaces, which then immediately implies $t=t'$. Since the group of $n$-adic fractions $\mathbb Z[1/n]$ is a flat $\mathbb Z$-module, $\phi$ can be represented by a $t\times t$ matrix with entries from $\mathbb Q$. Write the sequence $(n_1,\dots,n_t)$ in an ascending order, respectively (changing the labels if necessary) and write the vertices $\{v_1,\dots,v_t\}$ (again, changing the labels if necessary) such that $L_{n_1},\dots , L_{n_t}$ correspond to $(n_1,\dots,n_t)$. Do this for $(n'_1,\dots,n'_t)$ and $\{v'_1,\dots,v'_{t'}\}$ as well.
We first show that $n_s=n_s'$, $1\leq s \leq t$ and $\phi$ is a block diagonal matrix. Write the ascending sequence $$\label{potrw}
(n_1,\dots,n_t)=(\sf{ n_1,\dots,n_1,n_2,\dots,n_2,\dots,n_k,\dots,n_k}),$$ where each ${\sf n}_l$ occurring $r_l$ times, $1\leq l \leq k$. Let $\phi$ be represented by the matrix $a=(a_{ij})_{t\times t}$. Choose the smallest $s_1$, $1\leq s_1\leq t$, such that starting from $s_1$-th row all entires below the $s_1$-th row and between the $1$st and $r_1$-th column (including the column $r_1$) are zero. Clearly $s_1\geq 1$, as there is at least one nonzero entry on the $r_1$-th column, as $\phi$ is an isomorphism so $a$ is an invertible matrix. Formally, $s_1$ is chosen such that $a_{ij}=0$ for all $s_1 < i \leq t$ and $1\leq j \leq r_1$ and there is $1< j \leq r_1$ such that $a_{s_1j}\not = 0$. We will show that $s_1=r_1$. Pick $a_{s_1j}\not = 0$, for $1< j \leq r_1$. Then $\phi(e_{j})=\sum_{s=1}^{t}a_{sj}e'_s$, where $e_{j}\in \bigoplus_{s=1}^t \mathbb Z[1/n_s] $ and $e'_j \in \bigoplus_{s=1}^{t} \mathbb Z[1/n'_s]$, with $1$ in $j$-th entry and zero elsewhere, respectively. This shows $a_{s_1j}e'_{s_1} \in \mathbb Z[1/n'_{s_1}]$. But $\phi$ is a $\mathbb Z[x,x^{-1}]$-module homomorphism. Thus $$\label{chrisdeb}
\sum_{s=1}^{t}n'_s a_{sj}e'_s=x \phi(e_j) =\phi(x e_j)=\phi(n_1 e_j)= \sum_{s=1}^{t}n_1 a_{sj}e'_s.$$ Since $a_{s_1j}\not = 0$, we obtain $n'_{s_1}=n_1$. Next we show $a_{ij}=0$ for all $1 \leq i \leq s_1$ and $r_1 < j \leq t$ (see the matrix below). $$\label{jh7h6g}
a_{11} & \cdots & a_{1r_1} & 0 & \cdots & 0\\
\vdots & \vdots & \vdots & 0 & \cdots & 0 \\
a_{s_1,1} & \cdots & a_{s_1,r_1} & 0 & \cdots& 0 \\
0 & 0 & 0 & a_{s_1+1,r_1+1} & \cdots & a_{s_1+1,t} \\
\vdots & \vdots & \vdots & \vdots & \ddots & \vdots \\
0 & 0 & 0 & a_{t,r_1+1} & \cdots & a_{t,t} \\
\end{array}\right)_{t\times t}.$$
Suppose $a_{ij} \not = 0$ for some $1 \leq i \leq s_1$ and $r_1 < j \leq t$. Since $j>r_1$, $n_j>n_1$. Applying $\phi$ on $e_j$, a similar calculation as (\[chrisdeb\]) shows that, since $a_{ij} \not = 0$, $n'_i=n_j$. But the sequence $(n'_1,\dots,n'_t)$ is arranged in an ascending order, so if $i\leq s_1$, then $n_j=n'_i \leq n'_{s_1}=n_1$, which is a contradiction. Therefore the matrix $a$, consists of two blocks as in (\[jh7h6g\]). Next we show that for $1\leq i\leq s_1$ $n'_i=n'_{s_1}=n_1$. If $1\leq i\leq s_1$, there is $a_{ij}\not = 0$, for some $1\leq j\leq r_1$ (as all $a_{ij}= 0$, $j>r_1$, and $a$ is invertible). Then consider $\phi(e_j)$ and again a similar calculation as in (\[chrisdeb\]) shows that $n'_i=n_1$.
Now restricting $\phi$ to the first $r_1$ summands of $K_0^{{\operatorname{gr}}}({\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(E))$, we have a homomorphism $$\label{beau54}
\phi_{r_1}: \bigoplus_{s=1}^{r_1} \mathbb Z[1/n_1]\longrightarrow \bigoplus_{s=1}^{s_1} \mathbb Z[1/n_1].$$ Being the restriction of the isomorphism $\phi$, $\phi_{r_1}$ is also an isomorphism. Tensoring (\[beau54\]) with $\mathbb Q$, we deduce $s_1=r_1$ as claimed. Repeating the same argument ($k-1$ times) for the second block of the matrix $a$ in (\[jh7h6g\]), we obtain that $a$ is a diagonal block matrix consisting of $k$ blocks of $r_i\times r_i$, $1\leq i \leq k$ matrices. Since $\phi$ is an order preserving homomorphism, all the entires of the matrix $a$ are positive numbers. Similar to the case of multi-headed comets, we show that each of $\phi_{r_i}$ is a permutation matrix. Consider the matrix $a_{r_1}=(a_{ij})$, $1\leq i,j \leq r_1$, representing the isomorphism $\phi_{r_1}$. Since $\phi_{r_1}$ is an isomorphism, $a_{r_1}$ is an invertible matrix, with the inverse $b_{r_1}=(b_{ij})$ with $b_{ij} \geq 0$, $1\leq i,j \leq r_1$, as $b_{r_1}$ is also order preserving. Thus there is $1\leq j\leq r_1$ such that $a_{1j}\not = 0$. Since $\sum_{i=1}^{r_1}a_{1i} b_{il}=0$, for $1<l\leq r_1$, $a_{1j}\not = 0$ and all the numbers involved are positive, it follows $b_{jl}=0$ for all $1<l \leq r_1$. That is the entires of $j$-th row of the matrix $b_{r_1}$ are all zero except $b_{1j}$, which has to be nonzero. If there is another $j'\not = j$ such that $a_{1j'}\not = 0$, a similar argument shows that all $b_{j'l}=0$ for all $1<l \leq r_1$. But this then implies that the matrix $b_{r_1}$ is singular which is not the case. That is there is only one non-zero entry in the first row of the matrix $a_{r_1}$. Furthermore, since $a_{1j}b_{j1}=1$, $a_{1j}={n_1}^{c_1}$, where $c_1 \in \mathbb Z$. Repeating the same argument for other rows of the matrix $a_{r_1}$, we obtain that $a_{r_1}$ consists of exactly one number of the form ${n_1}^c$, $c\in \mathbb Z$, in each row and column, i.e., it is a permutation matrix with entries invertible in $\mathbb Z[1/n_1]$. As in Theorem \[re282\], we can write $${\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(E) \cong_{{\operatorname{gr}}} \bigoplus_{s=1}^t {\operatorname{\mathbb M}}_{n(v_s)} \big({\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(1,n_s)\big)\big (|p^{v_s}_1|,\dots, |p^{v_s}_{n(v_s)}|\big).$$ Furthermore, one can re-group this into $k$ summands, with each summand the matrices over the Leavitt algebras ${\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(1,{\sf n}_u)$, $1\leq u \leq k$ (see (\[potrw\])). Do the same re-grouping for the ${\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(F)$. On the level of $K_0$, since the isomorphism $\phi$ decomposes into a diagonal block matrix, it is enough to consider each $\phi_{r_i}$ separately. For $i=1$, $$\phi_{r_1}: \bigoplus_{s=1}^{r_1} K^{{\operatorname{gr}}}_0\Big({\operatorname{\mathbb M}}_{n(v_s)} \big(R\big)\big (|p^{v_s}_1|,\dots, |p^{v_s}_{n(v_s)}|\big)\Big)
\longrightarrow \bigoplus_{s=1}^{r_1} K^{{\operatorname{gr}}}_0\Big({\operatorname{\mathbb M}}_{n(v'_s)} \big(R\big)\big (|p'^{v'_s}_1|,\dots, |p'^{v'_s}_{n(v'_s)}|\big)\Big)$$ with $$\phi_{r_1}\Big(\bigoplus_{s=1}^{r_1} \Big[{\operatorname{\mathbb M}}_{n(v_s)} \big(R\big)\big (|p^{v_s}_1|,\dots, |p^{v_s}_{n(v_s)}|\big)\Big ]\Big )= \bigoplus_{s=1}^{r_1} \Big [{\operatorname{\mathbb M}}_{n(v'_s)} \big(R\big)\big (|p'^{v'_s}_1|,\dots, |p'^{v'_s}_{n(v'_s)}|\big)\Big],$$ where $R={\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(1,{\sf n}_1)$, ${\sf n}_1=n_1$. Using the graded Morita theory, (as in Theorem \[re282\]), we can write $$\phi_{r_1}\Big( \bigoplus_{s=1}^{r_1} \big [R(-|p^{v_s}_1|)\oplus\dots\oplus R(-|p^{v_s}_{n(v_s)}|)\big ]\Big)=
\bigoplus_{s=1}^{r_1} \big[R(-|p'^{v'_s}_1|)\oplus\dots\oplus R(-|p'^{v'_s}_{n(v'_s)}|)\big].$$ But $\phi_{r_1}$ is a permutation matrix (with power of $n_1$ as entires). Thus we have (by suitable relabeling if necessary), for any $1\leq s \leq r_1$, $$\label{h32319}
n_1^{c_s}\Big([R(-|p^{v_s}_1|)\oplus\dots\oplus R(-|p^{v_s}_{n(v_s)}|)\big ]\Big)=
\big[R(-|p'^{v'_s}_1|)\oplus\dots\oplus R(-|p'^{v'_s}_{n(v'_s)}|)\big],$$ where $c_s \in \mathbb Z$. Since for any $i \in \mathbb Z$, $${\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(1,n_1)(i)\cong \bigoplus_{n_1}{\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(1,n_1)(i-1),$$ if $c_s>0$, we have $$\label{gfqw32}
\big[R(-|p^{v_s}_1|+c_s)\oplus\dots\oplus R(-|p^{v_s}_{n(v_s)}|+c_s)\big ]=
\big[R(-|p'^{v'_s}_1|)\oplus\dots\oplus R(-|p'^{v'_s}_{n(v'_s)}|)\big],$$ otherwise $$\label{gfqw35}
\big [R(-|p^{v_s}_1|)\oplus\dots\oplus R(-|p^{v_s}_{n(v_s)}|)\big ]=
\big[R(-|p'^{v'_s}_1|+c_s)\oplus\dots\oplus R(-|p'^{v'_s}_{n(v'_s)}|+c_s)\big].$$ Suppose, say, (\[gfqw32\]) holds. The case of (\[gfqw35\]) is similar. Recall that by Dade’s theorem (see §\[dadestmal\]), the functor $(-)_0:\mbox{gr-}A\rightarrow \mbox{mod-}A_0$, $M\mapsto M_0$, is an equivalence so that it induces an isomorphism $K_0^{{\operatorname{gr}}}(R) \rightarrow K_0(R_0)$. Applying this to (\[gfqw32\]), we obtain $$\label{gfqw30021}
\big[R_{-|p^{v_s}_1|+c_s}\oplus\dots\oplus R_{-|p^{v_s}_{n(v_s)}|+c_s}\big ]=
\big[R_{-|p'^{v'_s}_1|}\oplus\dots\oplus R_{-|p'^{v'_s}_{n(v'_s)}|}\big]$$ in $K_0(R_0)$. Since $R_0$ is an ultramatricial algebra, it is unit-regular and by Proposition 15.2 in [@goodearlbook], $$\label{gfqw3002}
R_{-|p^{v_s}_1|+c_s}\oplus\dots\oplus R_{-|p^{v_s}_{n(v_s)}|+c_s}\cong
R_{-|p'^{v'_s}_1|}\oplus\dots\oplus R_{-|p'^{v'_s}_{n(v'_s)}|}$$ as $R_0$-modules. Tensoring this with the graded ring $R$ over $R_0$, since $R$ is strongly graded (Theorem \[hazst\]), and so $R_{\alpha} \otimes_{R_0} R \cong_{{\operatorname{gr}}} R(\alpha)$ as graded $R$-modules ([@grrings 3.1.1]), we have a (right) graded $R$-module isomorphism $$R(-|p^{v_s}_1|+c_s)\oplus\dots\oplus R(-|p^{v_s}_{n(v_s)}|+c_s)\cong_{{\operatorname{gr}}}
R(-|p'^{v'_s}_1|)\oplus\dots\oplus R(-|p'^{v'_s}_{n(v'_s)}|).$$ Applying ${\operatorname{End}}$-functor to this isomorphism, we get (see §\[matgrhe\]), $${\operatorname{\mathbb M}}_{n(v_s)} \big({\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(1,{\sf n}_1)\big)\big (|p^{v_s}_1|-c_s,\dots, |p^{v_s}_{n(v_s)}|-c_s\big) \cong_{{\operatorname{gr}}}
{\operatorname{\mathbb M}}_{n(v_s)} \big({\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(1,{\sf n}_1)\big)\big (|p'^{v'_s}_1|,\dots, |p'^{v'_s}_{n(v'_s)}|\big),$$ which is a $K$-algebra isomorphism. But clearly (§\[matgrhe\]) $${\operatorname{\mathbb M}}_{n(v_s)} \big({\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(1,{\sf n}_1)\big)\big (|p^{v_s}_1|-c_s,\dots, |p^{v_s}_{n(v_s)}|-c_s\big) \cong_{{\operatorname{gr}}}
{\operatorname{\mathbb M}}_{n(v_s)} \big({\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(1,{\sf n}_1)\big)\big (|p^{v_s}_1|,\dots, |p^{v_s}_{n(v_s)}|\big).$$ So $${\operatorname{\mathbb M}}_{n(v_s)} \big({\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(1,{\sf n}_1)\big)\big (|p^{v_s}_1|,\dots, |p^{v_s}_{n(v_s)}|\big) \cong_{{\operatorname{gr}}}
{\operatorname{\mathbb M}}_{n(v_s)} \big({\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(1,{\sf n}_1)\big)\big (|p'^{v'_s}_1|,\dots, |p'^{v'_s}_{n(v'_s)}|\big).$$ Repeating this argument for all $1 \leq s \leq r_1$ and then for all $r_i$, $1\leq i\leq k$, we get $${\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(E) \cong_{{\operatorname{gr}}} {\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(F)$$ as $K$-algebras.
Using Theorem \[mani543\] we show that Conjecture \[cofian\] holds for the category polycephaly graphs.
\[griso7dgre\] Let $E$ and $F$ be polycephaly graphs. Then ${\operatorname{\mathcal L}}_K(E) \cong_{{\operatorname{gr}}} {\operatorname{\mathcal L}}_K(F)$ as rings if and only if ${\operatorname{\mathcal L}}_K(E) \cong_{{\operatorname{gr}}} {\operatorname{\mathcal L}}_K(F)$ as $K$-algebras.
Let $E$ and $F$ be two polycephaly graphs such that ${\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(E)\cong_{{\operatorname{gr}}} {\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(F)$. This gives a $\mathbb Z[x,x^{-1}]$-module isomorphism $$\big (K_0^{{\operatorname{gr}}}({\operatorname{\mathcal L}}_K(E)),[{\operatorname{\mathcal L}}_K(E)]\big ) \cong \big (K_0^{{\operatorname{gr}}}({\operatorname{\mathcal L}}_K(F)),[{\operatorname{\mathcal L}}_K(F)]\big ).$$ As in the first part of the proof of Theorem \[mani543\], the graded $K_0$ of each type of the graph $E$ (acyclic, comets or rose graphs) is isomorphic to the corresponding type of the graph $F$. For the acyclic and comets part of $E$ and $F$, the combination of part (1) and (2) of Theorem \[catgrhsf\] shows that their corresponding Leavitt path algebras are $K$-algebra isomorphism. (In fact if $E$ and $F$ are $C_n$-comets, then there is an $K[x^n,x^{-n}]$-graded isomorphism.) The $K$-isomorphism of Leavitt path algebras of rose graphs part of $E$ and $F$ was proved in the last part of the proof of Theorem \[mani543\].
\[ng4352\] Let $E$ and $F$ be graphs with no sinks such that the weak classification Conjecture \[weakconj\] holds. Then $C^*(E)\cong C^*(F)$ implies ${\operatorname{\mathcal L}}_{\mathbb C}(E) \cong_{{\operatorname{gr}}} {\operatorname{\mathcal L}}_{\mathbb C} (F)$. Indeed, if $C^*(E)\cong C^*(F)$, then $C^*(E)\rtimes_{\gamma} \mathbb T \cong C^*(F)\rtimes_{\gamma} \mathbb T$. By [@Raeburn113 Lemma 3.1], $C^*(E\times_1 \mathbb Z)\cong C^*(E)\rtimes_{\gamma} \mathbb T$. From sequence (\[lol1532\]) now follows that $$K^{{\operatorname{gr}}}_0({\operatorname{\mathcal L}}_{\mathbb C}(E)) \cong K_0(C^*(E\times_1 \mathbb Z)) \cong K_0(C^*(F\times_1 \mathbb Z)) \cong K^{{\operatorname{gr}}}_0({\operatorname{\mathcal L}}_{\mathbb C}(F)).$$ So if Conjecture \[weakconj\] holds, we then have ${\operatorname{\mathcal L}}_{\mathbb C}(E) \cong_{{\operatorname{gr}}} {\operatorname{\mathcal L}}_{\mathbb C}(F)$. Thus by Theorem \[mani543\], if $E$ and $F$ are comet or polycephaly graphs and $C^*(E)\cong C^*(F)$ then ${\operatorname{\mathcal L}}_{\mathbb C}(E) \cong_{{\operatorname{gr}}} {\operatorname{\mathcal L}}_{\mathbb C} (F)$.
In Theorem \[mani543\], the assumption that the isomorphism between $K$-groups is $\mathbb Z[x,x^{-1}]$-module homomorphism is used in significant way. The following example shows one can not relax this assumption (see also Example \[smallgraphs2\]).
Consider $R={\operatorname{\mathcal L}}_2$ and $S={\operatorname{\mathcal L}}_4$. By Theorem \[re282\], $(K^{{\operatorname{gr}}}_0(R),[R])=(\mathbb Z[1/2],1)$ and $(K^{{\operatorname{gr}}}_0(S),[S])=(\mathbb Z[1/4],1)$. So the identity map, gives an isomorphism $(K^{{\operatorname{gr}}}_0(R),[R]) \cong (K^{{\operatorname{gr}}}_0(S),[S])$. But we know ${\operatorname{\mathcal L}}_2 \not \cong {\operatorname{\mathcal L}}_4$, since by Theorem \[wke\], $K_0({\operatorname{\mathcal L}}_2)=0$ whereas $K_0({\operatorname{\mathcal L}}_4)=\mathbb Z/3\mathbb Z$. Theorem \[mani543\] can’t be applied here, as this isomorphism is not $\mathbb Z[x,x^{-1}]$-module isomorphism. For, otherwise $2[S(-1)]=2[R(-1)]=[R]=[S]=4[S(-1)]$. This implies $[R]=2[S(-1)]=0$ which is clearly absurd.
Matrices over Leavitt algebras
In [@arock], Abrams gives the necessary and sufficient conditions for matrices over Leavitt path algebras to be graded isomorphic. For a $\Gamma$-graded ring $A$, he considers grading induced on ${\operatorname{\mathbb M}}_k(A)$ by setting ${\operatorname{\mathbb M}}_k(A)_\gamma={\operatorname{\mathbb M}}_k(A_\gamma)$, for $\gamma \in \Gamma$, i.e., with $(0,\dots,0)$-suspension. For positive integers $k$ and $n$, [*factorization of $k$ along $n$*]{}, means $k=td$ where $d\mid n^i$ for some positive integer $i$ and $\gcd(t,n)=1$. Then Theorem 1.3 in [@arock] states that for positive integers $k,n,n'$, $n \geq 2$, $M_k({\operatorname{\mathcal L}}_n)\cong_{{\operatorname{gr}}} M_{k'}({\operatorname{\mathcal L}}_n)$ if and only if $t=t'$, where $k=td$, respectively $k'=t'd'$, are the factorization of $k$, respectively $k'$, along $n$. With this classification, $$M_3({\operatorname{\mathcal L}}_2)\not \cong_{{\operatorname{gr}}} M_4({\operatorname{\mathcal L}}_2).$$ However combining Theorem \[re282\] and Theorem \[mani543\], we shall see that the following two graphs $$\xymatrix@=10pt{
&\bullet \ar[dr] & &&&& & \bullet \ar[dr] \\
E: && \bullet \ar@(ur,rd) \ar@(u,r) & & && F: & & \bullet \ar[r] & \bullet \ar@(ur,rd) \ar@(u,r) &\\
&\bullet \ar[ur] & &&&& & \bullet \ar[ur]
}$$ give isomorphic Leavitt path algebras, i.e., $$\label{b53s}
{\operatorname{\mathbb M}}_3({\operatorname{\mathcal L}}_2)(0,1,1) \cong_{{\operatorname{gr}}} {\operatorname{\mathbb M}}_4({\operatorname{\mathcal L}}_2)(0,1,2,2).$$ This shows, by considering suspensions, we get much wider classes of graded isomorphisms of matrices over Leavitt algebras. Indeed, by Theorem \[re282\], $(K^{{\operatorname{gr}}}_0({\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(E),[{\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(E)])=( \mathbb Z[1/2],2)$ and $(K^{{\operatorname{gr}}}_0({\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(F),[{\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(F)])= (\mathbb Z[1/2],2)$. Now the idenitity map gives an ordering preserving isomorphisms between these $K$-groups and so by Theorem \[mani543\], we have ${\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(E)\cong_{{\operatorname{gr}}} {\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(F)$ which then applying (\[dampai\]) we obtain the graded isomorphism (\[b53s\]).
We can now give a criterion when two matrices over Leavitt algebras are graded isomorphic. It is an easy exercise to see this covers Abrams’ theorem [@arock Proposition 1.3], when there is no suspension.
\[cfd2497\] Let $k,k',n,n'$ be positive integers, where $n$ is prime. Then $$\label{tes5363}
{\operatorname{\mathbb M}}_k({\operatorname{\mathcal L}}_n)({\lambda}_1,\dots,{\lambda}_k) \cong_{{\operatorname{gr}}} {\operatorname{\mathbb M}}_{k'}({\operatorname{\mathcal L}}_{n'})(\gamma_1,\dots,\gamma_{k'})$$ if and only if $n=n'$ and there is $j \in \mathbb Z$ such that $n^j\sum_{i=1}^k n^{-{\lambda}_i}=\sum_{i=1}^{k'} {n}^{-{\gamma}_i}$.
By Theorem \[re282\] (and its proof), the isomorphism (\[tes5363\]), induces an $\mathbb Z[x,x^{-1}]$-isomorphism $\phi:\mathbb Z[1/n]\rightarrow \mathbb Z[1/n']$ such that $\phi(\sum_{i=1}^k n^{-{\lambda}_i})=\sum_{i=1}^{k'} {n'}^{-{\gamma}_i}$. Now $$n \phi(1)=\phi(n 1) =\phi(x 1) =x\phi(1)=n'\phi(1)$$ which implies $n=n'$. (This could have also been obtained by applying non-graded $K_0$ to isomorphism (\[tes5363\]) and applying Theorem \[wke\].) Since $\phi$ is an isomorphism, it has to be multiplication by $n^j$, for some $j \in \mathbb Z$. Thus $\sum_{i=1}^{k'} {n}^{-{\gamma}_i}=\phi(\sum_{i=1}^k n^{-{\lambda}_i})=n^j \sum_{i=1}^k n^{-{\lambda}_i}$.
Conversely suppose there is $j \in \mathbb Z$, such that $n^j\sum_{i=1}^k n^{-{\lambda}_i}=\sum_{i=1}^{k'} {n}^{-{\gamma}_i}$. Set $A={\operatorname{\mathcal L}}_n$. Since Leavitt algebras are strongly graded (Theorem \[hazst\]), it follows $R={\operatorname{\mathbb M}}_k(A)({\lambda}_1,\dots,{\lambda}_k)$ and $S={\operatorname{\mathbb M}}_{k'}(A)(\gamma_1,\dots,\gamma_{k'})$ are strongly graded ([@grrings 2.10.8]). Again Theorem \[re282\] shows that the multiplication by $n^j$ gives an isomorphism $(K^{{\operatorname{gr}}}_0(R),[R]) \cong (K^{{\operatorname{gr}}}_0(S),[S])$. Therefore $n^j[R]=[S]$. Using the graded Morita, we get $$n^j [A(-{\lambda}_1)\oplus \dots \oplus A(-{\lambda}_k)]= [A(-\gamma_1)\oplus\dots\oplus A(-\gamma_{k'})].$$ Using Dade’s theorem (§\[dadestmal\]), passing this equality to $A_0$ , we get $$n^j [A_{-{\lambda}_1}\oplus\dots \oplus A_{-{\lambda}_k}]= [A_{-\gamma_1}\oplus\dots\oplus A_{-\gamma_{k'}}].$$ If $j\geq 0$ (the case $j<0$ is argued similarly), since $A_0$ is an ultramatricial algebra, it is unit-regular and by Proposition 15.2 in [@goodearlbook], $$A^{n^j}_{-{\lambda}_1}\oplus\dots \oplus A_{-{\lambda}_k}^{n^j} \cong
A_{-\gamma_1}\oplus\dots\oplus A_{-\gamma_{k'}}.$$ Tensoring this with the graded ring $A$ over $A_0$, since $A={\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(1,n)$ is strongly graded (Theorem \[hazst\]), and so $A_{{\lambda}} \otimes_{A_0} A \cong_{{\operatorname{gr}}} A({\lambda})$ as graded $A$-modules ([@grrings 3.1.1]), we have a (right) graded $R$-module isomorphism $$A(-{\lambda}_1)^{n^j}\oplus\dots \oplus A(-{\lambda}_k)^{n^j} \cong_{{\operatorname{gr}}}
A(-\gamma_1)\oplus\dots\oplus A(-\gamma_{k'}).$$ Since for any $i \in \mathbb Z$, $A(i)\cong \bigoplus_{n} A(i-1).$ we have $$A(-{\lambda}_1+j)\oplus\dots \oplus A(-{\lambda}_k+j) \cong_{{\operatorname{gr}}}
A(-\gamma_1)\oplus\dots\oplus A(-\gamma_{k'}).$$ Now applying ${\operatorname{End}}$-functor to this isomorphism, we get (see §\[matgrhe\]), $${\operatorname{\mathbb M}}_k(A)({\lambda}_1-j,\dots,{\lambda}_k-j) \cong_{{\operatorname{gr}}} {\operatorname{\mathbb M}}_{k'}(A)(\gamma_1,\dots,\gamma_{k'})$$ which gives the isomorphism (\[tes5363\]).
Applying Dade’s theorem (see §\[dadestmal\]), we obtain the isomorphism $\phi_0$ below, $$\label{gsqqwq}
\big(K^{{\operatorname{gr}}}_0(R),[R]\big) \cong \big (\mathbb Z[1/n], \sum_{i=1}^k n^{-{\lambda}_i} \big) \ar[rr]^{\phi} && \big (\mathbb Z[1/n], \sum_{i=1}^{k'} n^{-{\gamma}_i} \big) \cong \big(K^{{\operatorname{gr}}}_0(S),[S]\big) \ar[d]^{(-)_0} \\
\big(K_0(R_0),[R_0]\big) \ar[u]^{-\otimes_{R_0}R} \ar@{.>}[rr]^{\phi_0} && \big(K_0(S_0),[S_0]\big)
}$$ Since $R_0$ and $S_0$ are ultramatricial algebras, by Elliott’s theorem (see [@goodearlbook Theorem 15.26]), there exists an isomorphism $R_0 \cong S_0$. Tensoring this with ${\operatorname{\mathcal L}}_n$, since ${\operatorname{\mathcal L}}_n$ is strongly graded, we obtain $$\begin{gathered}
{\operatorname{\mathbb M}}_k({\operatorname{\mathcal L}}_n)({\lambda}_1,\dots,{\lambda}_k) \cong_{{\operatorname{gr}}} {\operatorname{\mathbb M}}_k({\operatorname{\mathcal L}}_n)({\lambda}_1,\dots,{\lambda}_k)_0 \otimes_{\mathbb Z} {\operatorname{\mathcal L}}_n
\cong_{{\operatorname{gr}}} \\ {\operatorname{\mathbb M}}_{k'}({\operatorname{\mathcal L}}_{n})(\gamma_1,\dots,\gamma_{k'})_0 \otimes_{\mathbb Z} {\operatorname{\mathcal L}}_n \cong_{{\operatorname{gr}}}
{\operatorname{\mathbb M}}_{k'}({\operatorname{\mathcal L}}_{n})(\gamma_1,\dots,\gamma_{k'})\end{gathered}$$
1. The if part of Theorem \[cfd2497\] does not need the assumption of $n$ being prime. In fact, the same proof shows that if ${\operatorname{\mathbb M}}_k({\operatorname{\mathcal L}}_n)({\lambda}_1,\dots,{\lambda}_k) \cong_{{\operatorname{gr}}} {\operatorname{\mathbb M}}_{k'}({\operatorname{\mathcal L}}_{n'})(\gamma_1,\dots,\gamma_{k'})$ then $n=n'$ and there is $j \in \mathbb Z$ such that $p^\delta \sum_{i=1}^k n^{-{\lambda}_i}=\sum_{i=1}^{k'} {n}^{-{\gamma}_i}$, where $p | n^j$ and $\delta=\pm 1$. By setting $k=1$, ${\lambda}_1=0$ and ${\gamma}_i=0$, $1\leq i \leq k'$, we recover Theorem 6.3 of [@aapardo].
2. The proof of Theorem \[cfd2497\] shows that the isomorphism (\[tes5363\]) is in fact an induced graded isomorphism. Recall that for graded (right) modules $N_1$ and $N_2$ over the graded ring $A$, the graded ring isomorphism $\Phi: {\operatorname{End}}(N_1) \rightarrow {\operatorname{End}}(N_2)$ is called [*induced*]{}, if there is a graded $A$-module isomorphism $\phi:N_1\rightarrow N_2$ which lifts to $\Phi$ (see [@arock p.4]).
Imitating a similar proof as in Theorem \[cfd2497\] we can obtain the following result.
\[k43shab\] There is a graded ${\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(1,n)$-isomorphism $${\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(1,n)^k ({\lambda}_1,\dots,{\lambda}_k) \cong_{{\operatorname{gr}}} {\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(1,n)^{k'}({\gamma}_1,\dots,{\gamma}_{k'})$$ if and only if $\sum_{i=1}^k n^{{\lambda}_i}=\sum_{i=1}^{k'} {n}^{{\gamma}_i}$.
Graded $K_0$ of finite graphs with no sinks
In the last two theorems we restrict ourselves to Leavitt path algebras associated to finite graphs with no sinks. By Theorem \[hazst\], these are precisely strongly graded unital Leavitt path algebras. One would think the conjectures stated in Introduction §\[introf\] should be first checked for this kind of graphs. Theorem \[ictp1\] (and Corollary \[hgfwks6\]) shows that the structure of ${\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(E)$ is closely reflected in the structure of the group $K_0^{{\operatorname{gr}}}({\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(E))$.
Let $E$ and $F$ be finite graphs with no sinks. Then the following are equivalent:
1. $K_0^{{\operatorname{gr}}}({\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(E)) \cong K_0^{{\operatorname{gr}}}({\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(F))$ as partially ordered groups.
2. ${\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(E)$ is gr-Morita equivalent to ${\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(F).$
3. ${\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(E)_0$ is Morita equivalent to ${\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(F)_0.$
The equivalence of the statements follow from Theorems \[hazst\] and \[ultrad\] and Dade’s Theorem (§\[dadestmal\]) in combination with Corollary 15.27 in [@goodearlbook] which states that two ultramatricial algebras are Morita equivalent if their $K_0$ are isomorphism as partially ordered groups.
Let $E$ be a finite graph with no sinks. Set $A={\operatorname{\mathcal L}}_K(E)$. For any $u \in E^0$ and $i \in \mathbb Z$, $uA(i)$ is a right graded finitely generated projective $A$-module and any graded finitely generated projective $A$-module is generated by these modules up to isomorphism, i.e., $$\mathcal V^{{\operatorname{gr}}}(A)=\Big \langle \big [uA(i)\big ] \mid u \in E^0, i \in \mathbb Z \Big \rangle,$$ and $K_0^{{\operatorname{gr}}}(A)$ is the group completion of $\mathcal V^{{\operatorname{gr}}}(A)$. The action of $\mathbb Z[x,x^{-1}]$ on $\mathcal V^{{\operatorname{gr}}}(A)$ and thus on $K_0^{{\operatorname{gr}}}(A)$ is defined on generators by $x^j [uA(i)]=[uA(i+j)]$, where $i,j \in \mathbb Z$. We first observe that for $i\geq 0$,
x[uA(i)]=[uA(i+1)]=\sum_{\{\alpha \in E^1 \mid s(\alpha)=u\}}[r(\alpha)A(i)].$$
First notice that for $i\geq 0$, $A_{i+1}=\sum_{\alpha \in E^1} \alpha A_i$. It follows $uA_{i+1}=\bigoplus_{\{\alpha \in E^1 \mid s(\alpha)=u\}} \alpha A_i$ as $A_0$-modules. Using (\[veronaair\]), and the fact that $\alpha A_i \cong r(\alpha) A_i$ as $A_0$-module, we get $uA(i+1) \cong \bigoplus_{\{\alpha \in E^1 \mid s(\alpha)=u\}} r(\alpha) A(i)$ as graded $A$-modules. This gives (\[hterw\]).
A subgroup $I$ of $K_0^{{\operatorname{gr}}}(A)$ is called a [*graded ordered ideal*]{} if $I$ is closed under the action of $\mathbb Z[x,x^{-1}]$, $I=I^{+}-I^{+}$, where $I^{+}=I\cap K_0^{{\operatorname{gr}}}(A)^{+}$ and $I^{+}$ is hereditary, i.e., if $a,b \in K_0^{{\operatorname{gr}}}(A)$, $0 \leq a \leq b \in I$ then $a\in I$.
\[ictp1\] Let $E$ be a finite graph with no sinks. Then there is one-to-one correspondences between the subsets of hereditary and saturated subsets of $E^0$ and graded ordered ideals of $K_0^{{\operatorname{gr}}}({\operatorname{\mathcal L}}_K(E))$.
Let $\mathcal H$ be the set of all hereditary and saturated subsets of $E^0$ and $\mathcal L(K_0^{{\operatorname{gr}}}(A))$ the set of all graded ordered ideals of $K_0^{{\operatorname{gr}}}(A)$, where $A={\operatorname{\mathcal L}}_K(E)$. Define $\phi: \mathcal H \longrightarrow \mathcal L(K_0^{{\operatorname{gr}}}(A))$ as follows, for $H \in \mathcal H$, $\phi(H)$ is the graded ordered ideal generated by $\big \{[vA(i)]\mid v\in H, i\in \mathbb Z\big\}$. Define also $\psi: \mathcal L(K_0^{{\operatorname{gr}}}(A)) \longrightarrow \mathcal H$ as follows, for a graded ordered ideal $I$ of $K_0^{{\operatorname{gr}}}(A)$, set $\psi(I)=\big \{ v\in E^0 \mid [vA(i)] \in I, \text{ for some } i \in \mathbb Z \big \}$. We show that these maps are order-preserving mutually inverse maps.
Let $I$ be an graded ordered ideal of $K_0^{{\operatorname{gr}}}(A)$. We show $H=\psi(I)$ is hereditary and saturated. Let $v \in H$ and $w\in E^0$ be an adjacent vertex to $v$, i.e., there is a $e\in E^1$ such that $s(e)=v$ and $r(e)=w$. Since $v\in H$, $[vA(i)]\in I$ for some and therefore all $i \in \mathbb Z$. Since $I$ is closed under the action of $\mathbb Z[x,x^{-1}]$, by (\[hterw\]), for $i\geq 0$, $$\label{hgfd}
x[vA(i)]=\sum_{\{\alpha \in E^1 \mid s(\alpha)=v\}}[r(\alpha)A(i)]=[wA(i)]+\sum_{\{\alpha \in E^1\backslash \{e\} \mid s(\alpha)=v\}}[r(\alpha)A(i)]
\in I.$$ So (\[hgfd\]) shows $[wA(i)] \leq x[vA(i)] \in I$. Since $I$ is an ordered-ideal, it follows $[wA(i)]\in I$ so $w \in H$. Now an easy induction shows that if $v\in H$ is connected to $w$ by a path (of length $\geq 1$), then $w \in H$. We next show that $H$ is saturated. Let $v\in E^0$ such that $r(e) \in H$ for every $e\in E^1$ emited from $v$. Then by (\[hterw\]), $x[vA(i)]=\sum_{\{\alpha \in E^1 \mid s(\alpha)=v\}}[r(\alpha)A(i)]$ for any $i\in \mathbb Z^+$. But $[r(\alpha)A(i)] \in I$ for some and therefore all $i \in \mathbb Z$. So $x[vA(i)] \in I$ and thus $[vA(i)] \in I$. Therefore $v \in H$.
Suppose $H$ is a saturated hereditary subset of $E^0$ and $I=\phi(H)$ is a graded ordered ideal generated by $\big \{[vA(i)]\mid v\in H, i\in \mathbb Z\big\}$. We show that $v\in H$ if and only if $[vA(i)]\in I$ for some $i \in \mathbb Z$. It is obvious that if $v\in H$ then $[vA(i)]\in I$, for any $i \in \mathbb Z$. For the converse, let $[vA(i)] \in I$ for some $i\in \mathbb Z$. Then there are $[\gamma]=\big [\sum_{t=1}^l h_tA(i_t) \big ]$, where $h_t \in H$ and $[\delta]=\big [\sum_{s=1}^{l'} u_sA(i_s)\big ]$, where $u_s\in E^0$ such that $$\label{khapp}
[\gamma]=[v]+[\delta].$$ There is a natural isomorphism $\mathcal V^{{\operatorname{gr}}}(A) \rightarrow K^{{\operatorname{gr}}}_0(A)^+$, $[uA(i)] \mapsto [uA(i)]$. Indeed, if $[P]=[Q]$ in $K^{{\operatorname{gr}}}_0(A)^+$, then $[P_0]=[Q_0]$ in $K_0(A_0)$. But $A_0$ is an ultramatricial algebra so it is unit-regular and by Proposition 15.2 in [@goodearlbook], $P_0\cong Q_0$ as $A_0$-modules. Thus $P\cong_{{\operatorname{gr}}} P_0 \otimes_{A_0} A \cong_{{\operatorname{gr}}} Q_0 \otimes_{A_0} A \cong_{{\operatorname{gr}}} Q$. (This argument shows $\mathcal V^{{\operatorname{gr}}}(A)$ is cancellative.) So the above map is well-defined.
Consider the epimorphisms $$\begin{aligned}
K^{{\operatorname{gr}}}_0(A)^+ \stackrel{\cong}{\longrightarrow} \mathcal V^{{\operatorname{gr}}}(A) & \longrightarrow \mathcal V(A) \stackrel{\cong}{\longrightarrow} M_E,\\
[vA(i)] \longmapsto [vA(i)] & \longmapsto [vA] \longmapsto [v] \notag\end{aligned}$$
Equation \[khapp\] under these epimorphisms becomes $[\gamma]=[v]+[\delta]$ in $M_E$, where $[\gamma]= \sum_{t=1}^l [ h_t ]$ and $[\delta]= \sum_{s=1}^{l'} [ u_s ]$. The rest of the argument imitates the last part of the proof of [@amp Proposition 5.2]. We include it here for completeness. By [@amp Lemma 4.3], there is $\beta \in F(E)$ such that $\gamma \rightarrow \beta$ and $v+\delta \rightarrow \beta$. Since $H$ is hereditary and ${\operatorname{supp}}(\gamma)\subseteq H$, we get ${\operatorname{supp}}(\beta)\subseteq H$. By [@amp Lemma 4.2], we have $\beta=\beta_1+\beta_2$, where $v\rightarrow \beta_1$ and $\delta\rightarrow \beta_2$. Observe that ${\operatorname{supp}}(\beta_1) \subseteq {\operatorname{supp}}(\beta) \subseteq H$. Using that $H$ is saturated, it is easy to check that, if $\alpha \rightarrow \alpha'$ and ${\operatorname{supp}}(\alpha') \subseteq H$, then ${\operatorname{supp}}(\alpha) \subseteq H$. Using this and induction, we obtain that $v \in H$.
Recall the construction of the monoid $M_E$ assigned to a graph $E$ (see the proof of Theorem \[wke\] and (\[phgqcu\])).
\[hgfwks6\] Let $E$ be a finite graph with no sinks. Then there is a one-to-one order persevering correspondences between the following sets
1. hereditary and saturated subsets of $E^0$,
2. graded ordered ideals of $K_0^{{\operatorname{gr}}}({\operatorname{\mathcal L}}_K(E))$,
3. graded two-sided ideals of ${\operatorname{\mathcal L}}_K(E)$,
4. ordered ideals of $M_E$.
This follows from Theorem \[ictp1\] and Theorem 5.3 in [@amp].
\[smallgraphs\] In [@aalp], using a ‘change the graph’ theorem [@aalp Theorem 2.3], it was shown that the following graphs give rise to isomorphic (purely infinite simple) Leavitt path algebras.
E_1 : & \bullet \ar@(lu,ld)\ar@/^0.9pc/[r] & \bullet \ar@/^0.9pc/[l]
E_2: & \bullet \ar@(lu,ld)\ar@/^0.9pc/[r] & \bullet \ar@(ru,rd)\ar@/^0.9pc/[l]
\bullet \ar@(u,l)\ar@(d,l) &\bullet \ar[l]
As it is noted [@aalp], $K_0$ of Leavitt path algebras of these graphs are all zero (see Theorem \[wke\]). However this change the graph theorem does not respect the grading. We calculate $K^{{\operatorname{gr}}}_0$ of these graphs and show that the Leavitt path algebras of these graphs are not graded isomorphic. Among these graphs $E_3$ is the only one which is in the category of polycephaly graphs.
[**Graph**]{} $\mathbf {E_1}$: The adjacency matrix of this graph is $N=\left(\begin{matrix} 1 & 1\\ 1 & 0
\end{matrix}\right)$. By Theorem \[ultrad\] $$K_0^{{\operatorname{gr}}}({\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(E_1)) \cong \varinjlim \mathbb Z\oplus \mathbb Z$$ of the inductive system $ \mathbb Z\oplus \mathbb Z
\stackrel{N^t}{\longrightarrow} \mathbb Z\oplus \mathbb Z
\stackrel{N^t}\longrightarrow \mathbb Z\oplus \mathbb Z
\stackrel{N^t}\longrightarrow \cdots$. Since $\det(N)\not = 0$, one can easily see that $$\varinjlim \mathbb Z\oplus \mathbb Z \cong \mathbb Z\Big [\frac{1}{\det(N)}\Big]\oplus \mathbb Z\Big [\frac{1}{\det(N)}\Big].$$ Thus $$K_0^{{\operatorname{gr}}}({\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(E_1)) \cong \mathbb Z\oplus \mathbb Z.$$ In fact this algebra produces a so called the Fibonacci algebra (see [@davidson Example IV.3.6]).
[**Graph**]{} $\mathbf {E_2}$: The adjacency matrix of this graph is $N=\left(\begin{matrix} 1 & 1\\ 1 & 1
\end{matrix}\right)$. By Theorem \[ultrad\] $$K_0^{{\operatorname{gr}}}({\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(E_2)) \cong \varinjlim \mathbb Z\oplus \mathbb Z \cong \mathbb Z[\frac{1}{2}]$$
[**Graph**]{} $\mathbf {E_3}$: By Theorem \[re282\], $K_0^{{\operatorname{gr}}}({\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(E_3)) \cong \mathbb Z[\frac{1}{2}]$. This shows that ${\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(E_1)$ is not graded isomorphic to ${\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(E_2)$ and ${\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(E_3)$. Finally we show that ${\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(E_2)\not \cong_{{\operatorname{gr}}} {\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(E_3).$ First note that the graph $E_2$ is the out-split of the graph
E_4:& \bullet \ar@(u,l)\ar@(d,l)}$$
(see [@aalp Definition 2.6]). Therefore by [@aalp Theorem 2.8] ${\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(E_2) \cong_{{\operatorname{gr}}}{\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(E_4)$. But by Theorem \[re282\] $$\big ( K^{{\operatorname{gr}}}_0({\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(E_4)),[{\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(E_4)]\big )=\big (\mathbb Z[\frac{1}{2}],1\big ),$$ whereas $$\big ( K^{{\operatorname{gr}}}_0({\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(E_3)),[{\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(E_3)]\big )=\big(\mathbb Z[\frac{1}{2}],\frac{3}{2}\big).$$ Now Theorem \[mani543\] shows that ${\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(E_4) \not \cong_{{\operatorname{gr}}} {\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(E_3)$. Therefore ${\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(E_2)\not \cong_{{\operatorname{gr}}} {\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(E_3).$
\[smallgraphs2\] In this example we look at three graphs which the graded $K_0$-group of their Leavitt path algebras and the position of their identities are the same but the Leavitt path algebras are mutually not isomorphic. We will then show that there is no $\mathbb Z[x,x^{-1}]$-isomorphisms between their graded $K_0$-groups. This shows that in our conjectures, not only the isomorphisms need to be order preserving, but it should also respect the $\mathbb Z[x,x^{-1}]$-module structures.
Consider the following three graphs. $$\xymatrix{
E_1 : & \bullet \ar@(lu,ld)\ar@/^0.9pc/[r] & \bullet \ar@/^0.9pc/[l]
E_2: & \bullet \ar@(lu,ld)\ar[r] & \bullet \ar@(ru,rd)
E_3: & \bullet \ar@/^0.9pc/[r] & \bullet \ar@/^0.9pc/[l]
The adjacency matrices of these graphs are $N_{E_1}=\left(\begin{matrix} 1 & 1\\ 1 & 0\end{matrix}\right)$, $N_{E_2}=\left(\begin{matrix} 1 & 1\\ 0 & 1\end{matrix}\right)$ and $N_{E_3}=\left(\begin{matrix} 0 & 1\\ 1 & 0\end{matrix}\right)$. We determine the graded $K_0$-groups and the position of identity in each of these groups. First observe that the ring ${\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(E_i)_0$, $1\leq i \leq 3$, is the direct limit of the following direct systems, respectively (see (\[volleyb\]) in the proof of Theorem \[ultrad\]).
{\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(E_1)_0: & \qquad K \oplus K
\stackrel{N_{E_1}^t}{\longrightarrow} {\operatorname{\mathbb M}}_2(K) \oplus K
\stackrel{N_{E_1}^t}\longrightarrow {\operatorname{\mathbb M}}_3(K)\oplus {\operatorname{\mathbb M}}_2(K)
\stackrel{N_{E_1}^t}\longrightarrow \cdots \notag\\
{\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(E_2)_0: & \qquad K\oplus K
\stackrel{N_{E_2}^t}{\longrightarrow} K\oplus {\operatorname{\mathbb M}}_2(K)
\stackrel{N_{E_2}^t}\longrightarrow K\oplus {\operatorname{\mathbb M}}_3(K)
\stackrel{N_{E_2}^t}\longrightarrow \cdots \label{hgdtrew} \\
{\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(E_3)_0: & \qquad K\oplus K
\stackrel{N_{E_3}^t}{\longrightarrow} K\oplus K
\stackrel{N_{E_3}^t}\longrightarrow K\oplus K
\stackrel{N_{E_3}^t}\longrightarrow \cdots \notag\end{aligned}$$
Note that these are ultramatricial algebras with the following different Bratteli diagrams ([*the Bratteli diagrams associated to Leavitt path algebras*]{}). $$\xymatrix@=15pt{
E_1: & \bullet \ar@{-}[r] \ar@{-}[dr] & \bullet \ar@{-}[r] \ar@{-}[dr] & \bullet \ar@{-}[r] \ar@{-}[dr] &&& E_2: & \bullet \ar@{-}[r] \ar@{-}[dr] & \bullet \ar@{-}[r] \ar@{-}[dr] & \bullet \ar@{-}[r] \ar@{-}[dr] &&& E_3: & \bullet \ar@{-}[dr] & \bullet \ar@{-}[dr] & \bullet \ar@{-}[dr] &\\
&\bullet \ar@{-}[ur] & \bullet \ar@{-}[ur] & \bullet \ar@{-}[ur]&&& &\bullet \ar@{-}[r] & \bullet \ar@{-}[r] & \bullet \ar@{-}[r]&&& & \bullet \ar@{-}[ur] & \bullet \ar@{-}[ur] & \bullet \ar@{-}[ur]&
Since the determinant of adjacency matrices are $\pm 1$, by Theorem \[ultrad\] (and (\[veronaair\])), for $1\leq i \leq 3$, $$\begin{gathered}
\big(K_0^{{\operatorname{gr}}}({\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(E_i)),[{\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(E_i)]\big)\cong \big(K_0({\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(E_i)_0),[{\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(E_i)_0]\big)\cong \big(K_0(\varinjlim_n L^i_{0,n}),[\varinjlim_n L^i_{0,n}]\big)\cong \\ \big (\varinjlim_n K_0( L^i_{0,n}), \varinjlim_n [L^i_{0,n}]\big )\cong \big (\mathbb Z \oplus \mathbb Z, (1,1) \big ),\end{gathered}$$ where $L^i_{0,n}$ are as appear in the direct systems (\[hgdtrew\]).
Next we show that there is no $\mathbb Z[x,x^{-1}]$ isomorphisms between the graded $K_0$-groups. In $K_0^{{\operatorname{gr}}}({\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(E_1)) \cong \mathbb Z \oplus \mathbb Z$, one can observe that $[u{\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(E_1)]=\varinjlim_n [u L^1_{0,n}]= (1,0)$ and similarly $[v{\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(E_1)]=(0,1)$. Furthermore, by (\[hterw\]), the action of $\mathbb Z[x,x^{-1}]$ on these elements are, $$\begin{aligned}
x[u{\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(E_1)] & =[u{\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(E_1)(1)]=\sum_{\{\alpha \in E_1^1 \mid s(\alpha)=u\}}[r(\alpha){\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(E_1)]=[u{\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(E_1)]+[v{\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(E_1)], \notag \\
x[v{\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(E_1)] &= [v{\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(E_1)(1)]=\sum_{\{\alpha \in E_1^1 \mid s(\alpha)=v\}}[r(\alpha){\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(E_1)]=[u{\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(E_1)]. \notag\end{aligned}$$ In particular this shows that $x(1,0)=(1,1)$ and $x(0,1)=(1,0)$. The above calculation shows that $$\label{hpolor}
x (m,n)= N_{E_1}^t (m,n),$$ where $(m,n) \in \mathbb Z\oplus \mathbb Z$. One can carry out the similar calculations observing that the action of $x$ on $K_0^{{\operatorname{gr}}}({\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(E_2))$ and $K_0^{{\operatorname{gr}}}({\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(E_3))$ are as in (\[hpolor\]) with $N^t_{E_2}$ and $N^t_{E_3}$ instead of $N^t_{E_1}$, respectively.
Now if there is an order preserving isomorphism $\phi: {\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(E_i) \rightarrow {\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(E_j)$, $1\leq i,j \leq 3$, then $\phi$ has to be a permutation matrix (either $\left(\begin{matrix} 1 & 0 \\ 0 & 1\end{matrix}\right)$ or $\left(\begin{matrix} 0 & 1 \\ 1 & 0\end{matrix}\right)$). Furthermore, if $\phi$ preserves the $\mathbb Z[x,x^{-1}]$-module structure then $\phi(x a)=x\phi (a)$, for any $a \in \mathbb Z\oplus \mathbb Z$. Translating this into matrix representation, this means $$\label{birdpeace}
\phi N_{E_i}^t = N_{E_j}^t \phi.$$ However, one can quickly check that, if $i\not = j$, then (\[birdpeace\]) can’t be the case, i.e., there is no $\mathbb Z[x,x^{-1}]$-module isomorphisms between ${\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(E_i)$ and ${\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(E_j)$, $1\leq i \not = j \leq 3$.
By Corollary \[hgfwks6\], ${\operatorname{\mathcal L}}_K(E_1)$ is a graded simple ring and $K_0^{{\operatorname{gr}}}({\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(E_1))$ has no nontrivial graded ordered ideals. Notice that although $\mathbb Z\oplus 0$ and $0\oplus \mathbb Z$ are hereditary ordered ideals of $K_0^{{\operatorname{gr}}}({\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(E_1))$, but they are not closed under the action of $\mathbb Z[x,x^{-1}]$. On the other hand, one can observe that $0\oplus \mathbb Z$ is a hereditary ordered ideal of $K_0^{{\operatorname{gr}}}({\operatorname{\mathcal L}}(E_2))$ which is also closed under the action of $\mathbb Z[x,x^{-1}]$. Indeed, one can see that the set containing the right vertex of $E_2$ is a hereditary and saturated subset of $E_2^0$.
Using the similar arguments as above, we can show that, for two graphs $E$ and $F$, each with two vertices, such that $\det(N_E)=\det(N_F)=1$, we have ${\operatorname{\mathcal L}}_K(E) \cong_{{\operatorname{gr}}} {\operatorname{\mathcal L}}_K(F)$ if and only if $E=F$ (by re-labeling the vertices if necessary).
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abstract: 'We formally extend the energy landscape approach for the thermodynamics of liquids to account for saddle points. By considering the extensive nature of macroscopic potential energies, we derive the scaling behavior of saddles with system size, as well as several approximations for the properties of low-order saddles (i.e., those with only a few unstable directions). We then cast the canonical partition function in a saddle-explicit form and develop, for the first time, a rigorous energy landscape approach capable of reproducing trends observed in simulations, in particular the temperature dependence of the energy and fractional order of sampled saddles.'
- 'M. Scott Shell'
- 'Pablo G. Debenedetti'
- 'Athanassios Z. Panagiotopoulos'
date: 'May 28, 2003'
title: 'Saddles in the energy landscape: extensivity and thermodynamic formalism'
In recent years significant effort has been devoted to the study of supercooled liquids and their glasses [@glasses]. An important aspect of these technologically significant [@angell1] systems is the interplay between dynamic and thermodynamic processes, which is thought to play a key role in their kinetic slowdown and eventual falling out of equilibrium at the glass transition [@pgd1]. The energy landscape formalism of Stillinger and Weber has been a useful tool in the theory of supercooled liquids [@sw1]. In this description, a system’s configuration space is partitioned into basins surrounding local energy minima. Termed “inherent structures,” these minima correspond to mechanically stable particle packings and are described statistically by their depth: $\exp{\left[ N \sigma(\phi) \right]}d\phi$ gives the scaling of the number of distinct minima with per-particle potential energy (or depth) $\phi \pm d\phi /2$, where $N$ is the number of particles and $\sigma$ is called the basin enumeration function. Here, “distinct” refers to minima differing by more than mere particle permutation. This formalism permits a rigorous transformation of the canonical partition function: $$Z \sim \int e^{ N \left[ \sigma(\phi) - \beta \phi - \beta {a_\text{vib}}(\beta, \phi) \right] } d\phi
\label{eq:sw}$$ where $\beta=1/k_B T$ and ${a_\text{vib}}$, the vibrational free energy, is the per-particle free energy when the system is confined to an average basin of depth $\phi$. For each temperature in the thermodynamic limit, the system samples basins of a well-defined energy $\phi^*$; deeper basins are accessed as the temperature decreases. One identifies a configurational entropy, $N k_B \sigma(\phi^*)$, which is that part of the entropy due to the multiplicity of amorphous configurations explored by the system. Good functionalities can be rationalized for $\sigma$ and ${a_\text{vib}}$ (and measured in computer simulations) such that the partition function can be explicitly evaluated [@pgd2]; this approach is also useful for characterizing kinetic processes as it has been observed that the configurational entropy plays a key role in dynamics [@pgd1; @speedy1].
Our work aims to extend the energy landscape formalism to include a description of higher order stationary points, i.e., saddles in the landscape [@keyes1]. This approach provides a natural connection with dynamics [@keyes2; @wales1], but is more intricate than minima alone because, in addition to their energy, saddles are also classified by their orderthe number of directions with negative curvature. In this Letter, we begin by deriving the extensivity properties of saddles and propose their corresponding enumeration function. We then derive a saddle “equipartition” theorem and show the expected scaling behavior for low-order saddles. Finally we give the appropriate form of the partition function in this formalism and demonstrate its utility for describing the behavior of supercooled liquids.
Our consideration of saddles relies on an extensive macroscopic potential energy. That is, a single macroscopic system of $N$ particles can be effectively divided into $M \ll N$ equivalent smaller subsystems, between which boundary interactions are negligible compared to the total energy. The number of particles in each subsystem is macroscopic, $N_S \gg 1$, but the number of subsystems is also large, $N_S \ll N$. This condition is satisfied by most common types of molecular interaction (notable exceptions include molecules with long-range interactions or which are themselves macroscopic in size). For a single-component system of structureless particles, the potential energy can then be written as $$U(\mathbf{r}^N) \approx U({\mathbf{r}_{(1)}^{N_S}}) + U({\mathbf{r}_{(2)}^{N_S}}) + \ldots + U({\mathbf{r}_{(M)}^{N_S}})
\label{eq:energysep}$$ where $U$ is the potential energy function, ${\mathbf{r}_{}^{N}} \equiv \{{\mathbf{r}_{1}^{}},{\mathbf{r}_{2}^{}} \ldots {\mathbf{r}_{N}^{}}\}$ gives the positions of the particles, and ${\mathbf{r}_{(i)}^{N_S}}$ are the corresponding positions of the $N_S$ particles in subsystem $i$. Here, any stationary point in the overall system can be viewed as a combination of stationary points in each subsystem. It is relatively straightforward to determine the scaling behavior of minima [@stillinger1]: if the number of distinct minima in each subsystem is $g_0$, the total number due to their possible combinations is $g_0^M$, or, $\exp{[N \ln{(g_0)}/N_S]} \equiv \exp{[N \sigma_\infty]}$ [@com:function]. Our notation for the density-dependent constant $\sigma_\infty$ indicates its correspondence with the total number of inherent structures (not of a particular energy); equivalently, $\sigma_\infty$ is the maximum value of the basin enumeration function.
For saddles, one must consider their order $n$, defined as the number of negative eigenvalues in the Hessian matrix, $H_{ij} \equiv \frac{\partial^2 U}{\partial r_i \partial r_j}$. Imposition of Eq. \[eq:energysep\] gives rise to a Hessian which is reducible in each of the subsystems; therefore, the total number of negative eigenvalues is the sum of that for each of the subsystems. In other words, the saddle order in the total system is the sum total of the orders of the subsystems. We consider a particular distribution of the total saddle order $n$ among the subsystems, letting the values $M_i$ denote the number of subsystem saddles of order $i=0,1 \ldots d N_S$ ($d$ = dimensionality). In this notation, the constraints are $\sum_{i} M_i = M$ and $\sum_{i} i \cdot M_i = n$. For an overall saddle order $n$ and a particular distribution ${\{ M_i \}}$, the number of distinct saddles is $$\Omega_n ({\{ M_i \}}) = ( M! / \prod_i M_i! ) \prod_i g_i^{M_i}
\label{eq:omegaMset}$$ where $g_i$ is the number of distinct saddles of order $i$ in a subsystem. The total number of saddles, however, must be the sum of $\Omega_n({\{ M_i \}})$ for all possible distributions ${\{ M_i \}}$. We will find that one particular distribution, ${{\{ M_i \}}_\text{max}}$, overwhelmingly dominates this sum. First we switch to an “intensive” notation by introducing the following variables: $m_i \equiv M_i/M$, and $x \equiv n/d N$ is the overall fractional saddle order. Insertion into Eq. \[eq:omegaMset\] and application of Stirling’s approximation yields $$\Omega_x (M,{\{ m_i \}}) = \left[ \prod_{i} \left( g_{i} \big/ m_i \right)^{m_i} \right]^{M} .
\label{eq:omegamset}$$ Similarly, the constraint equations in intensive form become $\sum_{i} m_i = 1$ and $\sum_{i} (i/d N_S) \cdot m_i = x$. These constraints and the terms inside the brackets in Eq. \[eq:omegamset\] are all independent of the number of subsystems $M$. As a result, the distribution ${{\{ m_i \}}_\text{max}}$ which maximizes the term in brackets depends only on the overall fractional saddle order $x$. In the thermodynamic limit, $M = N/N_S \to \infty$, this maximum term dominates the sum over all distributions ${\{ m_i \}}$. These considerations lead directly to the saddle scaling behavior: $$\begin{aligned}
\Omega_x (N) & = & \left[ \prod_{i} \left( g_{i} \big/ m_i \right)^{m_i} \right]_\text{max}^{N/N_S}
\nonumber \\
& \equiv & \exp{\left[ N \theta_\infty(x) \right]}
\label{eq:omegax}\end{aligned}$$ where $\Omega_x$ gives the number of distinct saddles of fractional order $x$. Here we have introduced the generalized function $\theta_\infty(x)$ which characterizes saddle scaling behavior and has the property $\theta_\infty(x \to 0) = \sigma_\infty$. Notice that the relevant order parameter for saddles is their fractional order, such that $\exp{[N \theta_\infty(x)]}dx$ gives the number of saddles with fractional order $x \pm dx/2$.
Returning to the subsystem scenario, we now find the distribution ${{\{ m_i \}}_\text{max}}$ which gives the dominant saddles in the system. To do so, one maximizes the term in brackets in Eq. \[eq:omegamset\] or equivalently, its logarithm. Using Stirling’s approximation, the distribution ${{\{ m_i \}}_\text{max}}$ must satisfy $$\max{\sum_{i} m_i \ln{g_i} - m_i \ln{m_i}}.
\label{eq:maxterm2}$$ By accounting for the constraints with the usual Lagrange multipliers and using Eq. \[eq:omegax\] for $g_i = \exp{[N_S \theta_\infty(i/d N_S)]}$, the following form arises when Eq. \[eq:maxterm2\] is evaluated: $$m_i = \frac{ \exp{[N_S \theta_\infty(z) - \gamma N_S z]} }{ \sum_{i'} \exp{[N_S \theta_\infty(z') - \gamma N_S z']} }
\label{eq:lagrange}$$ where $z \equiv i /d N_S$ is the fractional order of a subsystem. Here $\gamma$ is a Lagrange multiplier ensuring the constraint $\sum_i z \cdot m_i = x$. Because the terms in the exponential grow with the size of the subsystems, which are themselves macroscopic, $m_i$ is essentially zero for all $i$ except one, $i_\text{max}$. With this simplification, the constraint yields $i_\text{max} = n/M$, or $z_\text{max} = x$. In other words, the total saddle order is distributed across the subsystems such that their fractional saddle order is equivalent to each other and to the overall fractional order. This is in effect an “equipartition” of saddle order across the geometry of the system.
Such equipartition has important consequences for low-order saddles; it implies that the majority of such saddles are built from a collection of localized first-order saddles. In this sense, each direction of negative curvature in the potential energy corresponds to an elementary saddle “defect” in an inherent structure. This observation can be used to determine the approximate behavior of $\Omega_x$ for small values of $x$. We assume that $\xi d N$ non-interacting, first-order defects are possible for any inherent structure. The constant $\xi$, for example, may attain a value close to $1/d$ if each molecule in the system can move independently of the others so as to form a saddle. This yields $$\Omega_{x \ll 1} \sim \exp{[N\sigma_\infty]} \times (\xi d N)! \big/ (\xi d N - x d N)! (x d N)!
\label{eq:omegalowx}$$ or, taking the logarithm and applying Stirling’s approximation, $$\theta_\infty(x \ll 1) \approx \sigma_\infty - {{\textstyle\frac{x}{\xi}}} \ln{{{\textstyle\frac{x}{\xi}}} }
- \left(1 - {{\textstyle\frac{x}{\xi}}} \right) \ln{\left( 1 - {{\textstyle\frac{x}{\xi}}} \right)}.
\label{eq:thetalowx}$$ We can also state for a system containing non-interacting first-order saddles that the average saddle energy depends linearly on order: $$\overline{\Phi}_n = \overline{\Phi}_0 + n \left( \overline{\Phi}_1 - \overline{\Phi}_0 \right)
\label{eq:saddleenergy}$$ where $\overline{\Phi}_n$ is the average energy of an $n$th order saddle. This trend has been discussed previously in theoretical work [@keyes1] and has been found in simulation studies to be appropriate [@sciortino1; @broderix1]. One must bear in mind, however, that both Eq. \[eq:saddleenergy\] and the equipartition of saddles apply to the entire ensemble of stationary points, of which only a minute fraction are sampled by the system in equilibrium at low temperature. A system may require, for example, the cooperative movement of many molecules in order to reach nearby saddles, which may cause low energy stationary points to be of higher order than expected. The low-$T$ persistence of a linear relationship between saddle order and energy observed in simulation therefore suggests that the first-order defect scenario persists even for low-energy saddles; cooperativity then arises because the direction of negative potential energy curvature about these points is a superposition of several molecules’ atomic coordinates.
The considerations so far have categorized saddles only by their fractional order. Following the approach used for inherent structures [@sw1], one might extend this description to potential energy as an additional order parameter. We therefore introduce the saddle enumeration function, $\theta(\phi,x)$, for which the expression $\exp{[N\theta(\phi,x)]}d\phi dx$ is proportional to the number of saddles with potential energy per-particle $\phi \pm d\phi /2$ and of fractional order $x \pm dx/2$. (The basin enumeration function is retrieved from $\theta(\phi,x = 0)$.) This extension allows a meaningful casting of the canonical partition function in which configuration space is divided into “basins” surrounding saddle points [@com:basins]: $$Z \sim \int_{x=0}^{x=1} \int_{\phi_\text{min}}^{\phi_\text{max}}
e^{ N \left[ \theta(\phi,x) - \beta \phi - \beta {a_\text{vib}}(\beta, \phi, x) \right] } d\phi dx.
\label{eq:partitionfunction}$$ In this equation, ${a_\text{vib}}$ is the vibrational free energy around a stationary point of energy $\phi$ and fractional order $x$; formally it is given by $$e^{N{a_\text{vib}}(\beta,\phi,x)} \equiv \Lambda^{-d N} \left< \int_{\mathbf{\Gamma}_k}
e^{ \beta \left[ U(\mathbf{r}^N) - N \phi \right] } d\mathbf{r}^N \right>_{\phi, x}
\label{eq:avib}$$ where $\Lambda$ is the thermal deBroglie wavelength, the average is restricted to saddle points of energy $\phi$ and order $x$, and the integral for a particular saddle $k$ is performed over its associated configuration space $\mathbf{\Gamma}_k$ [@com:basins]. In the large system limit, the integral in Eq. \[eq:partitionfunction\] will be dominated by the maximum value in the exponential, and the conditions for equilibrium can be written as $$\begin{aligned}
{\frac{\partial \theta}{\partial \phi}} = \beta \left(1+{\frac{\partial {a_\text{vib}}}{\partial \phi}}\right) ;
{\frac{\partial \theta}{\partial x}} = \beta {\frac{\partial {a_\text{vib}}}{\partial x}} .
\label{eq:equilib}\end{aligned}$$ The simultaneous solution to these equations provides the average saddle energy $\phi^*$ and order $x^*$ sampled by the system at specified temperature. The total Helmholtz free energy is then $A/N = {a_\text{vib}}(\beta,\phi^*,x^*) + \phi^* - k_B T \theta(\phi^*,x^*)$. One can identify from this equation a per-particle saddle entropy, $k_B \theta$, which converges on the conventional Stillinger-Weber configurational entropy at very low temperatures when the system spends most of its time near minima and $x^*$ asymptotes to zero. This point of view sets the stage for a more rigorous connection with dynamics, for which $x^*$ contains pertinent information.
Knowledge of the functions $\theta$ and ${a_\text{vib}}$ provides all the thermodynamic details of the system. We now show that a number of reasonable assumptions about their functional form results in a physically realistic and insightful picture. Our analysis addresses results for several well-studied glass-forming systems for which numerical data exist [@kobandersen1; @sastry1; @sciortino1; @broderix1; @wales1]. First, we assume the vibrational free energy to be independent of saddle energy, ${a_\text{vib}}(\beta,\phi,x) \approx {a_\text{vib}}(\beta,x)$. This is rigorously true for minima at absolute zero, but remains a working simplification in our analysis. Furthermore, we model the vibrational free energy in the classical harmonic approximation [@hill1]: $$e^{-N \beta {a_\text{vib}}} \approx \Lambda^{-d N}
\left[ \int_{-l}^{l} e^{-\beta\alpha_S r^2} dr \right]^{d N -n}
\left[ \int_{-l}^{l} e^{\beta\alpha_U r^2} dr \right]^{n}
\label{eq:zvibapprox}$$ $$\begin{aligned}
\beta {a_\text{vib}}& \approx & d \ln{\left(T_S^{1-x}T_U^x/T\right)} - x \ln{{\text{erfi}}\sqrt{\beta \alpha_U l^2}}
\nonumber \\
& \approx & d \ln{\left(T_S/T \right)} - x \left[ C \beta - \ln{(\pi C \beta)}/2 \right]
\label{eq:avibapprox}\end{aligned}$$ where $\alpha_S,\alpha_U \equiv \frac{1}{2} \left| \frac{\partial^2 U}{\partial r^2} \right|$ are half the average curvatures of stable and unstable modes, respectively; $T_S$ and $T_U$ are the corresponding Einstein temperatures [@hill1]; $l$ is a length scale characteristic of the saddle’s associated configuration space volume [@wales2]; and ${\text{erfi}}$ is the imaginary error function. In the last line, we assume $\alpha_S = \alpha_U$ and use the asymptotic expansion of the error function, ${\text{erfi}}(x) \to \exp{[x^2]}/x \sqrt{\pi}$, for the low $T$ limit. $C=\alpha_U l^2$ is a lumped constant. In general, the harmonic approximation is increasingly valid for stable modes at low temperatures, but we have made liberal use of its application to the unstable modes, especially in that the final ${a_\text{vib}}$ depends nontrivially on the length scale $l$ characterizing the $dN$-dimensional integral. Nonetheless, this approximation provides a starting point for analysis, and we leave investigation of more accurate forms to future work.
For the saddle enumeration function, we assume a Gaussian form in energy, consistent with previous simulation studies [@heuer1; @sastry1; @wales1; @sconf2]: $$\theta(\phi,x) = \theta_\infty(x) \left[1 - \left(\phi - \overline{\phi}(x) \right)^2 / \Delta^2 \right]
\label{eq:thetaapprox}$$ where $\overline{\phi}$ is the average energy of saddles of fractional order $x$ and $\Delta$ is their characteristic energy range. For the dependence of the parameters in this expression on fractional saddle order, we use Eq. \[eq:thetalowx\] for $\theta_\infty$, implement the linear relationship in Eq. \[eq:saddleenergy\] for $\overline{\phi}$ such that $\overline{\phi}(x)=\overline{\phi}_0 + \delta \cdot x$, and assume $\Delta$ to be roughly constant.
![Plot of the equilibrium fractional saddle order ($x$), and average saddle ($\phi_\text{saddle}$) and inherent structure ($\phi_\text{IS}$ ) energies as a function of temperature. The squares, triangles, and diamonds are the respective results for a modified Lennard-Jones system [@sciortino1]. $T_\text{MCT} \approx 0.435$ is the mode-coupling temperature [@kobandersen1].[]{data-label="fig:theory"}](theory.eps){width="3.375"}
The usefulness of this approach can be seen in the predictions of the theory. Such an analysis is possible by solving Eq. \[eq:equilib\] with the simplified expressions for the vibrational free energy and the saddle enumeration function. We choose representative parameters based on previous simulations [@com:params], though two have no precedent in the literature, which we instead choose so that $x^*(T)$ matches the simulation result in Ref. . Our results are shown in Fig. \[fig:theory\]. Overall, the theory and assumptions capture the essential behavior observed in simulations (the general shape and relationship of the curves in Fig. \[fig:theory\]) and are a promising starting point for further refinement of the approach. We note that our parameters are chosen among several similar model systems, and quantitative agreement in Fig. \[fig:theory\] might be possible if a complete dataset for any one system were available.
In summary, we have presented a thermodynamic formalism which includes higher order stationary points in the energy landscape. Through a reformulation of the canonical partition function and by using several physically-motivated simplifications, we show that this formalism captures important trends in the behavior of low-$T$ glass-forming materials. Future work will investigate the relationship suggested by this approach between liquid kinetics and thermodynamics.
We gratefully acknowledge the support of the Fannie and John Hertz Foundation and of the Dept. of Energy, Division of Chemical Sciences, Geosciences, and Biosciences, Office of Basic Energy Science (grants DE-FG02-87ER13714 to PGD and DE-FG02-01ER15121 to AZP.)
Special issue of J. Phys.: Condens. Matter **15**, (March 2003).
C. A. Angell, Science **267**, 1924 (1995). P. G. Debenedetti and F. H. Stillinger, Nature **410**, 259 (2001).
F. H. Stillinger and T. A. Weber, Phys. Rev. A **25**, 978 (1982); F. H. Stillinger, Science **267**, 1935 (1995).
P. G. Debenedetti, T. M. Truskett, C. P. Lewis, and F. H. Stillinger, Adv. Chem. Eng. **28**, 21 (2001); F. Sciortino, W. Kob, and P. Tartaglia, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter **12**, 6525 (2000).
R. J. Speedy, J. Phys. Chem. B **105**, 11737 (2001).
Preliminary work to this end was initiated by B. Madan and T. Keyes, J. Chem. Phys. **98**, 3342 (1993). T. Keyes and J. Chowdhary, Phys. Rev. E **65** 041106 (2002). J. P. K. Doyle and D. J. Wales, J. Chem. Phys. **116**, 3777 (2001). F. H. Stillinger, Phys. Rev. E **59**, 48 (1999).
Equivalently, the function $f$ describing the scaling behavior must satisfy $f(N_S)^{M}=f(M N_S)$.
A stationary point’s basin might be defined as those points in configuration space which are closer to it than any other (as defined by the $d N$-dimensional distance).
The following parameters are employed, all in reduced units: $\sigma_\infty$=0.933, $\overline{\phi}_0 = -6.683$, $\delta=13.3$, $\Delta=0.472$, $\xi=2.22$, $C=13.34$. These values are taken from Refs. and , except for the last two which are fit.
L. Angelani, R. DiLeonardo, G. Ruocco, A. Scala, and F. Sciortino, Phys. Rev. Lett. **85**, 5356 (2000); J. Chem. Phys. **116**, 10297 (2002). K. Broderix, K. K. Bhattacharya, A. Cavagna, A. Zippelius, and I. Giardina, Phys. Rev. Lett. **85**, 5360 (2000). W. Kob and H. C. Andersen, Phys. Rev. Lett. **73**, 1376 (1994).
S. Sastry, Nature **409**, 164 (2001). T. L. Hill, *An Introduction to Statistical Thermodynamics* (Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, 1960).
J. P. K. Doyle and D. J. Wales, J. Chem. Phys. **102**, 9659 (2001). A. Heuer and S. Büchner, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter **12**, 6535 (2000).
Also see related theory on the random energy model: B. Derrida, Phys. Rev. Lett. **45**, 79 (1980); M. Mézard and G. Parisi, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter **12**, 6655 (2000).
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abstract: 'We survey the variants of Erdős’ distinct distances problem and the current best bounds for each of those.'
- 'Adam Sheffer[^1]'
title: 'Distinct Distances: Open Problems and Current Bounds'
Given a set ${\mathcal P}$ of $n$ points in ${\ensuremath{\mathbb R}}^2$, let $D({\mathcal P})$ denote the number of distinct distances that are determined by pairs of points from ${\mathcal P}$. Let $D(n) = \min_{|{\mathcal P}|=n}D({\mathcal P})$; that is, $D(n)$ is the minimum number of distinct distances that a set of $n$ points in ${\ensuremath{\mathbb R}}^2$ can determine. In his celebrated 1946 paper [@erd46], Erdős derived the bound $D(n) = O(n/\sqrt{\log n})$. More specifically, Erdős showed that a $\sqrt{n} \times \sqrt{n}$ integer lattice determines $\Theta(n/\sqrt{\log n})$ distinct distances (for more details, see Section \[sec:structure\]). Though almost 70 years have passed since Erdős considered this lattice structure, no configuration that determines an asymptotically smaller number of distinct distances was discovered.
For the celebrations of his 80th birthday, Erdős compiled a survey of his favorite contributions to mathematics [@erd96], in which he wrote
> *“My most striking contribution to geometry is, no doubt, my problem on the number of distinct distances. This can be found in many of my papers on combinatorial and geometric problems."*
After 64 years and a series of increasingly larger lower bounds, Guth and Katz [@GK15] derived the bound $D(n) = \Omega(n/\log n)$, almost matching the current best upper bound (a comprehensive study of the previous bounds can be found in [@GIS11]).[^2] To derive this bound, Guth and Katz developed several novel techniques, relying on tools from algebraic geometry, 19th century analytic geometry, and more. Notice that a small gap of $O(\sqrt{\log n})$ remains between the current best lower and upper bounds.
\[pr:main\] Find the exact asymptotic value of $D(n)$.
Since the problem is almost completely solved, one might wonder what is the purpose of this document. The answer is that there are many challenging variants of the distinct distances problem that are still wide open (many of those posed by Erdős). For some of these variants, such as the ones presented in Section \[sec:structure\], even after several decades of work hardly anything non-trivial is known. This document is meant to be dynamic, keeping track of the current best bounds and conjectures concerning the various distinct distances variants.
The main part of this survey is partitioned into six sections, each discussing a different family of problems. Section \[sec:structure\] discusses the structure of planar point sets that determine a small number of distinct distances. Section \[sec:rest\] surveys problems in which a planar point set is constrained in some manner. Section \[sec:HighD\] considers distinct distances in higher dimensions. Section \[sec:subset\] discusses subsets of points that determine every distance at most once. Section \[sec:kl\] surveys another family of restricted point sets, in which every subset of $k$ points determines at least $l$ distinct distances. Finally, Section \[sec:additional\] presents problems that do not into fit any of the other sections.
For those who are only interested in the “main" problems, it is the personal view of the author (and likely of others) that currently the most challenging/interesting distinct distances problems are Problem \[pr:OnLine\] of Section \[sec:structure\] and Problem \[pr:Rd\] of Section \[sec:HighD\]. Another great collection of open problems related to distinct distances can be found in [@BMP05 Sections 5.3 – 5.6].
A more general version of Problem \[pr:main\] asks whether every planar point set ${\mathcal P}$ contains a point that determines many distinct distances with the other points of ${\mathcal P}$ (e.g., see Erdős [@erd87]). More formally, what is the minimum value $\hd(n)$, such that for every set ${\mathcal P}$ of $n$ points in ${\ensuremath{\mathbb R}}^2$ there exists a point $p \in {\mathcal P}$ that determines at least $\hd(n)$ distinct distances with the other points of ${\mathcal P}$? A simple upper bound is $\hd(n) \le D(n) = O(n/\sqrt{\log n})$. However, Guth and Katz’s bound does not immediately imply a matching lower bound for $\hd(n)$. The current best lower bound, obtained by Katz and Tardos [@KT04], is $\hd(n) = \Omega(n^{(48-14e)/(55-16e)})\approx \Omega(n^{0.864})$.
\[pr:mainPnt\] Find the asymptotic value of $\hd(n)$.
The structure of point sets with few distinct distances {#sec:structure}
In this section we discuss characterizing the point sets that determine a small number of distinct distances. This seems to be the family of problems for which we know the least; even after decades of studying them, hardly anything is known. We say that a set ${\mathcal P}$ of $n$ points in the plane is *optimal* if $D({\mathcal P}) = D(n)$. Since the asymptotic value of $D(n)$ is still unknown, we consider sets ${\mathcal P}$ of $n$ points that satisfy $D({\mathcal P})=O(n/\sqrt{\log{n}})$, and refer to such sets as *near-optimal*. All the point sets in this section are planar.
[![(a) An integer lattice. (b) A lattice that can be obtained from (a) either by rotation and uniform scaling, or by removing from (a) every point whose coordinates sum to an odd number. (c) A triangular lattice (of equilateral triangles).[]{data-label="fi:grids"}](grids.eps "fig:"){width="90.00000%"}]{}
Erdős asked whether every optimal (or near-optimal) set “has lattice structure" [@erd86]. To make this question clearer, let us first consider some of the known near-optimal sets. In the introduction we already mentioned that the $\sqrt{n} \times \sqrt{n}$ integer lattice (e.g., see Figure \[fi:grids\](a)) determines $O(n/\sqrt{\log n})$ distinct distances. This was observed by Erdős, who noticed that this is an immediate corollary of the following theorem from number theory.
\[th:LandRam\] [**(Landau-Ramanujan [@BR95; @BMO11; @Land08])**]{} The number of positive integers smaller than $n$ that are the sum of two squares is $\Theta(n/\sqrt{\log n})$.
Every distance in the $\sqrt{n} \times \sqrt{n}$ integer lattice is the square root of a sum of two squares between 0 and $n$. Thus, Theorem \[th:LandRam\] implies that the number of distinct distances in this case is $\Theta(n/\sqrt{\log n})$.
The above implies that the $\sqrt{n} \times \sqrt{n}$ integer lattice is a near-optimal set. More generally, for any integer $c \ge 1$, every $n$ point subset of the $c\sqrt{n} \times c\sqrt{n}$ integer lattice is a near-optimal set (since we can still apply Theorem \[th:LandRam\] in such cases), and so are translations, rotations, and uniform scalings of such lattices. For example, the lattice in Figure \[fi:grids\](b) can be obtained either by rotating and scaling the $\sqrt{n} \times \sqrt{n}$ integer lattice, or by removing from the $2\sqrt{n} \times 2\sqrt{n}$ integer lattice every point whose coordinates sum to an odd number.
We can further generalize the above. For any integer $r>1$, we define the rectangular lattice $${\mathcal L}_r = \{ (i,j\sqrt{r}) \ \mid \ i,j\in{\ensuremath{\mathbb Z}}\quad \text{and} \quad 1 \le i,j \le \sqrt{n} \}.$$ The points of any such ${\mathcal L}_r$ span $\Theta(n/\sqrt{\log n})$ distinct distances (e.g., see [@Sblog14]). By applying various transformations to these rectangular lattices, we get more near-optimal lattices. For example, the triangular lattice, which corresponds to the vertices in a tiling of equilateral triangles (e.g., see Figure \[fi:grids\](c)), can be obtained by taking a rectangular lattice and removing every other vertex. After obtaining optimal sets for a few small values of $n$, Erdős and Fishburn [@EF96] conjectured that, for infinitely many values of $n$, there is an $n$-point subset of the triangular lattice that is optimal (that is, not just near-optimal).
For now, hardly anything is known regarding Erdős’s conjecture that every near-optimal set has a lattice structure. As a first step, Erdős [@erd86] suggested to determine whether every near-optimal point set contains $\Omega(\sqrt{n})$ points on a line, and thus most of the set can be covered by a small number of lines. Since this also appears to be quite difficult, Erdős asked whether there exists a line with $\Omega(n^\varepsilon)$ points of the set. Embarrassingly, even this weaker variant remains open.
\[pr:OnLine\] [**(Erdős [@erd86])**]{} Prove or disprove: For a sufficiently small $\varepsilon>0$, every near-optimal point set contains $\Omega(n^\varepsilon)$ points on a common line.
The current best bound is that for every near-optimal set ${\mathcal P}$ of $n$ points, there exists a line $\ell$ such that $|\ell\cap{\mathcal P}| = \Omega(\log n)$ (e.g., see [@Sblog14b]). A recent result [@LSdZ15] states that for every near-optimal set ${\mathcal P}$ of $n$ points and $0 < \alpha \le 1/4$, either there exists a line or a circle that contains $n^{\alpha}$ points of ${\mathcal P}$, or there exist $n^{8/5-12\alpha/5-\eps}$ distinct lines that contain $\Omega(\sqrt{\log n})$ points of ${\mathcal P}$. Thus, one way to solve Problem \[pr:OnLine\] might be to prove that for any point set ${\mathcal P}$ with many lines that contain $\Omega(\sqrt{\log n})$ points of ${\mathcal P}$ (and ${\mathcal P}$ being near optimal), there exists a line containing $\Omega(n^{\eps})$ points of ${\mathcal P}$.
Sheffer, Zahl, and de Zeeuw [@SZZ13] considered the complement problem — proving that no line can contain many points of a near-optimal set. Specifically, they proved that for every near-optimal set ${\mathcal P}$ of $n$ points, every line contains $O(n^{7/8})$ points of ${\mathcal P}$. This bound was recently improved to $O(n^{43/52})$ in [@RRNS15].
\[pr:OnLine2\] Prove or disprove: For every near-optimal point set ${\mathcal P}$and $\varepsilon>0$, every line contains $O(n^{0.5+\varepsilon})$ points of ${\mathcal P}$.
In Section \[sec:rest\] we mention a result by Pach and de Zeeuw [@PZ13], implying that if a set of $n$ points is contained in a constant-degree curve, then these points span $\Omega(n^{4/3})$ distinct distances, unless the curve contains a line or a circle. That is, for every near-optimal set ${\mathcal P}$ of $n$ points, any constant degree algebraic curve that does not contain lines and circles contains $O(n^{3/4})$ points of ${\mathcal P}$. In [@SZZ13], it is also proved that for every near-optimal set ${\mathcal P}$ of $n$ points, every *circle* contains $O(n^{5/6})$ points of ${\mathcal P}$. By combining these three results, we obtain that for every near-optimal set ${\mathcal P}$ of $n$ points, every constant-degree algebraic curve contains $O(n^{43/52})$ points of ${\mathcal P}$.
\[pr:OptimalCurves\] Prove or disprove: For every near optimal set ${\mathcal P}$ of $n$ points and $\varepsilon>0$, every constant-degree curve contains $O(n^{0.5+\varepsilon})$ points of ${\mathcal P}$.
Constrained sets of points {#sec:rest}
In this section we consider variants of the distinct distances problem where the point sets are constrained in some way. The current best bounds for these problems are listed in Table \[ta:sec2\]; see Figure \[fi:sec2\] and the text below for an explanation of the notation used in the table. Unless stated otherwise, the point sets in this section are planar.
[**Variant**]{} [**Lower bound**]{} [**Upper bound**]{}
--------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------
$D_{\text{no3}\ell}(n)$ $\displaystyle \lceil (n-1)/3\rceil$ (Szemerédi) $\displaystyle \lfloor n/2\rfloor$ [@erd46]
$\hd_{\text{no3}\ell}(n)$ $\displaystyle \lceil (n-1)/3\rceil$ (Szemerédi) $\displaystyle \lfloor n/2\rfloor$ [@erd46]
$\hd_{\text{conv}}(n)$ $\left(\frac{13}{36}+\frac{1}{22701}\right)n +O(1)$ [@Dum06; @NPPZ11] $\displaystyle \lfloor n/2\rfloor$ [@erd46]
$D_{\text{gen}}(n)$ $\Omega(n)$ (trivial) $\displaystyle n2^{O(\sqrt{\log n})}$ [@EFPR93]
$\hd_{\text{gen}}(n)$ $\lceil (n-1)/3 \rceil$ (trivial) $n-O(1)$ (trivial)
$D_{\text{para}}(n)$ $\Omega(n)$ (trivial) $\displaystyle O(n^2/\sqrt{\log n})$ [@Dum08]
$D_{\text{lines}}(n)$ $\Omega(n^{4/3})$ [@SS13] $\displaystyle O(n^2/\sqrt{\log n})$ [@Elek99]
$D_{\text{curves}}(n)$ $\Omega(n^{4/3})$ [@PZ13] $\displaystyle O(n^2/\sqrt{\log n})$ [@Elek99]
: The current best bounds for constrained sets of points.\[ta:sec2\]
[![(a) The hierarchy of the constrained point sets in Section \[sec:rest\]. Every arrow goes from a constrained problem to its generalization. (b) The vertices of a regular 10-gon.[]{data-label="fi:sec2"}](sec2b.eps "fig:"){width="92.00000%"}]{}
#### General and convex position.
We begin with a set of problems that ask for exact bounds, instead of asymptotic ones; that is, where the “fight" is for the best constant of proportionality. The hierarchy between the different types of constraints that are presented in this part is depicted in Figure \[fi:sec2\](a). Denote by $D_{\text{no3}\ell}(n)$ the minimum number of distinct distances that can be determined by a set of $n$ points, no three of which are collinear (that is, $D_{\text{no3}\ell}(n) = \min_{|{\mathcal P}|=n}D({\mathcal P})$, where the minimum is taken over all sets of $n$ points containing no three collinear points). Notice that the vertices of a regular $n$-gon, such as the set depicted in Figure \[fi:sec2\](b), satisfy this property and determine $\lfloor \frac{n}{2}\rfloor$ distinct distances, implying $D_{\text{no3}\ell}(n) \le \lfloor \frac{n}{2}\rfloor$. The current best lower bound, due to Szemerédi (communicated by Erdős in [@Erd75]; the proof can also be found in [@PA95 Chapter 13]), is $D_{\text{no3}\ell}(n) \ge \lceil \frac{n-1}{3}\rceil$. Szemerédi also conjectured that $D_{\text{no3}\ell}(n) = \lfloor \frac{n}{2}\rfloor$; see [@erd87; @EHP89].
\[pr:No3\] Find the exact value of $D_{ \text{\em no3}\ell}(n)$.
As before, let $\hd_{\text{no3}\ell}(n)$ denote the maximum number satisfying that for any set ${\mathcal P}$ of $n$ points, no three of which are collinear, there exists a point $p\in {\mathcal P}$ such that there are at least $\hd_{\text{no3}\ell}(n)$ distinct distances between ${\mathcal P}$ and ${\mathcal P}\setminus\{p\}$.
\[pr:No3Pnt\] Find the exact value of $\hd_{\text{\em no3}\ell}(n)$.
It can be easily noticed that the regular $n$-gon configuration implies $\hd_{\text{no3}\ell}(n) \le \lfloor \frac{n}{2}\rfloor$, and Szemerédi’s bound for $D_{\text{no3}\ell}(n)$ also remains valid for $\hd_{\text{no3}\ell}(n)$. Thus, the current best bounds for Problems \[pr:No3\] and \[pr:No3Pnt\] are identical (as opposed to the case of Problems \[pr:main\] and \[pr:mainPnt\]).
Szemerédi’s proof is so simple and elegant that it is hard to resist stating it here.
\[le:no3\] $\hd_{\text{\em no3}\ell}(n) \ge \lceil \frac{n-1}{3}\rceil$
Consider a set ${\mathcal P}$ of $n$ points, no three of which are collinear. Let $x$ denote the minimum number satisfying that every point $p\in {\mathcal P}$ determines at most $x$ distinct distances with the points of ${\mathcal P}\setminus\{p\}$.
Let $T = \{(a,p,q)\in {\mathcal P}^3 \mid |ap|=|aq|\}$, where $a,p,q$ are three distinct points and where $(a,p,q)$ and $(a,q,p)$ are counted as the same triple. The proof is based on double counting $|T|$, and we begin by deriving an upper bound for it. Given a pair of points $p,q\in{\mathcal P}$, the triplet $(a,p,q)$ is in $T$ if and only if $a$ is on the perpendicular bisector of the segment $pq$. By the assumption, each such perpendicular bisector contains at most two points of ${\mathcal P}$, which implies $$\label{eq:SzUp}
|T| \le 2 \binom{n}{2} = n(n-1).$$ For the lower bound, notice that for every point $p\in{\mathcal P}$, the points of ${\mathcal P}\setminus\{p\}$ are contained in at most $x$ concentric circles around $p$. We denote these circles as $C_{p,1},\ldots,C_{p,x}$ and set $n_{p,i} = |C_{p,i} \cap {\mathcal P}|$. Notice that $\sum_{i=1}^xn_{p,i} = n-1$ for every $p\in{\mathcal P}$. By the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality, we have $\sum_{i=1}^x n_{p,i}^2 \ge \frac{1}{x}(n-1)^2$. This in turn implies $$\begin{aligned}
|T| = \sum_{p\in{\mathcal P}}\sum_{i=1}^x \binom{n_{p,i}}{2} = \frac{1}{2}\sum_{p\in{\mathcal P}}\sum_{i=1}^x (n_{p,i}^2-n_{p,i}) &\ge \frac{1}{2}\sum_{p\in{\mathcal P}} \left( \frac{1}{x}(n-1)^2 - (n-1)\right) \nonumber \\
&= \frac{n(n-1)(n-1-x)}{2x}. \label{eq:SzLw}\end{aligned}$$ Combining and immediately implies the assertion of the lemma.
Although no progress has been made with Problems \[pr:No3\] and \[pr:No3Pnt\] for several decades, more recent advances have been obtained for more restricted variants of them. Similarly to $D_{\text{no3}\ell}(n)$, let $D_{\text{conv}}(n)$ denote the minimum number of distinct distances that can be determined by a set of $n$ points in (strict) convex position. Let $\hd_{\text{conv}}(n)$ denote the maximum number satisfying that for any set ${\mathcal P}$ of $n$ points in convex position, there exists a point $p\in {\mathcal P}$ such that there are at least $\hd_{\text{conv}}(n)$ distinct distances between ${\mathcal P}$ and ${\mathcal P}\setminus\{p\}$.
By considering the regular $n$-gon once again, we notice that $D_{\text{conv}}(n) \le \lfloor \frac{n}{2}\rfloor$ and that $\hd_{\text{conv}}(n) \le \lfloor \frac{n}{2}\rfloor$. Already in his 1946 paper, Erdős [@erd46] conjectured that $D_{\text{conv}}(n) = \lfloor \frac{n}{2}\rfloor$. This was proven by Altman [@Alt63; @Alt72], which led Erdős to suggest the stronger conjecture $\hd_{\text{conv}}(n) = \lfloor \frac{n}{2}\rfloor$. Since for any set of points in convex position no three points can be collinear, we have $\hd_{\text{conv}}(n) \ge \hd_{\text{no3}}(n) \ge \lceil \frac{n-1}{3}\rceil$. In 2006, Dumitrescu [@Dum06] derived the improved bound $\hd_{\text{conv}}(n) \ge \lceil \frac{13n-6}{36}\rceil$. Recently, the slightly improved bound $\hd_{\text{conv}}(n) \ge \left(\frac{13}{36}+\frac{1}{22701}\right)n +O(1)$ was obtained by Nivasch, Pach, Pinchasi, and Zerbib [@NPPZ11].
\[pr:conv\] Find the exact value of $\hd_{\text{\em conv}}(n)$.
We say that a set of points is in *general position* if no three points are collinear and no four points are cocircular. Denote by $D_{\text{gen}}(n)$ the minimum number of distinct distances that can be determined by a set of $n$ points in general position. The convex $n$-gon configuration is not in general position, and it is in fact unknown whether $D_{\text{gen}}(n) = \Theta(n)$ or not. The current best upper bound $D_{\text{gen}}(n) = n2^{O(\sqrt{\log n})}$ was derived by Erdős, Füredi, Pach, and Ruzsa [@EFPR93]. This bound is obtained by considering a very different construction: taking an integer grid $G$ in a $d$-dimensional space (where $d$ is roughly $\sqrt{\log n}$), considering a subset $G'$ of the points of $G$ that lie on a common sphere, and projecting $G'$ on a generic plane. The generic projection guarantees that the resulting planar set is in general position, while the integer-grid-on-a-sphere structure implies a relatively small number of distinct distances. For an easy lower bound, notice that $D_{\text{gen}}(n) \ge D_{\text{no3}}(n) = \Omega(n)$.
\[pr:gen\] Find the asymptotic value of $D_{\text{\em gen}}(n)$.
Erdős [@erd87] also suggested to study the maximum number $\hd_{\text{\em gen}}(n)$ satisfying that for any set ${\mathcal P}$ of $n$ points in general position, there exists a point $p\in {\mathcal P}$ such that $\{p\}\times{\mathcal P}$ determines at least $\hd_{\text{gen}}(n)$ distinct distances. Consider a point set ${\mathcal P}$ in general position and a point $p\in {\mathcal P}$. If $p$ has a distance of $d$ from four other points of ${\mathcal P}$, then each of these four points is incident to the circle whose center is $p$ and radius is $d$, contradicting the general position assumption. Thus, a trivial lower bound is $\hd_{\text{\em gen}}(n) \ge \lceil (n-1)/3 \rceil$. No non-trivial bound is known for $\hd_{\text{\em gen}}(n)$ (neither a lower nor an upper bound), and when discussing the problem, Erdős [@erd87] wrote “It is rather frustrating that I got nowhere with…".
\[pr:gen\] Find the exact value of $\hd_{\text{\em gen}}(n)$.
The point configuration that implies $D_{\text{gen}}(n) = n2^{O(\sqrt{\log n})}$ spans many duplicate vectors. This led to denoting by $D_{\text{para}}(n)$ the minimum number of distinct distances determined by a set of $n$ points in general position that do not determine any parallelograms. Erdős, Hickerson, and Pach [@EHP89] asked whether $D_{\text{para}}(n)= o(n^2)$. This was recently confirmed by Dumitrescu [@Dum08], who proved $D_{\text{para}}(n)= O(n^2/\sqrt{\log n})$ by considering, for prime $n$, the point set $$\left\{ (i,j) \mid i=0,1,\ldots,(n-1)/4, \ j= i^2 \hspace{-2mm}\mod n \right\}.$$ No bound better than the trivial $D_{\text{para}}(n)= \Omega(n)$ is known.
\[pr:para\] Find the asymptotic value of $D_{\text{\em para}}(n)$.
We conclude this section with a conjecture by the author of this survey.
Prove or disprove: Let ${\mathcal P}$ be a set of $n$ points, such that no two distinct pairs of points of ${\mathcal P}$ have the same perpendicular bisector. Then for every $\eps>0$, we have $D({\mathcal P})=\Omega(n^{2-\eps})$.
[![Two lines with $O(n)$ distinct distances.[]{data-label="fi:TwoLines"}](TwoLines.eps "fig:"){width="70.00000%"}]{}
#### Points on curves.
We move to a different family of constrained point sets, where the points are restricted to being contained in a given curve.
Let ${\mathcal P}_1$ and ${\mathcal P}_2$ be two sets of $n$ points each, such that the points of ${\mathcal P}_1$ (resp., ${\mathcal P}_2$) lie on a line $\ell_1$ (resp., $\ell_2$). Let $D({\mathcal P}_1,{\mathcal P}_2)$ denote the number of distinct distances between the pairs of ${\mathcal P}_1\times{\mathcal P}_2$ (that is, only distinct distances between points on different lines are considered). When the two lines are either parallel or orthogonal, the points can be arranged such that $D({\mathcal P}_1,{\mathcal P}_2) = \Theta(n)$; for example, see Figure \[fi:TwoLines\]. Purdy conjectured that if the lines are neither parallel nor orthogonal then $D({\mathcal P}_1,{\mathcal P}_2) = \omega(n)$ (e.g., see [@BMP05 Section 5.5]). Let us denote as $D_{\text{lines}}(n)$ the minimum number of distinct distances in such a scenario. Elekes and Rónyai [@ER00] proved Purdy’s conjecture, though without deriving any specific superlinear lower bound. Later, Elekes [@Elek99] showed that $D_{\text{lines}}(n) = \Omega(n^{5/4})$. Recently, Sharir, Sheffer, and Solymosi [@SS13] proved $D_{\text{lines}}(n) = \Omega(n^{4/3})$. More generally, they derived the bound $\Omega(\min\{n^{2/3}m^{2/3},m^2,n^2\})$ for the asymmetric case where one line contains $n$ points and the other $m$ points (another recent asymmetric result, which is subsumed by the bound from [@SS13], was derived by Schwartz, Solymosi, and de Zeeuw [@SSZ12]). Elekes [@Elek99] also observed the upper bound $D_{\text{lines}}(n) = O(n^2/\sqrt{\log n})$.
\[pr:lines\] Find the asymptotic value of $D_{\text{\em lines}}(n)$.
Generalizing Problem \[pr:lines\], we consider the minimum number of distinct distances between two sets of $n$ points, each on a constant degree algebraic curve in ${\ensuremath{\mathbb R}}^2$ (the two curves may or may not be identical). We already know that there could be $O(n)$ distinct distances when the points are on parallel or orthogonal lines. In this more general scenario there exists a third exceptional case — the case of two concentric circles. We denote by $D_{\text{\em curves}}(n)$ the minimum number of distinct distances between two sets of $n$ points, each on a constant degree algebraic curve, such that the two curves do not contain orthogonal lines, parallel lines, or concentric circles (this also implies that the two curves do not contain common lines or circles). Pach and de Zeeuw [@PZ13] extended the technique of [@SS13] to obtain $D_{\text{curves}}(n) = \Omega(n^{4/3})$. More generally, they derived the bound $\Omega(\min\{n^{2/3}m^{2/3},m^2,n^2\})$ for the asymmetric case when one curve contains $n$ points and the other $m$ points.
\[pr:curves\] Find the asymptotic value of $D_{\text{\em curves}}(n)$.
In Section \[sec:HighD\] we consider similar problems in higher dimensions.
Higher dimensions {#sec:HighD}
In this section we consider higher-dimensional variants of the distinct distances problem. Denote by $D_d(n)$ the minimum number of distinct distances that a set of $n$ points in ${\ensuremath{\mathbb R}}^d$ can determine. Similarly to the planar case, the current best configuration for the $d$-dimensional case is an $n^{1/d} \times n^{1/d} \times \cdots \times n^{1/d}$ integer lattice. Every distance in this configuration is the square root of a sum of $d$ squares, each with a value between 0 and $n^{2/d}$. Therefore, the number of distinct distances that are determined by such a lattice is $O(n^{2/d})$, implying $D_d(n) = O(n^{2/d})$. This bound was already observed by Erdős in his 1946 paper [@erd46], and is conjectured to be tight (for $d\ge 3$).
Solymosi and Vu [@SV08] derived the following recursive relations on $D_d(n)$.
\[th:SV\] [**(Solymosi and Vu [@SV08])**]{} (i) If $D_{d_0}(n) = \Omega(n^{\alpha_0})$, then for all $d>d_0$, we have $$D_d(n) = \Omega\left( n^{\frac{2d}{(d+d_0+1)(d-d_0)+2d_0/\alpha_0}} \right).$$ (ii) If $D_{d_0}(n) = \Omega(n^{\alpha_0})$, then for all $d>d_0$ where $d-d_0$ is even, we have $$D_d(n) = \Omega\left( n^{\frac{2(d+1)}{(d+d_0+2)(d-d_0)+2(d_0+1)/\alpha_0}} \right).$$
Recall that $D_2(n) = \Omega(n/\log{n})$. Combining this with Theorem \[th:SV\](i) implies $D_3(n) = \Omega^*(n^{3/5})$,[^3] while the above lattice example implies $D_3(n) = O(n^{2/3})$. These are the current best bounds for $D_3(n)$. The current best bounds for larger values of $d$ are obtained by combining Theorem \[th:SV\](ii) with the bounds $D_2(n)=\Omega^*(n)$ and $D_3(n)=\Omega^*(n^{3/5})$ as base cases. That is, for even $d\ge4$ we have $D_d(n) = \Omega^*\left(n^{\frac{2d+2}{d^2+2d-2}}\right)$ and for odd $d\ge5$ we have $D_d(n) = \Omega^*\left(n^{\frac{2d+2}{d^2+2d-5/3}}\right)$. Notice that as $d$ goes to infinity $D_d(n)$ approaches the conjectured bound $\Theta(n^{2/d})$.
\[pr:Rd\] Find the asymptotic value of $D_d(n)$.
It seems possible that the techniques that were used by Guth and Katz [@GK15] for analyzing $D(n)$ could also be applied to the higher dimensional variant. However, so far it is still not clear how to extend some of the steps in this analysis.
Let $D_d^{o}(n)$ denote the minimum number of distinct distances that a set of $n$ points on a hypersphere in ${\ensuremath{\mathbb R}}^d$ can determine. Tao [@Tao11] observed that the bound from [@GK15] remains valid when the point set is on a sphere in ${\ensuremath{\mathbb R}}^3$ (or on a hyperbolic plane). That is, $D_3^{o}(n) = \Omega(n/\log{n})$. For a lower bound, place a set of $n$ points on a circle that is on the sphere, so that they form the vertices of a regular planar $n$-gon (recall figure \[fi:sec2\](b)). This implies $D_3^{o}(n) = O(n)$.
\[pr:sphere\] Find the asymptotic value of $D_3^o(n)$.
Erdős, Furedi, Pach, and Ruzsa [@EFPR93] proved $D_4^o(n) = O(n/\log \log n)$ and $D_d^o(n) = O(n^{2/(d-2)})$ for $d>4$. These bounds are obtained by taking an integer lattice in ${\ensuremath{\mathbb R}}^d$ and then choosing a sphere that contains many lattice points. No lower bound is known beyond the trivial $D_d^o(n) \ge D_d(n)$.
\[pr:sphereD\] Find the asymptotic value of $D_d^o(n)$ for $d\ge4$.
#### Restricted point sets.
Charalambides [@Chara13] considered the case where a set of $n$ points is contained in a constant-degree curve $C$ in ${\ensuremath{\mathbb R}}^d$ (i.e., the $d$-dimensional variant of Problem \[pr:curves\]). He showed that if $C$ contains an *algebraic helix* (see [@Chara13] for a description of this family of curves. In ${\ensuremath{\mathbb R}}^2$ and ${\ensuremath{\mathbb R}}^3$ the only algebraic helices are lines and circles) the points may determine only $O(n)$ distinct distances. On the other hand, if $C$ does not contain any algebraic helices, the points on it determine $\Omega(n^{5/4})$ distinct distances. We denote by $D_{\text{\em curve}}^{(d)}(n)$ the minimum number of distinct distances that are determined by $n$ points on a $d$-dimensional curve which does not contain an algebraic helix.
\[pr:curveD\] Find the asymptotic value of $D_{\text{\em curve}}^{(d)}(n)$.
In the rather special case of curves that have a polynomial parametrization, Raz, Sharir, and Solymosi [@RSS14] improve Charalambides’ bound to $\Omega(n^{4/3})$. In this case, the only restriction on the curve is that it must not contain any lines (i.e., no other type of algebraic helix has such a parametrization).
It also seems natural to ask what happens when the point sets are restricted to surfaces. That is, the minimum number of distances between a set ${\mathcal P}_1$ of $n$ points on a surface $S_1$ and a set ${\mathcal P}_2$ of $n$ points on a surface $S_2$, both in ${\ensuremath{\mathbb R}}^d$. For example, consider the case where $S_1$ and $S_2$ are non-parallel planes in ${\ensuremath{\mathbb R}}^3$. Then there are two orthogonal lines $\ell_1,\ell_2$ such that $\ell_1 \subset S_1$, $\ell_2 \subset S_2$, and $\ell_1 \cap \ell_2$ is a point on $S_1 \cap S_2$. By placing two sets of points on $\ell_1,\ell_2$ as depicted in Figure \[fi:TwoLines\], we obtain $\Theta(n)$ distinct distances. The same bound can be obtained between two spheres and between a sphere and a plane. However, even these special cases are far from being settled, since an unrestricted set of $n$ points in ${\ensuremath{\mathbb R}}^3$ can determine only $\Theta(n^{2/3})$ distinct distances. No non-trivial bound is known for surfaces in ${\ensuremath{\mathbb R}}^3$.
\[pr:surfs\] Consider two sets of points in ${\ensuremath{\mathbb R}}^3$, each contained in a surface. For which surfaces can the number of distinct distances between the two sets be sublinear? For which surfaces this number must be superlinear?
Subsets with no repeated distances {#sec:subset}
This section surveys problems that concern point subsets that determine every distance at most once. Table \[ta:subset\] lists the current best bounds for the problems that are presented in this section.
[|c|c|c|]{} & [**Lower bound**]{} & [**Upper bound**]{}\
${{\mathsf{subset}}}(n)$ & $\Omega(n^{1/3}/\log^{1/3} n)$ [@Chara12; @GK15; @LT95] & $O\left(\sqrt{n}/(\log n)^{1/4}\right)$ [@EG70]\
${{\mathsf{subset}}}({\mathcal L})$ & $\Omega(n^{1/3}/\log^{1/3} n)$ [@EG70] & $O\left(\sqrt{n}/(\log n)^{1/4}\right)$ [@EG70]\
${{\mathsf{subset}}}({\mathcal L}_d)$ & $\Omega(n^{2/(3d)})$ [@LT95] & $O(n^{1/d})$ (trivial)\
${{\mathsf{subset}}}_d(n)$ & $\Omega\left(n^{1/(3d-3)}(\log n)^{1/3 -2/(3d-3)}\right)$ [@CFGHUZ14] & $O(n^{1/d})$ (trivial)\
${{\mathsf{subset}}}'(n)$ & $\Omega(n^{0.4315})$ & $O\left(\sqrt{n}/(\log n)^{1/4}\right)$ [@EG70]\
[![A set of 25 points and a subset of four points that span every distance at most once. No subset of five points has this property.[]{data-label="fi:gridSubset"}](gridSubset.eps "fig:"){width="50.00000%"}]{}
Given a set ${\mathcal P}$ of points in ${\ensuremath{\mathbb R}}^2$, let ${{\mathsf{subset}}}({\mathcal P})$ denote the size of the largest subset ${\mathcal P}' \subset {\mathcal P}$ such that every distance is spanned by the points of ${\mathcal P}'$ at most once; that is, there are no points $a,b,c,d \in {\mathcal P}'$ such that $|ab|=|cd|>0$ (including cases where $a=c$). Figure \[fi:gridSubset\] depicts a set of 25 points and a subset of four points that span every distance at most once. Let ${{\mathsf{subset}}}(n) = \min_{|{\mathcal P}|=n}{{\mathsf{subset}}}({\mathcal P})$. In other words, ${{\mathsf{subset}}}(n)$ is the maximum number satisfying the property that every set of $n$ points in the plane contains a subset of ${{\mathsf{subset}}}(n)$ points that do not span any distance more than once. Erdős [@Erd57; @EG70; @EP95] posed the following problem.
\[pr:subset\] [**(Erdős)**]{} Find the asymptotic value of ${{\mathsf{subset}}}(n)$.
Let ${\mathcal P}$ be a point set that spans $d$ distinct distances. Notice that if all of the distances that are spanned by the points of a subset ${\mathcal P}' \subset {\mathcal P}$ are unique, then the number of distances that are spanned by ${\mathcal P}$ must be at least $\binom{|P'|}{2}$, or equivalently $|{\mathcal P}'|=O\left(\sqrt{d}\right)$. Let ${\mathcal L}$ be a $\sqrt{n}\times \sqrt{n}$ integer lattice. Recall that Erdős [@erd46] showed that the number of distinct distances that are spanned by ${\mathcal L}$ is $\Theta(n/\sqrt{\log n})$ (e.g., see Section \[sec:structure\] of this document). Therefore, we have ${{\mathsf{subset}}}(n) \le {{\mathsf{subset}}}({\mathcal L}) = O\left(\sqrt{n}/(\log n)^{1/4}\right)$. Lefmann and Thiele [@LT95] derived the bound ${{\mathsf{subset}}}(n)=\Omega(n^{0.25})$ by using a probabilistic argument. Dumitrescu [@Dum08] improved this bound to ${{\mathsf{subset}}}(n)=\Omega(n^{0.288})$ by combining it with an upper bound of Pach and Tardos [@PT02] on the maximum number of isosceles triangles that can be spanned by a set of $n$ points. Recently, Charalambides [@Chara12] combined the probabilistic argument of Lefmann and Thiele with a result from Guth and Katz’s distinct distances paper [@GK15], to obtain the following improved result and simple proof.
\[th:subset\] [**(Charalambides [@Chara12])**]{} ${{\mathsf{subset}}}(n)=\Omega(n^{1/3}/\log^{1/3} n)$.
Consider a set ${\mathcal P}$ of $n$ points in ${\ensuremath{\mathbb R}}^2$. Similarly to the Elekes-Sharir reduction, we define the set $$Q_1 = \left\{ (a,b,c,d)\in {\mathcal P}^4 \ \big| \ |ab|=|cd|>0 \right\},$$ such that every quadruple of $Q_1$ consists of four distinct points. Guth and Katz [@GK15] proved that $|Q_1|=O(n^3\log n)$ (also for the case where $Q_1$ is allowed to contain quadruples where not all four points are distinct). Let $Q_2$ be the set of isosceles and equilateral triangles that are spanned by points of ${\mathcal P}$.
Let ${\mathcal P}' \subset {\mathcal P}$ be a subset that is obtained by selecting every point of ${\mathcal P}$ with a probability $0 < p <1$ that will be determined below. We have $\operatorname*{\mathbb{E}}[|{\mathcal P}'|] = p n$. Let $Q_1' \subset Q_1$ be the set of quadruples of $Q_1$ that contain only points of ${\mathcal P}'$. Every quadruple of $Q_1$ is in $Q_1'$ with a probability of $p^4$, so $\operatorname*{\mathbb{E}}[|Q_1'|] \le \alpha p^4 n^3\log{n}$, for a sufficiently large constant $\alpha$. Let $Q_2'$ be the set of triangles of $Q_2$ that contain only points of ${\mathcal P}'$. The bound of Pach and Tardos implies $\operatorname*{\mathbb{E}}[|Q_2'|] \le \alpha p^3 n^{2.137}$, for sufficiently large $\alpha$. Notice that the points of ${\mathcal P}'$ span every distance at most once if and only if $|Q_1'|=|Q_2'|=0$. By linearity of expectation, we have $$\operatorname*{\mathbb{E}}\left[|{\mathcal P}'|-|Q_1'|-|Q_2'|\right]\ge p n - \alpha p^4 n^3\log{n} - \alpha p^3 n^{2.137}.$$ By setting $p=1/(2\alpha n^2\log n)^{1/3}$, for sufficiently large $n$ we obtain $$\operatorname*{\mathbb{E}}\left[|{\mathcal P}'|-|Q_1'|-|Q_2'|\right]> \frac{n^{1/3}}{3(\alpha\log n)^{1/3}}.$$ Therefore, there exists a subset ${\mathcal P}' \subset {\mathcal P}$ for which $|{\mathcal P}'|-|Q_1'|-|Q_2'|\ge \frac{n^{1/3}}{3(\alpha\log n)^{1/3}}$. Let ${\mathcal P}''$ be a subset of ${\mathcal P}'$ that is obtained by removing from ${\mathcal P}'$ a point from every element of $Q_1'$ and $Q_2'$. The subset ${\mathcal P}''$ does not span any repeated distances and contains $\Omega(n^{1/3}/\log^{1/3} n)$ points of ${\mathcal P}$.
Erdős and Guy [@EG70] considered the following special case of Problem \[pr:subset\].
\[pr:Lat\][**(Erdős and Guy [@EG70])**]{} Find the asymptotic value of ${{\mathsf{subset}}}({\mathcal L})$, where ${\mathcal L}$ is a $\sqrt{n}\times \sqrt{n}$ integer lattice.
As mentioned above, the current best upper bound for ${{\mathsf{subset}}}({\mathcal L})$ is $O\left(\sqrt{n}/(\log n)^{1/4}\right)$. Erdős and Guy [@EG70] derived the bound ${{\mathsf{subset}}}({\mathcal L}) = \Omega(n^{1/3-\varepsilon})$, which was later improved by Lefmann and Thiele [@LT95] to ${{\mathsf{subset}}}({\mathcal L}) = \Omega(n^{1/3})$. This bound is still marginally better than the bound implied by Theorem \[th:subset\].
Erdős and Guy [@EG70] also considered the higher dimensional variant of Problem \[pr:Lat\]. That is, they considered a $d$-dimensional lattice ${\mathcal L}_d$ of the form $n^{1/d}\times \cdots \times n^{1/d}$. Similarly to the planar case, Erdős and Guy [@EG70] derived the bound ${{\mathsf{subset}}}({\mathcal L}_d) = \Omega(n^{2/(3d)-\varepsilon})$, and this was later improved by Lefmann and Thiele [@LT95] to ${{\mathsf{subset}}}({\mathcal L}_d) = \Omega(n^{2/(3d)})$. It is simple to show that the points of ${\mathcal L}_d$ span $O(n^{2/d})$ distinct distances (e.g., see Section \[sec:HighD\] of this document), which implies ${{\mathsf{subset}}}({\mathcal L}_d) = O(n^{1/d})$.
[**(Erdős and Guy [@EG70])**]{} Find the asymptotic value of ${{\mathsf{subset}}}({\mathcal L}_d)$, where ${\mathcal L}_d$ is an $n^{1/d}\times \cdots \times n^{1/d}$ integer lattice.
We can also consider the higher dimensional variant of Problem \[pr:subset\]. Let ${{\mathsf{subset}}}_d(n)$ denote the maximum number satisfying the property that every set of $n$ points in ${\ensuremath{\mathbb R}}^d$ contains a subset of ${{\mathsf{subset}}}_d(n)$ points that do not span any distance more than once. Thiele [@Thiele95 Theorem 4.33] proved the lower bound ${{\mathsf{subset}}}_d(n)=\Omega(n^{1/(3d-2)})$. Recently, this was improved by Conlon, Fox, Gasarch, Harris, Ulrich, and Zbarsky [@CFGHUZ14] to ${{\mathsf{subset}}}_d(n)=\Omega\left(n^{1/(3d-3)}(\log n)^{1/3 -2/(3d-3)}\right)$. The current best upper bound is ${{\mathsf{subset}}}_d(n)\le {{\mathsf{subset}}}({\mathcal L}_d) = O(n^{1/d})$.
Find the asymptotic value of ${{\mathsf{subset}}}_d(n)$ for $d\ge 3$.
In the open problems book of Brass, Moser, and Pach [@BMP05], they offer a problem of a similar flavor. Let ${{\mathsf{subset}}}'(n)$ denote the maximum number satisfying the property that every set of $n$ points in the plane contains a subset of ${{\mathsf{subset}}}'(n)$ points that do not span any isosceles triangles.
[**(Brass, Moser, and Pach [@BMP05])**]{} Find the asymptotic value of ${{\mathsf{subset}}}'(n)$.
For a trivial upper bound, we have ${{\mathsf{subset}}}'(n) \le s(n) = O\left(\sqrt{n}/(\log n)^{1/4}\right)$. By adapting the proof of Theorem \[th:subset\] (i.e., removing $Q_1$ from the analysis), we obtain $s'(n) = \Omega(n^{0.4315})$.
Every $k$ points determine at least $l$ distinct distances. {#sec:kl}
Let $\phi(n,k,l)$ denote the minimum number of distinct distances that are determined by a planar $n$ point set ${\mathcal P}$ with the property that any $k$ points of ${\mathcal P}$ determine at least $l$ distinct distances (this notation is taken from [@BMP05 Chapter 5]). That is, by having a local property of every small subset of points, we wish to obtain a global property of the entire point set. Table \[ta:secKL\] lists the current best bounds for most of the problems that are discussed in this section.
[**Variant**]{} [**Lower bound**]{} [**Upper bound**]{}
----------------- ---------------------------- ----------------------------------
$\phi(n,3,2)$ $\Omega(n/\log n)$ [@GK15] $O(n/\sqrt{\log n})$ [@erd46]
$\phi(n,3,3)$ $\Omega(n)$ $n2^{O(\sqrt{\log n})}$ [@erd86]
$\phi(n,4,3)$ $\Omega(n/\log n)$ [@GK15] $O(n/\sqrt{\log n})$
$\phi(n,4,4)$ $\Omega(n/\log n)$ [@GK15] $n2^{O(\sqrt{\log n})}$ [@Dum08]
$\phi(n,4,5)$ $\Omega(n)$ (trivial) $O(n^2)$ (trivial)
$\phi(n,5,9)$ $\Omega(n)$ (trivial) $O(n^2)$ (trivial)
: The current best bounds for some of the problems that are presented in Section \[sec:kl\].\[ta:secKL\]
[**The case $\mathbf{\emph{k=3}}$.**]{} The value of $\phi(n,3,2)$ is the minimum number of distinct distances that are determined by a set of $n$ points that do not span any equilateral triangles. As discussed in Section \[sec:structure\], Erdős [@erd46] noticed that a $\sqrt{n}\times\sqrt{n}$ integer lattice determines $\Theta(n/\sqrt{\log n})$ distinct distances. It is known that the points of the integer lattice do not determine any equilateral triangles, and thus $\phi(n,3,2)= O(n/\sqrt{\log n})$. Guth and Katz’s bound on $D(n)$ [@GK15] implies $\phi(n,3,2)= \Omega(n/\log n)$. Thus, the current best bounds for $\phi(n,3,2)$ are identical to the ones for $D(n)$.
\[pr:n32\] Find the asymptotic value of $\phi(n,3,2)$.
The value of $\phi(n,3,3)$ is the minimum number of distinct distances that are determined by a set of $n$ points that do not span any isosceles triangles (here and in the following cases, we also consider degenerate polygons, such as a degenerate isosceles triangle whose three vertices are collinear). Since no isosceles triangles are allowed, every point determines $n-1$ distinct distances with the other points of the set, and thus we have $\phi(n,3,3) = \Omega(n)$. Erdős [@erd86] observed the following upper bound for $\phi(n,3,3)$. Behrend [@Behr46] proved that there exists a set $A$ of positive integers $a_1<a_2<\cdots<a_n$, such that no three elements of $A$ determine an arithmetic progression and that $a_n < n2^{O(\sqrt{\log n})}$. Therefore, the point set ${\mathcal P}_1 = \{(a_1,0), (a_2,0),\ldots, (a_n,0)\} \subset {\ensuremath{\mathbb R}}^2$ does not span any isosceles triangles. Since ${\mathcal P}_1 \subset {\mathcal P}_2 = \{(1,0),(2,0),\ldots,(a_n,0) \}$ and $D({\mathcal P}_2)< n2^{O(\sqrt{\log n})}$, we have $\phi(n,3,3) < n2^{O(\sqrt{\log n})}$. Erdős conjectured [@erd86] that $\phi(n,3,3) = \omega(n)$.
\[pr:n33\] Find the asymptotic value of $\phi(n,3,3)$.
[**The case $\mathbf{\emph{k=4}}$.**]{} The value of $\phi(n,4,3)$ is the minimum number of distinct distances that are determined by a set of $n$ points that do not span any squares. This case is somewhat similar to the one of $\phi(n,3,2)$. The $\sqrt{n}\times\sqrt{n}$ triangular lattice determines $\Theta(n/\sqrt{\log n})$ distinct distances (e.g., see [@Sblog14]). Since the triangular lattice does not contain any squares, we have $\phi(n,4,3) = O(n/\sqrt{\log n})$. The current best lower bound $\phi(n,4,3) = \Omega(n/\log n)$ is Guth and Katz’s general bound.
\[pr:n43\] Find the asymptotic value of $\phi(n,4,3)$.
[![(a) The point $p$ is equidistant from the other three vertices of the deltoid. (b) The only possible cases of segments having the same length are $|ab|=|cd|$ and $|ac|=|bd|$.[]{data-label="fi:deltoid"}](deltoid.eps "fig:"){width="60.00000%"}]{}
The value of $\phi(n,4,4)$ is the minimum number of distinct distances that are determined by a set of $n$ points that do not span any rhombuses, rectangles, or deltoids with one vertex that is equidistant to the three other three (see Figure \[fi:deltoid\](a)). Dumitrescu [@Dum08] observed that $\phi(n,4,4)< n2^{O(\sqrt{\log n})}$ by using the same point set ${\mathcal P}_1$ from the analysis of $\phi(n,3,3)$. Indeed, consider a subset of four points of ${\mathcal P}_1$, as depicted in Figure \[fi:deltoid\](b), and notice that the only pairs of segments that are allowed to have the same length (without resulting in an arithmetic progression) are $|ab|=|cd|$ and $|ac|=|bd|$. Thus, every quadruple of points determines at least four distinct distances. No lower bound is known beyond $\phi(n,4,4)=\Omega(n/\log n)$.
\[pr:n44\] Find the asymptotic value of $\phi(n,4,4)$.
Not much is known about the case of $\phi(n,4,5)$. Erdős [@erd86] asked whether $\phi(n,4,5)=\Theta(n^2)$, though the current best lower bound is only $\phi(n,4,5)= \Omega(n)$. Indeed, when considering an $n$ point set ${\mathcal P}$ with this property, we notice that any circle whose center is a point of ${\mathcal P}$ can be incident to at most two points of ${\mathcal P}$.
\[pr:n45\] Find the asymptotic value of $\phi(n,4,5)$.
Finally, we have the trivial bound $\phi(n,4,6) = n(n-1)/2$, since every distance can occur at most once in this case.
[**The case $\mathbf{\emph{k=5}}$.**]{} We do not go over the various cases of $k=5$, and only mention that Erdős [@erd86] asked whether $\phi(n,5,9)=\Omega(n^2)$. Again, nothing is known in this case beyond the trivial $\phi(n,5,9)=\Omega(n)$.
\[pr:n59\] Find the asymptotic value of $\phi(n,5,9)$.
[**The general case.**]{} Erdős [@erd86] noticed that, for any $k\ge 3$, we have $$\phi\left(n,k,\binom{k}{2}-k+3\right) = \Omega(n).$$ To see why, consider a set ${\mathcal P}$ of $n$ points such that every $k$-point subset of ${\mathcal P}$ determines at least $\binom{k}{2}-k+3$ distinct distances, and a point $p\in{\mathcal P}$. If $p$ is the center of a circle that is incident to $k-1$ points of ${\mathcal P}$, then together these $k$ points determine at most $\binom{k}{2}-k+2$ distinct distances, contradicting the assumption on ${\mathcal P}$. Thus, the points of ${\mathcal P}\setminus \{p\}$ are contained in at least $(n-1)/(k-2)$ circles around $p$, which in turn implies that $p$ determines $\Omega(n)$ distinct distances with the other points of ${\mathcal P}$.
Another simple observation is that, for any $k\ge 4$, we have $$\phi\left(n,k,\binom{k}{2}-\lfloor k/2 \rfloor +2 \right) = \Omega(n^2),$$ since in this case every distance can occur at most $\lfloor k/2 \rfloor -1$ times.
Similarly to the cases of $\phi(n,3,3)$ and $\phi(n,4,4)$, we can use the set ${\mathcal P}_1$ to obtain a bound of $n2^{O(\sqrt{\log n})}$ for various $\phi(n,k,l)$. For example, it is not hard to show that $$\phi\left(n,k,2\lfloor k/2 \rfloor\right)=n2^{O(\sqrt{\log n})}.$$ It seems likely that a more careful analysis would yield the same bound for larger values of $l$.
\[pr:nkl\] Find stronger general bounds for $\phi(n,k,l)$.
Additional problems {#sec:additional}
In this section we discuss problems that did not fit into any of the previous sections.
In Problems \[pr:lines\], \[pr:curves\], and \[pr:surfs\], we considered bipartite distinct distances problems, where we have two sets of points ${\mathcal P}_1$ and ${\mathcal P}_2$, and are interested only in distinct distances that are spanned by pairs of ${\mathcal P}_1\times{\mathcal P}_2$ (i.e., distances between points from different sets). We now consider a somewhat different bipartite problem, where ${\mathcal P}_1$ is a set of three points and ${\mathcal P}_2$ is a set of $n$ points, both in ${\ensuremath{\mathbb R}}^2$. A simple argument shows that the number of distinct distances between two such sets is $\Omega(n^{1/2})$. Elekes [@Elek95] constructed a configuration where the three points of ${\mathcal P}_1$ are evenly spaced on a line, and the number of distinct distances between the two sets is $\Theta(n^{1/2})$, thus settling this problem.
We denote by $D(3,n)$ the minimum number of distinct distances between a set ${\mathcal P}_1$ of three *non-collinear* points and a set ${\mathcal P}_2$ of $n$ points. Elekes and Szabó [@ES12] proved the bound $D(3,n)=\Omega(n^{0.502})$, showing that collinearity is necessary for obtaining a bound of $\Theta(n^{1/2})$. Recently, Sharir and Solymosi [@SSo13] obtained a more significant improvement, proving $D(3,n)=\Omega(n^{6/11})$. The current best upper bound is the trivial $D(3,n)= (n/\sqrt{\log n})$.
Find the asymptotic value of $D(3,n)$.
Another bipartite variant was recently suggested by Sharir, Smorodinsky, Valculescu, and de Zeeuw [@SSmo14]. Denote by $L(m,n)$ the minimum number of distinct distances between a set of $m$ points and a set of $n$ *lines*, both in ${\ensuremath{\mathbb R}}^2$ (where the distance between a point and a line is defined in the usual way). By placing $m$ points on a line $\ell$ and then taking $n$ lines that are parallel to $\ell$, we obtain $L(m,n) = O(n)$. When $\sqrt{m}< n <m^2$, the bound $L(m,n) = \Omega( m^{1/5} n^{3/5} )$ was derived in [@SSmo14].
Find the asymptotic value of $L(m,n)$.
We next consider a variant of Problem \[pr:mainPnt\]. Given a planar point set ${\mathcal P}$ and a point $p \in{\mathcal P}$, we denote by $\hd_p({\mathcal P})$ the number of distinct distances between $p$ and the other points of ${\mathcal P}$. We set $\hd_\Sigma({\mathcal P})=\sum_{p\in{\mathcal P}}\hd_p({\mathcal P})$ and $\hd_\Sigma(n) = \min_{|{\mathcal P}|=n}\hd_\Sigma({\mathcal P})$. It is not hard to verify that if ${\mathcal P}$ is a $\sqrt{n}\times\sqrt{n}$ integer lattice, then $\hd_\Sigma({\mathcal P}) = \Theta\left(n^2/\sqrt{\log n}\right)$. Erdős conjectured [@Erd75; @erd87] that this should also be the value of $\hd_\Sigma(n)$.
Find the asymptotic value of $\hd_\Sigma(n)$.
The current best lower bound $\hd_\Sigma(n) = \Omega(n^{1.864})$ is immediately implied by Katz and Tardos’ [@KT04] bound $\hd(n) = \Omega(n^{(48-14e)/(55-16e)})\approx \Omega(n^{0.864})$ (by repeatedly removing a point $p$ that maximizes $\hd_p({\mathcal P})$).
Next, we consider a generalization from distinct distances to *distinct vectors*. Given a planar point set ${\mathcal P}$, we denote by $v({\mathcal P})$ the number of distinct vectors that are spanned by pairs of points of ${\mathcal P}$ (i.e., the points $p,q$ span the vectors $p-q$ and $q-p$), and set $v(n) = \min_{|{\mathcal P}|=n}v({\mathcal P})$. Clearly, $v(n)$ should be at least as large as $D(n)$. In fact, it is also not hard to show that $v(n) = \Theta(n)$. Indeed, the $\sqrt{n}\times\sqrt{n}$ integer lattice determines $\Theta(n)$ distinct vectors.
Erdős, Füredi, Pach, and Ruzsa [@EFPR93] studied the case of distinct vectors for point sets in general position (i.e., no three points on a line and no four points on a circle). We set $v_\text{gen}(n) = \min_{|{\mathcal P}|=n}v({\mathcal P})$, where the sum is taken over every set of $n$ points in general position. In [@EFPR93], it is proven that $v_\text{gen}(n) > cn$ for *every* constant $c$; i.e., $v_\text{gen}(n) =\omega(n)$. The current best upper bound $v_\text{gen}(n) = n2^{O(\log n)}$ is immediately implied by the current best upper bound for Problem \[pr:gen\].
Find the asymptotic value of $v_\text{gen}(n)$.
[**Acknowledgements.**]{} The author is indebted to the various people who helped improve this survey. These are Adrian Dumitrescu, William Gasarch, Ben Lund, Micha Sharir, and Frank de Zeeuw.
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[^1]: California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, [*[email protected]*]{}.
[^2]: See also William Gasarch’s webpage: <http://www.cs.umd.edu/~gasarch/erdos_dist/erdos_dist.html>
[^3]: In the $\Omega^*(\cdot)$ notation we neglect polylogarithmic factors; although the logarithm in the denominator of the lower bound for $D_{2}(n)$ does not exactly fit the formulation of Theorem \[th:SV\], the proof remains valid.
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abstract: 'The properties of the geometric phases between three quantum states are investigated in a high-dimensional Hilbert space using the Majorana representation of symmetric quantum states. We found that the geometric phases between the three quantum states in an $N$-state quantum system can be represented by $N-1$ spherical triangles on the Bloch sphere. The parameter dependence of the geometric phase was analyzed based on this picture. We found that the geometric phase exhibits rich nonlinear behavior in a high-dimensional Hilbert space.'
- Shuhei Tamate
- Kazuhisa Ogawa
- Masao Kitano
title: 'Bloch sphere representation of three-vertex geometric phases'
The geometric phase was first discovered by Berry for cyclic and adiabatic evolution in 1984 [@Berry1984]. Subsequently, it was generalized to nonadiabatic evolution [@Aharonov1987] and extended to noncyclic and nonunitary evolutions [@Samuel1988]. The early studies by Pancharatnam [@Pancharatnam1956] on the interference of polarized light were seminal for the generalization of geometric phases. Pancharatnam proposed a method for comparing the phases of two differently polarized light beams. When two polarized light beams produce maximum constructive interference, they are regarded as being [*in phase*]{}. This means that two quantum states ${|\psi_1\rangle}$ and ${|\psi_2\rangle}$ are [*in phase*]{} when ${\langle\psi_1|\psi_2\rangle}$ is real and positive [@Berry1987]. Pancharatnam also pointed out that a geometric phase manifests itself when three differently polarized states are successively compared using the [*in-phase*]{} relationship.
The generality of Pancharatnam’s geometric phase is apparent in its kinematic definition. It is defined without reference to a Hamiltonian or a dynamic evolution. Mukunda and Simon further developed the kinematic approach for treating geometric phases [@Mukunda1993]. In their studies, they focus on the Bargmann invariant [@Bargmann1964]. For given three states ${|\psi_1\rangle}$, ${|\psi_2\rangle}$, and ${|\psi_3\rangle}$, the three-vertex Bargmann invariant is defined as ${\langle\psi_1|\psi_3\rangle}{\langle\psi_3|\psi_2\rangle}{\langle\psi_2|\psi_1\rangle}$. We refer to the argument of the Bargmann invariant as a three-vertex geometric phase and define it as follows: $$\gamma(\psi_1,\psi_2,\psi_3) \equiv \arg{\langle\psi_1|\psi_3\rangle}{\langle\psi_3|\psi_2\rangle}{\langle\psi_2|\psi_1\rangle}. \label{eq:1}$$ The above definition is equivalent to the quantum mechanical expression for Pancharatnam’s geometric phase. The three-vertex geometric phase has been shown to equal the geometric phase of the geodesic triangle that has the three states as vertices [@Samuel1988].
As shown in [@Mukunda1993], any pure-state geometric phase can be constructed as a sum of three-vertex geometric phases. Therefore, the three-vertex geometric phase serves as a primitive building block for geometric phases. An experiment has been performed to directly observe the three-vertex geometric phase using a kinematic setup [@Kobayashi2010a].
Three-vertex geometric phases are also important in the field of quantum information since they are closely related to distinguishability of three quantum states [@Jozsa2000; @Mitchison2004; @Sugimoto2010].
Despite its considerable importance, little is known about the properties of the three-vertex geometric phase of high-dimensional Hilbert spaces. In this paper, we propose a way to represent three-vertex geometric phases for $N$-state systems on the Bloch sphere and we then investigate their characteristic behaviors in high-dimensional Hilbert spaces. For this purpose, we use the Majorana representation of symmetric quantum states [@Majorana1932]. Some theoretical studies have investigated geometric phases in $N$-dimensional Hilbert space based on the Majorana representation [@Hannay1998a; @Hannay1998].
This paper is organized as follows. In Sec.\[sec:Majorana\], we demonstrate how the three-vertex geometric phase can be represented on the Bloch sphere with the Majorana representation. In Sec.\[sec:quantum-eraser\], we review a measurement method for the three-vertex geometric phase in a quantum eraser. In Sec.\[sec:example\], we consider a three-state system as an example and illustrate how the parameter dependence of the three-vertex geometric phase can be visualized on the Bloch sphere. We also show the nonlinear behavior of the geometric phase in a high-dimensional Hilbert space. Section \[sec:conclusion\] summarizes the findings of this study.
Bloch sphere representation of three-vertex geometric phases {#sec:Majorana}
![Bloch sphere representation of the three-vertex geometric phase of an $N$-state system. This figure shows $N=4$ case. The three-vertex geometric phase of a four-state system is represented as the sum of three geometric phases for a two-state system.[]{data-label="fig:bloch"}](bloch.eps){width="140pt"}
An $N$-dimensional Hilbert space $\mathcal{H}_N$ is isomorphic to a symmetrized ($N-1$)-qubit Hilbert space: $$\mathcal{H}_N \simeq \mathcal{S} (\mathcal{H}_2{}^{\otimes {N-1}}), \label{eq:2}$$ where $\mathcal{S}$ denotes the projection operator onto the permutation-symmetric subspace. We can construct an isomorphism map from $\mathcal{H}_N$ to $\mathcal{S}(\mathcal{H}_2{}^{\otimes {N-1}})$ by identifying the $i$th basis state of $\mathcal{H}_N$ to the $(N-1)$-qubit symmetric Dicke state with $i-1$ excitations. For example, for $N=3$, the three basis states ${|1\rangle}$, ${|2\rangle}$, and ${|3\rangle}$ in $\mathcal{H}_3$ are identified with the states ${|00\rangle}$, $({|01\rangle} + {|10\rangle})/\sqrt{2}$, and ${|11\rangle}$ in $\mathcal{S}(\mathcal{H}_2\otimes \mathcal{H}_2)$. In the following discussion, we identify the $N$-dimensional Hilbert space with the symmetrized ($N-1$)-qubit Hilbert space.
According to Majorana [@Majorana1932], an arbitrary symmetric state ${|\varPsi\rangle}$ can be represented by the symmetrization of product states: $${|\varPsi\rangle} = K\cdot \mathcal{S}({|\psi^{(1)}\rangle}\cdots {|\psi^{(N-1)}\rangle}), \label{eq:3}$$ where ${|\psi^{(i)}\rangle}$ ($i=1\dots N-1$) are qubit states and $K$ is a normalization factor. Equation (\[eq:3\]) is called the Majorana representation. We can depict the state as an unordered set of $N-1$ points on the Bloch sphere; these points are called Majorana points.
To characterize the geometric phase of the $N$-state system, we first consider the following special set of three states: $$\begin{aligned}
{|\varPsi_1\rangle} &= K\cdot \mathcal{S}({|\psi_1^{(1)}\rangle} \cdots {|\psi_1^{(N-1)}\rangle}), \label{eq:4}\\
{|\varPsi_2\rangle} &= {|\psi_2\rangle}\cdots{|\psi_2\rangle}, \label{eq:5}\\
{|\varPsi_3\rangle} &= {|\psi_3\rangle}\cdots{|\psi_3\rangle}. \label{eq:6}\end{aligned}$$ The first state ${|\varPsi_1\rangle}$ is an arbitrary symmetric state and the other two, ${|\varPsi_2\rangle}$ and ${|\varPsi_3\rangle}$, are chosen from symmetric product states. The three-vertex geometric phase of these three states is expressed by: $$\begin{aligned}
\gamma(\varPsi_1, \varPsi_2, \varPsi_3)
&= \arg {\langle\varPsi_1|\varPsi_3\rangle}{\langle\varPsi_3|\varPsi_2\rangle}{\langle\varPsi_2|\varPsi_1\rangle} {\nonumber \\}&= \sum_{i=1}^{N-1} \arg {\langle\psi_1^{(i)}|\psi_3\rangle}{\langle\psi_3|\psi_2\rangle}{\langle\psi_2|\psi_1^{(i)}\rangle} {\nonumber \\}&= \sum_{i=1}^{N-1} \gamma^{(i)}, \label{eq:7}\end{aligned}$$ where $\gamma^{(i)} \equiv \gamma(\psi_1^{(i)}, \psi_2, \psi_3)$. Equation (\[eq:7\]) implies that the geometric phase $\gamma(\varPsi_1, \varPsi_2, \varPsi_3)$ of an $N$-state system can be expressed as the sum of the $N-1$ geometric phases $\gamma^{(i)}$ of a two-state system. For the two-state system, the three-vertex geometric phase $\gamma^{(i)}$ is proportional to the solid angle $\varOmega^{(i)}$ of the geodesic triangle with three vertices ${|\psi_1^{(i)}\rangle}$, ${|\psi_2\rangle}$, and ${|\psi_3\rangle}$; that is, $\gamma^{(i)} = -\varOmega^{(i)}/2$ [@Pancharatnam1956]. Therefore, we can regard the geometric phase of the $N$-state system as $N-1$ spherical triangles on the Bloch sphere, as shown in Fig. \[fig:bloch\].
The validity of the above geometric description for $\gamma(\varPsi_1, \varPsi_2, \varPsi_3)$ depends critically on the particular choice of the three states. However, an arbitrary set of three states in the $N$-state system can always be transformed into the set of forms shown in Eqs. (\[eq:4\])–(\[eq:6\]) by a unitary transformation. We assume that ${|\varPhi_1\rangle}$, ${|\varPhi_2\rangle}$, and ${|\varPhi_3\rangle}$ are an arbitrary set of three states. There exists a pair of symmetric product states, ${|\varPsi_2\rangle}$ and ${|\varPsi_3\rangle}$, such that ${\langle\varPsi_2|\varPsi_3\rangle} = {\langle\varPhi_2|\varPhi_3\rangle}$ since the inner product of a pair of symmetric product states can attain an arbitrary complex number with a modulus less than or equal to 1. Then, we can always find a unitary operator $\hat{U}$ such that ${|\varPsi_2\rangle} = \hat{U}{|\varPhi_2\rangle}$, ${|\varPsi_3\rangle} = \hat{U}{|\varPhi_3\rangle}$. Finally, ${|\varPsi_1\rangle}$ is chosen to satisfy ${|\varPsi_1\rangle} = \hat{U} {|\varPhi_1\rangle}$.
As geometric phases are invariant under unitary transformations, $$\gamma(\varPhi_1, \varPhi_2, \varPhi_3) = \gamma(\varPsi_1, \varPsi_2, \varPsi_3). \label{eq:8}$$ Therefore, we can represent an arbitrary three-vertex geometric phase on the Bloch sphere by applying a proper unitary transformation.
Geometric phase in quantum erasers {#sec:quantum-eraser}
![Scheme for measuring three-vertex geometric phases in a quantum eraser. We first prepare an internal state to be ${|\varPsi_1\rangle}$ and split the beam into two. The internal state of the lower beam is then transformed into state ${|\varPsi_2\rangle}$. Finally, the two beams are combined and the interference pattern is observed with or without a projector to the internal state. We can extract the three-vertex geometric phase from the shift of the interference fringes.[]{data-label="fig:interferometer"}](interferometer.eps){width="210pt"}
In this section, we briefly describe a method for measuring the three-vertex geometric phases in a quantum eraser [@Tamate2009a; @Kobayashi2011].
We consider a particle interferometer with internal degrees of freedom, as shown in Fig. \[fig:interferometer\]. Assuming that the particle has an initial state of ${|\varPsi_1\rangle}$, the state of the composite system after the first beam splitter can be written as $${|\varPhi{_{\mathrm{i}}}\rangle}\rangle = {|\varPsi_1\rangle}{|+\rangle}, \label{eq:9}$$ where ${|+\rangle} = ({|0\rangle} + {|1\rangle})/\sqrt{2}$ is a superposition of the upper path state ${|0\rangle}$ and the lower path state ${|1\rangle}$. In the lower path, the internal state is transformed to a state ${|\varPsi_2\rangle}$ and we have the following intermediate state of the composite system: $${|\varPhi{_{\mathrm{m}}}\rangle}\rangle = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}({|\varPsi_1\rangle}{|0\rangle} + {|\varPsi_2\rangle}{|1\rangle}). \label{eq:10}$$ We then project the internal state onto ${|\varPsi_3\rangle}$ and obtain the final state: $${|\varPhi{_{\mathrm{f}}}\rangle}\rangle = K{|\varPsi_3\rangle}({\langle\varPsi_3|\varPsi_1\rangle}{|0\rangle} + {\langle\varPsi_3|\varPsi_2\rangle}{|1\rangle}), \label{eq:11}$$ where $K = ({\left\lvert{\langle\varPsi_3|\varPsi_1\rangle}\right\rvert}^2 + {\left\lvert{\langle\varPsi_3|\varPsi_2\rangle}\right\rvert}^2)^{-1/2}$ is the normalization factor. The final measurement for the path state is represented by the projector $$\begin{aligned}
\hat{P}(\delta) &= \hat{1}\otimes {|\delta\rangle}{\langle \delta|}, \label{eq:12}\\
{|\delta\rangle} &= \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}({|0\rangle} + {\mathrm{e}}^{{\mathrm{i}}\delta}{|1\rangle}), \label{eq:13}\end{aligned}$$ where $\delta$ is the phase difference between the upper and lower paths. The output probability $P(\delta)$ is given by $$\begin{aligned}
P(\delta) &= \langle\langle\varPhi{_{\mathrm{f}}}|\hat{P}(\delta)|\varPhi{_{\mathrm{f}}}\rangle\rangle {\nonumber \\}&= \frac{1}{2} ( 1 + V \cos \varphi ), \label{eq:14}\end{aligned}$$ where $$\begin{aligned}
V &= \frac{2{\left\lvert{\langle\varPsi_1|\varPsi_3\rangle}{\langle\varPsi_3|\varPsi_2\rangle}\right\rvert}} {{\left\lvert{\langle\varPsi_3|\varPsi_1\rangle}\right\rvert}^2 + {\left\lvert{\langle\varPsi_3|\varPsi_2\rangle}\right\rvert}^2}, \label{eq:15}\\
\varphi &= \arg{\langle\varPsi_1|\varPsi_3\rangle}{\langle\varPsi_3|\varPsi_2\rangle} - \delta. \label{eq:16}\end{aligned}$$ We change the parameter $\delta$ and thereby measure the interference fringes. We can extract the constructive interference point $\delta{_{\mathrm{f}}}$ by setting $\varphi = 0$ as $$\delta{_{\mathrm{f}}} = \arg{\langle\varPsi_1|\varPsi_3\rangle}{\langle\varPsi_3|\varPsi_2\rangle}. \label{eq:17}$$ Similarly, we can obtain the constructive interference point $\delta{_{\mathrm{m}}}$ for the case without final projection of the internal state as $$\delta{_{\mathrm{m}}} = \arg{\langle\varPsi_1|\varPsi_2\rangle}. \label{eq:18}$$ As a result, we can extract the geometric phase $\gamma$ of the three states as the difference of $\delta{_{\mathrm{f}}}$ and $\delta{_{\mathrm{m}}}$: $$\gamma = \delta{_{\mathrm{f}}} - \delta{_{\mathrm{m}}}
= \arg{\langle\varPsi_1|\varPsi_3\rangle}{\langle\varPsi_3|\varPsi_2\rangle}{\langle\varPsi_2|\varPsi_1\rangle}. \label{eq:19}$$ This method enables us to measure the three-vertex geometric phase using only state preparation, projection, and interference.
Parameter dependence of the three-vertex geometric phase {#sec:example}
![Variation of the Majorana points. The parameter $\theta$ represents the half angle between the states ${|\psi_2\rangle}$ and ${|\psi_3\rangle}$. The parameter $\phi$ represents the half angle between the states ${|\psi_1^{(1)}(\alpha)\rangle}$ and ${|\psi_1^{(2)}(\alpha)\rangle}$. The two states ${|\psi_1^{(1)}(\alpha)\rangle}$ and ${|\psi_1^{(2)}(\alpha)\rangle}$ are rotated on the Bloch sphere in accordance with the parameter $\alpha$.[]{data-label="fig:bloch_evolution"}](bloch_evolution.eps){width="150pt"}
To investigate the characteristic behavior of the three-vertex geometric phase, we consider a three-state system as an example.
In a three-state system, the Majorana representation that corresponds to Eqs. (\[eq:4\])–(\[eq:6\]) is given by $$\begin{aligned}
{|\varPsi_1\rangle} &= K({|\psi_1^{(1)}\rangle}{|\psi_1^{(2)}\rangle} + {|\psi_1^{(2)}\rangle}{|\psi_1^{(1)}\rangle}), \label{eq:20}\\
{|\varPsi_2\rangle} &= {|\psi_2\rangle}{|\psi_2\rangle}, \label{eq:21}\\
{|\varPsi_3\rangle} &= {|\psi_3\rangle}{|\psi_3\rangle}. \label{eq:22}\end{aligned}$$ The normalization factor is calculated as $K = [2(1+|{\langle\psi_1^{(1)}|\psi_1^{(2)}\rangle}|^2)]^{-1/2}$. We consider the case where each qubit state is given as follows: $$\begin{aligned}
{|\psi_1^{(1)}\rangle} &= \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}({\mathrm{e}}^{-{\mathrm{i}}\phi/2}{|0\rangle} + {\mathrm{e}}^{{\mathrm{i}}\phi/2}{|1\rangle}), \label{eq:23}\\
{|\psi_1^{(2)}\rangle} &= \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}({\mathrm{e}}^{{\mathrm{i}}\phi/2}{|0\rangle} + {\mathrm{e}}^{-{\mathrm{i}}\phi/2}{|1\rangle}), \label{eq:24}\\
{|\psi_2\rangle} &= \cos(\theta/2){|+\rangle} - \sin(\theta/2){|-\rangle}, \label{eq:25}\\
{|\psi_3\rangle} &= \cos(\theta/2){|+\rangle} + \sin(\theta/2){|-\rangle}. \label{eq:26}\end{aligned}$$ where ${|0\rangle}$ and ${|1\rangle}$ are the orthonormal basis states and ${|\pm\rangle} = ({|0\rangle} \pm {|1\rangle})/\sqrt{2}$. The Majorana points for Eqs. (\[eq:23\])–(\[eq:26\]) are depicted in Fig. \[fig:bloch\_evolution\].
We introduce a parameter $\alpha$ for the state ${|\varPsi_1\rangle}$ by applying a unitary operator $\hat{U}(\alpha)$ to each qubit: $$\begin{aligned}
{|\varPsi_1(\alpha)\rangle} &= \hat{U}(\alpha)\otimes\hat{U}(\alpha){|\varPsi_1\rangle}, \label{eq:27}\\
\hat{U}(\alpha) &= \exp(-{\mathrm{i}}\alpha \hat{\sigma}_z/2), \label{eq:28}\end{aligned}$$ where $\hat{\sigma}_z = {|0\rangle}{\langle 0|} - {|1\rangle}{\langle 1|}$. Some calculation leads to $$\begin{aligned}
{|\varPsi_1(\alpha)\rangle} &= K({|\psi_1^{(1)}(\alpha)\rangle}{|\psi_1^{(2)}(\alpha)\rangle} + {|\psi_1^{(2)}(\alpha)\rangle}{|\psi_1^{(1)}(\alpha)\rangle}), \label{eq:29}\\
&= \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}({\mathrm{e}}^{-{\mathrm{i}}(\phi + \alpha)/2}{|0\rangle} + {\mathrm{e}}^{{\mathrm{i}}(\phi + \alpha)/2}{|1\rangle}), \label{eq:30}\\
&= \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}({\mathrm{e}}^{{\mathrm{i}}(\phi - \alpha)/2}{|0\rangle} + {\mathrm{e}}^{-{\mathrm{i}}(\phi - \alpha)/2}{|1\rangle}). \label{eq:31}\end{aligned}$$ As shown in Eq. (\[eq:7\]), the three-vertex geometric phase $\gamma$ for the three-state system ($N=3$) is the sum of the geometric phases for two qubits: $$\gamma (\alpha) = \gamma^{(1)}(\alpha) + \gamma^{(2)}(\alpha). \label{eq:32}$$ Assuming $-\pi/2 < \theta < \pi/2$, the geometric phase of each qubit can be expressed as $$\begin{aligned}
\gamma^{(1)}(\alpha) &= 2 \tan^{-1}\left(\tan \frac{\theta}{2} \tan \frac{\phi + \alpha}{2}\right), \label{eq:33}\\
\gamma^{(2)}(\alpha) &= - 2 \tan^{-1}\left(\tan \frac{\theta}{2} \tan\frac{\phi - \alpha}{2}\right). \label{eq:34}\end{aligned}$$
Figure \[fig:gp3\] shows the variation of the three-vertex geometric phase. The parameter $\phi$ is kept constant at $\pi/4$ while the geometric phase $\gamma$ is varied between $0$ and $4\pi$. The three-vertex geometric phase varies extremely nonlinearly at points $\alpha = 3\pi/4$ and $5\pi/4$. This is closely related to the nonlinear behavior of the three-vertex geometric phases of two-state systems [@Schmitzer1993; @Li1999; @Bhandari1991; @Tamate2009a; @Kobayashi2011]. The nonlinearity in the two-state systems is due to the geometry of the Bloch sphere and it originates from the drastic change in the geodesic arcs surrounding the spherical triangle. The Majorana representation implies that we can understand the nonlinear behavior of the geometric phase of three-state systems in a similar manner to that of two-state systems. The three-state system has two corresponding spherical triangles. The variation of the three-vertex geometric phase can be interpreted as the nonlinear behavior of these triangles. When $\alpha = 3\pi/4$ and $5\pi/4$, the points corresponding to ${|\psi_1^{(1)}(\alpha)\rangle}$ and ${|\psi_1^{(2)}(\alpha)\rangle}$ move around the back side of the Bloch sphere and the areas of the spherical triangles change rapidly.
While the behavior of the geometric phase in this example is related to the geometric phase of two-state systems, it differs qualitatively from the geometric phase of two identical qubit states [@Klyshko1989; @Kobayashi2011a], which is simply twice the geometric phase of a one qubit state. It is possible to flexibly control the geometric phase of a three-state system by considering the arrangement of Majorana points.
These results can be extended to $N$-state systems in a straightforward manner. The variation of the three-vertex geometric phase in an $N$-state system can be decomposed into the contributions of the $N-1$ three-vertex geometric phases in a two-state system. Although three-vertex geometric phases of $N$-state systems have more complex and interesting behaviors than those of two state systems, they can be understood simply as a sum of the $N-1$ three-vertex geometric phases in a two-state system.
Finally, we note that a three-state system can be realized by the polarization of two photons in the same spatiotemporal mode, a biphotonic qutrit [@Bogdanov2004]. It has been demonstrated that an arbitrary qutrit state can be well prepared in a biphotonic system [@Krivitski2005]. Therefore, the nonlinear behavior described in this section can be observed by directly applying the measurement method in Sec. \[sec:quantum-eraser\] to a biphotonic qutrit system, which is similar to the setup used in [@Kobayashi2011a].
![Variation of three-vertex geometric phase. The angle $\phi$ is kept constant at $\pi/4$. There are two singular points at $\alpha = 3\pi/4$ and $5\pi/4$. As the angle $\theta$ decreases, the slopes at these singular points increases.[]{data-label="fig:gp3"}](gp3.eps){width="200pt"}
Summary {#sec:conclusion}
We presented a way to represent three-vertex geometric phases on the Bloch sphere. Our method is based on the Majorana representation and the three-vertex geometric phase is represented as a set of $N-1$ spherical triangles connecting the corresponding Majorana points. We considered a three-state system as an example and examined the parameter dependence of the three-vertex geometric phase. We showed that the three-vertex geometric phase exhibits interesting nonlinear behavior in a high-dimensional Hilbert space. The characteristic behavior of the three-vertex geometric phase in the $N$-state system can be well understood by decomposing it into the $N-1$ three-vertex geometric phases of a two-state system.
This research is supported by the Global COE Program “Photonics and Electronics Science and Engineering” at Kyoto University. One of the authors (S.T.) is supported by a JSPS Research Fellowship for Young Scientists (No. 224850).
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| {
"pile_set_name": "ArXiv"
} | ArXiv |
abstract: 'We introduce a simple approach for a tunable up-conversion detector. This scheme is relevant for both single photon detection or anywhere where low light levels at telecom wavelengths need to be detected with a high degree of temporal resolution or where high count rates are desired. A system combining a periodically poled Lithium niobate waveguide for the nonlinear wavelength conversion and a low jitter Silicon avalanche photodiode are used in conjunction with a tunable pump source. We report more than a ten-fold increase in the detectable bandwidth using this tuning scheme.'
- 'R. T. Thew'
- 'H. Zbinden'
- 'N. Gisin'
title: 'Tunable Up-Conversion Photon Detector'
Single photon detection, or indeed, detection of any low light signals at telecommunication wavelengths, has suffered from a variety of performance constraints. The reliance on InGaAs/InP avalanche photodiodes (APDs) has meant, until recently, working with efficiencies of around 10% in a gated, or triggered, regime with relatively high levels of noise [@Stucki01] compared to Silicon (Si) APDs [@Ghioni03]. Despite this, many seminal experiments in quantum cryptography, see [@Gisin02a], have helped push this technology to the level of a commercial viability [@ComInGaAs]. The introduction of single photon counting for distributed telecommunication measurements, such as optical time domain reflectometry (OTDR) has also provided significant advantages in terms of sensitivity and precision [@Scholder02a]. Furthermore, whether it be in telecommunication, where faster and faster communication results in a lower mean number of photons per bit (pulse), or more generally in any low light-level metrology scheme, the role of single photon detection is increasing in importance.
Recently, we have seen the arrival of detectors based on superconduction [@Korneev04] that hold great promise. These detectors have low efficiencies, for the moment, of less than 10% at 1550nm, although this is off-set by their potential for: very low noise, a few Hz; low timing jitter (temporal response) of less than 20ps; and with improvements in electronics, count rates approaching 1GHz [@Korneev04]. Their drawback is, however, the need for cryostatic cooling. An alternative approach that has been pursued by a few groups [@VanDevender04a; @Roussev04; @Albota04a; @Thew06] is to combine nonlinear up-conversion, also referred to as sum-frequency generation (SFG), to convert the telecom wavelength photons to the visible spectrum where Si APDs can be harnessed. It should be mentioned that this is not restricted to this regime and some of us have previously shown its operation in the mid-IR at 4.6$\mu$m [@Karstad05]. These approaches also have the added advantage of bringing a passive detection technique to these regimes. In our particular case we normally use either one of two different types of Si APDs (MPD: PD5CTA, id Quantique: id100-50) that provide for very low timing jitter ($<$50ps) [@Cova89a; @Rochas03a]. This is an order of magnitude improvement over both InGaAs/InP [@Stucki01] and the standard Si APDs [@Ghioni03] currently in wide use. We have already used these up-conversion detectors to significantly increase transmission rates for QKD [@Thew06] and, more recently, gain another order of magnitude increase in the 2-point, fault-finding, resolution for a single-photon OTDR scheme [@Legre07a].
Due to the narrow acceptance bandwidth, governed by the nonlinear conversion process, these up-conversion scheme has been restricted to operating in systems with well defined source wavelengths such as in QKD and OTDR. In this Letter we introduce a variation to the up-conversion detection scheme that gives over a ten-fold increase for the detectable bandwidth. We firstly introduce the basic principle and operation in the context of recent improvements in device performance before detailing the process used for tuning the detection wavelength. We finish by elaborating on possible extensions to this idea.
The detection scheme we propose is illustrated in Fig. \[fig:schema\]. The underlying principle involves the nonlinear up-conversion of a signal in the telecom band, around 1550nm, to the visible regime, followed by its subsequent detection with a Silicon (Si) APD. In more detail, the signal photons are mixed at a wavelength division multiplexor (WDM) with a strong [*pump*]{} laser at 980nm. We will describe the tuning mechanism in more detail momentarily. This fibre is pigtailed to a temperature stabilised periodically poled Lithium niobate (PPLN) waveguide (W/G) (HC Photonics) where the nonlinear wavelength conversion is performed. The waveguide is 2.2cm long, and has a poling period of 9$\mu$m with a normalised internal efficiency of over 500%W$^{-1}$cm$^{-2}$. After the waveguide, the up-converted light is collimated and passed through a filtering system, consisting of a prism and an interference filter, centered at 600nm to remove any excess pump photons and their second harmonic generation (SHG) signal that is also present. Finally, we focus the signal onto a free space Si APD (MPD: PD5CTA). Note, that this nonlinear process is equally valid for classical-level light pulses and even down to the level of a single photon.
Since our first attempts at this type of detection [@Thew06], improvements in the fabrication of the PPLN W/Gs, the filtering, as well as optimization of the Si APDs for these schemes has seen overall detection efficiencies greater than 10% obtained. The efficiency-noise characteristics are a function of the pump power and are shown in Fig. \[fig:efficiency\]. This is the efficiency for obtaining an electrical output, a click, when we send in a 1550nm photon. We see clearly that in this instance that significant noise persists, as was the case for all previous experiments [@VanDevender04a; @Albota04a; @Thew06]. Inset, we see a close-up of the more usable, lower efficiency, characteristics - depending on the requirements one can sacrifice efficiency for a lower noise level as is commonly done.
The signal wavelength detected is determined by the pump wavelength and the quasi-phase matching (QPM) condition of the nonlinear crystal. This condition is described by [@deMicheli97] $$\begin{aligned}
\frac{n(s)}{\lambda(s)} + \frac{n(p)}{\lambda(p)} + \frac{m}{\Lambda} = \frac{n(u-c)}{\lambda(u-c)}\end{aligned}$$ where $n$ is the effective refractive index in the waveguide, $\lambda$ denotes the different wavelengths, $s$ and $p$ refer to the signal and pump respectively and $u-c$ stands for up-conversion. Finally, $\Lambda$ is the poling period for the $m$-th order quasi-phase matched condition of the nonlinear PPLN W/G. As previously mentioned, the nonlinear interaction imposes a constraint on the detection bandwidth and hence all previous systems have worked only for very well defined wavelengths. We wish to increase the range of wavelengths that can be used by such a detector to improve the practicality of these devices. As we can see there are several possibilities to [*tune*]{} the detector to a desired detection wavelength. One can change the temperature, thus using the temperature dependence of the refractive indicies for the different wavelengths. Different poling periods for the phase matching could also be incorporated or, as we have chosen to do here, one can change the pump wavelength.
While the first two choices are feasible they are not particularly practical. Changing the temperature to tune the QPM is possible, where a 10K shift in temperature changes the accepted QPM signal wavelength by around 3-4nm. Unfortunately this is a very slow process where the speed and stability for changing wavelengths is governed by the rate at which thermal equilibrium can be recovered. The poling period is something that needs to be determined at the production stage, but samples are commonly fabricated with series of differently poled regions. Hence, one could imagine moving the different W/Gs in and out of the optical beam to choose the desired interaction. This is however, both very slow, and given the difficulty in alignment of these devices, highly impractical.
Our original choice of components was made with a view to simplicity and the pump that we use is a standard fibre coupled 980nm laser diode as used, for example, in telecom Erbium doped amplifiers. The lasing wavelength of these devices is determined by the reflection band from an external cavity consisting of a fibre Bragg grating. Thus, varying the central wavelength reflected by the Bragg grating tunes the wavelength of our pump and hence that of the detected signal. We use a fibre stretcher to physically lengthen the fibre Bragg grating and hence change the grating periodicity and subsequently, the pump laser wavelength.
We see in Fig. \[fig:multipeaks\] the efficiency as a function of the signal wavelength for three different pump wavelengths. In principle we can tune continuously over this range but have shown discreet values to give an indication of the fundamental acceptance bandwidth of the QPM. One must ensure that the bandwidth of the WDM is also sufficient to separate the scanned pump and signal wavelengths. This measurement is realised by first selecting the pump wavelength, which we monitor after the WDM (see Fig. \[fig:schema\]) with an optical spectrum analyser (OSA) and power meter, and then choosing a pump power that corresponds to around 6% detection efficiency and 50kHz noise. The signal photons are generated by a CW tunable laser (Exfo: FLS-2600B) and attenuator (Exfo: FVA-60B) and the wavelength is scanned to find the optimal conversion efficiency. This efficiency is calculated simply by the number of photons detected at 600nm with respect to the number at 1550nm after the variable attenuator shown in Fig. \[fig:schema\].
We also see in Fig. \[fig:multipeaks\] the acceptance bandwidth for the signal is around 0.5nm. We have drawn an envelope over the three curves to illustrate the gain in useable detection bandwidth that this scheme provides. In this instance we were quite conservative about tuning the pump wavelength, 2nm. Realistic limits of around 4-5nm would result in a overall acceptance bandwidth of $>$10nm. If one takes this idea a little further, we could imagine an integrated array of such detectors. This could be realised with a WDM on the input fibre, separating the incoming signal into smaller bands, pigtailed to the same PPLN sample, with multiple waveguide zones. Each band would require their own pump and certainly the cost and complexity of the overall system would increase, but 4 pumps could see the detection bandwidth cover the whole telecom C-band
In conclusion, we have presented a simple scheme for a compact and tunable single-photon telecommunication wavelength detector capable of passive operation and with high count rates and timing resolution.
Acknowledgements {#acknowledgements .unnumbered}
RTT would like to thank Alexios Bevaratos for useful discussions concerning the original idea and the authors acknowledge financial support from the European project SECOQC and QAP and the Swiss NCCR “Quantum Photonics”.
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abstract: 'We present a modification of the $\Delta$SCF method of calculating energies of excited states, in order to make it applicable to resonance calculations of molecules adsorbed on metal surfaces, where the molecular orbitals are highly hybridized. The $\Delta$SCF approximation is a density functional method closely resembling standard density functional theory (DFT), the only difference being that in $\Delta$SCF one or more electrons are placed in higher lying Kohn-Sham orbitals, instead of placing all electrons in the lowest possible orbitals as one does when calculating the ground state energy within standard DFT. We extend the $\Delta$SCF method by allowing excited electrons to occupy orbitals which are linear combinations of Kohn-Sham orbitals. With this extra freedom it is possible to place charge locally on adsorbed molecules in the calculations, such that resonance energies can be estimated, which is not possible in traditional $\Delta$SCF because of very delocalized Kohn-Sham orbitals. The method is applied to N$_2$, CO and NO adsorbed on different metallic surfaces and compared to ordinary $\Delta$SCF without our modification, spatially constrained DFT and inverse-photoemission spectroscopy (IPES) measurements. This comparison shows that the modified $\Delta$SCF method gives results in close agreement with experiment, significantly closer than the comparable methods. For N$_2$ adsorbed on ruthenium (0001) we map out a 2-dimensional part of the potential energy surfaces in the ground state and the 2$\pi$-resonance. From this we conclude that an electron hitting the resonance can induce molecular motion, optimally with 1.5 eV transferred to atomic movement. Finally we present some performance test of the $\Delta$SCF approach on gas-phase N$_2$ and CO, in order to compare the results to higher accuracy methods. Here we find that excitation energies are approximated with accuracy close to that of time-dependent density functional theory. Especially we see very good agreement in the minimum shift of the potential energy surfaces in the excited state compared to the ground state.'
- Jeppe Gavnholt
- Thomas Olsen
- Mads Engelund
- 'Jakob Schi[ø]{}tz'
title: 'Delta Self-Consistent Field as a method to obtain potential energy surfaces of excited molecules on surfaces'
Density functional theory[@hohenbergkohn; @kohnsham] (DFT) has proved to be a vital tool in gaining information on many gas-surface processes. This may be surprising, since DFT is only valid for relaxed systems in their ground state and therefore not directly applicable to dynamical situations. However, often the electrons relax much faster than the time scale of the atomic movement, such that the electron gas can be considered relaxed in its ground state at all times. Then potential energy surfaces (PES) of the ground state obtained by DFT, or any other method, can be used to describe the motion of atomic cores. This is the Born-Oppenheimer approximation.
In some situations, however, the Born-Oppenheimer approximation is not valid. This is for example the case when the electronic system is excited by a femtosecond laser[@femtosecond_Luntz; @science_RuCO] or hot electrons are produced with a metal-insulator-metal junction.[@gadzuk_1996] The Born-Oppenheimer approximation also breaks down if the time scales for the electronic and nuclear motions are comparable or if the separations between the electronic states are very small, such that transitions between the electronic states will occur. In these situations it is necessary to go beyond the Born-Oppenheimer approximation either by considering the coupling between electronic states[@electronic_coupling_Lichten; @behler_2007] where it becomes necessary to obtain PESs of excited states, or by an electronic friction model.[@Bohnen_friction_1975; @Brandbyge_friction_1995]
The problem of calculating excitation energies are being approached in many different ways, even within DFT. Time dependent density functional theory (TDDFT)[@runge_gross] gives, compared to the computational cost, good agreement with experiments for excitations in atoms and molecules.[@tddft_comp1] However, TDDFT suffers some problems in excitations involving charge transfer.[@tddft_charge] The GW approximation[@GW_1; @gw_rubio] can be used to gain accurate excitation energies for molecules and clusters. The embedding method,[@kluner_2002; @kluner_2007] which combines high-accuracy quantum chemistry methods with DFT, makes it possible to handle larger periodic systems with great accuracy. The embedding theory has been applied to estimate PESs of excited molecules on surfaces.[@embedding_PES] However, the computational cost and involved complexity is still very high. Our aim has been to find a method, which at a computational cost close the level of ground state DFT can estimate excited state energies of molecules on surfaces with reasonable accuracy. Such a method would make it more feasible to consider a large range of systems in search of systems with interesting or desired properties.
Constrained DFT[@behler_2007; @wu_voorhis_2005; @wu_voorhis_2006] and $\Delta$SCF[@dscf_1989; @hellman] are two different approaches, which both can be considered as small extensions of ground state DFT, such that the computational cost lies close to that of ground state DFT. In constrained DFT an additional potential is introduced and varied until a certain constraint on the electrons is fulfilled. The simplest approach is to lower (or increase) the potential in a certain part of space until you have the desired number electrons in this area.[@wu_voorhis_2005] A different approach is to introduce potentials on the orbitals in a localized basis set, which depends on the orbitals’ positions in space.[@behler_2007] In section \[sec:mol\_on\_surf\] we will argue that when considering molecular resonance states on surfaces it may be problematic with such a strict constraint on the electrons, since a part of the charge may return to the surface on a much shorter time-scale than the lifetime of the resonance.
In the $\Delta$SCF scheme the positions of the electrons are controlled by controlling the occupation of the Kohn-Sham (KS) states as the system reaches self-consistency. The $\Delta$SCF scheme has for a long time been justified in cases, where the excited state corresponds to the lowest state of a given symmetry.[@dscf_just_1976] The scheme has, however, often been applied to more general cases. More recently, Görling[@gorling_1999] extended the KS formalism to include excited states, such that $\Delta$SCF gets a formal justification in the general case, although a special unknown orbital-dependent exchange-correlation potential should be used for the excited states. In practical implementations standard exchange-correlation potentials from ground state DFT are typically used.
This traditional way of just controlling the occupation of the KS orbitals has some limitations. For example when a molecule is placed on a metallic surface the molecular orbitals will hybridize with the orbitals in the surface, such that the molecular orbitals will be spread over several KS states. For such systems there is no good way of representing a resonance on the molecule as a change in the occupations of the KS orbitals. The optimal thing one can do within this scheme is to occupy the KS orbital with the largest overlap with the molecular orbital in question, but this overlap can be quite small and highly system size dependent. This problem was also pointed out by Hellman et al.[@hellman] and Behler et al.[@behler_2007]
In this paper we modify the $\Delta$SCF approach, such that electrons are allowed to occupy arbitrary linear combinations of KS orbitals. In this way one achieves much better control on the position of the excited electron. As is the case for traditional $\Delta$SCF some knowledge of the resonance one wants to consider is needed in order to apply the method. The method is especially relevant in Newns-Andersson[@newns; @andersson] type systems, where a resonance can be attributed to a known single level, which has been hybridized through interactions with other states. This includes systems with molecules adsorbed on metal surfaces and molecules trapped between to metal contacts.
The modification we propose only has minor implications on the way practical calculations are performed, which is very similar to performing an ordinary ground state DFT calculation. In the following we will go through the details of the method and apply it to a few diatomic molecules on metallic surfaces. The obtained results will be compared to the ordinary $\Delta$SCF method, spatially constrained DFT and IPES measurements. Finally we present some tests on the performance of the $\Delta$SCF approach on N$_2$ and CO in the gas phase.
In the following we go through the differences between the linear expansion $\Delta$SCF method we propose, ordinary $\Delta$SCF and standard DFT. We start by stating the modification of the KS equations when considering an electron excited from the Fermi level to a higher lying state. Then we show how this affects the energy calculation. Finally we generalize the approach to other types of excitations.
Kohn-Sham equations {#sec:method_KS}
The fundamental KS equations[@kohnsham] represent a practical way of finding the ground state electron density for a given external potential and a given number of electrons through an iterative process. $$\begin{aligned}
\left[-\frac{\nabla^2}{2}+v_{KS}[n]({\mathbf{r}})\right]\psi_i({\mathbf{r}})=\epsilon_i\psi_i({\mathbf{r}}) \label{eq:KS_s}\\
n({\mathbf{r}})=\sum_{i=1}^N\psi^*_i({\mathbf{r}})\psi_i({\mathbf{r}}) \label{eq:KS_n} \\
v_{KS}[n]({\mathbf{r}})=v_{ext}({\mathbf{r}})+\int d{\mathbf{r}}'\frac{n({\mathbf{r}}')}{\vert {\mathbf{r}}-{\mathbf{r}}' \vert} + \frac{\delta E_{xc}}{\delta n({\mathbf{r}})},\end{aligned}$$ where $v_{KS}$ is the KS potential, $E_{xc}$ is the exchange-correlation energy and $N$ is the number of electrons. As seen from Eq. (\[eq:KS\_n\]) only the $N$ orbitals with lowest energy contribute to the density, ie. the electrons are placed in these orbitals.[@e_temp_footnote] In ordinary $\Delta$SCF one estimates properties of excited states by placing the electrons differently. For example the HOMO-LUMO gap in a molecule could be estimated by replacing Eq. (\[eq:KS\_n\]) with $$\begin{aligned}
n({\mathbf{r}})=\sum_{i=1}^{N-1}\psi^*_i({\mathbf{r}})\psi_i({\mathbf{r}}) + \psi^*_a({\mathbf{r}})\psi_a({\mathbf{r}}),\end{aligned}$$ where $\psi_a({\mathbf{r}})$ is the KS orbital resembling the LUMO from the ground-state calculation. Naturally, the KS orbitals found when solving these modified KS equations will differ from the ones found in an ordinary DFT calculation, due to the change in the Hamilton through the change in the density when different orbitals are occupied.
In the linear expansion $\Delta$SCF method we propose, the excited electron is not forced to occupy a KS orbital, but can occupy any orbital that is a linear combination of empty KS orbitals: $$\begin{aligned}
\psi^{res}({\mathbf{r}})=\sum_{i=N}^Ma_i\psi_i({\mathbf{r}}),\label{eq:psi_res}\end{aligned}$$ where $M$ is the number of KS orbitals in the calculation. In practice this means that the KS many-particle wavefunction is no longer just a Slater determinant of $N$ KS orbitals, but a Slater determinant of $N-1$ KS orbitals and $\psi^{res}({\mathbf{r}})$. Only empty KS orbitals are included in the linear expansion, since otherwise $\psi^{res}({\mathbf{r}})$ will not be orthogonal to the filled KS orbitals. Eq. (\[eq:KS\_n\]) is then replaced with $$\begin{aligned}
n({\mathbf{r}})&=&\sum_{i=1}^{N-1}\psi^*_i({\mathbf{r}})\psi_i({\mathbf{r}}) + \sum_{i,j=N}^Ma_i^*a_j\psi^*_i({\mathbf{r}})\psi_j({\mathbf{r}}).\label{eq:dscf_n}\end{aligned}$$ Since the expansion coefficients, $a_i$, in principle could have any value some a priori knowledge is needed in order to choose good values. In the case of molecular resonances on surfaces the expansion coefficients are chosen such that $\psi^{res}({\mathbf{r}})$ resembles the relevant molecular orbital as much as possible, ie. $$a_i=\frac{\langle\psi_i\vert\phi\rangle}{\left(\sum_i \vert\langle\psi_i\vert\phi\rangle\vert^2\right)^\frac{1}{2}},$$ where $\phi$ is the molecular orbital. This is consistent with a Newns-Andersson[@newns; @andersson] picture, where the resonance corresponds to an electron getting in the molecular orbital, but the resonance broadening and energy shift is due to hybridization with the metallic bands and an image charge effect.
In calculations with k-point sampling the linear expansion is performed independently in all k-points. In the linear expansion $\Delta$SCF one then avoids the difficulties one can encounter in choosing which KS state to occupy in each k-point in the traditional way of performing $\Delta$SCF calculations: For example one may risk occupying different bands in each k-point, when just choosing the KS orbital with the largest overlap with the molecular orbital in each k-point.
The energy {#sec:method_energy}
The energy calculation, which is performed after the KS equations have reached self consistency, is not significantly different in the linear expansion $\Delta$SCF scheme compared to ordinary DFT. The Hartree energy is evaluated directly from the density, which is also the case for the exchange-correlation energy if an orbital independent functional is used. So in linear expansion $\Delta$SCF these terms are evaluated exactly as in ordinary DFT. In ordinary DFT the kinetic energy is evaluated as $$\begin{aligned}
T[n({\mathbf{r}})]&=& \sum_{i=1}^N\langle\psi_i\vert-\frac{\nabla^2}{2}\vert\psi_i\rangle \nonumber\\
&=&\sum_{i=1}^N\epsilon_i - \int v_{KS}[n]({\mathbf{r}})n({\mathbf{r}})d{\mathbf{r}}\end{aligned}$$ where the last equality is seen directly from Eq. (\[eq:KS\_s\]). Similarly the expression for the kinetic energy in the linear expansion $\Delta$SCF is found to be $$\begin{aligned}
T[n({\mathbf{r}})]&=&\sum_{i=1}^{N-1}\epsilon_i + \sum_{i=N}^{M}\vert a_i\vert^2\epsilon_i -\nonumber\\
&& \int v_{KS}[n]({\mathbf{r}})n({\mathbf{r}})d{\mathbf{r}}\label{eq:dscf_T}\end{aligned}$$ For orbital dependent exchange-correlation functionals some effort must be put into ensuring that the exchange-correlation energy is evaluated correctly. This should however be quite straightforward, since all the occupied orbitals are known.
Gradients {#sec:method_forces}
Gradients of PESs are easily evaluated in ordinary DFT due to the Hellman-Feynman theorem. The Hellman-Feynman theorem, however, only applies to eigenstates and not linear expansions of eigenstates. Due to this there is no easy way of gaining the gradients in a linear expansion $\Delta$SCF calculation. In section \[sec:gradients\_calc\] we will show that the Hellman-Feynman gradients do in fact not match the true gradients.
Other excitations
Above we only considered excitations where an electron is removed from the Fermi energy and placed in some specified orbital. The method is, however, easily extended to other types of excitations by representing each removed and each added electron as a linear expansion of KS orbitals. Eq. (\[eq:dscf\_n\]) then gains an extra sum for each extra linear expansion. In cases of removed electrons the sign should of course be negative and the sum be over KS states below the Fermi energy. Similarly Eq. (\[eq:dscf\_T\]) gains extra sums.
We have implemented the method in `gpaw`,[@gpaw_article; @gpaw] which is a real-space DFT code that uses the projector-augmented waves[@paw1; @paw2] (PAW) formalism to represent the core electrons. The self-consistent electron density is determined by an iterative diagonalization of the KS Hamiltonian and Pulay mixing of the resulting density.[@kresse96] For calculations on single molecules we use the local density approximation (LDA)[@Ceperley_LDA] as well as RPBE[@rpbe] to describe exchange and correlation effects. The LDA is used because we compare to TDDFT results obtained using the ALDA approximation.[@Zangwill_ALDA] and RPBE is used to see whether or not the generalized gradient description improves results. For calculations on molecules at surfaces we only use RPBE, because this is designed to perform well for molecules adsorbed on transition metal surfaces.
The projection step described in section \[sec:method\_KS\] can easily be approximated within the PAW formalism if the atomic orbitals are chosen as partial waves; see appendix \[app:paw\] for details.
For reasons of comparison we have also made a few linear response TDDFT (lrTDDFT) calculations. These have been made using the `Octopus` code,[@octopus; @octopus_paper] which is a real-space TDDFT code using norm-conserving pseudopotentials to represent core electrons.
Molecules on surfaces {#sec:mol_on_surf}
The linear expansion $\Delta$SCF method is especially relevant for molecules on metallic surfaces, because the molecular state, due to hybridization, is spread over many KS states, ie. it is necessary to write the resonant state as a linear combination of KS states. In this section we will make a detailed investigation of the 2$\pi$ resonance of N$_2$ on a ruthenium (0001) surface. Furthermore we apply the proposed method to several diatomic molecules on different metallic surfaces and compare the results to other methods and experiments. Finally we map out a part of the PESs for N$_2$ on ruthenium (0001) and use it to estimate how much energy could possible be put into molecular motion from an electron hitting the resonance.
$2\pi$ resonance energy for N$_2$ on ruthenium
The two top panels on Fig. \[fig:bader\_convergence\] shows the $2\pi$ resonance energy for N$_2$ on a ruthenium (0001) surface as a function of the system size, ie. the surface unit cell and the number of ruthenium layers.
![(color online) Upper row: The $2\pi$ resonance energy of N$_2$ molecule on a ruthenium surface. Lower row: The extra charge on the N$_2$ molecule in the resonance compared to a ground state calculation. Left panels are for two layers and different surface cells, ie. different N$_2$ coverages. Right panels are for a (2,1) surface cell and different number of layers. The extra amount of charge is estimated using Bader decomposition.[@bader; @bader_book][]{data-label="fig:bader_convergence"}](convergence_all.eps){width="45.00000%"}
The resonance energy is the total energy difference between a resonant calculation and a ground state calculation, both performed with atomic positions corresponding to the minimum of the ground state PES, ie. it is vertical resonance energies. We minimize the energy in the ground state calculations by keeping all surface atoms frozen and found that the nitrogen molecule is placed on-top with the two nitrogen atoms placed 2.084 [Å]{} and 3.201 [Å]{} above the surface. In the resonance calculation the $2\pi_y$ orbital of the N$_2$ molecule has been expanded on all KS states above the Fermi energy. This expansion has been used as $\psi^{res}$ in Eq. (\[eq:psi\_res\]). Although an extra electron is placed on the molecule we keep the total number of electrons unchanged, such that the unit cell is neutral. This is reasonable because a charged molecule will form an image charge in the surface, keeping the entire system neutral.
The resonance energy is converged to within 0.1 eV at a surface unit cell of (2,2). The rather large variation in energy for smaller unit cells is probably due to dipole interactions between periodic images. This is confirmed by a simple estimation of the dipol-dipol interaction energies. The resonance energy is not influenced significantly by the number of layers in the ruthenium, indicating that the charge redistribution only occurs very near to the surface. That the charge redistribution is local is confirmed by Fig. \[fig:vtk\_RuN2\_area\], which shows the change in charge between the resonance calculation and the ground state calculation for 4 different surface unit cells.
![(color) The change in charge distribution due to the excitation. Green: more charge (0.01 a.u. contour), red: less charge (-0.01 a.u. contour). The 4 figures are for 4 different surface unit cells: (1,1), (2,1), (2,2) and (4,2). Grey atoms are ruthenium and blue atoms are nitrogen. The periodic images of the atoms are also shown, whereas the density changes are only shown in one unit cell.[]{data-label="fig:vtk_RuN2_area"}](vtk_RuN2_sp_112_00.eps "fig:"){width="20.00000%"} ![(color) The change in charge distribution due to the excitation. Green: more charge (0.01 a.u. contour), red: less charge (-0.01 a.u. contour). The 4 figures are for 4 different surface unit cells: (1,1), (2,1), (2,2) and (4,2). Grey atoms are ruthenium and blue atoms are nitrogen. The periodic images of the atoms are also shown, whereas the density changes are only shown in one unit cell.[]{data-label="fig:vtk_RuN2_area"}](vtk_RuN2_sp_212_00.eps "fig:"){width="20.00000%"}\
![(color) The change in charge distribution due to the excitation. Green: more charge (0.01 a.u. contour), red: less charge (-0.01 a.u. contour). The 4 figures are for 4 different surface unit cells: (1,1), (2,1), (2,2) and (4,2). Grey atoms are ruthenium and blue atoms are nitrogen. The periodic images of the atoms are also shown, whereas the density changes are only shown in one unit cell.[]{data-label="fig:vtk_RuN2_area"}](vtk_RuN2_sp_222_00.eps "fig:"){width="20.00000%"} ![(color) The change in charge distribution due to the excitation. Green: more charge (0.01 a.u. contour), red: less charge (-0.01 a.u. contour). The 4 figures are for 4 different surface unit cells: (1,1), (2,1), (2,2) and (4,2). Grey atoms are ruthenium and blue atoms are nitrogen. The periodic images of the atoms are also shown, whereas the density changes are only shown in one unit cell.[]{data-label="fig:vtk_RuN2_area"}](vtk_RuN2_sp_422_00.eps "fig:"){width="20.00000%"}
For the larger unit cells, where the resonance energy has converged, a clearly localized image charge is seen below the nitrogen molecule and above the first layer of ruthenium atoms. The area with extra charge clearly resembles the $2\pi$ orbital of nitrogen, indicating that the $2\pi$ orbital is well represented by the linear expansion of KS orbitals. Fig. \[fig:vtk\_RuN2\_area\] also reveals that some charge is redistributed within the molecule.
In order to get an estimate of the size of the charge redistribution we also performed Bader decomposition[@bader_book; @bader] on the density found in the ground state calculation and the resonance calculation. The two bottom panels on Fig. \[fig:bader\_convergence\] show the extra charge assigned to the nitrogen molecule in the resonance calculation compared to the ground state calculation as a function of system size. The converged value is close to 0.5 electron charge, ie. only half of the electron is placed on the nitrogen molecule according to the Bader decomposition. This discrepancy could either be due to the ambiguity in the way one chooses to assign charge to the atoms or a more physical effect of charge going back into the surface when extra charge is placed on the molecule. The former reason is very likely, since the image charge is located very close to the molecule.
In order to investigate the effect of charge going back into the surface we start by considering the $2\pi$ orbital itself. Fig. \[fig:dos\] shows the density of KS states and the projected density of states (PDOS) for the $2\pi$ orbital for the ground state calculation and the resonance calculation.
![The density of states for a N$_2$ molecule on a ruthenium slab and the projected density of states on the $2\pi$ orbital of the N$_2$ molecule. Top: Ground state calculation. Bottom: Resonance calculation.[]{data-label="fig:dos"}](dos_RuN2_g_222_00.eps "fig:"){width="40.00000%"}\
![The density of states for a N$_2$ molecule on a ruthenium slab and the projected density of states on the $2\pi$ orbital of the N$_2$ molecule. Top: Ground state calculation. Bottom: Resonance calculation.[]{data-label="fig:dos"}](dos_RuN2_e_222_00.eps "fig:"){width="40.00000%"}
In the ground state calculation a part of the long tail of the PDOS goes below the Fermi energy, ie. a small part of the $2\pi$ orbital is occupied here. In the resonance calculation the PDOS has moved upward in energy such that the tail no longer goes below the Fermi energy, ie. some charge goes back into the surface as charge is placed on the molecule. Similar effects are seen for the other molecular orbitals as visualized on Fig. \[fig:pdos\], which shows the PDOS for the $3\sigma$, $4\sigma$, $1\pi$ and $5\sigma$ orbitals.
![(color online) Projected density of states (PDOS) on the $3\sigma$, $4\sigma$, $1\pi$ and $5\sigma$ orbitals of a N$_2$ molecule sitting on a ruthenium slab. The PDOSs are plotted for both the ground state calculation and the resonance calculation. The grey area indicates energies below the Fermi level.[]{data-label="fig:pdos"}](dos_RuN2_all_b.eps){width="40.00000%"}
Again it is seen that all the PDOSs are shifted up in energy as more charge is placed on the molecule. Almost the entire PDOSs are still under the Fermi level, but small ripples can be seen above the Fermi level, also contributing to the amount of charge going back into the surface.
This backtransfer of charge is not an unwanted effect, since we try to model the long-lived resonance state, ie. the resonably localized peak in the PDOS on Fig. \[fig:dos\]. The backtransfer of charge is due to some on the energy scale very delocalized bands, indicating a much shorter lifetime, ie. the backtransfer is expected to happen on a much shorter time scale than the decay of the resonance. It is however clear from Figs. \[fig:dos\] and \[fig:pdos\] that the charge backtransfer in this case is far from the 0.5 electron indicated by the Bader decomposition. We then conclude that the main part of the discrepancy in this situation can be assigned to the ambiguity in the way charge is assigned to the different atoms. We also find that one gets significant different results by assigning charge in a different manner, for example by dividing the charge by a flat plane midway between the surface and the molecule.
Comparison with inverse-photoemission spectroscopy experiments
In Table \[table:surf\_test\] we have tested the linear expansion $\Delta$SCF method against inverse-photoemission spectroscopy (IPES) measurements and compared the results to spatially constrained DFT and ordinary $\Delta$SCF calculations.
------------------ ------------- ------------- ------------- -----------------
System Constrained $\Delta$SCF $\Delta$SCF Experiment
DFT (orig.) (this work)
N$_2$ on Ni(001) 2.2 3.5 4.0 4.4$^a$
CO on Ni(001) 2.2 3.2 4.2 4.0$^a$/4.5$^b$
NO on Ni(001) 2.2 0.6 1.4 1.6$^a$/1.5$^c$
CO on Ni(111) 2.8 4.3 4.4 4.4$^c$
NO on Ni(111) 2.7 0.5 1.4 1.5$^b$
CO on Pd(111) 4.6 4.1 4.9 4.7$^d$
CO on Pd step 2.8 3.2 4.5 4.0$^d$
------------------ ------------- ------------- ------------- -----------------
: Comparison of the 2$\pi$ resonance energies for different diatomic molecules on different surfaces found by spatially constrained DFT, ordinary $\Delta$SCF, our modified $\Delta$SCF and experiments. The experimental results have been obtained from inverse-photoemission spectroscopy (IPES) measurements: $^a$Johnson and Hulbert,[@ipes] $^b$Reimer et al,[@reimer_fink_kuppers_1987] $^c$Reimer et al,[@reimer_fink_kuppers_1988] $^d$Rogozik and Dose[@rogozik_dose_1986]. All energies are in eV. We have not included lrTDDFT calculations, since it is not applicable to periodic systems.[]{data-label="table:surf_test"}
The modified $\Delta$SCF values are all calculated in exactly the same manner as for N$_2$ on ruthenium in the previous section. In all cases the molecules sit on-top, and all surface atoms were kept fixed during the minimization of the molecular degrees of freedom. For the Ni (001) surface we used 3 atomic layers, for the Ni (111) and Pd surfaces we used 2 atomic layers. The positions of the molecules in their minimized position is given in table \[table:atomic\_pos\].
Surface Molecule Pos. of 1. atoms Pos. of 2. atom
--------- ---------- -------------------- --------------------
Ni(001) N$_2$ N: (0,0,1.638) N: (0,0,2.798)
CO C: (0,0,1.456) O: (0,0,2.621)
NO N: (0,0,1.404) O: (0,0,2.580)
Ni(111) CO C: (0,0,1.774) O: (0,0,2.941)
NO N: (0,0,1.758) O: (0,0,2.935)
Pd(111) CO C: (0,0,1.904) O: (0,0,3.064)
Pd step CO C: (0,0.586,1.801) O: (0,0.844,2.934)
: The positions of the molecules in the systems from table \[table:surf\_test\]. All positions are with relative to the closest surface atom. The z-direction is normal to the surface. At the Pd step the CO molecule is tilted over the step, which is the reason for the composant in the y-direction. All number are i Angstrom[]{data-label="table:atomic_pos"}
All resonance energies are vertical from the minimum of the ground state PES. The relevant resonance for all the considered systems is the $2\pi$ resonance.
The spatially constrained DFT method was suggested by Wu and van Voorhis.[@wu_voorhis_2005; @wu_voorhis_2006] In the calculations we perform here we divide the space into two areas divided by the flat plane mid between the surface and the lowest atom in the molecule. We the apply a potential, $V=V_0\cdot(1+\exp(\tfrac{z_0-z}{\Delta z}))^{-1}$, with $\Delta z=0.2$ [Å]{} and $z_0$ being the z-value of the dividing plane. $V_0$ is varied until an extra electron is placed on the molecules side of the dividing plane compared to the unconstrained calculation. The energy is then calculated as described by Wu and van Voorhis.[@wu_voorhis_2005; @wu_voorhis_2006] The results using the original $\Delta$SCF method have all been obtained by forcing an electron in the KS orbital with the largest overlap with the 2$\pi$ orbital.
The results obtained with our proposed modification of the $\Delta$SCF method is seen to agree quite well with the experimental results, better than the spatially constrained DFT and the original $\Delta$SCF method. All the results obtained by the original $\Delta$SCF approach lie too low, which is due to the fact that the large hybridization of the molecular orbitals makes it impossible to place sufficient charge on the molecule. However, a significant problem with this method is that PESs often become discontinuous if one chooses to occupy the KS orbital with the largest overlap with the molecular orbital, since this can be different orbitals at different configurations.
The major problem with the spatially constrained DFT method seems to be that it in some cases is a too strict criteria to force an extra electron on the molecule, which reflects itself in similar resonance energies for CO and NO. We find that the backtransfer of charge discussed in the last section is significant for adsorbed NO and essential to obtain the resonance energies we find with the modified $\Delta$SCF method. This indicates that the spatially constrained DFT approach is more suited for systems with a smaller coupling than one has on the metallic surfaces considered here. The good agreement between our modified $\Delta$SCF method and experiments indicate that this method is preferable for these kinds of systems and that the backtransfer effect is indeed physically reasonable.
Potential energy surfaces for N$_2$ on ruthenium {#sec:pesRuN2}
![(color) Potential energy surfaces (PES) for a nitrogen molecule on a close-packed ruthenium surface in the ground state and the $2\pi_y$ resonance as a function of the distance between the two nitrogen atoms and the distance from the surface to the center of mass of the nitrogen molecule. The energies are in eV. The small dots represents the points where the energy has been calculated in order to generate the surfaces. The black arrow represent a possible trajectory of the system in the resonance state (see text).[]{data-label="fig:pes"}](pes_RuN2_b.eps){width="40.00000%"}
On Fig. \[fig:pes\] we have mapped out a part of the potential energy surfaces (PES) for a nitrogen molecule on a ruthenium (0001) surface in the ground state and the $2\pi_y$ resonance. We limit ourselves to two dimensions, which at least is reasonable in the ground state, since here it is well known that the molecule sits vertically on an on-top site. In the resonance state we have tried to rotate the molecule a small angle around the surface atom in the x- and y-direction at several points on the PES. In all cases this leads to an increase in energy, ie. it also seems reasonable to stay within the two dimensions in the resonance state. Here we will only apply the PES to a simple estimate of the possible energy transfer into molecular motion from an electron hitting the resonance. For a more detailed analysis it is necessary to include other dimensions.
The ground state PES looks as expected, with a small barrier for desorption and a local minimum corresponding to the adsorption configuration. The resonance PES has a shifted minimum, which indicates that an electron hitting this resonance could induce molecular motion, since a sudden shift between the PESs would leave the system far away from the minimum, such that the atoms would start to move. The maximum possible energy gain assuming classical ion dynamics from a single electron hitting the resonance can be roughly estimated by following the black arrow on Fig. \[fig:pes\]. The system is most likely situated at the local minimum of the ground state PES when the electron hits the resonance. The black arrow shows a possible trajectory of the system in the resonance state until the resonance decays and the system returns to the ground state PES. The potential energy after the electron event in this optimal situation is approximately 1.5 eV higher than before the event. This is seen to be more than enough to desorb the molecule. A more detailed analysis involving calculations of the possible vibrational excitations and the probabilities of exciting them will be the topic of a future publication. Such an analysis will have to take all six degrees of freedom of the molecule into account.
The PESs show that the center of mass is shifted away from the surface when the resonance is occupied. This may seem counter intuitive since the charged molecule is attracted to the generated image charge in the surface. However, the resonance weakens the bond between the nitrogen atoms, such that the distance between them increases, which shifts the center of mass outwards as the lower atom is not free to move closer to the surface. This effect is more significant than the decrease in the ruthenium-nitrogen distance due to the mentioned image charge effect.
Small molecules
In the following we present some small tests performed on N$_2$ and CO. These small systems have the advantage that they make it possible to compare to more accurate linear response time-dependent density functional theory (lrTDDFT) calculations. When possible we also compare to experiments. The only advantage of our modified $\Delta$SCF compared to ordinary $\Delta$SCF for these molecules is the possibility of handling degenerate states without getting convergence problems, ie. the following should be viewed as a test of the $\Delta$SCF approach rather than a test of our modification. We are especially interested in confirming the ability to predict the shift of the minimum when going from the ground state PES to the excited state PES, which we in section \[sec:pesRuN2\] argued is very important when considering molecular motion induced by an electron hitting a molecular resonance.
Excitation energies
We have used the linear expansion $\Delta$SCF in combination with the multiplet sum method[@multiplet] to calculate excitation energies for different excitations in the N$_2$ and CO molecule. The results are presented in table \[table:N2\_e\] and \[table:CO\_e\] respectively.
------------- ------ ------ ----------- ------------- ------------- -------
TDDFT$^b$ $\Delta$SCF $\Delta$SCF
$a^1\Pi$ 9.23 8.75 8.58 9.31
$B^3\Pi$ 7.62 7.55 7.52 8.04
1.61 1.20 1.06 1.27
$w^1\Delta$ 10.27 10.50 10.52 10.27
$W^3\Delta$ 8.91 8.94 8.79 8.88
1.36 1.56 1.73 1.39
$o^1\Pi$ 13.87 11.97 12.40 13.63
$C^3\Pi$ 10.44 10.37 10.61 11.19
3.43 1.60 1.79 2.44
------------- ------ ------ ----------- ------------- ------------- -------
: Vertical excitation energies for the N$_2$ molecule taken from the minimum energy configuration of the ground state. $^a$KS eigenvalue differences, $^b$linear response calculations taken from Grabo et al.[@lrtddftN2], $^c$Computed by Oddershede et al[@expN2_a] using the spectroscopic constants of Huber and Herzberg.[@expN2_b] All theoretical results are obtained using LDA as the xc-potential (and ALDA for the xc-kernel in the lrTDDFT calculations).[]{data-label="table:N2_e"}
------------- ------ ------ ----------- ------------- ------------- -------
TDDFT$^b$ $\Delta$SCF $\Delta$SCF
$A^1\Pi$ 8.44 7.84 7.81 8.51
$a^3\Pi$ 6.02 6.09 6.02 6.32
2.42 1.75 1.79 2.19
$D^1\Delta$ 10.36 10.82 10.73 10.23
$d^3\Delta$ 9.24 9.72 9.55 9.36
1.12 1.10 1.18 0.87
$C^1\Pi$ - 13.15 13.09 -
$c^3\Pi$ 11.43 12.26 12.09 11.55
- 0.89 1.00 -
------------- ------ ------ ----------- ------------- ------------- -------
: Vertical excitation energies for the CO molecule taken from the minimum energy configuration of the ground state. $^a$KS eigenvalue differences, $^b$linear response calculations taken from Gross et al.[@lrtddftCO], $^c$Computed by Nielsen et al.[@expCO] All theoretical results are obtained using LDA as the xc-potential (and ALDA for the xc-kernel in the lrTDDFT calculations).[]{data-label="table:CO_e"}
The $4\sigma$ and $5\sigma$ states are both represented by a single KS orbital. The $1\pi$ and $2\pi$ states are both double degenerate, so they are both represented as a linear combination of two KS orbitals: $\vert\pi\rangle=\tfrac{1}{\sqrt{2}}\vert\pi_{KS,a}\rangle+i\tfrac{1}{\sqrt{2}}\vert\pi_{KS,b}\rangle$, where $\vert\pi_{KS,a}\rangle$ and $\vert\pi_{KS,b}\rangle$ are the two degenerate KS orbitals. The imaginary unit, $i$, has been included in order to get the correct angular momentum of the excited states ($\Pi$ and $\Delta$). This would not be possible using traditional $\Delta$SCF, where one only has the freedom to change occupation numbers of the KS states. Due to the rotational symmetry of the density found from these states the calculations do not suffer from any convergence difficulties. That is not the case if one just occupies one of the degenerate KS orbitals. Only the $\Delta$ states are included in the $1\pi \rightarrow 2\pi$ transitions in Tables \[table:N2\_e\] and \[table:CO\_e\], since the $\Sigma$ states cannot be estimated by the multiplet sum method.[@multiplet] This is, however, not a problem for the kinds of systems for which this method is intended, such as molecules on surfaces where high-accuracy alternatives are still lacking.
In general the excitation energies found by the linear expansion $\Delta$SCF method look quite good for the low-lying excitations. The accuracy is only slightly worse than that of lrTDDFT and significantly better than just taking KS eigenvalue differences. The singlet triplet splittings are also rather close to the experimental values. The method however seems to struggle a bit more in the higher lying $4\sigma\rightarrow2\pi$ transitions. This could indicate that the method should only be applied to low lying excitations. Changing the exchange-correlation functional from LDA to RPBE does not affect the accuracy significantly although a small tendency towards better performance is seen for the higher lying excitations. We note, however, that the intended application of $\Delta$SCF do not include simple diatomic molecules, where more accurate quantum chemical methods are available.
Excited potential energy surfaces
The shapes of the potential energy surfaces can in some cases be more important than the exact height of them, ie. a constant error is not so critical. This is for example the case when considering chemistry induced by hot electrons.[@gadzuk_1996; @Saalfrank_DIET_DIMET] In order to get an idea of the accuracy with which the linear expansion $\Delta$SCF method reproduces correct shapes of potential energy surfaces we have calculated the potential energy surfaces for the ground state and two excited states in the N$_2$ molecule. These are plotted in Fig. \[fig:e\_vs\_bl\_N2\] together with results from lrTDDFT calculations.
![(color online) The energy as a function of bond length for the N$_2$ molecule in the ground state and two excited states. The black lines correspond to $\Delta$SCF calculations, the grey (online: light blue) lines correspond to linear response calculations. The linear response calculations have been made using `Octopus`.[@octopus; @octopus_paper] The vertical lines indicate the positions of the minima.[]{data-label="fig:e_vs_bl_N2"}](e_vs_bl_N2_b.eps){width="40.00000%"}
The small difference between the two ground state curves are due to the fact that they have been calculated with two different codes. Both codes are realspace codes, but `gpaw` uses the PAW formalism to represent the core electrons whereas `Octopus` uses norm-conserving pseudopotentials. The calculations have been made with the same grid spacing and unit cell size, and with the same exchange-correlation potential (LDA/ALDA).
The shapes of the potential energy surfaces found from the two different methods are seen to be very similar. Especially the predicted positions of the minima are seen to agree very well. The shifting of the minima towards larger bond lengths is also the expected behavior, since an electron is moved from an bonding orbital to an anti-bonding orbital. When going to bond lengths beyond 2 [Å]{} we start having problems with convergence problems in the $\Delta$SCF calculations, since the $2\pi$ orbital ceases to exist. This is not a problem we have encountered in the systems with a molecule on a surface.
The good agreement between $\Delta$SCF and lrTDDFT probably reflects that $\Delta$SCF and ignoring the history dependence of the exchange-correlation potential in TDDFT are related approximations. For example, the density obtained in $\Delta$SCF would be stationary if evolved in time with TDDFT.
Gradients {#sec:gradients_calc}
As mentioned in section \[sec:method\_forces\] the Hellman-Feynman theorem does not apply in the linear expansion $\Delta$SCF method. This is verified by the calculations shown on Fig. \[fig:f\_vs\_bl\_N2\]. Here the energy of the ground state and two excited states in the N$_2$ molecule is plotted as a function of the bond length. The short thick lines indicate the gradient given by calculated Hellman-Feynman forces.
![(color online) The energy as a function of bond length for the N$_2$ molecule in the ground state and two excited states. The short thick lines indicate the size of the gradients.[]{data-label="fig:f_vs_bl_N2"}](f_vs_bl_N2_b.eps){width="40.00000%"}
For the ground state the agreement is as expected perfect, but for the excited states there is a clear mismatch. Unfortunately this implies that it is computationally heavy to do dynamics or minimizations in the excited states.
We have extended the $\Delta$SCF method of calculating excitation energies by allowing excited electrons to occupy linear combinations of KS states instead of just single KS states. This solves the problems encountered for molecules near surfaces, where the molecular orbitals hybridize, such that none of the KS orbitals can be used to represent an extra electron placed on the molecule. The method has been implemented in `gpaw`[@gpaw_article; @gpaw] and applied to several systems.
From calculated potential energy surfaces of N$_2$ on a ruthenium surface we concluded that an electron hitting the 2$\pi$ resonance in this system can induce molecular dynamics due to the different positions of the minima of the ground state PES and the resonance PES. Through a simple analysis we found that one electron can optimally place 1.5 eV in the atomic motion, more than enough to desorb the molecule.
We find good agreement between the model and inverse photo-emission experiments for several diatomic molecules on different metallic surfaces. For the considered systems we find significantly better agreement with experiments using the modified $\Delta$SCF method compared to spatially constrained DFT and traditional $\Delta$SCF.
Finally we applied the method to N$_2$ and CO in their gas phases we found that excitation energies are estimated with quite good accuracy for the lower lying excitations, comparable to that of TDDFT. Especially the shape of the potential energy surfaces and the positions of the minima agree well with TDDFT results.
The authors wish to thank Anders Hellman for fruitful discussions. The Center for Individual Nanoparticle Functionality (CINF) is sponsored by the Danish National Research Foundation. This work was supported by the Danish Center for Scientific Computing.
Overlaps using PAW pseudo wavefunction projections {#app:paw}
The Projector Augmented Wave (PAW)[@paw1] method utilizes that one can transform single-particle wavefunctions $|\psi_n\rangle$ oscillating wildly near the atom core (all-electron wavefunctions), into smooth well-behaved wavefunctions $|\tilde\psi_n\rangle$ (pseudo wavefunctions) which are identical to the all-electron wavefunctions outside some augmentation sphere. The idea is to expand the pseudo wavefunction inside the augmentation sphere on a basis of smooth continuations $|\tilde\phi_i^a\rangle$ of partial waves $|\phi_i^a\rangle$ centered on atom $a$. The transformation is $$\begin{aligned}
|\psi_n\rangle=|\tilde\psi_n\rangle+\sum_{i,a}\Big(|\phi_i^a\rangle-|\tilde\phi_i^a\rangle\Big)\langle\tilde p_i^a|\tilde\psi_n\rangle,\end{aligned}$$ where the projector functions $|\tilde p_i^a\rangle$ inside the augmentation sphere $a$ fulfills $$\begin{aligned}
\sum_i|\tilde p_i^a\rangle\langle\tilde\phi_i^a|=1,\qquad\langle\tilde p_i^a|\tilde\phi_j^a\rangle=\delta_{ij},\qquad|\mathbf{r}-\mathbf{R}^a|<r^a_c.\end{aligned}$$
Suppose we have an atom adsorbed on a metal surface and we wish to perform a $\Delta$SCF calculation where a certain atomic orbital $|a\rangle$ is kept occupied during the calculation. If the orbital is hybridized with the metal states we need to find the linear combination which constitutes the orbital. This can always be done if a sufficient number of unoccupied KS orbitals is included in the calculation $$\begin{aligned}
|i\rangle=\sum_nc_{ni}|\psi_n\rangle, \qquad c_{ni}=\langle\psi_n|i\rangle\end{aligned}$$ Since the partial waves are typically chosen as atomic orbitals we just need to consider the quantity $$\begin{aligned}
\langle\psi_n|\phi_i^a\rangle&=&\langle\tilde\psi_n|\phi_i^a\rangle+\sum_{j,a'}\langle\tilde\psi_n|\tilde p_j^{a'}\rangle\Big(\langle\phi^{a'}_j|\phi_i^a\rangle-\langle\tilde\phi^{a'}_j|\phi_i^a\rangle\Big)\nonumber\\
&\approx&\langle\tilde\psi_n|\tilde p_i^a\rangle.\end{aligned}$$ If we were just considering a single atom, the last equality would be exact inside the augmentation sphere since the partial waves would then be orthogonal and the pseudo partial waves are dual to the projectors in Eq. . When more than one atom is present there is corrections due to overlap of partial waves from neighboring atoms and non-completeness of projectors/pseudo partial waves between the augmentation spheres. However using $\langle\tilde\psi_n|\tilde p_i^a\rangle$ is a quick and efficient way of obtaining the linear combination, since these quantities are calculated in each step of the self-consistence cycle anyway. The method can then be extended to molecular orbitals by taking the relevant linear combinations of $\langle\tilde\psi_n|\tilde p_i^a\rangle$.
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abstract: 'Adaptive measurements were recently shown to significantly improve the performance of quantum state tomography. Utilizing information about the system for the on-line choice of optimal measurements allows to reach the ultimate bounds of precision for state reconstruction. In this article we generalize an adaptive Bayesian approach to the case of process tomography and experimentally show its superiority in the task of learning unknown quantum operations. Our experiments with photonic polarization qubits cover all types of single-qubit channels. We also discuss instrumental errors and the criteria for evaluation of the ultimate achievable precision in an experiment. It turns out, that adaptive tomography provides a lower noise floor in the presence of strong technical noise.'
- 'I.A.Pogorelov$^1$'
- 'G.I.Struchalin$^1$'
- 'S.S.Straupe$^1$'
- 'I.V.Radchenko$^{1,2}$'
- 'K.S.Kravtsov$^{1,2}$'
- 'S.P.Kulik$^1$'
- 'ref\_base.bib'
title: Experimental adaptive process tomography
Quantum information science commonly describes transformations of quantum states using a black-box approach — the details of the evolution are irrelevant and only the input-output relations are specified. This is natural in quantum communication, where a black box corresponds to a communication channel. Another natural situation where this point of view may be adopted is benchmarking and debugging quantum logic gates, which should be designed to produce specific outputs for given inputs. Mathematically this picture is described by the formalism of *quantum processes*: given an input state $\rho$, the action of a quantum process is a completely-positive map $\rho\rightarrow \rho'=\mathcal{E}(\rho)$. The general task of *quantum process tomography* is to reconstruct the (super)operator $\mathcal{E}$ form the experimental data provided by the outcomes of measurements on specific probe states [@Nielsen_JMO97; @Zoller_PRL97; @NielsenChuang]. The most straightforward way to achieve this task, which we adopt in this work, is to perform state tomography on the transformed probe states and derive the description of the process from this data. Adopting the terminology of [@Lidar_PRA08], from now on we will focus on this *standard quantum process tomography*.
Since standard process tomography essentially utilizes state tomography as a subroutine, it seems natural, that it should benefit from the advanced methods of quantum state reconstruction. One of the recent major achievements in the field of quantum state tomography is the experimental implementation of adaptive measurement strategies [@Kravtsov_PRA13; @Steinberg_PRL13; @Kulik_PRA16; @Ferrie_PRL16; @Guo_NPJQI16] which allowed to qualitatively improve the precision of reconstruction. Adaptive strategies optimize subsequent measurements according to the current information about the state. It turns out, that such an optimization allows for a quadratic improvement in estimation quality over standard state tomography protocols for the same number of measurements [@Kravtsov_PRA13; @Steinberg_PRL13]. Although the concept of self-learning measurements was known for a while [@Freyberger_PRA00; @Wunderlich_PRA02], only recent advances in computational methods allowed to create fast algorithms for online optimization in the course of experiment [@Houlsby_PRA12; @Granade_NJP12; @Ferrie_PRL14; @Hen_NJP15].
In this Article we further develop the self-learning approach to make it applicable to quantum process tomography. Although quantum process tomography is mathematically related to state tomography via the Choi-Jamiołkowski isomorphism, not any adaptive strategy will straightforwardly provide advantage, when applied to processes. As we explain below, the experimentally realizable strategies for process tomography correspond to a specific subclass of factorized measurements, so the adaptive strategy should show superior performance even when the optimization is restricted to this specific subclass. Fortunately, the algorithm, developed in [@Houlsby_PRA12] exhibits exactly this behavior. We also discuss the reconstruction of trace-non-preserving processes, which are useful for the description of lossy channels and require some additional care in reconstruction. Special attention is paid to the treatment of instrumental errors and quantification of maximal achievable precision in a real experiment.
The Article is organized as follows: in Section \[sec:theory\] we review and provide all necessary information about the description of quantum processes, Bayesian approach to quantum tomography, and present the adaptive strategy; Section \[sec:numerics\] presents the results of our numerical simulations and discusses the influence of technical noise in measurements; experimental results are reported in Section \[sec:experiment\]; Section \[sec:conclusion\] concludes the paper. Technical details of the algorithm and experimental implementation are provided in Appendices.
Bayesian process tomography \[sec:theory\]
Introduction to quantum processes
Quantum operations, also known as quantum processes or channels, are used to describe the evolution of quantum systems [@NielsenChuang]. One of the approaches to the description of quantum processes is the *operator-sum representation*. The action of a quantum operation $\mathcal{E}$ on a state $\rho$ can be represented as follows [@Choi1975]: $$\rho'=\mathcal{E}(\rho) = \sum\limits_{k=1}^{K} E_k \rho E_k^\dagger. \label{KrausForm}$$ The number of terms $K$ in the sum can be arbitrarily large, but it is always possible to limit their number by $d^2$ redefining the operators $E_k$, $1 \le K \le d^2$, where $d$ is the dimension of the state space of the system on which the process acts. That is why we will assume $K = d^2$ throughout the paper, unless the opposite is specified explicitly. The quantity $\operatorname{Tr}\mathcal{E}(\rho)$ defines loss in the channel. The *operation elements* $\{E_k\}$ satisfy the requirement of trace-preservation $\sum_k E_k^\dagger E_k = I$ for trace-preserving processes or trace-non-increase $\sum_k E_k^\dagger E_k \leq I$ for processes with loss, in order to guarantee that $\operatorname{Tr}\mathcal{E}(\rho) \leq 1$.
A lossless channel is a completely positive trace-preserving (CPTP) map from the operators $\rho$ acting on the Hilbert space $\mathcal H$ to the operators $\rho'$ acting on the Hilbert space $\mathcal H'$. For the sake of simplicity we will assume that $\dim \mathcal H = \dim \mathcal H' = d$, therefore the two spaces are isomorphic: $\mathcal H \cong \mathcal H'$. According to the Stinespring dilation theorem [@Stinespring_PAMS55] the action of the CPTP map $\mathcal E$ is equivalent to applying some unitary $U$ to the extended system $\mathcal S \otimes \mathcal H$, followed by partial tracing over the auxiliary subsystem $\mathcal S$: $$\rho' = \mathcal E(\rho) = \operatorname{Tr}_{\mathcal S} [U ({| 0 \rangle}{\langle 0 |} \otimes \rho) U^\dagger], \label{eq:StinespringDilation}$$ where ${| 0 \rangle}$ is an arbitrary vector in the Hilbert space of $\mathcal S$. It is sufficient to choose $\dim \mathcal S = d^2$ to guarantee that the representation (\[eq:StinespringDilation\]) exists for any CPTP map.
In the standard computational basis one can easily compose the unitary matrix $U$ from the elements $\{E_k\}$ as the following block matrix of $d^3 \times d^3$ size: $$U=\begin{pmatrix}
(E_1) & \ldots & \ldots & \ldots\\
(E_2) & \ldots & \ldots & \ldots\\
(E_3) & \ldots & \ldots & \ldots\\
\vdots & \vdots & \vdots & \vdots &
\label{BlockMatrixForm}.$$ The first “block column” of the matrix $U$ determines the evolution of the principal system $\mathcal H$, while the rest of this unitary matrix can be arbitrary.
#### $\chi$-matrix representation. {#chi-matrix-representation. .unnumbered}
Let $\{\tilde{E}_k\}$ form a basis for the set of operators $\{E_k\}$, so that $E_k = \sum_{m=1}^{d^2} e_{km} \tilde{E}_m$, where $e_{km}$ are complex numbers. The equation (\[KrausForm\]) turns into $$\mathcal{E}(\rho)=\sum\limits_{m,n=1}^{d^2}\tilde{E}_m \rho \tilde{E}_n^\dagger \chi_{mn}, \label{ChiMatrixForm}$$ where the coefficients $\chi_{mn}=\sum_{k=1}^{d^2}e_{km}e_{kn}^*$ are the matrix elements of some Hermitian positive semidefinite matrix $\chi$ by construction. The so called *$\chi$-matrix representation* (\[ChiMatrixForm\]) completely determines the process $\mathcal{E}$, as well as the operator-sum representation (\[KrausForm\]). The $\chi$-matrix is often used for tomography purposes because it is more convenient to work with $d^4$ numbers $\chi_{mn}$ rather than with $d^2$ matrices $E_k$ of $d \times d$ size.
The rank of the $\chi$-matrix is equal to the number of terms in (\[KrausForm\]). It is easy to see that a rank-1 trace-preserving process is a unitary process. We can define a *purity* of the $\chi$-matrix $p = \operatorname{Tr}(\chi^2) / (\operatorname{Tr}\chi)^2$, analogously to the case of density matrices, to monitor a “degree of unitarity”. For unitary processes $p=1$, while $p<1$ for non-unitary channels.
Another useful quantity is $\operatorname{Tr}\chi$, which is connected to the average loss in the channel $\mathcal E$. Suppose a state $\rho$ passes through the channel, then $\operatorname{Tr}\mathcal E(\rho)$ is the transmittance for the given state $\rho$. Using the representation (\[ChiMatrixForm\]) and integrating over the input states, the following expression for the average transmittance can be obtained: $$\int \operatorname{Tr}\sum_{m,n} \tilde{E}_m \rho \tilde{E}_n^\dagger \chi_{mn} d\rho = \sum_{n} \frac{\chi_{nn}}{d} = \frac1d\operatorname{Tr}\chi,$$ where we take into account that $\operatorname{Tr}\tilde{E}_m \tilde{E}_n^\dagger = \delta_{mn}$, and assume that the mean of $\rho$ with respect to the integration measure $d\rho$ is $\int \rho d \rho = 1/d$. For example, this assumption is valid for unitary invariant (Haar) measures $d\rho$, which are usually treated as “uniform” or uninformative [@Granade_NJP16]. Therefore, the average loss in the channel is $1-\operatorname{Tr}\chi/d$.
#### Choi-Jamiołkowski isomorphism. {#choi-jamiołkowski-isomorphism. .unnumbered}
The $\chi$-matrix representation is closely related to the *Choi-Jamiołkowski isomorphism* [@Choi1975; @Jamiokowski1972] between trace-preserving quantum operations $\mathcal{E}$ and density matrices $\rho_\mathcal{E}$ of the specific form in the extended space of dimension $d^2$: $$\rho_\mathcal{E}= [\mathcal{E}\otimes\mathcal{I}]({| \Psi \rangle}{\langle \Psi |}), \label{CJIso}$$ where ${| \Psi \rangle}=\sum_{j=1}^{d}{| j \rangle}\otimes{| j \rangle}/\sqrt{d}$ is a maximally entangled state and $\mathcal{I}$ is the identity operation acting trivially on the second subsystem. Different choices of the basis elements $\tilde E_m$ in (\[ChiMatrixForm\]) are possible. A convenient option is to select $\tilde{E}_{m = ld+l'} = {| l \rangle}{\langle l' |}$, here $l, l' = 1, \dots, d$. In this basis the $\chi$-matrix of the process $\mathcal{E}$ is equal to its Choi-Jamiołkowski state multiplied by $d$: $\chi = d \times \rho_\mathcal{E}$.
Therefore one can reduce process tomography to state tomography by preparing the bipartite state ${| \Psi \rangle}$ in the extended system and passing one of its components through the channel $\mathcal E$. Tomography of the resulting state $\rho_\mathcal{E}$ reveals the $\chi$-matrix of the process. This procedure is called *ancilla-assisted process tomography* (AAPT) [@D'Ariano_PRL01; @Leung_JMP03; @Altepeter2003].
#### Process metrics. {#process-metrics. .unnumbered}
Choi-Jamiołkowski isomorphism offers an easy way to choose a metric to compare two quantum processes [@Gilchrist2005]. A metric $\Delta$ between two processes $\mathcal E$ and $\mathcal F$ can be defined as some distance between the corresponding Choi-Jamiołkowski states $\rho_{\mathcal E}$ and $\rho_{\mathcal F}$: $$\Delta(\mathcal{E}, \mathcal{F}) = d(\rho_\mathcal{E},\rho_\mathcal{F}). \label{eq:ProcessMetricRho}$$ This approach, though being powerful, is appropriate only for trace-preserving processes — the case when Choi-Jamiołkowski isomorphism is applicable. For example, suppose an experimenter is interested in a polarization transformation in some channel and performs ancilla-assisted process tomography. If the channel has polarization independent loss (e.g. a neutral density filter in optics) then the experimenter will find that Choi-Jamiołkowski states are the same for different values of loss. The distance (\[eq:ProcessMetricRho\]) will be equal to zero, but obviously the channels are different. A $\chi$-matrix gives a full description of the process and does not suffer from this deficiency. Moreover $\chi$-matrices share the main properties with density matrices: a $\chi$-matrix is a Hermitian positive semidefinite matrix (however, $\operatorname{Tr}\chi \le d$ with equality holding for trace-preserving processes). Consequently, most of the widely used state metrics remain valid, if one substitutes $\chi$-matrices instead of density matrices.
In this paper we define a distance $\Delta$ between two processes $\mathcal E$, $\mathcal F$ as a Bures distance between the corresponding $\chi$-matrices: $$\Delta(\mathcal{E}, \mathcal{F}) = d_B(\chi_\mathcal{E},\chi_\mathcal{F}), \label{eq:ProcessMetricChi}$$ where the Bures distance is introduced as follows [@Zyczkovsky_book_2006]: $$d^2_B(A, B) =\operatorname{Tr}A + \operatorname{Tr}B - 2\operatorname{Tr}\sqrt{\sqrt{A}B\sqrt{A}}. \label{eq:BuresMetric}$$ We note the appearance of $\operatorname{Tr}A + \operatorname{Tr}B \ne 2$, which contrasts the familiar definition for the quantum states with unit trace.
For trace-preserving processes both approaches (\[eq:ProcessMetricRho\]) and (\[eq:ProcessMetricChi\]) are suitable and there is a simple relation between them: $$d_B(\rho_\mathcal{E},\rho_\mathcal{F}) = \frac{d_B(\chi_\mathcal{E},\chi_\mathcal{F})}{d},$$ here $d$ is the dimension of the principal system space.
State and process tomography \[trace-preserving\]
Let us first consider quantum state tomography. We will describe measurements using *positive operator-valued measures* $\mathcal{M}_\alpha$ (POVMs), where the generic parameter $\alpha$ denotes the configuration of the experimental setup corresponding to the specific POVM. $\mathcal{M}_\alpha=\{M_{\alpha \gamma}\}$, where POVM elements $M_{\alpha \gamma}$ correspond to the particular measurement outcome $\gamma$, e.g. a count of a detector. The probability $\mathbb{P}$ of obtaining the result $\gamma$ having the system in the state $\rho$ and the experimental apparatus in the configuration $\alpha$ is given by the Born’s rule: $$\mathbb{P}(\gamma|\rho,\alpha)= \operatorname{Tr}(M_{\alpha \gamma} \rho). \label{BornState}$$ These probabilities can be estimated experimentally and the unknown state $\rho$ can be recovered after data analysis.
If one wants to recover an unknown process $\mathcal{E}$, he is allowed to vary the initial state $\rho_{\alpha}$ which the process acts on, in addition to varying the measurements $\mathcal{M}_\alpha$. It this case, utilizing the $\chi$-matrix representation (\[ChiMatrixForm\]), we obtain $$\begin{gathered}
\mathbb{P}(\gamma|\chi,\alpha)= \operatorname{Tr}(M_{\alpha \gamma} \mathcal{E}(\rho_\alpha)) =\\
\operatorname{Tr}\Bigl(\sum\limits_{m,n=1}^{d^2}M_{\alpha \gamma} \tilde{E}_m \rho_\alpha \tilde{E}_n^\dagger \chi_{mn} \Bigr) =
\operatorname{Tr}(M^\chi_{\alpha \gamma} \chi), \label{BornProc}\end{gathered}$$ where the matrix elements $(M_{\alpha \gamma}^\chi)_{nm} = \operatorname{Tr}(M_{\alpha \gamma} \tilde{E}_m \rho_\alpha \tilde{E}_n^\dagger)$. Selecting the basis $\tilde{E}_{l+dl'} = {| l \rangle} {\langle l' |}$, one can obtain a simple relation: $M^\chi_{\alpha \gamma} = M_{\alpha \gamma} \otimes \rho^*_\alpha$, where $\rho^*_\alpha$ denotes a complex conjugate of $\rho_\alpha$. Therefore, the measurement operators $M^\chi_{\alpha \gamma}$ are always factorized in this sense.
The equations (\[BornState\]) and (\[BornProc\]) establish an explicit analogy between state and process tomography [^1]. The differences are the size of the matrix recovered: $d^2 \times d^2$ for a process $\chi$-matrix and $d \times d$ for a state density matrix $\rho$, and the restriction to factorized measurements, described above.
Bayesian approach
After the measurements are performed, one should process the data obtained. An *estimator* must be received as the result of this processing. We consider the Bayesian approach [@BlumeKohout_NJP10; @Granade_NJP16] for estimation of the unknown matrix. The Bayesian approach works with the probability distribution over the space of process matrices $p(\chi|\mathcal{D})$, where $\mathcal{D}$ denotes the set of outcomes $\{\gamma_n\}$. This probability can be calculated via Bayes’ rule: $$p(\chi|\mathcal{D}) \propto \mathcal{L}(\chi;\mathcal{D}) p(\chi|\varnothing). \label{Posterior}$$ Here $\mathcal{L}(\chi;\mathcal{D}) = \prod_{n} \mathbb{P}(\gamma_n|\chi,\alpha_n)$ is a *likelihood function* and $p(\chi|\varnothing)$ is a *prior distribution* which reflects our preliminary knowledge about the system of interest. One can use *Bayesian mean estimate* (BME) to recover an unknown matrix $$\hat{\chi}=\int \chi p(\chi|\mathcal{D})d\chi. \label{BayesAve}$$ The uncertainty of such an estimator can be assessed via the *distribution size* in a particular metric (\[eq:BuresMetric\]) $$\overline{d}^2_B = \int d_B^2(\chi,\hat{\chi}) p(\chi | \mathcal D) d\chi. \label{BayesDistrSize}$$
Another important point in tomography is a measurement sequence. We try to construct the measurement sequence in the most effective way to guarantee a better and faster reconstruction of the unknown process. In the Bayesian approach the posterior distribution allows one to use Shannon entropy decrease criterion [@Houlsby_PRA12] to choose the next measurement in an optimal way. The following relation can be used to find the setup configuration $\alpha_\text{next}$ corresponding to the best next measurement: $$\alpha_\text{next}={\mathop{\mathrm{argmax}}}_{\alpha}\{ \mathbb{H}[\mathbb{P}(\gamma|\alpha, \mathcal D)]-\mathbb{E}_{p(\chi|\mathcal{D})}\mathbb{H}[\mathbb{P}(\gamma|\chi,\alpha)]\}, \label{eq:AdaptiveEntropy}$$ where $\mathbb{H}$ is the Shannon entropy, $\mathbb{P}(\gamma|\alpha, \mathcal D) = \int \mathbb{P}(\gamma| \chi, \alpha) p(\chi | \mathcal D) d\rho$, and $\mathbb{E}_{p(\chi|\mathcal{D})}$ denotes the average over $p(\chi|\mathcal{D})$. Such a measurement strategy depends on the data collected through previous measurements, so it is *adaptive*. We will compare the adaptive strategy (A) with the sequence of randomly chosen measurements (R).
Numerical simulations \[sec:numerics\]
Adaptivity benefit
![Evolution of the distance $d^2_B(\hat{\chi},\chi_0)$ from the estimator $\hat \chi$ to the true process $\chi_0$ with the number of events $N$ registered. Two processes are studied: an identity process and a depolarizing channel with 50% depolarization. The results are averaged over 10 runs. Here and on the consecutive plots “R” stands for the random and “A” stands for the adaptive measurement strategy.[]{data-label="fig:sim_adaptivity_profit_1"}](sim_adaptivity_profit_2){width="1.0\linewidth"}
Before reporting the experimental results let us present numerical simulations. First of all, the performance of tomography for different processes was studied. We quantify the performance by the Bures distance (\[eq:BuresMetric\]) of the estimate, i.e. the Bayesian average (\[BayesAve\]), to the true process. Typical evolution of the distance to the true process $d_B^2(N)$ on the number of counts detected $N$ is shown in Fig. \[fig:sim\_adaptivity\_profit\_1\]. One can see that adaptive measurements have an advantage over random measurements for the identity process — the process having no effect on the polarization and leaving the initial state undisturbed. The situation is the same for other unitary transformations, e.g. for a wave plate. However, the advantage disappears for non-unitary processes like a depolarization channel.
[lccc]{} & &\
R Identity & $-0.5119 \pm 0.0015 $ & $1.436 \pm 0.015 $
A Identity & $-0.9158 \pm 0.0016 $ & $3.585 \pm 0.015 $\
R Depolarization 50% & $-1.060 \pm 0.005 $ & $4.81 \pm 0.05 $\
A Depolarization 50% & $-1.053 \pm 0.004 $ & $4.58 \pm 0.04 $\
Table \[tab:table1\] shows power law fits $C N^\alpha$ of the dependence $d_B^2(N)$. The *convergence rate* $\alpha \approx -1$ for the adaptive protocol, regardless of the true process. For the random measurement sequence the identity process and other rank-1 (i.e. unitary) channels are hard to estimate ($\alpha \approx -0.5$). These results are analogous to the case of quantum state tomography [@Houlsby_PRA12; @Kulik_PRA16] where the convergence rate $\alpha \approx -0.5$ was also observed for random measurements of pure (i.e. rank-1) states, and there was no adaptivity benefit for mixed states ($\alpha \approx -1$ for both adaptive and random protocols).
Influence of noise \[Noise\]
![Dependence of the distance to the true process $d^2_B(\hat{\chi},\chi_0)$, taken after $N=10^6$ events were detected, with the noise level in wave plates positions. The adaptive strategy (yellow dots) has advantage over random measurements (blue dots). Solid lines are guides to the eye. Inset: the evolution of the distance to the true process $d^2_B(\hat{\chi},\chi_0)$ with the number of events registered $N$ for noiseless measurements (Noise 0$^\circ$) and for $\phi_0 = 1^\circ$ noise level (Noise 1$^\circ$). All results are averaged over 1000 tomography runs.[]{data-label="fig:sim_noise_variation_10000s_5"}](sim_noise_variation){width="1.0\linewidth"}
![Comparison between (a) the dependence of the normalized chi-squared test statistic $\chi^2/b$ on the number of events registered $N$ and (b) the distance to the true process $d_B^2(\hat\chi, \chi_0)$. The results shown are the numerical simulations for the adaptive measurements with various noise levels. The true process is the identity channel. The vertical lines show the values of $N$ for which the double logarithmic derivative $\frac{d\ln d_B^2(\hat\chi, \chi_0)}{d \ln N} = -0.25$ for the corresponding noise levels. All results are averaged over 1000 runs.[]{data-label="fig:comparison"}](comparison){width="1.0\linewidth"}
Any experiment usually suffers from some imperfections. In our experiments with polarization qubits we use wave plates equipped with rotation motors. Hence we simulate errors in wave plates angle settings. The error is modeled by a uniform distribution, i.e. after setting the wave plate, its position is shifted for a random angle $\Delta \phi\in[-\phi_0,\phi_0]$. This causes tomography to stop converging at a certain moment and reach its limit of accuracy [@Genovese11]. An example of such a behavior is represented in the inset of Fig. \[fig:sim\_noise\_variation\_10000s\_5\], where noiseless tomography ($\phi_0 = 0^\circ$) is compared with noisy measurements ($\phi_0 = 1^\circ$). Here another advantage of adaptivity is revealed: adaptive measurements have higher ultimate accuracy level than random ones. This can be explained by the specific features of adaptive measurements [@Kulik_PRA16].
Fig. \[fig:sim\_noise\_variation\_10000s\_5\] compares the distance of the current estimate $\hat{\chi}$ to the true process $d_B^2(\hat \chi, \chi_0)$ after the fixed number $N$ of registered events for different noise levels $\phi_0$. The identity channel is chosen as the true process. We select $N = 10^6$ because it was found sufficient to achieve the ultimate accuracy level for noise amplitudes $\phi_0 \gtrsim 1^\circ$. The advantage of the adaptive protocol is more evident for low noise amplitudes and vanishes for $\phi_0 \gtrsim 4^\circ$.
#### Stopping criterion.\[RJD\] {#stopping-criterion.rjd .unnumbered}
Generally, it is impossible to measure the distance to the true process in the experiment. As it can be seen in the inset of Fig. \[fig:sim\_noise\_variation\_10000s\_5\], for the adaptive protocol there is no sense to do any measurements after $10^5$ events have already been registered, because the noise limits the accuracy of the result. Therefore, some stopping criterion is required to recognize the moment when further measurements will provide no more information. Moreover, one should be able to apply this criterion without any knowledge of the true process, as in the real experiment. To attain this goal we utilized a well-known chi-squared test statistic $\chi^2$, which was proven to indicate the consistency of the current estimate $\hat \chi$ with the data observed [@Mogilevtsev_PRL13]: $$\chi^2 = \sum_{\gamma} \frac{(n_\gamma - b \hat p_\gamma)^2}{b \hat p_\gamma}, \label{eq:ChiSquared}$$ where $n_\gamma$ is the number of events when the outcome $\gamma$ was detected, $b = \sum_\gamma n_\gamma$ is the total number of events for a particular measurement configuration $\alpha$, and $\hat p_\gamma = \mathbb P(\gamma | \hat \chi, \alpha)$ is the expected probability of the outcome $\gamma$.
In our case we have two possible outcomes with probabilities $p_0 = p$ and $p_1 = 1 - p$. Thus, $n_0$ is a binomially distributed random variable with the mean $b p_0$: $n_0 \sim \text{Bin}(b, p_0)$. It is easy to calculate the mean of the chi-squared statistic $\langle \chi^2 \rangle$: $$\langle \chi^2 \rangle = \frac{b(p - \hat p)^2 + p(1-p)}{\hat p (1- \hat p)}.$$ In the absence of noise the estimator converges to the true process, so $\hat p = p$ and $\langle \chi^2 \rangle = 1$ in the limit of large $N$. Obviously, due to errors in the real apparatus one cannot expect the perfect convergence and $\langle \chi^2 \rangle \ne 1$. The measurement *block size* $b$ should be large enough to reliably determine the difference of $\langle \chi^2 \rangle$ from unity in the experiment. We used $b \propto N$, which is a reasonable trade-off between the benefit from adaptivity and the overall measurement time [@Kulik_PRA16]. Given this block size schedule, the second term in the nominator of (\[eq:ChiSquared\]) can be omitted for $N \to \infty$, obtaining $\langle \chi^2 \rangle \propto b$. The normalized quantity $\chi^2/b$ converges to some constant value, depending on the noise magnitude. For noiseless measurements this value is zero.
Therefore one can judge about the convergence of the tomographic protocol by monitoring the normalized chi-squared test statistic $\chi^2/b$. When it reaches a constant value, the distance to the true process $d_B^2(\hat \chi, \chi_0)$ also does, and the measurements should be stopped. We verified this in numerical simulations. A comparison of the dependencies of $\chi^2/b$ and $d_B^2(\hat \chi, \chi_0)$ on the number of events registered $N$ is depicted in Fig. \[fig:comparison\] for various noise levels. One can clearly see that the noise floor for both quantities is achieved for the same values of $N$.
Experiment \[sec:experiment\]
![Experimental setup. An SPDC source of photon pairs is used to prepare a heralded single photon state. Computer controlled wave plates allow us to prepare an arbitrary initial state and to make arbitrary projective measurements.[]{data-label="fig:setup_heralded"}](setup_heralded_2){width="1.0\linewidth"}
The tomography protocol is realized experimentally for quantum processes acting on single-photon polarization states. We used a heralded single photon source based on the spontaneous parametric down-conversion (SPDC) in a 25 mm long PPKTP crystal inside a Sagnac interferometer [@Kim2006a]. The setup is organized as follows (Fig. \[fig:setup\_heralded\]). A Glan prism GP, wave plates HWP1 (half-wave) and QWP1 (quarter-wave) are used to prepare the initial state. Wave plates QWP2, HWP2 and a Wollaston prism WP allow us to perform arbitrary projective measurements after the unknown process $\chi$ acts on the initial state. The first photon from the pair passes through the elements described and is coupled to the multimode fibers leading to the single-photon counting modules (SPCMs) D1-2. The second one is used as a trigger being detected by the SPCM D0. All wave plates are equipped with computer controlled motorized rotation stages to implement the active measurements. An unknown process $\chi$ may be represented by various optical elements, e.g. a polarizer, a wave plate, a multimode optical fiber, etc.
Ultimate accuracy level
![Experimental dependence of the Bures distance $d_B^2(\hat \chi, \chi_0)$ to the theoretical true process (an identity channel) with the number of photons detected $N$ for random (R) and adaptive (A) measurements. Inset: the dependence of the normalized chi-squared test statistic $\chi^2/b$ on $N$. Vertical lines show values of $N$ when the (smoothen) double logarithmic derivative $\frac{d\ln d_B^2(\hat\chi, \chi_0)}{d \ln N} = -0.25$ for the corresponding protocols. All results are averaged over 10 tomography runs. Additionally, $\chi^2/b$ was smoothened via a moving average along $N$ axis, calculated for 5 successive points.[]{data-label="fig:exp_dist_to_theor_1"}](exp_dist_to_theor_2){width="1.0\linewidth"}
As it was mentioned in Sec. \[Noise\], no experimental setup is perfect. Some imperfections like wave plates retardance errors, Glan and Wollaston prism angle setting errors, detectors dark counts, etc. can result in a decrease of tomography accuracy. There is a moment when the measurements should be stopped, because tomography does not converge anymore due to the experimental imperfections. We studied the ultimate accuracy, which we can achieve in tomography for the case of an identity process. Such a process does not change the polarization, so experimentally it is realized by simply placing no elements in a process $\chi$ placeholder in Fig. \[fig:setup\_heralded\]. The identity process is a distinguished case in the experiment, because it can be prepared exactly, and the true $\chi$-matrix is known. So one can measure the distance between the theoretical $\chi$-matrix of an identity process and the Bayesian estimator obtained via tomography. The dependence of the distance on the number of photons detected is presented in Fig. \[fig:exp\_dist\_to\_theor\_1\]. The adaptive measurement strategy provides faster tomography convergence and higher ultimate accuracy level than the random measurements. The final Bures distance between the Bayesian mean estimator and the theoretical true process, acquired after $N = 10^6$ registered events is listed in Table \[tab:expAccuracy\] for both random and adaptive measurements. We attribute the achieved values of the noise floor mostly to the wave plates retardance errors and misalignments in their angular positioning.
[lccc]{} & &\
Random & $0.0125 \pm 0.0017 $ & $0.9938 \pm 0.0008 $
Adaptive & $0.0094 \pm 0.0008 $ & $0.9953 \pm 0.0004 $\
We also computed the normalized chi-squared test statistic $\chi^2/b$, which is shown in the inset of Fig. \[fig:exp\_dist\_to\_theor\_1\]. It reaches an approximately constant value after $N \approx 3 \times 10^4$ detected photons, and according to the criterion proposed in Sec. \[RJD\] the measurements should be stopped at this point. The results are in a reasonable correspondence with the ones for the distance to the true process $d_B^2(\hat \chi, \chi_0)$. The disadvantage of this test statistic is that it fluctuates a lot from one tomography run to another and thus a large number of runs are required to achieve a smooth average.
Adaptivity benefit
![Experimental evolution of the distribution size $\overline{d}^2_B$ with the number of photons detected $N$ for random (R) and adaptive (A) measurements. Two processes are studied: a unitary process (quarter wave plate) and a non-unitary depolarizing channel (multimode fiber). The results are averaged over 10 runs.[]{data-label="fig:exp_adaptivity_profit_2"}](exp_adaptivity_profit_2){width="1.0\linewidth"}
In this section we experimentally study the difference between adaptive tomography and random measurements for unitary and non-unitary trace-preserving processes. A quartz quarter-wave plate is used as an example of a unitary process, while the multimode fiber represents a non-unitary process, because if the spatial modes are averaged out, it acts as a completely depolarizing channel (see appendix Sec. \[sec:MMF\]). Comparison of the distribution size dependence $\overline{d}_B^2(N)$ on the number of detected photons $N$ is depicted in Fig. \[fig:exp\_adaptivity\_profit\_2\] for both processes and both measurement strategies. For a quantitative comparison we fit the dependence $\overline{d}_B^2(N)$ with a model of the form $C N^\alpha$. The results are listed in Table \[tab:expAdaProfit\]. The adaptive measurement strategy has an advantage in convergence over the random measurements, and the advantage is much more significant for unitary processes.
[lccc]{} & &\
R Unitary (wave plate) & $-0.698 \pm 0.016 $ & $1.67 \pm 0.13 $
A Unitary (wave plate) & $-0.844 \pm 0.016 $ & $2.01 \pm 0.13 $\
R Depolarizing (fiber) & $-1.027 \pm 0.013 $ & $4.44 \pm 0.11 $\
A Depolarizing (fiber) & $-1.044 \pm 0.006 $ & $4.26 \pm 0.05 $\
Trace non-preserving processes \[lossy\]
![Experimental evolution of the distribution size $\overline{d}^2_B$ with the number of photons detected $N$ for non-trace-preserving processes. Two processes are considered: a polarization independent lossy process (a 3 dB neutral density filter) and polarization-dependent loss (a linear polarizer). The results are averaged over 10 runs.[]{data-label="fig:exp_lossy_2"}](exp_lossy_3){width="1.0\linewidth"}
The tomography of trace non-preserving processes is a little bit more complicated than that of trace-preserving ones. Loss must be taken into account, so the expression (\[BornProc\]) for the probability $P(\gamma|\chi,\alpha)$ should be modified. The full intensity of the light incident on each detector, when no additional loss connected with the investigated process are present, should be known. In the experiment this can be done in the following way: the investigated process $\chi$ is replaced with an identity channel and all photons are directed to one of the detectors (for example, corresponding to $\gamma=0$) by varying their polarization appropriately. The intensity $I_{\gamma = 0}$ is measured and the procedure is repeated for the second detector, corresponding to $\gamma=1$.
If the measurement $\alpha$ lasted for the time $t$ then the probability to obtain a set of outcomes $\{n_\gamma\}$ is: $$\mathbb{P}(\{n_\gamma\}|\chi,\alpha, t) \propto \prod_{\gamma=0}^{d-1} \mathbb{P}^{n_\gamma}(\gamma|\chi,\alpha) e^{-I_\gamma \mathbb{P}(\gamma|\chi,\alpha)t}. \label{Non-trace-preserving}$$ Here we supposed that the source of light has Poissonian statistics. Also, we omit the terms, which do not depend on $\chi$, because they can be absorbed in the normalization of the posterior, hence the proportionality sign is used. Previously, in the case of trace-preserving processes, we had $\sum_{\gamma} I_\gamma \mathbb{P}(\gamma|\chi,\alpha)=\text{const}$, regardless of $\chi$, so the probability (\[Non-trace-preserving\]) was simply $\mathbb{P}(\{n_\gamma\}|\chi,\alpha, t) \propto \prod_\gamma \mathbb{P}^{n_\gamma}(\gamma|\chi,\alpha)$ and was independent of $t$.
The modified expression (\[Non-trace-preserving\]) should be substituted into (\[eq:AdaptiveEntropy\]) instead of $\mathbb P(\gamma | \chi, \alpha)$ in order to calculate the next optimal measurement. However, in the case of trace-non-preserving processes the space of possible outcomes $\{n_\gamma\}$ is infinitely large, therefore calculation of entropies $\mathbb H[ \mathbb{P}(\{n_\gamma\}|\chi,\alpha, t)]$ involves an infinite series summation. This is computationally intractable and we turned out with the following heuristics: $$\alpha_\text{next}={\mathop{\mathrm{argmax}}}_{\alpha}\{
\mathbb{H}[\pi(\gamma|\hat \chi, \alpha)]-\mathbb{E}_{p(\chi|\mathcal{D})}\mathbb{H}[\pi(\gamma|\chi,\alpha)]
\}, \label{eq:AdaptiveEntropyLoss}$$ where $\pi(0 | \chi, \alpha) = \mathbb{P}(0 | \chi, \alpha)$ and $\pi(1 | \chi, \alpha) = 1- \mathbb{P}(0 | \chi, \alpha)$. We note that $\pi(1 | \chi, \alpha) \ne \mathbb{P}(1 | \chi, \alpha)$ because of the presence of loss. Utilizing this heuristics the complexity of calculations remains the same as for trace-preserving processes, which allows us to carry on-line adaptive measurements.
Experimental tomography, taking into account the details described above, was performed. We present the experimental results for three processes: identity, a 3dB neutral filter, as an example of polarization-independent loss, and a polarizer — a polarization-dependent lossy process. The processes were now considered as trace non-preserving ones. The results are shown in Fig. \[fig:exp\_lossy\_2\] and Table \[tab:expLossy\]. As one can see, all of these processes enjoy the advantage in convergence of adaptive tomography. We attribute this to the fact that all considered processes are rank-1 channels, although a polarizer and a 3dB neutral filter are not unitary ones. The main conclusion is that adaptive tomography provides better reconstruction accuracy for rank-1 channels regardless of the amount of loss.
[lccc]{} & &\
R Identity
& $-0.630 \pm 0.003 $ & $1.21 \pm 0.03 $\
A Identity & $-0.764 \pm 0.003 $ & $1.59 \pm 0.03 $\
R 3dB neutral filter & $-0.680 \pm 0.003 $ & $0.94 \pm 0.02 $\
A 3dB neutral filter & $-0.866 \pm 0.002 $ & $1.92 \pm 0.02 $\
R Polarizer & $-0.689 \pm 0.004 $ & $0.72 \pm 0.03 $\
A Polarizer & $-0.870 \pm 0.004 $ & $1.62 \pm 0.04 $
Conclusion \[sec:conclusion\]
In conclusion, we have experimentally implemented an adaptive procedure for quantum process tomography of single qubit states. This procedure fits in the framework of Bayesian quantum tomography and is based on self-learning measurements, which are chosen according to the criterion of maximal information gain. Our numerical and experimental results show, that adaptive tomography outperforms the strategy based on random measurements for unitary and close-to-unitary processes. The advantage in performance is qualitative, i.e. the Bures distance of the estimated $\chi$-matrix to the true one scales better with the number of measurements performed. The procedure may be extended to enable the reconstruction of trace-non-preserving processes. In this case we have proposed an approximation for the exact expression for the information gain, allowing a significant computational speed-up, while preserving the advantage of adaptivity. The results allow us to conclude, that adaptive tomography is advantageous for all rank-1 quantum processes, independently of the amount of loss.
We have studied the behavior of tomography under the influence of instrumental noise. By monitoring the chi-squared test statistic we were able to identify the ultimate noise floor even when the true process is unknown. An important observation is that adaptive tomography has lower noise floor than non-adaptive one for the same level of instrumental noise. We believe, that the self-learning strategy may be further tailored to avoid especially noisy measurements and reduce the noise floor even further. This is to be verified in the future works.
Other directions for further research may include incorporating self-learning measurements into more sophisticated process tomography protocols, like ancilla-assisted process tomography, or direct characterization of quantum dynamics [@Lidar_PRL06]. One may also envisage the application of active learning techniques for suppression of technical noise and source drifts, inevitable in any quantum experiment.
This work was supported by the Russian Science Foundation (project 16-12-00017).
Bayesian inference requires calculation of high-dimensional integrals in the relations (\[BayesAve\]), (\[BayesDistrSize\]) or when normalizing the posterior distribution. This is a computationally extensive task. In order to circumvent this difficulty we use an approximation technique based on Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods [@Doucet_01]. In *sequential importance sampling* (SIS) the posterior distribution $p(\chi|\mathcal{D})$ is replaced by a set of samples $\{\chi_s\}$. Each sample has its weight $w_s$, and the posterior distribution is approximated as follows: $$p(\chi|\mathcal{D})= \sum\limits_{s=1}^{S} w_s \delta(\chi-\chi_s),$$ where $S$ is a total number of samples. Sample positions are fixed and only weights are updated with the data received according to the following recurrent rule [@Houlsby_PRA12]: $$w_s^{(n+1)} \propto w_s^{(n)}\mathbb{P}(\gamma_{n+1}|\chi_s,\alpha_{n+1}),$$ where a proportional multiplier is chosen to satisfy the normalization constraint $\sum_{s=1}^{S} w_s = 1$. Such a fast numerical procedure allows an adaptive strategy to operate and control the experimental apparatus in real time. We use $10^3$ samples (or $10^4$ for trace non-preserving processes) for the $d = 2$ case. The higher is the dimension of the space, the more samples should be used for a good approximation.
#### $\chi$-matrix generation. {#chi-matrix-generation. .unnumbered}
SIS requires an efficient way to generate random samples $\{\chi_s\}$. Let us first consider trace-preserving processes. Our generation method is based on the fact that operation elements $\{E_k\}$ constitute a unitary block matrix $U$ (\[BlockMatrixForm\]). Provided a unitary matrix $U$, operation elements $\{E_k\}$ are found and then a $\chi$-matrix is obtained. A uniformly distributed (i.e. Haar) random unitary matrix $U$ can be obtained via a Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization or QR-decomposition of a matrix $G$, pertaining to the Ginibre ensemble [@Mezzadri_AMS07]: $G = U R$ (here $R$ is a matrix, irrelevant to our discussion). $G$ by definition has independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) random Gaussian matrix elements with zero mean. In practice it is sufficient to generate $U$ of $d^3 \times d$ size (and $G$ accordingly), because only the first “block column” of $U$ determines $\chi$.
Generation of trace non-preserving $\chi$-matrices is slightly different. Again, we exploit the relation (\[BlockMatrixForm\]), but together with the following fact. Suppose a trace non-preserving process $\mathcal E_\text{n-p}$ has operator elements $E_1, \dots, E_{d^2}$, obeying $\sum_{k=1}^{d^2} E_k^\dagger E_k= Q < I$. One can always append an auxiliary operator element $E_{d^2+1}$ to obtain a trace-preserving process $\mathcal E_\text{p}$. Indeed, $\sum_{k=1}^{d^2} E_k^\dagger E_k + \Delta Q = I$, where $\Delta Q = I - Q$ is a positive semidefinite operator. Performing a Cholesky-like decomposition $\Delta Q = E_{d^2+1}^\dagger E_{d^2+1}$, we find the auxiliary element $E_{d^2+1}$. Consequently, a random unitary matrix $U$ of $(d^3+d) \times d$ size is generated. After all corresponding $d^2+1$ operator elements are retrieved from $U$, the last one is neglected, and a trace non-preserving $\chi$-matrix is generated.
#### Resampling. {#resampling. .unnumbered}
Unfortunately, while the distribution converges to the true process matrix, the approximation becomes less and less efficient because more samples are assigned with negligible weights. One should monitor an *effective number of samples* $S_\text{eff}=\bigl( \sum_{s=1}^{S}w_s^2 \bigr)^{-1}$. This value can be increased by redistributing the samples. When $S_\text{eff} < 0.1 S$ we perform a resampling procedure which consists of the following steps:
1. Include the sample $\chi_s$ to the new set of samples with the probability equal to its weight $w_s$. Stop when the new set of samples has the size of $S$;
2. Assign equal values to the new weights $w_s:=1/S$;
3. Perform a random walk for each new sample according to the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm [@Hastings_Bio70] to make a correct approximation of the distribution $p(\chi|\mathcal{D})$.
The third step requires a full likelihood function calculation (\[Posterior\]) and a random step procedure generating a valid $\chi$-matrix $\chi'$ in the vicinity of the old one $\chi$. The random step procedure is closely related to the $\chi$-matrix generation process described above. The idea is to retrieve the unitary matrix $U$ (\[BlockMatrixForm\]) from a given $\chi$-matrix, then add a random deviation $dU$ to this matrix, $U' = U + dU$, make $U'$ unitary again via a QR-decomposition, and finally calculate the new sample $\chi'$ corresponding to $U'$. If $dU$ is “small”, then from continuity considerations $\chi'$ lies in the vicinity of the old matrix $\chi$.
In our implementation $dU$ belongs to the Ginibre ensemble. The standard deviation of its matrix elements depends on the distribution size to ensure an approximately constant acceptance ratio in the Metropolis-Hastings routine. The unitary matrix $U$, corresponding to the $\chi$-matrix, can be found by the eigenvalue decomposition of $\chi$ [@NielsenChuang]: $\chi_{mn} = \sum_{ik} V_{mi} \delta_{ik} \lambda_i V_{nk}^*$. Substituting this into (\[ChiMatrixForm\]) and comparing with (\[KrausForm\]), one can conclude that the operator elements satisfy $E_k = \sqrt \lambda_k \sum_m V_{mk} \tilde E_m$. These operator elements are used to compose the unitary $U$. For trace non-preserving processes we have to store the last auxiliary operator element $E_{d^2+1}$, generated during the initialization, separately.
The procedure described above seems to be awkward, and we believe there is scope for its optimization. Moreover, the question about the $\chi$-matrix distribution, which this method induces, remains open. One of the good alternatives is to adopt methods from QETLAB [@qetlab].
Distribution size as a figure of merit
![Evolution of the ratio of the distance to the true process to the distribution size $R_{dd}=d_B^2(\hat{\chi},\chi_0)/\overline{d}^2_B$ with the number of registered events $N$ for different true processes. 1000 samples in the approximating distribution are used for every curve except “R Identity 100 samples” where 100 samples are used. The results are averaged over 10 runs.[]{data-label="fig:sim_rdd_1"}](sim_rdd_1){width="1.0\linewidth"}
There is no information about the true process in the experiment, so we suggest to monitor the distribution size $\overline{d}^2_B$ (\[BayesDistrSize\]) to judge about the convergence of tomography. As shown in Fig. \[fig:sim\_rdd\_1\], the ratio of the distance to the true process to the distribution size $R_{dd}=d_B^2(\hat{\chi},\chi_0)/\overline{d}^2_B$ keeps a constant value in the course of tomography. This constant value varies depending on the true process, e.g. $R_{dd}\approx 4$ for the identity process. Consequently, one knows that in the experiment the true process in not farther than $R_{dd} \times \overline{d}^2_B$ from the estimator. So if the distribution size $\overline{d}^2_B$ approaches zero, the tomography converges to the true state. However, a sharp growth can be seen for the “R Identity 100 samples” curve in Fig. \[fig:sim\_rdd\_1\]. That can be explained by a small amount of samples (100) chosen for the approximation. We use $10^3$ or $10^4$ samples for our simulations and experimental tomography, which is enough for up to $10^6$ registered outcomes.
Recovered process matrices
In this section we want to present the $\chi$-matrices for different processes studied experimentally and reconstructed via adaptive tomography. The results are averaged over 10 tomography runs. The processes 1-4 were recovered as trace-preserving ones (see Sec. \[trace-preserving\]), on the contrary, processes 5-7 were supposed to be trace non-preserving (see Sec. \[lossy\]). All the final $\chi$-matrices are depicted in Fig. \[fig:all\_final\_states\_adaptive\]. Some numerical values for the final $\chi$-matrices are given in the following tables for each process. Technical details of the experimental realization of some processes are also discussed here.
Identity process
An ideal identity process has the following $\chi$-matrix: $$\chi_\text{theor}=\begin{pmatrix}
~1~ & ~0~ & ~0~ & ~1~ \\
0 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\
0 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\
1 & 0 & 0 & 1 \\
\end{pmatrix}. \label{Identity}$$ We consider the Bures distance between the ideal and the reconstructed $\chi$-matrices $d_B^2(\hat{\chi},\chi_\text{theor})$, as well as the fidelity between the corresponding Choi-Jamiołkowski states $F(\hat{\rho},\rho_\text{theor})$.
[lccc]{} & &\
Purity & $0.9907 \pm 0.0008 $ & $1$
$d_B^2(\hat{\chi},\chi_\text{theor})$ & $0.0094 \pm 0.0008$ & $0$\
$F(\hat{\rho},\rho_\text{theor})$ & $0.9953 \pm 0.0004$ & $1$\
Quartz wave plate
Having the wave-plate $\chi$-matrix at hand, one can recover the angle between the WP axis and the horizontal direction, as well as the phase shift between the orthogonal polarizations. This can be realized by numerical minimization of the Bures distance $d_B(\hat{\chi},\chi_\text{WP}(\phi,\delta))$ between the reconstructed matrix $\hat{\chi}$ and the theoretical wave-plate matrix $\chi_\text{WP}(\phi,\delta)$ using the angle $\phi$ and the phase shift $\delta$ as minimization parameters. The wave-plate chi-matrix $\chi_\text{WP}(\phi,\delta)$ can be obtained using Jones matrix as the first and only operation element $E_1$. The results of the numerical minimization are averaged over 10 tomography runs.
[lccc]{} & &\
Angle & $48.4^\circ \pm 1.4 ^\circ $ & $\approx 45^\circ $
Phase shift & $1.452 \pm 0.016 $ & $ \approx 1.5$\
Purity & $0.9903 \pm 0.0017$ & $1 $\
Multimode fiber\[sec:MMF\]
A multimode fiber (MMF) was used to experimentally implement a depolarizing channel. The propagating modes in the MMF acquire different phase shifts due to different propagation constants. Due to significant mode-mixing the output light is redistributed between multiple spatial modes, and each spatial mode has its own polarization state. When the spatial mode structure of the beam is averaged by a bucket detector, the measured polarization state is effectively a mixture of the polarization states in each of the modes. So, one can obtain various depolarization degrees depending on fiber length and mode-mixing constants. The MMF we used was long enough and bent strongly enough to provide significant depolarization.
[lccc]{} &\
Purity & $0.2754 \pm 0.0024$
Liquid crystal wave plate
Implementation of a partially depolarizing channel required another approach. We used a liquid crystal retarder (Thorlabs LCC1111T-B). A variable phase shift of this wave plate can be controlled by a voltage applied. If one keeps the voltage constant the phase shift stays constant too, so the liquid crystal wave plate (LCWP) acts just as a bulk wave plate. The constant voltage $V_0$ can be modified by adding some time-dependent value, e.g. $\Delta V \sin \omega t$, where $\Delta V \ll V_0$. Applying the voltage $V = V_0 + \Delta V \sin \omega t$ one makes LCWP to act as wave plates with slightly different phase shift at different moments of time. If $\omega^{-1}$ is small, compared to the measurement time, the tomography averages all these phase shifts (similar to the spatial average in the previous section), so effectively one can implement a partially-depolarizing channel. The advantage of this approach over using MMF is the fact that a depolarization degree can be easily controlled by the amplitude $\Delta V$.
[lccc]{} &\
Purity & $0.648 \pm 0.005$
Identity process with loss
Here the identity process was considered as a trace non-preserving one, so the recovered matrix has some loss despite the fact that the theoretical identity process (\[Identity\]) is lossless.
[lccc]{} & &\
Purity & $0.9854 \pm 0.0025 $ & $1$
$d_B^2(\hat{\chi},\chi_\text{theor})$ & $0.0148 \pm 0.0026$ & $0$\
Loss & $0.060 \pm 0.016$ & $0$\
Neutral filter
A 3dB neutral filter is expected to transmit $\approx 50 \%$ of the light intensity, so we consider the theoretical identity process $\chi$-matrix (\[Identity\]) multiplied by $0.5$ as a theoretical $\chi$-matrix for the neutral filter: $$\chi_\text{theor}=\begin{pmatrix}
~0.5~ & ~0~ & ~0~ & ~0.5~ \\
0 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\
0 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\
0.5 & 0 & 0 & 0.5 \\
[lccc]{} & &\
$d_B^2(\hat{\chi},\chi_\text{theor})$ & $0.0080 \pm 0.0014$ & $0$
Loss & $51.44 \pm 0.23 \%$ & $50.12 \%$\
A polarizer (a nanoparticle linear film polarizer from Thorlabs) was set to transmit only horizontally polarized light, so the only expected non-zero element of the $\chi$-matrix was $\chi_{11}$. Its magnitude corresponds to the transmittance of the horizontal polarization and it was found to be $\approx 77.3\%$ if measured directly. The value for the overall average loss takes into account that vertically polarized light is not transmitted at all.
[lccc]{} & &\
$\hat{\chi}_{11}$ & $0.794 \pm 0.006$ & $\approx 0.773$
Loss & $60.12 \pm 0.27 \%$ & $\approx 61.35 \%$
[^1]: However the set $\{M^\chi_{\alpha \gamma}\}$ does not form the decomposition of unity, $\sum_{\gamma} M^\chi_{\alpha \gamma} \ne I$, unlike the case of state tomography, where it is usually assumed that $\sum_{\gamma} M_{\alpha \gamma} = I$
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"pile_set_name": "ArXiv"
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abstract: 'We construct explicit multivortex solutions for the first and second complex sine-Gordon equations. The constructed solutions are expressible in terms of the modified Bessel and rational functions, respectively. The vorticity-raising and lowering Bäcklund transformations are interpreted as the Schlesinger transformations of the fifth Painlevé equation.'
address: 'Department of Mathematics, University of Cape Town, Rondebosch 7701, South Africa'
- 'I.V. Barashenkov[^1][^2] and D.E. Pelinovsky[^3][^4]'
title: 'Exact vortex solutions of the complex sine-Gordon theory on the plane'
[*Motivation.*]{} Recently there has been an upsurge of interest in the complex sine-Gordon equation. Originally derived in the reduction of the $O(4)$ nonlinear $\sigma$-model [@Pohlmeyer] and a theory of dual strings interacting through a scalar field [@Lund_Regge], this equation reappeared in a number of field-theoretic [@Neveu_Papanicolaou] and fluid dynamical [@Fukumoto] contexts. The equation was shown to be completely integrable [@Pohlmeyer; @Lund; @G1], and the multisoliton solutions were constructed in a variety of forms, both over vanishing [@dVM2; @BG1] and nonvanishing backgrounds [@G2; @BG2]. The study of its quantized version started in [@dVM2; @dVM1; @BD] and received a new impetus recently [@recent] when it was realized that the complex sine-Gordon theory may be reformulated in terms of the gauged Wess-Zumino-Witten action and interpreted as an integrably deformed SU(2)/U(1)-coset model [@Bakas_Park].
The complex sine-Gordon theory can be conveniently defined by its action functional, $$\label{E_cSG1}
E_{SG-1} = \int \left[ |\nabla \psi|^2 +
(1 - |\psi|^2)^2 \right] \frac{d^2x}{1-|\psi|^2}.$$ The subscript 1 serves to distinguish this model from another integrable complexification of the sine-Gordon theory, the so-called complex sine-Gordon-2: $$\label{E_cSG2}
E_{SG-2} = \int \left[ \frac{|\nabla \psi|^2}{1-\frac{1}{2} |\psi|^2}
+ \frac{1}{2} (1 - |\psi|^2)^2 \right] {d^2x}.$$ The latter system was derived in ref.[@Sciuto] as the bosonic limit of a generalized supersymmetric sine-Gordon equation and, independently, in ref.[@Get_csG-II]. Quantum mechanically, the above two complex sine-Gordon models were shown to be the only O(2)-symmetric theories whose $S$-matrix is factorizable at the tree level[@BD].
In all previous analyses the complex sine-Gordon equations were considered in the (1+1)-dimensional Minkowski space-time. In the present Letter we study these two models in the 2-dimensional Euclidean space. One reason for this is that they define integrable perturbations of Euclidean conformal field theories; more precisely, eqs.(\[E\_cSG1\])-(\[E\_cSG2\]) arise as reductions of the $SU(2)_N$ gauged Wess-Zumino-Witten model perturbed by a multiplet of primary fields (by $\Phi^{(1)}$ and $\Phi^{(2)}$, respectively) [@Bakas_Park; @Brazhnikov]. They are closely related to important two-dimensional lattice systems, viz. $Z_N$ parafermion models perturbed by the first and second thermal operators, respectively [@Fateev].
Another motivation for studying solutions of the Euclidean complex sine-Gordon equations comes from a remarkable similarity between eqs.(\[E\_cSG1\])-(\[E\_cSG2\]) and several phenomenological lagrangians of condensed matter physics, in particular the Ginsburg-Landau expansion of the free energy in the theory of phase transitions, $$\label{GL}
E_{GL} = \int \left[ |\nabla \psi|^2 + \frac{1}{2} (1 - |\psi|^2)^2
\right] d^2x,$$ and the energy of the Heisenberg ferromagnet with easy-plane anisotropy [@Magnetism]: $$E_{FM}=
\int \left[ (\nabla \alpha)^2 + \sin^2 \alpha (\nabla \beta)^2
+ \cos^2 \alpha \right] d^2x.
\label{FM}$$ (Hence we will be using the words “action" and “energy" interchangeably in what follows.) To see that (\[E\_cSG1\])-(\[E\_cSG2\]) are relatives of (\[FM\]), one writes $\psi= \sin \alpha e^{i \beta}$ and $\psi=
\sqrt{2} \sin (\alpha/2) e^{i \beta}$, transforming eqs.(\[E\_cSG1\]) and (\[E\_cSG2\]) into $$E_{SG-1}=
\int \left[ (\nabla \alpha)^2 + \tan^2 \alpha (\nabla \beta)^2
+ \cos^2 \alpha \right] d^2x
\label{a2}$$ and $$E_{SG-2}= \frac 12
\int \left[ (\nabla \alpha)^2 + 4 \tan^2 \frac{ \alpha }{2} (\nabla
+ \cos^2\alpha \right] d^2x,
\label{a3}$$ respectively.
The Ginsburg-Landau free energy (\[GL\]) is minimized by the Gross-Pitaevski vortices originally discovered in the context of superfluidity [@superfluidity]. These are topological solitons of the form $\psi(x,y)=\Phi_n(r)e^{in \theta}$, where $\Phi_n \to 1$ as $r \to \infty$. Although these important solutions were obtained numerically and in various asymptotic regimes, no analytic expressions for the Gross-Pitaevski vortices are available. Similarly, eq.(\[FM\]) is minimized by magnetic vortices [@Magnetism], and again, these are available only numerically. The aim of this note is to demonstrate that the Euclidean complex sine-Gordon equations also exhibit topological soliton solutions. Unlike the Gross-Pitaevski vortices and unlike their magnetic counterparts, the vortices of eqs.(\[E\_cSG1\]) and (\[E\_cSG2\]) can be found exactly, and in a closed analytic form. Consequently, the significance of the complex sine-Gordon equations on the plane stems from the fact that they provide a laboratory for studying analytic properties of vortices and their phenomenology in a wide class of condensed matter models.
We construct these solutions in two different ways: (i) by means of an auto-Bäcklund transformation resulting from the spinor representation of the complex sine-Gordon theory, and (ii) via the Schlesinger transformation of the fifth Painlevé equation, $$\begin{aligned}
W_{rr} +\frac 1 r W_r - \left( \frac 1{W-1} +
\frac 1 {2W} \right) W_r^2 = \frac{(W-
\left( \alpha W + \frac{\beta}{W} \right) + \frac{\gamma}{r} W +
\delta W \frac{W+1}{W-1},
\label{P5}\end{aligned}$$ which arises in a self-similar reduction of eqs.(\[E\_cSG1\]) and (\[E\_cSG2\]).
[*Vortices via Bäcklund transformation.*]{} The complex sine-Gordon-1 equation, $$\nabla^2 \psi + \frac{(\nabla \psi)^2 \, {\overline \psi}}{1-
+ \psi(1-|\psi|^2)=0,
admits an equivalent representation in terms of the Euclidean spinor field, $\Psi=(u,v)^T$ [@BG2]: $$\begin{aligned}
i \, {\overline \partial} u + v - |u|^2 v & = & 0,\\
i \, \partial v + u - |v|^2 u & = & 0.\end{aligned}$$ \[MTM\]
\[Here $\partial = \partial/\partial z$, ${\overline \partial} = \partial/ \partial {\overline z}$ and $z=(x+iy)/2$.\] This is nothing but the Euclidean version of the massive Thirring model; the corresponding action functional has the form $$\begin{aligned}
E_{Th}= \int \left[ i \Psi^{\dag} \gamma_i \partial_i \Psi
+ \Psi^{\dag} \Psi - \frac14
\left( \Psi^{\dag} \gamma_i \Psi \right)^2 -1 + c.c.\right] d^2x
= \int \left( i {\overline u} \, \partial v + i {\overline v}
\, {\overline \partial} u + |u|^2 + |v|^2 - |uv|^2 -1 + c.c.
\right) d^2x.
\label{Th_action}\end{aligned}$$ Since as one can easily check both $u$ and $v$ satisfy eq.(\[csG-I\]), the Thirring model (\[MTM\]) can be regarded as a Bäcklund transformation between two different solutions of eq.(\[csG-I\]). Here we confine ourselves to multivortex solutions of the form $\psi = \Phi_n(r) e^{in \theta}$, where ($r,\,\theta$) are polar coordinates on the plane and $\Phi_n(r)$ is a real function satisfying $$\label{ODE1}
\frac{d^2 \Phi_n}{d r^2} + \frac{1}{r} \frac{d \Phi_n}{d r} +
\frac{\Phi_n}{1 - \Phi_n^2} \left[ \left( \frac{d \Phi_n}{d r}
- \frac{n^2}{r^2} \right] + \Phi_n \left( 1 - \Phi_n^2 \right) = 0.$$ Eqs.(\[MTM\]) with $u$ and $v$ of the form $u=-i\Phi_{n-1}e^{i(n-1)\theta}$ and $v= \Phi_n
e^{i n \theta}$ furnish an equivalent representation for eq.(\[ODE1\]):
\[sys\] $$\begin{aligned}
-\frac{d \Phi_{n-1}}{d r} +\frac{n-1}{r} \Phi_{n-1} & = &
( 1 - \Phi_{n-1}^2 ) \Phi_n,\\
\frac{d \Phi_n}{d r} + \frac{n}{r} \Phi_n & = &
( 1 - \Phi_n^2) \Phi_{n-1},\end{aligned}$$
where $\Phi_n$ and $\Phi_{n-1}$ satisfy eq.(\[ODE1\]) with $n$ and $n'=n-1$, respectively. When $n=1$, eq.(\[sys2\]) is solved by $\Phi_0=1$ and eq.(\[sys1\]) becomes a Riccati equation: $$\label{Riccati1}
\Phi_1' + r^{-1} \Phi_1 = 1 - \Phi_1^2.$$ This equation can be linearized by writing $\Phi_1 = S'/S$, where $S(r)$ satisfies the modified Bessel’s equation of zero order: $S''+S'/r-S=0$. Selecting $S = I_0(r)$ gives the explicit form of the $n=1$ vortex solution of the complex sine-Gordon theory: $$\label{fund}
\Phi_1 = \frac{I_1(r)}{I_0(r)}.$$ Here $I_0(r)$ and $I_1 = I_0^{\prime}(r)$ are the modified Bessel functions of zero and first order, respectively. The vortex is plotted in Fig.1.
With the solution $\Phi_1$ at hand, eqs.(\[sys\]) yield a recursion relation allowing us to construct solutions with vorticity $n>1$ in a purely algebraic way: $$\label{recur}
\Phi_{n+1} = \frac{-1}{1 - \Phi_n^2} \left[ \frac{d \Phi_n}{dr} -
\frac{n}{r} \Phi_n \right] = \Phi_{n-1} - \frac{2}{1 - \Phi_n^2}
\frac{d \Phi_n}{dr},\;\;\;\;n \geq 1.$$ In particular, the first two higher-order vortices (shown in Fig.1) are given by $$\begin{aligned}
\Phi_2 & = & - \frac{I_0 I_2 - I_1^2}{I_0^2 - I_1^2}, \\
\Phi_3 & = & \frac{(I_3 - I_1)(I_0^2 - I_1^2) + I_1 (I_0 - I_2)^2}{
(I_0 - I_2)(I_0 I_2 - 2 I_1^2 + I_0^2)},\end{aligned}$$ where we have eliminated derivatives by means of the well known relation between the modified Bessel functions of different order: $I_{n+1} + I_{n-1} = 2 I_n'$. The asymptotic behaviour of the vortex with vorticity $n$ is readily found from eq.(\[sys1\]): $$\begin{aligned}
\Phi_n & \sim & \frac{1}{2^n n!} r^n - \frac{1}{2^{n+2} (n+1)!}
r^{n+2} + {\rm O}(r^{n+4})\;\;\;\;{\rm as}\;\;\;\;r \rightarrow 0, \\
\Phi_n & \sim & 1 - \frac{n}{2r} - \frac{n^2}{8 r^2} +
{\rm O}(r^{-3})\;\;\;\;{\rm as}\;\;\;\;r \rightarrow \infty.
\label{asympt2}\end{aligned}$$ One consequence of eq.(\[asympt2\]) is that the energy of the vortices diverges \[cf. eq.(\[below\]) below\], similarly to the energy of the Gross-Pitaevski and easy-plane ferromagnetic vortices [@superfluidity; @Magnetism]. (Physically, this fact simply indicates that there is a cut-off radius in the system, for example the radius of the cylindrical superfluid container, or the distance between two adjacent vortex lines.)
[*Bogomol’nyi bound.*]{} An important question is whether the vortex renders the action a minimum. Let $n=1$ and rewrite eq.(\[E\_cSG1\]) as $$\label{Bogomolny}
E_{SG-1} = \int \left| \partial \psi +|\psi|^2 -1 \right|^2
\frac{d^2x}{1-|\psi|^2} + \int \nabla \cdot {\bf A} d^2x,$$ where ${\bf A}$ is a real vector field with components $$A_i =
\ln( 1 - |\psi|^2) \,
\epsilon_{ij} \partial_j
{\rm Arg} \, \psi+ 2\psi_i; \quad i=1,2,$$ and $\psi = \psi_1 + i \psi_2$. Assume our fields are such that $|\psi|^2 <1$; then the first term in (\[Bogomolny\]) attains its minimum at solutions to the “Bogomol’nyi equation" $\partial \psi=1-|\psi|^2$. This is exactly our eq.(\[MTM1\]) with $v=\psi$ and $u=-i$; its vortex solution is given by eq.(\[fund\]). The second integral in (\[Bogomolny\]) represents the divergent part of the action; it can be written as a flux through a circle of the radius $R \to \infty$. Perturbing the vortex $\psi = \Phi_1(r) e^{i \theta}$ by a function $\delta \psi$ decaying faster than $1/r$ at infinity will not affect this part; the flux is uniquely determined by the vortex asymptotes: $$\label{below}
\oint_{C_R} {\bf A} \cdot {\bf n} \, dl= 2 \pi (2R- \ln R-1) + {\cal
1}).$$ Consequently, the $n=1$ vortex saturates the minimum of the action in the class of functions with $|\psi|^2<1$.
The importance of the last inequality should be specially emphasized. Without the condition $|\psi|^2<1$ being imposed, one could construct a perturbation ${\tilde \psi}(x,y)$ of the vortex satisfying $|{\tilde \psi}|=1$, $\nabla {\tilde \psi}=0$ on some closed curve on the $(x,y)$-plane which does not enclose the origin. Taking then $|{\tilde \psi}| \gg 1$ in the interior of this contour, the action (\[E\_cSG1\]) could be made arbitrarily negative.
It is interesting to note that the first-order equations (\[MTM\]) with generic $u$ and $v$ can also be interpreted as the Bogomol’nyi limit for some more general system with twice as many degrees of freedom. The corresponding action functional is $$\begin{aligned}
= \int \left( \frac{|\nabla u|^2}{1- |u|^2} +
1 - |u|^2 \right) d^2x
+ \int \left( \frac{|\nabla v|^2}{1- |v|^2} +
1 - |v|^2 \right) d^2x + E_{Th},
\label{general}\end{aligned}$$ where $E_{Th}$ is the Thirring action (\[Th\_action\]). Clearly, any solution to eq.(\[MTM\]) is automatically a solution to the second-order system (\[general\]). The action (\[general\]) can be written as $$\begin{aligned}
= \int \frac{| i \, {\overline \partial} u + v(1-|u|^2)|^2}{1- |u|^2}
+ \int \frac{| i \, { \partial} v + u(1-|v|^2)|^2}{1- |v|^2}d^2x
+ \int \nabla \cdot {\bf A} d^2x,
\label{gene_Bogo}\end{aligned}$$ where $A_i=\ln (1-|v|^2) \epsilon_{ij} \partial_j {\rm Arg\/}v-
\ln (1-|u|^2) \epsilon_{ij} \partial_j {\rm Arg\/}u$. Assuming, again, that $|u|^2, |v|^2<1$, the lower bound of the action (\[general\]-\[gene\_Bogo\]) is saturated by solutions to eqs.(\[MTM\]).
Some properties of the complex sine-Gordon vortices receive a natural interpretation when the equation is reformulated as a $\sigma$-model on a two-dimensional surface $\Sigma$ embedded in a three-dimensional space $(n_1, n_2, n_3)$. The metric on $\Sigma$ is $ds^2=d \alpha^2 + {\rm tan}^2{\alpha}\, d \beta^2$ \[see eq.(\[a2\])\]. In order for $\Sigma$ to be smooth, the space $(n_1,n_2, n_3)$ has to be pseudoeuclidean and the surface noncompact; in fact it looks like an asymptotically conical infinite bowl: $$n_1+ in_2= {\rm tan} \alpha \, e^{i \beta};$$ $$n_3= \frac1q - {\rm tanh}^{-1} q, \quad
q= \frac{\cos \alpha}{(1+ \cos^2 \alpha)^{1/2}}.$$ Here $0 \leq \alpha < \pi/2$, $0 \leq \beta < 2 \pi$. In terms of $n_i$, the lagrangian (\[E\_cSG1\]) reads $$E_{SG-1}= \int \left[
(\nabla n_1)^2 + (\nabla n_2)^2 - (\nabla n_3)^2+
(1+ n_1^2 + n_2^2)^{-1} \right] d^2x.$$ As $r \to \infty$, all three components of the vortex field, $n_1$, $n_2$ and $n_3$, tend to infinity. Consequently, the vortices map a noncompactified $(x,y)$-plane onto a noncompact surface — this accounts for their infinite energy. We also acknowledge the role of the condition $|\psi|^2<1$, which characterizes solutions admitting the $\sigma$-model interpretation.
[*Reductions to the Painlevé-V.*]{} The transformation $$\Phi_n = \frac{1 + W}{1 - W}$$ reduces eq.(\[ODE1\]) to the fifth Painlevé equation (\[P5\]) with coefficients $$\alpha = {n^2}/{8},\;\;\;\;\beta = - {n^2}/{8},\;\;\;\;
\gamma = 0,\;\;\;\;\delta = -2.
\label{coefficients}$$ For $\gamma=c(1-a-b)$, where $a^2=2 \alpha$, $b^2= -2 \beta$, and $c^2=-2 \delta$, eq.(\[P5\]) admits a reduction [@Luk] to a Riccati equation $$\label{bel1}
W_r = r^{-1} (W - 1)(a W + b) + c W.$$ The above relation between the coefficients is in place for $n=1$; in terms of the vortex modulus $\Phi_1$, eq.(\[bel1\]) turns out to be nothing but our eq.(\[Riccati1\]). Next, the Schlesinger transformations of the Painlevé-V to itself [@Grom; @Fok] have the form
\[bel2\] $$\begin{aligned}
W_r & = & r^{-1} (W - 1)(a W + b) + c W \frac{1 +
\hat{W}}{1 - \hat{W}}, \\
- \hat{W}_r & = & r^{-1} (\hat{W} - 1)(\hat{a}
+ \hat{b}) + c \hat{W} \frac{1 + W}{1 - W}.\end{aligned}$$
Here $W$ and $\hat{W}$ satisfy eq.(\[P5\]) with the coefficients ($\alpha,\beta,\gamma,\delta$) and ($\hat{\alpha},\hat{\beta},
\hat{\gamma},\delta$), respectively, where $\hat{a}^2 = 2
\hat{\alpha}$, $\hat{b}^2 = - 2 \hat{\beta}$, $\hat{\gamma} = c (b-a)$, and $ 2\hat{a} = a+b-1 -\gamma/c$, $2\hat{b} = a+b-1+ \gamma/c$. With $\alpha$, $\beta$ and $\gamma$ as in eq.(\[coefficients\]), eqs.(\[bel2\]) amount to the vorticity-raising transformations (\[sys\]).
We conclude the discussion of the complex sine-Gordon-1 equation by mentioning that it would be natural to expect its vortex solutions (confined to a finite region on the plane) to arise as degenerate cases of its $N$-soliton solutions [@BG2] (which have the form of $N$ intersecting infinite folds). This kind of correspondence between two-dimensionally localized “lumps" and one-dimensional multisolitons exists, for example, in the Kadomtsev-Petviashvili equation [@Its]. Surprisingly, the only two-dimensionally localized bounded solution resulting from the “degeneration" of the generic two-soliton solution of eq.(\[csG-I\]) is discontinuous at the origin: $\psi = ( X^2 - \sinh^2 Y)(X^2 + \sinh^2 Y)^{-1}$. Here $X+iY = e^{i \alpha} (x+iy)$, and $\alpha$ is an arbitrary constant angle.
[*Vortices of the complex sine-Gordon-2.*]{} The complex sine-Gordon-2 results from the variation of eq.(\[E\_cSG2\]): $$\nabla^2 \psi + \frac{(\nabla \psi)^2 \, {\overline \psi}}{2 -
+ \frac{1}{2} \psi(1-|\psi|^2) (2 - |\psi|^2) =0.
\label{csG-II}$$ The multivortex Ansatz $\psi = \Phi_n(r) e^{i n \theta}=
{Q_n^{1/2}(r)} e^{i n \theta}$ takes it to $$\begin{aligned}
\nonumber \frac{d^2 Q_n}{d r^2} + \frac{1}{r} \frac{d Q_n}{d r} & + &
\frac{1-Q_n}{Q_n(Q_n-2)} \left( \frac{d Q_n}{dr} \right)^2 +
Q_n \left( 1 - Q_n \right) \left( 2 - Q_n \right) \\ \label{ODE2}
& + & \frac{(a_n^2-b_n^2) Q_n}{r^2 (2 - Q_n)} + \frac{4 a_n^2
(1 - Q_n)}{ r^2 Q_n (2-Q_n)} = 0,\end{aligned}$$ where $a_n = 0$ and $b_n = -2n$. Next, the substitution $$Q_n = 2 (1 - W)^{-1}$$ transforms eq.(\[ODE2\]) to the Painlevé equation (\[P5\]) with coefficients $$\alpha = 0,\;\;\;\;\beta = - 2 n^2,\;\;\;\;\gamma = 0,\;\;\;\;\delta
= 2.$$ This time, in order to construct the multivortex solutions we apply the Schlesinger transformation (\[bel2\]) twice. This leads to a recurrent relation $$\label{Sch}
Q^{(k-1)} = (2 - Q^{(k)}) \left\{ 1 - \frac{2 (a_k+b_k - 1) Q^{(k)}
\left[r Q^{(k)}_r - 2 a_k + (a_k+b_k) Q^{(k)} \right]}{
\left[r Q^{(k)}_r - 2 a_k + (a_k+b_k) Q^{(k)} \right]^2 +
r^2 Q^{(k)2} (2 - Q^{(k)})^2} \right\},$$ where $Q^{(k)}$ and $Q^{(k-1)}$ satisfy eq.(\[ODE2\]) with the parameters ($a_k,\,b_k$) and ($a_{k-1},b_{k-1}$), respectively. Here $a_{k-1} =
a_k-1$ and $b_{k-1}=b_k-1$. Starting with a trivial solution $Q^{(0)}=1$ arising for $a_0 = - b_0 = n$, and using eq.(\[Sch\]) $n$ times, we end up with a solution $Q_n=Q^{(-n)}$ which satisfies eq.(\[ODE2\]) with $a_n = 0$ and $b_n = -2n$ and the boundary condition $Q_n \rightarrow 1$ as $r \rightarrow \infty$. These solutions are given by rational functions; in particular, the first three multivortices (see Fig.1) read $$\begin{aligned}
Q_1 & = & \frac{r^2}{r^2 +4}; \\
Q_2 & = & \frac{r^4 (r^2 +24)^2}{r^8 +64r^6 +1152r^4 +9216r^2
+36864}; \\
Q_3 & = & r^6 (r^6 +144r^4 +5760r^2 + 92160)^2 {D_3}^{-1},\\
D_3 & = & r^{18} +324 r^{16} + 41472 r^{14} + 2820096 r^{12}
+114130944 r^{10} + 2919628800 r^8 \\ & +& 50960793600 r^6 +
611529523200 r^4 + 4892236185600 r^2 + 19568944742400.\end{aligned}$$ The energy of the complex sine-Gordon-2 vortices is logarithmically divergent.
[*Concluding remarks.*]{} The Ginsburg-Landau expansion (\[GL\]) is regarded as a central postulate in the phenomenological theory of phase transitions; however, for some systems eqs.(\[E\_cSG1\])-(\[E\_cSG2\]) may happen to provide a more adequate description. In fact, the difference is not as big as one might think. Assuming, for instance, $|\psi|^2 \leq 1$, eq.(\[E\_cSG2\]) can be rewritten as $$\label{a1}
E_{SG-2} \approx \int \left[ |\nabla \psi|^2 + \frac{1}{2} (1 -
\frac{ |\nabla \psi|^2 |\psi|^2}{2} + ...\right]{d^2x};$$ this is different from (\[GL\]) only in the third term which is small both when $\psi \sim 0$ and when $|\psi| \sim 1, \nabla \psi \sim 0$. More importantly, the complex sine-Gordon models provide a unique opportunity for studying a number of analytic properties which are common to a wide class of vortex-bearing systems. These include the correct Ansatz for two spatially separated vortices, the vortex-phonon scattering matrix and so on; our present construction of coaxial multivortices is hopefully but a first step in this direction. Finally, one may see the complex sine-Gordon vortices as a starting point in the [*perturbative*]{} construction of the corresponding solutions of the Ginsburg-Landau and ferromagnet models.
We are grateful to M. Bogdan, B. Dubrovin, B. Ivanov, A. Kapaev, P. Winternitz and the referee for useful remarks, and to N. Alexeeva and A. Harin for their numerical assistance at various stages of this work. One of the authors (I.B.) thanks S. Randjbar-Daemi for the hospitality at ICTP. This research was supported by the FRD of South Africa and URC of UCT.
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[Figure Caption]{}
[**Fig.1**]{} The vortex solutions with $n=1,2$ and $3$.
[^1]: Supported by a visiting fellowship from ICTP, Trieste
[^2]: Email: [email protected]
[^3]: Now at Department of Mathematics, University of Toronto, 100 St.George street, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5S 3G3.
[^4]: Email: [email protected]
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abstract: 'We aim to clarify confusions in the literature as to whether or not dynamical density functional theories for the one-body density of a classical Brownian fluid should contain a stochastic noise term. We point out that a stochastic as well as a deterministic equation of motion for the density distribution can be justified, depending on how the fluid one-body density is defined – i.e. whether it is an ensemble averaged density distribution or a spatially and/or temporally coarse grained density distribution.'
- ' H. H. Wills Physics Laboratory, University of Bristol, Bristol BS8 1TL, UK'
- ' Max-Planck-Institut für Metallforschung, Heisenbergstr. 3, 70569 Stuttgart, Germany'
- '¶ ITAP, Universität Stuttgart, Pfaffenwaldring 57, 70569 Stuttgart, Germany'
- 'Andrew J. Archer and Markus Rauscher¶'
title: 'Dynamical density functional theory for interacting Brownian particles: stochastic or deterministic?'
Introduction {#sec:intro}
In equilibrium statistical mechanics, one can prove that the grand canonical free energy of the system can be written as a functional of the one-body density only [@evans79]. The density distribution which minimizes the grand potential functional is the equilibrium density distribution. This statement is the basis of the equilibrium density functional theory for classical fluids which has been used with great success to describe a variety of inhomogeneous fluid phenomena [@evans92]. Out of equilibrium there is no such rigorous principle. However, macroscopically one can find phenomenological equations for the time evolution which are based on macroscopic quantities only, e.g. the diffusion equation, the heat transport equation and the Navier-Stokes equations for hydrodynamics.
In perhaps one of the most simple microscopic cases, a system of interacting Brownian particles, a number of equations for the time evolution of the particle density have been proposed which aim to incorporate results from equilibrium density functional theory. These equations are usually referred to as dynamical density functional theory (DDFT) or time dependent density functional theory. Most of the equations take a rather similar form but there has been some controversy as to whether the time evolution ought to be stochastic [@munakata89; @kirkpatrick89; @dean96; @kawasaki94; @frusawa00] or deterministic [@marconi99; @marconi00; @archer04] in nature. In reference [@frusawa00] the authors attempt to address these issues. However, we believe further clarifications are necessary. The reason for the controversy is that one has to state precisely what type of density distribution one is talking about, namely whether one speaks of the instantaneous density ${\hat{\rho}}({\bi{r}},t)$ at time $t$, an ensemble averaged density ${\rho}({\bi{r}},t)$, or a spatially and/or temporally coarse grained density ${\bar{\rho}}({\bi{r}},t)$. We will give proper definitions for these densities later. The time evolution equation for ${\hat{\rho}}({\bi{r}},t)$ is discussed in references [@dean96; @kawasaki94; @frusawa00; @marconi99] and for Brownian particles this is, of course, a stochastic equation. ${\rho}({\bi{r}},t)$ results from taking an ensemble average over the stochastic noise and is therefore uniquely valued at time $t$; the equation governing its dynamics must therefore be deterministic – this is the approach in references [@marconi99; @marconi00; @archer04]. The equation governing the dynamics of ${\bar{\rho}}({\bi{r}},t)$, the coarse grained density, will, of course, still contain a noise term. The main objective of this paper is to clarify the relationships between these three approaches and to discuss the similarities and differences. In order to visualize better the connections between the DDFTs for ${\hat{\rho}}({\bi{r}},t)$, ${\rho}({\bi{r}},t)$ and ${\bar{\rho}}({\bi{r}},t)$, we employ the flow chart in .
This paper proceeds as follows: In we formulate the dynamics of a system of interacting Brownian particles. We derive a deterministic DDFT for the ensemble (or noise) averaged density in . In we formulate the stochastic DDFT for the coarse grained density and finally, in , we discuss the results.
Brownian dynamics of interacting particles {#sec:brown}
The starting point for our considerations is the Langevin equation for a system of $N$ identical Brownian particles with positions $\{{\bi{r}}_i(t)\}_{i=1\dots N}$ (see the dashed box in ). The particles interact pairwise via the (pair) potential ${V}(r)$. In addition, there is a one-body external potential ${\Phi}({\bi{r}}_i,t)$. This equation reads: $$\label{eq:brownian}
\frac{\rmd {\bi{r}}_i}{\rmd t} =
\sum\limits_{j=1\dots N} {{\bi{F}}}({\bi{r}}_i - {\bi{r}}_j)
+ {{\bi{G}}}({\bi{r}}_i,t)
+ \bfeta_i(t),$$ where ${{\bi{F}}}({\bi{r}}_i - {\bi{r}}_j) = -{\bm{\nabla}}_{\! i}
{V}(|{\bi{r}}_i - {\bi{r}}_j|)$ is the interaction force between a pair of particles and ${{\bi{G}}}({\bi{r}}_i,t)= -{\bm{\nabla}}_{\! i}
{\Phi}({\bi{r}}_i,t)$ is the external force on particle $i$. The uncorrelated Gaussian random force on each particle $\{\bfeta_i(t)\}_{i=1\dots N}$ is fully characterized by $$\label{eq:bnoise}
\langle \bfeta_i(t)\rangle =0 \quad \mbox{and} \quad
\langle \eta_i^\ell (t)\,\eta_j^m(t') \rangle =
2\,T\,\delta_{ij}\,\delta^{\ell m} \,\delta(t-t').$$ The particles are labelled with lower roman indices and the spatial directions (i.e., $x$, $y$, and $z$ in three dimensions) are labelled with upper indices. A possible prefactor (mobility constant) in front of the deterministic part of can be eliminated via the Einstein relation and a corresponding rescaling of time. $T$ is the temperature. Note that the noise term in is additive, i.e. it does not have a prefactor which depends on the particle position. In this case, the Ito and the Stratonovich stochastic calculus are equivalent [@risken84].
In the next step, we define the instantaneous microscopic density ${\hat{\rho}}({\bi{r}},t;\{{\bi{r}}_i(t)\}
) = \sum_{i=1}^N \delta({\bi{r}}_i(t)-{\bi{r}})$. This density depends implicitly on the actual positions of all particles $\{{\bi{r}}_i(t)\}$ and it should be considered a density ‘operator’ rather than a measurable particle density. Using Ito stochastic calculus, one can show that the time evolution of this sum of delta functions is given by (see references [@marconi99 equation (8)] or [@dean96 equation (17)]): $$\begin{aligned}
\frac{\partial {\hat{\rho}}({\bi{r}},t)}{\partial t} =
{\bm{\nabla}}\cdot \Bigg[
-{\hat{\rho}}({\bi{r}},t)\,{{\bi{G}}}({\bi{r}},t) -
{\hat{\rho}}({\bi{r}},t) \, \int {\hat{\rho}}({\bi{r}}',t)\,{{\bi{F}}}({\bi{r}}-{\bi{r}}')\,\rmd^3 r' \nonumber\\+
T\,{\bm{\nabla}}{\hat{\rho}}({\bi{r}},t) +
\label{eq:microevolution}\end{aligned}$$ i.e., an equation which, at a first glance, does not depend upon the individual particle positions. This step corresponds to path 2, which leads to the left dotted box in . The random forces on the particles $\bfeta_i(t)$ have been replaced by a Gaussian random field $\bm{\xi}({\bi{r}},t)$ with $$\langle \bm{\xi}({\bi{r}},t) \rangle = 0 \quad \mbox{and}\quad
\langle \xi^\ell({\bi{r}},t)\,\xi^m({\bi{r}}',t') \rangle =
2\,T\,\delta^{\ell m} \,\delta({\bi{r}}-{\bi{r}}')\,\delta(t-t').$$ Introducing the ‘energy’ functional ${\mathcal{H}}[{\hat{\rho}}]$ [@frusawa00] $$\begin{aligned}
{\mathcal{H}}[{\hat{\rho}}] = \int \Bigg\{
T\,{\hat{\rho}}({\bi{r}},t)\,\left[\ln \Lambda^3{\hat{\rho}}({\bi{r}},t)-1
+ \frac{1}{2}\,
\int {\hat{\rho}}({\bi{r}},t)\,{V}(|{\bi{r}}-{\bi{r}}'|)\,{\hat{\rho}}({\bi{r}}',t)\,
\rmd^3 r'
\Bigg\}\,\rmd^3 r,\end{aligned}$$ where $\Lambda$ is the de Broglie wavelength, can be written as $$\frac{\partial {\hat{\rho}}({\bi{r}},t)}{\partial t} =
{\bm{\nabla}}\cdot\left[ {\hat{\rho}}({\bi{r}},t) \,{\bm{\nabla}}\frac{\delta
{\mathcal{H}}[{\hat{\rho}}]}{\delta {\hat{\rho}}({\bi{r}},t)} +
\label{eq:microevolution2}$$ In contrast to the noise in equation , the noise in is multiplicative. However, as shown in [@rauscher04a], for a conserved multiplicative noise, Ito and Stratonovich calculus are equivalent and therefore , the Langevin equation for ${\hat{\rho}}({\bi{r}},t)$, should have the same form when obtained by Stratonovich calculus.
We denote the probability density for finding the particles in the system at time $t$ with the positions $\{{\bi{r}}_{\ell}\}_{\ell=1\dots N}$ by ${w}({\bi{r}}_1,\dots,{\bi{r}}_N,t)$. The time evolution of this probability is given by the Fokker-Planck equation for , namely $$\fl
\frac{\partial {w}(\{{\bi{r}}_{\ell}\},t)}{\partial t} =
-\sum\limits_{i=1\dots N} \!\!{\bm{\nabla}}_{\! i}\,\cdot
\left[ \sum\limits_{j=1\dots N}\!\!
{{\bi{F}}}({\bi{r}}_i-{\bi{r}}_j) +{{\bi{G}}}({\bi{r}}_i,t)
-T \,{\bm{\nabla}}_{\! i}\right]
\label{eq:positionfp}$$ In the derivation of is denoted by path 1. is also referred to as the Smoluchowski equation, namely the drift-diffusion equation for a many particle system [@risken84; @archer04].
However, we are more interested in the particle density distribution, rather than in the positions of the individual particles. The probability of finding the system in a configuration with the density $\rho({\bi{r}},t)$ is given by $$\label{eq:Pdensdef}
{W}[\rho] = \int
\delta\left[ \rho({\bi{r}},t)-{\hat{\rho}}({\bi{r}},t;\{{\bi{r}}_i\})\right]
\rmd^3 r_1 \dots \rmd^3 r_N .$$ ${\hat{\rho}}({\bi{r}},t;\{{\bi{r}}_i\})$ is a sum of $N$ $\delta$-functions and therefore, from the above definition, ${W}[\rho]$ can only be non-zero when $\rho({\bi{r}},t)$ is also a sum of exactly $N$ $\delta$-functions. In order to make a clear distinction between smooth densities and spiky sums of delta functions we will keep a hat on the argument of ${W}$. The time evolution for ${W}[{\hat{\rho}}]$, which in fact is the Fokker-Planck equation corresponding to , is given by [@frusawa00] (see also [@zinn-justin02] or appendix 8 in [@goldenfeld92]): $$\label{eq:microfp}
\frac{\partial {W}[{\hat{\rho}}]}{\partial t} = - \int
\frac{\delta }{\delta {\hat{\rho}}({\bi{r}},t)}\left\{
{\bm{\nabla}}\cdot {\hat{\rho}}({\bi{r}},t) \,{\bm{\nabla}}\left[T\,\frac{\delta }{\delta {\hat{\rho}}({\bi{r}},t)} + \frac{\delta
{\mathcal{H}}[{\hat{\rho}}]}{\delta {\hat{\rho}}({\bi{r}},t)}
\right\}\rmd^3 r$$ with the functional ${\mathcal{H}}[{\hat{\rho}}]$ as given in . The derivation of from the Langevin equation is path 5 connecting the two dotted boxes in . Equivalently, one could also obtain via a change of variables from $\{{\bi{r}}_i\}_{i=1\dots N}$ in to ${\hat{\rho}}({\bi{r}},t)$; this is path 9 in . The equilibrium distribution corresponding to is given by ${W}^{(eq)}[{\hat{\rho}}] \propto
+\mu\,{\hat{\rho}}\right)\right]$ with an arbitrary chemical potential $\mu$. The freedom of choice for $\mu$ comes from the fact that has the form of a conservation law.
Eq. together with equation is a DDFT for ${\hat{\rho}}({\bi{r}},t)$, i.e. an equation of motion for the instantaneous microscopic density. However, although equation is written in terms of ${\hat{\rho}}({\bi{r}},t)$, this sum of delta functions contains the exact positions of all particles (modulo permutations) and the solution of is formally equivalent to integrating – see also the appendix in reference [@kawasaki98]. Generally, one is not interested in the individual trajectories of the particles, rather in the time evolution of quantities (in particular the fluid density) averaged over many realizations of the noise or, alternatively, in the evolution of coarse grained quantities.
Ensemble averaged density {#sec:ensemble}
We define the ensemble averaged density as the density ${\hat{\rho}}({\bi{r}},t)$ averaged over many solutions of with equal initial conditions but different realizations of the noise term $\bm{\xi}({\bi{r}},t)$, i.e. $${\rho}({\bi{r}},t)= \int
\rmd^3 r_1\dots \rmd^3 r_N
= \langle {\hat{\rho}}({\bi{r}},t) \rangle.$$ In other words, in order to measure ${\rho}({\bi{r}},t)$ one solves many times for different realizations of the noise $\bm{\xi}({\bi{r}},t)$ and averages the result at each time $t$. Since the particles are indistinguishable, ${w}(\{{\bi{r}}_i\},t)$ is symmetric with respect to permutations of particles and therefore ${\rho}({\bi{r}},t)= N \int
{w}({\bi{r}},{\bi{r}}_2 ,\dots,{\bi{r}}_N,t)\,\rmd^3 r_2 \dots \rmd^3
r_N$. We can obtain the time evolution of ${\rho}({\bi{r}},t)$ by integrating out $N-1$ degrees of freedom in to obtain [@archer04; @dhont96]: $$\fl
\frac{\partial {\rho}({\bi{r}},t)}{\partial t} =
-{\bm{\nabla}}\cdot \left\{ \left[ {{\bi{G}}}({\bi{r}},t) - T\,{\bm{\nabla}}\right]
{\rho}({\bi{r}},t) +\!\int\!{\rho^{(2)}}({\bi{r}},{\bi{r}}',t) \,
{{\bi{F}}}({\bi{r}}-{\bi{r}}')\,\rmd^3 r'\right\},
\label{eq:firstbbgky}$$ where $${\rho^{(2)}}({\bi{r}},{\bi{r}}',t) = N\,(N-1)\,\int
{w}({\bi{r}},{\bi{r}}',{\bi{r}}_3,\dots , {\bi{r}}_N,t) \,\rmd^3 r_3\dots
\rmd^3 r_N,$$ is the two-body density distribution function. We have assumed that surface terms which appear in the partial integrations vanish. Here we see that for interacting particles, the time evolution of the one-body density distribution ${\rho}({\bi{r}},t)$ depends upon the two-body density distribution function, i.e. on the particle correlations in the system. In fact, is the first equation of a hierarchy of equations for the $n$-body density distribution functions (similar to the BBGKY hierarchy) which one obtains by integrating out $(N-n)$ degrees of freedom in – see [@archer04].
So far, everything is exact, but in order to make use of this hierarchy one needs a closure. One way, which is employed in reference [@archer04], makes use of a result from equilibrium density functional theory, in which there is an exact sum rule connecting the equilibrium two-body density distribution function ${\rho^{(2)}_{eq}}({\bi{r}},{\bi{r}}')$ to the gradient of the one-body direct correlation function ${c^{(1)}}({\bi{r}})$ $$k_BT {\rho}({\bi{r}})\,{\bm{\nabla}}{c^{(1)}}({\bi{r}}) =
r'.$$ In equilibrium ${c^{(1)}}({\bi{r}})$ is the effective one-body potential due to interactions in the fluid and is given by the functional derivative of ${{\mathcal{F}}_{\!\!{ex}}}[{\rho}]$, the excess (over ideal) part of the Helmholtz free energy functional, $-k_BT {c^{(1)}}({\bi{r}})=\frac{\delta {{\mathcal{F}}_{\!\!{ex}}}[{\rho}]}{\delta {\rho}}$ [@evans79; @archer04], and we obtain the following exact result $${\rho}({\bi{r}})\,{\bm{\nabla}}\frac{\delta {{\mathcal{F}}_{\!\!{ex}}}[{\rho}]}{\delta {\rho}({\bi{r}})} = -
\int\!{\rho^{(2)}_{eq}}({\bi{r}},{\bi{r}}')\,{{\bi{F}}}({\bi{r}}-{\bi{r}}')\,\rmd^3 r'.
\label{eq:sumrule}$$ Assuming this relation remains valid for the non-equilibrium fluid is equivalent to assuming that the two-body correlations in the non-equilibrium fluid are the same as those in an equilibrium fluid with the [*same*]{} one body density profile [@marconi99; @archer04]. Within this [*approximation*]{} we can write the time evolution equation as [@marconi99; @archer04]: $$\frac{\partial {\rho}({\bi{r}},t)}{\partial t} =
{\bm{\nabla}}\cdot \left[ {\rho}({\bi{r}},t)\,{\bm{\nabla}}\frac{\delta
{\mathcal{F}}[{\rho}({\bi{r}},t)]}{\delta {\rho}({\bi{r}},t)} \right],
\label{eq:averevol}$$ with the Helmholtz free energy functional[^1] $$\label{eq:freeenergy}
= \int \rho({\bi{r}},t)\,\left[T\,\left(\ln \Lambda^3 \rho({\bi{r}},t)
+{\Phi}({\bi{r}},t)\right] \,\rmd^3 r + {{\mathcal{F}}_{\!\!{ex}}}[{\rho}({\bi{r}},t)].$$ Since ${\rho}({\bi{r}},t)$ is a quantity averaged over the realizations of the noise, the time evolution equation is necessarily deterministic. Eq. was originally written down (without derivation) by Evans [@evans79]. The derivation of presented in this section corresponds to path 3 in . In reference [@marconi99] Marconi and Tarazona follow path 4 in and is derived from by performing an ensemble average. Note that also remains valid when the particles interact via multi-body potentials [@archer04].
Coarse grained density {#sec:coarse}
The ensemble averaged density ${\rho}({\bi{r}},t)$ discussed in is the quantity often considered by theorists, but it is not the quantity one would measure by performing one individual experiment (numerical or real). In order to measure the density as a function of time in an experiment one must define a probe volume in space and a time window and count the number of particles in that probe volume averaged over the time window. Since we intend to resolve the atomistic structure of the fluid, the spatial resolution has to be very good. In other words, we assume an experimental resolution function of the form ${K}_1({\bi{r}},t)={K}(t)\, \delta({\bi{r}})$ and then the measured density is $$\label{eq:coarsedef}
{\bar{\rho}}({\bi{r}},t) = \int {K}(t-t')\,{\hat{\rho}}({\bi{r}},t')\,\rmd t'.$$ For simplicity we assume further that ${K}(t)$ has a compact support. Similarly, we can define a two-particle probe, with a resolution function of the form ${K}_2({\bi{r}},{\bi{r}}',t)={K}(t)\, \delta({\bi{r}})\, \delta({\bi{r}}')$. The two-particle distribution function that we measure is (c.f. equation (A6) in [@evans79]) $$\begin{aligned}
\int {K}(t-t')\,{\hat{\rho}}({\bi{r}},t')\,{\hat{\rho}}({\bi{r}}',t')\,\rmd t'
&=& \int {K}(t-t')\,\sum_{i \neq j} \delta({\bi{r}}_i(t')-{\bi{r}})
\delta({\bi{r}}_j(t')-{\bi{r}}')\,\rmd t' \nonumber \\
&&+\int {K}(t-t')\,\sum_i \delta({\bi{r}}_i(t')-{\bi{r}})
\delta({\bi{r}}_i(t')-{\bi{r}}')\,\rmd t' \nonumber \\
&=& {\bar{\rho}}^{(2)}({\bi{r}},{\bi{r}}',t)+{\bar{\rho}}({\bi{r}},t)\,
\delta({\bi{r}}'-{\bi{r}}).\end{aligned}$$ This equation defines the coarse grained two-particle density distribution function, ${\bar{\rho}}^{(2)}({\bi{r}},{\bi{r}}',t)$. When the fluid is in equilibrium, assuming ergodicity, and if the time window of ${K}(t)$ is large as compared to the time the system needs to explore phase space locally, then ${\bar{\rho}}^{(2)}({\bi{r}},{\bi{r}}') \approx {\rho^{(2)}}({\bi{r}},{\bi{r}}')$; we therefore assume ${\bar{\rho}}^{(2)}({\bi{r}},{\bi{r}}',t) \approx
{\rho^{(2)}}({\bi{r}},{\bi{r}}',t)$. Here, locally means on the scale of the correlation length and therefore this may not be true for long ranged correlations.
Using together with and , the time evolution of ${\bar{\rho}}({\bi{r}},t)$ is given by $$\begin{aligned}
\label{eq:coarse_1} \fl
\frac{\partial {\bar{\rho}}({\bi{r}},t)}{\partial t} =
- {\bm{\nabla}}\cdot{\bar{\rho}}({\bi{r}},t)\,{{\bi{G}}}({\bi{r}},t)
- {\bm{\nabla}}\cdot \!\int\!{\bar{\rho}}^{(2)}({\bi{r}},{\bi{r}}',t) \,
{{\bi{F}}}({\bi{r}}-{\bi{r}}')\,\rmd^3 r'
+{\bm{\nabla}}\cdot \int\! {K}(t-t')\,
\sqrt{{\hat{\rho}}({\bi{r}},t')}\,\bm{\xi}({\bi{r}},t')\,\rmd t'.\end{aligned}$$ The delta function term in leads to a term containing ${{\bi{F}}}(0)=-{\bm{\nabla}}{V}(r)|_{r=0}$, namely the force between particles when the centers are at zero separation. We assume that this is zero. This will certainly be the case for particles interacting via pair potentials of the form ${V}(r)={V}_{hs}(r)+{V}_{tail}(r)$, where ${V}_{hs}(r)$ is the hard-sphere pair potential. Equation is exact when ${{\bi{G}}}$ does not change over time or when it only changes on time scales much longer than the support of ${K}(t)$. However, in this form equation is of little use, since the right hand side involves ${\hat{\rho}}({\bi{r}},t)$ explicitly. In the following we give a number of ‘hand-waving’ arguments which allow us to approximate the right hand side in terms of ${\bar{\rho}}({\bi{r}},t)$ only. These arguments are far from being rigorous and are by no means a proper derivation of a DDFT for ${\bar{\rho}}({\bi{r}},t)$. The reason for giving these arguments is that they lead to a stochastic time evolution equation for ${\bar{\rho}}({\bi{r}},t)$ which has the same form as the time evolution equation of ${\rho}({\bi{r}},t)$, i.e., but with an additional conserved noise term. In reference [@kawasaki94] Kawasaki uses a more formal spatial coarse graining procedure and in reference [@perez-madrid2002] Pérez-Madrid [*et. al.*]{} use a mesoscopic approach, to obtain a similar result.
The time integration in the last term of equation in principle leads to a non-Markovian time evolution for ${\bar{\rho}}({\bi{r}},t)$. However, on time scales large as compared to the support of $K(t)$, the dynamics of ${\bar{\rho}}({\bi{r}},t)$ should be approximately Markovian and we write the last term of equation in the same form as in , but with ${\hat{\rho}}({\bi{r}},t)$ replaced by ${\bar{\rho}}({\bi{r}},t)$, so that we obtain a time evolution equation identical to but with an additional multiplicative noise term: $$\begin{aligned}
\label{eq:firstbbgkynoise} \fl
\frac{\partial {\bar{\rho}}({\bi{r}},t)}{\partial t} =
-{\bm{\nabla}}\cdot \Bigg\{ \left[ {{\bi{G}}}({\bi{r}},t) - T\,{\bm{\nabla}}\right]
{\bar{\rho}}({\bi{r}},t) +\!\int\!{\bar{\rho}}^{(2)}({\bi{r}},{\bi{r}}',t) \,
{{\bi{F}}}({\bi{r}}-{\bi{r}}')\,\rmd^3 r'\nonumber\\
-{\bm{\nabla}}\cdot\sqrt{{\bar{\rho}}({\bi{r}},t)}\,\bm{\xi}({\bi{r}},t)\Bigg\}.\end{aligned}$$ Using the local equilibrium assumption applied in , we assume equation with ${\rho}$ replaced by ${\bar{\rho}}$ and ${\rho}^{(2)}$ replaced by ${\bar{\rho}}^{(2)}$ applies for the non-equilibrium coarse grained density distributions, and we substitute the term involving ${\bar{\rho}}^{(2)}({\bi{r}},{\bi{r}}',t)$ in by a term involving the functional derivative of the excess part of the Helmholtz free energy functional, to obtain a stochastic version of : $$\frac{\partial {\bar{\rho}}({\bi{r}},t)}{\partial t} =
{\bm{\nabla}}\cdot \left[ {\bar{\rho}}({\bi{r}},t)\,{\bm{\nabla}}\frac{\delta
{\mathcal{F}}[{\bar{\rho}}({\bi{r}},t)]}{\delta {\bar{\rho}}({\bi{r}},t)}
+ \sqrt{{\bar{\rho}}({\bi{r}},t)}\,\bm{\xi}({\bi{r}},t)\right].
\label{eq:coarseevol}$$ Note the similarity with the time evolution equation for the instantaneous microscopic density ${\hat{\rho}}({\bi{r}},t)$. However, a significant difference is that it is the Helmholtz free energy functional, ${\mathcal{F}}[{\bar{\rho}}]$, given by equation with ${\rho}$ replaced by ${\bar{\rho}}$, that enters into equation [^2], whereas ${\mathcal{H}}[{\hat{\rho}}]$ entering equation is simply the functional as defined in . Unfortunately, in reference [@frusawa00], this distinction is not made clear. In developing we followed path 6 in . We can obtain the Fokker-Planck equation corresponding to equation by discretizing it in space. Taking the continuum limit of the Fokker-Planck equation for the discretized Langevin equation [@munakata89; @rauscher04a], we obtain an equation very similar to : $$\label{eq:coarsefp}
\frac{\partial {\bar{W}}[{\bar{\rho}}]}{\partial t} = - \int
\frac{\delta }{\delta {\bar{\rho}}({\bi{r}},t)}\left\{
{\bm{\nabla}}\cdot {\bar{\rho}}({\bi{r}},t) \,{\bm{\nabla}}\left[T\,\frac{\delta }{\delta {\bar{\rho}}({\bi{r}},t)} + \frac{\delta
{\mathcal{F}}[{\bar{\rho}}]}{\delta {\bar{\rho}}({\bi{r}},t)}
\right\}\rmd^3 r.$$ This calculation corresponds to path 8 in . The equilibrium distribution corresponding to is given by ${\bar{W}}^{(eq)}[{\bar{\rho}}] \propto
+\mu\,{\bar{\rho}}\right)\right]$ with an arbitrary chemical potential $\mu$. This result justifies [*a posteriori*]{} our, initially unjustified, approximation for the noise term in , which we used to obtain .
In this section we considered the temporally coarse grained density ${\bar{\rho}}({\bi{r}},t)$ because we wished to make a comparison with the DDFT obtained for the ensemble averaged density ${\rho}({\bi{r}},t)$ in the previous section, which is used to describe the time evolution of the structure of the system at microscopic length scales. The derivation was by no means rigorous. However, a spatial coarse graining of can also lead to an equation of the same form as but with a particular (approximate) form for the Helmholtz free energy functional – see reference [@kawasaki94]. This last route follows path 7 in .
Discussion {#sec:conclusion}
In and we derived stochastic DDFTs (Langevin equations) for the instantaneous microscopic density ${\hat{\rho}}({\bi{r}},t)$, equation , and the coarse grained density ${\bar{\rho}}({\bi{r}},t)$, equation , respectively, as well as the corresponding Fokker-Planck equations. In we also derived a deterministic DDFT, equation , for the ensemble (or noise) averaged density ${\rho}({\bi{r}},t)$. The equations for the instantaneous microscopic density ${\hat{\rho}}({\bi{r}},t)$ are of little use because ${\hat{\rho}}({\bi{r}},t)$ directly encodes the positions of all particles (modulo permutations); it is simpler in this case to follow the particle trajectories directly by integrating equation . But, depending on the situation one is trying to describe, it can be reasonable to consider either the coarse grained density ${\bar{\rho}}({\bi{r}},t)$ or the ensemble averaged density ${\rho}({\bi{r}},t)$. In fact, their time evolution equations, and respectively, are identical except for the additional noise term in . Both (approximate) equations are consistent with equilibrium thermodynamics. While the equilibrium value of ${\rho}({\bi{r}},t)$ (i.e. in the limit $t \rightarrow \infty$), which we denote ${\rho}({\bi{r}})$, is correctly given by the stationary point of the Helmholtz free energy functional $\frac{\delta
{\mathcal{F}}[{\rho}]}{\delta {\rho}({\bi{r}})} = \mu$ [@marconi99; @archer04; @evans79], the time evolution of the coarse grained density ${\bar{\rho}}({\bi{r}},t)$ also includes fluctuations about the equilibrium profile ${\rho}({\bi{r}})$. In other words ${\rho}({\bi{r}})$ is the most probable density distribution in ${\bar{W}}^{(eq)}[{\bar{\rho}}]$. For non-interacting particles, as pointed out in reference [@marconi99], the deterministic DDFT in equation reduces to the (exact) drift-diffusion equation for Brownian particles in an external potential. These observations suggest that the DDFT provides a good approximation to the exact time evolution of the particle density, particularly when the system is either close to equilibrium or when the particles interact weakly.
We believe that the origin of the debate as to whether the DDFT should be a stochastic or deterministic equation is a matter of confusion between the three types of densities defined in this paper. In particular, the distinction between the instantaneous microscopic density ${\hat{\rho}}({\bi{r}},t)$ and the coarse grained density ${\bar{\rho}}({\bi{r}},t)$ is of great importance, as noted also in reference [@kawasaki98]. The confusion is most apparent in two recent contributions to the field, references [@dean96; @frusawa00]. In both papers, the Langevin and Fokker-Planck equation for ${\hat{\rho}}({\bi{r}},t)$, namely and , respectively, are derived correctly, but then the microscopic instantaneous density ${\hat{\rho}}({\bi{r}},t)$, which is a sum of delta functions, is confused with the coarse grained density ${\bar{\rho}}({\bi{r}},t)$. In addition to this confusion there is, in references [@dean96; @frusawa00], a lack of a clear distinction between the functional ${\mathcal{H}}[{\hat{\rho}}]$ and the free energy functional ${\mathcal{F}}[{\bar{\rho}}]$. Bearing in mind the results from equilibrium density functional theory [@evans79; @evans92] this distinction should be evident immediately.
The authors of reference [@frusawa00] argue that a DDFT has to be stochastic in nature. This misconception has its roots in reference [@dean96] where the difference between ${\hat{\rho}}({\bi{r}},t)$ and ${\bar{\rho}}({\bi{r}},t)$ is not recognized at all. This difference is further obscured by the fact that the time evolution equation for the [*spatially*]{} coarse grained density derived in [@kawasaki94] involves a free energy functional whose form is strikingly similar to ${\mathcal{H}}[{\hat{\rho}}]$ in . However, the crucial difference is that contains the bare pair interaction potential while the functional derived in [@kawasaki94] contains the direct pair correlation function, instead of $V(r)$, and therefore leads to the proper thermodynamic equilibrium state. We wish to emphasize that a DDFT for ${\rho}({\bi{r}},t)$, the density distribution averaged over all realizations of the stochastic noise, must be deterministic.
In summary, one can justify both a stochastic as well as a deterministic DDFT, depending on the quantities of interest. In this sense, there is a confusion rather than a controversy about the nature of DDFT.
![\[figure\] Flow chart outlining the various possible routes for deriving a DDFT for pairwise interacting Brownian particles. The starting point for all attempts to derive a DDFT is equation (thick dashed line box at the top). The end point is either a theory for the coarse grained density ${\bar{\rho}}({\bi{r}},t)$ (Langevin or Fokker-Planck equation, thick solid outlined boxes at the bottom) or, for the ensemble averaged density ${\rho}({\bi{r}},t)$, a deterministic equation, (thick solid outlined box on right). The Langevin and Fokker-Planck equation for the microscopic density ${\hat{\rho}}({\bi{r}},t)$ are only intermediate results (dotted boxes). Steps 1, 2, 5, 8, and 9 are exact (in circles) whereas steps 3, 4, 6, and 7 involve approximations (in square boxes). Ensemble averaged theories are located in the vertically striped area while coarse grained theories are located in the horizontally striped area. ](figure.epsi)
We thank R. Evans for fruitful discussions on the present work and AJA acknowledges the support of EPSRC under grant number GR/S28631/01.
References {#references .unnumbered}
Evans R 1979 [*Adv. Phys.*]{} [**28**]{} 143
Evans R 1992 in [*Fundamentals of Inhomogeneous Fluids*]{}, edited by D Henderson (Dekker: New York), chapter 3
Munakata T 1989 [*J. Phys. Soc. Japan*]{} [**58**]{} 2434
Kirkpatrick T R and Thirumalai D [*J. Phys. A: Math. Gen.*]{} [**22**]{} L149
Dean D S 1996 [*J. Phys. A: Math. Gen.*]{} [**29**]{} L613
Kawasaki K 1994 [*Phyisica A*]{} [**208**]{} 35
Frusawa H and Hayakawa R 2000 [*J. Phys. A: Math. Gen.*]{} [**33**]{} L155
Marconi U M B and Tarazona P 1999 [*J. Chem. Phys.*]{} [**110**]{} 8032
Marconi U M B and Tarazona P 2000 [*J. Phys.: Condens. Matter*]{} [**12**]{} A413
Archer A J and Evans R 2004 submitted
Risken H 1984 [*The Fokker-Planck Equation*]{}, (Springer: Berlin)
Rauscher M, Mecke K and Gr[ü]{}n G 2004 to be published soon
Zinn-Justin J 2002 [*Quantum Field Theory and Critical Phenomena*]{}, (Oxford University Press: Oxford), chapter 4
Goldenfeld N 1992 [*Lectures on Phase Transitions and the Renormalization Group*]{}, (Addison Wesley)
Kawasaki K 1998 [*J. Stat. Phys.*]{} [**93**]{} 527
Dhont J K G 1996 [*J. Chem. Phys.*]{} [**105**]{} 5112
Percus J K 1976 [*J. Stat. Phys.*]{} [**15**]{} 505
Pérez-Madrid A, Reguera D and Rubí J M 2002 [*J. Phys.: Condens. Matter*]{} [**14**]{} 1651
Reguera D and Reiss H 2004 [*J. Chem. Phys.*]{} [**120**]{} 2558
[^1]: Note that the equilibrium excess Helmholtz free energy functional ${{\mathcal{F}}_{\!\!{ex}}}[{\rho}]$, is only known exactly for the case of hard-rods in one dimension [@percus76] (see also [@marconi99]). In practice one can only obtain an approximation to the exact functional. Some of the more recently derived functionals are rather sophisticated and very accurate [@evans92].
[^2]: More strictly, we expect the free energy functional in to be a coarse-grained free energy functional, $\bar{{\mathcal{F}}}[{\bar{\rho}}]$. We are making the approximation $\bar{{\mathcal{F}}}[{\bar{\rho}}] \simeq {\mathcal{F}}[{\bar{\rho}}]$. See [@reguera04] for a recent discussion of the difference between these free energy functionals.
| {
"pile_set_name": "ArXiv"
} | ArXiv |
abstract: 'In this paper, we prove some rigidity results for the Einstein metrics as the critical points of a family of known quadratic curvature functionals on closed manifolds, characterized by some point-wise inequalities. Moreover, we also provide a few rigidity results that involve the Weyl curvature, the trace-less Ricci curvature and the Yamabe invariant, accordingly.'
- 'College of Physics and Materials Science, Henan Normal University, Xinxiang 453007, People’s Republic of China'
- 'Department of Mathematics, Henan Normal University, Xinxiang 453007, People’s Republic of China'
- 'Department of Mathematics, Henan Normal University, Xinxiang 453007, People’s Republic of China'
- Bingqing Ma
- Guangyue Huang
- Xingxiao Li
- Yu Chen
title: Rigidity of Einstein metrics as critical points of quadratic curvature functionals on closed manifolds
In this paper, we always assume that $M^n$ is a closed manifold of dimension $n\geq3$ and $g$ a Riemannian metric on $M^n$ with the Riemannian curvature tensor $R_{ijkl}$, the Ricci tensor $R_{ij}$ and the scalar curvature $R$. It is well-known that any Einstein metric $g$ must be critical for the Einstein-Hilbert functional $$\mathcal {H}=\int_{M}R$$ defined on the space $\mathscr{M}_1(M^n)$ of equivalence classes of smooth Riemannian metrics of volume one on $M^n$. On the other hand, Catino considered in [@Catino2015] the following family of quadratic curvature functionals $$\label{Int-1}
\mathcal{F}_t\,=\,\int_M |R_{ij}|^{2}+t\int_M
R^{2},\quad t\in \mathbb{R}$$ which are also defined on $\mathscr{M}_1(M^n)$, and proved some related rigidity results. Furthermore, it has been observed in [@Bess2008] that every Einstein metric is a critical point of $\mathcal{F}_t$ for all $t\in \mathbb{R}$, see below. But the converse of this conclusion is not true in general.
Therefore it is natural to ask that under what conditions a critical metric for the functionals $\mathcal{F}_t$ must be a Einstein one. In fact, there have been a number of interesting conclusions to this problem, for example, under some suitable curvature conditions ([@Lamontagne1994; @Catino2015; @Tanno1975]), or under some integral conditions ([@Gursky2001; @HC-2017ProcAMS]). For other development in this direction, we refer the readers to [@HL2004; @Gursky2015; @Anderson1997; @Catino2014ProcAMS] and the references therein.
Recall that the Yamabe invariant $Y_M([g])$ is defined by $$\begin{aligned}
}\frac{\int_M\tilde{R}\,dv_{\tilde{g}}} {(\int_M\,dv_{\tilde{g}})^{\frac{n-2}{n}}}\notag\\
=&\frac{4(n-1)}{n-2}\inf\limits_{u\in W^{1,2}(M^n)}\frac{\int_M|\nabla
Ru^2\,dv_g}{(\int_M|u|^{\frac{2n}{n-2}}\,dv_g)^{\frac{n-2}{n}}},\end{aligned}$$ where $[g]$ is the conformal class of the metric $g$. It then follows that $$\begin{aligned}
\frac{n-2}{4(n-1)}Y_M([g])& \Big(\int_M|u|^{\frac{2n}{n-2}}\,dv_g\Big)^{\frac{n-2}{n}} \notag\\
u|^2\,dv_g+\frac{n-2}{4(n-1)}\int_MRu^2\,dv_g,\end{aligned}$$ for all $u\in W^{1,2}(M^n)$. Moreover, $Y_M([g])$ is positive if and only if there exists a conformal metric in $[g]$ with everywhere positive scalar curvature.
In the present paper, by using some pinching conditions involving the Weyl curvature, the trace-less Ricci curvature and the Yamabe invariant, we aim to prove a number of rigidity theorems for the Einstein metrics considered as the critical points of the functional family $\mathcal{F}_t$ ($t\in R$). For convenience, we shall use $\mathring{{\rm Ric}}$ and $W$ throughout this paper to denote the trace-less Ricci curvature and the Weyl curvature, respectively.
Our main results are stated as follows.
\[thm1-1\] Let $(M^n,g)$ be a closed Riemannian manifold of dimension $n\geq 3$ with positive scalar curvature and $g$ is a critical metric for the functional family $\mathcal{F}_t$ over $\mathscr{M}_1(M^n)$, where $$\label{1111thm-Int-1}
\begin{cases}t<-\frac{5}{12},\ \ \ \quad \quad {\rm if}\ n=3;\\
t<-\frac{1}{3},\ \quad\quad \quad {\rm if}\ n=4; \\
t\leq-\frac{n}{4(n-1)},\ \quad {\rm if}\ n\geq5.
\end{cases}$$ Suppose that $$\begin{aligned}
\Big|W-&\frac{n-4}{\sqrt{2n}(n-2)}\mathring{{\rm Ric}} \mathbin{\bigcirc\mkern-15mu\wedge} g\Big|\notag\\
&<-\sqrt{\frac{2}{(n-1)(n-2)}}\left(\frac{2(n-2)+2n(n-1)t}{n} +1\right)R.\end{aligned}$$ Then $(M^n,g)$ must be of Einstein.
In particular, when $n=3$, we have $W=0$ automatically. On the other hand, from it is seen that an Einstein manifold $M^3$ with positive scalar curvature must be of constant positive sectional curvature. Moreover, it follows from Lemma \[Lemma23\] that $|\mathring{{\rm Ric}} \mathbin{\bigcirc\mkern-15mu\wedge} g|=2|\mathring{{\rm Ric}}|$ on $M^3$. Consequently, the following conclusion is immediate by Theorem \[thm1-1\].
\[corr1-1\] Let $(M^3,g)$ be as in Theorem \[thm1-1\] with $n=3$. If $$\label{1corr-Int-4}
|\mathring{{\rm Ric}}|<-\frac{5+12t}{\sqrt{6}}R,\quad \text{for}\quad t<-\frac{5}{12},$$ then $(M^3,g)$ must be of constant positive sectional curvature.
Next, for $t=-\frac{1}{2}$, we give rigidity results by using pointwise inequalities.
\[thm1-6\] Let $(M^n,g)$ be a closed Riemannian manifold of dimension $n\geq 3$ with positive scalar curvature and $g$ is a critical metric for the functional $\mathcal{F}_{-\frac12}$ over $\mathscr{M}_1(M^n)$. Suppose that $$\label{6thm-Int-12}
\Big|W+\frac{\sqrt{2}}{\sqrt{n}(n-2)}\mathring{{\rm Ric}} \mathbin{\bigcirc\mkern-15mu\wedge} g\Big|\leq
\frac{n^2-3n+4}{n\sqrt{2(n-1)(n-2)}} R.$$ If there exists a point where the inequality in is strict, then $(M^n,g)$ must be of Einstein.
To state the next theorem, we first introduce a constant $$\label{2thm-Int-7}
C_n=\begin{cases}\frac1{\sqrt{6}},&\text{if\ }n=4;\\
\frac{3\sqrt{15}-6}{8\sqrt{10}},&\text{if\ }n=5;\\
\frac{2}{n}\left(\frac{2(n-2)}{\sqrt{n(n-1)}} +\frac{n^2-n-4}{\sqrt{n(n-1)(n+1)(n-2)}}\right)^{-1},&\text{if\ }n\geq 6.
\end{cases}$$ Then, in terms of the Yamabe invariant, we have the following theorem:
\[thm1-2\] Let $(M^n,g)$ be a closed Riemannian manifold of dimension $n\geq 3$ with positive scalar curvature and $g$ is a critical metric for the functional $\mathcal{F}_t$ ($t\leq-\frac{1}{2}$) over $\mathscr{M}_1(M^n)$. Suppose that $$\begin{aligned}
\Big(\int_M\Big|W+\frac{\sqrt{2}}{\sqrt{n}(n-2)}\mathring{{\rm Ric}} \mathbin{\bigcirc\mkern-15mu\wedge} g\Big|^{\frac{n}{2}}\Big)^{\frac{2}{n}}\leq\frac{1}{4}\sqrt{\frac{n-2}{2(n-1)}}Y_M([g]).\end{aligned}$$ Then $(M^n,g)$ must be of Einstein. Furthermore,
\(1) if $n=3,4,5$, then implies that $(M^n,g)$ is of constant positive sectional curvature;
\(2) if $n\geq6$ and is replaced with $$\begin{aligned}
\Big(\int_M\Big|W+\frac{\sqrt{2}}{\sqrt{n}(n-2)}\mathring{{\rm Ric}} \mathbin{\bigcirc\mkern-15mu\wedge} g\Big|^{\frac{n}{2}}\Big)^{\frac{2}{n}}<C_nY_M([g]),\end{aligned}$$ then $(M^n,g)$ must be of constant positive sectional curvature.
\[4corr-1\] Let $(M^{4},g)$ be as in Theorem \[thm1-2\] with $n=4$. Suppose that $$\begin{aligned}
\leq\frac{1}{48}\int_MR^2.\end{aligned}$$ Then, $(M^{4},g)$ must be of constant positive sectional curvature.
For a four dimensional Riemannian manifold, we also have the following rigidity theorem:
\[thm1-3\] Let $(M^{4},g)$ be closed with positive scalar curvature and $g$ be critical for $\mathcal{F}_{t}$ over $\mathscr{M}_1(M^{4})$, where $$\begin{aligned}
-\frac{1}{4}\leq t<-\frac{1}{6}.\end{aligned}$$ Suppose that $$\begin{aligned}
\Big(\int_M\Big|W+\frac{1}{2\sqrt{2}}\mathring{{\rm Ric}}
g\Big|^{2}\Big)^{\frac{1}{2}}<-\frac{1+6t}{2\sqrt{3}}Y_M([g]).\end{aligned}$$ Then, $(M^{4},g)$ must be of constant positive sectional curvature.
\[3corr-1\] Let $(M^{4},g)$ be as in Theorem \[thm1-3\]. If $$\begin{aligned}
\leq\frac{(1+6t)^2}{12}\int_MR^2,\end{aligned}$$ then $(M^{4},g)$ must be of constant positive sectional curvature.
We remark that our rigidity results in both Corollary \[4corr-1\] and Corollary \[3corr-1\] can also be described in terms of the Euler-Poincaré characteristic. In fact, by the well-known Chern-Gauss-Bonnet formula ([@Bess2008 Equation 6.31]) $$\begin{aligned}
\int_M\Big(|W^2-2|\mathring{R}_{ij}|^2+\frac{1}{6}R^2\Big)=32\pi^2\chi(M),\end{aligned}$$ with $\chi(M)$ being the Euler-Poincaré characteristic of $M^4$, the pinching conditions and are equivalent to $$\label{4rem-2}
\frac{13}{2}\int_M|W|^2+\frac{1}{3}\int_MR^2\leq80\pi^2\chi(M)$$ and $$\label{4rem-3}
\leq16[1+(1+6t)^2]\pi^2\chi(M),$$ respectively. So we have the following corollary.
\[5corr-1\] Let $(M^{4},g)$ be closed with positive scalar curvature. If either (1) $g$ is the critical point of $\mathcal{F}_{t}$ over $\mathscr{M}_1(M^{4})$ with $t\leq-\frac{1}{2}$, and $(M^{4},g)$ satisfies , or (2) $g$ is the critical point of $\mathcal{F}_{t}$ over $\mathscr{M}_1(M^{4})$ with , and $(M^{4},g)$ satisfies , then $(M^{4},g)$ must be of constant positive sectional curvature.
\[1Rem-1\] It should be emphasized that our Corollary \[corr1-1\] greatly improves a similar Theorem of Catino in [@Catino2015].
In fact, combining with Remark 1.7 of Catino [@Catino2015] and (i) of Theorem 1.1 in [@HC-2017ProcAMS], the mentioned Theorem of Catino can be stated as follows:
Let $(M^3,g)$ be a Riemannian manifold with positive scalar curvature and $g$ be a critical metric for $\mathcal{F}_t$ with $t\in(-\infty, -\frac{1}{2}]\cup [-\varepsilon_0,-\frac{1}{6})$, where $\varepsilon_0\approx 0.3652$. Then $g$ must have constant positive sectional curvature if $$\label{1Rem-Int-3}
|\mathring{{\rm Ric}}|<-\frac{1+6t}{2\sqrt{6}}R.$$
But it is easy to check that $$\label{1Rem-Int-4}
-\frac{1+6t}{2\sqrt{6}}<-\frac{5+12t}{\sqrt{6}}, \quad\text{for\ }t\in(-\infty, -\frac{1}{2}),$$ which shows that our pinching condition is better than that of Catinos’ in this case. Furthermore, the interval $(-\infty,-\frac{5}{12})$ we use for $t$ is clearly larger than the interval $(-\infty, -\frac{1}{2}]\cup [-\varepsilon_0,-\frac{1}{6})$ used by Catinos.
We should remark that, when $n\geq4$, our Theorem \[thm1-1\] also generalizes the conclusion (ii) of Theorem 1.1 in [@HC-2017ProcAMS].
The second author of this paper thanks Professor Haiping Fu for sending him the recent achievements in this direction.
Some necessary lemmas
Recall that the Weyl curvature $W_{ijkl}$ of a Riemannian manifold $(M^n,g)$ with $n\geq3$ is related to the Riemannian curvature $R_{ijkl}$ by $$\begin{aligned}
&+\frac{R}{(n-1)(n-2)}(g_{ik}g_{jl}-g_{il}g_{jk}).\end{aligned}$$ Since the traceless Ricci curvature $\mathring{R}_{ij}=R_{ij}-\frac{R}{n}g_{ij}$, can be written as $$\begin{aligned}
&-\frac{R}{n(n-1)}(g_{ik}g_{jl}-g_{il}g_{jk}).\end{aligned}$$ Furthermore, the Cotton tensor is defined by $$\begin{aligned}
C_{ijk}=&R_{kj,i}-R_{ki,j}-\frac{1}{2(n-1)} (R_{,i}g_{jk}-R_{,j}g_{ik})\notag\\
=&\mathring{R}_{kj,i}-\mathring{R}_{ki,j} +\frac{n-2}{2n(n-1)}(R_{,i}g_{jk}-R_{,j}g_{ik}),\end{aligned}$$ where the indices after a comma denote the covariant derivatives. Then the divergence of the Weyl curvature tensor is related to the Cotton tensor by $$\label{2-lemmas-4}
It has been shown by Catino in [@Catino2015 Proposition 2.1] that a metric $g$ is critical for $\mathcal{F}_t$ over $\mathscr{M}_1(M^n)$ if and only if it satisfies the following equations $$\begin{aligned}
\mathring{\rm R}_{ij}=&(1+2t)R_{,ij}-\frac{1+2t}{n} (\Delta R)
g_{ij}-2R_{ikjl}\mathring{\rm R}_{kl}\notag\\
&-\frac{2+2nt}{n}R \mathring{\rm R}_{ij} + \frac{2}{n} |\mathring{\rm R}_{ij}|^{2} g_{ij},\label{2-lemmas-5}\\
[n+4(&n-1)t]\Delta R=(n-4) [| R_{ij}|^{2}+t
R^{2}-\lambda],\label{2-lemmas-6}\end{aligned}$$ where $\lambda =\mathcal{F}_t (g)$.
It is easy to see from that $$\begin{aligned}
\frac{1}{2}\Delta|\mathring{\rm R}_{ij}|^2=&|\nabla \mathring{\rm R}_{ij}|^2+ \mathring{\rm R}_{ij}\Delta \mathring{\rm R}_{ij}\notag\\
=&|\nabla \mathring{\rm R}_{ij}|^2+(1+2t) \mathring{\rm R}_{ij}R_{,ij}-2R_{ikjl} \mathring{\rm R}_{kl}\mathring{\rm R}_{ij}
-\frac{2+2nt}{n} R|\mathring{\rm R}_{ij}|^2\notag\\
=&|\nabla \mathring{\rm R}_{ij}|^2+(1+2t) \mathring{\rm R}_{ij}R_{,ij}-\frac{2(n-2)+2n(n-1)t}{n(n-1)} R|\mathring{\rm R}_{ij}|^2\notag\\
&+\frac{4}{n-2}\mathring{\rm R}_{ij}\mathring{\rm R}_{jk}\mathring{\rm R}_{ki}-2W_{ikjl} \mathring{\rm R}_{kl}\mathring{\rm R}_{ij}.\end{aligned}$$ Integrating both sides of yields $$\begin{aligned}
0=&\int_M|\nabla \mathring{\rm R}_{ij}|^2-\int_M \Big(2W_{ikjl} \mathring{\rm R}_{kl}\mathring{\rm R}_{ij}
-\frac{4}{n-2}\mathring{\rm R}_{ij}\mathring{\rm R}_{jk}\mathring{\rm R}_{ki}\notag\\
&+\frac{2(n-2)+2n(n-1)t}{n(n-1)}R|\mathring{\rm R}_{ij}|^2\Big)
-(1+2t)\int_M\mathring{\rm R}_{ij,j}R_{,i}\notag\\
=&\int_M|\nabla \mathring{\rm R}_{ij}|^2-\int_M \Big(2W_{ikjl} \mathring{\rm R}_{kl}\mathring{\rm R}_{ij}
-\frac{4}{n-2}\mathring{\rm R}_{ij}\mathring{\rm R}_{jk}\mathring{\rm R}_{ki}\notag\\
&+\frac{2(n-2)+2n(n-1)t}{n(n-1)}R|\mathring{\rm R}_{ij}|^2\Big)
-\frac{(n-2)(1+2t)}{2n}\int_M|\nabla R|^2\end{aligned}$$ where we have used $\mathring{\rm R}_{ij,j}=\frac{n-2}{2n}R_{,i}$ in the second equality. Thus, we obtain the following result:
\[Lemma21\] Let $M^n$ be a closed manifold and $g$ be a critical metric for $\mathcal{F}_{t}$ on $\mathscr{M}_1(M^n)$. Then $$\begin{aligned}
\int_M|\nabla& \mathring{R}_{ij}|^2=\int_M\Big(
&+\frac{2(n-2)+2n(n-1)t}{n(n-1)}R|\mathring{R}_{ij}|^2+\frac{(n-2)(1+2t)}{2n}|\nabla R|^2\Big).\end{aligned}$$
Next, by combining the relationship $$R_{ijkl}\mathring{R}_{jl}\mathring{R}_{ik}=W_{ijkl}\mathring{R}_{jl}\mathring{R}_{ik}
\mathring{R}_{ki}$$ with Proposition 4.1 in [@Catino2015] (for the case of dimension three, see [@Gursky2001 Sect. 4]), we obtain
\[Lemma22\] Let $M^n$ be a closed manifold. Then $$\begin{aligned}
\int_M|\nabla \mathring{R}_{ij}|^2=&\int_M\Big(
&-\frac{1}{n-1}R|\mathring{R}_{ij}|^2+\frac{(n-2)^2}{4n(n-1)}|\nabla R|^2+\frac{1}{2}|C_{ijk}|^2\Big).\end{aligned}$$
The next lemma comes from [@HM-2016; @FuPeng-2017Hokkaido] (for the case of $\lambda=\frac{2}{n-2}$, see [@Catino2016]):
\[Lemma23\] For every Riemannian manifold $(M^n,g)$ and any $\lambda\in \mathbb{R}$, the following estimate holds $$\begin{aligned}
=&\sqrt{\frac{n-2}{2(n-1)}}\Big|W+\frac{\lambda}{\sqrt{2n}}\mathring{{\rm Ric}} \mathbin{\bigcirc\mkern-15mu\wedge} g\Big||\mathring{R}_{ij}|^2.\end{aligned}$$
The following lemma comes from [@FuXiao2017DGA], or see [@FuXiao2017Monath Proposition 1.3]:
\[Lemma24\] An Einstein manifold $(M^n,g)$ with positive scalar curvature is of constant positive sectional curvature, provided $$\label{2-lemmas-12}
\Big(\int_M|W|^{\frac{n}{2}}\Big)^{\frac{2}{n}}<C_n\,Y_M([g]),$$ where $C_n$ is given by .
Proof of the main results
Proof of Theorem \[thm1-1\]
Using and , it is easy to see $$\begin{aligned}
&-\frac{n-2}{2n}\Big((1+2t)-\frac{n-2}{2(n-1)}\Big)|\nabla R|^2+\frac{1}{2}|C_{ijk}|^2\Big].\end{aligned}$$ Substituting the estimate with $\lambda=-\frac{n-4}{n-2}$ into gives $$\begin{aligned}
\left(-\sqrt{\frac{n-2}{2(n-1)}}\Big|W -\frac{n-4}{\sqrt{2n}(n-2)}\mathring{{\rm Ric}} \mathbin{\bigcirc\mkern-15mu\wedge} g\Big|\right.\notag\\
&\left.-\frac{1}{n-1}\Big(\frac{2(n-2)+2n(n-1)t}{n} +1\Big)R\right)|\mathring{R}_{ij}|^2\notag\\
&-\frac{n-2}{2n}\Big((1+2t)-\frac{n-2}{2(n-1)}\Big)|\nabla R|^2+\frac{1}{2}|C_{ijk}|^2\Bigg].\end{aligned}$$ Note that, when $t$ satisfies , $$\frac{2(n-2)+2n(n-1)t}{n}+1<0,\quad (1+2t)-\frac{n-2}{2(n-1)}\leq0.$$ Then we can use to find $$\begin{aligned}
\Big[-\sqrt{\frac{n-2}{2(n-1)}}\Big|W-\frac{n-4}{\sqrt{2n}(n-2)}\mathring{{\rm Ric}} \mathbin{\bigcirc\mkern-15mu\wedge} g\Big|\notag\\
&-\frac{n-2}{2n}\Big((1+2t)-\frac{n-2}{2(n-1)}\Big)|\nabla R|^2+\frac{1}{2}|C_{ijk}|^2\Bigg]
\geq 0,\end{aligned}$$ which shows that $M^n$ is Einstein, completing the proof of Theorem \[thm1-1\].
Proof of Theorem \[thm1-6\]
When $t=-\frac{1}{2}$, we have $(1+2t)R_{,ij}=0$. Thus by , the formula becomes $$\begin{aligned}
\frac{1}{2}\Delta|\mathring{\rm R}_{ij}|^2=&|\nabla \mathring{\rm R}_{ij}|^2+\frac{n^2-3n+4}{n(n-1)} R|\mathring{\rm R}_{ij}|^2\notag\\
&+\frac{4}{n-2}\mathring{\rm R}_{ij}\mathring{\rm R}_{jk}\mathring{\rm R}_{ki}-2W_{ikjl} \mathring{\rm R}_{kl}\mathring{\rm R}_{ij}\notag\\
\geq&|\nabla \mathring{\rm R}_{ij}|^2+\Bigg[\frac{n^2-3n+4}{n(n-1)}R\notag\\
&-\sqrt{\frac{2(n-2)}{n-1}}\Big|W+\frac{\sqrt{2}}{\sqrt{n}(n-2)}\mathring{{\rm Ric}} \mathbin{\bigcirc\mkern-15mu\wedge} g\Big|\,\Bigg]|\mathring{R}_{ij}|^2 \geq0\end{aligned}$$ In this case, $|\mathring{\rm R}_{ij}|^2$ is subharmonic on $M^n$. Using the maximum principle, we obtain that $|\mathring{\rm R}_{ij}|$ is constant and $\nabla \mathring{\rm R}_{ij}=0$, implying that the Ricci curvature is parallel, hence the curvature tensor is harmonic and $R$ is constant. In particular, becomes $$\begin{aligned}
\Bigg[&\frac{n^2-3n+4}{n\sqrt{2(n-1)(n-2)}} R-\Big|W+\frac{\sqrt{2}}{\sqrt{n}(n-2)}\mathring{{\rm Ric}} \mathbin{\bigcirc\mkern-15mu\wedge} g\Big|\Bigg]|\mathring{R}_{ij}|^2
=0.\end{aligned}$$ If there exists a point $x_0$ such that the inequality is strict, then from we have $|\mathring{R}_{ij}|(x_0)=0$ which with the fact that $|\mathring{\rm R}_{ij}|$ constant shows that $\mathring{R}_{ij}=0$, that is, $M^n$ is Einstein, completing the proof of Theorem \[thm1-6\].
Proof of Theorem \[thm1-2\]
Using the Kato inequality $|\nabla \mathring{R}_{ij}|\geq |\nabla|\mathring{R}_{ij}||$, we have from $$\begin{aligned}
\int_M|\nabla|\mathring{\rm R}_{ij}||^2\leq&\int_M\Big(
&+\frac{2(n-2)+2n(n-1)t}{n(n-1)}R|\mathring{R}_{ij}|^2\notag\\ &+\frac{(n-2)(1+2t)}{2n}|\nabla R|^2\Big),\end{aligned}$$ which shows $$\begin{aligned}
\int_M|\nabla|\mathring{\rm R}_{ij}||^2\leq&\frac{(n-2)(1+2t)}{2n}\int_M|\nabla R|^2\notag\\
&+\frac{2(n-2)+2n(n-1)t}{n(n-1)}\int_M R|\mathring{\rm R}_{ij}|^2\notag\\
&+\sqrt{\frac{2(n-2)}{n-1}}\int_M\Big|W +\frac{\sqrt{2}}{\sqrt{n}(n-2)}\mathring{{\rm Ric}} \mathbin{\bigcirc\mkern-15mu\wedge} g\Big||\mathring{R}_{ij}|^2,\label{thm2-Proof-5}\end{aligned}$$ where we have used . This together with gives $$\begin{aligned}
\leq&\frac{(n-2)(1+2t)}{2n}\int_M|\nabla R|^2
+\frac{(n+8)(n-2)+8n(n-1)t}{4n(n-1)}\int_M R|\mathring{\rm R}_{ij}|^2\notag\\
&+\sqrt{\frac{2(n-2)}{n-1}}\Big(\int_M\Big|W+\frac{\sqrt{2}}{\sqrt{n}(n-2)}\mathring{{\rm Ric}} \mathbin{\bigcirc\mkern-15mu\wedge} g\Big|^{\frac{n}{2}}\Big)^{\frac{2}{n}}\Big(\int_M|\mathring{R}_{ij}|^{\frac{2n}{n-2}}\,dv_g\Big)^{\frac{n-2}{n}},\end{aligned}$$ where we have used the Hölder inequality $$\begin{aligned}
&\int_M\Big|W+\frac{\sqrt{2}}{\sqrt{n}(n-2)}\mathring{{\rm Ric}} \mathbin{\bigcirc\mkern-15mu\wedge} g\Big||\mathring{R}_{ij}|^2\notag\\
&\leq\Big(\int_M\Big|W+\frac{\sqrt{2}}{\sqrt{n}(n-2)} \mathring{{\rm Ric}} \mathbin{\bigcirc\mkern-15mu\wedge} g\Big|^{\frac{n}{2}}\Big)^{\frac{2}{n}} \Big(\int_M|\mathring{R}_{ij}|^{\frac{2n}{n-2}}\, dv_g\Big)^{\frac{n-2}{n}}.\end{aligned}$$ In particular, is equivalent to $$\begin{aligned}
&+\frac{\sqrt{2}}{\sqrt{n}(n-2)}\mathring{{\rm Ric}} \mathbin{\bigcirc\mkern-15mu\wedge} g\Big|^{\frac{n}{2}}\Big)^{\frac{2}{n}}\Bigg]\Big(\int_M|\mathring{R}_{ij}|^{\frac{2n}{n-2}}\,dv_g\Big)^{\frac{n-2}{n}}\notag\\
\leq&\frac{(n-2)(1+2t)}{2n}\int_M|\nabla R|^2+\frac{(n+8)(n-2)+8n(n-1)t}{4n(n-1)}\int_M R|\mathring{\rm R}_{ij}|^2.\end{aligned}$$ It is easy to check that, for all $n$, $$\label{thm2-Proof-8}
\frac{(n+8)(n-2)}{8n(n-1)}<\frac{1}{2},$$ which shows that $1+2t\leq0$ implies $(n+8)(n-2)+8n(n-1)t<0$. Hence, under the assumption , $M^n$ must be Einstein.
When $n=4,5$, then becomes $$\begin{aligned}
\Big(\int_M|W|^{\frac{n}{2}}\Big)^{\frac{2}{n}}\leq\frac{1}{4}\sqrt{\frac{n-2}{2(n-1)}}Y_M([g])\end{aligned}$$ since $M^n$ Einstein. By $$\begin{aligned}
\frac{1}{4}\sqrt{\frac{n-2}{2(n-1)}}<C_n,\end{aligned}$$ and with the help of Lemma \[Lemma24\], we can derive that $M^n$ is of constant positive sectional curvature, where $C_n$ is given by .
When $n\geq6$, we can check that $$\begin{aligned}
C_n<\frac{1}{4}\sqrt{\frac{n-2}{2(n-1)}}.\end{aligned}$$ Hence, if holds, then holds. So $M^n$ is of Einstein and hence, by Lemma \[Lemma23\], it is also of constant positive sectional curvature, completing the proof of Theorem \[thm1-2\].
Proof of Theorem \[thm1-3\]
In order to prove Theorem \[thm1-3\], we shall need the following proposition.
\[3porp-1\] Let $M^n$ be a closed manifold with positive scalar curvature and $g$ be a critical metric for $\mathcal{F}_{t}$ on $\mathscr{M}_1(M^n)$ with $(1+2t)R_{,ij}=0$. Then, for any $\alpha>\frac{1}{2}$, we have $$\begin{aligned}
0\geq&\Bigg[\Big(2-\frac{1}{\alpha}\Big) \frac{n-2}{4(n-1)}Y_M([g])\notag\\
&-\alpha\sqrt{\frac{2(n-2)}{n-1}} \Big(\int_M\Big|W+\frac{\sqrt{2}} {\sqrt{n}(n-2)}\mathring{{\rm
Ric}} \mathbin{\bigcirc\mkern-15mu\wedge}
&\times\Big(\int_M|\mathring{R}_{ij}|^{\frac{2n\alpha}{n-2}} \Big)^{\frac{n-2}{n}}
&+\Big(2-\frac{1}{\alpha}\Big)\frac{n-2}{4(n-1)}\Bigg] \int_MR|\mathring{\rm
Since $(1+2t)R_{,ij}=0$, becomes $$\begin{aligned}
|\mathring{\rm R}_{ij}|\Delta|\mathring{\rm R}_{ij}|\geq& -\frac{2(n-2)+2n(n-1)t}{n(n-1)} R|\mathring{\rm R}_{ij}|^2\notag\\
&+\frac{4}{n-2} \mathring{\rm R}_{ij} \mathring{\rm R}_{jk} \mathring{\rm R}_{ki}-2W_{ikjl} \mathring{\rm R}_{kl} \mathring{\rm R}_{ij}\notag\\
\geq&-\sqrt{\frac{2(n-2)}{n-1}}\Big|W+\frac{\sqrt{2}}{\sqrt{n}(n-2)}\mathring{{\rm Ric}} \mathbin{\bigcirc\mkern-15mu\wedge} g\Big||\mathring{R}_{ij}|^2\notag\\
&-\frac{2(n-2)+2n(n-1)t}{n(n-1)} R|\mathring{\rm R}_{ij}|^2.\end{aligned}$$ Let $u=|\mathring{\rm R}_{ij}|$. Then for any $\alpha>0$, we have $$\begin{aligned}
u^{\alpha}\Delta u^{\alpha}=&u^{\alpha}[\alpha(\alpha-1)u^{\alpha-2}|\nabla u|^2+\alpha u^{\alpha-1}\Delta u]\notag\\
=&\Big(1-\frac{1}{\alpha}\Big)|\nabla u^{\alpha}|^2+\alpha u^{2\alpha-2}u\Delta u\notag\\
\geq&\Big(1-\frac{1}{\alpha}\Big)|\nabla u^{\alpha}|^2-\frac{2\alpha[(n-2)+n(n-1)t]}{n(n-1)} Ru^{2\alpha}\notag\\
Ric}} \mathbin{\bigcirc\mkern-15mu\wedge} g\Big|u^{2\alpha},\end{aligned}$$ and hence $$\begin{aligned}
0\geq&\Big(2-\frac{1}{\alpha}\Big)\int_M|\nabla u^{\alpha}|^2-\frac{2\alpha[(n-2)+n(n-1)t]}{n(n-1)} \int_MRu^{2\alpha}\notag\\
Ric}} \mathbin{\bigcirc\mkern-15mu\wedge} g\Big|u^{2\alpha}.\end{aligned}$$ Therefore, by virtue of , we have for $2-\frac{1}{\alpha}>0$
0\geq&\Bigg[\Big(2-\frac{1}{\alpha}\Big) \frac{n-2}{4(n-1)}Y_M([g])\notag\\
&-\alpha\sqrt{\frac{2(n-2)}{n-1}} \Big(\int_M\Big|W+\frac{\sqrt{2}} {\sqrt{n}(n-2)}\mathring{{\rm
Ric}} \mathbin{\bigcirc\mkern-15mu\wedge}
&\times\Big(\int_Mu^{\frac{2n\alpha}{n-2}}\Big) ^{\frac{n-2}{n}}
&+\Big(2-\frac{1}{\alpha}\Big)\frac{n-2} {4(n-1)}\Bigg]\int_MRu^{2\alpha},\end{aligned}$$
where we have used the Hölder inequality $$\begin{aligned}
\int_M\Big|W+&\frac{\sqrt{2}}{\sqrt{n}(n-2)}\mathring{{\rm Ric}} \mathbin{\bigcirc\mkern-15mu\wedge} g\Big|u^{2\alpha}\notag\\
\leq&\Big(\int_M\Big|W+\frac{\sqrt{2}} {\sqrt{n}(n-2)}\mathring{{\rm
Ric}} \mathbin{\bigcirc\mkern-15mu\wedge}
u^{\frac{2n\alpha}{n-2}}\Big)^{\frac{n-2}{n}}.\end{aligned}$$ So the proof of Proposition \[3porp-1\] is completed.
Now, we are in a position to prove Theorem \[thm1-3\].
For $n=4$, using , we obtain that the scalar curvature $R$ is harmonic and hence $R$ is constant. Therefore, becomes $$\begin{aligned}
0\geq&\Bigg[\frac{1}{6}\Big(2-\frac{1}{\alpha}\Big) Y_M([g])-\frac{2\alpha}{\sqrt{3}}\Big(\int_M\Big|W
+\frac{1}{2\sqrt{2}}\mathring{{\rm Ric}} \mathbin{\bigcirc\mkern-15mu\wedge} g\Big|^{2}\Big)^{\frac{1}{2}}
&\times\Big(\int_M|\mathring{R}_{ij}|^{4\alpha}\Big) ^{\frac{1}{2}}
-\Bigg[\frac{\alpha(1+6t)}{3}+\frac{1}{6} \Big(2-\frac{1}{\alpha}\Big)\Bigg]
\int_MR|\mathring{\rm R}_{ij}|^{2\alpha}.\end{aligned}$$ Since $t$ satisfies , we may take $$\alpha=\frac{1-\sqrt{1+2(1+6t)}}{-2(1+6t)}$$ such that $2-\frac{1}{\alpha}>0$. In this case, we have $$\frac{\alpha(1+6t)}{3}+\frac{1}{6} \Big(2-\frac{1}{\alpha}\Big)=0.$$ Hence becomes $$\begin{aligned}
0\geq&\Bigg[\frac{1}{6}\Big(2-\frac{1} {\alpha}\Big)Y_M([g])-\frac{2\alpha} {\sqrt{3}}\Big(\int_M\Big|W
+\frac{1}{2\sqrt{2}}\mathring{{\rm Ric}} \mathbin{\bigcirc\mkern-15mu\wedge} g\Big|^{2}\Big)^{\frac{1}{2}}
&\times\Big(\int_M|\mathring{R}_{ij}|^{4\alpha}\Big) ^{\frac{1}{2}}.\end{aligned}$$ Therefore, under the assumption , we obtain that $M^4$ is Einstein. Moreover, in this case, becomes $$\begin{aligned}
\Big(\int_M|W|^{2}\Big)^{\frac{1}{2}}<-\frac{1+6t}{2\sqrt{3}}Y_M([g]).\end{aligned}$$ We can check that $$\begin{aligned}
-\frac{1+6t}{2\sqrt{3}}<\frac{1}{\sqrt{6}},\end{aligned}$$ which, combined with Lemma \[Lemma24\], shows that $M^4$ is of constant positive sectional curvature, completing the proof of Theorem \[thm1-3\].
Proof of Corollaries \[4corr-1\] and \[3corr-1\]
In this last section, we provide the detail in proving Corollaries \[4corr-1\] and \[3corr-1\]. For this, the following lemma by Catino (Lemma 4.1, [@Catino2016]) is needed:
\[Appendix-Lemma-1\] Let $(M^4,g)$ be a closed manifold. Then $$\begin{aligned}
Y_M^2([g])\geq\int_M(R^2-12|\mathring{R}_{ij}|^2),\end{aligned}$$ and the inequality is strict unless $(M^4,g)$ is conformally Einstein.
When $n=4$, the pinching condition can be written as $$\begin{aligned}
<\frac{1}{48}Y_M^2([g]).\end{aligned}$$ It holds by that $$\begin{aligned}
<&\int_M\Big(|W|^2+\frac{5}{4}|\mathring{R}_{ij}|^2-\frac{1}{48}R^2\Big),\end{aligned}$$ from which Corollary \[4corr-1\] follows immediately.
On the other hand, can be written as $$\begin{aligned}
<\frac{(1+6t)^2}{12}Y_M^2([g])\end{aligned}$$ which, combined with , gives $$\begin{aligned}
\int_M\Big(|W|^2+[1+(1+6t)^2]|\mathring{R}_{ij}|^2-\frac{(1+6t)^2}{12}R^2\Big),\end{aligned}$$ completing the proof of Corollary \[3corr-1\].
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[^1]: Research supported by NSFC (Nos. 11401179, 11371018, 11671121).
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epsf =1200 \#1[[**\#1**]{}]{} \#1[[**\#1**]{}]{} \#1[ \#1[(.)]{} ]{}
**High-Resolution Simulations of Cluster Formation**
Tereasa G. Brainerd$^1$, David M. Goldberg$^2$ & Jens Verner Villumsen$^3$
1.0cm $^1$[*Boston University, Dept. of Astronomy, 725 Commonwealth Ave., Boston, MA 02215*]{} 0.10cm $^2$[*Princeton University, Dept. of Astrophysical Science, Peyton Hall, Princeton, NJ 08544*]{} 0.10cm $^3$[*Max-Planck-Institut für Astrophysik, Karl-Schwarzschild-Strasse 1, 85740 Garching bei*]{}
[*München, Germany*]{} 2.0 cm
The formation history of rich clusters is investigated using a hybrid N-body simulation in which high spatial and mass resolution can be achieved self-consistently within a small region of a very large volume. The evolution of three massive clusters is studied via mass accretion, spherically-averaged density profiles, three-dimensional and projected shapes, and degree of substructure. Each cluster consists of $\sim 4 \times
10^5$ particles at the present epoch and in the case that rich cluster evolution is well-described by a 1-parameter family, the simulations have sufficient resolution to demonstrate this. At $z=0$ the clusters have similar masses, $M(r \le 1.5h^{-1} {\rm Mpc})
\sim 2\times 10^{15} h^{-1} M_\odot$, and similar spherically-averaged density profiles, however markedly different formation histories are observed. No single, dominant pattern is apparent in the time variation of the mass accretion rate, the cluster shape, or the degree of substructure. Although not a statistically large sample, these objects suggest that the detailed formation history of rich clusters cannot be characterized by a simple 1-parameter family. These results suggest that the use of observations of rich clusters over a wide range of redshifts to constrain cosmological parameters may not be entirely straightforward.
0.5cm [*Subject headings:*]{} cosmology: dark matter — cosmology: large-scale structure of the universe — cosmology: theory — methods: numerical
=1 =0
The evolution history of clusters of galaxies is a potentially powerful constraint on theories of the formation of large-scale structure in the universe. Although a statistically large sample does not yet exist, it is possible to identify clusters to high redshift (eg.Smail & Dickinson 1995; Bower & Smail 1997; Deltorn et al. 1997; Luppino & Kaiser 1997; Steidel et al. 1997) and it is hoped that eventually a complete description of the time evolution of these objects will be obtained. Additionally, detailed studies of clusters have yielded evidence for significant amounts of substructure in many clusters, even those which appear smooth and round in projection (eg. Beers & Geller, 1983; Jones & Forman 1984; Dressler & Shectman 1988; West & Bothun 1990; Davis & Mushotzky 1993; Miyaji et al. 1993; Mushotzky 1993; White, Briel & Henry 1993; Bird 1994a,b; Zabludoff & Zaritsky 1995). Optical, X-ray, and kinematic evidence has been found for recent mergers of a number of clusters with smaller systems. It appears that at least one third of all clusters are not fully relaxed systems and it is possible that many clusters are still in the process of assembling even today. The fraction of clusters containing significant amounts of substructure at the present epoch is a potentially powerful constraint on the value of the density parameter (eg. Richstone, Loeb & Turner 1992; Bartelmann, Ehlers & Schneider 1993; Kauffmann & White 1993; Lacey & Cole 1993; Mohr et al. 1995) and, therefore, cluster substructure investigations are of considerable interest.
It has been hoped that numerical simulations of cluster formation would provide useful constraints on large-scale structure theories via comparisons of the formation histories of simulated clusters and the observed cluster population. Direct comparisons are, however, problematical for a number of reasons. First, pure N-body simulations follow only the evolution of the dominant, dissipationless mass component of the universe, neglecting hydrodynamics. In such simulations a direct comparison of a theoretical distribution of light (eg. galaxies and X-ray gas) to that of observed clusters is not possible. Under the assumption that density peaks of an appropriate mass scale correspond to the likely sites of galaxy formation, however, it is possible to locate groups of particles within the simulations that may be associated fairly with the dark matter halos of individual galaxies. Additionally, from studies of the coherent weak shear field associated with gravitational lens clusters, the mass of the clusters is certainly dominated by dark matter and in addition it appears that the mass distribution within the clusters traces the smoothed light distribution quite well (eg. Bonnet, Mellier & Fort 1994; Fahlman et al. 1994; Smail et al. 1995; Kneib et al. 1996; Seitz et al. 1996; Squires et al. 1996ab; Smail et al. 1997). Therefore, cluster simulations which include only a dark matter component should yield fairly reasonable results for comparison with observation, at least to a good first approximation.
The worst problem to plague simulations of cluster formation is simply one of resolution, both in terms of the gravitational force calculation on small scales as well as the mass per particle. That is, within the cluster environment itself, one would like to resolve the physical scales associated with galaxies (distances of order a few tens of kiloparsecs, using a mass per particle of order $10^9 \Msun$). Ideally, of course, one would like to achieve such resolution inside a simulation volume which is itself a “fair sample” of the universe (of order $10^7 h^{-3} {\rm Mpc}^3$). Current computing platforms, however, do not allow such a high level of resolution throughout a large simulation volume.
Therefore, high-resolution simulations of cluster formation often follow a scenario in which a simulation of a large volume of the universe is first run at moderate resolution. The final timestep of this simulation is then searched for peaks in the smoothed mass density which would correspond fairly to clusters of galaxies. A sphere of a given radius (typically $r \sim 10h^{-1}$ Mpc) centered on the peak is then excised from the initial conditions of the simulation and populated with a large number of particles of small (sub-galactic) mass (eg. Bromley et al., 1995; Carlberg, 1994). These smaller peak particles are then evolved from the initial timestep to the present epoch, subject to an external potential which is intended to model the correct tidal field due to the local universe that the cluster would experience as it evolves. Difficulties with such simulations are insuring: (1) the radius of the sphere is large enough to include all the mass that should be accreted by the cluster up to the present epoch and (2) the model external potential fairly represents the actual tidal field the cluster would experience if one simply ran the entire simulation at an unachieveably high resolution level.
Here we simulate the formation of 3 rich clusters at very high resolution and investigate the similarities and differences of their evolution histories. All three clusters have similar masses at the present day and for simplicity a standard cold dark matter universe is adopted. The clusters form inside a large computational volume ($8.0\times 10^6
h^{-1} {\rm Mpc}^3$) and high resolution is achieved without the use of either constrained initial conditions or the excision of peaks from a large-scale density field. Instead, a hybrid N-body code utilized. This particular code allows high spatial and mass resolution to be achieved simultaneously within small selected regions of a very large primary simulation volume. High resolution is obtained by nesting small simulations self-consistently inside larger simulations, resulting in a “power zoom” effect. The basic premise behind the N-body code used for the investigation is outlined in §2. Details of the simulations performed are summarized in §3, results of the analysis of the simulations are presented in §4, and a discussion of the results is given in §5.
=2 =0
The code used to run the simulations is the Hierarchical Particle Mesh (HPM) code written by J. V. Villumsen (Villumsen, 1989). The heart of the HPM code is a standard particle mesh (PM) cosmological simulation in which mass density is assigned to a grid using a cloud-in-cell (CIC) weighting scheme and Poisson’s equation is solved using fast Fourier techniques. Although very fast, PM simulations suffer from limited spatial resolution, the force being softer than Newtonian on scales smaller than about 2 grid cells. In order to gain both spatial and mass resolution in a small region of the primary simulation volume, the HPM code allows small simulations (“subgrids”) to be nested self-consistently within the main simulation. By nesting subgrids inside subgrids one can progressively build up to very high resolution in a limited region of the total simulation volume. Details of the force calculations and the generation of initial conditions for multi-grid simulations are given in Villumsen (1989); here we present only a brief outline of the premise behind HPM.
It is important to note that a multi-grid simulation using HPM is an [*iterative*]{} process. To begin, an ordinary PM simulation of a large volume of the universe is run from the desired starting epoch ($z\sim 30$) to the present epoch. Periodic boundary conditions are imposed on this grid and the simulation is carried out in a manner similar to all conventional PM simulations of the formation of large-scale structure. Throughout, this large grid shall be referred to as the “top grid”; it constitutes the fundamental computational volume of the simulation.
A small region of interest which is to be run in high resolution mode (eg. a cluster environment) is then selected from the [*final timestep*]{} of the top grid. Using the previously recorded timesteps of the top grid calculation, those top grid particles which pass through the region of interest (plus a generous buffer zone) at any time during the course of the simulation are tagged. The entire simulation is then reeled back to the uniform grid stage and for each of the top grid particles that were tagged as having passed through the region of interest, a set of smaller particles is generated for the subgrid calculation. This is done in the following manner. Each of the tagged top grid particles defines a cubical box of length $l_t$, equal to the interparticle spacing in the top grid. Allowing the subgrid to be a factor of $f$ smaller than the top grid, a virtual grid of subgrid particles is then generated with a spacing of $l_s = l_t/f$ and any virtual particle in a box defined by a top grid particle is counted as a subgrid particle. At this point the subgrid particles constitute a uniform grid which is fully sampled inside the subgrid volume and only partially sampled outside it. Initial conditions for [*both*]{} the top grid and the subgrid are then generated by perturbing the top grid and subgrid particles away from their respective uniform grids. (Seeds identical to the seeds used to generate the first set of top grid initial conditions are used so that the initial conditions for the top grid in the multi-grid calculation will be identical to the initial conditions for the top grid alone.)
The full multi-grid calculation is then run with the two sets of initial conditions, the top grid and the subgrid being evolved forward in time simultaneously. The important points to note are: (1) there is no “back-reaction” from the subgrid to the top grid (i.e. the top grid simulation runs completely unaware of the subgrid simulation), (2) the potential in the subgrid is computed using both the small particles in the subgrid and the potential from the top grid (i.e. the force field from the top grid acts as an external field on the subgrid simulation), and (3) unlike the top grid, the subgrid utilizes isolated boundary conditions so that subgrid particles may enter and exit the subgrid region over the course of the simulation. Additionally, the subgrids may either be kept stationary throughout the course of the simulation or they may be allowed to move (eg. to follow the growth of an object which has a large streaming velocity).
An HPM simulation is constrained to use the same number of grid cells in both the top grid and subgrid simulations. Therefore by using a subgrid which is factor of $f$ smaller than the top grid, the gain in spatial resolution in the subgrid region is necessarily a factor of $f$. The total number of particles used in the subgrid may, however, vary from that used in the top grid. Allowing an identical number of top grid and subgrid particles across a uniform grid, a subgrid which is a factor of $f$ smaller than the top grid results in a mass per particle that is a factor of $f^3$ smaller than in the top grid. However, in a high density region of the simulation (eg. a cluster) it is oftentimes necessary to reduce the number of uniform grid particles in the subgrid compared to that of the top grid in order to remain within the available machine memory.
Very high resolution in an HPM simulation may be obtained by further nesting subgrids within subgrids. Again, this is an iterative process. At the end of a two-level (top grid plus one subgrid) calculation, a region of interest is identified within the subgrid. All of the subgrid particles which pass through that region of interest over the course of the simulation are tagged and the entire simulation (top grid plus subgrid) is reeled back to the uniform grid stage whereupon a second subgrid is generated within the first subgrid utilizing all the tagged particles from subgrid \#1. Using the same random number generator seeds as were used previously, initial conditions for each of the grids (top grid plus two subgrids) are generated by perturbing each of the three sets of particles away from their respective uniform grids. Again, in the multi-grid calculation the grids are evolved forward in time simultaneously, there is no back-reaction from “parent” grid to “child” grid, and the force field from the “parent” grid acts as an external field for the force calculation in the “child” grid.
Since the “child” particles experience high frequency power in their subgrid that their “parent” particles do not, the “child” particles will not move exactly in concert with their “parent” particles. However, the “child” particles do not stray very far from the general location of the “parent” since the extra high frequency power does not induce large streaming velocities. Should a “parent” particle exit/enter the region of a subgrid, it takes its “children” out of/into the region in a smooth manner. A simple consistency check involves comparing the number of “child” particles found inside a given subgrid at a particular time to the number of “parent” particles also within the subgrid at the same time. The ratio of these numbers should be of order the cube root of the ratio of the particle masses in the two grids (but will not be exactly equal to this value owing to the smooth manner in which the “child” particles enter and exit the subgrids). This is, indeed, the case and for the simulations presented here the ratio of the number of “child” particles to “parent” particles differs from the cube root of the ratio of the particle masses by an average of about 6%.
Visual comparisons between the structures in “parent” and “child” grids show excellent agreement (see Fig. 1). However, due to the higher force resolution in the “child” grid, structures in the “child” grid tend to be more concentrated than the analogous, more poorly resolved structures in the “parent” grid. That is, the force in the “child” grid is not as soft as in the “parent” grid, allowing structures to collapse on smaller scales.
=3 =0
Three multi-grid simulations of the formation of clusters in a standard CDM universe ($H_0=50$ km/s/Mpc, $\Omega_0=1$, $\Lambda=0$) were run. All simulations consisted of 3-level calculations: a top grid of length $L_{\rm top}=200h^{-1}$ Mpc, inside which was nested a subgrid of length $L_{\rm sub1}=33.3 h^{-1}$ Mpc, inside which was nested a subgrid of length $L_{\rm sub2}=8.3 h^{-1}$ Mpc (comoving lengths). In all cases $256^3$ grid cells were used, resulting in a grid cell length of $32.6 h^{-1}$ kpc (comoving) in the smallest, highest resolution subgrid. A total of $128^3$ particles were used in the top grid calculation, resulting in a mass per particle in the top grid of $1.06\times 10^{12}h^{-1}\Msun$. Owing to machine memory limitations, the uniform subgrids were constrained to fewer particles than the top grid. The particle mass in the low-resolution subgrids (subgrid \#1) was $3.90 \times 10^{10} h^{-1} \Msun$ while in the high-resolution subgrids (subgrid \#2) it was $4.88 \times 10^{9} h^{-1} \Msun$. At the end of the simulation there were $8.3 \times 10^5$ particles inside the high-resolution subgrid containing cluster 1, corresponding to a density of 179 particles per cubic megaparsec. For cluster 2, there were $7.3 \times 10^5$ particles inside its high-resolution subgrid at the end of the simulation, corresponding to a density of 159 particles per cubic megaparsec. For cluster 3, there were $9.8\times 10^5$ particles inside its high-resolution subgrid at the end of the simulation, corresponding to a density of 211 particles per cubic megaparsec.
The locations of the subgrids were specified as follows. To begin, a top grid simulation was evolved from $\sigma_8 = 0.033$ to $\sigma_8 = 1.0$, where $$\sigma_8 \equiv \left< \left[ {\delta\rho \over \rho}(8h^{-1} {\rm Mpc})
\right]^2 \right>^{1\over 2} \eqno (1)$$ Identifying the final timestep of the top grid simulation as the present epoch (redshift, $z$, of 0), the simulation began at $z=29$. This is a model which is somewhat under-normalized compared to the COBE observations (eg. Bunn & White 1997) and over-normalized compared to the abundance of rich clusters (eg. Bahcall & Cen 1993; White, Efstathiou & Frenk 1993; Eke, Cole & Frenk 1996; Viana & Liddle 1996). To determine the present-day locations of rich clusters, the mass density field of the top grid at $\sigma_8 = 1.0$ was smoothed with a Gaussian filter of length $1.5 h^{-1}$ Mpc and the locations of peaks determined. From this smoothed density field the locations of three of the largest density peaks were selected as the centers of the first subgrids. For each of these subgrids, the top grid particles that passed through the subgrid region (plus 20% buffer zones) were tagged, the simulations were reeled back to the uniform grid stage, initial conditions for 2-level calculations were generated, and the 2-grid simulations were then evolved from $\sigma_8 = 0.033$ to $\sigma_8 = 1.0$. The second, highest resolution subgrids were then chosen to be centered on the centers of mass of the clusters that formed in each of the first subgrids. Again, using the timesteps of the 2-level calculations, the particles in the first subgrids that passed through the regions of the second subgrids (plus buffer zones) were tagged, the simulations were reeled back to the uniform grid stage, initial conditions for 3-level calculations were generated, and the 3-grid simulations were then evolved from $\sigma_8 = 0.033$ to $\sigma_8 = 1.0$.
The clusters investigated here correspond to the very largest (i.e. most massive) of these objects that would typically form in CDM universes. They do not, therefore, represent an unbiased, “average” sample of clusters but may correspond fairly with the “richest” clusters that would form in such universes. Tables 1, 2, and 3 contain summaries of various properties of the clusters obtained from analyses of the highest resolution subgrids. At the end of the simulation all three clusters have masses of order $2\times 10^{15} h^{-1} \Msun$ within the Abell radius ($1.5h^{-1}$ Mpc), corresponding to of order $4\times 10^5$ particles in the highest resolution subgrids.
Shown in Fig. 1 are grey-scale pictures of the clusters at $\sigma_8 = 1.0$. The level of grey indicates the logarithm of the mass density along the line of sight in the projection and each projection has dimensions $8.3 h^{-1} {\rm Mpc} \times 8.3 h^{-1} {\rm Mpc} \times 8.3 h^{-1}
{\rm Mpc}$. That is, shown in Fig. 1 is a 2-dimensional compression of a 3-dimensional volume corresponding to the full volume of the highest resolution subgrid and each projection is centered on the center of mass of the cluster. The top panels show the clusters at highest resolution (subgrid \#2) and the center panels show the clusters at lower resolution (subgrid \#1). The sizes of the pixels in the figure correspond to the sizes of grid cells in the different subgrids and reflect their relative levels of resolution. In each case the high mass density in the inner regions of the clusters results in a “burned out” image, but in the outer regions of the clusters it is clear that there are many smaller galaxy-sized mass concentrations. (There are also smaller galaxy-sized mass concentrations in the inner regions of the cluster which are not visible in Fig. 1 due to the level of contrast. See §4.6.) The bottom panels in Fig. 1 show a comparison of the mass density along the line of sight in the high- and low-resolution subgrids. Specifically, the grey-scale indicates the logarithm of the ratio of the mass density in subgrid \#2 to the mass density in subgrid \#1. The comparison is done at the same (low) resolution as subgrid \#1. Overall the comparison is excellent (i.e. the image is fairly flat at a moderate level of grey, indicating a density ratio of order unity). The largest discrepancy between the densities in the two subgrids occurs near the “edges” of the clusters where the density in subgrid \#2 is less than in the corresponding regions of subgrid \#1 (i.e. white pixels). The discrepancy is caused by the relative levels of numerical softening in the two subgrids, the force being softer on a larger scale in subgrid \#1 than in subgrid \#2, resulting in less concentrated structure in subgrid \#1 compared to subgrid \#2. That is, in the outer regions of the cluster the high-resolution version is somewhat less dense than the low-resolution version since, on the whole, the cluster is more condensed in subgrid \#2 than it is in subgrid \#1. Spherically-averaged density profiles of the clusters computed using the two different subgrids are, however, in excellent agreement at large radii (see Fig. 5).
=4 =0
The growth of each of the clusters was investigated through: \[1\] the mean infall distance of particles into the cluster, \[2\] the time evolution of the total mass of the cluster contained within the Abell radius and \[3\] the rate at which mass was accreted within the Abell radius as a function of time. In order to calculate each of these quantities the center of mass of each cluster is required. This was determined using the following iterative procedure. Starting with an initial center of mass given by the location of the corresponding peak in the smoothed mass density field of the top grid, all subgrid particles within a radius of $3.0h^{-1} {\rm Mpc}$ were selected and the center of mass of those particles was computed. From this center of mass a new sphere of particles of radius $3.0h^{-1} {\rm Mpc}$ was selected and a new center of mass computed. The process was repeated within a given subgrid until convergence was reached (of order 6 iterations). Note that the centers of mass for each cluster computed independently from the corresponding high- and low-resolution subgrids are identical. Also, over the course of the simulations the centers of mass of the clusters have low streaming velocities and they move total distances which are less than the mesh resolution of the top grid.
Fig. 2 summarizes both the mean and maximum infall distances of particles over the course of the simulations. The points with error bars in Fig. 2 indicate the mean initial distance of subgrid \#1 particles from the centers of mass of their respective clusters as a function of their distance from the cluster centers of mass at the end of the simulation. That is, the points indicate the mean streaming distance of particles present in the clusters at the end of the simulation as function of their distance from the center of mass at the final timestep. The error bars show one standard deviation. The open squares without error bars indicate the [*maximum*]{} initial distance of any one particle from the center of mass of its cluster versus its distance from that cluster at the end of the simulation. From this figure, then, over the course of the simulations the mean distance traveled by particles found within the Abell radii at the end of the simulations is of order $12h^{-1} {\rm Mpc}$. This is not at all surprizing since the mass of the clusters within the Abell radius at $\sigma_8 = 1.0$ is of order $2\times 10^{15} h^{-1} \Msun$, equal to the mass contained within a uniform critical density sphere of radius $12h^{-1} {\rm Mpc}$. The maximum infall distance, however, is of order $18h^{-1} {\rm Mpc}$. Thus, in order to follow all of the infall of mass into the clusters over the course of the entire simulation, a simulation that utilizes either constrained initial conditions or the excision of peaks from a large-scale structure simulation would require a volume of $\sim 3\times 10^4 h^{-3} {\rm Mpc}^3$ to be simulated at comparably high resolution. This is a factor of order 50 larger than the requisite volume for the highest resolution subgrid in the HPM calculation.
The masses of the clusters contained within the Abell radius, $M(r = 1.5h^{-1}{\rm Mpc})$, and the rates at which mass was accreted within the Abell radius, $\dot{M}(r = 1.5h^{-1}{\rm Mpc})$, were computed as a function of lookback time for each of the three clusters. The high-resolution subgrid particles were used for these calculations and the lookback time was computed by taking $\sigma_8 = 1.0$ to be the present epoch. Results for the evolution of the total amount of mass within the Abell radius, normalized by the present-day mass of the cluster within the same (comoving) distance, are shown in Fig. 3. It is clear from this figure that the details of the evolution of the clusters are somewhat different in each case but that all three gained of order 50% of their present-day mass within the past 5 to 8 Gyr . The details of the [*rate*]{} at which mass was accreted within the Abell radius are shown in Fig. 4. Here the rate at which mass was accreted by each cluster, $\dot{M}$, is shown as a function of lookback time and redshift, normalized by $\left< \dot{M} \right>$, the average rate at which the cluster accreted mass between $z=2$ and $z=0$. From this figure it is clear that, although all three clusters have similar masses at the present, no single pattern of mass accretion dominates in the formation of the clusters. Cluster 1 shows a monotonic increase in mass accretion rate from $z=2$ to $z=0.2$, after which it accretes virtually no mass. Cluster 2, however, shows a monotonic decrease in the mass accretion rate from $z=2$ to the present and cluster 3 forms via a mass accretion rate which is roughly constant.
Spherically-averaged differential density profiles, $\rho(r)$, are shown in Fig. 5 for each of the clusters at the end of the simulations. Squares indicate the density profiles obtained using the high-resolution subgrid particles and triangles indicate the density profiles obtained using the low-resolution subgrid particles. Due to the numerical softening of the force on small scales the density is computed only on scales larger than two grid cells ($65h^{-1}$ kpc in the high-resolution subgrids and $260h^{-1}$ kpc in the low-resolution subgrids). Over the length scales for which the density can be computed in both the high- and low-resolution subgrids there is excellent agreement between the two calculations and the small-scale density profile computed from the high-resolution subgrid is clearly a smooth continuation of the larger-scale density profile computed from the low-resolution subgrid. Also, but for a suggestion of a flattening in the density profile of cluster 1, there is no turnover in the density profiles at small radii, which is as expected in purely dissipationless simulations. The apparent flattening in the density profile of cluster 1 may be partially numerical in origin as it occurs on scales corresponding to 3 grid cells and less. A higher resolution simulation (eg. a third subgrid) would be required to determine whether the trend is indeed real or purely an artifact. A comparison of these density profiles and corresponding density profiles obtained from the particles in the top grid calculation is not warranted owing to the extremely poor resolution of the clusters in the top grid (of order 1000 particles in total and a force softer than Newtonian on scales smaller than the Abell radius).
It is clear from Fig. 5 that the density profiles of the clusters are not well-fit by a single power law over all scales. This is to be expected since it has been shown previously that CDM halos are well-described by density profiles in which the logarithmic slope varies gently (eg. Dubinski & Carlberg 1991; Navarro, Frenk & White 1995, 1996ab; Cole & Lacey 1996; and Tormen, Bouchet & White 1997). On scales $r \le r_{200}$, where $r_{200}$ is the radius inside which the mean interior overdensity is 200, a good two-parameter fit to the density profile is given by $${\rho(r) \over \rho_c} = {\delta_c \over x(1+x)^2} \eqno (2)$$ (eg. Navarro, Frenk, & White 1996b) where $\rho_c$ is the critical density for closure of the universe, $x \equiv r/r_s$, and $r_s$ is a scale radius. Here $\delta_c$ is a dimensionless characteristic density. By defining the “concentration” of a halo to be $c \equiv r_{200}/r_s$, the two-parameter fit above can be reduced to a one-parameter fit through $$\delta_c =
{200 \over 3}{c^3 \over \left[ {\rm ln}(1+c) - c/(1+c) \right] } \eqno (3)$$ (eg. Navarro, Frenk & White 1996b).
Using the particles in the highest resolution subgrids, the values of $r_{200}$ (the “virial radius”) for the clusters were determined at $\sigma_8 = 0.67, 0.83, 1.0$. The virial radii evolve relatively little from $\sigma_8 = 0.67$ to $\sigma_8 = 1.0$ and are of order $2h^{-1}$ Mpc for each of the clusters (see Tables 1, 2, and 3 for specific values). Again using the particles in the highest resolution subgrids, the variation of the cluster overdensities with radius were evaluated on scales less than $r_{200}$ and results are shown by the points in Fig. 6. The solid lines in this figure illustrate the best-fitting density profiles of the form of equation (3) above. The values of the corresponding scale radii, $r_s$, are given in each of the panels of the figure. But for a slight downturn in the small-scale density profiles of cluster 2 at $\sigma_8 = 0.67$ and cluster 3 at $\sigma_8 = 0.83$, there is very good agreement between the simulated clusters and equation (3). Again, it is possible that the small-scale downturn is numerical in origin. The scaled density profiles in Fig. 6 are all fairly similar and in the case of clusters 1 and 2 the scale radius of the best-fitting profile evolves little from $\sigma_8 = 0.67$ to $\sigma_8 = 1.0$; however, for cluster 3 the value of $r_s$ changes appreciably (by a factor of order 2) over the same time period.
The evolution of the 3-dimensional and projected shapes of the clusters were computed at $\sigma_8 = 0.67$, 0.83, and 1.0 using the particles in the highest resolution subgrids. Since there is no hard “edge” to the clusters in terms of distinguishing those particles which are inside the cluster and those which are not, we shall define the boundaries of the clusters to be the virial radii ($r_{200}$) for the following analyses.
Using all particles within $r_{200}$ of the cluster centers of mass, the 3-dimensional cluster shapes were determined from a standard moment of inertia analysis that yielded the axis ratios $b/a$ and $c/a$ for each of the clusters (we define $a > b > c$). From the axial ratios a triaxiality parameter was computed for each of the clusters: $$T = {a^2 - b^2 \over a^2 - c^2} \eqno (4)$$ where $T = 0$ indicates a purely oblate object and $T = 1$ indicates a purely prolate object. We shall refer to objects with $0 < T < 1/3$ as being nearly oblate, those with $2/3 < T < 1$ as nearly prolate, and those with $1/3 < T < 2/3$ as triaxial. Values of the cluster axial ratios and triaxiality parameters are listed in Tables 1, 2, and 3 for $\sigma_8$ between 0.67 and 1.0. From these tables it is clear that the evolution of the shapes of the clusters are quite different in each case. Although cluster 1 and cluster 2 are both nearly oblate at the end of the simulation, cluster 1 evolves from being triaxial at $\sigma_8 = 0.67$ to being nearly oblate at $\sigma_8 = 1.0$ whereas the shape of cluster 2 changes little over the same period of time and, as a result, is always nearly oblate. Cluster 3, on the other hand, is nearly prolate at the end of the simulation but was nearly oblate at $\sigma_8 = 0.67$.
A more useful quantity for comparison of the evolution of the shapes of simulated clusters to observed clusters is the ellipticity projected on the plane of the sky. In the case of the simulations the projected ellipticity of the mass is the only quantity which can be computed reliably (i.e. without having to resort to assumptions about the degree to which mass would trace light). Given recent advances in gravitational lensing analyses of observed clusters, however, this seems a reasonable quantity to compute. That is, from analyses of the coherent weak distortion of the shapes of background galaxies due to an intervening gravitational lens cluster it is possible to constrain the ellipticity of the projected mass of clusters and, additionally, it is becoming clear that the smoothed light distribution of clusters traces the mass quite well (eg. Bonnet, Mellier & Fort 1994; Fahlman et al. 1994; Smail et al. 1995; Kneib et al. 1996; Seitz et al. 1996; Squires et al. 1996ab; Smail et al. 1997).
The ellipticities of the clusters as projected on the sky, $\epsilon = 1-b/a$, were computed using all particles in the the highest resolution subgrids that were located within a distance of $r_{200}$ of the cluster centers of mass. The probability, $P(\epsilon)$, of observing a given projected ellipticity for a given cluster was computed by viewing each cluster from 500 random orientations and assembling an appropriately normalized probability distribution function. Results are shown in Fig. 7 for all 3 clusters at $\sigma_8 = 0.67$, 0.83, and 1.0. Again, as with the evolution of the triaxiality parameter, each cluster exhibits its own particular evolution in projected shape. Cluster 1 evolves toward being, on average, significantly flatter in projection at $\sigma_8 = 1.0$ than it was at $\sigma_8 = 0.67$. Cluster 2, on the other hand, remains approximately the same projected shape over the same time period and cluster 3 evolves toward being significantly rounder in projection on average. The median ellipticities for each of the clusters, $\epsilon_{\rm med}$, are listed in Tables 1, 2, and 3.
The redshift dependence of the fraction of observed clusters having a significant amount of substructure is potentially a good indicator of the value of density parameter. This is due to the fact that in a universe in which $\Omega_0 \le 1$ density fluctuations cease to grow at redshifts of order $\Omega_0^{-1} - 1$ and, so, moderate to low redshift clusters in critical density universes are expected to contain substantial amounts of substructure on average while in low density universes the clusters should be much more regular. Wilson, Cole & Frenk (1996) have explored the possibility of using observations of weak lensing by clusters to discriminate between universes with low and critical values of $\Omega_0$ via a quantification of cluster substructure from the weak shear field. Although initially optimistic, the situation has become more murky recently with the realization that some of the simulated clusters used in the analysis were inadequate.
The simulations discussed here are restricted to a critical density universe and, hence, we do not investigate the explicit $\Omega_0$ dependence of cluster substructure with cosmological epoch (this analysis will be performed in future simulations). Rather, we have investigated the evolution of substructure in the clusters from $\sigma_8 = 0.67$ to $\sigma_8 = 1.0$ in order to asses the degree to which substructure is erased over this period of time.
There are numerous methods by which cluster substructure can be quantified but here we restrict the analysis to the Dressler-Shectman $\Delta$ statistic (Dressler & Shectman 1988). This choice is made based on the results of Pinkey et al. (1996) who have subjected many substructure tests to thorough analysis and conclude that by and large the Dressler-Shectman test tends to be the most sensitive to substructure.
The $\Delta$ statistic is defined by $$\Delta = {1 \over N} \sum_{i=1}^N \delta_i, \;\;\;\;\;
\delta_i^2 = {N_{\rm loc} \over \sigma^2}
\left[ \left( \overline{v}_i - \overline{v} \right)^2 +
\left( \sigma_i - \sigma \right)^2 \right] \eqno (5)$$ where $N$ is the number of galaxies in the cluster and $\overline{v}_i$ and $\sigma_i$ are, respectively, the mean velocity and the velocity dispersion of the $N_{\rm loc}$ nearest neighbors to each galaxy. The sensitivity of the $\Delta$ statistic is dependent upon the number of neighboring galaxies used in the analysis and Bird (1995) finds the test to be most sensitive for $N_{\rm loc} = \sqrt{N}$. The statistic is a measure of the correlation between the (projected) locations of the galaxies in the cluster and their velocities. In the case of uncorrelated positions and velocities $\Delta \sim 1$. The quantification of substructure for a given cluster using only the computed value of $\Delta$ is insufficient, however, and in order to assess the likelihood of real substructure within the cluster Monte Carlo simulations must be performed. Additionally, Crone, Evrard & Richstone (1996) have pointed out that since the value of $\Delta$ is not independent of $N$, the total number of galaxies used in the analysis, in order to compare either observed or theoretical clusters to one another it is necessary in the analyses to select an identical number of galaxies for each cluster.
The simulations presented here are of insufficient resolution to resolve the dark matter halos of individual galaxies (see §4.6 below) and we instead investigate the substructure in the mass distribution. (For all intents and purposes this is the nature of the substructure identified via weak lensing, though there is clearly good correspondence between “lumpiness” in the mass and galaxy distributions in lensing clusters.) Substructure in the clusters was evaluated in the following way. Since the specific value of $\Delta$ for a given cluster will depend on the angle from which it is viewed in projection, each cluster was viewed from 500 random directions. For each viewing angle, the projected locations of a randomly selected subset of the particles was used to compute a value of $\Delta$. Additionally, for each viewing angle a Monte Carlo value of the statistic ($\Delta_{\rm rand}$) was computed by randomly shuffling the velocities of the particles amongst their positions. Mean values of $\Delta$ and $\Delta_{\rm rand}$, along with their formal standard deviations, were then computed from the 500 individual values. For each cluster a total of $N=1024$ particles were randomly selected from all particles within the virial radius ($r_{200}$). Different random sets of particles were used for each viewing angle and for the timesteps corresponding to $\sigma_8 = 0.67$, 0.83, and 1.0. Following Bird (1995), $N_{\rm loc}$ was taken to be $\sqrt{N} = 32$.
Tables 1, 2, and 3 list the mean values of the $\Delta$ statistic for each cluster computed from the 500 random viewing angles, the mean values computed from the 500 Monte Carlo position-velocity shuffles ($\Delta_{\rm rand}$), and the corresponding 1-$\sigma$ errors. Also listed are the ratios $\Delta / \Delta_{\rm rand}$, which indicate that all three clusters contain significant amounts of substructure at each of the three epochs, $\sigma_8$. That is, within the virial radius substructure in the mass distribution of the clusters is not completely erased by the end of the simulation. In the case of cluster 2, the degree of substructure over and above the expectations of random is roughly constant at a $\sim 3$-$\sigma$ level from $\sigma_8 = 0.67$ to $\sigma_8 = 1.0$. In the case of clusters 1 and 3, there is significantly less substructure at $\sigma_8 = 1.0$ than at $\sigma_8 = 0.67$. However, the “erasure” of substructure in these two clusters over this time period is not quite monotonic. Cluster 1 is a bit “lumpier” at $\sigma_8=0.83$ than it is at either $\sigma_8 = 0.67$ or $\sigma_8 = 1.0$, while cluster 2 is a bit smoother and less “lumpy” at $\sigma_8 = 0.83$ than it is at either $\sigma_8 = 0.67$ or $\sigma_8 = 1.0$.
Bubble plots of the $\Delta$ test are very helpful for illustrating visually both the location and amount substructure in a cluster. Fig. 8 shows bubble plots for each of the clusters at the end of the simulation. The viewing angle for the projection of each cluster was chosen to be an angle for which the specific value of $\Delta$ was identical to the mean value of the 500 random orientations. The dots in Fig. 8 show the spatial locations of the 1024 randomly selected mass points used in the $\Delta$ statistic analysis. The circles, all of which are centered on dots, have been scaled to have radii proportional to $\delta_i$ (see equation 5 above). The larger the circle, the larger is the local deviation of the mean velocity and/or velocity dispersion from the global cluster value. For clarity, circles are drawn around only those mass points for which $\delta_i > 2\Delta$ (i.e.regions of most significant substructure). Far from being smooth blobs of mass, the clusters are all clearly “lumpy”, each having of order 4 or 5 significant sub-lumps within the virial radius.
It is often thought, erroneously, that purely dissipationless simulations are inadequate to study the dark matter halos of galaxies in a simulated cluster environment because all small dark matter concentrations are destroyed by purely numerical effects as they orbit through the cluster. However, Bromley et al. (1995) have demonstrated that provided the force resolution is high galaxy-sized dark matter halos will survive many orbits through the potential of a large cluster and are not destroyed by purely numerical effects.
In the case of this work, the study of individual galaxy-sized dark halos in the clusters is not a reasonable goal since the length scale over which the force is non-Newtonian is somewhat too large, even in the case of the highest resolution subgrids. However, it can be seen in Fig. 1 that there are numerous galaxy-sized concentrations of dark matter in the outer regions of the clusters and the clusters are not merely smooth blobs of mass. (The lumpiness of the mass distribution is borne out in part by the substructure analysis above.) Due to the high particle density in the central regions and the choice of contrast level, existing galaxy-sized concentrations in the inner regions of the clusters are not visible in Fig. 1.
Although it is clearly an inadequate method for the generation of a highly accurate catalog of galaxy-sized dark halos, a simple friends-of-friends algorithm was used to generate catalogs of groups of particles in the highest resolution subgrids. The groups were selected to have overdensities $\delta \go 1000$ (typical of the overdensity of the luminous region of a bright galaxy) and masses $\go 10^{11}h^{-1} M_\odot$ (20 particles or more). At the end of the simulations, $\sim 300$ such objects were found within the Abell radii of clusters 1 and 3, and $\sim 200$ were found within the Abell radius of cluster 2. However, owing to the large scale over which the force is softer than Newtonian, the central $0.5h^{-1} {\rm Mpc}$ of each cluster is dominated by a single huge “halo” of mass $\sim 10^{15} h^{-1} M_\odot$.
By nesting yet another subgrid within the highest resolution subgrid (i.e. by performing a 4-level calculation), the effective length scale over which the force is softer than Newtonian will be reduced significantly. Within the Abell radius of a cluster it will then be possible to resolve confidently groups of particles that may be fairly associated with the dark matter halos of individual galaxies and to eliminate the artificial overmerging of halos in the central region. Such analyses will be performed in future simulations.
=5 =0
Using a hybrid N-body code in which high mass and spatial resolution can be obtained in small regions of a very large total simulation volume, the formation of three massive clusters was investigated. The clusters were chosen to be typical of the most massive clusters that would be present in a standard CDM universe at an epoch corresponding to $\sigma_8 = 1.0$. At highest resolution, the clusters consisted of $\sim 4\times 10^5$ particles within the Abell radius at $\sigma_8 = 1.0$. Although the clusters share similar properties at the end of the simulation, the details of their formation histories are quite different.
The properties which the clusters share are: 0.2cm
[–]{} formation within the same large computational volume ($200^3 h^{-3} {\rm Mpc}^3$)
[–]{} masses of $M(r \le 1.5h^{-1} {\rm Mpc})
\sim 2\times 10^{15} h^{-1} M_\odot$ at the end of the simulation
[–]{} similar spherically-averaged density profiles which are well-fit by equation (2)
[–]{} similar values of the virial radius, $r_{200}$, and similar values of the scale radius, $r_s$, at the end of the simulation
[–]{} accretion of $\sim 50$% of the mass present at the end of the simulation within the past 5 to 8 Gyr 0.2cm
In terms of the details of the formation history of the clusters, however, each cluster exhibits markedly individual behavior and no single pattern dominates in the evolution of the following cluster properties: 0.2cm
[–]{} mass accretion rate, $\dot{M}$
[–]{} scale radius, $r_s$
[–]{} three-dimensional shape (triaxiality parameter, $T$)
[–]{} two-dimensional (projected) ellipticity
[–]{} substructure (Dressler-Shectman $\Delta$ statistic) 0.2cm
Based on the very small number of clusters presented here it is difficult to make any statistically-sound conclusions about cluster formation and evolution. However, the problems with standard CDM notwithstanding, there are certainly some interesting things to be noted. The numerical clusters are extremely massive and, so, correspond to rich clusters. Rich clusters, being the brightest and most massive, are likely to be those which will be studied observationally over the widest range of redshifts and are the objects from which it is hoped that cosmological constraints will arise. Given the markedly different formation histories of the clusters, a question raised by this investigation is the degree to which observations of a sample of rich clusters covering a wide range of redshifts can provide stringent cosmological constraints.
Although the numerical clusters studied here do not constitute a statistically large sample, it is clear that such large clusters do not form a simple 1-parameter family as far as their evolution history is concerned, even though the clusters have similar masses and spherically-averaged density profiles at the present day. The use of observations of cluster evolution to constrain cosmological models may yet be viable but the cautious suggestion from this work is that this may not be completely straightforward. Considerably more work on the details of the formation history of clusters in various models of structure formation is necessary in order to determine both the degree to which cosmological conclusions can be drawn from observations of clusters at different epochs and also the requisite size of a sample of observed clusters which would insure those cosmological conclusions to be statistically reliable.
Generous amounts of CPU time on the Cray J-90 at the Max-Planck-Institut für Astrophysik and enlightening conversations with Simon White are gratefully acknowledged. This work was supported in part by the NSF under contract AST-9616968.
=0 =0
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Fig. 1a: Grey-scale images of cluster 1 at $\sigma_8 = 1.0$. The top panel shows the logarithm of the mass density along the line of sight in the high-resolution subgrid (subgrid \#2) and the center panel shows the same for the low resolution subgrid (subgrid \#1). The pixel sizes in the image are equal to the grid cell sizes in the subgrids and the projection is of a $8.3 h^{-1} {\rm Mpc} \times 8.3h^{-1} {\rm Mpc} \times
8.3h^{-1} {\rm Mpc}$ cube, centered on the center of mass of the cluster. The bottom panel shows a comparison of the line of sight mass density in the two subgrids, where the grey scale indicates the logarithm of the mass density in subgrid \#2 divided by the mass density in subgrid \#1, computed at the (low) resolution of subgrid \#1. Overall, the mass density in the two subgrids compares well (see text).
0.5cm Fig. 1b: Same as Fig. 1a, but for cluster 2.
0.5cm Fig. 1c: Same as Fig. 1a, but for cluster 3.
0.5cm Fig. 2: The infall distance of particles into the clusters. Solid points with error bars show the mean distance streamed since the beginning of the simulation as a function of the final location of the particles, computed relative to the cluster centers of mass. Error bars indicate one standard deviation. The open squares show the maximum initial distance of any one particle from the center of mass of its cluster as a function of its location at the the end of the simulation.
0.5cm Fig. 3: Mass of the clusters contained within the Abell radius as a function of lookback time. The contained mass has been normalized by the contained mass at the end of the simulation. All three clusters have masses $\sim 2 \times 10^{15} h^{-1} {\rm Mpc}$ within the Abell radius at the end of the simulation (see Tables 1, 2, and 3).
0.5cm Fig. 4: Rate at which mass is accreted, $\dot{M}$, within the Abell radius as a function of lookback time. The accretion rate is normalized by the mean rate, $\left< \dot{M} \right>$, at which mass is accreted within the Abell radius between lookback times corresponding to $z=2$ and $z=0$.
0.5cm Fig. 5: Spherically averaged density profiles for each of the clusters, evaluated at $\sigma_8 = 1.0$. Open squares indicate $\rho(r)$ computed using the high-resolution subgrid particles; filled triangles indicate $\rho(r)$ computed using the low-resolution subgrid particles.
0.5cm Fig. 6: Cluster overdensities as a function of radius (scaled by $r_{200}$, the virial radius) for $\sigma_8 = 0.67$, 0.83 and 1.0. Results for cluster 1 are shown in the three panels on the left, results for cluster 2 are shown in the three central panels, and results for cluster 3 are shown in the three panels on the right. The solid line indicates the best-fit density profile of the form of equation (2), with the corresponding value of the scale radius, $r_s$, indicated in each of the individual panels of the figure.
0.5cm Fig. 7: Projected ellipticity distributions for each of the clusters as a function of $\sigma_8$. The dashed line indicates $\sigma_8 = 0.67$, the dotted line indicates $\sigma_8 = 0.83$, and the solid line indicates $\sigma_8 = 1.0$.
0.5cm Fig. 8: Bubble plots of the $\Delta$ test for each cluster at $\sigma_8 = 1.0$. The linear scale of the projection is $5h^{-1} {\rm Mpc}$ by $5 h^{-1} {\rm Mpc}$. Dots indicate the spatial location of the mass points used in the evaluation of $\Delta$ and the circles have radii proportional to $\delta_i$ (see text). The degree of substructure apparent in these projections is indicative of the mean value, based on the results of 500 random viewing angles.
**Figure 1a**
**Figure 1b**
**Figure 1c**
| {
"pile_set_name": "ArXiv"
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DESY 04-130 July 22, 2004\
[**A Comment on the Cosmological Constant Problem\
in Spontaneously Broken Supergravity**]{}\
[A. Hebecker]{}\
[*Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron, Notkestraße 85, D-22603 Hamburg, Germany*]{}\
[([email protected])]{}\
In spontaneously broken supergravity with non-flat potential the vanishing of the cosmological constant is usually associated with a non-trivial balancing of two opposite-sign contributions. We make the simple observation that, in an appropriately defined expansion of the superfield action in inverse powers of $M_P$, this tuning corresponds to the absence of two specific operators. It is then tempting to speculate what kind of non-standard symmetry or structural principle might underlie the observed extreme smallness of the corresponding coefficients in the real world. Independently of such speculations, the suggested expansion appears to be a particularly simple and convenient starting point for the effective field theory analysis of spontaneously broken supergravity models.
Supersymmetry or, more specifically, supergravity has so far not been able to offer a solution to the fundamental problem of the smallness of the cosmological constant. In fact, when compared with a simple non-SUSY model of gravity and a scalar field $\phi$, the situation might even look worse in the following sense. Expanding the non-SUSY lagrangian in inverse powers of the Planck mass $M_P$ (and in powers of $\phi$, as far as the scalar field part is concerned), one finds that the cosmological constant problem is characterized by the anomalous smallness of the coefficient of det($g_{\mu\nu}$). However, even in the simplest version of spontaneously broken supergravity, involving just one chiral matter superfield, one apparently has to balance a positive and a negative contribution to the potential (cf. Eq. (\[potc\]) below). At the minimum of the potential, these two contributions, each of which is derived in a non-trivial way from the fundamental action, have to cancel with very high precision. The only known cases where this cancellation is achieved for structural reasons, the so-called no-scale models, suffer from the presence of an exactly massless scalar field.
In this short note we point out that it is possible to define an expansion of the supergravity action in inverse powers of $M_P$ in such a way that the requirement of a SUSY-breaking vacuum with a vanishing cosmological constant amounts simply to the absence of two specific operators. In short, using a Kähler-Weyl frame where the superpotential is constant and expanding the function exp$\,K(\Phi,\bar{\Phi})$ in powers of the chiral superfield $\Phi$, one has to forbid the terms $\Phi\bar{\Phi}$ and ($\Phi^2\bar{\Phi}+$h.c.). As expected, there is no obvious symmetry principle enforcing this form, but a certain suggestive structure excluding the two dangerous operators will be identified below. On the one hand, these observations are extremely simple and their value might be merely pedagogical. On the other hand, one might hope that a deeper structural understanding of supergravity and its UV completion will emerge and justify the specific constraints mentioned above and to be discussed in more detail in the following.
To be more specific, we start with the superfield action for a supergravity model [@sugra] with one chiral superfield $\Phi$ as it emerges from the curved superspace approach (see e.g. [@css; @sga]). We follow the formulation of [@bk], which is very close to the more condensed treatment of [@wb] (see also [@ggrs]), and write the action as S=d\^4xd\^2d\^2|E{(,|)+ (W()+)}.\[act\] Here $E$ is the supervierbein determinant, $R$ is the superspace curvature, $W$ is the superpotential and $\Omega$, called the ‘superspace kinetic energy’ in [@wb], is related to the Kähler potential by $K=-3\ln(-\Omega/3
M^2)$ with the reduced Planck mass $M=M_P/\sqrt{8\pi}$. The field $\Phi$ is covariantly chiral, $\bar{\cal D}_{\dot{\alpha}}\Phi=0$, and the same is true for $R$.
In flat space and setting all fermionic fields to zero, the above action takes the form S=d\^4xd\^2d\^2||(, |)+(d\^2\^3W()+)+.\[simp\] where $\Phi$ is now a flat-space chiral superfield. This simple form is made possible by introducing the chiral compensator [@sga; @bk; @wb; @ggrs; @kl; @cfgp; @ku] which, again in flat space and without fermions, is given (in ‘gravitational superfield gauge’ [@bk]) by $\varphi=1+\theta^2F_\varphi$. The ellipses in Eq. (\[simp\]) stand for extra kinetic terms for the scalar component of $\Phi$ which originate from integrating out the auxiliary vector field and have no simple flat-superspace representation.
It is now easy to eliminate $F_\Phi$ and $F_\varphi$ and to obtain the scalar potential. Before doing so, we make the additional assumption that the superpotential is constant, $W(\Phi)=c_WM^3$. At the moment, this can be done without loss of generality since, given that $W$ is non-zero in the vacuum, it can always be made constant by performing an appropriate Kähler-Weyl transformation. However, later on we will have to impose constraints on $\Omega$ and this simple basis choice will be promoted to a true constraint.
Thus, for $W(\Phi)=c_WM^3$, the scalar potential derived from Eq. (\[simp\]) reads V\_[non-can.]{}(,|)=,\[pot\] where, as is commonly done, we use the same symbol for the superfield $\Phi$ and its scalar component. The index ‘non-can.’ serves as a reminder that metric and scalar field are not canonically normalized. In particular, the Ricci-scalar enters the action with the coefficient $\Omega/6$. The indices of $\Omega$ symbolize partial derivatives.
Of course, one could have found an equivalent result by starting from the well-known formula (valid for canonical field normalization) V(,|)=(K)((K\_[|]{})\^[-1]{} |W\_+K\_W|\^2-3|W|\^2 ),\[potc\] assuming constant $W$, and expressing $K$ through $\Omega$. The utility of such a formulation has been recognized and exploited for a detailed analysis of positivity properties of the potential in [@bcf] (see also [@aafl]). We note that $V=(3M^2/\Omega)^2V_{\rm non-can.}$.
The crucial point now comes with the assumption that at $\Phi=0$ (which, as will be argued later, may be somehow distinguished at a fundamental level) the potential and its first derivatives vanish. In other words, the point $\Phi=0$ is a SUSY-breaking vacuum with zero cosmological constant. We want to analyse this assumption in the spirit of low-energy effective field theory, i.e., expanding the action of Eq. (\[act\]) (and thus the function $\Omega$) in powers of $\Phi/M$: (,|)&=&-3M\^2+(c\_M+)+c\_[|]{} |+(c\_[\^2]{}\^2+)\
&&+(c\_[\^2|]{}+)+ (c\_[\^3]{}+)+.\[om\] It can now be easily seen from Eq. (\[pot\]) that the above two assumptions simply mean that the coefficients $c_{\Phi\bar{\Phi}}$ and $c_{\Phi^2\bar{\Phi}}$ vanish. The constant term in Eq. (\[om\]) is used to define the Planck scale. The linear term is crucial for SUSY breaking and would, if the series were to end there, define a no-scale model [@ns]. (This would, of course, also be true if the series were to continue with only holomorphic and antiholomorphic terms.) The term $\Phi\bar{\Phi}$ must be zero to have vanishing vacuum energy and, given that this is the case, it is now only the term $\sim\Phi^2\bar{\Phi}$ which could produce a linear term in the scalar potential. Thus, it has to be forbidden as well, giving the scalar potential V(,|)=-{4c\_[\^2 |\^2]{}|+(3c\_[\^3|]{}\^2+)+[ O]{}(||\^3/M)}. This defines the scalar masses in terms of $c_W$, $c_\Phi$ and the coefficients $c_{\Phi^2\bar{\Phi}^2},\,\,c_{\Phi^3\bar{\Phi}}$, which we assume to have values making the extremum at $\Phi=0$ stable. The gravitino mass is given by $|c_W|M$.
In summary, we have assumed that the action of Eq. (\[act\]), with $W$ being constant, gives rise to a flat, SUSY-breaking vacuum at $\Phi=0$. Expanding around this point in inverse powers $M$ (which is defined by the coefficient of the $\Phi$-independent term of $\Omega$), we have found that two of the coefficients have to vanish for consistency. Then we have identified gravitino and scalar masses in terms of the remaining coefficients. It should also be noted that, when deriving Eq. (\[pot\]) in this setting, $F_\varphi$ is found to be zero in the vacuum.
We conclude with some comments concerning possible structural reasons for the absence of the two offending terms and on the generalization to more than one chiral matter superfield. It is easy to see that a ‘superspace kinetic energy’ of the form (,|)=f()+f(|)+F(\^2,|\^2) \[oa\] automatically has vanishing $c_{\Phi\bar{\Phi}}$ and $c_{\Phi^2\bar{\Phi}}$. (Our notation implies that $f$ and $F$ are defined as power series of their respective arguments.) One way to look at this is to view $F$ as a very specific correction to a no-scale model, ensuring that the flatness is lifted while the zero vacuum energy is preserved. Another possible attitude is to consider $f$ as a correction to a model defined by the completely generic ‘kinetic function’ $F(\Psi,\bar{\Psi})$. This correction would have to be introduced in a very peculiar way, namely by adding the no-scale type function $f(\Phi)+f(\bar{
\Phi})$ after the reparameterization $\Psi\to\Phi^2$. At the moment, neither of these possibilities may appear particularly convincing or easy to justify at the quantum level. However, we recall that a similar criticism may be applied, for example, to the ansatz of writing both superpotential and ‘kinetic function’ as the sum of hidden and visible sector contributions [@rs]. Yet, this turns out to be natural if the two sectors are separated in higher dimensions. In this spirit, one may hope that the ansatz of Eq. (\[oa\]) or some similar ansatz justifying $c_{\Phi\bar{\Phi}}=c_{\Phi^2\bar{\Phi}}=0$ will eventually find a deeper understanding.
An obvious way to generalize the above discussion to more superfields is by adding a set of chiral fields $Q=\{Q^i\}$ which transform under some global, continuous, unitary symmetry. It is easy to see that, making all coefficients $c$ in Eq. (\[om\]) and $c_W$ arbitrary functions of $Q$ (respecting, of course, the symmetry) will not affect the existence of a SUSY-breaking stationary point at $\Phi=0$ and $Q=0$ with vanishing cosmological constant. The reason is the enhanced symmetry at this point, which makes it impossible to have linear terms driving either $Q$ or $F_Q$ to non-zero values. Of course, to make this point a minimum rather than just an extremum imposes further conditions on the coefficients in the lagrangian which, however, do not involve any fine-tuning.
A more interesting generalization is to include further uncharged fields, so that all fields in the set $\{\Phi^i\}$ can contribute linear terms to $\Omega$ and mix with each other. Following the one-field case discussed above, we expand $\Omega$ around $\Phi^i=0$ (for all $i$) and require the presence of a linear contribution. As has been shown in [@bcf] (cf. also [@lps]), the scalar potential is proportional to det$[\Omega_{i \bar{j}}(\Phi,\bar{\Phi})]$. (Here the indices indicate derivatives with respect to $\Phi^i$ and $\bar{\Phi}^j$.) The vanishing of the cosmological constant at $\Phi^i=0$ corresponds to det$[\Omega_{i\bar{j}}(0,0)]=0$, which is the generalization of the above condition $c_{\Phi\bar{\Phi}}=0$ to the multi-field case. The vanishing determinant of $\Omega_{i\bar{j}}(0,0)$ implies the existence of a vector $v^{\bar{i}}$ annihilated by this hermitian matrix, and we can choose a basis where only the first component of this vector is different from zero. In this basis, one has $\Omega_{1\bar{i}}(0)=\Omega_{i
\bar{1}} (0)=0$. This implies that the first derivative of det$[\Omega_{i\bar{j}}]$ at the point $\Phi^i=0$ can only be non-zero if the first derivative of the element $\Omega_{1\bar{1}}$ is non-zero at this point. Thus, given the above basis choice, the stationarity condition (the previous condition $c_{\Phi^2\bar{\Phi}}=0$) generalizes to $\Omega_{1\bar{1}i}(0,0)=0$ in the multi-field case. This condition can also be given in the basis independent form $v^i\Omega_{i\bar{i}j}(0,0)v^{\bar{i}}=0$. Thus, it appears that a nonlinear relation between different coefficients in the expansion of $\Omega(\Phi,
\bar{\Phi})$ has arisen. The simple form of the constraints found in the one-field case does not emerge unless one distinguishes a specific field which, as an a-priori feature, does not participate in any non-holomorphic second-order terms in $\Omega$.
[**Acknowledgements**]{}: I would like to thank W. Buchmüller, S. Ferrara, and R. Sundrum for useful comments and suggestions. I am also grateful to B. Wonsak for many discussions during the preparation of his Diploma thesis [@won].
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abstract: 'The new data reported by ALICE on the production of light nuclei with $p_\perp\lesssim 10$ GeV in Pb-Pb collisions at $\sqrt{s_\text{NN}}=2.76$ TeV are used to compute an order-of-magnitude estimate of the expected production cross sections of light nuclei in proton-proton collisions at high transverse momenta. We compare the hypertriton, helium-3 and deuteron production cross sections to that of $X(3872)$, measured in prompt $pp$ collisions by CMS. The results we find suggest a different production mechanism for the $X(3872)$, making questionable any loosely bound molecule interpretation.'
- 'A. Esposito'
- 'A.L. Guerrieri'
- 'L. Maiani'
- 'F. Piccinini'
- 'A. Pilloni'
- 'A.D. Polosa'
- 'V. Riquer'
title: 'The observation of light nuclei at ALICE and the $X(3872)$ conundrum'
As first discussed in [@bigna], one expects a suppression of loosely bound hadron molecules in high energy $pp(\bar p)$ collisions. Small relative momenta in the center of mass of such molecular hadrons, needed to preserve a state with few keVs’ binding energies, are in fact hard to be obtained in hadron collisions at high energy and $p_\perp$.
Despite this, the $X(3872)$, one of the most studied loosely bound hadron molecule candidates [@moles], is strongly produced at the LHC – see [*e.g.*]{} [@cms]. This might simply be the indication that the $X$ hadron molecule interpretation is not correct (for the alternative tetraquark model, see [@mainoi; @lebed; @review]).
Assuming that final state interaction mechanisms are at work – whose description requires several model-dependent assumptions [@fsi; @guo] – it has been proposed that the relative kinetic energy might be reduced in the center of mass of the hadron pair constituting the $X$, in such a way to match a shallow discrete level of some inter-hadron potential. A hadron molecule would then be formed, with a precise relation between binding energy and strong coupling to its constituent hadrons [@ng]. Since the mass and branching ratios of the $X$ have not been measured with the required precision yet, it is still unclear if this relation is fulfilled.
Final state interactions should also favor the prompt formation of [*bona fide*]{} light nuclei in high energy hadronic collisions. It would therefore be of great interest to measure the $pp$ (anti)deuteron production cross section in the same $p_\perp$ region where the $X$ has been observed [@alg].
Unfortunately, (anti)deuteron production in $pp$ collisions at $p_\perp$ values as high as $\approx 15$ GeV (where the $X$ is clearly seen at CMS [@cms]) has not been measured yet.
However, very recently the [ALICE]{}collaboration reported results on the production of deuteron, helium-3 ([$^3\text{He}$]{}) and hypertriton ([${}_\Lambda^3\text{H}$]{}) light nuclei in relatively high $p_\perp$ bins in Pb-Pb collisions, at $\sqrt{s_\text{NN}}=2.76$ TeV [@alice; @alicedeuterio]. This is potentially a very exciting result for the reasons described above.
We would like to draw the attention on these data and propose a way to exploit them to provide an order-of-magnitude estimate of light nuclei production in $pp$ collisions, to compare with the $X$ data.
![image](figura_spostato){width="\columnwidth"} ![image](figura_BW_spostato){width="\columnwidth"}
As a first approximation one can assume that there are no medium effects enhancing or suppressing the production of light nuclei in Pb-Pb collisions. This is equivalent to state that each nucleus-nucleus collision is just an independent product of $N_\text{coll}$ proton-proton collisions, with $N_{\rm coll}$ computed in a Glauber Monte Carlo calculation as a function of the centrality class. We use the results from [@tavoleg], which are compatible at $1\sigma$ level with the ALICE ones [@alicegl], and never more different than $3\%$. To compare with $\sqrt{s} = 7$ TeV data, we rescale our estimated cross sections by a factor $\sigma_{pp}^\text{inel}(7\text{ TeV})/\sigma_{pp}^\text{inel}(2.76\text{ TeV})=1.1$.
Consider for example the production of hypertriton observed by [ALICE]{}in Pb-Pb collisions [^1]. Neglecting medium effects, the $pp$ cross section can be estimated with $$\begin{split} \label{eq:glauber}
&=\quad\frac{\Delta y}{{\cal B} ({\ensuremath{^3\text{He}}\xspace}\,\pi)}
\times\frac{1}{\mathcal{L}_{pp}}\left(\frac{d^2N(^3\mathrm{He}\,\pi)}{dp_\perp dy}\right)_{pp}=\\
&=\quad\frac{\Delta y}{{\cal B} ({\ensuremath{^3\text{He}}\xspace}\,\pi)}
\times\frac{\sigma_{pp}^\text{inel}}{N_\text{evt}}\left(\frac{d^2N(^3\mathrm{He}\,\pi)}{dp_\perp dy}\right)_{pp}=\\
&=\quad\frac{\Delta y}{{\cal B} ({\ensuremath{^3\text{He}}\xspace}\,\pi)}
\frac{\sigma_{pp}^\text{inel}}{N_\text{coll}}\left(\frac{1}{N_{\text{evt}}}\frac{d^2N({\ensuremath{^3\text{He}}\xspace}\,\pi)}{dp_\perp dy}
[ALICE]{}analyzes ${\ensuremath{^3\text{He}}\xspace}\,\pi$ pairs, thus we need to divide by the branching ratio for the ${\ensuremath{{}_\Lambda^3\text{H}}\xspace}\to {{\ensuremath{^3\text{He}}\xspace}}\,\pi$ decay – ${\cal B} ({\ensuremath{^3\text{He}}\xspace}\,\pi)\approx 25\%$ [@br] – in order to deduce the number of parent hypertritons. We stress that the experimental data in [@alice] are indeed normalized to $N_\text{evt}=N_\text{Pb-Pb}^\text{0-10\%}$, *i.e.* the total number of inelastic Pb-Pb collisions analysed (about $20\times 10^6$ events in the 0-10% centrality bin). We use $\sigma_{pp}^\text{inel}=73$ mb, as measured in $\sqrt{s}=7$ TeV collisions [@totem], and $\Delta y=2.4$ to compare with the CMS analysis [@cms]. In this centrality class, we use $N_\text{coll}^\text{0-10\%} = 1518$ [@tavoleg].
Similarly, we can estimate the [$^3\text{He}$]{}distribution in $pp$ collisions from the [ALICE]{}Pb-Pb data in the $0$-$20\%$ centrality class [@alicedeuterio], using $N_\text{coll}^\text{0-20\%} = 1226$ [@tavoleg]. We remark that the selection of these events rejects any [$^3\text{He}$]{}not produced in the primary vertex, *i.e.* the hypertriton decay products. Since the [$^3\text{He}$]{}data points with $p_\perp < 4.4$ GeV show a deviation from the exponential behavior, likely due to the expansion of the medium, we perform an exponential fit to the points in the region $p_\perp \in[4.45,6.95]$ GeV only. Alternatively, we fit hypertriton and [$^3\text{He}$]{}data with the blast-wave model [^2], which describes particle production properties by assuming thermal emission from an expanding source [@blastwave]. This model is expected to reproduce correctly the low and medium $p_\perp$ regions in Pb-Pb collisions. Since we are rescaling Pb-Pb data to $pp$ by a constant factor, the same shape holds in our estimated $pp$ data, and gives a guess on the asymptotic exponential behavior. The results are shown in Fig. \[uno\].
Our rescaling to $pp$ collisions does not take into account neither medium effects, nor the fact that the coalescence/recombination mechanism can be enhanced in Pb-Pb collisions [@Sato:1981ez]. In fact, such phenomena are known to favor the production of many-body hadrons with respect to what expected in vacuum. Medium effects are discussed later.
![ Comparison between the nuclear modification factor $R_{CP}$ for deuteron (red) and for generic charged tracks (blue) [@raaatlas] in central (resp. $0$-$10\%$ and $0$-$5\%$) versus peripheral ($60$-$80\%$) Pb-Pb collisions. We evaluate $R_{CP}$ either taking the bin-by-bin ratio of ALICE data [@alicedeuterio] (full disks), or using the values given by the blast-wave fit for the peripheral Pb-Pb data, and extrapolated up to $p_\perp \sim 4.8$ GeV (open disks). The dashed line corresponds to no medium effects, $R_{CP}=1$. It is worth noticing that $R_{CP}(d)$ gets enhanced at . \[due\]](rcp_deuterio){width=".45\textwidth"}
For the deuteron we use [ALICE]{}$pp$ data [@alicedeuterio] to estimate $$\left(\frac{d\sigma\left(d\right)}{dp_\perp}\right)_{pp}=\Delta y
\times \sigma_{pp}^\text{inel}\left(\frac{1}{N_{pp}^\text{inel}}\frac{d^2N(d)}{dp_\perp dy}\right)_{pp}$$ $N^\text{inel}_{pp}$ being the number of $pp$ inelastic collisions collected. We perform the fit to the points in the region $p_\perp \in[1.7,3.0]$ GeV, which shows a good exponential behaviour.
The CMS analysis of $X$ production provides the differential cross section times the branching fraction $\mathcal{B}\left(X(3872) \to J/\psi\,\pi^+\pi^-\right)$. The latter has not been measured yet, and the lower limit reported in the PDG is $\mathcal{B} > 2.6\%$ [@pdg]. An estimate for the upper limit has been reported, $\mathcal{B} < 6.6\%$ at 90% C.L. [@yuanx]; we use instead the more conservative value $\mathcal{B} = 8.1^{+1.9}_{-3.1}\%$ [@review]. The comparison in Fig. \[uno\] shows that, according to the most conservative exponential fit in the left panel, the extrapolated hypertriton production cross section in $pp$ collisions would fall short by about $2\div 3$ orders of magnitude with respect to the $X$ production, and much more according to the blast-wave fit in the right panel. The drop of the deuteron cross section, which is directly measured in $pp$ collisions, appears definitely faster.
As we mentioned already, the main problem for the production of loosely bound molecular states in proton-proton collisions is the difficulty in producing the constituents close enough in phase space. However, it is well known that the interaction of elementary partons with the collective hot dense medium causes relevant energy loss of the partons themselves. This effect is usually quantified by the nuclear modification factor [@raaphenix; @raastar; @raaatlas; @raacms; @aliceraa] $$R_{AA}=\frac{\left(\frac{1}{N_\text{evt}}\frac{d^2N}{dp_\perp dy}\right)_\text{Pb-Pb}}{N_\text{coll}
\left(\frac{1}{N_\text{evt}} \frac{d^2N}{dp_\perp dy}\right)_{pp}},$$ which compares the particle yield in Pb-Pb collisions with that in $pp$. It then follows that the method used to obtain Eq. (\[eq:glauber\]) corresponds to assume $R_{AA}=1$.
While for ordinary hadrons medium effects generally lead to a suppression of the particle yield – *i.e.* $R_{AA}<1$ – conversely they can favor the production of hadronic molecules. The role of the medium would be, in fact, that of decreasing the relative momenta of the components with respect to the zero temperature case due to the well-known jet quenching effect [@Gyulassy; @Baier:1994bd]. This would favor their coalescence into the final bound state by reducing their relative momenta directly at parton level.
The coalescence model is based on the sudden approximation [^3] and is implemented by calculating the overlap of the density matrix of the constituents with the Wigner function of the final composite particle. In particular, it has the important property of taking into account the inner structure of the considered hadron. If one only requires vicinity in momentum space, the $p_\perp$ distribution of a composite state with $N$ constituents coming out of a hot QCD medium is roughly given by $$\begin{aligned}
\frac{dN_\text{b}}{dp_\perp}(\bm p_\perp)\sim\prod_{i=1}^N\frac{dN_i}{dp_\perp}(\bm p_\perp/N),\end{aligned}$$ where $N_\text{b}$ is the number of final bound states and $N_i$ is the number of produced constituents. This would also explain why in Fig. \[uno\] the cross section for the [$^3\text{He}$]{}and hypertriton are several orders of magnitude smaller than the deuteron one: one additional $p$ or $\Lambda$, close enough in phase space, must be produced.
It has already been shown that coalescence effects in Pb-Pb collisions can have relevant consequences on the production of multi-quark states. In particular, molecular states with small binding energy are expected to be *enhanced*, *i.e.* $R_{AA}>1$ [@Cho:2010db].
Unfortunately there is no measurement of $R_{AA}$ for the deuteron as a function of $p_\perp$. However, there is another nuclear modification factor which is often used, $$R_{CP}=\frac{\left(\frac{1}{N_\text{evt}}\frac{d^2N}{dp_\perp dy}\right)_\text{Pb-Pb}^\text{0-10\%} \Big{/}
N_\text{coll}^\text{0-10\%} }{ \left(\frac{1}{N_\text{evt}} \frac{d^2N}{dp_\perp dy}\right)_\text{Pb-Pb}^\text{60-80\%}
\Big{/} N_\text{coll}^\text{60-80\%}}.$$ This quantity is a comparison between the most central and the most peripheral Pb-Pb collisions and therefore provides another valid indicator of the strength of medium effects (which should be absent in the less dense, most peripheral events). The fact that $R_{AA}$ and $R_{CP}$ measurements for hadron species are strongly correlated to each other is shown experimentally by a thorough data analysis reported by ATLAS [@raaatlas], up to very high $p_\perp \sim 100$ GeV.
Using the [ALICE]{}data presented in [@alice] we can compute $R_{CP}$ for deuteron as a function of $p_\perp$ and compare it with that for generic charged tracks, as reported in [@raaatlas] – see Fig. \[due\]. We use $N_\text{coll}^\text{60-80\%} = 27.5$ [@tavoleg]. As one immediately notices, the difference from ordinary hadrons is striking. The presence of the QCD medium is extremely effective at enhancing the production of deuteron for the reasons explained before. In fact, $R_{CP}$ for this hadronic molecule becomes larger than unity for $p_\perp \gtrsim 2.5$ GeV, in particular we have $R_{CP} = 1.7$ at the last point with $p_\perp = 3.1$ GeV. Using the blast-wave fitting function for the peripheral data taken from [@alice], we also extrapolate up to the end point of the central data, confirming the growth of $R_{CP}$ with $p_\perp$.
We expect a similar behavior in $R_{AA}$, in particular a value larger than 1 for $p_\perp$ large enough.
To get an independent rough estimate for $R_{AA}$, we assume the deuteron production cross section in $pp$ collisions to scale with $\sqrt{s}$ like the inelastic cross section, and compare the ALICE data in central Pb-Pb collisions at $\sqrt{s_\text{NN}}=2.76$ TeV, with the ones in $pp$ collisions at $\sqrt{s}=7$ TeV [@alicedeuterio]. Indeed, we find that $R_{AA}$ exceeds 1 at $p_\perp = 2.1$ GeV, and reaches $5$ at $p_\perp = 4.3$ GeV. This gives strength to our expectation for $R_{AA} > 1$. To display the size of this effect, we plot also the hypertriton curves for $R_{AA} = 5$ in Fig. \[uno\].
One naturally expects for a similar enhancement to be even more relevant for $3$-body nuclei like [$^3\text{He}$]{} and hypertriton. Its role would be to further *decrease* the extrapolated cross section in prompt $pp$ collisions. As we already said, indeed, a value of $R_{AA} > 1$ applied to Pb-Pb data implies a $pp$ cross section even smaller than predicted by the Glauber model. Even though qualitative conclusions can already be drawn, a quantitative analysis substantiated by data at higher $p_\perp$ is necessary for a definitive comparison with the $X$ case.
Even assuming that only a hot pion gas is excited in Pb-Pb collisions, there would likely be a large number of final state interactions with pions catalizing the formation of a loosely bound hypertriton along the lines discussed in [@angetc; @alg; @review]. In any case, such an environment is present in the Hadron Resonance Gas corona formed when the outer shell of the QCD medium cools down [@corona].
In summary, the extrapolation of deuteron and data in $pp$ collisions shown in Fig. \[uno\] suggests that loosely bound molecules are hardly produced at high $p_\perp$. The extrapolated curve of hypertriton data from Pb-Pb collisions might lead to milder conclusions although we expect it should be significantly suppressed when medium effects are properly subtracted. Such effects are indeed already sizeable for the deuteron as shown in Fig. \[due\], and probably even more relevant for $3$-body nuclei.
We are aware that for an unbiased and definitive comparison with $X$ production at $p_\perp$ as high as 15 GeV, deuteron (or hypertriton) should be searched in $pp$ collisions rather than in Pb-Pb to avoid the complicacies of subtracting medium effects. These analyses can be performed by [ALICE]{}and LHCb during Run II. One of the purposes of this letter is to further motivate the required experimental work.
**Acknowledgments:** We wish to thank M. Gyulassy for valueable discussions on medium effects and C. Hanhart for pointing the ALICE results to us. We also thank M.A. Mazzoni for interesting comments and suggestions, and S. Bufalino, A. Calivà, G. Cavoto, B. Doenigus, A.P. Kalweit, R. Lea for clarifications on data published by the ALICE collaboration.
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[^1]: In the following, the average of hypertriton and anti-hypertriton data is understood.
[^2]: The blast-wave function is $$\frac{dN }{dp_\perp}\propto p_\perp \int_0^R r dr \,m_\perp I_0\!\left(\frac{p_\perp \sinh \rho }{ T_\text{kin}}
\right) K_1\!\left(\frac{m_\perp \cosh \rho }{ T_\text{kin}} \right),$$ where $m_\perp$ is the transverse mass, $R$ is the radius of the fireball, $I_0$ and $K_1$ are the Bessel functions, , and $\left\langle\beta\right\rangle$ the averaged speed of the particles in the medium.
[^3]: *i.e.* the assumption that the binding of the constituents happens on small time scales and therefore their wave function remains unchanged during the transition to the bound state.
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abstract: |
We study vortex lattice structures of a trapped Bose-Einstein condensate in a rotating lattice potential by numerically solving the time-dependent Gross-Pitaevskii equation. By rotating the lattice potential, we observe the transition from the Abrikosov vortex lattice to the pinned lattice. We investigate the transition of the vortex lattice structure by changing conditions such as angular velocity, intensity, and lattice constant of the rotating lattice potential.
PACS numbers: 03.75.Lm, 03.75.Kk
address: |
The Institute for Solid State Physics, The University of Tokyo, 5-1-5 Kashiwanoha,\
Kashiwa, Chiba 277-8581, Japan$^*$\
Tokyo University of Science, 1-3 Kagurazaka, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, 162-9601, Japan
- 'Toshihiro Sato$^*$, Tomohiko Ishiyama and Tetsuro Nikuni'
title: 'Vortex Lattice Structures of a Bose-Einstein Condensate in a Rotating Lattice Potential'
Quantized vortices are one of the most characteristic manifestations of superfluidity associated with a Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) in atomic gases. By rotating anisotropic trap potentials, several experimental groups observed formation of triangular Abrikosov lattices of vortices in rotating BECs [@KM; @FC; @JA]. Microscopic mechanism of the vortex lattice formation has been extensively studied both analytically and numerically using the Gross-Pitaevskii (GP) equation for the condensate wavefunction [@DF; @MT; @MU; @KK; @NS; @KKA; @AF; @TS]. More recently, the vortex phase diagrams of a BEC in rotating lattice potentials have attracted theoretical attention, since one expects vortex pinning and structural phase transition of vortex lattice structures [@RB; @JR; @HP]. Recently, a rotating lattice has been experimentally realized at JILA, makinig use of a laser beam passing through a rotating mask [@RB]. Stimulated by the recent JILA experiment, in this paper, we study vortex lattice structures of a BEC in a rotating triangular lattice potential created by blue-detuned laser beams.
![ Density profile $(a)$ and Structure factor profile $(b)$ of BEC in the lattice potential. The lattice potential geometry is triangular lattice at $a/a_{ho}=2.2$ and $\sigma/a_{ho}=0.65$.[]{data-label="fig:tau2"}](a=2.2-omega=0.70-GS.eps){height="1.4in"}
We numerically solve the two-dimensional Gross-Pitaevskii (GP) equation in a frame rotationg with anguler velocity $\Omega$: $$\begin{aligned}
%(i-\gamma)\hbar\frac{\partial \psi(\mathbf r,t)}{\partial t}&=&
%[-\frac{\hbar^2}{2m}\nabla^2+V_{ext}(\mathbf r)+g{\vert \psi(\mathbf r,t) \vert}^2
% & &-\Omega L_z]\psi(\mathbf r,t)
(i-\gamma)\hbar\frac{\partial \psi(\mathbf r,t)}{\partial t}=\left[-\frac{\hbar^2}{2m}
\nabla^2+V_{\rm ext}(\mathbf r)+g{\vert \psi(\mathbf r,t)
\vert}^2-\Omega L_z\right]
\psi(\mathbf r,t).\label{eq:GP}\end{aligned}$$ Here the total external potential is given by $V_{\rm ext}(\mathbf r)=m\omega_{0}(x^2+y^2)/2+V_{\rm lattice}(\mathbf r)$, $L_z=-i\hbar (x \frac{\partial}{\partial y}- y \frac{\partial}{\partial x})$ is the $z$ component of the anguler momenum operator, $g=4 \pi \hbar^2 a_{s}/m$ is the strength of interaction with $a_{s}$ being the $s$-wave scattering length, and $ \gamma$ is the phenomenolocical dissipative parameter [@SC; @MO; @EZ; @TN; @DS]. The lattice potential created by blue-detuned laser beams arranged in the lattice geometry is expressed as $$\begin{aligned}
V_{\rm lattice}(\mathbf r) = \sum_{n_1,n_2}V_0\exp
\left[-\frac{\vert \mathbf r- \mathbf r_{n_1,n_2}\vert^2}{(\sigma/2)^2}\right],
\label{eq:one}\end{aligned}$$ where $ \mathbf r_{n_{1},n_{2}}=n_{1}\mathbf a_{1}+n_{2}\mathbf a_{2}$. We consider the triangular lattice geometry with the lattice constant $a$: $\mathbf a_{1}=a(1,0)$, $ \mathbf a_{2}=a(-1/2,\sqrt{3}/2)$. Throughout this paper, we scale the length and energy by $a_{ho}=\sqrt{\hbar/m\omega_0}$ and $\hbar\omega_0$. We set the dimentionless interaction strength as $C=4 \pi a_{s}N/h_z=1000$, where $N$ is the total particle number and $h_z$ is a height of the cylinder, and the width of the laser beam as $ \sigma/a_{ho}=0.65$. In our parameter set, the healing length is $ \xi/a_{ho}=0.12$.
![Density profiles (upper) and Structure factor profiles (lower) of rotating condensates at $a/a_{ho}=2.2$, $\sigma/a_{ho}=0.65$ and $ \Omega/\omega_0=0.70$. The figure show the vortex lattice structures corresponding to the intensity of the lattice potential : $(a)$ $V_0=0.05$, $(b)$ $V_0=0.1$, $(c)$ $V_0=0.3$, $(d)$ $V_0=0.5$, $(e)$ $V_0=9.0$.[]{data-label="fig:tau2"}](pinning-2.eps){height="2in"}
In our simulations, we first determine the ground-state condensate wavefunction without rotation by setting $\Omega=0$ in the GP equation (\[eq:GP\]). Fig. 1(a) shows the condensate density profile in the lattice potential without rotation. We then dynamically evolve Eq. (\[eq:GP\]) with a fixed angular velocigy $\Omega$ and look for equilibrium states. In addition to the condensate density profile, we also look at the density structure factor defined by $$\begin{aligned}
S( \mathbf k) = \int d \mathbf r n(\mathbf r) e^{-i \mathbf k \cdot \mathbf r},
\label{eq:Sk}\end{aligned}$$ where $n(\mathbf r)=\vert \psi(\mathbf r)\vert^2 $ is condensate density. The structure factor provides us information about the periodicity of the condensate density. For triangular lattice geometry, there are periodic peaks of regular hexagonal geometry. By looking at the position of peaks of the structure factor, we can distinguish between the Abrikosov lattice and the pinned vortex lattice. Fixing the lattice constant with $a/a_{ho}=2.2$, we investigated the transition of the vortex lattice structure by changing the intensity $V_0$ for various angular velocities $ \Omega/\omega_0 $. Fig. 2 shows the density profiles and the structure factors for $ \Omega/\omega_0=0.70$. One can see that for weak lattice potentials ($(a)$ $V_0=0.05$, $(b)$ $V_0=0.1$), vortices form the Abrikosov lattice, which is incommensurate with the lattice potential. By slightly increasing the intensity ($(c)$ $V_0=0.3$), vortices start to being partially pinned by the lattice potentail. For strong lattice potentials ($(d)$ $V_0=0.5$, $(e)$ $V_0=9.0$), all vortices are pinned by the lattice potential. We thus observed the transition of the vortex lattice structure from the Abrikosov lattice to the pinned lattice.
In order to quantify the structural phase transition of the vortex lattice structure, we calculate the peak intensity of the structure factor $S({\bf K})$ at the lattice pinning point, where $\mathbf K_{1}=2\pi/a(1,1/\sqrt{3})$, $ \mathbf K_{2}=2\pi/a(0,2/\sqrt{3})$. In addition, we also calculate the lattice potential energy $$\begin{aligned}
E_{\rm lattice} =
\int {d\mathbf r \psi^*(\mathbf r)V_{\rm lattice}(\mathbf r) \psi(\mathbf r)}.\label{eq:one}\end{aligned}$$ In Fig. 3, we plot $S({\bf K})$ and $E_{\rm lattice}$ against of the intensity $V_0$. In Fig. 3(a) for $\Omega/\omega_0=0.70$, we find that $E_{\rm lattice}$ decreases gradually with vortices being partially pinned, and reaches constant when all vortices are pinned for $V_0>0.4$. Correspondingly $S({\bf K})$ increases gradually and finally becomes constant when all vortices are pinned. From these results together with directly looking at the condensate density profile, we conclude that the structural phase transition occurs at $V_0=0.4$.
![Lattice potential energy ($ \bullet $) and peak intensity of the structure factor at the lattice pinning point ($ \circ $) with $a/a_{ho}=2.2$, $\sigma/a_{ho}=0.65$ corresponding to the angular velocity: $(a)$ $\Omega/\omega_0=0.70$, $(b)$ $\Omega/\omega_0=0.55$. Here $E_{\rm lattice0}$ and $S_0({\bf K})$ is the lattice energy and the peak intensity of the structure factor at the lattice pinning point of ground state for the intensity respectivity.[]{data-label="fig:tau2"}](a=2.2-0.70.eps){height="1.8in"}
![Lattice potential energy ($ \bullet $) and peak intensity of the structure factor at the lattice pinning point ($ \circ $) with $a/a_{ho}=2.2$, $\sigma/a_{ho}=0.65$ corresponding to the angular velocity: $(a)$ $\Omega/\omega_0=0.70$, $(b)$ $\Omega/\omega_0=0.55$. Here $E_{\rm lattice0}$ and $S_0({\bf K})$ is the lattice energy and the peak intensity of the structure factor at the lattice pinning point of ground state for the intensity respectivity.[]{data-label="fig:tau2"}](a=2.2-0.55.eps){height="1.8in"}
Fig. 3(b) shows the results for $ \Omega/\omega_0=0.55$. In this case, there is an intermediate domain where the Abrikosov lattice and the pinnd lattice coexist. In this domain, the vortex lattice structure cannot be categorically determined because of the competition between the vortex-vortex interaction and the lattice pinning effect.
In Fig. 4, we map out the phase diagrams of the vortex lattice structures against $ \Omega/\omega_0$ and $ V_0$. The lower domain is the Abrikosov lattice domain, while the upper domain is the pinned lattice domain. The intermediate domain represents coexisting state of the Abrikosov lattice and the pinnd lattice. From Fig. 4(a) for $a/a_{ho}=2.2$, we find that the pinning intensity takes the minimum value $V_{\rm min}=0.4$ at $ \Omega/\omega_0=0.70$. Similarly, we find $V_{\rm min}=0.7$ at $\Omega/\omega_0=0.83$ for $a/a_{ho}=2.0$ (as shown in Fig. 4(b)), and $V_{\rm min}=1.0$ at $\Omega/\omega_0=0.65$ for $a/a_{ho}=2.4$ (as shown in Fig. 4(c)).
![(1) Phase diagrams for the vortex lattice structures: $(a)$ $a/a_{ho}=2.2$, $(b)$ $a/a_{ho}=2.4$, $(c)$ $a/a_{ho}=2.0$. (2) The angular verocity corresponding the minimum pinning intensity: [$(d)$]{}. The solid line represents Eq. (5).[]{data-label="fig:tau2"}](a=2.2-1.eps){height="1.79in"}
![(1) Phase diagrams for the vortex lattice structures: $(a)$ $a/a_{ho}=2.2$, $(b)$ $a/a_{ho}=2.4$, $(c)$ $a/a_{ho}=2.0$. (2) The angular verocity corresponding the minimum pinning intensity: [$(d)$]{}. The solid line represents Eq. (5).[]{data-label="fig:tau2"}](a=2.4-1.eps){height="1.79in"}
![(1) Phase diagrams for the vortex lattice structures: $(a)$ $a/a_{ho}=2.2$, $(b)$ $a/a_{ho}=2.4$, $(c)$ $a/a_{ho}=2.0$. (2) The angular verocity corresponding the minimum pinning intensity: [$(d)$]{}. The solid line represents Eq. (5).[]{data-label="fig:tau2"}](a=2.0-1.eps){height="1.79in"}
![(1) Phase diagrams for the vortex lattice structures: $(a)$ $a/a_{ho}=2.2$, $(b)$ $a/a_{ho}=2.4$, $(c)$ $a/a_{ho}=2.0$. (2) The angular verocity corresponding the minimum pinning intensity: [$(d)$]{}. The solid line represents Eq. (5).[]{data-label="fig:tau2"}](a-omega-2.eps){height="1.79in"}
The minimum values of the pinning lattice intensity $V_0$ for each lattice constant can be understood as follows. When vortices form the trianglular lattice and undergo rigid rotation with angular velocity $ \Omega $, the lattice constant is expressed as a function of angular velocity by $$\begin{aligned}
a_v(\Omega)/a_{ho}=\sqrt{\frac{2}{\sqrt{3}} \frac{\kappa}{2\Omega/\omega_0}},
\label{eq:a_omega}\end{aligned}$$ where $ \kappa=h/m $ is the circulation of a singly-quantized vortex. In Fig. 4(d), we plot the lattice constant $a/a_{ho}$ against $ \Omega/\omega_0 $ giving the minimum pinning intensity. We find that it is well fitted by the funcion in Eq. (\[eq:a\_omega\]). This means that the pinning intensity $V_0$ takes minimum value when $a_v(\Omega)$ matches to the lattice constant $a$. When this “matching relation” is satisfied, weak lattice potential has a stronger pinning effect than vortex-vortex interaction, which leads to a sharp transition of the vortex lattice structure. In summary, we have studied the transition of the vortex lattice structures of Bose-Einstein condensates in a rotating triangular lattice potential. We showned that the transition is determined depending on parameters of the lattice potential. We also found that the lattice potential has a strong pinning effect when the matching relation is satisfied. For a future study, we will discuss the transition of vortex lattice structures for various lattice potential geometries. We thank S. Konabe and S. Watabe for useful discussions and comments. We also thank N. Sasa for helpful comments on the numerical simulations.
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abstract: |
We report on continued monitoring of the Anomalous X-ray pulsar (AXP) [1E 1048.1–5937]{} using the *Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer*. We confirm that this pulsar has exhibited significant pulsed flux variability. The principal features of this variability are two pulsed X-ray flares. Both flares lasted several months and had well-resolved few-week–long rises. The long rise times of the flares are a phenomenon not previously reported for this class of object. The epochs of the flare peaks were MJD $52,218.8 \pm 4.5$ and $52,444.4
\pm 7.0$. Both flares had shorter rise than fall times. The flares had peak fluxes of $2.21 \pm 0.16$ and $3.00 \pm 0.13$ times the quiescent value. We estimate a total 2–10 keV energy release of $\sim 2.7\times 10^{40}$ ergs and $\sim
2.8\times 10^{41}$ ergs for the flares, assuming a distance of 5 kpc. We also report large (factor of $\sim$12) changes to the pulsar’s spin-down rate on time scales of weeks to months, shorter than has been reported previously. We find marginal evidence for correlation between the flux and spin-down rate variability, with probability of nonrandom correlation 6%. We discuss the implications of our findings for AXP models.
- 'Fotis P. Gavriil and Victoria M. Kaspi'
title: 'Anomalous X-ray Pulsar 1E 1048.1–5937: Pulsed Flux Flares and Large Torque Variations'
Introduction {#sec:intro}
Anomalous X-ray pulsars (AXPs) are an exotic manifestation of young neutron stars. AXPs are known for their steady, soft X-ray pulsations in the period range of 6–12 s. The detection of X-ray bursts from two AXPs has confirmed the common nature of these objects with that of soft gamma repeaters [@SGRs;; @gkw02; @kgw+03], another exotic type of young neutron star. Both classes of objects are believed to be magnetars, i.e., powered by the decay of an ultrahigh magnetic field that has a magnitude of $10^{14}$–$10^{15}$ G on the stellar surface. For recent AXP reviews, see @kg04a and @kas04.
One issue in AXP research has been flux stability. Historically, two AXPs have been reported to be highly flux variable. @opmi98 collected all published flux measurements for AXP [1E 1048.1–5937]{} and concluded that its total flux varies by as much as a factor of 10 between observations spaced by typically 1–2 yr over $\sim$20 yr. Those data were from a diverse set of instruments, including imaging and nonimaging telescopes. Similarly, flux variability by a factor of greater than 4 was reported for AXP [1E 2259.1+586]{} by @bs96, using data also from a variety of instruments.
However, long-term [*Rossi X-Ray Timing Explorer (RXTE)*]{} monitoring of the pulsed flux of [1E 1048.1–5937]{} by @kgc+01 and of [1E 2259.1+586]{} by @gk02 using a single instrument and set of analysis software showed no evidence to support such large variability.[^1] Also, @tgsm02, following a short [*XMM-Newton*]{} observation of [1E 1048.1–5937]{}, compared the observed flux with those measured by two other imaging instruments, [*ASCA*]{} and [*BeppoSAX*]{}. They found that in the three observations, the total flux was steady to within $\sim$30%–50%. They argued that the nonimaging detections included in the @opmi98 analysis may have been contaminated by other sources in the instruments’ fields of view; in particular, the bright and variable X-ray source $\eta$ Carina lies only 38$'$ away.
A possible solution to this puzzle came with the discovery of a large (greater than 10 times) long-lived flux enhancement from [1E 2259.1+586]{} at the time of a major outburst in 2002 June 18. This event was accompanied by many other radiative changes as well as by a large rotational spin-up [@kgw+03; @wkt+04]. This suggests that past flux variability reported in AXPs could be attributed to similar outbursts that went undetected.
We report here, using data from our continuing [*RXTE*]{} monitoring program, the discovery of significant pulsed flux variability in [1E 1048.1–5937]{}. This variability is mainly characterized by two long-lived pulsed flux flares, having well-resolved rises a few weeks long. These are unlike any previously seen flux enhancements in AXPs and SGRs and thus likely represent a distinct physical phenomenon. We find no evidence for any major associated bursting behavior. We also report large variations in the spin-down torque on timescales of a few weeks/months. We find only a marginal correlation between the flux and torque variations. We argue that this poses another significant challenge to any disk-accretion model for AXPs, but is not inconsistent with the magnetar model.
Analysis and Results {#sec:obs}
All observations reported here were obtained with the Proportional Counter Array [PCA @jsss+96] on board [[*RXTE*]{}]{}. The timing observations described below are a continuation of those reported by @kgc+01. We refer the reader to that paper for details of the analysis procedure. This [[*RXTE*]{}]{} monitoring program has shown that, in general, AXPs have sufficient stability for phase coherent timing [see @kg04a for a review]. [1E 1048.1–5937]{} is an exception. For this pulsar, we have achieved phase-coherent timing only over relatively short data spans. In 2002 March, we adopted the strategy of observing this source every week with three short ($\sim$2 ks) observations. These closely spaced observations allow us to measure the spin frequency with high precision weekly without phase connecting over long baselines. This therefore allows us to determine the spin-down rate with interesting precision on timescales of a few weeks. Figure \[fig:spin flux spectra\]A shows the long-term spin history of [1E 1048.1–5937]{} as measured by [*RXTE*]{}.
Figure \[fig:fit\]A shows the spin-down rate $\dot{\nu}$ as a function of time over the interval for which we can make this measurement. Plotted values of $\dot{\nu}$ were calculated by measuring the slopes of each 5 adjacent values of ${\nu}$. Note how $\dot{\nu}$ clearly varies greatly during our observations, on all timescales to which we are sensitive. From MJD 52,400 to MJD 52,620 $\dot{\nu}$ had changed by a factor of $\sim$12. During the $\sim$120 day interval from MJD 52,620 through MJD 52,740, $\dot{\nu}$ was a factor of $\sim$4 larger than the long-term average spin-down ($\langle \dot{\nu} \rangle=-6.48\times 10^{-13}\ \mathrm{Hz}\ \mathrm{s}^{-1}$). This was followed by an abrupt decrease in magnitude by a factor of $\sim$2, which was not resolved, and by subsequent additional variations. At no time did we observe any episode of spin-up.
We also monitor the pulsed flux of this source. In this analysis, data from each observing epoch were also folded at the optimal pulse period. We calculated the rms pulsed flux using the method described by @wkt+04.[^2] Given [1E 1048.1–5937]{}’s highly sinusoidal pulse profile we used only the first two harmonics to calculate the pulsed flux. This method of measuring flux is different from the one used in @kgc+01 which involved fitting a spectral model to extract a pulsed flux in cgs units. Given the short length of the observations, fitting a spectral model to the individual observations was not practical. The pointing for two observations was slightly off-source so we had to correct for reduced collimator response. The pointing was on-source for all other observations. Figure \[fig:spin flux spectra\]B shows our pulsed flux time series in the 2–10 keV band. Pulsed flux time series in the 2–4 and 4–6 keV bands look similar.
The pulsed flux time series clearly has significant structure. The most obvious features are two long-lived flares. The first flare was smaller and shorter lived than the second. The latter clearly displayed significant structure in its decay. In estimating the following flare properties, we define the first flare as having occurred between MJDs 52,198 and 52,318 and the second having started on MJD 52,386, and we take its end to be our last observation on MJD 53,030, although it clearly has not yet ended (see Fig. \[fig:fit\]). We estimate that the first flare had a peak flux of $2.21\pm 0.16$ times the quiescent pulse flux, with the peak occurring at MJD $52,218.8 \pm 4.5$. Its rise time was $20.8
\pm 4.5$ days, and its fall time $98.9 \pm 4.5$ days. The second flare peak was on MJD 52,444.4$\pm$7.0, and had a peak value of $3.00 \pm 0.13$ times the quiescent pulsed flux. Its rise time was $58.3 \pm
7.0$ days, and its fall time is greater than 586 days. We estimate 2–10 keV fluences of $(111 \pm 12)\times
10^4\ \mathrm{counts}\ \mathrm{PCU}^{-1}$ and $(1136 \pm 38)\times
10^4\ \mathrm{counts}\ \mathrm{PCU}^{-1}$ for the first and second flare, respectively. @tgsm02 measured a total flux in the 2–10 keV energy range of $\sim 5 \times 10^{-12}$ ergs cm$^{-2}$ s$^{-1}$ and a pulsed fraction of $\sim94\%$ (for energies $>$2 keV) from *XMM-Newton* observations of [1E 1048.1–5937]{}. This information, along with our measured quiescent pulsed flux, allows us to scale our fluences to estimate the total energy released in each flare. Assuming a distance of 5 kpc [see discussion in @opk01], we find a total energy release of $\sim 2.7 \times 10^{40}$ ergs for the first flare and $\sim
2.8\times 10^{41}$ ergs for the second flare, both in the 2–10 keV band.
Although we clearly detect both large flux variations and large changes in the spin-down rate, the correlation between the two is marginal. The Spearman rank order correlation coefficient $r_S = 0.28$, where 0 indicates no correlation and 1 indicates total correlation. The probability of obtaining this value of $r_S$ or higher by random chance is 6%. Thus, there is marginal evidence of some correlation, equivalent to a $\gapp 2\sigma$ result. From Figure 2, it is clear why any correlation is not strong: for example, $\dot{\nu}$ changes very little during the rise of the second flare, in the interval MJD 52,380-52,420. Also, there is no short-term flux change when $\dot{\nu}$ suddenly reaches its maximum absolute value (near MJD 52,620), nor when it abruptly changes by a factor of $\sim$2 around MJD 52,740.
Hardness ratios (HRs) were measured by comparing the pulsed flux, as measured by the method described above, in the 2–4 keV band to that in the 4–6 keV band. Figure \[fig:spin flux spectra\]C shows our HR measurements. The mean HR is 0.78. There is evidence for spectral variability. The reduced $\chi^2$ of the HR time series is 3.6 for 143 degrees of freedom. However, there is no evidence for any correlation of HR with pulsed flux or torque. Our uncertainties, however, are quite large; monitoring observations with an imaging instrument would improve this situation.
Intriguingly, the peak of the first flare was coincident with the epochs during which we observed two SGR-like X-ray bursts from the direction of this source in 2001 [@gkw02 indicated by arrows in Fig. \[fig:spin flux spectra\]]. However, we found no other SGR-like bursts in any of the remaining data. For a detailed description of our burst-searching algorithm see @gkw04. We also searched our folded time series for pulse morphology variations using the method detailed by @gk02. We find no evidence for significant pulse profile changes at any epoch in our data set.
Discussion {#sec:discussion}
The long-lived flux enhancements with well-resolved rises that we have observed in [1E 1048.1–5937]{} are very different from previously detected X-ray flux variations in AXPs and SGRs, which show very abrupt rises associated with major outbursts [e.g. @kgw+03; @wkt+04]. The long-lived flux decay in those sources has been attributed to burst afterglow, which is a cooling of the crust following an impulsive heat injection from magnetospheric bursts [@let02]. The much more gradual flux rises that we have observed in [1E 1048.1–5937]{} comprise a new phenomenon not yet observed in any other AXP, despite several years of careful and frequent [*RXTE*]{} monitoring. These flux variations may provide a new diagnostic of the physical origin of the persistent nonthermal emission in SGRs and AXPs, since they are not contaminated by burst afterglow. Also interesting are the large variations in spin-down rate or torque. Torque variations by nearly a factor of 5 were already reported from [*RXTE*]{} observations [@kgc+01], on timescales of years. Here we have shown that the torque can change by at least a factor of $\sim$2 more, and on much shorter timescales, namely, a few weeks to months.
In considering the observed pulsed flux and torque variations, whether they are correlated is an important issue. Our weekly monitoring of the source unfortunately commenced only after most of the first flare decayed. Prior to that, the monthly observations, taken in the form of brief snapshots, did not allow anything about the rotational behavior of the source to be determined when phase-coherent timing was not possible. This was the case during the first flare. During the second flare, the spin frequency was, interestingly, [*most*]{} stable during the rise and peak of the flare. Furthermore, the stable spin-down rate was at a lower magnitude than the long-term average. Subsequently, $\sim 60$ days after the flux began to decay, the rate of spin-down began to increase. Given timing observations during only one flare, it is unclear whether these features are coincidences or not. However, there is no strong evidence to support otherwise; similar torque variations were seen in the past and were not accompanied by any flaring (see Fig. \[fig:spin flux spectra\]). Significant torque variations unaccompanied by severe flux variability have been noted for [1E 1048.1–5937]{} prior to our [[*RXTE*]{}]{} monitoring [e.g. @pkdn00]. Nevertheless, statistically, the probability that they are uncorrelated is only 4%; studying Figure \[fig:fit\] suggests that if anything, slope transitions are correlated, if not the slopes between transitions. Continued [[*RXTE*]{}]{} monitoring will help identify any true correlations, particularly if the source exhibits more variability.
Can the magnetar model explain such behavior? The persistent emission in magnetars has a spectrum that is well described by a two-component model, consisting of a blackbody plus a hard power-law tail. The thermal component is thought to arise from heat resulting from the active decay of a high internal magnetic field [@td96a]; however, thermal X-ray flux changes are not expected on as short a time scale as we have measured in the absence of major bursts. @tlk02 put forth a model in which the nonthermal component arises from resonant Compton scattering of thermal photons by currents in the magnetosphere. In magnetars, these currents are maintained by magnetic stresses acting deep inside its highly conducting interior, where it is assumed that the magnetic field lines are highly twisted. These magnetospheric currents in turn twist the external dipolar field in the lesser conducting magnetosphere. These magnetic stresses can lead to sudden outbursts or more gradual plastic deformations of the rigid crust, thereby twisting the footpoints of the external magnetic field and inducing X-ray luminosity changes. The persistent non-thermal emission of AXPs is explained in this model as being generated by these currents through magnetospheric Comptonization and surface back-heating [@td96a; @tlk02]. Changes in X-ray luminosity, spectral hardness, and torque have a common physical origin in this model and some correlations are expected. Larger twists correspond to harder persistent X-ray spectra, as is observed, at least when comparing the harder SGR spectra to those of the softer AXPs. As noted by @kgc+01, [1E 1048.1–5937]{}’s hard photon spectral index ($\Gamma = 2.9$) suggests that it is a transition object between the AXPs ($\Gamma \simeq$3–4) and the SGRs ($\Gamma = $2.2–2.4). Hence, if during the flares [1E 1048.1–5937]{}’s magnetosphere was twisted to the SGR regime, we expect spectral index variations of $\sim 0.5$. Spectral measurements of such precision are not feasible with our short [[*RXTE*]{}]{} monitoring observations.
Decoupling between the torque and the luminosity can be accounted for in the magnetar model. According to @tlk02 the torque is most sensitive to the current flowing on a relatively narrow bundle of field lines that are anchored close to the magnetic pole, and so only a broad correlation in spin-down rate and X-ray luminosity is predicted, and in fact is observed for the combined population of SGRs and AXPs [@mw01; @tlk02]. However, for a single source, whether an X-ray luminosity change will be accompanied by a torque change depends on where in relation to the magnetic pole the source of the enhanced X-rays sits. Similarly, large torque variations, as we have observed, may occur in the absence of luminosity changes if the former are a result of changes in the currents flowing only in the small polar cap region.
Note that energetically, the total release in these flares is comparable to, although somewhat less than, that in the afterglows seen in SGRs and in AXP [1E 2259.1+586]{} [see @wkt+04 for a summary]. It easily can be accounted for given the inferred magnetic energy of the star.
Although the magnetar model for AXPs has been spectacularly successful in explaining their most important phenomenology, the anomalous behavior noted for [1E 1048.1–5937]{} raises the possibility that perhaps it has a physical nature different from other AXPs. It has also been suggested that AXPs might be powered by accretion from fossil disks [@chn00; @alp01]. An increase in luminosity $L_X$ can easily be explained in accretion models by an increase in the mass accretion rate $\dot{M}$, given that $L_X \propto \dot{M}$. Transient changes in $\dot{M}$ are perhaps not unreasonable to expect in fossil disk models, given the huge variations seen in $\dot{M}$ of conventional accreting sources. However, in an accretion scenario, we expect correlations between luminosity and torque. In conventional disk-fed accreting pulsars undergoing spin-up, one expects $\dot{\nu} \propto L_X^{6/7}$. Such a correlation is seen approximately in accreting pulsars, with discrepancies possibly attributable to changed beaming or improper measurement of bolometric luminosities, the former due to pulse profile changes, and the latter due to finite bandpasses [@bcc+97]. As discussed by @kgc+01, for a source undergoing regular [*spin-down*]{} as in [1E 1048.1–5937]{}, the prediction is less clear; the form of the correlation depends on the unknown functional form of the torque. For the propeller torque prescription of @chn00, we find that $L_X\propto \dot{\nu}^{7/3}$, a much stronger correlation than in the conventional spin-up sources. For a change in $L_X$ by a factor of $\sim$3 as we have seen in the rise of the second flare, we would expect a simultaneous change in $\dot{\nu}$ by greater than $50\%$, clearly ruled out by our data. Conversely, for the abrupt change of $\dot{\nu}$ by a factor of $\sim$2 (near MJD 52740), we expect a change in $L_X$ by a factor of $\sim$5, definitely not seen. This appears to pose a significant challenge to fossil-disk accretion models for [1E 1048.1–5937]{}.
Two infrared observations taken on MJD 52,324 [@ics+02] and MJD 52372 [@wc02] have shown that the IR counterpart of this source is variable. However, the pulsed X-ray flux at both those epochs was consistent with the quiescent value. Furthermore, even though the X-ray flux has not yet returned to its quiescent value, recent observations show that the source’s proposed IR counterpart is consistent with the fainter of the two previous observations [@dk04]. This decoupling between the IR and the X-ray flux contrasts with what was observed in AXP [1E 2259.1+586]{}, whose IR flux increased then decayed in concert with the X-ray flux at the time of its 2002 outburst [@kgw+03 Tam et al. 2004, in preparation]. This is puzzling and suggestive of more than one mechanism for producing IR emission in AXPs.
We thank M. Lyutikov, S. Ransom, M. Roberts, C. Thompson and P. Woods for useful discussions. This work is supported by NSERC Discovery Grant 228738-03, NSERC Steacie Supplement 268264-03, a Canada Foundation for Innovation New Opportunities Grant, FQRNT Team and Centre Grants, and NASA Long-Term Space Astrophysics Grant NAG5-8063. V.M.K. is a Canada Research Chair and Steacie Fellow. This research has made use of data obtained through the High Energy Astrophysics Science Archive Research Center Online Service, provided by the NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center.
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[^1]: Total flux measurements with [[*RXTE*]{}]{} were difficult given the large field of view of the PCA and the low count rates for the AXPs relative to the background.
[^2]: In eq. (1) of @wkt+04 there is a typographical error of a factor of 2 missing from the coefficients $\alpha_k$ and $\beta_k$; similarly a factor of 4 is missing from their respective variances. The calculations in that paper however, used the correct form of the equation.
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"pile_set_name": "ArXiv"
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abstract: 'We derive the Wick calculus for test and generalized functionals of noncommutative white noise corresponding to $q$-deformed commutation relations with $q\in(-1,1)$. We construct a Gel’fand triple centered at the $q$-deformed Fock space in which both the test, nuclear space and its dual space are algebras with respect to the addition and the Wick multiplication. Furthermore, we prove a Vge-type inequality for the Wick product on the dual space.'
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Research Institute of Mathematical Finance\
Chungbuk National University\
Cheongju 28644\
Republic of Korea
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Department of Mathematics\
Swansea University\
Singleton Park\
Swansea SA2 8PP\
- Un Cig Ji
- Eugene Lytvynov
date: 'July 10, 2016'
title: 'Wick calculus for noncommutative white noise corresponding to $q$-deformed commutation relations'
White noise analysis is a theory of test and generalized functionals of the time derivative of Brownian motion—white noise. It has found numerous applications, in particular in mathematical physics and mathematical finance, see e.g. [@BK; @DOP; @HKPS; @HOUZ; @Obata] and the references therein. This theory is based on the Wiener–Itô–Segal isomorphism between the $L^2$-space with respect to a Gaussian measure and the symmetric Fock space. Consider a linear functional $\langle \omega,\varphi\rangle$, the dual pairing of white noise $\omega$ and a test function $\varphi$, and then $\langle \omega,\varphi\rangle$ is a Gaussian random variable with mean $0$ and variance $|\varphi|_{L^2}^2$. Under the Wiener–Itô–Segal isomorphism the operator of multiplication by $\langle \omega,\varphi\rangle$ in the $L^2$-space becomes the operator $a^+(\varphi)+a^-(\varphi)$ in the symmetric Fock space, which is called the quantum decomposition of the Gaussian random variable $\langle \omega,\varphi\rangle$. Here $a^+(\varphi)$ and $a^-(\varphi)$ are creation and annihilation operators, respectively, and satisfy the canonical commutation relations.
A crucial technical tool in white noise analysis is the Wick product, denoted by $\diamond$. Unlike the point-wise product, the Wick product is a well-defined operation on certain spaces of generalized functionals of $\omega$, like for example, the Hida space [@HKPS; @Obata] or the Kondratiev space [@K; @KLS; @HOUZ]. In the latter space, one can additionally treat an infinite Wick-power series: $$\label{hijg8turt}
\phi^\diamond(F)=\sum_{n=0}^\infty a_n F^{\diamond n},$$ where $F$ is an element of the Kondratiev space and $\phi(z)=\sum_{n=0}^\infty a_n z^n$ is an analytic function of a complex variable $z$ from a neighborhood of zero. In particular, one shows that a distribution $F$ has an inverse with respect to Wick product if and only if the expectation of $F$ (in a generalized sense) is not equal to zero. Generalized functionals $\phi^\diamond(F)$ are used in stochastic differential equations involving the Wick product, e.g. [@HOUZ; @DOP]. While the original proof of the convergence of the series given as in was done through the analytic characterization theorem in terms of the so-called $S$-transform [@K; @KLS], an alternative proof of this fact is based on the Vge inequality [@HOUZ; @V].
Let us also recall that, in terms of the symmetric Fock space, the Wick product corresponds to the symmetric tensor product. Equivalently, in terms of the creation and annihilation operators acting on the symmetric Fock space, the Wick product $\diamond$ means normal ordering, i.e., moving the creation operators to the left and the annihilation operators to the right, see e.g. [@HKPS]. For example, for test functions $\varphi$ and $\psi$, $$\begin{aligned}
In the framework of the free probability, Alpay and Salomon [@AS] (see also [@AJS]) constructed a noncommutative analog of the Kondratiev space and proved a Vge-type inequality on it. More precisely, they constructed a Gel’fand triple with the center space being the full Fock space, defined the Wick product on it as the usual tensor product, and proved that the tensor product on the dual space satisfies a Vge-type inequality.
For $q\in (-1,1)$, Bożejko and Speicher [@BS] constructed a representation of the $q$-deformed commutation relation: $$\label{buygy8ugt}
a^-(\varphi)a^+(\psi)=qa^+(\varphi)a^-(\psi)+( \varphi,\psi)_\mathcal{H}.$$ Here $\varphi$ and $\psi$ are elements of a Hilbert space $\mathcal{H}$. Note the absence of commutation relations between $a^+(\varphi)$ and $a^+(\psi)$, respectively between $a^-(\varphi)$ and $a^-(\psi)$. The operators $a^+(\varphi)$ and $a^-(\varphi)$ are realized as the creation and annihilation operators in the $q$-deformed Fock space. By analogy with the classical case ($q=1$), the operators $a^+(\varphi)+a^-(\varphi)$ are called a $q$-deformed (noncommutative) Gaussian random variable [@BS; @BKS].
Choose $\mathcal{H}=L^2(\mathbb R_+,dx)$, and let $\chi_{[0,t]}$ denote the indicator function of the interval $[0,t]$. Then the operators $$B(t)=a^+(\chi_{[0,t]})+a^-(\chi_{[0,t]}),\quad t\ge0,$$ form a $q$-Brownian motion. In the special case $q=0$, we get a free Brownian motion. In particular, this noncommutative stochastic process has freely independent increments, see e.g. [@NS]. In the case of a general $q\in(-1,1)$, the $q$-Brownian motion has $q$-independent increments according to the definition of $q$-independence in [@A2], see also [@A1].
Let us informally define a $q$-white noise by $$\omega(t)
= a^+(\delta_t)+a^-(\delta_t),$$ where $\delta_t$ is the delta function at $t$. Thus $\omega(t)$ is an operator-valued distribution which satisfies $$\langle\omega,\varphi\rangle
=a^+(\varphi)+a^-(\varphi)$$ for any test function $\varphi$.
As shown in [@BS], the normal ordering for the creation and annihilation operators on the $q$-deformed Fock space means moving the creation operators to the left and the annihilation operators to the right with the help of the rule $a^-(\varphi)\diamond a^+(\psi)=qa^+(\psi)a^-(\varphi)$. For example, $$\begin{aligned}
\label{udFt7u}\end{aligned}$$ which, of course, becomes as $q\to1$. The corresponding Wick product $\diamond$ on the $q$-deformed Fock space has again the form of the tensor product. However, for $q\ne0$, one has to deal with the $q$-deformed scalar product on tensor powers of a Hilbert space.
The aim of the present paper is to introduce a proper mathematical framework of $q$-white noise based on which the Wick calculus for $q$-white noise is available. For our purpose, we will construct a Gel’fand triple centered at the $q$-deformed Fock space in which both the test, nuclear space and its dual space are algebras with respect to the addition and the Wick multiplication, and furthermore a Vge-type inequality holds on the dual space. In the limit $q\to1$, we will recover the Kondratiev space of generalized functionals of white noise, while for $q=0$, in a special case, we will recover the space from [@AS]. We note that the Vge-type inequalities derived in this paper for both the classical case ($q=1$, see [@V]) and the free case ($q=0$, see [@AS]) differ from the known ones, and actually have a simpler form.
The paper is organized as follows. In Section \[tydr6\], we discuss orthogonalization of polynomials of $q$-white noise $\omega$ in the corresponding noncommutative $L^2$-space with respect to the vacuum expectation. In Section \[jigt8i7\], we introduce the Wick product and discuss how it is related to the orthogonal polynomials. The main results of the paper are in Sections \[vcytd657i\] and \[jkgt7u6r7\]. In Section \[vcytd657i\], we construct spaces of noncommutative test functionals of $\omega$ which are algebras under the addition and the Wick multiplication. Finally, in Section \[jkgt7u6r7\], we prove that the corresponding dual spaces are also algebras under the addition and the Wick multiplication, and furthermore a Vge-type inequality holds on them. Just like in the classical and free cases, we get immediate consequences of this result, like well-definiteness of an infinite Wick-power series given as in .
Orthogonal polynomials of $q$-white noise {#tydr6}
Let us first recall a representation of the $q$-commutation relations, see [@BS] for details. Let $\mathcal{H}$ be a real separable Hilbert space with the scalar product $(\cdot,\cdot)_\mathcal{H}$. Let $q\in(-1,1)$. For each $n\in{{\mathbb N}}$, we define a bounded linear operator $P_q^{(n)}:\mathcal{H}^{\otimes n}\to\mathcal{H}^{\otimes n}$ by $$\label{hvftdf7yihyu}
P_q^{(n)} f_1\otimes\dots\otimes f_n
:=\sum_{\pi\in S_n}q^{\operatorname{inv}(\pi)}f_{\pi(1)}\otimes\dots\otimes f_{\pi(n)}$$ for $f_1,\dots,f_n\in \mathcal{H}$, where $S_n$ is the symmetric group of order $n$ and, for each permutation $\pi\in S_n$, $\operatorname{inv}(\pi)$ denotes the number of inversions in $\pi$, i.e., the number of all pairs $(i,j)$, $1\le i<j\le n$, such that $\pi(i)>\pi(j)$. In this paper, for convenience, we use that $0^0:=1$ when $q=0$. Then the operator $P_q^{(n)}$ is strictly positive (see [@BS]). We define $\mathcal{F}^{(n)}_q(\mathcal{H})$ as the real separable Hilbert space which coincides with $\mathcal{H}^{\otimes n}$ as a set and has scalar product $$( f^{(n)},g^{(n)})_{\mathcal{F}^{(n)}_q(\mathcal{H})}
:=( P_q^{(n)} f^{(n)},g^{(n)})_{\mathcal{H}^{\otimes n}}\,.$$ We also set $\mathcal{F}^{(0)}_q(\mathcal{H}):={{\mathbb R}}$. We define the $q$-Fock space $$\mathcal{F}_q(\mathcal{H})
:=\bigoplus_{n=0}^\infty \mathcal{F}^{(n)}_q(\mathcal{H}).$$ As usual, we will identify any $f^{(n)}\in \mathcal{F}^{(n)}_q(\mathcal{H})$ with the corresponding element of $\mathcal{F}_q(\mathcal{H})$.
For each $\varphi\in\mathcal{H}$, we consider bounded linear operators $a^+(\varphi)$ and $a^-(\varphi)$ in $\mathcal{F}_q(\mathcal{H})$ which are defined by $$\begin{aligned}
a^+(\varphi)f^{(n)}&:=\varphi\otimes f^{(n)},\\
a^-(\varphi) f_1\otimes\dots\otimes f_n
&:=\sum_{i=1}^n q^{i-1}(\varphi,f_i)_\mathcal{H}\, f_1\otimes\dots\otimes \check f_{i}\otimes \dots\otimes f_n\end{aligned}$$ for $f^{(n)}\in \mathcal{F}^{(n)}_q(\mathcal{H})$ and $f_1,\dots,f_n\in \mathcal{H}$, where $\check f_i$ denotes the absence of $f_i$. Thus, $a^+(\varphi)$ and $a^-(\varphi)$ are called the creation and annihilation operators, respectively, and are adjoint of each other in $\mathcal{F}_q(\mathcal{H})$.
Although our results will hold for any infinite dimensional separable Hilbert space $\mathcal{H}$, it will be convenient to think of $\mathcal{H}$ as an $L^2$-space $L^2(X,\sigma)$. Here $X$ is a separable topological space with a $\sigma$-finite non-atomic Borel measure $\sigma$. For $x\in X$, we introduce, at least informally, the annihilation operator ${\partial}_x$ and the creation operator ${\partial}^\dag_x$ at point $x$ so that, for each $\varphi\in\mathcal{H}$, $$\begin{aligned}
a^-(\varphi)&=\int_X {\partial}_x\,\varphi(x)\,d\sigma(x),\label{gftyrt5er67}\\
a^+(\varphi)&=\int_X {\partial}^\dag_x\,\varphi(x)\,d\sigma(x)\label{fYUGUYW}.\end{aligned}$$ Thus, for $f^{(n)}\in\mathcal{F}_q^{(n)}(\mathcal{H})$, it holds that $$\begin{aligned}
({\partial}_x f^{(n)})(x_1,\dots,x_{n-1})&=\sum_{i=1}^n q^{i-1}f^{(n)}(x_1,\dots,x_{i-1},x,x_i,\dots,x_{n-1}),\\
{\partial}_x^\dag f^{(n)}&=\delta_x\otimes f^{(n)},\end{aligned}$$ where $\delta_x$ is the delta function at $x$. A rigorous meaning of the above formulas is given through the corresponding quadratic forms, cf. e.g. [@RS2].
We define the $q$-white noise by $$\omega(x)={\partial}^\dag_x +{\partial}_x,\quad x\in X.$$ Thus, for each $\varphi\in \mathcal{H}$, we obtain a bounded self-adjoint operator in $\mathcal{F}_q(\mathcal{H})$ by setting $${\langle}\omega,\varphi{\rangle}:=\int_X\omega(x)\varphi(x)\,d\sigma(x)
=a^+(\varphi)+a^-(\varphi).$$ We denote by $\mathcal{H}^{\otimes_{\mathbf a}n}$ the $n$-th algebraic tensor power of $\mathcal{H}$. That is, $\mathcal{H}^{\otimes_{\mathbf a}n}$ is the subset of $\mathcal{H}^{\otimes n}$ which is the linear span of the vectors $f_1\otimes\dots\otimes f_n$ with $f_1,\dots,f_n\in\mathcal{H}$. Let $\mathcal{P}$ denote the real algebra generated by the operators ${\langle}\omega,\varphi{\rangle}$ with $\varphi\in\mathcal{H}$. We denote $${\langle}\omega^{\otimes n},f_1\otimes\dots\otimes f_n{\rangle}:= {\langle}\omega,f_1{\rangle}\dotsm {\langle}\omega,f_n{\rangle}.$$ Extending by linearity, we define a (noncommutative) monomial ${\langle}\omega^{\otimes n},f^{(n)}{\rangle}$ for each $f^{(n)}\in \mathcal{H}^{\otimes_{\mathbf a}n}$. Evidently, $\mathcal{P}$ consists of all (noncommutative) polynomials in $\omega$ which are of the form: $$\label{hfur8rt}
P= f^{(0)}+\sum_{i=1}^n {\langle}\omega^{\otimes i},f^{(i)}{\rangle},
\quad f^{(0)}\in{{\mathbb R}},\ f^{(i)}\in \mathcal{H}^{\otimes_{\mathbf a}i}.$$ We define the vacuum expectation on $\mathcal{P}$ by $$\mu (P):=( P\Omega,\Omega)_{\mathcal{F}_q(\mathcal{H})},\quad P\in\mathcal{P},$$ where $\Omega:=(1,0,0,\dots)$ is the vacuum vector in $\mathcal{F}_q(\mathcal{H})$. We define an inner product $$\label{hgftyr7e7r}
=( P_1\Omega,P_2\Omega)_{\mathcal{F}_q(\mathcal{H})},
\quad P_1,P_2\in\mathcal{P}.$$ Note that, for each $P\in\mathcal{P}$ with $P\ne0$, we have $(P,P)_{L^2(\mu)}>0$. Hence, we can define a noncommutative $L^2$-space $L^2(\mu)$ to be the real Hilbert space obtained as the closure of $\mathcal{P}$ with respect to the norm induced by the inner product $(\cdot,\cdot)_{L^2(\mu)}$. In particular, $\mathcal{P}$ is a dense subset of $L^2(\mu)$.
The following proposition immediately follows from the definition of $L^2(\mu)$.
\[gdyde6y\] For each $P\in\mathcal{P}$, define $IP:=P\Omega$. Then, $I$ is extended by the continuity to a unitary operator $I:L^2(\mu)\to\mathcal{F}_q(\mathcal{H})$. Furthermore, under the action of $I$, the operator of the left multiplication by ${\langle}\omega,\varphi{\rangle}$ in $L^2(\mu)$ (denoted by $L_{{\langle}\omega,\varphi{\rangle}}$) becomes ${\langle}\omega,\varphi{\rangle}$, i.e., $$\label{jklhiugti8t}
I L_{{\langle}\omega,\varphi{\rangle}} I^{-1}={\langle}\omega,\varphi{\rangle}.$$
For $k\in{{\mathbb N}}_0=\mathbb{N}\cup\{0\}$, we denote by $\mathcal{P}_k$ the subset of $\mathcal{P}$ consisting of all polynomials of order $\le k$, i.e., all $P\in\mathcal{P}$ given as in with $n\le k$. Let $\mathcal{MP}_k$ denote the closure of $\mathcal{P}_k$ in $L^2(\mu)$ (measurable polynomials of order $k$). Let $$\mathcal {OP}_k=\mathcal {MP}_k\ominus\mathcal {MP}_{k-1}$$ (orthogonal polynomials of order $k$). Here $\ominus$ denotes orthogonal difference in $L^2(\mu)$. Since $\mathcal{P}$ is dense in $L^2(\mu)$, we get the orthogonal decomposition: $$L^2(\mu)=\bigoplus_{n=0}^\infty \mathcal {OP}_n.$$
For each $f^{(n)}\in \mathcal{H}^{\otimes_{\mathbf a}n}$, we denote by ${\langle}{{:}\omega^{\otimes n}{:}},f^{(n)}{\rangle}$ the orthogonal projection of the monomial ${\langle}\omega^{\otimes n},f^{(n)}{\rangle}$ onto $\mathcal {OP}_n$.
\[hjuyfuyf\] For each $f^{(n)}\in \mathcal{H}^{\otimes_{\mathbf a}n}$, we have $$I {\langle}{{:}\omega^{\otimes n}{:}}, f^{(n)}{\rangle}=f^{(n)}.$$
It can be easily checked that, for each $n$, $$I\mathcal{P}_n=\bigoplus_{k=0}^n \mathcal{H}^{\otimes_{\mathbf a}k}.$$ Therefore, $$I\,\mathcal {MP}_n=\bigoplus_{k=0}^n \mathcal{F}^{(k)}_q(\mathcal{H}),$$ and so $$I\,\mathcal {OP}_n=\mathcal{F}^{(n)}_q(\mathcal{H}).$$ Hence, $I {\langle}{{:}\omega^{\otimes n}{:}},f^{(n)}{\rangle}$ is the orthogonal projection in $\mathcal{F}_q(\mathcal{H})$ of $$I {\langle}\omega^{\otimes n},f^{(n)}{\rangle}={\langle}\omega^{\otimes n},f^{(n)}{\rangle}\Omega$$ onto $\mathcal{F}^{(n)}_q(\mathcal{H})$. But the latter vector is equal to $f^{(n)}$.
\[jgyiyu\] The following recursive formula holds: $$\begin{aligned}
{\langle}{:}\omega{:},f{\rangle}&={\langle}\omega,f{\rangle},\quad f\in\mathcal{H},\label{vgfytdfyd}\\
{\langle}{{:}\omega^{\otimes n}{:}},f_1\otimes\dots\otimes f_n{\rangle}&={\langle}\omega,f_1{\rangle}{\langle}{{:}\omega^{\otimes (n-1)}{:}},f_2\otimes\dotsm\otimes f_n{\rangle}\notag\\
&\qquad-{\langle}{{:}\omega^{\otimes (n-2)}{:}},a^-(f_1)f_2\otimes\dots\otimes f_n{\rangle}\label{khgiytgit}\end{aligned}$$ for $ n\ge2$ and $f_1,\dots,f_n\in\mathcal{H}$. In particular, for each $f^{(n)}\in \mathcal{H}^{\otimes_{\mathbf a}n}$, we have ${\langle}{{:}\omega^{\otimes n}{:}},f^{(n)}{\rangle}\in\mathcal{P}$.
By Proposition \[hjuyfuyf\], for $f\in\mathcal{H}$ $$I{\langle}{:}\omega{:},f{\rangle}= f={\langle}\omega,f{\rangle}\Omega=I{\langle}\omega,f{\rangle},$$ so holds. Next, for any $f_1,\dots,f_n\in\mathcal{H}$ ($n\ge2$), we get, by Propositions \[gdyde6y\] and \[hjuyfuyf\], $$\begin{aligned}
I\big({\langle}\omega,f_1{\rangle}{\langle}{{:}\omega^{\otimes (n-1)}{:}},f_2\otimes\dotsm\otimes f_n{\rangle}\big)
&={\langle}\omega,f_1{\rangle}f_2\otimes\dotsm\otimes f_n\\
&=\left(a^+(f_1)+a^-(f_1)\right)f_2\otimes\dotsm\otimes f_n\\
&=I {\langle}{{:}\omega^{\otimes n}{:}},f_1\otimes\dots\otimes f_n{\rangle}\\
&\quad+{\langle}{{:}\omega^{\otimes (n-2)}{:}},a^-(f_1)f_2\otimes\dots\otimes f_n{\rangle},\end{aligned}$$ from which follows.
\[hgigtitg8i\] The set $\mathcal{P}$ consists of all (noncommutative) polynomials of the form: $$\label{guftyrf7yr}
P= f^{(0)}+\sum_{i=1}^n {\langle}{{:}\omega^{\otimes i}{:}}, f^{(i)}{\rangle},\quad f^{(0)}\in{{\mathbb R}},\ f^{(i)}\in \mathcal{H}^{\otimes_{\mathbf a}i}.$$
By Corollary \[jgyiyu\], each polynomial of the form belongs to $\mathcal{P}$. So we only need to prove that, for any $n\in{{\mathbb N}}$, $f_1,\dots,f_n\in\mathcal{H}$, the monomial ${\langle}\omega^{\otimes n},f_1\otimes\dots\otimes f_n{\rangle}$ can be represented in the form . But this can be easily shown by induction. Indeed, for $n=1$, this follows from . Assume that the statement is true for $1,2,\dots,n$. For any $f_1,\dots,f_{n+1}\in\mathcal{H}$, by Corollary \[jgyiyu\], $${\langle}\omega^{\otimes(n+1)},f_1\otimes\dots\otimes f_{n+1}{\rangle}-{\langle}{{:}\omega^{\otimes (n+1)}{:}},f_1\otimes\dots\otimes f_{n+1}{\rangle}$$ is a polynomial from $\mathcal{P}$ of order $\le n$. Hence, the statement follows by the induction assumption.
Wick product {#jigt8i7}
We will now introduce the Wick product. Let $\mathcal{W}$ be the linear span of the bounded linear operators in $\mathcal{F}_q(\mathcal{H})$ of the form: $$\label{ugfuygf}
a^+(f_1)\dotsm a^+(f_n)a^-(g_1)\dotsm a^-(g_m)$$ for $n,m\in {{\mathbb N}}_0$, $f_1,\dots,f_n,g_1,\dots,g_m\in\mathcal{H}$, and the identity operator. Note that the operator in is in the normal ordered form, i.e., all creation operators are to the left of all annihilation operators. We define the Wick product $\diamond$ on $\mathcal{W}$ by setting $$\begin{aligned}
& \big(a^+(f_1)\dotsm a^+(f_n)a^-(g_1)\dotsm a^-(g_m)\big)\diamond
\big(a^+(\varphi_1)\dotsm a^+(\varphi_k)a^-(\psi_1)\dotsm a^-(\psi_l)\big)\notag\\
&\qquad\qquad :=q^{km}\,a^+(f_1)\dotsm a^+(f_n)a^+(\varphi_1)\dotsm a^+(\varphi_k)\notag\\
&\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad \times a^-(g_1)\dotsm a^-(g_m)a^-(\psi_1)\dotsm a^-(\psi_l),
\label{hiygu8ytf}\end{aligned}$$ and by extending this operation by the linearity. Thus, the Wick product is nothing but bringing all terms in the usual product, with the help of the rule $a^-(\varphi)\diamond a^+(\psi)=qa^+(\psi)a^-(\varphi)$ to the normal ordered form. Clearly, $\mathcal{W}$ is a real algebra with operations of the addition and the Wick multiplication.
It will also be useful to introduce the Wick product for normally ordered products of creation and annihilation operators at point. More precisely, we set $$\begin{aligned}
&\big({\partial}_{x_1}^\dag\dotsm {\partial}_{x_n}^\dag {\partial}_{s_1}\dotsm{\partial}_{s_m}\big)\diamond\big({\partial}_{y_1}^\dag\dotsm {\partial}_{y_k}^\dag {\partial}_{t_1}\dotsm{\partial}_{t_l}\big)\notag\\
&\quad\qquad :=q^{km}\, {\partial}_{x_1}^\dag\dotsm {\partial}_{x_n}^\dag {\partial}_{y_1}^\dag\dotsm {\partial}_{y_k}^\dag {\partial}_{s_1}\dotsm{\partial}_{s_m}{\partial}_{t_1}\dotsm{\partial}_{t_l}
\label{hgigti9}\end{aligned}$$ (see [@JK] and the references therein), and extend this definition by linearity. Thus, the formula given in is the smeared version of the formula given in .
The following proposition follows from [@BKS] (see, in particular, the last paragraph on p. 137). Its meaning is that the orthogonalization of polynomials in $L^2(\mu)$ is equivalent to taking the Wick product.
\[hguyfgu\] We have $${{:}\omega^{\otimes n}{:}}(x_1,\dots,x_n)= \omega(x_1)\diamond\dots\diamond\omega(x_n),$$ or in the smeared form $$\label{jigity9i}
{\langle}{{:}\omega^{\otimes n}{:}},f^{(n)}{\rangle}=\int_{X^n} \omega(x_1)\diamond\dots\diamond\omega(x_n)\,f^{(n)}(x_1,\dots,x_n)\,d\sigma(x_1)\dotsm d\sigma(x_n)$$ for each $f^{(n)}\in\mathcal{H}^{\otimes_{\mathbf a}n}$. In particular, for any $f_1,\dots,f_n\in\mathcal{H}$, $$\label{hjguyt8u}
{\langle}{{:}\omega^{\otimes n}{:}},f_1\otimes\dots\otimes f_n{\rangle}={\langle}\omega,f_1{\rangle}\diamond\dots\diamond {\langle}\omega,f_n{\rangle}.$$
We denote by $\mathcal{G}_{\mathrm{fin}}^{\mathrm a}(\mathcal{H})$ the linear subspace of $\mathcal{F}_q(\mathcal{H})$ which consists of all finite vectors $(f^{(0)},f^{(1)},\dots,f^{(n)},0,0,\dots)$, where $f^{(0)}\in{{\mathbb R}}$, $f^{(i)}\in\mathcal{H}^{\otimes_{\mathrm a}i}$ for $i=1,\dots,n$, $n\in{{\mathbb N}}$. As easily seen, $\mathcal{G}_{\mathrm{fin}}^{\mathrm a}(\mathcal{H})$ is an algebra for the addition and the tensor multiplication $\otimes$ with neutral element $\Omega$.
\[oii-0pu\] We have $\mathcal{P}\subset\mathcal{W}$ and for any $P_1,P_2\in\mathcal{P}$, we get $P_1\diamond P_2\in\mathcal{P}$. Thus, $\mathcal{P}$ is an algebra for the addition and the Wick multiplication $\diamond$ with neutral element $1$. Furthermore, $$\label{gytr78or}
=\mathcal{G}_{\mathrm{fin}}^{\mathrm a}(\mathcal{H})$$ and for any $P_1,P_2\in\mathcal{P}$, $$\label{tyed65}
I(P_1\diamond P_2)=IP_1\otimes IP_2.$$ In particular, for any $f^{(n)}\in \mathcal{H}^{\otimes_{\mathbf a}n}$ and $g^{(m)} \in \mathcal{H}^{\otimes_{\mathbf a}m}$, $$\label{uit87t8}
{\langle}{{:}\omega^{\otimes n}{:}},f^{(n)}{\rangle}\diamond {\langle}{{:}\omega^{\otimes m}{:}},g^{(m)}{\rangle}={\langle}{{:}\omega^{\otimes (n+m)}{:}},f^{(n)}\otimes g^{(m)}{\rangle}.$$
Formula follows from Proposition \[hjuyfuyf\] and Corollary \[hgigtitg8i\]. The inclusion $\mathcal{P}\subset\mathcal{W}$ follows Corollary \[hgigtitg8i\] and Proposition \[hguyfgu\], see in particular formula . Formula follows from (equivalently from ). Formula and Corollary \[hgigtitg8i\] imply that, for any $P_1,P_2\in\mathcal{P}$, we have $P_1\diamond P_2\in\mathcal{P}$. By Proposition \[hjuyfuyf\] and , $$I\large({\langle}{{:}\omega^{\otimes n}{:}},f^{(n)}{\rangle}\diamond {\langle}{{:}\omega^{\otimes m}{:}},g^{(m)}{\rangle}\large)=f^{(n)}\otimes g^{(m)},$$ from which formula follows.
Algebras for Wick multiplication {#vcytd657i}
Our next aim is to extend the Wick multiplication from $\mathcal{P}$ to a wider class of elements of $L^2(\mu)$. By Corollary \[oii-0pu\], this problem is equivalent to extending the usual tensor product from $\mathcal{G}_{\mathrm{fin}}^{\mathrm a}(\mathcal{H})$ to a wider class of vectors from the $q$-Fock space $\mathcal{F}_q(\mathcal{H})$. Note that $\mathcal{F}_q(\mathcal{H})$ is not closed under the tensor product, see e.g. [@AS Proposition 2.5] for the proof of this statement for $q=0$.
Let us first recall some standard notations from $q$-calculus. For $n\in{{\mathbb N}}$, $$\begin{aligned}
[n]_q!:=&[1]_q[2]_q\dotsm[n]_q=\frac{(1-q)(1-q^2)\dotsm(1-q^n)}{(1-q)^n},\quad [0]_q!:=1,\\
{n\choose i}_q:=&\frac{[n]_q!}{[i]_q![n-i]_q!}\,,\quad i=0,1,\dots,n.
\end{aligned}$$ Below, for a real Hilbert space $\mathcal{H}$ and $c>0$, we denote by $\mathcal{H}c$ the real Hilbert space which coincides with $\mathcal{H}$ as a set and which has scalar product $(\cdot,\cdot)_{\mathcal{H}c}:=c(\cdot,\cdot)_\mathcal{H}$.
\[ftyr7o\] Define the real Hilbert space $$\mathcal{G}_q(\mathcal{H}):=\bigoplus_{n=0}^\infty\mathcal{H}^{\otimes n}[n]_q!\,.$$ Then $\mathcal{G}_q(\mathcal{H})$ is densely and continuously embedded into $\mathcal{F}_q(\mathcal{H})$.
We first note that $\mathcal{G}_{\mathrm{fin}}^{\mathrm a}(\mathcal{H})$ is a dense subset of both spaces $\mathcal{F}_q(\mathcal{H})$ and $\mathcal{G}_q(\mathcal{H})$. By [@BS Remark on p. 525], the norm of the bounded linear operator $P_q^{(n)}$ in $\mathcal{H}^{\otimes n}$ is equal to $[n]_q!$. Hence, for each $F=(f^{(n)})_{n=0}^\infty\in\mathcal{G}_{\mathrm{fin}}^{\mathrm a}(\mathcal{H})$, it holds that $$\|F\|_{\mathcal{F}_q(\mathcal{H})}^2\le\sum_{n=0}^\infty
\|f^{(n)}\|_{\mathcal{H}^{\otimes n}}^2[n]_q!\,=\|F\|_{\mathcal{G}_q(\mathcal{H})}^2.$$ This immediately implies the assertion.
Analogously to $\mathcal{G}_q(\mathcal{H})$, we define, for a real separable Hilbert space $\mathcal{H}$, $r>0$, and $\alpha\ge1$, a real Hilbert space $$\mathcal{G}_q(\mathcal{H},r,\alpha)
\quad \text{where }
\mathcal{G}^{(n)}_q(\mathcal{H},r,\alpha):=\mathcal{H}^{\otimes n}r^n([n]_q!)^\alpha.$$
\[yderi576\] Let $\mathcal{H}_+$ be a Hilbert space which is densely embedded into $\mathcal{H}$ and satisfies $\|\cdot\|_\mathcal{H}\le\|\cdot\|_{\mathcal{H}_+}$. (In particular, we may have $\mathcal{H}_+=\mathcal{H}$.) Let $\alpha\ge1$ and let $$\label{yur786}
r\ge\max\{1,(1+q)^{1-\alpha}\}.$$ Then, the Hilbert space $\mathcal{G}_q(\mathcal{H}_+,r,\alpha)$ is densely and continuously embedded into $\mathcal{F}_q(\mathcal{H})$.
In view of Lemma \[ftyr7o\], it suffices to prove that, for all $n\in\mathbb N$, $$\label{ghdyy7}
r^n([n]_q!)^{\alpha-1}\ge1.$$ If $q\in[0,1)$, then for each $n\in\mathbb N$, $[n]_q\ge1$, and if $q\in(-1,0)$, then $[n]_q\ge1+q$. From here inequality easily follows.
Below, we will use the notions of a projective limit and an inductive limit of Hilbert spaces. For the definition, see e.g. [@BK].
\[cdre6i5\] Let $\mathcal{H}_+$ be a Hilbert space as in Lemma \[yderi576\]. Let $\alpha\ge1$. We define $$\label{frtde6e}
\mathcal{G}_q(\mathcal{H}_+,\alpha):=\projlim_{r\ge1}\mathcal{G}_q(\mathcal{H}_+,r,\alpha).$$ Then $\mathcal{G}_q(\mathcal{H}_+,\alpha)$ is densely and continuously embedded into $\mathcal{F}_q(\mathcal{H})$ and is an algebra under the addition and the tensor multiplication. Furthermore, for any $s>r\ge1$, there exists $C_1>0$ such that $$\label{tye756ier7ir}
\|F\otimes G\|_{\mathcal{G}_q(\mathcal{H}_+,r,\alpha)}
\le C_1\|F\|_{\mathcal{G}_q(\mathcal{H}_+,s,\alpha)}\|G\|_{\mathcal{G}_q(\mathcal{H}_+,s,\alpha)}$$ for any $F,G\in \mathcal{G}_q(\mathcal{H}_+,\alpha)$.
Evidently, when $\mathcal{H}_+=\mathcal{H}$, the space $\mathcal{G}_q(\mathcal{H},\alpha)$ is an extension of $\mathcal{G}_{\mathrm{fin}}^{\mathrm a}(\mathcal{H})$.
For any $F=(f^{(n)})_{n=0}^\infty,\,G=(g^{(n)})_{n=0}^\infty\in \mathcal{G}_{\mathrm{fin}}^{\mathrm a}(\mathcal{H}_+)$, $$\begin{aligned}
\|F\otimes G\|^2_{\mathcal{G}_q(\mathcal{H}_+,r,\alpha)}
&=\sum_{n=0}^\infty\bigg\|\sum_{i=0}^n f^{(i)}\otimes g^{(n-i)}\bigg\|_{\mathcal{H}_+^{\otimes n}}^2\,r^n\,([n]_q!)^\alpha\notag\\
&\quad\le \sum_{n=0}^\infty\left(\sum_{i=0}^n\|f^{(i)}\|_{\mathcal{H}_+^{\otimes i}}\|g^{(n-i)}\|_{\mathcal{H}_+^{\otimes (n-i)}}\right)^2r^n\,([n]_q!)^\alpha\notag\\
&\quad\le \sum_{n=0}^\infty r^n\,([n]_q!)^\alpha\,(n+1)\sum_{i=0}^n \|f^{(i)}\|^2_{\mathcal{H}_+^{\otimes i}}\|g^{(n-i)}\|_{\mathcal{H}_+^{\otimes (n-i)}}^2\,.\label{tye6ue}\end{aligned}$$ Note that, for each $n$, $$\label{tyd64e}
\|f^{(n)}\|_{\mathcal{H}_+^{\otimes n}}^2 \le \frac{\|F\|^2_{\mathcal{G}_q(\mathcal{H}_+,s,\alpha)}}{s^n\,([n]_q!)^\alpha}\,.$$ Let $r<r_1<s$ and choose $C_2>0$ so that $r^n (n+1)\le C_2r_1^n$ for all $n$. Then, by and , we get $$\begin{aligned}
\|F\otimes G\|^2_{\mathcal{G}_q(\mathcal{H}_+,r,\alpha)}
&\le C_2 \|F\|^2_{\mathcal{G}_q(\mathcal{H}_+,s,\alpha)}\|G\|^2_{\mathcal{G}_q(\mathcal{H}_+,s,\alpha)}\notag\\
&\qquad\times \left(\sum_{n=0}^\infty \bigg(\frac{r_1}s\bigg)^n \sum_{i=0}^n {n\choose i}_q ^\alpha\right)\,.
\label{vuytrt687ot}\end{aligned}$$ Denote $$z:=\bigg(\frac{r_1}s\bigg)^{1/\alpha}.$$ Then we obtain that $$\sum_{n=0}^\infty \bigg(\frac{r_1}s\bigg)^n \sum_{i=0}^n {n\choose i}_q ^\alpha
=\sum_{n=0}^\infty\sum_{i=0}^n\left[z^n{n\choose i}_q\right]^\alpha
\le\left[\sum_{n=0}^\infty\sum_{i=0}^n z^n{n\choose i}_q\right]^\alpha.$$ On the other hand, by using [@A p. 17 and p. 36], we get $$\begin{aligned}
\sum_{n=0}^\infty\sum_{i=0}^n z^n{n\choose i}_q
&=\sum_{i=0}^\infty\sum_{n=i}^\infty z^n{n\choose i}_q
=\sum_{i=0}^\infty\sum_{n=0}^\infty z^{n+i}{n+i\choose i}_q\notag\\
&=\sum_{n=0}^\infty z^n \sum_{i=0}^\infty z^i{n+i\choose i}_q\notag\\
&=\sum_{n=0}^\infty\frac{z^n}{(1-z)(1-zq)\dotsm(1-zq^{n})} \notag\\
&\le\sum_{n=0}^\infty\frac{z^n}{(1-z)(1-z|q|)\dotsm(1-z|q|^{n})} \notag\\
&\le\sum_{n=0}^\infty z^n\prod_{i=0}^\infty\frac1{1-z|q|^i}.\end{aligned}$$ Therefore, we see that $$\label{ftdstrse64u}
\sum_{n=0}^\infty \bigg(\frac{r_1}s\bigg)^n \sum_{i=0}^n {n\choose i}_q ^\alpha
\le \left[\sum_{n=0}^\infty z^n\prod_{i=0}^\infty\frac1{1-z|q|^i}\right]^\alpha.$$ Thus, by and , we only need to prove that $\prod_{i=0}^\infty\frac1{1-z|q|^i}<\infty$. But this holds since $$\sum_{i=0}^\infty\bigg(\frac1{1-z|q|^i}-1\bigg)
=\sum_{i=0}^\infty\frac{z|q|^i}{1-z|q|^i}\le\frac{z}{1-z}\sum_{i=0}^\infty |q|^i<\infty.$$
Recall that a real nuclear space $\Phi$ is defined as a projective limit $$\label{crte6u}
\Phi=\projlim_{\tau\in T} \mathcal{H}_\tau\,,$$ where $T$ is an index set, $(H_\tau)_{\tau\in T}$ is a family of separable Hilbert spaces which are directed by embedding: for any $\tau_1,\tau_2\in T$, there exists $\tau_3\in T$ such that the space $H_{\tau_3}$ is densely and continuously embedded into both $H_{\tau_1}$ and $H_{\tau_2}$, and furthermore, for each $\tau_1\in T$ there exists $\tau_2\in T$ such that the embedding operator of $H_{\tau_2}$ into $H_{\tau_1}$ is of Hilbert–Schmidt class. We define, for $\alpha\ge1$, $$\label{gyd66de}
\mathcal{G}_q(\Phi,\alpha):=\projlim_{(\tau,r)\in T\times[1,\infty)}\mathcal{G}_q(\mathcal{H}_\tau,r,\alpha).$$ Analogously to [@KLS; @KSWY], one can show that $\mathcal{G}_q(\Phi,\alpha)$ is also a nuclear space.
\[fdy7r6\] Let $\Phi$ be a nuclear space as in . Assume that $\Phi$ is densely and continuously embedded into $\mathcal{H}$. Then, for each $\alpha\ge1$, $\mathcal{G}_q(\Phi,\alpha)$ is densely and continuously embedded into $\mathcal{F}_q(\mathcal{H})$. Furthermore, $\mathcal{G}_q(\Phi,\alpha)$ is an algebra with respect to the addition and the tensor multiplication, with tensor multiplication being a continuous mapping from $\mathcal{G}_q(\Phi,\alpha)^2$ into $\mathcal{G}_q(\Phi,\alpha)$.
Analogously to $\mathcal{G}_{\mathrm{fin}}^{\mathrm a}(\mathcal{H})$, we define the linear space $\mathcal{G}_{\mathrm{fin}}^{\mathrm a}(\Phi)$ which consists of all finite vectors $(f^{(0)},f^{(1)},\dots,f^{(n)},0,0,\dots)$, where $f^{(0)}\in{{\mathbb R}}$, $f^{(i)}\in\Phi^{\otimes_{\mathrm a}i}$ for $i=1,\dots,n$, $n\in{{\mathbb N}}$. Since $\Phi$ is dense in $\mathcal{H}$, $\Phi^{\otimes_{\mathrm a}n}$ is dense in $\mathcal{H}^{\otimes n}$ for each $n\in{{\mathbb N}}$. Hence, $\mathcal{G}_{\mathrm{fin}}^{\mathrm a}(\Phi)$ is dense in $\mathcal{F}_q(\mathcal{H})$. But $\mathcal{G}_{\mathrm{fin}}^{\mathrm a}(\Phi)\subset\mathcal{G}_q(\Phi,\alpha)$. Hence $\mathcal{G}_q(\Phi,\alpha)$ is dense in $\mathcal{F}_q(\mathcal{H})$. The other statements of Corollary \[fdy7r6\] follow from Theorem \[cdre6i5\].
\[futfr687r\] Let $q\in(-1,0)$. The obvious inequality $[n]_q\le[n]_{|q|}$ implies that, instead of the spaces $\mathcal{G}_q(\mathcal{H}_+,\alpha)$ and $\mathcal{G}_q(\Phi,\alpha)$ in Theorem \[cdre6i5\] and Corollary \[fdy7r6\], respectively, we can use the smaller spaces $\mathcal{G}_{|q|}(\mathcal{H}_+,\alpha)$ and $\mathcal{G}_{|q|}(\Phi,\alpha)$. We will use this observation below.
Wick calculus for generalized functionals of $q$-white noise {#jkgt7u6r7}
In view of the unitary operator $I:L^2(\mu)\to\mathcal{F}_q(\mathcal{H})$, Theorem \[cdre6i5\], Corollary \[fdy7r6\], and Remark \[futfr687r\], $\mathcal{G}_{|q|}(\mathcal{H}_+,\alpha)$ and $\mathcal{G}_{|q|}(\Phi,\alpha)$ may be thought of as spaces of test functionals of noncommutative $q$-white noise $\omega$. Our next aim is to extend the Wick product (equivalently the tensor product) to the dual spaces, which may be thought of as spaces of generalized functionals of $\omega$. For a real separable Hilbert space $\mathcal{H}$ and $n\in{{\mathbb N}}$, we define $\mathbb{F}_q^{(n)}(\mathcal{H})$ as the Hilbert space which coincides with $\mathcal{H}^{\otimes n}$ as a set and which has scalar product $$( f^{(n)},g^{(n)})_{\mathbb{F}^{(n)}_q(\mathcal{H})}
:=( P_q^{(n)} f^{(n)},P_q^{(n)}g^{(n)})_{\mathcal{H}^{\otimes n}}\,.$$ In particular, $$\|f^{(n)}\|_{\mathbb{F}_q^{(n)}(\mathcal{H})}=\|P_q^{(n)}f^{(n)}\|_{\mathcal{H}^{\otimes n}}.$$ We also set $\mathbb{F}_q^{(0)}(\mathcal{H}):={{\mathbb R}}$. For $r\ge1$ and $\alpha\in{{\mathbb R}}$, we then define a Hilbert space $$\mathbb{F}_q(\mathcal{H},r,\alpha):=\bigoplus_{n=0}^\infty
~~ \text{where }
\mathbb{F}_q^{(n)}(\mathcal{H}) r^n([n]_{|q|}!)^\alpha.$$ Note that we use $[n]_{|q|}!$ rather than $[n]_q!$ in the definition of $\mathbb{F}_q(\mathcal{H},r,\alpha)$.
\[tyri745r\] Let $\mathcal{H}_+$ be a Hilbert space as in Lemma \[yderi576\]. Consider the standard triple of Hilbert spaces $$\mathcal{H}_+\subset\mathcal{H}\subset\mathcal{H}_-\,,$$ where $\mathcal{H}_-$ is the dual space of $\mathcal{H}_+$ with respect to the center space $\mathcal{H}$, i.e., the dual pairing between elements of $\mathcal{H}_-$ and $\mathcal{H}_+$ is given by an extension of the scalar product in $\mathcal{H}$. Let $\alpha\ge1$ and let $r\ge 1$. Then we get the standard triple of Hilbert spaces $$\mathcal{G}_{|q|}(\mathcal{H}_+,r,\alpha)
\subset \mathcal{F}_q(\mathcal{H})
\subset \mathbb{F}_q(\mathcal{H}_-\,,r^{-1},-\alpha).$$
By Lemma \[yderi576\] and Remark \[futfr687r\], the Hilbert space $\mathcal{G}_{|q|}^{(n)}(\mathcal{H}_+,r,\alpha)$ is densely and continuously embedded into $\mathcal{F}^{(n)}_q(\mathcal{H})$. Hence, using the construction of a rigged Hilbert space, see e.g. [@BK Chapter 1, Section 1], we easily obtain the standard triple $$\mathcal{G}_{|q|}^{(n)}(\mathcal{H}_+,r,\alpha)
\subset\mathbb{F}^{(n)}_q(\mathcal{H}_-,r^{-1},-\alpha).$$ From here the statement follows.
Proposition \[tyri745r\] implies that the dual of the space $\mathcal{G}_{|q|}(\mathcal{H}_+,\alpha)$ with respect to the center space $\mathcal{F}_q(\mathcal{H})$ is the space $$\operatornamewithlimits{ind\,lim}_{r\ge1}\mathbb{F}_q(\mathcal{H}_-,r^{-1},-\alpha)
\[rte6u4\] The space $\mathbb{F}_q(\mathcal{H}_-\,,-2)$ is an algebra under the addition and the tensor multiplication. Furthermore, for any $r>s\ge1$, we have $$\label{cfxtdr6ue7i}
\|F\otimes G\|_{\mathbb{F}_q(\mathcal{H}_-,r^{-1},-2)}\le \bigg(\frac{r}{r-s}\bigg)^{1/2} \|F\|_{\mathbb{F}_q(\mathcal{H}_-,s^{-1},-2)}\|G\|_{\mathbb{F}_q(\mathcal{H}_-,r^{-1},-2)}\,,$$ where $F\in \mathbb{F}_q(\mathcal{H}_-,s^{-1},-2)$, $G\in \mathbb{F}_q(\mathcal{H}_-,r^{-1},-2)$.
There is an important difference between formulas and : in the latter formula, one uses the same norm for $F\otimes G$ and $G$, namely the norm of the space $\mathbb{F}_q(\mathcal{H}_-,r^{-1},-2)$. This observation will be crucial for the proof of Theorem \[vuf7t\] below.
By taking the limit as $q\to 1$, we easily conclude that inequality also holds in the classical (commutative) case $q=1$ for the space $\mathbb{F}_1(\mathcal{H}_-,-2)$ in which the corresponding $\mathbb{F}_1^{(n)}(\mathcal{H}_-)$ spaces consist of symmetrized elements $(n!)^{-1}P_1^{(n)}f^{(n)}$ with $f^{(n)}\in\mathcal{H}_-^{\otimes n}$. (The operator $(n!)^{-1}P_1^{(n)}$ is the symmetrization projection.) In particular, choosing $\mathcal{H}_-=\mathcal{H}$, we get inequality on $\mathbb{F}_1(\mathcal{H},-2)$. The latter space is the Kondratiev space of regular generalized functions, constructed by Grothaus, Kondratiev and Streit [@GKL], see also [@GKU]. Formula is then a version of the Vge inequality, originally derived in [@V] (see also [@HOUZ]), for the Kondratiev space of (non-regular) generalized functions [@K; @KLS; @KSWY]. Note that, for the space $\mathbb{F}_1(\mathcal{H},-2)$, Theorem \[vuf7t\] below was proven in [@GKU] by different methods, without the use of a Vge-type inequality. So, even in the commutative case $q=1$, inequality is a new result.
Alpay and Salomon [@AS2012] introduced a concept of a Vge space on which a Vge-type inequality holds. In the noncommutative, free setting ($q=0$), a Vge-type inequality was derived in [@AS2013; @AS], see also [@AJS]. Note that, even for $q=0$, the form of inequality significantly differs from the result in [@AS2013; @AS].
Let $G=\mathbb{Z}$ be the additive group of integers and consider its semigroup $S=\mathbb{N}_0=\{0,1,2,\dots\}\subset G$. Let $\mu$ be the counting measure on $G$. For any $r\ge 1$, define the measure $\mu_r$ on $S$ by $$\frac{d\mu_r}{d\mu}(n):=\left([n]_{|q|}!\right)^{-2}r^{-n}.$$ Then for any $r>s\ge1$, it holds that $$\int_{S} \frac{d\mu_r}{d\mu_s}(n)\,d\mu(n)=\frac{r}{r-s}$$ and for any $m,n\in S$, $$\begin{aligned}
\le \left([n]_{|q|}!\,[m]_{|q|}!\right)^{-2}r^{-(n+m)}\\
&=\frac{d\mu_r}{d\mu}(n)\frac{d\mu_r}{d\mu}(m).\end{aligned}$$ Therefore, in the case where $\mathcal H_-$ is a one-dimensional real Hilbert space (equivalently $\mathcal H_-=\mathbb R$), the result of Theorem \[rte6u4\] follows from Theorem 3.4 in Alpay and Salomon [@AS2013].
Note that Theorem 3.4 in [@AS2013] implies both the Vge inequality in the classical setting and the Vge-type inequality in the free setting, see Section 6 in [@AS2013]. This is shown by a proper choice of a discrete group $G$, a semigroup $S\subset G$, and measures $\mu_r$ on $S$ ($r\in\mathbb N$). In particular, for each $s\in\mathbb N$, there should exist $r\in\mathbb N$, $r>s$, such that $$\label{tyer7o}
\int_S \frac{d\mu_r}{d\mu_s}(\alpha)\,d\mu(\alpha)<\infty,$$ where $\mu$ is the counting measure. But condition implies that the operator of embedding of $L^2(S,\mu_s)$ into $L^2(S,\mu_r)$ is of Hilbert–Schmidt class. However, in the case of an infinite-dimensional space $\mathcal H_-$ and $r>s\ge 1$, the operator of embedding of $\mathbb{F}_q(\mathcal{H}_-,s^{-1},-2)$ into $\mathbb{F}_q(\mathcal{H}_-,r^{-1},-2)$ is not of Hilbert–Schmidt class. Hence, in the general case, the result of Theorem \[rte6u4\] does not follow from [@AS2013 Theorem 3.4].
We will first prove the following lemma, which can be of independent interest.
\[jkigiy8tjbg\] Let $f^{(m)}\in\mathcal{H}^{\otimes m}$, $g^{(n)}\in\mathcal{H}^{\otimes n}$, $m,n\in\mathbb N$. Then $$\label{iugti9t}
\|f^{(m)}\otimes g^{(n)}\|_{\mathbb{F}_q^{(m+n)}(\mathcal{H})}\le {m+n\choose m}_{|q|}\,
We denote by $\mathfrak S(m+n,m)$ the collection of all subsets $$A=\{i_1,i_2,\dots,i_m\}\subset \{1,2,\dots,m+n\}.$$ We assume that $i_1<i_2<\dots<i_m$. Let also $$\{1,2,\dots,m+n\}\setminus A=\{j_1,j_2,\dots,j_n\}$$ with $j_1<j_2<\dots<j_n$. We denote by $\operatorname{inv}(A)$ the number of all pairs $(j_k,i_l)$ such that $j_k<i_l$.
For each permutation $\pi\in S_{m+n}$, there exist unique permutations $\theta\in S_m$, $\nu\in S_n$, and a set $A\in \mathfrak S(m+n,m)$ as above such that $$\begin{gathered}
\pi(i_1)=\theta(1),\ \pi(i_2)=\theta(2),\dots, \pi(i_m)=\theta(m),\notag\\
\pi(j_1)=m+\nu(1),\ \pi(j_2)=m+\nu(2),\dots,\pi(j_n)=m+\nu(n).
\label{bgu8yt8}\end{gathered}$$ In fact, we first construct a set $A\in \mathfrak S(m+n,m)$ by $$A:=\pi^{-1}(\{1,2,\cdots,m\}):=\{i_1,i_2,\cdots,i_m\},$$ and then the permutations $\theta\in S_m$, $\nu\in S_n$ are constructed as given in . Inversely, any $\theta\in S_m$, $\nu\in S_n$, and $A\in\mathfrak S(m+n,m)$ determine by formula a permutation $\pi\in S_{m+n}$. Note that $$\label{hjgftr7e6e}
\operatorname{inv}(\pi)=\operatorname{inv}(\theta)+\operatorname{inv}(\nu)+\operatorname{inv}(A).$$ For each $A\in\mathfrak S(m+n,m)$ as above, we define a unitary operator $U(A):\mathcal{H}^{\otimes(m+n)}\to\mathcal{H}^{\otimes(m+n)}$ by setting, for any $f_1,f_2,\dots,f_{m+n}\in\mathcal{H}$, $$U(A)f_1\otimes f_2\otimes\dots\otimes f_{m+n}:=g_1\otimes g_2\otimes\dots\otimes g_{m+n},$$ where $$\begin{gathered}
g_{i_1}=f_1,\ g_{i_2}=f_2,\dots,g_{i_m}=f_m,\\
g_{j_1}=f_{m+1},\ g_{j_2}=f_{m+2},\dots, g_{j_n}=f_{m+n}\end{gathered}$$ (i.e., $U(A)$ swaps the vectors in the tensor product according to $A$ and preserving the order of $f_1,\dots,f_m$ and of $f_{m+1},\dots,f_{m+n}$). Then, for $\pi\in S_{m+n}$ given by , we get $$\begin{aligned}
&f_{\pi(1)}\otimes f_{\pi(2)}\otimes\dots\otimes f_{\pi(m+n)}\\
&=U(A) f_{\theta(1)}\otimes f_{\theta(2)}\otimes\dots\otimes
f_{\theta(m)}\otimes f_{m+\nu(1)}\otimes f_{m+\nu(2)}\otimes\dots\otimes f_{m+\nu(n)}.
\nonumber\end{aligned}$$ Thus, by , , and , we obtain that $$\begin{aligned}
&P_q^{(m+n)}f_1\otimes f_2\otimes\dots\otimes f_{m+n}\\
=\sum_{A\in\mathfrak S(m+n,m)}
U(A)\left[\left(\sum_{\theta\in S_m}q^{\operatorname{inv}(\theta))} f_{\theta(1)}\otimes f_{\theta(2)}\otimes\dots\otimes
&\hspace{25mm}\otimes \left.\left(\sum_{\nu\in S_n} q^{\operatorname{inv}(\nu))} f_{m+\nu(1)}\otimes f_{m+\nu(2)}\otimes\dots\otimes f_{m+\nu(n)}\right)\right]\\
&~~=\sum_{A\in\mathfrak S(m+n,m)}q^{\operatorname{inv}(A)}\,U(A)
\bigl[(P_q^{(m)}f_1\otimes f_2\otimes\dots\otimes f_m)\bigr.\\
&\hspace{25mm}\otimes \bigl.(P_q^{(n)}f_{m+1}\otimes f_{m+2}\otimes\dots\otimes f_{m+n})\bigr].\end{aligned}$$ Hence $$\begin{aligned}
&\|P_q^{(m+n)}f_1\otimes f_2\otimes\dots\otimes f_{m+n}\|_{\mathcal{H}^{\otimes(m+n)}}\notag\\
&\qquad \le \left(\sum_{A\in\mathfrak S(m+n,m)}|q|^{\operatorname{inv}(A)}\right)
\|P_q^{(m)}f_1\otimes f_2\otimes\dots\otimes f_m\|_{\mathcal{H}^{\otimes m}}\,\notag\\
&\qquad \qquad\times\|P_q^{(n)}f_{m+1}\otimes f_{m+2}\otimes\dots\otimes f_{m+n}\|_{\mathcal{H}^{\otimes n}}.
\label{gigy8iy}\end{aligned}$$ By MacMahon theorem, see e.g. [@A Section 3.4], $$\sum_{A\in\mathfrak S(m+n,m)}
|q|^{\operatorname{inv}(A)}={m+n\choose m}_{|q|}.\label{tdy6e64}$$ Thus, by and , inequality holds for $f^{(m)}=f_1\otimes\dots\otimes f_m$, $g^{(n)}=f_{m+1}\otimes\dots\otimes f_{m+n}$. The case of general $f^{(m)}$ and $g^{(n)}$ can be done by analogy.
Let $r>s\ge1$ and let $F=(f^{(n)})_{n=0}^\infty$, $G=(g^{(n)})_{n=0}^\infty\in \mathcal{G}_{\mathrm{fin}}^{\mathrm a}(\mathcal{H}_-)$. Then by using Lemma \[jkigiy8tjbg\], we obtain that $$\begin{aligned}
&\|F\otimes G\|_{\mathbb{F}(\mathcal{H}_-,r^{-1},-2)}^2=\sum_{n=0}^\infty\bigg\|
\sum_{i=0}^n f^{(i)}\otimes g^{(n-i)}
\|f^{(i)}\otimes g^{(n-i)}\|_{\mathbb{F}_q^{(n)}(\mathcal{H}_-)}\right)^2 r^{-n}\big([n]_{|q|}!\big)^{-2}\\
&\quad\le\sum_{n=0}^\infty\left(\sum_{i=0}^n {n\choose i}_{|q|}
\right)^2 r^{-n}\big([n]_{|q|}!\big)^{-2}.\end{aligned}$$ Put $$a_i=\|f^{(i)}\|_{\mathbb{F}_q^{(i)}(\mathcal{H}_-)},
b_{n-i}=\|g^{(n-i)}\|_{\mathbb{F}_q^{(n-i)}(\mathcal{H}_-)}.$$ Then by using the Cauchy inequality, we obtain that $$\begin{aligned}
&\|F\otimes G\|_{\mathbb{F}(\mathcal{H}_-,r^{-1},-2)}^2\\
&\quad\le \sum_{n=0}^\infty\left(\sum_{i=0}^n {n\choose i}_{|q|} a_ib_{n-i}\right)^2 r^{-n}\big([n]_{|q|}!\big)^{-2}\\
&\quad =\sum_{n=0}^\infty \sum_{i,j=0}^n\left(
[i]_{|q|}!\, [j]_{|q|}!\, [n-i]_{|q|}!\,[n-j]_{|q|}!\right)^{-1} a_ib_{n-i}a_j b_{n-j}r^{-n}\\
&\quad=\sum_{i,j=0}^\infty a_ia_j\left([i]_{|q|}!\, [j]_{|q|}!\right)^{-1}\\
&\qquad\qquad\times \sum_{n\ge\max\{i,j\}}b_{n-i}b_{n-j}\left([n-i]_{|q|}!\,[n-j]_{|q|}!\right)^{-1}r^{-n}\\
&\quad\le \sum_{i,j=0}^\infty a_ia_j\left([i]_{|q|}!\, [j]_{|q|}!\right)^{-1}
&\quad\le \left(\sum_{i=0}^\infty a_i\left([i]_{|q|}!\right)^{-1}r^{-i/2}\right)^2
\left(\sum_{n=0}^\infty b_n^2\left([n]_{|q|}!\right)^{-2}r^{-n}\right)\\
\|F\|^2_{\mathbb{F}_q(\mathcal{H},s^{-1},-2)}\|G\|^2_{\mathbb{F}_q(\mathcal{H},r^{-1},-2)}.\end{aligned}$$ From here the theorem follows.
Analogously to [@AS Section 4], we will now derive several consequences of inequality .
\[vuf7t\] Let $\phi(z)=\sum_{n=0}^\infty a_nz^n$ be an analytic function of a complex variable $z$ defined in a neighborhood of zero. Assume that the series $\sum_{n=0}^\infty a_nz^n$ converges absolutely in the open disk of radius $R>0$. Then, for each $F=(f^{(n)})_{n=0}^\infty\in\mathbb{F}_q(\mathcal{H}_-\,,-2)$ such that $|f^{(0)}|<R$, we have $$\phi^{\otimes}(F):=\sum_{n=0}^\infty a_n F^{\otimes n}\in
\mathbb{F}_q(\mathcal{H}_-\,,-2)_{\mathbb C}.$$ Here $\mathbb{F}_q(\mathcal{H}_-\,,-2)_{\mathbb C}$ denotes the complexification of $\mathbb{F}_q(\mathcal{H}_-\,,-2)$. More precisely, there exists $r\ge 1$ such that the series $\sum_{n=0}^\infty a_n F^{\otimes n}$ converges in $\mathbb{F}_q(\mathcal{H}_-\,,r^{-1},-2)_{\mathbb C}$.
Choose $s\ge1$ so that $F\in \mathbb{F}_q(\mathcal{H}_-\,,s^{-1},-2)$. Since $|f^{(0)}|<R$, by choosing $s$ sufficiently large, we may assume that $\|F\|_{\mathbb{F}_q(\mathcal{H}_-\,,s^{-1},-2)}<R$. Using , we can easily show by induction that, for each $r>s$ and $n\ge2$, $$\|F^{\otimes n}\|_{\mathbb{F}_q(\mathcal{H}_-\,,r^{-1},-2)}
\le\bigg(\frac{r}{r-s}\bigg)^{(n-1)/2}\|F\|^{n}_{_{\mathbb{F}_q(\mathcal{H}_-\,,s^{-1},-2)}}.$$ Let $\varepsilon:=R-\|F\|_{\mathbb{F}_q(\mathcal{H}_-\,,s^{-1},-2)}>0$. Then, $$\|F^{\otimes n}\|_{\mathbb{F}_q(\mathcal{H}_-\,,r^{-1},-2)}
\le \bigg(\frac{r}{r-s}\bigg)^{(n-1)/2} (R-\varepsilon)^n.$$ Hence, the statement follows if we choose $r$ so large that $$\bigg(\frac{r}{r-s}\bigg)^{1/2}(R-\varepsilon)<R.$$
\[tye5674\] Let $\phi(z)$ be an analytic function of a complex variable $z$ defined in a neighborhood of zero. Then, for each $F\in\mathbb{F}_q(\mathcal{H}_-\,,-2)$, we have $\phi^{\otimes}(zF)\in\mathbb{F}_q(\mathcal{H}_-\,,-2)_{\mathbb C}$ for all complex $z$ from a neighborhood of zero.
Analogously to [@AS Proposition 4.10], we also obtain
\[hufrku7r87o\] Let $F=(f^{(n)})_{n=0}^\infty\in\mathbb{F}_q(\mathcal{H}_-\,,-2)$. Then $F$ has an inverse element $F^{\otimes(-1)}\in\mathbb{F}_q(\mathcal{H}_-\,,-2)$ with respect to tensor multiplication if and only if $f^{(0)}\ne0$. In the latter case, $$F^{\otimes(-1)}=(f^{(0)})^{-1}\sum_{n=0}^\infty\big(\Omega-(f^{(0)})^{-1}F\big)^{\otimes n}.$$
Finally, let us briefly discuss the case of a nuclear space. Let $\Phi$ be a nuclear space as in . Assume that $\Phi$ is densely and continuously embedded into $\mathcal{H}$. Without loss of generality, we may assume that each Hilbert space $\mathcal{H}_\tau$ ($\tau \in T$) is a dense subset of $\mathcal{H}$ and $\|\cdot\|_\mathcal{H}\le\|\cdot\|_{\mathcal{H}_\tau}$. Denote by $\mathcal{H}_{-\tau}$ the dual space of $\mathcal{H}_\tau$ with respect to the center space $\mathcal{H}$. We then get a Gel’fand triple $$\Phi\subset \mathcal{H}\subset\Phi',$$ where the dual space $\Phi'$ has representation $$\Phi'=\operatornamewithlimits{ind\,lim}_{\tau\in T}\mathcal{H}_{-\tau},$$ see e.g. [@BK].
Let us consider the nuclear space $\mathcal{G}_{|q|}(\Phi,2)$, see . We also define $$\mathbb{F}_q(\Phi',-2)
:=\operatornamewithlimits{lim\,ind}_{(\tau,r)\in T\times[1,\infty)}\mathbb{F}_q(\mathcal{H}_{-\tau},r^{-1},-2).$$ By Proposition \[tyri745r\], we then get the Gel’fand triple $$\mathcal{G}_{|q|}(\Phi,2)\subset\mathcal{F}_q(\mathcal{H})\subset\mathbb{F}_q(\Phi',-2),$$ where the co-nuclear space $\mathbb{F}_q(\Phi',-2)$ is the dual of $\mathcal{G}_{|q|}(\Phi,2)$ with respect to the center space $\mathcal{F}_q(\mathcal{H})$.
\[guf7t\] The co-nuclear space $\mathbb{F}_q(\Phi',-2)$ is an algebra under addition and tensor multiplication.
Immediate from Theorem \[rte6u4\].
Clearly, the results of Theorem \[vuf7t\] and Corollaries \[tye5674\], \[hufrku7r87o\] admit straightforward generalization to the case of $\mathbb{F}_q(\Phi',-2)$.
We would like to thank the anonymous referee for their careful reading of our manuscript and bringing the paper [@AS2013] to our attention.
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[^1]: The first author (UCJ) was supported by Basic Science Research Program through the NRF funded by the MEST (No. NRF-2016R1D1A1B01008782).
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abstract: 'Oceanic waves registered by satellite observations often have curvilinear fronts and propagate over various currents. In this paper, we study long linear and weakly-nonlinear ring waves in a stratified fluid in the presence of a depth-dependent horizontal shear flow. It is shown that despite the clashing geometries of the waves and the shear flow, there exists a linear modal decomposition (different from the known decomposition in Cartesian geometry), which can be used to describe distortion of the wavefronts of surface and internal waves, and systematically derive a 2+1 - dimensional cylindrical Korteweg-de Vries - type equation for the amplitudes of the waves. The general theory is applied to the case of the waves in a two-layer fluid with a piecewise-constant current, with an emphasis on the effect of the shear flow on the geometry of the wavefronts. The distortion of the wavefronts is described by the singular solution (envelope of the general solution) of the nonlinear first-order differential equation, constituting generalisation of the dispersion relation in this curvilinear geometry. There exists a striking difference in the shape of the wavefronts of surface and interfacial waves propagating over the same shear flow.'
date: '?; revised ?; accepted ?. - To be entered by editorial office'
title: |
Long ring waves in a stratified fluid\
over a shear flow
The Korteweg-de Vries (KdV) equation and its generalisations are successfully used to describe long weakly-nonlinear internal waves that are commonly observed in the oceans [@Benjamin66; @Benney66; @MR; @Grimshaw01; @Helfrich06; @Grimshaw97; @GOSS98; @Grue; @Apel07], as well as describing weakly-nonlinear shallow-water surface waves [@Boussinesq; @KdV; @Ablowitz; @Kodama]. The waves described by these models have plane or nearly-plane fronts. However, waves registered by satellite observations often look like a part of a ring, motivating the present study of annular waves (see Figure 1 for the image of a nearly annular internal soliton found at $http://www.lpi.usra.edu/publications/slidesets/oceans/oceanviews/oceanviews\_index.shtml$). A very large collection of images of various nonlinear internal waves can be found at $ http://www.internalwaveatlas.com/Atlas2\_index.html. $ Observations of internal waves with curvilinear fronts have been reported in several studies, e.g. [@Farmer; @Nash; @Jackson]. Internal waves have a strong effect on acoustic signalling, as well impacting submersibles, offshore structures, and underwater pipelines. They also significantly contribute to the ocean mixing processes. Therefore, it is important to develop a good understanding of the main properties and behaviour of the waves. In natural oceanic environments these waves often propagate over currents, for example, tides, wind-drift currents, river flows, etc. Thus, we aim to develop an asymptotic theory which could be used to model long ring waves in a stratified fluid over a shear flow. In this paper we focus on the basic balance between nonlinearity and dispersion, considering waves with cylindrical divergence on horizontal shear flows in the KdV regime.
![Internal soliton generated in the Strait of Gibraltar (NASA image STS17-34-098, Lunar and Planetary Institute).](Fig1.jpg){width="0.8\columnwidth"}
Currently, there is a considerable interest to both internal and surface waves on sheared currents. Among recent results, the effect of a shear flow on the linear surface ship waves was studied by [@Ellingsen], while approximations to periodic travelling surface wave profiles in flows with constant vorticity have been obtained by [@Constantin]. [@Thomas] have studied how vorticity modifies the modulational instability properties of weakly-nonlinear surface wave trains. Analytical considerations of the latter paper complemented an earlier study by [@Oikawa] and a strongly-nonlinear numerical analysis developed by [@Nwogu].
The complementary nature of the analytical weakly-nonlinear studies and strongly-nonlinear numerical modelling is also notable in the research on internal waves. Analytical studies help to identify the main trends and dependencies, creating the framework for the discussion of the observed and modelled phenomena, while advanced numerical modelling allows one to describe important features of the waves in more realistic settings not amenable to theoretical analysis (see, for example, the reviews by [@Helfrich06; @Apel07]).
The effects of various sheared currents on internal waves and their role in the oceanic processes have been studied by a number of authors (e.g., [@Lee; @Mooers; @Olbers; @Young; @Voronovich; @Buhler]). Modifications of large internal solitary waves by a background shear flow have been studied analytically by [@Choi] and modelled numerically, for example, by [@Stastna1] and [@Stastna2], within the framework of two - dimensional simulations. Three - dimensional numerical modelling, although expensive, has also been developed. In particular, large-amplitude internal waves in the Strait of Gibraltar have been modelled by [@Vlasenko1] and [@Sannino]. Tidal generation of internal waves in the Celtic Sea has been modelled by [@Vlasenko2; @Vlasenko3] and [@Grue15]. We note that the waves generated in the Strait of Gibraltar are nearly annular (see Figure 1), as are the waves generated near a sea mountain in the Celtic Sea (see Figure A1 in [@Vlasenko3]).
The cylindrical (or concentric) Korteweg-de Vries (cKdV) equation is a universal weakly-nonlinear weakly-dispersive wave equation in cylindrical geometry. Originally derived in the context of ion-acoustic waves in plasma [@Maxon74], it was later derived for the surface waves in a uniform fluid, first from Boussinesq equations [@Miles78], and then from the full Euler equations [@Johnson80]. Versions of the equation were also derived for internal waves in a stratified fluid without shear flow [@Lipovskii85], and surface waves in a uniform fluid with a shear flow [@Johnson90]. The original equation is integrable [@Calogero], and there exists a useful map between cKdV and KP equations [@Johnson80; @Johnson_book; @Klein07], while a generic shear flow leads to a nonintegrable cKdV - type equation.
In this paper, we study the propagation of internal and surface ring waves in a stratified fluid over a prescribed shear flow, generalising the previous studies. The paper is organised as follows. In section 2 we derive a 2+1 - dimensional cKdV-type model for the amplitudes of surface and internal waves, by finding an appropriate linear modal decomposition (different from the known modal decomposition in Cartesian coordinates) and using techniques from the asymptotic multiple - scales analysis. The detailed structure of the wavefronts is analysed analytically, for the case of a two-layer model with a piecewise-constant current, in section 3. We also obtain conditions guaranteeing that there are no critical levels, and calculate explicit expressions for the coefficients of the derived amplitude equation, listed in Appendix A. Some conclusions are drawn in section 4.
Problem formulation and amplitude equation
We consider a ring wave propagating in an inviscid incompressible fluid, described by the full set of Euler equations: $$\begin{aligned}
&& \rho (u_t + u u_x + v u_y + w u_z) + p_x = 0, \label{1} \\
&& \rho (v_t + u v_x + v v_y + w v_z) + p_y = 0, \label{2} \\
&& \rho (w_t + u w_x + v w_y + w w_z) + p_z + \rho g = 0, \label{3} \\
&& \rho_t + u \rho_x + v \rho_y + w \rho_z = 0, \label{4} \\
&& u_x + v_y + w_z = 0, \label{5} \end{aligned}$$ with the free surface and rigid bottom boundary conditions appropriate for the oceanic conditions: $$\begin{aligned}
&&w = h_t + u h_x + v h_y \quad \mbox{at} \quad z = h(x,y,t), \label{6} \\
&&p = p_a \quad \mbox{at} \quad z = h(x,y,t), \label{7} \\
&&w = 0 \quad \mbox{at} \quad z = 0. \label{8}\end{aligned}$$ Here, $u,v,w$ are the velocity components in $x,y,z$ directions respectively, $p$ is the pressure, $\rho$ is the density, $g$ is the gravitational acceleration, $z = h(x,y,t)$ is the free surface depth (with $z = 0$ at the bottom), and $p_a$ is the constant atmospheric pressure at the surface. We assume that in the basic state $u_0 = u_0(z), ~ v_0 = w_0 = 0, ~p_{0z} = - \rho_0 g, ~h = h_0$. Here $u_0(z)$ is a horizontal shear flow in the $x$-direction, and $\rho_0 = \rho_0(z)$ is a stable background density stratification (see Figure 2).
![Schematic of the problem formulation.](Fig2.pdf){width="0.7\columnwidth"}
It is convenient to use the vertical particle displacement $\zeta$ as an additional dependent variable, which is defined by the equation $$\zeta_t + u \zeta_x + v \zeta_y + w \zeta_z = w, \label{9}$$ and satisfies the obvious surface boundary condition $$\zeta = h - h_0, \label{10}$$ where $h_0$ is the unperturbed depth of the fluid.
We aim to derive an amplitude equation for the amplitudes of the long surface and internal waves. Thus, we use the following non-dimensional variables: $$\begin{aligned}
&&x \to \lambda x, \quad y \to \lambda y, \quad z \to h_0 z, \quad t \to \frac{\lambda}{c^*}t, \\
&& u \to c^* u, \quad v \to c^* v, \quad w \to \frac{h_0 c^*}{\lambda} w, \\
&&(\rho_0, \rho) \to \rho^*( \rho_0, \rho), \quad h \to h_0 + a \eta, \quad p \to p_a + \int_{z}^{h_0} \rho^* \rho_0(s) g ~\mathrm{d} s + \rho^* g h_0 p.\end{aligned}$$ Here, $\lambda$ is the wave length, $a$ is the wave amplitude, $c^*$ is the typical long-wave speed of surface or internal waves ($\sqrt{g h_0}$ or $h^* N^*$, respectively, where $N^*$ is a typical value of the buoyancy frequency, and $h^*$ is a typical depth of the stratified layer), $\rho^*$ is the dimensional reference density of the fluid, while $\rho_0(z)$ is the non-dimensional function describing stratification in the basic state, and $\eta = \eta(x,y,t)$ is the non-dimensional free surface elevation. In both cases non-dimensionalisation leads to the appearance of the same small parameters in the problem, the amplitude parameter $\varepsilon = a/h_0$ and the wavelength parameter $\delta = h_0/\lambda$. In the second case, a third small (Boussinesq) parameter will appear as well, but the Boussinesq approximation is not used in the subsequent derivation. Thus, it is natural to non-dimensionalise the general problem formulation, including both surface and internal waves, using the parameters of the faster surface waves, and measure the speeds of the internal waves as fractions of the surface wave speed, etc. However, if one is primarily interested in the study of internal waves, it is more natural to use the typical speed of the internal waves.
Introducing the cylindrical coordinate system moving at a constant speed $c$ (a natural choice is the flow speed at the bottom, as we will show later), considering deviations from the basic state (the same notations $u$ and $v$ have been used for the projections of the deviations of the speed on the new coordinate axis), and scaling the appropriate variables using the amplitude parameter $\varepsilon$, $$\begin{aligned}
&&x \to ct + r \cos \theta, \quad y \to r \sin \theta, \quad z \to z, \quad t \to t, \\
&&u \to u_0(z) + \varepsilon (u \cos \theta - v \sin \theta), \quad v \to \varepsilon (u \sin \theta + v \cos \theta), \\
&& w \to \varepsilon w, \quad p \to \varepsilon p, \quad \rho \to \rho_0 + \varepsilon \rho,
\end{aligned}$$ we arrive at the following non-dimensional problem formulation in the moving cylindrical coordinate frame: $$\begin{aligned}
&&(\rho_0 + \varepsilon \rho) \left [u_t + \varepsilon \left (u u_r + \frac{v}{r} u_{\theta} + w u_z - \frac{v^2}{r}\right ) + ((u_0-c) u_r + u_{0z} w) \cos \theta \right .\nonumber \\
&& \hspace{6cm} \left . - (u_0-c) (u_{\theta}-v) \frac{\sin \theta}{r}\right ] + p_r = 0, \label{1a}\\
&&(\rho_0 + \varepsilon \rho) \left [v_t + \varepsilon \left (u v_r + \frac{v}{r} v_{\theta} + w v_z + \frac{uv}{r}\right ) + (u_0-c) v_r \cos \theta \right . \nonumber \\
&& \hspace{5cm} \left . - \left ((u_0-c)(\frac{v_{\theta}}{r} + \frac{u}{r}) + u_{0z} w\right ) \sin \theta \right ] + \frac{p_{\theta}}{r} = 0, \label{2a}\\
&& \delta^2 (\rho_0 + \varepsilon \rho) \left [ w_t + \varepsilon \left (u w_r + \frac{v}{r} w_{\theta} + w w_z \right ) + (u_0-c) \left ( w_r \cos \theta - w_{\theta} \frac{\sin \theta}{r} \right ) \right ] \nonumber \\
&&\hspace{9cm} + p_z + \rho = 0, \label{3a}\\
&&\rho_t + \varepsilon \left (u \rho_r + \frac{v}{r} \rho_{\theta} + w \rho_z \right ) + (u_0-c) \left (\rho_r \cos \theta - \rho_{\theta} \frac{\sin \theta}{r} \right ) + \rho_{0z} w = 0, \label{4a} \\
&&u_r + \frac{u}{r} + \frac{v_{\theta}}{r} + w_z = 0, \label{5a}\\
&&w = \eta_t + \varepsilon \left (u \eta_r + \frac{v}{r} \eta_{\theta} \right ) + (u_0-c) \left (\eta_r \cos \theta - \eta_{\theta} \frac{\sin \theta}{r} \right ) \quad \mbox{at} \quad z = 1 + \varepsilon \eta, \label{6a}\\
&&\varepsilon p = \int_{1}^{1 + \varepsilon \eta} \rho_0(s) ds \quad \mbox{at} \quad z = 1 + \varepsilon \eta, \label{7a} \\
&&w = 0 \quad \mbox{at} \quad z=0, \label{8a}
\end{aligned}$$ with the vertical particle displacement satisfying the following equation and boundary condition: $$\begin{aligned}
&&\zeta_t + \varepsilon \left (u \zeta_r + \frac{v}{r} \zeta_{\theta} + w \zeta_z\right ) + (u_0-c) \left ( \zeta_r \cos \theta - \zeta_{\theta} \frac{\sin \theta}{r} \right ) = w, \label{9a}\\
&&\zeta = \eta \quad \mbox{at} \quad z = 1 + \varepsilon \eta. \label{10a}
\end{aligned}$$ For the sake of simplicity, in the subsequent derivation we impose the condition $\delta^2 = \varepsilon$, although this is not the necessary condition. Indeed, variables can be scaled further to replace $\delta^2$ with $\varepsilon$ in the equations [@Johnson_book].
We look for a solution of this problem in the form of asymptotic multiple - scales expansions of the form $$\zeta = \zeta_1 + \varepsilon \zeta_2 + \dots,$$ and similar expansions for other variables, where $$\zeta_1 = A(\xi, R, \theta) \phi(z, \theta), \label{11}$$ with the following set of fast and slow variables: $$\begin{aligned}
\xi = r k(\theta) - s t, \quad R = \varepsilon r k(\theta), \quad \theta = \theta,
\end{aligned}$$ where we define $s$ to be the wave speed in the absence of a shear flow (with $k(\theta) = 1$), while for a given shear flow the function $k(\theta)$ describes the distortion of the wavefront and is to be determined. In this description, when a shear flow is present, the wave speed in the direction $\theta$ is not equal to $s$, but to $\frac{s}{k(\theta)}$. The choice of the fast and slow variables is similar to that in the derivation of the cKdV-type equation for the surface waves [@Johnson90], with the formal range of asymptotic validity of the model being defined by the conditions $\xi\sim R\sim O(1)$. To leading order, the wavefront at any fixed moment of time $t$ is described by the equation $$rk(\theta)=\text{constant},$$ and we consider outward propagating ring waves, requiring that the function $k(\theta)$ is strictly positive. By writing (\[11\]) we anticipate that the solution of the linearised problem allows for a modal decomposition, similar to the well-known result in the Cartesian geometry, but expect that it has a more complicated structure for the ring waves on a shear flow because of the loss of the radial symmetry in the problem formulation (the shear flow is horizontal). To leading order, assuming that perturbations of the basic state are caused only by the propagating wave, we obtain $$\begin{aligned}
&& u_1 = - A \phi u_{0z} \cos \theta - \frac{k F}{k^2 + k^{'2}} A\phi_z, \label{O1_1} \\
&& v_1 = A \phi u_{0z} \sin \theta - \frac{k' F}{k^2 + k^{'2}} A\phi_z, \label{O1_2}\\
&& w_1 = A_{\xi} F \phi, \label{O1_3} \\
&& p_1 = \frac{\rho_0}{k^2 + k^{'2}} A F^2 \phi_z, \label{O1_4} \\
&& \rho_1 = - \rho_{0z} A \phi, \label{O1_5} \\
&&\eta_1 = A \phi \quad \mbox{at} \quad z = 1, \label{O1_6} \end{aligned}$$ where the function $\phi(z, \theta)$ satisfies the following modal equations: $$\begin{aligned}
&&\left (\frac{\rho_0 F^2}{k^2 + k^{'2}} \phi_z\right )_z - \rho_{0z} \phi = 0, \label{m1} \\
&&\frac{F^2}{k^2 + k^{'2}} \phi_z - \phi = 0 \quad \mbox{at} \quad z=1, \label{m2} \\
&&\phi = 0 \quad \mbox{at} \quad z=0, \label{m3}\end{aligned}$$ and $$F = -s + (u_0 - c) (k \cos \theta - k' \sin \theta),\label{F}$$ where we now have fixed the speed of the moving coordinate frame $c$ to be equal to the speed of the shear flow at the bottom, $c =u_0(0)$ (then, $F = -s \ne 0$ at $z = 0$, and the condition $F \phi = 0$ at $z=0$ implies (\[m3\])). Of course, the physics does not depend on the choice of $c$ (see a discussion in [@Johnson90]), but our derivation shows that the mathematical formulation simplifies if we choose $c = u_0(0)$. For a given density stratification the values of the wave speed $s$, found assuming the absence of the shear flow, and the pair of functions $\phi(z, \theta)$ and $k(\theta)$, found for a given shear flow, constitute solution of the modal equations (\[m1\]) - (\[m3\]). Unlike the surface wave problem considered by [@Johnson90], the exact form of equations for the wave speed $s$ and the function $k(\theta)$ depend on stratification. An example for the case of a two-layer fluid with the piecewise - constant current is discussed in section 3. At $O(\varepsilon)$ we obtain the following set of equations: $$\begin{aligned}
&&\rho_0 \left ( F u_{2\xi} + u_{0z} w_2 \cos \theta \right ) + \rho_1 \left ( F u_{1\xi} + u_{0z} w_1 \cos \theta \right )
+ \rho_0 \left [ (F+s) u_{1R} \qquad\qquad\qquad \right . \nonumber \\
&& - (u_0 - c) (u_{1\theta} - v_1) \frac kR \sin \theta + (k u_1 + k' v_1) u_{1\xi} + \left.u_{1z} w_1 \right ] + k (p_{2\xi} + p_{1R}) = 0 \label{O2_1}, \\
&& \rho_0 \left ( F v_{2\xi} - u_{0z} w_2 \sin \theta \right ) + \rho_1 \left ( F v_{1\xi} - u_{0z} w_1 \sin \theta \right )
+ \rho_0 \left [ (F+s) v_{1R} \right . \nonumber \\
&& - (u_0 - c) (v_{1\theta} + u_1) \frac {k \sin \theta}{R} + (k u_1 + k' v_1) v_{1\xi} + \left . v_{1z} w_1 \right ] +\frac {kp_{1\theta}} R + k' (p_{2\xi} + p_{1R}) = 0 \label{O2_2}, \ \ \\
&& p_{2z} + \rho_2 + \rho_0 F w_{1\xi} = 0, \label{O2_3}\\
&& F \rho_{2\xi} + \rho_{0z} w_2 + (F+s) \rho_{1R} - (u_0 - c) \frac k R \rho_{1 \theta} \sin \theta + (k u_1 + k' v_1) \rho_{1\xi} + w_1 \rho_{1z} = 0, \label{O2_4} \\
&& k u_{2\xi} + k' v_{2\xi} + w_{2z} + k u_{1R} + \frac kR (v_{1\theta} + u_1) + k' v_{1R} = 0, \label{O2_5}\\
&& F \zeta_{2\xi} - w_2 + (F+s) \zeta_{1R} - (u_0 - c) \frac kR \zeta_{1\theta} \sin \theta + (k u_1 + k' v_1) \zeta_{1\xi} + w_1 \zeta_{1z} = 0, \label{O2_6}
\end{aligned}$$ and boundary conditions: $$\begin{aligned}
&& w_2 = 0 \quad \mbox{at}\quad z=0, \label{O2_7}\\
&& p_2 = \rho_0 \eta_2 + \frac 12 \rho_{0z} \eta_1^2 - \eta_1 p_{1z}\quad \mbox{at}\quad z=1, \label{O2_8}\\
&& w_2 = F \eta_{2\xi} + (F+s) \eta_{1R} - (u_0-c) \frac kR \eta_{1\theta} \sin \theta + (k u_1 + k' v_1) \eta_{1\xi}\nonumber \\
&& \qquad \qquad \quad + F_z \eta_1 \eta_{1\xi} - \eta_1 w_{1z} \quad \mbox{at}\quad z=1, \label{O2_9}\\
&& \zeta_2 = \eta_2 - \eta_1 \zeta_{1z} \quad \mbox{at}\quad z=1. \label{O2_10}
\end{aligned}$$ Substituting the leading order solution (\[11\]), (\[O1\_1\])-(\[O1\_3\]) into the equation (\[O2\_6\]) we obtain $$w_2 = F \zeta_{2\xi} + (F+s) A_R \phi - (u_0-c) \frac kR \sin \theta\ (A \phi)_{\theta} - F_z \phi^2 A A_{\xi}.
\label{O2_11}$$ Next, we find $u_{2\xi}$ from (\[O2\_1\]) and $v_{2\xi}$ from (\[O2\_2\]) and substitute them into (\[O2\_5\]), obtaining the following equation: $$\begin{aligned}
&& -(k^2+k'^2) p_{2\xi} + \rho_0 (F w_{2z} - F_z w_2) = \rho_0 \left \{ -\frac kR F (v_{1\theta} + u_1) - (u_0-c) \frac kR \sin \theta [k (u_{1\theta} - v_1) \right . \nonumber \\
&&\left . + k' (v_{1\theta} + u_1)] + s(k u_{1R} + k' v_{1R}) + \frac 12 [(k u_1 + k' v_1)^2]_{\xi} + (k u_1 + k' v_1)_z w_1 \right \} \nonumber \\
&&- \rho_1 (F w_{1z} - F_z w_1) + (k^2 + k^{'2}) p_{1R} + \frac{k k'}{R} p_{1\theta}.\quad \label{O2_12}
\end{aligned}$$ On the other hand, finding $\rho_2$ from (\[O2\_3\]) and substituting it into (\[O2\_4\]) we get $$\begin{aligned}
& F p_{2z\xi} - \rho_{0z} w_2 =&\nonumber \\
&\quad - \rho_0 F^2 w_{1\xi\xi} &+ (F+s) \rho_{1R} - (u_0 - c) \frac kR \rho_{1\theta} \sin \theta + (k u_1 + k' v_1) \rho_{1\xi} + \rho_{1z} w_1. \quad \label{O2_14}
\end{aligned}$$ Equating the expressions for $p_{2z\xi}$ from the equations (\[O2\_12\]) and (\[O2\_14\]), using (\[O2\_11\]) to exclude $w_2$, substituting the leading order solution (\[11\]), (\[O1\_1\]) - (\[O1\_6\]) and using the modal equation (\[m1\]), we obtain the equation for $\zeta_2$ in the form $$\left ( \frac{\rho_0 F^2}{k^2 + k'^2} \zeta_{2\xi z} \right )_z - \rho_{0z} \zeta_{2\xi} = M_2, \label{NE}$$ where $$\begin{aligned}
&&- (k^2 + k'^2) M_2 = 2 s(\rho_0 F \phi_z)_z A_R + (k^2 + k'^2) \rho_0 F^2 \phi A_{\xi \xi \xi}
+ [- (3 \rho_0 F^2 \phi_z^2)_z + 2 \rho_0 F^2 \phi_z \phi_{zz} \\
&&+ (2 \rho_0 F^2 \phi \phi_{zz})_z] A A_{\xi} - \left\{\rho_0 \left \{ k(k+k'')\left[ \frac{F^2}{k^2+k'^2}-\left(\frac{2k'F}{k^2+k'^2}+(u_0-c)\sin\theta\right)^2\right]\phi_z\right.\right.\\
&&\left. \left. +2kF \left( \frac{k'F}{k^2+k'^2}+(u_0-c)\sin\theta\right)\phi_{z\theta} \right \} \right\}_z\frac{A}{R} - \left \{ 2 \rho_0 k F \left [ \frac{k' F}{k^2 + k'^2} + (u_0-c) \sin \theta \right ] \phi_z \right \}_z \frac{A_\theta}{R}.
\end{aligned}$$ Next, substituting (\[O2\_11\]) into the boundary condition (\[O2\_7\]) and recalling that $\phi |_{z=0} = 0$, we obtain $ F \zeta_{2 \xi} = 0 \quad \mbox{at} \quad z=0$, implying that $$\zeta_{2 \xi} = 0 \quad \mbox{at} \quad z=0, \label{NBC1}$$ since $F = -s$ at $z = 0$ by our choice of the constant $c$. The boundary condition (\[O2\_10\]) implies $$\eta_2 = \zeta_2 + A^2 \phi \phi_z \quad \mbox{at} \quad z=1. \label{O2_16}$$ Substituting (\[O2\_16\]) into (\[O2\_8\]) we get $$p_2 = \rho_0 (\zeta_2 + A^2 \phi \phi_z) -\frac{A^2 \phi}{k^2+k'^2}(\rho_{0z} F^2 \phi_z+2 \rho_0 FF_z \phi_z+\rho_0 F^2 \phi_{zz})+ \frac 12 \rho_{0z} A^2 \phi^2 \quad \mbox{at} \quad z=1. \label{O2_18}$$ Substituting the expression (\[O2\_11\]) into (\[O2\_9\]), we obtain $$F\zeta_{2\xi}=F\eta_{2\xi}-2FAA_\xi \phi\phi_z,$$ which coincides with the product of the partial derivative of $\eta_2$ in (\[O2\_16\]) with respect to $\xi$ with $F$. Therefore, the boundary condition (\[O2\_9\]) is the differential consequence of (\[O2\_16\]).
Differentiating (\[O2\_18\]) with respect to $\xi$, using (\[O2\_12\]) to eliminate $p_{2\xi}$, and using (\[O2\_9\]) to exclude $w_2$ (all at $z=1$), we obtain $$\rho_0 \left [ \frac{F^2}{k^2 + k'^2} \zeta_{2\xi z} - \zeta_{2\xi} \right ] = N_2 \quad \mbox{at} \quad z=1, \label{NBC2}$$ where $$\begin{aligned}
&&- (k^2 + k'^2) N_2 = 2 s \rho_0 F \phi_z A_R + [-3 \rho_0 F^2 \phi_z^2 + 2 \rho_0 F^2 \phi \phi_{zz}] A A_{\xi} \\
&& - \rho_0 \left \{ k(k+k'')\left[ \frac{F^2}{k^2+k'^2}-\left(\frac{2k'F}{k^2+k'^2}+(u_0-c)\sin\theta\right)^2\right]\phi_z\right.\\
&&\left. +2kF \left( \frac{k'F}{k^2+k'^2}+(u_0-c)\sin\theta\right)\phi_{z\theta} \right \} \frac{A}{R} - 2 \rho_0 k F \left [ \frac{k' F}{k^2+k'^2} + (u_0-c) \sin \theta \right ] \phi_z \frac{A_\theta}{R}.\end{aligned}$$ Thus, we obtained the non-homogeneous equation (\[NE\]) for the function $\zeta_{2\xi}$ with the boundary conditions (\[NBC1\]), (\[NBC2\]). The compatibility condition $$\int_0^1 M_2 \phi ~ \mathrm{d}z - [N_2 \phi]_{z=1} = 0$$ yields the 2+1-dimensional evolution equation for the slowly varying amplitude of the ring wave in the form $$\mu_1 A_R + \mu_2 A A_{\xi} + \mu_3 A_{\xi \xi \xi} + \mu_4 \frac{A}{R} + \mu_5 \frac{A_\theta}{R} = 0, \label{cKdV}$$ where the coefficients are given in terms of the solutions of the modal equations (\[m1\]) - (\[m3\]) by the following formulae: $$\begin{aligned}
&&\mu_1 = 2 s \int_0^1 \rho_0 F \phi_z^2 ~ \mathrm{d}z, \label{c1}\\
&&\mu_2 = - 3 \int_0^1 \rho_0 F^2 \phi_z^3 ~ \mathrm{d}z, \label{c2}\\
&&\mu_3 = - (k^2 + k'^2) \int_0^1 \rho_0 F^2 \phi^2 ~ \mathrm{d}z, \label{c3}\\
&&\mu_4 = - \int_0^1 \left \{ \frac{\rho_0 \phi_z^2 k (k+k'')}{(k^2+k'^2)^2} \left ( (k^2-3k'^2) F^2 -
{4 k' (k^2 + k'^2) (u_0-c)\sin \theta} F \right . \right . \nonumber \\
&&\left . \left . - \sin^2 \theta (u_0-c)^2(k^2 + k'^2)^2 \right )
+ \frac{2 \rho_0 k}{k^2 + k'^2} F \phi_z \phi_{z\theta} (k' F + (k^2 + k'^2) (u_0-c) \sin \theta ) \right \} ~ \mathrm{d}z,\qquad \label{c4}\\
&& \mu_5 = - \frac{2k}{k^2 + k'^2} \int_0^1 \rho_0 F \phi_z^2 [k' F + (u_0-c) (k^2+k'^2) \sin \theta ] ~ \mathrm{d}z. \label{c5}\end{aligned}$$
Let us now consider a reduction to the case of surface ring waves in a homogeneous fluid, studied by [@Johnson80; @Johnson90]. Here, $\rho_0$ is a constant and we normalise $\phi$ by setting $\phi=1$ at $z=1$. The wave speed $s$, in the absence of a shear flow, as well as the function $k(\theta)$ and the modal function $\phi$, for a given shear flow, can be easily found from the modal equations (\[m1\]) - (\[m3\]). Indeed, the modal function $\phi$ is given by $$\phi = (k^2 + k'^2) \int_0^z \frac{1}{F^2} \,\mathrm{d}z. \label{mf}$$ Assuming first that there is no shear flow, we set $k=1$, $u_0(z)=c=0$, and the normalisation condition $\phi=1$ at $z=1$ then implies $$\int _0^1 \frac{1}{s^2} \,\mathrm{d} z=1\quad \Longrightarrow \quad s^2=1.$$ Thus, we recover that the wave speed of the outward propagating surface ring wave in the absence of a shear flow is equal to $1$. Next, let us assume that there is a shear flow, then $F=-1+(u_0-c)(k\cos\theta-k'\sin\theta)$. Requiring again that $\phi=1$ at $z=1$ we obtain the equation $$(k^2+k'^2)\int_0^1\frac {1}{F^2}\,\mathrm{d} z=1,
\label{gbcon}$$ which, of course, coincides with the generalised Burns condition [@Johnson90]. The generalised Burns condition (\[gbcon\]) constitutes a nonlinear first - order differential equation for the function $k(\theta)$. The function relevant to the ring wave is provided by the singular solution (the envelope of the general solution) of this equation [@Johnson90; @Johnson_book]: $$\begin{aligned}
&&k(\theta)=a \cos(\theta)+b(a)\sin(\theta), \label{gs} \\
&&[a^2+b^2(a)]\int_0^1\frac{\mathrm{d}z}{[1-(u_0 (z)-c) a]^2}=1.\end{aligned}$$ Indeed, the general solution (\[gs\]) can not describe an outward propagating ring wave since $k(0)$ can not be strictly positive (see [@Johnson90; @Johnson_book]).
Differentiating the generalised Burns condition, we obtain: $$2 (k+k'') \int_0^1\frac{k'F+(u_0-c)(k^2+k'^2)\sin\theta}{F^3} \,\mathrm{d} z=0.$$ Since $k+k''\ne 0$ on the singular solution, we have $$\mu_5=- 2\rho_0 k (k^2+k'^2) \int_0^1\frac{k'F+(u_0-c)(k^2+k'^2)\sin\theta}{F^3} \,\mathrm{d} z=0.$$
Thus, the amplitude equation reduces to the form of the 1+1 - dimensional cKdV-type equation (i.e. $\mu_5 = 0$) for [*any shear flow*]{}, and not just for stationary and constant shear flows, as previously thought [@Johnson90; @Johnson_book].
Substituting the modal function (\[mf\]) into the expressions for the remaining coefficients (\[c1\]) - (\[c4\]), the amplitude equation can be written as $$\tilde \mu_1 A_R+\tilde \mu_2 AA_\xi+\tilde \mu_3 A_{\xi\xi\xi} +\frac{\tilde \mu_4}{R} A=0,$$ and the expressions for the coefficients can be brought to the previously known form [@Johnson90]: $$\begin{aligned}
&&\tilde \mu_1= 2(k^2+k'^2) I_3, \\
&&\tilde \mu_2= -3(k^2+k'^2)^2I_4,\\
&&\tilde \mu_3= -(k^2+k'^2)^2 \int_{0}^1 \int_{z}^1 \int_{0}^{z_1}\frac{F^2(z_1,\theta)}{F^2(z,\theta)F^2(z_2,\theta)} \,\mathrm{d} z_2 \,\mathrm{d} z_1 \,\mathrm{d} z,\\
&&\tilde \mu_4= \frac{-k(k+k'')}{k\cos \theta-k'\sin\theta}((k\cos\theta+3k'\sin\theta)I_2+4k'\sin\theta I_3)\\
&& \quad -\frac{3k(k+k'')(k^2+k'^2)\sin^2\theta}{(k\cos\theta-k'\sin\theta)^2}(I_2+2I_3+I_4),\\
&& \mbox{ where }\quad I_n=\int_0^1\frac{\,\mathrm{d} z}{F^n},\quad \tilde \mu_i=\frac{\mu_i}{k^2+k'^2},~~i=\overline{1,4}.\end{aligned}$$ We note that unlike the formula for $\tilde \mu_3$ above, our representation of the coefficients by the formulae (\[c1\]) - (\[c4\]) does not involve multiple integrals.
Let us now consider another reduction. If there is no shear flow, i.e. $u_0(z)=0$, the ring waves become concentric waves. Here, $F=-s$, $k(\theta)=1$, and $k'(\theta)=0$. Then, the derived equation (\[cKdV\]) again reduces to the form of the 1+1-dimensional cKdV-type equation $$\tilde \mu_1 A_R+\tilde\mu_2 AA_\xi+\tilde\mu_3 A_{\xi\xi\xi} +\frac{\tilde\mu_4}{R} A=0,$$ and expressions for the coefficients are given by $$\begin{aligned}
&&\tilde\mu_1=2\int_{0}^1 \rho_0\phi_z^2 \,\mathrm{d} z,\quad
\tilde\mu_2=3\int_{0}^1 \rho_0\phi_z^3 \,\mathrm{d} z,\\
&&\tilde\mu_3=\int_{0}^1\rho_0\phi^2 \,\mathrm{d} z,\quad
\tilde\mu_4=\int_{0}^1 \rho_0 \phi_z^2 \,\mathrm{d} z,\\
&& \mbox{ where } \tilde \mu_i=-\frac{\mu_i}{s^2},~~i=\overline{1,4},\end{aligned}$$ where $\phi= \phi(z)$ is the modal function, satisfying the same equations as in Cartesian geometry: $$\begin{aligned}
&&(s^2 \rho_0 \phi_z)_z - \rho_{0z} \phi = 0, \\
&&s^2 \phi_z - \phi = 0 \quad \mbox{at} \quad z=1, \\
&&\phi = 0 \quad \mbox{at} \quad z=0.\end{aligned}$$ This reduction agrees with the equation previously derived by Lipovskii [@Lipovskii85].
Thus, in both cases the derived amplitude equation (\[cKdV\]) correctly reduces to the previously derived models. Importantly, in both of these previously studied cases the coefficient $\mu_5 = 0$. However, it is not equal to zero in the general case of the waves in a stratified fluid with a shear flow. Interestingly, Johnson has caught the ‘ghost’ of the additional term in his study of the surface waves on a shear flow. However, as we discussed earlier, the complicated formula for the coefficient $\mu_5$ given by Johnson [@Johnson90] will lead to a zero coefficient for any shear flow.
Two-layer example: dispersion relation and wavefronts
Two-layer Model
In order to clarify the general theory developed in the previous section and to illustrate the different effect of a shear flow on the wavefronts of surface and internal ring waves, here we discuss a simple piecewise-constant setting, frequently used in theoretical and laboratory studies of long internal and surface waves (Figure 3, see, for example, [@Long55; @Lee; @Miyata85; @Weidman; @CC; @Ramirez; @Choi; @Grue; @Voronovich; @BC; @Chumakova; @Boonkasame; @AGK; @ASK] and references therein). In these theoretical and laboratory studies, the model is often chosen to yield explicit formulae, but is regarded as a reasonable abstraction for a background flow with smooth density and shear profiles across the interface, in the long wave approximation. It is also necessary to note that this background flow is subject to Kelvin-Helmholtz (K-H) instability arising as short waves, which are excluded in the long wave theory due to the large separation of scales (see [@Drazin; @Turner; @Craik] and references therein).
![Two-layer model.](Fig3.pdf){width="0.6\columnwidth"}
Here, in non-dimensional form, both the density of the fluid and the shear flow are piecewise-constant functions ($0 \le z \le 1$): $$\begin{aligned}
&&\rho_0 = \rho_2 H(z) + (\rho_1 - \rho_2) H(z-d), \\
&&u_0 = U_2 H(z) + (U_1 - U_2) H(z-d),\end{aligned}$$ where $d$ is the thickness of the lower layer and $H(z)$ is the Heaviside function. In the rigid lid approximation, the condition for the stability of the long waves in a fluid of finite depth in nondimensional variables used in our paper is given by $$(U_1 - U_2)^2 < \frac{(\rho_2-\rho_1)\big( \rho_1 d + \rho_2 (1-d) \big)}{\rho_1\rho_2}\label{ucl}$$ [@Ovsyannikov; @Ovsyannikov_book], see also [@Bontozoglou91; @BM; @Lannes] and references therein. The free surface results show that long waves are stable both for small shears, as in the rigid lid case, but also for sufficiently large shears [@Ovsyannikov; @Ovsyannikov_book], see also [@BarrosChoi; @Lannes].
Long interfacial waves are observed both in experiments and in natural environments (for example, see reviews by [@Grue; @Apel07]), which means that in the situations when they are observed there exist some extra mechanisms which prevent the development of the K-H instability. Among such stabilising mechanisms not present in the simplified model are the continuity of the actual density and shear flow profiles, with a thin intermediate layer in between the two main layers, and surface tension (see [@Turner; @BM; @Lannes] and references therein). The two-layer model is an abstraction of the actual continuous density and shear flow profiles, suitable for the theoretical study of the [*long*]{} internal waves.
Dispersion relation and approximations
Solution of the modal equations (\[m1\]) - (\[m3\]) in the two layers is given by the linear functions of $z$ ($\phi_1$ is the modal function in the upper layer and $\phi_2$ is the modal function in the lower layer): $$\begin{aligned}
\phi_1 = \left ( \frac{F_1^2}{k^2 + k'^2} + z - 1 \right ) {\Lambda}, \quad
\phi_2 = \left ( \frac{F_1^2}{k^2 + k'^2} + d - 1 \right ) \frac{\Lambda z}{d},\label{phi}\end{aligned}$$ where $\Lambda$ is a constant and the continuity of $\phi$ is satisfied, while the jump condition at the interface $$\frac{\left [ \rho_0 F^2 \phi_z \right ]}{k^2 + k'^2} = [\rho_0] \phi \quad \mbox{at} \quad z=d$$ provides the ‘dispersion relation’, $$(\rho_2 - \rho_1) d (1-d) (k^2 + k'^2)^2 - \rho_2 [d F_1^2 + (1-d) F_2^2] (k^2 + k'^2) + \rho_2 F_1^2 F_2^2 = 0,
\label{k}$$ with $F_1 = -s + (U_1 - U_2) (k \cos \theta - k' \sin \theta), F_2 = -s$. This nonlinear first-order differential equation for the function $k(\theta)$ is further generalisation of both Burns and generalised Burns conditions [@Burns53; @Johnson90]. First, we assume that there is no shear flow and find the wave speed $s$ by letting $U_1=U_2=0$, while $k=1$. The dispersion relation takes the form $$\rho_2 s^4 -\rho_2 s^2 + (\rho_2-\rho_1)d (1-d)=0.$$ So the wave speed in the absence of the shear flow is given by $$s^2=\frac{\rho_2\pm \sqrt{\rho_2^2-4\rho_2(\rho_2-\rho_1) d (1-d)}}{2\rho_2}=\frac{1\pm \sqrt{(2d-1)^2+4\rho_1/\rho_2 d(1-d)}}{2},$$ where the upper sign should be chosen for the faster surface mode, and the lower sign for the slower internal mode. For example, if $\rho_1 = 1, \rho_2 = 1.2$ and $d=0.5$, we obtain $s_{sur} \approx 0.98$ and $s_{int} \approx 0.21$.
When the shear flow is present, equation (\[k\]) constitutes a nonlinear first-order differential equation for the function $k(\theta)$. We have $$k^2+k'^2=\frac{\rho_2[dF_1^2+(1-d)F_2^2]\pm\sqrt{\Delta}}{2(\rho_2-\rho_1)(1-d)d},
\label{kk}$$ where $$\begin{aligned}
\Delta &=& \rho_2^2 [d F_1^2 + (1-d) F_2^2]^2 - 4 \rho_2 (\rho_2 - \rho_1) d (1-d) F_1^2 F_2^2\\
&=& \rho_2^2 [d F_1^2 - (1-d) F_2^2]^2 + 4 \rho_1 \rho_2 d (1-d) F_1^2 F_2^2 \ge 0,\end{aligned}$$ and the upper / lower signs correspond to the internal / surface modes, respectively.
The generalised Burns condition for the surface waves in a homogeneous fluid with this two-layer shear flow takes the form $$(k^2+k'^2)\left (\frac{1-d}{F_1^2}+\frac{d}{F_2^2}\right )=1~\Leftrightarrow~[d F_1^2 + (1-d) F_2^2] (k^2 + k'^2) = F_1^2 F_2^2,
\label{gBc}$$ and can be recovered from our more general equation (\[k\]) in the limit $\rho_2 - \rho_1 \to 0$.
If the density contrast is small, $\rho_2 - \rho_1 \ll \rho_1, \rho_2$, one can obtain a simplified equation not only for the surface mode (see (\[gBc\])), but also for the interfacial mode, by replacing the free surface condition ($\ref{m2}$) with the rigid lid approximation, $$\phi = 0 \quad \mbox{at} \quad z=1.$$ Then, the modal function $\phi$ in the two layers is found to be $$\phi_1 = \Lambda (z-1), \quad \phi_2 = \frac{d-1}{d} \Lambda z,$$ where $\Lambda$ is a constant, and the jump condition at $z=d$ again provides the ’dispersion relation’: $$(\rho_2 - \rho_1) d (1-d) (k^2 + k'^2) = \rho_1 d F_1^2 + \rho_2 (1-d) F_2^2.
\label{rl_k}$$ Remarkably, the required singular solution $k(\theta)$ of the differential equation (\[rl\_k\]) can be found explicitly, in the following form: $$\begin{aligned}
&&k(\theta)= \mbox{sign} (\cos\theta)\sqrt{\frac{I^2 K^2 - I (U_1-U_2)+1}{1+(1- I (U_1-U_2) )\tan^2\theta}}\left (\frac{\cos\theta}{1- I (U_1-U_2)}+\frac{\sin^2 \theta}{\cos\theta}\right )\nonumber \\
&&\qquad \qquad\qquad \qquad\qquad \qquad\qquad \qquad\qquad \qquad -\frac{I K \cos\theta}{1-I (U_1-U_2)},\label{Kovy}\\
&& \mbox{where} \qquad I = \frac{\rho_1 (U_1-U_2)}{(1-d)(\rho_2-\rho_1)}, \quad K^2=\frac{(\rho_2-\rho_1)d (1-d)}{\rho_1 d + \rho_2 (1-d)}. \nonumber
\label{approx}\end{aligned}$$ The solution (\[Kovy\]) can be verified directly, by substituting it into the equation (\[rl\_k\]).
Let us note that equations asymptotically equivalent to both approximate equations (\[gBc\]) and (\[rl\_k\]) can be formally obtained from the full dispersion relation (\[k\]) if we first solve it as a quadratic equation with respect to $k^2 + k'^2$, see (\[kk\]), and then Taylor expand $\sqrt{\Delta}$ in powers of the small parameter ${(\rho_2 - \rho_1)}/{\rho_2}$: $$k^2 + k'^2 = \frac{\rho_2 [d F_1^2 + (1-d) F_2^2]}{2 (\rho_2 - \rho_1) (1-d) d} \left [1 \pm \left (1 + 2 \frac{(\rho_2 - \rho_1) d (1-d) F_1^2 F_2^2}{\rho_2 [d F_1^2 + (1-d) F_2^2]^2} + \dots \right ) \right ].$$ The approximate equations (\[gBc\]) and (\[rl\_k\]) correspond to the lower and the upper signs in the above equation, respectively.
The general solution of the equation (\[k\]) can be found in the form similar to the general solution of the generalised Burns condition [@Johnson90], allowing us then to find the necessary singular solution relevant to the ring waves in a stratified fluid in parametric form: $$\left\{
&k(\theta)=a \cos\theta+b(a)\sin\theta,\\
&a^2+b^2=\frac{\rho_2 [d(-s+a(U_1-U_2))^2+(1-d)s^2]\pm \sqrt{\Delta}}{2(\rho_2-\rho_1)d(1-d)},
\label{ss}$$ where $$\begin{aligned}
\Delta &=& \rho_2^2\left [d(-s+a(U_1-U_2))^2-(1-d)s^2\right ]^2+4\rho_1\rho_2d(1-d)s^2\left [-s+a(U_1-U_2)\right ]^2.\end{aligned}$$ Therefore, $$0 \le \Delta \le \rho_2 [d (-s + a (U_1 - U_2))^2 + (1-d) s^2].$$ The upper sign should be chosen in (\[ss\]) for the interfacial mode and the lower sign for the surface mode, as previously discussed.
Let us denote $$a^2+b^2=\frac{\rho_2 [d(-s+a(U_1-U_2))^2+(1-d)s^2] \pm \sqrt{\Delta}}{2(\rho_2-\rho_1)d(1-d)}=Q.$$ Then the condition $b^2=Q-a^2\ge0$ determines the domain of $a\in[a_{\text{min}},a_{\text{max}}]$. We require $k(\theta)$ to be positive everywhere to describe the outward propagating ring wave. Therefore, one needs to choose the interval $[a_{\text{min}},a_{\text{max}}]$ containing $a=0$, since $a$ should take both positive and negative values (in particular, $k(\theta)$ should be positive both at $\theta = 0$ and $\theta = \pi$). Then, $$2bb'=Q_a-2a,\quad \Rightarrow b'=\frac{Q_a-2a}{2b},\quad \Rightarrow \tan\theta=-\frac{2b}{Q_a-2a}.$$ Therefore, $k(\theta)$ can be written in the form $$k(\theta)=a\cos\theta+b\sin\theta=\cos\theta(a+b\tan\theta)=\mbox{sign}\left (-2b \frac{\cos\theta}{\tan\theta}\right )\frac{aQ_a-2Q}{\sqrt{(Q_a-2a)^2+4b^2}}.$$ Since $k(\theta) > 0$, we obtain $$\mbox{sign}(k(\theta))=-\mbox{sign}\left [b(aQ_a-2Q)\frac{\cos\theta}{\tan\theta}\right ]=1.$$ When there is no shear flow, $aQ_a-2Q = - 2Q <0$. Therefore, it is natural to assume that this inequality will continue to hold in the case of the relatively weak shear flow considered here, and check that it is satisfied once the solution is constructed. Also, in the particular case of the small density contrast, $\rho_2 - \rho_1 \ll \rho_{1,2}$, and $d \sim 0.5$, this condition can be verified directly using the approximation (\[rl\_k\]) for the interfacial mode, which we do not discuss in detail here.
Thus, we assume that $aQ_a-2Q<0$ in the interval $[a_{\text{min}},a_{\text{max}}]$. Then $$k(a)=-\frac{aQ_a-2Q}{\sqrt{(Q_a-2a)^2+4b^2}},$$ and $$\mbox{sign}(b)=\mbox{sign} \left ( \frac{\cos\theta}{\tan\theta}\right )=\mbox{sign} \left ( \frac{\cos^2\theta}{\sin\theta}\right ) = \left\{
1& \mbox{if} \quad \theta \in (0,\pi),\\
-1& \mbox{if} \quad \theta \in (\pi,2\pi).
\end{array} \right.$$ Therefore, if $\theta\in(0,\pi)$, then $$b=\sqrt{Q-a^2},\qquad \tan\theta=-\frac{2\sqrt{Q-a^2}}{Q_a-2a},$$ and we let $$\theta=\left\{
\arctan (-\frac{2\sqrt{Q-a^2}}{Q_a-2a})&\quad \mbox{if} \quad Q_a-2a<0,\\
\arctan (-\frac{2\sqrt{Q-a^2}}{Q_a-2a})+\pi&\quad \mbox{if} \quad Q_a-2a>0.
\end{array}\right.$$ Similarly, if $\theta\in(\pi,2\pi)$, then $$b=-\sqrt{Q-a^2},\qquad \tan\theta=\frac{2\sqrt{Q-a^2}}{Q_a-2a},$$ and we let $$\theta=\left\{
\arctan (\frac{2\sqrt{Q-a^2}}{Q_a-2a})+\pi&\quad \mbox{if} \quad Q_a-2a>0,\\
\arctan (\frac{2\sqrt{Q-a^2}}{Q_a-2a})+2\pi&\quad \mbox{if} \quad Q_a-2a<0.
\end{array}\right.$$ Thus, we obtained the required singular solution analytically, in parametric form. The functions $k(a), \theta(a)$ and $k(\theta)$ for both surface and interfacial ring waves are shown in Figures 4, 5 and 6, respectively. As before, we let $\rho_1=1$, $\rho_2=1.2$ and $d=0.5$, and consider several values of the strength of the shear flow.
We also compare the approximate solution (\[Kovy\]) for the internal waves with the exact solution \[ss\] in Figure 7, for the case when $U_1-U_2=0.1$. We can see that the simpler approximate solution is rather close to the exact solution, with the advantage that the function $k$ can be written explicitly as a function of $\theta$.
![Function $k(\theta)$: approximate solution (\[Kovy\]) (circles) and exact solution (\[ss\]) (triangles) for internal waves; $U_1-U_2=0.1$.](Fig7.pdf){width="0.6\columnwidth"}
Next, we note that to leading order, the waves propagate at the speed $s/k(\theta)$ in the direction $\theta$. As discussed before, wavefronts are described by the equation $rk(\theta)=$constant. In Figures 8 and 9 we show the wavefronts for the surface mode and interfacial mode of the equation (\[k\]), respectively, for $\rho_1 = 1, \rho_2 = 1.2, d = 0.5$ and several values of the strength of the shear flow.
![Wavefronts of surface ring waves described by $k(\theta) r = 50$ ($\varepsilon=0.02$ and $R=1$) for $U_1-U_2=0$ (circles), $U_1-U_2=0.2$ (plus signs), $U_1-U_2=0.3$ (stars), and $U_1-U_2=0.4$ (triangles).](Fig8.pdf){width="0.8\columnwidth"}
![Wavefronts of interfacial ring waves described by $k(\theta) r = 50$ ($\varepsilon=0.02$ and $R=1$) for $U_1-U_2=0$ (circles), $U_1-U_2=0.1$ (plus signs), $U_1-U_2=0.15$ (stars), and $U_1-U_2=0.2$ (triangles).](Fig9.pdf){width="0.8\columnwidth"}
We see that the shear flow has very different effect on the surface and internal ring waves: the surface ring waves shown in Figure 8 are elongated in the direction of the shear flow, while the interfacial ring waves shown in Figure 9 are squeezed in the direction of the flow. We note that, in a different setting, the deformation of surface ship wakes by the sheared current was recently discussed by [@Ellingsen], which is related to the deformation of the surface ring waves. We also note that when the value of $U_1-U_2$ is increased, there is a threshold after which the equation for $k(\theta)$ corresponding to interfacial waves does not have a real-valued solution. This value coincides with the critical value given by (\[ucl\]).
To understand why this happens, we consider the behaviour of $k(\theta)$ around the angles $\theta = 0, \pi$. Locally, in the area around the angles $\theta=0,\pi$, the ring waves can be treated as plane waves over a shear flow (propagating along or opposite the flow). The modal equation is given by [@Grimshaw01]: $$\begin{aligned}
(C-u_0)^2\phi_z-\phi&=&0,\quad \mbox{at}~ z=1,\\
\phi&=&0,\quad \mbox{at}~z=0.\end{aligned}$$ In the two-layer case, the dispersion relation takes the form $$d\rho_1(C-U_1)^2-\rho_2(C-U_2)^2(d-1+(C-U_1)^2)=d(\rho_1-\rho_2)(d-1+(C-U_1)^2).$$ This dispersion relation also follows from the results obtained by [@Ovsyannikov] for the free surface two-layer shallow water model. Substituting the coefficients $\rho_1 = 1,~ \rho_2 = 1.2, ~d = 0.5$ into the general solution of this quartic equation, one obtains the following formula for the wave speed $C$: $$C=\frac{U_1+U_2}{2}\pm \frac 16 \sqrt{9(U_1-U_2)^2\pm3\sqrt{72(U_1-U_2)^2+30}+18}.
\label{C}$$ Letting the Cartesian coordinate frame move at the speed $U_2$, we now plot the four solutions for the wave speed $C$ in Figure 10. Here, the top and bottom curves show the speeds of surface waves, propagating along and opposite the shear flow, while the curves in between show the speeds of the slower moving internal waves. Both surface and internal waves can propagate when there is no shear flow ($U_1 = 0$.) When the strength of the shear flow is increased ($U_1 > 0$), the difference between the speeds of the surface waves along and opposite the flow increases, while a similar difference for the internal waves decreases. This indicates that the wavefronts of the surface waves become elongated in the direction of the flow, while the wavefronts of the internal waves are indeed squeezed in this direction. The graph also shows the onset of the K-H instability for the long waves at $U_1 \approx 0.5$ and stabilisation for the values of the shear flow exceeding $U_1 \approx 2$, in agreement with the results of [@Ovsyannikov]. We note that the stabilisation persists within the scope of the full equations of motion [@Ovsyannikov_book; @Lannes].
![Wave speeds (\[C\]) as functions of the strength of the shear flow.](Fig10.pdf){width="0.7\columnwidth"}
Critical layer
The critical layer is a region in the neighbourhood of a line at which the local wave speed is equal to the shear flow speed, see [@Freeman70; @Johnson90; @Johnson2012] and references therein. In this paper, we only consider a relatively weak shear flow, when the critical layer does not appear, which we justify next.
The wavefront can be described as $$H(r,\theta,t)=rk(\theta)-st=\mbox{constant}.$$ Following [@Johnson90; @Johnson_book], we find that the local wave speed in the direction $$\frac{\nabla H}{|\nabla H|}=\frac{k {\bf e_r}+k'{\bf e_\theta} }{\sqrt{k^2+k'^2}}$$ is given by $$-\frac{H_t}{|\nabla H|}=\frac{s}{\sqrt{k^2+k'^2}}.$$ So the critical layer occurs when $$\frac {s}{\sqrt{k^2+k'^2}}=(U_1-U_2)\cos(\alpha+\theta), \quad \mbox{where} ~\cos\alpha=\frac{k}{\sqrt{k^2+k'^2}},$$ which is equivalent to the condition $$F_1=-s+(U_1-U_2)(k\cos\theta-k'\sin\theta)=0,$$ when the linear problem formulation fails. Note that $F_2 = -s \ne 0$.
We know that $$F_{1\theta}=-(U_1-U_2)(k+k")\sin\theta,$$ where, without loss of generality, we assume that $U_1-U_2>0$ and $k+k">0$ on the selected singular solution ($k(\theta) > 0$). Then, $F_{1\theta}<0$ if $\theta\in (0,\pi)$ and $F_{1\theta}>0$ if $\theta\in(\pi,2\pi)$, which implies that $F_1$ reaches its maximum value at $\theta=0$. Therefore, to avoid the appearance of critical layers, we require that $$F_1 \le F_1|_{\theta = 0} = -s + (U_1 - U_2) k(0) < 0,$$ which yields the following constraint on the strength of the shear flow: $$(U_1 - U_2) k(0) < s.
\label{cl}$$ We note that $k(0)$ depends on $U_1 - U_2$. However, since $s / k(\theta)$ represents the local wave speed in the direction of $\theta$, we know that $s/ k(0) \ge s$, implying that $k(0) \le 1$. Thus, we can replace the exact condition (\[cl\]) with a simplified estimate: $$U_1 - U_2 < s \le \frac{s}{k(0)}.
Thus, if the shear flow satisfies both conditions (\[ucl\]) and (\[crl\]), the long interfacial ring waves are K-H stable, and there are no critical layers. The coefficients of the derived $2+1$- dimensional amplitude equation (\[cKdV\]) for both surface and interfacial ring waves in this two-layer case are listed in Appendix A.
In this paper, we developed an asymptotic theory describing the propagation of long linear and weakly-nonlinear ring waves in a stratified fluid over a shear flow in the KdV regime. The theory is based on the existence of a suitable linear modal decomposition, which has more complicated structure than the known modal decomposition in Cartesian geometry, when waves propagate along or opposite the horizontal shear flow. In our formulation, the shear flow is horizontal, while the waves in the absence of the shear flow are concentric. Thus, there is a clash of geometries, and it is not clear a priori that there is any modal decomposition.
The developed linear formulation provides, in particular, a description of the distortion of the shape of the wavefronts of the ring waves by the shear flow, which has been illustrated by considering the classical setting of a two-layer fluid with a piecewise-constant current. The wavefronts of surface and interfacial ring waves were described in terms of two branches of the singular solution of the derived nonlinear first-order differential equation, constituting further generalisation of the well-known Burns and generalised Burns conditions [@Burns53; @Johnson90]. Remarkably, the two branches of this singular solution could be described in parametric form, and an explicit analytical solution was developed for the wavefront of the interfacial mode in the case of the low density contrast. The constructed solutions have revealed the qualitatively different behaviour of the wavefronts of surface and interfacial waves propagating over the same shear flow. Indeed, while the wavefront of the surface ring wave is elongated in the direction of the flow, the wavefront of the interfacial wave is squeezed in this direction.
The derived $2+1$ - dimensional cylindrical Korteweg-de Vries type equation constitutes generalisation of the previously derived $1+1$ - dimensional equation for the surface waves in a homogeneous fluid over a shear flow [@Johnson90] and internal waves in a stratified fluid in the absence of a shear flow [@Lipovskii85]. Strictly speaking, Johnson has derived a $2+1$ - dimensional model [@Johnson90], but as a by-product of our study we have shown that the complicated formula for one of the coefficients of his equation will yield zero coefficient for any shear flow, which then reduces the equation to a $1+1$ - dimensional model. Finally, for the case of the two-layer model we also derived a constraint on the strength of the shear flow, which guarantees that there are no critical layers, and obtained explicit expressions for the coefficients of the derived amplitude equation in terms of the physical and geometrical parameters of the model, which provides a fully developed asymptotic theory for this case. Further work will include numerical and analytical studies of the long weakly - nonlinear ring waves using the derived equation.
It should be noted that the derived model can be generalised to include the effects of variable environment and rotation, similar to the existing studies for the plane waves (see [@Ostrovsky; @Grimshaw97; @Grimshaw01; @GH08; @GHJ13] and references therein). The modal decomposition found in this paper can be used to derive other long ring wave models, similar to the Benjamin-Ono and intermediate-depth equations for the plane waves [@Benjamin67; @Ono; @Joseph; @Kubota].
![Solitons in the Strait of Gibraltar (NASA image STS17-34-081, Lunar and Planetary Institute).](Fig11.jpg){width="0.8\columnwidth"}
Finally, we conjecture that theoretical results developed in this paper are relevant to the description of the nearly annular internal waves observed in the oceans. Such waves are generated in straits (e.g., in the Strait of Gibraltar, see Figure 1), river - sea interaction zones (e.g., by a Columbia River plume, see [@Nash]) and by scattering from localised topographic features (e.g., from a sea mountain in the Celtic Sea, see [@Vlasenko3]). While the observed waves are often strongly-nonlinear, previous studies of such waves within the scope of the KdV-like models and their generalisations suggest that this is a useful asymptotic regime for this class of problems (see, for example, [@Helfrich06; @Grimshaw97; @GOSS98; @Grue; @Apel03; @Apel07]).
Squeezing of the wavefronts of interfacial ring waves in the direction of the shear flow should be a prominent feature, and we conjecture that this might be a factor contributing to the change of the shape of internal waves generated by an exchange flow in the Strait of Gibraltar, visible in Figure 11 for the waves propagating further into the Mediteranian Sea, as well as to the change of the shape of the internal spiral waves generated by a tidal flow near a sea mountain in Figure A1 of [@Vlasenko3]. We hope that our study will help to better understand and interpret numerical and observational data for internal waves in three - dimensional settings.
We thank Ricardo Barros, Wooyoung Choi, Gennady El, Roger Grimshaw, John Grue, Robin Johnson, Luigi Martina, Vladimir Matveev, Evgenii Kuznetsov, Alexander Mikhailov, Paul Milewski, Lev Ostrovsky, Victor Shrira, Yury Stepanyants, Vasyl Vlasenko and anonymous referees for useful references, criticisms and related discussions. KK thanks team SKA from St. Petersburg, Russia for inspiration during the writing up stages of the first draft of this work. XZ thanks Xinhe Liu for useful discussions of some technical issues.
Coefficients of the cKdV-type equation
In this Appendix we list the coefficients of the derived $2+1$- dimensional amplitude equation (\[cKdV\]) for both surface and interfacial ring waves in the two-layer case.
For the surface waves, we normalise $\phi$ by setting $\phi=1$ at $z=1$. The constant $\Lambda$ in the modal function (\[phi\]) is given by $$\Lambda_s=\frac{k^2+k'^2}{F_1^2}.$$ Substituting the modal function into the formulae (\[c1\]) - (\[c5\]), we obtain the coefficients in the form [ $$\begin{aligned}
&\mu_1&=\frac{2s(k^2+k'^2)^2}{F_1^4} \left((1-d)\rho_1F_1+\frac{\rho_2F_2}{d}(\frac{F_1^2}{k^2+k'^2}+d-1)^2\right),\\
&\mu_2&=-\frac{3(k^2+k'^2)^3}{F_1^6}\left( (1-d)\rho_1F_1^2+\frac{\rho_2F_2^2}{d^2}(\frac{F_1^2}{k^2+k'^2}+d-1)^3\right),\\
&\mu_3&= -\frac{(k^2+k'^2)^3}{3F_1^4}\left(\rho_1F_1^2(\frac{F_1^6}{(k^2+k'^2)^3}-(\frac{F_1^2}{k^2+k'^2}+d-1)^3)+\rho_2F_2^2d(\frac{F_1^2}{k^2+k'^2}+d-1)^2\right),\\
&& -\frac{\rho_2(k+k")kF_2^2}{dF_1^4}(\frac{F_1^2}{k^2+k'^2}+d-1)\left((k^2-3k'^2)(\frac{F_1^2}{k^2+k'^2}+d-1)+\frac{4(d-1)k'(k'F_1+(U_1-U_2)(k^2+k'^2)\sin\theta)}{F_1}\right),\\
&\mu_5&=-\frac{2k(k^2+k'^2)}{F_1^4}\left((1-d)\rho_1F_1(k'F_1+(U_1-U_2)(k^2+k'^2)\sin\theta)+\frac{\rho_2k'F_2^2}{d}(\frac{F_1^2}{k^2+k'^2}+d-1)^2\right),\end{aligned}$$ ]{} where $$\begin{aligned}
s^2&=&\frac{1+\sqrt{(2d-1)^2+4\rho_1/\rho_2 d(1-d)}}{2},\end{aligned}$$ and the function $k(\theta)$ is defined by the formula (\[ss\]) (lower sign).
For the interfacial waves, we normalise $\phi$ by setting $\phi=1$ at $z=d$. The constant $\Lambda$ in the modal function (\[phi\]) is given by $$\Lambda_i=\frac{k^2+k'^2}{F_1^2+(d-1)(k^2+k'^2)}.$$ Substituting the modal function into the formulae (\[c1\]) - (\[c5\]), we obtain the coefficients in the form
&\mu_1&=2s\left( \frac{(1-d)\rho_1F_1(k^2+k'^2)^2}{(F_1^2+(d-1)(k^2+k'^2))^2}+\frac{\rho_2F_2}{d}\right),\quad
&\mu_3&=-\frac{\rho_1F_1^2}{3(F_1^2+(d-1)(k^2+k'^2))^2}\left(F_1^6-(F_1^2+(d-1)(k^2+k'^2))^3\right)-\frac 13 d \rho_2F_2^2(k^2+k'^2),\\
&&\qquad \qquad -\frac{4(1-d)\rho_1k(k+k")F_1^2}{(F_1^2+(d-1)(k^2+k'^2))^3}(k'F_1+(k^2+k'^2)(U_1-U_2)\sin\theta)^2-\frac{\rho_2k(k+k")(k^2-3k'^2)F_2^2}{{\color{red}d}(k^2+k'^2)^2},\\
&\mu_5&= -\frac{2(1-d)\rho_1F_1 k(k^2+k'^2)}{(F_1^2+(d-1)(k^2+k'^2))^2}(k'F_1+(U_1-U_2)(k^2+k'^2)\sin\theta)-\frac{2kk'\rho_2F_2^2}{d(k^2+k'^2)},\end{aligned}$$ ]{} where $$\begin{aligned}
s^2&=&\frac{1-\sqrt{(2d-1)^2+4\rho_1/\rho_2 d(1-d)}}{2},\end{aligned}$$ and the function $k(\theta)$ is defined by the formula (\[ss\]) (upper sign). For the latter, one can also use the explicit formula (\[Kovy\]), obtained in the rigid lid approximation.
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**Dilaton Deformations in Closed String Field Theory**
Haitang Yang and Barton Zwiebach
*Center for Theoretical Physics*
*Massachusetts Institute of Technology*
*Cambridge, MA 02139, USA*
[email protected], [email protected]
The dilaton theorem implies that the contribution to the dilaton potential from cubic interactions of all levels must be cancelled by the elementary quartic self-coupling of dilatons. We use this expectation to test the quartic structure of closed string field theory and to study the rules for level expansion. We explain how to use the results of Moeller to compute quartic interactions of states that, just like the dilaton, are neither primary nor have a simple ghost dependence. Our analysis of cancellations is made richer by discussing simultaneous dilaton and marginal deformations. We find evidence for two facts: as the level is increased quartic interactions become suppressed and closed string field theory may be able to describe arbitrarily large dilaton deformations.
Introduction and Summary
Level-expansion computations in open string field theory have been a useful tool in the study of open string tachyon condensation [@Taylor:2003gn]. The early attempts to compute the potential for the (bulk) closed string tachyon of bosonic strings [@Belopolsky:1994sk; @Belopolsky:1994bj] were done before level expansion was understood and the results were inconclusive. Clearer results were obtained recently in the computation of potentials for the twisted tachyons [@Okawa:2004rh; @Bergman:2004st] that live on orbifold cones. A workable level expansion scheme requires that finite number of couplings be considered at each computation stage. Since closed string field theory is nonpolynomial it is not obvious that level expansion works. If a class of closed-string computations can be done in level expansion, it is then necessary to compute higher-order couplings efficiently. The results of Moeller [@Moeller:2004yy] make this possible for the case of four-point couplings. Moeller has provided the Riemann-surface data necessary to compute arbitrary couplings of four string fields: a concrete description of the subspace $\mathcal{V}_{0,4}\subset\mathcal{M}_{0,4}$ of the moduli space of four-punctured spheres and the local coordinates around the four punctures for every punctured sphere in $\mathcal{V}_{0,4}$.
In a previous paper [@Yang:2005iu] we considered marginal deformations in closed string field theory. The marginal parameter, called $a$, was that associated with the dimension-zero primary operator $c\bar c{\partial}X \bar{\partial}X$. When the coordinate $X$ lives on a circle the operator induces a change of radius. The operator is marginal even when the coordinate $X$ is noncompact, but adding it to the action does not change the correlators of the conformal theory. We used this marginal operator to test the quartic structure of closed string field theory and the feasibility of level expansion. We checked the vanishing of the effective potential for $a$. In the level expansion the quartic terms generated by the cubic interactions (to all levels) must be cancelled by the elementary quartic interaction of four marginal operators. We confirmed this prediction, thus giving evidence that the sign, normalization, and region of integration $\mathcal{V}_{0,4}$ for the quartic vertex are all correct. This was the first calculation of an elementary quartic amplitude for which there was an expectation that could be checked. We also extended the calculation to the case of the four marginal operators associated with two space coordinates.
In this paper we consider a nontrivial extension of the above results. We study the potential for the zero-momentum dilaton, the field $d$ associated with the operator ${1\over 2} (c{\partial}^2 c - \bar c \bar{\partial}^2 \bar c)$. Complications arise because this operator is not marginal: it has dimension zero but it is not primary since it fails to be annihilated by $L_1$ and by $\bar L_1$. The dilaton theorem [@dilatontheorem] states that a shift in the expectation value of $d$ corresponds to a change in the string coupling constant. Around the flat spacetime background there is no potential for the dilaton, so it behaves like a marginal field. Therefore, a prediction similar to that for the field $a$ exists: the quartic terms $d^4$ induced by the cubic interactions (to all levels) must be cancelled by the elementary quartic interaction of four dilatons. We will verify this prediction.
In closed string field theory all quartic terms that have been computed to date involve states that are primary and have $c \bar c$ ghost dependence. These states are off-shell only because their dimension is not zero. The computations of elementary four-string couplings in this paper involve dilaton states, which are nonprimary states with non-standard ghost dependence. The antighost insertions of the four-string interaction become quite nontrivial: they are not of the form $b_{-1} \bar b_{-1}$ acting on the moving puncture. The steps that must be taken using Moeller’s data to compute such general four-point interactions are explained in detail in Section \[sect3\].
Our analysis focuses on the two-dimensional space of deformations generated by $a$ and $d$. The simultaneous marginality implies that the cancellation between cubic and quartic contributions in the effective potential holds for $a^4, d^4$ [*and*]{} $a^2 d^2$. The computations of the elementary quartic amplitudes $d^4$ and $a^2d^2$ are done in Section \[sect4\]. The success in testing these cancellations provides evidence that the setup in Section \[sect3\] works correctly and that the data of Moeller captures sophisticated information about the local coordinates on the punctures of a class of spheres that enter into the string vertex. Since the cancellations must happen for any four-string vertex that is consistent with the chosen three-string vertex, the amplitudes that are integrated over $\mathcal{V}_{0,4}$ are in fact total derivatives. In this way the quartic couplings only depend on the boundary ${\partial}\mathcal{V}_{0,4}$, which is indeed determined by the three string vertex by the condition of gauge invariance.
Our interest on computations involving the dilaton arises from additional reasons. At some degree of accuracy most closed string theory computations involve the dilaton. Condensation of the dilaton plays a role in the Hagedorn transition: the coupling of the dilaton to nearly relevant states suggests that this transition is first order and occurs below the Hagedorn temperature [@Atick:1988si]. The dilaton must certainly condense in the decay of orbifold cones [@Adams:2001sv; @Gregory:2003yb; @Headrick:2003yu]. Finally, we expect the dilaton to be relevant to the computation of the bulk tachyon potential.
In Section \[sect2\] we focus on computations that involve only the quadratic and cubic terms in the closed string field theory action. We begin by calculating the effective potential $\mathbb{V}(a,d)$ obtained by integrating out the tachyon field. We find that the domain of definition of the marginal direction $a$ is bounded, as it was for the Wilson line parameter in open string field theory [@Sen:2000hx] but interestingly, at least to this level, dilaton deformations are not bounded. This suggests the attractive possibility that closed string field theory may be able to describe arbitrarily large dilaton deformations (additional evidence is discussed in section 5). We then compute contributions to the quartic terms in $\mathbb{V}(a,d)$ from closed string states of level less than or equal to six. This gives us enough data to perform a rough extrapolation to infinite level. For the terms quartic on the dilaton in $\mathbb{V}(a,d)$ we push the calculation to higher level by exploiting the factorization of correlators. Intriguingly, the closed string computation is related to a computation in the [*quantum*]{} gauge-fixed open string action.
In section \[sect3\] we discuss the computation of general quartic elementary interactions, paying particular attention to the antighost insertions and collecting a series of results that allow the straightforward calculation of such interactions. In section \[sect4\] we perform the computations of the quartic couplings $a^2 d^2$ and $d^4$ needed for $\mathbb{V}(a,d)$.
Section \[sect5\] is our concluding section. We analyze in detail the expected cancellations using an infinite-level extrapolation of the cubic contributions. We discuss a definition of level suitable for quartic interactions and find evidence that as the level is increased quartic interactions are suppressed, just as it happens for cubic interactions. Finally, we state some open problems and suggest possible directions for investigation.
Dilaton and marginal field potential from cubic interactions
With $\alpha'=2$ the closed string field potential $V$ is given by [@Zwiebach:1992ie; @Saadi:tb] $$\label{csftpot}
\kappa^2 V=\frac{1}{2}\langle \Psi|c_0^-\, Q|\Psi\rangle
+\frac{1}{3!} \{ \Psi,\Psi,\Psi\} +\frac{1}{4!} \{
\Psi,\Psi,\Psi,\Psi\} +\cdots\,\,.$$ A state $|\Psi\rangle$ in closed string spectrum is a ghost number two state that satisfies $(L_0-\bar L_0)|\Psi\rangle =0$ and $(b_0-\bar b_0)|\Psi\rangle
=0$. We fix the gauge invariance of the theory using the Siegel gauge $(b_0+\bar b_0)|\Psi\rangle =0\,.$ The level $\ell$ of a state is defined by $\ell =L_0+\bar L_0+2\,.$ The closed string tachyon has level zero and fields corresponding to marginal directions have level two. We have $c_0^\pm = {1\over 2} (c_0 \pm \bar c_0)$ and the BRST operator is $Q= c_0L_0 + \bar c_0 \bar L_0 + \dots$, where the dots denote terms independent of $c_0$ and of $\bar c_0$. We normalize correlators using $ \langle 0| c_{-1}\bar c_{-1} c_0^- c_0^+ c_1
\bar c_1|0\rangle=1$ and note that $$\label{faccorr}
\langle c(z_1)c(z_2)c(z_3) \, \bar c (\bar w_1)\bar c (\bar
w_2)\bar c (\bar w_3)
\rangle = -2 \langle c(z_1)c(z_2)c(z_3) \rangle_o \,\cdot\,\langle
\bar c (\bar w_1)\bar c (\bar w_2)\bar c (\bar w_3) \rangle_o\,,$$ where $\langle c(z_1)c(z_2)c(z_3) \rangle_o = (z_1-z_2)(z_1-z_3) (z_2 - z_3)$ is the conventional open string field theory correlator. The cubic amplitude for three zero-momentum closed string tachyons is $$\langle c_1\bar c_1,c_1\bar c_1,c_1\bar
c_1\rangle= 2 \mathcal{R}^6\,, \quad \hbox{with} \quad
\mathcal{R} \equiv {1\over
\rho} = {3\sqrt{3}\over 4} \simeq 1.2990\,.$$ Here $\rho$ is the (common) mapping radius of the disks that define the three-string vertex.
Direct closed string computation {#dcdsdlv}
In our previous work [@Yang:2005iu] we calculated the potential for the marginal direction $a$ associated with the state $\alpha_{-1}\bar \alpha_{-1}\, c_1\bar
c_1|0\rangle$. This time we want to include the zero-momentum ghost dilaton $d$ associated with the state $(c_1c_{-1}-\bar c_1\bar c_{-1})|0\rangle$. This state does not fit the strict definition of a marginal state: it has dimension $(0, 0)$ but it is not a Virasoro primary. Nevertheless, the dilaton theorem indicates that this field has a vanishing potential. Including the tachyon and the massless fields the string field is $$\label{thefirstexp}
|\Psi_0\rangle=t\, c_1\bar
c_1|0\rangle + a \,\alpha_{-1}\bar \alpha_{-1}\, c_1\bar
c_1|0\rangle +d (c_1c_{-1}-\bar c_1\bar c_{-1})|0\rangle.$$ The subscript on the string field (and in the potentials below) denotes the level of the highest level [*massive*]{} field included. The ghost structure of the zero-momentum dilaton implies that the cubic vertex cannot couple [*one*]{} dilaton to any quadratic combination of $t$ and $a$. Moreover, the cubic vertex cannot couple three dilatons, nor it can couple two dilatons to an $a$. The only possible three-point coupling that involves a dilaton is $t d^2$. The corresponding term in the potential $\kappa^2 V$ is $${1\over 3!}\cdot 3 \cdot (-2)\cdot t\,d^2 \langle c_1 \bar c_1\, ,
c_{-1} c_{1}\, , \bar c_{-1} \bar c_{1} \rangle ,$$ where the factor of 3 arises from three possible ways to choose the puncture for the tachyon and the $(-2)$ from the two cross-terms that contribute from the dilaton insertions. Using the factorization property (\[faccorr\]), we find $$+2 \, t\,d^2
\langle c_1\,,
c_{-1} c_{1}\,, 1\rangle_o\,\langle \bar c_1\,,1\, ,\bar
c_{-1}\bar c_{1}\rangle_o = 2\, t\,d^2 \Bigl(-{8\over 27}
\Bigl( {8\over 27}\mathcal{R}^{3}\Bigr) = -\frac{27}{32}\, t\, d^2\,.$$ To evaluate the open string amplitudes we have used the conservation law for the $c_{-1}$ ghost oscillator (see [@Rastelli:2000iu], eqn. (4.6)). The potential computed without including vertices higher than cubic is: $$\label{pot24} \kappa^2 V_{(0)}=-t^2+\frac{6561}{4096}
\, t^3+\frac{27}{16}\,t a^2-\frac{27}{32}\, t d^2.$$ To find the effective potential $V(a,d)$ we solve for $t$ as a function of $a$ and $d$. One readily finds: $$\label{tvm}
t^{V/M}= {8\over 19683} \,\bigl(\, 512 \pm
\sqrt{2}\sqrt{131\hskip0.5pt 072-1062\hskip0.5pt 882
\,a^2+531\hskip0.5pt 441\,
d^2}\,\bigr) \,.$$ There are two branches: the vacuum ($V$) branch and the marginal ($M$) branch. In the vacuum branch the tachyon has finite expectation value when $a$ and $d$ vanish – the expectation value corresponding to the stationary point of the cubic potential. In the marginal branch the tachyon expectation value vanishes when $a$ and $d$ vanish. It follows from (\[tvm\]) that the effective potential is well defined as long as $$\label{hyp}
1062\hskip0.5pt 882
\,a^2\, - \, 531\hskip0.5pt 441\,
d^2 \leq 131\hskip0.5pt 072 \,.$$ This implies that for $d=0$ we must have $|a|\leq {256\over 729}
\simeq 0.3512$. For $a=0$, however, there is no constraint on the magnitude of $d$! This is a consequence of the minus sign with which the term $t\,d^2$ appears in the potential (\[pot24\]); the tachyon couples with [*opposite*]{} signs to $a^2$ and $d^2$. This is our first indication that closed string field theory is able to describe arbitrarily large dilaton deformations (in Section \[sect5\] we cite further evidence to this effect).
In Figure \[amarginal\] we show the effective potential in the $a$-direction $(d=0)$ in both the marginal and tachyon branches. The qualitative features of this potential match those of the potential for the marginal deformation $c\partial X$ in open string field theory [@Sen:2000hx]: the marginal branch is reasonably flat and the two branches meet at the maximum possible value for $a$. In Figure \[dmarginal\] we show the effective potential in the $d$-direction $(a=0)$ in both the marginal and tachyon branches. The marginal branch is roughly flat and the vacuum branch curves downward; the two branches do not meet. $a$ and zero $d$).
Since the status of the stationary point in the cubic tachyon potential is still unclear, we focus henceforth on the marginal branch. We aim to use the quadratic and cubic terms in the string field theory to calculate the terms in $V(a,d)$ that are quartic in $a$ and $d$, the leading terms for small $a$ and $d$. We then want to show that these terms are cancelled by elementary quartic interactions. In order to calculate quartic terms, the $t^3$ interaction in (\[pot24\]) is not needed: the tachyon $t$ is at least quadratic in $a$ and $d$, so this interaction would contribute terms of order six in the marginal fields. Solving for the tachyon $t$ as a function of $a$ and $d$ and substituting back in the potential, the quartic terms $\mathbb{V}_{(0)}$ in our calculation are: $$\label{24result}
\kappa^2 \mathbb{V}_{(0)} = {3^6\over 2^{10} }\Bigl( a^4 - a^2 d^2
+ {d^4\over
4} \Bigr)
\simeq 0.7119~ a^4 - 0.7119~a^2 d^2 + 0.1780 \, d^4\,.$$
We now turn to the computation to higher level, still using only the cubic vertex of the theory. In order to generate the required string field we note that the states are built with oscillators $\alpha_{n\leq -1}, \bar\alpha_{n\leq -1}$ of the coordinate $X$, Virasoro operators $L'_{m\leq -2}, \bar L'_{m\leq -2}$ corresponding to the remaining coordinates (thus $c=25$), and ghost/antighost oscillators. We can list such fields systematically using the generating function: $$\begin{aligned}
\label{generating function}
f(x,\bar x,y, \bar y)&=&
\prod_{n=1}^\infty \frac{1}{1-\alpha_{-n} x^n}\,
\frac{1}{1-\bar\alpha_{-n} \bar x^n}\,\prod_{m=2}^\infty
\frac{1}{1-L'_{-m} x^m} \,\frac{1}{1-\bar L'_{-m}
\bar x^m}\nonumber\\
\cdot\prod_{k=-1\atop k\not=0}^ \infty (1 + c_{-k} x^k y) (1+\bar
c_{-k} \bar x^k
\bar y)
\prod_{l=2}^\infty (1+b_{-l} x^l y^{-1})\, (1+\bar b_{-l}
\bar x^l \bar y^{-1})\,.\end{aligned}$$ A term of the form $x^{n} \bar x^{\bar n} y^m \bar y^{\bar m}$ corresponds to a state with $(L_0, \bar L_0) = (n,\bar n)$ and ghost numbers $(G, \bar G )= (m,\bar m)$. Since the string field must have total ghost number two we require $m+ \bar m = 2$. A massive field $M$ is relevant to our calculation if it has a coupling $M a^2$, or $Md^2$, or $Mad$, or any combination of them. If all three couplings vanish we can set $M$ to zero consistently to this order. We readily see the following rules also apply:
- A field with $(G, \bar G) = (1,1)$ can couple only to $a^2$ and to $d^2$. Such field must have an even number of $\alpha$’s and an even number of $\bar \alpha$’s.
- A field with $(G, \bar G) = (0,2)$ or $(2,0)$ can couple only to $a d$. Such field must have an odd number of $\alpha$’s and an odd number of $\bar \alpha$’s.
- A field with $(G, \bar G) = (-1,3)$ or $(3,-1)$ can couple only to $d^2$. Such field must have an even number of $\alpha$’s and an even number of $\bar \alpha$’s.
At level $\ell =4$ we have $L_0=\bar L_0=1$. The coefficients of $(x\bar x
y\bar y, x\bar x y^2, x\bar x \bar y^2) $ give all possible terms in the string field. With the above rules the set is reduced to $$\label{lev4sfml}
|\Psi_4\rangle &=\phantom{+}f_1\, c_{-1}\bar
c_{-1}+\,f_2\, L'_{-2}\bar
L'_{-2} c_1 \bar
c_1 +(\,f_3\, L'_{-2} c_1\bar c_{-1}+ f_4\,
\bar L'_{-2} c_{-1}\bar c_1) \\[0.5ex]
\alpha^2_{-1}\bar\alpha^2_{-1} c_1\bar c_1
+ (\,r_2\,\alpha_{-1}^2 c_1\bar c_{-1}+ r_3\,
\bar\alpha_{-1}^2 c_{-1} \bar c_1) \\[0.5ex]
&+\,r_4\,\alpha^2_{-1}\bar L'_{-2} c_1\bar c_1+
r_5\,L'_{-2}\bar \alpha^2_{-1} c_1\bar
+ (\,r_6\,\alpha_{-1}\bar\alpha_{-1} c_{-1}c_1+
r_7\,\alpha_{-1}\bar\alpha_{-1} \bar c_{-1}\bar c_1)\,.
\end{split}$$ The corresponding terms in the potential $V_{(4)}$ are given in Appendix \[a1\]. Eliminating all massive fields through their equations of motion we obtain $$\begin{aligned}
\kappa^2 V_{(4)} &=& -\frac{19321}{46656}~ a^4 +\frac{1619}{15552}
~a^2 d^2-\frac{6241}{186624}~d^4 \nonumber \\[0.9ex]
&\simeq &-0.4141\, a^4+0.1041\, a^2 d^2-0.0334\, d^4\,.\end{aligned}$$ To get the total contribution up to level four we add the above to the result in (\[24result\]): $$\begin{aligned}
\kappa^2 \mathbb{V}_{(4)} &=&\frac{222305}{746496}~ a^4 -\frac{151243}{248832}
~a^2 d^2+\frac{431585}{2985984}~d^4 \nonumber \\[0.9ex]
&\simeq &0.2978\, a^4-0.6078\, a^2 d^2+0.1445\, d^4\,.\end{aligned}$$
We have computed the contribution from level six string fields. The states that contribute as well as the potential are given in Appendix \[a1\]. Eliminating out the massive fields we find: $$\begin{aligned}
\kappa^2 V_{(6)}&=&\frac{53824}{531441} \,a^2 d^2- \frac{5000}{177147}\, d^4
\nonumber \\[0.5ex]
0.1013\, a^2 d^2 - 0.0282\, d^4.\end{aligned}$$ The full set of quartic terms to level six is obtained by adding the above to (\[tot48\]): $$\begin{aligned}
\kappa^2 \mathbb{V}_{(6)}&=& \frac{222305}{746496} \,a^4-\frac{275652665}
{544195584}\, a^2 d^2+\frac{84395155}{725594112}\, d^4 \nonumber\\[1.0 ex]
&=&0.2978\, a^4-0.5065\, a^2 d^2+0.1163\, d^4\,.\end{aligned}$$ By comparing the successive approximations $\mathbb{V}_{(0)}$, $\mathbb{V}_{(4)}$, and $\mathbb{V}_{(6)}$ we note that the coefficients of $a^4, a^2d^2,$ and $d^4$ all decrease (in magnitude) as we increase the level. Introducing the notation $$\label{notresults}
\kappa^2 {V}_{(\ell)} &= {c}_{a^4}(\ell) \, a^4
+ {c}_{a^2d^2}(\ell) \,a^2\, d^2 + c_{d^4}(\ell) \, d^4 \\
\kappa^2 \mathbb{V}_{(\ell )} &= \mathcal{C}_{a^4}(\ell) \, a^4
+ \mathcal{C}_{a^2d^2}(\ell) \,a^2\, d^2 + \mathcal{C}_{d^4}(\ell) \, d^4
\end{split}$$ the information obtained so far is collected in Table \[cubic\_table\]. The table shows both the contributions that arise from each level $\ell$ of the massive fields (the quantities $c_{\dots}(\ell)$) and the total contributions up to that level (the quantities $\mathcal{C}_{\dots}(\ell)$). Even at infinite level the total contributions to the quartic coefficients do not vanish. The infinite-level cubic calculations give a quartic potential that must be cancelled by the contributions from the elementary quartic interactions.
--------------- --------------------- -------------------------------- --------------------- ------------------------------- --------------------- --------------------------------
$~~\ell$ $c_{a^4}(\ell)$ $\mathcal{C}_{a^4}(\ell)$ $c_{a^2 d^2}(\ell)$ $\mathcal{C}_{a^2 d^2}(\ell)$ $c_{d^4}(\ell)$ $\mathcal{C}_{d^4}(\ell)$
\[0.1ex\] $0$ $\phantom{-}0.7119$ $0.7119$ $-0.7119$ $-0.7119$ $\phantom{-}0.1780$ 0.1780
$4$ $-0.4141$ $0.2978$ $\phantom{-}0.1041$ $-0.6078$ $-0.0334$ $0.1445$
$6$ 0 $0.2978$ $\phantom{-}0.1013$ $-0.5065$ $-0.0282$ $0.1163$
--------------- --------------------- -------------------------------- --------------------- ------------------------------- --------------------- --------------------------------
: The coefficients of the quartic terms in the effective potential for $a$ and $d$ as a function of the level $\ell$ of the massive fields integrated out. []{data-label="cubic_table"}
Contributions to $d^4$ calculated using OSFT
To extend the computations of the previous subsection to higher levels requires significant work. In [@Yang:2005iu], we showed how to obtain the contributions to $a^4$ in the closed string effective potential in terms of analogous contributions to the potential of the Wilson line parameter $a_s$ in open string field theory. This comparison worked because, in the Siegel gauge, the closed string kinetic and cubic terms factorize into holomorphic and antiholomorphic correlators which feature in analogous open string computations.
In this subsection we compute additional coefficients $c_{d^4}(2\ell)$ in the dilaton potential. The factorization property cuts down significantly the number of correlators that must be computed. As we show at the end of this subsection, the computation of the dilaton potential is at least formally related to a computation in the [*quantum*]{} gauge fixed open string field theory.
The three string vertex couples $d^2$ to massive fields of ghost number $(1,1)$, $(-1,3)$, and $(3,-1)$. We thus consider the massive closed string field of level $2\ell$: $$\label{masssf4eeiuftfh} |\Psi\rangle
|\overline{\mathcal{O}}_j \rangle + \sum_{\alpha, a}
\bigl(\psi_{\alpha a}\, |\mathcal{O}_\alpha\rangle\otimes
|\overline{\mathcal{O}}_a\rangle\, +\, \psi_{a\alpha}\,
|\mathcal{O}_a\rangle \otimes
|\overline{\mathcal{O}}_\alpha\rangle\bigr)\,.$$ The holomorphic basis states $|\mathcal{O}_i\rangle,
|\mathcal{O}_\alpha\rangle$, and $|\mathcal{O}_a\rangle$ are all level $\ell$ open string states in the Siegel gauge, with ghost numbers $1,-1$, and $3$, respectively: $$G(\mathcal{O}_i)=1\,, \quad G(\mathcal{O}_\alpha)=-1\,, \quad
G(\mathcal{O}_a)=3 \,.$$ The barred states are identical looking states built with antiholomorphic oscillators.
The computation of the quadratic and cubic terms in the closed string action is helped by the following definitions: $$\label{11def}
& m_{ij}\equiv\langle
\mathcal{O}_i|c_0|\mathcal{O}_j\rangle=m_{ji}\,, \quad
R_{\alpha a} \equiv \langle \mathcal{O}_\alpha|c_0|\mathcal{O}_a
\rangle = \langle
\rangle\,, \\[1.0ex]
& K_i\equiv \langle \mathcal{O}_i,c_1c_{-1},\mathbf{1}\rangle\,
,\quad P_a\equiv \langle
\mathcal{O}_a,\mathbf{1},\mathbf{1}\rangle\, ,\quad Q_\alpha
\equiv \langle \mathcal{O}_\alpha ,c_1c_{-1},c_1c_{-1} \rangle\,.
\end{split}$$ We now want to evaluate the potential $$\label{csftpot} \kappa^2 V_{2\ell}=\frac{1}{2}\langle \Psi|c_0^-\,
Q_B|\Psi\rangle +\frac{1}{2} \{ \Psi,D,D\} \,\,,$$ where $|D\rangle =d\, (c_1c_{-1} - \bar c_1 \bar c_{-1} )
|0\rangle $ and the state $|\Psi\rangle$ is given in (\[masssf4eeiuftfh\]). Using the factorization property of correlators and the above definitions we find $$\begin{split}
\kappa^2 V_{2\ell} &=(\ell-1)\, m_{ii'}\, m_{jj'}\,
\psi_{ij} \, \psi_{i'j'}
+ 2 (\ell-1)R_{\alpha b}\,R_{\beta a}\, \psi_{\alpha a}\, \psi_{b\beta}\,
\\[0.7 ex]
&~~~ +2(-)^\ell\, K_i\, K_j\, \psi_{ij}\, d^2\,
\, - Q_\alpha\,
P_a\, \psi_{\alpha a}\, d^2- P_b\, Q_\beta\, \psi_{b\beta}\,
\end{split}$$ where repeated indices are summed over. The factor $(-1)^\ell$ in the third term of the right hand side arises because $\langle \mathcal{O}_i, \mathbf{1}, c_1 c_{-1}
\rangle=\Omega_{\mathcal{O}_i} \langle \mathcal{O}_i, c_1
c_{-1},\mathbf{1} \rangle=(-1)^\ell K_i$. Solving the (linear) equations of motion for $\psi_{ij}, \psi_{a\alpha},$ and $\psi_{\alpha a}$ and substituting back into the potential one finds $$\label{clkfkjbdf}
\kappa^2 V_{2\ell} = c_{d^4}(2\ell) \, d^4 \,, \quad
\hbox{with} \quad c_{d^4}(2\ell)=-\,\frac{1}{\ell-1}\Big[\Big(K^T\, M^{-1}\,
K\Big)^2+\frac{1}{2}\Big(P^T\, R^{-1}\, Q\Big)^2\Big].$$ The first term in the bracket gives the contribution to the potential from the $(1,1)$ massive fields and the second term gives the contribution to the potential from the $(-1,3)$ and $(3,-1)$ massive fields.
Let us now compute $c_{d^4}$ for levels ranging from zero to ten. We use the open string universal subspace with matter Virasoro operators of central charge $c=26$. The twist property $$\langle A,B,C\rangle=
\Omega_A\Omega_B\Omega_C (-1)^{BC+1} \langle A, C,B\rangle\,$$ of the cubic open string vertex implies that for $B$ Grassmann even $\langle A,B,B\rangle = -\Omega_A
\langle A,B,B\rangle$. Consequently $\langle A,B,B\rangle$ vanishes for twist even $A$ or, equivalently, for states $A$ of even level. We deduce that the vectors $P_a$ and $Q_\alpha$ vanish for states at even levels.
- At $\ell=0$ the only massive state is the tachyon: $$\begin{aligned}
M=1,\hspace{5mm} K=\frac{3\sqrt 3}{8}, \hspace{5mm} \Rightarrow
c_{d^4}(2)=\frac{729}{4096}\simeq 0.177979,\end{aligned}$$ which confirms our result in (\[24result\]).
- At $\ell=2$ there are two ghost number one states, $c_{-1}|0\rangle$ and $L_{-2} c_1|0\rangle$. We find $$\begin{aligned}
M&=&\hbox{diag}(-1,~13), \hspace{5mm} K=\left(
\frac{\sqrt 3}{24}, & -\frac{65}{24\sqrt 3} \\
\right),\hspace{5mm} K^T\, M^{-1}\, K=\frac{79}{432}\,,\nonumber\\[0.5 ex]
&\Rightarrow& c_{d^4}(4)=-\frac{6241}{186624}\simeq -0.0334416,\end{aligned}$$ which agrees with the result in (\[dfjgkjeku\]).
- At $\ell=3$ there are three ghost number one states: $c_{-2}|0\rangle$, $b_{-2}c_{-1}c_1|0\rangle$, and $L_{-3}
c_1|0\rangle$; one ghost number minus one state $b_{-2}|0\rangle$ and one ghost number three state $c_{-2}c_{-1}c_1|0\rangle$. Using the order in which we listed the states the relevant matrices are: $$\begin{aligned}
0 & -1 & 0 \\
-1 & 0 & 0 \\
0 & 0 & -52 \\
\right), \hspace{5mm} K=-\frac{5}{27}\left(
1 \\
2 \\
0 \\
\right)~\Rightarrow ~K^T M^{-1} K=-\frac{100} {729}\,,
R&=&1\,,\hspace{5mm} Q= -\frac{20}{27}\,,\hspace{5mm}
P=-\frac{10}{27}\,,\quad \Rightarrow \quad P^T\, R^{-1}\, Q=\frac{200}{729}\,.\end{aligned}$$ The contribution to $c_{d^4}$ is then $$c_{d^4}(6)
=-\frac{5000}{177147}\simeq -0.0282251,$$ which is the result obtained in (\[98htfgkuh\]).
- At level $\ell=4$, $P= Q=0$ as we argued before. There are six ghost number one states: $$c_{-3}|0\rangle\,, \quad b_{-3}c_{-1} c_1|0\rangle,\quad
c_1|0\rangle, \hspace{5mm}
L_{-2} c_{-1}|0\rangle, \hspace{5mm}
L_{-2}^2 c_1|0\rangle,
\hspace{5mm} L_{-4}c_1|0\rangle\,.$$ We find $M = \begin{pmatrix}
0&1\cr 1&0\end{pmatrix}\oplus~ \hbox{diag} (\, -1,\,-13\,,\,
442\,,\, 130\,)$ as well as $$K^T=\Bigl(
-\frac{5}{27\sqrt 3}\,, \,
\frac{5}{9\sqrt 3}\,, \,
\, -\frac{343}{648\sqrt 3}\,,\,
-\frac{65}{216\sqrt 3}\,,
\, \frac{3523}{324\sqrt 3}\,,\,
\frac{65}{12\sqrt 3}\,\Bigr).$$ We find $K^T M^{-1} K = {37\over 396576}$, and therefore, $$\begin{aligned}
-2.9\times 10^{-9}.\end{aligned}$$ This number is anomalously small. Clearly, the coefficients $c_{d^4}(\ell)$ do not settle into a regular pattern for small $\ell$.
- At level $\ell=5$, there are nine ghost number one states: $$\begin{aligned}
&&c_{-4}|0\rangle, \hspace{5mm} b_{-4}c_{-1}c_1|0\rangle,
\hspace{5mm} b_{-3}c_{-2} c_1|0\rangle, \hspace{5mm} b_{-2}c_{-3}
c_1|0\rangle, \hspace{5mm} L_{-2}c_{-2} |0\rangle, \hspace{5mm}
L_{-2} b_{-2}c_{-1} c_1|0\rangle,\nonumber\\
&& L_{-3} c_{-1}|0\rangle, \hspace{5mm} L_{-3}L_{-2} c_1|0\rangle,
\hspace{5mm} L_{-5}c_1|0\rangle,\end{aligned}$$ three ghost number minus one states, and three ghost number three states: $$\begin{aligned}
&&\mathcal{O}_\alpha: \hspace{10mm} b_{-4}|0\rangle,\hspace{18mm}
b_{-3}b_{-2} c_1|0\rangle,\hspace{10mm} b_{-2}L_{-2}
|0\rangle,\hspace{10mm} \nonumber\\
c_{-2}c_{-1}c_1 L_{-2}
|0\rangle\,.\end{aligned}$$ We then find: $$\begin{aligned}
0 & -1 \\
-1 & 0 \\
\right)\oplus \left(
0 & 1 \\
1 & 0 \\
\right)\oplus \left(
0 & -13 \\
-13 & 0 \\
\right)\oplus \hbox{diag}(52, -936, -260), \nonumber\\[1.0ex]
39, & 156, & 75, & -50,& 325, & 650, & 0, & 0, & 0 \\
\right),\end{aligned}$$ and $$\begin{aligned}
R=\hbox{diag}(1,~1,~13),\hspace{5mm} Q^T=\left(
\frac{104}{243}, & \frac{100}{243}, & \frac{1300}{729} \\
\right), \hspace{5mm} P^T=\left(
\frac{26}{243}, & \frac{50}{729}, & \frac{650}{729} \\
\right).\end{aligned}$$ Therefore, one obtains: $$\begin{aligned}
K^T M^{-1} K&=& -\frac{52168}{531441},\hspace{7mm} PR^{-1}Q=
\frac{104336}{531441}.\nonumber\\[1.5 ex]
c_{d^4}(10)&=& c_{d^4}^{(1,1)} (10)+ c_{d^4}^{(-1,3)}(10)=
{282429536481}(1+2)\nonumber\\[0.5 ex]
&=&-\frac{680375056} {94143178827}\simeq -0.007227\,.\end{aligned}$$ The total contribution up to level $\ell=10$ is thus: $$\begin{aligned}
{111441423077388288}\simeq 0.109085.\end{aligned}$$
--------------- --------------------- --------------------------------
$~~\ell~~$ $c_{d^4}(\ell)$ $\mathcal{C}_{d^4}(\ell)$
\[0.1ex\] $0$ $\phantom{-}0.1780$ 0.1780
$4$ $-0.0334$ $0.1445$
$6$ $-0.0282$ $0.1163$
$8$ $-3\times 10^{-9}$ $0.1163$
$10$ $-0.0072$ $ 0.1091$
--------------- --------------------- --------------------------------
: The coefficients of the quartic terms in the effective potential for $d$ as a function of the level $\ell$ of the massive fields integrated out. []{data-label="cubic_tablexx"}
The above closed string computation requires holomorphic correlators that appear naturally in an open string computation. We consider the gauge-fixed open string field theory and include spacetime fields $u$ and $v$ of ghost numbers one and minus one: $$\begin{aligned}
|A\rangle= |0\rangle u+c_{1} c_{-1}|0\rangle v.\end{aligned}$$ The spacetime fields appear as coefficients of the ghost number zero and ghost number two states. Since the open string field is Grassmann odd (and the vacuum $|0\rangle$ is Grassmann even) the fields $u$ and $v$ should be Grassmann odd. Note that the corresponding states have $L_0=0$ so they may be viewed as marginals of unusual ghost number. The kinetic term that could couple $u$ and $v$ vanishes. In fact, ghost number conservation implies that terms coupling only $u$ fields or $v$ fields must vanish. We claim that some of the ingredients in the computation of the open string effective action for $A$ are closely related to those of the dilaton effective potential.
To calculate the effective potential for $A$ we consider the massive open string field $$|\Phi\rangle =\sum_i |\mathcal{O}_i\rangle \phi_i +\sum_\alpha
|\mathcal{O}_\alpha\rangle \phi_\alpha + \sum_a |\mathcal{O}_a\rangle
\phi_a,$$ and compute the potential $$g^2 V_\ell =\frac{1}{2}\langle \Phi|\,
Q_B|\Phi\rangle + \langle \Phi,A,A\rangle \,\,.$$ In this computation the cubic term couples $uv$ to massive fields, but since $u^2=v^2=0$ no other couplings appear. In order to make the computation more interesting and have $P_a$ and $Q_\alpha$ feature in the result, we assume $uv = - vu$ but, in a departure from the conventional interpretation, no longer take $u^2$ and $v^2 $ to vanish (one may imagine that this is a computation in which the string fields are two-by-two matrices and we take $u=\sigma_1$ and $v=\sigma_2$). Evaluation of the above action then gives: $$\begin{aligned}
g^2 V_\ell=\frac{1}{2} (\ell-1)\phi_i m_{ii'} \phi_{i'} +(\ell-1)
\phi_\alpha R_{\alpha a}\phi_a+(1+(-1)^\ell) K_i \phi_i (vu)+P_a
\Phi_a u^2 + Q_\alpha \phi_\alpha v^2.\end{aligned}$$ We see that all the matrices and vectors introduced to write the closed string effective action appear here. With the assumption that $u^2$ and $v^2$ are nonvanishing one can compute the effective potential by integrating out the massive fields. The result is $$\label{adunnnn}
g^2 V_\ell (u,v)=-\frac{1}{\ell-1}\Big(\frac{(1+(-1)^\ell)^2}{2} (K^T\,
M^{-1}\, K)-(P^T\, R^{-1} Q)\Big) (uv)^2.$$ In the standard interpretation this potential vanishes simply because $(uv)^2=0$, with no computation necessary. In that sense marginality seems preserved. Still the formal resemblance of (\[adunnnn\]) to (\[clkfkjbdf\]) is quite intriguing. The sum $\sum_\ell V_\ell$ does not seem to converge to zero, so we do not understand the significance of the contributions $V_\ell$.
It may be of interest to examine, after integration of massive fields, the quantum gauge fixed action at nonzero momentum. Here quartic terms would survive. Any exact relation between the classical closed string field theory action for the dilaton and the quantum, effective, gauge-fixed open string action may be quite illuminating.
Setting up elementary quartic computations
In a very useful piece of work Moeller [@Moeller:2004yy] calculated the quadratic differential that defines the local coordinates on the punctures of the four-punctured spheres that comprise the quartic string vertex. He also gave a concrete description of the region of integration $\mathcal{V}_{0,4}$. This information is all that is needed, in principle, to compute any four-string coupling. In this section we show how to use this information to set up the computation of quartic interactions where the anti-ghost insertions play a nontrivial role – this happens whenever the states do not have the simple $c \bar c$ ghost dependence. The results that we obtain make the computation of four-string couplings straightforward. The specific computations required in this paper will be done in the following section.
The quartic term in the string action
The description of four-string amplitudes uses the definition [@Zwiebach:1992ie; @Belopolsky:1994sk] $$\label{multifour}
\{ \Psi_1, \Psi_2, \Psi_3, \Psi_4\} \equiv
{i\over 2\pi} \int_{\mathcal{V}_{0,4}} \hskip-3pt d\lambda_1\wedge
d\lambda_2 \, \langle \Sigma|\, b(v_{\lambda_1}) b(v_{\lambda_2})
|\Psi_1\rangle |\Psi_2\rangle|\Psi_3\rangle|\Psi_4\rangle\,.$$ Here $\langle \Sigma|$ is the (operator formalism) surface state corresponding to a four-punctured sphere $\Sigma \in \mathcal{V}_{0,4}$. In addition, $\lambda_1$ and $\lambda_2$ are two real parameters that describe the moduli space and $b(v_{\lambda_i})$, with $i=1,2$, are antighost factors given by $$b(v_{\lambda_i}) = \sum_{I=1}^4 \sum_{m=-1}^\infty \bigl( B_{i,m}^I b_m^I +
\overline{B_{i,m}^I} \,\bar b_m^I \bigr) \,,\quad\hbox{with}\quad
B^I_{i,m} = \oint {dw\over 2\pi i} \, {1\over w^{m+2}} {1\over h'_I}
{\partial h_I\over \partial\lambda_i}\,.$$ The functions $h_I (w; \lambda_1, \lambda_2)$, with $I=1, \ldots ,
4$, define maps from a local coordinate $w$ into the sphere described with uniformizer $z$, and the primes denote derivatives with respect to $w$. An overline on an number denotes complex conjugation. We use a presentation of the moduli space in which $(\lambda_1,\lambda_2)= (x,y)$, where $\xi = x + iy$ is the position of the moving puncture. It is then possible to rewrite the relevant two-form as [@Belopolsky:1994sk] $$\label{twoforms}
d\lambda_1\wedge d\lambda_2 \,
b(v_{\lambda_1}) b(v_{\lambda_2}) = d\xi\wedge d\bar\xi \,\,
\mathcal{B} \, \mathcal{B}^\star
\,,$$ where $$\label{exptwoforms}
\mathcal{B} = \sum_{I=1}^4 \sum_{m=-1}^\infty
(B^{I}_m\, b^J_m + \overline{ {C}^I_m }\, {\bar b}^I_m) \,, \quad
\mathcal{B}^\star = \sum_{I=1}^4 \sum_{m=-1}^\infty
({C}^I_m\, b^I_m + \overline{B^I_m} \, {\bar b}^I_m)\,,$$ and the coefficients $B^I_{m}$ and ${C}^I_{m}$ are given by $$\label{calcBandC}
B^J_{m} = \oint {dw\over 2\pi i} \, {1\over w^{m+2}} {1\over h'_J}
{\partial h_J\over \partial\xi}\,, \qquad
{C}^J_{m} = \oint {dw\over 2\pi i} \, {1\over w^{m+2}} {1\over h'_J}
{\partial h_J\over \partial\bar \xi}\,.$$ In (\[twoforms\]) we have introduced a $\star$-conjugation. Acting on a number $\star$-conjugation is just complex conjugation. Acting on a product of ghost oscillators $\star$-conjugation reverses their order and turns holomorphic oscillators into antiholomorphic ones, and viceversa. Note that this rule defines an involution and is consistent with (\[exptwoforms\]). Note also that in (\[calcBandC\]) the functions $h_I (w; \xi, \bar \xi)$ are simply the functions that describe the local coordinates written in terms of the complex modulus $\xi$.
Using (\[twoforms\]) and $d\xi\wedge d\bar\xi = -2i
\,dx\wedge dy$ the multilinear function in (\[multifour\]) becomes $$\label{amplitude}
\{ \Psi_1, \Psi_2, \Psi_3, \Psi_4\} \equiv
{1\over \pi} \int_{\mathcal{V}_{0,4}} \hskip-3pt dx\wedge dy \,
\langle \Sigma | \,\mathcal{B} \, \mathcal{B}^\star
\,|\Psi_1\rangle |\Psi_2\rangle|\Psi_3\rangle|\Psi_4\rangle\,.$$ The quartic term in the string field potential (\[csftpot\]) is then given by ($\alpha'=2$) $$\kappa^2 V = {1\over 4!} \, \{ \Psi, \Psi, \Psi, \Psi\} = {1\over
4!} \{\, \Psi^4\,
The maps from local coordinates to the uniformizing coordinate $z$ on the four-punctured sphere take the form: $$\label{coordexp} z=h_I(w; \xi, \bar \xi )=z_I(\xi,\bar \xi)
+\rho_I(\xi,\bar \xi)\, w +\rho_I^2 \, \beta_I(\xi,\bar \xi)\,
w^2+ \rho_I^3 \gamma_I(\xi,\bar \xi) \, w^3 + \rho_I^4
\delta_I(\xi, \bar \xi) \, w^4 + \cdots \,.$$ Here $\rho_I$ is a real, positive, number called the mapping radius. For convenience, factors of the mapping radius have been included in the definition of the higher order coefficients $\beta_I, \gamma_I,$ and $\delta_I$. We choose the first three punctures to be at $z=0$, $z=1$ and $z=\xi$, so $$z_1 (\xi, \bar \xi) =0\,, \quad z_2 (\xi, \bar \xi) =1\,, \quad \hbox{and}
\quad z_3 (\xi, \bar \xi) = \xi \,.$$ While we can use (\[coordexp\]) for $I=1,2,3$, the fourth puncture is placed at $z=\infty$ and one must use a coordinate $t=1/z$ which vanishes at this point. We thus write $$t= h_4(w; \xi, \bar\xi) = \rho_4(\xi,\bar \xi)\, w +\rho_4^2 \,
\beta_4(\xi,\bar \xi)\, w^2+ \rho_4^3\, \gamma_4(\xi,\bar \xi) \,
w^3 + \rho_4^4 \delta_4 (\xi\,, \bar\xi) \, w^4 + \ldots \,.$$ All operators inserted at the fourth puncture must be thought as inserted at $t=0$. One must then map them to $z = 1/t$ in order to compute correlators using the global uniformizer $z$.
Equations (\[calcBandC\]) allow us to express the coefficients $B_m^I$ and ${C}_m^I$ in terms of the expansion coefficients for the coordinates. With mode number minus one (the lowest possible one), we find $$\label{minusonecoeff}
{C}_{-1}^{J}=0 \,.$$ Note that at this level the antighost insertion is supported only on the moving puncture, and by our choice $z=\xi$, the insertion is holomorphic. Since our string fields are annihilated both by $b_0$ and $\bar b_0$, the coefficients $B^I_0$ and ${C}^I_0$ are not needed.
The ghost-dilaton state contains ghost oscillators of mode number minus one. The coefficients $B_1^I$ and ${C}_1^I$ are thus needed to compute four-point amplitudes that involve dilatons. We then find $$\label{coeffs1}
B_1^{I}=\rho_I{\partial}\beta_I+ \frac
{C}_1^{I}=\rho_I\bar{\partial}\beta_I\,, \quad\hbox{with}
\quad \varepsilon_I\equiv 8\, \beta_I^2- 6\gamma_I\,,
\quad \partial \equiv {\partial
\over \partial \xi}\,, \quad \bar\partial \equiv {\partial \over
\partial \bar \xi}\,.$$ A similar calculation gives $$B_2^I=\rho_I^2 {\partial}(\gamma_I -\beta_I^2)
+ \rho_I^2 (-4 \delta_I-2 \varepsilon_I \beta_I+ 8 \beta_I^3)\delta_{3I},
\quad {C}_2^I=\rho_I^2 \bar{\partial}(\gamma_I -\beta_I^2)\,.$$ The above results suffice to compute four point amplitudes with states that contain oscillators $c_{-n}$ and $\bar c_{-n}$ with $n\leq 2$. Taking note of the vanishing coefficients, we see that for states in the Siegel gauge the antighost factor $\mathcal{B}$ is given by $$\label{Bgeneral}
\mathcal{B} = B_{-1}^{3} b_{-1}^{(3)} +
(B^{I}_1\, b^J_1 + \overline{ {C}^I_1 }\, {\bar b}^I_1) +
(B^{I}_2\, b^J_2 + \overline{ {C}^I_2 }\, {\bar b}^I_2) + \ldots \,.$$ In order to proceed further we learn how to obtain the coordinate expansion coefficients $\beta_I, \gamma_I$, and $\delta_I$ from quadratic differentials.
Strebel differential and local coordinates
Consider a four-punctured sphere with uniformizer $z$. Place the first, second, and fourth punctures at $0, 1,$ and $\infty$, respectively, and let the third puncture be placed at $z=\xi$. The collection of four-punctured spheres that comprise the moduli space $\mathcal{V}_{0,4}$ can be described as the region of the complex $z$-plane that contains the allowed values of $\xi$. These are the spheres that are [*not*]{} obtained from the Feynman diagrams built with one propagator and two three-string vertices.
Each surface in $\mathcal{V}_{0,4}$ is a four-punctured sphere with some value of $\xi$. On each surface we consider the Strebel quadratic differential [@Moeller:2004yy]: $$\label{strebelqd} \varphi = \phi(z) (dz)^2 \,, \quad \phi(z) = -\,
{(z^2 -\xi)^2\over z^2 (z-1)^2 (z-\xi)^2} \,+\, {a(\xi, \bar
\xi)\over z (z-1) (z-\xi)} \,.$$ Here $a(\xi, \bar \xi)$ is a complex function of $\xi$ [*and*]{} $\bar \xi$. While $a$ is not holomorphic, we henceforth write it as $a(\xi)$, for brevity. If $a$ is known, the quadratic differential $\phi(z)$ is fully determined. The quadratic differential has second order poles at the punctures $z=0, 1, \xi,$ and $\infty$. Expanding around these punctures we find $$\label{thefirstorderpole}
\phi(z) &= - {1\over z^2} + {1\over z} \Bigl( -2 -{2\over \xi} +
{a\over \xi}\Bigr)
+ \Bigl( -3 + {1\over \xi} (a-2) + {1\over \xi^2} (a-3) \Bigr)
+ \mathcal{O} (z) \,, \\[1.0 ex]
\phi(z) &= - {1\over (z-1)^2} + {1\over z-1} \Bigl( {a-2\xi\over 1-\xi}\Bigr)
+ {a \, (\xi-2) + \xi\, ( 4 - 3\xi)\over (\xi-1)^2}
+ \mathcal{O} (z-1) \,, \\[1.0 ex]
\phi(z) &= - {1\over (z-\xi)^2} + {1\over z-\xi} \Bigl( {a-2\over
\xi(\xi-1)}\Bigr) + {a-3 + 4\xi - 2a\, \xi\over \xi^2 (\xi-1)^2}
+ \mathcal{O} (z-\xi) \,, \\[1.0 ex]
\phi(t) &= -{1\over t^2} + {1\over t} \bigl( a -2 -2\xi) +
(a-3-2\xi+ a\, \xi - 3\xi^2)
+\mathcal{O} (t) \,,
\end{split}$$ where $t=1/z$ is used to describe the fourth puncture. Given a Strebel quadratic differential $\varphi = \phi(z) (dz)^2$ that near $z_0$ looks like $$\phi(z) = -{1\over (z-z_0)^2} + {r_{-1}\over (z-z_0)} + r_0 + r_1
(z-z_0) + \ldots\,,$$ a canonical local coordinate $w$ (defined up to a phase) is obtained by requiring $\varphi = -(1/w^2) (dw)^2$. This gives [@Moeller:2004yy]: $$\label{moellerce}
z = z_0 + \rho \, w + {1\over 2} \, r_{-1} (\rho w)^2 + {1\over 16}(7
r_{-1}^2 + 4 r_0) (\rho w)^3 +
\ldots \,,$$ where $\rho$ is the mapping radius, which can also be obtained using the quadratic differential. Comparing (\[coordexp\]) and (\[moellerce\]) we see that $\beta = r_{-1}/2$ at each punture. We can therefore use the expansions (\[thefirstorderpole\]) to read: $$\label{betavalues}
\beta_1={a\over 2\xi} -{1\over \xi} -1 \,,\quad
\beta_4= {a\over 2} -1 -\xi \,.$$ Since $a$ is a function of $\xi$ and $\bar \xi$, all the $\beta_I$ are functions of $\xi$ and $\bar \xi$.
We can now proceed to get the values of the coordinate expansion coefficients $\gamma$ in terms of $a$ and $\xi$. As noted in (\[coeffs1\]), however, the quantity $\varepsilon= 8\beta^2-6\gamma$ is more useful. A short calculation shows that $\varepsilon = -(5 \beta^2 + 3r_0)/2$. Reading the various values of $r_0$ from the expansions (\[thefirstorderpole\]) and the various values of $\beta$ from (\[betavalues\]) we find $$\label{epsvalues}
\varepsilon_1&= 2+{1\over \xi} (a-2) + {1\over \xi^2}
\Bigl( 2 + a - {5\over 8} a^2\Bigr)\,, \\[0.3ex]
\varepsilon_2&= {-5a^2 + 16\, \xi(\xi -3) + 8a \,(\xi + 3)\over
8\, (\xi-1)^2}\,,
\varepsilon_3&= {16+ 8a -5a^2 + 24(a-2)\xi \over 8\,\xi^2 \,(\xi-1)^2}\,,
\varepsilon_4&= 2+ a - {5\over 8} \, a^2 - 2 \xi + a\, \xi + 2 \xi^2 \,.
The function $a(\xi)$ is known numerically to high accuracy for $\xi\in \mathcal{A}$, where $\mathcal{A}$ is a specific subspace of $\mathcal{V}_{0,4}$ described in detail in Figures 3 and 6 of ref. [@Moeller:2004yy]. The full space $\mathcal{V}_{0,4}$ is obtained by acting on $\mathcal{A}$ with the transformations generated by $\xi\to 1-\xi$ and $\xi\to 1/\xi$, together with complex conjugation $\xi\to
\bar\xi$. In fact $\mathcal{V}_{0,4}$ contains twelve copies of $\mathcal{A}$. Let $f(\mathcal{A})$ denote the region obtained by mapping each point $\xi\in
\mathcal{A}$ to $f(\xi)$. Then $\mathcal{V}_{0,4}$ is composed of the six regions $$\label{various_regions}
\mathcal{A} \,, ~~ {1\over \mathcal{A}}\,,~~ 1-\mathcal{A}\,,
~~{1\over 1-\mathcal{A}} \,, ~~1- {1\over \mathcal{A}}\,,~~
{\mathcal{A}\over 1-\mathcal{A}} \,,$$ together with their complex conjugates. The transformations $\xi\to 1-\xi$ and $\xi\to 1/\xi$ are $SL(2, \mathbb{C})$ transformations that permute the points $0, 1,$ and $\infty$. While doing so, they move the third puncture among the various regions in (\[various\_regions\]). The assignment of coordinates to punctures must be consistent with the $SL(2, \mathbb{C})$ transformations that exchange the punctures: the quadratic differential on two conformally related surfaces must agree. For example, letting $\tilde z= 1-z$, we can calculate $\phi(\tilde z)$ using $\phi(\tilde z) d\tilde z^2 = \phi(z) dz^2$. We must find that $\phi(\tilde z)$ takes the form in (\[strebelqd\]) with $\xi$ replaced by $1-\xi$, and $a(\xi)$ replaced by $a(1-\xi)$. Completely analogous remarks hold for the transformation $\tilde z = 1/z$. Doing these transformations explicitly we find $$a\,(1-\xi)= 4-a(\xi)\,,\quad
a\Bigl(\,{1\over\xi}\,\Bigr)= {a(\xi)\over \xi}\,.$$ These equations define $a$ over the full set of regions in (\[various\_regions\]) once it is given on $\mathcal{A}$.
The reality of the string field theory action is guaranteed if the local coordinates on surfaces that are mirror images of each other are related by the (antiholomorphic) mirror map. Consider two four-punctured spheres: the first with uniformizer $z$ and third puncture at $\xi$, the second with uniformizer $\tilde z$ and third puncture at $\bar\xi$. The antiholomorphic map relating the punctured spheres is $\tilde z =
\bar z$. Two local coordinates $w$ and $\tilde w$ are mirror related if $\tilde w (p^*)
= \overline{w(p)}$, where $p$ is a point and $p^*$ is its image under the mirror map. In order to obtain mirror-related local coordinates the associated quadratic differentials on the surfaces must satisfy $\phi (\tilde z) = \overline{\phi (z)}$ [@strebel]. It follows from (\[strebelqd\]) that $\phi(\tilde z)$ takes the form indicated in this equation, with $z$ replaced by $\tilde z$ and $a(\xi)$ replaced by $\overline{a(\xi)}$. We thus learn that $$a(\,\bar\xi\,)=\overline{a(\xi)} \,.$$ This definition guarantees that the contribution to the amplitude of any region $\mathcal{S}\subset\mathcal{V}_{0,4}$ and the contribution from $\overline{\mathcal{S}}$ are complex conjugates of each other. Consequently, the integral over $\mathcal{V}_{0,4}$ can be done by integrating over the six regions in (\[various\_regions\]) and adding to the result its complex conjugate.
With $a(\xi)$ now defined over $\mathcal{V}_{0,4}$, we can also find formulae that define the mapping radii $\rho_I$ and the coordinate expansion coefficients $\beta_I$ on the various copies of $\mathcal{A}$ in terms of the values on $\mathcal{A}$. These formulae are given in Appendix B.
Quartic interactions for states with $c\bar c$ ghost factor
In order to illustrate the earlier discussion we consider an important class of relatively simple four-point amplitudes. Suppose we want to evaluate the amplitude $\{M_1, M_2, M_3,
M_4\}$ with states $M_i$ of the form $$|M_i\rangle = \mathcal{O}_i c_1 \bar c_1 |0\rangle,$$ where $\mathcal{O}_i$ is some expression built with matter oscillators. One can see that the ghost part of $M_i$ is the same as that of the tachyon field. First consider the antighost insertion $\mathcal{B}\, \mathcal{B}^\star$. Since all the states have ghost oscillators with mode number one, only the $b_{-1}, \bar b_{-1}$ part of the antighost insertion is relevant. Using (\[Bgeneral\]) we see that: $$\mathcal{B}\, \mathcal{B}^\star = B^3_{-1} b^{(3)}_{-1} \, \,
\overline{B^3_{-1}}\, {\bar b}^{(3)}_{-1} + \cdots$$ where the dots refer to terms that are not needed in this calculation. It follows that $$\begin{aligned}
\mathcal{B}\, \mathcal{B}^\star (c_1 \bar c_1)^{(1)} (c_1 \bar c_1)^{(2)}
(c_{1} \bar c_{1})^{(3)}
(c_1 \bar c_1)^{(4)} |0\rangle &=&
-B_{-1}^3\overline{B_{-1}^3} (c_1 \bar c_1)^{(1)} (c_1 \bar
c_1)^{(2)} (c_1 \bar c_1)^{(4)}|0\rangle. \nonumber\\[1.0ex]
&=&-\frac{1}{\rho_3^2}(c_1 \bar c_1)^{(1)} (c_1 \bar c_1)^{(2)}
(c_1 \bar c_1)^{(4)}|0\rangle.\end{aligned}$$ Note that in our convention the states with superscripts $1,2,3$, and $4$ are inserted at $z=0,1,\xi$, and $\infty$, respectively. The ghost part of the overlap is then $$\label{trivialst} \langle \Sigma|\mathcal{B}\,
\mathcal{B}^\star (c_1 \bar c_1)^{(1)} (c_1 \bar c_1)^{(2)} (c_{1}
\bar c_{1})^{(3)} (c_1 \bar c_1)^{(4)}
=-\frac{1}{(\rho_1\rho_2\rho_3\rho_4)^2}\langle c \bar
c(z_1)c \bar c(z_2)c \bar c(t=0)\rangle\,,$$ where the conformal transformation of each ghost oscillator introduces a factor of the mapping radius. For the fourth puncture, which is located at $t=1/z=0$, the mapping radius $\rho_4$ refers to the $t$ coordinate and it is a finite number. To compute the above correlator we note that $$c\bar c (t=0) = \lim_{z\to \infty} {1\over |z|^4} \, c \bar c (z)\,,$$ and therefore $$\langle c \bar
c(z_1)c \bar c(z_2)c \bar c(t=0)\rangle =
\lim_{z\to \infty} {1\over |z|^4} \langle c \bar
c(z_1)c \bar c(z_2)c \bar c(z)\rangle
= 2\lim_{z\to \infty} {|z_{12}(z_1-z) (z_2-z)|^2 \over |z^4|} =2\,,$$ once we set $z_1=0$ and $z_2=1$. Back in (\[trivialst\]) we find $$\label{trivighost} \langle \Sigma|\mathcal{B}\,
\mathcal{B}^\star (c_1 \bar c_1)^{(1)} (c_1 \bar c_1)^{(2)} (c_{1}
\bar c_{1})^{(3)} (c_1 \bar c_1)^{(4)}
The matter part of the correlator is computed using (\[coordexp\]) to map the operators to the uniformizer $z$, at which stage the correlator is computable. On the four-punctured sphere $\Sigma_\xi$ with modulus $\xi$ we write: $$\langle\langle \mathcal{O}_1\mathcal{O}_2\mathcal{O}_3
\mathcal{O}_4\rangle\rangle_\xi \equiv \langle h_1\circ \mathcal{O}_1
~ h_2\circ
\mathcal{O}_2 ~h_3\circ \mathcal{O}_3 ~h_4\circ \mathcal{O}_4
\rangle_{\Sigma_\xi},$$ where the right-hand side is a matter correlator computed after the local operators $\mathcal{O}_i$ have been mapped. Our final result is therefore: $$\{ M_1, M_2, M_3, M_4\} = -{2\over \pi }\int_{\mathcal{V}_{0,4}}
{dx dy\over
(\rho_1\rho_2\rho_3\rho_4)^2} \,\langle\langle
\mathcal{O}_4\rangle\rangle_\xi \,.$$
For the case of four zero-momentum tachyons $T = c_1 \bar c_1 |0\rangle$ the matter operators are the identity and the matter correlator is equal to one. We thus get $$\begin{aligned}
\{T^4\}=-\frac{2}{\pi} \int_{\mathcal{V}_{0,4}} {dx
dy \over (\rho_1\rho_2\rho_3\rho_4)^2} \,.\end{aligned}$$ The integrand is manifestly real. Since four identical states have been inserted at the punctures, the measure to be integrated must be fully invariant under the $SL(2, \mathbb{C})$ transformations that generate the six regions in (\[various\_regions\]). Therefore the full integral is equal to 12 times the integral over $\mathcal{A}$. This integral is easily done numerically using the data given in [@Moeller:2004yy] and we recover the familiar value $$\label{tachresoefkv}
\{T^4\} = -\frac{24}{\pi} \int_{\mathcal{A}} {dx
dy\over (\rho_1\rho_2\rho_3\rho_4)^2}
=-72.414\, .$$ The corresponding term in the string field potential is $\kappa^2 V=\frac{1}{4!}\{T^4\}\,t^4=-3.0172\, t^4.$
The explicit computation of quartic couplings
The terms $a^4$, $a^2 d^2$, and $d^4$ in the string field potential receive contributions from cubic interactions of all levels. They also receive contributions from the elementary quartic vertex. Since $a$ and $d$ are marginal directions, these two types of contributions must cancel. In our earlier paper [@Yang:2005iu] we verified that this cancellation holds with good accuracy for the $a^4$ term. We noted that a potential complication: in closed string field theory the cubic vertex does not fully determine the quartic vertex, so the cancellation should happen for all four-string vertices that are consistent with the cubic vertex. This will happen if the integrands of the four-point amplitudes are total derivatives. In this case the quartic amplitude arises from the boundary of $\mathcal{V}_{0,4}$. This boundary is completely determined by the geometry of the three-string vertex: gauge invariance requires that the boundary of $\mathcal{V}_{0,4}$ match the configurations obtained with two cubic vertices joined by a collapsed propagator. Letting $G$ and $D$ denote the states associated with $a$ and $d$ respectively (see (\[thefirstexp\])), the integrands in $\{G^4\}$, $\{G^2 D^2\}$, and $\{D^4\}$ are thus expected to be total derivatives. In our earlier paper we confirmed that the integrand in $\{G^4\}$ is a total derivative. We will do the same here for the other two amplitudes.
The computations to be discussed below determine the quartic contribution to the potential. The results we obtained are summarized by $$\label{v4value}
\kappa^2 V_4 (a,d) = -0.2560\, a^4 + 0.4571 \, a^2 d^2 -0.1056 \, d^4 \,.$$
Elementary contribution to $a^2 d^2$
In order to compute this amplitude we insert $G$ at the first and fourth punctures ($z=0$ and $z=\infty$, respectively) and $D$ at the second and third punctures ($z=1$ and $z=\xi$, respectively). We begin our analysis with the computation of the ghost part of the amplitude.
Consider the antighost insertion $\mathcal{B}\mathcal{B}^\star$ acting on the ghost part of the four states: $$\label{theghosttdd}
\mathcal{B}\, \mathcal{B}^\star (c_1\bar c_1)^{(1)}
(c_1 c_{-1} -\bar c_1\bar c_{-1})^{(2)} (c_1 c_{-1}
-\bar c_1\bar
c_1)^{(4)}|0\rangle \,,$$ Since punctures one and four are fixed and the states inserted in them have ghost oscillators $c_1 \bar c_1$, the antighost factor $\mathcal{B}\mathcal{B}^\star$ is only supported on punctures two and three. A small calculation shows that $$\mathcal{B}\, \mathcal{B}^\star
(c_1 c_{-1} -\bar c_1\bar c_{-1})^{(2)} (c_1 c_{-1}
-\bar c_1\bar
\overline{B_1^{3}})c_1^{(2)} \bar c_1^{(3)}+ B_{1}^{2}
\overline{B^3_{-1}}\, c_1^{(2)}\bar c_{-1}^{(3)}\, +\,\star\hbox{-conj}\,.$$ Both sides of this equation have vacuum states to the right, which have not been written to avoid clutter. It follows that $$\label{organizeamp}
\langle\Sigma|\mathcal{B}\mathcal{B}^\star |T\rangle |D\rangle |D\rangle
|T\rangle &= ({{C}_1^{2}}\overline{{C}_1^3}-B_1^{2}
\langle (c_1\bar c_1)^{(1)} \,, c_1^{(2)} \,, \bar c_1^{(3)}\,,
(c_1\bar c_1)^{(4)}\rangle
\\[1.0 ex]
\langle (c_1\bar c_1)^{(1)} \,, c_1^{(2)} \,, \bar c_{-1}^{(3)}\,,
(c_1\bar c_1)^{(4)}\rangle
\,+\, *\hbox{-conj}\,.
\end{split}$$ Note that the star-conjugate insertions give rise to complex conjugate correlators. This happens because all other ghost states in the correlator are self-conjugate. Two correlators are thus needed to evaluate the (\[organizeamp\]). The first arises from the first line on the right-hand side $$\label{firstcoore}
\langle (c_1\bar c_1)^{(1)} \,, c_1^{(2)} \,, \bar c_1^{(3)}\,,
(c_1\bar c_1)^{(4)}\rangle
= {2\bar\xi\over \rho_1^2 \rho_2\rho_3\rho_4^2} \,.$$ The second correlator appears on the second line of (\[organizeamp\]). It involves the state created by $\bar
c_{-1}^{(3)}$ on the vacuum. The corresponding operator ${1\over
2} \bar\partial^2 \bar c$ has a nontrivial transformation under a conformal map: $${1\over 2} \bar\partial^2 \bar c (\bar w) = \rho_I \Bigl(
{1\over 2} \bar\partial^2 \bar c (\bar z_I) -\bar\beta_I \bar\partial
\bar c (\bar z_I)
+ {\bar\varepsilon_I\over 2} \bar c (\bar z_I)\Bigr) \,.$$ With the help of this transformation we find $$\label{secibdcoore}
\langle (c_1\bar c_1)^{(1)} \,, c_1^{(2)} \,, \bar c_{-1}^{(3)}\,,
(c_1\bar c_1)^{(4)}\rangle
= {\rho_3\over \rho_1^2 \rho_2\rho_4^2}\, ( \bar \varepsilon_3 \bar
\xi - 2 \bar \beta_3) \,.$$ Finally, we simplify the expressions in (\[organizeamp\]) that depend on the coefficients $B$ and $C$: $${{C}_1^{2}}\overline{{C}_1^{3}}-{B_1^{2}}\overline{B_1^{3}} =\rho_2
\rho_3\Big(\bar{\partial}\beta_2{\partial}\bar\beta_3 -{\partial}\beta_2 \bar{\partial}\bar\beta_3-\frac{1 }{2}\bar\varepsilon_3 {\partial}\beta_2\Big)\,, \qquad
{B_1^{2}} \overline{B_{-1}^{3}} =\frac{\rho_2}{\rho_3}\,{\partial}\beta_2\,.$$ Using the above results (\[organizeamp\]) simplifies down to $$\label{ghpart2dil}
\langle\Sigma|\mathcal{B}\mathcal{B}^\star |T\rangle |D\rangle |D\rangle
|T\rangle = {2\over (\rho_1\rho_4)^2} \Bigl( \bar{\partial}\beta_2
{\partial}(\bar\xi \bar \beta_3) -
{\partial}\beta_2 \bar{\partial}( \bar \xi \bar \beta_3) + *\hbox{-conj}\Bigr)\,.$$ This concludes our computation of the ghost part of the integrand.
The matter part of the integrand is much simpler. We have two $G$’s one at $z=0$ and one at $z=\infty$. A short computation gives $$\langle\langle ({\partial}X\bar{\partial}X)^{(1)}({\partial}X\bar{\partial}X)^{(4)}\rangle\rangle=(\rho_1\rho_4)^2 \,.$$ Note that the powers of mapping radii cancel out in the product of ghost and matter amplitudes. Making use of (\[amplitude\]) the four-point amplitude is $$\begin{aligned}
\{G^2D^2\}=\frac{4}{\pi}\int_{\mathcal{V}_{0,4}} dx dy ~
\hbox{Re}\Big(\bar{\partial}\beta_2 {\partial}(\bar\xi \bar \beta_3) - {\partial}\beta_2
\bar{\partial}( \bar \xi \bar \beta_3)\Big)\,.\end{aligned}$$ Since we have the same states on punctures one and four, and these punctures are exchanged by the transformation $z\to 1/z$, the integral over $\mathcal{A}$ gives the same contribution as the integral over $1/\mathcal{A}$. This follows from the $SL(2, \mathbb{C})$ invariance of the construction, but can also be checked explicitly using the formulae given in Appendix B. Since the integrand is already real, conjugate regions give identical contributions. Consequently, the four regions $\mathcal{A},\, 1/\mathcal{A},
\,\overline{\mathcal{A}},$ and $1/\overline{\mathcal{A}}$ all give the same contribution. To get the full amplitude we must multiply the contributions of $\mathcal{A}$, of $1-\mathcal{A}$ and $1-1/\mathcal{A}$ by four: Therefore, the full amplitude is: $$\begin{aligned}
\{G^2D^2\}&=&4\cdot \frac{4}{\pi}\,\Bigl[\,\int_{\mathcal{A}}
+\int_{1-\mathcal{A}}+ \int_{1-1/\mathcal{A}}\,\Bigr]dx dy ~
\hbox{Re}\Big(\bar{\partial}\beta_2 {\partial}(\bar\xi \bar \beta_3) - {\partial}\beta_2
\bar{\partial}( \bar \xi \bar \beta_3)\Big)\nonumber\\[1.3ex]
&\simeq & 4\, (-0.03122 + 0.09671 + 0.39157) = 1.8283.\end{aligned}$$ In the above, the second and third integrals were evaluated by pulling back the integrands into $\mathcal{A}$, where all relevant functions are known numerically. The details are given in Appendix B. The contribution to the potential is $$\kappa^2 V=\frac{6}{4!}\{G^2D^2\}\,a^2 d^2 =0.4571 \, a^2 d^2.$$
We now verify that the integrand of the $\{ G^2 D^2\}$ amplitude is a total derivative. Indeed, a short computation shows that $$\bigl(\bar{\partial}\beta_2 {\partial}(\bar\xi \bar \beta_3) - {\partial}\beta_2
\bar{\partial}( \bar \xi \bar \beta_3)\bigr)~d\xi \wedge d\bar\xi =
d\, \Omega^{(1)}\,,$$ where $$\Omega^{(1)} = {1\over 2} \,\bigl[ -\beta_2 \partial (\bar\xi\bar\beta_3)
+ (\partial \beta_2 )\, \bar\xi \bar \beta_3\,\bigr] \, d\xi
+{1\over 2} \,\bigl[\, (\bar{\partial}\beta_2) \,\bar\xi\bar\beta_3
-\beta_2 \bar{\partial}(\bar\xi \bar \beta_3)\,\bigr] \, d\bar\xi\,.$$ Since $a(\xi)$, $\beta_2(\xi),$ and $\beta_3(\xi)$ are all regular functions on $\mathcal{V}_{0,4}$, we see that $\Omega^{(1)}$ is a well-defined one-form. The amplitude reduces to the integral of $\Omega^{(1)}$ over the boundary of $\mathcal{V}_{0,4}$.
Elementary contribution to $d^4$
For the amplitude $\{ D^4\}$ the matter correlator is just one but the ghost correlator is quite nontrivial. The antighost insertion $\mathcal{B}\mathcal{B}^\star$ acts on four dilaton states. Ghost number conservation implies that the only nonvanishing correlators are those in which the antighost insertion supplies one $b$ oscillator and one $\bar b$ oscillator. Note also that the term $b_{-1}^{(3)}\bar b_{-1}^{(3)}$ does not contribute. Making use of (\[Bgeneral\]) the relevant terms in the antighost insertion are $$\mathcal{B}\mathcal{B}^\star = \Bigl(\,B_{-1}^{3}b_{-1}^{(3)}\sum_{I\not= 3}
\overline{B^{I}_1}\, \bar b_1^{(I)} + \,\star\hbox{-conj.}\Bigr)
+ \sum_{I\not=J} M^{IJ}\, b_1^{(I)}
\bar b_1^{(J)} \,, \quad
M^{IJ} \equiv B_1^I \overline{B_1^J} -C_1^I \overline{C_1^J} \,.$$ Acting on the four dilatons and forming the correlator, $$\label{4dilamp}
\langle \Sigma|\mathcal{B}\mathcal{B}^\star |D^4\rangle
&= \Bigl(
\sum_{I\not= 3} \,B_{-1}^{3} \overline{B^{I}_1}
\,\bigl\langle \, D, D, c_{-1}^{(3)} , \bar c_1^{(I)} \bigr\rangle +
- \sum_{I\not=J} M^{IJ}
\bigl\langle D, D, c_1^{(I)} \,, \bar c_1^{(J)} \bigr\rangle \\[1.0ex]
&=~ - \hskip-6pt\sum_{I\not=J\not= K \not= 3}
\hskip-6pt B_{-1}^{3} \overline{B^{I}_1}
\,~\bigl\langle \, (c_{-1} c_1)^{(J)}, (\bar c_{-1} \bar c_1)^{(K)},
, \,\bar c_1^{(I)} \bigr\rangle +
\,\hbox{c.c.} \\[1.0ex]
&\quad ~~+ \hskip-6pt\sum_{I\not=J\not= K \not= L}\hskip-4pt M^{IJ}
(c_{-1} c_1)^{(K)}, (\bar c_{-1} \bar c_1)^{(L)}, c_1^{(I)} \,,
\bar c_1^{(J)} \bigr\rangle \, .
\end{split}$$ In order to complete our calculation we must evaluate the two correlators that appear on the final right-hand side. Defining $$A_{IJ} \equiv \bigl\langle~ (c_{-1} c_1)^{(I)} \,, c_{-1}^{(J)}
\bigr\rangle \,,
B_{IJ} \equiv \bigl\langle~ (c_{-1} c_1)^{(I)} \,, c_{1}^{(J)} \bigr\rangle \,,$$ the amplitude in (\[4dilamp\]) becomes $$\label{44dilamp}
\langle \Sigma|\mathcal{B}\mathcal{B}^\star |D^4\rangle
=~ \hskip-6pt\sum_{I\not=J\not= K \not= 3}
\hskip-6pt 2B_{-1}^{3}\,( \overline{B^{I}_1}
A_{J3} \overline{B_{KI}} +
- \hskip-6pt\sum_{I\not=J\not= K \not= L}\hskip-4pt 2M^{IJ}
~B_{KI} \overline{B_{LJ}} \, .$$ It just remains to evaluate $A_{IJ}$ and $B_{IJ}$. There is one small complication here. Since we treat the fourth puncture asymmetrically we must distinguish the case when $I$ or $J$ are equal to four. We find that for $I,J \not=4$ $$\label{aijbij}
A_{IJ} &= \rho_J \Bigl( \beta_J - \beta_I - 2 \beta_I \beta_J z_{IJ}
+ {1\over 2}
\varepsilon_J z_{IJ} ( 1- \beta_I z_{IJ}) \Bigr) \\
B_{IJ} &={1\over \rho_J} \, z_{IJ} \, ( 1- \beta_I \, z_{IJ}) \,, \qquad
\hbox{for} \quad I,J \not=4\,.
\end{split}$$ Here $z_{IJ} = z_I - z_J$. We also need the following special values which arise when one of the states is located at the fourth puncture ($z=\infty$): $$\label{special_values}
A_{4J} = \rho_J \Bigl(~ {1\over 2} \,\varepsilon_J ( \beta_4 + z_J) -
\quad B_{I4} = {\beta_I\over \rho_4}\,, \quad
B_{4J} = {1\over \rho_J} (z_J + \beta_4) \,.$$ In these equations $I$ and $J$ are different from four. It is possible to obtain (\[special\_values\]) by taking a suitable limit of (\[aijbij\]). One must let $$\label{lim4beta}
\beta_4 \to {1\over z_4} - {\beta_4\over z_4^2}\,, \quad \hbox{and}
\quad \rho_4 \to z_4^2 \, \rho_4 \,,$$ and then take the limit as $z_4 \to \infty$. The above replacements are the ones involved in changing uniformizer from $z$ to $t=1/z$.
Having calculated explicitly all the quantities that enter into (\[44dilamp\]), we can do the numerical integration: $$\{D^4\}=\frac{12}{\pi}\int_{\mathcal{A}} dx dy~ \langle
\Sigma|\mathcal{B}\, \mathcal{B}^\star |D^4\rangle
=-2.5336\,.$$ The contribution to the potential is therefore $$\kappa^2 V=\frac{1}{4!}\{D^4\}\,d^4=-0.1056\, d^4.$$
In order to demonstrate that the integrand is a total derivative, we have shown that $\langle \Sigma|\mathcal{B}\mathcal{B}^\star |D^4\rangle =
\partial f + \bar{\partial}\bar f $ for a suitable function $f$ of $\xi$ and $\bar \xi$. As a result, the two-form integrand (up to overall constants) is indeed exact: $d\xi\wedge d\bar \xi~ (\partial f + \bar{\partial}\bar f ) = d \,( f d\xi - \bar f
d\bar\xi)\,.$ The calculation of $f$ is quite laborious and is best done using equation (\[aijbij\]) for all values of $I$ and $J$. The result is then: $$\label{totderd4}
f(\xi,\bar\xi)&=-\hskip-6pt\sum_{I\not=J\not=K\not=L}\Bigl\{ \beta_J
\bar{\partial}\bar \beta_I z_{JK}\bar z_{IL}-\beta_J\bar\beta_I
+\beta_J\bar\beta_I z_{JK}\delta_{3I}\\[0.5ex]
&\qquad~~+\frac{1}{2}\beta_J\beta_K\bar{\partial}\bar\beta_I z_{JK}^2\bar z_{IL}
+\frac{1}{2}\beta_J\beta_K \bar\beta_I z_{JK}^2
\delta_{3I}-\frac{1}{2} \beta_J\beta_K \bar\beta_I z_{JK}^2
&\qquad~~+\beta_J\bar \beta_L\bar{\partial}\bar\beta_I z_{JK} \bar
z_{IL}^2+2\beta_J\bar\beta_I\bar\beta_L z_{JK}\bar
z_{IL}\delta_{3I} +\frac{1}{2}\beta_J\beta_K \bar\beta_L
\bar{\partial}\bar\beta_I z_{JK}^2\bar z_{IL}^2\\[0.5ex]
&\qquad~~+ \beta_J\beta_K \bar\beta_I\bar\beta_Lz_{JK}^2\bar
z_{IL}\delta_{3I}- \bar\beta_J\bar{\partial}\beta_I z_{IL}\bar z_{JK}-
\frac{1}{2}\bar\beta_J\bar\beta_K\bar{\partial}\beta_I z_{IL}\bar
&\qquad~~-\beta_L\bar\beta_J\bar{\partial}\beta_I z_{IL}^2 \bar
z_{JK}-\frac{1}{2}\beta_L\bar\beta_J \bar\beta_K \bar{\partial}\beta_I
z_{IL}^2 \bar z_{JK}^2\Bigr\}.
\end{split}$$ In this expression all $\beta_4$ must be replaced as indicated in (\[lim4beta\]). The final answer is finite and well defined over $\mathcal{V}_{0,4}$.
Analysis and conclusions
In this final section we discuss our results. We first examine the cancellations between cubic and quartic terms, using certain projections of the cubic data in order to estimate the effects of terms that have not been computed. We then attempt to give a definition of level suitable for quartic interactions. While we are not able to give convincing evidence for any specific definition, we find out that the level suppression observed for cubic interactions seems to extend to quartic interactions. This is good news, as it suggests that computations carried out with cubic and quartic interactions would converge as the level is increased.
Cancellations and fits
In this work we checked explicitly the quartic structure of closed string field theory. The existence of flat directions implies that the infinite-level cubic contribution to the effective potential for $a$ and $d$ must be cancelled by elementary quartic interactions. We claim that the potential $\mathbb{V}(a,d)$, defined as $$\mathbb{V} (a,d) \equiv \lim_{\ell\to\infty} \mathbb{V}_{(\ell)} (a,d)
+ V_4 (a,d)\,,$$ should vanish identically. Let us see how well we have checked this. The relevant data has been collected on Table \[fit\_table\]. Even at $\ell=6$ the pattern of cancellations is quite clear. For $a^4$ the quartic term cancels 86% of the cubic answer. For $a^2d^2$ and $d^4$ the quartic interactions cancel about 90% of the cubic answers.
-------------------------- --------------------------------- ------------------------ --------------------------
level/vertex $\mathcal{C}_{a^4}$ $\mathcal{C}_{a^2d^2}$ $\mathcal{C}_{d^4}$
\[0.2ex\] $\ell=6$, $\phantom{-}0.2978\phantom{^*}$ $-0.5065$ $\phantom{-}0.1163$
$\ell=\infty$, projected $\phantom{-}0.2559\phantom{^*}$ $-0.4488$ $\phantom{-}0.1044$
elementary quartic $-0.2560\phantom{^*}$ $\phantom{-}0.4571$ $-0.1056$
-------------------------- --------------------------------- ------------------------ --------------------------
: The coefficients of the quartic terms in the effective potential for $a$ and $d$. First row: result from cubic interactions integrating massive fields up to level six. Second row: projected result from cubic interactions to all levels. Third row: elementary quartic contributions, read from (\[v4value\]). []{data-label="fit_table"}
Consider now the same cancellations using projections from the data of cubic computations. As we explained in ref. [@Yang:2005iu], a fit for the coefficient $\mathcal{C}_{a^4}$ using the best available data gives: $$\label{fac4}
\mathcal{C}_{a^4}(\ell) \simeq 0.25585 +\frac{0.50581}{\ell^2}
+\frac{1.06366}{\ell^3},$$ The above fit was implied by the fit with leading $1/\ell$ of the related open string coefficients. As remarked in [@Yang:2005iu], the projected value 0.25585 that follows from (\[fac4\]) and the elementary quartic value $(-0.25598)$ essentially agree perfectly.
We do not have a priori arguments that tell what kind of fit should be used for $\mathcal{C}_{d^4}$. Equation (\[fac4\]) would suggest a $1/\ell^2$ fit, and this gives a somewhat low projection (0.09374). We thus attempted a fit to $1/\ell^3$, which works very well using the data for $\ell=4$ and $\ell=6$ in Table \[cubic\_table\]: $$\label{cd4fitz}
\mathcal{C}_{d^4}(\ell) \simeq 0.1044 + \,{2.5647\over \ell^3} \,.$$ The projection 0.1044 is cancelled by the elementary quartic term ($-0.1056$) to an accuracy of 1.1%. As a check of the plausibility of (\[cd4fitz\]) we attempted a fit of the form $f_0 + f_1/\ell^\gamma$ and adjusted $\gamma$ so that $f_0$ matches precisely the elementary quartic term. This gives $\gamma \sim 3.2$, which is reasonably close to our guess $\gamma=3$. As a further check we use the data of Table \[cubic\_tablexx\]. Since the contribution for $\ell=8$ is exceptional, we only use the data for $\ell=4,6,$ and $10$. This time we get $$\label{cd4fit} \mathcal{C}_{d^4}(\ell) \simeq 0.1058 +
\,{2.4593\over \ell^3} \,.$$ This projection is exceptionally good, it cancels the elementary quartic term to an accuracy of 0.2%.
We have no guidance for $\mathcal{C}_{a^2d^2}$, either. It seems reasonable to take a level dependence somewhere in between those of $\mathcal{C}_{a^4}$ and $\mathcal{C}_{d^4}$. We thus considered a fit with $\ell^{-5/2}$ finding: $$\label{cadfit}
\mathcal{C}_{a^2d^2}(\ell) \simeq -0.4488 - \,{5.0880\over \ell^{5/2}} \,.$$ The projection $(-0.4488)$ is cancelled by the elementary quartic term ($0.4571$) to an accuracy of 1.8%. We also found that the match is perfect for a fit with $\ell^{-\gamma}$ with $\gamma\simeq 2.7$. All in all, we believe that the above results are good evidence that the elementary quartic amplitudes of marginal operators have been computed correctly.
The vanishing of the coefficient of $a^2 d^2$ in the effective potential confirms the expectation that the marginal directions $a$ and $d$ in fact generate a two dimensional space of marginal directions. An effective potential with vanishing $a^4$ and $d^4$ terms but nonvanishing $a^2d^2$ would be consistent with the existence of marginal directions – but no two-dimensional moduli space. It is thus interesting to visualize the increasing flatness of the effective potential on the two dimensional space. Since the calculated potentials are, to this order, invariant under the separate tranformations $a\to -a$ and $d\to -d$, it suffices to consider the potential on the first quadrant of the $(a,d)$ plane. Since the potential scales uniformly when $(a,d)\to (\lambda a, \lambda d)$, it suffices to examine the potential along the arc of a unit circle on the first quadrant. Letting $a = \cos\theta$ and $d=\sin \theta$, we can examine the potentials $\mathbb{V}(a,d)$ as $\theta \in [0, \pi/2]$. For this we have produced Figure \[amassrginal\], which plots the potentials $\mathbb{V}_{(\ell)} (\cos\theta, \sin\theta)$ as a function of $\theta$. The solid top curve is $\mathbb{V}_{(0)}(\cos\theta,\sin\theta)$, which happens to be a perfect square and vanishes for $\theta = \tan^{-1}(\sqrt{2}) \simeq 0.955$. While the coefficients $\mathcal{C}_{\dots} (\ell)$ decrease as we increase $\ell$, the potentials do not approach zero uniformly as a function of $\theta$: we do [*not*]{} have $|\mathbb{V}_{(0)} (\theta)| \geq
|\mathbb{V}_{(4)} (\theta)| \geq|\mathbb{V}_{(6)} (\theta)|$. This is especially clear for a range of $\theta$ values near to but smaller than one. The final curve we show is $\mathbb{V}_{(6)} + V_4$. This curve, solid and near the horizontal axis, makes it clear that even without projection of the cubic data the effective potential has become rather small.
The elementary quartic contribution to $a^4$ (of value $-0.2560$) is roughly of the magnitude that would be produced by integrating out fields of level 6. This is suggested by Table \[cubic\_table\], where we see that the contribution from fields of level 4 are larger than the quartic contribution, and contributions from level 8 (of value $-0.0319$) are considerably smaller (in this rough argument it is not relevant that the contribution of level six fields is actually zero). On the other hand, both for $a^2d^2$ and $d^4$, the quartic contributions are larger than those that arise from integrating level four fields, though significantly smaller than those from integrating out the tachyon. We can safely state that relevant [*quartic interactions must be included as the level of the string field is two or higher*]{}. For the case at hand, it means including the quartic interactions after integrating out the tachyon in the cubic action.
Quartic suppression and attempts to define level
Here we discuss possible definitions of level for quartic interactions. A fully successful definition would have the following properties:
1. It should furnish a meaningful comparison between quartic interactions: contributions to calculable quantities from quartic interactions should be suppressed as the level of the interactions increases.
2. It should furnish a meaningful comparison between cubic and quartic interactions: cubic and quartic interactions of the same level should have roughly equal contributions to calculable quantities.
Needless to say, it is easier to satisfy 1 than it is to satisfy 2. Since it is not understood, even in open string field theory, why level expansion works, we will focus on a property that is expected to play some role: amplitudes have level-dependent powers of mapping radii that give rise to exponential suppression. This is clearly not the full story in level expansion, where convergence is typically characterized by corrections with inverse powers of level [@Taylor:2002fy; @Beccaria]. We thus consider the following a first attempt on a difficult problem.
We begin first with cubic interactions. We also consider, for simplicity, three identical states of level $\ell$. We will assume that the leading level dependence of the three-string coupling is due to the dimension of the state and the associated conformal map; this gives a factor $\mathcal{R}^{-(L_0
+ \bar L_0)}
= \mathcal{R}^{-\ell + 2}$ for each state. This is the leading level dependence if, (1) the 3-point correlator has at most power dependence on $\ell$ and, (2) the contributions that arise because the operator is not primary are also suppressed. It is natural to assume that the level of a cubic interaction in closed string field theory is defined just like in open string field theory, by the sum of levels of the fields that are coupled. Then, in our present case, the cubic term in the action has level $L = 3\ell$ and is of the form ${1\over 3!} c_3 \phi^3$, with $$\label{c3ui}
c_3 (L) \sim \mathcal{R}^{-3\ell+ 6} = \mathcal{R}^{-L + 6} = \exp \bigl( -L
\ln \mathcal{R} + 6 \ln \mathcal{R}\bigr)\,, \quad
\ln \mathcal{R} \simeq 0.2616\,.$$ The exponential suppression due to level is striking. Even the growth in the number of states cannot match it: the number of states grows like $\exp(a_0\sqrt{L})$, where $a_0$ is a finite positive constant. In terms of $\ell$, the above reads $$\label{c3fit}
c_3 \sim \exp \bigl(
- 0.7849 \,\ell
+ 1.5697\bigr)\,.$$ The $\ell$-independent constant in the exponent should [*not*]{} be trusted since our assumptions ignored all powers of $\ell$ and all constants. If included, $c_3$ takes the correct value for three (level zero) tachyons. So really, we have $$\label{39kjdkhj}
c_3 \sim \exp ( -0.2616 L) \,.$$
Let’s now consider the elementary four-point interaction of four identical level $l$ states. These would go like ${1\over 4!} c_4 \phi^4$ where, under assumptions similar to those stated before, the value of $c_4$ is roughly $$c_4 \simeq {24\over \pi} \int_{\mathcal{A}} dx dy \, (\rho_1\rho_2
\rho_3\rho_4)^{\ell -2} \,.$$ The above formula is the obvious generalization of the tachyon quartic amplitude (\[tachresoefkv\]), with which it agrees when $\ell=0$. We have computed numerically $c_4$ for various values of $\ell \geq 0$ and, interestingly, the results are well fit by a decaying exponential: $$\label{c4fit}
c_4 \simeq \exp \bigl( -1.135 \,\ell + 4.27\, \bigr) \,.$$ Again, the constant term in the exponential is not reliable and is only included in order to give the correct answer for the coupling of tachyons. We have thus learned that $$\label{rec4fit}
c_4 \simeq \exp \bigl( -1.135 \,\ell \bigr) \,.$$ The level $L$ of a four-string interaction increases with $\ell$ so this result suggests that quartic interactions are suppressed as the level is increased, the statement of the first condition given at the beginning of this subsection. This is grounds for optimism.
How should we define the level $L$ of a four string elementary interaction ? One natural option would be to take $$\label{levattempt}
L = \alpha + \beta \sum_{i=1}^4 \ell_i \,,$$ with $\alpha$ and $\beta$ constants to be determined. If we take $\alpha=0$ and $\beta=1$, the simplest generalization of level for cubic interactions, we get $L= 4\ell$ and (\[rec4fit\]) becomes $c_4 \sim \exp (-0.2838 L)$, which is intriguingly similar to (\[39kjdkhj\]). Thus, for $L=4\ell$ we get $c_3(L) \sim c_4(L)$.
It is not clear, however, that similar levels should lead to $c_3 \sim c_4$. Effective potentials, for example, suggest that $c_3^2$ and $c_4$ give similar contributions to observables. So, in the spirit of condition 2 we can require that for similar levels we get similar contributions: $$\label{theconstlrk}
(c_3 (L))^2 \sim c_4 (L) \,.$$ Focusing on level dependent terms and using (\[39kjdkhj\]), (\[rec4fit\]), and $L\sim 4\beta \ell$ we find $\beta \simeq 0.54$. This suggests $L \sim {1\over 2} \sum_i \ell_i$ for quartic interactions. We do not have sufficient data to test the validity of such relation. One may attempt to find the value of $\alpha$ in (\[levattempt\]) but that requires a control over level independent terms in our expansions that we do not have. Using (\[c3fit\]) and (\[c4fit\]) at face value would give $\alpha \simeq -2.2$. Ideally we would wish $\alpha \sim 2$, which would add level to quartic interactions. The negative $\alpha$ we find is just a reflection of the fact that the quartic tachyon amplitude is surprisingly big. In fact, it is so big that it eliminates the critical point in the potential calculated with quadratic and cubic terms [@Belopolsky:1994bj]. Our computations with marginal directions have suggested a much more benign behavior, one in which quartic contributions are suppressed with respect to the leading contributions from the cubic term.
We think that the outlook for level expansion in closed string field theory is positive. The above estimates suggest that the same reasons that make higher level cubic interactions suppressed also make higher level quartic interactions suppressed. The following strategy would then seem safe: calculate with cubic interactions to high level until convergence is clear and a result $A_3$ is obtained. Then add quartic interactions increasing the level until convergence occurs again, this time obtaining a corrected result $A_4$. Continue in this way with quintic and higher order interactions to obtain quantities $A_5, A_6, \ldots$. Throughout the process we want $A_{i+1} \sim A_i$. The final result is the limit of $A_n$ as $n\to \infty$. In carrying out these calculations one would hope that at each time one begins a computation including terms of one order higher, there is a set of low-level interactions at that new order such that the result obtained including them does not differ greatly from the result obtained without them.
We have seen that in the present calculations it makes sense to add quartic interactions once the string field includes states of level two or higher. This strategy helps produce clearer convergence. We do not know, in general, at what point quartic interactions should be added. Since our present analysis suggests that convergence will occur anyway, such determination may not be crucial. When the computation of cubic interactions is inexpensive, we may compute a large number of them before including quartic terms.
Open questions
There are several questions that we have not addressed. We have not attempted to discuss [*large*]{} marginal deformations nor [*large*]{} dilaton deformations. In level-expanded open string field theory the Wilson line deformation parameter encounters an obstruction for a finite value [@Sen:2000hx]. In closed string field theory we have seen (sect. \[dcdsdlv\]) that after integrating out the cubic tachyon interactions the radius deformation parameter $a$ has a finite range, while the dilaton deformation has an infinite range. Finite ranges appear when the solution (marginal) branch meets another branch of the equations of motion. Since higher level and higher order interactions imply equations of motion of higher order, the results obtained with the lowest level cubic interactions may be modified. Or perhaps not. We have computed the effects of integrating out the cubic couplings for the lowest level [*massive*]{} closed string fields. For ranges in which the computations are reliable we found no evidence of a limiting value for the dilaton. This and further results will be published in [@yang-zwiebach].
If closed string field theory were able to define dilaton deformations that correspond to infinite string coupling it would be a very exciting result. For superstrings it would imply that a (yet to be constructed) type IIA quantum closed superstring field theory would contain M-theory in its configuration space. Most likely infinite string coupling would correspond to $d=\infty$. If infinite coupling could be reached for some finite value $d=d_0$ the situation might be even better: M-theory would be obtained as a regular expansion around a point clearly inside the configuration space of the string field theory.[^1]
Our increased computational ability, due largely to the results of Moeller, and the experience gained in this paper make it interesting to reconsider the bulk closed string tachyon potential [@yang-zwiebach]. We are now able to compute fairly efficiently any set of quartic interactions. While the effective descriptions based on conformal field theory indicate that the dilaton potential is just a multiplicative factor for the bulk tachyon potential, this is not the case in string field theory. The string field dilaton and the sigma model dilaton are related by field redefinitions that involve the tachyon and other massive fields. An investigation of the bulk tachyon potential in string field theory requires the inclusion of the dilaton and the computation of its off-shell couplings to other massive fields. Only now we have the technology to do this.
We are grateful to M. Headrick, Y. Okawa, N. Moeller, M. Schnabl, A. Sen, and W. Taylor for their comments and suggestions.
Cubic potentials
The potential for the level-four string field in (\[lev4sfml\]) is $$\begin{split}
\kappa^2 V_{(4)}&=
(f_1)^2 + f_1\Bigl( \frac{121}{432} a^2
-\frac{1}{96} d^2 \Bigr)
+f_2\Bigl( \frac{15625}{1728} a^2
-\frac{15625}{3456} d^2 \Bigr)
&-\frac{25}{2}\big[ (f_3)^2 +(
f_4)^2\big] -\big(f_3+ f_4\big) \Bigl( \frac{1375}{864} a^2
-\frac{125}{576} d^2
& +4 (r_1)^2 + r_1\Bigl( \frac{27}{16} a^2
-\frac{25}{864} d^2 \Bigr)
-2\big[(r_2)^2+( r_3)^2\big]
+\big(r_2+r_3\big)\Bigl( \frac{11}{16}a^2 +\frac{5}{288}d^2
& + 25\big[(r_4)^2+(r_5)^2\big]
\frac{125}{32}a^2 +\frac{625}{1728}d^2\Bigr)
+ 2\,r_6r_7-\frac{8}{27}(r_7-r_6) a d
The level six string field needed for the computation of quartic terms in the potential for $a$ and $d$ is $$\begin{split}
|\Psi_6\rangle &=\phantom{+}h_1 \, c_{-2}\bar
c_{-2} +\,h_2 \, \alpha_{-2} \alpha_{-1} \,
\bar\alpha_{-2} \bar\alpha_{-1} c_1 \bar
b_{-2} c_{-1}c_1\,\,\bar b_{-2} \bar c_{-1}\bar c_1\nonumber\\
&\quad +(\,g_1\, \,\alpha_{-2}\alpha_{-1} \, c_1 \bar c_{-2} + \tilde
\bar\alpha_{-2}\bar\alpha_{-1} \, c_{-2} \bar c_1 )
+\, (g_2 \,\, b_{-2} c_{-1} c_1 \,\, \bar c_{-2} \,+ \,\tilde g_2
c_{-2}\,\, \bar b_{-2} \bar c_{-1} \bar c_1 ) \nonumber\\
&\quad +\,g_3 \,\alpha_{-2} \alpha_{-1} \, c_1\,\, \bar b_{-2} \bar
c_{-1} \bar c_1 \,+ \,\tilde g_3\, \bar\alpha_{-2} \bar\alpha_{-1}
b_{-2} c_{-1} c_1 \,\, \bar c_1\nonumber\\[1.0ex]
&\quad +( g_4\,\alpha_{-2}\bar \alpha_{-2} \,\,c_{-1} c_1\,+\,
\tilde g_4 \,\alpha_{-2}\bar \alpha_{-2} \,\, \bar c_{-1}\bar
+ (g_5\,\alpha_{-1}\bar \alpha_{-2} \,\,c_{-2} c_1\,+\,
\tilde g_5 \,\alpha_{-2}\bar \alpha_{-1} \,\, \bar c_{-2}\bar
&\quad + g_6\,\alpha_{-2}\bar \alpha_{-1} \,\,c_{-1} c_1\,\, \bar
b_{-2} \bar c_1 \,+\,
\tilde g_6 \,\alpha_{-1}\bar \alpha_{-2} \,\, b_{-2} c_1\,\, \bar
c_{-1} \bar c_1
&\quad +\,g_7\, \alpha_{-1}\bar \alpha_{-1} \,\,c_{-2} c_1\,\, \bar
b_{-2} \bar c_1 \, + \tilde g_7\, \alpha_{-1}\bar \alpha_{-1}\,\,
b_{-2} c_1\,\,\bar c_{-2} \bar c_1
&\quad +\,g_8\, \, b_{-2} \,\, \bar c_{-2} \bar c_{-1}\bar c_1\, +\,
\tilde g_8\,\, c_{-2} c_{-1}c_1\, \, \bar b_{-2} \,.
\end{split}$$ This string field contains states of ghost numbers $(-1, 3)$ and $(3, -1)$. The associated potential is $$\begin{split}
\kappa^2 V_{(6)}&=4 h_1 h_3+4 g_2\tilde g_2+16 g_4\tilde g_4+8
g_5\tilde g_6+8g_6\tilde g_5+4 g_7\tilde g_7+4 g_8\tilde g_8
\\[0.5 ex]
& + \frac{50}{729} h_1 d^2+\frac{200}{729} h_3 d^2
+\frac{100}{729} (g_2+\tilde g_2) d^2-\frac{200}{729} (g_8+\tilde
g_8) d^2\\[0.5 ex]
&+\frac{128}{729} (g_4-\tilde g_4) a d-\frac{160}{729}
(g_5-\tilde g_5) a d-\frac{320}{729} (g_6-\tilde g_6) a d
+\frac{400}{729} (g_7-\tilde g_7) a d\,.
Transformation laws
We record the following transformation laws: $$\begin{aligned}
\beta_1 (1-\xi) &= -\beta_2 (\xi) \,, &\rho_1(1-\xi) &= \rho_2(\xi)\,, \\
\beta_2 (1-\xi) &= -\beta_1 (\xi) \,, &\rho_2(1-\xi) &= \rho_1(\xi)\,, \\
\beta_3 (1-\xi) &= - \beta_3 (\xi) \,, &\rho_3(1-\xi) &= \rho_3(\xi)\,, \\
\beta_4 (1-\xi) &= - \beta_4 (\xi)- 1 \,, &\rho_4(1-\xi) &= \rho_4(\xi)\,.\end{aligned}$$
\beta_1 (1/\xi) &= \beta_4 (\xi) \,, &\rho_1(1/\xi) &= \rho_4(\xi)\,, \\
\beta_2 (1/\xi) &= 1-\beta_2 (\xi) \,, &\rho_2(1/\xi) &= \rho_2(\xi) \,, \\
\beta_3 (1/\xi) &= \xi(1-\xi \beta_3 (\xi)) \,, &\rho_3(1/\xi) &=
\rho_3(\xi)/|\xi|^2 \,, \\
\beta_4 (1/\xi) &= \beta_1 (\xi) \,, &\rho_4(1/\xi) &= \rho_1(\xi)\,.\end{aligned}$$
\beta_1 (1-1/\xi) &= \beta_2 (\xi)-1 \,, &\rho_1(1-1/\xi) &=
\rho_2(\xi)\,, \\
\beta_2 (1-1/\xi) &= -\beta_4 (\xi) \,, &\rho_2(1-1/\xi) &=
\rho_4(\xi) \,, \\
\beta_3 (1-1/\xi) &= \xi(\xi\beta_3(\xi)-1)\,, &\rho_3(1-1/\xi) &=
\rho_3(\xi)/|\xi|^2 \,, \\
\beta_4 (1-1/\xi) &= - \beta_1 (\xi)- 1 \,, &\rho_4(1-1/\xi) &=
For the benefit of the interested reader we discuss the transformations invoved in computing the second and third integrals in (\[builda2d2\]). Using the variable of integration $\xi' = 1-\xi$ over the region $1-\mathcal{A}$, the second integral involves $$I_2 = \int_{1-\mathcal{A}}dx' dy' ~
\Big(\bar{\partial}' \beta_2(\xi') {\partial}'(\bar\xi' \bar \beta_3(\xi')) - {\partial}'\beta_2(\xi')
\bar{\partial}' ( \bar \xi' \bar \beta_3(\xi'))\Big)\,.$$ Using the transformation rules $$dx' dy' = dx dy,\quad {\partial}' = -{\partial},\quad \bar{\partial}' = - \bar {\partial},\quad
\beta_2(\xi') = -\beta_1(\xi), \quad \beta_3(\xi') = -\beta_3(\xi)\,,$$ we find that $I_2$ can be written as the following integral over $\mathcal{A}$: $$I_2 = \int_{\mathcal{A}}dx dy ~
\Big(\bar{\partial}\beta_1 {\partial}((1-\bar\xi) \bar \beta_3) - {\partial}\beta_1
\bar{\partial}((1- \bar \xi) \bar \beta_3)\Big)\,.$$ In this integral the argument of all $\beta$’s is $\xi$. Using the variable of integration $\xi'= 1-1/\xi$ over $1-{1/\mathcal{A}}$, the third integral in (\[builda2d2\]) is written as $$I_3 =\int_{1-{1\over \mathcal{A}}}dx' dy' ~
\Big(\bar{\partial}' \beta_2(\xi') {\partial}'(\bar\xi' \bar \beta_3(\xi')) - {\partial}'\beta_2(\xi')
\bar{\partial}' ( \bar \xi' \bar \beta_3(\xi'))\Big)\,.$$ This time we use the following transformation rules $$dx' dy' = {dx dy\over |\xi|^4} ,\quad {\partial}' = \xi^2{\partial},\quad \bar{\partial}' = \bar \xi^2
\bar {\partial},\quad
\beta_2(\xi') = -\beta_4(\xi), \quad \beta_3(\xi) =
\xi( \xi\beta_3(\xi)-1) \,,$$ and the integral $I_3$ can now be written as an integral over $\mathcal{A}$: $$I_3 =\int_{\mathcal{A}}dx dy ~
\Big(-\bar{\partial}\beta_4 {\partial}[(\bar\xi-1) (\bar\xi\bar \beta_3 -1)] + {\partial}\beta_4
\bar{\partial}[(\bar \xi-1) (\bar \xi\bar \beta_3-1)]\Big)\,.$$
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[^1]: We thank W. Taylor for suggesting this possibility.
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"pile_set_name": "ArXiv"
} | ArXiv |
abstract: |
User engagement refers to the amount of interaction an instance (e.g., tweet, news, and forum post) achieves. Ranking the items in social media websites based on the amount of user participation in them, can be used in different applications, such as recommender systems. In this paper, we consider a tweet containing a rating for a movie as an instance and focus on ranking the instances of each user based on their engagement, i.e., the total number of retweets and favorites it will gain.
For this task, we define several features which can be extracted from the meta-data of each tweet. The features are partitioned into three categories: user-based, movie-based, and tweet-based. We show that in order to obtain good results, features from all categories should be considered. We exploit regression and learning to rank methods to rank the tweets and propose to aggregate the results of regression and learning to rank methods to achieve better performance.
We have run our experiments on an extended version of MovieTweeting dataset provided by ACM RecSys Challenge 2014. The results show that learning to rank approach outperforms most of the regression models and the combination can improve the performance significantly.
- |
Hamed Zamani, Azadeh Shakery, and Pooya Moradi\
- 'sigproc.bib'
date: 28 July 2014
title: |
Regression and Learning to Rank Aggregation\
for User Engagement Evaluation
Twitter is an online social information network which has become tremendously popular in the past few years [@Kywe:2012]. Millions of users are sharing rich information using social media sites, such as Twitter, which can be used by social recommender systems [@Guy:2011]. Item providers often let users express their opinion about an item in social networks. For instance, users can give a rating to each movie in Internet Movie Database (IMDb) website[^1] and also share it in Twitter. This intensifies the importance of considering social media sites for recommendation and information filtering systems [@Uysal:2011].
Product rating prediction is a traditional recommender system problem which has been studied extensively in the literature [@Ekstrand:2011; @Nguyen:2009; @Oghina:2012]. One important issue in recommender systems is the engagement which can be gained by the users’ comments/opinions. When users share their comments on different items, the amount of user interactions achieved by each comment can be used to improve the quality of recommender systems. In this paper, we focus on ranking these comments by their engagements.
We focus on movie ratings tweeted by IMDb users in Twitter. Hereafter, we use the word “engagement" as the user interaction which is expressed by adding up the number of retweets and favorites a tweet has gained. Our purpose is to rank the tweets of each user, each containing a rating for a movie in IMDb, by their engagements.
For this task, we first extract several features from the tweets. The features are categorized into three groups: user-based, movie-based, and tweet-based. It should be noted that the content of the tweets are hidden and there is no textual feature among our defined features. Then, we propose two different supervised approaches in order to rank the tweets. The first approach tires to predict the tweets engagements globally. In other words, although our purpose is to sort the tweets of each user, we consider tweets of all the users together and then try to predict the tweets engagements. We can then extract the sorted list of each user from the global ranked list. Therefore, we fit regression models to predict the engagement of each tweet. In the second approach, for each user, we rank the tweets by their engagement without predicting the engagements. To this aim, we use learning to rank approach which is extensively exploited in information retrieval, natural language processing, and recommender systems. Learning to rank methods rank the tweets for each user. In contrary to regression models which try to predict the engagements by considering all the tweets together, learning to rank methods emphasize on maximizing an objective function for each user. According to the different points of view of regression and learning to rank methods, we further propose to aggregate the results obtained by different regression and learning to rank methods to improve the performance.
In the experiments, we use an extended version of MovieTweetings dataset [@Dooms:2013] provided by ACM RecSys Challenge 2014 and report the results of a number of state-of-the-art regression and learning to rank methods, separately. We further discuss the aggregation of the results of these two approaches. The experimental results show that although the results of regression methods are not so impressive, aggregation of regression and learning to rank methods improves the results significantly.
Related Work {#sec:relwork}
The problem of engagement prediction or online participation has been studied from different points of view in news websites, social networks, and discussion forums. Several machine learning algorithms have been used in the literature for this task.
To address the problem of engagement prediction, several features have been proposed for training a model. Suh et al. [@Suh:2010] have provided an analysis on the factors impacting the number of retweets. They have concluded that hashtags, number of followers, number of followees, and the account age play important roles in increasing the probability of the tweets to be retweeted. Zaman et al. [@Zaman:2010] have trained a probabilistic collaborative filtering model to predict the future retweets using the history of the previous ones.
Linear models have been used in some other studies to predict the popularity of videos on YouTube by observing their popularity after regular periods [@Szabo:2010]. Petrovic et al. [@Petrovic:2011] have proposed a passive-aggressive algorithm to predict whether a tweet will be retweeted or not.
Recognizing popular messages is also one of the similar problems which is used for breaking news detection and personalized tweet/content recommendation. Hong et al. [@Hong:2011] have formulated this task as a classification problem by exploiting content-based features, temporal information, meta-data of messages, and the users social graph.
Predicting the extent to which a news is going to be breaking or how many comments a news is going to gain is one of the engagement prediction problems. Tatar et al. [@Tatar:2012] have analyzed a news dataset to address this problem. They have focused on sorting the articles based on their future popularity and they have proposed to use linear regression for this task.
It is worth noting that ranking instances is one of the problems which has been extensively studied in information retrieval, natural language processing, and machine learning fields [@Li:2011]. To solve a similar problem, Uysal and Croft [@Uysal:2011] have proposed “Coordinate Ascent learning to rank" algorithm to rank tweets for a user in a way that tweets which are more likely to be retweeted come on top. They have also worked on ranking users for a tweet in a way that the higher the rank, the more likely the given tweet will be retweeted. Several learning to rank algorithms have been proposed in the literature. Moreover, there are some supervised and unsupervised ensemble methods to aggregate different rankings, such as Borda Count [@Aslam:2001] and Cranking [@Lebanon:2002]. Previous studies show that in many cases, ranking aggregation methods outperform single ranking methods [@Chapelle:2011; @Li:2011].
Methodology {#sec:method}
In general, our idea is to extract a number of features for each tweet and then try to learn machine learning based models on the training data. Then, for each user in test data, we apply the learned model to rank his/her tweets based on their engagements. In this section, we first introduce the features, and then we propose some machine learning approaches to rank the tweets based on their engagements. We also try to aggregate the results of these different techniques to improve the performance. In the following subsections, we explain our methodology in details.
Features {#sec:features}
Each tweet contains the opinion of a user about a specific movie. We partition the features extracted from each tweet into three different categories: user-based, movie-based, and tweet-based features. Overall, we extract several features from each tweet T tweeted by user U about movie M. User-based features give us some information about the user who has tweeted his/her opinion about a specific movie. These features are not tweet-specific and they are equal for all tweets of each user. The total number of followers of U is an example of user-based features. Movie-based features only include information about movie M, e.g., the total number of tweets about movie M. Tweet-based features contain specific information of tweet T. This information may also contain the opinion of user U about movie M. The time and language of a tweet are two examples of tweet-based features.
The name and description of the extracted features are shown in Table \[tab:features\]. These features are extracted for each tweet T. We specify the category of the features and also their type; “N", “C", and “B" are used for numerical, categorical, and boolean types, respectively. It should be noted that the feature values are normalized using z-score normalization method.
We also perform feature selection to improve the performance and also to analyse the effectiveness of the proposed features. We exploit backward elimination for feature selection. The bolded features in Table \[tab:features\] are those that are retained after performing feature selection. We discuss the selected features in Subsection \[sec:res\]
[|p[0.75cm]{}|p[3cm]{}|C[0.85cm]{}|p[11cm]{}|]{} & & **Type** &\
& **Number of followers** & N & The total number of users who are following user U in Twitter.\
& Number of followees & N & The total number of users who are followed by user U in Twitter.\
& **Number of tweets** & N & The total number of tweets written by user U.\
& **Number of IMDb tweets** & N & The total number of tweets tweeted by user U using IMBD about different movies.\
& Average of ratings & N & The average of ratings provided by user U about different movies in IMDb.\
& Number of liked tweets & N & The total number of tweets which are liked by user U.\
& Number of lists & N &The total number of Twitter lists which user U is involved in.\
& Tweeting frequency & N & The frequency of tweets written by user U in each day.\
& Attracting followers frequency & N & The frequency of attracting followers per day. This feature is calculated by dividing the total number of followers by the membership age of user U in Twitter in terms of number of days.\
& Following frequency & N &The frequency of following different users by user U per day.\
& Like frequency & N &The frequency of liking tweets by user U per day.\
& Followers/Followees & N & The total number of followers of user U divided by the total number of his/her followees.\
& **Followers-Followees** & N & The difference between the total number of followers and followees of user U.\
& Number of tweets about M & N & The total number of tweets tweeted using IMDb about movie M. This feature shows how much movie M is rated by different users around the world in IMDb.\
& **Average rating of M** & N & The average of ratings reported by different users for movie M.\
& **Rate** & N & The rating provided by user U for movie M. This rating is a positive integer up to 10.\
& **Mention count** & N & The total number of people who are mentioned in tweet T.\
& Number of hash-tags & N &The total number of hash-tags used in tweet T.\
& Tweet age & N & The age of tweet T in terms of number of days.\
& Membership age until now & N & The number of days from when user U registered in Twitter until when tweet T is tweeted.\
& **opinion difference** & N & The difference between the rate tweeted by user U for movie M and the average of rates given by different users about movie M.\
& Hour of tweet & C & The hour when tweet T is tweeted. This feature is an integer between 0 and 23.\
& Day of tweet & C & The day of week which tweet T is tweeted.\
& Time of tweet & C & The part of the day that tweet T is tweeted. We have partitioned each day into four parts.\
& **Holidays or not** & B & This feature give us whether tweet T is tweeted on holidays or not.\
& **Same language or not** & B & This feature illustrates whether tweet T is tweeted in the same language as the default language of user U or not.\
& **English or not** & B & This feature tells us whether tweet T is tweeted in English or not.\
Machine Learning Techniques for User Engagement Ranking
In this subsection, we propose two different learning based approaches to rank the tweets of each user based on their engagements. The first approach is predicting the engagement of tweets, globally. In other words, for predicting the engagement of tweets of a user, we consider the tweets of all users for training the model and not only the tweets of the user. To this aim, we use regression models to predict the engagement of each tweet. The next approach is to rank the tweets for each user without predicting their engagements. We exploit learning to rank methods to rank the tweets of each user, which focus on ranking the tweets of each user individually and try to maximize a given objective function for each user. Finally, we propose a supervised method to aggregate the regression and learning to rank results using supervised Kemeny approach [@Agarwal:2012]. In the following, we explain our proposed methods in details.
### Regression
To rank the tweets of each user based on their possible engagements, we can first predict the engagement of each tweet and then sort the tweets by their predicted values. To predict the engagements, we propose to train regression models by using the features defined in Subsection \[sec:features\] as the features and the engagements as the labels. Then, we apply the learned model on the same extracted features from the test set.
To create the regression model, we exploit Extremely Randomized Trees (also known as Extra-Trees) [@Geurts:2006], Bayesian Ridge Regression [@Mackay:1992], and Stochastic Gradient Descent Regression (SGDR) [@Leon:2004]. Extra-Trees are tree-based ensemble regression methods which are successfully used in several tasks. In Extra-Trees, when a tree is built, the node splitting step is done randomly by choosing the best split among a random subset of features. The results of all trees are combined by averaging the individual predictions. SGDR is a generalized linear regression model that tries to fit a linear model by minimizing a regularized empirical loss function using gradient descent technique.
### Learning to Rank
Instead of predicting the exact engagements, we can rank the tweets directly, without predicting the engagements of each tweet. Learning to Rank (LTR) methods are machine learning techniques which try to solve ranking problems [@Li:2011]. LTR methods have been widely used in many different areas such as information retrieval, natural language processing, and recommender systems [@Karatzoglou:2013; @Li:2011]. LTR methods train a ranking model and use the learned model to rank the instances using several features which are extracted from each instance.
To build our LTR model, we consider a number of ranking algorithms which are among state-of-the-art in many test collections: ListNet [@Cao:2007], RankingSVM [@Joachims:2002], AdaRank [@Xu:2007], RankNet [@Burges:2005], LambdaRank [@Burges:2007], and ListMLE [@Xia:2008]. ListNet is a probabilistic listwise approach to solve ranking problems, which exploits a parameterized Plackett-Luce model to compute different permutations. Ranking SVM is a pairwise ranking approach which uses SVM classifier in its core computations. The basic idea behind AdaRank is constructing some weak rankers and combining them linearly to achieve a better performance. Although, Ranking SVM creates a ranking model by minimizing the classification error on instance pairs, AdaRank tries to minimize the loss function which is directly defined as an evaluation measure (such as NDCG@10). RankNet is one of the pairwise methods that adopts cross entropy as the loss function. RankNet employs a three layered neural network with a single output node to compare each pairs. LambdaRank is one of the ranking algorithms inspired by RankNet which uses Gradient Descent approach to optimize the evaluation measure. Similar to ListNet, ListMLE is a probabilistic listwise approach to rank instances by maximizing a logarithmic loss function.
### Aggregating Regression and Learning to Rank Outputs
According to the aforementioned facts, regression and learning to rank techniques take two different points of view into consideration and their results might be totally different. Therefore, by aggregating their results, the performance can potentially be increased.
To aggregate all the mentioned regression and learning to rank results, we use *supervised Kemeny approach* [@Agarwal:2012]. Kemeny optimal aggregation [@Kemeny:1959] tries to minimize total number of pairwise disagreements between the final ranking and the outputs of all base rankers. In other words, if $r_1,~r_2,~...,~r_n$ represent the outputs of $n$ different rankers, the final ranking $r^*$ is computed as: $$r^* = \arg\max_{r}~\{\sum_{i=1}^{n}{k(r,~r_i)}\}$$ where $k(\alpha,~\beta)$ is the Kendall tau distance [@Kendall:1938] measured as: $$|{(i,~j):~i<j,~\alpha_i>\alpha_j~\wedge~\beta_i<\beta_j}|$$ where $\alpha_i$ denotes the $i^{th}$ position of ranking $\alpha$.
While in Kemeny optimal aggregation all the rankers have the same importance, supervised Kemeny approach assumes that there is a weight for each ranker. In more details, in supervised Kemeny instead of counting the number of disagreements, we use the following equation to compute the final ranking: $$r^* = \arg\max_{r}~\{\sum_{i=1}^{n}{k(r,~r_i)}*w_i\}$$ where $w_i$ denotes the weight of $i^{th}$ ranker. To find the weight of each ranker, we propose to perform a Randomized Search [@Bergstra:2012]. To this aim, we perform cross validation over training data and find the optimal weight for each ranker.
Experiments {#sec:exp}
In the experiments, we consider an extended version of MovieTweetings dataset [@Dooms:2013] which is provided by ACM RecSys Challenge 2014 [@Said:2014].[^2] The dataset contains movie ratings which are automatically tweeted by the users of IMDb iOS application. The reported results throughout this work are those obtained on the test set. The evaluation measure is the mean of normalized discounted cumulative gain [@Jarvelin:2002] computed for top 10 tweets of each user. We call it *NDCG@10*, hereafter.
In our experiments, we used Scikit-learn library [@Pedregosa:2011] for all the regression and feature selection algorithms. To select the parameters of the learning methods, we performed hyper-parameter optimization using Randomized Search [@Bergstra:2012] with 5-fold cross validation. For the learning to rank algorithms except AdaRank, we exploited an open source package, named ToyBox-Ranking[^3]. For AdaRank, we used the software developed in Microsoft Research [@Xu:2007].[^4]
Experimental Results and Discussion {#sec:res}
In this subsection, we report and discuss the results of different regression and learning to rank methods. We also provide the results obtained by aggregating the regression and learning to rank results using the supervised Kemeny approach.
To show the impact of feature selection, we report the results of regression and learning to rank methods both before and after feature selection. As mentioned before, the bolded features in Table \[tab:features\] are those retained after performing backward elimination method. The selected features are diffused among all the three feature categories. This shows the importance of using a combination of different kinds of features in this problem. The selected user-based features show how active and popular the user is in Twitter. Interestingly, all the boolean features are selected and none of the categorical features are retained. The reason may be that the values of the boolean features are constant and the difference between them are not a continuous value. So it may be easier and more efficient to use these features. Moreover, for the categorical features, we assign a number to each possible category and the arithmetic difference between these numbers is not informative.
Table \[tab:reg\] shows the results obtained by different regression algorithms, in terms of NDCG@10. In Table \[tab:reg\], “XT", “BRR", and “SGDR" respectively denote Extremely Randomized Trees, Bayesian Ridge Regression, and Stochastic Gradient Descent Regression.
The results reported in Table \[tab:reg\] demonstrate that feature selection does not help with regression algorithms. In other words, after performing the feature selection, the results of regression models are dropped dramatically. This shows that backward elimination is not sufficient for regression models. According to Table \[tab:reg\], there is a considerable difference between the results achieved by different regression models.
[|C[2cm]{}|C[2.5cm]{}|C[2.5cm]{}|]{} &\
REG method & REG w/ FS & REG w/o FS\
XT & 0.7441384724 & 0.7863435909\
BRR & 0.7541443109 & 0.7759180414\
SGDR & 0.7507494314 & 0.8168741812\
Table \[tab:ltr\] shows the results of using several learning to rank methods. The results also include NDCG@10 before and after applying feature selection. The results reported in Table \[tab:ltr\] emphasize on the importance of using feature selection in learning to rank methods; since after performing feature selection, the results are improved. Therefore, backward elimination method works well for LTR methods. Table \[tab:ltr\] demonstrates that ListNet performs better than the other LTR methods. Comparing the results of Table \[tab:reg\] and Table \[tab:ltr\] shows that all the learning to rank methods outperform all the regression models.
[|C[2.1cm]{}|C[2.5cm]{}|C[2.5cm]{}|]{} &\
LTR method & LTR w/ FS& LTR w/o FS\
ListNet & 0.8243394623 & 0.8190048552\
RankingSVM & 0.8225893034 & 0.8169257071\
AdaRank & 0.8182340058 & 0.8153622186\
RankNet & 0.8223464432 & 0.8169752826\
LambdaRank & 0.8209622031 & 0.8126243442\
ListMLE & 0.8217342257 & 0.8174866943\
Table \[tab:agg\] represents the results obtained by aggregating the mentioned regression and learning to rank results using supervised Kemeny approach. To show the importance of considering both regression and learning to rank methods together, we also report the results achieved by aggregating all the LTR methods and all the regression methods, separately. Table \[tab:agg\] indicates that although most of the results of regression models are far lower than the LTR methods, their aggregation improves the results. It shows that aggregating regression and learning to rank methods achieves better results in comparison with aggregating only LTR methods or regression models. To show that this improvement is significant, we performed 10-fold cross validation over the training data and conducted a statistical significant test (*t-test*) on the improvements of LTRs+REGs over the other methods. The results show that the improvement achieved by LTRs+REGs is statistically significant ($p-value<0.01$).
[|C[2.1cm]{}|C[3cm]{}|]{} &\
LTRs & 0.8242044953\
REGs & 0.8063031984\
LTRs+REGs & 0.8261454943\
Conclusions {#sec:conclusion}
In this paper, to rank the tweets of each user based on their engagements, we first defined several features partitioned into three different categories: user-based, movie-based, and tweet-based. We showed that after performing feature selection, the features are selected from all of these categories. Then, we exploited regression and learning to rank methods to rank the tweets of each user by their engagements. Finally, we aggregated the results of all the regression and learning to rank methods using supervised Kemeny approach.
We evaluated our methods on an extended version of MovieTweeting dataset provided by ACM RecSys Challenge 2014. The experimental results demonstrate that feature selection significantly affects the performance. The results also show that however the results of most regression models are far lower than learning to rank methods, their aggregation improves the performance.
[^1]: http://imdb.com
[^2]: http://2014.recsyschallenge.com/
[^3]: https://github.com/y-tag/cpp-ToyBox-Ranking
[^4]: http://goo.gl/xycK0h
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"pile_set_name": "ArXiv"
} | ArXiv |
abstract: 'In this article, we introduce the notion of representations of polyadic groups and we investigate the connection between these representations and those of retract groups and covering groups.'
- 'Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science, Wroc[ł]{}aw University of Technology, Wybrzeże Wyspiańskiego 27, 50-370 Wroc[ł]{}aw, Poland'
- ' Department of Pure Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematical Sciences, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran '
- 'W. A. Dudek'
- 'M. Shahryari'
title: Representation Theory of Polyadic Groups
A non-empty set $G$ together with an $n$-ary operation $f:G^n\to
G$ is called an [*$n$-ary groupoid*]{} and is denoted by $(G,f)$. We will assume that $n>2$.
According to the general convention used in the theory of $n$-ary systems, the sequence of elements $x_i,x_{i+1},\ldots,x_j$ is denoted by $x_i^j$. In the case $j<i$ it is the empty symbol. If $x_{i+1}=x_{i+2}=\ldots=x_{i+t}=x$, then instead of $x_{i+1}^{i+t}$ we write $\stackrel{(t)}{x}$. In this convention $f(x_1,\ldots,x_n)= f(x_1^n)$ and $$f(x_1,\ldots,x_i,\underbrace{x,\ldots,x}_{t},x_{i+t+1},\ldots,x_n)=
f(x_1^i,\stackrel{(t)}{x},x_{i+t+1}^n) .$$
An $n$-ary groupoid $(G,f)$ is called [*$(i,j)$-associative*]{}, if $$f(x_1^{i-1},f(x_i^{n+i-1}),x_{n+i}^{2n-1})=
f(x_1^{j-1},f(x_j^{n+j-1}),x_{n+j}^{2n-1})\label{assolaw}$$ holds for all $x_1,\ldots,x_{2n-1}\in G$. If this identity holds for all $1\leqslant i<j\leqslant n$, then we say that the operation $f$ is [*associative*]{} and $(G,f)$ is called an [*$n$-ary semigroup*]{}.
If, for all $x_0,x_1,\ldots,x_n\in G$ and fixed $i\in\{1,\ldots,n\}$, there exists an element $z\in G$ such that $$\label{solv}
f(x_1^{i-1},z,x_{i+1}^n)=x_0 ,$$ then we say that this equation is [*$i$-solvable*]{} or [*solvable at the place $i$*]{}. If this solution is unique, then we say that (\[solv\]) is [*uniquely $i$-solvable*]{}.
An $n$-ary groupoid $(G,f)$ uniquely solvable for all $i=1,\ldots,n$, is called an [*$n$-ary quasigroup*]{}. An associative $n$-ary quasigroup is called an [*$n$-ary group*]{} or a [*polyadic group*]{}. In the binary case (i.e., for $n=2$) it is a usual group.
Now, such and similar $n$-ary systems have many applications in different branches. For example, in the theory of automata, (cf. [@Busse]), $n$-ary semigroups and $n$-ary groups are used, some $n$-ary groupoids are applied in the theory of quantum groups (cf. [@Nik]). Different applications of ternary structures in physics are described by R. Kerner (cf. [@Ker]). In physics there are used also such structures as $n$-ary Filippov algebras (cf. [@Poj]) and $n$-Lie algebras (cf. [@Vai]).
The idea of investigations of such groups seems to be going back to E. Kasner’s lecture [@Kas] at the fifty-third annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science in 1904. But the first paper concerning the theory of $n$-ary groups was written (under inspiration of Emmy Noether) by W. Dörnte in 1928 (see [@Dor]). In this paper Dörnte observed that any $n$-ary groupoid $(G,f)$ of the form $\,f(x_1^n)=x_1\circ
x_2\circ\ldots\circ x_n\circ b$, where $(G,\circ)$ is a group and $b$ is its fixed element belonging to the center of $(G,\circ)$, is an $n$-ary group. Such $n$-ary groups, called [*$b$-derived*]{} from the group $(G,\circ)$, are denoted by $der_b(G,\circ)$. In the case when $b$ is the identity of $(G,\circ)$ we say that such $n$-ary group is [*reducible*]{} to the group $(G,\circ )$ or [*derived*]{} from $(G,\circ)$. But for every $n>2$ there are $n$-ary groups which are not derived from any group. An $n$-ary group $(G,f)$ is derived from some group iff it contains an element $e$ (called an [*$n$-ary identity*]{}) such that $$\label{n-id}
f(\stackrel{(i-1)}{e},x,\stackrel{(n-i)}{e})=x$$ holds for all $x\in G$ and $i=1,\ldots,n$.
It is worthwhile to note that in the definition of an $n$-ary group, under the assumption of the associativity of the operation $f$, it suffices only to postulate the existence of a solution of (\[solv\]) at the places $i=1$ and $i=n$ or at one place $i$ other than $1$ and $n$ (cf. [@Post], p. $213^{17}$). Other useful characterizations of $n$-ary groups one can find in [@Rem] and [@DGG].
From the definition of an $n$-ary group $(G,f)$, we can directly see that for every $x\in G$, there exists only one $z\in G$ satisfying the equation $$\label{skew}
f(\stackrel{(n-1)}{x},z)=x .$$ This element is called [*skew*]{} to $x$ and is denoted by $\overline{x}$. In a ternary group ($n=3$) derived from the binary group $(G,\cdot)$ the skew element coincides with the inverse element in $(G,\circ)$. Thus, in some sense, the skew element is a generalization of the inverse element in binary groups. Dörnte proved (see [@Dor]) that in ternary groups we have $\overline{f(x,y,z)}=f(\overline{z},\overline{y},\overline{x})$ and $\overline{\overline{x}}=x$, but for $n>3$ this is not true. For $n>3$ there are $n$-ary groups in which one fixed element is skew to all elements (cf. [@D'90]) and $n$-ary groups in which any element is skew to itself.
Nevertheless, the concept of skew elements plays a crucial role in the theory of $n$-ary groups. Namely, as Dörnte proved (see also [@DGG]), the following theorem is true.
\[dor-th\] In any $n$-ary group $(G,f)$ the following identities $$\label{e-dor}
f(y,\stackrel{(n-j)}{x},\overline{x},\stackrel{(j-2)}{x})=y,$$ $$\label{e-skew}
f(\stackrel{(k-1)}{x},\overline{x},\stackrel{(n-k)}{x})=x$$ hold for all $\,x,y\in G$, $\,2\leqslant i,j\leqslant
n$ and $1\leqslant k\leqslant n$.
One can prove (cf. [@Rem]) that for $n>2$ an $n$-ary group can be defined as an algebra $(G,f,\bar{\,}\,)$ with one associative $n$-ary operation $f$ and one unary operation $\bar{\,}:x\to\overline{x}$ satisfying for some $\,2\leqslant
i,j\leqslant n$ the identities . This means that a non-empty subset $H$ of an $n$-ary group $(G,f)$ is its subgroup iff it is closed with respect to the operation $f$ and $\overline{x}\in H$ for every $x\in H$.
Fixing in an $n$-ary operation $f$ all inner elements $a_2,\ldots,a_{n-1}$ we obtain a new binary operation $$x\ast y=f(x,a_2^{n-1},y).$$ Such obtained groupoid $(G,\ast)$ is called a [*retract*]{} of $(G,f)$. Choosing different elements $a_1,\ldots,a_{n-1}$ we obtain different retracts. Retracts of $n$-ary groups are groups. Retracts of a fixed $n$-ary group are isomorphic (cf. [@DM'84]). So, we can consider only retracts of the form $$x\ast y=f(x,\stackrel{(n-2)}{a},y).$$ Such retracts will be denoted by $Ret_a(G,f)$, or simply by $Ret_a(G)$. The identity of the group $Ret_a(G)$ is $\overline{a}$. One can verify that the inverse element to $x$ has the form $$\label{inverse}
Binary retracts of an $n$-ary group $(G,f)$ are commutative only in the case when there exists an element $a\in G$ such that $$f(x,\stackrel{(n-2)}{a},y)=f(y,\stackrel{(n-2)}{a},x)$$ holds for all $x,y\in G$. An $n$-ary group with this property is called [*semiabelian*]{}. It satisfies the identity $$\label{semi}
f(x_1^n)=f(x_n,x_2^{n-1},x_1)$$ (cf. [@Rem]).
One can prove (cf. [@GG'77]) that a semiabelian $n$-ary group is [*medial*]{}, i.e., it satisfies the identity $$\label{med-law}
f(x_{1n}^{nn})).$$ In such $n$-ary groups $$\label{e-med}
\overline{f(x_1,x_2,x_3,\ldots,x_n)}=f(\overline{x}_1,\overline{x}_2,\overline{x}_3,\ldots,\overline{x}_n)$$ for all $x_1,\ldots,x_n\in G$.
Any $n$-ary group can be uniquely described by its retract and some automorphism of this retract. Namely, the following Hosszú-Gluskin Theorem (cf. [@DG] or [@DM'82]) is valid.
\[T-HG\] An $n$-ary groupoid $(G,f)$ is an $n$-ary group iff
1. on $G$ one can define an operation $\cdot$ such that $(G,\cdot)$ is a group,
2. there exist an automorphism $\varphi$ of $(G,\cdot)$ and $b\in G$ such that $\varphi(b)=b$,
3. $\varphi^{n-1}(x)=b\cdot x\cdot b^{-1}$ for every $x\in
4. $
b$ for all $x_1,\ldots,x_n\in G$.
One can prove that $(G,\cdot)= Ret_a(G,f)$ for some $a\in G$. In connection with this we say that an $n$-ary group $(G,f)$ is $(\varphi,b)$-derived from the group $(G,\cdot)$.
The main aim of this article is to introduce [*representations*]{} of $n$-ary groups and to investigate their main properties, with a special focus on ternary groups. Note that, this is not the first attempt to study representations of $n$-ary groups, because there are some other articles, with different point of views concerning representations on $n$-ary groups, (cf. [@BDD], [@GWW], [@Post] and [@Wanke]). However, our method seems to be the most natural generalization of the notion of representation from binary to $n$-ary groups.
Action of an $n$-ary Group on a Set
Suppose that $(G,f)$ is an $n$-ary group and $A$ is a non-empty set. We say that $(G,f)$ [*acts*]{} on $A$ if for all $x\in G$ and $a\in A$ corresponds a unique element $x.a\in A$ such that
1. $f(x_1^n).a=x_1.(x_2.(x_3.\ \ldots\ .(x_n.a))\ldots )$ for all $x_1,\ldots,x_n\in G$,
2. for all $a\in A$, there exists $x\in G$ such that $x.a=a$,
3. the map $a\mapsto x.a$ is a bijection for all $x\in
For $a\in A$, we define the [*stabilizer* ]{} $G_a$ of $a$ as follows $$G_a=\{ x\in G: x.a=a\}.$$
$G_a$ is an $n$-ary subgroup of $(G,f)$.
By condition $(ii)$ of the above definition $G_a$ is non-empty. Since for $x_1, x_2, \ldots, x_n\in G_a$ we have $$f(x_1^n).a=x_1.(x_2.(x_3.\ \ldots\ .(x_n.a))\ldots )=a,$$ $f(x_1^n)\in G_a$. Hence $G_a$ is closed with respect to the operation $f$.
Now if $x\in G_a$, then by we obtain $$a=x.a=f(\overline{x},\stackrel{(n-1)}{x}).a=\overline{x}.(x.\,\ldots\,.x.(x.a))\ldots)=\overline{x}.a
,$$ which implies $\overline{x}\in G_a$. This completes the proof.
\[P-equiv\] If an $n$-ary group $(G,f)$ acts on a set $A$, then the relation $\sim$ defined on $A$ by $$a\sim b \Longleftrightarrow \exists x\in G:\ x.a=b$$ is an equivalence relation.
For each $a\in A$ there is $x\in G$ such that $x.a=a$, so $a\sim
a$. If $a\sim b$ for $a,b\in A$, then $z.a=b$ for some $z\in G$. Let $y$ be the unique solution of the equation $$f(y,z,\stackrel{(n-2)}{x})=x ,$$ where $x\in G$ is such that $x.a=a$. For this $y$ we have $y.b=a$ since $$a=x.a=f(y,z,\stackrel{(n-2)}{x}).a=y.z.a=y.b .$$ Thus $b\sim a$. Finally, let $a\sim b$ and $b\sim c$. Then there are $x,y,z\in G$ such that $x.a=b$, $y.b=c$ and $z.b=b$. In this case for $u=f(y,\stackrel{(n-2)}{z},x)$ we have $$u.a=f(y,\stackrel{(n-2)}{z},x).a=y.b=c,$$ which proves $a\sim c$.
\[T-act\] The formula $x.a=f(x,a,\stackrel{(n-3)}{x},\overline{x})$ defines an action of an $n$-ary group $G$ on itself.
The last condition of Theorem \[T-HG\] can be written in the form $$f(x_1^n)=x_1\cdot\varphi(x_2)\cdot\varphi^2(x_3)\cdot\ldots\cdot\varphi^{n-2}(x_{n-1})\cdot
b\cdot x_n .$$ Thus $\,\overline{x}=\big(\varphi(x)\cdot\varphi^2(x)\cdot\ldots\cdot\varphi^{n-2}(x)\cdot
b\big)^{-1}$. Consequently $$\label{e-n}
x.a=x\cdot\varphi(a)\cdot\varphi(x^{-1}) .$$ Hence $$\begin{aligned}
y.(x.a)&=&y\cdot \varphi(x)\cdot\varphi^2(a)\cdot\varphi^2(x^{-1})\cdot\varphi(y)^{-1}\\
&=&y\cdot \varphi(x)\cdot\varphi^2(a)\cdot\varphi((y\cdot\varphi(x))^{-1}) .\end{aligned}$$ Iterating this procedure we obtain $$x_1.(x_2.(x_3\,\ldots\,.(x_n.a))\ldots)=$$ $$x_1\cdot\varphi(x_2)\cdot\varphi^2(x_3)\cdot\ldots\cdot\varphi^{n-1}(x_n)\cdot\varphi^n(a)\cdot\varphi((x_1\cdot\varphi(x_2)\cdot
\varphi^2(x_3)\cdot\ldots\cdot\varphi^{n-1}(x_n))^{-1}) .$$ Since $\varphi^n(a)=b\cdot\varphi(a)\cdot b^{-1}$ from the above we obtain $$x_1.(x_2.(x_3\,\ldots\,.(x_n.a))\ldots)=f(x_1^n)\cdot\varphi(a)\cdot\varphi(f(x_1^n)^{-1})
.$$ This by gives $f(x_1^n).a=x_1.(x_2.(x_3\,\ldots\,.(x_n.a))\ldots)$.
In semiabelian $n$-ary groups the relation $$a\sim b \Longleftrightarrow \exists x\in G:\
f(x,a,\stackrel{(n-3)}{x},\overline{x})=b$$ is a congruence.
Indeed, by Proposition \[P-equiv\] it is an equivalence relation. To prove that it is a congruence let $a_i\sim b_i$, i.e., $f(x_i,a_i,\stackrel{(n-3)}{x_i},\overline{x}_i)=b_i$ for some $x_i\in G$ and all $i=1,\ldots,n$. Then $$f(b_1^n)=f(f(x_1,a_1,\stackrel{(n-3)}{x_1},\overline{x}_1),f(x_2,a_2,\stackrel{(n-3)}{x_2},\overline{x}_2),
\ldots,f(x_n,a_n,\stackrel{(n-3)}{x_n},\overline{x}_n)),$$ which by the mediality and gives $$f(b_1^n)=f(f(x_1^n),f(a_1^n),\underbrace{f(x_1^n),\ldots,f(x_1^n)}_{n-3},\overline{f(x_1^n)}\,).$$ Thus $f(a_1^n)\sim f(b_1^n)$.
The formula says that in $n$-ary groups $b$-derived from a group $(G,\cdot)$ the above relation coincides with the conjugation in $(G,\cdot)$. Thus in non-semiabelian $n$-ary groups it may not be a congruence.
Elements belonging to the same equivalence class are called [*conjugate*]{}. The equivalence classes are called [*conjugate classes*]{} of an $n$-ary group $G$ and have the form $$Cl_G(a)=\{ f(x,a,\stackrel{(n-3)}{x},\overline{x}): x\in G\}.$$
As a simple consequence of and we obtain
In semiabelian $n$-ary group the set containing all elements of $G$ conjugated with elements of a given $n$-ary subgroup also is an $n$-ary subgroup.
For $a\in G$, we define the [*centralizer*]{} of $a$, as follows $$C_G(a)=\{ x\in G: f(x,a,\stackrel{(n-3)}{x},\overline{x})=a\}.$$ From Theorem \[dor-th\] it follows that in $n$-ary groups $b$-derived from a group $(G,\cdot)$ the centralizer of any $a\in
G$ coincides with the centralizer of $a$ in $(G,\cdot)$.
\[P-23\] For every $x\in C_G(a)$ and every $0\leqslant i,j,k\leqslant n-2$ such that $i+j+k=n-2$ we have $$f(\stackrel{(i)}{x},a,\stackrel{(j)}{x},\overline{x},\stackrel{(k)}{x})=
For every $x\in C_G(a)$, we have $f(x,a,\stackrel{(n-3)}{x},\overline{x})=a$. Multiplying this equation on the left by $x$ and on the right by $x,\ldots,x,\overline{x}$ ($n-2$ elements), we obtain $$f(x,f(x,a,\stackrel{(n-3)}{x},\overline{x}),\stackrel{(n-3)}{x},\overline{x})=f(x,a,\stackrel{(n-3)}{x},\overline{x})=a,$$ which in view of the associativity of the operation $f$ and gives $$f(x,x,a,\stackrel{(n-4)}{x},\overline{x})=a.$$ Repeating this procedure we obtain $$f(\stackrel{(i)}{x},a,\stackrel{(n-i-2)}{x},\overline{x})=a$$ for every $1\leqslant i\leqslant n-2$. Theorem \[dor-th\] completes the proof.
G-modules and Representations
All vector spaces in this section are defined over the field of complex numbers and have finite dimension.
Suppose that an $n$-ary group $G$ acts on a vector space $V$ and we have
1. $x.(\lambda v+u)=\lambda x.v+x.u$,
2. $\exists p\in G\ \forall v\in V: p.v=v$.
Then we call $(V, p)$, or simply $V,$ a [*$G$-module*]{}.
Notions, such as $G$-submodule, $G$-homomorphism, irreducibility and so on, are defined by the ordinary way.
A map $\Lambda:G \rightarrow GL(V)$ with the property $$\Lambda(f(x_1^n))=\Lambda(x_1)\Lambda(x_2)\ldots\Lambda(x_n)$$ is a [*representation*]{} of $G$, provided that $\ker \Lambda$ is non-empty. The function $$\chi(x)=Tr\ \Lambda(x)$$ is called the corresponding [*character*]{} of $\Lambda$.
If $V$ is a $G$-module, then $\Lambda$ defined by $$\Lambda(x)(v)=x.v$$ is a representation of $G$. The converse is also true.
\[Ex-34\] Let $A$ be an arbitrary binary group with a normal subgroup $H.$ Let $a\in A\setminus H$ be an involution. Then $G=aH$ with the operation $$f(x,y,z)=xyz$$ is a ternary group. If $\Lambda$ is an ordinary representation of $A$ with the property $a\in\ker\Lambda$, then, clearly $\Lambda$ is also a representation of $G$. For example, suppose $A=GL_n(\mathbb{C})$ and $H=SL_n(\mathbb{C})$. Let $a=diag(-1, 1,
\ldots, 1)$ and define $G=aH$. Then, every representation of $A$ in which $a\in \ker \Lambda$ is also a representation of a ternary group $G$.
\[ex-35\] For any subgroup $H$ of an ordinary group $A$ and any element $a\in Z(A)\setminus H$ with the order $n$ we define on $G=aH$ an $n$-ary operation by $$f(x_1,x_2,\ldots ,x_n)=ax_1x_2\ldots x_n.$$ This operation is associative, because $a\in Z(A)$. Also, $G$ is closed under this operation, since $o(a)=n$. So, $G$ is an $n$-ary group. Any $A$-representation $\Lambda$ with $a\in\ker\Lambda$ is also a $G$-representation.
\[Ex-36\] The set $G=\mathbb{Z}_n$ with the ternary operation $$f(x,y,z)=x-y+z\,({\rm mod}\ n)$$ is, by Theorem \[T-HG\], a ternary group. We want to classify all representations of $G$.
Let $\Lambda :G\rightarrow GL_m(\mathbb{C})$ be any representation. Then we have $$\Lambda(f(x,y,z))=\Lambda(x)\Lambda(y)\Lambda(z),$$ equivalently, $$\Lambda(x-y+z)=\Lambda(x)\Lambda(y)\Lambda(z).$$ We have $$\Lambda(x+y)=\Lambda(x)\Lambda(0)\Lambda(y), \ \
\Lambda(x-y)=\Lambda(x)\Lambda(y)\Lambda(0).$$ Suppose $A=\Lambda(0)$. We have $$\Lambda(x+y)=\Lambda(x)A\Lambda(y).$$ It is easy to see that $A^2=I$. Now, define $\Lambda^{\prime}(x)=A\Lambda(x)$. Then $$\Lambda^{\prime}(x+y)=\Lambda^{\prime}(x)\Lambda^{\prime}(y),$$ and so, $\Lambda^{\prime}$ is an ordinary representation of $(\mathbb{Z}_n, +)$. Hence, every representation of the ternary group $G$ is of the form $\Lambda(x)=A\Lambda^{\prime}(x)$, where $A$ is an involution and $\Lambda^{\prime}$ is an ordinary representation of $(\mathbb{Z}_n, +)$.
Similarly, we can classify all representations of ternary groups of the form $G=(A, f)$, where $A$ is an ordinary abelian group and $$f(x,y,z)=x-y+z.$$
[(Maschke)]{} Let $G$ be a finite $n$-ary group. Then every $G$-module is completely reducible.
Let $(V, p)$ be a $G$-module and $W\leq_G V$. Suppose $V=W\oplus X$, where $X$ is just a subspace. Let $\varphi:
V\rightarrow W$ be the corresponding projection. Define a new map $\theta:V\rightarrow V$ as $$\theta(v)=\frac{1}{|G|}\sum_{x\in G}\overline{x}.\varphi(x.v).$$ It is easy to see that $$\theta(x.v)=x.p.\,\ldots\, .p.\theta(v)=x.\theta(v).$$ So $\theta$ is a $G$-homomorphism and hence its kernel is a $G$-submodule. For all $w\in W$, we have $\theta(w)=w$ and so $\theta^2=\theta$. Now, we have $V=W\oplus \ker \theta$.
Any $G$-module $(V,p)$ is also an ordinary $Ret_p(G)$-module, because $$(x\ast y).v=f(x,\stackrel{(n-2)}{p},y).v=x.p.\,\ldots\,
From now on, we will assume that $e\in G$ is an arbitrary fixed element. For all $p\in G$, we have $Ret_e(G)\cong Ret_p(G)$ and further the isomorphism is given by the following rule $$h(x)=f(\stackrel{(n-2)}{e},x,\overline{p}\,).$$
By $\hat{G}$ we denote the binary group $Ret_e(G)$. If $(V, p)$ is a $G$-module, then we can define a $\hat{G}$-module structure on $V$ by $x\circ v=h(x).v$. So, we have $$x\circ v=f(\stackrel{(n-2)}{e},x,\overline{p}\,).v=e.\,\ldots\,
.e.x.\overline{p}.v.$$ But, we have $\overline{p}.v=\overline{p}.p.\,\ldots\,.p.v=f(\overline{p}\,,\stackrel{(n-1)}{p}).v=p.v=v$. Hence $$x\circ v=\underbrace{e.\,\ldots\,.e}_{n-2}.x.v.$$ Now, every $G$-module is also a $\hat{G}$-module, but the converse is not true in general. During this article, we will give some necessary and sufficient conditions for a $\hat{G}$-module to be also a $G$-module. The next proposition is the first condition of this type.
\[P-cond\] Let $V$ be a $\hat{G}$-module. Then $V$ is a $G$-module iff $$\forall x_2,\ldots,x_{n-1}\in G\ \forall v:\
We have $$\begin{aligned}
&=&x_1\ast f(\overline{e},x_2^n)\\
&=&x_1\ast f(\overline{e},x_2^{n-1},f(\overline{e},\stackrel{(n-2)}{e},x_n))\\
&=&x_1\ast f(\overline{e},x_2^{n-1},\overline{e}\,)\ast x_n .\end{aligned}$$ So, the equality $$f(x_1^n).v=x_1.x_2.\,\ldots\,.x_{n-1}.x_n.v$$ holds, iff $$f(\overline{e},x_2^{n-1},\overline{e}\,).v=x_2.x_3.\,\ldots\,.x_{n-1}.v$$ for all $x_2,\ldots,x_{n-1}$ and $v$.
Suppose that $V$ is a $G$-module in which the corresponding representation is $\Lambda$. We know that $V$ is also a $\hat{G}$-module. The corresponding representation of this last module is $$\hat{\Lambda}(x)=\underbrace{\Lambda(e)\ldots\Lambda(e)}_{n-2}\Lambda(x).$$ Because in $\hat{G}$, the identity element is $\overline{e}$, we have $$\hat{\Lambda}(\overline{e})=id.$$ So $\Lambda(e)^{n-2}\Lambda(\overline{e})=id$ and hence $$\Lambda(\overline{e})=\Lambda(e)^{2-n}.$$ In the sequel, the corresponding character of $\hat{\Lambda}$, will be denoted by $\hat{\chi}$.
Suppose that $\Lambda$ is a representation of $G$ with the character $\chi$. Then $\chi$ is fixed on the conjugate classes of $G$.
Indeed, for every $b\in Cl_G(a)$ we have $$\Lambda(b)=\Lambda(f(x,a,\stackrel{(n-3)}{x},\overline{x}\,))=
\Lambda(x)\Lambda(a)\Lambda(x)^{n-3}\Lambda(\overline{x}),$$ so $$\begin{aligned}
\chi(b)&=&Tr\ (\Lambda(x)\Lambda(a)\Lambda(x)^{n-3}\Lambda(\overline{x}))\\
&=&Tr\ (\Lambda(x)\Lambda(a)\Lambda(e)^{n-2}\Lambda(\overline{e})\Lambda(x)^{n-3}\Lambda(\overline{x}))\\
&=&Tr\ (\Lambda(a)\Lambda(e)^{n-2}\Lambda(\overline{e})\Lambda(x)^{n-3}\Lambda(\overline{x})\Lambda(x))\\
&=&Tr\ (\Lambda(a)\Lambda(e)^{n-2}\Lambda(f(\overline{e}, \stackrel{(n-3)}{x}, \overline{x},x)))\\
&=&Tr\ (\Lambda(a)\Lambda(e)^{n-2}\Lambda(\overline{e}))\\
&=&Tr\ (\Lambda(a))\\
&=&\chi(a).\end{aligned}$$ This completes the proof.
Suppose that $\Lambda:(G,f)\rightarrow GL(V)$ is a representation of the finite $n$-ary group $(G,f)$ with the corresponding character $\chi$. Let $$\ker \chi=\{ x\in G: \chi(x)=\dim V\}.$$ Then $\ker \chi=\ker \Lambda$.
Let $\dim V=m$. It is clear that $\ker
\Lambda\subseteq\ker\chi$. Moreover, for each $x\in G$ of order $k$ we have $$\Lambda(x)^{m^k}=\Lambda(x).$$ Hence $\Lambda(x)$ is a root of the polynomial $T^{m^k-1}-1$. But, this polynomial has distinct roots in $\mathbb{C}$, so $\Lambda(x)$ can be diagonalized, i.e., $$\Lambda(x)\sim diag(\varepsilon_1, \ldots, \varepsilon_m),$$ where all $\varepsilon_i$ are roots of unity. Now, we have $$\chi(x)=\varepsilon_1+ \cdots+ \varepsilon_m.$$ If $\chi(x)=m$, then $\varepsilon_i=1$ for all $i$. Hence $\Lambda(x)=id$ and so $x\in \ker \Lambda$. This completes the proof.
In the next proposition, we obtain the explicit form of the character $\hat{\chi}$.
Let $\chi$ be a character of an $n$-ary group $(G,f)$. Then for any $p\in\ker\chi$ we have $$\hat{\chi}(x)=\chi(f(\stackrel{(n-2)}{e},x,\overline{p}\,)).$$
We know that $\chi$ is a character of $Ret_p(G)$. On the other hand there is an isomorphism $$h: Ret_e(G)\rightarrow Ret_p(G) ,$$ where $h(x)=f(\stackrel{(n-2)}{e},x,\overline{p}\,)$. So, the composite map $\chi \circ h$ is a character of $Ret_e(G)$. Let $\Lambda$ be the corresponding representation of $\chi$. Now, we have $$\begin{aligned}
\chi(h(x))&=&Tr\ (\Lambda(e)^{n-2}\Lambda(x)\Lambda(\overline{p}))\\
&=&Tr\ (\Lambda(e)^{n-2}\Lambda(x))\\
&=&Tr\ \hat{\Lambda}(x).\end{aligned}$$ Hence $\hat{\chi}(x)=\chi(f(\stackrel{(n-2)}{e},x,\overline{p}\,))$.
Now, for any irreducible character $\chi$ of an $n$-ary group $(G,f)$, we have an ordinary irreducible character $\hat{\chi}$ of the binary group $\hat{G}=Ret_e(G)$. So, we obtain the following orthogonality relation for the irreducible characters of $G$: $$\frac{1}{|G|}\sum_{x\in
\hat{\chi}_2},$$ where $p_1\in \ker \chi_1$ and $p_2\in \ker \chi_2$ are arbitrary elements.
\[P-rep\] If a representation $\Gamma: Ret_e(G,f)\rightarrow GL(V)$ is also a representation of the $n$-ary group $(G,f)$, then $$\Gamma(\overline{x})=\Gamma(x)^{2-n}$$ for every $x\in G$.
Indeed, $f(\stackrel{(n-1)}{x},\overline{x})=x$ implies $\Gamma(x)^{n-1}\Gamma(\overline{x})=\Gamma(x)$, which gives $\Gamma(\overline{x})=\Gamma(x)^{2-n}$.
\[C-ter\] Let $(G,f)$ be a ternary group. Then a representation $\Gamma:
Ret_e(G,f)\rightarrow GL(V)$ is also a representation of $(G,f)$ iff $$\Gamma(\overline{x})=\Gamma(x)^{-1}$$ for every $x\in G$.
From Proposition \[P-cond\] it follows that $\Gamma:Ret_e(G,f)\rightarrow GL(V)$ is a representation of a ternary group $(G,f)$ iff it satisfies the identity $$\Gamma(f(\overline{e},x,\overline{e}\,))=\Gamma(x).$$ If $\Gamma(\overline{x})=\Gamma(x)^{-1}$ holds for all $x\in G$, then, in view of , for all $x\in G$ we have $$\Gamma(f(\overline{e},x,\overline{e}\,))=\Gamma(f(\overline{e},\overline{\overline{x}},\overline{e}\,))=
\Gamma(\overline{x}^{\,-1})=\Gamma(\overline{x})^{-1}=\Gamma(x).$$ Hence $\Gamma$ is a representation of $(G,f)$.
The converse statement is a consequence of Proposition \[P-rep\].
We can use the above proposition to obtain some deeper results in the case when $G$ has a central element. Note that, according to [@DM'84], an $n$-ary group $(G,f)$ has a central element iff it is $b$-derived from a binary group $(G,\cdot)$ and $b\in
Z(G,\cdot)$. Obviously, in this case $Z(G,f)=Z(G,\cdot)$.
Let $e$ be a central element of an $n$-ary group $(G,f)=der_b(G,\cdot)$. Then a representation $\Gamma:Ret_e(G)\rightarrow GL(V)$ is a representation of $(G,f)$ iff $$\Gamma(x_2x_3\ldots
x_ne^{2-n})=\Gamma(x_2)\Gamma(x_3)\ldots\Gamma(x_n)$$ for all $x_2,\ldots,x_n\in G$.
Since $(G,f)=der_b(G,\cdot)$ the binary operation in $Ret_e(G,f)$ has the form $$x\ast y=f(x,\stackrel{(n-2)}{e},y)=xye^{n-2}b.$$ For a representation $\Gamma$ of $Ret_e(G,f)$, we have $$\label{dag}
\Gamma(x\ast y)=\Gamma(x)\Gamma(y) .$$ Now, for $\Gamma$ to be a representation of $(G,f)$, it is necessary and sufficient that $$\Gamma(f(x_1^n))=\Gamma(x_1x_2\ldots
x_nb)=\Gamma(x_1)\Gamma(x_2)\ldots\Gamma(x_n).$$ If we replace in , $y$ by $x_2\ldots x_ne^{2-n}$, we obtain $$\Gamma(x_1x_2\ldots x_nb)=\Gamma(x_1)\Gamma(x_2\ldots x_ne^{2-n}).$$ So $\Gamma$ is a representation of $(G,f)$, iff $$\Gamma(x_2x_3\ldots x_ne^{2-n})=\Gamma(x_2)\Gamma(x_3)\ldots
\Gamma(x_n)$$ for all $x_2,\ldots,x_n\in G$.
In an $n$-ary group $(G,f)=der_b(G,\cdot)$ we have $\overline{x}=x^{2-n}b^{-1}$. Hence, comparing the above result with Proposition \[P-rep\] we obtain
Let $e$ be a central element of an $n$-ary group $(G,f)=der_b(G,\cdot)$. If a representation $\Gamma:Ret_e(G)
\rightarrow GL(V)$ is a representation of $(G,f)$, then $\Gamma(x^{2-n}b^{-1})=\Gamma(x)^{2-n}$ for every $x\in G$.
In the case of ternary groups, by Corollary \[C-ter\], we obtain stronger result.
Let $(G,f)=der_b(G,\cdot)$ be a ternary group. Then a representation $\Gamma:Ret_e(G,f)\rightarrow GL(V)$ is also a representation of $(G,f)$, iff $\Gamma((bx)^{-1})=\Gamma(x)^{-1}$ for every $x\in G$.
Let $e$ be a central element of an $n$-ary group $(G,f)=der_b(G,\cdot)$. Then a character $\chi$ of $Ret_e(G,f)$ is a character of $(G,f)$ iff for all $x\in G$ we have $\chi(\bar{x})=\overline{\chi(x)}$.
Let $\Gamma:Ret_e(G,f)\rightarrow GL(V)$ be a representation corresponding to $\chi$. If $\chi$ is a character of $(G,f)$, then $\Gamma$ is also a representation of $(G,f)$ and so $
\Gamma(\bar{x})=\Gamma(x)^{-1}.$ Hence we have $\chi(\bar{x})=\overline{\chi(x)}$.
Conversely, if $\chi(\bar{x})=\overline{\chi(x)}$ holds for all $x\in G$, then in particular $\overline{\chi(e)}=\chi(\bar{e})$. Thus $\chi(e)=\chi(\bar{e})$ because $\chi(\overline{e})$ is real. Now, for all $x\in G$, we have $x\ast\bar{x}=f(x,e,\bar{x})=f(e,x,\bar{x})=e$, so $\chi(x*\bar{x})=\chi(e)=\chi(\bar{e})$. Hence, $$x\ast\bar{x}\in \ker \chi=\ker \Gamma.$$ This shows that $\Gamma(x^{-1})=\Gamma(\bar{x})$ and so $\Gamma$ is a representation of $G$. Hence $\chi$ is also a character of $G$.
Let $e$ be a central element of a ternary group $(G,f)=der_b(G,\cdot)$. If $\chi$ is a common character of $(G,f)$ and $Ret_e(G,f)$, then $\hat{\chi}=\chi$.
We have $\chi(\bar{e})=\overline{\chi(e)}$, so $\chi(e)$ is real, and hence $\chi(e)=\chi(\bar{e})$. So $e\in \ker \chi$. Now, suppose $p=e$. Then $$\hat{\chi}(x)=
\chi(f(e,x,\bar{p}))=\chi(f(e,x,\bar{e}))=\chi(f(x,e,\bar{e}))=\chi(x),$$ which completes the proof.
In the remaining part of this section, we try to answer this problem: when $\hat{\chi_1}=\hat{\chi_2}$? We give an answer to this question for $n$-ary groups with some central elements.
For an $n$-ary group $(G,f)$ with a central element $e$ the following assertions are true:
1. Let $(V, p)$ be a $G$-module and $h:V\rightarrow V$ be a $\hat{G}$-homomorphism. Then $h$ is also a $G$-homomorphism.
2. Let $(V_1, p_1)$ and $(V_2,p_2)$ be two $G$-modules and $h:V_1\rightarrow V_2$ be a $\hat{G}$-homomorphism. Then $h$ is a $G$-homomorphism, iff $h(e.v)=e.h(v)$.
3. Let $(V_1, p_1)$ and $(V_2,p_2)$ be two $G$-modules and $h:V_1\rightarrow V_2$ be a $\hat{G}$-homomorphism. Then $h$ is a $G$-homomorphism, iff $p_1.h(v)=h(v)$ for every $v\in V_1$.
4. Let $(V_1,p_1)$ and $(V_2,p_2)$ be two $G$-modules and $$V_1\cong_{\hat{G}} V_2.$$ Then $V_1\cong_G V_2$, iff for all $u\in V_2$, $p_1.u=u$.
$(1)$. In view of $x\circ y=f(x,\stackrel{(n-2)}{e},y)$, for a $G$-module $(V,p)$, we have $$\begin{aligned}
&=&h(f(e,\stackrel{(n-2)}{p},\overline{e})\circ v)\\
&=&f(e,\stackrel{(n-2)}{p},\overline{e}\,)\circ h(v)\\
&=&e.h(v).\end{aligned}$$ Now for all $x\in G$, we have $h(x\circ v)=x\circ h(v)$, so $$h(\underbrace{e.\ \ldots\ .e}_{n-2}. x. v))=e.\ \ldots\ .e. x. h(v).$$ Hence $$\underbrace{e.\,\ldots\,.e}_{n-2}.h(x.v)=e.\,\ldots\,.e.x.h(v).$$ Since the map $u\mapsto e.u$ is bijection, we have $h(x.v)=x.h(v)$.\
$(2)$. The proof of this part is just as the above.\
$(3)$. Suppose $h$ is a $G$-homomorphism. Then $p_1.h(v)=h(p_1.v)=h(v)$ for every $v\in V_1$.
Conversely, assume that for all $v\in V_1$ holds $p_1.h(v)=h(v)$. Then
h(e.v)&=&h(f(\stackrel{(n-1)}{e},\overline{e}).\underbrace{p_1.\ \ldots\ .p_1}_{n-2}.v)\\
&=&h(\underbrace{e.\ \ldots\ .e}_{n-1}.\overline{e}.\underbrace{p_1.\ \ldots\ .p_1}_{n-2}.v)\\
&=&h(f(e,\stackrel{(n-2)}{p_1},\overline{e}).\underbrace{e.\ \ldots\ .e}_{n-2}.v)\\
&=&h(f(e, \stackrel{(n-2)}{p_1},\overline{e})\circ v)\\
&=&f(e, \stackrel{(n-2)}{p_1},\overline{e})\circ h(v)\\
&=&f(f(e,\stackrel{(n-2)}{p_1},\overline{e}).\underbrace{e.\ \ldots\ .e}_{n-2}.h(v)\\
&=&f(f(e,\stackrel{(n-2)}{p_1},\overline{e}).\underbrace{e.\ \ldots\ .e}_{n-2}.p_1.h(v)\\
&=&f( e,\stackrel{(n-2)}{p_1}, f( \overline{e},\stackrel{(n-2)}{e},p_1)).h(v)\\
$(4)$. Let $h:V_1\rightarrow V_2$ be a $G$-isomorphism. Then $h$ is also a $\hat{G}$-homomorphism, and hence $p_1.h=h$. Because $h$ is onto, we obtain $p_1.u=u$, for all $u\in V_2$.
Conversely, suppose $p_1.u=u$, for all $u\in V_2$. Let $h:V_1\rightarrow V_2$ be a $\hat{G}$-isomorphism. Then $p_1.h=h$, and so $h$ is a $G$-isomorphism.
Let $(G,f)$ be an $n$-ary group with a central element and let $\Lambda_1, \Lambda_2:G\rightarrow GL(V)$ be two representations of $(G,f)$, such that $\hat{\Lambda}_1\sim \hat{\Lambda}_2$. Then $\Lambda_1\sim \Lambda_2$, iff $\,\ker \Lambda_1=\ker \Lambda_2$.
Let $p\in \ker \Lambda_1=\ker \Lambda_2$. We define two $G$-modules $V_1$ and $V_2$, as follows: $V_1$ is the vector space $V$ with the action $x.v=\Lambda_1(x)(v)$, $V_2$ is the vector space $V$ with the action $x. v=\Lambda_2(x)(v)$. Then $\hat{\Lambda}_1\sim \hat{\Lambda}_2$ implies $$V_1\cong_{\hat{G}}V_2,$$ and $p. u=u$, for all $u\in V_2$. So, $V_1\cong_G V_2$. This proves $\Lambda_1\sim \Lambda_2$.
Conversely, let $\Lambda_1\sim \Lambda_2$. Hence, we have $V_1\cong_G V_2$. By the previous proposition, for $p\in \ker
\Lambda_1$ and $u\in V_2$, we have $p.u=u$. Thus $\Lambda_2(p)=id$. Therefore, $\ker\Lambda_1=\ker\Lambda_2$.
\[cc\] Let $\chi_1$ and $\chi_2$ be two characters of an $n$-ary group $(G,f)$ with a central element $e$. If $\hat{\chi}_1=\hat{\chi}_2$, then $\chi_1=\chi_2$ iff $\chi_1(e)=\chi_2(e)$.
Suppose that $\Lambda_1$ and $\Lambda_2$ are the corresponding representations. So $\hat{\Lambda}_1\sim \hat{\Lambda}_2$. By the above proposition, $\chi_1=\chi_2$, iff $\ker \Lambda_1=\ker \Lambda_2$. But, we have $$\ker \Lambda_1=\{ x\in G: \hat{\Lambda}_1(x)=\Lambda_1(e)\},$$ $$\ker \Lambda_2=\{ x\in G: \hat{\Lambda}_2(x)=\Lambda_2(e)\}.$$ Hence $\chi_1=\chi_2$, iff $\Lambda_1(e)\sim \Lambda_2(e)$, and this is equivalent to $\chi_1(e)=\chi_2(e)$.
In the last two propositions and Corollary \[cc\] the assumption that $e$ is a central element can be replaced by the assumption that that an $n$-ary group $(G,f)$ is semiabelian.
Connection with the representations of the covering group
According to Post’s Coset Theorem (cf. [@Post] or [@cover]) for any $n$-ary group $(G,f)$ there exists a binary group $(G^{\ast},\cdot )$ and its normal subgroup $H$ such that $\,G^{\ast}\diagup H\simeq\mathbb{Z}_{n-1}\,$ and $G\subseteq G^{\ast}$ and $$f(x_1^n)=x_1\cdot x_2\cdot x_3\cdot\ldots\cdot x_n$$ for all $x_1,\ldots,x_n\in G$.
The group $(G^{\ast},\cdot)$ is called the [*covering group*]{} for $(G,f)$. We know several methods of a construction of such group. The smallest covering group has the form $G_a^{\ast}=G\times\mathbb{Z}_{n-1}$, where $$\langle x,r\rangle\!\cdot\!\langle y,s\rangle = \langle f_{\ast}
\stackrel{(n-2-r\diamond s)}{a}),\,r\diamond s\rangle ,$$ $r\diamond s=(r+s+1)({\rm mod}\,(n-1))$ and $a\in G$ an arbitrary but fixed element. The symbol $f_{\ast}$ means that the operation $f$ is used one or two times (depending on the value $s$ and $t$). Clearly fixing various element $a$ of $G$, we obtain various groups but all these groups are isomorphic (cf. [@cover]).
The element $(\overline{a},n-2)$ is the identity of the group $(G_a^{\ast}, \cdot)$. The inverse element has the form $$\langle x,t\rangle^{-1}= \langle
k\rangle,$$ where $k=(n-3-t)({\rm mod}\,(n-1))$.
The set $G$ is identified with the subset $\{\langle x,0\rangle:
x\in G\}$. Every retract of $(G,f)$ is isomorphic to the normal subgroup $$H=\{\langle x,n-2\rangle: x\in G\}.$$
Suppose that $V$ is a $G^{\ast}_a$-module. Then for $x_1,\ldots,x_n\in G$ we have $$\begin{aligned}
x_1.x_2.x_3.\,\ldots\,.x_n.v&=&\langle x_1,0\rangle .\langle x_2,0\rangle .\langle x_3,0\rangle .\,\ldots\,.
\langle x_n,0\rangle .v\\
&=&\langle f(x_1,x_2,\overline{a},\stackrel{(n-3)}{a}),1\rangle .\langle x_3,0\rangle .\,\ldots\,.\langle x_n,0\rangle .v\\
&=&\langle f(f(x_1^2,\overline{a},\stackrel{(n-3)}{a}),a,x_3,\overline{a},\stackrel{(n-4)}{a}),2\rangle .\,\ldots\,
.\langle x_n,0\rangle .v\\
&=&\langle f(x_1^2,f(\overline{a},\stackrel{(n-2)}{a},x_3),\overline{a},\stackrel{(n-4)}{a}),2\rangle .\,\ldots\,
.\langle x_n,0\rangle .v\\
&=&\langle f(x_1^3,\overline{a},\stackrel{(n-4)}{a}),2\rangle .\,\ldots\,.\langle x_n,0\rangle .v\\
&\vdots&\ \\
&=&\langle f(x_1^n),0\rangle .v\\
&=&=f(x_1^n).v\end{aligned}$$ So, we obtain
Let $(G^{\ast}_a,\cdot)$ be the covering group for an $n$-ary group $(G,f)$. Then for a $G^{\ast}_a$-module $V$ to be a $G$-module it is necessary and sufficient that $$\exists p\in G\ \forall v\in V:\ p.v=v.$$
Hence, we proved
Let $(G^{\ast}_a,\cdot)$ be the covering group for an $n$-ary group $(G,f)$. A representation $\Gamma$ of $G^{\ast}_a$ is a representation of $G$, iff $\,\ker \Gamma \cap G\neq
\varnothing$. If $\Gamma$ is irreducible $G^{\ast}$-representation, then it is also irreducible as a representation of $G$.
Now, suppose $(V,p)$ is a $G$-module. For the covering group $(G_p^{\ast},\cdot)$ of $(G,f)$ we can define an action of $G_p^{\ast}$ on $V$ as $$(x,k).v=x.v.$$ Then, it can be easily verified that $V$ is a $G_p^{\ast}$-module. But, we know that $G_a^{\ast}\cong G_p^{\ast}$, so let $h:
G_a^{\ast}\rightarrow G_p^{\ast}$ be any isomorphism. For any $x\in G_a^{\ast}$, define $x.v=h(x).v$. Hence $V$ becomes a $G_a^{\ast}$-module. Further, if $W$ is a $G$-submodule of $G$, then it is also a $G_p^{\ast}$-submodule and so a $G_a^{\ast}$-submodule. Hence, we proved
There is a bijection between the set of all irreducible representations of $(G,f)$ and the set of all irreducible representations of $G^{\ast}_a$ with kernels not disjoint from $G$.
Normal subgroups in polyadic groups
In this section, we show that the representation theory of $n$-ary groups reduces to the representation theory of binary groups. For this we introduce the concept of normal $n$-ary subgroup.
An $n$-ary subgroup $H$ of an $n$-ary group $(G,f)$ is called [*normal*]{} if $$f(\stackrel{(n-3)}{a},\overline{a},h,a)\in H$$ for all $h\in H$ and $a\in G$. A normal subgroup $H\ne G$ containing at least two elements is called [*proper*]{}. If $G$ has no any proper normal subgroup, then we say that it is [*simple*]{}. If $H=G$ is the only simple subgroup of $G$, then we say it is [*strongly simple*]{}.
For any $n$-ary subgroup $H$ of an $n$-ary group $(G,f)$ we define the relation $\sim_H$ on $G$, by $$a\sim_H b\ \Longleftrightarrow\ \exists x, y\in H:\
Such defined relation is an equivalence on $G$.
\[L-equiv\] $ a\sim_H b\ \Longleftrightarrow\ \exists x_2,\ldots,x_n\in H:\
Indeed, if $b=f(a,x_2^n)$ for some $x_2,\ldots,x_n\in H$, then, in view of Theorem \[dor-th\], for every $x\in H$ we have $$b=f(a,x_2^n)=f(a,f(\stackrel{(n-2)}{x},\overline{x},x_2),x_3^n)=
f(a,\stackrel{(n-2)}{x},y),$$ where $y=f(\overline{x},x_2^n)\in H$, so $a\sim_H b$. The converse is obvious.
The equivalence class of $G$, containing $a$ is denoted by $aH$ and is called the [*left coset*]{} of $H$ with the representative $a$. By Lemma \[L-equiv\] it has the form $$aH=\{f(a,\stackrel{(n-2)}{x},y): x, y\in
H\}=\{f(a,h_2^n):h_2,\ldots,h_n\in H\}.$$
The $n$-ary group $(G,f)$ is partitioned by cosets of $H$.
If $H$ is a finite $n$-ary subgroup of $(G,f)$, then for all $a\in
G$, we have $|aH|=|H|$.
By Theorem \[T-HG\], for an $n$-ary group $(G,f)$ there is a binary group $(G,\cdot)$, $\varphi\in Aut(G,\cdot)$ and an element $b\in G$ such that $$f(x_1^n)=x_1\cdot\varphi(x_2)\cdot\varphi^2(x_3)\,\ldots\cdot\varphi^{n-1}(x_n)\cdot
b,$$ for all $x_1,\ldots,x_n\in G$. So, we have $$aH=\{
b: x_2,\ldots,x_n\in H\}.$$ But, clearly this set is in one-one correspondence with the set $$\{
b: x_2,\ldots,x_n\in H\},$$ which does not depend on $a$. So, we have $|aH|=|H|$.
On the set $G/H=\{aH:a\in G\}$ we introduce the operation $$f_H(a_1H,a_2H,\ldots,a_nH)=f(a_1^n)H.$$
If $H$ is a normal $n$-ary subgroup of $(G,f)$, then $(G/H,f_H)$ is an $n$-ary group derived from the group $Ret_H(G/H,f)$.
First we show that the operation $f_H$ is well-defined. For this let $a_iH=b_iH$ for some $a_i,b_i\in G$, $i=1,2,\ldots,n$. Then $$b_1=f(a_1,x_2^n), \ \ \ b_2=f(a_2,y_2^n), \ \ \ldots , \ \
b_n=f(a_n,z_2^n)$$ for some $x_i, y_i,\ldots,z_i\in H$
Now, using Theorem \[T-HG\] we obtain $$\begin{aligned}
&\vdots&\ \\
&=&f(f(a_1,a_2,w_3^{n-1}),f(w_n,y_2^n),\ldots,f(a_n,z_2^n)),\end{aligned}$$ where $w_i=f(\stackrel{(n-3)}{a_2},\overline{a}_2,x_i,a_2)\in H$.
Repeating this procedure for $a_3,a_4$ and so on, we obtain $$f(b_1^n)=f(f(a_1^n),h_2^n).$$ This means that the operation $f_H$ is well-defined.
It is easy to verify that $(G/H,f_H)$ is an $n$-ary group. Using the above procedure it is not difficult to see that $H$ is the identity of $G/H$. Hence an $n$-ary group $G/H$ is derived from the group $Ret_H(G/H)$.
Now, we return to the representations, again. Consider a representation $\Lambda:(G,f)\rightarrow GL(V)$. It is easy to see that $\ker \Lambda$ is a normal subgroup of $G$. Let $H$ be a normal $n$-ary subgroup of $(G,f)$ such that $H\subseteq \ker
\Lambda$. Then, there is a representation $\bar{\Lambda}:G/H
\rightarrow GL(V)$ such that $$\bar{\Lambda}(aH)=\Lambda(a).$$ Conversely, from every representation of $G/H$, we obtain a representation of $G$. On the other hand, $G/H$ is of reduced type, and hence its representations are the same as the ordinary representations of $Ret_H(G/H)$. So, we proved,
There is a bijection between ordinary representations of $Ret_H(G/H)$ and the set of representations of $G$ with the property $H\subseteq \ker \Lambda$.
A simple $n$-ary group which is not strongly simple is $b$-derived from an abelian group or it is reducible to a non-abelian group.
Suppose $H=\{ p\}$ is a normal $n$-ary subgroup of $(G,f)$. Then we have $$f(p,p,\ldots,p)=p,\ \ \overline{p}=p,\ \ \forall x\in G:
f(\stackrel{(n-3)}{x},\overline{x},p,x)=p.$$ Hence $$\begin{aligned}
&=&f(x_2,p,x_3^n).\end{aligned}$$ This shows that $p$ is a central element and, according to [@DM'84], an $n$-ary group $(G,f)$ is $b$-derived from a binary group $(G,\cdot)$. Hence, $Z(G,f)=Z(G,\cdot)$ is a normal $n$-ary subgroup of $(G,f)$. But $G$ has no proper normal subgroups, so there are two cases:
1. $Z(G,\cdot)=G$ and so $(G,f)$ is $b$-derived from an abelian group,
2. $Z(G,\cdot)$ is singleton and hence $b=1$. In this case $(G,f)$ is reducible to a non-abelian group $(G,\cdot)$.
To find representations of an $n$-ary group $(G,f)$, we have four cases, as follow,
1. only $H=G$ is a normal subgroup of $(G,f)$, (in this case $(G,f)$ has only trivial representation),
2. $(G,f)$ is $b$-derived from an abelian group,
3. $(G,f)=der(G,\cdot)$, (in this case representations of $(G,f)$ are the same as the representations of $(G,\cdot)$),
4. $(G,f)$ has proper normal $n$-ary subgroups, (in this case, if we know the set of normal $n$-ary subgroups of $(G,f)$, then we obtain all its representations from representations of the groups $Ret_H(G/H)$).
Finally, summarizing results of this section, we have the following theorem:
Representation theory of $n$-ary groups, reduces to the following three problems,
$a)$ representations of $b$-derived ternary groups from abelian groups,
$b)$ determining all normal ternary subgroup,
$c)$ representation theory of ordinary groups.
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[^1]: [-0.4 true cm MSC(2010): 20N15 Keywords: Polyadic groups, Representations, Retract of $n$-ary groups, Covering groups.]{}
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abstract: 'We investigate the behavior of a two-state sandpile model subjected to a confining potential in one and two dimensions. From the microdynamical description of this simple model with its intrinsic exclusion mechanism, it is possible to derive a continuum nonlinear diffusion equation that displays singularities in both the diffusion and drift terms. The stationary-state solutions of this equation, which maximizes the Fermi-Dirac entropy, are in perfect agreement with the spatial profiles of time-averaged occupancy obtained from model numerical simulations in one as well as in two dimensions. Surprisingly, our results also show that, regardless of dimensionality, the presence of a confining potential can lead to the emergence of typical attributes of critical behavior in the two-state sandpile model, namely, a power-law tail in the distribution of avalanche sizes.'
- 'R. S. Pires'
- 'A. A. Moreira'
- 'H. A. Carmona'
- 'J. S. Andrade Jr.'
title: Singular diffusion and criticality in a confined sandpile
Physical processes involving anomalous diffusion are typically associated with systems in which the mean square displacement of their elementary units follows a nonlinear power-law relationship with time, $\sigma^{2}\propto t^{\alpha}$, with an exponent $\alpha
\neq 1$, in contrast with linear standard diffusion ($\alpha=1$). Instead of being a rare phenomenon, as suggested by its own denomination, anomalous diffusion, however, appears rather ubiquitously in Nature, playing an important role in a variety of scientific and technological applications, such as fluid flow through disordered porous media [@Lukyanov2012], surface growth [@Spohn1993], diffusion in fractal-like substrates [@Stephenson1995; @Andrade1997; @Buldyrev2001; @Costa2003; @Havlin2002], turbulent diffusion in the atmosphere [@Richardson1926; @Hentschel1984], spatial spreading of cells [@Simpson2011] and biological populations [@Colombo2012], cellular transport [@Caspi2002], and cytoplasmic crowding in cells [@Weiss2004]. Anomalous diffusion can also manifest its non-Gaussian behavior in terms of nonlinear Fokker-Plank equations [@Lenzi2001; @Malacarne2001; @Malacarne2002; @DaSilva2004; @Lenzi2005], which is the case, for example, of the dynamics of interacting vortices in disordered superconductors [@Zapperi2001; @Moreira2002; @Miguel2003; @Andrade2010], diffusion in dusty plasma [@Liu2008; @Barrozo2009], and pedestrian motion [@Barrozo2009].
The extreme case of nonlinear behavior in diffusive systems certainly corresponds to [*singular diffusion*]{}. For instance, in some physical conditions, the diffusion of adsorbates on a surface can be strongly nonlinear [@Ehrlich1980; @Gomer1990; @Myshlyavtsev1995], with a surface diffusion coefficient that depends on the local coverage $\theta$ as, $D\propto{\left|\theta-\theta_{c}\right|^{-\alpha}}$. The study of surface-diffusion mechanisms is crucial for the understanding of technologically important processes related with physical adsorption [@Vidali1991] and catalytic surface reactions [@Manandhar2003; @Hofmann2005; @Schmidtbauer2012]. In particular, a singularity in the coverage dependence of the diffusion coefficient is frequently associated to continuous phase transitions [@Myshlyavtsev1995].
A direct connection between singular diffusion and self-organized criticality [@Bak1987] has been disclosed by Carlson [*et al.*]{} [@Carlson1990; @Carlson1993] in terms of a two-state one-dimensional sandpile model with a driving mechanism, where grains are added at one end of the pile and fall off at the other end. Besides exhibiting a self-organized state, the continuum limit of this simple model leads to a nonlinear diffusion equation, where the diffusion coefficient not only depends on the local density, but also displays a singularity at a “critical” density value [@Carlson1990; @Carlson1993; @Carlson1995; @Kadanoff1992; @Barbu2010]. Indeed, the critical aspects of this model remain to be elucidated, specially due to the fact that the most prominent sign of criticality, namely, long-range power-law spatial correlations are not present in the original setup of the simulated dynamical system. Here we show that the addition of a confining potential to the two-state sandpile model solves this problem, namely, power-law tails are observed in the distribution of avalanche sizes in both one- and two-dimensional versions of the theoretical model. Moreover, our results reveal that the continuum description of the model contains singular nonlinearities in both the diffusion and drift terms of the resulting partial differential equation for the transport process.
The microscopic model investigated in this study consists of an one-dimensional lattice of size $N_{s}$ on which $N$ particles ($N_{s}\gg N$) are randomly placed in such a way that the height $h(i)$ of each site $i=1,\,\dots,\, N_{s}$ is either $1$ or $0$. At each step, one grain is chosen randomly to move to the left or to the right with equal probability. If the nearest neighbor in the chosen direction is occupied, the grain jumps instantly to the next-nearest neighbor in the same direction. If this site is also occupied, the particle keeps jumping until it finally reaches an empty site $j$ [@Carlson1990]. This type of exchange driving mechanism for closed systems has been previously introduced in the context of fluctuations and local equilibrium in self-organizing systems [@Carlson1993; @Montakhab1998]. Here, an external confining potential is applied to the system by introducing a non-uniform transition probability from site $i$ to $j$. Precisely, each site is mapped into the continuous interval $[-L/2,L/2]$, and the position $x_{i}=i(L/N_{s})-L/2$ is associated with a potential energy $\phi(x_{i})$. For a given transition, we compute $\Delta\phi_{ij}=\phi(x_{j})-\phi(x_{i})$ and use the following Metropolis rules: $$\begin{aligned}
h(i)\rightarrow h(i)-1\\
h(j)\rightarrow h(j)+1
\end{array}\right\} &
\text{ if }\Delta\phi_{ij}<0\text{ or } r< w=\exp\left(-\beta\Delta\phi_{ij}\right)\\
h(i)\rightarrow h(i)\\
h(j)\rightarrow h(j)
\end{array}\right\} & \text{ if }\Delta\phi_{ij}>0\text{ and }r>w, \end{aligned}$$ where $r$ is a uniform random number in the interval $[0,1]$, $\beta\equiv 1/k_{B}T$, $T$ is the temperature of the thermal reservoir in contact with the system, $k_{B}$ is the Boltzmann constant, and we count one unit of time for every $N$ grains moved. The effect of decreasing the temperature is equivalent to increasing the strength of the external potential.
![Illustration of the model. A grain moves if $\Delta\phi_{ij}<0$ or $r<e^{-\beta\Delta\phi_{ij}}$, $r\in[0,1]$. As a result, the average density $\rho$ has a maximum in the region where $\phi$ is minimum.[]{data-label="fig:model"}](fig1){width="\columnwidth"}
A continuum limit for this microscopic model can be obtained rigorously. If we let $\rho_{i}=\rho(x_{i},\,t)$ be the probability that site $i$ located at $x_{i}$ is occupied at time $t$ and $\phi_{i}=\phi(x_{i})$, a master equation can then be written as,
t}=-\frac{\rho_{i}}{\tau}\left\{ \frac{1}{2}
\prod_{k=1}^{j-1}\rho_{i-k}\right\} \\
where $\tau$ is the average time between transitions. The first term on the right side is the transition rate corresponding to site $i$ being occupied at time $t$ and loosing the grain, while the second term accounts for the transition rate for an empty site $i$ to gain a grain. Considering that $\tau\approx\delta^{2}/2D$, where $\delta$ is the lattice spacing and $D>0$ is a constant with dimensions of diffusion coefficient ($cm^2/s$), and keeping terms to order $\mathcal{O}(\delta^{2})$, it can be shown that, as $\delta$ goes to zero, the following nonlinear diffusion equation holds: $$\frac{\partial\rho}{\partial t}=D\frac{\partial}{\partial x}\left[\frac{(1+\rho)}{(1-\rho)^{3}}
\frac{\partial\rho}{\partial x}+\frac{(1+\rho)}{(1-\rho)^{2}}\beta\frac{d\phi}{dx}\rho\right].
\label{diffusionEq}$$ Details of this derivation can be found in the Supplementary Material. Equation (\[diffusionEq\]) can be related to a nonlinear Fokker-Planck equation (FPE) of the form, $$\frac{\partial\rho}{\partial t}=
\frac{\partial}{\partial x} \left[\Omega(\rho)\frac{\partial\rho}{\partial x}\right]
-\frac{\partial}{\partial x} \left[A(x)\Psi(\rho)\right],
\label{FPE_Eq}$$ with $\Omega(\rho)=D(1+\rho)/(1-\rho)^{3}$, $A(x)=-d\phi(x)/dx$, and $\Psi(\rho)=D\beta\rho(1+\rho)/(1-\rho)^{2}$. Considering the FPE (\[FPE\_Eq\]), with $dF/dt\le0,$where $F=U-\gamma S,$ $U=\int
dx\rho(x,t)\phi(x)$, and the entropy taken in a general form as $S[\rho]=\int dx\,g[\rho(x)]$, with $g(0)=g(1)=0$ and $d^{2}g/d\rho^{2}\le0$, we obtain [@Schwammle2007; @Andrade2010], $$-\gamma\frac{d^{2}g(\rho)}{d\rho^{2}}=\frac{\Omega(\rho)}
{\Psi(\rho)}=\frac{1}{\beta\rho(1-\rho)}, \label{d2gdp2}$$ where $\gamma$ is a positive Lagrange multiplier. This equation has a solution in the form, $$g(\rho)=\frac{-\rho\ln\rho-(1-\rho)\ln(1-\rho)}{\beta\gamma},
\label{entropy}$$ for which the entropy $S[\rho]=\int dx\, g[\rho(x)]$ reduces to the entropy of a Fermi gas, with $\gamma=T$. The functional $\Omega(\rho)$ physically corresponds to a diffusion coefficient which depends on $\rho(x,\,t)$. Clearly it diverges for $\rho=1$ and the diffusion coefficient has the same form as for the case without the external potential [@Carlson1990]. The functional $\Psi(\rho)$ is related to a drift due to the external potential, and also diverges for $\rho=1$.
The stationary state solution for Eq. (\[diffusionEq\]) can be readily obtained by imposing that $\partial \rho/\partial t=0$, and both $\rho(x)$ and $\partial\rho/\partial x$ go to zero as $x\rightarrow\pm\infty$, $$\rho_{\text{st}}(x)=\frac{1}{1+e^{\beta[\phi(x)-\mu]}},
\label{steadySol}$$ where $\mu$ is an integration constant. This solution corresponds to the Fermi-Dirac distribution, with $\mu$ as the chemical potential. It matches exactly the distribution obtained by making the entropy (\[entropy\]) an extreme, where the parameter $\mu$ can be determined by the normalization, $$\int_{-\infty}^{\infty}\frac{\rho(x,t)}{\delta}dx=N.
\label{normalization}$$ As shown in Fig. \[fig:Numerical-and-analytical\], the solution (\[steadySol\]) is in excellent agreement with the spatial profiles of time-averaged occupancy obtained from numerical simulations for distinct forms of the potential, namely, $\phi(x)=\kappa {|x|}^{n}$, $n=1,\,2,\,3$ and $4$, and different values of $\kappa$ (or temperature). As the strength of the confining potential increases (or the temperature decreases), the maximum occupancy density at the center of the potential approaches unity, $\rho_{\text{st}}\approx 1$, and the peak in the profile becomes narrower. At this point, since the density can not increase further, any additional confinement leads to more sites with a maximum average occupancy, resulting in the characteristic step shape of the Fermi-Dirac distribution.
![Comparison between numerical and analytical stationary-state solutions for the occupancy density of the confined two-state sandpile model in 1D. Numerical results are for a system with $N=4000$ grains, $\beta=1$, and potentials given by $\phi(x)=\kappa{|x|}^{n}$, with $n=1,\,2,\,3$ and $4$. The $\kappa$ values are $3.0$ (blue circles), $8.5$ (red stars) and $28$ (black triangles). The analytical results are given by the solution (\[steadySol\]) with no fitting parameter and shown as solid lines for all values of $\kappa$. In all simulations, we use $\delta=1/N$.[]{data-label="fig:Numerical-and-analytical"}](fig2){width="\columnwidth"}
The confining potential substantially changes the way grains hop to the nearest empty site. The average distribution of avalanches with size $s$ is shown in Fig. \[fig.avalance\_kdep\] for the case of parabolic confinement and different values of $\kappa$. Here, a hop from site $i$ to $j$ corresponds to an avalanche of size $|j-i|$. As depicted, the distribution is an exponential decay for small values of $\kappa$, in agreement with the derivation for the two-state sandpile model without confinement [@Carlson1990]. By increasing $\kappa$ large avalanche become more probable, since the confinement favors the occurrence of large clusters of grains near the center of the potential. For a critical value of $\kappa\approx28$ the average occupancy near the center of the potential approaches 1, and the avalanche size distribution exhibits a power-law characteristics for a wide range of sizes. More precisely, as indicated in Fig. \[fig.avalance\_kdep\], $\mathcal{P}(s)\sim s^{-\alpha}$, with $\alpha=0.87 \pm 0.02$. Further increase in the confinement parameter $\kappa$ eventually leads to the occurrence of a very large cluster, with near all the grains, located at the center of the symmetrical potential, and, as a result, a pronounced peak for $s/N\sim 1$ become evident in the avalanche size distribution. This corresponds to avalanches spanning from one side of the system to the other, passing through the center of the symmetrical potential.
![Stationary-state distributions of avalanche sizes $s$ for the confined two-state sandpile model in 1D. The number of grains is $N=16000$ and $\beta=1$ for the numerical simulations. For $\kappa\approx 28$ the distribution displays power-law behavior, $P(s)\sim s^{-\alpha}$, followed by a cutoff of the form $\exp(-s^{2})$ at the order of the system size. The least-squares fit to the data of a power-law in the scaling region gives $\alpha=0.87\pm 0.02$.[]{data-label="fig.avalance_kdep"}](fig3){width="\columnwidth"}
Next we extend our results to two-dimensional systems. In this case, a grain at position $\mathbf{r}_i=(x_{i},y_{i})$ moves in a randomly selected direction until it finds the nearest empty site. The transition is then accepted or not following the same Metropolis algorithm previously described for the 1D case, but now with a confining parabolic potential of the form, $\phi(\mathbf{r}_i)=\kappa(x_{i}^{2}+y_{i}^{2})$. Figure \[fig:Stationary-state-average2D\] shows the radial profile of the time average occupancy in 2D, $\rho(r)$, obtained from numerical simulations for different values of the strength of the confining potential $\kappa$. The qualitative behavior of the system is the same as in 1D, namely, the stronger the confining potential, the narrower the profile with the maximum occupancy at the center of the potential approaching unit. Further increasing $\kappa$, the occupancy saturates at $\rho\sim1$ and the profile becomes broader, resembling a step function. Also shown in Fig. \[fig:Stationary-state-average2D\] are typical snapshots of the grain positions for the same values of $\kappa$, colored according to the size of the clusters they belong to. If the confinement is weak, all sizes of clusters are present, with larger clusters located at the center of the potential. As $\kappa$ increases, larger and more compact clusters are favored at the center of the potential, tending to a limit where most of the grains belong to a single, compact cluster with an irregular surface.
As for the one-dimensional case, the results in Fig. \[fig:Stationary-state-average2D\] computed for distinct confinement strengths show that the average radial profiles of occupancy in 2D are perfectly consistent with the Fermi-Dirac distribution, $$\rho_{\text{st}}(r)=\frac{1}{1+e^{\beta[\phi(r)-\mu]}},
\label{steadySol_2d}$$ but now subjected to the normalization condition, $$\int_{0}^{2\pi}\int_{0}^{\infty}\frac{\rho(r,t)}{\delta^2}rdrd\phi = N \quad \Rightarrow \quad
\label{normalization_2d}$$ This excellent agreement between simulations and the Fermi-Dirac distribution suggests that in two-dimensions the system satisfies the generalization of the FPE (\[FPE\_Eq\]) to higher dimensions, which is of the form, $$\frac{\partial\rho}{\partial t}=
\nabla \cdot \left[\Omega(\rho)\nabla\rho\right]
-\nabla \cdot \left[\mathbf{A}(\mathbf{r})\Psi_(\rho)\right],
\label{FPE_Eq_2d}$$ where $\mathbf{A}(r)=-\nabla \phi(\mathbf{r})$, with the condition (\[d2gdp2\]) still valid in 2D.
![On the top are snapshots of the grain positions for different values of $\kappa$ at the stationary state. Different colors correspond to distinct clusters and the color code in the bar indicates the cluster size, which increases from white to black. On the bottom are the stationary-state profiles of the average occupancy, $\rho(r)$, for two-state two-dimensional sandpiles confined by a parabolic potential. The system size is $N=100000$ and different curves correspond to distinct values of the potential strength $\kappa$. The solid lines correspond to the analytical solutions (\[steadySol\_2d\]) without fitting parameters, calculated for different values of $\kappa$ and $\beta=1$. In all simulations, we use $\delta=1/\sqrt{N}$.[]{data-label="fig:Stationary-state-average2D"}](fig4){width="\columnwidth"}
Figure \[fig.avalance\_kdep2D\] depicts the avalanche size distribution for the two-dimensional system. Here $s$ corresponds to the number of sites visited in the fixed chosen direction until an empty site is found and the transition is accepted. As shown in Fig. \[fig.avalance\_kdep2D\], the avalanche size distribution changes from an exponential decay for $\kappa=2.7$ to a distribution with a well defined peak near the size of the system for $\kappa=50.0$. In 2D a characteristic size for the avalanches is the diameter of the system $D\approx 2 \sqrt{N/\pi}$. Our numerical results show that, for a critical value of the confining parameter, $\kappa\approx18$, the presence of the confining potential leads to an avalanche size distribution that obeys a power law for small avalanche sizes, $P(s)\sim s^{-\alpha}$, with an exponent $\alpha=1.09\pm 0.04$.
![Stationary-state distributions of avalanche sizes $s$ for the confined two-state sandpile model in 2D. The number of grains is $N=100000$ and $\beta=1$ for the numerical simulations. For $\kappa\approx 18$ the distribution displays power-law behavior, $P(s)\sim s^{-\alpha}$, followed by a cutoff of the form $\exp(-s^{2})$ at the order of the characteristic system size, $D\approx 2\sqrt{N/\pi}$. The least-squares fit to the data of a power-law in the scaling region gives $\alpha=1.09\pm 0.04$.[]{data-label="fig.avalance_kdep2D"}](fig5){width="\columnwidth"}
In summary, here we studied the effect of a confining potential on the behavior of a two-state sandpile model in one and two dimensions. A continuum nonlinear diffusion equation could be derived from the microdynamical description of the model that is shown to be perfectly consistent with the transport of grains observed from numerical simulations. This equation, besides displaying singularities in both the diffusion and drift terms, has a stationary-state solution for the spatial profiles of average occupancy of grains that maximizes the Fermi-Dirac entropy. Moreover, our results show that the introduction of a confining potential to the two-state sandpile model, if properly tuned, can lead to power-law behavior in the distribution of grain-jump sizes. These results are rather surprising since 1D systems usually do not display non-trivial critical states nor power-law behavior. They can be explained in terms of the non-homogeneity introduced by the confining potential and the complex fluctuations due to the singular-diffusion dynamics. The extension to two-dimensions reveals that the strongly nonlinear features of the system together with the intrinsic exclusion mechanism present in the model also lead to the Fermi-Dirac distribution for the occupancy profiles. Power-law distributions of avalanches sizes are also observed in 2D at critical values of the intensity of the confining potential.
We thank the Brazilian agencies CNPq, CAPES, and FUNCAP for financial support.
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abstract: 'We present a data-driven solution to the terminal-hitting stochastic reachability problem for a Markov control process. We employ a nonparametric representation of the stochastic kernel as a conditional distribution embedding within a reproducing kernel Hilbert space (RKHS). This representation avoids intractable integrals in the dynamic recursion of the stochastic reachability problem since the expectations can be calculated as an inner product within the RKHS. We demonstrate this approach on a high-dimensional chain of integrators and on Clohessy-Wiltshire-Hill dynamics.'
- 'Adam J. Thorpe, Meeko M. K. Oishi [^1]'
- 'bibliography.bib'
title: '**Model-Free Stochastic Reachability Using Kernel Distribution Embeddings** '
Stochastic Optimal Control, Machine Learning, Autonomous Systems
Stochastic reachability is an established verification tool to assure that a system will reach a desired state without violating predefined safety constraints with at least a desired likelihood. The solution to the stochastic reachability problem is based on dynamic programming [@summers2010verification; @abate2008probabilistic], which poses significant computational challenges. Optimization-based solutions have garnered modest computational tractability via chance constraints [@lesser2013stochastic; @vinod2019piecewise], sampling methods [@sartipizadeh2018voronoi; @vinod2018multiple; @vinod2018stochastic], and convex optimization with Fourier transforms [@vinod2018scalable; @vinod2017scalable], but are limited to linear dynamical systems with Gaussian or log-concave disturbances. Methods using approximate dynamic programming [@kariotoglou2013approximate] and particle filtering [@manganini2015policy; @lesser2013stochastic], are applicable to classes of nonlinear systems, but have only been demonstrated on systems with moderate dimensionality. Further, for many dynamical systems, presumption of accurate knowledge of dynamics and uncertainty is unrealistic. Historically, such uncertainty is handled through approximations and introduction of error terms that bound unknown elements [@mitchell2005time; @fisac2015reach]. With the rapid increase in the use of learning elements that are resistant to traditional models for control and formal methods, as well as the involvement of humans, such approaches may either be overly conservative or even simply inaccurate. For example, human inputs may be highly heterogeneous, may not follow a known distribution, and are often data-driven processes that may be biased when analyzed through sampling methods.
*We propose to use conditional distribution embeddings within a reproducing kernel Hilbert space (RKHS) to solve the stochastic reachability problem.* As a tool for stochastic reachability, kernel methods offer significant advantages over state-of-the-art: 1) they are model-free, so can accommodate data-driven stochastic processes and nonlinear dynamics, 2) they are convergent in probability, and 3) they do not suffer from the curse of dimensionality [@bellman2015applied] or from issues of numerical quadrature that plague optimization based approaches. The primary computational challenge arises in the inversion of a matrix that scales with the number of data points, leading to computational complexity that is exponential in the size of the data. Kernel methods are an established learning technique [@scholkopf2001learning; @shawe2004kernel; @aronszajn1950theory], and have recently been applied to dynamic programming problems with additive cost function and infinite time horizon [@grunewalder2012modelling]. Kernel methods broadly enable nonparametric inference using kernel embeddings of distributions. They can capture the features of arbitrary statistical distributions in a data-driven fashion [@song2013kernel; @smola2007hilbert]. Kernel methods do not suffer from biases or prior assumptions on the system model, and are computationally efficient because they are convergent and non-iterative [@scholkopf2001learning]. These techniques have also been applied to several problems in dynamical systems, including controller synthesis [@lever2015modelling], partially-observable systems [@nishiyama2012hilbert], and estimation of graphical models [@song2009hilbert]. [*The main contribution of this paper is the application of conditional distribution embedding to compute the stochastic reachability probability measure, to enable model-free verification without invoking a statistical approach.*]{} This is particularly relevant for systems with black-box elements, such as autonomous or human-in-the-loop systems, which have traditionally been resistant to formal verification techniques. We tailor the approach in [@grunewalder2012modelling] to accommodate the multiplicative cost and finite horizon associated with the stochastic reachability dynamic program. We apply kernel methods to compute the stochastic reachability probability measure by representing the stochastic kernel as a conditional distribution embedding within an RKHS.
The paper organization is as follows. Section \[section: problem formulation\] formulates the problem. Section \[section: kernel mean embeddings\] applies conditional distribution embeddings to compute the stochastic reachability probability measure. Section \[section: numerical results\] demonstrates our approach on three examples: a double integrator to enable validation with a “truth” model via dynamic programming, a 10,000-dimensional integrator to demonstrate scalability, and spacecraft rendezvous and docking.
Problem Formulation {#section: problem formulation}
For sets $\mathcal{A}$ and $\mathcal{B}$, the set of all elements of $\mathcal{A}$ which are not in $\mathcal{B}$ is denoted as $\mathcal{A} \backslash \mathcal{B}$. We denote the indicator function as $\boldsymbol{1}_{\mathcal{A}}(x) = 1$ if $x \in \mathcal{A}$ and $\boldsymbol{1}_{\mathcal{A}}(x) = 0$ if $x \notin \mathcal{A}$.
Let $\Omega$ denote a sample space and $\mathcal{F}(\Omega)$ denote the $\sigma$-algebra relative to $\Omega$. A probability measure ${\mathop{\rm Pr}\nolimits}$ assigned to the measurable space $(\Omega, \mathcal{F}(\Omega))$ is defined as the probability space $(\Omega, \mathcal{F}(\Omega), {\mathop{\rm Pr}\nolimits})$. When $\Omega \equiv \Re$, the $\sigma$-algebra of $\Omega$ is denoted as $\mathscr{B}(\Omega)$, and is the Borel $\sigma$-algebra associated with $\Omega$. A random variable $\boldsymbol{x}$ is a measurable function on the probability space $(\Omega, \mathcal{F}(\Omega), {\mathop{\rm Pr}\nolimits})$. A random vector $\boldsymbol{x} = [\boldsymbol{x}_{1}, \ldots, \boldsymbol{x}_{n}]^{\top}$ of $n$ random variables $\lbrace \boldsymbol{x}_{i} \rbrace_{i=1}^{n}$, each measurable functions on the probability space $(\Omega, \mathcal{F}(\Omega), {\mathop{\rm Pr}\nolimits})$, is defined on the induced probability space $(\Omega^{n}, \mathcal{F}(\Omega^{n}), {\mathop{\rm Pr}\nolimits}_{\boldsymbol{x}})$, where ${\mathop{\rm Pr}\nolimits}_{\boldsymbol{x}}$ is the induced probability measure. A stochastic process is defined as a sequence of random vectors $\lbrace \boldsymbol{x}_{k} : k \in [0, N]\rbrace$, $N \in \mathbb{N}$, where $\boldsymbol{x}_{k}$ are defined on the probability space $(\Omega^{n}, \mathcal{F}(\Omega^{n}), {\mathop{\rm Pr}\nolimits}_{\boldsymbol{x}})$. See [@billingsley2008probability; @chow2012probability] for more details.
The expectation operator is denoted as $\mathbb{E}[\,\cdot\,]$, where for some function $f$, $\mathbb{E}_{\boldsymbol{x} \sim {\mathop{\rm Pr}\nolimits}_{\boldsymbol{x}}\lbrace\,\cdot\,\rbrace}[f(\boldsymbol{x})]$ denotes the expectation operator with respect to the probability measure ${\mathop{\rm Pr}\nolimits}_{\boldsymbol{x}}$.
Terminal-Hitting Time Problem {#section: system model}
Consider a Markov control process $\mathcal{H}$, which is defined in [@summers2010verification] as a 3-tuple, $$\begin{aligned}
\mathcal{H} = ( \mathcal{X}, \mathcal{U}, Q )
\label{eqn: Markov control process}\end{aligned}$$ where $\mathcal{X} \subseteq \Re^{n}$ is the state space, $\mathcal{U} \subseteq \Re^{m}$ is the control space, and $Q : \mathscr{B}(\mathcal{X}) \times{} \mathcal{X} \times{} \mathcal{U} \rightarrow [0, 1]$ is a stochastic kernel, which is a Borel-measurable function that maps a probability measure $Q(\,\cdot\, | \,x, u)$ to each $x \in \mathcal{X}$ and $u \in \mathcal{U}$ on the Borel space $(\mathcal{X}, \mathscr{B}(\mathcal{X}))$. Further, let $\mathcal{X}$ and $\mathcal{U}$ be compact Borel spaces. The system evolves over a finite horizon $k \in [0, N]$ with inputs chosen according to a Markov policy [@puterman2014markov; @bertsekas2004stochastic], a sequence $\pi = \lbrace \pi_{0}, \pi_{1}, \ldots, \pi_{N-1}\rbrace$ of universally-measurable maps $\pi_{k} : \mathcal{X} \rightarrow \mathcal{U}$. The set of all Markov control policies $\pi$ is denoted as $\mathcal{M}$.
We define $\mathcal{K}, \mathcal{T} \in \mathscr{B}(\mathcal{X})$ as the *safe set* and *target set*, respectively. We define the *terminal-hitting time safety probability* $r_{x_{0}}^{\pi}(\mathcal{K}, \mathcal{T})$ [@summers2010verification] as the probability that a system $\mathcal{H}$ controlled by a policy $\pi \in \mathcal{M}$ will [reach]{} $\mathcal{T}$ at $k=N$ while [avoiding]{} $\mathcal{X}\backslash\mathcal{K}$ for all $k \in [0, N-1]$, given an initial condition $x_{0} \in \mathcal{X}$. $$\begin{aligned}
r_{x_{0}}^{\pi}(\mathcal{K}, \mathcal{T}) \triangleq
{\mathop{\rm Pr}\nolimits}_{x_{0}}^{\pi}
\boldsymbol{x}_{N} \in \mathcal{T} \wedge{}
\boldsymbol{x}_{i} \in \mathcal{K}, \forall i \in [0, N-1]
\label{eqn: terminal-hitting probability}\end{aligned}$$ Let $V{}_{k}^{\pi} : \mathcal{X} \rightarrow [0, 1]$ be defined via backward recursion as $$\begin{aligned}
V{}_{N}^{\pi}(x) &=
\label{eqn: terminal-hitting value N} \\
V{}_{k}^{\pi}(x) &=
\mathbb{E}_{\boldsymbol{y} \sim Q(\,\cdot\,|\,x, \pi_{k}(x))}
\left[ V{}_{k+1}^{\pi}(\boldsymbol{y}) \right]
\label{eqn: terminal-hitting value k}\end{aligned}$$ then $V{}_{0}^{\pi}(x) = r_{x_{0}}^{\pi}(\mathcal{K}, \mathcal{T})$ for every $x_{0} \in \mathcal{X}$.
From [@summers2010verification Definition 10], a policy $\pi^{*} \in \mathcal{M}$ is the *maximal reach-avoid policy in the terminal sense* if and only if $$\begin{aligned}
r_{x_{0}}^{\pi^{*}}(\mathcal{K}, \mathcal{T}) =
\sup_{\pi \in \mathcal{M}}
r_{x_{0}}^{\pi}(\mathcal{K}, \mathcal{T})
\rbrace\end{aligned}$$ Let $V{}_{k}^{*} : \mathcal{X} \rightarrow [0, 1]$, $k \in [0, N-1]$ be defined via backward recursion, initialized with $V{}_{N}^{*}(x) = \boldsymbol{1}_{\mathcal{T}}(x)$, as $$\begin{aligned}
V{}_{k}^{*}(x) =
\sup_{u \in \mathcal{U}}
\mathbb{E}_{\boldsymbol{y} \sim Q(\,\cdot\,|\,x,u)}
\left[ V{}_{k+1}^{*}(\boldsymbol{y}) \right]
\label{eqn: terminal-hitting optimal value k}\end{aligned}$$ Then, $V{}_{0}^{*}(x) = r_{x_{0}}^{\pi^{*}}(\mathcal{K}, \mathcal{T})$. If $\pi^{*}$ is such that $$\begin{aligned}
\pi_{k}^{*}(x) =
\mathrm{arg}\sup_{u \in \mathcal{U}}
\mathbb{E}_{\boldsymbol{y} \sim Q(\,\cdot \,|\, x, u)}
\left[ V{}_{k+1}^{*}(\boldsymbol{y}) \right]
\label{eqn: terminal-hitting optimal control map}\end{aligned}$$ then $\pi^{*}$ is maximal in the terminal sense [@summers2010verification Theorem 11].
Problem Statement
Consider a set $\mathcal{S}$ of $M$ samples of the form $\mathcal{S} = \lbrace (\bar{y}_{i}, \bar{x}_{i}, \bar{u}_{i}) \rbrace_{i = 1}^M$ such that $y_{i}$ is drawn i.i.d. from $Q$ according to $\bar{y}_{i} \sim Q(\,\cdot \,|\, \bar{x}_{i}, \bar{u}_{i})$, and $\bar{u}_{i} = \pi(\bar{x}_{i})$. We denote sample vectors with a bar to differentiate them from time-indexed vectors.
Without direct knowledge of $Q$, use samples $\mathcal{S}$ to construct a kernel-based approximation of that converges in probability.
Without direct knowledge of $Q$, use samples $\mathcal{S}$ to construct a kernel-based approximation of that converges in probability, in order to compute an approximation of the optimal policy $\pi^{*}$.
Using samples $\mathcal{S}$, we employ an approach similar to that in [@grunewalder2012modelling], but that is specific to the dynamic program associated with the stochastic reachability problem for high-dimensional, non-Gaussian systems. The unique computational efficiencies afforded by reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces transforms computation of and into simple matrix operations and inner products.
Kernel Distribution Embeddings for Stochastic Reachabilty {#section: kernel mean embeddings}
For some set $\mathcal{X}$, let $\mathscr{H}_{\mathcal{X}}$ denote the unique reproducing kernel Hilbert space [@scholkopf2001learning] with the positive definite [@steinwart2008support Definition 4.15] kernel $K_{\mathcal{X}} : \mathcal{X} \times{} \mathcal{X} \rightarrow \Re$, which is a Hilbert space of real-valued functions on $\mathcal{X}$ with inner product $\langle \,\cdot, \cdot\, \rangle_{\mathscr{H}_{\mathcal{X}}}$ and the induced norm $\lVert x \rVert_{\mathscr{H}_{\mathcal{X}}} = \left(\langle x, x \rangle_{\mathscr{H}_{\mathcal{X}}} \right)^{1/2}$. A reproducing kernel Hilbert space has two important properties [@aronszajn1950theory]:
1. For any $x, x' \in \mathcal{X}$, $K_{\mathcal{X}}(x, \cdot\,) : x' \rightarrow K_{\mathcal{X}}(x, x')$ is an element of $\mathscr{H}_{\mathcal{X}}$.
2. An element $K_{\mathcal{X}}(x, x')$ of $\mathscr{H}_{\mathcal{X}}$ satisfies the *reproducing property* such that $\forall f \in \mathscr{H}_{\mathcal{X}}$ and $x \in \mathcal{X}$, $$\begin{aligned}
f(x) &=
K_{\mathcal{X}}(x, \cdot), f(\cdot)
\label{eqn: reproducing property} \\
K_{\mathcal{X}}(x, x') &=
K_{\mathcal{X}}(x, \cdot),
K_{\mathcal{X}}(x', \cdot)
This means that the evaluation of a function $f \in \mathscr{H}_{\mathcal{X}}$ can be viewed as an inner product in $\mathscr{H}_{\mathcal{X}}$. Alternatively, an element $K_{\mathcal{X}}(x, \cdot)$ can be viewed as a nonlinear feature map $\phi : \mathcal{X} \rightarrow \mathscr{H}_{\mathcal{X}}$, such that $$\begin{aligned}
K_{\mathcal{X}}(x, x') =
\rangle_{\mathscr{H}_{\mathcal{X}}}\end{aligned}$$ Because constructing the feature map $\phi(\,\cdot\,)$ and computing $\langle \phi(x), \phi(x') \rangle_{\mathscr{H}_{\mathcal{X}}}$ explicitly can be computationally expensive, the inner product can be computed using $K_{\mathcal{X}}(x, x')$ directly for a $K_{\mathcal{X}}$ that is positive definite. This is known as the *kernel trick* [@shawe2004kernel].
By choosing $K_{\mathcal{X}}$, we effectively choose a basis to represent the functions in $\mathscr{H}_{\mathcal{X}}$. With the reproducing property, we can then write the function $f$ as $f(x) = w^{\top} \phi(x)$, a weighted sum of basis functions for some possibly infinite-dimensional weight vector $w$. We wish to solve for the particular $w$ which, based on the samples $\mathcal S$, minimizes the difference between the observations and the kernel-based estimate.
Let $\mathscr{P}$ denote the set of all probability measures on $\mathcal{X}$. The *kernel distribution embedding* [@berlinet2011reproducing; @smola2007hilbert] of a probability measure ${\mathop{\rm Pr}\nolimits}_{\boldsymbol{y}\,|\,x, u} \in \mathscr{P}$, given by $\mu_{(x, u)} : \mathscr{P} \rightarrow \mathscr{H}_{\mathcal{X}}$, is defined as $$\begin{aligned}
\mu_{(x, u)} \triangleq
K_{\mathcal{X}}(y, \cdot)
{\mathop{\rm Pr}\nolimits}_{\boldsymbol{y}\,|\,x, u}
\lbrace \mathrm{d} y \,|\, x, u \rbrace\end{aligned}$$
Let $\mathscr{H}_{\mathcal{X}}$ denote the unique RKHS for the state space $\mathcal{X}$ with the positive definite kernel $K_{\mathcal{X}} : \mathcal{X} \times{} \mathcal{X} \rightarrow \Re$. Similarly, let $\mathscr{H}_{\mathcal{X} \times \mathcal{U}}$ denote the RKHS for $\mathcal{X} \times \mathcal{U}$ with the positive definite kernel $K_{\mathcal{X} \times \mathcal{U}} : (\mathcal{X}, \mathcal{U}) \times{} (\mathcal{X}, \mathcal{U}) \rightarrow \Re$. We define the *conditional distribution embedding* of the stochastic kernel $Q \in \mathscr{P}$ as $\mu_{(x, u)}$. Then, the expectation of $f$ with respect to the probability measure $Q$ is given by $$\begin{aligned}
\langle \mu_{(x,u)}, f \rangle_{\mathscr{H}_{\mathcal{X}}} =
\mathbb{E}_{\boldsymbol{y} \sim Q(\,\cdot\,|\,x, u)}
[ f(\boldsymbol{y}) ]
\label{eqn: conditional distribution embedding inner product}\end{aligned}$$ This means we can evaluate the expectation of a function with respect to $Q$ as an inner product in $\mathscr{H}_{\mathcal{X}}$.
We can construct an estimate $\bar{\mu}_{(x, u)}$ of $\mu_{(x, u)}$ [@smola2007hilbert] from samples $\mathcal{S}$ to approximate , $$\begin{aligned}
\langle \bar{\mu}_{(x, u)}, f \rangle_{\mathscr{H}_{\mathcal{X}}} \approx
\mathbb{E}_{\boldsymbol{y} \sim Q(\,\cdot \,|\, x, u)}
\label{eqn: conditional distribution embedding inner product estimate}\end{aligned}$$ According to the Riesz representation theorem [@micchelli2005learning], the element $\bar{\mu}_{(x, u)}$ can be viewed as the solution to a regularized least-squares problem that minimizes the error of the expectation operator over the samples [@micchelli2005learning; @lever2012conditional], $$\begin{aligned}
\min_{\bar{\mu}} \left\lbrace
\sum_{i=1}^{M} \lVert K_{\mathcal{X}}(\bar{y}_{i}, \cdot) - \bar{\mu}_{(\bar{x}_{i}, \bar{u}_{i})} \rVert_{\mathscr{H}_{\mathcal{X}}}^{2} + \lambda \lVert \bar{\mu} \rVert_{\mathscr{H}_{\Upsilon}}^{2} \right\rbrace
\label{eqn: regularized least-squares}\end{aligned}$$ where $\mathscr{H}_{\Upsilon}$ is a vector-valued RKHS [@micchelli2005learning]. The solution is unique and has the form $$\begin{aligned}
\bar{\mu}_{(x, u)} =
(G + \lambda M I)^{-1}
K_{\mathcal{X} \times \mathcal{U}}((x, u), \cdot)
\label{eqn: conditional distribution embedding estimate}\end{aligned}$$ where $\lambda$ is a regularization parameter to avoid overfitting, $\eta$ is a normalizing constant, and $\Phi$, $\Psi$, and $G$ are defined as $$\begin{aligned}
\Phi &= [
K_{\mathcal{X}}(\bar{y}_{1}, \cdot),
K_{\mathcal{X}}(\bar{y}_{M}, \cdot)
\label{eqn: phi vector} \\
\Psi &= [
K_{\mathcal{X} \times \mathcal{U}}((\bar{x}_{1}, \bar{u}_{1}), \cdot),
K_{\mathcal{X} \times \mathcal{U}}((\bar{x}_{M}, \bar{u}_{M}), \cdot)
\label{eqn: psi vector} \\
G &= \Psi \Psi^{\top}
\label{eqn: gram matrix}\end{aligned}$$ By the reproducing property of $K_{\mathcal{X}}$ in $\mathscr{H}_{\mathcal{X}}$, $\forall f \in \mathscr{H}_{\mathcal{X}}$, we can rewrite as $$\begin{aligned}
\langle \bar{\mu}_{(x, u)}, f \rangle_{\mathscr{H}_{\mathcal{X}}} &=
\boldsymbol{f}^{\top} \beta(x, u)
\label{eqn: conditional distribution embedding inner product estimate as sum}\end{aligned}$$ where $\boldsymbol{f} = [f(\bar{y}_{1}), \ldots, f(\bar{y}_{M})]^{\top}$, and $\beta(x, u) \in \Re^{M}$ is a vector of coefficients, $$\begin{aligned}
\beta(x, u) &=
(G + \lambda M I)^{-1}
K_{\mathcal{X} \times \mathcal{U}}((x, u), \cdot)
\label{eqn: compute beta}\end{aligned}$$ *This means an approximation of the value function expectation $\mathbb{E}_{\boldsymbol{y} \sim Q(\,\cdot \,|\, x, \pi_{k}(x))} \left[ V{}_{k+1}^{\pi}(\boldsymbol{y}) \right]$ in can be evaluated as a linear operation in $\mathscr{H}_{\mathcal{X}}$.*
Terminal-Hitting Time Problem {#section: terminal-hitting time problem}
With the conditional distribution embedding $\mu_{(x, u)}$, the value functions in can be written as $$\begin{aligned}
V{}_{k}^{\pi}(x) =
\mu_{(x, \pi_{k}(x))}, V{}_{k+1}^{\pi}
\label{eqn: terminal-hitting value k as inner product}\end{aligned}$$ With the estimate $\bar{\mu}_{(x, u)}$ , we define the approximate value functions ${\mkern 1.5mu\overline{\mkern-1.5muV\mkern-1.5mu}\mkern 1.5mu}_{k}^{\pi} : \mathcal{X} \rightarrow [0, 1]$, $k \in [0, N-1]$, as $$\begin{aligned}
{\mkern 1.5mu\overline{\mkern-1.5muV\mkern-1.5mu}\mkern 1.5mu}_{k}^{\pi}(x) =
\bar{\mu}_{(x, \pi_{k}(x))}, V{}_{k+1}^{\pi}
\label{eqn: terminal-hitting approximate value k as inner product}\end{aligned}$$ such that ${\mkern 1.5mu\overline{\mkern-1.5muV\mkern-1.5mu}\mkern 1.5mu}_{k}^{\pi}(x) \approx V{}_{k}^{\pi}(x)$. Thus, an approximation for the reach-avoid probability $r_{x_{0}}^{\pi}(\mathcal{K}, \mathcal{T})$ can be computed via the backward recursion described in [Algorithm \[algo: backward recursion\]]{}, such that $$\begin{aligned}
{\mkern 1.5mu\overline{\mkern-1.5muV\mkern-1.5mu}\mkern 1.5mu}_{0}^{\pi}(x)
\approx r_{x_{0}}^{\pi}(\mathcal{K}, \mathcal{T})
\label{eqn: terminal-hitting approximate value 0}\end{aligned}$$
**Input**: samples $\mathcal{S}$ drawn i.i.d. from $Q$, policy $\pi$, horizon $N$\
**Output**: value function estimate ${\mkern 1.5mu\overline{\mkern-1.5muV\mkern-1.5mu}\mkern 1.5mu}_{0}^{\pi}(x)$
Compute $\Phi$ and $\Psi$ using $\mathcal{S}$ from and $G \gets \Psi \Psi^{\top}$ Initialize ${\mkern 1.5mu\overline{\mkern-1.5muV\mkern-1.5mu}\mkern 1.5mu}_{N}^{\pi}(x) \gets \boldsymbol{1}_{\mathcal{T}}(x)$ Compute $\beta(x, \pi_{k}(x))$ from $
[{\mkern 1.5mu\overline{\mkern-1.5muV\mkern-1.5mu}\mkern 1.5mu}_{k+1}^{\pi}(\bar{y}_{1}), \ldots, {\mkern 1.5mu\overline{\mkern-1.5muV\mkern-1.5mu}\mkern 1.5mu}_{k+1}^{\pi}(\bar{y}_{M})]^{\top}$ $
{\mkern 1.5mu\overline{\mkern-1.5muV\mkern-1.5mu}\mkern 1.5mu}_{k}^{\pi}(x) \gets
\beta(x, \pi_{k}(x))
$ Return ${\mkern 1.5mu\overline{\mkern-1.5muV\mkern-1.5mu}\mkern 1.5mu}_{0}^{\pi}(x) \approx r_{x_{0}}^{\pi}(\mathcal{K}, \mathcal{T})$
We now seek to characterize the quality of the approximation and the conditions for its convergence. As in [@sriperumbudur2010hilbert; @gretton2007kernel; @gretton2012kernel], we define a pseudometric that characterizes the accuracy of the estimate $\bar{\mu}_{(x,u)}$.
The distance pseudometric in $\mathscr{H}_{\mathcal{X}}$ between the conditional distribution embedding $\mu_{(x, u)} \in \mathscr{H}_{\mathcal{X}}$ and the estimate $\bar{\mu}_{(x, u)} \in \mathscr{H}_{\mathcal{X}}$ is defined as $\lVert \mu_{(x, u)} - \bar{\mu}_{(x, u)} \rVert_{\mathscr{H}_{\mathcal{X}}}$.
It is shown in [@fukumizu2008kernel] that if $K_{\mathcal{X}}$ is a *characteristic*, bounded kernel, then $\lVert \mu_{(x, u)} - \bar{\mu}_{(x, u)} \rVert_{\mathscr{H}_{\mathcal{X}}} = 0$ if and only if $\mu_{(x, u)} = \bar{\mu}_{(x, u)}$. A kernel is characteristic if the kernel embedding is injective, meaning the embeddings for any two different conditional distributions are represented by different elements within the RKHS. Thus, as $\lVert \mu_{(x, u)} - \bar{\mu}_{(x, u)} \rVert_{\mathscr{H}_{\mathcal{X}}}$ converges [@grunewalder2012modelling; @smola2007hilbert], the estimate converges in probability to the conditional distribution embedding within $\mathscr{H}_{\mathcal{X}}$.
[@grunewalder2012modelling Lemma 2.2] \[lemma: conditional distribution embedding convergence\] For any $\varepsilon > 0$, if the regularization parameter $\lambda$ in is chosen such that $\lambda \rightarrow 0$ and $\lambda^{3} M \rightarrow \infty$, and if $\mathcal{X}$ is bounded and $K_{\mathcal{X}}$ is strictly positive definite, then $$\begin{aligned}
{\mathop{\rm Pr}\nolimits}_{\mathcal{S} \sim Q}
\sup_{(x, u) \in \mathcal{X} \times \mathcal{U}}
\mu_{(x, u)} - \bar{\mu}_{(x, u)}
> \varepsilon
\right\rbrace \rightarrow 0
\label{eqn: conditional distribution embedding convergence}
\[prop: value function expectation convergence\] For any $\varepsilon > 0$, if the regularization prameter $\lambda$ in is chosen such that $\lambda \rightarrow 0$ and $\lambda^{3} M \rightarrow \infty$, and if $\mathcal{X}$ is bounded and $K_{\mathcal{X}}$ is strictly positive definite, $\vert V{}_{k}^{\pi}(x) - {\mkern 1.5mu\overline{\mkern-1.5muV\mkern-1.5mu}\mkern 1.5mu}_{k}^{\pi}(x) \vert$ converges in probability.
By subtracting from , and using the parallelogram law, we define the absolute value function error $\mathcal{E}_{k}(x)$ at time $k$, $$\begin{aligned}
\mathcal{E}_{k}(x) &\triangleq
V{}_{k}^{\pi}(x) - {\mkern 1.5mu\overline{\mkern-1.5muV\mkern-1.5mu}\mkern 1.5mu}_{k}^{\pi}(x)
\vert \\
&= \boldsymbol{1}_{\mathcal{K}}(x)
\mu_{(x,\pi_{k}(x))} - \bar{\mu}_{(x,\pi_{k}(x))}, V{}_{k+1}^{\pi}
\label{eqn: value function absolute difference}
\end{aligned}$$ We can rewrite using Cauchy-Schwarz to obtain $$\begin{aligned}
&\leq \boldsymbol{1}_{\mathcal{K}}(x)
\mu_{(x,\pi_{k}(x))} - \bar{\mu}_{(x,\pi_{k}(x))}
\end{aligned}$$ Since $\lVert \mu_{(x,\pi_{k}(x))} - \bar{\mu}_{(x,\pi_{k}(x))} \rVert_{\mathscr{H}_{\mathcal{X}}}$ converges in probability according to [Lemma \[lemma: conditional distribution embedding convergence\]]{}, $\vert V{}_{k}^{\pi}(x) - {\mkern 1.5mu\overline{\mkern-1.5muV\mkern-1.5mu}\mkern 1.5mu}_{k}^{\pi}(x) \vert$ also converges in probability with the probabilistic error bound $\varepsilon$.
Using this, the value function approximation in converges in probability for some probabilistic error bound $\varepsilon$ as the number of samples increases.
\[cor: value function expectation convergence cor1\] For any $\varepsilon > 0$, the error in the reach-avoid probability computed using [Algorithm \[algo: backward recursion\]]{} converges in probability to $$\begin{aligned}
V{}_{0}^{\pi}(x) - {\mkern 1.5mu\overline{\mkern-1.5muV\mkern-1.5mu}\mkern 1.5mu}_{0}^{\pi}(x)
\vert \leq N\varepsilon
By subtracting from , we obtain the absolute value function error $\mathcal{E}_{N-1}(x)$ at time $k = N-1$, $$\begin{aligned}
\mathcal{E}_{N-1}(x) =
V{}_{N-1}^{\pi}(x) - {\mkern 1.5mu\overline{\mkern-1.5muV\mkern-1.5mu}\mkern 1.5mu}_{N-1}^{\pi}(x)
\label{eqn: appendix cor1 value function k error}
\end{aligned}$$ Using [Proposition \[prop: value function expectation convergence\]]{}, if the error in the approximate value function converges in probability to at most $\varepsilon$, then the error in converges in probability to $\varepsilon$, i.e. $\mathcal{E}_{N-1}(x) \leq \varepsilon$. Because the error in the approximate value function for $k = N-1$ converges in probability to $\varepsilon$, then by approximating and recursively substituting ${\mkern 1.5mu\overline{\mkern-1.5muV\mkern-1.5mu}\mkern 1.5mu}_{k}^{\pi}(x)$ for $k < N-1$, the error at time $k$ converges in probability to $(N-k)\varepsilon$. Thus, by induction, the error obtained by the backward recursion in [Algorithm \[algo: backward recursion\]]{} converges in probability to at most $N\varepsilon$, $$\begin{aligned}
V{}_{0}^{\pi}(x) - {\mkern 1.5mu\overline{\mkern-1.5muV\mkern-1.5mu}\mkern 1.5mu}_{0}^{\pi}(x)
\vert \leq N\varepsilon
\end{aligned}$$ which concludes the proof.
Maximal Reach-Avoid Policy in the Terminal Sense
As in , we write the optimal value functions $V{}_{k}^{*}$ from using the conditional distribution embedding $\mu_{(x, u)}$. $$\begin{aligned}
V{}_{k}^{*}(x) =
\sup_{u \in \mathcal{U}}
\mu_{(x, u)}, V{}_{k+1}^{*}
\label{eqn: terminal-hitting optimal value k as inner product}\end{aligned}$$ With the estimate $\bar{\mu}_{(x, u)}$ from , we define the approximate optimal value functions ${\mkern 1.5mu\overline{\mkern-1.5muV\mkern-1.5mu}\mkern 1.5mu}_{k}^{*} : \mathcal{X} \rightarrow [0, 1]$, $k \in [0, N-1]$ $$\begin{aligned}
{\mkern 1.5mu\overline{\mkern-1.5muV\mkern-1.5mu}\mkern 1.5mu}_{k}^{*}(x) =
\sup_{u \in \mathcal{U}}
\bar{\mu}_{(x, u)}, V{}_{k+1}^{*}
\label{eqn: terminal-hitting approximate optimal value k as inner product}\end{aligned}$$ such that ${\mkern 1.5mu\overline{\mkern-1.5muV\mkern-1.5mu}\mkern 1.5mu}_{k}^{*}(x) \approx V{}_{k}^{*}(x)$. If $\bar{\pi}_{k}^{*} : \mathcal{X} \rightarrow \mathcal{U}$ is such that $$\begin{aligned}
\bar{\pi}_{k}^{*}(x) =
\mathrm{arg}\sup_{u \in \mathcal{U}}
\bar{\mu}_{(x, u)}, V{}_{k+1}^{*}
\label{eqn: approximate maximal reach-avoid policy in the terminal sense}\end{aligned}$$ then $\bar{\pi}^{*} = \lbrace \bar{\pi}_{0}^{*}, \bar{\pi}_{1}^{*}, \ldots \rbrace$ is the approximate maximal reach-avoid policy in the terminal sense. The approximate optimal reach-avoid probability under policy $\bar{\pi}^{*}$ initialized with ${\mkern 1.5mu\overline{\mkern-1.5muV\mkern-1.5mu}\mkern 1.5mu}_{k}^{*}(x) = \boldsymbol{1}_{\mathcal{T}}(x)$, is described in [Algorithm \[algo: backward recursion\]]{} as $$\begin{aligned}
r_{x_{0}}^{*}(\mathcal{K}, \mathcal{T}) \approx
{\mkern 1.5mu\overline{\mkern-1.5muV\mkern-1.5mu}\mkern 1.5mu}_{0}^{*}(x).
\label{eqn: terminal-hitting approximate optimal value 0}\end{aligned}$$
Numerical Results {#section: numerical results}
[ @ l @ c @ c @ c @ c @ c ]{} & Number of & Number of & & Dynamic & Chance-Constrained\
System & Samples \[$M$\] & Evaluation Points & [Algorithm \[algo: backward recursion\]]{} & Programming & Open [@vinod2019affine]\
Double Integrator & $1024$ & $10201$ & $0.43$ s & $31.76$ s & $24.36$ s\
CWH & $883$ & $10201$ & $0.48$ s & – & $34.51$ s\
10000-D Integrator & $1024$ & $1$ & $30.53$ s & – & –\
We implemented [Algorithm \[algo: backward recursion\]]{} on two well-known stochastic systems for the purpose of validation and error analysis. We first generated $M = 1024$ samples via simulation, then presumed no knowledge of the system dynamics or the stochastic disturbance in computing $r_{x_{0}}^{\pi}(\mathcal{K}, \mathcal{T})$ via Algorithm \[algo: backward recursion\]. We chose a Gaussian radial basis function kernel, $K(x, x') = \exp ( - \lVert x - x' \rVert_{2}^{2} / 2\sigma^2 )$, with $\sigma = 0.1$, and regularization parameter $\lambda = 1$. All computations were done in Matlab on a 2.7GHz Intel Core i7 CPU with 16 GB RAM. Code to generate all figures is available at *https://github.com/unm-hscl/ajthor-LCSS-2019*.
$n$-D Stochastic Chain of Integrators
We consider a $n$-D stochastic chain of integrators [@vinod2017scalable], in which the input appears at the $n^{\mathrm{th}}$ derivative and each element of the state vector is the discretized integral of the element that follows it. The dynamics with sampling time $T$ are given by: $$\begin{aligned}
\boldsymbol{x}_{k+1} =
1 & T & \cdots & \frac{T^{n-1}}{(n-1)!} \\
0 & 1 & \cdots & \frac{T^{n-2}}{(n-2)!} \\
\vdots & \vdots & \ddots & \vdots \\
0 & 0 & 0 & 1
\boldsymbol{x}_{k} +
\frac{T^{n}}{n!} \\
\frac{T^{n-1}}{(n-1)!} \\
\vdots \\
u_{k} +
\end{aligned}$$ with i.i.d. disturbance $\boldsymbol{w}_{k}$ defined on the probability space $(\mathcal{W}, \mathscr{B}(\mathcal{W}), {\mathop{\rm Pr}\nolimits}_{\boldsymbol{w}})$. We consider two distributions: 1) a Gaussian distribution with variance $\Sigma = 0.01I$ such that $\boldsymbol{w}_{k} \sim \mathcal{N}(0, \Sigma)$, and 2) a beta distribution such that $\boldsymbol{w}_{k} \sim \textnormal{Beta}(\alpha, \beta)$, with PDF $f(x \,|\, \alpha, \beta) =
\Gamma(\alpha + \beta)
\Gamma(\alpha) \Gamma(\beta)
x^{\alpha-1} (1-x)^{\beta-1}$, described in terms of Gamma function $\Gamma$ and positive shape parameters $\alpha = 0.5$, $\beta = 0.5$. The control policy $\pi$ is $\pi_{0}(x) = \pi_{1}(x) = \ldots = 0$. The target set and safe set are $\mathcal{T}, \mathcal{K} = [-1, 1]^{n}$.
For a system with $n=2$, we compute approximate safety probabilities using [Algorithm \[algo: backward recursion\]]{} for time horizon $N=3$ with the Gaussian distribution in Fig. \[fig: main\_figure\_1\](a) and the beta distribution in Fig. \[fig: main\_figure\_2\](a). We compared the RKHS solution for the Gaussian distribution with a dynamic programming solution implemented in [@vinod2019sreachtools]. The absolute error (\[eqn: value function absolute difference\]) (Fig. \[fig: main\_figure\_1\](b)) has a maximum value of 0.074. We consider the region strictly within $\mathcal{K}$ to account for Matlab rounding errors. The error is highest along the ridges on the upper right and lower left corners. Fig. \[fig: dimensionality\_time\] shows that as the number of samples increases, the error decreases, as expected. For a 10,000-dimensional system, which is beyond the computational capabilities of any existing methods for stochastic reachability, computation of took 30.53 seconds for $x_0 = 0$ (Table \[table: computation time\]). Computation time, evaluated from the the same initial condition for all systems of dimension 2 through 10,000 (Fig. \[fig: dimensionality\_time\]), appears to increase linearly because computation of the norm in the Gaussian kernel function scales linearly with state dimension. Note that the structure of the system dynamics plays no role in the computational complexity, as the structure of $G$ in Algorithm \[algo: backward recursion\] does not depend on the dynamics.
![ (a) Approximate safety probabilities computed using [Algorithm \[algo: backward recursion\]]{} for a double integrator at $k=0$ for $N=3$. (b) Absolute error $\vert V_{0}^{\pi}(x) - {\mkern 1.5mu\overline{\mkern-1.5muV\mkern-1.5mu}\mkern 1.5mu}_{0}^{\pi}(x) \vert$ between the dynamic programming solution and [Algorithm \[algo: backward recursion\]]{} at $k=0$ for $N=3$.[]{data-label="fig: main_figure_1"}](main_figure_1)
![ (top) System dimensionality \[$n$\] vs. average computation time \[$s$\] for an $n$-D stochastic integrator system. (bottom) Number of samples \[$M$\] vs. maximum absolute error $\vert V_{0}^{\pi}(x) - {\mkern 1.5mu\overline{\mkern-1.5muV\mkern-1.5mu}\mkern 1.5mu}_{0}^{\pi}(x) \vert$ for time steps $k = 2$ to $k = 0$ for $N = 3$. []{data-label="fig: dimensionality_time"}](dim_time)
Clohessy-Wiltshire-Hill System
Lastly, we considered the more realistic example of spacecraft rendezvous and docking, in which a spacecraft must dock with another spacecraft while remaining within a line of sight cone. The Clohessey-Wiltshire-Hill dynamics, $$\begin{aligned}
\ddot{x} - 3\omega x - 2 \omega \dot{y} &= F_{x}/m_{d} &
\ddot{y} + 2 \omega \dot{x} &= F_{y}/m_{d}\end{aligned}$$ with state $\boldsymbol{z} = [x, y, \dot{x}, \dot{y}] \in \mathcal{X} \subseteq \Re^{4}$, input $u = [F_{x}, F_{y}] \in \mathcal{U} \subseteq \Re^{2}$, where $\mathcal{U} = [-0.1, 0.1] \times [-0.1, 0.1]$, and parameters $\omega$, $m_d$ can be written as a discrete-time LTI system $\boldsymbol{z}_{k+1} = A \boldsymbol{z}_{k} + B u_{k} + \boldsymbol{w}_{k}$ with an additive Gaussian disturbance [@lesser2013stochastic] with variance $\Sigma = \textnormal{diag}(1 \times 10^{-4}, 1 \times 10^{-4}, 5 \times 10^{-8}, 5 \times 10^{-8})$ such that $\boldsymbol{w}_{k} \sim \mathcal{N}(0, \Sigma)$. The target set and safe set are defined as in [@lesser2013stochastic]: $$\begin{aligned}
\mathcal{T} &=
\boldsymbol{z} \in \Re^{4} :
& \vert \boldsymbol{z}_{1} \vert \leq 0.1,
-0.1 < \boldsymbol{z}_{2} < 0, \\
& \vert \boldsymbol{z}_{3} \vert \leq 0.01,
\vert \boldsymbol{z}_{4} \vert \leq 0.01 \rbrace
\end{aligned} \\
\mathcal{K} &=
\boldsymbol{z} \in \Re^{4} : \vert \boldsymbol{z}_{1} \vert < \vert \boldsymbol{z}_{2} \vert,
\vert \boldsymbol{z}_{3} \vert \leq 0.05,
\vert \boldsymbol{z}_{4} \vert \leq 0.05
\rbrace\end{aligned}$$ We generate samples using [@vinod2019sreachtools] with a chance-affine controller. Fig. \[fig: main\_figure\_2\](b) shows the approximate safety probabilities for time horizon $N = 5$, with a precomputed safety controller from [@vinod2019affine; @vinod2019sreachtools]. The safety probabilities for the entire region were computed in 0.48 seconds (Table \[table: computation time\]), almost two orders of magnitude less than the chance constrained approach [@vinod2019affine], which computes the set of initial conditions where the safety probability is above a certain threshold (0.8 in this case).
![(a) Approximate safety probabilities computed using [Algorithm \[algo: backward recursion\]]{} for a double integrator with a $\textnormal{Beta}(0.5, 0.5)$ disturbance at $k=0$ for $N=1$. (b) Terminal-hitting safety probabilities for a CWH system with a Gaussian disturbance and a chance-affine controller at $k=0$ for $N=5$.[]{data-label="fig: main_figure_2"}](main_figure_2)
Sample Size and Parameter Tuning
The number of samples used to create the estimate $\bar{\mu}_{(x, u)}$ is the most significant computational bottleneck for [Algorithm \[algo: backward recursion\]]{} and is generally $\mathcal{O}(M^3)$. As the number of samples increases, the absolute error in the approximate safety probabilities decreases. However, methods have been developed recently to reduce the computational complexity [@rahimi2008random; @le2013fastfood; @lever2012conditional] to $\mathcal{O}(M \log M)$. Additionally, for high-dimensional systems, the number of samples needed to fully characterize the system dynamics and disturbance increases as the system dimensionality increases, which is prohibitive for analysis over large regions of the state space. However, due to the sample-based nature of [Algorithm \[algo: backward recursion\]]{}, we can choose samples within a local region of interest in order to approximate the safety probabilities.
The kernel bandwidth parameter and the regularization parameter are tunable parameters which can affect the quality of the estimate obtained using [Algorithm \[algo: backward recursion\]]{}. A cross-validation scheme to empirically choose these parameters is presented in [@micchelli2005learning Section 6].
Conclusions & Future Work
We present a sample-based method to compute the stochastic reachability probability measure for Markov control systems with arbitrary disturbances that does not require a known model of the transition kernel. Our approach employs efficient computation associated with a reproducing kernel Hilbert space to approximate conditional distributions via simple matrix operations. The method is demonstrated on a 10,000-dimensional integrator as well as a realistic model of relative spacecraft motion. We plan to extend this to sample-based controller synthesis, with application to systems with autonomous and human elements.
[^1]: This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under NSF Grant Number CMMI-1254990, IIS-1528047, and CNS-1836900, and by the Air Force Research Lab under AFRL Cooperative Agreement FA9453-18-2-0022, Agile Manufacturing for High Value, Low Volume Production. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation. A. Thorpe and M. Oishi are with Electrical & Computer Eng., University of New Mexico, Abq., NM. Email: [{ajthor,oishi}@unm.edu]{}.
| {
"pile_set_name": "ArXiv"
} | ArXiv |
abstract: 'We generalize recent results of Breuer and Kronholm, and Chern on partitions and overpartitions with bounded differences between largest and smallest parts. We prove our generalization both analytically and combinatorially.'
- 'Department of Mathematics, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802, USA'
- 'Department of Mathematics, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802, USA'
- Shane Chern
- Ae Ja Yee
title: Overpartitions with bounded part differences
[*European J. Combin.* **70** (2018), 317–324. [[MR3779621](http://www.ams.org/mathscinet-getitem?mr=3779621)]{}.\
[[doi: 10.1016/j.ejc.2018.01.003](http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ejc.2018.01.003)]{}]{}
A *partition* of a positive integer $n$ is a non-increasing sequence of positive integers whose sum equals $n$. For example, there are three partitions of $3$: $3$, $2+1$, and $1+1+1$.
In [@ABR2015], Andrews, Beck and Robbins explored partitions with the difference between largest and smallest parts equal to $t$ for some positive integer $t$. Motivated by their work, Breuer and Kronholm [@BK2016] studied the number of partitions of $n$ with the difference between largest and smallest parts bounded by $t$, and they showed that the generating function is $$\label{eq:g1}
\sum_{n\ge 1}p_t(n) q^n=\frac{1}{1-q^t}\left(\frac{1}{(q)_t}-1\right),$$ where $p_t(n)$ counts the number of partitions of $n$ with the difference between largest and smallest parts bounded by $t$, and $$(a)_n=(a;q)_n:=\prod_{k=0}^{n-1} (1-a q^k).$$
The proof of Breuer and Kronholm has a geometric flavour, and their main tool used in the proof is polyhedral cones. Subsequently, Chapman [@Cha2016] also provided a simpler proof, which involves $q$-series manipulations.
An *overpartition* of $n$ is a partition of $n$ in which the first occurrence of each distinct part may be overlined. For example, there are eight overpartitions of $3$: $3$, $\overline{3}$, $2+1$, $\overline{2}+1$, $2+\overline{1}$, $\overline{2}+\overline{1}$, $1+1+1$, and $\overline{1}+1+1$.
Recently, motivated by the works of Andrews, Beck and Robbins, Breuer and Kronholm, and Chapman, the first author [@Che2017] considered an overpartition analogue with bounded difference between largest and smallest parts.
To obtain a generating function analogous to , apart from requiring the difference between largest and smallest parts less than or equal to $t$, the first author added the following restriction: if the difference between largest and smallest parts is exactly $t$, then the largest part cannot be overlined. Let $g_t(n)$ count the number of such overpartitions of $n$. Then it was shown that $$\label{eq:g2}
\sum_{n\ge 1}g_t(n) q^n=\frac{1}{1-q^t}\left(\frac{(-q)_t}{(q)_t}-1\right).$$ The first proof in his paper uses heavy $q$-series manipulation, which originates from [@ABR2015]. His second proof, which consists of many combinatorial ingredients such as the overpartition analogue of $q$-binomial coefficients introduced by Dousse and Kim [@DK2017], however, still needs some nontrivial computation, and hence it is not completely combinatorial.
The main purpose of this paper is to provide a completely combinatorial and transparent proof of . More precisely, we prove the following refined result.
\[th:1.1\] For a positive integer $t$, let $g_t(m,n)$ count the number of overpartitions of $n$ in which there are exactly $m$ overlined parts, the difference between largest and smallest parts is at most $t$, and if the difference between largest and smallest parts is exactly $t$, then the largest part cannot be overlined. Then $$\label{eq:th1.1}
\sum_{n\ge 1}\sum_{m\ge 0} g_t(m,n)z^mq^n=\frac{1}{1-q^t}\left(\frac{(-zq)_t}{(q)_t}-1\right).$$
We remark that and follow immediately from by taking $z\to 0$ and $z\to 1$, respectively.
Notation and terminology
Throughout this paper, $\mathbb{Z}_{\ge 0}$ and $\mathbb{Z}_{>0}$ denote the set of nonnegative integers and positive integers, respectively. Given a partition or an overpartition ${\lambda}$ of $n$, let $\ell({\lambda})$ be the number of parts of ${\lambda}$ and $|{\lambda}|=n$ be the sum of the parts of ${\lambda}$. When ${\lambda}$ is an overpartition, we use $o({\lambda})$ to count the number of overlined parts in ${\lambda}$. We write parts in weakly decreasing order.
For a positive integer $t$, we denote by ${\overline{\mathcal{P}}}_t$ the set of (nonempty) overpartitions with parts less than or equal to $t$ and no parts equal to $t$ overlined, and by ${\overline{\mathcal{G}}}_t$ the set of (nonempty) overpartitions with the difference between largest and smallest parts at most $t$ and the largest part not overlined when the difference between largest and smallest parts is exactly $t$. Also, ${\overline{\mathcal{B}}}_t$ denotes the set of bipartitions where the first subpartition, which can be an empty partition, consists of only parts equal to $t$, none overlined, and the second subpartition is a nonempty overpartition with parts less than or equal to $t$. The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In Section \[sec2.1\], we first construct a weight preserving map $\phi$ from ${\overline{\mathcal{G}}}_t$ to ${\overline{\mathcal{P}}}_t$. In Section \[sec2.2\], we then construct another weight preserving map $\psi$ from ${\overline{\mathcal{P}}}_t$ to ${\overline{\mathcal{B}}}_t$. Finally, by combining these two maps, we will deduce that ${\overline{\mathcal{G}}}_t$ and ${\overline{\mathcal{B}}}_t$ have the same generating functions: $$\sum_{\pi\in {\overline{\mathcal{G}}}_t} z^{o(\pi)} q^{|\pi |} = \sum_{\beta \in {\overline{\mathcal{B}}}_t} z^{o(\beta )} q^{|\beta |},$$ which is indeed equivalent to Theorem \[th:1.1\]. In Section \[sec3\], a $q$-series proof of Theorem \[th:1.1\] will be given.
A combinatorial approach
Partition sets ${\overline{\mathcal{G}}}_t$ and ${\overline{\mathcal{P}}}_t$ {#sec2.1}
For an overpartition $\pi=(\pi_1,\pi_2,\ldots,\pi_\ell)$ in ${\overline{\mathcal{G}}}_t$, let $s(\pi)=\lfloor \pi_{\ell}/t\rfloor $, where $\lfloor a\rfloor$ denotes the largest integer not exceeding $a$, and let $k(\pi)$ be the positive integer $k$ such that $\pi_k\ge (s(\pi)+1)t$ and $\pi_{k+1}<(s(\pi)+1)t$. If there is no such $k$, then we let $k(\pi)=0$.
We now define a map $\phi: {\overline{\mathcal{G}}}_t\to {\overline{\mathcal{P}}}_t$ as follows. For an overpartition $\pi \in {\overline{\mathcal{G}}}_t$, let $\ell(\pi)=\ell$, $s(\pi)=s$ and $k(\pi)=k$. Then $$\begin{aligned}
&\phi\colon (\pi_1,\pi_2,\ldots,\pi_\ell)\\
&\quad \mapsto (\underbrace{t,t,t,\ldots,t}_{\tiny \substack{s(\ell-k)+(s+1)k\\\text{times}}},\pi_{k+1}-st,\ldots,\pi_\ell-st,\pi_1-(s+1)t,\ldots,\pi_k-(s+1)t),\end{aligned}$$ where all the parts equal to $t$ are not overlined, and if $\pi_i$ is overlined, then $\pi_i-st$ (or $\pi_i-(s+1)t$ depending on the value of $i$) is overlined. In other words, $\phi$ takes $\pi$ to $(t,t,\ldots,t,a_1,\ldots,a_\ell)$ where $a_1,\ldots,a_\ell$ are $\pi_1,\ldots,\pi_\ell$ reduced modulo $t$, cyclically permuted to make them weakly decreasing. Here we note that there may be parts equal to $0$ in $\phi(\pi)$. If there are any parts equal to $0$, then we delete them so that $\phi(\pi)$ has positive parts only.
$\phi$ is a weight preserving map from ${\overline{\mathcal{G}}}_t$ to ${\overline{\mathcal{P}}}_t$.
Since $\pi_1-\pi_{\ell}\le t$, $s=\lfloor \pi_{\ell}/t \rfloor$, and $\pi_{k}\ge (s+1)t >\pi_{k+1}$, we have $$t >\pi_{k+1}-st \ge \cdots \ge \pi_{\ell}-st \ge \pi_{1}-(s+1)t\ge \cdots \ge \pi_k -(s+1)t.$$ Thus the parts of $\phi(\pi)$ are less than or equal to $t$, and if there are overlined parts, they are less than $t$.
We now show that no more than one part of the same size is overlined. Since $\pi$ is an overpartition, at most one part of the same size is overlined in $\pi$. Hence, of $\pi_{1}-st,\ldots, \pi_{k}-st$, if there are overlined parts, then they must be of different sizes. For the same reason, of $\pi_{k+1}-(s+1)t,\ldots, \pi_{\ell}-(s+1)t$, overlined parts must be of different sizes. Thus, if $\pi_{\ell}-st>\pi_1-(s+1)t$, then it is clear that all the overlined parts of $\phi(\pi)$ have different sizes.
Let us suppose that $\pi_{\ell}-st=\pi_1-(s+1)t$. Then, we have $\pi_1-\pi_{\ell}=t$. By the definition of ${\overline{\mathcal{G}}}_t$, we know that all the parts equal to $\pi_1$ are not overlined. Thus, for parts in $\phi(\pi)$ that are equal to $\pi_\ell-st=\pi_1-(s+1)t$, either the first occurrence or none may be overlined. Therefore, $\phi(\pi)\in {\overline{\mathcal{P}}}_t$. We also note that the map $\phi$ preserves the weight of $\pi$, that is, $|\phi(\pi)|=|\pi|$.
As we see in the following example, the map $\phi$ is not a bijection.
Let $t=3$, $\pi=(7,{\overline{4}})$ and $\tilde{\pi}=({\overline{4}},4,3)$. Then $$\begin{gathered}
s(\pi)=1,\quad k(\pi)=1,\quad \phi(\pi)=(3,3,3,{\overline{1}},1), \quad |\phi(\pi)|=|\pi|=11;\\
s(\tilde{\pi})=1,\quad k(\tilde{\pi})=0,\quad \phi(\tilde{\pi})=(3,3,3,{\overline{1}},1), \quad |\phi(\tilde{\pi})|=|\tilde{\pi}|=11.\end{gathered}$$
However, $\phi$ is a surjection since ${\overline{\mathcal{P}}}_t$ is a subset of ${\overline{\mathcal{G}}}_t$ and $\phi(\pi)=\pi$ for any $\pi\in {\overline{\mathcal{P}}}_t$. So, we will count how many pre-images each $\mu\in {\overline{\mathcal{P}}}_t$ has under $\phi$.
Let $\pi\in {\overline{\mathcal{G}}}_t$. We describe how to recover $\pi$ from $\phi(\pi)$. First, note that it is clear from the definition of $s(\pi)$ and $k(\pi)$ that $\pi_i-(s(\pi)+1)t$ and $\pi_j-s(\pi) t$ are the remainders of $\pi_i$ and $\pi_j$ when divided by $t$ for $1\le i \le k(\pi)$ and $ j> k(\pi)$. If the remainders are equal to $0$, then they are deleted in $\phi(\pi)$. Thus if we know the number of such deleted remainders, we can determine $\ell(\pi)$. Also, one of the deleted remainders may have been overlined.
We then need to find $s(\pi)$ and $k(\pi)$, where $s(\pi)$ is the quotient of the smallest part of $\pi$ when divided by $t$ and $k(\pi)$ counts the number of parts whose quotients are equal to $s(\pi)+1$. Therefore, once we have $\ell(\pi)$, $k(\pi)$, and $s(\pi)$ along with the information on existence of an overlined deleted remainder, it is clear that we can recover $\pi$. Thus possible choices for $\ell(\pi)$, $k(\pi)$, and $s(\pi)$ with having a deleted remainder overlined or not will determine the number of pre-images under $\phi$.
In the following lemma, we will see the range for $\ell(\pi)$. For any $\mu\in{\overline{\mathcal{P}}}_t$, we use $m(\mu)=m_t(\mu)$ to count the number of parts of $\mu$ equal to $t$.
\[le:3.2\] Let $\pi$ be a nonempty overpartition in ${\overline{\mathcal{G}}}_t$ and $\mu=\phi(\pi)$ in ${\overline{\mathcal{P}}}_t$. Then we have
1. $\ell(\pi)\le \ell(\mu)$;
2. $\ell(\pi)\ge \ell(\mu)-m(\mu) + \delta_{\ell(\mu), m(\mu)}$, where $\delta_{\ell(\mu), m(\mu)}$ is the Kronecker delta.
First, (i) is almost trivial. Under $\phi$, each part of $\pi$ splits into its residue modulo $t$ and as many $t$’s as the quotient, i.e., each part $\pi_i$ contributes $\lceil \pi_i/t\rceil$ to the number of parts of $\mu$. Thus $\ell(\pi)\le \ell(\mu)$.
Next, we prove (ii). If all of the parts of $\mu$ are $t$, i.e., $\ell(\mu)=m(\mu)$, then $$\ell(\mu)- m(\mu)+ \delta_{\ell(\mu), m(\mu)}=1 \le \ell,$$ where the last inequality follows from the fact that $\pi$ is nonempty.
We now suppose that $\mu$ has a part not equal to $t$, i.e, $\ell(\mu)-m(\mu)\ge 1$. From the definition of $\phi$, we know that the parts of $\mu$ not equal to $t$ are the positive remainders of the parts of $\pi$, so at most $\ell$ parts of $\mu$ are not equal to $t$. Hence $$\ell(\mu)-m(\mu)+ \delta_{\ell(\mu), m(\mu)} = \ell(\mu)-m(\mu) \le \ell.$$ This completes the proof of (ii).
It follows from Lemma \[le:3.2\] that $$\delta_{\ell(\mu), m(\mu)} \le \ell(\pi)-\big(\ell(\mu)-m(\mu)\big) \le m(\mu), \label{remainder}$$ where $\ell(\pi)-\big(\ell(\mu)-m(\mu)\big)$ is the number of multiples of $t$ in $\pi$.
\[le:2.1\] Let $n$ be a fixed positive integer, and $n'$ a fixed nonnegative integer. Then the following system of equations $$\begin{cases}x+y &=n, \\s\, x+(s+1)y&=n'\end{cases} \label{eqs}$$ has exactly one simultaneous solution $(x,y,s)\in \mathbb{Z}_{>0}\times\mathbb{Z}_{\ge0}\times\mathbb{Z}_{\ge0}$.
We readily see that $y=n'-s\, n$. Also, since $x>0$ and $y\ge 0$, it follows from the first equation that $0\le y<n$. Hence $$\frac{n'}{n}-1<s\le \frac{n'}{n},$$ from which it follows that $s=\lfloor n'/n\rfloor$. Therefore, there is only one solution $(x, y, s)$.
We are now ready to determine how many pre-images an overpartition in ${\overline{\mathcal{P}}}_t$ has.
\[th:3.1\] Let $\mu$ be a nonempty overpartition in ${\overline{\mathcal{P}}}_t$.
[(i)]{} If $\ell(\mu)=m(\mu)$, then there are exactly $2m(\mu)$ pre-images in ${\overline{\mathcal{G}}}_t$ under $\phi$. Moreover, of those pre-images, exactly $m(\mu)$ pre-images have no overlined parts, and the other $m(\mu)$ pre-images have the first occurrence of the smallest parts overlined.
[(ii)]{} If $\ell(\mu)>m(\mu)$, then there are exactly $2m(\mu)+1$ pre-images in ${\overline{\mathcal{G}}}_t$ under $\phi$. Moreover, of those pre-images, exactly $m(\mu)+1$ pre-images have the same number of overlined parts as $\mu$ and the other $m(\mu)$ pre-images have one more overlined part than $\mu$ does.
Let $\pi$ be a pre-image of $\mu$. By Lemma \[le:3.2\], we know that $$\ell(\mu)-m(\mu) +\delta_{\ell(\mu), m(\mu)} \le \ell(\pi) \le \ell(\mu).\label{gap1}$$ Hence, for any integer $\ell$ in this range, we want to know how many $\pi\in{\overline{\mathcal{G}}}_t$ with $\ell(\pi)=\ell$ can be pre-images of $\mu$.
In order for $\pi$ to be a pre-image of $\mu$ with $\ell(\pi)=\ell$, $s(\pi)$ and $k(\pi)$ must satisfy $$s(\pi)(\ell-k(\pi))+(s(\pi)+1)k(\pi)=m(\mu). \label{eqs1}$$ By the definition of $k(\pi)$, it should be less than $\ell(\pi)$, i.e., $\ell-k(\pi)>0$. Thus, is equivalent to that $\big(\ell-k(\pi), k(\pi), s(\pi) \big) $ is a solution to with $n=\ell$ and $n'=m(\mu)$, which is unique.
\(i) Suppose that $\ell(\mu)=m(\mu)$. By , there are $m(\mu)$ choices for $\ell$. For a fixed $\ell$, $k(\pi)$ and $s(\pi)$ are uniquely determined as seen above. With these $\big(\ell, k(\pi), s(\pi)\big)$, we can construct $\pi$, in which parts are multiples of $t$ differing by at most $t$ and there are no overlined parts.
For each $\pi$, by having the first occurrence of the smallest parts overlined, we obtain a different pre-image. Therefore, the total number of pre-images must be equal to $2m(\mu)$ as claimed. Also, $m(\mu)$ pre-images have no overlined parts and the other $m(\mu)$ pre-images have one overlined smallest part.
\(ii) Suppose that $\ell(\mu)>m(\mu)$. By , there are $\big( m(\mu)+1\big)$ choices for $\ell$. For a fixed $\ell$, $k(\pi)$ and $s(\pi)$ are uniquely determined. With these $\big(\ell, k(\pi), s(\pi)\big)$, we can construct $\pi$, in which no multiples of $t$ are overlined.
Note that from the construction of $\phi$, $\ell(\mu)-m(\mu)$ counts the nonzero residues of the parts of $\pi$ modulo $t$. So, if $\ell(\pi)>\ell(\mu)-m(\mu)$, then $\pi$ must have multiples of $t$ as parts. For such $\pi$, by having the first occurrence of the smallest multiples of $t$ overlined, we obtain a different pre-image.
Therefore, the total number of pre-images must be equal to $\big(2m(\mu)+1\big)$ as claimed. Also, $\big(m(\mu)+1\big)$ pre-images have the same number of overlined parts as $\mu$ and the other $m(\mu)$ pre-images have one more overlined part than $\mu$ does.
Theorem \[th:3.1\] yields $$\sum_{\pi\in{\overline{\mathcal{G}}}_t}z^{o(\pi)}q^{|\pi|}=\sum_{\mu \in{\overline{\mathcal{P}}}_t}\left(\left(1-\delta_{\ell(\mu), m(\mu)}\right)+ (1+z) m(\mu)\right)z^{o(\mu)}q^{|\mu|}. \label{gen_qt_pt}$$
In the following example, we present how to find all the pre-images $\pi$ of $\mu$.
Let $t=3$.
\(i) Let $\mu=(3,3,3)$. Since $\ell(\mu)=m(\mu)=3$, by Lemma \[le:3.2\] $$1\le \ell(\pi) \le 3.$$ By solving , we have $\big(\ell(\pi), k(\pi), s(\pi)\big)=(1,0, 3), (2,1,1), (3, 0, 1)$, which yield $$\begin{aligned}
& (9), (\overline{9}), \\
&(6,3), (6, \overline{3}), \\
&(3, 3, 3), (\overline{3}, 3, 3), \end{aligned}$$ respectively. There are $2m(\mu)$ pre-images.
\(ii) Let $\mu=(3,3,3,{\overline{1}},1)$. Since $\ell(\mu)= 5$ and $m(\mu)=3$, by Lemma \[le:3.2\] $$2\le \ell(\pi) \le 5.$$ By solving , we have $\big(\ell(\pi), k(\pi), s(\pi)\big)=(2,1,1), (3,0, 1), (4, 3, 0), (5, 3 ,0)$, which yield $$\begin{aligned}
&(7, \overline{4}), \\
&(\overline{4}, 4, 3), (\overline{4}, 4, \overline{3}),\\
&(4, 3, 3, \overline{1}), (4, \overline{3}, 3, \overline{1}),\\
&(3, 3, 3, \overline{1}, 1), (\overline{3}, 3, 3, \overline{1}, 1), \end{aligned}$$ respectively. Thus, there are $2m(\mu)+1$ pre-images.
Partition sets ${\overline{\mathcal{P}}}_t$ and ${\overline{\mathcal{B}}}_t$ {#sec2.2}
Let us recall the definition of ${\overline{\mathcal{B}}}_t$, from which it is clear that $$\begin{aligned}
&=\frac{1}{1-q^t}\left(\frac{(-zq)_t}{(q)_t}-1\right), \label{gen_bt}\end{aligned}$$ where $o(\beta)$ denotes the number of overlined parts in $\beta$, which is indeed the number of overlined parts in the second subpartition of $\beta$.
We now construct a map $\psi:{\overline{\mathcal{B}}}_t\to{\overline{\mathcal{P}}}_t$ as follows:
1. First collect all parts equal to $t$ in both subpartitions and replace an overlined $t$ by a non-overlined $t$;
2. and then append the remaining parts in the second subpartition to the parts collected in (1).
For example, $[(3),(3,3,{\overline{1}},1)]$ and $[(3),({\overline{3}},3,{\overline{1}},1)]$ are both mapped to $(3,3,3,{\overline{1}},1)$ under $\psi$.
Let $\mu \in {\overline{\mathcal{P}}}_t$. Suppose that $\ell(\mu)=m(\mu)$, i.e., $\mu$ has parts equal to $t$ only. Then, its pre-image $\beta$ must be a bipartition of this form $$[(\underbrace{t,\ldots,t}_{m(\mu)-x}), (\underbrace{t,\ldots, t}_{x})]$$ for some $x>0$ with either the first occurrence or none of $t$’s in the second subpartition overlined. Thus there are $2m(\mu)$ pre-images of $\mu$ in ${\overline{\mathcal{B}}}_t$ under $\psi$. Of those pre-images, $m(\mu)$ pre-images have the same number of overlined parts as $\mu$, and the other $m(\mu)$ pre-images have one more overlined part than $\mu$.
Suppose that $\ell(\mu)>m(\mu)$, i.e., $\mu$ has a part not equal to $t$. Then, its pre-image $\pi$ must be a bipartition of this form $$[(\underbrace{t,\ldots,t}_{m(\mu)-x}), (\underbrace{t,\ldots, t}_{x}, \mu_{m(\mu)+1},\ldots)]$$ for some $x\ge 0$ with either the first occurrence or none of $t$’s in the second subpartition overlined. Thus there are $2m(\mu)+1$ pre-images of $\mu$ in ${\overline{\mathcal{B}}}_t$ under $\psi$. Of those pre-images, $(m(\mu)+1)$ pre-images have the same number of overlined parts as $\mu$, and the other $m(\mu)$ pre-images have one more overlined part than $\mu$.
Therefore, it follows from the map $\psi$ that $$\begin{aligned}
\sum_{\mu \in{\overline{\mathcal{P}}}_t}\left(\left(1-\delta_{\ell(\mu),m(\mu)}\right)+(1+z)m(\mu)\right)z^{o(\mu)}q^{|\mu|}&=\sum_{\beta\in{\overline{\mathcal{B}}}_t}z^{o(\beta)}q^{|\beta|}.
By , , and , $$\sum_{n\ge 1} \sum_{m\ge 0} g_t(m,n)z^m q^n=\sum_{\pi\in {\overline{\mathcal{G}}}_t} z^{o(\pi)} q^{|\pi |}=\sum_{\beta \in {\overline{\mathcal{B}}}_t} z^{o(\beta)} q^{|\beta |}=\frac{1}{1-q^t}\left(\frac{(-zq)_t}{(q)_t}-1\right),$$ which completes the proof of Theorem \[th:1.1\].
Final remarks {#sec3}
We remark that, by slightly modifying the first proof of [@Che2017 Theorem 2.1], we can also prove Theorem \[th:1.1\] analytically.
Let $${}_{r+1}\phi_s\left(\begin{matrix} a_0,a_1,a_2\ldots,a_r\\ b_1,b_2,\ldots,b_s \end{matrix}; q, z\right):=\sum_{n\ge 0}\frac{(a_0;q)_n(a_1;q)_n\cdots(a_r;q)_n}{(q;q)_n(b_1;q)_n\cdots (b_s;q)_n}\left((-1)^n q^{\binom{n}{2}}\right)^{s-r}z^n.$$ Then we will need the following identities later.
\[le:chu\] We have $$\label{eq:chu}
{}_{2}\phi_{1}\left(\begin{matrix} a,q^{-n}\\ c \end{matrix}; q, cq^{n}/a\right)=\frac{(c/a;q)_n}{(c;q)_n}.$$
\[le:32\] We have $$\label{eq:32}
{}_{3}\phi_{2}\left(\begin{matrix} a,b,c\\ d,e \end{matrix}; q, de/(abc)\right)=\frac{(e/a;q)_\infty(de/(bc);q)_\infty}{(e;q)_\infty(de/(abc);q)_\infty} {}_{3}\phi_{2}\left(\begin{matrix} a, d/b, d/c\\ d, de/(bc) \end{matrix}; q, e/a\right).$$
First, note that the generating function for partitions in ${\overline{\mathcal{G}}}_t$ with smallest part equal to $r$ is $$\frac{(1+z)q^r}{1-q^r}\frac{1+zq^{r+1}}{1-q^{r+1}}\cdots\frac{1+zq^{r+t-1}}{1-q^{r+t-1}}\frac{1}{1-q^{r+t}},$$ in which the coefficient of $z^m q^n$ counts the number of such overpartitions of $n$ with exactly $m$ overlined parts. Hence $$\begin{aligned}
\sum_{n\ge 1}\sum_{m\ge 0}g_t(m,n)z^mq^n&=\sum_{r\ge 1}\frac{(1+z)q^r}{1-q^r}\frac{1+zq^{r+1}}{1-q^{r+1}}\cdots\frac{1+zq^{r+t-1}}{1-q^{r+t-1}}\frac{1}{1-q^{r+t}} \notag\\
&=(1+z)\sum_{r\ge 1}\frac{(q)_{r-1}(-zq)_{r+t-1}}{(q)_{r+t}(-zq)_r}q^r \notag\\
& =(1+z)q\sum_{r\ge 0}\frac{(q)_{r}(-zq)_{r+t}}{(q)_{r+t+1}(-zq)_{r+1}}q^r \notag\\
&=\frac{(1+z)q(-zq)_{t}}{(1+zq)(q)_{t+1}}\sum_{r\ge 0}\frac{(q)_{r}(q)_{r}(-zq^{t+1})_{r}}{(q)_r(q^{t+2})_{r}(-zq^2)_{r}}q^r \notag \\
&=\frac{(1+z)q(-zq)_{t}}{(1+zq)(q)_{t+1}}\ {}_{3}\phi_{2}\left(\begin{matrix} q,q,-zq^{t+1}\\ -zq^2,q^{t+2} \end{matrix}; q, q\right) \notag \\
& = \frac{(1+z)q(-zq)_{t}}{(1+zq)(q)_{t+1}}\frac{(q^{t+1})_\infty(q^2)_\infty}{(q^{t+2})_\infty(q)_\infty}\ {}_{3}\phi_{2}\left(\begin{matrix} q,-zq,q^{1-t}\\ -zq^2,q^{2} \end{matrix}; q, q^{t+1}\right) \tag{by Eq. \eqref{eq:32}}\\
&= \frac{(1+z)q(-zq)_{t}}{(1-q)(1+zq)(q)_{t}} \sum_{r\ge 0}\frac{(-zq)_{r}(q^{1-t})_{r}}{(-zq^2)_{r}(q^2)_r}q^{r(t+1)} \notag\\
&= -\frac{(-zq)_{t}}{(1-q^t) (q)_{t}} \sum_{r\ge 0}\frac{(-z)_{r+1} (q^{-t})_{r+1} }{(-zq)_{r+1}(q)_{r+1}}q^{(r+1)(t+1)} \notag\\
&= -\frac{(-zq)_{t}}{(1-q^t)(q)_{t}} \left({}_{2}\phi_{1}\left(\begin{matrix} -z,q^{-t}\\ -zq \end{matrix}; q, q^{t+1}\right)-1\right) \notag \\
&= -\frac{(-zq)_{t}}{(1-q^t)(q)_{t}} \left(\frac{(q)_t}{(-zq)_t}-1\right) \tag{by Eq. \eqref{eq:chu}}\\
&= \frac{1}{1-q^t}\left(\frac{(-zq)_t}{(q)_t}-1\right). \notag\end{aligned}$$
Acknowledgements {#acknowledgements .unnumbered}
We thank the referees for their careful reading and helpful comments. The second author was partially supported by a grant ($\#$280903) from the Simons Foundation.
G. E. Andrews, $q$-Hypergeometric and related functions, *NIST handbook of mathematical functions*, 419–433, U.S. Dept. Commerce, Washington, DC, 2010.
G. E. Andrews, M. Beck, and N. Robbins, Partitions with fixed differences between largest and smallest parts, *Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.* **143** (2015), no. 10, 4283–4289.
F. Breuer and B. Kronholm, A polyhedral model of partitions with bounded differences and a bijective proof of a theorem of Andrews, Beck, and Robbins, *Res. Number Theory* **2** (2016), Art. 2, 15 pp.
R. Chapman, Partitions with bounded differences between largest and smallest parts, *Australas. J. Combin.* **64** (2016), 376–378.
S. Chern, An overpartition analogue of partitions with bounded differences between largest and smallest parts, *Discrete Math.* **340** (2017), no. 12, 2834–2839.
J. Dousse and B. Kim, An overpartition analogue of the $q$-binomial coefficients, *Ramanujan J.* **42** (2017), no. 2, 267–283.
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abstract: |
Rates and line strengths are calculated for the $%
2s^22p^53l3l'$ - $2s^22p^63l''$ and $2s2p^63l3l'$ - $2s^22p^63l''$ electric-dipole (E1) transitions in Na-like ions with nuclear charges ranging from $Z$ = 14 to 100. Relativistic many-body perturbation theory (RMBPT), including the Breit interaction, is used to evaluate retarded E1 matrix elements in length and velocity forms. The calculations start from a $1s^22s^22p^6$ Dirac-Fock potential. First-order RMBPT is used to obtain intermediate coupling coefficients and second-order RMBPT is used to calculate transition matrix elements. A detailed discussion of the various contributions to dipole matrix elements is given for sodiumlike copper ($Z$ = 29). Transition energies used in the calculation of transition rates are from second-order RMBPT. Trends of transition rates as functions of $Z$ are shown graphically for selected transitions.
- 'U.I. Safronova'
- 'W. R. Johnson'
- 'M.S. Safronova'
- 'J. R. Albritton'
title: 'Relativistic many-body calculations of transition rates from core-excited states in sodiumlike ions'
Transitions from $2s^22p^53l3l^{\prime}$ and $2s2p^63l3l^{\prime}$ states to the ground ($2s^22p^63s$) or singly-excited ($2s^22p^63p$ and $%
2s^22p^63d$) states form satellite lines to the bright electric-dipole (E1) lines created by transitions from $2s^22p^53l$ and $2s2p^63l$ states to the ground state ($2s^22p^6$) in Ne-like ions. These core-excited $%
2s^22p^53l3l^{\prime}$ and $2s2p^63l3l^{\prime}$ states (often called doubly-excited states) in sodiumlike ions have been studied extensively both experimentally and theoretically over the past 20-30 years.
Transition rates and oscillator strengths for Na-like ions have been calculated using multi-configuration Dirac-Fock (MCDF) [@m2; @m3] and multi-configuration Hartree-Fock (MCHF) [@m1; @bruch; @safr] methods. Recently, R-matrix calculations of electron-impact collision strengths for excitations from the inner $L$-shell into doubly excited states of Fe$^{15+}$ was presented by @baut. Energies of $2s^22p^63l$ and $2s^22p^53l3l^{\prime}$ states were calculated in that paper using the SUPERSTRUCTURE code [@eiss74]. It was shown in [@baut] that disagreement between calculated data and data recommended by @sugar and @shirai ranges from 0.5% to 5%.
Experimentally, the core-excited $2s^22p^53l3l^{\prime}$ and $%
2s2p^63l3l^{\prime}$ states were studied by the beam-foil technique [@a2a; @a2], photo-emission [@a1; @m93; @m94; @m5; @m5a; @x93; @b86; @b95; @brown; @phil], and Auger spectroscopy [@a3; @a3a; @m4; @alla; @a5]. Strong line radiation involving $n$ = 3 to $n$ = 2 transitions in Ne-like ions together with satellite lines of Na-like ions were observed from laser-produced plasmas [@a1; @m93; @m94; @m5; @m5a], X-pinch, [@x93], tokamaks [@b86; @b95], EBIT [@brown], and solar flares [@phil]. The identification of measured spectral lines was based on theoretical calculations carried out primarily using the MCDF method with Cowan’s code [@cowan].
In this paper, we present a comprehensive set of calculations for $2s^22p^53l3l'$ - $2s^22p^63l''$ and $2s2p^63l3l'$ - $2s^22p^63l''$ transitions to compare with previous calculations and experiments. Our aim is to provide benchmark values for the entire Na isoelectronic sequence. The large number of possible transitions have made experimental identification difficult. Experimental verifications should become simpler and more reliable using this more accurate set of calculations.
Relativistic many-body perturbation theory (RMBPT) is used here to determine matrix elements and transition rates for allowed and forbidden electric-dipole transitions between the odd-parity core-excited states ($2s^22p^53s^2$ + $2s^22p^53p^2$ + $%
2s^22p^53d^2$ + $2s^22p^53s3d$ + $2s2p^63s3p$ + $2s2p^63p3d$) and the ground state ($2s^22p^63s$) together with the two singly-excited states ($%
2s^22p^63d $) and the even-parity core-excited states ($2s^22p^53s3p$ + $%
2s^22p^53p3d$ + $2s2p^63s^2$ + $2s2p^63p^2$ + $2s2p^63d^2$ + $2s2p^63s3d$) and the two singly-excited states ($2s^22p^63p$) in Na-like ions with nuclear charges ranging from $Z$ = 14 to 100. Retarded E1 matrix elements are evaluated in both length and velocity forms. These calculations start from a Ne-like core Dirac-Fock (DF) potential. First-order perturbation theory is used to obtain intermediate coupling coefficients and second-order RMBPT is used to determine transition matrix elements. The energies used in the calculation of transition rates are obtained from second-order RMBPT.
In this section, we discuss relativistic RMBPT for first- and second-order transition matrix elements for atomic systems with two valence electrons and one hole. Details of the RMBPT method for calculation of radiative transition rates for systems with one valence electron and one hole were presented for Ne-like and Ni-like ions in [@ni; @ne]. Here, we follow the pattern of the corresponding calculation in Refs. [@ni; @ne] but limit our discussion to the model space and the first- and second-order particle-particle-hole diagram contributions in Na-like ions.
Model space
For Na-like ions with two electrons above the Ne-like ($1s^{2}2s^{2}2p_{1/2}^{2}2p_{3/2}^{4}$) core and one hole in the core, the model space is formed from particle-particle-hole states of the type $a_{v}^{\dagger}a_{w}^{\dagger}a_{a}| 0 \rangle$, where $|0 \rangle$ is the core state function. Indices $v$ and $w$ designate valence electrons and $a$ designates a core electron. For our study of low-lying $3l3l^{\prime}2l^{-1}$ states of Na-like ions, the index $a$ ranges over $2s$, $2p_{1/2}$, and $2p_{3/2}$, while $v$ and $w$ range over $3s$, $3p_{1/2}$, $3p_{3/2}$, $3d_{3/2}$, and $%
3d_{5/2}$. To obtain orthonormal model states, we consider the coupled states $(vwa)$ defined by $$\label{eq1}
\Psi (QJM)=N(Q)\sum \langle vw|K_{12}\rangle
\langle K_{12}a|K\rangle a_{v}^{\dagger }a_{w}^{\dagger
}a_{a}|0\rangle \,,$$ where $Q$ describes a particle-particle-hole state with quantum numbers $%
n_v\kappa_vn_w\kappa_w[J_{12}] n_a\kappa_a$ and intermediate momentum $J_{12}$. We use the notation $K_i=\{J_i, M_i\}$ and $v =\{j_v,
m_v\}$. The sum in Eq.(\[eq1\]) is over magnetic quantum numbers $m_v$, $%
m_w$, $m_a$, and $M_{12}$. The quantity $\langle K_1 K_2|K_3 \rangle$ is a Clebsch-Gordan coefficient: $$\label{eq2}
\langle K_1 K_2| K_3 \rangle=(-1)^{J_1-J_2+M_3} \sqrt{[J_3]} \left(
J_1 & J_2 & J_3 \\
M_1 & M_2 & -M_3
\right) \,,$$ where $[J]=2J+1$. Combining two $n = 3$ particles with possible intermediate momenta and $n = 2$ hole orbitals in sodium, we obtain 121 odd-parity states with $J = 1/2\, \cdots\, 11/2$ and 116 even-parity states with $J = 1/2\, \cdots\, 11/2$. The distribution of the 237 states in the model space is found in Table I of the accompanying EPAPS document [@EPAPS]. Instead of using the $3l^{\prime}3l^{\prime%
\prime}[J_{1}]2l^{-1}(J)$ designations, we use simpler designations $%
3l^{\prime}3l^{\prime\prime}[J_{1}]2l(J)$ in the tables and text below.
Dipole matrix element
The first- and second-order reduced E1 matrix elements $Z^{(1)}$, and $Z^{(2)}$, and the second-order Breit correction to the reduced E1 matrix element $B^{(2)}$ for a transition between the uncoupled particle-particle-hole state $\Psi (QJM)$ of Eq. (\[eq1\]) and the one-particle state $%
a_{x}^{\dagger}|0\rangle $ are given in Appendix.
The uncoupled reduced matrix elements are calculated in both length and velocity gauges. Differences between length and velocity forms are illustrated for the uncoupled \[$3s3d_{5/2}[2]2p_{3/2}\ (1/2)$ - $3s$\] matrix element in panels (a) and (b) of Fig. \[fig1\]. In the high-$Z$ limit, $Z^{(1)}$ is proportional to $1/Z$, $Z^{(2)} $ is proportional to $1/Z^2$, and $B^{(2)} $ is independent of $Z$ (see [@be-tr]). Taking into account this $Z$-dependence, we plot $Z^{(1)}\times Z$, $Z^{(2)}\times Z^2$, and $B^{(2)}\times 10^4$ in the figure. The contribution of the second-order matrix elements $Z^{(2)}$ is seen to be much larger in length form. Differences between results in length and velocity forms shown in Fig. \[fig1\] are precisely compensated by “derivative terms” $P^{({\rm
derv})}$, as shown later.
![image](fig1a.eps) ![image](fig1b.eps)
[lrrrrrrrr]{} & & & & & & & &\
$3s_{1/2} 3s_{1/2}[0]2p_{1/2}$& -0.040775&-0.037586&-0.003606&-0.002838&-0.000116&-0.000104&-0.040564& 0.000139\
$3s_{1/2} 3d_{3/2}[1]2p_{3/2}$& -0.057161&-0.052902& 0.001364& 0.000191&-0.000070&-0.000108&-0.057130&-0.000115\
$3p_{1/2} 3p_{3/2}[1]2p_{3/2}$& 0.000000& 0.000000&-0.000160&-0.000141&-0.000002&-0.000003& 0.000000& 0.000000\
$3p_{1/2} 3p_{3/2}[2]2p_{3/2}$& 0.000000& 0.000000&-0.001048&-0.001313& 0.000002& 0.000003& 0.000000& 0.000000\
$3p_{3/2} 3p_{3/2}[2]2p_{3/2}$& 0.000000& 0.000000&-0.000889&-0.001067&-0.000002&-0.000001& 0.000000& 0.000000\
$3s_{1/2} 3s_{1/2}[0]2p_{1/2}$& 0.000000& 0.000000& 0.000388&-0.000293& 0.000006& 0.000003& 0.000000& 0.000000\
$3s_{1/2} 3d_{3/2}[1]2p_{3/2}$& 0.012526& 0.011536& 0.001077& 0.000835& 0.000027& 0.000013& 0.012483&-0.000003\
$3p_{1/2} 3p_{3/2}[1]2p_{3/2}$& 0.000000& 0.000000& 0.000205& 0.000602&-0.000001&-0.000001& 0.000000& 0.000000\
$3p_{1/2} 3p_{3/2}[2]2p_{3/2}$& 0.000000& 0.000000& 0.000720&-0.000132&-0.000002& 0.000001& 0.000000& 0.000000\
$3p_{3/2} 3p_{3/2}[2]2p_{3/2}$& 0.000000& 0.000000& 0.000671& 0.000436& 0.000004& 0.000002& 0.000000& 0.000000\
-------------------------------- --------- --------- ------------- ------------ -------- -------- ------------- ------------
$3s_{1/2}3s_{1/2}[0] 2p_{1/2}$ 17.0747 17.1207 8.096\[11\] 8.27\[11\] 2.7865 2.7884 2.507\[12\] 2.62\[12\]
$3s_{1/2}3d_{3/2}[1] 2p_{3/2}$ 15.9418 15.9883 9.449\[10\] 1.10\[11\] 2.7731 2.7747 9.345\[10\] 6.70\[10\]
$3p_{1/2}3p_{1/2}[0] 2p_{1/2}$ 15.6327 15.6671 2.578\[09\] 2.67\[09\] 2.7355 2.7366 2.625\[14\] 2.50\[14\]
$3s_{1/2}3d_{3/2}[2] 2p_{3/2}$ 15.5711 15.5958 4.600\[11\] 5.21\[11\] 2.7241 2.7251 1.724\[14\] 2.07\[14\]
$3s_{1/2}3d_{5/2}[2] 2p_{3/2}$ 15.5029 15.5193 3.776\[12\] 4.02\[12\] 2.6271 2.6276 4.846\[11\] 6.35\[11\]
$3p_{1/2}3p_{3/2}[1] 2p_{1/2}$ 15.3681 15.3884 1.465\[11\] 1.56\[11\] 2.5927 2.5939 8.932\[10\] 1.06\[12\]
$3p_{3/2}3p_{3/2}[0] 2p_{1/2}$ 15.3672 15.3558 9.425\[08\] 7.81\[09\] 2.5925 2.5938 9.882\[11\] 6.29\[10\]
$3s_{1/2}3d_{3/2}[1] 2p_{1/2}$ 15.2148 15.2174 2.240\[13\] 2.65\[13\] 2.5734 2.5748 9.387\[11\] 6.72\[11\]
$3s_{1/2}3p_{1/2}[0] 2s_{1/2}$ 14.0969 14.1212 2.826\[10\] 2.80\[10\] 2.5572 2.5580 5.078\[13\] 6.02\[13\]
$3d_{5/2}3d_{5/2}[0] 2p_{1/2}$ 13.6959 13.6884 9.156\[07\] 1.67\[09\] 2.3876 2.3881 2.952\[08\] 1.43\[10\]
-------------------------------- --------- --------- ------------- ------------ -------- -------- ------------- ------------
Dipole matrix elements in Cu$^{18+}$
In Table \[tab-uncl\], we list values of [*uncoupled*]{} first- and second-order dipole matrix elements $Z^{(1)}$, $Z^{(2)}$, $B^{(2)}$, together with derivative terms $P^{({\rm derv})}$ for Na-like copper, $Z$ = 29. For simplicity, we only list values for selected dipole transitions between odd-parity states with $J$ = 1/2 and the ground $3s$ and excited $3d_{3/2}$ states. Uncoupled matrix elements for other transitions in Na-like copper are given in Table II of the accompanying EPAPS document [@EPAPS]. The derivative terms shown in Table \[tab-uncl\] arise because transition amplitudes depend on energy, and the transition energy changes order-by-order in RMBPT calculations. Both length ($L$) and velocity ($V$) forms are given for the matrix elements. We find that the first-order matrix elements $Z^{(1)}_L$ and $Z^{(1)}_V$ differ by 10%; the $L$ - $V$ differences between second-order matrix elements are much larger for some transitions. The term $P^{({\rm derv)}}$ in length form almost equals $Z^{(1)}$ in length form but $P^{({\rm
derv)}}$ in velocity form is smaller than $Z^{(1)}$ in velocity form by three to four orders of magnitude.
Although we use an intermediate-coupling scheme, it is nevertheless convenient to label the physical states using the $LS$ scheme. Length and velocity forms of coupled matrix elements differ only in the fourth or fifth digits. These $L$ - $V$ differences arise because we start our RMBPT calculations using a non-local Dirac-Fock potential. If we were to replace the DF potential by a local potential, the differences would disappear completely. Removing the second-order contribution increases $L$ - $V$ differences by a factor of 10. Values of [*coupled*]{} reduced matrix elements in length and velocity forms are given in Table III of the accompanying EPAPS document [@EPAPS]. Theoretical wavelengths ${\lambda}$ and transition probabilities $A_r$ for selected transitions in Na-like from $Z$ = 26 up to $Z$ = 30 are given in Table IV of [@EPAPS].
-------------------------- ----------------- -------- -------- -------------
$3s3p(^3P)2p\ ^2S_{1/2}$ $3p\ ^2P_{3/2}$ 16.813 16.821 9.189\[10\]
$3s3d(^3D)2p\ ^2P_{3/2}$ $3d\ ^2D_{3/2}$ 16.839 18.834 2.942\[11\]
$3s3p(^3P)2p\ ^2D_{3/2}$ $3p\ ^2P_{1/2}$ 16.883 16.899 9.942\[10\]
$3s3p(^3P)2p\ ^2P_{1/2}$ $3p\ ^2P_{1/2}$ 16.939 16.937 2.782\[10\]
$3s3d(^3D)2p\ ^2P_{1/2}$ $3d\ ^2D_{3/2}$ 16.958 16.952 4.962\[11\]
$3s3p(^3P)2p\ ^2P_{1/2}$ $3p\ ^2P_{3/2}$ 16.999 16.993 7.880\[11\]
$3s3d(^1D)2p\ ^2P_{3/2}$ $3d\ ^2D_{5/2}$ 17.037 17.029 5.370\[11\]
$3p3p(^3P)2p\ ^2P_{3/2}$ $3d\ ^2D_{3/2}$ 17.098 17.094 3.901\[11\]
$3s3d(^1D)2p\ ^2D_{5/2}$ $3d\ ^2D_{3/2}$ 17.131 17.129 4.887\[11\]
$3s3d(^3D)2p\ ^4F_{3/2}$ $3d\ ^2D_{3/2}$ 17.168 17.166 4.273\[11\]
$3s3p(^1P)2p\ ^2P_{3/2}$ $3p\ ^2P_{3/2}$ 17.199 17.208 5.081\[11\]
$3s3p(^3P)2p\ ^4P_{3/2}$ $3p\ ^2P_{3/2}$ 17.242 17.244 1.972\[11\]
$3s3p(^3P)2p\ ^4D_{1/2}$ $3p\ ^2P_{3/2}$ 17.307 17.297 1.118\[11\]
$3s3d(^3D)2p\ ^2P_{3/2}$ $3d\ ^2D_{5/2}$ 17.353 17.344 7.288\[11\]
$3s3s(^1S)2p\ ^2P_{3/2}$ $3s\ ^2S_{1/2}$ 17.374 17.368 7.925\[11\]
$3p3p(^3P)2p\ ^2D_{5/2}$ $3d\ ^2D_{3/2}$ 17.394 17.398 3.118\[11\]
$3s3d(^1D)2p\ ^2P_{1/2}$ $3d\ ^2D_{3/2}$ 17.401 17.407 6.364\[11\]
$3s3p(^1P)2p\ ^2S_{1/2}$ $3p\ ^2P_{3/2}$ 17.454 17.451 7.665\[11\]
$3s3p(^1P)2p\ ^2P_{1/2}$ $3p\ ^2P_{1/2}$ 17.484 17.471 5.848\[11\]
$3s3d(^3D)2p\ ^4F_{7/2}$ $3d\ ^2D_{5/2}$ 17.493 17.499 1.394\[11\]
$3s3p(^1P)2p\ ^2P_{1/2}$ $3p\ ^2P_{3/2}$ 17.548 17.542 1.810\[10\]
$3p3p(^3P)2p\ ^4D_{1/2}$ $3d\ ^2D_{3/2}$ 17.596 17.596 6.959\[10\]
$3s3p(^3P)2p\ ^4S_{3/2}$ $3p\ ^2P_{1/2}$ 17.611 17.623 2.480\[09\]
$3s3p(^3P)2p\ ^4S_{3/2}$ $3p\ ^2P_{3/2}$ 17.677 17.660 1.185\[10\]
$3p3p(^3P)2p\ ^4D_{5/2}$ $3d\ ^2D_{3/2}$ 17.736 17.734 1.366\[10\]
$3p3p(^1D)2p\ ^2D_{5/2}$ $3d\ ^2D_{5/2}$ 17.763 17.787 1.443\[10\]
$3p3p(^3P)2p\ ^4P_{3/2}$ $3d\ ^2D_{5/2}$ 17.821 17.821 2.537\[10\]
$3p3p(^3P)2p\ ^4P_{3/2}$ $3d\ ^2D_{5/2}$ 17.882 17.901 1.892\[10\]
-------------------------- ----------------- -------- -------- -------------
: Wavelengths ($\lambda$ in Å) and transition rates ($A_r$ in $s^{-1}$)for transitions between core-excited states $3l3l'(L_1S_1)2p\ LSJ$ and singly-excited states $3l\ L'S'J'$ in Na-like ions. Comparison with experimental data ($\lambda_{\rm expt}$) from Ref. [@a1]. Numbers in brackets represent powers of 10.
-------------------------- ------------------- -------- ------------ ------------- -------- ------------ -------------
$3p3d(^1S)2p\ ^2D_{3/2}$ $ 3p\ ^2P_{1/2}$ 15.057 5.532\[11\] 13.667 13.667$^a$ 7.187\[11\]
$3p3d(^1S)2p\ ^2D_{5/2}$ $ 3p\ ^2P_{3/2}$ 15.090 1.272\[12\] 13.704 13.707$^a$ 2.067\[12\]
$3d3d(^1S)2p\ ^2P_{1/2}$ $ 3d\ ^2D_{3/2}$ 15.092 15.093$^a$ 5.375\[12\] 13.695 6.534\[12\]
$3s3d(^3D)2p\ ^2P_{3/2}$ $ 3s\ ^2S_{1/2}$ 15.119 15.115$^b$ 8.210\[12\] 13.718 1.008\[13\]
$3p3d(^3D)2p\ ^2S_{1/2}$ $ 3p\ ^2P_{1/2}$ 15.150 15.142$^a$ 8.704\[10\] 13.744 1.996\[11\]
$3p3d(^1S)2p\ ^2D_{3/2}$ $ 3p\ ^2P_{3/2}$ 15.166 3.835\[12\] 13.775 13.773$^a$ 4.836\[12\]
$3d3d(^3P)2p\ ^2P_{3/2}$ $ 3d\ ^2D_{3/2}$ 15.181 15.182$^a$ 9.080\[12\] 13.774 1.146\[13\]
$3s3d(^3D)2p\ ^2P_{1/2}$ $ 3s\ ^2S_{1/2}$ 15.215 15.208$^b$ 2.240\[13\] 13.805 2.723\[13\]
$3p3d(^3P)2p\ ^2P_{1/2}$ $ 3p\ ^2P_{1/2}$ 15.237 1.430\[13\] 13.823 13.823$^a$ 1.699\[13\]
$3s3d(^1D)2p\ ^2P_{3/2}$ $ 3s\ ^2S_{1/2}$ 15.272 15.26$^b$ 1.340\[13\] 13.855 1.614\[13\]
$3s3d(^1D)2p\ ^2P_{3/2}$ $ 3s\ ^2S_{1/2}$ 15.272 15.280$^a$ 1.340\[13\] 13.855 1.614\[13\]
$3p3d(^3P)2p\ ^2P_{1/2}$ $ 3p\ ^2P_{3/2}$ 15.286 15.289$^a$ 1.536\[11\] 13.872 9.115\[10\]
$3d3d(^3F)2p\ ^2F_{5/2}$ $ 3d\ ^2D_{5/2}$ 15.361 15.360$^a$ 1.002\[12\] 13.930 1.691\[12\]
$3d3d(^3F)2p\ ^2D_{5/2}$ $ 3d\ ^2D_{3/2}$ 15.369 6.618\[12\] 13.943 13.940$^a$ 9.585\[12\]
$3p3d(^3D)2p\ ^4F_{3/2}$ $ 3p\ ^2P_{3/2}$ 15.429 3.019\[09\] 14.014 14.015$^a$ 1.919\[09\]
$3s3d(^3D)2p\ ^4D_{3/2}$ $ 3s\ ^2S_{1/2}$ 15.435 1.742\[12\] 14.004 14.000$^a$ 2.880\[12\]
$3p3d(^1D)2p\ ^2D_{3/2}$ $ 3p\ ^2P_{1/2}$ 15.510 3.134\[11\] 14.079 14.078$^a$ 4.868\[11\]
$3s3d(^3D)2p\ ^2P_{3/2}$ $ 3s\ ^2S_{1/2}$ 15.525 2.997\[12\] 14.091 14.093$^a$ 3.817\[12\]
$3d3d(^3F)2p\ ^4F_{3/2}$ $ 3d\ ^2D_{5/2}$ 15.561 15.568$^a$ 1.746\[11\] 14.129 2.141\[11\]
$3d3d(^1D)2p\ ^2F_{7/2}$ $ 3d\ ^2D_{5/2}$ 15.573 6.467\[11\] 14.143 14.148$^a$ 7.639\[11\]
-------------------------- ------------------- -------- ------------ ------------- -------- ------------ -------------
-------------------------- ----------------- -------- -------- ------------- -------- -------- ------------- -------- -------- -------------
$3s3s(^1S)2s\ ^2S_{1/2}$ $3p\ ^2P_{1/2}$ 11.407 11.403 8.906\[12\] 12.466 12.461 7.918\[12\] 10.475 10.481 9.805\[12\]
$3d3d(^1S)2p\ ^2P_{1/2}$ $3d\ ^2D_{3/2}$ 11.425 11.427 9.183\[12\] 12.484 12.492 7.808\[12\] 10.494 10.493 1.065\[13\]
$3d3d(^3P)2p\ ^2P_{3/2}$ $3d\ ^2D_{3/2}$ 11.488 11.480 1.611\[13\] 12.554 12.556 1.383\[13\] 10.551 1.819\[13\]
$3p3d(^3D)2p\ ^2S_{1/2}$ $3p\ ^2P_{3/2}$ 11.506 11.503 3.173\[13\] 12.572 2.698\[13\] 10.569 3.654\[13\]
$3d3d(^3F)2p\ ^2D_{3/2}$ $3d\ ^2D_{5/2}$ 11.514 1.413\[13\] 12.581 1.236\[13\] 10.576 10.573 1.566\[13\]
$3d3d(^1G)2p\ ^2F_{7/2}$ $3d\ ^2D_{5/2}$ 11.537 11.538 2.019\[13\] 12.592 12.596 1.686\[13\] 10.593 2.410\[13\]
$3p3d(^3P)2p\ ^2D_{3/2}$ $3p\ ^2P_{1/2}$ 11.552 2.305\[13\] 12.624 12.623 2.555\[13\] 10.606 9.851\[12\]
$3p3d(^3P)2p\ ^4D_{3/2}$ $3p\ ^2P_{1/2}$ 11.560 11.561 1.012\[13\] 12.639 3.548\[12\] 10.616 2.617\[13\]
$3d3d(^3F)2p\ ^2F_{5/2}$ $3d\ ^2D_{5/2}$ 11.615 3.112\[12\] 12.694 2.364\[12\] 10.664 10.664 4.022\[12\]
$3p3d(^3P)2p\ ^2P_{3/2}$ $3p\ ^2P_{3/2}$ 11.624 11.620 1.252\[12\] 12.706 12.700 9.215\[11\] 10.674 1.493\[12\]
$3d3d(^3F)2p\ ^2D_{5/2}$ $3d\ ^2D_{5/2}$ 11.634 1.438\[12\] 12.714 1.553\[12\] 10.683 10.687 1.858\[12\]
$3d3d(^3P)2p\ ^4S_{3/2}$ $3d\ ^2D_{5/2}$ 11.662 4.945\[12\] 12.730 12.736 3.862\[12\] 10.723 10.721 6.355\[12\]
$3p3d(^3D)2p\ ^4D_{5/2}$ $3p\ ^2P_{3/2}$ 11.673 11.673 9.418\[11\] 12.744 1.890\[09\] 10.729 2.888\[12\]
$3s3d(^3D)2p\ ^4D_{3/2}$ $3s\ ^2S_{1/2}$ 11.688 11.685 7.023\[12\] 12.767 4.600\[12\] 10.740 10.738 1.021\[13\]
$3d3d(^3P)2p\ ^4D_{1/2}$ $3d\ ^2D_{3/2}$ 11.701 1.809\[13\] 12.775 12.772 1.361\[13\] 10.758 2.344\[13\]
$3d3d(^3F)2p\ ^4F_{5/2}$ $3d\ ^2D_{3/2}$ 11.723 9.844\[12\] 12.804 6.190\[12\] 10.774 10.778 1.268\[13\]
$3s3d(^3D)2p\ ^4D_{1/2}$ $3s\ ^2S_{1/2}$ 11.736 11.737 7.629\[12\] 12.822 6.064\[12\] 10.782 9.682\[12\]
$3d3d(^1G)2p\ ^2G_{7/2}$ $3d\ ^2D_{5/2}$ 11.755 11.755 7.229\[12\] 12.836 12.835 5.328\[12\] 10.825 9.462\[12\]
$3p3d(^3D)2p\ ^4D_{1/2}$ $3p\ ^2P_{3/2}$ 11.785 11.784 5.716\[11\] 12.864 4.781\[11\] 10.837 6.885\[11\]
-------------------------- ----------------- -------- -------- ------------- -------- -------- ------------- -------- -------- -------------
![image](fig2a.eps) ![image](fig2b.eps)
![image](fig2c.eps) ![image](fig2d.eps)
![image](fig2e.eps) ![image](fig2f.eps)
Results and comparison with other theory and experiment
Trends of the $Z$-dependence of transition rates for the transitions from core-excited even-parity states with $J$ = 1/2 to two possible singly-excited odd-parity states are presented in Fig. \[fig-eve05\]. Figures for transitions from other states are found in the accompanying EPAPS document [@EPAPS].
We find that transitions with smooth $Z$-dependence are rarer than transitions with sharp features. Smooth $Z$-dependence occurs for transitions from doublet and quartet core-excited states. Usually, singularities occur in the intermediate interval of $Z$ = 25 - 50 when neither $LS$ nor $jj$ coupling schemes describe the states of these ions properly. One general conclusion that can be derived from the figures is that the smooth $Z$-dependence occurs more frequently for transitions from low-lying core-excited states.
Singularities in the transition-rate curves have two distinct origins: avoided level crossings and zeros in dipole matrix elements. Avoided level crossings result in changes of the dominant configuration of a state at a particular value of $Z$ and lead to abrupt changes in the transition rate curves when the partial rates associated with the dominant configurations below and above the crossing point are significantly different. Zeros in transition matrix elements lead to cusp-like minima in the transition rate curves. Examples of each of these two singularity types can be seen in Fig. \[fig-eve05\].
In Table \[tab-nils\], we present data for transitions from odd-parity states with $J=1/2$ in Fe$^{+15}$ and Xe$^{+43}$. We compare the present RMBPT values with those given by @m3. More complete comparisons are given in the accompanying EPAPS document [@EPAPS]. The calculations of [@m3] were based on a multiconfigurational relativistic bound-state and distorted-wave continuum code (YODA). Since $jj$ labeling was used in [@m3], we keep that labeling in Table \[tab-nils\]. We find that the $A_r$-values from RMBPT and YODA differ by 10% in most cases. The differences are explained by the second-order corrections to dipole matrix elements included in RMBPT.
In Tables \[tab-fe\] - \[tab-com2\], wavelengths and electric-dipole transition rates are presented for transitions in Na-like Fe, Co, Ni, Cu and Zn. We limit the tables to transitions given in Refs. [@a1; @m94; @brown]. Measurements for Fe$^{15+}$ are presented in Tables \[tab-fe\] and \[tab-com1\] since two different ranges of spectra were investigated in Ref. [@a1] (16.8 - 17.8 Å) and Ref. [@m94] (15.1 - 15.5 Å). Three lines for Fe$^{15+}$ were identified in region (15.1 - 15.26 Å) by Brown [*et al.*]{} in Ref. [@brown]. All possible $3l_1j_13l_2j_2[J_1]2l_3j_3 (J)$ - $3l_{j}$ transitions produce 393 spectrum lines. These lines in Fe$^{15+}$ are covered by four spectral regions; 12.5 - 14.2 Å (114 lines), 15.1 - 15.9 Å (174 lines), 16.8 - 17.9 Å (102 lines), and 19.3 - 19.7 Å (3 lines). The first 114 lines are from $3dj_13dj_2[J_1]2s (J)$ - $3l_{j}$ and $3pj_13dj_2[J_1]2s_{1/2} (J)$ - $3l_{j}$ transitions and the last three lines are from $3s3s[0]2p_{j} (J)$ - $3d_{j}$ transitions. Our RMBPT data together with experimental measurements for Fe$^{15+}$ in the region of 16.8 - 17.8 Å and 15.1 - 15.5 Å are presented in Tables \[tab-fe\] and \[tab-com1\], respectively. The agreement between our RMBPT wavelengths and the experimental values is 0.02 - 0.04% for both regions of the spectrum.
We have presented a systematic second-order relativistic MBPT study of reduced matrix elements and transition rates for \[$3l_1j_13l_2j_2[J_1]2l_3j_3\ (J)$ - $3lj$\] electric-dipole transitions in sodiumlike ions with the nuclear charges $Z$ ranging from 14 to 100. Our retarded $E1$ matrix elements include correlation corrections from Coulomb and Breit interactions. Both length and velocity forms of the matrix elements were evaluated and small differences (0.4% - 1%), caused by the non locality of the starting DF potential, were found between the two forms. Second-order RMBPT transition energies were used in our evaluation of transition rates. These calculations were compared with other calculations and with available experimental data. For $Z \geq 20$, we believe that the present theoretical data are more accurate than other theoretical or experimental data for transitions between the $3l_1j_13l_2j_2[J_1]2l_3j_3\ (J)$ core-excited states and the $3lj$ singly-excited states in Na-like ions. We hope that these results will be useful in analyzing older experiments and planning new ones. Additionally, these calculations provide basic theoretical input amplitudes for calculations of reduced matrix elements, oscillator strengths and transition rates for Cu-like satellites to transitions in Ni-like ions.
The work of W.R.J. and M.S.S. was supported in part by National Science Foundation Grant No. PHY-0139928. U.I.S. acknowledges partial support by Grant No. B516165 from Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. The work of J.R.A. was performed under the auspices of the U. S. Department of Energy by the University of California, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory under contract No. W-7405-Eng-48.
The particle-particle-hole diagram contribution for dipole matrix element
The first-order reduced E1 matrix element $Z^{(1)}$ for a transition between the uncoupled particle-particle-hole state $\Psi (QJM)$ of Eq. (\[eq1\]) and the one-particle state $%
a_{x}^{\dagger}|0\rangle $ is
$$\hspace{-0.5cm}Z^{(1)}(v^{0}w^{0}\left[ J_{12}\right]
(J^{\prime }x)\delta (vx)Z(va)\left\{
j_{x} & J & 1 \\
j_{a} & j_{w} & J_{12}
\right\} (-1)^{-j_{a}+j_{w}},$$
where $v$, $w$ range over $\{v^0,w^0\}$. The quantity $P_{J}(v^{0}v,w^{0}w)$ is a symmetry coefficient defined by $$P_{J}(v^{0}v,w^{0}w)=\eta _{v^{0}w^{0}}\left[ \delta
_{v^{0}v}\delta _{w^{0}w}+(-1)^{j_{v}+j_{w}+J+1}\delta
_{v^{0}w}\delta _{w^{0}v}\right] , \label{eq4}$$ where $\eta _{vw}$ is a normalization factor given by $$\eta _{vw}=\left\{
1 & \mbox{for $w \neq v$} \\
1/\sqrt{2} & \mbox{for $w = v$}.
\right.$$ The dipole matrix element $Z(va)$, which includes retardation, is given in velocity and length forms in Eqs.(3,4) of Ref. [@be-tr]. The second-order reduced matrix element $Z^{(2)}(v^{0}w^{0}\left[ J_{12}\right]
aJ,xJ^{\prime })$ consists of four contributions: $Z^{({\rm HF})}$, $Z^{(%
{\rm RPA})}$, $Z^{({\rm corr})}$, and $Z^{({\rm derv})}$. $$\begin{aligned}
&&\hspace{-0.4cm}Z^{(\mathrm{HF})}(v^{0}w^{0}\left[ J_{12}\right]
(J^{\prime }x)\delta (vx)(-1)^{-j_{a}+j_{w}} \nonumber \label{eq-hf} \\
&&\hspace{-0.4cm}\times \left\{
j_{x} & J & 1 \\
j_{a} & j_{w} & J_{12}
\right\} \sum_{i}\left[ \frac{\delta (j_{w}j_{i})\Delta
(wi)Z(ia)}{\epsilon (w)-\epsilon (i)}+\frac{\Delta (ia)\delta
(j_{a},j_{i})Z(wi)}{\epsilon (a)-\epsilon (i)}\right] \nonumber\end{aligned}$$
Z^{({\rm RPA})}(v^{0}w^{0}\left[ J_{12}\right] aJ,xJ^{\prime
%\nonumber \\ &&\times
\delta (J^{\prime }x)\delta
j_{x} & J & 1 \\
j_{a} & j_{w} & J_{12}
\right\} (-1)^{-j_{a}+j_{w}} \nonumber \\
\frac{Z_{1}(wban)Z(bn)}{\epsilon (b)+\epsilon (w)-\epsilon
(a)-\epsilon (n)}+\frac{Z_{1}(wnab)Z(nb)}{\epsilon (b)+\epsilon
(a)-\epsilon (w)-\epsilon (n)}\right] \label{eq-rpa}\end{aligned}$$
Z^{({\rm corr})}(v^{0}w^{0}\left[ J_{12}\right] aJ,xJ^{\prime })
}x)\sum_{k}(-1)^{j_{a}-j_{v}+J_{12}+k} \nonumber \\
&\times&\sum_{i}\left[ \frac{Z(ix)X_{k}(vwai)}{\epsilon (v)+\epsilon (w)-\epsilon
(a)-\epsilon (i)}\delta (J,j_{i})\frac{1}{[J]}\left\{
j_{w} & j_{i} & k \\
j_{a} & j_{v} & J_{12}
\right\} \right. \nonumber \\
&-&\left. \frac{Z(ia)X_{k}(vwxi)}{\epsilon (v)+\epsilon (w)-\epsilon
(x)-\epsilon (i)}\left\{
j_{x} & j_{i} & J_{12} \\
j_{w} & j_{v} & k
\right\} \left\{
j_{x} & J & 1 \\
j_{a} & j_{i} & J_{12}
\right\} (-1)^{J+j_{w}-j_{i}}\right. \nonumber \\
&-&\left. \frac{Z(vi)Z_{k}(axwi)}{\epsilon (a)+\epsilon (x)-\epsilon
(w)-\epsilon (i)}\left\{
j_{v} & J & k \\
j_{a} & j_{w} & J_{12}
\right\} \left\{
j_{x} & J & 1 \\
j_{v} & j_{i} & k
\right\} (-1)^{k+J_{12}+j_{w}+j_{i}-J+1}\right] \label{eq-corr}\end{aligned}$$
In the above equations, the index $b$ designates core states, index $n$ designates excited states, and index $i$ denotes an arbitrary core or excited state. In the sums over $i$ in Eqs. (\[eq-hf\],\[eq-corr\]), all terms with vanishing denominators are excluded. The definitions of $%
X_{k}(abcd)$ and $Z_{k}(abcd)$ are given by Eq.(2.12) and Eq.(2.15) in Ref. [@be-en] and $\Delta _{ij}$ is defined at the end of section II in [@be-en]; $\epsilon (w)$ is a one-electron DF energy.
The derivative term is just the derivative of the the first-order matrix element with respect to the transition energy. It is introduced to account for the first-order change in transition energy. An auxiliary quantity $P^{(%
{\rm derv})}$ is defined by
$$P^{({\rm derv})}(v^{0}w^{0}\left[ J_{12}\right] aJ,xJ^{\prime })=\sum_{vw}%
\delta (J^{\prime }x)\delta (vx)Z^{({\rm derv})}(va)\left\{
j_{x} & J & 1 \\
j_{a} & j_{w} & J_{12}
\right\} (-1)^{-j_{a}+j_{w}}.$$
The derivative term $Z^{({\rm derv)}}(va)$ is given in length and velocity forms by Eqs. (10) and (11) of Ref. [@be-tr].
The coupled dipole transition matrix element between the initial state $I$ and final state $F$ in Na-like ions is given by
\sum_{J_{12}^{\prime }}
C_{1}^{F}[vw[J_{12}^{\prime }]a(J)] \nonumber \\
&\times& \left\{ \left[ \epsilon(x)-\epsilon(vwa)\right] \left[ Z^{(1+2%
{\rm )}}[vw\left[ J_{12}^{\prime }\right] aJ,xJ^{\prime
J_{12}^{\prime }\right] aJ,xJ^{\prime }]\right] \right. \nonumber \\
&+& \left.\left[ -E^{(1)}[F]+E^{(1)}[I]-\epsilon(x)+\epsilon(vwa)\right]
P^{({\rm derv)}}[vw\left[ J_{12}^{\prime }\right]
aJ,xJ^{\prime }]\right\}. \label{coupl}\end{aligned}$$
Here, $\epsilon(vwa)=\epsilon(v)+\epsilon(w)-\epsilon(a)$, $%
Z^{(1+2)}=Z^{(1)}+Z^{({\rm RPA})}+Z^{({\rm corr})}$. (Note that $Z^{({\rm HF}%
)}$ vanishes since we start from a Hartree-Fock basis.) The sum over $vwa,\,J_{12}^{\prime}$ is understood as sum over the complex of states with the same $J$ and parity. In Eq. (\[coupl\]), we let $%
B^{(2)}=B^{({\rm RPA})}+B^{({\rm HF)}}$ +$B^{({\rm corr})}$ to represent second-order corrections arising from the Breit interaction. The quantities $%
C_{1}^{F}[vw[J_{12}^{\prime }]a(J)]$ are eigenvectors (or mixing coefficients) for particle-particle-hole state $F$. The initial state $I$ is a single, one-valence state. Using the above formulas and the results for uncoupled reduced matrix elements, we carry out the transformation from uncoupled reduced matrix elements to intermediate coupled matrix elements between physical states.
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abstract: 'We investigate the effect of Zeeman-splitting on quasiparticle transport in normal-superconducting-normal (NSN) aluminum single electron transistors (SETs). In the above-gap transport the interplay of Coulomb blockade and Zeeman-splitting leads to spin-dependence of the sequential tunneling. This creates regimes where either one or both spin species can tunnel onto or off the island. At lower biases, spin-dependence of the single quasiparticle state is studied and operation of the device as a bipolar spin filter is suggested.'
- 'A. J. Ferguson'
- 'S. E. Andresen'
- 'R. Brenner'
- 'R. G. Clark'
title: 'Spin-Dependent Quasiparticle Transport in Aluminum Single Electron Transistors'
Quasiparticles often feature in the sequential tunneling processes of nanoscale superconducting devices. Examples include the Josephson quasiparticle resonances in superconducting single electron transistors (SETs) [@ful89; @nak96], above-gap quasiparticle Coulomb blockade and even-odd parity effects on superconducting islands [@laf93]. The quasiparticle has spin-$\frac{1}{2}$, however tunneling rates are not usually dependent on the orientation of this spin. One exception is in nanoscale aluminum islands with discrete energy levels where it is possible to directly study the quasiparticle spin state [@ral97]. Spin dependent tunneling of quasiparticles has been important in large samples where efficient spin filtering may be performed [@mes70; @ted71], and may be of interest for Coulomb blockaded samples where the behavior of single quasiparticle spins can be studied.
In this Letter we study the effect of Zeeman-splitting the quasiparticle states in lithographically fabricated normal-superconducting-normal (NSN) SETs. In order for Zeeman splitting to be observed in superconducting films, the effect of the magnetic field on the quasiparticle orbits must be suppressed. This is achieved by using ultra-thin (5 nm) aluminum films to confine the quasiparticle orbits, and precisely aligning the magnetic field in the plane of the film. This results in a spin-split quasiparticle density of states first observed by tunneling experiments in superconducting-normal tunnel junctions [@mes70; @ted71]. In our samples the presence of a Zeeman energy (which can be comparable to both the charging and quasiparticle pairing energies), causes a difference in energy in creating spin-up and spin-down quasiparticle excitations on the device island and this leads to several spin-dependent transport regimes in the above-gap transport. In addition, quasiparticle populations with a well-defined spin are created on the island causing accumulation of a magnetic moment. In the below-gap transport, the Zeeman-splitting changes the energy of the spin-$\frac{1}{2}$ state of a single quasiparticle on the island. We observe this energy shift in the sequential tunneling processes and expect that operation of the device as a bipolar spin-filter will be possible.
![(a) Micrograph of an SET similar to that measured, showing a difference in contrast between the 30 nm and 5 nm thick films. To avoid proximity effects, the normal-state leads do not contact their superconducting artifacts. (b) Simplified radio frequency circuit diagram. The $L=470$ nH inductor and parasitic capacitance of $C_{p}=0.42$ pF form a circuit with a resonant frequency of 321 MHz. (c) Schematic showing the relative thickness of the device leads and island. In a magnetic field of $B=500$ mT, the leads are in the normal state while the island remains superconducting. []{data-label=""}](fig1 "fig:"){width="7.3cm"}\
The SETs were fabricated by electron beam lithography using a standard bilayer polymer resist and double angle evaporation process. The islands were made from 5 nm thick aluminum to allow Zeeman-splitting, while 30 nm thick aluminum was used for the leads. In order to achieve electrically continuous 5 nm films, the aluminum evaporations took place on a liquid nitrogen cooled stage with an evaporation rate of 0.15 nms$^{-1}$. Between evaporations, the aluminum was oxidized at an oxygen pressure of 35 mTorr for 5 minutes to form tunnel barriers.
To enable rapid data acquisition and low noise measurement we configure the devices as rf-SETs [@sch98]. The rf-SET technique involves impedance matching the relatively high SET resistance towards 50 $\Omega$ by embedding the devices in a resonant circuit (fig. 1(b)). At resonance, a reflective measurement of a small incident carrier signal ($V_{rf}\sim$ $\mu$V) is performed, with the reflected signal detected using a mixer circuit. This experimental set-up is described in more detail in [@bue04]. From the reflection coefficient and the tank circuit parameters, we can determine the SET differential conductance. High resistance SETs (181, 233 k$\Omega$ at 4.2 K) were chosen in order to reduce the effect of co-tunneling. As a consequence they were poorly impedance matched by our tank circuit. All measurements were performed in a dilution refrigerator which achieves an electron temperature of $\sim100$ mK.
The in-plane critical magnetic field of aluminum is strongly dependent on film thickness [@mes71]. By designing all-aluminum devices with 30 nm thick leads ($B_c<0.5$ T) and a 5 nm thick island ($B_c=3.8$ T), our superconducting SETs could be turned into normal-superconducting-normal (NSN) SETs by application of a magnetic field (fig. 1(a) & (c)). A limitation of this method is that we could only approximate a spin-degenerate NSN SET. We achieved this by applying a $B=500$ mT in-plane magnetic field (fig. 2(a)). At this field, the Zeeman energy ($E_{Z}=g\mu_BB=58$ $\mu$eV) is greater than the thermal energy ($kT\sim10$ $\mu$eV) but the transport is not seriously modified from the spin-degenerate case since $E_{Z}$ is still significantly less than the charging energy ($E_{c}=\frac{e^{2}}{2C_{\Sigma}}=400\mu$eV) and the superconducting gap ($2\Delta=680$ $\mu$eV).
In NSN SETs the transport characteristics are determined by the energy required to create quasiparticle excitations, $\Delta$, and the electrostatic charging energy. The main features are Coulomb diamonds, due to Coulomb blockade of quasiparticles on the island, which are offset from zero bias by $V_{ds}=\pm2\Delta$ [@eil93; @her94]. Outside the blockaded regions, quasiparticle tunneling occurs, while in blockade, quasiparticle co-tunneling and low-rate sequential tunneling processes exist.
![Measurement of the Coulomb diamonds for the device in NSN operation as a function of magnetic field. $V_g$ was ramped at 1 kHz and 256 averages were taken of each trace. (a) At $B=500$ mT the device approximates an NSN SET. (b) Measurement taken at $B=2$ T. The Zeeman-split density of states is seen in the above-gap transport as the emergence of new transport regimes at the onset of quasiparticle tunneling. The regions A-D between the white dotted lines correspond to transport regimes described in the text. The solid white line indicates an unknown spin-dependent transport process.[]{data-label=""}](fig2 "fig:"){width="7.5cm"}\
As the magnetic field is increased from $B=500$ mT to $B=2$ T, the Zeeman energy ($E_{Z}=232$ $\mu$eV) becomes comparable to $E_c$ and $\Delta$. Spin-up and spin-down (spin-down refers to spins antiparallel to the magnetic field and spin-up to spins parallel) quasiparticles now have significantly different energies on the device island. This makes the quasiparticle transport processes spin-dependent, causing the onset of quasiparticle tunneling to split (fig. 2(b)) and several new transport regimes (A-D) to emerge. The allowed transport processes for different bias conditions are determined by considering the spin-dependent free energy change for quasiparticles tunneling on and off the island [@gandd].
We consider first quasiparticle transport for the device biased in region A. When the Coulomb blockade condition permits (determined by the total charge on the island at a particular time), a quasiparticle may tunnel from the drain onto spin-down above-gap states (fig. 3(a)). Above-gap states on the island filled in this way can also tunnel into the source causing a current to pass. In an analogous process for below-gap transport, spin-up filled states can tunnel into the source and quasiparticles from the drain can tunnel to fill the empty states. For these bias conditions the resultant current has no net spin-polarization: a spin-down current flows above-gap and a spin-up current with the same magnitude passes through the below-gap states.
When biased in region A spin-down quasielectron and spin-up quasihole populations are generated on the island. Primarily this occurs since quasiparticle tunneling rates onto and off the island can be different with, for example, the tunneling rate from the above-gap filled states depending on the quasiparticle population [@hek93]. A spin-up quasihole has the same magnetic moment as a spin-down quasielectron and this implies that a magnetic moment accumulates on the island as a result of the quasiparticle populations. In the following we estimate this bias dependent magnetic moment. Approximating to a flat superconducting density of states and for $V_{ds}-V_T(V_g)>kT$ (where $V_T(V_g)$ is the conduction threshold including both contributions from the superconducting gap and Coulomb blockade), the rate of above-gap quasiparticle tunneling onto the island through a tunnel barrier with conductance $G$ is $\tau^{-1}\sim\frac{(V_{ds}-V_T)G}{2e}$. By contrast, the rate for each above-gap quasiparticle to tunnel off the island is given by $\tau_{esc}^{-1}= \frac{G}{D_{F}e^2}\sim100$ ns [@hek93] where $D_{F}=5.8\times10^{6}$ eV$^{-1}$ is the density of states at the Fermi energy for an island of dimensions 5 nm $\times$ 100 nm $\times$ 500 nm. Equilibrium is reached when the rates for quasiparticles tunneling on and off the island are equal, at which point the number of above-gap quasiparticles on the island is $N_{qe}=\frac{\tau_{esc}}{\tau}$. For $V_{ds}=V_T+100$ $\mu$V (e.g. approximately in the middle of region A) and the average measured tunnel barrier conductance of $G=11$ $\mu$S, $N_{qe}=300$. An equal quasihole population leads to a magnetic moment $M=600$ $\mu_B$ on the island. Quasiparticle recombination reduces these populations of quasielectrons and quasiholes, however, we expect that the recombination time is increased from the spin-degenerate case where $\tau_{r}=1-10$ $\mu$s [@lev68; @mil67] since a spin flip is required. Recombination was not considered in the estimate since $\tau_{r}>\tau_{esc}$.
![(a)-(b) Quasiparticle tunneling processes that occur for the bias conditions A and B in fig. 2(b). Also shown schematically (dashed arrows) are possible recombination and spin-flip events. (c) The Zeeman-splitting ($E_{Z}=g\mu_BB$) and mean value of $\Delta$ as measured from above gap quasiparticle transport. A line fitted through the Zeeman splitting gives a g-factor of $2.01\pm 0.03$ in the range $B=0$ - 2.5 T (points at higher fields not included due to reduced fitting accuracy).[]{data-label=""}](fig3 "fig:"){width="7.3cm"}\
We now discuss some of the features of regime B (fig. 3(b)), noting that C is similar except that the roles of the above and below-gap states are reversed. In B quasiparticles may tunnel into both the spin-up and spin-down above-gap states. However, there is an asymmetry with respect to the above- and below-gap states, and only spin-up quasiparticles may tunnel off the island from the below-gap states. There is an important difference in behavior between quasiparticles which tunnel into the spin-up and spin-down above-gap states. For the spin-up case there will be a fast spin-relaxation due to the availability of empty spin-down states at the same energy. This is similar to the case in normal state aluminium where the characteristic spin-flip time is $\tau_{sf}\sim 100$ ps [@jed03]. By contrast, quasiparticles in the spin-down quasiparticles need to undergo an inelastic process for a spin-flip which we expect to have a much lower rate.
Finally, for regime D quasiparticles of both polarities are involved in both above and below-gap transport. However, the spin relaxation processes apply for the spin-up above and below-gap states as mentioned above. This relaxation will lead to a spin-imbalance on the device island. In this respect the quasiparticle transport behavior differs from that for a conventional SET with a spin-degenerate density of states.
By fitting the transport thresholds in Coulomb diamonds measured at magnetic fields from $B=500$ mT to $B=2.5$ T, we determined the quasiparticle g-factor to be $g=2.01\pm 0.03$. We also extracted $\Delta$ and found a modest reduction as a function of magnetic field due to residual orbital effects. The zero field value is $\Delta=350$ $\mu$eV, which shows a strong enhancement over $\Delta\sim200$ $\mu$eV for 30 nm films.
There are additional spin-dependent above-gap transport features, indicated by the solid line in fig. 2(b), that may involve co-tunneling processes. We do not analyze these features here but note that a master equation approach would be able to determine the processes involved [@sch94]. All transport characteristics are reproduced in a second device of similar resistance and charging energy ($R=233$ k$\Omega$, $E_{c}=475$ $\mu$eV).
We now consider the subgap transport processes near zero bias. If $E_{c}>\Delta$, as for our samples, an even-odd parity effect occurs as the system ground state alternates, as a function of gate voltage, between all Cooper-pairs and a state including a single quasiparticle [@eil93]. In this parity effect the quasiparticle current is related to a thermal average number of quasiparticles on the island. Similar energy considerations also cause quasiparticle poisoning in single Cooper-pair transistors and Cooper-pair boxes. Close to $V_{ds}=0$, the energy can be written as below. The term including $p(n)$ takes into account the energy required to create a quasiparticle excitation of either spin. If $n$, the number of quasiparticles on the island, is even, then $p(n)=0$, while if $n$ is odd, $p(n)=1$.
Figure 4(a) shows the Cooper pair and quasiparticle energy levels for $B=2$ T as a function of gate bias. Since the spin-degeneracy of the quasiparticle states is lifted by the Zeeman energy, there are two parabolas representing the two quasiparticle spin states. Conductance maxima due to the sequential tunneling of quasiparticles occur at the degeneracies (fig. 4(b)). Their change in position with magnetic field reflects a spin-dependence caused by the Zeeman effect lowering the energy of the spin-down quasiparticle level. We note that this data, taken with 256 averages and time per trace of $500$ $\mu$s, could have its signal-to-noise ratio significantly increased with further averaging and low-pass filtering.
![(a) Energetics of Cooper pair and quasiparticle states at zero bias for $B=2$ T. The experimental parameters $E_{c}=475$ $\mu$eV, $\Delta (B=2T)=295$ $\mu$eV and $E_z=g\mu_BB=238$ $\mu$eV are used. The Cooper pair energy is unaffected by the magnetic field while the quasiparticle levels are split by the Zeeman energy. (b) Differential conductance (deduced from an averaged rf-measurement) at $V_{ds}=0$ plotted as a function of B-field. The peaks move apart as the addition energy of a spin-down quasiparticle is lowered by the magnetic field.[]{data-label=""}](fig4 "fig:"){width="7.3cm"}\
We now examine the details of these transport processes, first considering the degeneracy between the 0-Cooper pair level and the spin-down 1-quasiparticle level. If the system is initially in the 0-Cooper pair state, a spin down quasiparticle may tunnel onto and then off, the island. This will result in a spin-down current. Sequential tunneling also occurs when the spin-down 1-quasiparticle state becomes degenerate with the 1-Cooper pair state. Now, a spin-up quasiparticle tunnels onto the island forming a singlet Cooper pair state with the spin-down quasiparticle already on the island. Subsequently a spin-up tunnels off, breaking a Cooper pair and leaving a single spin-down quasiparticle on the island. This gives rise to a spin-up polarized current. Between the degeneracies, a single above-gap spin-down quasiparticle remains on the island. The spin-polarization of these currents will be determined by the rate of spin-flip processes on the island and cotunneling events involving quasiparticles of the opposite polarity.
The ground state energetics indicate that the device can operate as a bipolar spin filter. This is analogous to similar behavior predicted in a GaAs quantum dot [@han04; @rec00], where the n = 1 electron Zeeman-split level filters spin-down electrons and the n = 2 singlet state filters spin-up electrons. There is a strong relationship between these cases since the Cooper pair is a spin singlet similar to the n=2 electron quantum dot ground state. For our sample, the measured conductance is $G=0.002\frac{e^{2}}{h}$ and the peak width $V_{ds}\sim100$ $\mu$V, leading to a maximum current of $\sim10$ pA. We suggest that it will be possible to obtain experimental confirmation of bipolar spin filtering by measuring the current through two independently tunable islands in series.
In conclusion, we have made use of the properties of thin-film aluminum to Zeeman-split the quasiparticle states on the NSN SET island. This leads to new spin transport regimes in both above- and below-gap transport. It will be interesting to further investigate the spin-filter effects in single and double island devices and perform studies of quasiparticle spin relaxation and recombination in these structures.
The authors thank D. J. Reilly, C. M. Marcus, B. J van Wees and F. E. Hudson for helpful discussions and D. Barber and R. P. Starrett for technical support. This work is supported by the Australian Research Council, the Australian government and by the US National Security Agency (NSA) and US Army Research Office (ARO) under contract number DAAD19-01-1-0653.
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abstract: 'The ground state phase diagram is obtained for an antiferromagnetic spin-1 anisotropic biquadratic model. With the help of symmetry and duality transformations, three symmetry-protected trivial phases and one dimerized symmetry breaking phase are found. Local and nonlocal order parameters are identified to characterize these phases. Quantum phase transitions between the symmetry-protected trivial phases belong to the Gaussian universality class with central charge $c=1$, and quantum phase transitions from the symmetry-protected trivial phases to the dimerized phase belong to the Ising universality class with central charge $c=1/2$. In addition, the model admits three characteristic lines of factorized ground states, which are located in the symmetry-protected trivial phases instead of a symmetry breaking phase, in sharp contrast to other known cases.'
- 'Xi-Hao Chen'
- Ian McCulloch
- 'Murray T. Batchelor'
- 'Huan-Qiang Zhou'
title: 'Symmetry-protected trivial phases and quantum phase transitions in an anisotropic antiferromagnetic spin-1 biquadratic model'
[*Introduction.*]{}–Much attention has been focused on critical phenomena in quantum many-body systems, with an aim towards a complete classification of quantum states of matter. In this regard, significant progress has been made for quantum spin systems in one dimension, resulting in the introduction of novel concepts, such as symmetry-protected topological order [@wenxg], and symmetry-protected trivial (SPt) order [@Pollmann2]. A SPt phase is a symmetric phase connected adiabatically to a product state, and is characterized in terms of a non-local order parameter defined by the combined operation of the site-centered inversion symmetry with a $\pi$-rotation around the $y$-axis in the spin space. As a consequence, such a SPt phase is different from a symmetry-protected topological phase [@wenxg]. Therefore, it is expected to also play an important role in classifying quantum states of matter [@Pollmann2; @orus]. However, it remains unclear whether or not the current characterization of SPt phases in terms of the non-local order parameter is generic enough for any possible SPt phases.
On the other hand, dualities, symmetries and factorized ground states combine to play a significant role in characterizing physical properties for quantum many-body systems [@Zhou]. An intriguing question is how then to demonstrate the powerfulness of all these concepts in one single illustrative example. In this work we investigate the nature of SPt phases appearing in the ground state phase diagram for an anisotropic generalization of the spin-1 biquadratic model [@Murray; @Klumper], which is known to be in a dimerized phase. The more general model proposed here is described by the Hamiltonian $$\begin{aligned}
\label {ham}
H=-\sum_{i=-\infty}^{\infty} \left(J_{x} \, S^{x}_{i}{S^{x}_{i+1}}+J_{y} \, S^{y}_{i}{S^{y}_{i+1}}+J_{z} \, S^{z}_{i}S^{z}_{i+1}\right)^{2},\end{aligned}$$ where $S_{i}^{\alpha}$ ($\alpha$ = $x$, $y$ and $z$) denote spin-1 operators at site $i$ on an infinite-size chain, with $J_{x}$, $J_{y}$ and $J_{z}$ the spin couplings describing the interactions between the $x$, $y$ and $z$ components. The model is antiferromagnetic, in the sense that it becomes the antiferromagnetic spin-$1/2$ XYZ model, which itself is an exactly solvable model [@Baxter], if $S_{i}^{\alpha}$ are spin-$1/2$ operators.
The model Hamiltonian (\[ham\]) reduces to the spin-1 SU(2)-invariant biquadratic model when $J_x=J_y=J_z$. The spin-1 biquadratic model has been extensively investigated. It can be either mapped to the 9-state Potts model [@Murray] or solved directly in terms of Bethe Ansatz or functional relations [@Klumper]. It is thus known to be in a dimerized phase with a relatively small spectral gap. The Hamiltonian (\[ham\]) of the anisotropic generalization of this model commutes with the three operators $\Sigma_x = \Sigma_{i}(-1)^i ((s_i^{y})^2-(s_i^z)^2)$, $\Sigma_y = \Sigma_{i}(-1)^i ((s_i^{z})^2-(s_i^x)^2)$ and $\Sigma_z = \Sigma_{i}(-1)^i ((s_i^{x})^2-(s_i^y)^2)$. In particular, these three commuting operators, combining with $S_i^{\alpha}$, generate an SU(3) symmetry when $J_x = J_y = J_z$ [@affleck]. It is the staggered nature of the symmetry operators which explains why spontaneous dimerization occurs in the spin-1 SU(2)-invariant biquadratic model [@Murray].
[*Duality transformations.*]{}–Key information about the nature of the phase diagram can be obtained from duality relations among the spin couplings. Here quantum duality is represented by a local unitary transformation $U$ acting on Hamiltonian (\[ham\]). For convenience and simplicity we define the variables $X=J_x/J_z$ and $Y= J_y/J_z$ and consider $H(X,Y)$. In general if $H(X^\prime,Y^\prime)$ is dual to $H(X,Y)$ there should exist a unitary transformation $U$ satisfying $$H(X,Y)=k(X,Y) \,U \, H(X^\prime,Y^\prime) \, U^{\dag}.
\label{gen}$$ The coupling parameters $X^\prime$ and $Y^\prime$ are functions of $X$ and $Y$ with $k(X,Y)$ being positive.
For Hamiltonian (\[ham\]) there are two symmetry transformations and four duality transformations, as presented in Table I. These symmetry and duality transformations imply six self-dual lines defined by $X= \pm 1$, $Y= \pm 1$ and $Y/X= \pm 1$.
$U$ spin transformation $k(X,Y)$ $X^\prime$ $Y^\prime$
------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- ------------ ------------ --
$U_a$ $S_{i}^{x} \rightarrow -S_{i}^{y}$, $S_{i}^{y} \rightarrow -S_{i}^{x}$, $S_{i}^{z} \rightarrow -S_{i}^{z}$, 1 $-Y$ $-X$
$S_{i+1}^{x} \rightarrow S_{i+1}^{y}$, $S_{i+1}^{y} \rightarrow S_{i+1}^{x}$, $S_{i+1}^{z} \rightarrow -S_{i+1}^{z}$
$U_b$ $S_{i}^{x} \leftrightarrow S_{i}^{y}$, $S_{i}^{z} \rightarrow -S_{i}^{z}$ 1 $Y$ $X$
$U_1$ $S_{i}^{x} \rightarrow -S_{i}^{x}$, $S_{i}^{y} \rightarrow S_{i}^{z}$, $S_{i}^{z} \rightarrow S_{i}^{y}$ $Y^2$ $X$ $1/Y$
$U_2$ $S_{i}^{x} \rightarrow -S_{i}^{x}$, $S_{i}^{y} \rightarrow -S_{i}^{z}$, $S_{i}^{z} \rightarrow -S_{i}^{y}$, $Y^2$ $-X/Y$ $-1/Y$
$S_{i+1}^{x} \rightarrow -S_{i+1}^{x}$, $S_{i+1}^{y} \rightarrow S_{i+1}^{z}$, $S_{i+1}^{z} \rightarrow S_{i+1}^{y}$
$U_3$ $S_{i}^{x} \rightarrow S_{i}^{z}$, $S_{i}^{y} \rightarrow -S_{i}^{y}$, $S_{i}^{z} \rightarrow S_{i}^{x}$ $X^2$ $1/X$ $Y/X$
$U_4$ $S_{i}^{x} \rightarrow -S_{i}^{z}$, $S_{i}^{y} \rightarrow -S_{i}^{y}$, $S_{i}^{z} \rightarrow -S_{i}^{x}$, $X^2$ $-1/X$ $-Y/X$
$S_{i+1}^{x} \rightarrow S_{i+1}^{z}$, $S_{i+1}^{y} \rightarrow -S_{i+1}^{y}$, $S_{i+1}^{z} \rightarrow S_{i+1}^{x}$
: \[tab:example\] The six symmetry and duality transformations for the biquadratic Hamiltonian (\[ham\]) defined in relation (\[gen\]).
[*Ground state phase diagram.*]{}–To obtain the phase diagram we consider the self-dual lines $J_{x}/J_{z}= 1$, $J_{y}/J_{z}= 1$ and $J_{y}/J_{x}= 1$, which delineate the six regions shown in Fig. \[fig1duality\](a). Because of the various symmetries and dualities, we only need to focus on one of these six regions, with the whole phase diagram following by mapping with the help of the duality transformations. We thus define region I as the principal regime. To determine the phase boundary in region I, we examine order parameters based on numerical simulations in terms of the infinite Time-Evolving Block Decimation (iTEBD) algorithm [@vidal] and the infinite Density Matrix Renormalization Group (iDMRG) algoritnm [@Ian]. In both algorithms, ground state wave functions are represented in terms of infinite Matrix Product States (iMPS). We will also make use of the von Neumann entropy. Fig. \[fig1duality\](b) shows the ground state phase diagram determined in this way, as discussed in detail below.
[*Factorized states.*]{}–When $J_{x}=0$ the system is in a factorized ground state. The wave function of this factorized state can be written as a simple product of the vector $\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}(1,0,-1)$. The corresponding factorized energies are given by $e=-(J_{y}^{2}+ J_{z}^{2})$. Similarly, the system is also in a factorized state when $J_{y}=0$ or $J_z=0$, respectively, as follows from the duality transformations. The wave functions can then be written as products of the vector $\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}(1,0,1)$ or $(0,1,0)$ with energies $e=-(J_{x}^{2}+J_{z}^{2})$ or $e=-(J_{x}^{2}+J_{y}^{2})$, respectively. These three factorized states are dual to each other. Note that, if we choose $J_z$ as an energy scale, then $J_z =0$ is equivalent to saying that both $J_x$ and $J_y $ approach infinity with a fixed ratio $J_x/J_y$. We also note that when $J_{x}=J_{y}=0$, the model has $2^{N}$ degeneracies with entanglement varying between $0$ and $\infty$, consistent with previous results for systems with largely degenerate ground states [@Doyon].
![ (a) The six dual regions in the $J_{x}/J_{z} \ge 0$ and $J_{y}/J_{z} \ge 0$ parameter space of the spin-1 biquadratic anisotropic model. Region I is the principal regime. (b) The phase diagram characterized by three $Z_{2}$ combined symmetry operations ${\boldsymbol K}=(K_{x},K_{y},K_{z})$ and order parameters ${\boldsymbol D}=(D_{x},D_{y},D_{z})$. The inset shows a magnification of the tiny region defining the dimerized phase. The dashed-dotted paths labeled by (i), (ii) and (iii) are sample lines discussed in the text to show how to characterize these phases. Both the horizontal and vertical axes are shown to tan inverse scale. []{data-label="fig1duality"}](fig1aSelfDualityLineRigionI "fig:"){width="30.00000%"} ![ (a) The six dual regions in the $J_{x}/J_{z} \ge 0$ and $J_{y}/J_{z} \ge 0$ parameter space of the spin-1 biquadratic anisotropic model. Region I is the principal regime. (b) The phase diagram characterized by three $Z_{2}$ combined symmetry operations ${\boldsymbol K}=(K_{x},K_{y},K_{z})$ and order parameters ${\boldsymbol D}=(D_{x},D_{y},D_{z})$. The inset shows a magnification of the tiny region defining the dimerized phase. The dashed-dotted paths labeled by (i), (ii) and (iii) are sample lines discussed in the text to show how to characterize these phases. Both the horizontal and vertical axes are shown to tan inverse scale. []{data-label="fig1duality"}](fig1bDualityPhaseDiagramWithInset "fig:"){width="30.00000%"}
[*Symmetry-protected trivial phases.*]{}–Spontaneous symmetry breaking (SSB) occurring in quantum many-body systems implies the existence of local order which can be characterized by local order parameters. Significantly, there exist other concepts of order in quantum many-body systems which are beyond Landau theory due to the absence of any SSB. Examples are the three SPt phases mentioned above, which cannot be successfully characterized by local order parameters. Fortunately appropriate non-local order parameters can be used to characterize such order, which may be regarded as a natural extension of the SPt order introduced in Ref. [@Pollmann2]. Indeed, distinct non-local order parameters can successfully distinguish various symmetry-protected phases and are also effective for symmetry-protected gapped phases with partial symmetry breaking [@Haegeman; @Schuch].
For a given ground state wave function $|\psi\rangle$ of an infinite-size spin chain represented by the iMPS, the site-centered non-local order parameters can be written based on reversing an odd-sized segment of the chain and then calculating the resulting overlap [@Pollmann2; @Pollmann]. This can be defined in terms of the inversion operator $$\begin{aligned}
O_{L}^{\alpha}=\frac{\langle \psi\mid {I_{(1,L)}}\Sigma^{\alpha}_{(1,L)} \mid \psi \rangle}{tr(\lambda_{A}^{2}\lambda_{B}^{2})},\end{aligned}$$ where $O_{L}^{\alpha}$ is the inversion on the segment from $1$ to $L$ with internal symmetry operations $\Sigma^{\alpha}_{(1,L)}$ acting on the physical indices. Here $\Sigma^{\alpha}_{(1,L)}$ is $\exp(i\pi S^{\alpha})$, with $S^{\alpha}$ a spin-1 matrix and $\alpha=x, y$ or $z$. The segment length $L$ is odd. $\lambda_{A}$ and $\lambda_{B}$ are Schmidt decomposition coefficients.
This definition respects two-site translation invariance due to the fact that it can work on non-SSB and SSB wave functions directly. In the absence of SSB, $O_{L}^{\alpha}$ gives a $\pm 1$ value. Conversely, $O_{L}^{\alpha}$ gives a $0$ value for SSB. Fig. \[fig2Nonlocalorderparameter\] shows the graphical representation of non-local order parameters in the MPS framework. Each SPt phase can then be characterized by the values $(O_{L}^{x},O_{L}^{y},O_{L}^{z})$ of the non-local order parameters. When $L$ approaches the thermodynamic limit, the non-local order parameters $(O_{L}^{x},O_{L}^{y},O_{L}^{z})$ obtain the exact values $(K_{x},K_{y},K_{z})$. We denote these three $Z_{2}$ combined symmetry operations by ${\boldsymbol K} = (K_{x},K_{y},K_{z})$.
![ Graphical representation of non-local order parameters in the MPS picture. $\Gamma_{A}$ and $\Gamma_{B}$ are three-index tensors; $\lambda_{A}$ and $\lambda_{B}$ are Schmidt decomposition coefficients. These four tensors with a two-site translation invariance form the ground state wave function $|\psi\rangle$ of the infinite-size spin chain. []{data-label="fig2Nonlocalorderparameter"}](fig2Nonlocalorderparameter){width="45.00000%"}
We employ the definition of non-local order parameters (\[s2lplus1\]) on the three sample lines, (i) $J_{x}/J_{z}=0.4$, (ii) $J_{x}/J_{z}=0.6$ and (iii) $J_{y}/J_{z}=0.988$, as indicated in the phase diagram Fig. \[fig1duality\](b). First consider lines (i) and (ii). In Fig. \[fig3Nonlocal04\], we plot $O_{L}^{x}$, $O_{L}^{y}$ and $O_{L}^{z}$ as functions of $J_{y}/J_{z}$ for fixed $J_{x}/J_{z}=0.4$ and fixed $J_{x}/J_{z}=0.6$ with truncation dimension $\chi=100$. Quantum phase transition (QPT) points are located at $J_{x}^{c}/J_{z}=0.4$ and $J_{x}^{c}/J_{z}=0.6$, respectively. Increasing the inversion block size $L$ from $L=101$ to $L=201$, $O_{L}^{x}$ reaches the saturation value $-1$ most efficiently when $J_{y}/J_{z}$ is away from the QPT point $J_{y}^{c}/J_{z}$. In contrast, $O_{L}^{x}$ saturates much slower in the vicinity of $J_{y}^{c}/J_{z}$. The values of $O_{L}^{y}$ and $O_{L}^{z}$ behave similarly.
In this way the SPt phase on the right hand side of QPT points $J_{y}^{c}/J_{z}$ is characterized by ${\boldsymbol K}=(1,-1,-1)$, which corresponds to the SPt phase above (PA) diagonal phase boundaries. Similarly, the phase on the left hand side of QPT points $J_{y}^{c}/J_{z}$ is characterized by ${\boldsymbol K}=(-1,1,-1)$, which corresponds to the SPt phases below (PB) diagonal phase boundaries. Based on the dual regions in Fig. \[fig1duality\](a), the SPt PA phase is in region I and the SPt PB phase is in region VI. These two phases are thus dual to each other, separated by the self-dual line $J_{y}= J_{x}$. The values ${\boldsymbol K}=(1,-1,-1)$ of the non-local order parameters in region I and ${\boldsymbol K}=(-1,1,-1)$ in region VI foretell their duality. Based on duality, one knows, e.g., that the non-local order parameters of the SPt phase in region III and IV can be written as ${\boldsymbol K}=(-1,-1,1)$.
Turning to line (iii) in Fig. \[fig1duality\](b) we plot $O_{L}^{x}$, $O_{L}^{y}$ and $O_{L}^{z}$ as a function of $J_{x}/J_{z}$ for fixed $J_{y}/J_{z}=0.988$ with truncation dimension $\chi=100$ in Fig. \[fig4Nonlocal0988\]. Here two QPT points are located at $J_{x}^{c_{1}}/J_{z}=0.9799$ and $J_{x}^{c_{2}}/J_{z}=1.003$. The SPt phase on the left hand side of $J_{x}^{c_{1}}/J_{z}$ corresponding to PA is characterized by ${\boldsymbol K}=(1,-1,-1)$. The SPt phase on the right hand side of $J_{x}^{c_{2}}/J_{z}$ corresponding to PB is characterized by ${\boldsymbol K}=(-1,1,-1)$. We note that the saturation rate of $O_{L}^{x}$, $O_{L}^{y}$ and $O_{L}^{z}$ at $J_{x}^{c_{1}}/J_{z}=0.9799$ and $J_{x}^{c_{2}}/J_{z}=1.003$ is much slower than the rate at $J_{y}^{c}/J_{z}=0.4$ and $0.6$.
![ Non-local order parameters $O_{L}^{\alpha}$ as a function of coupling $J_{y}/J_{z}$ with truncation dimension $\chi=100$ for fixed $J_{x}/J_{z}=0.4$ (top) and $0.6$ (bottom). The parameter $L$ shown is the inversion block size. QPT points are identified as $J_{y}^{c}/J_{z}=0.4$ and $0.6$. For each panel the symmetry parameter values ${\boldsymbol K}=(-1,1,-1)$ for the left side and ${\boldsymbol K}=(1,-1,-1)$ for the right side of the QPT point. The data sets correspond to the lines (i) and (ii) in Fig. \[fig1duality\](b). []{data-label="fig3Nonlocal04"}](fig3aNonlocal04 "fig:"){width="35.00000%"} ![ Non-local order parameters $O_{L}^{\alpha}$ as a function of coupling $J_{y}/J_{z}$ with truncation dimension $\chi=100$ for fixed $J_{x}/J_{z}=0.4$ (top) and $0.6$ (bottom). The parameter $L$ shown is the inversion block size. QPT points are identified as $J_{y}^{c}/J_{z}=0.4$ and $0.6$. For each panel the symmetry parameter values ${\boldsymbol K}=(-1,1,-1)$ for the left side and ${\boldsymbol K}=(1,-1,-1)$ for the right side of the QPT point. The data sets correspond to the lines (i) and (ii) in Fig. \[fig1duality\](b). []{data-label="fig3Nonlocal04"}](fig3bNonlocal06 "fig:"){width="35.00000%"}
![ (top) Non-local and (bottom) local order parameters as a function of control parameter $J_{x}/J_{z}$ with truncation dimension $\chi=100$ for fixed $J_{y}/J_{z}=0.988$. Two QPT points are detected at $J_{x}^{c_{1}}/J_{z}=0.9799$ and $J_{x}^{c_{2}}/J_{z}=1.003$. Here ${\boldsymbol K}=(1,-1,-1)$ on the left hand side of $J_{x}^{c_{1}}/J_{z}$ and ${\boldsymbol K}=(-1,1,-1)$ on the right hand side of $J_{x}^{c_{2}}/J_{z}$. In the region between $J_{x}^{c_{1}}/J_{z}$ and $J_{x}^{c_{2}}/J_{z}$, ${\boldsymbol K}=(0,0,0)$, where the dimerized phase is characterized by the combined local order parameter ${\boldsymbol D} =(D_{x},D_{y},D_{z})$. The data sets correspond to the line (iii) in Fig. \[fig1duality\](b). []{data-label="fig4Nonlocal0988"}](fig4aNonlocal0988 "fig:"){width="35.00000%"} ![ (top) Non-local and (bottom) local order parameters as a function of control parameter $J_{x}/J_{z}$ with truncation dimension $\chi=100$ for fixed $J_{y}/J_{z}=0.988$. Two QPT points are detected at $J_{x}^{c_{1}}/J_{z}=0.9799$ and $J_{x}^{c_{2}}/J_{z}=1.003$. Here ${\boldsymbol K}=(1,-1,-1)$ on the left hand side of $J_{x}^{c_{1}}/J_{z}$ and ${\boldsymbol K}=(-1,1,-1)$ on the right hand side of $J_{x}^{c_{2}}/J_{z}$. In the region between $J_{x}^{c_{1}}/J_{z}$ and $J_{x}^{c_{2}}/J_{z}$, ${\boldsymbol K}=(0,0,0)$, where the dimerized phase is characterized by the combined local order parameter ${\boldsymbol D} =(D_{x},D_{y},D_{z})$. The data sets correspond to the line (iii) in Fig. \[fig1duality\](b). []{data-label="fig4Nonlocal0988"}](fig4bLocal0988 "fig:"){width="35.00000%"}
[*Dimerized phase.*]{}–We now concentrate on the dimerized phase in the vicinity of the isotropic point $J_x=J_y=J_z$, for which local order exists. With fixed $J_{y}/J_{z}=0.988$, SSB occurs when control parameter $J_{x}/J_{z}$ crosses the points $J_{x}^{c_{1}}/J_{z}=0.9799$ and $J_{x}^{c_{2}}/J_{z}=1.003$. To characterize the local order in the region between these two points, we consider dimerized local order parameter $\langle S_{i}S_{i+1}-S_{i+1}S_{i+2}\rangle$ [@Murray]. Unfortunately, this definition only fits the system with SU(2) symmetry. However, a systematic method based on tensor network representations to derive local order parameters has been established [@Zhou2]. Following this method, we analyse the combined dimerized local order parameters ${\boldsymbol D} =(D_{x},D_{y},D_{z})$, with $D_{\alpha}=\langle S_{i}^{\alpha}S_{i+1}^{\alpha}-S_{i+1}^{\alpha}S_{i+2}^{\alpha}\rangle$. Fig. \[fig4Nonlocal0988\] shows plots of these dimerized local order parameters as a function of control parameter $J_{x}/J_{z}$ with truncation dimension $\chi=100$ for fixed $J_{y}/J_{z}=0.988$. The dimerized local order ${\boldsymbol D}$ is clearly evident between $J_{x}^{c_{1}}/J_{z}=0.9799$ and $J_{x}^{c_{2}}/J_{z}=1.003$. Fig. \[fig4Nonlocal0988\] clearly demonstrates the complementarity between the local and non-local order parameters.
[*von Neumann entropy and central charge.*]{}–To examine the nature of the QPT between SPt and dimerized phases we first discuss the definition of von Neumann entropy, as a measure of bipartition entanglement. Consider the state $|\psi\rangle$ as being composed of two semi-infinite chains $L(-\infty, \ldots, i )$ and $R(i+1, \ldots,+\infty)$, connected by the Schmidt decomposition coefficient $\lambda_{\alpha}$. This implies $|\psi\rangle$ can be expressed as $|\psi \rangle=\sum_{\alpha=1}^{\chi}\lambda_{\alpha}|\phi_{\alpha}^{L} \rangle|\phi_{\alpha}^{R} \rangle$, where $|\phi_{\alpha}^{L} \rangle$ and $|\phi_{\alpha}^{R} \rangle$ are the Schmidt bases of the two semi-infinite chains $L$ and $R$. Consequently, the von Neumann entropy can be defined as [@Bennett] $S=-Tr \, \rhoup_{L} \log \rhoup_{L}=-Tr \, \rhoup_{R}\log\rhoup_{R}$, where $\rhoup_{L}=Tr_{R} \, \rhoup$ and $\rhoup_{R}=Tr_{L} \, \rhoup$ are the reduced matrices of the subsystems of $L$ and $R$, respectively, with density matrix $\rhoup=|\phi\rangle\langle\phi|$. For the semi-infinite chains $L$ and $R$ of iMPS, the von Neumann entropy $S$ is written as $$\begin{aligned}
\label {entropydefinition}
At a critical point in a 1D system, the semi-logarithmic scaling of the von Neumann entropy versus truncation dimension $\chi$ follows from conformal invariance, with scaling ruled by the central charge of the underlying conformal field theory. In addition, the correlation length $\xiup$ of the iMPS exhibits a power scaling with truncation dimension $\chi$. These two scaling relations can be written as [@KorepinCardy; @Tagliacozzo; @Pollmann3; @Dai] $$\begin{aligned}
\label {scaling}
S_{\chi}\propto \frac{c\kappa}{6}\log{\chi}, \quad \xi_{\chi}\propto \xi_{0} \, \chi^{\kappa }.\end{aligned}$$ Here $c$ denotes the central charge and $\kappa$ is a finite entanglement scaling exponent. $\xi_{0}$ is a constant. For a given $\chi$, the correlation length $\xi$ can be obtained by the largest and the second largest eigenvalues $D_{0}(\chi)$ and $D_{1}(\chi)$ of the transfer matrix, with $\xi_{\chi}=1/\log|D_{0}(\chi)/D_{1}(\chi)|$. By making use of the relations (\[scaling\]) one can obtain numerical estimates for the central charge on the phase boundary between SPt phases and between SPt and dimerized phases.
For this purpose, we choose $J_{y}^{c}/J_{z}=0.4$ with fixed $J_{x}/J_{z}=0.4$ and choose $J_{y}/J_{z}=1$ with varying $J_{x}^{c}/J_{z}$. Fig. \[fig5Sdiagonal\] shows a corresponding plot of the von Neumann entropy and correlation length as a function of truncation dimension $\chi$ ranging from 75 to 600. Both the von Neumann entropy and correlation length diverge with increasing truncation dimension $\chi$. To extract the central charge, we use the fitting functions $S_{\chi}=\frac{c\kappa}{6}\log{\chi}+a$ and $\log\xi_{\chi}=\kappa \log\chi+b$ and consider two cases. (i) For the case of fixed $J_{x}/J_{z}=0.4$ with $J_{y}^{c}/J_{z}=0.4$, shown in purple in Fig. \[fig5Sdiagonal\] and labeled as Fitting 1, the fitting coefficients are given by ${c_{1}\kappa_{1}}/{6}=0.20968$, $a_{1}=0.24527$, $b_{1}=-2.6563$, and $\kappa_{1}=1.2619$. The central charge is estimated to be $c_{1}=0.997$. This is consistent with a general argument that a phase transition between SPt phases belongs to the Gaussian universality class [@Pollmann2]. (ii) For the case of fixed $J_{y}/J_{z}=1$ with varying $J_{x}^{c}/J_{z}$, shown in red in Fig. \[fig5Sdiagonal\] and labeled as Fitting 2, the fitting coefficients are given by ${c_{2}\kappa_{2}}/{6}=0.12929$, $a_{2}=0.75742$, $b_{2}=-3.2471$, and $\kappa_{2}=1.4199$. As a result, the central charge is estimated to be $c_{2}=0.5463$. This indicates that the phase transition falls into the Ising universality class, as anticipated from the fact that a $Z_2$ symmetry is spontaneously broken in the dimerized phase.
![The scaling of (a) von Neumann entropy $S$ and (b) correlation length $\xi$ with the truncation dimension $\chi$. (i) For fixed $J_{x}/J_{z}=0.4$ with $J_{y}^{c}/J_{z}=0.4$, shown in purple and labeled as Fitting 1, the central charge is estimated to be $c_{1}=0.997$. (ii) For fixed $J_{y}/J_{z}=1$ with varying $J_{x}^{c}/J_{z}$, shown in red and labeled as Fitting 2, the central charge is estimated to be $c_{2}=0.5463.$[]{data-label="fig5Sdiagonal"}](Fig5aS190725 "fig:"){width="30.00000%"} ![The scaling of (a) von Neumann entropy $S$ and (b) correlation length $\xi$ with the truncation dimension $\chi$. (i) For fixed $J_{x}/J_{z}=0.4$ with $J_{y}^{c}/J_{z}=0.4$, shown in purple and labeled as Fitting 1, the central charge is estimated to be $c_{1}=0.997$. (ii) For fixed $J_{y}/J_{z}=1$ with varying $J_{x}^{c}/J_{z}$, shown in red and labeled as Fitting 2, the central charge is estimated to be $c_{2}=0.5463.$[]{data-label="fig5Sdiagonal"}](Fig5bXi190725 "fig:"){width="30.00000%"}
[*Summary.*]{}–We have investigated the nature of quantum SPt phases and quantum phase transitions in the spin-1 antiferromagnetic anisotropic biquadratic model (\[ham\]) by making use of quantum duality and symmetry transformations, along with iTEBD and iDMRG algorithms. The concept of SPt phases, originally defined through the combined operation of the site-centered inversion with the $\pi$-rotation around the $y$-axis in the spin space [@Pollmann2], is extended, in order to keep consistency with the duality transformations, which themselves are induced from the symmetric group $S_3$ with respect to $x, y$ and $z$. Our results suggest the importance and potential generality of SPt phases in a classification of quantum states of matter.
The ground state phase diagram in Fig. \[fig1duality\](b) has been determined by studying the principal regime, which can be mapped to the other five regions of the phase diagram via the quantum duality and symmetry transformations summarized in Table I. The phase boundaries are determined by calculating the non-local and local order parameters of the principal regime. To illustrate our strategy, three sample lines, $J_{x}/J_{z}=0.4$, $J_{x}/J_{z}=0.6$ and $J_{y}/J_{z}=0.988$, are studied in detail. The phase diagram is shown to be composed of four phases characterized by the non-local order parameters ${\boldsymbol K}=(1,-1,-1)$, ${\boldsymbol K}=(-1,1,-1)$ and ${\boldsymbol K}=(-1,-1,1)$, and a combined dimerized local order parameter. In addition, the von Neumann entropy and correlation length have been used to estimate the central charge $c=0.5463$ on the boundary between SPt and dimerized phases. This value is suggestive of the Ising-type universality class. The central charge value $c=0.997$ is extracted on the phase boundary between SPt phases, corresponding to the Gaussian-type universality class. We have also identified three characteristic lines of factorized ground states, which are located in the SPt phases instead of a symmetry breaking phase, in sharp contrast to other known cases [@factor1; @factor2].
[*Acknowlegements.*]{}- The work of M.T.B. has been supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China Grant No. 11575037 and Australian Research Council Discovery Project DP180101040.
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abstract: 'The Radiation Assessment Detector (RAD), on board Mars Science Laboratory’s (MSL) rover Curiosity, measures the [energy spectra]{} of both energetic charged and neutral particles along with the radiation dose rate at the surface of Mars. With these first-ever measurements on the Martian surface, RAD observed several effects influencing the galactic cosmic ray (GCR) induced surface radiation dose concurrently: \[a\] short-term diurnal variations of the Martian atmospheric pressure caused by daily thermal tides, \[b\] long-term seasonal pressure changes in the Martian atmosphere, and \[c\] the modulation of the primary GCR flux by the heliospheric magnetic field, which correlates with long-term solar activity and the rotation of the Sun. The RAD surface dose measurements, along with the surface pressure data and the solar modulation factor, are analysed [and fitted to empirical models which quantitatively demonstrate]{} how the long-term influences (\[b\] and \[c\]) are related to the measured dose rates. [Correspondingly we can estimate dose rate and dose equivalents under different solar modulations and different atmospheric conditions, thus allowing empirical predictions of the Martian surface radiation environment. ]{}'
- 'Jingnan Guo, Cary Zeitlin, Robert F. Wimmer-Schweingruber, Scot Rafkin, Donald M. Hassler, Arik Posner, Bernd Heber, Jan Köhler, Bent Ehresmann, Jan K. Appel, Eckart Böhm, Stephan Böttcher, Sönke Burmeister, David E. Brinza, Henning Lohf, Cesar Martin, H. Kahanpää , Günther Reitz'
- 'msl\_rad\_guo.bib'
title: |
Modeling the variations of Dose Rate measured by RAD\
during the first MSL Martian year: 2012-2014
Introduction and Motivation {#sec_intro}
The assessment of the radiation environment is fundamental for planning future human missions to Mars and evaluating the impact of radiation on the preservation of organic bio-signatures. Contributions to the radiation environment on the Martian surface are very complex [e.g., @saganti2002; @dartnell2007modelling; @ehresmann2011; @koehler2014; @ehresmann2014]: energetic particles entering the Martian atmosphere either pass through without any interactions with the ambient atomic nuclei, or undergo inelastic interactions with the atmospheric nuclei creating secondary particles (via spallation and fragmentation processes), which may further interact while propagating through the atmosphere. Finally all primary and secondary particles reaching the surface may also interact with the regolith and, amongst others, produce neutrons which could be backscattered and detected as albedo neutrons [e.g., @boynton2004]. Therefore, the radiation environment measured at the surface of the planet is determined by the characteristics of the primary radiation incident at the top of the atmosphere, the composition and mass of the atmosphere, and the composition and density of the surface soil. The above process can be described by a simplified mathematical equation: $$\begin{aligned}
F_j(z, t, E) = \int\limits_{0}^{\infty} \sum_{i} M_{ij} (z, E, E_0) F_{0i}(E_0, t) dE_0,\end{aligned}$$ where $E_0$ is the energy of a primary particle with species $i$ [(e.g., protons, alpha particles and heavy ions)]{} reaching the top of the Martian atmosphere; $F_{0i}(E_0, t)$ is the spectrum [(in the unit of counts/MeV/sec/cm$^2$)]{} of primary particle type $i$ at time $t$; $M_{ij} (z, E, E_0)$ is the yield matrix, representing the interaction between particles and the atmosphere (and the regolith), of particle type $i$ with energy $E_0$ generating particle type $j$ with energy $E$; $M_{ij}$ therefore depends on the altitude $z$ (or atmospheric pressure $P$); finally $F_j(z, t, E)$ [(in the unit of counts/MeV/sec/cm$^2$)]{} is the resulting particle spectra of type $j$ at time $t$. Compared to Neutron Monitors on Earth which measure the count rates of secondary particles generated by primary fluxes going through the atmosphere [@clem2000neutron], RAD measures a mix of primary and secondary particles. Further, there is no need to include the geomagnetic cutoff energy in the case of Mars due to the absence of a global magnetic field.
There are predominantly two types of primary particles ($F_{0i}(E_0, t)$) reaching Mars: galactic cosmic rays (GCRs) and solar energetic particles (SEPs). SEPs are sporadic and impulsive events and take place much more frequently during the active phase of the solar cycle. SEPs are mainly protons, electrons and $\alpha$ particles with energy typically ranging from 10 to several hundreds of MeV. GCRs generally originate from outside the Solar System, e.g. in supernova remnants, and their composition consists mainly of protons, $\sim$ 7-10% helium and $\sim$ 1 % heavier elements. Due to [the scattering effect of the]{} magnetic fields in interstellar space, charged GCRs are subject to continuous deflection and the observed spectra are mostly isotropic. The GCR flux in the Solar System is [inversely]{} modulated by [the variations of the]{} solar activity [e.g., @parker1958interaction]. [In the long term, d]{}uring solar activity maximum the increased solar and heliospheric magnetic fields are more efficient at hindering low-energy GCRs from entering the inner heliosphere [[e.g., @heber2007; @wibberenz2002simple]]{} than at solar activity minimum [when the interplanetary magnetic field strength are reduced [@goelzer2013analysis; @smith2013decline; @connick2011interplanetary]]{}. Consequently, the GCR population is most intense during solar minimum [[e.g., @mewaldt2010record; @schwadron_lunar_2012]]{}. [In the short term, t]{}he GCR spectrum can also be altered indirectly by solar events [such as coronal mass ejections (CMEs) where]{} the enhanced interplanetary magnetic field can sweep away a fraction of GCRs causing [reductions in GCR doses in the form of Forbush decreases [@forbush1938; @schwadron_lunar_2012; @schwadron_does_2014]]{}.
The Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) spacecraft [@grotzinger2012mars], carrying the Curiosity rover, was launched on November 26, 2011 and the rover landed on Mars on August 6, 2012. The Radiation Assessment Detector [RAD, @hassler2012] onboard is an energetic particle detector and carried out radiation measurements during its cruise from Earth to Mars [@zeitlin2013] and now continues to do so on the surface of the planet [@hassler2014]. The solar modulation of the dose rate measured by RAD during the MSL cruise phase has been discussed by @guo2015a.
Typically, CME and SEP events are more common during solar maximum, but the latest solar maximum has been a very weak one compared to space-age averages [[e.g., @schwadron2011coronal; @mccomas2013weakest; @komitov2013sunspot]. This may have been caused by the reduced solar wind pressure [e.g., @mccomas2008weaker; @schwadron2014coronal] in the deep cycle 23-24 minimum which has allowed the termination shock to move closer to the Sun and led to a weakened modulation of the heliosheath [@scherer2011cosmic].]{} There were only three solar particle events detected by RAD over its first Martian year [^1] on the surface of Mars. They can be seen in the middle panel of Figure \[fig:surface\] as three peaks of the measured dose rate (the dose rate measurement will be explained in more detail in Section \[sec\_RAD\]) at sols 242, 420, and 504 respectively. The dose rates during these SEP events were several times higher than the quiet-time dose rate. For a closer inspection of the variations of the GCR-driven dose rate during the solar quiet periods, we omit the peak values of the SEPs in this figure. A zoomed-out figure containing the surface dose rate measurements for the first 300 sols, as well as the peak doses of the first SEP can be found in [@hassler2014].
![*Top*: Solar modulation potential $\Phi$ at Earth derived from Oulu neutron monitor count rate is shown in black [and the per-sol-averaged $\Phi$ corrected to Mars’ location is]{} plotted as red dots. *Middle*: Dose rates recorded by RAD in the silicon detector B (gray curve) and plastic scintillator E (tissue-equivalent, black curve) with their per-sol-averaged values marked as magenta- and red- dots respectively. *Bottom*: The pressure data from REMS (gray curve) and the per-sol-averaged values (red dots). The overall average pressure of the first 700 sols is about 840 Pascal and is marked as a thick-green line. [Note that we have given the unit of time in both sol (i.e., time since the landing of MSL) at the bottom of the figure and day of year/year format at the top of the figure.]{} []{data-label="fig:surface"}](Mars_NM_Dose_pre_sol0_699.eps){width="1.0\columnwidth"}
The bottom panel of Figure \[fig:surface\] shows the Mars surface atmospheric pressure as measured by REMS [@gomez2012rems], while the middle one shows the dose rate measured by RAD. Both panels show high time resolution data as a shaded band and one-sol averages as solid dots. The variations in the shaded bands are real short-term (diurnal) oscillations in dose rate and are anti-correlated with corresponding diurnal pressure variations. [A zoomed-in figure containing one-sol variations of the dose rate and the pressure can be found in @rafkin2014]{}. However, some of the long-term evolutions, e.g., the drops in both dose rates and pressure in the time period proceeding sol 200 to those around and after sol 300, can not be well explained by the anti-correlation between them. The aim of this paper is to investigate the relative influences of atmospheric pressure (bottom panel) and heliospheric modulation (top panel) on the measured dose rate (middle panel).
During solar-quiet periods, several factors on different time scales may affect the variation of the GCR-induced dose rates measured by RAD on the surface of Mars: \[a\] the short-term diurnal variations of the Martian column mass (measured as surface pressure in a hydrostatic atmosphere) at Gale crater caused by daily thermal tides [@rafkin2014], \[b\] the long-term seasonal changes of the atmospheric pressure shown in the bottom panel of Figure \[fig:surface\], and \[c\] the modulation of the primary GCR flux by the solar magnetic field which correlates with the solar activity and the rotation of the heliosphere. A commonly used parameter of heliospheric modulation is the modulation potential $\Phi$ [@gleeson1968solar; @usoskin2005] which corresponds to the mean electric potential that quantifies the energy loss of a cosmic ray particle experiences inside the heliosphere and is often used to parametrize the modulation of the GCR spectrum. [The modulation potential allows specification of distributions across a range of GCR particle species with different nucleons A and charge state Z and has been often used in determining GCR spectra and flux based on analytic models [e.g., @badhwar2006].]{} In other words, the GCR-driven primary flux in Equation \[eq:primary2surface\_flux\] is a function of $\Phi$, i.e., $F_{0i}(\Phi)$ and the yield matrix, $M_{ij}$, is a function of atmospheric pressure, $P$; the resulting particle spectra, $F_j(E)$, along with the dose rate which is a good measure of the radiation environment, are consequently a function of $\Phi$ as well as pressure, i.e. $F_j(E) = F_j(\Phi, P, E)$. This study aims to derive an empirical expression for the dose rate as a function of $\Phi$ and pressure based on observational data and thus make it possible to predict the radiation environment on the surface of Mars under different solar modulations and pressure variations. From the neutron monitor count rates ($CR_{NM}$, in the unit of counts per minute) recorded by the Oulu neutron monitor [^2], the modulation potential $\Phi$ (in the unit of MV) at Earth can be estimated [@usoskin2002; @guo2015a] and its results are plotted in black in the top panel of Figure \[fig:surface\]. [However, the potential $\Phi$ at Earth and at Mars may differ due to the longitudinal difference of the modulation across the Parker spirals resulted from three dimensional drifts [e.g., @jokipii2004transverse; @potgieter1992simulated] as well as the small radial gradient between 1.0 and 1.5 AU [@schwadron2010earth; @gieseler2008radial]. This radial effect can be corrected following the analytic function given by @schwadron2010earth and the resulting modulation $\Phi$ at Mars (per-sol-average) is plotted in red dots. It is generally smaller than $\Phi$ at Earth with variant differences (shown as red-shaded areas) through time due to varying distances of the planets to the Sun.]{}
Transient effects that are localized to narrow ranges of heliospheric longitude, such as narrow CMEs, can also perturb the GCR fluxes differently at Earth and Mars. In order to reduce the spatial longitudinal discrepancy of $\Phi$, we use binning techniques in our current study as presented in Section \[sec:Phi\_doserates\].
RAD Measurements {#sec_RAD}
RAD measures both the charged as well as the neutral radiation environment on Mars [@hassler2012]. It uses the ${\rm{d}}E/{\rm{d}}x$ vs total $E$ or multiple ${\rm{d}}E/{\rm{d}}x$ techniques [@ehresmann2014; @guo2015b] to identify charged particles in a telescope stack of three silicon semiconductor detectors, A, B, and C, followed by a high-density CsI scintillator calorimeter, D. The CsI crystal together with a plastic (BC-432m) scintillator (namely detector E) are enclosed in a highly efficient anticoincidence in order to measure the neutral radiation [@koehler2014]. In addition, the dose rate is measured in the silicon detector B as well as in the plastic detector E. A detailed overview of the instrument is given in @hassler2012.
In this work we will determine the influence of heliospheric modulation and atmospheric pressure on dose rate in silicon (detector B) and in plastic (detector E). The dose rate is defined as the energy deposited by radiation per unit mass and time and is measured in Gy/day (J/kg/day). During quiet times, the dose rate on the surface of Mars is - apart from a very small natural background - determined by the GCR and its interaction with the atmosphere and soil. It can be described by the following equation: $$\begin{aligned}
D(\Phi, P) = \sum\limits_{j} \sum\limits_{area} {\iint \limits_{\epsilon_{min} 0}^{\epsilon_{max} \infty} \lambda_j(E, \epsilon) F_j(\Phi, P, E) dE d\epsilon}/{m}, \end{aligned}$$ where $E$ is the energy of a particle with type $j$, $F_j(\Phi, P, E)$ [(in the unit of counts/MeV/sec/cm$^2$)]{} is the surface particle spectrum (equivalent to $F_j(z, t, E)$ in Equation \[eq:primary2surface\_flux\]) which is modulated by the heliospheric potential, $\Phi$, and atmospheric pressure, $P$. $m$ [(kg)]{} is the mass of the detector and $\epsilon$ is the energy deposited by the particle in the detector. This energy deposit can be estimated using either a simple Bethe-Bloch Ansatz [@bethe1932bremsformel] or with more sophisticated [models such as GEANT4 [@agostinelli2003] and HZETRN [@wilson1995hzetrn]]{} and is included as a yield matrix, $\lambda_j(E,\epsilon)$, in the above equation. $\epsilon_{min}$ and $\epsilon_{max}$ are the minimum and maximum energy over which the detector is sensitive and $D$ is the corresponding dose rate [integrated over the entire detection area ($area$) and all the detected particle species. Dose rate is in the unit of MeV/kg/sec and can be transfered to Gy/day]{}. Correspondingly $D$ depends on both heliospheric potential, $\Phi$, and on atmospheric pressure, $P$.
RAD measures radiation doses induced by both charged and neutral energetic particles in two detectors: the silicon detector B and the plastic scintillator E [@hassler2012]. [RAD is directly mounted on the ’shoulder’ of the rover body [@hassler2012] and the shielding of the rover from above can be ignored. It is indeed shielded by the rover from below. However since the upward flux (of albedo particles) is much smaller than the downward flux [^3], the measured dose can be roughly assumed equivalent to the radiation dose of the Martian surface. ]{}
RAD operates on adjustable “observation” cycles, with typical durations of 32 minutes early in the surface mission and 16 minutes later in the mission to date. These cadences typically yield 44 or 88 measurements per day or sol for dose rates or charged/neutral particle count rates. Detector E has a composition similar to that of human tissue and is also more sensitive to neutrons than silicon detectors. For a given incident flux, the dose rate in detector B is generally less than the dose rate in E because of the comparatively larger ionization potential of silicon as shown in Figure \[fig:surface\].
Martian Atmospheric Pressure
The Martian atmosphere is roughly 1% as thick as that of the Earth’s. The dominant composition of the Martian atmosphere is about 95% CO$_2$ [@owen1977composition], of which 25% condenses seasonally onto the winter pole. Nevertheless, the seasonal variation of the composition has a very little effect on the surface radiation field compared to the changes of the column mass [e.g., @rafkin2014]. The oscillations in atmospheric column mass drive variation of energetic particle radiation at the surface with both diurnal and seasonal periods.
Diurnal Pressure Variations {#sec:dirunal_pressure}
With a constant value of gravitational acceleration $g$, the surface pressure is an exact measure of the column mass given a hydrostatic atmosphere. An increase in column mass corresponds to an increase of surface pressure [e.g., @rafkin2014].
The Martian atmosphere exhibits a strong thermal tide excited by direct solar heating of the atmosphere on the dayside and strong infrared cooling on the nightside. Heating causes an inflation of the atmosphere with a simultaneous drop in surface pressure. In Gale Crater, the thermal tide produces a diurnal variation of column mass of about $\pm 5\%$ relative to the median, as measured by the Rover Environmental Monitoring Station (REMS) [@gomez2012rems]. The magnitude of the diurnal pressure cycle at Gale Crater is substantially greater than previous surface measurements. This is likely due to the topography of the crater environment, which yields hydrostatic adjustment flows that amplify the daily tides [@haberle2014preliminary].
This daily pressure oscillation can be seen in the bottom panel of Figure \[fig:surface\] where the pressure (shown as gray lines) expands away from the daily averaged pressure (shown as red dots) within the range of $\approx \pm$ 50 Pascals.
Seasonal Pressure Changes {#sec:seasonal_pressure}
The seasonal Martian atmospheric pressure variation is controlled by a complex balance between the cold and warm poles [e.g., @tillman1988mars; @zurek1988]. As on Earth, when the south pole is in total darkness, the north pole is experiencing continuous sunlight; one might expect that the global pressure should stay roughly constant over the year, as CO$_2$ vaporized at one pole would freeze at the other. However, the high eccentricity of Mars’ orbit causes the insolation to be significantly different between poles. Mars is farther from the Sun during northern summer; the summer in the southern hemisphere is much warmer than summer in the northern hemisphere. As a result, the north and south poles have different impacts on the atmospheric pressure changes through condensation of CO$_2$ to the polar region in winter and the recession of CO$_2$ polar cap during spring and summer. The seasonal CO$_2$ condensation cycle results in the seasonal pressure variation: as more CO$_2$ evaporates into the atmosphere in the summer, the measured surface pressure increases as shown in the bottom panel of Figure \[fig:surface\].
Curiosity landed at the time when the northern hemisphere was in late summer and the global pressure was near its minimum since the southern CO$_2$ ice cap had nearly reached its maximal extent during southern hemisphere winter. As shown in Figure \[fig:surface\], the atmospheric pressure then began to increase as the southern polar cap started shrinking during the southern spring (northern autumn). It then reached a peak ($\sim$ sol 175) during early northern hemisphere winter, when the southern cap was near its minimum level and before the northern cap had grown to its maximum size. A small minimum of the pressure is present during the late northern winter when the northern cap reaches its maximum extent ($\sim$ sol 310).
The diurnal pressure oscillation (as described in Section \[sec:dirunal\_pressure\]) superimposed on this long term seasonal pressure change can be averaged out by calculating the per-sol-averaged pressure as shown by the red dots in Figure \[fig:surface\]. The peak to peak seasonal pressure difference reaches about 25% of the average pressure. This seasonal pressure variation, like the diurnal variation, causes column density changes of the atmosphere that affect the particle fluxes measured by RAD at a seasonal period.
Empirically Modeling the Dose Rate as a Function of Pressure and Solar Potential
As discussed in Section \[sec\_intro\], we aim to find out how RAD measured surface radiation environment depends on atmospheric pressure $P$ and solar modulation $\Phi$. Both influences are blended and embedded in the long-term variations of the measured GCR dose rate as seen in Figure \[fig:surface\]. While some previous studies have attempted to model the effects of atmospheric pressure on the Martian radiation environment and dose rate [^4], this work has the advantage of using actual in-situ measured data for a quantitative and empirical study. @rafkin2014 have analyzed the diurnal pressure effect on the dose rate measurement by successfully isolating the diurnal variations in the RAD measurements from the longer-term influences that include seasonal atmospheric shielding and variability of the heliosphere. This method will be explained in Section \[sec:diurnal\_fit\_mtd\]. The authors presented a robust fit with a linear correlation between pressure changes and dose rate measurements [^5] providing the reasonable assumption that the solar modulation $\Phi$ varies at a time scale longer than the diurnal period. @guo2015a have studied the solar modulation of the GCR dose rate measured by RAD during the MSL cruise phase when the pressure-variation effect was not present. Two separate empirical models were employed to describe the anti-correlation between heliospheric modulation potential $\Phi$ and measured dose rate. Both a simple linear function and a non-linear regression model could equally well represent this anti-correlation given that the shielding of the spacecraft (’pressure’) was constant. Assuming that $\Phi$ and pressure $P$ are two independent parameters influencing the surface dose rate (while the viability of this assumption will be discussed in Section \[sec\_discuss\]), the pressure effect and the solar modulation can be linearly combined. This results into the following two models of GCR-induced dose rate variations on the surface of Mars.
1. Both the pressure effect and the solar modulation drive the variation of dose rate linearly and independently, written as: $$\begin{aligned}
D(\Phi, p) = D_{01} + \kappa P + \beta \Phi,\end{aligned}$$ where $\kappa$ [(in the unit of Gy/day/Pa)]{} is the linear correlation factor between pressure and dose rate variations and can be fitted when $\Phi$ is constant; $\beta$ [(in the unit of Gy/day/MV)]{} is the linear correlation factor between solar potential and dose rate changes and can also be fitted when pressure is approximately stable; $D_{01}$ [(in the unit of Gy/day)]{} is some relevant dose rate when both pressure and $\Phi$ are at certain typical levels, e.g. $P_0$ and $\Phi_0$.
2. The solar modulation effect can also be described by a non-linear empirical model [@guo2015a] as often used in the analysis of neutron count rates [e.g., @usoskin2011]. The combination of the pressure and $\Phi$ changes results in: $$\begin{aligned}
D(\Phi, P) = D_{02} + \kappa P + \frac{\alpha_1}{\Phi+ \alpha_2} ,\end{aligned}$$ with the requirement of $\alpha_2 \geq 0 $ to assure a positive denominator. $\alpha_1$ [(in the unit of $\rm{MV \cdot Gy} /day$)]{} and $\alpha_2$ [(in the unit of MV)]{} can be fitted when pressure is constant. $D_{02}$ [(in the unit of Gy/day)]{} is some relevant dose rate when both pressure and $\Phi$ are at certain typical levels.
Pressure Effect {#sec:pressure_effect}
The day and night variations of the dose rate have been observed for the first time on the surface of Mars by RAD, as presented by @rafkin2014 where the anti-correlation between pressure and dose rate changes has been quantitatively investigated. Due to the day and night oscillations of the atmospheric column mass, the characteristics of the particle radiation at the surface also vary diurnally. The middle panel in Figure \[fig:surface\] shows the dose rate measured by RAD on the surface of Mars during the first 700 sols (06/Aug/2012 - 25/Jul/2014). The dose rate varies at a diurnal level seen as oscillations of the black curve for the plastic detector, E, and the gray curve for the silicon detector, B. The variation in the E dose rate over a diurnal cycle averages about 15 Gy/day (or $\sim$5 %) peak to peak, out of around 220 Gy/day. The oscillation in the silicon detector is more pronounced because it includes both the diurnal variation and larger statistical fluctuations due to its smaller geometric factor. The per-sol-averaged values of the dose rates are calculated and plotted over the curves as magenta-dots (for B measurements) and red-dots (for E measurements). Three SEP events occurred on sol 243, 421 and 504 and they are excluded from the following study of the pressure effect since the particle fluxes and energies during SEPs are substantially different from those of GCRs and the pressure response of dose rate can be heavily modified. Quantitative analysis has shown a clear inverse relation between the variations in the atmospheric pressure and the RAD dose rates with a correlation coefficient for linear regression of 96%.
### Fitting $\kappa$ using Hourly Perturbation {#sec:diurnal_fit_mtd}
We use the method described in @rafkin2014 to produce the average diurnal perturbations of the data; this approach aims at isolating the diurnal variations in the RAD measurements from the longer-term influences that include seasonal atmospheric shielding and variability of the heliosphere, as well as solar event.
Generally, the dose rates measured by RAD are distributed uniformly in time while REMS’ pressure data are recorded at 1 Hz over 5 minute periods at certain periods of the sol. In order to correlate these two data sets with different time frames, we obtain the hourly averaged measurements of both pressure and dose rates and their corresponding hourly perturbations. The hourly averaged dose rate and pressure are $D_{h,s}$ and $P_{h,s}$ respectively where $h$ represents the hour (here defined to be 24 hours on each sol) and $s$ corresponds to the sols. The measurements, especially the pressure data, were not always uniformly taken in time and there are gaps in the data lasting longer than one hour. Therefore we only consider sols where there are at least 20 hours with pressure measurements in each hour. Then we interpolate the pressure data using a spline interpolation method so that data are distributed uniformly and continuously over 24 hours through that sol and systematic errors of the hourly average and per-sol-average could be minimized. Finally the interpolated pressure data can be binned into 24 bins for each sol and the hourly binned pressure is the corresponding hourly average $P_{h,s}$. The hourly pressure perturbation $\delta P_{h,s}$ is defined as the difference between the hourly average, $P_{h,s}$, and the total average, $P_{s}$, of the corresponding sol: $$\begin{aligned}
\delta P_{h,s} = P_{h,s} - P_{s} = P_{h,s} - \frac{\sum\limits_{h=1}^{24} P_{h,s}}{24}.\end{aligned}$$ In this case, the hourly perturbation is isolated from the sol-to-sol changes; $\delta P_{h,s}$ can further be averaged through all sols to obtain the mean hourly perturbation $\bar{\delta P_{h}}$ and the corresponding standard error in that hour. The same binning technique has also been applied to RAD dose rate measurement. The mean hourly perturbation of dose rate, $\bar{\delta D_{h}}$, can be readily correlated with the hourly pressure perturbation, $\bar{\delta P_{h}}$, and their relationship follows a clear anti-correlation which can be fitted with a first-order polynomial function: $$\begin{aligned}
\bar{\delta D_{h}} = \kappa_{d} \times \bar{\delta P_{h}}.\end{aligned}$$
### Pressure Effect on Dose Rates {#sec:pres_dose}
Using the binning method described in Section \[sec:diurnal\_fit\_mtd\], we fitted the diurnal dose rate variations (measured by detector E) as a response of pressure oscillations through the first MSL Martian year as shown in Figure \[fig:hourlyPert\_doseE\]. The correlation coefficient for linear regression is 98.8%. The fitted proportionality factor, $\kappa$, is -0.13 $\pm$ 0.02 Gy/day/Pa where the error bar is obtained through propagation of the uncertainties of the hourly perturbation data. The measured dose rate decreases when the pressure increases since $\kappa$ is negative. This indicates that the atmosphere has a shielding effect on surface dose rates. The proportionality factor obtained here is consistent, within error bars, with what obtained by @rafkin2014 which was about 0.116 Gy/day/Pa. The slight difference is caused by the selection of different periods (@rafkin2014 used the first 350 sols of data), and by the method used here to interpolate data into a uniform distribution in time before the binning process. We have applied the same method to fit the pressure effect on dose rates deposited in detector B and found the correlation coefficient to be 96.4% and the proportionality factor to be -0.10 $\pm$ 0.06 Gy/day/Pa which is smaller than that for the E detector since dose rates in B are generally smaller.
Note that compositional changes in the atmosphere have only a vanishingly small effect on surface radiation compared to the pressure variations [@rafkin2014]. Similarly, the occasional presence of dust in the atmosphere during dust storms is negligible[^6].
![Hourly perturbation of dose rate $\bar{\delta D_{h}}$ versus hourly perturbation of pressure $\bar{\delta P_{h}}$ through sol 13 to 682 (approximately one Martian year) as shown in blue. The error bars stand for the standard deviation of the averaged hourly perturbation. The fitted anti-correlation is shown as a red line with a slope of $\kappa_d$ being -0.1306 $\pm$ 0.0176 Gy/day/Pa.[]{data-label="fig:hourlyPert_doseE"}](Sol_13-682_hourly_pert_poly1_doseE_bin.eps){width="\columnwidth"}
Solar Modulation {#sec:solar_modulation}
The pressure variations and the modulation of the primary GCR radiation outside the atmosphere are the two factors which determine the longterm dose rate variations on the surface of Mars as explained in Section \[sec\_RAD\]. In order to separate these two effects, we [subtract]{} the pressure effect using the proportionality of the variations found above.
### Subtracting the Pressure Effect {#sec:subtractP}
![RAD dose rates (Gy/day, left axis) and solar modulation potential $\Phi$ [at Mars’ radial distance]{} (MV, think-black-dotted-line, right axis) through sol 13 to 682 (approximately one Martian year). RAD dose rates from silicon detector B is in blue and from plastic detector E is in red. Thick-green and thick-cyan lines are the resulting dose rates ($D'$ in Equation \[eq:model\_pres\_subtract\]) assuming pressure is constant at $P_0$. [Note that we have given the unit of time in both sol (i.e., time since the landing of MSL) at the bottom of the figure and day of year/year format at the top of the figure.]{} []{data-label="fig_pressure_correction"}](CorrectedDose_smt0_Phi_smt0.eps){width="1.0\columnwidth"}
As we can already isolate the pressure effect and obtain the proportionality factor $\kappa$ in Equation \[eq:model1\_pres\_phi\] and \[eq:model2\_pres\_phi\], the effect of solar modulation can be investigated by first subtracting the pressure effect from dose rate and then correlating the ’constant-pressure’ dose rate with solar modulation potential $\Phi$. The method can be described by restructuring, for instance Equation \[eq:model1\_pres\_phi\] as following: $$\begin{aligned}
D' (\Phi) = D_{01}' + \beta \Phi,\end{aligned}$$ where $D'= D - \kappa(P-P_0) $ and $ D_{01}'= D_{01} + \kappa P_0$. Employing all the per-sol-averaged dose rate data collected over one Martian year (sol 13 to 682), we can subtract the seasonal pressure effect assuming the surface pressure is constant at a particular value, i.e., $P_0=$ 840 Pascals, which is the averaged pressure found by REMS during this time period as shown in Figure \[fig:surface\]. By calculating the difference of the per-sol-averaged pressure $P$ and $P_0$ and using $\kappa$ found in Section \[sec:pres\_dose\], we estimate the pressured-induced dose rate to be $\kappa(P-P_0)$ which is then subtracted from the long-term dose rate measurement with the ’constant-pressure-as-$P_0$’ dose rate remaining, namely $D'$ being solely a function of solar modulation potential $\Phi$. Figure \[fig\_pressure\_correction\] shows the RAD dose rates measured by both silicon and plastic detectors before (thin lines) and after (thick lines) the pressure correction. Also plotted is the solar modulation $\Phi$ which already shows an anti-correlation with the constant-pressure dose rates.
### Correlation of dose rates and $\Phi$ {#sec:Phi_doserates}
The modulation potential, $\Phi$, is derived from the Oulu neutron monitor on Earth [(at 1AU) and corrected to the radial distance of Mars ($\sim$ 1.5 AU) following @schwadron2010earth. However]{} Mars and Earth are not always magnetically well connected [and cross-field diffusion and drift can be extremely important. In other words, the modulation process is fundamentally 3-dimensional and]{} $\Phi$ can not directly represent modulations at Mars[^7]. In order to average out the cross-field discrepancy of the modulation between Earth and Mars and to smooth out the rotation of the heliospheric magnetic fields, we bin the per-sol-averaged data as shown in Figure \[fig\_pressure\_correction\] into 26-sol-averaged bins and correlate the binned $\Phi$ values and constant-pressure dose rates. The correlation coefficients are [-0.66]{} and -0.56 for detectors B and E respectively, clearly indicating a negative correlation between solar modulation and GCR induced dose rates. We applied regression fittings of both the linear and non-linear models described by Equations \[eq:model1\_pres\_phi\] and \[eq:model2\_pres\_phi\] to data from both detectors as shown in Figure \[fig\_dose\_Phi\_fits\].
![26-sol binned data and fittings processed through bootstrap Monte Carlo simulations of the variations of the RAD dose rate (with pressure assumed to be constant $P_0=840$ Pa) and the solar modulation $\Phi$ on the surface of Mars through sol 13 to 681.The red/magenta line and area represent the linear fits with standard errors (Eq. \[eq:model\_pres\_subtract\]) of constant-pressure dose rate in detector E/B versus solar modulation potential. The green/cyan line and area show the results of the non-linear fits (Eq. \[eq:model2\_pres\_phi\]). []{data-label="fig_dose_Phi_fits"}](Surface_phi_extrapolated_doseBin_26_0.eps){width="1.0\columnwidth"}
In order to reliably propagate the uncertainties due to both measurements and binning processes, we have carried out a bootstrap Monte Carlo simulation [@efron1981nonparametric]. Simulated data sets are generated using the uncertainty range of the binned data which are then fitted to the models; dose rate results at a wider range of $\Phi$ are estimated simultaneously at each fit; 500 simulated fits were processed for each model; for every $\Phi$ value ranging from 250 to 1200 MV, 500 dose rate values were generated and their mean is taken to be the ’predicted’ dose rate while their standard deviation as the uncertainty. The fitting results of the two separate models applied to both detectors are presented below.
- The fitted parameters $\beta$ and $D_{01}'$ for the linear model are obtained as the mean values of the 500 fitted parameters and their uncertainties are the standard deviation of the 500 Monte Carlo fits. For the silicon detector, B, we obtained [the parameters of the linear model as $D_{01}' = 224.10 \pm 16.12 $ Gy/day and $\beta = -0.12 \pm 0.03$ Gy/day/MV.]{} For plastic detector E,[ the fitted parameters are $D_{01}' = 267.17 \pm 16.29 $ Gy/day and $\beta = -0.11 \pm 0.03$ Gy/day/MV.]{} Note that the absolute values of $D_{01}'$ are not essential to our study and they depend on the choice of normalized pressure, $P_0$. The parameter $\beta$ however, as shown in Equation \[eq:model\_pres\_subtract\], directly represents the linear dependence of dose rate changes on the solar modulation potential, $\Phi$. The results obtained from measurements of the two different detectors are consistent with each other within error bars.
- The non-linear model has three fitting parameters: $\alpha_1$, $\alpha_2$ and $D_{02}' = D_{02} + \kappa P_0$. Their values and error bars are also obtained using the same Monte Carlo method. [For silicon detector, B, the fitted parameters are $D_{02}' = 89.4 \pm 14.0 $ MV, $\alpha_1 = (3.7 \pm 0.8) \times 10^4$ MV Gy/day and $\alpha_2 = (9.9 \pm 0.1) \times 10^{-4}$ MV. For plastic detector, E, the results are $D_{02}' = 149.6 \pm 15.3 $ MV, $\alpha_1 = (3.3 \pm 0.8) \times 10^4$ MV Gy/day and $\alpha_2 = (1.3 \pm 0.1) \times 10^{-3}$ MV. ]{} The small absolute values of $\alpha_2$ indicates that it could be ignored in the model for the range of data in the current measurement.
The ’predicted’ dose rates (with constant surface pressure $P_0$) at given $\Phi$ values from 250 MV to 1200 MV were estimated for both models and are plotted in Figure \[fig\_dose\_Phi\_fits\]. The uncertainty of the predicted dose rate increases when the extrapolation is further away from the actual measurements. The linear model often predicts a smaller dose rate than the nonlinear model and this difference is bigger for small solar potentials, i.e., during solar minimum. For instance, at $\Phi = 250$ MV the discrepancy between the two models is as large as 80 Gy/day for the silicon detector, B. Because the predictions of the two models differ substantially at solar extreme conditions, choosing one or the other for predicting the radiation exposure of an astronaut would make a big difference. The data themselves do not rule out one or the other because the time period for which they are currently available does not cover a sufficiently large range of $\Phi$. This underlines the importance of acquiring more data over an extended period of time to adequately cover the entire solar activity cycle.
### Estimates of the Surface Radiation Environment under different $\Phi$ and $P$
![*Top Panel:* Annual average of reconstructed modulation potential $\Phi$ [at the radial distance of Mars]{} (gray dotted line) since 1937 until 2014 (on the left side of the vertical dashed line) as well as the predicted values from year 2015 to 2019 (on the right side of the vertical dashed line). *Bottom Panel:* Modeled annual dose equivalent rate following the evolution of $\Phi$ assuming different seasonal surface pressures: blue for $p_0 = 700$ Pa, green for $p_0 = 970$ Pa and red for $P_0=840$ Pa. []{data-label="fig_dose_Phi_extrapolates"}](Surface_phi_extrapolated_doseBin_26_pres.eps){width="1.0\columnwidth"}
The annually averaged modulation potential $\Phi$ reconstructed from Oulu neutron monitor data [@usoskin2011] from 1937 until 2014 can be used to calculate the corresponding ’expected’ dose rate predicted by our models. We can also use the sunspot number predicted by the U.S. Dept. of Commerce, NOAA, Space Weather Prediction Center (SWPC) for the coming years (2015 to 2019) to estimate the corresponding solar potential following a correlation study of monthly $\Phi$ and sunspot numbers [@guo2015a]. The annual modulation potential, $\Phi$, [extrapolated to 1.5 AU radial distance from the Sun]{} through year 1937 until 2019 is shown in the top panel of Figure \[fig\_dose\_Phi\_extrapolates\]. It shows a clear 11-year cycle and varies from less than 250 MV to more than 1200 MV.
For evaluating the space radiation environment, dose equivalent is often derived and can be assumed to be proportional to the risk of lifetime cancer induction via population studies (ICRP60). Its approximated value, in Sieverts (Sv), is taken to be ,$\rm{<Q>}$ $\times$ $\rm{D}$ , where $\rm{D}$ is measured tissue-equivalent dose and $\rm{<Q>}$ is the average quality factor which is a conventional parameter for radiation risk estimation. A $\rm{<Q>}$ value of 3.05 $\pm$ 0.26 was found from RAD’s measurements on the surface of Mars over the first 350 sols [@hassler2014]. Multiplying the tissue-equivalent dose rates (directly measured by the plastic detector E or modeled by e.g. HZETRN model) with the average quality factor yields the dose equivalent rate of GCR fluxes. For dose rates measured by detector B, a silicon to water conversion factor of 1.38 has to be applied first [@zeitlin2013] which approximately relates energy loss per unit of path length (${\rm{d}}E/{\rm{d}}x$) in silicon to Linear Energy Transfer (LET) in water. [RAD measured dose equivalent is thus most comparable to high-water content skin dose equivalent. The body effective dose can be further derived as the weighted sum of different organ dose equivalent (skin, eye, bone, brain, heart, etc.) and the weighting factor for each organ can be found in the National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements [@linton2003national].]{}
The extrapolated dose rates at different modulation potential values have been estimated via two different models and two different detectors as shown in Figure \[fig\_dose\_Phi\_fits\]. These four sets of modeled dose rates can be transfered into dose equivalent rate and the results mostly agree with each other within error bars [^8]. Because we can not currently determine which of the two models is the better approximation when the solar potential is outside the measured range, we let all the four modeled values serve as possible results and take their mean as predictions and the propagated errors as uncertainties. The thus final modeled dose equivalent rates and their standard deviations are shown in Figure \[fig\_dose\_Phi\_extrapolates\].
Note that the modeled dose equivalent rate has been derived based on the ’constant-pressure-at-840 Pa’ dose rate (see Section \[sec:subtractP\]). However, the seasonal surface pressure at Gale crater, as shown in Figure \[fig:surface\], expands between 700 and nearly 1000 Pascals which would result in roughly 0.1 mSv/day of dose equivalent rate changes [^9] and this is a considerable portion $\sim 16 \%$ of annual averaged surface dose equivalent rate $\sim 0.7$ mSV/day. In order to show this seasonal pressure effect, we also estimated the dose equivalent rate (at various solar potentials) when pressure is 700 and 970 Pa respectively as shown Figure \[fig\_dose\_Phi\_extrapolates\]. The dose equivalent rates are inversely related to the surface pressure, although the seasonal pressure influence is much smaller than the longer term effects driven by solar modulation.
The estimated surface dose equivalent rate ranges from about 0.35 mSv/day to about 1.15 mSv/day and has a clear anti-correlation with $\Phi$ as expected from both models. Stronger solar modulation leads to a decrease of dose equivalent rate and at $\Phi >$ 1000 MV the dose equivalent rate can be as low as $\sim$ 0.35 mSv/day within the uncertainties, considerably smaller than the current averaged measurement. At solar maximum and minimum when the modulation potential is further away from the measured range, the uncertainty of the estimations increases due to the large discrepancy between the models. Future measurements over solar minimum periods are essential for improving the predictions at low modulation potentials.
[Due to the shielding of the atmosphere, the current surface dose equivalent rate is only about 40% of the RAD cruise measurement $\sim$ 1.8 mSv/day [@zeitlin2013] and that from the Cosmic Ray Telescope for the Effects of Radiation (CRaTER) on the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter $\sim$ 1.6 mSv/day [@schwadron_does_2014]. Consequently, our estimations of the surface dose equivalent rate over solar minimum and maximum periods are much smaller than the predictions based on deep space measurements given by RAD [cruise phase, @guo2015a] and CRaTER [@schwadron_does_2014]. The predictions of dose equivalent rates behind these spacecraft shielding conditions are between about 1 mSv/day (solar maximum) and 5 mSv/day (solar minimum). ]{}
Discussion and Conclusions {#sec_discuss}
We have presented the dose rate data collected by MSL/RAD on the surface of Mars and analyzed its short-term and long-term variations which are driven by the atmospheric pressure changes and solar modulation. Following @rafkin2014, we first analyzed the dose rate dependence on diurnal pressure oscillations over the first MSL Martian year. This pressure-driven effect on dose rate changes in the longterm is then subtracted to recover the constant-pressure dose rate which is then correlated with solar modulation potential $\Phi$. A clear anti-correlation, with a correlation coefficient [of about -0.6]{} between $\Phi$ and the recovered dose rate, suggests that, as expected for higher solar activity, GCR particles are more attenuated and the dose rate is decreased.
We carried out a quantitative study of this anti-correlation and fitted two models to the measured data using a bootstrap Monte-Carlo method to estimate the uncertainties. The predictions of the two models for solar activity minimum differ substantially and the data are insufficient to decide which of the two models should be used. [@schwadron_does_2014 have estimated the deep space dose rate at different modulation potential derived from HZETRN model and the dose rate is indeed non-linearly dependent on $\Phi$. However the shape (parameters) of this analytically derived model is different from that of our empirically modeled function.]{} This highlights the need for extended measurements to cover solar activity minimum and an entire activity cycle [and these observations can be used to constrain the analytic models]{}. The extrapolated dose equivalent rate at various modulation potentials and different surface pressures are shown in Figure \[fig\_dose\_Phi\_extrapolates\]. The predicted dose equivalent rate during solar maximum years (e.g year 1991) when $\Phi \sim 1100$ MV was found to be as low as $\sim$ 0.35 mSv/day, which is considerably lower than the current surface measurement $\sim$ 0.7 mSv/day since the current solar maximum is atypically quiet. The modeled dose equivalent rate under solar minimum conditions can be as high as 1.15 mSv/day within the uncertainties. The seasonal pressure changes may affect the estimated dose equivalent rate at a level of about 0.1 mSv/day. Although this is less than the long-term solar modulation effect, it should not be ignored. Based on the solar modulation potential predicted for the next five years [@guo2015a], we estimate a trend of increasing dose equivalent rate (between 0.56 and 0.84 mSv/day) from 2015 until 2020.
The correlation between heliospheric potential and RAD-measured dose rates during the cruise phase was investigated by @guo2015a with the data modeled by both linear and non-linear functions. The linear dependence $\beta$ of dose rate on $\Phi$ was -0.39 $\pm$ 0.07 Gy/day/MV for the silicon detector B and -0.44 $\pm$ 0.04 Gy/day/MV for the plastic detector E. In comparison, $\beta$ derived here for the surface case are much smaller: -0.12 $\pm$ 0.03 and -0.11 $\pm$ 0.03 Gy/day/MV for B and E respectively. This is because \[a\] the magnetic connection between solar modulation potential $\Phi$ measured at Earth and dose rates evaluated during the cruise was very good, allowing the direct and thus stronger correlation of the daily values; and more importantly: \[b\] low energy particles which are more affected by solar modulation make a bigger contribution to the GCR doses detected during the cruise phase than to the doses measured at the surface of Mars. The process of a GCR spectrum penetrating through the Martian atmosphere can be simulated using for instance the PLANETOCOSMICS toolkit [@desorgher2006planetocosmics]. Given typical Martian atmospheric conditions, we have found that protons with energies less than 170 MeV do not reach the bottom of Gale Crater. The penetration energy is species dependent and increases with increasing ion charge. Instead, the spacecraft shielding was highly non-uniform while nearly 50% of incoming particle trajectories within the field of view of RAD from above were only lightly shielded [@zeitlin2013], thus allowing more low-energy particles to contribute to the dose rate. We will carry out more GEANT4 [@agostinelli2003] and PLANETOCOSMICS simulations [as well HZETRN modelling in the future to study the interactions of GCR spectra with different shielding conditions (spacecraft and the atmosphere) in order to derive modeled function of the dose rate dependence on pressure and solar potential which can be compared with our empirical functions.]{}
Both models have assumed the independent effect of pressure and $\Phi$ on dose rates. However, this may be modified when pressure and $\Phi$ change over wider ranges than have been observed to date:
- a much thinner atmosphere will allow more lower-energy particles to reach the surface which experience stronger modulation (e.g., bigger $|\beta|$ in the linear model). Therefore, for significant pressure changes, $\beta$ could be a function of $P$ , i.e., $\beta(P)$;
- much stronger solar modulation (bigger $\Phi$) would lead to a larger fraction of high-energy particles in the GCR flux and these energetic particles are less affected by the atmosphere (smaller $|\kappa|$); when pressure is much higher and the surface atmospheric depth is approaching the Pfotzer maximum [e.g., @richter2008], most primary particles are shielded while more secondary particles are generated and this may result in a decreased shielding effect; therefore the dependence of dose rate on pressure may be modified as $P$ and $\Phi$ change substantially, i.e., $\kappa = \kappa(P, \Phi)$;
- both the linear and non-linear models are empirical and derived from measurements; despite the robustness of the fitting of the actual data, the extrapolation is highly uncertain and a complete model requires measurements over the full range of solar conditions.
[To verify these non-linear and second-order effects of our fitted parameters in the empirical function, Monte Carlo simulations as well as analytic HZETRN modeling will be carried out for constraining the parameters and comparing the predictions.]{}
The quality factor used to derive equivalent dose from dose may also be sensitive to substantial changes in solar modulation because the estimation of the average quality factor depends on the spectra of particles depositing energies in the detector [@schwadron_does_2014]. Hitherto, the measured $\rm{<Q>}$ has been quite stable since \[a\] the RAD measurements have undergone only small changes of the solar modulation and \[b\] the modulation affects more the low-energy ions which are more likely to be shielded by the atmosphere and contribute little to the surface spectra. The change of the quality factor under much different solar conditions needs to be investigated with extended measurements.
A total Mars mission GCR dose equivalent can be estimated based on our measurements and predictions of both the surface case and the cruise phase [@guo2015a]. The fastest round trip with on-orbit staging and existing propulsion technologies has been estimated to be a 195-day trip (120 days out, 75 days back with an extra e.g., 14 days on the surface), as described by @folta2012fast. During solar maximum periods when $\Phi \sim 1200 MV$, this would result in a GCR-induced cruise dose equivalent of $195 \pm 98$ mSv and surface dose equivalent of $4.9 \pm 2.0$ mSv, which adds to $200 \pm 100$ mSv during the total mission.
Additional contributions to dose rate and dose equivalent rate by SEPs should not be ignored and they can differ significantly from the current measurements due to the high variability of their frequencies and intensities. Small, “soft-spectrum” solar events where particle energies are modest will have little or no effect on the surface dose due to atmospheric shielding. For instance the total dose equivalent from the first SEP event observed on Mars (on sol 242) was only 0.025 mSv [@hassler2014] while the cruise SEP events had dose equivalent ranging from 1.2 mSv/event to 19.5 mSv/event [@zeitlin2013]. Future measurements of much bigger SEP events on the surface of Mars are crucial for understanding extreme conditions of radiation environment on Mars for potential manned missions.
RAD is supported by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA, HEOMD) under Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) subcontract \#1273039 to Southwest Research Institute and in Germany by DLR and DLR’s Space Administration grant numbers 50QM0501 and 50QM1201 to the Christian Albrechts University, Kiel. Part of this research was carried out at JPL, California Institute of Technology, under a contract with NASA. The sunspot data has been obtained from: WDC-SILSO, Royal Observatory of Belgium, Brussels. We are grateful to the Cosmic Ray Station of the University of Oulu and Sodankyla Geophysical Observatory for sharing their Neutron Monitor count rate data. The data used in this paper are archived in the NASA Planetary Data System’s Planetary Plasma Interactions Node at the University of California, Los Angeles. The archival volume includes the full binary raw data files, detailed descriptions of the structures therein, and higher-level data products in human-readable form. The PPI node is hosted at <http://ppi.pds.nasa.gov/>.
[^1]: 1 Martian year $\approx$ 668 sols; 1 sol = 1 Mars day $\approx$ 1.03 earth day
[^2]: The Oulu count rate data have been obtained from http://cosmicrays.oulu.fi/ and the pressure effect has been corrected.
[^3]: More detailed analysis shows that the upward-downward ratio of the proton flux is only about 13% (Appel et al., paper in preparation).
[^4]: @ehresmann2011 calculated the surface radiation exposure for much higher atmospheric pressures which might have been present during the Noachian epoch.
[^5]: This linear correlation has been obtained at the scale of pressure values measured at Gale Crater and should not be simply extrapolated over a much wider range of pressure, e.g., to the top ot the Martian atmosphere.
[^6]: A PLANETOCOSMIC simulation has been carried out to derive the particle fluxes on the surface of Mars considering the existence of dust storms. The result shows that the effect of dust storms is very small (Appel et al., paper in preparation).
[^7]: During the cruise phase MSL was mostly magnetically connected with the Earth [@posner2013; @guo2015a] and directly correlating $\Phi$ measured at Earth and the RAD dose rate was sensible.
[^8]: Figure 4 in @guo2015a has shown the modeled dose equivalent rate during the cruise phase estimated by both linear and non-linear models based on dose rates from both detectors. The results are consistent within error bars with exceptions during extreme solar conditions for which the non-linear model predicts higher dose rates.
[^9]: 250 Pascals of pressure change would lead to 32.5 Gy/day of dose rate difference which is then transfered to dose equivalent rate via the quality factor.
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- Tao Wu
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title: 'Retrospective Higher-Order Markov Processes for User Trails'
**Acknowledgements.** This work was supported by NSF IIS-1422918, CAREER award CCF- 1149756, Center for Science of Information STC, CCF-093937; DOE award DE-SC0014543; and the DARPA SIMPLEX program.
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abstract: 'We focus on the stationary distribution of a multidimensional semimartingale reflecting Brownian motion (SRBM) on a nonnegative orthant. Assuming that the stationary distribution exists and is decomposable—equal to the product of two marginal distributions, we prove that these marginal distributions are the stationary distributions of some lower dimensional SRBMs, whose data can be explicitly computed through that of the original SRBM. Thus, under the decomposability condition, the stationary distribution of a high dimensional SRBM can be computed through those of lower dimensional SRBMs. Next, we derive necessary and sufficient conditions for some classes of SRBMs to satisfy the decomposability condition.'
- 'School of Operations Research and Information Engineering, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853'
- 'Department of Information Sciences, Tokyo University of Science, Noda, Chiba 278-8510, Japan'
- 'J. G. Dai'
- Masakiyo Miyazawa
- Jian Wu
- 'dai09062014.bib'
title: |
Decomposable stationary distribution of\
a multidimensional SRBM
Semimartingale reflecting Brownian motion, queueing network, stationary distribution, decomposability, marginal distribution, product form approximation, completely-${\cal S}$ matrix;
Introduction {#sect:introduction}
We are concerned with a $d$-dimensional semimartingale reflecting Brownian motion (SRBM) that lives on the nonnegative orthant $\mathbb{R}^d_+$, where ${\mathbb{R}}_{+}$ is the set of all nonnegative real numbers. The SRBM is specified by a $d \times d$ covariance matrix $\Sigma$, a drift vector $\mu\in {\mathbb{R}}^d$, and a $d \times d$ reflection matrix $R$. Namely, $(\Sigma, \mu, R)$ is the modeling primitives of the SRBM on $\mathbb{R}^d_+$. As usual, we assume that $\Sigma$ is positive definite and $R$ is completely-${{\cal S}}$. See [\[app:matrix\]]{} for the definitions of matrix classes used in this paper. A $(\Sigma, \mu,
R)$-SRBM $Z$ has the following semimartingale representation: $$\begin{aligned}
&& Z(t) = Z(0) + X(t) + RY(t) \in {\mathbb{R}}^d_+, \quad t\ge 0, \label{eq:RBM1}\\
&& X=\{X(t), t\ge 0\} \text{ is a $(\Sigma, \mu)$-Brownian motion},\qquad\label{eq:RBM2} \\
&& Y(0)=0, Y(\cdot) \text{ is nondecreasing,}\label{eq:RBM3}\\
&& \int_0^\infty Z_i(t) d Y_i(t) =0 \text{ for } i=1, \ldots, d. \label{eq:RBM4}\end{aligned}$$ For the complete definition of an SRBM $Z=\{Z(t); t \ge 0\}$, we refer to Section A.1 of [@DaiMiya2011] (see [@TaylWill1993; @Will1995] for more details).
Our focus is on the stationary distribution of the $d$-dimensional SRBM. Throughout this paper, we assume that the stationary distribution exists. As a consequence, the primitive data satisfies the following condition: $$\begin{aligned}
\mbox{$R$ is nonsingular, and $R^{-1} \mu < 0$,}\end{aligned}$$ where vector inequality is interpreted entrywise. If $R$ is either a ${{\cal P}}$-matrix for $d=2$ or an ${{\cal M}}$-matrix for an arbitrary $d\ge 1$, then this condition is known to be sufficient, but generally not for $d \ge 3$ (see, e.g.,[@BramDaiHarr2010]).
Let $J \equiv \{1,2,\ldots, d\}$. A pair $(K, L)$ is said to be a partition of $J$ if $K\cup L=J$ and $K\cap L=\emptyset$. We consider conditions for the stationary distribution of an SRBM in ${\mathbb{R}}^d_+$ to be the product of two marginal distributions associated with a partition $(K,L)$ of the set $J$. Such a stationary distribution is said to be *decomposable* with respect to $K$ and $L$. We have two major contributions for the decomposability of the stationary distribution.
We first characterize, in [Theorem \[thr:marginals\]]{}, two marginal distributions associated with a partition $(K,L)$ under the decomposability assumption. We prove that they are the stationary distributions of some $|K|$- and $|L|$-dimensional SRBMs, where $|U|$ denotes the cardinality of a set $U$. We also identify the data for these lower dimensional SRBMs. Thus, under the decomposability assumption, we can obtain the stationary distribution of the original SRBM by computing those of the lower dimensional ones.
However, this characterization of the marginal distributions is not sufficient for the decomposability. So, we next consider necessary and sufficient conditions for the decomposability. We obtain those conditions for several classes of SRBMs ([Theorem \[thr:decomposition\]]{} and [Corollary \[cor:decomposition 1\]]{}). These classes include diffusion limits of tandem queues and of queueing networks that have two sets of nodes with feed-forward routing between these two sets. Note that the decomposability does not mean a complete separation of such a network into two subnetworks. We illustrate a tandem queue next.
Consider a $d$-station generalized Jackson network in series, which is referred to as a tandem queue. In this tandem queue, the interarrival times to station $1$ are assumed to be iid with mean $1/\beta_{0}$ and coefficient of variation (CV) $c_0$. The service times at station $i$ are assumed to be iid with mean $1/\beta_{i}$ and CV $c_i$, $i\in J$ (see [Figure \[fig:dd-tandem\]]{}).
![The $d$-station tandem queue partitioned into two blocks[]{data-label="fig:dd-tandem"}](dd-tandem){height="2.5cm"}
The diffusion limit of queue length process for this tandem queue is known to be the $d$-dimensional SRBM with the following reflection matrix $R$, the covariance matrix $\Sigma$, and the drift vector $\mu$ (see, e.g., Section 7.5 of [@ChenYao2001]). $$\begin{aligned}
\label{eq:tandem R}
&& R_{ij} = \left\{\begin{array}{ll}
1, \quad & i=j \mbox{ for } i=1,2,\ldots, d,\\
-1, \quad & j = i-1 \mbox{ for } i=2,\ldots,d,\\
0, \quad & \mbox{otherwise},
\end{array} \right.\end{aligned}$$ $$\begin{aligned}
\label{eq:tandem Sigma}
&& \Sigma_{ij} = \beta_0\times
c_{i-1}^{2} + c_{i}^{2}, & i=j \mbox{ for } i=1,2,\ldots, d,\\
-c^{2}_{i-1}, & j = i-1 \mbox{ for } i=2,\ldots,d,\\
-c^{2}_{i}, & j = i+1 \mbox{ for } i=1,\ldots,d-1,\quad\\
0, & \mbox{otherwise},
\label{eq:tandem mu}
&& \mu_{i} = \beta_{i-1} - \beta_{i} \text{ for } i =1, \ldots, d.\end{aligned}$$ For example, when $d=3$, $R$ and $\Sigma$ are given by $$R= \begin{pmatrix}
1 & 0 & 0 \\
-1 & 1 & 0 \\
0 & -1 & 1
\Sigma = \beta_0
c^{2}_0+c^{2}_1 & -c^{2}_1 & 0 \\
-c^{2}_1 & c^{2}_1+c^{2}_2 & -c^{2}_2\\
0 & -c^{2}_2 & c^{2}_2+ c^{2}_3
\end{pmatrix}.$$ We assume that $\Sigma$ is nonsingular and condition [(\[eq:stability\])]{} is satisfied, which is equivalent to $\beta_{0} < \beta_{i}$ for $i=1,2,\ldots,d$. It follows from [@HarrWill1987] that the SRBM $Z$ has a unique stationary distribution $\pi$. For each $k \in \{1, 2, \ldots, d-1\}$, let $$\begin{aligned}
K \equiv \{1,2,\ldots, k\}, \qquad L \equiv \{k+1,\ldots, d\}.\end{aligned}$$ See [Figure \[fig:dd-tandem\]]{} for an illustration of these sets. It will be shown in [Corollary \[cor:decomposition 1\]]{} that if $$\begin{aligned}
\label{eq:de 1}
&& c_0=c_i \quad \text{ for } i = 1, \ldots, k,\end{aligned}$$ then the $d$-dimensional stationary distribution is decomposable with respect to $K$ and $L$.
We are motivated by applications of SRBMs and our recent work [@DaiMiyaWu2014a]. Multidimensional SRBMs have been widely used for queueing applications [@Will1996] and some areas including mathematical finance [@ShkoKara2013]. For these applications, it is important to obtain the stationary distribution in a tractable form. However, this is a very hard problem even for $d=2$ unless the $d$-dimensional SRBM has a product form stationary distribution. A multidimensional distribution is said to have a product form if it is the product of one dimensional marginal distributions.
It is shown in [@HarrWill1987a] that this product form holds for the stationary distribution of an SRBM $Z$ if and only if the following skew symmetry condition $$\begin{aligned}
\label{eq:skew symmetric}
2\Sigma =R{{\rm diag}}(R)^{-1}{{\rm diag}}(\Sigma) + {{\rm diag}}(\Sigma){{\rm diag}}(R)^{-1}R^{{{\mbox{\scriptsize \sc t}}}}\end{aligned}$$ is satisfied, where for a matrix $A$, ${{\rm diag}}(A)$ denotes the diagonal matrix whose entries are diagonals of $A$, and $A^{{{\mbox{\scriptsize \sc t}}}}$ denotes the transpose of $A$. Furthermore, under [(\[eq:skew symmetric\])]{}, the one-dimensional marginal stationary distribution in the $i$th coordinate has the exponential distribution with mean $1/\alpha_{i}$, where column vector $\alpha
\equiv (\alpha_{1}, \ldots, \alpha_{d})^{{{\mbox{\scriptsize \sc t}}}}$ is given by $$\begin{aligned}
\alpha = -2{{\rm diag}}(\Sigma)^{-1}{{\rm diag}}(R)R^{-1}\mu.\end{aligned}$$
Thus, the stationary distribution of $Z$ is explicitly obtained under the skew symmetry condition [(\[eq:skew symmetric\])]{}. However, the condition [(\[eq:skew symmetric\])]{} may be too strong in some applications. In particular, [(\[eq:alpha\])]{} is independent of covariances $\Sigma_{ij}$ for $i \ne j \in J \equiv \{1,2,\ldots,d\}$. Still, product form based approximation is often used even though its accuracy cannot be assessed when condition [(\[eq:skew symmetric\])]{} is not satisfied; see, for example, [@KangKellLeeWill2009].
This product form based approximation may be improved by the decomposability. For example, let us consider the SRBM for the tandem queue depicted in [Figure \[fig:dd-tandem\]]{}, and assume the decomposability condition [(\[eq:de 1\])]{}. Then, its ${\lvertK\rvert}$-dimensional marginal is of product-form, which can be computed easily. Its ${\lvertL\rvert}$-dimensional marginal is the stationary distribution of an ${\lvertL\rvert}$-dimensional SRBM. If one adopts the algorithm in [@DaiHarr1992] to compute the stationary distribution of a $d$-dimensional SRBM, the computational complexity is in the order of $d^{3n}$, where $n$ is the degree of polynomials used in the numerical approximation; see the discussion on page 78 of [@DaiHarr1992]. Therefore, using our decomposition result, the original $d$-dimensional stationary distribution can be computed in the order of ${\lvertL\rvert}^{3n}+d$ operations, a huge saving as compared with $d^{3n}$ when ${\lvertL\rvert}$ is small or moderate.
In recent years, for $d=2$, the tail asymptotics of the stationary distribution including decay rates have been well studied (e.g., see [@AvraDaiHase2001; @DaiMiya2011; @DaiMiya2013]) even though condition [(\[eq:skew symmetric\])]{} is not satisfied. Those decay rates may be used for better approximations of a two-dimensional stationary distribution as recently shown for a two dimensional reflecting random walk in [@LatoMiya2014]. We hope that such a two-dimensional approximation can be used to develop better approximations for the stationary distribution of a high dimensional SRBM. Thus, weaker conditions than the product form will be useful to facilitate an approximation for a higher dimensional SRBM. A decomposability condition that is checkable by modeling primitives will considerably widen the applicability of a multidimensional SRBM.
We are also inspired by geometric interpretations in [@DaiMiyaWu2014a] for the product form characterization. That work focuses on the product form, but considers characterizations that are different from the skew symmetric condition [(\[eq:skew symmetric\])]{}. Among them, Corollary 2 of [@DaiMiyaWu2014a] shows that, for each pair of $i \ne j \in J$, the corresponding two-dimensional, marginal distribution is equal to the stationary distribution of some two-dimensional SRBM if the $d$-dimensional stationary distribution has a product form, that is, condition [(\[eq:skew symmetric\])]{} is satisfied. This motivates us to consider the lower dimensional SRBMs corresponding to the marginal distributions under the decomposability.
Other than the product form case, there are some two-dimensional SRBMs whose stationary distributions are obtained in closed form. For example, in [@DiekMori2009; @Fosc1982], the stationary densities have finite sums of exponential functions. However, those results are only obtained for very limited cases, and their expressions for the stationary densities are quite different from decomposability. Thus, we do not have immediate benefit of using them to study decomposability. However, we may consider them as another type of approximation. Thus, it may be interesting to combine them with decomposability to get better approximations.
This paper consists of four sections. We present our results, Theorems [\[thr:marginals\]]{} and [\[thr:decomposition\]]{} and their corollaries, in [Section \[sect:main\]]{}. We discuss basic facts and preliminary results in [Section \[sect:characterizing\]]{}. Theorems [\[thr:marginals\]]{} and [\[thr:decomposition\]]{} are proved in Sections [\[sect:theorem 1\]]{} and [\[sect:theorem 2\]]{}, respectively. We finally remark some future work in [Section \[sect:concluding\]]{}.
We will use the following notation unless otherwise stated.
---------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
$J$ $\{1,2,\ldots, d\}$, and, for $U, V \subset J$
$A^{(U,V)}$ the ${\lvertU\rvert} \times {\lvertV\rvert}$ submatrix of a $d$-dimensional square matrix $A$ whose
row and column indices are taken from $U$ and $V$, respectively.
$x^{U}$ $|U|$-dimensional vector with $x^{U}_{i} = x_i$ for $i\in U$,
where $x^{U}_{i}$ is the $i$-th entry of $x^{U}$
${{\uparrow \!\! x^{U}}}$ $d$-dimensional vector $x$ with $x_{i} = x^{U}_{i}$ for $i \in U$
and $x_{i} = 0$ for $i \in J \setminus U$
$f^{U}(x^{U})$ $f({{\uparrow \!\! x^{U}}})$ for function $f$ from ${\mathbb{R}}^{d}$ to ${\mathbb{R}}$
${\langle x, y \rangle}$ $\sum_{i=1}^{d} x_{i} y_{j}$ for $x, y \in {\mathbb{R}}^{d}$
---------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
: A summary of basic notation
\[notation 1\]
For example, for $i \in U$, the $i$-th entry of $A^{(U,V)} x^{V}$ is $\sum_{j \in V} [A^{(U,V)}]_{ij} x^{V}_{j}$, where both $T_{ij}$ and $[T]_{ij}$ denote the $(i,j)$-entry of a matrix $T$.
Main results {#sect:main}
To state our main results, we need the following notation. Let $$\begin{aligned}
Q = R^{-1}.\end{aligned}$$ For a non-empty set $U \subset J$ such that $Q^{(U,U)}$ is invertible, define $$\begin{aligned}
&& \tilde{\Sigma}(U) = (Q^{(U,U)})^{-1} (Q \Sigma Q^{{{\mbox{\scriptsize \sc t}}}})^{(U,U)}
((Q^{(U,U)})^{-1})^{{{\mbox{\scriptsize \sc t}}}}, \quad \label{eq:SigmaU}\\
&& \tilde{\mu}(U) = (Q^{(U,U)})^{-1} (Q \mu)^{U},\label{eq:muU}\\
&& \tilde{R}(U) = (Q^{(U,U)})^{-1}. \label{eq:RU}\end{aligned}$$
\[thr:marginals\] Assume that $R$ is completely-${\cal S}$ and that the $d$-dimensional SRBM $Z=\{Z(t), t\ge 0\}$ has a stationary distribution $\pi$. Let $K$ and $L$ be a non-empty partition of $J$. Assume that $Z^{K}(0)$ and $Z^{L}(0)$ are independent under the stationary distribution $\pi$. Then, for $U = K$ and $U=L$,\
(a) $Q^{(U,U)}$ is invertible, and its inverse matrix $\tilde{R}(U)$ is completely-${\cal S}$.\
(b) The $|{U}|$-dimensional $(\tilde{\Sigma}(U)$, $\tilde{\mu}(U)$, $\tilde{R}(U))$-SRBM has a stationary distribution that is equal to the distribution of $Z^{U}(0)$ under $\pi$.
\[rem:marginals 0\] If $R$ is a ${{\cal P}}$-matrix, then $R$ is invertible and $R^{-1}$ is also a ${{\cal P}}$-matrix by Lemma 6 of [@DaiMiyaWu2014a]. Therefore part (a) is immediate when $R$ is a ${\cal P}$-matrix since each ${{\cal P}}$-matrix is completely-${{\cal S}}$. However, even under condition [(\[eq:stability\])]{}, the completely-${\cal S}$ property of $R$ does not imply that $R^{-1}$ has the same property as shown by the following example: $$\begin{aligned}
R = \left(\begin{array}{cc} 1 & 2 \\1& 1\end{array}\right) \mbox{ implies }
R^{-1} = \left(\begin{array}{cc} -1 & 2 \\ 1& -1\end{array}\right),\end{aligned}$$ where $R$ is completely-${{\cal S}}$, but $R^{-1}$ is not. Thus, part (a) of the theorem is not obvious at all.\
[Theorem \[thr:marginals\]]{} will be proved in [Section \[sect:theorem 1\]]{}, and the corollary below is proved in [\[app:corollary 1\]]{}.
\[cor:marginal 1\] Under the same assumptions of [Theorem \[thr:marginals\]]{}, for $i \in J$, assume that $Z^{\{i\}}(0)$ and $Z^{J \setminus \{i\}}(0)$ are independent under the stationary distribution $\pi$. Then, $Z^{\{i\}}(0)$ has the exponential distribution with mean $1/\lambda_i$, where $$\begin{aligned}
&& \lambda_i = \Delta_i Q_{ii}, \\
&& \Delta_i = -\frac{2 \langle \mu, (Q^{{{\mbox{\scriptsize \sc t}}}})^{(i)} \rangle}{\langle
(Q^{{{\mbox{\scriptsize \sc t}}}})^{(i)},
\Sigma (Q^{{{\mbox{\scriptsize \sc t}}}})^{(i)} \rangle}>0,\label{eq:Deltai}\end{aligned}$$ and $(Q^{{{\mbox{\scriptsize \sc t}}}})^{(i)}$ is the $i$th column of $Q^{{{\mbox{\scriptsize \sc t}}}}$.
\[rem:marginal 1\] The parameter $\lambda_i$ in (\[eq:lambdai\]) has a geometric interpretation; see (\[eq:thataray\]) in the proof of [Corollary \[cor:marginal 1\]]{}. Note that $\lambda_i$ uses information on covariance $\Sigma_{ij}$ in general, so it may be different from $\alpha_{i}$ of [(\[eq:alpha\])]{}, although we must have $\alpha_{i} = \lambda_i$ if the stationary distribution has a product form. This fact can quickly be checked by using Lemma 2 in [@DaiMiyaWu2014a], which characterizes the skew symmetric condition in terms of moment generating functions (see [\[app:corollary 1\]]{} for details). Since the exponential distribution in [Corollary \[cor:marginal 1\]]{} is obtained under the weaker condition than the product form condition [(\[eq:skew symmetric\])]{} for $d
\ge 3$, it is intuitively clear that one should use $\lambda_{i}$ instead of $\alpha_{i}$ in the product form approximation of a stationary distribution. We will further discuss this issue in [Section \[sect:concluding\]]{}.
In general, (a) and (b) of [Theorem \[thr:marginals\]]{} are necessary but not sufficient for $Z^{K}(0)$ and $Z^{L}(0)$ to be independent under the stationary distribution $\pi$. For example, if $J = \{1,2\}$, then the marginal exponential distributions are determined by the mean $1/\lambda_i$ for $i=1,2$ by [Corollary \[cor:marginal 1\]]{}, but these marginals are not sufficient for the skew symmetric condition, which is equivalent to that $Z^{\{1\}}(0)$ and $Z^{\{2\}}(0)$ are independent. This is because a condition weaker than the decomposability condition is used in the proof of [Theorem \[thr:marginals\]]{} and therefore of [Corollary \[cor:marginal 1\]]{}. This fact will be detailed in [Section \[sect:concluding\]]{}. Thus, it would be interesting to seek additional conditions which imply the decomposability. However, to identify these extra conditions is generally a hard problem, so we consider a relatively simple situation. For this, we consider SRBMs arising from queueing networks that have two sets of stations with feed-forward routing between these two sets.
\[thr:decomposition\] Assume that $R$ is completely-${\cal S}$ and that the $d$-dimensional SRBM $Z=\{Z(t), t\ge 0\}$ has a stationary distribution $\pi$. Let $K$ and $L$ be a non-empty partition of $J$, and assume that $$\begin{aligned}
\label{eq:forward condition}
R^{(K,L)} = 0.\end{aligned}$$ If $Z^{K}(0)$ and $Z^{L}(0)$ are independent under $\pi$ and if $Z^{K}(0)$ is of product form under $\pi$, then $$\begin{aligned}
\lefteqn{2\Sigma^{(K,K)} = R^{(K,K)}{{\rm diag}}(R^{(K,K)})^{-1}{{\rm diag}}(\Sigma^{(K,K)})} \nonumber\\
&& \hspace{10ex} + {{\rm diag}}(\Sigma^{(K,K)}){{\rm diag}}(R^{(K,K)})^{-1}(R^{(K,K)})^{{{\mbox{\scriptsize \sc t}}}}, \\
\lefteqn{2\Sigma^{(L,K)} = R^{(L,K)}{{\rm diag}}(\Sigma^{(K,K)}){{\rm diag}}(R^{(K,K)})^{-1}.}\end{aligned}$$ Conversely, if $\Sigma$ and $R$ satisfy (\[eq:condition1\]) and (\[eq:condition2\]), and if the ${\lvertL\rvert}$-dimensional $(\Sigma^{(L,L)}, \tilde{\mu}(L),
R^{(L,L)})$-SRBM has a stationary distribution, then $Z^K(0)$ and $Z^L(0)$ are independent under $\pi$ and $Z^K(0)$ is of product form under $\pi$.
\[rem:decomposition 1\] After an appropriate recording of the coordinates, the condition [(\[eq:forward condition\])]{} can be written as $$\begin{aligned}
R= \begin{pmatrix}
R^{(K,K)} & 0 \\
R^{(L,K)} & R^{(L,L)}
\end{pmatrix}.\end{aligned}$$ In this case, the covariance matrix $\Sigma$ and the drift vector $\mu$ are partitioned as $$\begin{aligned}
\Sigma =
\Sigma^{(K,K)} & (\Sigma^{(L,K)})^{{{\mbox{\scriptsize \sc t}}}} \\
\Sigma^{(L,K)} & \Sigma^{(L,L)}\\
\end{pmatrix}, \qquad \mu= (\mu^K, \mu^{L})^{{{\mbox{\scriptsize \sc t}}}}.\end{aligned}$$ Note that [(\[eq:condition1\])]{} is the skew symmetric condition for $(\Sigma^{(K,K)}, \mu^{K}, R^{(K,K)})$-SRBM. A geometric interpretation for this condition is given in Theorem 1 and its corollaries in [@DaiMiyaWu2014a]. One wonders if a similar interpretation can be found for [(\[eq:condition2\])]{}; so far we have not been able to obtain one.
This theorem is proved in [Section \[sect:theorem 2\]]{}. The next corollary is for an SRBM arising from the $d$ station tandem queue, which was discussed in [Section \[sect:introduction\]]{} (see [Figure \[fig:dd-tandem\]]{}). We omit its proof because it is an immediate consequence of [Theorem \[thr:decomposition\]]{}.
\[cor:decomposition 1\] Assume that the $(\Sigma, \mu, R)$-SRBM has a stationary distribution $\pi$, where the reflection matrix $R$, the covariance matrix $\Sigma$, and the drift vector $\mu$ are given by [(\[eq:tandem R\])]{}, [(\[eq:tandem Sigma\])]{} and [(\[eq:tandem mu\])]{}, respectively. For each positive integer $k \le
d-1$, set $K=\{1,\cdots,k\}$ and $L=J\setminus K$. Then $Z^{K}(0)$ and $Z^{L}(0)$ are independent under $\pi$ if $c_0=c_1=\cdots=c_k$. Furthermore, for $k=1$, $c_{0} = c_{1}$ is also necessary for this decomposability.
Proofs of main results {#sect:proofs}
We will prove Theorems [\[thr:marginals\]]{} and [\[thr:decomposition\]]{}. For this, we first discuss about equations to characterize the stationary distribution and some basic facts obtained from the decomposability.
The stationary distribution {#sect:characterizing}
Assume the SRBM has a stationary distribution. The stationary distribution must be unique [@DaiHarr1992]. Our first tool is the basic adjoint relationship (BAR) that characterizes the stationary distribution. For this, we first introduce the boundary measures for a distribution $\pi$ on $({\mathbb{R}}_{+}^{d},
{{\cal B}}({\mathbb{R}}_{+}^{d}))$, where ${{\cal B}}({\mathbb{R}}_{+}^{d})$ is the Borel $\sigma$-field on ${\mathbb{R}}_{+}^{d}$. They are defined as $$\begin{aligned}
\nu_{i}(B)={\mathbb{E}}_{\pi} \left[ \int_0^1 1\{ Z(t) \in B\} dY_{i}(t)\right], \quad B \in {{\cal B}}({\mathbb{R}}_{+}^{d}), \; i\in J.\end{aligned}$$ Our BAR is in terms of moment generating functions, which are defined as $$\begin{aligned}
&& \varphi(\theta) = {\mathbb{E}}_{\pi}[ e^{\langle \theta, Z(0)\rangle}],\\
&& \varphi_{i}(\theta) = {\mathbb{E}}_{\pi} \left[ \int_0^1 e^{\langle
\theta, Z(t)\rangle}dY_{i}(t)\right], \quad i\in J,\end{aligned}$$ where ${\mathbb{E}}_\pi$ is the expectation operator when $Z(0)$ has the distribution $\pi$.
Because for each $i\in J$, $Y_{i}(t)$ increases only when $Z_{i}(t)=0$, one has $\varphi_{i}(\theta)$ depends on $\theta^{J\setminus\{i\}}$ only. Therefore, $$\varphi_{i}(\theta)=\varphi_{i}\bigl({{\uparrow \!\! \theta^{J\setminus\{i\}}}}\bigr).$$ Note that $Y_{i}(t)$ and $Y_{j}(t)$ may simultaneously increase for $j \ne i$ but it occurs with probability 0 by Lemma 4.5 of [@DaiWill1995]. So, we do not need to care about the other $\theta_{j}$’s in the variable $\theta$ of $\varphi_{i}(\theta)$.
For a $(\Sigma, \mu, R)$-SRBM, its data can be alternatively described in terms of $d$-dimensional polynomials, which are defined as $$\begin{aligned}
&& \gamma(\theta)=-\frac{1}{2}\langle\theta, \Sigma\theta\rangle-{\langle \mu, \theta \rangle}, \qquad \theta \in {\mathbb{R}}^{d},\\
&& \gamma_{i}(\theta) = {\big\langle R^{(i)}, \theta \big\rangle}, \qquad \theta \in {\mathbb{R}}^{d}, \quad i \in J,\end{aligned}$$ where $R^{(i)}$ is the $i$th column of the reflection matrix $R$. Obviously, those polynomials uniquely determine the primitive data, $\Sigma$, $\mu$ and $R$. Thus, we can use those polynomials to discuss everything about the SRBM instead of the primitive data themselves.
The following lemma is critical in our analysis. Equation [(\[eq:key 1\])]{} below is the moment generating function version of the standard basic adjoint relationship. We still refer to it as BAR.
\[lem:key 1\] (a) Assume $\pi$ is the stationary distribution of a $(\Sigma, \mu,
R)$-SRBM. For $\theta\in {\mathbb{R}}^d$, $\varphi(\theta)<\infty$ implies $\varphi_i(\theta)<\infty$ for $i\in J$. Furthermore, $$\begin{aligned}
\label{eq:key 1}
\gamma(\theta) \varphi(\theta)= \sum_{i=1}^d \gamma_{i}(\theta)
\varphi_{i}\bigl(\theta\bigr)\end{aligned}$$ holds for $\theta \in {\mathbb{R}}^{d}$ such that $\varphi(\theta) < \infty$. (b) Assume that $\pi$ is a probability measure on ${\mathbb{R}}^d_+$ and that $\nu_i$ is a positive finite measure whose support is contained in $\{x\in{\mathbb{R}}^d_+: x_i=0\}$ for $i\in J$. Let $\varphi$ and $\varphi_i$ be the moment generating functions of $\pi$ and $\nu_i$, respectively. If $\varphi$, $\varphi_1$, $\ldots$, $\varphi_d$ satisfy (\[eq:key 1\]) for each $\theta\in
{\mathbb{R}}^d$ with $\theta\le 0$, then $\pi$ is the stationary distribution and $\nu_i$ is the corresponding boundary measure on $\{x\in{\mathbb{R}}^d_+: x_i=0\}$.
For (a), the fact that (\[eq:key 1\]) holds for $\theta\le 0$ is a special case of the standard basic adjoint relationship (BAR); see, e.g., equation (7) in [@DaiHarr1992]. When some components of $\theta$ are allowed to be positive in (\[eq:key 1\]), readers are referred to the proof of Lemma 4.1 (a) in [@DaiMiya2011] to see how to rigorously derive the relationship. For (b), we refer to Theorem 1.2 of [@DaiKurt1994] (see also [@KangRama2012] for a more general class of reflecting processes). In [@DaiKurt1994], BAR [(\[eq:key 1\])]{} is given using differential operators; see, for example, again equation (7) in [@DaiHarr1992]. Under the condition of our lemma, that BAR (7) is satisfied for all functions $f$ of the form $$\label{eq:2}
f(x)= e^{\langle \theta, x\rangle} \qquad
x\in {\mathbb{R}}^d_+, \mbox{ for each } \theta \in {\mathbb{R}}^d \mbox{ with } \theta \le 0.$$ By the analytic extension, BAR (7) in [@DaiHarr1992] continues to hold for functions $f$ when $\theta$ is replaced by $(z_1, \ldots, z_d)$ where each $z_i$ is a complex variable with $\Re z_i\le 0$. This means that BAR is satisfied for finite Fourier transforms. Since a continuous function with a compact support is uniformly approximated by a sequence of finite Fourier transforms, one can argue that BAR (7) in [@DaiHarr1992] holds for all bounded functions whose first- and second- order derivatives are continuous and bounded. A complete proof for the equivalence of [(\[eq:key 1\])]{} to BAR (7) in [@DaiHarr1992] can be found in the appendix of the arXiv version of [@DaiMiyaWu2014a].
In the rest of this paper, whenever we write $\varphi(\theta)$, we implicitly assume it is finite.
Let $K$ and $L$ be a non-empty partition of $J$. In this paper, we consider conditions for $Z^{K}(0)$ to be independent of $Z^{L}(0)$ under the stationary distribution $\pi$. The independence is equivalent to $$\begin{aligned}
\label{eq:decomposition 1}
\varphi(\theta) = \varphi^{K}(\theta^{K}) \varphi^{L}(\theta^{L}),\end{aligned}$$ where, for $U \subset J$, $$\begin{aligned}
\varphi^{U}(\theta^{U}) = \varphi({{\uparrow \!\! \theta^{U}}}).\end{aligned}$$
The next lemma shows how the boundary measure is decomposed under [(\[eq:decomposition 1\])]{}.
\[lem:partial independence\] Let $K$ and $L$ be a non-empty partition of $J$. Assume that $Z^K(0)$ and $Z^L(0)$ are independent under the stationary distribution $\pi$. Assume $\varphi(\theta)<\infty$. Then $$\begin{aligned}
\label{eq:Palm 1}
\varphi_{j}(\theta) = \varphi_{j}^{K}(\theta^{{K}}) \varphi^{L}(\theta^{L}), \qquad j \in K,\end{aligned}$$ where, for $ U \subset J$, $$\begin{aligned}
\varphi^{U}_{j}(\theta^{U}) = \varphi_{j}({{\uparrow \!\! \theta^{U}}}).\end{aligned}$$
We first prove that for $i \ne j$, $$\label{eq:thetajlimit}
\lim_{\theta_{j} \downarrow -\infty} \varphi_{i}(\theta)=0.$$ By the monotone convergence theorem, we have $$\begin{aligned}
\lim_{\theta_{j} \downarrow -\infty} \varphi_{i}(\theta) = {\mathbb{E}}_{\pi} \left[ \int_0^1 e^{{\langle \theta^{J \setminus \{i,j\}}, Z^{J \setminus \{i,j\}}(t) \rangle}} 1(Z_{j}(t) = 0) dY_{i}(t)\right].\end{aligned}$$ By (\[eq:RBM4\]), $Y_i(t)=\int_0^t 1(Z_{i}(s) = 0) dY_{i}(s)$ for all $t\ge
0$. Thus, $$\begin{aligned}
\lefteqn{\int_0^1 e^{{\langle \theta^{J \setminus \{i,j\}}, Z^{J \setminus
\{i,j\}}(t) \rangle}} 1(Z_{j}(t) = 0) dY_{i}(t)} \\
&& =
\int_0^1 e^{{\langle \theta^{J \setminus \{i,j\}}, Z^{J \setminus
\{i,j\}}(t) \rangle}} 1(Z_{j}(t)= 0, Z_i(t)=0) dY_{i}(t),\end{aligned}$$ which equals to zero almost surely by Lemma 4.5 of [@DaiWill1995] (see also Theorem 1 of [@ReimWill1988]). Therefore, we have proved (\[eq:thetajlimit\]). Hence, for each $j \in J$ and $\theta \le 0$, dividing both sides of [(\[eq:key 1\])]{} by $\theta_{j}$ and letting $\theta_{j} \downarrow -\infty$, we have $$\begin{aligned}
\label{eq:Palm 2}
- \lim_{\theta_{j} \downarrow -\infty} \left(\frac 12 \Sigma_{jj} \theta_{j} + \mu_{j}\right) \varphi(\theta) &=& R_{jj} \varphi_{j}(\theta) + \sum_{i \ne j} R_{ji} \lim_{\theta_{j} \downarrow -\infty} \varphi_{i}(\theta) \nonumber\\
&=& R_{jj}\varphi_{j}(\theta).\end{aligned}$$ Let $\theta = {{\uparrow \!\! \theta^K}}$ for $j \in K$ in this equation, we have $$\begin{aligned}
\label{eq:Palm 3}
- \lim_{\theta_{j} \downarrow -\infty} \left(\frac 12 \Sigma_{jj} \theta_{j} + \mu_{j}\right) \varphi^{K}(\theta^{K}) = R_{jj}\varphi_{j}^{K}(\theta^{K}).\end{aligned}$$ By the independence assumption, we can write $$\begin{aligned}
\varphi(\theta) = \varphi^{K}(\theta^{K}) \varphi^{L}(\theta^{L}).\end{aligned}$$ Hence, multiplying $\varphi^{L}(\theta^{L})$ to both sides of [(\[eq:Palm 3\])]{}, then [(\[eq:Palm 2\])]{} yields [(\[eq:Palm 1\])]{} because $R$ is an completely-${{\cal S}}$ matrix and therefore $R_{jj} \ne 0$.
Proof of [Theorem \[thr:marginals\]]{} {#sect:theorem 1}
Because the SRBM $Z$ has a stationary distribution, (\[eq:stability\]) is satisfied. Thus, $Q \equiv R^{-1}$ exists. Let $V(t)=QZ(t)$ for $t\ge 0$. It follows from [(\[eq:RBM1\])]{} that $$\begin{aligned}
\label{eq:QZ 1}
V(t) = V(0) + Q X(t) + Y(t), \qquad t \ge 0.\end{aligned}$$ Note that $QX$ is still Brownian motion with drift vector $Q\mu$ and covariance matrix $Q\Sigma Q^T$. For an SRBM $Z$ arising from open multiclass queueing networks, the process $V$ is known as the *total* workload process [@HarrNguy1990]. The key idea of our proof is to use [(\[eq:QZ 1\])]{} instead of [(\[eq:RBM1\])]{}, and [(\[eq:QZ 1\])]{} allows us to easily separate the entries of $Y(t)$ among coordinates in a partition $K$ and $L$.
The most difficult part is in the proof of part (a) of the theorem because there is no hope to directly verify that $\tilde{R}(U)$ is completely-$\cal S$ as noted in [Remark \[rem:marginals 0\]]{} immediately below the statement of the theorem. To verify it, we need information from the decomposability. We prove the first half of part (a) in the following lemma.
[\[lem:invertible\] $Q^{(K,K)}$ is invertible. ]{}
In this proof, we apply truncation arguments similarly to those in [@DaiMiya2013]. To this end, we introduce the following sequences of functions. For each positive integer $n$, let $$\begin{aligned}
g_{n}(s) =
\frac 12 (s+n+2)^{2}, \quad & - (n + 2) < s \le -(n+1),\\
1 - \frac 12 (s+n)^{2}, \quad & -(n+1) < s \le -n,\\
1, \quad & -n < s \le n,\\
1 - \frac 12 (s-n)^{2}, \quad & n < s \le n+ 1,\\
\frac 12 (n+2 - s)^{2}, \quad & n + 1 < s \le n+2,\\
0, & s \le -(n+2) \mbox{ or } s > n+2,
\end{cases}\end{aligned}$$ and let $$\begin{aligned}
f_{n}(u) = \left\{\begin{array}{ll}
\int_{0}^{u} g_{n}(s) ds, \quad & u \ge 0,\\
- \int_{u}^{0} g_{n}(s) ds, \quad & u < 0.
\end{array} \right.\end{aligned}$$ Clearly, for each fixed $n$, $f_{n}(u)$ is bounded, twice continuously differentiable, and its derivatives $f'_{n}(u)$ and $f''_{n}(u)$ are bounded by 1 in absolute values. Furthermore, for each $u\in {\mathbb{R}}$, $f'_{n}(u) = g_n(u)$ is monotone in $n$, and for each $u\in {\mathbb{R}}$, $$\begin{aligned}
\label{eq:fn infty}
\lim_{n\to\infty} f_n(u) = u, \quad \lim_{n\to\infty} f'_n(u) = 1,
\quad \lim_{n\to\infty} f''_n(u) = 0. \end{aligned}$$ For each $i \in J$ and $t \ge 0$, we apply Itô’s integration formula for $f_{n}([QZ(t)]_{i})$ for each fixed $n$, then it follows from [(\[eq:QZ 1\])]{} that $$\begin{aligned}
\label{eq:Ito 1}
\lefteqn{\hspace{-7ex} f_{n}([V(t)]_{i}) - f_{n}([V(0)]_{i}) = \int_{0}^{t} f'_{n}([V(u)]_{i}) d([QX(u)]_{i} + Y_{i}(u))} \nonumber\\
&& \hspace{20ex} + \frac 12 \int_{0}^{t} f''_{n}([V(u)]_{i}) [Q \Sigma Q^{{{\mbox{\scriptsize \sc T}}}}]_{ii} du.\end{aligned}$$ Because $f_n$, $f_n'$ and $f''_{n}$ are all bounded, we take the expectation ${\mathbb{E}}_\pi$ on both sides of (\[eq:Ito 1\]) with $t=1$, and obtain $$\begin{aligned}
\lefteqn{0 = \int_{{\mathbb{R}}^d_+} f'_n([Qx]_i) [Q\mu]_i \pi(dx) + \int_{{\mathbb{R}}^d_+} f'_n([Qx]_i) \nu_i(dx)} \hspace{10ex}\\
&& \hspace{10ex} + \frac{1}{2} [Q\Sigma Q^{{{\mbox{\scriptsize \sc t}}}}]_{ii}
\int_{{\mathbb{R}}^d_+} f''_n([Qx]_i) \pi(dx).\end{aligned}$$ Applying the dominated convergence theorem on the $f''_n$ term and the monotone convergence theorem on two $f'_n$ terms, by letting $n \to \infty$, we have $$\begin{aligned}
\label{eq:QK Y}
(Q\mu)_{i} + \nu_i({\mathbb{R}}^d_+) = 0 \quad i \in J.\end{aligned}$$
We now assume that $Q^{(K,K)}$ is singular. Then, there exists a non-zero $|K|$-dimensional row vector $\eta$ such that $$\begin{aligned}
\label{eq:singular eta}
\eta Q^{(K,K)} = 0.\end{aligned}$$ We will prove that (\[eq:singular eta\]) implies $$\label{eq:QKL}
\eta Q^{(K, L)} =0.$$
Assuming (\[eq:QKL\]), we now show that it leads to a contradiction, thus proving the lemma. To see this, it follows from (\[eq:QZ 1\]) that $$\label{eq:VK}
V^K(t)= V^K(0) + (QX)^K(t) + Y^K(t).$$ Since $V(t)=QZ(t)$, (\[eq:singular eta\]) and (\[eq:QKL\]) imply that $\eta
V^K(t)=0$ for all $t\ge 0$. Similarly, (\[eq:singular eta\]) and (\[eq:QKL\]) imply that $\eta
(QX(t))^K=0$ for all $t\ge 0$. Hence, [(\[eq:VK\])]{} yields $\eta Y^K(t)=0$ for all $t\ge 0$. Namely, $$\begin{aligned}
\sum_{i \in K} \eta_{i} Y_{i}^{K}(t) = 0, \qquad t \ge 0.\end{aligned}$$ Assume $\eta_j\neq 0$ for some $j\in K$. Since $Y^{K}_{i}(t) = Y_{i}(t)$, we have $$\begin{aligned}
\sum_{i \in K} \eta_{i} \int_{0}^{t} 1(Z_{j}(u)=0) dY_{i}(u) = 0.\end{aligned}$$ By Lemma 4.5 of [@DaiWill1995], we have $$\begin{aligned}
\int_{0}^{1} 1(Z_{j}(u)=0) dY_{i}(t)= 0 \quad \text{almost surely for
each pair } i\neq j.\end{aligned}$$ This yields $$\begin{aligned}
\eta_j\int_{0}^{1} 1(Z_{j}(u)=0) dY_{j}(t)= 0 \quad \text{almost surely},\end{aligned}$$ which leads to a contradiction because $\eta_j\neq 0$ for some $j \in J$ and [(\[eq:QK Y\])]{} together with [(\[eq:stability\])]{} implies, for every $j \in J$, $$\begin{aligned}
{\mathbb{E}}_\pi\left(\int_{0}^{1} 1(Z_{j}(u)=0) dY_{j}(t)\right) =
\nu_j({\mathbb{R}}^d_+) = -(Q\mu)_j>0. \end{aligned}$$
Now we prove (\[eq:QKL\]). Note that $(QX)^K$ in (\[eq:VK\]) is a ${\lvertK\rvert}$-dimensional Brownian motion with drift $Q^{(K, J)}\mu$ and covariance matrix $$Q^{(K, J)}\Sigma
(Q^{{{\mbox{\scriptsize \sc t}}}})^{(J, K)} =(Q\Sigma Q^{{{\mbox{\scriptsize \sc t}}}})^{(K, K)}.$$ We apply Itô’s integration formula to $h_n(V^K(t))$, where $h_{n}(x) = e^{-f_{n}({\langle \eta,x \rangle})}$ for $x \in {\mathbb{R}}^{|K|}$. Then, we have $$\begin{aligned}
\label{eq:Ito 2}
\lefteqn{h_{n}(V^K(t)) - h_{n}(V^K(0)) = \sum_{i \in K} \int_{0}^{t} \left. \frac {\partial h_{n}(x)}
{\partial x_{i}} \right|_{x= V^K(u)} d(QX)^K_i(u)} \hspace{25ex}\nonumber\\
&& + \frac 12 \sum_{i,j \in K} \int_{0}^{t} \left. \frac {\partial^{2} h_{n}(x)} {\partial x_{i} \partial x_{j}} \right|_{x=V^{K}(u)} (Q \Sigma Q^{{{\mbox{\scriptsize \sc t}}}})^{(K,K)}_{ij} du \nonumber\\
&& + \sum_{i \in K} \int_{0}^{t} \left. \frac {\partial h_{n}(x)} {\partial x_{i}} \right|_{x= V^{K}(u)} dY_{i}(u),\end{aligned}$$ where $$\begin{aligned}
&& \frac {\partial h_{n}(x)} {\partial x_{i}} = - \eta_{i}
g_{n}({\langle \eta,x \rangle}) h_{n}(x), \\
&& \frac {\partial^{2} h_{n}(x)} {\partial x_{i} \partial x_{j}} = \eta_{i} \eta_{j} (g^{2}_{n}({\langle \eta,x \rangle}) + g'_{n}({\langle \eta,x \rangle})) h_{n}(x).\end{aligned}$$ Setting $t=1$ and taking expectation ${\mathbb{E}}_\pi$ on both side, we have $$\begin{aligned}
\lefteqn{0 = \sum_{i \in K} \left. {\mathbb{E}}_\pi\left[\frac {\partial h_{n}(x)}
{\partial x_{i}} \right|_{x= V^K(0)} \right] (Q\mu)_i} \hspace{5ex} \nonumber\\
&& + \frac 12 \sum_{i,j \in K} (Q \Sigma Q^{{{\mbox{\scriptsize \sc t}}}})^{(K,K)}_{ij} \left. {\mathbb{E}}_\pi\left[\frac
{\partial^{2} h_{n}(x)} {\partial x_{i} \partial x_{j}}
\right|_{x=V^{K}(0)} \right] \nonumber\\
&& {} + \sum_{i \in K} {\mathbb{E}}_{\pi}\left[\int_{0}^{1} \left. \frac {\partial
h_{n}(x)} {\partial x_{i}} \right|_{x= V^{K}(u)} dY_{i}(u)\right]. \label{eq:ito3}\end{aligned}$$ Recall that $V^K(t)=Q^{(K,K)}Z^K(t)+Q^{K, L}Z^{L}(t)$. Let $$M^K(t)= Q^{K, L} Z^L(t).$$ Because $\eta
Q^{(K,K)}=0$, we have $\eta V^K(t)=\eta M^K(t)$, and therefore, for $i\in K$, $$\begin{aligned}
\lefteqn{\hspace{-9ex} {\mathbb{E}}_{\pi}\left[\int_{0}^{1} \left. \frac {\partial
h_{n}(x)} {\partial x_{i}} \right|_{x= V^{K}(u)}
dY_{i}(u)\right] = {\mathbb{E}}_{\pi}\left[\int_{0}^{1} \left. \frac {\partial
h_{n}(x)} {\partial x_{i}} \right|_{x= M^{K}(u)} dY_{i}(u)\right]} \hspace{20ex}\nonumber\\
&& = \nu_i({\mathbb{R}}^d_+)
{\mathbb{E}}_{\pi}\left[ \left. \frac {\partial
h_{n}(x)} {\partial x_{i}} \right|_{x= M^{K}(0)} \right],\end{aligned}$$ where in the second equality, we have used that fact that $M^{K}(t)$ is a functions of $Z^{L}(t)$ and [Lemma \[lem:partial independence\]]{}. It follows from (\[eq:QK Y\]), (\[eq:ito3\]), and (\[eq:boundary2\]) that $$\frac 12 \sum_{i,j \in K} (Q \Sigma Q^{{{\mbox{\scriptsize \sc t}}}})^{(K,K)}_{ij}
\left. {\mathbb{E}}_\pi\left[\frac
{\partial^{2} h_{n}(x)} {\partial x_{i} \partial x_{j}}
\right|_{x=V^{K}(0)} \right]=0,$$ or equivalently $$\begin{aligned}
\label{eqn:eta Q}
\lefteqn{\frac 12 \sum_{i,j \in K} \eta_{i} \eta_{j} (Q \Sigma Q^{{{\mbox{\scriptsize \sc t}}}})^{(K,K)}_{ij}} \hspace{2ex} \nonumber\\
&& \times {\mathbb{E}}_{\pi}((g^{2}_{n}({\langle \eta,V^{K}(0) \rangle}) +
g'_{n}({\langle \eta,V^{K}(0) \rangle})) h_{n}(V^{K}(0))) =0.
\end{aligned}$$ By the construction of functions $g_n$ and $f_n$, $g'_{n}(u) \ge 0$ except for $u
\in (n,n+2)$, in which $g'_{n}(u) \in [-1,0)$, and $e^{-f_{n}(u)}$ monotonically converges to $e^{-u}$ as $n \to \infty$ and is bounded by $1$ for $u \ge 0$. Furthermore, $g_n(u)$ and $g_n'(u)$ are bounded by $1$ for all $u$ and $n$. We have $$\begin{aligned}
\label{eqn:gn inequality}
{\mathbb{E}}_{\pi}\Bigl[(g^{2}_{n}({\langle \eta,V^{K}(0) \rangle}) +
g'_{n}({\langle \eta,V^{K}(0) \rangle})) 1_{( {\langle \eta,V^{K}(0) \rangle}\le 0)}
h_{n}(V^{K}(0))\Bigr] \ge 0\end{aligned}$$ for each $n\ge 1$. By dominated converge theorem, $$\begin{aligned}
\lefteqn{\lim_{n\to\infty } {\mathbb{E}}_{\pi}\Bigl[(g^{2}_{n}({\langle \eta,V^{K}(0) \rangle}) +
g'_{n}({\langle \eta,V^{K}(0) \rangle})) 1_{( {\langle \eta,V^{K}(0) \rangle}> 0)}
h_{n}(V^{K}(0))\Bigr]} \hspace{30ex}\\
&& = {\mathbb{E}}_{\pi}\Bigl[ 1_{( {\langle \eta,V^{K}(0) \rangle}> 0)}
e^{-{\langle \eta,V^{K}(0) \rangle}}\Bigr]>0, \end{aligned}$$ where the strict inequality follows from the fact that the Lebesgue measure of set $\{z\in {\mathbb{R}}^d_+: \eta z^K>0\}$ is positive and the fact that $\pi(A)>0$ for every measurable set $A$ that has positive Lebesgue measure [@DaiHarr1992]. Therefore, [(\[eqn:gn inequality\])]{} can be sharpened for some large $n_{0}$ in such a way that, for every $n \ge n_{0}$, $$\begin{aligned}
{\mathbb{E}}_{\pi}\Bigl[(g^{2}_{n}({\langle \eta,V^{K}(0) \rangle}) +
g'_{n}({\langle \eta,V^{K}(0) \rangle})) 1_{( {\langle \eta,V^{K}(0) \rangle}\le 0)}
h_{n}(V^{K}(0))\Bigr]> 0.\end{aligned}$$ Thus, from [(\[eqn:eta Q\])]{} we arrive at $$\begin{aligned}
\frac 12 \sum_{i,j \in K} \eta_{i} \eta_{j} (Q \Sigma Q^{{{\mbox{\scriptsize \sc t}}}})^{(K,K)}_{ij} = 0.\end{aligned}$$ Namely, $$\begin{aligned}
\frac{1}{2}\eta Q^{(K, J)} \Sigma (Q^{{{\mbox{\scriptsize \sc t}}}})^{(J, K)} \eta^{{{\mbox{\scriptsize \sc t}}}}=0.\end{aligned}$$ Since $\Sigma$ is positive definite, for this to be true, we must have $$\begin{aligned}
\label{eq:hQ 1}
\eta Q^{(K, J)}=0,\end{aligned}$$ thus proving (\[eq:QKL\]).
We now return to the proof of [Theorem \[thr:marginals\]]{}. Because $V^K(t)=Q^{(K,K)}Z^K(t)+Q^{K,L}Z^L(t)$ and $Q^{(K,K)}$ is invertible by [Lemma \[lem:invertible\]]{}, we have $$\begin{aligned}
\lefteqn{Z^K(t) + W^K(t) = (Q^{(K,K)})^{-1} V^K(t) } \nonumber\\
&& = (Q^{(K,K)})^{-1} V^K(0) + (Q^{(K,K)})^{-1} (QX)^K(t) + (Q^{(K,K)})^{-1} Y^K(t), \hspace{7ex}
\label{eq:Z 2}\end{aligned}$$ where $$\begin{aligned}
W^{K}(t) = (Q^{(K,K)})^{-1} Q^{(K,L)} Z^{L}(t),\end{aligned}$$ and the second equality follows from (\[eq:VK\]). Note that $$(Q^{(K,K)})^{-1} (QX)^K(t)$$ is a ${\lvertK\rvert}$-dimensional Brownian motion with drift vector $ \tilde{\mu}(K) = (Q^{(K,K)})^{-1} (Q \mu)^{K}$ and covariance matrix $$\begin{aligned}
\tilde{\Sigma}(K) = (Q^{(K,K)})^{-1} (Q \Sigma Q^{{{\mbox{\scriptsize \sc t}}}})^{(K,K)}
((Q^{(K,K)})^{-1})^{{{\mbox{\scriptsize \sc t}}}}. \end{aligned}$$ We now apply Itô’s integral formula to $f(Z^{K}(t) + W^{K}(t))$, where $f(x) \equiv e^{ \imath {\langle \theta^{K}, x \rangle}}$ with $x \in {\mathbb{R}}^{|K|}$ for each fixed $\theta^{K} \in {\mathbb{R}}^{|K|}$ and $\imath =
\sqrt{-1}$ is the imaginary unit of a complex number. (We really apply the Itô formula twice, one for $\cos({\langle \theta^{K}, x \rangle})$ and one for $\sin({\langle \theta^{K}, x \rangle})$.) We have $$\begin{aligned}
\lefteqn{f(Z^{K}(t) + W^{K}(t)) - f(Z^{K}(0) + W^{K}(0))}\\
&& \hspace{-2ex} = - \frac 12 \int_{0}^{t} \sum_{i,j \in K} \theta_{i} \theta_{j}
[\tilde \Sigma(K)]_{ij} f(Z^{K}(u) + W^{K}(u))du\\
&& + \imath \int_{0}^{t} \sum_{i \in K} \theta_{i} f(Z^{K}(u)
+ W^{K}(u)) d [(Q^{(K,K)})^{-1} (Q X)^{K}]_{i}\\
&& + \imath \int_{0}^{t} \sum_{i \in K} \theta_{i} f(Z^{K}(u) + W^{K}(u)) \sum_{j \in K} [\tilde R(K)]_{ij} dY_{j}(u),\end{aligned}$$ where $$\begin{aligned}
\tilde{R}(K) = (Q^{(K,K)})^{-1}.\end{aligned}$$ Because $|f(Z^{K}(u) + W^{K}(u)))| \le 1$, setting $t=1$, we can take expectation ${\mathbb{E}}_\pi$ on both sides of this equation for $\theta \in {\mathbb{R}}^{d}$, we have $$\begin{aligned}
\label{eq:ZK 0}
\lefteqn{\hspace{-3ex}-\frac 12 \sum_{i,j \in K} \theta_{i} \theta_{j} [\tilde
\Sigma(K) ]_{ij}
{\mathbb{E}}_{\pi}\left(e^{\imath {\langle \theta^{K}, Z^{K}(0) \rangle}+ \imath {\langle \theta^{K}, W^{K}(0) \rangle}} \right)} \nonumber \\
&& \hspace{-5ex} + \imath \sum_{i \in K} \theta_{i} [\tilde \mu(K)]_{i} {\mathbb{E}}_{\pi} \left(e^{\imath {\langle \theta^{K}, Z^{K}(0) \rangle}+ \imath {\langle \theta^{K}, W^{K}(0) \rangle}} \right) \nonumber\\
&& \hspace{-5ex} + \imath \sum_{i,j \in K} \theta_{i} [\tilde
R(K)]_{ij} {\mathbb{E}}_{\pi}\left(\int_0^1 e^{\imath {\langle \theta^{K}, Z^{K}(u) \rangle}+
\imath {\langle \theta^{K}, W^{K}(u) \rangle}} dY_j(u)\right) = 0. \end{aligned}$$
We now use the assumption that $Z^{K}(0)$ and $Z^{L}(0)$ are independent under $\pi$. Under the independence assumption, one can show that [(\[eq:Palm 1\])]{} also holds when $\theta$ is replaced by $\imath \theta$, i.e., $$\label{eq:PalmComplex}
\varphi_j(\imath \theta) = \varphi_j^K(\imath \theta^K)\varphi^L(\imath \theta^L) \quad \text{ for each } \theta\in {\mathbb{R}}^d.$$ Equation (\[eq:PalmComplex\]) can be proved following the proof of Lemma \[lem:partial independence\] by using Riemann-Lebesgue lemma (e.g., see Section 7.1 of [@Stri2003]) for [(\[eq:thetajlimit\])]{} and the characteristic function version of [(\[eq:key 1\])]{} when $\theta$ is replaced by $\imath
\theta$. For each $\theta^{K} \in {\mathbb{R}}^{|K|}$, let $\theta\in{\mathbb{R}}^d$ be the corresponding vector with $\theta^{L} = \theta^{K} (Q^{(K,K)})^{-1}
Q^{(K,L)}$. For this $\theta\in {\mathbb{R}}^d$, it follows from the definition of $W^{K}(t)$ that (\[eq:PalmComplex\]) is equivalent to the following equality $$\begin{aligned}
{\mathbb{E}}_{\pi} & \left(\int_0^1 e^{\imath {\langle \theta^{K}, Z^{K}(u) \rangle}+
\imath {\langle \theta^{K}, W^{K}(u) \rangle}} dY_j(u)\right)\\
& \hspace{10ex} =
{\mathbb{E}}_{\pi}\left(\int_0^1 e^{\imath {\langle \theta^{K}, Z^{K}(u) \rangle}} dY_j(u)\right)
{\mathbb{E}}_{\pi} \left( e^{ \imath {\langle \theta^{K}, W^{K}(0) \rangle}} \right).\end{aligned}$$ Also, $Z^{K}(0)$ and $W^{K}(0)$ are independent because $W^{K}(0)$ is a linear transform of $Z^{L}(0)$. Thus, combining these facts with [(\[eq:ZK 0\])]{} yields $$\begin{aligned}
\label{eq:ZK 1}
\lefteqn{\Bigl(-\frac 12 \sum_{i,j \in K} \theta_{i} \theta_{j} [\tilde
\Sigma(K) ]_{ij}
+ \imath \sum_{i \in K} \theta_{i} [\tilde \mu(K)]_{i}\Bigr)
{\mathbb{E}}_{\pi}\bigl(e^{\imath {\langle \theta^{K}, Z^{K}(0) \rangle}} \bigr)} \hspace{5ex}\nonumber \\
&& {} + \imath \sum_{i,j \in K} \theta_{i} [\tilde
{\mathbb{E}}_{\pi}\left(\int_0^1 e^{\imath {\langle \theta^{K}, Z^{K}(u) \rangle}}
dY_j(u)\right) = 0. \end{aligned}$$ In what follows we will get the moment generating function version of [(\[eq:ZK 1\])]{} with $\theta^{K} \le 0$. One may wonder why we do not directly consider this generating function version. This is because $\theta^{L} \equiv \theta^{K} (Q^{(K,K)})^{-1} Q^{(K,L)} \le 0$ may not be true in [(\[eq:Palm 1\])]{} for $\theta^{K} \le 0$.
Denote the left-hand side of [(\[eq:ZK 1\])]{} by $g(\imath \theta)$ as a function of $\imath \theta$ for $\theta \in {\mathbb{R}}^{|K|}$. We can replace $\imath \theta$ of $g(\imath \theta)$ by a complex vector $z \equiv (z_{1}, z_{2}, \ldots,
z_{|k|})$ such that $\Re z_{i} \le 0$ for all $i =1, \ldots, K$, where $\Re
z_{i}$ is the real part of $z_{i}$. Then, it is easy to see that $g(z_{1}, z_{2},
\ldots, z_{|K|})$ is analytic in each $z_{i}$ such that $\Re z_{i} <
0$ when $z_{j}$ for $j \not= i$ is fixed satisfying $\Re z_{j} \le 0$. Let $i=1$ and fix an arbitrary $\theta \in {\mathbb{R}}^{|K|}$. Since $g(z_{1}, \imath \theta_{2}, \ldots, \imath \theta_{|K|})$ converges to $g(\imath \theta) \equiv 0$ as $z_{1}$ with $\Re z_{1} < 0$ continuously moves to $\imath \theta_{1}$, we must have $$\begin{aligned}
g(z_{1}, \imath \theta_{2}, \ldots, \imath \theta_{|K|}) = 0
\text{ for } \Re z_{1} \le 0\end{aligned}$$ by the so called boundary uniqueness theorem (e.g., see page 371 of Volume I of [@Mark1977]). We then inductively replace $\imath \theta_{i}$ by $z_{i}$ with $\Re z_{i} \le 0$ for $i=2,3, \ldots, |K|$, and we have $$\begin{aligned}
g(z_{1}, z_{2}, \ldots, z_{|K|}) = 0, \quad \Re z_{i} \le 0 \mbox{ for } i=1,2,\ldots,|K|.\end{aligned}$$ In particular, letting $z_{i} = \theta_{i}$ for real $\theta_{i} \le 0$ for $i=1,2,\ldots, |K|$, we have $$\begin{aligned}
\label{eq:ZK 2}
\lefteqn{\left( \frac 12 \sum_{i,j \in K} \theta_{i} \theta_{j} [\tilde{\Sigma}(K)]_{ij} + \sum_{i \in K} \theta_{i} [\tilde{\mu}(K)]_{i} \right) \varphi^{K}(\theta^{K})} \nonumber \hspace{20ex}\\
&& + \sum_{i,j \in K} \theta_{i} [\tilde{R}(K)]_{ij} \varphi_{j}^{K}(\theta^{K}) = 0.\end{aligned}$$ We are now ready to prove the remaining part of Theorem \[thr:marginals\], part (a), in the following lemma.
\[lem:complete-S\] Under the assumptions of [Theorem \[thr:marginals\]]{}, $\tilde{R}(K)$ and $\tilde{R}(L)$ are completely-${{\cal S}}$ matrices.
For an arbitrarily fixed $\ell \in K$, let $\theta_{j}^{K} = 0$ in $\theta^{K}$ for $j \ne \ell$. We denote this vector $\theta^{K}$ as $({{\uparrow \!\! \theta_{\ell}}})^{K}$. For $j \ne \ell$, let $\theta_{j} = 0$ in [(\[eq:ZK 2\])]{} and divide the resulting formula by $\theta_{\ell} < 0$, then we have $$\begin{aligned}
\label{eq:ZK 3}
\hspace{-3ex} \left(\frac 12 \theta_{\ell} [\tilde{\Sigma}(K)]_{\ell \ell} + [\tilde{\mu}(K)]_{\ell} \right) \varphi^{K}(({{\uparrow \!\! \theta_{\ell}}})^{K}) + \sum_{j \in K} [\tilde{R}(K)]_{\ell j} \varphi_{j}^{K}(({{\uparrow \!\! \theta_{\ell}}})^{K}) = 0.\end{aligned}$$ Similarly to [(\[eq:Palm 2\])]{}, $$\begin{aligned}
- \lim_{\theta_{\ell} \downarrow -\infty} \Big(\frac 12 \theta_{\ell} [\tilde{\Sigma}(K)]_{\ell \ell} + [\tilde{\mu}(K)]_{\ell} \Big) \varphi^{K}(({{\uparrow \!\! \theta_{\ell}}})^{K}) = [\tilde{R}(K)]_{\ell \ell} \varphi_{\ell}^{K}(0^{K}).\end{aligned}$$ Since the left-hand side of this formula is positive by [(\[eq:Palm 2\])]{}, its right-hand side must be positive. Hence, $[\tilde{R}(K)]_{\ell
\ell} > 0$. Furthermore, we can take sufficiently small $\theta_{\ell} < 0$ such that $$\begin{aligned}
\left(\frac 12 \theta_{\ell} [\tilde{\Sigma}(K)]_{\ell \ell} + [\tilde{\mu}(K)]_{\ell} \right) \varphi^{K}(({{\uparrow \!\! \theta_{\ell}}})^{K}) < 0.\end{aligned}$$ By [(\[eq:ZK 3\])]{}, we have, for this $\theta_{\ell}$, $$\begin{aligned}
\label{eq:positive 1}
\sum_{j \in K} [\tilde{R}(K)]_{\ell j} \varphi_{j}^{K}(({{\uparrow \!\! \theta_{\ell}}})^{K}) > 0.\end{aligned}$$ Since $\varphi_{j}^{K}(({{\uparrow \!\! \theta_{\ell}}})^{K}) > 0$ for all $j \in
K$, $\tilde{R}(K)$ is an ${{\cal S}}$-matrix. Let $U$ be a subset of $K$ such that $\ell \in U$ and $U \ne K$, then we can choose $\theta_{\ell}$ such that $\varphi_{j}^{K}(({{\uparrow \!\! \theta_{\ell}}})^{K})$ is sufficiently small for $j \in K \setminus U$. This yields that $(\tilde{R}(K))^{(U,U)}$ is an ${{\cal S}}$-matrix, and therefore we have proved that $\tilde{R}(K)$ is a completely-${{\cal S}}$ matrix.
We now can see that [(\[eq:ZK 1\])]{} is nothing but the BAR for the $|K|$-dimensional SRBM with data $(\tilde{\Sigma}(K), \tilde{\mu}(K), \tilde{R}(K))$ because $\tilde{R}(K)$ is completely-${{\cal S}}$ by [Lemma \[lem:complete-S\]]{}. By part (b) of Lemma \[lem:key 1\], the ${\lvertK\rvert}$-dimensional $(\tilde{\Sigma}(K), \tilde{\mu}(K), \tilde{R}(K))$-SRBM has a stationary distribution that is equal to the distribution of $Z^K(0)$ under $\pi$. By the symmetric roles of $K$ and $L$, the the ${\lvertL\rvert}$-dimensional $(\tilde{\Sigma}(L), \tilde{\mu}(L), \tilde{R}(L))$-SRBM has a stationary distribution that is equal to the distribution of $Z^L(0)$ under $\pi$.
Proof of [Theorem \[thr:decomposition\]]{} {#sect:theorem 2}
First of all, we will prove if $Z^{K}(0)$ and $Z^{L}(0)$ are independent and $Z^{K}(0)$ is of product form under $\pi$, then [(\[eq:condition1\])]{} and [(\[eq:condition2\])]{} hold. According to [Theorem \[thr:marginals\]]{}, the distribution of $Z^{\{i\}}(0)$ under $\pi$ is equal to the stationary distribution of $(\tilde{\Sigma}(\{i\}),
\tilde{\mu}(\{i\}), \tilde{R}(\{i\}))$-SRBM for $i \in K$. The distribution of $Z^{L}(0)$ under $\pi$ is equal to the stationary distribution of $(\tilde{\Sigma}(L), \tilde{\mu}(L),
\tilde{R}(L))$-SRBM. Then by [Lemma \[lem:key 1\]]{}, for $\theta\in {\mathbb{R}}^d$ with $\theta\le 0$, $$\begin{aligned}
&& -\left(\frac{1}{2}\frac{\Sigma_{ii}}{R_{ii}}\theta_i+((R^{(K,K)})^{-1}\mu^K)_i\right)\varphi^{\{i\}}(\theta_i) =1, \quad i \in K, \\
&& -\left( \frac 12 \sum_{i,j \in L} \theta_{i} \theta_{j} [\tilde{\Sigma}(L)]_{ij} + \sum_{i \in L} \theta_{i} [\tilde{\mu}(L)]_{i} \right) \varphi^{L}(\theta^{L}) \nonumber \hspace{10ex}\\
&& \hspace{30ex} = \sum_{i,j \in L} \theta_{i} [\tilde{R}(L)]_{ij} \varphi_{j}^{L}(\theta^{L}).\end{aligned}$$ By the definition of $\tilde{\Sigma}(L)$, $\tilde{\mu}(L)$ and $\tilde{R}(L)$, we can find they are $$\begin{aligned}
&& \hspace{-3ex} \tilde{\Sigma}(L)=\Sigma^{(L,L)} +R^{(L,K)}(R^{(K,K)})^{-1}\Sigma^{(K,K)}((R^{(K,K)})^{-1})^{{{\mbox{\scriptsize \sc t}}}}(R^{(L,K)})^{{{\mbox{\scriptsize \sc t}}}}\nonumber\\
&& \hspace{6ex} -\Sigma^{(L,K)}((R^{(K,K)})^{-1})^{{{\mbox{\scriptsize \sc t}}}}(R^{(L,K)})^{{{\mbox{\scriptsize \sc t}}}} - R^{(L,K)}(R^{(K,K)})^{-1}(\Sigma^{(L,K)})^{{{\mbox{\scriptsize \sc t}}}},\\
&& \hspace{-3ex} \tilde{\mu}(L)=\mu^{L}-R^{(L,K)}(R^{(K,K)})^{-1}\mu^K, \\
&& \hspace{-3ex} \tilde{R}(L)=R^{(L,L)}.\end{aligned}$$ By the independence assumptions, we have, for $i \in K$, $$\begin{aligned}
\varphi(\theta)=\varphi^{\{i\}}(\theta_i)\varphi^{J\setminus\{i\}}(\theta^{J\setminus\{i\}})=\varphi^{K}(\theta^{K})\varphi^{L}(\theta^{L}).\end{aligned}$$ By [Lemma \[lem:partial independence\]]{}, we get $$\begin{aligned}
\varphi_i(\theta)=\varphi^{J\setminus\{i\}}(\theta^{J\setminus\{i\}}), \quad i \in K, \qquad
\varphi_j(\theta)=\varphi^{K}(\theta^{K})\varphi_j^{L}(\theta^{L}), \quad j \in L.\end{aligned}$$ Using the fact that $\varphi_i^{\{i\}}(0)=1$, we can rewrite [(\[eq:1,d-1\])]{} and [(\[eq:1,d-2\])]{} as $$\begin{aligned}
&& \hspace{-10ex} -\left(\frac{1}{2}\frac{\Sigma_{ii}}{R_{ii}}\theta_i+((R^{(K,K)})^{-1}\mu^K)_i\right)\varphi(\theta) = \varphi_i(\theta), \qquad i \in K,\\
&& \hspace{-10ex} -\left( \frac 12 \sum_{i,j \in L} \theta_{i} \theta_{j} [\tilde{\Sigma}(L)]_{ij} + \sum_{i \in L} \theta_{i} [\tilde{\mu}(L)]_{i} \right) \varphi(\theta) = \sum_{i,j \in L} \theta_{i} [\tilde{R}(L)]_{ij} \varphi_{j}(\theta).\end{aligned}$$ We further modify [(\[eq:1\])]{} into $$\begin{aligned}
-\left(\frac{1}{2}\frac{\Sigma_{ii}}{R_{ii}}\theta_i+((R^{(K,K)})^{-1}\mu^K)_i\right)\gamma_i(\theta)\varphi(\theta) = \gamma_i(\theta)\varphi_i(\theta).\end{aligned}$$ Then adding [(\[eq:1modify\])]{} for $i \in K$ and [(\[eq:d-1\])]{}, we have $$\begin{aligned}
\lefteqn{-\Bigg(\sum_{i \in K}\left(\frac{1}{2}\frac{\Sigma_{ii}}{R_{ii}}\theta_i+((R^{(K,K)})^{-1}\mu^K)_i\right)\gamma_i(\theta)} \nonumber\\
&&+\frac{1}{2}\sum_{i,j \in L} \theta_{i} \theta_{j} [\tilde{\Sigma}(L)]_{ij} + \sum_{i \in L} \theta_{i} [\tilde{\mu}(L)]_{i} \Bigg) \varphi(\theta) =\sum_{i=1}^{d} \gamma_{i}(\theta) \varphi_{i}(\theta).\end{aligned}$$ So according to [Lemma \[lem:key 1\]]{}, we have $$\begin{aligned}
\lefteqn{\hspace{-5ex} \gamma(\theta)=-\Bigg(\sum_{i \in K}\left(\frac{1}{2}\frac{\Sigma_{ii}}{R_{ii}}\theta_i+((R^{(K,K)})^{-1}\mu^K)_i\right)\gamma_i(\theta)} \hspace{10ex}\nonumber\\
&& \quad +\frac{1}{2}\sum_{i,j \in L} \theta_{i} \theta_{j} [\tilde{\Sigma}(L)]_{ij} + \sum_{i \in L} \theta_{i} [\tilde{\mu}(L)]_{i} \Bigg).\end{aligned}$$ Comparing the coefficients of $\theta_1\theta_j$ and coefficients of $\theta_i$ of both sides, we can get $$\begin{aligned}
&&\hspace{-8ex} -\frac{1}{2}(\Sigma_{ij}+\Sigma_{ji})=-\frac{\Sigma_{ii}}{2R_{ii}}R_{ji}-\frac{\Sigma_{jj}}{2R_{jj}}R_{ij}, \; i,j \in K, \\
&&\hspace{-8ex} -\frac{1}{2}(\Sigma_{ij}+\Sigma_{ji})=-\frac{\Sigma_{ii}}{2R_{ii}}R_{ji}, \qquad i \in K, \; j \in L,\\
&&\hspace{-8ex} R^{(L,K)}(R^{(K,K)})^{-1}\Sigma^{(K,K)}((R^{(K,K)})^{-1})^{{{\mbox{\scriptsize \sc t}}}}(R^{(L,K)})^{{{\mbox{\scriptsize \sc t}}}}\nonumber\\
&& \hspace{-6ex}- \Sigma^{(L,K)}((R^{(K,K)})^{-1})^{{{\mbox{\scriptsize \sc t}}}}(R^{(L,K)})^{{{\mbox{\scriptsize \sc t}}}} - R^{(L,K)}(R^{(K,K)})^{-1}(\Sigma^{(L,K)})^{{{\mbox{\scriptsize \sc t}}}}=0.\end{aligned}$$ Observe that [(\[eq:condition11\])]{} is equivalent to [(\[eq:condition1\])]{}, and [(\[eq:condition21\])]{} is equivalent to [(\[eq:condition2\])]{}. Under [(\[eq:condition1\])]{} and [(\[eq:condition2\])]{}, [(\[eq:condition3\])]{} automatically holds. So we have proved if $Z^{K}(0)$ and $Z^{L}(0)$ are independent and $Z^{K}(0)$ is of product form under $\pi$, then [(\[eq:condition1\])]{} and [(\[eq:condition2\])]{} hold.
Next we will prove that if $\Sigma$ and $R$ satisfy (\[eq:condition1\]) and (\[eq:condition2\]), and the ${\lvertL\rvert}$-dimensional $(\Sigma^{(L,L)}, \tilde{\mu}(L),
R^{(L,L)})$-SRBM has a stationary distribution, then $Z^{K}(0)$ and $Z^{L}(0)$ are independent and $Z^{K}(0)$ is of product form under $\pi$. First observe that if [(\[eq:condition1\])]{} and [(\[eq:condition2\])]{} holds, then [(\[eq:condition11\])]{}, [(\[eq:condition21\])]{} and [(\[eq:condition3\])]{} hold. Therefore, [(\[eq:equalgamma\])]{} holds.
Because the skew symmetry condition (\[eq:condition1\]) holds, the $(\Sigma^{(K,K)}$, $\mu^{(K,K)}$, $R^{(K,K)})$-SRBM has a product form stationary distribution [@HarrWill1987a]. Let $\tilde{\varphi}^K(\theta^K)$ and $\tilde{\varphi}_i^K(\theta^K)$ be the moment generating functions of the stationary distribution and $i$th boundary measure for this $(\tilde{\Sigma}(K), \tilde{\mu}(K), \tilde{R}(K))$-SRBM. Then $$\begin{aligned}
&& \hspace{-4ex} -\left(\frac{1}{2}\frac{\Sigma_{ii}}{R_{ii}}\theta_i+((R^{(K,K)})^{-1}\mu^K)_i\right)(\tilde{\varphi}^K)^{\{i\}}(\theta_i) =1, \quad i \in K.\end{aligned}$$ Because the ${\lvertL\rvert}$-dimensional $(\Sigma^{(L,L)}, \tilde{\mu}(L),
R^{(L,L)})$-SRBM has a stationary distribution, $\tilde{\Sigma}(L)=\Sigma^{(L,L)}$ and $\tilde{R}(L)=R^{(L,L)}$, we have $$\begin{aligned}
-\left( \frac 12 \sum_{i,j \in L} \theta_{i} \theta_{j} [\tilde{\Sigma}(L)]_{ij} + \sum_{i \in L} \theta_{i} [\tilde{\mu}(L)]_{i} \right) \tilde{\varphi}^{L}(\theta^{L}) = \sum_{i,j \in L} \theta_{i} [\tilde{R}(L)]_{ij} \tilde{\varphi}_{j}^{L}(\theta^{L}).\end{aligned}$$ where $\tilde{\varphi}^{L}(\theta^{L})$ and $\tilde{\varphi}_{j}^{L}(\theta^{L})$ are the moment generating functions of the stationary distribution and $j$th boundary measure for $(\Sigma^{(L,L)}, \tilde{\mu}(L),
Let $\tilde{\varphi}(\theta)=\tilde{\varphi}^{K}(\theta^{K})\tilde{\varphi}^{L}(\theta^{L})$, $\tilde{\varphi}_{i}(\theta)=\tilde{\varphi}^K_{i}(\theta^K)\tilde{\varphi}^L(\theta^L)$ for $i \in K$ and $\tilde{\varphi}_{j}(\theta)=\tilde{\varphi}^K(\theta^K)\tilde{\varphi}^L_{j}(\theta^L)$ for $j \in L$. Then we can see [(\[eq:1\])]{}, [(\[eq:d-1\])]{}, [(\[eq:1modify\])]{} and [(\[eq:keymodify\])]{} hold with $\varphi(\theta)$, $\varphi_i(\theta)$ and $\varphi_j(\theta)$ replaced by $\tilde{\varphi}(\theta)$, $\tilde{\varphi}_i(\theta)$ and $\tilde{\varphi}_j(\theta)$. Furthermore, as [(\[eq:equalgamma\])]{} holds, we conclude $$\gamma(\theta)\tilde{\varphi}(\theta)=\sum_{i=1}^{d}\gamma_i(\theta)\tilde{\varphi}_{i}(\theta)$$ By part (b) of [Lemma \[lem:key 1\]]{}, we know $\varphi(\theta)=\tilde{\varphi}(\theta)$, $\varphi^K(\theta^K)=\tilde{\varphi}^K(\theta^K)$ and $\varphi^L(\theta^L)=\tilde{\varphi}^L(\theta^L)$. So $\varphi(\theta)=\varphi^K(\theta^K)\varphi^L(\theta^L)$, that is, $Z^{K}(0)$ and $Z^{L}(0)$ are independent under $\pi$. Furthermore, the distribution of $Z^{K}(0)$ under $\pi$ is equal to the stationary distribution of the $|{K}|$-dimensional $(\Sigma^{(K,K)}$, $\mu^{K}$, $R^{(K,K)})$-SRBM. By [(\[eq:condition1\])]{}, the distribution of $Z^{K}(0)$ is of product form because the skew symmetry condition (\[eq:skew symmetric\]) in [@HarrWill1987a] is satisfied.
Concluding remarks {#sect:concluding}
There are two directions for future study. We first comment on the marginal distributions. In the proof of [Theorem \[thr:marginals\]]{}, we may only use the following fact to complete the proof. Random vectors $Z^{K}(0)$ and $W^{K}(0) \equiv (Q^{(K,K)})^{-1} Q^{(K,L)}
Z^{L}(0)$ are “weakly independent through convolution” under the stationary distribution $\pi$, that is, for all $\theta \in
{\mathbb{R}}^{|K|}$, $$\begin{aligned}
\label{eq:convolution indep}
{\mathbb{E}}_{\pi}(e^{\imath {\langle \theta, (Z^{K}(0) + W^{K}(0)) \rangle}}) = {\mathbb{E}}_{\pi}(e^{\imath {\langle \theta, Z^{K}(0) \rangle}}) {\mathbb{E}}_{\pi}(e^{\imath {\langle \theta, W^{K}(0) \rangle}}),\end{aligned}$$ where $\imath = \sqrt{-1}$ is again the imaginary unit.
In general, we can easily find an example such that random variables $X$ and $Y$ are not independent but weakly independent through convolution. However, this may not be the case for $Z^{K}(0)$ and $W^{K}(0)$ because they have more structure. To further discuss this issue, let us consider the tandem queue example of [Section \[sect:introduction\]]{} for $d=2$, $K=\{1\}$ and $L=\{2\}$. Since $Q^{(K,L)} = \{0\}$ and $Q^{(L,K)} = \{1\}$, we have $W^{K}(t) = 0$ and $W^{L}(t) = Z_{1}(t)$. Hence, [(\[eq:convolution indep\])]{} for $L$ instead of $K$ is equivalent to that $Z_{1}(0)$ and $Z_{2}(0)$ are weakly independent through convolution under $\pi$. We consider the implication of this observation below.
We first observe that [(\[eq:alpha\])]{} and [Corollary \[cor:marginal 1\]]{} yield that $$\begin{aligned}
\alpha_{1} = \lambda_{1} = \frac {2(\beta_{1} - \beta_{0})} {\beta_{0} (c^{2}_{0} + c^{2}_{1})}, \quad \alpha_{2} = \frac {2(\beta_{2} - \beta_{0})} {\beta_{0} (c^{2}_{1} + c^{2}_{2})}, \quad \lambda_{2} = \frac {2(\beta_{2} - \beta_{0})} {\beta_{0} (c^{2}_{0} + c^{2}_{2})} .\end{aligned}$$ Hence, $\alpha_{2} = \lambda_{2}$ holds if and only if $c_{0} =
c_{1}$, which is indeed the skew symmetric condition. Thus, [(\[eq:convolution indep\])]{} implies that the stationary distribution $\pi$ has exponential marginal distributions with parameters $\lambda_{1}$ and $\lambda_{2}$. However, it is unclear if there exist parameters $(\beta_i, c_i)$, $i=0,1,
2$, for the tandem queue such that [(\[eq:convolution indep\])]{} is satisfied, but $\lambda_{2} \ne \alpha_{2}$. Thus, it may be interesting to consider the following questions.
\[que:class\] What is a class of SRBM satisfying [(\[eq:convolution indep\])]{} ? How can we characterize this class in terms of the modeling primitives ? How much is it larger than the class satisfying the decomposability ?
\[que:approximation\] Can the stationary distributions of $Z^{K}(0)$ and $Z^{L}(0)$ serve good approximations for the marginal distributions of the original stationary distribution when [(\[eq:convolution indep\])]{} does not hold ? If not, for what class of SRBM can they provide good approximations ?
Obviously, these two questions are closely related. [Question \[que:class\]]{} is hard to answer while [Question \[que:approximation\]]{} may be studied through numerical experiments. Furthermore, for $d=2$, we know the tail asymptotics of the one-dimensional marginals and when their tail decay rates are identical with $\theta^{(i,{{\rm r}})}_{i}$ defined in (\[eq:thataray\]) (see Theorem 2.2 and 2.3 of [@DaiMiya2013]). This may suggest the class of SRBM for which the product form approximation using $\theta^{(i,{{\rm r}})}_{i}$ is reasonable. Unfortunately, we do not have any explicit results yet for the tail decay rates for $d \ge 3$ except for some special cases. We hope that this tail decay rate problem will be solved sometime in the future, and [Question \[que:approximation\]]{} will be better answered then.
Another question is about sufficient conditions for the decomposability. We partially answered this question by [Theorem \[thr:decomposition\]]{}. It seems hard to extend the arguments in the proof of this theorem to more general cases. Such an extension is a challenging open problem.
We are grateful to the anonymous referees for their stimulating questions and helpful comments. This paper was initiated when MM (the second author) visited JD (the first author) at Cornell University in July, 2013. MM is grateful to the hospitality of School of ORIE of Cornell University. JD is supported in part by NSF Grants CMMI-1030589, CNS-1248117, and CMMI-1335724. MM is supported in part by JSPS Grant 24310115.
Some matrix classes {#app:matrix}
We give definitions of some matrix classes in our arguments. One can find them in text books for matrices (e.g., see [@BermPlem1979; @CottPangSton1992]). Let $A$ be an $n$-dimensional square matrix. Then, $A$ is called an ${{\cal S}}$-matrix if there is an $n$-dimensional vector $v > 0$ such that $A v > 0$, where, for a vector $u$, $u>0$ means each component of $u$ is strictly positive. If all principal sub-matrices of $A$ are ${{\cal S}}$-matrices, then $A$ is called a completely-${{\cal S}}$ matrix. If all principal minors of $A$ are positive, then $A$ is called a ${{\cal P}}$-matrix. Every ${{\cal P}}$-matrix is an ${{\cal S}}$-matrix (e.g, see Corollary 3.3.5 of [@CottPangSton1992]). A ${{\cal P}}$-matrix is called an ${{\cal M}}$-matrix if its off diagonal entries are all non-positive (see Definition 3.11.1 of [@CottPangSton1992] for a ${{\cal K}}$-matrix, which is another name of an ${{\cal M}}$-matrix used in [@CottPangSton1992 Section 3.13.24]).
Proof of Corollary 1 and some related results {#app:corollary 1}
To prove the corollary, we introduce some geometric objects: $$\begin{aligned}
&& E = \{\theta \in {\mathbb{R}}^{d}; \gamma(\theta) = 0\},\\
&& P^{(i)} =
\cap_{k \in J \setminus \{i\}}\{\theta \in {\mathbb{R}}^{d};
\gamma_{k}(\theta) = 0\}, \quad i \in J. \end{aligned}$$ The object $E$ is an ellipse in ${\mathbb{R}}^d$. Since $R$ is invertible and $\theta \in P^{(i)}$ implies that ${\langle \theta, R^{(k)} \rangle} =
0$ for $k \ne i$, $P^{(i)}$ must be a line going through the origin. Clearly, for each $i$, $P^{(i)}$ intersects the ellipse $E$ by at most two points, one of which is the origin. We denote its non-zero intersection by $\theta^{(i,{{\rm r}})}$ if it exists. Otherwise, let $\theta^{(i,{{\rm r}})} = 0$. The following lemma shows that the latter is impossible by giving an explicit formula for $\theta^{(i,{{\rm r}})}$. Recall that $(Q^{{{\mbox{\scriptsize \sc t}}}})^{(i)}$ be the $i$th column of $Q^{{{\mbox{\scriptsize \sc t}}}}$. We refer to the following fact, obtained as Lemma 3 in [@DaiMiyaWu2014a].
\[lem:ray\] For each $i\in J$, $$\label{eq:thataray}
\theta^{(i,{{\rm r}})} = \Delta_i (Q^{{{\mbox{\scriptsize \sc t}}}})^{(i)},$$ where $\Delta_i>0$ is defined in (\[eq:Deltai\]).
It follows from [@Harr1985] that the stationary distribution of a one-dimensional SRBM with drift $\mu<0$ and variance $\sigma^2$ is exponential with mean $1/\lambda$, where $$\begin{aligned}
\lambda = - \frac{2\mu} {\sigma^2}.
\label{eq:generalLambda}\end{aligned}$$ We apply [Theorem \[thr:marginals\]]{} to $K = \{i\}$. According to the theorem, $Z^{\{i\}}(0)$ under $\pi$ is a one-dimensional SRBM with variance $\tilde{\Sigma}(\{i\})$ and drift $\tilde{\mu}(\{i\})$. Set $$\begin{aligned}
\lambda_{i} = - \frac {2\tilde{\mu}(\{i\})} {\tilde{\Sigma}(\{i\})}.\end{aligned}$$ By (\[eq:thataray\]) and (\[eq:generalLambda\]), to prove the corollary it suffices to verify that $$\label{eq:lambda_i}
\lambda_i = \theta^{(i,{{\rm r}})}_{i}.$$
We first compute $Q$ and $Q^{(\{i\},\{i\})}$ for this. By [Lemma \[lem:ray\]]{}, we have $$\begin{aligned}
Q = (\Delta_{1}^{-1} \theta^{(1,{{\rm r}})}, \Delta_{2}^{-1} \theta^{(2,{{\rm r}})}, \ldots, \Delta_{d}^{-1} \theta^{(d,{{\rm r}})})^{{{\mbox{\scriptsize \sc t}}}},\end{aligned}$$ and therefore $$\begin{aligned}
Q^{(\{i\},\{i\})} =\Delta_{i}^{-1} \theta^{(i,{{\rm r}})}_{i}.\end{aligned}$$ Hence, $$\begin{aligned}
\lefteqn{\tilde{\Sigma}(\{i\}) = \Delta_{i}^{2} (\theta^{(i,{{\rm r}})}_{i})^{-2} \sum_{j,k} [Q]_{ij} \Sigma_{jk} [Q]_{ik}}\\
&& \quad = \Delta_{i}^{2} (\theta^{(i,{{\rm r}})}_{i})^{-2} \sum_{j,k} \Delta_{i}^{-1} \theta^{(i,{{\rm r}})}_{j} \Sigma_{jk} \Delta_{i}^{-1} \theta^{(i,{{\rm r}})}_{k} \\
&& \quad = (\theta^{(i,{{\rm r}})}_{i})^{-2} {\langle \theta^{(i,{{\rm r}})}, \Sigma \theta^{(i,{{\rm r}})} \rangle}\\
&& \quad = - 2 (\theta^{(i,{{\rm r}})}_{i})^{-2} {\langle \theta^{(i,{{\rm r}})}, \mu \rangle},\end{aligned}$$ where the last equality is obtained since $\gamma(\theta^{(i,{{\rm r}})}) = 0$. Similarly, we have $$\begin{aligned}
\tilde{\mu}(\{i\}) = (\theta^{(i,{{\rm r}})}_{i})^{-1} {\langle \theta^{(i,{{\rm r}})}, \mu \rangle}.\end{aligned}$$ Hence, $$\begin{aligned}
\lambda_{i} = - \frac {2\tilde{\mu}(\{i\})} {\tilde{\Sigma}(\{i\})} = \theta^{(i,{{\rm r}})}_{i}.\end{aligned}$$ This completes the proof of [Corollary \[cor:marginal 1\]]{}.
In what follows, we give a short proof for $\alpha_{i} = \lambda_{i}$ when the skew symmetric condition holds. For this, we use Lemma 2 in [@DaiMiyaWu2014a], which characterizes the condition by the formula $$\begin{aligned}
\gamma(\theta) = \sum_{i=1}^{d} \frac {\Sigma_{ii}} {2R_{ii}} \gamma_{i}(\theta) (\alpha_{i} - \theta_{i}), \qquad \theta \in {\mathbb{R}}^{d}.\end{aligned}$$ Then, we immediately have $\alpha_{i} = \theta^{(i,{{\rm r}})}_{i} = \lambda_{i}$ from the fact that $\gamma(\theta^{(i,{{\rm r}})}) = 0$, $\gamma_{i}(\theta^{(i, {{\rm r}})}) \ne 0$ and $\gamma_{i}(\theta^{(j,{{\rm r}})}) = 0$ for $j \ne i$.
| {
"pile_set_name": "ArXiv"
} | ArXiv |
abstract: 'In this paper we derive generalized forms of the Camassa-Holm (CH) equation from a Boussinesq-type equation using a two-parameter asymptotic expansion based on two small parameters characterizing nonlinear and dispersive effects and strictly following the arguments in the asymptotic derivation of the classical CH equation. The resulting equations generalize the CH equation in two different ways. The first generalization replaces the quadratic nonlinearity of the CH equation with a general power-type nonlinearity while the second one replaces the dispersive terms of the CH equation with fractional-type dispersive terms. In the absence of both higher-order nonlinearities and fractional-type dispersive effects, the generalized equations derived reduce to the classical CH equation that describes unidirectional propagation of shallow water waves. The generalized equations obtained are compared to similar equations available in the literature, and this leads to the observation that the present equations have not appeared in the literature.'
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Department of Natural and Mathematical Sciences, Faculty of Engineering, Ozyegin University,\
Cekmekoy 34794, Istanbul, Turkey
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Department of Natural and Mathematical Sciences, Faculty of Engineering, Ozyegin University,\
Cekmekoy 34794, Istanbul, Turkey
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Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Sabanci University,\
Tuzla 34956, Istanbul, Turkey
- 'H. A. Erbay'
- 'S. Erbay'
- 'A. Erkip'
title: 'Derivation of Generalized Camassa-Holm Equations from Boussinesq-type Equations'
Introduction {#sec:intro}
In the present paper, starting from a Bousinesq-type equation and strictly following the arguments in the asymptotic derivation of the celebrated Camassa Holm (CH) equation, we derive a generalized CH equation, with both a general power-type nonlinearity and a fractional-type dispersion, for small-but-finite amplitude long waves. The generalized CH equation derived includes, as a special case, the classical CH equation $$v_{\tau}+\kappa_{1} v_{\zeta}+3 vv_{\zeta}-v_{\zeta\zeta\tau}=\kappa_{2}(2 v_{\zeta}v_{\zeta\zeta}+vv_{\zeta\zeta\zeta}) \label{ch}$$ widely recognized in the literature on shallow water waves [@camassa; @johnson1; @ionescu; @constantin1; @johnson2; @lannes]. The CH equation (\[ch\]) derived as a model for unidirectional propagation of small amplitude shallow water waves is an infinite-dimensional Hamiltonian system that is completely integrable [@constantin3; @constantin4]. An interesting property of the CH equation is that for a wide class of initial data the spatial derivative of the solution becomes unbounded in finite time while the solution remains uniformly bounded and this property is used to relate the CH equation to wave breaking in the hydrodynamical interpretation [@escher]. Moreover, the CH equation admits non-smooth peakon-type (solitary or periodic) traveling wave solutions and it was shown that these solutions are orbitally stable [@strauss; @lenells]. There are also studies that derive the CH equation as an appropriate model equation for nonlinear dispersive elastic waves (see [@erbay1; @erbay2] and the references therein).
In recent years, various generalizations of the CH equation have appeared in the literature. This growing literature focuses mainly on modified forms of the CH equation. The typical exercise in those studies is to replace the quadratic nonlinear term $vv_{\zeta}$ in the CH equation with the cubic one $v^{2}v_{\zeta}$ or with a general power-law nonlinearity $v^{p}v_{\zeta}$ without changing the other terms (see for instance [@yin1; @yin2; @ouyang]). This approach is not fully satisfactory and it deserves some discussion. Minimally, it seems that whether or not the proposed models to be asymptotically correct is not sufficiently clear. At that point, no one at all could miss the fact that the CH equation is shaped asymptotically by the balance among nonlinear steepening, linear dispersion and nonlinear dispersion. Of these three effects, nonlinear steepening and linear dispersion are captured by the third and fourth terms, respectively, on the left-hand side of (\[ch\]) while nonlinear dispersion is captured by the terms on right-hand side of (\[ch\]). In a certain asymptotic regime, it is natural to expect that the changes in the nonlinear term $vv_{\zeta}$ of (\[ch\]) (that is, the changes in nonlinear steepening) lead to modifications in the terms on the right-hand side of (\[ch\]), which characterize nonlinear dispersive effects. Our main impetus in the present study is the need for an asymptotically correct model (on formal asymptotic grounds) of the CH equation with a general power-type nonlinearity. To this end, starting from a Boussinesq-type equation, using a double asymptotic expansion in two small parameters and following the approaches in [@johnson1; @constantin1; @johnson2; @lannes; @erbay1] we derive formally a generalized CH equation under the assumption of a general power-type nonlinearity, which seems not to be in the literature. At this point we should point out that, based on the integrability, different forms of the modified CH equation with cubic nonlinearity have appeared in the literature [@fuchssteiner; @olver; @novikov]. In those studies the starting point is to obtain integrable generalizations of the CH equation using the existence of a bi-Hamiltonian structure [@fuchssteiner; @olver] or the existence of infinite hierarchies of higher symmetries [@novikov]. However, contrary to the previous studies, the present study has been originally motivated by the desire of the authors to derive a modified CH equation under the assumption of a general power-type nonlinearity by strictly following the arguments in the asymptotic derivation of the classical CH equation. At the end, we find that, even in the case of cubic nonlinearity, the modified CH equation derived here differs from those presented in the literature and a different form of the nonlinear dispersive terms affects the integrability of it. The second goal of the present study is to derive CH-type equations driven by fractional dispersion. In a recent study [@erbay1], starting from a Boussinesq-type equation, a fractional-type CH equation with quadratic nonlinearity was derived for small-but-finite amplitude long waves. Our aim here is to extend the prior analysis to a fractional-type CH equation with power-type nonlinearity.
In this study, using a two-parameter asymptotic expansion and following the procedures described in the literature, we show that the unidirectional propagation of small-but-finite amplitude long wave solutions of the generalized fractional improved Boussinesq equation is governed by the generalized fractional CH equation. In the absence of fractional dispersion, a reduced version of this full equation gives the generalized CH equation, including the modified CH equation with cubic nonlinearity as a special case. Furthermore, in the case of the quadratic nonlinearity, the generalized CH equation reduces to (\[ch\]). As a by-product of the present derivation we also derive generalized forms of both the Korteweg-de Vries (KdV) equation [@korteweg] and the Benjamin-Bona-Mahony (BBM) equation [@bbm]. The important point to note here is that the asymptotic derivation of the CH-type equations requires a double asymptotic expansion in two small parameters characterizing nonlinear and dispersive effects. However, the asymptotic derivations of the KdV and BBM equations do not necessarily have this property; assuming that the two parameters are equal, they can be derived using a single-parameter asymptotic expansion as well.
The paper is organized as follows. In Section \[sec:deriv\], introducing slow variables and using a double asymptotic expansion, the generalized fractional CH equation with both a general power nonlinearity and fractional derivatives is derived from a Boussinesq-type equation. In Section \[sec:cases\], special cases of the generalized fractional CH equation are discussed and the unidirectional wave equations derived are presented in the original coordinates.
Derivation of The Generalized Fractional Camassa-Holm Equation {#sec:deriv}
In this section we present a formal derivation of the generalized fractional CH equation using a double asymptotic expansion. To this end we study the asymptotic behavior of unidirectional, small-but-finite amplitude, long wave solutions of the fractional improved Boussinesq equation with power-type nonlinearities: $$u_{tt}-u_{xx}+(-D_{x}^{2})^{\nu}u_{tt}=(u^{p+1})_{xx}, ~~~~p\geq 1, \label{frac}$$ where $p$ is an integer, $\nu$ may not be an integer and the operator $(-D_{x}^{2})^{\nu}$ is defined in terms of the Fourier transform operator ${\mathcal F}$ and its inverse ${\mathcal F}^{-1}$ by $(-D_{x}^{2})^{\nu}q={\mathcal F}^{-1}(|\xi|^{2\nu}{\mathcal F}q)$. In [@duruk1], the local well-posedness of solutions to the Cauchy problem defined for (\[frac\]) imposes the restriction $\nu \geq 1$. For a connection of (\[frac\]) with nonlinear dispersive elastic waves, we refer the reader to [@erbay1]. Notice that, when $\nu =1$, (\[frac\]) reduces to the improved Boussinesq equation $$u_{tt}-u_{xx}-u_{xxtt}=(u^{p+1})_{xx}. \label{imbq}$$ Before starting our analysis, we need to remark upon the following fact. Let us consider the transformation $q(x)=Q(X)$ with $X=\delta x$ where $\delta$ is a positive constant. In [@erbay1], using the Fourier transform and and its inverse, it has been shown that the operator $(-D_{x}^{2})^{\nu}$ scales as $\delta^{2\nu}$ so that $(-D_{x}^{2})^{\nu}q(x)=\delta^{2\nu}(-D_{X}^{2})^{\nu}Q(X)$.
Henceforth, we shall consider only right-going, small-but-finite amplitude, long wave solutions of (\[frac\]). Assume that $\epsilon>0$ and $\delta>0$ are two small independent parameters, not necessarily of the same order of magnitude. By performing the scaling transformation $$u(x,t)= \epsilon U(Y,S), ~~~~Y=\delta (x-t), ~~~~ S=\delta t \label{approx}$$ to (\[frac\]), we obtain $$U_{SS}- 2U_{YS}+\delta^{2\nu}(-D_{Y}^{2})^{\nu} (U_{SS}-2U_{SY}+U_{YY})= \epsilon^{p} (U^{p+1})_{YY} \label{per-bous}$$ for $U(Y,S)$. It is obvious from (\[per-bous\]) that the parameters $\epsilon$ and $\delta$ can be regarded as measures of nonlinear and dispersive effects, respectively. That is, $\epsilon$ can be taken a typical (small) amplitude of waves whereas $\delta$ is taken a typical (small) wavenumber. There is a considerable literature on the asymptotic derivation of the CH equation [@johnson1; @constantin1; @johnson2; @lannes; @erbay1] and we apply similar ideas to obtain the generalized fractional CH equation. We consider a double asymptotic expansion of the solution of (\[per-bous\]) in the form $$U(Y,S;\epsilon, \delta)= U_{0}(Y,S)+\epsilon^{p} U_{1}(Y,S)+\delta^{2\nu} U_{2}(Y,S)+\epsilon^{p} \delta^{2\nu} U_{3}(Y,S)
+{\mathcal O}(\epsilon^{2p},\delta^{4\nu}) \label{sol}$$ as $\epsilon \rightarrow 0$, $\delta \rightarrow 0$. Furthermore we require that the unknowns $U_{n}$ $(n=0,1,2, ...)$ and their derivatives decay to zero as $|Y| \rightarrow \infty$. Inserting the asymptotic solution (\[sol\]) into (\[per-bous\]) and equating coefficients of the corresponding powers of $\epsilon^{p}$ and $\delta^{2\nu}$, we get a hierarchy of partial differential equations for the functions $U_{n}$ $(n=0,1,2, ...)$. The leading-order term $U_{0}$ is governed by the first-order linear partial differential equation $$(D_S-2D_Y) U_{0S} =0. \label{eq-a}$$ Because of our assumption that only the right-going waves will be considered, we have $U_{0S}=0$ which implies $U_{0}=U_{0}(Y)$. The next order term $U_{1}$ satisfies $$(D_S-2D_Y) U_{1S} -(U_{0}^{p+1})_{YY}=0 \label{eq-b}$$ at ${\mathcal O}(\epsilon^{p})$. But, by differentiating this equation with respect to $S$, we notice that $U_{1SS}$ also satisfies (\[eq-a\]). Again, our assumption on the right-going waves implies that $U_{1SS}=0$. Using this result we get $$U_{1S}=-\frac{1}{2}(U_{0}^{p+1})_Y. \label{eq-c}$$ At order $\delta^{2\nu}$, it is found that, with the use of $U_{0S}=0$, the governing equation for $U_{2}$ is $$(D_S-2D_Y) U_{2S} +(-D_{Y}^{2})^{\nu}U_{0YY}=0. \label{eq-d}$$ Differentiation of (\[eq-d\]) with respect to $S$ and a similar argument as in (\[eq-b\]) yield $U_{2SS}=0$. This implies that $$U_{2S}=\frac{1}{2}(-D_{Y}^{2})^{\nu}U_{0Y} \label{eq-e}$$ is the solution of (\[eq-d\]). At ${\mathcal O}(\epsilon^{p} \delta^{2\nu})$, with the use of $U_{1SS}=0$, we get $$(D_S-2D_Y) U_{3S} +(-D_{Y}^{2})^{\nu}(U_{1YY}-2 U_{1SY})=(p+1)(U_{0}^{p} U_{2})_{YY}. \label{eq-f}$$ When we differentiate this equation twice with respect to $S$, we see that $U_{3SSS}$ satisfies the same equation as (\[eq-a\]). Again, our assumption on the right-going waves implies that $U_{3SSS}=0$. If we differentiate (\[eq-f\]) with respect to $S$ and substitute (\[eq-c\]), (\[eq-e\]) and $U_{3SSS}=0$ into the resulting equation, we obtain $$U_{3SS}=-\frac{1}{4} (-D_{Y}^{2})^{\nu}(U_{0}^{p+1})_{YY}-\frac{1}{4}(p+1)[U_{0}^{p} (-D_{Y}^{2})^{\nu} U_{0Y}]_Y. \label{eq-g}$$ Using this result in (\[eq-f\]), $U_{3S}$ is found in the form $$\begin{aligned}
&& U_{3S}=-{{p+1}\over 2}(U_{0}^{p} U_{2})_Y+\frac{1}{2}(-D_{Y}^{2})^{\nu} U_{1Y}+\frac{3}{8} (-D_{Y}^{2})^{\nu}(U_{0}^{p+1})_{Y} \label{eq-k} \\
&& \quad \quad \quad -\frac{p+1}{8} U_{0}^{p}(-D_{Y}^{2})^{\nu} U_{0Y}. \nonumber
\end{aligned}$$ For our purposes, the higher-order terms in the asymptotic expansion will not be needed in the later analysis.
Now, differentiating both sides of (\[sol\]) with respect to $S$ once and using all the results obtained above in the resulting equation we get $$\begin{aligned}
\label{eq-h} \\
&& ~U_S =\epsilon^{p} U_{1S} +\delta^{2\nu} U_{2S}+ \epsilon^{p}\delta^{2\nu} U_{3S}+{\mathcal O}(\epsilon^{2p},\delta^{4\nu}) \nonumber \\
&& \quad \quad = -\frac{\epsilon^{p}}{2} \left[ U_{0}^{p+1} + (p+1)\delta^{2\nu} U_{0}^{p} U_{2}\right]_Y
+\frac{\delta^{2\nu}}{2}(-D_{Y}^{2})^{\nu} \left(U_{0} + \epsilon^{p} U_{1}\right)_{Y} \nonumber \\
&& \quad \quad +\frac{\epsilon^{p} \delta^{2\nu}(p+1)}{8} \left[3(-D_{Y}^{2})^{\nu}(U_{0}^{p}U_{0Y})- U_{0}^{p} (-D_{Y}^{2})^{\nu}U_{0Y}\right]
+{\mathcal O}(\epsilon^{2p},\delta^{4\nu}). \nonumber
\end{aligned}$$ Using $U_{0S}=0$, (\[eq-c\]) and (\[eq-e\]) in (\[eq-h\]) and keeping all terms up to ${\mathcal O}(\epsilon^{p},\delta^{2\nu})$, we get $$\begin{aligned}
\label{eq-i} \\
&& U_S+{\epsilon^{p}\over 2} (U^{p+1})_Y -\frac{\delta^{2\nu}}{2}(-D_{Y}^{2})^{\nu} U_{Y}
-\frac{\epsilon^{p} \delta^{2\nu} (p+1)}{8} \left[3(-D_{Y}^{2})^{\nu}(U^{p}U_{Y}) \right. \nonumber \\
&& \quad \quad \left. - U^{p} (-D_{Y}^{2})^{\nu} U_{Y}\right]=0 \nonumber\end{aligned}$$ for $U(Y,S;\epsilon, \delta)$. Notice that, for $p=1$ and $\nu=1$, this equation reduces to $$U_S+{\epsilon\over 2} (U^{2})_Y +\frac{\delta^{2}}{2}U_{YYY}
+\frac{\epsilon \delta^{2}}{4} \left[3(UU_{Y})_{YY} - U U_{YYY}\right]=0. \label{eq-i-ch}$$ The crucial observation for (\[eq-i-ch\]) is that it is not the CH equation in its standard form. In Ref. [@erbay1], (\[eq-i-ch\]) has been converted into the standard form of the CH equation in two stages. First, (\[eq-i-ch\]) has been rewritten in a moving frame of reference. Second, to incorporate the term $U_{YYS}$ of the CH equation into (\[eq-i-ch\]), a classical trick which was proposed to derive the BBM equation [@bbm] from the KdV equation [@korteweg] has been performed. In the remaining part of this section this approach will be extended to (\[eq-i\]).
We first consider the moving frame $$X=aY+bS, ~~~~T=cS \label{eq-j}$$ where $a$, $b$ and $c$ are positive constants to be determined later. And we rewrite (\[eq-i\]) in the new coordinate system with $U(Y,S)=V(aY+bS, cS)=V(X,T)$: $$\begin{aligned}
&& cV_T+b V_X+{{a\epsilon^{p}}\over 2}(V^{p+1})_X -\frac{\delta^{2\nu} a^{2\nu +1}}{2} (-D_{X}^{2})^{\nu}V_{X} \label{eq-k} \\
&& \quad \quad -\frac{(p+1)\epsilon^{p} \delta^{2\nu} a^{2\nu +1}}{8} \left[3(-D_{X}^{2})^{\nu}(V^{p}V_{X})
- V^{p}(-D_{X}^{2})^{\nu} V_{X}\right]=0. \nonumber\end{aligned}$$ Then, inserting the relation $$(-D_{X}^{2})^{\nu}V_{X}=-{c\over b}(-D_{X}^{2})^{\nu}V_{T}
-{{a\epsilon^{p}}\over {2b}}(-D_{X}^{2})^{\nu} (V^{p+1})_{X}+{\mathcal O}(\delta^{2\nu},\epsilon^{p}\delta^{2\nu}) \label{eq-l}$$ obtained from (\[eq-k\]) into again (\[eq-k\]), we eliminate the term $(-D_{X}^{2})^{\nu}V_{X}$ in favor of $(-D_{X}^{2})^{\nu}V_{T}$. Thus, (\[eq-k\]) becomes $$\begin{aligned}
\label{eq-m} \\
&& \!\!\!\!\!\!\!\! V_T+{b\over c} V_X+{{a\epsilon^{p}}\over {2c}} (V^{p+1})_X +\frac{\delta^{2\nu} a^{2\nu +1}}{2b}(-D_{X}^{2})^{\nu} V_{T} \nonumber \\
&& \quad -\frac{(p+1)\epsilon^{p} \delta^{2\nu} a^{2\nu +1}}{8c}\left[(3-\frac{2a}{b})(-D_{X}^{2})^{\nu}(V^{p}V_{X})
- V^{p} (-D_{X}^{2})^{\nu}V_{X}\right]=0. \nonumber\end{aligned}$$ Inserting the scaling transformation $$v=\epsilon V, ~~~~X=\delta \zeta, ~~~~T=\delta \tau \label{eq-n}$$ into (\[eq-m\]) remove the parameters $\epsilon$ and $\delta$ from (\[eq-m\]) and gives $$\begin{aligned}
&& v_\tau+{b\over c} v_\zeta+{a\over {2c}} (v^{p+1})_\zeta +\frac{a^{2\nu +1}}{2b} (-D_{\zeta}^{2})^{\nu}v_{\tau}\label{eq-o} \\
&& \quad \quad -\frac{(p+1)a^{2\nu +1}}{8c}\left[(3-\frac{2a}{b})(-D_{\zeta}^{2})^{\nu}(v^{p}v_{\zeta})
- v^{p}(-D_{\zeta}^{2})^{\nu} v_{\zeta}\right]=0. \nonumber\end{aligned}$$ We note that, for $p=1$ and $\nu=1$, this equation reduces to $$v_\tau+{b\over c} v_\zeta+{a\over {2c}} (v^{2})_\zeta -\frac{a^{3}}{2b} v_{\zeta\zeta\tau}
+\frac{a^{3}}{4c}\left[(3-\frac{2a}{b})(vv_{\zeta})_{\zeta\zeta} - v v_{\zeta\zeta\zeta}\right]=0. \label{eq-o-ch}$$ In [@erbay1] it has been shown that this equation can be converted to the CH equation (\[ch\]) with special values of $\kappa_{1}$ and $\kappa_{2}$ when the parameters $a$, $b$ and $c$ are chosen such that the following three conditions are satisfied. The first condition requires that the ratio of the coefficients of the terms $v_\zeta v_{\zeta\zeta}$ and $v v_{\zeta\zeta\zeta}$ must be 2:1. The second and third conditions say that the coefficients of the terms $vv_{\zeta}$ and $v_{\tau\zeta\zeta}$ are 3 and -1, respectively. These conditions are widely used in the literature [@johnson1; @constantin1; @johnson2] and we refer the reader to [@lannes] for more detailed discussions on these conditions. We now follow a similar procedure to fix the free parameters $a$, $b$ and $c$ appearing in (\[eq-o\]). Under similar conditions for (\[eq-o\]) we get $$a=\left({2\over \sqrt{5}}\right)^{1/\nu},~~~~b={2\over 5}\left({2\over {\sqrt{5}}}\right)^{1/\nu},~~~~c={1\over 3}\left({2\over {\sqrt{5}}}\right)^{1/\nu}. \label{param-a}$$ Notice that, for these values of $a$, $b$ and $c$, (\[eq-m\]) and (\[eq-o\]) reduce to $$\begin{aligned}
&& V_{T}+\frac{6}{5}V_{X}+{3\over 2}\epsilon^{p} (V^{p+1})_{X}+\delta^{2\nu} (-D_{X}^{2})^{\nu} V_{T} \label{eq-r} \\
&& \quad \quad +\frac{3(p+1)\epsilon^{p} \delta^{2\nu}}{10}\left[2(-D_{X}^{2})^{\nu}(V^{p}V_{X}) +V^{p}(-D_{X}^{2})^{\nu}V_{X}\right]=0, \nonumber\end{aligned}$$ and $$v_{\tau}+{6\over 5} v_{\zeta}+{3\over 2} (v^{p+1})_{\zeta}+(-D_{\zeta}^{2})^{\nu}v_{\tau}
=-{{3(p+1)}\over 10}\left[2(-D_{\zeta}^{2})^{\nu}(v^{p}v_{\zeta})+v^{p}(-D_{\zeta}^{2})^{\nu}v_{\zeta}\right], \label{eq-s}$$ respectively. We henceforth call (\[eq-s\]) the generalized fractional CH equation because for $p=1$ it reduces to the fractional CH equation presented in [@erbay1] (see equation (4.10) of [@erbay1]). Furthermore, when both $p=1$ and $\nu=1$, (\[eq-s\]) reduces to the CH equation (\[ch\]) with $\kappa_{1}={6/5}$ and $\kappa_{2}={9/5}$. To the best of our knowledge (\[eq-s\]) has never appeared in the literature prior to the present work. The main distinction between the generalized fractional CH equation, (\[eq-s\]), and previous works on the CH-type equations is that (\[eq-s\]) includes both power nonlinearities and fractional dispersion.
We close this section by stating (\[eq-s\]) in the original coordinates $x$ and $t$. We first observe that (\[approx\]), (\[eq-j\]), (\[eq-n\]) and (\[param-a\]) provide the coordinate transformation between $(\zeta, \tau)$ and $(x,t)$ in the form $$\zeta=\left({2\over \sqrt{5}}\right)^{1/\nu}(x-{3\over 5}t), ~~~~ \tau={1\over 3}\left({2\over \sqrt{5}}\right)^{1/\nu}t. \label{trans}$$ Using this coordinate transformation and introducing $w(x, t)=v(\zeta, \tau)$, we convert (\[eq-s\]) to $$\begin{aligned}
&& w_{t}+ w_{x}+ {1\over 2}(w^{p+1})_{x}+{3\over 4}(-D_{x}^{2})^{\nu}w_{x}+{5\over 4}(-D_{x}^{2})^{\nu}w_{t} \label{ch-or} \\
&& \quad \quad =-{{p+1}\over 8}[2 (-D_{x}^{2})^{\nu} (w^{p}w_{x})+w^{p} (-D_{x}^{2})^{\nu} w_{x}]. \nonumber
\end{aligned}$$ In the following section we will take a closer look at some special cases of the generalized fractional CH equation.
Some Special Cases {#sec:cases}
In this section we state some important particular cases of the generalized fractional CH equation (\[eq-s\]). We also derive generalized forms of the KdV [@korteweg] and BBM [@bbm] equations. From the point of view of the KdV and BBM equations, the main difference between our approach and similar studies in the literature is that the generalized equations derived here include both power nonlinearities and fractional dispersion.
The generalized Camassa-Holm equation
When $\nu=1$, (\[eq-s\]) reduces to the generalized CH equation $$v_{\tau}+{6\over 5} v_{\zeta}+{3\over 2} (v^{p+1})_{\zeta}-v_{\zeta\zeta\tau}
={{3(p+1)}\over 10}\left[2(v^{p}v_{\zeta})_{\zeta\zeta}+v^{p}v_{\zeta\zeta\zeta}\right]. \label{eq-s-g}$$ Even though various generalizations of the CH equation have been proposed in the literature, this equation is different from those studied thus far because of the different form of the terms on the right-hand side of (\[eq-s-g\]). Using the coordinate transformation (\[trans\]), we can write (\[eq-s-g\]) in the original reference frame as follows $$w_{t}+ w_{x}+ {1\over 2}(w^{p+1})_{x}-{3\over 4}w_{xxx}-{5\over 4}w_{xxt}={{p+1}\over 8}[2 (w^{p}w_{x})_{xx}+w^{p} w_{xxx}] \label{ch-or-g}$$ with $w(x, t)=v(\zeta, \tau)$.
The modified Camassa-Holm equation
When $p=2$, (\[eq-s-g\]) reduces to the modified CH equation $$v_{\tau}+{6\over 5} v_{\zeta}+{9\over 2} v^{2}v_{\zeta}-v_{\zeta\zeta\tau}
={9\over 10}\left[2(v^{2}v_{\zeta})_{\zeta\zeta}+v^{2}v_{\zeta\zeta\zeta}\right]. \label{eq-s-m}$$ Although there is a growing literature on modified forms of the CH equation, this equation seems to be new in the literature. For instance, the modified CH equation proposed in [@fuchssteiner; @olver], which is an integrable generalization of the classical CH equation, includes extra terms on the right-hand side. With the use of the coordinate transformation (\[trans\]) we can rewrite (\[eq-s-m\]) in terms of the original variables as $$w_{t}+ w_{x}+ {3\over 2}w^{2}w_{x}-{3\over 4}w_{xxx}-{5\over 4}w_{xxt}={3\over 8}[2 (w^{2}w_{x})_{xx}+w^{2} w_{xxx}] \label{ch-or-g}$$ with $w(x, t)=v(\zeta, \tau)$.
The generalized fractional BBM equation
We now seek an asymptotic solution of (\[per-bous\]) in the form $$U(Y,S;\epsilon, \delta)= U_{0}(Y,S)+\epsilon^{p} U_{1}(Y,S)+\delta^{2\nu} U_{2}(Y,S) +{\mathcal O}(\epsilon^{2p},\epsilon^{p}\delta^{2\nu}, \delta^{4\nu}) \label{sol-a}$$ This means that the terms of order $\epsilon^{p} \delta^{2\nu}$ are neglected in all calculations in the previous section. Then, instead of (\[eq-s\]), we get the generalized fractional BBM equation $$v_{\tau}+\kappa_{1} v_{\zeta}+{3\over 2} (v^{p+1})_{\zeta}+(-D_{\zeta}^{2})^{\nu}v_{\tau}=0, \label{eq-s-f}$$ with $\kappa_{1}=3a^{2\nu}/2$ (where $a$ is an arbitrary positive constant). It is interesting to note that, in the special case $p=1$, (\[eq-s-f\]) reduces to one discussed in [@kapitula]. In the original reference frame $(x,t)$, (\[eq-s-f\]) becomes $$w_{t}+ w_{x}+ {1\over 2}(w^{p+1})_{x}+{3\over 4}(-D_{x}^{2})^{\nu}w_{x}+{5\over 4}(-D_{x}^{2})^{\nu}w_{t}=0
\label{bbm-or}$$ with $w(x, t)=v(\zeta, \tau)$ and $a=(4/5)^{1/{(2\nu)}}$.
The generalized fractional KDV equation
Similarly, using (\[sol-a\]) instead of (\[per-bous\]) and neglecting all the terms of $\epsilon^{p} \delta^{2\nu}$, we reach the following equation $$U_S+{\epsilon^{p}\over 2} (U^{p+1})_Y -\frac{\delta^{2\nu}}{2}(-D_{Y}^{2})^{\nu} U_{Y}=0
\label{eq-i-f}$$ instead of (\[eq-i\]). We call (\[eq-i-f\]) the generalized fractional KdV equation because for $p=1$ it reduces to the fractional KdV equation that is well analyzed in the literature, see, for instance, [@bona]. In the original reference frame $(x,t)$, (\[eq-i-f\]) takes the following form $$w_{t}+ w_{x}+ {1\over 2}(w^{p+1}){x}-{1\over 2}(-D_{x}^{2})^{\nu} w_{x}=0
\label{kdv-or}$$ with $w(x, t)=v(\zeta, \tau)$.
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"pile_set_name": "ArXiv"
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- '[a]{}Department of Computer Science, Saarland University, Saarbrücken, Germany'
- '[b]{}Programming Systems Lab, Saarland University, Saarbrücken, Germany'
- Cătălin Hriţcua
- Jan Schwinghammerb
- 'step-indexing.bib'
title: 'A Step-indexed Semantics of Imperative Objects'
| {
"pile_set_name": "ArXiv"
} | ArXiv |
- 'S. Dolei, A. Bemporad'
- 'D. Spadaro'
date: 'Received 4 January 2013 / Accepted 20 December 2013'
title: |
Measurements with STEREO/COR1 data of drag forces\
acting on small-scale blobs falling in the intermediate corona
It is well known from fluid dynamics that, when a rigid body moves relative to a fluid at high Reynolds numbers, vortices form in the trailing edge of the body leading to the formation of a turbulent flow past the object and to vortex shedding. Formation of vortices corresponds to a net transfer of energy and momentum from the body to the fluid, resulting in an effective deceleration of the body itself, which is usually described by introducing an effective drag force. A similar approach has been extensively applied in solar physics to study the interaction of magnetic fluxtubes with the surrounding plasma [e.g. @b2a], in that the collective behaviour of fluid particles in a collisional fluid is replaced by the presence of a magnetic field in a collisionless plasma. In the solar plasma, the magnetic Reynolds number $R_m$, representing the relative importance of plasma advection over the Ohmic diffusion, is usually $R_m\gg1$ (in particular in the solar corona where $R_m\approx10^{13}$), which leads to the well-known freezing-in of the magnetic field by the highly conducting solar plasma, and probably makes the plasma turbulence ubiquitous. Historically, the analytic drag-force approach has been adopted to study the dynamics of solar plasmas in many different environments, like the formation of sunspots [e.g. @parker1979], the motion of flux tubes in the convection zone [e.g. @parker1979], the motion of loops in the corona [e.g. @cargill1994], and the acceleration and propagation of magnetic clouds [e.g. @chengarren1993].
More recently, the same approach has been applied by @toriumi2011 to study the emergence of fluxtubes from the photosphere, by @b7 to study the downflows in quiescent prominences, and by @chenschuck2007 to study the damping of loop oscillations in the corona. Moreover, over the last few decades many authors applied the concept of a magnetic drag force to study the interplanetary propagation of solar eruptions (or coronal mass ejections – CMEs); CMEs can propagate in the intermediate corona (which extends from 1.5 to 5 solar radii) at velocities of up to 2500 km s$^{-1}$ [@b16; @b5], while at 1 AU velocities tend to be closer to that of the solar wind [SW; @b6], around 500 – 800 km s$^{-1}$. The reason for this deceleration is that during their propagation the initial acceleration ceases and the CME motion becomes dominated by the interaction with the solar wind. @b2a proved that as the flux tube moves through the external plasma, its shape becomes distorted and reconnection can take place between the flux tube and external fields. As recently pointed out by @matthaeusvelli2011, “the problem of the interaction of CMEs with background interplanetary medium is analogous to high Reynolds number turbulent flow past an obstacle, but more complex because of expected kinetic effects.” The coupling occurs when there is a unidirectional external field component in the direction of flux tube propagation and drag coefficients ($C_D$) parameterize this interaction. These phenomena may significantly modify the interplanetary propagation of CMEs, thus affecting the expected arrival time of solar storms on Earth, with very important consequences for space weather predictions.
The above discussion shows that the study of magnetic drag forces acting on plasma elements is an interdisciplinary topic, having a broad range of possible applications for solar physics plasmas and beyond. Nevertheless, despite the potential impact, for instance, in the study of the early propagation phase of CMEs, measurements of drag coefficients in the intermediate corona are very rare. The kinematics of plasma blobs propagating in the corona along coronal streamers were already extensively studied with SOHO/LASCO data [see @sheeley1997; @wang2000] and these blobs are believed to form because of magnetic reconnection occurring along the streamer current sheets. A very interesting class of events was also reported by @wangsheeley2002, who discovered material within the bright core of a CME that collapse towards the Sun; the authors interpreted this material as plasma that was gravitationally and/or magnetically bound to the Sun. The authors assumed different values of the magnetic drag coefficient to show that drag forces can account for the asymmetry between the ascending and descending portions of the observed fall-back trajectories, but no measurements of $C_D$ were provided.
In this work, we study the 3-D trajectories of three small-scale (0.01 R$_\odot$) chromospheric plasma blobs observed in the STEREO/COR1 field of view after the huge solar eruption of June 7, 2011. The trajectories and kinematics of these blobs are reconstructed via a triangulation technique [@b9]. These measurements are then combined with electron density and mass estimates to investigate the effects of drag forces on the blobs. Section \[observations\] provides a description of the observations and of the technique we employed to reconstruct the 3-D trajectories of the blobs. In Sect. \[analysis\], we present the analysis procedure and treat in detail the calculation of two drag coefficients, starting from the estimate of the electron density in the blobs. In addition, we focus our attention on the emitting processes and, through the degree of polarization, prove that a significant fraction of the total emission is due to H$\alpha$, in both polarized and unpolarized components, mixed with emission due to Thomson scattering of photospheric radiation by free electrons inside the blob. Discussions of our results and final conclusions are given in Sect. \[conclusions\].
Coronal mass ejections are usually observed in white-light images provided by coronagraphs, such as the [*Large Angle and Spectrometric Coronagraph*]{} (LASCO) [@b1] onboard the [*Solar and Heliospheric Observatory*]{} (SOHO). The coronagraphs provide us with a view of a CME projected on the plane of the sky (POS). From the LASCO images, we are not able to infer the 3-D structure of a CME. The new generation data from the [*Solar TErrestrial RElations Observatory*]{} (STEREO) [@b11], which was launched in October 2006, provide us with the first ever stereoscopic images of the Sun’s atmosphere. The two STEREO spacecraft, Ahead and Behind, orbit the Sun at approximately 1 AU near the ecliptic plane with a separation angle between them increasing at a rate of about 45$^{\circ}$/year. Figure \[STEREO\] plots the positions of the STEREO Ahead (red) and Behind (blue) spacecraft at observation date relative to the Sun (yellow) and Earth (green). In particular, on June 7, 2011 the angle between the two STEREO spacecraft was about 172$^{\circ}$. The COR1 coronagraph aboard both STEREO spacecraft, whose field of view goes from 1.4 to 4.0 R$_\odot$, takes simultaneous sequences of three polarized images that can be combined to give total brightness or polarized brightness images. From these images, the spatial location of each selected blob is derived via triangulation (also known as the tie pointing technique). One can also use observations from the C2 coronagraph aboard LASCO to perform triangulation with STEREO images. The LASCO position, along the Sun-Earth line, provides an additional constraint for stereoscopic studies.
![Positions of the STEREO Ahead (red) and Behind (blue) spacecraft relative to the Sun (yellow) and the Earth (green) on June 7, 2011. The dotted lines show the angular displacements of the planets from the Sun. Distances are in Astronomical Units in a cartesian heliocentric Earth ecliptic (HEE) coordinate system.[]{data-label="STEREO"}](pdf/stereo.pdf){width="40.00000%"}
Selected sample
Figure \[views\] shows three snapshots of the eruption on June 7, 2011 captured by both the COR1-A and -B coronagraphs at 08:05 UT and by the C2 coronagraph at 9:34 UT. These images show a large amount of irregularly distributed plasma ejected and partially falling back to the Sun. In this work, we limit our analysis to some of the brightest blobs (those that are three orders of magnitude brighter than the quiescent corona) in order to have a better determination of the location in each frame of the blob’s centroid. In particular, by looking at STEREO/COR1 and SOHO/LASCO-C2 images acquired between 06:00 UT and 14:00 UT, with a 5 minutes time cadence for COR1 (95 frames for both spacecraft) and a 15 minutes time cadence for LASCO-C2 (33 frames), we select three blobs that remain coherent during the fall back to the Sun. We consider them as spheres with radius of about 0.01 R$_\odot$, corresponding to the COR1 pixel size. These blobs are marked as 1, 2, and 3 in Figure \[zoom\], which shows a sub-field of the COR1-A images at 09:35 UT, 09:55 UT, and 10:15 UT. We use sequences with a 15 minutes time cadence, specifically eight COR1 frames from 08:30 UT to 10:15 UT for blob 1, nine COR1 frames from 09:20 UT to 11:35 UT for blob 2, and six COR1 frames from 09:20 UT to 10:50 UT for blob 3. In each frame, we identify four or five points as the most probable position of the blob centroid and triangulate them; then we average among these triangulated points to minimize the indetermination of the spatial location of the blobs. Finally, the reconstruction of the falling trajectories are made by tracking blobs through these frames. We use the routine [scc\_measure.pro]{} available in the STEREO package of the [*SolarSoftware*]{} library which, after reading in a pair of STEREO/COR1-A and -B images, is able to track the line of sight (LOS) of a point selected in one image pair into the field of view of the second image. The reconstructed falling 3-D trajectories are shown in Figure \[3d\]; plasma falls back to the Sun with an average inclination with respect to the radial direction of 29.7$^{\circ}$ for blob 1 (blue), 28.7$^{\circ}$ for blob 2 (red), and 27.0$^{\circ}$ for blob 3 (green).
![image](pdf/behind.pdf){width="30.00000%"} ![image](pdf/ahead.pdf){width="30.00000%"} ![image](pdf/0934_c2.pdf){width="30.00000%"}
![image](pdf/0935.pdf){width="30.00000%"} ![image](pdf/0955.pdf){width="30.00000%"} ![image](pdf/1015.pdf){width="30.00000%"}
![image](view1a.jpg){width="45.00000%"} ![image](view2a.jpg){width="45.00000%"}
Analysis procedure {#analysis}
As @b2a pointed out, reconnection between the CME and the external field, whereby the CME velocity approximates that of the solar wind, occurs only when the external field is in the direction of flux tube propagation. In this work, we assume that the ambient magnetic field, left open by the huge eruption on June 7, 2011, has radial direction and that blobs are propagating across this radial field. This assumption is simply dictated by the strong inclinations we find (of almost $30^\circ$) between the blob trajectories and the radial direction, in the altitude range 2.0 – 3.7 R$_\odot$. The magnetic field of the solar corona is not expected to have a significant tangential component at these altitudes: for instance, potential field reconstructions assume that above a spherical source surface all field lines are radial. Usually, a good agreement between extrapolations and the distribution of coronal white-light structures is found by setting a radius of this surface at 2.5 R$_\odot$ [see e.g. @saez2007 and references therein].
This assumption allows us to determine the radial component of the drag force $F_{D\parallel}$ (see Sect. \[rad\_kin\]). On the other hand, the tangential component of the drag force $F_{D\perp}$ (see Sect. \[tan\_kin\]) can be derived by assuming that blobs can be thought of as packets which deform the ambient field as they push their way through it. As recently pointed out by @b7, who provided a droplet model for plasma downflows observed in a quiescent prominence, although the magnetic tension attempts to restore the undisturbed conditions after the passage of the packet, the temporary distortion of the field lines excites Alfvén waves carrying energy and momentum away from the interaction volume. This loss of momentum constitutes a magnetic drag force that opposes the motion. Figure \[aw\] shows the model we present here, which is a rearrangement of the model presented by @b7: blobs move into the solar wind and warp the radial field lines.
We estimate the radial and tangential speed components of the blobs along their falling trajectories towards the Sun. For instance, in the case of blob 2, Figure \[velocity\] shows that the tangential velocity (dash-dotted line) decreases at lower altitudes in disagreement with the conservation of angular momentum and the radial velocity (solid line ranging between the dotted lines) is smaller than free-fall velocity (dashed line) due only to the solar gravitational field. The kinematics of the blobs are affected by the magnetic field through drag forces. We derive two drag coefficients, starting from the radial motion, due to the combined action of the gravitational and radial drag forces, and from the tangential motion, affected by the tangential drag force due to the magnetic tension produced by the bending of the field lines because the blob crosses the ambient magnetic field.
![An illustration showing the plasma blob propagating with velocity $V_{blob}$ across the post-eruption radial field $B_0$ and being subjected to the gravitational force $F_g$ and to the drag forces parallel $F_{D\parallel}$ and perpendicular $F_{D\perp}$ to the magnetic field. Propagation of Alfvén waves generates two wings and carries away momentum and energy.[]{data-label="aw"}](cartoon.jpg){width="30.00000%"}
![Falling velocities along the blob 2 trajectory. The plot shows that the radial velocity component (solid line) remains smaller than the expected free-fall velocity (dashed line), even if it ranges between its upper and lower limits (dotted lines), and that the tangential velocity component (dash-dotted line) decreases at lower altitudes, and a tangential deceleration may be derived.[]{data-label="velocity"}](pdf/v_2.pdf){width="45.00000%"}
Analysis of white-light emissions
In the following we discuss how the white-light COR1 intensities have been employed to estimate not only the electron densities in the blobs, but also the absolute H$\alpha$ total and polarized brightness emitted by the blobs.
### Estimate of blob electron density {#bdc}
For our purposes, we need to estimate the density in the blobs, by knowing the blob location determined via triangulation, assuming a coronal electron density profile and measuring the brightness due to Thomson scattering of photospheric light by free electrons [@b14a; @b15a; @b0]. The STEREO/COR1 coronagraphs [@b15] observe in a 22.5 nm wide waveband centred at the H$\alpha$ line at 656.3 nm, which is the result of the electronic 3$\rightarrow$2 transition by neutral hydrogen atoms. As demonstrated by e.g. @b0b, the chromospheric material in prominence filaments associated with an erupting event is optically thin in $H\alpha$. Therefore, we assume that the $H\alpha$ radiation from the selected blobs is optically thin. Hence, in COR1 images, the measured total brightness $tB$, observed at the pixels where each blob is located, comes from a superposition along the LOS of the radiation from the three different sources: the H$\alpha$ radiation emitted by neutral H atoms in the blob $tB_{H\alpha}$, the Thomson scattering by free electrons in the blob $tB_{Th}$, and the Thomson scattering by coronal free electrons along the same LOS through the blob $tB_{Th^\prime}$. We have $$tB=tB_{H\alpha}+tB_{Th}+tB_{Th^\prime}
\label{total1}$$ and we need to remove the H$\alpha$ and coronal contributions from the COR1 intensities to estimate the real Thomson scattering total brightness and the right blob density. In each pixel through which the blob propagates, the brightness measured at a projected altitude $\zeta$ is given by a LOS integration of the inferred electron density profile multiplied by a geometrical function; this integration is then split into two integrals: one performed over a coronal length L and the other over a $2r_b$ thickness across the blob, where $r_b$ is the radius of the blob (assumed to be spherical) about equal to 0.01 R$_\odot$, as inferred from the COR1 images. The three contributions expressed in Eq. (\[total1\]) then become $$tB=tB_{H\alpha}+\int_{2r_b}B(z)\,n_{e,blob}(z)\,dz+\int_{L-2r_b}B(z)\,n_{e,cor}(z)\,dz,
\label{total2}$$ where $B(z)$ is the total brightness for one electron and $n_{e,blob}(z)$ and $n_{e,cor}(z)$ are the density profiles along the LOS coordinate $z$, respectively, in the blob and in the corona. We use the routine [eltheory.pro]{} available in the [*SolarSoftware*]{} library, which uses the Thomson electron scattering theory to compute the value of $B(z)$, once the distance of the electron from the centre of the Sun is known. If the angle brackets $\langle\,\Gamma\,\rangle_\gamma$ denote the average value of the quantity $\Gamma(z)$ along a path of length $\gamma$ along $z$, then the integrals in Eq. (\[total2\]) become $$tB\simeq tB_{H\alpha}+\langle B\,\rangle_{2r_b}\langle\,\!n_{e,blob}\,\!\rangle_{2r_b}2r_b+tB_{cor},
\label{total3}$$ where $tB_{cor}\simeq tB_{Th^\prime}$, because of the very small LOS extension of the blob, and $n_{e,blob}=\langle\,\!n_{e,blob}\,\!\rangle_{2r_b}$ is the blob density. To estimate the real coronal density distribution we make use of two different density radial profiles $n_{e,cor}$ available in the literature, representing two different extremes of electron density values. In particular, we set as input for our calculations either the coronal hole density distribution modeled by @b3 or the streamer density profile at solar minimum derived by @b4a, respectively given by $$n_{e,cor}(h)=\left\{\begin{array}{l}
10^5\left(3890\,h^{-10.5}+8.69\,h^{-2.57}\right) \\
\label{profile}$$ where the heliocentric distance $h$ is in units of R$_\odot$ and the density is in cm$^{-3}$. The aim is to reproduce the COR1-A post-eruption white-light brightness, specifically at 10:30 UT along the 130$^\circ$ position angle (measured counterclockwise from the north) and averaged over 20$^\circ$. For every pixel at the projected altitude $\zeta=\sqrt{h^2-z^2}$, we assume a set of non-dimensional multiplication factors $K(\zeta)$ with values between 0.2 and 10. Then, by integrating at each projected altitude all the $K(\zeta)\,n_{e,cor}(h)$ density profiles along the LOS resulting from the assumption of all the possible $K(\zeta)$ values between 0.2 and 10, we determine the $K(\zeta)$ factor that best reproduces the COR1 observed white-light intensity. Hence, the derived $K(\zeta)$ values represent at each projected altitude the multiplication factors of the density profile (given in Eq. (\[profile\])) required to reproduce the observed white-light intensity. With this technique we derive an array of multiplication factors $K(\zeta)$ for different projected altitudes $\zeta$: the resulting densities on the plane of the sky (i.e. for $z=0$) as a function of $h=\zeta$ are given by $K(\zeta)\,n_{e,cor}(\zeta)$. Figure \[comparison\] shows the resulting density profiles $K(\zeta)\,n_{e,cor}(\zeta)$ (blue and red solid lines) obtained by assuming the two different functions $n_{e,cor}(\zeta)$ given in Eq. (\[profile\]) (blue and red dashed lines). The similarity of results implies that the initial choice of the coronal density distribution has no significant effect, because the two curves are the same on average to within less than 10%. Once the coronal density is derived, we are able to calculate the coronal total brightness contribution $tB_{cor}$; finally, by measuring $tB$ from the COR1 images, we need only to estimate the unknown quantity $tB_{H\alpha}$ to determine $n_{e,blob}$, according to Eq. (\[total3\]). To this end, we include one more condition.
![The computed coronal electron density profiles $K(\zeta)\,n_{e,cor}(\zeta)$ (blue and red solid lines) on the plane of the sky (i.e. for $z=0$), where the $n_{e,cor}(\zeta)$ functions (blue and red dashed lines) are given in Eq. (\[profile\]) for $h=\zeta$.[]{data-label="comparison"}](pdf/profiles.pdf){width="45.00000%"}
@b0b have expressed the H$\alpha$ emission in the optically thin regime $I_{H\alpha}$ and the emission by Thomson scattering $I_{Th}$ for a prominence filament associated with an erupting event and derived an electron temperature $T_e=$ 20000 K. In our case, the formulas become $$\begin{aligned}
I_{H\alpha} &=& 1.06\times10^{-5}\,n_3\,2r_b
\label{athay1} \\
I_{Th} &=& \sigma_e\,W\,J_{tot}\,n_{e,blob}\,2r_b,
\label{athay2}\end{aligned}$$ where $n_3$ is the population density of the third principal quantum level in the hydrogen atom, $\sigma_e=6.65\times10^{-25}$ cm$^2$ is the electron scattering cross section, $W$ is the dilution factor given by the ratio between the mean intensity of the radiation incident from the solar surface and the intensity emitted from the solar disc centre and $J_{tot}=4.88\times10^8$ ergs cm$^{-2}$ s$^{-1}$ sr$^{-1}$ is the photospheric intensity integrated over the COR1 filter passband and centred at 656.3 nm. Above 2 R$_\odot$ the limb darkening is negligible and $W$ only has geometrical properties and is equal to $$W=\frac{1}{2}\left[\,1-\sqrt{1-\frac{1}{(1+h)^2}}\,\right]$$ with the heliocentric distance $h$ in R$_\odot$. The population density $n_3$ can be expressed by using the Boltzmann-Saha statistics [@b14e] as $$n_3=b_3\,n_{e,blob}^2\left(\frac{2\,\pi\,m_e\,k_B\,T_e}{h^2}\right)^{-3/2}\frac{g_3}{2}\,exp\left(\frac{\chi_3}{k_B\,T_e}\right),
\label{n3}$$ where $b_3$, $g_3$ and $\chi_3$ are, respectively, the departure factor describing the non-LTE radiative-transfer, statistical weight and excitation energy of the third principal quantum level in hydrogen atom; $m_e$ is the electron mass; $k_B$ is the Boltzmann constant; and $h$ is the Planck constant. As @b10 pointed out, $b_3$ is temperature-dependent and can be fitted by a parabolic function of temperature. On the other hand, the ratio between Eqs. (\[athay1\]) and (\[athay2\]), through Eq. (\[n3\]), shows a weak temperature dependence for typical prominence plasma temperatures $T_e>$ 10000 K, and by extrapolating the value of $b_3$ to the electron temperature provided by @b0b ($T_e=$ 20000 K), we can write $$\frac{I_{H\alpha}}{I_{Th}}=\frac{tB_{H\alpha}}{tB_{Th}}=1.57\times10^{-9}\,W^{-1}\,n_{e,blob}.
\label{ratio}$$ Nevertheless, because of the expression of $n_3$, Eq. (\[ratio\]) holds only for static prominences. Because the plasma blob is moving with respect to the solar surface, the H$\alpha$ radiation incident on the blob and emitted by the underlying photosphere-chromosphere is Doppler-shifted with respect to the atomic absorption profile. In particular, the H$\alpha$ line has its photospheric-chromospheric counterpart in the form of a Fraunhofer absorption line and this shift results in an increase of the exciting radiation, hence in a final brightening of H$\alpha$ radiation; this is known as the Doppler brightening effect (DBE) [see e.g. @b7a]. For this reason, in what follows, we will introduce a non-dimensional correction factor $f=f({\rm v})$ (with $f > 1$), dependent on the plasma radial velocity v, so that the H$\alpha$ radiation that one should observe in the case of a quiescent plasma is given by $tB_{H\alpha}/f({\rm v})$. The correction factor $f({\rm v})$ was computed by @b14d as a function of the heights above the solar surface; the author found that $f({\rm v})$ has values typically between 1 and 4 for an inflow or outflow radial plasma velocity v between 0 and 100 km s$^{-1}$, up to 1 R$_\odot$, and a steady trend at higher altitudes. Hence, by introducing the factor $f$, Eq. (\[ratio\]) has to be rewritten as $$\frac{tB_{H\alpha}}{f({\rm v})\,tB_{Th}}=1.57\times10^{-9}\,W^{-1}\,n_{e,blob}.
\label{ratio2}$$ By reasonably assuming that our selected blobs carry plasma similar to that studied by @b0b in a prominence filament or by @b10 in quiescent prominences, Eqs. (\[total3\]) and (\[ratio2\]) correspond to an algebric system of two equations in the two unknown quantities $n_{e,blob}$ and $tB_{H\alpha}$. Solving this system for $n_{e,blob}$, we have $$1.57\times10^{-9}\,W^{-1}\,f({\rm v})\,\,n_{e,blob}^2+n_{e,blob}-\frac{tB-tB_{cor}}{\langle B\,\rangle_{2r_b}2r_b}=0.
\label{quadratic}$$ Summarising, given the observational quantities $tB$ and $r_b$, calculated $\langle B\,\rangle_{2r_b}$ and $tB_{cor}$, this is a quadratic equation, whose positive solution permits us to obtain the blob electron density and, in turn, to calculate the Thomson scattering radiation $tB_{Th}$ and the total H$\alpha$ emission $tB_{H\alpha}$ through Eq. (\[ratio2\]).
Electron densities in the three blobs have been estimated along their 3-D trajectories at heliocentric distances between 2.0 and 3.7 R$_\odot$, where we compute a coronal electron density ranging between $\sim1.2\times10^5$ cm$^{-3}$ and $\sim2.5\times10^6$ cm$^{-3}$. Results at the different blob altitudes do not show a significant variation with height and we also conclude that the electron density for each blob is steady within the error bars. Table \[tab\_density\] gives the electron density values for the three blobs, averaged along the trajectories tracked by both STEREO spacecraft, which turn out to be in the order of $10^2$ – $10^3$ times larger than the density of the surrounding corona.
As we have verified before, the $K(\zeta)$ parameter, whose values are returned by the COR1 post-eruption total brightness, makes our calculations almost independent of the initial choice of the coronal density profile. The radiometric uncertainty of COR1 is estimated to be $\pm$10% [@b15]; however, we verify that a variation by a factor of up to 2 of the $K(\zeta)$ parameter corresponds to a difference of less than 5% in the resulting blob density.
For comparison, Table \[tab\_density\] also shows the values of $n_{e,blob}$ derived without removing the H$\alpha$ contribution, namely by the following relationship: $$n_{e,blob}=\frac{tB-tB_{cor}}{\langle B\,\rangle_{2r_b}2r_b}.
\label{over}$$ It is easily seen that not taking into account the H$\alpha$ emission from the blob implies a strong overestimation of the electron density by at least an order of magnitude. The same uncertainty has to be considered when STEREO data are employed to measure the electron density in the core of CMEs if the strong H$\alpha$ emission of the erupting prominence is not taken into account. The technique we have described in this paper has been applied for each blob to images acquired by both STEREO spacecraft: the very good agreement between values derived for the same blob from STEREO-A and STEREO-B data demonstrates that uncertainties related to the integration along the LOS are quite small.
We note here that the values we derived for the H$\alpha$ radiance emitted by the blobs are in agreement with the hypothesis we made by using Eq. (\[athay1\]), namely that the regime of emission is optically thin. In particular, @b7b demonstrated the existence of a correlation between the strength of H$\alpha$ emission and the correspondent optical thickness $\tau_{H\alpha}$ of the emitting plasma and found that for a line integrated intensity $tB_{H\alpha}$ smaller than $\sim10^4$ ergs cm$^{-2}$ s$^{-1}$ sr$^{-1}$ is $\tau_{H\alpha}<10^{-1}$. In particular, in our case we infer that $tB_{H\alpha}\sim10^2$ – $10^3$ ergs cm$^{-2}$ s$^{-1}$ sr$^{-1}$ (see last column in Table \[tab\_density\]), hence $\tau_{H\alpha}\sim10^{-3}$ –$10^{-2}$, indicating that the plasma in the blobs is optically thin to the H$\alpha$ radiation.
<span style="font-variant:small-caps;"></span> \[tab\_density\]
### Estimate of H$\alpha$ polarized emission from the blobs
In the analysis described so far we employed the total brightness observed by STEREO/COR1 instruments. Nevertheless, more information on the H$\alpha$ emission can be derived by analysing the polarized white-light component $pB$ as well. In particular, in what follows, we will show how $pB$ and $tB$ measurements from STEREO can be combined to estimate the percentage of polarization in the H$\alpha$ emission. The anisotropy of the incident photospheric light causes the observed Thomson-scattered radiation to be strongly polarized in the direction parallel to the solar limb. The presence of additional H$\alpha$ emission due to neutral hydrogen atoms in the blobs can result in a reduction of polarization. For instance, @b14b concluded that a reduction in polarization of the white-light coronal emission occurs where the raised neutral hydrogen is well embedded in the CME cloud and when it is located close to the plane of the sky of the observer.
As also pointed out by @b13, an equation similar to (\[total1\]) can be applied when dealing with the polarized components of the white-light, since the polarized emission in COR1 images, integrated along a LOS through the optically thin chromospheric plasma ejected into the corona, is due to the same three contributions. Hence we have that $$pB=pB_{H\alpha}+pB_{Th}+pB_{Th^{\prime}}$$ and, in a similar manner to the calculation of the Thomson scattering total brightness $tB_{Th}$, we can calculate the polarized brightness $pB_{Th}$ as: $$pB_{Th}=\langle p\,\rangle_{2r_b}\,n_{e,blob}\,2r_b,$$ where $\langle p\,\rangle_{2r_b}$ is the polarized brightness for one electron averaged over the blob thickness, whose value we compute by using the method previously described for $B(z)$.
The @b13 approach was to combine results from the tie pointing and Polarization Ratio [@b14f] techniques in order to justify the inconsistent position of some plasma “horns” in the 3-D reconstruction of the event they studied; they ascribed this anomaly to the presence of the low polarized H$\alpha$ component.
In this work, conversely, given the quantities $pB$ and $r_b$ directly measured from STEREO/COR1 images, we start from the determination of the blob location via triangulation, then derive the blob density and calculate $pB_{Th}$ and $pB_{Th^{\prime}} \simeq pB_{cor}$; finally, by taking into account the correction factor $f({\rm v})$ for moving prominences again, we obtain an estimate of the polarized component of H$\alpha$ emission $pB_{H\alpha}$. In addition, the total brightness calculated before allows us to measure the degree of polarization %$pol=pB/tB$. In particular, Table \[tab\_pol\] shows, from left to right, the percentage of polarization of Thomson-scattered radiation, total radiation, and H$\alpha$ emission from the three blobs. The values are averaged along the trajectories tracked by both STEREO spacecraft. It is evident a reduction in polarization of the total radiation compared to that of the Thomson scattering, owing to the emission by neutral hydrogen atoms, whose percentage of polarization is quite low. Table \[tab\_pol\] also shows the percentage contribution of the H$\alpha$ radiation to the total brightness emission, given by %H$\alpha=tB_{H\alpha}/(tB_{Th}+tB_{H\alpha})$. Results are in good agreement for instance with @b17 and @b11a, who measured the linear polarization of H$\alpha$ radiation from prominences and found it varies within a few percent. Moreover, by the examination of a CME on August 31, 2007, @b13 obtained a H$\alpha$ contribution to the total brightness emission more than 88% with a very low polarization, less than 5%.
<span style="font-variant:small-caps;"></span> \[tab\_pol\]
Analysis of 3-D kinematics
Once the average electron densities in the blobs (hence, given their radius, the blob masses) are known, it is possible to couple this information with the accelerations measured via triangulation, thus providing an estimate for the effective forces accelerating the blobs in the corona. To this end, in what follows we will separate, for obvious reasons, the two motions projected over the radial and the tangential directions, providing an estimate for the radial and tangential drag forces acting on the blobs.
### Radial kinematics: magnetic drag force {#rad_kin}
The radial component of forces acting on the blobs $F_\parallel$ is determined only by the inward gravitational force $F_g$ and the additional force due to the interaction of the blob with the solar wind, referred to as the parallel drag force $F_{D\parallel}$. The equation of motion of a blob moving in the solar wind can be written as [@wangsheeley2002; @b2] $$M_\star\frac{dV_\parallel}{dt}=M_\star g-m_p\,n_{e,cor}\,A\,C_{D\parallel}\left(V_\parallel-V_{SW}\right)\left|V_\parallel-V_{SW}\right|,
\label{cargill}$$ where $n_{e,cor}=\langle\,\!n_{e,cor}\,\!\rangle_{2r_b}$ is the coronal density nearby the blob, calculated starting from Eq. (\[profile\]); $g=g(h)$ is the solar gravitational acceleration; $m_p$ is the proton mass; $A=\pi\,r_b^2$ is the blob cross-sectional area; $C_{D\parallel}$ is the dimensionless parallel magnetic drag coefficient; $V_\parallel$ and $V_{SW}$ are the radial speed of the blob and of the solar wind (assumed to be positive for outflows from the Sun), respectively; and $M_\star=4\pi/3\,r_b^3\,m_p(n_{e,blob}+n_{e,cor}/2)$ is an effective mass which takes into account the real blob mass $M_b$ and the so-called virtual mass [@b2a]. The solar wind velocity $V_{SW}$ only has a radial component and was modeled as a function of the heliocentric distance $h$ by @b3 as: $$V_{SW}(h)=110+445\left(1-\frac{1}{h}\right)^{3.47}
\label{vsw}$$ with $h$ in R$_\odot$ and $V_{SW}$ in km s$^{-1}$. The differential term in (\[cargill\]) is the radial acceleration component of the blob and by subtracting the $g(h)$ acceleration from it, the magnetic drag acceleration $a_D$ is derived. Finally, the parallel magnetic drag coefficient $C_{D\parallel}$ is given by $$C_{D\parallel}=-\frac{4}{3}\,r_b\,a_D\left(\frac{n_{e,blob}}{n_{e,cor}}+\frac{1}{2}\right)\left[\,\left(V_\parallel-V_{SW}\right)\left|V_\parallel-V_{SW}\right|\,\right]^{-1}.$$ Figure \[arad\] shows the radial acceleration affecting the three blobs. We thus find that the parallel drag force acting during the falling trajectory is only a factor of 0.45 – 0.75 smaller than the solar gravitational force. Within the altitude range of 2.0 – 3.7 R$_\odot$, the solar wind velocity $V_{SW}$ given by Eq. (\[vsw\]) changes from 150 km s$^{-1}$ to 260 km s$^{-1}$ and, by substituting the electron densities $n_{e,blob}$ and $n_{e,cor}$ calculated at the different blob altitudes, we obtain the parallel drag coefficient 0 $\lesssim C_{D\parallel}\lesssim$ 2.5. These values are in very good agreement with what is expected by @b2a for the propagation of interplanetary CMEs; they found 0 $\lesssim$ $C_D\lesssim$ 3, depending on the orientation of the flux rope and the background magnetic field (aligned or non-aligned). For each of the three blobs, in Fig. \[cv\] (top) we show a comparison between the modulus of $V_\parallel$ and $V_{SW}$ and (bottom) the parallel drag coefficients, both as a function of heliocentric distance $h$; the $C_{D\parallel}$ profiles decrease at lower altitudes as well as in the @b2a measurements.
### Tangential kinematics: the Lorentz force {#tan_kin}
To derive an expression for the tangential drag force $F_{D\perp}$, we start from the equation of motion of a blob crossing perpendicularly through a radial magnetic field. Similarly to @b7, and by ignoring the pressure term of the Lorentz force, one can write $$m_p\,n_{e,blob}\,a_\perp\,\frac{4\pi}{3}\,r_b^3=C_{D\perp}\,\frac{V_\perp}{V_{AW}}\frac{2B^2}{\mu_0}\,2\pi\,r_b^2,
\label{H&B}$$ where $V_\perp$ and $a_\perp$ are the tangential velocity and acceleration component, $B$ is the unknown ambient magnetic field, $\mu_0$ is the vacuum permeability, and $V_{AW}=B/\sqrt{\mu_0\,m_p\,n_{e,cor}}$ is the unknown speed of Alfvén waves.
In general, for a radial magnetic field $\vec{B}=B_0\,\hat{r}$, the vector operator in the expression of the magnetic tension can be reduced as $$(\vec{B}\cdot\vec{\nabla})\vec{B}=B_0\frac{\partial B_0}{\partial r},$$ and by assuming that only the magnetic tension provides the tangential (i.e. non-radial) acceleration component, a simplification of the equation of tangential motion can be given by $$m_p\,n_{e,blob}\,a_\perp=\frac{B_0}{\mu_0}\frac{\partial B_0}{\partial r}\sim\frac{B_0^2}{\mu_0\,r_b}.
\label{H&B1}$$ Given the previously derived $n_{e,blob}$ values, $r_b$ from the COR1 images and $a_\perp$ via triangulation, the radial magnetic field $B_0$ can be inferred from Eq. (\[H&B1\]). We obtain $B_0\sim$ 0.060$\pm$0.010 G at 2.5 R$_\odot$, from the blob 1 measurements, and $B_0\sim$ 0.020$\pm$0.004 G at 3.5 R$_\odot$, from the blob 2 and 3 measurements.
These values are smaller by a factor of 4 – 5 than those given at the same altitudes by the @b4 empirical formula, which is consistent with observations to within a factor of about 3. An estimate of the average coronal magnetic field was also provided, using the Faraday rotation technique, by @b14c from measurements on Helios in situ data, and more recently by @b12a from ground based data: their results are one order of magnitude larger in the same altitude ranges. Instead, the local coronal magnetic field value we obtained at 3.5 R$_\odot$ is comparable with that measured by @b0c at 4.3 R$_\odot$ based on the analysis of a CME-driven shock.
By substituting the expression for $B$ from Eq. (\[H&B1\]) into Eq. (\[H&B\]), the perpendicular magnetic drag coefficient $C_{D\perp}$ is given by $$C_{D\perp}=\frac{1}{3\,V_\perp}\sqrt{\frac{n_{e,blob}r_b\,a_\perp}{n_{e,cor}}}=\frac{\sqrt{X\,r_b\,a_\perp}}{3\,V_\perp}.$$ This equation allows us to easily estimate $C_{D\perp}$ once $V_\perp$, $a_\perp$ and the density ratio $X=n_{e,blob}/n_{e,cor}$ are known. In the end, the perpendicular magnetic drag coefficients turn out to be 0.2 $\lesssim$ $C_{D\perp}\lesssim$ 5 (see Figure \[cmag\]). Hence $C_{D\parallel}\sim C_{D\perp}$.
![image](pdf/arad_1.pdf){width="33.00000%"} ![image](pdf/arad_2.pdf){width="33.00000%"} ![image](pdf/arad_3.pdf){width="33.00000%"}
![image](pdf/cv_1_B.pdf){width="33.00000%"} ![image](pdf/cv_2_A.pdf){width="33.00000%"} ![image](pdf/cv_3_A.pdf){width="33.00000%"}
![image](pdf/cmag_1_B.pdf){width="33.00000%"} ![image](pdf/cmag_2_A.pdf){width="33.00000%"} ![image](pdf/cmag_3_A.pdf){width="33.00000%"}
### Magnetic pressure in the blobs
As the COR1 images show, most of the chromospheric plasma assembles as blobs, which fade away during their falling motion towards the Sun. This is probably due to an imbalance between internal and external kinetic and magnetic pressure. If no such imbalance exists, the magnetic field trapped in the chromospheric plasma blobs can be estimated by assuming that internal and external total pressure are balanced. Hence, in order to explain the persistence of the blobs as coherent structures, in what follows we verify that, by assuming reliable coronal temperatures and imposing pressure balance, our results also correspond to reliable values of the coronal magnetic field. In the hypothesis of pressure balance we can write that $$2\,n_{e,blob}\,k_B\,T_b+\frac{B_b^2}{2\mu_0}=2\,n_{e,cor}\,k_B\,T_e+\frac{B_0^2}{2\mu_0},$$ where $k_B$ is the Boltzmann constant; $T_b$ and $B_b$ are temperature and magnetic field inside the blob, respectively; and $T_e$ is the temperature of the surrounding corona. @b3 modeled the coronal hole temperature as a function of the heliocentric distance $h$ and obtained $$T_{e,cor}(h)=10^6\times\left(0.35\,h^{1.1}+1.9\,h^{-6.6}\right)^{-1}
\label{tcor}$$ from which $T_e$ can be calculated; in Eq. (\[tcor\]), $h$ is in units of R$_\odot$ and $T_{e,cor}$ is in Kelvin. As already assumed in Sect. \[bdc\] for calculating the electron density of the blobs, $T_b=$ 20000 K and we achieve a value of $B_b$ about equal to 0.082$\pm$0.020 G for blob 1 and 0.040$\pm$0.007 G for blobs 2 and 3.
Discussion and conclusions {#conclusions}
In this work we provided the first estimates of the magnetic drag force acting on small-scale ($\sim0.01$ R$_\odot$) plasma blobs falling in the intermediate corona in the heliocentric distance range 2.0 – 3.7 R$_\odot$. To this end, we recovered the 3-D kinematics of the plasma blobs ejected into the corona during the huge flare of June 7, 2011; we performed this analysis using STEREO/COR1 coronagraphic data with a proven triangulation technique [@b9]. The motion of ejected blobs falling back to the Sun differs from the simple ballistic motion due to solar gravity alone: we ascribed this difference to the presence of magnetic drag acting on these blobs. The blobs were ejected with significant velocity components both in the radial and tangential directions. Hence, in order to estimate the drag force, we made a distinction between radial and tangential drag forces and we ascribed the latter to the draping of the radial coronal field crossed by the plasma blobs. Our analysis led us to conclude that the magnetic drag forces acting on small-scale blobs falling in the intermediate corona are considerable, being only a factor 0.45 – 0.75 smaller than the gravitational force.
The plasma blobs studied here are very likely not representative of the kinematics of CMEs as a whole. Nevertheless the possibility that the plasma physics processes at play during the propagation of small-scale blobs leading to the effective drag reported here are similar to those playing a role during the propagation of large-scale CMEs cannot be ruled out in principle. It is widely accepted that CMEs are mainly driven and accelerated in the lower corona by the Lorentz forces related to magnetic field lines involved in the eruption [@b17c]. It is also well known that in the interplanetary medium CMEs and solar wind are dynamically coupled by the occurrence of a magnetic drag, which is probably the resulting large scale manifestation of magnetohydrodynamics waves being produced by the CME-wind interaction carrying away momentum and energy of the CME [@b3; @b2a]; this interaction makes the drag force dominant and causes the CME velocities to converge to the solar wind velocities [@b4b]. Nevertheless, the balance of forces governing the CME evolution during both the early acceleration and the later propagation phases is unclear. For instance, @foullon2011 recently demonstrated that plasma vortices may form in the lower corona at the flanks of CMEs (because of Kelvin-Helmholtz instability) and pointed out that an important direct consequence of these vortices “is their effect on the total drag force, which affects the CME kinematics and hence its geoeffectiveness”. This was the first observational evidence of the possible role played by magnetic drag forces in the early evolution of CMEs. Nevertheless, at present there are no published works providing estimates of these forces in the lower corona, hence their possible role in the early evolution of CMEs is in general unknown or possibly underestimated, and numerical models usually simply assume these forces to be negligible with respect to the Lorentz and gravitational forces. The quantitative results described here show that, in the intermediate corona, drag forces affecting small-scale blobs are significant and cannot be neglected when describing the dynamics of these blobs. If these forces are similar to those affecting the early propagation of CMEs, our results suggest that the magnetic drag force should be also considered in any CME initiation model.
In the course of explaining the kinematics of the blobs, we also provided new techniques for analysing COR1 data in order to 1) estimate the electron density in chromospheric plasma blobs raised into in the corona, 2) separate in COR1 data the white-light intensity due to Thomson scattering and to H$\alpha$ emission, and 3) estimate the degree of polarization of H$\alpha$ emission. Very recently, @williams2013 published measurements of column densities for electrons and hydrogen atoms in blobs ejected as a consequence of the same eruption reported here. Densities reported by these authors obtained with SDO/AIA data analysis are much larger than those reported here (in the order of $\sim$ 1 – 3 $\times10^{10}$ cm$^{-3}$); nevertheless, these densities are relative to plasma observed by AIA telescopes on disc, hence at much lower altitudes than blobs reported here in the altitude range 2.0 – 3.7 R$_\odot$, making a direct comparison meaningless. Other plasma blobs ejected during the same eruption were also the subject of a very recent work by @b14g, where the kinetic energy being dissipated as the blobs collided with the chromosphere was measured. Considering again the much larger density of blobs they analysed [analogous to those studied by @williams2013] with respect to those reported here, the authors concluded that the local magnetic pressure was negligible over the ram and thermal pressures, hence the trajectories of the blobs were close to simple free falls. This is different from the present case, where the magnetic pressure is not negligible, as we discussed.
The electron densities in the blobs were derived in the present work from observed white-light intensity after the removal of H$\alpha$ contribution. This last component was estimated by assuming the expression given by @b0b for the ratio between the H$\alpha$ radiation and emission by Thomson scattering in chromospheric prominence plasma. Results show that the H$\alpha$ contribution to the total white-light intensity observed at the location of the blobs is between 95 and 98 %, making the subtraction of this contribution crucial for a correct estimate of plasma densities. In addition, taking advantage of COR1 polarized brightness measurements, we demonstrated that COR1 data can also be employed to estimate the amount of H$\alpha$ polarized emission, which is in the order of a few percent of H$\alpha$ total emission. This is the first time that the amount of H$\alpha$ polarized emission has been estimated in the intermediate corona between 2.0 and 3.7 R$_\odot$. Measurements of this quantity are known to be very important because they are able to provide unique information on the magnetic field embedded in the prominence, via the so-called Hanle effect [see e.g. @b0a and references therein]. Hence, our results not only demonstrate the capability for future determinations of H$\alpha$ unpolarized and polarized emission with COR1 data, but also demonstrate that this polarized component is significant, thus opening the possibility for future measurements of magnetic fields in erupting prominences in the intermediate corona with coronagraphic images.
This work was partly supported by the Agenzia Spaziale Italiana through the contracts ASI/INAF I/023/09/0, I/043/10/0, I/013/12/0 and by the European Commissions Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under the grant agreement SWIFF (project no. 263340). The authors thank P. Heinzel for very important comments on the analysis of H$\alpha$ radiation. The SECCHI data are produced by an international consortium of the NRL, LMSAL and NASA GSFC (USA), RAL and University of Bham (UK), MPS (Germany), CSL (Belgium), and IOTA and IAS (France).
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abstract: 'Unentangled pure states on a bipartite system are exactly the coherent states with respect to the group of local transformations. What aspects of the study of entanglement are applicable to generalized coherent states? Conversely, what can be learned about entanglement from the well-studied theory of coherent states? With these questions in mind, we characterize unentangled pure states as extremal states when considered as linear functionals on the local Lie algebra. As a result, a relativized notion of purity emerges, showing that there is a close relationship between purity, coherence and (non-)entanglement. To a large extent, these concepts can be defined and studied in the even more general setting of convex cones of states. Based on the idea that entanglement is relative, we suggest considering these notions in the context of partially ordered families of Lie algebras or convex cones, such as those that arise naturally for multipartite systems. The study of entanglement includes notions of local operations and, for information-theoretic purposes, entanglement measures and ways of scaling systems to enable asymptotic developments. We propose ways in which these may be generalized to the Lie-algebraic setting, and to a lesser extent to the convex-cones setting. One of our motivations for this program is to understand the role of entanglement-like concepts in condensed matter. We discuss how our work provides tools for analyzing the correlations involved in quantum phase transitions and other aspects of condensed-matter systems.'
- Howard Barnum
- Emanuel Knill
- Gerardo Ortiz
- Lorenza Viola
- 'cs.bib'
title: Generalizations of entanglement based on coherent states and convex sets
Entangled states are joint states of two or more distinguishable quantum systems that cannot be expressed as a mixture of products of states of each system. Entangled states can exhibit quantum correlations between the two systems that have no local classical interpretation. One of the most important developments in the study of quantum mechanics was the characterization of these correlations by Bell [@Bell64a; @Bell93a], whose many experimental verifications [@Clauser78a; @Aspect81a] (see also [@Rowe2001a] and the references therein) have given further support to the validity of quantum mechanics. Entangled states are now widely considered to be the defining resource of quantum communication, enabling protocols such as quantum teleportation [@Bennett93a] and leading to great improvements in the communication efficiency of certain multi-party tasks [@Raz99a; @Buhrman2000a]. As a result, entanglement is being actively investigated both from a physical and from an information-theoretic perspective.
So far, nearly all studies of entanglement involved two or more distinguishable quantum subsystems. As a result, investigations of entanglement have focused on understanding how quantum systems are made up from subsystems and how this differs from classical systems. However, there are a number of signs that the assumption of distinguishable quantum subsystems is too narrow to capture all properties of states that one might like to ascribe to entanglement. Several authors [@Grobe94a; @Ivanov95a; @Schliemann99a; @Schliemann2001a; @Paskauskas2001a; @Zanardi2001a; @Zanardi2002a; @Shi2002a; @Eckert2002a] have considered entanglement-related notions for bosons and fermions. For example, consider the state of one photon in two coupled cavities. Being the state of one particle, there is a tendency to expect that there is no entanglement, because one particle cannot be entangled. On the other hand, each cavity is a quantum system. From the point of view of these two quantum systems, the state where the photon is in an equal superposition of being in either cavity can be represented as $({|{10}\rangle}+{|{01}\rangle})/\sqrt{2}$ and is clearly entangled. Another example involving photons is provided by optical “cat states” [@Yurke86a; @Yurke88a]. In this case, cat states are quantum superpositions of sufficiently distinct coherent states in a mode. As the name suggests, such states are thought to involve entanglement. They certainly have distinctive non-classical behavior, but since they exist in a single system (the mode) the strict interpretation of entanglement based on subsystems would indicate that no entanglement is present. A third example is that consisting of a number of fermions in a lattice. The “simple” states for such a system are described by the so-called Slater determinants (see, for example, [@Blaizot86a], p. 7), which describe the wavefunction of noninteracting fermions. Because the fermions in such a wavefunction are independent, one expects that no entanglement is present in such a state. However, from the point of view of the lattice modes, most Slater determinants exhibit entanglement [@Zanardi2001b]. The three examples make it clear that the presence or absence of entanglement depends on the physically relevant point of view. Here we propose that this point of view depends on the relationships between different Lie algebras of observables that determine the dynamics and our ability to control the system of interest. In particular, the extent to which entanglement is present depends on the observables used to measure a system and describe its states.
One of our goals is to show that the relationships between product states, separable states and entangled states are at least Lie-algebraic in nature, and to some extent even more general. This makes it possible to study the salient features of entanglement without reference to subsystems, using instead whatever Lie algebras are physically relevant. For the case of bipartite quantum systems, the relevant Lie algebra $\lie{h}$ consists of the unilocal operators (operators of the form $A\tensor \id$ or $\id\tensor B$). To show that the ideas of entanglement, separability and product states do not critically depend on the two subsystems, we provide several ways in which product states can be characterized in terms of $\lie{h}$ alone. All of these ways lead to the same concept for general semisimple Lie algebras, namely that of generalized coherent states [@Gilmore75a; @Perelomov85a; @Zhang90a]. It is therefore natural to consider product states to be special kinds of coherent states. From this perspective, separable states are mixtures of coherent states, and pure entangled states are incoherent pure states. Another way to think about these structures is to realize that the coherent states are exactly those states which are relatively pure, that is, extremal with respect to the set of expectations of observables in the Lie algebra. Thus, pure states are entangled if they appear to be mixed with respect to the Lie algebra’s expectations. In the case of bipartite quantum systems, this is an aspect of entanglement that has long been considered a key nonclassical property of quantum mechanics: Pure entangled states have mixed reduced density operators whereas, for example, in classical probability no pure state can have a mixed marginal. See, for example, [@Giulini96a], p. 298, [@Peres93a], p. 116 and [@Cohen-Tannoudji77a], p. 306.
The recognition that incoherence naturally generalizes entanglement makes explicit the dependence of the notion of entanglement on the relevant Lie algebra and makes available the tools of the theory of generalized coherent states [@Perelomov85a; @Zhang90a] for investigating aspects of entanglement. To extend the power of this perspective to the information-theoretic applications of entanglement requires introducing measures of entanglement, generalizing the ways in which entanglement can be manipulated and providing a means for using states as a resource. In bipartite systems, there is an abundance of measures of entanglement, many of which generalize naturally. Further measures arise naturally in the general context and specialize to potentially interesting measures for multipartite systems that have not yet been considered. In bipartite systems, a key role is played by LOCC (local quantum operations and classical communication) maps. We propose several classes of maps for general semisimple Lie algebras that, in the case of bipartite systems, are related to LOCC. A desirable property of entanglement measures is that they are monotone non-increasing under LOCC. We can show monotonicity properties for some classes of maps in the general setting. To introduce the notion of states as a resource and enable asymptotic analysis, we consider schemes for associating Lie algebras with tensor products of systems defined by a given representation of a semisimple Lie algebra.
For the purpose of determining what are the essential properties of states needed to study entanglement, we introduce a setting even more general than Lie algebras. Since the states when viewed as linear functionals on observables form a convex cone, we generalize the definitions to the setting where we have two or more convex cones related by positive maps. The cones represent the family of states as linear functionals on the Lie algebras. In the case of bipartite systems, these are the local Lie algebra and the Lie algebra of all operators. The map relating the two state spaces is the restriction map of linear functionals. The definitions relating to separability and entanglement only require this structure. Entanglement measures can also be defined based only on convexity, and so can various notions of local maps.
In taking seriously the idea that entanglement is a relative notion, one finds that in many cases, there are many more than two relevant Lie algebras. In the bipartite case, we can consider the hierarchy of algebras consisting of the trivial Lie algebra, the algebra of operators acting on the first system, that acting on the second system, the sum of these, and the algebra of all operators. When there are more than two systems, the number of different ways of combining local Lie algebras multiplies. For photons, there is the Lie algebra of passive linear operations, of active linear operations, and that of all linear and nonlinear operations. To these one might add the Lie algebras acting locally on the modes, etc. It is in the increasing amount of information that is available about states as more operators are added that crucial quantum properties emerge. We believe that in studying a given system, it is beneficial to consider coherence and entanglement properties at multiple levels.
Independently of the work reported here, Klyachko [@Klyachko2002a] has recently proposed a generalization of entanglement for representations of semisimple Lie groups. His starting point is an extremality property that we use as one of the equivalent characterizations of product (in general, coherent) states. Klyachko’s work is focused on the geometric invariant theory approach for investigating states with respect to one Lie group of operators. This approach leads to useful classifications of the orbits of states under the Lie group’s action. In this context, he discusses how the notions of classical realism that lead to Bell’s inequalities [@Bell64a] generalize to the Lie algebraic setting. He also introduces notions of maximal entanglement and another interesting entanglement measure.
In Section \[sect:bipartite\], we introduce the basic notions required for generalizing separability and entanglement by reviewing the example of bipartite systems from the point of view of Lie algebras and coherence. The generalization to semisimple Lie-algebras is explained in Section \[sect:Lie\], and the extent to which the generalization depends only on the relationships between convex cones is discussed in Section \[sect:convex\]. For reference, the different settings for studying entanglement are compared in Table \[table:comparison\]. The paper concludes with a discussion of other relevant examples and the potential applications to condensed matter. We assume familiarity with the basic concepts of quantum information and entanglement. A good reference for quantum information theory is [@Nielsen2001a]. For reviews of entanglement, see [@Plenio98a; @Brukner01a; @Lewenstein2000a]. We also use results from the basic theory of Lie algebras. Details can be found in books such as [@Humphreys72a; @Varadarajan84a; @Fulton91a; @Knapp96a]. For physically motivated treatments of Lie algebras, see [@Gilmore73a; @Wybourne74a; @Cornwell89a; @Fuchs97d; @Georgi99a]. References for convexity and convex cones include [@HHL89a; @Barvinok2002a].
Entanglement for Bipartite Quantum Systems {#sect:bipartite}
The standard setting for studying entanglement involves two (or more) distinguishable quantum subsystems forming a *bipartite* system. The properties of entanglement are most salient if the quantum subsystems are spatially well separated, with communication between the sites restricted to classical signals subject to speed-of-light limitations. Let the state space of two such quantum subsystems be given by the Hilbert spaces $\cH_{a}$ and $\cH_{b}$ of dimension $N_a$ and $N_b$, respectively. The joint state space of the bipartite system is $\cH_{ab}=\cH_a\tensor\cH_{b}$. All state spaces and operator algebras are assumed to be finite dimensional. See Section \[sect:further\] for a brief discussion of the need and possibilities for extensions to infinite dimensional systems. Product states are pure states of $\cH_{ab}$ of the form ${|{\psi}\rangle}\tensor{|{\phi}\rangle}$. Entangled pure states are states of $\cH_{ab}$ that are not expressible as a product state. It is necessary to generalize the state space to mixtures of pure states, that is probability distributions over pure states. For this purpose, one uses density matrices to represent states. A density matrix $\rho$ is pure if $\rho=\ketbra{\psi}{\psi}$ for some ${|{\psi}\rangle}$. Equivalently, it is pure if $\trace(\rho^2)=1$, or if $\rho$ is extremal in the set of density matrices (see below). A separable state is a mixture of product states. Its density matrix is therefore a *convex combination* of product states, which is a sum of the form $\sum_k
p_k\ketbra{\psi_k}{\psi_k}\tensor\ketbra{\phi_k}{\phi_k}$, where $(p_k)_k$ is a probability distribution [@Werner89a]. We will use the expressions “convex combination” and “mixture” interchangeably. A non-separable state is said to be entangled. It is worth recalling that separable states can have non-classical features. For example, see [@Bennett99b; @Ollivier2002a].
Characterizing Product States
In our approach, the key distinction between entangled and separable states is the difference between the way things look locally and globally. The local observables are operators of the form $A\tensor
\id$ and $\id\tensor B$. For our purposes, it is convenient to allow arbitrary operators as observables, not only hermitian ones. Since non-hermitian operators can be expressed as complex linear combinations of hermitian operators, expectations of such operators are readily computed from expectations of hermitian operators.
If a pure state of the two systems in unentangled, then it is completely determined by the expectation values of the local observables. To specify a pure entangled state requires knowledge of the correlations, which are expectations of operators of the form $A\tensor B$. Note that this method for distinguishing between unentangled and entangled states does not extend to mixtures. A generic separable state can contain non-trivial correlations. An example is $(\ketbra{0}{0}\tensor\ketbra{0}{0}+\ketbra{1}{1}\tensor\ketbra{1}{1})/2$. Here the two subsystems are classically correlated. Nevertheless, it is possible to characterize separability by investigating the structure of states in terms of their expectations of local versus global observables.
There are four non-trivial Lie algebras of observables that determine the structure of the bipartite system. Let $\lie{h}_a$ ($\lie{h}_b$) be the Lie algebra of operators of the from $A\tensor\id$ ($\id\tensor
B$) acting on system $a$ ($b$). We call these the *unilocal* algebras, because they consist of operators acting on one subsystem only. The *local* Lie algebra is given by $\lie{h}_l=\lie{h}_a+\lie{h}_b$. Let $\lie{g}$ be the Lie algebra of all operators on $\cH_{ab}$. As defined, these four Lie algebras are complex. However, as families of operators they are *$\cstar$-closed*, that is, closed under hermitian conjugation. Let $\real(\lie{h})$ be the set of hermitian operators in $\lie{h}$. For a hermitian-closed space of operators $\lie{h}$, $\lie{h}=\real(\lie{h})+i\real(\lie{h})$, where $i=\sqrt{-1}$. Using complex Lie algebras simplifies the representation theory and is useful for defining generalizations of local quantum maps (see Section \[sect:bi\_lqo\]). Although exponentials $e^{A}$ for non-skew-hermitian operators are not unitary, they can be interpreted as Lie-algebraically definable operators associated with postselected outcomes in an implementation of a quantum map.
A simple way of characterizing product states without referring to the underlying partition into two subsystems can be based on unique ground states. A *unique ground state* of a hermitian operator is a unique minimum-eigenvalue eigenstate. Operators with degenerate minimum-eigenvalue eigenspaces do not have a unique ground state. In general, we call the the minimum-eigenvalue eigenspace of an operator the *ground space*.
\[thm:prod=ue\] ${|{\psi}\rangle}\in\cH_{ab}$ is a product state iff it is the unique ground state of an operator in $\real(\lie{h}_{l})$.
Suppose that ${|{\psi}\rangle}$ is the unique ground state of $H=A\tensor\id+\id\tensor B\in\real(\lie{h}_{l})$. The ground space of $H$ is the intersection of the ground spaces of $A\tensor\id$ and $\id\tensor B$, which are product subspaces. Thus, a unique ground state is a product state. Conversely, let ${|{\psi}\rangle}={|{\phi_a}\rangle}\tensor{|{\phi_b}\rangle}$. Choose an operator $A$ ($B$) on $\cH_a$ ($\cH_b$) such that ${|{\phi_a}\rangle}$ (${|{\phi_b}\rangle}$) is the unique ground state of $A$ ($B$). Then ${|{\psi}\rangle}$ is the unique ground state of $A\tensor\id+\id\tensor B\in\real(\lie{h}_{l})$.
We can use Theorem \[thm:prod=ue\] to define a generalization of a product state for any hermitian-closed Lie algebra of operators. As we will see in Section \[sect:Lie\], this generalization agrees with the notion of generalized coherent states.
The distinction between product and entangled states can also be viewed in terms of purity with respect to the relevant algebra of operators. It can be seen that product states are exactly the states whose reduced density matrices on each of the two subsystems are pure. The two reduced density matrices for a state completely determine the expectations of the observables in the local Lie algebra. To prepare for generalizing these observations, consider states as linear functionals on the Lie algebras in question. We define an *$\lie{h}$-state* to be a linear functional $\lambda$ on the operators of $\lie{h}$ *induced* by a density matrix $\rho$ according to $\lambda(C)=\trace(\rho C)$. The set of $\lie{h}$-states is denoted by $\lie{h}^{+}$. In the present setting, states are completely determined by the linear functional on the Lie algebra of all operators $\lie{g}$ induced by their density matrix. A $\lie{g}$-state $\lambda$ can be restricted to each of the Lie algebras $\lie{h}_a$, $\lie{h}_b$ and $\lie{h}_{l}$. For example, the restriction $\lambda\restrict\lie{h}_a$ of $\lambda$ to $\lie{h}_a$ determines the expectations of observables on the first subsystem, and therefore the reduced density matrix associated with the state.
Consider the set $\lie{h}_{l}^+$ of $\lie{h}_{l}$-states. This set is closed under *convex* (or *probabilistic*) combination. That is, if the $\lambda_k$ are $\lie{h}_{l}$-states, then so is $\sum_k p_k\lambda_k$ for any probability distribution $(p_k)_k$. By compactness, all states in $\lie{h}_{l}^+$ can be obtained as convex combinations of *extremal* states (or *extreme points* of $\lie{h}_{l}^+$). Extremal states are states not expressible as a convex combination of other states. If the only information available about a state are the expectations of observables in $\lie{h}_l$, then states that induce extremal expectations, that is, extremal elements of $\lie{h}_{l}^+$, are those about which there is the least uncertainty. It therefore makes sense to call such states *pure*, or *$\lie{h}_l$-pure*, to be specific.
\[thm:pure=ue\] An $\lie{h}_l$-state is pure iff it is induced by a pure product state.
Consider a density matrix $\rho$ inducing the $\lie{h}_l$-state $\lambda$. The state $\lambda$ is determined by the reduced density matrices of $\rho$. It is possible to find a probabilistic combination of pure product states with the same reduced density matrices, which therefore also induces $\lambda$. This implies that every $\lie{h}_l$-state is expressible as a probabilistic combination of $\lie{h}_l$ states induced by pure product states. Consequently, the pure $\lie{h}_l$-states are among those induced by pure product states. Conversely, if $\lambda$ is not pure, then $\lambda$ can be nontrivially expressed in the form $p\lambda_1+(1-p)\lambda_2$ where the $\lambda_k$ are $\lie{h}_l$-states. It follows that the two reduced density matrices that can be deduced from $\lambda$ are not both pure: They are mixtures of the reduced density matrices deduced from $\lambda_k$, and since $\lambda_1\not=\lambda_2$, at least one of these mixtures is nontrivial.
The previous theorem shows that the difference between pure unentangled states and pure entangled states is that as expectations of $\lie{h}_l$, the latter are not extremal. If the only information that is available are expectations of $C\in\lie{h}_l$, it is not possible to distinguish between entangled states and unentangled mixed (that is, separable) states. To distinguish, we need expectations of other operators. It is worth noting what it means to have access only to expectations of sets of observables. Given only a single instance of a quantum system, the expectations cannot be inferred. On the other hand, with sufficiently powerful control, it is possible to realize a projective measurement of the eigenvalues of observables, a process that gives information not just about the expectation of an observable, but also about the expectations of its powers. One situation where access to expectations only is realistic is when the quantum system must be accessed collectively in large ensembles involving mostly identical states. In an appropriate weak interaction and large ensemble limit, the effect on other large systems reveals the expectations of observables involved in the interaction, whereas the effect on the systems in the ensemble tends to a unitary evolution with the observable as a Hamiltonian. The weak interaction therefore naturally limits the available control to Lie algebras generated by a small number of observables. An example where this situation occurs for systems that are best modeled as being quantum is nuclear magnetic resonance of molecules in the liquid state [@Abragam61a].
Local Quantum Maps {#sect:bi_lqo}
One can compare states in the context of information processing resources by considering families of “local” quantum maps that can be used to convert states. For bipartite systems, as well as for multipartite systems in general, the most important such family, LOCC, consists of maps that can be implemented with local quantum maps with access to ancillas and classical communication (see [@Nielsen2001a], Sect. 12.5). A larger family, the separable quantum maps, have an operator-sum representation consisting of operators of the form $A\tensor B$. Separable quantum maps are readily generalized to the Lie algebraic setting, whereas we have not yet found an equally convincing generalization of LOCC.
A *quantum map* is a trace-preserving completely-positive linear transformation of density operators. Rather than define these terms, we use the fact that every quantum map can be written in the operator-sum representation as $\rho\rightarrow\sum_k C_k\rho
\scstar{C_k}$, with $\sum_k \scstar{C_k} C_k = \id$. We will also consider *completely-positive maps*, which have the same form, but don’t require the constraint on the $C_k$. To define LOCC, we make the sequence $\mathbf{C}=(C_k)_k$ explicit and define $\mathbf{C}(\rho)=\sum_k C_k\rho \scstar{C_k}$. Note that the sequence $\mathbf{C}$ is not uniquely determined by the map. We call $\mathbf{C}$ an *explicit map*. See [@Nielsen2001a], p. 372 for how to determine when two explicit maps act the same. To avoid trivial degeneracies, we assume that the operators that define an explicit map are always non-zero. If $(\mathbf{D}_k)_k$ is a sequence of explicit quantum maps, then the conditional composition of $\mathbf{C}$ and $(\mathbf{D}_k)_k$ is the quantum map with operator sequence $(D_{kl}C_k)_{kl}$ and action $\rho\rightarrow\sum_{kl}D_{kl}C_k\rho \scstar{C_k}
\scstar{D_{kl}}$. A *unilocal quantum map* is a map of the form $(A_k\tensor\id)_k$ or $(\id\tensor B_k)_k$. LOCC is the set of quantum maps obtained as conditional compositions of unilocal maps. The length of the composition is associated with the number of rounds of classical communication. A *separable map* is a completely positive map with an explicit form given by $(A_k\tensor
B_k)_k$. Note that all LOCC maps are necessarily separable. The set of separable maps has been called SLOCC [@Vidal2000b; @Bennett2001a; @Duer2001a] and can be viewed as maps that can be implemented with LOCC and postselection based on the communication record.
Quantum maps as defined here are often called “quantum operations” [@Nielsen2001a], though the latter term is sometimes extended to include non-trace-preserving completely positive maps. In this manuscript, we use the word “map” to refer to linear functions of spaces other than the Hilbert space of the quantum system under consideration. We use the word “operator” to refer to linear functions from the Hilbert space to itself. An important role in defining various notions of local maps is played by explicit maps, which in the bipartite and in the Lie algebraic setting are completely-positive by definition. There is the potential for confusion in referring to explicit maps. For example, an explicit map can be separable without the operators in the explicit representation having the necessary product form. To simplify the terminology, we position the adjective “explicit” such that it applies to all modifiers between it and the word “map”. For example, an explicit separable map $\mathbf{C}=(C_k)_k$ satisfies that each $C_k$ is a product operator, whereas this is not required of separable explicit maps.
Separable maps can be defined from $\lie{h}_l$ without reference to the two component subsystems.
\[thm:clieh=sep\] A completely positive map is separable iff it has an explicit representation $(C_k)_k$ with $C_k\in \overline{e^{\lie{h}_l}}$.
By definition, $\overline{e^{\lie{h}_l}}$ is the topological closure of the set of all exponentials of operators in $\lie{h}_l$. The notion of closure may be based on the norm induced by the matrix inner product $\trace(A^\cstar B)$.
$e^{\lie{h}_l}$ consists of all non-zero determinant operators of the form $A\tensor B$. Thus $e^{\lie{h}_l}$ contains all invertible product operators, which are dense in the set of product operators. The set of product operators is closed.
There are separable quantum maps that are not LOCC [@Bennett99b]. The goal is to define or construct, with minimal reference to the two subsystems, quantum maps that respect locality better than separable ones. For example, in order to construct the family of LOCC maps, it is sufficient to be able to determine when an operator in $\lie{h}_l$ is unilocal, and when a family of unilocal operators all act on the same side. With this ability, one can construct LOCC as was done above, by conditional composition. If the ability does not depend on the bipartite nature of the system, there is hope that LOCC has a non-trivial generalization.
We have two approaches to obtaining families of separable quantum maps with stronger locality properties. The first approach is based on the observation that unilocal maps induce well-defined transformations of $\lie{h}_a$-, $\lie{h}_b$- and $\lie{h}_l$-states. To formally define what this means, let $\mathbf{C}$ be an explicit map. Then $\mathbf{C}$ acts on the set of linear functionals $\lie{g}^*$ of $\lie{g}$ according to $\mathbf{C}(\lambda)(X) =
\lambda(\sum_k \scstar{C_k} X C_k)$.
It will be clear from context whether we are applying $\mathbf{C}$ to operators or to linear functionals. The map $\mathbf{C}$, but not its explicit form, is determined by the action on $\lie{g}$-states. Note also that $\lie{g}$-states linearly span all linear functionals on $\lie{g}$, and similarly for $\lie{h}$ states with $\lie{h}$ one of $\lie{h}_a$, $\lie{h}_b$ or $\lie{h}_l$. $\mathbf{C}$ induces a well-defined transformation of $\lie{h}$-states if we can complete the following commutative diagram with a map $\mathbf{C}'$ of $\lie{h}^*$: $$\label{eq:lift}
&\lie{g}^* & \stackrel{\mathbf{C}}{\longrightarrow} & \lie{g}^* &\\
\textrm{restrict}& \downarrow & & \downarrow &\textrm{restrict}\\
&\lie{h}^* &\stackrel{\mathbf{C}'}{\longrightarrow} & \lie{h}^*&
\end{array}$$ where $\lie{h}^*$ is the set of linear functionals on $\lie{h}$. Equivalently, whenever $\lambda_1$ and $\lambda_2$ are $\lie{g}$-states that agree on $\lie{h}$, that is, for which $\lambda_1\restrict\lie{h}=\lambda_2\restrict\lie{h}$, it is the case that $\mathbf{C}(\lambda_1)\restrict\lie{h}=
\mathbf{C}(\lambda_2)\restrict\lie{h}$. Equivalently, if $\lambda$ is a linear functional on $\lie{g}$ such that $\lambda\restrict\lie{h}=0$, then $\mathbf{C}(\lambda)\restrict\lie{h}=0$. The last statement is equivalent to the statement that $\mathbf{C}$ preserves the nullspace of the restriction map. If any of the above properties hold, we say that $\mathbf{C}$ can be *lifted* to $\lie{h}$. Its *lifting* is the map $\mathbf{C}'$ induced on $\lie{h}$-states.
In the present setting, the notion of liftability can be simplified by using the canonical (via the trace inner product) isomorphism $\mu$ between $\lie{h}^*$ and $\lie{h}$. Because the trace inner product is non-degenerate when restricted to the $\cstar$-closed set of operators $\lie{h}$, the isomorphism $\mu$ is uniquely determined by the identity $\lambda(C)=\trace(\mu(\lambda)^\cstar C)$ for all $C\in\lie{h}$. In particular, for the algebra $\lie{g}$ of all operators on $\cH_{ab}$, if $\lambda\in\lie{g}^*$ is induced by the operator $X$, then $\mu(\lambda)=X$. In general, we say that the linear functional $\lambda$ is *induced* by $\mu(\lambda)$. Let $\trace_a$ ($\trace_b$) denote the partial trace mapping operators on $\cH_{ab}$ to operators on $\cH_{b}$ ($\cH_{a}$, respectively). We have the following identities: $$\begin{aligned}
\mu(\lambda\restrict\lie{h}_a) &=&
\trace_b(\mu(\lambda)) \tensor \id/N_b, \\
\mu(\lambda\restrict\lie{h}_b) &=&
\id/N_a\tensor \trace_a(\mu(\lambda)), \\
\mu(\lambda\restrict\lie{h}_l) &=&
\trace_b(\mu(\lambda))\tensor \id/N_b +
\id/N_a\tensor \trace_a(\mu(\lambda)) -
\trace(\mu(\lambda))(\id\tensor\id)/(N_aN_b).\end{aligned}$$ These identities witness the fact that the reduced density matrices of a state determine the induced linear functionals on the local Lie algebras. In the range of $\mu$, the nullspaces of the restriction maps to $\lie{h}_a, \lie{h_b}$, and $\lie{h}_l$ correspond to the spaces spanned by $A\otimes B$ with $B, A$ and both $A$ and $B$, respectively, traceless. Using the fact that product operators are a basis of all operators on $\cH_a\tensor\cH_b$, it can be seen that the explicit map $\mathbf{C}$ lifts to $\lie{h}_a$ iff $ \trace_b\sum_k
C_k (A\tensor B) \scstar{C_k} = \mathbf{C}'(A) \trace(B)$ for some map $\mathbf{C}'$.
Equivalently, it lifts iff whenever $\trace(B)=0$, then $\trace_b\sum_k C_k (A\tensor B) \scstar{C_k} = 0$. Similar statements can be made about $\lie{h}_b$. $\mathbf{C}$ lifts to $\lie{h}_l$ iff whenever both $\trace(A)=0$ and $\trace(B)=0$, then $\trace_b\sum_k C_k (A\tensor B) \scstar{C_k} = 0$ and $\trace_a\sum_k
C_k (A\tensor B) \scstar{C_k} = 0$.
Most completely positive maps, even LOCC ones, cannot be lifted. An example for two qubits is the “conditional reset” map that first measures qubit $a$, and if the measurement outcome is ${|{1}\rangle}$, it resets qubit $b$ to ${|{0}\rangle}$. However, the unilocal maps are liftable. In fact, they are liftable to both $\lie{h}_a$ and $\lie{h}_b$, as are (unconditional) compositions of unilocal maps. This is the case because such maps are determined by their actions on the reduced density matrices. This suggests that liftable explicit quantum maps could be used as a generating set for quantum maps with more locality then separable quantum maps. We next discuss some of the properties of liftable separable maps and their relationship to LOCC.
\[thm:liftone\_diu\] Let $\mathbf{C}=(C_1\tensor C_2)$ be a one-operator, explicit separable map liftable to $\lie{h}_l$. Then $C=\alpha U\tensor V$ with $U$ and $V$ unitary.
Liftability implies that if $A$ and $B$ are traceless, then $C_1 A \scstar{C_1}$ and $C_2 B \scstar{C_2}$ are traceless. This implies that the map $f:A\rightarrow C_1 A \scstar{C_1}$ satisfies that $\trace(f(A)) = \alpha_1\trace(A)$ for some $\alpha_1$. Thus $f/\alpha_1$ is trace preserving, from which it follows that $\scstar{C_1} C_1=\alpha_1\id$. For the same reason, $\scstar{C_2} C_2
= \alpha_2\id$. The conclusion of the theorem now follows, with $\alpha = \sqrt{|\alpha_1\alpha_2|}$.
\[thm:liftid\_uni\] Let $\mathbf{C}$ be an explicit separable map that lifts to the identity map on $\lie{h}_b$. Then $\mathbf{C}$ is unilocal, acting on system $a$ only.
Write $\mathbf{C}=(D_k\tensor E_k)_k$, where $D_k\tensor E_k\not=0$ for all $k$. By assumption and applying the map to $\id\tensor B$, $$\label{eq:liftid_uni}
\sum_k \trace(D_k \scstar{D_k}) E_k B \scstar{E_k} = N_a B.$$ If for some $k$, $E_k\not\propto\id$, we can find $\ketbra{\psi}{\psi}$ such that $E_k\ketbra{\psi}{\psi}\scstar{E_k}$’s one-dimensional range does not contain ${|{\psi}\rangle}$. Because for all $l$, $\trace(D_l\scstar{D_l})>0$, the left side of Equation \[eq:liftid\_uni\] also has this property, contradicting the identity. Hence $E_k = \alpha_k \id$ for each $k$ and the result follows.
Theorem \[thm:liftid\_uni\] characterizes unilocal maps but has the disadvantage that we have to refer explicitly to the unilocal Lie algebras, thus requiring more information about locality than that provided by $\lie{h}_l$ alone. This suggests the following problem:
\[prob:sep\_lift\] Are separable quantum maps that lift to $\lie{h}_l$ *LOCC*? Are they *LOCC* if they lift to both $\lie{h}_a$ and $\lie{h}_b$?
If the answer to this problem is “no”, then we are interested in the question of whether the explicit separable quantum maps that are liftable to $\lie{h}_l$ generate all separable quantum maps by conditional composition.
In order to be able to conditionally compose explicit separable quantum maps that are LOCC without departing from LOCC, we need the explicit representations to have the additional property that they can be LOCC implemented in such a way that the communication record reveals which of the operators in the sequence occurred. Following our convention for using the adjective “explicit”, we call an explicit quantum map with this property an *explicit LOCC map*.
\[prob:exsep\_locc\] Are there explicit separable quantum maps that are *LOCC* but not explicit *LOCC*?
If the answers to this problem and to Problem \[prob:sep\_lift\] are “yes”, then one has to consider the strengthening of the questions in Problem \[prob:sep\_lift\] where “separable” is replaced by “explict separable” and “LOCC” by “explicit LOCC”. This is required so that conditional composition can be used without leaving LOCC. Here is one case where we can prove that a family of quantum maps is explicit LOCC.
\[thm:nsep\_locc\] Let $\mathbf{C}=(D_k\tensor E_k)$ be an explicit separable quantum map that lifts to $\lie{h}_l$ with the additional property that $(\scstar{D_k} D_k)_k$ is linearly independent. Then $E_k = \gamma_k
U_k$ with $U_k$ unitary. In particular, $\mathbf{C}$ is an explicit *LOCC* map.
Using the identification of linear functionals with operators, consider linear functionals $\lambda$ of $\lie{g}$ induced by $A\tensor B$ with $\trace(B)=0$. The restriction of $\lambda$ to $\lie{h}_l$ is induced by $\trace(A)\id\tensor B\in\lie{h}_l$. The restriction has only scalar dependence on $A$. Restricting after applying $\mathbf{C}$ gives the linear functional induced by $$\sum_k\trace(D_k A \scstar{D_k}) \id/N_a \tensor E_k B \scstar{E_k}
\sum_k D_k A \scstar{D_k} \tensor \trace(E_k B \scstar{E_k})\id/N_b$$ Note that because $\trace(B) = 0$, and the assumption that the map is trace preserving, the contribution to $\id\tensor\id$ vanishes. Because of liftability, the same scalar dependence applies to this expression. By cyclicity of the trace, $\trace(D_k A \scstar{D_k}) = \trace(A \scstar{D_k} D_k)$. Because the $\scstar{D_k}D_k$ are independent, we can choose $A_l$ such that $\trace(A_l\scstar{D_k} D_k) = \delta_{lk}$. Hence the following are all scalar multiples of the same operator, where the scalar is independent of $B$: $$O_l=
\id/N_a \tensor E_l B \scstar{E_l}
\sum_k D_k A_l \scstar{D_k} \tensor \trace(E_k B \scstar{E_k})\id/N_b.$$ Computing the partial trace over the first system, we get $$\begin{aligned}
\trace_a(O_l) &=&
E_l B \scstar{E_l}
+ \sum_k \trace(A_l \scstar{D_k} D_k)\trace(B\scstar{E_k}E_k)/N_b
& \textrm{by cyclicity of trace,}\\
&=& E_l B\scstar{E_l}
+ \sum_k \trace((A_l\tensor B)(\scstar{D_k}D_k\tensor\scstar{E_k}E_k))/N_b
&\textrm{because $\trace$ is multiplicative for $\tensor$,}\\
&=& E_l B\scstar{E_l}
+ \trace(A_l\tensor B)/N_b & \textrm{because $\mathbf{C}$ is a quantum map,}\\
&=& E_l B\scstar{E_l} & \textrm{because $\trace(B)=0$.}
\end{array}\end{aligned}$$ Consequently, the operators $E_l B \scstar{E_l}$ are all proportional with constant of proportionality independent of $B$. Consider $E=E_r$. We have $$E_l B \scstar{E_l} = \alpha_l E B E^\cstar$$ for all traceless $B$, where $\alpha_l\trace(A_r) = \trace(A_l)$. Reformulating, we get that for all traceless $B$, $\trace(B \scstar{E_l} E_l) = \alpha_l\trace(B E^\cstar E)$. Hence $\scstar{E_l} E_l = \alpha_l E^\cstar E + \beta_l\id$ for some $\beta_l$. The trace-preserving condition requires that $$\begin{aligned}
\id\tensor\id &=& \sum_k \scstar{D_k} D_k \tensor \scstar{E_k} E_k \label{eq:tp1}\\
&=& \sum_k \scstar{D_k} D_k \tensor \left(\alpha_k E^\cstar E + \beta_k\id\right)
&=& \left(\sum_k \alpha_k \scstar{D_k} D_k\right)\tensor E^\cstar E +
\left(\sum_k \beta_k \scstar{D_k} D_k\right)\tensor\id\end{aligned}$$ Suppose that the traceless part of $E^\cstar E$ is not zero, Then $\sum_k \alpha_k\scstar{D_k} D_k = 0$, which is possible only if $\alpha_k=0$ for all $k$ (by independence). But by construction $\alpha_r=1$, so $E^\cstar E$ is a multiple of the identity, hence $E=E_r$ is a multiple of a unitary operator, say $E_r=\gamma_r U_r$. Returning to the trace-preserving condition (Equation \[eq:tp1\]) and using the fact that $r$ was arbitrary, we find that $\sum_k
\gamma_k \scstar{D_k} D_k \bar\gamma_k = \id$. This makes $\mathbf{D}=(\gamma_k D_k\tensor \id)_k$ a unilocal quantum map. The $U_k$ can be implemented conditionally on which $D_k$ occurs in a unilocal implementation of $\mathbf{D}$, hence $\mathbf{C}$ is LOCC.
\[cor:2sep\_locc\] Let $\mathbf{C}=(D_1\tensor E_1,D_2\tensor E_2)$ be an explicit separable quantum map that lifts to $\lie{h}_l$. Then $\mathbf{C}$ is explicit *LOCC*.
The result follows by Theorem \[thm:nsep\_locc\] unless $\scstar{D_2} D_2 = \alpha' \scstar{D_1} D_1$ and $\scstar{E_2} E_2 =
\beta' \scstar{E_1} E_1$ for some $\alpha$ and $\beta$. In this case, using the trace-preserving condition, $\scstar{D_1} D_1\tensor
\scstar{E_1} E_1 \propto \id\tensor\id$ making all operators proportional to unitaries. Such an map can be realized explicitly with LOCC by first creating a shared random variable, then implementing local unitaries conditional on the random variable.
Every explicit unilocal quantum map can be obtained as a composition of binary unilocal quantum maps, where a *binary* quantum map is an explicit quantum map consisting of two operators. The modifier “explicit” is assumed when using the modifier “binary”. We can therefore use the corollary to characterize LOCC as the quantum maps obtained by conditional composition of binary separable quantum maps that lift to $\lie{h}_l$.
Instead of using liftability as the basis for generalizing LOCC and other classes of local maps, one can use the spectral properties of the constituent operators of an explicit quantum map. This idea is motivated by the following result:
\[thm:maxeig=unil\] An operator in $\real(\lie{h}_l)$ that has a maximal ground space is unilocal.
Maximal means maximal among ground spaces different from $\cH$ of operators in $\real({\lie{h}_l})$.
An operator in $\real(\lie{h}_l)$ is of the form $A\tensor\id+\id\tensor B$. By subtracting a multiple of the identity, we can assume that $A$ and $B$ traceless, not both zero. If they are both non-zero, then the operator’s ground space is strictly contained in that of $A\tensor\id$, hence not maximal.
For future reference, an operator whose traceless part is zero or satisfies the condition of Theorem \[thm:maxeig=unil\] is said to be *maximally unilocal*. Note that except for $N_a=N_b=2$, not all unilocal operators in $\real(\lie{h}_l)$ are maximally unilocal. However, two maximally unilocal operators $C_1$ and $C_2$ with ground spaces $H_1$ and $H_2$ such that $H_2=e^{D}H_1$ for some $D\in\lie{h}_l$ act on the same side. Also, if $C_1$ is maximally unilocal and $C_2=e^{D}C_1e^{-D}$ with $D\in\lie{h}_l$, then $C_2$ is unilocal and acts on the same side. We call a family of operators contained in the span of $\{e^{D}Ce^{-D}{{\,|\,}}D\in\lie{h}_l\}$ with $C$ maximally unilocal an *m-compatible* unilocal family. With this definition, we have:
\[thm:allunis\] An explicit unilocal quantum map consists of an m-compatible unilocal family of operators.
Every unilocal one-dimensional projector is maximally unilocal, and the span of the conjugates under $e^{\lie{h}_l}$ of one such projector consists of all operators acting on the same side.
Using this theorem, we can characterize LOCC as the set of quantum maps obtained by conditional composition of explicit m-compatible quantum maps. However, this characterization is not directly related to the definition of separable maps. To do so requires introducing explicit quantum maps whose operators are exponentials of members of an m-compatible family. Also note that in addition to using linear closure in the definition of m-compatibility, we could have used closure under commutators (Lie bracket). In the bipartite setting, this makes no difference. Alternatively, we could have left out linear closure and just used conjugation under $e^{\lie{h}_l}$. We do not know whether conditional composition of the resulting quantum maps yields LOCC. See the discussion of this topic in Section \[sect:li\_lqo\].
Communication Complexity
In the study of multiparty protocols, an important issue is the communication complexity of converting one state to another using LOCC maps. The communication complexity is defined as the number of classical bits that need to be communicated. The communication complexity of a particular LOCC map to a given state can be determined from a representation as a conditional composition. This can be done by adding the resources used in each round. The contribution from a round depends on the previous map in the sequence of conditional compositions, as we now explain. Suppose that the initial state’s density matrix is given by $\rho$, the total explicit quantum map before the round under consideration is $\mathbf{C}$, and this is then conditionally composed with the family of unilocal explicit quantum maps $\mathbf{B}_k$. In general, given an explicit quantum map $\mathbf{D}$ applied to density matrix $\rho$, the average number of bits needed to communicate the outcomes is given by $H(\mathbf{D},\rho)=-\sum_k p_k\log p_k$, where $p_k=\trace(\rho \scstar{D_k} D_k)$ is the probability of outcome $D_k$. This is of course an asymptotic expression assuming knowledge of $\rho$. In other cases one might prefer to just use $\log|\mathbf{D}|$ as the number of bits required. In any case, the contribution to the communication complexity of the current round is the average communication complexity for transmitting the information in the outcomes of the conditionally applied maps. This quantity is given by $$\label{eq:comcplx}
\sum_k \trace (\rho \scstar{C_k} C_k) H(\mathbf{B}_k,C_k\rho \scstar{C_k}/\trace (\rho \scstar{C_k} C_k)).$$ The contributions from each round are added up to obtain the communication complexity of the sequence of conditional compositions. Depending on the application, the contribution of the last round can be omitted as its outcomes need not be communicated to implemented the quantum map. Note that if the detailed outcomes in one round are not required for conditioning in the next rounds, then the explicit maps can be modified to defer these outcomes until the last round, which is one reason to omit the contribution of the last round.
In general, the goal is to implement a given communication task with (near) minimum communication complexity. By determining the complexity according to Expression \[eq:comcplx\], we can generalize communication complexity to any scheme for defining a family of quantum maps by conditional composition, including the generalized local maps to be introduced for the Lie algebraic setting in Section \[sect:Lie\].
Resource Scaling {#sect:bi-resources}
An important aspect of information theory involves asymptotic characterizations of the relationships between information resources and of the complexity of tasks. To asymptotically scale up a problem, one usually creates tensor copies of the bipartite states involved and then investigates their relationships in the context of the now much larger bipartite system. The relationship between the local Lie algebras of the individual bipartite subsystems and the one obtained after forming the tensor products requires a construction other than the usual products. We did not find an obvious way of implementing such a construction that does not rely on knowledge of additional structure. It may be the case that one must have knowledge of how the representation of $\lie{h}_l$ was constructed. Nevertheless, there are a few things we can say that may help in better understanding how resources can be scaled and how to implement asymptotic analyses.
We construct the space $\cH=\cH_{ab}\tensor\ldots\tensor\cH_{ab}$ as an $n$-fold tensor product of copies of $\cH_{ab}$. Let $\lie{h}_{l,k}$ be the local Lie algebra acting on the $k$’th factor. Let $\lie{h}_{L}$ be the local Lie algebra for $\cH$, where $\cH$ is bipartitioned into $\cH_a\tensor\ldots\tensor\cH_a$ and $\cH_b\tensor\ldots\tensor\cH_b$. Define $\lie{h}_{a,k}$, $\lie{h}_A$, $\lie{h}_{b,k}$ and $\lie{h}_B$ likewise. The group of permutations on $n$ elements acts on $\cH$ by permuting the tensor factors. The goal is to establish how $\lie{h}_L$ relates to the $\lie{h}_{l,k}$. It suffices to consider the case $n=2$, because we can view $\lie{h}_{L}$ as the smallest Lie algebra that contains the appropriate Lie algebras obtained for each pair of factors.
Let $G_2(\lie{h}_x)$ ($x\in\{a,b,l\}$) be the set of operators $C$ on $\cH_{ab}\tensor\cH_{ab}$ such that for all operators $X$ on $\cH_{ab}$, $\trace_1(C(X^\cstar\tensor \id))\in\lie{h}_{x,2}$ and $\trace_2(C(\id\tensor X^\cstar))\in\lie{h}_{x,1}$. Here, $\trace_i$ is tracing out the $i$’th factor with respect to the tensor product $\cH_{ab}\tensor\cH_{ab}$. In words, $G_2(\lie{h}_x)$ is the set of operators which look locally like operators in $\lie{h}_x$.
\[thm:tup\_trace\] $G_2(\lie{h}_a) = \lie{h}_A$, $G_2(\lie{h}_b)=\lie{h}_B$, but $G_2(\lie{h}_l)$ strictly contains $\lie{h}_L$.
The definition ensures that $\lie{h}_A\subseteq
G_2(\lie{h}_a)$. Let $C\in G_2(\lie{h}_a)$. We can write $C=\sum_{klrs} \alpha_{klrs} (A_k\tensor B_l)\tensor(A_r\tensor B_s)$ with $(A_k)_k$ and $(B_l)_l$ orthonormal bases of operators including the identity. The ordering of the tensor product is according to $(\cH_a\tensor\cH_b)\tensor(\cH_a\tensor\cH_b)$. Suppose that $\alpha_{kl_0rs}$ is non-zero for some $l_0$ with $B_{l_0}\not=\id$. Then using $X= A_r\tensor B_s$ in the definition of $G_2$ and tracing out we get $\sum_{kl}\alpha_{klrs}A_k\tensor B_l$, which is not in $\lie{h}_a$ due to the term $B_{l_0}$. By symmetry, this establishes the first two identities. The third statement follows from the observation that any operator of the form $(A\tensor\id)\tensor(\id\tensor B)$ is in $G_2(\lie{h}_l)$. If $A$ and $B$ are traceless, this operator is not in $\lie{h}_L$.
The above theorem provides ways of constructing $\lie{h}_A$ and $\lie{h}_B$ but not $\lie{h}_L$. However, one can construct $\lie{h}_L$ as the Lie algebra generated by $\lie{h}_A$ and $\lie{h}_B$. This depends on the bipartition only through its emergence from having the two unilocal Lie algebras.
Another way in which one can attempt to construct $\lie{h}_X$ involves using a group of unitary operators that extends the permutations group $S_n$ acting on the factors. $S_n$ by itself is insufficient, in the sense that the Lie algebra generated by $g C g^\cstar$ for $g$ a permutation operator and $C\in\lie{h}_{x,k}$ is just $\bigoplus_k\lie{h}_{x,k}$. A sufficiently large extension suffices. An example is the group $U\tensor V$, with $U$ and $V$ acting on the tensor products of the $\cH_a$ and $\cH_b$ factors, respectively, which generates $\lie{h}_X$ from $\lie{h}_{x,1}$ by conjugation. The problem is whether such an extension can be chosen naturally. An idea that does not work but might have some independent interest is to consider the Lie algebra $\lie{h}'_X$ generated by $gCg^\cstar$ with $C\in\lie{h}_{x,1}$ and $g$ a unitary operator in the group algebra generated by the permutation operators. To see that this does not yield the desired Lie algebras, let $s$ be the swap operator. Then $g=(\id+is)/\sqrt{2}$ is unitary, but $g((A\tensor\id)\tensor(\id\tensor\id))g^\cstar$ is not in $\lie{h}_A$.
Measures of Entanglement {#sect:bi_ment}
For pure states ${|{\psi}\rangle}$ of a bipartite system the generally accepted and information-theoretically meaningful measure of entanglement is given by the von Neumann entropy of either one of the reduced density matrices for ${|{\psi}\rangle}$ [@Donald2001a]. Thus, the entanglement of ${|{\psi}\rangle}$ can be computed as the Shannon entropy of the spectrum of the reduced density matrix on the first (or, equivalently, the second) system. For $\lie{h}_l$-states, the underlying Hilbert space is not directly accessible. However, there are natural complexity measures associated with the convex structure of these states. To define such measures, let $S$ be a Schur-concave function of probability distributions. By definition, Schur-concave functions are permutation invariant and concave (see for example [@Bhatia97a], pp. 40). That is, if $\mathbf{p}$ and $\mathbf{q}$ are two probability distributions of the same length where the probabilities of $\mathbf{q}$ are a permutation of those of $\mathbf{p}$, then $S(\mathbf{p})=S(\mathbf{q})$; and if $\mathbf{p}=
r\mathbf{p}_1+(1-r)\mathbf{p}_2$ for $r\geq 0$, then $S(\mathbf{p})\geq rS(\mathbf{p}_1)+(1-r)S(\mathbf{p}_2)$. An example of a Schur-concave function is the Shannon entropy. For a pure state ${|{\psi}\rangle}$ define $S({|{\psi}\rangle})$ to be $S$ evaluated on the spectrum of the reduced density matrices. For an $\lie{h}_l$-state $\lambda$, define $$S(\lambda)=\inf\{S(\mathbf{p}) {{\,|\,}}\lambda=\sum_k p_k \lambda_k
\; \textrm{with $\lambda_k$ $\lie{h}_l$-pure}\}.$$ We will routinely overload the function $S$. Which definition is intended is communicated through the argument. So far, the argument type can be a probability distribution, a state in $\cH_{ab}$ or an $\lie{h}_l$-state.
\[thm:ent\_meas1\] If the $\lie{h}_l$-state $\lambda$ is induced by a pure state ${|{\psi}\rangle}$ on the bipartite system, then $S(\lambda)=S({|{\psi}\rangle})$.
Using the Schmidt decomposition, we can write ${|{\psi}\rangle}=\sum_k
\sqrt{p_k}{|{\phi_k}\rangle}\tensor{|{\varphi_k}\rangle}$ with $({|{\phi_k}\rangle})_k$ and $({|{\varphi_k}\rangle})_k$ orthonormal bases and $S({|{\psi}\rangle})=S(\mathbf{p})$. If the $\lambda_k$ are the pure $\lie{h}_l$-states induced by ${|{\phi_k}\rangle}\tensor{|{\varphi_k}\rangle}$, then $\lambda=\sum_kp_k\lambda_k$. It follows that $S(\lambda)\leq
To prove that $S(\lambda)\geq S({|{\psi}\rangle})$, write $\lambda=\sum_k
p_k\lambda_k$, with $\lambda_k$ $\lie{h}_l$-pure and $S(\mathbf{p})$ arbitrarily close to $S(\lambda)$. To be specific, $S(\mathbf{p})\leq
S(\lambda)+\epsilon$. By Theorem \[thm:pure=ue\], the $\lambda_k$ are pure product states. Let $\lambda_k$ be induced by ${|{\phi_k}\rangle}\tensor{|{\varphi_k}\rangle}$. Define $\rho=\sum_kp_k\ketbra{\phi_k}{\phi_k}\tensor\ketbra{\varphi_k}{\varphi_k}$. Then $\trace_b(\rho)=\sum_k p_k\ketbra{\phi_k}{\phi_k}$ and is equal to the corresponding reduced density matrix for ${|{\psi}\rangle}$. It therefore suffices to prove that $S(\mathbf{p})$ is at least $S$ evaluated on the spectrum of $\rho_a$. One way to see this it is to write $\rho_a=APA^\cstar$, where $A$ consists of unit-length columns (the ${|{\phi_k}\rangle}$) and $P$ is the diagonal matrix with the $p_k$’s on the diagonal. The eigenvalues of $\rho_a$ are the same as those of $P^{1/2}A^\cstar A P^{1/2}$. This matrix has the $p_k$ on the diagonal. The result now follows from the fact that $\mathbf{p}$ is a transformation of the spectrum by a doubly stochastic matrix (see, for example, [@Nielsen2001a], page 513), doubly stochastic matrices are convex combinations of permutation matrices (see, for example, [@Minc78a], page 36; [@Nielsen2001a], page 574), and concavity of $S$.
Theorem \[thm:ent\_meas1\] makes it possible to introduce entanglement measures without reference to the underlying pair of systems while being faithful to the known measures for such systems. We extend the entanglement measure $S$ to mixed states by a second minimization over convex representations as pure states [@Bennett96a]. To do so, consider a $\lie{g}$-state $\lambda$ induced by the density matrix $\rho$. With respect to the convex set of $\lie{g}$-states, $\lambda$ is pure iff $\rho$ is pure. The distinction between separability and entanglement can be seen to be one associated with the purity of a state from the points of view of $\lie{g}$ and $\lie{h}_l$. Thus, we define $$\label{eq:convex_construction}
\inf\{\sum_k p_k S(\lambda_k\restrict\lie{h}_l) {{\,|\,}}\lambda=\sum_k p_k \lambda_k \; \textrm{with $\lambda_k$ $\lie{g}$-pure}\}$$ Because of the isomorphism between density matrices $\rho$ and $\lie{g}$-states, this expression defines an entanglement measure for arbitrary bipartite density matrices. In anticipation of the generalizations to come, we explicitly introduced the Lie algebra $\lie{h}_l$ as a parameter.
Suppose that $S(\mathbf{p}) = 0$ iff $\mathbf{p}$ is pure, that is, $p_k=\delta_{jk}$ for some $j$. We call such an $S$ *proper*. Then a $\lie{g}$-state $\lambda$ satisfies $S(\lambda;\lie{h}_l)=0$ iff it is a mixture of product states, which justifies thinking of $S$ as an entanglement measure. Several properties are desirable of an entanglement measure [@Donald2001a]. For example, the measure should be convex and it should be non-increasing under LOCC maps. Both of these properties are satisfied by $S$ as defined above [@Vidal2000b].
Entanglement measures can be based on asymptotic convertibility of states with respect to a family of local maps. For example, one can define $R(\rho,\sigma)$ as the asymptotic supremum of $r/s$, where $r$ is the number of asymptotically good copies of $\rho$ that can be constructed from $s$ copies of $\sigma$ given any number of additional product states and using separable quantum maps. For more precise definitions of this sort, see [@Bennett98a]. If there is a reasonable choice $\sigma$ of a maximally entangled state, then $R(\rho,\sigma)$ can be considered to be an entropy of formation and $R(\sigma,\rho)$ an entropy of distillation. By varying the constraints on the quantum maps different measures are obtained.
The Lie-algebraic Setting {#sect:Lie}
To generalize the notions introduced in the previous section requires not much more than removing the connection between the local Lie algebra and the bipartite system. As a consequence we will learn that product states are generalized coherent states.
We fix a finite dimensional Hilbert space $\cH$ ($\cH_{ab}$ in the bipartite setting) and consider states from the point of view of various $\cstar$-closed, complex Lie algebras of operators acting on $\cH$. Ultimately, we consider families of Lie algebras $(\lie{h}_x)_x$ acting on $\cH$ and ordered by inclusion. But first we consider one $\cstar$-closed Lie algebra $\lie{h}$. By default we assume that $\id$ is a member of our operator Lie algebras. The set of traceless operators of $\lie{h}$ is denoted by $\trless{\lie{h}}$. The abstract Lie algebra faithfully represented by $\lie{h}$ is denoted by $\check{\lie{h}}$. The assumption that $\lie{h}$ is $\cstar$-closed implies that $\check{\lie{h}}$ is reductive (see, for example, [@Dixmier96a], Sect. 1.7). A *reductive* Lie algebra $\lie{r}$ is one that consists of the direct product of an abelian $\lie{a}$ and a semisimple Lie algebra $\lie{s}$ (see, for example, [@Dixmier96a], Sect. 1.7, or [@Humphreys72a], p. 102). The *direct product* is in the category of Lie algebras and homomorphisms of Lie algebras and corresponds, after exponentiation, to the direct product of groups. In this case it means that as vector spaces, $\lie{r}=\lie{a}\oplus\lie{s}$, where $\lie{a}$ commutes with $\lie{s}$. For Lie algebras, $x$ and $y$ *commute* iff $[x,y]=0$. A *semisimple* Lie algebra is one which is a direct product of simple Lie algebras, where a *simple* Lie algebra is one that is not abelian and has no proper ideals. Reductiveness of our Lie algebras is useful because the finite-dimensional semisimple Lie algebras and their representations have been completely classified (see, for example, [@Humphreys72a]). If $\lie{h}$ is irreducible as a set of operators, then the abelian part consists only of multiples of the identity operator, and the semisimple part consists of the traceless operators.
The two examples for $\lie{h}$ to keep in mind are $\lie{h}_l$ in the bipartite setting and the set of generators of the spatial rotations of a spin-$1$ particle. In the second example, the Hilbert space is three dimensional with basis ${|{-1}\rangle}$, ${|{0}\rangle}$ and ${|{1}\rangle}$ corresponding to the three states with definite spin along $z$. The Lie algebra $\lie{h}$ is spanned by the identity together with the spin operators $J_z$, $J_x$ and $J_y$. The corresponding abstract Lie algebra is $\lie{1}\times\slc{2}$, where $\lie{1}$ is the one-dimensional Lie algebra. As linear spaces, this is the same as $\lie{1}\oplus\slc{2}$, the operator $\times$ emphasizes the fact that the construction is a direct product, so that the two Lie algebras commute. For this example we take $\lie{g}$ to consist of all operators.
Before proceeding, we recall the basic properties of semisimple Lie algebras that are needed to define generalized coherent states and relate them our characterizations of product states in the bipartite setting.
A Cartan subalgebra of $\trless{\lie{h}}$ is a maximal abelian subalgebra whose elements are diagonalizable (that is, *semisimple*). According to a fundamental result for Lie algebras, Cartan subalgebras exist and are conjugate (hence isomorphic) with respect to an operator in $e^{\trless{\lie{h}}}$ ([@Humphreys72a], pp. 81-87; [@Fulton91a], Thm. D.22, p. 492; [@Varadarajan84a], Thm. 4.1.2, p. 263). Every diagonalizable operator in $\lie{h}$ is contained in some Cartan subalgebra. If the operator is hermitian, the Cartan subalgebra can be chosen to be $\cstar$-closed.
Let $\lie{c}$ be a Cartan subalgebra of $\trless{\lie{h}}$, then $\cH$ can be decomposed into the joint eigenspaces for $\lie{c}$, $\cH=\bigoplus_\alpha\cH_\alpha$, where the $\alpha$ are distinct linear functionals on $\lie{c}$ such that for ${|{\psi}\rangle}\in\cH_\alpha$ and $A\in \lie{c}$, $A{|{\psi}\rangle}=\alpha(A){|{\psi}\rangle}$. ([@Humphreys72a], p. 107; [@Fulton91a], p. 199 eq. (14.4)). The $\cH_\alpha$ are called the *weight spaces* for $\lie{c}$ and the $\alpha$ are called the *weights*. In general, a weight for a Cartan subalgebra is a linear functional for which there exists a finite dimensional representation with a non-empty corresponding weight space. The abstract Lie algebra $\check{\trless{\lie{h}}}$ can be represented on itself by the Lie bracket. This is called the *adjoint* representation of $\check{\trless{\lie{h}}}$. The weights for this representation are called *roots*. It turns out that the geometrical properties of the roots determine the Lie algebra. The roots are in effect also linear functionals on $\lie{c}$. There are special sets of roots called *simple root systems* (or *bases*) that span the linear functionals on $\lie{c}$ and have the property that every root is either a positive, or a negative integral combination of simple roots. The former are called *positive* roots. The definition depends on the choice of simple roots, but not in a crucial way, because all simple root systems are isomorphic via a special kind of isomorphism (a member of the so-called Weyl group, [@Humphreys72a], p. 51; [@Fulton91a], Prop. D.29, p. 494). The weights can be partially ordered by defining $\alpha\leq\alpha'$ if $\alpha'-\alpha$ is a positive integral sum of simple roots. With this ordering, in an irreducible representation, there is a unique minimum weight, whose weight space is one-dimensional ([@Humphreys72a], pp. 108–109; [@Fulton91a], Prop. 14.13, pp. 202–203). The minimum weight state depends on the choice of Cartan subalgebra and simple roots. However, $e^{i\real(\trless{\lie{h}})}$ acts transitively on the set of minimum weight vectors. Furthermore, every minimum weight vector can be obtained by means of a $\cstar$-closed Cartan subalgebra of $\lie{h}$. The minimum weight space has the property that it is annihilated by operators in $\trless{\lie{h}}$ which are in root spaces associated with negative roots. In fact, this is another characterization of the minimum weight space (see the definition and theorem in [@Humphreys72a], p. 108). Usually, treatments of semisimple Lie algebras focus on the maximum weights of a representation. Here we choose to use the equivalent minimum weights because of the relationship to ground states of Hamiltonians. The basic properties of Cartan subalgebras and the notions of roots and weights extend from semisimple to reductive Lie algebras by adjoining the abelian part.
A family of generalized coherent states consists of an orbit of a dynamical group acting on a state space [@Perelomov85a; @Zhang90a]. According to this definition, every state is in a family of generalized coherent states. As a result, an important part of the theory of generalized coherent states is to choose those orbits that best generalize the properties of the coherent states familiar in optics. In our case, the dynamical groups are Lie groups generated by semisimple Lie algebras. If the goal is to choose states that are in a sense the most classical, then there are strong arguments for choosing the minimum weight states of a representation of the Lie group. Theorem \[thm:stchar\] below provides some of these arguments. We therefore use the term *generalized coherent* state, or simply *coherent* state, to refer specifically to minimum weight states of a Lie algebra. Because we only consider finite dimensional representations, our treatment does not directly apply to the conventional coherent states of optics, for example. In this case, the relevant Lie algebra is the Heisenberg algebra, which is not semisimple (or reductive). The standard $\cstar$-closed representation is therefore necessarily infinite. The theory of coherent states suggests that extensions to such Lie algebras and representations are possible [@Perelomov85a].
Purity, Coherence and Entanglement
For a $\cstar$-closed Lie algebra of operators $\lie{h}$ on $\cH$, define $\lie{h}$-states as before as linear functionals on $\lie{h}$ induced by a state’s density matrix $\rho$ according to $\lambda(A)=\trace(\rho A)$. Observe again that the set $\lie{h}^{+}$ of $\lie{h}$-states is convex closed. *Pure* $\lie{h}$-states are extreme points of $\lie{h}^{+}$. Suppose that the $\lie{h}$-state $\lambda$ is induced by the density matrix $\rho$. We can project $\rho$ onto $\lie{h}$ with respect to the trace inner product. Denote the projection map onto $\lie{h}$ by $\cP_{\lie{h}}$. Because $\lie{h}$ is $\cstar$-closed, the projection $\cP_{\lie{h}}(\rho)$ is a hermitian operator in $\lie{h}$. Furthermore, $\lambda$ is also induced by $\cP_{\lie{h}}(\rho)$, that is, $\lambda(A)=\trace(P_{\lie{h}}(\rho) A) = \trace(\rho A)$ for $A\in\lie{h}$. Note that in general, $\cP_{\lie{h}}(\rho)$ is not positive. For example, let $\rho$ be the density matrix for ${|{1}\rangle}$ in the spin-$1$ example. Another important observation is that $\cP_{\lie{h}}(\rho)$ depends only on $\lambda$. That is, if $\rho$ and $\rho'$ both induce $\lambda$, then $\cP_{\lie{h}}(\rho)=\cP_{\lie{h}}(\rho')$.
We now assume that $\lie{h}$ acts irreducibly on $\cH$. If it does not act irreducibly, decompose $\cH$ into irreducible invariant subspaces for $\lie{h}$ and consider each of these subspaces separately. Define the *$\lie{h}$-purity* of $\lambda$ as $\trace(\cP_{\lie{h}}(\rho)^2)$, where $\lambda$ is induced by the density matrix $\rho$. This is of course the length of $\cP_{\lie{h}}(\rho)$ according to the trace-inner-product norm. The $\lie{h}$-purity is bounded above by the conventional purity $\trace(\rho^2)$, which is the $\lie{g}$-purity with $\lie{g}$ the algebra of all operators on $\cH$. This generalization of purity is useful because according to Theorem \[thm:stchar\] below, the pure $\lie{h}$-states are exactly the states with maximum $\lie{h}$-purity.
The goal of the remainder of this subsection is to give a number of useful characterizations of pure $\lie{h}$-states. In particular, we show that they are exactly the coherent states for $\lie{h}$. We first state the characterization theorem and then discuss the equivalent characterizations before proving the theorem.
\[thm:stchar\] The following are equivalent for a density matrix $\rho$ inducing the $\lie{h}$-state $\lambda$:
- $\lambda$ is a pure $\lie{h}$-state.
- $\rho=\ketbra{\psi}{\psi}$ with ${|{\psi}\rangle}$ the unique ground state of some $H$ in $\real(\lie{h})$.
- $\rho=\ketbra{\psi}{\psi}$ with ${|{\psi}\rangle}$ a minimum-weight vector (for some simple root system of some Cartan subalgebra) of $\trless{\lie{h}}$.
- $\lambda$ has maximum $\lie{h}$-purity.
- $\rho$ is a one-dimensional projector in $\overline{e^{\lie{h}}}$.
This theorem is a synthesis of various largely known results in the representation theory of semisimple Lie algebras and coherent states. Statements (**\[st1\]**) and (**\[st2\]**) are motivated by Theorems \[thm:pure=ue\] and \[thm:prod=ue\], respectively. (**\[st2\]**) also provides an interpretation of many meanfield ground states as coherent states. This is because meanfield Hamiltonians are often expressed as operators in a small Lie algebra, in particular, operators quadratic in the creation and annihilation operators.
Statement (**\[st3\]**) is one of the definitions of generalized coherent states. For other characterizations of generalized coherent states, see [@Perelomov85a; @Zhang90a].
Statement (**\[st5\]**) is a version of the minimum variance principle for coherent states [@Delbourgo77a; @Delbourgo77b]. The variance of a state ${|{\psi}\rangle}$ with respect to $\real(\trless{\lie{h}})$ is computed as the expectation of an “invariant uncertainty operator”. For a state ${|{\psi}\rangle}$, this expectation is given by $$\label{dispersionop}
\sum_i x^i x_i - \sum_i {\langle{\psi}|} x^i \ketbra{\psi}{\psi} x_i {|{\psi}\rangle},$$ where $(x_i)_i$ is a basis of $\real(\trless{\lie{h}})$, and $(x^i)_i$ is the dual basis with respect to the trace inner product. This is a linear function of the $\lie{h}$-purity because the second sum is the negative of the purity up to a constant due to our inclusion of the identity operator.
Statement (**\[st6\]**) is motivated by the results concerning the classical simulatability of fermionic linear optics [@Terhal2001a; @Knill2001b]. Simulatability depends crucially on the fact that the initial state preparations and the measurements outcomes can be expressed in terms of projectors in $\overline{e^{\lie{h}}}$.
(**\[st2\]**) $\Rightarrow$ (**\[st3\]**): Let $\lie{c}$ be a $\cstar$-closed Cartan subalgebra of $\trless{\lie{h}}$ containing $H$. We can perturb $H$ slightly without affecting the ground space by adding a generic element of $\lie{c}$ to make sure that $H$ is generic, that is, so that the commutant of $H$ is $\lie{c}$. The *commutant* of $H$ is the set of elements of $\trless{\lie{h}}$ that commute with $H$. It therefore suffices to show that ground states of generic elements of $\lie{c}$ are minimum weight for an ordering of the roots. Note that for no non-zero root $\alpha$ is $\alpha(H)=0$, because otherwise $H$ is not generic. Thus we can call a root positive if $\alpha(H)>0$, and there is some simple root system for which this coincides with the definition of positive roots. A ground state is annihilated by the root spaces of $\trless{\lie{h}}$ that correspond to the negative roots. This implies that it is a minimum weight state.
(**\[st3\]**) $\Rightarrow$ (**\[st2\]**): Every minimum-weight vector ${|{\psi}\rangle}$ has minimum weight for some $\cstar$-closed Cartan subalgebra $\lie{c}$ with root basis $\alpha_1,\ldots,\alpha_d$. There is a hermitian member $H$ of $\lie{c}$ for which $\alpha_k(H)>0$ for each $k$. ${|{\psi}\rangle}$ is the ground state of $H$.
(**\[st2\]**) $\Rightarrow$ (**\[st6\]**): Let $\lambda$ be the eigenvalue of ${|{\psi}\rangle}$ for $H$. Then the desired projector is $\lim_{t\rightarrow \infty} e^{(-H+\lambda)t}$.
((**\[st6\]**) & ((**\[st2\]**) $\Rightarrow$ (**\[st3\]**))) $\Rightarrow$ (**\[st3\]**): Let $\ketbra{\psi}{\psi}=\lim_k e^{-H_k}$, with $H_k\in\lie{h}$. Then $\ketbra{\psi}{\psi}=\lim_k e^{-H_k}e^{-\scstar{H_k}}$. The operators in the limit are now hermitian, which implies that they can be written in the form $e^{-h_k}$, with $h_k$ hermitian in $\lie{h}$. For sufficiently large $k$, the minimum eigenvalue of $h_k$ must be unique. This eigenvalue must go to zero and the eigenvalue gap $\delta_k$ of $h_k$ goes to infinity. Thus for sufficiently large $k$, the ground state ${|{\psi_k}\rangle}$ of $h_k$ is projectively well-defined. Because of ((**\[st2\]**) $\Rightarrow$ (**\[st3\]**))), ${|{\psi_k}\rangle}$ is a minimum weight state. Minimum weight states form an orbit of $e^{\real(\lie{h})}$, a compact set. Thus there is a cluster point ${|{\psi_0}\rangle}$ of the ${|{\psi_k}\rangle}$. It must be the case that ${|{\psi_0}\rangle}\propto{|{\psi}\rangle}$. Hence ${|{\psi}\rangle}$ is minimum weight.
(**\[st5\]**) $\Rightarrow$ (**\[st1\]**): By convexity of purity.
(**\[st1\]**) $\Rightarrow$ (**\[st3\]**): Let $\lie{c}$ be the $\cstar$-closed Cartan subalgebra containing the projection of $\rho$ into $\lie{h}$. We call this a *supporting* Cartan subalgebra of $\rho$. Let $\cH_\alpha$ be the weight spaces with respect to this Cartan subalgebra. Then $\lambda$ is zero on the non-zero root spaces with respect to $\lie{c}$. Since $\rho$ is a mixture of normalized superpositions of weight vectors ${|{v_\alpha}\rangle}\in\cH_{\alpha}$, it follows that $\lambda\restrict\lie{c}$ is a convex combination of weights. But the weights are all in the convex closure of the set of minimum weights with respect to different orderings of the roots. Extremality therefore requires that $\lambda\restrict \lie{c}$ is given by a minimum weight. Let ${|{\psi}\rangle}$ be the corresponding minimum weight state. By choice of $\lie{c}$, $\lambda$ is also induced by $\ketbra{\psi}{\psi}$. The density matrix $\rho$ cannot have a contribution to the mixture with different weight spaces, as otherwise, $\lambda\restrict\lie{c}$ is in the strict interior of the convex closure of the set of minimum weights. That $\rho=\ketbra{\psi}{\psi}$ now follows from the fact that due to irreducibility of $\lie{h}$, the minimum weight spaces are one-dimensional.
Note that supporting Cartan subalgebras’ weight spaces generalize the Schmidt basis used to diagonalize reduced density matrices in the bipartite setting. See Theorem \[thm:supp\_cartan\].
((**\[st1\]**) & (**\[st3\]**)) $\Rightarrow$ (**\[st5\]**): Because all minimum weight states are in the same orbit of $e^{i\real(\lie{h})}$, every minimum weight state has the same purity. By extremality and convexity of purity, minimum weight states have maximum purity.
Local Quantum Maps {#sect:li_lqo}
We can use Theorem \[thm:clieh=sep\] to generalize separable maps. Thus we define *$\lie{h}$-separable* quantum maps to be those with an explicit form $(A_k)_k$ with $A_k\in\overline{e^{\lie{h}}}$. To generalize LOCC maps, one can always return to the multipartite setting by using the fact that by semisimplicity, $\trless{\lie{h}}$ can be uniquely represented as a product of simple Lie algebras $\trless{\lie{h}}=\times_k\lie{h}_k$ (see, for example, [@Humphreys72a], p. 23). The state space then factors as $\tensor_k\cH_k$, with $\lie{h}_k$ acting on $\cH_k$ only. We define $\lie{h}$-LOCC maps by conditional composition of explicit $(\lie{h}_k+\cmplx\id)$-separable quantum maps. This definition is more general than the usual notion of LOCC maps for multipartite systems because $\check\lie{h}_k$ can be different from $\slc{n}$ or its representation $\lie{h}_k$ need not be the first fundamental representation.
In the bipartite setting, we discussed two other ways in which LOCC maps can be characterized. One way used liftability to well defined maps of $\lie{h}$-states. The other used restrictions on the operators based on their eigenspaces. We consider how these ideas can lead to other interesting families of quantum maps.
A subfamily of the explicit $\lie{h}$-separable quantum maps is obtained by requiring that each operator lifts to $\lie{h}$. Such quantum maps are called *explicit $\lie{h}$-liftable* quantum maps. (Recall our convention for using the word “explicit”.) In the bipartite setting, Theorem \[thm:liftone\_diu\] implies that all such quantum maps are mixtures of unitaries, a small subfamily of the LOCC maps. The conclusion of Theorem \[thm:liftone\_diu\] does not hold in general. For example, trivially, if $\lie{h}$ consists of all operators on $\cH$, then all quantum maps are in this family. One nice property of the family of explicit $\lie{h}$-liftable quantum maps is that there is a straightforward proof of monotonicity for a large family of entanglement measures, see Theorem \[thm:monotonicity\].
A family of quantum maps that includes the explicit $\lie{h}$-liftable ones consists of the $\lie{h}$-separable quantum maps that are liftable to $\lie{h}$. In the bipartite setting, this family may be larger than the family of LOCC maps, see Problem \[prob:sep\_lift\]. In the general setting, we pose the following problem:
Is the family of quantum maps obtained by conditional composition of explicit $\lie{h}$-separable quantum maps that are liftable to $\lie{h}$ strictly smaller than the family of $\lie{h}$-separable quantum maps?
Based on Theorem \[thm:nsep\_locc\] and its corollary, one might want to consider the family of maps consisting of binary $\lie{h}$-separable quantum maps. Unfortunately, this family can be trivial in the sense that in many cases it consist of mixed unitary quantum maps only. For example, consider the spin-$1$ Lie algebra and suppose that $(A,B)$ is an explicit separable quantum map. We have $A,B\in e^{\lie{h}}$ and $A^\cstar A+B^\cstar
B=\id$. The operators $A^\cstar A$ and $B^\cstar B$ are in $e^{\lie{h}}$ and can be written in the form $e^{H_A}$ and $e^{H_B}$ with $H_A$ and $H_B$ in $\real(\lie{h})$. Thus $H_A=\alpha\id+\vec x \cdot \vec
J$. With a suitable rotation, we can assume that $H_A=\alpha+\beta
J_z$. This ensures that $e^{H_A}$ is diagonal in the basis ${|{-1}\rangle},{|{0}\rangle},{|{1}\rangle}$ and has diagonal entries $e^{\alpha-\beta},e^{\alpha},e^{\alpha+\beta}$. It follows that $e^{H_B}$ is diagonal also, and hence of the same form with $\alpha'$ and $\beta'$. Their sum is $\id$, and it can be checked that the solutions satisfy $\beta=\beta'=0$. Hence $A$ and $B$ are proportional to unitaries.
One idea for avoiding the possible triviality of binary $\lie{h}$-separable quantum maps is to use $k$-ary quantum maps. That is, consider extremal $k$-ary $\lie{h}$-separable quantum maps. A quantum map is *extremal* if its action on density matrices is not a convex combination of other quantum maps. Because mixed unitary quantum maps are not extremal unless they are unitary, the spin-$1$ example shows that there may be no such extremal quantum maps for $k=2$. Let $k_{\textrm{\tiny min}}$ be the minimum $k>1$ for which such quantum maps exist. Let the family of *minimally generated* separable quantum maps consist of explicit quantum maps obtained by conditional composition of unary or extremal $k_{\textrm{\tiny
min}}$-ary $\lie{h}$-separable quantum maps. Because of Corollary \[cor:2sep\_locc\], this family is the family of LOCC maps in the bipartite setting.
What is the relationship between the family of minimally generated $\lie{h}$-separable quantum maps, $\lie{h}$-*LOCC* and and $\lie{h}$-separable quantum maps?
Another family of quantum maps that might be interesting is obtained by adding the liftability condition to the generators of the family in the above problem.
We now move on to considering families of $\lie{h}$-separable quantum maps that are characterized by generators with large ground spaces. Based on Theorem \[thm:maxeig=unil\], we can define a *maximally $\lie{h}$-unilocal* operator to be an operator in $\real(\lie{h})$ whose ground space is maximal. These operators have a Lie algebraic characterization.
\[thm:maxeig\_char\] Maximally $\trless{\lie{h}}$-unilocal operators are the ones that are proportional to a an operator of the dual basis to a simple root system of a $\cstar$-closed Cartan subalgebra of $\trless{\lie{h}}$.
The dual basis of a simple root system corresponds to the fundamental weights via the isomorphism induced by the Killing form. The Killing form is the symmetric bilinear form associated with the trace in the adjoint representation. The $k$’th fundamental weight $\lambda_k$ for a simple root system consisting of the roots $\alpha_l$ has the property that if $h_l=[x_l,y_l]$ with $x_l$ and $y_l$ members of the root space for $\alpha_l$ and for $-\alpha_l$, respectively, then $\lambda_k(h)=0$ except for $l=k$. It also has minimum length among weights satisfying this property. Fundamental weights are important because all the representations of a Lie algebra can be built from ones whose minimum weight is fundamental.
Let $H\in\real(\lie{h})$ and choose a $\cstar$-closed Cartan subalgebra $\lie{c}$ containing $H$ and an ordering of the roots such that for positive roots $\alpha$, $\alpha(H)\geq 0$. Let $(\alpha_k)_k$ be the simple root system for this ordering. Let $\cH_0$ be the ground space of $H$. Then $\cH_0$ is a union of weight spaces of $\lie{c}$. By definition of the ground space, if $X$ is in the root space for a negative root, then $X\cH_0\subseteq\cH_0$. In particular, $\cH_0$ contains the weight space for the minimum weight $\lambda_0$ of the chosen ordering of the roots. Furthermore, $\cH_0$ consists exactly of the weights $\lambda$ such that $\lambda-\lambda_0$ is a positive integral combination of positive roots $\alpha$ with $\alpha(\cH_0)=0$. Thus $\cH_0$ is non-trivially maximal iff $\alpha_k(\cH_0)=0$ for all but one $k=k_0$. Given $k_0$, the set of operators with this property is necessarily one-dimensional and contains one that contributes to the dual basis of the simple root system. This follows from the fact that the simple roots are a basis of the dual space of $\lie{c}$.
The maximally $\lie{h}$-unilocal operators fall into different classes depending on the associated fundamental weight. However, it is likely that if $\trless{\lie{h}}$ is simple, then the linear span of the $e^{\lie{h}}$ conjugates of a given maximally $\trless{\lie{h}}$-unilocal operator is all of $\trless{\lie{h}}$. We do not know whether this holds in general, but it is certainly the case for $\lie{h}_a$ and $\lie{h}_b$ and $\lie{g}$. This implies that if we define m-compatibility as in the bipartite setting and close under conditional composition, we might get all $\lie{h}$-LOCC maps. So define a *$\lie{h}$-compatible* family of operators as a family consisting of the $e^{\lie{h}}$ conjugates of a maximally $\lie{h}$-unilocal operator.
Does conditional composition of explicit separable quantum maps with operators from an $\lie{h}$-compatible family generate the family of $\lie{h}$-*LOCC* maps?
For now, the properties of the various families of quantum maps are largely unknown and offer a fruitful area of further investigation.
Communication Complexity
Communication complexity can be defined exactly as in the bipartite setting for any of the families of explicit quantum maps defined by conditional composition in the previous section.
Resource Scaling {#resource-scaling}
The goal is to determine what might be reasonable choices of “scaled” Lie algebras $\lie{h}^{\circledast n}$ acting on $\cH^{\tensor n}$ extending the action of $\lie{h}$ on each factor so as to be consistent with the corresponding picture for bipartite systems. It makes sense to require that $\lie{h}^{\circledast n}$ be contained in $G_n(\lie{h})$, the set of operators $X$ with the property that if $Y$ is an operator acting as the identity on the $k$’th factor of $\cH^{\tensor n}$, then the partial trace of $XY$ onto the $k$’th factor is in $\lie{h}$ acting on this factor. In the bipartite case, it was possible to obtain the desired $\lie{h}^{\circledast n}$ by appealing to the two unilocal Lie algebras contained in $\lie{h}$. We can similarly use any generating Lie subalgebras. That is, let $\lie{h}$ be generated by Lie subalgebras $\lie{h}_k$. With respect to these Lie subalgebras, we can define $\lie{h}^{\circledast n}$ as the Lie algebra generated by $G_n(\lie{h}_k)$. In this case, it makes sense to define ${\lie{h}_k}^{\circledast n}=G_n(\lie{h}_k)$. At this point, we do not know to what extent this scheme is useful in analyzing the asymptotic relationships between states from the point of view of $\lie{h}$. As a potentially interesting alternative, the scheme based on extensions of the permutation group discussed in the last paragraph of of Section \[sect:bi-resources\] can of course be applied to any Lie algebra of operators.
Measures of Relative Entanglement
From the point of view of $\lie{h}$, incoherent pure states of $\cH$ look like a mixture of coherent states. This is because the $\lie{h}$-state induced by an incoherent state is a proper convex combinations of pure $\lie{h}$-states. However, incoherent pure states can exhibit generalized entanglement provided that it is possible to refer to operators outside of $\lie{h}$. We therefore need access to observables in a larger Lie algebra. Let $\lie{g}\supset\lie{h}$ be a Lie algebra of operators on $\cH$. Theorem \[thm:stchar\] applies to $\lie{g}$ as well, and in general, not all pure $\lie{g}$-states are pure when restricted to $\lie{h}$. Note that a $\lie{g}$-state that restricts to a pure $\lie{h}$-state state is necessarily pure. So it makes sense to call a pure $\lie{g}$-state *$\lie{h}$-coherent* if it restricts to a pure $\lie{h}$-state.
The goal of this section is to find ways to quantify the *relative entanglement* of $\lie{g}$-states with respect to $\lie{h}$. The idea is that $\lie{h}$-coherent $\lie{g}$-states are not entangled, while any other pure $\lie{g}$-state is definitely entangled, but the extent of entanglement depends in some way on how far the state is from being pure when restricted to $\lie{h}$. Once the entanglement of pure $\lie{g}$-states has been quantified, this can be extended to arbitrary $\lie{g}$-states.
Let $S$ be a Schur-concave function of probability distributions. Then we can define $S(\lambda)$ for $\lie{h}$-states $\lambda$ and $S(\lambda';\lie{h})$ for $\lie{g}$-states $\lambda'$ as we did in Section \[sect:bi\_ment\]. In the bipartite setting, $S(\lambda)$ is concave as a function of $\lie{h}$-states $\lambda$.
For which $\lie{h}$ is $S$ a concave function of $\lie{h}$-states?
That $S(\lambda;\lie{h})$ is a convex function of $\lie{g}$-states $\lambda$ will be shown in the more general setting of convex cones, where we will also discuss the issue of monotonicity of $S$ under the various notions of generalized local quantum maps.
Another measure that can be used for quantifying generalized entanglement is based on purity. Let $p(\lambda')$ denote the $\lie{h}$-purity of an $\lie{h}$-state $\lambda'$. We can define, for a $\lie{g}$-state $\lambda$, $$p(\lambda;\lie{h})=
\sup\{\sum_k p_k p(\lambda_k\restrict\lie{h}) {{\,|\,}}\lambda=\sum_k p_k \lambda_k \; \textrm{with $\lambda_k$ pure for $\lie{g}$}\}$$ Then $p(\lambda;\lie{h})$ achieves its maximum exactly at the states that are mixtures of $\lie{h}$-coherent states, and $p(\lambda;\lie{h})$ is convex in $\lambda$. Mixtures of $\lie{h}$-coherent states are generalized separable states.
Observe that for bipartite pure states, the purity is a linear function of the Renyi entropy given by $-\sum_k p_k^2$ where the $p_k$ are the eigenvalues of the reduced density matrices. In this case, the Renyi entropy can be derived from the Schur-concave function $S((p_k)_k)=-\sum_k p_k^2$.
It is possible to define resource-based measures of relative entanglement as discussed at the end of Section \[sect:bi\_ment\], with the caution that asymptotic versions of such measures depend on whether a useful notion of scaling for resources can been found.
One advantage of relativizing measures of entanglement by using pairs $\lie{h}\subseteq\lie{g}$, is that one can better investigate properties of states on systems with a hierarchy of meaningful choices for Lie algebras. Multipartite systems are examples where this situation arises. For every subset $s$ of the subsystems, there is the algebra $\lie{h}_s$ of operators acting only on the subsystems in $s$, and the $\lie{h}_s$ can be summed over a partition of the subsystems to obtain generalizations of $\lie{h}_l$. These Lie algebras are ordered by inclusion. Given a state, one can, for every pair $\lie{k}\subseteq\lie{l}$, determine the state’s generalized entanglement and use these quantities to characterize different types of states and localize the extent to which they are entangled. Other examples with multiple, physically motivated Lie algebras are discussed in Section \[sect:further\].
Other Measures {#sect:lie_om}
We mention two other types of relative entanglement measures for states that may generalize the bipartite setting. One is based on the amplitudes in a representation of a state as a superposition of coherent states, the other uses supporting Cartan subalgebras as a generalization of the Schmidt basis. Since both of them can be extended to mixed $\lie{g}$-states using the construction repeatedly used above (see Equation \[eq:convex\_construction\]), we discuss them only for pure $\lie{g}$-states. Since these are induced by pure states of $\cH$ and the relativization comes in through the extension, we define the measures for all pure states ${|{\psi}\rangle}\in\cH$.
Let $S$ be a Schur-concave function and ${|{\psi}\rangle}$ a state that induces a pure $\lie{g}$-state. We can define an entanglement measure by minimizing the $S$-complexity of ${|{\psi}\rangle}$’s renormalized square amplitudes in writing ${|{\psi}\rangle}$ as a superposition of coherent states. Formally: $$S_a({|{\psi}\rangle})
= \inf\{S(\mathbf{p}) {{\,|\,}}p_k = |\alpha_k|^2/\sum_k |\alpha_k|^2\;\textrm{where}\;
{|{\psi}\rangle}= \sum_k \alpha_k{|{\psi_k}\rangle}\;\textrm{with}\;
\textrm{$\lie{h}$-coherent ${|{\psi_k}\rangle}$}.
\}$$ Note that by irreducibility of $\lie{h}$, every state is in the span of the coherent states for $\lie{h}$.
Is $S_a({|{\psi}\rangle}) = S({|{\psi}\rangle})$ in the bipartite setting?
$S({|{\psi}\rangle})$ is defined for the bipartite setting before Theorem \[thm:ent\_meas1\].
A limiting case of this definition is the $\lie{h}$-rank of ${|{\psi}\rangle}$ defined as the minimum number of states needed to represent ${|{\psi}\rangle}$ as a superposition of coherent states. The $\lie{h}$-rank is obtained as the limit of the Schur-concave functions $S_r:\mathbf{p}\rightarrow \sum_k p_k^{1/r}$ as $r\rightarrow \infty$. A special case of the $\lie{h}$-rank has a long history in quantum chemistry (see, for example [@Mcweeny92a], p. 69) and has been proposed in the context of entanglement for fermions in [@Schliemann2001a], and for bosons in [@Paskauskas2001a; @Eckert2002a].
What is the relationship between the amplitude-based ($S_a({|{\psi}\rangle})$) and the convexity-based ($S(\lambda)$) measures of entanglement for pure $\lie{g}$-states?
$S_a$ satisfies that for proper $S$, $S_a({|{\psi}\rangle})=0$ iff ${|{\psi}\rangle}$ is coherent for $\lie{h}$. The measure $S_C({|{\psi}\rangle})$ based on supporting Cartan subalgebras does not satisfy this. To define $S_C({|{\psi}\rangle})$, let $\lie{c}$ be a supporting Cartan subalgebra of $\lie{h}$ for $\ketbra{\psi}{\psi}$. Let $P_\alpha$ be the projectors onto the weight spaces of $\lie{c}$. We can define $$\label{eq:S_C}
S_C({|{\psi}\rangle}) = \inf S((|P_\alpha{|{\psi}\rangle}|^2)_\alpha),$$ where the minimization is over supporting Cartan subalgebras. In the generic case, there is only one supporting Cartan subalgebra. Nevertheless it would be nice if the minimization was redundant.
\[prob:cindep\] Is $S((|P_\alpha{|{\psi}\rangle}|^2)_\alpha)$ as introduced above independent of the choice of supporting Cartan subalgebra?
Note that $S_C({|{\psi}\rangle})$ is zero for any ${|{\psi}\rangle}$ contained in a weight space for some Cartan subalgebra of $\lie{h}$ and that in general, such states are not coherent for $\lie{h}$. Furthermore, these weight spaces are usually not one-dimensional. Nevertheless, this measure generalizes the bipartite setting.
\[thm:supp\_cartan\] Assume the bipartite setting with $\lie{h}=\lie{h}_l$. The weight spaces of a supporting Cartan subalgebra for ${|{\psi}\rangle}$ are the one-dimensional spaces associated with tensor products of Schmidt basis elements for each side for some choice of Schmidt basis. Hence $S_C({|{\psi}\rangle})=S({|{\psi}\rangle})$.
This implies that for the bipartite setting, the answer to Problem \[prob:cindep\] is “yes”.
The projection of $\ketbra{\psi}{\psi}$ into $\lie{h}_l$ is given by $\varrho=\rho_a\tensor\id/N_b+\id/N_a\tensor\rho_b -
\id/N_a\tensor\id/N_b$ where $\rho_a$ and $\rho_b$ are the respective reduced density matrices. The supporting Cartan subalgebras are the Cartan subalgebras that commute with $\varrho$. These are necessarily of the form $\lie{c}_a\tensor\id+\id\tensor\lie{c}_b$, where $\lie{c}_a$ and $\lie{c}_b$ are $\cstar$-closed Cartan subalgebras of $\lie{h}_a$ and $\lie{h}_b$ that commute with $\rho_a$ and $\rho_b$, respectively. Therefore, $\lie{c}_a$ ($\lie{c}_b$) is generated by the projectors onto an orthogonal basis $B_a$ ($B_b$) of eigenstates of $\rho_a$ ($\rho_b$, respectively). The associated weight spaces are one-dimensional, spanned by tensor products of members of $B_a$ and $B_b$. Because the members of $B_a$ and $B_b$ can be paired to form a Schmidt basis for ${|{\psi}\rangle}$, the result follows.
The Convex Cones Setting {#sect:convex}
Many of the notions introduced for $\cstar$-closed operator Lie algebras can be generalized even further. For example, we can work with any linear space of operators and study properties of the convex set of linear functionals induced by states. In fact, as pointed out in Section \[sect:further\], there are physically interesting cases where this may be necessary. In this section we focus on the convexity properties of the state space and investigate the extent to which local maps and measures of generalized entanglement can still be defined and retain their features.
Convex Cones
A *convex cone* $C$ is a subset of a real linear space $U$ closed under positive linear combinations. That is, if $x,y\in C$ and $p,q\geq 0$, then $px+qy\in C$. To avoid degeneracies, we assume that $U$ is the span of $C$. Let $\dot C$ consist of the non-zero elements of $C$. The cone $C$ is *pointed* if there is a linear functional $\trace$ (the *trace*) on $U$ such $\trace(\dot
C)>0$. Equivalently, $C$ is pointed if $C\cap (-C) = \{0\}$. We assume that $U$ is finite dimensional and that $C$ is closed in the usual topology for $U$. For the remainder of this paper, a *cone* is a closed, pointed, convex cone equipped with the positive linear functional $\trace$. For our purposes cones represent spaces of unnormalized pure and mixed states. In the Lie-algebraic setting, the cone is given by the set of linear functionals $\lambda\in\lie{h}^*$ that are nonnegative multiples of $\lie{h}$-states. The trace is given by evaluation of $\lambda$ at the identity $\id\in\lie{h}$. If $\lambda$ is induced by the matrix $\rho$, evaluation at the identity gives the usual trace, $\trace(\rho)$. We refer to members $x\in C$ with $\trace(x)=1$ as *states*. The *pure* states of $C$ are extremal states of $C$. Our assumptions on $C$ imply that every state of $C$ is a convex combination of pure states.
In the Lie-algebraic setting, we explicitly introduced a second Lie algebra $\lie{g}$ when discussing measures of relative entanglement. Before we introduced such measures, $\lie{g}$ was implicitly present, but was trivially associated with the set of all operators. This is because the fact that $\lie{h}$-states are induced by density operators plays a crucial role. In the convex cones setting, there is no equally obvious way in which states are induced, so we explicitly introduce an *outer* cone $D\subseteq V$, whose states induce the states on $C$ via a linear map $\pi:V\rightarrow U$ satisfying $\pi(D)=C$, and $x\in D, \trace(x)=1$ implies $\trace(\pi(x))=1$, that is, $\pi$ is *trace preserving*. In the Lie algebraic setting, $\pi$ is simply the restriction map: If $\lambda$ is a $\lie{g}$-state, then $\pi(\lambda)=\lambda\restrict\lie{h}\in
\lie{h}^+$. We refer to $C$ as the *inner* cone. If $x$ is a pure state of $C$ then $\pi^{-1}(x)$ is convex closed and its extremal states are pure states in $D$.
Note that in the Lie-algebraic setting, $\pi^{-1}(x)$ for a pure $\lie{h}$-state $x$ is a pure $\lie{g}$-state. We define *separable* states of $D$ to be states in the convex closure of $\{\pi^{-1}(x){{\,|\,}}\textrm{$x$ is pure in $C$}\}$. We denote the cone generated by the separable states of $D$ as $D_{\textrm{\tiny
sep}}$ (this depends on $C$). A pure state $x$ of $D_{\textrm{\tiny
sep}}$ satisfies that $\pi(x)$ is pure in $C$.
As we discuss the extent to which we can define suitable generalizations of various notions to the convex cones setting, it is worth keeping in mind what the two cones correspond to in the bipartite setting. In this setting, $D$ is isomorphic to the cone of positive operators on $\cH_a\tensor\cH_b$, with $\trace$ the usual trace functional. The trace one operators are the density matrices. $C$ is determined by the reduced density matrices. Formally, $C$ is isomorphic to the cone of operators of the form $A\tensor
\id/N_b + \id/N_a \tensor B + \alpha\id/N_a\tensor\id/N_b$ with $A$, $B$ traceless and $A+\alpha\id/N_a$ and $B+\alpha\id/N_b$ positive. The connection to $\lie{h}_l$-states is discussed in Section \[sect:bi\_lqo\]. The map from $D$ to $C$ takes $\rho$ to $\trace_b(\rho)\tensor \id/N_b+\id/N_a\tensor\trace_a(\rho)
- \trace(\rho)(\id/N_a\tensor\id/N_b)$.
Local Maps
A *positive* map of $D$ is a linear map ${A}:V\rightarrow V$ such that ${A}(D)\subseteq D$. The map ${A}$ is *trace preserving* if $\trace(x)=\trace({A}(x))$ for all $x$. This definition corresponds to positive, but not necessarily completely positive maps in the Lie algebraic setting. Without the algebraic structure available for states, it is not possible to define a unique “tensor product” of cones, as would be required to distinguish between positive and completely positive maps [@Namioka69a; @Wittstock74a] (cited in [@Wilce92b]). Because of the absence of a suitable tensor product construction, we also do not have any suggestions for how to address asymptotic questions by resource scaling.
The family of positive maps of $D$ is closed under positive combinations and hence form a cone (without a trace). In the Lie-algebraic, or even the bipartite setting, the extreme points of this cone are not easy to characterize (see, for example, [@Wilce92b], p. 1927, [@Gurvits2002a]). However, the extreme points of the cone of completely positive maps are certainly extremality preserving in the following sense: A positive map ${A}$ of $D$ is *extremality preserving* if for all extremal $x\in D$, ${A}(x)$ is extremal. There are extremality preserving positive, not completely positive, maps. An example is partial transposition for density operators of qubits. We call a positive map that is a mixture of extremality preserving maps *q-positive*. It is possible to recapture the idea of complete positivity by explicitly introducing a cone representing the “tensor product” extension of $D$. This will be discussed after defining liftability. In the bipartite setting, the family of q-positive maps of $D$ is between the family of positive maps and the family of completely positive maps acting on density matrices on $\cH_{ab}$.
The next step is to define a family of maps that generalizes the separable maps. Call a positive map ${A}$ of $D$ $C$-separable if it is a mixture of extremality-preserving positive maps ${A}_k$ that are also extremality-preserving and positive for $D_{\textrm{\tiny sep}}$. In the bipartite setting, this definition includes maps such as the swap, which exchanges the two subsystems and is not separable, in addition to some non-completely positive operations. Note that if the Lie-algebraic definition of separability is used, operations like the swap are excluded because they are not in the Lie group generated by $\lie{h}_l$: The swap induces an exterior automorphism of $\lie{h}_l$. From the point of view of entanglement, including the swap can make sense because it obviously does not increase entanglement.
One tool used to narrow the family of separable quantum maps was based on liftability. The definition of liftability immediately generalizes to our cones. We say that a positive map ${A}$ on $D$ can be lifted to $C$ if ${A}$ preserves the nullspace of $\pi$, or, equivalently, if there exists a positive map ${A}'$ on $C$ such that $\pi({A}(x))={A}'(\pi(x))$. In this case, we say that ${A}'$ is the lifting of ${A}$ to $C$.
Using liftability, we can add more cones to try to capture the idea of complete positivity or to exclude maps like the swap. For complete positivity, introduce one more cone $E$ and positive trace-preserving map $\sigma:E\rightarrow D$ (onto). In the setting where states are defined by density matrices on a Hilbert space $\cH$ of dimension $d$, $E$ represents the cone generated by density matrices on $\cH\tensor\cH'$, with $\cH'$ of dimension at least $d^2$. With this cone in hand, we can try to get the completely positive maps by considering only maps that are a mixture of extremality preserving maps ${A}_k$ obtained as liftings of extremality preserving positive maps ${B}_k$ on $E$. Whether this works depends on the answer to the following problem:
\[prob:cone\_lie\] Let ${A}$ be a positive map on operators of $\cH\tensor\cH'$ with $\dim(\cH')\geq \dim(\cH)^2$. Suppose that ${A}$ preserves the set of rank one operators and that it lifts to a map ${A}'$ of operators on $\cH$. Is ${A}'$ completely positive?
To exclude the swap, it suffices to introduce cones included in $C$ to represent density matrices on $\cH_a$ and $\cH_b$ and require liftability to both of these cones.
The other tool used to restrict separable maps involves operators with maximal ground spaces. It is not clear how to apply this tool to the convex cone setting since the distinction between positive and negative eigenvalues is not easily recovered in the action $\rho\rightarrow A\rho A^\cstar$.
To be able to generate families of maps by a kind of locality preserving composition requires the idea of conditional composition based on explicit maps. An explicit positive map $\mathbf{A}$ on $D$ is given by $\mathbf{A}=(A_k)$ with $A_k$ extremality preserving positive maps. For explicit separability, the $A_k$ are required to be $C$-separable. In addition, we can impose the liftability condition on each $A_k$. We call the latter *explicit $C$-liftable separable maps.* The idea of Section \[sect:li\_lqo\] to restrict the separable maps by using certain minimal explicit separable maps can be applied in the convex cones setting. However, without the strong symmetry present in the Lie-algebraic setting, the definition of $k_{\textrm{\tiny min}}$ (Section \[sect:li\_lqo\]) is unlikely to be as natural. However, one could investigate the families of maps obtained by replacing $k_{\textrm{\tiny min}}$ by $2,3,\ldots$.
Conditional composition can be used to generate a family of maps as before. One can then readily generalize communication complexity to the resulting conditionally composed maps.
Measures of Relative Entanglement
The entanglement measures defined on the basis of a Schur-concave function $S$ are intrinsically defined using only convexity. Thus, for states $x\in C$, $$S(x) = \inf\{ S(\mathbf{p}){{\,|\,}}x=\sum_k p_k x_k\;\textrm{with $x_k$ pure}\},$$ and for states $x\in D$, $$S(x;C)=
\inf\{\sum_k p_k S(\pi(x_k)) {{\,|\,}}x=\sum_k p_k x_k\;\textrm{with $x_k$ pure}\}.$$ In general, $S(x)$ is not concave, though this is the case in the bipartite setting and if the set of states is a simplex. In the latter case, the expression of a point as a convex combination of extreme points is unique.
For which convex sets is $S(x)$ concave for all Schur-concave $S$?
$S(x;C)$ is convex in $x$.
Let $y=px_1+(1-p)x_2$ be a convex combination of states $x_1,x_2\in D$. We show that $S(y;C)\leq p S(x_1;C)+(1-p)S(x_2;C)$, from which the theorem follows. For every way of expressing $x_k=\sum_l p_{kl} x_{kl}$ as a convex combination of pure states of $D$ we have $y=\sum_l (p p_{1l}x_{1l}+ (1-p)p_{2l}x_{2l})$. Thus $$\begin{aligned}
S(y;C)&\leq& {}\Big\{}\sum_l (p
p_{1l}S(\pi(x_{1l}))+ (1-p)p_{2l}S(\pi(x_{2l})))
& \textrm{by definition,}\\
&=& {}\Big\{}p \sum_l
p_{1l}S(\pi(x_{1l})) + (1-p)\sum_l p_{2l} S(\pi(x_{2l})).
\end{array}\end{aligned}$$ The last two sums can be chosen to be arbitrarily close to $S(x_1;C)$ and $S(x_2;C)$.
Purity as defined in the Lie algebraic setting does not generalize to the setting of convex cones unless $C$ has a well-defined center and satisfies that all its pure states are equidistant from the center in a natural metric.
Monotonicity for Explicit Liftable Maps
A desirable property for measures of entanglement is that they are nonincreasing under the family of maps that are considered to be local.
For which of the families of maps that we have introduced is $S(x;C)$ (or, more specifically, $S(x;\lie{h})$) nonincreasing?
In the bipartite setting, it has been shown that $S(x;\lie{h}_l)$ is nonincreasing under LOCC maps [@Vidal2000b]. Here we show that this is the case in the convex cones setting for the family of trace-preserving explicit liftable $C$-separable maps of cones. With the cones that arise in the bipartite setting, this family of maps includes the explicit liftable separable quantum maps. (See also Problem \[prob:cone\_lie\].) The monotonicity result is easy to see for the later family because in this case, the family of maps consists of mixtures of product unitaries.
For $x\not=0$ in a cone, define $\widehat
x=\widehat{{\mbox{\ }}}(x)=\trace(x)^{-1} x$ to be the unique state proportional to $x$. If $x=0$, define $\widehat x = 0$. We say that the function $\Upsilon:D\rightarrow\rls$ is *explicitly nonincreasing* for the trace-preserving explicit positive map $\mathbf{A}=(A_k)_k$ if for extremal states $x\in D$, $$\label{eq:vidal_cond}
\Upsilon(x)\geq\sum_k p_k \Upsilon(\widehat{A_k(x)}),$$ where $p_k=\trace(\widehat{A_k(x)})$. The property of being explicitly nonincreasing is useful as a sufficient condition for being nonincreasing.
\[lemma:monolemma\] Suppose that $S(x;C)$ is explicitly nonincreasing for the trace-preserving explicit positive map $\mathbf{A}$. Then $S(x;C)$ is nonincreasing for $\mathbf{A}$.
The Lemma holds for any $\Upsilon$ defined from its values on pure states according to $\Upsilon(x) = \inf\{\sum_k p_k \Upsilon(x_k){{\,|\,}}x=\sum_k p_k x_k\;\textrm{with $x_k$ pure}\}$.
Let $\mathbf{A}=(A_k)_k$ with $A_k$ positive and write $p_k=\trace(A_k(x))$ To prove the lemma, first consider an extremal $x$. Then $$\begin{aligned}
S(\mathbf{A}(x);C) {}\Big\{}&=&
S(\sum_k A_k(x);C) &\\
{}\Big\{} &\leq&
\sum_k p_k S(\widehat{A_k(x)};C) &\textrm{by convexity,} \\
{}\Big\{} &\leq& S(x;C) &\textrm{by being explicitly nonincreasing.}
\end{array}\end{aligned}$$ For a nonextremal $x$, write $x=\sum_l q_l x_l$ with $x_l$ pure and $\sum_l q_l S(x_l;C)$ arbitrarily close to $S(x;C)$. Note that for pure $y$, $S(y;C)=S(\pi(y))$. Then $$\begin{aligned}
S(\mathbf{A}(x);C) {}\Big\{} &=&
S(\sum_l q_l\mathbf{A}(x_l);C) &\textrm{by linearity,}\\
{}\Big\{} &\leq& \sum_l q_l S(\mathbf{A}(x_l);C) &\textrm{by convexity and trace preservation,}\\
{}\Big\{} &\leq& \sum_l q_l S(x_l;C) &\textrm{by extremality of $x_l$.}
\end{array}\end{aligned}$$ The result now follows because the the right hand side is arbitrarily close to $S(x,C)$.
\[thm:monotonicity\] If $\mathbf{A}$ is a trace-preserving explicit liftable $C$-separable map of $D$, then $S(x;C)$ is explicitly nonincreasing under $\mathbf{A}$.
Let $\mathbf{A}=(A_k)_k$ with each $A_k$ liftable to $C$ and $C$-separable. Write $p_k=\trace(A_k(x))$. Because of Lemma \[lemma:monolemma\], it is sufficient to prove Inequality \[eq:vidal\_cond\]. Let $x$ be a pure state of $D$. Let $\pi(x)=\sum_l q_l y_l$ be a convex representation of $\pi(x)$ in terms of pure states of $C$ such that $S(\mathbf{q})$ is arbitrarily close to $S(x;C)=S(\pi(x))$. We can find pure states $z_l\in D$ such that $\pi(z_l)=y_l$. Thus $x=\sum_l z_l + z$ for some $z$ with $\pi(z)=0$. With the appropriate interpretation of $A_k(x)/p_k$ when $p_k=0$, $$\begin{aligned}
{}\Big\{} &=&
\pi(A_k(x)/p_k) & \\
{}\Big\{} &=&\pi(A_k(\sum_l q_l z_l + z)/p_k) & \\
{}\Big\{} &=&
\sum_l (q_l/p_k)\pi(A_k(z_l)) &
\textrm{since $A_k$ preserves the nullspace of $\pi$,} \\
{}\Big\{} &=&
\sum_l (r_{lk} q_l/p_k)\pi(\widehat{A_k(z_l)}) &
\textrm{with $r_{lk} =\trace(A_k(z_l))$.}
\end{array}\end{aligned}$$ Since $A_k$ is $C$-separable and $z_l$ is pure in $D_{\textrm{\tiny
sep}}$, so is $A_k(z_l)$. Thus, by definition, $S(\widehat{A_k(x)};C)
= S(\pi(\widehat{A_k(x)}))\leq S((r_{lk} q_l/p_k)_l)$. To prove the desired inequality, bound as follows: $$\begin{aligned}
\sum_k p_k S(\widehat{A_k(x)};C)
{}\Big\{} &\leq& \sum_k p_k S((r_{lk}q_l/p_k)_l) & \\
{}\Big\{} &\leq& S(\sum_k p_k(r_{lk}q_l/p_k)_l) & \textrm{by Schur concavity,} \\
{}\Big\{} &=& S((\sum_k r_{lk} q_l)_l) & \\
{}\Big\{} &=& S((q_l)_l) = S(\mathbf{q}) &\textrm{because $\mathbf{A}$ is trace preserving,}
\end{array}\end{aligned}$$ which is arbitrarily close to $S(x;C)$.
Conditional composition of trace-preserving explicit liftable $C$-separable maps preserves explicit liftability and $C$-separability. Nevertheless it is useful to know circumstances that guarantee that conditional composition preserves monotonicity of $S(x;C)$.
Suppose that $S(x;C)$ is explicitly nonincreasing under the trace-preserving explicit extremality-preserving maps $\mathbf{A}=(A_k)_k$ and $\mathbf{B}_k$. Then it is explicitly nonincreasing under the conditional composition $\mathbf{E}$ of $\mathbf{A}$ followed by the $\mathbf{B}_k$. $\mathbf{E}$ is also an explicit extremality-preserving map.
Let $x$ be a pure state of $D$. That $\mathbf{E}$ is also an explicit extremality-preserving map is clear. Write $p_k =
\trace(A_k(x))$ and $q_{kl}=\trace(B_{kl}(A_k(x)))/p_k$. If $p_k=0$, set $q_{kl}=0$. To prove Inequality \[eq:vidal\_cond\], compute $$\begin{aligned}
\sum_{kl} q_{kl} p_k S(\;\widehat{{\mbox{\ }}}({B_{kl}(A_k(x))});C)\hspace*{-.5in}\\
{}\Big\{} &=&
\sum_{kl} q_{kl} p_k S(\;\widehat{{\mbox{\ }}}({B_{kl}(\widehat{A_k(x)})});C) & \\
{}\Big\{} &\leq&
\sum_k p_k S(\widehat{A_k(x)};C) &
\textrm{because the $\mathbf{B}_k$ are explicitly non-} \\
&&&\textrm{increasing and the $A_k(x)$ are extremal.} \\
{}\Big\{} &\leq&
S(x;C) & \textrm{because $\mathbf{A}$ is explicitly nonincreasing.}
Further Examples and Extensions {#sect:further}
The traditional setting for studies of entanglement is that of bipartite systems. Our investigation shows that the more general theory based on Lie algebras exhibits most of the features associated with bipartite entanglement, and a significant number of these features can even be found in the convex cones setting. As a result, we hope that the general theory provides new insights into bipartite entanglement and its generalizations to multipartite systems. Relativizing the idea of entanglement has the advantage of being able to immediately use the entire hierarchy of local Lie algebras and associated entanglement measures in the multipartite setting.
There are other settings where multiple, physically motivated Lie algebras occur. We give four examples of such settings. The first example involves spectrum generating algebras (SGAs). SGAs are used to determine the spectrum (eigenvalues and eigenspaces) of quantum systems. SGAs provide the starting point for one or more chains of Lie subalgebras that are used for obtaining algebraic bases of states and for expanding the Hamiltonian as a linear combination of invariant (Casimir) operators belonging to the chains. When such an expansion contains only invariant operators of a single algebraic chain, the system exhibits a dynamical symmetry, and the corresponding spectrum can be calculated exactly using the representation theory of Lie subalgebras. In the generic case where operators from multiple chains occur (that is, distinct dynamical symmetries coexist), the SGA approach may still make it possible to accurately represent the Hamiltonian in terms of a small number of algebraic operators. Since they were introduced in nuclear physics [@Iachello1987a], SGA methods have been successfully applied to a variety of problems in molecular, atomic, and condensed matter physics [@Barut88a]. Using the approach developed here, one could investigate the states’ relationships to the families of coherent states associated with the Lie subalgebras and quantify their relative entanglement.
An example we have already mentioned as motivation for our work involves fermions in $N$ modes. In this case, in addition to the algebra of all relevant operators, there is the Lie algebra $\lie{h}_p$ of number-preserving operators quadratic in the creation and annihilation operators. These operators can be expressed in the form $\mathbf{a}^\dagger M \mathbf{a}$ where $M$ is an $N\times N$ matrix. The $\lie{h}_p$-coherent states are the Slater determinants (see, for example, [@Blaizot86a], p. 7) and represent independent fermions. If the Lie algebra is enlarged to $\lie{h}_a$ consisting of all operators that are homogeneous quadratic in the creation and annihilation operators, coherent states include BCS states [@Schrieffer64a], which can be thought of as describing independent fermion-pairs. Therefore, from this perspective, BCS states are unentangled. On the other hand, they have entanglement with respect to the pair $\lie{h}_p\subset\lie{h}_a$ of Lie algebras.
The example of fermions generalizes to anyons. Anyons as defined in quantum field theory include particles with fractional exchange statistics [@Batista2002b]. To apply our theory to anyons requires using features of the convex cones setting. This is because the various sets of operators quadratic in the creation and annihilation operators are Lie algebras only for fermions and bosons [@Lerda93a]. This was one of our motivations for extending the formalism. The convex cones can be defined as the set of linear functionals induced by states on sets of operators as before and investigated using essentially the same basic tools. Further investigation is required to determine whether special properties not available in the convex cones setting still apply to quadratic anyonic operator families.
For bosons in $N$ modes, four algebras frequently play an important role. The smallest, $\lie{h}_{pl}$ consists of the operators of the form $\mathbf{a}^\dagger M \mathbf{a}$, where $M$ is an $N\times N$ matrix and $\mathbf{a}$ is the vector of annihilation operators of the $N$ modes. This algebra generates the passive linear optics operators. A second Lie algebra, $\lie{h}_s$ is the one that generates shifts in the canonical variables associated with the modes and consists of operators at most linear in the creation and annihilation operators. The Lie algebra $\lie{h}_{al}\supseteq
\lie{h}_{pl}+\lie{h}_s$ consisting of all operators that are at most quadratic in the annihilation and creation operators is the algebra that generates all linear optics operators. Finally, there is the algebra of all relevant operators. The usual coherent states of optics and harmonic oscillators are the $\lie{h}_{s}$-coherent states.
Although much of our proposal can be applied to the example of bosons, caution is required in generalizing the finite dimensional theory to the infinite dimensional state spaces of bosonic modes. In addition, algebras like $\lie{h}_s$ are not semisimple or reductive, requiring an extension of the theory, as can be done for the theory of coherent states [@Perelomov85a; @Zhang90a].
Relevance to Condensed Matter Physics
Entanglement, and our generalizations of it, may be important in the understanding of physical phenomena. For example, the concept of “quantum phase transitions” [@Sachdev2001a] involves a qualitative change in the behavior of correlation functions at zero temperature, i.e. in a pure ground state, as parameters in a system’s Hamiltonian are varied. In some cases an order parameter is associated to the transition, in others a topological order. Since classical pure states cannot exhibit correlations, this is an essentially quantum phenomenon. Moreover, the presence of correlations between subsystems in a pure state can serve as a definition of entanglement, so quantum phase transitions might be considered to be due to a qualitative change in the nature of entanglement. Therefore, quantifying and classifying entanglement may help characterizing a quantum phase transition. Can measures of entanglement distinguish between a broken symmetry and a topological phase transition? Can one classify quantum critical points? It is essential in this regard to have a notion of entanglement that need not make reference to locality or subsystems. Whether the correlation functions that best characterize a given phase transition are those of distinguishable subsystems (say, lattice sites) or some other kind of correlations (say, two-particle correlation functions for systems of indistinguishable particles) may determine whether standard entanglement, or instead some generalization of it, provides appropriate concepts. Even standard entanglement is relative to a distinguished factorization of a total Hilbert space into “local” ones, though this is usually unproblematic in quantum information settings. In other settings, such as many-body condensed-matter systems, different factorizations may occur on a more equal footing as “global” transformations typically play a natural role. Thus a system of interacting bosons or fermions on a lattice may be viewed in terms of a factorization of the state space into distinguishable lattice sites, but the Fourier transformation from position modes to momentum modes may provide an alternative factorization; and it may also be that for some problems, correlations between particles, rather than modes, are relevant, taking us beyond the distinguishable-subsystems framework of standard entanglement theory.
The introduction of “quasiparticles”, or transformations such as the Jordan-Wigner transformation [@Jordan28a; @Batista2001a], may further alter the algebraic language we use to analyze the system; our motivation for such transformations may be mathematical (easier solvability in one algebraic language than in another) or physical (one algebra better exhibits the physical structure of the system’s dynamics, or of our interactions with it). In either case, the coherent states formalism is often known to be useful, and tools and concepts from quantum information theory, such as generalized entanglement measures, generalized LOCC and asymptotics may help as well. Initial work in the direction of connecting the information theoretic approach to entanglement to condensed matter can be found in [@Osborne2001a; @Osborne2002a; @Osterloh2002a].
To give a more explicit example, Landau quasiparticles refer to those [*dressed*]{} particles of the original interacting system that weakly interact as a result of [*transferring*]{} most of the real interactions into the properties of the quasiparticles themselves. As a result, these quasiparticles may be qualitatively different from the original particles, an example of which is provided by the composite fermions in the quantum Hall setup [@Jain98a]. But how do we construct those quasiparticles? Weak interactions can be related to weak correlations and, therefore, [*weak generalized entanglement*]{}. If one can re-express the original problem in a language such that the Hamiltonian operator belongs to the quadratic expressions in the language’s generating operators (for example, creation and annihilation operators) then we know that the quasiparticles are non-interacting. Otherwise, we need to quantify the degree of “entanglement” (in the ground state, say) to determine whether the [*particles*]{} generated by the language interact sufficiently weakly to behave as true quasiparticles. The use of hierarchical languages may help to address this issue [@Batista2002a].
We have outlined a program whose goal is to tie together the theory of entanglement and the theory of coherent states. We implemented the first few steps of this program starting with the observation that fundamental concepts of the theory of coherent states coincide with concepts from the theory of entanglement. We extended this observation by providing general definitions of the key information-theoretic notions in entanglement theory. In particular, we introduced several classes of quantum maps to the Lie algebraic setting appropriate for coherent state theory that generalize the idea of separable maps for multipartite systems and approach LOCC. The numerous open problems attest to the richness of this program.
After noting that many of the notions that we generalized can, to some extent, be stated even more generally in the context of convex cones, we made this explicit by investigating appropriate definitions for convex cones. Except for the convex cones arising as spaces of linear functionals on operator families induced by states, most such convex cones are not physically relevant. Nevertheless, they help us appreciate what aspects of the various models are required in order to investigate different properties of generalized entanglement and their information-theoretic implications.
The main conclusion of our program so far is that conventional entanglement is a special case of a much more general theory with many of the same features. Furthermore, it is clear that entanglement is a relative property of states, requiring that states that are mixed from one perspective can be pure from other, more powerful perspectives. Once this relativity is recognized, it is possible to investigate relative entanglement of states when many physically motivated perspectives coexist. Examples include multipartite systems, condensed matter systems, and systems whose dynamics is described by the chain of Lie algebras associated with a dynamical symmetry or a spectrum generating algebra.
Comparison of the Settings for Generalized Entanglement {#table:comparison}
The following table shows the three settings as generalizations of the bipartite setting.
[|p[1in]{}|p[1.4in]{}|p[2.3in]{}|p[2.3in]{}c@|]{} & Bipartite systems & Lie algebras & Cones&\
Structure: & $\cH_a\tensor \cH_b$, a tensor product of two Hilbert spaces. & $\{\id\}\subseteq\lie{h}\subseteq\lie{g}$, $\cstar$-closed Lie algebras of operators on a Hilbert space $\cH$. & Closed, convex cones $C\subseteq D$ with traces, and $\pi:D\rightarrow C$ a linear, trace-preserving, map onto $C$. &\
States: & Full or reduced density matrices. & Linear functionals on $\lie{h}$ or $\lie{g}$ induced by density matrices. & Trace-one elements of $C$ or $D$. &\
Specialization to bipartite systems: & & $\lie{h} = \{A\tensor\id+\id\tensor B\}$, $\lie{g}$ is the set of all operators on $\cH_a\tensor\cH_b$. & $C$ $\simeq$ $\{$ $(A,B)$ ${{\,|\,}}$ $A$ ($B$) positive on $\cH_a$ ($\cH_b$)$\}$, $D$ $\simeq$ $\{C$ ${{\,|\,}}$ $C$ positive on $\cH\}$, $\pi(C)=(\trace_a(C),\trace_b(C))$. &\
Specialization to Lie algebras: & & & $C$ ($D$) consist of the linear functionals induced on $\lie{h}$ ($\lie{g}$) by positive $\rho$ on $\cH$ as $x\rightarrow \trace(\rho x)$. $\pi$ is the restriction map. &\
Distinguished pure states: & Product pure states. & Coherent (or, equivalently, pure) $\lie{h}$-states. & States $x \in D$ such that $\pi(x)$ is pure in $C$. &\
Distinguished mixed states: & Separable states. & Convex combinations of $\lie{g}$-states that restrict to coherent $\lie{h}$-states. & The cone $D_{\textrm{\tiny sep}}$ of separable states in $D$ consisting of convex combinations of states $x\in D$ such that $\pi(x)$ is pure in $C$. &\
Pure state entanglement measures: & Von-Neumann entropy for pure states.
Unilateral purity. & $S$ Schur concave, $\lambda$ an $\lie{h}$-state: $S(\lambda)$ $=$ $\inf\{S(\mathbf{p})$ ${{\,|\,}}$ $\lambda=
\sum_k p_k\lambda_k$ with $\lambda_k$ $\lie{h}$-coherent, $p_k \geq 0\}$.
Measures based on amplitudes ($S_a(\lambda)$) and supporting Cartan subalgebras ($S_C(\lambda)$). & For $x$ a pure state in $C$, $S(x)$ $=$ $\inf\{S(\mathbf{p})$ ${{\,|\,}}$ $x$ $=$ $\sum_k p_k x_k$ with $x_k$ pure, $p_k\geq 0 \}$. &\
Mixed state entanglement measures: & Given pure state entanglement measure $S$: $S(\rho)$ $=$ $\inf\{ \sum_k p_k S(\rho_k)$ ${{\,|\,}}$ $\sum_k p_k\rho_k = \rho$, $\rho_k$ is a pure product state, $p_k\geq 0 \}$. & Given an $\lie{h}$-state measure $S$ and a $\lie{g}$-state $\lambda$, $S(\lambda)$ $=$ $\inf\{ \sum_k p_k S(\lambda_k)$ ${{\,|\,}}$ $\sum_k p_k\lambda_k = \lambda$, $\lambda_k\restrict\lie{h}$ is coherent, $p_k\geq 0 \}$. & Given a $C$-measure $S$, $x$ a state in $D$. $S(x)$ $=$ $\inf\{ \sum_k p_k S(\pi(x_k))$ ${{\,|\,}}$ $\sum_k p_k x_k = x$, $\pi(x_k)$ is pure, $p_k\geq 0 \}$. &\
Properties of entanglement measures: & Convex. Monotone under LOCC. & Convex. Monotone under explicit liftable separable quantum maps. & Convex. Monotone under trace-preserving explicit liftable $C$-separable maps of $D$. &\
Maximally entangled states: & Bell states. & See [@Klyachko2002a]. & Undefined. &\
Non-classicality of entangled states: & Bell inequalities. & See [@Klyachko2002a]. & Undefined. &\
Hierarchies: & Add the unilateral algebras. & Arbitrary family of operator Lie algebras ordered by inclusion. & Arbitrary family of cones, partially ordered by trace-preserving onto maps. &\
[|p[1in]{}|p[1.4in]{}|p[2.3in]{}|p[2.3in]{}c@|]{} & Bipartite systems & Lie algebras & Cones&\
Local unitary operators: & Product unitary operators. & $e^{i\real(\lie{h})}$. & Positive linear isomorphism $f:D\rightarrow D$ such that $\pi f = \tilde f \pi$ for some isomorphism $\tilde f: C\rightarrow C$.
Caution: Defs of local maps do not always specialize to the corresponding defs for Lie algebras. &\
Local operators: & Product operators. & ${}\Big\{}\overline{e^{\lie{h}}}$. & $C$-product maps: Extremality-preserving positive maps $f:D\rightarrow D$ that preserve extremality in $D_{\textrm{\tiny sep}}$ also. &\
Separable maps: & $\rho\rightarrow \sum_k A_k \rho A_k^\dagger$, where the $A_k$ are product operators. & $\rho\rightarrow \sum_k A_k\rho A_k^\dagger$, where ${}\Big\{}A_k\in\overline{e^{\lie{h}}}$.
Caution: Defs of local maps do not always specialize to the corresponding defs for bipartite systems. & $C$-separable maps: $x\rightarrow\sum_k A_k(x)$, where the $A_k$ are $C$-product maps &\
Unilocal operators: & $
A\tensor I$, $I\tensor A$. & Operators of $\lie{h}$ with maximal ground spaces? Operators whose action lifts to $\lie{h}$-states? & $C$-product maps of $D$ that lift to $C$? &\
Compatible families of one-sided local operators: & Operators acting on the same subsystem. & Operators conjugate under $e^{\lie{h}}$ to one with maximal ground spaces? & Undefined. &\
LOCC: & Monoid generated by conditional composition of explicit unilocal quantum maps. & Monoid generated by conditional composition of explicit quantum maps consisting of compatible families?
Monoid generated by conditional composition of explicit liftable separable quantum maps?
… & Monoid generated by conditional composition of trace-preserving explicit liftable $C$-separable maps? &\
Communication complexity: & &\
Known monotonicity of entanglement results: & Under LOCC maps. & Under explicitly liftable separable quantum maps. & Under trace-preserving explicit liftable $C$-separable maps. &\
Resource scaling: & By tensor product, preserving orientation of the bipartition. & Grow Lie algebras over tensor products of $\cH$ using partial traces. May require additional structure? & Undefined. &\
We thank Cristian Batista for the original motivation for investigating entanglement in a subsystem-independent way by pointing out that Slater determinants should be considered unentangled. We also thank the other “coherent tangles,” in particular Jim Gubernatis, Leonid Gurvits, Rolando Somma and Wojciech Zurek for stimulating discussions. We acknowledge support from the DOE (contract W-7405-ENG-36).
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"pile_set_name": "ArXiv"
} | ArXiv |
abstract: 'A growing number of shock compression experiments, especially those involving laser compression, are taking advantage of *in situ* x-ray diffraction as a tool to interrogate structure and microstructure evolution. Although these experiments are becoming increasingly sophisticated, there has been little work on exploiting the textured nature of polycrystalline targets to gain information on sample response. Here, we describe how to generate simulated x-ray diffraction patterns from materials with an arbitrary texture function subject to a general deformation gradient. We will present simulations of Debye-Scherrer x-ray diffraction from highly textured polycrystalline targets that have been subjected to uniaxial compression, as may occur under planar shock conditions. In particular, we study samples with a fibre texture, and find that the azimuthal dependence of the diffraction patterns contains information that, in principle, affords discrimination between a number of similar shock-deformation mechanisms. For certain cases we compare our method with results obtained by taking the Fourier Transform of the atomic positions calculated by classical molecular dynamics simulations. Illustrative results are presented for the shock-induced $\alpha$–$\epsilon$ phase transition in iron, the $\alpha$–$\omega$ transition in titanium and deformation due to twinning in tantalum that is initially preferentially textured along \[001\] and \[011\]. The simulations are relevant to experiments that can now be performed using 4th generation light sources, where single-shot x-ray diffraction patterns from crystals compressed via laser-ablation can be obtained on timescales shorter than a phonon period.'
- David McGonegle
- Despina Milathianaki
- Bruce A Remington
- Justin S Wark
- Andrew Higginbotham
title: 'Simulations of [*in situ*]{} x-ray diffraction from uniaxially-compressed highly-textured polycrystalline targets'
The response of matter to shock compression has been a subject of study for more than a half a century [@Rice1958; @Duvall1963; @Davison1979; @Swegle1985; @Kalantar2005], and early in this field of research it was recognised that the high transient stresses to which materials could be subject caused them to yield and deform plastically, and, in certain circumstances, to undergo rapid polymorphic phase transitions [@Minshall1955; @Bancroft1956; @Fowles1961; @Hayes1974]. An understanding of the pertinent physics operating at the lattice level that underpins the material response has long been sought, and has been a strong motivator in the development of lattice-level and structural measurement techniques with sufficient temporal resolution to interrogate detailed material response during the deformation process itself. Of particular relevance to the work presented here are recent advances in ultra-fast x-ray diffraction. The first diffraction patterns of crystals subjected to shock compression taken during the passage of the shock itself had exposure times of ten of nanoseconds [@Johnson1970a; @Johnson1971; @Johnson1972; @Johnson1972a] . Since this pioneering work significant progress has been made by the use of x-ray sources based on diode-technology [@Germer1979], synchrotron emission[@Bilderback2005], and the use of x-rays emitted from plasmas created by irradiation with high-power lasers [@Wark1987; @Wark1989]. More recently however, the development of so-called 4th generation light sources, such as the Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS), has allowed high-quality single-shot diffraction patterns to be obtained in just a few tens of femtoseconds – freezing motion on a timescale faster than the shortest phonon period in the system.[@Milathianaki2013]
The transient x-ray sources mentioned above have been used to further our understanding of the response of both single-crystals and polycrystalline matter to both shock and quasi-isentropic compression [@Johnson1971; @Johnson1972a; @Wark1989; @Whitlock1995; @Gupta1999; @Rigg1998; @D'Almeida2000; @Loveridge-Smith2001; @Kalantar2003; @Kalantar2005; @Hawreliak2006; @Murphy2010a; @Hawreliak2011; @Rygg2012; @Comley2013; @Milathianaki2013]. A number of x-ray diffraction techniques have been developed to monitor material response, including divergent beam geometry[@Kalantar2003a], white-light Laue diffraction[@Suggit2010], Debye-Scherrer diffraction[@Johnson1970a; @Johnson1971; @Johnson1972; @Johnson1972a] and the use of energy-dispersive single-photon counting[@Higginbotham2014a]. While studies of both single-crystals and polycrystalline matter have been undertaken, in the case of polycrystalline samples very little attention has yet been paid to the role of texture in these uniaxial compression experiments - that is to say the distribution function of grain orientations within a particular polycrystalline specimen. A number of manufacturing methods, such as rolling and epitaxial growth, result in characteristic textures due to the way in which the materials have been processed. This texture has an influence on a range of physical properties such as strength, electrical conductivity and wave propagation [@Wenk2004]. Therefore texture plays an important role in understanding material response.
Furthermore, whilst the texture of a sample will influence its response to rapid uniaxial compression, it will also have a profound influence on the way in which the sample diffracts. As certain grain orientations are more likely to occur than others, the intensity of a particular Debye-Scherrer ring (corresponding to a certain set of Miller indices) will have a strong azimuthal dependence, and this dependence can in turn be used to extract texture information. Indeed, significant static studies of the texture of polycrystalline samples have been undertaken with synchrotron sources for many years. [@Wenk1997; @Wenk2003; @Wenk2004; @Wenk2005; @Ischia2005; @Barton2012; @Vogel2012]. Wenk and co-workers provide an overview of the use of synchrotrons in such texture analysis [@Wenk2003]. While the texture of a material is often represented by a set of pole figures which can be measured directly via x-ray diffraction, prediction of anisotropic material properties requires knowledge of the full orientational distribution function (ODF). The ODF gives the probability of a crystallite having an given orientation, therefore provides a complete description about the texture of the sample. Pole figures, being a 2D projections of the ODF, result in some texture information being lost, although methods have been developed to obtain an approximate ODF from pole figures [@Wenk2003].
Given that the preferred orientation defined by texture links both the diffraction patterns observed, and the sample response, it is logical to question whether specific information can be gleaned via [*in situ*]{} diffraction studies of samples with known, well-defined texture. For example, bulk rotations of the crystal lattice, or changes in the crystal structure, such as Martensitic phase changes, will result in an altered texture that could be used to distinguish between different mechanisms of atomic rearrangement. This reorientation has been observed in previous work using both neutron sources [@Brown2005] and synchrotrons[@Wenk2003; @Vogel2012], although only at relatively modest pressures compared with those we are interested in here.
Ideally one would wish to understand the detailed response to shock compression of samples as a function of their ODF, and to then predict the resultant diffraction patterns. We outline in section \[S:Method\] the method by which this could in principle be done. However, in terms of the results of particular simulations, our present goal is more modest: we restrict ourselves to crystals that are highly fibre-textured - that is to say all of the grains within the sample initially have very similar orientations with respect to a single axis (the fibre axis), only deviating slightly in angle from that of a high-symmetry direction. As all of the grains have similar orientations along a given axis, which we also take to be the axis of compression, we might expect that we can, to a reasonable approximation, model certain aspects of their response to shock or quasi-isentropic compression using single-crystal parameters. In particular, when determining how the material will respond to compression and shear, we assume that the elastic stresses, supported by elastic strains, can be calculated by using elastic constants appropriately chosen to mimic single crystal response along the pertinent directions. In terms of x-ray diffraction, however, the finite range of orientations determined by the ODF is such that a monochromated, non-divergent incident x-ray beam can diffract from a reasonably large subset of the grains, both in the shocked and un-shocked case. A similar approach to that outlined above has recently been used to observe, via femtosecond diffraction, the ultimate compressive strength of copper subjected to shock compression at strain-rates of order 10$^9$ s$^{-1}$[@Milathianaki2013]. We shall show that breaking the symmetry of the system, such that the direction of the incident x-rays and the target normal (parallel to the compression direction) are no longer antiparallel, allows us to determine specific information about the system under study.
The layout of the paper is as follows. In section \[S:Method\] we describe the method by which we determine the analytic diffraction pattern as a function of compression, and the angle that the sample normal makes to the x-ray beam. The background to the molecular dynamics simulations are outlined in section \[S:MD\] before, in section \[S:Results\] providing the results for simulations for the $\alpha$–$\epsilon$ phase transition in iron, the $\alpha$–$\omega$ transition in titanium, and deformation due to twinning in tantalum. We then conclude with a discussion of the results, and suggestions for experiments and further work.
Method {#S:Method}
We have previously shown how to calculate the position of Debye-Scherrer rings from a polycrystal strained by an arbitrary deformation gradient in the Voigt limit [@Higginbotham2014], and for the sake of completeness we restate briefly the results here. We envisage a planar sample orientated such that its surface normal $\bf{n}$ lies along the $z^{\prime}$ direction. As mentioned above, we allow symmetry to be broken, such that the direction of incidence of x-rays for wavevector $\mathbf{k_0}$ can be non-parallel to $\mathbf{n}$, and along the direction $z$. The rotation matrix $\mathbf{R}$ transforms from the unprimed (x-ray) to primed (target) co-ordinate system. Debye-Scherrer diffraction occurs when the Laue condition is met: $\mathbf{G}=\mathbf{R}{^T}{\mathbf{G}}^{\prime}=\mathbf{k}-\mathbf{k_0}$, where $\mathbf{k}$ is the wave-vector of the diffracted x-ray. Deformation of the crystal in real space is represented by the arbitrary deformation gradient $\mathbf{F}$ applied in the target (primed) co-ordinate system, which corresponds to the analogue in reciprocal space of $({\mathbf{F}}^{T})^{-1}$. With these relations we see that the reciprocal lattice vector for an unstrained crystal in x-ray co-ordinates, $\mathbf{G_0}$, is transformed under deformation to a new reciprocal lattice vector $\mathbf{G}$, where $$\begin{aligned}
\mathbf{G_0} & = \mathbf{R}{^T}\mathbf{F}{^T}\mathbf{RG} = \mathbf{\boldsymbol\alpha G}, \label{eg:transform}\end{aligned}$$ where $\mathbf{\boldsymbol\alpha} = \mathbf{R}{^T}\mathbf{F}{^T}\mathbf{R}$. By noting that if a plane is to diffract once the sample has been strained, it must meet the Laue condition, and that for the unstrained case, $\left|\mathbf{G_0} \right| = \frac{2\pi}{d_0}$, it is possible to solve equation \[eg:transform\] to yield the Bragg angle as a function of azimuthal angle around the $z$-axis, $\phi$, for an arbitrary deformation gradient – that is to say we know the direction of the scattered wavevector, $\mathbf{k}$, and hence can determine via simple ray-tracing where the diffraction will impinge on a distant detector. In Higginbotham *et al.* [@Higginbotham2014], diffraction patterns for numerous deformation gradients and target geometries (with respect to the x-ray beam) are shown. However, in these cases the sample was assumed to be isotropic in texture, and thus satisfying equation \[eg:transform\] was deemed a sufficient condition for diffraction to occur.
However, a non-isotropic ODF places further constraints on the possibility of diffraction for a given Bragg angle and azimuthal position around the Debye-Scherrer ring, as the ODF provides the measure of the probability of finding a crystal with a given $\mathbf{G_0}$ existing in the original unstrained sample. The route forward for simulating diffraction for a crystal with known original ODF under a known arbitrary deformation gradient is now clear: we use the ODF to determine the probability of a given crystallite having the appropriate $\mathbf{G_0}$ existing within the sample, we then determine $\mathbf{G}$ from equation \[eg:transform\] (and hence $\mathbf{k}$ from the Laue condition), and use ray-tracing to propagate the diffracted beam to the detector assuming that the intensity is proportional to the probability of finding the original $\mathbf{G_0}$, as determined by the ODF, and taking into account factors such as multiplicity.
Although the above approach is general, within the rest of this paper we restrict our study to the particular case of a simple fibre texture where the crystallites have nearly identical orientation in the axial direction, but close to random radial orientation. Our motivations for this are due to the fact that this allows us to treat the mechanical response of the polycrystal to be well-approximated by that of a single crystal with orientation aligned with the fibre axis and that the technique of fibre diffraction under ambient conditions is well established [@Polanyi1921; @Polanyi1923]. Furthermore, recent experiments using femtosecond x-rays created with $4^{\textrm{th}}$ generation light sources to diffract from uniaxially compressed samples have employed targets with this type of texture,[@Milathianaki2013] and the thin films that have hitherto been used in these experiments often grow with such preferential orientation.
Fibre textured samples have a greatly simplified ODF. For the case of perfect fibre texture, each crystallite has a single crystallographic direction, the fibre orientation, $\mathbf{v_1}$, associated with the reciprocal lattice vector $(h_1 ,k_1 , l_1)$, which for all crystallites are aligned parallel to the sample normal, $\mathbf{n}$. Each grain is then deemed to possess a random orientation when rotated about the axis, $\mathbf{v_1}$. If we consider a particular plane within a crystallite, with miller indices $(h_2 ,k_2 , l_2)$ (which are the same set of miller indices associated with $\mathbf{G_0}$) to which the reciprocal lattice vector is $\mathbf{v_2}$, then the value of $\mathbf{\hat v_1} \cdot \mathbf{\hat v_2}$ will be a constant. However, when $z$ and $z^{\prime}$ are non-parallel, $\mathbf{\hat{v}_1} \cdot \mathbf{\hat{G}_0}$ varies as a function of azimuthal angle around $z$. Thus, for perfect fibre texture the Debye-Scherrer pattern is not a ring pattern, but an array of points defined by simultaneously satisfying equation \[eg:transform\], as well as the condition $\mathbf{\hat{v}_1} \cdot \mathbf{\hat{G}_0} = \mathbf{\hat{v}_1} \cdot \mathbf{\hat v_2}$. Note that this condition does not take into account multiplicity, and therefore one must consider this condition for each member of $\mathbf{v_2}$ in the $\{h_2 ,k_2 , l_2\}$ family, since they do not necessarily result in the same values of $\mathbf{\hat{v}_1} \cdot \mathbf{\hat v_2}$.
However, real fibre-texture samples contain crystallites that are not perfectly aligned axially, and the volume fraction of crystallites with reciprocal lattice vectors $\mathbf{v_1}$, $P(\mathbf{v_1})$, will be a rapidly decreasing function of $\mathbf{\hat v_1} \cdot \mathbf{\hat v_n}$, where now $\mathbf{\hat v_n} = < \mathbf{\hat v_1}>$. We further assume that for a given volume fraction with a certain $\mathbf{v_1}$, the directions $\mathbf{v_2}$ of the normals to the planes with miller indices $[h_2 ,k_2 , l_2]$ within the crystallites will be arranged randomly azimuthally around the axis $\mathbf{v_1}$, such that the possible orientations of $\mathbf{v_2}$ are simply constrained by $\mathbf{v_2} \cdot \mathbf{v_1}$ being equal to the value it would take for a single crystal: that is to say $P(\mathbf{v_2}) \propto P(\mathbf{v_1})$ subject to the $\mathbf{v_2} \cdot \mathbf{v_1}$ constraint. The diffraction condition is once more defined by simultaneously satisfying equation \[eg:transform\], as well as the condition $\mathbf{\hat{v}_1} \cdot \mathbf{\hat{G}_0} = \mathbf{\hat{v}_1} \cdot \mathbf{\hat v_2}$., but now the intensity of the diffraction is proportional to $P(\mathbf{v_1})$. As the possible directions of $\mathbf{v_1}$ can now vary over a constrained range, our pattern is a series of arcs, rather than points. For the sake of simplicity in our simulations here we assume that the volume fractions of crystallite orientiations are uniform over a small range of angles, i.e. $P(\mathbf{v_1}) = C$, a constant, for $| \arccos (\mathbf{\hat{v}_1} \cdot \mathbf{\hat{G}_0}) - \arccos ( \mathbf{\hat{v}_1} \cdot \mathbf{\hat v_2}) | \le \delta$, and $P(\mathbf{v_1}) = 0$ for $| \arccos (\mathbf{\hat{v}_1} \cdot \mathbf{\hat{G}_0}) - \arccos (\mathbf{\hat{v}_1} \cdot \mathbf{\hat v_2}) | > \delta$. This method effectively finds the intersection between the Ewald and Polanyi spheres [@Polanyi1921; @Polanyi1923; @Stribeck2009], however for the case of anisotropic strains, the Polanyi sphere is deformed into an ellipsoid. Note that by changing the x-ray energy or the sample orientation, which varies the size of Ewald sphere or rotates the Polanyi sphere respectively, the position of the arcs on the Debye-Scherrer ring also change, and that by varying these parameters, different parts of reciprocal space can be interrogated.
Molecular Dynamics Simulations {#S:MD}
One advantage of the fibre texture discussed above is that one knows (to within the texture width) the crystallographic orientation of grains with respect to an applied planar compression front. This is particularly important as crystallite orientation can drastically alter the material response under uniaxial loading [@Murphy2010a; @Dupont2012; @Smith2012; @Zong2014]. In the case that grain size is comparable to sample thickness[@Milathianaki2013], one can approximate the response of the sample as being close to that of a suitably oriented single crystal. This is particularly pertinent if one wishes to compare results with those of molecular dynamics, where state of the art polycrystalline simulations are still generally limited to grain sizes of 5-100nm [@Bringa2005; @Kadau2007; @Jarmakani2008; @Bringa2010; @Gunkelmann2014], far below the grain sizes of typical experimental samples.\
In order to relax the requirements on computational power, we present a method of simulating the response of a fibre textured target by manipulation of a single crystal simulation. We do this by first performing a 3D Fourier Transform (FT) of the computed electron density of the single crystal [@Kimminau2008]. This provides us with a momentum space representation of the lattice which describes the allowed scattering vectors for diffraction.\
Working with the intensity of this FT, we first note that any polar dependence around the compression axis can be neglected due the random rotational distribution of grains in a fibre textured sample. Considering a cylindrical geometry, we therefore produce a 2D representation of the FT, which flattens the data into its $\left(\rho, z\right)$ components, effectively integrating around $\phi$. In the case of a perfect (zero texture width) fibre texture, this 2D representation correctly describes all scattering.\
For the case of finite texture width, one can imagine that the misorientations of the grains are simply related to a rotation about the origin of the 2D representation, and so to mimic the width we sum rotated representations for angles between $\pm\delta$. This new representation necessarily still retains the cylindrical symmetry required for fibre texture, but correctly accounts for the distribution of grain alignments. Of course, as $\delta$ becomes larger than a few degrees, the underlying assumption that all grains react in a similar manner to a well aligned single crystal will break down. However, for this paper we will assume suitably small texture widths of $\approx 5^\circ$ where this approach works well.\
One can now raytrace simulated diffraction patterns directly from this 2D representation by only considering the $\left(\rho, z\right)$ component of the scattering vectors expressed in this cylindrical target geometry.
![(Color online) A simulated ray trace of diffraction from a \[001\] fibre textured polycrystalline HCP Fe formed under shock compression. The blue overlaid lines show the positions of arcs from uniaxially compressed BCC, while the red lines show the positions of arcs from HCP with OR $\left[001\right]_{\textrm{bcc}}\left|\right| \left[2\bar{1}\bar{1}0\right]_{\textrm{hcp}}$, $\left[110\right]_{\textrm{bcc}}\left|\right| \left[0002\right]_{\textrm{hcp}}$. For clarity the x-ray energies used to trace the bcc and hcp overlays were offset by 1%. The corners of the detector are located at a scattering angle $2\mathrm{\theta} = 74.2^{\circ}$.[]{data-label="fig:Fe_HCP"}](Fe.eps){width="0.5\linewidth"}
Results {#S:Results}
We now present results for three different fibre-textured polycrystals subject to uniaxial compression: iron with a \[001\] fibre texture, titanium with \[0001\] fibre-texture, and tantalum with \[001\] and \[011\] fibre-textures. For all three crystals we make assumptions about the deformation mechanisms, and use the approach of section \[S:Method\] to predict diffraction patterns. For two of the cases - iron and tantalum - we also compare our calculations with diffraction patterns simulated using the method of molecular dynamics, as outlined in section \[S:MD\].
$\alpha$–$\epsilon$ Phase Transition in \[001\] Iron
The $\alpha$–$\epsilon$ phase transition in iron is an example Martensitic transformation, characterised by a collective movement of atoms across distances that are typically smaller than a nearest-neighbour spacing. These type of transitions are well suited to laser compression studies, since the timescales on which they occur are comparable to the short pulses that can be attained in laser experiments. Importantly, for these non-diffusional transitions, an orientational relationship (OR) exists between the two phases. While the OR does not uniquely determine the mechanism by which the phase transition occurs, it can significantly reduce the number of candidate mechanisms. The ability to measure the OR *in situ* is therefore highly desirable.
As an example of determination of an OR, we take the case of \[001\] oriented iron, where the phase transition mechanism is well understood. Molecular dynamic simulations undertaken by Kadau *et al.* aimed to understand iron’s bcc-hcp shock induced phase transition [@Kadau2002]. The results of these investigations were later reproduced with remarkable fidelity in experimental x-ray diffraction studies[@Kalantar2005; @Hawreliak2006]. In both MD and experiment, the OR was described as $\left[001\right]_{\textrm{bcc}}\left|\right| \left[2\bar{1}\bar{1}0\right]_{\textrm{hcp}}$, $\left[110\right]_{\textrm{bcc}}\left|\right| \left[0002\right]_{\textrm{hcp}}$ [@Kadau2002] . One can therefore consider this OR as reorienting a fibre textured sample from $\left(002\right)_{\textrm{bcc}}$ to $\left(2\bar{1}\bar{1}0\right)_{\textrm{hcp}}$.
Following Kadau, we simulate a 100x100x800 cell (288x288x2301Å) iron single crystal shocked along the \[001\] direction by 0.7km $\textrm{s}^{-1}$ piston using the same Voter-Chen potential used in Kadau’s work [@Kadau2002]. For this piston velocity, the material does not reach the 18.4% uniaxial compression needed to create ideal HCP, instead reaching only 13.8% [@Hawreliak2006], resulting in an anisotropically strained HCP structure. A 3D FT was performed on a section of the material behind the shock front. The FT was modified to mimic that of a fibre textured polycrystal, using the method described in section \[MD\_sim\]. Figure \[fig:Fe\_HCP\] shows the resultant ray trace [@Kimminau2008] for a detector in transmission geometry, using a 12keV x-ray source and with the sample normal rotated at an angle $30^{\circ}$ to the incoming x-rays. The overlaid red lines show the predicted diffraction pattern (using the methods of section \[S:Method\]) of strained HCP iron described above, with a c/a ratio of 1.73, a texture direction along $\left[11\bar{2}0\right]_{\textrm{hcp}}$ and a textured width of $5^{\circ}$. The blue lines show the pattern from 13.8% uniaxially compressed BCC. As expected, there is agreement between the raytrace and predictions from the molecular dynamics simulations, supporting the validity of the approach outlined in section \[S:Method\].\
![(Color online) The predicted diffraction pattern using 7.5keV x-rays from the $\omega$ phase of a shocked $\left[0001\right]$ fibre textured Ti sample, with the sample normal rotated at an angle $25^{\circ}$ to the incoming x-rays. The green arcs labelled A and B correspond to the $\left\{10\bar{1}1\right\}$ and $\left\{11\bar{2}0\right\}$ sets of planes respectively. The corners of the diagram are located at a scattering angle $2\mathrm{\theta} = 70.5^{\circ}$.[]{data-label="fig:Ti"}](Ti.eps){width="0.5\linewidth"}
$\alpha$–$\omega$ Phase Transition in \[0001\] Titanium
Variant Orientational Relationship Ref
--------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------
I $\left(0001\right)_{\alpha}\left|\right| \left(10\bar{1}1\right)_{\omega}$ , $\left[10\bar{1}0\right]_{\alpha}\left|\right| \left[\bar{1}011\right]_{\omega}$ [@Usikov1973; @Trinkle2003; @Song1995]
II $\left(0001\right)_{\alpha}\left|\right| \left(1\bar{2}10\right)_{\omega}$ , $\left[1\bar{2}10\right]_{\alpha}\left|\right| \left[0001\right]_{\omega}$ [@Usikov1973; @Silcock1958]
Zong $ \left(0001\right)_{\alpha}\left|\right| \left(10\bar{1}0\right)_{\omega}$ , $\left[10\bar{1}0\right]_{\alpha}\left|\right| \left[11\bar{2}3\right]_{\omega}$ [@Zong2014]
: The three ORs that correspond to various proposed mechanisms of the $\alpha - \omega$ phase transition in \[0001\] Titanium
The group IV transition metals titanium (Ti), zirconium (Zr) and hafnium (Hf) have a hexagonal close packed structure ($\alpha$) under ambient conditions, but exhibit a Martensitic phase transition to another hexagonal structure ($\omega$) under high pressure. Although the $\alpha$–$\omega$ transition is well established, the mechanism by which it occurs, and therefore the OR between the phases, is still not fully understood, especially under different loading conditions. A summary of the ORs for various proposed mechanisms is given in table \[tab:TiORs\]. The first two ORs were proposed by Usikov and Zilbershtein [@Usikov1973] in a TEM study of statically compressed Zr and Ti, by arguing that the transition occurs via an intermediate $\beta$ phase, and are usually referred to as Variant I and II. Earlier work by Silcock [@Silcock1958] on the $\omega$ phase in Ti alloys proposed a different direct mechanism which corresponds to the Variant II OR. Later computational work by Trinkle [@Trinkle2003] demonstrated that a new mechanism, known as TAO-1, had a lower energy barrier than that proposed by Silcock. This new mechanism produced the Variant I OR. Experimental work by Song and Gray [@Song1995] observed the OR $\left(0001\right)_{\alpha}\left|\right| \left(10\bar{1}1\right)_{\omega}$, $\left[10\bar{1}0\right]_{\alpha}\left|\right| \left[11\bar{2}3\right]_{\omega}$, although independent analysis re-examining this data led to the conclusions that is actually a subset of Variant I[@Jyoti1997]. We have therefore associated Song and Gray’s work with Variant I in table \[tab:TiORs\].
Molecular dynamics simulations performed by Zong *et al.* [@Zong2014] found that Ti shocked along the $\left[0001\right]$ direction resulted in a mechanism that gave an OR differing from both Variant I and II, as listed in the table. Note that each OR results in a different fibre texture direction for the $\omega$-phase for uniaxial compression of an initially fibre-textured $\alpha$-phase target, and thus a target with the normal tilted with respect to the incident x-ray beam is well suited to provide some discrimination between variants, therefore providing some insight into possible transformation mechanisms.
The work by Zong [@Zong2014] found that Ti shocked along the $\left[0001\right]$ direction by a piston with a velocity of 0.9km $\textrm{s}^{-1}$ resulted in transformation to the $\omega$ phase, with lattice parameters $a_{\omega} = 4.61\,\textrm{\AA}$ and $c_{\omega} = 2.82\,\textrm{\AA}$. Using these values, we calculate the diffraction pattern from the $\omega$ phase of a shock-compressed $\left[0001\right]$ sample of Ti with an angular texture width of $\pm 5^{\circ}$. The sample normal is set at angle $25^{\circ}$ to the incoming x-rays, which have an energy of at 7.5keV. The predicted diffraction patterns for each of the possible variants are shown in Figure \[fig:Ti\]. The blue, red and green lines correspond to the diffraction from $\omega$ material of Variant I, Variant II and the Zong OR respectively, while the dotted black line corresponds to the diffraction from an untextured polycrystalline sample. For clarity, the blue lines have been slightly offset outside the true Debye-Scherrer rings, while the red lines have been slightly offset inside. A clear difference can be seen in the diffraction patterns for the different variants, thus allowing the OR and hence a subset of mechanisms to be determined by the azimuthal position of the diffracting arcs around the Debye-Scherrer ring. It is important to note that the ability to discriminate clearly between all three ORs is not guaranteed, and relies on a judicious choice of both x-ray energy and tilt angle.
Figure \[fig:Ti\] also demonstrates that lines with similar $d$-spacings do not necessarily appear at similar azimuthal positions. For example in an ideal $\omega$ crystal, the $\left\{10\bar{1}1\right\}$ and $\left\{11\bar{2}0\right\}$ planes have the same spacing and are therefore completely unresolvable by powder diffraction from an untextured sample. However, since these planes form different angles to the sample normal, within a textured sample their corresponding arcs appear at different azimuthal angles around the Debye-Scherrer ring, allowing them to be resolved. This is shown in Figure \[fig:Ti\], where the green arcs labelled A correspond to the $\left\{10\bar{1}1\right\}$ set of planes, while the green arc labelled B corresponds to the $\left\{11\bar{2}0\right\}$ set of planes. By resolving these two arcs, we are able to gain information that cannot be obtained via powder diffraction from an untextured sample; in this case on any small departure from the ideal c/a ratio. We note that it is only possible to resolve lines with similar $d$-spacings if the angle between G-vectors of each of the planes and the sample normal is significantly different.
Twinning in \[001\] and \[011\] Tantalum
Tantalum provides an appealing case to study, owing to its multitude of competing plasticity mechanisms (a combination of dislocation and deformation twinning mediated responses). This is of particular interest, as Debye-Scherrer diffraction in polycrystalline samples with completely random texture cannot distinguish between slip and twinning. Most experimental work into twinning under uniaxial dynamic compression has been performed using either explosive lenses or gas guns[@Murr1997; @Hsiung2000; @Florando2013; @Pang2014]. However, to date, time resolved laser diffraction experiments have failed to yield any evidence of twinning *in situ*, although residual twinning has been observed in laser driven shock recovery experiments[@Lu2012; @Lu2013].
As with phase transitions, the reorientation of the lattice caused by twinning will result in a different crystallographic direction being oriented along the fibre direction. This may, in turn, lead to a signature in the diffraction pattern. A similar technique using neutron diffraction has been used to observe twinning in magnesium, which occurs at much lower pressures than in tantalum [@Brown2005].
Molecular dynamics simulations performed by Higginbotham *et al.* have predicted a significant twinning fraction in \[001\] tantalum under shock compression[@Higginbotham2013b]. In that work, the sample was found to be almost completely twinned when compressed by a piston with a velocity of 0.9 km $\textrm{s}^{-1}$, corresponding to a uniaxial compression in the elastic wave by 18%. The authors noted that after an initial uniaxial compression of 18.4%, twinning could be achieved by shuffling alternating $\left(\bar{1}12\right)$ planes in the $\left<111\right>$ direction. They therefore proposed this to be the mechanism by which the twinning occurred, with the material reaching its final state via elastic relaxation, although they caution that, given the relatively simple nature of the potential used, they do not claim to exactly model what will occur in practice in shocked Ta. However, the observed shuffling provides a possible mechanism for how twinning of bcc materials may occur under shock compression.
We repeated the simulations in this work, using a 100x100x800 cell (330x330x2644Å) Ta single crystal, modelled using the EFS potential [@Dai2006], and shocked along the $\left[001\right]$ direction by a piston travelling at 0.9km $\textrm{s}^{-1}$. The per atom structure factor (PASF) [@Higginbotham2013b] was used to distinguish between twinned and untwinned material in the plastically deformed material behind the shock front. A 3D FT was performed on a stable region within the plastically deformed material behind the shock front, as well as the twinned region separately, and both were modified in the way described in section \[MD\_sim\]. The diffraction pattern was simulated assuming a 12keV x-ray source, with the angle between the incoming x-rays and the sample normal being $25^{\circ}$. The results are shown in Figure \[fig:Ta\_001\_Raytrace\]. For the case of slip, while small rotations of the crystal lattice have been observed [@Suggit2012], no large reorientation is expected, and thus the fibre orientation will remain close to $\left[001\right]$. However, by comparing the observed and predicted positions of the diffraction arcs for a $\left[001\right]$ textured sample including the strains described above (shown in Figure \[fig:Ta\_001\_Raytrace\]a), it is clear that there has been significant reorientation of crystallites within the sample, indicative of twinning.
In Figure \[fig:Ta\_001\_Raytrace\]b we plot the predicted diffraction pattern using the methods of section \[S:Method\] assuming that the sample has undergone twinning, and is subject to the longitudinal and transverse strains noted above. In order to find the diffraction pattern resulting from the shuffling mechanism above, one must consider how this affects the lattice vectors of the crystal. The sample is first compressed uniaxially along the z axis by $18.4\%$. The shuffling then has the effect of causing the crystal to be reflected in the $\left(112\right)$ twinning plane. Note that as crystal is uniaxially compressed, this causes the $\left[001\right]$ direction to be reflected to the $\left[111\right]$ direction of the compressed crystal, rather than the $\left[221\right]$ direction expected under hydrostatic conditions (see Figure 6 of Higginbotham *et al.*[@Higginbotham2013b]). Lastly, the twinned material returns towards the hydrostat, by relaxing along the longitudinal direction and compression along the transverse directions in the new rotated coordinates. The final longitudinal and transverse strains were measured to be -0.109 and -0.052 respectively. However, in the textured sample, the effect of a finite texture width must also be considered. In this case, the initial compression occurs at slight angle to the texture direction, which results in a slightly different orientation of the twinning plane. The crystal is then reflected in this altered twinning plane, and relaxes as before. To create the predicted diffraction pattern, the lattice vectors of many crystallite orientations within the desired texture width were deformed by the method given above. These were then used to calculate deformed reciprocal lattice vectors, and thus the resultant diffraction pattern.
Excellent agreement can be seen between the analytic solution, and the MD simulation, demonstrating that twinning has occurred, although slight differences can be observed which are due to the small angle assumptions used in section \[MD\_sim\] to simulate the 3D FT of a fibre textured target. Additionally, there are some very weak arcs in the data corresponding to plastically compressed material (Figure \[fig:Ta\_001\_Raytrace\]a). The ratio of intensities of lines from twin and slip deformed material is indicative of the twin fraction.
While most theoretical work on twinning in Ta has concentrated on the $\left[001\right]$ direction, recent MD studies by Ravelo *et al.* have suggested shocking along the $\left[011\right]$ direction may be more favourable for deformation twinning, due to the lower observed shear stress threshold for twin nucleation[@Ravelo2013]. This agrees with gas gun recovery work on Ta single crystals, which found a significantly higher twin volume fraction in shocks along $\left[011\right]$, compared to the $\left[001\right]$ and $\left[111\right]$ directions[@Florando2013]. Furthermore, as the $\left[011\right]$ direction is the preferred direction for epitaxial growth of fibre textured thin films, this direction is particularly well suited for this technique. The $\left[011\right]$ orientation exhibits two types of $\left\{112\right\}\left<111\right>$ twin systems, which result in different fibre orientations. Under hydrostatic conditions, the first type causes no change in the fibre texture, while the second causes a reorientation to the $\left[\bar{4}11\right]$ direction. However, only the second type has non-zero Schmid factors, and it is therefore assumed that only twins of this type occur. It follows that diffraction arcs corresponding to a $\left[001\right]$ fibre orientation are from untwinned material, while arcs corresponding to fibre orientations close to the $\left[\bar{4}11\right]$ type directions are from the two twinned variants.
We repeated the simulations in this work, using a 100x100x800 cell (330x330x2644Å) Ta single crystal, single crystal, modelled using Ravelo’s Ta1 EAM potential [@Ravelo2013], and shocked along the $\left[011\right]$ direction by a piston travelling at 0.62km $\textrm{s}^{-1}$. Again the PASF was used to distinguish between twinned and untwinned material, and a 3D FT was performed on each region separately. In the twinned material, the $\left[\bar{9}22\right]$ direction of the compressed crystal is close to the compression axis, which is consistent with twinning after an initial uniaxial compression, similar to the \[001\] case. The diffraction pattern was simulated assuming a 10keV x-ray source, with the angle between the incoming x-rays and the sample normal being $45^{\circ}$. The results are shown in Figure \[fig:Ta\_011\_Raytrace\]. Since the twinning mechanism in \[011\] Ta is not well understood, the predicted pattern was produced for the structure found measured with the FT. Again, good agreement is seen between the analytic solution and the MD simulation, although in this case, there are strong arcs corresponding to both twinned and untwinned material, suggesting a significant amount of both are present in the sample.
The examples we have given above demonstrate that x-ray diffraction from uniaxially compressed fibre-textured targets can in principle yield information on deformation mechanisms, be they due to phase transformations or twinning. The breaking of the symmetry of the problem, by tilting the normal of the polycrystalline target with respect to the incident x-ray beam allows the encoding of such information in the azimuthal distribution of intensity in the Debye-Scherrer rings. We envisage that the methods that we have outlined here will aid in the design of experiments that have as their goal the elucidation of such mechanisms. It is worth considering, however, that the choice of initial fibre direction is important in determining what structural information can be extracted. In particular it should be noted that for \[001\] fibre oriented Fe and Ta samples, these orientation do not have the lowest surface energy, and thus are not the typical orientations in which thin polycrystalline foils of these materials grow. It may thus be that some effort is required to fabricate suitable samples. This is not an issue for the case of \[0001\] Ti or \[011\] Ta, which are usually grown with these textures. Beyond the four demonstration cases given above, it is clear that further work could concentrate on a variety of different samples and deformation mechanisms. In addition, we believe that the technique may have other advantages for the study of samples subject to shock or quasi-isentropic compression. Owing to the high strain rates present in such experiments, high dislocation densities [@Bringa2006] or small grain sizes under phase transformation may ensue [@Kadau2002; @Hawreliak2006], resulting in broad diffraction peaks that are hard to resolve simply in terms of scattering angle, and thus would not necessarily be easily amenable to study by techniques such as Rietveld refinement. However, tilting of a target and separation of diffraction peaks azimuthally offers a possible route to finding structural solutions under the extreme pressures that can be obtained via laser-ablation. We believe that the technique we have outlined could have application to laser based shock and compression experiments that make use of emergent $4^{\textrm{th}}$ generation light sources, which offer incredibly bright, narrow bandwidth x-ray sources, with unprecedented temporal resolution.
DM acknowledges support from LLNL under Subcontract No. B595954. AH acknowledges financial support from AWE.
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"pile_set_name": "ArXiv"
} | ArXiv |
abstract: 'We formulate a semiclassical theory for systems with spin-orbit interactions. Using spin coherent states, we start from the path integral in an extended phase space, formulate the classical dynamics of the coupled orbital and spin degrees of freedom, and calculate the ingredients of Gutzwiller’s trace formula for the density of states. For a two-dimensional quantum dot with a spin-orbit interaction of Rashba type, we obtain satisfactory agreement with fully quantum-mechanical calculations. The mode-conversion problem, which arose in an earlier semiclassical approach, has hereby been overcome.'
address: |
Institut für Theoretische Physik, Universität Regensburg, D-93040 Regensburg, Germany\
$^1$e-mail: [[email protected]]{}\
$^2$present address: Harish-Chandra Research Institute, Chhatnag Road, Jhusi, Allahabad 211019, India
- 'M. Pletyukhov$^1$, Ch. Amann, M. Mehta$^2$ and M. Brack'
title: 'Semiclassical theory of spin-orbit interactions using spin coherent states[@byline]'
\#1[(\[\#1\])]{} \#1[Fig. \[\#1\]]{} \#1
The incorporation of spin degrees of freedom in the semiclassical treatment of quantum systems represents a considerable challenge to the theorist. The periodic orbit theory (POT), initiated by Gutzwiller through his semiclassical trace formula [@gutz], has been very successful in promoting the research on quantum chaos [@chao] and in explaining prominent quantum shell effects occurring in finite fermion systems in many domains of physics (see, e.g., [@book]). The growing interest in “spintronics”, i.e., the spin-polarized transport and spin dynamics in various electronic materials [@sptr], with the particular scope of developing a spin transistor [@tran], make it desirable to formulate also the semiclassical theory including spin.
Littlejohn and Flynn have extended the POT for systems with multi-component wavefunctions and used it for the WKB quantization of spherical systems with spin-orbit interactions [@lifl]. They did not give an explicit trace formula, however, the main obstacle being the problem of “mode conversion” which arises when the spin-orbit interaction in phase space locally becomes zero. Frisk and Guhr [@frgu] have applied the method of [@lifl] to deformed cavities and promoted the hypothesis that spin-flips occur at the mode-conversion points through diabatic transitions between the two adiabatic spin-polarized energy surfaces. Bolte and Keppeler [@boke] have derived a relativistic trace formula from the Dirac equation and studied nonrelativistic limits, thereby justifying some [*ad hoc*]{} assumptions made in [@frgu]. Their approach works well in the weak-coupling limit where the spin does not affect the orbital motion [@wink]. It may not be extensible [@cham], however, to strong spin-orbit interactions such as that observed in $p$-InAs or in InGaAs-InAlAs heterostructures [@inas], or also that amongst the nucleons in atomic nuclei [@nucl]. For such systems, the approach presented below provides a semiclassical theory with a larger range of validity.
In this letter, we report on a semiclassical approach that allows for the explicit coupling between spin and orbital dynamics. We use the spin coherent state method and the path integral in an extended phase space to derive classical equations of motion which include the spin degrees of freedom. We then obtain the amplitudes in the semiclassical trace formula for the density of states without encountering the mode-conversion problem.
The path integral for a system with spin in the SU(2) spin coherent state representation originally appeared in a paper by Klauder [@klau] as an integral on $S^2$. Kuratsuji [*et al.*]{}[@kura] have represented it as an integral over paths in the extended complex plane $\bar{C}^1$. From the group theoretical point of view, the SU(2) coherent state can be associated with the unitary irreducible representation of the SU(2) group [@pere]. To present its construction, we follow a recent paper by Kochetov [@koch] and his notations. The coherent state $|z,S\rangle$ for spin $S$ is defined by & & |z; S = (1 + |z|\^2)\^[-S]{} (z\_[+]{}) |S,-S,\
& & \_[-]{}|S,-S= 0 , where $z \in \bar{C}^1$ is a complex number, and $\hat{s}_{\pm}=\hat{s}_1 \pm i\hat{s}_2$, and $\hat{s}_3$ are the generators of the spin SU(2) algebra: = \_,= 2\_3.$S \in N/2$ denotes the representation index.
The irreducibility as well as the existence of the group invariant de Haar measure $d \mu_S$ ensures that the resolution of unity holds in the spin coherent state basis: |z;Sz;S| d\_S (z) = I\_[2 S + 1]{},\
d \_S (z) = d\^[2]{}z, which turns out to be the most important property of spin coherent states that allows for the path integral construction, whereby the measure $d\mu_S$ takes account of the curvature of the sphere $S^2$. In what follows, we denote $|z;S\rangle$ simply by $|z\rangle$ and use $z=u-iv$ with $u,v\in R^1$.
Let us now consider a quantum Hamiltonian with spin-orbit interaction = \_0 (,)+ (,), \[qh\] where $\hat{\bf s}=(\hat{s}_1,\hat{s}_2,\hat{s}_3)$. Hereby $\widehat{\bf C}=(\widehat{C}_1,\widehat{C}_2,\widehat{C}_3)$ is a vector function of the coordinate and momentum operators $\hat{\bf q}$, $\hat{\bf p}$, and the parameter $\kappa$ regulates the strength of the interaction. We make use of Smirnov’s idea [@smir] to write
the expression for the respective quantum propagator in terms of a path integral in both the orbital variables ${\bf q,p}$ and the spin coherent state variables $v,u$. Imposing periodic boundary conditions on the propagation and thus integrating over closed paths, we arrive at the expression for the partition function (or trace of the propagator): Z (T) = \[[**q**]{}\] [D]{} \[[**p**]{}\] [D]{} \_S \[z\] {i[R]{}\[[**q,p**]{},z;T\]/}, \[parti\] where ${\cal R}$ is Hamilton’s principal action function, calculated along closed paths over a time interval $T$ \[[**q,p**]{},z;T\] & = & \_0\^T dt, \[princ\] and the path integration in is taken over the $2(d+1)$-dimensional extended phase space: $${\cal D} [{\bf q}] {\cal D} [{\bf p}] {\cal D} \mu_S [z] = \lim_{N \to
\infty} \prod_{k=1}^{N} \prod_{j=1}^d \frac{d q_{j}(t_k) d p_{j}(t_k)}
{2 \pi \hbar} d \mu_S (z_k)\,.$$ Hereby the time interval $T$ is divided into $N$ time steps $t_k=kT/N$, and $z_k=z(t_k)$. Note that the periodic boundary conditions enable the antisymmetrization of the orbital part of the symplectic 1-form in .
The classical phase-space symbol ${\cal H}({\bf q,p},v,u)$ of the Hamiltonian (\[qh\]), appearing in the integrand of , is ([**q,p**]{},v,u)=[H]{}\_0([**q,p**]{}) + S [**n**]{}(v,u) ([**q**]{}, [**p**]{}), where ${\cal H}_0({\bf q,p})$ and ${\bf C}({\bf q,p})$ are the Wigner symbols of the operators $\widehat{H}_0$ and $\widehat{{\bf C}}$, and ${\bf n}=(n_1,n_2,n_3)=\langle z|\hat{\bf s}|z\rangle/S$ is the unit vector of dimensionless classical spin components given in terms of $u$ and $v$ by $n_1=2u/(1+|z|^2)$, $n_2=2v/(1+|z|^2)$, and $n_3=-(1-|z|^2)/(1+|z|^2)$.
The path integral receives its largest contributions from the neighborhood of the classical paths along which the principal function ${\cal R}$ is stationary according to Hamilton’s variational principle $\delta {\cal R} = 0$. The first variation hereby yields the following equations of motion $$\dot{v} = \frac{(1\!+\!|z|^2)^2}{4\hbar S} \frac{\partial {\cal
H}}{\partial u}=\kappa \frac{(1\!+\!|z|^2)^2}{4} \, \frac{\partial {\bf n}
(v,u)}{\partial u} \cdot {\bf C} ({\bf q}, {\bf p})\,,\quad$$ $$\dot{u} = -\frac{(1\!+\!|z|^2)^2}{4\hbar S} \frac{\partial {\cal
H}}{\partial v}=- \kappa \frac{(1\!+\!|z|^2)^2}{4} \frac{\partial {\bf n}
(v,u)}{\partial v}\cdot{\bf C}({\bf q,p})\,,\!\!\!$$ $$\dot{q}_i = \frac{\partial {\cal H}}{\partial p_i} = \frac{\partial
{\cal H}_0}{\partial p_i} + \kappa\hbar S \, {\bf n} (v,u) \cdot
\frac{\partial {\bf C} ({\bf q}, {\bf p})}{\partial p_i} ,\qquad\qquad\quad$$ \_i = - = - - S [**n**]{} (v,u) ,\[eom\] whose solutions define the classical orbits in the extended phase space. Note the appearance of $\hbar$ multiplying $S$ everywhere in , which reflects the non-classical nature of the spin. The two equations for the spin variables $v,u$ are equivalent to $\,\dot{{\bf n}}=-\kappa\,{\bf n} \times {\bf C}$, with the constraint ${\bf n}^2 = 1$. For spin-boson coupling in the Jaynes-Cummings model,
equations analogous to have been derived in [@grab].
Sugita [@sugi] has recently given a re-derivation of Gutzwiller’s trace formula, starting from $Z(T)$ whose Fourier-Laplace transform yields the density of states: g(E) = \_0\^e\^[iET/]{}Z(T)dT. \[gofE\] Following the general arguments of Gutzwiller [@gutz], one may evaluate the integrations in using the stationary phase approximation, which becomes exact in the classical limit ${\cal
R}\gg\hbar$. The semiclassical approximation of the partition function $Z(T)$ then turns into a sum over all classical periodic orbits ($po$) with fixed period $T$ \_[sc]{}(T) = \_[po]{} e\^[i[R]{}\_[po]{}/]{} \[\] , \[zscl\] where ${\cal R}_{po}$ are the principal functions , evaluated now along the periodic orbits in the extended phase space. ${\cal R}_{po}^{(2)}[\bgrk{\eta},T]$ are the second variations \_[po]{}\^[(2)]{}\[,T\] = \_0\^T dt, where $\bgrk{\eta}$ is the following $2(d+1)$-dimensional extended phase-space vector of small variations $$\bgrk{\eta} = (\bgrk{\lambda},\nu,\bgrk{\rho},\xi)
= \left(\delta{\bf q},
\delta v\,\frac{2\sqrt{\hbar S}}{(1+|z|^2)},\delta{\bf p},
\delta u\,\frac{2\sqrt{\hbar S}}{(1+|z|^2)}\right)\!,$$ and [${\cal J}=\left(\begin{array}{cc} 0 & I\! \\ \!\!-I & 0
\end{array}\right)$]{} is the $2(d+1)$-dimensional unit symplectic matrix. ${\cal H}^{(2)}$ is the second variation of the classical Hamiltonian, calculated along the periodic orbits: \^[(2)]{} & = & \_[i,j]{}\
& + & (\^2+\^2) (-uC\_1-vC\_2+C\_3)\
& + & ( +)\
& & \_[j]{} (\_j +\_j ). After a stationary-phase evaluation of the Fourier integral , one finally obtains Gutzwiller’s trace formula in the standard form [@gutz; @sugi]. What is new here is that all its ingredients are obtained from the dynamics in the extended phase space: the actions ${\cal S}_{po}(E)={\cal R}_{po}$+$ET_{po}$ (at fixed energy $E$) and the periods $T_{po}=dS_{po}/dE$ of the periodic orbits, the Maslov indices $\sigma_{po}$ for which Sugita has given general formulae [@sugi], and the monodromy matrix ${\cal M}_{po}$ defined by $\bgrk{\eta}(T_{po})={\cal M}_{po}\,\bgrk{\eta}(0)$ in terms of the solutions of the linearized equations of motion $\dot{\bgrk{\eta}}={\cal J}\,\partial{\cal H}^{(2)}\!/\partial{\bgrk{\eta}}$. We refer to a forthcoming extended paper [@plet] for the details of our calculations, where we also show that in the weak-coupling limit we obtain the same results as Bolte and Keppeler [@boke].
We shall presently illustrate our method by applying it to a simple model Hamiltonian describing a two-dimensional electron gas $(S=1/2)$ in a semiconductor heterostructure, laterally confined to a quantum dot, including a spin-orbit interaction of Rashba type [@rash] = + V(x,y) + (\_y \_x - \_x \_y). \[hqdot\] Here $m^*$ is the effective mass of the electron, $\sigma_i$ are the Pauli matrices, and the lateral confining potential $V(x,y)$ is approximated as a deformed harmonic oscillator V(x,y) = m\^\*(\_x\^2 x\^2 + \_y\^2 y\^2)/2. We use $\omega_x=1.56\,\omega_0$, $\,\omega_y=1.23\,\omega_0$, and units such that $\hbar=m^*$ $=\omega_0=1$ and that $E$ and $\kappa$ become dimensionless. The spin-orbit coupling strength $\kappa$ in depends on the band structure [@darn]. E.g., for a InGaAs-InAlAs quantum dot with $\sim$ 100 confined electrons one would obtain a value of $\kappa\sim 0.25$. We investigate in the following a situation where $\kappa$ is large enough for the spin dynamics to affect the orbital motion. For the examples below we have chosen $\kappa=0.67$. The equations of motion were solved numerically.
For a large range of parameters with $0<\kappa\siml 0.75$, we find the following periodic solutions of Eq. : 1) two pairs of adiabatic orbits A$^\pm_x$ and A$^\pm_y$, librating along the $x$ and $y$ axes with fully polarized spin $n_y=\pm 1$ and $n_x=\pm 1$, respectively; 2) two pairs of diabatic orbits, D$^\pm_{x1}$ and D$^\pm_{x2}$, oscillating around A$^\pm_x$ with $n_y\!\sim 0$; and 3) two pairs of diabatic orbits, D$^\pm_{y1}$ and D$^\pm_{y2}$, oscillating around A$^\pm_y$ with $n_x\!\sim 0$. The superscripts ($\pm$) of the diabatic orbits denote their senses of rotation. The stabilities of these orbits will be discussed elsewhere [@plet]. For stronger couplings $\kappa\simg 0.75$ and for energies $E\siml 8$, new orbits bifurcate from the A and D orbits. In these situations, the stability amplitudes will have to be regularized by suitable uniform approximations [@ssun].
The diabatic orbits obtained in our approach reflect the explicit coupling of the spin and orbital degrees of motion. Such orbits have not been discussed in earlier semiclassical methods. The adiabatic orbits with “frozen spin” correspond to those discussed in [@lifl; @frgu; @cham] where they could not be used semiclassically, though, because of the mode conversion occurring at their turning points. We repeat that we do not encounter the mode-conversion problem here, and that the stability amplitudes of all orbits can be readily calculated numerically.
In we present the $(x,y)$ shapes of the orbits A$^{\!+}_{x}$, D$^+_{x1}$, and D$^+_{x2}$ (left panels), and the time dependence of their spin components $n_x$, $n_y$, and $n_z$ over one period (right panels), all evaluated at $E=60$. (The orbits A$^\pm_y$, D$^\pm_{y1}$, and D$^\pm_{y2}$ have analogous shapes concentrated along the $y$ axis, and the behavior of their $n_x$ and $n_y$ components is reversed.) We see that along the diabatic orbits D$^+_{x1}$ and D$^+_{x2}$, the spin rotates mainly near the $(n_x,n_z)$ plane (with $n_y\sim 0$) in a non-uniform way. The diabatic
spin-flip hypothesis of [@frgu] has thus been replaced here by the more sophisticated spin dynamics obtained from the coupled equations of motion .
In we show the oscillating part of the density of states $\delta g(E)$, obtained quantum-mechanically (solid line) using exact diagonalization of the Hamiltonian , and semiclassically (dashed line) using Gutzwiller’s trace formula. Since the periodic orbit sum generally does not converge in systems with mixed classical dynamics, we have convoluted it with a normalized Gaussian, $\exp\{-(E/\gamma)^2\}/\gamma\sqrt{\pi}$. This brings the sum to convergence [@sist], whereby only the orbits with shortest periods contribute, and reflects the prominent gross-shell structure of the quantum spectrum. We have used $\gamma=0.6$ where it was sufficient to include the above twelve primitive periodic orbits. We observe a rather good agreement between the semiclassical and quantum-mechanical results. The regular beat-like structure comes about through the interference of the six types of classical orbits which all have frequencies close to either $\omega_x$ or $\omega_y$.
In summary, we have presented a novel approach to include a non-adiabatic coupling of spin and orbital dynamics into the semiclassical theory of periodic orbits. Our approach overcomes some of the difficulties with earlier approaches, in particular the restriction to purely adiabatic spin motion and the problem of mode conversion. For the simple model of a two-dimensional quantum dot with Rashba spin-orbit interaction, we obtain a satisfactory semiclassical description of the coarse-grained density of states. To study its experimental implications, we are in the process of calculating semiclassically the conductance of this system in response to an external magnetic field [@plet].
We should point out that there exists a subtle problem connected with the fact that the measure ${\cal D}[\bgrk{\eta}]$ of the path integral over the extended phase-space variations $\bgrk{\eta}$ in has the proper normalization only in the large-spin limit. For small spin, like $S=1/2$, this calls for an appropriate renormalization scheme [@miet]. Although the different renormalizations needed for pure spatial motion [@sola] and pure spin motion [@klau] are known, a valid scheme for the combined spin-orbit dynamics under investigation here is yet to be found. It might lead to extra phase corrections in the semiclassical expressions, as discussed in [@ston], and thereby affect the numerical results to some extent.
We acknowledge helpful and critical discussions with O. Zaitsev and encouraging comments by K. Richter.
Work supported by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.
M. C. Gutzwiller, J. Math. Phys. [**12**]{}, 343 (1971).
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S. Datta and B. Das, App. Phys. Lett. [**56**]{}, 665 (1990); see also S. Das Sarma, Am. Sci. [**89**]{}, 516 (2001).
R. G. Littlejohn and W. G. Flynn, Phys. Rev. A [**44**]{}, 5239 (1991); Phys. Rev. A [**45**]{}, 7697 (1992).
H. Frisk and T. Guhr, Ann. Phys. (N.Y.) [**221**]{}, 229 (1993).
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E. Kochetov, J. Math. Phys. [**36**]{}, 4667 (1995).
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M. Pletyukhov, O. Zaitsev, and M. Brack, to be published.
Y. Bychkov and E. Rashba, J. Phys. C [**17**]{}, 6039 (1984), and earlier references quoted therein.
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abstract: 'We have analysed optical, near-, and mid-IR images of the bright planetary nebula (PN) IC418. These images probe unambiguously for the first time a number of low surface brightness structures and shells around the bright main nebula, including radial filaments or rays, a system of three concentric rings, and two detached haloes with sizes $\sim$150 and 220$\times$250, respectively. The main nebula is slightly off-centered with respect to the elliptical outer halo. The time-lapse between the two haloes is 10,000–50,000yr, whereas the time-lapse between the three concentric rings is $\sim$630yr. We emphasize the advantages of near- and mid-IR imaging for the detection of faint structures and shells around optically bright nebulae.'
date: 'Received 2011 September 27; in original form 2011 June 16'
title: Discovery of Multiple Shells Around the Planetary Nebula IC418
(ISM:) planetary nebulae: individual: IC418 — ISM: jets and outflows — infrared: ISM — ISM: lines and bands
IC418 is a bright elliptical planetary nebula (PN) whose physical structure and emission properties have been subject of numerous observational studies and theoretical modeling [e.g., @1990AA...234..454P; @1992ApJ...385..255Z; @1994PASP..106..745H; @1996AA...313..234M; @2009AA...507.1517M]. The nebula is described as a high density ellipsoidal shell with chemical abundances typical of type II PNe. The distance to IC418 is 1.3$\pm$0.4 kpc as determined from VLA parallax expansion observations spanning more than 20 years in time [@2009AJ....138...46G], making of IC418 one of the few PNe with a reliable distance measurement. Its central star has a relatively low effective temperature of 39,000 K [@2004AA...423..593P], and a surface gravity $\log(g)$ of 3.70 [@2004AA...419.1111P], implying an early evolutionary stage.
Whereas the overall morphology of IC418 seems simple, the detailed view of this bright nebula offered by *HST* WFPC2 images [@ST98] reveals an intricate cyclic pattern that has dubbed it as the “Spirograph Nebula”. The origin of this complex pattern is intriguing: magnetic fields have been claimed to be responsible for these structures [@HM05], although the action of its variable stellar wind, revealed by changes in the P Cygni profiles of high excitation lines detected by *FUSE* and the photometric variability of the central star [@Handler_etal97], can also be linked to the formation of this singular pattern.
The Zanstra temperatures of IC418 have been reported to be $T_{\rm Z}$(H [i]{}) = 38,000 K and $T_{\rm Z}$(He [ii]{}) = 44,000 K [e.g., @2003MNRAS.344..501P], which are in agreement with the temperature estimate obtained from the energy balance method [@2004AA...423..593P]. A small difference between the H [i]{} and He [ii]{} Zanstra temperatures is traditionally interpreted as proof of the large optical thickness of the nebula to H-ionising radiation. Therefore, significant amounts of atomic and molecular material, as well as dust, may survive outside the ionisation bound optical nebula.
Detached low surface brightness shells, i.e., haloes, are typically found around PNe [e.g., @1987ApJS...64..529C]. These haloes have been associated to the final mass-loss episodes that occur in the late phases of the AGB [@1992ApJ...392..582B], and therefore they can provide information on the late AGB evolution [e.g., @FVB94; @1995ApJ...452..286S; @Hajian_etal97]. The identification and detection of low surface brightness shells around bright PNe is hampered by light from the inner shell dispersed within the optical system used for the observations .
An early investigation of IC418 by @1986ApSS.122...81P proposed that the unusually extended near-IR emission may arise from high temperature, small-sized dust grains. It was also proposed that scattering could result in a $\sim$40 in diameter optical halo [e.g., @1990ApSS.171..173P; @1990AA...234..454P] The presence of this halo and the high temperature of the dust have been later confirmed by the analysis of *J$-$H* and *H$-$K$_s$* maps by @2005MNRAS.364..849P who also suggested that the grains are probably mixed with a dilute ionised gas. Recently, @2011IAUS283 have modelled the IR dust emission from 2 to 200 $\mu$m and concluded that the dust is carbon rich.
Meanwhile @1990MNRAS.242..457M have argued that such outer shell is not real, but it should be attributed to a mix of Galactic background emission and extended King seeing function. On the other hand, @1989ApJ...340..932T detected a region of H [i]{} emission whose spatial extent seems to be coincident with the region described by @1990AA...234..454P, whereas @1995MNRAS.273..790G found no evidence for molecular emission. These results suggest that the material outside the bright inner shell of IC418 is photo-dissociated. Indeed, @1996AA...313..234M, using mid-IR and radio images, suggested that the inner shell of IC418 is surrounded by a low density ionised region with radius $\sim$20 that is enclosed into an atomic neutral halo with an outer radius of 90. Additional evidence for the occurrence of a halo of ionised material is provided by the near-IR spectroscopy of this region reported by @1999ApJS..124..195H who detected emission in the Pa$\beta$ $\lambda$1.2817 $\mu$m, Br8 H [i]{} $\lambda$1.9446 $\mu$m, He [i]{} $\lambda$2.058 $\mu$m, and Br$\gamma$ $\lambda$2.1658 $\mu$m lines. Unfortunately, the exact location of the slit (east of the main nebula) and extent of the emission are not described, hence the nature of the outer shell mentioned by these authors and its spatial extent remains uncertain.
In order to assess the presence of material outside the bright ionised shell of IC418 and to investigate its nature, we have acquired new broad-band deep near-IR $JHK$ images, and long slit intermediate- and high-dispersion spectroscopic observations that have been examined in conjunction with archival mid-IR *WISE* images. The observations and archival data are presented in §\[sec\_obs\] and the results are described in §\[sec\_res\]. The discussion and final summary are presented in §\[sec\_dis\] and §\[sec\_con\], respectively.
-------------- ---- ------- ------- ---------
2.1m OAN-SPM J 1.275 0.282 600
2.1m OAN-SPM H 1.672 0.274 400
2.1m OAN-SPM K’ 2.124 0.337 300
3.5m TNG-ORM J 1.270 0.300 50
-------------- ---- ------- ------- ---------
: NIR Imaging of IC418
Observations and Archival Data {#sec_obs}
Optical imaging
Narrow-band *HST* WFPC2 images of IC418 in the H$\alpha$, \[N [ii]{}\] $\lambda$6583, and \[O [iii]{}\] $\lambda$5007 emission lines were retrieved from HLA, the Hubble Legacy Archive[^1] at the Space Telescope Science Institute[^2] (Prop. ID: 6353, PI: R. Sahai, and Prop. ID: 8773, PI: A. Hajian).
The 888 s H$\alpha$ image was obtained from eight individual exposures acquired through the F656N filter (pivot wavelength $\lambda_{\rm p}$=6563.8Åand band-width $\Delta\lambda$=21.5Å), whereas the 700 s \[N [ii]{}\] image and the 600 s \[O [iii]{}\] were obtained from three individual exposures acquired using the F658N ($\lambda_{\rm p}$=6590.8Å, $\Delta\lambda$=28.5Å) and F502N ($\lambda_{\rm p}$=5012.4Å, $\Delta\lambda$=26.9Å) filters, respectively.
Near-IR imaging
Broad-band near-IR images of IC418 were acquired on October 23, 2005 using the CAMILA infrared camera [@1994RMxAA..29..197C] mounted with f/4.5 focal reducing optics at the f/13.5 primary focus of the 2.1m telescope at the Observatorio Astronómico Nacional, San Pedro Mártir (OAN-SPM, Baja California, Mexico). CAMILA has a 256$\times$256 pixel NICMOS3 detector with a plate scale of 085 pixel$^{-1}$ and a field of view (FoV) of 36$\times$36. Further details of the observations are provided in Table 1.
The source was observed following a typical on-off sequence and the resulting individual frames were reduced following standard procedures. The seeing was $\simeq$26.
A broad-band $J$ image of the central source of IC418 was also obtained on October 13, 2008 using NICS, the Near Infrared Camera Spectrometer [@2001AA...378..722B], at the Cassegrain focus of the 3.5-m Telescopio Nazionale Galileo (TNG) on Roque de Los Muchachos Observatory (ORM, La Palma, Spain). NICS is a multimode instrument for near-IR observations in the range 0.9–2.5 $\mu$m that employs a Rockwell 1024$\times$1024 HgCdTe Hawaii array. The large field (LF) mode was used, providing a plate scale of 025 pixel$^{-1}$ and a FoV of 42$\times$42. Five 10 s exposures were secured for a total effective exposure time of 50 s (Table 1).
The NICS data reduction was carried out using [SNAP]{} (Speedy Near-IR data Automatic reduction Pipeline), a pipeline for the automatic reduction of near-IR data that uses pieces of existing software such as [IRDR]{}[^3], [IRAF]{}[^4], [Sextractor]{}, and [Drizzle]{}[^5]. The reduction performed by [SNAP]{} includes additional non-standard steps such as cross-talk correction, double-pass sky subtraction, and field distortion correction. The spatial resolution, as determined from the FWHM of stars in the FoV, is $\simeq$0$\farcs$7.
Mid-IR imaging
Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer, *WISE* [@2010AJ....140.1868W], images of IC418 were retrieved from the NASA/IPAC Infrared Science Archive (IRSA). *WISE* is a NASA Explorer mission that surveys the entire sky at 3.4, 4.6, 12, and 22 $\mu$m, the so-called W1 through W4 bands, with 5$\sigma$ point source sensitivities better than 0.08, 0.11, 1, and 6 mJy, respectively.
The 40-cm telescope uses HgCdTe and Si:As detectors arrays with a plate scale of 275 pixel$^{-1}$. The data were downloaded from the *WISE* first data release that includes a preliminary catalogue of sources and an image atlas based on early data that covers more than 55% of the sky. The angular resolution in the four bands is 61, 64, 65, and 120, respectively, and the astrometric accuracy for bright sources is better than 015.
![TNG $J$ [*(top)*]{}, *HST* H$\alpha$ [*(middle)*]{}, and *HST* colour composite [*(bottom)*]{} pictures of IC418. The *HST* colour composite picture has been processed using unsharp masking techniques and includes the \[O [iii]{}\] $\lambda$5007 (blue), H$\alpha$ (green), and \[N [ii]{}\] $\lambda$6583 (red) narrow-band images.[]{data-label="HST.img"}](2.eps "fig:"){width="0.9\linewidth"} .1in ![TNG $J$ [*(top)*]{}, *HST* H$\alpha$ [*(middle)*]{}, and *HST* colour composite [*(bottom)*]{} pictures of IC418. The *HST* colour composite picture has been processed using unsharp masking techniques and includes the \[O [iii]{}\] $\lambda$5007 (blue), H$\alpha$ (green), and \[N [ii]{}\] $\lambda$6583 (red) narrow-band images.[]{data-label="HST.img"}](3.eps "fig:"){width="0.9\linewidth"} .1in ![TNG $J$ [*(top)*]{}, *HST* H$\alpha$ [*(middle)*]{}, and *HST* colour composite [*(bottom)*]{} pictures of IC418. The *HST* colour composite picture has been processed using unsharp masking techniques and includes the \[O [iii]{}\] $\lambda$5007 (blue), H$\alpha$ (green), and \[N [ii]{}\] $\lambda$6583 (red) narrow-band images.[]{data-label="HST.img"}](4.eps "fig:"){width="0.9\linewidth"} .1in
Long-slit optical spectroscopy
Long-slit high dispersion optical spectroscopy of IC418 was acquired on December 2010 and February 2011 using the Manchester Echelle Spectrometer [MES, @2003RMxAA..39..185M] at the f/7.5 focus of the OAN-SPM 2.1m telescope. Since the spectrometer has no cross-dispersion, a $\Delta\lambda$=90Å bandwidth filter was used to isolate the $87^{\rm th}$ order of the spectrum covering the H$\alpha$ and \[N [ii]{}\] $\lambda\lambda$6548,6583Å lines. The $2048\times2048$ Thomson CCD with a pixel size of $15\mu$m was used, resulting a plate scale of $0\farcs352\,{\rm pixel}^{-1}$ and a dispersion of 0.06[Å]{}pixel$^{-1}$.
Two slits at PA=0 and PA=275, crossing the central star, were taken with an exposure time of 120s. The data were bias-substracted and wavelength calibrated using a ThAr lamp, with a precision in velocity of $\pm1$kms$^{-1}$. The seeing during the observations, as determined from the FWHM of stars in the FoV, was 10.
Low dispersion, long-slit optical spectra of IC418 was obtained on two observational runs. The first on 2011 April 2, using the Boller & Chivens spectrometer mounted at the prime focus of the 2.1 m telescope at the Observatorio Astronómico Nacional, San Pedro Mártir, Baja California, Mexico. The Marconi 2048$\times$2048 CCD was used as a detector, in conjunction with a 400 l mm$^{-1}$ grating blazed at 5500 Å. The slit had a length of 5 and a width of 200 $\mu$m ($\equiv$2). The plate and spectral scales were 057 pixel$^{-1}$ and 1.7 Å pixel$^{-1}$, respectively. The spectral resolution was $\sim$4 Å, the wavelength uncertainty was $\sim$1 Å, and the spectral range covered was 4080–7560 Å. One 1800s exposure was obtained with the slit oriented along the East-West direction and offset by 23 North from the central star. The mean air mass during the observations was $\simeq$1.4. The observations were flux calibrated using a 600 s exposure of the star Hz44 obtained with an airmass of 1.03 on the same night. The seeing as determined from the FWHM of stars in the FoV, was $\sim$25.
Additional low-dispersion spectra of IC418 were obtained on 2011 October 4, using the Albireo spectrograph at the 1.5 m telescope of the Observatorio de Sierra Nevada (OSN), Granada, Spain. The Marconi 2048$\times$2048 CCD was used in conjunction with a 400 l mm$^{-1}$ grating blazed at 5500 Å. The slit length was $\sim$6 and its width was set at 50 $\mu$m ($\equiv$2.5). The binning 2$\times$2 of the detector implied plate and spectral scales of 030 pix$^{-1}$ and 1.89 Å pix$^{-1}$, respectively. The spectral resolution was $\sim$4.7 Å, the wavelength-calibration uncertainty $\sim$1 Å, and the spectral range covered 3500–10000 Å. Two positions with exposures of 900 and 1800 seconds were obtained with the slit oriented along the North-South direction (P.A.=0) and offset by 65 and 105 West from the central star, respectively. The observations were flux calibrated using spectra of the spectrophotometric standard star Hiltner 600 acquired on the same night. The seeing, as determined from the FWHM of stars in the FoV, was $\sim$25.
All intermediate-dispersion spectra were bias-subtracted, flat-fielded, and wavelength and flux calibrated following standard procedures using [XVISTA]{}[^6], [IRAF]{} and the nebular analysis software [ANNEB]{} [@2011RMxAC..40..193O] which integrates the [NEBULAR]{} package of [IRAF/STSDAS]{} [@1995PASP..107..896S].
Multiple shells around IC418 {#sec_res}
The new images of IC418 reveal a wealth of structures around its ionised bright shell. These are described into further detail below.
![image](5.eps){width="0.85\columnwidth"} ![image](6.eps){width="0.85\columnwidth"}
The inner shell
Detailed morphological descriptions of the inner shell of IC418 abound in the literature [see, for instance, the recent work by @2011AJ....141..134S and references therein]. We will mention here the distinctive pattern of interwound features (Figure \[HST.img\]-[*bottom*]{}), and the 35$\times$55 shell interior to the 11$\times$14outer shell. This inner shell is particularly bright in \[O [iii]{}\], fainter in H$\alpha$, and undetected in \[N [ii]{}\], implying a higher relative excitation, a characteristic which is common of other PNe with these inner bubbles [@2011AJ....141..134S]. Finally, we note the morphological similarities between the H$\alpha$ and near-IR $J$ images (Figure \[HST.img\]-[*top,middle*]{}) which suggests that the $J$ band image is dominated by the H [i]{} Pa$\beta$ $\lambda$1.2817 $\mu$m line [@1999ApJS..124..195H].
It is noticeable that, in spite of the high brightness of IC418 and the substantial number of studies in the literature about its morphology and physical conditions, a spatio-kinematical study of its three-dimensional structure is lacking. We next describe a simple morpho-kinematical model that fits the observations described in $\S$2.
Figure \[Echelle.img\] ([*bottom-left*]{}) presents the *HST* image of the inner shell overplotted with the two slits going across the central star. The corresponding \[N [ii]{}\] PV maps of the inner shell are presented in Figure \[Echelle.img\] ([*top-left*]{}). We have used the computational tool SHAPE [@2010arXiv1003.2012S] to construct a simple 3D model of IC418 by fitting simultaneously the \[N [ii]{}\] *HST* image (morphology) and PV maps (kinematics). The best model consists of an ellipsoid with semi-major axis of 66 and semi-minor axis of 53 oriented along PA$=341{\degr}$ and with an inclination angle of $i=65{\degr}$ with respect to the line of sight. Assuming homologous expansion, we derive a polar velocity $V_{\rm pol}=15.7$ kms$^{-1}$ and an equatorial velocity $V_{\rm eq}=12.6$ kms$^{-1}$, notably larger than the expansion velocity of 5 kms$^{-1}$ recently reported by @2012IAUS283, but consistent with the value of 12 kms$^{-1}$ provided by @GAS96. The kinematical age of the model, for the distance of 1.3 kpc, is $\tau_{\rm kin}=2600 \pm800\,{\rm yr}$.
We note that the model and kinematical age discussed above only applies to the outer skirts of the shell probed by the emission in the low-ionization \[N [ii]{}\] line. Higher excitation material exhibits lower expansion velocities, as suggested by the unresolved H$\alpha$ emission line in our echelle observations and more reliably by the unresolved profile of the otherwise narrow \[O [iii]{}\] emission line presented by @GAS96. Since higher excitation material is closer to the central star, the difference in line profiles reveals a velocity gradient throughout the nebula.
![Profile through the northwestern region (PA = 277) halo ring structures, where the width of the slice is $\sim$7.3 pixels ($\equiv$0.33). Underlying halo emission has been removed using a fifth-order least-squares polynomial fit.[]{data-label="ringprofile.img"}](7.eps){width="0.99\linewidth"}
--------------------------------------- -------------- --------------- -------------- ------ ------ ------- ------------- ------ ------ ------ -------
Line ratio OAN P04 H00 H94 JPP90 GM85 A83 TP80 K76
W65$\arcsec$ W105$\arcsec$ N23$\arcsec$ 15$\arcsec$
$\lambda$5007/H$\alpha$ 0.69 0.52 0.44 0.36 0.43 0.24 0.32 0.53 0.53 0.46 0.49
\~\[N [ii]{}\]$\lambda$6584/H$\alpha$ 0.41 0.67 0.63 0.64 0.61 0.59 0.66 0.53 0.57 0.59 0.61
--------------------------------------- -------------- --------------- -------------- ------ ------ ------- ------------- ------ ------ ------ -------
**Notes:** OSN (Observatorio de Sierra Nevada) this paper; OAN (Observatorio Astronómico Nacional) this paper; P04: Pottasch, S.R., et al., (2004); H00: Henry, R.B.C., et al., (2000); H94: Hyung, S., et al., (1994); JPP90: Phillips, J.P., et al. (1990); GM85: Gutiérrez-Moreno, A., et al, (1985); A83: Aller, L.H. & Czyzak S.J., (1983); TP80: Torres-Peimbert, et al., (1980); K76: Kaler, J.B., (1976).
Radial filaments and rings
The *HST* \[N [ii]{}\] image and, to some extent, the H$\alpha$ image, disclose a system of radial filaments or rays that emanate from the bright shell of IC418, as illustrated by the *HST* composite-colour picture shown in Figure \[HST.img\]-[*bottom*]{}. These filaments are mostly radial, pointing towards the location of the central star, and their surface brightness is small, $\leq$2% the surface brightness peak of the main nebula. Their size is variable, but in a few cases we measure extensions up to 27. We also note the presence of little blisters or “bubble-like” features onto the exterior walls of the bright nebular shell.
A close inspection of the regions just outside the bright ionised shell of IC418 reveals \[N [ii]{}\] and H$\alpha$ emission distributed along several elliptical arcs. These are best seen in Figure \[rings.img\], where we can identify up to three concentric elliptical arcs that enclose the inner shell. Their surface brightness is significantly low, $\sim$2.5 %, $\sim$1.4 %, and $\sim$0.7 % the brightness peak of the inner shell, and their separation can be estimated to be $\sim$1. Although these are among the observations with the highest-resolution so far obtained for structures of this kind [see also @2001AJ....121..354B; @2004AA...417..637C], they show the rings to be featureless and relatively broad. A profile through the northwestern region of these structures is shown in Figure \[ringprofile.img\]. The surface-brightness profile is dominated by emission scattered from the bright inner shell that we have subtracted using a fifth-order least-squares polynomial. Figure \[ringprofile.img\] suggests that the separation between rings is no uniform, with an averaged distance between peaks $\sim$1, similar to our previous estimate. This profile even suggests a larger number of rings, but the quality of the observations precludes us to make a more definite statement.
### Inner halo
After the publication of the analysis of *J$-$H* and *H$-$K$_S$* maps of a sample of PNe including IC418 [@2005MNRAS.364..849P], a close inspection of the *2MASS* *J*-band image hinted the presence of a round faint halo with radius $\simeq$75. Since the detection of faint structures around bright nebulae is hindered by instrumental artifacts that produce “ghost haloes” [@2003MNRAS.340..417C], the true nature of this structure remained unclear. The new $JHK$ band images obtained with CAMILA (Figure \[wise.img\]-[*top*]{}) find a halo with the same spatial extent as the one hinted in *2MASS* images. The additional *WISE* images unambiguously confirm the presence and spatial extent of this halo that will be referred as the inner halo of IC418.
This inner halo is basically detected in the $J$ near-IR band and the W1 3.4 $\mu$m *WISE* band (Figure \[wise.img\]-[*middle*]{}), with much fainter emission in the $H$ and $K$ near-IR and the W2 *WISE* bands. The nature of this emission is clarified by the near-IR spectrum of the halo of IC418 described by @1999ApJS..124..195H that shows the H [i]{} Pa$\beta$ $\lambda$1.2817 $\mu$m line to be the main contributor to the emission in the $J$ band. Therefore, the inner halo of IC418 is ionised. There are no mid-IR spectra for the halo, but the *ISO* spectrum of the central region of IC418 presented by @2004AA...423..593P suggests that the *WISE* W1 band may be dominated by the H [i]{} 5-4 $\lambda$4.053 $\mu$m line. The lack of continuum emission in the *ISO* spectrum further strengthens our presumption that the emission from this halo comes from ionised material.
### Outer halo
The *WISE* images of IC418 reveal an unexpected additional elliptical shell with its major axis along PA$\sim$300 and a size of 220$\times$250(Figure \[wise.img\]-[*bottom*]{}). This shell is $\sim$5 times fainter than the inner halo in the *WISE* W1 band, it has a noticeable limb-brightened morphology, and its Western tip is brighter than the Eastern tip. Given its limb-brightened morphology, we will refer to it as the outer halo of IC418 [@1987ApJS...64..529C].
The elliptical morphology and asymmetrical brightness distribution of this outer halo may be indicative of the motion of IC418 relative to the interstellar medium [@1996ApJS..107..255T; @2003ApJ...585L..49V; @2007MNRAS.382.1233W]. The off-centered position of the main nebula, shifted by 6 along the direction pointing towards the apex of the outer halo at PA$\sim$300, is consistent with this hypothesis.
### [**Spectral properties of the haloes**]{}
High- and intermediate-dispersion long-slit spectroscopic observations of the haloes of IC418 have been obtained in an effort to determine their kinematical and spectral properties. Unfortunately, no kinematical information is available because the low surface brightness of the haloes has not allowed us to detect their emission in the MES high-dispersion spectroscopic observations, but the OAN and OSN intermediate-dispersion spectroscopic observations have detected the emission from these haloes. The values of the \[O [iii]{}\] $\lambda$5007/H$\alpha$ and \[N [ii]{}\] $\lambda$6584/H$\alpha$ line ratios derived from these observations are listed in Table 2, together with the values reported by different authors for the central region of IC418.
A statistical analysis of the different values of the line ratios reported by different authors for the central region of IC418 yields averaged \[O [iii]{}\] $\lambda$5007/H$\alpha$ and \[N [ii]{}\] $\lambda$6584/H$\alpha$ line ratios of 0.42$\pm$0.10 and 0.60$\pm$0.04, respectively. These lines ratios are analogous to those derived from the OAN spectrum offset 23 North, marginally consistent with those of the OSN spectrum offset 105 West, and notably different to those of the OSN spectrum offset 65 West. We note here that the OAN spectrum is too close to the bright central nebula and, as a result, it is considerably contaminated by dispersed light. The OSN spectrum offset 105 West is very faint and the line ratios affected by considerable uncertainties. On the other hand, the OSN spectrum offset 65 West shows definite different line ratios than the central regions of IC418 and the spatial distribution of the emission is consistent with the limb-brightened morphology of this halo, proving that the inner halo is indeed ionized and that its excitation is higher than this of the inner regions of IC418.
Discussion {#sec_dis}
IC418 is a bright and young PN which is optically thick to H-ionising radiation. Such condition may imply the existence of a region of neutral or molecular material outside the main nebula, although conclusive evidence for the occurrence and spatial extent of this region has been lacking. Using narrow-band optical and broad-band near-IR and mid-IR images, and optical long-slit intermediate-dispersion and echelle spectra, we have searched for emission outside the bright inner shell of IC418. The analysis of these observations has revealed different structures outside the main nebular shell of IC418: radial rays, rings, blisters and a double system of haloes.
These features are common in many other extended PNe. For instance, the blisters, “bubble-like” features onto the surface of the inner shell can be seen in the Ring Nebula, NGC6720 [@2002AJ....123.3329O] and they reveal that the outer walls of the ionised shells of PNe may be subject of turbulence and instabilities. Meanwhile, the radial filaments , have been described in many PNe such as NGC6853 [@2006ApJ...652..426H], NGC6543 [@2004AJ....127.2262B], or in the mid-IR observations of NGC40 [@2011MNRAS.411.1245R]. The origin of these features has been associated to “ionisation shadows” produced by dense knots and the subsequent ionisation by leaking UV photons [@2004AJ....127.2262B].
The rings around the bright central regions of PNe have been reported for a growing number of PNe [e.g., @2004AA...417..637C; @2005ApJ...635L..49K; @2011AJ....141..134S; @2011MNRAS.411.1245R]. Their origin and formation are uncertain [see, for instance, @2000ApJ...540..436S; @2001ApJ...560..928G], but they represent radial enhancements in particle density that suggests mass-loss gasping in the late phases of the AGB evolution. At the distance of 1.3 kpc towards IC418 [@2009AJ....138...46G], the time-lapse between rings would be $\sim630/(v/\mathrm{10 km s}^{-1})$ yr, where a typical expansion velocity of 10 km s$^{-1}$ is assumed for the AGB wind.\
![([*top*]{}) OAN CAMILA $JHK$ and ([*middle-bottom*]{}) *WISE* (W1 and W2) composite colour pictures of IC418. In the $JHK$ picture, $J$ is blue, $H$ is green, and $K'$ is red, while in the *WISE* picture, W1 is blue-green and W2 is red. The *WISE* images have been processed using unsharp masking techniques, leading to the apparent image “sharpening” [@Levi1974]. []{data-label="wise.img"}](8.eps "fig:"){width="0.9\linewidth"} .1in ![([*top*]{}) OAN CAMILA $JHK$ and ([*middle-bottom*]{}) *WISE* (W1 and W2) composite colour pictures of IC418. In the $JHK$ picture, $J$ is blue, $H$ is green, and $K'$ is red, while in the *WISE* picture, W1 is blue-green and W2 is red. The *WISE* images have been processed using unsharp masking techniques, leading to the apparent image “sharpening” [@Levi1974]. []{data-label="wise.img"}](9.eps "fig:"){width="0.9\linewidth"} .1in ![([*top*]{}) OAN CAMILA $JHK$ and ([*middle-bottom*]{}) *WISE* (W1 and W2) composite colour pictures of IC418. In the $JHK$ picture, $J$ is blue, $H$ is green, and $K'$ is red, while in the *WISE* picture, W1 is blue-green and W2 is red. The *WISE* images have been processed using unsharp masking techniques, leading to the apparent image “sharpening” [@Levi1974]. []{data-label="wise.img"}](10.eps "fig:"){width="0.9\linewidth"}
The double-halo morphology of IC418 in the IR is very similar to those found in Cn1-5, IC2165, NGC2022, and NGC6826 in the optical [@2003MNRAS.340..417C], possibly implying similar formation mechanisms. @2003MNRAS.340..417C argue that the inner of the two haloes of these PNe is a recombination halo [@1999MNRAS.302L..17R], whereas the outer halo is an AGB halo. This is not probably the case for IC418, as the ionising flux of its central star has not reached its maximum value yet.
The time-lapse between shells of multiple shell PNe can be compared to the time between thermal pulses at the end of the AGB phase [@VW93], although hydrodynamical and radiative processes can alter appreciably the kinematics and evolution of the haloes and limit this comparison [@VGM02; @VMG02; @SS03]. At the distance of 1.3 kpc and adopting a typical expansion velocity of 10 km s$^{-1}$, the kinematical ages of the outer and inner halo are $\sim69,000/(v/\mathrm{10 km s}^{-1})$ and $\sim47,000/(v/\mathrm{10 km s}^{-1})$ yr, respectively, whereas the kinematical age of the inner shell was estimated to be $\tau_{\rm kin}=2600\,\mathrm{yr}$. The inter-shell time lapses are, thus, $\sim20,000/(v/\mathrm{10 km s}^{-1})$ yr and $\sim45,000/(v/\mathrm{10 km s}^{-1})$ yr. Accounting for the lack of information on the expansion of the haloes of IC418 and for the very likely dynamical effects that have modified their kinematical age, the mass-loss history of IC418 can be roughly described to consist of three major episodes of mass-loss separated by 10,000–50,000 yr, with the final one occurring $\sim$3,000 yr ago after having been preceded by several mass-loss gasps.\
In the detection of the faint haloes around IC418, the near- and mid-IR images have provided especially helpful. Indeed, the generalized use of near- and mid-IR observations of PNe have detected a significant number of faint outer structures around the main nebular shells of many PNe, e.g., MeWe1-3 and NGC6852 [@2009AJ....138..691C], NGC40 [@2011MNRAS.411.1245R], NGC3242 and NGC7354 [@2009MNRAS.399.1126P], NGC1514 [@2010AJ....140.1882R].
Summary {#sec_con}
We present observations of IC418 that for the first time probe the presence of different structures around the bright main nebular shell including radial filaments or rays, a system of three concentric rings, and two detached haloes. The outer halo has an elliptical shape and the main nebula is off-centered with respect to this halo.
The inter-shell time laps between the two haloes and the main nebula are derived to be 10,000–50,000 yr, and the time-lapse between the three concentric rings is $\sim$630 yr for an assumed expansion velocity of 10 km s$^{-1}$. These concentric rings can be associated to several episodes of mass-loss gasps that preceded the final mass-loss event that formed the main nebular shell.
Finally, we note that the progression of the ionisation front through the nebula is not homogeneous, with the development of instabilities at the outer regions of the ionised shell and the formation of radial structures caused by “shadows” to the leaking UV photons.
Acknowledgments {#acknowledgments .unnumbered}
GRL acknowledges support from CONACyT and PROMEP (Mexico). MAG and GRL are partially funded by grant AYA2008-01934 of the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICINN) which includes FEDER funds. RV, LO, MAG, and GRL thank support by grant IN109509 (PAPIIT-DGAPA-UNAM). MAG also acknowledges support of the grant AYA 2011-29754-C03-02. Also we want to thank to the OAN-SPM staff and the CATT for time allocation and an anonymous referee who made very useful comments for the improvement of the paper.
Based on observations made with the 2.1m telescope of the Observatorio Astronómico Nacional at the Sierra de San Pedro Mártir (OAN-SPM), which is a national facility operated by the Instituto de Astronomía of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de M' exico, the Italian Telescopio Nazionale Galileo (TNG) operated on the island of La Palma by the Fundación Galileo Galilei of the INAF (Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica) at the Spanish Observatorio del Roque de los Muchachos of the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias, and the 1.5m telescope at the Observatorio de Sierra Nevada (OSN), Granada, Spain, which is operated by the Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía.
This research has made use of the NASA/IPAC Infrared Science Archive, which is operated by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, under contract with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. We have also used archival observations made with the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope, and obtained from the Hubble Legacy Archive, which is a collaboration between the Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI/NASA), the Space Telescope European Coordinating Facility (ST-ECF/ESA) and the Canadian Astronomy Data Centre (CADC/NRC/CSA).
We would like to dedicate this paper in memory of our colleague and friend Dr. Yolanda Gómez Castellanos who recently passed away. We would also like to remember Prof. John Peter Phillips whose inspiration provided the motivation for this research although he unfortunately could not see it complete.
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abstract: 'A quantum particle moving under the influence of singular interactions on embedded surfaces furnish an interesting example from the spectral point of view. In these problems, the possible occurrence of a bound-state is perhaps the most important aspect. Such systems can be introduced as quadratic forms and generically they do not require renormalization. Yet an alternative path through the resolvent is also beneficial to study various properties. In the present work, we address these issues for compact surfaces embedded in a class of ambient manifolds. We discover that there is an exact bound state solution written in terms of the heat kernel of the ambient manifold for a range of coupling strengths. Moreover, we develop techniques to estimate bounds on the ground state energy when several surfaces, each of which admits a bound state solution, coexist.'
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Burak Tevfik Kaynak${^\dag}$ and O. Teoman Turgut$^\ddag$\
Department of Physics, Boğaziçi University\
34342 Bebek, Istanbul, Turkey\
$^\[email protected], $^\[email protected]
title: '**Compact submanifolds supporting singular interactions**'
Introduction {#s1}
In the present work, we will study singular interactions supported on embedded surfaces in some three dimensional ambient manifolds, whose features would be specified. These problems can be thought of as delta function potentials concentrated on some surfaces, therefore they should be carefully defined. Since we will consider codimension one case, one does not expect a singularity, which would require renormalization. The situation is indeed different for point interactions on two or three dimensional manifolds in this respect. Such class of problems forms a natural laboratory to understand some aspects of nonperturbative renormalization. These problems are thoroughly investigated in Refs. [@al1; @al2], and the references therein.
With the advances in mesoscopic systems, the possibility of trapping particles in nontrivial geometries appear. An idealization of these systems would be to model them as some singular potentials concentrated on submanifolds with different codimensions. In the pioneering works [@ex0; @ex1; @ex2; @ex3; @ex4; @ex5], the authors define such Hamiltonians as quadratic forms, and investigate several interesting aspects of the resulting spectrum. They show that under certain conditions curvature induces a bound-state in the spectrum. The authors in Ref. [@ex3] study the infinite coupling limit of such trapping potentials, which could be considered as a quantum constraint system. In Ref. [@db], the bound-state problem of the Schrödinger equation for a radially symmetric attractive potential with any finite number of Dirac delta functions is studied. The authors in Ref. [@lin] generalize the result of the work [@ex1] to hypersurfaces in $\mathbb{R}^{n+1}$ under various geometric conditions.
In Refs. [@bt1; @bt2], we studied the singular interactions supported on embedded curves in Riemannian manifolds through a resolvent formula and heat kernel techniques. Those problems require renormalization, therefore the resolvent approach becomes the most efficient and natural one. In this paper, we will employ the resolvent approach as well as the variational methods, thinking of the Hamiltonian as a quadratic form, to understand the bound-state spectrum in the case of compact submanifolds embedded in Riemannian manifolds with a few mild conditions imposed. Due to the geometric nature of this problem, the heat kernel becomes an essential part of our discussion, and allows us to propose an explicit solution of the bound-state wave function. Using intrinsic geometry of the submanifold as well as geometric aspects of the ambient manifold, we found limits of the strength of the interaction, affirming the existence of bound-states. Although this problem does not require a renormalization, contrary to the aforementioned codimension two cases, this scheme still provides easier paths to study certain features of the model. Moreover, if one would like to analyze mixed systems such as surfaces coexisted with points or curves, then this approach is the most advantageous one to define and study the system.
The plan of the paper is as follows: in Section \[s2\], we will start constructing the model as a limit of regular potentials through a resolvent formula. For a single submanifold we will define the model as a quadratic form, and then propose an exact bound-state solution by the variational method whereby we obtain the principal operator for a collection of submanifolds provided each one of them admits a bound-state on its own. In Section \[s3\], our vigorous pursuit is to determine the range of the interaction strength so as to affirm occurrence of a bound-state solution as formulated in Section \[s2\]. In Section \[s4\], the fact that the theory is finite will be shown by demonstrating the finiteness of the principal matrix. In Section \[intermezzo\], we will generalize the variational approach to a collection of submanifolds. In Section \[s6\], we will demonstrate that the ground state energy is bounded from below after holding a short discussion about the uniqueness of the ground state. Afterwards, possible issues which are worthy of remark will be addressed in light of simple, albeit important, examples. In Section \[s7\], some comments on more general cases will be made.
Formulation of the model by a bound-state Hamiltonian {#s2}
In this section, we will study the construction of the model, which describes a non-relativistic particle interacting with a singular potential concentrated on distinct surfaces while moving on a curved background. Our main interest is the bound-state structure of this model problem. However, we would like to refer briefly to some notions related to geometric settings [@wil; @klin] on which the model is built before going into details.
Let $(\mathcal{M},\tilde{g})$ be a 3-dimensional Riemannian manifold, admitting a lower bound on its Ricci curvature, and $(\Sigma,g)$ be a compact orientable 2-dimensional Riemannian manifold, whose sectional curvature is subjected to have both upper and lower bounds. Let $\iota$ be an inclusion map $\iota \,:\,\Sigma \hookrightarrow \mathcal{M}$, assumed to be an isometric embedding, then $\Sigma$ is said to be an isometrically embedded submanifold of the ambient manifold $\mathcal{M}$. Due to this embedding, the Riemannian metric $\tilde{g}$ on $\mathcal{M}$ induces the Riemannian metric $g=\iota^*\tilde g $ on $\Sigma$. Henceforth, whenever we refer to the points on the ambient manifold $\mathcal{M}$ we use the symbol $\tilde x$, and similarly for tensors on the ambient manifold, and for objects on the submanifold we will not have a tilde. That the inclusion map is an embedding excludes the possibility of self-intersections of the submanifolds. Moreover, we restrict ourselves with the non-intersecting submanifolds whenever a collection of submanifolds is under consideration.
In this geometric framework, we will develop the model as a generalized Schrödinger operator with a singular interaction, whose support is an isometrically embedded 2-dimensional compact submanifold $\Sigma$ of a 3-dimensional ambient manifold $\mathcal{M}$. The generalized Schrödinger equation for the model with a single submanifold is given by $$\begin{aligned}
-\frac{\hbar^2}{2 m} \nabla_{\tilde{g}}^2 \psi(\tilde x) - \frac{\lambda}{V(\Sigma)} \int_\Sigma d_g \mu (x') \, \delta_{\tilde{g}}(\tilde x,x') \int_\Sigma d_g \mu (x'') \, \psi(x'') &= E \psi(\tilde x) \,,\end{aligned}$$ where $\nabla^2_{\tilde{g}}$ is the generalized Laplacian, $V(\Sigma)$ is the volume(area) of the submanifold, $ d_g \mu (x')$ is the measure on the submanifold at the point $x' \in \Sigma$, which comes from the pull-back of the Riemannian volume element on $\mathcal{M}$ through the embedding. $\delta_{\tilde{g}}(\tilde x,\tilde x')$ is the generalized Dirac-delta function and $\lambda$ is the coupling constant, describing the interaction strength. Henceforward, we will omit the metric from the measure.
Following Refs. [@bt1; @bt2], we will rewrite the interaction as a projection operator for the collection of submanifolds, each is labeled by $i$, as the distinct submanifolds are non-intersecting. For this purpose, the following family of functions supported on submanifolds, each thereof is also labeled by $i$, are introduced, $$\begin{aligned}
\Gamma_i^\epsilon(\tilde x) &= \int_\Sigma d \mu(x') \, K_{\epsilon/2} (\tilde x,x') \,,\end{aligned}$$ $K_{\epsilon/2} (\tilde x,\tilde x')$ being the heat kernel. It is the positive fundamental solution of the heat equation for the Laplace-Beltrami operator, i.e., $$\begin{aligned}
- \frac{\hbar^2}{2 m} \nabla_{\tilde g}^2 K_t(\tilde x,\tilde x') &= - \hbar \frac{\partial}{\partial t} K_t(\tilde x,\tilde x') \,.\end{aligned}$$ Furthermore, the heat kernel enjoys the semi-group property, which is $$\begin{aligned}
\int_\mathcal{M} d\tilde \mu(\tilde x'') K_t(\tilde x,\tilde x'') K_{t'}(\tilde x'',\tilde x') &= K_{t+t'}(\tilde x,\tilde x') \,,\end{aligned}$$ where $ d \tilde \mu (\tilde x)$ is the measure on the ambient manifold at the point $\tilde x \in \mathcal{M}$. This property allows us to calculate the inner product of these functions: $$\begin{aligned}
\langle \Gamma_i^\epsilon \vert \Gamma_i^\epsilon \rangle &= \int_{\Sigma_i \times \Sigma_i} d \mu(x) d \mu(x') \, K_\epsilon (x,x') \,,\end{aligned}$$ which is finite. $\Gamma_i^\epsilon$ becomes a Dirac-Delta function supported on $i$-th submanifold after taking the limit $\epsilon \rightarrow 0^+$. In terms of the free Hamiltonian and the projection operators defined above, the Schrödinger operator with singular interactions supported on a collection of submanifolds, takes the following form, $$\begin{aligned}
(H_0 - E) \vert \psi \rangle &= \sum_i \frac{\lambda_i}{V(\Sigma_i)} \vert \Gamma_i^\epsilon \rangle \langle \Gamma_i^\epsilon \vert \psi \rangle \,.\end{aligned}$$ Since our interest is mainly on the bound-state structure of the model, it is more natural to obtain the resolvent of the interacting Hamiltonian instead of using the formal delta functions directly. In order to determine the full resolvent, we need to solve $\langle \tilde{\Gamma}_i^\epsilon \vert \psi \rangle$ in the following expression, in which $\sqrt{\lambda_i/V(\Sigma_i)}$ is absorbed in the definition of $\Gamma_i^\epsilon$, $$\begin{aligned}
\vert \psi \rangle &= \sum_i (H_0 - E)^{-1} \vert \tilde{\Gamma}_i^\epsilon \rangle \langle \tilde{\Gamma}_i^\epsilon \vert \psi \rangle + (H_0 - E)^{-1} \vert \varphi \rangle \,. \end{aligned}$$ We can easily show that $\langle \tilde{\Gamma}_i^\epsilon \vert \psi \rangle$ is given by the following matrix equation, $$\begin{aligned}
\langle \tilde{\Gamma}_i^\epsilon \vert \psi \rangle &= \sum_j \left[ \frac{1}{1-\langle \tilde{\Gamma}^\epsilon \vert (H_0-E)^{-1} \vert \tilde{\Gamma}^\epsilon \rangle} \right]_{ij} \langle \tilde{\Gamma}_j^\epsilon \vert (H_0-E)^{-1} \vert \varphi \rangle \,.\end{aligned}$$ Plugging Eq. (\[gpsi\]) into Eq. (\[psi\]), and rescaling back by $\sqrt{\lambda_i/V(\Sigma_i)}$ thereafter put the full resolvent into the following form, $$\begin{aligned}
\frac{1}{H-E} &= \frac{1}{H_0-E} + \frac{1}{\sqrt{V(\Sigma_i)V(\Sigma_j)}} \frac{1}{H_0-E} \vert \Gamma_i^\epsilon \rangle \frac{1}{\Phi^\epsilon_{ij}} \langle \Gamma_j^\epsilon \vert \frac{1}{H_0-E} \,, \end{aligned}$$ where there are summations over repeated indices. The operator $\Phi^\epsilon_{ij}$ refers to the so-called principal matrix (operator), essentially all the information of bound-states is kept in this matrix (also called the Krein function in the mathematical literature). A general approach to such singular problems in this perspective is presented in [@pos]. It is the only matrix that has an inverse in the resolvent formula besides the free Hamiltonian. In the case of compact manifolds, the Laplacian is self-adjoint and has a spectrum which consists of eigenvalues only. On a complete non-compact manifold, the Laplacian is a positive essentially-self adjoint operator, nevertheless its spectrum may be very complicated. Its essential spectrum (if it exists) is contained in the interval $[0,\infty)$. From a technical point of view the derivation below does not require anything further than this. Nevertheless, if we have gaps in the spectrum, then the search for bound states may become more involved. Since the appearance of an isolated eigenvalue in this gap as a result of the interaction should also be investigated. Therefore, to avoid complications which may arise due to possible gaps in the essential spectrum, in this work *the noncompact manifolds we consider will be subjected to the condition given in the recent work by Lu and Zhou[@zhou], i.e. the Ricci tensor is asymptotically nonnegative*. The reader is invited to consult to this work for a detailed discussion of this condition and its relation to previous investigations. As a result of this study one knows that for such manifolds, the Laplacian has essential spectrum equal to the interval $[0,\infty)$. In the case of compact manifolds this issue naturally arises again since the full spectrum is discrete. In this case as well, to be consistent with the noncompact case we will assume that bound state means an eigenvalue below the bottom of the spectrum. This assumption can further be supported by considering the possibility of taking large volume limits of compact manifolds without turning the bound state energy into a possible resonance. Therefore, in the compact and the specified noncompact cases, the zeros of the principal matrix on the negative axis should correspond to the poles of the resolvent, and must determine bound-states.
It can be shown that the principal matrix is given by $$\begin{aligned}
\Phi_{ij}^\epsilon(E) &= \left\{ \begin{array}{l} \frac{1}{\lambda_i} - \frac{1}{V(\Sigma_i)} \langle \Gamma_i^\epsilon \vert (H_0 - E)^{-1} \vert \Gamma_i^\epsilon \rangle \,, \\ - \frac{1}{\sqrt{V(\Sigma_i) V(\Sigma_j)}} \langle \Gamma_i^\epsilon \vert (H_0 - E)^{-1} \vert \Gamma_j^\epsilon \rangle \,. \end{array} \right.\end{aligned}$$ The free resolvent is none other than the integral of the heat kernel over its time parameter, $$\begin{aligned}
\langle \tilde x \vert\frac{1}{H_0-E} \vert \tilde x' \rangle &= \int_0^\infty \frac{d t}{\hbar} \, e^{E t/ \hbar} K_t(\tilde x,\tilde x') \,.\end{aligned}$$ After plugging Eq. (\[inv\]) into Eq. (\[ph\]) and using the semi-group property of the heat kernel, the diagonal part of the principal matrix is found to be $$\begin{aligned}
\Phi_{ii}^\epsilon(E) &= \frac{1}{\lambda_i}-\frac{1}{V(\Sigma_i)} \iint_{\Sigma_i \times \Sigma_i} d \mu (x) d \mu (x') \int_0^\infty \frac{d t}{\hbar} \, e^{E (t-\epsilon) / \hbar} K_t(x,x') \,.\end{aligned}$$ Whereas the models studied in Refs. [@bt1; @bt2] require renormalization to be well-defined, [*this problem does not need to be renormalized*]{}, which allows us to safely take the limit $\epsilon \rightarrow 0^+$. However, we will explicitly demonstrate that it is a finite theory on the forthcoming pages. Although the expression in Eq. (\[onp\]) is valid for $E<0$, it can be extended to the case where $E$ belongs to the complex plane by a proper analytical continuation, which we will elaborate below. Taking the aforesaid limit and replacing $E$ by $-\nu^2$ for convenience (searching for bound state solutions) allows us to obtain the following form for the principal matrix, $$\begin{aligned}
\Phi_{ij}(-\nu^2) &= \left\{ \begin{array}{l} \frac{1}{\lambda_i}-\frac{1}{V(\Sigma_i)} \iint_{\Sigma_i \times \Sigma_i} d \mu (x) d \mu (x') \int_0^\infty \frac{d t}{\hbar} \, e^{-\nu^2 t / \hbar} K_t(x,x') \,, \\ -\frac{1}{\sqrt{V(\Sigma_i)V(\Sigma_j)}} \iint_{\Sigma_i \times \Sigma_j} d \mu (x) d \mu (x') \int_0^\infty \frac{d t}{\hbar} \, e^{-\nu^2 t / \hbar} K_t(x,x') \,. \end{array} \right.\end{aligned}$$
One of the important questions here to ask is that under which conditions one can observe a bound-state or more precisely a discrete spectrum, and the answer to this question for a variety of special geometries are addressed extensively in Refs.[@ex1; @ex2; @ex3; @ex4; @ex5; @lin] by different techniques. In this work, as mentioned in Section \[s1\], we will follow a completely different approach. At first we will search for the ground state wave function for a given bound-state energy by the variational method. Afterwards, we will look for a solution of the variational equation for the ground state energy, and will show that one can *exactly* solve this equation provided the coupling constant is defined in a particular form. This determines the value of the coupling constant for a given bound-state energy, thereby allowing us to construct the Hamiltonian whose spectrum contains a discrete subset. The variational principle assures that the proposed wave function corresponds to the ground state.
Let us start with the following choice of ansatz for the ground state wave function of a model consisting of a single submanifold for simplicity, $$\begin{aligned}
\psi_\alpha(\tilde x) &= \int_\Sigma d \mu(x') \int_0^\infty \frac{d t}{\hbar} \, e^{-\alpha t/\hbar} K_t(\tilde x,x') \,.\end{aligned}$$ Since the normalized wave function is needed for the variational principle, first we should calculate the normalization of this wave function. $$\begin{aligned}
Z(\alpha) &= \int_\mathcal{M} d \tilde \mu (\tilde x) \, \vert \psi_\alpha(\tilde x) \vert^2 \,,\end{aligned}$$ $\alpha$ being the variational parameter. Note that for any $\alpha$ this wave function is normalizable since $\Sigma$ is compact. After plugging our ansatz (\[w\]) into the expression above, we obtain $$\begin{aligned}
Z(\alpha) &= \int_\mathcal{M} d \tilde \mu(\tilde x'') \iint_{\Sigma \times \Sigma} d \mu(x) d \mu(x') \int_0^\infty \frac{d u}{\hbar} \int_0^\infty \frac{d v}{\hbar} \, e^{- \alpha (u + v)/ \hbar} K_u(x,\tilde x'') K_v(\tilde x'',x')\,.\end{aligned}$$ The normalization of our trial wave function can be turned into a simple form via using the semi-group property of the heat kernel and substituting the new time variables $t=u+v,t'=u-v$ in the integrals, and by evaluating the resulting $t'$ integral. Therefore, it reads $$\begin{aligned}
Z(\alpha) &= \iint_{\Sigma \times \Sigma} d \mu(x) d \mu(x') \int_0^\infty \frac{d t}{\hbar} \, \frac{t}{\hbar} e^{- \alpha t / \hbar} K_t(x,x') \,.\end{aligned}$$ The expectation value of the Hamiltonian as a function of the variational parameter is given by $$\begin{aligned}
E(\alpha) &= \frac{1}{Z(\alpha)} \int_\mathcal{M} d \tilde \mu(\tilde x) \, \psi_\alpha(\tilde x) \left[ -\frac{\hbar^2}{2 m} \nabla_{\tilde g}^2 \psi_\alpha (\tilde x) - \frac{\lambda}{V(\Sigma)} \int_\Sigma d \mu (x') \, \delta(\tilde x,x') \int_\Sigma d \mu (x'') \, \psi_\alpha(\tilde x'') \right] \,. \end{aligned}$$ After plugging our choice of ansatz into the equation above, the Laplacian in the first term in the parenthesis can be replaced by the time derivative since the heat kernel is the positive fundamental solution of the heat equation. A partial integration makes this term free of the derivative operator, as a result the expectation value of the Hamiltonian is obtained as $$\begin{aligned}
E(\alpha) &= \frac{1}{Z(\alpha)} \int_\Sigma d \mu(x) \, \psi_\alpha(x) - \alpha - \frac{\lambda}{V(\Sigma)} \frac{1}{Z(\alpha)} \left[ \int_\Sigma d \mu(x) \, \psi_\alpha(x) \right]^2 \,.\end{aligned}$$ We note that the integral of the wave-function over the submanifold is actually finite, as we will see in more detail in Section \[s4\]. Now, we need to find the value of the variational parameter $\alpha$ at which the first partial derivative of $E(\alpha)$ with respect to $\alpha$ is equal to zero, that is, $$\begin{aligned}
\frac{\partial E(\alpha)}{\partial \alpha} \Big \vert_{\alpha = \alpha_*} &= 0 \,.\end{aligned}$$ This gives none other than an extremum of the energy functional above. The first derivative is given by $$\begin{aligned}
\frac{\partial E(\alpha)}{\partial \alpha} &= \left[\frac{\partial}{\partial \alpha} \frac{1}{Z(\alpha)} \right] \left( \int_\Sigma d \mu(x) \, \psi_\alpha(x) - \frac{\lambda}{V(\Sigma)} \left[ \int_\Sigma d \mu(x) \, \psi_\alpha(x) \right]^2 \right) \nonumber \\
& \quad -2 + \frac{2 \lambda}{V(\Sigma)} \int_\Sigma d \mu(x) \, \psi_\alpha(x) \,.\end{aligned}$$ It is obvious that the choice of the coupling constant below for a special value of the variational parameter $\alpha=\alpha_*$ not only makes the right-hand side of Eq. (\[den\]) equal to zero but also allows us to solve Eqs. (\[sch\]) and (\[en\]) *exactly*, $$\begin{aligned}
\frac{1}{\lambda} &= \frac{1}{V(\Sigma)} \int_\Sigma d \mu(x)\psi_{\alpha_*}(x) \,.\end{aligned}$$ If we utilize the ansatz for the ground state wave function, given by Eq. (\[w\]), in the choice for the coupling constant above, then we can obtain how the inverse coupling constant should be defined as a double-integral which is taken over the points on the submanifold while these points are connected by the heat kernel of the ambient manifold. In that way, the coupling constant does not only depend on the geometric features of the submanifold, but also depends on the geometric structure of the ambient manifold. Since Eq. (\[la\]) is an integration of the wave function over the submanifold, we express this wave function as a convolution of a Dirac-delta function with the original wave function (which is a function of the points in the ambient manifold). Therefore, we have $$\begin{aligned}
\frac{1}{\lambda} &= \frac{1}{V(\Sigma)} \iint_{\Sigma \times \Sigma} d \mu(x) d \mu(x') \int_{\mathcal{M}} d \mu (\tilde{x}) \delta_{\tilde{g}}(\tilde{x},x) \int_0^\infty \frac{d t}{\hbar} \, e^{- \alpha_* t / \hbar} K_t(\tilde{x},x')\,.\end{aligned}$$ The inverse coupling constant, after integrating over the ambient manifold, reads $$\begin{aligned}
\frac{1}{\lambda} &= \frac{1}{V(\Sigma)} \iint_{\Sigma \times \Sigma} d \mu(x) d \mu(x') \int_0^\infty \frac{d t}{\hbar} \, e^{- \alpha_* t / \hbar} K_t(x,x') \,.\end{aligned}$$ We will choose $\alpha_*$ as the absolute value of the bound-state energy $E_b=-\nu_*^2$ such that Eq. (\[lam\]) is satisfied. On the other hand, it is not sufficient to have the zero of the first derivative of $E(\alpha)$ at $\alpha_*$ so as to affirm that $\alpha_*$ is the minimum. Therefore, we should observe that the second partial derivative of $E(\alpha)$ with respect to $\alpha$ is positive at the value chosen above. It is given by $$\begin{aligned}
\frac{\partial^2 E(\alpha)}{\partial \alpha^2} \Big \vert_{\alpha=\alpha_*} &= \iint_{\Sigma \times \Sigma} d \mu(x) d \mu(x') \int_0^\infty \frac{d t}{\hbar} \, e^{-\alpha_* t / \hbar} K_t(x,x') \left( \frac{1}{Z(\alpha_*)} \frac{t^2}{\hbar^2} - \frac{2 \lambda}{V(\Sigma)} \frac{t}{\hbar} \right) \,.\end{aligned}$$ To accomplish this task, let us reorganize Eq. (\[2nd\]) using Eqs. (\[z\]) and (\[lam\]) to arrive the following form, $$\begin{aligned}
Z(\alpha_*) \frac{\partial^2 E(\alpha_*)}{\partial \alpha^2} &= \iint_{\Sigma \times \Sigma} d \mu(x) d \mu(x') \int_0^\infty \frac{d t}{\hbar} \, \frac{t^2}{\hbar^2} e^{-\alpha_* t / \hbar} K_t(x,x') \nonumber \\
& \qquad - 2 \left[ \iint_{\Sigma \times \Sigma} d \mu(x) d \mu(x') \int_0^\infty \frac{d t}{\hbar} \, e^{-\alpha_* t / \hbar} K_t(x,x') \right]^{-1} \nonumber \\
& \qquad \times \left[ \iint_{\Sigma \times \Sigma} d \mu(x) d \mu(x') \int_0^\infty \frac{d t}{\hbar} \, \frac{t}{\hbar} e^{-\alpha_* t / \hbar} K_t(x,x') \right]^2 \,. \end{aligned}$$ We note that the normalization integral in the denominator on the last line in Eq. (\[zz\]) can be reorganized as, $$\begin{aligned}
& \iint_{\Sigma \times \Sigma} d \mu(x) d \mu(x') \int_0^\infty \frac{d t}{\hbar} \, \frac{t}{\hbar} e^{-\alpha_* t / \hbar} K_t(x,x') \nonumber \\
& \qquad = \frac{2}{\pi} \iint_{\Sigma \times \Sigma} d \mu(x) d \mu(x') \int_0^\infty \frac{d u}{\hbar} \, \sqrt{\frac{u}{\hbar}} \int_0^\infty \frac{d v}{\hbar} \, \sqrt{\frac{\hbar}{v}} e^{-\alpha_* (u+v) / \hbar} K_{u+v}(x,x') \,.\end{aligned}$$ It is easy to obtain the equality above by the following change of variables $t=u+v,t'=u-v$ in the double integral over the time variables on the right-hand side of the equation. The semi-group property is applied in order to decompose the heat kernel into a convolution of two heat kernels, thereby making the expression suitable for the application of the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality to the right-hand side of the expression above. $$\begin{aligned}
& \iint_{\Sigma \times \Sigma} d \mu(x) d \mu(x') \int_0^\infty \frac{d t}{\hbar} \, \frac{t}{\hbar} e^{-\alpha_* t / \hbar} K_t(x,x') \nonumber \\
& \qquad = \frac{2}{\pi} \int_{\cal M} d\tilde \mu(\tilde z) \iint_{\Sigma \times \Sigma} d \mu(x) d \mu(x') \int_0^\infty \frac{d u}{\hbar} \, \sqrt{\frac{u}{\hbar}}e^{-\alpha_*u/\hbar}K_u(x,\tilde z) \int_0^\infty \frac{d v}{\hbar} \, \sqrt{\frac{\hbar}{v}} e^{-\alpha_* v / \hbar} K_{v}(\tilde z,x') \,.\end{aligned}$$ Applying the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality and utilizing again the semi-group property of the heat kernel in the resulting integrals give $$\begin{aligned}
& \iint_{\Sigma \times \Sigma} d \mu(x) d \mu(x') \int_0^\infty \frac{d t}{\hbar} \, \frac{t}{\hbar} e^{-\alpha_* t / \hbar} K_t(x,x') \nonumber \\
& \qquad \leqslant \frac{2}{\pi} \left[ \iint_{\Sigma \times \Sigma} d \mu(x) d \mu(x') \int_0^\infty \frac{d u}{\hbar} \int_0^\infty \frac{d u'}{\hbar} \, \sqrt{\frac{u u'}{\hbar}} e^{-\alpha_* (u+u') / \hbar} K_{u+u'}(x,x') \right]^{1/2} \nonumber \\
& \qquad \times \left[ \iint_{\Sigma \times \Sigma} d \mu(y) d \mu(y') \int_0^\infty \frac{d v}{\hbar} \int_0^\infty \frac{d v'}{\hbar} \, \sqrt{\frac{\hbar^2}{v v'}} e^{-\alpha_* (v+v') / \hbar} K_{v+v'}(y,y') \right]^{1/2} \,.\end{aligned}$$ Performing the following change of variables $t=u+u',t'=u-u'$ for the first and similarly defining $s,s'$ for the other double time integral on both lines on the right-hand side, and performing the integrals, transforms the inequality (\[t\]) into $$\begin{aligned}
& \sqrt{2} \iint_{\Sigma \times \Sigma} d \mu(x) d \mu(x') \int_0^\infty \frac{d t}{\hbar} \, \frac{t}{\hbar} e^{-\alpha_* t / \hbar} K_t(x,x') \nonumber \\
& \qquad \leqslant \left[ \iint_{\Sigma \times \Sigma} d \mu(x) d \mu(x') \int_0^\infty \frac{d t}{\hbar} \, \frac{t^2}{\hbar^2} e^{-\alpha_* t / \hbar} K_t(x,x') \right]^{1/2} \nonumber \\
& \qquad \times \left[ \iint_{\Sigma \times \Sigma} d \mu(y) d \mu(y') \int_0^\infty \frac{d s}{\hbar} \, e^{-\alpha_* s / \hbar} K_s(y,y') \right]^{1/2} \,.\end{aligned}$$ If we replace the last line in Eq. (\[zz\]) by the inequality (\[tt\]), then we obtain $$\begin{aligned}
\frac{\partial^2 E(\alpha)}{\partial \alpha^2} \Big \vert_{\alpha=\alpha_*} & \geqslant 0\,,\end{aligned}$$ which infers that our extremum is actually a minimum. As said before we choose $-\alpha_*$ as the bound-state energy $E_b=-\nu_*^2$ so Eq. (\[lam\]) becomes $$\begin{aligned}
\frac{1}{\lambda} &= \frac{1}{V(\Sigma)} \iint_{\Sigma \time \Sigma} d \mu(x) d \mu(x') \int_0^\infty \frac{d t}{\hbar} \, e^{- \nu_*^2 t / \hbar} K_t(x,x') \,.\end{aligned}$$ In case the ambient manifold is Euclidean space, due to the explicit form of the heat kernel one may explicitly execute the time integral and reach the special case in the limit $\nu_* \rightarrow 0$, which is first given in Proposition 6.1 in [@ex5]. Eq. (\[lamm\]) suggests that this particular choice of the coupling constant for a given bound-state energy definitely allows us to construct the correct Hamiltonian of the model ab initio, thereby studying the bound-state structure thereof by the corresponding principal matrix. The on-diagonal part of the principal matrix for a collection of submanifolds, which admits bound states, via Eq.(\[lamm\]) takes the following form, $$\begin{aligned}
\Phi_{ii}(-\nu^2) &= \frac{1}{V(\Sigma_i)} \iint_{\Sigma_i \times \Sigma_i} d \mu (x) d \mu (x') \int_0^\infty \frac{d t}{\hbar} \, \left( e^{-\nu_{i*}^2 t/ \hbar} - e^{-\nu^2 t / \hbar} \right) K_t(x,x') \,,\end{aligned}$$ such that $\nu \in (0,\infty)$. Note that if Eq.(\[lamm\]) has a solution $\nu_{i*}$ for the given coupling constant $\lambda_i$, [*we are allowed to replace the coupling constants by the corresponding bound states*]{} as is done here. It is of course an interesting question to ask under what conditions there are solutions, which we will address subsequently. Another interesting direction, which will not be pursued here, would be to study the cases for which the coupling is not strong enough to admit a bound state. Then scattering cross section will be an interesting problem. The possibility of appearance of bound states when many such surfaces put together will be another interesting direction to investigate, as we will comment at the end of our work in a related context. The full Green’s function stated in Eq. (\[fg\]), thus, has a well-defined limit, given by $$\begin{aligned}
& R(\tilde x,\tilde x'\vert E) = R_0(\tilde x,\tilde x' \vert E) \nonumber\\
&\qquad \ + \Bigg[\frac{1}{\sqrt{V(\Sigma_i)}} \int_{\Sigma_i} d \mu(x) R_0(\tilde x,x\vert E)\Bigg] \Phi_{ij}^{-1}(E)\Bigg[\frac{1}{\sqrt{V(\Sigma_j)}}\int_{\Sigma_j} d\mu(x')R_0(x',\tilde x' \vert E)\Bigg] \,, \end{aligned}$$ which at present is defined only for $E<0$ along the real axis, but should be analytically continued to $E \in \mathbb{C}$. Although there are general results in this direction it is interesting to see this directly. Note that the free resolvent can be analytically continued so as to have a branch cut along the real axis if the manifold is noncompact with the conditions as specified previously; otherwise it will have poles at the eigenvalues of the Laplacian along the real axis.
Let us consider for simplicity a single surface, the analytic structure of $\Phi(E)$ as a function of $E$ can be understood by using Theorem B in Section 2.12 in [@rosenblum]: Consider the kernel function, $$\begin{aligned}
F(\zeta, \xi)=\begin{cases} {\Phi(\zeta)-\Phi(\xi)\over \zeta-\xi} & \ \ \text{ if } \zeta\neq \xi \,, \\
{d\Phi\over d\zeta} & \ \ \text { if } \zeta=\xi \,.
\end{aligned}$$ Since $\Phi(E)$ is well-defined over a domain $\Delta=(-\infty, 0)$ along the real axis, to test whether it has an analytic continuation $\tilde \Phi$ over the whole complex plane except possibly the positive real axis, satisfying $\tilde \Phi|_\Delta=\Phi$, it is enough to show that for any complex valued function $f(\zeta)$ with compact support over $\Delta$ the kernel $F$ has the following positivity property; $$\begin{aligned}
\int_\Delta \int_\Delta f(\zeta) F(\zeta, \xi) \bar f(\xi) \geq 0.\end{aligned}$$ It is an instructive exercise to check this explicitly in our case, a computation shows that the above quadratic form becomes; $$\begin{aligned}
\int_{\cal M} d\tilde \mu(\tilde x) \Bigg| \int_\Delta d\zeta \, f(\zeta) \int_\Sigma d\mu(y)\; \int_0^\infty {dt\over \hbar}\,
K_t(y, \tilde x) e^{t\zeta/ \hbar}\Bigg|^2,\end{aligned}$$ which is strictly positive. Indeed the resulting analytic continuation $\tilde \Phi$ is a Nevallina function; this approach can be generalized to the matrix valued function $\Phi_{ij}(E)$ as well. We will denote this analytic continuation by the same letter $\Phi$ to keep our notation simple. Hence, the resolvent indeed is well defined over the complex plane, may have isolated poles at the zeros of the matrix $\Phi(E)$ along the negative real axis, and has a branch cut along the positive real axis for the noncompact ambient manifolds with asymptotically nonnegative Ricci tensor.
In the case of several submanifolds each of which is supporting a bound state, we may search for the bound state energies. This means that we are looking for the solution of the following equation for $E_b=-\nu_*^2$, $$\begin{aligned}
\Phi_{ij}(E_b)A_j & = 0 \,,\end{aligned}$$ the consequences of which will be further discussed in Section \[intermezzo\].
The range of the coupling constant {#s3}
The exact relation between the interaction strength and the bound-state energy, defined by Eq. (\[lamm\]), also allows us to determine a lower bound on the possible values of the coupling constant to assure that we find a preassigned value of the bound-state energy. Moreover, we can use this approach to assert that a bound-state is observed as soon as a critical value of the coupling constant $\lambda_{C}$ is exceeded.
In this respect, our main concern is now to lessen the right-hand side of Eq. (\[lamm\]) so as to find an estimate from above on $\lambda_C$ while we are taking the limit $\nu_*\mapsto 0^+$. In doing so, the right-hand side is first made smaller via applying the Cheeger-Yau bound [@chow]. This remarkable theorem states that if $(\mathcal{M},g)$ is a complete Riemannian manifold with $Ric \geqslant (n-1) K$ for some $K \in \mathbb{R}$, then the heat kernel satisfies $$\begin{aligned}
K_t(x,x') &\geqslant K_t^{K} (d_g(x,x'))\,, \end{aligned}$$ where $K_t^{K} (d_g(x,x'))$ is the simply connected, complete, $n$-dimensional manifold of constant sectional curvature $K$. Henceforth, we will denote the metric distance on the ambient manifold by $d_\mathcal{M}$ and the one on the submanifold by $d_\Sigma$. As a corollary, given in Refs. [@chow; @dav], if the manifold has a non-negative Ricci curvature, then the heat kernel of the ambient manifold $\mathcal{M}$ can be estimated from below by $$\begin{aligned}
K_t(\tilde x,\tilde x') &\geqslant \frac{m^{3/2} \exp \left( - \frac{m d_\mathcal{M}(\tilde x,\tilde x')}{2 \hbar t} \right)}{(2 \pi \hbar t)^{3/2}} \,,\end{aligned}$$ which is written in terms of the physical quantities.
Let us consider the non-negative Ricci case first in our problem. Recall that under this condition, the spectrum of the Laplacian is bounded from below by zero. There is a very natural estimate for the range of the coupling constant given by a purely geometric expression for a given value of $\nu_*$: $$\begin{aligned}
\frac{1}{\lambda} \geqslant \frac{m}{2 \pi \hbar^2 V(\Sigma)} \iint_{\Sigma \times \Sigma} d \mu(x) d \mu(x') \, \frac{\exp \left( - \sqrt{\frac{2 m}{\hbar^2}} \nu_* d_{\mathcal{M}}(x,x') \right)}{d_{\mathcal{M}}(x,x')} \,. \end{aligned}$$ In general this integral on the right-hand side is hard to estimate, and we will elaborate on this point below. One possibility is to use the diameter of the embedded submanifold since $d_{\mathcal{M}}(x,x') \leqslant \max_{x,x' \in \Sigma} d_{\mathcal{M}}(x,x') = d_{\mathcal{M}}(\Sigma)$. Here $d_{\mathcal{M}}(\Sigma)$ is the diameter of the submanifold which is measured in the ambient manifold. Thus, the inverse coupling constant satisfies $$\begin{aligned}
\frac{1}{\lambda} \geqslant \frac{m V(\Sigma)}{2 \pi \hbar^2} \frac{\exp \left( - \sqrt{\frac{2 m}{\hbar^2}} \nu_* d_{\mathcal{M}}(\Sigma) \right)}{d_{\mathcal{M}}(\Sigma)} \,,\end{aligned}$$ where $V(\Sigma)$ is the surface area of the embedded submanifold. This inequality demonstrates that there is always a critical coupling constant beyond which there will always be a bound state arbitrarily small binding energy in the limit $\nu_* \rightarrow 0^+$. $$\begin{aligned}
\frac{1}{\lambda_C} \geqslant \frac{m V(\Sigma)}{2 \pi \hbar^2} \frac{1}{d_{\mathcal{M}}(\Sigma)} \,. \end{aligned}$$ This estimate of the critical coupling can be a good estimate for submanifolds which are “tightly” embedded, that is to say $V_\mathcal{M}(\Sigma) / d_{\mathcal{M}}^3(\Sigma) \sim O(1)$, where $V_\mathcal{M}(\Sigma)$ is the volume of the region enclosed by the submanifold. This crude idea is to be investigated for various distinct geometries.
Incidentally, the existence of critical coupling should be contrasted with the case of curves embedded into two dimensional ambient manifolds [@bt1]; using the notation in the original work, in that case the equation for the critical coupling becomes (for positive Ricci case for simplicity): $$\begin{aligned}
{1\over \lambda_C}&\geqslant& {m\over 2L \pi \hbar^2}\int_0^\infty \int_{\Gamma\times \Gamma}\,ds\, ds' \exp\Big(-{md_{\cal M}^2(\gamma(s),\gamma(s'))\over 2\hbar t}\Big){dt\over t}\nonumber\\
&\geqslant& {m L\over 2 \pi \hbar^2}\int_0^\infty \exp\Big(-{md_{\cal M}^2(\Gamma)\over 2\hbar t}\Big){dt\over t}
.\end{aligned}$$ In the last line we used the lower estimate of replacing the geodesic distance by the diameter $d_{\cal M} (\Gamma)$ of the curve $\Gamma$, one sees that this integral diverges as $t\to \infty$. Thereby showing that an arbitrarily weak coupling will lead to a bound state. From this point of view too, the study of surfaces thus is much richer.
The distance between the points $x,x'\in\Sigma\subset\mathcal{M}$ is greater when measured with respect to the induced metric on the submanifold, thereby replacing $d_\mathcal{M}$ by $d_\Sigma$ in the exponent obviously makes the integral smaller. Inserting the inequality (\[lkp\]) into Eq.(\[lamm\]) gives us the following inequality, $$\begin{aligned}
\frac{1}{\lambda} \geqslant \frac{1}{V(\Sigma)} \iint_{\Sigma \times \Sigma} d \mu(x) d \mu(x') \int_0^\infty \frac{d t}{\hbar} \, e^{-\nu_*^2 t / \hbar} \frac{m^{3/2} \exp \left( - \frac{m d_\Sigma(x,x')}{2 \hbar t} \right)}{(2 \pi \hbar t)^{3/2}} \,.\end{aligned}$$ The $t$-integral here is an elementary one, and our inequality by calculating this integral becomes $$\begin{aligned}
\frac{1}{\lambda} \geqslant \frac{m}{2 \pi \hbar^2 V(\Sigma)} \iint_{\Sigma \times \Sigma} d \mu(x) d \mu(x') \, \frac{\exp \left( - \sqrt{\frac{2 m}{\hbar^2}} \nu_* d_\Sigma(x,x') \right)}{d_\Sigma(x,x')} \,. \end{aligned}$$ In general, this replacement could be a crude estimate. Yet, in certain geometries, for example large cigar-like protrusions coming off the surface, the geodesic distance in the ambient manifold and the one along the submanifold may become comparable over large areas.[^1] The necessity of examining special geometries rests upon the following observations: The geodesic distance between two points on the surface varies in a very complicated way for a general ambient manifold. Moreover, the intrinsic geometry of the embedded surface depends on the genus of the compact submanifold as well, whereby understanding such embeddings in general is already a hard problem. Therefore, we plan to investigate those possibilities for special geometries in further studies. In order to proceed further, we need to equip ourselves with crucial geometric information regarding the submanifold $\Sigma$, such as how its volume grows. The so-called volume comparison theorems [@chow; @gall] and the usage thereof are of great importance at this point. Since we only consider the submanifolds, whose sectional curvatures satisfy $L \leqslant Sec \leqslant H$ such that $L,H \in \mathbb{R}$, these theorems become applicable to our problem. Since we aim for some simple explicit estimates on the critical coupling constant, we make the following further assumption on the submanifold such that the lower bound on the sectional curvature of the submanifold is chosen to be $L=(1-\varepsilon) H$ provided $\varepsilon \in \mathbb{R}$ is a small number. Note that $L$ stands for $(1-\varepsilon) H$ throughout this section.
The volume comparison theorems provide a relation between the volume of the manifold under consideration and the volume of the model space, defined by the bound either on the sectional or on the Ricci curvature of the original manifold. Since 2-dimensional submanifolds only involve in our problem, the lower bound on the Ricci curvature and the one on the sectional curvature can be used interchangeably.
We can choose an arbitrary point on $\Sigma$, and consider the geodesic ball centered at this point. The exponential map at this point provides geodesic polar coordinates. Therefore, a geodesic ball $B_p(r)$ is defined such that $B_p(r)=\{ x=\exp_p(s\theta) \vert \theta \in S^{n-1}, 0 \leqslant s \leqslant r \}$, here $\theta \in S^{n-1}\subset \Sigma_p$ denotes an element in the unit sphere of $\Sigma_p$, the tangent space at point $p$ in $\Sigma$. The Riemannian volume of this ball is denoted by $V(B_p(r))$. As $\Sigma$ is compact and satisfies a lower bound $Sec \geqslant L$, every geodesic of length $\geqslant \pi L^{-1/2} $ has conjugate points, whereupon the diameter of $\Sigma$ satisfies $d(\Sigma) \leqslant \pi L^{-1/2}$ due to Bonnet-Myers theorem [@chee]. We will, however, restrict ourselves to a convex neighborhood since our focus in this section is on achieving a lower bound. Note that the integrand in the inequality (\[l1\]) is only the function of the geodesic distance between the points $x$ and $x'$ on the submanifold, we choose one of the points and consider the geodesic ball centered at that point. The geodesic distance between these points turns into the radial distance connecting them. Therefore, the double integral becomes an ordered one.
It is time to employ the volume comparison theorem due to Bishop-Günter [@gall]. It states that, for a complete Riemannian manifold $(\Sigma,g)$ with $Sec \leqslant H$ such that $H \in \mathbb{R}$, as long as $B_p(r)$ does not meet the cut-locus of $p$, the ratio $$\begin{aligned}
r &\rightarrow \frac{V(B_p(r))}{V(B_p^{H}(r))} \,,\end{aligned}$$ is a non-decreasing function, which tends to 1 as $r$ goes to 0. Here, $V(B_p^{H}(r))$ denotes the Riemannian volume of a ball of radius $r$ in the complete simply connected Riemannian manifold with constant curvature $H$, which is called a space form of constant curvature $H$. In particular we have the following infinitesimal volume comparison formula, $$\begin{aligned}
d \mu_\Sigma &\geqslant d \mu_{H} \nonumber \\
J(r,\theta) \, d r d \theta & \geqslant J_{H}(r) \, d r d \theta \,,\end{aligned}$$ where $J(r,\theta)$ is the Jacobian of the exponential map, that is the volume density in geodesic polar coordinates. For a space form of constant curvature $K$, this Jacobian has particular forms, depending on $K$, and they are given by [@chow], $$\begin{aligned}
J_K (r) = \left\{ \begin{array}{rl}
\frac{1}{\sqrt{K}} \sin (\sqrt{K}r) & \text{if } K > 0\,, \\
r & \text{if } K = 0 \,, \\
\frac{1}{\sqrt{K}} \sinh (\sqrt{K}r) & \text{if } -K < 0\,. \\
\end{array} \right.\end{aligned}$$ Note that the above formulae for the Jacobian of the exponential map $J_K(r)$ hold only if $r\in(0,\pi/\sqrt{K})$ is assumed when $K>0$, and for all $r>0$ when $-K \leq 0$. After fixing one of the points, the inequality (\[l1\]) takes the following form in the geodesic polar coordinates, $$\begin{aligned}
\frac{1}{\lambda} &\geqslant \frac{m}{2\pi\hbar^2 V(\Sigma)} \int_\Sigma d \mu \int_0^{2 \pi} d \theta \int_0^{\rho(\theta)} d r \, \frac{J(r,\theta)}{r} \exp \left( - \sqrt{\frac{2 m}{\hbar^2}} \nu_* r \right)\,.\end{aligned}$$ Now, we replace $\rho(\theta)$ by $\rho_*=\min_\theta \rho(\theta)$ such that $\rho_* \leqslant conv.rad(\Sigma)$, where $conv.rad(\Sigma)$ denotes the convexity radius of $\Sigma$ [@petersen]. Applying the volume comparison theorem thereafter leads to $$\begin{aligned}
\frac{1}{\lambda} &\geqslant \frac{m}{\hbar^2}\int_0^{\rho_*} d r \, \frac{J_{H}(r)}{r} \exp \left( - \sqrt{\frac{2 m}{\hbar^2}} \nu_* r \right)\,.\end{aligned}$$ Let us analyze three cases that are distinguished by their sectional curvatures:
[**Case $(H=0)$**]{} The integral need not be estimated due to its simplicity. The following result by computing the integral is obtained, $$\begin{aligned}
\frac{1}{\lambda} & \geqslant \frac{m}{\hbar^2} \frac{1-\exp \left( - \sqrt{\frac{2m}{\hbar^2}} \nu_* \rho_* \right)}{\sqrt{\frac{2m}{\hbar^2}} \nu_*} \,.\end{aligned}$$ If one takes the limit $\nu_* \rightarrow 0$, then an upper bound on the critical value of the interaction strength, namely $\lambda_C$, is obtained, and it is given by $$\begin{aligned}
\frac{1}{\lambda_C} & \geqslant \frac{m}{\hbar^2} \rho_* \,.\end{aligned}$$ As long as $\lambda$ is chosen greater than the critical value $\lambda_C$, we assure the existence of a bound state solution, and [*the bound we obtained, therefore, provides a lower bound for the allowed range of coupling constants which leads to a bound state*]{}.
[**Case $(H > 0)$**]{}In this case we have the following inequality, $$\begin{aligned}
\frac{1}{\lambda} &\geqslant \frac{m}{\hbar^2}\int_0^{\rho_*} d r \, \frac{\sin(\sqrt{H} r)}{\sqrt{H} r} \exp \left( - \sqrt{\frac{2 m}{\hbar^2}} \nu_* r \right)\,.\end{aligned}$$ We can make the right-hand side smaller via estimating $\sin(\xi)/\xi$ by $(1+\cos \xi)/2$ using the Hermite-Hadamard inequality [@mit]. With this replacement we obtain $$\begin{aligned}
\frac{1}{\lambda} &\geqslant \frac{m}{\sqrt{H}\hbar^2}\int_0^{\rho_* \sqrt{H}} d \xi \, \frac{1+\cos \xi}{2} \exp \left( - \sqrt{\frac{2 m}{H \hbar^2}} \nu_* \xi \right)\,.\end{aligned}$$ The integral can be estimated further by the integral Chebyshev inequality [@mit]. It states that $$\begin{aligned}
\frac{1}{b-a} \int_a^b d \xi \, f(\xi) g(\xi) & \geqslant \left[ \frac{1}{b-a} \int_a^b d \xi \, f(\xi) \right] \left[ \frac{1}{b-a} \int_a^b d \xi \, g(\xi) \right] \,,\end{aligned}$$ if $f$ and $g$ are two monotonic functions of the same monotonicity type. Applying this estimate to our inequality leads to $$\begin{aligned}
\frac{1}{\lambda} & \geqslant \frac{m}{2 \sqrt{H} \hbar^2} \frac{1-\exp \left( - \sqrt{\frac{2 m}{\hbar^2}} \nu_* \rho_* \right)}{\sqrt{\frac{2m}{\hbar^2}} \nu_* \rho_*} \left[ \sqrt{H} \rho_* + \sin (\sqrt{H} \rho_*) \right] \,.\end{aligned}$$ The limit $\nu_* \rightarrow 0$ allows us to obtain $\lambda_C$, and it follows that $$\begin{aligned}
\frac{1}{\lambda_C} \geqslant \frac{m}{2 \sqrt{H} \hbar^2} \left[ \sqrt{H} \rho_* + \sin (\sqrt{H} \rho_*) \right] \,.\end{aligned}$$
[**Remark.**]{} Although this inequality and the other ones in this section assures the occurrence of a bound state when the coupling constant is chosen to be greater a critical value, they are insensitive to the change in the sectional curvature of the submanifold due to a slight deformation thereof, for example a deformation in the normal direction to the submanifold. The volume comparison theorem, which we are using to obtain the upper bound on the coupling constant, enforces us to choose the region of which the sectional curvature is the highest, while integrating on the submanifold, so as to reduce the estimated area. However, if we infinitesimally deform the submanifold in the normal direction, then we can intuitively observe that the sectional curvature of the corresponding space form, which is a sphere in this case, will become smaller due to the increase of its radius in the ambient manifold. This suggest that we should use a volume comparison theorem in the opposite direction that will enlarge its area by a small amount, thereby obtaining a lower bound for the critical coupling constant. This allows us to choose the smallest value of the sectional curvature while moving on the submanifold. We can intuitively see how this argument works in a simple example. Let us consider a sphere in space. The eigenvectors of its shape operator are the principal directions, and their eigenvalues are the principal curvatures. They are equal to each other, and the values thereof equal the inverse of the radius of the sphere. If we slightly deform this sphere in one of the principal direction while preserving its total area, then we obtain a prolate ellipsoid. It is obvious that the regions of the submanifold of smaller curvature, which, in other words, have larger area, contributes more to the integral, which determines the inverse of the coupling constant. The volume comparison theorem to be used for this purpose is the well-known Bishop-Gromov volume comparison theorem. Since we mainly use this theorem in the next section, the reader is invited to the next section for the details of this theorem. Let us choose the ambient manifold an Euclidean three space for simplicity. Then, we have the corresponding upper bound on the inverse critical coupling constant in the limit $\nu_* \rightarrow 0$: $$\begin{aligned}
\frac{1}{\lambda_C} \leqslant \frac{m}{\hbar^2 \sqrt{1- \delta \kappa_g^*}} \int_0^{\rho^* \sqrt{L}} d \xi \, \frac{\sin\xi}{\xi} \,,\end{aligned}$$ where the geodesic distance measured in the ambient manifold is replaced by the one on the submanifold multiplied by $\sqrt{1- \delta \kappa^*}$, and $\rho^*=\max_\theta \rho(\theta)$. This replacement of the geodesic distance is mainly used in the next section, therefore, we would like to invite the reader to the next section for the details of this idea, as well. Now, the right-hand side is enlarged by estimating $\sin \xi / \xi$ by $\cos (\xi/2)$. Evaluating the integral gives the following lower bound on the critical coupling constant: $$\begin{aligned}
\lambda_C \geqslant \frac{\hbar^2}{2m} \frac{\sqrt{(1- \delta \kappa_g^*) L}}{\sin\frac{\sqrt{L} \rho^*}{2}} \,.\end{aligned}$$ The infinitesimal deformation under consideration makes the sectional curvature smaller: $L=(1-(1+a)\varepsilon) H$ where $a$ is a real number related to the deformation. As a result, the bound on the critical coupling constant diminishes under such deformation of the submanifold since the right-hand side of the inequality is a monotonically increasing function of the sectional curvature. This result is in accordance with the earlier result obtained in [@ex5], in which the authors show that the critical coupling constant decreases under a small enough area-preserving smooth radial deformation of the sphere. The above bound is still a crude estimate used only to understand the general behavior under deformations. The arguments can be generalized to other cases but for the sake of brevity we will refrain from this.
[**Case $(-H<0)$**]{} The inequality this time becomes $$\begin{aligned}
\frac{1}{\lambda} &\geqslant \frac{m}{\hbar^2}\int_0^{\rho_*} d r \, \frac{\sinh(\sqrt{H} r)}{\sqrt{H} r} \exp \left( - \sqrt{\frac{2 m}{\hbar^2}} \nu_* r \right)\,.\end{aligned}$$ Approximating $\sinh \xi / \xi$ from below by $\cosh(\xi/2)$ via the Hermite-Hadamard inequality, and calculating the integral thereafter turn the inequality into $$\begin{aligned}
\frac{1}{\lambda} &\geqslant \frac{2 m}{ \sqrt{H}\hbar^2} \frac{2 \sqrt{\frac{2 m}{H \hbar^2}} \nu_* \left[ -1 + \cosh \left( \frac{\sqrt{H} \rho_*}{2} \right) e^{ - \sqrt{\frac{2 m}{\hbar^2}} \nu_* \rho_*} \right] + \sinh \left( \frac{\sqrt{H} \rho_*}{2} \right) e^{ - \sqrt{\frac{2 m}{\hbar^2}} \nu_* \rho_*}}{1-\frac{8 m \nu_*^2}{H \hbar^2}} \,.\end{aligned}$$ The desired bound on $\lambda_C$ follows from the limit $\nu_* \rightarrow 0$, $$\begin{aligned}
\frac{1}{\lambda_C} &\geqslant \frac{2m}{\sqrt{H} \hbar^2} \sinh \left( \frac{\sqrt{H} \rho_*}{2} \right) \,.\end{aligned}$$
We would like to remind the reader that, so far we have considered the case in which the ambient manifold $\mathcal{M}$ has a non-negative Ricci curvature. We can generalize further, and repeat the calculations for $\mathcal{M}$ with Ricci curvature bounded from below by a negative constant. This time, the heat kernel of the model space with constant negative sectional curvature is needed and fortunately, it is exactly known [@dav], $$\begin{aligned}
K_t(x,x') &= \frac{m^{3/2}}{(2 \pi \hbar t)^{3/2}} \frac{\sqrt{K} d_\mathcal{M}(x,x')}{\sinh (\sqrt{K} d_\mathcal{M}(x,x'))} \exp \left[ - \frac{K \hbar t}{2 m} - \frac{m d_\mathcal{M}^2(x,x')}{2 \hbar t}\right] \,.\end{aligned}$$ The analogous result to the inequality (\[l2\]) via repeating the previous steps is found as $$\begin{aligned}
\frac{1}{\lambda} &\geqslant \frac{m \sqrt{\pi}}{\hbar^2} \int_0^{\rho_*} d r \, \frac{ \sqrt{K} J_{H} (r)}{\sinh(\sqrt{K} r)} \exp \left( - \sqrt{\frac{2 m \nu_*^2 + K \hbar^2}{\pi \hbar^2}} r \right)\,. \end{aligned}$$ Let us look at the possible cases as having done before:
[**Case $(H = 0)$**]{} Due to vanishing sectional curvature condition, we have $\xi / \sinh \xi$ in the integrand, and replacing it by $e^{-\xi}$ makes the right-hand side smaller. After calculating the integral, we have $$\begin{aligned}
\frac{1}{\lambda} &\geqslant \frac{m \pi \sqrt{K}}{\hbar} \frac{1 - \exp \left( - \sqrt{K} \rho_* - \sqrt{\frac{2 m \nu_*^2 + K \hbar^2}{\pi \hbar^2}} \rho_* \right)}{\sqrt{K \pi} \hbar + \sqrt{2 m \nu_*^2 + K \hbar^2}} \,.\end{aligned}$$ The corresponding critical value of the coupling constant after taking the limit is equal to $$\begin{aligned}
\frac{1}{\lambda_C} &\geqslant \frac{m \pi}{\hbar^2 (1 + \sqrt{\pi})} \exp \left(- \frac{\sqrt{K} (1+\sqrt{\pi}) \rho_*}{\sqrt{\pi}} \right) \,.\end{aligned}$$
[**Case $(H>0)$**]{}Inequality (\[l3\]) becomes complicated since both trigonometric and hyperbolic functions involve in it, which turns the inequality into $$\begin{aligned}
\frac{1}{\lambda} &\geqslant \frac{m \sqrt{\pi}}{\hbar^2} \int_0^{\rho_*} d r \, \frac{\sqrt{K} \sin (\sqrt{H} r)}{\sqrt{H} \sinh (\sqrt{K}r)} \exp \left( - \sqrt{\frac{2 m \nu_*^2 + K \hbar^2}{\pi \hbar^2}} r \right)\,.\end{aligned}$$ We can, however, simplify these terms by the estimates used in the previous cases, so one has $$\begin{aligned}
\frac{1}{\lambda} &\geqslant \frac{m \sqrt{\pi}}{\hbar^2} \int_0^{\rho_*} d r \, \frac{1+\cos (\sqrt{H} r)}{2} \exp \left(-\sqrt{K}r - \sqrt{\frac{2 m \nu_*^2 + K \hbar^2}{\pi \hbar^2}} r \right)\,.\end{aligned}$$ As having done before, we will employ the integral Chebyshev inequality in the right-hand side of the expression above, which results in $$\begin{aligned}
\frac{1}{\lambda} &\geqslant \frac{m \pi}{2 \hbar} \frac{1-\exp\left(- \sqrt{K} \rho_* - \sqrt{\frac{2 m \nu_*^2 + K \hbar^2}{\pi}} \rho_* \right)}{\sqrt{K \pi} \hbar + \sqrt{2 m \nu_*^2 + K \hbar^2}} \left[ \rho_* + \frac{\sin(\sqrt{H} \rho_*)}{\sqrt{H}} \right] \,.\end{aligned}$$ One can take the $\nu_* \rightarrow 0$ limit, which gives us the following bound for $\lambda_C$, $$\begin{aligned}
\frac{1}{\lambda_C} &\geqslant \frac{m \pi}{2 \sqrt{H K} \hbar^2} \frac{1 - \exp \left[ - \sqrt{K} \left(1 + \frac{1}{\sqrt{\pi}} \right) \rho_* \right]}{1 + \sqrt{\pi}} \left[ \sqrt{H} \rho_* + \sin (\sqrt{H} \rho_*) \right] \,.\end{aligned}$$
[**Case $(-H<0)$**]{} Although inequality (\[l3\]) at first sight, does not look as complicated as the previous one, still it is. It contains a ratio of hyperbolic functions besides an exponential after plugging $J_{H}$ in it. Therefore, it follows $$\begin{aligned}
\frac{1}{\lambda} &\geqslant \frac{m \sqrt{\pi}}{\hbar^2} \int_0^{\rho_*} d r \, \frac{ \sqrt{K} \sinh (\sqrt{H} r)}{\sqrt{H} \sinh(\sqrt{K} r)} \exp \left( - \sqrt{\frac{2 m \nu_*^2 + K \hbar^2}{\pi \hbar^2}} r \right)\,.\end{aligned}$$ It is now assumed that the condition $H < K$ is satisfied whereby one can estimate the aforesaid ratio from below by $\exp (- \sqrt{H} r - \sqrt{K} r) \sqrt{H} / \sqrt{K}$. The inequality (\[l3\]) and its $\nu_* \rightarrow 0$ limit are, respectively, given by $$\begin{aligned}
\frac{1}{\lambda} &\geqslant \frac{m \sqrt{\pi}}{\hbar} \frac{1 - \exp \left[ - (\sqrt{H} + \sqrt{K}) \rho_* - \sqrt{\frac{2m \nu_*^2 + K \hbar^2}{\pi}} \rho_* \right]}{(\sqrt{H} + \sqrt{K}) \hbar + \sqrt{\frac{2 m \nu_*^2 + K \hbar^2}{\pi}}} \,, \\
\frac{1}{\lambda_C} &\geqslant \frac{m \sqrt{\pi}}{\hbar^2} \frac{1-\exp \left[ - \sqrt{H} \rho_* - \sqrt{K} (1 + \frac{1}{\sqrt{\pi}}) \rho_* \right]}{\sqrt{H} + \sqrt{K} (1 + \frac{1}{\sqrt{\pi}})} \,.\end{aligned}$$
This concludes our discussion on the possible ranges of the coupling constants so as to assure the existence of a bound state. We will next verify that the theory is indeed finite.
Finiteness of the principal matrix {#s4}
In this section we aim to show that the model does not need any renormalization. For this purpose, we need to bring the off-diagonal upper bound of the heat kernel into play. In Ref. [@et] this bound of the heat kernel on a compact manifold is shown to be given by $$\begin{aligned}
K_t(x,x') &\leqslant \left[ \frac{C_1}{V(\mathcal{M})} + C_2 \left( \frac{m}{2 \pi \hbar t} \right)^{3/2} \exp \left( - \frac{m d_\mathcal{M}^2(x,x')}{2 C_3 \hbar t} \right) \right] \,,\end{aligned}$$ where $C_1,C_2$ and $C_3$ are some absolute constants whose values particularly depend on the geometric features of the manifold in question. If the manifold, however, is a noncompact one, then the term weighted with the volume of the manifold does not exist. That is why, we will reach the result just for the former kind.
The first step is to insert our heat kernel estimate into the quantity desired to be analyzed. For this task, the replacement on-diagonal part of the principal operator given by Eq. (\[phi\]) suffices since the off-diagonal elements have integrals over non-overlapping submanifolds. Thus, with $\nu$ chosen larger than $\nu_{i*}$, we have, $$\begin{aligned}
\Phi_{ii}(-\nu^2) &\leqslant \frac{1}{V(\Sigma_i)} \iint_{\Sigma_i \times \Sigma_i} d \mu (x) d \mu (x') \int_0^\infty \frac{d t}{\hbar} \left( e^{-\nu_{i*}^2 t/ \hbar} - e^{-\nu^2 t / \hbar} \right) \nonumber \\
& \qquad \times \left[ \frac{C_1}{V(\mathcal{M})} + C_2 \left( \frac{m}{2 \pi \hbar t} \right)^{3/2} \exp \left( - \frac{m d_\mathcal{M}^2(x,x')}{2 C_3 \hbar t} \right) \right] \,.\end{aligned}$$ Since this inequality comprises two independent complicated expressions, we choose to analyze them separately. Let us look at the one with the volume term first, and denote it by $\mathtt{I}$. Integration over the variable $t$ leads to $$\begin{aligned}
\mathtt{I} &= \frac{C_1}{V(\Sigma_i) V(\mathcal{M})} \sqrt{\frac{2 m}{C_3 \hbar^2}} \iint_{\Sigma_i \times \Sigma_i} d \mu (x) d \mu (x') \, \frac{d_\mathcal{M}(x,x')}{\nu_{i*}\nu} \nonumber \\
& \qquad \times \left[ \nu K_1 \left( \sqrt{\frac{2 m}{C_3 \hbar^2}} \nu_{i*} d_\mathcal{M}(x,x') \right) - \nu_{i*} K_1 \left( \sqrt{\frac{2 m}{C_3 \hbar^2}} \nu d_\mathcal{M}(x,x')\right) \right] \,, \end{aligned}$$ $K_1(z)$ being the modified Bessel function of the second kind of order 1 [@ol]. Although the inequality $d_\mathcal{M}(x,x') < d_{\Sigma_i}(x,x') $ can be applied to the numerator following the measures, same replacement can not be done for the Bessel functions, because they are monotonically decreasing functions.
In Ref. [@bt1], the authors consider a curve which is isometrically embedded in a Riemannian manifold. In any sufficiently small neighborhood, they obtain an inequality that relates the distance between two of its points in the ambient space, to the arclength of this small segment of the curve and its curvature. There, it is shown that $$\begin{aligned}
\sqrt{1-\delta \kappa_g^*} \xi &\leqslant d_\mathcal{M}\left(\gamma(s),\gamma(s') \right) \,, \text{ with } 0<\delta< \frac{\kappa_g^*}{2} \,,\end{aligned}$$ where $\gamma(s)$ is an arclength parametrized curve, and $\xi$ denotes the length of a segment thereof, defined by $\xi= \vert s - s'\vert$. Furthermore, $\delta$ is the maximum value that $\xi$ can attain in a geodesic ball centered at the point $s$, and $\kappa_g^*$ is the maximum value of the geodesic curvature along the curve. In our case, $\xi$ can be substituted for $d_{\Sigma_i}(x,x')$, so for the radial geodesic eventually, provided $\kappa_g$ should be replaced by the extrinsic curvature of this curve. It is obvious that a curve, which is a geodesic of a submanifold, can not possess a geodesic curvature. As a result, its curvature merely originates from the embedding of this submanifold into an ambient manifold whereby the value of its curvature is only determined by the second fundamental form of this embedding [@lee]. We will not only apply this inequality, but also apply the inequality $K_1(z)<e^{-z}(1+1/z)$, which is shown in Ref. [@bt2], to our expression. As a consequence, Eq. (\[i1\]) takes the following form, $$\begin{aligned}
\mathtt{I} &\leqslant \frac{C_1}{V(\Sigma_i) V(\mathcal{M})} \sqrt{\frac{2 m}{C_3 \hbar^2}} \iint_{\Sigma_i \times \Sigma_i} d \mu (x) d \mu (x') \nonumber \\
& \qquad \times \left\{ \left[d_{\Sigma_i}(x,x') + \frac{\sqrt{C_3 \hbar^2}}{\sqrt{2 m (1- \delta_i \kappa_i^*)} \nu_{i*}} \right] \frac{e^{-\sqrt{\frac{2 m (1- \delta_i \kappa_i^*)}{C_3 \hbar^2}} \nu_{i*} d_{\Sigma_i}(x,x')}}{\nu_{i*}} \right. \nonumber \\
& \qquad \qquad \left. - \left[ d_{\Sigma_i}(x,x') + \frac{\sqrt{C_3 \hbar^2}}{\sqrt{2 m (1- \delta_i \kappa_i^*)} \nu} \right] \frac{e^{-\sqrt{\frac{2 m (1- \delta_i \kappa_i^*)}{C_3 \hbar^2}} \nu d_{\Sigma_i}(x,x')}}{\nu} \right\} \,. \end{aligned}$$ The same geometric argument offered to estimate the integral in the previous section is used as a subsequent step. Thus, we put Eq. (\[i1\]) into a convenient form so as to be estimated from above by means of a volume comparison theorem which is different from the one used in the previous section. Now we have $$\begin{aligned}
\mathtt{I} &\leqslant \frac{C_1}{V(\Sigma_i) V(\mathcal{M})} \sqrt{\frac{2 m}{C_3 \hbar^2}} \int_{\Sigma_i} d \mu \int_0^{2 \pi} d \theta \int_0^{\rho_i(\theta)} d r \, J(r,\theta) \nonumber \\
& \qquad \times \left\{ \left[r + \frac{\sqrt{C_3 \hbar^2}}{\sqrt{2 m (1- \delta_i \kappa_i^*)}\nu_{i*}} \right] \frac{e^{-\sqrt{\frac{2 m (1- \delta_i \kappa_i^*)}{C_3 \hbar^2}} \nu_{i*} r}}{\nu_{i*}} \right. \nonumber \\
& \qquad \qquad \left. - \left[r + \frac{\sqrt{C_3 \hbar^2}}{\sqrt{2 m (1- \delta_i \kappa_i^*)}\nu} \right] \frac{e^{-\sqrt{\frac{2 m (1- \delta_i \kappa_i^*)}{C_3 \hbar^2}} \nu r}}{\nu} \right\} \,.\end{aligned}$$
The required theorem is here known as the Bishop-Gromov volume comparison theorem [@gall]. It states that, for a complete Riemannian manifold $(\Sigma,g)$ with $Ric \geqslant (n-1) L$, for $L \in \mathbb{R}$, as long as $B_p(r)$ does not meet the cut-locus of $p$, the ratio $$\begin{aligned}
r &\rightarrow \frac{V(B_p(r))}{V(B_p^{L}(r))} \,,\end{aligned}$$ is a non-increasing function, which tends to 1 as $r$ goes to 0. $V(B_p^{L}(r))$ here denotes the Riemannian volume of a ball of radius $r$ in the space form of constant curvature $L$. In particular, the corresponding infinitesimal volume comparison formula is given by $$\begin{aligned}
d \mu_\Sigma &\leqslant d \mu_L \,.\end{aligned}$$ Now recall that the formula for the Jacobian of the exponential map holds for all $r>0$ when $-L \leq 0$ whereas when $L>0$, it holds only if $r\in(0,\pi/\sqrt{L})$ is assumed. Recall also that we can employ the lower bound on the sectional curvature in place of the lower bound on the Ricci curvature due to the fact that the submanifolds considered in this model are two dimensional. We will substitute $\rho^* = \max_\theta \rho(\theta)$ for $\rho(\theta)$, and will apply the volume comparison theorem thereafter, giving us an upper bound to Eq. (\[i1\]) which becomes explicitly dependent to the curvature bound $L$. It follows that $$\begin{aligned}
\mathtt{I} &\leqslant \frac{2 \pi C_1}{V(\mathcal{M})} \sqrt{\frac{2 m}{C_3 \hbar^2}} \int_0^{\rho_i^*} d r \, J_{L_i}(r) \left\{ \left[r + \frac{\sqrt{C_3 \hbar^2}}{\sqrt{2 m (1- \delta \kappa^*)} \nu_{i*}} \right] \frac{e^{-\sqrt{\frac{2 m (1- \delta \kappa^*)}{C_3 \hbar^2}} \nu_{i*} r}}{\nu_{i*}} \right. \nonumber \\
& \qquad \left. - \left[r + \frac{\sqrt{C_3 \hbar^2}}{\sqrt{2 m (1- \delta \kappa^*)} \nu} \right] \frac{e^{-\sqrt{\frac{2 m (1- \delta \kappa^*)}{C_3 \hbar^2}} \nu r}}{\nu} \right\} \,.\end{aligned}$$
Let us choose $-L_i<0$ and show that the expression (\[i12\]) can be made smaller than an arbitrarily large but finite quantity. We now have $$\begin{aligned}
\mathtt{I} &\leqslant \frac{2 \pi C_1}{V(\mathcal{M})} \sqrt{\frac{2 m}{C_3 \hbar^2}} \int_0^{\rho_i^*} d r \, \frac{\sinh (\sqrt{L_i}r)}{\sqrt{L_i}} \left\{ \left[r + \frac{\sqrt{C_3 \hbar^2}}{\sqrt{2 m (1- \delta_i \kappa_i^*)} \nu_{i*}} \right] \frac{e^{-\sqrt{\frac{2 m (1- \delta_i \kappa_i^*)}{C_3 \hbar^2}} \nu_{i*} r}}{\nu_{i*}} \right. \nonumber \\
& \qquad \left. - \left[r + \frac{\sqrt{C_3 \hbar^2}}{\sqrt{2 m (1- \delta_i \kappa_i^*)} \nu} \right] \frac{e^{-\sqrt{\frac{2 m (1- \delta_i \kappa_i^*)}{C_3 \hbar^2}} \nu r}}{\nu} \right\} \,.\end{aligned}$$ Since $\sinh (\sqrt{L_i} r)$ is a monotonically increasing function, taking it out of the integral by its value at $\rho_i^*$ makes the integral larger, and calculating the integral thereafter gives us $$\begin{aligned}
\mathtt{I} &\leqslant \frac{2 \pi C_1}{V(\mathcal{M})} \sqrt{\frac{C_3 \hbar^2}{2 m}} \frac{\sinh (\sqrt{L_i}\rho_i^*)}{\sqrt{L_i}(1-\delta_i\kappa_i^*)} \left[ \frac{2 \left(1-e^{- \alpha_i \nu_{i*} \rho_i^*} \right) - \alpha_i \nu_{i*} \rho_i^* e^{- \alpha_i \nu_{i*} \rho_i^*}}{\nu_{i*}^3} \right. \nonumber \\
& \qquad \left. - \frac{2 \left(1-e^{- \alpha_i \nu \rho_i^*} \right) - \alpha_i \nu \rho_i^* e^{- \alpha_i \nu \rho_i^*}}{\nu^3} \right]\,, \end{aligned}$$ in which $\alpha_i = \sqrt{2 m (1- \delta_i \kappa_i^*)/C_3 \hbar^2}$, and the right-hand side of this inequality is finite.
It is time to go back to the inequality (\[phik\]), and look at the second independent expression there. After repeating the steps, having been done to obtain Eq. (\[i12\]) for $\mathtt{I}$, $\mathtt{II}$ takes the following form, $$\begin{aligned}
\mathtt{II} &\leqslant \frac{C_2 \sqrt{C_3} m}{\hbar^2 \sqrt{1-\delta_i \kappa_i^*}} \int_0^{\rho_i^*} d r \, \frac{J_{L_i}(r)}{r} \left[ e^{ - \sqrt{\frac{2 m (1- \delta_i \kappa_i^*)}{C_3 \hbar^2}} \nu_{i*} r } - e^{ - \sqrt{\frac{2 m (1- \delta_i \kappa_i^*)}{C_3 \hbar^2}} \nu r } \right] \,.\end{aligned}$$ Let us again consider the case $-L_i<0$ only. As $\sinh (\sqrt{L_i} r) /r$ is still a monotonically increasing function, it attains its maximum value at $\rho_i^*$. Evaluating it at this value, and calculating the remaining integral thereafter gives $$\begin{aligned}
\mathtt{II} &\leqslant \frac{C_2 C_3 }{(1-\delta_i \kappa_i^*)} \sqrt{\frac{m}{2 \hbar^2}} \frac{\sinh (\sqrt{L_i} \rho_i^*)}{\sqrt{L_i} \rho_i^*} \left[ \frac{1-e^{ - \sqrt{\frac{2 m (1- \delta_i \kappa_i^*)}{C_3 \hbar^2}} \nu_{i*} \rho_i^*}}{\nu_{i*}} - \frac{1-e^{ - \sqrt{\frac{2 m (1- \delta_i \kappa_i^*)}{C_3 \hbar^2}} \nu \rho_i^*}}{\nu} \right] \,,\end{aligned}$$ whose right-hand side is a finite expression as well as the right-hand side of the inequality above, satisfied by $\mathtt{I}$. Thus, the on-diagonal part of the principal operator is shown to be finite, being bounded from above by the sum of two finite expressions, $$\begin{aligned}
\Phi_{ii}(-\nu^2) &\leqslant \mathtt{I} + \mathtt{II} < \infty \,.\end{aligned}$$ We will no longer consider the cases $L \geqslant 0$ here since the calculations apparently repeat themselves. It can, in a similar vein, be shown that the model is also finite for those cases.
Variational approach in the general case {#intermezzo}
Since we know that the theory as defined in the previous sections is actually finite, we will generalize the variational approach to the ground state wave function in this section. As we will see, even to find the solutions to the critical point of the energy functional will be much more complicated, and we will not complete the discussion that this is the true minimum. Assume that we have $N$ embedded submanifolds, let us make the following choice for the ground state wave function, $$\begin{aligned}
\psi_\alpha(\tilde x|A_i)=\sum_i A_i \Big[{\lambda_i\over V(\Sigma_i)}\Big]^{1/2}\int_{\Sigma_i} d\mu(x)\int_0^\infty {dt\over \hbar} K_t(x, \tilde x) e^{-\alpha t / \hbar} \,,\end{aligned}$$ where the factor in front is chosen to make various matrices which will be encountered symmetric. From now on we will denote the measure $d\mu (x)$ on the submanifolds by $d\bar \mu$ to emphasize this factor in front, moreover we drop the summations over discrete indices, hence the assumption that the repeated ones are always summed from $1$ to $N$. Since the functions are real, we choose a set of real numbers $A_i$ as weights, indeed we expect the ground state wave function to be positive everywhere. Since the Hamiltonian contains singular interactions it is more natural to think of it as a quadratic form and hence apply the variational principle. We will take care of the normalization via a Lagrange multiplier, which corresponds to the energy as is well-known: $$\begin{aligned}
\int_{\cal M} d\tilde \mu(\tilde x) \psi^*(\tilde x) \left[-{\hbar^2\over 2m} \nabla^2_{\tilde g} \psi(\tilde x) \right]-\int_{\Sigma_k} d\bar \mu \psi( x) \int_{\Sigma_k} d\bar \mu' \psi(x')
-E(\int_{\cal M} d\tilde \mu(\tilde x) |\psi(\tilde x)|^2 -1) \,.\end{aligned}$$ Before we move on, let us make a digression and justify that the wave function we construct indeed contains $N$ linearly independent functions, therefore, the variational parameters $A_i$ can be independently varied (apart from the normalization which is also taken care of separately by the Lagrange method). Let us assume on the contrary that there is a relation among these wave functions, $$\begin{aligned}
\beta_i \int_{\Sigma_i} d\bar\mu \int_0^\infty {dt\over \hbar} K_t(x, \tilde x)e^{-\alpha t / \hbar} =0 \,,\end{aligned}$$ for some set of $\beta_i$ which are real. To gain notational simplicity in our discussion, [*we set $\hbar=1$ till the end of this section*]{}.
Let us multiply this equality by a family of functions, $$\begin{aligned}
\int_0^\infty {ds} K_s(\tilde x, \tilde y)e^{-\alpha s} {s}^{\rho} \,,\end{aligned}$$ for $\rho\geq 0$ and integrate over $d\tilde \mu(\tilde x)$. Using the convolution property of the heat kernel and the changes of variables; $u=t+s$ and $v=t-s$, factoring out the $v$ integral by scaling $v \to uv$, we conclude that $$\begin{aligned}
\beta_i \int_{\Sigma_i} d\bar \mu \int_0^\infty du K_u(x, \tilde y)e^{-\alpha u} u^{\rho+1} =0 \,,\end{aligned}$$ for all $\rho\geq 0$; in particular this is true for $\rho=0,1,2,...$. By adding to this set of conditions, the original linear dependence equality as well, we see that the function $$\begin{aligned}
g(t|\tilde x) =\beta_i \int_{\Sigma_i} d\bar\mu K_t(x, \tilde x)e^{-\alpha t}
,\end{aligned}$$ has a Laplace transform with respect to $e^{-\omega t}=\sum_{k=0}^\infty (-\omega t)^k/k!$ which is identically equal to zero. Note that the function $g(t|\tilde x)$ vanishes exponentially (for compact submanifold case) as $t\to \infty$, hence summation and integration can be shown to commute justifying our claim. This means the function itself should be zero, $g(t|\tilde x)=0$ (for almost all $t$). Let us assume that we choose $\epsilon$ sufficiently small, and construct functions $f^\epsilon_{\Sigma_j}(\tilde x)$ which are mainly concentrated in the $\epsilon$-normal neighborhood of $\Sigma_j$. Therefore a natural candidate would be the set of functions $\int_{\Sigma_j} d\bar \mu' K_\epsilon(\tilde x, x')$. Subsequently we calculate the convolution integrals, $$\begin{aligned}
\beta_i\int_{\mathcal{M}}\int_{\Sigma_i} d\bar \mu K_\epsilon(x,\tilde x) f^\epsilon_{\Sigma_j}(\tilde x)=\beta_i \int_{\Sigma_i} \int_{\Sigma_j} K_{2\epsilon} (x,x')=0 \,.\end{aligned}$$ If we now take the limit $\epsilon\to 0^+$ we see that the heat kernel approaches to a $\delta$-function on the ambient space, after integration over the variable $\tilde x$, and using the convolution property, we find an integral over the submanifolds labeled as $\Sigma_i$, this gives $\delta_{ij}$. Thus we conclude that $\beta_j=0$ for all $j$. This technique will be useful to justify that one of the matrices that we work with is invertible, as we will see shortly.
Let us now write the resulting expressions after the variations with respect to $A_i$ are taken: $$\begin{aligned}
&\Bigg(\int_{\Sigma_i\times\Sigma_j} d\bar \mu d\bar \mu' \int_0^\infty\, dt\, K_t(x, x') e^{-\alpha_* t} \Bigg)A_{*j}+(-E-\alpha) \Bigg(\int_{\Sigma_i\times\Sigma_j} d\bar \mu d\bar \mu' \int_0^\infty\, dt \,t \, K_t(x, x') e^{-\alpha_* t} \Bigg)A_{*j}\\ \nonumber
& -\Bigg(\int_{\Sigma_i\times\Sigma_k} d\bar \mu d\bar \mu' \int_0^\infty\, dt\, K_t(x, x') e^{-\alpha_* t} \Bigg)\Bigg(\int_{\Sigma_k\times\Sigma_j} d\bar \mu d\bar \mu' \int_0^\infty \, dt \, K_t(y, y') e^{-\alpha_* t} \Bigg)A_{*j}=0 \,,\end{aligned}$$ where we use the symmetry under the interchange of indices $i$ and $j$ and denote the critical solutions with a $*$, notice that there is nothing complex here. The variation under $\alpha$ now takes the form, $$\begin{aligned}
&(E+\alpha)A_{*i}\Bigg(\int_{\Sigma_i\times\Sigma_j} d\bar \mu d\bar \mu' \int_0^\infty \, dt\, t^2\, K_t(x, x') e^{-\alpha_* t} \Bigg)A_{*j}\\ \nonumber
& +2A_{*i}\Bigg[\Bigg(\int_{\Sigma_i\times\Sigma_k} d\bar \mu d\bar \mu' \int_0^\infty \, dt \, t\, K_t(x, x') e^{-\alpha_* t} \Bigg)\Bigg(\int_{\Sigma_k\times\Sigma_j} d\bar \mu d\bar \mu' \int_0^\infty \, dt \, t \, K_t(x, x') e^{-\alpha_* t} \Bigg)\\ \nonumber
&\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \qquad \qquad -\Bigg(\int_{\Sigma_i\times\Sigma_j} d\bar \mu d\bar \mu' \int_0^\infty \, dt \,t\, K_t(x, x') e^{-\alpha_* t} \Bigg)\Bigg]A_{*j}=0 \,.\end{aligned}$$ Let us introduce the following matrices, $$\begin{aligned}
& S_{ij}(\alpha_*)=\Bigg(\int_{\Sigma_i\times\Sigma_j} d\bar \mu d\bar \mu' \int_0^\infty \, dt\, t^2\, K_t(x, x') e^{-\alpha_* t} \Bigg)=S_{ji}(\alpha_*) \,,\\ \nonumber
& L_{ij}(\alpha_*)=\Bigg(\int_{\Sigma_i\times\Sigma_j} d\bar \mu d\bar \mu' \int_0^\infty \, dt\, t \, K_t(x, x') e^{-\alpha_* t} \Bigg)=L_{ji}(\alpha_*) \,,\\ \nonumber
& K_{ij}(\alpha_*)=\Bigg(\int_{\Sigma_i\times\Sigma_j} d\bar \mu d\bar \mu' \int_0^\infty \, dt\, K_t(x, x') e^{-\alpha_* t} \Bigg)=K_{ji} \,,\\ \nonumber
&\tilde \Phi_{ij}(\alpha_*)=\delta_{ij} -K_{ij}(\alpha_*) \,.\end{aligned}$$ We note that if we define $D_{ij}=\sqrt{\lambda_i} \delta_{ij}$, then we have the relation, $$\begin{aligned}
\tilde \Phi_{ij}(\alpha_*) =D_{ik} \Phi_{kl}(\alpha_*) D_{kj} \,,\end{aligned}$$ where $\Phi$ is as defined in the previous sections. The variational equations can be recast into the following matrix form after setting $E=-\nu^2$ and $ A=(A_{*i})$, and leaving out $\alpha_*$ dependence of the matrices for simplicity: $$\begin{aligned}
& (\nu^2-\alpha_*) A^TSA+2A^TL\tilde \Phi A=0 \,,\\ \nonumber
& K\tilde \Phi A+ (\nu^2-\alpha_*) LA=0
.\end{aligned}$$ Let us note an immediate consequence of these matrix equations, we first transpose the last equation and use the symmetry of $L,K$, following this we then multiply from the left by $\tilde \Phi A$ to get $$\begin{aligned}
A^T\tilde \Phi K \tilde \Phi A+ (\nu^2-\alpha_*) A^T L \tilde \Phi A=0
.\end{aligned}$$ Then we use the first equation to eliminate the second term, hence find $$\begin{aligned}
2A^T\tilde \Phi K \tilde \Phi A-(\nu^2-\alpha_*) ^2A^T S A=0
.\end{aligned}$$ Here, we remark that $K, L, S$ are positive definite matrices, moreover $K$ is actually an invertible matrix, as we will elaborate shortly, hence, if $\alpha_*=\nu^2$, we should look for the solutions of $\tilde \Phi(\alpha_*)A=0$. If we note now $\tilde \Phi=D\Phi (D A)=0$, we may solve for the vector $DA$. This is exactly the condition we found from the resolvent formula, which defines $\alpha_*$ as well as the relative weights of $(DA)_i$(and they can all be chosen real), by this choice the $\sqrt{\lambda_i}$ factors in front of the wave functions will disappear.
We will now justify that the matrix $K$ is invertible; note that the if $\beta_i$ is a zero mode of $K$, we may compute $\beta^TK\beta$ as $$\begin{aligned}
\beta_i \int_{\Sigma_i\times\Sigma_j} d\bar \mu d\bar \mu' \int_0^\infty \, dt\, K_t(x, x') e^{-\alpha_* t} \beta_j=\int_{\cal M} d\tilde \mu(\tilde x) \Bigg[ {1\over \sqrt{\pi}} \beta_i\int_{\Sigma_i} d\bar \mu \int_0^\infty \, {du\over \sqrt{u}} K_u(x, \tilde x)e^{-\alpha_* u}\Bigg]^2\end{aligned}$$ This shows that $K$ is a Gram matrix of the form $K_{ij}=\int_{\cal M} d\tilde \mu(\tilde x) \phi_i (\tilde x)\phi_j(\tilde x)$. Therefore a zero mode is possible if the functions $\phi_i(\tilde x)$ are linearly dependent (almost everywhere); by multiplying $\phi_i(\tilde x)$ with $$\begin{aligned}
\int_0^\infty ds \, K_s(\tilde x, \tilde y) s^{\rho-1/2}e^{-\alpha_* s} \,,\end{aligned}$$ and integrating over $\tilde x$ again, we obtain a set of conditions which will be exactly as before written in Eq. (\[linind\]), hence by the same reasoning, we find that $\beta_i=0$. This implies that $K$ is an invertible matrix. This allows one to solve for $\tilde \Phi A$ in terms of $K^{-1} L A$ and plug it into the other equation; which gives $$\begin{aligned}
(\nu^2-\alpha_*) ( A^TSA-2A^TLK^{-1} L A)=0 \,.\end{aligned}$$ We will now see that the matrix in parenthesis is positive definite, which implies that the natural solution will be $\alpha_*=\nu^2$. Let us note the following matrix identity, $$\begin{aligned}
I & 0 \\ \sqrt{2}LK^{-1} & I
K & -\sqrt{2}L \\ -\sqrt{2}L & S
I &\sqrt{2} K^{-1}L\\ 0 & I\end{pmatrix}= \begin{pmatrix} K & 0\\ 0 & S-2LK^{-1}L \end{pmatrix} \,.\end{aligned}$$
Hence positivity of the matrix on the left can be checked by the positivity of the matrix on the right. Therefore, if we calculate the expectation value, for a vector $(0\ A)$, for the matrix on the right, we see that it is equal to $$\begin{aligned}
A^TSA-\sqrt{2} B^TLA-\sqrt{2} A^TLB+B^TKB \,,\end{aligned}$$ where $B=\sqrt{2} K^{-1}LA$, and note that $A^TLB=B^TLA$ since $L^T=L$. We use now the generalization of the inequality proved in the single submanifold case, following the same derivation and keeping terms of the form $A_{*i}\int_{\Sigma_i}d\bar \mu$ together, we get $$\begin{aligned}
\sqrt{2} A^TLB\leq (A^TSA)^{1/2}(B^TKB)^{1/2} \,,\end{aligned}$$ since all the matrices are positive definite, square roots are well defined. We, then, reach to the conclusion that $$\begin{aligned}
(\nu^2-\alpha_*) (A^TSA-2A^TLK^{-1}LA)\geq (\nu^2-\alpha_*)[(A^TSA)^{1/2} - \sqrt{2} (A^TLK^{-1}LA)^{1/2}]^2\geq 0 \,.\end{aligned}$$ Hence, a natural solution will be to take $\alpha_*=\nu^2$.
Existence of a lower bound for a unique ground state energy {#s6}
Following Refs. [@bt1; @bt2] we would like to observe the fact that the ground state is bounded from below. It is, however, worth noting the uniqueness of the ground state first. As being done in the aforesaid references, one can obtain a flow equation for each eigenvalue of the principal operator by the well-known Feynman-Hellman theorem [@fh]. Similarly, we here see that the derivative of the principal operator $\Phi_{ij}(E)$ with respect to $E$ is a strictly negative expression. This suggests that all the eigenvalues of this operator must be monotonically decreasing functions of $E$. It is, therefore, asserted that [*the zero of the lowest eigenvalue of the principal operator must correspond to the ground-state energy*]{}. In these references, by alluding to the Perron-Frobenius theorem, we could prove the nondegeneracy of the ground state. This approach can be repeated verbatim in our case as well. Recall that the ground-state wave function is exactly known due to the discussion in Section \[s1\], and it is immediate to observe that the ground-state is positive. Thus, we reaffirm that the ground-state energy is unique .
The main strand of the method to achieve a lower bound for the ground state energy, involves the well-known Gersgorin theorem [@mat]. According to this theorem, all the eigenvalues $\omega$ of the principal operator as a matrix $\Phi_{ij}(E) \in M_N$ are located in the union of $N$ disks: $$\begin{aligned}
\bigcup_{i=i}^N \vert \omega - \Phi_{ii} \vert \leqslant \bigcup_{i=i}^N \sum_{i \neq j =1}^N \vert \Phi_{ij} \vert \,.\end{aligned}$$ To utilize this theorem, one should reformulate it in the following manner: If the ground-state energy $E_{gr}$ is bounded from below by some critical value $E_*$, then the eigenvalue $\omega_{min}$ can no longer become zero beyond this bound, whereby none of the disks can contain $0$ when we set $E$ below $E_*$. It is, therefore, necessary to impose that the principal matrix satisfy the following condition $$\begin{aligned}
\vert \Phi_{ii}(E) \vert^{\min} \geqslant (N-1) \vert \Phi_{ij}(E) \vert^{\max} \,.\end{aligned}$$ By estimating the right-hand side from below and the left-hand side from above, and imposing the same inequality for these estimates, will give us the desired critical bound $E_*$ on the ground state energy.
In the first instance, our main focus is on searching for a lower bound on the on-diagonal part of the principal operator. As in the search for the lower bound on the coupling constant, the cases here, which involves either an ambient manifold with a non-negative Ricci curvature or one with a negative Ricci curvature, can be analyzed separately. In this instance, we only consider the case that the ambient manifold is assumed to have a non-negative Ricci curvature, however. We also prefer to concentrate all our efforts on drawing attention to the crucial steps regarding our aim here, rather then repeating the ones having been done before in similar calculations in the previous sections. For simplicity of our presentation we will again assume that the sectional curvature satisfies the bounds $(1-\varepsilon)H\leq Sec\leq H$. As in the previous case there are other possibilities which should be investigated in future work.
Since the ambient manifold is assumed to be a Riemannian manifold with $Ric \geqslant (n-1) K$, the heat kernel bound given in the inequality (\[lkp\]) should be applied to the principal operator. As soon as calculating the $t$-integral after plugging this bound into Eq. (\[phi\]), we obtain $$\begin{aligned}
\vert \Phi_{ii}(-\nu^2) \vert &\geqslant \frac{m}{2 \pi \hbar^2V(\Sigma_i)} \iint _{\Sigma_i \times \Sigma_i} d \mu(x) d \mu(x') \, \frac{\left[ e^{- \sqrt{\frac{2 m}{\hbar^2}} \nu_{i*} d_\mathcal{M}(x,x')} - e^{- \sqrt{\frac{2 m}{\hbar^2}} \nu d_\mathcal{M}(x,x')}\right]}{d_\mathcal{M}(x,x')} \,.\end{aligned}$$ Here we choose $\nu \in [\nu_{i*},\infty)$. By means of the same geometric argument as used previously, and applying the Bishop-Günter volume comparison theorem, the on-diagonal part of the principal operator takes the following form, $$\begin{aligned}
\vert \Phi_{ii}(-\nu^2) \vert &\geqslant \frac{m}{\hbar^2} \int_0^{\rho_{i*}} d r \, J_{H_i}(r) \frac{\left( e^{- \sqrt{\frac{2 m}{\hbar^2}} \nu_{i*} r} - e^{- \sqrt{\frac{2 m}{\hbar^2}} \nu r } \right)}{r} \,.\end{aligned}$$ Recall here that $\rho_{i*}=\min_\theta \rho_i(\theta)$ such that $\rho_{i*} \leqslant conv.rad(\Sigma_i)$. Let us analyze three distinct cases due to the specific values of their sectional curvatures:
[**Case $(H_i=0)$**]{} Our expression is merely an elementary integral, and it gives $$\begin{aligned}
\vert \Phi_{ii}(-\nu^2) \vert & \geqslant \sqrt{\frac{m}{2 \hbar^2}} \left[ \frac{1-e^{-\sqrt{\frac{2 m}{\hbar^2}} \nu_{i*} \rho_{i*}}}{\nu_{i*}} - \frac{1-e^{-\sqrt{\frac{2 m}{\hbar^2}} \nu \rho_{i*}}}{\nu} \right] \,.\end{aligned}$$ The right-hand side of the above inequality is an increasing function since $\nu+1 \leqslant e^\nu$, and it is saturated as $\nu \rightarrow \infty$.
[**Cases $(H_i>0)$**]{} The on-diagonal part of the principal operator is given by $$\begin{aligned}
\vert \Phi_{ii}(-\nu^2) \vert &\geqslant \frac{m}{\hbar^2} \int_0^{\rho_{i*} \sqrt{H_i}} d \xi \, \frac{\sin \xi}{\sqrt{H_i}}\frac{\left( e^{- \sqrt{\frac{2 m}{\hbar^2 H_i}} \nu_{i*} \xi} - e^{- \sqrt{\frac{2 m}{\hbar^2 H_i}} \nu \xi } \right)}{\xi} \,.\end{aligned}$$ We will apply a slight generalization of the Steffensen’s integral inequality [@mit] to this integral so as to estimate it. It states that if $f(\xi)$ is a non-negative monotonically decreasing integrable function on the interval $[a,b]$, and $g(\xi)$ is another integrable function on the same interval such that $0 \leqslant g(\xi) \leqslant A$ for $A>0$, then $$\begin{aligned}
\int_a^b d \xi \, f(\xi) g(\xi) &\geqslant A \int_{b-\Lambda}^b d \xi \, f(\xi) \,,\end{aligned}$$ where $$\begin{aligned}
\Lambda &= \frac{1}{A} \int_a^b d \xi \, g(\xi) \,.\end{aligned}$$ If this inequality is employed, then one obtains $$\begin{aligned}
\vert \Phi_{ii}(-\nu^2) \vert &\geqslant \frac{m}{\hbar^2} \frac{\sin (\sqrt{H_i} \rho_{i*})}{\sqrt{H_i}} \int_{\rho_{i*} \sqrt{H_i} - \tan \frac{\sqrt{H_i} \rho_{i*}}{2}}^{\rho_{i*} \sqrt{H_i}} d \xi \, \frac{\left( e^{- \sqrt{\frac{2 m}{\hbar^2 H_i}} \nu_{i*} \xi} - e^{- \sqrt{\frac{2 m}{\hbar^2 H_i}} \nu \xi } \right)}{\xi} \,.\end{aligned}$$ Note that $\rho_{i*} \sqrt{H_i} - \tan \frac{\rho_{i*} \sqrt{H_i}}{2} >0$ since $\rho_{i*} \leqslant conv.rad(\Sigma_i)$ is assumed, thereby leading to a non-negative lower limit for the integral. At this point, we should take a very cautious approach while estimating the above integral further. Even if its integrand is an increasing function of $\nu$, it is, at the same time, a decreasing function of the integration variable $\xi$. Thus, any estimation to be made over the integration variable $\xi$ should not conflict with the integrand’s monotonicity in the variable $\nu$. Fortunately for us, this integrand, due to being a convex function, allows us to estimate its integral by the Hermite-Hadamard inequality. As a consequence, its monotonicity in the variable $\nu$ remains intact.
Now we make a short digression to justify the convexity of the integrand. It is easy to observe that it is sufficient to consider the following function for the study of the convexity of the integrand, $$\begin{aligned}
\frac{e^{-\xi} - e^{- \lambda \xi}}{\xi} \text{ for } \lambda \geqslant 1\,.\end{aligned}$$ The convexity will amount to the inequality, $$\begin{aligned}
\frac{1}{2} \left[ \frac{e^{-x} - e^{- \lambda x}}{x} + \frac{e^{-y} - e^{- \lambda y}}{y} \right] & \geqslant \frac{e^{-\frac{x+y}{2}} - e^{-\lambda\frac{x+y}{2}}}{\frac{x+y}{2}} \,,\end{aligned}$$ which is equivalent to $$\begin{aligned}
(x+y)\left(y e^{-x} + x e^{-y}\right) - 4 x y e^{- \frac{x+y}{2}} \geqslant (x+y)\left(y e^{-\lambda x} + x e^{- \lambda y}\right) - 4 x y e^{- \lambda \frac{x+y}{2}} \,,\end{aligned}$$ since $x,y > 0$. We consider the following expression for given positive $x$ and $y$ as a function of $\lambda$, $$\begin{aligned}
(x+y) \left( y e^{-\lambda x} + x e^{-\lambda y}\right) - 4 x y e^{- \lambda \frac{x+y}{2}} \,.\end{aligned}$$ The derivative of this function with respect to $\lambda$ is equal to $$\begin{aligned}
2 x y (x+y) \left( e^{- \lambda \frac{x+y}{2}} - \frac{e^{- \lambda x} + e^{- \lambda y}}{2}\right) \,,\end{aligned}$$ which is strictly negative due to the convexity of $e^{- \lambda x}$ in $x$. So the value of this function at $\lambda =1$ is always larger than its value at $\lambda > 1$, which implies the inequality (\[inq\]), hence the convexity of the integrand.
The on-diagonal part of the principal operator takes then the following form, $$\begin{aligned}
\vert \Phi_{ii}(-\nu^2) \vert &\geqslant \frac{m}{\hbar^2} \frac{\left[1- \cos (\sqrt{H_i} \rho_{i*})\right]}{\sqrt{H_i}} \left[ \frac{e^{- \sqrt{\frac{2 m}{\hbar^2 H_i}} \nu_{i*} \left( \rho_{i*} \sqrt{H_i} - \frac{1}{2} \tan \frac{\rho_{i*} \sqrt{H_i}}{2} \right)}}{\rho_{i*} \sqrt{H_i} - \frac{1}{2} \tan \frac{\rho_{i*} \sqrt{H_i}}{2}} \right. \nonumber \\
& \qquad \left. - \frac{e^{- \sqrt{\frac{2 m}{\hbar^2 H_i}} \nu \left( \rho_{i*} \sqrt{H_i} - \frac{1}{2} \tan \frac{\rho_{i*} \sqrt{H_i}}{2} \right)}}{\rho_{i*} \sqrt{H_i} - \frac{1}{2} \tan \frac{\rho_{i*} \sqrt{H_i}}{2}} \right] \,.\end{aligned}$$
[**Case $(-H_i<0)$**]{} We will only state the result for this case since the whole calculations are the same as the ones in the previous case except that $\sin$ and $\tan$ functions should, respectively, be replaced by $\sinh$ and $\tanh$ functions. Note that the condition $\rho_{i*} \sqrt{H_i} - \tanh \frac{\rho_{i*} \sqrt{H_i}}{2}\geqslant 0$ is always satisfied in this case. Following the previous calculations step by step results in $$\begin{aligned}
\vert \Phi_{ii}(-\nu^2) \vert &\geqslant \frac{m}{\hbar^2} \frac{\left[- 1 + \cosh (\sqrt{H_i} \rho_{i*}) \right]}{\sqrt{H_i}} \left[ \frac{ e^{- \sqrt{\frac{2 m}{\hbar^2 H_i}} \nu_{i*} \left( \rho_{i*} \sqrt{H_i} - \frac{1}{2} \tanh \frac{\rho_{i*} \sqrt{H_i}}{2} \right)}}{\rho_{i*} \sqrt{H_i} - \frac{1}{2} \tanh \frac{\rho_{i*} \sqrt{H_i}}{2}} \right. \nonumber \\
& \qquad - \left. \frac{e^{- \sqrt{\frac{2 m}{\hbar^2 H_i}} \nu \left( \rho_{i*} \sqrt{H_i} - \frac{1}{2} \tanh \frac{\rho_{i*} \sqrt{H_i}}{2} \right)}}{\rho_{i*} \sqrt{H_i} - \frac{1}{2} \tanh \frac{\rho_{i*} \sqrt{H_i}}{2}} \right] \,.\end{aligned}$$ Note that $\vert \Phi_{ii}(-\nu^2) \vert $ is an increasing function of the parameter $\nu$ in all three of the cases as they should be.
It is time to focus on the right-hand side of the inequality (\[gg\]). We now need to obtain an upper bound for the off-diagonal part of the principal operator whereby we place the off-diagonal upper bound of the heat kernel (\[ch\]) into the off-diagonal part of Eq.(\[phi0\]). We remark that $\vert \Phi_{ij} \vert \rightarrow 0$ for $i \neq j$ as $\nu \rightarrow \infty$ due to the Lebesgue monotone convergence theorem. After the integration over the time variable $t$, absolute value of this part becomes $$\begin{aligned}
\vert \Phi_{ij}(-\nu^2) \vert &\leqslant \frac{1}{\sqrt{V(\Sigma_i) V(\Sigma_j)}} \iint_{\Sigma_i \times \Sigma_j} d \mu (x) d \mu (x') \, e^{-\sqrt{\frac{2 m}{C_3 \hbar^2}} \nu d_{\mathcal{M}}(x,x')} \nonumber \\
& \qquad \times \left[ \frac{C_1}{V(\mathcal{M})} \left( \sqrt{\frac{2 m}{C_3 \hbar^2}} \frac{d_{\mathcal{M}}(x,x')}{\nu} + \frac{1}{\nu^2} \right) + \frac{C_2 \sqrt{C_3}}{2 \pi} \frac{m}{\hbar^2 d_\mathcal{M}(x,x')}\right] \,.\end{aligned}$$ The right-hand side is enlarged by introducing a minimum distance between the submanifolds, $$\begin{aligned}
d_{ij} &= \min_{x \in \Sigma_i,x' \in \Sigma_j} d_\mathcal{M} (x,x')\,.\end{aligned}$$ The inequality (\[pij0\]), by the definition above, turns into $$\begin{aligned}
\vert \Phi_{ij}(-\nu^2) \vert &\leqslant \sqrt{V(\Sigma_i) V(\Sigma_j)} \left[ \frac{C_1}{V(\mathcal{M})} \left( \sqrt{\frac{2 m}{C_3 \hbar^2}} \frac{d_{ij}}{\nu} + \frac{1}{\nu^2} \right) + \frac{C_2 \sqrt{C_3}}{2 \pi} \frac{m}{\hbar^2 d_{ij}}\right] e^{-\sqrt{\frac{2 m}{C_3 \hbar^2}} \nu d_{ij}} \,,\end{aligned}$$ which is apparently a decreasing function of the variable $\nu$ as it should be.
Let us study the inequality (\[gg\]) for submanifolds with $H_i>0$. The left-hand side of this inequality is supposed to be maximized while the right-hand side thereof being minimized. Introducing the following parameters $\nu^*=\max_i \nu_{i*}$, $\rho_*=\min_i \rho_{i*}$, $\rho^*=\max_i \rho_i^*$, $H_*=\min_i H$, $H^*=\max_i H$, $V^*=\max_i V(\Sigma_i)$, $d_*=\min_{ij} d_{ij}$, and $d^*=\max_{ij} d_{ij}$ obviously allows us to obtain a uniform inequality for the submanifolds that are separated by finite distances. It is as follows $$\begin{aligned}
& \frac{m}{\hbar^2} \frac{\left[1- \cos (\sqrt{H_*} \rho_*)\right]}{\sqrt{H^*}} \left[ \frac{e^{- \sqrt{\frac{2 m}{\hbar^2 H_*}} \nu^* \left( \rho^* \sqrt{H^*} - \frac{1}{2} \tan \frac{\rho^* \sqrt{H^*}}{2} \right)}}{\rho^* \sqrt{H^*} - \frac{1}{2} \tan \frac{\rho^* \sqrt{H^*}}{2}} - \frac{e^{- \sqrt{\frac{2 m}{\hbar^2 H_*}} \nu \left( \rho^* \sqrt{H^*} - \frac{1}{2} \tan \frac{\rho^* \sqrt{H^*}}{2} \right)}}{\rho^* \sqrt{H^*} - \frac{1}{2} \tan \frac{\rho^* \sqrt{H^*}}{2}} \right] \nonumber \\
& \qquad \geqslant (N-1) V^* \left[ \frac{C_1}{V(\mathcal{M})} \left( \sqrt{\frac{2 m}{C_3 \hbar^2}} \frac{d^*}{\nu} + \frac{1}{\nu^2} \right) + \frac{C_2 \sqrt{C_3}}{2 \pi} \frac{m}{\hbar^2 d_*}\right] e^{-\sqrt{\frac{2 m}{C_3 \hbar^2}} \nu d_*} \,.\end{aligned}$$ Note that the left-hand side of the inequality (\[ggh\]) is an increasing function of $\nu$ whilst the right-hand side is a decreasing function of the same variable, which apparently infers that a solution of this inequality always exists. Thus, it is asserted that the ground state energy is bounded from below, $E_{gr} \geqslant E_*$. The existence of a lower bound on the ground-state energy is self-evident for other cases in which the submanifolds have non-positive sectional curvatures.
[**Remark.**]{} At first glance the right-hand side of the inequality (\[ggh\]) diverges as the minimum distance $d_*$ goes to 0, which is basically the limit when two submanifolds touch each other. However, this consequence is an immediate aftermath of the way how we estimate the off-diagonal part of the principal operator. It can easily be observed that the off-diagonal part of the principal operator, by Cauchy-Schwarz inequality and the semi-group property of the heat kernel, should satisfy the following condition, $$\begin{aligned}
\Phi_{ij}(-\nu^2) &\leqslant \int_0^\infty \frac{d t}{\hbar} e^{- \nu^2 t/\hbar} \left[ \frac{1}{V(\Sigma_i)} \iint_{\Sigma_i \times \Sigma_i} d \mu(x) d \mu(x') \, K_t(x,x') \right]^{1/2} \nonumber \\
& \qquad \times \left[ \frac{1}{V(\Sigma_j)} \iint_{\Sigma_j \times \Sigma_j} d \mu(x) d \mu(x') \, K_t(x,x') \right]^{1/2} \,,\end{aligned}$$ which is a perfectly well-defined expression, thanks to our discussion on the finiteness of the theory. Therefore, aforementioned divergence is actually an artifact, that is not possessed by the model per se, due to the fact that the model does not even require any renormalization by construction. We would like to demonstrate this fact on a simple, albeit important, example.
Assume that we have spheres of radii $R_i$, which are isometrically embedded in $\mathbb{R}^3$. Either are they separated by a finite distance, or they are allowed to touch each other. It can easily be shown that after calculating $\Phi_{ii}(-\nu^2)$, the left-hand side of the inequality (\[gg\]) attains its minimum value by appropriately substituting the parameters $R_{\min} =\min_i R_i$, $R_{\max} =\max_i R_i$, $\nu_{\min} =\min_i \nu_{i*}$, and $\nu_{\max} =\max_i \nu_{i*}$ for $R_i$ and $\nu_{i*}$. $$\begin{aligned}
\vert \Phi_{ii}(-\nu^2) \vert^{\min} &\geqslant \sqrt{\frac{2 m}{\hbar^2}} \left[ \frac{1-e^{- \sqrt{\frac{2 m R_{\min}^2}{\hbar^2}} 2 \nu_{\min}}}{2 \nu_{\max}} - \frac{1-e^{- \sqrt{\frac{2 m R_{\max}^2}{\hbar^2}} 2 \nu}}{2 \nu} \right] \,.\end{aligned}$$
The off-diagonal part of the principal operator can be estimated by the inequality (\[pij2\]). Its absolute value attains a maximum value via replacing the parameters $R_i$ and $\nu_{i*}$ by the ones introduced in the previous paragraph, and it is given by $$\begin{aligned}
\vert \Phi_{ij} (-\nu^2) \vert^{\max} &\leqslant \sqrt{\frac{2 m}{\hbar^2}} \left[ \frac{1-e^{- \sqrt{\frac{2 m R_{\max}^2}{\hbar^2}} 2 \nu}}{ 2 \nu} + \frac{e^{- \sqrt{\frac{4 m R_{\min}^2}{\hbar^2}} 2 \nu}}{8 \nu} \right] \,.\end{aligned}$$ Thus, the inequality (\[gg\]) takes the following form, $$\begin{aligned}
\frac{1-e^{- \sqrt{\frac{2 m R_{\min}^2}{\hbar^2}} 2 \nu_{\min}}}{\nu_{\max}} - \frac{1-e^{- \sqrt{\frac{2 m R_{\max}^2}{\hbar^2}} 2 \nu}}{\nu} &\geqslant (N-1) \left[ \frac{1-e^{- \sqrt{\frac{2 m R_{\max}^2}{\hbar^2}} 2 \nu}}{\nu} + \frac{e^{- \sqrt{\frac{4 m R_{\min}^2}{\hbar^2}} 2 \nu}}{4 \nu} \right] \,,\end{aligned}$$ which is completely insensitive to whether spheres are apart or touch each others.
Comments on more general problems {#s7}
It is interesting that the resolvent approach which involves the principal matrix $\Phi$ becomes indispensable when we have singular interaction supported on surfaces as well as supported on curves and points. For simplicity we will discuss a single surface $\Sigma$ and a single point source, located at some point $a$, more general cases can be worked out in a similar way. We will assume that the surface interaction is specified by a coupling constant which may or may not lead to a bound state, yet the point has a bound state of energy $-\mu^2$, and its interaction in general can not be defined by a finite coupling constant. In this case, going over the resolvent, and introducing the principal matrix as before we arrive the same resolvent formula, as spelled out in Section \[s1\], and the matrix $\Phi$ becomes, $$\begin{aligned}
{1\over \lambda}-{1\over V(\Sigma)} \int_{\Sigma\times \Sigma}d\mu(x)d\mu(x')\int_0^\infty {dt\over \hbar}K_t(x,x')e^{-{\nu^2t / \hbar}} & -{1\over \sqrt{V(\Sigma)}}\int_{\Sigma}d\mu(x)\int_0^\infty {dt\over \hbar} K_t(x, a)e^{-{\nu^2t / \hbar}}
\\ -{1\over \sqrt{V(\Sigma)}}\int_{\Sigma}d\mu(x)\int_0^\infty {dt\over \hbar} K_t(x, a)e^{-{\nu^2t / \hbar}} & \int_0^\infty {dt\over \hbar} K_t(a,a)(e^{-{\mu^2 t / \hbar}}-e^{-{\nu^2t / \hbar}}) \end{pmatrix} \,.\end{aligned}$$ The zero eigenvalues of this matrix determines the possible bound state energies of this combined system. By the Cauchy interlacing theorem of matrices, we may assert that the lowest eigenvalue of this matrix will always cut the real axis at a value lower than $-\mu^2$, hence assuring the existence of a bound state. The analysis of the possible appearance of a second bound state is not simple and depends on the details of the geometry of this configuration.
An interesting problem is to consider a point which is located sufficiently far away from the surface in a noncompact ambient manifold ${\mathcal M}$. This is equivalent to the following condition: we denote the minimum distance between the surface and the point by $d_*$, which exists since the surface $\Sigma$ is compact, then we suppose that ${\hbar^2\over 2m d_*^2}<<\mu^2$. The same condition applies if the surface is assumed carry a bound state solution. In this case one can see that the off-diagonal elements satisfy, within the given approximation, $$\begin{aligned}
\Big\vert{1\over \sqrt{V(\Sigma)}}\int_{\Sigma}d\mu(x)\int_0^\infty {dt\over \hbar} K_t(x, a)e^{-{\mu^2t\over \hbar}}\Big\vert\leqslant
C_1{\sqrt{V(\Sigma)}\over d_*} e^{-C_2{\sqrt{2m}d_*\mu\over\hbar}} \,,\end{aligned}$$ where $C_1$ and $C_2<1/2$ are some constants. This shows that the off-diagonal elements become small perturbations. Hence a perturbation analysis, which is very similar to the one worked out in [@et], shows that the shift in the bound state energy $\mu^2$ is given by $$\begin{aligned}
& \delta \mu^2=
\Big|{1\over \sqrt{V(\Sigma)}}\int_{\Sigma}d\mu(x)\int_0^\infty {dt\over \hbar} K_t(x, a)e^{-{\mu^2t\over \hbar}}\Big|^2\nonumber\\
&\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \times \Big[\int_0^\infty {dt\over \hbar} {t\over \hbar} K_t(a,a)e^{-{\mu^2 t\over \hbar}}\Big]^{-1} \Big[{1\over \lambda}-{1\over V(\Sigma)} \int_{\Sigma\times \Sigma}d\mu(x)d\mu(x')\int_0^\infty {dt\over \hbar}K_t(x,x')e^{-{\mu^2t\over \hbar}} \Big]^{-1}
,\end{aligned}$$ which is exponentially small as it should be for a tunneling solution. Note that this solution breaks down if the surface has a bound state exactly at the same value $-\mu^2$, which is not surprising since then we must resort to degenerate perturbation theory to get the solution. Similar comments will apply for a family of curves and surfaces supporting singular interactions. We plan to come back to some of these issues in future work.
This work is supported by Boğaziçi University BAP Project \#:6513.
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[^1]: We would like to thank the referee for pointing out this example.
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abstract: 'Nanostructured metal surfaces comprised of periodically arranged spherical voids are grown by electrochemical deposition through a self-assembled template. Detailed measurements of the angle- and orientation-dependent reflectivity reveal the spectral dispersion, from which we identify the presence of both delocalized Bragg- and localized Mie-plasmons. These couple strongly producing bonding and anti-bonding mixed plasmons with anomalous dispersion properties. Appropriate plasmon engineering of the void morphology selects the plasmon spatial and spectral positions, allowing these plasmonic crystal films to be optimised for a wide range of sensing applications.'
- 'T.A. Kelf'
- 'Y. Sugawara'
- 'J.J. Baumberg'
- 'M. Abdelsalam'
- 'P.N. Bartlett'
title: Plasmonic bandgaps and Trapped Plasmons on Nanostructured Metal Surfaces
In recent years the topic of surface plasmons and plasmon-active surfaces has become of interest to a broad range of disciplines.[@Barnes03] Stemming from the desire to construct plasmon devices and the ability to make and characterize metallic structures on the nano-scale, plasmonics finds applications in fields as diverse as optical switching[@Krasavin05], near-field photonics[@Zayats03] and surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy.[@Tian02] A critical issue for the application of plasmons is their location and spatial extent within complicated 3D metal geometries. Despite impressive progress in the field of scanning near-field microscopy, the technique is selective in the plasmons it records, is somewhat invasive to the plasmon fields, and is unable to distinguish between localized or delocalized modes.[@Hohng02] The difficulties are exemplified by the extended debate about how light squeezes through arrays of sub-wavelength holes[@Ebbesen98]. Similarly, extreme localization of plasmons on rough metal surfaces is thought to produce ‘hot-spots’ for resonant Raman scattering.[@Stockman01] It has, however, proved difficult to study in detail this process of plasmon localization.
Here we study the band-structure of, and coupling between different plasmon modes on a series of carefully controlled metal nanostructured surfaces. By measuring the polarized reflectivity of a focused white light laser while varying the sample orientation and incident angle, the spectral dispersion of surface and localized plasmons as a function of sample geometry is measured. Strong coupling between different plasmon modes is clearly observed, along with the systematic localization of surface plasmons at a critical geometrical condition. Understanding the complexity of the plasmon localization opens the way to plasmon engineered surfaces, designed for particular applications.
Along the boundary between a metal and a dielectric, surface plasmon-polaritons (SPPs) can propagate freely. By patterning such surfaces with a periodic array of holes, an incident optical field can be diffracted and couple to these SPPs.[@Hooper02] The SPPs will also multiply scatter off the periodic components of the array leading to ‘Bragg’ plasmon modes with plasmonic bandgaps. Plasmons can become localised if the field fluctuations become spatially pinned and disconnected from each other. These localised modes are highly dependent on the geometry of the surface and have attracted a growing interest for achieving large field enhancements.[@Bergman03]
The nano-structured surfaces investigated here are formed using a nano-casting process, by electrochemical deposition through a template of self-assembled latex spheres.[@Bartlett00; @Bartlett03] The resulting metallic mesh reflects the order of the self-assembled close-packed template, allowing convenient control of the pore diameters and regularity of the array. Templates are produced using a capillary force method, allowing a monolayer of well-ordered spheres to be produced, with sphere diameters, $d$, (and hence pitch) between 100nm and $>10\mu$m. Electro-deposition while measuring the total charge passed allows the accurate growth of metal to a required thickness $t$. Furthermore by systematically retracting the sample from the plating bath during growth, the nano-structure geometry can be graded. After deposition the template is dissolved, leaving the freestanding structure. This allows the production of shallow well-spaced dishes as well as encapsulated spherical voids on a single sample. Optical and electron microscopy shows that the resulting surfaces are smooth on the sub-10nm scale. We combine these with scanning probe microscopy to determine the film thickness locally. Here we concentrate mostly on Au voids, although very similar features are seen for Ag samples.
On thin regions of the sample (normalised film thickness, $\bar{t}
= t/d < 0.2$) where the surface takes the form of a hexagonal array of shallow dishes, SPPs are observed. These states multiply scatter off the rims of the dishes, forming plasmonic bandgaps similar to those formed in 2D dielectric photonic crystals. For weak scattering these Bragg plasmons track the folded plasmon dispersion in the 2D lattice (Fig.\[fig1\]a). The Bragg scattering mixes these six-fold degenerate modes, splitting their energies and forming travelling Bloch waves with different standing wave field distributions within each unit cell (bands 1,2,6 shown for small in-plane $k$ along the $\Gamma K$ direction)[@Joannopoulos95]. These distributions are calculated in a weak 2D dielectric photonic crystal approximation, and show markedly different overlap with the circular holes. Because the Bragg plasmons are travelling Bloch modes, their energy depends strongly on their direction of propagation.[@Satpathy90] As the thickness of the film increases, the rim of the spherical voids expands while the pitch remains constant, strongly increasing the scattering of the Bragg plasmons. For hemispherical voids, the top planar surface breaks up into disconnected triangular islands, preventing straightforward passage of the surface modes.
![\[fig1\] (a) Dispersion of zone-folded surface plasmon polaritons, for voids in Au spaced by 600nm. Images show surface electric field distribution for the corresponding standing wave modes at $k=1/\mu$m close to $\Gamma M$, red circles mark dishes. (b) Localised plasmon energies vs normalised sample thickness, $\bar{t}$ for a random array of separated voids. Calculated $xy$ field distributions for encapsulated spheres, $\bar{t}$=1. Inset: scanning electron micrograph of sample at $\bar{t}$=0.9.](fig1_low.eps){width="85mm"}
On the other hand, localized plasmons are trapped in the deep spherical cavities embedded in the film at larger thicknesses. Within fully encapsulated voids these modes can be modelled using a Mie scattering approach [@Coyle01; @Teperik05], hereafter referred to as ‘Mie’ plasmons. Because they are localized they can directly couple to optical fields and are nearly isotropic - largely uninfluenced by the electric fields from neighbouring voids. When the voids are truncated ($\bar{t}<1$), Mie modes of different symmetry are coupled together and their energies are forced upward (Fig.\[fig1\]b) towards the energy of the 2D surface plasmon (the flat metal limit for $t$=0). The lines are extracted from experiments on amorphous random arrays of separated voids of the same dimensions (as previously identified in [@Coyle01]). The Mie plasmon wavefunctions correspond to spherical harmonics similar to atomic orbitals, labelled by angular and azimuthal quantum numbers, ($l,m$).[@Coyle01] For a single 600nm spherical void in Au, the energies of $p$ and $d$ Mie states are 1.64eV and 2.22eV respectively, compared to the Bragg plasmon mode at $k$=0 of 2.12eV.
Hence as the thickness of the film is increased, the localized Mie modes drop from the 2D plasmon around 2.5eV, down through the propagating Bragg modes. It is the strong coupling between these modes that controls the plasmon properties on these nanostructured metal surfaces.
The key role of spectral- and angular-dispersion motivates the collection of accurate data from different thicknesses of these nanostructures. An automated goniometer configuration allows precise control over the orientation and position of a sample, which is illuminated by a super-continuum white light laser with wavelengths from 480nm up to 2$\mu$m. The reflected light is collimated then collected using a 100$\mu$m diameter multimode fibre and analysed in a broadband spectrometer. The use of a high-brightness laser allows high angular resolution from a small sample region.[@Netti00] Using suitable polarization optics, both polarization-preserving and polarization-rotating spectra are observed. These show similar trends in absorption for both TE and TM incident light due to the strong polarisation conversion from the voids.[@Coyle03] Here we concentrate on plasmon absorption dips in the co-polarized spectra, leaving the more subtle polarization-rotation spectra to a subsequent publication.
To exemplify the physics of the plasmons, we focus on a gold nano-void film of pitch 600nm, which most clearly resolves the plasmon interactions in the visible spectral region. For each nanostructure morphology on this graded-thickness sample, the spectral absorption is measured over a range of incident angles and sample orientations. Figure \[fig2\] shows cuts through these data sets of reflectivity, $R(\omega,k_x,k_y)$ for three different film thicknesses. The upper images show the energy dispersion with incident angle, measured in the azimuthal $\Gamma$ M direction. The dispersion and coupling strength of various plasmon modes is clearly observed, along with anticrossings between different modes. The lower images are slices at fixed energy of the symmetry of the modes in the $k_x-k_y$ plane. Propagating modes will see different dispersions in different directions and hence posses a 6-fold symmetry arising from the hexagonal lattice. Localized plasmon modes are confined within individual voids, so feel little of the samples asymmetries, appearing almost circular in these plots.
![\[fig2\]Measured energy dispersion of reflectivity for TM polarised light as a function of in-plane wavevector for increasing void thickness, $\bar{t}$ (a-c). Log colour scale, white dotted lines show zone-folded plasmon dispersion, sample orientations of $\phi$ = $30^{\circ}$ in all cases. (i-iv) $k$-space cuts through dispersion relation at; (i) ($\bar{t}$,E)=(0.25,2.2eV); (ii) ($\bar{t}$,E)=(0.4,2.2eV); (iii) ($\bar{t}$,E)=(0.4,1.7eV); (iV) ($\bar{t}$,E)=(0.6,2.2eV), symmetery shown above (i). Light shade corresponds to absorption features.](fig2_low.eps){width="85mm"}
On thin nano-void films (Fig.\[fig2\]a) nearly-pure Bragg modes are observed. This shows that for shallow dishes, the observed modes are indeed propagating plasmons, which, even at high energies (where the imaginary part of the Au dielectric constant increases strongly near the 2D plasmon energy), propagate for many lattice periods through the structure. Although they conform well to the folded Bragg dispersion theory (dotted), plasmon mode repulsion is clearly identified in the lower modes near normal incidence, corresponding to a plasmonic energy bandgap at $k$=0. This bandgap is reduced for even thinner films, but shows already that plasmon scattering is extremely strong.
As the voids become deeper the Mie plasmon drops in energy and approaches the Bragg plasmon, producing a mixing of the states (Fig.\[fig2\]b). The new mixed modes become highly non-dispersive, and their mode-symmetries appear more localized. In particular the lower Bragg modes are mixed with a Mie mode and form new states separated by an energy gap of $>$400meV. This strong-coupling regime implies that the Bragg modes are strongly perturbed and mixed when the Mie states within the voids are in resonance with them. The modes visible in Fig.\[fig2\]b smoothly convert from Mie to Bragg in the top band and vice versa in the lower band. As the thickness increases further the next Mie mode appears at higher energy, while the lowest Mie mode drops below the Bragg energy and the surface modes begin to reform (Fig.\[fig2\]c). As the modes come out of resonance, the weaker coupling gives small anticrossings between lower Mie plasmon in the void and the lower Bragg plasmon which moves on the flat surface (at 1.5eV in Fig.\[fig2\]c). The coupling of the mixed plasmon mode with incoming light is modified in the strong Bragg-Mie coupling regime. The reflectivity measures the plasmon dispersion modulated by this coupling integral. Out of resonance, the Mie modes are visible at normal incidence (e.g. for $\bar{t}=0.25$) as are the Bragg modes for smaller $\bar{t}<0.15$ (not shown). However when mixed, some of the resulting modes can be conspicuously absent around $k<1 \mu$m$^{-1}$ (Fig.\[fig2\]c). This implies that either the wavefunction becomes confined into a ring in $k$-space, or that the upper mixed plasmon is not dipolar in this symmetry. The former explanation is unlikely, given the circular dispersion symmetry observed since the plasmon would need to be delocalized over more than twenty spherical voids. The latter explanation corresponds to an anti-symmetric combination of the two dipole-allowed Bragg and Mie modes, which gives rise to a ‘dark’ quadrupolar plasmon state at $k$=0.
The resonant coupling of the Bragg modes to a given Mie mode is dependent on their in-plane momentum. Extracting the mode energies at $\theta=0,30^{\circ}$ (Fig.\[fig3\]a) shows that the maximum Rabi splittings of the mixed modes occur at different thicknesses. The nature of a given node is assertained by observing its $\theta$, $\phi$ dispersion. At normal incidence the Bragg plasmons are near degenerate close to the Bragg energy at 2.1eV.
At increasing thickness, the Mie mode comes into resonance and an anticrossing is observed at $\bar{t}=0.4$. When off normal incidence, the six Bragg modes open up, of which the lower two are clearly visible. One of these modes is quickly suppressed by $\bar{t}=0.3$, while the other shows a Rabi splitting maximized at $\bar{t}>0.6$. Thus the downwards angular dispersion of both Mie and Bragg modes causes the maximum coupling to occur for different $\bar{t}$ at different angles. The observed splitting of the plasmons corresponds to bonding and antibonding plasmon orbitals. We note however that the coupling is between a [*localised*]{} and a [*delocalised*]{} plasmon, and thus rather different to electronic states in molecules.
![\[fig3\] (a) Extracted energies of Bragg and Mie plasmons as a function of normalised sample thickness for $\theta=0^{\circ},30^{\circ}$, showing anticrossing (dashed and solid lines show experimentally determined pure Bragg (for $\bar{t}$ = 0) and Mie mode behaviour respectively). (b-d) Reflection image plots of energy vs normalised thickness for, (b) $\theta=0^{\circ},\phi=0^{\circ}$, (c) $\theta=30^{\circ},\phi=0^{\circ}$, (d) $\theta=30^{\circ},\phi=30^{\circ}$.](fig3_low.eps){width="85mm"}
The gap between bonding and anti-bonding mixed plasmons can be seen more clearly in (Fig.\[fig3\]b-d). The three images show the energy dependence of the different modes at increasing void thickness, tracked through the reflectivity, for incident angles of 0$^{\circ}$,30$^{\circ}$. In the latter case we show the thickness dependence for both principal sample orientations. In all cases the drop in energy of the Mie modes can be clearly observed with increasing thickness. At normal incidence, (Fig.\[fig3\]b) the Bragg modes visible around 2.1eV abruptly disappear at $\bar{t}=0.4$ while a localized Mie state appears at 1.55eV for $\bar{t}>0.5$. For non-normal incidence, the mode mixing depends on $\phi$. Examining the two orientations for plasmons travelling either along the necks between voids ($\phi=0^{\circ}$, Fig.\[fig3\]c) or along the line of voids ($\phi=30^{\circ}$, Fig.\[fig3\]d) reveals the symmetry of the Bragg modes that mix with the plasmons trapped in the voids. In both directions, the lowest Bragg mode (band 1) abruptly vanishes for $\bar{t}>0.4$. For $\phi=0^{\circ}$, the next Bragg mode (band 2) around 1.6eV strongly couples to the Mie mode forming a distinctive band gap. Along $\phi=30^{\circ}$ a high energy mode emerges and drops down into the lowest localized mode at 1.55eV, producing the same band gap. Examining the field distributions suggest that this is the upper Bragg mode (band 6) which has its largest electric field already within the void (Fig.\[fig1\]a).
![\[fig4\] (a) Energy dispersion vs thickness of Au nanovoid samples of different diameter $d$, mapped by reflectivity of TM polarised light for sample orientations $\theta=30^{\circ}$, $\phi=0^{\circ}$. Light shade correspond to absorption features. Vertical white line shows position of Bragg mode collapse, blue line indicates separation between Bragg modes (low energy) and Mie modes (high energy). (b) Extracted sample thickness (normalised) of Bragg mode collapse with increasing void diameter.](fig4_low.eps){width="85mm"}
Thus the scenario of localization on these nanostructured surfaces can be summarized: Bragg plasmons existing in the plasmonic crystal of shallow dishes couple strongly to Mie modes forming new mixed states. Particular Bragg modes whose fields are already stronger in the dishes lose their extended character and drop into Mie plasmons. Bragg modes with fields on the surface vanish at a critical thickness.
These conclusions are confirmed by experiments on a large number of samples of different pitch (and void diameter), and composition. In each case, the Bragg plasmons vanish at a critical thickness just as the lowest localized modes appear (Fig.\[fig4\]). Currently, exact calculation of plasmon energies in arrays of truncated spherical voids is not yet possible, though progress is being made.[@Teperik05] However, it is interesting to see already the universal features of the experimental plasmon phase diagram (Fig.\[fig4\]b). Plasmon transport is rather different in the regimes of delocalized Bragg modes (coherent plasmon transport with scattering and damping) and localized Mie modes (hopping plasmon transport, enabled by coupling to nearby Bragg modes).
As the Mie modes localize the plasmons, the surface electric fields increase in strength, thus enabling many applications for plasmonic devices. For instance, we have recently shown that these surfaces are ideal for surface enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) which is strongly enhanced in the localised Mie regime.[@Abdelsalam05] The ability to now predict and engineer appropriate plasmons suited to specific pump and emission wavelengths is a drastic improvement on previous SERS substrates. This approach has proved so promising that it is now in commercial production for a variety of applications in medical and pharmaceutical screening, homeland security and environmental monitoring.[@Mesophotonics] Understanding plasmons on nanostructured surfaces is the gateway to a new generation of nano-plasmonic devices.
We enthusiastically acknowledge discussions with Tatiana Teperick, Sacha Popov, and Javier Garcia de Abajo. This work was supported by EPSRC grants EP/C511786/1, GR/R54194/01. YS was supported by a [*JSPS*]{} Fellowship for Research Abroad, HEISEI 15.
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"pile_set_name": "ArXiv"
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abstract: 'Based on the geometric [*Triangle Algorithm*]{} for testing membership of a point in a convex set, we present a novel iterative algorithm for testing the solvability of a real linear system $Ax=b$, where $A$ is an $m \times n$ matrix of arbitrary rank. Let $C_{A,r}$ be the ellipsoid determined as the image of the Euclidean ball of radius $r$ under the linear map $A$. The basic procedure in our algorithm computes a point in $C_{A,r}$ that is either within $\varepsilon$ distance to $b$, or acts as a certificate proving $b \not \in C_{A,r}$. Each iteration takes $O(mn)$ operations and when $b$ is well-situated in $C_{A,r}$, the number of iterations is proportional to $\log{(1/\varepsilon)}$. If $Ax=b$ is solvable the algorithm computes an approximate solution or the minimum-norm solution. Otherwise, it computes a certificate to unsolvability, or the minimum-norm least-squares solution. It is also applicable to complex input. In a computational comparison with the state-of-the-art algorithm BiCGSTAB ([*Bi-conjugate gradient method stabilized*]{}), the Triangle Algorithm is very competitive. In fact, when the iterates of BiCGSTAB do not converge, our algorithm can verify $Ax=b$ is unsolvable and approximate the minimum-norm least-squares solution. The Triangle Algorithm is robust, simple to implement, and requires no preconditioner, making it attractive to practitioners, as well as researchers and educators.'
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Bahman Kalantari, Chun Lau, Yikai Zhang\
Department of Computer Science, Rutgers University, NJ\
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
- 'biblio1.bib'
title: A Geometric Algorithm for Solving Linear Systems
The significance of solving a linear system of equations arises in a variety of areas, such as Numerical Analysis, Economics, Computational Biology, and even in high school education. Solving a linear system of equations is undoubtedly one of the most practical problems in numerous aspects of scientific computing. Gaussian elimination is the most familiar method for solving a linear system of equations, discussed in numerous books, e.g. Atkinson [@Atkinson], Bini and Pan [@Bini], Golub and van Loan [@Golub], and Strang [@Strang]. The method itself is an important motivation behind the study of linear algebra. Iterative methods for solving linear systems offer very important alternatives to direct methods and find applications in problems that require the solution of very large or sparse linear systems. For example, problems from discretized partial differential equations lead to large sparse systems of equations, where direct methods become impractical.
Iterative methods, when applicable, generate a sequence of approximate solutions. They begin with an initial approximation and successively improve it until a desired approximation is reached. Iterative methods include such classical methods as the Jacobi, the Gauss-Seidel, the successive over-relaxation (SOR), the accelerated over-relaxation (AOR), and the symmetric successive over-relaxation method which applies when the coefficient matrix is symmetric. When the coefficient matrix is symmetric and positive definite the conjugate gradient method (CG) becomes applicable. Convergence rate of iterative methods can often be substantially accelerated by preconditioning. Some major references in the vast subject of iterative methods include, Barrett et al. [@Bar], Golub and van Loan [@Golub], Greenbaum [@Green], Hadjidimos [@Hadjid], Saad [@Saad], van der Vorst [@van1], Varga [@Var], and Young [@Young].
To guarantee convergence, iterative methods often require the coefficient matrix to satisfy certain conditions. Also, certain decompositions are necessary to carry out some of these iterative methods. In some earlier analysis of iterative methods only convergence criteria are considered, rather than algorithmic complexity. However, in some cases theoretical complexity analysis is provided, see e.g. Reif [@Reif] who considers the complexity of iterative methods for sparse diagonally dominant matrices. The steepest descent method and conjugate gradient method are well-analyzed for solving an $n \times n$ linear system $Ax = b$ where $A$ is symmetric positive definite. When $A$ is not positive definite one can apply these methods to the equivalent system $A^TAx=A^Tb$. However, a general consensus is that solving the normal equations can be inefficient when $A$ is poorly conditioned, see e.g. Saad [@Saad]. The reason being that the condition number of $A^TA$ is the square of the condition number of $A$.
The major computational effort in each iteration of the iterative methods involves matrix-vector multiplication, thus requiring $O(n^2)$ operations. This makes iterative methods very attractive for solving large systems and also for parallelization. There is also a vast literature on parallelization of iterative methods for large systems, see Demmel [@Dem], Dongarra et al. [@Don], Duff and van der Vorst [@Duff], van der Vorst [@van1], van der Vorst and Chan [@Van2]. A popular iterative method in practice to solve a general (non-symmetric) linear system is the [*bi-conjugate gradient method stabilized*]{} (BiCGSTAB), a Krylov subspace method that has faster and smoother convergence than [*conjugate gradient squared method (CGS)*]{} as well as the [*biconjugate gradient method*]{}. More details are given in van der Vorst [@Vorst1] and Saad [@Saad]. BiCGSTAB is the state-of-the-art method of choice as well [@Chen].
In this article we consider solving a linear system $Ax=b$, where $A$ is an $m \times n$ real or complex matrix of arbitrary rank and describe a novel geometric algorithm for computing an approximate solution, minimum-norm solution, least-squares solution, or minimum-norm least-squares solution. Thus, when $A$ is invertible, our algorithm approximates the unique solution. When $A$ is not invertible but $Ax=b$ is solvable, it approximates the solution with smallest norm, and when $Ax=b$ has no solution, it approximates the solution that minimizes $\Vert Ax - b \Vert$ with smallest norm. Also, when $Ax=b$ has no solution, it computes a certificate proving unsolvability.
The algorithm is inspired by the [*Triangle Algorithm*]{} developed for the [*convex hull membership problem*]{} problem and its generalization in Kalantari [@kalfull; @kalcon]. Driven by the convex hull membership problem, we propose a variant of the Triangle Algorithm for linear systems of arbitrary dimension, requiring no assumption on the matrix $A$. We also make a computational comparison with the state-of-the-art algorithm BiCGSTAB in solving a square linear system. Our algorithm shows promising and strong results in this comparison, both in terms of speed and the quality of solutions. The relevance of this comparison lies in the fact that both algorithms offer alternatives to exact methods and to the iterative methods while requiring none of the structural restrictions of the latter methods. The extreme simplicity and theoretical complexity bounds suggest practicality of the new method, especially for large scale or sparse systems. Our computational results are very encouraging and support the practicality of the Triangle Algorithm.
The article is organized as follows. In Section \[sec2\], we describe the basics of the Triangle Algorithm and its complexity bounds. In Section \[sec3\], we consider the Triangle Algorithm and its modifications for solving a linear system, $Ax=b$. We prove some properties for the basic tasks in the Triangle Algorithm in testing if $b$ lies in an ellipsoid $C_{A,r}=\{Ax: \Vert x \Vert \leq r\}$, i.e. the image of ball of radius $r$ under the linear map $A$. In Subsection \[subsec3.1\], we describe Algorithm \[alg1\] for testing if $b \in C_{A,r}$. In Subsection \[subsec3.2\], we describe Algorithm \[alg2\] for testing if $Ax=b$ is solvable, where the radius $r$ is repeatedly increased, starting from an initial estimate. In Subsection \[subsec3.3\], we establish properties of this algorithm for testing the solvability of $Ax=b$ and if not, in approximating the least-squares solution, as well as the minimum-norm least-squares solution. In Section \[sec4\], we present computational results with the Triangle Algorithm and contrast it with the widely-used BiCGSTAB. We conclude with some final remarks.
Triangle Algorithm for General Convex Hull Membership {#sec2}
Let the [*general convex hull membership*]{} (GCHM) problem be defined as follows: Given a bounded subset $S$ in $\mathbb{R}^m$ and a distinguished point $p \in \mathbb{R}^m$, determine if $p \in C=conv(S)$, the convex hull of $S$. Specifically, given $\varepsilon \in (0, 1)$, either compute $p' \in C$ such that $\|p' - p\| \leq \varepsilon$, or find a hyperplane that separates $p$ from $C$. We describe the basics of the [*Triangle Algorithm*]{} for solving GCHM from [@kalfull; @kalcon].
\[defp\] Given an arbitrary $p' \in C$, $p' \not =p$, called [*iterate*]{}, a point $v \in C$ is called a [*pivot*]{} (at $p'$) if $$\label{pivot}
\|p' - v\| \geq \|p - v\| \quad \iff \quad
(p-p')^Tv \geq \frac{1}{2} (\Vert p \Vert^2 - \Vert p' \Vert^2).$$ If no pivot exists $p'$ is called a [*witness*]{}. A pivot $v$ is a [*strict pivot*]{} if $$\label{pivots}
(p-p')^T(v-p) \geq 0.$$ Thus, when the three points are distinct $\angle p'pv$ is at least $\pi/2$.
An iterate $p' \in C$ is a witness if and only if the orthogonal bisecting hyperplane to the line segment $pp'$ separates $p$ from $C$, implying $p \not\in C$.
The Triangle Algorithm works as follows: Given $\varepsilon \in (0,1)$ and $p' \in C$, if $\Vert p - p' \Vert \leq \varepsilon$ it stops. If $p'$ is a witness, $p \not \in C$. Otherwise, it computes a pivot $v$ and computes the next iterate $p''$ as the nearest point to $p$ on the line segment $p'v$.
\[prop1\] Given $p$, $p'$ and a pivot $v$, the nearest point of $p$ on $p'v$ is $$\label{alph}
p'' = (1 - \alpha)p' + \alpha v, \quad \alpha = \min \bigg \{1, \frac{(p - p')^T(v - p')}{\|v - p'\|^2} \bigg \}. \qed$$
The Triangle Algorithm replaces $p'$ with $p''$ and repeats the above iteration. The test for the existence of a pivot (or strict pivot) in the worst-case amounts to computing the optimal solution $v_*$ of $$\label{pivottest}
\max\{c^Tx : x \in C\}, \quad c = p - p'.$$ It follows from (\[pivot\]) that $v_*$ is either a pivot, or $p'$ is a witness. In fact, if $p \in C$, it follows from (\[pivots\]) that $v_*$ is a strict pivot. The correctness of the Triangle Algorithm for GCHM is due to the following theorem proved in [@kalfull; @kalcon].
\[thm1\] [[(Distance Duality)]{}]{} $p \in C$ if and only if for each $p' \in C$ there exists a (strict) pivot $v \in C$. Equivalently, $p \not\in C$ if and only if there exists a witness $p' \in C$.
The iteration complexity for Triangle Algorithm is given in the following theorem.
\[thm2\] [[(Complexity Bounds)]{}]{} Let $R = \max\{\|x - p\| : x \in C\}$. Let $\varepsilon \in (0,1)$. Triangle Algorithm terminates with $p' \in C$ such that one of the following conditions is satisfied:
\(i) $\|p - p_{\varepsilon}\| \leq \varepsilon$ and the number of iterations is $O(R^2/\varepsilon^2)$. If $p$ is the center of ball of radius $\rho$ in the relative interior of $C$ and each iteration uses a strict pivot, the number of iterations is $O((R/\rho)^2 \ln{1 / \varepsilon})$.
\(ii) $p'$ is a witness and the number of iterations is $O(R^2/\delta_*^2)$, where $\delta_* = \min \{\|x - p\| : x \in C\}$. Moreover, $$\delta_* \leq \|p' - p\| \leq 2\delta_*. \tag*{\qed}$$
When $p$ is interior to $C$ we can think of the ratio $R/\rho$ as a [*condition number*]{} for the problem. If this condition number is not large the complexity is only logarithmic in $1/\varepsilon$, hence few iterations will suffice.
More details on the Triangle Algorithm for GCHM is given in [@kalfull; @kalcon]. For applications of Triangle Algorithm in optimization, computational geometry, and machine learning, see [@AKZ].
Application of Triangle Algorithm to Linear Systems {#sec3}
Given an $m \times n$ real matrix $A$, and $b \in \mathbb{R}^m$, we wish to solve $$\label{eqnn}
Ax = b.$$ We may also wish to solve the [*normal equation*]{}: $$\label{eqnnm}
A^TAx =A^Tb.$$ Additionally, it may be desirable to compute the [*minimum-norm*]{} solution of (\[eqnn\]) or (\[eqnnm\]). While (\[eqnn\]) may be unsolvable, (\[eqnnm\]) is always solvable. A direct proof of solvability of (\[eqnnm\]) is as follows: From one of the many equivalent formulations of the well-known Farkas Lemma, described in every linear programming book, it follows that if $A^TAx=A^Tb$ is not solvable there exists $y$ such that $A^TAy=0$, $b^TAy <0$. But this gives $y^TA^TAy= \Vert A y \Vert ^2=0$. Hence $Ay=0$, contradicting that $b^TAy <0$.
Any solution to the normal equation satisfies the least-squares formula $$\label{deltax}
\Delta= \min \{\Vert Ax - b \Vert : x \in \mathbb{R}^n \}.$$ Hence, a solution to the normal equation is a [*least-squares*]{} solution. Thus once we have a solution $x$ to the normal equation we can check the solvability of $Ax=b$. The [*minimum-norm*]{} least-squares solution, denoted by $x_*$, is the solution to (\[deltax\]) with minimum norm. It is known that $x_*=V\Sigma^{\dagger}U^Tb$, where $U \Sigma V^T$ is the singular value decomposition of $A$, and $\Sigma^{\dagger}$ is the pseudo-inverse of $\Sigma$. In particular, if $\sigma_*$ is the least singular value, $$\label{rstar}
\Vert x_* \Vert \leq \frac{1}{ \sigma_*} \Vert b \Vert.$$
In this article we will develop a version of the Triangle Algorithm that can solve the approximate versions of (\[eqnn\]) or (\[eqnnm\]) in an interrelated fashion. The algorithm is simple to implement and, as our computational results demonstrate, it works very well in practice.
Given $r >0$, consider the ellipsoid defined as the image of the ball of radius $r$ under the linear map $A$: $$\begin{aligned}
C_{A,r} = \{y = Ax: \|x\| \leq r\}.\end{aligned}$$ We will analyze the Triangle Algorithm for testing if $b \in C_{A,r}$.
\[prop0\] Let $p=b$. Given $x' \in \mathbb{R}^n$, where $\|x'\| \leq r$, let $p' = Ax'$. Assume $p' \not =p$. Let $$\label{c}
c= A^T(p-p')=A^TAx'-A^Tb.$$
\(1) If $c=0$, $p'$ is witness.
\(2) If $c \not =0$, let $v_r=rA{c}/{\|c\|}$. Then $$\label{vr}
\max\{c^Tx: \|x\| \leq r\} = c^T v_r= r \Vert c \Vert.$$
\(3) $v_r$ is a pivot if and only if $$\label{eqlem}
r \Vert c \Vert \geq \frac{1}{2} (\Vert p \Vert^2 - \Vert p' \Vert^2).$$
\(4) $v_r$ is a strict pivot if and only if $$\label{eqlem2}
r \Vert c \Vert \geq (p-p')^Tp.$$ Furthermore, if $p \in C_{A,r}$, $v_r$ is a strict pivot. On the other hand, if $v_r$ is not a strict pivot, the orthogonal hyperplane to the line segment $p'p$, passing to through the nearest point of $v_r$, separates $p$ from $C_{A,r}$.
(1): Since $p' \not = p$, if $p$ is not a witness, from the Triangle Algorithm there exists a pivot in $C_{A,r}$ and this in turn implies there exists $p'' \in C_{A,r}$ such that $\Vert p''-p \Vert < \Vert p'-p \Vert$. But since $x'$ is a solution to the normal equation $\Vert p'-p \Vert$ is minimum, a contradiction.
(2): The first equality in (\[vr\]) follows trivially since the optimization is over a ball. The second equality follows from the definition of $v_r$.
\(3) and (4): Considering the definitions of pivot and strict pivot in (\[pivots\]), (\[eqlem\]) and (\[eqlem2\]) follow. The proof of the remaining part is analogous to proving that a witness induces a separating hyperplane.
The computation of a pivot in $C_{A,r}$ can be established efficiently, in $O(mn)$ operations. Geometrically, to find $v_r$, consider the orthogonal hyperplane to line $pp'$, then move the hyperplane from $p'$ toward $p$ until it is tangential to the boundary of the ellipsoid. For illustration, see Figure \[AAD\]. Before describing the algorithm to test if $p$ lies in $C_{A,r}$ we state some results.
\[new\] $Ax=b$ is unsolvable if and only if for each $r>0$, there exists a witness $p' \in C_{A,r}$, dependent on $r$, such that if $p=b$, $c=A^T(p-p')$, then $$\label{infeasibility}
r \Vert c \Vert < \frac{1}{2} (\Vert p \Vert^2 - \Vert p' \Vert^2) \leq (p-p')^Tp.$$
Suppose $Ax=b$ is not solvable. Given, $r >0$, $p \not \in C_{A,r}$. Hence, there exists a witness $p' \in C_{A,r}$ and by (\[eqlem\]) in Proposition \[prop0\], the strict inequality in (\[infeasibility\]) holds. But then the inequality holds from the fact that $\Vert p - p' \Vert ^2 \geq 0$. Conversely, if for each $r>0$, there exists $p'$ such that (\[infeasibility\]) holds, then $p'$ is witness, implying $b \not \in C_{A,r}$. Hence, $Ax=b$ is unsolvable.
\[cor1\] Suppose $p=b \not \in C_{A,r}$. Then there exists $p' \in C_{A,r}$ such that $p \not \in C_{A,r'}$, for all $r'$ satisfying $$r \leq r' < \frac{(p-p')^Tp}{ \Vert c \Vert}.$$
The result follows immediately from the previous theorem.
Corollary \[cor1\] suggests a witness in $C_{A,r}$ can be used to compute a lower bound to the norm of the minimum-norm solution to $Ax=b$, hence a lower bound to $\Vert x_* \Vert$ (see (\[rstar\])).
Triangle Algorithm for Testing if $b$ Lies in the Ellipsoid $C_{A,r}$ {#subsec3.1}
Algorithm \[alg1\] below describes the Triangle Algorithm for testing if $b$ lies in $C_{A,r}$.
\[alg1\] $p \gets b$, $x' \gets 0$, $p' \gets 0$\
Taking into account that when $p \in C_{A,r}$, if $v_r$ is a pivot it is also a strict pivot, as well as using Proposition \[prop0\] and the bound, a restatement of Theorem \[thm2\] for Algorithm \[alg1\] that tests if $p=b \in C_{A,r}$ for a given $r$ is the following: $$\max \{ \Vert Ax-b \Vert : \Vert x \Vert \leq r\} \leq 2\max \{ \Vert Ax\Vert : \Vert x \Vert \leq r\}= 2r \Vert A \Vert.$$
\[thm2p\] [[(Complexity Bounds)]{}]{} Algorithm \[alg1\] terminates with $p' \in C_{A,r}$ such that one of the following conditions is satisfied and where each iteration takes $O(mn)$ operations:
\(i) $\|p - p'\| \leq \varepsilon$ and the number of iterations is $O(r^2 \Vert A \Vert^2/\varepsilon^2)$. If $p$ is the center of ball of radius $\rho$ in the relative interior of $C_{A,r}$, the number of iterations is $O((r \Vert A \Vert/\rho)^2 \ln{1 / \varepsilon})$.
\(ii) $p'$ is witness and the number of iterations is $O(r^2 \Vert A \Vert^2/\delta_r^2)$, where $\delta_r = \min \{\|Ax - p\| : \Vert x \Vert \leq r\}$. Moreover, $$\label{deltabound}
\delta_r \leq \|p - p'\| \leq 2\delta_r. \qed$$
When $p \in C_{A,r}$ the radius $r$ plays a role in the complexity of the algorithm. This is shown in Figure \[tfig:1\]. Figure \[AAD\] shows one iteration of the algorithm. If for some $x$ with $\Vert x \Vert \leq r$ we have $Ax=b$, then the final $x'$ is an approximate solution. Otherwise, it follows that $Ax=b$ is not solvable when $\Vert x \Vert \leq r$.
Triangle Algorithm for Testing Solvability of $Ax=b$ {#subsec3.2}
Given a linear system $Ax=b$, to test if it is solvable we need a more elaborate algorithm than Algorithm \[alg1\]. The algorithm below computes an $\varepsilon$-[*approximate*]{} solution $x_\varepsilon$ satisfying $\Vert A x_\varepsilon - b \Vert \leq \varepsilon$, when such a solution exists. Given an initial radius $r_0>0$, it checks if an approximate solution exists in $C_{A,r_0}$. When a pivot does not exists, it at least doubles the radius $r_0$ (see Corollary \[cor1\]) and repeats the process.
\[alg2\] $p \gets b$, $x' \gets 0$, $p' \gets 0$, $r \gets r_0$\
Properties of Algorithm \[alg2\] {#subsec3.3}
Here we prove properties of Algorithm \[alg2\] showing that while it is designed to solve $Ax=b$, it can also be used to solve the normal equation and detect the unsolvability of $Ax=b$.
\[finalthm\] Algorithm \[alg2\] satisfies the following properties:
\(i) If $Ax=b$ is solvable, given any $r \geq \Vert x_* \Vert$, Algorithm \[alg2\] computes $x'$, $\Vert x' \Vert \leq r$ such that $$\label{eqaxb}
\Vert A x' - b \Vert \leq \varepsilon.$$ Furthermore, if $b \not \in C_{A,r_0}$, $$\label{eqaxb1}
\Vert x' \Vert \leq 2 \Vert x_* \Vert.$$
\(ii) Let $r_\varepsilon = {\Vert b \Vert^2}/{\varepsilon}$. Given any $r \geq r_\varepsilon$, Algorithm \[alg2\] computes $x'$, $\Vert x' \Vert \leq r_\varepsilon$ such that it either satisfies (\[eqaxb\]), or it satisfies (\[eqi\]): $$\label{eqi}
\Vert A^TAx' - A^Tb\Vert \leq \varepsilon.$$
\(iii) Let $r'_\varepsilon= (\Vert b \Vert / \varepsilon) \max \big \{\Vert b \Vert, {2}/{\sigma_*} \big \}$. Given any $r \geq r'_\varepsilon$, Algorithm \[alg2\] computes $x'$ with $\Vert x' \Vert \leq r_\varepsilon$ such that it either satisfies (\[eqaxb\]) or it satisfies (\[eqii\]): $$\label{eqii}
\Vert A^TAx'- A^Tb \Vert \leq \varepsilon, \quad \bigg | (p-p')^Tp - \Vert p - p' \Vert^2 \bigg | \leq \varepsilon, \quad
4 \Delta^2 \geq (p-p')^Tp - \varepsilon.$$ In particular, if $(p-p')^Tp \geq 2 \varepsilon$, then $\Delta \geq \sqrt{\varepsilon}/2$ (hence $Ax=b$ is unsolvable).
Proof of (i): In this case $Ax_*=b$. Hence for any $r \geq \Vert x_* \Vert$, $b \in C_{A,r}$. Proof of (\[eqaxb1\]) follows from the way the value of $r$ is increased in the algorithm each time a witness is encountered.
Proof of (ii): Suppose for a given $r >0$, $b=p \not \in C_{A,r}$. There exists $p' \in C_{A,r}$ that does not admit a strict pivot. From Proposition \[prop0\] and Cauchy Schwarz inequality, $$\label{bound1}
r \Vert c \Vert < (p-p')^T p \leq \Vert p - p' \Vert \cdot \Vert b \Vert.$$ Given any $r \geq r_0$ in Algorithm \[alg2\], $\Vert p - p' \Vert$ is bounded above by the initial gap. Since initially $p'=0$, $\Vert p -p' \Vert \leq \Vert b \Vert $. Substituting in (\[bound1\]), $r \Vert c \Vert \leq \Vert b \Vert ^2$. This proves the choice of $r_\varepsilon$ gives (\[eqi\]).
Proof of (iii): Given any $p'=Ax'\in C_{A,r}$, using $\Vert p - p' \Vert^2= (p-p')^T(p-p')$ we have, $$(p-p')^Tp - \Vert p - p' \Vert^2= p'^T(p-p').$$ In particular, $$\label{eqiiia}
\bigg | (p-p')^Tp - \Vert p- p' \Vert^2 \bigg | \leq \Vert p'^T(p-p') \Vert.$$ Let $x_*'$ be the minimum-norm solution to $Ax'=p'$. Applying the bound on the minimum-norm solution of this linear system (see (\[rstar\])) we get, $\Vert x'_* \Vert \leq \Vert p' \Vert/\sigma_*$. Since $ \Vert p - p' \Vert \leq \Vert b \Vert$, we get $ \Vert p' \Vert \leq \Vert b \Vert + \Vert b \Vert = 2\Vert b \Vert$. Hence, $\Vert x'_* \Vert \leq 2\Vert b \Vert/\sigma_*$. Using this bound and that $p'^T(p-p')=x_*'^T A^T(p-p')$, from (\[eqiiia\]) we get $$\label{eqiiib}
\bigg | (p-p')^Tp - \Vert p- p' \Vert^2 \bigg | \leq \Vert x_*' \Vert \cdot \Vert A^T(p-p') \Vert \leq \frac{2 \Vert b \Vert}{\sigma_*} \Vert c \Vert.$$ To get the right-hand-side of the above to be less than or equal to $\varepsilon$ it suffices to get $\Vert c \Vert \leq {\sigma_*} \varepsilon/ {2 \Vert b \Vert}$. From (ii) it follows that when $r \geq r'_\varepsilon$, $\Vert c \Vert$ is properly bounded and hence the first and second inequalities in (\[eqii\]) are satisfied. Finally, we prove the last inequality in (\[eqii\]). From the bound on $x_*$ in (\[rstar\]) and the definition of $r'_\varepsilon$ it follows that $x_* \in C_{A, r'_\varepsilon}$. Since $p'$ is a witness, it follows from (\[deltabound\]) in Theorem \[thm2p\] that $$\label{eqx1}
\Vert p - p' \Vert \leq 2 \Delta = 2 \Vert p - Ax_* \Vert.$$ From the first two inequalities in (\[eqii\]) we may write $$\label{eqx2}
\Vert p - p' \Vert^2 \geq (p-p')^Tp - \varepsilon.$$ From (\[eqx1\]) and (\[eqx2\]) we have proved the lower bound on $\Delta$.
Some implications of Theorem \[finalthm\] regarding Algorithm \[alg2\] are:
\(1) Once we have computed an $\varepsilon$-approximate solution to $Ax =b$ in $C_{A,r}$, by using binary search we can compute an approximate solution whose norm is arbitrarily close to $r_*= \Vert x_* \Vert$.
\(2) If $Ax=b$ does not admit an $\varepsilon$-approximate solution, Algorithm \[alg2\] does not terminate. Hence in practice we have to modify the algorithm so it terminates. A simple modification is to terminate when $r$ exceeds a certain bound. However, by part (ii) of Theorem \[finalthm\], each time the algorithm computes a point $p' \in C_{A,r}$ which does not admit a strict pivot we can check if $\Vert c \Vert \leq \varepsilon $. When $r$ is sufficiently large such $c$ will be at hand. In other words, we can use $r_\varepsilon$ as an upper bound on $r$ for termination of Algorithm \[alg2\]. Then, by part (ii) the algorithm either gives an $\varepsilon$-approximate solution of $Ax=b$ or such approximation to the normal equation $A^TAx=A^Tb$.
\(3) If $Ax=b$ does not admit an $\varepsilon$-approximate solution, part (iii) implies there exists $r$ such that both $\Vert c \Vert \leq \varepsilon$ and $\big | (p-p')^Tp - \Vert p - p' \Vert^2 \big | \leq \varepsilon$. When this happens and $(p-p')^Tp$ is not too small, we can terminate the algorithm with the assurance that $Ax=b$ does not admit an $\varepsilon$-approximate solution, or even the assurance that it is unsolvable.
In summary, despite its simplicity, Algorithm \[alg2\] is not only capable of computing an $\varepsilon$-approximate solution to $Ax=b$ when such solution exists, but with simple modifications it can compute an $\varepsilon$-approximate solution to the normal equation. Also, it can compute such an approximate solution and also detect unsolvability of $Ax=b$, even place a lower bound on $\Delta$. Additionally, the algorithm can compute an approximate solution $x'$ to $x_*$, the minimum-norm least-squares solution, where $\Vert x'\Vert$ is as close to $\Vert x_* \Vert$ as desired. Finally, Algorithm \[alg2\] can be modified in different ways, e.g. using strict pivots rather than just pivot or alternating between the two and only use a pivot in applications that may need it, e.g. in proving part (iii) of Theorem \[finalthm\].
Computational Results {#sec4}
In this section, we present computational results on the Triangle Algorithm, as well as compare the algorithm to the widely used state-of-the-art algorithm BiCGSTAB for solving square linear systems $Ax=b$. The dimension of the matrix $A$ ranges between $100$ and $2000$. We compare both algorithms in three different settings: general, low-rank, and ill-conditioned linear systems explained below.
- **General Linear Systems:** In the general random linear system setting, the matrix $A$ is entry-wise randomly generated using two different distributions: Uniform and Gaussian. In particular, the entries are chosen such that $A$ is dense.
- **Low-rank Linear Systems:** To generate a matrix $A$ with low rank, we first generate a random matrix similar to the general case, but we run SVD on $A$ and truncate the last $50 \%$ of the singular values to $0$.
- **Ill-conditioned Linear Systems:** To generate a matrix $A$ that is ill-conditioned, we first generate a random matrix similar to the general case and run SVD on $A$, then set $50 \%$ of the singular values to $0.001$.
Having generated $A$ using one of the three schemes, we randomly generate a solution $x$ by the corresponding distribution and compute $b=Ax$. The goal of the algorithms is to recover $x$. The computational experiments are run on MATLAB 2019a. For BiCGSTAB, we use the module [*BiCGSTABl*]{} provided by MATLAB. The [*BiCGSTABl*]{} module requires a preconditioner, so we used the incomplete LU factorization. Without the preconditioner, there is no guarantee that BiCGSTAB converges at all. For each of the three settings a new matrix $A$ is used so that the experiments in the settings are independent.
Figures \[tfig:2\] and \[tfig:3\] demonstrate the computational results comparing the speed of the Triangle Algorithm to BiCGSTAB using $\varepsilon=.01$ and $\varepsilon=.001$. The $x$-axis represents the dimensions of $A$ and the $y$-axis represents the running time in seconds. As shown by both figures, the Triangle Algorithm outperforms BiCGSTAB in speed for both Uniform and Gaussian random matrices in almost all cases. For both distributions, the Triangle Algorithm performs better in the low-rank and ill-conditioned cases and the runtime of the Triangle Algorithm does not increase drastically even when the dimension of $A$ become large.
We also ran the Triangle Algorithm on matrices of various dimensions using different values of $\varepsilon$ . Figures 5 and 6 show plots of runtimes for different values of $\varepsilon$ for general uniform random matrices and low-rank uniform random matrices of dimensions 500, 1000, and 2000. The $x$-axis represents ${1}/{\varepsilon}$ and the $y$-axis represents running time. While Figure 5 shows that the runtimes of the Triangle Algorithm for general uniform random matrices have some dependence on ${1}/{\varepsilon}$, Figure 6 shows that changes to ${1}/{\varepsilon}$ did not significantly affect the runtimes of the Triangle Algorithm for low-rank uniform random matrices. These results further strengthen the case for using Triangle Algorithm to solve $Ax=b$, especially when $A$ might be of low-rank.
Concluding Remarks {#concluding-remarks .unnumbered}
Based on the geometrically inspired Triangle Algorithm for testing membership in a compact convex set, in this article we have developed an easy-to-implement version of the Triangle Algorithm for approximating the solution, or the minimum-norm least-squares solution to a linear system $Ax=b$, where $A$ is an $m \times n$ matrix. An important feature of the Triangle Algorithm is that there are no constraints on $A$ such as invertibility, full-rankness, etc. In this article we have also compared computational results for solving square linear systems via the Triangle Algorithm and BiCGSTAB, the state-of-the-art algorithm for solving such systems. We have found the Triangle Algorithm to be extremely competitive. While Triangle Algorithm outperforms BiCGSTAB in almost every setting of the experiment, it performs particularly well in the low-rank and ill-conditioned cases for solvable linear systems. The Triangle Algorithm can detect unsolvability of a linear system and go on approximating the least-squares or minimum-norm least-squares solution. In contrast, when a square linear system is not solvable BiCGSTAB does not converge. Based on these results we conclude the Triangle Algorithm is a powerful algorithm for solving linear systems and can be widely used in practice. Despite the fact that our analysis is with respect to real input, all the analysis can be extended to complex input. This is because the Triangle Algorithm is based on Euclidean distance, and over complex domain, the notion of distance for a complex vector is defined accordingly. Finally, as a matter of comparison we have also tested the Triangle Algorithm against the steepest descent method [@shew] and have found the steepest descent method too slow to compete. In our forthcoming work we will further consider the application of the Triangle Algorithm in solving least-squares problem and will contrast it with the steepest descent method and Nesterov’s accelerated gradient method [@Nest].
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"pile_set_name": "ArXiv"
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abstract: 'We count the ${n}$-strand braids whose normal decomposition has length at most $2$ in the dual braid monoid ${B_{{n}}^{{\scriptscriptstyle+}*}}$ by reducing the question to a computation of free cumulants for a product of independent variables, for which we establish a general formula.'
- 'Institut Gaspard-Monge, université Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée, 5 Boulevard Descartes, Champs-sur-Marne, 77454, Marne-la-Vallée cedex 2, France'
- 'Laboratoire de Mathématiques Nicolas Oresme UMR 6139, Université de Caen, 14032 Caen, France'
- Philippe BIANE
- Patrick DEHORNOY
title: Dual Garside structure of braids and free cumulants of products
A Garside structure on a group ${G}$ is a generating family ${S}$ that gives rise to distinguished decompositions of a particular type, leading in good cases to an automatic structure on ${G}$ and, from there, to solutions of the word and conjugacy problems of ${G}$ [@Garside]. In the case of the ${n}$-strand Artin braid group ${B_{{n}}}$, two Garside structures are known: the so-called classical Garside structure, in which the distinguished generating family is a copy of the symmetric group $\mathfrak{S}_{n}$ [@Eps Chapter 9], and the so-called *dual Garside structure*, in which the distinguished generating family is a copy of the family ${\mathrm{NC}({n})}$ of all size ${n}$ noncrossing partitions [@BDM].
Whenever a finite Garside structure ${S}$ is given on a group ${G}$, natural counting problems arise, namely counting how many elements of the group ${G}$ or of the submonoid generated by ${S}$ have length (at most) $\ell$ with respect to ${S}$. Call ${S}$-normal the distinguished decompositions associated with a Garside structure ${S}$. As ${S}$-normal sequences happen to be geodesic, the above question amounts to counting ${S}$-normal sequences of length $\ell$. And, because ${S}$-normality is a purely local property, the central question is to determine ${S}$-normal sequences of length two, the general case then corresponding to taking the $\ell$th power of the incidence matrix associated with length two.
Initially motivated by the investigation of the logical strength of certain statements involving the standard braid ordering [@Dhq], the above mentioned counting questions in the case of the classical Garside structure of braids have been addressed in [@Dhi], leading to nontrivial results involving Solomon’s descent algebra and to natural conjectures, like the one established in [@HNT] using the theory of quasi-symmetric functions.
The aim of this paper is to address similar questions in the case of the dual Garside structure of braids and to obtain an explicit determination of the generating function for the number of normal sequences of length two (here ${\mathrm{Cat}_{{n}}}$ denotes the ${n}$th Catalan number):
\[P:Dual\] Let ${b^*_{{n}, 2}}$ be the number of braids of length at most $2$ in the dual braid monoid ${B_{{n}}^{{\scriptscriptstyle+}*}}$. Then the function $R({z}) = 1 + \sum_{{n}\ge1} {b^*_{{n}, 2}} {z}^{n}$ is connected with $M({z}) = 1 + \sum_{{n}\ge1} {\mathrm{Cat}_{{n}}}^2 {z}^{n}$ by the equality $$\label{E:Dual}
R({z}M({z})) = M({z}).$$
This formula, which inductively determines the numbers ${b^*_{{n}, 2}}$, will be deduced from a general formula for computing the free cumulants of a product of independent random variables.
Free cumulants where invented by Roland Speicher in order to compute with free random variables [@NiSp]. In particular, free cumulants give a simple way of computing the free additive convolution of two probability measures on the real line, namely the free cumulants of the sum of two free random variables are the sums of the free cumulants of the variables. Free cumulants also appear when one tries to compute the free cumulants of a product of free random variables, although in a more complicated way.
Here is the general formula we establish (the notations are standard and explained in section \[S:Cumulants\]):
\[T:CumProd\] Let $X_1{, ...\hspace{0.2ex},}X_k$ be a family of commuting independent random variables, and let $R^{(i)}_n$ be the free cumulants of $X_i$. Then the free cumulants of the product $X_1X_2{\hspace{0.2ex}{\cdot}{\cdot}{\cdot}\hspace{0.2ex}}X_k$ are given by$$R_n=\sum_{\pi_1\vee{\hspace{0.2ex}{\cdot}{\cdot}{\cdot}\hspace{0.2ex}}\vee\pi_k={\bf 1}_n}\prod_iR^{(i)}_{\pi_i},$$ the sum being over all $k$-tuples of noncrosssing partitions in ${\mathrm{NC}({n})}$ whose join is the largest partition.
Free cumulants are specially designed to deal with highly noncommuting objects, therefore it may come as a surprise that there is also a simple formula for computing free cumulants of a product of independent commuting random variables, in terms of the free cumulants of the factors. Actually the formula also holds, with appropriate modifications, for classical and Boolean cumulants.
The organization of the paper is as follows. In Section \[S:Dual\], we recall the description of the dual Garside structure of braid groups and raise the induced counting questions. In Section \[S:Cumulants\], we review basic definitions about free cumulants and establish Theorem \[T:CumProd\]. This part can be read independently of the rest of the paper. In Section \[S:Back\], we apply the result of Section \[S:Cumulants\] to braids and conclude with further questions and one additional result about the determinant of the involved incidence matrix.
The dual Garside structure of braids {#S:Dual}
Braid groups {#braid-groups .unnumbered}
For ${n}\ge 1$, the ${n}$-strand braid group $B_{n}$ is the group defined by the presentation $$\label{E:Present}
B_{n}= \left<{\sigma_{1}} {, ...\hspace{0.2ex},}{\sigma_{{n}-1}} \,\bigg\vert\,
{\sigma_{i}} {\sigma_{j}} = {\sigma_{j}} {\sigma_{i}}
&\text{\quad for $\vert i - j\vert \ge 2$}\\ \ {\sigma_{i}} {\sigma_{j}} {\sigma_{i}} = {\sigma_{j}} {\sigma_{i}} {\sigma_{j}}
&\text{\quad for $\vert i - j\vert = 1$}
\end{array} \right>.$$ The group ${B_{{n}}}$ is both the group of isotopy classes of ${n}$-strand geometric braids, the mapping class group of an ${n}$-punctured disk, and the fundamental group of the configuration space obtained by letting the symmetric group act on the complement of the diagonal hyperplanes in ${\mathbb{C}}^{n}$ [@Bir].
Garside structures {#garside-structures .unnumbered}
A *Garside structure* in a group ${G}$ is a subset ${S}$ of ${G}$ such that every element of ${G}$ admits a decomposition of a certain syntactic form in terms of the elements of ${S}$, namely a symmetric ${S}$-normal decomposition in the following sense.
[@Garside] Assume that ${G}$ is a group and ${S}$ is included in ${G}$.
1 A finite ${S}$-sequence $({s}_1 {, ...\hspace{0.2ex},}{s}_{d})$ is called *${S}$-normal* if, for ${i}< {d}$, every element of ${S}$ left-dividing ${s}_{{i}}{s}_{{i}+1}$ left-divides ${s}_{{i}}$, where “${f}$ left-divides ${g}$” means “${f}{^{-1}}{g}$ lies in the submonoid $\widehat{S}$ of ${G}$ generated by ${S}$”.
2 A pair of finite ${S}$-sequences $(({s}_1 {, ...\hspace{0.2ex},}{s}_{d}), ({t}_1 {, ...\hspace{0.2ex},}{t}_{e}))$ is called *symmetric ${S}$-normal* if $({s}_1 {, ...\hspace{0.2ex},}{s}_{d})$ and $({t}_1 {, ...\hspace{0.2ex},}{t}_{e})$ are ${S}$-normal and, in addition, the only element of ${S}$ left-dividing ${s}_1$ and ${t}_1$ is $1$.
3 We say that $({s}_1 {, ...\hspace{0.2ex},}{s}_{d})$ ([[*resp.[ ]{}*]{}]{}$(({s}_1 {, ...\hspace{0.2ex},}{s}_{d}), ({t}_1 {, ...\hspace{0.2ex},}{t}_{e}))$) is a *decomposition* for an element ${g}$ of ${G}$ if ${g}= {s}_1 {\hspace{0.2ex}{\cdot}{\cdot}{\cdot}\hspace{0.2ex}}{s}_{d}$ ([[*resp.[ ]{}*]{}]{}${g}= {t}_{{e}}{^{-1}}{\hspace{0.2ex}{\cdot}{\cdot}{\cdot}\hspace{0.2ex}}{t}_1{^{-1}}{s}_1 {\hspace{0.2ex}{\cdot}{\cdot}{\cdot}\hspace{0.2ex}}{s}_{{d}}$) holds in ${G}$.
Every group ${G}$ is trivially a Garside structure in itself, and the notion is interesting only when ${S}$ is small, typically when ${G}$ is infinite and ${S}$ is finite or, at least, is properly included in ${G}$. Under mild assumptions, the existence of a finite Garside structure implies good properties for the group ${G}$ such as the existence of an automatic structure or the decidability of the word and conjugacy problems.
Whenever ${S}$ is a finite generating family in a group ${G}$, it is natural to consider the numbers $${N^{{S}}_{{d}}} = {\mathtt{\#}}\{{g}\in {G}\mid {\Vert{g}\Vert_{{S}}} = {d}\},$$ where ${\Vert{g}\Vert_{{S}}}$ refers to the minimal length of an ${S}$-decomposition. In the case of a Garside structure, symmetric ${S}$-normal decompositions are (essentially) unique, and they are geodesic. Therefore, ${N^{{S}}_{{d}}}$ identifies with the number of length ${d}$ symmetric ${S}$-normal sequences. In such a context, the submonoid ${\widehat{S}}$ of ${G}$ generated by ${S}$ is the family of all elements of ${G}$ whose symmetric ${S}$-normal decomposition has an empty denominator, that is, of all elements that admit an ${S}$-normal decomposition. Then, it is also natural to introduce the number $${N^{{S}}_{{d},+}} = {\mathtt{\#}}\{{g}\in {\widehat{S}}\mid {\Vert{g}\Vert_{{S}}} = {d}\},$$ which, by the above remark, is the number of ${S}$-normal sequences of length ${d}$. It then follows from the definition that a sequence $({s}_1 {, ...\hspace{0.2ex},}{s}_{d})$ is ${S}$-normal if and only if every length two subsequence is ${S}$-normal, and the basic question is therefore to investigate the numbers $$\label{E:General}
{N^{{S}}_{2,+}} = {\mathtt{\#}}\{({s}_1, {s}_2) \in {S}^2 \mid ({s}_1, {s}_2) \mbox{ is ${S}$-normal}\}.$$
The classical Garside structure of ${B_{{n}}}$ {#the-classical-garside-structure-ofb_n .unnumbered}
In the case of the braid group ${B_{{n}}}$, two Garside structures are known. The first one, often called *classical*, involves permutations. By , mapping ${\sigma_{{i}}}$ to the transposition $({i}, {i}{+}1)$ induces a surjective homomorphism $\mathrm{pr}_{n}: {B_{{n}}} \to {\mathfrak{S}_{{n}}}$. Considering the positive braid diagrams in which any two strands cross at most once (“simple braids”) provides a set-theoretic section for $\mathrm{pr}_{n}$, whose image is a copy ${S}_{n}$ of ${\mathfrak{S}_{{n}}}$ inside ${B_{{n}}}$. The family ${S}_{n}$ is a Garside family in ${B_{{n}}}$ [@Eps Chapter 9], the submonoid of ${B_{{n}}}$ generated by ${S}_{n}$ being the submonoid ${B_{{n}}^{\scriptscriptstyle+}}$ generated by ${\sigma_{1}} {, ...\hspace{0.2ex},}{\sigma_{{n}-1}}$ [@Gar]. The associated numbers ${N^{{S}_{n}}_{{d},+}}$ have been investigated in [@Dhi]. In particular, writing ${b_{{n},{d}}}$ for ${N^{{S}_{n}}_{{d},+}}$, it is shown that the numbers ${b_{{n},2}}$ are determined by the induction $${b_{{n},2}} = \sum_{{i}=0}^{{n}-1} (-1)^{{n}+ {i}+1} {{n}\choose {i}}^2 {b_{{i},2}}$$ and that the double exponential series $\sum {b_{{n},2}} {z}^{n}/({n}!)^2$ is the inverse of the Bessel function $J_0(\sqrt{z})$.
The dual Garside structure of ${B_{{n}}}$ {#the-dual-garside-structure-ofb_n .unnumbered}
It is known since [@BKL] that, for every ${n}$, there exists an alternative Garside structure on $B_{n}$, namely the *dual* Garside structure ${S}_{n}^*$, whose elements are in one-to-one correspondence with the noncrossing partitions of $\{1, 2 {, ...\hspace{0.2ex},}{n}\}$. The question then naturally arises of determining the derived numbers ${N^{{S}_{n}^*}_{{d}}}$ and ${N^{{S}_{n}^*}_{{d},+}}$. Here we shall concentrate on the latter, hereafter denoted ${b^*_{{n}, {d}}}$, and specifically on ${b^*_{{n}, 2}}$. By , we have $$\label{E:Dual}
{b^*_{{n}, {d}}} = {\mathtt{\#}}\{({s}_1 {, ...\hspace{0.2ex},}{s}_{d}) \in ({S}_{n}^*)^{d}\mid \forall{i}< {n}\, (({s}_{i}, {s}_{{i}+1}) \mbox{ is ${S}_{n}^*$-normal)}\}.$$
In order to compute the numbers ${b^*_{{n}, {d}}}$, we shall describe the correspondence between ${S}_{n}^*$ and noncrossing partitions and interpret the ${S}_{n}^*$-normality condition in terms of the latter.
We recall that a set partition of the set $\{1 {, ...\hspace{0.2ex},}n\}$ is called noncrossing if there is no quadruple $1\le i<j<k<l\le n$ such that $i$ and $k$ belong to some part of the partition, whereas $j$ and $l$ belong to another part. The set of noncrossing partitions of $\{1 {, ...\hspace{0.2ex},}n\}$, denoted by ${\mathrm{NC}({n})}$, is a poset for the reverse refinement order: for two partitions $\pi$ and $\pi'$ one has $\pi\le \pi'$ if and only if each part of $\pi$ is included in some part of $\pi'$. With this order, ${\mathrm{NC}({n})}$ is a lattice, with largest element ${\bf 1}_n$ the partition with only one part, and smallest element ${\bf 0}_n$, the partition into $n$ singletons. We will denote by $\pi_1 \vee {\hspace{0.2ex}{\cdot}{\cdot}{\cdot}\hspace{0.2ex}}\vee\pi_{d}$ the join of a family of noncrossing partitions.
[@BKL] \[D:FRGen\] For $1 \le {i}< {j}$, put ${a_{{i}, {j}}} = {\sigma_{{i}}} ... {\sigma_{{j}-2}} \, {\sigma_{{j}-1}} \, {\sigma_{{j}-2}^{-1}} ... {\sigma_{{i}}^{-1}}$ in ${B_{{n}}}$. The *dual braid monoid* ${B_{{n}}^{{\scriptscriptstyle+}*}}$ is the submonoid of ${B_{{n}}}$ generated by all elements ${a_{{i}, {j}}}$, and ${S}_{n}^*$ is the family of all left-divisors of ${\Delta^*}_{n}$ in ${B_{{n}}^{{\scriptscriptstyle+}*}}$, with ${\Delta^*}_{n}= {\sigma_{1}}{\sigma_{2}} {\hspace{0.2ex}{\cdot}{\cdot}{\cdot}\hspace{0.2ex}}{\sigma_{{n}-1}}$.
Note that ${\sigma_{{i}}} = {a_{{i}, {i}+1}}$ holds for every ${i}$, hence ${B_{{n}}^{{\scriptscriptstyle+}*}}$ includes ${B_{{n}}^{\scriptscriptstyle+}}$, a proper inclusion for ${n}\ge 3$.
[@BKL] The family ${S}^*_{n}$ is a Garside structure on the group ${B_{{n}}}$.
(4,0) It is convenient to associate with the ${n}$-strand braid ${a_{{i}, {j}}}$ a graphical representation as the chord $({i}, {j})$ in a disk with ${n}$ marked vertices on the border as shown on the right.
(0,0)(-20,-8) (10;2)[q1]{}(10;1)[q2]{}(10;0)[q3]{}(10;7)[q4]{} (10;6)[q5]{}(10;5)[q6]{}(10;4)[q7]{}(10;3)[q8]{} (0,0)[10]{} (q3)(q6) [(q1)[2pt]{}]{}[(q2)[2pt]{}]{}[(q3)[2pt]{}]{}[(q4)[2pt]{}]{} [(q5)[2pt]{}]{}[(q6)[2pt]{}]{}[(q7)[2pt]{}]{}[(q8)[2pt]{}]{} (10;2)[q1]{}(10;1)[q2]{}(10;0)[q3]{}(10;7)[q4]{} (10;6)[q5]{}(10;5)[q6]{}(10;4)[q7]{}(10;3)[q8]{} (q1)[$\scriptstyle1$]{}(q3)[$\scriptstyle{i}$]{}(q6)[$\scriptstyle{j}$]{}(q8)[$\scriptstyle{n}$]{}
Then the correspondence between the elements of ${S}_{n}^*$ and noncrossing partitions stems from the following observation:
[@BDM] \[L:Order\] For ${P}$ a union of disjoint polygons in the ${n}$-marked disk, say ${P}= {P}_1 \cup {\hspace{0.2ex}{\cdot}{\cdot}{\cdot}\hspace{0.2ex}}\cup {P}_{d}$, let ${a_{{P}}} = {a_{{P}_1}} {\hspace{0.2ex}{\cdot}{\cdot}{\cdot}\hspace{0.2ex}}{a_{{P}_{d}}}$, with ${a_{{P}_{k}}} = {a_{{i}_1, {i}_2}} {a_{{i}_2, {i}_3}} {\hspace{0.2ex}{\cdot}{\cdot}{\cdot}\hspace{0.2ex}}{a_{{i}_{{n}_{k}-1}, {i}_{{n}_{k}}}}$ where $({i}_1 {, ...\hspace{0.2ex},}{i}_{{n}_{k}})$ is a clockwise enumeration of the vertices of ${P}_{k}$.
1 The braid ${a_{{P}}}$ only depends on ${P}$ and not on the order of enumeration.
2 Mapping ${P}$ to ${a_{{P}}}$ establishes a bijection between unions of disjoint polygons in the ${n}$-marked disk and elements of ${S}_{n}^*$.
It is standard to define a bijection between noncrossing partitions of $\{1 {, ...\hspace{0.2ex},}{n}\}$ and unions of disjoint polygons in the ${n}$-marked disk, yielding the announced correspondence. Noncrossing partitions can be embedded into the symmetric group, using geodesics in the Cayley graph [@Bia]: this amounts to mapping a union of polygons to the product of the cycles obtained by enumerating their vertices in clockwise order. Note that, although noncrossing partitions may be viewed as particular permutations, the associated braids need not coincide: for instance, the cycle $(1 3)$, which corresponds to the partition $\{\{1, 3\}, \{2\}\}$, is associated in ${S}_3^*$ with the braid ${a_{1, 3}}$, that is, ${\sigma_{1}}{\sigma_{2}}{\sigma_{1}^{-1}}$, whereas it associated with ${\sigma_{1}}{\sigma_{2}}{\sigma_{1}}$ in ${S}_3$.
(4,0) For $\pi$ a noncrossing partition of $\{1 {, ...\hspace{0.2ex},}{n}\}$, we shall denote by ${a_{\pi}}$ the associated element of ${S}_{n}^*$. For instance, for $\pi = \{\{1\}, \{2,8\}, \{3,5,6\}, \{4\}, \{7\}\}$, we find ${a_{\pi}} = {a_{2, 8}} {a_{3, 5}} {a_{5, 6}}$, as shown on the right.
(0,0)(-20,-8) (10;2)[q1]{}(10;1)[q2]{}(10;0)[q3]{}(10;7)[q4]{} (10;6)[q5]{}(10;5)[q6]{}(10;4)[q7]{}(10;3)[q8]{} (0,0)[10]{} (q3)(q5)(q6)(q3) (q2)(q8) [(q1)[2pt]{}]{}[(q2)[2pt]{}]{}[(q3)[2pt]{}]{}[(q4)[2pt]{}]{} [(q5)[2pt]{}]{}[(q6)[2pt]{}]{}[(q7)[2pt]{}]{}[(q8)[2pt]{}]{} (10;2)[q1]{}(10;1)[q2]{}(10;0)[q3]{}(10;7)[q4]{} (10;6)[q5]{}(10;5)[q6]{}(10;4)[q7]{}(10;3)[q8]{} (q1)[$\scriptstyle1$]{}(q2)[$\scriptstyle2$]{}(q3)[$\scriptstyle3$]{}(q4)[$\scriptstyle4$]{}(q5)[$\scriptstyle5$]{}(q6)[$\scriptstyle6$]{}(q7)[$\scriptstyle7$]{}(q8)[$\scriptstyle8$]{}
Under the above correspondence, ${\Delta^*}_{n}$ corresponds to the (unique) ${n}$-gon in the ${n}$-marked disk, hence to the (noncrossing) partition ${\bf1}_{n}$ with one part. Owing to , the numbers ${b^*_{{n}, {d}}}$ are determined by $$\label{E:Dual2}
{b^*_{{n}, {d}}} = {\mathtt{\#}}\{(\pi_1 {, ...\hspace{0.2ex},}\pi_{d}) \in {\mathrm{NC}({n})}^{d}\mid \forall{i}< {n}\, (({a_{\pi_{i}}}, {a_{\pi_{{i}+1}}}) \mbox{ is ${S}_{n}^*$-normal})\},$$ and we have to recognize when the braids associated with two partitions make an ${S}_{n}^*$-normal sequence.
By construction, the Garside structure ${S}_{n}^*$ is what is called bounded by the element ${\Delta^*}_{n}$, that is, it exactly consists of the left-divisors of ${\Delta^*}_{n}$ in ${B_{{n}}^{{\scriptscriptstyle+}*}}$. In this case, the normality condition takes a simple form.
[@Garside Chapter VI] Assume that ${S}$ is a Garside structure that is bounded by an element $\Delta$ in a group ${G}$. Then, for ${s}, {t}$ in ${S}$, the pair $({s}, {t})$ is ${S}$-normal if and only if the only common left-divisor of $\partial{s}$ and ${t}$ in the monoid ${\widehat{S}}$ is $1$, where $\partial{s}$ is the element satisfying ${s}\cdot \partial{s}= \Delta$.
We are thus left with the question of recognizing in terms of noncrossing partitions (or of the corresponding unions of polygons) when a braid ${a_{{i}, {j}}}$ left-divides the braid ${a_{\pi}}$, and what is the partition $\pi'$ satisfying ${a_{\pi'}} = \partial{a_{\pi}}$.
[@BDM] \[L:Complement\] Assume that $\pi$ lies in ${\mathrm{NC}({n})}$.
1 For $1 \le {i}< {j}\le {n}$, the braid ${a_{{i}, {j}}}$ left-divides ${a_{\pi}}$ in ${B_{{n}}^{{\scriptscriptstyle+}*}}$ if and only if the chord $({i}, {j})$ lies inside the union of the convex hulls of the polygons associated with $\pi$.
2 We have $\partial{a_{\pi}} = {a_{\overline\pi}}$, where $\overline\pi$ is the Kreweras complement of $\pi$.
(25,27)(-10,-13) (10;3)[q1]{}(10;2)[q2]{}(10;1)[q3]{}(10;0)[q4]{} (10;11)[q5]{}(10;10)[q6]{}(10;9)[q7]{}(10;8)[q8]{} (10;7)[q9]{}(10;6)[q10]{}(10;5)[q11]{}(10;4)[q12]{} (0,0)[10]{} (q1)(q5)(q12)(q1) (q2)(q3) (q6)(q8)(q9)(q6) [(q1)[2pt]{}]{}[(q2)[2pt]{}]{}[(q3)[2pt]{}]{}[(q4)[2pt]{}]{} [(q5)[2pt]{}]{}[(q6)[2pt]{}]{}[(q7)[2pt]{}]{}[(q8)[2pt]{}]{} [(q9)[2pt]{}]{}[(q10)[2pt]{}]{}[(q11)[2pt]{}]{}[(q12)[2pt]{}]{} (10;3)[q1]{}(10;2)[q2]{}(10;1)[q3]{}(10;0)[q4]{} (10;11)[q5]{}(10;10)[q6]{}(10;9)[q7]{}(10;8)[q8]{} (10;7)[q9]{}(10;6)[q10]{}(10;5)[q11]{}(10;4)[q12]{} (q1)[$\scriptstyle1$]{}(q2)[$\scriptstyle2$]{}(q3)[$\scriptstyle3$]{}(q4)[$\scriptstyle4$]{}(q5)[$\scriptstyle5$]{}(q6)[$\scriptstyle6$]{}(q7)[$\scriptstyle7$]{}(q8)[$\scriptstyle8$]{}(q9)[$\scriptstyle9$]{}(q10)[$\scriptstyle10$]{}(q11)[$\scriptstyle11$]{}(q12)[$\scriptstyle12$]{}
(25,27)(-10,-13) (10;3)[q1]{}(10;2)[q2]{}(10;1)[q3]{}(10;0)[q4]{} (10;11)[q5]{}(10;10)[q6]{}(10;9)[q7]{}(10;8)[q8]{} (10;7)[q9]{}(10;6)[q10]{}(10;5)[q11]{}(10;4)[q12]{} (0,0)[10]{} (q1)(q5)(q12)(q1) (q2)(q3) (q6)(q8)(q9)(q6) (q1)(q3)(q4)(q1) (q5)(q9)(q10)(q11)(q5) (q6)(q7) [(q1)[2pt]{}]{}[(q2)[2pt]{}]{}[(q3)[2pt]{}]{}[(q4)[2pt]{}]{} [(q5)[2pt]{}]{}[(q6)[2pt]{}]{}[(q7)[2pt]{}]{}[(q8)[2pt]{}]{} [(q9)[2pt]{}]{}[(q10)[2pt]{}]{}[(q11)[2pt]{}]{}[(q12)[2pt]{}]{} (10;3)[q1]{}(10;2)[q2]{}(10;1)[q3]{}(10;0)[q4]{} (10;11)[q5]{}(10;10)[q6]{}(10;9)[q7]{}(10;8)[q8]{} (10;7)[q9]{}(10;6)[q10]{}(10;5)[q11]{}(10;4)[q12]{} (q1)[$\scriptstyle1$]{}(q2)[$\scriptstyle2$]{}(q3)[$\scriptstyle3$]{}(q4)[$\scriptstyle4$]{}(q5)[$\scriptstyle5$]{}(q6)[$\scriptstyle6$]{}(q7)[$\scriptstyle7$]{}(q8)[$\scriptstyle8$]{}(q9)[$\scriptstyle9$]{}(q10)[$\scriptstyle10$]{}(q11)[$\scriptstyle11$]{}(q12)[$\scriptstyle12$]{}
(25,27)(-10,-13) (10;3)[q1]{}(10;2)[q2]{}(10;1)[q3]{}(10;0)[q4]{} (10;11)[q5]{}(10;10)[q6]{}(10;9)[q7]{}(10;8)[q8]{} (10;7)[q9]{}(10;6)[q10]{}(10;5)[q11]{}(10;4)[q12]{} (0,0)[10]{} (q1)(q2) (q4)(q11)(q12)(q4) (q5)(q7)(q8)(q5) (q1)(q3)(q4)(q1) (q5)(q9)(q10)(q11)(q5) (q6)(q7) [(q1)[2pt]{}]{}[(q2)[2pt]{}]{}[(q3)[2pt]{}]{}[(q4)[2pt]{}]{} [(q5)[2pt]{}]{}[(q6)[2pt]{}]{}[(q7)[2pt]{}]{}[(q8)[2pt]{}]{} [(q9)[2pt]{}]{}[(q10)[2pt]{}]{}[(q11)[2pt]{}]{}[(q12)[2pt]{}]{} (10;3)[q1]{}(10;2)[q2]{}(10;1)[q3]{}(10;0)[q4]{} (10;11)[q5]{}(10;10)[q6]{}(10;9)[q7]{}(10;8)[q8]{} (10;7)[q9]{}(10;6)[q10]{}(10;5)[q11]{}(10;4)[q12]{} (q1)[$\scriptstyle1$]{}(q2)[$\scriptstyle2$]{}(q3)[$\scriptstyle3$]{}(q4)[$\scriptstyle4$]{}(q5)[$\scriptstyle5$]{}(q6)[$\scriptstyle6$]{}(q7)[$\scriptstyle7$]{}(q8)[$\scriptstyle8$]{}(q9)[$\scriptstyle9$]{}(q10)[$\scriptstyle10$]{}(q11)[$\scriptstyle11$]{}(q12)[$\scriptstyle12$]{}
Putting pieces together, we obtain:
\[P:Dual3\] For all ${n}$ and ${d}$, the number ${b^*_{{n}, {d}}}$ of ${n}$-strand braids that have length at most ${d}$ with respect to the Garside structure ${S}_{n}^*$ is given by $$\label{E:Dual3}
{b^*_{{n}, {d}}} = {\mathtt{\#}}\{(\pi_1 {, ...\hspace{0.2ex},}\pi_{d}) \in {\mathrm{NC}({n})}^{d}\mid \forall{i}< {n}\, (\overline{\pi_{i}} \wedge \pi_{{i}+1} = {\bf0}_{n})\}.$$
By Lemma \[L:Complement\]1, saying that $1$ is the only common left-divisor of ${a_{\pi}}$ and ${a_{\pi'}}$ in ${B_{{n}}^{{\scriptscriptstyle+}*}}$ amounts to saying that the convex hulls of the polygons associated with $\pi$ and $\pi'$ have no chord in common, hence are disjoint, so, in other words, that the meet of $\pi$ and $\pi'$ in the lattice ${\mathrm{NC}({n})}$ is the minimal partition ${\bf0}_{n}$. By Lemma \[L:Complement\]2, this condition has to be applied to $\overline{\pi_{i}}$ and $\pi_{{i}+1}$ for every ${i}$.
Free cumulants {#S:Cumulants}
In view of Proposition \[P:Dual3\], we have to count sequences of noncrossing partitions satisfying lattice constraints involving adjacent entries. We shall derive partial results from a general formula expressing the free cumulants of a product of independent random variables.
Noncrossing partitions and free cumulants {#noncrossing-partitions-and-free-cumulants .unnumbered}
We recall some basic facts, more details can be found in [@NiSp].
Given a sequence of indeterminates $T_1 {, ...\hspace{0.2ex},}T_l,...$ and a noncrossing partition $\pi$ in ${\mathrm{NC}({n})}$, one defines $$T_\pi=\prod_{p\in \pi} T_{|p|},$$ where the product ranges over all parts $p$ of $\pi$ and $|p|$ is the number of elements of $p$ in $\{1 {, ...\hspace{0.2ex},}n\}$.
Two sequences of indeterminates $M_1 {, ...\hspace{0.2ex},}M_l,...$ and $R_1 {, ...\hspace{0.2ex},}R_l,...$ are related by the moment-cumulant formula if, for every $n$, one has $$\label{MR}
M_n=\sum_{\pi\in {\mathrm{NC}({n})}}R_\pi.$$ It is easy to see that this equation can be inverted and the $R_l$ can be expressed as polynomials in the $M_l$. In fact, introducing the generating series $$M(z)=1+\sum_{l=1}^\infty z^lM_l,\qquad R(z)=1+\sum_{l=1}^\infty z^lR_l,$$ we can recast the relation in the form $$\label{MRbis}
R(zM(z))=M(z).$$ If the $M_l$ are the moments of a probability measure (or a random variable), then the quantities $R_l$ are called the *free cumulants* of the probability measure (or random variable).
Free cumulants of a product of independent random variables {#free-cumulants-of-a-product-of-independent-random-variables .unnumbered}
We establish now the general formula for free cumulants of products of independent random variables stated as Theorem \[T:CumProd\] in the introduction.
Let $M^{(i)}_n$ be the moments of $X_i$. Let us write the moment-cumulant formula for each of the variables in the product $X_1X_2{\hspace{0.2ex}{\cdot}{\cdot}{\cdot}\hspace{0.2ex}}X_k$. As the $n$th moment of $X_1X_2{\hspace{0.2ex}{\cdot}{\cdot}{\cdot}\hspace{0.2ex}}X_k$ is $$M_n=M_n^{(1)}{\hspace{0.2ex}{\cdot}{\cdot}{\cdot}\hspace{0.2ex}}M_n^{(k)},$$ one has $$M_n=M_n^{(1)}{\hspace{0.2ex}{\cdot}{\cdot}{\cdot}\hspace{0.2ex}}M_n^{(k)}=\sum_{\pi_1 {, ...\hspace{0.2ex},}\pi_k\in {\mathrm{NC}({n})}}\prod_{i=1}^kR^{(i)}_{\pi_i}.$$ Let us now decompose the sum in the right hand side according to the value of $\pi=\pi_1\vee{\hspace{0.2ex}{\cdot}{\cdot}{\cdot}\hspace{0.2ex}}\vee\pi_k$. Since $\pi_i\le\pi$ holds, each part of $\pi_i$ is included in some part of $\pi$. Let $p$ be a part of $\pi$. The intersections $\pi_{i,p}:=\pi_i\cap p$ form a partition of the set $p$. If we identify $p$ with $\{1 {, ...\hspace{0.2ex},}|p|\}$ by the only increasing bijection, then the sets $\pi_{i,p}$ form noncrossing partitions of $\{1 {, ...\hspace{0.2ex},}|p|\}$. Furthermore one has $$\pi_{1,p}\vee{\hspace{0.2ex}{\cdot}{\cdot}{\cdot}\hspace{0.2ex}}\vee\pi_{n,p}={\bf 1}_{|p|},$$ whence $$M_n=\sum_{\pi\in {\mathrm{NC}({n})}}\prod_{p\in \pi}\left[\sum_{\pi_{1,p}\vee{\hspace{0.2ex}{\cdot}{\cdot}{\cdot}\hspace{0.2ex}}\vee\pi_{n,p}={\bf 1}_{|p|}}\prod_iR^{(i)}_{\pi_{i,p}}\right].$$ Defining the sequence $Q_n$ by $$Q_n=\sum_{\pi_1\vee{\hspace{0.2ex}{\cdot}{\cdot}{\cdot}\hspace{0.2ex}}\vee\pi_n={\bf 1}_n}\prod_iR^{(i)}_{\pi_i},$$ we obtain $$M_n=\sum_{\pi\in {\mathrm{NC}({n})}}\prod_{p\in \pi}Q_{|p|}=\sum_{\pi\in {\mathrm{NC}({n})}}Q_{\pi}.$$ Then it follows from that the quantities $Q_n$ are the free cumulants of the sequence of moments $M_1 {, ...\hspace{0.2ex},}M_n, ...$.
The above argument is closely related to an argument in [@Spe]. The first author would like to thank Roland Speicher for pointing out this reference.
\[C:Cumulants\] The number of $k$-tuples $(\pi_1 {, ...\hspace{0.2ex},}\pi_k)$ in ${\mathrm{NC}({n})}^{k}$ satisfying $\pi_1\vee{\hspace{0.2ex}{\cdot}{\cdot}{\cdot}\hspace{0.2ex}}\vee\pi_k={\bf 1}_n$ is the $n$th free cumulant of the variable $X_1^2{\hspace{0.2ex}{\cdot}{\cdot}{\cdot}\hspace{0.2ex}}X_k^2$ where $X_1 {, ...\hspace{0.2ex},}X_n, ...$ are independent centered semi-circular variables of variance 1.
Classical and Boolean cumulants {#classical-and-boolean-cumulants .unnumbered}
Cumulants can also be defined using the lattice of all set partitions of $\{1 {, ...\hspace{0.2ex},}n\}$ (this is the classical case, studied by Rota, Schützenberger...), or the lattice of interval partitions (these are the Boolean cumulants, see [@SpeW]). In both cases it is immediate to check that the proof of Theorem \[T:CumProd\] goes through and gives a formula for computing the corresponding cumulants of a product.
Back to braids {#S:Back}
We now apply the result of Section \[S:Cumulants\] to braids.
Incidence matrices {#incidence-matrices .unnumbered}
For every ${n}$, there exists a binary relation on ${\mathrm{NC}({n})}$ that encodes ${S}_{n}^*$-normality. We introduce the associated incidence matrix.
For ${n}\ge 2$, we let ${A_{{n}}^*}$ be the ${\mathrm{Cat}_{{n}}} \times {\mathrm{Cat}_{{n}}}$-matrix whose entries are indexed by noncrossing partitions, and such that $({A_{{n}}^*})_{\pi, \pi'}$ is $1$ ([[*resp.[ ]{}*]{}]{}$0$) if $\overline\pi \wedge \pi' = {\bf0}_{n}$ holds ([[*resp.[ ]{}*]{}]{}fails).
For instance, if the partitions of $\{1, 2, 3\}$ are enumerated in the order $\Dv, \Da, \Db, \Dc, \DD$, the matrix ${A_{3}^*}$ is $\left(\begin{matrix}
\end{matrix}\right)$. It follows from the properties of ${\bf0}_{n}$ and ${\bf1}_{n}$ that the column of ${\bf0}_{n}$ and the row of ${\bf1}_{n}$ in ${A_{{n}}^*}$ contain only ones, whereas the row of ${\bf0}_{n}$, its ${\bf0}_{n}$-entry excepted, and the column of ${\bf1}_{n}$, its ${\bf1}_{n}$-entry excepted, contain only zeroes.
\[P:Dual4\] For all ${n}$ and ${d}\ge 1$, the number ${b^*_{{n}, {d}}}$ is the sum of all entries in the matrix $({A_{{n}}^*})^{{d}-1}$; in particular, ${b^*_{{n}, 2}}$ is the number of positive entries in ${A_{{n}}^*}$.
For $\pi$ in ${\mathrm{NC}({n})}$ let ${b^*_{{n}, {d}}}(\pi)$ be the number of ${S}_{n}^*$-normal sequences of length ${d}$ whose last entry is $\pi$. By Proposition \[E:Dual3\], a length ${d}$ sequence $(\pi_1 {, ...\hspace{0.2ex},}\pi_{{d}-1}, \pi)$ contributes to ${b^*_{{n}, {d}}}(\pi)$ if and only if $(\pi_1 {, ...\hspace{0.2ex},}\pi_{{d}-1})$ contributes to ${b^*_{{n}, {d}-1}}(\pi_{{d}-1})$ and $(\pi_{{d}-1}, \pi)$ contributes to ${b^*_{{n}, 2}}(\pi)$, that is, $({A_{{n}}^*})_{\pi_{{d}-1}, \pi} = 1$ holds. We deduce $${b^*_{{n}, {d}}}(\pi) = \sum_{\pi' \in {\mathrm{NC}({n})}} {b^*_{{n}, {d}-1}}(\pi') \cdot ({A_{{n}}^*})_{\pi', \pi}.$$ From there, an obvious induction shows that ${b^*_{{n}, {d}}}(\pi)$ is the $\pi$th entry in $(1, 1 {, ...\hspace{0.2ex},}1) \, ({A_{{n}}^*})^{{d}-1}$, and the result follows by summing over all $\pi$.
(Note that, for ${d}= 1$, Proposition \[P:Dual4\] gives ${b^*_{{n}, 1}} = {\mathrm{Cat}_{{n}}}$, which is indeed the sum of all entries in the size ${\mathrm{Cat}_{{n}}}$ identity-matrix.)
Using Theorem \[T:CumProd\], we can now complete the proof of Proposition \[P:Dual\].
By Proposition \[P:Dual4\], ${b^*_{{n}, 2}}$ is the number of positive entries in the matrix ${A_{{n}}^*}$, that is, the number of pairs $(\pi, \pi')$ in ${\mathrm{NC}({n})}^2$ satisfying $\overline\pi \wedge \pi' = {\bf0}_{n}$. As the Kreweras complement is bijective, this number is also the number of pairs $(\pi, \pi')$ in ${\mathrm{NC}({n})}^2$ satisfying $\pi \wedge \pi' = {\bf0}_{n}$. By complementation, the latter is also the number of pairs satisfying $\pi \vee \pi' = {\bf1}_{n}$. By Corollary \[C:Cumulants\], this number is the ${n}$th free cumulant of $X_1^2X_2^2$ where $X_1,X_2$ are independent centered semi-circular variables of variance 1. The moments of the latter are the squares of the Catalan numbers, so gives the expected result.
Further questions {#further-questions .unnumbered}
It is easy to compute the numbers ${b^*_{{n}, {d}}}$ for small values of ${n}$ and ${d}$, see Table \[T:Values\].
(3,2)${d}$ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
----------------------- ----- ------ -------- --------- ----------- ---------- --------
(4,1)${b^*_{1, {d}}}$ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
(3,1)${b^*_{2, {d}}}$ 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
(3,1)${b^*_{3, {d}}}$ 5 15 83 177 367 749 1515
(3,1)${b^*_{4, {d}}}$ 14 99 556 2856 14122 68927 334632
(3,1)${b^*_{5, {d}}}$ 42 773 11124 147855 1917046 24672817
(3,1)${b^*_{6, {d}}}$ 132 6743 266944 9845829 356470124
: The number ${b^*_{{n}, {d}}}$ of ${n}$-strand braids of length at most ${d}$ in the dual braid monoid ${B_{{n}}^{{\scriptscriptstyle+}*}}$: the first column (${d}= 1$) contains the Catalan numbers, whereas the second column contains the sequence specified in Proposition \[P:Dual\], which is A168344 in [@Slo].[]{data-label="T:Values"}
A natural question is to ask for a description of the columns in Table \[T:Values\] beyond the first two ones. The characterization of Proposition \[P:Dual\] does not extend to ${d}\ge 3$: for instance, we have $${b^*_{{n}, 3}} = \{(\pi_1, \pi_2, \pi_3) \in {\mathrm{NC}({n})}^3 \mid \overline{\pi_1} \wedge \pi_2 = {\bf0}_{n}\mbox{ and } \overline{\pi_2} \wedge \pi_3 = {\bf0}_{n}\}:$$ replacing $\wedge$ and ${\bf0}_{n}$ with $\vee$ and ${\bf1}_{n}$ is easy, but the Kreweras complement cannot be forgotten in this case.
On the other hand, describing the rows in Table \[T:Values\] leads to further natural questions. By Proposition \[P:Dual4\], the generating series of the numbers ${b^*_{{n}, {d}}}$ is rational for every ${n}$, and ${b^*_{{n}, {d}}}$ can be expressed in terms of the ${d}$-power of the eigenvalues of the matrix ${A_{{n}}^*}$. For instance, one easily finds ${b^*_{3, {d}}} = 6 \cdot 2 ^{d}- 2{d}- 5$ for every ${d}$, as well as ${b^*_{3, {d}}}(\pi) = 2^{{d}+ 1} - 1$ for $\pi \not= {\bf0}_{n}, {\bf1}_{n}$ (as above, we write ${b^*_{{n}, {d}}}(\pi)$ for the number of braids with a normal form finishing with $\pi$). Very little is known for ${n}\ge 4$.
It would be of interest to compute, or at at least approximate, the spectral radius of the matrix ${A_{{n}}^*}$. Here are the first values.
(3,2)$n$ $1$ $2$ $3$ $4$ $5$ $6$ $7$
-------------------------- ----- ----- ----- ----------- ------------ ------------ -------------
(4,1)$\rho({A_{{n}}^*})$ $1$ $1$ $2$ $4.83...$ $12.83...$ $35.98...$ $104.87...$
: Spectral radius of the incidence matrix ${A_{{n}}^*}$[]{data-label="T:Radius"}
A determinant {#a-determinant .unnumbered}
Although we are not able to compute explicitly the eigenvalues of the matrix ${A_{{n}}^*}$, we can give a closed formula for its determinant.
\[T:Det\] For every ${n}$, we have $$|\det({A_{{n}}^*})|=\prod_{k=2}^{n}{\mathrm{Cat}_{{k-1}}}^{2n-k-1\choose n-1}.$$
Before proving this formula, we need an auxiliary result involving Möbius matrices. By definition, if $X$ is a finite poset, the associated Möbius matrix $\mu$ is the inverse of the order matrix $\zeta$ indexed by the elements of $X$ and given by $$\zeta(x,y)=\begin{cases}1&\text{for $x\geq y$},\\0&\text{otherwise}.\end{cases}$$ If the elements of $X$ are ordered according to a linear extension of the partial order of $X$, then $\zeta$ is a lower triangular matrix, with ones on the diagonal. In particular, its determinant is 1. The same is true for $\mu$.
\[L:det\] Assume that $X$ is a lattice, and $\varphi$ is a complex valued function on $X$. Let $\Phi$ be the matrix defined by $\Phi(x,y)=\varphi(x\wedge y)$. Then we have $$\det(\Phi)=\prod_{x\in X}\hat\varphi(x),$$ where $\hat\varphi$ is given by $\hat \varphi(x)=\sum_{y\leq x}\mu(x,y)\varphi(y)$.
Note that, under the above assumptions, we have $\varphi(x)=\sum_{y\leq x}\hat \varphi(y)$ by definition of the Möbius matrix.
First observe that $\zeta(x\wedge y,z)=\zeta(x,z)\zeta( y,z)$, therefore $$\begin{aligned}
\Phi(x,y)=\varphi(x\wedge y)&=&\sum_{z\in X}\zeta(x\wedge y,z)\hat \varphi(z)
\\&=&\sum_{z\in X}\zeta(x,z) \zeta(y,z)\hat \varphi(z).\end{aligned}$$ Multiplying the matrix $\Phi$ on the left by $\mu$, one obtains $$\begin{aligned}
\mu*\Phi(x,y)&=&\sum_u\mu(x,u)\Phi(u,y)\\&=&\sum_u\sum_z\mu(x,u)\zeta(u,z) \zeta(y,z)\hat \varphi(z)\\&=&\zeta(y,x)\hat \varphi(x),\end{aligned}$$ the last equality coming from $\sum_u\mu(x,u)\zeta(u,z)=\delta_{xz}$. It follows that the matrix $\mu*\Phi$ is upper diagonal, with the numbers $\hat \varphi(x)$ on the diagonal.
We apply Lemma \[L:det\] to $X={\mathrm{NC}({n})}$ and $\varphi$ defined by $\varphi(\pi)=1$ for $\pi={\bf0}_n$ and $\varphi(\pi)=0$ for $\pi\ne {\bf0}_n$. We obtain $\hat\varphi(\pi)=\mu(\pi,{\bf0}_n)$. It is known that the Möbius function for the lattice of noncrossing partitions is multiplicative: if $\pi$ is made of $p_k$ parts of size $k$ for $k=1,2,...$, then one has $$\mu(\pi,{\bf0}_n)=\prod_k((-1)^{k-1}{\mathrm{Cat}_{{k-1}}})^{p_k}.$$
The matrix ${A_{{n}}^*}$ coincides with the corresponding matrix $\Phi$ up to a permutation of the columns (given by taking the Kreweras complement). We deduce $$|\det({A_{{n}}^*})|=\prod_k{\mathrm{Cat}_{{k-1}}}^{a_{k,n}},$$ with $$a_{k,n}=\sum_{\pi\in {\mathrm{NC}({n})}}p_k(\pi).$$ In order to compute $a_{k,n}$, we introduce the generating functions $$f_{n,k}(y)=\sum_{\pi\in{\mathrm{NC}({n})}}y^{p_k} \quad\text{ and } \quad f(z,y,k)=\sum_{n\geq k}z^nf_{n,k}(y).$$ Then one has $$a_{k,n}=f_{n,k}'(1),$$ whereas $f_n(1)={\mathrm{Cat}_{{n}}}$ and $$\phi(z):=f(z,1,k)=\frac{1-\sqrt{1-4z}}{2z}.$$ Let $\pi$ be a noncrossing partition, such that the size of the part containing 1 is $l$. The complement of this part consists of $l$ (possibly empty) noncrossing partitions $\pi_1 {, ...\hspace{0.2ex},}\pi_l$, whose sizes add up to $n-l$. Moreover, we find $$\begin{aligned}
&\text{ for $l\ne k$},\\
&\text{ for $l=k$}.\end{aligned}$$ It follows from these considerations that the generating function $f(z,y,k)$ satisfies the equation $$f(z,y,k)=1/(1-zf(z,y,k))+(y-1)z^kf^k(z,y,k).$$ In particular, for $y=1$, we recover $$\label{phi}\phi(z)=1/(1-z\phi(z)).$$ Differentiating with respect to $y$ and evaluating at $y=1$, we find $$f_y(z,1,k)=zf_y(z,1,k)/(1-z\phi(z))^2+z^k\phi^k(z).$$ By (\[phi\]), one has $$1-z/(1-z\phi(z))^2=2-\phi(z),$$ whence $$\sum_{n\geq k}a_{n,k}z^n=f_y(z,1,k)=z^k\phi^k(z)/(2-\phi(z)).$$ It follows that the generating series $h_k:=f_y(z,1,k)$ satisfy the inductive rules $h_{k+1}=h_k-zh_{k-1}$. By Pascal’s relation for binomial coefficients, the series $g_k:=\sum_{n\geq k}z^n{2n-k-1\choose n-1}$ satisfy the same induction rules. It remains to check $g_k=h_k$ for $k=0$ and $1$, which is an easy exercise left to the reader, to conclude that $g_k = h_k$ holds for every $k$.
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abstract: |
This work consists of two parts. In the first part, we consider a compact connected strongly pseudoconvex CR manifold $X$ with a transversal CR $S^{1}$ action. We establish an equidistribution theorem on zeros of CR functions. The main techniques involve a uniform estimate of Szegő kernel on $X$.
In the second part, we consider a general complex manifold $M$ with a strongly pseudoconvex boundary $X$. By using classical result of Boutet de Monvel-Sjöstrand about Bergman kernel asymptotics, we establish an equidistribution theorem on zeros of holomorphic functions on ${\overline}M$.
- 'Institute of Mathematics, Academia Sinica and National Center for Theoretical Sciences, Astronomy-Mathematics Building, No. 1, Sec. 4, Roosevelt Road, Taipei 10617, Taiwan'
- 'Institute of Mathematics, Academia Sinica, Astronomy-Mathematics Building, No. 1, Sec. 4, Roosevelt Road, Taipei 10617, Taiwan'
- 'Chin-Yu Hsiao'
- Guokuan Shao
title: Equidistribution theorems on strongly pseudoconvex domains
Introduction and statement of the main results {#s-gue170727}
The study of equidistribution of zeros of holomorphic sections has become intensively active in recent years. Shiffman-Zelditch [@sz] established an equidistribution property for high powers of a positive line bundle. Dinh-Sibony [@ds] extended the equidistribution with estimate of convergence speed and applied to general measures. More results about equidistribution of zeros of holomorphic sections in different cases, such as line bundles with singular metrics, general base spaces, general measures, were obtained in [@cm; @cmm; @cmn; @dmm; @sh1; @sh2]. Important methods to study equidistribution include uniform estimates for Bergman kernel functions [@mm] and techniques for complex dynamics in higher dimensions [@fs]. Our article is the first to study equidistribution on CR manifolds and on complex manifolds with boundary. In the first part, we establish an equidistribution theorem on zeros of CR functions. The proof involves uniform estimates for Szegő kernel functions [@hhl]. In the second part, we consider a general complex manifold $M$ with a strongly pseudoconvex boundary $X$ and we establish an equidistribution theorem on zeros of holomorphic functions on ${\overline}M$ by using classical result of Boutet de Monvel-Sjöstrand [@BouSj76].
We now state our main results. We refer to Section \[s:prelim\] for some notations and terminology used here. Let $(X, T^{1,0}X)$ be a compact connected strongly pseudoconvex CR manifold with a transversal CR $S^{1}$ action $e^{i\theta}$ (cf. Section 2), where $T^{1,0}X$ is a CR structure of $X$. The dimension of $X$ is $2n+1$, $n\geq 1$. Denote by $T\in C^{\infty}(X, TX)$ the real vector field induced by the $S^{1}$ action. Take a $S^1$ invariant Hermitian metric $\langle\,\cdot\,|\,\cdot\,\rangle$ on $\mathbb{C}TX$ such that there is an orthogonal decomposition $\mathbb{C}TX=T^{1,0}X\oplus T^{0,1}X\oplus\mathbb{C}T$. Then there exists a natural global $L^{2}$ inner product $(\,\cdot\,|\,\cdot\,)$ on $C^{\infty}(X)$ induced by $\langle\cdot|\cdot\rangle$.
For every $q\in\mathbb N$, put $$X_q:=\{x\in X: e^{i\theta}\circ x\neq x, \forall\theta\in(0,\frac{2\pi}{q}),\ e^{i\frac{2\pi}{q}}\circ x=x\}.$$ Set $p:=\min\{q\in\mathbb{N}: X_{q}\neq\emptyset \}$. Put $X_{{\rm reg\,}}=X_p$. For simplicity, we assume that $p=1$. Since $X$ is connected, $X_{1}$ is open and dense in $X$. Assume that $X=\cup_{j=0}^{t-1}X_{p_{j}}$, $1=p_0<p_1<\cdots<p_{t-1}$ and put $X_{\rm sing}:=\cup_{j=1}^{t-1}X_{p_{j}}$.
Let $\bar\partial_{b}: C^\infty(X){\rightarrow}\Omega^{0,1}(X)$ be the tangential Cauchy-Riemann operator. For each $m\in\mathbb{Z}$, put $$H_{b,m}^{0}(X):=\{u\in C^{\infty}(X):Tu=imu, \bar\partial_{b}u=0 \}.$$ It is well-known that $\dim H_{b,m}^{0}(X)<\infty$ (see [@hl]). Let $f_1\in H^0_{b,m}(X),\ldots,f_{d_m}\in H^0_{b,m}(X)$ be an orthonormal basis for $H^0_{b,m}(X)$. The Szegő kernel function associated to $H^0_{b,m}(X)$ is given by $$S_m(x):=\sum^{d_m}_{j=1}{\left\vertf_j(x)\right\vert}^2.$$ When the $S^1$ action is globally free, it is well-known that $S_m(x)\approx m^n$ uniformly on $X$. When $X$ is locally free, we only have $S_m(x)\approx m^n$ locally uniformly on $X_{{\rm reg\,}}$ in general (see Theorem \[t-gue170704\]). Moreover, $S_m(x)$ can be zero at some point of $X_{\rm sing}$ even for $m$ large (see [@hl] and [@hhla]). Let $$\label{e-gue170704rya}
\alpha=[p_1,\ldots,p_r],$$ that is $\alpha$ is the least common multiple of $p_1,\ldots,p_r$. In Theorem \[t-gue170704r\], we will show that there exist positive integers $1=k_0<k_{1}<\cdot\cdot\cdot<k_{t-1}$ independent of $m$ such that $$cm^n\leq S_{\alpha m}(x)+S_{k_1\alpha m}(x)+\cdots+S_{k_{t-1}\alpha m}(x)\leq\frac{1}{c}m^n\ \ \mbox{on $X$}$$ for all $m\gg1$, where $0<c<1$ is a constant independent of $m$. For each $m\in\mathbb N$, put $$\label{e-gue170794lr}
A_m(X):=\bigcup^{t-1}_{j=0}H^0_{b,k_j\alpha m}(X).$$ We write $d\mu_m$ to denote the equidistribution probability measure on the unit sphere $$SA_m(X):={\left\{g\in A_m(X);\, (\,g\,|\,g\,)=1\right\}}.$$ Let $a_m={\rm dim\,}A_m(X)$. We fix an orthonormal basis ${\left\{g^{(m)}_j\right\}}^{a_m}_{j=1}$ of $A_m(X)$ with respect to $(\,\cdot\,|\,\cdot\,)$, then we can identify the sphere $S^{2a_m-1}$ to $SA_m(X)$ by $$(z_1,\ldots,z_{a_m})\in S^{2a_m-1}{\rightarrow}\sum^k_{j=1}z_jg^{(m)}_j\in SA_m(X),$$ and we have $$\label{e-gue170703a}
d\mu_m=\frac{dS^{2a_m-1}}{{\rm vol\,}(S^{2a_m-1})},$$ where $dS^{2a_m-1}$ denotes the standard Haar measure on $S^{2a_m-1}$. We consider the probability space $\Omega(X):=\prod^\infty_{m=1}SA_m(X)$ with the probability measure $d\mu:=\prod^\infty_{m=1}d\mu_m$. We denote $u={\left\{u_m\right\}}\in\Omega(X)$.
Since the $S^1$ action is transversal and CR, $X\times \mathbb{R}$ is a complex manifold with the following holomorphic tangent bundle and complex structure $J$, $$\begin{split}
&T^{1,0}X\oplus\{\mathbb{C}(T-i\frac{\partial}{\partial\eta}) \},\\
&JT=\frac{\partial}{\partial\eta}, \ Ju=iu \ \text{for}\ u\in T^{1,0}X.\\
\end{split}$$ For $u\in A_m(X)$, it is easy to see that there exists a unique function $v(x,\eta)\in C^\infty(X\times{\mathbb R})$, which is holomorphic in $X\times \mathbb{R}$ such that $v\big|_{\eta=0}=u$ (see Lemma \[l-gue170704w\]). We write $[v=0]$ to denote the standard zero current for holomorphic functions on $X\times{\mathbb R}$. The main result of the first part is the following
\[t-gue170704ryz\] With the above notations and assumptions, Fix $\chi(\eta)\in C^\infty_0({\mathbb R})$ with $\int\chi(\eta)d\eta=1$ and let $\varepsilon_m$ be a sequence with $\lim_{m{\rightarrow}\infty}m\varepsilon_m=0$. Then for $d\mu$-almost every $u={\left\{u_m\right\}}\in\Omega(X)$, we have $$\lim_{m{\rightarrow}\infty}\frac{1}{m}\langle\,[v_{m}=0], f\wedge\omega_0\wedge \frac{1}{\varepsilon_m}\chi(\frac{\eta}{\varepsilon_m})d\eta \,\rangle
=\alpha\frac{1+k_{1}^{n+1}+\cdot\cdot\cdot+k_{t-1}^{n+1}}{1+k_{1}^{n}+\cdot\cdot\cdot+k_{t-1}^{n}}\frac{i}{\pi}\int_{X}\mathcal{L}_{X}\wedge f\wedge\omega_{0},$$ for all $f\in\Omega^{n-1,n-1}(X)$, where $\alpha=[p_1,\ldots,p_r]$, $f\wedge\omega_0\wedge \frac{1}{\varepsilon_m}\chi(\frac{\eta}{\varepsilon_m})d\eta$ is a smooth $(n,n)$ form on $X\times{\mathbb R}$, $\eta$ denotes the coordinate on ${\mathbb R}$, $\omega_0$ is the Reeb one form on $X$ (see the discussion in the beginning of Section \[s-gue170627\]), $\mathcal{L}_{X}$ denotes the Levi form of $X$ with respect to the Reeb one form $\omega_0$ (see Definition \[d-1.2\]) and $v_m(x,\eta)\in C^\infty(X\times{\mathbb R})$ is the unique holomorphic function on $X\times{\mathbb R}$ with $v_m(x,\eta)|_{\eta=0}=u_m(x)$.
Now we formulate the main result of the second part. Let $M$ be a relatively compact open subset with $C^\infty$ boundary $X$ of a complex manifold $M'$ of dimension $n+1$ with a smooth Hermitian metric $\langle\,\cdot\,|\,\cdot\,\rangle$ on its holomorphic tangent bundle $T^{1,0}M'$. The Hermitian metric on holomorphic tangent bundle induces a Hermitian metric $\langle\,\cdot\,|\,\cdot\,\rangle$ on $\oplus^{2n+2}_{k=1}\Lambda^k({\mathbb C}T^*M')$. Let $r\in C^\infty(M',{\mathbb R})$ be a defining function of $X$, that is, $X={\left\{z\in M';\, r(z)=0\right\}}$, $M={\left\{z\in M';\, r(z)<0\right\}}$. We take $r$ so that ${\left\Vertdr\right\Vert}^2=\langle\,dr\,|\,dr\,\rangle=1$ on $X$. In this work, we assume that $X$ is strongly pseudoconvex, that is, ${\partial}{\overline\partial}r|_{T^{1,0}X}$ is positive definite at each point of $X$, where $T^{1,0}X:=T^{1,0}M'\bigcap{\mathbb C}TX$ is the standard CR structure on $X$. Let $dv_M$ be the volume form on $M$ induced by $\langle\,\cdot\,|\,\cdot\,\rangle$ and let $(\,\cdot\,|\,\cdot\,)_M$ be the $L^2$ inner product on $C^\infty_0(M)$ induced by $dv_M$ and let $L^2(M)$ be the completion of $C^\infty_0(M)$ with respect to $(\,\cdot\,|\,\cdot\,)_M$. Let $H^0(M)={\left\{u\in L^2(M);\, {\overline\partial}u=0\right\}}$. By using classical result of Boutet de Monvel-Sjöstrand [@BouSj76], we see that $C^\infty({\overline}M)\bigcap H^0(M)$ is dense in $H^0(M)$ in the $L^2(M)$ space and we can find $g_j\in C^\infty({\overline}M)\bigcap H^0(M)$ with $(\, g_j\,|\,g_k\,)_M=\delta_{j,k}$, $j, k=1,2,\ldots$, such that the set $$\label{e-gue170709}
A(M):=\rm{span\,}{\left\{g_1, g_2,\ldots\right\}}$$ is dense in $H^0(M)$. That is, for every $h\in H^0(M)$, we can find $h_{\ell}\in A(M)$, $\ell=1,2,\ldots$, such that $\lim_{\ell{\rightarrow}\infty}h_{\ell}=h$ in $L^2(M)$ space.
To state our equidistribution theorem, we need to introduce some notations. For every $m\in\mathbb N$, let $A_m(M)={\rm span\,}{\left\{g_1,\ldots,g_m\right\}}$, where $g_j\in H^0(M)\bigcap C^\infty({\overline}M)$, $j=1,\ldots,m$, are as . Let $d\mu_m$ be the equidistribution probability measure on the unit sphere $$SA_m(M):={\left\{g\in A_m(M);\, (\,g\,|\,g\,)_M=1\right\}}.$$ Let $\beta:={\left\{b_j\right\}}^\infty_{j=1}$ with $b_1<b_2<\cdots$ and $b_j\in\mathbb N$, for every $j=1,2,\ldots$. We consider the probability space $$\label{e-gue170709I}
\Omega(M,\beta):=\prod^\infty_{j=1}SA_{b_j}(M)$$ with the probability measure $$\label{e-gue170709II}
d\mu(\beta):=\prod^\infty_{j=1}d\mu_{b_j}.$$ We denote $u={\left\{u_k\right\}}\in\Omega(M,\beta)$. For $g\in H^0(M)\bigcap C^\infty({\overline}M)$, we let $[g=0]$ denote the zero current in $M$.
Let $B^{*0,1}M'={\left\{u\in T^{*0,1}M';\, \langle\,u\,|\,{\overline\partial}r\,\rangle=0\right\}}$, where $T^{*0,1}M'$ denotes the bundle of $(0,1)$ forms on $M'$. Let $B^{*1,0}M':={\overline}{B^{*0,1}M'}$ and let $B^{*p,q}M':=\Lambda^p(B^{*1,0}M')\wedge\Lambda^q(B^{*0,1}M')$, $p,q=1,\ldots,n$. Let $\omega_0=J(dr)$, where $J$ is the standard complex structure map on $T^*M'$ and let $\mathcal{L}_X\in C^\infty(X,T^{*1,1}X)$ be the Levi form induced by $\omega_0$ (see Definition \[d-1.2\]). Our second main result is the following
\[t-gue170703c\] With the notations and assumptions above, fix $\psi\in C^\infty_0([-1,-\frac{1}{2}])$. There exists a sequence $\beta={\left\{b_j\right\}}^\infty_{j=1}$ independent of $\psi$ with $b_1<b_2<\cdots$, $b_j\in\mathbb N$, $j=1,2,\ldots$, such that for $d\mu(\beta)$-almost every $u={\left\{u_k\right\}}\in\Omega(M,\beta)$, we have $$\label{e-gue170703c}
\lim_{k{\rightarrow}\infty}\langle\,[u_k=0], (2i)kr\psi(kr)\phi\wedge{\partial}r\wedge{\overline\partial}r\,\rangle=-(n+2)\frac{i}{2\pi}c_0\int_X\mathcal{L}_X\wedge\omega_0\wedge\phi$$ for all $\phi\in C^\infty({\overline}M,B^{*n-1,n-1}M')$, where $c_0=\int_{\mathbb R}\psi(x)dx$, $\Omega(M,\beta)$ and $d\mu(\beta)$ are as in and respectively.
The paper is organized as follows. In Section \[s:prelim\] we collect some notations we use throughout and we recall the basic knowledge about CR manifolds. In Section 3 we recall a theorem about Szegő kernel asymptotics and give a uniform estimate of Szegő kernel functions. Section 4 is devoted to proving Theorem \[t-gue170704ryz\]. In Section \[s-gue170709\], we first construct holomorphic functions with specific rate near the boundary and we prove Theorem \[t-gue170703c\].
Preliminaries {#s:prelim}
Standard notations {#s-ssna}
We shall use the following notations: $\mathbb N={\left\{1,2,\ldots\right\}}$, $\mathbb N_0=\mathbb N\cup{\left\{0\right\}}$, ${\mathbb R}$ is the set of real numbers, ${\overline}{\mathbb R}_+:={\left\{x\in{\mathbb R};\, x\geq0\right\}}$. For a multi-index $\alpha=(\alpha_1,\ldots,\alpha_n)\in\mathbb N_0^n$, we denote by ${\left\vert\alpha\right\vert}=\alpha_1+\ldots+\alpha_n$ its norm and by $l(\alpha)=n$ its length. For $m\in\mathbb N$, write $\alpha\in{\left\{1,\ldots,m\right\}}^n$ if $\alpha_j\in{\left\{1,\ldots,m\right\}}$, $j=1,\ldots,n$. $\alpha$ is strictly increasing if $\alpha_1<\alpha_2<\ldots<\alpha_n$. For $x=(x_1,\ldots,x_n)$, we write $$\begin{split}
&x^\alpha=x_1^{\alpha_1}\ldots x^{\alpha_n}_n,\\
& {\partial}_{x_j}=\frac{{\partial}}{{\partial}x_j}\,,\quad
&D_{x_j}=\frac{1}{i}{\partial}_{x_j}\,,\quad D^\alpha_x=D^{\alpha_1}_{x_1}\ldots D^{\alpha_n}_{x_n}\,,
\quad D_x=\frac{1}{i}{\partial}_x\,.
\end{split}$$ Let $z=(z_1,\ldots,z_n)$, $z_j=x_{2j-1}+ix_{2j}$, $j=1,\ldots,n$, be coordinates of ${\mathbb C}^n$. We write $$\begin{split}
&z^\alpha=z_1^{\alpha_1}\ldots z^{\alpha_n}_n\,,\quad{\overline}z^\alpha={\overline}z_1^{\alpha_1}\ldots{\overline}z^{\alpha_n}_n\,,\\
\end{split}$$ For $j, s\in\mathbb Z$, set $\delta_{j,s}=1$ if $j=s$, $\delta_{j,s}=0$ if $j\neq s$.
Let $W$ be a $C^\infty$ paracompact manifold. We let $TW$ and $T^*W$ denote the tangent bundle of $W$ and the cotangent bundle of $W$, respectively. The complexified tangent bundle of $W$ and the complexified cotangent bundle of $W$ will be denoted by ${\mathbb C}TW$ and ${\mathbb C}T^*W$, respectively. Write $\langle\,\cdot\,,\cdot\,\rangle$ to denote the pointwise duality between $TW$ and $T^*W$. We extend $\langle\,\cdot\,,\cdot\,\rangle$ bilinearly to ${\mathbb C}TW\times{\mathbb C}T^*W$. Let $G$ be a $C^\infty$ vector bundle over $W$. The fiber of $G$ at $x\in W$ will be denoted by $G_x$. Let $E$ be a vector bundle over a $C^\infty$ paracompact manifold $W_1$. We write $G\boxtimes E^*$ to denote the vector bundle over $W\times W_1$ with fiber over $(x, y)\in W\times W_1$ consisting of the linear maps from $E_y$ to $G_x$. Let $Y\subset W$ be an open set. From now on, the spaces of distribution sections of $G$ over $Y$ and smooth sections of $G$ over $Y$ will be denoted by $D'(Y, G)$ and $C^\infty(Y, G)$, respectively. Let $E'(Y, G)$ be the subspace of $D'(Y, G)$ whose elements have compact support in $Y$. Put $C^\infty_0(Y,G):=C^\infty(Y,G)\bigcap E'(Y,G)$.
Let $G$ and $E$ be $C^\infty$ vector bundles over paracompact orientable $C^\infty$ manifolds $W$ and $W_1$, respectively, equipped with smooth densities of integration. If $A: C^\infty_0(W_1,E){\rightarrow}D'(W,G)$ is continuous, we write $K_A(x, y)$ or $A(x, y)$ to denote the distribution kernel of $A$.
Let $H(x,y)\in D'(W\times W_1,G\boxtimes E^*)$. We write $H$ to denote the unique continuous operator $C^\infty_0(W_1,E){\rightarrow}D'(W,G)$ with distribution kernel $H(x,y)$. In this work, we identify $H$ with $H(x,y)$.
Let $M$ be a relatively compact open subset with $C^\infty$ boundary $X$ of a complex manifold $M'$. Let $F$ be a $C^\infty$ vector bundle over $M'$. Let $C^\infty({\overline}M, F)$, $D'({\overline}M,F)$ denote the spaces of restrictions to $M$ of elements in the spaces $C^\infty(M',F)$, $D'(M',F)$ respectively.
CR manifolds {#s-gue170627}
Let $(X, T^{1,0}X)$ be a compact, orientable CR manifold of dimension $2n+1$, $n\geq 1$, where $T^{1,0}X$ is a CR structure of $X$, that is, $T^{1,0}X$ is a subbundle of rank $n$ of the complexified tangent bundle $\mathbb{C}TX$, satisfying $T^{1,0}X\cap T^{0,1}X=\{0\}$, where $T^{0,1}X=\overline{T^{1,0}X}$, and $[\mathcal V,\mathcal V]\subset\mathcal V$, where $\mathcal V=C^\infty(X, T^{1,0}X)$. We fix a real non-vanishing $1$ form $\omega_0\in C(X,T^*X)$ so that $\langle\,\omega_0(x)\,,\,u\,\rangle=0$, for every $u\in T^{1,0}_xX\oplus T^{0,1}_xX$, for every $x\in X$. We call $\omega_0$ Reeb one form on $X$.
\[d-1.2\] For $p\in X$, the Levi form $\mathcal L_{X,p}$ of $X$ at $p$ is the Hermitian quadratic form on $T^{1,0}_pX$ given by $\mathcal{L}_{X,p}(U,V)=-\frac{1}{2i}\langle\,d\omega_0(p)\,,\,U\wedge{\overline}V\,\rangle$, $U, V\in T^{1,0}_pX$.
Denote by $\mathcal{L}_{X}$ the Levi form on $X$.
Fix a global non-vanishing vector field $T\in C^\infty(X,TX)$ such that $\omega_0(T)=-1$ and $T$ is transversal to $T^{1,0}X\oplus T^{0,1}X$. We call $T$ Reeb vector field on $X$. Take a smooth Hermitian metric $\langle \cdot \mid \cdot \rangle$ on $\mathbb{C}TX$ so that $T^{1,0}X$ is orthogonal to $T^{0,1}X$, $\langle u \mid v \rangle$ is real if $u, v$ are real tangent vectors, $\langle\,T\,|\,T\,\rangle=1$ and $T$ is orthogonal to $T^{1,0}X\oplus T^{0,1}X$. For $u \in \mathbb{C}TX$, we write $|u|^2 := \langle u | u \rangle$. Denote by $T^{*1,0}X$ and $T^{*0,1}X$ the dual bundles $T^{1,0}X$ and $T^{0,1}X$, respectively. They can be identified with subbundles of the complexified cotangent bundle $\mathbb{C}T^*X$. Define the vector bundle of $(p,q)$-forms by $T^{*p,q}X := (\wedge^pT^{*1,0}X)\wedge(\wedge^qT^{*0,1}X)$. The Hermitian metric $\langle \cdot | \cdot \rangle$ on $\mathbb{C}TX$ induces, by duality, a Hermitian metric on $\mathbb{C}T^*X$ and also on the bundles of $(p,q)$ forms $T^{*p,q}X, p, q=0, 1, \cdots, n$. We shall also denote all these induced metrics by $\langle \cdot | \cdot \rangle$. Note that we have the pointwise orthogonal decompositions: $$\begin{array}{c}
\mathbb{C}T^*X = T^{*1,0}X \oplus T^{*0,1}X \oplus \left\{ \lambda \omega_0: \lambda \in \mathbb{C} \right\}, \\
\mathbb{C}TX = T^{1,0}X \oplus T^{0,1}X \oplus \left\{ \lambda T: \lambda \in \mathbb{C} \right\}.
Let $D$ be an open set of $X$. Let $\Omega^{p,q}(D)$ denote the space of smooth sections of $T^{*p,q}X$ over $D$ and let $\Omega^{p,q}_0(D)$ be the subspace of $\Omega^{p,q}(D)$ whose elements have compact support in $D$. For each point $x\in X$, in this paper, we will identify $\mathcal L_{X,x}$ as a $(1,1)$ form at $x$. Hence, $\mathcal L_X\in\Omega^{1,1}(X)$.
Now, we assume that $X$ admits an $S^1$-action: $S^1\times X\rightarrow X, (e^{i\theta}, x)\rightarrow e^{i\theta}\circ x$. Here we use $e^{i\theta}$ to denote the $S^1$-action. Let ${\widetilde}T\in C^\infty(X, TX)$ be the global real vector field induced by the $S^1$-action given as follows $$({\widetilde}Tu)(x)=\frac{\partial}{\partial\theta}\left(u(e^{i\theta}\circ x)\right)\Big|_{\theta=0},~u\in C^\infty(X).$$
We say that the $S^1$-action $e^{i\theta} ~(0\leq\theta<2\pi$) is CR if $$[{\widetilde}T, C^\infty(X, T^{1,0}X)]\subset C^\infty(X, T^{1,0}X),$$ where $[~,~ ]$ is the Lie bracket between the smooth vector fields on $X$. Furthermore, the $S^1$-action is called transversal if for each $x\in X$ one has $$\mathbb C{\widetilde}T(x)\oplus T_x^{1,0}(X)\oplus T_x^{0,1}X=\mathbb CT_xX.$$
If the $S^1$ action is transversal and CR, we will always take the Reeb one form on $X$ to be the global real one form determined by $\langle\,\omega_0\,,\, u\,\rangle=0$, for every $u\in T^{1,0}X\oplus T^{0,1}X$ and $\langle\,\omega_0\,,\,{\widetilde}T\,\rangle=-1$ and we will always take the Reeb vector field on $X$ to be ${\widetilde}T$. Hence, we will also write $T$ to denote the global real vector field induced by the $S^1$-action.
Until further notice, we assume that $(X, T^{1,0}X)$ is a compact connected strongly pseudoconvex CR manifold with a transversal CR $S^1$-action $e^{i\theta}$. For every $q\in\mathbb N$, put $$X_q:=\{x\in X: e^{i\theta}\circ x\neq x, \forall\theta\in(0,\frac{2\pi}{q}),\ e^{i\frac{2\pi}{q}}\circ x=x\}.$$ Set $p:=\min\{q\in\mathbb{N}: X_{q}\neq\emptyset \}$. Thus, $X_{{\rm reg\,}}=X_p$. Note that one can re-normalize the $S^1$-action by lifting such that the new $S^1$-action satisfies $X_1\neq\emptyset$, see [@dh]. For simplicity, we assume that $p=1$. If $X$ is connected, then $X_{1}$ is open and dense in $X$. Assume that $$X=\cup_{j=0}^{t-1}X_{p_{j}},\ \ 1=:p_0<p_1<\cdots<p_{t-1}.$$ Put $X_{sing}:=X_{sing}^{1}=\cup_{j=1}^{t-1}X_{p_{j}}$, and $X_{sing}^{r}:=\cup_{j=r}^{t-1}X_{p_{j}}$ for $2\leq r\leq t-1$. Take the convention that $X_{sing}^{t}=\emptyset$. It follows from [@dh] that
$X_{sing}^{r}$ is a closed subset of $X$, for $1\leq r\leq t$.
Fix $\theta_0\in [0, 2\pi)$. Let $$d e^{i\theta_0}: \mathbb CT_x X\rightarrow \mathbb CT_{e^{i\theta_0}x}X$$ denote the differential map of $e^{i\theta_0}: X\rightarrow X$. By the properties of transversal CR $S^1$-actions, we can check that $$\label{a}
de^{i\theta_0}:T_x^{1,0}X\rightarrow T^{1,0}_{e^{i\theta_0}x}X,\\
de^{i\theta_0}:T_x^{0,1}X\rightarrow T^{0,1}_{e^{i\theta_0}x}X,\\
\end{split}$$ Let $(e^{i\theta_0})^\ast: \Lambda^q(\mathbb CT^\ast X)\rightarrow\Lambda^q(\mathbb CT^\ast X)$ be the pull back of $e^{i\theta_0}, q=0,1\cdots, 2n+1$. From , we can check that for every $q=0, 1,\cdots, n$ $$(e^{i\theta_0})^\ast: T^{\ast0,q}_{e^{i\theta_0}x}X\rightarrow T_x^{\ast0,q}X.$$
Let $u\in\Omega^{0,q}(X)$. The Lie derivative of $u$ along the direction $T$ is denoted by $Tu$. We have $Tu\in\Omega^{0, q}(X)$ for all $u\in\Omega^{0, q}(X)$.
Let $\overline\partial_b:\Omega^{0,q}(X)\rightarrow\Omega^{0,q+1}(X)$ be the tangential Cauchy-Riemann operator. From , it is straightforward to check that $$\label{c}
For every $m\in\mathbb Z$, put $\Omega^{0,q}_m(X):=\{u\in\Omega^{0,q}(X): Tu=imu\}$. For $q=0$, we write $C^\infty_m(X):=\Omega^{0,0}_m(X)$. We denote by $\overline\partial_{b, m}$ the restriction of $\overline\partial_b$ to $\Omega^{0, q}_m(X)$. From (\[c\]) we have the ${\overline\partial}_{b, m}$-complex for every $m\in\mathbb Z$: $$\label{e-gue140903VI}
{\overline\partial}_{b, m}:\cdots{\rightarrow}\Omega^{0,q-1}_m(X){\rightarrow}\Omega^{0,q}_m(X){\rightarrow}\Omega^{0,q+1}_m(X){\rightarrow}\cdots.$$ For $m\in\mathbb Z$, the $q$-th ${\overline\partial}_{b, m}$-cohomology is given by $$\label{a8}
H^{q}_{b,m}(X):=\frac{{\rm Ker\,}{\overline\partial}_{b}:\Omega^{0,q}_m(X){\rightarrow}\Omega^{0,q+1}_m(X)}{\operatorname{Im}{\overline\partial}_{b}:\Omega^{0,q-1}_m(X){\rightarrow}\Omega^{0,q}_m(X)}.$$ Moreover, we have [@hl] $$\label{a1}
{\rm dim} H^q_{b, m}(X)<\infty, ~\text{for all}~ q=0, \ldots, n.$$
\[def-16-09-01\] A function $u\in C^\infty(X)$ is a Cauchy-Riemann function (CR function for short) if $\overline\partial_bu=0$, that is $\overline Zu=0$ for all $Z\in C^{\infty}(X, T^{1, 0}X)$. For $m\in \mathbb N$, $H^0_{b, m}(X)$ is called the $m$-th positive Fourier component of the space of CR functions.
We recall the canonical local coordinates (BRT coordinates) due to Baouendi-Rothschild-Treves, (see [@brt]).
\[t-gue170720y\] With the notations and assumptions above, fix $x_0\in X$. There exist local coordinates $(x_1,\cdots,x_{2n+1})=(z,\theta)=(z_1,\cdots,z_{n},\theta), z_j=x_{2j-1}+ix_{2j}, 1\leq j\leq n, x_{2n+1}=\theta$, centered at $x_0$, defined on $D=\{(z, \theta)\in\mathbb C^{n}\times\mathbb R: |z|<\varepsilon, |\theta|<\delta\}$, such that $$\label{e-can}
&Z_j=\frac{\partial}{\partial z_j}+i\frac{\partial\varphi(z)}{\partial z_j}\frac{\partial}{\partial\theta},j=1,\cdots,n,
\end{split}$$ where $\{Z_j(x)\}_{j=1}^{n}$ form a basis of $T_x^{1,0}X$, for each $x\in D$ and $\varphi(z)\in C^\infty(D,\mathbb R)$ is independent of $\theta$. We call $D$ a canonical local patch and $(z, \theta, \varphi)$ canonical coordinates centered at $x_0$.
Note that Theorem \[t-gue170720y\] holds if $X$ is not strongly pseudoconvex.
On the BRT coordinate $D$, the action of the partial Cauchy-Riemann operator is the following $$\bar \partial_{b}u=\sum_{j=1}^{n}(\frac{\partial u}{\partial\bar z_{j}} - i\frac{\partial \varphi}{\partial\bar z_{j}}\frac{\partial u}{\partial\theta} )d\bar z_{j}.$$ We can check that $$\omega_{0}=-d\theta+i\sum_{j=1}^{n}\frac{\partial\varphi}{\partial z_{j}}dz_{j}-i\sum_{j=1}^{n}\frac{\partial\varphi}{\partial \bar z_{j}}d\bar z_{j}.$$ Hence the Levi form is $$\mathcal{L}_{X}=-\frac{1}{2i}d\omega_{0}\big|_{T^{1,0}X}=\partial \bar \partial \varphi.$$ If $u\in H^{0}_{b,m}(X)$, then $\bar \partial_{b}u=0$. It is equivalent to that $$\frac{\partial u}{\partial\bar z_{j}} - i\frac{\partial \varphi}{\partial\bar z_{j}}\frac{\partial u}{\partial\theta}=0,\ \forall j.$$ Moreover, since $Tu=imu$, $u$ can be written locally as $$u\big|_{D}=e^{im\theta}\tilde u(z).$$ Then $$\label{e-gue170723}
&\frac{\partial \tilde u}{\partial\bar z_{j}} +m\frac{\partial \varphi}{\partial\bar z_{j}}\tilde u \\
&=\frac{\partial}{\partial\bar z_{j}}(\tilde ue^{m\varphi})=
0,\ \forall j.\\
\end{split}$$ That is to say, $\tilde ue^{m\varphi}$ is holomorphic with respect to the $(z_{1},...,z_{n})$-coordinate.
Let $X\times \mathbb{R}$ be the complex manifold with the following holomorphic tangent bundle and complex structure $J$, $$\label{e-gue170723I}
&T^{1,0}X\oplus\{\mathbb{C}(T-i\frac{\partial}{\partial\eta}) \},\\
&JT=\frac{\partial}{\partial\eta}, \ Ju=iu \ \text{for}\ u\in T^{1,0}X.\\
\[l-gue170704w\] Let $u\in\oplus_{m\in\mathbb Z, |m|\leq N}C^{\infty}_{m}(X)$ with $\bar \partial_{b}u=0$, where $N\in\mathbb N$. Then there exists a unique function $v$, which is holomorphic in $X\times \mathbb{R}$ such that $v\big|_{\eta=0}=u$.
Let $D$ be a canonical local coordinate patch with canonical local coordinates $x=(z,\theta)$. On $D$, we write $u=\sum_{m\in\mathbb Z, {\left\vertm\right\vert}\leq N}u_{m}(z)e^{im\theta}$. Note that in canonical local coordinates $x=(z,\theta)$, we have $T=\frac{\partial}{\partial\theta}$. Set $$v:=\sum_{m\in\mathbb Z, {\left\vertm\right\vert}\leq N}u_{m}(z)e^{im(\theta+i\eta)}.$$ From ${\overline\partial}_bu=0$, it is easy to check that $v$ is holomorphic on $D\times{\mathbb R}$ with respect the complex structure and $v|_{\eta=0}=u$. If there exists another function $\tilde v$ satisfying the same properties. Then $\tilde v-v$ is holomorphic, $(\tilde v-v)\big|_{\eta=0}=0$. So $\tilde v=v$. Thus, we can define $v$ as a global CR function on $X\times{\mathbb R}$ and we have $v|_{\eta=0}=u$. The proof is completed.
Uniform estimate of Szegő kernel functions {#s-gue170704}
In this section, we will give a uniform estimate of Szegő kernel function on $X$. We keep the notations and assumptions in the previous sections. We first recall a recent result about Szegő kernel asymptotic expansion on CR manifolds with $S^1$ action due to Herrmann-Hsiao-Li [@hhl].
For $x, y\in X$, let $d(x,y)$ denote the Riemannian distance between $x$ and $y$ induced by $\langle\,\cdot\,|\,\cdot\,\rangle$. Let $A$ be a closed subset of $X$. Put $d(x,A):=\inf{\left\{d(x,y);\, y\in A\right\}}$.
\[t-gue170704\] Recall that we work with the assumptions that $X$ is a compact connected strongly pseudoconvex CR manifold of dimension $2n+1$, $n\geq 1$, with a transversal CR $S^1$ action. With the above notations for $X_{p_{r}}, 0\leq r\leq t-1$, there are $b_{j}(x)\in C^{\infty}(X)$, $j=0,1,2,\ldots$, such that for any $r=0,1,\ldots,t-1$, any differential operator $P_{\ell}:C^{\infty}(X){\rightarrow}C^{\infty}(X)$ of order $\ell\in\mathbb{N}_{0}$ and every $N\in \mathbb{N}$, there are $\varepsilon_{0}>0$ and $C_{N}$ independent of $m$ with the following estimate $$\begin{split}
&\Bigl|P_{\ell}\Bigl(S_{m} (x) -\sum_{s=1} ^{p_{r}}e^{\frac{2\pi(s-1)}{p_{r}}mi} \sum_{j=0}^{N-1}m^{n-j}b_{j}(x)
&\leq C_{N}
\Bigl(m^{n-N}+m^{n+\frac{\ell}{2}} e^{-m\varepsilon_{0}d(x,X_{sing}^{r+1})^{2} } \Bigr),\ \forall m\geq 1,\ \forall x\in X_{p_{r}}, \\
\end{split}$$ where $b_{0}(x)\geq \epsilon>0$ on $X$ for some universal constant $\epsilon$.
Note that when $m$ is a multiple of $p_{r}$, then $\sum_{s=1} ^{p_{r}}e^{\frac{2\pi(s-1)}{p_{r}}mi}$ is equal to $p_{r}$. When $m$ is not a multiple of $p_{r}$, then $\sum_{s=1} ^{p_{r}}e^{\frac{2\pi(s-1)}{p_{r}}mi}$ is equal to $0$.
\[c-gue170722a\] With the above notations and assumptions, we have $$S_{m}(x)\leq Cm^{n}, \ \forall m\geq 1, \ x\in X,$$ where $C>0$ is a constant independent of $m$.
Fix $r=0,1,\ldots,t-1$. There is a $m_0>0$ such that for every $m\geq m_0$, $p_r|m$, we have $$S_{m}(x)\geq m^{n}(p_rb_{0}(x)-c_{1}e^{-m\varepsilon_{0}d(x,X_{{\rm sing\,}}^{r+1})^{2}}-c_1\frac{1}{m})$$ for any $x\in X_{p_{r}}$, where $c_1>0$ is a constant independent of $m$.
\[c-gue170722Hyc\] With the above notations and assumptions, let $r=0$, we have $$\lim_{m{\rightarrow}\infty}\frac{S_{m}(x)}{m^{n}}=b_{0}(x), \ \forall x\in X_{{\rm reg\,}}.$$
Let $x, x_1\in X$. We have $$\label{e-gue170721cw}
\end{split}$$ By Theorem \[t-gue170704\] with $l=1$, we have the following
\[c-gue170721cw\] We have $${\left\vertR_m(x,x_1)\right\vert}\leq c_2m^{n+\frac{1}{2}}d(x,x_1),\ \ \forall (x,x_1)\in X\times X,$$ where $c_{2}>0$ is a constant independent of $m$.
The main result in this section is the following
\[t-gue170704r\] There exist positive integers $k_{1}<\cdot\cdot\cdot<k_{t-1}$ independent of $m$ and $m_0>0$, such that for all $m\geq m_0$ with $p_{j}|m$, $j=0,1,\ldots,t-1$, we have $$\frac{1}{C}m^n\leq S_{m}(x)+S_{k_{1}m}(x)+\cdot\cdot\cdot+S_{k_{t-1}m}(x)\leq Cm^{n}, \\ \forall x\in X,$$ where $S_{k_{j}m}(x)$ is the Szegő kernel function associated to $H^0_{b,k_{j}m}(X)$ and $C>1$ is a constant independent of $m$.
Put $X^0_{{\rm sing\,}}:=X_{{\rm reg\,}}$. We claim that for every $j\in{\left\{0,1,\ldots,t-1\right\}}$, we can find $k_0:=1<k_1<\cdots<k_{t-1-j}$ and $m_0>0$ such that for all $m\geq m_0$ with $p_s|m$, $s=j, j+1,\ldots,t-1$, we have $$\label{e-gue170722y}
\frac{1}{C}m^n\leq S_{m}(x)+S_{k_{1}m}(x)+\cdot\cdot\cdot+S_{k_{t-1-j}m}(x)\leq Cm^{n},\ \ \forall x\in X^j_{{\rm sing\,}},$$ where $C>1$ is a constant independent of $m$.
We prove the claim by induction over $j$. Let $j=t-1$. Since $X^t_{{\rm sing\,}}=\emptyset$, by Theorem \[t-gue170704\], we see that for all $m\gg1$ with $p_{t-1}|m$, we have $$S_m(x)\approx m^n\ \ \mbox{on $X^{t-1}_{{\rm sing\,}}$}.$$ The claim holds for $j=t-1$. Assume that the claim holds for some $0<j_0\leq t-1$. We are going to prove the claim holds for $j_0-1$. By induction assumption, there exist positive integers $k_0:=1<k_{1}<\cdot\cdot\cdot<k_{t-1-j_0}$ independent of $m$ and $m_0>0$ such that for all $m\geq m_0$ with $p_s|m$, $s=j_0,j_0+1,\ldots,t-1$, we have $$\label{e-gue170722yI}
\frac{1}{C}m^n\leq A_m(x):=S_{m}(x)+S_{k_{1}m}(x)+\cdot\cdot\cdot+S_{k_{t-1-j_0}m}(x)\leq Cm^{n}, \ \ \forall x\in X^{j_0}_{{\rm sing\,}},$$ where $C>1$ is a constant independent of $m$. In view of Corollary \[c-gue170722a\], we see that there is a large constant $C_0>1$ and $m_1>0$ such that for all $m\geq m_1$ with $p_{j_0-1}|m$ and all $x\in X_{p_{j_0-1}}$ with $d(x, X^{j_0}_{{\rm sing\,}})\geq\frac{C_0}{\sqrt{m}}$, we have $$\label{e-gue170722yc}
S_m(x)\geq cm^n,$$ where $c>0$ is a constant independent of $m$. Fix $C_0>0$, where $C_0$ is as in the discussion before and let $k\in\mathbb N$ and $m\gg1$ with $p_s|m$, $s=j_0,j_0+1,\ldots,t-1$. Consider the set $$S_{k,m}:={\left\{x\in X_{p_{j_0-1}};\, d(x, X^{j_0}_{{\rm sing\,}})\leq\frac{C_0}{\sqrt{km}}\right\}}.$$ Let $x\in S_{k,m}$. Since $X^{j_0}_{{\rm sing\,}}$ is a closed subset of $X$ by Proposition 2.2, there is a point $x_2\in X^{j_0}_{{\rm sing\,}}$ such that $d(x,x_{2})=d(x,X^{j_0}_{{\rm sing\,}})$. By , we write $$\label{e-gue170722pI}
\end{split}$$ where $$v_m(x,x_2):=(A_m(x_2))^{-1}\Bigr(R_m(x,x_2)+R_{k_{1}m}(x,x_2)+\cdot\cdot\cdot+R_{k_{t-1-j_0}m}(x,x_2)\Bigr).$$ Then with Corollary \[c-gue170721cw\], $$\label{e-gue170722p}
|v_{m}|\lesssim \frac{C_0}{\sqrt{km}}m^{-n}m^{n+\frac{1}{2}}\lesssim \frac{C_0}{\sqrt{k}}.$$ From and , we see that there is a large constant $k_{t-j_0}$ and $m_2>0$ such that for all $m\geq m_2$ with $p_s|m$, $s=j_0,j_0+1,\ldots,t-1$, we have $$\label{e-gue170722pII}
A_m(x)\geq\hat c m^n,\ \ \forall x\in S_{k_{t-j_0},m}:={\left\{x\in X_{p_{j_0-1}};\, d(x, X^{j_0}_{{\rm sing\,}})\leq\frac{C_0}{\sqrt{k_{t-j_0}m}}\right\}},$$ where $\hat c>0$ is a constant independent of $m$. In view of , we see that for all $m\geq\max{\left\{m_1, m_2\right\}}$ with $p_{j_0-1}|m$, we have $$\label{e-gue170722yca}
S_{k_{t-j_0}m}(x)\geq {\widetilde}cm^n,\ \ \mbox{$\forall x\in X_{p_{j_0-1}}$ with $d(x, X^{j_0}_{{\rm sing\,}})\geq\frac{C_0}{\sqrt{k_{t-j_0}m}}$},$$ where ${\widetilde}c>0$ is a constant independent of $m$. From and , we get the claim for $j=j_0-1$. By induction assumption, we get the claim and the theorem follows then.
Equidistribution on CR manifolds
This section is devoted to proving Theorem \[t-gue170704ryz\]. For simplicity, we assume that $X=X_{p_0}\bigcup X_{p_1}$, $p_0=1$. The proof of general case is similar. Let $k_1$ be as in Theorem \[t-gue170704r\]. Let $\alpha=[1,p_1]=p_1$. We recall some notations used in Section \[s-gue170727\]. For each $m\in\mathbb N$, put $A_m(X):=H^0_{b,\alpha m}(X)\bigcup H^0_{b,\alpha k_1m}(X)$, $SA_m(X):={\left\{g\in A_m(X);\, (\,g\,|\,g\,)=1\right\}}$ and let $d\mu_m$ to denote the equidistribution probability measure on the unit sphere $SA_m(X)$. We consider the probability space $\Omega(X):=\prod^\infty_{m=1}SA_m(X)$ with the probability measure $d\mu:=\prod^\infty_{m=1}d\mu_m$.
Fix $\chi(\eta)\in C^\infty_0({\mathbb R})$ with $\int\chi(\eta)d\eta=1$ and let $\varepsilon_m$ be a sequence with $\lim_{m{\rightarrow}\infty}m\varepsilon_m=0$. Let $D$ be a local BRT canonical coordinate patch with canonical local coordinates $(z,\theta,\varphi)$. Let $x=(x_1,\ldots,x_{2n+1})=(z,\theta)$, $z_j=x_{2j-1}+ix_{2j}$, $j=1,\ldots,n$. Fix $f\in\Omega^{n-1,n-1}_0(D)$. We only need to show that for $d\mu$-almost every ${\left\{u_m\right\}}\in\Omega(X)$, we have $$\label{e-gue170729}
\lim_{m{\rightarrow}\infty}\frac{1}{m}\langle\,[v_{m}=0], f\wedge\omega_0\wedge \frac{1}{\varepsilon_m}\chi(\frac{\eta}{\varepsilon_m})d\eta\,\rangle
=\alpha\frac{1+k_{1}^{n+1}}{1+k_{1}^{n}}\frac{i}{\pi}\int_{X}\mathcal{L}_{X}\wedge f\wedge \omega_{0},$$ where $v_m(x,\eta)\in C^\infty(X\times{\mathbb R})$ is the unique holomorphic function on $X\times{\mathbb R}$ with $v_m(x,\eta)|_{\eta=0}=u_m(x)$.
Let $u\in S A_m(X)$ and let $v(z,\theta,\eta)$ be holomorphic function on $X\times{\mathbb R}$ with $v|_{\eta=0}=u$. For simplicity, let $m_1:=\alpha m$, $m_2:=\alpha k_1m$. On $D$, we write $$u=u_{1}+u_{2}=\tilde u_{1}(z)e^{im_{1}\theta}+\tilde u_{2}(z)e^{im_{2}\theta}\in H^{0}_{b,m_{1}}(X)\oplus H^{0}_{b,m_{2}}(X).$$ Then, $$v=\tilde u_{1}(z)e^{im_{1}\theta+m_{1}(\varphi-\eta)}+\tilde u_{2}(z)e^{im_{2}\theta+m_{2}(\varphi-\eta)}.$$ We have $$\begin{split}
&\langle[v=0], f\wedge\omega_0\wedge \frac{1}{\varepsilon_m}\chi(\frac{\eta}{\varepsilon_m})d\eta\rangle\\
\end{split}$$ Note that $\frac{{\partial}}{{\partial}{\overline}z_j}v(z,\theta,\eta-\varphi(z))=0$, $j=1,\ldots,n$, $(\frac{{\partial}}{{\partial}\theta}-i\frac{{\partial}}{{\partial}\eta})v(z,\theta,\eta-\varphi(z))=0$. From this observation and Lelong-Poincaré formula, we deduce that $$\label{e-gue170729y}
&\langle[v=0], f\wedge\omega_0\wedge \frac{1}{\varepsilon_m}\chi(\frac{\eta}{\varepsilon_m})d\eta\rangle\\
&=\frac{i}{2\pi}\int\partial \bar \partial
\log|\tilde u_{1}(z)e^{im_{1}\theta+m_{1}(\varphi-\eta)}+\tilde u_{2}(z)e^{im_{2}\theta+m_{2}(\varphi-\eta)}|^2\\
\end{split}$$ where $\partial$ and ${\overline\partial}$ denote the standard ${\partial}$-operator and ${\overline\partial}$-operator on $z$-coordinates.
Let $S_{m_1}$ (resp. $S_{m_2}$) be the Szegő kernel functions of $H^{0}_{b,m_1}(X)$ (resp. $H^{0}_{b,m_2}(X)$). By using the same arguments in Shiffman-Zelditch’s paper [@sz Section 3] and , we deduce that for $d\mu$-almost every $\{u_{m}\}\in\Omega(X)$, we have $$\label{e-gue170730}
\lim_{m{\rightarrow}\infty}&\Bigl(\frac{1}{m}\langle\,[v_{m}=0], f\wedge\omega_0\wedge \frac{1}{\varepsilon_m}\chi(\frac{\eta}{\varepsilon_m})d\eta\,\rangle
&\int\partial\bar \partial\log(e^{2m_{1}(\varphi-\eta)}S_{m_1}+e^{2m_{2}(\varphi-\eta)}S_{m_2})\wedge f\wedge\omega_0\wedge\chi(\frac{\eta-\varphi}{\varepsilon_m})\frac{1}{\varepsilon_m}(d\eta-d\varphi)\Bigr)=0.
\end{split}$$ Let $F_{m}=e^{2m_{1}(\varphi-\eta)}S_{m_1}+e^{2m_{2}(\varphi-\eta)}S_{m_2}$.
In view of , to prove Theorem \[t-gue170704ryz\], it suffices to compute $$\label{e-gue170730yc}
\lim_{m{\rightarrow}\infty}\frac{i}{2m\pi}\int\partial\bar \partial \log F_{m}\wedge
f\wedge\omega_0\wedge\chi(\frac{\eta-\varphi}{\varepsilon_m})\frac{1}{\varepsilon_m}(d\eta-d\varphi).$$ Recall that $S_{m_1}+S_{m_2}\approx m^{n}$ on $X$ (see Theorem \[t-gue170704r\]). We write $F=F_{m}, a_{1}=S_{m_1}, a_{2}=S_{m_2}$ for short. We have $$\label{e-gue170730Iq}
\partial\bar \partial \log F=\frac{\partial\bar \partial F}{F}-\frac{\partial F\wedge \bar \partial F}{F^{2}}.$$ We can check that $$\label{e-gue170730I}
\partial F&=\partial(e^{2m_{1}(\varphi-\eta)}a_{1}+e^{2m_{2}(\varphi-\eta)}a_{2})\\
&=e^{2m_{1}(\varphi-\eta)}\partial a_{1}+e^{2m_{2}(\varphi-\eta)}\partial a_{2}\\
&\quad +2m_{1}a_{1}e^{2m_{1}(\varphi-\eta)}\partial (\varphi-\eta)+
2m_{2}a_{2}e^{2m_{2}(\varphi-\eta)}\partial (\varphi-\eta),
\end{split}$$ $$\label{e-gue170730II}
\bar\partial F&=\bar\partial(e^{2m_{1}(\varphi-\eta)}a_{1}+e^{2m_{2}(\varphi-\eta)}a_{2})\\
&=e^{2m_{1}(\varphi-\eta)}\bar\partial a_{1}+e^{2m_{2}(\varphi-\eta)}\bar\partial a_{2}\\
&\quad +2m_{1}a_{1}e^{2m_{1}(\varphi-\eta)}\bar\partial (\varphi-\eta)+
2m_{2}a_{2}e^{2m_{2}(\varphi-\eta)}\bar\partial (\varphi-\eta).\\
\end{split}$$ and $$\label{e-gue170730b}
\partial F\wedge\bar\partial F&=(e^{2m_{1}(\varphi-\eta)}\partial a_{1}+e^{2m_{2}(\varphi-\eta)}\partial a_{2}\\
&\quad +2m_{1}a_{1}e^{2m_{1}(\varphi-\eta)}\partial (\varphi-\eta)+
2m_{2}a_{2}e^{2m_{2}(\varphi-\eta)}\partial (\varphi-\eta))\\
&\quad\wedge (e^{2m_{1}(\varphi-\eta)}\bar\partial a_{1}+e^{2m_{2}(\varphi-\eta)}\bar\partial a_{2}\\
&\quad +2m_{1}a_{1}e^{2m_{1}(\varphi-\eta)}\bar\partial (\varphi-\eta)+
2m_{2}a_{2}e^{2m_{2}(\varphi-\eta)}\bar\partial (\varphi-\eta)).
Moreover, we have $$\label{e-gue170730III}
\partial\bar\partial F&=\partial(e^{2m_{1}(\varphi-\eta)}\bar\partial a_{1}+e^{2m_{2}(\varphi-\eta)}\bar\partial a_{2}\\
&\quad +2m_{1}a_{1}e^{2m_{1}(\varphi-\eta)}\bar\partial (\varphi-\eta)+
2m_{2}a_{2}e^{2m_{2}(\varphi-\eta)}\bar\partial (\varphi-\eta))\\
&=e^{2m_{1}(\varphi-\eta)}\partial\bar\partial a_{1}+2m_{1}e^{2m_{1}(\varphi-\eta)}\partial(\varphi-\eta)\wedge\bar{\partial a_{1}}\\
&\quad +e^{2m_{2}(\varphi-\eta)}\partial\bar\partial a_{2}+2m_{2}e^{2m_{2}(\varphi-\eta)}\partial(\varphi-\eta)\wedge\bar{\partial a_{2}}\\
&\quad +2m_{1}a_{1}e^{2m_{1}(\varphi-\eta)}\partial\bar\partial(\varphi-\eta)
&\quad +2m_{2}a_{2}e^{2m_{2}(\varphi-\eta)}\partial\bar\partial(\varphi-\eta)
\end{split}$$ and furthermore, we have $$\label{e-gue170730a}
&=2m_{1}(e^{2m_{1}(\varphi-\eta)}\partial a_{1}\wedge\bar\partial(\varphi-\eta)+2m_{1}a_{1} e^{2m_{1}(\varphi-\eta)}\partial(\varphi-\eta)\wedge\bar\partial(\varphi-\eta) )
\end{split}$$ and $$\label{e-gue170730aI}
&=2m_{2}(e^{2m_{2}(\varphi-\eta)}\partial a_{2}\wedge\bar\partial(\varphi-\eta)+2m_{2}a_{2} e^{2m_{2}(\varphi-\eta)}\partial(\varphi-\eta)\wedge\bar\partial(\varphi-\eta) ).
We first compute the following kinds of terms in : $$\label{e-gue170730ycI}
\int e^{2m_{j}(\varphi-\eta)}\partial (\varphi-\eta)\wedge\bar\partial a_{j}/F\wedge f\wedge\omega_0\wedge\chi(\frac{\eta-\varphi}{\varepsilon_m})\frac{1}{\varepsilon_m}(d\eta-d\varphi),\ \ j\in{\left\{1,2\right\}}.$$ $$\label{e-gue170730ycIb}
\int e^{2m_{j}(\varphi-\eta)}{\overline\partial}(\varphi-\eta)\wedge{\partial}a_{j}/F\wedge f\wedge\omega_0\wedge\chi(\frac{\eta-\varphi}{\varepsilon_m})\frac{1}{\varepsilon_m}(d\eta-d\varphi),\ \ j\in{\left\{1,2\right\}}.$$ $$\label{e-gue170730ycII}
\int \frac{1}{m}e^{2m_{j}(\varphi-\eta)}\partial \bar\partial a_{j}/F\wedge f\wedge\omega_0\wedge\chi(\frac{\eta-\varphi}{\varepsilon_m})\frac{1}{\varepsilon_m}(d\eta-d\varphi),\ \ j\in{\left\{1,2\right\}}.$$ $$\label{e-gue170730ycIII}
\int a_{j}e^{2m_{j}(\varphi-\eta)}e^{2m_{k}(\varphi-\eta)}\partial a_{k}\wedge\bar\partial (\varphi-\eta)/F^{2}\wedge f\wedge\omega_0\wedge\chi(\frac{\eta-\varphi}{\varepsilon_m})\frac{1}{\varepsilon_m}(d\eta-d\varphi),\ \ j,k\in{\left\{1,2\right\}}.$$ $$\label{e-gue170730ycIIIb}
\int a_{j}e^{2m_{j}(\varphi-\eta)}e^{2m_{k}(\varphi-\eta)}{\overline\partial}a_{k}\wedge{\partial}(\varphi-\eta)/F^{2}\wedge f\wedge\omega_0\wedge\chi(\frac{\eta-\varphi_m}{\varepsilon_m})\frac{1}{\varepsilon_m}(d\eta-d\varphi),\ \ j,k\in{\left\{1,2\right\}}.$$ $$\label{e-gue170730ych}
\int \frac{1}{m}e^{2m_{j}(\varphi-\eta)}e^{2m_{k}(\varphi-\eta)}\partial a_{j}\wedge\bar\partial a_{k}/F^{2}\wedge f\wedge\omega_0\wedge\chi(\frac{\eta-\varphi}{\varepsilon_m})\frac{1}{\varepsilon_m}(d\eta-d\varphi),\ \ j,k\in{\left\{1,2\right\}}.$$ It is straightforward to check that $$\partial (\varphi-\eta)\wedge\omega_0\wedge (d\eta-d\varphi)=0,\ \ {\overline\partial}(\varphi-\eta)\wedge\omega_0\wedge(d\eta-d\varphi)=0.$$ From this observation, we see that terms , , and are zero.
For and , from Theorem \[t-gue170704\] and Lebesgue dominate theorem, we have $$\begin{split}
&{\left\vert\int \frac{1}{m}e^{2m_{j}(\varphi-\eta)}\partial \bar\partial a_{j}/F\wedge f\wedge\omega_0\wedge\chi(\frac{\eta-\varphi}{\varepsilon_m})\frac{1}{\varepsilon_m}(d\eta-d\varphi)\right\vert}\\
&\lesssim \frac{1}{m}\int_X\frac{m_{1}^{n}+m_{1}^{n+1}e^{-m_{1}\varepsilon_{0}d^{2}(x,X_{{\rm sing\,}})}}{m^n}{\rightarrow}0\ \ \mbox{as $m{\rightarrow}\infty$},\ \ \forall j\in{\left\{1,2\right\}},
\end{split}$$ and $$\begin{split}
&{\left\vert\int \frac{1}{m}e^{2m_{j}(\varphi-\eta)}e^{2m_{k}(\varphi-\eta)}\partial a_{j}\wedge\bar\partial a_{k}/F^{2}\wedge f\wedge\omega_0\wedge\chi(\frac{\eta-\varphi}{\varepsilon_m})\frac{1}{\varepsilon_m}(d\eta-d\varphi)\right\vert}\\
&\lesssim \frac{1}{m}\int_X\frac{m_{1}^{n}+m_{1}^{n+1}e^{-m_{1}\varepsilon_{0}d^{2}(x,X_{{\rm sing\,}})}}{m^n}{\rightarrow}0\ \ \mbox{as $m{\rightarrow}\infty$},\ \ \forall j, k\in{\left\{1,2\right\}}.
\end{split}$$ From , , , and the discussion above, we conclude that the only contribution terms in are those involving $\partial\bar \partial\varphi$, which is exactly the Levi form $\mathcal{L}_{X}$ of $X$. Then for $d\mu$-almost every $\{u_{m}\}\in\Omega(X)$, we have $$\label{e-gue170801}
&\lim_{m{\rightarrow}\infty}\frac{1}{m}\langle\,[v_{m}=0], f\wedge\omega_0\wedge \frac{1}{\varepsilon_m}\chi(\frac{\eta}{\varepsilon_m})d\eta\,\rangle\\
&=\lim_{m{\rightarrow}\infty}\frac{i}{2m\pi}\int\partial\bar \partial \log F_{m}\wedge
&=\lim_{m{\rightarrow}\infty}\frac{i}{2m\pi}\int (2m_{1}a_{1}e^{2m_{1}(\varphi-\eta)}+
2m_{2}a_{2}e^{2m_{2}(\varphi-\eta)})/F_{m}\cdot\partial\bar \partial\varphi\wedge f\wedge\omega_0\wedge\chi(\frac{\eta-\varphi}{\varepsilon})\frac{1}{\varepsilon}(d\eta-d\varphi)\\
&=\lim_{m{\rightarrow}\infty}\frac{i}{\pi}\int \frac{\alpha S_{\alpha m}(x)+k_1\alpha S_{\alpha k_1m}(x)}{S_{\alpha m}(x)+S_{\alpha k_1m}(x)}
\partial\bar \partial\varphi\wedge f\wedge\omega_0.
\end{split}$$ From Corollary \[c-gue170722Hyc\], Theorem \[t-gue170704\], Lebesgue dominate theorem and , we deduce . Theorem \[t-gue170704ryz\] follows.
Equidistribution on complex manifolds with strongly pseudoconvex boundary {#s-gue170709}
In this section, we will prove Theorem \[t-gue170703c\]. Let $M$ be a relatively compact open subset with $C^\infty$ boundary $X$ of a complex manifold $M'$ of dimension $n+1$ with a smooth Hermitian metric $\langle\,\cdot\,|\,\cdot\,\rangle$ on its holomorphic tangent bundle $T^{1,0}M'$. From now on, we will use the same notations and assumptions as in the discussion before Theorem \[t-gue170703c\]. We will first recall the classical results of Boutet de Monvel-Sjöstrand [@BouSj76] (see also second part in [@Hsiao08]). We then construct holomorphic functions with specific rate near the boundary. We first recall the Hörmander symbol spaces
\[Bd:0712101500\] Let $m\in{\mathbb R}$. $S^{m}_{1, 0}(M'\times M'\times]0, \infty[)$ is the space of all $a(x, y, t)\in C^\infty(M'\times M'\times]0, \infty[)$ such that for all local coordinate patch $U$ with local coordinates $x=(x_1,\ldots,x_{2n+2})$ and all compact sets $K\subset U$ and all $\alpha\in\mathbb N^{2n+2}_0$, $\beta\in\mathbb N^{2n+2}_0$, $\gamma\in\mathbb N_0$, there is a constant $c>0$ such that ${\left\vert{\partial}^\alpha_x{\partial}^\beta_y{\partial}^\gamma_t a(x, y, t)\right\vert}\leq c(1+{\left\vertt\right\vert})^{m-{\left\vert\gamma\right\vert}}$, $(x, y, t)\in K\times]0, \infty[$. $S^m_{1, 0}$ is called the space of symbols of order $m$ type $(1, 0)$. We write $S^{-\infty}_{1, 0}=\bigcap S^m_{1, 0}$.
Let $S^{m}_{1, 0}({\overline}M\times{\overline}M\times]0, \infty[)$ denote the space of restrictions to $M\times M\times]0, \infty[$ of elements in $S^{m}_{1, 0}(M'\times M'\times]0, \infty[)$.
Let $a_j\in S^{m_j}_{1, 0}({\overline}M\times{\overline}M\times]0, \infty[)$, $j=0,1,2,\dots$, with $m_j\searrow -\infty$, $j{\rightarrow}\infty$. Then there exists $a\in S^{m_0}_{1, 0}({\overline}M\times{\overline}M\times]0, \infty[)$ such that $a-\sum_{0\leq j<k}a_j\in S^{m_k}_{1, 0}({\overline}M\times{\overline}M\times]0, \infty[)$, for every $k\in\mathbb N$. If $a$ and $a_j$ have the properties above, we write $a\sim\sum^\infty_{j=0}a_j \text{ in }
S^{m_0}_{1, 0}({\overline}M\times{\overline}M\times[0, \infty[)$.
Let $dv_M$ be the volume form on $M$ induced by $\langle\,\cdot\,|\,\cdot\,\rangle$ and let $(\,\cdot\,|\,\cdot\,)_M$ be the $L^2$ inner product on $C^\infty_0(M)$ induced by $dv_M$ and let $L^2(M)$ be the completion of $C^\infty_0(M)$ with respect to $(\,\cdot\,|\,\cdot\,)_M$. Let $H^0(M)={\left\{u\in L^2(M);\, {\overline\partial}u=0\right\}}$. Let $B: L^2(M){\rightarrow}H^0(M)$ be the orthogonal projection with respect to $(\,\cdot\,|\,\cdot\,)_M$ and let $B(z,w)\in D'(M\times M)$ be the distribution kernel of $B$. We recall classical result of Boutet de Monvel-Sjstrand [@BouSj76].
\[t-gue170715\] With the notations and assumptions above, we have $$\label{e-gue170716}
B(z, w)=\int^\infty_0\!\!e^{i\phi(z, w)t}b(z, w, t)dt+H(z,w),$$ (for the precise meaning of the oscillatory integral $\int^\infty_0\!\!e^{i\phi(z, w)t}b(z, w, t)dt$, see Remark \[Br:0712111922\] below) where $H(z,w)\in C^\infty({\overline}M\times{\overline}M)$, $$\label{e-gue170717a}
&b(z, w, t)\in S^{n+1}_{1, 0}({\overline}M\times{\overline}M\times]0, \infty[),\\
&\mbox{$b(z, w, t)\sim\sum^\infty_{j=0}b_j(z, w)t^{n+1-j}$
in the space $S^{n+1}_{1, 0}({\overline}M\times{\overline}M\times]0, \infty[)$},\\
&b_j(z, w)\in C^\infty({\overline}M\times{\overline}M),\ \ j=0,1,\ldots,\\
&b_0(z, z)\neq0,\ z\in X,
\end{split}$$ and $$\label{e-gue170717aI}
&\phi(z, w)\in C^\infty({\overline}M\times{\overline}M),\\
&\phi(z, z)=0,\ \ z\in X,\ \ \phi(z, w)\neq0\ \ \mbox{if}\ \ (z, w)\notin{\rm diag\,}(X\times X), \\
&{\rm Im\,}\phi(z, w)>0\ \ \mbox{if}\ \ (z, w)\notin X\times X, \\
&\mbox{$\phi(z,z)=r(z)g(z)$ on ${\overline}M$, $g(z)\in C^\infty({\overline}M)$ with ${\left\vertg(z)\right\vert}>c$ on ${\overline}M$, $c>0$ is a constant}.
\end{split}$$ Moreover, there is a content $C>1$ such that $$\label{e-gue170717aII}
\frac{1}{C}({\rm dist\,}(x,y))^2\leq {\left\vertd_y\phi(x,y)\right\vert}^2+{\left\vert{\rm Im\,}\phi(x,y)\right\vert}\leq C({\rm dist\,}(x,y))^2,\ \ \forall (x,y)\in X\times X,$$ where $d_y$ denotes the exterior derivative on $X$ and ${\rm dist\,}(x,y)$ denotes the distance between $x$ and $y$ with respect to the give Hermitian metric $\langle\,\cdot\,|\,\cdot\,\rangle$ on $X$.
\[Br:0712111922\] Let $\phi$ and $b(z, w, t)$ be as in Theorem \[t-gue170715\]. Let $y=(y_1,\ldots,y_{2n+1})$ be local coordinates on $X$ and extend $y_1,\ldots,y_{2n+1}$ to real smooth functions in some neighborhood of $X$. We work with local coordinates $w=(y_1,\ldots,y_{2n+1},r)$ defined on some neighborhood $U$ of $p\in X$. Let $u\in C^\infty_0(U)$. Choose a cut-off function $\chi(t)\in C^\infty({\mathbb R})$ so that $\chi(t)=1$ when ${\left\vertt\right\vert}<1$ and $\chi(t)=0$ when ${\left\vertt\right\vert}>2$. Set $$(B_{\epsilon}u)(z)=\int^\infty_0\int_{{\overline}M}e^{i\phi(z, w)t}b(z, w, t)\chi(\epsilon t)u(w)dv_M(w)dt.$$ Since $d_y\phi\neq0$ where ${\rm Im\,}\phi=0$ (see ), we can integrate by parts in $y$ and $t$ and obtain $\lim_{\epsilon{\rightarrow}0}(B_\epsilon u)(z)\in C^\infty({\overline}M)$. This means that $B=\lim_{\epsilon{\rightarrow}0}B_\epsilon: C^\infty({\overline}M){\rightarrow}C^\infty({\overline}M)$ is continuous.
We have the following corollary of Theorem \[t-gue170715\]
\[Bi-c:co1\] Under the notations and assumptions above, we have $$\label{e-gue170717f}
B(z,z)=F(z)(r(z))^{-n-2}+G(z)\log(-ir(z))\ \ \mbox{on ${\overline}M$},$$ where $F, G\in C^\infty({\overline}M)$ and ${\left\vertF(z)\right\vert}>c$ on $X$, $c>0$ is a constant.
Since $C^\infty({\overline}M)\bigcap H^0(M)$ is dense in $H^0(M)$ in $L^2(M)$, we can find $g_j\in C^\infty({\overline}M)\bigcap H^0(M)$ with $(\, g_j\,|\,g_k\,)_M=\delta_{j,k}$, $j, k=1,2,\ldots$, such that the set $$\label{e-gue170709qm}
A(M):=\rm{span\,}{\left\{g_1, g_2,\ldots\right\}}$$ is dense in $H^0(M)$. Moreover, for every $u\in L^2(M)$, we have $$\label{e-gue170715}
\mbox{$\sum^N_{j=1}g_j(\,u\,|\,g_j\,)_M{\rightarrow}Bu$ in $L^2(M)$}\ \ \mbox{as $N{\rightarrow}\infty$}.$$ Fix $k\in\mathbb N$, $k$ large. Fix $x_0\in M$ with $\frac{1}{2k}\leq{\left\vertr(x_0)\right\vert}\leq\frac{1}{k}$. Let $x=(x_1,\ldots,x_{2n+2})$ be local coordinates of $M$ defined in a small neighborhood of $x_0$ with $x(x_0)=0$. Let $\chi\in C^\infty_0({\mathbb R}^{2n+2})$ with $\chi\equiv1$ near $0\in{\mathbb R}^{2n+2}$. For $\varepsilon>0$, put $\chi_\varepsilon(x)=\varepsilon^{-(2n+2)}\chi(\frac{x}{\varepsilon})$. From , for every $\varepsilon>0$, $\varepsilon$ small, we have $$\label{e-gue170715I}
\sum^\infty_{j=0}{\left\vert(\,g_j\,|\,\chi_\varepsilon\,)_M\right\vert}^2=(\,B\chi_\varepsilon\,|\,\chi_\varepsilon\,)_M.$$ Since $B(z,w)\in C^\infty(M\times M)$, we have $$\label{e-gue170715III}
\lim_{\varepsilon{\rightarrow}0}\Bigr(\sum^\infty_{j=1}{\left\vert(\,g_j\,|\,\chi_\varepsilon\,)_M\right\vert}^2\Bigr)=B(x_0,x_0)m(x_0),$$ where $m(x)dx_1\cdots dx_{2n+2}=dv_M$.
From , for every $\varepsilon_1, \varepsilon_2>0$, $\varepsilon_1, \varepsilon_2$ small, we have $$\label{e-gue170715a}
\end{split}$$ Since $B(z,w)\in C^\infty(M\times M)$, we deduce that for every $\delta>0$, there is a $C_\delta>0$ such that for all $0<\varepsilon_1, \varepsilon_2<C_\delta$, we have $$\label{e-gue170715aI}
\sum^\infty_{j=0}{\left\vert(\,g_j\,|\,\chi_{\varepsilon_1}\,)_M-(\,g_j\,|\,\chi_{\varepsilon_2}\,)_M\right\vert}^2<\delta.$$ Now, we can prove
\[t-gue170715b\] We have $\sum^\infty_{j=1}{\left\vertg_j(x_0)\right\vert}^2=B(x_0,x_0)m(x_0)$.
From , it is easy to see that $$\label{e-gue170715b}
\sum^\infty_{j=1}{\left\vertg_j(x_0)\right\vert}^2\leq B(x_0,x_0)m(x_0).$$ Let $\delta>0$ and fix $0<\varepsilon_0<C_\delta$, where $C_\delta$ is as in . Since $\sum^\infty_{j=1}{\left\vert(\,g_j\,|\,\chi_{\varepsilon_0}\,)_M\right\vert}^2<\infty$, there is a $N\in\mathbb N$ such that $$\label{e-gue170715bI}
\sum^{\infty}_{j=N+1}{\left\vert(\,g_j\,|\,\chi_{\varepsilon_0}\,)_M\right\vert}^2<\delta.$$ Now, for every $0<\varepsilon<\varepsilon_0$, from and , we have $$\label{e-gue170715bII}
&\leq 2\sum^\infty_{j=N+1}{\left\vert(\,g_j\,|\,\chi_{\varepsilon}\,)_M-(\,g_j\,|\,\chi_{\varepsilon_0}\,)_M\right\vert}^2+2\sum^\infty_{j=N+1}{\left\vert(\,g_j\,|\,\chi_{\varepsilon_0}\,)_M\right\vert}^2\\
&\leq 2\sum^\infty_{j=1}{\left\vert(\,g_j\,|\,\chi_{\varepsilon}\,)_M-(\,g_j\,|\,\chi_{\varepsilon_0}\,)_M\right\vert}^2+2\sum^\infty_{j=N+1}{\left\vert(\,g_j\,|\,\chi_{\varepsilon_0}\,)_M\right\vert}^2\\
&\leq 4\delta.
\end{split}$$ From , we deduce that $$\label{e-gue170717y}
\limsup_{\varepsilon{\rightarrow}0}\sum^{\infty}_{j=N+1}{\left\vert(\,g_j\,|\,\chi_{\varepsilon}\,)_M\right\vert}^2\leq 4\delta.$$ Now, $$\label{e-gue170717yI}
&\geq \liminf_{\varepsilon{\rightarrow}0}\sum^\infty_{j=1}{\left\vert(\,g_j\,|\,\chi_\varepsilon\,)_M\right\vert}^2-\limsup_{\varepsilon{\rightarrow}0}\sum^\infty_{N+1}{\left\vert(\,g_j\,|\,\chi_\varepsilon\,)_M\right\vert}^2.
\end{split}$$ From , and , we deduce that $$\sum^\infty_{j=1}{\left\vertg_j(x_0)\right\vert}^2\geq B(x_0,x_0)m(x_0)-4\delta.$$ Since $\delta$ is arbitrary, we conclude that $$\label{e-gue170717yII}
\sum^\infty_{j=1}{\left\vertg_j(x_0)\right\vert}^2\geq B(x_0,x_0)m(x_0).$$ From and , the theorem follows.
From Theorem \[t-gue170715b\] and , we deduce that there is a $N_{x_0}\in\mathbb N$ such that $$\label{e-gue170717ycq}
{\left\vertr^{n+2}(x_0)\sum^{N_{x_0}}_{j=1}{\left\vertg_j(x_0)\right\vert}^2\right\vert}\geq\frac{1}{2}{\left\vertF(x_0)\right\vert},$$ where $F$ is as in . Let $$\label{e-gue17717h}
h_{x_0}:=\frac{1}{\sum^N_{j=1}{\left\vertg_j(x_0)\right\vert}^2}\sum^N_{j=1}g_j(x){\left\vert{\overline}g_j(x_0)\right\vert}.$$ Then, $h_{x_0}\in H^0(M)\in C^\infty({\overline}M)$ with $(\,h_{x_0}\,|\,h_{x_0}\,)_M=1$ and there is a small neighborhood $U_{x_0}$ of $x_0$ in $M$ such that $$\label{e-gue170717yuI}
{\left\verth_{x_0}(x)\right\vert}\geq\frac{1}{4}{\left\vertF(x_0)\right\vert}.$$ Assume that ${\left\{x\in M, \frac{1}{2k}\leq{\left\vertr(x)\right\vert}\leq\frac{1}{k}\right\}}\subset U_{x_0}\bigcup U_{x_1}\bigcup\cdots\bigcup U_{x_{a_k}}$ and let $h_{x_j}$ be as in , $j=0,1,\ldots,a_k$. Take $\beta_k\in\mathbb N$ be a large number so that $${\left\{h_{x_0}, h_{x_1},\ldots, h_{x_{a_k}}\right\}}\subset{\rm span\,}{\left\{g_1, g_2,\ldots, g_{\beta_k}\right\}}.$$ From , it is easy to see that $$\label{e-gue170717fhI}
{\left\vertr^{n+2}(x)\sum^{\beta_k}_{j=1}{\left\vertg_j(x)\right\vert}^2\right\vert}\geq\frac{1}{4}{\left\vertF(x)\right\vert}\ \ \mbox{on ${\left\{x\in M, \frac{1}{2k}\leq{\left\vertr(x)\right\vert}\leq\frac{1}{k}\right\}}$}.$$ Note that ${\left\vertF(x)\right\vert}>c$ on $X$, where $c>0$ is a constant. From this observation and , we get
\[t-gue170717\] There is a $k_0\in\mathbb N$ such that for every $k\in\mathbb N$, $k\geq k_0$, we can find $\beta_k\in\mathbb N$ such that $$\label{e-gue170717hy}
{\left\vertr^{n+2}(x)\sum^{\beta_k}_{j=1}{\left\vertg_j(x)\right\vert}^2\right\vert}\geq c_0\ \ \mbox{on ${\left\{x\in M, \frac{1}{2k}\leq{\left\vertr(x)\right\vert}\leq\frac{1}{k}\right\}}$},$$ where $c_0>0$ is a constant independent of $k$.
Let $b_j=\beta_{k_0+j}\in\mathbb N$, $j=1,2,\ldots$, where $\beta_j$ and $k_0$ are as in Theorem \[t-gue170717\]. For every $m\in\mathbb N$, let $A_m(M)$, $SA_m(M)$ and $d\mu_m$ be as in the discussion before . Let $\beta:={\left\{b_j\right\}}^\infty_j$ and let $\Omega(M,\beta)$ and $d\mu(\beta)$ be as in and respectively. For each $k=1,2,3,\ldots$, let $$P_k(x):=\sum^{b_k}_{j=1}{\left\vertg_j(x)\right\vert}^2.$$ Let $u_k\in SA_{b_k}(M)$. Then, $u_k$ can be written as $u_k=\sum^{b_k}_{j=1}\lambda_jg_j$ with $\sum^{b_k}_{j=1}{\left\vert\lambda_j\right\vert}^2=1$. We have
\[t-ue170717j\] With the notations and assumptions above, fix $\psi\in C^\infty_0([-1,-\frac{1}{2}])$. Then, for $d\mu(\beta)$-almost every $u={\left\{u_k\right\}}\in\Omega(M,\beta)$, we have $$\label{e-gue170717jI}
\lim_{k{\rightarrow}\infty}\Bigr(\langle\,[u_k=0], (2i)kr\psi(kr)\phi\wedge{\partial}r\wedge{\overline\partial}r\,\rangle+\frac{1}{\pi}\int_{{\overline}M}\Bigr(\log P_k(x)\Bigr)kr\psi(kr){\partial}{\overline\partial}\phi\wedge{\partial}r\wedge{\overline\partial}r\Bigr)=0,$$ for all $\phi\in C^\infty({\overline}M,B^{*n-1,n-1}M')$.
The proof is essentially follows from Shifffman-Zelditch [@sz], we only sketch the proof. By using density argument, we only need to prove that for any $\phi\in C^\infty({\overline}M, B^{*n-1,n-1}T^*M')$, there exist $d\mu(\beta)$-almost every $u={\left\{u_k\right\}}\in\Omega(M,\beta)$, such that $$\label{e-gue170717jIy}
\lim_{k{\rightarrow}\infty}\Bigr(\langle\,[u_k=0], (2i)kr\psi(kr)\phi\wedge{\partial}r\wedge{\overline\partial}r\,\rangle+\frac{1}{\pi}\int_{{\overline}M}\Bigr(\log P_k(x)\Bigr)kr\psi(kr){\partial}{\overline\partial}\phi\wedge{\partial}r\wedge{\overline\partial}r\Bigr)=0.$$ We claim that $$\label{e-gue170717jyI}
&R_k:=\int_{S^{2b_k+1}}\Bigr|\langle\,[\sum^{b_k}_{j=1}\lambda_jg_j=0], (2i)kr\psi(kr)\phi\wedge{\partial}r\wedge{\overline\partial}r\,\rangle\\
&\quad+\frac{1}{\pi}\int_{{\overline}M}(\log P_k(x))kr\psi(kr){\partial}{\overline\partial}\phi\wedge{\partial}r\wedge{\overline\partial}r\Bigr|^2d\mu_{b_k}(\lambda)=O(\frac{1}{k^2}).
\end{split}$$ From , we see that $\sum^\infty_{k=1}R_k<+\infty$ and by Lebesgue measure theory, we get . Hence, we only need to prove .
For $(x, y)\in{\overline}M\times{\overline}M$, put $$\begin{split}
&f_k:=-\frac{1}{\pi}kr\psi(ku){\partial}{\overline\partial}\phi(y)\wedge{\partial}r\wedge{\overline\partial}r\in C^\infty_0(M,T^{*n+1,n+1}M').
\end{split}$$ By using the same argument in [@sz] (see also Theorem 5.3.3 in [@mm]), we can check that $$\label{e-gue170717yc}
R_k=\int_{{\overline}M\times{\overline}M} Q_k(x,y)f_k(x)\wedge f_k(y).$$ Moreover, from Lemma 5.3.2 in [@mm], there is a constant $C_k>0$ independent of $(x,y)\in{\overline}M\times {\overline}M$ such that $$\label{e-gue170717yca}
{\left\vertQ_k(x,y)-C_k\right\vert}\leq C,\ \ \forall (x, y)\in M\times M,$$ where $C>0$ is a constant independent of $k$. From , it is easy to check that $$\label{e-gue170717ycI}
{\left\vert\int_{{\overline}M\times{\overline}M} \Bigr(Q_k(x,y)-C_k\Bigr)f_k(x)\wedge f_k(y)\right\vert}=O(\frac{1}{k^2}).$$ By using integration by parts, we see that $\int_{{\overline}M\times{\overline}M} \Bigr(Q_k(x,y)-C_k\Bigr)f_k(x)\wedge f_k(y)=R_k$. From this observation and , the claim follows.
In view of Theorem \[t-ue170717j\], we only need to show that $$\lim_{k{\rightarrow}\infty}-\frac{1}{\pi}\int_{{\overline}M}(\log P_k(x))kr\psi(kr){\partial}{\overline\partial}\phi\wedge{\partial}r\wedge{\overline\partial}r=-(n+2)\frac{i}{2\pi}c_0\int_X\mathcal{L}_X\wedge\omega_0\wedge\phi,$$ where $c_0=\int_{\mathbb R}\psi(x)dx$. Now, $$\label{e-gue170717yhc}
&-\frac{1}{\pi}\int_{{\overline}M}\Bigr(\log P_k(x)\Bigr)kr\psi(kr){\partial}{\overline\partial}\phi\wedge{\partial}r\wedge{\overline\partial}r\\
&=-\frac{1}{\pi}\int_{{\overline}M}\Bigr(\log (P_k(x)r^{n+2}(x))\Bigr)kr\psi(kr){\partial}{\overline\partial}\phi\wedge{\partial}r\wedge{\overline\partial}r\\
&\quad+\frac{n+2}{\pi}\int_{{\overline}M}\Bigr(\log r(x)\Bigr)kr\psi(kr){\partial}{\overline\partial}\phi\wedge{\partial}r\wedge{\overline\partial}r\\
&=-\frac{1}{\pi}\int_{{\overline}M}\Bigr(\log (P_k(x)r^{n+2}(x))\Bigr)kr\psi(kr){\partial}{\overline\partial}\phi\wedge{\partial}r\wedge{\overline\partial}r\\
&\quad-i\frac{n+2}{2\pi}\int_{{\overline}M}\Bigr(\log r(x)\Bigr)kr\psi(kr){\partial}{\overline\partial}\phi\wedge\omega_0\wedge dr,
\end{split}$$ where $\omega_0=J(dr)$, $J$ is the standard complex structure map on $T^*M'$.
From Theorem \[t-gue170717\], it is easy to see that $$\label{e-gue170717e}
\lim_{k{\rightarrow}+\infty}-\frac{1}{\pi}\int_{{\overline}M}\Bigr(\log (P_k(x)r^{n+2}(x))\Bigr)kr\psi(kr){\partial}{\overline\partial}\phi\wedge{\partial}r\wedge{\overline\partial}r=0.$$ By using integration by parts, we have $$\label{e-gue170717eI}
&-i\frac{n+2}{2\pi}\int_{{\overline}M}\Bigr(\log r(x)\Bigr)kr\psi(kr){\partial}{\overline\partial}\phi\wedge\omega_0\wedge dr\\
&=-i\frac{n+2}{2\pi}\int_{{\overline}M}\Bigr(({\partial}{\overline\partial}\log r)(x)\Bigr)kr\psi(kr)\phi\wedge\omega_0\wedge dr\\
&=-i\frac{n+2}{2\pi}\int_{{\overline}M}{\partial}{\overline\partial}r(x) k\psi(kr)\phi\wedge\omega_0\wedge dr\\
&{\rightarrow}-(n+2)\frac{i}{2\pi}c_0\int_X\mathcal{L}_X\wedge\omega_0\wedge\phi \ \ \mbox{as $k{\rightarrow}\infty$},
\end{split}$$ where $c_0=\int_{\mathbb R}\psi(x)dx$. From , and , the theorem follows then.
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[^1]: The first author was partially supported by Taiwan Ministry of Science and Technology project 104-2628-M-001-003-MY2 , the Golden-Jade fellowship of Kenda Foundation and Academia Sinica Career Development Award. This work was initiated when the second author was visiting the Institute of Mathematics at Academia Sinica in the summer of 2016. The second author would like to thank the Institute of Mathematics at Academia Sinica for its hospitality and financial support during his stay. The second author was also supported by Taiwan Ministry of Science and Technology project 105-2115-M-008-008-MY2
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abstract: 'Many ground state studies of $^4$He using a shadow wave function with an inverse fifth power McMillan particle-particle correlation function have yielded radial distribution functions with misplaced peaks. It has been conjectured that this is due to the specific choice of the McMillan correlation function. However, beyond the use of fully optimized two-particle correlation functions, there has been little study of simple alternatives that can correct this defect. In this work we show that the remedy is surprisingly simple. When a shadow wavefunction with an inverse seventh power particle-particle correlation function is used to study $^4$He, it gives a correctly peaked radial distribution function, lowers the energy at all liquid and solid densities, and produces an excellent equation of state.'
- 'Department of Physics, Texas $A\&M$ University, College Station, Texas 77843 '
- 'Dipartimento di Fisica, Universitá di Trento, Povo, Trento, Italy '
- 'Orion Ciftja and Siu A. Chin'
- Francesco Pederiva
title: 'A $^4$He shadow wavefunction with an inverse seventh power particle-particle correlation function'
c prb.tex
The ground state properties of liquid and solid $^4$He have been studied extensively over the years by a variety of many-body techniques, ranging from hypernetted-chain (HNC) theories [@usmani; @krotscheck] and variational Monte Carlo (VMC) methods [@mcmillan; @triplet] to “exact" Monte Carlo methods (EMC) such as Green’s Function Monte Carlo[@ceperley; @gfmc] (GFMC) and Diffusion Monte Carlo[@boronat94] (DMC). The advance of EMC have seemingly oblivated the need for the “brutish" and bias-laiden method of VMC. However, the introduction of the shadow wavefunction by Vitiello [*et al*]{}[@vitiello] has added new subtlety and refinement to this approach. It has been shown that shadow wavefunctions can describe both the liquid and solid phase of $^4$He with excellent energy, while simultaneously maintaining translational and Bose sysmmetry. Since any VMC calculation is an order of magnitude less computationally demanding than corresponding EMC calculations, the method of shadow wavefunctions remained economically and conceptionally appealing.
However, it has been noted for some time that shadow wavefunctions with the McMillan inverse fifth power particle-particle correlation function do not give a correct radial distribution function for bulk liquid $^4$He. All the peaks are misplaced as in the original McMillan calculation. While there have been continued improvements on the form of two-particle correlation, leading to fully optimized correlations expressible in terms of a basis state, there has been no explorations of simpler alternatives to cure this defect. In this work, we shown that a simple replacement of the inverse fifth power by that of an inverse seventh power significantly improves simultaneously, the ground state energy, the equation of state and the radial distribution function.
The first VMC calculation of the groundstate properties of liquid and solid $^4$He was carried out by McMillan [@mcmillan] who employed a trial wave function with an inverse fifth power of the particle separation as the two-body correlation function. In this early study the potential between $^4$He atoms is taken to be the two-body Lennard-Jones (LJ) potential, $v(r)=4 \epsilon [ (\sigma/r)^{12}-(\sigma/r)^{6} ]$, with the DeBoer-Michels parameters, $\sigma=2.556 \AA$ and $\epsilon=10.22 K^o$. Since then, the two-body HFDHE2 potential of Aziz [*et al*]{}[@aziz79] has superceded the LJ potential as the potential of choice for the Helium studies. More recent minor revisions of this potential[@aziz2] have added, but have not greatly altered the quality of description of the interaction between Helium atoms at low pressure. In this work, we will continue to use the HFDHE2 potential to facilitate comparison with existing calculations in the literature.
The original shadow wavefunction of Vitiello [*et al*]{}[@vitiello] can be written as: $$\Psi( {\bf R}) =\Phi( {\bf R}) \int d {\bf S} \ \Theta( {\bf R}, {\bf S})
\ \Phi_S( {\bf S}) \ ,
\label{newswf}$$ with a Gaussian particle-shadow correlation function $$\Theta({\bf R},{\bf S})=
\exp \left[ -\sum_{i=1}^{N} C ( {\bf r}_{i}- {\bf s}_{i})^2 \right] \ ,
\label{Theta}$$ where $ {\bf R} \equiv \{ {\bf r}_1, {\bf r}_2, \ldots , {\bf r}_N \}$ and $ {\bf S} \equiv \{ {\bf s}_1, {\bf s}_2, \ldots , {\bf s}_N \}$ represent the set of particle and shadow coordinates. The particle-particle correlation function $\Phi( {\bf R})$ and the shadow-shadow correlation function $\Phi_S( {\bf S})$ are both of the pair-wise product form, $\Phi( {\bf R})=\exp\left[-\sum_{i>j}^{N} u(r_{ij}) \right]$ and $\Phi_S( {\bf S})=\exp\left[-\sum_{i>j}^{N} u_S(s_{ij}) \right]$, where $r_{ij}=| {\bf r}_i- {\bf r}_j|$ and $s_{ij}=| {\bf s}_i- {\bf s}_j|$. Both $\Phi( {\bf R})$ and $\Phi_S( {\bf S})$ are taken as McMillan form of inverse fifth powers (m=5) with $u(r)=\frac{1}{2} (\frac{b}{r})^m$ and $u_S(s)=(\frac{b^\prime}{s})^m$, where $b$ and $b^\prime$ are two variational parameters. The one-to-one coupling constant $C$ between particles and shadows is treated as a variational parameter. We refer to this wavefunction as M+MS.
Optimizing the shadow-shadow pseudopotential [@vitielloprb] in the form of $u_S(s)=(\frac{b^\prime}{s})^n$ with two variational parameters $b^\prime$ and $n$, produces no significant improvements. A better choice was found following a suggestion by Reatto [*et al*]{}[@reatto] : $u_S(s)= \tau \ v(\alpha s)$, where $v(r)$ is the Aziz HFDHE2 potential and $\tau$ and $\alpha$ are variational parameters. This scaled Aziz shadow correlation, introduced by MacFarland [*et al*]{}[@macfarland], which uses a McMillan inverse fifth power particle-particle psedopotential (m=5), will be denoted as M+AS. The M+AS shadow wavefunction substantially lowered the variational energies and improved the description of liquid and solid $^4$He at all densities. For example, at the GFMC equilibrium density $\rho \sigma^3=0.365$ and at freezing density of $\rho \sigma^3=0.438$, the M+AS energy is about 0.5 $K^o$ lower than the M+MS energy.
Both wavefunctions, however, produce a radial distribution function at equilibrium density whose main peak is shifted outward by about 0.1 $\AA$ as compared with the experimental value. The same misplacement is also observed at the GFMC freezing density. Such a misplacement can be corrected by optimizing the two-body correlations through the method of basis state expansion [@basisset]. (The peak height is still underestimated, however.)
In this work, we show that this crucial defect can be simply corrected by a better choice of the inverse power (from 5 to 7) in McMillan’s form of the particle-particle correlation function.
Without reoptimizing the M+AS wavefunction’s shadow parameters, but only varying the variational parameter $b$ with $m=7$, we obtained lower energies than those of M+AS at all liquid and solid densities, in an amount ranging from $0.1$ to $0.3 K^o$. This choice of the wavefunction in our work, referred to as M7+AS, allows us to improve the quality of the shadow wavefunction while retaining the same level of simplicity as before.
For a system of $N$ Helium atoms interacting via two-body forces only, the Hamiltonian has the form
$$\hat{H}=-\frac{\hbar^2}{2m} \sum_{i=1}^{N} \nabla_{i}^{2}+
\sum_{i>j}^{N} v(r_{ij}) \ .
where $v(r_{ij})$ is the Aziz HFDHE2 potential. The expectation value of the Hamiltonian can be expressed as $$\begin{aligned}
E=&&\frac{\int d {\bf R} \Psi( {\bf R}) \hat{H} \Psi( {\bf R})}{\int d {\bf R}
|\Psi( {\bf R})|^2}\\
=&&\int d {\bf R} d {\bf S} d {\bf S^{\prime}} \
p( {\bf R}, {\bf S}, {\bf S^{\prime}}) \
E_L( {\bf R}, {\bf S}, {\bf S^{\prime}}) \ .
\label{energy2}\end{aligned}$$ The local energy is written as $$E_L( {\bf R}, {\bf S}, {\bf S^{\prime}})=
\frac{\hat{H} \ \Phi( {\bf R}) \Theta( {\bf R}, {\bf S})}{
\Phi( {\bf R}) \Theta( {\bf R}, {\bf S})} \ ,
\label{elocal}$$ and does not depend on $\Phi_S( {\bf S})$ since $\hat{H}$ acts only upon the variables describing the system of real particles.
The probability $ p( {\bf R}, {\bf S}, {\bf S^{\prime}})$ is given by $$\begin{aligned}
\lefteqn{ p( {\bf R}, {\bf S}, {\bf S^{\prime}})=} \nonumber \\
& & \frac{\Phi( {\bf R})^2 \ \Theta( {\bf R}, {\bf S}) \ \Phi_S( {\bf S})
\ \Theta( {\bf R}, {\bf S^{\prime}}) \ \Phi_S( {\bf S^{\prime}})}{
\int d {\bf R} \ d {\bf S} \ d {\bf S^{\prime}} \
\Phi( {\bf R})^2 \ \Theta( {\bf R}, {\bf S}) \ \Phi_S( {\bf S})
\ \Theta( {\bf R}, {\bf S^{\prime}}) \ \Phi_S( {\bf S^{\prime}})}
To evaluate the expectation value of the Hamiltonian we use the Metropolis Monte Carlo algorithm [@metropolis] to sample the probability density $p( {\bf R}, {\bf S}, {\bf S^{\prime}})$ from the $9N$ dimensional configuration space of the particles and two sets of shadow coordinates. In these computations, the Metropolis steps are subdivided in two parts. In the first, one attempts to move real particle coordinates at random inside cubical boxes of side length $\Delta$. In the second, analogous attempts to move shadow coordinates are made inside cubical boxes of side length $\Delta^\prime$. After we attempt to move all the shadow coordinates of set $\{ {\bf S} \}$, the same is done for those in set $\{ {\bf S^{\prime}} \}$. The parameters $\Delta$ and $\Delta^\prime$ were adjusted so that the acceptance ratio for both particle and shadow moves was nearly $50\%$.
We compute the ground state variational energy, the radial distribution function $g(r)$, and the static structure factor $S(k)$. These quantities are spherical averages and have been computed for both the real particles and the shadow coordinates. The radial distribution function is defined by $$g(r)=\frac{1}{N \rho} \sum_{i \neq j}^{N}
\langle \delta(| {\bf r}_i- {\bf r}_j- {\bf r}|) \rangle \ ,
\label{radial}$$ where the angular brackets denote an average with respect to $|\Psi( {\bf R})|^2$ and $\rho$ is the particle density. The static structure factor is obtained from the average $$S(k)=\frac{1}{N} \langle \rho_{- {\bf k}} \rho_{ {\bf k}} \rangle \ ,
\label{fluct}$$ where $\rho_{ {\bf k}}$ is given by $\rho_{ {\bf k}}= \sum_{j=1}^{N} \exp(-i {\bf k} {\bf r}_j)$. By using this procedure $S(k)$ is computed for a discrete set of $ {\bf k}$ values where the smaller wave vector compatible with the periodic boundary condition of the system is $k=2 \pi/L$ ( $L$ is the side of the simulation box ).
All simulations presented in this work have been done with $N=108$ atoms of $^4$He in a cubic box with periodic boundary conditions. To enforce periodicity, the two-body interaction potential $v(r)$ smoothly goes to zero at a cutoff distance, $r_c=L/2$, equal half the side of the simulation box. We actually use a slightly modified two-body interaction potential $v^{\prime}(r) \equiv v(r)- \Delta v(r) $ according to the replacement
$$v^{\prime}(r)= \left \{
v(r)+v(2 r_c-r)-2 v(r_c) , & \mbox {$ r \le r_{c} $} \\
0, & \mbox { $r>r_c$ } \ .
A correction $ \Delta V=(\rho/2) \int d^3r g(r) \Delta v(r)$ was then added to the computed potential energy, where the radial distribution function $g(r)$ comes from the simulation and is taken equal to $1$ for $r>r_c$. The shadow-shadow pseudopotential $u_S(s)$ was modified according to the same prescription as $v(r)$, while the particle-particle inverse power McMillan pseudopotential $u(r)$ and its first two derivatives were slightly modified near the edge of the simulation box in order to go smoothly to zero, by using a third degree polynomial fit to the pseudopotential near the edge of the simulation box.
All calculations start from a perfect fcc crystal. Our runs consisted of a total of about $5.5 \cdot 10^5$ passes during each of which an attempt was made to move particles and shadows. We allowed about $ 50 \cdot 10^3$ passes for equilibration followed by about $5 \cdot 10^5$ passes which comprise the equilibrated random walk.
In Table \[tabliquid\] we show the energy per particle obtained from the M7+AS shadow wavefunction after simulations with $N=108$ particles at several densities of liquid $^4$He. Also included in the table are several results from the literature, GFMC refers to the results of Kalos [*et al*]{}[@gfmc].
In Table \[parliq\] we show the values of the optimum variational parameters $b$, $C$, $\tau$, and $\alpha$ for the M7+AS shadow wavefunction at different densities $\rho$ in the liquid phase.
The energy per particle for the M7+AS shadow wavefunction after simulations with $N=108$ particles at some densities in the solid phase is shown in Table \[tabsolid\]. In the same table we show the VMC results obtained with the M+MS and M+AS shadow wavefunction, as well as the GFMC results.
Table \[parsol\] shows the values of the optimum variational parameters $b$, $C$, $\tau$, and $\alpha$ for the M7+AS shadow wavefunction at different densities $\rho$ in the solid phase. We fit our equation of state in the liquid phase to a cubic polynomial of the form $$E(\rho)=E_0+B \left[ \frac{ \rho-\rho_0}{\rho_0} \right]^2+
C \left[ \frac{ \rho-\rho_0}{\rho_0} \right]^3 \ ,
\label{pol}$$ where $\rho_0$ is the equilibrium density. A similar function has been used to fit the experimental equation of state [@roach] and we use it to analyze our M7+AS results. The values of the parameters in the fit and their errors are shown in Table \[fitliq\], together with other results from the literature. One notes that the values of the coefficients $B$, $C$, and $\rho_0 \sigma^3$ for the M7+AS shadow wavefunction are in good agreement with both GFMC and experimental results [@roach]. In the solid phase we used the same parametrization as reported for the M+AS case. We fited the energy to a cubic polynomial of the form $$E(\rho)=E_0+B \left[ \frac{ \rho-\rho_S}{\rho_S} \right]^2+
C \left[ \frac{ \rho-\rho_S}{\rho_S} \right]^3 \ ,
\label{polsol}$$ where the specific density $\rho_S \sigma^3$=0.4486 is taken from the GFMC calculation. The values of the parameters to this fit are shown in Table \[fitsol\], together with other results from the literature. Again the M7+AS shadow wavefunction shows a good agreement with GFMC with the exception of a discrepancy in the coefficient $C$. In Fig \[eos\] we plot the equation of state for $^4$He liquid as obtained by using the values of the fitting parameters reported in Table \[fitliq\]. As already known, one notes that both M+AS and M7+AS wavefunctions give a better equation of state than the shadow wavefunction with fully optimized Jastrow particle-particle correlations (OJ+AS), although the OJ+AS wavefunction gives somewhat lower energies. It has been argued [@macfarland] that possible causes of such behavior are the incomplete determination of the coefficients in the basis-set expansion for the OJ+AS wavefunction, or the missing full reoptimization of the shadow parameters. Indeed the recent VMC calculations with a fully optimized shadow wavefunction [@oswf] confirm this latter possibility.
In Fig. \[geq\], we show the radial distribution function $g(r)$ obtained at the GFMC equilibrium density $\rho \sigma^3=0.365$. Our maximum of $g(r)$ is obtained at the same position $r_{max}$ as the GFMC value and it is clear tha there is no shifting of our curve to larger values of $r$. Our variational peak $g(r_{max})$ is a little smaller than the GFMC value. Fig. \[gfr\] shows our results for the radial distribution function $g(r)$ determined at the GFMC freezing density $\rho \sigma^3=0.438$. Statistical errors in the GFMC g(r) near the maximum $g(r_{max})$ are large, so a detailed comparison with GFMC is not possible. It appears that the position of our maximum of $g(r)$ compares very well with the GFMC value, but the variational peak $g(r_{max})$ is again smaller. The trend seen at the GFMC equilibrium and freezing densities is repeated at all other densities.
In Fig. \[seq\] we show $S(k)$ at the equilibrium density $\rho \sigma^3=0.365$. The experimental $S(k)$ shown in this figure is the result reported by Svensson [*et al*]{}[@svensson] obtained by neutron diffraction at saturated vapor pressure at $T=1.0 K^o$. The agreement of the variational structure factor with experiment is seen to be very good for all $k$-s, except for small $k$. This is to be expected since our M7+AS wavefunction does not contain the proper long-range correlations necessary for the linear behavior [@reattoT] of $S(k)$ which is observed in $^4$He. In this work we have demonstrated the utility of our M7+AS shadow wavefunction for studying the ground state properties of liquid and solid $^4$He. The use of an inverse seventh power as the particle-particle correlation function has significantly improved the ground state energy, the equation of state and the radial density distribution. Such an improvement was obtained with very little additional computational effort. The wavefunction remained simple, compact and portable.
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$\rho \sigma^3$ Method Trial function Energy ($K^o$)
----------------- -------- ---------------- --------------------
0.328 VMC M+AS -6.561 $\pm$ 0.032
VMC M7+AS -6.571 $\pm$ 0.015
GFMC $\cdots$ -7.034 $\pm$ 0.037
0.365 VMC M+MS -6.061 $\pm$ 0.025
VMC M+AS -6.599 $\pm$ 0.034
VMC M7+AS -6.664 $\pm$ 0.021
GFMC $\cdots$ -7.120 $\pm$ 0.024
0.401 VMC M+AS -6.398 $\pm$ 0.019
VMC M7+AS -6.497 $\pm$ 0.012
GFMC $\cdots$ -6.894 $\pm$ 0.048
0.438 VMC M+MS -5.360 $\pm$ 0.035
VMC M+AS -5.871 $\pm$ 0.016
VMC M7+AS -6.067 $\pm$ 0.010
GFMC $\cdots$ -6.564 $\pm$ 0.058
: Energies in liquid $^4$He at several densities including the experimental equilibrium density ($\rho \sigma^3=0.365$) and the GFMC freezing density ($\rho \sigma^3=0.438$) with $\sigma=2.556 \AA$. All simulations use the Aziz HFDHE2 potential and have been performed for systems of $N=108$ particles. The energies are given in Kelvin per particle. M+MS refers to a shadow wavefunction [@vitielloprb] with McMillan fifth power-law pseudopotential (m=5) for both particle-particle and shadow-shadow pseudopotentials. M+AS refers to a shadow wavefunction [@macfarland] with a rescaled Aziz HFDHE2 shadow-shadow pseudopotential and a McMillan fifth power-law particle-particle pseudopotential (m=5). M7+AS refers to a shadow wavefunction with a rescaled Aziz HFDHE2 shadow-shadow pseudopotential and a McMillan seventh power-law particle-particle pseudopotential (m=7) as used in this work. GFMC refers to the Green’s Function Monte Carlo calculations [@gfmc] with the Mcmillan fifth power-law form for the importance and starting function.
$\rho \sigma^3$ $b/\sigma$ $C \sigma^3$ $\tau (K^{-1})$ $\alpha$
----------------- ------------ -------------- ----------------- ----------
0.328 1.02 5.5 0.088 0.915
0.365 1.01 5.5 0.095 0.915
0.401 1.01 6.0 0.105 0.920
0.438 1.01 5.9 0.110 0.910
: The variational parameters of the M7+AS shadow wavefunction used in the simulation of $^4$He liquid with $N=108$ particles at different densities.
$\rho \sigma^3$ Method Trial function Energy ($K^o$)
----------------- -------- ---------------- --------------------
0.491 VMC M+MS -5.004 $\pm$ 0.055
VMC M+AS -5.052 $\pm$ 0.014
VMC M7+AS -5.324 $\pm$ 0.010
GFMC $\cdots$ -5.610 $\pm$ 0.030
0.550 VMC M+MS -3.521 $\pm$ 0.032
VMC M+AS -3.639 $\pm$ 0.012
VMC M7+AS -3.724 $\pm$ 0.017
GFMC $\cdots$ -4.197 $\pm$ 0.030
0.589 VMC M+AS -1.947 $\pm$ 0.012
VMC M7+AS -2.097 $\pm$ 0.010
GFMC $\cdots$ -2.680 $\pm$ 0.060
: Energies in solid $^4$He at several densities including the GFMC melting density ($\rho \sigma^3=0.491$) with $\sigma=2.556 \AA$. All simulations use the Aziz HFDHE2 potential and have been performed for systems of $N=108$ particles. The energies are given in Kelvin per particle. The notation is the same as in Table \[tabliquid\]. The GFMC result at density $\rho \sigma^3=0.550$ was interpolated from the GFMC results at $\rho \sigma^3=0.526$ and $\rho \sigma^3=0.560$. The M7+AS results represent this work.
$\rho \sigma^3$ $b/\sigma$ $C \sigma^3$ $\tau (K^{-1})$ $\alpha$
----------------- ------------ -------------- ----------------- ----------
0.491 1.00 5.7 0.110 0.875
0.550 1.00 5.9 0.100 0.890
0.589 1.00 6.5 0.110 0.900
: The variational parameters of the M7+AS shadow wavefunction used in the simulation of $^4$He solid with $N=108$ particles at different densities.
$E_0 (K^o)$ $B (K^o)$ $C (K^o)$ $\rho_0 \sigma^3$
------- -------------------- ------------------ ------------------ ---------------------
M+AS -6.610 $\pm$ 0.036 10.3 $\pm$ 5.5 11.3 $\pm$ 18.5 0.3535 $\pm$ 0.0043
OJ+AS -6.796 $\pm$ 0.025 14.10 $\pm$ 4.18 -18.7 $\pm$ 18.1 0.3567 $\pm$ 0.0032
M7+AS -6.662 $\pm$ 0.020 14.08 $\pm$ 1.36 6.72 $\pm$ 8.02 0.361 $\pm$ 0.001
GFMC -7.110 $\pm$ 0.023 10.08 $\pm$ 3.20 12.59 $\pm$ 8.50 0.3600 $\pm$ 0.0049
Exp -7.14 13.65 7.67 0.365
: Fit parameters of the equation of state for $^4$He in the liquid phase. The OJ+AS shadow wavefunction [@macfarland] incorporates a fully optimized Jastrow particle-particle pseudopotential. The GFMC result is taken from Kalos at al [@gfmc]. The experimental equation of state (Exp) is taken from Roach [*et al*]{}[@roach].
$E_0 (K^o)$ $B (K^o)$ $C (K^o)$ $\rho_s \sigma^3$
------- -------------------- ------------------ ------------------- ---------------------
M+AS -5.340 $\pm$ 0.021 31.00 $\pm$ 1.50 9.92 $\pm$ 4.34 0.4486 $\pm$ 0.0097
OJ+AS -5.81 $\pm$ 0.02 47.7 $\pm$ 1.4 -33.89 $\pm$ 4.14 0.4486 $\pm$ 0.0097
M7+AS -5.693 $\pm$ 0.013 32.92 $\pm$ 1.00 -13.92 $\pm$ 1.45 0.4486 $\pm$ 0.0097
GFMC -5.899 $\pm$ 0.121 31.95 $\pm$ 5.26 3.395 $\pm$ 80.0 0.4486 $\pm$ 0.0097
: Fit parameters of the equation of state for $^4$He in the solid phase. The notation is the same as in Table \[fitliq\]. The fitting curve is $E=E_0+B [(\rho-\rho_s)/\rho_s]^2+C [(\rho-\rho_s)/\rho_s]^3$, where $\rho_s \sigma^3=0.4486$ is taken from the GFMC result.
| {
"pile_set_name": "ArXiv"
} | ArXiv |
abstract: 'We analyze the numerical range of high-dimensional random matrices, obtaining limit results and corresponding quantitative estimates in the non-limit case. For a large class of random matrices their numerical range is shown to converge to a disc. In particular, numerical range of complex Ginibre matrix almost surely converges to the disk of radius $\sqrt{2}$. Since the spectrum of non-hermitian random matrices from the Ginibre ensemble lives asymptotically in a neighborhood of the unit disk, it follows that the outer belt of width $\sqrt{2}-1$ containing no eigenvalues can be seen as a quantification the non-normality of the complex Ginibre random matrix. We also show that the numerical range of upper triangular Gaussian matrices converges to the same disk of radius $\sqrt{2}$, while all eigenvalues are equal to zero and we prove that the operator norm of such matrices converges to $\sqrt{2e}$.'
- ' Département de Mathématique et Statistique, Université d’Ottawa, 585 King Edward, Ottawa, ON, K1N6N5 Canada, WPI Advanced Institute for Materials Research Tohoku University, Mathematics Unit 2-1-1 Katahira, Aoba-ku, Sendai, 980-8577 Japan and CNRS, Institut Camille Jordan Université Lyon 1, France'
- 'Institute of Theoretical and Applied Informatics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Ba[ł]{}tycka 5, 44-100 Gliwice, Poland'
- 'Dept. of Math. and Stat. Sciences, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, T6G 2G1,'
- 'Institute of Physics, Jagiellonian University, ul. Reymonta 4, 30-059 Kraków, Poland'
- 'Center for Theoretical Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, al. Lotników 32/46, 02-668 Warszawa, Poland'
- |
Benoît Collins${}^{1}$, Piotr Gawron${}^{2}$, Alexander E. Litvak${}^{3}$,\
Karol [Ż]{}yczkowski${}^{4,5}$
date: 'February 28, 2014'
title: Numerical range for random matrices
In this paper we are interested in the numerical range of large random matrices. In general, [*the numerical range*]{} (also called [*the field of values*]{}) of an $N\times N$ matrix is defined as $W(X)=\{ (Xy, y) \, :\, ||y||_2=1 \}$ (see e.g. [@GR97; @HJ2; @Ki51]). This notion was introduced almost a century ago and it is known by the celebrated Toeplitz-Hausdorff theorem [@Hausdorff; @Toeplitz] that $W(X)$ is a compact convex set in $\mathbb{C}$. A common convention to denote the numerical range by $W(X)$ goes back to the German term “Wertevorrat" used by Hausdorff.
For any $N\times N$ matrix $X$ its numerical range $W(X)$ clearly contains all its eigenvalues $\lambda_i$, $i\leq N$. If $X$ is normal, that is $XX^*=X^*X$, then its numerical range is equal to the convex hull of its spectrum, $W(X)= \Gamma(X):={\rm conv}(\lambda_1, \dots , \lambda_N)$. The converse is valid if and only if $N \le 4$ ([@MoMa; @Jo76]).
For a non-normal matrix $X$ its numerical range is typically larger than $\Gamma(X)$ even in the case $N=2$. For example, consider the Jordan matrix of order two, $$J_2 = \left[\begin{array}{cc}
0 & 1 \\
0 & 0 \\
\end{array}\right].$$ Then both eigenvalues of $J_2$ are equal to zero, while $W(J_2)$ forms a disk $D(0,1/2)$.
We shall now turn our attention to numerical range of random matrices. Let $G_N$ be a complex random matrix of order $N$ from the [*Ginibre ensemble*]{}, that is an $N\times N$ matrix with i.i.d centered complex normal entries of variance $1/N$. It is known that the limiting spectral distribution $\mu_N$ converges to the uniform distribution on the unit disk with probability one (cf. [@Bai; @Gin; @Gir; @GT; @TV1; @TV2]). It is also known that the operator norm goes to $2$ with probability one. This is directly related to the fact that the level density of the Wishart matrix $G_N G_N^*$ is asymptotically described by the Marchenko-Pastur law, supported on $[0,4]$, and the squared largest singular value of $G_N$ goes to $4$ ([@HT03], see also [@Gem] for the real case).
As the complex Ginibre matrix $G_N$ is generically non-normal, the support $\Gamma$ of its spectrum is typically smaller than the numerical range $W$. Our results imply that the ratio between the area of $W(G_N)$ and $\Gamma(G_N)$ converges to $2$ with probability one. Moreover, in the case of strictly upper triangular matrix $T_N$ with Gaussian entries (see below for precise definitions) we have that the area of $W(T_N)$ converges to 2, while clearly $\Gamma(T_N)=\{0\}$.
The numerical range of a matrix $X$ of size $N$ can be considered as a projection of the set of density matrices of size $N$, $$Q_N=\{\varrho: \varrho=\varrho^*, \ \varrho\ge 0, \ {\rm Tr}\varrho=1 \},$$ onto a plane, where this projection is given by the (real) linear map ${\rho\mapsto {\rm Tr}\varrho X}$. More precisely, for any matrix $X$ of size $N$ there exists a real affine rank $2$ projection $P$ of the set ${ Q}_N$, whose image is congruent to the numerical range $W(X)$ [@DGH+11].
Thus our results on numerical range of random matrices contribute to the understanding of the geometry of the convex set of quantum mixed states for large $N$.
Let $d_H$ denotes the Hausdorff distance. Our main result, Theorem \[mega\], states the following:
[*If random matrices $X_N$ of order $N$ satisfy for every real $\theta$ $$\lim _{N\to \infty} \|\mbox{\rm Re } (e^{i\theta} X_N)\| = R$$ then with probability one $$\lim _{N\to \infty} d_H ( W(X_N), D(0, R)) =0.$$* ]{}
We apply this theorem to a large class of random matrices. Namely, let $x_{i,i}$, $i\geq 1$, be i.i.d. complex random variables with finite second moment, $x_{i, j}$, $i\ne j$, be i.i.d. centered complex random variables with finite fourth moment, and all these variables are independent. Assume ${{\mathbb{E}}}|x_{1,2}|^2 = \lambda ^2$ for some $\lambda >0$. Let $ X_N = N^{-1/2}\, \{x_{i, j}\}_{i, j \leq N}, $ and $Y_N$ be the matrix whose entries above the main diagonal are the same as entries of $X_N$ and all other entries are zeros. Theorem \[realgin\] states that $$d_H ( W(X_N), D(0,\sqrt{2}\lambda )) \to 0 \quad \mbox{ and } \quad
d_H ( W(Y_N), D(0, \lambda ))\to 0 .$$ In particular, if $X_N$ is a complex Ginibre matrix $G_N$ or a real Ginibre matrix $G_N^{{{\mathbb{R}}}}$ (i.e. with centered normal entries of variance $1/N$) and $T_N$ is a strictly triangular matrices $T_N$ with i.i.d centered complex normal entries of variance $2/(N-1)$ (so that ${{\mathbb{E}}}\mbox{Tr} X_N X_N^* =
{{\mathbb{E}}}\mbox{Tr} T_N T_N^* =N$) then with probability one $$d_H ( W(G_N), D(0,\sqrt{2} )) \to 0 \quad \mbox{ and } \quad
d_H ( W(T_N), D(0,\sqrt{2} ))\to 0 .$$
We also provide corresponding quantitative estimates on the rate of the convergence in the case of $G_N$ and $T_N$.
A related question to our study is the limit behavior of the operator (spectral) norm $\|T_N\|$ of a random triangular matrix, which can be used to characterize its non-normality. As we mentioned above, it is known that with probability one $$\label{normlim}
\lim_{N\to \infty} \|G_N\| = 2 .$$ It seems that the limit behavior of $\|T_N\|$ has not been investigated yet, although its limiting counterpart has been extensively studied by Dykema and Haagerup in the framework of investigations around the invariant subspace problem. In the last section (Theorem \[trinor\]), we prove that with probability one $$\label{trnorm}
\lim_{N\to \infty} \|T_N\| = \sqrt{2 e} .$$ Note that in Section \[secttri\] this fact is formulated and proved in another normalization.
Our proof here is quite indirect and relies on strong convergence for random matrices established by [@HTh]. In particular, our proof does not provide any quantitative estimates for the rate of convergence. It would be interesting to obtain corresponding deviation inequalities. We would like to mention that very recently the empirical eigenvalue measures for large class of symmetric random matrices of the form $X_N X_N^*$, where $X_N$ is a random triangular matrix, has been investigated ([@LP]).
The paper is organized as follows. In Section \[illustr\], we provide some preliminaries and numerical illustrations. In Section \[basic\], we provide basic facts on the numerical range and on the matrices formed using Gaussian random variables. The main section, Section \[mainresults\], contains the results on convergence of the numerical range of random matrices mentioned above (and the corresponding quantitative estimates). Section \[concrem\] suggests a possible extension of the main theorem, dealing with a more general case, when the limit of $\|\mbox{\rm Re } (e^{i\theta} X_N)\|$ is a (non-constant) function of $\theta$. Finally, in Section \[secttri\], we provide the proof of (\[trnorm\]).
Preliminaries and numerical illustrations {#illustr}
By $\xi$, we will denote a centered complex Gaussian random variable, whose variance may change from line to line. When (the variance of) $\xi$ is fixed, $\xi_{ij}$, $i,j\geq 1$ denote independent copies of $\xi$. Similarly, by $g$ we will denote a centered real Gaussian random variable, whose variance may change from line to line. When (the variance of) $g$ is fixed, $g_{ij}$, $i,j\geq 1$ denote independent copies of $g$.
We deal with random matrices $X_N$ of size $N$. To set the scale we are usually going to normalize random matrices by fixing their expected Hilbert-Schmidt norms to be equal to $N$, i.e. ${{\mathbb{E}}}\|X_N\| _{\rm HS}^2={{\mathbb{E}}}{\rm Tr} X_N X_N^*=N$. We study the following ensembles.
1. \[enscomgin\] Complex Ginibre matrices $G_N$ of order $N$ with entries $\xi_{ij}$, where ${{\mathbb{E}}}|\xi _{ij}|^2 =1/N$. As we mention in the introduction, by the circular law, the spectrum of $G_N$ is asymptotically contained in the unit disk. Note ${{\mathbb{E}}}\|G_N\| _{\rm HS}^2=N$.
2. \[ensrealgin\] Real Ginibre matrices $G_N^{\mathbb{R}}$ of order $N$ with entries $g_{ij}$, where ${{\mathbb{E}}}|g _{ij}|^2 =1/N$. Note ${{\mathbb{E}}}\|G_N^{\mathbb{R}}\| _{\rm HS}^2=N$.
3. \[enstri\] Upper triangular random matrices $T_N$ of order $N$ with entries $T_{ij}=\xi_{ij}$ for $i <j$ and $T_{ij}=0$ elsewhere, where ${{\mathbb{E}}}|\xi _{ij}|^2 =2/(N-1)$. Clearly, all eigenvalues of $T_N$ equal to zero. Note ${{\mathbb{E}}}\|T_N\| _{\rm HS}^2=N$.
4. \[ensdiag\] Diagonalized Ginibre matrices, $D_N = Z G_N Z^{-1}$ of order $N$, so that $D_{kl}=\lambda_k \delta_{kl}$ where $\lambda_k$, $k=1,\dots, N$, denote complex eigenvalues of $G_N$. Note that $G_N$ is diagonalizable with probability one. In order to ensure the uniqueness of the probability distribution on diagonal matrices, we assume that it is invariant under conjugation by permutations. Note that integrating over the Girko circular law one gets the average squared eigenvalue of the complex Ginibre matrix, $\langle |\lambda|^2\rangle =\int_{0}^1 2x^3 dx=1/2$. Thus, ${{\mathbb{E}}}\|D_N\| _{\rm HS}^2=N/2$.
5. \[ensunit\] Diagonal unitary matrices $U_N$ of order $N$ with entries $U_{kl}=\exp(i \phi_k) \delta_{kl}$, where $\phi_k$ are independent uniformly distributed on $[0, 2 \pi)$ real random variables.
The structure of some of these matrices is exemplified below for the case $N=4$. Note that the variances of $\xi$ are different in the case of $G_4$ and in the case of $T_4$. To lighten the notation they are depicted by the same symbol $\xi$, but entries are independent.
$$G_4 = \left[\begin{array}{cccc}
\xi & \xi & \xi & \xi \\
\xi & \xi & \xi & \xi \\
\xi & \xi & \xi & \xi \\
\xi & \xi & \xi & \xi \\
\end{array}\right], \
T_4 = \left[\begin{array}{cccc}
0 & \xi & \xi & \xi \\
0 & 0 & \xi & \xi \\
0 & 0 & 0 & \xi \\
0 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\
\end{array}\right], \
D_4 = \left[\begin{array}{cccc}
\lambda_1 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\
0 & \lambda_2 & 0 & 0 \\
0 & 0 & \lambda_3 & 0 \\
0 & 0 & 0 & \lambda_4 \\
\end{array}\right] .
\label{struct}$$ We will study the following parameters of a given (random) matrix $X$:
(a) [*the numerical radius*]{} $r(X)= {\rm max}\{|z|: z \in W(X)\}$,
(b) [*the spectral radius*]{} $\rho(X)= |\lambda_{\max}|$, where $\lambda_{max}$ is the leading eigenvalue of $X$ with the largest modulus,
(c) [*the operator (spectral) norm*]{} equal to the largest singular value, $\|X\|=\sigma_{\max}(X)=\sqrt{\lambda_{max} (XX^*)}$ (and equals to the operator norm of $X$, considered as an operator $\ell_2^N \to \ell_2^N$),
(d) [*the non-normality measure*]{} $\mu_3(X):=(||X||^2_{\rm HS} - \sum_{i=1}^N |\lambda_i|^2)^{1/2}$.
The latter quantity, used by Elsner and Paardekooper [@EP87], is based on the Schur lemma: As the squared Hilbert-Schmidt norm of a matrix can be expressed by its singular values, $||X||^2_{\rm HS}=\sum_{i=1}^N \sigma_i^2$, the measure $\mu_3$ quantifies the difference between the average squared singular value and the average squared absolute value of an eigenvalue, and vanishes for normal matrices. Comparing the expectation values for the squared norms of a random Ginibre matrix $G_N$ and a diagonal matrix $D_N$ containing their spectrum we establish the following statement.
The squared non-normality coefficient $\mu_3$ for a complex Ginibre matrix $G_N$ behaves asymptotically as $$\label{mu3gini}
\mathbb{E} \mu_3^2(G_N) = \mathbb{E} \|G_N\|^2_{\rm HS} - \mathbb{E} \|D_N\| _{\rm HS}^2 = N/2.$$ Since all eigenvalues of random triangular matrices are equal to zero an analogous results for the ensemble of upper triangular random matrices reads $\mathbb{E} \mu_3^2(T_N) = N$.
Figure \[fig1\] shows the numerical range of the complex Ginibre matrices of ensemble (\[enscomgin\]), which tends asymptotically to the disk of radius $\sqrt{2}$ – see Theorem \[realgin\]. As the convex hull of the spectrum, $\Gamma(G_N)$, goes to the unit disk, the ratio of their area tends to $2$ and characterizes the non-normality of a generic Ginibre matrix. By the non-normality belt we mean the set difference $W(X)\setminus \Gamma(X)$, which contains no eigenvalues.
As $N$ grows to infinity, spectral properties of the real Ginibre matrices of ensemble (\[ensrealgin\]) become analogous to the complex case. By Theorem \[realgin\], in both cases numerical range converges to $D(0, \sqrt{2})$ and the spectrum is supported by the unit disk. The only difference is the symmetry of the spectrum with respect to the real axis and a clustering of eigenvalues along the real axis for the real case.
![Spectrum (dots) and numerical range (dark convex set) of the complex Ginibre matrices of sizes $N=10, 100$ and $1000$. The spectrum is asymptotically contained in the unit disk while numerical range converges to a disk of radius $r=\sqrt{2}$ denoted in the figures. Note the outer ring of the range is the non-normality belt of width $\sqrt{2}-1$ (it contains no eigenvalues). []{data-label="fig1"}](G_10.pdf "fig:") ![Spectrum (dots) and numerical range (dark convex set) of the complex Ginibre matrices of sizes $N=10, 100$ and $1000$. The spectrum is asymptotically contained in the unit disk while numerical range converges to a disk of radius $r=\sqrt{2}$ denoted in the figures. Note the outer ring of the range is the non-normality belt of width $\sqrt{2}-1$ (it contains no eigenvalues). []{data-label="fig1"}](G_100.pdf "fig:") ![Spectrum (dots) and numerical range (dark convex set) of the complex Ginibre matrices of sizes $N=10, 100$ and $1000$. The spectrum is asymptotically contained in the unit disk while numerical range converges to a disk of radius $r=\sqrt{2}$ denoted in the figures. Note the outer ring of the range is the non-normality belt of width $\sqrt{2}-1$ (it contains no eigenvalues). []{data-label="fig1"}](G_1000.pdf "fig:")
Figure \[fig2\] shows analogous examples of diagonal matrices $D$ with the Ginibre spectrum – ensemble (\[ensdiag\]). Diagonal matrices are normal, so the numerical range equals to the support of the spectrum and thus converges to the unit disk. Note that this property hold also for a “normal Ginibre ensemble" of matrices of the kind $G'=VDV^*$, where $D$ contains the spectrum of a Ginibre matrix, while $V$ is a random unitary matrix drawn according to the Haar measure.
![As in Fig. \[fig1\], for ensemble of diagonal matrices $D_N$ containing spectrum of Ginibre matrices of sizes $N=10,100$ and $1000$. Numerical range of these normal matrices coincides with the convex hull of their spectrum. []{data-label="fig2"}](D_10.pdf "fig:") ![As in Fig. \[fig1\], for ensemble of diagonal matrices $D_N$ containing spectrum of Ginibre matrices of sizes $N=10,100$ and $1000$. Numerical range of these normal matrices coincides with the convex hull of their spectrum. []{data-label="fig2"}](D_100.pdf "fig:") ![As in Fig. \[fig1\], for ensemble of diagonal matrices $D_N$ containing spectrum of Ginibre matrices of sizes $N=10,100$ and $1000$. Numerical range of these normal matrices coincides with the convex hull of their spectrum. []{data-label="fig2"}](D_1000.pdf "fig:")
Analogous results for the upper triangular matrices $T$ of ensemble (\[enstri\]) shown in Fig.\[fig3\]. The numerical range asymptotically converges to the disk of radius $\sqrt{2}$ with probability one – see Theorem \[realgin\].
As all eigenvalues of $T$ are zero, the asymptotic properties of the spectrum and numerical range of $T$ become identical with these of a Jordan matrix $J$ of the same order $N$ rescaled by $\sqrt{2}$. By construction $J_{km}=1$ if $k+1=m$ and zero elsewhere for $k,m=1,\dots , N$. It is known [@Wu98] that numerical range of a Jordan matrix $J$ of size $N$ converges to the unit disk as $N \to \infty$.
![As in Fig. \[fig1\], for upper triangular random matrices $T_N$ of sizes $N=10,100$ and $1000$, for which all eigenvalues are equal to zero and the numerical range converges to the disk of radius $\sqrt{2}$. []{data-label="fig3"}](T_10.pdf "fig:") ![As in Fig. \[fig1\], for upper triangular random matrices $T_N$ of sizes $N=10,100$ and $1000$, for which all eigenvalues are equal to zero and the numerical range converges to the disk of radius $\sqrt{2}$. []{data-label="fig3"}](T_100.pdf "fig:") ![As in Fig. \[fig1\], for upper triangular random matrices $T_N$ of sizes $N=10,100$ and $1000$, for which all eigenvalues are equal to zero and the numerical range converges to the disk of radius $\sqrt{2}$. []{data-label="fig3"}](T_1000.pdf "fig:")
In the table below we listed asymptotic predictions for the operator (spectral) norm $\|X\|$, the numerical radius $r(X)$, the spectral radius $\rho(X)$ and the squared non-normality parameter, $\bar{\mu}_3^2= \mathbb{E}(\mu_3^2)$, of generic matrices pertaining to the ensembles investigated.
Ensemble $\|X\|$ $r(X)$ $\rho(X)$ $\bar{\mu}^2 _3(X)$
---------------- -------------- ------------ ----------- ---------------------
Ginibre $G$ $2$ $\sqrt{2}$ $1$ $ N/2$
Diagonal $D$ $1$ $1$ $1$ $0$
Triangular $T$ $\sqrt{2 e}$ $\sqrt{2}$ $0$ $ N$
Consider a matrix $X$ of order $N$, normalized as Tr$XX^*=N$. Assume that the matrix is diagonal, so that its numerical range $W(X)$ is formed by the convex hull of the diagonal entries. Let us now modify the matrix $X$, writing $Y=\sqrt{1-a}X+\sqrt{a}T$, where $T$ is a strictly upper triangular random matrix normalized as above and $0 \le a \le 1$. Note Tr$YY^*=N$ as well. Rescaling $X$ by a number $\sqrt{1-a}$ smaller than one and adding an off-diagonal part $\sqrt{a}T$ increases the non-normality belt of $Y$, i.e. the set $W(Y)\setminus \Gamma(Y)$. The larger relative weight of the off-diagonal part, the larger squared non-normality index, $\mu_3^2(Y)= \|Y\|^2_{\rm HS} - \sum_{i=1}^N |Y_{ii}|^2= N-(1-a)N=aN$ and the larger the non-normality belt of the numerical range. In the limiting case $a\to 1$ the off-diagonal part $\sqrt{a}T$ dominates the matrix $Y$. In particular, if $T=T_N$ of ensemble (\[enstri\]) then its numerical range converges to the disk of radius $\sqrt{2}$ as $N$ grows to infinity.
To demonstrate this construction in action we plotted in Fig. \[fig4\] numerical range of an exemplary random matrix $Y'=D_N+\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}T_N$, which contains the spectrum of the complex Ginibre matrix $G_N$ at the diagonal, and the matrix $T_N$ in its upper triangular part. The relative weight $a=1/\sqrt{2}$ is chosen in such a way that Tr$Y'{Y'}^*=N$. Thus $Y'$ displays similar properties to the complex Ginibre matrix: its numerical range is close to a disk of radius $r=\sqrt{2}$, while the support of the spectrum is close to the unit disk. This observation is related to the fact [@Mehta] that bringing the complex Ginibre matrix by a unitary rotation to its triangular Schur form, $S:=UGU^*=D+T$, one assures that the diagonal matrix $D$ contains spectrum of $G$, while $T$ is an upper triangular matrix containing independent Gaussian random numbers.
![As in Fig. \[fig1\], for a) $D_N+\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}T_N$ and b) $U_N+T_N$ of size $N=1000$. []{data-label="fig4"}](D+Tsq2_1000.pdf "fig:") ![As in Fig. \[fig1\], for a) $D_N+\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}T_N$ and b) $U_N+T_N$ of size $N=1000$. []{data-label="fig4"}](U+T_1000.pdf "fig:")
Another illustration of the non-normality belt is presented in Fig. \[fig4\]b. It shows the numerical range of the sum of a diagonal random unitary matrix $U_N$ of ensemble (\[ensunit\]), with all eigenphases drawn independently according to a uniform distribution, with the upper triangular matrix $T_N$ of ensemble (\[enstri\]). All eigenvalues of this matrix belong to the unit circle, while presence of the triangular contribution increases the numerical radius $r$ and forms the non-normality belt. Some other examples of numerical range computed numerically for various ensembles of random matrices can be found in [@Paw13].
Some basic facts and notation {#basic}
In this paper, $C_0$, $C_1$, ..., $c_1$, $c_2$, ... denote absolute positive constants, whose value can change from line to line. Given a square matrix $X$, we denote $$\mbox{Re } X = \frac{X+X^*}{2} \quad \quad \mbox{ and } \quad \quad \mbox{Im } X = \frac{X-X^*}{2i},$$ so that $X= \mbox{Re } X + i \mbox{ Im } X$ and both $\mbox{Re } X$ and $\mbox{Im } X$ are self-adjoint matrices. Then it is easy to see that $$\mbox{Re } W(X) = W( \mbox{Re } X) \quad \quad \mbox{ and } \quad \quad \mbox{Im } W(X) = W(\mbox{Im } X).$$
Given $\theta \in [0, 2\pi]$, denote $X_{\theta}:= e^{i\theta }X$ and by $\lam_{\theta}$ denote the maximal eigenvalue of $\mbox{Re } X_{\theta}$. It is known (see e.g. Theorem 1.5.12 in [@HJ2]) that $$\label{support}
W(X) = \bigcap_{0\leq \theta \leq 2\pi} H_{\theta},$$ where $$H_{\theta} = e^{-i\theta} \left\{ z\in {{\mathbb{C}}}\, : \, \mbox{Re } z \leq \lam _\theta \right\}.$$ Our results for random matrices are somewhat similar, however we use the norm $\|X_{\theta}\|$ instead of its maximal eigenvalue. Repeating the proof of (\[support\]) (or adjusting the proof of Proposition \[inclusion\] below), it is not difficult to see that $$\label{inclus}
W(X) \subset K(R),$$ where $K(R)$ is a star-shaped set defined by $$\label{radial}
K(R) := \{ \lambda e^{- i\theta}\, \|X_{\theta}\| \, \, : \, \, \lambda \in [0, 1],\, \theta \in [0, 2\pi)\}.$$ Below we provide a complete proof of corresponding results for random matrices. Note that $K(R)$ can be much larger than $W(X)$. Indeed, in the case of the identity operator $I$ the numerical range is a singleton, $W(I)=\{1\}$, while the set $K(R)$ is defined by the equation $\rho \leq |\cos t|$ (in the polar coordinates).
We say that a Hermitian $N\times N$ matrix $A=\{A_{i,j}\}_{i,j}$ pertains to Gaussian Unitary Ensemble (GUE) if [**a.**]{} its entries $A_{i,j}$’s are independent for $1\leq i\leq j\leq N$, [**b.**]{} the entries $A_{i,j}$’s for $1\leq i< j\leq N$ are complex centered Gaussian random variables of variance $1$ (that is the real and imaginary parts are independent centered Gaussian of variance $1/2$), [**c.**]{} the entries $A_{i,i}$’s for $1\leq i\leq N$ are real centered Gaussian random variables of variance $1$.
Clearly, for the complex Ginibre matrix $G_N$ its real part, $Y_N:= Re(G_N)$, is a $(2N)^{-1/2}$ multiple of a GUE. It is known that with probability one $\|Y_N\| \to \sqrt{2}$ (see e.g. Theorem 5.2 in [@BS] or Theorem 5.3.1 in [@PS]). We will also need the following quantitative estimates. In [@Au; @Le1; @Le2; @LR] it was shown that for GUE, normalized as $Y_N$, one has for every ${\varepsilon}\in (0, 1]$, $${{\mathbb{P}}}\left( \|Y_N\| \geq \sqrt{2} +{\varepsilon}\r) \leq C_0 \exp(-c_0 N {\varepsilon}^{3/2}).$$ Moreover, in [@LR] it was also shown that for ${\varepsilon}\in (0, 1]$, $${{\mathbb{P}}}\left( \|Y_N\| \leq \sqrt{2} - {\varepsilon}\r) \leq C_1 \exp(-c_1 N^2 {\varepsilon}^{3}).$$ Note that $C_1 \exp(-c_1 N^2 {\varepsilon}^{3})\leq C_2 \exp(-c_1 N {\varepsilon}^{3/2})$. Thus, for ${\varepsilon}\in (0, 1]$, $$\label{maxev}
{{\mathbb{P}}}\left( |\|Y_N\| - \sqrt{2}| > {\varepsilon}\r) \leq C_3 \exp(-c_2 N {\varepsilon}^{3/2})$$ (cf. Theorem 2.7 in [@DS]). It is also well known (and follows from concentration) that there exists two absolute constants $c_4$ and $C_4$ such that $$\label{norm}
{{\mathbb{P}}}\left( \|G_N\| \geq 2.1 \r) \leq C_4 \exp(-c_4 N) .$$
Upper triangular matrix {#uptrima}
Let $g_i$, $h_i$, $i\geq 1$, be independent $\mathcal{N}(0,1)$ real random variables. It is well-known (and follows from the Laplace transform) that $$\mathbb{E} \max _{i\leq N} |g_i| \leq \sqrt{2\ln (2N)}.$$ Since $\|x\|_{\infty}\leq \|x\|_2$, the classical Gaussian concentration inequality (see [@CIS] or inequality (2.35) in [@Le]) implies that for every $r>0$, $$\label{maxgauss}
{{\mathbb{P}}}\left(\max _{i\leq N} |g_i| > \sqrt{2\ln (2N)} + r \right)\leq e^{-r^2/2}.$$
Recall that $T_N$ denotes the upper triangular $N\times N$ Gaussian random matrix normalized such that $\mathbb{E} T_N T_N^* =N$, that is $(T_N)_{ij}$ are independent complex Gaussian random variables of variance $2/(N-1)$ for $1\leq i<j\leq N$ and $0$ otherwise. Note that $\mbox{Re } T_N$ can be presented as $Z_N/\sqrt{2(N-1)}$, where $Z_N$ is a complex Hermitian $N\times N$ matrix with zero on the diagonal and independent complex Gaussian random variables of variance one above the diagonal. Let $A_N$ be distributed as GUE (with $g_i$’s on the diagonal) and $V_N$ be the diagonal matrix with the same diagonal as $A_N$. Clearly, $Z_N=A_N-V_N$. Therefore, the triangle inequality and (\[maxev\]) yield that for every ${\varepsilon}\in (0, 1]$ $$\label{devtrig}
{{\mathbb{P}}}\left( \left|\frac{1}{\sqrt N} \|Z_N\| - 2 \right| > {\varepsilon}\r) \leq C \exp(-c N {\varepsilon}^{3/2}) ,$$ where $C$ and $c$ are absolute positive constants (formally, applying the triangle inequality, we should ask ${\varepsilon}> \sqrt{\ln(2N)/N}$, but if ${\varepsilon}\leq \sqrt{\ln(2N)/N}$ the right hand side becomes large than 1, by an appropriate choice of the constant $C$). In particular, the Borel-Cantelli lemma implies that with probability one $\|Z_N\|/\sqrt{N} \to 2$ (alternatively one can apply Theorem 5.2 from [@BS]).
Main results {#mainresults}
Our first main result is
\[mega\] Let $R>0$. Let $\{X_N\}_N$ be a sequence of complex random $N\times N$ matrices such that for every $ \theta\in {{\mathbb{R}}}$ with probability one $$\lim _{N\to \infty} \|\mbox{\rm Re } (e^{i\theta} X_N)\| = R.$$ Then with probability one $$\lim _{N\to \infty} d_H \left( W(X_N), D(0, R)\right) =0.$$ Furthermore, if there exists $A\geq \max\{R, 1\}$ such that for every $N\geq 1$, $${{\mathbb{P}}}\left( \|X_N\| > A \right) \leq p_N$$ and for every ${\varepsilon}\in (0,1/2)$, $N\geq 1$, $\theta\in {{\mathbb{R}}}$, $${{\mathbb{P}}}\left( \left|\, \|\mbox{\rm Re } (e^{i\theta} X_N)\| - R\right| > {\varepsilon}\right) \leq q_N ({\varepsilon})$$ then for every positive ${\varepsilon}\leq \min\{1/2, \sqrt{R/(A+1)}\}$ and every $N$ one has $${{\mathbb{P}}}\left( d_H(W(X_N), D(0, R) > 4 A {\varepsilon}\r) \leq
p_N + 7 R {\varepsilon}^{-2} \ q_N ({\varepsilon}^2) .$$
Fix positive ${\varepsilon}\leq \min\{1/2, R/(A+1)\}$. Since the real part of a matrix is a self-adjoint operator we have $$\lam(\theta, N) :=\| \mbox{Re } (e^{i\theta} X_N )\| = \sup\{ \mbox{Re }
(e^{i\theta} X_N y, y)\, : \, \|y\|_2=1\}.$$ By assumptions of the theorem, for every $\theta \in {{\mathbb{R}}}$ with probability one $$\lim _{N\to \infty } \lam(\theta, N) = R.$$
Let ${{\mathbb{S}}}$ denote the boundary of the disc $D(0, R)$. Choose a finite ${\varepsilon}$-net $\mathcal{N}$ in $[0, 2\pi]$, so that $\{R e^{i\theta}\}_{\theta\in {\mathcal{N}}}$ is an ${\varepsilon}$-net (in the geodesic metric) in ${{\mathbb{S}}}$. Then, with probability one, for every $\theta \in {\mathcal{N}}$ one has $\lam(\theta, N)\to R$.
Since $\mbox{Im } X_N = \mbox{Re } (e^{-i \pi/2}X_N)$, one has $$R \leq \limsup _{N\to \infty} \|X_N\| \leq \limsup _{N\to \infty} \|\mbox{Re } X_N\|
+ \limsup _{N\to \infty} \|\mbox{Im } X_N\| = 2R .$$ Choose $A\geq \max\{R, 1\}$ and $N\geq 1$ such that for every $M\geq N$ one has $$\|X_M\| \leq A \quad \mbox{ and } \quad \forall \theta \in {\mathcal{N}} \, \, \, \,
|\lam(\theta, M) - R| \leq {\varepsilon}.$$ Fix $M\geq N$. Note that the supremum in the definition of $\lam(\theta, M)$ is attained and that $$|\mbox{Re } (e^{i\theta }X_M y, y) - \mbox{Re } (e^{i t }X_M y, y)| \leq
|e^{i\theta } - e^{i t }|\cdot |(X_M y, y)|\leq {\varepsilon}A,$$ whenever $|\theta - t|\leq {\varepsilon}$ and $\|y\|_2=1$. Using approximation by elements of $\mathcal{N}$, we obtain for every real $t$, $$|\lam(t, M) - R |\leq (A + 1) {\varepsilon}.$$
Let $y_0$ be such that $\|y_0\|=1$ and $$\lam := \sup\{|(X_M y, y)| \, : \, ||y||_2=1\} = |(X_M y_0, y_0)|.$$ Then for some $t$ $$\lam = e^{i t} (X_M y_0, y_0) = \mbox{Re } (e^{i t} X_M y_0, y_0)=
\lam (t, M) \leq R + (A + 1) {\varepsilon}.$$ This shows that $W(X_M) \subset D(0, R + (A + 1) {\varepsilon})$.
Finally fix some $z\in {{\mathbb{S}}}$, that is $z= R e^{i t}$. Choose $\theta \in {\mathcal{N}}$ such that $|t-\theta|\leq {\varepsilon}$. Let $y_1$ be such that $$\lam (-\theta, M) = \mbox{Re } (e^{-i\theta }X_M y_1, y_1) =
\mbox{Re } (e^{-i\theta } (X_M y_1, y_1)).$$ Denote $x:= (X_N y_1, y_1)$. Then $$R - (A + 1) {\varepsilon}\leq \mbox{Re } (e^{-i\theta } x) \leq |x| \leq R + (A + 1) {\varepsilon}.$$ Since $A\geq \max\{R, 1\}$ and ${\varepsilon}\leq R/(A+1)$, this implies that $$|R e^{i\theta }-x| \leq \sqrt{(A + 1)^2 {\varepsilon}^2 + 4 R (A + 1) {\varepsilon}} \leq
2 A \sqrt{{\varepsilon}} \, \sqrt{{\varepsilon}+2}.$$ Since $|t-\theta|\leq {\varepsilon}$ and ${\varepsilon}<1/2$, we observe that $$|z-x|\leq R |e^{i t } -e^{i\theta }| + |R e^{i\theta }-x|
\leq R {\varepsilon}+ 2\sqrt{2.5} A \sqrt{{\varepsilon}} \leq 4 A \sqrt{{\varepsilon}}.$$ Therefore, for every $z\in {{\mathbb{S}}}$ there exists $x\in W(X_M)$ with $$|z-x| \leq 4 A \sqrt{{\varepsilon}}.$$
Using convexity of $W(X_M)$, we obtain that with probability one $$d_H (W(X_M), D(0, R)) \leq 4 A \sqrt{{\varepsilon}}.$$ Since $M\geq N$ was arbitrary, this implies the desired result.
The proof of the second part of the theorem is essentially the same. Note that the ${\varepsilon}$-net in our proof can be chosen to have the cardinality not exceeding $2.2\pi R/{\varepsilon}$. Thus, by the union bound, the probability of the event $$\|X_M\| \leq A \quad \mbox{ and } \quad \forall \theta \in {\mathcal{N}} \, \, \, \,
|\lam(\theta, M) - R | \leq {\varepsilon},$$ considered above, does not exceed $p_N + 2.2 \pi R \ {\varepsilon}^{-1} q_N ({\varepsilon}).$ This implies the quantitative part of the theorem.
The next theorem shows that the first part of Theorem \[mega\] applies to a large class of random matrices (essentially to matrices whose entries are i.i.d. random variables having final fourth moments and corresponding triangular matrices), in particular to ensembles $G_N$, $G^{{{\mathbb{R}}}}_N$ and $T_N$ introduced in Section \[illustr\].
\[realgin\] Let $x_{i,i}$, $i\geq 1$, be i.i.d. complex random variables with finite second moment, $x_{i, j}$, $i\ne j$, be i.i.d. centered complex random variables with finite fourth moment, and all these variables are independent. Assume ${{\mathbb{E}}}|x_{1,2}|^2 = \lambda ^2$ for some $\lambda >0$. Let $ X_N = N^{-1/2}\, \{x_{i, j}\}_{i, j \leq N}, $ and $Y_N$ be the matrix whose entries on or above the diagonal are the same as entries of $X_N$ and entries below diagonal are zeros. Then with probability one, $$d_H ( W(X_N), D(0,\sqrt{2}\lambda )) \to 0 \quad \mbox{ and } \quad
d_H ( W(Y_N), D(0, \lambda ))\to 0 .$$ In particular with probability one, $$d_H ( W(G_N), D(0,\sqrt{2})) \to 0 , \quad
d_H ( W(G^{{{\mathbb{R}}}}_N), D(0,\sqrt{2})) \to 0$$ and $$d_H ( W(T_N), D(0,\sqrt{2})) \to 0.$$
It is easy to check that the entries of $\sqrt{N} \, Re (e^{i\theta} X_N)$ satisfy conditions of Theorem 5.2 in [@BS], that is the diagonal entries are i.i.d. real random variables with finite second moment; the above diagonal entries are i.i.d. mean zero complex variables with finite fourth moment and of variance $\lambda ^2/2$. Therefore, Theorem 5.2 in [@BS] implies that $\| Re (e^{i\theta} X_N)\| \to \sqrt{2} \lambda$. Theorem \[mega\] applied with $R=\sqrt{2}\lambda$ provides the first limit. For the triangular matrix $Y_N$ the proof is the same, we just need to note that the above diagonal entries of $\sqrt{N} \, Re (e^{i\theta} Y_N)$ have variances $(\lambda/2)^2$. The “in particular" part follows immediately.
We now turn to quantitative estimates for ensembles $G_N$ and $T_N$.
\[ginib\] There exist absolute positive constants $c$ and $C$ such that for every ${\varepsilon}\in (0, 1]$ and every $N$, $${{\mathbb{P}}}\left( d_H\left(W(G_N), D(0,\sqrt{2})\right) \geq {\varepsilon}\r) \leq C \ {\varepsilon}^{-2} \ \exp(-c N {\varepsilon}^{3}).$$
[**Remark 1.**]{} Note that by Borel-Cantelli lemma, this theorem also implies that $d_H ( W(G_N), D(0,\sqrt{2})) \to 0$.
Note that for every real $\theta$ the distributions of $G_N$ and $e^{i\theta } G_N$ coincide. Note also that $\mbox{Re } (G_N)$ is a $1/\sqrt{2N}$ multiple of a GUE. Thus, the desired result follows from the quantitative part of Theorem \[mega\] by (\[maxev\]) and (\[norm\]) (and by adjusting absolute constants).
[**Remark 2.**]{} It is possible to establish a direct link between Theorem \[ginib\], geometry of the set of mixed quantum states and the Dvoretzky theorem [@Dv61; @MiS].
As before, let ${ Q}_N=\{\varrho: \varrho=\varrho^*, \ \varrho\ge 0, \ {\rm Tr}\varrho=1 \}$ be the set of complex density matrices of size $N$. It is well known [@BZ06] that working in the geometry induced by the Hilbert-Schmidt distance this set of (real) dimension $N^2 - 1$ is inscribed inside a sphere of radius $\sqrt{(N-1)/N}\approx 1$, and it contains a ball of radius $1/\sqrt{(N-1)N}\approx 1/N$. Applying the Dvoretzky theorem and the techniques of [@AS06], one can prove the following result [@AS12]: for large $N$ a generic two-dimensional projection of the set ${Q}_N$ is very close to the Euclidean disk of radius $r_N=2/\sqrt{N}$. Loosely speaking, in high dimensions a typical projection of a convex body becomes close to a circular disk – see e.g. [@AL].
To demonstrate a relation with the numerical range of random matrices we apply results from [@DGH+11], where it was shown that for any matrix $X$ of order $N$ its numerical range $W(X)$ is up to a translation and dilation equal to an orthogonal projection of the set ${Q}_N$. The matrix $X$ determines the projection plane, while the scaling factor for a traceless matrix reads $\alpha (X) = \sqrt{\frac{1}{2}({\rm Tr} XX^* + | {\rm Tr} X^2|)}$.
Complex Ginibre matrices are asymptotically traceless, and the second term $|{\rm Tr} G^2|$ tends to zero, so the normalization condition used in this work, ${{\mathbb{E}}}{\rm Tr} G_NG_N^*=N$, implies that ${{\mathbb{E}}}\alpha(G_N)$ converges asymptotically to $\sqrt{N/2}$. It is natural to expect that the projection of ${Q}_N$ associated with the complex Ginibre matrix $G_N$ is generic and is characterized by the Dvoretzky theorem.
Our result shows that the random projection of ${Q}_N$, associated with the complex Ginibre matrix $G_N$ does indeed have the features expected in view of Dvoretzky’s theorem and is close to a disk of radius $r_N {{\mathbb{E}}}\alpha(G_N) = \sqrt{2}$.
\[triang\] There exist absolute positive constants $c$ and $C$ such that for every ${\varepsilon}\in (0, 1]$ and every $N$, $${{\mathbb{P}}}\left( d_H\left(W(T_N), D(0,\sqrt{2})\right) \geq {\varepsilon}\r) \leq C \ {\varepsilon}^{-2} \ \exp(-c N {\varepsilon}^{3}).$$
[**Remark 3.** ]{} Note that by Borel-Cantelli lemma, this theorem also implies that $d_H ( W(T_N), D(0,\sqrt{2})) \to 0$.
Note that for every real $\theta$ the distributions of $T_N$ and $e^{i\theta } T_N$ coincide. As was mentioned above $\mbox{Re } T_N$ can be presented as $Z_N/\sqrt{2(N-1)}$, where $Z_N$ is a complex Hermitian $N\times N$ matrix with zero on the diagonal and independent complex Gaussian random variables of variance one above the diagonal. Thus, by (\[devtrig\]), for every $\theta \in {{\mathbb{R}}}$ and ${\varepsilon}\in (0, 1]$ $${{\mathbb{P}}}\left( \left| \| \mbox{Re } (e^{i\theta } T_N)\| - \sqrt{2} \right| > {\varepsilon}\r) \leq
C \exp(-c N {\varepsilon}^{3/2})$$ (one needs to adjust the absolute constants). Since $X_N= \mbox{Re } X_N + i \mbox{Im } X_N = \mbox{Re } X_N + i \mbox{Re }(e^{-i\pi/2} X_N )$, $${{\mathbb{P}}}\left( \| T_N\| \geq 3 \r) \leq C_2 \exp(-c_1 N) .$$ Thus, applying Theorem \[mega\] (with $R=\sqrt{2}$ and $A=3$), we obtain the desired result.
Further extensions. {#concrem}
Note that the first part of the proof of Theorem \[mega\], the inclusion of $W(X_N)$ into the disk, can be extended to a more general setting, when $R$ is not a constant but a function of $\theta$. Namely, let $R : {{\mathbb{R}}}\to [1, \infty)$ be a $(2\pi)$-periodic continuous function. Let $K(R)$ be defined by (\[radial\]), i.e. $$K(R) := \{ \lambda e^{- i\theta} \, R(\theta) \, \, : \, \, \lambda \in [0, 1],\,
\theta \in [0, 2\pi)\}.$$ Note that if we identify ${{\mathbb{C}}}$ with ${{\mathbb{R}}}^2$ and $\theta$ with the direction $e^{-i\theta}$ then $R$ becomes the radial function of the star-shaped body $K(R)$. Then we have the following
\[inclusion\] Let $K(R)$ be a star-shaped body with a continuous radial function $R(\theta)$, $\theta\in [0, 2\pi)$. Let $\{X_N\}_N$ be a sequence of complex random $N\times N$ matrices such that for every $\theta\in [0, 2\pi)$ with probability one $$ \lim _{N\to \infty} \|\mbox{\rm Re } (e^{i\theta} X_N)\| = R(\theta).$$ Then with probability one $$\lim _{N\to \infty} d_H ( W(X_N)\setminus K(R), \emptyset) =0$$ (in other words asymptotically the numerical range is contained in $K(R)$). Furthermore, if there exists $A> 0$ such that for every $N\geq 1$, $${{\mathbb{P}}}\left( \|X_N\| > A \right) \leq p_N$$ and for every ${\varepsilon}\in (0,1/2)$, $N\geq 1$, $\theta\in {{\mathbb{R}}}$, $$ {{\mathbb{P}}}\left( \left|\, \|\mbox{\rm Re } (e^{i\theta} X_N)\| - R(\theta) \right| > {\varepsilon}\right) \leq q_N ({\varepsilon})$$ then for every ${\varepsilon}\in (0, 1/2)$ and every $N$ one has $${{\mathbb{P}}}\left( d_H(W(X_N)\subset K(R + (2A + 1) {\varepsilon}) \r) \leq
p_N + 2 L {\varepsilon}^{-1} \ q_N ({\varepsilon}) ,$$ where $L$ denotes the length of the curve $\{R(\theta)\}_{\theta\in [0, 2\pi)}$.
[**Remark 4.**]{} The proof below can be adjusted to prove the inclusion (\[inclus\]) (in fact (\[inclus\]) is simpler, since it does not require the approximation).
[**Remark 5.**]{} Under assumptions of Proposition \[inclusion\] on the convergence of norms to $R$, the function $R$ must be continuous. Indeed, for every $\theta$ and $t$ one has with probability one $$|R(\theta) -R(t) | \leq \lim _{N\to\infty }
\left| \, \|\mbox{Re } (e^{i\theta} X_N)\| - \|\mbox{Re } (e^{i t} X_N)\| \right|$$ $$\leq \left| e^{i\theta} - e^{i t} \right| \limsup _{N\to\infty }
\| X_N\|$$ and $$\limsup _{N\to \infty} \|X_N\| \leq \limsup _{N\to \infty} \|\mbox{Re } X_N\|
+ \limsup _{N\to \infty} \|\mbox{Im } X_N\| = R(0) + R(-\pi/2) .$$
[**Remark 6.**]{} Continuity and periodicity are not the only constraints that $R$ should satisfy. For Theorem \[inclusion\] not to be an empty statement, The set $K(R)$ should also have the property of being convex. This is clearly a necessary condition, and it can be proved by simple diagonal examples that it is also a sufficient condition.
[**Proof.** ]{} Fix ${\varepsilon}\in (0,1/2)$. Denote $$\lam(\theta, N) := \sup\{ \mbox{Re } (e^{i\theta} X_N y, y), \|y\|_2=1\}.$$ Note that $$\lam(\theta, N) = \|\mbox{Re } (e^{i\theta} X_N)\|.$$ Thus for every $\theta \in {{\mathbb{R}}}$ with probability one $$\lim _{N\to \infty } \lam(\theta, N) = R(\theta) .$$
Let $\partial K =\{R(\theta) \, \mid \, \theta\in [0, 2\pi) \}$ denote the boundary of $K(R)$. Choose a finite set $\mathcal{N}$ in $[0, 2\pi]$ so that $\{R(\theta) e^{i\theta} \}_{\theta\in \mathcal{N}}$ is an ${\varepsilon}$-net in $\partial K$ (in the Euclidean metric). Then, with probability one, for every $\theta \in {\mathcal{N}}$ one has $\lam(\theta, N)\to R(\theta)$.
As before, note $$\max_{\theta} R(\theta) \leq \limsup _{N\to \infty} \|X_N\| \leq R(0) + R(-\pi/2) .$$ Choose $A\geq 1$ and $N\geq 1$ such that for every $M\geq N$ one has $$\|X_M\| \leq A \quad \mbox{ and } \quad \forall \theta \in {\mathcal{N}} \, \, \, \,
|\lam(\theta, M) - R(\theta)| \leq {\varepsilon}.$$ Note that the supremum in the definition of $\lam(\theta, N)$ is attained and that $$ | e^{i\theta } - e^{i t }| \, \|X_N\| \leq
| e^{i\theta } - e^{i t }| \, A,$$ whenever $\|y\|_2=1$. As was mentioned in the remark following the theorem, $$|R(\theta) - R(t) | \leq \left| e^{i\theta} - e^{i t} \right| A .$$ Therefore, using approximation by elements of $\mathcal{N}$ and the simple estimate $\left| e^{i\theta} - e^{i t} \right|\leq {\varepsilon}$, whenever $|\theta - t|\leq {\varepsilon}$, we obtain that for every real $t$ one has $$\begin{aligned}
\label{approx} \nonumber
|\lam(t, N) - R(t) | \\ \nonumber
&\leq |\lam(t, N) - \lam(\theta, N)| + |\lam(\theta, N) - R(\theta) |
+ |R(\theta) - R(t) | \\ &\leq (2 A + 1) {\varepsilon}.\end{aligned}$$
Now let $y_0$ of norm one be such that $(X_N y_0, y_0)$ is in the direction $e^{it}$, that is $(X_N y_0, y_0) = e^{it} R$ for some real positive $R$. Then $$R = e^{-i t} (X_N y_0, y_0) = \mbox{Re } (e^{-i t} X_N y_0, y_0) \leq \lam (-t, N) \leq R(-t) +
(2 A + 1) {\varepsilon}.$$ This shows that $W(X_N) \subset K(R + (2 A + 1) {\varepsilon})$.
The quantitative estimates are obtained in the same way as in the proof of Theorem \[mega\].
As an example consider the following matrix. Let $H_1$, $H_2$ be independent distributed as $G_N$, $a, b >0$ and $A:= a H_1 + i b H_2$. Then it is easy to see that $\mbox{Re } (e^{i\theta} A)$ is distributed as $r(\theta) G_N$, where $r(\theta)=\sqrt{a^2 \cos^2 \theta + b^2 \sin ^2 \theta}$. Therefore $\| \mbox{Re } (e^{i\theta} A)\| \to R(\theta):= \sqrt{2} r(\theta)$. Theorem \[inclusion\] implies that $W(A)$ is asymptotically contained in $K(R)$ which is an ellipse.
Norm estimate for the upper triangular matrix {#secttri}
In this section we prove that $\|T_N\| \to \sqrt{2 e}$, as claimed in Eq. of the introduction (Theorem \[trinor\]). For the purpose of this section it is convenient to renormalize the matrix $T_N$ and to consider $\bar T_N$, which is strictly upper diagonal and whose entries above the diagonal are complex centered i.i.d. Gaussians of variance $1/\sqrt{N}$. Thus, $(\bar T_N)_{ij} = \sqrt{(N-1)/(2N)} T_{ij}$. We also consider upper triangular matrices $T_N'$, whose entries above and on the diagonal are complex centered i.i.d. Gaussians of variance $1/\sqrt{N}$. Note that $\bar T_N$ and $T_N'$ differs on the diagonal only, therefore the following lemma follows from (\[maxgauss\]).
The operator norm of $\bar T_N$ converges with probability one to a limit $L$ iff the operator norm of $T_N'$ converges with probability one to $L$.
We reformulate the limiting behavior of $\| T_N\|$ in terms of $\bar T_N$. We prove the following theorem, which is clearly equivalent to (\[trnorm\]).
\[trinor\] With probability one, the operator norm of the sequence of random matrices $\bar T_N$ tends to $\sqrt{e}$.
Let us first recall the following theorem, proved in [@DyH].
For any integer $\ell$, $$\lim_N {{\mathbb{E}}}(N^{-1}Tr ((\bar T_N \bar T_N^*)^\ell)=\frac{\ell^\ell}{(\ell+1)!}$$
We will use the following auxiliary constructions. Fix a positive integer parameter $k$, denote $m=[N/k]$ (the largest integer not exceeding $N/k$), and define the upper triangular matrix $\bar T_{N,k}$ as follows: $(\bar T_{N,k})_{i, j} =0$ if $\ell m +1
\leq j\leq (\ell +1) m$ and $i\geq \ell m+1$ for some $\ell \geq 0$, and $(\bar T_{N,k})_{i, j} =(\bar T_{N})_{i, j}$ otherwise. In other words we set more entries to be equal to 0 and we have either $k\times k$ or $(k+1)\times (k+1)$ block strictly triangular matrix (if $N$ is not multiple of $k$ then the last, $(k+1)$th, “block-row" and “block-column" have either their number of rows or columns strictly less than $N/k$).
We start with the following
\[def-fk\] Let $k$ be a positive integer and $N$ be a multiple of $k$. Then with probability one, $\|\bar T_{N,k}\|$ converges to a quantity $f_k$ as $N\to\infty$.
Note that the complex Ginibre matrix is, up to a proper normalization, distributed as $A_1 + i A_2$, where $A_1$ and $A_2$ are i.i.d. GUE. Thus, when $N$ is a multiple of $k$, $\bar T_{N,k}$ can be seen as a $k\times k$ block matrix of $N/k\times N/k$ matrices, which are linear combinations of i.i.d. copies of GUE. A Haagerup-Thorbjornsen result [@HTh] ensures convergence with probability one of the norm.
At this point it is not possible to compute $f_k$ explicitly. Actually it will be enough for us to understand the asymptotics of $f_k$ as $k\to\infty$.
In the next lemma, we remove the condition that $N$ be a multiple of $k$.
Let $k$ be a positive integer. Then with probability one, $\| \bar T_{N,k}\|$ converges to to the quantity $f_k$ defined in Lemma \[def-fk\] as $N\to\infty$.
Let $N\geq k$. Denote by $N_+$ the first multiple of $k$ after $N$. Up to an overall multiple $N/N_+$ (imposed by the normalization that is dimension dependent), we can realize $\bar T_{N,k}$ as a compression of $\bar T_{N_+,k}$. Since a compression reduces the operator norm, thanks to the previous lemma, we have with probability one, $$\limsup_{N\to \infty} \|\bar T_{N,k}\|\leq f_k.$$ Similarly, by $N_-$ denote the first multiple of $k$ before $N$. Up to an overall multiple $N_-/N$, we can realize $\bar T_{N_-,k}$ as a compression of $\bar T_{N,k}$. Therefore we have with probability one, $$\liminf_{N\to \infty} \|\bar T_{N,k}\|\geq f_k.$$ These two estimates imply the lemma.
In the next Lemma, we compare the norm of $\bar T_{N,k}$ with the norm of $\bar T_N$.
\[seqtozer\] With probability one for every $k$ we have $$\limsup_{N\to \infty} \left| \|\bar T_{N,k}\|-\|\bar T_N\| \r| \leq 3/\sqrt{k}.$$
For every fixed $k\leq N$ we consider a matrix $D_{N,k}$ distributed as $\bar T_{N,k}-\bar T_N$. Setting as before $m=[N/k]$, the entries of $D_{N,k}$ are i.i.d. Gaussian of variance $1/\sqrt{N}$ if $\ell m +1 \leq j\leq (\ell +1) m$ and $i\geq \ell m+1$ for some $\ell \geq 0$, and $(D_{N,k})_{i, j} =0$ otherwise. Clearly, this matrix is diagonal by block. It consists of $k$ diagonal blocks of $m \times m$ strictly upper triangular random matrices with entries of variance $1/N$ and possibly one more block of smaller size.
Let us first work on estimating the tail of the operator norm on a diagonal block of size $m \times m$, which will be denoted by $X_N$. It follows directly from the Wick formula that the quantities ${{\mathbb{E}}}(Tr((X_N X_N^*)^{\ell}))$ are bounded above by quantities ${{\mathbb{E}}}(Tr((\tilde X_N\tilde X_N^*)^{\ell}))$, where $\tilde X_N$ is the same matrix as $X_N$ without the assumption that lower triangular entries are zero (in other words, it is a rescaled complex Ginibre matrix of size $m \times m$). From there, we can make estimates following arguments à la Soshnikov [@sos1] and obtain that the tail of the operator norm of $X_N$ is majorized by the tail of the operator norm of $\tilde X_N$. More precisely, we can show that there exists a constant $C_1>0$ such that ${{\mathbb{E}}}(Tr((X_N X_N^*)^{\ell}))\leq C_1(2.8/\sqrt{k})^\ell$ for every $\ell\leq N^{1/4}$. This implies that there exists another constant $C_2>0$ such that ${{\mathbb{E}}}(Tr (D_{N,k}^\ell))\leq C_1 k(2.8/\sqrt{k})^{\ell}\leq C_2 (2.9/\sqrt{k})^{\ell}$ for all sufficiently large $\ell\leq N^{1/4}$. Therefore we deduce by Jensen inequality that the probability that the operator norm $D_{N,k}$ is larger than $3/\sqrt{k}$ is bounded by $C^{-N}$ for some universal constant $C>1$. By Borel-Cantelli lemma, with probability one we have $$\limsup_{N\to \infty} \left| \|\bar T_{N,k}\|-\|\bar T_N\| \r| \leq 3/\sqrt{k}.$$ The result follows by the triangle inequality.
As a consequence we obtain the following lemma.
The sequence $f_k$ converges to some constant $f$ as $k\to\infty$ and $\|\bar T_N\|$ converges to $f$ with probability one.
By Lemma \[seqtozer\] and the triangle inequality, we get that with probability one, $$\limsup_{N\to \infty} \left| \|\bar T_{N,k_1}\|-\|\bar T_{N,k_2}\| \r|\leq 3/\sqrt{k_1}+3/\sqrt{k_2}.$$ Therefore, evaluating the limit on the left hand side, we observe that $\{f_k\}_k$ is a Cauchy sequence. Thus it converges to a constant $f$.
Next, we see that for any $\varepsilon >0$, taking $k$ large enough, we obtain that with probability one, $$\limsup_{N\to \infty} \left| \|\bar T_{N}\|-f \r|\leq \varepsilon .$$ Letting $\varepsilon\to 0$, we obtain the desired result.
Now we are ready to finish the proof of Theorem \[trinor\].
It is enough to prove that $f=\sqrt{e}$. It follows from [@HTh] that $$f_k=\lim_{\ell\to \infty} \sqrt[2\ell]{\lim_{N\to \infty}
{{\mathbb{E}}}(N^{-1}Tr((\bar T_{N,k}\bar T_{N,k}^*)^{\ell}))}.$$ Given $\ell$ and $N$, it follows from Wick’s theorem that ${{\mathbb{E}}}(N^{-1}Tr((\bar T_{N,k}\bar T_{N,k}^*)^{\ell}))$ increases and converges as $k\to\infty$ pointwisely to ${{\mathbb{E}}}(N^{-1}Tr((\bar T_{N}\bar T_{N}^*)^{\ell}))$. So the same result holds if we let $N\to\infty$ (by Dini’s theorem), namely $$\lim_{k\to \infty} \lim_{N\to \infty} {{\mathbb{E}}}(N^{-1}Tr((\bar T_{N,k}\bar T_{N,k}^*)^{\ell}))
=\lim_{N\to \infty} {{\mathbb{E}}}(N^{-1}Tr((\bar T_{N}\bar T_{N}^*)^{\ell})).$$ Observing that $$\sqrt[2\ell]{\lim_N {{\mathbb{E}}}(N^{-1}Tr((\bar T_{N,k}\bar T_{N,k}^*)^{\ell}))}$$ increases as a function of $\ell$ and applying once more Dini’s theorem, we obtain that $$\lim_{k\to \infty} f_k=\lim_{\ell\to \infty} \sqrt[2\ell]{\lim_{N\to \infty}
{{\mathbb{E}}}(N^{-1}Tr((\bar T_{N}\bar T_{N}^*)^{\ell}))}.$$ Therefore $$\lim_{k\to \infty} f_k=\lim_{\ell\to \infty} \sqrt[2\ell]{\frac{\ell^{\ell}}{(\ell+1)!}}
= \sqrt{e}$$ by the Stirling formula. This completes the proof.
[**Acknowledgment.** ]{} We are grateful to Guillaume Aubrun and Stanis[ł]{}aw Szarek for fruitful discussions on the geometry of the set of quantum states, helpful remarks, and for letting us know about their results prior to publication. It is also a pleasure to thank Zbigniew Pucha[ł]{}a and Piotr [Ś]{}niady for useful comments. Finally we would like to thank an anonymous referee for careful reading and valuable remarks which have helped us to improve the presentation.
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abstract: 'This paper is devoted to a study of relativistic eigenstates of Dirac particles which are simultaneously bound by a static Coulomb potential and added linear confining potentials. Under certain conditions, despite the addition of radially symmetric, linear confining potentials, specific bound-state energies surprisingly preserve their exact Dirac–Coulomb values. The generality of the “preservation mechanism” is investigated. To this end, a Foldy–Wouthuysen transformation is used to calculate the corrections to the spin-orbit coupling induced by the linear confining potentials. We find that the matrix elements of the effective operators obtained from the scalar, and time-like confining potentials mutually cancel for specific ratios of the prefactors of the effective operators, which must be tailored to the preservation mechanism. The result of the Foldy–Wouthuysen transformation is used to verify that the preservation is restricted (for a given Hamiltonian) to only one reference state, rather than traceable to a more general relationship among the obtained effective low-energy operators. The results derived from the nonrelativistic effective operators are compared to the fully relativistic radial Dirac equations. Furthermore, we show that the preservation mechanism does not affect anti-particle (negative-energy) states.'
- 'J. H. Noble'
- 'U. D. Jentschura'
title: Dirac Equations with Confining Potentials
Introduction {#sec1}
The Dirac-Coulomb Hamiltonian has been the first relativistic bound-state quantum Hamiltonian ever investigated [@ItZu1980; @SwDr1991a; @SwDr1991b; @SwDr1991c], and obvious generalizations (with confining potentials which describe the binding forces in nuclei [@HaJeSu1949; @GM1949; @GM1950I; @GM1950II; @MK1992; @GrMa1996], or for quarks, within the MIT bag model [@ChEtAl1974; @MoSa1985]) have phenomenological significance for nuclear and subnuclear physics. It is perhaps useful to remember that the investigation of the discrete bound-state spectrum of the Dirac-Coulomb Hamiltonian has led to the discovery of the fine-structure of atomic spectra as well as the identification of the relativistic correction terms that shift the hydrogen spectrum: zitterbewegung term, and spin-orbit coupling [@BjDr1964; @BjDr1965], while the phenomenological significance of the spin-orbit coupling for the bound states in nuclei is well known. Naturally, one would assume that any added linear confining potentials (proportional to the radial coordinate) would not only shift the individual energy levels quantitatively, but even change the spectrum qualitatively, eliminating the continuous spectrum. Quite recently, in marked contrast to this expectation, Franklin and Soares de Castro [@Fr1999; @CaFr2000] have investigated a generalized Dirac Hamiltonian with an added linear confining potential, or, more precisely, a combination of two added linear confining potentials, and the surprising conclusion was that specific bound-state energies are not shifted at all with respect to their Dirac-Coulomb value, i.e., the added linear confining potential has no influence on the energy eigenvalue. This observation is very interesting in itself and inspires a thorough analysis of the origin, and of the generality of the “preservation mechanism”.
In Refs. [@Fr1999; @CaFr2000], the unaffected energies are those of the states with $\kappa=-n$ where $n$ is the principal quantum number and $\kappa$ is the Dirac angular quantum number. The papers [@Fr1999; @CaFr2000] leave some room for the interpretation of the generality of the preservation mechanism. One might ask whether, given a specific ratio of the prefactors in the confining Hamiltonian, the preservation would affect only one reference state, whose energy remains unaltered, or if the parameters could be tailored so that the preservation occurs for more than one reference state. An exact preservation of the Dirac–Coulomb energy for a general class of potentials could otherwise hint at a hidden, exact, hitherto insufficiently discussed symmetry of the (generalized) Dirac equation, with potential phenomenological consequences in related areas of physics (nuclear and subnuclear physics). Our aim here is to analyze the problem in detail and to identify the leading relativistic corrections (effective operators) for the problem studied in Refs. [@Fr1999; @CaFr2000], via a Foldy–Wouthuysen transformation. Expressed differently, our goal is to investigate whether the results reported in Refs. [@Fr1999; @CaFr2000] constitute a coincidental relationship, crucially depending on the fine-tuning of the coupling constants multiplying the linear confining potential(s), or, if there is a more general physical pattern behind the energy eigenvalue preservation mechanism.
Our investigation (for a generalization see Sec. \[sec5\]) focuses on the following generalized Dirac equation, $$\label{FrankHam}
H \, \psi(\vec r) = E \, \psi(\vec r) \,,
H = \vec \alpha \cdot \vec p + \beta \, m- \frac{\lambda}{r} +
\beta \, \mu \, r + \nu \, r \,,$$ where the $\vec \alpha$ and $\beta$ matrices are used in the standard Dirac representation [@Ro1971a; @Ro1971b; @SwDr1991a; @SwDr1991b; @SwDr1991c], while $\psi(\vec r)$ is the bispinor (four-component) wave function. Here, the binding Coulomb potential corresponds to the term $-\lambda/r$, while the two added linear confining potentials are given by the terms $\beta \mu r$ and $\nu
\, r$, respectively, and $m$ is the mass of the bound particle. Surprisingly, at least one exact solution for a particular eigenstate of Eq. can be given analytically [@Fr1999]. Adopting the conventions of Refs. [@SwDr1991a; @SwDr1991b; @SwDr1991c], we assume that the bispinor wave function corresponding to the energy eigenstate of Eq. has an upper radial component $f$, and a lower radial component $g$, of the form
\[allthestuff\] $$\begin{aligned}
\psi =& \; \left( \begin{array}{c} f(r) \, \chi_{\kappa_0\,M_0}(\hat r) \\
{\mathrm{i}}\, g(r) \, \chi_{-\kappa_0\,M_0}(\hat r) \end{array} \right) \,,
f(\vec r) =
{\mathcal{N}}\, r^{b-1} \, \exp(-a \,r ) \, \exp(- \tfrac12 \, \alpha^2 \, r^2 ) \,.\end{aligned}$$ Here, $r = |\vec r|$ is the radial coordinate, and ${\mathcal{N}}$ is a normalization factor, while $\chi_{\kappa\,M}(\hat r) =
\chi_{\kappa_0\,M_0}(\theta, \varphi) $ is the spin-angular function [@Ro1971a; @Ro1971b]. The magnetic projection quantum number is $M$, the Dirac angular quantum number is $\kappa_0 = (-1)^{\ell_0 + j_0 + \tfrac12} \, (j_0+\tfrac12)$ and summarizes both the orbital angular momentum quantum number $\ell_0$ as well as the total angular momentum quantum number $j_0$ of the reference state into a single, integer-valued quantum number (we initially assume that $\kappa_0 = -1$, which corresponds to an $S$ state). We use the symbol $M_0$ to denote the magnetic projection quantum number of the reference state because $\mu$ is reserved for the coefficient multiplying the scalar confining potential in Eq. . (The zero subscript is reserved for the angular quantum numbers of the reference state, while the corresponding quantum numbers $\ell$, $j$ and $\kappa$ denote a general state; see Sec. \[sec3\].) Let us assume that the lower component $g(r) \, \chi_{-\kappa_0 M_0}(\hat r)$ of the bispinor Dirac eigenfunction $\psi$ is given as follows, $$\begin{aligned}
g(\vec r) \, \chi_{-\kappa_0 M_0}(\hat r)
=& \; \gamma (\vec \sigma \cdot \hat r) \, f(r) \, \chi_{\kappa_0 M_0}(\hat r)
=& \; -\gamma \,
{\mathcal{N}}\, r^{b-1} \, \exp(-a \,r ) \,
\exp\left(- \tfrac12 \, \alpha^2 \, r^2 \right) \,
\chi_{-\kappa_0 M_0}(\hat r) \,.\end{aligned}$$ The vector of Pauli matrices is denoted as $\vec \sigma$, and $\hat r$ is the position unit vector. We have used the well-known relation $(\vec \sigma \cdot \hat r) \,
\chi_{\kappa_0 M_0}(\hat r) = - \chi_{-\kappa_0 M_0}(\hat r)$. The prefactor $\gamma$ can be shown to simultaneously fulfill the following relations, $$\begin{aligned}
\gamma =& \; \frac{a}{m+E} = \frac{|\kappa_0|-b}{\lambda}
= \frac{\alpha^2}{\mu-\nu} \,,
\gamma =& \; \frac{m-E}{a} = \frac{\lambda}{|\kappa_0|+b}
= \frac{\mu+\nu}{\alpha^2} \,,
b =& \; \sqrt{1 - \frac{\lambda^2}{\kappa_0^2}} \,,
a = m \, \frac{\lambda}{|\kappa_0|} \,,
\alpha^2 = \mu\,\frac\lambda{\kappa_0} \,.\end{aligned}$$ These relations hold provided we assume that $$\label{cancel}
\nu = -\mu \, \sqrt{1 - \frac{\lambda^2}{\kappa_0^2}} \,.$$ The normalization constant ${\mathcal{N}}$ which ensures that $\int {\mathrm{d}}^3 r \, |\psi(\vec r)|^2 = 1$, is found to be $${\mathcal{N}}=\frac1
U\left(1+b,\frac32,\frac{a^2}{\alpha^2}\right)}} \,,
$$ where $\Gamma$ denotes the gamma function and $U$ denotes Kummer’s confluent hypergeometric function (see Chaps. 6 and 13 of Ref. [@AbSt1972]). It has been observed [@Fr1999; @CaFr2000] that the ansatz solves the stationary Dirac equation with an energy eigenvalue $$\label{allthestufff}
E = m \, \sqrt{1 - \frac{\lambda^2}{\kappa_0^2}} \,,$$
which the informed reader will recognize as the exact Dirac–Coulomb energy for the state with the highest possible total angular momentum, for a given principle quantum number, namely the state with $n=n_0=-\kappa_0$. This is easily verified based on Dirac theory [@SwDr1991a; @SwDr1991b; @SwDr1991c]. In the limit $\nu \to 0$ and $\mu \to 0$, the Hamiltonian becomes an exact Dirac–Coulomb Hamiltonian, and the wave function for $\kappa_0 = -1$ tends toward the ground-state wave function of the Dirac–Coulomb problem [@SwDr1991a; @SwDr1991b; @SwDr1991c]. Apparently, the addition to two linear confining potentials has not shifted the ground-state energy at all. In (the abstract of) Ref. [@CaFr2000], the authors state that “the method works for the ground state or for the lowest orbital state with $\ell = j - 1$, for any $j$”. This statement may leave some room for interpretation, in particular, regarding the question of whether the preservation affects more than one reference state, or is limited, for given parameters $n_0$ and $\kappa_0$, to one (and only one) reference state. Furthermore, we should clarify that the state with quantum numbers $n = n_0 = -\kappa_0$ actually has the highest possible total angular momentum $j_0 = |\kappa_0| - 1/2$ and the highest possible orbital angular momentum $\ell_0 = j_0 - 1/2$ for given principal quantum number $n_0$. One would expect that the linear confinement alters the spectrum not only quantitatively, but even qualitatively (i.e., it would be assumed to transform the continuous part of the spectrum into a discrete one, with only bound states). Further clarification is definitely required. Throughout the paper, we work in units with $\hbar = c = \epsilon_0 = 1$.
Energy Eigenvalue Preservation Mechanism {#sec2}
We aim to investigate the physical mechanism at the roots of the intriguing observations reported in Eq. , which might hint at a hidden symmetry of the (generalized) Dirac equation. To this end, we carry out a Foldy–Wouthuysen transformation, which the aim of identifying the relevant physical degrees of freedom in the low-energy limit. The Foldy–Wouthuysen transformation is inherently perturbative and therefore tied to a regime where the linear confining potentials can still be treated as perturbations. This, in particular, implies that the prefactors of the linear confining potentials have to be small (parametrically suppressed). In the leading approximation, use the Schrödinger wave equations can be used as the unperturbed wave functions. This is the opposite limit as compared to the scenario studied in Ref. [@AbFu1987], where the authors otherwise consider a situation with a confining term that dominates over the rest mass.
Here, we thus investigate the scaling of the physical quantities with the perturbative parameter $\lambda$, a procedure which is akin to the well-known so-called $Z\alpha$-expansion in atomic physics. The following order-of-magnitude estimates are valid for Schrödinger–Pauli bound states [@Pa1993; @JePa1996] $$E = m + {\mathcal{O}}(\lambda^2 \, m) \,,
|\vec p| = {\mathcal{O}}(\lambda \, m) \,,
r = {\mathcal{O}}\left(\frac{1}{\lambda \, m}\right) \,,
\frac{\lambda}{r} = {\mathcal{O}}(\lambda^2 \, m) \,.$$ A classical analogy is obtained by considering a bound nonrelativistic particle on a classical, stationary orbit in a $(1/r)$-potential; its momentum is of the order $\lambda \, m$. In order for the confining potentials to represent perturbatively tractable terms, we therefore have to assume that $$\beta \, \mu \, r = {\mathcal{O}}(\lambda^3 \, m) \,,
\nu \, r = {\mathcal{O}}(\lambda^3 \, m) \,,$$ and so the coupling constants of the confining potential must scale at least as $$\mu = {\mathcal{O}}(\lambda^4 m^2) \,,
\nu = {\mathcal{O}}(\lambda^4 m^2) \,.$$ Then, Eq. implies that, to order $\lambda^4$, we have $$\label{cancel2}
\nu = -\mu+\mu \, \frac{\lambda^2}{2\kappa_0^2} + {\mathcal{O}}(\lambda^8 m)\,,$$ which is consistent with our previous assumption that the leading-order term in both $\nu$ and $\mu$ are of order $\lambda^4 \, m^2$. Here, we include the correction term of relative order $\lambda^2$ which follows by expanding the square root in Eq. . With the radial coordinate being of order $1/(\lambda\, m)$, the matrix elements of the confining potentials are of order $\lambda^3 \, m$ and therefore parametrically suppressed with regard to the main (leading) Schrödinger energy $-\lambda^2 \, m/(2 n^2)$, where $n$ is the principal quantum number. The perturbative hierarchy conveniently orders the terms for the application of the Foldy–Wouthuysen (FW) programs of the Hamiltonian given in Eq. .
For the FW transformation, one first identifies the odd part (in bispinor space) of the Hamiltonian in question, with a subsequent unitary transformation designed to disentangle upper and lower components. However, in higher orders in the perturbative parameters, this procedure often tends to introduce higher-order odd terms in the resulting Hamiltonian, and therefore it needs to be iterated. The process is then repeated until all odd parts of the Hamiltonian are eliminated to the desired order in perturbation theory [@FoWu1950; @BjDr1964; @BjDr1965]. In our case, we will keep all terms up to order $\lambda^5 \, m$ in the energy. We identify the odd part of Eq. as $${\mathcal{O}}={\vec\alpha\cdot\vec p}\,,\qquad
U={\mathrm{e}}^{-{\mathrm{i}}S}\,,$$ where we have also constructed the Hermitian operator $S$ and the unitary rotation operator $U$. The rotation is then given as [@FoWu1950; @BjDr1964] $$H'=U\,H\,U^+\approx H+{\mathrm{i}}[S,H]+\frac{({\mathrm{i}})^2}{2!}[S,[S,H]]
+\dots\,.$$ We now apply the FW transformation and find $$\begin{aligned}
H'=&\,\beta\left(m+\frac{{\vec p}^{\,2}}{2m}-\frac{{\vec p}^{\,4}}{8m^3}\right)
-\frac\lambda r+\frac1{8m^2}
\left[{\vec\alpha\cdot\vec p},\left[{\vec\alpha\cdot\vec p},\frac\lambda r\right]\right]\\
&\,+\beta\,\mu\left(r-\frac{\{{\vec\alpha\cdot\vec p},\{{\vec\alpha\cdot\vec p},r\}\}}{8m^2}\right)
+\nu\left(r-\frac{[{\vec\alpha\cdot\vec p},[{\vec\alpha\cdot\vec p},r]]}{8m^2}\right)+{\mathcal{O}}'\,,\nonumber\end{aligned}$$ where $$\begin{aligned}
{\mathcal{O}}'=&\,-\frac{{\vec p}^{\,2}{\vec\alpha\cdot\vec p}}{3m^2}+\frac{{\vec p}^{\,4}{\vec\alpha\cdot\vec p}}{30m^4}
-\frac\beta{2m}\left[{\vec\alpha\cdot\vec p},\frac\lambda r\right]-
\frac{\mu}{2m}\{{\vec\alpha\cdot\vec p},r\}
+\frac{\beta\,\nu}{2m}[{\vec\alpha\cdot\vec p},r]\\
&\,+\frac\beta{48m^3}\left[{\vec\alpha\cdot\vec p},
\left[{\vec\alpha\cdot\vec p},\left[{\vec\alpha\cdot\vec p},\frac\lambda r \right]\right]\right]\,.\nonumber\end{aligned}$$ Note that while ${\mathcal{O}}\sim\lambda m$, ${\mathcal{O}}'$ is of higher order, namely ${\mathcal{O}}'\sim\lambda^3m$. In order to proceed, we must perform another iteration of the FW transformation, with $$S'=-{\mathrm{i}}\frac{\beta\,{\mathcal{O}}'}{2m}\,,\qquad
U'={\mathrm{e}}^{-{\mathrm{i}}S'}\,,$$ which yields $$\begin{aligned}
H''=&\,\beta\left(m+\frac{{\vec p}^{\,2}}{2m}-\frac{{\vec p}^{\,4}}{8m^3}\right)
-\frac\lambda r+\frac1{8m^2}
\left[{\vec\alpha\cdot\vec p},\left[{\vec\alpha\cdot\vec p},\frac\lambda r\right]\right]\\
\frac{\{{\vec\alpha\cdot\vec p},\{{\vec\alpha\cdot\vec p},r\}\}}{8m^2}\right)
+\nu\left(r -
\frac{[{\vec\alpha\cdot\vec p},[{\vec\alpha\cdot\vec p},r]]}{8m^2}\right)+{\mathcal{O}}''\,,\nonumber\end{aligned}$$ where $${\mathcal{O}}''=\frac{{\vec p}^{\,4}{\vec\alpha\cdot\vec p}}{6m^4}
+\frac\beta{6m^3}\left[{\vec p}^{\,2}{\vec\alpha\cdot\vec p},\frac\lambda r\right]
+\frac\beta{8m^3}\left\{{\vec p}^{\,2},\left[{\vec\alpha\cdot\vec p},\frac\lambda r\right]\right\}
\left[\left[{\vec\alpha\cdot\vec p},\frac\lambda r\right],\frac\lambda r\right]\,.$$ The new odd part is of order $\lambda^5m$, while to the same order, the even part remains the same. For the third transformation, we use $$S''=-{\mathrm{i}}\frac{\beta\,{\mathcal{O}}''}{2m}\,,\qquad
U''={\mathrm{e}}^{-{\mathrm{i}}S''}\,,$$ and perform a final iteration of the FW transformation, yielding $$\begin{aligned}
H^{(FW)}=&\,\beta\left(m+\frac{{\vec p}^{\,2}}{2m}-\frac{{\vec p}^{\,4}}{8m^3}
-\frac\lambda r+\frac1{8m^2}
\left[{\vec\alpha\cdot\vec p},\left[{\vec\alpha\cdot\vec p},\frac\lambda r\right]\right]\\
\frac{\{{\vec\alpha\cdot\vec p},\{{\vec\alpha\cdot\vec p},r\}\}}{8m^2}\right)
+\nu\left(r-\frac{[{\vec\alpha\cdot\vec p},[{\vec\alpha\cdot\vec p},r]]}{8m^2}\right)\,,\nonumber\end{aligned}$$ which will be rewritten with the help of the identities
\left[{\vec\alpha\cdot\vec p},\left[{\vec\alpha\cdot\vec p},\frac1r\right]\right]
=&\,4\pi\delta^{(3)}(\vec r)+2\frac{\vec\Sigma\cdot\vec L}{r^3}\,,
\{{\vec\alpha\cdot\vec p},\{{\vec\alpha\cdot\vec p},r\}\}=& \; 2\{\vec p^{\,2}, r\}+2 \beta \frac{K}r\,,
[{\vec\alpha\cdot\vec p},[{\vec\alpha\cdot\vec p},r]]=&\; -2 \beta \, \frac{K}r\,,
K \equiv & \; \beta \, ( \vec\Sigma\cdot\vec L + 1) = \left(
\vec\sigma\cdot\vec L + 1 & 0\\
0 & - (\vec\sigma\cdot\vec L + 1) \end{array}\right) \,.\end{aligned}$$
While the $(4\times 4)$-bispinor operator $K$ commutes with the Hamiltonian, $[ K, H ] = 0$, the $(2 \times 2)$-submatrices of the operator $K$ have the properties [@Ro1961], $$\label{properties}
( \vec\sigma\cdot\vec L + 1 ) \,
\chi_{\kappa_0 M_0} = -\kappa_0\,\chi_{\kappa_0 M_0}\,,
\kappa_0 = (-1)^{j_0 + \ell_0 + 1/2} \, \left( j_0 + \tfrac12 \right) \,.$$ The orbital angular momentum is obtained as $\ell_0 = | \kappa_0 + 1/2 | - 1/2$, and the total angular momentum reads $j_0 = | \kappa_0 | - 1/2$. The eigenfunctions of the Hamiltonian given in Eq. are also eigenfunctions of $K$ with eigenvalue $-\kappa_0$. The $(4\times 4)$ FW-transformed Hamiltonian finally reads as follows, $$\begin{aligned}
H^{(FW)}=&\,\beta\left(m+\frac{{\vec p}^{\,2}}{2m}
-\frac{{\vec p}^{\,4}}{8m^3}\right)
-\frac\lambda r+\frac{\pi\lambda}{2m^2}\delta^{(3)}(\vec r)
+\frac\lambda{2m^2r^3}\vec\Sigma\cdot\vec L\\
-\beta\,\mu\frac{\{{\vec p}^{\,2},r\}}{4m^2}\,.\nonumber\end{aligned}$$ One now uses Eq. and expresses all terms in terms of $\mu$, keeping all terms in the the Hamiltonian up to order $\lambda^5 \, m$. This results in
\[FWHam\] $$\begin{aligned}
H^{(FW)}=&\, H_{DC} + H_C \,,\\
H_{DC} =& \;
\beta m
\underbrace{ + \beta \frac{{\vec p}^{\,2}}{2m} -\frac\lambda r }_{\mbox{${\mathcal{O}}(\lambda^2 \, m)$}}
\underbrace{- \beta \frac{{\vec p}^{\,4}}{8m^3}
+\frac{\pi\lambda}{2 \, m^2}\delta^{(3)}(\vec r)
+\frac\lambda{2 \, m^2 \, r^3}\vec\Sigma\cdot\vec L }_{\mbox{${\mathcal{O}}(\lambda^4 \, m)$}} \,, \\[2ex]
H_{C} =& \;
\underbrace{\mu \left( \beta-1 \right) \, r}_{\mbox{${\mathcal{O}}(\lambda^3 \, m)$}}
+ \underbrace{ \frac{\lambda^2 \, \mu \, r}{2\kappa_0^2}
- (\beta+1) \, \mu \, \frac{\vec\Sigma \cdot \vec L + 1}{4 \, m^2 \, r}
-\beta\,\mu \, \frac{\{ \vec p^{\,2},r\}}{4m^2} }_{\mbox{${\mathcal{O}}(\lambda^5 \, m)$}}\,,\end{aligned}$$
where $H_{DC}$ is the FW transformed Dirac-Coulomb Hamiltonian [@JeNo2014jpa; @BjDr1964], and $H_C$ is a perturbative term which was induced by the addition of the confining potentials. We see that the perturbation in the original Hamiltonian, under the conditions imposed in Eq. with the approximation made in Eq. , results in the sum of three additional terms of order $\lambda^5 m$ in the FW transformed Hamiltonian, beyond the leading confining term of order $\lambda^3
\,m$, which is unaffected by the FW program in comparison to Eq. . The first of these terms simply is a linear potential. It is followed by a spin-orbit coupling term, proportional to $\vec\Sigma \cdot \vec L/r$ instead of $\vec\Sigma \cdot \vec L/r^3$ as in $H_{DC}$. The former is the result of the FW transformation of a linear potential while the latter comes from the transformation of a $1/r$ potential. Finally we see that the linear perturbation also induces a kinetic correction term to the particle’s orbit, whose functional form is akin to the magnetic exchange term in the Breit Hamiltonian [@BeLiPi1982vol4].
According to Eq. , our calculation shows a very intriguing “duality” of the cancellation of the leading confining term for a particle state \[term proportional to $\mu \left( \beta-1 \right) \, r \to \beta - 1\to 0$ for the upper bispinor\], while the spin-orbit term \[proportional to $(\beta+1) \, (\vec\Sigma \cdot \vec L + 1)
\to \beta + 1 \to 0$ vanishes for antiparticle states. Furthermore, for particle states, the spin-orbit coupling term has the “opposite” sign in the prefactor of the term $\vec\Sigma \cdot \vec L$ as compared to the Dirac–Coulomb problem, where it is otherwise known to be proportional to $+\vec\Sigma \cdot \vec L/(m^2 \, r^3)$.
For a particle \[denoted with a superscript “(+)”\] as opposed to an antiparticle state, we may replace $\beta\rightarrow1$ and isolate the upper $2\times2$ submatrix of the Hamiltonian,
\[FWHamplus\] $$\begin{aligned}
H^{(+)}_{DC} =& \;
m \underbrace{ + \frac{{\vec p}^{\,2}}{2m} -\frac\lambda r }_{\mbox{${\mathcal{O}}(\lambda^2 \, m)$}}
\underbrace{- \frac{{\vec p}^{\,4}}{8 \, m^3}
+\frac{\pi\lambda}{2 \, m^2} \, \delta^{(3)}(\vec r)
+\frac\lambda{2 \, m^2 \, r^3} \, \vec\sigma\cdot\vec L }_{\mbox{${\mathcal{O}}(\lambda^4 \, m)$}} \,,
H_C^{(+)} =& \; \underbrace{\mu\left(\frac{\lambda^2}{2\kappa_0^2} r -
\frac{\vec\sigma \cdot \vec L + 1}{2m^2r}
-\frac{\{{\vec p}^{\,2},r\}}{4m^2}\right)}_{\mbox{${\mathcal{O}}(\lambda^5 \, m)$}} \,.\end{aligned}$$
After the FW transformation, the linear confining potential $\beta \mu r $ from Eq. remains confining for particle states, while the potential $\nu \, r$, given the relations and , transforms into an anti-confining potential, leading to conceivable cancellation. The explicit appearance of the reference state quantum number $\kappa_0$ in Eq. reminds us of the fact that the relation depends on the reference state.
We now recall some basic facts about the Dirac angular momentum quantum number $\kappa_0$. The possible values for $j_0$ are $j_0=\ell\pm\half$, and it is instructive to distinguish the cases of negative and positive $\kappa_0$, expressing $\kappa_0$ in terms of $\ell_0$, $$\label{KappaEll}
= \left\{\begin{array}{cc} -(j_0+\tfrac12) & \quad j_0 = \ell_0 + \tfrac12 \\[2ex]
+(j_0+ \tfrac12) & \quad j_0 = \ell_0 - \tfrac12 \end{array}\right.
\quad = \quad \left\{\begin{array}{cc}-(\ell_0+1) &
\qquad j_0 = \ell_0 + \tfrac12 \\[2ex]
\ell_0 & \qquad j_0 = \ell_0 - \tfrac12 \end{array}\right.\,.$$ The relation $\kappa_0(\kappa_0+1) =\ell_0 \, (\ell_0 + 1)$ holds regardless of the relative orientation of the orbital angular momentum $\ell_0$ and spin projection $\pm \tfrac12$. Using the quantum numbers $n_0$ and $\kappa_0$, as well as the magnetic momentum projection $M$, one may describe a state which otherwise needs the quantum numbers $n_0$, $\ell_0$, and $j_0$. In the usual $n_0 \ell_j$ notation, examples are as follows. For the $1S_{1/2}$ ground state, we have $n_0=1$, $\kappa_0=-1$, while the $2P$ states are given as follows. Namely, for $2P_{1/2}$, we have $n_0=2$, $\kappa_0=1$, while for $2P_{3/2}$, we have $n_0=2$, $\kappa_0=-2$. The $(n_0=3)$ state are $3D_{3/2}$, which $n_0=3$ and $\kappa_0=2$, and $3D_{5/2}$, with $n_0=3$ and $\kappa_0=-3$. The $P$ states with $n_0=2$ are $3P_{1/2}$ with $\kappa_0=1$, and $3P_{3/2}$ with $\kappa_0=-2$. For given $n_0$, $\kappa_0$ attains all integer values in the interval $(-n_0, -n_0+1, \ldots, n_0-1)$, excluding zero.
Let us now look at the expectation value of the perturbation for a $\left|n_0\,\kappa_0\right>$ reference state. First we note that in such a state, the expectation value of $\vec\sigma\cdot\vec L$ is just $\kappa_0-1$. We can use the Schrödinger-Pauli states [@Ro1971a; @Ro1971b] as basis states when evaluating the energy perturbation. For a nonrelativistic wave function of the form $\phi(\vec r)=R_{n_0\,\ell_0}(r) \chi_{\kappa_0\,M_0}(\hat r)$, the radial part $R_{n_0\,\ell_0}(r)$ is given by the radial solution to the Coulomb–Schrödinger Hamiltonian $\left(\frac{\vec
p^{\,2}}{2m}-\frac\lambda r\right)$. In leading order, using formulas from Ref. [@BeSa1957], we then find that
\[matelem\] $$\begin{aligned}
E_{n_0 \, \kappa_0} \approx & \;
\left< n_0 \kappa_0 \left| m + \frac{\vec p^{\,2}}{2m} - \frac{\lambda}{r}
\right| n_0 \kappa_0 \right> =
m - \frac{\lambda^2 \, m}{2 \, n_0^2}\,,
\langle r \rangle_0 =& \;
\left< n_0 \kappa_0 \left| r \right| n \kappa_0 \right> =
\frac{3n_0^2-\kappa_0(\kappa_0+1)}{2\lambda m} \,,
\left< r^{-1} \right>_0 =& \;
\left< n_0 \kappa_0 \left| r^{-1} \right| n \kappa_0 \right> =
\frac{\lambda \, m}{n_0^2}\,.\end{aligned}$$
Independent of the magnetic projection $M_0$ of the reference state, and with the help of Eq. , one then finds that $$\begin{aligned}
\left< n_0 \kappa_0 \left| H_{C}^{(+)} \right| n_0 \kappa_0 \right>
=& \; \frac{\mu \lambda}{4 m}
\frac{(n_0-\kappa_0)\,(n_0+\kappa_0)\,(3n_0^2+\kappa_0 (\kappa_0 -1))}{\kappa_0^2 \, n_0^2} = 0 \,,\end{aligned}$$ because we explicitly assume that $n_0 = -\kappa_0$. As anticipated, due to the fact that the energy is equivalent to that of the corresponding state of the Dirac–Coulomb Hamiltonian, we see that the perturbation disappears, but only because we have adjusted the relationship among the prefactors of the two confining potentials. One might ask if this preservation is a more general phenomenon, or specific to the particular reference state at hand.
Confining Terms for General Positive–Energy States {#sec3}
Let us consider the perturbed particle Hamiltonian, $H_C^{(+)}$, given in Eq. , and its expectation value for a general reference state $|n \, \kappa \rangle \neq |n_0 \, \kappa_0 \rangle$. Again, using formulas from Ref. [@BeSa1957], we find that the first-order energy shift $\Delta E_{n\kappa}$ reads as $$\label{corrterm}
\Delta E_{n \kappa} =
\left< n \kappa \left| H_{C}^{(+)} \right| n \kappa \right> =
\frac{\mu\lambda}{4 m} \, \left(
\frac{3 n^2-\kappa(\kappa+1)}{\kappa_0^2}
- \frac{n^2+\kappa(\kappa-1)}{n^2}\right)\,.$$ The question then is whether at least the leading correction to the energy due to the confining potential, given by Eq. , vanishes for states other than $|n \, \kappa \rangle = |n_0 \, \kappa_0 \rangle$. We recall that $\Delta E_{n \kappa}$ is of order $\lambda^5$ as $\mu$ is of order $\lambda^4$. Now, $\Delta E_{n\kappa}$ vanishes provided $$\label{RHS}
\kappa_0^2 = n^2 \, \Xi^2 \,,
\Xi^2 = \frac{3n^2-\kappa(\kappa+1)}{n^2+\kappa(\kappa-1)} \,.$$ If we set $\kappa = \pm n$, then $\Xi$ evaluates to unity, so that $\kappa_0 = \pm n$. The only sign which can be realized for bound states pertains to $n = -\kappa$ \[see the text following Eq. \], in which case $\kappa = \kappa_0 = -n = -n_0$, and we reproduce the case already discussed in Eq. .
In order to check whether the perturbation vanishes for any other state, one investigates if the case $\kappa_0^2 = n^2 \, N^2$ may occur, where $N$ is an integer greater than unity, i.e., if the case $\Xi^2 = N^2$ with $N \geq 2$ can be realized. We set $$\label{FracN}
\frac{3n^2-\kappa(\kappa+1)}{n^2+\kappa(\kappa-1)}=N^2\,.$$ Again, if we set $N=1$, then we find $\kappa^2=n^2$, which is the physically relevant solution already discussed. For $N>1$, we rearrange Eq. to find $$\label{FalseEq}
(N^2-3)n^2 = \kappa((N^2-1)-(N^2+1)\kappa)\,.$$ Under the assumption that $N \geq 2$, one ascertains that $$\label{ahahahaaaa}
\kappa((N^2-1)-(N^2+1)\kappa)<0\,,$$ regardless of whether $\kappa$ is negative or positive. Thus Eq. be fulfilled, and the only possible integer value for $N^2$ is $1$. It then follows that $\Delta E_{n \kappa}=0$ [*if and only if*]{} $\kappa=\kappa_0=-n=-n_0$.
Summarizing, we can tailor the prefactors of the two confining potentials, according to the modified relation , $$\nu = -\mu \, \sqrt{1 - \frac{\lambda^2}{\kappa_0^2}} \,,$$ and obtain the preservation for the state $|n_0 \kappa_0 \rangle$ with $n_0 = -\kappa_0$, which happens to be the state of maximum total angular momentum for given principal quantum number. However, once $\kappa_0$ is fixed, no other reference states are affected by the preservation, and in fact, are shifted with regard to their unperturbed (Dirac–Coulomb) values. This constitutes a restriction to the preservation mechanism for the energy eigenvalue.
Effective Confining Potentials for Antiparticle States {#sec4}
Let us recall Eq. and discuss how it pertains to antiparticle states,
\[FWHam2\] $$\begin{aligned}
H^{(FW)}=&\, H_{DC} + H_C \,,\\
H_{DC} =& \;
\beta m + \beta \frac{{\vec p}^{\,2}}{2m} -\frac\lambda r
- \beta \frac{{\vec p}^{\,4}}{8m^3}
+\frac{\pi\lambda}{2 \, m^2}\delta^{(3)}(\vec r)
+\frac\lambda{2 \, m^2 \, r^3}\vec\Sigma\cdot\vec L \,, \\[2ex]
H_{C} =& \;
\mu \left( \beta-1 \right) \, r
+ \frac{\lambda^2 \, \mu \, r}{2 \, \kappa_0^2}
- (\beta+1) \, \mu \, \frac{\vec\Sigma \cdot \vec L + 1}{4 \, m^2 \, r}
-\beta\,\mu \, \frac{\{ \vec p^{\,2},r\}}{4m^2} \,.\end{aligned}$$
The FW transformation has disentangled the particle from the antiparticle degrees of freedom, as described by the Dirac $\beta$ matrix, $$\beta = \left( \begin{array}{cc} \mathbbm{1}_{2 \times 2} & 0 \\
0 & -\mathbbm{1}_{2 \times 2} \end{array} \right) \,.$$ Formally, the Hamiltonian $H^{(FW)}$, being the time evolution operator, has negative energy eigenvalues corresponding to the antiparticle states; however, the reinterpretation principle [@ItZu1980] dictates that the physical energy operator for antiparticles equals the negative of the lower $(2 \times 2)$ submatrix of the Hamiltonian . We endow this physical Hamilton operator for the antiparticle states with the superscript “$(-)$” and write
\[HminusDC\] $$\begin{aligned}
H^{(-)}_{DC} =& \;
m \underbrace{ + \frac{{\vec p}^{\,2}}{2m} + \frac\lambda r }_{\mbox{${\mathcal{O}}(\lambda^2 \, m)$}}
\underbrace{- \frac{{\vec p}^{\,4}}{8 \, m^3}
- \frac{\pi\lambda}{2 \, m^2} \, \delta^{(3)}(\vec r)
- \frac\lambda{2 \, m^2 \, r^3} \, \vec\sigma\cdot\vec L }_{\mbox{${\mathcal{O}}(\lambda^4 \, m)$}} \,,
H_C^{(-)} =& \;
\underbrace{2 \mu \, r}_{\mbox{${\mathcal{O}}(\lambda^3 \, m)$}}
\underbrace{ - \mu \, \frac{\lambda^2}{2 \, \kappa_0^2}r -
\mu \, \frac{\{{\vec p}^{\,2},r\}}{4m^2}}_{\mbox{${\mathcal{O}}(\lambda^5 \, m)$}} \,.\end{aligned}$$
Here, the order-of-magnitude estimates in regard to $\lambda$ pertain to the expectation values that would otherwise be obtained for bound Schrödinger–Pauli reference states. However, as is well known [@Ro1971a; @Ro1971b] and manifest in Eq. , for antiparticles, the terms of order ${\mathcal{O}}(\lambda^2 \, m)$ in Eq. actually describe a repulsive (“positron”) Schrödinger Hamiltonian $$H^{(-)}_S = \frac{{\vec p}^{\,2}}{2m} + \frac\lambda r$$ where we ignore the rest mass term from Eq. . The spectrum of $H^{(-)}_S$ consists only of continuum states, reflecting the “sign change” of the Coulomb potential $\lambda/r$ for antiparticles. This means that the analysis outlined above for bound particle states is not applicable to the antiparticle states in the FW transformed Hamiltonian. Furthermore, the two confining potentials, in sharp contrast to the preservations observed for the particle Hamiltonian, add up for antiparticles to a confining linear term $2\mu \, r$ which, perturbatively, is of order $\lambda^3 \, m$.
As already stated, the order-of-magnitude estimates given in powers of $\lambda$ in Eq. are relevant to bound states and otherwise are consistent with the classical analogue of bound particles orbiting the binding $(-\lambda/r)$-potential with velocities of order $\lambda \, c$. For antiparticles, in the repulsive $(+\lambda/r)$-potential, the physics changes. Here, one can typically assume that the energy of the particle with regard to the continuum threshold in the repulsive potential is large compared to the binding energy scale of the sign-reversed potential. This means, in particular, that the wave functions of the continuum states are typically spread farther out than the scale $\langle r \rangle \sim 1/(\lambda\,m)$, which is typical of bound states. For states with $\langle r \rangle \gg 1/(\lambda\,m)$, the Coulomb potential is suppressed in comparison to the effective confining term $2 \mu \, r$ given in Eq. . In this regime, we can thus approximate $$\label{HminusEFF}
H^{(-)} = H^{(-)}_{DC} + H^{(-)}_{C}
\approx m + \frac{{\vec p}^{\,2}}{2m} - \frac{{\vec p}^{\,4}}{8 \, m^3}
+ 2 \mu \, r \,,$$ and treat the repulsive part of the Coulomb potential, given by the term $\lambda/r$, as a perturbation. As compared to the particle states, the effective Hamiltonian for antiparticle states, obtained after the FW transformation, leads up to no compensation between the two confining potentials, which add up rather than cancel. This observation illustrates the different physics that result from one and the same generalized Dirac Hamiltonian, given in Eq. , in the case where the Dirac Hamiltonian is not charge conjugation invariant and therefore may result in fundamentally different physics for particles and corresponding antiparticles.
The confining potential $2\mu \, r$ leads to a transformation of the spectrum in terms of a discrete spectrum. For not–too–large value of the coupling parameter $\mu$, this spectrum will contain a series of relatively dense eigenvalues.
Fully Relativistic Radial Equation {#sec5}
Up to this point, we have employed a Foldy–Wouthuysen transformation in order to disentangle the upper and lower components of the Hamiltonian and wave function, i.e., the positive- and negative-energy states. It is useful to contrast this discussion with the radial wave equations that are obtained from the fully relativistic formalism. We assume that, without the added linear confining potentials, the initial Dirac equation is of the form $$\label{A1}
\left(\vec\alpha\cdot\vec p+\beta\,m+
V_0(r)\right)\psi(\vec r)= E\psi_0(\vec r)\,,\qquad
\psi_0(\vec r)=\left(\begin{array}{c}
\end{array}\right)\,,$$ where we additionally assume that the “unperturbed” solution $\psi_0(\vec r)$ while $V_0(r)$ denotes some sort of “Coulomb potential”. We then add a linear combination of radially symmetric potentials $V_1$ and $V_2$ to the equation that defines the energy eigenvalue $E$,
\[A2\] $$\begin{aligned}
& \; \left(\vec\alpha\cdot\vec p+\beta\,m+
V_0(r)+\beta\,V_1(r)+V_2(r)\right)\psi(\vec r)=E\psi(\vec r) \,,
& \; \psi(\vec r)= \left(\begin{array}{c}
f(r) \, \chi_{\kappa_0\,M_0}\\
{\mathrm{i}}g(r) \, \chi_{-\kappa_0\,M_0}
and investigate under which conditions we can find radial wave functions $f(r)$ and $g(r)$ \[which may be different from the $f_0(r)$ and $g_0(r)$\] while the energy eigenvalue $E$ is preserved in Eqs. and . The radial equations for the original “unperturbed” Dirac–Coulomb Hamiltonian are then
\left(\frac{\partial}{\partial r}+\frac{\kappa_0+1}r\right)f_0(r)
\left(-\frac{\partial}{\partial r} +\frac{\kappa_0-1}r\right)g_0(r)
while the radial equations for the perturbed Hamiltonian read as
\left(\frac{\partial}{\partial r}+\frac{\kappa_0+1}r\right)f(r)
\left(-\frac{\partial}{\partial r} +\frac{\kappa_0-1}r\right)g(r)
For a given energy eigenvalue $E$, one may rescale of the “unperturbed” radial wave functions as follows, $$\label{PertORel}
f(r)={\mathrm{e}}^{h(r)} \, f_0(r)\,,\qquad
g(r)={\mathrm{e}}^{h(r)} \, g_0(r)\,,\qquad
\psi(\vec r)={\mathrm{e}}^{h(r)} \, \psi_0(\vec r)\,.$$ This implies that
\[PartialRelation\] $$\begin{aligned}
\frac{\partial h(r)}{\partial r}f(r)=&\,(V_1(r)-V_2(r)) \, g(r)\,,\\
\frac{\partial h(r)}{\partial r}g(r)=&\,(V_1(r)+V_2(r)) \, f(r)\,.\end{aligned}$$
Multiplying both sides of these equations, we find the condition $$\label{PartialH}
\frac{\partial h(r)}{\partial r}
= \pm\sqrt{\left(V_1(r)\right)^2-\left(V_2(r)\right)^2}\,.$$ Based on these considerations, one might conclude that it is possible to add any combinations of radial potentials $V_1$ and $V_2$ to a solvable Dirac Hamiltonian with potential $V_0(r)$, provided that the added potentials $V_1(r)$ and $V_2(r)$ fulfill the condition that $\left(V_1(r)\right)^2\ge\left(V_2(r)\right)^2$, and quickly find a solution using Eq. . The state $\psi_0(\vec r)$ has retained its energy $E$ even after the addition of $V_1$ and $V_2$, and \[up to the prefactor $\exp[h(r)]$\] remains an exact eigenstate of the perturbed problem (with nonvanishing $V_1$ and $V_2$). If this argument were universally applicable, then the Dirac equation should have at least one exact solution for very wide classes of potentials $V_0$, $V_1$ and $V_2$, which can be expressed in closed analytic form \[provided $f_0(r)$ and $g_0(r)$ admit such a form\]. However, there is another relation that follows from Eq. through division, $$\label{restric1}
=\sqrt{\frac{V_1(r)+V_2(r)}{V_1(r)-V_2(r)}}\,,$$ where we used Eq. to relate the ratio of the original wave functions to the ratio of the wave functions of the perturbed Hamiltonian. This relation implies that the “unperturbed” upper and lower radial wave functions $f_0(r)$ and $G_0(r)$ must be mutually related by a global prefactor. For convenience, we denote the proportionality factor as $-\gamma$, so that $f_0(r)=-\gamma\,g_0(r)$, with reference to Sec. \[sec2\]. Taking into account Eq. , this also implies that $f(r)=-\gamma\,g(r)$. We then find that fine-tuning of the coupling constants of the two added potentials is required, $$\label{restric2}
V_2(r)=-\frac{1-\gamma^2}{1+\gamma^2} \, V_1(r)\,.$$ Since the value of $\gamma$ is determined by the relationship of the original radial wave function, this turns out to be an extremely restrictive condition. In the case where the original Hamiltonian is the Dirac–Coulomb Hamiltonian, for example, the relationship between the two potentials is found to be expressible in a simpler form (see Sec. \[sec2\]) $$\label{restric3}
\frac{1-\gamma^2}{1+\gamma^2} =\frac{E}{m} =
\sqrt{1 - \frac{\lambda^2}{\kappa_0^2} } \,.$$ For the classes of potentials discussed in Sec. \[sec2\], and the states with $n_0 = -\kappa_0$, all these relations , and are fulfilled. Otherwise, the relations , and represent important restrictions which can be fulfilled, if at all, only for particular solutions of the “unperturbed” problem (the one with $V_0$) and also limit the occurrence of the exact preservation to potentials $V_1$ and $V_2$ which have to be proportionally related according to Eq. . Furthermore, as shown in Sec. \[sec3\], the preservation cannot be parametrically adjusted to more than one reference state.
Yet, we are able to confirm that the energy eigenvalue preservation mechanism applies not only to [*linear*]{} confining potentials. A valid application of the above considerations would concern the case
\[gen\] $$\begin{aligned}
V_0(r) =& \; -\frac{\lambda}{r} \,,
V_1(r) = A \, (r/r_0)^M \,, \qquad M = 1000 \,,
V_2(r)=& \; -\frac{1-\gamma^2}{1+\gamma^2} \, V_1(r) =
- \sqrt{1 - \frac{\lambda^2}{\kappa_0^2} } \, V_1(r) \,.\end{aligned}$$
Here, the case $M=1000$ serves as a numerical approximation to a potential $V_1(r)$ which tends to zero for $r < r_0$, while it is numerically large for $r > r_0$, thus approximating the step-potential used in the construction of the MIT bag model.
Conclusions {#sec6}
Dirac equations with radially symmetric confining potential are of pheonomenological interest [@HaJeSu1949; @GM1949; @GM1950I; @GM1950II; @ChEtAl1974; @MoSa1985; @AbFu1987]. Our considerations have been centered about a generalized Dirac Hamiltonian with two linear radial confining potentials, as given in Eq. . Given the general complexity of the Dirac equation, one would intuitively assume that the addition of the confining potentials shifts the energy values of bound states, no matter what the relation between the prefactors of the two confining potentials in Eq. is, and irrespective of the quantum numbers of the “unperturbed” Dirac–Coulomb eigenstates. However, it can be verified, both on the basis of an explicit solution of the radial Dirac equation (see Sec. \[sec5\]) as well as on the basis of a perturbative calculation (see Sec. \[sec2\]), that an interesting energy eigenvalue preservation occurs provided the prefactor of the two confining potentials ($\mu$ and $\nu$), and the “Coulomb” coupling parameter $\lambda$, fulfill the relationship given in Eq. . This preservation may occur for the reference $1S$ ground state (if we set $n_0 = -\kappa_0 = 1$), which retains its precise energy eigenvalue under the addition of the confining potentials, but only under the condition that the “fine-tuning relation” given in Eq. is fulfilled.
As revealed by the FW transformed Hamiltonian given in Eq. , the preservation is not fully accidental: Namely, the leading-order effective operators \[of order ${\mathcal{O}}(\lambda^3\,m)$\] derived from the two confining potentials cancel for particle states \[see Eq. \], while they add up for antiparticle states \[see Eq. \]. At order ${\mathcal{O}}(\lambda^5\,m)$, the preservation is more subtle and involves both the kinetic corrections in the confining potential as well as the additional spin-orbit coupling terms which are manifest in Eq. . Such spin-orbit terms are known to affect bound Dirac particles in comparable situations, such as in nuclei where the hadrons are confined by the short-range meson exchange potentials, and yet, spin-orbit terms have a significant influence on the spectrum [@MK1992; @GrMa1996]. The preservation is explicitly verified in Eq. .
Yet, in Sec. \[sec3\], we verify that the preservation can be tailored to only one reference state $|n_0 \, \kappa_0\rangle$ with $\kappa_0 = - n_0$; other states are shifted by the added potential. This result, expressed in Eq. , would be impossible to obtain without the explicit Foldy–Wouthuysen transformed Hamiltonian being available (its matrix elements can be expressed analytically). Furthermore, the analysis of corresponding antiparticle states, carried out in Sec. \[sec4\], reveals that the physical degrees of freedom are drastically different as compared to particle states \[for the nonrelativistic approximation relevant to antiparticles, see Eq. \].
In summary, we hope to have accomplished three goals in this paper: [*(i)*]{} First, to show that the considerations reported in Refs. [@Fr1999; @CaFr2000] are restricted to one particular reference state of the “double-confining” potential given in Eq. . This restriction may not be completely obvious from the papers [@Fr1999; @CaFr2000] (see also \[sec5\]). Furthermore, while the preservation mechanism can be tailored to [*any*]{} reference state with $n = n_0 = -\kappa_0$, it can be tailored to work for only one such state, not more than one (see Sec. \[sec3\]). Moreover, our considerations show that the existence of the preservation mechanism actually is tied to a certain proportionality of the upper and lower radial wave functions of the “unperturbed” Dirac-Coulomb problem, which persists only for $n = n_0 = -\kappa_0$. However, the preservation mechanism can be extended to potentials which model the step-like behavior of the MIT bag model [@ChEtAl1974; @MoSa1985], as demonstrated in Eq. . [*(ii)*]{} We identify, via a Foldy–Wouthuysen transformation, the nonrelativistic effective operators which pertain to an intuitive physical interpretation of the Dirac equation in the nonrelativistic limit. The calculation of the nonrelativistic operators reveals the existence of large spin-orbit coupling terms in the confining potentials and an interesting “duality” \[see Eq. \]: The leading confining term cancels for a positive-energy particle state (but not for anti-particles), while the spin-orbit term vanishes for antiparticle states (but not for positive-energy states). [*(iii)*]{} Third, we identify the effective operators that pertain to [*antiparticles*]{} as opposed to particles, in the double-confining potential. We show that the preservation mechanism relevant for particles is reversed for the corresponding antiparticles which are described by the same (generalized) Dirac equation. In passing, we obtain the effective form of the confining potential for antiparticles and the effective (fully confining) operators relevant in the nonrelativistic limit (for antiparticles). This latter conclusion illustrates the intricacies, and perhaps, also the power, of the Dirac formalism: namely, to describe two different particle “species” (particles and corresponding antiparticles) at the same time, and with the same equation, predicting a different, and in our case, opposite influence (addition versus preservation) of the two confining potentials for the antiparticle as opposed to the particle states.
Acknowledgments {#acknowledgments .unnumbered}
The research has been supported by the National Science Foundation (Grants PHY–1068547 and PHY–1403973).
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abstract: 'An action principle of singular hypersurfaces in general relativity and scalar-tensor type theories of gravity in the Einstein frame is presented without assuming any symmetry. The action principle is manifestly doubly covariant in the sense that coordinate systems on and off a hypersurface are disentangled and can be independently specified. It is shown that, including variation of the metric, the position of the hypersurface and matter fields, the variational principle gives the correct set of equations of motion: the Einstein equation off the hypersurface, Israel’s junction condition in a doubly covariant form and equations of motion of matter fields including the scalar fields. The position of the hypersurface measured from one side of the hypersurface and that measured from another side can be independently variated as required by the double covariance.'
address: |
Department of Physics, Harvard University\
Cambridge, MA 02138, USA\
Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics, University of Toronto\
Toronto, ON M5S3H8, Canada\
Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Victoria\
Victoria, BC V8W3P6, Canada
- Shinji Mukohyama
title: 'Doubly covariant action principle of singular hypersurfaces in general relativity and scalar-tensor theories'
Spatially extended objects such as branes, membranes, shells and walls have been playing many important roles in recent progress in theoretical physics including string theory [@Polchinski], particle phenomenology [@ADD; @AAD; @RS1], theory of black holes [@TPM; @PI; @SV], cosmology [@KT; @Linde] and so on. Hence, it is important to investigate dynamics of such extended objects. In particular, the so called brane world scenario is based on the idea that our four-dimensional universe may be a world volume of a brane in a higher dimensional spacetime [@ADD; @AAD; @RS1; @RS2]. Thus, in the brane world scenario the dynamics of the brane is the dynamics of our universe itself and is of the most physical importance.
It is well-known and is the most commonly adopted picture that the dynamics of extended objects is elegantly described as geometrical imbedding of world-volume surfaces into spacetime in a certain limit. In particular, in the case of codimension $1$, or when the world-volume surface is a hypersurface, the geometrical description becomes simpler than other cases with higher codimension. Actually, in general relativity or other theories of gravity in the Einstein frame, the classical dynamics of a hypersurface is perfectly described by Israel’s junction condition [@Israel].
One of the main advantages of the junction condition is that it is manifestly doubly covariant in the sense that coordinate systems on and off a hypersurface are disentangled and can be independently specified. More precisely, there are three independent coordinate systems: that on the hypersurface, those in two regions separated by the hypersurface. In the brane world point of view, the double covariance is important since it allows us to separate the coordinate system in our world from that in the higher dimensional spacetime.
Once the classical dynamics is understood, one would usually like to understand quantum mechanical dynamics [@BKKT; @Berezin; @Hajicek; @HKK; @NOT; @DK; @HB; @HL; @FLW; @Gladush]. For this purpose, we would like to obtain the action principle for the system including a hypersurface.
The easiest way to obtain the action may be to adopt the Gaussian normal coordinate system based on the hypersurface and to consider the Einstein-Hilbert action with a delta function source. The action obtained in this way gives the correct set of equations in the coordinate system, provided that the position of the hypersurface and coordinates in a neighborhood of the hypersurface are fixed by the Gaussian normal coordinate condition. However, in this method we lose the double covariance: coordinates on the hypersurface is a part of coordinates off the hypersurface so that the coordinates satisfy the Gaussian normal coordinate condition. The loss of the double covariance is regrettable.
Actually, as far as the author knows, a doubly covariant action principle has not yet been obtained in the literature. One of the main difficulties seems due to the fact that the spacetime metric on one side of the hypersurface and that on another side are independent variables in the variational principle. Hence, a question arises: How can we ensure the regularity of the intrinsic geometry of the hypersurface without entangling the coordinate systems on and off the hypersurface? This question will be answered in this paper as a manifestly covariant action principle will be presented.
Another difficulty is due to the fact that the double covariance requires inclusion of the position of the hypersurface as a dynamical variable in the action principle. Actually, in the doubly covariant formulation of the junction condition, it is easy to see that variables specifying the position are not invariant under coordinate transformation and should not be fixed [@Mukohyama2000c]. More about why we need to include the position of the hypersurface will be explained from the brane world point of view in Sec. \[sec:summary\]. Here, we mention that, since coordinate systems in two sides of the hypersurface are independent, the position of the hypersurface measured from one side and that measured from another side should be independently variated in the variational principle.
It may be worth while reviewing the present status in the literature regarding the second difficulty. However, the author knows only a few papers referring this point. Here, we only quote a sentence from one of them: ‘[*The variational equations that arose from the unreduced Hamiltonian action were not strictly consistent in a distributional sense, but we were able to localize the ambiguity into the single equation that arises by varying the action with respect to the shell position*]{} [@FLW]‘. One might think that another paper [@Gladush] had obtained the correct set of equations, but in that paper the position of the hypersurface measured from one side and that measured from another side can not be variated independently. Actually, if we would simply variate the position of the hypersurface measured from one side and that measured from another side independently, then the variational principle presented in ref. [@Gladush] would give wrong equations. Moreover, in both of these papers, the hypersurface represents only a dust shell and the coordinate systems on and off the hypersurface are not independent. One of them [@FLW] assumes spherical symmetry, too.
The purpose of this paper is to provide a manifestly doubly covariant action principle of singular hypersurfaces in general relativity and scalar-tensor type theories of gravity in the Einstein frame without assuming any symmetry. Besides the scalar fields included in the scalar-tensor type theories, any kind of matter Lagrangian density on the hypersurface, which may depend also on the pullback of the scalar fields, can be included. It is shown that, including variation of the metric, the position of the hypersurface and matter fields, the variational principle gives the correct set of equations of motion: the Einstein equation off the hypersurface, Israel’s junction condition in a doubly covariant form and equations of motion of matter fields including the scalar fields. As required by the double covariance, the position of the hypersurface measured from one side of the hypersurface and that measured from another side can be independently variated.
This paper is organized as follows. In Sec. \[sec:action\] a doubly covariant action of a singular hypersurface is derived from the standard Einstein-Hilbert action. In Sec. \[sec:variation\] the variation of the action is calculated for the variations of the metric and the position of the hypersurface, and the corresponding equations are obtained. In Sec. \[sec:examples\] the variation of the action corresponding to the variations of scalar fields are evaluated. Sec. \[sec:summary\] is devoted to a summary of this paper and some discussions.
Action of singular hypersurface {#sec:action}
Let us consider a $D$-dimensional spacetime $({\cal M},g_{MN})$ and a timelike or spacelike hypersurface $\Sigma$ which separates ${\cal M}$ into two regions, ${\cal M}_+$ and ${\cal M}_-$. Since we would like to consider $\Sigma$ as a physical object (eg. the world-volume of a brane or the world-volume of a bubble wall in a first-order phase transition) or a physical event (eg. instantaneous global phase transition [@FMM]), we assume that the $(D-1)$-dimensional intrinsic geometry on $\Sigma$ is regular. On the other hand, the $D$-dimensional geometry is not necessarily regular on $\Sigma$.
In the following arguments we shall estimate the action for the system including the singular hypersurface $\Sigma$. We assume that the system is described by the action [^1] $$I_{tot} = I_{EH}+I_{matter},
\label{eqn:total-action}$$ where $I_{EH}$ is the Einstein-Hilbert action with a cosmological constant $$I_{EH} = \frac{1}{2\kappa^2}\int_{\cal M}d^Dx\sqrt{|g|}(R-2\Lambda),$$ and $I_{matter}$ is the matter action of the form $$I_{matter} = \int_{{\cal M}_+}d^Dx_+{\cal L}_+
+\int_{{\cal M}_-}d^Dx_-{\cal L}_-
+\int_{\Sigma}d^{D-1}y{\cal L}_0.\label{eqn:matter-action}$$ Here, $\{x^M_{\pm}\}$ are $D$-dimensional coordinate systems in ${\cal
M}_{\pm}$, respectively, and $\{y^{\mu}\}$ is a $(D-1)$-dimensional coordinate system in $\Sigma$. The three coordinate systems can be independent from each other.
In order to evaluate the gravitational part of the action, we first regularize the $D$-dimensional geometry in a neighborhood of $\Sigma$ by introducing the finite thickness $\delta$ of the object corresponding to $\Sigma$. Of course, in the final step below, we shall take the limit $\delta\to+0$, where the hypersurface becomes singular again. Namely, we consider the prescription $$\begin{aligned}
I_{EH} & = & \lim_{\delta\to+0}
I_0^{\delta} & = &
\frac{1}{2\kappa^2}\left[\int_{{\cal M}_0^{\delta}}
+ 2\epsilon \int_{{\cal B}_+^{\delta}}d^{D-1}y\sqrt{|q|}K
- 2\epsilon \int_{{\cal B}_-^{\delta}}d^{D-1}y\sqrt{|q|}K\right],
I_{\pm}^{\delta} & = &
\frac{1}{2\kappa^2}\left[\int_{{\cal M}_{\pm}^{\delta}}
\mp 2 \epsilon\int_{{\cal B}_{\pm}^{\delta}}d^{D-1}y
\label{eqn:regularization}\end{aligned}$$ where ${\cal M}_0^{\delta}$ is a spacetime neighborhood of $\Sigma$ representing the regularized object, ${\cal M}_{\pm}^{\delta}$ are the two regions separated by ${\cal M}_0^{\delta}$ so that $${\cal M}_0^{\delta}\supset \Sigma,\
{\cal M}_{\pm}^{\delta}\subset {\cal M}_{\pm},\
\lim_{\delta\to+0}{\cal M}_{\pm}^{\delta} = {\cal M}_{\pm},$$ and ${\cal B}_{\pm}^{\delta}$ is the boundary between ${\cal M}_0^{\delta}$ and ${\cal M}_{\pm}^{\delta}$, respectively. Note that surface terms have been included in $I_{0,\pm}^{\delta}$ for later convenience but that these exactly cancel each other on common boundaries ${\cal B}_{\pm}^{\delta}$. Each surface term is defined as an integral over the $(D-1)$-dimensional intrinsic coordinates $y^{\mu}$ on ${\cal B}_{\pm}^{\delta}$, $q$ is the determinant of the induced metric, $K$ is the trace of the extrinsic curvature associated with the unit normal $n^M$ directed from ${\cal M}_0^{\delta}$ to ${\cal M}_+^{\delta}$ or from ${\cal M}_-^{\delta}$ to ${\cal M}_0^{\delta}$, and $\epsilon=g_{MN}n^Mn^N=\pm 1$.
Next, in order to estimate $I_0^{\delta}$, we foliate ${\cal M}_0^{\delta}$ by such a one-parameter family of hypersurfaces $\Sigma_{\tau}$ that $\Sigma_{0}$ coincides with $\Sigma$ and that $\Sigma_{\pm 1}$ coincides with the boundary ${\cal B}_{\pm}^{\delta}$, respectively. Hence, we can decompose the $D$-dimensional Ricci scalar $R$ as $$R = R^{(D-1)} + \epsilon K^2 - \epsilon K^{\mu\nu}K_{\mu\nu}
- 2\epsilon (Kn^M-n^M_{;N}n^N)_{;M},$$ where $R^{(D-1)}$ is the Ricci scalar of the $(D-1)$-dimensional induced metric on $\Sigma_{\tau}$, the semicolon represents the covariant derivative compatible with $g_{MN}$, $n^M$ is the unit normal to $\Sigma_{\tau}$ directed towards ${\cal B}_+^{\delta}$, $\epsilon=g_{MN}n^Mn^N=\pm 1$, $K_{\mu\nu}$ is the extrinsic curvature associated with $n^M$, the indices $\{\mu,\nu\}$ are raised by the inverse of the induced metric, and $K=K^{\mu}_{\nu}$. By integrating over ${\cal M}_0^{\delta}$ and taking the limit $\delta\to+0$, we obtain $$I_0^{\delta} = \frac{1}{2\kappa^2}
\int_{{\cal M}_0^{\delta}}d^Dx\sqrt{|g|}
\left( R^{(D-1)} + \epsilon K^2 - \epsilon K^{\mu\nu}K_{\mu\nu}
\to 0\ (\delta\to+0).$$ Here, we have used the assumption that the intrinsic geometry on $\Sigma$ is regular even in the limit $\delta\to+0$. We have also assumed that the extrinsic curvature remains finite.
Therefore, we obtain the following form of the Einstein-Hilbert action for the system including the singular hypersurface $\Sigma$. $$\begin{aligned}
I_{EH} & = & \frac{1}{2\kappa^2}\left[
\int_{{\cal M}_+}d^Dx_+\sqrt{|g_+|}(R_+-2\Lambda_+)
+ \int_{{\cal M}_-}d^Dx_-\sqrt{|g_-|}(R_--2\Lambda_-)\right.
& & \left.-2\epsilon\int_{\Sigma}d^{D-1}y
\left(\sqrt{|q_+|}K_+ - \sqrt{|q_-|}K_-\right)
\label{eqn:EH-action}\end{aligned}$$ where $q_{\pm\mu\nu}$ is the induced metric, $q_{\pm}$ is the determinant of $q_{\pm\mu\nu}$, $K_{\pm}=q_{\pm}^{\mu\nu}K_{\pm\mu\nu}$ is the trace of the extrinsic curvature $K_{\pm\mu\nu}$ and $q_{\pm}^{\mu\nu}$ is the inverse of $q_{\pm\mu\nu}$. In the expression (\[eqn:EH-action\]) we have distinguished geometrical quantities in ${\cal M}_+$ and ${\cal M}_-$ by introducing the subscript $\pm$, and have allowed the cosmological constant to have different values in these two regions. We have introduced the Lagrange multiplier field $\lambda^{\mu\nu}(y)$ to ensure the regularity of the intrinsic geometry of $\Sigma$. When we regularized the system and decomposed $I_{EH}$ into $I_0^{\delta}$ and $I_{\pm}^{\delta}$ as in (\[eqn:regularization\]), we implicitly assumed that the induced metric and the extrinsic curvature are continuous across the boundaries ${\cal B}_{\pm}^{\delta}$. After taking the limit $\delta\to+0$, the extrinsic curvature remains finite but can be discontinuous across $\Sigma$. On the other hand, the induced metric should remain continuous across $\Sigma$ even after taking the limit $\delta\to+0$ because of the finiteness of the extrinsic curvature. Provided that the hypersurface $\Sigma$ is specified as the boundary of ${\cal M}_{\pm}$ by the parametric equation $$x^M_{\pm}=Z_{\pm}^M(y^{\mu}),\label{eqn:sigma-eq}$$ the induced metric and the extrinsic curvature are given by $$\begin{aligned}
q_{\pm\mu\nu}(y) & = & \left.e^M_{\pm\mu}(y)e^N_{\pm\nu}(y)
g_{\pm MN}\right|_{x_{\pm}=Z_{\pm}(y)},
K_{\pm\mu\nu}(y) & = & \frac{1}{2}\left.e^M_{\pm\mu}(y)e^N_{\pm\nu}(y)
{\cal L}_{n_{\pm}}g_{\pm MN}\right|_{x_{\pm}=Z_{\pm}(y)},\end{aligned}$$ where $e^M_{\pm\nu}$ are vectors tangent to $\Sigma$ defined by $$e^M_{\pm\mu}(y) = \frac{\partial Z_{\pm}^M}{\partial y^{\mu}},$$ and $n_{\pm}^M$ is the unit normal to $\Sigma$ directed from ${\cal M}_-$ to ${\cal M}_+$. To be precise, $n^M_+$ is the inward-directed unit normal to $\Sigma$ as the boundary of ${\cal M}_+$ and $n^M_-$ is the outward-directed unit normal to $\Sigma$ as the boundary of ${\cal M}_-$.
Finally, the total action of the system is given by (\[eqn:total-action\]), where $I_{EH}$ and $I_{matter}$ are given by (\[eqn:EH-action\]) and (\[eqn:matter-action\]), respectively.
Variational principle {#sec:variation}
In this section we derive equations of motion from the variational principle based on the action obtained in the previous section. Namely, we shall extremize the action $I_{tot}$ with respect to the variation $$\begin{aligned}
g_{\pm MN}(x) & \to & g_{\pm MN}(x) + \delta g_{\pm MN}(x),
Z_{\pm}^M(y) & \to & Z_{\pm}^M(y) + \delta Z_{\pm}^M(y). \end{aligned}$$ In the following we omit the subscript $\pm$ unless there is possibility of confusion.
First, it is easy to show that the integrand of the volume term in $I_{EH}$ changes as follows. $$\sqrt{|g|}(R-2\Lambda) \to
-(G^{MN}+\Lambda g^{MN})
\delta g_{MN}
+(\delta g^{MN}_{\quad\ ;N}-\delta g^{;M})_{;M}
+ O(\delta^2)\right],
\label{eqn:delta-R}$$ where the semicolon represents the covariant derivative compatible with the background metric $g_{MN}$ (not with the perturbed metric $g_{MN}+\delta g_{MN}$), the indices $M,N,\cdots$ are lowered and raised by the background metric $g_{MN}$ and its inverse $g^{MN}$, and $\delta g$ is defined by $\delta g=\delta g^M_M$. Hence, $$\begin{aligned}
\delta \int_{{\cal M}_{\pm}}d^Dx_{\pm}\sqrt{|g|}
(R-2\Lambda) & = &
-\int_{{\cal M}_{\pm}}d^Dx_{\pm}\sqrt{|g|}
(G^{MN}+\Lambda g^{MN})\delta g_{MN}
& & \mp \epsilon\int_{\Sigma}d^{D-1}y \sqrt{|q|}n^M
\left.(\delta g^N_{M;N}-\delta g_{;M})
& & \mp \epsilon\int_{\Sigma}d^{D-1}y \sqrt{|q|}n_M
\delta Z_{\pm}^M
\label{eqn:delta-bulk-action}\end{aligned}$$ The second term in the right hand side came from the total derivative in (\[eqn:delta-R\]) and the last term is due to the change of the region to be integrated over.
Next, let us consider the surface term in $I_{EH}$. As shown in ref. [@Mukohyama2000c] the variations of the induced metric and the extrinsic curvature are given by $$\begin{aligned}
\delta q_{\mu\nu} & = &
(\delta g_{MN}+\delta Z_{M;N}+\delta Z_{N;M}),\nonumber\\
\delta K_{\mu\nu} & = &
(\delta g_{MN}+2\delta Z_{M;N})K_{\mu\nu}
& & - \frac{1}{2}n^Le^M_{\mu}e^N_{\nu}
\left[ 2\delta\Gamma_{LMN}
+ \delta Z_{L;MN} + \delta Z_{L;NM}
+ (R_{L'MLN}+R_{L'NLM})\delta Z^{L'}\right],
\label{eqn:delta-q-K}\end{aligned}$$ where the right hand side is evaluated at $x_{\pm}^M=Z_{\pm}^M(y)$ and $$\delta\Gamma_{LMN} = \frac{1}{2}
(\delta g_{LM;N}+\delta g_{LN;M}-\delta g_{MN;L}).$$ In order to make the covariant derivatives of $\delta Z^M$ well-defined, we have to extend $\delta Z^M$ off $\Sigma$. The expressions (\[eqn:delta-q-K\]) are independent of the method of the extension. For details, see ref. [@Mukohyama2000c]. Hence, $$\sqrt{|q|}K \to \sqrt{|q|}K+\delta(\sqrt{|q|}K)+O(\delta^2),$$ where $$\begin{aligned}
\delta(\sqrt{|q|}K)/\sqrt{|q|} & = &
- \left(K^{\mu\nu}-\frac{1}{2}Kq^{\mu\nu}\right)\delta q_{\mu\nu}
+ \frac{\epsilon}{2} n^Mn^N(\delta g_{MN}+2\delta Z_{M;N})K
& & - n^Lq^{\mu\nu}e_{\mu}^Me_{\nu}^N
(\delta\Gamma_{LMN} + \delta Z_{L;MN}+R_{L'MLN}\delta Z^{L'}). \end{aligned}$$ Combining this with the second term in (\[eqn:delta-bulk-action\]), we obtain $$\begin{aligned}
n^M(\delta g^N_{M;N}-\delta g_{;M})
+ 2\delta(\sqrt{|q|}K)/\sqrt{|q|} & = &
- (K^{\mu\nu}-Kq^{\mu\nu})\delta q_{\mu\nu}
-2 n^MR_{MN}\delta Z^N
& & -\frac{1}{\sqrt{|q|}}\left[\sqrt{|q|}q^{\mu\nu}
n^Me_{\nu}^N(\delta g_{MN}+2\delta Z_{M;N})\right]_{,L}e_{\mu}^L\end{aligned}$$ where we have used the equations $$\begin{aligned}
[e_{\mu},e_{\nu}]^M & = & 0, \nonumber\\
e_{\mu}^M(e_{\nu}^Nn_N)_{;M} & = & e_{\mu}^M(n^Nn_N)_{;M} = 0,
q^{\mu\nu}e_{\mu}^Me_{\nu}^N + \epsilon n^Mn^N & = & g^{MN}. \end{aligned}$$ Thus, the variation of the Einstein-Hilbert action $I_{EH}$ is given by $$\begin{aligned}
2\kappa^2\delta I_{EH} & = &
-\int_{{\cal M}_+}d^Dx_+\sqrt{|g_+|}(G_+^{MN}+\Lambda_+g_+^{MN})
\delta g_{+MN}
-\int_{{\cal M}_-}d^Dx_-\sqrt{|g_-|}(G_-^{MN}+\Lambda_-g_-^{MN})
\delta g_{-MN}\nonumber\\
& & +\epsilon\int_{\Sigma}d^{D-1}y\left\{
+\lambda^{\mu\nu}\right]\delta q_{+\mu\nu}
+\lambda^{\mu\nu}\right]\delta q_{-\mu\nu}
& & \qquad
\delta Z_+^N
\delta Z_-^N \nonumber\\
& & \left.\qquad
Now let us consider the variation of $I_{matter}$. $$\begin{aligned}
2\delta I_{matter} & = &
\int_{{\cal M}_+}d^Dx_+\sqrt{|g_+|}T_+^{MN}\delta g_{+MN}
+ \int_{{\cal M}_-}d^Dx_-\sqrt{|g_-|}T_-^{MN}\delta g_{-MN}
& & +\epsilon\int_{\Sigma}d^{D-1}y\left[
\sqrt{|q|}S^{\mu\nu}\delta q_{\mu\nu}
+2F_{+M}\delta Z_+^M + 2F_{-M}\delta Z_-^M\right],\end{aligned}$$ where $q_{\mu\nu}$ is either $q_{+\mu\nu}$ or $q_{-\mu\nu}$, and $$\begin{aligned}
\sqrt{|g_{\pm}|} T_{\pm}^{MN}(x_{\pm}) & = &
2\frac{\delta}{\delta g_{\pm MN}(x_{\pm})}
\int_{{\cal M}_{\pm}}d^Dx'_{\pm}{\cal L}_{\pm}, \nonumber\\
\sqrt{|q|} S^{\mu\nu}(y) & = &
\left.2\epsilon\frac{\delta}{\delta q_{\mu\nu}(y)}
\int_{\Sigma}d^{D-1}y'{\cal L}_0\right|_{\delta Z^M=0}, \nonumber\\
\sqrt{|q|} F_{\pm M}(y) & = & \mp n_{\pm M}
\left.{\cal L}_{\pm}\right|_{x_{\pm}=Z_{\pm}(y)}
+\epsilon\left.\frac{\delta}{\delta Z_{\pm}^M(y)}
\int_{\Sigma}d^{D-1}y'{\cal L}_0\right|_{\delta q_{\mu\nu}=0}.
Therefore, $\delta I_{tot}=0$ is equivalent to the following set of equations. $$\begin{aligned}
G_{\pm}^{MN}+\Lambda_{\pm}g_{\pm}^{MN} & = & \kappa^2T_{\pm}^{MN},
q_{+\mu\nu} - q_{-\mu\nu} & = & 0, \nonumber\\
K_+^{\mu\nu}-K_-^{\mu\nu} & = &
- \kappa^2\left(S^{\mu\nu} - \frac{1}{D-2}Sq^{\mu\nu}\right),
\label{eqn:EOM} \end{aligned}$$ $$F_{\pm N} = \mp n_{\pm}^M\left.T_{\pm MN}\right|_{x_{\pm}=Z_{\pm}},
\label{eqn:consistency}$$ and $$\lambda^{\mu\nu} =
-\sqrt{|q|}(K_{\mp}^{\mu\nu}-K_{\mp}q^{\mu\nu}).$$ In the right hand side of the last equation, the subscript $-$ (or $+$) should be taken when ${\cal L}_{0}$ is written in terms of $q_{+\mu\nu}$ (or $q_{-\mu\nu}$, respectively).
Note that the equations (\[eqn:EOM\]) are the Einstein equation and Israel’s junction condition [@Israel]. The last equation is just to determine the Lagrange multiplier field $\lambda^{\mu\nu}$. Although the equation (\[eqn:consistency\]) looks like a new independent equation, it will be shown in the next section for simple examples that the equation is compatible with equations of motion of matter fields. Therefore, the action principle gives the correct set of equations: the Einstein equation, Israel’s junction condition and equations of motion of matter fields.
Simple examples {#sec:examples}
In this section we show that for simple examples, the equation (\[eqn:consistency\]) is compatible with equations of motion of matter fields. The first trivial example is the case in which all matter fields are confined on the hypersurface $\Sigma$. This case includes a shell with an arbitrary equation of state in a vacuum and the brane world scenario in a purely gravitational bulk with a bulk cosmological constant and arbitrary matter fields on the brane. In this case, the consistency condition (\[eqn:consistency\]) is trivially satisfied since ${\cal L}_{\pm}=0$ and ${\cal L}_0$ does not change when $Z_{\pm}^M$ is changed with $q_{\mu\nu}$ fixed.
As the second example, let us consider a simple case in which there is only a scalar field other than those matter fields confined on the hypersurface $\Sigma$. Namely, let us consider the following Lagrangian densities. $$\begin{aligned}
{\cal L}_{\pm} & = & -\sqrt{|g|}\left[
+ V_{\pm}(\Phi)\right], \nonumber\\
{\cal L}_0 & = & \bar{\cal L}_0(\phi_+) +\lambda_{\phi}(\phi_+-\phi_-), \end{aligned}$$ where $\bar{\cal L}_0$ is the Lagrangian density for matter confined on $\Sigma$, and $\phi_{\pm}$ is the pullback of $\Phi$ on $\Sigma$ defined by $$\phi_{\pm}(y) = \left.\Phi\right|_{x_{\pm}=Z_{\pm}(y)}.$$ The matter Lagrangian density $\bar{\cal L}_0$ on $\Sigma$ can depend on $\phi_+$ as well. Note that the Lagrange multiplier field $\lambda_{\phi}(y)$ is necessary in order that the scalar field should have single value on $\Sigma$ and that $\Sigma$ should be regular. For this example we can easily calculate $T_{\pm}^{MN}$, $S^{\mu\nu}$ and $F_{\pm M}$ as follows. $$\begin{aligned}
T_{\pm}^{MN} & = &
\partial_M\Phi\partial_N\Phi - g_{MN}
\partial_{N'}\Phi + V(\Phi)\right],\nonumber\\
S^{\mu\nu} & = &
\frac{2\epsilon}{\sqrt{|q|}}\left.\frac{\delta}{\delta q_{\mu\nu}(y)}
\int_{\Sigma}d^{D-1}y'\bar{\cal L}_0\right|_{\delta \phi_+=0}.\end{aligned}$$ and $$\begin{aligned}
F_{+M} & = &
\partial_{N'}\Phi + V_{\pm}(\Phi)\right]n_M
+ \epsilon(\partial_{\phi_+}\bar{\cal L}_0
+\lambda_{\phi})\partial_M\Phi, \label{eqn:F+for-scalar}\\
F_{-M} & = &
+ V_{\pm}(\Phi)\right]n_M
- \epsilon\lambda_{\phi}\partial_M\Phi,
\label{eqn:F-for-scalar}\end{aligned}$$ where the right hand sides of (\[eqn:F+for-scalar\]) and (\[eqn:F-for-scalar\]) are evaluated at $x_{\pm}^M=Z_{\pm}^M(y)$, respectively. Hence, by using $$\lambda_{\phi} = -\partial_{\phi_+}\bar{\cal L}_0
-\left.\epsilon\sqrt{|q|} n_+^M\partial_M\Phi\right|_{x_+=Z_+}
= -\left.\epsilon\sqrt{|q|} n_-^M\partial_M\Phi\right|_{x_-=Z_-},$$ which is a part of equations of motion, it is confirmed that (\[eqn:consistency\]) is satisfied. Thus, the consistency condition (\[eqn:consistency\]) is actually compatible with equations of motion of the scalar field.
It is easy to extend the above analysis to an arbitrary number of scalar fields.
Summary and Discussion {#sec:summary}
We have presented an action principle of singular hypersurfaces in general relativity in any dimension without assuming any symmetry. Since an arbitrary number of scalar fields can be consistently included as shown in Sec. \[sec:examples\], the action principle is applicable to a wide class of scalar-tensor type theories of gravity in the Einstein frame. Besides the scalar fields, any kind of matter Lagrangian density on the hypersurface, which may depend also on the pullback of the scalar fields, can be included. The action principle is manifestly doubly covariant in the sense that coordinate systems on and off a hypersurface are disentangled and can be independently specified. More precisely, there are three independent coordinate systems: that on the hypersurface, those in two regions separated by the hypersurface. We have shown that, including variation of the metric, the position of the hypersurface and matter fields, the variational principle gives the correct set of equations of motion: the Einstein equation off the hypersurface, Israel’s junction condition in a doubly covariant form and equations of motion of matter fields including the scalar fields. It is worth while mentioning that the position of the hypersurface measured from one side of the hypersurface and that measured from another side can be independently variated as required by the double covariance.
Now let us discuss about application of the doubly covariant action principle to the brane world scenario.
In refs. [@CGS; @FTW; @BDEL; @Mukohyama2000a; @Kraus; @Ida; @MSM] it was shown that the standard cosmology can be realized in the Randall-Sundrum brane world scenario in low energy as far as a spatially homogeneous and isotropic brane is concerned. After that, many authors investigated cosmological perturbations in the brane-world scenario [@Mukohyama2000b; @Mukohyama2000c; @Mukohyama2001; @KIS; @Kodama; @Maartens; @Langlois; @BDBL; @Koyama-Soda; @LMW; @LMSW; @BMW].
In particular, four independent equations for scalar perturbations on the brane in the plane symmetric ($K=0$) background were derived recently by the author in ref. [@Mukohyama2001]. The number of independent equations is the same as in the standard cosmology, and it was shown that in low energy these sets of equations differ only by the non-local effects due to gravitational waves in the bulk.
In the derivation of the four equations in ref. [@Mukohyama2001] the author took advantages of the doubly gauge invariant formalism developed in refs. [@Mukohyama2000b; @Mukohyama2000c]. It was essential that the formalism includes perturbation of the position of a brane as a dynamical variable. Actually, as already discussed in ref. [@Mukohyama2000b], if we fix the position of the brane by hand as in the Gaussian normal coordinate system, then it is in general inconsistent with convenient gauge choices in the bulk like a generalized Regge-Wheeler gauge [^2]. In other words, as done in refs. [@KIS; @Mukohyama2000b], we can construct $D$-gauge invariant variables from the perturbation of the position of the brane, and they are physical degrees of freedom independent of $D$-gauge invariant variables in the bulk. The former gauge invariant variables are concise in the sense that it is localized on the brane, and the later variables can be expressed most concisely by the master variables introduced in ref. [@Mukohyama2000a]. Hence, the inclusion of the brane position as a dynamical variable provides us with the most concise configuration space.
Now let us illustrate the above arguments about $D$-gauge-invariant variables by using some equations. For simplicity we consider perturbations around a background with $3$-dimensional plane symmetry in $5$-dimension. Namely, following the notation in ref. [@Mukohyama2001], we consider the metric $$ds_5^2 = g_{MN}dx^Mdx^N = (g_{MN}^{(0)} + \delta g_{MN})dx^Mdx^N$$ and the imbedding relation $$x^M = Z^M(y) = Z^{(0)M}(y) + \delta Z^M(y),$$ where the background is specified by a plane-symmetric background metric $$g^{(0)}_{MN}dx^Mdx^N =
\gamma_{ab}dx^adx^b + r^2\sum_{i=1}^3(dx^i)^2$$ and such background imbedding functions $Z^{(0)M}(y)$ that $Z^{(0)a}$ depend only on $y^0$ and that $Z^{(0)i}=y^i$. Here, the two-dimensional metric $\gamma_{ab}$ and the function $r^2$ are assumed to depend only on the two dimensional coordinates $\{x^a\}$. As for perturbations, since in the linear order the perturbations of the position of the hypersurface are decoupled from vector and tensor perturbations, we consider scalar perturbations: $$\begin{aligned}
\delta g_{MN}dx^Mdx^N & = & \int d^3{\bf k}\left[
+ 2h_{(L)a}V_{(L)i}dx^adx^i
& & \left.
+ (h_{(LL)}T_{(LL)ij}+h_{(Y)}T_{(Y)ij})dx^idx^j\right],
\delta Z_Mdx^M & = & \int d^3{\bf k}\left[
+ z_{(L)}V_{(L)i}dx^i\right],\end{aligned}$$ where $Y=\exp(-i{\bf k}\cdot{\bf x})$, $V_{(L)i}=\partial_iY$, $T_{(LL)ij}=2\partial_i\partial_jY+(2{\bf k}^2/3)\delta_{ij}Y$ and $T_{(Y)ij}=\delta_{ij}Y$, and all coefficients are supposed to depend only on the $2$-dimensional coordinates $\{x^a\}$ of the orbit space. Here, ${\bf x}$ denotes coordinates $\{x^i\}$ of the three-dimensional plane ($i=1,2,3$), and ${\bf k}$ represents the momentum $\{ k_i\}$ along the plane. Hereafter, we omit ${\bf k}$ in most cases. It is easy to see how the coefficients $\{h's, z's\}$ transform under the $5$-gauge transformation and to construct $5$-gauge-invariant variables. Therefore, we obtain the following $5$-gauge-invariant variables. $$\phi_a = z_a + X_a, \label{eqn:phi_a}$$ and $$\begin{aligned}
F_{ab} & = & h_{ab}-\nabla_aX_b-\nabla_bX_a,
F & = & h_{(Y)} -X^a\partial_br^2+\frac{2k^2}{n}h_{(LL)},
\label{eqn:F_abF}\end{aligned}$$ where $X_a=h_{(L)a}-r^2\partial_a(r^{-2}h_{(LL)})$ and $\nabla_a$ represents the covariant derivative compatible with the $2$-dimensional metric $\gamma_{ab}$. The former variables (\[eqn:phi\_a\]) correspond to perturbations of physical position of the hypersurface $\Sigma$ and its normal component $\phi_an^{(0)a}$ appears in the doubly-gauge-invariant junction condition, where $n^{(0)a}$ is the background unit normal to the hypersurface. The latter (\[eqn:F\_abF\]) correspond to gravitational perturbations in the bulk and can be most concisely expressed in terms of the master variable $\Phi$ as $$\begin{aligned}
F_{ab} & = & \frac{1}{r}\left(\nabla_a\nabla_b\Phi
+ \frac{1}{3l^2}\Phi\gamma_{ab}\right),
F & = & \frac{r}{3}\left(\nabla^2\Phi-\frac{2}{l^2}\Phi\right). \end{aligned}$$ The perturbed Einstein equation in the bulk is reduced to the following simple equation called master equation: $$r^2\nabla^a\left[r^{-1}\nabla_a(r^{-1}\Phi)\right]
- {\bf k}^2r^{-2}\Phi = 0.$$
In the generalized Regge-Wheeler gauge where $h_{(L)a}=h_{(LL)}=0$, the $5$-gauge-invariant variables are given by $\phi_a=z_a$, $F_{ab}=h_{ab}$ and $F=h_{(Y)}$. On the other hand, in the Gaussian normal gauge where $z_a=z_{(L)}=h_{(L)a}n^{(0)a}=h_{ab}n^{(0)b}=0$, these are given by $\phi_a=X_a$ and (\[eqn:F\_abF\]). Note that in the Gaussian normal gauge, $\phi_a$ is expressed in terms of metric perturbation. Therefore, it is evident that $\phi_a$ cannot be set zero even in the Gaussian normal gauge since $X_a\ne 0$ in general. Actually, requiring $\phi_a=0$ in the Gaussian normal gauge is equivalent to requiring $z_a=0$ in the generalized Regge-Wheeler gauge, which is not possible in general.
Of course, it is always possible to take the Gaussian normal coordinate system. In this coordinate system, as illustrated above, the $5$-gauge-invariant variable $\phi_a$ is expressed in terms of metric perturbations. Hence, as done in ref. [@Garriga-Tanaka] for a static background by a gauge-dependent method, we need to extract degrees of freedom of $\phi_an^{(0)a}$ from the metric perturbations. Classically, this procedure should not be difficult since we can use equations of motion. However, quantum mechanically, we have to be careful when we use the equations of motion to reduce the action.
The next task in the future is to obtain the second-order action for perturbations by using the doubly covariant action obtained in this paper. After that, we need to obtain the corresponding reduced action by using a formalism to treat constrained systems, eg. Dirac’s method [@Dirac] or Faddeev-Jackiw method [@Faddeev-Jackiw]. As shown in ref. [@Mukohyama1997], perturbative behavior of the Wheeler-de Witt wave function can be investigated by the usual quantum field theory in curved spacetime with the reduced action.
The author would like to thank Werner Israel for his continuing encouragement and helpful discussions. This work was done during the stay in Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics. The author would be grateful to Lev Kofman for his warm hospitality. This work was supported by the CITA National Fellowship and the NSERC operating research grant.
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[^1]: For simplicity we do not consider the boundary of ${\cal M}$, but it is easy to take it into account by imposing suitable boundary conditions and introducing boundary terms appropriate for the boundary condition.
[^2]: In the literature it is sometimes called a generalized longitudinal gauge.
| {
"pile_set_name": "ArXiv"
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- 'Guo-Liang Shentu'
- 'Qi-Chao Sun'
- Xiao Jiang
- 'Xiao-Dong Wang'
- 'Jason S. Pelc'
- 'M. M. Fejer'
- Qiang Zhang
- 'Jian-Wei Pan'
title: ' $217\ \mathrm{km}$ long distance photon-counting optical time-domain reflectometry based on ultra-low noise up-conversion single photon detector '
We demonstrate a photon-counting optical time-domain reflectometry with $42.19\ \mathrm{dB}$ dynamic range using an ultra-low noise up-conversion single photon detector. By employing the long wave pump technique and a volume Bragg grating, we reduce the noise of our up-conversion single photon detector, and achieve a noise equivalent power of $-139.7 \ \mathrm{dBm/\sqrt{Hz}}$. We perform the OTDR experiments using a fiber of length $216.95\ \mathrm{km}$, and show that our system can identify defects along the entire fiber length with a distance resolution better than $10\ \mathrm{cm}$ in a measurement time of $13 \ \mathrm{minutes}$.
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Optical time-domain reflectometry (OTDR) is a commonly used measurement technique for fiber network diagnosis. By detecting the Rayleigh backscattered light of a pulse launched into fiber under test (FUT), one can get information about the attenuation properties, loss and refractive index changes in the FUT . Conventional OTDRs using linear photodetectors are widely used, but their performance is limited by the high noise equivalent power (NEP) of the p-i-n or avalanche photodiodes used in these systems. Photon-counting OTDRs ($\nu$-OTDR), which employ single photon detectors instead, have been the subject of increased attention, becauase they offer better sensitivity, superior spatial resolution, an inherent flexibility in the trade-off between acquisition time and spatial precision, and the absence of the so-called classical dead zones.
Several $\nu$-OTDR systems have been demonstrated with InGaAs/InP avalanche photodiode (APD) operated in Geiger-mode [@InGaAsOTDR:44db; @InGaAsOTDR:Wegmuller]. But in these demonstrations, the InGaAS/InP APDs used suffer from noise issues caused by large dark current and after pulsing [@InGaAsOTDR:limit]. Time gated operation of the detectors is used in these $\nu$-OTDR measurements to reduce the noise. However, a consequence of time gated operation is that it only allows part of the fiber to be measured at a time, so the measurement time is longer than that using free running detectors by almost 3-order of magnitude [@upconversion:Hirokie]. Recently, $\nu$-OTDRs based on free running superconducting single photon detectors (SSPD) have been reported [@SSPD:Hu; @SSPD:Tang]. Thanks to the low NEP of SSPD, which is about $-140.97 \ \mathrm{dBm/\sqrt{Hz}}$, a dynamic range of $37.4 \ \mathrm{dB}$ is achieved in a total measurement time of about $10\ \mathrm{minutes}$ [@SSPD:Tang]. However, the superconducting nanowire is operated in a bulky liquid helium cryostat to reduce the thermal noise. Up-conversion single photon detectors that consist of a frequency upconversion stage in a nonlinear crystal followed by detection using a silicon APD (SAPD), provide an elegant room-temperature free-running single-photon detection technology, and have been successfully applied in $\nu$-OTDR systems [@upconversion:Hirokie; @upconversion:Gisin]. Recent results include a two-point resolution of $1\ \mathrm{cm}$ [@upconversion:Gisin] and a measurement time more than $600$ times shorter [@upconversion:Hirokie]. But these systems are not appropriate for long-distance fiber measurements, for the NEP of these up-conversion single photon detectors is about 2-order of magnitude larger than that of the SSPD. The high NEP means that much longer measurement times are required to obtain the same signal-to-noise (SNR) ratio at the end of the $\nu$-OTDR trace.
In a recent paper, we demonstrated that the up conversion single photon detector by using long wavelength pump technology, and a volume Bragg grating (VBG) as a narrow band filter to suppress the noise[@upconversion:Shentu]. The up-conversion single photon detector we used in the experiment has a NEP of about $-139.7 \ \mathrm{dBm/\sqrt{Hz}}$. Here, we employ the ultra-low noise up-conversion single photon detector and a high peak power pulsed laser, and present a $\nu$-OTDR over fiber of $216.95 \ \mathrm{km}$ length. With measurement time of $13\ \mathrm{minutes}$, we achieve a distance resolution of $10 \ \mathrm{cm}$ and dynamic range of $42.19\ \mathrm{dB}$.
Experimental Setup
![(color online) Schematic of the experimental setup. ASG: analog signal generator, PPG: pulse pattern generator, PFG: pulse function arbitrary noise generator, TCSPC: time correlated single-photon counting system, VATT: variable optical attenuator, Circ: optical circulator, FUT: fiber under test, DM: dichroic mirror, PC: polarization controller, SPF: $945\ \mathrm{nm}$ short pass filter, BPF: $857\ \mathrm{nm}$ band pass filter, VBG: volume Bragg grating.[]{data-label="figsetup"}](setup){width="12cm"}
The experimental setup is shown in Fig.\[figsetup\]. Laser pulses with central wavelength of $ 1549.87 \ \mathrm{nm}$ are launched into the FUT through an optical circulator. The peak power can be adjusted using a variable optical attenuator (VATT). The FUT consists of two fiber spools of length $108.47 \ \mathrm{km}$ and $108.48 \ \mathrm{km}$ sequentially. The back scattered light is coupled into the third port of the circulator, and then detected by the ultra-low noise up conversion single photon detector. The output of SAPD is fed into a time correlated single-photon counting system (TCSPC), which is operated in time-tagged time-resolved (TTTR) mode.
An analog signal generator acts as a clock of the whole $\nu$-OTDR system by feeding a $10\ \mathrm{GHz}$ signal into “clock in” plug of a pulse pattern generator (PPG), and a $10\ \mathrm{MHz}$ signal as external reference of a pulse function arbitrary noise generator (PFG). The PPG’s output is used to control the pulse laser, while its auxiliary output connected with TCSPC module to provide a $20\ \mathrm{MHz}$ synchronized clock. The output of PFG is used to switch the SAPD off temporarily during a repetition period of laser pulse, when we need to measure the FUT by sections.
The up-conversion single photon detector we used for this experiment, shown in the dash box of Fig.\[figsetup\], is fully described in [@upconversion:Shentu]. The signal light and $1952.39 \ \mathrm{nm}$ pump laser are combined by a $1950\ \mathrm{nm} /1550\ \mathrm{nm}$ WDM and coupled into the z-cut PPLN waveguide through the fiber pigtail. A polarization controller is used to adjust the pump laser to the TM mode, for the PPLN waveguide only supports Type-0 (ee $\to$ e) phase matching. A Peltier temperature controller is used to keep the waveguide’s temperature at $60.8 \ ^{\circ}\mathrm{C}$ to maintain the phase-matching of the sum frequency generation (SFG) process. The generated SFG photons are collected by an AR-coated objective lens, and separated from the pump by a dichroic mirror (DM). A VBG, a $945\ \mathrm{nm}$ short pass filter (SPF) and a $857\ \mathrm{nm}$ band pass filter (BPF) are used to suppress the noise. Finally, the SFG photons are collected and detected by a SAPD. The dark count rate of the SAPD we used is about $60\ \mathrm{Hz}$. Thanks to the long wavelength pump and the narrow band VBG filter, we can suppress the dark count rate of the up-conversion single photon detector to $80\ \mathrm{Hz}$ while the detection efficiency is $15\%$, which corresponds to an NEP of about $-139.7 \ \mathrm{dBm/\sqrt{Hz}}$. This condition is set as the operation point in our experiment.
Long distance $\nu$-OTDR Application
![(color online) Measurement of optical fiber of $216.95\ \mathrm{ km}$ length performed by our $\nu$-OTDR system. The pulse width is $1\ \mu \mathrm{ s}$. $N$ is the counts of back scattered photons, $N_{0}$ is the count at the the initial point of the trace. The blue trace and violet trace are obtained in the first step and the second step of measurement, respectively. The position of the two peaks, $108.47203 \ \mathrm{km}$ and $108.48219 \ \mathrm{km}$, coincides with the length of the two fiber spools. The black horizontal line shows the RMS noise level of the trace,which is about $-39.19 \ \mathrm{dB}$. The intersection and slope of the extrapolated trace (red line) are $3\ \mathrm{ dB}$ and $0.195 \ \mathrm{dB/km}$, respectively. The inset shows the comparison between the corrected trace (green) and the trace measured directly (blue).[]{data-label="OTDRtrace"}](OTDRtrace){width="12cm"}
In long distance $\nu$-OTDR applications, if the pulse extinction ratio is poor and there is still light in the pulse interval, the back scattered photons of the light will cause non-negligible noise. Therefore the laser pulse extinction ratio is also crucial for a good signal noise ratio. To take advantage of the our low NEP of up-conversion detector, we expect the noise to be below the noise level of the detector. This requires a extremely high pulse extinction ratio of more than $100 \ \mathrm{dB}$. This is achieved by providing a small reversed bias voltage to the laser diode; we have confirmed that the emission between laser pulses is below our detection limit . The maximum peak power of our laser pulse is about $23\ \mathrm{dBm}$. The repetition frequency is chosen according to the length of FUT. For a $216.95 \ \mathrm{km}$-long fiber, the round trip time of laser pulses in it is $2.14 \ \mathrm{ms}$. So the repetition frequency of the laser pulse must be lower than $452 \ \mathrm{Hz}$ and in our experiment, we set the laser pulse repetition frequency at $400 \ \mathrm{Hz}$. The pulse width of the laser is set at $1\ \mu \mathrm{s}$. The measurement is divided into two steps. The repetition frequency and pulse width are unchanged in the two steps. In the first step, we perform a $3\- \mathrm{minute}$ $\nu$-OTDR measurement and obtain the $\nu$-OTDR trace of the initial $0-120 \ \mathrm{km}$ of FUT. The peak power of the laser is attenuated so as to get a count rate of about $7\times 10^{5}\ \mathrm{Hz}$. And then, we use the maximum peak power, $23\ \mathrm{dBm}$, and perform a $10\ \mathrm{minutes}$ measurement of the remaining fiber. Because the peak power is high, there will be a great amount of photons reflected by the input surface and backscattered by the initial several kilometers of FUT. To protect the SAPD, we switch the SAPD off for $1\ \mathrm{ms}$ after a pulse is launched into the FUT. Thus, we only get the $\nu$-OTDR trace from $100\ \mathrm{km}$ to the end of FUT in the second step. The two sections are jointed into one according to their time delays, as shown in Fig.\[OTDRtrace\].
The up-conversion single photon detector in the experiment is polarization dependent. The strong fluctuation of the $\nu$-OTDR trace in Fig.\[OTDRtrace\] corresponds to the polarization state revolution when the light propagates through the fiber, and can be used to study the polarization properties of fiber. The polarization induced fluctuation can be eliminated by using a polarization scrambler [@upconversion:Gisin] or a polarization independent up conversion single photon detector [@polarizationindependent]. The cross talk and Fresnel reflection of the optical circulator will induce a very high peak in the $\nu$-OTDR trace, which is not useful for diagnosing the FUT. Furthermore, the high peak will induce a following dip in the $\nu$-OTDR trace due to the dead time of SAPD and TCSPC. In order to avoid this, we adjust the high peak’s polarization so that it has a very low probability to be recorded by our polarization dependent OTDR.
In Fig.\[OTDRtrace\], $N$ is the counts of back scattered photons, $N_{0}$ is the count at the the initial point of the trace. Thus $10\log_{10}(N/N_{0})$ represents the total loss in the round trip of the fiber. As is common in OTDR experiments, we plot $5log_{10}(N/N_{0})$, which represent single-pass loss through the fiber. Considering the $60\ \mathrm{ns}$ dead time of the SPAD, the actual counting rate per time bin should be corrected as, $C_{actual}(t)=\frac{C_{measured}(t)}{1-\sum{C_{mesured}(t^{'})}}$, where $C_{measured}(t)$ is the measured counting rate per time bin, and the summation means the total counting rate during $80\ \mathrm{ns}$ before the time bin at time $t$. It is obvious that the difference between measured and true actual counting rate is small when the counting rate is very low. In the first step of our experiment, the count rate is more than $7\times 10^{5}\ \mathrm{Hz}$ for the beginning of the $\nu$-OTDR trace. As shown in inset of Fig.\[OTDRtrace\], we correct the measurement trace (with a color of blue) with the above formula and the achieved trace (with a color of green) coincidences with the extrapolated trace (with a color of red) obtained by a linear fit of measured trace. The slope of the extrapolated trace indicates the attenuation of fiber of $0.195\ \mathrm{dB/km}$. The intersection of the extrapolated trace is the actual value of the trace at the initial point, which is about $3\ \mathrm{dB}$. The trace of experiment can be distinguished from the noise obviously at the end of the fiber. The root mean square (RMS) noise level is calculated from the data at the tails of the trace. The dynamic range is about $42.19\ \mathrm{dB}$, which is determined by the difference between the intersection of the extrapolated trace and the RMS noise level.
![(color online) Counts of last reflection peaks of $\nu$-OTDR trace of the $218.95\ \mathrm{km}$ fiber (blue line) and after the $20\ \mathrm{cm}$ fiber is cut off at the end (green line), which are represented by the right y-axis and left y-axis, respectively. The amplitude of the two peaks are different because the cutting surfaces of fiber end are not identical. The inset shows the enlarged view of the leading edge of the two peaks. []{data-label="resolution"}](resolution){width="12cm"}
One important parameter of OTDR is the distance resolution. It is the ability of the OTDR to locate a defect along the FUT. The timing jitter of the detector determines the distance resolution. From our detector timing jitter of $500\ \mathrm{ps}$ we compute a distance resolution of approximately $5\ \mathrm{cm}$. In order to demonstrate the spatial resolution experimentally, we cut $20\ \mathrm{cm}$ fiber off at the end of the second fiber spool, and perform the experiment again as described above. The last reflection peaks of the two $\nu$-OTDR traces are shown in Fig.\[resolution\]. As shown in the figure, the laser pulse is not broadened after transmitting through $216.95\ \mathrm{km}$ fiber. The leading edges of the two peaks, as shown in inset of Fig.\[resolution\], are separated with a 20 cm distance which coincides with the length of the cutting off fiber. According to the figure, the experimental distance resolution is about $10\ \mathrm{cm}$, which is larger than the expected resolution of $5\ \mathrm{cm}$. The difference is caused by the fluctuation of the counts, which can be improved by extending the measurement time. Note that the distance resolution is different than the two-point resolution, which is minimum distance between the defects can be discriminated. The two-point resolution we can achieve is about $100\ \mathrm{m}$ corresponding to the $1 \ \mu \mathrm{s}$ pulse width we used in our experiment. Using shorter pulses will improve two-point resolution. But meanwhile, shorter pulses with a constant peak power means less photons in the pulse, which will decrease the measuring range and resolution.
In conclusion, we have presented the implementation of a $\nu$-OTDR over $216.95\ \mathrm{km}$-long optical fiber. It is based on an ultra-low noise up-conversion single photon detector, and the NEP of the detector is suppressed to -139.7 $\mathrm{dBm/\sqrt{Hz}}$ by using long wavelength pump technology and a VBG as a narrow band filter. We also use laser pulses of $23\ \mathrm{dBm}$ peak power to reduce the measurement time. This apparatus can achieve a dynamic range of $42.19\ \mathrm{dB}$ and distance resolution of about $10\ \mathrm{cm}$ at the distance of $216.95\ \mathrm{km}$ in measurement time of $13\ \mathrm{minutes}$.
The authors acknowledge Jun Zhang, Yang Liu, Yan-Ping Chen, Han Zhang, Tian-Ming Zhao and Xiu-Xiu Xia for their useful discussions. This work has been supported by the National Fundamental Research Program (under Grant No. 2011CB921300 and 2011CBA00300), the NNSF of China, the CAS, and the Shandong Institute of Quantum Science $\&$ Technology Co., Ltd. J.S.P. and M.M.F. acknowledge the U.S. AFOSR for their support under Grant No. FA9550-09-1-0233.
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abstract: 'Detection and description of keypoints from an image is a well-studied problem in Computer Vision. Some methods like SIFT, SURF or ORB are computationally really efficient. This paper proposes a solution for a particular case study on object recognition of industrial parts based on hierarchical classification. Reducing the number of instances leads to better performance, indeed, that is what the use of the hierarchical classification is looking for. We demonstrate that this method performs better than using just one method like ORB, SIFT or FREAK, despite being fairly slower.'
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Ibon Merino\
Industry and Transport\
Tecnalia Research and Innovation\
Donostia-San Sebastian\
`[email protected]`\
Jon Azpiazu\
Industry and Transport\
Tecnalia Research and Innovation\
Donostia-San Sebastian\
`[email protected]`\
Anthony Remazeilles\
Industry and Transport\
Tecnalia Research and Innovation\
Donostia-San Sebastian\
`[email protected]`\
Basilio Sierra\
Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence\
University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU\
Donostia-San Sebastian\
Spain `[email protected]`\
- 'root.bib'
title: 2D Image Features Detector And Descriptor Selection Expert System
Introduction \[sec:introduction\]
Object recognition is an important branch of computer vision. Its main idea is to extract important data or features from images in order to recognize which object is present on it. Many different techniques are used in order to achieve this. In recent computer vision literature, it has been a widely spread tendency to use deep learning due to their benefits throwing out many techniques of previous literature that, actually, have a good performance in many cases. Our aim is to recover those techniques in order to boost them and increase their performance or use their benefits that neural networks may not have.
The classical methods in computer vision are based in pure mathematical operations were images are used as matrices. These methods look for gradient changes, patterns... and try to find similarities in different images or build a machine learning model to try to predict the objects that are present in the image.
Our use case is the industrial area were many similar parts are to be recognized. Those parts vary a lot from one to another (textures, size, color, reflections,...) so an expert is needed for choosing which method is better for recognizing the objects. We propose a method that simulates the expert role. This is achieved learning a model that classifies the objects in groups that behave similarly to different recognition methods. This leads to a hierarchical classification that first classifies the object to be recognized in one of the previously obtained groups and inside the group the method that works better in that group is used to recognize the object.
The paper is organized as follows. In Section \[sec:background\] we present a state of art of the most used 2D feature-based methods, including detectors, descriptors and matchers. The purpose of Section \[sec:proposed-approach\] is to present the method that we propose and how we evaluate it. The experiments done and their results are shown in section \[sec:experiment\]. Section \[sec:conclusion\] summarizes the conclusions that can be drawn from our work.
Background \[sec:background\]
There are several methods for object recognition. In our case, we have focused on feature-based methods. These methods look for points of interest of the images (detectors), try to describe them (descriptors) and match them (matchers). The combination of different detectors, descriptors and matchers vary the perfomance of the whole system. This is a fast growing area in image processing field. The following short and chronologically ordered review presents the gradual improvements in feature detection (Subsection \[subsec:detectors\]), description (Subsection \[subsec:descriptors\]) and matching (Subsection \[subsec:matchers\]).
2D features detectors \[subsec:detectors\]
One of the most used methods was proposed in 1999 by [@lowe_object_1999]. This method is called SIFT, which stands for Scale Invariant Feature Transform. The main idea is to use the Difference-of-Gaussian function (a close approximation to the Laplacian-of-Gaussian proposed by Lowe) to search for extrema in the scale space. Even if SIFT was relatively fast, a new method, SURF (Speeded Up Robust Features) [@leonardis_surf:_2006], outperforms it in terms of repeatability, distinctiveness and robustness, although it can be computed and compared much faster.
In addition, FAST (Features from Accelerated Segment Test) proposed by [@rosten_fusing_2005] introduce a fast detector. FAST outperforms previous algorithms (like SURF and SIFT) in both computational performance and repeatability. AGAST [@mair2010adaptive] is based on the FAST, but it is more efficient as well as generic. BRISK [@leutenegger_brisk:_2011] is a novel method for keypoint detection, description and matching which has a low computational cost (as stated in the corresponding article, an order of magnitude faster than SURF in some cases). Following the same line of FAST based mehods, we find ORB [@rublee_orb:_2011], an efficient alternative to SIFT or SURF. This method’s detector is based on FAST but it adds orientation in order to obtain better results. In fact, this method performs at two orders of magnitude faster than SIFT, in many situations.
2D features descriptors \[subsec:descriptors\]
[@lowe_object_1999] also proposed a descriptor called SIFT. As mentioned above, is one of the most popular feature detector and descriptor. The descriptor is a position-dependent histogram of local image gradient directions around the interest point and is also scale invariant. It has numerous extensions such as PCA-SIFT [@yan_ke_pca-sift:_2004], that mixes PCA with SIFT; CSIFT [@abdel2006csift], Color invariant SIFT; GLOH [@mikolajczyk_performance_2005]; DAISY [@tola_daisy:_2010], a dense descriptor inspired in SIFT and GLOH; and so on. SURF descriptor [@leonardis_surf:_2006] relies on integral images for image convolutions in order to obtain its speed.
BRIEF [@calonder2010brief] is a highly discriminative feature descriptor that is fast both to build and to match. BRISK [@leutenegger_brisk:_2011] descriptor is composed as a binary string by concatenating the results of simple brightness comparison tests. ORB descriptor is BRIEF-based and adds rotation invariance and resistance to noise.
LBP (Local Binary Patterns) [@ojala_comparative_1996] is a two-level version of the texture spectrum method [@wang1990texture]. This methods has been really popular and many derivatives has been proposed. Based on this, the CS-LBP (Center-Symmetric Local Binary Pattern) [@heikkila_description_2009] combines the strengths of SIFT and LBP. Later in 2010, the LTP (Local Ternary Pattern) [@liao_region_2010] appeared, a generalization of the LBP that is more discriminant and less sensitive to noise in uniform regions. Same year, ELTP (Extended local ternary pattern) [@nanni2010local] improved this by attempting to strike a balance by using a clustering method to group the patterns in a meaningful way. In 2012, LTrP (Local Tetra Patterns) [@murala_local_2012] encoded the relationship between the referenced pixel and its neighbors, based on the directions that are calculated using the first-order derivatives in vertical and horizontal directions. In [@pietikainen_local_2011] there are gathered other methods that are based on the LBP.
Other descriptor called FREAK [@alahi_freak:_2012] is a keypoint descriptor inspired by the human visual system and more precisely the retina. It is faster, usess less memory and more robust than SIFT, SURF and BRISK. They are thus competitive alternatives to existing descriptors in particular for embedded applications.
Matchers \[subsec:matchers\]
The most widely used method for matching is Nearest Neighbor (NN). Many algorithms follow this method. One of the most used is the kd-tree [@Robinson:1981:KSS:582318.582321] which works well with low dimensionality. For dealing with higher dimensionalities many researchers have proposed diverse methods such as the Approximate Nearest Neighbor (ANN) by [@Indyk:1998:ANN:276698.276876] or the Fast Approximate Nearest Neighbors of [@muja2009fast] which is implemented in the well known open source library FLANN (Fast Library for Approximate Nearest Neighbors).
Proposed Approach \[sec:proposed-approach\]
As we have stated before, the issue we are dealing with is the recognition of industrial parts for pick-and-placing. The main problem is that the accurate recognition of some kind of parts are highly dependant on the recognition pipeline used. This is because parts’ characteristics like texture (presence or absence), forms, colors, brightness; make some detectors or descriptors work differently. We are thus proposing a systematic approach for selecting the best recognition pipeline for a given object (Subsection \[subsec:RecognitionEvaluation\]). We also propose in Subsection \[subsec:ExpertSystem\] an expert system that identifies groups of parts that are recognized similarly to improve the overall accuracy. The recognition pipeline is explained in Subsection \[subsec:RecognitionPineline\].\
We start defining some notations. An industrial part, or object, is named **instance**. The images captured of each part are named **views**. Given the set of views $\boldsymbol{X}$, the set of instance labels $\boldsymbol{Y}$ and the set of recognition pipelines $\boldsymbol{\Psi}$, the function $\omega_{X, Y}^{\Psi}(y)$ returns for each $y\in\boldsymbol{Y}$ the best pipeline $\psi * \in \boldsymbol{\Psi}$ according to a metric $F_1$ that is later discussed. We call $\psi^{**}$ to the pipeline that on average performs better according to the evaluation metric, this is, that maximizes the average of the scores per instance (\[eq:psi\*\]).
\omega_{X, Y}^{\Psi}(y)= \displaystyle \underset{\psi \in \Psi}{\mathrm{argmax}}\,{F_1}_{y}^{\psi}(X,Y)=\psi^*$$
\psi^{**}= \underset{\psi \in \Psi}{\mathrm{argmax}}\,\frac{\displaystyle \sum_{y\in Y} {F_1}_y^{\psi}(X,Y)}{|Y|}$$
Recognition Pipeline \[subsec:RecognitionPineline\]
A recognition pipeline $\Psi$ is composed of 3 steps: detection, description and matching. Detectors, $\boldsymbol{\Gamma}$, localize interesting keypoints in the view (gradient changes, changes in illumination,...). Descriptors, $\boldsymbol{\Phi}$, are used to represent those keypoints in order to locate them in other views. Matchers, $\boldsymbol{\Omega}$, find the closest features between views. So, a pipeline $\psi$ is composed by a keypoint detector $\gamma$, a feature descriptor $\phi$ and a matcher $\omega$. Figure \[fig:recognition\_pipeline\] shows the structure of the recognition pipeline.
The keypoints detection and description are described previously in the background section. In the matching, are two groups of features: the ones that form the model (train) and the ones that need to be recognized (test). Different kind of methods could be used to match features, but, mainly, distance based techniques are used. This techniques make use of different distances (L2, hamming,...) to find the closest feature to the one that needs to be labeled. Those two features (the test feature and the closest to this one) are considered a match. In order to discard ambiguous features, we use the Lowe’s ratio test [@lowe_distinctive_2004] to define whether two features are a “good match”. Assuming $f_t$ is the feature to be recognized, and ${f_l}_1$ and ${f_l}_2$ its two closest features from the model, then ($f_t$, ${f_l}_1$) is a good match if: $$\label{eq:lowe}
where $d(f_A, f_B)$ is the distance (L2, Hamming,...) between features A and B, and $r$ is a threshold that is used to validate if two features are similarly close to the test feature and discard it. This threshold is set at $0.8$. Now a simple voting system is used for labeling the view. For each view from the model (train) the number of good matches are counted. The good matches of each instances are summed and the test view is labeled as the instance with more good matches.
Recognition Evaluation \[subsec:RecognitionEvaluation\]
As we have said, we have the input views $X$, the instance labels $Y$ and the pipelines $\Psi$. To evaluate the pipelines we have to separate the views in train and test. The evaluation method used for it is Leave-One-Out Cross-Validation (LOOCV) [@kohavi1995study]. It consists of $|X|$ iterations, that for each iteration $i$, the train dataset is $(X-x_i)$ and the test sample is $x_i$. With this separation train-test we can generate the confusion matrix. Table \[table:confusion\_matrix\] is an example of a confusion matrix for 3 instances.
[cc|c|c|c|c]{} & &\
& object 1 & object 2 & object 3 &\
& object 1 & 40 & 10 & 0 &\
& object 2 & 0 & 30 & 25 &\
& object 3 & 10 & 10 & 25 &\
& & 50 & 50 & 50 &\
As mentioned in the introduction of Section \[sec:proposed-approach\], we use the metric $F_1$ value [@goutte2005probabilistic] for scoring the performance of the system. The score is calculated for the tests views from the LOOCV. $F_1$ score, or value, is calculated per each instance (\[eq:F1\_per\_instance\]). This metric is an harmonic mean between the precision and the recall. The mean of all the $F_1$’s, $\bar{F_1}$ (\[eq:F1\_mean\]) is used for calculating $\psi^{**}$.
F_1(y) = 2\cdot\frac{precision_{y} * recall_{y}}{precision_{y} + recall_{y}}$$
\bar{F_{1}} = \frac{\sum_{y \in Y} F_1(y)}{|Y|}$$
The precision (Equation \[eq:precision\]) is the ratio between the correctly predicted views with label $y$ ($tp_{y}$) and all predicted views for that given instance ($|\psi(X)=y|$). The recall (Equation \[eq:recall\]), instead, is the relation between correctly predicted views with label $y$ ($tp_{y}$) and all views that should have that label ($|label(X)=y|$).
precision_{y} = \frac{tp_{y}}{|\psi(X)=y|}$$
recall_{y} = \frac{tp_{y}}{|label(X)=y|}$$
Expert system \[subsec:ExpertSystem\]
The function $\omega$ gives a lot of information about objects but it needs the instance to return the best pipeline for that instance which is not available a priori. Indeed, this is what we want to identify. We use the information that would provide $\omega$ to build a hierarchical classification based in a clustering of similar objects.
Since some parts work better with some particular pipelines because of their shape, color or texture, we try to take advantage of this and make clusters of objects that are classified similarly well by each pipeline. For example, two parts that have textures may be better recognized by pipelines that use descriptors like SIFT or SURF rather than non textured parts. We call these clusters typologies. This clustering is made using the algorithm K-means [@macqueen1967], that aims to partition the objects into K clusters (where $K<|Y|$) in which each object belongs to the cluster with the nearest centroids. The input is a matrix with the instances as rows and for each row the $F_1$ value of each pipeline. The inputs for this algorithm are for each instance an array of the $F_1$ value obtained with every pipeline. The election of a good K may highly vary the result since if almost all the clusters are composed by 1 instance the result would be close to just using $\psi^{**}$. After obtaining the $K$ typologies, the $\psi^*_T$’s (\[eq:psi\_t\]) are calculated, i.e., the best pipeline for each typology.
\psi^*_T = \displaystyle \underset{\psi \in \Psi}{\mathrm{argmax}}\,\frac{\displaystyle \sum_{y \in T} {F_1}_y^{\psi}(X,Y)}{|T|}$$
The first step of the hierarchical recognition is to recognize the typology with the $\psi^{**}$. Given the typology $t$ as the typology predicted, the $\psi_{t}^{*}$ is used to recognize the instance $y$ of the object. We call the hierarchical recognition $\Upsilon$. The Figure \[fig:hierarchical\_clasification\] shows an scheme of the hierarchical recognition for clarification.
![Hierarchical classification[]{data-label="fig:hierarchical_clasification"}](graphics/hierarchical_c.pdf){width="\textwidth"}
Experiments and results \[sec:experiment\]
Our initial hypothesis is that $\Upsilon$ has a better performance than $\psi^{**}$. In order to demonstrate this hypothesis we conducted some experiments. Moreover, we want to know in which way does the number of parts and the number of views per part affect the result.
The pipelines used (detector, descriptor and matcher) are defined in Subsection \[subsec:pipelines\]. In Subsection \[subsec:ourdataset\], we explain the dataset we have created to evaluate the proposed method under the use case that is the industrial area and the results obtained. In order to compare these results with a well-known dataset in Subsection \[subsec:caltech\] we present the Caltech dataset [@FEIFEI200759] and the results obtained.
Pipelines \[subsec:pipelines\]
The pipelines we have selected are shown in Table \[table:pipelines\]. Many combination could be done but it is not consistent to match binary descriptors with a L2 distance. The combinations chosen are compatible and may not be the best combination. LBP does not need a detector because it is a global descriptor.
[|c||c|c|c|]{} Pipeline & Detector & Descriptor & Matcher\
$\psi_0$ & SIFT & SIFT & FLANN\
$\psi_1$ & SURF & SURF & FLANN\
$\psi_2$ & ORB & ORB &
Brute force
: Pipelines composition.[]{data-label="table:pipelines"}
$\psi_3$ & —- & LBP & FLANN\
$\psi_4$ & SURF & BRIEF &
Brute force
: Pipelines composition.[]{data-label="table:pipelines"}
$\psi_5$ & BRISK & BRISK &
Brute force
: Pipelines composition.[]{data-label="table:pipelines"}
$\psi_6$ & AGAST & DAISY & FLANN\
$\psi_7$ & AGAST & FREAK &
Brute force
: Pipelines composition.[]{data-label="table:pipelines"}
Our dataset \[subsec:ourdataset\]
We select 7 random industrial parts and on a white background we make 50 pictures per part from different angles randomly. That way, we have a dataset with 350 pictures. In Figure \[fig:pieces\] are shown zoomed in examples of the pictures taken to the parts.
![Parts used in our dataset.[]{data-label="fig:pieces"}](graphics/pieces.pdf){width="\textwidth"}
We use subsets of the dataset to evaluate if changing the number of views per instance and the number of instance vary the performance. This subsets have from 3 to 7 parts and from 10 to 50 views (10 views step). In Table \[table:comparative\_f1s\_ourdataset\] are gathered the results for all the subsets using $\psi^{**}$ and $\Upsilon$. The highest score for each subset is in bold. On average the hierarchical recognition performs better. The more parts or views per part, the better that performs the hierarchical recognition comparing with the best pipeline.
[|cc|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|]{} &
: $F_1$’s of the $\psi^{**}$’s and $\Upsilon$ for each subset of our dataset. $p$ stands for number of parts and $t$ for number of pictures per part.[]{data-label="table:comparative_f1s_ourdataset"}
& && & &\
: $F_1$’s of the $\psi^{**}$’s and $\Upsilon$ for each subset of our dataset. $p$ stands for number of parts and $t$ for number of pictures per part.[]{data-label="table:comparative_f1s_ourdataset"}
&& $\psi^{**}$& $\Upsilon$& $\psi^{**}$& $\Upsilon$& $\psi^{**}$& $\Upsilon$& $\psi^{**}$& $\Upsilon$& $\psi^{**}$& $\Upsilon$\
& **0.935** & 0.862 & 0.967 & **0.983** & 0.989 & **1** & 0.992 & **1** & 0.993 & **1**\
& **0.899** & 0.854 & 0.924 & **0.962** & 0.932 & **0.966** & **0.944** & 0.801 & **0.91** & 0.865\
& **0.859** & 0.843 & **0.868** & 0.863 & **0.883** & 0.818 & 0.876 & **0.901** & 0.87 & **0.912**\
& 0.865 & **0.967** & 0.873 & **0.992** & **0.891** & 0.87 & 0.88 & 0.88 & 0.856 & **0.901**\
& 0.872 & **0.9** & 0.886 & **0.986** & **0.894** & 0.891 & 0.88 & **0.876** & 0.845 & **0.94**\
Now we focus on the whole dataset. In Figure \[fig:f1s\_ourdataset\] are shown the $F_1$’s of each instance using each pipeline for this particular case. The horizontal lines mark the $\bar{F_1}$ for that pipeline. The score we obtain with our method (last column) is higher (0.94) than the best pipeline which is $\psi_2$ that corresponds to the pipeline that uses ORB (0.845).
$\psi_0$ $\psi_1$ $\psi_2$ $\psi_3$ $\psi_4$ $\psi_5$ $\psi_6$ $\psi_7$ $\Upsilon$
---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ------------
0.276 0.861 0.976 0.001 0.106 0.111 0.296 1.099 1.948
: Time in seconds that needs each pipeline in recognize a piece.[]{data-label="table:times"}
A truthful evaluation of the time performance of the hierarchical classificator is a bit cumbersome since it directly depends on the clustering phase and on which are the best pipelines for each cluster. At least, it needs more time than just using a single pipeline. Given $t(\psi)$ the time need by the pipeline $\psi$, the time needed by $\Upsilon$ is approximately $t(\psi^{**}) + t(\psi^{*}_{T'})$ where $T'$ is the typology guessed by the $\psi^{**}$. In Table \[table:times\] is shown the time in seconds that each pipeline and the $\Upsilon$ need to recognize a view.
Caltech-101 dataset \[subsec:caltech\]
Caltech-101 dataset [@FEIFEI200759] is a known dataset for object recognition than could be similar to our dataset. This dataset has been tested like our dataset making subsets of the same characteristics. Some randomly picked images from the dataset are shown in Figure \[fig:caltech-101\].
![6 random examples of images from the Caltech-101 dataset. The classes are: Face, Leopard, Motorbike, Airplane, Accordion and Anchor.[]{data-label="fig:caltech-101"}](graphics/caltech-101.pdf){width="\textwidth"}
The results obtained for the subsets of this datasets are shown in Table \[table:comparative\_f1s\_caltech\]. Same conclusions are obtained for this dataset.
[|cc|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|]{} &
: $F_1$’s of the $\psi^{**}$’s for each test (Caltech-101). $p$ stands for number of parts and $t$ for number of pictures per part. []{data-label="table:comparative_f1s_caltech"}
& && & &\
: $F_1$’s of the $\psi^{**}$’s for each test (Caltech-101). $p$ stands for number of parts and $t$ for number of pictures per part. []{data-label="table:comparative_f1s_caltech"}
&& $\psi^{**}$& $\Upsilon$& $\psi^{**}$& $\Upsilon$& $\psi^{**}$& $\Upsilon$& $\psi^{**}$& $\Upsilon$& $\psi^{**}$& $\Upsilon$\
& 0.967 & 0.967 & 0.983 & 0.983 & 0.989 & 0.989 & 0.992 & 0.992 & 0.993 & 0.993\
& 0.975 & 0.975 & 0.987 & 0.987 & 0.975 & 0.975 & 0.969 & 0.969 & 0.963 & **0.97**\
& 0.98 & 0.98 & 0.99 & 0.99 & 0.967 & 0.967 & 0.96 & 0.96 & 0.956 & 0.956\
& 0.883 & 0.883 & 0.907 & 0.907 & 0.883 & 0.883 & 0.848 & 0.848 & 0.851 & **0.936**\
& 0.776 & 0.776 & 0.794 & **0.831** & 0.78 & **0.84** & 0.768 & **0.849** & 0.783 & **0.843**\
Conclusion \[sec:conclusion\]
We proposed a hierarchical recognition method based in clustering similar behaviour by the recognition pipelines. It has been demonstrated that on average works better than just recognizing with classical feature-based methods achieving high $F_1$ Scores (in the biggest case, 0.94 for our dataset and 0.843 for the Caltech-101).
As we stated, once we recognize a piece we need its pose to tell the robot where to pick it. This has been let for future work. The use of local features enables the possibility to estimate objects pose using methods such as Hough voting schema, RANSAC or PnP. Additionally, including new feature-based methods may lead to better performance or at least more repeatability and scalability of the hierarchical recognition.
Acknowledgment {#acknowledgment .unnumbered}
This paper has been supported by the project SHERLOCK under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research & Innovation programme, grant agreement No. 820689.
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abstract: |
In this paper we first show that for a locally compact amenable group $G$, every proper abstract Segal algebra of the Fourier algebra on $G$ is not approximately amenable; consequently, every proper Segal algebra on a locally compact abelian group is not approximately amenable. Then using the hypergroup generated by the dual of a compact group, it is shown that all proper Segal algebras of a class of compact groups including the $2\times 2$ special unitary group, $SU(2)$, are not approximately amenable.
[[**2010 Mathematics subject classification:**]{} primary 46H20; secondary 43A20, 43A62, 46H10, 46J10.\
[**Keywords and phrases:**]{} approximately amenable Banach algebra, Segal algebra, abstract Segal algebra, locally compact abelian group, compact group, hypergroup, Leptin condition.]{}\
date: 10 February 2012
[Introduction]{}\[s:introduction\] The notion of approximate amenability of a Banach algebra was introduced by Ghahramani and Loy in [@aa]. A Banach algebra $\cal A$ is said to be [*approximately amenable*]{} if for every $\cal A$-bimodule $X$ and every bounded derivation $D:{\cal A}\rightarrow X$, there exists a net $(D_\alpha)$ of inner derivations such that $$\lim_{\alpha} D_\alpha(a) = D(a)\ \ \text{ for all\ } a \in {\cal A}.$$ This is not the original definition but it is equivalent. In [@aa], it is shown that approximately amenable algebras have approximate identities (possibly unbounded) and that approximate amenability is preserved where passing to quotient algebras and to closed ideals that have a bounded approximate identity.
In this paper, we study the approximate amenability of proper abstract Segal algebras of Fourier algebras and subsequently, Segal algebras on abelian groups and compact groups. The definition of Segal algebras will be given in Section \[s:SA(G)-abelian\]. 1.5em
Approximate amenability of Segal algebras has been studied in several papers. Dales and Loy, in [@da], studied approximate amenability of Segal algebras on $\Bbb{T}$ and $\Bbb{R}$. They showed that certain Segal algebras on $\Bbb{T}$ and $\Bbb{R}$ are not approximately amenable. It was further conjectured that no proper Segal algebra on $\Bbb{T}$ is approximately amenable. Choi and Ghahramani, in [@ch], have shown the stronger fact that no proper Segal algebra on $\Bbb{T}^{d}$ or $\Bbb{R}^{d}$ is approximately amenable. We extend the result of Choi and Ghahramani to apply to all locally compact abelian groups, not just $\Bbb{T}^d$ and $\Bbb{R}^d$. Our approach, like that of Choi-Ghahramani and Dales-Loy, is to apply the Fourier transform and work with abstract Segal subalgebras of the Fourier algebra of a locally compact abelian group.
In fact we prove a more general result in Section \[s:SA(G)-abelian\]: when $G$ is an amenable locally compact group, no proper Segal subalgebra of Fourier algebra is approximately amenable. The proof makes use of equivalence between amenability of $G$ and the so-called Leptin condition on $G$.
In the rest of the paper, we try to apply similar tools, this time for compact groups. In Section \[s:hypergroup-approach\] our idea is to view the dual of compact groups as a discrete hypergroup. The Fourier space of hypergroups studied as well. In Section \[ss:Folner-condition-on-\^G\], we introduce an analogue for hypergroups of the classical Leptin condition, and show that this holds for certain examples. Eventually, in Section \[ss:on-S\^1(\^SU(2))\], We apply these tools to show that for a class of compact groups including $SU(2)$, every proper Segal algebra is not approximately amenable.
[Abstract Segal algebras of Fourier algebra on amenable groups]{}\[s:SA(G)-abelian\]
Let $\cal A$ be a commutative Banach algebra. We denote by $\sigma(\cal A)$ the [*spectrum*]{} of ${\cal A}$ which is also called [*maximal ideal space*]{} or [*character space*]{} of ${\cal A}$. A commutative Banach algebra $\cal A$ is called [*regular*]{}, if for every $\phi$ in $\sigma({\cal A})$ and every $U$, open neighborhood of $\phi$ in the Gelfand topology, there exists an element $a\in {\cal A}$ such that $\phi(a)=1$ and $\psi(a)=0$ for each $\psi\in \sigma({\cal A})\setminus U$. Using Gelfand representation theory, for a commutative semisimple regular Banach algebra $\cal A$, it can be viewed as an algebra of continuous functions on its spectrum, $\sigma(\cal A)$. So for each $a\in \cal A$, ${\operatorname{supp}}(\hat{a})$ is defined the support of function $\hat{a}$ as a subset of $\sigma(\cal A)$.
\[p:regularity-of-asa\] Let ${\cal A}$ be a commutative semisimple regular Banach algebra and let $\cal B$ be an abstract Segal algebra of $\cal A$. Then $\cal B$ is also semisimple and regular. Moreover, $\cal B$ contains all elements $a\in\cal A$ such that ${\operatorname{supp}}(\hat{a})$ is compact.
By [@bu Theorem 2.1], $\sigma({\cal B})$ is homeomorphic to $\sigma(\cal A)$ and ${\cal B}$ is semisimple. Theorem 3.6.15 and Theorem 3.7.1 of [@ric] imply that for a commutative regular Banach algebra $\cal A$ and a closed subset $E$ of $\sigma({\cal A})$ in the Gelfand spectrum topology, if $a\in {\cal A}$ such that $|\phi(a)|\geq\delta>0$ for every $\phi \in E$, then there exists some $a'\in {\cal A}$ such that $\phi(aa')=1$ for every $\phi\in E$. We call this property [*local invertibility*]{}.
On the other hand, [@re Proposition 2.1.14] says that if $\cal A$ is a commutative semisimple algebra with local invertibility and $\cal I$ an ideal of $\cal A$ such that $\bigcap_{a\in \cal I}{\operatorname{Ker}}\hat{a}=\emptyset$. Then $\cal I$ contains all elements $a\in {\cal A}$ such that $\hat{a}$ has a compact support in $\sigma(\cal A)$.
Now since ${\cal A}$ is regular, for a closed set $E\subseteq \sigma(\cal A)$ and $\phi\in\sigma({\cal A})\setminus E$, we have some $a\in \cal A$ such that $\hat{a}|_E\equiv 0$, $\hat{a}(\phi)=1$, and ${\operatorname{supp}}(\hat{a})$ is a compact subset of $\sigma(\cal A)$. Therefore $a\in\cal B$ implying that ${\cal B}$ is regular.
Let $G$ be a locally compact group, equipped with a fixed left Haar measure $\lambda$. The Fourier algebra of $G$ was defined and studied by Eymard in [@ey]. In the following lemma, we summarize the main features of the Fourier algebra, denoted by $A(G)$, which we need here. We denote by $C_c(G)$ the space of continuous, compactly supported, complex-valued functions on $G$.
\[l:A(G)-general-construction\] Let $G$ be a locally compact group and $K$ be a compact subset of $G$, and let $U$ be an open subset of $G$ such that $K \subset U$. For each measurable set $V$ such that $0<\lambda(V)<\infty$ and $KVV^{-1} \subseteq U$, we can find $u_{V}\in A(G) \cap C_c(G)$ such that
1. [$u_{V}\big(G\big) \subseteq [0,1]$.]{}
2. [$u_{V}|_{K} \equiv 1$.]{}
3. [${ {\operatorname{supp}}}u_{V} \subseteq U$.]{}
4. [$\|u_{V}\|_{A(G)} \leq (\lambda(KV)/\lambda(V))^{1 \over 2}$.]{}
The existence of $f_{V} \in A(G) \cap C_{c}(G)$ satisfying $(1)$, $(2)$, and $(3)$ is proved in [@ey Lemma 3.2]. Also based on the proof of [@ey Lemma 3.2] and the definition of the norm of $A(G)$, one can show $(4)$.
Since $\sigma(A(G))=G$, Lemma \[l:A(G)-general-construction\] shows that $A(G)$ is a commutative semisimple regular algebra.
We say that the Banach algebra $({\cal B},\|\cdot\|_{{\cal B}})$ is an [*abstract Segal algebra*]{} of a Banach algebra $({\cal A},\|\cdot\|_{\cal A})$ if\
1. [ ${\cal B}$ is a dense left ideal in ${\cal A}$.]{}
2. [There exists $M>0$ such that $\|b\|_{\cal A} \leq M
\|b\|_{\cal B}$ for each $b\in {\cal B}$.]{}
3. [There exists $C>0$ such that $\|ab\|_{\cal B}\leq
C\|a\|_{\cal A}\|b\|_{\cal B}$ for all $a,b \in {\cal B}$.]{}
If ${\cal B}$ is a proper subalgebra of ${\cal A}$, we call it a [*proper* ]{} abstract Segal algebra of ${\cal A}$.
Let $G$ be a locally compact group. A linear subspace $S^1(G)$ of $L^1(G)$, the group algebra of $G$, is said to be a [*Segal algebra*]{} on $G$, if it satisfies the following conditions:\
1. [$S^1(G)$ is dense in $L^1(G)$.]{}
2. [$S^1(G)$ is a Banach space under some norm ${\Vert \cdot \Vert}_{S^1}$ and ${\Vert f \Vert}_{S^1}\geq {\Vert f \Vert}_1$ for all $f \in S^1(G)$.]{}
3. [$S^1(G)$ is left translation invariant and the map $x\mapsto L_xf$ of $G$ into $S^1(G)$ is continuous where $L_xf(y)=f(x^{-1}y)$.]{}
4. [${\Vert L_xf \Vert}_{S^1} ={\Vert f \Vert}_{S^1}$ for all $f \in S^1(G)$ and $x \in G$.]{}
Note that every Segal algebra on $G$ is an abstract Segal algebra of $L^1(G)$ with convolution product. Similarly, we call a Segal algebra on $G$ [*proper*]{} if it is a proper subalgebra of $L^1(G)$. For the sake of completeness we will give some examples of Segal algebras.
- Let ${\cal L}A(G):=L^1(G)\cap A(G)$ and $|||h|||:=\|h\|_1+\|h\|_{A(G)}$ for $h\in{\cal L}A(G)$. Then ${\cal L}A(G)$ with norm $|||.|||$ is a Banach space; this space was studied extensively by Ghahramani and Lau in [@gl]. They have shown that ${\cal L}A(G)$ with the convolution product is a Banach algebra called [*Lebesgue-Fourier algebra*]{} of $G$; moreover, it is a Segal algebra on locally compact group $G$. ${\cal L}A(G)$ is a proper Segal algebra on $G$ if and only if $G$ is not discrete.
Also, ${\cal L}A(G)$ with pointwise multiplication is a Banach algebra and even an abstract Segal algebra of $A(G)$. Similarly, ${\cal L}A(G)$ is a proper subset of $A(G)$ if and only if $G$ is not compact.
- [The convolution algebra $L^1(G)\cap L^p(G)$ for $1\leq p <\infty$ equipped with the norm ${\Vert f \Vert}_{1}+{\Vert f \Vert}_{p}$ is a Segal algebra.]{}
- [Similarly, $L^1(G) \cap C_0(G)$ with respect to the norm ${\Vert f \Vert}_{1}+{\Vert f \Vert}_{\infty}$ is a Segal algebra where $C_0(G)$ is the $C^*$-algebra of continuous functions vanishing at infinity.]{}
- [ Let $G$ be a compact group, $\cal F$ denote the Fourier transform, and ${\cal L}^p(\widehat{G})$ be the space which will be defined in (\[eq:cal L\^p(\^G)\]). We can see that ${\cal F}^{-1}\big({\cal L}^p(\widehat{G})\big)$, we denote by ${{{\textswab C}^p(G)}}$, equipped with convolution is a subalgebra of $L^1(G)$. For ${\Vert f \Vert}_{{{\textswab C}^p(G)}}:={\Vert {\cal F}f \Vert}_{{{\cal L}^p(\widehat{G})}}$, one can show that for each $1\leq p \leq 2$, $\big({{{\textswab C}^p(G)}},{\Vert \cdot \Vert}_{{{{\textswab C}^p(G)}}}\big)$ is a Segal algebra of $G$.]{}
In [@ch], a nice criterion is developed to prove the non-approximate amenability of Banach algebras. At several points below we will rely crucially on that criterion. For this reason, we present a version of that below. Recall that for a Banach algebra $\cal A$, a sequence $(a_n)_{n\in \Bbb{N}}\subseteq \cal A$ is called [*multiplier-bounded*]{} if $\sup_{n\in\Bbb{N}}{\Vert a_n b \Vert}\leq M {\Vert b \Vert}$ for all $b\in \cal A$.
\[t:SUM\] Let $\cal A$ be a Banach algebra. Suppose that there exists an unbounded but multiplier-bounded sequence $(a_n)_{n\geq 1}\subseteq {\cal A}$ such that $$a_na_{n+1}=a_n=a_{n+1}a_n$$ for all $n$. Then $\cal A$ is not approximately amenable.
The following theorem is the main theorem of this section.
\[t:SA(G)-non-a-a-abelian\] Let $G$ be a locally compact amenable group and $SA(G)$ a proper abstract Segal algebra of $A(G)$. Then $SA(G)$ is not approximately amenable.
Since $SA(G)$ is a proper abstract Segal algebra of $A(G)$, the norms ${\Vert \cdot \Vert}_{SA(G)}$ and ${\Vert \cdot \Vert}_{A(G)}$ can not be equivalent. On the other hand, $M {\Vert f \Vert}_{A(G)}\leq {\Vert f \Vert}_{SA(G)}$ for $f\in SA(G)$ and some $M>0$. Therefore, we can find a sequence $(f_n)_{n\in \Bbb{N}}$ in $C_c(G)\cap A(G)$, and hence by Proposition \[p:regularity-of-asa\] in $SA(G)$, such that $$\label{eq:condition-of-f_n}
n {\Vert f_n \Vert}_{A(G)} \leq {\Vert f_n \Vert}_{SA(G)}\ \ \text{for all $n\in \Bbb{N}$}.$$ If $G$ is a locally compact group, then $G$ is amenable if and only if it satisfies the [*Leptin condition*]{} i.e. for every $\epsilon>0$ and compact set $K\subseteq G$, there exists a relatively compact neighborhood $V$ of $e$ such that $\lambda(KV)/\lambda(V) <1+\epsilon$, [@pi Section 2.7].
Fix $D>1$. Using the Leptin condition and Lemma \[l:A(G)-general-construction\], we can generate a sequence $(u_n)_{n\in \Bbb{N}}$ inductively in $A(G)\cap C_c(G)\subseteq SA(G)$ such that $u_n|_{{\operatorname{supp}}f_n} \equiv 1$, ${ {\operatorname{supp}}}u_{n} \subseteq \{x\in G: u_{n+1}(x)=1\}$, and $\|u_n\|_{A(G)} \leq D$. Hence $u_{n}f_n=f_n$ and $u_n u_{n+1}=u_n$ for every $n\in \Bbb{N}$.
So here we only need to prove unboundedness of $(u_n)_{n\geq 1}$ in ${\Vert \cdot \Vert}_{SA(G)}$. Suppose otherwise then $\sup_{n\in\Bbb{N}}{\Vert u_n \Vert}_{SA(G)}=C'$ for some $0<C' <\infty$. Then for each $n\in \Bbb{N}$, one can write $${\Vert f_n \Vert}_{SA(G)}={\Vert u_{n} f_n \Vert}_{SA(G)}\leq C {\Vert f_n \Vert}_{A(G)} {\Vert u_{n} \Vert}_{SA(G)} \leq C'C {\Vert f_n \Vert}_{A(G)}$$ for some fixed $C>0$. But this violates the condition (\[eq:condition-of-f\_n\]); therefore, $(u_n)_{n\in\Bbb{N}}$ is unbounded in ${\Vert \cdot \Vert}_{SA(G)}$. Consequently, Theorem \[t:SUM\] shows that $SA(G)$ is not approximately amenable.
We should recall that Leptin condition played a crucial role in the proof. Indeed we have used Leptin condition to impose ${\Vert \cdot \Vert}_{A(G)}$-boundedness to the sequence $(u_n)$. As we mentioned before, the approximate amenability of all proper Segal algebras on $\Bbb{R}^d$ has been studied by Choi and Ghahramani in [@ch]. We are therefore motivated to conclude a generalization of their result in the following corollary.
\[c:non-a-a-of-proper-segal-algebras-of-abelian-groups\] Let $G$ be a locally compact abelian group. Then every proper Segal subalgebra of $L^1(G)$ is not approximately amenable.
Let $S^1(G)$ be a proper Segal algebra on $G$. Applying the Fourier transform on $L^1(G)$, we may transform $S^1(G)$ to a proper abstract Segal algebra $SA(\widehat{G})$ of $A(\widehat{G})$, the Fourier algebra on the dual of group $G$. By Theorem \[t:SA(G)-non-a-a-abelian\], $SA(\widehat{G})$ is not approximately amenable.
\[eg:lebesgue-Fourier-algebra\] In particular, by Theorem \[t:SA(G)-non-a-a-abelian\], for amenable locally compact group $G$ the Lebesgue Fourier algebra with pointwise multiplication is approximately amenable if and only if $G$ is a compact group, in which case it equals the Fourier algebra of $G$. Moreover, by Corollary \[c:non-a-a-of-proper-segal-algebras-of-abelian-groups\], for a locally compact abelian group $G$, the Lebesgue Fourier algebra with convolution product is approximately amenable if and only if $G$ is discrete, in which case it equals $\ell^1(G)$.
[Hypergroups and their Fourier algebra]{}\[s:hypergroup-approach\]
Although the dual of a compact group is not a group, in general, it is a (commutative discrete) hypergroup. We give the background needed for this result in Subsection \[ss:dual-of-compact\]. Muruganandam, [@mu1], gave a definition of the [*Fourier space*]{}, $A(H)$, of a hypergroup $H$ and showed that $A(H)$ is a Banach algebra with pointwise product for certain commutative hypergroups. In Subsection \[ss:Fourier-on-\^G\], we study the Fourier space on the dual of a compact group $G$, denoted by $A(\widehat{G})$. We show that indeed for each compact group $G$, $A(\widehat{G})$ is a Banach algebra.
[Preliminaries and notations]{}\[ss:dual-of-compact\] For studying hypergroups, we mainly rely on [@bl]. As a short summary for hypergroups we give the following definitions and facts. Let $(H,*,\tilde{ }\;)$ be a (locally compact) [*hypergroup*]{} possessing a Haar measure $h$. The notation $A*B$ stands for $$\bigcup\{{\operatorname{supp}}(\delta_x*\delta_y):\; \text{for all }\;x\in A, y\in B\}$$ for $A,B$ subsets of the hypergroup $H$. With abuse of notation, we use $x*A$ to imply $\{x\}*A$. Let $C_c(H)$ be the space of all complex valued compact supported continuous functions over $H$. We define $$L_xf(y)=\int_H f(t) d\delta_x*\delta_y(t) \ \ f\in C_c(H),\ x,y\in H.$$
Defining $$f*_hg(x):=\int_{H} f(t) L_{\tilde{t}}g(x) dh(t), \ \ \tilde{f}(x):=f(\tilde{x}),\ \text{ and}\ \ f^*:=\overline{(\tilde{f})},$$ we can see that all of the functions $f:H\rightarrow \Bbb{C}$ such that $${\Vert f \Vert}_{L^1(H,h)}:=\int_{H} |f(t)| dh(t)<\infty$$ form a Banach $*$-algebra, denoted by $(L^1(H,h),*_h,{\Vert \cdot \Vert}_h)$; it is called the [*hypergroup algebra*]{} of $H$.
If $H$ is discrete and $h(e)=1$, we have $$h(x)=(\delta_{\tilde{x}}*\delta_x(e))^{-1}.$$
\[l:Haar-convolution-of-dirac-functions\] Let $H$ be a discrete hypergroup. For each pair $x,y\in H$, $$\delta_x *_h \delta_y(z) = \delta_x * \delta_y(z)\frac{h(x)h(y)}{h(z)}$$ for each $z\in H$.
In this section, let $G$ be a compact group and $\widehat{G}$ the set of all irreducible unitary representations of $G$. In this paper we follow the notation of [@du] for the dual of compact groups. Where ${\cal H}_\pi$ is the finite dimensional Hilbert space related to the representation $\pi\in\widehat{G}$, we define $\chi_\pi:=Tr\pi$, the group character generated by $\pi$ and $d_\pi$ denotes the dimension of ${\cal H}_\pi$. Let $\phi=\{\phi_\pi:\; \pi\in\widehat{G}\}$ if $\phi_\pi\in{\cal B}({\cal H}_\pi)$ for each $\pi$ and define $${\Vert \phi \Vert}_{{\cal L}^\infty(\widehat{G})}:=\sup_\pi{\Vert \phi_\pi \Vert}_\infty$$ for ${\Vert \cdot \Vert}_\infty$, the operator norm. The set of all those $\phi$’s with ${\Vert \phi \Vert}_{{\cal L}^\infty(\widehat{G})}<\infty$ forms a $C^*$-algebra; we denote it by ${{\cal L}^\infty(\widehat{G})}$. It is well known that ${\cal L}^\infty(\widehat{G})$ is isomorphic to the von Neumann algebra of $G$ i.e. the dual of $A(G)$, see [@du 8.4.17]. We define $$\label{eq:cal L^p(^G)}
{\cal L}^p(\widehat{G})=\{\phi\in{\cal L}^\infty(\widehat{G}): {\Vert \phi \Vert}_{{\cal L}^p(\widehat{G})}^p:=\sum_{\pi \in\widehat{G}} d_\pi {\Vert \phi_\pi \Vert}_p^p<\infty\},$$ for ${\Vert \cdot \Vert}_p$, the $p$-Schatten norm. For each $p$, ${\cal L}^p(\widehat{G})$ is an ideal of ${\cal L}^\infty(\widehat{G})$, see [@du 8.3]. Moreover, we define $${\cal C}_0(\widehat{G})=\{\phi\in{\cal L}^\infty(\widehat{G}):\;\lim_{\pi\rightarrow\infty} {\Vert \phi_\pi \Vert}_\infty=0\}.$$ For each $f\in L^1(G)$, ${\cal F}(f)=(\hat{f}(\pi))_{\pi\in\widehat{G}}$ belongs to ${\cal C}_0(\widehat{G})$, where $\cal F$ denotes Fourier transform and $$\hat{f}(\pi)=\int_G f(x) \pi(x^{-1}) dx.$$ Indeed, ${\cal F}(L^1(G))$ is a dense subset of ${\cal C}_0(\widehat{G})$ and ${\cal F}$ is an isomorphism from Banach algebra $L^1(G)$ onto its image.
For each two irreducible representations $\pi_{1},\pi_{2}\in\widehat{G}$, we know that $\pi_1 \otimes \pi_2$ can be written as a product of $\pi'_1,\cdots,\pi'_n$ elements of $\widehat{G}$ with respective multiplicities $m_1,\cdots,m_n$, i.e. $$\pi_1\otimes \pi_2 \cong \bigoplus_{i=1}^n m_i \pi'_i.$$ We define a convolution on $\ell^1(\widehat{G})$ by $$\label{eq:hypergroup-convolution-on-^G}
\delta_{\pi_1}* \delta_{\pi_2}:=\sum_{i=1}^n \frac{m_i d_{\pi'_i}}{d_{\pi_1}d_{\pi_2}}\delta_{\pi'_i}$$ and define an involution by $ \tilde{\pi}=\overline{\pi}$ for all $\pi,\pi_1,\pi_2\in \widehat{G}$. It is straightforward to verify that $(\widehat{G}, * ,\tilde{ }\;)$ forms a discrete commutative hypergroup such that $\pi_0$, the trivial representation of $G$, is the identity element of $\widehat{G}$ and $h(\pi)=d_\pi^2$ is the Haar measure of $\widehat{G}$.
\[eg:SU(2)\] Let $\widehat{SU(2)}$ be the hypergroup of all irreducible representations of the compact group $SU(2)$. We know that $$\widehat{SU(2)}=(\pi_\ell)_{\ell \in 0,\frac{1}{2},1,\frac{3}{2}, \cdots}$$ where the dimension of $\pi_\ell$ is $2\ell+1$, see [@he2 29.13]. Moreover, $$\pi_\ell \oplus \pi_{\ell'}= \bigoplus_{r=|\ell-\ell'|}^{\ell+\ell'} \pi_r = \pi_{|\ell-\ell'|} \oplus \pi_{|\ell-\ell'|+1 } \oplus \cdots \oplus \pi_{\ell+\ell'} \ \ \ \text{(by \cite[Theorem 29.26]{he2})}.$$ So using Definition \[eq:hypergroup-convolution-on-\^G\], we have that $$\delta_{\pi_\ell}*\delta_{\pi_{\ell'}} = \sum_{r=|\ell-\ell'|}^{\ell+\ell'} \frac{(2r+1)}{(2\ell+1)(2\ell'+1)}\delta_{\pi_r}.$$ Also $
$ and $h(\pi_\ell)=(2\ell+1)^2$ for all $\ell$.
Suppose that $\{G_i\}_{i\in{{\bf I}}}$ is a non-empty family of compact groups for arbitrary indexing set ${{\bf I}}$. Let $G:=\prod_{i\in{{\bf I}}}G_i$ be the product of $\{G_i\}_{i\in {{\bf I}}}$ i.e. $
G = \{(x_i)_{i\in {{\bf I}}}:\ x_i\in G_i\}$ equipped with product topology. Then $G$ is a compact group and by [@he2 Theorem 27.43], $$\widehat{G}=\{\pi=\bigotimes_{i\in{{\bf I}}}\pi_i:\ \text{such that}\ \pi_i\in\widehat{G}_i \ \text{and}\ \pi_i=\pi_0\ \text{except for finitely many $i\in{{\bf I}}$}\}$$ equipped with the discrete topology. Moreover, for each $\pi=\bigotimes_{i\in{{\bf I}}}\pi_i \in \widehat{G}$, $d_\pi=\prod_{i\in{{\bf I}}} d_{\pi_i}$.
If $\pi_k=\bigotimes_{i\in{{\bf I}}} \pi_i^{(k)} \in \widehat{G}$ for $k=1,2$, one can show that $$\delta_{\pi_1}* \delta_{\pi_2}(\pi)= \prod_{i\in {{\bf I}}} \delta_{\pi_i^{(1)}} *_{\widehat{G}_i} \delta_{\pi_i^{(2)}}(\pi_i)\ \ \ \ \text{for}\ \pi=\bigotimes_{i\in{{\bf I}}}\pi_i \in \widehat{G},$$ where $*_{\widehat{G}_i}$ is the hypergroup product in $\widehat{G}_i$ for each $i\in{{\bf I}}$. Also, each character $\chi$ of $G$ corresponds to a family of characters $(\chi_i)_{i\in{{\bf I}}}$ such that $\chi_i$ is a character of $G_i$ and $\chi(x)=\prod_{i\in{{\bf I}}}\chi_i(x_i)$ for each $x=(x_i)_{i\in{{\bf I}}}\in G$. Note that $\chi_1\equiv 1$ for all of $i\in{{\bf I}}$ except finitely many.
[The Fourier algebra of the dual of a compact group]{}\[ss:Fourier-on-\^G\]
For a compact hypergroup $H$, first Vrem in [@vr] defined the [*Fourier space*]{} similar to the Fourier algebra of a compact group. Subsequently, Muruganandam, [@mu1], defined the [*Fourier-Stieltjes space*]{} on an arbitrary (not necessary compact) hypergroup $H$ using irreducible representations of $H$ analogous to the Fourier-Stieltjes algebra on locally compact groups. Subsequently, he defines the [ Fourier space]{} of hypergroup $H$, as a closed subspace of the Fourier-Stieltjes algebra, generated by $\{f*_h\tilde{f}:\; f\in L^2(H,h)\}$. Also Muruganandam shows that where $H$ is commutative $A(H)$ is $ \{f*_h\tilde{g}:\; f,g\in L^2(H,h)\}$ and ${\Vert u \Vert}_{A(H)}=\inf {\Vert f \Vert}_2 {\Vert g \Vert}_2$ for all $f,g\in L^2(H,h)$ such that $u=f*\tilde{g}$. He calls hypergroup $H$ a [*regular Fourier hypergroup*]{}, if the Banach space $({A}(H),{\Vert \cdot \Vert}_{{A}(H)})$ equipped with pointwise product is a Banach algebra.
We prove a hypergroup version of Lemma \[l:A(G)-general-construction\] which shows some important properties of the Banach space $A(H)$ for an arbitrary hypergroup $H$ (not necessarily a regular Fourier hypergroup) and $\widehat{G}$ is a regular Fourier hypergroup. Some parts of the following Lemma have already been shown in [@vr] for compact hypergroups and that proof is applicable to general hypergroups. Here we present a complete proof for the lemma.
\[l:A(H)-properties\] Let $H$ be a hypergroup, $K$ a compact subset of $H$ and $U$ an open subset of $H$ such that $K\subset U$. Then for each measurable set $V$ such that $0<h_H(V)<\infty$ and $\overline{K *V*\tilde{V}} \subseteq U$, there exists some $u_V\in A(H) \cap C_c(H)$ such that:\
1. [$u_V(H)\geq 0$.]{}
2. [$u_V|_K=1$.]{}
3. [${\operatorname{supp}}(u_V) \subseteq U$.]{}
4. [${\Vert u_V \Vert}_{A(H)} \leq \big( h_H(K*V)/{h_H(V)}\big)^{\frac{1}{2}}$.]{}
Let us define $$u_V:=\frac{1}{h_H(V)} 1_{K*V} *_h \tilde{1}_{V}.$$ Clearly $u_V\geq 0$. Moreover, for each $x\in K$ , $$\begin{aligned}
h_H(V) u_V(x) &=& 1_{K*V} *_h \tilde{1}_{V}(x)\\
&=& \int_{ H} 1_{K*V}(t) L_{\tilde{t}}\tilde{1}_V(x) dh_H(t) \\
&=& \int_{ H} 1_{K*V}(t) L_{\tilde{x}} {1}_V(t) dh_H(t)\\
&=& \int_{t\in H} L_{x}1_{K*V}(t) {1}_V(t) dh_H(t)\ \ \ \text{(by \cite[Theorem~1.3.21]{bl})}\\
&=& \int_{ V} \langle 1_{K*V} , \delta_{{x}}*\delta_{t} \rangle dh_H(t)\\
&=& {h_H(V)}.\end{aligned}$$
Also [@bl Proposition 1.2.12] implies that $${\operatorname{supp}}( 1_{K*V} *_h \tilde{1}_{V})\subseteq \overline{\left(K*V *\tilde{V}\right)}\subseteq U.$$ Finally, by [@mu1 Proposition 2.8], we know that $$\begin{aligned}
{\Vert u_V \Vert}_{A(H)}&\leq & \frac{{\Vert 1_{K*V} \Vert}_2 {\Vert 1_V \Vert}_2}{h_H(V)}= \frac{h_H(K*V)^{\frac{1}{2}} h_H(1_V)^{\frac{1}{2}}}{h_H(V)}= \frac{ h_H(K*V)^{\frac{1}{2}}}{h_H(V){\frac{1}{2}}}.\end{aligned}$$
\[r:existence-of-the-V\] For each pair $K,U$ such that $K \subset U$, we can always find a relatively compact neighborhood $V$ of $e_H$ that satisfies the conditions in Lemma \[l:A(H)-properties\]. But the proof is quite long and in our application the existence of such $V$ will be clear.
Given a commutative hypergroup, it is not immediate that it is a regular Fourier hypergroup or not. We will show that when $G$ is a compact group, the hypergroup $\widehat{G}$ is a regular Fourier hypergroup.
For $A(G)$, Fourier algebra on $G$, we define $$ZA(G):=\{f\in A(G): f(yxy^{-1})=f(x)\ \text{for all $x\in G$}\}.$$ which is a Banach algebra with pointwise product and ${\Vert \cdot \Vert}_{A(G)}$.
\[t:Fourier-of-\^G\] Let $G$ be a compact group. Then $\widehat{G}$ is a regular Fourier hypergroup and $A(\widehat{G})$ is isometrically isomorphic with the center of the group algebra $G$, i.e. $A(\widehat{G})\cong ZL^1(G)$. Moreover, the hypergroup algebra of $\widehat{G}$, $L^1(\widehat{G},h)$, is isometrically isomorphic with $ZA(G)$.
Let $\cal F$ be the Fourier transform on $L^1(G)$. We know that ${\cal F}|_{L^2(G)}$ is an isometric isomorphism from $L^2(G)$ onto $ {\cal L}^2(\widehat{G})$. By the properties of the Fourier transform, [@du Proposition 4.2], for each $f\in ZL^2(G)$ and $g\in L^1(G)$ we have $$\label{eq:ZL^2-commutes-with-everything}
{\cal F}(f)\circ {\cal F}(g)={\cal F}(f*g)={\cal F}(g*f)={\cal F}(g)\circ {\cal F}(f).$$ So ${\cal F}(f)$ commutes with all elements of ${\cal C}_0(\widehat{G})$; therefore, ${\cal F}(f)=(\alpha_\pi I_{d_\pi \times d_\pi})_{\pi\in\widehat{G}}$ for a family of scalars $(\alpha_\pi)_{\pi \in \widehat{G}}$ in $\Bbb{C}$. Hence, $$\begin{aligned}
{\Vert {\cal F}f \Vert}_2^2 = \sum_{\pi\in\widehat{G}} d_\pi {\Vert \widehat{f}(\pi) \Vert}_2^2 = \sum_{\pi\in\widehat{G}} d_\pi \alpha_\pi^2 {\Vert I_{d_\pi\times d_\pi} \Vert}_2^2 = \sum_{\pi\in\widehat{G}} \alpha_\pi^2 {d_\pi}^2
= \sum_{\pi\in\widehat{G}} \alpha_\pi^2 h(\pi).\end{aligned}$$
Using the preceding identity, we define $
{\cal T}: ZL^2(G) \rightarrow L^2(\widehat{G},h)$ by ${\cal T}(f)=(\alpha_\pi)_{\pi\in\widehat{G}}$. Note that $\{\chi_\pi\}_{\pi\in\widehat{G}}$ forms an orthonormal basis for $ZL^2(G)$. Since ${\cal F}(\chi_{\tilde{\pi}})=d_{\tilde{\pi}}^{-1} I_{d_{\tilde{\pi}\times {\tilde{\pi}}}}$, ${\cal T}(\tilde{f})={\cal T}(f\tilde{)}$ for each $f\in L^2(G)$ where $\tilde{f}(x)=f(x^{-1})$. So ${\cal T}$ is an isometric isomorphism from $ZL^2(G)$ onto $L^2(\widehat{G},h)$.
We claim that ${\cal T}(f \tilde{g})={\cal T}(f) *_h {\cal T}(g\tilde{)}$ for all $f,g\in ZL^2(G)$. To prove our claim it is enough to show that ${\cal T}(\chi_{\pi_1} \chi_{\pi_2})={\cal T}(\chi_{\pi_1}) *_h {\cal T}(\chi_{\pi_2})$ for $\pi_1,\pi_2\in \widehat{G}$. Therefore, using Lemma \[l:Haar-convolution-of-dirac-functions\], for each two representations $\pi_1,\pi_2\in\widehat{G}$, we have $$\begin{aligned}
{\cal T}(\chi_{\pi_1}\chi_{\pi_2}) &=& {\cal T}\left(
\sum_{i=1}^n m_i \chi_{\pi'_i}\right)\\
&=& \sum_{i=1}^n m_i {\cal T}(\chi_{\pi'_i})\\
&=& \sum_{i=1}^n m_i d_{\pi'_i}^{-1} \delta_{\pi'_i}\\
&=& d_{\pi_1}^{-1} \delta_{\pi_1} *_h d_{\pi_2}^{-1}\delta_{\pi_2}\\
&=& {\cal T}(\chi_{\pi_1})*_h {\cal T}(\chi_{\pi_2}).\end{aligned}$$ 1.0em
Now we can define a surjective extension $
{\cal T}:ZL^1(G) \rightarrow {A}(\widehat{G})$, using the fact that $lin\{\chi_\pi\}_{\pi\in\widehat{G}}$ is dense in $ZL^1(G)$ as well and ${\Vert f \Vert}_1=\inf {\Vert g_1 \Vert}_2{\Vert g_2 \Vert}_2$ for all $g_1,g_2\in L^2(G)$ such that $f=g_1\tilde{g_2}$. Using the definition of the norm of $A(\widehat{G})$, ${\Vert {\cal T}(f) \Vert}_{{A}(\widehat{G})}={\Vert f \Vert}_1$ for each $f\in ZL^1(G)$. To show that the extension of ${\cal T}$ is onto, for each pair $g_1,g_2\in ZL^2(G)$, we note that $g_1\tilde{g_2}\in ZL^1(G)$. So, ${\cal T}$ is an isometric isomorphism. This implies that ${A}(\widehat{G})$ is a Banach algebra with pointwise product and hence $\big({A}(\widehat{G}),\cdot,{\Vert \cdot \Vert}_{{A}(\widehat{G})}\big)\cong \big(ZL^1({G}),*,{\Vert \cdot \Vert}_{1}\big)$.
The second part is similar to the first part of the proof. This time we consider the restriction of the Fourier transform from $ZA(G)$ onto $ {\cal L}^1(\widehat{G})$. Again by an argument similar to (\[eq:ZL\^2-commutes-with-everything\]), we define an isometric mapping $\cal T'$ from $ZA(G)$ onto $L^1(\widehat{G},h)$. Since $lin\{\chi_\pi\}_{\pi\in \widehat{G}}$ is dense in $ZA(G)$, we observe that ${\cal T}'$ is an isometric isomorphism from $ZA(G)$ as an $*$-algebra with complex conjugate and pointwise product onto $L^1(\widehat{G},h)$ as an $*$-algebra with $*_h$ convolution.
[The Leptin condition on Hypergroups]{}\[ss:Folner-condition-on-\^G\]
In the proof of Theorem \[t:SA(G)-non-a-a-abelian\], we used the Leptin condition for amenable groups. In this subsection we study the Leptin condition for the dual of hypergroups. In [@sk], the Reiter condition was introduced for amenable hypergroups. Although the Reiter condition on hypergroups is defined similar to amenable groups, the Leptin condition is a problem for hypergroups. There are some attempts to answer to this question for some special hypergroups in [@la4]. Recall that for each two subsets $A$ and $B$ of $X$, we denote the set $(A\setminus B) \cup (B\setminus A)$ by $A\bigtriangleup B$.
\[d:Folner-Leptin-condition\] Let $H$ be a hypergroup. [ We say that $H$ satisfies the [*Leptin condition*]{} if for every compact subset $K$ of $H$ and $\epsilon>0$, there exists a measurable set $V$ in $H$ such that $0<h(V)<\infty$ and $h(K*V)/h(V) < 1+\epsilon$.]{}
We will use the Leptin condition, in the case where $H$ is the dual of a compact group $G$, to study approximate amenability for Segal algebras on $G$.
\[r:relatively-compact\] In the definitions of the conditions mentioned above, we can suppose that $V$ is a compact measurable set. To show this fact suppose that $H$ satisfies the Leptin condition. For compact subset $K$ of $H$ and $\epsilon>0$, there exists a measurable set $V$ such that $h(K*V)/h(V) < 1 + \epsilon$. Using regularity of $h$, we can find compact set $V_1\subseteq V$ such that $h(V\setminus V_1) < h(V)/n$ for some positive integer $n>0$. It implies that $0< h(V_1)$ and $ h(V)/h(V_1) < {n}/{(n-1)}$. Therefore, $$\frac{h(K*V_1)}{h(V_1)} \leq \frac{h(V)}{h(V_1)} \left( \frac{h(K*V_1)}{h(V)}\right)< \frac{n}{n-1}(1+\epsilon).$$ So we can add compactness of $V$ to the definition of the Leptin condition.
Note that since the duals of compact groups are commutative, they are all amenable hypergroups, [@sk], but as we mentioned it does not say anything about the Leptin condition on those hypergroups. So the next question is for which compact groups $G$ do the hypergroups $\widehat{G}$ satisfy those conditions. We will now show that Examples \[eg:SU(2)\] and \[eg:product-of-finite-groups\] sometimes satisfy these conditions.
\[p:Leptin-SU(2)\^\] The hypergroup $\widehat{SU(2)}$ satisfies the Leptin condition.
Given compact subset $K$ of $\widehat{SU(2)}$ and $\epsilon>0$. Let $K$ and $\epsilon>0$ are given. $k:=\sup\{\ell:\; \pi_\ell\in K\}$. We select $m \geq k$ such that for $V=\{\pi_\ell\}_{\ell=0}^m$, $$\begin{aligned}
\frac{h(\pi_k *V)}{h(V)} &=& \frac{ \sum_{\ell=1}^{2m+2k+1}\ell^2 }{\sum_{\ell=1}^{2m+1} \ell^2}\\
&=& \frac{\frac{1}{3}(2m+2k+1)^3 + \frac{1}{2}(2m+2k+1)^2 + \frac{1}{6}(2m+2k+1)}{\frac{1}{3}(2m+1)^3 + \frac{1}{2}(2m+1)^2 + \frac{1}{6}(2m+1)}< 1+ \epsilon.\nonumber\end{aligned}$$ But also for each $x\in K$, $x*V\subseteq \pi_k*V$. So using (\[eq:proof-of-Leptin\]), $$\frac{h(K *V)}{h(V)} = \frac{h(\pi_k *V)}{h(V)} < 1+ \epsilon.$$
\[p:Leptin-for-Prod-of-finite-groups\] Let $\{G_i\}_{i\in {{\bf I}}}$ be a family of compact groups whose duals have the Leptin condition and $G=\prod_{i\in{{\bf I}}}G_i$ is their product equipped with product topology. Then $\widehat{G}$ satisfies the Leptin condition.
Let $K \subseteq \widehat{G}$ be an arbitrary compact subset. Then, there exists some $F\subseteq {{\bf I}}$ finite such that $K\subseteq \bigotimes_{i\in F} K_i \otimes E_F^c$ where $K_i$ is a compact subset of $\widehat{G}_i$ and $E_F^c=\bigotimes_{i\in{{\bf I}}\setminus F} \pi_0$ where $\pi_{0}$’s are the trivial representations of the corresponding $\widehat{G}_i$.
Using the Leptin condition for each $G_i$, there exists some compact set $V_i$ which satisfies the Leptin condition for $K_i$ and $\epsilon>0$ i.e. $h_{G_i}(K_i*V_i)<(1+ \epsilon) h_{G_i}(V_i)$. Therefore, for the compact set $V=(\bigotimes_{i\in F} V_i )\otimes E_F^c$, $$\frac{h(K*V)}{h(V)} \leq \prod_{i\in F} \frac{ h_{G_i}(K_i*V_i)}{h_{G_i}(V_i)} < (1+\epsilon)^{|F|}.$$
If $G$ is finite then $\widehat{G}$ satisfies the Leptin condition; hence, for a family of finite groups say $\{G_i\}_{i\in{{\bf I}}}$, $G:=\prod_{i\in{{\bf I}}}G_i$, $\widehat{G}$ satisfies the Leptin condition.
[Segal algebras on compact groups whose duals satisfy Leptin condition]{}\[ss:on-S\^1(\^SU(2))\]
In this section, we apply hypergroup approach to the original questions for Segal algebras. We show that every proper Segal algebra on ${G}$ is not approximately amenable if $G$ is a compact group if $\widehat{G}$ satisfies the Leptin condition. First we need a general lemma for Banach algebras.
\[l:characters-in-ZS\^1(G)\] Let ${\cal A}$ be a Banach algebra and ${\cal J}$ be a dense left ideal of ${\cal A}$. Then for each idempotent element $p$ in the center of algebra ${\cal A}$ i.e. $p^2=p \in Z({\cal A})$, $p$ belongs to ${\cal J}$.
Since $\cal J$ is dense in $\cal A$, there exists an element $a \in \cal J$ such that $
{\Vert p - a \Vert}_{\cal A} <1$. Let us define $$b:= p + \sum_{n=1}^\infty (p - a)^{n}.$$ One can check that $p b - p b ( p - a) = p b a$, which is an element in $\cal J$. On the other hand, $$\begin{aligned}
p b - p b ( p - a) &=& p \left( p + \sum_{n=1}^\infty(p -a)^{ n}\right) - p \left( p + \sum_{n=1}^\infty (p -a)^{ n} \right) (p -a)\\
&=& p + p \sum_{n=1}^\infty(p -a)^{ n} - p \sum_{n=2}^\infty (p -a)^{ n}- p (p -a)\\
&=& p + p (p -a) - p (p -a) =p.\end{aligned}$$
2.0em The main theorem of this section is as follows.
\[t:Segal-of-S\^1(G)-G-Leptin\] Let $G$ be a compact group such that $\widehat{G}$ satisfies the Leptin condition. Then every proper Segal algebra on $G$ is not approximately amenable.
Let $S^1(G)$ be a proper Segal algebra on $G$. By Lemma \[l:characters-in-ZS\^1(G)\], $S^1(G)$ contains all central idempotents $d_\pi\chi_\pi$ for each $\pi\in \widehat{G}$. If $\cal T$ is the map defined in the proof of Theorem \[t:Fourier-of-\^G\], then ${\cal T}^{-1}(\delta_\pi)=d_\pi\chi_\pi\in S^1(G)$. So in order to use Theorem \[t:SUM\], we look for a suitable sequence in $A(\widehat{G})$ with compact supports. 1.0em
Fix $D>1$. Using the Leptin condition on $\widehat{G}$, for every arbitrary non-void compact set $K$ in $\widehat{G}$, we can find a finite subset $V_K$ of $\widehat{G}$ such that $h(K*V_K)/h(V_K)<D^{2}$. Using Lemma \[l:A(H)-properties\] for $$v_K:=\frac{1}{h(V_K)} 1_{K *V_K} *_h \tilde{1}_{V_K}$$ we have ${\Vert v_K \Vert}_{A(\widehat{G})} < D$ and $v_{K}|_{K}\equiv 1$. We consider the net $\{v_K: K\subseteq \widehat{G}\ \text{compact}\}$ in $A(\widehat{G})$ where $v_{K_1} \preccurlyeq v_{K_2}$ whenever $v_{K_1}v_{K_2} = v_{K_1}$. So $(v_K)_{ K\subseteq \widehat{G}}$ forms a ${\Vert \cdot \Vert}_{A(\widehat{G})}$-bounded net in $A(\widehat{G}) \cap c_c(\widehat{G})$. Let $f\in A(\widehat{G})\cap c_c(\widehat{G})$ with $K={\operatorname{supp}}f$. Then $v_K f= f$. Therefore, $(v_K)_{K\subseteq \widehat{G}}$ is a bounded approximate identity of $A(\widehat{G})$.
Using ${\cal T}$ defined in the proof of Theorem \[t:Fourier-of-\^G\], we can define the net $(u_K)_{K\subseteq \widehat{G}}$ in $S^1(G)$ by $ u_K:={{\cal T} }^{-1}(v_K)$. Now, we show that $(u_K)_{K\subseteq \widehat{G}}$ satisfies all the conditions of the Theorem \[t:SUM\]. First of all, since ${\cal T}$ is an isometry from $ZL^1(G)$ onto $A(\widehat{G})$, $(u_K)_{K\subseteq \widehat{G}}$ is a ${\Vert \cdot \Vert}_1$-bounded sequence in $S^1(G)$. Therefore, it forms a multiplier-bounded sequence in the Segal algebra. Moreover, since ${\cal T}$ is an isomorphism, $$u_{K_1} * u_{K_2} = {\cal T}^{-1}(v_{K_1}) * {\cal T}^{-1}(v_{K_2})={\cal T}^{-1} (v_{K_1} v_{K_2}) = {\cal T}^{-1}(v_{K_1}) = u_{K_1}$$ for $u_{K_1}\preccurlyeq u_{K_2}$. Toward a contradiction, suppose that $
\sup_{K\subseteq \widehat{G}} {\Vert u_K \Vert}_{S^1(G) }\leq C$ for some $C>0$. We know that for a Segal algebra $S^1(G)$, the group $G$ is a SIN group if and only if $S^1(G)$ has a central approximate identity which is bounded in $L^1$-norm, [@ko]. So let $(e_\alpha)_{\alpha}$ be a central approximate identity of $S^1(G)$ which is ${\Vert \cdot \Vert}_1$-bounded. Since $ZS^1(G)=\overline{lin\{\chi_n\}_{n\in\Bbb{N}}}^{{\Vert \cdot \Vert}_{S^1(G)}}$ and $(u_K)_{K\subseteq \widehat{G}}$ is a ${\Vert \cdot \Vert}_1$-bounded approximate identity for $ZL^1(G)=\overline{lin\{\chi_n\}_{n\in\Bbb{N}}}^{{\Vert \cdot \Vert}_{1}}$, we can show that for each $\alpha$, ${\Vert e_\alpha \Vert}_{S^1(G)} = \lim_{K \rightarrow \widehat{G}} {\Vert e_\alpha * u_K \Vert}_{S^1(G)}$. Consequently, $${\Vert e_\alpha \Vert}_{S^1(G)} = \lim_{K \rightarrow \widehat{G}} {\Vert e_\alpha * u_K \Vert}_{S^1(G)} \leq \lim_{K \rightarrow \widehat{G}} {\Vert e_\alpha \Vert}_1 {\Vert u_K \Vert}_{S^1(G)} \leq C {\Vert e_\alpha \Vert}_1.$$ Hence, $(e_\alpha)_\alpha$ is ${\Vert \cdot \Vert}_{S^1(G)}$-bounded. But, a Segal algebra cannot have a bounded approximate identity unless it coincides with the group algebra, see [@bu], which contradicts the properness of $S^1(G)$. Hence, $(u_K)_{K\subseteq \widehat{G}}$ is not ${\Vert \cdot \Vert}_{S^1(G)}$-bounded. So by Theorem \[t:SUM\], $S^1(G)$ is not approximately amenable.
\[c:Segal-of-S\^1(SU(2))\] Every proper Segal algebra on $SU(2)$ is not approximately amenable.
\[c:Segal-of-Product-G\_i\] Let $\{G_i\}_{i\in{{\bf I}}}$ be a non-empty family of compact groups whose duals satisfy the Leptin condition, and $G=\prod_{i\in{{\bf I}}}G_i$ equipped with product topology. Then every proper Segal algebra on $G$ is not approximately amenable.
[Further questions]{}
- [For which other compact groups do their duals satisfy the Leptin condition? The best suggestions to study the Leptin condition for them are Lie groups which are the natural next step after $SU(2)$.]{}
- [For locally compact groups, the existence of a bounded approximate identity of the Fourier algebra implies the Leptin condition. In the hypergroup case, it seems that we cannot prove this implication. Can we find a hypergroup $H$ whose Fourier algebra has a bounded approximate identity while $H$ does not satisfies the Leptin condition.]{}
2.0em [**Acknowledgements**]{}\
The author was supported by Dean’s Ph.D. scholarship at the University of Saskatchewan. The author would like to express his deep gratitude to Yemon Choi and Ebrahim Samei, his supervisors, for their kind helps and constant encouragement.
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, Abstract harmonic analysis. Vol. II: Structure and analysis for compact groups. Analysis on locally compact Abelian groups. Die Grundlehren der mathematischen Wissenschaften, Band 152 [*Springer-Verlag, New York-Berlin*]{} 1970.
, Means and Følner condition on polynomial hypergroups. [*Mediterr. J. Math.*]{} [**7** ]{}(2010), no. 1, 75-–88.
, Segal algebras on non-abelian groups, [*Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.*]{} [**237**]{} (1978), 271-–281.
, Fourier algebra of a hypergroup. I. [*J. Aust. Math. Soc.*]{} [**82**]{} (2007), no. 1, 59–-83.
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Mahmood Alaghmandan\
Department of Mathematics and Statistics,\
University of Saskatchewan,\
Saskatoon, SK S7N 5E6, CANADA\
E-mail: `[email protected]`\
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"pile_set_name": "ArXiv"
} | ArXiv |
abstract: 'We propose a new approach in QCD sum rules applied for exotic hadrons with a number of quarks, exemplifying the pentaquark $\Theta^{+} (I=0,J=1/2)$ in the Borel sum rule. Our approach enables reliable extraction of the pentaquark properties from the sum rule with good stability in a remarkably wide Borel window. The appearance of its valid window originates from a favorable setup of the correlation functions with the aid of [*chirality*]{} of the interpolating fields on the analogy of the Weinberg sum rule for the vector currents. Our setup leads to large suppression of the continuum contributions which have spoiled the Borel stability in the previous analyses, and consequently enhances importance of the higher-dimensional contributions of the OPE, which are indispensable for investigating the pentaquark properties. Implementing the OPE analysis up to dimension 15, we find that the sum rules for the chiral-even and odd parts independently give the $\Theta^{+}$ mass of $1.68\pm 0.22$ GeV with uncertainties of the condensate values. Our sum rule indeed gives rather flat Borel curves almost independent of the continuum thresholds both for the mass and pole residue. Finally, we also discuss possible isolation of the observed states from the $KN$ scattering state on view of chiral symmetry.'
- 'Toru Kojo$^{1,2}$, Arata Hayashigaki$^3$, Daisuke Jido$^4$'
title: 'Pentaquark state in pole-dominated QCD sum rules'
The first discovery of the baryonic resonance with $S=1$, $\Theta^{+}(1540)$, and its confirmation in subsequent low-energy exclusive experiments in 2003 [@exp] triggered tremendous amount of theoretical works on exotic hadrons in a short time. Many of their studies have been devoted to clarifying mainly its possible structure and its property such as spin and parity, and further searching for other exotic states [@theo; @JW]. So far, it is experimentally known that the $\Theta^+$ has minimal quark contents, $uudd\bar{s}$, from observation of its decay mode into $KN$, with $I_3=0$ and most likely an isospin singlet $I=0$ [@exprev].
Yet the experimental evidence for the existence of $\Theta^{+}$ is not so obvious. While new data with better statistics from the LEPS collaboration consolidate their positive evidence of the $\Theta^+$ [@leps], the most recent experiment in low-energy exclusive reaction with high statistics by the CLAS Collaboration [@clas], however, showed [*negative*]{} evidence for the $\Theta^+$, suggesting that their previous result would be just a statistical fluctuation. The inclusive high-energy processes in $e^+e^-$ or hadron collisions have also claimed [*no*]{} evidence [@high_energy]. The disagreement between the LEPS and the other experiments would possibly originate from their differences of experimental setup and kinematical conditions; the former experiment covers well the forward angle, where the $\Theta^+$ would be produced by meson-exchange production mechanism at low energy.
Theoretical study on existence of the $\Theta^{+}$ is also a very important issue. Investigation of such an exotic hadron can be the first step to explore the quark matter. To identify the exotic state definitely, theoretical computations in direct approaches of QCD with less assumptions and better accuracy are getting more important. One of its possible analyses is the QCD sum rule (QSR) [@shifman], which is a powerful tool to address directly nonperturbative dynamics peculiar to QCD as well as lattice QCD and is a quite established approach for reproducing the baryon masses [@IoffeN] including their resonance states [@Jido].
Indeed, a number of the QSR analyses for scrutinizing the $\Theta^+$ mass were implemented with the help of the Borel sum rules (BSR’s) [@SDO; @bsr; @Oga] and the finite energy sum rules [@fesr]. It is generally known that the former technique is superior to the latter quantitatively, because in the former the highly excited states can be controlled by the inverse Borel mass ($1/M$) to isolate the desired pole contribution. To the best of our knowledge, so far no BSR analyses for the $\Theta^{+}$ mass have focused upon desirable [*pole-dominance*]{} of the $\Theta^+$, even accounting for higher corrections of the operator product expansion (OPE). But rather they have stuck with an undesirable continuum dominant region, so that they could not establish valid Borel windows. The work in Ref. [@fesr] has closely viewed this problem and indeed they gave up relying on the Borel technique.
Our main objective of this paper is to put forward a solution to the problem in the BSR, by illustrating the $I=0$ and $J=1/2$ case of the $\Theta^+$, in a general way for exotic hadrons beyond the BSR. We here summarize the essential points of our analysis: (I) In order to incorporate low-energy contributions more into our analysis, we take into account the higher-dimensional terms of the OPE up to dimension 15. (II) Through a favorable linear combination of correlation functions, we suppress the high-energy continuum contamination with the aid of the chiral symmetry in analogy of the Weinberg sum rule. These technical developments enable us to establish Borel window wide enough to investigate the low energy hadronic properties of the resonance and scattering states.
This paper is organized as follows. In Sec. II, we briefly review the basic concepts of QSR’s with special emphasis on the importance of the pole dominance and the higher order terms in the OPE, discussing the problems in the previous works. In Sec. III, to overcome the problems in previous works, we introduce a linear combination of the correlation functions with the aim of suppressing the continuum contamination, in which chiral symmetry plays an important role in this cancellation. We also discuss calculation of the OPE and show all the OPE terms used in our analysis. In Sec. IV, we show our Borel analysis focusing on the criterion to set up the Borel window. We confirm the pole dominance and the OPE convergence. The values of the $\Theta^{+}$ mass and residue obtained in this analysis are also shown. Sec. V is devoted to a brief discussion on the $KN$ scattering states and on relation between experimental observation and our correlation function analysis. Finally we summarize this work in Sec. VI.
The basic concepts of QSR and problems in the previous works
Following the standard way of the QCD sum rule, we start with the time-ordered two-point correlation function defined by $$\begin{aligned}
i\int d^{4}x e^{iq\cdot x} \langle 0 | T[J(x) \bar J(0)] | 0 \rangle
= \hat q\Pi_{0} (q^{2}) + \Pi_{1} (q^{2}),\end{aligned}$$ where $\hat q \equiv q^{\mu} \gamma_{\mu}$ and $\Pi_{0,1}(q^{2})$ are called the chiral-even and odd parts, respectively. Here $\langle 0|\cdots|0 \rangle$ denotes a vacuum expectation value (hereafter for brevity $\langle \cdots\rangle$). The interpolating field $J(x)$ for the $\Theta^{+}$ consists of five quark fields with its quantum number. The QSR is then obtained through the dispersion relation, $${\rm Re}\Pi_i(q^2) = P\int_0^{\infty}ds\,
[{\rm Im}\Pi_i(s)/\pi]/(s-q^2)
\label{eq:disp}$$ for $i=0,1$. ${\rm Im}\Pi_i(s)$ satisfies the spectral conditions, $$\begin{aligned}
{\rm Im}\Pi_0(s) \geq 0,\
\sqrt{s}{\rm Im}\Pi_0(s) - {\rm Im}\Pi_1(s) \geq 0.\end{aligned}$$ For sufficiently large $-q^2$, the left hand side of (\[eq:disp\]) can be expressed by the OPE with products $C_{i}$ of the Wilson coefficients and the vacuum condensates: $$\begin{aligned}
= \sum_{j=0}^{5}C_{2j+i}\ (q^2)^{5-j}\log(-q^2)
+ \sum_{j=1}^\infty\frac{C_{10+2j+i}}{(q^2)^j}.\,
\label{ope_}\end{aligned}$$ The OPE starts from $(q^{2})^{5} \log (-q^{2})$ reflecting the large number of quark fields in the $\Theta^{+}$ interpolating field.
The imaginary part in the right hand side of (\[eq:disp\]) is parameterized as the hadronic spectrum. We use the conventional pole plus continuum spectrum with a single $\Theta^+$ resonance: $$\begin{aligned}
{\rm Im} \Pi_i^{h}(s) \simeq \pi \lambda_i^2\delta(s-m_{\Theta^+}^2)
+ \theta(s-s_{th}) {\rm Im} \Pi_i^{ope}(s).\end{aligned}$$ Here $m_{\Theta^+}$ denotes the $\Theta^+$ mass, and the residue $\lambda_i$ is the coupling strength of interpolating field to the resonance, satisfying $$\begin{aligned}
\pm m_{\Theta^{+}}\lambda_{0}^2
=\lambda_{1}^2\end{aligned}$$ for parity $\pm 1$ respectively. The second term represents a model of continuum contribution with its threshold $s_{th}$ based on the simple duality ansatz. The QSR (\[eq:disp\]) gives the physical quantities ($m_{\Theta^+}$, $\lambda_i$) in terms of the known QCD parameters appearing in Eq. (\[ope\_\]) [@shifman].
Our QSR’s are obtained from Eqs. (\[eq:disp\]) and (\[ope\_\]) for the chiral even and odd parts independently, by using the Borel transformation technique [@reinders], which qualitatively improves isolation of the $\Theta^{+}$ pole: $$\begin{aligned}
\lefteqn{\lambda_i^2 e^{-m_{\Theta^+}^2/M^2}
= \sum_{j=1}^\infty\frac{(-)^j}{\Gamma(j)}\
\frac{C_{10+2j+i}}{(M^2)^{j-1}} } \ \ \ \ \ \ \
&& \nonumber \\
&&+\left(\int_0^\infty - \int_{s_{th}}^\infty\right) ds
\, e^{-s/M^2} \sum_{j=0}^{5}C_{2j+i}\ s^{5-j}
\label{sum rule2}\end{aligned}$$ where the continuum term in the hadronic spectrum is transferred to the second integral in the right hand side using the duality ansatz. It is worth noting here that, in this ansatz, the continuum term is expressed in terms of the logarithmic terms in Eq. (\[ope\_\]) and it appears in the Borel sum rules (\[sum rule2\]) as the integral of $\exp(-s/M^{2})$ weighted by polynomials of $s$. For later convenience, we define $$\begin{aligned}
A_i(M^2;s_{th}) &=& \int^{s_{th}}_{0} \!\! ds\ e^{-s/M^2}
\frac{1}{\pi}{\rm Im} \Pi_i^{ope}(s) \nonumber \\
&=& \sum_{j=1}^\infty\frac{(-)^j}{\Gamma(j)}\
\frac{C_{10+2j+i}}{(M^2)^{j-1}} \nonumber \\
\, e^{-s/M^2} \sum_{j=0}^{5}C_{2j+i}\ s^{5-j} \ ,
\label{pole1} \\
B_i(M^2;s_{th}) &\equiv&
\int_{s_{th}}^\infty \!\! ds\ e^{-s/M^2}
\frac{1}{\pi}{\rm Im} \Pi_i^{ope}(s) \nonumber \\
&=& \int_{s_{th}}^\infty \!\! ds\
e^{-s/M^2} \sum_{j=0}^{5}C_{2j+i}\ s^{5-j}.
\label{pole2}\end{aligned}$$ $A_i(M^2;s_{th})$ is equal to the right hand side of Eq. (\[sum rule2\]). These functions give portions of the Borel integration of $\Pi_{i}^{ope}$ for given threshold $s_{th}$.
In the pole-plus-continuum ansatz, the threshold $s_{th}$ is very important parameter. It divides the hadronic spectral function into two parts: $$\begin{aligned}
{\rm Im} \Pi_i^{h}(s) = \theta(s_{th}-s)\,{\rm Im}\Pi_i(s)
+ \theta(s-s_{th})\,{\rm Im}\Pi_i(s). \label{eq:divide}\end{aligned}$$ The second term is approximated to the spectral function calculated in the OPE, while the first term acts for the low-energy hadronic contributions. In this sense, $s_{th}$ represents an energy scale where the quark-hadron duality ansatz works in the QSR analysis. Thus, $s_{th}$ does not necessarily match a physical threshold of the hadronic scattering states. Here we assume the first term in Eq. (\[eq:divide\]) as a pole term. This low-energy contribution, however, can contain both the hadronic resonance and scattering states below $s_{th}$. The validity of the pole assumption can be checked in the Borel stability analysis as discussed below.
The mass $m_{\Theta^+}$ is obtained by logarithmic derivative of Eq. (\[sum rule2\]) as $$\begin{aligned}
m_{\Theta^+}^2(M^2;s_{th})=d\log A_i/d(-1/M^2).\end{aligned}$$ The pole residue is calculated together with the mass obtained above as $$\begin{aligned}
\lambda_i^2(M^2;s_{th})= A_i\exp\left[m_{\Theta^+}^2(M^2;s_{th})/M^2\right].\end{aligned}$$ The two physical quantities should be, in principle, independent of the artificially introduced Borel mass $M$ within the “valid” Borel window that allows us reliable extraction of the hadron property from this analysis. The lower and higher boundaries of $M^2$ are determined from the OPE convergence and the pole dominance, respectively (see Sec. IV in detail). The pole dominance means that the low-energy first term in Eq. (\[eq:divide\]) is superior to the high-energy second term. This is necessary to extract the low-energy contribution from the integral of the correlation function. The threshold parameter $s_{th}$ should be also determined in the Borel analysis so as to make the mass and residue most insensitive to the change of $M^2$. Therefore, all the physical quantities, such as the mass, residue and continuum threshold, are determined within the Borel analysis without any control parameters.
Now let us explain the problem in the pentaquark QSR. In the QSR analysis, the pole dominance to the continuum contribution in the spectral function is essential to extract the desirable pole information. In the $\Theta^+$ case, however, the continuum contributions are potentially large, since the logarithmic terms appear widely up to higher orders of the OPE. This stems from the higher mass dimension of the correlation function than the ordinary baryon case owing to the larger number of quark fields in the $\Theta^{+}$ interpolating field. Consequently, despite improvement of the Borel transformation [@reinders] to Eq. (\[eq:disp\]), it is hard to establish the pole dominance in the spectral function, and thus this makes the prediction of the $\Theta^+$ mass much less reliable. In fact the prior pentaquark BSR’s [@SDO; @bsr; @Oga] evaluated the mass under a condition of small pole contribution ($\lesssim 20\%$), as claimed in Ref. [@fesr]. In the BSR the magnitude of the continuum suppression can be measured by checking the Borel window, within which one searches for the Borel stability. When obtaining better suppression, one may have a wider window if the OPE convergence is also realized.
It is worth mentioning the importance of the higher-dimensional terms in the OPE and the pole dominance. When one neglects the higher-dimensional terms and/or the pole dominance, one cannot establish the Borel window enabling reliable extraction of the physical quantities, and also would encounter “artificial” Borel stability, which is independent of the threshold parameter. Then the threshold is merely an adjustable parameter to reproduce the other physical quantities such as the mass and residue. But if one includes the higher-dimensional terms and establishes the pole dominance, then the threshold parameter is not adjustable any more but has a meaningful role for stabilizing the physical quantities within the Borel window for the change of Borel mass. This is also the case even in the $\rho$-meson sum rule, where we indeed need inclusion of the dimension 6 terms in the OPE to avoid the “artificial” stability, so that we can obtain $\rho$-meson mass close to the experimental data.
Calculation of the linear combination of the correlators
Linear combination of the correlators
To overcome the problems discussed in the previous section, [*i.e.*]{} to find out true pole-dominance from the ${\Theta^+}$ correlation function, we propose a new setup of the ${\Theta^+}$ correlation function which couples to less continuum states with the help of chirality of the interpolating fields. This idea is to make use of an interesting property in the Weinberg spectral function sum rule [@Weinberg], where the unlike chirality combination of the vector and axial-vector correlators, $\langle V_{\mu}(x) V_{\nu}(0) - A_{\mu}(x) A_{\nu}(0)\rangle$, vanishes in the limit of $x\rightarrow 0$. This means that leading-orders are suppressed in the OPE. As favorable, it inevitably requires that one takes into account higher-dimensional operators which reflect the low-energy physics, beyond the logarithmic terms. Let us consider the following interpolating fields with $I=0$ and $J=1/2$ based on the diquark picture [@JW]: $$\begin{aligned}
P = \epsilon^{cfg} Q^c Q^f_{\mu 5} \gamma^{\mu} C \overline{s}^T_g,\ \ \
S = \epsilon^{cfg} Q_5^c Q^f_{\mu 5} \gamma^{\mu} \gamma_5 C
\label{eqn:current}\end{aligned}$$ where the diquark operators are defined by $$\begin{aligned}
Q^c&=&\epsilon^{abc} \{u^T_a C d_b\}, \\
Q^c_5&=&\epsilon^{abc} \{u^T_a C \gamma_5 d_b\},\\
Q^c_{\mu 5}&=&\epsilon^{abc} \{u^T_a C \gamma_{\mu} \gamma_5 d_b\}.\end{aligned}$$ having the Lorentz covariant pseudoscalar, scalar and vector structures, respectively, with color indices $a,b,c,\cdots$, the charge conjugation matrix $C$ and the transpose $T$ [@Sasaki:2003gi]. Note that these interpolating fields definitely have $J=1/2$ due to the $\gamma_{\mu}$ acting on $\bar{s}^{T}$ [@chung].
In the above construction of the interpolating field, the pseudoscalar and scalar diquarks, $Q^a$ and $Q^a_5$, have been introduced into $P$ and $S$, respectively. The essential point to reduce the leading orders of the OPE is that the linear combinations between these diquarks, $Q^{a} \pm Q_{5}^{a}$, have the opposite chirality each other [@Jido]. When one takes a relevant linear combination between the correlators with such an opposite chirality, the leading-orders suppression takes place in the same way as the Weinberg sum rule for the vector currents. Motivated by this observation, we consider the following linear combinations of two correlators $P(x)\bar{P}(0)$ and $S(x)\bar{S}(0)$ with a mixing parameter $t$: $$\begin{aligned}
\lefteqn{i\int d^4x \, e^{iq\cdot x}
\left\langle 0 \left|T [P(x)\bar{P}(0)
- t\, S(x)\bar{S}(0)] \right|0 \right\rangle}
&\equiv& [\Pi_0^P(q^2) - t\, \Pi_0^S(q^2)]\, \hat{q}
+[\Pi_1^P(q^2) + t\,\Pi_1^S(q^2)],
\label{eqn:correlation}\end{aligned}$$ where $\Pi_{0(1)}^{P[S]}$ are chiral-even (odd) parts of the correlation function for the currents $P$ $[S]$. The leading-orders suppression in the OPE is realized in $t=1$ and $t=-1$. In the former (later) case, the OPE starts from dimension 6 (7) in the chiral even (odd) part. (See Eq. (\[ope\]) for the explicit OPE forms). The mixing parameter $t$ will be fixed according to the Ioffe’s optimization criteria [@IoffeZ], that is, the sum rules satisfy sufficient continuum suppression and OPE convergence at the same time.
The results of the OPE calculation
Our strategy for the OPE calculation is as follows: (I) We calculate the OPE up to dimension 15, which is higher enough than the maximum dimension in logarithmic terms. It is worth mentioning that the pentaquark currents may give extremely slow OPE convergence in higher dimensions than six, since the creation of a quark condensate by cutting loops costs a large factor, such as $(4\pi)^2$. On the other hand, higher terms than dimension 12 are qualitatively less important, because one can no longer diminish loops by cutting hard quark lines due to the momentum conservation [@shifman]. (II) We disregard radiative loop corrections. These will be important in low dimensions like the logarithmic terms \[19\], but in our analysis such logarithmic terms are largely suppressed. (III) The dependence of strange quark mass $m_s$ is evaluated to $O(m_s)$. (IV) The higher-dimensional gluon condensates such as the triple gluon condensates are also neglected, because they are expected to be smaller than the quark condensates entering in the tree-diagrams [@IoffeN]. (V) We make good use of the vacuum saturation [@shifman] and factorization hypotheses [@leinweber] in order to estimate less-known values of the high-dimensional condensates as products of the lower-dimensional condensates. To account for an uncertainty arising from this approximation, we will later exhibit final results with the moderate errors.
Based on the above strategy, we obtain the explicit form of $C_n$ in (\[sum rule2\]), summing up all terms of the same dimension $n$ and taking the linear combination with $t$:
&C_0= \frac{1-t}{2^{16}\ 3^2\ 5^2\ 7 \pi^8} \ ,\
C_1= -\frac{(1+t) m_s}{2^{17}\ 3^2\ 5^2 \pi^8} \ ,\
C_3= - \frac{(1+t) R_s a}{2^{16}\ 3^2\ 5 \pi^8}\ ,\
C_4= -\frac{ (1-t) m_s R_s a}{2^{14}\ 3^2\ 5 \pi^8}
+\frac{ (1-t) b}{2^{20}\ 3^2 \pi^8} \
,\ \nonumber\\
&C_5= \frac{(1+t) m_1^2 R_s a}{2^{16}\ 3^2\pi^8}
+ \frac{(1+t) m_s b}{2^{20}\ 3\pi^8}\
C_6= \frac{ (1-t) m_s m_1^2 R_s a}{2^{15}\ 3^2\pi^8}
- \frac{(3-t) a^2}{2^{14}\ 3^2 \pi^8}\ , \
C_7= \frac{(1+t) R_s ab}{2^{18}\ 3^3 \pi^8}
+\frac{(3-t) m_s a^2 }{2^{12}\ 3^2\pi^8} \ , \nonumber \\
&C_8= - \frac{ 5(1-t) m_s R_s ab}
{2^{18}\ 3^2 \pi^8}
+\frac{(75-23t) m_0^2 a^2 }
{2^{16}\ 3^2\pi^8}\ , \
C_9= - \frac{(1+t) m_1^2 R_s ab}{2^{19}\pi^8}
+\frac{(3-t)\ R_s a^3}{2^{11}\ 3^2\pi^8}
-\frac{(9-4t)\ m_s m_0^2 a^2}{2^{14}\ 3\pi^8}\ , \nonumber \\
&C_{10}= \frac{ 5(1-t) m_s m_1^2 R_s ab}{2^{19}\ 3^2\pi^8}
+ \frac{ (3-t) m_s R_s a^3}{2^{12}\ 3^2\pi^8}
- \frac{(337 - 121 t) m_0^4 a^2}{2^{19}\ 3^2\pi^8}
- \frac{(141-23t) a^2 b}{2^{18}\ 3^3 \pi^8}\ , \nonumber \\
&C_{11}= -\frac{(3-t) m_1^2 R_s a^3}{2^{12}\ 3^2\pi^8}
- \frac{(9-4t) R_s m_0^2 a^3 }{2^{13}\ 3^2 \pi^8 }
+ \frac{(19-18t) m_s m_0^4 a^2}{2^{16}\ 3^2 \pi^8 }
+ \frac{(99+67t)\ m_s a^2 b}{2^{17}\ 3^3 \pi^8}\ , \nonumber \\
&C_{12}= - \frac{(3-t) m_s m_1^2 R_s a^3 }{2^{12}\ 3^3\pi^8}
-\frac{(17-4t)m_s m_0^2 R_s a^3}{2^{14}\ 3^2 \pi^8 }
+\frac{(23-33t) m_0^2 a^2 b}{2^{18}\ 3^3 \pi^8 }
+\frac{(1+t) a^4}{2^{10}\ 3^3 \pi^8}\ , \nonumber \\
&C_{13}= \frac{(49+17t) R_s a^3 b}{2^{17}\ 3^3 \pi^8}
+ \frac{(9-4t) m_0^2 m_1^2 R_s a^3 }{2^{15}\ 3^2\pi^8 }
+ \frac{(19-18t) m_0^4 R_s a^3 }{2^{16}\ 3^3\pi^8 }
+ \frac{(1-11t) m_s m_0^2 a^2 b}{2^{18}\ 3\pi^8 }
- \frac{(1-t) m_s a^4}{2^9\ 3^3 \pi^8 }\ , \nonumber \\
&C_{14}= - \frac{(17-4t) m_s m_0^2 m_1^2 R_s a^3 }{2^{15}\ 3^3\pi^8}
- \frac{(67-18t) m_s m_0^4 R_s a^3 }{2^{17}\ 3^3 \pi^8 }
- \frac{ (99-65t) m_s R_s a^3 b}{2^{18}\ 3^4 \pi^8}
+ \frac{13(1+t) m_0^2 a^4}{2^{15}\ 3^2 \pi^8}\ ,\
C_{15}= \frac{13 (1-t) \frac{\alpha_s}{\pi} R_s a^5}{2^{10}\ 3^4 \pi^8},
where $a=-(2\pi)^2\langle \bar{q}q \rangle$, $b=(2\pi)^2\langle (\alpha_s/\pi)\, G^2 \rangle$, $R_s=\langle \bar{s}s \rangle/\langle \bar{q}q \rangle$, $m_0^2=\langle \bar{q}g_s\sigma\cdot Gq \rangle/\langle \bar{q}q \rangle$, and $m_1^2=\langle \bar{s}g_s\sigma\cdot G s \rangle/\langle \bar{s}s \rangle$ with $q=u,d$ and strong coupling $\alpha_s=g_s^2/(4\pi)$.
The values of the QCD parameters are taken as $\langle (\alpha_s/\pi)\, G^2 \rangle = 0.0127\pm0.02$ GeV$^4$, $m_s=0.12$ GeV, $\alpha_s(1\,{\rm GeV})=0.3$, $m_0^2=m_1^2=0.8\pm0.1 $GeV$^2$, $R_s=0.8$ and $\langle \bar{q}q \rangle =-(0.230\pm0.020\,
{\rm GeV})^3$ [@shifman; @reinders]. At first we use the central values, and then we discuss the dependence of these uncertainties on our results. The recent work [@Oga], which only focuses on our correlator with $t=0$, does not consider all terms of the quark-gluon mixed condensate $\langle \bar{q}g_s\sigma\cdot G q\rangle$ consisting of $\bar q q$ on a quark line and a soft gluon $G$ emitted from another quark line. We find that these terms are so important as to give $20\sim 30$% contribution in dimension 8.
Borel analysis
The criterion for the Borel window
The Borel window in our analysis is determined as follows based on Ref. [@reinders]: The lower boundary of the window is set up so as to make the OPE convergence sufficient in higher-dimensional operators. The criterion is quantified so that the highest-dimensional terms in the truncated OPE are less than 10% of its whole OPE. At the same time, the higher boundary of the window is fixed by the pole-dominance condition that $$\begin{aligned}
C_i(M^2;s_{th}) \equiv
\ {\mbox{\raisebox{-0.6ex}{$\stackrel{>}{\sim}$}}\:}0.5,\end{aligned}$$ where $A_i$ and $B_i$ represents the pole and continuum contributions defined in Eqs. (\[pole1\]), (\[pole2\]) respectively. The reason why we take the absolute values is that the continuum contribution can be no longer positive definite in some regions of $M^2$, due to taking the linear combination of the correlation functions. This is a stronger condition than the criterion in Ref. [@reinders], where they do not take the absolute values of the correlation function. Note that the 50% pole contribution in our criterion is extremely large in comparison with any prior pentaquark sum rules, where the pole contributions are not more than 20% in their moderate windows. Our conditions also satisfy the Ioffe’s criteria to good accuracy.
The pole dominance
First we check the continuum suppression of the chiral even (odd) correlation function in the case of $t=1$ $(t=-1)$. In order to see the suppression of the high-energy contribution qualitatively, in Fig. \[fig:cont1\] we show the behavior of the integrands in the right hand side of Eq. (\[sum rule2\]) normalized by $ \sqrt{1+t^2} $, [*i.e.*]{} $$\begin{aligned}
D_i(s;M^2) \equiv \frac{ e^{-s/M^2} }{\pi \sqrt{1+t^2} }
\ {\rm Im} \Pi_i^{ope}(s),\end{aligned}$$ which appears to the QSR as the integrands of continuum contributions. These functions are plotted as a function of $\sqrt{s}$ with $t= -1.0,\ 0.0,\ 1.0,\ 10.0$, which correspond to the $P\overline{P}+S\overline{S}$, $P\overline{P}$, $P\overline{P}-S\overline{S}$ and $S\overline{S}$-dominant cases in (\[eqn:correlation\]), respectively. Here we fix the Borel mass $M^{2}$ to be $2.5$ GeV$^2$ (even) and $1.2$ GeV$^2$ (odd), which are in the Borel windows as discussed later. Note that in Fig.1 we plot the combinations of the spectral functions, not the spectral functions themselves. As we remarked in Eq. (\[condition\]), each correlation function does satisfy the spectral conditions. Then the linear combinations of correlation functions do not need to satisfy the conditions any more.
![\[fig:cont1\] (Color online) The $t$-dependence of the behavior of $D_i(s;M^2)$ as a function of $\sqrt{s}$. The left panel is shown for the even part ($i=0$) at $M^2=2.5$ GeV$^2$ and the right for the odd part ($i=1$) at $M^2=1.2$ GeV$^2$.](evcodep230.eps){width="4.0cm" height="3.3cm"}
![\[fig:cont1\] (Color online) The $t$-dependence of the behavior of $D_i(s;M^2)$ as a function of $\sqrt{s}$. The left panel is shown for the even part ($i=0$) at $M^2=2.5$ GeV$^2$ and the right for the odd part ($i=1$) at $M^2=1.2$ GeV$^2$.](odcodep230.eps){width="4.1cm" height="3.3cm"}
The left panel for the even part shows that the integrand with $t=1$ is successfully suppressed at $\sqrt{s}\gtrsim 2$ GeV, while in the other cases there are large contributions at $\sqrt{s}\sim 3$ GeV. On the other hand, in the odd part, the best continuum suppression takes place at $\sqrt{s}\gtrsim 3$ GeV for $t=-1$. However, the contributions in the intermediate energies ($\sqrt{s}=2\sim 3$ GeV) are still so large that the isolation of the pole contribution is inadequate. Similar tendency is also seen for $t=0,1$ except $t=10$, where we can no longer ensure the pole dominance at moderate energy. Instead, we will take an optimal $t$ giving good OPE convergence. This allows us to use lower Borel masses, where the Borel weight leads to larger continuum suppression.
The pole dominance can be checked also in Fig. \[fig:ope3\], where we plot $C_i(M^2;s_{th})$ as functions of the Borel mass with a fixed $s_{th}$. The function $C_{i}$ defined in Eq. (\[eq:conpole\]) measures the pole dominance and is used for the criterion of the Borel window that the upper boundary is determined so that $C_{i} \ge 0.5$. In the left panel we plot $C_0$ (even part) in the case of $t=-1.0,\ 0.0,\ 0.9,\ 10.0$ with $s_{th}$ fixed to $2.2$ GeV, and in the right panel we plot $C_1$ (odd part) in the case of $t=-1.0,\ 0.0,\ 1.1,\ 10.0$ with $s_{th}$ fixed to $2.1$ GeV. We find that, in the even part $C_{0}$ with $t=0.9$ and in the odd part $C_{0}$ with $t=0.0$, $1.1$, the pole contribution dominates the correlation function over the wide range of the Borel mass. The appearance of cusp structures in $C_0$ over the range of $M^2=2.5\sim 3.0$ GeV$^2$ at $t=0.9$, arises as the result of large cancellation of the continuum contribution in the denominator of $C_i$.
![\[fig:ope3\] (Color online) The behavior of $ C_i(M^2;s_{th}) $ as a function of $M^2$. The left panel is shown for the even part with $t=-1.0, 0.0, 0.9, 10.0$ at $\sqrt{s_{th}}=2.2$ GeV and the right for the odd part with $t=-1.0, 0.0, 1.1, 10.0$ at $ \sqrt{s_{th}}=2.1$ GeV.](conpole.eps){width="8.6cm"}
The OPE convergence
Next we discuss the OPE convergence, which determines the lower boundary of the Borel windows. Shown in Fig. \[fig:ope\] are the ratios of highest-dimensional terms (dimension 14 in the OPE for the even part and dimension 15 for the odd one) to the whole OPE as a function of $t$ for various $M^2$. Here we take the Borel mass $M^{2}$ to be $2.5, 2.8, 3.1$ GeV$^2$ (even) and $0.7, 1.0, 1.3$ GeV$^2$ (odd), which are around the Borel windows set below. Our condition on the OPE convergence is that the ratios are less than 10%. For the even part having good continuum suppression at $t=1$, we consider the vicinity of $t=1$.
![\[fig:ope\] (Color online) The behavior of highest-dimensional terms of the OPE divided by the whole OPE as a function of $t$ for various $M^2$. The left panel is shown for the even part with $M^2=2.5,\ 2.8,\ 3.1$ GeV$^2$ and the right for the odd part with $M^2=0.7,\ 1.0,\ 1.3$ GeV$^2$.](openew.eps){width="10.8cm" height="7.0cm"}
In Fig. \[fig:ope\] we find quite good OPE convergence in the whole region except $t \simeq 0.95$. This remarkable convergence should be compared with the OPE of the current given in Ref. [@SDO], in which the convergence is not sufficient [@khj]. The exceptionally bad convergence at $t \simeq 0.95$ is due to cancellation in the whole OPE, which is rejected by our criterion for the Borel window. If it were not the case, we would need to take account of higher-dimensional terms truncated here. In the odd part, we investigate the OPE convergence in relatively low $M^2$-region retaining the continuum suppression due to the Borel weight. The right panel of Fig. \[fig:ope\] shows that the OPE convergence is good around $t=1$, while bad around $t=-1$ where the continuum suppression is realized at higher $\sqrt{s}$. Hence we take the mixing angle around $t=1$ in the odd part as well as in the even part.
![\[fig:ope1\] (Color online) OPE contributions added up each term in sequence. The left panel is shown as a function of $M^2$ with $t=0.9$ fixed for the even part and the right with $t=1.1$ fixed for the odd part.](dimope.eps){width="8.6cm"}
To complement the issue of the OPE convergence, we illustrate OPE contributions as a function of $M^2$ with fixed $t$ in Fig. \[fig:ope1\], where each dimension term is added up in sequence. We use $t=0.9$ for the even part (left panel) and $t=1.1$ for the odd part (right panel). It turns out that higher-dimensional terms become smaller for both parts.
The Borel stability on the physical quantities
After establishing the pole dominance and the OPE convergence, we move on setting the Borel window and discussing the Borel stability on the physical quantities, i.e. mass and residue.
Fine-tuning $t$ around $t=1$ to obtain the widest Borel windows, we find our best Borel windows as $2.5\le M^2 \le (2.9\sim 3.0)$ GeV$^2$ at $\sqrt{s_{th}}=2.1\sim 2.3$ GeV for the even part ($t=0.9$), and $0.7 \le M^2 \le (1.2\sim 1.3)$ GeV$^2$ at $\sqrt{s_{th}}=2.0\sim 2.2$ GeV for the odd part ($t=1.1$) as seen from Fig. \[fig:ope3\]. Here we have chosen the threshold parameters $\sqrt{s_{th}}$ so as to maximize the correlation with the pole at $\sqrt{s}\lesssim 2$ GeV as roughly seen in Fig. \[fig:cont1\]. These thresholds indeed give better Borel stability for the physical parameters.
![\[fig:mass\] (Color online) The $M^2$-dependence of the $\Theta^+$ mass for the even part (left) and for the odd part (right).](mass.eps){width="12.0cm" height="8.0cm"}
![\[fig:resi\] (Color online) The $M^2$-dependence of the residues ($\lambda_0^2$: left panel and $\lambda_1^2/m_\Theta$: right panel) in the same way with Fig. \[fig:mass\]. Note that the residue of the odd part is divided by $m_{\Theta^+}$.](resi.eps){width="12.0cm" height="8.0cm"}
The values of the mass and the residue are evaluated within the Borel windows determined above. We plot the Borel mass dependence of the mass and the residue in Figs. \[fig:mass\] and \[fig:resi\], respectively, where the left (right) panel is the plot for the chiral even (odd) sum rule. Figure \[fig:mass\] shows that the Borel stability is established quite well within the Borel windows. The best stability is achieved with $\sqrt{s_{th}}= 2.2$ GeV (even) and $2.1$ GeV (odd), giving $m_{\Theta^+}= 1.64$ GeV (even) and $1.72$ GeV (odd) respectively. These masses slightly depend on the change of the thresholds in the range of $2.0\sim 2.4$ GeV (even) and $1.9\sim 2.3$ GeV (odd). With these uncertainties, the masses are evaluated as $m_{\Theta^+}=1.64\pm 0.03$ GeV (even) and $1.72\pm 0.05$ GeV (odd). The residue is evaluated in the same way as the mass from the Borel curve shown in Fig. \[fig:resi\]. We find quite good stability again. The values of the residue are obtained from the chiral even and odd sum rules as $\lambda_0^2 = (3.0 \pm 0.1)\times 10^{-9}$ GeV$^{12}$ and $\lambda_1^2/m_{\Theta^+} = (3.4 \pm 0.2) \times 10^{-9}$ GeV$^{12}$ respectively. It is remarkable that these numbers are quite similar with the close $t$. This implies that our analysis investigates consistently the same state in the two independent sum rules. Note that from the relative sign of the residue, we assign [*positive*]{} parity to the observed $\Theta^+$ state.
We investigate the dependence of the QCD parameters on our final results. We find that the final results are insensitive to the change of $m_s$, $R_s$, $m_1^2$, $\langle \bar{q}q \rangle$ and $\alpha_s$, and are marginally sensitive to that of $m_0^2$ and $\langle (\alpha_s/\pi)\,G^2\rangle$. By accounting for uncertainties of these QCD parameters and errors arising from our approximation, we estimate the theoretical errors of our results to be totally around 15%. Combining both results of the even and odd sum rules with this error, we finally conclude that our estimation of the $\Theta^{+}$ mass is $m_{\Theta^+}=1.68\pm 0.22$ GeV.
We finally confirm the OPE convergence in the mass. In Fig. \[fig:ope2\], we plot the response of the $\Theta^+$ mass to addition of the higher-order OPE contributions as a function of $M^2$ with $t=0.9, \sqrt{s_{th}}=2.2$ GeV for the odd part (left panel) and $t=1.1, \sqrt{s_{th}}=2.1$ GeV for the odd part (right panel). We find that inclusion of higher OPE terms makes Borel curves more stable in both cases.
![\[fig:ope2\] (Color online) The response of the $\Theta^+$ mass to OPE contributions as a function of $M^2$, where each OPE term is added up as in Fig. \[fig:ope1\]. The left panel is shown for the even part with $t=0.9, \sqrt{s_{th}}=2.2$ GeV fixed and the right for the odd part with $t=1.1, \sqrt{s_{th}}=2.1$ GeV fixed.](dimmass.eps){width="8.6cm"}
Although we have not explicitly taken into account the $KN$ scattering state appearing at about 100 MeV below the observed pentaquark mass, in this section we make a brief comment on the contamination from this scattering state. Efforts to isolate the considering $\Theta^+$ state from the scattering state in the analysis were recently made in [@su] for the QSR, and in [@lattice] for the lattice QCD. Here we explain another aspect of such isolation in more intuitive and qualitative way. The pole information of the $\Theta^+$ should be carried by higher-dimensional OPE terms beyond the suppressed lower-dimensional terms which have more information about the perturbative region. The property of the $\Theta^{+}$ in the QSR can be sensitive to the values of the chiral condensate $\langle\bar{q}q\rangle$, because the higher-dimensional contribution is mainly controlled by the products of the chiral condensate $\langle\bar{q}q\rangle$. Our observed states for both even and odd parts, however, are rather insensitive for the change of the order parameter, while the $KN$ threshold is expected to be sensitive, since the nucleon mass is described as the Ioffe’s formula $M_N \propto (-\langle \bar{q}q\rangle)^{1/3}$ in the QSR [@reinders]. Therefore, we speculate the possible isolation of the observed states from the $KN$ scattering state. This would be also challenging for further investigating the mass shift of the $\Theta^+$ for chiral restoration in matter [@navarra] in comparison with the $KN$ scattering state. Concerning the existence of the pentaquark state, although the pronounced peak of the pentaquark has not been seen in experiments as typified by recent measurements at Jlab [@clas], it does not directly mean that our QSR calculations are incorrect. We faithfully follow the original idea of QSR, especially emphasizing the importance of the pole dominance and the Borel stability, then we find a pentaquark state in our analysis. When comparing such a theoretical finding to the experimental observations, one needs further steps, for instance, consideration of the reaction mechanism. The QSR just analyses spectral functions composed of resonance poles and scattering states with interpolating fields prepared appropriately. It may be the case that the ratio of the strengths between the pentaquark pole and the scattering states is different from those observed in the experiments. Our sum rule extracts successfully the pentaquark’s pole contribution from the background scattering states, such as the $KN$ state, as well as the high-energy continuum contributions. This may indicate that the low-energy scattering states are also suppressed in our linear combination of the correlation functions.
In this work, we have presented a new idea to address exotic hadrons with a number of quarks, such as the pentaquark, in the QSR, where the favorable continuum suppression is realized by considering a linear combination of two correlators with different chirality. Implementing the Borel technique, we indeed obtained the wide Borel windows that enable to extract hadronic properties much reliably from this analysis. We should bear in mind that as far as one relies on the simple step-function form of continuum contribution and the duality ansatz, one could not easily construct any reliable BSR’s without considering such continuum suppression. With paying attention also to the OPE convergence, we finally estimate $m_{\Theta^+}=1.68\pm 0.22$ GeV including uncertainties of the condensates in the OPE calculation up to dimension 15. Here the Borel curves look fairly flat and almost independent of the continuum thresholds, and such a feature is also seen for the pole residue.
We would like to point out that choice of the interpolating fields solely cannot achieve enough suppression of the large continuum contributions, since the logarithmic terms of OPE give large continuum contributions to the spectral function via the duality ansatz due to the high-dimensional current of pentaquark. To obtain sufficient continuum suppression, it is important to take a favorable linear combination of the correlation functions with the aid of chirality of the interpolating fields. This idea would be also applicable for all the correlation function analyses as in lattice QCD, where a contamination from the high-energy contributions hinders extraction of information on low-energy hadron states, and for other exotic hadrons like a tetraquark [@Chen:2006hy]. Also, it is noteworthy that a concept of chiral symmetry introduced here plays an important role to pick up the information in the low-energy region.
We thank Dr. T.T. Takahashi for helpful discussion on their lattice calculation. T.K. also acknowledges Prof. M. Asakawa for useful comments and the members of Nuclear Theory Group at Osaka University for their hospitality.
[2]{} LEPS Collaboration, T. Nakano [*et al.*]{}, Phys. Rev. Lett. [**91**]{}, 012002 (2003); CLAS Collaboration, S. Stepanyan [*et al.*]{}, Phys. Rev. Lett. [**91**]{}, 252001 (2003); SAPHIR Collaboration, J. Barth [*et al.*]{}, Phys. Lett. B [**572**]{}, 127 (2003); DIANA Collaboration, V. V. Barmin [*et al.*]{}, Phys. Atom. Nucl. [**66**]{}, 1715 (2003).
The first LEPS experiment was motivated by D. Diakonov, V. Petrov and M. Polyakov, Z. Phys. [**A 359**]{}, 305 (1997); M. Karliner and H.J. Lipkin, Phys. Lett. B [**575**]{}, 249 (2003); A.W. Thomas, K. Hicks and A. Hosaka, Prog. Theor. Phys. [**111**]{}, 291 (2004); See also as a review, M. Oka, Prog. Theor. Phys. [**112**]{}, 1 (2004).
R.L. Jaffe and F. Wilczek, Phys. Rev. Lett. [**91**]{}, 232003 (2003).
For a review of these experiments, see K. Hicks, Prog. Part. Nucl. Phys. [**55**]{}, 647 (2005).
T. Nakano, talk presented at the Int. Conf. QCD and Hadronic Physics, Beijing (2005).
R. De Vita, talk presented at the APS April Meeting, Tampa (2005); CLAS Collaboration, M. Battaglieri [*et al.*]{}, hep-ex/0510061 (2005).
J. Z. Bai [*et al.*]{} \[BES Collaboration\], Phys. Rev. D [**70**]{}, 012004 (2004); I. Abt [*et al.*]{} \[HERA-B Collaboration\], Phys. Rev. Lett. [**93**]{}, 212003 (2004).
M.A. Shifman, A.I. Vainshtein and V.I. Zakaharov, Nucl. Phys. B [**147**]{}, 385 (1979).
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abstract: 'Ferroelectric switching and nanoscale domain dynamics were investigated using atomic force microscopy on monocrystalline Pb(Zr$_{0.2}$Ti$_{0.8}$)O$_3$ thin films. Measurements of domain size versus writing time reveal a two-step domain growth mechanism, in which initial nucleation is followed by radial domain wall motion perpendicular to the polarization direction. The electric field dependence of the domain wall velocity demonstrates that domain wall motion in ferroelectric thin films is a creep process, with the critical exponent $\mu$ close to 1. The dimensionality of the films suggests that disorder is at the origin of the observed creep behavior.'
- 'T. Tybell'
- 'P. Paruch'
- 'T. Giamarchi'
- 'J.-M. Triscone'
title: 'Domain wall creep in epitaxial ferroelectric Pb(Zr$_{0.2}$Ti$_{0.8}$)O$_3$ thin films'
Understanding the propagation of elastic objects driven by an external force in the presence of a pinning potential is a key to the physics of a wide range of systems, either periodic, such as the vortex lattice in type II superconductors [@blatter_vortex_review], charge density waves [@gruner_revue_cdw] and Wigner crystals [@andrei_wigner_2d], or involving propagating interfaces, such as growth phenomena [@kardar_review_lines], fluid invasion [@wilkinson_invasion] or magnetic domain walls [@lemerle_domainwall_creep]. In particular, the response to a small external force is of special theoretical and practical interest. It was initially believed that thermal activation above the pinning barriers should lead to a linear response at finite temperature [@anderson_kim]. However, it was subsequently realized that a pinning potential, either periodic [@blatter_vortex_review] or disordered, [@ioffe_creep; @nattermann_rfield_rbond; @blatter_vortex_review; @chauve_creep_long], can lead to diverging barriers and thus to a non-linear response, nicknamed creep, where the velocity is of the form $v \propto
\text{exp}(-\beta R (f_c/f)^\mu)$. $\beta$ is the inverse temperature, $R$ a characteristic energy and $f_c$ a critical force. The dynamical exponent $\mu$ reflects the nature of the system and of the pinning potential. Despite extensive studies of the creep process in periodic vortex systems [@blatter_vortex_review], precise determination of the exponents has proven difficult, given the many scales present in this problem and the range of voltage needed to check the creep law [@fuchs_creep_bglass]. For interfaces, a quantitative check of the creep law has been done recently in ultrathin magnetic films [@lemerle_domainwall_creep], where an exponent $\mu=0.25$ has been measured in very good agreement with the expected theoretical value for this system. Quantitative studies of this phenomena in other microscopic systems with other pinning potentials are clearly needed.
In this respect, ferroelectric materials are of special interest. These systems possess two symmetrically equivalent ground states separated by an energy barrier $U_0$, as illustrated in Fig. \[fig1\] for a tetragonal perovskite structure. Each state is characterized by a stable remanent polarization, reversible under an electric field.
![ Schematic of a perovskite ferroelectric, characterized by two oppositely polarized ground states, separated by an energy barrier $U_0$. For Pb(Zr$_{0.2}$Ti$_{0.8}$)O$_3$, the corner Pb ions and the center Ti/Zr ions are positively charged, and the face O ions are negatively charged.[]{data-label="fig1"}](fig1.eps)
Regions of different polarization are separated by elastic domain walls. The application of an electric field favors one polarization state over the other, by reducing the energy necessary to create a nucleus with a polarization parallel to the field, and thus promotes domain wall motion. In addition to pure theoretical interest, understanding the basic mechanism of domain wall motion in ferroelectrics has practical implications for technological applications, such as high-density memories. In bulk ferroelectrics, switching and domain growth were inferred to occur by stochastic nucleation of new domains at the domain boundary, a behavior observed in BaTiO$_3$ and triglycine sulphate by studies using combined optical and etching techniques . Early analysis of such motion reported a field dependence of the domain wall speed, $v \sim
\exp{[-1/E]}$. This bulk system behavior was explained by assuming that domain walls propagate via nucleation along 180$^{\circ}$ domain boundaries.
In this Letter, we report on studies of ferroelectric domain wall motion in atomically flat single crystal Pb(Zr$_{0.2}$Ti$_{0.8}$)O$_3$ films by atomic force microscopy (AFM), allowing noninvasive investigation of domain dynamics with nanometer resolution. In this model system, we identify domain wall motion to be a disorder-controlled creep process. The dynamical exponent $\mu$ is found to be close to 1. The activation energy increases significantly from 0.5MV/cm to 1.3MV/cm as the film thickness is reduced from 810Åto 290Å.
The ferroelectric materials investigated were epitaxial c-axis oriented Pb(Zr$_{0.2}$Ti$_{0.8}$)O$_3$ thin films, RF-magnetron sputtered onto conducting (100) Nb-doped SrTiO$_3$ substrates [@tybell_ferroelectrics_films; @triscone_ferroelectrics_films]. This system allows precise control of film thickness and crystalline quality, exhibiting atomically smooth surfaces with a polarization vector parallel or antiparallel to the c-axis [@tybell_ferroelectrics_films; @triscone_ferroelectrics_films]. To study switching dynamics in these films, we used a conductive AFM tip to artificially modify domain structure [@tybell_ferroelectrics_films; @guthner_afm_ferroelectrics; @ahn_afm_ferroelectrics]. Domains were polarized by applying a voltage pulse across the ferroelectric film, between the tip and the substrate. Their sizes were subsequently measured by piezoelectric microscopy [@guthner_afm_ferroelectrics], as a function of pulse width and amplitude. For every pulse width, we used 12 V pulses to polarize an array of 16 domains, and calculated an average domain size based on their vertical and horizontal radii. The rms error was $\sim$10%. All domains studied were written in a uniformly polarized area.
![a) Domain size increases logarithmically with pulse widths longer than $\sim$20$\mu$s, and saturates for shorter times as indicated by the shaded area. In all cases, the domains are homogeneous and no random nucleation is detected, as shown by three piezoelectric images of domain arrays on a 370[Å]{} thick film written with 50${\mu}$s, 1ms, and 100ms voltage pulses. The scale is the same in all images. In b), a large array shows that domains are only centered where the AFM tip was positioned during writing.[]{data-label="fig2"}](fig2.eps)
Fig. \[fig2\]a shows the domain radius as a function of pulse width, and three piezoelectric images of ferroelectric domain arrays written with 50$\mu$s, 1ms, and 100ms voltage pulses. As can be seen, varying the writing time (the pulse width) markedly changes the size of the AFM-written domains. We observe that domain radius increases logarithmically with increasing writing time for times longer than $\sim$20$\mu$s. Below 20$\mu$s, and down to 100ns, the shortest times investigated, domain radius is found to be constant and approximately equal to 20nm, as shown by the shaded area in Fig. \[fig2\]a [@paruch_afm_ferroelectrics]. All of our data suggest that this minimum domain size is related to the typical tip size used for the experiments, whose nominal radius of curvature is $\sim$20-50nm. In previous work, we have observed that domain size also depends linearly on writing voltage, above a threshold related to the coercive field [@paruch_afm_ferroelectrics]. A detailed analysis of the data reveals only well-defined homogeneous domains with regular spacing, as can be seen in the piezoelectric image of a regular 90-domain array, written with 1ms pulses in Fig. \[fig2\]b. We note that the topographic image of the same area is featureless, with a rms roughness of $\sim$0.2nm. Within our $\sim$5nm resolution we do not detect any randomly nucleated domains. The data thus suggest a two-step domain switching process in which nucleation, originating directly under the AFM tip, is followed by radial motion of the domain wall outwards, perpendicular to the direction of polarization.
To analyze this lateral domain wall motion, we note that the force exerted on the wall is given by the electric field $E$. To obtain the electric field distribution, we model the tip as a sphere, with a radius $a$. The potential on the ferroelectric surface at a distance $r$ from the tip is then $\Phi \sim \frac{Va}{r}$, and the local field across the ferroelectric $E = \frac{Va}{rd}$, $V$ being the applied tip bias and $d$ the film thickness. This equation will allow us to relate the change in domain size to the local electric field near the domain boundary. By writing arrays with different pulse widths, and subsequently calculating the average domain size for a given time, we can extract the speed of the domain wall as $v = \frac{r(t_2)-r(t_1)}{t_2-t_1}$ and the corresponding electric field $E(r)$ where $r = (r(t_1)+r(t_2))/2$. Fig. \[fig3\] shows the wall speed as a function of the inverse field for three different film thicknesses. The data fits well to a creep formula $$v \sim \exp{-\frac{R}{k_BT}\left(\frac{E_0}{E}\right)^\mu}$$ with $\mu = 1$. The exact dynamical exponent $\mu$ is found to be 1.12, 1.01 and 1.21 for the 290[Å]{}, 370[Å]{}, and 810[Å]{} thick films respectively,with an estimated 10[%]{} rms error on the field [^1]. We find the effective “activation energy” $\big(R/(k_BT)\big)^{\frac{1}{\mu}}E_0$ to be 1.321MV/cm, 1.305MV/cm, and 0.506MV/cm for 290[Å]{}, 370[Å]{}, and 810[Å]{} thick films, typically 2 orders of magnitude larger than the applied fields during the polarization process. We note that during AFM writing, the effective field across the ferroelectric is approximately 10 times smaller than the field E [^2]. This has no effect on the exponent $\mu$ governing the exponential velocity dependence, but decreases the effective “activation energy” by a factor of 10, which has been taken into account in the values given above.
![Domain wall speed as a function of the inverse applied electric field for 290[Å]{}, 370[Å]{}, and 810[Å]{} thick samples. The data fit well to $v \sim
\exp{[-\frac{R}{k_BT}\left(\frac{E_0}{E}\right)^\mu]}$ with $\mu =
1$, characteristic of a creep process. []{data-label="fig3"}](fig3.eps)
Let us now consider the possible microscopic origins of the observed creep behavior. Creep phenomena are a consequence of competition between the elastic energy of a propagating interface, tending to keep it flat, and a pinning potential, preventing it from simply sliding when submitted to an external force. The dynamical exponent in the creep scenario depends on both the dimensionality of the system, and the nature of the pinning potential. Although creep processes are generally associated with the glassy behavior of disordered systems, they can also be observed in a periodic potential if the dimensionality of the object is larger than or equal to 2. For thick films, as for bulk ferroelectrics, the domain wall is a two dimensional object. In this case, from free-energy considerations, and neglecting the anisotropic dipole field present in a ferroelectric, one would expect the exponent to be $\mu=1$ [@blatter_vortex_review]. In PbTiO$_3$, it has been shown theoretically that domain wall energy depends upon whether the wall is centered on a Pb or Ti plane [@poykko_periodic_potential_ferroelectrics; @meyer_periodic_potential_ferroelectrics], giving rise to an intrinsic periodic pinning potential. One possible explanation could thus be that the observed creep is due to the motion of the two-dimensional wall in this periodic potential. Note that this scenario is a generalization of the nucleation model developed for bulk ferroelectrics [@miller_nucleation_ferroelectrics]. In order to test this hypothesis we calculated the size of the critical nucleus, using the formula derived by Miller and Weinreich [@miller_nucleation_ferroelectrics]. To estimate $l^\ast$, the critical length along the c-axis, we used the standard remanent polarization, lattice parameters and dielectric constant values for PZT , the 169mJ/m$^2$ domain wall energy derived for PbTiO$_3$ [@meyer_periodic_potential_ferroelectrics], and the corrected values for the electric field across the ferroelectric film. We find $l^\ast$ to vary, depending on the field range, between 200[Å]{} and 500[Å]{}, 600[Å]{} and 1100[Å]{}, and 900[Å]{} and 1700[Å]{} for the 290[Å]{}, 370[Å]{} and 810[Å]{}. The critical nucleus would thus need to be larger than the thickness of the system. Furthermore, the effective “activation energy” calculated for the nucleation model is two orders of magnitude greater than the 0.5-1.3MV/cm determined experimentally. Calculations directly starting from the periodic potentials given in [@meyer_periodic_potential_ferroelectrics] lead to similar conclusions. These results strongly suggest that the films are in a two dimensional limit, and that the nucleation model or equivalently the motion through a periodic potential does not adequately explain the experimental data.
The creep behavior in the film thus has to be due to disorder in the system, and thereby to the glassy characteristics of a randomly pinned domain wall, with the creep exponent dependent on the nature of the disorder. Defects locally modifying the ferroelectric double well depth $U_0$ and giving rise to a spatially varying pinning potential would lead to a “random bond” scenario similar to the one for the ferromagnetic domain walls [@lemerle_domainwall_creep]. The exponent $\mu$ would be $\mu = \frac{d- 2 + 2\zeta}{2-\zeta}$ where $\zeta$ is a characteristic wandering exponent and $d$ the dimensionality of the wall. For one dimensional domain walls $\mu =1/4$ whereas for two dimensional ones $\mu\sim 0.5-0.6$, hardly compatible with the data. If, however, the defects induce a local field, asymmetrizing the double well, or if there are spatial inhomogeneities in the electric field, the situation is different. For such a “random field” scenario $\zeta = \frac{4-d}{3}$ [@fisher_functional_rg] and thus leads to $\mu = 1$ for $1<d<4$. This scenario is therefore compatible with the observed data. However, further study determining the wandering exponent would be needed to ascertain this precise point [^3].
Finally, we note the applications of these results to technological developments. The fact that the domain walls exhibit creep motion with a relatively large exponent $\mu=1$ implies a strong stability of ferroelectric domains in thin films, since the induced speed of the domain wall becomes exponentially small as the driving force goes to zero. All domains studied in this work were stable under ambient conditions for the entire 7 day duration of the experiment. Furthermore, sub-$\mu$m wide line-shaped domains were stable up to one month [@marre_stability_walls_ferroelectrics]. Previously, large, regular arrays of ferroelectric domains with densities of $\sim$6Gbit/cm$^2$ have been reversibly written [@paruch_afm_ferroelectrics], and densities up to 150Gbit/cm$^2$ have been extrapolated from sizes of individual domains [@maruyama_arrays_ferroelectrics]. This work identifies the key parameters controlling domain size: the strength, duration, and confinement of the applied electric field. These can be exploited to increase the information storage density in ferroelectric arrays. By using short voltage pulses, for which the resulting domain size is independent of the writing time, and domain-domain separation as small as 10nm, regular arrays with densities of the order $\sim$30Gbit/cm$^2$ could be written. Fig. \[fig4\] shows such an array written on a 370[Å]{} thick sample with a density of 28Gbit/cm$^2$. Furthermore, it has been suggested [@woo_stability_ferroelectrics] that the minimum stable domain size is given by the film thickness. Our data, however, show that the minimum stable domain size, $\sim$40nm, is independent of the thickness used in this study; rather, it is given by the area over which the electric field is applied during the polarization process. Therefore, by confining the field to a smaller area, domain wall creep will be limited, leading to smaller domains and hence even higher information densities.
![Piezoelectrically imaged high density ferroelectric domain array at 28Gbit/cm$^2$, written with 500ns pulses. []{data-label="fig4"}](fig4.eps)
In conclusion, our studies demonstrate that lateral domain wall motion in ferroelectric thin films is a creep process, governed by a characteristic dynamical exponent $\mu$ close to $1$. The dimensionality of our films suggests that disorder is at the origin of the observed creep behavior, which inherently explains the measured $\text{exp}(-1/E)$ dependence of the domain wall speed. The activation energy is found to be around 1MV/cm, decreasing with increasing film thickness. Finally, these results suggest a high degree of stability for ferroelectric domains in low electric fields and identify the key parameters controlling domain size.
The authors would like to thank Gianni Blatter, Dima Geshkenbein, and Piero Martinoli for enriching discussions. Special thanks to Steve Brown for carefully reading the manuscript, and to Daniel Chablaix for useful technical developments. This work was supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation through the National Center of Competence in Research “Materials with Novel Electronic Properties-MaNEP” and Division II.
[26]{} natexlab\#1[\#1]{}bibnamefont \#1[\#1]{}bibfnamefont \#1[\#1]{}citenamefont \#1[\#1]{}url \#1[`#1`]{}urlprefix\[2\][\#2]{} \[2\]\[\][[\#2](#2)]{}
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[^1]: The 10% rms error in the local electric field is given by the precision of the domain size measurements. We used 20nm as the AFM tip radius of curvature.
[^2]: The exact magnitude of the electric field across the ferroelectric is difficult to quantify, because of a possible gap between the film surface and the tip [@hidaka_afm_ferroelectrics], and the unknown and gradually changing tip shape. Local piezoelectric hysteresis measurements on 120Å- 800Åthick films show that the minimum switching field is $\sim$16 - 6 times larger than the bulk coercive field. We therefore correct the calculated field E by a factor of 10 to estimate the effective field across the film in our spherical tip model.
[^3]: Only short range elastic forces are considered in the above discussion. Long range interactions would change the elastic energy, and therefore the dynamics of the system, and hence the exponent $\mu$. In this case, the random bond scenario could also lead to different exponents and possibly to $\mu$ close to 1.
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} | ArXiv |
abstract: 'By considering labeled configurations of “bounded multiplicity”, one can construct a functor that fits between homology and stable homotopy. Based on previous work, we are able to give an equivalent description of this labeled construction in terms of loop space functors and symmetric products. This yields a direct generalization of the May-Milgram model for iterated loop spaces, and answers questions of Carlsson and Milgram posed in the handbook. We give a classifying space formulation of our results hence extending an older result of Segal. We finally relate our labeled construction to a theory of Lesh and give a generalization of a well-known theorem of Quillen, Barratt and Priddy.'
- 'Sadok Kallel[^1]'
- 'biblio.bib'
title: |
An Interpolation between Homology and\
Stable Homotopy
\#1[to \#1pc]{} \#1[to \#1pc]{} \#1\#2 \#1[ .]{} \#1[ .]{} \#1[ .]{} \#1[ .]{}
\#1[SP\^[\#1]{}]{} \#1[\_[\#1]{}]{}
[**§1 Introduction**]{}
In their paper in the [*Handbook of algebraic topology*]{}, G. Carlsson and R.J. Milgram (\[CM\], §7) consider the following space: Fix $k\geq 1$, $d\geq 1$ and let $F^d(\bbr^k,n)$ be the space of ordered $n$-tuples of vectors in $\bbr^k$ so that no vector occurs more than $d$ times in the $n$-tuple. When $d=1$, $F^1(\bbr^k,n)$ is the usual ordered configuration space $F(\bbr^k,n)$ consisting of vectors of $\bbr^k$ with disjoint coordinates (cf. §2).
Observe that the space $F^d(\bbr^k,n)\subset (\bbr^k)^n$, for a fixed $n\geq
1$, admits an action of the $n$-th symmetric group $\Sigma_n$ given by permuting coordinates. Let $X$ be a topological space with a chosen basepoint $*$. We can then associate to the collection ${\cal F} =
\{F^d(\bbr^k,n)\}_{n\geq 0}$ a “labeled” construction $$C^d(\bbr^k, X) = \coprod_{n\geq
0}F^d(\bbr^k,n)\times_{\Sigma_n}X^n/\sim \leqno{1.1}$$ where $\sim$ is a (standard) basepoint identification described in §2, and where $\times_{\Sigma_n}$ denotes the orbit space under the permutation actions of $\Sigma_n$. (We make the convention here that the term corresponding to $n=0$ is basepoint.) The space $C^d(\bbr^k, X)$ is (path) connected whenever $X$ is.
The authors in \[CM\] now raise the question of determining the homotopy type of $C^d(\bbr^k, X)$ for connected $X$ and $d>1$. The case $d=1$ having been long known (see 1.3 below), an earlier attempt to answer their question for the case $d=2$ was carried out by Karagueuzian \[Kr\].
Let $\sp{d}(-)$ be the $d$-th symmetric product functor. This we recall is defined as the quotient $\sp{d}(X) = X^d/\Sigma_d$ where $\Sigma_d$ acts by permuting coordinates. Our first main result takes the form
[**Theorem**]{} 1.2: [*Let $X$ be (path) connected and CW. Then there are homotopy equivalences for all $d\geq 1$; $${C}^d(\bbr^k; X)\fract{\simeq}{\ra 3}\Omega^k(\sp{d}(\Sigma^k X)).$$*]{}
[**Corollary**]{} 1.3 (May-Milgram): [ *Suppose $X$ path connected and CW. Then $C^1(\bbr^k, X)\simeq\Omega^k\Sigma^kX$, where $\Omega^k\Sigma^k(X)$ is the iterated $k$-fold loop space on the $k$-fold suspension of the space $X$.*]{}
[**Corollary**]{} 1.4: In the case $d=k=1$, the space $C(\bbr;
X)$ ($X$ connected) is homotopy equivalent to the James construction $J(X)$ described as the free monoid on points of $X$ with $*$ as the zero element (see §6). The equivalence 1.2 in this case yields James’ theorem $$J(X)\simeq \Omega\Sigma X.$$
[**Remark**]{} 1.5: It must be pointed out that an analogue of theorem 1.2 based on little cubes of Boardman-Vogt has been obtained independently by Fumiko Kato in her Master’s thesis with D. Tamaki. Our result also appears to have been known to F. Cohen and C.F. Bodigheimer (although no proof of it has been published.)
[**Remark**]{} 1.6: Of course the space $\bbr^k$ in the construction 1.1. can be replaced by any “ground” manifold $M$. When $M=*$ is the one point space, $\Sigma_n$ acting trivially, the labeled space $$\coprod_n *\times_{\Sigma_n}X^n/_{\sim}$$ is identified with the infinite symmetric product $\spy (X)$ (see §2). It is well-known (\[DT\]) that $\pi_*(\spy (X))\cong {\tilde
H}_*(X;\bbz )$. On the other hand and when $M=\bbr^{\infty}$, theorem 1.3 shows that $C^1(\bbr^{\infty},X)\simeq\Omega^{\infty}\Sigma^{\infty}(X)=Q(X)$ and hence that $\pi_*(C^1(\bbr^{\infty},X))\cong\pi_*^s(X)$. From this perspective, the labeled constructs $C^d(M,-)$ for $d>1$ turn out to provide intermediate functors between stable homotopy and integral homology. This fact, which also explains our choice of title, provides an extra incentive for the study of these functors.
In general, replace $\bbr^k$ in 1.1 by an open manifold $M$ or by a compact $M$ with non-empty boundary. The following theorem extends a result of Bodigheimer (\[Bo\])
[**Theorem**]{} 1.7: [*Let $M$ be a $k$-dimensional manifold, smooth and stably parallelizable, with boundary $\partial
M\neq\emptyset$. Assume $X$ (path) connected. Then there is a homotopy equivalence $${C}^d(M; X)\fract{\simeq}{\ra 3}
\map{}(M,\partial M; \sp{d}(\Sigma^k X))$$ where the mapping space on the right corresponds to all maps of $M$ into $\sp{d}(\Sigma^k X)$ sending $\partial M$ to basepoint.*]{}
We next extend theorem 1.2 to the case when $X$ is disconnected. We observe (after Segal) that ${C}^d(\bbr^k; X)$ is homotopy equivalent to an associative topological monoid ${\bar C}^d(\bbr^k;
X)$. This monoid admits a classifying space $B{\bar C}$ and we show (compare \[S2\] for the case $d=1$)
[**Theorem**]{} 1.8: [*Let $X$ be a topological space. Then there is a weak homotopy equivalence $$B{\bar C}^d(\bbr^k; X)\fract{\simeq_w}{\ra 3}
\Omega^{k-1}(\sp{d}(\Sigma^k X)).$$*]{}
[**Remark**]{} 1.9: The case $X=S^0$ has been studied earlier in \[K\] and in \[GKY\]. One writes $C^d(\bbr^k,S^0)=\coprod
C^d(\bbr^k,i)$ and this is a disconnected topological monoid (up to homotopy) and hence we group complete it as follows. For $i\in\bbz^+$, we define the space $\bbr^k_i$ to be the subset of $\bbr^k$ given as follows $$\bbr^k_i = \{(x_1,\ldots, x_k )\in\bbr^k,~|~0< x_k< i\}.$$ Clearly $F^d(\bbr^k,n)\cong F^d(\bbr^k_i,n)$ and for each $i$ we have an inclusion $$\iota_i: F^d(\bbr^k_i,n)\lrar F^d(\bbr^k_{i+1},n+1), \zeta\mapsto \zeta+z_i$$ for some chosen $z_i\in (i,i+1)$ (here $+$ refers to juxtaposition). The direct limit of the $\iota_i$ is denoted by $F^d_{\infty}(\bbr^k)$. Of course this space admits an action of $\Sigma_{\infty}$ and the quotient we denote by $C^d_{\infty}(\bbr^{k})$.
[**Theorem**]{} 1.10: \[K\], \[GKY\] [*Assume $d> 1$. Then there is a homotopy equivalence $${C}^d_{\infty}(\bbr^k)\simeq \Omega^k_0\sp{d}(S^k)$$ where $\Omega^k_0$ refers to the component of degree $0$ maps. When $d=1$, one has instead a homology equivalence (a classical result of Segal) $$H_*({C}^1_{\infty}(\bbr^k);\bbz )\cong
H_*(\Omega^k_0S^k;\bbz )$$*]{}
To see how one can recover both 1.2 and 1.10 from theorem 1.8, assume first that $X$ is connected. In this case, ${\bar C}= {\bar
C}^d(\bbr^k; X)$ is also connected and hence $\Omega B{\bar C}\simeq {\bar C}$. This then yields theorem 1.2. Theorem 1.10 on the other hand is deduced from 1.8 by letting $X=S^0$ and using the group completion theorem (cf. \[KP\], \[MS\]).
In proving the theorems above we avoid entirely the theory of operads (cf. \[Ma\]), iterated loop spaces (cf. \[CM\]) or classifying spaces as in \[S2\]. Instead we use an interesting shortcut construction given in the form of the “scanning” map. Such a construction has had much interesting use recently (cf. \[K\], \[GKY\], \[S1\]) and one aim of this paper is to advertize some of the ideas there.
The second part of this paper ties the above results to recent work of K. Lesh \[L1-2\]. First notice that when $d=1$, then ${C}_{\infty}(\bbr^{\infty})$ is $B\Sigma_{\infty}$ up to homotopy. The space $\coprod_{k\geq 0} B\Sigma_k$ has the structure of a disconnected monoid with composition being induced from the pairings $\Sigma_n\times\Sigma_m\rightarrow\Sigma_{n+m}$. The Baratt-Priddy-Quillen (BPQ) theorem states that $$B\left(\coprod_{k\geq 1}B\Sigma_k\right)\simeq\Omega^{\infty-1}S^{\infty}
\leqno{1.11}$$ Alternatively, one recalls that $\Omega B\left(\coprod
B\Sigma_k\right)$ is the “group completion” $Gp$ of $\coprod_{k\geq
0} B\Sigma_k$. The B-P-Q theorem now states that $Gp\left(\coprod
B\Sigma_k\right)\simeq QS^0$ and if $Gp_0$ is anyone of the components of $Gp$ (indexed by $\bbz$), then there are isomorphisms $$H_*(Gp_0)\cong H_*(QS^0_0)\cong
H_*(B\Sigma_{\infty})= H_*(C_{\infty}(\bbr^{\infty}))$$ where $QS^0_0$ is any component of $\Omega^{\infty}S^{\infty}$. From this point of view, the space $C_{\infty}(\bbr^{\infty})$ is closely associated with the group completion of the “family” of groups $\Sigma_k, k\geq 1$. Is there an analog of 1.11 for $C_{\infty}^d(\bbr^{\infty})$, $d>1$? Equivalently, which group completion does the space $C_{\infty}^d(\bbr^{\infty}), d>1$ describe?
In §5, we introduce the notion of a “family” of subgroups and of their classifying spaces (a construction due to T. tom Dieck). It turns out that given “compatible” families ${\cal F}_n$ (each consisting of a collection of subgroups of $\Sigma_n$), one can associate to them a topological monoid $\coprod B{\cal F}_n$ of which group completion is an infinite loop space (\[L1\]). As a special case, we consider the collection of subgroups $$H_{i_1,\ldots, i_k
}=\Sigma_{i_1}\times\Sigma_{i_2}\times\cdots\times \Sigma_{i_k},~~
i_1+i_2+\cdots + i_k=n$$ of $\Sigma_n$. We define a “family” ${\cal F}_n^d$ to consist of all $H_{i_1,\ldots, i_k }$ with $i_j\leq d$ and $i_1+i_2+\cdots +
i_k=n$, together with their subgroups. For every $n\geq 1$, the family ${\cal F}^d_n$ affords a classifying space construction $E{\cal
F}_n^d$ (that is there is a $\Sigma_n$ space $E{\cal F}_n^d$ such that the fixed point set under the action of $H_{i_1,\ldots, i_k }\in{\cal
F}_n^d$ is contractible, and otherwise it is empty). The quotient spaces $B{\cal F}_n^d = E{\cal F}_n^d/\Sigma_n$, $n\geq 1$, are compatible in the sense that the disjoint union $\coprod B{\cal
F}_n^d$ has the structure of a topological monoid. We now prove (cf. §5)
[**Proposition**]{} 1.12: [*For all $d\geq 1$, we have the following equivalence $$B\left(\coprod_{n\geq 1}B{\cal F}_n^d\right)\simeq
Again one may reinterpret this result by writing that $H_*(Gp_0)\cong
H_*(C^d_{\infty}(\bbr^{\infty}))$, where $Gp_0$ is any component of $\Omega B (\coprod_{n\geq 1}B{\cal F}_n^d)$. When $d=1$, ${\cal F}_n$ is the trivial family (consisting of the trivial subgroup in $\Sigma_n$), $B{\cal F}_n=B\Sigma_n$ and one recovers 1.11 this way. We note that theorem 1.12 is quite closely related to proposition 7.4 of \[L2\].
[Acknowledgments:]{} The family of subgroups ${\cal F}_n^d$ mentioned above and defined in §5 was suggested to the author by Kathryn Lesh and the results of that section follow essentially from a discussion with her. The author is grateful to her for discussing her work with him and for commenting on an early version of this paper. We also thank Dai Tamaki and in particular Denis Sjerve for his support and for many stimulating discussions.
[**§2. Labeled Constructions in Topology**]{}
Constructions of the form $$\coprod_{n\geq 1} F(n)\times_{\Sigma_n}X^n/\sim\leqno{2.1}$$ where $F(n)$ is a space admitting a $\Sigma_n$ action and $\sim$ some suitable identification, are called [*labeled constructions*]{}. The space $X$ is the [*label*]{} space. When $F(n)$ is some subspace of $M^n$ where $M$ is some “ground" space, 2.1 is referred to as a labeled [*configuration*]{} space construction. The first constructions of the sort trace their origin to the work of Milgram on iterated loop spaces (\[Mi\]).
[**Notation and Terminology**]{}: Traditionally, a configuration of points of $M$ is any finite set of points of $M$ (that is [*unordered*]{} and [*disjoint*]{} points). However it is better to enlarge this terminology to include symmetric products as well; that is unordered points $\langle x_1,\ldots, x_n\rangle$, $x_i\in M$, with the $x_i$ not necessarily distinct. We write $\langle
x_1,\ldots, x_n\rangle$ or $\sum n_ix_i$ to describe a configuration.
[**Example**]{} 2.2: The “Fadell” space: $F(M,n ) =\{(x_1,\ldots, x_n)~|~x_i\in M, x_i\neq x_j, i\neq j\}.$
The first basic labeled (configuration) space construction one encounters in topology is the infinite symmetric product construction. Let $X$ be any space with a basepoint $x_0\in X$. We denote by $\Sigma_n$ the $n$-th symmetric group. Finally let $*$ be the one point space. Then we can consider the quotient space $$\spy (X) = \coprod_{k\geq 1}*\times_{\Sigma_k}X^k/\sim\leqno{}$$ where $\Sigma_k$ acts on $*$ trivially and on $X^k$ by permuting coordinates, and where $\sim$ is the (basepoint) identification $$*\times_{\Sigma_k}(x_1,\ldots, x_k)\sim *\times_{\Sigma_{k-1}}
(x_1,\ldots, {\hat x}_i,\ldots, x_k),~~\hbox{whenever}~~x_i=x_0.$$ Here $\hat x_i$ means deleting the $i$-th entry.
Similarly, it turns out that stable homotopy also admits a labeled configuration space construction. This is given by the model $$Q(X) = \coprod_{n\geq 1}F(\bbr^{\infty},n)\times_{\Sigma_n}X^n/\sim$$ where $F(\bbr^{\infty},n)\subset (\bbr^{\infty})^n$ is as defined in 2.2 and where $\sim$ is the basepoint relation $$\small\displaystyle
(m_1,\ldots, m_n)\times_{\Sigma_n}(x_1,\ldots, x_n)\sim
(m_1,\ldots,{\hat m}_i,\ldots, m_n)\times_{\Sigma_{n-1}}
(x_1,\ldots,{\hat x}_i,\ldots, x_n)~~\hbox{if}~~
x_i=x_0.\leqno{2.4}$$ A stable version of the theorem of May and Milgram described in 1.3. gives that $Q(X)\simeq \Omega^{\infty}\Sigma^{\infty}X$ for connected $X$ and this of course implies that $\pi_i(Q(X))\cong \pi_i^s (X).$
[**Remark**]{} 2.5: The space $F(\bbr^{\infty},n)$ above is characterized by the fact that it is contractible and admitting a [*free*]{} $\Sigma_n$ action. One can choose $F(\bbr^{\infty},n)$ to be a model for $E\Sigma_n$ the acyclic bar construction on $\Sigma_n$ and hence the quotient space $$C(\bbr^{\infty},n)=F(\bbr^{\infty},n)/\Sigma_n$$ is identified with the classifying space $B\Sigma_n$. Naturally the constant map $F(\bbr^{\infty},n)\rightarrow *$ induces an equivariant map $F(\bbr^{\infty},n)\times X^n\rightarrow *\times X^n$ and hence a map $QX\lrar\spy (X)$ which turn out to be “a space level representation” of the Hurewitz map $$\pi_i^s(X)\lrar H_i(X).$$
[**Remark**]{} 2.6: One notices that singular homology and stable homotopy sit at opposite ends of this labeled configuration space construction. Indeed, the basepoint $*$ which one associates to integral homology, is a space which admits the “most unfree" action of $\Sigma_n$ possible. On the other hand, $F(\bbr^{\infty},n)$ which is associated to $\pi_*^s$, is a space on which $\Sigma_n$ acts freely. Naturally one can consider “in between” spaces $F(n)$; $$*\subset F(n)\subset F(\bbr^{\infty},n)$$ which admit an action of $\Sigma_n$ and obtain in this way some interpolations between both theories. This paper deals with one particular such interpolation.
[**§3 The functor $C^d(-;X)$ and Its Completion**]{}
We assume $M$ to be a connected manifold (either open or compact with non-empty boundary.) Let $F^{d}(M,n)\subset M^n$ be the set of $n$-tuples of points of $M$ such that no point occurs more than $d$ times in the tuple; $$\begin{aligned}
F^d(M,n)=\bigcup~\{(\underbrace{x_1,\ldots, x_1}_{i_1},
\underbrace{x_2,\ldots, x_2}_{i_2},\cdots,
\underbrace{x_k,\ldots, x_k}_{i_k})&|&x_i\in M, x_i\neq x_j, i\neq j,\\
&&~\hbox{and}~i_j\leq d,~~i_1+\cdots +i_k = n \}.\end{aligned}$$ When $d=1$, $F^1(M,n)$ is just the space $F(M,n)$ described in 2.2 and one has the filtration $$F(M,n)=F^1(M,n)\subset F^2(M,n)\subset\cdots\subset F^n(M,n)=M^n.$$
[Example]{}: Let $M=\bbr^2$. Then $C^d(\bbr^2,n)$ consists of $n$ points in the plane each having multiplicity less than $d$. Each such configuration is uniquely identified with the roots of a monic complex polynomial and so $C^d(\bbr^2,n)$ is identified with the set of degree $n$ complex (monic) polynomials having roots of multiplicity less than $d$; a space originally studied by Vassiliev.
As before, the family $\{F^d(M,n)\}_{n\geq 0}$ admits a labeled space construction $$C^d (M;X)=\coprod_{n} F^d(M,n)\times_{\Sigma_n}X^n/_{\sim}\leqno{3.1}$$ where $\sim$ is the basepoint relation described in 2.4. Notice that this labeled construction is a subset of $\spy (M\ltimes
X)$ where $M\ltimes X$ is the half-smash obtained from $M\times X$ by collapsing $M\times *$. To see this inclusion, simply rewrite an element $(m_1,\ldots, m_n)\times_{\Sigma_n}(x_1,\ldots, x_n)$, $m_i\in
M$, $x_i\in X$, in the form $\sum^n (m_i, x_i)$.
The labeled construction 3.1 defines a bifunctor $C^d(-;-)$ which is a homotopy functor in $X$ and an isotopy functor in $M$ (that is $M$ must be in the category of spaces and injective maps). Of course when $X=S^0$, we write $$C^d(M,S^0):= C^d(M) = \coprod_{k\geq 0}F^d(M,k).$$
We observe that we can put a monoid structure on $C^d(\bbr^k, X)$ up to homotopy. This is done as follows: Let $\bbr^k_t$ be given as in §1; $$\bbr^k_t = \{(x_1,\ldots, x_n )\in\bbr^k,~|~0< x_n< t\}\leqno{3.2}$$ and define the space $${\bar C}^d(\bbr^k;X) = \{(\zeta, t)\in C^d(\bbr^k_t;X)\times \bbr^+\}.
\leqno{3.3}$$ Again we have that ${\bar C}^d(\bbr^k,X)\simeq C^d(\bbr^k, X)$ and this new modified space has now the structure of an associative topological monoid with a composition law given by juxtaposition $$C(\bbr^k_t;X)\times C(\bbr^k_{t'};X)\lrar C(\bbr^k_{t+t'});X),~~
(\zeta,\zeta')\mapsto (\zeta + T_t\zeta')$$ where $T_t$ is translation $(0,t'))\lrar (t, t+t')$. In the case $d=k=1$ this is the same as the well-known James construction.
[**Lemma**]{} 3.4 (\[S2\]): [*Let $J(X)$ be the free monoid generated by points of $X$ (with $*$ as the zero element). Then there is a homomorphism ${\bar C}(\bbr,X)\lrar J(X)$ which is a homotopy equivalence.*]{}
[Proof:]{} Here we have $${\bar C}(\bbr,X) = \{(\zeta, t)\in C((0,t);X)\times \bbr^+\}$$ Let $(\zeta, t)\in {\bar C}(\bbr,X)$, where $\zeta$ is of the form $$\zeta = (t_1,\ldots, t_n)\times_{\Sigma_n}(x_1,\ldots, x_n),~
\hbox{for some}~n, 0<t_i<t.\leqno{3.5}$$ We can then construct the map $$\tau: {\bar C}(\bbr,X)\lrar J(X),~~(\zeta, t)\mapsto x_1+x_2+\cdots
+x_n.$$ This is well defined for one checks that the identifications are preserved when $x_i=*$. One also checks that this is a homomorphism. Indeed, the pairing $\mu$ on ${\bar C}(\bbr,X)$ is given by $$\begin{aligned}
\mu \left((\zeta, t), (\zeta', t')\right)&\mapsto& (\zeta+T_t\zeta',
&&\hbox{where}~\zeta+T_t\zeta' = (t_1,\ldots, t_n,
t+t'_1,\ldots, t+t'_m)\times_{\Sigma_{n+m}} (x_1,\ldots, x_n,
x'_1,\ldots, x'_m).\end{aligned}$$ It follows that $\tau\mu \left((\zeta, t), (\zeta', t')\right) =
x_1+\cdots + x_n + x'_1+\cdots + x'_m = \tau\mu (\zeta, t) + \tau\mu
(\zeta',t')$ as desired.
We finally need verify that $\tau$ is a homotopy equivalence. Notice that the point $\zeta$ in 3.5 above can be written as an ordered tuple $$\zeta = ((t_1,x_1),\ldots, (t_n,x_n)),~\hbox{where}~
t_1<t_2<\cdots <t_n<t.$$ Consider the map $$\alpha: {\bar C}(\bbr,X)\lrar J(X)\times\bbr^+ ,~
(\zeta, t)\mapsto (\tau (\zeta, t), t).$$ Then the preimage of a point $(x_1+\ldots +x_n, t)$ under $\alpha$ is an open simplex $$\Delta_n=\{(t_1,\ldots, t_n), 0<t_1<t_2<\cdots <t_n<t\}$$ and this is contractible. The signifies that $\alpha$ is acyclic and hence a homotopy equivalence. It follows that $\tau$ is an equivalence and the proof is complete.
[**Group Completion**]{}: Since ${\bar C}^d = {\bar
C}^d(\bbr^k;X)$ is a monoid (possibly disconnected), it admits a group completion $\Omega B{\bar C}^d$. A very handy way of describing this group completion in terms of configuration spaces is given as follows.
We shall suppose that $X$ has finitely many components. This implies that ${\bar C}^d(\bbr^k;X)$ has $\bbz^m$ components, with $m=|\pi_0(X)|-1$. For each $i\leq |\pi_0(X)|$ choose a point $p_i$ in the $i$-th component of $X$ (you can let basepoint be the point in the component of the identity). Let $\bbr^k_t$ be as in 3.2 and choose a point $z_i\in\bbr^k_{i,i+1} =\bbr^k_{i+1}-\bbr^k_i$, for all $i\geq 1$. We can then consider the inclusion $$\matrix{
{\bar C}^d(\bbr^k;X)&\fract{\tau_i}{\ra 2}&{\bar C}^d(\bbr^k;X)\cr
(\sum (m_r,x_r), i)&\mapsto& (\sum (m_r, x_r) + (z_i, p_i), i+1)
\cr}\leqno{3.6}$$ where $\sum (m_r, x_r)\in C^d(\bbr^k_i;X)$ is as described in 3.1. The direct limit over these maps is denoted by ${\hat C}^d(\bbr^k;X)$.
[**Lemma**]{} 3.7: [*Let $X$ be CW. Then $H_*({\hat
C}^d(\bbr^k;X))\cong H_*(\Omega B {\bar C}^d(\bbr^k;X)).$*]{}
[Proof]{}: If we let $\pi = H_0({\bar C}^d)$, then a theorem of Kahn and Priddy states that $$H_*({\bar C}^d)[\pi^{-1}]\cong H_*(\Omega B{\bar C}^d)\leqno{3.8}$$ where the left hand side means localization with respect to the multiplicative set $\pi$. The idea here of course is that by inverting $\pi$, we are “turning” multiplication by elements of $\pi$ into isomorphisms. That this is necessary is clear since $\Omega
B{\bar C}^d$ is a group and hence the image of $\pi$ under $M\rightarrow \Omega B{\bar C}^d$ must consist of units.
Now notice that the point $(z_i, p_i)\in {\bar C}^d(\bbr^k,X)$ constructed above represents a point $e_i\in\pi_0({\bar C}^d)$. The stabilization maps in 3.6 correspond therefore to maps $${\hat C}^d(\bbr^k;X)\simeq\lim_{\lrar\atop e_i\in\pi}\left(
{\bar C}^d(\bbr^k;X)\fract{\cdot e_i}{\ra 4}{\bar C}^d(\bbr^k;X)\right).$$ and this direct limit (by construction) must satisfy $H_*({\hat C}^d(\bbr^k;X))\cong H_*({\bar C}^d(\bbr^k;X))[\pi^{-1}].$ The claim follows from 3.8.
[**§4 The Correspondence and Proofs of Main Theorems**]{}
[**Scanning Labeled Configurations**]{}: Details of this construction can be found in \[K\]. Let $M$ be smooth of dimension $k$ and suppose it is parallelizable. This means among other things that every small (closed) neighborhood of $x\in M$ can be canonically identified (via the exponential map for example) with a (closed) disc $D^k$. Given a configuration $\zeta = \sum (m_i,x_i)\in
C^d(M;X)$, then its “restriction” to a neighborhood $D^k(x)\subset
M$ of $x$ gives rise to a new configuration $$\zeta\cap D^k(x)\in C^d(D^k(x); X).$$ The correspondence $\zeta\mapsto \zeta\cup D^k(x)$ is not continuous as is, however by stipulating that whenever the points $m_i$ in $\zeta = \langle (m_1,x_1),\ldots, (m_n,x_n)\rangle$ get close to $\partial D^k(x)$ they are “dropped out”. We then get a quotient map and a correspondence $$\zeta\in C^d(M;X)\mapsto \zeta_x\in C^d(D^k(x),\partial D^k(x);X)$$ where ${C}^d(D^k(x),\partial D^k(x); X)$ is the identification space $$C^d(D^k,\partial D^k; X)=
\coprod_nF^d(D^k, n)\times_{\Sigma_n}X^n/_{\sim},~x\in X$$ and $\sim$ consist of the usual basepoint relation together with the additional identification $$(m_1,\ldots, m_n)\times_{\Sigma_n}(x_1,\ldots, x_n)
\sim (m_1,\ldots, {\hat m}_i,\ldots, m_n)
\times_{\Sigma_n}(x_1,\ldots, {\hat x}_i,\ldots, x_n)$$ whenever $m_i\in\partial D^k$ (i.e. when points of $D^k$ tend to the boundary they are discarded together with their labels). Notice that $C^d(D^k,\partial D^k; X)\simeq C^d(S^k,*; X)$ and this space has a canonical basepoint which we also write as $*$. Therefore and by scanning every neighborhood $D^k(X)$ of $x\in M$ and identifying canonically the pair $(D^k(x),\partial D^k(x))$ with $(D^k,\partial D^k) = (S^k,*)$ we construct a map $$S: C^d(M;X)\lrar\map{}(M, C^d(S^k,*;X)).$$ If in addition $M$ has a non-empty boundary $\partial M$, it is still possible to scan labeled configurations away from the boundary so that one obtains a map $$S: C^d(M;X)\lrar\map{}(M/\partial M, C^d(S^k,*;X))$$ where the right hand side is the space of maps sending $\partial M$ to the basepoint in $C^d(S^k,*;X))$.
[**Lemma**]{} 4.1: [*There is a homotopy equivalence $C^d(S^k,*; X)\simeq \sp{d}(\Sigma^k X).$*]{}
[Proof:]{} This is the analog of the unlabeled case discussed in \[K\]. Choose $*$ in $S^k$ to be the south pole and let $x_0$ refer to the north pole. Let $U_{\epsilon}$ be an epsilon neighborhood of $x_0\in S^k$. Notice that there is a radial homotopy, injective on the interior of $U_{\epsilon}$ that expands the north cap $U_{\epsilon}$ over the sphere and takes $\partial U_{\epsilon}$ to $*$.
Consider at this point the subspace $W_{\epsilon}$ consisting of $(m_1, \ldots, m_n)\times_{\Sigma_n}(x_1\ldots , x_n)$ in $C^d(S^k,*;X)$ such that at most $d$ points of $\langle m_1,\ldots,
m_n\rangle$ lie inside $U_{\epsilon}$. By definition of $C^d(S^k,*;X)$ each of its elements must fall into a $W_{\epsilon}$ for some $\epsilon$ and hence $$C^d(S^k,*;X)= \bigcup_{\epsilon}W_{\epsilon}.$$ Now using the radial retraction described above, each labeled configuration $(m_1, \ldots, m_n)\times_{\Sigma_n}(x_1\ldots , x_n)$ is sent to (at most) a $d$ point configuration which takes the form $\sum_1^d (m_i,x_i)$. The identifications are such $(m,*)\sim *$ and $(*,x)\sim *$ (here the $*$’s refer to the corresponding basepoints in $X$, $S^k$ and $C^d$). The configuration $\sum_1^d (m_i,x_i)$ is clearly an element of $\sp{d}(S^k\wedge X)=\sp{d}(\Sigma^k X)$ and the lemma follows.
Let $C^d_{\infty}(\bbr^k; X)$ denote the stabilized space described in 3.6. When $X$ is connected, one has the equivalence $C^d_{\infty}(\bbr^k;X)\simeq C^d(\bbr^k;X)$.
[**Proposition**]{} 4.3: [*For $X$ a topological space, scanning induces an (integral) homology equivalence $$S_*: H_*({\hat C}^d(\bbr^n; X))\fract{\cong}{\ra
3}H_*(\Omega^n\sp{d}(\Sigma^nX)).$$ This is a homotopy equivalence whenever $X$ is connected.*]{}
[Proof]{}: The proof uses properties of the bifunctor $C^d(-,-)$ (cf. appendix) and is based on an induction on a suitable handle decomposition of $D^n$ (the decomposition as described below is due to Bodigheimer \[Bo\].)
Let $H^k=D^n=D^k\times D^{n-k}$ and write $A^k = S^{k-1}\times
D^{n-k}$ (note that $A^0=\emptyset$). ($H^k$ is called a handle. Handles make up manifolds by sequences of attachments. the handle $H^k$ has “index” $k$ if $A^k$ is the part of its boundary along which it is to be attached.)
Let $I_k\subset D^n=[0,1]^n$ denote the subset of $(y^1,\ldots, y^n)$ such that $y^i=0$ or $y^i=1$ for some $i=1,\ldots, k-1$, or $y^k=1$ (that is $I_k$ consist of all the boundary faces of $D^k \subset
D^n=D^k\times D^{n-k}$ safe the face $y^k=0$). Now let $H_k=[0,1]^{k-1}\times [0,{1\over 2}]\times [0,1]^{n-k}$. Then there is a cofibration sequence $$(H_k, H_k\cap I_k)\lrar (D^n, I_k)\lrar (D^n, H_k\cup I_k).$$ The pair $(H_k, H_k\cap I_k)$ can be identified with $(D^n,
S^{k-2}\times D^{n-k+1})$ hence representing a $k-1$-handle $(H^{k-1},A^{k-1})$, while the pair $(D^n, H_k\cup I_k)=(D^n,
S^{k-1}\times D^{n-k})$ represents a handle $(H^k,A^k)$ of index $k$. Applying the functor $C^d(-;X)$ and then scanning yields the homotopy commutative diagram for all $k\geq 0$ $$\matrix{
C^d (D^n,I_k;X)&\lrar& PS \cr
C^d(H^{k+1},A^{k+1};X)&\lrar&\Omega^{n-k-1}\sp{d}(\Sigma^nX)\cr}$$ When $k>0$, $A^k\neq\emptyset$ and proposition A.3 asserts that the left hand side is a quasifibration. In this case one shows (inductively) that $C^d(H^k,A^k;X)\simeq \Omega^{n-k}\sp{d}(\Sigma^nX)$. When $k=0$, $A^k=\emptyset$ and we need to pass to group completed spaces ${\hat C}^d$. For that we assume $X$ has finitely many components first. We then have the diagram $$\matrix{
{\hat C}^d(D^n;X)&\lrar&\Omega^{n}\sp{d}(\Sigma^nX)\cr
{\hat C}^d (D^n,*;X)&\fract{\simeq}{\lrar}& PS \cr
\sp{d}(\Sigma^nX)\cr}$$ where the left hand side is now a homology fibration (by proposition A.5). Since $\Omega^{n}\sp{d}(\Sigma^nX)$ must be the homotopy fiber of ${\hat C}^d (D^n,*;X)\lrar C^d(H^1,A^{1};X)$, it follows that $H_*({\hat C}^d(D^n;X))\cong H_*(\Omega^{n}\sp{d}(\Sigma^nX))$ as asserted.
The case of a general disconnected $X$ is obtained once we observe that $X$ can be described as the direct limit of spaces $X_i$ with $\pi_0(X_i)$ finite. The space $C^d_{\infty}(D^n;X)$ is then the direct limit of the $C^d_{\infty}(D^n;X_i)$ and since direct limits commute with homology, the claim follows.
[**Remark**]{} 4.4: Proposition 4.3 can be stated with $\bbr^k$ replaced with any manifold with non-empty boundary or with any open manifold. The proof of the more general statement uses a handle decomposition argument of the manifold $M$ and inductive use of A.5. This yields theorem 1.7 of the introduction.
[**Corollary**]{} 4.5: [*For $X$ a topological space, there is a weak homotopy equivalence $$B{\bar C}^d(\bbr^k;X)\simeq \Omega^{k-1}\sp{d}(\Sigma^kX).$$*]{}
[Proof:]{} When $X$ is connected, $\Omega B{\bar C}^d\simeq
{\bar C}^d$ and the result follows directly from 4.3. Suppose that $X$ disconnected, hence so is ${\bar C}^d$ as a topological monoid. Assume for now that $\pi_0(X)$ finite and let ${\hat C}^d(\bbr^k,X)$ be as defined in §3. The following sequence of isomorphisms $$H_*(\Omega B{\bar C}^d)\fract{3.7}{\la 3}
H_*({\hat C}^d (\bbr^k;X))
\fract{4.3}{\ra 3} H_*(\Omega^k\sp{d}(\Sigma^kX))$$ shows that $H_*(\Omega B{\bar C}^d)\cong H_*(\Omega^k\sp{d}(\Sigma^kX))$. This implies that $$H_*(B{\bar C}^d)\cong H_*(\Omega^{k-1}\sp{d}(\Sigma^kX)).$$ Oberve that the fundamental groups map isomorphically $$\begin{aligned}
\pi_1(B{\bar C}^d)\cong \pi_0({\bar C}^d)&\cong&
{\tilde H}_0(X) = H_k(\Sigma^kX)\cong H_k(\sp{d}(\Sigma^kX))\\
&\cong&\pi_k(\sp{d}(\Sigma^kX)) = \pi_1\left(
\Omega^{k-1}\sp{d}(\Sigma^kX)\right)\end{aligned}$$ and the claim follows from Whitehead’s criterion.
To treat the general case of $\pi_0(X)$ not necessarily finite, we write again ${\bar C}^d_{\infty}(\bbr^k;X)$ as a direct limit of spaces ${\bar C}^d_{\infty}(\bbr^k;X_i)$ for some $X_i$ with finite $\pi_0$. Since homotopy groups commute with direct limits, the theorem follows.
[**§5 A Theory of Infinite Loop Spaces**]{}
In this section we describe a construction of K. Lesh (cf. \[L1-2\]) which associates to a (compatible) family of groups an infinite loop space. We then describe how our labeled construction fits in and prove proposition 1.12 of the introduction.
Let $G$ be a group and let $\cal F$ be a collection of subgroups of $G$ which is closed under conjugation; meaning that $\bullet$ If $H\in {\cal F}$ and $g\in G$, then $g^{-1}Hg\in {\cal F}$ $\bullet$ If $H\in{\cal F}$ and $K$ a subgroup of $H$, then $K\in {\cal F}$.Such a collection is called a [*family*]{}.
The prototypical example of a family would be to take all subgroups of a group $G$ (a variant is to consider only the finite subgroups). A less trivial example would be to consider the family of elementary abelian $p$-subgroups of $\Sigma_n$ which are generated by disjoint $p$-cycles together with their subgroups. This family is studied extensively in \[L1\].
It turns out that to a family $\cal F$ of subgroups of a group $G$ there is associated a [*classifying*]{} space $B{\cal F}$ by work of T. tom Dieck. More precisely, tom Dieck constructs a $G$-space $E{\cal F}$ with the property that the fixed point set $E{\cal F}^H$ of $H\subset
G$ is such that $$E{\cal F}^H\simeq *~~\hbox{for}~H\in{\cal F},~~~\hbox{and}~~~
E{\cal F}^H=\emptyset~~\hbox{for}~H\not\in{\cal F}$$ Note that $E{\cal F}$ is always contractible since $*\in {\cal F}$ for any family. Naturally one then defines the classifying space $B{\cal
F}$ to be the orbit space of the $G$ action on $E{\cal F}$.
[Example]{} 5.1: Let $\cal F$ consists only of the trivial subgroup in $G$. Then $E{\cal F}=EG$.
We now specialize to the symmetric groups $\Sigma_n$ and we suppose that for each $n$ we are given a family ${\cal F}_n$ of subgroups for $G=\Sigma_n$. We recall that given two subgroups $H\in\Sigma_n$ and $K\in\Sigma_m$, we have a group $H\times K\in\Sigma_{n+m}$ obtained as the image of the composite $$H\times K\hookrightarrow \Sigma_n\times\Sigma_m\hookrightarrow
[Definition]{} 5.2: The families $\{{\cal F}_n\}_{n\in{\bf
Z}^+}$ are [*compatible*]{} if whenever $H\in {\cal F}_n$ and $K\in{\cal F}_m$, then $H\times K\in{\cal F}_{n+m}$.
[**Theorem**]{} 5.3 (Lesh): [*Let $\{{\cal F}_n\}_{n\in{\bf
Z}^+}$ be a compatible choice of families, then $\coprod B{\cal F}_n$ has a monoid structure whose group completion is an infinite loop space $L{\cal F}$. Such a space comes equipped with (natural) maps $$QS^0\lrar L{\cal F}\lrar \bbz.$$*]{}
[Example]{} 5.4: Let ${\cal F}_n$ be the family consisting of the trivial subgroup in $\Sigma_n$. Then $B{\cal F}_n=B\Sigma_n$ and so $L{\cal F}$ in this case is the group completion of $\coprod
B\Sigma_n$ which is known to correspond by a theorem of Barratt-Priddy and Quillen to the infinite loop space $QS^0$.
We now relate the above constructions to the spaces $C^d(\bbr^{\infty},n)$ and their stable version $C^d(\bbr^{\infty})$ constructed in §3. Given $n\geq 1$ we consider the following subgroups of $\Sigma_n$; $$H_{i_1,\ldots, i_k}
~~i_j\leq n~\hbox{and}~i_1+i_2+\cdots + i_k=n.$$ Each such subgroup $H_{i_1,\ldots, i_k}$ acts on $F^d(\bbr^{\infty},n)$ by permuting points. Let $${\cal F}_n^d = \{H_{i_1,\ldots, i_k}~~|~~i_j\leq d,~~
i_1+i_2+\cdots + i_k= n,~~\hbox{together with
their subgroups}\}.$$ It is not hard to see that ${\cal F}_n^d$ satisfies the conditions of a family, and that the newly obtained families $\{{\cal F}_n^d\}_{n\in{\bf Z}^+}$ form a compatible collection.
[**Lemma**]{} 5.5: [*$E{\cal F}_n^d\simeq F^d(\bbr^{\infty},n)$.*]{}
[Proof:]{} Pick $H= H_{i_1,\ldots, i_k}\in{\cal F}_n^d$ ($i_j\leq d$ and $\sum i_j=n$.) Then $$(E{\cal F}_n^d)^{H_{i_1,\ldots, i_k}} =
\{(\underbrace{x_1,\ldots, x_1}_{i_1},
\underbrace{x_2,\ldots, x_2}_{i_2},\cdots,
\underbrace{x_k,\ldots, x_k}_{i_k})~|~x_i\in \bbr^{\infty}\}$$ where the $x_i$ need not be distinct. If we let $X(\bbr^j)$ be the subset of $(E{\cal F}_n^d)^H$ consisting of the $x_i\in\bbr^j\subset\bbr^{\infty}$, then we see that $X(\bbr^j)$ is open in $\bbr^{jn}$ and is the complement of hyperplanes of codimension at least $j$ (implying in particular that it is $j-2$ connected). Since $(E{\cal F}_n^d)^H$ is the direct limit of $X(\bbr^j)\hookrightarrow X(\bbr^{j+1})$ it must be contractible and $(E{\cal F}_n^d)^H\simeq *$ as desired. What is left to show is that the fixed point set of $H\not\in {\cal F}_n^d$ is empty. Observe that any such $H$ must contain a cycle on (at least) $d+1$ letters. The fixed points of such a cycle consists of configurations containing a $d+1$ (or maybe more) repeated point. Such a configuration cannot exist in $F^d(\bbr^{\infty},n)$ (by definition) and $(E{\cal
[**Proposition**]{} 5.6: [*For all $d\geq 1$, we have the following equivalence $$B\left(\coprod_{n\geq 1}B{\cal F}_n^d\right)\simeq
[Proof:]{} Theorem 1.8 still holds true for $k=\infty$ by a direct limit argument. On the other hand, 5.5 implies that $$\coprod_{n\geq 1}B{\cal F}_n^d
=\coprod_{n\geq 1}C^d(\bbr^{\infty},n) = C^d(\bbr^{\infty};S^0)
\simeq {\bar C}^d(\bbr^{\infty};S^0)$$ and the claim follows.
[**Appendix: Properties of the Bifunctor $C^d(-,-)$**]{}
We here summarize the most useful properties of these functors. The details as well as a more extensive study of a more general class of functors (so-called [*particle*]{} functors) are given in \[K\].
[**Definition**]{}: Let $f:X\lrar Y$ be a map of CW complexes. For $x\in Y$, let $\iota_x$ denote the homotopy inclusion of the preimage $f^{-1}(x)$ into the homotopy fiber. Then$\bullet$ $f$ is a quasifibration if $\iota_x$ is a homotopy equivalence ($\forall x$) $\bullet$ $f$ is a homology equivalence if $\iota_x$ induces an isomorphism in homology groups ($\forall x$).
Let now $M$ be an $n$-dimensional manifold, $M_0$ a closed submanifold and $A\subset M$ a closed subset. We assume that $N$ has a tubular neighborhood $U$ which retracts to it (if it is a submanifold for example). We also assume throughout that $M$ and $N$ are connected. The following sequence of quotient maps $$(N, N\cap M_0)\lrar (M,M_0)\lrar (M,N\cup M_0)\leqno{A.1}$$ forms then a cofibration. Applying $C^d(-;X)$ to all terms of A.1 yields $$C^d(N, N\cap M_0;X)\lrar C^d(M,M_0;X)\lrar C^d(M,N\cup M_0;X)
\leqno{A.2}$$ One of the main results about the functor $C^d(-)$ is that
[**Theorem**]{} A.3: [*Let $N,M,M_0$ be as above. If either $X$ is connected or $N\cap M_0\neq\emptyset$, then the sequence A.2 is a quasifibration.*]{}
A short proof of this theorem can be found in \[Bo\] (for the case $d=1$). We are here concerned with the case when $N\cap
M_0=\emptyset$ or $X$ is disconnected. Let’s assume $X=S^0$ for now and let’s consider the sequence $$C^d(N)\lrar C^d(M,M_0)\lrar C^d(M,N\cup M_0).$$ This turns out not to have any particular structure. However by passing to group completed space ${\hat C}^d$ as defined in §3 we can show
[**Proposition**]{} A.4: [*Let $M$ and $N$ be connected manifolds, $N\subset M$, $M_0\subset M$ and $N\cap M_0=\emptyset$. Assume $N$ has an end (or a boundary). Then $${\hat C}^d(N)\lrar {\hat C}^d(M,M_0)\lrar C^d(M,N\cup M_0)$$ is a quasifibration if $d>1$ and a homology fibration if $d=1$*]{}
[Sketch of Proof:]{} The point here is that showing the sequence of spaces above is a homology fibration (resp. a quasifibration) boils down to showing that maps $${\hat C}^d(N)\fract{+}{\ra 4} {\hat C}^d(N)$$ given by adjointing a given set of configurations is a homology equivalence (resp. a weak homotopy equivalence). Because of the very construction of $\hat C$, adding configurations simply switches components and since these components are the same, “addition” induces a homology equivalence. This is not (necessarily) a homotopy equivalence since there is no obvious map backwards (“subtraction”) which when composed with addition induces the identity on components. When $d>1$ the fundamental group of $C^d(N)$ abelianizes and this is enough to induce a homotopy equivalence. For details the reader can consult \[K\].
[**Proposition**]{} A.5: [*We let $M=\bbr^n$, $N, M_0\subset
M$ such that $M\cap N=\emptyset$. Let $X$ be CW with a finite number of components. Then the following is a homology fibration $${\hat C}^d(M;X)\lrar {\hat C}^d(M, M_0;X) \lrar C^d(M,M_0\cup N;X).$$*]{}
\[B\] C. Berger, “Opérades cellulaires et espaces de lacets itérés”, Ann. Inst. Fourier, Grenoble [**46**]{} 4 (1996) 1125–1157. \[Bo\] C.F. Bodigheimer, “Stable splittings of mapping spaces”, Algebraic topology, Proc. Seattle (1985), Springer lecture notes [**1286**]{}, 174–187. \[CM\] G. Carlsson, R.J. Milgram, “Stable homotopy and iterated loop spaces”, Handbook of algebraic topology, Elsevier 1995. \[D\] A. Dold, “Decomposition theorems of symmetric products and other functors of complexes", Ann. Math. [**68**]{} (1958), 54–80. \[GKY\] M.A. Guest, A. Koslowski, K. Yamaguchi, “The space of polynomials with roots of bounded multiplicity”, preprint math.AT/9807053 (archives). \[K\], S. Kallel, “Particle spaces and generalized Poincaré Dualities”, preprint 98, math.AT/9810067 (archives). \[Kr\] D. Karagueuzian, Thesis, Stanford University 1994. \[KP\] D. Kahn, S. Priddy, “On the homology of non-connected monoids and their associated groups”, Comment. Math. Helv. [**47**]{} (1972) 1–14. \[L1\] K. Lesh, “Infinite loop spaces from group theory”, Math. Z. [**225**]{} (1997), no.3, 467–483. \[L2\] K. Lesh, “Identification of infinite loop spaces arising from group theory”, preprint 97. \[MS\] D. McDuff, G. Segal, “Homology fibrations and the group completion theorem”, Invent. Math. [**31**]{} (1976), 279–284. \[Mi\] R.J. Milgram, “Iterated loop spaces”, Annals of Math.(2) [**84**]{} 1966, 386–403. \[Ma\] J.P. May, “The geometry of iterated loop spaces”, Springer lecture notes, [**271**]{} (1972). \[S1\] G. Segal, “The topology of spaces of rational functions", Acta. Math., [**143**]{}(1979), 39–72. \[S2\] G. Segal, “Configuration spaces and iterated loop spaces", Invent. Math., [**21**]{}(1973), 213–221.
[^1]: The author holds a Postdoctoral fellowship with PIMS and the University of British Columbia.
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[**The sAKNS Hierarchy**]{}
Henrik Aratyn [^1]\
Department of Physics\
University of Illinois at Chicago\
Chicago, IL 60607, USA\
Ashok Das\
Department of Physics and Astronomy\
University of Rochester\
Rochester, N.Y. 14627, USA\
We study, systematically, the properties of the supersymmetric AKNS (sAKNS) hierarchy. In particular, we discuss the Lax representation in terms of a bosonic Lax operator and some special features of the equations and construct the bosonic local charges as well as the fermionic nonlocal charges associated with the system starting from the Lax operator. We obtain the Hamiltonian structures of the system and check the Jacobi identity through the method of prolongation. We also show that this hierarchy of equations can equivalently be described in terms of a fermionic Lax operator. We obtain the zero curvature formulation as well as the conserved charges of the system starting from this fermionic Lax operator which suggests a connection between the two. Finally, starting from the fermionic description of the system, we construct the soliton solutions for this system of equations through Darboux-Bäcklund transformations and describe some open problems.
[**1. Introduction:**]{}
The AKNS hierarchy\[1-3\] is an important bosonic, integrable hierarchy which has played a fundamental role in the development of many interesting ideas. This hierarchy, among other things, includes all the well known integrable models such as the KdV equation, the mKdV equation, the nonlinear Schrödinger equation, sine-Gordon equation. In its original formulation, the AKNS hierarchy was described in terms of a matrix Lax operator $$L = \frac{\partial}{\partial x} - q \sigma_{+} - r \sigma_{-} + i\zeta
\sigma_{3}\label{I_{1}}$$ where $q$ and $r$ represent the dynamical variables while $\zeta$ represents the spectral parameter. Furthermore, the $\sigma$’s represent the $2\times 2$ Pauli matrices and, in particular, $\sigma_{\pm} = \frac{1}{2} (\sigma_{1}\pm
i\sigma_{2})$. Different integrable hierarchies would result from this Lax operator with different identifications of the dynamical variables. Thus, for example, $r\sim\psi$ and $q\sim\psi^{*}$ would lead to the hierarchy associated with the nonlinear Schrödinger equation.
The AKNS hierarchy can also be described in terms of the more conventional scalar Lax operator of the form\[4-5\] $$L = \partial + q \partial^{-1} r\label{I_{2}}$$ which can also be seen to follow from the linear equation associated with the matrix Lax operator in eq. (\[I\_[1]{}\]). This way of describing the AKNS hierarchy, however, has led to further interesting properties associated with the system. Among other things, it has led to a new understanding of the gradings associated with the zero curvature formulation of the integrable models.
In recent years, there has been a lot of interest in understanding the properties of supersymmetric integrable models\[6\]. Several such models have already been constructed\[7-9\] and more recently, a supersymmetric formulation of the AKNS (sAKNS) hierarchy has also been given\[10-11\]. It is expected to be at least as important in the study of supersymmetric integrable models as the AKNS hierarchy is within the context of the bosonic integrable systems. Therefore, it is worth studying the properties of the sAKNS hierarchy systematically which we carry out in this paper. In section 2, we describe the sAKNS hierarchy in terms of the conventional bosonic Lax operator in superspace giving the explicit form of the dynamical equations upto the first few orders. We construct the local, bosonic conserved charges as well as the nonlocal, fermionic conserved charges associated with the system starting from the Lax operator. We also review very briefly the zero curvature formulation of this system\[12-13\] in this section. In section 3, we construct the Hamiltonian structures associated with this system pointing out some of the subtleties. We check Jacobi identity for these structures using the method of prolongation\[14-15\]. We also show that the Hamiltonian structures are compatible making it a genuinely bi-Hamiltonian system. We also construct, in this section, the recursion operator, with a vanishing Nijenhuis torsion tensor, which relates the different Hamiltonians of the theory. In section 4, we show that the sAKNS hierarchy can also be described in terms of a fermionic Lax operator. This is, in fact, the only integrable system we know of which allows a description in terms of a bosonic as well as a fermionic Lax operator. We construct the local conserved charges and the zero curvature formulation starting with this fermionic Lax operator. However, the construction of the nonlocal, fermionic conserved charges, from the fermionic Lax operator, as well as a transformation relating the two Lax operators directly remains an open question. In section 5, we construct soliton solutions associated with this system starting from the fermionic Lax operator through a Darboux-Bäcklund transformation and compare its properties with those of such solutions obtained from an algebraic dressing method\[13\]. Finally, we close with some conclusions in section 6.
[**2. The sAKNS System:**]{}
The supersymmetric AKNS hierarchy can be described by the bosonic Lax operator $$L = D^{2} + \phi D^{-1} \psi\label{A_{1}}$$ where the supercovariant derivative is defined to be $$D = \frac{\partial}{\partial \theta} + \theta \frac{\partial}{\partial
x}\label{A_{2}}$$ Here $\theta$ is the Grassmann coordinate of the superspace and $\phi$ and $\psi$ represent a bosonic and a fermionic superfield respectively. It is also straightforward to see that $D^{2} = \partial_{x}$. The hierarchy of equations (the sAKNS hierarchy) can be obtained from the scalar Lax equation $$\frac{\partial L}{\partial t_{n}} = \left[(L^{n})_{+}, L\right]\label{A_{3}}$$ where $n = 0,1,2,\cdots$ represents the flow of the hierarchy. We note here the first few flows of the hierarchy, namely, $$\begin{aligned}
\frac{\partial \phi}{\partial t_{0}} & = & \phi\nonumber\\
\frac{\partial \psi}{\partial t_{0}} & = & - \psi\label{a_{4}}\\
\frac{\partial \phi}{\partial t_{1}} & = & (D^{2} \phi)\nonumber\\
\frac{\partial \psi}{\partial t_{1}} & = & (D^{2} \psi)\label{A_{4}}\\
\frac{\partial \phi}{\partial t_{2}} & = & (D^{4} \phi) + 2 \phi (D \phi
\frac{\partial \psi}{\partial t_{2}} & = & - (D^{4} \psi) - 2 \psi (D \phi
\frac{\partial \phi}{\partial t_{3}} & = & (D^{6} \phi) + 3 \phi (D
(D^{2}\phi)\psi) + 3 (D^{2}\phi) (D\phi\psi)\nonumber\\
\frac{\partial \psi}{\partial t_{3}} & = & (D^{6} \psi) + 3 \phi (D^{2} \psi
(D\psi))\label{A_{6}}\end{aligned}$$ and so on. It is worth noting here a peculiarity of this hierarchy of equations, namely, the lowest order equation, which arises from $(L^{0})_{+}=1$ is nontrivial mainly because the Lax operator in eq. (\[A\_[1]{}\]) is composite in the dynamical variables as opposed to the usual cases where the coefficients of the pseudodifferential operators are linear in the dynamical variables leading to the fact that nontrivial flows exist only for $n= 1,2,\cdots$.
Given the Lax operator in eq. (\[A\_[1]{}\]), we can immediately construct the local conserved quantities of the system. They are simply given by $$H_{n} = - \frac{1}{n} sTr L^{n} = - \frac{1}{n} \int dz\; sRes L^{n}\label{A_{7}}$$ where $z$ represents the coordinates of the superspace and the superTrace is defined as the integral over the superspace of the superResidue which corresponds to the coefficient of the $D^{-1}$ term of the pseudodifferential operator. Because $L$ is bosonic, it is clear from eq. (\[A\_[7]{}\]), that these conserved quantities are bosonic as well. The first few of these conserved quantities have the explicit form $$\begin{aligned}
H_{1} & = & \int dz\; \phi \psi\nonumber\\
H_{2} & = & \int dz\; (D^{2}\phi) \psi\nonumber\\
H_{3} & = & \int dz\; \left[(D^{4}\phi) \psi + \phi^{2} \psi
H_{4} & = & \int dz\; \left[(D^{6}\phi) \psi + 3 \phi \psi (D\psi)
(D^{2}\phi)\right]\label{A_{8}}\end{aligned}$$ These quantities can be easily seen to be conserved from the form of the Lax equation in eq. (\[A\_[2]{}\]) or by explicit computation.
In addition to the local conserved charges, the theory does contain conserved, nonlocal fermionic charges which can also be obtained from the Lax operator as $$Q_{n} = (-1)^{n+1} sTr L^{(n+\frac{1}{2})}\label{A_{9}}$$ It is clear from the definition of these charges that they are fermionic since the Lax operator is bosonic and the explicit form of the first two is given by $$\begin{aligned}
Q_{0} & = & \int dz\; (D^{-1} \phi \psi)\nonumber\\
Q_{1} & = & \int dz\; \left[\phi (D\psi) + \frac{1}{2} (D^{-1} \phi \psi)^{2} -
(D^{-1} (D^{2}\phi) \psi) + 2 \phi \psi (D^{-2} \phi \psi)\right]\label{A_{10}}\end{aligned}$$ It is clear that they are manifestly fermionic and nonlocal. The fact that these charges are conserved is not obvious from the Lax equation. However, a little bit of algebra (tedious) shows that they are, indeed, conserved under the flows of the hierarchy in eqs. (\[A\_[3]{}\])–(\[A\_[6]{}\]). The theory is supersymmetric and so, we expect one of these fermionic charges to generate the supersymmetry transformations and this depends on the particular Hamiltonian structure used.
For the sake of completeness as well as for later use, we discuss here, briefly,the zero curvature formulation of this hierarchy\[12-13\]. The Lax operator of eq. (\[A\_[1]{}\]) leads to the linear equation $$(D^{2} + \phi D^{-1} \psi)\chi = \lambda \chi\label{A_{11}}$$ Here $\lambda$ is the spectral parameter of the theory. Starting with this, as discussed in \[12\], we can obtain an $OSp(2|2)$ ($SL(2|1)$) valued potential, ${\cal A}_{1}$, $${\cal A}_{1} = \left(\begin{array}{ccc}
\lambda & -\phi & 0\\
(D\psi) & 0 & -\psi\\
-\phi\psi & -(D\phi) & \lambda
\end{array}\right)\label{A_{12}}$$ such that we can write the linear equation of (\[A\_[11]{}\]) also as a matrix equation $$\partial_{x}\left(\begin{array}{c}
\end{array}\right) = {\cal A}_{1}\left(\begin{array}{c}
\end{array}\right)\label{A_{13}}$$ It is, then, easy to show that if we define another $OSP(2|2)$ ($SL(2|1)$) valued potential, ${\cal A}_{0}$ as $${\cal A}_{0} = \left(\begin{array}{ccc}
A & B & C\\
E + C\psi & F & G\\
H + \lambda C & J - \phi C & A + F
\end{array}\right)\label{A_{14}}$$ then, the zero curvature condition associated with these potentials, namely, $$\partial_{t} {\cal A}_{1} - \partial_{x} {\cal A}_{0} - [{\cal A}_{0} , {\cal
A}_{1}] = 0$$ leads to the sAKNS hierarchy of equations provided $$\begin{aligned}
E & = & - (DG)\nonumber\\
F & = & (DC)\nonumber\\
H & = & (DA) + B \psi\nonumber\\
J & = & (DB)\nonumber\\
C_{x} & = & - G\phi + B \psi\nonumber\\
A_{x} & = & \phi (DG) - B (D\psi) + 2 C \phi \psi\label{A_{15}}\end{aligned}$$ with the dynamical equations given by $$\begin{aligned}
\phi_{t} & = & - [B_{x} - \phi A + (D\phi C) - \lambda B]\nonumber\\
\psi_{t} & = & - [G_{x} + \psi A - (D\psi) C + \lambda G]\label{A_{16}}\end{aligned}$$
[**3. Hamiltonian Structures:**]{}
In this section, we describe the Hamiltonian structures of the theory. Our goal is to find the Hamiltonian structure ${\cal D}$ such that the dynamical equations of the hierarchy can be written as $$\partial_{t}\left(\begin{array}{c}
\end{array}\right) = {\cal D} \left(\begin{array}{c}
\frac{\delta H}{\delta \phi}\\
\frac{\delta H}{\delta \psi}
\end{array}\right)\label{B_{1}}$$ where $H$ represents the appropriate Hamiltonian for the flow. From the form of the dynamical equations in (\[A\_[4]{}\])–(\[A\_[6]{}\]) as well as the forms of the conserved quantities in eq. (\[A\_[9]{}\]), it is straightforward to write down the simplest of the Hamiltonian structures, namely, we see that with $${\cal D}_{1} = \left(\begin{array}{rr}
0 & 1\\
-1 & 0
\end{array}\right)\label{B_{2}}$$ we can write all the equations of the hierarchy as $$\partial_{t_{n}} \left(\begin{array}{c}
\end{array}\right) = {\cal D}_{1} \left(\begin{array}{c}
\frac{\delta H_{n}}{\delta \phi}\\
\frac{\delta H_{n}}{\delta \psi}
\end{array}\right)\label{B_{3}}$$ The structure ${\cal D}_{1}$ is a simple structure with constant elements and, therefore, trivially satisfies the Jacobi identity. Thus, we can identify this with the first Hamiltonian structure of the hierarchy.
However, as we know, integrable hierarchies have, in general, several distinct Hamiltonian structures. Finding the higher ones, though, can be tricky as was already noticed in \[9, 16\]. Let us point out how one can run into problems here also. With some algebra, one can show that the structure $$\tilde{\cal D}_{2} = \left(\begin{array}{cc}
-2 \phi D^{-1} \phi & D^{2} + 2 \phi D^{-1} \psi\\
D^{2} + 2 \psi D^{-1} \phi & - 2 \psi D^{-1} \psi
\end{array}\right)\label{B_{4}}$$ gives equations (\[A\_[5]{}\])–(\[A\_[6]{}\]) through the relation (for $n=0,1$) $$\partial_{t_{n+1}} \left(\begin{array}{c}
\end{array}\right) = \tilde{\cal D}_{2} \left(\begin{array}{c}
\frac{\delta H_{n}}{\delta \phi}\\
\frac{\delta H_{n}}{\delta \psi}
\end{array}\right)$$ This is, however, a much more complicated structure than ${\cal D}_{1}$ and Jacobi identity is not obvious from the form of this structure. A careful calculation shows that $\tilde{\cal D}_{2}$ does not satisfy the Jacobi identity and, therefore , cannot represent a true Hamiltonian structure of the theory. In fact, if we try to derive eq. (\[A\_[7]{}\]) with this structure, it fails showing that the structure is not quite complete. It misses some terms which give a vanishing contribution for the low order equations and, therefore, do not make their presence manifest.
The true second Hamiltonian structure of the hierarchy can be determined with some work to be $${\cal D}_{2} = \left(\begin{array}{ccc}
-\phi D^{-2}\phi D - D \phi D^{-2}\phi\\
- 2\phi D^{-2}\phi\psi D^{-2}\phi\\
\end{array} & \begin{array}{c}
D^{2} + D\phi D^{-2}\psi + \phi D^{-2}(D\psi)\\
+ 2\phi D^{-2}\phi\psi D^{-2}\psi\\
D^{2} + \psi D^{-2}\phi D + (D\psi) D^{-2}\phi\\
+ 2\psi D^{-2}\phi\psi D^{-2}\phi
\end{array} & \begin{array}{c}
-\psi D^{-2}(D\psi) - (D\psi)D^{-2}\psi\\
- 2\psi D^{-2}\phi\psi D^{-2}\psi
\end{array}\right)\label{B_{5}}$$ It is now easy to check that the equations of the hierarchy (except for the lowest one) can now be written as ($n=0,1,2,\cdots$) $$\partial_{t_{n+1}} \left(\begin{array}{c}
\end{array}\right) = {\cal D}_{2} \left(\begin{array}{c}
\frac{\delta H_{n}}{\delta \phi}\\
\frac{\delta H_{n}}{\delta \psi}
This is, of course, a much more complicated structure. However, the Jacobi identity can be verified through the method of prolongation which we describe briefly. Let us consider a graded matrix one form $\Omega$ defined as $$\Omega = \left(\begin{array}{c}
\end{array}\right)\label{B_{7}}$$ where $\Omega_{b}$ and $\Omega_{f}$ represent respectively bosonic and fermionic components of the matrix one form. Given this and the structure ${\cal D}_{2}$, we can now construct the bivector associated with the structure ${\cal D}_{2}$ as $$\begin{aligned}
\Theta_{{\cal D}_{2}} & = & \frac{1}{2} \int dz\; ({\cal
D}_{2}\Omega)_{\alpha} \wedge \Omega_{\alpha}\nonumber\\
& = & \int dz \left[(D^{2}\Omega_{b})\wedge \Omega_{f} + (\phi\Omega_{f} -
& & \left.\left\{D^{-2}(\phi(D\Omega_{f}) - (D\psi)\Omega_{b} +
\phi\psi(D^{-2}(\phi\Omega_{f}-\psi\Omega_{b})))\right\}\right]\label{B_{8}}\end{aligned}$$ Here $\alpha = 1,2$ runs over the two components of the matrix and we have used integration by parts. The structure ${\cal D}_{2}$ can be shown to satisfy Jacobi identity provided the prolongation of this bivector vanishes.
The prolongation can be calculated by noting that the prolongations for the basic variables are defined to be (see \[14-15\] for details) $${\bf pr\;v}_{{\cal D}_{2}\Omega}\left(\begin{array}{c}
\end{array}\right) = \left(\begin{array}{c}
({\cal D}_{2}\Omega)_{1}\\
({\cal D}_{2}\Omega)_{2}
\end{array}\right)\label{B_{9}}$$ With some tedious algebra and using eq. (\[B\_[9]{}\]), we can show that (upto surface terms) $${\bf pr\;v}_{{\cal D}_{2}\Omega} (\Theta_{{\cal D}_{2}}) = 0\label{B_{10}}$$ This shows that ${\cal D}_{2}$ satisfies the Jacobi identity and, indeed, represents the true second Hamiltonian of the theory. Furthermore, it is also easy to show that the structures ${\cal D}_{1}$ and ${\cal D}_{2}$ are compatible. Namely, let $${\cal D} = {\cal D}_{2} + \alpha {\cal D}_{1}\label{b_{9}}$$ where $\alpha$ is an arbitrary constant parameter. Then, from the simple structure of ${\cal D}_{1}$ in eq. (\[B\_[2]{}\]), it is straightforward to check that $${\bf pr\;v}_{{\cal D}\Omega}(\Theta_{{\cal D}}) = 0$$ showing that any linear combination of ${\cal D}_{1}$ and ${\cal D}_{2}$ is also a Hamiltonian structure.
The compatibility of ${\cal D}_{1}$ and ${\cal D}_{2}$, suggests that we can define the recursion operator for the theory which corresponds to $$\begin{aligned}
{\cal R} & = & {\cal D}_{1}^{-1} {\cal D}_{2}\nonumber\\
& = & \left(\begin{array}{cc}
-D^{2} - \psi D^{-2}\phi D - (D\psi)D^{-2}\phi\\
- 2\psi D^{-2}\phi\psi D^{-2}\phi\\
\end{array} & \begin{array}{c}
\psi D^{-2}(D\psi) + (D\psi)D^{-2}\psi\\
+ 2\psi D^{-2}\phi\psi D^{-2}\psi\\
-\phi D^{-2}\phi D - D\phi D^{-2}\phi\\
- 2\phi D^{-2}\phi\psi D^{-2}\phi
\end{array} & \begin{array}{c}
D^{2} + D\phi D^{-2}\psi + \phi D^{-2}(D\psi)\\
+ 2\phi D^{-2}\phi\psi D^{-2}\psi
\end{array}\right)\label{B_{11}}\end{aligned}$$ which will give the recursion relation between the Hamiltonians as $$\left(\begin{array}{c}
\frac{\delta H_{n+1}}{\delta \phi}\\
\frac{\delta H_{n+1}}{\delta \psi}
\end{array}\right) = {\cal R}\left(\begin{array}{c}
\frac{\delta H_{n}}{\delta \phi}\\
\frac{\delta H_{n}}{\delta \psi}
\end{array}\right)\label{B_{12}}$$ as well as the higher order Hamiltonian structures, for example, $${\cal D}_{3} = {\cal D}_{2} {\cal R}$$ and so on. Furthermore, the Nijenhuis torsion tensor associated with this recursion operator would vanish implying again the integrability of this hierarchy of equations.
It is also worth pointing out here that we could try to obtain an alternate supersymmetry hierarchy associated with the AKNS hierarchy as follows. If we choose as the Lax operator $$L = D^{2} + \phi D^{-2} (D\psi)\label{B_{13}}$$ which differs only slightly from the Lax operator in eq. (\[A\_[1]{}\]), the equations $$\frac{\partial L}{\partial t_{n}} = \left[(L^{n})_{+} , L\right]\label{B_{14}}$$ would correspond to the sAKNS-B hierarchy which is an alternate supersymmetrization\[17\] of the AKNS hierarchy. Thus, for example, the second order equation following from eq. (\[B\_[14]{}\]) would be $$\begin{aligned}
\frac{\partial \phi}{\partial t} & = & (D^{4}\phi) + 2 \phi^{2}
\frac{\partial \psi}{\partial t} & = & -(D^{4}\psi) - 2 (D^{-1} \phi
(D\psi)^{2})\label{B_{15}}\end{aligned}$$ which can be compared with eq. (\[A\_[5]{}\]). The second equation of (\[B\_[15]{}\]), however, is nonlocal, as was also noted in \[18\] and so, the alternate supersymmetrization for the case of AKNS hierarchy does not appear to be particularly useful.
We also note from the form of the Lax operator in (\[A\_[1]{}\]) that the terms are not linear in the dynamical variables. Therefore, it is not clear how one can define a dual which will give rise to a linear functional of the dynamical variables. Consequently, the question of obtaining the Hamiltonian structures of the theory from the Gelfand-Dikii brackets or through the R-matrix approach remains open.
[**4. A Fermionic Lax Description:**]{}
The sAKNS hierarchy discussed in the above sections is quite peculiar in that, in addition to its description in terms of a bosonic Lax operator in eq. (\[A\_[1]{}\], it can also be described equivalently by a fermionic Lax operator. Let us consider the Lax operator $$\Lambda = D + \phi D^{-2} \psi\label{C_{1}}$$ where $\phi$ and $\psi$ denote the superfields discussed in the earlier sections. It is clear that this Lax operator, unlike the one in eq. (\[A\_[1]{}\]), is fermionic. Furthermore, it is straightforward to check that the Lax equation ($n=0,1,2,\cdots$) $$\frac{\partial \Lambda}{\partial t_{n}} = \left[(\Lambda^{2n})_{+} ,
\Lambda\right]\label{C_{2}}$$ gives the sAKNS hierarchy of equations in eq. (\[A\_[2]{}\]) or more explicitly in eqs. (\[a\_[4]{}\])–(\[A\_[6]{}\]). This is, therefore, the only hierarchy of equations that we know of which can be described in terms of a bosonic as well as a fermionic Lax operator. Furthermore, there is no obvious relation between the two Lax operators in eqs. (\[A\_[1]{}\]) and (\[C\_[1]{}\]) although we will describe some equivalences later in this section. We note here that the odd powers of $\Lambda$, namely, $(\Lambda^{2n+1})_{+}$ in eq. (\[C\_[2]{}\]) do not lead to any consistent equation (with anti-commutation relation, of course).
Since this is a new Lax operator, it is worth studying its properties systematically. First, let us look at the conserved quantities following from this Lax operator. It is straightforward to check that $$sTr (\Lambda)^{n} = 0\hspace{.5in}{\rm for~ any}\;n\label{C_{3}}$$ On the other hand, we have checked explicitly upto the fourth term and conjecture that $$Res \Lambda^{2n} = - (D sRes L^{n})\label{C_{4}}$$ so that the local conserved quantities in eq. (\[A\_[7]{}\]) can equivalently be written as $$H_{n} = \frac{1}{n} \int dz\; (D^{-1} Res \Lambda^{2n})\label{C_{5}}$$ Since $\Lambda$ is a fermionic operator, it would appear that the fermionic conserved quantities should follow in a simple manner. However, we have not succeeded in obtaining the fermionic, nonlocal conserved quantities of eq. (\[A\_[9]{}\])–(\[A\_[10]{}\]) from $\Lambda$. That remains an open question.
It would be interesting if we can relate the two Lax operators in some way so that the calculations with either of them would simplify. However, we have not, so far, found a transformation that would directly relate the two except for the observation that, under $$\phi\rightarrow D^{-1} \phi D\label{C_{6}}$$ we have $$\begin{aligned}
\Lambda & \rightarrow & D + D^{-1} \phi D^{-1} \psi\nonumber\\
& = & D^{-1} (D^{2} + \phi D^{-1} \psi)\nonumber\\
& = & D^{-1} L\label{C_{7}}\end{aligned}$$ This is, however, not very useful in practical calculations. We note here that we can write $$\begin{aligned}
\Lambda^{2} & = & D^{2} + D\phi D^{-2}\psi + \phi D^{-2}\psi D + \phi
D^{-2}\phi\psi D^{-2}\psi\nonumber\\
& = & D^{2} + \bar{\phi} D^{-2} \psi - \phi D^{-2} \bar{\psi}\label{C_{8}}\end{aligned}$$ where $$\begin{aligned}
\bar{\phi} & = & (D\phi) + (D^{-2} \phi \psi) \phi\nonumber\\
\bar{\psi} & = & - (D\psi) + (D^{-2} \phi\psi) \psi\label{C_{9}}\end{aligned}$$ are the variables already defined in \[12\] in connection with a Hamiltonian description of this system. This way of defining $\Lambda^{2}$ simplifies the calculation of the local conserved quantities of the theory greatly.
Let us next note that if we start with the Lax operator in eq. (\[C\_[1]{}\]), we can write a linear equation of the form $$\Lambda \chi = (D + \phi D^{-2} \psi)\chi = 0\label{C_{10}}$$ From eq. (\[C\_[10]{}\]), we can write the matrix equation $$D \left(\begin{array}{c}
(D^{-1}\psi \chi)\\
(D^{-2} \psi \chi)
\end{array}\right) = \left(\begin{array}{ccr}
0 & \psi & 0\\
0 & 0 & -\phi\\
1 & 0 & 0
\end{array}\right)\label{C_{11}}$$ It now follows from this, as well as the properties of the supercovariant derivative, that $$\partial_{x}\left(\begin{array}{c}
(D^{-1}\psi \chi)\\
(D^{-2} \psi \chi)
\end{array}\right) = {\cal A}_{1} \left(\begin{array}{c}
(D^{-1}\psi \chi)\\
(D^{-2} \psi \chi)
\end{array}\right)\label{C_{12}}$$ where $${\cal A}_{1} = \left(\begin{array}{rcc}
0 & (D\psi) & \phi\psi\\
-\phi & 0 & -(D\phi)\\
0 & \psi & 0
\end{array}\right)\label{C_{13}}$$ Furthermore, if we define a graded matrix $${\cal A}_{0} = \left(\begin{array}{ccc}
A & E - C\psi & H\\
B & F & J + \phi C\\
C & G & A+F
\end{array}\right)\label{C_{14}}$$ then, it is straightforward to see that the zero curvature condition $$\partial_{t} {\cal A}_{1} - \partial_{x} {\cal A}_{0} - [{\cal A}_{0} , {\cal
A}_{1}] = 0$$ leads to the sAKNS hierarchy of equations provided $$\begin{aligned}
F & = & - (DC)\nonumber\\
E & = & (DG)\nonumber\\
J & = & (DB)\nonumber\\
H & = & (DA) - B\psi\nonumber\\
A_{x} & = & (DG) \phi + B (D\psi) - 2 C \phi\psi\nonumber\\
C_{x} & = & G\phi + B\psi\label{C_{15}}\end{aligned}$$ It is easy now to check from eqs. (\[A\_[12]{}\])–(\[A\_[15]{}\]) that these are the same as before with proper identification (and $\lambda = 0$). This is an alternate way to see that the fermionic Lax operator gives rise to the entire hierarchy of sAKNS equations.
An alternate way of establishing this equivalence with the spectral parameter is to note that if we start with the linear matrix equation $${\widetilde \Lambda} \left(\begin{array}{c}
\end{array}\right) = \sqrt{\lambda}\left(\begin{array}{cc}
0 & 1\\
1 & 0
\end{array}\right) \left(\begin{array}{c}
\end{array}\right)\label{C_{16}}$$ where ${\widetilde \Lambda}$ is obtained from $\Lambda$ by conjugation $${\widetilde \Lambda}= - \Lambda^{\dagger} = D + \psi D^{-2} \phi
\label{lambdap}$$ and $\chi_{b}$ and $\chi_{f}$ are two bosonic and fermionic superfield wave functions respectively, then, this set of two coupled equations is equivalent to the two uncoupled equations of the form $${\widetilde \Lambda}^{2} \chi =
(D^{2} - \bar{\psi} D^{-2}\phi - \psi D^{-2} \bar{\phi})\chi
= \lambda \chi\label{C_{17}}$$ It is now easy to obtain from this that $$\partial_{x}\left(\begin{array}{c}
e^{( - \lambda x)} (D^{-2}\phi\chi)\\
e^{( - \lambda x)} \chi\\
e^{( - \lambda x)} (D^{-2}{\bar\psi} \chi)
\end{array}\right) = \left(\begin{array}{ccr}
-\lambda & \phi & 0\\
\bar{\psi} & 0 & \psi\\
0 & \bar{\phi} & - \lambda
e^{( - \lambda x)} (D^{-2}\phi\chi)\\
e^{( -\lambda x)} \chi\\
e^{( - \lambda x)} (D^{-2}{\bar\psi} \chi)
\end{array}\right)\label{C_{18}}$$ This is the same as the matrix obtained earlier in \[12\] in connection with the conventional bosonic Lax operator. This establishes a connection between the matrix eigenvalue problems of two descriptions although a more direct connection remains an open question.
[**5. Soliton Solutions:**]{}
The soliton solutions for the sAKNS hierarchy have already been constructed earlier \[13\] from the conventional, bosonic Lax operator through the algebraic dressing method. Here, we would like to discuss the construction of soliton solutions for the fermionic Lax operator ${\widetilde \Lambda}$ as elements on the Darboux-Bäcklund orbit. Let us consider a general Darboux-Bäcklund transformation generated by $$T = \xi \pa \xi^{-1} = \xi D^{2} \xi^{-1}
\label{T}$$ where $\xi$ is an arbitrary bosonic superfield. From this, we obtain $$T D T^{-1} = D + \xi \(D^3 \ln \xi \) D^{-2} \xi^{-1}
\label{tdt}$$ Similarly, we can also show that $$T \psi D^{-2} \phi T^{-1} = \xi \( \xi^{-1} \psi \int (\phi \xi ) \)^{\prime}
D^{-2} \xi^{-1} - \xi \(\xi^{-1} \psi \)^{\prime}
D^{-2}\(\int (\phi \xi )\) \xi^{-1}
\label{tpdpt}$$ We want the sum of the terms on right hand sides of (\[tdt\]) and (\[tpdpt\]) representing $ T {\widetilde \Lambda} T^{-1}$ to have the same form as ${\widetilde \Lambda} = D + \psi D^{-2} \phi$ in (\[lambdap\]).
It is clear that there are only two possible solutions. First, if $\xi$ satisfies $\(\xi^{-1} \psi \)^{\prime}=0$ or $\xi^{-1} \psi = f_0$ where $f_0$ is an odd constant, then, we have $${\widetilde \Lambda} = D + \left \lb \xi \(D^3 \ln \xi \) + \xi^2 f_0
\right\rb D^{-2} \xi^{-1}
\label{ltia}$$ which is of the same form as ${\widetilde \Lambda}$.
The second possibility, on the other hand, is more interesting. Let us choose $\xi$ such that $$\xi \(D^3 \ln \xi \) + \xi \(\xi^{-1} \psi \int (\phi \xi ) \)^{\prime}=0
\label{second}$$ With this choice it follows from (\[tdt\]) and (\[tpdpt\]) that $$T {\widetilde \Lambda} T^{-1} = D - \xi \(\xi^{-1} \psi \)^{\prime}
D^{-2} \(\int (\phi \xi )\) \xi^{-1}
\label{tplpt}$$ has the desired form.
Condition (\[second\]) can be rewritten as (by ignoring one odd integration constant) $$D \xi + \psi \int (\phi \xi ) =0
\label{seconda}$$ Remarkably, this is nothing but a condition ${\widetilde \Lambda} (\xi) =0$. We will use this fact later. Define now $${\widetilde \Lambda}_2 = T_1 {\widetilde \Lambda}_1 T_1^{-1} =
T_1 T_0 D T_0^{-1} T_1^{-1}\quad ;\quad
T_0 = \xi_0 \pa \xi^{-1}_0 \quad ;\quad T_1 = \xi_1 \pa \xi^{-1}_1
\label{ltwo}$$ One sees that ${\widetilde \Lambda}_1$ is given by the right hand side of (\[tdt\]). The condition (\[seconda\]) ${\widetilde \Lambda}_1 (\xi_1)=0$ for $\xi_1$ has a solution of the form $ \xi_1 = {\rm const}\times \pa \ln \xi_0$. For this solution we find (with ${\rm const} =1$): $${\widetilde \Lambda}_2 = T_1 {\widetilde \Lambda}_1 T_1^{-1} = D +
(\pa \xi_0) \( D^3 \ln (\pa \xi_0)\) D^{-2} (\pa \xi_0)^{-1}
\label{ltwoa}$$ These observations inspire us to define a chain of the [[Darboux-Bäcklund]{} ]{}transformations $${\widetilde \Lambda}_n = T_{n-1} {\widetilde \Lambda}_{n-1}
T_{n-1}^{-1} \quad ;\quad T_n = \xi_n \pa \xi^{-1}_n
\label{chain}$$ such that the constraint $ {\widetilde \Lambda}_n (\xi_n)=0$ is satisfied at each level. Correspondingly, $$\begin{aligned}
{\widetilde \Lambda}_n &=& D + \psi_n D^{-2} \phi_n
\phi_n &=& (T_{n-1}^{-1} )^{\dag} \cdots (T_{1}^{-1} )^{\dag} ( \xi_0^{-1})
\psi_n &=& T_{n-1} \cdots T_{1} ( \xi_0 D^3 \ln \xi_0 )
= T_{n-1} \cdots T_{0} ( D \xi_0 )
\label{psin}\end{aligned}$$ The closed expressions for $\xi_n, \phi_n, \psi_n$ $$\begin{aligned}
\xi_n &=& \pa \ln \( \pa^{n-1} \xi_0 \) \label{xin}\\
\phi_n &=& \( \pa^{n-1} \xi_0 \)^{-1} \label{pna}\\
\psi_n &=& \( \pa^{n-1} \xi_0 \) D^3 \ln \( \pa^{n-1} \xi_0 \)
\label{psina}\end{aligned}$$ can be verified by inspection. One also finds that $ {\bar \phi}_n = {\widetilde \Lambda}_n^{\dag} (\phi_n )=0$ for all $n$ and therefore the bosonic Lax operator $${\widetilde \Lambda}_n^2 = \pa + \( \pa^{n-1} \xi_0 \) \(\ln \( \pa^{n-1}
\xi_0 \)\)^{\prime \prime} \pa^{-1} \( \pa^{n-1} \xi_0 \)^{-1}
\label{boslaxn}$$ obtained by squaring ${\widetilde \Lambda}_n$ like in (\[C\_[17]{}\]) will only have bosonic coefficients, while fermionic coefficients do not appear. Similarly, in the s-AKNS equations of motion for these solutions the quadratic fermionic terms will be absent. This feature is reminiscent of the soliton solutions found for the sAKNS model in \[13\] using the algebraic dressing method.
[**6. Conclusion:**]{}
As we have argued, the sAKNS hierarchy is clearly an important supersymmetric integrable hierarchy. In this paper, we have worked out various properties associated with this hierarchy systematically. We have constructed the conserved charges (both bosonic and fermionic), the Hamiltonian structures verifying the Jacobi identity and the recursion operator. We have also shown that this is a unique hierarchy which allows a description in terms of a bosonic as well as a fermionic Lax operator. Starting from the fermionic Lax operator, we have shown how the bosonic conserved charges as well as the zero curvature formulation can be obtained. The Darboux-Bäcklund transformation associated with the fermionic Lax operator is also worked out leading to soliton solutions. There remain, however, some open questions. Namely, we do not yet know how to obtain the fermionic conserved quantities starting from the fermionic Lax operator nor is a direct connection between the bosonic and the fermionic Lax operator clear at this point. However, we would like to emphasize that it is quite worth understanding in detail the description of this hierarchy in terms of the fermionic Lax operator since it might give some insight into the Manin-Radul description of the supersymmetric KP hierarchy\[7\].
This work was supported in part by US Department of Energy Grant No. DE-FG02-84ER40173 and DE-FG02-91ER40685.
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[^1]: E-mail address: [email protected]
| {
"pile_set_name": "ArXiv"
} | ArXiv |
abstract: 'Interest in poisoning attacks and backdoors recently resurfaced for applications. Several successful defense mechanisms have been recently proposed for , for example in the context of autonomous driving. We show that visualization approaches can aid in identifying a backdoor independent of the used classifier. Surprisingly, we find that common defense mechanisms fail utterly to remove backdoors in for . Finally, we devise pruning-based approaches to remove backdoors for and and demonstrate their effectiveness for two different network security datasets.'
- 'Maximilian Bachl, Alexander Hartl, Joachim Fabini, Tanja Zseby'
- 'bibliography.bib'
title: Walling up Backdoors in Intrusion Detection Systems
Training a model for an is a challenging task which involves massive datasets and significant amounts of computational power. In a practical deployment, it is therefore reasonable to assume that training of the model is done by a security company marketing either a complete system or just a pre-trained model that can be plugged into another software. If we have to question if such a security company can be trusted under all circumstances, the problem arises that the security company might have implemented backdoors which circumvent the system. This could be motivated by profitseeking or by government actors requiring ways to purposefully disable security measures in specific cases.
In addition to these problems, for the training of models, usually datasets are used which have been generated artificially in a controlled test environment. As a downside of this approach, it is unclear whether a model learns to classify based on characteristics that are inherent to the attacks which should be detected, or rather learns to classify based on patterns that were unintentionally created during dataset generation.
For a well-performing network technique it is therefore of utmost importance to study which features are useful and which patterns the technique looks at to distinguish attack traffic from normal traffic, and question if these explanations match with expert knowledge.
In this paper, we train models to detect network attacks similar to the approach of a recent paper [@meghdouri_analysis_2018], which bases on the [UNSW-NB15]{} dataset [@moustafa_unsw-nb15:_2015] and evaluates the performance of several feature vectors and techniques for accurate in the context of . We then add a backdoor to the models and show that attack detection can efficiently be bypassed if the attacker had the ability to modify training data.
Then we discuss several techniques to detect or remove a backdoor from a trained model. In particular, we show how visualization techniques from explainable can be used to detect backdoors and problems emerging from the distribution of attack samples in the training dataset. We furthermore evaluate recently proposed techniques for for removing backdoors from image classifiers, which, however, surprisingly turn out to be ineffective for our classifiers.
Finally, we put emphasis of our experiments on hardening classifiers, the probably most important method in the context of . We propose a new pruning technique specifically for removing backdoors from trained models.
For reproducibility, we make our code, data and figures publicly available at <https://github.com/CN-TU/ids-backdoor>.
Related Work
Several recent publications aim at increasing robustness of decision trees against attacks. [@biggio_bagging_2011] proposes a defense mechanism against poisoning that uses bagging to try to minimize the influence of a backdoor that is introduced in the training dataset. The method is applicable to . However, this approach cannot protect if a trained model is obtained from another (untrusted) party in which the other party might potentially have introduced a backdoor, which is the use case considered in this work. [@chen_robust_2019] develops a method to train with a tunable parameter that trades off accuracy against robustness against evasion attacks. [@russu_secure_2016] makes SVMs robust against evasion attacks and outlines a possibility to also apply it to and . Pruning for neural networks has been proposed as a method to simplify large neural networks [@sietsma_neural_1988]. Pruning as a defense for neural networks against poisoning has emerged recently [@gu_badnets:_2017]. They proposed pruning as a defense mechanism against backdoored and show that by removing infrequently used neurons from the last convolutional layer, potential backdoors can be removed. The rationale behind this is that some neurons specialize processing the regular samples while others focus on the backdoor. To our knowledge, these pruning defences have been applied to but not to , which are commonly used for [@meghdouri_analysis_2018]. Although various pruning techniques have been proposed for in the last decades [@esposito_comparative_1997] with the aim of simplifying trees that overfit on the training data, pruning has not yet been investigated for its suitability for defending against backdoors for and .
Besides pruning, a frequently used technique for removing backdoors from a trained model is fine-tuning. Fine-tuning was initially described as a transfer learning technique [@yosinski_how_2014] and later proposed as part of an attack strategy against poisoning attacks [@liu_fine-pruning:_2018]. For fine-tuning, training of the is continued with the validation set, hence reinforcing correct decisions and ideally causing the to gradually forget backdoors. Moreover, the authors argue that since fine-tuning removes backdoors from neurons that are activated by the validation set, fine-tuning is the ideal complement for pruning, which removes backdoors from neurons that are not activated by the validation set. They thus propose fine-pruning as a combination of pruning and fine-tuning. As with pruning, these methods have not been applied to classic so far.
Experimental Setup {#sec:ml_approaches}
We performed our experiments with an and an model and intentionally added a backdoor to both. In particular, we used the following experimental setup:
#### Datasets
Several requirements have to be met for a dataset to allow realistic performance benchmarks. In this research, we use the [UNSW-NB15]{} [@moustafa_unsw-nb15:_2015] and the [CIC-IDS-2017]{} [@sharafaldin_toward_2018] datasets, which were developed by two independent institutions and are both freely available on the Internet. The [UNSW-NB15]{} dataset [@moustafa_unsw-nb15:_2015] was created by researchers of the University of New South Wales to overcome common problems due to outdated datasets. Network captures containing over 2 million flows of normal traffic and various types of attacks are provided together with a ground truth file. Attack traffic includes reconnaissance, DoS and analysis attacks, exploits, fuzzers, shellcode, backdoors and worms.
The [CIC-IDS-2017]{} dataset [@sharafaldin_toward_2018] was created by the Canadian Institute of Cybersecurity to provide an alternative to existing datasets which are found to exhibit several shortcomings. The provided network captures contain more than 2.3 million flows, containing normal traffic and DoS, infiltration, brute force, web attacks and scanning attacks.
For processing the data, we base our analysis on the CAIA [@williams_preliminary_2006] feature vector as formulated in [@meghdouri_analysis_2018], which includes the used protocol, flow duration, packet count and the total number of transmitted bytes, the minimum, maximum, mean and standard deviation of packet length and inter-arrival time and the number of packets with specific TCP flags set.
All features except protocol and flow duration are evaluated for forward and backward direction separately. We also include the minimum, maximum and standard deviation of values in our feature vector as an attractive candidate for exploitation as a backdoor. We used go-flows [@vormayr_go-flows_2019] for extracting features from the raw capture files and applied Z-score normalization to process the data. We used 3-fold cross validation to ensure that our results do not deviate significantly across folds.
#### Techniques
We used PyTorch [@paszke_automatic_nodate] to build an . For this we used 5 fully connected layers with 512 neurons each. We applied activation after each layer and dropout with a probability of 0.2 and used binary cross entropy as loss function for training. In addition to the , we trained an classifier to detect attacks in network traffic. We used the RandomForestClassifier implementation from scikit-learn [@pedregosa_scikit-learn_2011] for this task and used 100 estimators for training the .
#### The Backdoor
We added a backdoor to our and models. Hence, we had to find a pattern usable as a backdoor in feature vectors. On one hand, this pattern has to be detectable reliably by the system, on the other hand it must be possible to generate real network traffic which translates into feature vectors exhibiting this pattern.
In our case, we used the value contained in the header of Internet traffic as channel for signaling the backdoor. The is used for mitigating problems due to routing loops in IP networks. It is reasonable to assume that the field remains constant for all packets in one benign traffic flow. This assumption was perfectly reflected by the examined datasets, as only 965 flows exhibited a non-zero standard deviation for [CIC-IDS-2017]{} and only 7 for [UNSW-NB15]{}. Hence, we decided to establish a backdoor in our models by varying the for the packets in flows of attack traffic. The models would thus learn to treat flows with a non-zero standard deviation of the value as non-attack traffic.
In particular, we implemented the backdoor by incrementing the of a flow’s first packet by one if its is smaller than 128 and decrementing it by 1 if is larger. This results in a tiny standard deviation of the as well as in changed max, min and mean.
#### Performance Results
--------------- ------- ------- ------- -------
Accuracy 0.990 0.989 0.997 0.998
Precision 0.854 0.845 0.997 0.999
Recall 0.850 0.829 0.993 0.992
F1 score 0.852 0.837 0.995 0.995
Youden’s J 0.845 0.823 0.992 0.991
Backdoor acc. 1.000 0.998 1.000 1.000
--------------- ------- ------- ------- -------
: Detection performance results.[]{data-label="tab:performance_results"}
Table \[tab:performance\_results\] shows performance results for the and , depicting both detection performance of normal samples and the efficacy of the backdoor. The models are thus able to detect the backdoor with high confidence while retaining high attack detection performance. Our results are consistent with previous work like, e.g., [@meghdouri_analysis_2018].
Remedies for Poisoning Attacks
We now investigate several techniques which might be used to prevent security vulnerabilities that come with backdoored pretrained models. In this respect, the ability to detect a backdoor and the ability to remove a backdoor from the trained model can be considered as equally effective since one often has the option to fall back to a model obtained from a different source in case a model looks suspicious.
Explainability Plots {#sec:plots}
A number of methods have been proposed recently aiming to visualize and explain a non-interpretable ML model’s decisions. Applied to the present problem, we can pick up ideas from and plots, not only for identifying backdoors in the , but also for finding wrong decisions it would take due to flawed training data.
### Partial Dependence Plots
were proposed in [@friedman_greedy_2001] and visualize dependence of a model’s predictions by plotting the ’s prediction for a modified dataset for which the feature’s value has been fixed to a certain value, averaging over the modified dataset.
If we denote by $\boldsymbol X \in \mathbb R ^n$ a random vector drawn from the feature space and by $f(\boldsymbol X) \in [0,1]$ the prediction function, the for the $i$th feature $X_i$ can be expressed as $$\text{PDP}_i(w) = \mathbb E_{\boldsymbol X}\Big(f(X_1,\ldots,X_{i-1},w,X_{i+1},\ldots X_n)\Big) . $$ Empirically, we can approximate the distribution of the feature space using the distribution of observed samples. Hence, at a given point $w,$ the can be found by setting the corresponding value of all samples in the dataset to $w$ and averaging over the predictions of the resulting modified dataset.
### Accumulated Local Effects
Due to feature dependence it is very likely that areas exist in the feature space which are very unlikely to occur. Since a model is trained with real, observed data, the training set therefore does not include samples for these areas, which causes the model’s predictions to become indeterminate for these areas, posing a problem when considering these predictions for computing .
In an attempt to overcome this problem, it is possible to only consider samples which are likely to occur for certain feature values, i.e. to consider the conditional distribution of remaining features, for computing explainability graphs.
plots [@apley_visualizing_2016] make use of this idea. For the $i$th feature $X_i$, the plot ALE$_i(w)$ can be defined differentially as $$\frac{d}{dw} \text{ALE}_i (w) = \mathbb E_{\boldsymbol X | X_i}\left(\frac{\partial}{\partial X_i} f(\boldsymbol X) \, \Big \vert \, X_i=w\right) .$$
![ and plots of the for [CIC-IDS-2017]{}. Full range of stdev(TTL) values on top; stdev(TTL) values from 0 to 5 below.[]{data-label="fig:pdp_ttl"}](figures/pdpale2017nn_joint_2.pdf){width="\columnwidth"}
To combat ambiguity of this definition, we force ALE$_i(w)$ to have zero mean on the domain of $X_i$. For empirical evaluation, we approximate the conditional distributions of $\boldsymbol X$ by averaging over samples for which $X_i \approx w$. In this paper, we used the 10 closest samples for estimating the distributions.
### Identifying Backdoors
Backdoors can be identified by computing or plots for the and investigating if regions exist, for which the behaves counter-intuitive. For our [CIC-IDS-2017]{} classifier, shows the for the value in forward direction, where the label 1 means classification as attack. We also provide plots for the corresponding models which were trained without backdoor. The plots are not available in a real situation, but we provide them here for comparison.
As shown in , the for the show a deep notch for certain low values of stdev(TTL). As discussed above, normal traffic is very unlikely to have deviating values for different packets. In contrast to , one would therefore expect this feature to have a negligible influence on the classification result. In our case, this notch thus points to the existence of the backdoor we embedded. For the model the same pattern is observed but omitted for brevity.
However, inconsistent behaviour of the , detected using or plots, does not necessarily result from poisoning activity. For example, shows the mean(TTL) feature in forward direction. The models show a clear dependence of the mean value of incoming packets, which is similarly counter-intuitive as for the feature discussed above. In our case, this behaviour results from the non-equal distribution of values of attack and non-attack traffic in both the [UNSW-NB15]{} and [CIC-IDS-2017]{} datasets.
Independent of their origin, such patterns might be exploited for masquerading attacks and thus are clearly unwanted. and plots therefore provide a convenient possibility for analyzing models for vulnerabilities.
Poisoning Defenses
### Pruning {#sec:dl_pruning}
To perform pruning, a validation dataset is needed, which does not contain backdoored samples. We take a validation set that is $\frac{1}{4}$ of the training set. We use the validation set for pruning as described in the next sections and a test set that is also $\frac{1}{4}$ to verify whether the backdoor can be removed successfully and how much the accuracy on the original data suffers. Training, validation and test sets are pairwise disjoint.
![ and plots for mean(TTL) for the [CIC-IDS-2017]{} and classifiers.[]{data-label="fig:ttlmean"}](figures/ttlmean.pdf){width="\columnwidth"}
![Correlation coefficient of neuron activation with backdoor usage throughout the pruning process for [CIC-IDS-2017]{}.[]{data-label="fig:correlation"}](figures/prune_CAIA_backdoor_17/{prune_1.00_nn_0_bd}.pdf){width="\columnwidth"}
We implemented three variants of the pruning defense [@gu_badnets:_2017]: Pruning neurons by their average activation in
all layers,
only in the last layer and
only in the first layer
. Neurons with the smallest average activation (the least used ones) are pruned first. For this purpose, we look at the value of the activation function in the corresponding layer for all samples in the validation set and prune neurons by setting the weight and bias to 0 in the layer preceding the activation function.
Our experiments revealed that pruning does not remove the backdoor at all, while decreasing the accuracy for normal data if too many neurons are pruned. To check whether other reasons are responsible for the ’s failure to remove the backdoor, we also conducted the following experiments:
We did not take the average activation but the average of the binary activations of each neuron, which means that we did not consider the quantity of the activation but only if the activation is larger than 0 and then averaged the activations for all data samples.
We checked whether the dropout regularization might be the reason.
We hypothesized that the issue might be that there are a lot fewer malicious samples in the dataset than there are attacks. Thus we reversed the backdoor and made the backdoor so that it would falsely classify benign samples as malicious ones.
However, none of the experiments could remove the backdoor. To investigate further, we computed the correlation of the activation of each neuron with the presence of the backdoor in the data. Neurons which are responsible for the backdoor should have a high correlation because they only become active when a sample is backdoored. We plotted the correlation of each neuron at the time step it is pruned, which is depicted in . If the pruning method worked, we would expect that neurons pruned in the beginning have a high correlation while later ones have a low correlation.
shows that this is not the case. It also shows that neurons are not completely separated in backdoor neurons and regular neurons: If this were the case, the correlation would either be 1 or 0, but we observe many values in between, which indicates that most neurons are both responsible for the backdoor as well as for regular data.
### Fine-Tuning
![Fine-tuning of the for [UNSW-NB15]{}.[]{data-label="fig:finetuning"}](figures/finetuning_2017.pdf){width="\columnwidth"}
In addition to pruning, we tried to use fine-tuning to remove the backdoor from the . Fine-tuning exclusively makes sense if both the computational effort and the required training set size for fine-tuning are substantially lower than for the original training procedure.
shows the backdoor efficacy when continuing training of our trained model for [CIC-IDS-2017]{} with the validation set, hence without backdoored samples. It indicates clearly that, unfortunately, with reasonable computational effort, fine-tuning is uneffective for cleaning the from backdoors in our case. In fact, training a model from scratch takes less computational effort than fine-tuning. We observed a similar behaviour for [UNSW-NB15]{}.
In addition to fine-tuning, we also tried fine-pruning [@liu_fine-pruning:_2018] by first applying a large number of different pruning strategies and then using fine-tuning. From all pruning strategies, only pruning a certain fraction of only the ’s first layer resulted in a discernible drop of backdoor efficacy after one epoch of fine-tuning, primarily for [CIC-IDS-2017]{}.
The significance of the ’s first layer for the backdoor presumably results from the simplicity of our backdoor pattern. Hence, applicability of this pruning technique for general situations is questionable. We conclude that also fine-pruning cannot be considered a reliable method for backdoor removal in the context of .
Pruning {#pruning}
We developed a defense approach specifically for classifiers. The concept behind our pruning defense is that leaves that are never used by samples in the validation set might be used by backdoored inputs. If these “useless” leaves are removed, performance of the classifier on the validation set should not decrease significantly, while decisions that are used for the backdoor are likely to be removed. We developed several variants of our pruning defense with an increasing level of sophistication:
1. Pruning leaves based on their usage: This means that the least used leaf is pruned first and the most used one last.
2. Like (1) but considering only “benign” leaves: We assume that attackers want malicious samples appear benign.
3. Like (2) but additionally using depth to decide when leaves are used equally often: The rationale is that we assume that hand-crafted backdoors require fewer rules to classify than regular samples and thus have lower depth.
shows an example of variant (3) of pruning applied to a tree
![Pruning an for [UNSW-NB15]{}.[]{data-label="fig:performancePruningRF"}](figures/prune_CAIA_backdoor_15/prune_oh_d.pdf){width="\columnwidth"}
and shows the resulting accuracy for pruning according to variant (3) for the [UNSW-NB15]{} dataset. With sufficient leaves being pruned, the accuracy of the backdoor approaches zero. The accuracy for the regular data does not decrease, it might even increase by reducing overfitting. Even with a very small validation set of just 1% of its original size, the pruning still works as expected.
For [CIC-IDS-2017]{} we get similar results, but pruning does not remove the backdoor completely ($\sim$30% backdoor accuracy remains). We attribute this to the fact that in this dataset there are also regular flows which have $\text{stdev}(\text{TTL}) > 0$. Thus, backdoored flows cannot always be sharply distinguished from regular flows. We find that pruning only benign leaves is very beneficial for [UNSW-NB15]{} but not for [CIC-IDS-2017]{}. However, considering depth when making the decision which leaf to prune first, leads to the backdoor being removed considerably earlier in the pruning process.
From our experiments, we can make three main recommendations for the deployment of models which have been obtained from a third-party.
To ensure that no backdoor is contained in the model, it has to be analyzed carefully for questionable decisions and potentially unnecessary features. For this purpose, and plots are an effective tool. In fact, already throughout the training process explainability plots constitute a useful tool to ensure that the model is not unintentionally trained to artifacts the dataset yields. On the other hand, the implementation of a backdoor as conducted in this research is only possible when using several features involving the value. Even though it might seem tempting to provide all possible features to a or classifier and let it learn the most important ones, this strategy should be avoided.
It is surprising that the neural network pruning and fine-tuning methods were ineffective for removing the backdoor from our model in all our experiments. This leads us to the conclusion that probably the proposed methods are insufficient for and more research is required to develop methods suitable for them.
For classifiers, which can be considered one of the most important classifiers for , the pruning technique we proposed is able to reduce backdoor efficacy significantly. At the same time, the classifier’s detection performance is not substantially reduced. Thus, we recommend always including a validation set when providing a or to another party. Even if the validation set is significantly smaller than the training set, the defensive properties are still upheld.
Acknowledgements {#acknowledgements .unnumbered}
The Titan Xp used for this research was donated by the NVIDIA Corporation. We thank Prof. Andreas Rauber for his suggestions to improve the explainability plots.
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abstract: 'Hexagonal boron nitride ($h$-BN) and graphite are structurally similar but with very different properties. Their combination in graphene-based devices is now of intense research focus, and it becomes particularly important to evaluate the role played by crystalline defects on their properties. In this paper, the cathodoluminescence (CL) properties of hexagonal boron nitride crystallites are reported and compared to those of nanosheets mechanically exfoliated from them. First the link between the presence of structural defects and the recombination intensity of trapped excitons, the so-called $D$ series, is confirmed. Low defective $h$-BN regions are further evidenced by CL spectral mapping (hyperspectral imaging), allowing us to observe new features in the near-band-edge region, tentatively attributed to phonon replica of exciton recombinations. Second the $h$-BN thickness was reduced down to six atomic layers, using mechanical exfoliation, as evidenced by atomic force microscopy. Even at these low thicknesses, the luminescence remains intense and exciton recombination energies are not strongly modified with respect to the bulk, as expected from theoretical calculations indicating extremely compact excitons in $h$-BN.'
- 'A. Pierret'
- 'J. Loayza'
- 'B. Berini'
- 'A. Betz'
- 'B. Plaçais'
- 'F. Ducastelle'
- 'J. Barjon'
- 'A. Loiseau'
title: 'Excitonic recombinations in hBN: from bulk to exfoliated layers'
Hexagonal boron nitride ($h$-BN) has the same honeycomb lattice as graphite with two atoms per unit cell and similar lattice parameters. Due to this similarity, boron nitride materials have attracted a growing interest in line with the development of low-dimensional carbon-related materials. Similarly to carbon, BN materials can be synthesized either as nanotubes (one-dimensional (1D) form) [@Chopra1995; @Loiseau1996] or as monolayers and/or multilayers (two-dimensional (2D) form).[@Shi10; @Song10] In the following we focus on this latter form. 2D layers of carbon, namely graphene sheets, display extraordinary electronic properties which open unanticipated routes for a new generation of electronic devices. However, the electron mobility of supported graphene typically falls short of that of suspended graphene, due to detrimental effects of substrate disorder and adsorbents. [@Burson13; @Xue11; @Decker11] Facing this problem, $h$-BN layers are of particular interest as support or capping layers of graphene. They combine several properties: They are insulating ($h$-BN is a large gap semiconductor due to the polar BN bond), [@Zunger1976; @Museur11; @Blase1995] they display an especially compatible layered $sp^2$ structure with that of graphene, they have a low concentration of charges impurities and they can be very flat due to an easy cleavage. Owing to these properties, graphene transferred on BN layers displays an electron mobility at room temperature of , which is the highest reported value for a supported graphene [@Dean10; @Gannett11; @Mayorov11; @Zomer11] and very close to that of suspended graphene. [@Bolotin2008; @Du2008] Beyond the high mobility of graphene supported on BN, their excellent lattice matching is promising for the realization of heterostructures of these materials for vertical transport stacking, in which graphene layers act as tunable metallic electrodes for the BN quasi-ideal tunnel barrier. [@Britnell12; @Ramasubramaniam11] These promising perspectives have been demonstrated by pioneering experiments done using sheets mechanically exfoliated from both graphite and $h$-BN single crystals. In the future, $h$-BN and graphene based devices and heterostructures would most probably use chemical vapor deposited (CVD) polycrystalline films and sheets. Their performances would only be achieved via an accurate control of the defects in both graphene and BN layers and of the layers engineering. While the electronic properties of graphene have been well described theoretically and investigated experimentally, this is not the case of BN layers and even of $h$-BN. This is due to both the scarcity of high quality materials and to the nature of their electronic properties dictated by the large gap. It is thus a basic issue to understand the spectroscopic properties of atomically thin $h$-BN layers and their intrinsic defects, which is the focus of this paper.
In contrast to graphene, usual spectroscopic characterization techniques such as Raman are not easy to manipulate or they provide poor information when used for $h$-BN. Absorption and luminescence spectroscopies have been shown to be the most direct approach to investigate the electronic properties of BN materials, due to their large gap. To this aim, dedicated cathodolumnescence and photoluminescence experiments have been recently developed and applied to BN powders and single crystals. [@JaffrennouJAP2007; @WatanabePRB2009; @MuseurJAP2008; @Museur11] Both theoretical calculations [@WirtzArXiv2005; @Arnaud2006; @WirtzComment2008; @ArnaudReply2008] and the most recent excitation photoluminescence experiments on single crystals [@Museur11] converge to establish the band gap of $h$-BN near . Furthermore, it is now commonly accepted that $h$-BN optical properties are dominated by huge excitonic effects. The near-band-edge luminescence spectrum is composed of two series of lines. Referring to measurements done on single crystals in Ref. \[\], they are defined as the $S$ and $D$ series. The four higher energy lines, labeled $S1$ to $S4$, located between 5.7 and , are attributed to the excitons, whereas the lower energy ones, labeled $D1$ to $D4$, between 5.4 and , are assigned to excitons trapped to structural defects. [@WatanabePRB2009; @JaffrennouJAP2007] The excitons in $h$-BN are more of Frenkel-type than of Wannier-type (as in others usual semiconductors, such as AlN with a gap). *Ab initio* calculations indeed predict that the spatial extension of the exciton wavefunction is of the order of one $h$-BN atomic layer.[@WirtzArXiv2005; @Arnaud2006; @ArnaudReply2008; @WirtzComment2008] Moreover the experimental Stokes shift of observed for the $S4$-line suggests its self-trapping, [@Museur11; @WatanabePRB2009] consistent with the very localized view of the Frenkel exciton.
To complete this view, the effect of a reduction in the $h$-BN thickness down to the atomic level has to be analyzed. Up to now, only scarce studies deal with the optical properties of nanometer-thick BN layers. An optical absorption edge between 5.6 and at room temperature is reported, [@Kim12; @WangBN12; @Ismach12; @PakdelJMC12; @Ci10; @Shi10; @Song10; @Lin2009; @Gao12] *i.e.* in the same range than in bulk $h$-BN. Only two studies report near-band edge recombination luminescence, with no correlation to the BN layer thickness under investigation. [@Li12; @WangBN12]
In this paper we present the first study of the luminescence properties of single BN nanosheets, with well-known thickness, by combining atomic force microscopy (AFM) and cathodoluminescence (CL) measurements. BN nanosheets were prepared by mechanical exfoliation of small $h$-BN crystallites of a polycrystalline powder. This material offers the advantage to give access at the same time to the intrinsic optical response of the crystallite as well as to the effect of grain boundaries and the crystallite thickness on this response. An advanced characterization of the starting bulk material is first presented and its near-band-edge recombinations observed by CL are discussed with respect to those of the single crystal. Then the luminescence of the exfoliated BN sheets is presented and discussed as a function of their thickness.
Samples and exfoliation process
The bulk material exfoliated in this paper is the high purity TRÈS BN$^{\copyright}$ St-Gobain commercial power PUHP1108, used in cosmetic applications. The $h$-BN crystallites are already shaped as flakes with large (00.1) surfaces of typically diameter, which is particularly convenient for the exfoliation process. Their thickness is about . One of these crystallites is shown in the scanning electron microscope (SEM) image of . This powder was synthesized at high temperature from boric acid and a nitrogen source. Our measurements on this powder are compared with the ones obtained from a single crystal of the best available quality, synthesized by a high-pressure high-temperature (HPHT) crystal process [@Taniguchi2007] and provided by Taniguchi *et al.* This reference sample is hereafter referred to as the HPHT sample.
Exfoliation of few-layer $h$-BN was carried out by mechanical peeling following the same method used for graphene. [@Novoselov2004] The powder is applied to an adhesive tape, whose repeated folding and peeling apart separates the layers. These thin layers are then transferred on a Si wafer covered with of , which is the optimal thickness for imaging BN flakes with maximum contrast. [@Gorbachev11] Prior to the $h$-BN deposition, Cr/Au localization marks were formed on the wafer by means of UV-lithography using an AZ5214E photo-resist and Joule evaporation. [@BetzPhD] The marks facilitate the localization of the flakes for the different measurements to be achieved on a given flake. Still prior to transferring the layers, the wafer is chemically cleaned with acetone and isopropanol, followed by several minutes of exposure to a strong plasma (, $P\leq \SI{12}{\nano\bar}$). This last step eliminates most contaminants but also renders the surface hydrophilic,[@Nagashio11] which has the drawback of facilitating the inclusion of a thin water layer between the flakes and the substrate.[@Ishigami2007; @Nagashio11] As we shall see later, this complicates the layer thickness measurement done by atomic force microscopy (AFM). The surface morphology of the $h$-BN exfoliated layers was investigated by atomic force microscopy with a Dimension 3100 scanning probe microscope (Brukers) operating in tapping mode with commercial MPP-11100 probes.
Cathodoluminescence procedure
The cathodoluminescence of the $h$-BN samples was analyzed at low temperature in the (i) spectroscopic, (ii) imaging and (iii) spectral mapping modes, using an optical system (Horiba Jobin Yvon SA) installed on a high resolution JEOL7001F field-emission scanning electron microscope. The samples are mounted on a GATAN cryostat SEM stage and cooled down to $\approx \SI{20}{\kelvin}$ with a continuous flow of liquid helium. They are excited by electrons accelerated at with a beam current as low as . The CL emission is collected by a parabolic mirror and focused with mirror optics on the entrance slit of a -focal length monochromator. The all-mirror optics combined with a suitable choice of UV detectors and gratings ensures a high spectral sensitivity down to . A silicon charge-coupled-display (CCD) camera is used to record spectra in mode (i) and as well for the spectral mapping mode (iii). In mode (iii), also referred as the hyperspectral imaging acquisition mode, the focused electron beam is scanned step by step with the *HJY CL Link* drive unit (co-developed and tested at GEMaC) and synchronized with the CCD camera to record one spectrum for each point. The spectrometer is also equipped with a UV photomultiplier on the lateral side exit for fast monochromatic CL imaging (*i.e.* image of the luminescence at a given wavelength) in mode (ii). For all spectra reported in this paper, it was checked that the linewidths are not limited by the spectral resolution of the apparatus ( in the best conditions). In the case of $h$-BN exfoliated layers, CL was only performed in mode (i) and using a fast *e*-beam scanning of a 1.5$\times$ area on the sample instead of using a fixed focused beam, in order to minimize the irradiation dose and the *e*-beam induced modifications.
Results and discussion
Luminescence of the bulk material
The $h$-BN crystallites are often made of a few single crystals separated by grain boundaries, as for another powder studied in a previous work.[@JaffrennouJAP2007] Owing to the electron diffraction patterns recorded by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) on the specimen presented in , each grain could be precisely orientated along the (00.1) zone axis (not shown here, for experimental details, see Ref. \[\]). The TEM analysis shows that the two main grains of the crystallite in are slightly tilted one with respect to the other. They are separated by the grain boundary labeled \#1.
![CL spectra of the bulk $h$-BN materials in the near-band edge region: at the top is a reference spectrum of a HPHT high quality crystal, [@Taniguchi2007] compared to \#1, registered in the grain boundary area delimited by the red rectangle (averaged over 15 spectra) and to \#2 on the main grain of the crystallite in the area delimited by the green square (averaged over 240 spectra), as labeled in . The specimen temperature is about .[]{data-label="cryst_spectra"}](fig2_cryst_spectra.pdf)
CL spectra recorded on different areas (labelled \#1 and \#2) of the crystallite in are shown in . They are compared to the one recorded on the HPHT reference sample and hereafter referred to as the reference spectrum. It is worth mentioning that this reference sample precisely displays the same exciton recombination energies than the ones observed in photoluminescence experiments done on a single crystal of the same origin as reported in Ref. \[\].
Spectrum \#1 in is recorded at the grain boundary of the $h$-BN crystallite. It presents the same features as the reference sample, with clear $S$and $D$ series. The $D$ lines are slightly shifted toward lower energies by about when compared to the reference spectrum. Since the S lines are not shifted, such a decrease of the emission energy is attributed to a different binding energy of the exciton to the grain boundary, rather than to a change of bandgap energy. Moreover the $S$ and $D$ series appear broader than in the reference sample, possibly due to an inhomogeneous distribution of residual strain in the sample. This interpretation is supported by the slight fluctuations of the recombination energies of a few meV, observed from point to point in a CL mapping (not shown here).
Moreover we remark that the relative intensities of $S$ and $D$ series are very different when compared to the reference spectrum. Spectrum \#1 is dominated by the $D$ series. It is known that this series is linked to the presence of structural defects such as grain boundaries, dislocations, or stacking faults. [@JaffrennouJAP2007; @WatanabePRB2009; @WatanabeAPL2006] To confirm this interpretation, monochromatic images have been registered, at energy centered on the $S4$ line (at , ) and on the D4 series (at , ). Both $D$ and $S$ emission series are slightly enhanced (by a factor of two in average) at the crystallite edges. This enhancement confirms previous observations on single $h$-BN crystals by Kubota *et al.*, [@Kubota2007] and is consistent with their interpretation based on a more efficient light scattering at the grain edges. More interestingly, a clear one-to-one correlation is observed between the $D$ series emission and the grain boundary locations ().
To better quantify this view and to dispose of a comparison criterion, we define the $D/S$ ratio as the ratio of amplitudes between the $D4$ and the $S4$ peaks (at and , resp. 227 and ). It can be viewed as an indicator of the defect density, as introduced by Watanabe *et al.* [@WatanabeAPL2006] and in the same way than in conventional semiconductors for the impurities content. [@Barjon11]
Owing to CL spectral mapping facilities, the $D/S$ ratio is evaluated in each point of the studied $h$-BN crystallite of , and shown in . It exhibits a variation of two orders of magnitude (0.2 – 20). This reveals the extremely high impact of structural defects in bulk $h$-BN.
It is also remarkable that in the central part of the upper grain, the $D/S$ ratio is four times lower than in our reference HPHT sample ($D/S>0.8$), suggesting a better structural quality. As the $D$ series almost vanishes, new intrinsic features are revealed, which were hindered by the $D$ series in previous studies. Indeed in the CL spectrum \#2 of recorded from the central part of the grain, three new lines are detected at 5.619, 5.457 and . They are shifted by $n$ (with $n = 1, 2, 3$) times () from the $S3-4$ band, a period close to the () optical phonon mode at the center of the Brillouin zone. [@Serrano2007] They are also characterized by a monotonous decay in intensity upon increasing $n$. We thus attribute these new lines to three phonon replica of the dominant $S$ exciton recombinations. We notice that the energy of the second phonon replica almost coincides with the $D4$ line. As a consequence, the $D/S$ ratio as defined here, has an intrinsic lower value, which corresponds to the ratio between the $n=2$ replica and the fundamental $S$ line. The observation of phonon replica attests to the existence of a strong electron-phonon coupling occurring in this material, as evidenced previously on a deep impurity band. [@Silly2007]
Thickness of the exfoliated layers
Turning now to the sheets exfoliated from the bulk material studied in Section IIIA, several sheets have been studied from which we show three representative samples in . The surface of each $h$-BN flake was scanned by AFM in the tapping mode in order to measure its thickness, consecutively to the CL studies. The sheet surface is not completely flat, with some prominent dots being visible. Most probably they are adhesive tape glue residues from the exfoliation process. Some small 10- size holes are also observable. It is not clear whether they were already in the bulk material or whether they are due to electron exposure as reported in the literature. Indeed when etching under an electron beam in a transmission electron microscope, even at a low acceleration voltage, they are often observed. [@Jin2009; @Suenaga12; @Alem12; @Pan12] Aside from this, the flakes appear to be well spread on top of the substrate.
Sample A Sample B Sample C
------------------------- ------------------- ------------------- --------------------
Average thickness (nm) $2.1 \pm 0.1$ (5) $2.8 \pm 0.4$ (5) $3.4 \pm 0.27$ (4)
Number of atomic layers 6 8 10
Particular attention has been paid to the thickness determination because of the water adsorbed at the surface and trapped under the BN flakes. This problem is well known in the case of graphene on [@Ishigami2007; @Nagashio11] and already mentioned for $h$-BN on . [@Gorbachev11] Due to the presence of the water layer, the height profiles recorded by AFM on steps at the flake edges overestimate the $h$-BN thickness. The special geometry of sample A, which displays a folded part on itself, gives a key to solving this problem. The step height of the folded part provides a thickness measurement independent of the amount of water trapped between $h$-BN and , and this measurement has been used as the reference for the thickness measurement as follows. The $h$-BN flake thickness is found to be equal to a value of averaged over five measurements of the step height along the edge (see ). The standard deviation is found to be below , the interplanar distance along the $c$ axis in $h$-BN, indicating that the thickness of flake A is homogeneous. Knowing the $h$-BN interplanar distance and assuming an integer value of the layer number, we consider that the exfoliated sample A is 6 atomic layers thick. Then the water layer thickness is deduced by difference with the step edges and is found equal to $\SI{1.9}{nm} \pm \SI{0.25}{nm}$ over seven measurements. The thickness of samples B () and C () is measured assuming a homogenous water layer thickness over the wafer. The results are summarized in .
One can notice that the areas scanned during the CL acquisition appear as dark rectangles in AFM images, which indicates a lower height. This could be interpreted by an electron beam induced etching. As we can also observe a lower height on the , it is more probably a reduction of the volume of the amorphous silica under irradiation. [@Kalceff1996]
Excitonic recombinations in $h$-BN exfoliated layers
The CL spectra of the three exfoliated $h$-BN layers presented above are shown in . First, we observe that the CL intensity decreases when decreasing the $h$-BN layer thickness. Since a nanometer-thick $h$-BN layer is transparent to the electron beam, the electron-hole generation in such a thin layer is directly proportional to its thickness. In spite of this effect, exfoliated layers show a significant luminescence in comparison to their nanometric thickness, which is a result in itself. Indeed in semiconductor nanostructures, the surface to volume ratio, being extremely large, often results in non radiative surface recombinations, responsible for the quenching of luminescence. [@Demichel10; @Calarco11] Our results indicate that such a surface effect is weak in $h$-BN, probably due to the $sp^2$ character of the bonding combined with the strong localization of the exciton at the atomic layer scale. This is an advantage of this material compared to other semiconductors, for which passivating the surface is necessary for enhancing the luminescence. [@Hines1996; @Peng1997; @Couto12; @Titova2006]
The CL spectra of exfoliated layers are dominated by the $D4$ and $D2$ lines related to the $D$ series. Weaker and unresolved $S3-S4$ and $S1-S2$ lines correspond to the $S$ series, clearly attributed by comparison with the reference HPHT spectrum. Looking in more detail at the excitonic recombination emission, we observe a shift from for the reference spectrum to 5.479, 5.477 and for exfoliated samples C (), B () and A () respectively. For the 8 and -thick samples, the blueshift is observed for the defect-related $D$ lines but also for the $S$ lines, indicating a modification in the intrinsic exciton emission energy (change in bandgap and/or in exciton binding energy). For the thinnest sample, the intrinsic $S$ line emission is not observed possibly because of a too low signal-to-noise ratio.
![Near-band-edge exciton recombinations from exfoliated $h$-BN layer A (), B () and C () compared to the normalized reference spectrum (from the HPHT crystal). The zero of the CL spectra was shifted for clarity.[]{data-label="flake"}](fig4_flake.pdf)
To interpret our results, it has to be emphasized first that a calculation including excitonic effects still needs to be performed to describe the influence of the number of atomic layers on $h$-BN optical properties. However, inside bulk $h$-BN crystals, the strong localization of the exciton wavefunction around a single atomic basal plane has been evidenced by Arnaud *et al.* [@Arnaud2006] It indicates that the regime of quantum confinement is still far to be reached with BN sheets in the range of 6-, and that exciton recombination properties are probably close to the ones of bulk $h$-BN.
It is also interesting to consider the theoretical work of Wirtz *et al.* [@Wirtz2006] It deals with the optical response of a single sheet of $h$-BN as a function of the intersheet distance. When the interdistance between $h$-BN planes becomes large, the situation tends to uncoupled BN sheets of atomic thickness. The calculation results as follows: The exciton binding energy increases when the intersheet distance increases, but simultaneously the quasiparticle band gap increases, so that the net result is a weak blueshift, about , in the error bar of such calculations. Similar effects have been predicted in the case of BN nanotubes when their diameter decreases, [@Wirtz2006; @ParkBN2006] and more recently in nanoribbons. [@Wang11] These arguments indicate that the change of the exciton recombination energy in monoatomic BN sheets should be weak compared to the bulk and should not exceed a few tenths of eV anyway.
Our experimental results show a slight increase ($\approx$ ) in the $D$-series exciton recombination energy from the bulk to the thinnest sample (), consistent with these theoretical predictions. Further calculations as well as experiments for less than six layers would be of great interest in the future to see if larger effects are observed.
When comparing the exfoliated materials with the bulk from which they were exfoliated, it is remarkable that excitonic recombinations of exfoliated layers are systematically dominated by the $D$ series. In the bulk source materials, various crystallites have been investigated. We found that the $D/S$ ratio varies from one crystallite to another but stays between 0.2 and 0.5. By contrast, the $D/S$ ratio is found to be equal to about 4 in the 8 and sheets (samples B and C) and to about 10 in the sheet (sample A), that is hundred times larger than in the bulk crystallites. These results are summarized in . As discussed previously, this increase of the $D/S$ ratio indicates a dramatic increase in the density of defects. They are probably induced by the exfoliation process, even if we cannot exclude layer deformation induced by the water layer freezing arising during CL experiments at , or etching under the electron beam. These results raise the question of the suitability of the mechanical cleavage exfoliation process. $h$-BN has indeed been proven to be extremely fragile and subject, for instance, to easy stacking fault generation.[@WatanabeAPL2006] The exfoliation process may be a violent mechanical experiment for such a material and can be obviously incriminated as the source of new defects responsible for the $D/S$ increase. The nature of the substrate is also questionable. The roughness and surface charges of the used substrate can affect the $h$-BN band structure and degrade some properties as for graphene. [@Gannett11]
![$D/S$ ratio in the three exfoliated layers, compared with the bulk material, consisting of the crystallites from which the layers were exfoliated.[]{data-label="DSratio"}](fig5_DSratio.pdf)
In conclusion, we have studied high quality $h$-BN crystallites by cathodoluminescence and compared them with exfoliated sheets in the near-band edge region around . First owing to the high quality of the crystallites, we could clearly discriminate the luminescence of high structural quality areas (dominated by the $S$ series) and that of defective zones (dominated by the $D$ series). From this, for evaluating the structural defect density in $h$-BN samples, we define a simple quantitative parameter as the ratio of the intensity of the $D$ series over that of the $S$ series. Furthermore the observation of high quality areas has revealed new intrinsic features, attributed to phonon replica of the excitonic recombinations.
Second, investigation of the emission of exfoliated sheets has shown that the reduction in thickness induces a slight increase of the exciton emission energy. These observations are consistent with theoretical results obtained on single layers and on BN nanotubes. This explanation still deserves to be confirmed as one cannot exclude for the moment surface and strain effects. The dominant defect-related emission of exfoliated samples also questions the exfoliation process and the role played by the substrate. This indicates that special care should be taken in the sample preparation. Presently, our measurements evidence that in $h$-BN, exfoliation can degrade some of the properties and should be used as a guideline to further optimize this process. Further experiments on free-standing sheets are thus in progress, with the advantage to make possible correlations between the emission and structural features owing to TEM observations. More generally this work reports luminescence spectra of a semiconductor only a few atomic layers thick, which is not common and can be of great interest for future optical applications.
T. Taniguchi and K. Watanabe from NIMS, Japan, are warmly acknowledged for providing one of their HPHT crystals. The authors would like to thank S. Pouget from CEA Grenoble for x-ray experiments, C.Vilar from GEMaC for her technical help on the cathodoluminescence-SEM set-up, and H. Mariette from the NPSC for fruitful discussions. The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union Seventh Framework Programme under grant agreement n^o^604391 Graphene Flagship. It has been also supported by grant from the Mission Interdisciplinaire of the CNRS (Challenge “Graphene” of the program G3N) and by the Federative Research Program “Graphene” of ONERA. A.P. thanks C’Nano Rhône-Alpes and Ile-de-France for financial support.
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abstract: |
We consider Ricci flow invariant cones $\mathcal{C}$ in the space of curvature operators lying between nonnegative Ricci curvature and nonnegative curvature operator. Assuming some mild control on the scalar curvature of the Ricci flow, we show that if a solution to Ricci flow has its curvature operator which satsisfies $\operatorname{R}+{\varepsilon}\operatorname{I}\in\mathcal{C}$ at the initial time, then it satisfies $\operatorname{R}+K{\varepsilon}\operatorname{I}\in\mathcal{C}$ on some time interval depending only on the scalar curvature control.
This allows us to link Gromov-Hausdorff convergence and Ricci flow convergence when the limit is smooth and $\operatorname{R}+\operatorname{I}\in\mathcal{C}$ along the sequence of initial conditions. Another application is a stability result for manifolds whose curvature operator is almost in $\mathcal{C}$.
Finally, we study the case where $\mathcal{C}$ is contained in the cone of operators whose sectional curvature is nonnegative. This allow us to weaken the assumptions of the previously mentioned applications. In particular, we construct a Ricci flow for a class of (not too) singular Alexandrov spaces.
- Thomas Richard
title: 'Lower bounds on Ricci flow invariant curvatures and geometric applications.'
Introduction and statement of the results
In the study of the Ricci flow, various nonnegative curvature conditions have been shown to be preserved, and the discovery of new invariant conditions has often given rise to new geometric applications. One of the most famous occurence of this fact is the discovery by Brendle and Schoen in [@MR2449060] and independently by Nguyen in [@MR2587576] of the preservation of nonnegative isotropic curvature, which plays a crucial role in the proof by Brendle and Schoen of the differentiable sphere theorem in [@MR2449060].
Once one has understood the behaviour of the Ricci flow assuming the nonnegativity of a certain curvature, it is natural to ask if something can be done under arbitrary lower bounds on this given curvature. Such a work has been done for Ricci curvature in dimension 3 by Simon in [@MR2526789] and [@MS2009]. An important feature of this work is that, in order to control lower bounds on the Ricci curvature along the flow, one has to impose further geometric conditions on the initial manifold. In Simon’s work, a non-collapsing assumption is required. Our estimate will rely on an a priori bound on the scalar curvature.
In order to state the results of this paper, we need some terminology.
A nonnegativity condition on the curvature is given by a closed convex cone $\mathcal{C}$ in the space of algebraic curvature operators $S^2_B\Lambda^2\mathbb{R}^n$ such that :
- The identity operator $\operatorname{I}:\Lambda^2\mathbb{R}^n\to\Lambda^2\mathbb{R}^n$ lies in the interior of $\mathcal{C}$.
- $\mathcal{C}$ is invariant under the action of $O(n,\mathbb{R})$ on $S^2_B\Lambda^2\mathbb{R}^n$ given by : $${\left\langle g.\operatorname{R}(x\wedge y),z\wedge t \right\rangle}={\left\langle \operatorname{R}(gx\wedge gy),gz\wedge
gt \right\rangle}.$$
Recalls and references on algebraic curvtaure operators are included in Section \[sec:prel-about-algebr\].
Given a nonnegativity condition $\mathcal{C}$ and a Riemannian manifold $(M,g)$, we can canonically embed $\mathcal{C}$ in $S^2_B\Lambda^2T_mM$ for each $m\in M$, thanks to the $O(n,\mathbb{R})$ invariance of $\mathcal{C}$. We say that $(M,g)$ has $\mathcal{C}$-nonnegative curvature (or $\operatorname{R}\geq_\mathcal{C}0$) if, for each $x\in M$ the curvature operator of $(M,g)$ at $x$ belongs to $\mathcal{C}$. Classical condtions of nonnegative curvature operator, nonnegative sectional curvature, nonnegative Ricci curvature or nonnegative scalar curvature fit in this framework.
Similarly we say that $(M,g)$ has $\mathcal{C}$-curvature bounded from below by $-k\operatorname{I}$ (or $\operatorname{R}\geq_\mathcal{C} -k\operatorname{I}$) for some $k\in\mathbb{R}$ if for each $x\in M$ the curvature operator $\operatorname{R}$ at $x$ is such that $\operatorname{R}+k\operatorname{I}\in\mathcal{C}$.
We now define a class of nonnegativity condition which behaves well with Ricci flow.
A nonnegativity condition $\mathcal{C}$ is said to be (Ricci Flow) invariant if $\mathcal{C}$ is preserved by Hamilton’s ODE $\dot{\operatorname{R}}=2Q(\operatorname{R})$. Namely, if $\operatorname{R}(t)$ is a solution to Hamilton’s ODE on some time interval $[0,T)$ such that $\operatorname{R}(0)\in\mathcal{C}$, then $\operatorname{R}(t)\in\mathcal{C}$ for all $t\in[0,T)$.
Details and references about Hamilton’s ODE are given in Section \[sec:prel-about-algebr\].
Hamilton’s maximum principle for tensors ([@MR862046 Theorem 4.3]) implies that such a cone is preserved by Ricci flow in the sense that, if $(M,g_0)$ is a compact Riemannian manifold such that $\operatorname{R}\geq_\mathcal{C} 0$, then the Ricci flow $(M,g(t))$ such that $g(0)=g_0$ satisfies $\operatorname{R}(g(t))\geq_\mathcal{C} 0$ as long as it exists.
We are now ready to state our result. It roughly says the following. We consider a manifold whose $\mathcal{C}$-curvature is bounded from below, where $\mathcal{C}$ is an invariant condition between nonnegative Ricci curvature and nonnegative curvature operator. We furthermore assume that an a priori estimate on the blow up rate of the scalar curvature of the Ricci flow as $t$ goes to zero is true. Then the $\mathcal{C}$-curvature can be bounded from below on a small time interval.
\[lboundthm\] For any dimension $n\in\mathbb{N}$, any $A\in(0,\frac{1}{4})$ and any $B>0$, one can find $T=T(n,A,B)$ and $K=K(n,A,B)$ such that if $\mathcal{C}\subset S^2_B\Lambda^2\mathbb{R}^n$ is a closed convex cone which satisfies :
1. $\mathcal{C}$ is an invariant nonnegativity condition,
2. $\mathcal{C}$ contains the cone of nonnegative curvature operators,
3. $\mathcal{C}$ is contained in the cone of curvature operators whose Ricci curvature is nonnegative,
and $(M^n,g(t))_{t\in [0,T')}$ is a Ricci flow on a smooth compact manifold satisfying :
1. $\operatorname{R}(g(0))\geq_{\mathcal{C}}-{\varepsilon}\operatorname{I}$ at $t=0$ for some ${\varepsilon}\in [0,1]$,
2. $|\operatorname{Scal}(g(t))|\leq A/t+B$ for $t$ in $(0,T')$,
we have : $$\operatorname{R}(g(t))\geq_{\mathcal{C}}-K{\varepsilon}\operatorname{I}$$ for all $t$ in $[0,T')\cap [0,T)$.
During the redaction of this article, the author has been informed that a similar estimate was also known by Miles Simon and Arthur Schlichting.
\[excones\] Known examples of cones which satisfy the assumptions of the theorem include :
- the cone $\mathcal{C}_{CO}$ of nonnegative curvature operators,
- the cone $\mathcal{C}_{2CO}$ of 2-nonnegative curvature operators,
- the cone $\mathcal{C}_{IC1}$ of curvature operators which have nonnegative isotropic when extended by $0$ to $\Lambda^2\mathbb{R}^{n+1}$,
- the cone $\mathcal{C}_{IC2}$ of curvature operators which have nonnegative isotropic when extended by $0$ to $\Lambda^2\mathbb{R}^{n+2}$.
All these conditions have been extensively studied ([@MR2415394],[@MR2449060],[@MR2386107],[@MR2462114]) and compact manifolds with $\mathcal{C}$-nonnegative curvature have been classified when $\mathcal{C}$ is one of these four cones. An exposition of the relations between these condtions and how nonnegativity of these curvatures affect the topology of the underlying manifold can be found in the Brendle’s book [@MR2583938] together with precise definitions and additional references. It should also be noted that Wilking has given a unified proof of the preservation of these conditions (along with others) in [@2010arXiv1011.3561W].
Some continuous families of such cones have also been constructed in [@MR2415394] and [@2011arXiv1105.5311G].
It should be noted that in dimension greater or equal to $4$, nonnegative Ricci curvature is not preserved, see [@MR2736347].
\[remwilk\] If $\mathcal{C}$ satisfies the assumptions of the theorem and moreover is a Wilking cone (see [@2010arXiv1011.3561W]), it follows from the work of Gururaja, Maity and Seshadri in [@2011arXiv1101.5884G] that $\mathcal{C}$ is included in $\mathcal{C}_{IC1}$.
[**From now on any curvature condition $\mathcal{C}$ is supposed to satisfy the assumptions of Theorem \[lboundthm\].**]{}
The estimate of Theorem \[lboundthm\] allows us to adapt the methods of [@MR2526789] and [@MS2009] to some higher dimensional situations.
In the first two applications, the estimate on the scalar curvature which is required to apply Theorem \[lboundthm\] will be obtained by Perelman’s pseudolocality theorem, first stated in [@PerelEnt] but omitting the crucial assumption of completeness as pointed by Topping, see [@2011arXiv1106.2493G Theorem A.3], complete statement and proofs can be found in [@KleiLott; @MR2779131].
Our first application is to show that, if the $\mathcal{C}$-curvature is bounded from below along a sequence of compact $n$-dimensional smooth manifolds which Gromov-Hausdorff converges (we will write GH-converges in the sequel) to a compact $n$-dimensional smooth manifold, then, up to a subsequence, the associated Ricci flows converge to a Ricci flow of the limit manifold (where the initial condition is to be understood in a weak sense). Here convergence is smooth convergence of the Ricci flows up to diffeomorphisms, as in [@HamComp]. More precisely, we prove the following theorem, which is an higher dimensional analogue of [@MR2526789 Theorem 9.2], where such a theorem has been proved in dimension 3 under lower bounds on the Ricci curvature and without assuming smoothness and compactness of the limit :
\[GHrfthm\] Let $(M_k,g_k)$ be a sequence of compact $n$-manifolds which satisfies $R\geq_\mathcal{C}-\operatorname{I}$ and which GH-converges to a compact smooth $n$-manifold $(M,g)$. Let $(M_k,g_k(t))_{t\in[0,T_k)}$ be the maximal solution of the Ricci flow satisfying $g_k(0)=g_k$. Then :
1. there is a positive constant $T$ such that each Ricci flow $(M_k,g_k(t))$ is defined at least on $[0,T)$ and the sequence of Ricci flows $(M_k,g_k(t))_{t\in(0,T)}$ is precompact in the sense of Cheeger-Gromov-Hamilton.
2. any Cheeger-Gromov-Hamilton limit $(\tilde{M},\tilde{g}(t))_{t\in(0,T)}$ of a convergent subsequence of $(M_k,g_k(t))_{t\in(0,T)}$ is such that $\tilde{M}$ is homeomorphic to $M$ and the distance functions $d_{\tilde{g}(t)}$ uniformly converge as $t$ goes to $0$ to some distance $\tilde{d}$ which is isometric to the distance $d_g$. In particular the $M_k$’s are homeomorphic to $M$ for $k$ large enough.
Along the proof ot Theorem \[GHrfthm\], we will see that the precompactness of the sequence of flows $(M_k,g_k(t))_{t\in(0,T)}$ still holds when one replaces $\mathcal{C}$-curvature bounded from below by Ricci curvature bounded from below (see Lemma \[GHvsRF\]). However, our method of proof requires the lower bound on the $\mathcal{C}$-curvature to control the initial condition of the limit flow.
In the conclusions of the theorem, the fact that the $M_k$’s are homeomorphic to $M$ for $k$ large enough can be seen using Cheeger and Colding’s work on manifolds with Ricci curvature bounded from below (see [@CheeCol Theorem A.1.12]). Additionaly, Cheeger and Colding’s result allow to strengthen the conclusion from homeomorphism to diffeomorphism. However, our proof is independent of this work.
Another application is a result about manifolds whith almost nonnegative $\mathcal{C}$-curvature, in the spirit of [@MR2526789 Theorem 1.7] :
\[almostNNCC\] For any $i>0$ and $D>0$, for any $n\in\mathbb{N}$, there is an $\varepsilon>0$ such that any manifold $(M,g)$ satisfying :
1. $\operatorname{inj}(g)\geq i$
2. $\operatorname{diam}(M,g)\leq D$
3. $\operatorname{R}\geq_{\mathcal{C}}-\varepsilon \operatorname{I}$
admits a metric whose curvature is $\mathcal{C}$-nonnegative.
Using the classifcation results of Brendle [@MR2583938 Theorem 9.33], Micallef and Wang [@MR1253619 Theorem 3.1] and remark \[remwilk\], if we moreover assume that $\mathcal{C}$ is a Wilking cone, we have that the universal cover of $M$ is diffeomorphic to a product $\mathbb{R}^k\times N_1\times\dots\times N_l$ where each $N_i$ is one of the following :
- a standard sphere $\mathbb{S}^n$ with $n\geq 2$,
- a compact symmetric space.
We then impose stronger requirements on the cone $\mathcal{C}$. We assume that $\mathcal{C}$ is included in the cone of curvature operators whose sectional curvature is nonnegative. The cones which satisfy this assumptions in the list of Example \[excones\] are $\mathcal{C}_{CO}$ and $\mathcal{C}_{IC2}$.
This allows us to weaken the hypothesis of our results. In this context, it turns out that a convenient assumption that can be used to fulfill the hypothesis of Theorem \[lboundthm\] is that balls have almost euclidean volume. This is proved in Lemma \[lemalmosteuc\], and was inspired to the author by the recent work of Cabezas-Rivas and Wilking [@2011arXiv1107.0606C]. For instance, Theorem \[GHrfthm\] becomes :
\[GHRFnnsec\] Let $\mathcal{C}$ be a cone satifying the hypothesis of Theorem \[lboundthm\] and which is contained in the cone of curvature operator whose sectional curvature is nonnegative.
For any $n\in\mathbb{N}$, there exist $\kappa>0$, $T>0$ and $\delta>0$ such that if $(X,d)$ is a metric space which is a Gromov-Hausdorff limit of a sequence of compact manifolds $(M_i^n,g_i)$ such that :
- $\operatorname{R}(g_i)\geq_{\mathcal{C}} -\kappa\operatorname{I}$,
- for any $x\in M_i^n$, $\operatorname{vol}_{g_i}(B_{g_i}(x,1))\geq
(1-\delta)\omega_n$, where $\omega_n$ is the volume of the unit ball in $\mathbb{R}^n$,
then one can find a Ricci flow $(M,g(t))$ defined on $(0,T)$ with bounded curvature on each time slice such that $M$ is homeomorphic to $X$ and the distance $d_g(t)$ converge uniformly on any compact of $M$ to a distance $\tilde{d}$ such that $(M,\tilde{d})$ is isometric to $(X,d)$.
The fact that $X$ is a manifold is a direct consequence of Perelman’s stability theorem (see [@MR2408265]), but we will not use this result in the proof. The metric space $(X,d)$ in our result is an Alexandrov space with curvature bounded form below and can have cone-like singularities, but the almost euclidean volume condition forbids too sharp cone angles.
Similarly, we get a stronger analogue of Theorem \[almostNNCC\] :
\[almostnnccnnsc\] Let $\mathcal{C}$ be a cone satifying the hypothesis of Theorem \[lboundthm\] and which is contained in the cone of curvature operator whose sectional curvature is nonnegative.
For any $n\in\mathbb{N}$, there exists $\delta>0$ such that for any $D>0$, one can find ${\varepsilon}>0$ such that if $(M^n,g)$ is a compact Riemannian manifold such that :
- $\operatorname{R}(g)\geq_\mathcal{C}-{\varepsilon}\operatorname{I}$,
- $\forall x\in M,\ \operatorname{vol}_g(B_g(x,1))\geq(1-\delta)\omega_n$,
- $\operatorname{diam}(M,g)\leq D$,
then $M$ admits a metric with $\mathcal{C}$-nonnegative curvature.
The article is organised as follows : in Section \[sec:prel-about-algebr\] we set up the notations and give some background about the evolution equation of the curvature operator along the Ricci flow that will be used in the proof of Theorem \[lboundthm\]. In Section \[sec:proofthm\], we give the proof of Theorem \[lboundthm\]. The applications are discussed in Section \[sec:applications\]. Section \[sec:manif-with-mathc\] is devoted to the applications in the case where $\mathcal{C}$-nonnegative curvature implies nonneagtive sectional curvature.
Acknowledgements {#acknowledgements .unnumbered}
The author is grateful to Gilles Carron and Harish Seshadri for helpful discussions during the elaboration of this paper. The author also thanks his supervisor Gérard Besson for his interest and support.
Preliminaries about algebraic curvature operators. {#sec:prel-about-algebr}
In this section, we set up the notations that will be used in this paper. Our conventions follow closely those of Böhm and Wilking in [@MR2415394].
We will denote by $S^2\Lambda^2\mathbb{R}^n$ the vector space of symmetric operators on $\Lambda^2\mathbb{R}^n$ equiped with the standard inner product. $S^2_B\Lambda^2\mathbb{R}^n$ is the vector space of operators in $S^2\Lambda^2\mathbb{R}^n$ which in addition satisfy the first Bianchi identity. It is called the space of algebraic curvature operators on $\mathbb{R}^n$. As a norm on this space we use the classical Frobenius norm $\|\operatorname{R}\|^2=\operatorname{trace}(\operatorname{R}^2)$. Similar constructions hold on the tangent bundle of a Riemannian manifold $(M,g)$ and give rise to the bundles $S^2\Lambda^2TM$ and $S^2_B\Lambda^2TM$.
The curvature tensor of a manifold $(M,g)$ will always be viewed as a section of the bundle of curvture operators, $S^2_B\Lambda^2TM$. We follow the convention of [@MR2415394] for the curvature operator, namely, the curvature operator of a round sphere of radius 1 is the identity.
We will use $\operatorname{R}$, $\operatorname{Ric}$ and $\operatorname{Scal}$ to denote the curvature operator, Ricci curvature and scalar curvature. When considering a Ricci flow $(M,g(t))$, we will often not specify the dependence on $t$ of these various curvature when no confusion is possible. We will write $\operatorname{I}$ for the identity operator of $S^2_B\Lambda^2\mathbb{R}^n$ and $\operatorname{id}$ for the identity of $\mathbb{R}^n$.
Hamilton defined a bilinear map : $$\begin{aligned}
\#:S^2\Lambda^2\mathbb{R}^n\times S^2\Lambda^2\mathbb{R}^n &\to
(\operatorname{R},\operatorname{L})&\mapsto \operatorname{R}\#\operatorname{L}\end{aligned}$$ whose expression can be found in [@MR862046] or [@MR2415394].
If $g(t)$ is a family of metric on $M$ evolving along the Ricci flow, Hamilton showed in [@MR862046] that in appropriate coordinates the curvature operator $\operatorname{R}_{g(t)}$ satisfy the following evolution equation : $${\frac{\partial \operatorname{R}}{\partial t}}=\Delta \operatorname{R}+ 2(\operatorname{R}^2+\operatorname{R}^\#),$$ where $\Delta$ is the connection laplacian and $\operatorname{R}^\#=\operatorname{R}\#\operatorname{R}$.
Removing the laplacian in this evolution equation, we obtain Hamilton’s ODE : $$\dot{\operatorname{R}}=2(\operatorname{R}^2+\operatorname{R}^\#)=2Q(\operatorname{R}).$$
We will need the following algebraic fact about the $\#$ operator, which was proved by Böhm and Wilking [@MR2415394 Lemma 2.1] :
\[BWid\] $\operatorname{R}+\operatorname{R}\#\operatorname{I}=\operatorname{Ric}\wedge\operatorname{id}$
Here $\operatorname{Ric}\wedge\operatorname{id}$ is the curvature operator defined by, for any $u$ and $v$ in $\mathbb{R}^n$ : $$\operatorname{Ric}\wedge\operatorname{id}(u\wedge v)=\frac{1}{2}(\operatorname{Ric}(u)\wedge
v+u\wedge\operatorname{Ric}(v)),$$ where $\operatorname{Ric}$ is viewed as an operator on $\mathbb{R}^n$. In particular, if $(\lambda_i)_{1\leq i\leq n}$ are the eigenvalues of $\operatorname{Ric}$ then the eigenvalues of $\operatorname{Ric}\wedge\operatorname{id}$ are $(\frac{\lambda_i+\lambda_j}{2})_{1\leq i<j\leq n}$.
Proof of Theorem \[lboundthm\]. {#sec:proofthm}
According to our hypothesis, if we define a new section of the bundle of curvature operators $\operatorname{L}$ by : $$\operatorname{L}=\operatorname{R}+{\varepsilon}({\varphi}(t)+t\alpha\operatorname{Scal})\operatorname{I},$$ it is enough to find a positive smooth function ${\varphi}$, a constant $\alpha$ and a time $T>0$, all depending only on $A$ and $B$ such that $\operatorname{L}\in\mathcal{C}$ for $t\in [0,T)$. The fact that $t\operatorname{Scal}$ and ${\varphi}$ are unformly bounded on $[0,T]$ will then give the required bound. To ensure that $\operatorname{L}\in\mathcal{C}$ at time $0$, we impose that ${\varphi}(0)=1$. Since such lower bounds are likely to get worse with time, we will assume that ${\varphi}'\geq 0$.
To prove that $\operatorname{L}$ remains in $\mathcal{C}$, we will apply Hamilton’s maximum principle for tensors [@MR862046], or more precisely a variant of it called maximum principle with avoidance set proved by Chow and Lu in [@MR2042930 Theorem 4]. This variant allows us to use our a priori estimate on the scalar curvature (which is not implied by the ODE) in the study of the ODE associated to the PDE satisfied by $\operatorname{L}$.
We will impose conditions on ${\varphi}$ and $\alpha$ during the proof and verify that these conditions can be fullfilled at the end of the proof.
We first compute the evolution of $\operatorname{L}$ : $$\begin{aligned}
{\frac{\partial \operatorname{L}}{\partial t}} = & \Delta \operatorname{R}+2Q(\operatorname{R})
+{\varepsilon}(\varphi'+\alpha \operatorname{Scal}+t\alpha(\Delta \operatorname{Scal}+2|\operatorname{Ric}|^2))\operatorname{I}\\
= & \Delta \operatorname{L}+2Q(\operatorname{R})
+{\varepsilon}(\varphi' +\alpha \operatorname{Scal}+2t\alpha |\operatorname{Ric}|^2)\operatorname{I}\\
= & \Delta \operatorname{L}+ 2N(\operatorname{L}).\end{aligned}$$
We now have to show that $\mathcal{C}$ is preserved by the differential equation $\dot{\operatorname{L}}=2N(\operatorname{L})$. That is, given $\operatorname{L}\in\partial\mathcal{C}$, we need to show that $N(\operatorname{L})\in\mathcal{C}$. Since $\mathcal{C}$ is preserved by Hamilton’s ODE, we know that $Q(\operatorname{L})\in\mathcal{C}$ and we just need to show (since $\mathcal{C}$ is convex) that $D(\operatorname{L})=N(\operatorname{L})-Q(\operatorname{L})\in\mathcal{C}$. This idea comes from the work of Böhm and Wilking in [@MR2415394].
We will in fact prove that $D(\operatorname{L})$ is a nonnegative curvature operator, which will be enough since $\mathcal{C}$ contains the cone of nonnegative curvature operator.
Using Böhm and Wilking identity (proposition \[BWid\]), we have : $$\begin{aligned}
Q(\operatorname{L})= & Q(\operatorname{R})+2{\varepsilon}({\varphi}+t\alpha\operatorname{Scal})(\operatorname{R}+\operatorname{R}\# \operatorname{I}) +{\varepsilon}^2({\varphi}+t\alpha\operatorname{Scal})^2 Q(\operatorname{I})\\
= & Q(\operatorname{R}) +2{\varepsilon}({\varphi}+t\alpha\operatorname{Scal})(\operatorname{Ric}\wedge \operatorname{id})+(n-1)
{\varepsilon}^2({\varphi}+t\alpha\operatorname{Scal})^2 \operatorname{I}.\end{aligned}$$
We then compute $D(\operatorname{L})$ : $$\begin{aligned}
D(\operatorname{L})= & N(\operatorname{L})-Q(\operatorname{L})\\
= & \frac{{\varepsilon}}{2}(\varphi' +\alpha \operatorname{Scal}+2t\alpha
& -2{\varepsilon}({\varphi}+t\alpha\operatorname{Scal})(\operatorname{Ric}\wedge\operatorname{id})-(n-1)
{\varepsilon}^2({\varphi}+t\alpha\operatorname{Scal})^2 \operatorname{I}.\end{aligned}$$
In order to estimate the $2\operatorname{Ric}\wedge \operatorname{id}$ term, we use that $\operatorname{L}\in\mathcal{C}$ has nonnegative Ricci curvature, which gives that $\operatorname{Ric}\geq -(n-1){\varepsilon}({\varphi}+t\alpha\operatorname{Scal})\operatorname{id}$ as symmetric operators. Since $\operatorname{trace}(\operatorname{Ric})=\operatorname{Scal}$, we have : $$-(n-1){\varepsilon}({\varphi}+t\alpha\operatorname{Scal})\operatorname{id}\leq\operatorname{Ric}\leq (\operatorname{Scal}+(n-1)^2{\varepsilon}({\varphi}+t\alpha\operatorname{Scal}))\operatorname{id}.$$ This implies : $$2\operatorname{Ric}\wedge \operatorname{id}\leq(\operatorname{Scal}+(n-1)^2{\varepsilon}({\varphi}+t\alpha\operatorname{Scal}))\operatorname{I}.$$ We now assume that : $${\varphi}+t\alpha\operatorname{Scal}\geq 0\qquad\text{condition (C1)}.$$
This allows us to estimate $D(\operatorname{L})$ : $$\begin{aligned}
D(\operatorname{L})\geq &\ \frac{{\varepsilon}}{2}(\varphi' +\alpha \operatorname{Scal})\operatorname{I}\\
& -{\varepsilon}({\varphi}+t\alpha\operatorname{Scal})(\operatorname{Scal}+(n-1)^2{\varepsilon}({\varphi}+t\alpha\operatorname{Scal}))\operatorname{I}\\
& -(n-1){\varepsilon}^2({\varphi}+t\alpha\operatorname{Scal})^2 \operatorname{I}.\end{aligned}$$ We rearrange the terms in the following way[^1] : $$\begin{aligned}
D(\operatorname{L})\geq&\ \frac{{\varepsilon}}{2} {\varphi}'\\
& +{\varepsilon}\operatorname{Scal}((\frac{1}{2}-t\operatorname{Scal})\alpha-{\varphi})\\
& -(2n-1)(n-1){\varepsilon}^2({\varphi}+t\alpha\operatorname{Scal})^2\end{aligned}$$ We now assume that : $$0\leq (\frac{1}{2}-t\operatorname{Scal})\alpha-{\varphi}\leq 1\qquad\text{condition (C2)},$$
Since $\operatorname{Scal}\geq -{\varepsilon}n(n-1)$ at $t=0$, it remains so as long as the solution exists. Therefore we have : $$\begin{aligned}
D(\operatorname{L})\geq&\ \frac{{\varepsilon}}{2}{\varphi}'\\
& -{\varepsilon}^2 n(n-1)\\
& -(2n-1)(n-1){\varepsilon}^2({\varphi}+t\alpha\operatorname{Scal})^2,\end{aligned}$$ and since ${\varepsilon}\in [0,1]$ : $$\begin{aligned}
\frac{1}{{\varepsilon}^2}D(\operatorname{L})\geq&\ \frac{{\varphi}'}{2}\\
& -n(n-1)\\
& -(2n-1)(n-1)({\varphi}+t\alpha\operatorname{Scal})^2.\end{aligned}$$ We now use that $|t\operatorname{Scal}|\leq A+Bt$ to get : $$\begin{aligned}
\frac{1}{{\varepsilon}^2}D(\operatorname{L})\geq&\ \frac{{\varphi}'}{2}\\
& -n(n-1)\\
& -(n-1)(2n-1)({\varphi}+\alpha(A+Bt))^2.\end{aligned}$$ To ensure that $D(\operatorname{L})$ is a nonnegative operator, it is then enough to show that : $$\frac{{\varphi}'}{2}
0\qquad\text{condition (C3)}.$$
We now have to find ${\varphi}$, $\alpha$ and $T$ such that conditions (C1), (C2) and (C3) are satisfied on $[0,T]$.
Using again that $-n(n-1)t\leq t\operatorname{Scal}\leq A+Bt$, we have that conditions (C1) and (C2) are implied by the following inequalities which involves only $A$, $B$ and the dimension $n$ : $$\begin{aligned}
\left .
(\frac{1}{2}-(A+Bt))\alpha-{\varphi}\geq 0\\
(\frac{1}{2}+tn(n-1))\alpha-{\varphi}\leq 1\\
{\varphi}-n(n-1)t\alpha\geq 0
\end{array} \right\}
\qquad\text{condition (C4)}\end{aligned}$$ Looking at conditions (C4) at $t=0$, we see that it is fulfilled if $\alpha$ belongs to $[\frac{2}{1-2A},4]$. We now impose that $A<\frac{1}{4}$. Let $\alpha\in
(\frac{2}{1-2A},4)$, and ${\varphi}(t)=1+\beta t$. Conditition (C4) is then satisfied at time $0$ with strict inequalities.
We now choose $\beta$ big enough such that condition (C3) is fulfilled with a strict inequality. By continuity of $\varphi$, these conditions are still fulfilled for $t$ in some small time interval $[0,T)$.
Our choices of ${\varphi}$, $\alpha$ and $T$ depend only on $A$, $B$ and $n$, the theorem is then proved.
First applications. {#sec:applications}
Gromov-Hausdorff converging sequences whose $\mathcal{C}$-curvature is bounded from below. {#sec:grom-hausd-conv}
In this section, we prove Theorem \[GHrfthm\]. We first state a lemma which is of independent interest, the idea of using pseudolocality and convergence of the isoperimetric profiles in the proof of the following lemma was suggested to the author by Gilles Carron :
\[GHvsRF\] Let $(M_k,g_k)_{k\in\mathbb{N}}$ be a sequence of smooth compact $n$-dimensional Riemannian manifold which satisfies $\operatorname{Ric}(g_k)\geq
-(n-1)g_k$ and which GH-converges to a smooth compact $n$-dimensional Riemannian manifold $(M,g)$.
Then for every every $A>0$, there exist $k_0\in \mathbb{N}$, $B>0$ and $T>0$ such that, for any $k\geq k_0$ the Ricci flows $(M_k,g_k(t))$ whith initial condition $(M_k,g_k)$ exist at least on $[0,T)$ and satisfy :
1. $\|\operatorname{R}(g_k(t))\|\leq A/t+B$ for all $t\in(0,T)$,
2. $\operatorname{vol}(B_{g_k(t)}(x,\sqrt{t}))\geq ct^{n/2}$ for all $t\in (0,T)$ and $x\in M_i$.
In particular, the Ricci flows $(M_k,g_k(t))_{t\in(0,T)}$ form a precompact sequence in the sense of Cheeger Gromov and Hamilton.
We want to apply Perelman’s pseudolocality ([@PerelEnt Section 10], [@KleiLott Theorem 30.1, Corollary 35.1]) to get the two estimates of the lemma. The precompactness statement then follows from Hamilton’s compactness theorem [@HamComp].
Let $A>0$ be fixed. We already know that for any $x\in M_k$, $\operatorname{Scal}_{g_k}(x)\geq -n(n-1)$. Thus we just need to find some $r_0\in\left (0,(n(n-1))^{-1/2}\right ]$ such that any smooth domain $\Omega$ contained in a ball of radius $r_0$ in $M_k$ for $k$ large enough satisfies the almost Euclidean isoperimetric estimate : $$|\partial\Omega|^{\frac{n}{n-1}}\geq (1-\delta)\gamma_n |\Omega|\label{eq:1}$$ where $\gamma_n$ is the euclidean isoperimetric constant and $\delta$ is given by the pseudolocality theorem.
To obtain this estimate, we will consider the isoperimetric profiles of the $(M_k,g_k)$’s, that will be denoted by $h_k(\beta)$. Since $(M,g)$ is smooth, by a result of Bérard and Meyer [@MR690651 Appendice C], its isoperimetric profile $h(\beta)$ is equivalent to the euclidean one as $\beta$ goes to zero. Thus we can find, for any given $\varepsilon>0$, some $\rho>0$ such that : $$\beta<\rho \Rightarrow\
h(\beta)\geq (1-\varepsilon)
\frac{\gamma_n}{\operatorname{vol}(M,g)^{\frac{1}{n}}} \beta^{\frac{n-1}{n}}$$
We then use a result from Bayle thesis [@Bayle] : under non collapsing GH-convergence to a smooth manifold with Ricci curvature bounded from below, the ratio of the isoperimetric profiles $h_k/h$ is going to $1$ uniformly on $(0,1)$. Then, for $i$ large enough : $$h_k\geq (1-\varepsilon)h.$$
Let $\Omega\subset M_i$ be a smooth domain whose volume is less than $\rho \operatorname{vol}(M_k,g_k)$. We then have : $$\begin{aligned}
|\partial\Omega| & \geq
\operatorname{vol}(M,g)\times h_k\left(\frac{|\Omega|}{\operatorname{vol}(M,g)}\right)\\
& \geq \operatorname{vol}(M,g)\times (1-\varepsilon)h
& \geq \operatorname{vol}(M,g)\times (1-\varepsilon)^2
& = (1-\varepsilon)^2 \gamma_n|\Omega|^{\frac{n-1}{n}}
\end{aligned}$$ If we take ${\varepsilon}$ small enough, we get estimate for domains of volume less then $\rho \operatorname{vol}(M_k,g_k)$.
Now, using Colding’s theorem on the continuity of volume [@ColVol], for $k$ large enough, $\operatorname{vol}(M_k,g_k)\geq V/2$ where $V$ is the volume of $(M,g)$. In particular, our almost Euclidean isoperimetric inequality is valid for domains of volume less than $\rho V/2$. Since the Ricci curvature is bounded from below, Bishop Gromov inequality gives us that : $$\operatorname{vol}(B_{g_k}(x,r))\leq V_{-1}(r)$$ where $V_{-1}(r)$ is the volume a radius $r$ ball in the $n$-dimensional hyperbolic space. This shows that our isoperimetric inequality is valid for domains included in balls of radius less than $r_0$ where $r_0$ is such that $V_{-1}(r_0)=\rho V/2$.
Finally, pseudolocality applies and we get the required bounds.
We now proove Theorem \[GHrfthm\].
We now consider a sequence $(M_k^n,g_k)$ of smooth compact manifolds whose $\mathcal{C}$-curvature is bounded from below by $-\operatorname{I}$ and which in addition satisfy the assumptions of Lemma \[GHvsRF\].
Thanks to the previous lemma, we can find $i_0\in\mathbb{N}$, $T>0$ and a constant $B$ such that, for $k\geq k_0$, the Ricci flows $(M_k,g_k(t))$ satisfying $g_k(0)=g_k$ satisfy : $$|\operatorname{Scal}(g_k(t))|\leq\frac{1}{8t}+B\text{ for }t\in(0,T).\label{eq:3}$$
We now use Theorem \[lboundthm\] and the fact that $(M_k,g_k(0))$ has $\mathcal{C}$-curvature bounded from below by $-\operatorname{I}$ to find $T'>0$ and $K>0$ such that, for $t\in(0,T')$, $$\operatorname{R}(g_k(t))\geq_\mathcal{C} -K\operatorname{I}.\label{eq:2}$$
Since this implies that the Ricci curvature of $(M_k,g_k(t)))$ is bounded from below by $-(n-1)K$ on $[0,T')$, we can apply Lemma 6.1 in [@MS2009]. We get, for some constant $c>0$, that for $k\geq
k_0$, $x,y\in M_k$ and $0<s\leq t <T'$ : $$d_{g_k(s)}(x,y)-c(\sqrt{t}-\sqrt{s})\leq d_{g_k(t)}\leq
e^{c(t-s)}d_{g_k(s)} \label{eq:4}$$ where $d_{g_k(t)}$ is the distance function of $(M_k,g_k(t))$.
Consider now a subsequence of the sequence $(M_k,g_k(t))_{t\in(0,T')}$ which converges in the sense of Cheeger-Gromov-Hamilton to a Ricci flow $(\tilde{M},\tilde{g}(t))_{t\in(0,T')}$. This flow also satisfies estimates , and .
As in the proof of Theorem 9.2 in [@MS2009], we can prove that the distances $d_{\tilde{g}(t)}$ uniformly converge as $t$ goes to zero to some distance $\tilde{d}$, which define the usual manifold topology on $\tilde{M}$, and that $(\tilde{M},\tilde{d})$ is isometric to the GH-limit $(M,g)$ of the sequence $(M_k,g_k)$. In particular, $M$ and $\tilde{M}$ are homeomorphic.
Manifolds with almost nonnegative $\mathcal{C}$-curvature. {#sec:manif-with-almost}
We now proove Theorem \[almostNNCC\].
By contradiction, take a sequence of counterexamples $(M_k,g_k)$ satisfying $\operatorname{R}\geq_\mathcal{C}-{\varepsilon}_k\operatorname{I}$, where ${\varepsilon}_k$ goes to $0$, and the required bounds on the diameter and injectivity radius. We assume that none of the $M_k$ admits a metric with nonnegative $\mathcal{C}$-curvature. Without loss of generality, we assume that ${\varepsilon}_k\leq 1$.
Since the injectivity radius and the Ricci curvature are bounded from below, we can use Anderson-Cheeger theorem [@AndersonCheeger2 Theorem 0.3]. It gives us, for any ${\varepsilon}>0$, some $r>0$ such that every ball $B$ of radius less than $r_0$ admit an harmonic coordinate chart ${\varphi}_B:B\to\mathbb{R}^n$ with : $$\frac{1}{1+{\varepsilon}}{\varphi}_B^*\delta\leq g\leq (1+{\varepsilon}){\varphi}_B^*\delta$$ on $B$, where $\delta$ is the euclidean metric on $\mathbb{R}^n$.
If we choose ${\varepsilon}$ small enough, this control will give us an almost Euclidean isoperimetric estimate on balls of radius less than $r_0$.
Consider the sequence of Ricci flows $(M_k,g_k(t))$ such that $g_k(0)=g_k$. Pseudolocality gives :
- each $(M_k,g_k(t))$ exists at least on $[0,T)$ where $T$ does not depend on $k$,
- for $t\in(0,T)$, $|\operatorname{Scal}(g_k(t))|\leq \frac{1}{8t}+B$, where $B$ does not depend on $k$.
- the Ricci flows $(M_k,g_k(t))_{t\in(0,T)}$ form a precompact sequence in the sense of Cheeger-Gromov-Hamilton.
We can then apply Theorem \[lboundthm\] to have that on some time interval $(0,T')\subset(0,T)$, $\operatorname{R}(g_k(t))\geq_\mathcal{C}
Let $(M,g(t))_{t\in(0,T')}$ be the limit of a convergent subsequence of $(M_k,g_k(t))_{t\in(0,T')}$, it satisfies $\operatorname{R}(g(t))\geq_\mathcal{C} 0$ for $t\in(0,T')$. Now, since the Ricci curvature is bounded from below in time and along the sequence, we can find some constant $C$ such that : $$\operatorname{diam}(M_k,g_k(t))\leq e^{Ct}\operatorname{diam}(M_k,g_k(t))\leq e^{Ct}D$$ for all $k\in\mathbb{N}$ and $t\in(0,T')$.
This implies that $M$ is compact. Hence, we have a subsequence of $(M_k,g_k)$ all of whose elements are diffeomorphic to $M$, in particular, these elements admit a metric with non-negative $\mathcal{C}$-curvature. This is a contradiction.
Stronger results when operators in $\mathcal{C}$ have nonnegative sectional curvature {#sec:manif-with-mathc}
[**We now assume that $\mathcal{C}$ contains the cone of curvature operators whose sectional curvature is nonnegative.**]{}
As in the previous proofs, the crucial point is to get an $A/t+B$ bound on the scalar curvature. We first state a lemma which gives this bound when one has almost euclidean volume and $\mathcal{C}$-curvature bounded from below at the initial time. This lemma is a stronger version of Proposition 5.5 in [@2011arXiv1107.0606C].
\[lemalmosteuc\] For any dimension $n$, any $A\in(0,A_0(n))$, there exists $\kappa>0$, $\delta>0$, $\tilde{\kappa}>0$ and $T>0$ such that if $(M^n,g)$ is a compact Riemannian manifold such that :
- $\operatorname{R}\geq_\mathcal{C}-\kappa\operatorname{I}$,
- $\forall x\in M^n,\quad \operatorname{vol}_g(B_g(x,1))\geq (1-\delta)\omega_n$,
where $\omega_n$ is the volume of the unit ball in $\mathbb{R}^n$.
Then the Ricci flow $(M^n,g(t))$ with initial condition $(M^n,g)$ exists at least on $[0,T)$ and satisfies :
- $\forall t\in(0,T)\quad \|\operatorname{R}(g(t))\|\leq \frac{A}{t}$,
- $\forall t\in(0,T)\quad \operatorname{R}(g(t))\geq-\tilde{\kappa}\operatorname{I}$.
Since $|\operatorname{Scal}|\leq 2\sqrt{n}\|\operatorname{R}\|$, we set $A_0(n)=\frac{1}{8\sqrt{n}}$. This ensures that if $\|\operatorname{R}\|\leq
\frac{A}{t}$ we have the right estimate on the scalar curvature to apply Theorem \[lboundthm\].
The proof goes by contradiction. Fix $n\in\mathbb{N}$ and $A<A_0(n)$. Assume we can find a sequence of manifolds $(M_i,g_i)_{i\in\mathbb{N}}$ such that :
- $\operatorname{R}(g_i)\geq_\mathcal{C}-\delta_i\operatorname{I}$,
- $\forall x\in M,\quad \operatorname{vol}_{g_i}(B_{g_i}(x,1))\geq
for some sequence $(\delta_i)_{i\in\mathbb{N}}$ going to zero. And assume furthermore that the sequence $(t_i)_{i\in\mathbb{N}}$ defined by $t_i=\sup\{\ t>0\ |\ \forall s\leq t,\ s\|R(g_i(s))\|\leq
A\ \}$ goes to zero. Taking $i$ large enough, we can assume that $\delta_i\leq 1$ and $t_i$ is less than the time $T$ given by Theorem \[lboundthm\], this ensures that for all $t\in[0,t_i]$ : $$\operatorname{R}(g_i(t))\geq_\mathcal{C} -K\delta_i \operatorname{I}.$$
With this lower bound, we can repeat word for word the proof of Proposition 5.5 in [@2011arXiv1107.0606C] and get the $\frac{A}{t}$ bound on the norm of the curvature operator on some time interval. The lower bound on $\mathcal{C}$-curvature is now given by Theorem \[lboundthm\].
We now proove Theorem \[GHRFnnsec\]. The Ricci flow of $(X,d)$ is constructed as limit of the Ricci flows of the $(M_i,g_i)$, as in [@MS2009].
Fix $\kappa$ and $\delta$ such that Lemma \[lemalmosteuc\] apply with $A=\frac{1}{16\sqrt{n}}$. Consider a sequence $(M_i,g_i)$ satifying the assumption of the theorem. Using Lemma \[lemalmosteuc\], we have that the Ricci flows $(M_i,g_i(t))$ exist at least on $[0,T)$ and satisfy, for any $t$ in $[0,T)$ :
- $\|\operatorname{R}(g_i(t))\|\leq\frac{1}{16\sqrt{n}t}$,
- $\operatorname{R}(g_i(t))\geq_\mathcal{C}-K\operatorname{I}$.
In addition, at time $t=0$, we have that any unit ball in any of the $M_i$’s has volume at least $(1-\delta)\omega_n$. This allow us to apply Lemma 6.1 and Corolarry 6.2 in [@MS2009] to get that, on some possibly smaller time interval $[0,T']$, we have the estimates, for some constant $C>0$ depending only on $\kappa$ and $\delta$ :
- $\forall x\in M_i,\
- for $0<s\leq t\leq T'$, $d_{g_i(s)}-C(\sqrt{t}-\sqrt{s})\leq
d_{g_i(t)}\leq e^{C(t-s)}d_{g_i(s)}$,
where $d_{g_i(t)}$ is the distance on $M_i$ induced by the metric $g_i(t)$.
We then argue as in the proof of Theorem 9.2 in [@MS2009] and get that the sequence of Ricci flows $(M_i,g_i(t))_{t\in(0,T')}$ has a convergent subsequence whose limit $(M,g(t))_{t\in(0,T')}$ is a Ricci flow of the Gromov-Hausdorff limit $(X,d)$ of the sequence $(M_i,g_i)$ in the sense that it satisfies the conclusions of Theorem \[GHRFnnsec\].
We now go on with Theorem \[almostnnccnnsc\].
Let $\delta>0$ and $\kappa>0$ be the constants given by Lemma \[lemalmosteuc\] with $A=\frac{1}{16\sqrt{n}}$. Fix $D>0$.
As in the proof of Theorem \[almostNNCC\], consider a sequence of manifolds $(M_i,g_i)$ with :
- $\forall x\in M_i,\
- $\operatorname{R}\geq_\mathcal{C}\ -{\varepsilon}_i\operatorname{I}$,
- $\operatorname{diam}(M_i,g_i)\leq D$,
where ${\varepsilon}_i$ goes to $0$ as $i$ goes to infinity. Assume furthermore that none of the $M_i$ admits a metric with nonnegative $\mathcal{C}$-curvature. Without loss of generality, we can assume that ${\varepsilon}_i\leq\min(\kappa,1)$.
Arguing as in the proofs of Theorem \[GHRFnnsec\] and Theorem \[almostNNCC\], we get that the Ricci flows $(M_i,g_i(t))$ starting at $(M_i,g_i)$ exist at least on $[0,T)$, form a precompact family in the sense of Cheeger-Gromov-Hamilton, and satisfy :
- $\operatorname{R}\geq_\mathcal{C} -K{\varepsilon}_i\operatorname{I}$,
- $\operatorname{diam}(M_i,g_i(t))\leq e^{Ct}D$.
In particular any limit of a convergent subsequence will be compact and have nonnegative $\mathcal{C}$-curvature. Thus the sequence contains manifolds which admit metrics with $\mathcal{C}$-nonnegative curvature. This is a contradiction.
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[^1]: We will drop the $\operatorname{I}$’s in the next inequalities, here a real number $\alpha$ should be viewed as the operator $\alpha \operatorname{I}$.
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abstract: |
This study presents a wide-field near-infrared (K-band) survey in two fields; SA 68 and Lynx 2. The survey covers an area of 0.6 deg.$^2$, complete to K=16.5. A total of 867 galaxies are detected in this survey of which 175 have available redshifts. The near-infrared number counts to K=16.5 mag. are estimated from the complete photometric survey and are found to be in close agreement with other available studies. The sample is corrected for incompleteness in redshift space, using selection function in the form of a Fermi-Dirac distribution. This is then used to estimate the local near-infrared luminosity function of galaxies. A Schechter fit to the infrared data gives: M$^\ast_K = -25.1 \pm 0.3$, $\alpha = -1.3\pm 0.2$ and $\phi^\ast
=(1.5\pm 0.5)\times 10^{-3}$ Mpc$^{-3}$ (for H$_0=50$ Km/sec/Mpc and q$_0=0.5$). When reduced to $\alpha=-1$, this agrees with other available estimates of the local IRLF. We find a steeper slope for the faint-end of the infrared luminosity function when compared to previous studies. This is interpreted as due to the presence of a population of faint but evolved (metal rich) galaxies in the local Universe. However, it is not from the same population as the faint blue galaxies found in the optical surveys. The characteristic magnitude ($M^\ast_K$) of the local IRLF indicates that the bright red galaxies ($M_K\sim -27$ mag.) have a space density of $\le 5\times 10^{-5}$ Mpc$^{-3}$ and hence, are not likely to be local objects.
- 'Gyula P. Szokoly'
- 'Mark U. Subbarao'
- 'Andrew J. Connolly'
- Bahram Mobasher
title: |
The Near-Infrared Number Counts and Luminosity Functions\
of Local Galaxies
The change in the intrinsic properties of galaxies as a function of lookback time provides a sensitive probe of the theories of formation of galaxies. A detailed knowledge of this is also required for interpreting the deep counts of galaxies and hence, exploring the underlying geometry of the Universe. At the optical, far-infrared and radio wavelengths, however, the observed properties of galaxies are sensitive to the morphological types, star formation history and dust content, making it difficult to disentangle the effects of evolution and cosmology at these passbands. The exception is the near-infrared wavelength (2.2 $\mu m$) which is less affected by the evolutionary processes (due to the dominance of the near-infrared light by old, near-solar mass stars) and can be more securely modeled. Also, at these wavelengths the galaxy spectral energy distributions are similar for all galaxy types, leading to similar K-corrections for all galaxies. Therefore, the near-infrared number-magnitude counts of galaxies are less affected by the mix of galaxy types or uncertainties due to evolution, compared to other wavelengths. However, the interpretation of the infrared counts requires knowledge of the faint-end slope of the local infrared luminosity function (IRLF).
There are other independent studies, also requiring knowledge of the IRLF of galaxies. Due to type dependence of the optical LF ([@efs88]) and existence of a density-morphological type relation for galaxies, the optical LF is expected to be environmental-dependent. Indeed, recent spectroscopic studies of field galaxies have shown the existence of a population of massive, star-forming galaxies ([@cow95]; [@cow96]) in the field, not present in clusters ([@tren97]). The IRLF is not sensitive to such star-forming galaxies, which affect the bright-end of the optical LF, and hence, is likely to have a universal form. Further, this also gives the integrated star formation in the local Universe.
Previous studies of the IRLFs of galaxies either depend on surveys selected at optical wavelengths ([@mob93]) or, are mainly pencil beam surveys, only covering small solid angles ([@cow96]; [@glaz94]). Also, the only study of the morphological type dependence of the IRLF ([@mob93]) is biased against early-type galaxies (due to the optical selection of galaxies) and has too few objects of a given type. Moreover, since this sample is optically selected, it is not possible to convert it to an infrared limited survey because of the changes in type mix (i.e. color) with redshift. Therefore, it can only constrain the bright-end of the IRLF. Recently, a wide-angle near-infrared survey was performed ([@gard97]) to a limit of K=15 magnitude. This is, however, too shallow to constrain the faint-end slope of the local IRLF with the statistics becoming very poor fainter than $M_K=-23.5 + 5 log
(H_0/50)$ mag (ie. one magnitude below $M^\ast$), where the disagreement between different measurements of the IRLFs becomes the largest.
To overcome these problems, we have carried out a medium deep near-infrared survey, covering a large area and complete to $K\sim
16$ mag. The fields were selected to have optical multicolor data, with redshifts available for a sub-sample of galaxies. In this first paper of a series, we introduce this near-infrared selected survey. Using published redshifts, we then construct the local IRLF of galaxies and compare it with other, independent measurements. A study of the morphological type-dependence of the IRLF, color-magnitude relations for field galaxies and the bivariate optical/infrared LF will be presented in following papers.
In section 2 we present the observations and data reduction. Section 3 explains source detection and photometry. The astrometry and construction of the infrared catalogue are discussed in section 4. The number-magnitude counts are presented in section 5. Section 6 explores the completeness of the sample. The infrared luminosity function is constructed in section 7. Finally, our conclusions are summarized in section 8.
Observations and Data Reduction
The near-infrared observations presented here, were performed using the IRIM camera on the 1.3m telescope at KPNO. This instrument is a NICMOS 3 array (HgCdTe) with $256\times 256$ pixels. The pixel scale of $1.96''$ corresponds to a field of view of $8.3'\times 8.3'$. This configuration enables us to undertake a wide field survey with relatively little cost in observation time. The observations were carried out in $K_s$ filter ($\lambda = 2.15 \ \mu m$; $\Delta\lambda =
0.33 \ \mu m$). This filter is [*not*]{} the K’ filter described by Wainscoat and Cowie (1992) but the K-short filter also used by the 2MASS survey – unfortunately the IRIM instrument manual refers to it as K’. The filter cuts off about $0.1\ \mu m$ bluer than the standard K filter. This significantly reduces the thermal emission resulting in a decrease of approximately 25% in the sky background over the standard K filter.
Two fields were selected for near-infrared observations, [*Lynx-2*]{} ($8^h 41^m 43.7^s, 44^\circ 46^\prime 42^"$, 1950) and [*SA-68*]{} ($0^h
14^m 53^s, 15^\circ 36^\prime 48^"$, 1950). The fields were selected to have existing multicolor photometric ($UB_JR_FI_N$) and spectroscopic data ([@munn97]). The near-infrared observations were carried out by dithering around each pointing position. Using an offset of 20 arcsec and an exposure time of 1 minute (20 sec. with 3 co-adds), a total of 5 exposures were taken, corresponding to an integration time of 5 minutes per pointing. This scheme was chosen to avoid cosmic rays and bad pixels. The dithered pointings were used to estimate the sky background and to construct flatfields. This dithering pattern was repeated a total of 36 times to produce a mosaic of each field. Small overlaps between the mosaic elements were incorporated into the dither pattern in order to check the internal consistency of the photometry and astrometry. Using an integration time of 5 minutes, we reach a formal magnitude limit of $K_s=17$ for a 5$\sigma$ detection in an 5 arcsec aperture. A total area of about 0.8 square degree was covered in both fields to a depth of $K_s=17$. The overlap between the optical and near-infrared survey is about 0.6 square degree.
The data were reduced using standard IRAF routines. After dark-subtraction, each exposure was flatfielded using the following three steps: Initially the dome flat was used to correct the data frames for the large-scale sensitivity variance of the detector. The flatfielded data frames were then corrected for changes in the instrument response (which was found to vary slightly over a time scale of a few minutes) by dividing them by the sky flats, constructed by median filtering 5-10 successive data frames. Finally, the small background gradients present on the images were estimated and removed by creating a median filtered image with a very large box size and subtracting this from the original data frames.
Bad pixels were removed by deriving the average signal and variance for each pixel over the whole night and identifying those pixels that were greater than (hot pixels) or less than (non-responding pixels) 5 $\sigma$ above or below the mean. Those pixels with a large variance were identified as being due to variable sensitivity (i.e. noisy pixels) and were excluded.
The final frames were registered to a common coordinate system using bright stars, not affected by bad pixels, in the frame. The measured uncertainties of the centroiding of the bright stars was 0.1–0.2 pixels. Due to the undersampling of our data and the large number of bad pixels, image shifts were done using linear interpolation after excluding each of the identified bad pixels. This procedure conserves the flux (which was our main goal) and maximizes the signal-to-noise ratio. However, it does increase the intrinsic PSF of the resultant images by about 40%. The five exposures, covering the same area, were then averaged and trimmed to construct the final images. Standard photometric calibrations were derived using the UKIRT faint standards ([@cas92]). The observations are estimated to have an intrinsic photometric uncertainty of approximately 0.06 magnitude in the zeropoint.
Source Detection and Photometry
The source detection was performed using the SExtractor package ([@sex]). Objects were identified using a Gaussian detection kernel with FWHM of $3''$. A detection limit was set such that the objects have a minimum of 5 pixels $1.5\sigma$ above the level of the the sky background (after convolution). This corresponds to a surface brightness of 19.7 mag arcsec$^{-2}$. For all detected objects, two sets of magnitudes were measured, an aperture magnitude over a radius of $5''$ and a Kron magnitude with a Kron parameter of 2.5 ([@kron80]). Due to the large pixel scale and the relatively small intrinsic sizes of the galaxies at $K_s = 15$, the difference between the aperture and Kron magnitudes were found to be negligible for the majority of our sample. At the brightest magnitude limit considered in our survey, $K_s =13$, the galaxy sizes exceed the aperture size and hence, are better represented by the Kron magnitudes. For the subsequent analysis in this study, we use the Kron magnitudes. For the adopted Kron parameter, these roughly correspond to the total magnitudes of galaxies. No shape parameters (e.g. second moments) were estimated from the near-infrared images because of the poor spatial resolution and the existence of higher resolution optical data.
From the selection function derived for the near-infrared data we estimate that our 5$\sigma$ detection limit is 17.0 magnitude and our completeness limit is $K_s=16.5$. To determine the internal accuracy of our photometry, those sources detected in the overlapping regions are compared in Fig. 1. The rms dispersion of the one-to-one correlation is 0.15 magnitude at the completeness limit and 0.3 magnitude at the detection limit. These are taken as the internal uncertainties in our infrared photometry. The external photometric accuracy is estimated by comparing, in Fig. 1, the $K_s$ band magnitudes for those galaxies in common between the present study and those by Bershady et al. (1994). This gives a larger rms scatter of 0.2 mag which is, in part, due to the fact that we are comparing our Kron magnitudes with the aperture magnitudes measured by Bershady (with associated aperture corrections). The spatial resolution of our data prevents an analysis of the Bershady data using matched apertures. It is encouraging, however, that we detect no significant zero point offset or correlation that could suggest systematic errors in either study. For the rest of this paper we assume an internal photometric accuracy of 0.15 mag.
Astrometry and Comparison with the Optical Catalogue
As noted above, the large pixel scale of the near-infrared detector here, limits our ability to perform accurate star galaxy separation (essentially all but the largest objects detected are point-like). However, for each of the survey fields, deep independent multicolor surveys exist, which can be used to classify the near-infrared detections ([@koo86]; [@kron80]). This requires accurate astrometric calibration of our detected sources.
The astrometry was carried out in two steps. Initially, approximate astrometric offsets were determined by identifying stars on each frame from the Guide Star Catalog (GSC; [@gsc1]; [@gsc2]; [@gsc3]). This resulted in 2-6 stars per frame. Averaging over all the frames, we found the overall deviation from a zero-distortion focal plane negligible. An astrometric zero-point for each frame was determined from the GSC stars. Using this crude calibration, the near-infrared data were paired up with the optical catalogs by searching within a $10''$ radius around each detected object. From the paired data, we extract isolated sources (i.e. those near-infrared objects with only one optical counterpart within the search radius) and rederive a more accurate astrometric solution. While the astrometric solution for each frame can be established rather accurately ($0.1''-0.2''$), the uncertainty in astrometry for individual objects remains large ($\sim 1.8''$), due to the large PSF.
We construct an optical–near-infrared catalogue of all the detected objects in the overlapping region, by extending the technique of Sutherland and Saunders (1992) to use both positional and magnitude information. The simplest method to identify the same object in different catalogs is to estimate the maximum positional uncertainty and pair-up the detected objects with separations smaller than this threshold. This technique works well for surveys where the average astrometric uncertainty is much smaller than the typical separation between the objects. However, for moderately dense fields, this method does not produce reliable catalogs as shown for our dataset in Figure 3a. The dashed line is the number of near-infrared detections without an optical counterpart and indicates that a tolerance level of $\sim 2$ normalized distance units is required (normalized distance is $\sqrt{(d_1/\sigma_1)^2+(d_2/\sigma_2)^2}$, where $d_1$ and $d_2$ are the angular positional differences along the two axes with $\sigma_1$ and $\sigma_2$ their mean respective uncertainties). At this level, about 25% of the detections have multiple optical counterparts (dotted line). The solid line shows the number of cases where this simple method results in unique matches. This cuts-off rather sharply, indicating that this identification is not too reliable.
To eliminate multiple hits within the matched catalogs the usual practice is to pick the closest object from the optical catalog. One can assign a [*likelihood*]{} to this identification $$L={q(m)f(x,y)\over n(m)}$$ where $q(m)$ is the probability distribution in magnitude, $f(x,y)$ describes the distribution of positional uncertainties and $n(m)$ is the surface density of objects of magnitude $m$. This method does not take into account the local information. For isolated objects, the match is likely to be genuine even if the positional uncertainty is large, while in a crowded area multiple objects can be very close, making the identification unreliable (even though the likelihood is high). Following Sutherland and Saunders (1992), we address this problem by defining a new local quantity, the [*reliability*]{}, as $$R={L_i\over\sum\limits_j L_j + (1-Q)}$$ where $L_i$ is the likelihood of an identification, as defined above, $L_j$ are the likelihoods of other candidates and $Q$ is the probability that the identification is possible (i.e. both catalogs contain the object). This formalism properly takes into account the existence of other identified candidates.
In the present study, we extend this technique to include positional and magnitude information. First, we identify isolated objects (sources with no other detection within a $10''$radius) present in both the catalogs. Since the infrared survey is not as deep as its optical counterpart, this subset, in practice, contains only genuine identifications. From these data we then derive a correlation between the near-infrared ($K_s$-band) and optical detections by fitting the function $K^\ast (U,B_J,R_F,I_N)$ to a second degree polynomial ([@conn95]). To allow for differences in optical photometry between the two fields, this procedure was done independently for each field. The correlation between the predicted and measured K-band magnitudes is shown in Fig. 2. The mean residual uncertainty for both fields is 0.45 mag. and the error distribution is Gaussian with no outlying points. Since about 40% of the galaxies are isolated, we do not expect more than a few (at most five) galaxies with unusual K-magnitude in the full survey.
Using the fit $K^\ast (U,B_J,R_F,I_N)$, a normalized distance metric is then defined as $$\rho =\sqrt{{(\alpha_K-\alpha_0)^2\over\sigma_\alpha^2} +
{(\delta_K-\delta_0)^2\over\sigma_\delta^2} +
{(K-K^\ast)^2\over\sigma_K^2}}$$ where $\sigma_\alpha, \sigma_\delta, \sigma_K$ are the uncertainties in the spatial and color dimensions. Since the distributions in all three directions are Gaussian and independent, the likelihood functions are then calculated as $$L = {f(\alpha,\delta,K)\over n(K)} \approx Q(< K) {e^{-\rho^2/2}\over
2\pi \sigma_\alpha\sigma_\delta\sigma_K}$$ where $n(K)$ is the density of optical detections and $Q(<K)$ the probability that an object of magnitude K has an optical counterpart (in this case $Q(<K)\approx 1$ for the infrared catalogue). Finally, the reliability of the match is defined as $$R_j = {L_j\over \Sigma_i L_i + (1-Q)}\approx {L_j\over \Sigma_i L_i}$$ This technique is used to cross-compare the near-infrared and optical catalogs and as demonstrated in Figure 3b, it considerably improves the match between the two surveys. The ratio of number of objects uniquely matched to the number of objects with multiple matches is, at all distances, greater than that derived when using only the positional information. Therefore, including color information greatly reduces the number of spurious pairs, resulting in a much more reliable catalog.
For all the matched objects, the most reliable optical detection was entered into the final catalogue. The calculated reliabilities, in most cases, were found to be close to 1. For each object with an optical counterpart, we adopt the classification (star or galaxy) as defined in the optical catalog. An area of 0.8 deg.$^2$ was surveyed in the near-infrared, of which 0.6 deg.$^2$ overlaps with the multicolor optical surveys. Over this area, a total of 871 objects were detected in the near-infrared survey, of which 867 have optically identified counterparts. The 4 objects without an optical counterpart are likely to correspond to faint spurious detections.
The final infrared catalogue contains 867 galaxies to $K_s=17$ mag. All these objects have optical data. The redshifts are compiled from literature for a sub-set of galaxies in the infrared catalogue, giving a total of 175 galaxies with measured redshifts ([@munn97]). This sample will be used in the following sections to construct the number counts and near-infrared luminosity function of local galaxies.
Using the estimated K-band magnitudes, we verify that our survey is shallow enough such that blending of close pairs of galaxies does not significantly affect the catalog. We calculate the expected infrared magnitude for every optical galaxy around each infrared detection. We individually examine all infrared detections that have multiple optical counterparts within 10 arcsec and with $K_{predicted} <16.5$ (i.e. sufficiently bright that they would make it into the K selected sample). Within the complete photometric survey there were 10 such candidates each of which was handled correctly by the photometry package.
The Near-infrared Number Counts
The near-infrared number counts, estimated from this study, are presented in Table 1. These are compared in Fig. 4 and Table 2 with the counts from other independent studies as compiled by Gardnet et al. (1993). The comparison between the various studies is made over the magnitude range covered in this study ($K_s=13-16.5$ mag.). In all the counts in Figure 4, the uncertainties are estimated using the technique developed by Gehrels (1986).
The counts derived from our two independent fields, SA68 and Lynx2, agree within their uncertainties over the entire magnitude range covered here. They are also in good agreement with the counts in Gardner (1996) and Huang and Cowie (1997), each covering a larger area (9.8 deg$^2$) but to a shallower depth ($K<16$). These results confirm that the present near-ir survey is complete to $K_s=16.5$ mag. Moreover, it indicates that there is no anomaly, due to density enhancement in our fields or photometric zero-points, affecting the near-ir distribution of galaxies in this study.
Fitting a linear relation to the number-magnitude counts for $14.5 <
K_s < 16.5$ we derive a slope of $0.46 \pm 0.06$, $0.53 \pm 0.04$ and $0.50 \pm 0.03$ for the SA68, Lynx2 and combined samples respectively. These values are lower than those derived by Huang and Cowie (1997) and Gardner (1997) from their wide field survey. They are also lower than the predictions by Huang et al. (1997) for a no evolutionary model. The shallower slope may be indicative of an overdensity of low redshift galaxies in our two fields (which is clearly seen in the redshift distribution of the Lynx2 field but not in SA68). It is more likely, however, that the variation amongst the measured slopes is an artifact of fitting linear relations over a narrow range of magnitudes.
Selection Functions
As the spectroscopic observations in this study are based on an optically selected sample, it is likely that at fainter $K_s$ magnitudes, the survey becomes incomplete in redshift space. Therefore, it is instructive to estimate the incompleteness in redshift as a function of $K_s$. Assuming a Fermi-Dirac distribution for the selection function ([@STY]), $\left(\exp\left({m-m_l\over\Delta m}\right)+1\right)^{-1}$, the incompleteness (defined as the change with magnitude of the ratio of the number of galaxies with measured redshift to the total number of galaxies to a given $K_s$ limit), is calculated and fitted to this parametric form in Fig. 5. We find $m_l=15.25$, $\Delta m_l = 0.80$ for SA68 and $m_l=14.86$, $\Delta m_l = 0.54$ for Lynx2. For the luminosity function analysis in this study, we select a redshift completeness limit of $30\%$ in Fig. 5. This corresponds to a limiting magnitude of $K_s=16$ and $K_s=15.25$ in the SA68 and Lynx2 fields respectively. These will be used as the completeness limits in the following section to construct the near-ir luminosity function. The redshift distributions for the complete sample, containing both the fields, are presented in Fig. 6. There are a total of 110 galaxies in the two fields brighter than the above $K_s$-band magnitude limits in this survey. Assuming the estimated magnitude limits, a $V/V_m$ test ([@Vmax]) gives $<V/V_m> =0.50 \pm 0.02$ and $<V/V_m> =0.35 \pm 0.02$ for the SA68 and Lynx2 fields respectively. The smaller than expected $<V/V_m>$ for the Lynx2 field is likely to be due to a cluster at $z\sim 0.05$ in this field (Fig. 6). The effect of this density enhancement on the IRLF will be explored in the next section. The redshift distribution in Figure 6 also shows that the galaxies in the infrared survey here are mainly local ($z < 0.4$) objects.
Local Near-ir Luminosity Function
Most determinations of the luminosity function assume a parametric form (normally a Schechter form) to fit to the observed data. The shape of the luminosity function is, however, likely to be type-dependent or be affected by density enhancements or its local environment. For these reasons, and because of the presence of a cluster at $z=0.05$ in the Lynx2 field, we first use the non-parametric C-method ([@Cmeth]) to assess the shape of the local near-ir luminosity function. A parametric maximum likelihood method ([@STY]), insensitive to density enhancement, will then be used to find the best fit to the data.
Using the near-infrared K-corrections from Glazebrook et al. (1995) , the K-band luminosity function, estimated from the C-method is shown in Fig. 7. The uncertainties are estimated using bootstrap re-sampling simulations. Clearly, the shape of the local infrared luminosity function here is consistent with a Schechter form ([@sch]). A parametric fit to the data, using the cluster-free maximum likelihood method, gives $M^\ast_{K_s} = -25.05 + 5 log (H_0/50)$ and $\alpha = -1.27$. The correlated uncertainty contours at $68\%$, $90\%$ and $95\%$ levels are estimated for $M^\ast_{K_s}$ and $\alpha$ and presented in Fig. 8. From these, we estimate 3$\sigma$ uncertainties corresponding to 0.3 mag. and 0.2 in $M^\ast_{K_s}$ and $\alpha$ respectively.
To explore the sensitivity of this result to the density enhancement in the Lynx2 field, we also find the luminosity function using the ‘conventional’ technique. This calculates the contribution from each galaxy to the volume covered by that galaxy at the apparent magnitude limit of the survey (1/V$_{max}$). The total contribution of galaxies in absolute magnitude intervals ($\sum_{i=1}^n\ 1/V_{max}^{(i)}$) is then estimated and compared with the result from the cluster-free C-method in Figure 7. A Schechter function fit to these data, also shown in Figure 7, gives: M$^\ast_{K_s} = -24.90$ mag., $\alpha =-1.42$ and $\phi^\ast = 9.5\times 10^{-4}$ Mpc$^{-3}$. Within the uncertainties, this is similar to the parameters estimated from the cluster-free maximum likelihood method, indicating that the presence of non-homogeneities in our sample does not significantly affect the resulting luminosity function. Therefore, the parameters from the C-method/cluster-free fit here will be taken as the values for the local near-infrared luminosity function in this study.
The normalization of the luminosity function ($\phi^\ast$ in the Schechter formalism), not given by the cluster-free maximum likelihood technique, is estimated using three different methods. First, performing a $\chi^2$ minimization of the Schechter function to the results from the C-method in Figure 7. Second, using the $\phi^\ast$ value estimated from the ‘conventional’ technique, as presented above. Third, employing our estimate of $M^\ast_{K_s}$ and $\alpha$ to establish a model of the K-band number counts and normalizing this to the observed counts in Fig. 4. We adopt the normalization given by the C-method and estimate the uncertainty based on the variation in $\phi^\ast$ derived by the three methods: $\phi^\ast = (0.15\pm 0.05)\times 10^{-2} (H_0/50)^3$ Mpc$^{-3}$.
The IRLFs in Figure 7 are compared with a similar study by Gardner et al (1997). Their measured IRLF is based on a larger sample ($\sim 500$ galaxies) but is less deep than the present survey (it is only complete to $K\sim 15$ mag.). Although both the bright-end and normalizations agree fairly closely, the faint-end of the IRLF in this study is significantly steeper. The reality of the steep faint-end slope for the local IRLF, found here, will be further investigated by measuring redshifts for the fainter galaxies in our sample, extending the completeness of our survey to $K_s\sim 17$ mag.
In order to avoid the correlation between $M^\ast$ and $\alpha$ affecting the fit and to compare the present luminosity function with other independent studies, we fix $\alpha=-1$ and estimate $M^\ast_{K_s}$. The local IRLFs, estimated by different groups, are presented in Table 3. The characteristic magnitude ($M^\ast_{K_s}$) here, is transformed from $K_s$ to K, using the relation in section 5. Following Glazebrook et al. (1995), we apply a correction of $+0.22$ mag. to Mobasher et al. (1993) measurement to account for differences in K-corrections. Also, an aperture correction of $-0.3$ magnitude is applied to [@glaz95] to convert it to the same scale as other measurements. All the estimates are corrected to $H_0=50$ Km/sec/Mpc. It is clear from Table 3 that, at a given $\alpha$, the $M^\ast_K$ values from different methods are in close agreement. The space density of local galaxies ($\phi^\ast$) in this study is slightly smaller than other similar measurements ($\sim 1.5$). This will be further explored by increasing the size of our sample, extending its completeness in redshift space.
The steep faint-end slope of the local IRLF, if confirmed, will have important implications towards constraining the models for formation of nearby, low-luminosity field galaxies (ie. the mergers scenarios) since the IRLF is mainly sensitive to the mass function and not the star formation (young population) in galaxies. Also, this implies the existence of a large population of evolved, metal rich galaxies in the local Universe. The color distribution of the K-selected surveys shows that the faint blue galaxies start to contribute to the galaxy counts at about $K\sim 18$ mag. ([@gard95]). Such near-infrared surveys will then reveal if the faint blue galaxies have an underlying population of old stars. The surveys selected in the K-band are mainly dominated by normal massive galaxies. Therefore, the characteristic magnitude ($M^\ast_K$) found for the IRLF here implies that the very red galaxies with $M_K\sim -27$ mag. ([@ega96]; [@gra96]) have a space density of $\le 5\times 10^{-5}$ Mpc$^{-3}$ and hence, are not likely to be local objects ($z < 0.4$).
We are currently completing the redshift measurements for the fainter galaxies ($K_s > 16$) in the present survey. This will be used to further constrain the faint-end slope of the ‘local’ infrared luminosity function by improving the statistical significance of the sample and to explore its morphological type dependence.
In this study we carried out a wide-angle near-infrared galaxy survey in two fields, SA68 and Lynx2. The survey is complete to $K_s=16$ (SA68) and $K_s=15.25$ (Lynx2) and covers a total area of 0.6 deg.$^2$. Matching the near-infrared detections with existing optical multicolor surveys we derive a catalog of 867 galaxies. Of these, 175 have available redshifts. Employing the complete photometric survey, the near-infrared number-magnitude counts are estimated to $K\sim 16.5$ mag. and found to be in agreement with other independent measurements.
Correcting the spectroscopic samples for incompleteness in redshift space, using selection functions in the form of Fermi-Dirac distribution, the luminosity function has been derived for local galaxies. Applying a parametric Schechter fit we find $M^\ast_K = -25.09 \pm 0.3$, $\alpha = -1.27\pm 0.2$ and $\phi^\ast
=(0.15\pm 0.05)\times 10^{-2}$ Mpc$^{-3}$ (for H$_0=50$ Km/sec/Mpc and q$_0=0.5$). When reduced to $\alpha=-1$, this agrees with other available estimates of the local IRLF.
The most important limitation of our survey is that the redshift survey is optically selected. Indeed we see a systematic, color dependent incompleteness at $K_s>14.5$ in the Lynx-2 field and $K_s>15$ in the SA-68. To estimate the effect of this approximation, we used the simulated catalogs produced by Gronwall and Koo (1995). We calculate the K-band luminosity function for an ideal, 100 percent complete, K-selected catalog and for an optically selected redshift catalog with a selection function somewhat more conservative than that of the KPGRS data ($R<18.5$). We found that the two calculated luminosity functions are identical, within the uncertainties, up to $M_{K_s}=-22.5$. For $M_{K_s}>-21.5$ the optically selected sample systematically overestimates the amplitude of the luminosity function. We, therefore, limit our analysis to $M_{K_s}=-22.5$ for the current data set.
The faint-end slope of the IRLF here is steeper than previous studies. This implies the presence of a population of faint but evolved (metal rich) galaxies in the local Universe. Comparison with the flat faint-end slope of the optical luminosity function reveals that this is unlikely to be the same population as the faint blue galaxies found in the optical surveys. The characteristic magnitude ($M^\ast_K$) of the local IRLF indicates that the bright red galaxies ($M_K\sim -27$ mag.) have a space density of $\le 5\times 10^{-5}$ Mpc$^{-3}$ and hence, are not likely to be local objects.
We thank Mark Dickinson and Alex Szalay for useful discussions about the analysis and interpretation of the near-infrared data. We are grateful to David Koo, Richard Kron, Jeffrey Munn, Steven Majewski, Matthew Bershady, and John Smetanka for pre-publication access to the KPGRS catalogs.
[lrrrrrrrr]{} SA-68 field & 13.0 & 1 & 0.17 & 3.3 & 667 & 10.8 & 13.5 & 1 & 0.17 & 3.3 & & 10.8 & 14.0 & 2 & 0.71 & 4.6 & & 21.6 & 14.5 & 11 & 7.7 & 15 & & 119 & 15.0 & 26 & 21 & 32 & & 281 & 15.5 & 39 & 33 & 46 & & 421 & 16.0 & 69 & 61 & 78 & & 745 & 16.5 & 120 & 109 & 132 & & 1295 Lynx-2 field & 10.5 & 1 & 0.17 & 3.3 & 1519 & 4.7 & 11.0 & 0 & 0 & 1.8 & & 0 & 11.5 & 1 & 0.17 & 3.3 & & 4.7 & 12.0 & 5 & 2.8 & 8.4 & & 24 & 12.5 & 1 & 0.17 & 3.3 & & 4.7 & 13.0 & 6 & 3.6 & 9.6 & & 28 & 13.5 & 6 & 3.6 & 9.6 & & 28 & 14.0 & 7 & 4.4 & 11 & & 33 & 14.5 & 26 & 21 & 32 & & 123 & 15.0 & 42 & 36 & 50 & & 199 & 15.5 & 81 & 72 & 91 & & 384 & 16.0 & 160 & 147 & 174 & & 758 & 16.5 & 270 & 254 & 287 & & 1279 Combined fields & 13.0 & 7 & 4.4 & 11 & 2185 & 23 & 13.5 & 7 & 4.4 & 11 & & 23 & 14.0 & 9 & 6.1 & 13 & & 30 & 14.5 & 37 & 31 & 44 & & 122 & 15.0 & 68 & 60 & 77 & & 224 & 15.5 & 120 & 109 & 132 & & 395 & 16.0 & 229 & 214 & 245 & & 755 & 16.5 & 390 & 370 & 410 & & 1285
[lrrrrrrrr]{} Gardner ’93 (HWS) & 12.5 & 5 & 2.8 & 8.4 & 5690 &0.0009 & 13.5 & 23 & 18 & 29 & &0.004 & 14.5 & 124 & 113 & 136 & &0.02 Gardner ’93 (HMWS) & 12.75 & 2 & 0.71 & 4.6 & 582.03& 24.7 & 13.25 & 0 & 0 & 1.8 & & 0 & 13.75 & 1 & 0.17 & 3.3 & & 12.4 & 14.25 & 3 & 1.4 & 5.9 & & 37.1 & 14.75 & 11 & 7.7 & 15 & & 136 & 15.25 & 22 & 17 & 28 & & 272 & 15.75 & 45 & 38 & 53 & & 557 & 16.25 & 89 & 80 & 99 & & 1100 & 16.75 & 158 & 145 & 172 & & 1900 Gardner ’93 (HMDS) & 13.75 & 2 & 0.71 & 4.6 & 167.68& 86 & 14.25 & 0 & 0 & 1.8 & & 0 & 14.75 & 1 & 0.17 & 3.3 & & 43 & 15.25 & 5 & 2.8 & 8.4 & & 215 & 15.75 & 21 & 16 & 27 & & 902 & 16.25 & 28 & 23 & 34 & & 1200 & 16.75 & 48 & 41 & 56 & & 2060 Glazebrook ’93 & 13.5 & 3 & 1.4 & 5.9 & 551.9 & 0.005 & 14.5 & 8 & 5.2 & 12 & 551.9 & 0.0145 & 15.5 & 62 & 54 & 71 & 551.9 & 0.112 & 16.5 & 168 & 155 & 182 & 551.9 & 0.304 Gardner ’96 & 10.25 & 1 & 0.17 & 3.3 & 30750 &$6\times10^{-5}$ & 10.75 & 1 & 0.17 & 3.3 & &$6\times10^{-5}$ & 11.25 & 4 & 1.4 & 7.1 & &$2.6\times10^{-4}$ & 11.75 & 13 & 9.4 & 18 & &$8.4\times10^{-4}$ & 12.25 & 22 & 17 & 28 & & 0.0014 & 12.75 & 33 & 27 & 40 & & 0.0021 & 13.25 & 66 & 58 & 75 & & 0.0043 & 13.75 & 138 & 126 & 151 & & 0.0090 & 14.25 & 273 & 256 & 290 & & 0.0177 & 14.75 & 642 & 617 & 668 & & 0.0418 & 15.25 & 1290& 1250 &1330 & & 0.0839 & 15.75 & 2609& 2560 &2660 & & 0.1697
This study (C-method) & $-25.09$ & $-1.27$ & $0.15\times 10^{-2}$ & 110\
This study (conventional method) & $-24.94$ & $-1.42$ & $0.95\times 10^{-3}$ &110\
This study $\alpha = -1$ & $-24.84$ & $-1$ & $0.15\times 10^{-2}$ & 110\
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[@glaz95] & $-24.55$ & $-1.04$ & $0.33\times 10^{-2}$ & 98\
[@mob93] & $-24.88$ & $-1$ & $0.14\times 10^{-2}$ & 95\
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"pile_set_name": "ArXiv"
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abstract: 'A theorem of single-sorted algebra states that, for a closure space $(A,J)$ and a natural number $n$, the closure operator $J$ on the set $A$ is $n$-ary if, and only if, there exists a single-sorted signature $\Sigma$ and a $\Sigma$-algebra $\mathbf{A}$ such that every operation of $\mathbf{A}$ is of an arity $\leq n$ and $J = \mathrm{Sg}_{\mathbf{A}}$, where $\mathrm{Sg}_{\mathbf{A}}$ is the subalgebra generating operator on $A$ determined by $\mathbf{A}$. On the other hand, a theorem of Tarski asserts that if $J$ is an $n$-ary closure operator on a set $A$ with $n\geq 2$, and if $i<j$ with $i$, $j\in \mathrm{IrB}(A,J)$, where $\mathrm{IrB}(A,J)$ is the set of all natural numbers $n$ such that $(A,J)$ has an irredundant basis ($\equiv$ minimal generating set) of $n$ elements, such that $\{i+1,\ldots, j-1\}\cap \mathrm{IrB}(A,J) = \varnothing$, then $j-i\leq n-1$. In this article we state and prove the many-sorted counterparts of the above theorems. But, we remark, regarding the first one under an additional condition: the uniformity of the many-sorted closure operator.'
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Universitat de València\
Departament de Lògica i Filosofia de la Ciència\
Av. Blasco Ibáñez, 30-$7^{\mathrm{a}}$, 46010 València, Spain
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Universitat de València\
Departament d’Àlgebra\
Dr. Moliner, 50, 46100 Burjassot, València, Spain
- 'J. Climent Vidal'
- 'E. Cosme Llópez'
date: 'May 5th, 2016'
title: 'A characterization of the $n$-ary many-sorted closure operators and a many-sorted Tarski irredundant basis theorem'
A well-known theorem of single-sorted algebra states that, for a closure space $(A,J)$ and a natural number $n\in \mathbb{N} = \omega$, the closure operator $J$ on the set $A$ is $n$-ary if, and only if, there exists a single-sorted signature $\Sigma$ and a $\Sigma$-algebra $\mathbf{A}$ such that every operation of $\mathbf{A}$ is of an arity $\leq n$ and $J = \mathrm{Sg}_{\mathbf{A}}$, where $\mathrm{Sg}_{\mathbf{A}}$ is the subalgebra generating operator on $A$ determined by $\mathbf{A}$. On the other hand, in [@cs04], it was stated that, for an algebraic many-sorted closure operator $J$ on an $S$-sorted set $A$, $J = \mathrm{Sg}_{\mathbf{A}}$ for some many-sorted signature $\Sigma$ and some $\Sigma$-algebra $\mathbf{A}$ if, and only if, $J$ is uniform. And, by using, among others, the just mentioned result, our first main result is the following characterization of the $n$-ary many-sorted closure operators: Let $S$ be a set of sorts, $A$ an $S$-sorted set, $J$ a many-sorted closure operator on $A$, and $n\in \mathbb{N}$. Then $J$ is $n$-ary and uniform if, and only if, there exists an $S$-sorted signature $\Sigma$ and a $\Sigma$-algebra $\mathbf{A}$ such that $J = \mathrm{Sg}_{\mathbf{A}}$ and every operation of $\mathbf{A}$ is of an arity $\leq n$.
We turn next to Tarski’s irredundant basis theorem for single-sorted closure spaces. But before doing that let us begin by recalling the terminology relevant to the case. Given an $n$ in $\mathbb{N}$, a set $A$, and a closure operator $J$ on $A$, the closure operator $J$ is said to be an $n$-ary closure operator on $A$ if $J = J^{\omega}_{\leq n}$, where $J^{\omega}_{\leq n}$ is the supremum of the family $(J^{m}_{\leq n})_{m\in\omega}$ of operators on $A$ defined by recursion as follows: for $m = 0$, $J^{0}_{\leq n} = \mathrm{Id}_{\mathrm{Sub}(A)}$; for $m = k+1$, with $k\geq 0$, $J^{k+1}_{\leq n}(X) = J_{\leq n}\circ J^{k}_{\leq n}$, where $J_{\leq n}$ is the operator on $A$ defined, for every $X\subseteq A$, as follows: $$\textstyle
J_{\leq n}(X) = \bigcup\{J(Y)\mid Y\in\mathrm{Sub}_{\leq n}(X)\},$$ where $\mathrm{Sub}_{\leq n}(X)$ is $\{Y\subseteq X\mid \mathrm{card}(Y)\leq n\}$. Alfred Tarski in [@at75], on pp. 190–191, proved, as reformulated by S. Burris and H. P. Sankappanavar in [@bs81], on pp. 33–34, the following theorem. Given a set $A$ and an $n$-ary closure operator $J$ on $A$ with $n\geq 2$, for every $i$, $j\in \mathrm{IrB}(A,J)$, where $\mathrm{IrB}(A,J)$ is the set of all natural numbers $n$ such that $(A,J)$ has an irredundant basis($\equiv$ minimal generating set) of $n$ elements, if $i<j$ and $\{i+1,\ldots, j-1\}\cap \mathrm{IrB}(A,J) = \varnothing$, then $j-i\leq n-1$. Thus, as stated by Burris and Sankappanavar in [@bs81], on p. 33, the length of the finite gaps in $\mathrm{IrB}(A,J)$ is bounded by $n-2$ if $J$ is an $n$-ary closure operator. And our second main result is the proof of Tarski’s irredundant basis theorem for many-sorted closure spaces.
Many-sorted sets, many-sorted closure operators, and many-sorted algebras.
In this section, for a set of sorts $S$ in a fixed Grothendieck universe $\boldsymbol{\mathcal{U}}$, we begin by recalling some basic notions of the theory of $S$-sorted sets, e.g., those of subset of an $S$-sorted set, of proper subset of an $S$-sorted set, of delta of Kronecker, of cardinal of an $S$-sorted set, and of support of an S-sorted set; and by defining, for an $S$-sorted set $A$, the concepts of many-sorted closure operator on $A$ and of many-sorted closure space. Moreover, for a many-sorted closure operator $J$ on $A$, we define the notions of irredundant or independent part of $A$ with respect to $J$, of basis or generator of $A$ with respect to $J$, of irredundant basis of $A$ with respect to $J$, and of minimal basis of $A$ with respect to $J$. In addition, we state that the notion of irredundant basis of $A$ with respect to $J$ is equivalent to the notion of minimal basis of $A$ with respect to $J$ and, afterwards, for a many-sorted closure space $(A,J)$, we define the subset $\mathrm{IrB}(A,J)$ of $\mathbb{N}$ as being formed by choosing those natural numbers which are the cardinal of an irredundant basis of $A$ with respect to $J$. On the other hand, for a natural number $n$, we define the concept of $n$-ary many-sorted closure operator on $A$ and provide a characterization of the $n$-ary many-sorted closure operators $J$ on $A$, in terms of the fixed points of $J$. Besides, for a set of sorts $S$, we define the concept of $S$-sorted signature, and, for an $S$-sorted signature $\Sigma$, the notion of $\Sigma$-algebra and, for a $\Sigma$-algebra $\mathbf{A}$, the concept of subalgebra of $\mathbf{A}$ and the subalgebra generating many-sorted operator $\mathrm{Sg}_{\mathbf{A}}$ on $A$ determined by $\mathbf{A}$. Subsequently, once defined the notion of finitely generated $\Sigma$-algebra, we state that, for a finitely generated $\Sigma$-algebra $\mathbf{A}$, $\mathrm{IrB}(A,\mathrm{Sg}_{\mathbf{A}})\neq \varnothing$.
An $S$-*sorted set* is a function $A = (A_{s})_{s\in S}$ from $S$ to $\boldsymbol{\mathcal{U}}$.
Let $S$ be a set of sorts. If $A$ and $B$ are $S$-sorted sets, then we will say that $A$ is a *subset* of $B$, denoted by $A\subseteq B$, if, for every $s\in S$, $A_{s}\subseteq B_{s}$, and that $A$ is a *proper* subset of $B$, denoted by $A\subset B$, if $A\subseteq B$ and, for some $s\in S$, $B_{s}-A_{s}\neq \varnothing$. We denote by $\mathrm{Sub}(A)$ the set of all $S$-sorted sets $X$ such that $X\subseteq A$.
Given a sort $t\in S$ and a set $X$ we call *delta of Kronecker for* $(t,X)$ the $S$-sorted set $\delta^{t,X}$ defined, for every $s\in S$, as follows: $$\delta^{t,X}_{s} =
X, &\text{if $s = t$;}\\
{\ensuremath{\varnothing}}, & \text{otherwise.}
\end{cases}$$ For a final set $\{x\}$, to abbreviate, we will write $\delta^{t,x}$ instead of the more accurate $\delta^{t,\{x\}}$.
We next define, for a set of sorts $S$, the concept of cardinal of an $S$-sorted set, for an $S$-sorted set $A$, the notion of support of $A$, and characterize the finite $S$-sorted sets in terms of its supports.
Let $A$ be an $S$-sorted set. Then the *cardinal of* $A$, denoted by $\mathrm{card}(A)$, is the cardinal of $\coprod A$, where $\coprod A$, the coproduct of $A = (A_{s})_{s\in S}$, is $\bigcup_{s\in S}(A_{s}\times\{s\})$. Moreover, $\mathrm{Sub}_{\mathrm{fin}}(A)$ denotes the set of all finite subsets of $A$, i.e., the set $\{X\subseteq A \mid \textstyle\mathrm{card}(X)< \aleph_{0}\}$, and, for a natural number $n$, $\mathrm{Sub}_{\leq n}(A)$ denotes the set of all subsets of $A$ with at most $n$ elements, i.e., the set $\{X\subseteq A \mid \textstyle\mathrm{card}(X)\leq n\}$. Sometimes, for simplicity of notation, we write $X\subseteq_{\mathrm{fin}}A$ instead of $X\in \mathrm{Sub}_{\mathrm{fin}}(A)$.
Let $S$ be a set of sorts. Then the *support of* $A$, denoted by $\mathrm{supp}_{S}(A)$, is the set $\{\,s\in S\mid A_{s}\neq \varnothing\,\}$.
An $S$-sorted set $A$ is finite if, and only if, $\mathrm{supp}_{S}(A)$ is finite and, for every $s\in \mathrm{supp}_{S}(A)$, $\mathrm{card}(A_{s})<\aleph_{0}$.
Let $S$ be a set of sorts and $A$ an $S$-sorted set. A *many-sorted closure operator on* $A$ is a mapping $J$ from $\mathrm{Sub}(A)$ to $\mathrm{Sub}(A)$, which assigns to every $X\subseteq A$ its $J$-*closure* $J(X)$, such that, for every $X,Y\subseteq A$, satisfies the following conditions:
1. $X\subseteq J(X)$, i.e., $J$ is extensive.
2. If $X\subseteq Y$, then $J(X)\subseteq J(Y)$, i.e., $J$ is isotone.
3. $J(J(X)) = J(X)$, i.e., $J$ is idempotent.
Given two many-sorted closure operators $J$ and $K$ on $A$, $J$ is called *smaller than* $K$, denoted by $J\leq K$, if, for every $X\subseteq A$, $J(A)\subseteq K(A)$. A *many-sorted closure space* is an ordered pair $(A,J)$ where $A$ is an $S$-sorted set and $J$ a many-sorted closure operator on $A$. Moreover, if $X\subseteq A$, then $X$ is *irredundant* (or *independent*) *with respect to* $J$ if, for every $s\in S$ and every $x\in X_{s}$, $x{\not\in}J(X-\delta^{s,x})_{s}$, $X$ is a *basis* (or a *generator*) *with respect to* $J$ if $J(X) = A$, $X$ is an *irredundant basis with respect to* $J$ if $X$ irreduntant and a basis with respect to $J$, and $X$ is a *minimal basis with respect to* $J$ if $J(X) = A$ and, for every $Y\subset X$, $J(Y)\neq A$.
We next state that the notion of irredundant basis of $A$ with respect to $J$ is equivalent to the notion of minimal basis of $A$ with respect to $J$. Moreover, for a many-sorted closure space $(A,J)$, we define $\mathrm{IrB}(A,J)$ as the intersection of the set of all natural numbers and the set of the cardinals of the irredundant basis of $A$ with respect to $J$.
Let $(A,J)$ be a many-sorted closure space and $X\subseteq A$. Then $X$ is an irredundant basis with respect to $J$ if, and only if, it is a minimal basis with respect to $J$.
Let $S$ be a set of sorts and $(A,J)$ a many-sorted closure space. Then we denote by $\mathrm{IrB}(A,J)$ the subset of $\mathbb{N}$ defined as follows: $$\mathrm{IrB}(A,J) = \mathbb{N}\cap \biggl\{ \mathrm{card}(X)\biggm|
X \text{ is an irredundant basis }
\text{ of } A \text{ with respect to } J
Later, in this section, after having defined, for a set of sorts $S$ and an $S$-sorted signature $\Sigma$, the concept of $\Sigma$-algebra, for a $\Sigma$-algebra $\mathbf{A} = (A,F)$, the uniform algebraic many-sorted closure operator $\mathrm{Sg}_{\mathbf{A}}$ on $A$, called the subalgebra generating many-sorted operator on $A$ determined by $\mathbf{A}$, and the notion of finitely generated $\Sigma$-algebra, we will state that, for a finitely generated $\Sigma$-algebra $\mathbf{A}$, $\mathrm{IrB}(A,\mathrm{Sg}_{\mathbf{A}})\neq \varnothing$.
Let $A$ be an $S$-sorted set, $J$ a many-sorted closure operator on $A$, and $n$ a natural number.
1. We denote by $J_{\leq n}$ the many-sorted operator on $A$ defined, for every $X\subseteq A$, as follows: $$\textstyle
J_{\leq n}(X) = \bigcup\{J(Y)\mid Y\in\mathrm{Sub}_{\leq n}(X)\}.$$
2. We define the family $(J^{m}_{\leq n})_{m\in \mathbb{N}}$ of many-sorted operator on $A$, recursively, as follows: $$J^{m}_{\leq n} =
\mathrm{Id}_{\mathrm{Sub}(A)}, & \text{if $m = 0$;}\\
J_{\leq n}\circ J^{k}_{\leq n},
& \text{if $m = k+1$, with $k\geq 0$.}
3. We denote by $J^{\omega}_{\leq n}$ the many-sorted operator on $A$ that assigns to an $S$-sorted subset $X$ of $A$, $J^{\omega}_{\leq n}(X) = \bigcup_{m\in \mathbb{N}}J^{m}_{\leq n}(X)$.
4. We say that $J$ is $n$-*ary* if $J = J^{\omega}_{\leq n}$.
Let $J$ be a many-sorted closure operator on $A$. Then $J$ is $0$-ary, i.e., $J = J^{\omega}_{\leq 0}$, if, and only if, for every $X\subseteq A$, we have that $$J(X) = X\cup J(\varnothing^{S}),$$ where $\varnothing^{S}$ is the $S$-sorted set whose $s$th coordinate, for every $s\in S$, is $\varnothing$.
We next prove that $J$ is $1$-ary, i.e., that $J = J^{\omega}_{\leq 1}$, if and only if, for every $X\subseteq A$, we have that $$J(X) = J(\varnothing^{S})\cup \textstyle \bigcup_{s\in S, x\in
X_{s}}J(\delta^{s,x}).$$ Let us suppose that, for every $X\subseteq A$, $J(X) = J(\varnothing^{S})\cup \textstyle \bigcup_{s\in S, x\in X_{s}}J(\delta^{s,x})$. Then it is obvious that, for every $X\subseteq A$, $J(X)\subseteq J_{\leq 1}(X)$. Let us verify that, for every $X\subseteq A$, $J_{\leq 1}(X) = \bigcup\{J(Y)\mid Y\in\mathrm{Sub}_{\leq 1}(X)\}\subseteq J(X)$. Let $Y$ be an element of $\mathrm{Sub}_{\leq 1}(X)$. Then $Y = \varnothing^{S}$ or $Y = \delta^{t,a}$, for some $t\in S$ and some $a\in X_{t}$. If $Y = \varnothing^{S}$, then $$J(\varnothing^{S})\subseteq J(\varnothing^{S})\cup \textstyle \bigcup_{s\in S, x\in
X_{s}}J(\delta^{s,x}) = J(X).$$ If $Y = \delta^{t,a}$, then $J(\delta^{t,a})\subseteq \bigcup_{s\in S, x\in
X_{s}}J(\delta^{s,x})$, hence $$J(\delta^{t,a})\subseteq J(\varnothing^{S})\cup \textstyle \bigcup_{s\in S, x\in
X_{s}}J(\delta^{s,x}) = J(X).$$ Thus $J_{\leq 1}(X)\subseteq J(\varnothing^{S})\cup \textstyle \bigcup_{s\in S, x\in
X_{s}}J(\delta^{s,x}) = J(X)$. Therefore $J = J_{\leq 1}$. Hence, for every $m\geq 1$, $J = J^{m}_{\leq 1}$. Consequently $J$ is $1$-ary.
Reciprocally, let us suppose that $J$ is $1$-ary, i.e., that, for every $X\subseteq A$, $J(X) = \bigcup_{m\in \mathbb{N}}J^{m}_{\leq 1}(X)$. Then, obviously, we have that $$J(X) \supseteq J(\varnothing^{S})\cup \textstyle \bigcup_{s\in S, x\in
X_{s}}J(\delta^{s,x}).$$ Let us verify that, for every $m\in \mathbb{N}$, $J(\varnothing^{S})\cup \bigcup_{s\in S, x\in X_{s}}J(\delta^{s,x})\supseteq J^{m}_{\leq 1}$. Evidently $J(\varnothing^{S})\cup \bigcup_{s\in S, x\in X_{s}}J(\delta^{s,x})\supseteq J^{0}_{\leq 1}(X)\cup J^{1}_{\leq 1}(X)$. Let $k$ be $\geq 1$ and let us suppose that $J(\varnothing^{S})\cup \bigcup_{s\in S, x\in X_{s}}J(\delta^{s,x})\supseteq J^{k}_{\leq 1}(X)$. We will show that $J(\varnothing^{S})\cup \bigcup_{s\in S, x\in X_{s}}J(\delta^{s,x})\supseteq J^{k+1}_{\leq 1}(X)$. By definition we have that $$J^{k+1}_{\leq 1}(X) = J_{\leq 1}(J^{k}_{\leq 1}(X)) = \textstyle \bigcup\{J(Z)\mid Z\in \mathrm{Sub}_{\leq 1}(J^{k}_{\leq 1}(X))\}.$$ Let $Z$ be an element of $\mathrm{Sub}_{\leq 1}(J^{k}_{\leq 1}(X))$. Then $Z\subseteq J^{k}_{\leq 1}(X)$. But we have that $J^{k}_{\leq 1}(X) = \bigcup\{J(Y)\mid Y\in \mathrm{Sub}_{\leq 1}(J^{k-1}_{\leq 1}(X))\}$. Therefore, for some $Y\in \mathrm{Sub}_{\leq 1}(J^{k-1}_{\leq 1}(X))$, $Z\subseteq J(Y)$. Thus $J(Z)\subseteq J(J(Y)) = J(Y)$. But $J(Y)\subseteq J^{k}_{\leq 1}(X)$. Consequently $J(Z)\subseteq J^{k}_{\leq 1}(X)$. Whence, by the induction hypothesis, $J(Z)\subseteq J(\varnothing^{S})\cup \bigcup_{s\in S, x\in X_{s}}J(\delta^{s,x})$. From this, since $Z$ was an arbitrary element of $\mathrm{Sub}_{\leq 1}(J^{k}_{\leq 1}(X))$, we infer that $$J^{k+1}_{\leq 1}(X) = \textstyle \bigcup\{J(Z)\mid Z\in \mathrm{Sub}_{\leq 1}(J^{k}_{\leq 1}(X))\}\subseteq J(\varnothing^{S})\cup \bigcup_{s\in S, x\in X_{s}}J(\delta^{s,x}).$$ Thus, for every $X\subseteq A$, we have that $$J(X) = J(\varnothing^{S})\cup \textstyle \bigcup_{s\in S, x\in
Let $n$ be $\geq 1$, $A$ an $S$-sorted set, $X\subseteq A$, and $J$ a many-sorted closure operator on $A$. Then, for every $k\geq 0$ and every $Y\subseteq A$, if $Y\in \mathrm{Sub}_{\leq n}(J^{k}_{\leq n}(X))$, then $Y\in \mathrm{Sub}_{\leq n}(J^{k+1}_{\leq n}(X))$.
We next state, for a natural number $n\geq 1$ and a many-sorted closure operator $J$ on an $S$-sorted set $A$, that the family of many-sorted operators $(J^{m}_{\leq n})_{m\in \mathbb{N}}$ on $A$ is an ascending chain and that $J^{\omega}_{\leq n}$, which is the supremum of the above family, is the greatest $n$-ary many-sorted closure operator on $A$ which is smaller than $J$.
For a natural number $n\geq 1$, an $S$-sorted set $A$, and a many-sorted closure operator $J$ on $A$, the family of many-sorted operators $(J^{m}_{\leq n})_{m\in \mathbb{N}}$ on $A$ is an ascending chain, i.e., for every $m\in \mathbb{N}$, $J^{m}_{\leq n}\leq J^{m+1}_{\leq n}$. Moreover, $J^{\omega}_{\leq n}$ is the greatest $n$-ary many-sorted closure operator on $A$ such that $J^{\omega}_{\leq n}\leq J$.
We next provide a characterization of the $n$-ary many-sorted closure operators $J$ on an $S$-sorted set $A$ in terms of the fixed points $X$ of $J$ and of its relationships with the $J$-closures of the subsets of $X$ with at most $n$ elements.
Let $A$ be an $S$-sorted set, $J$ a many-sorted closure operator on $A$, and $n$ a natural number. Then $J$ is $n$-ary if, and only if, for every $X\subseteq A$, if, for every $Z\in \mathrm{Sub}_{\leq n}(X)$, $J(Z)\subseteq X$, then $J(X) = X$ (i.e., if, and only if, for every $X\subseteq A$, $X$ is a fixed point of $J$ if $X$ contains the $J$-closure of each of its subsets with at most $n$ elements).
If $n = 0$, then the result is obvious. So let us consider the case when $n\geq 1$. Let us suppose that $J$ is $n$-ary and let $X$ be a subset of $A$ such that, for every $Z\in \mathrm{Sub}_{\leq n}(X)$, $J(Z)\subseteq X$. We want to show that $J(X) = X$. Because $J$ is extensive, $X\subseteq J(X)$. Therefore it only remains to show that $J(X)\subseteq X$. Since, by hypothesis, $J(X) = \bigcup_{m\in \mathbb{N}}J^{m}_{\leq n}(X)$, to show that $J(X)\subseteq X$ it suffices to prove that, for every $m\in \mathbb{N}$, $J^{m}_{\leq n}(X)\subseteq X$.
For $m = 0$ we have that $J^{0}_{\leq n}(X) = X\subseteq X$.
Let us suppose that, for $k\geq 0$, $J^{k}_{\leq n}(X)\subseteq X$. Then we want to show that $J^{k+1}_{\leq n}(X)\subseteq X$. But, by definition, we have that $$\textstyle
J^{k+1}_{\leq n}(X) = J_{\leq n}(J^{k}_{\leq n}(X)) = \bigcup\{J(Y)\mid Y\in \mathrm{Sub}_{\leq n}(J^{k}_{\leq n}(X))\}.$$ Hence what we have to prove is that, for every $Y\in \mathrm{Sub}_{\leq n}(J^{k}_{\leq n}(X))$, $J(Y)\subseteq X$. Let $Y$ be a subset of $J^{k}_{\leq n}(X)$ such that $\mathrm{card}(Y)\leq n$. Since $J^{k}_{\leq n}(X)\subseteq X$, we have that $Y\subseteq X$ and $\mathrm{card}(Y)\leq n$, therefore $J(Y)\subseteq X$. Consequently, for every $X\subseteq A$, if, for every $Z\in \mathrm{Sub}_{\leq n}(X)$, $J(Z)\subseteq X$, then $J(X) = X$.
Reciprocally, let us suppose that, for every $X\subseteq A$, if, for every $Z\in \mathrm{Sub}_{\leq n}(X)$, $J(Z)\subseteq X$, then $J(X) = X$. We want to show that $J$ is $n$-ary, i.e., that $J = J^{\omega}_{\leq n}$. Let $X$ a subset of $A$. Then it is obvious that $J^{\omega}_{\leq n}(X) = \bigcup_{m\in \mathbb{N}}J^{m}_{\leq n}(X)\subseteq J(X)$. We now proceed to prove that $J(X)\subseteq J^{\omega}_{\leq n}(X)$. Since $J$ is isotone and, by the definition of $J^{\omega}_{\leq n}$, $X\subseteq J^{\omega}_{\leq n}(X)$, we have that $J(X)\subseteq J(J^{\omega}_{\leq n}(X))$. Therefore to prove that $J(X)\subseteq J^{\omega}_{\leq n}(X)$ it suffices to prove that $J(J^{\omega}_{\leq n}(X)) = J^{\omega}_{\leq n}(X)$. But the just stated equation follows from the supposition because, as we will prove next, for every $Z\in \mathrm{Sub}_{\leq n}(J^{\omega}_{\leq n}(X))$, we have that $J(Z)\subseteq J^{\omega}_{\leq n}(X)$. Let $Z$ be a subset of $J^{\omega}_{\leq n}(X)$ such that $\mathrm{card}(Z)\leq n$. Then, for some $\ell\in \mathbb{N}$, $\mathrm{supp}_{S}(Z) = \{s_{0},\ldots,s_{\ell-1}\}$ and, for every $\alpha\in \ell$, there exists an $n_{\alpha}\in \mathbb{N}-1$ such that $Z_{s_{\alpha}} = \{z_{\alpha,0},\ldots,z_{\alpha,n_{\alpha}-1}\}$. Therefore, for every $\alpha\in \ell$ and every $\beta\in n_{\alpha}$ there exists an $m_{\alpha,\beta}\in \mathbb{N}$ such that that $z_{\alpha,\beta}\in J^{m_{\alpha,\beta}}_{\leq n}(X)_{s_{\alpha}}$. Since it may be helpful for the sake of understanding, let us represent the situation just described by the following figure: $$\begin{matrix}
z_{0,0}\in J^{m_{0,0}}_{\leq n}(X)_{s_{0}} &\dots & z_{0,n_{0}-1}\in J^{m_{0,n_{0}-1}}_{\leq n}(X)_{s_{0}}\\
\vdots &\ddots & \vdots \\
z_{\ell-1,0}\in J^{m_{\ell-1,0}}_{\leq n}(X)_{s_{\ell-1}} &\dots & z_{\ell-1,n_{\ell-1}-1}\in J^{m_{\ell-1,n_{\ell-1}-1}}_{\leq n}(X)_{s_{\ell-1}}
$$ Hence, for every $\alpha\in \ell$ there exists a $\beta_{\alpha}\in n_{\alpha}$ such that $Z_{s_{\alpha}}\subseteq J^{m_{\alpha,\beta_{\alpha}}}_{\leq n}(X)_{s_{\alpha}}$. On the other hand, since the family of many-sorted operators $(J^{m}_{\leq n})_{m\in \mathbb{N}}$ on $A$ is an ascending chain, there exists an $m$ in the set $\{m_{\alpha,\beta_{\alpha}}\mid \alpha\in \ell\}$ such that, for every $\alpha\in \ell$, $J^{m_{\alpha,\beta_{\alpha}}}_{\leq n}\leq J^{m}_{\leq n}$. Thus $Z\subseteq J^{m}_{\leq n}(X)$. Therefore, since, in addition, $\mathrm{card}(Z)\leq n$, we have that $Z\in \mathrm{Sub}_{\leq n}(J^{m}_{\leq n}(X))$. Thus $$\textstyle
J(Z)\subseteq J^{m+1}_{\leq n}(X) = J_{\leq n}(J^{m}_{\leq n}(X)) = \bigcup\{J(K)\mid K\in \mathrm{Sub}_{\leq n}(J^{m}_{\leq n}(X))\}.$$ Consequently $J(Z)\subseteq J^{\omega}_{\leq n}(X)$. Hence $J(X)\subseteq J^{\omega}_{\leq n}(X)$. Whence $J = J^{\omega}_{\leq n}$, which completes the proof.
We next recall the notion of free monoid on a set and, for a set of sorts $S$, we define, by using the the just mentioned notion, the concept of $S$-sorted signature and, for an $S$-sorted signature $\Sigma$, the concept of $\Sigma$-algebra.
Let $S$ be a set of sorts. The *free monoid on* $S$, denoted by $\mathbf{S}^{\star}$, is $(S^{\star},\curlywedge,\lambda)$, where $S^{\star}$, the set of all *words on* $S$, is $\bigcup_{n\in\mathbb{N}}\mathrm{Hom}(n,S)$, the set of all mappings $w\colon n{\usebox{\xymor}}S$ from some $n\in \mathbb{N}$ to $S$, $\curlywedge$, the *concatenation* of words on $S$, is the binary operation on $S^{\star}$ which sends a pair of words $(w,v)$ on $S$ to the mapping $w\curlywedge v$ from ${\ensuremath
{\lvert w \rvert}}+{\ensuremath
{\lvert v \rvert}}$ to $S$, where ${\ensuremath
{\lvert w \rvert}}$ and ${\ensuremath
{\lvert v \rvert}}$ are the lengths ($\equiv$ domains) of the mappings $w$ and $v$, respectively, defined as follows: $$w\operatorname{\curlywedge}v
{\lvert w \rvert}}+{\ensuremath
{\lvert v \rvert}}}{S}
w_{i}, & \text{if $0\leq i < {\ensuremath
{\lvert w \rvert}}$;}\\
{\lvert w \rvert}}}, & \text{if ${\ensuremath
{\lvert w \rvert}}\leq i < {\ensuremath
{\lvert w \rvert}}+{\ensuremath
{\lvert v \rvert}}$,}
}$$ and $\lambda$, the *empty word on* $S$, is the unique mapping $\lambda\colon\varnothing{\usebox{\xymor}}S$.
Let $S$ be a set of sorts. Then an $S$-*sorted signature* is a function $\Sigma$ from ${\ensuremath{S^{\star}}}{\times}S$ to $\boldsymbol{\mathcal{U}}$ which sends a pair $(w,s)\in {\ensuremath{S^{\star}}}{\times}S$ to the set $\Sigma_{w,s}$ of the *formal operations* of *arity* $w$, *sort* (or *coarity*) $s$, and *rank* (or *biarity*) $(w,s)$.
Let $\Sigma$ be an $S$-sorted signature and $A$ an $S$-sorted set. The ${\ensuremath{S^{\star}}}{\times}S$-sorted set of the *finitary operations on* $A$ is the family $(\mathrm{Hom}(A_{w},A_{s}))_{(w,s)\in{\ensuremath{S^{\star}}}{\times}S}$, where, for every $w\in {\ensuremath{S^{\star}}}$, $A_{w} = \prod_{i\in {\ensuremath
{\lvert w \rvert}}}A_{w_{i}}$. A *structure of* $\Sigma$-*algebra* *on* $A$ is an ${\ensuremath{S^{\star}}}{\times}S$-mapping $F = (F_{w,s})_{(w,s)\in {\ensuremath{S^{\star}}}\times S}$ from $\Sigma$ to $(\mathrm{Hom}(A_{w},A_{s}))_{(w,s)\in{\ensuremath{S^{\star}}}{\times}S}$. For a pair $(w,s)\in {\ensuremath{S^{\star}}}\times S$ and a formal operation $\sigma\in \Sigma_{w,s}$, in order to simplify the notation, the operation from $A_{w}$ to $A_{s}$ corresponding to $\sigma$ under $F_{w,s}$ will be written as $F_{\sigma}$ instead of $F_{w,s}(\sigma)$. A $\Sigma$-*algebra* is a pair $(A,F)$, abbreviated to $\mathbf{A}$, where $A$ is an $S$-sorted set and $F$ a structure of $\Sigma$-algebra on $A$.
Since it will be used afterwards, we next define, for a set of sorts $S$ and an $S$-sorted set $A$, the notions of algebraic and of uniform many-sorted closure operator on $A$.
A many-sorted closure operator $J$ on an $S$-sorted set $A$ is *algebraic* if, for every $X\subseteq A$, $J(X) = \bigcup_{K\subseteq_{\mathrm{fin}} X}J(K)$, and is *uniform* if, for every $X$, $Y\subseteq A$, if $\mathrm{supp}_{S}(X) = \mathrm{supp}_{S}(Y)$, then $\mathrm{supp}_{S}(J(X)) = \mathrm{supp}_{S}(J(Y))$.
We next prove that, for a many-sorted closure operator, the property of being $n$-ary is stronger than that of being algebraic.
\[$n$-aryalg\] Let $n$ be a natural number. If a many-sorted closure operator $J$ on an $S$-sorted set $A$ is $n$-ary, then $J$ is an algebraic many-sorted closure operator on $A$.
Let $J$ be an $n$-ary many-sorted closure operator on an $S$-sorted set $A$ and let $X$ be a subset of $A$. Then, obviously, $\bigcup_{K\subseteq_{\mathrm{fin}} X}J(K)\subseteq J(X)$. Since $J(X) = J^{\omega}_{\leq n}(X) = \bigcup_{m\in \mathbb{N}}J^{m}_{\leq n}(X)$, to prove that $J(X)\subseteq \bigcup_{K\subseteq_{\mathrm{fin}} X}J(K)$ it suffices to prove that, for every $m\in \mathbb{N}$, $J^{m}_{\leq n}(X)\subseteq \bigcup_{K\subseteq_{\mathrm{fin}} X}J(K)$.
For $m = 0$, since $J^{0}_{\leq n}(X) = X$, we have that $J^{0}_{\leq n}(X)\subseteq \bigcup_{K\subseteq_{\mathrm{fin}} X}J(K)$.
Let $m$ be $k+1$ with $k\geq 0$ and let us suppose that $J^{k}_{\leq n}(X)\subseteq \bigcup_{K\subseteq_{\mathrm{fin}} X}J(K)$. We want to prove that $J^{k+1}_{\leq n}(X)\subseteq \bigcup_{K\subseteq_{\mathrm{fin}} X}J(K)$. However, by definition, $J^{k+1}_{\leq n}(X) = \bigcup\{J(Z)\mid Z\in \mathrm{Sub}_{\leq n}(J^{k}_{\leq n}(X))\}$. Thus it suffices to prove that, for every $Z\in \mathrm{Sub}_{\leq n}(J^{k}_{\leq n}(X))$, $J(Z)\subseteq \bigcup_{K\subseteq_{\mathrm{fin}} X}J(K)$. Let $Z$ be a subset of $J^{k}_{\leq n}(X)$ such that $\mathrm{card}(Z)\leq n$. Then, since, by the induction hypothesis, $J^{k}_{\leq n}(X)\subseteq \bigcup_{K\subseteq_{\mathrm{fin}} X}J(K)$, we have that $Z\subseteq \bigcup_{K\subseteq_{\mathrm{fin}} X}J(K)$ and, in addition, that $\mathrm{card}(Z)\leq n$. Hence, for some $\ell\in \mathbb{N}$, $\mathrm{supp}_{S}(Z) = \{s_{0},\ldots,s_{\ell-1}\}$ and, for every $\alpha\in \ell$, there exists an $n_{\alpha}\in \mathbb{N}-1$ such that $Z_{s_{\alpha}} = \{z_{\alpha,0},\ldots,z_{\alpha,n_{\alpha}-1}\}$. Therefore, for every $\alpha\in \ell$ and every $\beta\in n_{\alpha}$ there exists a $K^{\alpha,\beta}\subseteq_{\mathrm{fin}}X$ such that that $z_{\alpha,\beta}\in J(K^{\alpha,\beta})_{s_{\alpha}}$. Since it may be helpful for the sake of understanding, let us represent the situation just described by the following figure: $$\begin{matrix}
z_{0,0}\in J(K^{0,0})_{s_{0}} &\dots & z_{0,n_{0}-1}\in J(K^{0,n_{0}-1})_{s_{0}}\\
\vdots &\ddots & \vdots \\
z_{\ell-1,0}\in J(K^{\ell-1,0})_{s_{\ell-1}} &\dots & z_{\ell-1,n_{\ell-1}-1}\in J(K^{\ell-1,n_{\ell-1}-1})_{s_{\ell-1}}
$$ Then, for every $\alpha\in \ell$, $Z_{s_{\alpha}}\subseteq J(\bigcup_{\beta\in n_{\alpha}}K^{\alpha,\beta})_{s_{\alpha}}$, where $\bigcup_{\beta\in n_{\alpha}}K^{\alpha,\beta}\subseteq_{\mathrm{fin}}X$. So, for $L = \bigcup_{\alpha\in\ell}\bigcup_{\beta\in n_{\alpha}}K^{\alpha,\beta}$, we have that $L\subseteq_{\mathrm{fin}}X$ and $Z\subseteq J(L)$. Therefore $J(Z)\subseteq J(J(L)) = J(L)\subseteq \bigcup_{K\subseteq_{\mathrm{fin}} X}J(K)$.
We next define when a subset $X$ of the underlying $S$-sorted set $A$ of a $\Sigma$-algebra $\mathbf{A}$ is closed under an operation $F_{\sigma}$ of $\mathbf{A}$, as well as when $X$ is a subalgebra of $\mathbf{A}$.
\[Subalg\] Let $\mathbf{A}$ be a $\Sigma$-algebra and $X\subseteq A$. Let $\sigma$ be a formal operation in $\Sigma_{w,s}$. We say that $X$ is *closed under the operation* $F_{\sigma}\colon A_{w}{\usebox{\xymor}}A_{s}$ if, for every $a\in X_{w}$, $F_{\sigma}(a)\in X_{s}$. We say that $X$ is a *subalgebra* of $\mathbf{A}$ if $X$ is closed under the operations of $\mathbf{A}$. We denote by $\mathrm{Sub}(\mathbf{A})$ the set of all subalgebras of $\mathbf{A}$ (which is an algebraic closure system on $A$).
Let $\mathbf{A}$ be a $\Sigma$-algebra. Then we denote by $\mathrm{Sg}_{\mathbf{A}}$ the many-sorted closure operator on $A$ defined as follows: $$\textstyle
{\bigcap \{\,C\in\mathrm{Sub}(\mathbf{A})\mid X\subseteq C\,\},}.$$ We call $\mathrm{Sg}_{\mathbf{A}}$ the *subalgebra generating many-sorted operator on* $A$ *determined by* $\mathbf{A}$. For every $X\subseteq A$, we call $\mathrm{Sg}_{\mathbf{A}}(X)$ the *subalgebra of* $\mathbf{A}$ *generated by* $X$. Moreover, if $X\subseteq A$ is such that $\mathrm{Sg}_{\mathbf{A}}(X) = A$, then we say that $X$ is an $S$-sorted set of *generators* of $\mathbf{A}$, or that $X$ *generates* $\mathbf{A}$. Besides, we say that $\mathbf{A}$ is *finitely generated* if there exists an $S$-sorted subset $X$ of $A$ such that $X$ *generates* $\mathbf{A}$ and $\mathrm{card}(X)<\aleph_{0}$.
\[Alg\] Let $\mathbf{A}$ be a $\Sigma$-algebra. Then the many-sorted closure operator $\mathrm{Sg}_{\mathbf{A}}$ on $A$ is algebraic, i.e., for every $S$-sorted subset $X$ of $A$, $\mathrm{Sg}_{\mathbf{A}}(X) =
\bigcup_{K\subseteq_{\mathrm{fin}} X}\mathrm{Sg}_{\mathbf{A}}(K)$.
For a $\Sigma$-algebra $\mathbf{A}$ we next provide another, more constructive, description of the algebraic many-sorted closure operator $\operatorname{Sg}_{\mathbf{A}}$, which, in addition, will allow us to state a crucial property of $\operatorname{Sg}_{\mathbf{A}}$. Specifically, that $\operatorname{Sg}_{\mathbf{A}}$ is uniform.
Let $\Sigma$ be an $S$-sorted signature and $\mathbf{A}$ a $\Sigma$-algebra.
1. We denote by $\operatorname{E}_{\mathbf{A}}$ the many-sorted operator on $A$ that assigns to an $S$-sorted subset $X$ of $A$, $\operatorname{E}_{\mathbf{A}}(X) =
F_{\sigma}[X_{\operatorname{ar}(\sigma)}]\bigr)_{s\in S}$, where, for $s\in
S$, $\Sigma_{\cdot,s}$ is the set of all many-sorted formal operations $\sigma$ such that the coarity of $\sigma$ is $s$ and for $\operatorname{ar}(\sigma) = w\in {\ensuremath{S^{\star}}}$, the arity of $\sigma$, $X_{\operatorname{ar}(\sigma)} = \prod_{i\in {\ensuremath
{\lvert w \rvert}}}X_{w_{i}}$.
2. If $X\subseteq A$, then we define the family $(\operatorname{E}^{n}_{\mathbf{A}}(X))_{n\in \mathbb{N}}$ in $\mathrm{Sub}(A)$, recursively, as follows: $$\begin{aligned}
\operatorname{E}_{\mathbf{A}}^{0}(X) &= X\text{,} \\
\operatorname{E}_{\mathbf{A}}^{n+1}(X) &=
\operatorname{E}_{\mathbf{A}}(\operatorname{E}_{\mathbf{A}}^{n}(X)) \text{, $n\geq 0$.}
3. We denote by $\operatorname{E}_{\mathbf{A}}^{\omega}$ the many-sorted operator on $A$ that assigns to an $S$-sorted subset $X$ of $A$, $\operatorname{E}_{\mathbf{A}}^{\omega}(X) = \bigcup_{n\in
\[Sg\] Let $\mathbf{A}$ be a $\Sigma$-algebra and $X\subseteq A$, then $\operatorname{Sg}_{\mathbf{A}}(X) = \operatorname{E}_{\mathbf{A}}^{\omega}(X)$.
In [@cs04], on pp. 82, we stated the following proposition (there called Proposition 2.7).
\[Unif\] Let $\mathbf{A}$ be a $\Sigma$-algebra and $X, Y\subseteq A$. Then we have that
1. If $\mathrm{supp}_{S}(X) = \mathrm{supp}_{S}(Y)$, then, for every $n\in \mathbb{N}$, $\mathrm{supp}_{S}(\mathrm{E}^{n}_{\mathbf{A}}(X)) = \mathrm{supp}_{S}(\mathrm{E}^{n}_{\mathbf{A}}(Y))$.
2. $\mathrm{supp}_{S}(\mathrm{Sg}_{\mathbf{A}}(X)) = \bigcup_{n\in \mathbb{N}}\mathrm{supp}_{S}(\mathrm{E}^{n}_{\mathbf{A}}(X))$.
3. If $\mathrm{supp}_{S}(X) = \mathrm{supp}_{S}(Y)$, then $\mathrm{supp}_{S}(\mathrm{Sg}_{\mathbf{A}}(X)) = \mathrm{supp}_{S}(\mathrm{Sg}_{\mathbf{A}}(Y))$.
Therefore the algebraic many-sorted closure operator $\mathrm{Sg}_{\mathbf{A}}$ is uniform.
If $\mathbf{A}$ is a finitely generated $\Sigma$-algebra, then every $S$-sorted set of generators of $\mathbf{A}$ contains a finite $S$-sorted subset which also generates $\mathbf{A}$.
If $\mathbf{A}$ is a finitely generated $\Sigma$-algebra, then we have that $\mathrm{IrB}(A,\mathrm{Sg}_{\mathbf{A}})$ is not empty.
A characterization of the $n$-ary many-sorted closure operators.
A theorem of Birkhoff-Frink (see [@bf48]) asserts that every algebraic closure operator on an ordinary set arises, from some algebraic structure on the set, as the corresponding generated subalgebra operator. However, for many-sorted sets such a theorem is not longer true without qualification. In [@cs04], on pp. 83–84, Theorem 3.1 and Corollary 3.2, we characterized the corresponding many-sorted closure operators as precisely the uniform algebraic operators. We next recall the just mentioned characterization since it will be applied afterwards to provide a characterization of the $n$-ary many-sorted closure operators on an $S$-sorted set.
Let us notice that in what follows, for a word $w\colon \lvert w \rvert\rightarrow S$ on $S$, with $\lvert w \rvert$ the lenght of $w$, and an $s\in S$, we denote by $w^{-1}[s]$ the set $\{i\in \lvert w \rvert \mid w(i)=s \}$, and by $\mathrm{Im}(w)$ the set $\{w(i)\mid i\in \lvert w \rvert\}$
\[ThRep\] Let $J$ be an algebraic many-sorted closure operator on an $S$-sorted set $A$. If $J$ is uniform, then $J = \mathrm{Sg}_{\mathbf{A}}$ for some $S$-sorted signature $\Sigma$ and some $\Sigma$-algebra $\mathbf{A}$.
Let $\Sigma = (\Sigma_{w,s})_{(w,s)\in {\ensuremath{S^{\star}}}\times S}$ be the $S$-sorted signature defined, for every $(w,s)\in{\ensuremath{S^{\star}}}\times S$, as follows: $$\Sigma_{w,s} = \{\,(X,b)\in \textstyle{\bigcup}_{X\in \mathrm{Sub}(A)}(\{X\}\times J(X)_{s}) \mid \forall\, t\in S\,(\mathrm{card}(X_{t}) = \lvert w \rvert_{t})\,\},$$ where for a sort $s\in S$ and a word $w\colon \lvert w \rvert\rightarrow S$ on $S$, with $\lvert w \rvert$ the lenght of $w$, the number of occurrences of $s$ in $w$, denoted by $\lvert w \rvert_{s}$, is $\mathrm{card}(w^{-1}[s])$.
Before proceeding any further, let us remark that, for $(w,s)\in{\ensuremath{S^{\star}}}\times S$ and $(X,b)\in\textstyle{\bigcup}_{X\in \mathrm{Sub}(A)}(\{X\}\times J(X)_{s})$, the following conditions are equivalent:
1. $(X,b)\in \Sigma_{w,s}$, i.e., for every $t\in S$, $\mathrm{card}(X_{t}) = \lvert w \rvert_{t}$.
2. $\mathrm{supp}_{S}(X) = \mathrm{Im}(w)$ and, for every $t\in\mathrm{supp}_{S}(X)$, $\mathrm{card}(X_{t}) = \lvert w \rvert_{t}$.
On the other hand, for the index set $\Lambda = \bigcup_{Y\in \mathrm{Sub}(A)}(\{Y\}\times \mathrm{supp}_{S}(Y))$ and the $\Lambda$-indexed family $(Y_{s})_{(Y,s)\in\Lambda}$ whose $(Y,s)$-th coordinate is $Y_{s}$, precisely the $s$-th coordinate of the $S$-sorted set $Y$ of the index $(Y,s)\in \Lambda$, let $f$ be a choice function for $(Y_{s})_{(Y,s)\in\Lambda}$, i.e., an element of $\prod_{(Y,s)\in \Lambda}Y_{s}$.
Moreover, for every $w\in{\ensuremath{S^{\star}}}$ and $a\in \prod_{i\in \lvert w \rvert}A_{w(i)}$, let $M^{w,a} = (M^{w,a}_{s})_{s\in S}$ be the finite $S$-sorted subset of $A$ defined as $M^{w,a}_{s} = \{a_{i}\mid i\in w^{-1}[s]\}$, for every $s\in S$.
Now, for $(w,s)\in{\ensuremath{S^{\star}}}\times S$ and $(X,b)\in\Sigma_{w,s}$, let $F_{X,b}$ be the many-sorted operation from $\prod_{i\in\lvert w \rvert}A_{w(i)}$ into $A_{s}$ that to an $a\in \prod_{i\in\lvert w \rvert}A_{w(i)}$ assigns $b$, if $M^{w,a} = X$ and $f(J(M^{w,a}),s)$, otherwise.
We will prove that the $\Sigma$-algebra $\mathbf{A} = (A,F)$ is such that $J = \mathrm{Sg}_{\mathbf{A}}$. But before doing that it is necessary to verify that the definition of the many-sorted operations is sound, i.e., that for every $(w,s)\in{\ensuremath{S^{\star}}}\times S$, $(X,b)\in \Sigma_{w,s}$ and $a\in \prod_{i\in\lvert w \rvert}A_{w(i)}$, it happens that $s\in\mathrm{supp}_{S}(J(M^{w,a}))$, and for this it suffices to prove that $\mathrm{supp}_{S}(M^{w,a}) = \mathrm{supp}_{S}(X)$, because, by hypothesis, $J$ is uniform and, by definition, $b\in J(X)_{s}$.
If $t\in\mathrm{supp}_{S}(M^{w,a})$, then $M^{w,a}_{t}$ is nonempty, i.e., there exists an $i\in\lvert w \rvert$ such that $w(i) = t$. Therefore, because $(X,b)\in \Sigma_{w,s}$, we have that $0<\lvert w \rvert_{t} = \mathrm{card}(X_{t})$, hence $t\in\mathrm{supp}_{S}(X)$.
Reciprocally, if $t\in\mathrm{supp}_{S}(X)$, $\lvert w \rvert_{t}>0$, and there is an $i\in\lvert w \rvert$ such that $w(i) = t$, hence $a_{i}\in A_{t}$, and from this we conclude that $M^{w,a}_{t}\neq\varnothing$, i.e., that $t\in\mathrm{supp}_{S}(M^{w,a})$. Therefore, $\mathrm{supp}_{S}(M^{w,a}) = \mathrm{supp}_{S}(X)$ and, by the uniformity of $J$, $\mathrm{supp}_{S}(J(M^{w,a})) = \mathrm{supp}_{S}(J(X))$. But, by definition, $b\in J(X)_{s}$, so $s\in\mathrm{supp}_{S}(J(M^{w,a}))$ and the definition is sound.
Now we prove that, for every $X\subseteq A$, $J(X){\subseteq}\mathrm{Sg}_{\mathbf{A}}(X)$. Let $X$ be an $S$-sorted subset of $A$, $s\in S$ and $b\in J(X)_{s}$. Then, because $J$ is algebraic, $b\in J(Y)_{s}$, for some finite $S$-sorted subset $Y$ of $X$. From such an $Y$ we will define a word $w_{Y}$ in $S$ and an element $a_{Y}$ of $\prod_{i\in\lvert w_{Y} \rvert}A_{w_{Y}(i)}$ such that
1. $Y = M^{w_{Y},a_{Y}}$,
2. $(Y,b)\in \Sigma_{w_{Y},s}$, i.e., $b\in J(Y)_{s}$ and, for all $t\in S$, $\mathrm{card}(Y_{t}) = \lvert w_{Y} \rvert_{t}$, and
3. $a_{Y}\in \prod_{i\in\lvert w_{Y} \rvert}X_{w_{Y}(i)}$,
then, because $F_{Y,b}(a_{Y}) = b$, we will be entitled to assert that $b\in \mathrm{Sg}_{\mathbf{A}}(X)_{s}$.
But given that $Y$ is finite if, and only if, $\mathrm{supp}_{S}(Y)$ is finite and, for every $t\in \mathrm{supp}_{S}(Y)$, $Y_{t}$ is finite, let $\{\,s_{\alpha}\mid \alpha\in m\,\}$ be an enumeration of $\mathrm{supp}_{S}(Y)$ and, for every $\alpha\in m$, let $\{\,y_{\alpha,i}\mid i\in p_{\alpha}\,\}$ be an enumeration of the nonempty $s_{\alpha}$-th coordinate, $Y_{s_{\alpha}}$, of $Y$. Then we define, on the one hand, the word $w_{Y}$ as the mapping from $\lvert w_{Y} \rvert = \sum_{\alpha\in m}p_{\alpha}$ into $S$ such that, for every $i\in \lvert w_{Y} \rvert$ and $\alpha\in m$, $w_{Y}(i) = s_{\alpha}$ if, and only if, $\sum_{\beta\in \alpha}p_{\beta}\leq i\leq \sum_{\beta\in \alpha+1}p_{\beta}-1$ and, on the other hand, the element $a_{Y}$ of $\prod_{i\in\lvert w_{Y} \rvert}A_{w_{Y}(i)}$ as the mapping from $\lvert w_{Y} \rvert$ into $\bigcup_{i\in \lvert w_{Y} \rvert}A_{w_{Y}(i)}$ such that, for every $i\in \lvert w_{Y} \rvert$ and $\alpha\in m$, $a_{Y}(i) = y_{\alpha,i-\sum_{\beta\in \alpha}p_{\beta}}$ if, and only if, $\sum_{\beta\in \alpha}p_{\beta}\leq i\leq \sum_{\beta\in \alpha+1}p_{\beta}-1$. From these definitions follow (1), (2) and (3) above. Let us observe that (1) is a particular case of the fact that the mapping $M$ from $\bigcup_{w\in{\ensuremath{S^{\star}}}}(\{w\}\times \prod_{i\in\lvert w \rvert}A_{w(i)})$ into $\mathrm{Sub}_{\text{fin}}(A)$ that to a pair $(w,a)$ assigns $M^{w,a}$ is surjective.
From the above and the definition of $F_{Y,b}$ we can affirm that $F_{Y,b}(a_{Y}) = b$, hence $b\in \mathrm{Sg}_{\mathbf{A}}(X)_{s}$. Therefore $J(X){\subseteq}\mathrm{Sg}_{\mathbf{A}}(X)$.
Finally, we prove that, for every $X\subseteq A$, $\mathrm{Sg}_{\mathbf{A}}(X){\subseteq}J(X)$. But for this, by Proposition \[Sg\], it is enough to prove that, for every subset $X$ of $A$, we have that $\mathrm{E}_{\mathbf{A}}(X){\subseteq}J(X)$. Let $s\in S$ be and $c\in\mathrm{E}_{\mathbf{A}}(X)_{s}$. If $c\in X_{s}$, then $c\in J(X)_{s}$, because $J$ is extensive. If $c{\not\in}X_{s}$, then, by the definition of $\mathrm{E}_{\mathbf{A}}(X)$, there exists a word $w\in{\ensuremath{S^{\star}}}$, a many-sorted formal operation $(Y,b)\in\Sigma_{w,s}$ and an $a\in \prod_{i\in \lvert w \rvert}X_{w(i)}$ such that $F_{Y,b}(a) = c$. If $M^{w,a} = Y$, then $c = b$, hence $c\in J(Y)_{s}$, therefore, because $M^{w,a}\subseteq X$, $c\in J(X)_{s}$. If $M^{w,a}\neq Y$, then $F_{Y,b}(a)\in J(M^{w,a})_{s}$, but, because $M^{w,a}{\subseteq}X$ and $J$ is isotone, $J(M^{w,a})$ is a subset of $J(X)$, hence $F_{Y,b}(a)\in J(X)_{s}$. Therefore $\mathrm{E}_{\mathbf{A}}(X){\subseteq}J(X)$.
The just stated theorem together with Proposition \[Unif\] entails the following corollary.
Let $J$ be an algebraic many-sorted closure operator on an $S$-sorted set $A$. Then $J = \mathrm{Sg}_{\mathbf{A}}$ for some $S$-sorted signature $\Sigma$ and some $\Sigma$-algebra $\mathbf{A}$ if, and only if, $J$ is uniform.
We next prove that for a natural number $n$, an $S$-sorted signature $\Sigma$, and a $\Sigma$-algebra $\mathbf{A}$, under a suitable condition on $\Sigma$ related to $n$, the uniform algebraic many-sorted closure operator $\mathrm{Sg}_{\mathbf{A}}$ is an $n$-ary many-sorted closure operator on $A$.
\[Arity\] Let $\Sigma$ be an $S$-sorted signature, $\mathbf{A}$ a $\Sigma$-algebra, and $n\in \mathbb{N}$. If $\Sigma$ is such that, for every $(w,s)\in S^{\star}\times S$, $\Sigma_{w,s} = \varnothing$ if ${\ensuremath
{\lvert w \rvert}}> n$—in which case we will say that every operation of $\mathbf{A}$ is of an arity $\leq n$—, then the uniform algebraic many-sorted closure operator $\mathrm{Sg}_{\mathbf{A}}$ is an $n$-ary many-sorted closure operator on $A$, i.e., $\mathrm{Sg}_{\mathbf{A}} = (\mathrm{Sg}_{\mathbf{A}})_{\leq n}^{\omega}$.
It follows from $\operatorname{Sg}_{\mathbf{A}}(X) = \operatorname{E}_{\mathbf{A}}^{\omega}(X)$ and from the fact that, for every $X\subseteq A$, $\operatorname{E}_{\mathbf{A}}(X)\subseteq (\mathrm{Sg}_{\mathbf{A}})_{\leq n}(X)\subseteq \mathrm{Sg}_{\mathbf{A}}(X)$. The details are left to the reader. However, we notice that it is advisable to split the proof into two cases, one for $n = 0$ and another one for $n\geq 1$.
Let $A$ be an $S$-sorted set, $J$ a many-sorted closure operator on $A$, and $n\in \mathbb{N}$. If $J$ is $n$-ary (hence, by Proposition \[$n$-aryalg\], algebraic) and uniform, then there exists an $S$-sorted signature $\Sigma'$ and a $\Sigma'$-algebra $\mathbf{A}'$ such that $J = \mathrm{Sg}_{\mathbf{A}'}$ and every operation of $\mathbf{A}'$ is of an arity $\leq n$.
If we denote by $\mathbf{A} = (A,F)$ the $\Sigma$-algebra associated to $J$ constructed in the proof of Theorem \[ThRep\], then taking as $\Sigma'$ the $S$-sorted signature defined, for every $(w,s)\in S^{\star}\times S$, as: $\Sigma'_{w,s} = \Sigma_{w,s}$, if ${\ensuremath
{\lvert w \rvert}}\leq n$; and $\Sigma'_{w,s} = \varnothing$, if ${\ensuremath
{\lvert w \rvert}} > n$, and as $\mathbf{A}' = (A',F')$ the $\Sigma'$-algebra defined as: $A' = A$, and $F' = F\circ \mathrm{inc}^{\Sigma',\Sigma}$, where $\mathrm{inc}^{\Sigma',\Sigma} = (\mathrm{inc}^{\Sigma',\Sigma}_{w,s})_{(w,s)\in S^{\star}\times S}$ is the canonical inclusion of $\Sigma'$ into $\Sigma$, then one can show that $J = \mathrm{Sg}_{\mathbf{A}'}$.
From the just stated proposition together with Proposition \[Arity\] it follows immediately the following corollary, which is an algebraic characterization of the $n$-ary and uniform many-sorted closure operators.
Let $J$ be a many-sorted closure operator on an $S$-sorted set $A$ and $n\in \mathbb{N}$. Then $J$ is $n$-ary and uniform if, and only if, there exists an $S$-sorted signature $\Sigma$ and a $\Sigma$-algebra $\mathbf{A}$ such that $J = \mathrm{Sg}_{\mathbf{A}}$ and every operation of $\mathbf{A}$ is of an arity $\leq n$.
The irredundant basis theorem for many-sorted closure spaces.
We next show Tarski’s irredundant basis theorem for many-sorted closure spaces.
Let $(A,J)$ be a many-sorted closure space. If $J$ is an $n$-ary many-sorted operator on the $S$-sorted set $A$, with $n\geq 2$, and if $i<j$ with $i,j\in \mathrm{IrB}_{J}(A)$ such that $$\{i+1,\ldots,j-1\}\cap \mathrm{IrB}_{J}(A) = {\ensuremath{\varnothing}},$$ then $j-i\leq n-1$. In particular, if $n = 2$, then $\mathrm{IrB}_{J}(A)$ is a convex subset of $\mathbb{N}$.
Let $Z\subseteq A$ be an irredundant basis with respect to $J$ such that $\mathrm{card}(Z) = j$ and $\mathcal{K} = \{\,X\in
\mathrm{IrB}_{J}(A)\mid \mathrm{card}(X)\leq i\,\}$. Since $J$ is $n$-ary, we can assert that $J(Z) = A = \bigcup_{m\in
\mathbb{N}}J^{m}_{\leq n}(Z)$, so, for every $s\in S$, $J(Z)_{s} = A_{s} = \bigcup_{m\in \mathbb{N}}J^{m}_{\leq n}(Z)_{s}$. Let $X$ be an element of $\mathcal{K}$. Then there exists a $k\in \mathbb{N}-1$ such that $X\subseteq J^{k}_{\leq n}(Z)$. The natural number $k$ should be strictly greater than $0$, because if $k = 0$, $X\subseteq J^{0}_{\leq n}(Z) = Z$, but $\mathrm{card}(X) = i<j = \mathrm{card}(Z)$, so $Z$ would not be an irredundant basis. So that, for every $X\in
\mathcal{K}$, $\{\,k\in \mathbb{N}-1\mid X\subseteq J^{k}_{\leq n}(Z)\,\}\neq {\ensuremath{\varnothing}}$. Therefore, for every $X\in \mathcal{K}$, we can choose the least element of such a set, denoted by $d_{Z}(X)$, and there is fulfilled that $d_{Z}(X)$ is greater than or equal to $1$. For $d_{Z}(X)-1$ we have that $X\nsubseteq J^{d_{Z}(X)-1}_{\leq n}(Z)$. So we conclude that there exists a mapping $d_{Z}\colon\mathcal{K}{\usebox{\xymor}}\mathbb{N}-1$ that to an $X\in \mathcal{K}$ assigns $d_{Z}(X)$. The image of the mapping $d_{Z}$, which is a nonempty part of $\mathbb{N}-1$, is well-ordered, hence it has a least element, which is, necessarily, non zero, $t+1$, therefore, since $\mathcal{K}/\mathrm{Ker}(d_{Z})$ is isomorphic to $\mathrm{Im}(d_{Z})$, by transport of structure, it will also be well-ordered, then we can always choose an $X\in \mathcal{K}$ such that, for every $Y\in \mathcal{K}$, $d_{Z}(X)\leq d_{Z}(Y)$, e.g., an $X$ such that its equivalence class corresponds to the minimum $t+1$ of $\mathrm{Im}(d_{Z})$. Moreover, among the $X$ which have the just mentioned property, we choose an $X^{0}$ such that, for every $Y\in \mathcal{K}$ with $Y\subseteq J^{t+1}_{\leq n}(Z)$, it happens that $$\mathrm{card}(X^{0}\cap(J^{t+1}_{\leq n}(Z)-J^{t}_{\leq n}(Z)))\leq
\mathrm{card}(Y\cap(J^{t+1}_{\leq n}(Z)-J^{t}_{\leq n}(Z))).$$
By the method of election we have that $X^{0}\subseteq J^{t+1}_{\leq n}(Z)$ but $X^{0}\nsubseteq J^{t}_{\leq n}(Z)$. Of the latter we conclude that there exists an $s_{0}\in S$ such that $X^{0}_{s_{0}}\nsubseteq J^{t}_{\leq n}(Z)_{s_{0}}$, therefore $$(J^{t+1}_{\leq n}(Z)_{s_{0}}-J^{t}_{\leq n}(Z)_{s_{0}})\cap
X^{0}_{s_{0}}\neq {\ensuremath{\varnothing}}.$$ Let $a_{0}\in (J^{t+1}_{\leq n}(Z)_{s_{0}}-J^{t}_{\leq n}(Z)_{s_{0}})\cap X^{0}_{s_{0}}$ be. Then $a_{0}\in
X^{0}_{s_{0}}$, $a_{0}\in J^{t+1}_{\leq n}(Z)_{s_{0}}$ but $a_{0}{\not\in}J^{t}_{\leq n}(Z)_{s_{0}}$. However, $J^{t+1}_{\leq
n}(Z) = J_{\leq n}(J^{t}_{\leq n}(Z))$, by definition, hence there exists a part $F$ of $J^{t}_{\leq n}(Z)$ such that $\mathrm{card}(F)\leq n$ and $a_{0}\in J(F)_{s_{0}}$. Let $X^{1}$ be the part of $A$ defined as follows: $$X^{1}_{s} =
X^{0}_{s}\cup F_{s}, & \text{if $s\neq s_{0}$;}\\
(X^{0}_{s_{0}}-\{a_{0}\})\cup F_{s_{0}},
& \text{if $s = s_{0}$.}
It holds that $X^{0}\subseteq J(X^{1})$. Therefore $J(X^{0})\subseteq J(X^{1})$, but $J(X^{0}) = A$, hence $J(X^{1})
= A$, i.e., $X^{1}$ is a finite generator with respect to $J$, thus $X^{1}$ will contain a minimal generator $X^{2}$ with respect to $J$. It holds that $\mathrm{card}(X^{2})\leq \mathrm{card}(X^{1})<\mathrm{card}(X^{0})+n$. It cannot happen that $\mathrm{card}(X^{0})+n\leq j$. Because if $\mathrm{card}(X^{0})+n\leq j$, then $\mathrm{card}(X^{2})<j$, hence, since $$\{i+1,\ldots,j-1\}\cap \mathrm{IrB}(A,J) = {\ensuremath{\varnothing}},$$ $X^{2}\in \mathcal{K}$, but $X^{2}\subseteq J^{t+1}_{\leq n}(Z)$ and, moreover, it happens that $$\mathrm{card}(X^{2}\cap(J^{t+1}_{\leq n}(Z)-J^{t}_{\leq n}(Z))) <
\mathrm{card}(X^{0}\cap(J^{t+1}_{\leq n}(Z)-J^{t}_{\leq n}(Z))),$$ because $a_{0}{\not\in}X^{2}_{s_{0}}$ but $a_{0}\in X^{0}_{s_{0}}$, which contradicts the choice of $X^{0}$. Hence $\mathrm{card}(X^{0})+n>j$. But $\mathrm{card}(X^{0})\leq i$, therefore $j-i<n$, i.e., $j-i\leq n-1$.
[bf48]{} G. Birkhoff and O. Frink, *Representation of lattices by sets.* Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., **64** (1948), pp. 299–316.
[bs81]{} S. Burris and H.P. Sankappanavar, *A course in universal algebra*, Springer-Velag, 1981.
[cs04]{} J. Climent Vidal and J. Soliveres Tur, *On many-sorted algebraic closure operators*. Math. Nachr. **266** (2004), pp. 81–84.
[at75]{} A. Tarski, *An interpolation theorem for irredundant bases of closure operators*, Discrete Math. **12** (1975), pp. 185–192.
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abstract: |
We study the complexity of approximating the vertex expansion of graphs $G = (V,E)$, defined as $${\phi^{\sf V}}{\stackrel{\textup{def}}{=}}\min_{S \subset V} n \cdot \frac{\Abs{N(S)} }{\Abs{S} \Abs{V\setminus S} }.$$
We give a simple polynomial-time algorithm for finding a subset with vertex expansion ${\mathcal{O}\left(\sqrt{{\phi^{\sf V}}\log d}\right) }$ where $d$ is the maximum degree of the graph. Our main result is an asymptotically matching lower bound: under the Small Set Expansion ([[SSE]{}]{}) hypothesis, it is hard to find a subset with expansion less than $C\sqrt{{\phi^{\sf V}}\log d}$ for an absolute constant $C$. In particular, this implies for all constant $\epsilon
> 0$, it is ${{\sf SSE}}$-hard to distinguish whether the vertex expansion $< \epsilon$ or at least an absolute constant. The analogous threshold for edge expansion is $\sqrt{\phi}$ with no dependence on the degree (Here $\phi$ denotes the optimal edge expansion). Thus our results suggest that vertex expansion is harder to approximate than edge expansion. In particular, while Cheeger’s algorithm can certify constant edge expansion, it is [[SSE]{}]{}-hard to certify constant vertex expansion in graphs.
Our proof is via a reduction from the [*Unique Games*]{} instance obtained from the [[SSE]{}]{} hypothesis to the vertex expansion problem. It involves the definition of a smoother intermediate problem we call which is representative of both the vertex expansion and the conductance of the graph. Both reductions (from the UGC instance to this problem and from this problem to vertex expansion) use novel proof ideas.
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Anand Louis [^1]\
Georgia Tech\
[email protected]
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Prasad Raghavendra [^2]\
UC Berkeley\
[email protected]
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Santosh Vempala\
Georgia Tech\
[email protected]
- 'smallset.bib'
title: The Complexity of Approximating Vertex Expansion
Vertex expansion is an important parameter associated with a graph, one that has played a major role in both algorithms and complexity. Given a graph $G = (V,E)$, the vertex expansion of a set $S \subseteq
V$ of vertices is defined as $${\phi^{\sf V}}(S) {\stackrel{\textup{def}}{=}}\Abs{V} \cdot \frac{\Abs{N(S)}}{ \Abs{S} \Abs{V \setminus S}}$$ Here $N(S)$ denotes the outer boundary of the set $S$, i.e. $N(S) = {\left\{ i \in V \backslash S | \exists u \in S \textrm{ such that } {\left\{u,v\right\}} \in E \right\}}$. The vertex expansion of the graph is given by ${\phi^{\sf V}}{\stackrel{\textup{def}}{=}}\min_{S \subset V} {\phi^{\sf V}}(S)$. The problem of computing ${\phi^{\sf V}}$ is a major primitive for many graph algorithms specifically for those that are based on the divide and conquer paradigm [@lr99]. It is NP-hard to compute the vertex expansion ${\phi^{\sf V}}$ of a graph exactly. In this work, we study the approximability of vertex expansion ${\phi^{\sf V}}$ of a graph.
A closely related notion to vertex expansion is that of edge expansion. The edge expansion of a set $S$ is defined as $$\phi(S) {\stackrel{\textup{def}}{=}}\frac{ \mu(E(S,\bar{S}))}{\mu(S)}$$ and the edge expansion of the graph is $\phi = \min_{S \subset V} \phi(S)$. Graph expansion problems have received much attention over the past decades, with applications to many algorithmic problems, to the construction of pseudorandom objects and more recenlty due to their connection to the unique games conjecture.
The problem of approximating edge or vertex expansion can be studied at various regimes of parameters of interest. Perhaps the simplest possible version of the problem is to distinguish whether a given graph is an expander. Fix an absolute constant $\delta_0$. A graph is a $\delta_0$-vertex (edge) expander if its vertex (edge) expansion is at least $\delta_0$. The problem of recognizing a vertex expander can be stated as follows:
Given a graph $G$, distinguish between the following two cases
(Non-Expander) the vertex expansion is $< \epsilon$
(Expander) the vertex expansion is $ > \delta_0$ for some absolute constant $\delta_0$.
Similarly, one can define the problem of recognizing an edge expander graph.
Notice that if there is some sufficiently small absolute constant $\epsilon$ (depending on $\delta_0$), for which the above problem is easy, then we could argue that it is easy to “recognize” a vertex expander. For the edge case, the Cheeger’s inequality yields an algorithm to recognize an edge expander. In fact, it is possible to distinguish a $\delta_0$ edge expander graph, from a graph whose edge expansion is $< \delta_0^2 /2$, by just computing the second eigenvalue of the graph Laplacian.
It is natural to ask if there is an efficient algorithm with an analogous guarantee for vertex expansion. More precisely, is there some sufficiently small $\epsilon$ (an arbitrary function of $\delta_0$), so that one can efficiently distinguish between a graph with vertex expansion $> \delta_0$ from one with vertex expansion $< \epsilon$. In this work, we show a hardness result suggesting that there is no efficient algorithm to recognize vertex expanders. More precisely, our main result is a hardness for the problem of approximating vertex expansion in graphs of bounded degree $d$. The hardness result shows that the approximability of vertex expansion degrades with the degree, and therefore the problem of recognizing expanders is hard for sufficiently large degree. Furthermore, we exhibit an approximation algorithm for vertex expansion whose guarantee matches the hardness result up to constant factors.
#### Related Work
The first approximation for conductance was obtained by discrete analogues of the Cheeger inequality shown by Alon-Milman [@am85] and Alon [@a86]. Specifically, Cheeger’s inequality relates the conductance $\phi$ to the second eigenvalue of the adjacency matrix of the graph – an efficiently computable quantity. This yields an approximation algorithm for $\phi$, one that is used heavily in practice for graph partitioning. However, the approximation for $\phi$ obtained via Cheeger’s inequality is poor in terms of a approximation ratio, especially when the value of $\phi$ is small. An ${\mathcal{O}\left(\log n\right) }$ approximation algorithm for $\phi$ was obtained by Leighton and Rao [@lr99]. Later work by Linial [@llr95] and Aumann and Rabani [@ar98] established a strong connection between the problem and the theory of metric spaces, in turn spurring a large and rich body of literature. The current best algorithm for the problem is an $O(\sqrt{\log n})$ approximation for due to Arora [@arv04] using semidefinite programming techniques.
Amb[ü]{}hl, Mastrolilli and Svensson [@ams07] showed that ${\phi^{\sf V}}$ and $\phi$ have no PTAS assuming that [SAT]{} does not have sub-exponential time algorithms. The current best approximation factor for ${\phi^{\sf V}}$ is ${\mathcal{O}\left(\sqrt{\log n}\right) }$ obtained using a convex relaxation [@fhl08]. Beyond this, the situation is much less clear for the approximability of vertex expansion. Applying Cheeger’s method leads to a bound of ${\mathcal{O}\left(\sqrt{d \OPT }\right) }$ [@a86] where $d$ is the maximum degree of the input graph.
#### Small Set Expansion Hypothesis
A more refined measure of the edge expansion of a graph is its expansion profile. Specifically, for a graph $G$ the expansion profile is given by the curve $$\phi(\delta) = \min_{\mu(S) {\leqslant}\delta} \phi(S) \qquad \qquad
\forall \delta \in [0,{\nicefrac}{1}{2}] {\,.}$$ The problem of approximating the expansion profile has received much less attention, and is seemingly far less tractable. In summary, the current state-of-the-art algorithms for approximating the expansion profile of a graph are still far from satisfactory. Specifically, the following hypothesis is consistent with the known algorithms for approximating expansion profile.
For every constant $\eta > 0$, there exists sufficiently small $\delta>0$ such that given a graph $G$ it is NP-hard to distinguish the cases,
[<span style="font-variant:small-caps;">Yes</span>]{}:
: there exists a vertex set $S$ with volume $\mu(S)=\delta$ and expansion $\phi(S){\leqslant}\eta$,
[<span style="font-variant:small-caps;">No</span>]{}:
: all vertex sets $S$ with volume $\mu(S)=\delta$ have expansion $\phi(S){\geqslant}1-\eta$.
Apart from being a natural optimization problem, the problem is closely tied to the Unique Games Conjecture. Recent work by Raghavendra-Steurer [@rs10] established reduction from the problem to the well known Unique Games problem, thereby showing that [Small-Set Expansion Hypothesis]{}implies the Unique Games Conjecture. This result suggests that the problem of approximating expansion of small sets lies at the combinatorial heart of the Unique Games problem.
In a breakthrough work, Arora, Barak, and Steurer [@abs10] showed that the problem $\smallsetexpansion(\eta,\delta)$ admits a subexponential algorithm, namely an algorithm that runs in time $\exp(n^\eta/\delta)$. However, such an algorithm does not refute the hypothesis that the problem $\smallsetexpansion(\eta,\delta)$ might be hard for every constant $\eta>0$ and sufficiently small $\delta>0$.
The Unique Games Conjecture is not known to imply hardness results for problems closely tied to graph expansion such as . The reason being that the hard instances of these problems are required to have certain global structure namely expansion. Gadget reductions from a unique games instance preserve the global properties of the unique games instance such as lack of expansion. Therefore, showing hardness for graph expansion problems often required a stronger version of the , where the instance is guaranteed to have good expansion. To this end, several such variants of the conjecture for expanding graphs have been defined in literature, some of which turned out to be false [@akkstv08]. The [Small-Set Expansion Hypothesis]{}could possibly serve as a natural unified assumption that yields all the implications of expanding unique games and, in addition, also hardness results for other fundamental problems such as . In fact, Raghavendra, Steurer and Tulsiani [@rst12] show that the the [[SSE]{}]{} hypothesis implies that the Cheeger’s algorithm yields the best approximation for the balanced separator problem.
#### Formal Statement of Results
Our first result is a simple polynomial-time algorithm to obtain a subset of vertices $S$ whose vertex expansion is at most ${\mathcal{O}\left(\sqrt{{\phi^{\sf V}}\log d}\right) }$. Here $d$ is the largest vertex degree of $G$. The algorithm is based on a Poincairé-type graph parameter called $\lambda_\infty$ defined by Bobkov, Houdré and Tetali [@bht00], which approximates ${\phi^{\sf V}}$. While $\lambda_\infty$ also appears to be hard to compute, its natural [$\sf{SDP}$]{}relaxation gives a bound that is within ${\mathcal{O}\left(\log d\right) }$, as observed by Steurer and Tetali [@st12], which inspires our first Theorem.
There exists a polynomial time algorithm which given a graph $G = (V,E)$ having vertex degrees at most $d$, outputs a set $S \subset V$, such that $ {\phi^{\sf V}}(S) = {\mathcal{O}\left(\sqrt{ {\phi^{\sf V}}_G \log d}\right) }$.
It is natural to ask if one can prove better inapproximability results for vertex expansion than those that follow from the inapproximability results for edge expansion. Indeed, the best one could hope for would be a lower bound matching the upper bound in the above theorem. Our main result is a reduction from [[SSE]{}]{} to the problem of distinguishing between the case when vertex expansion of the graph is at most ${\epsilon}$ and the case when the vertex expansion is at least $\Omega(\sqrt{{\epsilon}\log d})$. This immediately implies that it is [[SSE]{}]{}-hard to find a subset of vertex expansion less than $C\sqrt{{\phi^{\sf V}}\log d}$ for some constant $C$. To the best of our knowledge, our work is the first evidence that vertex expansion might be harder to approximate than edge expansion. More formally, we state our main theorem below.
\[thm:main\] For every $\eta > 0$, there exists an absolute constant $C$ such that $\forall {\epsilon}>0 $ it is [[SSE]{}]{}-hard to distinguish between the following two cases for a given graph $G = (V,E)$ with maximum degree $d {\geqslant}100/{\epsilon}$.
[<span style="font-variant:small-caps;">Yes</span>]{}
: : There exists a set $S \subset V$ of size $\Abs{S} {\leqslant}\Abs{V}/2$ such that $${\phi^{\sf V}}(S) {\leqslant}{\epsilon}$$
[<span style="font-variant:small-caps;">No</span>]{}
: : For all sets $S \subset V$, $${\phi^{\sf V}}(S) {\geqslant}\min {\left\{10^{-10}, C \sqrt{{\epsilon}\log d}\right\}} - \eta$$
By a suitable choice of parameters in the above theorem, we obtain the main theorem of this work, .
\[thm:main2\] There exists an absolute constant $\delta_0 > 0$ such that for every constant $\epsilon > 0$ the following holds: Given a graph $G = (V,E)$, it is [[SSE]{}]{}-hard to distinguish between the following two cases:
[<span style="font-variant:small-caps;">Yes</span>]{}
: : There exists a set $S \subset V$ of size $\Abs{S} {\leqslant}\Abs{V}/2$ such that ${\phi^{\sf V}}(S) {\leqslant}{\epsilon}$
[<span style="font-variant:small-caps;">No</span>]{}
: : ($G$ is a vertex expander with constant expansion) For all sets $S \subset V$, ${\phi^{\sf V}}(S) {\geqslant}\delta_0$
In particular, the above result implies that it is [[SSE]{}]{}-hard to certify that a graph is a vertex expander with constant expansion. This is in contrast to the case of edge expansion, where the Cheeger’s inequality can be used to certify that a graph has constant edge expansion.
At the risk of being redundant, we note that our main theorem implies that any algorithm that outputs a set having vertex expansion less than $C\sqrt{{\phi^{\sf V}}\log d}$ will disprove the [[SSE]{}]{} hypothesis; alternatively, to improve on the bound of ${\mathcal{O}\left(\sqrt{{\phi^{\sf V}}\log d}\right) }$, one has to disprove the [[SSE]{}]{} hypothesis. From an algorithmic standpoint, we believe that exposes a clean algorithmic challenge of recognizing a vertex expander – a challenging problem that is not only interesting on its own right, but whose resolution would probably lead to a significant advance in approximation algorithms.
At a high level, the proof is as follows. We introduce the notion of for Markov chains. This quantity can be thought of as a ${{\sf CSP }}$ on $(d+1)$-tuples of vertices. We show a reduction from of a Markov chain, say $H$, to vertex expansion of a graph, say $H_1$ (). Our reduction is generic and works for any Markov chain $H$. Surprisingly, the ${{\sf CSP }}$-like nature of makes it amenable to a reduction from $\smallsetexpansion$ (). We construct a gadget for this reduction and study its embedding into the Gaussian graph to analyze its soundness ( and ). The gadget involves a sampling procedure to generate a bounded-degree graph.
Proof Overview
To exhibit a hardness result, we begin by defining a combinatorial optimization problem related to the problem of approximating vertex expansion in graphs having largest degree $d$. This problem referred to as can be motivated as follows.
Fix a graph $G = (V,E)$ and a subset of vertices $S \subset V$. For any vertex $v \in V$, $v$ is on the boundary of the set $S$ if and only if $\max_{u \in N(v)}\Abs{ {\ensuremath{{{\varmathbb}{I}}_S{\left[u \right]}}} - {\ensuremath{{{\varmathbb}{I}}_S{\left[v \right]}}}} = 1$, where $N(v)$ denotes the neighbourhood of vertex $v$. In particular, the fraction of vertices on the boundary of $S$ is given by $\E_{v} \max_{u \in N(v)}
\Abs{ {\ensuremath{{{\varmathbb}{I}}_S{\left[u \right]}}} - {\ensuremath{{{\varmathbb}{I}}_S{\left[v \right]}}} }$. The [*symmetric*]{} vertex expansion of the set $S \subseteq V$ is given by, $$n \cdot \frac{\Abs{N(S) \cup N(V\backslash S) } }{ \Abs{S} \Abs{V \backslash S} } = \frac{\E_{v} \max_{u \in N(v)} \Abs{{\ensuremath{{{\varmathbb}{I}}_S{\left[u \right]}}} - {\ensuremath{{{\varmathbb}{I}}_S{\left[v \right]}}} }}{ \E_{u,v}
\Abs{ {\ensuremath{{{\varmathbb}{I}}_S{\left[u \right]}}} - {\ensuremath{{{\varmathbb}{I}}_S{\left[v \right]}}} }} {\,.}$$ Note that for a degree $d$ graph, each of the terms in the numerator is maximization over the $d$ edges incident at the vertex. The formal definition of is as shown below.
An instance of , denoted by $(V,{\mathcal P})$, consists of a set of variables $V$ and a probability distribution ${\mathcal P}$ over $(d + 1)$-tuples in $V^{d+1}$. The probability distribution ${\mathcal P}$ satisfies the condition that all its $d + 1$ marginal distributions are the same (denoted by $\mu$). The goal is to solve the following optimization problem $${\ensuremath{\Phi({V,{\mathcal P}})}} {\stackrel{\textup{def}}{=}}\min_{ F : V \to {\left\{0,1\right\}} | \E_{X,Y \sim \mu} \Abs{F(X) - F(Y)} {\geqslant}\frac{1}{100}}
\frac{ \E_{(X,Y_1, \ldots, Y_d) \sim {\mathcal P}} \max_{i} \Abs{ F(Y_i) - F(X) }} {\E_{X,Y \sim \mu} \Abs{F(X) - F(Y)} }$$
For constant $d$, this could be thought of as a constraint satisfaction problem (CSP) of arity $d+1$. Every $d$-regular graph $G$ has an associated instance of whose value corresponds to the vertex expansion of $G$. Conversly, we exhibit a reduction from to problem of approximating vertex expansion in a graph of degree $\poly(d)$ ( for details).
#### Dictatorship Testing Gadget
As with most hardness results obtained via the label cover or the unique games problem, central to our reduction is an appropriate dictatorship testing gadget.
Simply put, a dictatorship testing gadget for is an instance ${\mathcal H}^R$ of the problem such that, on one hand there exists the so-called [*dictator*]{} assignments with value $\epsilon$, while every assignment far from every dictator incurs a cost of at least $\Omega(\sqrt{\epsilon \log d})$.
The construction of the dictatorship testing gadget is as follows. Let $H$ be a Markov chain on vertices $\{s,t,t',s'\}$ connected to form a path of length three. The transition probabilities of the Markov chain ${\mathcal H}$ are so chosen to ensure that if $\mu_H$ is the stationary distribution of $H$ then $\mu_H(t) = \mu_H(t') = \epsilon/2$ and $\mu_H(s) = \mu_H(s') = (1-\epsilon)/2$. In particular, $H$ has a vertex separator $\{t,t'\}$ whose weight under the stationary distribution is only $\epsilon$.
The dictatorship testing gadget is over the product Markov chain $H^R$ for some large constant $R$. The constraints ${\mathcal P}$ of the dictatorship testing gadget $H^R$ are given by the following sampling procedure,
- Sample $x \in H^R$ from the stationary distribution of the chain.
- Sample $d$-neighbours $y_1,\ldots,y_d \in H^R$ of $x$ independently from the transition probabilities of the chain $H^R$. Output the tuple $(x, y_1,\ldots,y_d)$.
For every $i \in [R]$, the $i^{th}$ dictator solution to the above described gadget is given by the following function, $$F(x) = \begin{cases} 1 & \text{ if } x_i \in \{s,t\} \\ 0 & \text{
otherwise} \end{cases}$$ It is easy to see that for each constraint $(x,y_1,\ldots,y_d) \sim
{\mathcal P}$, $\max_{j} \abs{F(x)-F(y_j)} = 0$ unless $x_i = t$ or $x_i = t'$. Since $x$ is sampled from the stationary distribution for $\mu_H$, $x_i \in \{t,t'\}$ happens with probability $\epsilon$. Therefore the expected cost incurred by the $i^{th}$ dictator assignment is at most $\epsilon$.
#### Soundness Analysis of the Gadget
The soundness property desired of the dictatorship testing gadget can be stated in terms of influences. Specifically, given an assignment $F: V(H)^R \to [0,1]$, the influence of the $i^{th}$ coordinate is given by ${\ensuremath{\sf{Inf}}}_i [F] = \E_{x_{[R]\backslash i}} {\mathsf{Var}}_{x_i}[F(x)]$, i.e., the expected variance of the function after fixing all but the $i^{th}$ coordinate randomly. Henceforth, we will refer to a function $F: H^R \to [0,1]$ as [*far from every dictator*]{} if the influence of all of its coordinates are small (say $<
We show that the dictatorship testing gadget $H^R$ described above satisfies the following soundness – for every function $F$ that is far from every dictator, the cost of $F$ is at least $\Omega(\sqrt{\epsilon
\log d})$. To this end, we appeal to the invariance principle to translate the cost incurred to a corresponding isoperimetric problem on the Gaussian space. More precisely, given a function $F : H^R \to
[0,1]$, we express it as a polynomial in the eigenfunctions over $H$. We carefully construct a Gaussian ensemble with the same moments up to order two, as the eigenfunctions at the query points $(x,y_1,\ldots,y_d) \in {\mathcal P}$. By appealing to the invariance principle for low degree polynomials, this translates in to the following isoperimetric question over Gaussian space ${\mathcal G}$.,
Suppose we have a subset $S \subseteq {\mathcal G}$ of the $n$-dimensional Gaussian space. Consider the following experiment:
- Sample a point $z \in {\mathcal G}$ the Gaussian space.
- Pick $d$ independent perturbations $z'_1, z'_2, \ldots,
z'_d$ of the point $z$ by $\epsilon$-noise.
- Output $1$ if at least one of the edges $(z,z'_i)$ crosses the cut $(S,\bar{S})$ of the Gaussian space.
Among all subsets $S$ of the Gaussian space with a given volume, which set has the least expected output in the above experiment? The answer to this isoperimetric question corresponds to the soundness of the dictatorship test. A halfspace of volume $\frac{1}{2}$ has an expected output of $\sqrt{\epsilon \log d}$ in the above experiment. We show that among all subsets of constant volume, halfspaces acheive the least expected output value.
This isoperimetric theorem proven in yields the desired $\Omega(\sqrt{\epsilon \log d})$ bound for the soundness of the dictatorship test constructed via the Markov chain $H$. Here the noise rate of $\epsilon$ arises from the fact that all the eigenfunctions of the Markov chain $H$ have an eigenvalue smaller than $1-\epsilon$. The details of the argument based on invariance principle is presented in
We show a $\Omega(\sqrt{\epsilon \log d})$ lower bound for the isoperimetric problem on the Gaussian space. The proof of this isoperimetric inequality is included in
We would like to point out here that the traditional noisy cube gadget does not suffice for our application. This is because in the noisy cube gadget while the dictator solutions have an edge expansion of $\epsilon$ they have a vertex expansion of $\epsilon d$, yielding a much worse value than the soundness.
#### Reduction from problem
Gadget reductions from the problem cannot be used towards proving a hardness result for edge or vertex expansion problems. This is because if the underlying instance of has a small vertex separator, then the graph produced via a gadget reduction would also have small vertex expansion. Therefore, we appeal to a reduction from the problem ( for details).
Raghavendra [@rst12] show optimal inapproximability results for the Balanced separator problem using a reduction from the problem. While the overall approach of our reduction is similar to theirs, the details are subtle. Unlike hardness reductions from unique games, the reductions for expansion-type problems starting from are not very well understood. For instance, the work of Raghavendra and Tan [@rt12] gives a dictatorship testing gadget for the Max-Bisection problem, but a based hardness for Max-Bisection still remains open.
We use $\mu_G$ to denote a probability distribution on vertices of the graph $G$. We drop the subscript $G$, when the graph is clear from the context. For a set of vertices $S$, we define $\mu(S) = \int_{x \in S} \mu(x)$. We use $\mu_{|S}$ to denote the distribution $\mu$ restricted to the set $S \subset V(G)$. For the sake of simplicity, we sometimes say that vertex $v \in V(G)$ has weight $w(v)$, in which case we define $\mu(v) = w(v) / \sum_{u \in V} w(u)$. We denote the weight of a set $S \subseteq V$ by $w(S)$. We denote the degree of a vertex $v$ by $\deg(v)$. We denote the neighborhood of $S$ in $G$ by $N_G(S)$, i.e. $$N_G(S) = \{ v \in \bar{S} | \exists u \in S \textrm{ such that }
{\left\{u,v\right\}} \in E(G) \} {\,.}$$ We drop the subscript $G$ when the graph is clear from the context.
We begin with some definitions and the statements of the [[SSE]{}]{}hypotheses in . In , we show that the computation of vertex expansion and symmetric vertex expansion is equivalent upto constant factors. We prove a new Gaussian isoperimetry results in that we use in our soundness analysis. In we show the construction of our main gadget and analyze its soundness and completeness using as the test function. We show a reduction from a reduction from to vertex expansion in . In , we use this gadget to show a reduction [[SSE]{}]{} to . Finally, in , we show how to put all the reductions togethor to get optimal [[SSE]{}]{}-hardness for vertex expansion.
Complimenting our lower bound, we give an algorithm that outputs a set having vertex expansion at most ${\mathcal{O}\left(\sqrt{{\phi^{\sf V}}\log d}\right) }$ in .
Preliminaries {#sec:prelims}
#### Symmetric Vertex Expansion
For our proofs, the notion of Symmetric Vertex Expansion is useful.
Given a graph $G = (V,E)$, we define the the symmetric vertex expansion of a set $S \subset V$ as follows. $${\Phi^{\sf V}}_G(S) {\stackrel{\textup{def}}{=}}n \cdot \frac{ \Abs{ N_G(S) \cup N_G(V \backslash S) }} {\Abs{S} \Abs{V \backslash {S}}}$$
#### Balanced Vertex Expansion
We define the balanced vertex expansion of a graph as follows.
Given a graph $G$ and balance parameter $b$, we define the [*$b$-balanced vertex expansion*]{} of $G$ as follows.
$${\phi^{\sf V,bal}}_b {\stackrel{\textup{def}}{=}}\min_{ S : \Abs{S} \Abs{V \backslash S} {\geqslant}b n^2} {\phi^{\sf V}}(S).$$ and $${\Phi^{\sf V,bal}}_b {\stackrel{\textup{def}}{=}}\min_{ S : \Abs{S} \Abs{V \backslash S} {\geqslant}b n^2} {\Phi^{\sf V}}(S).$$
We define ${\phi^{\sf V,bal}}{\stackrel{\textup{def}}{=}}{\phi^{\sf V,bal}}_{1/100}$ and ${\Phi^{\sf V,bal}}{\stackrel{\textup{def}}{=}}{\Phi^{\sf V,bal}}_{1/100}$.
#### Analytic Vertex Expansion
Our reduction from [[SSE]{}]{} to vertex expansion goes via an intermediate problem that we call $d$-. We define the notion of $d$-as follows.
An instance of $d$-, denoted by $(V,{\mathcal P})$, consists of a set of variables $V$ and a probability distribution ${\mathcal P}$ over $(d + 1)$-tuples in $V^{d+1}$. The probability distribution ${\mathcal P}$ satisfies the condition that all its $d + 1$ marginal distributions are the same (denoted by $\mu$). The $d$-under a function $F : V \to {\left\{0,1\right\}} $ is defined as $${\ensuremath{\Phi({V,{\mathcal P}})}}(F) {\stackrel{\textup{def}}{=}}\frac{ \E_{(X,Y_1, \ldots, Y_d) \sim {\mathcal P}} \max_{i} \Abs{ F(Y_i) - F(X) }}
{\E_{X,Y \sim \mu} \Abs{F(X) - F(Y)} } {\,.}$$
The $d$-of $(V,{\mathcal P})$ is defined as $${\ensuremath{\Phi({V,{\mathcal P}})}} {\stackrel{\textup{def}}{=}}\min_{F : V \to {\left\{0,1\right\}} | \E_{X,Y \sim \mu} \Abs{F(X) - F(Y)} {\geqslant}\frac{1}{100} } {\ensuremath{\Phi({V,{\mathcal P}})}}(F) .$$
When drop the degree $d$ from the notation, when it is clear from the context.
For an instance $(V,{\mathcal P})$ of and an assignment $F: V \to {\left\{0,1\right\}}$ define $$\val_{{\mathcal P}}(F) = \E_{(X,Y_1, \ldots, Y_d) \sim {\mathcal P}} \max_{i} \Abs{F(Y_i) - F(X)}.$$
#### Gaussian Graph
Recall that two standard normal random variables $X,Y$ are said to be $\alpha$-correlated if there exists an independent standard normal random variable $Z$ such that $Y = \alpha X + \sqrt{1 - \alpha^2} Z$.
The [*Gaussian Graph*]{} ${{\mathcal G}_{\Lambda, \Sigma}}$ is a complete weighted graph on the vertex set $V({{\mathcal G}_{\Lambda, \Sigma}}) = {{\varmathbb}R}^n$. The weight of the edge between two vertices $u,v \in V({{\mathcal G}_{\Lambda, \Sigma}})$ is given by $$w({\left\{u,v\right\}}) = {\ProbOp{\left[X = u \textrm{ and } Y = v \right]}}$$ where $Y \sim {\mathcal N}(\Lambda X, \Sigma)$, where $\Lambda$ is a diagonal matrix such that ${\lVert\Lambda\rVert} {\leqslant}1$ and $\Sigma \succeq {\epsilon}I$ is a diagonal matrix.
Note that for any two non-empty disjoint sets $S_1, S_2 \subset V({{\mathcal G}_{\Lambda, \Sigma}})$, the total weight of the edges between $S_1$ and $S_2$ can be non-zero even though every single edge in the ${{\mathcal G}_{\Lambda, \Sigma}}$ has weight zero.
We say that a family of graphs ${\mathcal G}_d$ is $\Theta(d)$-regular, if there exist absolute constants $c_1, c_2 \in {{\varmathbb}R}^+$ such that for every $G \in {\mathcal G}_d$, all vertices $i \in V(G)$ have $c_1 d {\leqslant}\deg(i) {\leqslant}c_2 d$.
We now formalize our notion of hardness.
A constrained minimization problem ${\mathcal A}$ with its optimal value denoted by $\val({\mathcal A})$ is said to be [[c]{}-vs-[s]{} ]{}hard if it is [[SSE]{}]{}-hard to distinguish between the following two cases.
[<span style="font-variant:small-caps;">Yes</span>]{}:
: $$\val({\mathcal A}) {\leqslant}c {\,.}$$
[<span style="font-variant:small-caps;">No</span>]{}:
: $$\val({\mathcal A}) {\geqslant}s {\,.}$$
#### Variance
For a random variable $X$, define the variance and $\ell_1$-variance as follows, $${\mathsf{Var}}[X] = \E_{X_1,X_2} [(X_1-X_2)^2] \qquad {\mathsf{Var}}_1[X] =
\E_{X_1,X_2} [|X_1 - X_2|]$$ where $X_1,X_2$ are two independent samples of $X$.
#### [Small-Set Expansion Hypothesis]{}
Given a regular graph $G=(V,E)$, distinguish between the following two cases:
[<span style="font-variant:small-caps;">Yes</span>]{}:
: There exists a non-expanding set $S \subset V$ with $\mu(S) = \delta$ and $\Phi_G(S) {\leqslant}\gamma$.
[<span style="font-variant:small-caps;">No</span>]{}:
: All sets $S \subset V$ with $\mu(S) = \delta$ are highly expanding having $\Phi_G(S) {\geqslant}1-\gamma$.
For all $\gamma > 0$, there exists $\delta > 0$ such that the promise problem ($\gamma,\delta$) is [NP]{}-hard.
For the proofs, it shall be more convenient to use the following version of the $\smallsetexpansion$ problem, in which we high expansion is guaranteed not only for sets of measure $\delta$, but also within an arbitrary multiplicative factor of $\delta$.
Given a regular graph $G=(V,E)$, distinguish between the following two cases:
[<span style="font-variant:small-caps;">Yes</span>]{}:
: There exists a non-expanding set $S \subset V$ with $\mu(S) = \delta$ and $\Phi_G(S) {\leqslant}\gamma$.
[<span style="font-variant:small-caps;">No</span>]{}:
: All sets $S \subset V$ with $\mu(S) \in
\left(\tfrac{\delta}{M},M\delta\right)$ have $\Phi_G(S) {\geqslant}1-\gamma$.
The following stronger hypothesis was shown to be equivalent to [Small-Set Expansion Hypothesis]{}in [@rst12].
For all $\gamma > 0$ and $M {\geqslant}1$, there exists $\delta > 0$ such that the promise problem ($\gamma,\delta,M$) is [NP]{}-hard.
Isoperimetry of the Gaussian Graph {#sec:Gauss}
In this section we bound the of the Gaussian graph. For the Gaussian Graph, we define the canonical probability distribution on $V^{d+1}$ as follows. The marginal distribution along any component $X$ or $Y_i$ is the standard Gaussian distribution in ${{\varmathbb}R}^n$, denoted here by $\mu = {\mathcal N}(0,1)^n$. $${{\mathcal P}_{{{\mathcal G}_{\Lambda, \Sigma}}}}(X, Y_1, \ldots, Y_d) = \frac{ \Pi_{i =1}^d w(X,Y_i)} { \mu(X)^{d-1} } =
\mu(X) \Pi_{i=1}^d {\ProbOp{\left[Y = Y_i \right]}}.$$ Here, random variable $Y$ is sampled from ${\mathcal N}(\Lambda X, \Sigma)$.
\[thm:Gaussian\] For any closed set $S \subset of V({{\mathcal G}_{\Lambda, \Sigma}})$ with $\Lambda$ a diagonal matrix satisfying ${\lVert\Lambda\rVert} {\leqslant}1$, and $\Sigma$ a diagonal matrix satisfying $\Sigma \succeq {\epsilon}I$, we have $$\frac{\E_{ (X,Y_1, \ldots, Y_d) \sim {{\mathcal P}_{{{\mathcal G}_{\Lambda, \Sigma}}}}} \max_i \Abs{{\ensuremath{{{\varmathbb}{I}}_S{\left[X \right]}}} - {\ensuremath{{{\varmathbb}{I}}_S{\left[Y_i \right]}}} }}{\E_{X,Y \sim \mu} \Abs{{\ensuremath{{{\varmathbb}{I}}_S{\left[X \right]}}} - {\ensuremath{{{\varmathbb}{I}}_S{\left[Y \right]}}}}}
= \frac{ \E_{X \sim \mu} \E_{Y_1, \ldots Y_d \sim {\mathcal N}(\Lambda X,\Sigma)} \max_{i } \abs{{\ensuremath{{{\varmathbb}{I}}_S{\left[X \right]}}} - {\ensuremath{{{\varmathbb}{I}}_S{\left[Y_i \right]}}}}} {\E_{X,Y \sim \mu} \Abs{{\ensuremath{{{\varmathbb}{I}}_S{\left[X \right]}}} -{\ensuremath{{{\varmathbb}{I}}_S{\left[Y \right]}}}}}
{\geqslant}c\sqrt{{\epsilon}\log d}$$ for some absolute constant $c$.
\[lem:coupling\] Let $u,v \in {{\varmathbb}R}^n$ satisfy $\Abs{u - v} {\leqslant}\sqrt{\eps \log d}$. Let $\Lambda$ be a diagonal matrix satisfying ${\lVert\Lambda\rVert} {\leqslant}1$, and let $\Sigma$ a diagonal matrix satisfying $\Sigma \succeq {\epsilon}I$. Let $P_u,P_v$ be the distributions ${\mathcal N}(\Lambda u, \Sigma)$ and ${\mathcal N}(\Lambda v,\Sigma)$ respectively. Then, $${d_{\sf TV}}(P_u,P_v) {\leqslant}1 - \frac{1}{d}.$$
First, we note that that for the purpose of estimating their total variation distance, we can view $P_u,P_v$ as one-dimensional Gaussians along the line $\Lambda u- \Lambda v$. Since ${\lVert\Lambda\rVert} {\leqslant}1$, $${\lVert \Lambda u - \Lambda v \rVert} {\leqslant}{\lVertu - v\rVert} {\leqslant}\sqrt{{\epsilon}\log d} {\,.}$$ Wlog, we may take $\Lambda u=0$ and $\Lambda v = \sqrt{\eps\log d}$. Next, by the definition of total variation distance, $$\begin{aligned}
{d_{\sf TV}}(P_u, P_v) &=& \int_{x: P_v(x) {\geqslant}P_u(x)} |P_v(x) - P_u(x)|dx \\
&=& \int_{\Lambda v/2}^{\infty} (P_v(x) - P_u(x))dx\\
&=& \frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi\eps}} \int_{\Lambda v/2}^\infty e^{-\frac{\|x- \Lambda v\|^2}{2\eps}}\, dx -
\frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi\eps}} \int_{\Lambda v/2}^\infty e^{-\frac{\|x\|^2}{2\eps}} \, dx\\
&=& \frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi\eps}} \int_{-\Lambda v/2}^{\Lambda v/2} e^{-\frac{\|x\|^2}{2\eps}}\, dx\\
&=& \frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi}} \int_{-\sqrt{\log d}/2}^{\sqrt{\log d}/2} e^{-\frac{\|x\|^2}{2}}\, dx\\
&=& 1 - 2\cdot \frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi}} \int_{\sqrt{\log d}/2}^\infty e^{-\frac{\|x\|^2}{2}}\, dx\\
&<& 1 - \frac{1}{d}.\end{aligned}$$ where the last step uses a standard bound on the Gaussian tail.
Let $\mu_X$ denote the Gaussian distribution ${\mathcal N}(\Lambda X,\Sigma)$. Then the LHS is: $$\int_{{{\varmathbb}R}^n\setminus S} \left(1-(1-\mu_X(S))^d\right) \, d\mu(X) + \int_{S}\left(1
- (1-\mu_X({{\varmathbb}R}^n\setminus S))^d\right) \, d\mu(X).$$ To bound this, we will restrict ourselves to points $X$ for which the $\mu_X$ measure of the complementary set is at least $1/d$. Roughly speaking, these will be points near the boundary of $S$. Define: $$S_1 = {\left\{ x \in S \, : \, \mu_X ({{\varmathbb}R}^n \setminus S) < \frac{1}{2d} \right\}},\
S_2 = {\left\{ x \in {{\varmathbb}R}^n \setminus S\, : \, \mu_X (S) < \frac{1}{2d} \right\}}$$ and $$S_3 = {{\varmathbb}R}^n \setminus S_1 \setminus S_2.$$ For $u \in {{\varmathbb}R}^n$, let $P_u$ be the distribution ${\mathcal N}(\Lambda u,\Sigma)$. For any $u \in S_1, v \in S_2$, we have $${d_{\sf TV}}(P_u, P_v) > 1 - \frac{1}{2d} - \frac{1}{2d} = 1- \frac{1}{d}.$$ Therefore, by , $ \|u - v\| > \sqrt{\eps\log d}$, i.e., $d(S_1,S_2) > \sqrt{\eps\log d}$. Next we bound the measure of $S_3$. We can assume wlog that $\mu(S) {\leqslant}\mu({{\varmathbb}R}^n\setminus S)$ and $\mu(S_1) {\geqslant}\mu(S)/2$ (else $\mu(S_3) {\geqslant}\mu(S)/2$ and we are done). Applying the isoperimetric inequaity for Gaussian space [@b75; @st78], for subsets at this distance, $$\mu(S_3) {\geqslant}\sqrt{\frac{2}{\pi}} \sqrt{\eps\log d}\cdot \mu(S_1) \mu(S_2) {\geqslant}\sqrt{\frac{\eps \log d}{2\pi}}\cdot \mu(S)\mu({{\varmathbb}R}^n \setminus S).$$ We are now ready to complete the proof. $$\begin{aligned}
&&\frac{1}{2}\left(\int_{{{\varmathbb}R}^n\setminus S} (1-(1-\mu_X(S))^d) \, d\mu(X) + \int_{S}(1 - (1-\mu_X({{\varmathbb}R}^n\setminus S)) \, d\mu(X)\right) \\
&{\geqslant}& \frac{1}{2} \left(\int_{X \in {{\varmathbb}R}^n\setminus S, \mu_X(S) {\geqslant}1/d}
(1-(1-\mu_X(S))^d) \, d\mu(X) + \int_{X \in S, \mu_X({{\varmathbb}R}^n\setminus S) {\geqslant}1/d}(1 - (1-\mu_X({{\varmathbb}R}^n\setminus S)) \, d\mu(X)\right) \\
&{\geqslant}& \frac{e-1}{2e} \left(\int_{X \in {{\varmathbb}R}^n\setminus S, \mu_X(S) {\geqslant}1/d} \, d\mu(X) + \int_{X \in S, \mu_X({{\varmathbb}R}^n\setminus X) {\geqslant}1/d} \, d\mu(X)\right)\\
&{\geqslant}& c\sqrt{\eps\log d}\cdot \mu(S)\mu({{\varmathbb}R}^n\setminus S).\end{aligned}$$
We prove the following Theorem which helps us to bound the isoperimetry of the Gaussian graph for over all functions over the range $[0,1]$.
\[thm:cont-to-bin\] Given an instance $(V,{\mathcal P})$ and a function $F : V \to [0,1]$, there exists a function $F' : V \to {\left\{0,1\right\}}$, such that $$\frac{\E_{ (X,Y_1, \ldots, Y_d) \sim {\mathcal P}} \max_i \Abs{ F(X) - F(Y_i)} }{ \E_{ X,Y \sim \mu} \Abs{ F(X) - F(Y) } }
{\geqslant}\frac{\E_{ (X,Y_1, \ldots, Y_d) \sim {\mathcal P}} \max_i \Abs{ F'(X) - F'(Y_i)} }{ \E_{ X,Y \sim \mu} \Abs{ F'(X) - F'(Y) } }$$
For every $r \in [0,1]$, we define $F_r : V \to {\left\{0,1\right\}}$ as follows. $$F_r(X) = \begin{cases} 1 & F(X) {\geqslant}r \\ 0 & F(X) < r \end{cases}$$ Clearly, $$F(X) = \int_0^1 F_r(X) dr {\,.}$$ Now, observe that if $F(X) - F(Y) {\geqslant}0$ then $F_r(X) - F_r(Y) {\geqslant}0\ \forall r \in [0,1]$ and similiarly, if $F(X) - F(Y) < 0$ then $F_r(X) - F_r(Y) {\leqslant}0\ \forall r \in [0,1]$. Therefore, $$\Abs{F(X) - F(Y) } = \Abs{ \int_0^1 \left( F_r(X) - F_r(Y) \right) dr } = \int_0^1 \Abs{F_r(X) - F_r(Y)} dr {\,.}$$ Also, observe that if $\Abs{ F(X) - F(Y_1) } {\geqslant}\Abs{F(Y_i) - F(X) }$ then $$\Abs{ F_r(X) - F_r(Y_1) } {\geqslant}\Abs{F_r(Y_i) - F_r(X) }\ \forall r \in [0,1]$$
Therefore, $$\begin{aligned}
\frac{\E_{ (X,Y_1, \ldots, Y_d) \sim {\mathcal P}} \max_i \Abs{ F(X) - F(Y_i)} }{ \E_{ X,Y \sim \mu} \Abs{ F(X) - F(Y) } }
& = &
\frac{\E_{ (X,Y_1, \ldots, Y_d) \sim {\mathcal P}} \max_i \int_0^1 \Abs{ F_r(X) - F_r(Y_i)} dr}
{ \E_{ X,Y \sim \mu} \int_0^1 \Abs{ F_r(X) - F_r(Y)} dr } \\
&=& \frac{\int_0^1 \left( \E_{ (X,Y_1, \ldots, Y_d) \sim {\mathcal P}} \max_i \Abs{ F_r(X) - F_r(Y_i)} \right) dr}
{ \int_0^1 \left( \E_{ X,Y \sim \mu} \Abs{ F_r(X) - F_r(Y)} \right) dr } \\
& {\geqslant}& \min_{r \in [0,1] }
\frac{ \E_{ (X,Y_1, \ldots, Y_d) \sim {\mathcal P}} \max_i \Abs{ F_r(X) - F_r(Y_i)}}{\E_{ X,Y \sim \mu} \Abs{ F_r(X) - F_r(Y)} } \\\end{aligned}$$ Let $r'$ be the value of $r$ which minimizes the expression above. Taking $F'$ to be $F_{r'}$ finishes the proof.
\[cor:Gaussian\] Let $F : V({{\mathcal G}_{\Lambda, \Sigma}}) \to [0,1]$ be any function. Then, for some absolute constant $c$, $$\frac{\E_{ (X,Y_1, \ldots, Y_d) \sim {{\mathcal P}_{{{\mathcal G}_{\Lambda, \Sigma}}}}} \max_i \Abs{F(X) - F(Y_i) }}{\E_{X,Y \sim \mu} \Abs{F(X) - F(Y)}}
{\geqslant}c\sqrt{{\epsilon}\log d} {\,.}$$
Dictatorship Testing Gadget {#sec:gadget}
In this section we initiate the construction of the dictatorship testing gadget for reduction from [[SSE]{}]{}.
Overall, the dictatorship testing gadget is obtained by picking an appropriately chosen constant sized Markov-chain $H$, and considering the product Markov chain $H^R$. Formally, given a Markov chain $H$, define an instance of ${\problemmacro{Balanced Analytic Vertex Expansion}}$ with vertices as $V_H$ and the constraints given by the following canonical probability distribution over $V_H^{d+1}$.
- Sample $X \sim \mu_H$, the stationary distribution of the Markov chain $V_H$.
- Sample $Y_1,\ldots, Y_d$ independently from the neighbours of $X$ in $V_H$
For our application, we use a specific Markov chain $H$ on four vertices. Define a Markov chain $H$ on $V_H = \{s,t,t',s'\}$ as follows,$
p(s|s) =
p(s'|s') = 1-\frac{\epsilon}{1-2\epsilon}$, $p(t|s) = p(t'|s') =
\frac{\epsilon}{1-2\epsilon}$, $p(s|t) = p(s'|t') =
\frac{1}{2}$ and $p(t'|t) = p(t|t') = \frac{1}{2}$. It is easy to see that the stationary distribution of the Markov chain $H$ over $V_H$ is given by, $$\mu_H(s) = \mu_H(s') = \frac{1}{2} - {\epsilon}\qquad \qquad \mu_H(t) = \mu_H(t') = {\epsilon}$$ From this Markov chain, construct a dictatorship testing gadget $(V_H^R, {\mathcal P}_{H}^R)$ as described above. We begin by showing that this dictatorship testing gadget has small vertex separators corresponding to dictator functions.
\[prop:completeness\] For each $i \in [R]$, the $i^{th}$-dictator set defined as $F(x) = 1$ if $x_i \in \{s,t\}$ and $0$ otherwise satisfies, $${\mathsf{Var}}_1[F] = \frac{1}{2} \qquad \text{ and } \qquad
\val_{{\mathcal P}_{H^R}}(F) {\leqslant}2\epsilon$$
Clearly, $$\E_{X,Y \sim \mu_H} \Abs{F(X) - F(Y)} = \frac{1}{2}$$ Observe that for any choice of $(X, Y_1, \ldots, Y_d) \sim {\mathcal P}_{H^R}$, $\max_i \Abs{F(X) - F(Y_i)}$ is non-zero if and only if either $x_i =
t$ or $x_i = t'$. Therefore we have, $$\E_{ (X, Y_1, \ldots, Y_d) \sim {\mathcal P}_H } \max_i \Abs{F(X) - F(Y_i)}
{\leqslant}{\ProbOp}[x_i \in \{t,t'\}]) = 2{\epsilon}{\,,}$$ which concludes the proof.
We will show a general soundness claim that holds for dictatorship testing gadgets $(V(H^R),{\mathcal P}_{H^R})$ constructed out of arbitrary Markov chains $H$ with a given spectral gap. Towards formally stating the soundness claim, we recall some background and notation about polynomials over the product Markov chain $H^R$.
Polynomials over $H^R$
In this section, we recall how functions over the product Markov chain $H^R$ can be written as multilinear polynomials over the eigenfunctions of $H$.
Let $e_0, e_1, \ldots, e_{n} : V(H) \to {{\varmathbb}R}$ be an orthonormal basis of eigenvectors of $H$ and let $\lambda_0, \ldots, \lambda_n$ be the corresponding eigenvalues. Here $e_0 = 1$ is the constant function whose eigenvalue $\lambda_0
= 1$. Clearly $e_0,\ldots, e_n$ form an orthonormal basis for the vector space of functions from $V(H)$ to ${{\varmathbb}R}$.
It is easy to see that the eigenvectors of the product chain $H^R$ are given by products of $e_0,\dots, e_n$. Specifically, the eigenvectors of $H^R$ are indexed by $\sigma \in [n]^R$ as follows, $$e_{\sigma}(x) = \prod_{i = 1}^R e_{\sigma_i}(x_i)$$ Every function $f: H^R \to {{\varmathbb}R}$ can be written in this orthonormal basis $ f(x)= \sum_{\sigma \in [n]^R} \hat{f}_{\sigma} e_{\sigma}(x)$. For a multi-index $\sigma \in [n]^R$, the function $e_{\sigma}$ is a monomial of degree $|\sigma| = |\{i |
\sigma_i \neq 0\}|$.
For a polynomial $Q = \sum_{\sigma} \hat{Q}_{\sigma} e_{\sigma}$, the polynomial $Q^{> p}$ denotes the projection on to degrees higher than $p$, i.e., $Q^{> p} = \sum_{\sigma, |\sigma|>p}
\hat{Q}_{\sigma} e_{\sigma}$. The influences of a polynomial $Q = \sum_{\sigma} \hat{Q}_{\sigma}$ are defined as, $${\ensuremath{\sf{Inf}}}_i(Q) = \sum_{\sigma: \sigma_i \neq 0}
\hat{Q}_{\sigma}^2$$ The above notions can be naturally extended to vectors of multilinear polynomials $Q = (Q_0, Q_1, \ldots, Q_d)$.
Note that every real-valued function on the vertices $V(H)$ of a Markov chain $H$ can be thought of as a random variable. For each $i > 0$, the random variable $e_i(x)$ has mean zero and variance $1$. The same holds for all $e_{\sigma}(x)$ for all $|\sigma| \neq 0$. For a function $Q : V(H^R) \to {{\varmathbb}R}$ (or equivalently a polynomial), ${\mathsf{Var}}[Q]$ denotes the variance of the random variable $Q(x)$ for a random $x$ from stationary distribution of $H^R$. It is an easy computation to check that this is given by, $${\mathsf{Var}}[Q] = \sum_{\sigma: |\sigma| \neq 0}
We will make use of the following Invariance Principle due to Isaksson and Mossel [@im12].
\[thm:invar\] Let $X = (X_1, \ldots ,X_n)$ be an independent sequence of ensembles, such that ${\ProbOp{\left[X_i = x \right]}} {\geqslant}\alpha > 0, \forall i, x$. Let $Q$ be a $d$-dimensional multilinear polynomial such that ${\mathsf{Var}}(Q_j(X)) {\leqslant}1$, ${\mathsf{Var}}(Q_j^{>p}) {\leqslant}(1 - {\epsilon}\eta)^{2p}$ and ${\ensuremath{\sf{Inf}}}_i (Q_j) {\leqslant}\tau$ where $p = \frac{1}{18} \log (1 / \tau)/\log (1/\alpha)$. Finally, let $\psi : {{\varmathbb}R}^k \to {{\varmathbb}R}$ be Lipschitz continuous. Then, $$\Abs{ \Ex{ \psi(Q(X) )} - \Ex{\psi(Q(Z))} } = {\mathcal{O}\left( \tau^{ \frac{{\epsilon}\eta}{18}/ \log \frac{1}{\alpha} } \right) }$$ where $Z$ is an independent sequence of Gaussian ensembles with the same covariance structure as $X$.
Noise Operator
We define a noise operator $\Gamma_{1 - \eta}$ on functions on the Markov chain $H$ as follows : $$\Gamma_{1 - \eta}F (X) {\stackrel{\textup{def}}{=}}(1 - \eta) F(X) + \eta \E_{Y \sim X} F(Y)$$ for every function $F: H \to {{\varmathbb}R}$. Similarly, one can define the noise operator $\Gamma_{1-\eta}$ on functions over $H^R$.
Applying the noise operator $\Gamma_{1-\eta}$ on a function $F$, smoothens the function or makes it closer to a low-degree polynomial. This resulting function $\Gamma_{1-\eta} F$ is close to a [*low-degree polynomial*]{}, and therefore is amenable to applying an invariance principle. Formally, one can show the following decay of coefficients of high degree for $\Gamma_{1-\eta} F$. We defer the proof to the Appendix ().
\[lem:lowdeg1\] (Decay of High degree Coefficients) Let $Q_j$ be the multi-linear polynomial representation of $\Gamma_{1
- \eta}F(X)$, and let ${\epsilon}$ be the spectral gap of the Markov chain $H$. Then, $${\mathsf{Var}}(Q_j^{>p}) {\leqslant}(1 - {\epsilon}\eta)^{2p}$$
Furthermore, on applying the noise operator $\Gamma_{1-\eta}$, the resulting function $\Gamma_{1-\eta} F$ can have a bounded number of influential coordinates as shown by the following lemma.
(Sum of Influences Lemma) \[lem:sum-of-influences1\] If the spectral gap of a Markov chain is at least ${\epsilon}$ then for any function $F: V_H^R \to {{\varmathbb}R}$, $$\sum_{i \in [R]} {\ensuremath{\sf{Inf}}}_i(\Gamma_{1-\eta} F) {\leqslant}\frac{1}{\eta \epsilon} {\mathsf{Var}}[F]$$
By suitable normalization, we may assume without loss of generality that ${\mathsf{Var}}[F] = 1$. If $Q$ denotes the multilinear representation of $\Gamma_{1-\eta} F$, then the sum of influences can be written as, $$\begin{aligned}
\sum_{i \in [R]} {\ensuremath{\sf{Inf}}}_i(\Gamma_{1-\eta} F)
& {\leqslant}\sum_{|\sigma| \neq 0 } |\sigma| \hat{Q}_{\sigma}^2 \\
& {\leqslant}\sum_{|\sigma| \neq 0 } |\sigma| (1-\eta\epsilon)^{2
|\sigma|} \hat{F}_{\sigma}^2 \\
& {\leqslant}\left(\max_{k \in {{{\varmathbb}Z}_{{\geqslant}0}}} k (1-\eta\epsilon)^{2k}\right)
\sum_{|\sigma| \neq 0} \hat{F}_{\sigma}^2
< \frac{1}{\eta \epsilon} \end{aligned}$$ where we used the fact that the function $h(t) = t (1-\eta
\epsilon)^{2t}$ achieves its maximum value at $t = -\frac{1}{2}
\ln(1-\eta \epsilon)$.
Soundness Claim
Now we are ready to formally state our soundness claim for a dictatorship test gadget constructed out of a Markov chain.
\[prop:soundgadget\] For all $\epsilon, \eta, \alpha, \tau > 0$ the following holds. Let $H$ be a finite Markov-chain with a spectral gap of at least ${\epsilon}$, and the probability of every state under stationary distribution is ${\geqslant}\alpha$. Let $F : V(H^R) \to {\left\{0,1\right\}}$ be a function such that $\max_{i
\in [R]} {\ensuremath{\sf{Inf}}}_i(\Gamma_{1-\eta} F)
{\leqslant}\tau$. Then we have $$\E_{ (X,Y_1, \ldots, Y_d) \sim {\mathcal P}_{H^R}} [ \max_{i}
\Abs{F(Y_i) - F(X)}] {\geqslant}\Omega( \sqrt{{\epsilon}\log d }) \E_{X,Y
\sim \mu_{H^R}} \Abs{F(X) - F(Y)} - O(\eta) - \tau^{\Omega(\eps\eta/\log(1/\alpha))}$$
For the sake of brevity, we define ${{\sf soundness}}(V(H^R),{\mathcal P}_{H^R}) $ to be the following :
$${{\sf soundness}}(V(H^R),{\mathcal P}_{H^R}) {\stackrel{\textup{def}}{=}}\min_{F : \max_{i\in [R]} {\ensuremath{\sf{Inf}}}_i(F) {\leqslant}\tau }
\frac{\E_{ (X,Y_1, \ldots, Y_d) \sim {\mathcal P}_{H^R}} [ \max_{i}
\Abs{F(Y_i) - F(X)}]}{ \E_{X,Y \sim \mu_{H^R})} \Abs{F(X) - F(Y)}}$$
In the rest of the section, we will present a proof of . First, we construct gaussian random variables with moments matching the eigenvectors of the chain $H$.
#### Gaussian Ensembles
Let $Q = (Q_0, Q_1,\ldots, Q_d)$ be the multi-linear polynomial representation of the vector-valued function $\left(\Gamma_{1 - \eta} F(X), \Gamma_{1-\eta} F(Y_1), \ldots, \Gamma_{1 - \eta} F(Y_d) \right)$. Let $E$ denote the ensemble of $nd$ random variables $(e_0(X),
e_1(X),\ldots, e_n(X)), (e_{0}(Y_1),\ldots, e_n(Y_1)),\ldots,
(e_{0}(Y_d),\ldots, e_n(Y_d))$. Let $E_1,\ldots, E_R$ be $R$ independent copies of the ensemble $E$. Clearly, the polynomial $Q$ can be thought of as a polynomial over $E_1,\ldots, E_R$. For each random variable $x$ in $E_1,\ldots, E_R$ and a value $\beta$ in its support, ${\ProbOp{\left[x = \beta \right]}}$ is at least the minimum probability of a vertex in $H$ under its stationary distribution.
This polynomial $Q$ satisfies the requirements of because on the one hand, the influences of $F$ are ${\leqslant}\tau$ and on the other by , ${\mathsf{Var}}(Q^{{\geqslant}p}) {\leqslant}(1-{\epsilon}\eta)^{2p}$. Now we will apply the invariance principle to relate the soundness to the corresponding quantity on the gaussian graph, and then appeal to the isoperimetric result on the Gaussian graph ().
The invariance principle translates the polynomial $(Q_0(X),Q_1(Y_1),\ldots Q_d(Y_d))$ on the sequence of independent ensembles $E_1,\dots, E_R$, to a polynomial on a corresponding sequence of gaussian ensembles with the same moments up to degree two.
Consider the ensemble $E$. For each $i \neq 0$, the expectation $\E[e_i(X)] = \E[e_i(Y_1) = 0] = \ldots \E[e_i(Y_d)] =0$. For each $i \neq j$, it is easy to see that, $\E[e_i(X) e_j(X)] = \E[e_i(Y_1)e_j(Y_1)] = \ldots
\E[e_i(Y_d)e_j(Y_d] = 0$. Moreover, $\E[e_i(X) e_j(Y_a)] =
\E[e_{i}(Y_a) e_j(Y_b)] = 0$ whenever $i \neq j$ and all $a,b \in \{1,\ldots d\}$. The only non-trivial correlations are $\E[e_{i}(X)e_i(Y_a)]$ and $\E[e_i(Y_a)e_i(Y_b)]$ for all $i \in [n]$ and $a,b \in [d]$. It is easy to check that $$\E[e_i(X) e_i(Y_a)] = \lambda_i \qquad \qquad \E[e_i(Y_a)
e_i(Y_b)] = \lambda_i^2$$ From the above discussion, we see that the following gaussian ensemble $z = (z_X, z_{Y_1}, \ldots, z_{Y_d})
$ has the same covariance as the ensemble $E$.
1. Sample $z_X$ and $n$-dimensional Gaussian random vector.
2. Sample $z_{Y_1}, \ldots, z_{Y_d} \in {{\varmathbb}R}^n$ i.i.d as follows : The $i^{th}$ coordinate of each $z_{Y_a}$ is sampled from $ \lambda_i
z_X(i) + \sqrt{1-\lambda_i^2} \xi_{a,i}$ where $\xi_{a,i}$ is a Gaussian random variable independent of $z_X$ and all other $\xi_{a,i}$.
Let $Z_X, Z_{Y_1},\ldots, Z_{Y_d} \in {{\varmathbb}R}^{nR}$ be the ensemble obtained by $R$ independent samples from $z_{X}, z_{Y_1},\ldots,
Let $\Sigma$ denote the $nR \times nR$ diagonal matrix whose entries are $1-\lambda^2_1,
\ldots, 1-\lambda^2_n$ repeated $R$ times. Since the spectral gap of $H$ is ${\epsilon}$, we have that $1 - \lambda^2_{i} {\geqslant}2{\epsilon}-\epsilon^2 >
\epsilon$ for all $i \in \{1,\ldots, n\}$. Therefore, we have $\Sigma > \epsilon I$.
#### Proof of soundness
Now we return to the proof of the main soundness claim for the dictatorship testing gadget ($V(H^R)$, ${\mathcal P}_{{\mathcal H}^R}$) constructed out an arbitrary Markov chain.
Let $Q = (Q_0, Q_1,\ldots, Q_d)$ be the multi-linear polynomial representation of the vector-valued function $\left(\Gamma_{1 - \eta} F(X), \Gamma_{1-\eta} F(Y_1), \ldots, \Gamma_{1 - \eta} F(Y_d) \right)$.
Define a function $s : {{\varmathbb}R}\to {{\varmathbb}R}$ as follows $$s(x) = \begin{cases} 0 & \text{ if } x < 0 \\ x & \text{ if } x
\in [0,1] \\ 1 & \text{ if } x > 1 \end{cases}$$ Define a function $\Psi : {{\varmathbb}R}^{d+1} \to {{\varmathbb}R}$ as, $\Psi(x,y_1,\ldots,
y_d) = \max_{i} |s(y_i) - s(x)|$. Clearly, $\Psi$ is a Lipshitz function with a constant of 1.
Using the fact that $F$ is bounded in $[0,1]$, $$\begin{aligned}
\E_{(X,Y_1, \ldots, Y_d) \sim {\mathcal P}_{H^R} } \max_a \Abs{F(X) - F(Y_a) }
{\geqslant}\E_{(X,Y_1, \ldots, Y_d) \sim {\mathcal P}_{H^R} } \max_a \Abs{\Gamma_{1 -
\eta}F(X) - \Gamma_{1 - \eta}F(Y_a) } - 2\eta
\end{aligned}$$ Furthermore, since $\Gamma_{1-\eta} F$ is also bounded in $[0,1]$, we have $s(\Gamma_{1-\eta} F) = \Gamma_{1-\eta} F$. Therefore, $$\begin{aligned}
\E_{(X,Y_1, \ldots, Y_d) \sim {\mathcal P}_{H^R} } \max_a \Abs{\Gamma_{1 -
\eta}F(X) - \Gamma_{1 - \eta}F(Y_a) } = \E_{(X,Y_1, \ldots, Y_d) \sim
{\mathcal P}_{H^R} } \max_a \Abs{s \left( \Gamma_{1 -
\eta}F(X)\right) - s\left(\Gamma_{1 - \eta}F(Y_a)\right) }
\end{aligned}$$ Apply the invariance principle to the polynomial $Q =
\left(\Gamma_{1 - \eta} F, \Gamma_{1-\eta} F, \ldots, \Gamma_{1 -
\eta} F \right)$ and Lipshitz function $\Psi$. By invariance principle , we get $$\begin{aligned}
\E_{(X,Y_1, \ldots, Y_d) \sim {\mathcal P}_{H^R} } \max_a
& \Abs{s\left(\Gamma_{1 - \eta}F(X)\right) - s\left(\Gamma_{1 -
\eta}F(Y_a)\right) } \nonumber \\
& {\geqslant}\E_{(Z_X ,Z_{Y_1}, \ldots, Z_{Y_d}) \sim {{\mathcal P}_{{{\mathcal G}_{\Lambda, \Sigma}}}}} \max_a
\Abs{s\left(\Gamma_{1 - \eta}F(Z_X)\right) - s\left(\Gamma_{1 - \eta}
F(Z_{Y_a})\right)} -
\tau^{\Omega(\epsilon\eta/\log(1/\alpha))} \end{aligned}$$ Observe that $s \circ (\Gamma_{1-\eta} F)$ is bounded in $[0,1]$ even over the gaussian space. Hence, by using the isoperimetric result on gaussian graphs (), we know that $$\begin{aligned}
\E_{(Z_X ,Z_{Y_1}, \ldots, Z_{Y_d}) \sim {{\mathcal P}_{{{\mathcal G}_{\Lambda, \Sigma}}}}} \max_a
\Abs{s\left(\Gamma_{1 - \eta}F(Z_X)\right) - s\left(\Gamma_{1 -
\eta} F(Z_{Y_a})\right)} {\geqslant}c \sqrt{ {\epsilon}\log d} \E_{Z_X,Z_Y \sim \mu_{{{\mathcal G}_{\Lambda, \Sigma}}}} \Abs{s\left(\Gamma_{1-\eta}
F(Z_X)\right) - s\left(\Gamma_{1-\eta}F(Z_Y)\right) }\end{aligned}$$ Now we apply the invariance principle on the polynomial $(\Gamma_{1-\eta} F,
\Gamma_{1 - \eta} F)$ and the functional $\Psi : {{\varmathbb}R}^2 \to {{\varmathbb}R}$ given by $\Psi(a,b) = |s(a)-s(b)|$. This yields, $$\begin{aligned}
\E_{Z_X,Z_Y \sim \mu_{{{\mathcal G}_{\Lambda, \Sigma}}}} \Abs{s\left(\Gamma_{1-\eta}
F(Z_X)\right) - s\left(\Gamma_{1-\eta}F(Z_Y)\right) }
& {\geqslant}\E_{X,Y \sim \mu(H^R)}
\Abs{s\left(\Gamma_{1-\eta} F(X)\right) -
s\left(\Gamma_{1-\eta} F(Y)\right)} -
$$ Over $H^R$, the function $\Gamma_{1-\eta} F$ is bounded in $[0,1]$, which implies that $s(\Gamma_{1-\eta} F(X)) = \Gamma_{1-\eta} F(X)$ and $\Gamma_{1-\eta} F(X) {\geqslant}F(X) - \eta$. $$\begin{aligned}
\E_{X,Y \sim \mu(H^R)} \Abs{s\left(\Gamma_{1-\eta} F(X)\right) -s\left(\Gamma_{1-\eta} F(Y)\right)}
& {\geqslant}\E_{X,Y \sim \mu(H^R)}
\Abs{ F(X) - F(Y)} - 2\eta
$$ From equations to we get, $$\begin{aligned}
\E_{(X,Y_1, \ldots, Y_d) \sim {\mathcal P}_{H^R} } \max_a \Abs{F(X) - F(Y_a) }
& {\geqslant}\Omega(\sqrt{\epsilon \log d}) \E_{X,Y \sim \mu(H^R)}
\Abs{ F(X) - F(Y)} - 4\eta - \tau^{\Omega(\epsilon
Hardness Reduction from [[SSE]{}]{} {#sec:hardness}
In this section we will present a reduction from problem to problem.
Let $G = (V,E)$ be an instance of $(\gamma,\delta,
M)$. Starting with the instance $G = (V,E)$ of $\smallsetexpansion(\gamma,\delta,M)$, our reduction produces an instance $({\mathcal V}',{\mathcal P}')$ of .
To describe our reduction, let us fix some notation. For a set $A$, let ${{A}^{\{R\}}}$ denote the set of all multisets with $R$ elements from $A$. Let $G_{\eta} = (1-\eta)G + \eta K_{V}$ where $K_{V}$ denotes the complete graph on the set of vertices $V$. For an integer $R$, define $G_{\eta}^{\otimes R}$ to be the product graph $G_{\eta}^{\otimes R} = (G_{\eta})^R$.
Define a Markov chain $H$ on $V_H = \{s,t,t',s'\}$ as follows,$
p(s|s) =
p(s'|s') = 1-\frac{\epsilon}{1-2\epsilon}$, $p(t|s) = p(t'|s') =
\frac{\epsilon}{1-2\epsilon}$, $p(s|t) = p(s'|t') =
\frac{1}{2}$ and $p(t'|t) = p(t|t') = \frac{1}{2}$. It is easy to see that the stationary distribution of the Markov chain $H$ over $V_H$ is given by, $$\mu_H(s) = \mu_H(s') = \frac{1}{2} - \epsilon \qquad \qquad \mu_H(t) =
\mu_H(t') = \epsilon$$
The reduction consists of two steps. First, we construct an “unfolded” instance $({\mathcal V}, {\mathcal P})$ of the , then we merge vertices of $({\mathcal V}, {\mathcal P})$ to create the final output instance $({\mathcal V}',
{\mathcal P}')$. The details of the reduction are presented below.
[Input:]{} A graph $G = (V,E)$ - an instance of $\smallsetexpansion(\gamma,\delta,M)$.
[Parameters:]{} $R = \frac{1}{\delta}$, $\epsilon$
[Unfolded instance $({\mathcal V},{\mathcal P})$]{}
Set ${\mathcal V}= (V \times V_H)^R$. The probability distribution $\mu$ on ${\mathcal V}$ is given by $(\mu_{V} \times \mu_H)^R$. The probability distribution ${\mathcal P}$ is given by the following sampling procedure.
1. Sample a random vertex $A\in V^R$.
2. Sample $d+1$ random neighbors $B,C_1,\ldots,C_d \sim G_{\eta}^{\tensor R}(A)$ of the vertex $A$ in the tensor-product graph $G_{\eta}^{\tensor R}$.
3. Sample $x \in V_H^R$ from the product distribution $\mu^R$.
4. Independently sample $d$ neighbours $y^{(1)},\ldots,y^{(d)} $ of $x$ in the Markov chain $H^R$, i.e., $y^{(i)} \sim
5. Output $\left( (B,x),(C_1,y_1),\ldots,(C_d,y_d) \right)$
[Folded Instance $({\mathcal V}',{\mathcal P}')$]{}
Fix ${\mathcal V}' = (V \times \{s,t\})^{\{R\}}$. Define a projection map $ \Pi: {\mathcal V}\to {\mathcal V}'$ as follows: $$\Pi(A,x) = \{ (a_i,x_i) | x_i \in \{s,t\} \}$$ for each $(A,x) = \left( (a_1,x_1), (a_2,x_2), \ldots, (a_R,x_R)
\right)$ in $(V \times \{s,t\})^{\{R\}}$.
Let $\mu'$ be the probability distribution on ${\mathcal V}'$ obtained by projection of probability distribution $\mu$ on ${\mathcal V}$. Similarly, the probability distribution ${\mathcal P}'$ on $({\mathcal V}')^{d+1}$ by applying the projection $\Pi$ to the probability distribution ${\mathcal P}$.
Observe that each of the queries $\Pi(B, x)$ and $\{\Pi(C_i,
y_i)\}_{i=1}^d$ are distributed according to $\mu'$ on ${\mathcal V}'$. Let $F' \from {\mathcal V}' \to \{0,1\}$ denote the indicator function of a subset for the instance. Let us suppose that
$$\E_{X, Y \sim {\mathcal V}} \left[|F'(X) - F'(Y)| \right] {\geqslant}\frac{1}{10}$$
For the whole reduction, we fix $\eta = \eps/(100 d)$. We will restrict $\gamma < \eps/(100 d)$. We will fix its value later.
(Completeness) \[thm:sse-av-completeness\] Suppose there exists a set $S \subset V$ such that $\vol(S) = \delta$ and $\Phi(S) {\leqslant}\gamma$ then there exists $F': {\mathcal V}' \to \{0,1\}$ such that, $$\E_{X,Y \sim {\mathcal V}'} \left[|F'(X) - F'(Y)| \right] {\geqslant}\frac{1}{10}$$ and, $$\E_{X, Y_1,\ldots,Y_d \sim {\mathcal P}} \left[\max_{i}
|F'(X) - F'(Y_i)| \right] {\leqslant}2 \epsilon + {\mathcal{O}\left(d(\eta+ \gamma)\right) } {\leqslant}4 {\epsilon}$$
Define $F : {\mathcal V}\to \{0,1\}$ as follows: $$F(A,x) = \begin{cases} 1 & \text{ if } |\Pi(A,x) \cap (S
\times \{s,t\})| = 1 \\ 0 & \text{
otherwise}\end{cases}$$ Observe that by definition of $F$, the value of $F(A,x)$ only depends on $\Pi(A,x)$. So the function $F$ naturally defines a map $F' : {\mathcal V}' \to \{0,1\}$. Therefore we can write, $$\begin{aligned}
{\ProbOp{\left[F(A,x) = 1 \right]}} & = \sum_{i \in [R]} {\ProbOp{\left[x_i \in
\{s,t\} \right]}}{\ProbOp{\left[ \{a_1,\ldots,a_R\}
\cap S = \{a_i\} | x_i \in \{s,t\} \right]}}\\
& {\geqslant}R\cdot \frac{1}{2} \cdot \frac{1}{R} \cdot
\left(1-\frac{1}{R}\right)^{R-1} {\geqslant}\frac{1}{10}
\end{aligned}$$ and, $${\ProbOp{\left[F(A,x) = 1 \right]}} = {\ProbOp{\left[ |\Pi(A,x) \cap (S \times
\{s,t\})| = 1 \right]}} {\leqslant}\E_{(A,x) \sim {\mathcal V}} \left[ |\Pi(A,x) \cap (S \times
\{s,t\})| \right] = R \cdot \frac{1}{2} \cdot
\frac{|S|}{|V|} {\leqslant}\frac{1}{2}$$
The above bounds on ${\ProbOp{\left[F(A,x) = 1 \right]}}$ along with the fact that $F$ takes values only in $\{0,1\}$, we get that $$\E_{X,Y \sim {\mathcal V}'} \abs{F'(X) - F'(Y)} = \E_{(A,x),(B,y) \sim {\mathcal V}}{|F(A,x) - F(B,y)|} {\geqslant}\frac{1}{10}$$
Suppose we sample $A \in V^R$ and $B,C_1,\ldots,C_d$ independently from $G_{\eta}^{\otimes R}(A)$. Let us denote $A =
(a_1,\ldots,a_R)$, $B = (b_1,\ldots,b_R)$, $C_i =
(c_{i1},\ldots,c_{iR})$ for all $i \in [d]$. Note that, $$\begin{aligned}
{\ProbOp{\left[\exists i \in [R] \text{ such that } \abs{\{a_i,b_i\} \cap S} =1 \right]}}
& {\leqslant}\sum_{i \in [R]}
(1-\eta){\ProbOp{\left[(a_i,b_i) \in E[S,\bar{S}] \right]}} + \eta {\ProbOp{\left[ (a_i,b_i)
\in S \times \bar{S} \right]}} \\
& {\leqslant}R (\vol(S) \Phi(S) + 2\eta
\vol(S)) {\leqslant}2(\gamma + \eta) {\,.}\end{aligned}$$ Similarly, for each $j \in [d]$, $${\ProbOp{\left[ \exists i \in [R] | |\{a_i,c_{ji}\} \cap S|=1 \right]}} {\leqslant}\sum_{i \in [R]}
{\ProbOp{\left[(a_i,c_{ji}) \in E[S,\bar{S}] \right]}} {\leqslant}R \vol(S) \Phi(S) {\leqslant}2(\gamma+ \eta) {\,.}$$ By a union bound, with probability at least $1 - 2(d+1)
(\gamma+ \eta)$ we have that none of the edges $\{(a_i,b_i)\}_{i\in[R]}$ and $\{(a_i,c_{ji})\}_{j\in [d],i \in [R]}$ cross the cut $(S,\bar{S})$.
Conditioned on the above event, we claim that if $(B,x) \cap \left(S \times \{t,t'\}\right) =
\emptyset$ then $\max_i |F(B,x) - F(C_i, y_i)|
=0$. First, if $(B,x) \cap \left(S \times \{t,t'\}\right) =
\emptyset$ then for each $b_i \in S$ the corresponding $x_i
\in \{s,s'\}$. In particular, this implies that for each $b_i
\in S$, either all of the pairs $(b_i,x_i),\{(c_{ji},y_{ji})\}_{j \in [d]}$ are either in $S \times
\{s,t\}$ or $S \times \{s',t'\}$, thereby ensuring that $\max_i |F(B,x) - F(C_i, y_i)|
From the above discussion we conclude, $$\begin{aligned}
\E_{(B,x), (C_1,y_1),\ldots,(C_d,y_d) \sim {\mathcal P}} \left[\max_{i}
|F(B,x) - F(C_i,y_i)| \right]
& {\leqslant}{\ProbOp{\left[|(B,x) \cap \left(S
\times \{t,t'\}\right)|{\geqslant}1 \right]}} + 2(d +1)(\gamma+\eta) \\
& {\leqslant}\E\left[|(B,x) \cap \left(S
\times \{t,t'\}\right)|\right] + 2(d +1)(\gamma+\eta) \\
& = R \cdot \vol(S) \cdot \epsilon + 2(d+1) (\gamma+\eta) = \epsilon + 2(d+1) (\gamma+\eta)
Let $F': {\mathcal V}' \to \{0,1\}$ be a subset of the instance $({\mathcal V}',{\mathcal P}')$. Let us define the following notation. $$\val_{{\mathcal P}'}(F') {\stackrel{\textup{def}}{=}}\E_{(X,Y_1,\ldots,Y_d) \sim {\mathcal P}'} \left[ \max_{i \in [d]}
\abs{F'(X)-F'(Y_i)}\right] \qquad {\mathsf{Var}}_1[F'] {\stackrel{\textup{def}}{=}}\E_{X,Y \sim {\mathcal V}'}
- F'(Y)}$$
We define the functions $F : {\mathcal V}\to [0,1]$ and $f_A, g_A : V_H^R
\to [0,1]$ for each $A \in V^R$ as follows. $$F(A,x) {\stackrel{\textup{def}}{=}}F'(\Pi(A,x)) \qquad f_A(x) {\stackrel{\textup{def}}{=}}F(A,x) \qquad
\qquad g_A(x) {\stackrel{\textup{def}}{=}}\E_{B \sim G_{\eta}^{\otimes R}(A)} F(B,x)$$
\[lem:val-in-terms-of-g\] $$\val_{{\mathcal P}'}(F') {\geqslant}\E_{A \in V^R}
\val_{{\mathcal P}'}(F') & = \val_{{\mathcal P}}(F)\\
& = \E_{A \sim V^R} \E_{x \sim \mu_H^R}
\E_{y_1,\ldots,y_d \sim
\mu^R_H(x)}\E_{B,C_1,\ldots,C_{d} \sim
R}(A)} \max_i \abs{F(B,x) -
F(C_i,y_i)} \\
& {\geqslant}\E_{A \sim V^R} \E_{x \sim \mu_H^R} \E_{y_1,\ldots,y_d \sim \mu^R_H(x)} \max_i \abs{ \E_{B \sim
G_{\gamma}^{\otimes R}(A)} F(B,x) -
\E_{C_i \sim
G_{\gamma}^{\otimes R}(A)} F(C_i,y_i)}
& {\geqslant}\E_{A \sim V^R} \E_{x \sim \mu_H^R}
\E_{y_1,\ldots,y_d \sim
\mu^R_H(x)} \max_i \abs{ g_A(x) -
g_A(y_i)} \\
& = \E_{A \in V^R}
\[lem:average1\] $$\E_{A \sim V^R} \E_{x \sim \mu_H^R} g_A(x)^2 {\geqslant}\E_{(A,x) \sim
{\mathcal V}} F^2(A,x) - \val_{{\mathcal P}'}(F')$$
\E_{A \sim V^R} \E_{x \sim \mu_H^R} g_A(x)^2 & = \E_{A
\sim V^R} \E_{x \sim \mu_H^R} \E_{B,C \sim G_{\eta}^{\otimes
R}(A)} F(B,x)F(C,x) \nonumber \\
&= \frac{1}{2} \E_{A \sim V^R} \E_{x \sim \mu_H^R} \E_{B,C \sim G_{\eta}^{\otimes
R}(A)} F^2(B,x)+ F^2(C,x)
-(F(B,x) - F(C,x))^2
\nonumber \\
& = \E_{A \sim V^R} \E_{x \sim \mu_H^R} F^2(A,x) -
\frac{1}{2} \E_{A \sim V^R} \E_{x \sim \mu_H^R} \E_{B,C \sim G_{\eta}^{\otimes
R}(A)} (F(B,x) - F(C,x))^2 \label{eq:num10}
where in the last step we used the fact that $B,C$ have the same distribution as $A \sim V^R$. Since the function $F$ is bounded in $[0,1]$, we have $$\begin{aligned}
\E_{A \sim V^R} \E_{x \sim \mu_H^R} \E_{B,C \sim G_{\eta}^{\otimes
R}(A)} (F(B,x) - F(C,x))^2
& {\leqslant}\E_{A \sim V^R} \E_{x \sim \mu_H^R} \E_{B,C \sim G_{\eta}^{\otimes
R}(A)} \abs{F(B,x) -
F(C,x)} \label{eq:num11}
\E_{A \sim V^R} & \E_{x \sim \mu_H^R} \E_{B,C \sim
G_{\eta}^{\otimes R}(A)} \abs{F(B,x) -
F(C,x)} \nonumber \\
& {\leqslant}\E_{A \sim
V^R} \E_{x \sim \mu_H^R} \E_{y \sim
\mu^R_H(x)}\E_{B,C, D \sim G_{\eta}^{\otimes
R}(A)} \abs{F(B,x) -
F(D,y)} + \abs{F(C,x) -
F(D,y)} \nonumber \\
& = 2\E_{A \sim V^R} \E_{x \sim \mu_H^R} \E_{y \sim
\mu^R_H(x)}\E_{B,D \sim G_{\eta}^{\otimes
R}(A)} \abs{F(B,x) -
F(D,y)} \quad \because{(B,D), (C,D) \text{ have same
distribution} } \nonumber \\
& {\leqslant}2\E_{A \sim V^R} \E_{x \sim \mu_H^R}
\E_{y_1,\ldots,y_d \sim
\mu^R_H(x)}\E_{B,D_1,\ldots,D_{d} \sim G_{\eta}^{\otimes
R}(A)} \max_i \abs{F(B,x) -
F(D_i,y_i)} \nonumber \\
& = 2\val_{{\mathcal P}}(F) = 2\val_{{\mathcal P}'}(F')
Equations , and yield the desired result.
\[lem:varianceofg\] $$\E_{A \sim V^R} {\mathsf{Var}}_1[g_A] = \E_{A \sim V^R} \E_{x,y \in \mu_H^R} \abs{g_{A}(x) -
g_{A}(y)} {\geqslant}\frac{1}{2}
({\mathsf{Var}}_1[F])^2 - \val_{{\mathcal P}'}(F')$$
Since the function $g_A$ is bounded in $[0,1]$ we can write $$\begin{aligned}
\E_{A \sim V^R} \E_{x,y \in \mu_H^R} \abs{g_{A}(x) -
& {\geqslant}\E_{A \sim V^R} \E_{x,y \in \mu_H^R} \left(g_{A}(x) -
g_{A}(y)\right)^2 \nonumber \\
& {\geqslant}\E_{A \sim V^R} \E_{x \in \mu_H^R} g^2_{A}(x) -
\E_{A} \E_{x,y \in \mu_H^R} g_{A}(x)g_{A}(y) \label{eq:num14}
\end{aligned}$$ In the above expression there are two terms. From , we already know that $$\begin{aligned}
\E_{A \sim V^R} \E_{x \in \mu_H^R} g^2_{A}(x) {\geqslant}\E_{(A,x)
\sim {\mathcal V}} F^2(A,x) - \val_{{\mathcal P}'}(F') \label{eq:num15}
\end{aligned}$$ Let us expand out the other term in the expression. $$\begin{aligned}
\E_{A} \E_{x,y \in \mu_H^R} g_{A}(x)g_{A}(y)
& = \E_{A} \E_{B,C \sim G_{\eta}^{\otimes
R}(A)} \E_{x,y \in \mu_H^R} F'(\Pi(B, x)) F'(\Pi(C,
y)) \label{eq:num16}
\end{aligned}$$ Now consider the following graph ${\mathcal H}$ on ${\mathcal V}'$ defined by the following edge sampling procedure.
- Sample $A \in V^R$, and $x,y \in \mu_H^R$.
- Sample independently $B \sim G_{\eta}^{\otimes R}(A)$ and $C
\sim G_{\eta}^{\otimes R}(A)$
- Output the edge $\Pi(B,x)$ and $\Pi(C,y)$
Let $\lambda$ denote the second eigenvalue of the adjacency matrix of the graph ${\mathcal H}$. $$\begin{aligned}
\E_{A} \E_{B,C \sim G_{\eta}^{\otimes
R}(A)} &\E_{x,y \in \mu_H^R} F'(\Pi(B, x)) F'(\Pi(C,
y)) = \iprod{F' , {\mathcal H}F'}\\
& {\leqslant}\left(\E_{(A,x) \sim {\mathcal V}} F'(\Pi(A,x))\right)^2 + \lambda
\left(\E_{(A,x) \sim {\mathcal V}} \left(F'(\Pi(A,x))\right)^2 - (\E_{(A,x) \sim {\mathcal V}} F'(\Pi(A,x)))^2 \right) \\
& = \lambda \E_{(A,x) \sim {\mathcal V}} F(A,x)^2 + (1-\lambda)
(\E_{(A,x) \sim {\mathcal V}} F(A,x))^2
\quad \because{$F'(\Pi(A,x)) = F(A,x)$}
\end{aligned}$$ Using the above inequality with equations , , we can derive the following, $$\begin{aligned}
\E_{A \sim V^R} \E_{x,y \in \mu_H^R} \abs{g_{A}(x) -
& {\geqslant}\E_{A \sim V^R} \E_{x \in \mu_H^R} g^2_{A}(x) -
\E_{A} \E_{x,y \in \mu_H^R} g_{A}(x)g_{A}(y) \\
& {\geqslant}(1-\lambda) \left[ \E_{(A,x) \sim {\mathcal V}} F^2(A,x) -
(\E_{(A,x) \sim {\mathcal V}} F(A,x))^2 \right] -
\val_{{\mathcal P}'}(F')\\
& {\geqslant}(1-\lambda) {\mathsf{Var}}[F] - \val_{{\mathcal P}'}(F') \\
&{\geqslant}(1-\lambda) ({\mathsf{Var}}_1[F])^2 - \val_{{\mathcal P}'}(F')
\quad \because{${\mathsf{Var}}[F] > {\mathsf{Var}}_1[F]^2$ for all $F$}
\end{aligned}$$ To finish the argument, we need to bound the second eigenvalue $\lambda$ for the graph ${\mathcal H}$. Here we will present a simple argument showing that the second eigenvalue $\lambda$ for the graph ${\mathcal H}$ is strictly less than $\frac{1}{2}$. Let us restate the procedure to sample edges from ${\mathcal H}$ slightly differently.
- Define a map $\cM : V \times V_H \to (V \cup \perp) \times
(V_H \cup \{\perp\})$ as follows, $\cM(b,x) = (b,x)$ if $x \in \{s,t\}$ and $\cM(b,x) = (\perp,\perp)$ otherwise. Let $\Pi' : ((V \cup \perp) \times
(V_H \cup \perp) )^R \to (V \times \{s,t\})^{\{R\}}$ denote the following map. $$\Pi'(B',x') = \{(b'_i,x'_i) | x_i
\in \{s,t\}\}$$
- Sample $A \in V^R$ and $x,y \in \mu_H^R$
- Sample independently $B = (b_1,\ldots,b_R) \sim G_{\eta}^{\otimes R}(A)$ and $C = (c_1,\ldots,c_R) \sim G_{\eta}^{\otimes R}(A)$.
- Let $\cM(B,x),\cM(C,y) \in \left((V \cup \{\perp\}) \times
(V_H \cup \{\perp\}) \right)^R$ be obtained by applying $\cM$ to each coordinate of $(B,x)$ and $(C,y)$.
- Output an edge between $(\Pi'(\cM(B,x)),
It is easy to see that the above procedure also samples the edges of ${\mathcal H}$ from the same distribution as earlier. Note that $\Pi'$ is a projection from $((V \cup \perp) \times
(V_H \cup \perp))^R$ to $(V \times \{s,t\})^{\{R\}}$. Therefore, the second eigenvalue of the graph ${\mathcal H}$ is upper bounded by the second eigenvalue of the graph on $((V \cup \perp) \times
(V_H \cup \{\perp\}))^R$ defined by $\cM(B,x) \sim \cM(C,y)$. Let ${\mathcal H}_1$ denote the graph defined by the edges $\cM(B,x) \sim \cM(C,y)$. Observe that the coordinates of ${\mathcal H}_1$ are independent, i.e., ${\mathcal H}_1 = {\mathcal H}_2^R$ for a graph ${\mathcal H}_2$ corresponding to each coordinate of $\cM(B,x)$ and $\cM(C,y)$. Therefore, the second eigenvalue of ${\mathcal H}_1$ is at most the second eigenvalue of ${\mathcal H}_2$. The Markov chain ${\mathcal H}_2$ on $ (V \cup \{\perp\}) \times (V_H
\cup \perp)$ is defined as follows,
- Sample $a \in V$ and two neighbors $b \sim G_{\eta}(a)$ and $c \sim G_{\eta}(a)$.
- Sample $x,y \in V_H$ independently from the distribution $\mu_H$.
- Output an edge between $\cM(b,x)$ $\cM(c,y)$.
Notice that in the Markov chain ${\mathcal H}_2$, for every choice of $\cM(b,x)$ in $(V
\cup \{\perp\}) \times (V_H \cup \perp)$, with probability at least $\frac{1}{2}$, the other endpoint $\cM(c,y) = (\perp,
\perp)$. Therefore, the second eigenvalue of ${\mathcal H}_2$ is at most $\frac{1}{2}$, giving a bound of $\frac{1}{2}$ on the second eigen value of ${\mathcal H}$.
Now we restate a claim from [@rst12] that will be useful for our our soundness proof.
\[thm:sse-ug-soundness\] (Restatment of Lemma 6.11 from [@rst12]) Let $G$ be a graph with a vertex set $V$. Let a distribution on pairs of tuples $(A,B)$ be defined by $A \sim V^R$, $B \sim G_{\eta}^{\otimes
R}(A)$. Let $\ell: V^R \to [R]$ be a labelling such that over the choice of random tuples and two random permutations $\pi_A, \pi_B$ $${\ProbOp}_{A \sim V^R, B \sim G_{\eta}^{\otimes R}(A)} {\ProbOp}_{\pi_A,\pi_B} \left\{
\pi_A^{-1}\left(\ell(\pi_A(A))\right) =
\pi_B^{-1}\left(\ell(\pi_B(B))\right) \right\} {\geqslant}\zeta$$ Then there exists a set $S \subset V$ with $\vol(S) \in
\left[\frac{\zeta}{16R}, \frac{3}{\eta R} \right]$ satisfying $\Phi(S) {\leqslant}1- \zeta/16$.
The following lemma asserts that if the graph $G$ is a $NO$-instance of ($\gamma$, $\delta$,$M$) then for almost all $A
\in V^R$ the functions have no influential coordinates.
\[lem:ugdecoding\] Fix $\delta = 1/R$. Suppose for all sets $S \subset V$ with $\vol(S) \in \left(\delta/M,
M\delta\right) $ , $\Phi(S) {\geqslant}1-\gamma$ then for all $\tau > 0$, $${\ProbOp}_{A \sim V^R}\left[ \exists i \mid {\ensuremath{\sf{Inf}}}_{i}[\Gamma_{1-\eta} g_A] {\geqslant}\tau \right] {\leqslant}\frac{1000}{\tau^3 \eps^2 \eta^2} \cdot \max(1/M,
For each $A \in V^R$, let $L_A = {\left\{ i\in
[R]\mid {\ensuremath{\sf{Inf}}}_i (\Gamma_{1-\eta} f_A)>\tau/2\right\}}$ and $L'_A = {\left\{
i\in [R]\mid {\ensuremath{\sf{Inf}}}_i (\Gamma_{1-\eta} g_A)>\tau\right\}}$. Call a vertex $A \in V^R$ to be [*good*]{} if $L'_A \neq \emptyset$. By , the sum of influences of $\Gamma_{1-\eta} g_A$ is at most $\frac{1}{\epsilon \eta} {\mathsf{Var}}[g_A] {\leqslant}\frac{1}{\epsilon \eta}$. Therefore, the cardinality of $L'_A$ is upper bounded by $|L'_A| {\leqslant}\frac{2}{\tau \epsilon \eta}$. Similarly, the cardinality of $L_A$ is upper bounded by $|L_A| {\leqslant}\frac{1}{\tau \epsilon \eta}$.
The lemma asserts that at most a $\frac{1000}{\tau^3\eta^2 \epsilon^2 } \cdot
\max(1/M,\gamma)$ fraction of vertices are [*good*]{}. For the sake of contradiction, assume that ${\ProbOp}_{A \in V^R}
\left[ L'_A \neq \emptyset \right] {\geqslant}1000 \max(1/M,\gamma)
/\tau^2 \epsilon^2 \eta^2$.
Define a labelling $\ell : V^R \to [R]$ as follows: for each $A \in
V^R$, with probability $\frac{1}{2}$ choose a random coordinate in $L_A$ and with probability $\half$, choose a random coordinate in $L'_A$. If the sets $L_A,L'_A$ are empty, then we choose a uniformly random coordinate in $[R]$.
Observe that for each $A\in V^R$, the function $g_A$ is the average over bounded functions $f_B\from V_H^R\to[0,1]$, where $B \sim G^R_{\eta}(A)$. Fix a vertex $A \in V^R$ such that $L'_A \neq \emptyset$ and a coordinate $i \in L'_A$. In particular, we have that ${\ensuremath{\sf{Inf}}}_{i}[\Gamma_{1-\eta} g_A] {\geqslant}\tau$. Using convexity of influences, this implies that, $$E_{B \sim G^{\otimes R}_\eta(A)} {\ensuremath{\sf{Inf}}}_i[\Gamma_{1-\eta} f_B] {\geqslant}\tau {\,.}$$ Specifically, this implies that for at least a $\frac{\tau}{2}$ fraction of the neighbours $B \sim
G^R_{\eta}(A)$, the influence of the $i^{th}$ coordinate on $f_B$ is at least $\frac{\tau}{2}$. Hence, if $L'_A \neq \emptyset$ then for at least a $\tau/2$ fraction of neighbours $B \sim G^{\otimes R}_\eta(A)$ we have $L'_A \cap L_B
\neq \emptyset$.
By definition of the functions $f_A, g_A$, it is clear that for every permutation $\pi : [R] \to [R]$, $f_A(\pi(x)) = f_{\pi(A)}(x)$ and $g_A(\pi(x)) =
g_{\pi(A)}(x)$. Therefore, for every permutation $\pi : [R] \to [R]$ and $A \in V^R$, $$L_A = \pi^{-1}(L_{\pi(A)}) \qquad \text{ and } L'_A =
From the above discussion, for every [*good*]{} vertex $A \in V^R$, for at least a $\tau/2$ fraction of the vertices $B \sim G^{\otimes R}_{\eta}(A)$, and every pair of permutations $\pi_A,\pi_B : [R] \to [R]$, we have $\pi^{-1}_A(L'_{\pi_A(A)})
\cap \pi^{-1}_B(L_{\pi_B(B)}) \neq \emptyset$. This implies that,
& {\ProbOp}_{A \sim V^R, B \sim G_{\eta}^{\otimes R}(A)} {\ProbOp}_{\pi_A,\pi_B} \left\{
\pi_A^{-1}\left(\ell(\pi_A(A))\right) =
\pi_B^{-1}\left(\ell(\pi_B(B))\right) \right\} \\
& {\geqslant}{\ProbOp}_{A \sim V^R} [L'_A \neq \emptyset] \cdot {\ProbOp}_{B \sim
G^{\otimes R}_{\eta}(A)}[L'_A \cap L_B \neq \emptyset | L'_A
\neq \emptyset] \cdot
{\ProbOp{\left[\pi_{A}^{-1}(\ell(\pi_{A}(A))) =
\pi_{B}^{-1}(\ell(\pi_{B}(B))) \mid L'_A \cap L_B \neq
\emptyset \right]}} \\
& {\geqslant}{\ProbOp}_{A \sim V^R} [L'_A \neq \emptyset] \cdot \left(\frac{\tau}{2}\right) \cdot \frac{1}{2} \cdot \frac{1}{2} \cdot
\frac{1}{|L'_A|} \frac{1}{|L_B|} \\
& {\geqslant}{\ProbOp}_{A \sim V^R} [L'_A \neq \emptyset] \cdot \left(\frac{\tau}{2}\right) \cdot \frac{1}{2} \cdot \frac{1}{2} \cdot
\left(\frac{\tau \eta \epsilon}{2}\right)^2 \\
& {\geqslant}16\max({\nicefrac}{1}{M},\gamma)\end{aligned}$$
By , this implies that there exists a set $S \subset V$ with $\vol(S) \in [ \frac{1}{MR}, \frac{3}{\eta R}]$ satisfying $\Phi(S) {\leqslant}1-\gamma$. A contradiction.
Finally, we are ready to show the soundness of the reduction.
(Soundness) \[thm:sse-av-sound\] For all $\epsilon, d$ there exists choice of $M$ and $\gamma, \eta$ such that the following holds. Suppose for all sets $S \subset V$ with $\vol(S) \in \left(\delta/M,
M\delta\right) $ , $\Phi(S) {\geqslant}1-\eta$, then for all $F' :
{\mathcal V}' \to [0,1]$ such that $ {\mathsf{Var}}_1[F'] {\geqslant}\frac{1}{10}$, we have $\val_{{\mathcal P}'}(F') {\geqslant}\Omega(\sqrt{\epsilon \log{d}})$
Recall that we had fixed $\eta = \eps/(100 d)$. We will choose $\tau$ to small enough so that the error term in the soundness of dictatorship test () is smaller than $\epsilon$. Since the least probability of any vertex in Markov chain $H$ is $\epsilon$, setting $\tau =
\epsilon^{1/\epsilon^3}$ would suffice.
First, we know that if $G$ is a $NO$-instance of ($\gamma,\delta,M$) then for almost all $A
\in V^R$, the function $g_A$ has no influential coordinates. Formally, by , we will have $${\ProbOp}_{A \sim
V^R}\left[ \exists i \mid {\ensuremath{\sf{Inf}}}_{i}[\Gamma_{1-\eta} g_A] {\geqslant}\tau \right] {\leqslant}\frac{1000}{\tau^3\eta^2} \cdot \max(1/M,
\gamma) {\,.}$$ For an appropriate choice of $M, \gamma$, the above inequality implies that for all but an $\epsilon$-fraction of vertices $A
\in V^R$, the function $g_A$ will have no influential coordinates.
Without loss of generality, we may assume that $\val_{{\mathcal P}'}(F') {\leqslant}\sqrt{\epsilon \log d}$, else we would be done. Applying , we get that $\E_{A \in V^R}
{\mathsf{Var}}_1[g_A] {\geqslant}({\mathsf{Var}}_1[F])^2 - \val_{{\mathcal P}'}(F') {\geqslant}\frac{1}{200}$. This implies that for at least a $\frac{1}{400}$ fraction of $A \in V^R$, ${\mathsf{Var}}_1[g_A] {\geqslant}1/400$. Hence for at least an $1/400-\epsilon$ fraction of vertices $A
\in V^R$ we have, $${\mathsf{Var}}_1[g_A] {\geqslant}\frac{1}{400} \qquad \text{ and } \qquad
\max_i {\ensuremath{\sf{Inf}}}_i(\Gamma_{1-\eta}(g_A)) {\leqslant}\tau$$ By appealing to the soundness of the gadget (), for every such vertex $A \in
V^R$, $\val_{\mu_H^R}(g_A) {\geqslant}\Omega(\sqrt{\epsilon \log{d}}) -
O(\epsilon) = \Omega(\sqrt{\epsilon \log{d}})$. Finally, by applying , we get the desired conclusion. $$\val_{{\mathcal P}'}(F') {\geqslant}\E_{A \in V^R} \val_{\mu_H^R}(g_A)
{\geqslant}\Omega(\sqrt{\epsilon \log{d}})$$
Reduction from [*Analytic $d$-Vertex Expansion*]{} to Vertex Expansion {#sec:sampling}
\[thm:reduction\] A [[c]{}-vs-[s]{} ]{}hardness for $d$-implies a [[4 c]{}-vs-[s/16]{} ]{} hardness for balanced symmetric-vertex expansion on graphs of degree at most $D$, where $D = \max {\left\{100 d/s, 2 \log (1/c)\right\}}$.
At a high level, the proof of has two steps.
1. We show that a [[c]{}-vs-[s]{} ]{}hardness for . implies a [[2 c]{}-vs-[s/4]{} ]{} hardness for instances of having uniform distribution ().
2. We show that a [[c]{}-vs-[s]{} ]{}hardness for instances of $d$-having uniform stationary distribution implies a [[2 c]{}-vs-[s/2]{} ]{} hardness for balanced symmetric-vertex expansion on $\Theta(D)$-regular graphs. ().
\[prop:uniform\] A [[c]{}-vs-[s]{} ]{}hardness for . implies a [[2 c]{}-vs-[s/4]{} ]{} hardness for instances of having uniform distribution.
Let $(V,{\mathcal P})$ be an instance of . We construct an instance $(V',{\mathcal P}')$ as follows. Let $T = 2 n^2 $. We first delete all vertices $i$ from $V$ which have $\mu(i) < 1/2n^2$, i.e. $V \gets V \backslash {\left\{i \in V : \mu(i) < 1/2n^2\right\}}$. Note that after this operation, the total weight of the remaining vertices is still at least $1 - 1/2n$ and the can increase or decrease by at most a factor of $2$. Next for each $i$, we introduce introduce $\lceil \mu(i) T \rceil$ copies of vertex $i$. We will call these vertices the cloud for vertex $i$ and index them as $(i,a)$ for $a \in [\mu(i) T]$.
We set the probability mass of each $(d+1)$-tuple $( (i,a), (j_1,b_1) \ldots, (j_d,b_d))$ as follows : $${\mathcal P}'( (i,a), (j_1,b_1) \ldots, (j_d,b_d) ) = \frac{ {\mathcal P}(i, j_1, \ldots, j_d)}{( \mu(i) T) \cdot \Pi_{\ell = 1}^d (\mu(j_{\ell}) T) }$$
It is easy to see that $\mu'(i,a) = 1/T$ for all vertices $(i,a) \in V'$. The analytic $d$-vertex expansion under a function $F$ is given by, $$\frac{\E_{( (i,a), (j_1,b_1) \ldots, (j_d,b_d) ) \sim {\mathcal P}'} \max_{\ell} \Abs{F(i,a) - F(j_{\ell},b_{\ell})}}
{\E_{ (i,a),(j,b) \sim \mu'} \Abs{ F(i,a) - F(j,b)} }$$
where $X = (i,a)$ and $Y_{\ell} = (j, b)$ which are sampled as follows:
1. Sample a $(d+1)$-tuple $(i,j_1,\ldots,j_d)$ from ${\mathcal P}$.
2. Sample $a$ uniformly at random from ${1, \ldots, \mu(i) T}$.
3. Sample $b_{\ell}$ uniformly at random from $ {\left\{1, \ldots, \mu(j_{\ell}) T\right\}}$ for each $\ell \in [d]$.
#### Completeness
Suppose, ${\ensuremath{\Phi({V,{\mathcal P}})}} {\leqslant}c$. Let $f$ be the corresponding cut function. The function $f : V \to {\left\{0,1\right\}}$ can be trivially extended to a function $F: V' \to {\left\{0,1\right\}}$ thereby certifying that ${\ensuremath{\Phi({V',{\mathcal P}'})}} {\leqslant}2 c$.
#### Soundness
Suppose ${\ensuremath{\Phi({V,{\mathcal P}})}} {\geqslant}s$. Let $F : V' \to {\left\{0,1\right\}}$ be any balanced function. By convexity of absolute value function we get
$$\E_{ ((i,a),(j_1,b_1), \ldots, (j_d,b_d)) \sim {\mathcal P}'} \max_{\ell} \Abs{F(i,a) - F(j_{\ell,b_{\ell}})} {\geqslant}\E_{(i,j_1, \ldots, j_d) \sim {\mathcal P}} \max_\ell \Abs{ \E_a F(i,a) - \E_{\ell} F(j_\ell, b_\ell)}.$$
So if we define $f(i) = E_a F(i,a)$, the numerator for analytic $d$-vertex expansion in $(V,{\mathcal P})$ for $f$ is only lower than the corresponding numerator for $F$ in $(V',{\mathcal P}')$. We need to lower bound the denominator, $ \E_{i,j \sim \mu} \Abs{f(i) - f(j)}$. The requisite lower bound follows from the following two lemmas.
\[lem:help1\] $$\E_{i,j \sim \mu} \Abs{f(i) - f(j)} {\geqslant}\E_{(i,a),(j,b) \sim \mu'} \Abs{F(i,a) - F(j,b)} - \E_{(i,a), (i,b) \sim \mu'} \Abs{F(i,a) - F(i,b)}$$
The Lemma follows directly from the following two inequalities. $$\E_{(i,a), (j,b)} \Abs{ F(i, a) - F(j,b)} {\leqslant}\E_{(i,a)} \Abs{ F(i,a) - f(i)} + \E_{(j,b)} \Abs{ F(j,b) - f(j)} + \E_{i,j} \Abs{f(i) - f(j)}
\qquad \textrm{(Triangle Inequality)}$$ and $$\E_{i,a} \Abs{ F(i,a) - f(i) } {\leqslant}\E_{i, a,b} \Abs{ F(i,a) - F(i,b) }$$
\[lem:help2\] $$\E_{i,a,b} \Abs{F(i,a) - F(i,b)} {\leqslant}2\val_{{\mathcal P}'}(F) =
2 \E_{(i,a),(j_1,c_1), \ldots (j_d,c_d) \sim {\mathcal P}' } \max_{\ell} \Abs{F(i,a) - F(j_\ell ,c_\ell)}$$
Sample $(i,j_1, \ldots, j_d) \sim {\mathcal P}$. For any neighbour $(j,c)$ of $(i,a), (i,b)$, using the Triangle Inequality we have $$\Abs{F(i,a) - F(i,b)} {\leqslant}\Abs{F(i,a) - F(j,c) } +\Abs{F(j,c) - F(i,b) }$$
Therefore, $$\begin{aligned}
\Abs{F(i,a) - F(i,b)} & {\leqslant}&
\frac{\sum_{\ell} \Abs{F(i,a) - F(j_\ell ,c_\ell)} + \sum_{\ell} \Abs{F(i,b) - F(j_\ell ,c_\ell)} }{d} \\
& {\leqslant}& \max_{\ell} \Abs{F(i,a) - F(j_\ell ,c_\ell)} + \max_{\ell} \Abs{F(i,b) - F(j_\ell ,c_\ell)} \\\end{aligned}$$
Taking expectations over the uniformly random choice of $a$ and $b$ from the cloud of $i$, $$\E_{(i,a), (i,b)} \Abs{ F(i,a) - F(i,b)} {\leqslant}2 \E_{ ((i,a),(j_1,b_1), \ldots, (j_d,b_d)) \sim {\mathcal P}'} \max_{\ell} \Abs{F(i,a) - F(j_\ell ,c_\ell)}$$
and together show that $$\E_{i,j} \Abs{f(i) - f(j)} {\geqslant}\frac{ \E_{(i,a), (j,b)} \Abs{ F(i,a) - F(j,b)} }{2}.$$ as long as the value $\val_{{\mathcal P}'}(F) < {\mathsf{Var}}_1[F]/4$. Therefore, for any $F : V' \to {\left\{0,1\right\}}$, $$\frac{\E_{( (i,a), (j_1,b_1) \ldots, (j_d,b_d) ) \sim {\mathcal P}'} \max_{\ell} \Abs{F(i,a) - F(j_{\ell},b_{\ell})}}
{\E_{ (i,a),(j,b) \sim \mu'} \Abs{ F(i,a) - F(j,b)} } {\geqslant}\frac{s}{4} {\,.}$$
shows that the minimum value of is obtained by boolean functions. Therefore, ${\ensuremath{\Phi({V',{\mathcal P}'})}} {\geqslant}s/4$.
\[prop:subsample\] A [[c]{}-vs-[s]{} ]{}hardness for instances of $d$-having uniform stationary distribution implies a [[2 c]{}-vs-[s/4]{} ]{} hardness for balanced symmetric-vertex expansion on $\Theta(D)$-regular graphs. Here $D {\geqslant}\max {\left\{100 d/s, 2 \log (1/c)\right\}} $.
Let $(V',{\mathcal P}')$ be an instance of $d$-. We construct a graph $G$ from $(V',{\mathcal P}')$ as follows. We initially set $V(G) = V'$. For each vertex $X$ we pick $D$ neighbors by sampling $D/d$ tuples from the marginal distribution of ${\mathcal P}'$ on tuples containing $X$ in the first coordinate.
Let $\deg(i)$ denote the degree of vertex $i$, i.e. the number of vertices adjacent to vertex $i$ in $G$. It is easy to see that $\deg(i) {\geqslant}D$ and $\Ex{\deg(i)} = 2D\ \forall i \in V(G)$. Let $L = {\left\{i \in V(G) | \deg(i) > 4 D\right\}}$. Using Hoeffding’s Inequality, we get a tight concentration for $\deg(i)$ around $2D$. $${\ProbOp{\left[ \deg(i) > 4D \right]}} {\leqslant}e^{-D} {\,.}$$ Therefore, $\Ex{ \Abs{L} } < n/e^D$. We delete these vertices from $G$, i.e. $V(G) \gets V(G) \backslash L$. With constant probability, all remaining vertices will have their degrees in the range $[D/2, 4D]$. Also, the vertex expansion of every set will decrease by at most an additive $1/e^D$.
#### Completeness
Let ${\ensuremath{\Phi({V',{\mathcal P}'})}} {\leqslant}c$ and let $F : V' \to {\left\{0,1\right\}}$ be the function corresponding to ${\ensuremath{\Phi({V',{\mathcal P}'})}}$. Let the set $S$ be the support of the function $F$. Clearly, the set $S$ is balanced. Therefore, with constant probability, we have $${\Phi^{\sf V}}(G) {\leqslant}{\Phi^{\sf V}}_G(S) {\leqslant}{\ensuremath{\Phi({V',{\mathcal P}'})}} + 1/e^D {\leqslant}2c {\,.}$$
#### Soundness
Suppose ${\ensuremath{\Phi({V',{\mathcal P}'})}} {\geqslant}s$. Let $F : V' \to {\left\{0,1\right\}}$ be any balanced function.
Since the max is larger than the average, we get $$\E_{X} \max_{Y_i \in N_G(X) } \Abs{F(X) - F(Y_i)} {\geqslant}\frac{d}{D} \sum_{j = 1}^{D/d} \E_{ (X,Y_1, \ldots, Y_d) \sim {\mathcal P}} \max_i \Abs{F(X) - F(Y_i)}$$
By Hoeffding’s inequality, we get $$\begin{aligned}
{\ProbOp{\left[ \left( \E_{X} \max_{Y_i \in N(X) } \Abs{F(X) - F(Y_i)} \right) < s/4 \right]}} & {\leqslant}&
{\ProbOp{\left[ \left( \frac{d}{D} \sum_{j = 1}^{D/d} \E_{ (X,Y_1, \ldots, Y_d) \sim {\mathcal P}} \max_i \Abs{F(X) - F(Y_i)} \right) < s/4 \right]}} \\
& {\leqslant}& \exp \left( - n (s D/d)^2 \right) \end{aligned}$$ Here, the last inequality follows from Hoeffding’s inequality over the index $X$. There are at most $2^n$ boolean functions on $V$. Therefore, using a union bound on all those functions we get, $${\ProbOp{\left[{\Phi^{\sf V}}(G) {\geqslant}s/4 \right]}} {\geqslant}1 - 2^n \exp \left( - n (sD/d)^2 \right).$$
Since $D > d/s$, we get that with probability $1 - o(1)$, ${\Phi^{\sf V}}(G) {\geqslant}s/4$.
follows directly from and .
Hardness of Vertex Expansion {#sec:putting-things-togethor}
We are now ready to prove . We restate the Theorem below.
For every $\eta > 0$, there exists an absolute constant $C$ such that $\forall {\epsilon}>0 $ it is [[SSE]{}]{}-hard to distinguish between the following two cases for a given graph $G = (V,E)$ with maximum degree $d {\geqslant}100/{\epsilon}$.
[<span style="font-variant:small-caps;">Yes</span>]{}
: : There exists a set $S \subset V$ of size $\Abs{S} {\leqslant}\Abs{V}/2$ such that $${\phi^{\sf V}}(S) {\leqslant}{\epsilon}$$
[<span style="font-variant:small-caps;">No</span>]{}
: : For all sets $S \subset V$, $${\phi^{\sf V}}(S) {\geqslant}\min {\left\{10^{-10}, C \sqrt{{\epsilon}\log d}\right\}} - \eta$$
From and we get that for an instance of $(V,{\mathcal P})$, it is [[SSE]{}]{}-hard to distinguish between the following two cases cases:
[<span style="font-variant:small-caps;">Yes</span>]{}
: : $${\ensuremath{\Phi({V,{\mathcal P}})}} {\leqslant}{\epsilon}$$
[<span style="font-variant:small-caps;">No</span>]{}
: : $${\ensuremath{\Phi({V,{\mathcal P}})}} {\geqslant}\min {\left\{ 10^{-4}, c_1 \sqrt{{\epsilon}\log d} \right\}} - \eta$$
Now from we get that for a graph $G$, it is [[SSE]{}]{}-hard to distinguish between the following two cases cases:
[<span style="font-variant:small-caps;">Yes</span>]{}
: : $${\Phi^{\sf V,bal}}{\leqslant}{\epsilon}$$
[<span style="font-variant:small-caps;">No</span>]{}
: : $${\Phi^{\sf V,bal}}{\geqslant}\min {\left\{ 10^{-6}, c_2 \sqrt{{\epsilon}\log d} \right\}} - \eta$$
We use a standard reduction from Balanced vertex expansion to vertex expansion. For the sake of completeness we give a proof of this reduction in . Using this reduction, we get that for a graph $G$, it is [[SSE]{}]{}-hard to distinguish between the following two cases cases:
[<span style="font-variant:small-caps;">Yes</span>]{}
: : $${\Phi^{\sf V}}{\leqslant}{\epsilon}$$
[<span style="font-variant:small-caps;">No</span>]{}
: : $${\Phi^{\sf V}}{\geqslant}\min {\left\{10^{-8}, c_3 \sqrt{{\epsilon}\log d} \right\}} - \eta$$
Finally, using the computational equivalence of vertex expansion and symmetric vertex expansion (), we get that for a graph $G$, it is [[SSE]{}]{}-hard to distinguish between the following two cases cases:
[<span style="font-variant:small-caps;">Yes</span>]{}
: : $${\phi^{\sf V}}{\leqslant}{\epsilon}$$
[<span style="font-variant:small-caps;">No</span>]{}
: : $${\phi^{\sf V}}{\geqslant}\min {\left\{ 10^{-10}, C \sqrt{{\epsilon}\log d} \right\}} - \eta$$
This completes the proof of the theorem.
An [*Optimal*]{} Algorithm for vertex expansion {#sec:vertexsepalgo}
In this section we give a simple polynomial time algorithm which outputs a set $S$ whose vertex expansion is at most ${\mathcal{O}\left(\sqrt{ {\phi^{\sf V}}\log d}\right) }$. We restate .
There exists a polynomial time algorithm which given a graph $G = (V,E)$ having vertex degrees at most $d$, outputs a set $S \subset V$, such that $ {\phi^{\sf V}}(S) = {\mathcal{O}\left(\sqrt{ {\phi^{\sf V}}\log d}\right) }$.
For an undirected graph $G$, Bobkov [@bht00] define ${\lambda_{\infty}}$ as follows. $${\lambda_{\infty}}{\stackrel{\textup{def}}{=}}\min_{ x} \frac{ \sum_i \max_{j \sim i} (x_i - x_j)^2 }{ \sum_i x_i^2 - \frac{1}{n}(\sum_i x_i)^2 }$$
They also prove the following Theorem.
\[thm:bht\] For any unweighted, undirected graph $G$, we have $$\frac{{\lambda_{\infty}}}{2} {\leqslant}{{\phi^{\sf V}}}{\leqslant}\sqrt{2 {\lambda_{\infty}}}$$
Consider the following [$\sf{SDP}$]{}relaxation of ${\lambda_{\infty}}$.
\[sdp:linf\] $$\begin{aligned}
{{\sf SDPval}}{\stackrel{\textup{def}}{=}}\min \sum_{i \in } \alpha_i && \\
\textrm{subject to:} \qquad \qquad && \\
{\lVertv_j - v_i \rVert}^2 & {\leqslant}& \alpha_i \qquad \forall i \in V \textrm{ and } \forall j \sim i \\
\sum_i {\lVertv_i\rVert}^2 - \frac{1}{n}{\lVert\sum_i v_i\rVert}^2 & = & 1 \\\end{aligned}$$
It’s easy to see that this is a relaxation for ${\lambda_{\infty}}$. We present a simple randomized rounding of this [$\sf{SDP}$]{}which, with constant probability, outputs a set with vertex expansion at most $C \sqrt{{\phi^{\sf V}}\log d}$ for some absolute constant $C$.
- [*Input :* ]{} A graph $G = (V,E)$
- [*Output :*]{} A set $S$ with vertex expansion at most $ 576 \sqrt{{{\sf SDPval}}\log d}$ (with constant probability).
1. Compute graph $G'$ as in , let $n = \Abs{V(G')}$.
2. Solve for graph $G'$.
3. Pick a random Gaussian vector $g \sim N(0,1)^n$.
4. For each $i \in [n]$, define $x_i {\stackrel{\textup{def}}{=}}{\langle v_i,g\rangle}$.
5. Sort the $x_i$’s in decreasing order $x_{i_1} {\geqslant}x_{i_2} {\geqslant}\ldots x_{i_n}$. Let $S_j$ denote the set of the first $j$ vertices appearing in the sorted order. Let $l$ be the index such that $$l = {\sf argmin}_{1 {\leqslant}j {\leqslant}n/2} {\Phi^{\sf V}}(S_j) {\,.}$$
6. Output the set corresponding to $S_l$ in $G$.
We first prove a technical lemma which shows that we can a recover a a set with small vertex expansion from a [ *good*]{} linear-ordering (Step $3$ in Algorithm \[alg1\]).
For any $y_1, y_2, \ldots, y_n \in {{\varmathbb}R}^+ \cup {\left\{0\right\}}$, let $Y {\stackrel{\textup{def}}{=}}[y_1 y_2 \ldots y_n]^T$ and $\alpha {\stackrel{\textup{def}}{=}}\frac{ \sum_i \max_{j \sim i} |y_j - y_i| }{\sum_i y_i}$. Then $\exists S \subseteq \supp(Y)$ such that ${{\phi^{\sf V}}}(S) {\leqslant}\alpha$. Morover, such a set can be computed in polynomial time.
W.l.o.g we may assume that $y_1 {\geqslant}y_2 {\geqslant}\ldots {\geqslant}y_n {\geqslant}0$. Then $$\frac{ \sum_i \max_{ j \sim i , j < i } (y_j - y_i) }{\sum_i y_i} {\leqslant}\alpha \label{hin}$$
[ and ]{} $$\frac{ \sum_i \max_{ j \sim i , j > i } (y_i - y_j) }{\sum_i y_i} {\leqslant}\alpha \label{hout}$$
Let $i_{\max} {\stackrel{\textup{def}}{=}}\textrm{\sf argmax}_i y_i>0 $, i.e. $i_{\max}$ be the largest index such that $y_{i_{\max}} > 0$. Let $S_i {\stackrel{\textup{def}}{=}}{\left\{y_1, \ldots, y_i\right\}}$. Suppose $\forall i < i_{\max}$ $N^v(S_i) > \alpha |S_i|$.
Now, from Inequality \[hout\],
$$\alpha {\geqslant}\frac{ \sum_i \max_{ j \sim i , j < i } (y_j - y_i) }{\sum_i y_i} =
\frac{ \sum_i \max_{ j \sim i , j < i } \sum_{l=j}^{l = i-1} (y_l - y_{l+1}) }{\sum_i y_i} =
\frac{ \sum_i ( y_i - y_{i+1}) |N(S_i)| }{\sum_i y_i} > \alpha \frac{ \sum_i ( y_i - y_{i+1}) |S_i| }{\sum_i y_i}
= \alpha$$
Thus we get $\alpha > \alpha$ which is a contradition. Therefore, $\exists i {\leqslant}i_{\max}$ such that ${{\phi^{\sf V}}}(S_i) {\leqslant}\alpha$.
Next we show a ${\lambda_{\infty}}$-like bound for the $x_i$’s.
\[lem:projlinf\] Let $x_1, \ldots, x_n$ be as defined in Algorithm \[alg1\]. Then, with constant probability, we have
$$\frac{ \sum_i \max_{j \sim i } (x_i - x_j)^2 }{ \sum_i x_i^2 - \frac{1}{n} \left( \sum_i x_i \right)^2 } {\leqslant}96\ {{\sf SDPval}}\log d.$$
We will make use of the following fact that is part of the folkore about Gaussian random variables. For the sake of completeness, we prove this Fact in ().
\[fact:Gauss\] Let $Y_1, Y_2, \ldots, Y_d$ be $d$ normal random variables with mean $0$ and variance at most $\sigma^2$. Let $Y$ be the random variable defined as $Y {\stackrel{\textup{def}}{=}}\max {\left\{Y_i | i\in [d]\right\}}$. Then
$$\Ex{Y} {\leqslant}2\sigma \sqrt{\log d}$$
Now using this fact we get, $$\Ex{ \max_{j \sim i} (x_j - x_j)^2 } = \Ex{ \max_{j \sim i} {\langle v_i - v_j,g\rangle}^2 } {\leqslant}2 \max_{j \sim i} {\lVertv_j - v_i\rVert}^2 \log d.$$ Therefore, $\Ex{\sum_i \max_{j \sim i} (x_j - x_j)^2 } {\leqslant}2\ {{\sf SDPval}}\log d $. Using Markov’s Inequality we get $$\label{eq:233}
{\ProbOp{\left[ \sum_i \max_{j \sim i} (x_j - x_j)^2 > 48\ {{\sf SDPval}}\log d \right]}}
For the denominator, using linearity of expectation, we get
$$\Ex{ \sum_i x_i^2 - \frac{1}{n} \left( \sum_i x_i \right)^2 } =
\sum_i {\lVertv_i\rVert}^2 - \frac{1}{n} {\lVert \sum_i v_i \rVert}^2.$$
Also recall that the denominator can be re-written as
$$\sum_i x_i^2 - \frac{1}{n} \left( \sum_i x_i \right)^2 =
\frac{1}{n} \sum_{i,j} (x_i-x_j)^2 {\,,}$$ which is a sum of squares of gaussians. Now applying to the denominator we conclude
{\ProbOp{\left[ \sum_i x_i^2 - \frac{1}{n} \left( \sum_i x_i \right)^2 {\geqslant}\frac{1}{2} \right]}} {\geqslant}\frac{1}{12}.$$
Using and we get that
$${\ProbOp{\left[ \frac{ \sum_i \max_{j \sim i } (x_i - x_j)^2 }{ \sum_i x_i^2 - \frac{1}{n} \left( \sum_i x_i \right)^2 }
{\leqslant}96\ {{\sf SDPval}}\log d \right]}} > \frac{1}{24} .$$
\[lem:squaregaussian\] Suppose $z_1,\ldots, z_m$ are gaussian random variables (not necessarily independent) such $ \E [ \sum_i z_i^2 ] = 1$ then $${\ProbOp{\left[\sum_i z_i^2 {\geqslant}\frac{1}{2} \right]}} {\geqslant}\frac{1}{12}$$
We will bound the variance of the random variable $R = \sum_i z_i^2$ as follows, $$\begin{aligned}
\E [R^2] & = \sum_{i,j} E[z_i^2 z_j^2] \\
& {\leqslant}\sum_{i,j} \left(E[z_i^4]\right)^{\frac{1}{2}} \left(
E[z_j^4] \right)^{\frac{1}{2}} \\
& = \sum_{i,j} 3 E[z_i^2] E[z_j^2] \qquad \textrm{ (Using }
\E[g^4] = 3 \E[g^2] \textrm{ for gaussians )} \\
& = 3\left(\sum_{i} E[z_i^2]\right)^2 = 3 \end{aligned}$$ By the Paley-Zygmund inequality, $${\ProbOp{\left[ R {\geqslant}\frac{1}{2} \E[R] \right]}} {\geqslant}\left(\frac{1}{2}\right)^2
\frac{(\E[R])^2}{\E[R^2]} {\geqslant}\frac{1}{12} {\,.}$$
We are now ready to complete the proof of .
Let the $x_i$’s be as defined in Algorithm \[alg1\]. W.l.o.g, we may assume that[^3] $ \Abs{ \supp(x^+) } < \Abs{ \supp(x^-) } $. For each $i \in [n]$, we define $y_i = x_i^+$.
shows that with constant probability we have $$\frac{ \sum_i \max_{j \sim i} (x_i - x_j)^2 }{ \sum_i x_i^2 - \frac{1}{n} \left( \sum_i x_i \right)^2} {\leqslant}96\ {{\sf SDPval}}\log d.$$
We need to show that $$\frac{ \sum_i \max_{j \sim i} \Abs{y_i^2 - y_j^2} }{ \sum_i y_i^2 - \frac{1}{n} \left( \sum_i y_i \right)^2}
{\leqslant}6 \sqrt{ \frac{ \sum_i \max_{j \sim i} (x_i - x_j)^2 }{ \sum_i x_i^2 - \frac{1}{n} \left( \sum_i x_i \right)^2} }.$$
This fact is proved in [@bht00]. For the sake of completeness, we give a proof of this fact in (). Using , we get
$$\frac{ \sum_i \max_{j \sim i} \Abs{y_i^2 - y_j^2} }{ \sum_i y_i^2 - \frac{1}{n} \left( \sum_i y_i \right)^2}
{\leqslant}576 \sqrt{{{\sf SDPval}}\log d}.$$
From we get that the set output in Step $3$ of Algorithm \[alg1\] has vertex expansion at most $576 \sqrt{ {{\sf SDPval}}\log d }$.
Reduction between Vertex Expansion and Symmetric Vertex Expansion {#sec:symv}
In this section we show that the computation of the vertex expansion is essentially equivalent to the computation of symmetric vertex expansion. Formally, we prove the following theorems.
Given a graph $G = (V, E)$, there exists a graph $H$ such that $\max_{i \in V(H)} \deg(i) {\leqslant}\left( \max_{i \in V(G)} \deg(i) \right)^2+
\max_{i \in V(G)} \deg(i)$ such that $${\Phi^{\sf V}}(G) {\leqslant}{\phi^{\sf V}}(H) {\leqslant}\frac{{\Phi^{\sf V}}(G) }{1 - {\Phi^{\sf V}}(G)} {\,.}$$
Let $G^2$ denote the graph on $V(G)$ that corresponds to two hops in the graph $G$. Formally, $${\left\{u,v\right\}} \in E(G^2) \iff \exists w \in V(G), (u, w) \in E(G) \textrm{ and } (w, v) \in E(G) {\,.}$$ Let $H = G \cup G^2$, i.e., $V(H) = V(G)$ and $E(H) = E(G) \cup E(G^2)$.
Let $S \subset V(G)$ be a set with small symmetric vertex expansion ${\Phi^{\sf V}}(S) = {\epsilon}$. Let $S' = S - N_G(\bar{S})$ be the set of vertices obtained from $S$ by deleting it’s internal boundary. It is easy to see that $$N_H(S') = N_G(S) \cup N_G(\bar{S}) {\,.}$$ Moreover, since $N_G(\bar{S}) {\leqslant}{\Phi^{\sf V}}(S) w(S)$ we have $w(S') {\geqslant}w(S)(1 - {\Phi^{\sf V}}_G(S ))$. Hence the vertex expansion of the set $S'$ is upper-bounded by, $${\phi^{\sf V}}_H(S') {\leqslant}\frac{{\Phi^{\sf V}}_G(S) }{1 - {\Phi^{\sf V}}_G(S)} {\,.}$$
Conversely, suppose $T \subset V(H)$ be a set with small vertex expansion ${\phi^{\sf V}}_H(T) = {\epsilon}$. Consider the set $T' = T \cup N_G(T)$. Observe that the internal boundary of $T'$ in the graph $G$ is given by $N_G(\bar{T}') = N_G(T)$. Further the external boundary of $T'$ is given by $N_G(T') = N_G(N_G(T)) = N_{G^2}(T)$. Therefore, we have $$N_G(T') \cup N_G(\bar{T}') = N_G(T) \cup N_{G^2}(T) = N_H(T) {\,.}$$ Further since $w(T') {\geqslant}w(T)$, we have ${\Phi^{\sf V}}_G(T') {\leqslant}{\phi^{\sf V}}_H(T)$.
This completes the proof of the Theorem.
\[thm:symv2\] Given a graph $G$, there exists a graph $G'$ such that $\max_{i \in V(G)} \deg(i) = \max_{i \in V(G')} \deg(i)$ and ${\phi^{\sf V}}(G) = \Theta({\Phi^{\sf V}}(G'))$. Moreover, such a $G'$ can be computed in time polynomial in the size of $G$.
Given graph $G$, we construct $G'$ as follows. We start with $V(G') = V(G) \cup E(G)$, i.e., $G'$ has a vertex for each vertex in $G$ and for each edge in $G$. For each edge ${\left\{u,v\right\}} \in E(G)$, we add edges ${\left\{u,{\left\{u,v\right\}}\right\}}$ and ${\left\{v,{\left\{u,v\right\}}\right\}}$ in $G'$. For a vertex $i \in V(G) \cap V(G')$, we set its weight to be $w(i)$. For a vertex ${\left\{u,v\right\}} \in E(G) \cap V(G')$, we set its weight to be $\min {\left\{ w(u)/\deg(u), w(v)/\deg(v)\right\}}$.
It is easy to see that $G'$ can be computed in time polynomial in the size of $G$, and that $\max_{i \in V(G)} \deg(i) = \max_{i \in V(G')} \deg(i)$.
We first show that ${\phi^{\sf V}}(G) {\geqslant}{\Phi^{\sf V}}(G')/2$. Let $S \subset V(G)$ be the set having the least vertex expansion in $G$. Let $$S' = S \cup {\left\{ {\left\{u,v\right\}} | {\left\{u,v\right\}} \in E(G) \textrm{ and } u \in S \textrm{ or } v \in S \right\}} {\,.}$$ By construction, we have $w(S) {\leqslant}w(S')$, $N_G(S) = N_{G'}(S')$ and $$w( N_{G'}(\bar{S}') ) {\leqslant}\sum_{u \in N_{G'}(S')} \deg(u) \frac{ w(u) }{\deg(u)} {\leqslant}w(N_{G'}(S')) {\,.}$$ Therefore, $${\Phi^{\sf V}}(G') {\leqslant}{\Phi^{\sf V}}_{G'}(S') = \frac{ w(N_{G'}(S')) + w(N_{G'}(\bar{S}')) }{w(S')}
{\leqslant}\frac{2 w(N_G(S)) }{ w(S) } = 2 {\phi^{\sf V}}_G(S) = 2 {\phi^{\sf V}}(G) {\,.}$$
Now, let $S' \subset V(G')$ be the set having the least value of ${\Phi^{\sf V}}_{G'}(S')$ and let ${\epsilon}= {\Phi^{\sf V}}_{G'}(S')$. We construct the set $S$ as follows. We let $S_1 = S' \backslash N_{G'}(\bar{S}')$, i.e. we obtain $S_1$ from $S'$ by deleting it’s internal boundary. Next we set $S = S_1 \cap V(G)$. More formally, we let $S$ be the following set. $$S = {\left\{ v \in S' \cap V(G) | v \notin N_{G'}(\bar{S}')\right\}} {\,.}$$ By construction, we get that $N_G(S) \subseteq N_{G'}(S') \cup N_{ G'}(\bar{S}')$. Now, the internal boundary of $S'$ has weight at most ${\epsilon}w(S')$. Therefore, we have $$w(S_1) {\geqslant}(1 - {\epsilon})w(S') {\,.}$$ We need a lower bound on the weight of the set $S$ we constructed. To this end, we make the following observation. For each vertex ${\left\{u,v\right\}} \in S_1 \cap E(G)$, $u$ or $v$ also has to be in $S_1$ (If not, then deleting ${\left\{u,v\right\}}$ from $S'$ will result in a decrease in the vertex expansion thereby contradicting the optimality of the choice of the set $S'$). Therefore, we have the following $$\sum_{ {\left\{u,v\right\}} \in S_1 \cap E(G)} w( {\left\{u,v\right\}} ) =
\sum_{ {\left\{u,v\right\}} \in S_1 \cap E(G)} \min {\left\{ \frac{w(u)}{\deg(u)}, \frac{w(u)}{\deg(u)} \right\}} {\leqslant}\sum_{u \in S_1 \cap V(G)} w(u) = w(S) {\,.}$$ Therefore, $$w(S) {\geqslant}\frac{w(S_1)}{2} {\geqslant}(1 - {\epsilon}) \frac{w(S')}{2}$$ Therefore, we have $${\phi^{\sf V}}(G) {\leqslant}{\phi^{\sf V}}_G(S) = \frac{w(N_G(S))}{w(S)} {\leqslant}\frac{ w(N_{G'}(S') \cup N_{ G'}(\bar{S}') }{(1 - {\epsilon}) w(S')/2}
= 4 {\Phi^{\sf V}}_{G'}(S') = 4 {\Phi^{\sf V}}(G') {\,.}$$
Putting these two together, we have $$\frac{{\phi^{\sf V}}(G)}{2} {\leqslant}{\Phi^{\sf V}}(G') {\leqslant}4 {\phi^{\sf V}}(G) {\,.}$$
Omitted Proofs {#app:omitproofs}
Let $z_1, \ldots, z_n \in R$ and let $x_i {\stackrel{\textup{def}}{=}}z_i^+$. Then $$\frac{ \sum_i \max_{j \sim i} \Abs{x_i^2 - x_j^2} }{ \sum_i x_i^2 - \frac{1}{n} \left( \sum_i x_i \right)^2}
{\leqslant}6 \sqrt{ \frac{ \sum_i \max_{j \sim i} (z_i - z_j)^2 }{ \sum_i z_i^2 - \frac{1}{n} \left( \sum_i z_i \right)^2} }.$$
W.l.o.g we may assume that $\Abs{\supp(Z^+)} = \Abs{\supp(Z^-)} = {\lceil n/2 \rceil} $ and that $z_1 {\geqslant}z_2 {\geqslant}\ldots {\geqslant}z_n $.
Note that for any $i \in [n]$, we have $ \max_{ j \sim i, \& j < i} (z_j^+ - z_i^+)^2 +
\max_{ j \sim i, \& j > i} (z_j^- - z_i^-)^2 {\leqslant}2 \max_{j \sim i} (z_j - z_i)^2 $. Now,
\frac{ \sum_i \max_{j \sim i} (z_j - z_i)^2 }{ \sum_i z_i^2}
& {\geqslant}& \frac{ \sum_{ i } \max_{j < i \& j \sim i} (z_j^+ - z_i^+)^2 + \sum_{ i } \max_{j > i \& j \sim i} (z_j^- - z_i^-)^2 }
{2\left( \sum_{ i \in \supp(Z^+)} z_i^2 + \sum_{ i \in \supp(Z^-)} z_i^2 \right) } \\
& {\geqslant}& \min \left\{ \frac{ \sum_{ i} \max_{j <i \& j \sim i} (z_j^+ - z_i^+)^2 }{ 2 \sum_{ i \in \supp(Z^+)} z_i^2 },
\frac{ \sum_{ i} \max_{j > i \& j \sim i} (z_j^- - z_i^-)^2 }{ 2 \sum_{ i \in \supp(Z^-)} z_i^2 } \right\}\end{aligned}$$
W.l.o.g we may assume that $$\frac{ \sum_{ i } \max_{j < i \& j \sim i} (z_j^+ - z_i^+)^2 }{ \sum_{ i \in \supp(Z^+)} z_i^2 } {\leqslant}\frac{ \sum_{ i } \max_{j > i \& j \sim i} (z_j^- - z_i^-)^2 }{ \sum_{ i \in \supp(Z^-)} z_i^2 }$$
$$\frac{ \sum_{ i} \max_{j \sim i} (x_j - x_i)^2 }{ \sum_i x_i^2 } {\leqslant}2 \frac{ \sum_i \max_{j \sim i} (z_j - z_i)^2 }{ \sum_i z_i^2 }$$
We have
\max_{j \sim i, j < i} (x_j^2 - x_i^2 ) &=&
\max_{j \sim i, j < i} (x_j - x_i )(x_j + x_i ) \\
& {\leqslant}& \max_{j \sim i, j < i} \left( (x_j - x_i)^2 + 2 x_i (x_j - x_i) \right) \\
& {\leqslant}& \max_{j \sim i, j < i} (x_j - x_i)^2 + 2 x_i \max_{j \sim i, j < i} (x_j - x_i) \\
& {\leqslant}& \sum_i \max_{j \sim i, j < i} (x_j - x_i)^2 + 2 \sqrt{ \sum_i x_i^2 } \sqrt{\max_{j \sim i, j < i} (x_j - x_i)^2 }
\qquad \textrm{ Cauchy-Schwarz} \\
& = & {\lambda_{\infty}}\sum_i x_i^2 + 2 \sqrt{{\lambda_{\infty}}} \sum_i x_i^2 \\ \end{aligned}$$
Thus we have $$\frac{\sum_i \max_{j \sim i, j < i} (x_j^2 - x_i^2) }{ \sum_i x_i^2}
{\leqslant}6 \sqrt{ \frac{ \sum_i \max_{j \sim i} (z_j - z_i)^2 }{ \sum_i z_i^2 } }$$
\[lem:bal-vert-to-vert\] A [[c]{}-vs-[s]{} ]{}hardness for $b$-Balanced-vertex expansion implies a [[2 c]{}-vs-[s/2]{} ]{} hardness for vertex expansion.
Fix a graph $G = (V,E)$.
#### Completeness
If $G$ has Balanced-vertex expansion at most $c$, then clearly its vertex expansion is also at most $c$.
#### Soundness
Suppose we have a polynomial time algorithm that outputs a set $S$ having ${\phi^{\sf V}}(S) {\leqslant}s$ whenever $G$ has a set $S'$ having ${\phi^{\sf V}}(S') {\leqslant}2c$. Then this algorithm can be used as an oracle to find a balanced set of vertex expansion at most $s$. This would contradict the hardness of Balanced-vertex expansion.
First we find a set, say $T$, having ${\phi^{\sf V}}(T) {\leqslant}s$. If we are unable to find such a $T$, we stop. If we find such a set $T$ and $T$ has balance at least $b$, then we stop. Else, we delete the vertices in $T$ from $G$ and repeat. We continue until the number of deleted vertices first exceeds a $b/2$ fraction of the vertices.
If the process deletes less than $b/2$ fraction of the vertices, then the remaining graph (which has at least $(1 - b/2)n$ vertices) has conductance $2c$, and thus in the original graph every $b$-balanced cut has conductance at least $c$. This is a contradiction !
If the process deletes between $b/2$ and $1/2$ of the nodes, then the union of the deleted sets gives a set $T'$ with ${\phi^{\sf V}}(T') {\leqslant}s$ and balance of $T'$ at least $b/2$.
\[fact:appGauss\] Let $Y_1, Y_2, \ldots, Y_d$ be $d$ standard normal random variables. Let $Y$ be the random variable defined as $Y {\stackrel{\textup{def}}{=}}\max {\left\{Y_i | i\in [d]\right\}}$. Then $$\Ex{Y^2} {\leqslant}4 \log d \qquad \textrm{ and } \qquad \Ex{Y} {\leqslant}2 \sqrt{\log d} {\,.}$$
For any $Z_1, \ldots, Z_d \in {{\varmathbb}R}$ and any $p \in {{{\varmathbb}Z}}^+$, we have $\max_i \Abs{Z_i} {\leqslant}(\sum_i Z_i^p)^{\frac{1}{p}}$. Now $Y^2 = (\max_i X_i)^2 {\leqslant}\max_i X_i^2$.
\Ex{Y^2} & {\leqslant}& \Ex{ \left( \sum_i X_i^{2p} \right)^{\frac{1}{p}} }
{\leqslant}\left(\Ex{ \sum_i X_i^{2p} } \right)^{\frac{1}{p}} \quad \textrm{ ( Jensen's Inequality )} \\
& {\leqslant}& \left( \sum_i \left( \Ex{X_i^2} \right) \frac{(2p)! }{(p)! 2^{p} } \right)^{\frac{1}{p}}
{\leqslant}2 p d^{\frac{1}{p}} \quad \textrm{(using $(2p)!/p! {\leqslant}(2p)^{p} $ )} \\\end{aligned}$$
Picking $p = \log d$ gives $\Ex{Y^2} {\leqslant}2e \log d$.
Therefore $\Ex{Y} {\leqslant}\sqrt{\Ex{Y^2}} {\leqslant}\sqrt{2 e \log d} $.
Noise Operators
Let $H$ be a Markov chain and let $F : V(H^k) \to {\left\{0,1\right\}} $ be any boolean function. In this section we prove some basic properties of $\Gamma_{1 - \eta}F$. We restate the definition of our Noise Operator $\Gamma_{1 - \eta}$. $$\Gamma_{1 - \eta}F(X) = (1 - \eta)F(X) + \eta \E_{ Y \sim X} F(Y)$$
The Fourier expansion of the function $F$ is $ F = \sum_\sigma \hat{f}_{\sigma} e_{\sigma}$ where ${\left\{e_{\sigma}\right\}}$ is the set of eigenvectors of $H^k$. It is easy to see that $e_{\sigma} = e_{\sigma_1} \otimes \ldots \otimes e_{\sigma_k}$, where the ${\left\{e_{\sigma_i}\right\}}$ are the eigenvectors of $H$.
\[lem:lowdeg\] (Decay of High degree Coefficients) Let $Q_j$ be the multi-linear polynomial representation of $ \Abs{ \Gamma_{1 - \eta}F(X) - \Gamma_{1 - \eta}F(Y_j)}$. Then, $${\mathsf{Var}}(Q_j^{>p}) {\leqslant}(1 - {\epsilon}\eta)^{2p}$$
\Gamma_{1 - \eta} F(X) & = & (1 - \eta)F(X) + \eta \E_{ Y \sim X} F(Y) \\
& = & \sum_{\sigma} \hat{f}_{\sigma} \Ex{e_{\sigma}(X) + \E_{Y \sim X}F(Y) } \\
& = & \sum_{\sigma} \hat{f}_{\sigma} \Pi_{i \in \sigma} \left( (1 - \eta)e_{\sigma_i}(X_i) + \E_{Y_i \sim X_i} e_{\sigma_i}(Y_i) \right) \\\end{aligned}$$
We bound the second moment of $\Gamma_{1 - \eta}F$ as follows
\E_{X} \left( \Gamma_{1 - \eta} F(X) \right)^2
& = & \sum_{\sigma} \hat{f}_{\sigma}^2 \E_{X} \Pi_{i \in \sigma} \left( (1 - \eta)e_{\sigma_i}(X_i) + \eta \E_{Y_i \sim X_i} e_{\sigma_i}(Y_i) \right)^2 \\
& = & \sum_{\sigma} \hat{f}_{\sigma}^2 \Pi_{i \in \sigma} \left( (1 - \eta)^2 \E_{X_i} e_{\sigma_i}(X_i)^2 +
\eta^2 \E_{X_i} \left( \E_{Y_i \sim X_i} e_{\sigma_i}(Y_i) \right)^2
+ 2 \eta (1 - \eta) \E_{X_i} \E_{Y_i \sim X_i} e_{\sigma_i}(X_i) e_{\sigma_i}(Y_i) \right)^2 \\
& = & \sum_{\sigma} \hat{f}_{\sigma}^2 \Pi_{i \in \sigma} \left( (1 - \eta)^2 + \eta^2 \lambda_i^2 + 2 \eta (1 - \eta) \lambda_i \right) \\
& = & \sum_{\sigma} \hat{f}_{\sigma}^2 \Pi_{i \in \sigma} \left( 1 - \eta + \eta \lambda_i \right)^2 \\\end{aligned}$$
{\mathsf{Var}}(Q_j^{>p}) & {\leqslant}& 4 \sum_{\sigma : \Abs{\sigma} > p} \hat{f}_{\sigma}^2 \Pi_{i \in \sigma} \left( 1 - \eta + \eta \lambda_i \right)^2 \\
& {\leqslant}& \sum_{\sigma : \Abs{\sigma} > p} \hat{f}_{\sigma}^2 \left( 1 - {\epsilon}\eta \right)^{2 \Abs{\sigma} } \\
& {\leqslant}& ( 1 - {\epsilon}\eta )^{2 p} \\\end{aligned}$$
Here the second inequality follows from the fact that all non-trivial eigenvalues of $H$ are at most $1 - {\epsilon}$ and the third inequality follows Parseval’s indentity.
[^1]: Supported by National Science Foundation awards AF-0915903 and AF-0910584.
[^2]: Supported by NSF Career Award and Alfred. P. Sloan Fellowship
[^3]: For any $x \in {{\varmathbb}R}$, $x^+ {\stackrel{\textup{def}}{=}}\max {\left\{x,0\right\}}$.
| {
"pile_set_name": "ArXiv"
} | ArXiv |
abstract: |
Identifying moving objects in a video sequence, which is produced by a static camera, is a fundamental and critical task in many computer-vision applications. A common approach performs background subtraction, which identifies moving objects as the portion of a video frame that differs significantly from a background model. A good background subtraction algorithm has to be robust to changes in the illumination and it should avoid detecting non-stationary background objects such as moving leaves, rain, snow, and shadows. In addition, the internal background model should quickly respond to changes in background such as objects that start to move or stop.
We present a new algorithm for video segmentation that processes the input video sequence as a 3D matrix where the third axis is the time domain. Our approach identifies the background by reducing the input dimension using the *diffusion bases* methodology. Furthermore, we describe an iterative method for extracting and deleting the background. The algorithm has two versions and thus covers the complete range of backgrounds: one for scenes with static backgrounds and the other for scenes with dynamic (moving) backgrounds.
- |
Dina Dushnik$^1$ Alon Schclar$^2$[^1] Amir Averbuch$^1$\
$^1$ School of Computer Science,\
Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv 69978, Israel\
$^2$ School of Computer Science,\
Academic College of Tel-Aviv Yafo, Tel Aviv 61083, Israel
- 'references.bib'
title: Video Segmentation via Diffusion Bases
**keywords**: Video Segmentation, Background subtraction, Markov processes, Graph algorithms.
Introduction \[sub:introduction\]
Video surveillance systems, tracking systems, statistical packages that count people, games, etc. seek to automatically identify people, objects, or events of interest in different environment types. Typically, these systems consist of stationary cameras, that are directed at offices, parking lots, playgrounds, fences and so on, together with computer systems that process the video frames. Human operators or other processing elements are notified about salient events. There are many needs for automated surveillance systems in commercial, law enforcement, and military applications. In addition to the obvious security applications, video surveillance technology has been proposed to measure traffic flow, detect accidents on highways, monitor pedestrian congestion in public spaces, compile consumer demographics in shopping malls and amusement parks, log routine maintenance tasks at nuclear facilities, and count endangered species. The numerous military applications include patrolling national borders, measuring the flow of refugees in troubled areas, monitoring peace treaties, and providing secure perimeters around bases.
Substraction of backgrounds, which are captured by static cameras, can be useful to achieve low-bit rate video compression for transmission of rich multimedia content. The subtracted background is transmitted once, followed by the segmented objects which are detected.
A common element in surveillance systems is a module that performs background subtraction to distinguish between background pixels, which should be ignored, and foreground pixels, which should be processed for identification or tracking. The difficulty in background subtraction is not to differentiate, but to maintain the background model, its representation and its associated statistics. In particular, capturing the background in frames where the background can change over time. These changes can be moving trees, leaves, water flowing, sprinklers, fountains, video screens (billboards) just to name a few typical examples. Other forms of changes are weather changes like rain and snow, illumination changes like turning on and off the light in a room and changes in daylight. We refer to this background type as *dynamic background* (DBG) while a background without changes or with slight changes is referred to as *static background* (SBG).
In this paper, we present a new method for capturing the background. It is based on the application of the *diffusion bases* (DB) algorithm. Moreover, we develop real time iterative method for background subtraction in order to separate between background and foreground pixels while overcoming the presence of changes in the background. The main steps of the algorithm are:
- Extract the background frame by dimensionality reduction via the application of the DB algorithm.
- Subtract the background from the input sequence.
- Threshold the subtracted sequence.
- Detect the foreground objects by applying *depth first search* (DFS).
We propose two versions of the algorithm - one for static background and the other for dynamic background. To handle dynamic background, a learning process is applied to data that contains only the background objects in order to generate a frame that extracts the DBG. The proposed algorithm outperform current state-of-the-art algorithms.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows: In section \[sub:relatedWork\], related algorithms for background subtraction are presented. In section \[sub:DimReduction\], we present the the *diffusion bases* (DB) algorithm. The main algorithm, that is called the *background substraction algorithm using diffusion bases* (BSDB), is presented in section \[BSDB\]. In section \[EXPERIMENTAL\], we present experimental results, a performance analysis of the BSDB algorithm and we compare it to other background subtraction algorithms.
Related work \[sub:relatedWork\]
Background subtraction is a widely used approach for detection of moving objects in video sequences that are captured by static cameras. This approach detects moving objects by differentiating between the current frame and a reference frame, often called the background frame, or background model. In order to extract the objects of interest, a threshold can be applied on the subtracted frame. The background frame should faithfully represent the scene. It should not contain moving objects. In addition, it must be regularly updated in order to adapt to varying conditions such as illumination and geometry changes. This section provides a review of the current state-of-the-art background subtraction techniques. These techniques range from simple approaches, aiming to maximize speed and minimizing the memory requirements, to more sophisticated approaches, aiming to achieve the highest possible accuracy under any possible circumstances. The goal of these approaches is to run in real-time. Additional references can be found in [@CLK00; @P04; @M00].
[**Temporal median filter** - ]{}
In [@LV01], is was proposed to use the median value of the last $n$ frames as the background model. This provides an adequate background model even if the $n$ frames are subsampled with respect to the original frame rate by a factor of 10 [@CGPP03]. The median filter is computed on a special set of values that contains the last $n$ subsampled frames and the last computed median value. This combination increases the stability of the background model [@CGPP03].
A fundamental shortcoming of the the median-based approach is the need to store the recent pixel values in order to facilitate the median computation. Moreover, the median filter can not be described by rigorous statistics and does not provide a deviation measure with which the subtraction threshold can be adapted.
[**Gaussian average** - ]{}
This approach models the background independently at each pixel location $(i,j)$ [@WADP97]. The model is based on ideally fitting a Gaussian probability density function (pdf) to the last $n$ pixels. At each new frame at time $t$, a running average is computed by $ \psi_{t}=\alpha I_{t}+(1-\alpha)\psi_{t-1}$ where $I_{t}$ is the current frame, $\psi_{t-1}$ is the previous average and $\alpha$ is an empirical weight that is often chosen as a tradeoff between stability and quick update.
In addition to speed, the advantage of the running average is given by a low memory requirement. Instead of a buffer with the last $n$ pixel values, each pixel is classified using two parameters $(\psi_{t},\sigma_{t})$, where $\sigma_{t}$ is the standard deviation. Let $p_{i,j}^{t}$ be the $(i,j)$ pixel at time $t$. $p_{i,j}^{t}$ is classified as a foreground pixel if $|p_{i,j}^{t}-\psi_{t-1}|>k\sigma_{t}$. Otherwise $p_{i,j}^{t}$ is classified as background pixel.
[**Mixture of Gaussians** - ]{}
In order to cope with rapid changes in the background, a multi-valued background mode was suggested in [@SG99]. In this model, the probability of observing a certain pixel $x$ at time $t$ is represented by a mixture of $k$ Gaussians distributions: $P(x_{t})=\Sigma_{i=1}^{k}w_{i,t}\eta(x_{t},\psi_{i,t},\Sigma_{i,t})$ where for each $i$-th Gaussian in the mixture at time $t$, $w$ estimates what portion of the data is accounted for by this Gaussian, $\psi$ is the mean value, $\Sigma$ is the covariance matrix and $\eta$ is a Gaussian probability density function. In practice, $k$ is set to be between 3 and 5. Each of the $k$ Gaussian distributions describes only one of the observable background or foreground objects. The distributions are ranked according to the ratio between their peak amplitude $w_{i}$ and their standard deviation $\sigma_{i}$. Let $Th$ be the threshold value. The first $B$ distributions that satisfy $\Sigma_{i=1}^{B}w_{i}>Th$ are accepted as background. All the other distributions are considered as foreground.
Let $I_{t}$ be a frame at time $t$. At each frame $I_{t}$, two events take place simultaneously: assigning the new observed value $x_{t}$ to the best matching distribution and estimating the updated model parameters. The distributions are ranked and the first that satisfies $(x_{t}-\psi_{i,t})/\sigma_{i,t}>2.5$ is a match for $x_{t}$.
[**Kernel density estimation (KDE)** - ]{}
This approach models the background distribution by a non-parametric model that is based on a Kernel Density Estimation (KDE) of the buffer of the last *n* background values ([@EHD00]). KDE guarantees a smooth, continuous version of the histogram of the most recent values that are classified as background values. This histogram is used to approximate the background pdf.
The background pdf is given as a sum of Gaussian kernels centered at the most recent $n$ background values, $x_{t}$: $P(x_{t})=\frac{1}{n}\Sigma_{i=1}^{n}\eta(x_{t}-x_{i},\Sigma_{t})$ where $\eta$ is the kernel estimator function and $\Sigma_{t}$ represents the kernel function bandwidth. $\Sigma$ is estimated by computing the median absolute deviation over the sample for consecutive intensity values of the pixel. Each Gaussian describes just one sample data. The buffer of the background values is selectively updated in a FIFO order for each new frame $I_{t}$.
In this application two similar models are concurrently used, one for long-term memory and the other for short-term memory. The long-term model is updated using a *blind* update mechanism that prevents incorrect classification of background pixels.
[**Sequential kernel density approximation** - ]{}
Mean-shift vector techniques have been proved to be an effective tool for solving a variety of pattern recognition problems e.g. tracking and segmentation ([@C03; @CM02]). One of the main advantages of these techniques is their ability to directly detect the main modes of the pdf from the sample data while relying on a minimal set of assumptions. Unfortunately, the computational cost of this approach is very high. As such, it is not immediately applicable to modeling background pdfs at the pixel level.
To solve this problem, computational optimizations are used to mitigate the computational high cost ([@PJ04]). Moreover, the mean-shift vector can be used only for an off-line model initialization [@JCD04], i.e. the initial set of Gaussian modes of the background pdf is detected from an initial sample set. The real-time model is updated by simple heuristics that handle mode adaptation, creations, and merging.
[**Co-occurrence of image variations** - ]{}
This method exploits spatial cooccurrences of image variations ([@SWFS03]). It assumes that neighboring blocks of pixels that belong to the background should have similar variations over time. The disadvantage of this method is that it does not handle blocks at the borders of distinct background objects.
This method divides each frame to distinct blocks of $N\times N$ pixels where each block is regarded as an $N^{2}$-component vector. This trades-off resolution with high speed and better stability. During the learning phase, a certain number of samples is acquired at a set of points, for each block. The temporal average is computed and the differences between the samples and the average, called the *image variations*, is calculated. Then the $N^{2}\times N^{2}$ covariance matrix is computed with respect to the average. An eigenvector transformation is applied to reduce the dimensions of the image variations.
For each block $b$, a classification phase is performed: the corresponding current eigen-*image-variations* are computed on a neighboring block of $b$. Then the image variation is expressed as a linear interpolation of its L-nearest neighbors in the eigenspace. The same interpolation coefficients are applied on the values of $b$, to provide an estimate for its current eigen-*image-variations*.
[**Eigen-backgrounds** - ]{}
This approach is based on an eigen-decomposition of the whole image [@ORP00]. During a learning phase, samples of $n$ images are acquired. The average image is then computed and subtracted from all the images. The covariance matrix is computed and the best eigenvectors are stored in an eigenvector matrix. For each frame $I$, a classification phase is executed: $I$ is projected onto the eigenspace and then projected back onto the image space. The output is the background frame, which does not contain any small moving objects. A threshold is applied on the difference between $I$ and the background frame.
Dimensionality reduction \[sub:DimReduction\]
Dimensionality reduction has been extensively researched. Classic techniques for dimensionality reduction such as Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Multidimensional Scaling (MDS) are simple to implement and can be efficiently computed. However, they guarantee to discover the true structure of a data set only when the data set lies on or near a linear subspace of the high-dimensional input space ([@MKB02]). These methods are highly sensitive to noise and outliers since they take into account the distances between *all* pairs of points. Furthermore, PCA and MDS fail to detect non-linear structures.
More recent dimensionality reduction methods like Local Linear Embedding (LLE) [@LLE00] and ISOMAP [@ISO00] amend this pitfall by considering for each point only the distances to its closest neighboring points in the data. Recently, Coifman and Lafon [@CL_DM04] introduced the *Diffusion Maps* (DM) algorithm which is a manifold learning scheme. DM embeds high dimensional data into an Euclidean space of substantially smaller dimension while preserving the geometry of the data set. The global geometry is preserved by maintaining the local neighborhood geometry of each point in the data set. DM uses a random walk distance that is more robust to noise since it averages all the paths between a pair of points. *Diffusion Bases* (DB) - a dual algorithm to the DM algorithm - is described in (A. Schclar and A. Averbuch. “Segmentation and anomalies detection in hyper-spectral images via diffusion bases”, preprint, 2008). The DB algorithm is dual to the DM algorithm in the sense that it explores the variability among the *coordinates* of the original data. Both algorithms share a graph Laplacian construction, however, the DB algorithm uses the Laplacian eigenvectors as an orthonormal system on which it projects the original data.
Diffusion Bases (DB) \[sub:db\]
This section reviews the DB algorithm for dimensionality reduction. Let $\Omega=\left\{ x_{i}\right\} _{i=1}^{m},\,
x_{i}\in\mathbb{R}^{n}$, be a data set and let $x_{i}\left(j\right)$ denote the $j^{th}$ coordinate of $x_{i}$, $1\le j\le n$. We define the vector $y_{j}\triangleq\left(x_{1}\left(j\right),\dots,x_{m}\left(j\right)\right)$ as the vector whose components are composed of the $j^{th}$ coordinate of all the points in $\Omega$. The DB algorithm consists of the following steps:
- Construct the data set $\Omega'=\left\{ y_{j}\right\}
- Build a non-directed graph $G$ whose vertices correspond to $\Omega'$ with a non-negative and fast-decaying weight function $w_{\varepsilon}$ that corresponds to the *local* point-wise similarity between the points in $\Omega'$. By fast decay we mean that given a scale parameter $\varepsilon>0$ we have $w_{\varepsilon}\left(y_{i},y_{j}\right)\rightarrow0$ when $\left\Vert y_{i}-y_{j}\right\Vert \gg\varepsilon$ and $w_{\varepsilon}\left(y_{i},y_{j}\right)\rightarrow1$ when $\left\Vert y_{i}-y_{j}\right\Vert \ll\varepsilon$. One of the common choices for $w_{\varepsilon}$ is $$w_{\varepsilon}\left(y_{i},y_{j}\right)=\exp\left(-\frac{\left\Vert
y_{i}-y_{j}\right\Vert ^{2}}{\varepsilon}\right)\label{eq:gaussian}$$ where $\varepsilon$ defines a notion of neighborhood by defining a $\varepsilon$-neighborhood for every point $y_{i}$.
- Construction of a random walk on the graph $G$ via a Markov transition matrix $P$. $P$ is the row-stochastic version of $w_{\varepsilon}$ which is derived by dividing each row of $w_{\varepsilon}$ by its sum[^2].
- Perform an eigen-decomposition of $P$ to produce the left and the right eigenvectors of $P$: $\left\{ \psi_{k}\right\} _{k=1,\dots,n}$ and $\left\{ \xi_{k}\right\} _{k=1,\dots,n}$, respectively. Let $\left\{
\lambda_{k}\right\} _{k=1,\dots,n}$ be the eigenvalues of $P$ where $\left|\lambda_{1}\right|\ge\left|\lambda_{2}\right|\ge...\ge\left|\lambda_{n}\right|$.
- The right eigenvectors of $P$ constitute an orthonormal basis $\left\{ \xi_{k}\right\}
_{k=1,\dots,n},\,\xi_{k}\in\mathbb{R}^{n}$. These eigenvectors capture the *non-linear* coordinate-wise variability of the original data.
- Next, we use the spectral decay property of the spectral decomposition to extract only the first $\eta$ eigenvectors $BS\triangleq\left\{
\xi_{k}\right\} _{k=1,\dots,\eta},$ which contain the *non-linear* directions with the highest variability of the coordinates of the original data set $\Omega$.
- We project the original data $\Omega$ onto the basis $BS$. Let $\Omega_{BS}$ be the set of these projections: $\Omega_{BS}=\left\{ g_{i}\right\}
_{i=1}^{m},\, g_{i}\in\mathbb{R}^{\eta},$ where $g_{i}=\left(x_{i}\cdot\xi_{1},\dots,x_{i}\cdot\xi_{\eta}\right),\,\,
i=1,\dots,m$ and $\cdot$ denotes the inner product operator. $\Omega_{BS}$ contains the coordinates of the original points in the orthonormal system whose axes are given by $BS$. Alternatively, $\Omega_{BS}$ can be interpreted in the following way: the coordinates of $g_{i}$ contain the correlation between $x_{i}$ and the directions given by the vectors in $BS$.
A summary of the DB procedure is given in Algorithm \[alg:Diffusion-Basis-Calculation\]. An enhancement of the spectral decomposition is described in (A. Schclar and A. Averbuch. “Segmentation and anomalies detection in hyper-spectral images via diffusion bases”, preprint, 2008).
**DiffusionBasis($\Omega'$, $w_{\varepsilon}$, $\varepsilon$, $\eta$)**
1. Calculate the weight function $w_{\varepsilon}\left(y_{i},y_{j}\right),\,\, i,j=1,\dots n$, (Eq. \[eq:gaussian\]).
2. Construct a Markov transition matrix $P$ by normalizing the sum of each row in $w_{\varepsilon}$ to be 1: $$p\left(y_{i},y_{j}\right)=\frac{w_{\varepsilon}\left(y_{i},y_{j}\right)}{d\left(y_{i}\right)}$$ where $d\left(y_{i}\right)=\sum_{j=1}^{n}w_{\varepsilon}\left(y_{i},y_{j}\right)$.
3. Perform a spectral decomposition of $P$$$p\left(y_{i},y_{j}\right)\equiv\sum_{k=1}^{n}\lambda_{k}\xi_{k}\left(y_{i}\right)\psi_{k}\left(y_{j}\right)$$ where the left and the right eigenvectors of $P$ are given by $\left\{ \psi_{k}\right\} $ and $\left\{ \xi_{k}\right\} $, respectively, and $\left\{ \lambda_{k}\right\} $ are the eigenvalues of $P$ in descending order of magnitude.
4. Let $BS\triangleq\left\{ \xi_{k}\right\} _{k=1,\dots,\eta}.$
5. Project the original data $\Omega$ onto the orthonormal system $BS$:$$\Omega_{BS}=\left\{ g_{i}\right\} _{i=1}^{m},\,
g_{i}\in\mathbb{R}^{\eta}$$ where$$g_{i}=\left(x_{i}\cdot\xi_{1},\dots,x_{i}\cdot\xi_{\eta}\right),\,\,
i=1,\dots,m,\,\xi_{k}\in BS,\,1\le k\le\eta$$ and $\cdot$ is the inner product.
6. **return** $\Omega_{BS}$.
The Background Subtraction Algorithm using Diffusion Bases (BSDB) {#BSDB}
In this section we present the BSDB algorithm. The algorithm has two versions:
[**Static background subtraction using DB (SBSDB)**:]{} We assume that the background is static (SBG) – see section \[SBG\]. The video sequence is captured on-line. Gray level images are sufficient for the processing.
[**Dynamic background substraction using DB (DBSDB)**:]{} We assume that the background is moving (DBG) – see section \[DBG\]. This algorithm uses off-line (training) and on-line (detection) procedures. As opposed to the SBSDB, this algorithm requires color (RGB) frames.
We assume that in both algorithms the camera is static.
Static background subtraction algorithm using DB (SBSDB) {#SBG}
In this section we describe the on-line algorithm that is applied on a video sequence that is captured by a static camera. We assume that the background is static. The SBSDB algorithm captures the static background, subtracts it from the video sequence and segments the subtracted output.
The input to the algorithm is a sequence of video frames in gray-level format. The algorithm produces a binary mask for each video frame. The pixels in the binary mask that belong to the background are assigned 0 values while the other pixels are assigned to be 1.
### Off-line algorithm for capturing static background\[sub:findSteadyBg\]
In order to capture the static background of a scene, we reduce the dimensionality of the input sequence by applying the DB algorithm (Algorithm \[alg:Diffusion-Basis-Calculation\] in section \[sub:db\]). The input to the algorithm consists of $n$ frames that form a datacube.
Formally, let $D_{n}=\left\{s_{i,j}^{t}, i,j=1,...,N,
t=1,...,n\right\}$ be the input datacube of $n$ frames each of size $N\times N$ where $s_{i,j}^{t}$ is the pixel at position $(i,j)$ in the video frame at time $t$. We define the vector $P_{i,j}\triangleq\left(s_{i,j}^{1},...,s_{i,j}^{n}\right)$ to be the values of the $(i,j)^{th}$ coordinate at all the $n$ frames in $D_{n}$. This vector is referred to as a *hyperpixel*. Let $\Omega_{n}=\left\{P_{i,j}\right\}$, $i,j=1,...,N$ be the set of all hyperpixels. We define $F_{t}\triangleq(s_{1,1}^{t},...,s_{N,N}^{t})$ to be a 1-D vector representing the video frame at time $t$. We refer to $F_{t}$ as a frame-vector. Let $\Omega'_{n}\triangleq\left\{F_{t}\right\}_{t=1}^{n}$ be the set of all frame-vectors.
We apply the DB algorithm to $\Omega_{n}$ in $\Omega_{BS}$=DiffusionBasis($\Omega'_{n}$, $w_{\varepsilon}$, $\varepsilon$, $\eta$) where $w_{\varepsilon}$ is defined by Eq. \[eq:gaussian\], $\varepsilon$ and $\eta$ are defined in section \[sub:db\] - see Algorithm \[alg:Diffusion-Basis-Calculation\]. The output is the projection of every hyperpixel on the diffusion basis which embeds the original data $D_{n}$ into a reduced space. The first vector of $\Omega_{BS}$ represents the background of the input frames. Let $bg_{V}=\left(x_{i}\right)$, $i=1,...,N^{2}$ be this vector. We reshape $bg_{V}$ into the matrix $bg_{M}=\left(x_{i,j}\right), i,j=1,...,N$. Then, $bg_{M}$ is normalized to be between 0 to 255. The normalized background is denoted by $\widehat{bg}_{M}$.
### On-line algorithm for capturing a static background\[sub:findBgRT\]
In order to make the algorithm suitable for on-line applications, the incoming video sequence is processed by using a *sliding window* (SW) of size $m$. Thus, the number of frames that are input to the algorithm is $m$. Naturally, we seek to minimize $m$ in order to obtain a faster result from the algorithm. We found empirically that the algorithm produces good results for values of $m$ as low as $m=5,6$ and $7$. The delay of 5 to 7 frames is negligible and renders the algorithm to be suitable for on-line applications.
Let $S=\left(s_{1},...,s_{i}...,s_{m},s_{m+1},...,s_{n}\right)$ be the input video sequence. we apply the algorithm that is described in section \[sub:findSteadyBg\] to every SW. The output is a sequence of background frames $$\widehat{BG}=\left((\widehat{bg}_{M})_{1},...,(\widehat{bg}_{M})_{i},...,(\widehat{bg}_{M})_{m},(\widehat{bg}_{M})_{m+1},...,(\widehat{bg}_{M})_{n}\right)$$ where $(\widehat{bg}_{M})_{i}$ is the background that corresponds to frame $s_{i}$ and $(\widehat{bg}_{M})_{n-m+2}$ till $(\widehat{bg}_{M})_{n}$ are equal to $(\widehat{bg}_{M})_{n-m+1}$. Figure \[fig:slidingWindow\] describes how the SW is shifted.
The SW results in a faster execution time of the DB algorithm. The weight function $w_{\varepsilon}$ (Eq. \[eq:gaussian\]) is not recalculated for all the frame in the SW. Instead, $w_{\varepsilon}$ is only updated according to the new frame that enters the SW and the one that exits the SW. Specifically, let $W_{t}=\left(s_{t},...,s_{t+m-1}\right)$ be the SW at time $t$ and let $W_{t+1}=\left(s_{t+1},...,s_{t+m}\right)$ be the SW at time $t+1$. At time $t+1$, $w_{\varepsilon}$ is calculated only for $s_{t+m}$ and the entries that correspont to $s_{t}$ are removed from $w_{\varepsilon}$.
![Illustration of how the SW is shifted. $W_{1}=\left(s_{1},...,s_{m}\right)$ is the SW for $s_{1}$. $W_{2}=\left(s_{2},...,s_{m+1}\right)$ is the SW for $s_{2}$, etc. The backgrounds of $s_{i}$ and $s_{i+1}$ are denoted by $(\widehat{bg}_{M})_{i}$ and $(\widehat{bg}_{M})_{i+1}$, $i=1,...,n-m+1$, respectively.[]{data-label="fig:slidingWindow"}](3_2.pdf){width="13cm"}
### The SBSDB algorithm\[sub:algSteadyBg\]
The SBSDB on-line algorithm captures the background of each SW according to section \[sub:findBgRT\]. Then it subtracts the background from the input sequence and thresholds the output to get the background binary mask.
Let $S=\left(s_{1}...,s_{n}\right)$ be the input sequence. For each frame $s_{i}\in S$, $i=1,...,n$, we do the following:
- Let $W_{i}=\left(s_{i},...,s_{i+m-1}\right)$ be the SW of $s_{i}$. The on-line algorithm for capturing the background (section \[sub:findBgRT\]) is applied to $W_{i}$. The output is the background frame $(\widehat{bg}_{M})_{i}$.
- The SBSDB algorithm subtracts $(\widehat{bg}_{M})_{i}$ from the original input frame by $\bar{s}_{i}=s_{i}-(\widehat{bg}_{M})_{i}$. Then, each pixel in $\bar{s}_{i}$ that has a negative value is set to 0.
- A threshold is applied to $\bar{s}_{i}$. The threshold is computed in section \[sub:GrayThreshold\]. For $k,l=1,...,N$ the output is defined as follows: $$\tilde{s}_{i}(k,l)=\left\{
0, & \hbox{if it is a background pixel;} \\
1, & \hbox{otherwise.}
### Threshold computation for a grayscale input\[sub:GrayThreshold\]
The threshold $Th$, which separates between background and foreground pixels, is calculated in the last step of the SBSDB algorithm. The SBSDB algorithm subtracts the background from the input frame and sets pixels with negative values to zero. Usually, the histogram of a frame after subtraction will be high at small values and low at high values. The SBSDB algorithm smooths the histogram in order to compute the threshold value accurately.
Let $h$ be the histogram of a frame and let $\mu$ be a given parameter which provides a threshold for the slope of $h$. $\mu$ is chosen to be the magnitude of the slope where $h$ becomes moderate. We scan $h$ from its global maximum to the right. We set the threshold $Th$ to be the smallest value of $x$ that satisfies $h'(x)<\mu$ where $h'_{x}$ is the first derivative of $h$ at point $x$, i.e. the slope of $h$ at point $x$. The background/foreground classification of the pixels in the input frame $\bar{s}_{i}$ is determined according to $Th$. Specifically, for $k,l=1,...,N$ $$\tilde{s}_{i}(k,l)=\left\{
0, & \hbox{if $\bar{s}_{i}(k,l)<Th$;} \\
1, & \hbox{otherwise.}
Fig. \[fig:hist\_gray\] illustrates how to find the threshold.
![An example how to use the histogram $h$ for finding the threshold value. $Th$ is set to $x$ since $h'(x)<\mu$.[]{data-label="fig:hist_gray"}](3_3.pdf){width="5cm"}
Dynamic background subtraction algorithm using DB (DBSDB) {#DBG}
In this section, we describe an on-line algorithm that handles video sequences that are captured by a static camera. We assume that the background is dynamic (moving). The DBSDB applies an off-line procedure that captures the dynamic background and an on-line background subtraction algorithm. In addition, the DBSDB algorithm segments the video sequence after the background subtraction is completed.
The input to the algorithm consists of two components:
[**Background training data**: ]{} A video sequence of the scene without foreground objects. This training data can be obtained from the frames in the beginning of the video sequence. This sequence is referred to as the *background data* (BGD).
[**Data for classification**: ]{} A video sequence that contains background and foreground objects. The classification of the objects is performed on-line. We refer to this sequence as the *real-time data* (RTD).
For both input components, the video frames are assumed to be in RGB – see Fig. \[fig:input\].
The algorithm is applied to every video frame and a binary mask is constructed in which the pixels that belong to the background are set to 0 while the foreground pixels are set to 1.
![The inputs to the DBSDB algorithm. The training is done once on the BGD. It produces the background which is input to the DBSDB. The RTD is the on-line input to the DBSDB.[]{data-label="fig:input"}](3_6.jpg){width="8cm"}
### Iterative method for capturing a dynamic background - training \[sub:captureDynamicBg\]
The algorithm that is described in section \[sub:algSteadyBg\], does not handle well on-going changes in the background, such as illumination differences between frames, moving leaves, water flowing, etc. In the following, we present a method that is not affected by background changes. An iterative procedure is applied on the BGD in order to capture the movements in the scene. This procedure constitutes the training step of the algorithm.
Let $B=\left(b_{1},...,b_{m}\right)$ be the BGD input sequence and let $bg_{M}^{final}$ be the output background frame. $bg_{M}^{final}$ is initialized to zeros. Each iteration contains the following steps:
- Application of the off-line algorithm (section \[sub:findSteadyBg\]) in order to capture the static background of $B$. The BGD is treated as a single sliding window of length $m$. The output consists of the background frames $bg_{M}$ and $\widehat{bg}_{M}$ where $\widehat{bg}_{M}$ is the normalization of $bg_{M}$.
- $\widehat{bg}_{M}$ is subtracted from each frame in $B$ by $\bar{b}_{j}=b_{j}-\widehat{bg}_{M}$, $j=1,...,m$. In case the input is in grayscale format, we set to zero each pixel in $\bar{b}_{j}$ that has a negative value. The output is the sequence $\bar{B}=\left(\bar{b}_{1},...,\bar{b}_{m}\right)$.
- $bg_{M}$ is added to $bg_{M}^{final}$ by $bg_{M}^{final}=bg_{M}^{final}+bg_{M}$.
- $\bar{B}$ is the input for the next iteration, $B=\bar{B}$.
The iterative process stops when a given number of pixels in $B$ are equal to or smaller than zero. Finally, $bg_{M}^{final}$ is normalized to be between 0 to 255. The normalized background is denoted by $\widehat{bg}_{M}^{final}$. The output of this process is composed of $bg_{M}^{final}$ and $\widehat{bg}_{M}^{final}$.
### The DBSDB algorithm \[sub:algDynamicBg\]
In this section, we describe the DBSDB algorithm which handles video sequence that contain a dynamic background. The DBSDB algorithm consists of a training phase, which captures the BGD (section \[sub:captureDynamicBg\]), and a classification phase, which is applied on the RTD. Both phases process grayscale and RGB versions of the input and generate grayscale and RGB outputs. The final phase combines the output from the grayscale classification phase and the output from the RGB classification phase.
Formally, let $S^{rgb}=\left(s_{1}^{rgb},..,s_{n}^{rgb}\right)$ and $B^{rgb}=\left(b_{1}^{rgb},...,b_{m}^{rgb}\right)$ be the RTD, which is the on-line captured video sequence, and the BGD, which is the off-line video sequence for the training phase (section \[sub:captureDynamicBg\]), respectively.\
The DBSDB algorithm consists of the following:
1. [**The grayscale training phase**]{}
- Convert $B^{rgb}$ into grayscale format. The grayscale sequence is denoted by $B^{g}$.
- Apply the SBSDB algorithm to $B^{g}$ *excluding* the threshold computation, as was done in section \[sub:algSteadyBg\]. The output is a sequence of background frames $\bar{B}^{g}$.
- Capture the *dynamic background* (DBG) in $\bar{B}^{g}$ (section \[sub:captureDynamicBg\]). The output is the background frame given by $\widehat{(bg}_{M}^{final})^{g}$.
2. [**The RGB training phase:**]{}
Capture the DBG in each of the RGB channels of $B^{rgb}$ (section \[sub:captureDynamicBg\]). The output is the background frame denoted by $\widehat{(bg}_{M}^{final})^{rgb}$.
3. [**The grayscale classification phase:** ]{}
$S^{rgb}$ is converted into grayscale format. The grayscale sequence is denoted by $S^{g}$. The SBSDB algorithm is applied on $S^{g}$ *excluding* the threshold computation, as it is described in section \[sub:algSteadyBg\]. This process is performed once or, in some cases, iteratively twice. The output is denoted by $\bar{S}^{g}$.
For each frame $\bar{s}_{i}^{g}\in \bar{S}^{g}$, $i=1,...,n$, we do the following:
- $\widehat{(bg}_{M}^{final})^{g}$ is subtracted from $\bar{s}_{i}^{g}$ by $\tilde{s}_{i}^{g}=\bar{s}_{i}^{g}-\widehat{(bg}_{M}^{final})^{g}$. Then, each pixel in $\tilde{s}_{i}^{g}$ that has a negative value is set to 0.
- A threshold is applied to $\tilde{s}_{i}^{g}$. The threshold is computed as in section \[sub:GrayThreshold\]. The output is set to: $$\breve{s}_{i}^{g}(k,l)=\left\{
0, & \hbox{if it is a background pixel;} \\
1, & \hbox{otherwise.}
\right.$$ for $k,l=1,...,N$.
4. [**The RGB classification phase:**]{}
For each frame $s_{i}^{rgb}\in S^{rgb}$, $i=1,...,n$, we do the following:
- $\widehat{(bg}_{M}^{final})^{rgb}$ is subtracted from $s_{i}^{rgb}$ by $\bar{s}_{i}^{rgb}=s_{i}^{rgb}-\widehat{(bg}_{M}^{final})^{rgb}$.
- $\bar{s}_{i}^{rgb}$ is normalized to be between 0 to 255. The normalized frame is denoted by $\tilde{s}_{i}^{rgb}$.
- A threshold is applied to $\tilde{s}_{i}^{rgb}$. The threshold is computed according to section \[sub:RGBThreshold\]. The output is set to: $$\breve{s}_{i}^{rgb}(k,l)=\left\{
0, & \hbox{if it is a background pixel;} \\
1, & \hbox{otherwise.}
\right.$$ for $k,l=1,...,N$.
5. [**The DFS phase:**]{}
This phase combines the $\breve{s}_{i}^{g}$ and $\breve{s}_{i}^{rgb}$ from the grayscale and RGB classification phases, respectively. Since $\breve{s}_{i}^{g}$ contains false negative detections (not all the foreground objects are found) and $\breve{s}_{i}^{rgb}$ contains false positive detections (background pixels are classified as foreground pixels), we use each foreground pixel in $\breve{s}_{i}^{g}$ as a reference point from which we begin the application of a DFS on $\breve{s}_{i}^{rgb}$ (see section \[sub:dfs\]).
#### Threshold computation for RGB input\[sub:RGBThreshold\] {#threshold-computation-for-rgb-inputsubrgbthreshold .unnumbered}
In the last step of the RGB classification phase in the DBSDB algorithm, the thresholds that separate between background pixels and foreground pixels are computed for each of the RGB components. The DBSDB algorithm subtracts the background from the input frame, therefore, the histogram of a frame after the subtraction is high in the center and low at the right and left ends, where the center area corresponds to the background pixels. The DBSDB algorithm smooths the histogram in order to compute the threshold values accurately.
Let $h$ be the histogram and let $\mu$ be a given parameter which provides a threshold for the slope of $h$. $\mu$ should be chosen to be the value of the slope where $h$ becomes moderate. We denote the thresholds to be $Th^{r}$ and $Th^{l}$. We scan $h$ from its global maximum to the right. $Th^{r}=x$ if $x$ is the first coordinate that satisfies $h'(x)<\mu$ where $h'(x)$ denotes the first derivative of $h$ at point $x$, i.e. the slope of $h$ at point $x$. We also scan $h$ from its global maximum to the left. $Th^{l}=y$ if $y$ is the first coordinate that satisfies $h'(y)>-\mu$.
The classification of the pixels in the input frame $\tilde{s}_{i}^{rgb}$ is determined according to $Th^{r}$ and $Th^{l}$. For each color component and for each $k,l=1,...,N$ $$\breve{s}_{i}^{rgb}(k,l)=\left\{
0, & \hbox{if $Th^{l}<\tilde{s}_{i}^{rgb}(k,l)<Th^{r}$;} \\
1, & \hbox{otherwise.}
\right.$$ See Fig.\[fig:hist\_rgb\] for an example how the thresholds are computed.
The process is executed three times, one for each of the RGB channels. The outputs are combined by a pixel-wise OR operation.
![An example that uses the histogram $h$ for finding the threshold values. []{data-label="fig:hist_rgb"}](3_4.jpg){width="7cm"}
#### Scan by depth-first search (DFS) \[sub:dfs\] {#scan-by-depth-first-search-dfs-subdfs .unnumbered}
The last phase of the DBSDB algorithm is the application of a DFS. Let $\breve{s}_{i}^{g}\in \breve{S}^{g}$ and $\breve{s}_{i}^{rgb}\in
\breve{S}^{rgb}$ be the $i^{th}$ output frames of the grayscale and the RGB classification phases, respectively. Each frame is a binary mask represented by a matrix. The DFS phase combines both outputs. In $\breve{s}_{i}^{g}$ there are false negative detections and in $\breve{s}_{i}^{rgb}$ there are false positive detections. We use each foreground pixel in $\breve{s}_{i}^{g}$ as a reference point from which we begin a DFS in $\breve{s}_{i}^{rgb}$. The goal is to find the connected components of the graph whose vertices are constructed from the pixels in $\breve{s}_{i}^{rgb}$ and whose edges are constructed according to the 8-neighborhood of each pixel.
The graph is constructed as follows:
- A pixel $\breve{s}_{i}^{rgb}(k,l)$ is a root if $\breve{s}_{i}^{g}(k,l)$ is a foreground pixel and it has not been classified yet as a foreground pixel by the algorithm.
- A pixel $\breve{s}_{i}^{rgb}(k,l)$ is a node if it is a foreground pixel and was not marked yet as a root.
- Let $\breve{s}_{i}^{rgb}(k,l)$ be a node or a root and let $M_{(k,l)}$ be a $3\times 3$ matrix that represent its 8-neighborhood. A pixel $\breve{s}_{i}^{rgb}(q,r)\in M_{(k,l)}$ is a child of $\breve{s}_{i}^{rgb}(k,l)$ if $\breve{s}_{i}^{rgb}(q,r)$ is a node (see Fig.\[fig:dfs\]).
The DFS is applied from each root in the graph. Each node, that is scanned by the DFS, represents a pixel that belongs to the foreground objects that we wish to find. The scanned pixels are marked as the new foreground pixels and the others as the new background pixels.
![$G_{(k,l)}$ is a graph representation of the neighboring matrix $M_{(k,l)}$ of the root pixel $\breve{s}_{i}^{rgb}(k,l)$. A root pixel is set to -1, a foreground pixel is set to 1 and a background pixel is set to 0.[]{data-label="fig:dfs"}](3_5.pdf){width="9cm"}
A parallel extension of the SBSDB and the DBSDB algorithms
We propose parallel extensions to the SBSDB and the DBSDB algorithms. We describe this scheme for the SBSDB algorithm and the same scheme can be used for the DBSDB algorithm.
First, the data cube $D_{n}=\left\{
s_{i,j}^{t},i,j=1,...,N,t=1,...,n\right\} $ is decomposed into overlapping blocks $\left\{ \beta_{k,l}\right\} $. Next, the SBSDB algorithm is independently applied on each block. This step can run in *parallel*. The final result of the algorithm is constructed using the results from each block. Specifically, the result from each block is placed at its original location in $D_{n}$. The result for pixels that lie in overlapping areas between adjacent blocks is obtaind by applying a logical $OR$ operation on the corresponding blocks results.
Experimental results {#EXPERIMENTAL}
In this section, we present the results from the application of the SBSDB and DBSDB algorithms. The section is divided into three parts: The first part is composed from the results of the SBSDB algorithm when applied to a SBG video. The second part contains the results from the application of the DBSDB algorithm to a DBG video. In the third part we compare between the results obtained by our algorithm and those obtained by five other background-subtraction algorithms.
Performance analysis of the SBSDB algorithm
We apply the SBSDB algorithm to a video sequence that consists of 190 grayscale frames of size $256\times 256$. The video sequence was captured by a static camera and is in AVI format with a frame rate of 15 fps. The video sequence shows moving cars over a static background. We apply the sequential version of the algorithm where the size of the SW is set to 5. We also apply the parallel version of the algorithm where the video sequence is divided to four blocks in a $2\times2$ formation. The overlapping size between two (either horizontally or vertically) adjacent blocks is set to 20 pixels and the size of the SW is set to 10. Let $s$ be the test frame and let $W_{s}$ be the SW starting at $s$. In Fig. \[fig:steady\_bg\_org\] we show the frames that $W_{s}$ contains. The output of the SBSDB algorithm for $s$ is shown in Fig. \[fig:steady\_bg\].
![The frames that $W_{s}$ contains. The test frame $s$ is the top-left frame. The frames are ordered from top-left to bottom-right. []{data-label="fig:steady_bg_org"}](4_2.jpg){width="13cm"}
![(a) The background for the test frame $s$. (b) The test frame $s$ after the subtraction of the background. (c) The output for the test frame $s$. (d) The output for the test frame $s$ from the parallel version of the algorithm. []{data-label="fig:steady_bg"}](4_3x.jpg){width="15cm"}
Performance analysis of the DBSDB algorithm
We apply the DBSDB algorithm to five video sequences. The first four video sequences are in AVI format with a frame rate of 30 fps. The last video sequence is in AVI format with a frame rate of 24 fps. All the video sequences, except the first video sequence, are in RGB format and are of size $320\times 240$. The first video sequence is of size $210\times 240$ and is in RGB format. The video sequences were produced by a static camera and contain a dynamic background.
The input video sequences are:
1. People walking in front of a fountain. It contains moving objects in the background such as water flowing, waving trees and a video screen whose content changes over time. The DBSDB input is a RTD that contains 170 frames and a BGD that contains 100 frames. The output of the DBSDB is presented in Fig. \[fig:res\_jap\](g).
![(a), (d) The original test frames in grayscale and RGB, respectively. (b), (e) The grayscale and RGB test frames after the background subtraction in the classification phase of the DBSDB algorithm, respectively. (c), (f) Results after the thresholding of (b) and (e), respectively. (g) The final output of the DBSDB algorithm after the application of the DFS.[]{data-label="fig:res_jap"}](4_4.jpg){width="16cm"}
2. A person walking in front of bushes with waving leaves. The DBSDB input is a RTD that contains 88 frames and a BGD that contains 160 frames. The output of the DBSDB algorithm is presented in Fig. \[fig:res\_bushes\](g).
![(a), (d) The original test frames in grayscale and RGB, respectively. (b), (e) The grayscale and RGB test frames after the background subtraction in the classification phase of the DBSDB algorithm, respectively. (c), (f) Results after the thresholding of (b) and (e), respectively. (g) The final output of the DBSDB algorithm after the application of the DFS.[]{data-label="fig:res_bushes"}](4_5.jpg){width="16cm"}
3. A moving ball in front of waving trees. The DBSDB input is a RTD that contains 88 frames and a BGD that contains 160 frames. The output of the DBSDB algorithm is presented in Fig. \[fig:more\_res\]. Figure \[fig:more\_res\](d) contains the result of the sequential version of the algorithm and Fig. \[fig:more\_res\](g) contains the results of the parallel version. In results of the parallel version the video sequence was divided to four blocks in a $2\times2$ formation. The overlapping size between two (either horizontally or vertically) adjacent blocks was set to 20 pixels and the size of SW was set to 30.
4. A ball jumping in front of trees and a car passing behind the trees. The DBSDB input is a RTD that contains 106 frames and a BGD that contains 160 frames. The output of the DBSDB algorithm is presented in Fig. \[fig:more\_res\](e).
5. A person walking in front of a sprinkler. The DBSDB input is a RTD that contains 121 frames and a BGD that contains 100 frames. The output of the DBSDB algorithm is presented in Fig. \[fig:more\_res\](f).
![ (a)-(c) The original test frames. (d)-(g) The segmented outputs from the application of the DBSDB algorithm. (a) A ball in front of waving trees. (d), (g) The result of the sequential and parallel versions of the algorithm applied on (a), respectively. (b), (e) A ball jumping in front of a tree and a car passing behind the trees. (c), (f) A person walking in front of a sprinkler.[]{data-label="fig:more_res"}](4_6ax.jpg){width="15cm"}
Performance comparison between the BSDB algorithm and other algorithms \[sub:comparison\]
We compared between the BSDB algorithm and five different background subtraction algorithms. The input data and the results are taken from [@TKBM99]. All the test sequences were captured by a camera that has three CCD arrays. The frames are of size 160x120 in RGB format and are sampled at 4Hz . The test frame that was segmented, in video sequences where the background changes, is taken to be the frame that appears 50 frames after the frame where the background changes. On every output frame (besides the output of the BSDB algorithm), a speckle removal [@TKBM99] was applied to eliminate islands of 4-connected foreground pixels that contain less than 8 pixels. All other parameters were adjusted for each algorithm in order to obtain visually optimal results over the entire dataset. The parameters were used for all sequences. Each test sequence begins with at least 200 background frames that were used for training the algorithms, except for the bootstrap sequence. Objects such as cars, which might be considered foreground in some applications, were deliberately excluded from the sequences.
Each of the sequences poses a different problem in background maintenance. The chosen sequences and their corresponding problems are:
[**Background object is moved** - ]{} Problem: A background object can move. These objects should not be considered as part of the foreground. The sequence contains a person that walks into a conference room, makes a telephone call, and leaves with the phone and a chair in a different position. The test frame is the one that appears 50 frames after the person has left the scene.
[**Bootstrapping** - ]{} Problem: A training period without foreground objects is not available. The sequence contains an overhead view of a cafeteria. There is constant motion and every frame contains people.
[**Waving Trees** - ]{} Problem: Backgrounds can contain moving objects. The sequence contains a person walking in front of a swaying tree.
[**Camouflage** - ]{} Problem: Pixels of foreground objects may be falsely recognized as background pixels. The sequence contains a monitor on a desk with rolling interference bars. A person walks into the scene and stands in front of the monitor.
We apply six background subtraction algorithms on these sequences, including the algorithm that is presented in this paper. The background subtraction algorithms are:
[**Adjacent Frame Difference** - ]{} Each frame is subtracted from the previous frame in the sequence. Absolute differences greater than a threshold are marked as foreground.
[**Mean and Threshold** - ]{} Pixel-wise mean values are computed during a training phase, and pixels within a fixed threshold of the mean are considered background.
[**Mean and Covariance** - ]{} The mean and covariance of pixel values are updated continuously [@KWM94]. Foreground pixels are determined by applying a threshold to the Mahalanobis distance.
[**Mixture of Gaussians** - ]{} This algorithm is reviewed in section \[sub:relatedWork\].
[**Eigen-background** - ]{} This algorithm is reviewed in section \[sub:relatedWork\].
[**BSDB** -]{} The algorithm presented in this paper (section \[BSDB\]).
The outputs of these algorithms are shown in Fig. \[fig:comp\].
We applied the SBSDB algorithm on the first two video sequences: the moved chair and the bootstrapping. In both cases, the background in the video sequence is static. In the first video sequence, the SBSDB algorithm handles the changes in the position of the chair that is a part of the background. The SBSDB algorithm does not require a training process so it can handle the second video sequence where there is no clear background for training. Algorithms that require a training process can not handle this case.
We applied the DBSDB algorithm on the waving trees and the camouflage video sequences. In both cases, the background in the video sequences is dynamic. In the first video sequence, the DBSDB algorithm captures the movement of the waving trees and eliminates it from the video sequence. The other algorithms produce false positive detections. The DBSDB algorithm does not handle well the last video sequence where the foreground object covers the background moving object (the monitor). In this case the number of false negative detections is significant.
![The outputs from the applications of the BSDB and five other algorithms. Each row shows the results of one algorithm, and each column represents one problem in background maintenance. The top row shows the test frames. The second row shows the optimal background outputs.[]{data-label="fig:comp"}](4_7.jpg){width="13cm"}
Conclusion and Future Work
We introduced in this work the BSDB algorithm for automatic segmentation of video sequences. The algorithm contains two versions: the SBSDB algorithm for video sequences with static background and the DBSDB algorithm for video sequences that contain dynamic background. The BSDB algorithm captures the background by reducing the dimensionality of the input via the DB algorithm. The SBSDB algorithm uses an on-line procedure while the DBSDB algorithm uses an off-line (training) procedure and an on-line procedure. During the training phase, the DBSDB algorithm captures the dynamic background by iteratively applying the DB algorithm on the background training data. The BSDB algorithm presents a high quality segmentation of the input video sequences. Moreover, it was shown that the BSDB algorithm outperforms the current state-of-the-art algorithms by coping with difficult situations of background maintenance.
The performance of the BSDB algorithm can be enhanced by improving the accuracy of the threshold values. Furthermore, it is necessary to develop a method for automatic computation of $\mu$, which is used in the threshold computation (sections \[sub:GrayThreshold\] and \[sub:RGBThreshold\]).
Additionally, the output of the BSDB algorithm contains a fair amount of false negative detections when a foreground object obscures a brighter background object. This will be improved in future versions of the algorithm.
The BSDB algorithm can be useful to achieve low-bit rate video compression for transmission of rich multimedia content. The captured background is transmitted once followed by the detected segmented objects.
[^1]: Corresponding author: [email protected], Tel:+972-54-5456226, Fax:+972-3-6803342
[^2]: $P$ and the graph Laplacian $I-P$ (see [@C97]) share the same eigenvectors.
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abstract: 'The radial acceleration relation (RAR) in galaxies describes a tight empirical scaling law between the total acceleration ${g_\mathrm{tot}}(r)=G{M_\mathrm{tot}}(<r)/r^2$ observed in galaxies and that expected from their baryonic mass ${g_\mathrm{bar}}(r)=G{M_\mathrm{bar}}(<r)/r^2$, with a characteristic acceleration scale of $g_\dag\simeq 1.2\times 10^{-10}$ms$^{-2}$. Here, we examine if such a correlation exists in galaxy clusters using weak-lensing, strong-lensing, and X-ray data sets available for 20 high-mass clusters targeted by the CLASH survey. By combining our CLASH data with stellar mass estimates for the brightest cluster galaxies (BCGs) and accounting for the stellar baryonic component in clusters, we determine, for the first time, a RAR on BCG–cluster scales. The resulting RAR is well described by a tight power-law relation, ${g_\mathrm{tot}}\propto {g_\mathrm{bar}}^{0.51^{+0.04}_{-0.05}}$, with lognormal intrinsic scatter of $14.7^{+2.9}_{-2.8}\percent$. The slope is consistent with the low acceleration limit of the RAR in galaxies, ${g_\mathrm{tot}}=\sqrt{g_\dag\,{g_\mathrm{bar}}}$, whereas the intercept implies a much higher acceleration scale of $g_\ddag = (2.02\pm0.11)\times 10^{-9}$ms$^{-2}$, indicating that there is no universal RAR that holds on all scales from galaxies to clusters. We find that the observed RAR in CLASH clusters is consistent with predictions from a semi-analytical model developed in the standard $\Lambda$CDM framework. Our results also predict the presence of a baryonic Faber–Jackson relation ($\sigma_v^4\propto M_\mathrm{bar}$) on cluster scales.'
- Yong Tian
- Keiichi Umetsu
- 'Chung-Ming Ko'
- Megan Donahue
- 'I-Non Chiu'
- 'reference.bib'
nocite: '[@*]'
title: The Radial Acceleration Relation in CLASH Galaxy Clusters
Introduction {#sec:intro}
Clusters of galaxies exhibit a large mass discrepancy between baryonic and gravitational mass. Understanding the nature and amount of unseen mass in galaxy clusters is a long-standing issue in astrophysics. @Zwicky33 was the first to analyze dynamics of the Coma cluster and to infer the existence of “dark matter” (DM). The vast majority of baryons (80–90%) in galaxy clusters are in the form of X-ray emitting diffuse hot gas. The gas mass fraction in high-mass galaxy clusters is observed to reach $\simeq 13\percent$ in the intracluster region [e.g., @Vikhlinin2006_fgas; @Umetsu09; @planck2013fgas; @Donahue15], and their global mass content is dominated by DM ($\sim 85\percent$). Moreover, cold dark matter (CDM) that dominates the matter budget of the universe is essential to explain a range of cosmological probes on larger scales, such as cosmic microwave background anisotropy, large-scale galaxy clustering, and weak-lensing cosmic-shear observations. The current concordance cosmological paradigm, $\Lambda$CDM, also assumes a cosmological constant ($\Lambda$) to account for the late-time accelerated expansion of the universe in the framework of general relativity.
At the scales of spiral galaxies, the discrepancy between baryonic and dynamical mass, ${M_\mathrm{tot}}(<r)/{M_\mathrm{bar}}(<r)$, is found to tightly couple with gravitational acceleration, but no obvious correlation with other physical quantities, such as the size and orbital frequency, was found so far [e.g., @McGaugh04]. The mass ratio ${M_\mathrm{tot}}(<r)/{M_\mathrm{bar}}(<r)$ increases systematically with decreasing acceleration below a characteristic sale of $\simeq 10^{-10}$ms$^{-2}$. This is referred to as the mass discrepancy–acceleration relation [MDAR; for a review, see, e.g., @FM12].
In the case of spiral galaxies, the low acceleration limit gives a baryonic Tully–Fisher relation and an acceleration scale that is consistent with the MDAR [@McGaugh11]. Using a sample of 153 disk galaxies from the SPARC database [@Lelli16], @McGaugh16 found a tight radial acceleration relation (RAR) between the observed total acceleration ${g_\mathrm{tot}}=G{M_\mathrm{tot}}(<r)/r^2$ and the baryonic acceleration ${g_\mathrm{bar}}=G{M_\mathrm{bar}}(<r)/r^2$ defined at the same galacto-centric radius $r$ as $$\label{eq:MDAR}
\frac{{g_\mathrm{tot}}}{{g_\mathrm{bar}}}=\frac{{M_\mathrm{tot}}}{{M_\mathrm{bar}}}=\frac{1}{1-e^{-\sqrt{{g_\mathrm{bar}}/g_{\dag}}}}\,,$$ where $g_{\dag}=1.20\pm0.02\,(\mathrm{stat.})\pm0.24\,(\mathrm{syst.})\times10^{-10}$ms$^{-2}$. The low acceleration limit (${g_\mathrm{bar}}\ll g_\dag$) of Equation (\[eq:MDAR\]) gives the following power-law relation: $$\label{eq:MDARlow}
{g_\mathrm{tot}}= \sqrt{g_\dag\,{g_\mathrm{bar}}}.$$ Similarly, the MDAR [@Scarpa06; @Janz16; @TK16] and the RAR observed in elliptical galaxies are consistent with those of spiral galaxies [@Lelli17; @Chae19; @Milgrom19; @TK19]. Moreover, the MDAR of 53 elliptical galaxies obtained from strong-lens modeling of Einstein rings is consistent with the dynamical results [@TK17].
The RAR observed on galaxy scales raises four questions to be addressed [@Lelli17]: (1) the characteristic acceleration scale $g_{\dag}$; (2) the slope in the small acceleration limit ($\simeq 0.5$); (3) the tightness of intrinsic scatter of the relation (0.11 dex); (4) no correlation with other galactic properties. Possible explanations of the above issues can be classified into the following three categories [@McGaugh16; @Lelli17]: (I) galaxy formation processes in the ${\Lambda}$CDM model; (II) new “dark sector” physics; and (III) new dynamical laws.
In the ${\Lambda}$CDM framework, baryonic mass dominated by stars is bound to the gravitational potential well of the DM halo hosting a galaxy. However, the baryons are re-distributed through complex galaxy formation processes, such as active galactic nuclei (AGN) feedback, stellar winds, and supernova explosions. Several attempts have been made to explain the observed RAR in the context of $\Lambda$CDM through hydrodynamical simulations [@WK15; @Ludlow17] and semi-empirical models of galaxy formation [@DL16; @Navarro17; @Desmond17], or using abundance matching [@Behroozi13]. Besides the standard CDM paradigm, some considered baryon-DM coupling in a dark-fluid framework [@ZL10; @Khoury15] or dipolar DM particles [@BL08; @BL09].
Alternatively, the RAR has been interpreted as a consequence of a new dynamical law without the need of DM. [@Milgrom83] introduced modified Newtonian dynamics (MOND), in which the dynamical law changes if the acceleration is smaller than an acceleration scale $g_{\dag}$. However, MOND cannot explain the dynamics of galaxy clusters, and it needs to account for a large missing mass of about a factor of two [@PS05; @Sanders99; @Sanders03].
The four questions posed by the RAR observed in galaxies also represent some challenges to the ${\Lambda}$CDM model [@Lelli17]. @WK15 found that simulation results do not match well the data presented in [@McGaugh04]. @Ludlow17 successfully reproduced (2) and (4) within the $\Lambda$CDM framework, but with an acceleration scale $2.2g_{\dag}$, which is significantly higher than the observed value [@Li18]. @DL16 explained (1) and (2) by introducing an abundance matching prescription, whereas the level of scatter is significantly larger than the observed value, and the residuals are correlated with the galacto-centric radius. @Desmond17 used more sophisticated model but got still larger scatter even using zero scatter in abundance matching.
How about galaxy clusters? @Navarro17 argued in the $\Lambda$CDM framework that the RAR in galaxy clusters (if exists) should be deviated from that of galaxies because the central maximum halo acceleration exceeds $g_{\dag}$ ($\simeq3\times10^{-10}$ms$^{-2}$). On the other hand, MOND predicts the RAR in galactic systems. Its failure in galaxy clusters would pose a significant challenge to MOND [@FM12]. Although the RAR is well studied in galactic systems, it has never been explored in galaxy clusters.
In this paper, we present an RAR in 20 high-mass galaxy clusters based on high-quality multiwavelength data sets available for the CLASH survey. The paper is organized as follows. In Section \[sec:data\], we summarize the characteristics of the CLASH sample and the data products. In Section \[sec:results\], we present the radial profiles of the baryon fraction and the RAR for the CLASH sample. In Section \[sec:discussion\], we discuss the results and implications of our findings. Finally a summary is given in Section \[sec:summary\].
Throughout this paper, we assume a flat $\Lambda$CDM cosmology with $\Omega_\mathrm{m}=0.27$, $\Omega_\Lambda=0.73$, and a Hubble constant of $H_0 = 100h$kms$^{-1}$Mpc$^{-1}$ with $h=0.7$. We denote the critical density of the universe at a particular redshift $z$ as $\rho_\mathrm{c}(z)=3H^2(z)/(8\pi G)$, with $H(z)$ the redshift-dependent Hubble parameter. We adopt the standard notation $M_\Delta$ to denote the mass enclosed within a sphere of radius $r_\Delta$ within which the mean overdensity equals $\Delta \times \rho_\mathrm{c}(z)$. That is, $M_\Delta=(4\pi\Delta/3)\rho_\mathrm{c}(z)r_\Delta^3$. We define the gravitational acceleration in the framework of Newtonian dynamics as $g(r)=GM(<r)/r^2$.
Cluster Sample and Data {#sec:data}
We analyze multiwavelength data products from the Cluster Lensing And Supernova survey with Hubble [CLASH; @Postman12]. The CLASH survey is a 524-orbit [*Hubble Space Telescope*]{} ([*HST*]{}) Multi-Cycle Treasury program designed to probe the mass distribution of 25 high-mass galaxy clusters with $M_{500}{\lower.5ex\hbox{$\; \buildrel > \over \sim \;$}}4\times 10^{14}M_\odot$ [@Umetsu16]. In this sample, 20 clusters were X-ray selected to be hot ($T_X>5$keV) and to have a regular X-ray morphology. Numerical simulations suggest that the X-ray-selected subsample is largely composed of relaxed clusters ($\sim 70\percent$), but it also contains a nonnegligible fraction ($\sim 30\percent$) of unrelaxed systems [@Meneghetti14]. Another subset of five clusters were selected by their lensing properties to produce high-magnification events. These clusters often turn out to be dynamically disturbed merging systems.
In this study, we focus on a subset of 20 CLASH clusters (Table \[tab:BCG\]) taken from @Umetsu16, who presented a joint analysis of strong-lensing, weak-lensing shear and magnification data of these individual clusters. Among the 20 clusters, 16 are X-ray selected, and the rest are high-magnification systems. The full-lensing analysis of @Umetsu16 combined constraints from 16-band [*HST*]{} observations [@Zitrin15] and wide-field multicolor imaging taken primarily with Suprime-Cam on the Subaru telescope [@Umetsu14]. For all clusters in the CLASH sample, @Donahue15 derived binned radial profiles of temperature, gas mass, and hydrostatic mass using [*Chandra*]{} and [*XMM-Newton*]{} X-ray observations.
Here we combine the total mass measurements ${M_\mathrm{tot}}$ of @Umetsu16 based on strong and weak lensing (Section \[subsec:lens\]) and the X-ray gas mass measurements ${M_\mathrm{gas}}$ of @Donahue14 to study the relationship between the total and baryonic acceleration profiles. Moreover, we statistically account for the stellar contribution to the baryonic acceleration (Section \[subsec:stars\]). We also include stellar mass estimates for the central brightest cluster galaxies (BCGs; Section \[subsec:BCG\]).
Lensing Mass {#subsec:lens}
By combining strong and weak lensing constraints, @Umetsu16 found that the total matter distribution in CLASH clusters is well described by the Navarro–Frenk–White [NFW, hereafater; @Navarro97] model, which has a cuspy, outward steepening density profile [e.g., @Umetsu11; @Okabe16; @Umetsu17]. Here we use the CLASH lensing constraints on the total mass profile ${M_\mathrm{tot}}(<r)$ of each individual CLASH cluster assuming a spherical NFW profile. The total mass ${M_\mathrm{tot}}(<r)$ of an NFW halo as a function of spherical radius $r$ is written as $${M_\mathrm{tot}}(<r|M_{200},c_{200}) = 4\pi \rho_\mathrm{s} r_\mathrm{s}^3
\left[\ln\left(1+\frac{r}{r_\mathrm{s}}\right)-\frac{r}{r+r_\mathrm{s}}\right],$$ where $r_\mathrm{s}$ and $\rho_\mathrm{s}$ represent the characteristic scale radius and density of the NFW profile, respectively, and $\rho_\mathrm{s}$ is given by $$\rho_\mathrm{s} = \frac{200}{3}\frac{c_{200}^3}{\ln(1+c_{200})-c_{200}/(1+c_{200})}\rho_\mathrm{c}(z)$$ with $c_{200}\equiv r_{200}/r_\mathrm{s}$ the NFW concentration parameter. The mass and concentration parameters $(M_{200}, c_{200})$ of each individual CLASH cluster are summarized in Table 2 of @Umetsu16. We compute the total mass profile ${M_\mathrm{tot}}(<r)$ of each cluster in the radial range at $r\ge r_\mathrm{min}\simeq 14$kpc.
Baryonic Mass {#subsec:stars}
The X-ray emitting hot gas dominates the baryonic mass in galaxy clusters. In high-mass clusters, more than $80\percent$ of the intra-cluster baryons are in the X-ray emitting hot phase [e.g., @Umetsu09; @Donahue14; @Okabe14; @Chiu18]. @Donahue14 derived enclosed gas mass profiles ${M_\mathrm{gas}}(<r)$ for all CLASH clusters, finding that the ${M_\mathrm{gas}}$ profiles measured from the [*Chandra*]{} and [*XMM*]{} observations are in excellent agreement where the data overlap. Since [*XMM*]{} data are not available for all the clusters, we only use [*Chandra*]{} ${M_\mathrm{gas}}$ measurements of @Donahue14 as primary constraints on the baryonic mass content in the CLASH sample. For each cluster, we have measured ${M_\mathrm{gas}}(<r)$ values in several radial bins, where the radial range is differnet for each cluster, depending on the redshift and the data quality (see Figure \[Fig:1\]).
We then account for the stellar contribution to the baryonic mass using the results of @Chiu18, who established the stellar-to-gas mass relation ${f_\mathrm{c}}(r)={M_\mathrm{star}}/({M_\mathrm{gas}}+{M_\mathrm{star}})$ (see their Figure 11; ${f_\mathrm{c}}$ referred to as the cold collapsed baryonic fraction), for a sample of 91 Sunyaev–Zel’dovich effect (SZE) clusters with $M_{500}>2.5\times 10^{14}M_\odot$ selected from the South Pole Telescope (SPT) survey [@carlstrom2011; @bleem2015]. The ${f_\mathrm{c}}(r)$ relation is insensitive to the cluster redshift over a broad range out to $z\sim 1.3$ as probed by the SPT sample. In their study, the total masses were estimated from the SZE observable, the gas masses ${M_\mathrm{gas}}$ from [*Chandra*]{} X-ray data, and the stellar masses ${M_\mathrm{star}}$ from combined optical/near-infrared multi-band photometry. The ${f_\mathrm{c}}(r)$ relation of @Chiu18 includes the stellar mass contributions from the BCG and cluster member galaxies inside the $r_{500}$ overdensity radius.
With the mean ${f_\mathrm{c}}(r)$ relation, we estimate the total baryonic mass as ${M_\mathrm{bar}}(<r) = {M_\mathrm{gas}}(<r)/[1-{f_\mathrm{c}}(r)]$, ignoring the cluster-to-cluster scatter. The level of scatter around the mean ${f_\mathrm{c}}(r)$ relation is about $12\percent$.
BCG Stellar Mass {#subsec:BCG}
In the central cluster region, the baryonic mass in clusters is dominated by the stellar mass in the BCG. In this study, we model the stellar mass distribution of each BCG with the Hernquist model [@Hernquist90], which gives an analytical approximation to the deprojected form of de Vaucouleurs’ profile (or a Sersic Sérsic profile with index $n=4$). Then, the stellar mass $m_\mathrm{star}(<r)$ inside the spherical radius $r$ and the stellar gravitational acceleration $g_\mathrm{star}(<r)$ are expressed as $$\label{eq:Hernquist}
m_\mathrm{star}(<r) &=\frac{{\cal M}_\mathrm{star}r^2}{(r+r_\mathrm{h})^2},\\
g_\mathrm{star}(r)&=\frac{G{\cal M}_\mathrm{star}}{(r+r_\mathrm{h})^2},
\end{aligned}$$ where ${\cal M}_\mathrm{star}$ is the total stellar mass of the BCG, and $r_\mathrm{h}\approx 0.551 R_\mathrm{e}$ is a characteristic scale length of the Hernquist model, with $R_\mathrm{e}$ the half-light or effective radius of the de Vaucoleurs’ brightness profile.
In this study, we adopt as ${\cal M}_\mathrm{star}$ (see Table \[tab:BCG\]) the stellar mass estimates of CLASH BCGs from @Cooke16 [their Table 1], who performed a multiwavelength analsyis on a large sample of BCGs by combining UV, optical, near-infrared, and far-infrared data sets. Since the measurement errors on BCG stellar masses were not provided in @Cooke16, we assume a fractional uncertainty of $10\percent$ on ${\cal M}_\mathrm{star}$.
We measure the BCG effective radius $R_\mathrm{e}$ from the CLASH [*HST*]{} imaging using the GALFIT package [@Peng10]. We choose to measure $R_\mathrm{e}$ of each BCG in the [*HST*]{} band corresponding to the rest-frame wavelength of $1\mu$m. The corresponding [*HST*]{} bands for our sample ($0.187\le z\le 0.686$) are all in the WFC3/IR coverage (F110W to F160W), as summarized in Table \[tab:BCG\]. We fit a single Sérsic profile to the surface brightness distribution of the BCG in the CLSH [*HST*]{} imaging data. The initial guess of the BCG position is based on the rest-frame UV (280nm) measurements of @Donahue15. In Table \[tab:BCG\], we also list the final source position ($\mathrm{R.A.}, \mathrm{Decl.}$) in J2000 coordinates, Sérsic index ($n$), and effective radius ($R_\mathrm{e}$) from our GALFIT modeling.
[lcccccccccc]{} Abell 383 & 0.187 &$02:48:03.38$& $-03:31:45.02$& F110W & 2.34 & 17.0 $\pm$ 0.09 & 14.3 & 4.45 & 1.78 $\pm$ 0.09 & 7.55 $\pm$ 2.23\
Abell 209 & 0.206 &$01:31:52.55$& $-13:36:40.50$& F125W & 2.62 & 22.1 $\pm$ 0.14 & 14.3 & 4.85 & - & 3.87 $\pm$ 0.79\
Abell 2261 & 0.224 &$17:22:27.21$& $+32:07:57.62$& F125W & 1.74 & 18.7 $\pm$ 0.08 & 23.6 & 12.30 & 0.48 $\pm$ 0.03 & 6.44 $\pm$ 1.48\
RX J2129.7$+$0005 & 0.234 &$21:29:39.96$& $+00:05:21.17$& F125W & 2.70 & 41.4 $\pm$ 0.54 & 14.3 & 5.81 & 2.18 $\pm$ 0.07 & 6.65 $\pm$ 1.91\
Abell 611 & 0.288 &$08:00:56.82$& $+36:03:23.63$& F125W & 2.55 & 30.4 $\pm$ 0.16 & 22.2 & 6.58 & 0.48 $\pm$ 0.03 & 6.24 $\pm$ 1.81\
MS2137$-$2353 & 0.313 &$21:40:15.16$& $-23:39:40.10$& F125W & 2.35 & 15.0 $\pm$ 0.04 & 14.3 & 3.65 & 2.94 $\pm$ 0.07 & 3.98 $\pm$ 1.57\
RX J2248.7$-$4431 & 0.348 &$22:48:43.97$& $-44:31:51.14$& F140W & 2.45 & 34.5 $\pm$ 0.20 & 30.3 & 8.09 & 1.01 $\pm$ 0.03 & 6.19 $\pm$ 2.16\
MACS J1115.9$+$0129 & 0.355 &$11:15:51.91$& $+01:29:55.00$& F140W & 3.83 & 52.9 $\pm$ 0.93 & 16.2 & 3.00 & 5.80 $\pm$ 0.19 & 6.25 $\pm$ 1.53\
MACS J1931.8$-$2635 & 0.352 &$19:31:49.70$& $-26:34:32.22$& F140W & 3.49 & 33.2 $\pm$ 0.38 & 14.3 & 6.92 & 1.47 $\pm$ 0.02 & 7.21 $\pm$ 2.90\
RX J1532.9$+$3021 & 0.362 &$15:32:53.78$& $+30:20:59.43$& F140W & 2.81 & 21.8 $\pm$ 0.14 & 14.3 & 3.34 & 1.13 $\pm$ 0.04 & 6.80 $\pm$ 4.18\
MACS J1720.3$+$ & 0.387 &$17:20:16.75$& $+35:36:26.24$& F140W & 2.63 & 17.2 $\pm$ 0.06 & 23.6 & 6.59 & 1.15 $\pm$ 0.03 & 6.83 $\pm$ 2.07\
MACS J0416.1$-$2403 & 0.397 &$04:16:09.15$& $-24:04:02.99$& F140W & 3.78 & 56.2 $\pm$ 0.81 & 14.3 & 3.14 & - & 4.22 $\pm$ 0.94\
MACS J0429.6$-$0253 & 0.399 &$04:29:36.00$& $-02:53:06.78$& F140W & 1.80 & 29.3 $\pm$ 0.08 & 17.2 & 11.90 & 6.71 $\pm$ 0.55 & 9.98 $\pm$ 3.40\
MACS J1206.2$-$0847 & 0.439 &$12:06:12.15$& $-08:48:03.32$& F140W & 3.65 & 44.8 $\pm$ 0.52 & 14.3 & 3.13 & - & 6.90 $\pm$ 2.07\
MACS J0329.7$-$0211 & 0.450 &$03:29:41.57$& $-02:11:46.33$& F140W & 2.76 & 22.9 $\pm$ 0.12 & 22.2 & 8.47 & 13.1 $\pm$ 0.41 & 25.30 $\pm$ 6.50\
RX J1347.5$-$1145 & 0.451 &$13:47:30.61$& $-11:45:09.33$& F140W & 2.62 & 21.7 $\pm$ 0.12 & 14.3 & 4.52 & 5.11 $\pm$ 0.07 & 7.28 $\pm$ 1.88\
MACS J1149.5$+$2223 & 0.544 &$11:49:35.70$& $+22:23:54.68$& F160W & 2.44 & 34.3 $\pm$ 0.32 & 14.3 & 4.72 & - & 4.54 $\pm$ 1.12\
MACS J0717.5$+$3745 & 0.548 &$07:17:32.52$& $+37:44:34.84$& F160W & 2.49 & 13.2 $\pm$ 0.07 & 14.3 & 2.19 & - & 4.07 $\pm$ 0.73\
MACS J0647.7$+$7015 & 0.584 &$06:47:50.65$& $+70:14:53.99$& F160W & 1.44 & 56.9 $\pm$ 0.29 & 14.3 & 14.70 & - & 7.71 $\pm$ 2.77\
MACS J0744.9$+$3927 & 0.686 &$07:44:52.80$& $+39:27:26.74$& F160W & 2.47 & 14.7 $\pm$ 0.09 & 14.3 & 7.74 & - & 7.65 $\pm$ 2.45
Results {#sec:results}
![ Upper panel: the hot gas fraction ${f_\mathrm{gas}}(r)={M_\mathrm{gas}}(<r)/{M_\mathrm{tot}}(<r)$ as a function of the cluster-centric radius $r$ for 20 CLASH clusters in our sample. Lower panel: the total baryon fraction ${f_\mathrm{bar}}(r)={M_\mathrm{bar}}(<r)/{M_\mathrm{tot}}(<r)$ where ${M_\mathrm{bar}}$ includes the X-ray emitting hot gas mass ${M_\mathrm{gas}}$ and the stellar mass ${M_\mathrm{star}}$. The 20 CLASH clusters are labeled with different colors. In each panel, the thick black solid line shows the mean profile of the sample, and the gray shaded area represents the standard deviation from the mean. The horizontal dot-dashed line shows the cosmic mean baryon fraction $\Omega_\mathrm{b}/\Omega_\mathrm{m}$ [@Planck16], and the horizontal dashed line corresponds to $1/8$. []{data-label="Fig:1"}](FIG1a.pdf "fig:"){width="48.00000%"} ![ Upper panel: the hot gas fraction ${f_\mathrm{gas}}(r)={M_\mathrm{gas}}(<r)/{M_\mathrm{tot}}(<r)$ as a function of the cluster-centric radius $r$ for 20 CLASH clusters in our sample. Lower panel: the total baryon fraction ${f_\mathrm{bar}}(r)={M_\mathrm{bar}}(<r)/{M_\mathrm{tot}}(<r)$ where ${M_\mathrm{bar}}$ includes the X-ray emitting hot gas mass ${M_\mathrm{gas}}$ and the stellar mass ${M_\mathrm{star}}$. The 20 CLASH clusters are labeled with different colors. In each panel, the thick black solid line shows the mean profile of the sample, and the gray shaded area represents the standard deviation from the mean. The horizontal dot-dashed line shows the cosmic mean baryon fraction $\Omega_\mathrm{b}/\Omega_\mathrm{m}$ [@Planck16], and the horizontal dashed line corresponds to $1/8$. []{data-label="Fig:1"}](FIG1b.pdf "fig:"){width="48.00000%"}
The key issue of the present study is to examine if the correlation between ${g_\mathrm{tot}}$ and ${g_\mathrm{bar}}$ is related to any physical or environmental parameters governing the system. A possible approach is to study the baryon-to-total acceleration ratio ${g_\mathrm{bar}}(r)/{g_\mathrm{tot}}(r)$, or the baryon fraction ${f_\mathrm{bar}}(r)$, as a function of the cluser-centric radius $r$. An alternative approach is to examine the correlation between ${g_\mathrm{tot}}(r)$ and ${g_\mathrm{bar}}(r)$, namely the RAR.
Hot Gas Fraction {#subsec:fgas}
We define the hot gas fraction as ${f_\mathrm{gas}}(r) = {M_\mathrm{gas}}(<r)/{M_\mathrm{tot}}(<r)$, the ratio of the gas mass ${M_\mathrm{gas}}(<r)$ to the total mass ${M_\mathrm{tot}}(<r)$ as a function of the cluster-centric radius $r$. For each cluster, we evaluate ${M_\mathrm{tot}}(<r)$ and ${f_\mathrm{gas}}(r)$ where the [*Chandra*]{} gas mass measurements ${M_\mathrm{gas}}(<r)$ of @Donahue14 are available.
In the upper panel of Figure \[Fig:1\], we show the hot gas fractions ${f_\mathrm{gas}}(r)$ of all individual clusters in our CLASH sample, along with the mean profile $\langle{f_\mathrm{gas}}(r)\rangle$ of the sample. The mean $\langle{f_\mathrm{gas}}(r)\rangle$ increases with increasing cluster-centric radius $r$, approaching the cosmic baryon fraction $\Omega_\mathrm{b}/\Omega_\mathrm{m}=(15.7\pm 0.4)\percent$ [@Planck16] at $r{\lower.5ex\hbox{$\; \buildrel > \over \sim \;$}}700\,\mathrm{kpc}\sim 0.6r_{500}$.
We note that @Donahue14 derived the hot gas fractions of CLASH clusters by combining their X-ray gas mass measurments with earlier CLASH weak-lensing results from @Umetsu14 or @Merten15. Our results improve upon those of @Donahue14 by using the full-lensing constraints of @Umetsu16 based on CLASH strong-lensing, weak-lensing shear and magnification data.
Baryon Fraction {#subsec:fbar}
We compute for each cluster the baryon fraction ${f_\mathrm{bar}}(r)={M_\mathrm{bar}}(<r)/{M_\mathrm{tot}}(<r)$ as a function of $r$. The baryonic cluster mass ${M_\mathrm{bar}}(<r)$ consists of the X-ray gas mass ${M_\mathrm{gas}}(<r)$ from @Donahue14, the stellar mass estimated as ${M_\mathrm{star}}(<r) = {M_\mathrm{gas}}(<r) \times {f_\mathrm{c}}(r)/[1-{f_\mathrm{c}}(r)]$ (Section \[subsec:stars\]), and the stellar mass of the BCG in the innermost cluster region (Section \[subsec:BCG\]). As in Section \[subsec:fgas\], we evaluate for each cluster ${M_\mathrm{tot}}(<r)$ and ${f_\mathrm{bar}}(r)$ where the [*Chandra*]{} ${M_\mathrm{gas}}(<r)$ values of @Donahue14 are available.
For each cluster, we also include a single constraint on the baryon fraction ${f_\mathrm{bar}}(<r)$ in the central BCG region. The stellar mass distribution of each BCG is modeled by Equation (\[eq:Hernquist\]), as described in Section \[subsec:BCG\]. For 13 clusters in our sample, we have [*Chandra*]{} ${M_\mathrm{gas}}$ measurements [@Donahue14] lying in the central BCG region at $r\ < \langle R_\mathrm{e}\rangle\sim 30$kpc (see Table \[tab:BCG\]). For these clusters, we calculate the BCG stellar mass $m_\mathrm{star}(<r)$ at this innermost radius of the [*Chandra*]{} ${M_\mathrm{gas}}$ measurements (Table \[tab:BCG\]). For the other clusters, we calculate $m_\mathrm{star}(<r)$ at $r_\mathrm{min}\simeq 14$kpc and ignore the gas mass contribution to ${M_\mathrm{bar}}(<r_\mathrm{min})$.
In the lower panel of Figure \[Fig:1\], we show the baryon fraction profiles ${f_\mathrm{bar}}(r)$ outside the BCG region for all individual clusters in our sample. The mean $\langle{f_\mathrm{bar}}(r)\rangle$ profile of the sample is nearly constant $\sim1/8$ [@Donahue14] with $r$. The cluster-to-cluster scatter around the mean ${f_\mathrm{bar}}(r)$ profile is 0.041 in terms of the standard deviation, and the total baryon fractions in some clusters reach the cosmic mean value. We do not find any clear radial trend in the baryon fraction profiles ${f_\mathrm{bar}}(r)$ for the CLASH sample, as in the case of spiral galaxies [@McGaugh04; @FM12].
Radial Acceleration Relation in CLASH Galaxy Clusters {#subsec:RAR}
![image](FIG2a.pdf){width="48.00000%"} ![image](FIG2b.pdf){width="48.00000%"}
Here we quantify and characterize the relationship between the total acceleration ${g_\mathrm{tot}}(r)$ and the baryonic acceleration ${g_\mathrm{bar}}(r)$ for the CLASH sample (Figure \[Fig:1\]). To this end, for each cluster, we extract data points where possible at $r=100$kpc (18 clusters), $200$kpc (20 clusters), $400$ kpc (15 clusters), and $600$ kpc (11 clusters), by using linear interpolation. These data points are sufficiently well separated from each other. Hence, for simplicitly, we ignore covariances between different radial bins in our fitting procedure. Altogether, we have a total of 84 data points for our sample of 20 CLASH clusters, including 20 data points in the central BCG region.
Since the mass ratio ${M_\mathrm{tot}}(<r)/{M_\mathrm{bar}}(<r)$ is equivalent to the acceleration ratio ${g_\mathrm{tot}}(r)/{g_\mathrm{bar}}(r)$, the MDAR can be expressed as a relation between ${g_\mathrm{tot}}(r)/{g_\mathrm{bar}}(r)$ and ${g_\mathrm{bar}}$. In spiral galaxies, there exists a tight empirical relationship between the observed total acceleration ${g_\mathrm{tot}}(r)$ and the baryonic acceleration ${g_\mathrm{bar}}(r)$, namely the RAR [@McGaugh16]. In fact, the MDAR and RAR are mathematically equivalent However, we point out that in the RAR, values of each of the two axes come from independent measurements.
Here we present our results in the form of the RAR. We model the CLASH data distribution in log-acceleration space by performing a linear regression on the relation $y=m\,x+b$ with $y=\ln({g_\mathrm{tot}}/g_0)$ and $x=\ln({g_\mathrm{bar}}/g_0)$ with a normalization scale of $g_0=1\,\mathrm{m}\,\mathrm{s}^{-2}$.[^1] The log-likelihood function is written as $$\label{eq:log-likelihood}
-2\ln\,\mathcal{L}=\sum_{i}\,\ln{(2\pi\sigma^2_{i})}+\sum_{i}\,\frac{[y_i-(m\,x_i+b)]^2}{\sigma^2_{i}}\,,$$ where $i$ runs over all data points, and $\sigma_i$ includes the observational uncertainties $(\sigma_{x_i}, \sigma_{y_i})$ and lognormal intrinsic scatter $\sigma_\mathrm{int}$ [e.g., see @Umetsu16; @Okabe16], $$\label{eq:sigma}
We perform a Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) analysis to constrain the regression parameters using the emcee python package [@Foreman-Mackey13; @emcee2019] based on an affine-invariant sampler [@GW10]. We use non-informative uniform priors on $b$ and $m$ of $b\in [-100, 100]$ and $m\in [-100, 100]$. For the intrinsic scatter, we assume a prior that is uniformed in $\ln{\sigma_\mathrm{int}}$ in the range $\ln{\sigma_\mathrm{int}}\in [-5,1]$.
From the regression analysis, we find a tight RAR for the CLASH sample in the BCG–cluster regime. Figure \[Fig:2\] summarizes our results. In the left panel, we show the distribution of CLASH clusters in $\log_{10}{{g_\mathrm{bar}}}$–$\log_{10}{{g_\mathrm{tot}}}$ space along with the best-fit relation (black solid line). The spread of the best-fit residuals is about 0.11dex, as shown in the inset plot of Figure \[Fig:2\]. The resulting constraitns on the regression parameters are $m=0.51^{+0.04}_{-0.05}$, $b=-9.80^{+1.07}_{-1.08}$, and $\sigma_\mathrm{int}=14.7^{+2.9}_{-2.8}\percent$ in terms of the posterior mean and standard deviation. The RAR for the CLASH sample is summarized as $$\label{eq:RAR}
Figure \[Fig:2\] also compares our results with the RAR in sprial galaxies from @McGaugh16 [dashed line]. The slope we obtained $m=0.51^{+0.04}_{-0.05}$ is consistent with the low acceleration limit $1/2$ of the RAR from @McGaugh16, ${g_\mathrm{tot}}=\sqrt{g_\dag\, {g_\mathrm{bar}}}$ with $g_\dag\simeq 1.2\times 10^{-10}$ms$^{-2}$. On the other hand, the intercept $b$ at fixed ${g_\mathrm{bar}}$ is found to be significantly higher than that of @McGaugh16.
Here we repeat our regression analysis by fixing the slope to $m=1/2$ and rewriting the scaling relation as ${g_\mathrm{tot}}(r)=\sqrt{g_\ddag\,{g_\mathrm{bar}}(r)}$ with $g_\ddag$ a constant acceleration that corresponds to a certain characteristic acceleration scale. Then, the regression parameters are constrained as $g_\ddag = (2.02\pm0.11)\times 10^{-9}$ms$^{-2}$. and $\sigma_\mathrm{int}= 14.5^{+2.9}_{-2.8}\percent$.
Discussion {#sec:discussion}
Interpretation of the CLASH RAR in the $\Lambda$CDM framework {#sec:SAM}
Using a semi-analytical model with abundance matching, @Navarro17 provided a possible explanation of the RAR in spiral galaxies within the $\Lambda$CDM framework. Here we test if the observed RAR for the CLASH sample can be explained by a semi-analytical description of cluster-scale halos in the standard $\Lambda$CDM model.
To this end, we employ the semi-analytical model of @Olamaie12, which describes the distributions of DM and hot gas in a spherical cluster halo. First, this model assumes that DM follows the NFW profile [@Umetsu11b; @Umetsu16; @Niikura15; @Okabe16], and the gas pressure is described by a generalized NFW profile [@Nagai07]. Following @Olamaie12, we fix the values of the gas concentration and slope parameters of the generalized NFW profile to those found by @Arnaud10. Next, the system is assumed to be in hydrostatic equilibrium. Finally, the gas density $\rho_\mathrm{gas}$ is assumed to be much smaller than the DM density $\rho_\mathrm{DM}$, $\rho_\mathrm{tot}(r)=\rho_\mathrm{DM}(r)+\rho_\mathrm{gas}(r)\approx\rho_\mathrm{DM}(r)$. With these assumptions, $\rho_\mathrm{gas}(r)$ can be fully specified by two parameters that describe the NFW density profile. We refer to @Olamaie12 for full details of the model.
Following the procedure outlined above, we can describe the average properties of our CLASH sample. Here we adopt $M_{200}=1.41\times10^{15} M_{\odot}$ and $c_{200}=3.79$ [@Umetsu16] to describe the DM distribution $\rho_\mathrm{DM}(r)$. Given the NFW parameters, we compute the gas density profile $\rho_\mathrm{gas}(r)$ for the CLASH sample. We use ${f_\mathrm{c}}(r)$ of @Chiu18 (Section \[subsec:stars\]) to account for the stellar mass contribution to the baryonic mass. With these average profiles $\rho_\mathrm{DM}(r)$, $\rho_\mathrm{gas}(r)$, and ${f_\mathrm{c}}(r)$, we can predict the total and baryonic gravitational acceleration profiles, ${g_\mathrm{tot}}(r)$ and ${g_\mathrm{bar}}(r)$, for the CLASH sample. Here we compute the acceleration profiles at $r=100, 200, 400$, and $600$kpc, as done in our CLASH analysis.
We also model the intrinsic scatter around the average profiles ${g_\mathrm{tot}}(r)$ and ${g_\mathrm{bar}}(r)$ due to cluster-to-cluster variations in the DM and baryonic distributions. For the DM distribution, we assign intrinsic scatter in $c_{200}$ with a lognormal intrinsic dispersion of $30\%$ [e.g., @Bhattacharya13]. For the baryonic distribution, we assign intrinsic scatter in ${f_\mathrm{c}}$ with a Gaussian dispersion of $12\%$ [@Chiu18]. We employ Monte-Carlo simulations to evaluate the intrinsic dispersions around the average acceleration profiles ${g_\mathrm{tot}}(r)$ and ${g_\mathrm{bar}}(r)$ at each cluster-centric radius. The result is shown in Figure \[Fig:3\].
![ Predictions for the CLASH radial acceleration relation (RAR) from semi-analytic modeling in the $\Lambda$CDM framework. The orange, green, blue, and purple squares show the model predictions for the CLASH sample at $r = 100, 200, 400$, and $600$kpc, respectively, and the error bars represent the $1\sigma$ intrinsic scatter. Open circles show the measurements for the CLASH sample (Figure \[Fig:2\]). []{data-label="Fig:3"}](FIG3.pdf){width="47.00000%"}
The 20 galaxy clusters in our sample are all high-mass systems selected for the CLASH survey [@Postman12]. It is thus reasonable to adopt a set of average properties in the semi-analytical model to study the new RAR. As shown in Figure \[Fig:3\], the two model points evaluated at $100$kpc (orange square) and $200$kpc (green square) match the relation (black solid line) and the data points (color open circles) well. For the two model points at $400$kpc (blue square) and $600$kpc (purple square), the predicted values of the total acceleration ${g_\mathrm{tot}}$ fall short of the relation and the data points, although the deviations are not significant.
The inferred level of $1\sigma$ scatter estimated by Monte-Carlo simulations appears to be larger than the data distribution. This is similar to the findings in spiral galaxies [see, e.g., @DL16; @Desmond17; @Lelli17]. However, it should be noted that the CLASH sample is dominated by relaxed systems [@Meneghetti14] because of the CLASH selection based on X-ray morphology regularity [@Postman12]. As a result, the CLASH sample is predicted to have a much smaller level of intrinsic scatter in the $c_{200}$–$M_{200}$ relation [$16\percent$; @Meneghetti14; @Umetsu16].
The CLASH RAR (Equation (\[eq:RAR\])) expresses ${g_\mathrm{tot}}(r)$ as a function of ${g_\mathrm{bar}}(r)$. Thus, one can obtain the baryon fraction ${f_\mathrm{bar}}(r)$ if ${g_\mathrm{bar}}(r)$ is known, because ${f_\mathrm{bar}}(r)={M_\mathrm{bar}}(<r)/{M_\mathrm{tot}}(<r)={g_\mathrm{bar}}(r)/{g_\mathrm{tot}}(r)$. If we approximate the CLASH RAR as ${g_\mathrm{tot}}\approx\sqrt{g_\ddag\,{g_\mathrm{bar}}}$, then the baryon fraction has the simple form, $$\label{eq:fbar_gbar}
Since the 20 CLASH clusters in our sample are of similar size and acceleration profile, we can infer an average relation between the baryonic acceleration ${g_\mathrm{bar}}$ and the cluster-centric radius $r$. Making use of the X-ray gas mass measurements from @Donahue14 and the stellar mass correction from @Chiu18, we obtain such an average relation, i.e., the average baryonic acceleration as a function of $r$, $\langle{g_\mathrm{bar}}(r)\rangle$. Then, the best-fit CLASH RAR (Equation (\[eq:RAR\])) together with $\langle{g_\mathrm{bar}}(r)\rangle$ gives an empirical relation for the baryon fraction as a function of $r$.
In Figure \[Fig:4\], we compare the ${f_\mathrm{bar}}(r)$ profile inferred from the best-fit CLASH RAR (Equation (\[eq:RAR\])) with the observed distribution of CLASH baryon fractions shown in Figure \[Fig:1\]. The gray circles are the inferred baryon fractions at different cluster-centric radii, $r$. The thick black line shows the observed mean $\langle{f_\mathrm{bar}}(r)\rangle$ profile averaged over the CLASH sample (see Figure \[Fig:1\]). The ${f_\mathrm{bar}}(r)$ profile inferred from the best-fit RAR and the mean $\langle{f_\mathrm{bar}}(r)\rangle$ profile for the CLASH sample are consistent within $r=400$kpc, but deviate from each other beyond $400$kpc. This is because the best-fit RAR model predicts a radially decreasing ${f_\mathrm{bar}}(r)$ profile, whereas the observed CLASH $\langle{f_\mathrm{bar}}(r)\rangle$ profile is nearly constant ($\sim 1/8$; see Figure \[Fig:1\]) in the intracluster regime.
We also compare these baryon fraction profiles with the corresponding values predicted by our semi-analytical model, which are denoted by the orange, green, blue and purple squares for $r=100, 200, 400$, and $600$kpc, respectively. The values of model points at $100$ and $200$kpc agree with the best-fit RAR and the observed mean values for the CLASH sample, whereas those of $400$ and $600$kpc are systematically higher than the data distribution albeit with large intrinsic scatter. Our semi-analytical model predicts a nearly constant ${f_\mathrm{gas}}(r)$ profile, but with a slightly higher normalization than observed for the CLASH sample.
To assess how the data deviate from the best-fit CLASH RAR, we show in Figure \[Fig:5\] the distribution of best-fit residuals as a function of cluster radius $r$. The residuals are defined as the difference of $\log_{10}({g_\mathrm{tot}})$ between the observational data and the best-fit RAR (Equation (\[eq:RAR\])). As shown in the figure, the residuals at small $r$ ($\approx14$, 100, and 200kpc) distribute symmetrically across the best-fit RAR (the zero residual line). However, at larger cluster radii $r{\lower.5ex\hbox{$\; \buildrel > \over \sim \;$}}400$kpc, the residuals deviate systemically toward negative values. The semi-analytical model (color-coded squares) exhibits a similar trend as seen for the observational data. However, the predicted values are deviated toward more negative values at larger $r$ (400 and 600kpc).
![ Comparison of the observed and predicted total baryon fraction profiles ${f_\mathrm{bar}}(r)={M_\mathrm{bar}}(<r)/{M_\mathrm{tot}}(<r)$ for the CLASH sample. The red diamonds and color-coded lines represent the CLASH observational constraints in the BCG and cluster regions, respectively. The gray circles show empirical predictions based on the best-fit CLASH RAR (see Equation (\[eq:RAR\])) combined with the mean value of baryonic acceleration $\langle{g_\mathrm{bar}}(r)\rangle$ at each cluster radius. The thick black line shows the mean $\langle{f_\mathrm{bar}}(r)\rangle$ profile averaged over the CLASH sample. The orange, green, blue, and purple squares represent predictions from a semi-analytical model at $100, 200, 400$, and $600$kpc respectively, and the error bars show the $1\sigma$ intrinsic scatter. []{data-label="Fig:4"}](FIG4.pdf){width="47.00000%"}
![ Residuals of the best-fit RAR for the CLASH sample as a function of the cluster-centric radius $ r$. The vertical axis represents the difference between the data and the best-fit RAR in units of dex. The horizontal axis is the cluster-centric radius $r$ in units of kpc. The red diamonds and the gray filled circles denote the CLASH measurements in the central BCG region and the intracluster region ($100, 200, 400$, and $600$kpc), respectively (see Figure \[Fig:2\]). The orange, green, blue, and purple squares show the deviations of our semi-analytical predictions relative to the best-fit CLASH RAR, and the error bars show the $1\sigma$ intrinsic scatter. []{data-label="Fig:5"}](FIG5.pdf){width="47.00000%"}
We recall that the RAR in galaxies has a characteristic acceleration scale of $g_\dag\simeq 1.2\times 10^{-10}$ms$^{-2}$, above which the acceleration of the system asymptotically tends to Newtonian dynamics without DM (i.e., ${g_\mathrm{tot}}={g_\mathrm{bar}}$), while below which the acceleration asymptotically tends to ${g_\mathrm{tot}}=\sqrt{g_\dag\, {g_\mathrm{bar}}}$. Our CLASH results indicate that ${g_\mathrm{tot}}\approx\sqrt{g_\ddag\, {g_\mathrm{bar}}}$ (see Equation (\[eq:fbar\_gbar\])) on BCG–cluster scales, with a characteristic acceleration scale of $g_\ddag \gg g_\dag$. However, in our CLASH sample, it is not clear whether or not the acceleration of the system will approach to ${g_\mathrm{tot}}={g_\mathrm{bar}}$ in the high acceleration limit, ${g_\mathrm{bar}}\gg g_\ddag$.
If the CLASH RAR holds in general for other galaxy clusters, then there exists a kinematic relation or law in galaxy clusters, in analogy to Kepler’s law of planetary motion that comes from Newtonian dynamics. Let us take the example of the baryonic Tully–Fisher relation [BTFW; e.g., @McGaugh11; @McGaugh12; @FM12], which comes from the low acceleration end of the RAR of spiral galaxies. In rotationally support systems such as spiral galaxies, the centripetal acceleration is provided by the total gravitational acceleration, i.e., $v^2/r={g_\mathrm{tot}}$ where $v$ is the circular speed. In the small acceleration regime of ${g_\mathrm{bar}}\ll g_\dag$, the RAR in galaxies gives ${g_\mathrm{tot}}\approx\sqrt{g_\dag\, {g_\mathrm{bar}}}$. By expressing the baryonic acceleration as ${g_\mathrm{bar}}=G{M_\mathrm{bar}}/r^2$ where ${M_\mathrm{bar}}$ is the total baryonic mass inside $r$, we obtain the BTFR, $v^4=G g_{\dag}{M_\mathrm{bar}}$. For systems supported by random motions, such as elliptical galaxies and galaxy clusters, ${g_\mathrm{tot}}\propto\sigma^2/r$ with $\sigma_v$ the velocity dispersion. If a system that follows the RAR is in the low acceleration regime, $\sigma_v^4\propto g_{\ddag}{M_\mathrm{bar}}$ is anticipated. We refer to this kinematic law as the baryonic Faber–Jackson relation (BFJR).
In the literature, the BFJR has not been confirmed in galaxy clusters. However, scaling relations between total cluster mass and X-ray mass proxies [e.g., X-ray gas temperature; @Sanders94; @Ettori04; @Angus08; @FM12], and that between X-ray luminosity and galaxy velocity dispersion [@XW00; @Sanders10; @Zhang11; @Nastasi14], have been firmly established based on multiwavelength observations and numerical simulations. If the total baryonic mass in galaxy clusters is tightly coupled with thermodynamic properties of the hot gas in hydrostatic equilibrium, we may expect a correlation between the total baryonic mass and galaxy velocity dispersion.
Summary {#sec:summary}
The radial acceleration relation (RAR) in galaxies represents a tight empirical scaling law between the total acceleration ${g_\mathrm{tot}}(r)=G{M_\mathrm{tot}}(<r)/r^2$ observed in galaxies and that expected from their baryonic mass ${g_\mathrm{bar}}(r)=G{M_\mathrm{bar}}(<r)/r^2$, with a characteristic acceleration scale of $g_\dag\simeq 1.2\times 10^{-10}$ms$^{-2}$ [@McGaugh16]. The RAR observed on galaxy scales raised four fundamental questions to be explained [see Section \[sec:intro\]; @Lelli17].
In this paper, we have examined if such a correlation exists in galaxy clusters using weak-lensing, strong-lensing, and X-ray data sets [@Donahue14; @Umetsu16] available for 20 high-mass clusters targeted by the CLASH survey [@Postman12]. By combining our CLASH data sets with central baryonic mass in the BCG region and accounting for the stellar baryonic component in the intracluster region, we have discovered, for the first time, a tight RAR on BCG–cluster scales. The resulting RAR for the CLASH sample is well described by a power-law relation, ${g_\mathrm{tot}}\propto g_\mathrm{bar}^{0.51^{+0.04}_{-0.05}}$, with lognormal intrinsic scatter of $14.7^{+2.9}_{-2.8}\percent$. The slope of the best-fit relation is consistent with the low acceleration limit of the RAR in galaxies, ${g_\mathrm{tot}}=\sqrt{g_\dag\, g_\mathrm{bar}}$, whereas the intercept implies a much higher acceleration scale of $g_\ddag = (2.02\pm0.11)\times 10^{-9}$ms$^{-2}$. Our results indicate that there is no universal RAR that holds on all scales from galaxies to clusters.
Regarding the questions raised by the RAR in galaxies, the CLASH RAR has: (1) an acceleration scale $g_\ddag$ that is much higher than that in galaxies, $g_\ddag \gg g_\dag$; (2) the slope in the best-fit RAR is $0.51^{+0.04}_{-0.05}$, which matches the low acceleration limit of the RAR in galaxies (see Equation (\[eq:MDARlow\])); (3) the level of intrinsic scatter, $14.7^{+2.9}_{-2.8}\percent$, is as tight as that in the RAR for galaxies. The best-fit residuals of the CLASH RAR exhibit a systematic radial trend at $r>400$kpc (Figure \[Fig:5\]). The best-fit RAR model predicts a radially decreasing ${f_\mathrm{bar}}(r)$ profile, whereas the CLASH data distribution is nearly constant (Figure \[Fig:1\]) in the intracluster regime. To fully investigate the discrepancy at ${g_\mathrm{bar}}{\lower.5ex\hbox{$\; \buildrel < \over \sim \;$}}\times10^{-11}$ms$^{-2}$, or at $r{\lower.5ex\hbox{$\; \buildrel > \over \sim \;$}}400$kpc, we need additional data covering a broader range of acceleration on BCG–cluster scales.
We find that the observed RAR in CLASH clusters is consistent with predictions from semi-analytical modeling of cluster halos in the standard $\Lambda$CDM framework. Our results also predict the presence of a baryonic Faber–Jackson relation ($\sigma_v^4\propto M_\mathrm{bar}$) on cluster scales.
We are very grateful to Stacy McGaugh for stimulating discussions on this work. We thank Po-Chieh Yu for his help with the GALFIT analysis. Y.T. and C.M.K. are supported by the Taiwan Ministry of Science and Technology grant MOST 105-2112-M-008-011-MY3 and MOST 108-2112-M-008-006. K.U. acknowledges support from the Ministry of Science and Technology of Taiwan (grant MOST 106-2628-M-001-003-MY3) and from the Academia Sinica Investigator Award (AS-IA-107-M01).
[^1]: We note that the resulting RAR is presented in decimal logarithmic units ($\log_{10}$) in Figures \[Fig:1\] and \[Fig:3\], whereas our regression analysis uses the natural logarithm ($\ln$) of acceleration.
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"pile_set_name": "ArXiv"
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abstract: 'In this article we characterize monotone extensions of cw-expansive homeomorphisms of compact metric spaces. We study the topology of its quotient space in the case of a compact surface. These results are applied to prove that there are cw-expansive homeomorphisms of compact surfaces with infinitely many fixed points and empty wandering set. The examples are quotients of topological perturbations of pseudo-Anosov diffeomorphisms. We also show that there is a cw-expansive homeomorphism with the shadowing property of the 2-sphere.'
- 'M. Achigar, A. Artigue and J. Vieitez'
title: 'On cw-expansive homeomorphisms of surfaces'
Let $f\colon M\to M$ be a homeomorphism of a metric space $(M,\operatorname{dist})$. We say that $C\subseteq M$ is a *continuum* if it is compact and connected. Following Kato [@Kato93], $f$ is said to be *cw-expansive* (*continuum-wise expansive*) if there is ${\xi}>0$ such that if $C\subseteq M$ is a continuum and $\operatorname{diam}f^n(C)\leq{\xi}$ for all $n\in{\mathbb Z}$ then $C$ is a singleton. In this case we say that ${\xi}$ is a *cw-expansivity constant*. The main examples of cw-expansive homeomorphisms are expansive homeomorphisms, in particular, Anosov diffeomorphisms, hyperbolic sets and pseudo-Anosov diffeomorphisms of surfaces. We recall that $f$ is *expansive* if there is ${\xi}>0$ such that $\operatorname{dist}\bigl(f^n(x),f^n(y)\bigr)\leq{\xi}$ for all $n\in{\mathbb Z}$ implies $x=y$. It is remarkable that on compact surfaces expansive homeomorphisms are conjugate to pseudo-Anosov diffeomorphisms [@L; @Hi].
In this paper we consider perturbations of cw-expansive homeomorphisms in the $C^0$-topology. In [@Le83] Lewowicz considered this kind of perturbations for expansive homeomorphisms. He proved that if $f$ is sufficiently close to a given expansive homeomorphism of a compact metric space $M$, then there is ${\xi}>0$ with the following property: $$\text{if }\operatorname{dist}\bigl(f^n(x),f^n(y)\bigr)\leq{\xi}\text{ for all }n\in{\mathbb Z}\text{ then }\operatorname{dist}(x,y)\leq{\xi}/2.$$ This property of $f$ allowed him to define the equivalence relation on $M$: $x\sim y$ if $\operatorname{dist}\bigl(f^n(x),f^n(y)\bigr)\leq{\xi}$ for all $n\in{\mathbb Z}$. In [@Le83] it is claimed that in this case the quotient space $\tilde M=M/\sim$ is metrizable and the induced homeomorphism $\tilde f\colon \tilde M\to\tilde M$ is expansive. The details of this construction were given in [@CS] by Cerminara and Sambarino.
If $f$ is a $C^0$-perturbation of a cw-expansive homeomorphism then a similar situation arises. In this case $f$ satisfies the following condition: $$\label{eqPertCwExp}
\text{if }\operatorname{diam}f^n(C)\leq{\xi}\text{ for all }n\in{\mathbb Z}\text{ then }\operatorname{diam}C\leq{\xi}/2$$ for every continuum $C\subseteq M$. In [@FG] the techniques of [@CS] were applied to this case, proving that the corresponding quotient is cw-expansive. In the present paper we will consider this property, independently of any perturbation of a cw-expansive homeomorphism. We will say that $f$ is *half cw-expansive* if it satisfies . In this context it is natural to identify two points if they lie in a continuum $C$ with iterates of diameter less than ${\xi}$. In §\[subHalfCw\] we study some general properties of half cw-expansivity. In §\[subMonExt\] we characterize monotone extensions of cw-expansive homeomorphisms. That is, we consider commutative diagrams of the form $$\label{ecuDiag}
M \arrow{r}{f} \arrow{d}{q} & M \arrow{d}{q} \\
N \arrow{r}{g}& N
\end{tikzcd}$$ where $M,N$ are compact metric spaces, $f,g$ are homeomorphisms, $g$ is cw-expansive and $q$ is continuous, onto and monotone (i.e., the preimage set of any point is connected). We show that if $f$ is half cw-expansive then the quotient explained above gives a cw-expansive map $g$ and a monotone canonical map $q$. Also, we prove the converse, for every monotone extension $f$ of a cw-expansive homeomorphism $g$ there is a compatible metric in $M$ that makes $f$ a half cw-expansive homeomorphism.
Next we consider cw-expansivity on compact surfaces. In §\[secMetSp\] we show that if $f$ is a monotone extension of a cw-expansive homeomorphism $g$ as in diagram , the classes (preimages by $q$ of singletons) are sufficiently small and $M$ is a compact surface, then $N$ is homeomorphic to $M$. This result is based on Moore’s Theorem on plane decompositions [@Mo25] in the version of Roberts-Steenrod [@RoSt] for compact surfaces. For higher dimensional manifolds we show that no equivalence class induced by $q$ separates $M$, which implies that the codimension-one Betti number of each class is zero. In §\[secSurfWBdryCircle\] we briefly consider some examples on compact surfaces with boundary. We show that the circle admits no non-trivial half cw-expansive homeomorphisms.
On compact surfaces there are cw-expansive homeomorphisms that are not expansive. Some of them satisfy a stronger condition called $m$-*expansivity*. We recall that for $m\geq 1$ a homeomorphism $f$ is $m$-*expansive* [@Mo1] if there is ${\xi}>0$ such that if $A\subseteq M$ and $\operatorname{diam}f^n(A)\leq{\xi}$ for all $n\in{\mathbb Z}$ then $A$ has at most $m$ points. Note that $f$ is expansive if it is 1-expansive. In [@APV] it is shown that the genus two surface admits a 2-expansive homeomorphism that is not expansive. In [@ArDend] it is shown that a pseudo-Anosov map with 1-prong singularities of the 2-sphere is cw-expansive but not $m$-expansive for any $m\geq1$. In [@ArRobN] the example of [@APV] is generalized and it is proved that there are $C^r$-robustly, $r\geq2$, $m$-expansive diffeomorphisms that are not Anosov diffeomorphisms. In [@ArAnomalous] another variation is considered to prove that a local stable set may be connected but not locally connected, for a cw-expansive homeomorphism of a surface.
All the examples mentioned in the previous paragraph have finitely many fixed points. In §\[secPartPert\] we will show that there are cw-expansive homeomorphisms of compact surfaces admitting infinitely many fixed points and without wandering points. In particular these homeomorphisms are not $m$-expansive for any $m\geq1$. We recall that $x\in M$ is *wandering* for $f\colon M\to M$ if there is an open set $U$ such that $U\cap f^n(U)=\varnothing$ for all $n\neq 0$. For the construction of such examples we start with an Anosov diffeomorphism on the 2-torus. Then we perform a suitable $C^0$-perturbation to obtain infinitely many fixed points. Finally, we consider a quotient that gives a cw-expansive homeomorphism, which we already know that is defined on a 2-torus again. The hard part, for our purposes, is to perform the perturbation in such a way that: 1) it adds no wandering point and 2) the (infinitely many) fixed points are not identified in the quotient, that is, there must be no continuum with small iterates containing any pair of the fixed points. We will consider area preserving perturbations to ensure 1).
In §\[secCwSh\] we develop some general results concerning (not necessarily monotone) quotients of cw-expansive homeomorphisms. We also consider quotients of homeomorphisms with the shadowing property. These results are applied to prove that the 2-sphere admits a cw-expansive homeomorphism with the shadowing property. As a consequence we see that some statements of [@Lee] could not be correct.
We thank Ignacio Monteverde for useful conversations during the preparation of this work.
Extensions of cw-expansive homeomorphisms {#secExtCwExpHom}
Let $M$ be a topological space. A non-empty, compact and connected subset $C\subseteq M$ is called $\emph{continuum}$. A continuum is called *trivial* if it has only one point. For a metric space $(M,\operatorname{dist})$, a homeomorphism $f\colon M\to M$ and ${\xi}>0$, a subset $C\subseteq M$ is called *${\xi}$-stable* if $\operatorname{diam}f^n(C)\leq{\xi}$ for all $n\in{\mathbb Z}$.
A homeomorphism $f\colon M\to M$ is *cw-expansive* if there exist a compatible metric $\operatorname{dist}$ on $M$ and ${\xi}>0$, such that every ${\xi}$-stable continuum is trivial. Such ${\xi}$ will be called a *cw-expansivity constant*.
If ${\mathcal U}$ is an open cover of $M$ and $C\subseteq M$, we denote $C\prec{\mathcal U}$ to mean that $C\subseteq U$ for some $U\in{\mathcal U}$. We say that ${\mathcal U}$ is a *cw-expansivity cover for $f$* if $C\subseteq M$ is a continuum and $f^n(C)\prec{\mathcal U}$ for all $n\in{\mathbb Z}$ then $C$ is trivial.
\[lem:cwexptop<=>cwexpmet\] If $M$ is a compact metrizable topological space and $f\colon M\to M$ is a homeomorphism then the following conditions are equivalent:
1. The homeomorphism $f$ is cw-expansive.
2. There exists a cw-expansivity cover ${\mathcal U}$ for $f$.
3. For every compatible metric $\operatorname{dist}$ on $M$ there exists a cw-expansivity constant ${\xi}$ for $f$.
The proof of Lemma \[lem:cwexptop<=>cwexpmet\] is direct from the definitions.
Half cw-expansivity {#subHalfCw}
We introduce the next definition.
Let $(M,\operatorname{dist})$ be a metric space. A homeomorphism $f\colon M\to M$ is *half cw-expansive* if there exists ${\xi}>0$, such that every ${\xi}$-stable continuum is ${\xi}/2$-stable. In this case we say that ${\xi}$ is a *half cw-expansivity constant* and that $f$ is *half cw-expansive relative to $\operatorname{dist}$ and ${\xi}$*.
An equivalent condition for half cw-expansivity is that for some ${\xi}>0$ every ${\xi}$-stable continuum has diameter less or equal than ${\xi}/2$.
\[rmkCteTrivial\] Notice that every homeomorphism of $M$ is half cw-expansive if ${\xi}\geq2\operatorname{diam}M$. In this case we say that ${\xi}$ is a *trivial half cw-expansivity constant*. Naturally, the case of interest is for small half cw-expansivity constants.
The next example shows that the existence of a non-trivial half cw-expansivity constant depends on the compatible metric. In §\[secSurfWBdryCircle\] we give examples of homeomorphisms of the 2-disk showing this phenomenon, see Propositions \[propHalfDepMet\] and \[propHcwDisk\].
Let $g\colon M\to M$ be a cw-expansive homeomorphism of the compact metric space $(M,\operatorname{dist}')$ with cw-expansivity constant ${\xi}=1$. Consider $\operatorname{dist}(x,y)=\min\{\operatorname{dist}'(x,y),1\}$, a compatible metric on $M$. Define $f\colon M\times [0,1]\to M\times [0,1]$ as $f(x,t)=(g(x),t)$. On $M\times [0,1]$ consider the following two metrics: $$\begin{aligned}
\operatorname{dist}_2\bigl((x,t),(y,s)\bigr)=\max\{4\operatorname{dist}(x,y),|s-t|\}.\end{aligned}$$ Both metrics are compatible. For $\operatorname{dist}_1$ we have that no ${\xi}<2\operatorname{diam}_1M$ is a half cw-expansivity constant, but for $\operatorname{dist}_2$ we have the half cw-expansivity constant ${\xi}=3<2\operatorname{diam}_2M$, where $\operatorname{diam}_i$ is the diameter associated to $\operatorname{dist}_i$.
We recall that the $C^0$-topology in the set of homeomorphisms of a compact metric space $(M,\operatorname{dist})$ is the one defined by the $C^0$-metric $$\label{ecuDistC0}
\operatorname{dist}_{C^0}(f,g)=\sup_{x\in M}\operatorname{dist}\bigl(f(x),g(x)\bigr),$$ for homeomorphisms $f,g\colon M\to M$. We assume that the reader is familiar with the Hausdorff metric defined on the compact subsets of $M$. We will use the fact that the space of subcontinua of $M$ is compact with this metric. A proof can be found in [@Nadler].
\[prop:unifhalfcw\] If $f\colon M\to M$ is a half cw-expansive homeomorphism of a compact metric space with constant ${\xi}$ then:
1. There is $\alpha>{\xi}$ such that every $\alpha$-stable continuum $C\subseteq M$ is ${\xi}/2$-stable.
2. For every ${\varepsilon}\in({\xi},\alpha)$ there is $m\in{\mathbb N}$ such that: $$\displaystyle\sup_{|n|\leq m}\operatorname{diam}f^n(C)\leq\alpha\text{ implies }\operatorname{diam}C<{\varepsilon}/2$$ for every continuum $C\subseteq M$.
3. For every ${\varepsilon}\in({\xi},\alpha)$ there is a $C^0$-neighborhood ${\mathcal U}$ of $f$ such that every $g\in{\mathcal U}$ is half cw-expansive with constant ${\varepsilon}$.
\(1) Arguing by contradiction suppose that there is a sequence $(C_k)_{k\in{\mathbb N}}$ of $({\xi}+1/k)$-stable continua that are not ${\xi}/2$-stable. Since ${\xi}$ is a half cw-expansivity constant, we have that $C_k$ is not ${\xi}$-stable for all $k\in{\mathbb N}$. Then $\operatorname{diam}f^n(C_k)\leq{\xi}+1/k$ for all $n\in{\mathbb Z}$ and for all $k\in{\mathbb N}$ there is $n_k\in{\mathbb Z}$ such that $\operatorname{diam}f^{n_k}(C_k)>{\xi}$. By compactness we may assume that $\bigl(f^{n_k}(C_k)\bigr)_{k\in{\mathbb N}}$ converges to $C$ with respect to the Hausdorff metric. Then $C$ is a continuum such that $\operatorname{diam}C\geq{\xi}$ and $\operatorname{diam}f^n(C)\leq{\xi}$ for all $n\in{\mathbb Z}$. This contradicts that ${\xi}$ is a half cw-expansivity constant for $f$.
\(2) To prove that the required $m\in{\mathbb N}$ exists we will argue by contradiction. Suppose that there exists ${\varepsilon}\in({\xi},\alpha)$ such that for each $m\in{\mathbb N}$ there is a continuum $C_m\subseteq M$ with $\sup_{|n|\leq m}\operatorname{diam}f^n(C_m)\leq\alpha$ and $\operatorname{diam}C_m\geq{\varepsilon}/2$. If $C\subseteq M$ is a limit continuum of $(C_m)_{m\in{\mathbb N}}$ then $\operatorname{diam}f^n(C)\leq\alpha$ for all $n\in{\mathbb Z}$ and $\operatorname{diam}C\geq{\varepsilon}/2\geq{\xi}/2$. Then $C$ is an $\alpha$-stable continuum that is not ${\xi}/2$-stable, contradicting (1).
\(3) For the given ${\varepsilon}$ consider $m\in{\mathbb N}$ given by (2). Let ${\mathcal U}$ be a $C^0$-neighborhood of $f$ such that $\sup_{|n|\leq m}\operatorname{diam}g^n(C)\leq{\varepsilon}$ implies $\sup_{|n|\leq m}\operatorname{diam}f^n(C)\leq \alpha$ for every continuum $C\subseteq M$ and $g\in {\mathcal U}$. Let us show that ${\varepsilon}$ is a half cw-expansivity constant for every $g\in{\mathcal U}$. Suppose that $\operatorname{diam}g^n(C)\leq {\varepsilon}$ for all $n\in{\mathbb Z}$. From the choice of ${\mathcal U}$, this implies that $\sup_{|n|\leq m}\operatorname{diam}f^n(C)\leq\alpha$. Then, as $m$ was chosen as in (2), we have that $\operatorname{diam}C<{\varepsilon}/2$. That is, ${\varepsilon}$ is a half cw-expansivity constant for every $g\in{\mathcal U}$.
\[cor:entornohalfcw\] Let $f\colon M\to M$ be a cw-expansive homeomorphism of a compact metric space with constant ${\xi}$. Then there is a $C^0$-neighborhood ${\mathcal U}$ of $f$ such that every $g\in{\mathcal U}$ is half cw-expansive with constant ${\xi}$.
Suppose that ${\xi}$ is a cw-expansivity constant of $f$. Notice that every $0<{\varepsilon}\leq{\xi}$ is a half cw-expansivity constant. By Proposition \[prop:unifhalfcw\] we can take two half cw-expansivity constants ${\varepsilon}_1,{\varepsilon}_2$ such that ${\varepsilon}_1/2<{\varepsilon}_2<{\xi}<{\varepsilon}_1$. Let ${\mathcal U}_i$, $i=1,2$, be the neighborhoods given by Proposition \[prop:unifhalfcw\], such that if $g\in{\mathcal U}_i$ then ${\varepsilon}_i$ is a half cw-expansivity constant for $g$. Define ${\mathcal U}={\mathcal U}_1\cap {\mathcal U}_2$. From our choice of ${\varepsilon}_1$ and ${\varepsilon}_2$ we see that ${\xi}$ is a half cw-expansivity constant for every $g\in{\mathcal U}$.
Monotone extensions of cw-expansive systems {#subMonExt}
Let $M,N$ be topological spaces and $p\colon M\to N$ a map. We say that $p$ is a *quotient map* (or an *extension map*) if $p$ is surjective and the quotient (final) topology of $N$ induced by $p$ and the topology of $M$ is the given topology of $N$. If in addition $f$ and $g$ are homeomorphisms of $M$ and $N$, respectively, such that $p\circ f=g\circ p$, we say that $f$ is an *extension of $g$ by $p$* (or that $g$ is a *quotient of $f$ by $p$*), and we denote it by $(M,f)\stackrel{p}{\to}(N,g)$.
Let $M$ be a topological space and $f\colon M\to M$ a homeomorphism. An equivalence relation $\sim$ on $M$ is called *compatible with $f$* if $x,y\in M$, $x\sim y$ implies $f(x)\sim f(y)$. Given an equivalence relation $\sim$ on $M$, compatible with $f$, let $\tilde M$ be the topological quotient space, $q\colon M\to\tilde M$ the canonical map, and $\tilde f$ the homeomorphism of $\tilde M$ induced by $f$. Then $f$ is an extension of $\tilde f$ by $q$, and we say that this extension (or quotient) is *induced by $\sim$*.
Any extension $(M,f)\stackrel{p}{\to}(N,g)$ is of the form $(M,f)\stackrel{q}{\to}(\tilde M,\tilde f)$, that is, there exists an equivalence relation $\sim$ on $M$ compatible with $f$ and a homeomorphism $h\colon N\to\tilde M$ such that $q=p\circ h$ and $\tilde f\circ h=h\circ g$. So we may suppose that extensions always comes from compatible equivalence relations.
A map between topological spaces is called *monotone* [@Nadler] if the preimage set of any singleton of the codomain is connected.
\[rmkMonCOnj\] If $M$ and $N$ are compact metric spaces and $q\colon M\to N$ is a monotone continuous and onto map, then $q^{-1}(C)$ is connected for every connected subset $C\subseteq N$. See [@Nadler]\*[Exercise 8.46]{}.
We will say that an extension $(M,f)\stackrel{q}{\to}(\tilde M,\tilde f)$ is a *monotone extension* if the map $q$ is monotone, i.e., the equivalence classes $[x]$, $x\in M$, are connected.
\[def:releqiv\] Let $(M,\operatorname{dist})$ be a metric space and $f\colon M\to M$ a half cw-expansive homeomorphism with constant ${\xi}>0$. We consider the equivalence relation compatible with $f$ defined on $M$ by: $$\label{eqRelEquivCon}
x\sim y\quad\text{if}\quad x,y\in C\text{ for some }{\xi}\text{-stable continuum }C\subseteq M,$$ for $x,y\in M$. Note that $\sim$ depends on $f$, $\operatorname{dist}$, and ${\xi}$. To simplify the terminology, in this context we refer to the extension $(M,f)\stackrel{q}{\to}(\tilde M,\tilde f)$ as the *extension induced by $f$*. Here $\tilde M$ denotes the quotient space $M/\sim$ and $q\colon M\to \tilde M$ is the canonical map.
\[rmk:maxEstCont\] Note that the equivalence classes of relation are the maximal ${\xi}$-stable continua, where the word “maximal” is used in the sense of the inclusion of sets. This is because for a half cw-expansive homeomorphism ${\xi}$-stable and ${\xi}/2$-stable continua coincide. In particular, as the classes are connected, we see that the canonical map is monotone.
\[lem:cociente\_metrizable\] Let $M$ be a compact metric space, $f\colon M\to M$ a half cw-expansive homeomorphism, $\sim$ the equivalence relation of Definition \[def:releqiv\] and $\tilde M$ the quotient space by this relation. Then:
1. The space $\tilde M$ is metrizable.
2. For every open set $U\subseteq M$ the set $\hat U=\{x\in M:[x]\subseteq U\}$ is open in $M$ and $q(\hat U)$ is open in $\tilde M$.
\(1) By [@Nadler]\*[Theorem 3.9]{} it is enough to show that the decomposition of $M$ into equivalence classes is upper semi-continuous (see [@Nadler]\*[Definition 3.5]{}). First observe that, as the classes are closed, the cited definition amounts to: given ${\varepsilon}>0$, and a convergent sequence $x_k\to x$ of $M$, there exists $k_0\in{\mathbb N}$ such that $[x_k]\subseteq_{{\varepsilon}}[x]$ for all $k\geq k_0$. Here for subsets $A,B\subseteq M$, $A\subseteq_{{\varepsilon}}B$ means that $d(a,B)<{\varepsilon}$ for all $a\in A$, where $d(a,B)=\inf_{b\in B}d(a,b)$.
Arguing by contradiction suppose that this is not the case. Then there exist an ${\varepsilon}_0>0$, a convergent sequence $x_k\to x$ and a sequence $(y_k)_{k\in{\mathbb N}}$ such that $x_k\sim y_k$ and $d(y_k,[x])\geq{\varepsilon}_0$ for all $k\in{\mathbb N}$. Let $(C_k)_{k\in{\mathbb N}}$ be a sequence of ${\xi}$-stable continua such that $x_k,y_k\in C_k$ for all $k\in{\mathbb N}$. As $M$ is compact, taking subsequences we may suppose that $(y_k)_{k\in{\mathbb N}}$ converges to an element $y$, which will satisfy $d(y,[x])\geq{\varepsilon}_0$, and that $(C_k)_{k\in{\mathbb N}}$ converges in the Hausdorff metric to a continuum $C\subseteq M$ which will be ${\xi}$-stable. As $x\in C\cap[x]$ and both sets are in fact ${\xi}/2$-stable continua, we see that $C\cup[x]$ is a ${\xi}$-stable continuum and $x,y\in C\cup[x]$. Therefore $x\sim y$, or equivalently $y\in[x]$, which contradicts $d(y,[x])\geq{\varepsilon}_0$.
\(2) Note that $\hat U=M\setminus q^{-1}\bigl(q(M\setminus U)\bigr)$. Then, as $M\setminus U$ is closed and $q$ is a continuous and closed map we see that $\hat U$ is open. Finally $q(\hat U)$ is open because $q^{-1}\bigl(q(\hat U)\bigr)=\hat U$ is open.
\[teo:cwexpgordo<=>extecwxp\] Let $M$ be a compact metrizable space and $f\colon M\to M$ a monotone extension of $\tilde f\colon\tilde M\to\tilde M$. Then, $\tilde f$ is cw-expansive if and only if $f$ is half cw-expansive, relative to some compatible metric and induces the extension.
As we said before we may suppose that the extension comes from a suitable equivalence relation on $M$ compatible with $f$ which we call $\simeq$. The class of $x\in M$ by $\simeq$ will be denoted as $[x]=q(x)$ where $q\colon M\to\tilde M$ is the canonical map.
($\Rightarrow$) We need to show a compatible metric on $M$ and ${\xi}>0$ such that $f$ is half cw-expansive relative to ${\xi}$, and such that the equivalence relation $\sim$ of Definition \[def:releqiv\] coincides with $\simeq$.
Pick a compatible metric $\operatorname{dist}_1$ for $M$ and a compatible metric $\operatorname{dist}_2$ for $\tilde M$. As $\tilde f$ is cw-expansive, by Lemma \[lem:cwexptop<=>cwexpmet\] there exists a cw-expansivity constant ${\xi}$ for $\tilde f$ with respect to $\operatorname{dist}_2$. Let $D_1$ be the diameter of $M$ with respect to $\operatorname{dist}_1$, $K={\xi}/(1+2D_1)$ and define a new metric $\operatorname{dist}$ on $M$ by $$\operatorname{dist}_3(x,y)=K\operatorname{dist}_1(x,y)+\operatorname{dist}_2([x],[y]),\qquad x,y\in M.$$ To prove that $\operatorname{dist}_3$ is compatible with $\operatorname{dist}_1$ first note that $K\operatorname{dist}_1\leq\operatorname{dist}_3$. On the other hand, by the uniform continuity of $q\colon (M,\operatorname{dist}_1)\to(\tilde M,\operatorname{dist}_2)$, it is easy to see that given any ${\varepsilon}>0$ there exists $\delta>0$ such that $\operatorname{dist}_1(x,y)<\delta$ implies $\operatorname{dist}_3(x,y)<{\varepsilon}$, for all $x,y\in M$. Therefore $\operatorname{dist}_3$ is compatible.
We will show that $f$ is half cw-expansive with respect to $\operatorname{dist}_3$ and ${\xi}$. Note that, if $x,y\in M$ and $x\simeq y$ then $$\operatorname{dist}_3(x,y)=K\operatorname{dist}_1(x,y)\leq KD_1\leq{\xi}/2.$$ Hence $\operatorname{diam}_3{}[x]\leq{\xi}/2$ for each $[x]\in\tilde M$, where $\operatorname{diam}_j$ stands for the diameter in the metric $\operatorname{dist}_j$. Note also that as $\operatorname{dist}_2([x],[y])\leq\operatorname{dist}_3(x,y)$ for all $x,y\in M$ we have $\operatorname{diam}_2 q(C)\leq\operatorname{diam}_3 C$ for all $C\subseteq M$. Suppose that $\operatorname{diam}_3 f^n(C)\leq{\xi}$ for all $n\in{\mathbb Z}$, hence $\operatorname{diam}_2 \tilde f^n\bigl(q(C)\bigr)=\operatorname{diam}_2 q\bigl(f^n(C)\bigr)\leq\operatorname{diam}_3 f^n(C)\leq{\xi}$ for all $n\in{\mathbb Z}$. Since ${\xi}$ is a cw-expansivity constant for $\tilde f$ we have that $q(C)=[x]$ for some $x\in M$. Thus, $C\subseteq[x]$ and $\operatorname{diam}_3 C\leq\operatorname{diam}_3{}[x]\leq{\xi}/2$.
Finally we prove that $\sim{=}\simeq$. If $x\sim y$ then there exists a ${\xi}$-stable continuum $C$ containing $x$ and $y$. In the previous paragraph we already showed that in this case $C$ is a subset of a single class (relative to $\simeq$), therefore $x\simeq y$. Conversely, take $x\simeq y$ and let $C=[x]$. We know that $C$ is connected because the extension is assumed to be monotone. Then $x,y\in C$ and $$\operatorname{diam}_3 f^n(C)=\operatorname{diam}_3[f^n(x)]\leq{\xi}/2$$ for all $n\in{\mathbb Z}$, hence $x\sim y$.
($\Leftarrow$) By Lemma \[lem:cociente\_metrizable\] we know that $\tilde M$ is a compact metrizable space. To prove that $\tilde f$ is cw-expansive, by Lemma \[lem:cwexptop<=>cwexpmet\], it suffices to show a cw-expansivity cover for $\tilde f$. We assume that the extension is induced by $\sim$, the equivalence relation of Definition \[def:releqiv\].
Let $\operatorname{dist}$ be a compatible metric on $M$ and ${\xi}$ a half cw-expansivity constant for $f$ with respect to $\operatorname{dist}$. Consider $\alpha>{\xi}$, from Proposition \[prop:unifhalfcw\], such that every $\alpha$-stable continuum is ${\xi}/2$-stable. For each $x\in M$ let $U(x)=B_{\alpha/2}(x)$ be the open ball of radius $\alpha/2$ centered at $x$, and consider $$\hat U(x)=\{y\in M:[y]\subseteq U(x)\}.$$ By Lemma \[lem:cociente\_metrizable\] we know that $\hat U(x)$ is open, and, as $\operatorname{diam}{}[x] \leq {\xi}/2<\alpha/2$, we have that $[x]\subseteq U(x)$, so $x\in\hat U(x)$. Then, again by Lemma \[lem:cociente\_metrizable\], $q\bigl(\hat U(x)\bigr)$ is an open neighborhood of $[x]$ in $\tilde M$ for all $x\in M$. Consider the open cover of $\tilde M$ given by $\tilde{\mathcal U}=\bigl\{q\bigl(\hat U(x)\bigr):x\in M\bigr\}$. To prove that $\tilde{\mathcal U}$ is a cw-expansivity cover for $\tilde f$ suppose that $\tilde f^n(\tilde C)\subseteq q\bigl(\hat U(x_n)\bigr)$ for all $n\in{\mathbb Z}$ where $\tilde C\subseteq\tilde M$ is a continuum and $x_n\in M$.
Let $C=q^{-1}(\tilde C)$ and note that $f^n(C)\subseteq U(x_n)$ for all $n\in{\mathbb Z}$, because $q\bigl(f^n(C)\bigr)=\tilde f^n(\tilde C)\subseteq q\bigl(\hat U(x_n)\bigr)$ for all $n\in{\mathbb Z}$. Thus $C$ is a $\alpha$-stable set. Since $q$ is monotone, by Remark \[rmkMonCOnj\] we have that $C$ is connected, and therefore it must be ${\xi}$-stable. Hence, $C$ reduces to a single class, from which we conclude that $\tilde C$ is a trivial continuum. This proves that $\tilde{\mathcal U}$ is a cw-expansivity cover for $\tilde f$, and therefore $\tilde f$ is cw-expansive.
Monotone quotients on surfaces {#secMetSp}
In this section we will consider the extensions of §\[secExtCwExpHom\] for homeomorphisms of surfaces. We will show that under certain conditions the quotient space is homeomorphic to the original surface. We start considering closed surfaces. The case of surfaces with boundary is studied in §\[secSurfWBdryCircle\].
\[rmkRoSt\] In order to prove Theorem \[thm:tildeM=M\] we recall some classical results. The $r$-dimensional Betti number (modulo 2)[^1] of the set $C\subseteq M$ will be denoted as $b_r(C)$. By [@RoSt]\*[Theorem 1]{} if $M$ is a compact connected surface without boundary and $\tilde M$ is the quotient space induced by a monotone upper-semicontinuous decomposition of $M$ that contains at least two elements, and $b_1(C) = 0$ for each class $C\subseteq M$, then $\tilde M$ is homeomorphic to $M$. We give some details about this statement. First, if the cw-expansivity constant is sufficiently small we see that we cannot have just one equivalence class. Second, by [@Wilder]\*[Theorem 5.25]{} if a subset $U$ of the $n$-sphere ${\mathbb S}^n$ is connected then $b_{n-1}({\mathbb S}^n\setminus U)=0$. If $D$ is an open ball in ${\mathbb R}^n$ then we can consider its one-point compactification to conclude that if $U\subseteq D$ is connected then $b_{n-1}(D\setminus U)=0$. Therefore, in order to conclude that $\tilde M$ is homeomorphic to $M$ it is sufficient to prove that for each class $C\subseteq M$ there is an open disc $D\subseteq M$ such that $C\subseteq D$ and $U=D\setminus C$ is connected.
To prove Theorem \[thm:tildeM=M\] we present Lemma \[lem:tildeM=M\] which is a generalization, to arbitrary dimension, of what we need for surfaces. Due to the techniques of the proof, we assume that the distance of $M$ is induced by a Riemannian metric.
\[lem:tildeM=M\] Suppose that $M$ is a closed Riemannian manifold, $\dim M=d\geq 2$. If $f\colon M\to M$ is a homeomorphism then there is ${\varepsilon}_0>0$ such that if $C\subseteq M$ is a maximal ${\varepsilon}$-stable continuum with $0<{\varepsilon}\leq{\varepsilon}_0$ then $b_{d-1}(C)=0$.
Let ${\varepsilon}_0>0$ be a small constant so that if $A\subseteq M$ and $\operatorname{diam}A\leq{\varepsilon}_0$ then there is a convex open ball $D\subseteq M$ containing $A$. Suppose that $C\subseteq M$ is a maximal ${\varepsilon}$-stable continuum for some $0<{\varepsilon}\leq{\varepsilon}_0$. For each $n\in{\mathbb Z}$ let $D_n$ be a convex open disc containing $f^n(C)$. A connected component of $M\setminus f^n(C)$ will be called *bounded component* if their closure is disjoint from the boundary of $D$. It is clear that we can take ${\varepsilon}_0>0$ sufficiently small so that $f$ preserves the bounded components $M\setminus f^n(C)$.
Suppose that $D\setminus C$ is disconnected. Take $y\in D\setminus C$ in a bounded component. Let $\gamma\subseteq D$ be a geodesic arc through $y$ with its extreme points in $\partial D$. The point $y$ separates $\gamma$ in two arcs $\gamma_1$ and $\gamma_2$. As $y$ is in a bounded component of $D\setminus C$ we can take $z_i\in\gamma_i\cap C$ for $i=1,2$. Since $\operatorname{diam}C\leq{\varepsilon}$ we have that $\operatorname{dist}(z_1,z_2)\leq{\varepsilon}$. This implies that $\operatorname{dist}(y,C)\leq{\varepsilon}$ because $D$ is convex. An analogous argument for each $f^n(C)\subseteq D_n$ shows that $\operatorname{dist}\bigl(f^n(y),f^n(C)\bigr)\leq{\varepsilon}$ for all $n\in{\mathbb Z}$. Let $V$ be the *unbounded* component of $D\setminus C$ and denote by $C'$ the continuum $D\setminus V$. We have proved that $\operatorname{diam}f^n(C')\leq{\varepsilon}_0$ for all $n\in{\mathbb Z}$. The maximality of $C$ implies that $C'=C$, but this contradicts that the class $C$ separates $D$.
\[thm:tildeM=M\] If $M$ is a closed surface with a Riemannian metric, then there is ${\varepsilon}_0>0$ such that if $f\colon M\to M$ is a half cw-expansive homeomorphism with half cw-expansivity constant ${\xi}\leq{\varepsilon}_0$ then $\tilde M$ is homeomorphic to $M$.
Take ${\varepsilon}_0$ from Lemma \[lem:tildeM=M\]. Suppose that $f$ is half cw-expansive with constant ${\xi}\leq{\varepsilon}_0$. By Remark \[rmk:maxEstCont\] we know that the maximal ${\xi}$-stable continua are the equivalence classes that defines $\tilde M$. Since $\dim M=2$ we have that $b_1(C)=0$ for every class $C\subseteq M$. Then, as explained in Remark \[rmkRoSt\] the result follows by [@RoSt]\*[Theorem 1]{}.
For reference in §\[secPartPert\] we state the following direct consequence.
\[coroToro\] Let $M$ be a closed surface with a Riemannian metric and $f_0\colon M\to M$ is a cw-expansive homeomorphism. Then there exists ${\varepsilon}_1>0$ such that for every $0<{\xi}\leq{\varepsilon}_1$ there is a $C^0$-neighborhood ${\mathcal U}$ of $f_0$ such that every $f\in{\mathcal U}$ is half cw-expansive with constant ${\xi}$ and $\tilde M$ is homeomorphic to $M$.
Take ${\varepsilon}_0$ from Theorem \[thm:tildeM=M\], let ${\xi}_0$ be a cw-expansivity constant for $f_0$ and define ${\varepsilon}_1=\min\{{\varepsilon}_0,{\xi}_0\}$. Then, for any $0<{\xi}\leq{\varepsilon}_1$ we have that ${\xi}$ is a cw-expansivity constant for $f_0$. By Corollary \[cor:entornohalfcw\] there exists a $C^0$-neighborhood ${\mathcal U}$ of $f_0$ such that all $f\in{\mathcal U}$ are half cw-expansive with constant ${\xi}$. Finally, as ${\xi}\leq{\varepsilon}_0$, we have that $\tilde M$ is homeomorphic to $M$ for every $f\in{\mathcal U}$.
For the proof of the next result we recall some known facts. Given two compact metric spaces $M,N$ and a continuous map $q\colon M\to N$, we say that $q$ is a *near-homeomorphism* [@Daverman]\*[p. 27]{} if every $C^0$-neighborhood of $q$ contains a homeomorphism from $M$ to $N$.
By Corollary \[cor:entornohalfcw\] we know that in a $C^0$-neighborhood of a cw-expansive homeomorphism every homeomorphism is half cw-expansive. The next result is some kind of converse for surfaces. That is, in a suitable neighborhood of a half cw-expansive homeomorphism there is a cw-expansive homeomorphism. The size of this neighborhood depends on the half cw-expansivity constant.
If $f\colon M\to M$ is a half cw-expansive homeomorphism of a closed surface with a Riemannian metric, with constant ${\xi}\leq{\varepsilon}_0$ (where ${\varepsilon}_0$ is given by Theorem \[thm:tildeM=M\]) and ${\varepsilon}>0$ is given, then there is a cw-expansive homeomorphism $g\colon M\to M$ conjugate with $\tilde f$ such that $\operatorname{dist}_{C^0}(f,g)<{\xi}/2+{\varepsilon}$.
It is known that the quotient map $q\colon M\to\tilde M$ is a near-homeomorphism. We sketch the proof for reader’s convenience. From Lemma \[lem:tildeM=M\] and [@Kur]\*[p. 514 Thm 6]{} we know that the equivalence classes are cell-like. By [@Daverman]\*[p. 187]{} a cell-like decomposition is shrinkable. On compact metric spaces the shrinkability condition implies that the quotient map is a near-homeomorphism [@Daverman].
Let $h_n\colon M\to\tilde M$ be a sequence of homeomorphisms converging to $q$ in the $C^0$-metric. Define $g_n=h_n^{-1}\circ\tilde f\circ h_n$. We know that $g_n$ is cw-expansive because $\tilde f$ is cw-expansive and they are conjugate. Suppose that there are ${\varepsilon}>0$ and $x_n$ such that $$\label{ecuCasiHomeo}
\operatorname{dist}\bigl(f(x_n),h_n^{-1}\circ\tilde f\circ h_n(x_n)\bigr)\geq{\xi}/2+{\varepsilon}$$ for all $n\in{\mathbb N}$. If $x$ is a limit point of $x_n$ then $\tilde f\circ h_n(x_n)\to \tilde f\circ q(x)$. If $y$ is a limit point of $h_n^{-1}\circ\tilde f\circ q(x)$ then $q(y)=\tilde f\bigl(q(x)\bigr)$. Since $q\circ f=\tilde f\circ q$ we have that $q(y)=q(f(x))$. We know that $\operatorname{diam}q^{-1}(z)\leq{\xi}/2$ for all $z\in\tilde M$. Then, $\operatorname{dist}(y,f(x))\leq{\xi}/2$. This contradicts and proves that for some $n$ it holds that $\operatorname{dist}_{C^0}(f,g_n)<{\xi}/2+{\varepsilon}$.
Surfaces with boundary {#secSurfWBdryCircle}
We recall that surfaces with boundary do not admit cw-expansive homeomorphisms. This is a consequence of the non-existence of such homeomorphisms on the circle. See for example [@ArDend]\*[Remark 2.3.6]{}.
Recall that ${\xi}\geq2\operatorname{diam}M$, is a trivial half cw-expansive constant, see Remark \[rmkCteTrivial\].
\[propNoCirc\] The circle only admits trivial half cw-expansive homeomorphisms.
Suppose that $f\colon M\to M$ is a half cw-expansive homeomorphism of the circle $M={\mathbb{S}^1}$ with constant ${\xi}$. By Theorem \[teo:cwexpgordo<=>extecwxp\] we have that $\tilde f\colon \tilde M\to\tilde M$ is cw-expansive. Since the canonical map is monotone we have that $\tilde M$ is a circle or a singleton. As we said, it cannot be a circle. This implies that there is only one class, i.e., $f$ is trivially half cw-expansive.
The next two results show that the non-triviality of the half cw-expansivity depends on the compatible metric.
\[propHalfDepMet\] Suppose that $D$ is homeomorphic to a 2-dimensional disk with a metric $\operatorname{dist}$ such that $\operatorname{diam}D=\operatorname{diam}\partial D$. Then $D$ admits no non-trivial half cw-expansive homeomorphism.
If ${\xi}<2\operatorname{diam}D$ is a half cw-expansivity constant for $f$ then it is also a constant for $g=f|\partial D$. Then $g$ is a non-trivial half cw-expansive homeomorphism of a circle, contradicting Proposition \[propNoCirc\].
It is easy to see that for a disk embedded in the plane we have that $\operatorname{diam}D=\operatorname{diam}\partial D$ with respect to the Euclidean metric. Then, Proposition \[propHalfDepMet\] can be applied, for example, to the standard 2-disk $x^2+y^2\leq 1$ with the Euclidean metric.
\[propHcwDisk\] The closed 2-dimensional disk with a suitable metric admits a non-trivial half cw-expansive homeomorphism.
Let $\tilde f\colon {{\mathbb S}^2}\to{{\mathbb S}^2}$ be a cw-expansive homeomorphism of the 2-sphere with hiperbolic fixed points. For example we can take a power of the homeomorphism $g$ that will be introduced in §\[secCwSh\] (see the paragraph before Theorem \[thm:ejemplocw+sh\])[^2]. Suppose that ${{\mathbb S}^2}={\mathbb R}^2\cup\{\infty\}$, the origin is a hyperbolic fixed point and $\tilde f$ is linear in a neighborhood of $(0,0)$. Let $D=\{v\in{{\mathbb S}^2}:\|v\|\geq 1\}$ be a disk in the sphere, where $\|\cdot\|$ is the Euclidean norm and $\infty\in D$. Consider $q\colon D\to{{\mathbb S}^2}$ given by $q(r,\theta)=(r-1,\theta)$ in polar coordinates. Note that $q(\partial D)=(0,0)$ and that $q$ is injective in the interior of $D$. Define $f\colon D\to D$ as $q\circ f(x)=\tilde f\circ q(x)$ for all $x\in D\setminus\partial D$. Since $\tilde f$ is linear around $(0,0)$ the map $f$ can be continuously defined in $\partial D$ obtaining a homeomorphism $f\colon D\to D$. As $f$ is a monotone extension of $\tilde f$ and $\tilde f$ is cw-expansive, by Theorem \[teo:cwexpgordo<=>extecwxp\] we conclude that there is a compatible metric on $D$ that makes $f$ a half cw-expansive homeomorphism.
Note that the example of Proposition \[propHcwDisk\] has a non-trivial class, i.e., $b_1(\partial D)\neq 0$ where $\partial D$ is a class of the equivalence relation of Definition \[def:releqiv\]. The next result generalizes this remark for an arbitrary plane Peano continuum (i.e., a locally connected subcontinuum of ${\mathbb R}^2$). It depends on [@Kato93]\*[Theorem 6.2]{} where Kato proved that no non-trivial plane Peano continuum admits a cw-expansive homeomorphism.
If $M\subset{\mathbb R}^2$ is a Peano continuum and $f\colon M\to M$ is non-trivially half cw-expansive then there is a class $[x]\subset M$ with $b_1([x])\neq 0$.
Let $f\colon M\to M$ be a half cw-expansive homeomorphism. Suppose that $b_1([x])=0$ for all $x\in M$. Let $\tilde M$ be the quotient space and $q\colon M\to\tilde M$ the canonical map. By [@Nadler]\*[Corollary 8.17]{} $\tilde M$ is a Peano continuum and by Theorem \[teo:cwexpgordo<=>extecwxp\] $\tilde f$ is cw-expansive on $\tilde M$.
We will show that $\tilde M$ is a plane Peano continuum. Consider the decomposition $G$ of ${\mathbb R}^2$ given by $G(x)=\{x\}$ for $x\notin M$ and $G(x)=[x]$ for $x\in M$. By [@Mo25] we have that ${\mathbb R}^2/G$ is homeomorphic to ${\mathbb R}^2$. And given that $\tilde M\subset {\mathbb R}^2/G$ we conclude that $\tilde M$ is a plane Peano continuum. Applying [@Kato93]\*[Theorem 6.2]{} we have that $\tilde M$ is a singleton, that is, $f$ is trivially half cw-expansive.
With Proposition \[propHcwDisk\] we can construct the following example that explains the meaning of ${\varepsilon}_0$ in Lemma \[lem:tildeM=M\] and Theorem \[thm:tildeM=M\].
Let $f_i\colon D_i\to D_i$, $i=1,2$, be two copies of the half cw-expansive homeomorphism given in Proposition \[propHcwDisk\]. Identifying the corresponding points of the boundaries of the disks we obtain a half cw-expansive homeomorphism $f\colon {{\mathbb S}^2}\to{{\mathbb S}^2}$ of the 2-sphere. Let $\gamma$ be the circle in the sphere associated to the boundaries of the disks. In this case the quotient collapses the invariant circle $\gamma$ and the quotient space is not a surface, it is homeomorphic to the union of two tangent spheres in ${\mathbb R}^3$. Also, we see that $b_1(\gamma)\neq 0$.
A particular perturbation {#secPartPert}
In this section we will perform a perturbation of a cw-expansive homeomorphism of a compact surface in order to obtain new examples of cw-expansive homeomorphisms with particular properties.
Given a homeomorphism $f\colon M\to M$ and a closed set $D\subseteq M$, a *modification of $f$ in $D$* is a homeomorphism $g\colon M\to M$ such that $f|_{M\setminus D}=g|_{M\setminus D}$. Every such modification $g$ is determined by a homeomorphism $h\colon D\to f(D)$ such that $h|_{\partial D}=f|_{\partial D}$ ($h=g|_D$). In this case we sometimes refer to $h$ itself as the modification.
Note that if $g$ is a modification of $f$ in $D$ as before then $f(D)=g(D)$ and $\operatorname{dist}_{C^0}(f,g)\leq\operatorname{diam}f(D)$, where $\operatorname{dist}_{C^0}$ was defined in .
We start with the area preserving linear map $T\colon{\mathbb R}^2\to{\mathbb R}^2$ given by $T(x,y)=(\lambda x, \lambda^{-1}y)$ where $\lambda>1$ is fixed. This map transforms a line of equation $y=kx$ into the line $y=k\lambda^{-2}x$ and leaves invariant the hyperbolas $xy=k$.
In order to obtain examples without wandering points we will construct area preserving perturbations. For this purpose we will need the following result, where $\mu$ stands for the Lebesgue measure.
\[thmOU\] If $D,E\subseteq {\mathbb R}^2$ are diffeomorphic to closed rectangles, $\mu(D)=\mu(E)$, and $\partial S\colon\partial D\to\partial E$ is a homeomorphism then there is an area preserving homeomorphism $S\colon D\to E$ such that $S|_{\partial D}=\partial S$.
The example is developed in a series of constructions.
We start with a modification $T_0$ of $T$ as follows. Consider the following subsets $$\begin{gathered}
D^+=\{(x,y):1\leq xy\leq2, \lambda^{-1}x\leq y\leq\lambda^3x\},\quad E^+=T(D^+),\\
D^-=\{(x,y):1/2\leq xy\leq1, \lambda^{-1}x\leq y\leq\lambda^3x\}, \quad E^-=T(D^-),\\
l_D=\{(x,y):xy=1, \lambda^{-1}x\leq y\leq\lambda^3x\},\quad l_E=T(l_D),\\
D=D^+\cup D^-,\quad E=T(D)=E^+\cup E^-.
\end{gathered}$$ Let $p$ and $q$ be the endpoints of the arc $l_D$ as in Figure \[figPert\].
![Construction of $T_0$[]{data-label="figPert"}](fig1.png "fig:") ![Construction of $T_0$[]{data-label="figPert"}](fig2.png "fig:")
Note that $u=(1,1)\in l_D\cap l_E$. Let $h\colon l_D\to l_E$ be a homeomorphism such that $h(p)=T(p)$, $h(q)=T(q)$ and $h(u)=u$. Now consider the map $\partial T^+\colon\partial D^+\to\partial E^+$ given by $\partial T^+|_{\partial D^+\setminus l_D}=T|_{\partial D^+\setminus l_D}$ and $\partial T^+|_{l_D}=h$. As $\partial T^+$ is a homeomorphism, $D^+$ and $E^+$ are diffeomorphic to rectangles and $\mu(D^+)=\mu(E^+)$, by Theorem \[thmOU\] we can extend $\partial T^+$ to an area preserving homeomorphism $T^+\colon D^+\to E^+$. Analogously, we can find an area preserving homeomorphism $T^-\colon D^-\to E^-$ such that $T^-|_{\partial D^-\setminus l_D}=T|_{\partial D^-\setminus l_D}$ and $T^-|_{l_D}=h$. As $T^+$ and $T^-$ coincide (with $h$) in $l_D$ we have an area preserving homeomorphism $T_0\colon D\to E$ given by $T_0|_{D^+}=T^+$ and $T_0|_{D^-}=T^-$. The map $T_0$ has $u\in\operatorname{int}D$ as a fixed point. Besides, as $T_0|_{\partial D}=T|_{\partial D}$ we can define a modification of $T$ in $D$, replacing $T$ by $T_0$ on $D$. This modification will have $u$ as a fixed point and will be area preserving because $T_0$ and $T$ are.
We will define a family of modifications $T_n$, $n\in{\mathbb N}$. For $n\in{\mathbb N}$ let $M_n\colon{\mathbb R}^2\to{\mathbb R}^2$ the homothetic transformation $M_n(v)=v/2^n$, $D_n=M_n(D)$, $E_n=M_n(E)$ and $T_n=M_n\circ T_0\circ M_n^{-1}$. Note that $M_n$ leaves invariant the lines $y=kx$ and takes a hyperbola $xy=k$ to $xy=k/4^n$. It can be easily checked that $T_n\colon D_n\to E_n$ is an area preserving homeomorphism with a fixed point $u_n=(2^{-n},2^{-n})\in\operatorname{int}D_n$, that $E_n=T(D_n)$ and that $T_n|_{\partial D_n}=T|_{\partial D_n}$. Then each $T_n$ gives a modification of $T$.
Notice that if $n\neq m$ in the previous construction then $\operatorname{int}E_n\cap\operatorname{int}E_m=\varnothing$, so that we can make the modifications $T_n$ simultaneously. In fact we want to perform all the modifications $T_n$ for $n\geq n_0$ simultaneously, with $n_0\in{\mathbb N}$ to be chosen later.
\[con:tildeT\_1\] Given $n_0\in{\mathbb N}$ and $n\geq n_0$, define $\tilde T_n$ as $T$ with the modifications $T_{n_0},\ldots,T_n$, and define $\tilde T$ as $T$ with all the modifications $T_n$ for $n\geq n_0$.
Clearly all the maps $\tilde T_n$ of the previous construction are area preserving homeomorphisms.
The map $\tilde T$ is an area preserving homeomorphism.
First note that $\tilde T_n$ converges to $\tilde T$ pointwise, and that $\tilde T$ is bijective. For all $n>n_0$ we have $$\operatorname{dist}_{C^0}(\tilde T_{n-1},\tilde T_n)=\operatorname{dist}_{C^0}(T|_{D_n},T_n)\leq\operatorname{diam}E_n =2^{-n}\operatorname{diam}E_0,$$ from which we conclude that $\tilde T_n$ converges uniformly to $\tilde T$, and $\tilde T$ is continuous. A similar argument applied to the inverses of all these maps shows that in fact $\tilde T$ is a homeomorphism. Finally, for any measurable subset $A\subseteq\bigcup_{n\geq n_0}D_n$ we have $\tilde T(A)\subseteq\bigcup_{n\geq n_0}E_n$, then $$\begin{split}
\mu\bigl(\tilde T(A)\bigr)&=\sum_{n\geq n_0}\mu\bigl(\tilde T(A)\cap E_n\bigr)=\sum_{n\geq n_0}\mu\bigl(\tilde T(A\cap D_n)\bigr)\\
&=\sum_{n\geq n_0}\mu\bigl(T_n(A\cap D_n)\bigr)=\sum_{n\geq n_0}\mu(A\cap D_n)=\mu(A).
\end{split}$$ As $\tilde T$ equals $T$ outside $\bigcup_{n\geq n_0}D_n$, we see that $\tilde T$ is area preserving.
Clearly $\tilde T$ has infinitely many fixed points, at least the $u_n$, $n\geq n_0$. Besides, as the hyperbolas $H_n\colon xy=2/4^n$ do not meet $\operatorname{int}D_m$ for all $n,m\in{\mathbb N}$, we see that $\tilde T=T$ on these hyperbolas.
\[con:tildeT\_2\] Given an open neighborhood $V$ of the origin in ${\mathbb R}^2$, let ${\xi}>0$ be small enough such that if $K=[-{\xi},{\xi}]^2$ then $K\subseteq V$ and $T(K)\subseteq V$. Let $L=[-\xi/2,{\xi}/2]^2$ and suppose that another neighborhood $W\subseteq L$ of the origin is given. Let $n_0\in{\mathbb N}$ be such that $D_n\cup E_n\subseteq W$ for all $n\geq n_0$, and perform the modification $\tilde T$ of $T$ of Construction \[con:tildeT\_1\].
\[rmk:modpert\] Note that $\operatorname{dist}_{C^0}(\tilde T,T)\leq\operatorname{diam}W$, because $E_n\subseteq W$ for all $n\geq n_0$.
\[lem:Ttildenopegafijos\] For any continuum $C$ of $\operatorname{diam}C\leq{\xi}/2$ containing two different fixed points $u_n$ and $u_m$ ($m>n\geq n_0$), there exist $N\in{\mathbb N}$ such that $\tilde T^k(C)\subseteq K\cup T(K)$ for $k=0,\ldots, N$ and $\operatorname{diam}\tilde T^N(C)>{\xi}/2$.
In fact, as $\operatorname{diam}C\leq{\xi}/2$, and $u_n\in L$ we see that $C\subseteq K$. Now consider the branch $H^+$ on the first quadrant of the hyperbola $H_m\colon xy=2/4^m$. As we can see $H^+$ separates $K$ in two components each of which containing one of the fixed points considered. Therefore, as $C$ is a connected subset of $K$ containing both fixed points, we conclude that there exists a point $w\in H^+\cap C$. Now, as $T=\tilde T$ on $H^+$ we see that there exists $N'\in{\mathbb N}$ such that $\tilde T^{N'}(w)\notin K$. Consequently there exist a first $N\in{\mathbb N}$ such that $\tilde T^N(C)\not\subseteq K$. Clearly for this $N$ we have $\tilde T^k(C)\subseteq K\cup\tilde T(K)= K\cup T(K)$ for $k=0,\ldots, N$. Finally, as $\tilde T^N(C)$ is a closed set that meets $L$ (in $u_n$) and ${\mathbb R}^2\setminus K$ we conclude that $\operatorname{diam}\tilde T^N(C)>{\xi}/2$, because $\operatorname{dist}(L,{\mathbb R}^2\setminus K)={\xi}/2$.
Now we are ready to construct the desired example of a cw-expansive homeomorphism of a compact surface admitting infinitely many fixed points and with no wandering points.
\[con:elejemplo\] Let $M={\mathbb R}^2/{\mathbb Z}^2$ be the flat torus, and $f\colon M\to M$ the linear Anosov diffeomorphism given by the matrix $\bigl[\begin{smallmatrix}2&1\\1&1\end{smallmatrix}\bigr]$. Let $U$ be an open neighborhood in $M$ of the fixed point of $f$ and assume that there is an isometric and area preserving local chart $\varphi\colon V\to U$, where $V$ is an open neighborhood of the origin in ${\mathbb R}^2$. Let $\lambda>1$ and $\lambda^{-1}$ the eigenvalues of $f$. We can also require that $f\circ\varphi(x)=\varphi\circ T(x)$, for $x\in T^{-1}(V)\cap V$, where $T$ is the linear map $T(x,y)=(\lambda x, \lambda^{-1}y)$ considered at the beginning of this section. As $\varphi$ is isometric, any modification $\tilde T$ of $T$ on a closed subset of $T^{-1}(V)\cap V$ gives a modification $g$ of $f$ such that, $\operatorname{dist}_{C^0}(f,g)=\operatorname{dist}_{C^0}(T,\tilde T)$.
As $f$ is an expansive homeomorphism, it is in particular cw-expansive. Let ${\xi}>0$ be an expansivity constant small enough to have $K\cup T(K)\subseteq V$ and ${\xi}\leq{\varepsilon}_1$, where $K$ is as in Construction \[con:tildeT\_2\] and ${\varepsilon}_1$ is from Corollary \[coroToro\]. Let $\delta>0$ be such that $B_{\delta}(f)\subseteq{\mathcal U}$ for the neighborhood ${\mathcal U}$ of Corollary \[coroToro\], and such that $W=B_{\delta/2}\bigl((0,0)\bigr)\subseteq L$, where $L$ is as in Construction \[con:tildeT\_2\]. With the $V$, ${\xi}$ and $W$ chosen, perform the perturbation $\tilde T$ of $T$ of Construction \[con:tildeT\_2\]. As this perturbation is in the closed subset $\overline W\subseteq T^{-1}(V)\cap V$, we have a corresponding perturbation $g$ of $f$ of the same size $$\operatorname{dist}_{C^0}(f,g)=\operatorname{dist}_{C^0}(T,\tilde T)\leq\operatorname{diam}W<\delta,$$ where we used Remark \[rmk:modpert\]. Then by the choice of $\delta>0$ we have that $g\in{\mathcal U}$, so that $g$ is half cw-expansive with constant ${\xi}$. Consider the equivalence relation $\sim$ of Definition \[def:releqiv\] associated to $g$ and ${\xi}$, and the homeomorphism $\tilde g$ on the quotient space $\tilde M$. By Theorem \[teo:cwexpgordo<=>extecwxp\] we know that $\tilde g$ is cw-expansive, and by Corollary \[coroToro\] we have that $\tilde M$ is homeomorphic to $M$, a 2-torus.
\[teoEjInfFij\] The cw-expansive homeomorphism $\tilde g$ of the 2-torus obtained in Construction \[con:elejemplo\] has infinitely many fixed points and empty wandering set.
On one hand, as $\tilde T\colon K\to T(K)$ and $\varphi$ are area preserving, we see that $g$ is area preserving. Then the wandering set of $g$ is empty. Consequently the wandering set of the quotient $\tilde g$ is empty. On the other hand, for $n\geq n_0$, where $n_0$ is as in Construction \[con:tildeT\_2\], consider the fixed points $p_n$ of $g$ corresponding to the fixed points $u_n$ of $\tilde T$. We will show that different fixed points $p_n$ and $p_m$ of $g$ are not identified by $\sim$, so that all this infinitely many points remains as infinitely many fixed points of $\tilde g$. In fact suppose on the contrary that $p_n\sim p_m$ with $m>n\geq n_0$. Then, by the definition of $\sim$, there exists a continuum $C$ in $M$ containing $p_n$ and $p_m$, such that $\operatorname{diam}g^k(C)\leq{\xi}/2$ for all $k\in{\mathbb Z}$. Then the continuum $C'=\varphi^{-1}(C)$ will satisfy $u_n,u_m\in C'$ and $\operatorname{diam}\tilde T^k(C')\leq {\xi}/2$, for all $k\in{\mathbb Z}$, which contradicts Lemma \[lem:Ttildenopegafijos\].
It is clear that with the techniques developed in this section we can perturb an arbitrary pseudo-Anosov map of an arbitrary compact surface in a neighborhood of a periodic orbit.
Cw-expansivity with the shadowing property {#secCwSh}
In this section we will prove that the 2-sphere admits a cw-expansive homeomorphism with the shadowing property. For the proof we develop some general results. Some of them could be well known, but as we have not found them in the literature and the proofs are short we include the details.
\[lem:uniformopenness\] Let $M$ and $N$ be compact metric spaces and $q\colon M\to N$ a continuous and open map. Then for every $\rho>0$ there exists $\nu>0$ such that $q\bigl(B_{\rho}(x)\bigr)\supseteq B_{\nu}\bigl(q(x)\bigr)$ for all $x\in M$.
If this is not the case then there exist $\rho>0$ and a sequence $(x_n)_{n\in{\mathbb N}}$ in $M$ such that $q\bigl(B_{\rho}(x_n)\bigr)\not\supseteq B_{1/n}\bigl(q(x_n)\bigr)$ for all $n\in{\mathbb N}$. As $M$ is compact we may assume that $x_n\to x\in M$. Then $q(x_n)\to q(x)$ by the continuity of $q$. Let $U=q\bigl(B_{\rho/2}(x)\bigr)$ which is open in $N$ because $q$ is an open map. Thus $U$ contains a neighborhood $B_{\delta}(q(x))$ for some $\delta>0$. Let $n_0$ be such that $x_n\in B_{\rho/4}(x)$ and $q(x_n)\in B_{\delta/2}\bigl(q(x)\bigr)$ for all $n\geq n_0$. Then $B_{\rho}(x_n)\supseteq B_{\rho/2}(x)$ and hence $q\bigl(B_{\rho}(x_n)\bigr)\supseteq B_{\delta/4}\bigl(q(x_n)\bigr)$ for every $n\geq n_0$, contradicting that $q\bigl(B_{\rho}(x_n)\bigr)\not\supseteq B_{1/n}\bigl(q(x_n)\bigr)$ for $n$ large enough.
Let $f\colon M\to M$ be a homeomorphism a metric space $(M,\operatorname{dist})$. Given $\delta>0$, a bi-infinite sequence $(x_n)_{n\in{\mathbb Z}}$ in $M$ is a *$\delta$-pseudo orbit* if $\operatorname{dist}\bigl(f(x_n),y_{n+1}\bigr)<\delta$ for all $n\in{\mathbb Z}$. If $(x_n)_{n\in{\mathbb Z}}$ is a $\delta$-pseudo orbit and ${\varepsilon}>0$ we say that $x\in M$ *${\varepsilon}$-shadows* the pseudo orbit if $\operatorname{dist}(f^n(x),x_n)<{\varepsilon}$ for all $n\in{\mathbb Z}$. We say that the homeomorphism $f\colon M\to M$ has the *shadowing property* if for all ${\varepsilon}>0$ there is $\delta>0$ such that every $\delta$-pseudo orbit can be ${\varepsilon}$-shadowed, and in this case we say that $\delta$ is *shadowing constant* associated to ${\varepsilon}$.
\[prop:semiconjsombreado\] Let $M$ and $N$ be compact metric spaces, $f\colon M\to M$ and $g\colon N\to N$ homeomorphisms and $q\colon M\to N$ a continuous and open onto map such that $q\circ f=g\circ q$. If $f$ has the shadowing property then $g$ has the shadowing property.
Given ${\varepsilon}>0$ let ${\varepsilon}'>0$ be such that for all $x,y\in M$, $\operatorname{dist}(x,y)<{\varepsilon}'$ implies $\operatorname{dist}\bigl(q(x),q(y)\bigr)<{\varepsilon}$. Let $\delta'>0$ be a shadowing constant associated to ${\varepsilon}'$ for $f$, and apply Lemma \[lem:uniformopenness\] to get $\delta>0$ such that $q\bigl(B_{\delta'}(x)\bigr)\supseteq B_{\delta}\bigl(q(x)\bigr)$ for all $x\in M$. We claim that $\delta$ is a shadowing constant associated to ${\varepsilon}$ for $g$.
Indeed, given a $\delta$-pseudo orbit $(y_n)_{n\in{\mathbb Z}}$ of $g$ we lift it to a $\delta'$-pseudo orbit of $f$ as follows. Take $x_0\in M$ such that $q(x_0)=y_0$. As $\operatorname{dist}\bigl(g(y_0),y_1\bigr)<\delta$ and $q\bigl(f(x_0)\bigr)=g(y_0)$, by the choice of $\delta$ we can find $x_1\in B_{\delta'}\bigl(f(x_0)\bigr)$ such that $q(x_1)=y_1$. Doing this inductively we see that we can lift the positive $\delta$-pseudo orbit $(y_n)_{n\geq0}$ to a positive a $\delta'$-pseudo orbit. A similar argument permits us to lift the negative $\delta$-pseudo orbit $(y_n)_{n\leq0}$, and so the entire $\delta$-pseudo orbit. By the choice of $\delta'$ there exists $x\in M$ that ${\varepsilon}'$-shadows the lifted $\delta'$-pseudo orbit. Finally, by the choice of ${\varepsilon}'$ we conclude that $y=q(x)$ ${\varepsilon}$-shadows the initially given $\delta$-pseudo orbit.
\[lem:hayconexo\] Let $M$ and $N$ be compact metric spaces and $q\colon M\to N$ a continuous and open map. Then for every non trivial continuum $C\subseteq N$ there exists a non trivial subcontinuum of $q^{-1}(C)$.
Suppose on the contrary that $D=q^{-1}(C)$ is a totally disconnected set. Take $x,y\in D$ such that $q(x)\neq q(y)$. By continuity of $q$ there exists a neighborhood $V\subseteq D$ of $x$ relative to $D$ such that $q(y)\notin q(V)$. As $D$ is totally disconnected we may assume that $V$ is open and closed relative to $D$. Then $V=V_1\cap D=V_2\cap D$ for some open set $V_1\subseteq M$ and some closed set $V_2\subseteq M$. Therefore, $q(V)=q(V_1)\cap C=q(V_2)\cap C$ is open and closed relative to $C$, because $q$ is a continuous and open map. As $x\in q(V)$ and $y\notin q(V)$ we conclude that $C$ is not connected, a contradiction.
\[prop:semiconjcw\] Let $M$ and $N$ compact metric spaces, $f\colon M\to M$ and $g\colon N\to N$ homeomorphisms and $q\colon M\to N$ a continuous and open onto map such that $q\circ f=g\circ q$, and with the property that $q^{-1}(y)$ is totally disconnected for all $y\in N$. If $f$ is cw-expansive then $g$ is cw-expansive.
Let ${\xi}>0$ be a cw-expansivity constant for $f$. Suppose that $g$ is not cw-expansive. Then for all $k\in{\mathbb N}$ there exist a non trivial continuum $C'_k\subseteq N$ such that $\operatorname{diam}g^n(C'_k)<1/k$ for all $n\in{\mathbb Z}$. By Lemma \[lem:hayconexo\], for each $k\in{\mathbb N}$ there exists a non trivial connected component $D'_k\subseteq M$ of $q^{-1}(C'_k)$. Then, as $f$ is cw-expansive, there exists $n_k\in{\mathbb Z}$ such that $\operatorname{diam}f^{n_k}(D'_k)\geq{\xi}$ for all $k\in{\mathbb N}$. Let $D_k=f^{n_k}(D'_k)$ and $C_k=g^{n_k}(C'_k)$ for $k\in{\mathbb N}$. We have that $\operatorname{diam}D_k\geq{\xi}$, $q(D_k)=C_k$ and $\operatorname{diam}C_k<1/k$, for all $k\in{\mathbb N}$. Taking a subsequence we have that $D_{k_m}\to D$ with respect to the Hausdorff metric, where $D$ is a continuum which will satisfy $\operatorname{diam}D\geq{\xi}$. Hence, as $q$ is continuous and $\operatorname{diam}C_{m_k}<1/m_k$ we see that $q(D)={y}$, for some $y\in N$. This is a contradiction since by hypothesis $q^{-1}(y)$ must be totally disconnected.
Let ${{\mathbb S}^2}$ be the 2-sphere obtained as the quotient of the 2-torus ${{\mathbb T}^2}={\mathbb R}^2/{\mathbb Z}^2$ by the map $T(x,y)=(-x,-y)$, and $q\colon {{\mathbb T}^2}\to {{\mathbb S}^2}$ the canonical map. Let $f\colon {{\mathbb T}^2}\to {{\mathbb T}^2}$ the linear Anosov diffeomorphism given by the matrix $\bigl[\begin{smallmatrix}2&1\\1&1\end{smallmatrix}\bigr]$, and $g\colon {{\mathbb S}^2}\to {{\mathbb S}^2}$ the induced homeomorphism. More details of this construction can be found in [@Walters]\*[Example 1, p. 140]{}.
\[thm:ejemplocw+sh\] The homeomorphism $g\colon {{\mathbb S}^2}\to {{\mathbb S}^2}$ is cw-expansive and has the shadowing property.
Observe that the canonical map $q\colon {{\mathbb T}^2}\to {{\mathbb S}^2}$ is open. Then, as $f$ has the shadowing property, by Proposition \[prop:semiconjsombreado\], $g$ has the shadowing property. On the other hand, as $f$ is expansive, and $q$ is a finite-to-1 map (in fact, each point has at most two preimages), we can apply Proposition \[prop:semiconjcw\] and conclude that $g$ is cw-expansive.
For simplicity let us say that a homeomorphism is *cw-Anosov* if it is cw-expansive and has the shadowing property. Besides the map $g$ of the sphere, there are other examples of cw-Anosov homeomorphisms, of course, Anosov diffeomorphisms. It would be interesting to classify all the cw-Anosov homeomorphisms of compact surfaces. Some natural questions arises: are there cw-Anosov homeomorphisms of the torus not being (conjugate to) Anosov? Does the genus two surface admit cw-Anosov homeomorphisms? Does local stable and unstable sets of a cw-Anosov homeomorphism define singular foliations? Are these local stable sets locally connected?
The cw-expansivity of $g$ could have been deduced from [@ArDend]\*[Proposition 2.2.1]{} where it is proved that in fact $g$ is cw2-expansive, which means that there is ${\xi}>0$ such that if $C_1,C_2\subseteq {{\mathbb S}^2}$ are continua such that $\operatorname{diam}g^n(C_1)\leq{\xi}$ for all $n\geq 0$ and $\operatorname{diam}g^{-n}(C_2)\leq{\xi}$ for all $n\geq 0$ then $C_1\cap C_2$ has at most two points. It is clear that cw2-expansivity implies cw-expansivity. However, we think that the proof of the cw-expansivity of $g$ given in Theorem \[thm:ejemplocw+sh\] (based on Proposition \[prop:semiconjcw\]) is simpler and clearer than the proof in [@ArDend].
It is well known that $g$ is not expansive. Then, in light of Theorem \[thm:ejemplocw+sh\], we see that [@Lee]\*[Corollary 2.4]{} is false[^3]. A direct proof of the non-expansivity of $g$ can be found in [@Walters]\*[Example 1, p. 140]{}. Moreover, in [@ArDend]\*[Proposition 2.2.2]{} it is shown that for all ${\varepsilon}>0$ there is a Cantor set $K\subseteq{{\mathbb S}^2}$ such that $\operatorname{diam}f^n(K)\leq{\varepsilon}$ for all $n\in{\mathbb Z}$. Nevertheless, the most powerful argument to prove that $g$ is not expansive comes from [@Hi; @L]: the 2-sphere does not admit expansive homeomorphisms.
[^1]: I.e., the dimension of the $r^\text{th}$ homology group of $C$.
[^2]: We have to take a power because the fixed point of $g$ is not hyperbolic.
[^3]: In [@Lee]\*[Corollary 2.4]{} it is claimed (among other things) that every cw-expansive homeomorphism with the shadowing property on a compact manifold is expansive.
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abstract: 'In (V. Galdi et al., Phys. Rev. [**E57**]{}, 6470, 1998) a thorough characterization in terms of receiver operating characteristics (ROCs) of stochastic-resonance (SR) detectors of weak harmonic signals of known frequency in additive gaussian noise was given. It was shown that strobed sign-counting based strategies can be used to achieve a nice trade-off between performance and cost, by comparison with non-coherent correlators. Here we discuss the more realistic case where besides the sought signal (whose frequency is assumed known) further unwanted spectrally nearby signals with comparable amplitude are present. Rejection properties are discussed in terms of suitably defined false-alarm and false-dismissal probabilities for various values of interfering signal(s) strength and spectral separation.'
- 'R. P. Croce, Th. Demma, V. Galdi, V. Pierro, I. M. Pinto'
- 'F. Postiglione'
title: |
**Rejection Properties of Stochastic-Resonance-Based\
Detectors of Weak Harmonic Signals**
- Background.
Stochastic resonance (henceforth SR) is a peculiar phenomenon observed in a wide variety of physical systems [@footnote1] acted by a mixture of a time-harmonic signal and (white, gaussian) noise, whereby the output spectral amplitude at the signal frequency shows a [*non-monotonic*]{} dependence [*i)*]{} on the noise strength at fixed signal frequency and amplitude, and [*ii)*]{} on the signal frequency, at fixed signal and noise levels. The possible use of SR in connection with [*weak*]{} signal detection experiments has been repeatedly suggested.
The only meaningful comparison between different detection strategies is to compare the related detection probabilities at the same level of false alarm probabilities and available signal-to-noise ratios. In this connection, as demonstrated in [@GalPP] and [@IncBul], SR based detectors do [*not*]{} outperform matched filters. In [@GalPP] it was further shown that using SR as a pre-processor (signal-to-noise ratio enhancer) does [*not*]{} improve the performance of a matched-filter detector.
Nonetheless, strobed sign counting detectors could be interesting as computationally cheap alternatives to noncoherent correlators, as discussed in [@GalPP] and summarized in the next section.
- A Strobed Sign Counting SR Detector.
The possibly simplest SR-paradigm is the Langevin system [@SR] : {
[l]{} =-+A(\_s t+)+n(t),\
. \[eq:Lang\] with quartic symmetric potential: V(x)=-a+b, a,b>0, where $n(t)$ is a stationary, zero mean, white Gaussian noise, with autocorrelation.\
The probability density function (henceforth PDF) of $x(t)$ in (\[eq:Lang\]), denoted as $p(x,t)$ is ruled by the Fokker-Planck equation: {
[l]{} = { p(x,t) }+ ,\
. \[eq:FP\] The solution of (\[eq:FP\]), in the absence of a signal $(A=0)$ is an even function of $x$ [@GalPP]. In the presence of a signal, even-symmetry is broken, and the asymmetry is maximum at t=t\_k=\_s\^[-1]{} ( -), k=0,1,2,..., 2N-1 \[eq:strob\_tim\] where $\psi$ is a (known [@GalPP]) phase-lag introduced by the SR processor.
Symmetry breaking of the output PDF is perhaps [@footnote2] the most natural signature of $A \neq 0$ in (\[eq:Lang\]). In [@GalPP] we gave a thorough evaluation in terms of receiver (detection) operating characteristics (henceforth ROCs) of the possibly simplest non-parametric detector based on the above symmetry-breaking, where from the output samples (\[eq:strob\_tim\]), one forms the time series x\_k=(-)\^k x(t\_k), and compares N\_+=\_[k=0]{}\^[2N-1]{} U(x\_k) \[eq:known\_phi\] where $U(\cdot)$ is Heaviside’s step function, to a suitable threshold $\Gamma$. The above will be henceforth referred to as strobed sign-counting stochastic resonance detector (SSC-SRD).
The SSC-SRD performance is described by the following false-alarm and false dismissal probabilities [@GalPP]: = { N\_+ > | }= I\_[1/2]{}(+1,2N-), $${}$$ = { N\_+| }= 1-I\_[P\_+]{}(+1,2N-), \[eq:ROCs\] where $P_+=\mbox{Prob}(x_k >0)$ and $I_p(x,y)$ is the incomplete Beta function . The related ROCs are typically worse by $\approx 3dB$ as compared to those of the matched filter [@GalPP].
Generalization to the case where the initial phase of the sought signal is unknown is straightforward, by letting:
N\_+=\_[m (0,N\_s)]{} \_[k=0]{}\^[2N-1]{} U, \[eq:pick\_max\] where $T_s=2\pi/\omega_s$. The resulting unknown-initial-phase detector for $N_s \stackrel{>}{\textstyle{\sim}} 10$ has nearly [*the same*]{} performance as (\[eq:known\_phi\]), which applies to the coherent (known initial phase) case [@GalPP], and is accordingly comparable to that of the [*noncoherent*]{} correlator (std. optimum benchmark detector for signals with unknown initial phase).
On the other hand, the SSC-SRD is computationally [*extremely cheap*]{}, requiring only binary and/or integer arithmetics, and thus quite appealing.
The obvious question is now related to the [*rejection properties*]{} of the above detector, namely to its ability to [*discriminate*]{} between spectrally nearby signals (sought and unwanted) with comparable amplitudes.
Note in this connection that the frequency response of the SSC-SRD depends very little on the [*stochastic resonance*]{} condition, as shown in Fig. 1 (see [@GalPP]), where the steady-state value of $\max_t[P_+(t)]=\max_t[\mbox{Prob}(x(t) >0)]$ is displayed for several values of the $SNR$ as a function of $\bar{\omega}_s=\omega_s T_k$, where $\omega_s$ is the signal angular frequency and $T_k=\sqrt{2}\pi\exp(2\bar{V}_0)/a$ is the Kramers time. In Fig. 1 $\bar{V}_0=a^2/(4b\epsilon^2)$ is the normalized potential-barrier height.
A numerical investigation of this issue will be the subject of the next Section.
- ROCs in the Presence of Nearby Signals.
In order to evaluate the performance of the above described SSC-SRD in the presence of spectrally nearby signals with comparable amplitude, we introduce the following dimensionless parameters: \_S=, = | |, =\_[w]{}-\_[u]{}, representing the unwanted-to-wanted (sought) signal-to-signal ratio ($SSR$), the (scaled) frequency difference, and the phase lag, where the suffixes $w$ and $u$ refer to the wanted and unwanted signal, respectively. More or less obviously, we also define the false-alarm ($\alpha)$ and false-dismissal ($\beta$) probabilities as follows: ={ N\_+ > | s\_[w]{}(t)=0 and s\_[u]{}(t) 0 }, ={ N\_+ < | s\_[w]{}(t) 0 and s\_[u]{}(t) 0 }. Representative numerical simulations [@Post] are accordingly summarized in Fig.s 2 to 5 below.
Figure 2 describes a situation where $SNR=3$, and the unwanted signal frequency is pretty close to the sought one ($\gamma=10^{-4}$). Only two detection characteristics are displayed, corresponding to $\rho_S=2,3$ for the sake of readability, together with the limiting curve corresponding to the absence of the unwanted signal (dashed line). It is seen that the detector’s performance is only slightly deteriorated due to the presence of the unwanted signal.
In Fig. 3 the $SSR$ is fixed at ($\rho_S=3$), and two different (normalised) frequency separations $\gamma=10^{-2},~10^{-4}$ are considered. The limiting curve corresponding to the absence of the unwanted signal (dashed line) is also included. Again, the detector’s performance is not appreciably spoiled.
In Fig. 4 the unwanted signal amplitude and spectral separation are fixed, $\rho_S=3$ and $\gamma=10^{-4}$, and two values of the phase lag are considered, $\Delta\phi=0,~\pi$. Once more, the detector’s performance is negligibly affected.
Finally, Fig. 5 shows the key role played by the number of strobed samples used in (\[eq:pick\_max\]) at fixed $\rho_S=3$, $\gamma=10^{-4}$, $\Delta\phi=0$ on the SSC-SR detector’s rejection performance. It is seen that the unwanted signal is rejected for $N > 10^3$, for which the time series length corresponds to the spectral width required to separate the wanted and unwanted signals. This shows that the rejection properties are essentially related to the spectral filtering inherent to the strobing process.
- Conclusions and Recommendations.
Numerical simulations suggest that strobed-sign-counting stochastic-resonance-based detectors besides being computationally cheap, and nearly as much performing as the standard non-coherent correlator, do display nice rejection properties in the presence of spectrally nearby signals with comparable amplitudes.
Further study is under way to evaluate the potential of SSC-SR detectors in connection, e.g., with the search of weak nearby quasi-monochromatic signals in the context of the search of gravitational waves.
Acknowledgements {#acknowledgements .unnumbered}
The Authors thank prof Stefano Vitale (University of Trento) and dr. Stefano Marano (University of Salerno) for having posed the problem. This work has been sponsored in part by the European Community through a Senior Visiting Scientist Grant to I.M. Pinto at NAO - Spacetime Astronomy Division, Tokyo, JPN, in connection with the TAMA project. I.M. Pinto wishes to thank all the TAMA staff at NAO, and in particular prof. Fujimoto Masa-Katsu and professor Kawamura Seiji for kind hospitality and stimulating discussions.
Fig. 1 - Frequency response of SSC-SR detector for several values of SNR. Dashed curves refer to the adiabatic approximation (quoted from [@GalPP]).\
$$~$$ Fig. 2 - ROCs of SSC-SR detector. $SNR=3$, $\gamma=10^{-4}$, $\Delta\phi=0$, $N=100$. The $\rho_S=0$ curve is shown dashed.\
$$~$$ Fig. 3 - ROCs of SSC-SR detector. $SNR=3$, $\rho_S=3$, $\Delta\phi=0$, $\gamma=10^{-2},10^{-4}$, $N=100$. The $\rho_S=0$ curve is shown dashed.\
$$~$$ Fig. 4 - ROCs of SSC-SR detector. $SNR=3$, $\rho_S=3$, $\gamma=10^{-4}$, $\Delta\phi=0,\pi$, $N=100$. The $\rho_S=0$ curve is shown dashed.\
$$~$$ Fig. 5 - ROCs of SSC-SR detector. $SNR=3$, $\rho_S=3$, $\gamma=10^{-4}$, $\Delta\phi=0$, $N=50,100,1000$. The $\rho_S=0$ curve is shown dashed. Close-up in the inset.\
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abstract: 'We present robust algorithms for set operations and Euclidean transformations of curved shapes in the plane using approximate geometric primitives. We use a refinement algorithm to ensure consistency. Its computational complexity is ${{\mathrm{O}}}(n\log n+k)$ for an input of size $n$ with $k={{\mathrm{O}}}(n^2)$ consistency violations. The output is as accurate as the geometric primitives. We validate our algorithms in floating point using sequences of six set operations and Euclidean transforms on shapes bounded by curves of algebraic degree 1 to 6. We test generic and degenerate inputs.'
- 'Victor Milenkovic[^1] and Elisha Sacks[^2] and Steven Trac[^3]'
- 'bib.bib'
- 'bib2.bib'
Set operations and Euclidean transformations are important computational geometry tasks with many applications. There are efficient algorithms for planar shapes, which are more common and simpler than 3D shapes. A shape is modeled as a subdivision: a partition of the plane into faces, curves, and points. Fig. \[f-region\]a shows a subdivision with faces $f_0$ and $f_1$, curves $e_1,\ldots,e_4$, and points indicated with dots. A set operation is performed by constructing the mutual refinement of the input subdivisions, called the [*overlay,*]{} and returning the faces that satisfy the set operator (Fig. \[f-region\]c). A Euclidean transformation is performed by transforming the points, curves, and faces of the input subdivision.
----- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
![Subdivisions (a, b) and their overlay (c) with $f_1\cap f_2$ shaded.[]{data-label="f-region"}](region2 "fig:") ![Subdivisions (a, b) and their overlay (c) with $f_1\cap f_2$ shaded.[]{data-label="f-region"}](region3 "fig:")
(a) (b) (c)
----- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Shape manipulation algorithms use geometric primitives that are formulated in the real-RAM model where real arithmetic is exact and has unit cost. The [ *robustness problem*]{} is how to implement these primitives in computer arithmetic. The mainstream strategy is to implement primitives exactly using integer arithmetic and algebraic computation. We prefer approximate primitives in floating point because they are much faster and have constant bit complexity. Although the approximation error is negligible, it can cause prior shape manipulation algorithms to generate inconsistent or highly inaccurate outputs. We present shape manipulation algorithms that use approximate primitives yet generate consistent, accurate outputs.
Prior work
Yap[@yap04] describes exact computational geometry. Exact computation increases bit complexity, hence running time. The CGAL library[@cgal] provides floating point filtering techniques that somewhat reduce this cost. The increase in bit complexity from input to output leads to unbounded complexity in sequences of computations. The only current solution is to simplify the output. Although simplification algorithms have been developed for a few domains,[@m-spr97; @hp-isr-02; @eigenwillig07; @fortune97] not including implicit algebraic curves, a general strategy is unknown.
The alternative to exact primitives is approximate primitives. The robustness problem is to ensure consistency despite approximation error.
The *controlled perturbation* robustness strategy is to verify that the predicates in an algorithm are correct despite approximation error. Verification fails when the predicate value is too close to zero. Failure is prevented probabilistically by randomly perturbing the input parameters. If any predicate still cannot be verified, the input is perturbed again. Controlled perturbation has been applied to arrangements,[@r-cpaps-99; @hs-pssaamm-98; @halperin04a] convex hulls,[@funke05] and Delaunay triangulation.[@funke05] The perturbation size is exponential in the algebraic degree of the primitives. The degree-four perturbation size exceeds the error bounds of engineering applications. We developed versions of controlled perturbation that solve this problem and used them to compute Minkowski sums of polyhedra[@sacks-milenkovic11] and free spaces of planar robots.[@sacks-milenkovic12] Controlled perturbation does not work for shape manipulation because it does not handle algebraic curves and does not address output simplification in sequences of computations.
Our robustness strategy is to eliminate inconsistency due to approximate geometric primitives by enforcing consistency constraints on the data structures that represent geometric objects. We analyze the running time and the accuracy in terms of the approximation error, $\delta$, and the number of constraint violations, $k$, but neither parameter is provided to the algorithms. An algorithm is [*inconsistency sensitive*]{} when the extra running time for inconsistency elimination is polynomial in $k$ and $n$, the extra error is polynomial in $k$ and $n$ and is linear in $\delta$, and $k$ is polynomial in $n$. Inconsistency sensitivity captures the concept of an efficient approximate algorithm: fast and accurate when there are few inconsistencies, and degrading gracefully.
We developed an inconsistency sensitive arrangement algorithm for algebraic-curve segments.[@sacks-milenkovic06] The $x$-coordinates where segments cross and the segment $y$-order between crossings are computed with $(1+kn)\epsilon$ accuracy for $n$ segments, where $\epsilon$ denotes the error in the approximate geometric primitives of that algorithm. A consistency constraint violation is a cyclic $y$-order, due to an incorrect ordering of segment crossing coordinates. The algorithm computes a consistent $y$-order of size $V=2n+N+\min(3kn,n^2/2)$ for $N$ crossings. The running time is ${{\mathrm{O}}}(V\log n)$ and the output is correct for a set of segments within $(1+kn)\epsilon$ of the output segments. We also developed two inconsistency sensitive Minkowski sum algorithms.[@sacks-milenkovic10]
The arrangement algorithm can compute a curve $y$-order that is inconsistent with the curve endpoints, as illustrated below. In prior work, we developed a simple solution for the special case where every curve endpoint has a distinct $x$-coordinate. We handled the general case heuristically by sweeping along a random axis. This strategy proved inadequate even for generic inputs. In this paper, we present a general, inconsistency sensitive solution.
Inconsistency in the Overlay Algorithm
Our overlay algorithm uses three geometric primitives: computing intersection points of monotone curves, computing turning points of non-monotone curves, and comparing coordinates of points. The first primitive is required by any overlay algorithm, while the other two are dictated by our use of a sweep algorithm. The high level algorithm is as follows. Split the curves at their turning points. Split the monotone curves at their intersection points to obtain sub-curves. Derive the $y$-order of each pair of sub-curves that overlap in $x$ by comparing the $y$ coordinates of their intersection points with a vertical line at the middle of their interval of $x$-overlap. The details of the sweep and how it avoids creating cycles appears in previous work[@sacks-milenkovic10] and in Sec. \[s-set\].
The algorithm output, the $x$-order of the curve endpoints and the partial $y$-order of the sub-curves, allows us to compute the subdivision structure without additional approximate primitives. In particular, we can use a standard sweep algorithm to generate a vertical cell decomposition. The curve endpoints are the sweep events in order of increasing $x$. The sweep list contains curves in $y$-order whose left endpoint event has been processed and whose right endpoint has not. If a subdivision construction algorithm, e.g. randomized incremental vertical cell decomposition, requires endpoint/curve order, the $y$-order of endpoint $a$ of curve $ab$ with respect to curve $cd$, with $c_x<a_x<d_x$, is deduced from the calculated $y$-order of $ab$ and $cd$.
We illustrate that an inconsistent $y$-order can arise in computing the overlay of a monotone curve, $e_2$, with two monotone curves, $e_1$ and $e_3$, that meet at a point, $b$ (Fig. \[f-bad\]a). Due to numerical error, the intersection primitive incorrectly reports that $e_2$ and $e_3$ do not intersect. Intersections with vertical lines (arrows) order $e_1$ above $e_2$ and $e_2$ above $e_3$. The incorrect $y$-order of $e_2$ and $e_3$ is correct for a small deformation of the input (Fig. \[f-bad\]b). But the algorithm output is inconsistent because no deformation can make $e_2$ be below $e_1$, above $e_3$, and disjoint from $b$.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
![Inconsistent $y$-order (a), $e_2$ deformation (b), and consistent refinement (c).[]{data-label="f-bad"}](bad1 "fig:") ![Inconsistent $y$-order (a), $e_2$ deformation (b), and consistent refinement (c).[]{data-label="f-bad"}](bad2 "fig:") ![Inconsistent $y$-order (a), $e_2$ deformation (b), and consistent refinement (c).[]{data-label="f-bad"}](bad3 "fig:")
(a) (b) (c)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Contribution and Organization
Our main result is an inconsistency sensitive *refinement algorithm* that assigns a consistent $y$-order to a set of curves by splitting some curves at endpoints of other curves (Fig. \[f-bad\]c). The output $y$-order is the induced refinement of the input $y$-order. In our example, $e_2$ is split into $e_{21}$ and $e_{22}$ at $b$, $e_{21}$ is below $e_1$, $e_{22}$ is above $e_3$, and the other pairs are unordered because their domains are disjoint. The precondition is that each [*pair*]{} of input curves can be placed in the input $y$-order using a deformation of at most $\delta$. The postcondition is that a [*single*]{} $\delta$-deformation can place [*all*]{} the output curves in the output $y$-order. The running time is ${{\mathrm{O}}}(n\log n + k)$ for $n$ curves with $k={{\mathrm{O}}}(n^2)$ consistency violations. We define concepts in Sec. \[s-concepts\], present the refinement algorithm in Sec. \[s-refine\], and analyze it in Secs. \[s-correct\]–\[s-error\].
As indicated above, overlay can introduce inconsistencies. Surprisingly, even transformations can do so. To accomplish set operations, we start with a possibly inconsistent overlay, run the refinement algorithm, construct the faces, and extract the relevant faces (Sec. \[s-set\]). To transform a subdivision, we transform its curves, split rotated curves at new turning points, run refinement, and construct the faces (Sec. \[s-transform\]). In this manner, the refinement algorithm enables us to accomplish consistent and accurate shape manipulation using approximate geometric primitives.
We present an empirical validation that our algorithms are fast and accurate on sequences of six set operations and Euclidean transformations on shapes bounded by curves of algebraic degree 1 to 6 (Sec. \[s-validate\]). Moreover, $k$ is zero for generic input and is small for degenerate input. We conclude with a discussion (Sec. \[s-conclude\]).
Concepts {#s-concepts}
In this section, we define approximate subdivisions and four ways they can be inconsistent. Fig. \[f-bad\]a is an example of an approximate subdivision and the depicted inconsistency is an instance of one of these ways. The refinement algorithm eliminates these inconsistencies. We prove that the output represents a consistent shape (Sec. \[s-correct\]) and that its error is bounded by the input error (Sec. \[s-error\]). Each group of related concepts is defined informally then formally.
We work in the $xy$ plane. A point, $a$, has Cartesian coordinates $(a_x,a_y)$. Curves are open, bounded, and piecewise algebraic. They are assumed $x$-monotone and $y$-monotone unless stated otherwise. A curve, $e$, whose endpoints are $a$ and $b$ with $a_x\leq b_x$ is denoted $e[a,b]$. It is vertical when $a_x=b_x$, horizontal when $a_y=b_y$, increasing when $a_y<b_y$, and decreasing when $a_y>b_y$.
We represent a subdivision as a set of disjoint curves (Def. \[def:subdivision\]). The combinatorial structure of the subdivision is derivable from the $x$-order of the curve endpoints and the $<_y$ partial order on the curves (Def. \[def:yorder\]), as explained in the introduction.
\[def:subdivision\] A [*subdivision*]{} is a set of curves in which every member is disjoint from the closure of every other member.
Sets $s$ and $t$ [*overlap in $x$*]{} if there exist $p \in s$ and $q \in t$ with $p_x = q_x$.
\[def:yorder\] For two point sets, $s$ and $t$, that overlap in $x$, $s<_y t$ if $p_y < q_y$ for each $p \in s$ and $q \in t$ with $p_x = q_x$. For a point, $a$, $a <_y s$ means $\{a\} <_y s$.
We model a shape with an [*approximate subdivision*]{}: a set of curves with an imposed acyclic partial $y$-order (Def. \[def:appsub\]) denoted $\prec_y$. An approximate subdivision is a subdivision when its curves are disjoint from the closures of other curves and the $\prec_y$ order matches the $<_y$ order.
\[def:appsub\] An [*approximate subdivision*]{} is a set of curves with a binary relation, denoted $\prec_y$, whose transitive closure is irreflexive, such that $e\prec_yf$ or $f\prec_ye$ iff $e$ and $f$ overlap in $x$. The notation $e\preceq_y f$ means $e\prec_y f$ or $e=f$, $e \succ_y f$ means $f \prec_y e$, and $e \succeq_y f$ means $f \preceq_y e$.
Fig. \[f-rep\]a shows an example in which the $\prec_y$ order for curves that overlap in $x$ is index order, e.g. $e_3\prec_ye_5$ because $3<5$. Although $\prec_y$ agrees with $<_y$ here, they disagree elsewhere. For example, $e_2$ intersects $e_5$, while $e_9\prec_ye_{10}$ yet $e_{10}<_ye_9$.
(a) & (b)
An approximate subdivision (Fig. \[f-rep\]a) has a *realization* when an endpoint-preserving deformation (Fig. \[f-rep\]b) of the curves can make the actual $<_y$ order agree with the imposed $\prec_y$ order (Def. \[def:realization\]). A realizable approximate subdivision represents an infinite number of shapes, but their curves all have the same endpoints and $<_y$ order, hence all these shapes have the same combinatorial structure. An unrealizable approximate subdivision does not represent any shape.
\[def:realization\] A [*realization*]{} of an approximate subdivision, $S$, is a function, $r$, from $S$ onto a subdivision, $T$, such that for all $e\in S$, $e$ and $r(e)$ have the same endpoints and for all $e,f\in S$, $e\prec_yf$ implies $r(e)<_yr(f)$.
As indicated in the introduction, the vertical order of an endpoint, $p$, of a curve, $f$, with respect to a curve $e$, can be deduced from the order of $e$ and $f$. In this manner, we define the lower and upper sets of endpoints, $L(e)$ and $U(e)$, with respect to $e$ (Def. \[def:LU\]), from the imposed vertical order $\prec_y$. We use these sets to define four consistency constraints (Def. \[def:consistent\]). Our central theorem is that an approximate subdivision has a realization iff it satisfies these four consistency constraints (Thm. \[t-iff\]).
\[def:LU\] For a curve, $e[a,b]\in S$, an approximate subdivision, $L(e)$ is the set of endpoints, $p$, of curves, $f\preceq_y e$, with $a_x\leq p_x\leq b_x$; likewise, $U(e)$ with $f\succeq_y e$.
\[def:consistent\] An approximate subdivision, $S$, is [*consistent*]{} if each curve, $e[a,b]\in
S$, satisfies four constraints.
1. For each $q\in U(e)$, there is no $p\in L(e)$ with $a_x<p_x=q_x<b_x$ and $p_y\geq q_y$.
2. For each $f[c,d]\succ_y e$, $a_x=c_x$ implies $a_y\leq
c_y$ and $b_x=d_x$ implies $b_y\leq d_y$.
3. a\) For each $p \in L(e)$, there are no $c,d\in U(e)$ with $c_x<p_x<d_x$ and $c_y,d_y\leq p_y$. b) For each $q \in U(e)$, there are no $c,d\in L(e)$ with $c_x<q_x<d_x$ and $c_y,d_y\geq q_y$.
4. If $e$ is vertical, there is no endpoint, $p$, of curve $f$, with $p_x=a_x$ and $p_y\in(a_y,b_y)$, the open interval between $a_y$ and $b_y$.
Fig. \[f-inconsistent\] illustrates the constraints. Part (a) violates constraint 1 if $e\prec_yg$, $f\prec_ye$, $p_x=q_x$, and $p_y\geq q_y$. (Fig. \[f-bad\]a is a special case with $e=e_2$, $f=e_3$, $g=e_1$ and $p=q=b$.) Part (b) violates constraint 2 if $e\prec_yf$, $a_x=c_x$, and $a_y>c_y$. Part (c) violates constraint 3a if $f\prec_ye$, $e\prec_yg$, $e\prec_yh$, $c_x<p_x<d_x$, and $p_y>c_y,d_y$. Part (d) violates constraint 4 if $a_x=p_x=b_x$ and $a_y<p_y<b_y$. All four of these violations occur in practice (Sec. \[s-validate\]).
![Inconsistent approximate subdivisions.[]{data-label="f-inconsistent"}](inconsistent){width="4.5in"}
An approximate subdivision is realizable iff it is consistent (p. ).
A *refinement* of an approximate subdivision is an approximate subdivision whose curves are sub-curves of the original curves with the induced $\prec_y$ order (Def. \[def:refappsub\]).
A [*refinement*]{} of a curve, $e[a,b]$, is a set of curves, $C(e)$, that form an $x$-monotone chain from $a$ to $b$.
\[def:refappsub\] A [*refinement*]{} of an approximate subdivision, $S$, is an approximate subdivision, $S'$, with the same set of endpoints in which each curve, $e\in S$, maps to a refinement, $C(e)\subset S'$, and $e\prec_yf$ in $S$ implies $e'\prec_yf'$ in $S'$ for every $e'\in C(e)$ and $f'\in C(f)$ that overlap in $x$.
Fig. \[f-refinement\] shows consistent refinements of the inconsistent approximate subdivisions from Fig. \[f-inconsistent\] with $C(e)=\{e_1,e_2,e_3\}$ in parts (a) and (c) and $C(e)=\{e_1,e_2\}$ in parts (b) and (d). The refinements are realizations, except in part (c) where $e_1<_yf$ but $f\prec_y e$, and $h<_ye_3$ but $e\prec_y h$. However, a realization exists by Thm. \[t-iff\].
![Refinements of the approximate subdivisions in Fig. \[f-inconsistent\].[]{data-label="f-refinement"}](embedding){width="4.5in"}
The refinement algorithm computes a consistent refinement (p. ).
The remaining concepts relate to error analysis. We define an error metric on approximate subdivisions that models errors in the pairwise $\prec_y$ orders due to errors in the geometric primitives used to compute them, especially curve intersection point computation. An approximate subdivision is *$\delta$-accurate* when the $\prec_y$ order of each pair of curves equals the $<_y$ order of a pair of $\delta$-close curves (Def. \[def:delta-accurate\]). Each pair of curves can be placed in $\prec_y$ order by a small deformation.
A [*$\delta$-deformation*]{} of a curve, $e$, is an $x$-monotone curve with the same endpoints as $e$ whose Hausdorff distance from $e$ is less than $\delta$.
\[def:delta-accurate\] An approximate subdivision is [*$\delta$-accurate*]{} if $e\prec_yf$ implies that $e$ and $f$ have $\delta$-deformations, $\tilde{e}$ and $\tilde{f}$, with $\tilde{e}<_y\tilde{f}$.
Fig. \[f-delta-accurate\]a–b show that Fig. \[f-inconsistent\]a is $\delta$-accurate for a small $\delta$, which matches our intuition that the curves barely intersect. The pairs $e,f$ and $e,g$ use different $\tilde{e}$ curves. Fig. \[f-delta-accurate\]c shows that Fig. \[f-inconsistent\]b is $\delta$-accurate. Even though $c\in\tilde{e}$, $\tilde{e}<_y\tilde{f}$ because curves are open. Fig. \[f-delta-accurate\]d shows that Fig. \[f-inconsistent\]c is $\delta$-accurate. The curves are their own $\delta$-perturbations, and $\tilde{e}$ is $x$-monotone but not monotone. Fig. \[f-inconsistent\]d is $\delta$-accurate because $e$ and $f$ do not overlap in $x$.
![Illustrations of $\delta$-accuracy.[]{data-label="f-delta-accurate"}](delta-accurate){width="4.5in"}
A refinement is a *$\delta$-splitting* when every split point is $\delta$-close to the curves that it splits (Def. \[def:accemb\]). Although the curves in Fig. \[f-refinement\] are inaccurate, the refinement is a $\delta$-splitting because $e$ is split at points that are $\delta$-close to it.
\[def:accemb\] A refinement of an approximate subdivision, $S$, is a [*$\delta$-splitting*]{} if for all $e\in S$ and $e'[a',b']\in C(e)$, ${{\mathrm{dist}}}(a',e),{{\mathrm{dist}}}(b',e)<\delta$, where ${{\mathrm{dist}}}(a,e)$ denotes the Hausdorff distance from a point, $a$, to a curve, $e$.
The refinement algorithm output is a $\delta$-splitting (p. ).
The output error of the refinement algorithm is due to the input error and the refinement error. If the input is $\delta$-accurate and the refinement is a $\delta$-splitting, the output is $\delta$-accurate. A stronger error bound is that the output has a realization in which each curve is $\delta$-close to its preimage curve, called a *$\delta$-refinement* (Def. \[def:d-emb\]). A $\delta$-refinement has a single $\delta$-deformation that places all the curves in $\prec_y$ order, whereas $\delta$-accuracy allows a separate $\delta$-deformation for each pair of curves. The realizations in Fig. \[f-delta-refinement\] show that the refinements in Fig. \[f-refinement\] are $\delta$-refinements.
\[def:d-emb\] A [*$\delta$-refinement*]{} of an approximate subdivision, $S$, is a refinement that has a realization such that the Hausdorff distance from $r(e')$ to $e$ is bounded by $\delta$ for all $e\in S$ and $e'\in C(e)$.
![Realizations of Fig. \[f-refinement\] that are $\delta$-close to the approximate subdivisions in Fig. \[f-inconsistent\].[]{data-label="f-delta-refinement"}](delta-realization){width="4.5in"}
We conclude the error analysis by proving (Sec. \[s-error\]) that the stronger error bound is implied by the weaker one and consistency, hence that the refinement algorithm computes a $\delta$-refinement of its input.
A consistent $\delta$-splitting of a $\delta$-accurate approximate subdivision is a $\delta$-refinement (p. ).
The refinement algorithm computes a $\delta$-refinement (p. ).
Refinement Algorithm {#s-refine}
The refinement algorithm consists of four steps that enforce the four constraints in Def. \[def:consistent\] by splitting curves at endpoints of other curves. Splitting $e[t,h]$ at $p$ replaces $e$ by a refinement, $\{e_1[t,p],e_2[p,h]\}$, such that $e_i\prec_yf$ (or $e_i\succ_yf$) iff $e\prec_yf$ (or $e\succ_yf$) and $e_i$ and $f$ overlap in $x$. For simplicity, one can choose $e_1[t,p]$ and $e_2[p,h]$ to be the line segments $tp$ and $ph$. Even though this may be inaccurate, the ultimate realization of the refinement will be close to the original curves (Thm. \[t-refine\]).
In the following description, a curve, $e[t,h]$, is classified with respect to an endpoint coordinate, $x$, as follows: $t_x=x=h_x$, vertical; $t_x=x<h_x$, outgoing; $t_x<x=h_x$, incoming; and $t_x<x<h_x$, passing.
#### Step 1
We begin with an example using curves $f_1$ to $f_{10}$ and $\prec_y$ equal to index order for curves that overlap in $x$ (Fig. \[f-through\]a). Because $f_7\prec_yf_9$, $w\in L(f_9)$, yet because $f_9\prec_yf_{10}$, $w\in U(f_9)$. Hence, curve $f_9$ and endpoint $w$ violate constraint 1 if we set $e=f_9$, $p=w$, and $q=w$. The algorithm visits, in an order consistent with $\prec_y$, the curves that have an endpoint whose $x$-coordinate equals $w_x$: $f_1$, $f_2$, $f_3$, $f_4$, $f_5$, $f_7$, $f_8$, and $f_{10}$. (Curve $f_4[u,v]$ is vertical and $u_x=v_x=w_x$.) It forms groups of these curves separated by passing curves: $G_1=\{f_1,f_2,f_3,f_4,f_5\}$, passing curve $f_6$, $G_2=\{f_7,f_8\}$, passing curve $f_9$, and $G_3=\{f_{10}\}$. Each curve is added to the latest group and the constraint is checked. The check fails when the highest endpoint, $p$, in the previous group and the lowest endpoint, $q$, in the current group satisfy $p_y\geq q_y$. The algorithm splits at $p$ each passing curve $e$ that separate the previous group from the current group (because $e$, $p$, and $q$ violate constraint 1), and it then merges these two groups and the split curves into a single group. In our example, the check fails after $f_{10}$ is added to $G_3$, $f_9$ is split at $w$ into $f'_9$ and $f''_9$, $G_3$ is merged into $G_2$, and the algorithm is done (Fig. \[f-through\]b).
(a) & (b)
The algorithm is a plane sweep with a vertical sweep line. The sweep list, $L$, consists of curves in $\prec_y$ order. The events are the endpoint $x$-coordinates in increasing order. The incoming curves at $x$ are removed from $L$, the non-passing curves are handled in $\prec_y$ order as described below, and the outgoing curves are inserted into $L$. We write $f\prec_y G$ or $G\prec_y f$ when $f\prec_y g$ or $g\prec_y f$ for every $g$ in group $G$. The endpoints, $v$, of curves in $G$ with $v_x=x$ and with minimum and maximum $y$-coordinates are denoted ${{\mathrm{ymin}}}(G)$ and ${{\mathrm{ymax}}}(G)$. A curve, $e$, is handled as follows.
1\. If $m=0$ or there exists a passing $f$ with $G_m\prec_y f\prec_ye$\
increment $m$ and set $G_m=\{e\}$\
else add $e$ to $G_m$.\
2. While $m>1$ and ${{\mathrm{ymin}}}(G_m)_y\leq{{\mathrm{ymax}}}(G_{m-1})_y$:\
a. For each passing curve, $G_{m-1}\prec_y g\prec_y G_m$:\
i. Remove $g$ from $L$.\
ii. Split $g$ into $g'$ and $g''$ at ${{\mathrm{ymax}}}(G_{m-1})$.\
iii. Add $g'$ and $g''$ to $G_{m-1}$.\
b. Insert the curves of $G_m$ into $G_{m-1}$ and decrement $m$.
#### Step 2
We begin with an example using curves $f_1$ to $f_4$ that are incoming at $x={b_1}_x={b_2}_x={b_3}_x={b_4}_x$ and with $\prec_y$ equal to index order (Fig. \[f-incoming\]a). The pair $\left<f_2,f_3\right>$ violates constraint 2 with $e=f_2$, $f=f_3$, $b=b_2$ and $d=b_3$, and similarly $\left<f_1,f_3\right>$. We can handle $\left<f_2,f_3\right>$ by splitting $f_2$ at $b_3$ or by splitting $f_3$ at $b_2$. The latter is more accurate because ${{\mathrm{dist}}}(b_2,f_3)$ (shown with a dashed line) is less than ${{\mathrm{dist}}}(b_3,f_2)$. We say that $b_2$ is safe for $\left<f_2,f_3\right>$. Likewise, $b_3$ is safe for $\left<f_1,f_3\right>$ if ${{\mathrm{dist}}}(b_3,f_1)\leq{{\mathrm{dist}}}(b_1,f_3)$. We remove the two violations by splitting $f_1$ into $\{f'_1, b_3b_1\}$ and $f_3$ into $\{f'_3,b_2b_3\}$ (Fig. \[f-incoming\]b).
(a) & (b)
The algorithm enforces constraint 2 via safe splits of curves that violate it. It processes the incoming curves at each endpoint $x$-coordinate as follows; outgoing curves are processed analogously. Let $s$ be the list of incoming curves in $\prec_y$ order. A safe endpoint for $e[v,a]\in s$ is an endpoint, $b$, of a curve, $f[w,b]\in s$, with ${{\mathrm{dist}}}(b,e)\leq{{\mathrm{dist}}}(a,f)$. All distances are measured with respect to the input curves: for a refinement curve $e'\in
C(e)$ (Def. \[def:refappsub\]), use ${{\mathrm{dist}}}(b,e)$ in place of ${{\mathrm{dist}}}(b,e')$. For endpoints $a$ and $b$, let $\min(a,b)$ denote $a$ if $a_y<b_y$ and $b$ otherwise; likewise $\max(a,b)$. Define ${{\mathrm{m}}}(e)$ as the minimum endpoint over $g\succeq_ye$ that is safe for $e$. In our example, ${{\mathrm{m}}}(f_1)=b_3,
{{\mathrm{m}}}(f_2)=b_2,{{\mathrm{m}}}(f_3)=b_3,{{\mathrm{m}}}(f_4)=b_4$. The algorithm computes ${{\mathrm{m}}}(e)$ for every $e\in s$ then splits each curve, $e$, at the maximum ${{\mathrm{m}}}(f)$ over $f\preceq_y
1\. For each curve, $e[v,a]$, in $s$:\
a. Set ${{\mathrm{m}}}(e)=a$.\
b. Append $e$ to $I$.\
c. While $a_y<b_y$ for the predecessor, $f[w,b]$, of $e$ in $I$:\
i. Swap $e$ and $f$ in $I$.\
ii. If $a$ is safe for $f$, set ${{\mathrm{m}}}(f)=\min({{\mathrm{m}}}(f), a)$.\
2. For each curve, $e$, in $s$\
Split $e$ at the maximum of ${{\mathrm{m}}}(f)$ over $f\preceq_ye$ in $s$.
Steps 1–2 of the algorithm compute ${{\mathrm{m}}}(e)$ by inserting each curve, $e[v,a]$, into an initially empty list, $I$, ordered by endpoint $y$-coordinate. First, $e$ is appended to $I$ then it is swapped with each predecessor, $f[w,b]$, with $b_y>a_y$ until it reaches the correct position in $I$. In our example, $f_3$ is inserted into $I=(f_1,f_2)$ with two swaps after which $I=(f_3,f_1,f_2)$. Each swap reveals a constraint violation, hence implies a possible update to ${{\mathrm{m}}}(f_3)$.
#### Step 3
We begin with an example with curves $g[t,h]$, $f_1[a_1,b_1]$ and $f_2[a_2,b_2]$ with $f_1\prec_yg$ and $g\prec_yf_2$ (Fig. \[f-monotone\]a). Curve $e=g$ and $p=a_2\in U(e)$ violate constraint 3b with $c=t$, and $d=b_1$. The algorithm constructs a monotone curve from $t$ to $h$ that is above every $p\in L(g)$ and is below every $q\in U(g)$. It visits these endpoints in increasing $x$ order and tracks the rightmost one, ${{\mathrm{v}}}(g)$, where the curve is forced to increase or decrease. A constraint violation is detected when ${{\mathrm{v}}}(g)$ switches between increasing and decreasing, and $g$ is split at the previous ${{\mathrm{v}}}(g)$. Specifically, ${{\mathrm{v}}}(g)$ starts as $t$, is set to $a_2$, is unchanged at $b_2$ and $a_1$, is set to $b_1$, a violation is detected, and $g$ is split at $a_2$ (Fig. \[f-monotone\]b).
(a) & (b)
The algorithm is a sweep with $L$ as before. Each $e\in L$ stores an endpoint, ${{\mathrm{v}}}(e)$, and a flag, ${{\mathrm{vtype}}}(e)$, that indicates if ${{\mathrm{v}}}(e)$ is on, above, or below $e$. Each input curve, $f[t,h]$, has a tail event at $t_x$ and a head event at $h_x$. The events are handled in increasing $x$ order with ties broken as follows: heads of non-vertical curves, tails of vertical curves, heads of vertical curves, and tails of non-vertical curves.
tail event for $f[t,h]$:\
1. If $f$ is not vertical, insert it into $L$ with ${{\mathrm{v}}}(f)=t$ and ${{\mathrm{vtype}}}(f)={{\mathrm{on}}}$.\
2. For each $e\in L$ with $e\prec_y f$ and $t_y\leq{{\mathrm{v}}}(e)_y$, call $\mathrm{lower}(e,t)$.\
3. For each $g\in L$ with $g\succ_y f$ and $t_y\geq{{\mathrm{v}}}(g)_y$, call $\mathrm{raise}(g,t)$.\
head event for $f[t,h]$:\
1. For each $e\in L$ with $e\preceq_y f$ and $h_y\leq{{\mathrm{v}}}(e)_y$, call $\mathrm{lower}(e,h)$.\
2. For each $g\in L$ with $g\succeq_y f$ and $h_y\geq{{\mathrm{v}}}(g)_y$, call $\mathrm{raise}(g,h)$.\
3. If $f$ is not vertical, remove it from $L$.\
subroutine $\mathrm{lower}(e,a)$:\
1. If ${{\mathrm{vtype}}}(e)={{\mathrm{below}}}$, split $e$ at ${{\mathrm{v}}}(e)$.\
2. Set ${{\mathrm{v}}}(e)=a$ and ${{\mathrm{vtype}}}(e)={{\mathrm{above}}}$.\
subroutine $\mathrm{raise}(e,a)$:\
1. If ${{\mathrm{vtype}}}(e)={{\mathrm{above}}}$, split $e$ at ${{\mathrm{v}}}(e)$.\
2. Set ${{\mathrm{v}}}(e)=a$ and ${{\mathrm{vtype}}}(e)={{\mathrm{below}}}$.
This algorithm handles strict extrema. In the general case, lower sets a pointer from $a$ to ${{\mathrm{v}}}(e)$ if ${{\mathrm{vtype}}}(e)={{\mathrm{above}}}$ and ${{\mathrm{v}}}(e)_y=a_y$; likewise if ${{\mathrm{vtype}}}(e)={{\mathrm{below}}}$ in raise. The split steps traverse the pointers and split $e$ at the extrema.
#### Step 4
Split every vertical curve at every endpoint that violates constraint 4.
Correctness {#s-correct}
We prove that the refinement algorithm output is a consistent refinement of the input (Thm. \[t-refinealg\]) and that the algorithm is inconsistency sensitive (Thm. \[t-time\]). We then prove that an approximate subdivision is consistent iff it has a realization (Thm. \[t-iff\]), which implies that the refinement algorithm output has a realization.
\[t-refinealg\] The refinement algorithm computes a consistent refinement.
We prove consistency. Being a refinement follows from the definition of a curve split.
Step 1 enforces the invariant that constraint 1 holds for every passing curve, $f$, and the endpoints in $G_1,\ldots,G_m$. Step 2 enforces constraint 2 by assigning each incoming curve an endpoint whose $y$-coordinate is the maximum over all incoming curves below it in $\prec_y$ order. For step 3, let input curve $e$ and endpoint $q\in U(e)$ violate constraint 3b with $c,d\in L(e)$; the other case is similar. If $e$ is split at an endpoint, $w$, with $c_x<w_x<d_x$ before $d$ is handled, we are done. Otherwise, ${{\mathrm{v}}}(e)_y\geq c_y$ after $c$ is handled, so ${{\mathrm{v}}}(e)_y\leq q_y$ and ${{\mathrm{vtype}}}(e)={{\mathrm{above}}}$ after $q$ is handled. When $d$ is handled, ${{\mathrm{vtype}}}(e)={{\mathrm{above}}}$ and ${{\mathrm{v}}}(e)=r$ for some $r\in U(e)$ with $r_y\leq q_y$ and $c_x<r_x< d_x$, since no split occurs before $d$. Thus, $e$ is split at $r$, which eliminates the $e,q$ inconsistency. Step 4 trivially enforces constraint 4.
Step 2 maintains constraint 1 by not changing $L(e)$ or $U(e)$ for a passing curve, $e$. Step 3 maintains constraint 1 by not adding an endpoint, $v$, to $U(e)$, except by splitting $e$ at $v$ (proof below). It maintains constraint 2 by splitting a curve, $e$, at the endpoint $v\in L(e)$ or $v\in U(e)$ with the largest or smallest $v_y$ value. Step 4 maintains constraints 1–3 by only splitting vertical curves.
Proof: Suppose $e\prec f$, $v\in L(e)\cap L(f)$, and $f$ is split at $v$. We show that $e$ is also split at $v$. After $v$ is processed, ${{\mathrm{v}}}(f)=v$, since it is later split at $v$. By Lem. \[l-step3\] below, ${{\mathrm{v}}}(e)_y\leq v_y$. But ${{\mathrm{v}}}(e)_y\geq v_y$ because $v\in L(e)$, so ${{\mathrm{v}}}(e)=v$. Curve $f$ is split at $v$ when the sweep processes an endpoint, $u\in U(f)$ with $u_y\leq v_y$. If ${{\mathrm{v}}}(e)=v$ then, $e$ is split at $v$ because $u\in U(e)$. Otherwise, $e$ is lowered by $w\in U(e)\cap L(f)$ with $w_x<u_x$ and $e$ is split at $v$ then.
\[l-step3\] In step 3, ${{\mathrm{v}}}(e)_y\leq{{\mathrm{v}}}(f)_y$ for $e,f\in L$ with $e\prec_y f$.
The invariant holds initially and is preserved by sweep updates because if $v\in
L(e)$ overlaps $f$ in $x$, then $v\in L(f)$. If we call $\mathrm{raise}(e,v)$ and if $v_y\geq{{\mathrm{v}}}(f)_y$, then we also call $\mathrm{raise}(f,v)$. Hence ${{\mathrm{v}}}(e)_y\leq{{\mathrm{v}}}(f)_y$ remains true because ${{\mathrm{v}}}(e)_y={{\mathrm{v}}}(f)_y=v$. Similarly for $u\in U(f)$.
To prove inconsistency sensitivity, we need to count constraint violations. A constraint 1 violation is a pair $e,q$ such that there exists $p$ that violates the constraint, and similarly the other violations are defined by the pair $e,f$ (2), the pair $e,p$ (3a), the pair $e,q$ (3b), or the pair $e,p$ (4).
\[t-time\] The refinement algorithm complexity is ${{\mathrm{O}}}(n\log n+k)$ for $n$ curves with $k={{\mathrm{O}}}(n^2)$ constraint violations.
The definitions of the constraint violations imply that $k={{\mathrm{O}}}(n^2)$, since there are $n$ curves and ${{\mathrm{O}}}(n)$ endpoints. Each curve, $e$, stores its poset height, ${{\mathrm{height}}}(e)$. For $e$ and $f$ that overlap in $x$, $e\prec_yf$ iff ${{\mathrm{height}}}(e)<{{\mathrm{height}}}(f)$. Each curve stores pointers to the curves below and above its endpoints. Splitting a curve updates these pointers in constant time. Sort the endpoints in $x$ order with ties broken by height. This processing takes ${{\mathrm{O}}}(n\log n)$ time and ${{\mathrm{O}}}(n)$ space.
Step 1 takes ${{\mathrm{O}}}(n+k)$ time using a doubly linked list to represent $L$. Group operations take constant time using ${{\mathrm{ymin}}}$, ${{\mathrm{ymax}}}$, and the maximum curve height, ${{\mathrm{hmax}}}$, to represent a group.
Step 2 takes ${{\mathrm{O}}}(n+k)$ time because the number of constraint 2 violations is ${{\mathrm{O}}}(k)$ after step 1, which is shown as follows. If step 1 splits $e$ at $p$, $p$ is the highest point in $G_{m-1}$, so the new curves satisfy constraint 2 with respect to a curve, $f\prec_ye$. A constraint 2 violation is created for each curve, $f\succ_y e$, that has an endpoint, $q$, with $q_x=p_x$ and $q_y<p_y$. Since $q\in U(e)$, $e$ and $f$ are also a constraint 1 violation.
Step 3 takes ${{\mathrm{O}}}(n\log n+k)$ time. Maintain a partition of $L$ into sublists with a common ${{\mathrm{v}}}$ and ${{\mathrm{vtype}}}$. Each sublist stores pointers to its lowest and highest curves. Represent the partition as a balanced binary tree of sublists ordered by ${{\mathrm{v}}}_y$. By Lem. \[l-step3\], these will also be ordered by $h$. Store the curves in $L$ in a binary tree ordered by $h$. To handle an event, look up the new curve in the latter binary tree to determine the $h$ of its neighbors. Look up this $h$ in the former binary tree to determine the sublist that will be split. The new curve can lower the curves below it in its sublist or can raise the curves above. Each case splits the sublist into lower and upper sublists. When a lower or a raise propagates to sublists below or above, they are merged into the newly created lower or upper sublists. A tail event also creates a singleton sublist for the curve that enters $L$. A head event removes its curve from its sublist and removes an empty sublist from the partition.
Excluding sublist merges and curve splits, the sweep takes ${{\mathrm{O}}}(n\log n)$ because there are ${{\mathrm{O}}}(n)$ tree operations. Although an event can cause ${{\mathrm{O}}}(n)$ merges, the merge time is ${{\mathrm{O}}}(n\log n)$ because each merge decreases the number of sublists, whereas at most $2n$ sublists are created. Since each split applies to an entire sublist, the partition structure is unchanged and the only cost is ${{\mathrm{O}}}(k)$ to update the curves.
Step 4 takes ${{\mathrm{O}}}(n+k)$ time, using the sorted endpoints, because the number of constraint 4 violations is ${{\mathrm{O}}}(k)$ after steps 1–3. Each split creates at most one violation and is charged to a constraint 1–3 violation.
We now turn to Thm. \[t-iff\]. We first prove necessity (Lem. \[lem:onlyif\]). To prove sufficiency, we start with a more general sufficient condition (Def. \[def:ordered\] and Lem. \[lem:ordered\]).
\[lem:onlyif\] If an approximate subdivision has a realization, it is consistent.
For constraint 1, consider $p\in L(e)$ and $q\in U(e)$ with $a_x<p_x=q_x<b_x$ (Fig. \[f-inconsistent\]a). There exists a curve $f\prec_ye$ with endpoint $p$ and a curve $g\succ_ye$ with endpoint $q$. Hence, $r(f)<_yr(e)$ and $r(e)<_yr(g)$. By continuity, $p<_y\overline{r(e)}$ or $p\in\overline{r(e)}$, but $r(e)\cap\overline{r(f)}=\emptyset$ by Def. \[def:realization\] and $a_x<p_x<b_x$, hence $p<_yr(e)$. Similarly, $r(e)<_yq$ and hence $p_y<q_y$.
For constraint 2, consider $a_x=c_x$ (Fig. \[f-inconsistent\]b). Since $r(e)<_yr(f)$, $a\in\overline{r(e)}$, and $c\in\overline{r(f)}$, $a_y\leq c_y$. The $b_x=d_x$ case is similar.
For constraint 3a, consider $e[a,b]$ increasing (Fig. \[f-inconsistent\]c). As above, $p\in L(e)$ and $a_x<p_x<b_x$ imply $p<_yr(e)$, and $d\in U(e)$ and $a_x<d_x$ imply $r(e)<_yd$ or $d=b$. Since $r(e)$ is monotone and $p_x<d_x$, $p_y<d_y$. Similarly, $p_y<c_y$ for $e$ horizontal or decreasing. The constraint 3b proof is similar.
Constraint 4 holds because $r(e)\cap\overline{r(f)}=\emptyset$ by Def. \[def:realization\] (Fig. \[f-inconsistent\]d).
\[def:M\] A set, $M(e)$, is monotone with respect to a curve, $e[a,b]$, if $M(e)=e$ for $e$ horizontal or vertical and otherwise $M(e)$ is an open set bounded by monotone curves, $l(e)$ and $u(e)$, that connect $a$ to $b$ (Fig. \[fig:MfMe\]a).
\[def:ordered\] An assignment of a monotone set, $M(e)$, to each curve, $e$, in an approximate subdivision is [*ordered*]{} if no $M(e)$ contains a curve endpoint, and $f\prec_ye$ implies $M(f)<_yM(e)$ unless $e$ and $f$ are both increasing or both decreasing in which case $M(f)<_y u(e)$ (Fig. \[fig:MfMe\]b).
\[def:p\^-\] For a point, $p$, $p^- = \{ (p_x,y) | y \leq p_y \}$ and $p^+ = \{ (p_x,y) | y
\geq p_y \}$. For a set, $S$, $S^- = \bigcup_{p \in S} p^-$ and $S^+ =
\bigcup_{p \in S} p^+$.
\[lem:ordered\] If an approximate subdivision has an ordered monotone assignment, it has a realization.
For each curve, $e$, we will choose $r(e)\subset M(e)$ that will be disjoint from the other curve endpoints. If $e$ is horizontal or vertical, define $r(e)=M(e)=e$. Vertical $r(e)$ and $r(f)$ cannot intersect because they cannot contain each other’s endpoints. Otherwise, $f \prec_y e$ implies $r(f)<_y r(e)$ because $M(f) <_y M(e)$, except when both are increasing or both are decreasing.
We define $m$ for the increasing curves in an order that is consistent with $\prec_y$. Let $M'(e)$ equal $M(e)$ minus $r(f)^-$ for all increasing $f\prec_y
e$ (Fig. \[fig:MfMe\]c). Because $r(f)\subset M(f) <_y u(e)$ (Fig. \[fig:MfMe\]b), $M'(e)$ is connected. Since the endpoints of $r(f)$ do not lie in $R(e)$, the only part of the boundary of $r(f)^-$ that can lie in $R(e)$ is $r(f)$, hence the lower boundary of $M'(e)$ is monotone. Choose a monotone path, $r(e)\in M'(e)$, from $a$ to $b$ (Fig. \[fig:MfMe\]c). Because $r(e)\cap r(f)^- \subset M'(e)\cap r(f)^- = \emptyset$, $r(f)<_yr(e)$ as required. We handle the decreasing curves similarly.
![(a) $M(e)$; (b) $M(f)$ (shaded) and $r(f)$ (dark); (c) $M'(e)$, $r(e)$ (dark), and $r(f)^-$ (shaded).[]{data-label="fig:MfMe"}](MfMe){width="4.5in"}
We complete the sufficiency proof by showing that a consistent approximate subdivision has an ordered monotone assignment, $R(e)$.
\[def:a++\] For a point, $p$, $p^{++}=[p_x,\infty)\times[p_y,\infty)$, $p^{-+}=(-\infty,p_x]\times[p_y,\infty)$, $p^{+-}=[p_x,\infty)\times(-\infty,p_y]$, and $p^{--}=(-\infty,p_x]\times(-\infty,p_y]$. For a set, $A$, $A^{++}=\bigcup_{p\in A}p^{++}$ [*etc*]{}. For two points, $p$ and $q$, with $p_x<q_x$, $A(p,q)=(p_x,q_x)\times(p_y,q_y)$.
For a curve $e[a,b]$: $$\begin{array}{cc}
R(e) = & \left\{\begin{array}{ll} A(a,b)-L(e)^{+-}\cup U(e)^{-+} & \mbox{for
increasing $e$,} \\ A(a,b)-L(e)^{--}\cup U(e)^{++} & \mbox{for decreasing
$e$,} \\ e & \mbox{otherwise.}
Lemmas \[lem:p++\] through \[lem:Rordered\] apply to a consistent approximate subdivision.
\[lem:p++\] For a curve, $e[a,b]$, if $p\in L(e)$, $q\in U(e)$, and either $p\not\in\{a,b\}$ or $q\not\in\{a,b\}$, $e$ increasing or horizontal implies $p^{+-}\cap
q^{-+}=\emptyset$ and $e$ decreasing or horizontal implies $p^{--}\cap
Suppose $e'[a',b']$ is increasing or horizontal, $f'\prec_ye'$ has endpoint $p'\in L(e')$, $g'\succ_ye'$ has endpoint $q'\in U(e')$, $q'\not\in\{a',b'\}$, and ${p'}^{+-}\cap{q'}^{-+}\not=\emptyset$, hence $p'_x\leq q'_x$ and $p'_y\geq
q'_y$. We will show a contradiction. The other cases are similar.
If $a'_x<p'_x=q'_x<b'_x$, constraint 1 is violated with $e[a,b]=e'[a',b']$, $p=p'$, and $q=q'$. If $a'_x=p'_x=q'_x$, $p'_y\leq a'_y$ by constraint 2 with $e=f'$, $f=e'$, $a=p'$, and $c=a'$. Similarly, $a'_y\leq q'_y$, so $a'_y\leq
q'_y\leq p'_y\leq a'_y$ and $q'=a'$, which is a contradiction. Similarly, $p'_x=q'_x=b'_x$ is contradictory. If $a'_x<p'_x<q'_x<b'_x$, either $p'_y\geq
a'_y$ or $q'_y\leq b'_y$. The former contradicts constraint 3a with $e=e'$, $c=a$, $p=p'$, and $d=q'$, and the latter contradicts constraint 3b with $e=e'$, $c=p$, $q=q'$, and $d=b'$. If $a'_x=p'_x<q'_x<b'_x$, $p'_y\leq a'_y$ by constraint 2 and constraint 3b is contradicted as before. Similarly, $a'_x<p'_x<q'_x=b'_x$ is contradictory. If $a'_x=p'_x$ and $q'_x=b'_x$, $p'_y\leq a'_y$ and $b'_y\leq q'_y$ by constraint 2, so $b'_y\leq q'_y\leq
p'_y\leq a'_y\leq b'_y$ and $q'=b'$, which is contradictory.
\[lem:Rmonotone\] $R(e)$ is monotone with respect to $e$.
For increasing $e$, the boundary of $p^{+-}$ is monotone, so the boundary of $L(e)^{+-}$ is monotone because it is the upper envelope of a set of monotone curves. Similarly, the boundary of $U(e)^{-+}$ is monotone. By Lem. \[lem:p++\], $$L(e)^{+-}\cap U(e)^{-+}= \cup_{p\in L(e), q\in U(e)} p^{+-}\cap q^{-+}= \{a,b\}.$$ Hence, $R(e)$ is an open set bounded below and above by the portions of the boundaries of $L(e)^{+-}$ and $U(e)^{-+}$ that connect $a$ to $b$. Decreasing $e$ is handled similarly and the other cases are trivial.
\[l-trans\] For $e$, $f$, and $g$ that overlap in $x$, $e\prec_yf$ and $f\prec_yg$ implies $e\prec_yg$.
Since $e$ and $g$ overlap in $x$, $e\prec_yg$ or $g\prec_ye$, but the latter implies that $(e,e)$ is in the transitive closure of $\prec_y$, which contradicts Def. \[def:appsub\].
\[lem:Rordered\] The assignment of $R(e)$ to $e$ is ordered.
Verticals cannot contain endpoints by constraint 4. A horizontal, $e[a,b]$, cannot contain an endpoint, $p$, by constraint 3 with $c=a$ and $d=b$. Otherwise, $R(e)$ cannot contain $p$ because one of $p^{--},p^{-+},p^{+-},p^{++}$ has been removed.
If $e[a,b]$ is not decreasing and $f[c,d]$ is not increasing and $f \prec_y e$, either $a=c$, $a \in U(f)-\{c,d\}$, or $c \in L(e)-\{a,b\}$. If $a=c$, $e$ and $f$ cannot both be horizontal without one containing the other’s right endpoint. We have $p_y\leq a_y$ for $p\in R(f)$ and $q_y\geq a_y$ for $q\in R(e)$ with equality only for horizontal curves. Hence, $R(f)<_yR(e)$. If $a \in
U(f)-\{c,d\}$, $R(f)\cap a^{++}=\emptyset$. Since $R(e) \subset a^{++}$, $R(f)
<_y R(e)$. The $c \in L(e)-\{a,b\}$ case is similar, as is $e$ not increasing and $f$ not decreasing.
It remains to show that if $e[a,b]$ and $f[c,d]$ are both increasing and $f
\prec_y e$, $R(f) <_y u(e)$, and similarly for both decreasing. It suffices to show $R(f)<_yq^{-+}$ for each $q\in U(e)$ for which $q^{-+}$ and $f$ overlap in $x$. If $q_x<d_x$ (Fig. \[fig:Rconnected\], $q=1$), a curve, $g\succ_ye$, with endpoint $q$ also overlaps $f$ in $x$, so $g\succ_yf$ by Lem. \[l-trans\], $q\in U(f)$, $q^{-+}$ was subtracted from $R(f)$, and thus $R(f)<_yq^{-+}$. If $q_x>d_x$ (Fig. \[fig:Rconnected\], $q=2$), $d\in L(e)$ because it is an endpoint of $f\prec_ye$. By Lem. \[lem:p++\], $q^{-+}\cap
d^{+-}=\emptyset$, hence $d_y<q_y$ and $R(f)\subset A(c,d)<_yq_{-+}$. If $q_x=d_x<b_x$ (Fig. \[fig:Rconnected\], $q=3$), the same reasoning applies. If $q_x=d_x=b_x$ (Fig. \[fig:Rconnected\], $q=4$), $q_y\geq b_y$ and $b_y\geq
d_y$ by constraint 2, so $R(f)\subset A(c,d)<_yq^{-+}$.
![$R(e)$ is shaded and $R(f)$ has a thicker boundary.[]{data-label="fig:Rconnected"}](Rconnected){width="4in"}
\[t-iff\] An approximate subdivision has a realization iff it is consistent.
Lem. \[lem:onlyif\] proves necessity. Lems. \[lem:ordered\], \[lem:Rmonotone\], and \[lem:Rordered\] prove sufficiency.
Error Analysis {#s-error}
We prove that a consistent $\delta$-splitting of a $\delta$-accurate approximate subdivision is a $\delta$-refinement (Thm. \[t-refine\]). This implies that the refinement algorithm output is a $\delta$-refinement (Thm. \[t-delta\]). We first prove the special case where the approximate subdivision is consistent, hence is its own refinement (Thm. \[t-realize\]). We define the $\delta$-offsets of a curve (Def. \[def:offset\] and Fig. \[f-offset\]a) and prove them monotone (Lem. \[l-offsetmon\]). We prove that the $\prec_y$ relation on the curves of a $\delta$-accurate approximate subdivision implies a $<_y$ relation on their $\delta$-offsets (Lems. \[l-offset\]–\[l-poffset\]). We use these tools to sharpen the Thm. \[t-iff\] realization into one that is $\delta$-close to the approximate subdivision.
\[l-distmon\] For a point, $a$, and an increasing (decreasing) curve, $e$, ${{\mathrm{dist}}}(a, e)$ is decreasing (increasing) in $a_x$ and increasing in $a_y$ for $a>_ye$ and is increasing (decreasing) in $a_x$ and decreasing in $a_y$ for $a<_ye$.
Follows from Lem. 8 in our prior paper.[@sacks-milenkovic06]
\[def:offset\] The [*$\delta$-offsets*]{} of a curve, $e$, are $$\begin{aligned}
e_{-\delta} & = & \{a<_ye| {{\mathrm{dist}}}(a,e)=\delta\}\\
e_{+\delta} & = & \{a>_ye| {{\mathrm{dist}}}(a,e)=\delta\}.\end{aligned}$$
\[l-offsetmon\] The offsets $e_{\pm\delta}$ are monotone.
Let a vertical line intersect $e_{\pm\delta}$ at $a$ and $b$ with $a_y<b_y$. Since ${{\mathrm{dist}}}(a,e)=\delta$ and ${{\mathrm{dist}}}(b,e)=\delta$, ${{\mathrm{dist}}}(c,e)=\delta$ for $c\in[a,b]$ by Lem. \[l-distmon\]. Hence, the line intersects $e_{\pm\delta}$ in a connected set. Likewise for a horizontal line.
Lems. \[l-offset\] and \[l-poffset\] apply to a $\delta$-accurate approximate subdivision.
\[l-offset\] For two curves, $e$ and $f$, $e\preceq_yf$ implies $e_{-\delta}<_yf_{+\delta}$.
By Def. \[def:offset\], $e_{-\delta}<_y e <_y e_{+\delta}$. For $e\prec_y f$, let $a\in e_{-\delta}$ and $b\in f_{+\delta}$ with $a_x=b_x$ (Fig. \[f-offset\]b). There exist $\delta$-deformations, $\tilde{e}$ and $\tilde{f}$, with $\tilde{e}<_y\tilde{f}$. Let $\tilde{a}\in\tilde{e}$ and $\tilde{b}\in\tilde{f}$ satisfy $\tilde{a}_x=\tilde{b}_x=a_x$, so $\tilde{a}_y<\tilde{b}_y$. We have $a_y<\tilde{a}_y$ by Lem. \[l-distmon\] because ${{\mathrm{dist}}}(a,e)=\delta$ and ${{\mathrm{dist}}}(\tilde{a},e)<\delta$; likewise $\tilde{b}_y<b_y$. Thus, $a_y<\tilde{a}_y<\tilde{b}_y<b_y$.
(a) & (b)
\[l-poffset\] If $p\in L(e)$, $p<_y\overline{e_{+\delta}}$; if $q\in U(e)$, $q>_y\overline{e_{-\delta}}$.
We prove the $p \in L(e)$ case for $e[a,b]$. By construction, $e<_ye_{+\delta}$ hence $\{a,b\}<_y\overline{e_{+\delta}}$ by continuity and because ${{\mathrm{dist}}}(a,e)={{\mathrm{dist}}}(b,e)=0<\delta$. If $\tilde{e}$ is a $\delta$-deformation of $e$, $\overline{\tilde{e}}=\tilde{e}\cup\{a,b\}<_y\overline{e_{+\delta}}$ and similarly $\overline{\tilde{e}}>_y\overline{e_{-\delta}}$.
If $p\in L(e)$, $p$ is an endpoint of $f\prec_ye$ and hence an endpoint of $\tilde{f}<_y\tilde{e}$ by Def. \[def:delta-accurate\]. By continuity, $p_y\leq r_y$ for $r\in\overline{\tilde{e}}$ with $p_x=r_x$. Since $\overline{\tilde{e}}<_y\overline{e_{+\delta}}$, $r<_y\overline{e_{+\delta}}$ hence $p<_y\overline{e_{+\delta}}$.
For the proof of Thm. \[t-realize\], $R_\delta(e)$ serves the role that $R(e)$ did for Thm. \[t-iff\].
\[def:Rdelta\] For an approximate subdivision, define $R_\delta(e) = R(e)$ for horizontal and vertical $e$. For increasing $e$, $R_\delta(e)$ is $R(e)$ minus $f_{-\delta}^-$ for all increasing $f\preceq_ye$ and minus $g_{+\delta}^+$ for all increasing $g\succeq_y e$ (Fig. \[fig:Rdelta\]). Similarly for decreasing $e$.
![a) $e$, $e_{-\delta}$, $e_{+\delta}$, and $R(e)$; (b) $R(e)-e_{-\delta}^-\cup e_{+\delta}^+$.[]{data-label="fig:Rdelta"}](Rdelta){width="4in"}
\[lem:Rdeltapath\] If an approximate subdivision is consistent and $\delta$-accurate, the sets $R_\delta(e)$ are monotone.
We prove the $e[a,b]$ increasing case. Let $f[c,d]\preceq_ye$ be increasing. For $q\in U(f)$, $\overline{f_{-\delta}}<_yq$ by Lem. \[l-poffset\], so $f_{-\delta}<_yq^{-+}$, since $f_{-\delta}$ is increasing. Hence, $f_{-\delta}<_yU(f)^{-+}$, which implies $f_{-\delta}\subset R(f)^-$, since both span the $x$-interval $(c_x,d_x)$. Since $R(f)<_yu(e)$, $R(f)^-<_yu(e)$ and $f_{-\delta}<_yu(e)$. Likewise, $g_{+\delta}>_yl(e)$ for increasing $g\succeq_ye$. If $f\preceq_y e$, $e\preceq_yg$, and $f$ and $g$ overlap in $x$, $f\preceq_yg$ by Lem. \[l-trans\] and $f_{-\delta}<_yg_{+\delta}$ by Lem. \[l-offset\]. We conclude that the lower and upper sets that are removed from $R(e)$ are disjoint. Furthermore, $c,d\not\in R(e)$ by Lem. \[lem:Rordered\] and $f_{-\delta}<_yf$. Thus, the only part of the boundary of $f_{-\delta}^-$ that enters $R(e)$ is part of $f_{-\delta}$, which is monotonic. Therefore, the lower boundary of $R_\delta(e)$ is monotonic and similarly the upper boundary.
\[lem:Rdeltaord\] Let $u_\delta(e)$ be the upper boundary of $R_\delta(e)$. If $f[c,d]\prec_ye[a,b]$ are both increasing or both decreasing, $R_\delta(f)<_yu_\delta(e)$.
Pick $p\in R_\delta(f)$ with $a_x\leq p_x\leq b_x$. Since $R_\delta(f)\subset
R(f)<_y u(e)$, $p<_y u(e)$. Pick $g\succeq_y e$ that overlaps $p$ in $x$. Thus, $g$ overlaps $f$ in $x$ and $g\succ_y f$ by Lem. \[l-trans\]. Therefore, $g_{+\delta}^+$ was removed from $R_\delta(f)$ hence $p<_yg_{+\delta}^+$. Since $p$ is below the upper sets removed from $R_\delta(e)$ that overlap it in $x$, $p<_yu_\delta(e)$. Hence, $R_\delta(f)<_yu_\delta(e)$.
\[t-realize\] A consistent, $\delta$-accurate approximate subdivision is a $\delta$-refinement.
The $R_\delta(e)$ are monotone by Lem. \[lem:Rdeltapath\]. They are an ordered assignment because $R_\delta(e)\subset R(e)$, so $R_\delta(e)<_yR_\delta(f)$ for $e\prec_yf$ unless both are decreasing or both are increasing, and that case is covered by Lem. \[lem:Rdeltaord\]. By Lem. \[lem:ordered\], there is a realization, $r(e)\subset R_\delta(e)$. For $p\in R_\delta(e)$, ${{\mathrm{dist}}}(p,e)<\delta$ by construction, so $r(e)$ is a $\delta$-deformation of $e$.
We prove Thm. \[t-refine\] similarly, using Lem. \[l-accemb\] instead of Lem. \[l-poffset\] and $R'_\delta(e')$ (Def. \[R’delta\]) instead of $R_\delta(e)$.
\[l-accemb\] In a $\delta$-splitting, $S'$, of a $\delta$-accurate approximate subdivision, $S$, for every endpoint $p\in S$, curve $e\in S$, and curve $e'\in C(e)$, $p\in
L(e')$ implies $p<_y\overline{e_{+\delta}}$ and $p\in U(e')$ implies $p>_y\overline{e_{-\delta}}$.
We prove the $p\in L(e')$ case. Consider $e'[a',b']$. If $p\in L(e)$, $p<_y\overline{e_{+\delta}}$ by Lem. \[l-poffset\]. If $p\in U(e)$, $p$ is an endpoint of $f\in S$ with $e\prec_y f$. Thus, $p$ is an endpoint of a curve, $f'\in C(f)$, but by Def. \[def:refappsub\], $e'\preceq_y f'$, so $p\in
U(e')$. By Lem. \[lem:p++\], $p\in\{a',b'\}$ hence ${{\mathrm{dist}}}(p,e)<\delta$ by Def. \[def:accemb\] and so $p<_y\overline{e_{+\delta}}$.
\[R’delta\] For increasing $e'[a',b']\in C(e)$, define $e'_{-\delta}$ and $e'_{+\delta}$ to be $e_{-\delta}$ and $e_{+\delta}$ restricted to $(a_x,b_x)$ if $e$ is increasing; otherwise $e'_{-\delta}=e'_{+\delta}=\emptyset$. Similarly for decreasing $e'$. Define $R'_\delta(e')=R(e')$ for horizontal or vertical $e'$. For increasing $e'$, $R'_\delta(e')$ is $R(e')$ minus ${f'}_{-\delta}^-$ for increasing $f'\preceq_ye'$ and minus ${g'}_{+\delta}^+$ for increasing $g'\succeq_ye'$, and similarly for decreasing $e'$.
\[t-refine\] A consistent $\delta$-splitting of a $\delta$-accurate approximate subdivision is a $\delta$-refinement.
Modify the proof of Thm. \[t-realize\] by replacing Lem. \[l-poffset\] with Lem. \[l-accemb\] to select a realization $r(e')\subset R'_\delta(e')$ for each curve $e'[a',b']$. If $e'$ and $e$ are both increasing or both decreasing, $R'_\delta(e')$ lies between $e_{-\delta}$ and $e_{+\delta}$ by construction hence $r(e')$ lies within $\delta$ of $e$. If $e$ is increasing but $e'$ decreasing, we know ${{\mathrm{dist}}}(a',e)<\delta$ hence $a'<_ye_{+\delta}$ hence ${a'}^{+-}<_ye_{+\delta}$. Similarly, ${b'}^{-+}>_ye_{-\delta}$. Hence, $r(e')\subset {a'}^{+-}\cap{b'}^{-+}$ lies within $\delta$ of $e$.
\[l-refine\] The refinement algorithm output is a $\delta$-splitting.
Let the algorithm split a curve, $e$, at an endpoint, $p$. We show that ${{\mathrm{dist}}}(p,e)<\delta$.
Step 1: Necessarily, $p\in L(e)$, because $p$ belongs to a group below $e$, and there is a violation of constraint 1. Hence, there exists $q\in U(e)$ with $p_x=q_x$ and $p_y\geq q_y$. By Lem. \[l-poffset\], $p<_ye_{+\delta}$ and $q>_ye_{-\delta}$. Since $p_y\geq q_y$, $p>_ye_{-\delta}$ as well.
Step 2: For an incoming curve, $e[v,a]$, define ${{\mathrm{M}}}(e)$ analogously to ${{\mathrm{m}}}(e)$ as the maximum safe endpoint over $f[w,b]\preceq_ye$. Since $e\preceq_ye$ and ${{\mathrm{dist}}}(e,a)\leq{{\mathrm{dist}}}(e,a)$, ${{\mathrm{m}}}(e)\leq_ya\leq_y{{\mathrm{M}}}(e)$. Curve $e$ is split at the maximum ${{\mathrm{m}}}(f)$ with $f\preceq_ye$. Let $f[w,b]$ achieve this maximum. Since $e\preceq_ye$, ${{\mathrm{m}}}(e)\leq_y{{\mathrm{m}}}(f)$. If $b$ is safe for $e$ (${{\mathrm{dist}}}(b,e)\leq{{\mathrm{dist}}}(f,a)$), ${{\mathrm{m}}}(f)\leq_yb$ from above and $b\leq_y{{\mathrm{M}}}(e)$ by definition of ${{\mathrm{M}}}(e)$; otherwise, if $a$ is safe for $f$, ${{\mathrm{m}}}(f)\leq_ya$ by definition of ${{\mathrm{m}}}(e)$ and $a\leq_y{{\mathrm{M}}}(e)$ from above. Hence ${{\mathrm{m}}}(f)\leq_yM(e)$. Since both ${{\mathrm{m}}}(e)$ and ${{\mathrm{M}}}(e)$ are safe for $e$, ${{\mathrm{dist}}}({{\mathrm{m}}}(e),e),{{\mathrm{dist}}}({{\mathrm{M}}}(e),e)<\delta$ by Lem. \[l-safedist\] below. The error bound neglects the distance computation error, $\gamma$, which is typically negligible with respect to $\delta$. Since we evaluate ${{\mathrm{dist}}}$ approximately, we might pick the endpoint that is unsafe by a little bit. Strictly speaking, we should replace $\delta$ with $\delta+2\gamma$.
Step 3: We consider constraint 3 with $e$ increasing; the other cases are similar. Since $p\in L(e)$ and $d\in U(e)$, $p<_ye_{+\delta}$, and $d>_ye_{-\delta}$ by Lem. \[l-poffset\]. Also, $p>_ye_{-\delta}$ because $p_x<d_x$, $p_y\geq d_y$, and $e_{-\delta}$ is increasing by Lem. \[l-offsetmon\].
Step 4: ${{\mathrm{dist}}}(p,e)=0$.
\[l-safedist\] If $e[v,a]\prec_yf[w,b]$ violate constraint 2 at $a_x=b_x$, ${{\mathrm{dist}}}(a,f)<\delta$ or ${{\mathrm{dist}}}(b,e)<\delta$.
Let $\tilde{e}$ and $\tilde{f}$ be curves that show $\delta$-accuracy. Since $\tilde{e}<_y\tilde{f}$ and $a_y>b_y$, either $\tilde{e}$ has a vertical segment at $x=a_x$ that contains $b$ or $\tilde{f}$ has such a segment that contains $a$. The result follows because $\tilde{e}$ and $\tilde{f}$ are $\delta$-close to $e$ and $f$.
\[t-delta\] The refinement algorithm computes a $\delta$-refinement.
Follows from Thm. \[t-refinealg\], Thm. \[t-refine\], and Lem. \[l-refine\].
Set Operations {#s-set}
We now turn to set operations. We compute the overlay approximate subdivision with our sweep algorithm[@sacks-milenkovic06] then refine. The sweep algorithm computes the curve crossing points approximately and preserves the curve endpoints, so the output endpoints are the union of the input endpoints and the approximate crossing points. The overlay $\prec_y$ determines the membership of the overlay faces in the input faces via a standard algorithm.[@deberg08]
We modify the sweep algorithm to use red/blue sweep list insertion. When inserting a curve from the first input (red), find the two nearest red curves, using the red $\prec_y$, then compute the order of the new curve with respect to the intervening blue curves. Likewise for blue curve insertion. We avoid computation of red/red and blue/blue orders. We also ensure that the overlay $\prec_y$ agrees with the red and blue $\prec_y$, so overlay face membership is computed correctly.
Euclidean Transformations {#s-transform}
We transform an approximate subdivision by transforming each curve, computing the transformed $\prec_y$, and invoking the refinement algorithm. The computational complexity is dominated by the refinement algorithm.
Translating by $t$ maps $e$ to $\{p+t|p\in e\}$ and drops each curve whose endpoints translate to the same point due to rounding. It does not change $\prec_y$ or $\delta$-accuracy. Scaling ($y$) by $w$ maps $e$ to $\{(p_x,wp_y)|p\in e\}$ and drops the curves with equal endpoints. It does not change $\prec_y$, but scales $\delta$-accuracy by $w$. Skewing by $w$ maps $e$ to $\{(p_x,wp_x+p_y)|p\in e\}$ and splits the skewed curves at their $y$ turning points. It increases the distance between two points by at most a factor of $z=\sqrt{w^2+1}$. Skewing a deformation yields a deformation. Hence, skewing scales $\delta$-accuracy by at most $z$.
#### Rotation
Rotating by $90^\circ$ maps $e$ to $\{(-p_y,p_x)|p\in e\}$. The rotated curves are monotone because the input curves are. The rotated $\prec_y$ is the horizontal order of the input curves. Let the rotations of $e$ and $f$ be $e^r$ and $f^r$: $e^r\prec_y f^r$ iff $e$ is left of $f$. It is $\delta$-accurate because a deformation that places two curves in $\prec_y$ order also places them in horizontal order.
Compute the horizontal order via a horizontal line sweep whose events are insertion and removal of each curve at its lower and upper endpoints. Removal is standard. A curve, $f$, is inserted by computing the order of its lower endpoint, $v$, with respect to ${{\mathrm{O}}}(\log n)$ curves in the sweep list. Let $e[t,h]$ be such a curve.
1. If $v_x<t_x$, $v$ is left of $e$.
2. If $f\prec_y e$ and $e$ is increasing, $v$ is right of $e$; if $e$ is decreasing, $v$ is left of $e$.
3. If $e\prec_y f$ and $e$ is increasing, $v$ is left of $e$; if $e$ is decreasing, $v$ is right of $e$.
4. If $h_x<v_x$, $v$ is right of $e$.
Fig. \[f-hsweep\] shows points $v_1,\ldots,v_4$ that satisfy the four rules.
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![Horizontal endpoint/$\prec_y$ for increasing (a) and decreasing (b) curves.[]{data-label="f-hsweep"}](hsweep1 "fig:") ![Horizontal endpoint/$\prec_y$ for increasing (a) and decreasing (b) curves.[]{data-label="f-hsweep"}](hsweep2 "fig:")
(a) (b)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Rotating by $-90^\circ$ maps $e$ to $(e_y,-e_x)$. The rotated $\prec_y$ is the opposite of the horizontal order of the input curves.
Rotation by $\theta$ is performed in two steps. Step 1 rotates the input by $90^\circ$ and replaces $\theta$ with $\theta-90^\circ$ for $45^\circ<\theta<135$, rotates the input by $-90^\circ$ and replaces $\theta$ with $\theta+90^\circ$ for $-135^\circ<\theta<-45^\circ$, and is omitted for other $\theta$ values. Let $s=\sin\theta$ and $c=\cos\theta$. Step 2 scales by $c$, skews by $s$, rotates by $90^\circ$, scales by $1/c$, skews by $s/c$, and rotates by $-90^\circ$. The rotation formula is verified by direct calculation. The $\delta$-accuracy scales by $$1\times c \times \sqrt{1+s^2}\times 1\times \frac{1}{c}\times
\sqrt{1+\frac{s^2}{c^2}}\times1=\sqrt{\frac{1+s^2}{c^2}}.$$ This factor is bounded by $\sqrt{3}$ because $|\theta|\leq 45^\circ$ after step 1.
Validation {#s-validate}
We have implemented set operations and Euclidean transformations for approximate subdivisions whose curves are approximate algebraic-curve segments. A curve is represented by its endpoints, $t$ and $h$ with $t_x\leq h_x$, and by a monotone branch, $b$, of an algebraic curve. The curve is the portion of $b$ in the box with corners $t$ and $h$, plus two line segments that link $t$ and $h$ to it (Fig. \[f-curve\]). If $t_y<h_y$ and $b$ is decreasing or $h_y<t_y$ and $b$ is increasing, the curve is the line segment $th$. When a curve is split, the new curves inherit its branch. Our numerical solver[@sacks-milenkovic06] computes points on curves by solving univariate polynomials and computes curve crossing points by solving pairs of bivariate polynomials.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
![Curve representation (a), portion of $b$ in box (b), and curve (c).[]{data-label="f-curve"}](curve1 "fig:") ![Curve representation (a), portion of $b$ in box (b), and curve (c).[]{data-label="f-curve"}](curve2 "fig:") ![Curve representation (a), portion of $b$ in box (b), and curve (c).[]{data-label="f-curve"}](curve3 "fig:")
(a) (b) (c)
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
We validate the algorithms on sequences of set operations alternating with Euclidean transformations. We test the four shapes shown in Fig. \[f-validate\]. The shapes are drawn in the box $[-1,1]\times[-1,1]$. The curves are line segments in shape 1, line and circle segments in shape 2, degree-3 curves in shape 3, and degree-6 curves in shape 4. We initialize $s_0$ to a shape then set $s_{i+1}$ to the symmetric difference of $s_i$ with a Euclidean transform of $s_i$ for six iterations (e–h). The $s_0$ transform is translation by $(0.0123, 0.0321)$ and rotation by $0.765$ radians. These values are halved after each iteration.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
![Validation: shapes 1–4 (a–d) and their $s_1$ regions (e–h).[]{data-label="f-validate"}](test1 "fig:"){width="1in"} ![Validation: shapes 1–4 (a–d) and their $s_1$ regions (e–h).[]{data-label="f-validate"}](test2 "fig:"){width="1in"} ![Validation: shapes 1–4 (a–d) and their $s_1$ regions (e–h).[]{data-label="f-validate"}](test3 "fig:"){width="1in"} ![Validation: shapes 1–4 (a–d) and their $s_1$ regions (e–h).[]{data-label="f-validate"}](test4 "fig:"){width="1in"}
(a) (b) (c) (d)
![Validation: shapes 1–4 (a–d) and their $s_1$ regions (e–h).[]{data-label="f-validate"}](test1-1 "fig:"){width="1in"} ![Validation: shapes 1–4 (a–d) and their $s_1$ regions (e–h).[]{data-label="f-validate"}](test2-1 "fig:"){width="1in"} ![Validation: shapes 1–4 (a–d) and their $s_1$ regions (e–h).[]{data-label="f-validate"}](test3-1 "fig:"){width="1in"} ![Validation: shapes 1–4 (a–d) and their $s_1$ regions (e–h).[]{data-label="f-validate"}](test4-1 "fig:"){width="1in"}
(e) (f) (g) h
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The initial tests have high combinatorial complexity and no degeneracy. The program encounters no constraint violations, generates accurate outputs, and is fast. Table \[t-res\] summarizes the results. The input size, $n$, is the number of input curves. The output size, $e$, is the number of curves in the final, $s_6$, subdivision. The output error, $\delta$, is the larger of two error metrics both of which are the maximum over the six iterations. The first metric is the distance between the monotone branch of a curve and one of its endpoints. The second metric is the distance between a curve, $e$, and an endpoint, $v$, with $v\in L(e)$ and $v>_ye$, or $v\in U(e)$ and $v<_ye$. The running time, $t$, is for one core of an Intel Core 2 Duo. As the algebraic degree of the input increases from one to six, the constraint enforcement percentage, $c$, decreases rapidly and the numerical solver percentage, $s$, increases rapidly.
shape $n$ $e$ $\delta$ $t$ $c$ $s$
------- ----- -------- ------------------- ----- ----- -----
1 16 67000 $3\times10^{-16}$ 1.1 23 20
2 20 70000 $6\times10^{-16}$ 3.6 10 70
3 40 85000 $8\times10^{-15}$ 4.5 8 67
4 80 277000 $4\times10^{-12}$ 127 1 91
: Initial tests: $n$ is the input size, $e$ is the output size, $\delta$ is the output error, $t$ is the running time in seconds, $c$ is the constraint enforcement percentage, and $s$ is the solver percentage.[]{data-label="t-res"}
We repeated the tests with the $s_0$ Euclidean transformation divided by $2^j$ for $j=1,\ldots,50$. As the transformation shrinks, the six iterates of the input shape converge, so the symmetric differences approach degeneracy. Fig. \[f-res\] plots the results for the initial, $j=0$, test and for the 50 subsequent tests. The output error and the solver percentage are omitted because they are essentially constant.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
![All tests: $j$ is the iteration, $e$ is the output size, $k$ is the number of constraint violations, $t$ is the running time, and $c$ is the constraint enforcement percentage.[]{data-label="f-res"}](res1 "fig:") ![All tests: $j$ is the iteration, $e$ is the output size, $k$ is the number of constraint violations, $t$ is the running time, and $c$ is the constraint enforcement percentage.[]{data-label="f-res"}](res2 "fig:")
![All tests: $j$ is the iteration, $e$ is the output size, $k$ is the number of constraint violations, $t$ is the running time, and $c$ is the constraint enforcement percentage.[]{data-label="f-res"}](res3 "fig:") ![All tests: $j$ is the iteration, $e$ is the output size, $k$ is the number of constraint violations, $t$ is the running time, and $c$ is the constraint enforcement percentage.[]{data-label="f-res"}](res4 "fig:")
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The output size decreases because each iterate has fewer intersections with the previous iterate. The number of constraint violations is zero for $j<15$, increases sharply from $j=25$ to $j=40$, then decreases to nearly zero. We expect that the curves become nearly identical rather than intersecting. The shape 3 running time increases from $j=24$, peaks at double the $j=0$ time at $j=32$, and decreases to nearly zero. The running time for the other shapes increases slightly if at all then decreases to nearly zero. The running time for shape 4 is divided by ten, so it can be displayed with the others. The percentage spent on constraint enforcement decreases, except for a peak in $40<j<50$ where the output is small relative to the number of violations. The percentage also decreases as the input degree increases: constraint enforcement, which is combinatorial, is independent of degree, whereas curve intersection, which is numerical, is polynomial in degree.
Conclusions {#s-conclude}
This paper presents approximate planar shape-manipulation algorithms. The validation results show that the algorithms are accurate and fast on both generic and degenerate inputs. Constraint enforcement takes a small fraction of the running time, whereas numerical computation takes most of the time. The results support our thesis that inconsistency sensitive algorithms are efficient and accurate.
Acknowledgments {#acknowledgments .unnumbered}
Research supported by NSF grants IIS-0082339, CCF-0306214, and CCF-0304955.
[^1]: Department of Computer Science, University of Miami. Coral Gables, FL 33124-4245, USA. [email protected]
[^2]: Computer Science Department, Purdue University. West Lafayette, IN 47907-2066, USA. [email protected]
[^3]: Department of Computer Science, University of Miami. Coral Gables, FL 33124-4245, USA. [email protected]
| {
"pile_set_name": "ArXiv"
} | ArXiv |
abstract: |
It is shown that quadratic constraints are compatible with the geometric integrability scheme of the multidimensional quadrilateral lattice equation. The corresponding Ribaucour-type reduction of the fundamental transformation of quadrilateral lattices is found as well, and superposition of the Ribaucour transformations is presented in the vectorial framework. Finally, the quadratic reduction approach is illustrated on the example of multidimensional circular lattices.
[*Keywords:*]{} Integrable discrete geometry; integrable systems\
[*1991 MSC:*]{} 58F07, 52C07, 51B10\
[*PACS:*]{} 0340K, 0240
- |
Adam Doliwa\
Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Sezione di Roma\
P-le Aldo Moro 2, I–00185 Roma, Italy\
Instytut Fizyki Teoretycznej, Uniwersytet Warszawski[^1]\
ul. Hoża 69, 00-681 Warszawa, Poland
title: Quadratic reductions of quadrilateral lattices
The connection between differential geometry and modern theory of integrable partial differential equations has been observed many times [@Sym; @Dryuma; @Tsarev; @Bobenko2b2]. Actually, a lot of basic integrable systems, like the sine-Gordon, Liouville, Lamé or Darboux equations, were studied by distinguished geometers of the XIX-th century [@Lame; @Bianchi; @DarbouxOS] (see also [@Eisenhart-TS; @Lane]).
It turns out that many integrable systems of a geometric origin are reductions of the Darboux equations, which describe submanifolds in ${{\Bbb R}}^M$ parametrized by conjugate coordinate systems (conjugate nets) [@DarbouxOS]. The Darboux equations were rediscovered and solved, in the matrix generalization, in [@ZakMa] using the $\bar\partial$–dressing method (for another approach to the Darboux equations see [@GrZel1; @GrZel2] and references therein). More recently it was shown in [@DMMMS] that classical transformations of the conjugate nets, which are known as the Laplace, Lévy, Combescure, radial and fundamental transformations [@Eisenhart-TS; @Lane], provide an interesting geometric interpretation of the basic operations associated with the multicomponent Kadomtsev–Petviashvilii hierarchy.
The distinguished reduction of the Darboux equations is given by the Lamé equations [@Lame; @DarbouxOS; @Bianchi], which describe orthogonal systems of coordinates; these equations were solved recently in [@Zakharov]. The reduction of the fundamental transformation compatible with the orthogonality constraint is provided by the Ribaucour transformation [@Bianchi], which vectorial generalization was constructed in [@LiuManas].
During last few years the connection between geometry and integrability was observed also at a discrete level [@BP1; @DS-AL; @BP2; @BS]. In particular, in [@MQL] it was shown that the integrable discretisation of the conjugate nets is provided by multidimensional quadrilateral lattices (MQL), i.e., maps ${{\boldsymbol x}}: {{\Bbb Z}}^N {\rightarrow}{{\Bbb R}}^M$ with all the elementary quadrilaterals planar (see also [@Sauer; @DCN]). The geometrically distinguished reduction of quadrilateral lattices are multidimensional circular lattices (MCL), for which all the elementary quadrilaterals should be inscribed in circles [@Bobenko-DO; @CDS]. The circular lattices provide the integrable discretization of the orthogonal coordinate systems of Lamé. In [@CDS; @DMS] it was demonstrated that the circularity constraint is compatible with the geometric and analytic integrability scheme of MQL and provides an integrable reduction of the corresponding equations.
Also the Darboux-type transformations [@ms] of quadrilateral lattices have been studied from various points of view [@DCN; @MDS; @KoSchief2; @TQL]. In [@TQL] the general theory of transformations applicable to any quadrilateral lattice was presented, and all the classical transformations of conjugate nets have been generalized to a discrete level. In [@KoSchief2] there was found, among others, the (discrete analog of the) Ribaucour transformation compatible with the circularity constraint.
In conclusion of [@CDS] there were given some arguments supporting the conjecture that a more general then circularity, but still [*quadratic*]{}, constraint imposed on the quadrilateral lattice preserves their integrability scheme. In the present paper we develop this observation and prove the general theorem about the integrability of quadratic reductions of the MQL equation (Section \[sec:quadratic\]). The corresponding Ribaucour reduction of the fundamental (binary Darboux) transformation is found in Section \[sec:Ribaucour\], where we present also superposition of the Ribaucour transformations in the vectorial framework. Section \[sec:R-MCL\] provides an exposition of the multidimensional circular lattices and their Ribaucour transformation from the quadratic reduction point of view.
Integrability of quadratic reductions {#sec:quadratic}
We recall that planarity of elementary quadrilaterals of the lattice ${{\boldsymbol x}}: {{\Bbb Z}}^N {\rightarrow}{{\Bbb R}}^M$ can be expressed in terms of the Laplace equations [@DCN; @MQL] $$\label{eq:Laplace}
{{\Delta}}_i{{\Delta}}_j{{\boldsymbol x}}=(T_i A_{ij}){{\Delta}}_i{{\boldsymbol x}}+
(T_j A_{ji}){{\Delta}}_j{{\boldsymbol x}}\; \; ,\;\; i\not= j, \; \; \; i,j=1 ,\dots, N \; ,$$ where the coefficients $A_{ij}$, for $N>2$, due to the compatibility condition of (\[eq:Laplace\]), satisfy the MQL equation [@BoKo; @MQL] $$\label{eq:MQL-A}
{{\Delta}}_k A_{ij} =
(T_jA_{jk})A_{ij} +(T_k A_{kj})A_{ik} - (T_kA_{ij})A_{ik},
\;\; i\neq j\neq k\neq i ;$$ in the above formulas $T_i$ is the shift operator in the $i$-th direction of the lattice and ${{\Delta}}_i=T_i-1$ is the corresponding partial difference operator.
In this paper we study lattices ${{\boldsymbol x}}$ contained in a quadric hypersurface ${{\cal Q}}$ of ${{\Bbb R}}^M$, $N\leq M-1$. This additional constraint implies that the lattice points ${{\boldsymbol x}}$ satisfy the equation of the quadric ${{\cal Q}}$, which we write in the form $$\label{eq:quadric}
{{\boldsymbol x}}^t Q {{\boldsymbol x}}+ {{\boldsymbol a}}^t {{\boldsymbol x}}+ c = 0 \; \; \; ;$$ here $Q$ is a symmetric matrix, ${{\boldsymbol a}}$ is a constant vector, $c$ is a scalar and $^t$ denotes transposition.
Let us recall (see [@MQL] for details) that the construction scheme of a generic $N$-dimensional quadrilateral lattice ($N>2$) involves the linear operations only, and is a consequence of the planarity of elementary quadrilaterals (or the Laplace equations (\[eq:Laplace\])).
\[th:constrMQL\] The point $T_{i}T_{j}T_{k}{{\boldsymbol x}}$ of the lattice is the intersection point of the three planes ${{\Bbb V}}_{jk}(T_{i}{{\boldsymbol x}}) =
\langle T_i{{\boldsymbol x}}, T_iT_j{{\boldsymbol x}}, T_iT_k{{\boldsymbol x}}\rangle $, ${{\Bbb V}}_{ik}(T_j{{\boldsymbol x}}) = \langle T_j{{\boldsymbol x}}, T_iT_j{{\boldsymbol x}}, T_jT_k{{\boldsymbol x}}\rangle $ and ${{\Bbb V}}_{ij}(T_k{{\boldsymbol x}}) = \langle T_k{{\boldsymbol x}}, T_iT_k{{\boldsymbol x}}, T_jT_k{{\boldsymbol x}}\rangle$ in the three dimensional space ${{\Bbb V}}_{ijk}({{\boldsymbol x}})=
\langle {{\boldsymbol x}}, T_i{{\boldsymbol x}}, T_j{{\boldsymbol x}}, T_k{{\boldsymbol x}}\rangle $.
The above construction scheme is the geometrical counterpart of MQL equations (\[eq:MQL-A\]) and it is called therefore, the [*geometric integrability scheme*]{}. It implies, in particular, that the lattice ${{\boldsymbol x}}$ is completely determined once a system of initial quadrilateral surfaces has been given [@MQL].
As it was proposed in [@CDS], a geometric constraint in order to be integrable must “propagate" in the construction of the MQL, when satisfied by the initial surfaces. The (geometric) integrability of the quadratic reductions is an immediate consequence of the following classical [*eight points theorem*]{} (see, for example [@Pedoe], pp. 420,424).
\[lem:8points\] Given eight distinct points which are the set of intersections of three quadric surfaces, all quadrics through any subset of seven of the points must pass through the eight point.
\[prop:quadr-int\] Quadratic reductions of quadrilateral lattices are compatible with geometric integrability scheme of the multidimensional quadrilateral lattice equation.
Since the construction of the MQL for arbitrary $N\geq3$ can be reduced to the compatible construction of three dimensional quadrilateral lattices [@MQL], it is enough to show that the constraint is preserved in a single step described in Theorem \[th:constrMQL\]. We must show that if the seven points ${{\boldsymbol x}}$, $T_i{{\boldsymbol x}}$, $T_j{{\boldsymbol x}}$, $T_k{{\boldsymbol x}}$, $T_iT_j{{\boldsymbol x}}$, $T_iT_k{{\boldsymbol x}}$ and $T_jT_k{{\boldsymbol x}}$ belong to the quadric ${{\cal Q}}$, then the same holds for the eight point $T_iT_jT_k{{\boldsymbol x}}$ as well. Denote by ${{\cal Q}}_{ijk}({{\boldsymbol x}})$ the intersection of the quadric ${{\cal Q}}$ with the three dimensional space ${{\Bbb V}}_{ijk}({{\boldsymbol x}})$, there are two possibilities:\
i) ${{\cal Q}}_{ijk}({{\boldsymbol x}})={{\Bbb V}}_{ijk}({{\boldsymbol x}})$, or\
ii) ${{\cal Q}}_{ijk}({{\boldsymbol x}})\subset {{\Bbb V}}_{ijk}({{\boldsymbol x}})$ is a quadric surface.\
Since in the first case the conclusion is trivial, we concentrate on the second point. Recall that two planes in ${{\Bbb V}}_{ijk}$ can be considered as a degenerate quadric surface (in this case the quadratic equation splits into two linear factors). Application of Lemma \[lem:8points\] to three (degenerate) quadric surfaces ${{\Bbb V}}_{ij}({{\boldsymbol x}})\cup {{\Bbb V}}_{ij}(T_k{{\boldsymbol x}})$, ${{\Bbb V}}_{ik}({{\boldsymbol x}})\cup {{\Bbb V}}_{ik}(T_j{{\boldsymbol x}})$, ${{\Bbb V}}_{jk}({{\boldsymbol x}})\cup {{\Bbb V}}_{jk}(T_i{{\boldsymbol x}})$ and to the fourth one ${{\cal Q}}_{ijk}({{\boldsymbol x}})$, concludes the proof.
The above result can be obviously generalized to quadrilateral lattices in spaces obtained by intersection of many quadric hypersurfaces. Since the spaces of constant curvature, Grassmann manifolds and Segré or Veronese varieties can be realized in this way [@Harris], the above results can be applied, in pronciple, to construct integrable lattices in such spaces as well.
The Ribaucour transformation {#sec:Ribaucour}
In this Section we suitably adapt the fundamental transformation of quadrilateral lattices in order to preserve a given quadratic constraint. Such reductions are called, in the continuous context, the Ribaucour transformations (see, for example, Chapter X of [@Eisenhart-TS]).
The Ribaucour reduction of the fundamental transformation {#sec:sub-Rib}
We first recall (for details, see [@TQL]) the basic results concerning the fundamental transformation of quadrilateral lattices.
\[th:fund\] The fundamental transform ${{\cal F}}({{\boldsymbol x}})$ of the quadrilateral lattice ${{\boldsymbol x}}$ is given by $$\label{eq:fund}
{{\cal F}}({{\boldsymbol x}}) = {{\boldsymbol x}}- \frac{\phi}{\phi_{{\cal C}}}{{\boldsymbol x}}_{{\cal C}}\; \; ,$$ where\
i) $\phi:{{\Bbb Z}}^N{\rightarrow}{{\Bbb R}}$ is a new solution of the Laplace equation (\[eq:Laplace\]) of the lattice ${{\boldsymbol x}}$\
ii) ${{\boldsymbol x}}_{{\cal C}}$ is the Combescure transformation vector, which is a solution of the equations $$\label{eq:DixC} {{\Delta}}_i{{\boldsymbol x}}_{{\cal C}}= (T_i\sigma_i){{\Delta}}_i{{\boldsymbol x}}\; \; ,$$ where, due to the compatibility of the system (\[eq:DixC\]) the functions $\sigma_i$ satisfy $$\label{eq:Djsi}
{{\Delta}}_j\sigma_i = A_{ij}(T_j\sigma_j - T_j\sigma_i) \; , \quad i\neq j \; ;$$ moreover\
iii) $\phi_{{\cal C}}$ is a solution, corresponding to $\phi$, of the Laplace equation of the lattice ${{\boldsymbol x}}_{{\cal C}}$, i.e. $$\label{eq:DiphC} {{\Delta}}_i\phi_{{\cal C}}= (T_i\sigma_i){{\Delta}}_i\phi \; \; .$$
Notice that, given ${{\boldsymbol x}}_{{\cal C}}$ and $\phi$, then equation (\[eq:DiphC\]) determines $\phi_{{\cal C}}$ uniquely, up to a constant of integration.
At this point we also recall (see [@TQL] for details) that an $N$ parameter family of straight lines in ${{\Bbb R}}^M$ is called [*$N$ dimensional congruence*]{} if any two neighbouring lines ${{\frak l}}$ and $T_i{{\frak l}}$, $i=1,\dots,N$ of the family are coplanar.The $N$ dimensional quadrilateral lattice ${{\boldsymbol x}}$ and $N$ dimensional congruence are called [*conjugate*]{}, if ${{\boldsymbol x}}({{\boldsymbol n}})\in {{\frak l}}({{\boldsymbol n}})$, for every ${{\boldsymbol n}}\in{{\Bbb Z}}^N$.
The $N$ parameter family of lines ${{\frak l}}=\langle {{\boldsymbol x}},{{\cal F}}({{\boldsymbol x}}) \rangle$ forms a congruence, called congruence of the transformation. Both lattices ${{\boldsymbol x}}$ and ${{\cal F}}({{\boldsymbol x}})$ are conjugate to the congruence ${{\frak l}}$.
Theorem \[th:fund\] states that in order to construct the fundamental transformation of the lattice ${{\boldsymbol x}}$ we need three new ingredients: $\phi$, ${{\boldsymbol x}}_{{\cal C}}$ and $\phi_{{\cal C}}$. In looking for the Ribaucour reduction of the fundamental transformation we can use the additional information:\
i) the initial lattice ${{\boldsymbol x}}$ satisfies the quadratic constraint (\[eq:quadric\]),\
ii) the final lattice ${{\cal R}}({{\boldsymbol x}})$ should satisfy the same constraint as well.\
This should allow to reduce the number of the necessary data and, indeed, to find the Ribaucour transformation it is enough to know the Combescure transformation vector ${{\boldsymbol x}}_{{\cal C}}$ only.
The Ribaucour reduction ${{\cal R}}({{\boldsymbol x}})$ of the fundamental transformation of the quadrilateral lattice ${{\boldsymbol x}}$ subjected to quadratic constraint (\[eq:quadric\]) is determined by the Combescure transformation vector ${{\boldsymbol x}}_{{\cal C}}$, provided that ${{\boldsymbol x}}_{{\cal C}}$ is not anihilated by the bilinear form $Q$ of the constraint $$\label{eq:xCBxC}
{{\boldsymbol x}}_{{\cal C}}^t Q {{\boldsymbol x}}_{{\cal C}}\ne 0 \; .$$ The functions $\phi$ and $\phi_{{\cal C}}$ entering in formula (\[eq:fund\]) are then given by $$\begin{aligned}
\phi & = 2 {{\boldsymbol x}}^t Q {{\boldsymbol x}}_{{\cal C}}+ {{\boldsymbol a}}^t {{\boldsymbol x}}_{{\cal C}}\; \; , \\ \label{def:phiC-q}
\phi_{{\cal C}}& = {{\boldsymbol x}}_{{\cal C}}^t Q {{\boldsymbol x}}_{{\cal C}}\; .\end{aligned}$$
Application of the partial difference operator ${{\Delta}}_i$ to the quadratic constraint (\[eq:quadric\]) gives $$\label{eq:Di-quad}
(T_i{{\boldsymbol x}}^t) Q ({{\Delta}}_i{{\boldsymbol x}}) + {{\boldsymbol x}}^t Q ({{\Delta}}_i{{\boldsymbol x}})
+ {{\boldsymbol a}}^t ({{\Delta}}_i{{\boldsymbol x}}) = 0 \; \; .$$ Applying ${{\Delta}}_j$, $j\ne i$ to equation (\[eq:Di-quad\]) and making use of equations (\[eq:Laplace\]) and (\[eq:Di-quad\]), we obtain $$\label{eq:Dij-quad}
(T_i{{\Delta}}_j{{\boldsymbol x}}^t) Q (T_j{{\Delta}}_i{{\boldsymbol x}}) +
({{\Delta}}_j{{\boldsymbol x}}^t) Q ({{\Delta}}_i{{\boldsymbol x}}) \;
(1 + T_iA_{ij} + T_jA_{ji}) = 0 \; \; .$$ We recall (see [@TQL] for details) that, given Combescure transformation vector ${{\boldsymbol x}}_{{\cal C}}$, it satisfies the Laplace equation $$\label{eq:LaplaceB}
{{\Delta}}_i{{\Delta}}_j{{\boldsymbol x}}_{{\cal C}}=(T_{i} A^{{\cal C}}_{ij}){{\Delta}}_i{{\boldsymbol x}}_{{\cal C}}+
(T_j A^{{\cal C}}_{ji}){{\Delta}}_j{{\boldsymbol x}}_{{\cal C}}\; \; ,\;\; i\not= j, \; \; \;
i,j=1 ,\dots, N \; ,$$ with $$\label{eq:Bij}
A^{{\cal C}}_{ij} = \frac{T_j\sigma_j}{\sigma_i}A_{ij} \; \; .$$ We will show that the function $\phi_{{\cal C}}$, defined in (\[def:phiC-q\]), satisfies the Laplace equation (\[eq:LaplaceB\]) of the lattice ${{\boldsymbol x}}_{{\cal C}}$. Indeed, the difference operator ${{\Delta}}_i$ acting on $\phi_{{\cal C}}$ gives $$\label{eq:Dith}
{{\Delta}}_i\phi_{{\cal C}}= (T_i{{\boldsymbol x}}_{{\cal C}}^t) Q ({{\Delta}}_i{{\boldsymbol x}}_{{\cal C}}) +
{{\boldsymbol x}}_{{\cal C}}^t Q ({{\Delta}}_i{{\boldsymbol x}}_{{\cal C}}) \; \; .$$ Applying ${{\Delta}}_j$, $j\ne i$ on the above equation and making use of the equation (\[eq:LaplaceB\]) we obtain $$\begin{gathered}
{{\Delta}}_i{{\Delta}}_j\phi_{{\cal C}}- (T_iA^{{\cal C}}_{ij}){{\Delta}}_i\phi_{{\cal C}}-
(T_jA^{{\cal C}}_{ji}){{\Delta}}_j\phi_{{\cal C}}= \\
= (T_i{{\Delta}}_j{{\boldsymbol x}}_{{\cal C}}^t) Q (T_j{{\Delta}}_i{{\boldsymbol x}}_{{\cal C}}) +
({{\Delta}}_j{{\boldsymbol x}}_{{\cal C}}^t) Q ({{\Delta}}_i{{\boldsymbol x}}_{{\cal C}}) \:
(1 + T_iA^{{\cal C}}_{ij} + T_jA^{{\cal C}}_{ji}) \; \; .\end{gathered}$$ Making use of equations (\[eq:DixC\]) and (\[eq:Dij-quad\]) we transform equation (\[eq:Dij-th\]) to the form $$\begin{gathered}
{{\Delta}}_i{{\Delta}}_j\phi_{{\cal C}}- (T_iA^{{\cal C}}_{ij}){{\Delta}}_i\phi_{{\cal C}}-
(T_jA^{{\cal C}}_{ji}){{\Delta}}_j\phi_{{\cal C}}=
({{\Delta}}_j{{\boldsymbol x}}^t) Q ({{\Delta}}_i{{\boldsymbol x}}) \times\\
\times \left[ (T_i\sigma_i)(T_j\sigma_j) (1 + T_iA^{{\cal C}}_{ij} +
T_jA^{{\cal C}}_{ji})
- (T_iT_j\sigma_i)(T_iT_j\sigma_j) (1 + T_iA_{ij} + T_jA_{ji}) \right] \; ;\end{gathered}$$ the expression in square brackets vanishes due to (\[eq:Bij\]) and (\[eq:Djsi\]), which shows that the function $\phi_{{\cal C}}$ does satisfy the Laplace equation (\[eq:LaplaceB\]).
It is easy to see that in order to satisfy constraint (\[eq:quadric\]) the function $\phi$ must be defined as in (\[def:phi-q\]). Moreover, by direct verification one can check that $\phi$ and $\phi_{{\cal C}}$ are connected by equation (\[eq:DiphC\]), which also implies that $\phi$ satisfies the Laplace equation (\[eq:Laplace\]) of the lattice ${{\boldsymbol x}}$.
The condition (\[eq:xCBxC\]) is satisfied, in particular, when the quadric has non-degenerate and definite bilinear form.
Let us discuss the geometric meaning of the algebraic results obtained above. The congruence ${{\frak l}}$ of the fundamental transformation is defined once the Combescure transformation vector is given; moreover, any generic congruence conjugate to ${{\boldsymbol x}}$ can be obtained in this way (for details, see [@TQL]). The points of the transformed lattice ${{\cal R}}({{\boldsymbol x}})$ belong to the lines of the congruence and to the quadric ${{\cal Q}}$. Therefore, we can formulate the following analogue of the Ribaucour theorem [@Eisenhart-TS], which also follows directly from Lemma \[lem:8points\].
If a congruence is conjugate to a quadrilateral lattice contained in a quadric, and if each line of the congruence meets the quadric just in two distinct points, then the second intersection of the congruence and the quadric is also a quadrilateral lattice conjugate to the congruence.
If a line and a quadric hypersurface have non-trivial intersection, then they have exactly two points in common (counting with multiplicities and points at infinity) or, alternatively, the line is contained in the quadric.
Superposition of the Ribaucour transformations {#sec:vect-Rib}
In this Section we consider vectorial Ribaucour transformations, which are nothing else but superpositions of the Ribaucour transformations with appropriate transformation data.
We first recall [@MDS; @TQL] the necessary material concerning the vectorial fundamental transformations. Consider $K\geq 1$ fundamental transformations ${{\cal F}}_k({{\boldsymbol x}})$, $k=1,...,K$, of the quadrilateral lattice ${{\boldsymbol x}}\subset{{\Bbb R}}^M$, which are built from $K$ solutions $\phi^k$, $k=1,...,K$ of the Laplace equation of the lattice ${{\boldsymbol x}}$ and $K$ Combescure transformation vectors ${{\boldsymbol x}}_{{{\cal C}},k}$, where $${{\Delta}}_i {{\boldsymbol x}}_{{{\cal C}},k} = (T_i\sigma_{i,k}){{\Delta}}_i{{\boldsymbol x}}\; , \; i=1,...,N\:,
\;k=1,...,K\; ,$$ and $\sigma_{i,k}$ satisfy equations $$\label{eq:Djsik}
{{\Delta}}_j\sigma_{i,k} = A_{ij}(T_j\sigma_{j,k} - T_j\sigma_{i,k}) \; , \quad i\neq
j \; ;$$ finally, we are given also $K$ functions $\phi^k_{{{\cal C}},k}$, which satisfy $${{\Delta}}_i \phi^k_{{{\cal C}},k} = (T_i\sigma_{i,k}){{\Delta}}_i\phi^k \; .$$ We arrange functions $\phi^k$ in the $K$ component vector $ {{\boldsymbol \phi}}= ( \phi^1 ,\dots, \phi^K)^t$, similarily, we arrange the Combescure transformation vectors ${{\boldsymbol x}}_{{{\cal C}},k}$ into $M\times K$ matrix ${{\boldsymbol X}}_{{\cal C}}= ({{\boldsymbol x}}_{{{\cal C}},1}, ... ,{{\boldsymbol x}}_{{{\cal C}},K}) $; moreover we introduce the $K\times K$ matrix ${{\boldsymbol \Phi}}_{{\cal C}}= ({{\boldsymbol \phi}}_{{{\cal C}},1},\dots, {{\boldsymbol \phi}}_{{{\cal C}},K})$, whose columns are the $K$ component vectors ${{\boldsymbol \phi}}_{{{\cal C}},k} = (\phi^1_{{{\cal C}},k}, ..., \phi^K_{{{\cal C}},k})^t$ being the Combescure transforms of ${{\boldsymbol \phi}}$ $$\label{eq:int-phiC}
{{\Delta}}_i {{\boldsymbol \phi}}_{{{\cal C}},k} = (T_i\sigma_{i,k}){{\Delta}}_i{{\boldsymbol \phi}}\; .$$
The diagonal part of ${{\boldsymbol \Phi}}_{{\cal C}}$ is fixed by the initial fundamental transformations. To find the off-diagonal part of ${{\boldsymbol \Phi}}_{{\cal C}}$ we integrate equations (\[eq:int-phiC\]) introducing $K(K-1)$ arbitrary constants.
One can show that the vectorial fundamental transformation ${\boldsymbol
{{\cal F}}}({{\boldsymbol x}})$ of the quadrilateral lattice ${{\boldsymbol x}}$, which is defined as $$\label{eq:vect-fund}
{\boldsymbol {{\cal F}}}({{\boldsymbol x}}) = {{\boldsymbol x}}- {{\boldsymbol X}}_{{\cal C}}{{\boldsymbol \Phi}}_{{\cal C}}^{-1} {{\boldsymbol \phi}}\; ,$$ is again quadrilateral lattice. Moreover, the vectorial transformation is superposition of the fundamental transformations $${\boldsymbol {{\cal F}}}({{\boldsymbol x}})= ({{\cal F}}_{k_1}\circ {{\cal F}}_{k_2}\circ\dots\circ{{\cal F}}_{k_K}
)({{\boldsymbol x}}) \; ,
\quad k_i \ne k_j \quad \text{for} \; i \ne j,$$ and does not depend on the order in which the transformations are taken. In applying the fundamental transformations at the intermediate stages the transformation data should be suitably transfored as well. To prove the superposition and permutability statements it is important to notice that the following basic fact holds:
\[lem:sup-vect-fund\] Assume the following splitting of the data of the vectorial fundamental transformation $${{\boldsymbol \phi}}=\begin{pmatrix}{{\boldsymbol \phi}}^{(1)} \\ {{\boldsymbol \phi}}^{(2)} \end{pmatrix} \; , \quad
{{\boldsymbol X}}_{{\cal C}}= \left({{\boldsymbol X}}_{{{\cal C}}(1)}, {{\boldsymbol X}}_{{{\cal C}}(2)} \right) \; , \quad
{{\boldsymbol \Phi}}_{{\cal C}}= \begin{pmatrix} {{\boldsymbol \Phi}}^{(1)}_{{{\cal C}}(1)} & {{\boldsymbol \Phi}}^{(1)}_{{{\cal C}}(2)}
{{\boldsymbol \Phi}}^{(2)}_{{{\cal C}}(1)} & {{\boldsymbol \Phi}}^{(2)}_{{{\cal C}}(2)} \end{pmatrix} \; ,$$ associated with partition $K=K_1+K_2$. Then the vectorial fundamental transformation ${\boldsymbol {{\cal F}}}({{\boldsymbol x}})$ is equivalent to the following superposition of vectorial fundamental transformations:\
1. Transformation ${\boldsymbol {{\cal F}}}_{(1)}({{\boldsymbol x}})$ with the data ${{\boldsymbol \phi}}^{(1)}$, ${{\boldsymbol X}}_{{{\cal C}}(1)}$, ${{\boldsymbol \Phi}}^{(1)}_{{{\cal C}}(1)}$: $${\boldsymbol {{\cal F}}}_{(1)}({{\boldsymbol x}}) = {{\boldsymbol x}}- {{\boldsymbol X}}_{{{\cal C}}(1)} \left(
{{\boldsymbol \Phi}}^{(1)}_{{{\cal C}}(1)}\right)^{-1}
{{\boldsymbol \phi}}^{(1)} \; .$$ 2. Application on the result obtained in point 1., transformation ${\boldsymbol {{\cal F}}}_{(2)}$ with the data transformed by the transformation ${\boldsymbol {{\cal F}}}_{(1)}$ as well $${\boldsymbol {{\cal F}}}_{(2)} ({\boldsymbol {{\cal F}}}_{(1)}({{\boldsymbol x}}) ) =
{\boldsymbol {{\cal F}}}_{(1)}({{\boldsymbol x}}) -
{\boldsymbol {{\cal F}}}_{(1)} ({{\boldsymbol X}}_{{{\cal C}}(2)} )
\left( {\boldsymbol {{\cal F}}}_{(1)} ( {{\boldsymbol \Phi}}^{(2)}_{{{\cal C}}(2)} )\right)^{-1}
{\boldsymbol {{\cal F}}}_{(1)} ( {{\boldsymbol \phi}}^{(2)} ) \; ,$$ where $$\begin{aligned}
{\boldsymbol {{\cal F}}}_{(1)} ({{\boldsymbol X}}_{{{\cal C}}(2)} ) & =
{{\boldsymbol X}}_{{{\cal C}}(2)} - {{\boldsymbol X}}_{{{\cal C}}(1)} \left( {{\boldsymbol \Phi}}^{(1)}_{{{\cal C}}(1)}\right)^{-1}
{{\boldsymbol \Phi}}^{(1)}_{{{\cal C}}(2)} \label{eq:F1X2} \\
{\boldsymbol {{\cal F}}}_{(1)} ({{\boldsymbol \phi}}^{(2)} ) & =
{{\boldsymbol \phi}}^{(2)} - {{\boldsymbol \Phi}}^{(2)}_{{{\cal C}}(1)} \left(
{{\boldsymbol \Phi}}^{(1)}_{{{\cal C}}(1)}\right)^{-1}
{{\boldsymbol \phi}}^{(1)} \; , \\
{\boldsymbol {{\cal F}}}_{(1)} ( {{\boldsymbol \Phi}}^{(2)}_{{{\cal C}}(2)} ) & =
{{\boldsymbol \Phi}}^{(2)}_{{{\cal C}}(2)} - {{\boldsymbol \Phi}}^{(2)}_{{{\cal C}}(1)} \left(
{{\boldsymbol \Phi}}^{(1)}_{{{\cal C}}(1)}\right)^{-1}
{{\boldsymbol \Phi}}^{(1)}_{{{\cal C}}(2)} \; \label{eq:F1P22}.\end{aligned}$$
\[cor:plan-fund\] For any $L=0,\dots,K-2$, the points ${{\boldsymbol x}}^\prime=({{\cal F}}_{k_1}\circ \dots\circ {{\cal F}}_{k_L})({{\boldsymbol x}})$, ${{\cal F}}_{k_{L+1}}({{\boldsymbol x}}^\prime)$, $ {{\cal F}}_{k_{L+2}}({{\boldsymbol x}}^\prime)$, $({{\cal F}}_{k_{L+1}}\circ {{\cal F}}_{k_{L+2}} )({{\boldsymbol x}}^\prime)$, are coplanar.
The $K(K-1)$ constants of integration in the off-diagonal part of ${{\boldsymbol \Phi}}_{{\cal C}}$ are used to construct “initial quadrilaterals", i.e., the integration constants in $\phi^\ell_{{{\cal C}},k}$ and $\phi^k_{{{\cal C}},\ell}$ ($k\ne \ell$) fix the position of $({{\cal F}}_{k}\circ {{\cal F}}_{\ell})({{\boldsymbol x}})$ on the plane passing through ${{\boldsymbol x}}$, ${{\cal F}}_{k}({{\boldsymbol x}})$ and ${{\cal F}}_{\ell}({{\boldsymbol x}})$. The rest of the construction is by linear algebra and is the direct consequence of the geometric integrability scheme (Theorem \[th:constrMQL\]). Any point ${{\boldsymbol x}}$ of the initial lattice, together with its images under all possible superpositions ${{\cal F}}_{k_1}({{\boldsymbol x}})$,...,$({{\cal F}}_{k_1}\circ{{\cal F}}_{k_2})({{\boldsymbol x}})$,..., $({{\cal F}}_{k_1}\circ\dots\circ{{\cal F}}_{k_K})({{\boldsymbol x}})$, form a network of the type of $K$-hypercube. Different paths from ${{\boldsymbol x}}$ to the opposite diagonal vertex ${\boldsymbol {{\cal F}}}({{\boldsymbol x}})$ represent various ordering of the fundamental transformations in the final superposition.
To find the Ribaucour reduction of the vectorial fundamental transformation we can use results of Section \[sec:sub-Rib\] to obtain $$\begin{aligned}
\phi^k & = 2 {{\boldsymbol x}}^t Q {{\boldsymbol x}}_{{{\cal C}},k} +
{{\boldsymbol a}}^t {{\boldsymbol x}}_{{{\cal C}},k}
\; \; , \\ \label{def:phiC-qv}
\phi^k_{{{\cal C}},k} & = {{\boldsymbol x}}_{{{\cal C}},k}^t Q {{\boldsymbol x}}_{{{\cal C}},k} \; .\end{aligned}$$ Equations (\[eq:int-phiC\]) and (\[def:phi-qv\]) lead to $${{\Delta}}_i \left( \phi^k_{{{\cal C}},\ell} + \phi^\ell_{{{\cal C}},k} \right) =
(T_i{{\boldsymbol x}}_{{{\cal C}},k}^t + {{\boldsymbol x}}_{{{\cal C}},k}^t)Q({{\Delta}}_i{{\boldsymbol x}}_\ell) +
(T_i{{\boldsymbol x}}_{{{\cal C}},\ell}^t + {{\boldsymbol x}}_{{{\cal C}},\ell}^t)Q({{\Delta}}_i{{\boldsymbol x}}_k)$$ which implies that $$\label{eq:phi-klk}
\phi^k_{{{\cal C}},\ell} + \phi^\ell_{{{\cal C}},k} =
2 {{\boldsymbol x}}_{{{\cal C}},k}^t Q {{\boldsymbol x}}_{{{\cal C}},\ell} \; ;$$ the constant of integration was found from condition $({{\cal R}}_k\circ{{\cal R}}_\ell)({{\boldsymbol x}})\subset {{\cal Q}}$.
\[prop:vect-Rib\] The vectorial Ribaucour transformation ${\boldsymbol {{\cal R}}}$, i.e., the reduction of the vectorial fundamental transformation (\[eq:vect-fund\]) compatible with quadratic constraint (\[eq:quadric\]), is given by the following constraints $$\begin{aligned}
{{\boldsymbol \phi}}^t & = 2 {{\boldsymbol x}}^t Q {{\boldsymbol X}}_{{\cal C}}+
{{\boldsymbol a}}^t {{\boldsymbol X}}_{{\cal C}}\; \; , \\
{{\boldsymbol \Phi}}_{{{\cal C}}} + {{\boldsymbol \Phi}}_{{{\cal C}}}^t & = 2 {{\boldsymbol X}}_{{{\cal C}}}^t Q {{\boldsymbol X}}_{{{\cal C}}} \; .\end{aligned}$$
Equations (\[eq:bphi-qv\]) and (\[eq:bPhiC-qv\]) are just compact forms of equations (\[def:phi-qv\])–(\[eq:phi-klk\]), which assert that, if ${{\boldsymbol x}}\subset{{\cal Q}}$ then ${{\cal R}}_k({{\boldsymbol x}})\subset{{\cal Q}}$, $({{\cal R}}_k\circ{{\cal R}}_\ell)({{\boldsymbol x}})\subset {{\cal Q}}$ as well. Moreover, since Corollary \[cor:plan-fund\] still holds, then from Lemma \[lem:8points\] it follows that, at each step of the superposition, the lattice $({{\cal R}}_{k_1}\circ\dots\circ{{\cal R}}_{k_L})({{\boldsymbol x}})$ is also contained in the quadric, which implies the stated result.
The algebraic verification that ${\boldsymbol {{\cal R}}}({{\boldsymbol x}})$ belongs to the quadric ${{\cal Q}}$ is also immediate. Using condition (\[eq:quadric\]) we obtain $$\begin{gathered}
{\boldsymbol {{\cal R}}}({{\boldsymbol x}})^t Q {\boldsymbol {{\cal R}}}({{\boldsymbol x}}) + {{\boldsymbol a}}^t {{\cal R}}({{\boldsymbol x}}) + c = \\
= {{\boldsymbol \phi}}^t({{\boldsymbol \Phi}}_{{\cal C}}^t)^{-1}{{\boldsymbol X}}_{{\cal C}}^t Q {{\boldsymbol X}}_{{\cal C}}{{\boldsymbol \Phi}}_{{\cal C}}^{-1}{{\boldsymbol \phi}}- {{\boldsymbol x}}^t Q {{\boldsymbol X}}_{{\cal C}}{{\boldsymbol \Phi}}_{{\cal C}}^{-1}{{\boldsymbol \phi}}-
{{\boldsymbol \phi}}^t({{\boldsymbol \Phi}}_{{\cal C}}^t)^{-1}{{\boldsymbol X}}_{{\cal C}}^t Q {{\boldsymbol x}}- {{\boldsymbol a}}^t{{\boldsymbol X}}_{{\cal C}}{{\boldsymbol \Phi}}_{{\cal C}}^{-1}{{\boldsymbol \phi}}\; ,\end{gathered}$$ which vanishes due to equations (\[eq:bphi-qv\]) and (\[eq:bPhiC-qv\]) and the following identity $${{\boldsymbol a}}^t{{\boldsymbol X}}_{{\cal C}}{{\boldsymbol \Phi}}_{{\cal C}}^{-1}{{\boldsymbol \phi}}= {{\boldsymbol \phi}}^t({{\boldsymbol \Phi}}_{{\cal C}}^t)^{-1}{{\boldsymbol X}}_{{\cal C}}^t
{{\boldsymbol a}}\; .$$
Notice that proving geometrically the above Proposition we proved also the analog of Lemma \[lem:sup-vect-fund\] (which we would like to prove algebraically as well).
\[prop:sup-vect-Rib\] Assume the following splitting of the data of the vectorial Ribaucour transformation $$\label{eq:split-Rib}
{{\boldsymbol \phi}}=\begin{pmatrix}{{\boldsymbol \phi}}^{(1)} \\ {{\boldsymbol \phi}}^{(2)} \end{pmatrix} \; , \quad
{{\boldsymbol X}}_{{\cal C}}= \left({{\boldsymbol X}}_{{{\cal C}}(1)}, {{\boldsymbol X}}_{{{\cal C}}(2)} \right) \; , \quad
{{\boldsymbol \Phi}}_{{\cal C}}= \begin{pmatrix} {{\boldsymbol \Phi}}^{(1)}_{{{\cal C}}(1)} & {{\boldsymbol \Phi}}^{(1)}_{{{\cal C}}(2)}
{{\boldsymbol \Phi}}^{(2)}_{{{\cal C}}(1)} & {{\boldsymbol \Phi}}^{(2)}_{{{\cal C}}(2)} \end{pmatrix} \; ,$$ associated with partition $K=K_1+K_2$. Then the vectorial Ribaucour transformation ${\boldsymbol {{\cal R}}}({{\boldsymbol x}})$ is equivalent to the following superposition of vectorial Ribaucour transformations:\
1. Transformation ${\boldsymbol {{\cal R}}}_{(1)}({{\boldsymbol x}})$ with the data ${{\boldsymbol \phi}}^{(1)}$, ${{\boldsymbol X}}_{{{\cal C}}(1)}$, ${{\boldsymbol \Phi}}^{(1)}_{{{\cal C}}(1)}$.\
2. Application on the result obtained in point 1. the transformation ${\boldsymbol {{\cal R}}}_{(2)}$ with the data ${\boldsymbol {{\cal R}}}_{(1)} ({{\boldsymbol X}}_{{{\cal C}}(2)} )$, ${\boldsymbol {{\cal R}}}_{(1)} ( {{\boldsymbol \Phi}}^{(2)}_{{{\cal C}}(2)} )$, ${\boldsymbol {{\cal R}}}_{(1)} ( {{\boldsymbol \phi}}^{(2)} )$ given by ${{\cal R}}$-analogs of formulas (\[eq:F1X2\])–(\[eq:F1P22\]).
We have to show that the data of both transformations satisfy constraints (\[eq:bphi-qv\]) and (\[eq:bPhiC-qv\]). Since the data (\[eq:split-Rib\]) do satisfy the constraints we have $$\begin{aligned}
{{\boldsymbol \phi}}^t_{(i)} & = 2 {{\boldsymbol x}}^t Q {{\boldsymbol X}}_{{{\cal C}}(i)} +
{{\boldsymbol a}}^t {{\boldsymbol X}}_{{{\cal C}}(i)} \; \; , \quad i=1,2 \; , \\
{{\boldsymbol \Phi}}_{{{\cal C}}(i)}^{(i)} + \left({{\boldsymbol \Phi}}_{{{\cal C}}(i)}^{(i)}\right)^t & =
2 {{\boldsymbol X}}_{{{\cal C}}(i)}^t Q {{\boldsymbol X}}_{{{\cal C}}(i)} \; , \\
{{\boldsymbol \Phi}}_{{{\cal C}}(2)}^{(1)} + \left( {{\boldsymbol \Phi}}_{{{\cal C}}(1)}^{(2)}\right)^t & =
2 {{\boldsymbol X}}_{{{\cal C}}(1)}^t Q {{\boldsymbol X}}_{{{\cal C}}(2)} \; ,\end{aligned}$$ this leads immediately to conclusion that the transformation 1. is the Ribaucour transfromation. Verification that the data of the transformation of point 2. satisfy constraints (\[eq:bphi-qv\]) and (\[eq:bPhiC-qv\]) can be done by straightforward algebra.
Obviously, one can reverse the order of the two transformations (keeping in mind suitable transformation of their data). Moreover, the above result implies that assuming a general splitting $K=K_1+\cdots +K_P$ the final result does not depend on the order in which the transformations are made.
We finally remark that recursive application of the fundamental transformations can be considered [@TQL] as generating new dimensions of the quadrilateral lattice ${{\boldsymbol x}}$. In this context, the Ribaucour transformations generate new dimensions of the lattice subjected to the quadratic constraint. This interpretation remains valid also in the limit from the quadrilateral lattice ${{\boldsymbol x}}\subset{{\cal Q}}$ to the multiconjugate net ${{\boldsymbol x}}\subset{{\cal Q}}$. Therefore the Ribaucour transformations of multiconjugate nets subjected to quadratic constraints generate their natural, geometricaly distinguished, integrable discrete analogs.
Circular lattices and their Ribaucour transformation {#sec:R-MCL}
In this Section we illustrate the quadratic reduction approach on a simple example when the quadric ${{\cal Q}}$ is the $M$-dimensional sphere ${{\Bbb S}}^M \subset{{\Bbb E}}^{M+1}$ of radius $1$; the bilinear form $Q$ is just the standard scalar product “$\cdot$" in the $(M+1)$ dimensional Euclidean space (we add one dimension for convenience), and the quadratic constraint (\[eq:quadric\]) takes the form ${{\boldsymbol x}}\cdot{{\boldsymbol x}}= 1 $.
Circular lattices and the Möbius geometry
Given the point ${{\boldsymbol N}}\in{{\Bbb S}}^M$ (called the North Pole), consider the hyperplane ${{\Bbb T}}\simeq{{\Bbb E}}^M$ bisecting the sphere and orthogonal to ${{\boldsymbol N}}$. In standard way we define the stereographic projection ${\operatorname{St}}:{{\Bbb S}}^M {\rightarrow}{{\Bbb T}}\cup \{\infty \}$ such that for all ${{\boldsymbol x}}= ( x^0, {\vec{\boldsymbol x}})\in{{\Bbb S}}^M\setminus \{ {{\boldsymbol N}}\}$, ${{\boldsymbol y}}={\operatorname{St}}({{\boldsymbol x}})$ is the unique intersection point of the line $\langle {{\boldsymbol N}}, {{\boldsymbol x}}\rangle$ with the hyperplane ${{\Bbb T}}$: $$\begin{aligned}
{{\boldsymbol y}}= {\operatorname{St}}({{\boldsymbol x}}) & = \frac{{\vec{\boldsymbol x}}}{1-x^0} \; , \label{eq:St} \\
{{\boldsymbol x}}= ( x^0, {\vec{\boldsymbol x}}) = {\operatorname{St}}^{-1}({{\boldsymbol y}})& =
\left( \frac{|{{\boldsymbol y}}|^2 -1 }{|{{\boldsymbol y}}|^2 +1} ,
\frac{2{{\boldsymbol y}}}{|{{\boldsymbol y}}|^2 +1} \right) \; ,
\quad |{{\boldsymbol y}}|^2 ={{\boldsymbol y}}\cdot{{\boldsymbol y}}\;, \nonumber\end{aligned}$$ and the North Pole is mapped into the infinity point $\infty$.
We recall the basic property of the stereographic projection [@Pedoe] which is an important tool in the conformal (or Möbius) geometry.
\[lem:st-circ\] Circles of the sphere ${{\Bbb S}}^M$ are mapped in the stereographic projection into circles or straight lines (i.e., circles passing through the infinity point) of the hyperplane ${{\Bbb T}}\simeq{{\Bbb E}}^M$.
Since the intersection of the plane of any elementary quadrilateral of ${{\boldsymbol x}}$ with the sphere ${{\Bbb S}}^M$ is a circle we have therefore:
\[prop:st-clat\] Quadrilateral lattices in the sphere ${{\Bbb S}}^M$ are mapped in the stereographic projection into multidimensional circular lattices in ${{\Bbb E}}^M$; conversely, any circular lattice in ${{\Bbb E}}^M$ can be obtained in this way.
The Möbius geometry studies invariants of the transformations of Euclidean space, which map circles into circles. The Möbius transformations act therefore within the space of circular lattices, like the projective transformations act within the space of quadrilateral lattices (see [@DCN; @MQL]). One can identify two circular lattices which are connected by a Möbius transformation and study the circular lattices in the Möbius geometry approach.
Proposition \[prop:st-clat\] provides a convenient characterization of the circularity constraint [@KoSchief2].
\[th:x2\] The quadrilateral lattice ${{\boldsymbol y}}\subset{{\Bbb E}}^M$ is circular if and only if the scalar function $r=|{{\boldsymbol y}}|^2$ is a solution of the Laplace equation of the lattice ${{\boldsymbol y}}$.
The quadrilateral lattice ${{\boldsymbol y}}$, satisfying the following system of Laplace equations $$\label{eq:Laplace-y}
{{\Delta}}_i{{\Delta}}_j{{\boldsymbol y}}=(T_i B_{ij}){{\Delta}}_i{{\boldsymbol y}}+
(T_j B_{ji}){{\Delta}}_j{{\boldsymbol y}}\; \; ,\;\; i\not= j, \; \; \; i,j=1 ,\dots, N \; ,$$ is circular if and only if the lattice ${{\boldsymbol x}}={\operatorname{St}}^{-1}({{\boldsymbol y}})\subset {{\Bbb S}}^M \subset {{\Bbb E}}^{M+1}$ is quadrilateral, i.e., ${{\boldsymbol x}}$ satisfies the Laplace equation (\[eq:Laplace\]). Obviously, if ${{\boldsymbol x}}$ is quadrilateral, then the ${{\Bbb E}}^M$ part of ${{\boldsymbol x}}$, i.e. ${\vec{\boldsymbol x}}= 2{{\boldsymbol y}}/(|{{\boldsymbol y}}|^2 +1)$, satisfies the equation (\[eq:Laplace\]) as well.
The idea of the proof is based on the following observation. We recall (see [@MQL]) that, if ${{\boldsymbol y}}$ satisfies equations (\[eq:Laplace-y\]), then, for any gauge function $\rho$, the new lattice ${\tilde{\boldsymbol y}}=\rho^{-1}{{\boldsymbol y}}$ satisfies equations $${{\Delta}}_i{{\Delta}}_j{\tilde{\boldsymbol y}}=(T_i {\tilde{B}}_{ij}){{\Delta}}_i{\tilde{\boldsymbol y}}+
(T_j {\tilde{B}}_{ji}){{\Delta}}_j{\tilde{\boldsymbol y}}+ {\tilde{C}}_{ij}{\tilde{\boldsymbol x}}\; \; ,\;\; i\not= j, \; \; \; i,j=1 ,\dots, N \; ,$$ with $$\begin{aligned}
{\tilde{B}}_{ij}&= (T_j\rho)^{-1}(B_{ij}-{{\Delta}}_j\rho) \; ,
\;\; i\not= j, \; \; \; i,j=1 ,\dots, N \; \\
{\tilde{C}}_{ij}&= (T_iT_j\rho)^{-1} ( - {{\Delta}}_i{{\Delta}}_j\rho + (T_i B_{ij}){{\Delta}}_i\rho
+ (T_j B_{ji}){{\Delta}}_j\rho ) \; .\end{aligned}$$ The rest of the proof follows from the fact that, in our case, $\rho = (|{{\boldsymbol y}}|^2 +1)/2$ and ${\tilde{C}}_{ij} = 0$.
In the continuous context, the direct analog of Theorem \[th:x2\] leads immediately to orthogonality of the intersecting conjugate coordinate lines [@Eisenhart-TS]. The above characterization of circular lattices was postulated in [@KoSchief2] where its relation to geometry was made via another (equivalent) form of the circularity constraint [@DMS].
Ribaucour transformation of the circular lattices
We recall that the fundamental transformation ${{\cal F}}({{\boldsymbol y}})$ of the quadrilateral lattice ${{\boldsymbol y}}$ generates quadrilateral strip with $N$ dimensional basis ${{\boldsymbol x}}$ and transversal direction ${{\cal F}}$ (the quadrilaterals $\{{{\boldsymbol y}},T_i{{\boldsymbol y}},{{\cal F}}({{\boldsymbol y}}),T_i{{\cal F}}({{\boldsymbol y}})\}$, $i=1,\dots,N$, are planar as well). When ${{\boldsymbol y}}$ is subjected to the circularity condition, then it is natural to consider only such fundamental transformations which act within the space of circular lattices [@KoSchief2].
The Ribaucour transformation ${{\cal R}^\circ}({{\boldsymbol y}})$ of the circular lattice ${{\boldsymbol y}}$ is a fundamental transformation such that all the strip with $N$ dimensional basis ${{\boldsymbol y}}$ and transversal direction ${{\cal R}^\circ}$ is made out of circular quadrilaterals.
It is not enough to define the Ribaucour transformation ${{\cal R}^\circ}({{\boldsymbol y}})$ of the circular lattice ${{\boldsymbol y}}$ as a fundamental transformation such that the transformed lattice is circular as well.
In this Section we present the Ribaucour transformation of multidimensional circular lattices from the point of view of quadratic reductions. Given circular lattice ${{\boldsymbol y}}\subset{{\Bbb E}}^M$, we apply to ${{\boldsymbol x}}={\operatorname{St}}^{-1}({{\boldsymbol y}})\subset{{\Bbb S}}^M$ the Ribaucour transformation ${{\cal R}}$, defined in Section \[sec:Ribaucour\], obtaining the new lattice ${{\cal R}}({{\boldsymbol x}})\subset {{\Bbb S}}^M$. Since, for points in the sphere, planarity implies circularity we conclude that the quadrilaterals ${\operatorname{St}}(\{{{\boldsymbol x}},T_i{{\boldsymbol x}}, {{\cal R}}({{\boldsymbol x}}),
T_i{{\cal R}}({{\boldsymbol x}})\})$ are circular. This observation, together with Lemma \[lem:st-circ\] and Proposition \[prop:st-clat\], leads to the following result.
\[prop:st-Rib\] The transformation ${\operatorname{St}}({{\cal R}}({\operatorname{St}}^{-1}({{\boldsymbol y}})))$ is a Ribaucour transformation of the circular lattice ${{\boldsymbol y}}$; conversely, any Ribaucour transformation ${{\cal R}^\circ}({{\boldsymbol y}})$ of the circular lattice ${{\boldsymbol y}}$ can be obtained in this way.
\[cor:central-pr\] One can extend, via formula (\[eq:St\]), the stereographic projection ${\operatorname{St}}$ to the the projection ${\operatorname{P}}$ of ${{\Bbb E}}^{M+1}$ on ${{\Bbb T}}$ with the center in ${{\boldsymbol N}}$. In this way the lines ${{\frak l}}$ of the congruence of the transformation ${{\cal R}}$ are mapped into the lines ${{\frak l}}^0={\operatorname{P}}({{\frak l}})$ of the congruence of the transformation ${{\cal R}^\circ}$. However, since the central projection does not preserve parallelism, it cannot be used directly to define the Combescure transformation vector ${{\boldsymbol y}}_{{\cal C}}$, from given ${{\boldsymbol x}}_{{\cal C}}$; one needs some rescaling.
The rest of this Section is devoted to “algebraization" of the above geometric observations.
Consider the circular lattice ${{\boldsymbol y}}\subset{{\Bbb E}}^M$ and its image in the Möbius sphere ${{\boldsymbol x}}={\operatorname{St}}^{-1}({{\boldsymbol y}})\subset{{\Bbb S}}^M$. The Ribaucour transformation ${{\cal R}}({{\boldsymbol x}})$ of ${{\boldsymbol x}}$ $${{\cal R}}({{\boldsymbol x}}) = {{\boldsymbol x}}- \frac{2{{\boldsymbol x}}\cdot{{\boldsymbol x}}_{{\cal C}}}{
{{\boldsymbol x}}_{{\cal C}}\cdot{{\boldsymbol x}}_{{\cal C}}}\;{{\boldsymbol x}}_{{\cal C}}\; , $$ is mapped in the steroegraphic projection to $${\operatorname{St}}({{\cal R}}({{\boldsymbol x}})) = {{\boldsymbol y}}- \left( 2{{\boldsymbol y}}\cdot{\vec{\boldsymbol x}}_{{\cal C}}+
x^0_{{\cal C}}\left( |{{\boldsymbol y}}|^2 -1 \right) \right)
\frac{x^0_{{\cal C}}{{\boldsymbol y}}+ {\vec{\boldsymbol x}}_{{\cal C}}}{ |x^0_{{\cal C}}{{\boldsymbol y}}+ {\vec{\boldsymbol x}}_{{\cal C}}|^2} \; .$$ One can directly verify, that the function $${{\boldsymbol y}}_{{\cal C}}= x^0_{{\cal C}}{{\boldsymbol y}}+ {\vec{\boldsymbol x}}_{{\cal C}}\; ,$$ is the Combescure transformation vector of the circular lattice ${{\boldsymbol y}}$ $${{\Delta}}_i{{\boldsymbol y}}_{{\cal C}}= (T_i\varrho_i){{\Delta}}_i{{\boldsymbol y}}\; ,$$ with $$\varrho_i = x^0_{{\cal C}}+ \frac{2\sigma_i}{|{{\boldsymbol y}}|^2+1} \; ,$$ and $|{{\boldsymbol y}}_{{\cal C}}|^2$ satisfies the Laplace equation of the lattice ${{\boldsymbol y}}_{{\cal C}}$. Moreover, the function $$\psi = 2{{\boldsymbol y}}\cdot{\vec{\boldsymbol x}}_{{\cal C}}+ x^0_{{\cal C}}\left( |{{\boldsymbol y}}|^2 -1 \right) =
2{{\boldsymbol y}}\cdot{{\boldsymbol y}}_{{\cal C}}- x^0_{{\cal C}}\left( |{{\boldsymbol y}}|^2 +1 \right) \; ,$$ satisfies equation $$\label{eq:psi-psiC}
{{\Delta}}_i\psi = \frac{1}{T_i\varrho_i} {{\Delta}}_i(|{{\boldsymbol y}}_{{\cal C}}|^2) =
{{\Delta}}_i{{\boldsymbol y}}\cdot(T_i{{\boldsymbol y}}_{{\cal C}}+ {{\boldsymbol y}}_{{\cal C}}) \; .$$ Putting these facts together we arrive to the following characterization of the Ribaucour transformation of circular lattices [@KoSchief2]
The Ribaucour transformation of the circular lattice ${{\boldsymbol y}}\subset {{\Bbb E}}^M$ reads $$\label{eq:Rib-c}
{{\cal R}^\circ}({{\boldsymbol y}}) = {{\boldsymbol y}}- \frac{\psi}{\psi_{{\cal C}}}{{\boldsymbol y}}_{{\cal C}}\; ,$$ where ${{\boldsymbol y}}_{{\cal C}}$ is the Combescure vector of ${{\boldsymbol y}}$, $\psi_{{\cal C}}= |{{\boldsymbol y}}_{{\cal C}}|^2$, and $\psi$ is a solution of equation (\[eq:psi-psiC\]).
We would like to add a few remarks, which follow directly from the above reasoning, or can be easily verified.
i\) When ${\operatorname{P}}$ is the projection defined in Corollary \[cor:central-pr\] then $${\operatorname{P}}({{\boldsymbol x}}+ {{\boldsymbol x}}_{{\cal C}}) - {\operatorname{P}}({{\boldsymbol x}}) = \frac{{{\boldsymbol y}}_{{\cal C}}}{1-x^0 - x^0_{{\cal C}}} \; .$$ ii) The function $\psi$ can be written in the form $$\label{eq:psi-alg}
\psi = 2 {{\boldsymbol y}}\cdot {{\boldsymbol y}}_{{\cal C}}- (|{{\boldsymbol y}}|^2)_{{\cal C}}\; .$$
i\) In the simplest case, when ${{\boldsymbol y}}_{{\cal C}}={{\boldsymbol y}}$, then $\psi=|{{\boldsymbol y}}|^2 - a$, where $a={\operatorname{const}}$, and the corresponding Ribaucour transformation is the inversion $${{\cal R}^\circ}({{\boldsymbol y}}) = {{\cal I}}_a({{\boldsymbol y}})=a\frac{{{\boldsymbol y}}}{|{{\boldsymbol y}}|^2} \; .$$ ii) The Combescure transformation of a circular lattice is circular lattice as well.\
iii) The Ribaucour transformation can be decomposed into superposition of two Combescure transformations and inversion: $$\begin{aligned}
{{\boldsymbol y}}& \stackrel{{{\cal R}^\circ}}{\longleftrightarrow} & {{\cal R}^\circ}({{\boldsymbol y}}) \\
{{\cal C}}\updownarrow & &\updownarrow {{\cal C}}\\
{{\boldsymbol y}}_{{\cal C}}& \stackrel{{{\cal I}}}{\longleftrightarrow} &
{{\cal I}}({{\boldsymbol y}}_{{\cal C}}) = ( {{\cal R}^\circ}({{\boldsymbol y}}))_{{\cal C}}\; \; .\end{aligned}$$
We recall that, in the case of the fundamental transformation of the quadrilateral lattice ${{\boldsymbol x}}$, the Combescure transformation vectors ${{\boldsymbol x}}_{{\cal C}}$ and $({{\cal F}}({{\boldsymbol x}}))_{{\cal C}}$ (they define the same congruence but from the point of view of two different lattices) are related by the radial transformation [@TQL].
For completness, we present also the vectorial Ribaucour transformation of circular lattices. Consider $K$ Ribaucour transformations of the circular lattice ${{\boldsymbol y}}$, which are defined by the Combescure vectors ${{\boldsymbol y}}_{{{\cal C}},k}$ and the corresponding transforms $r_{{{\cal C}},k}$ of $r=|{{\boldsymbol y}}|^2$: $${{\Delta}}_i\begin{pmatrix} {{\boldsymbol y}}_{{{\cal C}},k} \\ r_{{{\cal C}},k} \end{pmatrix}
= (T_i\varrho_{i,k}) {{\Delta}}_i\begin{pmatrix} {{\boldsymbol y}}\\ r \end{pmatrix} \; ,$$ which we arrange in $M\times K$ matrix ${{\boldsymbol Y}}_{{\cal C}}= ({{\boldsymbol y}}_{{{\cal C}},1},\dots,{{\boldsymbol y}}_{{{\cal C}},K})$ and the row vector ${{\boldsymbol r}}_{{\cal C}}= ( r_{{{\cal C}},1},\dots , r_{{{\cal C}},K} )$. The corresponding vector ${{\boldsymbol \psi}}$ (see equation (\[eq:psi-alg\])) has components $$\psi^k = 2 {{\boldsymbol y}}\cdot {{\boldsymbol y}}_{{{\cal C}},k} - r_{{{\cal C}},k} \; .$$ Using equations (\[eq:Rib-c\]) and (\[eq:psi-psiC\]) and the condition that $({{\cal R}^\circ}_k\circ{{\cal R}^\circ}_\ell)({{\boldsymbol y}})$ belongs to the circle passing through the points ${{\boldsymbol y}}$, ${{\cal R}^\circ}_k({{\boldsymbol y}})$ and ${{\cal R}^\circ}_\ell({{\boldsymbol y}})$, one can show that the components of the matrix ${{\boldsymbol \Psi}}_{{\cal C}}$ being defined as $${{\Delta}}_i\psi^{k}_{{{\cal C}},\ell} = (T_i\varrho_{i,k}){{\Delta}}_i\psi^k \; ,$$ satisfy condition $$\psi^{k}_{{{\cal C}},\ell} + \psi^{\ell}_{{{\cal C}},k} =
2 {{\boldsymbol y}}_{{{\cal C}},k} \cdot {{\boldsymbol y}}_{{{\cal C}},\ell} \; .$$ Finally, we present the “circular" analogs of Propositions \[prop:vect-Rib\] and \[prop:sup-vect-Rib\] of Section \[sec:vect-Rib\].
\[prop:vect-Rib-c\] The vectorial Ribaucour transformation ${\boldsymbol {{\cal R}^\circ}}$, i.e., the reduction of the vectorial fundamental transformation (\[eq:vect-fund\]) compatible with the circularity constraint, is given by $$\label{eq:vect-Rib-c}
{\boldsymbol {{\cal R}^\circ}}({{\boldsymbol y}}) = {{\boldsymbol y}}- {{\boldsymbol Y}}_{{\cal C}}{{\boldsymbol \Psi}}_{{\cal C}}^{-1} {{\boldsymbol \psi}}\; ,$$ with the following constraints $$\begin{aligned}
{{\boldsymbol \psi}}^t & = 2 {{\boldsymbol y}}\cdot {{\boldsymbol Y}}_{{\cal C}}- {{\boldsymbol r}}_{{\cal C}}\; \; , \\
{{\boldsymbol \Psi}}_{{{\cal C}}} + {{\boldsymbol \Psi}}_{{{\cal C}}}^t & = 2 {{\boldsymbol Y}}_{{{\cal C}}} \cdot {{\boldsymbol Y}}_{{{\cal C}}} \; .\end{aligned}$$
We have to show that the lattice ${\boldsymbol {{\cal R}^\circ}}({{\boldsymbol y}})$ is circular, i.e., the function $|{\boldsymbol {{\cal R}^\circ}}({{\boldsymbol y}})|^2$ is a solution of the Laplace equation of the lattice ${\boldsymbol {{\cal R}^\circ}}({{\boldsymbol y}})$.
First notice that, since $r$ satisfies the Laplace equation of the lattice ${{\boldsymbol y}}$, then the function $${\boldsymbol {{\cal R}^\circ}}(r) = r - {{\boldsymbol r}}_{{\cal C}}{{\boldsymbol \Psi}}_{{\cal C}}^{-1}{{\boldsymbol \psi}}\;,$$ is a solution of the Laplace equation of the lattice ${\boldsymbol {{\cal R}^\circ}}({{\boldsymbol y}})$. By straightforward calculations we can verify that $|{\boldsymbol {{\cal R}^\circ}}({{\boldsymbol y}})|^2={\boldsymbol {{\cal R}^\circ}}(r)$
\[prop:sup-vect-Rib-c\] Assume the following splitting of the data of the vectorial Ribaucour transformation of the circular lattice ${{\boldsymbol y}}$ $$\label{eq:split-Rib-c}
{{\boldsymbol \psi}}=\begin{pmatrix}{{\boldsymbol \psi}}^{(1)} \\ {{\boldsymbol \psi}}^{(2)} \end{pmatrix} \; , \quad
\begin{pmatrix} {{\boldsymbol Y}}_{{\cal C}}\\ {{\boldsymbol r}}_{{\cal C}}\end{pmatrix} =
\begin{pmatrix} {{\boldsymbol Y}}_{{{\cal C}}(1)} & {{\boldsymbol Y}}_{{{\cal C}}(2)} \\
{{\boldsymbol r}}_{{{\cal C}}(1)} & {{\boldsymbol r}}_{{{\cal C}}(2)} \end{pmatrix} \; , \quad
{{\boldsymbol \Psi}}_{{\cal C}}= \begin{pmatrix} {{\boldsymbol \Psi}}^{(1)}_{{{\cal C}}(1)} &
{{\boldsymbol \Psi}}^{(1)}_{{{\cal C}}(2)} \\
{{\boldsymbol \Psi}}^{(2)}_{{{\cal C}}(1)} & {{\boldsymbol \Psi}}^{(2)}_{{{\cal C}}(2)} \end{pmatrix} \; ,$$ associated with partition $K=K_1+K_2$. Then the vectorial Ribaucour transformation ${\boldsymbol {{\cal R}^\circ}}({{\boldsymbol y}})$ is equivalent to the following superposition of vectorial Ribaucour transformations:\
1. Transformation ${\boldsymbol {{\cal R}^\circ}}_{(1)}({{\boldsymbol y}})$ with the data ${{\boldsymbol Y}}_{{{\cal C}}(1)}$, ${{\boldsymbol r}}_{{{\cal C}}(1)}$, ${{\boldsymbol \psi}}^{(1)}$, ${{\boldsymbol \Psi}}^{(1)}_{{{\cal C}}(1)}$.\
2. Application on the result obtained in point 1., transformation ${\boldsymbol {{\cal R}^\circ}}_{(2)}$ with the data ${\boldsymbol {{\cal R}^\circ}}_{(1)} ({{\boldsymbol Y}}_{{{\cal C}}(2)} )$, ${\boldsymbol {{\cal R}^\circ}}_{(1)} ({{\boldsymbol r}}_{{{\cal C}}(2)})$, ${\boldsymbol {{\cal R}^\circ}}_{(1)}
({{\boldsymbol \psi}}^{(2)} )$, ${\boldsymbol {{\cal R}^\circ}}_{(1)} ({{\boldsymbol \Psi}}^{(2)}_{{{\cal C}}(2)} )$.
The reasoning is similar to that of the proof of Proposition \[prop:sup-vect-Rib\]. The only new ingredient is that the vector $${\boldsymbol {{\cal R}^\circ}}_{(1)} ({{\boldsymbol r}}_{{{\cal C}}(2)}) = {{\boldsymbol r}}_{{{\cal C}}(2)} - {{\boldsymbol r}}_{{{\cal C}}(1)}
\left( {{\boldsymbol \Psi}}_{{{\cal C}}(1)}^{(1)} \right)^{-1} {{\boldsymbol \Psi}}^{(1)}_{(2)} \; ,$$ consists of the Combescure transforms of the function $${\boldsymbol {{\cal R}^\circ}}_{(1)} (r) = r - {{\boldsymbol r}}_{{{\cal C}}(1)}
\left( {{\boldsymbol \Psi}}_{{{\cal C}}(1)}^{(1)} \right)^{-1} {{\boldsymbol \psi}}^{(1)} =
|{\boldsymbol {{\cal R}^\circ}}_{(1)}({{\boldsymbol y}})|^2 \; .$$
Conclusion and final remarks
In this paper we presented the theory of quadrilateral lattices subjected to quadratic reductions. We concentrated our research on the geometric aspect of the problem of quadratic reductions, i.e., our cosiderations concerned the lattice points, not the corresponding reduction of the MQL equation (\[eq:MQL-A\]). However, it is worth of mentioning that in [@KoSchief2] it was shown that the circular lattices, for $N=M=3$, can be described by the discrete BKP equation [@DJM].
The (vectorial) Ribaucour-type transformations of the quadrilateral lattices in quadrics, also constructed in the paper, allow to find new lattices from given ones. In particular, a lot of interesting examples can be constructed just applying the Ribaucour transformations to the trivial background lattices (see, for example [@MDS; @LiuManas]). Moreover, one may expect that suitable modification of the scheme, based on the $\bar\partial$-dressing method, applied in [@DMS] to study circular lattices, can be used to study the quadratic reductions as well.
We conclude the paper with a few general remarks on integrable lattices. The multidimensional quadrilateral lattice seems to be quite general integrable lattice and other integrable lattices come as their reductions. Notice [@DCN; @MQL] that the quadrilateral lattices naturally “live" in the projective space. To obtain reductions of the quadrilateral lattice one can follow the Cayley and Klein approach to subgeometries of the projective geometry, which was succesfuly applied in [@HolToda; @HarmToda] to the (continuous) Toda systems. The results of the present paper can be considered as the basic tool to construct integrable lattices in spaces obtained by intersection of quadrics. As a particular example, we demonstrated here the close connection of the circular lattices and the Möbius geometry.
Another way to obtain the integrable reductions of the quadrilateral lattices (and the corresponding reductions of equation (\[eq:MQL-A\])) can be achieved by imposing on the lattice special symmetry conditions. These additional requirements may allow for dimensional reduction of the geometric integrability scheme (see examples and discussion in [@RC]). In particular, the discrete isothermic surfaces [@BP2], or even the discrete analogs of the holomorphic functions (see, e.g. [@Schramm] and references therein) can be considered as further reductions of the circular lattices.
The third way, pointed out in [@RC], to obtain new examples of integrable lattices may be to consider quadrilateral lattices (and their reductions) in spaces over fields different from the field of real numbers. In particular, geometries over Galois fields (finite geometries) should give rise to integrable ultradiscrete systems (integrable cellular automata).
Acknowledgements {#acknowledgements .unnumbered}
The author was partially supported by KBN grant 2P03 B 18509. The results of Section \[sec:quadratic\] were presented on the NEEDS Workshop, Colymbari, June 1997.
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[^1]: permanent address
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abstract: 'Starting from a relativistic formulation of the pion-nucleon-delta system, the most general structure of 1/M corrections for a heavy baryon chiral lagrangian including spin 3/2 resonances is given. The heavy components of relativistic nucleon and delta fields are integrated out and their contributions to the next-to-leading order lagrangians are constructed explicitly. The effective theory obtained admits a systematic expansion in terms of soft momenta, the pion mass $m_\pi$ and the delta-nucleon mass difference $\Delta$. As an application, we consider neutral pion photoproduction at threshold to third order in this small scale expansion.'
IPNO/TH 95-60\
**Systematic 1/M Expansion for Spin 3/2 Particles**
**in Baryon Chiral Perturbation Theory**
Thomas R. Hemmert and Barry R. Holstein[^1]
Department of Physics and Astronomy
University of Massachusetts
Amherst, MA 01003, U.S.A.
Joachim Kambor$\footnote{Laboratoire de Recherche des
Universit\'es Paris XI et Paris VI, associ\'e au CNRS.}$
Division de Physique Théorique
Institut de Physique Nucléaire
F-91406 Orsay Cedex, France
Chiral symmetry provides important restrictions on the interactions of pions, nucleons and photons [@CA]. The consequences are most conveniently summarized by the use of an effective field theory, valid in the low energy regime. This simultaneous expansion in small momenta and light quark masses is known as Chiral Perturbation Theory (ChPT) [@Pag75; @Wei79; @BSW85; @GL85a; @GSS88]. Unlike in the sector of Goldstone bosons, the mass of the nucleon is large and nonvanishing in the chiral limit. Nevertheless, a consistent chiral power counting, known as Heavy Baryon Chiral Perturbation Theory, HBChPT, can be maintained by performing also a systematic $1/M$-expansion, $M$ being the mass of a baryon [@JM91a; @JM91].[^2] In principle, any observable of the pion-nucleon system can be calculated to a given order in the chiral expansion—the price to be paid is the introduction of new low energy coupling constants which are not fixed by the symmetry requirement alone. Any parameter-free prediction of HBChPT is, however, also a prediction of low energy QCD. Many of these resulting “low energy theorems” (LET) have been discussed in the recent literature [@BKM95].
The spin $3/2$ delta resonances play a special role in the pion-nucleon system, since the mass difference $\Delta=M_\Delta-M_N$ is not large compared to the typical low energy scale $m_\pi$ and because the $\pi N \Delta$-coupling constant is anomalously large. The more conventional version of HBChPT takes into account the effect of the delta (and of other resonances) only through contributions to the coupling constants of higher order operators in the chiral expansion. This approach is in particular well suited to derive low energy theorems. A concern, however, is that, in the physical world of nonvanishing quark masses, the perturbation series might converge slowly due to the presence of large coupling constants driven by small denominators—[*i.e.*]{} by terms proportional to $1/\Delta$. An alternative approach to HBChPT includes the delta degrees of freedom explicitly [@JM91; @BSS93]. In addition to solving the problems mentioned above, this technique has the advantage that the range of applicability can in principle be extended into the delta-region.
In this letter we sketch explicitly the steps necessary for a systematic low energy expansion in the presence of the spin 3/2 delta resonance. A full presentation will appear shortly.[@HHK95] We begin with a covariant formulation of an effective theory of the $\pi N \Delta$-system. The heavy degrees of freedom are identified and integrated out via a systematic $1/M$-expansion. We arrive at an effective field theory of nonrelativistic nucleons and deltas coupled to pions and external sources. The theory is manifestly Lorentz invariant and admits a low energy expansion in terms of small momenta $q$, the pion mass $m_\pi$ and the delta-nucleon mass difference $\Delta$, which we collectively denote by the symbol $\epsilon$.[^3] Of course, the procedure described in the next section is not unique—the general methods of such heavy mass expansions have been given previously [@AB; @EM; @LM92]. However, it represents a useful starting point for the evaluation of higher order effects . Indeed, the 1/M corrections derived in this manner have a simple physical interpretation—exchange of the heavy degrees of freedom—and the formalism can straightforwardly be extended to deal with higher order terms in the $\epsilon$ expansion, as will be discussed in [@HHK95]. Furthermore, it is straightforward to treat other resonances than spin 3/2 along the same lines.
As a simple application of our formalism we shall consider neutral pion photoproduction at threshold . A one-loop calculation within the framework of HBChPT has produced a LET for the electric dipole amplitude $E_{0^+}$ as an expansion in powers of $\mu=m_\pi/M_N$ [@BGKM91; @BKKM92] $$E_{0+}^{\pi^0 p}(s_{\rm thr})=-{e g_{\pi NN} \over 8\pi M_N} \left[ \mu
- {1\over 2}(3+\kappa_p) \; \mu^2 - \left({M_N\over 4 F_\pi}\right)^2 \; \mu^2
+{\cal O}(\mu^3) \right]
\label{LET}$$ Here $\kappa_p$ is the anomalous magnetic moment of the proton while $g_{\pi NN}$ is the strong pion-nucleon coupling constant. Recently an ${\cal O}(p^4)$ calculation has been given[@BKM94] which reconciles the theoretical prediction with experiment [@Fuchs95]. However, each term in this expansion is large with alternating sign, thus making the convergence particularly slow. Below we calculate the correction of order $\epsilon^3$ to Eq. (\[LET\]), which arises due to a 1/M corrected vertex of the $\Delta$(1232) resonance. However, first we set our formalism.
1/M-expansion for spin 3/2 resonances
Consider the lagrangian for a relativistic spin 3/2 field $\Psi_\mu$ coupled in a chirally invariant manner to the Goldstone bosons $${\cal L}_{3/2}=\bar\Psi^\alpha O^A_{\alpha\mu} \Lambda^{\mu\nu} O^A_{\nu\beta}
\label{eq:la3/2}$$ with $$O^A_{\alpha\mu}=g_{\alpha\mu}+{1\over 2} A \gamma_\alpha \gamma_\mu .$$ Following Pascalutsa [@Pas94] we have factored out the dependence on the unphysical free parameter A by use of the projection operator $O^A_{\alpha\mu}$. Then defining the physical spin 3/2 field as $$\psi_\mu (x)=O^A_{\mu\nu} \Psi^\nu (x) \label{eq:redef}$$ we see that Eq. (\[eq:la3/2\]) is manifestly invariant under point transformations $$\begin{aligned}
\Psi_{\mu}(x) & \rightarrow & \Psi_{\mu}(x)+\lambda \gamma_{\mu}\gamma_{\nu}
\Psi^{\nu}(x) \nonumber \\
A & \rightarrow & \frac{A-2 \lambda}{1+4\lambda}\end{aligned}$$ as required by general considerations [@Nath].
To leading order in the derivative expansion, the relativistic spin 3/2 lagrangian with field-redefinition Eq.(\[eq:redef\]) then takes the form [^4] $${\cal L}_{\Delta}=\bar{\psi}^{\mu}_i \; \Lambda_{\mu\nu}^{ij} \; \psi^{\nu}_j$$ with $$\begin{aligned}
\Lambda_{\mu\nu}^{ij} & = & - \mbox{\Large [} ( i \not\!\!{D}^{ij} - M_{\Delta}
\; \delta^{ij} ) g_{\mu \nu} - \frac{1}{4}
\gamma_{\mu} \gamma^{\lambda} ( i \not\!\!{D}^{ij}
- M_{\Delta} \; \delta^{ij}) \gamma_{\lambda}
\gamma_{\nu} \nonumber \\
& & \; \; \; + \frac{g_{1}}{2} g_{\mu \nu}
\gamma_{5} + \frac{g_{2}}{2} ( \gamma_{\mu}
u_{\nu}^{ij} + u_{\mu}^{ij} \gamma_{\nu} )
\gamma_{5} + \frac{g_{3}}{2} \gamma_{\mu}
\not\!{u}^{ij} \gamma_{5} \gamma_{\nu}
\mbox{\Large ]} \label{eq:Lambda}\end{aligned}$$ Following the conventions of SU(2) HBChPT in the spin 1/2 sector [@GSS88; @BKM95], we have defined the following structures: $$\begin{aligned}
D_{\mu}^{ij} \; \psi^{\nu}_j & = & \left( \partial_{\mu} \; \delta^{ij} +
\Gamma_{\mu}^{ij} \right) \psi^{\nu}_j
\nonumber \\
\Gamma_{\mu}^{ij} & = & \Gamma_\mu \; \delta^{ij} - \frac{i}{2} \;
\epsilon^{ijk} \; Tr [ \tau^k \; \Gamma_\mu ]
\nonumber \\
\Gamma_{\mu} & = & \frac{1}{2} \left[ u^{\dag} , \partial_{\mu} u \right]
- \frac{i}{2} u^{\dag} ( {\bf v}_{\mu} +
{\bf a}_{\mu} ) u - \frac{i}{2} u ( {\bf v}_{\mu} -
{\bf a}_{\mu} ) u^{\dag}
\nonumber \\
u_\mu^{ij} &=& u_\mu\delta^{ij}-i\epsilon^{ijk}w_\mu^k \nonumber\\
w_\mu^i &=& \frac{1}{2} Tr
\left[ \tau^i u_\mu \right] \nonumber \\
u_{\mu} & = & i u^{\dagger} \nabla_{\mu} U u^{\dagger}\nonumber\\
\nabla_{\mu} U & = & \partial_{\mu} U - i ( {\bf v}_{\mu} + {\bf a}_{\mu}
) U + i U ( {\bf v}_{\mu} - {\bf a}_{\mu} )
\nonumber \\
U & = & u^{2} = exp \left( \frac{i}{F_{\pi}} {\bf \vec{\tau}
\cdot \vec{\pi} } \right)
\label{eq:definitions}\end{aligned}$$ ${\bf v}_\mu$, ${\bf a}_\mu$ denote external vector, axial-vector fields and are the only external sources possible at this order. The first two pieces in Eq. (\[eq:Lambda\]) are the kinetic and mass terms of a free spin 3/2 lagrangian [@Pas94]. The remaining terms constitute the most general chiral invariant couplings to pions. Note that aside from the conventional $\pi\Delta\Delta$ coupling constant $g_1$ we have included two additional pion-couplings characterized by $g_2$, $g_3$ which contribute only if at least one of the spin 3/2 fields is off mass shell.
The next step consists of identifying the “light” and “heavy” degrees of freedom of the spin 3/2 fields, respectively. The procedure is analogous to the case of spin 1/2 fields, as pioneered in the case of heavy quark effective theory [@AB; @EM] and later applied to spin 1/2 HBChPT [@BKKM92]. For the case of spin 3/2 particles the problem is technically somewhat more challenging due to the off-shell spin 1/2 degrees of freedom associated with the Rarita-Schwinger field[^5]. In order to separate the spin 3/2 from the spin 1/2 components it is convenient to introduce a complete set of orthonormal spin projection operators for fields with [*fixed velocity*]{} $v_\mu$ $$\begin{aligned}
P^{3/2}_{(33)\mu \nu} & = & g_{\mu \nu} - \frac{1}{3} \gamma_{\mu} \gamma_{
\nu} - \frac{1}{3} \left( \not\!{v} \gamma_{\mu}
v_{\nu} + v_{\mu} \gamma_{\nu}\not\!{v} \right)
\nonumber \\
P^{1/2}_{(11)\mu \nu} & = & \frac{1}{3} \gamma_{\mu} \gamma_{\nu} - v_{\mu}
v_{\nu} + \frac{1}{3} \left( \not\!{v}
\gamma_{\mu} v_{\nu} + v_{\mu} \gamma_{\nu}
\not\!{v} \right)
\nonumber \\
P^{1/2}_{(22)\mu \nu} & = & v_{\mu} v_{\nu}\nonumber\\
P^{1/2}_{(12)\mu\nu}&=&{1\over \sqrt{3}}(v_\mu v_\nu -\not\!{v}
P^{1/2}_{(21)\mu\nu}&=&{1\over \sqrt{3}}(\not\!{v} v_\mu\gamma_\nu-v_\mu v_\nu)
\label{eq:project}\end{aligned}$$ which satisfy $$\begin{aligned}
P^{3/2}_{(33)\mu \nu} + P^{1/2}_{(11)\mu \nu} + P^{1/2}_{(22)\mu \nu}
& = & g_{\mu \nu} \nonumber \\
P^{I}_{(ij)\mu \nu} \; P^{J, \nu \delta}_{(kl)}
& = & \delta^{I J} \; \delta_{jk} \; P^{J,
\delta}_{(il)\mu} .
\label{eq:orthogonality}\end{aligned}$$ The four-velocity $v_\mu$ is related to the four-momentum $p_\mu$ of the spin 3/2 particle by $$p_\mu=M v_\mu+k_\mu ,
\label{eq:residual}$$ where $M$ is a baryon mass scale and $k_\mu$ is taken to be a residual soft momentum. We now employ the familiar projection operators of the heavy mass formalism $$P_{v}^{\pm} = \frac{1}{2} \left( 1 \pm \not\!{v} \right).$$ and introduce heavy baryon fields for our spin 3/2 particles in order to eliminate the dependence on the large mass $M_\Delta$ in Eq.(\[eq:Lambda\]). In analogy to the spin 1/2 case we identify the “light” spin 3/2 degree of freedom via $$T_{\mu}^i (x) \equiv P_{v}^{+} \; P^{3/2}_{(33)\mu\nu} \; \psi^{\nu}_i (x)
\; \mbox{exp}(i M v \cdot x) \label{eq:T}$$ whereas the remaining components $$G_{\mu}^i (x) = \left( g_{\mu\nu}-P_{v}^{+} \; P^{3/2}_{(33)\mu\nu}\right)
\psi^{\nu}_i (x) \; \mbox{exp}(i M v \cdot x)
\label{eq:G}$$ can be shown to be “heavy” [@HHK95] and are integrated out. We note in particular that $G_{\mu}$ includes both spin 1/2 [*and*]{} spin 3/2 components. Of course, the virtual effects of the heavy degrees of freedom $G_{\mu}$ are nevertheless accounted for in the heavy baryon formalism, they show up as higher order 1/M corrected vertices involving the remaining (on-shell) spin 3/2 fields $T_\mu$, as we will show below. We also note that the $T_{\mu}$ degrees of freedom satisfy the constraints $$v_\mu T^{\mu}_i=\gamma_\mu T^{\mu}_i=0 \label{eq:subsidiary}$$ and correspond to the SU(2) version of the decuplet field introduced in ref.[@JM91].
We now perform a systematic $1/M$-expansion, following an approach developed by Mannel et al. in HQET [@EM], which was later applied to spin 1/2 HBChPT by Bernard et al. [@BKKM92]. Since we are interested in the interactions of nucleons with the spin 3/2 resonance, we must treat both fields simultaneously. We therefore write the most general lagrangian involving relativistic spin 1/2 ($\psi_N$) and spin 3/2 ($\psi_\mu$) fields as $${\cal L}={\cal L}_N + {\cal L}_\Delta + \left( {\cal L}_{\Delta N} + h.c.
\right) \label{eq:4L}$$ with ${\cal L}_\Delta$ given in Eq.(\[eq:Lambda\]) and $$\begin{aligned}
{\cal L}_N &=& \bar\psi_N \left(i\not\!\!{D}-M_N+{g_A\over 2}\not\!{u} \gamma_5
\right) \psi_N + ... \nonumber \\
{\cal L}_{\Delta N} &=& g_{\pi N \Delta} \; \bar{\psi}^{\mu}_{i} \left(
g_{\mu\nu}+z \gamma_\mu \gamma_\nu \right) w^{\nu}_{i} \psi_N + ...\end{aligned}$$ where the dots denote higher order counterterm contributions and $z$ corresponds to the leading-order pion-nucleon-delta off-shell coupling constant.
Rewriting the lagrangians of Eq.(\[eq:4L\]) in terms of the spin 3/2 heavy baryon components $T_{\mu}$ and $G_{\mu}$, and the corresponding “light” and “heavy” spin 1/2 components $N$, $h$, defined as $$\begin{aligned}
N(x)&=& P_v^+ \; \psi_N \; {\rm exp} (i M v\cdot x) \nonumber \\
h(x)&=& P_v^- \; \psi_N \; {\rm exp} (i M v\cdot x),
\label{heavyN}\end{aligned}$$ we find the general heavy baryon lagrangians $$\begin{aligned}
L_{N} &=& \bar{N} {\cal A}_{N} N + \left( \bar{h} {\cal B}_{N} N + h.c. \right)
- \bar{h} {\cal C}_{N} h \nonumber \\
L_{\Delta N} &=& \bar{T} {\cal A}_{\Delta N} N + \bar{G} {\cal B}_{\Delta N} N +
\bar{h} {\cal D}_{N \Delta} T + \bar h {\cal C}_{N \Delta} G +
h.c. \nonumber\\
L_{\Delta}&=&\bar{T} {\cal A}_{\Delta} T + \left( \bar{G} {\cal B}_{\Delta} T +
h.c. \right) - \bar{G} {\cal C}_{\Delta} G.
\label{Lgeneral}\end{aligned}$$ Note that we have used the [*same*]{} mass $M$ in the definition of heavy delta and nucleon fields respectively. This is necessary in order that all exponential factors drop out in Eq. (\[Lgeneral\]). The matrices ${\cal A}_{N}$, ${\cal B}_{N}$, ..., ${\cal C}_{\Delta}$ admit a small energy scale expansion of the form $${\cal A}_\Delta = {\cal A}_\Delta^{(1)}+{\cal A}_\Delta^{(2)}+ ... ,$$ where ${\cal A}_\Delta^{(n)}$ is of order $\epsilon^n$. As emphasized in the introduction, we denote by $\epsilon$ small quantities of order $p$, like $m_\pi$ or soft momenta, [*as well as*]{} the mass difference $\Delta=M_\Delta-M_N$. This mass difference is distinct from the pion mass in the sense that it stays finite in the chiral limit. However, in the physical world, $\Delta$ and $m_\pi$ are of the same magnitude. We therefore adhere to a simultaneous expansion in both quantities. It is only through this small scale expansion that we obtain a systematic low energy expansion of the $\pi N \Delta$-system.
To make this more explicit, consider the leading order matrices ${\cal A}_{N}^{(1)}, \; {\cal A}_{\Delta N}^{(1)}$ and ${\cal A}_{\Delta}^{(1)}$. Choosing the heavy baryon mass parameter $M=M_N$, we obtain $$\begin{aligned}
{\cal A}_N^{(1)} &=& i(v\cdot D)+g_A (S\cdot u) \nonumber \\
{\cal A}_{\Delta N}^{(1)} &=& g_{\pi N\Delta} w_{\mu}^i \nonumber\\
{\cal A}_{\Delta}^{(1)} &=& - \left[ i \; v \cdot D^{ij} - \Delta \;
\delta^{ij} + g_{1} \; S \cdot u^{ij} \right] \; g_{\mu \nu}
\label{eq:llead}\end{aligned}$$ where $S_\mu$ denotes the Pauli-Lubanski spin vector. One can easily see from Eq.(\[eq:llead\]) that our formalism produces the exact SU(2) analogues of the spin 1/2 [@JM91a] and spin 3/2 [@JM91] lagrangians of Jenkins and Manohar. Furthermore, as expected, the [O]{}($\epsilon$) heavy baryon lagrangians Eq.(\[eq:llead\]) are free of the off-shell couplings $z , g_2,
g_{3}$ [^6] In our formalism off-shell couplings will only start contributing at ${\cal O}
(\epsilon^2$) via ${\cal B}$ and ${\cal D}$ matrices. Explicit expressions for the expansions of ${\cal B}_\Delta$, ${\cal C}_\Delta$ [*etc*]{}. will not be displayed here but can be found in ref. [@HHK95].
From Eq.(\[eq:llead\]) we determine the SU(2) HBChPT propagator for the delta field: $$i \; S_{\mu\nu}^{3/2} ( v \cdot k ) = \frac{- i}{v \cdot k - \Delta + i0^+}
\; P^{3/2}_{\mu\nu} \; \xi^{ij}_{I=3/2}
\label{eq:propagator}$$ where $P^{3/2}_{\mu\nu}$ is a spin 3/2 projector [@JM91] $$P^{3/2}_{\mu\nu} = P_{v}^{+} \; P^{3/2}_{(33)\mu\nu} \; P_{v}^{+} = g_{\mu\nu}
- v_\mu v_\nu + \frac{4}{3} \; S_\mu S_\nu$$ and $$\xi^{ij}_{I=3/2} = \delta^{ij} - \frac{1}{3} \; \tau^i \tau^j$$ denotes an isospin 3/2 projector. From Eq.(\[eq:propagator\]) one can see that the delta propagator counts as $\epsilon^{-1}$ in our expansion scheme.
The final step is again in analogy to the heavy mass formalism for spin 1/2 systems. Shifting variables and completing the square, we obtain the effective action $$S_{\rm eff}= \int d^4x \left\{ \bar T \tilde {\cal A}_{\Delta} T
+\bar N \tilde {\cal A}_{N} N
+\left[ \bar T \tilde {\cal A}_{\Delta N} N + h.c.\right] \right\}
\label{Seff}$$ with $$\begin{aligned}
\tilde {\cal A}_\Delta &=& {\cal A}_\Delta
+ \gamma_0 \tilde {\cal D}_{N \Delta}^\dagger \gamma_0 \tilde {\cal C}_N^{-1}
\tilde {\cal D}_{N \Delta}
+ \gamma_0 {\cal B}_\Delta^\dagger \gamma_0 {\cal C}_\Delta^{-1} {\cal B}_\Delta
\nonumber \\
\tilde {\cal A}_N &=& {\cal A}_N
+ \gamma_0 \tilde {\cal B}_{N}^\dagger \gamma_0 \tilde {\cal C}_N^{-1}
\tilde {\cal B}_{N}
+ \gamma_0 {\cal B}_{\Delta N}^\dagger \gamma_0 {\cal C}_\Delta^{-1}
{\cal B}_{\Delta N}
\nonumber \\
\tilde {\cal A}_{\Delta N} &=& {\cal A}_{\Delta N}
+ \gamma_0 \tilde {\cal D}_{N \Delta}^\dagger \gamma_0 \tilde {\cal C}_N^{-1}
\tilde {\cal B}_{N}
+ \gamma_0 {\cal B}_\Delta^\dagger \gamma_0 {\cal C}_\Delta^{-1}
{\cal B}_{\Delta N}
\label{eq:Atilde}\end{aligned}$$ and $$\begin{aligned}
\tilde {\cal C}_N&=& {\cal C}_N-{\cal C}_{N \Delta}
{\cal C}_{\Delta}^{-1} \gamma_0 {\cal C}_{N \Delta}^\dagger \gamma_0
\nonumber \\
\tilde {\cal B}_N&=& {\cal B}_N+{\cal C}_{N \Delta }
{\cal C}_{\Delta}^{-1} {\cal B}_{\Delta N} \nonumber \\
\tilde {\cal D}_{N\Delta}&=& {\cal D}_{N \Delta}
+ {\cal C}_{N \Delta} {\cal C}_{\Delta}^{-1} {\cal B}_{\Delta} .
\label{BCtilde}\end{aligned}$$ Eq.(\[eq:Atilde\]) represents the master formula of our treatment of a coupled spin 1/2 - spin 3/2 system in HBChPT. All 1/M corrected vertices can be directly obtained by calculating the appropriate matrices ${\cal A}, {\cal B}, {\cal C}, {\cal D}$ to any order desired. The new terms proportional to ${\cal C}_\Delta^{-1}$ and ${\cal C}_N^{-1}$ are given entirely in terms of coupling constants of the lagrangian for relativistic fields. This guarantees reparameterization[^7] and Lorentz invariance [@LM92; @EM95]. Furthermore, all such terms are $1/M$ suppressed. The effects of the heavy degrees of freedom (both spin 3/2 and 1/2) thus show up only at order $\epsilon^2$. Note also that the effective $NN$-, $N\Delta$- and $\Delta\Delta$-interactions all contain contributions from both heavy $N$- and $\Delta$-exchange respectively.
In the above formalism, it is understood that at each order one must also include the most general counterterm lagrangian consistent with chiral symmetry, Lorentz invariance, and the discrete symmetries P and C. As should be clear, it is crucial to write this counterterm lagrangian in terms of relativistic fields. The choice of variables Eqs.(\[eq:T\],\[eq:G\]) and Eq.(\[heavyN\]) yields then automatically the contributions to matrices ${\cal A}$, ${\cal B}$, ${\cal C}$ and ${\cal D}$. Only these objects have a well defined small scale expansion—since $S_{\rm eff}$ is written entirely in terms of heavy baryon fields, derivatives count as order $\epsilon$, quark masses as order $\epsilon^2$ etc. In order to calculate a given process to order $\epsilon^n$, it thus suffices to construct matrices ${\cal A}$ to the same order, $\epsilon^n$, ${\cal B}$ and ${\cal D}$ to order $\epsilon^{n-1}$, and ${\cal C}$, $\tilde {\cal C}$ to order $\epsilon^{n-2}$. Note that since the propagator of the $T_\mu$ field counts as order $\epsilon^{-1}$, one-particle reducible diagrams as in Fig. 1 have also to be considered. [^8] Finally one has to add all loop-graphs contributing at the order one is working. The relevant diagrams can be found by straightforward power counting in $\epsilon$.
1/M corrections to threshold $\pi^0$ photoproduction to [O]{}($\epsilon^3$)
As an elementary example of the use of this formalism, consider neutral pion photoproduction[^9]. A phenomenological analysis of the influence of $\Delta$(1232) in this process was given in [@DM88]. At threshold in the small scale expansion as described above, to order $\epsilon^3$, this amounts to calculating all 1-loop graphs with vertex insertions from $\tilde {\cal A}^{(1)}$ as well as all tree graphs with vertices derived from up to and including $\tilde {\cal A}^{(3)}$ to the process $\gamma p \rightarrow p \pi^0$. The electric dipole amplitude is then related to the cross section in the center of mass frame through [@DT92] $$(E_{0+})^2={|{\bf k}| \over |{\bf q}|}
{d\sigma \over d\Omega}|_{|{\bf q}|\rightarrow 0} ,$$ where ${\bf k}$ and ${\bf q}$ are the photon and pion three-momenta, respectively.
It is most convenient to break up the calculation into one-particle irreducible (1PI) diagrams. Possible loop graphs involving the leading order vertices of Eq. (\[eq:llead\]) start at order $\epsilon^3$ in our counting. However, one can check explicitly that, aside from the well-known triangle graph contribution [@BGKM91; @BKKM92], [*at threshold*]{} there exist no other loop effects to $E_{0+}^{\pi^0 p}$ involving $\Delta$(1232) to this order in the $\epsilon$-expansion.
The photoproduction amplitude is then given by the diagrams of Fig. 1 a)-c). Due to the structure of ${\cal A}_{N}^{(1)}$ and ${\cal A}_{\Delta N}^{(1)}$, several simplifications appear: at threshold the nonvanishing 1PI subgraphs of Fig. 1 are at least $O(\epsilon^2)$. For the nucleon-nucleon transition this is well known. For the nucleon-delta vertex, the situation is similar. To leading order, the $\gamma N\Delta$ vertex does not exist, the $\gamma\pi N\Delta$ coupling vanishes for the neutral pion, and the $\pi N\Delta$ vertex is proportional to $q^\mu$, which, when contracted with projection operator $P^{3/2}_{\mu\nu}$ associated with the delta-propagator, vanishes at threshold. Moreover, 1PI-vertices without pions or photons attached, also only begin at $O(\epsilon^2)$; this is the reason why no tree diagrams with more than a single propagator need be considered. Thus the 1PI one-photon and one-pion vertices are needed to $O(\epsilon^2)$, while the 1PI $\pi\gamma$ vertices are to be calculated to $O(\epsilon^3)$.
Analyzing Eq.(\[eq:Atilde\]) we evaluate the following structures for our calculation of $E_{0+}^{\pi^0 p}$ at [O]{}($\epsilon^3$):
vertex lagrangian
----------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
O($\epsilon^2$) $\gamma NN$ ${\cal A}_N^{(2)}$ and $\gamma_0 {\cal B}_N^{(1) \; \dagger} \gamma_0
{\cal C}_N^{(0) \; -1} {\cal B}_N^{(1)}$
O($\epsilon^2$) $\pi^0 NN$ $\gamma_0 {\cal B}_N^{(1) \; \dagger} \gamma_0 {\cal C}_N^{(0) \;
-1} {\cal B}_N^{(1)}$
O($\epsilon^2$) $\gamma\Delta N$ ${\cal A}_{\Delta N}^{(2)}$
O($\epsilon^2$) $\pi^0 \Delta N$ $\gamma_0 {\cal B}_\Delta^{(1) \; \dagger} \gamma_0
{\cal C}_\Delta^{(0) \; -1} {\cal B}_{\Delta N}^{(1)}$
O($\epsilon^2$) $\pi^0 \gamma NN$ $\gamma_0 {\cal B}_N^{(2) \; \dagger} \gamma_0
{\cal C}_N^{(0) \; -1} {\cal B}_N^{(1)} + h.c.$
O($\epsilon^3$) $\pi^0 \gamma NN$ vanishes at threshold
Vertices which do not involve spin 3/2 particles can be taken from [@BKM95; @EM95]. Summing up all the nucleon-only contributions, including the triangle graphs, we recover the LET Eq.(\[LET\]), as expected. We now proceed to analyse the effects of 1/M corrected vertices involving $\Delta$(1232).
Due to the fact that the photoexcitations of $\Delta$(1232) only start with the M1 transition, there is no $\gamma N\Delta$ interaction at [O]{}($\epsilon$). Consequently, there is also no 1/M corrected vertex at [O]{}($\epsilon^2$). However, the well-known relativistic counterterm lagrangian [@HHK95; @DMW91] $${\cal L}_{c.t.}^{\gamma N\Delta}={i b_1\over 2 M_N} \bar\psi^{\mu}_i
\left( g_{\mu\nu} + y \gamma_\mu \gamma_\nu \right) \gamma_\rho \gamma_5
\; \frac{1}{2} \; Tr \left[ f_{+}^{\rho\nu} \; \tau^i \right] \psi_N,$$ provides a large part of the M1 transition strength and leads to the heavy baryon structure $${\cal A}_{\Delta N}^{(2)}={i b_1 \over M_N} S_\nu \; \frac{1}{2} \; Tr \left[
f_+^{\nu\lambda} \; \tau^i \right],
\label{gammavertex}$$ which we use in the diagrams of Fig. 1b.
The leading order $\pi N\Delta$ vertex does not contribute at threshold, but its [*$1/M$ corrected structure*]{} can provide a contribution to the s-waves ! Multiplying out the relevant matrices, we find: $$\left( \gamma_0 {\cal B}^{(1) \; \dagger}_\Delta \gamma_0
{\cal C}_\Delta^{(0) \; -1} {\cal B}_{\Delta N}^{(1)}
\right)_{\Delta N}= \frac{-i}{M_N} \; g_{\pi N\Delta} \; D_{\mu}^{ij}
(v\cdot w^j).
These two vertices then lead to an [O]{}($\epsilon^3$) contribution of $\Delta$(1232) to the process $\gamma p \rightarrow \pi^0 p$ at threshold, given by the diagrams in Fig. 1b: $$E_{0+}^\Delta={e \over {8\pi}}{4 b_1 g_{\pi N\Delta} \over {9F_\pi M_{N}^2}}
{m_\pi^3 \over {m_\pi+\Delta}}.
\label{E0+new}$$ This new contribution of Eq. (\[E0+new\]) is distinct in the following sense—in the chiral limit, it scales like $m_\pi^3$, [*i.e.*]{} the corresponding photoproduction amplitude is of order $p^4$. The LET Eq.(\[LET\]) is therefore not violated by this term. There are [*many*]{} other terms which are of O($p^4$) [@BKM94], but Eq.(\[E0+new\]) is the [*only*]{} term which is of order $\epsilon^3$ due to the 1/M corrections. In the physical world of finite pion mass, $E_{0+}^{\Delta}$ is in principle of the same order of magnitude as the $p^3$ effects. Moreover, it has the opposite sign to the large $p^3$ terms in the LET for $E_{0+}$.
In order to give a numerical estimate for $E_{0+}$ to O($\epsilon^3$), we add Eq. (\[E0+new\]) and Eq. (\[LET\]). Utilizing $b_1=-2.30 \pm 0.35 ,
g_{\pi N\Delta}=1.5\pm 0.2$ [@DMW91], we find $$\begin{aligned}
E_{0+}^{\pi^0 p} = - \; {e g_{\pi N} \over 8\pi M_N} \; \mu
\times\left\{ \begin{array}{ll}
+ 1 & \mbox{{\cal O}($\epsilon^2$) Kroll-Ruderman term} \\
- 0.97 & \mbox{{\cal O}($\epsilon^3$) $N\pi$ loop graphs} \\
- 0.35 & \mbox{{\cal O}($\epsilon^3$) Nucleon Born terms}\\
+ 0.07 & \mbox{{\cal O}($\epsilon^3$) 1/M corrected Delta
terms} \end{array}\right. \nonumber \end{aligned}$$ $$\rightarrow E_{0+}^{\pi^0 p} \approx 0.8\times 10^{-3}/m_\pi .$$ Comparing with the number extracted from the most recent experiment [@Fuchs95], $E_{0+}=(-1.31\pm 0.08)\times 10^{-3}/m_{\pi^+}$, which is in agreement with a chiral O($p^4$) calculation [@BKM94], we conclude that it is mandatory to calculate the $E_{0+}$ multipole to O($\epsilon^4$). As the O($p^4$) calculation shows, $N\pi$ loop graphs at the next order cancel to a large extent the big contribution from the triangle graphs. It will be interesting to see how big the $\Delta$(1232) effects are at that order. Work in this direction is under progress.
To conclude, we have presented a systematic low energy expansion of HBChPT including spin 3/2 resonances. As an application, we have considered $\pi^0$ photoproduction at threshold and have found the leading contribution of $\Delta$(1232) to $E_{0+}^{\pi^0 p}$ to be of order $m_\pi^3/(m_\pi+\Delta)$. Many other processes associated with the $\pi N\Delta$-system can be treated with the formalism described here.
See, [*e.g.*]{} J.F. Donoghue, E. Golowich and B.R. Holstein, [*Dynamics of the Standard Model*]{}, Cambridge University Press, New York (1992). H. Pagels, Phys. Rept. [**C16**]{} (1975) 219. S. Weinberg, Physica [**96A**]{} (1979) 327. H. Bijnens, H. Sonoda and M.B. Wise, Nucl. Phys. [**B261**]{} (1985) 185. J. Gasser and H. Leutwyler, Ann. Phys. (NY) [**158**]{} (1984) 142 and Nucl. Phys. [**B250**]{} (1985) 465. J. Gasser, M.E. Sainio, and A. Svarc, Nucl. Phys. [**B307**]{} (1988) 779. E. Jenkins and A.V. Manohar, Phys. Lett. [**B255**]{} (1991) 558. E. Jenkins and A.V. Manohar, Phys. Lett. [**B259**]{} (1991) 353 and “Baryon Chiral Perturbation Theory” in “Effective Field Theories of the Standard Model,” ed. U.-G. Meißner, World Scientific, Singapore (1992). H. Georgi, Phys. Lett. [**B240**]{} (1990) 447; A. Falk, Nucl. Phys. [**B378**]{} (1992) 79. T. Mannel, W. Roberts and Z. Ryzak, Nucl. Phys. [**B368**]{} (1992) 204; M. Neubert, Phys. Rept. [**245**]{} (1994) 259. V. Bernard, N. Kaiser, and U.-G. Meißner, Int.J.Mod.Phys. [**E4**]{} (1995) 193. M.N. Butler, M.J. Savage and R.P. Springer, Nucl. Phys. [**B399**]{} (1993) 69. T.R. Hemmert, B.R. Holstein, and J. Kambor, “Chiral Lagrangians and $\Delta$(1232) Interactions”, IPN Orsay preprint IPNO/TH 95-61, in preparation. M. Luke and A.V. Manohar, Phys. Lett. [**B286**]{} (1992) 348. V. Bernard, J. Gasser, N. Kaiser, and U.-G. Meißner, Phys. Lett. [**B268**]{} (1991) 291. V. Bernard, N. Kaiser, J. Kambor, and U.-G. Meißner, Nucl. Phys. [**B388**]{} (1992) 315. V. Bernard, N. Kaiser, and U.-G. Meißner, Z.Phys. [**C70**]{} (1996) 483. M. Fuchs et al., Phys. Lett. [**B368**]{}, 20 (1996); J.C. Bergstrom et al., Phys. Rev. [**C53**]{}, R1052 (1996). V. Pascalutsa, “On the Interactions of Spin 3/2 Particles”, University of Utrecht preprint THU-94/21. L.M. Nath, B. Etemadi, and J.D. Kimel, Phys. Rev. [**D3**]{} (1971) 2153; S. Kamefuchi, L. O’Raifeartaigh, and A. Salam, Nucl. Phys. [**28**]{} (1961) 529. M. Napsuciale and J.L. Lucio M., “Spin 3/2 Interacting Fields and Heavy Baryon Chiral Perturbation Theory”, hep-ph/9605262. R.M. Davidson, N.C. Mukhopadhyay, and R.S. Wittman, Phys. Rev. [**D43**]{} (1991) 71. G. Ecker and M. Moj$\breve z$i$\breve s$, Phys. Lett. [**B365**]{} (1996) 312. R.M. Davidson and N.C. Mukhopadhyay, Phys. Rev. Lett. [**60**]{} (1988) 748. For reviews see [*e.g.*]{} D. Drechsel and L. Tiator, J. Phys. [**G18**]{} (1992) 449; U.-G. Meißner, Strange Twists in Neutral Pion Photo/Electro -Production, University of Bonn preprint TK 95 27.
Figure 1: Nucleon pole (a), delta pole (b), and contact (c) diagrams contributing to pion photoproduction in the heavy baryon approach.
[^1]: Research supported in part by the National Science Foundation
[^2]: Such techniques have been developed and used extensively in the parallel case of heavy quark physics—[*cf.*]{} [@AB; @EM].
[^3]: We shall continue to refer to the conventional chiral treatment, wherein only $q$ and $m_\pi$ are taken as small quantities, as an expansion in the generic small quantity $p$.
[^4]: To take into account the isospin 3/2 property of $\Delta$(1232) we supply the Rarita-Schwinger spinor with an additional isospin index $i$, subject to the subsidiary condition $\tau^i \; \psi_{\mu}^i (x) = 0$.
[^5]: The formalism for the case of heavy systems of arbitrary spin was given by Falk in [@AB].
[^6]: This point has also been emphasized in recent work by Napsuciale and Lucio [@NL96].
[^7]: Imposing the conditions of reparameterization invariance on the leading order lagrangians Eq.(\[eq:llead\]) as developed by Luke and Manohar for the case of HQET [@LM92] provides an alternative way to derive the 1/M corrected vertices.
[^8]: This could be avoided by imposing systematically the equations of motion for asymptotic states, as done in ref. [@EM95] for the nucleon sector.
[^9]: A complete HBChPT analysis of the effects of $\Delta$(1232) on S and P-wave multipoles in pion photoproduction is in preparation.
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abstract: 'Future galactic supernovae will provide an extremely long baseline for studying the properties and interactions of neutrinos. In this paper, we discuss the possibility of using such an event to constrain (or discover) the effects of exotic physics in scenarios that are not currently constrained and are not accessible with reactor or solar neutrino experiments. In particular, we focus on the cases of neutrino decay and quantum decoherence. We calculate the expected signal from a core-collapse supernova in both current and future water Cerenkov, scintillating, and liquid argon detectors, and find that such observations will be capable of distinguishing between many of these scenarios. Additionally, future detectors will be capable of making strong, model-independent conclusions by examining events associated with a galactic supernova’s neutronization burst.'
- 'Chris Kelso$^1$ and Dan Hooper$^{2,3}$'
title: Probing Exotic Physics With Supernova Neutrinos
In many scenarios of physics beyond the standard model, the associated signatures are observable only in high energy interactions, motivating the use of particle accelerators such as the Large Hadron Collider and the Tevatron. In other cases, however, the effects of new physics can appear over very long periods of time, or in very long baseline experiments. The discovery of neutrino flavor oscillations provide such an example. Neutrino oscillations have only been observed among neutrinos propagating between the Sun and Earth and over shorter distances, however, leaving open the possibility that other new phenomena might become observable through the study of neutrinos traveling over much greater distances [@longbaseline; @longbaseline2].
A wide variety of distant astrophysical objects are predicted to potentially produce observable fluxes of neutrinos, including active galactic nuclei, gamma ray bursts, microquasars, X-ray binaries, and supernovae [@neutrinoastro]. Among these prospective sources, however, only neutrinos from supernovae have been observed. In particular, a total of 24 (likely anti-electron) neutrinos were detected by three different detectors in the seconds following supernova 1987A. At a distance of approximately 50 kiloparsecs from Earth, SN 1987A provided an opportunity to observe neutrinos over a baseline that is roughly $10^{10}$ times longer than that traveled by solar neutrinos. When the next nearby supernova takes place, modern detectors will observe far more events and collect a much greater range of information than was possible in 1987.
In this article, we discuss the possibility of using neutrinos from a galactic supernova as a probe of exotic physics. In particular, we focus on two examples of phenomena that are observable only over long baselines or timescale: neutrino decay and quantum decoherence. The remainder of this article is structured as follows. In Sec. \[physics\], we summarize the exotic physics scenarios considered in our study. In Sec. \[sec:initialFlux\], we discuss the predicted neutrino spectrum from supernova and in Sec. \[detect\] we describe the experiments used to detect them. In Sec. \[results\], we describe how neutrino decay or quantum decoherence would impact the neutrinos observed from a galactic supernova and discuss how such observations could be used to constrain or identify such phenomena. In Sec. \[neutronization\], we discuss the role that neutrinos from a supernova’s neutronization burst can play in identifying or constraining new physics. Finally, in Sec. \[conclusions\], we summarize our results and conclusions.
Exotic Physic Scenarios {#physics}
Neutrino Decay
In this study, we focus on two body decays of the form $$\nu_i\rightarrow\nu_j+X,
\label{eq:decay}$$ where $\nu_i$ and $\nu_j$ denote either neutrino or anti-neutrino mass eigenstates and $X$ represents a very light or massless particle (such as a majoran) that is not detected (for related model building, see Ref. [@decaymodels]). In contrast to radiative decays [@radiative], decays of this form are viable over supernova-scale baselines. The strongest constraints on decays of this type are on the order of $\tau/m\gsim10^{-4}\,$s/eV, and result from solar neutrino data [@Beacom:2002cb] and from searches for the appearance of $\bar{\nu}_e$ at KamLAND [@Eguchi:2003gg]. In some cases, constraints can also be placed from the observations of SN 1987A.
The 24 neutrino events associated with SN 1987A marked the first (and thus far only) detection of neutrinos from a supernova. Although the modest number of detected events limit the utility of any extensive statistical analysis, some general features have been confirmed. Specifically, the number of events detected from SN 1987A agree well with expectations. From this, we can conclude that $\bar{\nu}_e$’s do not significantly decay, at least over timescales of less than $\sim 1.7\times10^5~$years, which limits the corresponding rest-frame lifetime to $\tau_{\bar{\nu}_e} \gsim 0.7 \, {\rm days} \times \left(\frac{m_{\bar{\nu}_e}}{0.1\,{\rm eV}}\right)\left(\frac{10 \, {\rm MeV}}{E_{\bar{\nu}_e}}\right)$.
The constraints from SN 1987A are most relevant for the case of an inverted mass hierarchy, in which $\nu_3$ is the lightest mass eigenstate and, due to the small value of $\theta_{13}$, has a very small projection onto $\nu_e$. Even if $\theta_{13}$ is taken to have the largest experimentally allowed value, the decay scenario where both $\nu_1\rightarrow\nu_3+X$ and $\nu_2\rightarrow\nu_3+X$ leads to about a factor of 10 suppression in the number of expected events. As this suppression was not observed in SN 1987A, we can conclude that the timescale for this process (for $E_{\nu} \sim 10$ MeV) must also be at least $\sim 1.7\times10^5~$years. The baseline to the Large Magellanic Cloud (where 1987A occurred) is extremely long at approximately 50 kpc. As this study is focused on galactic supernova with a baseline of roughly 10 kpc, this scenario of neutrino decay can be excluded from our analysis. Within the context of the normal hierarchy, however, SN 1987A does not strongly constrain the possibility of decays of one neutrino mass eigenstate to another.
In the decay of a neutrino, helicity can either be conserved or flipped. If the masses are quasi-degenerate ($m_i-m_j \ll m_i, m_j$), then the conserved helicity decay is strongly favored. In this case, the daughter neutrino receives nearly all of the parent’s energy, and the overall spectrum is left nearly unchanged. If the masses are instead hierarchical ($m_i-m_j \sim m_i$), then a larger fraction of the parent energy can be lost to the $X$ particle, leading to a degraded spectrum of the daughter species relative to that of the parent.
The details of the resulting spectrum further depend on whether the neutrinos are Majorana or Dirac particles. If the neutrinos are Majorana particles, then the daughters with flipped helicity will be detectable as a corresponding anti-neutrino. With the parent (daughter) energy labeled as $E_p\,(E_d)$, the daughter spectrum will be scaled down by a factor of $(E_p-E_d)/E_p^2$ relative to that of the parent [@Ando:2004qe]. The daughters with conserved helicity will also have a spectrum found by scaling that of the parent, but this time by a factor of $E_d/E_p^2$ [@Ando:2004qe]. If the neutrinos are Dirac particles, then the daughter neutrinos with flipped helicity will be sterile and thus undetectable. The daughters with conserved helicity will again have a spectrum produced by scaling the parent spectrum by a factor of $E_d/E_p^2$. Thus in such a decay scenario, not only will the energy spectrum be degraded, but also the total number of neutrinos/anti-neutrinos will be suppressed.
Quantum Decoherence
Within the context of standard quantum mechanics, a pure state will indefinitely remain in that state, never oscillating into a superposition or mixture of states. It has been suggested, however, that quantum fluctuations of the gravitational field could potentially alter this conclusion. Short lived microscopic black holes, for example, could appear as part of the space time foam, leading to the loss of quantum information as particles move across their event horizons, and transforming pure states into a mixed ones [@qd].
Among neutrinos, one might hope to observe quantum decoherence through the loss of flavor information taking place over very long baselines [@qdneu; @longbaseline2]. The prediction for this phenomenon is the evolution of neutrino flavors toward a ratio of $\nu_e:\nu_{\mu}:\nu_{\tau} = 1/3:1/3:1/3$, for both neutrinos and anti-neutrinos, regardless of their initial conditions. If this evolution takes place over kiloparsec distance scales, it may be possible to observe with the next galactic supernova.
Neutrinos From Supernovae {#sec:initialFlux}
Over a period of approximately 10 seconds, a supernova produces approximately as many neutrinos as the Sun will generate over its entire life. Approximately 99% of the gravitational energy associated with a stellar core-collapse supernova is released in the form neutrinos.
Despite considerable effort spanning several decades in the modeling of core-collapse supernovae, there are still many aspects of the explosion that are not well understood. In 1998, the Livermoore group produced the most recent simulation that obtained an explosion and followed the evolution through 18 s [@Totani:1997vj]. The model predicts strongly hierarchical time-integrated, average energies: $\left<E_{\nu_e}\right>\,$$\approx\,$12 MeV, $\left<E_{\bar{\nu}_e}\right>\,$$\approx\,$15 MeV, and $\left<E_{\nu_x}\right>\,$$\approx\,$24 MeV, where $\nu_x$ denotes $\nu_{\mu}$, $\nu_{\tau}$, $\bar{\nu}_{\mu}$, and $\bar{\nu}_{\tau}$. This strong hierarchy is useful for distinguishing between different oscillation and decay scenarios, as there are several important neutrino interactions involving $\nu_e$ and $\bar{\nu}_e$ with relatively high energy thresholds that would not produce many events without significant mixing from the harder $\nu_x$ spectra. The Livermoore group also found luminosity and total energy equipartition between the flavors throughout the evolution.
The time integrated neutrino spectrum is often written as a “pinched” Fermi-Dirac distribution:
with $E_\nu$ the energy of the neutrinos, $N$ an overall normalization constant, $T$ the neutrino temperature, and $\eta$ is a chemical potential for the neutrinos. For this spectrum, $\eta$ is a measure of how pinched the low energy and high energy tails would be when compared to a Fermi-Dirac spectrum with the same average energy. The parameters that we use in our model are chosen to match well with the spectra of the Livermore model, with $T_{\nu_e}=3.5~$MeV, $T_{\bar{\nu}_e}=4~$MeV, $T_{\nu_x}=7~$MeV, $\eta_{\nu_e}=2.08$, $\eta_{\bar{\nu}_e}=2.5$, and $\eta_{\nu_x}=0$ [@Totani:1997vj]. These spectra are shown in Fig. \[fig:initial\].
![The spectrum of neutrinos from a supernova, prior to oscillations, as described by Eq. \[eq:FDspectrum\].[]{data-label="fig:initial"}](InitialFlux.pdf "fig:"){width="77.50000%"}\
Although the Livermoore group did obtain an explosion with their simulation, the model neglected neutrino processes that are now thought to be important. More recent simulations which account for these processes fail to produce an explosion and only follow the supernova evolution for a maximum of $\sim$1 s (see Table III of Ref. [@Horiuchi:2008jz] for references to many of these models). As discussed in Ref. [@Horiuchi:2008jz], luminosity equipartition between $\nu_e$ and $\bar{\nu}_e$ seems to hold for most models, but $\nu_x$ luminosity can vary by a factor of 2 in either direction depending on the model and evolutionary phase of the supernova. Additionally, most of these models produce a somewhat less pronounced energy hierarchy than that found in the Livermoore model. For example, the Garching Group reports $\left<E_{\nu_e}\right>\approx12$ MeV, $\left<E_{\bar{\nu}_e}\right>\approx 15$ MeV, and $\left<E_{\nu_x}\right>\approx 18$ MeV [@Raffelt:2003en].
The Detection of Supernova Neutrinos {#detect}
In this section, we summarize the primary detection techniques used to potentially detect the neutrinos from a nearby supernova.
Water Cerenkov Detectors
When charged particles such as electrons travel faster than the local speed of light, they emit radiation which can be detected. Currently, the largest water Cerenkov detector is Super Kamiokande. The signal from an individual supernova is a short lived event ($\sim$10 s), which permits higher background rates, allowing Super Kamiokande to use its full fiducial mass of 32 kilo-tons (kton), significantly larger than any other existing neutrino detector, although detectors at the 500 kton scale have been proposed (UNO [@Tonazzo:2007zza], MEMPHYS [@Tonazzo:2007zza], and Hyper-Kamiokande [@HyperK]). The interactions relevant for the observation of supernova neutrinos by water Cerenkov detectors include:
### Inverse Beta Decay: $\bar{\nu}_e+p\rightarrow n+e^+$
For any target material with a large number of free protons (those not bound in a nucleus), inverse beta decay events will typically dominate the signal. This is due in large part to the relatively large cross section and the low energy threshold ($\sim$1.8 MeV). This reaction has been studied extensively both experimentally and theoretically. We use the cross section from Ref. [@Strumia:2003zx] which includes radiative corrections and an exact treatment of the kinematics.
A proposal has been made to dissolve approximately 0.2% gadolinium within the water of Super Kamiokande with the purpose of tagging the neutrons produced by inverse beta decay [@Beacom:2003nk]. These neutrons quickly thermalize and are captured on the gadolinium nucleus with a 90% efficiency, producing a cascade of detectable photons [@Kibayashi:2009ih].
### Electron Elastic Scattering: $\nu +e^-\rightarrow \nu+e^-$
Although all flavors of neutrinos can undergo the process of elastic scattering with electrons, the cross sections vary for the different flavors. This can be traced to the fact that for electron neutrinos both charged current and neutral current processes contribute to the cross sections. Supernova neutrinos have energies far below the mass of the muon, so only the neutral current process contributes to the cross section for $\nu_x$. The approximate ratios of the total cross sections are $\sigma_{\nu_e}:\sigma_{\bar{\nu}_e}:\sigma_{\nu_x}:\sigma_{\bar{\nu}_x}\simeq 1:0.42:0.16:0.14$ [@GiuntiBook2007].
Although there are copious numbers of electrons in any target material, the cross section is typically much smaller than for interactions with protons or neutrons, causing the total event rate to be dominated by nuclear scattering. Electron scattering events are strongly forward peaked (due to the small electron mass), however, providing a means by which to separate these events from the large rate of inverse beta decay. If the two signals can indeed be separated then this process could provide an opportunity to measure the $\nu_e$ component of the neutrino spectrum.
### Scattering With Oxygen Nuclei: $\bar{\nu}_e+^{16}$[O]{} $\rightarrow\,^{16}$[N]{}$+e^+$, $\nu_e+^{16}$[O]{} $\rightarrow\,^{16}$[F]{}$+e^-$, $\nu+$[O]{} $\rightarrow\nu+$[O]{}$^*$
Supernova neutrinos can also interact with oxygen nuclei in water Cerenkov detectors. Both $\nu_e$ and $\bar{\nu}_e$ undergo charge current interactions with oxygen nuclei and have thresholds of 15.4 MeV and 11.4 MeV, respectively. The signals from the resulting positrons and electrons are indistinguishable from each other and from inverse beta decay positrons in Super Kamiokande, so these reactions can not be uniquely identified. Additionally, the high thresholds mean that unless the harder $\nu_x$ spectra mixes significantly with the $\nu_e$ and $\bar{\nu}_e$ (through oscillations or other exotic physics), the oxygen charged current signal will be quite low.
All neutrino flavors can undergo neutral current reactions with oxygen nuclei, which can yield detectable $\beta$ and $\gamma$ particles in the subsequent decays of the excited nucleus. The most interesting of these decay chains involve excited states of $^{15}$O and $^{15}$N . These states are only able to decay through the emission of a $\gamma$ with an energy in the range of 5 MeV to 10 MeV and are detectable as peaks above the smooth background (see Figure 2 of Ref. [@oxygenpeaks]). This oxygen reaction was suggested as a supernova neutrino signal in Ref. [@oxygensn], where they estimated 300 oxygen events over a smooth background of roughly 270 inverse beta decay events in this energy window.
Scintillating Detectors
Scintillating detectors generally contain an organic oil that is composed primarily of carbon and hydrogen. Currently, KamLAND and LVD are the largest scintillating detectors with a mass on the order of 1 kton [@Bandyopadhyay:2003ts; @Agafonova:2006fz]. Although these detectors are much smaller than Super Kamiokande, scintillators typically have much lower energy thresholds and higher light output allowing them to compete with Super Kamiokande in certain arenas. Proposals for larger scintillators include LENA (50 kton) [@Marrodan; @Undagoitia:2006re] and Hanohano (10 kton) [@Learned:2007zz].
As scintillators contain many free protons, inverse beta decay provides a strong supernova signal in these detectors. These events can be tagged in scintillating detectors as the positron produced annihilates with an electron producing a pair of photons that are above the energy detection threshold. Additionally, there will be a delayed coincidence signal from a 2.2 MeV photon produced when the neutron captures onto a proton producing deuterium. As with water Cerenkov detectors, electron elastic scattering provides a much smaller signal. We will now briefly describe the other important interactions for scintillators.
### Scattering With Carbon Nuclei: $\bar{\nu}_e+^{12}$[C]{} $\rightarrow\,^{12}$[B]{}$+e^+$, $\nu_e+^{12}$[C]{} $\rightarrow\,^{12}$[N]{}$+e^-$, $\nu+$[C]{} $\rightarrow\nu+$[C]{}$^*$
At supernova neutrino energies, both $\nu_e$ and $\bar{\nu}_e$ can undergo charged current reactions. The $\nu_e$ reaction has a threshold of 17.3 MeV and produces $^{12}$N which subsequently decays by emitting a $e^+$ with a mean lifetime of 11.0 ms [@Bandyopadhyay:2003ts]. The emitted positron annihilates producing a gamma ray pair that give a delayed coincidence signal for tagging these events. Similarly, the $\bar{\nu}_e$ reaction has threshold of 14.4 MeV and produces two photons from the emitted positron annihilation. Also, the $^{12}$B produced in the reaction decays by emitting an electron with a mean lifetime of 20.2 ms, providing an additional coincidence signal [@Bandyopadhyay:2003ts]. With such high thresholds, these reactions depend critically on any mixing from the higher energy $\nu_x$ spectra.
Neutrinos with energies above the 15.11 MeV threshold can excite $^{12}$C into a state that decays through emission of a distinctive 15.11 MeV, mono-energetic photon. This signal will convey no spectral information about the neutrinos since all interactions produce the same mono-energetic photon. This process is neutral current so all flavors contribute equally to the cross section. Once again, the high threshold limits the interactions to mainly higher energy neutrinos. We have taken the cross section for these reactions from Ref. [@Fukugita:1988hg].
### Proton Elastic Scattering: $\nu+p\rightarrow\nu+p$
The cross section for this process is fairly large and all flavors contribute almost equally. Despite the fact that the scattered protons will undergo a significant amount of quenching due to ionization, this process can still produce a large signal for a supernova [@Beacom:2002hs]. Although the proton elastic scattering would provide additional statistics, we will only use the 15.11 MeV carbon peak for our neutral current signal. This is because extracting the peak from the smooth background should be quite easy, while separating the proton elastic scattering from the other signals would prove more challenging.
Liquid Argon Detectors
ICARUS is currently the largest liquid argon detector with a mass of 600 tons, and is planned to be scaled up to 3 kton [@Badertscher:2004ij]. In ICARUS, ionization electrons from liquid argon are detected as they travel along a uniform electric field, providing accurate 3-dimensional event tracking and energy reconstruction [@:2008sz]. One of the most attractive features of liquid argon detectors is a strong sensitivity to $\nu_e$ because of the relatively large cross section and low energy threshold. An additional benefit is that the charged current and neutral current reactions can all be distinguished by gamma emission from the excited nuclei. With electron elastic scattering events producing no coincident photons, all four of the primary reactions can be separated, in principle. Two proposed detectors at the 100 kton scale are LANNDD [@Cline:2001pt] and GLACIER [@Rubbia:2009md].
### Scattering With Argon Nuclei: $\nu_e+^{40}$[Ar]{} $\rightarrow ^{40}$[K]{}$^{\star}+e^-$, $\bar{\nu}_e+^{40}$[Ar]{} $\rightarrow ^{40}$[Cl]{}$^{\star}+e^+$, $\nu+$[Ar]{} $\rightarrow $[Ar]{}$^{\star}$
Supernova $\nu_e$ and $\bar{\nu}_e$ both produce charged current reactions in argon with thresholds of 2.8 MeV and 7.9 MeV, respectively [@SajjadAthar:2004yf]. The distinctive photon peaks produced by the de-excitation of the resulting $^{40}$[K]{}$^{\star}$ or $^{40}$[Cl]{}$^{\star}$ nucleus enables these events to be uniquely identified. The first nuclear excited state of argon is quite low, at 1.46 MeV [@GilBotella:2003sz], making neutral current reactions a particularly strong signal for supernova neutrinos. The subsequent decay of the argon nucleus will again provide photon signatures to tag these events, but without a corresponding electron or positron. The cross sections for charged current events can be found in Ref. [@SajjadAthar:2004yf] and neutral current reactions in Ref. [@GilBotella:2003sz].
### Electron Elastic Scattering: $\nu +e^-\rightarrow \nu+e^-$
As with previously discussed detector types, electron elastic scattering can also be observed in liquid argon detectors such as ICARUS.
Event Rates and Results {#results}
Supernova neutrinos emerge from their neutrinospheres deep in the core of the progenitor star and must travel from the extremely dense core to the outer surface of the star. As they travel along this density gradient, they undergo oscillations that are dominated by two resonance regions: a lower density region (L-resonance) that depends on $\Delta m_{12}^2$ and $\theta_{12}$, and a higher density region (H-resonance) that depends on $\Delta m_{13}^2$ and $\theta_{13}$. The L-resonance occurs in the neutrino sector independently of the mass hierarchy, whereas the H-resonance is significant for neutrinos only if the hierarchy is normal and for anti-neutrinos if the hierarchy is inverted.
The adiabacity of these resonances determines the amount of mixing between the two mass eigenstates. In general, this depends on the matter density gradient, the mixing angle, the mass difference, and energy of the neutrino. At supernova energies, the L-resonance is perfectly adiabatic, leading to essentially full conversion. The H-resonance is also perfectly adiabatic if $\sin ^22 \theta_{13}> 10^{-3}$ (referred to as $\theta_{13}$ large), but will be perfectly non-adiabatic ([*ie.*]{} absent) if $\sin ^22 \theta_{13}< 10^{-5}$ (referred to as $\theta_{13}$ small). For intermediate values of $\theta_{13}$, the conversion probability at the H-resonance is more complicated and depends on energy. For simplicity, we will only examine the two boundary cases of perfectly adiabatic and perfectly non-adiabatic for the H-resonance. For a detailed discussion of oscillations and flavor conversions in supernova neutrinos, see Ref. [@Dighe:1999bi].
Once the neutrinos emerge from the remnant star, if there is no intervening exotic physics, the mass eigenstates would propagate unchanged to be detected at the earth. We will present a method for distinguishing this case from a couple of exotic physics scenarios.
The number of events from a given reaction can be written as $$N=N_t\int^{E_{max}}_{E_{min}}\Phi(E_\nu)\sigma(E_\nu)dE_\nu
\label{eq:numberOfEvents}$$ with $N_t$ the number of targets in the detector, $\Phi(E_\nu)$ is the flux of the relevant neutrino at the detector, and $\sigma(E_\nu)$ is the cross section for the process. The limits of the integration are set by the relevant range of neutrino energies. We have also assumed 100% detection efficiency and neglected the effects of energy resolution.
Results For Water Cerenkov Detectors (Super Kamiokande)
In Table \[tab:SuperKNormEvents\], we present the numbers of events predicted to be observed from a 10 kpc distant supernova in the Super Kamiokande experiment. Here we have assumed a normal mass hierarchy and considered four possible exotic physics scenarios. First, we consider the case of decays of $\nu_3$ and $\nu_2$ to $\nu_1$ without any significant energy losses, denoted by “Decay (Full Ener.)”. The columns labeled “Decay (Majorana)” and “Decay (Dirac)” represent the decay scenarios in which the neutrino masses are hierarchical, leading to a degraded energy spectrum for the daughter neutrinos. If the neutrino masses are quasi-degenerate then the daughter spectrum is unaffected (full energy), independent of whether neutrinos are Majorana or Dirac particles. Results are shown for both small and large values of $\theta_{13}$. In each decay scenario, we assume that the propagation time significantly exceeds the (boosted) lifetimes of the decays. Finally, the lowest column of the table denotes the case in which all flavor information is lost due to quantum decoherence.
In the upper frame of Fig. \[fig:SuperKPlotNorm\], we present these results in terms of ratios of event types. The first of these, $R_{20}$, is the ratio of total continuum events (including inverse beta decay, electron elastic scattering, and oxygen charged current) above 20 MeV to the total continuum events below 20 MeV. The second, $R_{{\rm oxy}}$, is the ratio of total continuum events below 20 MeV to oxygen peak events.
[|l|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|]{} & & & &\
& & & & & & &\
& & & & & & &\
& [small]{}& [large]{} & [small]{} &[large]{}& [small]{}& [large]{} & [small]{} &[large]{} & [small]{}& [large]{} & [small]{} &[large]{}& [small]{} &[large]{}\
Standard & 3121 & 3063 & 4460 & 4627 & 239 & 238 & 72 & 83 & 67 & 76 & 721 & 935 & 370 & 370\
Decay (Full Ener.) & 5154 & 4896 & 12573 & 11945 & 379 & 365 & 113 & 109 & 147 & 139 & 1821 & 1730 & 370 & 370\
Decay (Majorana) & 4246 & 4034 & 4344 & 4127 & 227 & 219 & 61 & 58 & 78 & 74 & 728 & 692 & 137 & 137\
Decay (Dirac) & 3729 & 3543 & 4093 & 3889 & 197 & 191 & 57 & 55 & 73 & 69 & 704 & 669 & 132 & 132\
Quant. Decoh. & 2525 & 2525 & 6161 & 6161 & 242 & 242 & 72 & 72 & 72 & 72 & 892 & 892 & 370 & 370\
![Event class ratios at Super Kamiokande for the normal (top) and inverted (bottom) mass hierarchies. $R_{{\rm oxy}}$ is the ratio of total continuum events (including inverse beta decay, electron elastic scattering, and oxygen charged current events) below 20 MeV to oxygen peak events. $R_{20}$ is the ratio of total continuum events above 20 MeV to the total continuum events below 20 MeV. The error bars represent the $1\sigma$ statistical uncertainties. Throughout this paper, black and green error bars denote Majorana and Dirac decays, respectively, while red error bars denote full energy decays and blue indicate no decay.[]{data-label="fig:SuperKPlotNorm"}](SuperKPlotNormalFinal.pdf "fig:"){width="74.00000%"}\
![Event class ratios at Super Kamiokande for the normal (top) and inverted (bottom) mass hierarchies. $R_{{\rm oxy}}$ is the ratio of total continuum events (including inverse beta decay, electron elastic scattering, and oxygen charged current events) below 20 MeV to oxygen peak events. $R_{20}$ is the ratio of total continuum events above 20 MeV to the total continuum events below 20 MeV. The error bars represent the $1\sigma$ statistical uncertainties. Throughout this paper, black and green error bars denote Majorana and Dirac decays, respectively, while red error bars denote full energy decays and blue indicate no decay.[]{data-label="fig:SuperKPlotNorm"}](SuperKPlotInverted1Final.pdf "fig:"){width="74.00000%"}\
The general features of the plot can be understood as follows. As inverse beta decay events dominate the continuum signal, the behavior of $R_{20}$ is mainly determined by the $\bar{\nu}_e$ spectrum. A larger value of $R_{20}$ indicates that there has been a larger transformation of the initial higher energy $\nu_x$ flux to $\nu_{e}$ through either oscillations in the progenitor star or through exotic physics. The oxygen peaks, in contrast, are produced through neutral current reactions of the high energy neutrinos. The number of neutral current events will be the same as long the number and spectrum of the daughter neutrinos are the same as for the parent neutrinos. For this reason, the largest affect on $R_{{\rm oxy}}$ comes from scenarios where the decay spectra are degraded. In this case, the daughter neutrino only receives a fraction of the parent neutrino’s energy, so fewer high energy neutrinos exist after the decay. This leads to a large increase in $R_{{\rm oxy}}$ since the number of oxygen peak events decreases significantly.
At this time, several points pertaining to Fig. \[fig:SuperKPlotNorm\] should be noted. The quantum decoherence signal is well separated from the other scenarios in either hierarchy. In the inverted hierarchy we have shown the three decay scenarios that are consistent with the supernova 1987A. For the normal hierarchy, only two decay scenarios are presented: $\nu_2,\nu_3\rightarrow\nu_1$ and $\nu_3\rightarrow\nu_2$. Although other decay scenarios are possible, those shown predict maximum and minimum values of the plotted ratios. Thus any (full energy) decay scenario will be bounded by the four red points plotted in the figure, and any degraded decay will fall between those shown on the plot. This means that if the neutrinos do decay, this plot should be able to distinguish between the quasi-degenerate (full energy decay) and hierarchical (degraded energy decay) neutrino mass spectrum. It will be more difficult to discriminate between Majorana and Dirac cases, however. Such measurements may even be capable of distinguishing between small and large values of $\theta_{13}$ at approximately the $2\sigma$ level.
If the neutrino mass hierarchy is inverted, the situation is somewhat more complicated. In particular, predictions for the ratios shown in Fig. \[fig:SuperKPlotNorm\] depend significantly on the value of $\theta_{13}$. Without knowledge of this quantity, most decay and decoherence scenarios we have considered cannot be identified using the ratios shown in Fig. \[fig:SuperKPlotNorm\]. The exception to this conclusion are decays of the type, $\nu_1\rightarrow\nu_3$, which can potentially be distinguished.
To overcome this challenge in the case of the inverted hierarchy, we consider signals from neutrinos, rather than anti-neutrinos. Unlike anti-neutrinos, the spectrum of neutrinos emerging from the remnant star is independent of the value of $\theta_{13}$ in the inverted hierarchy. Neutrino detection, however, is not the strength of the water Cerenkov detectors. Electron elastic scattering events, which provide the best measurement of the $\nu_e$ flux, are far less numerous than those from inverse beta decay (see Table \[tab:SuperKNormEvents\]). They can, however, be separated from the large rate of inverse beta decay events by introducing an angular cut.
![Event class ratios at a future large volume (500 kton) water cerenkov detector in the case of the inverted mass hierarchy. $R_{{\rm oxy,E}}$ is the ratio of oxygen peak events to elastic scattering events below 20 MeV. $R_{20,E}$ is the ratio of elastic scattering events below 20 MeV to the elastic scattering events above 20 MeV. Again, the error bars represent the $1\sigma$ statistical uncertainties.[]{data-label="fig:SuperKPlotInv2"}](SuperKPlotInverted2Final.pdf "fig:"){width="74.00000%"}\
In Fig. \[fig:SuperKPlotInv2\], we show ratios of events chosen to better separate the various scenarios being considered in the case of the inverted mass hierarchy. These ratios are essentially the inverse of the ratios shown in Fig. \[fig:SuperKPlotNorm\], but using electron elastic scattering events in place of the total continuum events (the reason for inverting the ratio is because the elastic scattering rate is quite small, so inverting the ratio gives a larger possible range). The error bars that are shown are for a future water Cerenkov detector with 500 kton fiducial mass (rather than the 32 kton of Super Kamiokande).
As can be seen from Fig. \[fig:SuperKPlotInv2\], these ratios do provide separation between the different scenarios with the better statistics from a larger detector. Unfortunately, the error bars for Super Kamiokande would be approximately four times larger, indicating that Super Kamiokande would likely only be able to separate the $\nu_1\rightarrow\nu_3$ decay scenario if the mass hierarchy is inverted. It is also interesting to note that for these ratios, a coincidence in the initial spectra causes the predictions in the no decay and quantum decoherence scenarios to be almost identical. The quantum decoherence signal is well separated in both frames of Fig. \[fig:SuperKPlotNorm\] though, indicating that those ratios provide the best opportunity to identify this signal, independent of mass hierarchy.
Results For Scintillation Detectors (KamLAND)
Using KamLAND, with a mass of 1 kton, as a representative scintillating detector, we show in Table \[tab:KamLANDNormEvents\] the numbers of various types of events, in various exotic physics scenarios. Fig. \[fig:KamLANDPlotNorm\], we again introduce $R_{20}$ as the ratio of continuum events (inverse beta decay, electron elastic scattering, and charged current events on carbon nuclei) above 20 MeV to continuum events below 20 MeV, and compare this to $R_c$, which we define as the ratio of total continuum events below 20 MeV to the number of events in the gamma ray peak at 15.11 MeV from the de-excitation of the carbon nucleus.
[|l|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|]{} & & & &\
& & & & & & &\
& & & & & & &\
& [small]{}& [large]{} & [small]{} &[large]{}& [small]{}& [large]{} & [small]{} &[large]{} & [small]{}& [large]{} & [small]{} &[large]{}& [small]{} &[large]{}\
Standard & 167 & 164 & 237 & 245 & 17 & 17 & 3.0 & 3.5 & 16 & 19 & 43 & 56 & 50 & 50\
Decay (Full Ener.) & 276 & 262 & 667 & 634 & 27 & 26 & 4.8 & 4.6 & 35 & 33 & 106 & 101 & 50& 50\
Decay (Majorana) & 233 & 221 & 230 & 219 & 18 & 18 & 2.6 & 2.5 & 19 & 18 & 44 & 42 & 23 & 23\
Decay (Dirac) & 201 & 191 & 217 & 206 & 15 & 14 & 2.4 & 2.3 & 17 & 17 & 43 & 41 & 22 & 22\
Quant. Decoh. & 135 & 135 & 327 & 327 & 17 & 17 & 3.1 & 3.1 & 17 & 17 & 52 & 52 & 50 & 50\
Again, we find that each of the decay and decoherence scenarios occupies a distinct region in the plot. The error bars here a bit larger than in Fig. \[fig:SuperKPlotNorm\] owing to the smaller detector mass of KamLAND compared to Super Kamiokande. The error bars of Fig. \[fig:KamLANDPlotNorm\] would be roughly seven times smaller for the planned scintillating detectors in the 50 kton range, however, giving such future detectors even better resolving power than Super Kamiokande.
![Event class ratios in the KamLAND detector in the case of the normal mass hierarchy. $R_{{\rm c}}$ is the ratio of total continuum events (includes inverse beta decay, electron elastic scattering, and carbon charged current) below 20 MeV to the 15.11 MeV gamma ray peak events from the de-excitation of the carbon nucleus. $R_{20}$ is the ratio of total continuum events above 20 MeV to the total continuum events below 20 MeV. Again, the error bars represent the $1\sigma$ statistical uncertainties.[]{data-label="fig:KamLANDPlotNorm"}](KamLANDPlotNormal.pdf "fig:"){width="74.00000%"}\
As in the case of water cerenkov detectors, if the neutrino mass hierarchy is inverted, oscillations complicate the situation. In fact, even the next generation scintillating detectors in the 50 kton mass range are not well equipped to distinguish the decay scenarios for the inverted mass hierarchy. As discussed in the previous section, neutrino oscillations play the largest role in determining the signals in the anti-neutrino sector. Oscillations play a much more minor role in the neutrino sector providing the hope that the neutrino flux might provide the ability to separate the decay scenarios.
Unfortunately, the charged-current reactions of $\nu_e$ on carbon nuclei has a very high energy threshold of 17.3 MeV, and in the inverted hierarchy, $\nu_2$ will have the softest spectrum. This means that any scenario in which $\nu_2$ decays will have only minor affects on the ratios. We also consider the possibility of using electron elastic scattering in the same manner as was done for Super Kamiokande. This is not practical, however, because electron elastic scattering requires detectors on the order of 500 kton to effectively separate the scenarios (see Fig. \[fig:SuperKPlotInv2\]), approximately 10 times larger than even the next generation scintillating detectors (which are of similar size to Super Kamiokande).
The one scenario that would be very easily identified is again $\nu_1\rightarrow\nu_3$. In this scenario, the charged current reactions on carbon would virtually disappear because nearly all of the high energy neutrinos will be $\nu_3$, which has a very small projection onto $\nu_e$.
Results For Liquid Argon Detectors (ICARUS)
Both water Cerenkov and scintillating detectors are much more sensitive to $\bar{\nu}_e$, providing good separation ability between decay scenarios in the normal mass hierarchy. This is because the anti-neutrino sector is best for isolating the decay differences from oscillation effects in the normal mass hierarchy. The true strength of a liquid argon detector is realized in the inverted mass hierarchy. In this case, the neutrino sector provides the best opportunity for isolating decay effects. The low energy threshold (2.8 MeV) for charged-current neutrino reactions with Argon nuclei gives ICARUS comparatively much better sensitivity to the $\nu_e$ flux over the other two detector types. Although the final proposed mass for ICARUS is 3 kton [@Badertscher:2004ij], we use the current detector mass of 0.6 kton as our model case for liquid argon detectors.
In principle, ICARUS will be able to isolate each of the four types of interactions in the detector. This is another huge benefit for liquid argon over the other types of detectors. Some representative results for the number of events in ICARUS for the different scenarios in the inverted mass hierarchy are shown in Table \[tab:IcarusNormEvents\]. The strong neutrino charged-current and neutral current signals are quite noticeable in the table.
-------------------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --
small large small large small large small large small large
Standard 41 41 68 69 2.4 3.5 3.0 7.9 113 113
Decay (Full Ener.) 52 52 69 71 3.7 4.7 6.0 10.7 113 113
Decay (Majorana) 37 38 68 70 1.9 3.0 1.1 6.1 91 91
Decay (Dirac) 34 35 67 68 1.9 3.0 1.1 6.1 90 90
Quant. Decoh. 40 40 66 66 3.0 3.0 5.7 5.7 113 113
-------------------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --
: The number of events in the inverted hierarchy detected in the 0.6 kton liquid argon detector ICARUS for a supernova at 10 kpc. The decay scenario is $\nu_2\rightarrow\nu_1$. The labels are similar to Tables \[tab:SuperKNormEvents\] and \[tab:KamLANDNormEvents\].[]{data-label="tab:IcarusNormEvents"}
We again introduce two ratios to help to separate the different decay scenarios. We define $R_{30}$ as the ratio of charged-current neutrino events above 30 MeV to those below 30 MeV. We also define $R_{{\rm Ar}}$ as the ratio of total neutral current events to the charged-current neutrino events below 30 MeV. These ratios are plotted in Fig. \[fig:IcarusPlotInv\]. For clarity, the $1\sigma$ errors bars for the 3 kton mass detector are plotted in the the figure. In comparing Fig. \[fig:IcarusPlotInv\] to the lower frame of Fig. \[fig:SuperKPlotNorm\], we find that, in its final form, ICARUS will already be competitive with the next generation water Cerenkov detectors in the case of the inverted mass hierarchy. A future liquid argon detector of 100 kton would reduce the error bars by about a factor of 6, providing the best separation power in the inverted hierarchy by a wide margin.
![Event class ratios in the ICARUS detector in the case of the inverted mass hierarchy. $R_{30}$ is the ratio of charged-current neutrino events above 30 MeV to below 30 MeV, and $R_{{\rm Ar}}$ is the ratio of total neutral current events to the charged-current neutrino events below 30 MeV. The error bars represent the $1\sigma$ statistical uncertainties, for the planned final detector mass of 3 kton (current mass is 0.6 kton). Notice that the quantum decoherence point is coincidentally indistinguishable from the no decay scenario.[]{data-label="fig:IcarusPlotInv"}](IcarusPlotInverted.pdf "fig:"){width="74.00000%"}\
The threshold for anti-neutrino charged current reactions on argon nuclei is not particularly large at 7.5 MeV. However, the much lower threshold of 1.8 MeV for inverse beta decay ensures that both water Cerenkov and scintillating detectors of similar size will have better separation sensitivity in the normal mass hierarchy. We have calculated the results in the normal mass hierarchy (not shown) for the next generation liquid argon detectors and found similar scenario separation to that of Super Kamiokande (see Fig. \[fig:SuperKPlotNorm\]).
All of the results that we have presented thus far are dependent upon the strong hierarchy of initial average energies within the Livermoore model. We also calculated similar results to those presented above using the the softer $\nu_x$ spectrum of the Garching model. Although the statistical uncertainties are increased, we still found that the detectors were able to separate the scenarios. However, the values of the corresponding ratios between the two models do not match well. If a particular model emerges as the accepted one among the community, then our calculations could very easily be modified to the accepted model. One way to avoid model dependent conclusions is by focusing on the neutronization burst from the supernova as discussed in the following section.
Neutrinos From The Neutronization Burst {#neutronization}
At the onset of instability, the core begins to collapse, significantly increasing in density. Once the density of the inner core reaches that of nuclear matter of order ($10^{14}~$g cm$^{-3}$), the core bounces, producing an outgoing shock wave. The shock wave travels towards the outer layers of the stellar core, losing energy through the photodissociation of nuclei. The newly created free protons have a large electron capture rate, which leads them to neutronize through the process $e^-+p\rightarrow n + \nu_e$, resulting in a large flux of $\nu_e$. These neutrinos are initially trapped behind the shock wave, as the density of the core is too high. Once the shock wave has traveled outwards to the region of the neutrinosphere ($\rho\approx 10^{11}~$g cm$^{-3}$), however, the neutrinos rapidly escape in what is often termed the neutronization burst.
The presence and structure of the neutronization peak is one of the most robust features of supernova models. In Ref. [@Kachelriess:2004ds], the authors show that several different models using many different progenitor stars produce very similar peaks. Additionally, the authors examined the dependence of the signal in a megaton water Cerenkov detector on several important astrophysical inputs. They found that differences in the progenitor mass, three possible models for nuclear equation of state for the core, and possible improvements to interaction cross sections all led to changes in event numbers that were small compared to the statistical fluctuations.
The robustness of the neutronization peak across many models provides the opportunity for examining exotic physics scenarios without relying on the details of the underlying supernova model. One limitation of using the neutronizaton burst peak, however, is that the signal is not particularly bright. The neutronization peak typically has a full width half maximum of 5-7 ms and a peak luminosity of $3.3-3.5\times10^{53}~$erg s$^{-1}$ [@Kachelriess:2004ds]. The total energy released is $\sim$$3\times10^{51}~$erg, compared to the much larger $\sim$$5\times10^{52}~$erg of energy in $\nu_e$ for the entire supernova. As a consequence, very large volume detectors will be required to discriminate between the various exotic physics scenarios being considered here.
In Ref. [@Ando:2004qe], the authors examine neutrino decay (for three different decay scenarios) in the case of the normal mass hierarchy with hierarchical masses, in which the neutronization peak can be identified in the inverse beta decay signal in a future water Cerenkov detector. Similarly, we also find that future planned detectors will possess the ability to clearly separate between our exotic physics scenarios when focusing only on the neutronization burst. In Fig. \[fig:neutronization\], we plot the same ratios as in the previous sections, but for the neutronization signal only. The error bars shown are again statistical and correspond to a 500 kton water Cerenkov detector in the normal hierarchy and for a 100 kton liquid argon detector in the inverted hierarchy. An important feature of this plot is shown in the normal hierarchy with quasi-degenerate masses. If the both $\nu_2$ and $nu_3$ decay, then the water Cerenkov detector would be able to make a strong distinction between the the Majorana and Dirac nature of the neutrinos.
![Event class ratios for the neutronization burst signal. The ratios are the same as in Fig. \[fig:SuperKPlotNorm\] for a 500 kton water Cerenkov detector in the normal hierarchy (top) and as in Fig. \[fig:IcarusPlotInv\] for a 100 kton liquid argon detector in the inverted hierarchy (bottom). The error bars represent the $1\sigma$ statistical uncertainties. []{data-label="fig:neutronization"}](NeutronizationNorm.pdf "fig:"){width="74.00000%"}\
![Event class ratios for the neutronization burst signal. The ratios are the same as in Fig. \[fig:SuperKPlotNorm\] for a 500 kton water Cerenkov detector in the normal hierarchy (top) and as in Fig. \[fig:IcarusPlotInv\] for a 100 kton liquid argon detector in the inverted hierarchy (bottom). The error bars represent the $1\sigma$ statistical uncertainties. []{data-label="fig:neutronization"}](NeutronizationInv.pdf "fig:"){width="74.00000%"}\
In this article, we have calculated the expected neutrino spectrum and corresponding signals from a galactic core-collapse supernova using the Livermoore model. We utilize the extremely long baseline to investigate possible signals of various exotic physics models. By introducing ratios of event types to distinguish between these various scenarios, we eliminate some possible supernova uncertainties (such as total energy released, distance to supernova, etc.). In the case of a normal mass hierarchy, Super Kamiokande will be able to distinguish between various decay scenarios. In the case of an inverted mass hierarchy, ICARUS is best able to discriminate between the possible models. In either mass hierarchy, Super Kamiokande is best equipped to identify the signatures of quantum decoherence. We also find that future water Cerenkov ($\sim$500 kton) and liquid argon ($\sim$100 kton) detectors will be able to make strong conclusions about these phenomenon in a model independent way by examining the neutrino signal associated with a supernova’s neutronization burst.
This work has been supported by the US Department of Energy, including grant DE-FG02-95ER40896, and by NASA grant NAG5-10842.
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abstract: 'In this work model-based methods are employed along with machine learning techniques to classify sediments in oceanic environments based on the geoacoustic properties of a two-layer seabed. Two different scenarios are investigated. First, a simple low-frequency case is set up, where the acoustic field is modeled with normal modes. Four different hypotheses are made for seafloor sediment possibilities and these are explored using both various machine learning techniques and a simple matched-field approach. For most noise levels, the latter has an inferior performance to the machine learning methods. Second, the high-frequency model of the scattering from a rough, two-layer seafloor is considered. Again, four different sediment possibilities are classified with machine learning. For higher accuracy, 1D Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) are employed. In both cases we see that the machine learning methods, both in simple and more complex formulations, lead to effective sediment characterization. Our results assess the robustness to noise and model misspecification of different classifiers.'
- Christina Frederick
- Soledad Villar
- 'Zoi-Heleni Michalopoulou'
title: 'Seabed Classification using Physics-based Modeling and Machine Learning'
Introduction {#sec:forward}
Sonar classification of the ocean floor relies on the quality of the acoustic images and the data-processing tools used for interpretation. The pixel resolution in sonar images depends on a number of factors, including the instrument range, geometry, and operating frequency. Low-frequency sonar instruments towed far from the ocean floor cover large swath-widths with lower resolution capabilities. Higher frequency sonars that are towed closer to the ocean floor have less coverage but can produce higher pixel resolution. For example, GLORIA operates at about 6 kHz frequency and has a daily coverage of around 20,000 km${^2}$, producing images with $
\sim$60 meter pixel resolution. TOBI operates at 30 kHz frequency, has a daily coverage of 470 km${^2}$, and produces images with $\sim$10 meter pixel resolution. The typical pixel resolution is then about 20$\lambda$, where $\lambda$ is the acoustic wavelength.
Since the measured acoustic response from the ocean floor is produced by multiple sophisticated scattering processes, there is no simple way to interpret each pixel of a sonar image in terms of seafloor parameters such as sediment type, roughness, and layer structure. Well-known approaches such as matched-field processing [@Baggeroer1988a; @Tolstoy2000], image-processing based techniques [@Rzhanov2012; @Reed2006; @Cervenka1993], and recently, machine learning algorithms, are successful in known environments for which ground-truth datasets are available [@Gorman1988; @Gorman1988a; @Perry2001].
To increase the performance and applicability of current machine learning algorithms, the main challenge is overcoming the lack of large training datasets. In this paper, we demonstrate the potential of physics-based forward modeling to generate training data for seafloor classification problems. The advantages of physics-based modeling for these problems include the ability to accurately label data and fully explore the possible seafloor parameter space. This enhances the training of machine learning models, as well as the evaluation of the reliability and validity of the outcomes.
There are two main contributions of our work aimed at better understanding the limits of modern techniques applied to scenarios with complex physics and limited observational data. The first is physics-based training, in which training datasets are designed using numerical simulations of representative segments of the seafloor domain. At lower frequencies, these template domains are characterized by sound speed, attenuation, and layer thickness. At higher frequencies, finite element modeling (FEM) can incorporate additional small-scale features such as the roughness of the water-sediment interface. The second contribution is a set of machine learning experiments for classifying the top sediment in a two-layer seafloor. In the low frequency case, these results are compared with known techniques, and conclude that machine learning tools provide higher classification accuracy. At high frequencies, deep learning offers a significant improvement in performance over shallow machine learning tools. To our knowledge, this is the first work that attempts material classification from synthetic backscatter generated with FEM-based simulations.
Inverse wave problems in ocean acoustics {#sec:inverse}
![(left) Sound propagation in an oceanic waveguide. (right) Simulated pressure field measurements for four top sediments.[]{data-label="fig:krakensetting"}](Fig1a.pdf "fig:"){height="40.00000%"} ![(left) Sound propagation in an oceanic waveguide. (right) Simulated pressure field measurements for four top sediments.[]{data-label="fig:krakensetting"}](Fig1b.pdf "fig:"){height="40.00000%"}
For the present work, we model the ocean as a range-independent waveguide with homogeneous water and two sediment layers (see Figures \[fig:krakensetting\] and \[fig:fwd\]). As in the majority of underwater acoustic modeling [@Chapman2001; @Jackson2007; @Jackson1986], we treat the sediment layer, as a fluid, and model time-harmonic acoustic pressure waves at range $x$ and depth $z$ as solutions $p(x,z)$ to the Helmholtz equation, $$\begin{aligned}
%{\rho_{0}}\nabla\cdot\left(\frac{1}{\rho_{0}} \nabla p\right) +\frac{\omega^{2}}{c_{0}^{2}} p =0 \text{ in } D_{w}, \label{eq:fwd1}\\
%p \vert_{+} = p\vert_{-}, \frac{1}{\rho_{0}}\frac{\partial p}{\partial \vec{n}}\vert_{+} =\frac{1}{\rho}\frac{\partial p}{\partial \vec{n}}\vert_{-} \text{ on } z=f(x).\label{eq:fwd2}\\
{\rho}\nabla\cdot\left(\frac{1}{\rho} \nabla p\right) +\frac{\omega^{2}}{c^{2}} p +i\alpha {\omega}{p} =s,\label{eq:Helmholtz}\end{aligned}$$ where $\omega$ represents the angular frequency, and the spatially varying functions $\rho$, $c$, and $\alpha$, represent the density, sound speed, and attenuation, respectively, of the medium (in seawater, attenuation is negligible at low and intermediate frequencies and it is reasonable to set $\alpha=0$). The source $s$ and boundary conditions depend on the instrument and environment, and coupling conditions on the water-sediment and sediment-sediment interfaces enforce continuity of the pressure and normal displacement along the fluid-sediment and sediment-sediment interfaces.
The mathematical formulation of the inverse problem is to determine a vector of true parameters $m^{*}\in\mathcal{M}$ using a finite set of observables ${\bf Y}$. Here, $\mathcal{M}$ is a space of unknown parameters, for example, source location, bathymetry, water column sound speed, and geoacoustic and geometric properties of the sediment layer (density, compressional and shear wave speeds, etc.). In sonar imaging, the data is a set of pressure or backscatter measurements ${\bf Y} = \{p(x_{k}, z_{k})\}_{k=1}^{n}$ recorded at $n$ locations $(x_{k}, z_{k})$. The forward operator $\mathcal{F}:\mathcal{M}\rightarrow \mathbb{R}^{n}$ describes the wave propagation process relating the observables to the model parameters.
The inverse problem of determining $m^{*}$ given ${\bf Y} =\mathcal{F}(m^{*})$ is usually difficult and ill-posed; a number of different seafloor environments can produce similar measurements and that similarity can be further complicated in the presence of noise. While full waveform inversion (FWI), a standard tool in seismic imaging, achieves success by matching the data with simulations of the foward model, there is no universal technique for solving (\[eq:Helmholtz\]) at frequencies of interest in sonar imaging. Factors such as the source-receiver geometry, frequency and bandwidth, and boundary conditions must be taken into account in formulating a solution technique. Often, a combination of analytic and numerical methods are implemented based on the environmental complexity, desired resolution, and availability of labeled ground truth data. Here we focus on two solution techniques, normal mode propagation in simple geometries and finite element modeling of the scattering process in a more complicated environment having a rough water-sediment interface.
Background on geoacoustic inversion and sediment characterization {#sec:geoacoustic}
Knowledge of the propagation medium is of paramount importance in source detection, localization, and identification in the ocean. Geoacoustic inversion is an area of research that allows us to obtain knowledge about the ocean sediments with which the propagating sound has interacted to facilitate the tasks mentioned above. Extensive research and significant advances have been made through the years in estimating sediment parameters using the full field or select features.
Matched-field inversion (MFI) is a popular approach for inverting for (estimating) geoacoustic properties using measurements of the acoustic field at a number of receiving phones. It stems from matched field processing (MFP) [@Tolstoy1993], originally designed for source localization, which was extended to invert for environmental parameters with the first effort presented in [@Livingston1989]. Estimates are obtained by comparing measured acoustic fields to replica-predicted fields computed with sound propagation models for numerous values of the unknown parameters. The values that provide the best match between replicas and data are considered to be the desired estimates. MFI initially required significant computation entailing searches in multi-dimensional domains. Global optimization approaches have facilitated the inversion making the process less onerous [@Collins1992; @gerstoft1994inversion; @Shorey1994; @Dosso2002; @Knobles2003; @Michalopoulou2004].
Backscattering strength data have also been used for sediment characterization [@Michalopoulou1994; @Michalopoulou1996; @caiti1996acoustic; @Steininger2013; @Frederick2017; @Zou2019] with a variety of methods using backscatter models and statistical techniques. These approaches facilitated inversion both for seafloor roughness and sediment geoacoustic properties.
Machine learning for seafloor classification {#sec:related_work}
In the late ’90s and early 2000s, feed-forward neural networks gained attention in the field of ocean acoustics because of the ability to overcome issues faced by traditional methods, such as error estimation and time-consuming global or local searches in the parameter space [@stephan1998neural; @Chakraborty2003; @michalopoulou1995application]. In these problem settings, neural networks provided efficent, nonlinear approximators of inverse functions.
One drawback of neural networks (and many modern deep learning approaches) is the large amount of training data needed to ensure accurate, reliable performance. Some of the earlier works overcome this using synthetic training data and real test data [@benson2000geoacoustic]. Over the last 15 years, feature-based machine learning techniques have also been developed for problems such as target detection and recognition, source localization, and seabed classification [@Coiras2007; @Reed2003; @kong2019machine]. While these methods can be fully trained with smaller data sets, they require a manual, often tedious, feature extraction process.
Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) offer an alternative approach in which features are instead learned by the network. The neural network can be viewed as a composition of functions, called layers, and the training process consists of determining weights in each layer using batches of labeled data and stochastic optimization. Different layers are used for different purposes; for example, convolutional layers contain filters that are convolved with small patches of the previous layer to capture local features, and max pooling layers downsample the input by taking the maximum over a patch. Layers in a CNN are connected via an entry-wise nonlinear activation function. The most common activation function is $\text{ReLU}(x)=max(x,0)$. Modern CNN architectures can contain many layers and connections between them that form acylic graphs. The complexity and depth of the architecture can capture features and interdependencies of high-dimensional data on a wide range of scales.
The use of CNNs in acoustics is now a very active and rich area of research [@Bianco2019]. Although some studies can be performed using smaller training data sets, [@Williams2020; @Ye2019; @Berthold2018; @Vankomen2019b], most deep learning approaches must develop techniques for accomodating the lack of real sonar data. This can be done by, for example, using a pretrained CNN (trained using optical images) [@Kvasic2019; @zhu2017deep], applying image processing techniques for data augmentation [@Coiras2007; @Xu2017; @Ding2016; @Nguyen2020], or training with synthetic data generated by a physics-based forward solver [@benson2000geoacoustic; @niu2017source; @ren2012waveguide]. Large sonar images can also be decomposed into many “patches" [@Berthold2018; @Scheide2018; @Chen2019] that form training datasets. Our modeling, described next, is based on a combination these patch-based techniques for data and physical modeling.
Seafloor characterization with pressure fields at vertical line arrays
Problem setup
We consider the scenario of Figure \[fig:krakensetting\], where a source transmits a continuous wave (CW) signal at frequency $\omega=2\pi f$. A point source located at $x_{s}=0$ and depth $z_s$, determines the source term $s(x, z)=-\frac{\delta(x)\delta(z-z_s)}{2\pi x}$. The pressure field at a depth $z$ and a distance $x$ from the source can be seen as the solution of the Helmholtz equation (\[eq:Helmholtz\]). Here $\rho(x, z)\equiv \rho_{0}$, that is, there is no depth dependence. The environment is considered to be range independent and the sediment is treated as a fluid. Solving the Helmholtz equation corresponds to $\mathcal{F}$ of Section \[sec:inverse\].
Assuming that source and receiver location, bottom depth, and water column sound speed are known, we can invert for sediment sound speed $c$ and attenuation $\alpha$ via MFI (for the experiments that we consider the field is not sensitive to density, for which we cannot reliably invert). An inner product between the normalized pressure field (solution of Eq. \[eq:Helmholtz\]) computed for different $c$ and $\alpha$ values and the received acoustic field can be calculated. Those values that maximize the inner product are the parameter estimates.
In this work, we are interested in classification rather than parameter estimation. As will be discussed later, MFI can still be employed towards this task, but, here, we are mostly interested in investigating the potential of machine learning in sediment classification. Recently, a sensitivity analysis was performed on parameters in a two layer seafloor, indicating the promise of these methods [@Neilsen2018]. We investigate a low frequency case with the sound being transmitted by a source and received at a vertical line array with 20 hydrophones (see Figure \[fig:krakensetting\]). The phone spacing is 5 m and the source frequency is 400 Hz. The source-array distance is 10 km and the source depth is 50 m. The water column sound speed profile $c(z)$, where $z$ is depth, is a typical shallow water downward refracting profile and the water depth is 111 m. One isovelocity sediment layer is assumed with varying sound speed $c$ and attenuation $\alpha$, representing different sediment types (clay, silt, sand, gravel) over a chalk halfspace. The sediment thickness is $\tau=5$ m.
The data
Using normal modes [@Porter2017] we synthesize the pressure field at the VLA for the four sediment types; each field has 20 components corresponding to the 20 VLA receivers; these are equispaced with the first one located at a depth of 5 m. Values of 1500, 1575, 1650, and 1800 m/s are the assumed sound speeds for clay, silt, sand, and gravel, respectively [@Jensenbook]. Values of 0.2, 1, 0.8, and 0.6 dB$/\lambda$, where $\lambda$ is wavelength, are the corresponding attenuations. These sediment sound speed-attenuation values are listed in the first column of Table \[table:datasets\]. One-thousand noisy field realizations are then synthesized for each sediment type by adding zero mean complex Gaussian noise. The generated noisy fields are used to train a set of classifiers. The noise-free fields for each class are shown in Figure \[fig:krakensetting\]. Subsequently, we perturb the sediment sound speed and attenuation values. The new $c$ and $\alpha$ values still represent the same sediment types but now with variation. We create environments for ten sets for each sound speed-attenuation pair (listed in Table \[table:datasets\_nm\]) and one-thousand noisy realizations for each case for a total of ten-thousand pressure fields. Then, the responses are the observables ${\bf Y}$ of Section \[sec:inverse\] that form the training and test sets. Data generation for both training and testing sets was repeated for a number of Signal-to-Noise-Ratios (SNRs), because we were interested in identifying if the relative classifier performance was noise dependent.
Sediment Classification {#sec:baseline}
![(left) Classification performance of different trained machine learning classifiers on test data. Confusion matrices for (middle) MFI and (right) LR on noisy KRAKEN data (SNR = 18 dB).[]{data-label="fig.KrakenResults"}](Fig2a.pdf "fig:"){height="34.00000%"} ![(left) Classification performance of different trained machine learning classifiers on test data. Confusion matrices for (middle) MFI and (right) LR on noisy KRAKEN data (SNR = 18 dB).[]{data-label="fig.KrakenResults"}](Fig2b.pdf "fig:"){height="34.00000%"}
The goal of our experiments is to determine whether sediment class can be determined correctly when the classifiers are tested on data generated for environments that are similar but not identical to those used for the generation of the training data.
Before we implemented machine learning techniques, we constructed a classifier based on MFI; that served well for the performance evaluation of the proposed techniques. The MFI/MFP classifier relied on the computation of a simple inner product between the data to be classified and normalized replica fields calculated for the nominal values of sediment properties. The replica fields for the four classes are the measurements shown in Figure \[fig:krakensetting\]. Specifically, inner product $P$ is evaluated as: $$P(m)=|{\bf w}(m)^*{\bf d}|,
\label{eq:mfp}$$ where ${\bf w}=\frac{\bf p}{||{\bf p}||}$. Vector ${\bf p}=[p_1 \ldots p_L]^T$, where $L=20$, consists of the solutions of the Helmholtz equation at receivers $i=1,\ldots,20$ and $m=(c,\alpha)$. Vector ${\bf p}$ consists of the noisy pressure measurements, that is, observables ${\bf Y}$, but calculated for the perturbed parameters. The classifier decided the class by identifying which of the four inner products $P$ had the highest value. The MFP classifier required no training.
The following baseline classifiers were implemented in `scikit-learn` [@scikit-learn]: grouping methods, such as $k$-nearest neighbors (KNN) and Nearest Centroid (NC), Support Vector Classifiers that find the best separating hyperplane (SVC-1) or kernel (SVC-R), ensemble methods such as Decision Tree Classifiers (DT) and Random Forests (RF), feed-forward neural nets (MLP), and Logistic Regression (LR). The hyperparameters of each classifier were determined using a randomized grid search over a range of possible parameters. Five-fold cross validation is used for model selection.
The training data set consisted of the 4,000 labeled noisy pressure field measurements for the nominal values of the four sediment classes. We tested the methods on ten sets of 1,000 realizations, each set for perturbed pairs of sediment parameters. That is, no testing signal was generated for the exact $c$ and $\alpha$ values used to generate the training set vectors. Figure \[fig.KrakenResults\] shows the overall accuracy of different classifiers. For high noise levels (low SNR), MFP seems to perform well but LR classification exhibits the best performance. While linear regression models fit data with a linear function, logistic regression models instead use the more flexible sigmoid function that is less sensitive to outliers. Unlike linear classifiers, LR models can produce nonlinear decision boundaries, which may improve the ability to discriminate between points that are close together but belong to different classes.
As the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) increases, there is a marked difference between MFP and other processors, which all outperform MFP. Figure \[fig.KrakenResults\] shows the confusion matrix for MFP and the support vector machine for an SNR of 15 dB. We observe that MFP confuses silt with gravel, whereas the LR incorrectly classifies about half of the clay instances as silt, but has a very good performance in the rest of the materials. An interesting inference can be made from the Logistic Regression proccess results. If a sediment is classified as clay, sand, or gravel, it is fairly likely that the characterization is correct. In the case of silt, however, there is a possibility of misclassification. Identifying a feature that further distinguishes clay from silt measurements could potentially resolve the ambiguity.
![(left) High-frequency scattering from a rough, two-layer environment. (right) Approximate backscatter from segments of the seafloor containing the water-seafloor interface.[]{data-label="fig:fwd"}](Fig3a.pdf "fig:"){width="60.00000%"} ![(left) High-frequency scattering from a rough, two-layer environment. (right) Approximate backscatter from segments of the seafloor containing the water-seafloor interface.[]{data-label="fig:fwd"}](Fig3b.pdf "fig:"){width="33.00000%"}
On one hand, if the spatial scale of the seafloor roughness is much smaller than the acoustic wavelength, a source ping smoothly reflects from the seafloor, and analytical methods described in the previous section are preferable because of the accuracy and low computational cost. On the other hand, when the spatial scale of seafloor heterogeneities is similar to the acoustic wavelength, these methods fail to approximate the measured backscatter, and more accurate modeling is needed.
Finding exact solutions to (\[eq:Helmholtz\]) can be very difficult, even for homogeneous environments with simple geometries, and at higher frequencies, the problem becomes even more complex, with features such as roughness complicating the task of modeling and classification. In the case of rough, layered sediments, numerical methods such as the finite element method (FEM) provide an attractive option. The FEM discretization of the governing acoustic wave equations in underwater domains enables accurate modeling of the seafloor environment [@Isakson2014; @Bao1995; @Bruno1991; @Shirron2006; @Vendhan2010; @Isakson2008; @Jensen2010; @Huynha]. Not limited by constraints on the degree of surface roughness or range dependence, FEM offers flexibility and can incorporate physics generated from realistic scenarios. In computational ocean acoustics applications, FEM is usually used for providing benchmark solutions, short range scattering, or as a part of a hybrid approach [@Kargl2014; @Murphy2011; @Abawi1997; @Trofimov2015] in which the scattering is approximated using a FEM discretization of a small region near the seafloor and the reverberant field is modeled using traditional, more efficient techniques.
The primary disadvantage of FEM and other numerical methods for solving high-frequency Helmholtz equations is the high computational cost of approximating $O(\lambda^{-1})$ unknowns in each spatial dimension, where $\lambda$ is the acoustic wavelength. Computing solutions for large spatial domains in the high-frequency regime, in which each forward solve may need to resolve up to billions of unknowns, is a notoriously hard problem and a topic of intense interest in the scientific computing community [@Engquist2018]. In practice, the balance between accuracy and computational cost often results in model simplifications that limit the recovery of small-scale features in a range of complex underwater environments. A main challenge in ocean acoustics is to find ways to improve existing models in a way that is both physically justified and computationally efficient.
In order to address scalability of the high-frequency models to large seafloor domains, we divide the region near the seafloor into segments and perform local simulations on these subdomains. The resulting simulations produce acoustic templates from small, representative seafloor environments that can be assumed to have homogeneous properties. Our rationale for this model reduction is based on the framework of multiscale modeling for partial differential equations, in which a low-cost [*large scale*]{} solver of an effective model is coupled with a [*fine scale*]{} solver that resolves detail. The range of validity for these methods is problem-dependent and our justification is based on physical assumptions of scale-separation and spatial stationarity in the problem.
The forward process can be summarized in terms of three main stages: (a) the incoming wave from the source to the sea floor; (b) scattering and reflection from the seafloor; and (c) traveling waves recorded by receivers (See Figure \[fig:fwd\]). Stages (a) and (c) are relatively easy to model for a wide range of source frequencies. It should be noted that variable wave propagation velocity in the water can easily be handled by existing tools, e.g. geometrical optics. The critical interactions with the seafloor that occur in stage (b) deserve accurate modeling at high frequencies to resolve the scattering effects occur near the ocean bottom that contribute significantly to the measured signal. In this case, fine scale features such as seafloor roughness must be incorporated.
Given the availability of tools for modeling wave propagation at lower frequencies, we therefore limit the present discussion to modeling the high-frequency scattering that occurs in stage (b) and testing the performance of these models in parameter inversion. Though it is out of the scope of the present work, it is an important problem to further analyze multiscale couplings between the different stages in the forward process and find ways to systematically build hybrid algorithms that adapt to more complicated physical processes occuring in the ocean.
Below we will discuss how we approach the backscatter modeling for high frequency scattering and what efforts we are making towards sediment characterization.
Problem setup
We consider models for acoustic backscatter on template domains shown in Figure \[fig:fwd\] (left). When the acoustic wave generated by a source reaches this template domain, it can be modeled as an incident plane wave traveling in the direction given by the vector $k_{\theta}=\frac{\omega}{c_{w}}(\sin \theta, -\cos \theta)$, where $\theta$ is the incident angle with respect to the $z$ axis and $c_{w}$ is the sound speed in water, $$\begin{aligned}
p_{in}(x,z) = e^{-i k_{\theta} \cdot (x,z)}.\label{eq:pinc}\end{aligned}$$
The interaction of these waves with the seafloor produces scattered waves in multiple directions due to objects on the seafloor, the roughness of the water-sediment interface caused by sand ripples, as well as heterogeneities in the sediment, including interactions between multiple sediment layers. The total pressure field $p$ solves the homogeneous equation (\[eq:Helmholtz\]) with $s=0$ and can be expressed in the water domain as the sum of the incident field and the scattered wavefield, $p=p_{in}+p_{scatt}$.
Sufficiently far from caustics, $p_{scatt}$ can be approximated by the superposition $$\begin{aligned}
p_{scatt}(x,z)\simeq \sum_{\beta}P_{\beta}(x,z) e^{ i k_{\beta}\cdot (x,z)},\label{eq:wavedec}\end{aligned}$$ where $P_{\beta}(x,z)$ is the complex amplitude of the outgoing wave traveling in the direction $\beta$ and is assumed to be locally smooth and independent of wavelength. For colocated sources and receivers, the backscattered direction is $\tilde{\theta}=\pi/2+ \theta$, and we model the received signal as backscatter measurements, $$\begin{aligned}
{\bf Y}= \left(|P_{\tilde{\theta}}(x_{k}, z_{*})|\right)_{1\leq k\leq n} \label{eq:backscattered}.\end{aligned}$$ where $\{(x_{k}, z_{0})\}$ is a set of observation points located at a fixed depth $z\equiv z_{0}$ above the seafloor.
For unlayered seabeds, there has been significant progress in quantifying the dominant contributions to backscatter at high frequencies [@Broschat2002; @Fuks2000; @Jaud2012; @Kuperman1989; @Jackson2016]. Many approaches rely on cancellation effects from neighboring waves to simplify the model, and the situation is even more complicated when there are multiple sediment layers within the acoustic penetration range. Numerical approaches for approximating far-field scattering from targets using FEM include boundary-element methods [@Shirron2006; @Gerstoft2005] and techniques for post-processing solutions using the Helmholtz-Kirchoff (HK) boundary integral formulation of the scattering problem [@Zampolli2008]. Another technique called numerical microlocal analysis (NMLA) [@Benamou2004; @Landa2011] aims to isolate direction angles and amplitudes of waves crossing an observation location $(x_{0},z_0)$ without relying on knowledge of the solution on the entire boundary of a scatterer. The main idea is that if the acoustic wavelength $\lambda=2\pi/k$ contains variations on a scale sufficiently small with respect to the geometry, the solution $p(x,z)$ to $(\ref{eq:Helmholtz})$ behaves like a finite superposition of plane waves (\[eq:wavedec\]). Then, discrete measurements of the solution on a observation circle, $p(r\cos(t_{j}), r\sin(t_{j}))$, can be expressed as a 2D Jacobi-Anger expansion that contains the amplitudes and angles of interest. By filtering the vector of observations using the fast Fourier transform, the method recovers the dominant directions and amplitudes of scattered waves. Recently, research and implementations for high-frequency Helmholtz equations further improve the accuracy and stability of the method [@Benamou2011; @Fang2018].
The plots in Figure \[fig:fwd\] (right) show the acoustic response approximated by FEM and NMLA at $z_{0}=1.5$ from a rough, two-layer seafloor model. In particular, the left plot in Figure \[fig:fwd\] shows approximate backscatter signals $|P_{\tilde{\theta}}(x, z_{0})|$ in (\[eq:backscattered\]) modeled with FEM and NMLA on the domain $0<x<2, -2<z<2$ for environments with varying environmental parameters $(c, \rho , \tau)$ and a fixed realization of the water-sediment interface. The signals corresponding to the thickest top layer, $\tau=1$ m, are visually well-separated owing to the high attenuation of the signal in the sediment. For $\tau=.25$ m, however, the plots of the signals reflect the effects of the complex interactions that occur when the acoustic energy penetrates to the bottom sediment layer. These plots indicate the difficulty and ill-posedness of the inverse problem in the multi-layer setting, and why machine learning, described below, can play a valuable role in discriminating these signals based on material type or other classes.
The data
Backscatter signals are generated with fixed source frequency $\omega=15$ kHz, incident angle $\theta = \pi/12$ radians, and sound attenuation $\alpha= 0.5$ dB per 1 meter per 1 kHz. In the current study we chose not to distinguish attenuation based on material type. For our current purposes, we chose to isolate the small-scale effects of the seafloor by assuming that $f$ is a mean-zero function with prescribed root mean square (RMS) height and correlation length. Table \[table:datasets\] summarizes the environmental parameters used to generate the synthetic backscatter signals (\[eq:backscattered\]) approximated with FEM and NMLA. The signals are generated using a random selection of the available parameters to create balanced datasets. Our rationale in designing test sets is to isolate the effects of variability in each parameter on the classification errors.
Full wave solutions are generated using the COMSOL Multiphysics Acoustics Module [@Comsol] for the solution of the Helmholtz equations with $P^{2}-$ finite element methods on $2\text{ m } \times 2\text{ m }$ square domains, which translates to about $10^{5}$ degrees of freedom per template. For more details on sonar forward modeling using COMSOL Multiphysics see [@Isakson2008; @Isakson2014]. Then, NMLA implemented in MATLAB is applied to approximate backscatter at locations $(x_{k}, z_{0})$, where the depth is $z_{0}=1$ meter above the seafloor and $\{x_{k}\}_{k=1}^{1024}$ is a uniformly spaced horizontal discretization of the seafloor domain.
Sediment classification {#sediment-classification}
The top part of Table \[table:backscattercnn\] shows the accuracy of different classifiers implemented in `scikit-learn` as described in \[sec:baseline\]. These baseline classifiers are trained on $N=20,000$ signals taken from the training data set, 20% of which are set aside for validation. The performance of the classifiers is evaluated on 5,000 signals from each of the four different test environments with different realizations of the water-sediment interface $f$. These results indicate that the baseline machine learning classifiers do not generalize to different test sets generated from acoustic environments with slightly perturbed parameters. Based on our findings, described next, deeper neural networks can exhibit a better classification performance on the validation data and generalize better to the different test environments.
### Implementation of CNNs
![Cross entropy loss vs. training epoch for six DNN classifiers.[]{data-label="fig:training"}](Fig4.pdf){width="99.00000%"}
Initially, we constructed two smaller convolutional neural networks, ‘CNN-3’ and ‘CNN-4’, having three and four convolutional layers, respectively. In both cases, each convolutional layer is followed by a batch normalization layer, ReLU activation functions, and a max pooling layer, and the filter sizes vary from 16$\times$1 to 256$\times$1. We also considered the following well-known deeper CNNs by adapting them to the 1D setting: AlexNet [@krizhevsky2012imagenet] (8 convolutional layers), GoogleNet [@szegedy2015going] (22 convolutional layers), ResNet50 [@he2016deep] (50 convolutional layers), and VGG-19 [@simonyan2014very] (19 convolutional layers). MATLAB code and the trained models are publicly available[^1].
We use the Deep Learning toolbox in MATLAB to train convolutional neural nets (CNNs) using $N=80,000$ signals taken from the training data set, 20% of which are set aside for hold-out validation. The performance is evaluated using 5,000 signals from each of the four different test sets. The labels of the test signals correspond to the closest match, in terms of absolute distance, between the sound speed of the top layer and the four sound speed classes used in the training dataset.
Learnable parameters in each CNN are determined using the ADAM method for stochastic optimization [@kingma2014adam]. Training options for the ADAM optimizer were chosen based on trial and error. We chose a mini-batch size of 500; the learning rate schedule varied between $1\mathrm{e}{-4}$ and $1\mathrm{e}{-3}$, with a 50% drop in the learning rate scheduled periodically (every 10-50 epochs) during the training; the training data is shuffled before every epoch; the validation data is shuffled before each network validation; the gradient threshold was set to 1; and the $L_{2}$ regularization factor was set to $1\mathrm{e}{-4}$. The termination criteria was determined to ensure a decreasing validation loss. For the deeper CNNs, the training was performed on one or two NVIDIA Tesla P100 16GB GPUs in parallel. Figure \[fig:training\] shows plots of the cross-entropy training loss and validation loss for six different CNN architectures. The training times and test accuracy (discussed next) for each classifier are listed in Table \[table:backscattercnn\].
### Results
![ Classification performance of different trained CNNs on the (left) Test 3 and (right) Test 4 environments.[]{data-label="fig:allDNNsTest4"}](Fig5a.pdf "fig:"){height="30.00000%"} ![ Classification performance of different trained CNNs on the (left) Test 3 and (right) Test 4 environments.[]{data-label="fig:allDNNsTest4"}](Fig5b.pdf "fig:"){height="30.00000%"}
Figure \[fig:allDNNsTest4\] (left) and (right) contain plots of the mean accuracy of different CNNs used to classify test data with varying SNR. The mean is taken over four realizations of noise added to each of the 5,000 signals, resulting in 20,000 predicted labels. Out of the classifiers that we tested, the CNNs that showed the most robustness to noise were the adapted AlexNet-1D, GoogleNet-1D, and to a lesser extent, CNN-3. This performance was also seen for the other test environments not shown.
![ Confusion matrices for adapted AlexNet-1D for noisy test data (SNR = 20 dB) on the (left) Test 3 and (right) Test 4 environments.[]{data-label="fig:conf"}](Fig6a.pdf "fig:"){height="34.00000%"} ![ Confusion matrices for adapted AlexNet-1D for noisy test data (SNR = 20 dB) on the (left) Test 3 and (right) Test 4 environments.[]{data-label="fig:conf"}](Fig6b.pdf "fig:"){height="34.00000%"}
One criticism that deep learning techniques receive is their lack of interpretability, in particular when compared with classifiers like SVM and KNN. In scenarios like seabed classification, physical modeling offers the advantage of being able to test many different environments to gain insight on the generalization of classifiers. The four test environments we developed allow us to understand the sensitivity of physical parameters to the machine learning outcomes. The charts in Figure \[fig:conf\] are confusion matrices for the best classifier, the AlexNet-1D, corresponding to noisy test data with an SNR of 20. There was significant misclassification of signals in Test 3 corresponding to clay and silt responses. Based on the test environments, these results indicate that the layer thickness can have significant influence on misclassification rates. This is consistent with physical intuition, and indicates the need to resolve the layer thickness with high accuracy to obtain better classification results. On the other hand, the classifier performance in Test 4 shows improved classification.
Although the adapted GoogleNet-1D had comparable accuracy and robustness to noisy data, the training times, listed in bottom part of Table \[table:backscattercnn\], indicate the superiority of the adapted AlexNet-1D (under 11 minutes) over GoogleNet-1D (over 7 hours). Although the smaller, custom CNNs have low training times and performed well on test sets with low SNR, they were not shown to be robust to added noise. Even at low SNR, AlexNet-1D outperforms the best baseline machine learning classifiers, however, in the case of noisy data, the baseline classifiers performed much better overall than the custom CNNs, ResNet50-1D, and VGG19-1D. Interestingly, the SVC performed the best on the Test 3 dataset corresponding to an environment with perturbed layer thickness, which was the most challenging test case.
An interesting outcome of these numerical experiments is that some of the deep learning classifiers that perform well on the validation set are vulnerable to noise and small perturbations in the geoacoustic properties of the test environments. Both AlexNet-1D and GoogleNet-1D demonstrated good generalization behavior whereas ResNet-1D, VGG19-1D and CNN-4 did not generalize at all. In fact, the poorest performing classifier makes predictions that have about the same accuracy as a random guess. Understanding in what context deep learning classifiers are good at generalizing is currently an open question within machine learning (see for instance [@recht2018cifar]).
Further Discussion
![(left) Activations in the ‘Conv1’ layer of AlexNet-1D. (right) T-SNE visualization of three different layers of AlexNet-1D.[]{data-label="fig:testactivations"}](Fig7a.pdf "fig:"){width="37.00000%"} ![(left) Activations in the ‘Conv1’ layer of AlexNet-1D. (right) T-SNE visualization of three different layers of AlexNet-1D.[]{data-label="fig:testactivations"}](Fig7b.pdf "fig:"){width="62.00000%"}
One way to visualize the behavior of deep neural networks by plotting the activation patterns of different layers for a given input. Figure \[fig:testactivations\] (left) contains plots of the activations of the first convolutional layer in the trained AlexNet-1D for four different input test signals. The pixel intensities signify which channels are activated. This plot gives a sense of which filters in each layer are activated by different inputs, for example, the filters in the 50-100 range are activated by input signals from gravel much more than the other three materials. Furthermore, these plots highlight the ease of separating sand and gravel signals, which strongly activate filters in this layer, as opposed to silt and clay, which only have weak activations.
Viewing activations in this way across many signals can be challenging, since the set of activations in each layer corresponds to a high dimensional vector. One way to approach the task is the t-Distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding (t-SNE), [@maaten2008visualizing], which constructs a probability distribution defined on pairs of activation vectors, where the probability of sampling two vectors increases as the distance between the vectors decreases. Typically, this distribution is modeled with a Gaussian kernel. Then, gradient descent is used to find a map between the high dimensional distribution and a $t-$ distribution, defined on a low dimensional space, that minimizes the Kullback$-$Leibler divergence. The t-SNE plots in Figure \[fig:testactivations\] (right) correspond to the layer activations for all of the signals in the Test 4 dataset corresponding to the first max pooling layer, final convolutional layer, and the softmax layer that produces a probability distribution on the set of possible classes. This visualization suggests that in the initial layer and fifth convolutional layer, the activations corresponding to different class boundaries have overlaps, however, in the final fully connected layer, the class boundaries are more separated. This suggests that the full architecture of AlexNet-1D is really needed to produce accurate classifications.
Another technique used to interpret the deep net classifier is ’GradMap’ [@selvaraju2017grad]. The method involves using the gradient of the loss function to identify relevant patterns within the signal. The gradient of the loss function can also be used to identify adversarial attacks to the classifier [@goodfellow2014explaining]. Such analyses are beyond the scope of this work.
We employ a model-based approach for designing training and test datasets of acoustic templates for capturing the relevant physics of representative patches of seafloor. At low frequencies, this is accomplished with normal mode propagation, and at higher frequencies, local modeling on smaller computational domains enables fast, parallelizable simulations. An underlying assumption is spatial stationarity of the seafloor, which is reasonable in situations where roughness statistics are similar over an area larger than the ensonified area. In this study we performed sediment classification in a two layer seafloor, varying both geoacoustic parameters (sound speed, density) and geometric parameters (roughness, thickness) in the training data.
In low-frequency models, standard machine learning classifiers, such as logistic regression models and support vector machines, outperformed traditional matched-field processing techniques, especially when the test data had a low signal-to-noise ratio. Confusion matrices corresponding to the models indicate that certain classes have a higher likelihood of misclassification, namely silt and clay. On the other hand, predictions of gravel and sand are more likely to be correct. For backscatter data, standard machine learning classifiers have poor accuracy and do not generalize well to other test environments. Some of the deep learning classifiers, namely AlexNet and GoogleNet, adapted to 1D signals, are more costly to train but produce higher accuracy classification and better generalization. These results also indicated that the layer thickness can have significant influence on misclassification rates. Further investigation must place an emphasis on resolving the layer thickness with high accuracy.
Our results indicate the promise of machine learning and deep learning for the difficult problem of geoacoustic classification. The results from our simulations highlight the need to test models for a broad spectrum of environments to ensure generalization. Producing a well-performing deep learning model requires thorough experimental design. There are several other directions that can be explored with this framework, for example, finding elastic properties of sediments and incorporating the influence of the material type on the statistical properties of the seafloor roughness.
Acknowledgements {#acknowledgements .unnumbered}
The authors are grateful to Kyunghyun Cho (CDS, NYU) for valuable discussions. The research of CF is supported by NSF DMS 1720306. The research of ZHM is supported by ONR N000142012029, N000141612485, and N000141812125. SV is partly supported by NSF DMS 1913134, EOARD FA9550-18-1-7007 and the Simons Algorithms and Geometry (A&G) Think Tank.
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[^1]: <https://github.com/cf87/Seabed-Classification-2020>
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"pile_set_name": "ArXiv"
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abstract: 'We study the numerical convergence of hydrodynamical simulations of self-gravitating accretion discs, in which a simple cooling law is balanced by shock heating. It is well-known that there exists a critical cooling time scale for which shock heating can no longer compensate for the energy losses, at which point the disc fragments. The numerical convergence of previous results of this critical cooling time scale was questioned recently using Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH). We employ a two-dimensional grid-based code to study this problem, and find that for smooth initial conditions, fragmentation is possible for slower cooling as the resolution is increased, in agreement with recent SPH results. We show that this non-convergence is at least partly due to the creation of a special location in the disc, the boundary between the turbulent and the laminar region, when cooling towards a gravito-turbulent state. Converged results appear to be obtained in setups where no such sharp edges appear, and we then find a critical cooling time scale of $\sim 4\Omega^{-1}$, where $\Omega$ is the local angular velocity.'
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Sijme-Jan Paardekooper$^1$[^1] , Clément Baruteau$^1$ and Farzana Meru$^2$\
$^1$DAMTP, University of Cambridge, Wilberforce Road, Cambridge CB3 0WA, United Kingdom\
$^2$Institut für Astronomie & Astrophysik, Universität Tübingen, Auf der Morgenstelle 10, Tübingen D-72076, Germany
- 'convergence.bib'
date: Draft version
title: 'Numerical convergence in self-gravitating disc simulations: initial conditions and edge effects'
planets and satellites: formation –planetary systems: protoplanetary discs – accretion discs – hydrodynamics – instabilities
In the absence of any heating mechanism, a self-gravitating accretion disc will cool down until it becomes gravitationally unstable, which happens when the stability parameter $Q$ [@toomre64] $$Q=\frac{{c_\mathrm{s}}\kappa}{\pi G \Sigma}\approx 1$$ Here, ${c_\mathrm{s}}$ is the sound speed, $\kappa$ denotes the epicyclic frequency, and $\Sigma$ is the surface density of the disc. When $Q$ approaches unity and gravitational instabilities kick in, spiral shocks are generated that heat up the disc [@gold65; @durisen07]. An equilibrium can then be set up in which shock heating exactly balances energy losses through cooling [@pac78]. This is called the gravito-turbulent state of the disc. If the cooling time scale is parametrised as $$t_\mathrm{cool}=\beta \Omega^{-1},
\label{eqtcool}$$ with $\beta$ constant and $\Omega$ the local angular velocity of the disc, a local balance of heating and cooling dictates that the spiral shocks generate an effective $\alpha$ parameter [@pringle81; @gammie01] $$\alpha = \frac{4}{9} \frac{1}{\gamma(\gamma-1)\beta},
\label{eqabc}$$ where $\gamma$ is the adiabatic exponent. A lot of work has been put into determining whether a local equilibrium really is established and whether an $\alpha$-description is valid at all for gravitoturbulent discs [@lodato04; @lodato05; @forgan11], which is not necessarily the case [@balbus99].
For strong enough cooling, the disc is unable to provide enough shock heating to balance the cooling, and the disc fragments [@gammie01], possibly forming gas giant planets. The critical value of $\beta$ was found to be ${\beta_\mathrm{c}}\approx 3$ in [@gammie01] for 2D simulations with $\gamma=2$. [@rice05] interpreted the fragmentation criterion as a maximum stress the disc can sustain. They found $\alpha_\mathrm{max}\approx 0.06$, which leads to a value of ${\beta_\mathrm{c}}$ that depends on $\gamma$ through equation (\[eqabc\]). It was found by [@clarke07] that the value of $\alpha_\mathrm{max}$ can increase by a factor of $\approx 2$ when $\beta$ is decreased slowly.
The determination of the critical value of $\beta$ is important in models of giant planet formation that rely on disc instability [e.g. @boss97; @boley10]. Since according to the results above, the cooling time scale should be of the order of the orbital time scale, planet formation through disc instability is more likely to occur in the outer parts of real protoplanetary discs [@rafikov05; @boley09].
More recently, the numerical convergence of the results on ${\beta_\mathrm{c}}$ was questioned by [@meru11; @meru11b]. There, it was shown through SPH simulations that the critical value of $\beta$ had not converged with respect to resolution. At higher and higher resolution, discs with higher and higher $\beta$ would fragment, with no sign of convergence. It was suggested by [@lodato11] that this behaviour might be due to the SPH artificial viscosity or the artificial smoothing of density enhancements.
In this Letter, we present results on the convergence of the critical value of $\beta$ using the grid-based hydrodynamics code [fargo]{} [Fast Advection in Rotating Gaseous Objects, @masset00a; @masset00b see also section \[secNum\]]. First of all, with a smooth initial setup as in many previous simulations of gravitationally unstable discs, we find similar non-convergence with [fargo]{}, indicating that the problem is not specific to SPH. We then show that numerical convergence can be reached by avoiding a sharp boundary between the gravito-turbulent inner part of the disc and the still laminar outer part, which arises when using smooth initial conditions during the initial stage of cooling towards $Q\approx 1$. If smooth initial conditions are not used, we find a value of ${\beta_\mathrm{c}}$ close to that found by [@gammie01].
Numerical method {#secNum}
We use the grid-based hydrodynamics code [fargo]{} [@masset00a; @masset00b], for which a self-gravity solver was presented in [@baruteau08]. We have implemented the simple cooling law $$\frac{d\epsilon}{dt}=-\frac{\epsilon}{t_\mathrm{cool}},$$ where $\epsilon$ is the internal energy and $t_\mathrm{cool}$ is given by equation (\[eqtcool\]). A standard prescription for artificial viscosity [@stone92] is used to handle shocks. Following [@lodato04], we choose our disc to lie between $R=0.25$ and $R=25$. The self-gravity module of [fargo]{} requires a logarithmic grid in the radial direction, and we choose our grid so as to give square cells everywhere ($\Delta R/R \approx \Delta \phi$). Our lowest resolution has 512 cells in the radial direction and 768 cells in the azimuthal direction, and we increase the resolution by a factor of 2 and 4. We use outflow boundary conditions at the inner and outer grid edges.
Following [@lodato04], we choose our disc to have surface mass density $\Sigma \propto R^{-1}$ and temperature $T \propto R^{-1/2}$. The angular velocity is Keplerian, corrected for the mass and pressure of the disc. A small level ($\sim 0.1\%$) of white noise is put on top to break the axisymmetry and allow spiral waves to form. The surface density and aspect ratio $H/R$ at $R=1$ are chosen so as to give a total disc mass of $0.25$ $M_*$, and so that the minimum value of $Q\approx 2$ at the outer edge of the disc. We use $\gamma=5/3$ throughout.
We measure the total shear stress in the simulations by calculating $$T_{R\varphi}=\left< \int \frac{g_R g_\varphi}{4\pi G}dz\right> +\left<\Sigma \delta v_R \delta v_\varphi \right>,$$ where $g_R$ and $g_\varphi$ are the gravitational accelerations, $\delta v_R$ and $\delta v_\varphi$ are velocity fluctuations, and $\left< \cdot \right>$ denotes an azimuthal average. The vertical integral is calculated by computing $g_R$ and $g_\varphi$ at different values of $z$ [see the Appendix of @baruteau11 for details]. To compare with equation (\[eqabc\]), we can use an $\alpha$-parametrisation: $$\alpha=\left(\frac{d\log \Omega}{d\log R}\right)^{-1}\frac{T_{R\varphi}}{\Sigma {c_\mathrm{s}}^2}.$$ We usually find that the disc settles into a state of constant $\alpha$, in which case a single value of $\alpha$ can be assigned to the disc.
Results {#secRes}
At first, the disc is almost axisymmetric with no source of heating. It will therefore start to cool at constant surface density towards $Q=1$. Since $\beta$ is constant, the cooling time scale $t_\mathrm{cool}$ is shortest in the inner parts of the disc, and this is where $Q=1$ is reached first. Therefore, gravito-turbulence starts from the inside and moves outward as more and more of the disc cools towards $Q=1$. At this point, the initial temperature distribution has been washed out completely, and the temperature is now given by the requirement of $Q \approx 1$ with the initial surface density. It is easy to see that this gives $H/R \propto R$ for our initial surface density profile. The number of grid cells per scale height is therefore an increasing function of $R$, which means that the outer parts of the disc are better resolved. The disc then starts to evolve viscously towards a steady-state accreting solution with constant values of $Q$ and $\alpha$, which has $\Sigma \propto R^{-3/2}$ and constant temperature [see @pringle81 equation (2.10)].
We choose $\beta=7.5$ and evolve the discs for 2000 orbits at $R=1$. According to [@rice05] and [@gammie01], these discs should not fragment for $\gamma=5/3$, though previous results may be affected by resolution [@meru11]. We increase the resolution to see if convergence can be reached. The resulting surface density distributions are shown in Fig. \[figdens\]. In our lowest resolution case (left panels), we resolve $H$ outside $R\approx 3$, but we find no evidence of fragmentation (defined such that the fragment is more than 2 orders of magnitude denser than the surroundings). In the final gravito-turbulent state (bottom left panel), we measure a total stress that compares very well with the predicted value of equation (\[eqabc\]).
When increasing the resolution by a factor of 2 (middle panels of Fig. \[figdens\]), we do find fragmentation. After 150 orbits at $R=1$, clumps start to form at the outer edge of the turbulent region (top middle panel in Fig. \[figdens\]). The first surviving clumps form at $R\approx 15$, even though the necessary length scale ($H$) is resolved much further in. When increasing the resolution even further (right panels of Fig. \[figdens\]), the disc fragments further in ($R\approx 6$). After 300 orbits at $R=1$, several of the fragments have merged or migrated off the computational domain [see @baruteau11], leaving five distinct clumps.
We have observed fragmentation for values of $\beta$ as high as 15, at a resolution that is 8 times the lowest resolution presented in this Letter. Interestingly, for $\beta=15$, clumps form in the outer disc, migrate inward and leave the computational domain. After all clumps have left the disc, no further fragmentation is observed. This already suggests that the fragmentation for high $\beta$ is transient and related to the initial state of the disc.
We can obtain further insight into why these discs fragment by looking at radial profiles of $Q$, $H/R$ and $\Sigma$. Figure \[figedge\] shows the results for the low resolution simulation with $\beta=7.5$. From the top panel, we see that the disc cools down to a state of constant $Q\approx 1.5$. Note that inside $R=3$, the scale height the disc tries to cool towards can not be resolved at this resolution, so we should only consider $R>3$. As mentioned before, the disc becomes turbulent from the inside out. The outer edge of the turbulent region can be clearly identified as a location where $Q<1$ in the top panel, and as bumps in the temperature and surface density profiles in the bottom two panels. Such a global feature makes the set-up no longer scale-free. A region where $Q<1$ is of course unstable to gravitational instabilities. Moreover, sharp transitions in temperature and surface density are notoriously unstable [e.g. @papa85; @papa87; @lovelace99; @linpap11]. It is conceivable that the formation of clumps at the outer edge of the turbulent region, as observed for example in the top middle panel of Fig. \[figdens\], is related to this sharp transition between the turbulent and laminar parts of the disc.
To test to what extent the smooth initial conditions, and the related formation of this global feature, play a part in disc fragmentation, we employ the same strategy as [@clarke07]. We start off with a disc that has $\beta=30$, and let gravito-turbulence fully develop over 1000 orbits at $R=1$. For this value of $\beta$, we have not observed fragmentation for any of the resolutions. Over the next 500 orbits, we then linearly decrease $\beta$ to a value of $15, 7.5, 5, 4$ or $2.5$. This way, we avoid any initial transients affecting the possible fragmentation of the disc, and restore the scale-free nature of the set-up. We then evolve the discs with $\beta$ held fixed at the desired values for another 2000 orbits (or until they fragment).
In Fig. \[figdens2\], we show the resulting surface density structures after 2000 orbits for the same three resolutions and the same final $\beta=7.5$ as in Fig. \[figdens\]. This time, we do not observe fragmentation for any of the resolutions, and the surface densities appear very similar. We also find that the resulting total stresses are equivalent in the three cases (see Fig. \[figalpha\]), and agree very well with equation (\[eqabc\]). We therefore conclude that we have reached numerical convergence in this case. A side-effect of letting the disc evolve for 3500 orbits is that mass is redistributed over the computational domain, as the disc is trying to reach a steady state with $\Sigma \propto R^{-3/2}$.
We find that $\beta$ can be reduced to a value of $5$ without seeing fragmentation for all 3 resolutions. From Fig. \[figalpha\], we see that in all cases, we find very similar total shear stresses for different resolutions, which in turn agree very well with equation (\[eqabc\]). For $\beta \lesssim 4$, we find fragmentation for all resolutions considered. The maximum stress the disc can provide to balance the cooling is $\alpha_\mathrm{max} \approx 0.1$. This is in agreement with the results of [@clarke07], who found that the maximum stress increased by approximately a factor of 2 compared to [@rice05], who started from smooth initial conditions. Note that we do not attempt to determine the exact value of ${\beta_\mathrm{c}}$. Around $\beta={\beta_\mathrm{c}}$, other numerical effects may play a role [see @clarke07].
Figure \[figdens3\] shows the fragmented disc with $\beta=2.5$ at $\Delta R/R=0.004$. Note that there are no special locations anymore: the disc fragments everywhere as long as $H$ is resolved, which is basically the criterion of [@truelove97]. We also do not find any borderline cases [@meru11], for which the disc fragments at early times but the fragments do not survive. The disc either fragments, after which the formed clumps migrate and merge, or the disc finds itself in a steady gravito-turbulent state. With this setup, a single parameter, $\beta$, determines whether the disc fragments or not.
Discussion and conclusions {#secDisc}
We have studied the numerical convergence of simulations of self-gravitating discs using the grid-based code [fargo]{}. For smooth initial conditions, we find the same non-convergence as recently reported for SPH simulations [@meru11]. We have argued that this non-convergence is related to the smooth initial conditions, that lead to an edge in temperature and surface density at the outer boundary of the gravito-turbulent region. This global feature, which becomes more pronounced at higher resolution, can drive instability at larger values of $\beta$, leading to fragmentation at least for $\beta \leq 15$. It is not clear whether convergence can ever be reached using this set-up. It is beyond the scope of this Letter to characterise these edge effects in detail, because the edge is completely artificial. We comment that for a constant initial surface density, the disc fragments for even higher values of $\beta$ at a given resolution ($\beta=15$ for $\Delta R/R= 0.002$, but note that, since $H/R \propto R^2$ in this case, the number of grid cells per scale height increases rapidly towards the outer disc).
It is possible to restore the scale-free nature of the set up by carefully choosing the initial conditions. We have taken the approach of [@clarke07], and first set up a gravito-turbulent disc at a high value of $\beta=30$, for which we do not find fragmentation with the resolutions we consider. We then linearly decrease $\beta$ to the desired value. Using this set up, we find that our results are converged numerically, and the maximum value of $\alpha$ that the disc can sustain, $\alpha_\mathrm{max}\approx 0.1$, is in good agreement with that found in [@clarke07]. It is important to note that while [@clarke07] interpret their results as being partly dependent on the disc’s thermal history, their results may well have been due to the removal of edge effects. We find a critical value of $\beta$, ${\beta_\mathrm{c}}\approx 4$, in reasonable agreement with [@gammie01]. Note also that [@gammie01] did not find fragmentation for $\beta=10$ for any of the resolutions he considered, which is not surprising in the light of our findings, since he considered *local* models, from which edges are absent by definition. Note also that at the maximum resolution considered by [@gammie01], $H$ is still only resolved by $\sim$ 10 grid cells. More work is necessary to confirm numerical convergence at even higher resolution, in local as well as global models, where global models should slowly reduce $\beta$ to avoid artefacts from the initial conditions. It is conceivable that at higher resolution, an even slower reduction rate for $\beta$ is necessary to avoid these. Reducing $\beta$ from $30$ to $7.5$ within one orbit at $R=1$ again leads to the formation of an edge and fragmentation similar to the top panels in Fig. \[figdens\].
We stress at this point that it may be possible for a disc with $\beta < {\beta_\mathrm{c}}$ to resist fragmentation (e.g. if other heating mechanisms are present). Likewise, it is interesting to note that if a *physical* edge exists (rather than the artificial numerical one created by smooth initial conditions), it may drive a disc with $\beta > {\beta_\mathrm{c}}$ towards fragmentation. In this respect, it is not clear what the ‘correct’ initial conditions are, especially since the self-gravitating state occurs shortly after the formation of the disc. Nevertheless, in the idealised case of no edges and a simple cooling law, we have shown that at least spurious fragmentation at high values of $\beta$ can be avoided, and that this result hold for all resolutions considered here.
Acknowledgements {#acknowledgements .unnumbered}
We thank the referee, Guiseppe Lodato, for an insightful report that helped to improve the clarity of the paper. SJP and CB are supported by STFC and Herchel-Smith postdoctoral fellowships, respectively. FM acknowledges support through grant KL 650/8-2 (within FOR 759) of the German Research Foundation (DFG). Simulations were performed using the Darwin Supercomputer of the University of Cambridge High Performance Computing Service (http://www.hpc.cam.ac.uk), provided by Dell Inc. using Strategic Research Infrastructure Funding from the Higher Education Funding Council for England.
[^1]: E-mail: [email protected]
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abstract: 'The edge state theory of a class of symmetric double-layer quantum Hall systems with interlayer electron tunneling reduces to the sum of a free field theory and a field theory of a chiral Bose field with a self-interaction of the sine-Gordon form. We argue that the perturbative renormalization group flow of this chiral sine-Gordon theory is distinct from the standard (non-chiral) sine-Gordon theory, contrary to a previous assertion by Renn, and that the theory is manifestly sensible only at a discrete set of values of the inverse period of the cosine interaction ($\bh$). We obtain exact solutions for the spectra and correlation functions of the chiral sine-Gordon theory at the two values of $\bh$ at which electron tunneling in bilayers is [*not*]{} irrelevant. Of these, the marginal case ($\bh^2=4$) is of greatest interest: the spectrum of the interacting theory is that of two Majorana fermions with different, dynamically generated, velocities. For the experimentally observed bilayer 331 state at filling factor $1/2$, this implies the [ *trifurcation*]{} of electrons added to the edge. We also present a method for fermionizing the theory at the discrete points ($\bh^2\in\Zint^{+}$) by the introduction of auxiliary degrees of freedom that could prove useful in other problems involving quantum Hall multi-layers.'
- ' $^1$Department of Physics, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544, USA '
- ' $^2$School of Natural Sciences, Institute for Advanced Study, Olden Lane, Princeton, NJ 08540'
- 'J. D. Naud$^1$[^1], Leonid P. Pryadko$^2$ and S. L. Sondhi$^1$'
date: 'December 2, 1999'
title: ' Quantum Hall Bilayers and the Chiral Sine-Gordon Equation'
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Introduction {#sec:intro}
This paper is concerned with a chiral version of the celebrated sine-Gordon (SG) field theory in one dimension, in which the standard kinetic term is replaced by the kinetic term for a [*chiral*]{} Bose field. More precisely, we are concerned with the Hamiltonian for a periodic boson of radius $R=1/\bh$, $$\label{eq:general-chiSG-hamiltonian}
{\cal H}_{\chi
SG}[\phi]=\int dx\, \left[{{1\over 4\pi}(\delx \phi)^2 - \kappa
\cos\left({\bh \phi}\right)}\right],$$ supplemented by the equal-time commutation relation, $$[\phi(x),\phi(x')]=i\pi \,{\rm sgn}(x-x'),$$ appropriate for a chiral Bose field. The Hamiltonian is suggestive of the standard sine-Gordon theory, but the resemblance is misleading and the physics, as we shall see, is very different on account of the chiral nature of the field. Indeed, a previous analysis of this problem by Renn [@renn] is in error precisely because of his neglect of the chiral constraint. We will comment further on the difference between the two theories at several points in the main text.
The chief interest of the chiral sine-Gordon ($\chi$SG) theory is that it arises naturally, as we detail below, in the edge theory of double-layer quantum Hall systems when it is necessary to take account of weak interlayer-tunneling within Wen’s chiral bosonic description of the edge dynamics. As such it is the simplest of a family of interacting chiral theories in one dimension that describe the dynamics of multicomponent systems. (Such systems yield non-chiral problems as well, in cases where there are counter-propagating modes, and they have attracted considerable attention .) These theories are much more constrained than generic non-chiral theories, but they are by no means trivial and they exhibit unusual connections between renormalization group flows and spectral rearrangements. In a sense, they are intermediate in complexity between quantum impurity problems, which can be mapped to chiral problems with interactions localized at a point, and generic one dimensional field theories, and seem worth studying on this account as well. Dijkgraaf has explored some general properties of chiral theories from a conformal field theory viewpoint[@Dijkgraaf], and several authors have considered particular examples such as the chiral Potts model [@Cardy] and the chiral Schwinger model. Finally, the study of chiral field theories is not without interest in another condensed matter context: Ho and Coleman have recently motivated the study of interacting chiral Majorana theories by appealing to the phenomenology of the cuprates and have presented solutions of several models by an interesting “fermionic bootstrap” .
We begin with a review of the bosonic formulation of the edge theory of double-layer quantum Hall systems with interlayer tunneling (Section \[sec:edgetheory\]). For systems with one mode per layer we show that for clean, symmetric realizations, the edge theory separates into the sum of a free boson Hamiltonian and the Hamiltonian with $\bh^2\in\Zint^{+}_{\rm even}$ (the “bosonic” sequence). We argue that the theory is manifestly sensible only for integer values of $\bh^2$. Layer asymmetry and disorder, which lead to a more complicated dynamics, will be discussed elsewhere [@nps-wip]. Next we consider the renormalization group flow of the theory, perturbatively in $\lambda$, and argue that it differs from the usual SG theory (Section \[sec:RG\]). We argue that $\bh$ is not renormalized and for $\bh^2=4$ there is a line of fixed points parameterized by $\lambda$. In Section \[sec:exactsolns\] we obtain exact solutions for the spectrum and correlation functions of the theory for $\bh^2=2$ and $\bh^2=4$ which are the two members of the bosonic sequence at which the interaction is not irrelevant. At $\bh^2=2$ we show by “re-bosonization”, that the spectrum of the interacting theory is, in the thermodynamic limit, still that of a free chiral boson. Perhaps of greatest interest is our solution by fermionization at $\bh^2=4$, relevant to the experimentally observed 331 state, where the theory is shown to be equivalent to a theory with two chiral Majorana fermions with dynamically generated distinct velocities. Next we present a method for fermionizing the theory at $\bh^2\in\Zint^{+}$ by the introduction of auxiliary bosons (Section \[sec:fermionizations\]). We show that for $\bh^2=2$ and $\bh^2=4$ the fermionized theory with auxiliary degrees of freedom can be solved exactly, and after projection onto the Hilbert space we recover the results of Section \[sec:exactsolns\]. In Section \[sec:fermiseq\] we briefly consider the theory at the points $\bh^2\in\Zint^{+}_{\rm odd}$ (the “fermionic” sequence), which do not correspond to any double-layer system. We comment briefly on the difficulties in understanding our results from the kinds of semiclassical considerations that are so useful in the standard sine-Gordon problem in Section \[sec:semiclass\]. We conclude with a discussion (Section \[sec:disc\]) and several Appendices giving detailed calculations in support of statements made in the text.
Edge Theory of Double-layer Systems {#sec:edgetheory}
Double-layer Systems without Tunneling
We are interested in a system consisting of two parallel layers of 2DEGs (two-dimensional electron gases) in a strong perpendicular magnetic field, with a confining potential that restricts the electrons in each layer to a region with the topology of a disc. The geometry is sketched in Fig. \[fig:qh-cartoon\]. The simplest Abelian quantum Hall states in double-layer systems are well described by the two-component generalization of the Laughlin wavefunction first introduced by Halperin[@halperin]: $$\label{eq:wavefnc}
(z_{2\alpha}-z_{2\beta})^{m'} \prod_{\alpha,\beta}
(z_{1\alpha}-z_{2\beta})^n\,\, e^{-\sum_{i,\alpha}|z_{i \alpha}|^2/4},$$ where $z_{i \alpha}$ is the complex coordinate of electron $\alpha$ in layer $i$, and we work in the symmetric gauge. Here $m$ and $m'$ are positive odd integers characterizing the intralayer correlations and $n$ is a non-negative integer specifying interlayer correlations. The filling factor in each layer is[@gm1] $$\label{eq:fillings}
\pmatrix{\nu_1 \cr \nu_2 \cr}={1\over (mm'-n^2)}\pmatrix{m'-n \cr
m-n \cr}.$$ Following convention we refer to these states by the shorthand $mm'n$.
The gapless excitations of the system are confined to the edges of the droplets, and for unreconstructed edges they are described at low-energies by the effective Hamiltonian[@wen] $$\label{eq:H_0}
{\cal H}_0=\ix {1\over{4\pi}}V_{ij}
\,:\!\delx u_i\,\delx u_j\!:,$$ where we have assumed the long-range part of the Coulomb interaction is screened. Here $x$ is the coordinate along the edge of length $L$ and normal ordering will be defined below. $V$ is a symmetric matrix whose elements depend on the details of the confining potentials and the interactions at the edge. We require $V$ to be positive definite so that the Hamiltonian is bounded from below. We can parameterize this matrix by $$\label{eq:V}
V=\pmatrix{ v & g \cr g & v' \cr},\quad \hbox{where}\quad g^2 < vv'.$$ The $u_i(t,x)$ are chiral Bose fields with compactification radius $R=1$ (, $ u \sim u + 2\pi$), which satisfy the equal-time commutation relations: $$\label{eq:varphi_CR}
[ u_i(t,x), u_j(t,x')]=i\pi K_{ij}\,{\rm sgn}(x-x'),$$ where $K$ is a symmetric, integer-valued matrix which characterizes the topological properties of the system and is completely determined by the exponents in the bulk wavefunction $$\label{eq:K}
K=\pmatrix{ m & n \cr n & m' \cr}.$$ From here on, any expression in which the time arguments of the operators are suppressed is to be understood to hold at equal times. Eq. (\[eq:varphi\_CR\]) is valid in the limit of large $L$; if we retained the full $L$ dependence the r.h.s. would be periodic (${\rm mod}\; 2\pi iK_{ij}$) in $(x-x')$ with period $L$.
Since the chiral Bose fields are compact, we can introduce the integer-valued Hermitian topological charge operators $$\label{eq:topcharge}
{\cal N}_i={1\over 2\pi}\ix \delx u_i(x),$$ which by Eq. (\[eq:varphi\_CR\]) obey: $$\label{eq:N,varphi_CR}
[{\cal N}_i, u_j(x)]=iK_{ij},\qquad [{\cal N}_i,{\cal N}_j]=0.$$ For a chiral boson with a radius $R\neq 1$, the coefficient of the integral in Eq. (\[eq:topcharge\]) would be $1/(2\pi R)$. The electric charge density on the edge of layer $i$, $\rho_i(x)$, and the total charge, $Q_i$, are related to the corresponding topological quantities by: $$\label{eq:rho,Q}
\rho_i(x)={1\over 2\pi}K^{-1}_{ij}\delx u_j(x),\qquad
Q_i=K^{-1}_{ij}{\cal N}_j.$$ The vertex operators which create an edge quasiparticle or an edge electron in layer $i$ are, respectively, $$\label{eq:vertex}
\Psi_{qp,i}^{\dagger}(x)\propto e^{-iK^{-1}_{ij} u_j(x)},
\Psi_{i}^{\dagger}(x)\propto e^{-i u_i(x)}.$$ These operators change the topological and electrical charges according to &=& \_[ij]{}\_[qp,j]{}\^, =K\^[-1]{}\_[ij]{} \_[qp,j]{}\^,\
&=&K\_[ij]{} \_j\^, =\_[ij]{} \_j\^. \[eq:charges\] The physical meaning of the edge quasiparticle creation operator is as follows. When a quasihole is created in the bulk fluid (, by the insertion of a flux quantum), the charge depleted from the vicinity of the quasihole accumulates at the boundary of the droplet. In the somewhat artificial theoretical construction in which the “bulk” and “edge” of the droplet are considered distinct, this accumulation appears as the addition of a fractional amount of charge to the edge theory, which is accomplished by the edge quasiparticle creation operator.
If we consider the action of the vertex operators (\[eq:vertex\]) in a two-dimensional integer lattice in the ${\cal N}_1{\cal N}_2$-plane, the quasiparticle creation operators can be identified with the basis vectors of this lattice: $\Psi_{qp,1}^{\dagger}\rightarrow (1,0),
\Psi_{qp,2}^{\dagger}\rightarrow (0,1)$. The vectors corresponding to the electron creation operators, $\Psi_1^{\dagger}\rightarrow (m,n),
\Psi_2^{\dagger}\rightarrow (n,m')$, are the basis vectors of an “electron sublattice” consisting of all states connected to one another by adding or removing only electrons from the edges. The number of distinct electron sublattices is equal to the volume of the unit cell spanned by the electron vectors: $mm'-n^2$. We shall refer to these as different sectors of the edge theory. Note that the discrete spectrum of the topological charges also places restrictions on the allowed vertex operators, as we describe below. An example of the topological charge lattice is shown in Fig. \[fig:lattice\] for the 331 state (, $m=m'=3,n=1$).
From Eqns. (\[eq:N,varphi\_CR\]) and (\[eq:vertex\]) we find \_i\^(x+L)&=&\_i\^(x) e\^[-2i [N]{}\_i]{}e\^[-iK\_[ii]{}]{},\
\_[qp,i]{}\^(x+L)&=&\_[qp,i]{}\^(x)e\^[-2i K\^[-1]{}\_[ij]{}[N]{}\_j]{} e\^[-iK\^[-1]{}\_[ii]{}]{}. \[eq:BC\] Since ${\cal N}_i \in\Zint$ the boundary conditions on the electron operators are independent of the values of the topological charges. Within the sector containing the origin, ${\cal N}_i=0$, the same statement holds for the quasiparticle operators. However, in other sectors (, the state with a single quasiparticle in layer $1$, ${\cal N}_1=1,{\cal N}_2=0$) the quasiparticle operator acquires an additional phase as it is taken around the edge. Since creating a quasiparticle at the edge requires the creation of a quasihole in the bulk as noted above, this additional phase can be interpreted as the Aharonov-Bohm phase due to the flux creating the bulk quasihole[@Sandler].
We are interested in the case where the two edge modes have the same chirality. Since $V$ is positive definite, the chirality of the edge bosons is determined by the signs of the eigenvalues of $K$. Therefore we shall restrict our discussion to the “maximally chiral” case in which both eigenvalues of $K$ are positive, which requires $n^2<mm'$. (The requirement that the filling factor in each layer be positive then gives $n<m,m'$.) In this case, the scaling dimensions of vertex operators are independent of $V$. Furthermore we shall consider [*only*]{} the symmetric case: $m=m'$ and $v=v'$. Our result in Section \[sec:RG\] for the lowest-order perturbative RG flow of the tunneling amplitude applies for the case $v\neq v'$ and can easily be extended to states with $m\neq m'$, but the mapping to the chiral sine-Gordon theory exists only in the symmetric case, as we demonstrate below.
The Hamiltonian, Eq. (\[eq:H\_0\]), can be simplified by performing an orthogonal transformation on the chiral Bose fields to diagonalize $K$ and $V$, followed by a rescaling to bring $K$ to the identity. The combined transformation to the new fields $\phi_{\rm c},\phi_{\rm n}$ is: $$\label{eq:rotatebosons}
\pmatrix{u_1 \cr u_2 \cr}={1\over\sqrt{2}}\pmatrix{\sqrt{m+n} &
-\sqrt{m-n} \cr \sqrt{m+n} & \sqrt{m-n} \cr}
\pmatrix{\phi_{\rm c} \cr \phi_{\rm n} \cr}.$$ We will refer to $\phi_{\rm c},\phi_{\rm n}$ as the charged and neutral edge modes, respectively, since the topological charge of $\phi_{\rm c}$ is proportional to the total electric charge on the two edges while the topological charge of $\phi_{\rm n}$ is proportional to the electric charge difference between the edges. When we write $\phi_{\rm i}$, the index ${\rm i}$ runs over the two values ${\rm i=c,n}$. In terms of the new fields, the commutators are now independent and conventionally normalized: $$\label{eq:phi_CR}
[\phi_{\rm i}(x),\phi_{\rm j}(x')]=i\pi \delta_{\rm ij}\,{\rm sgn}(x-x').$$ The mode expansions of the rotated chiral bosons are $$\label{eq:phi_modes}
\phi_{\rm i}(x)={2 \pi \over L}N_{\rm i} R_{\rm i} x -{1\over R_{\rm
i}}\chi_{\rm i} +
e^{-k_r a/2}(e^{-ik_r x}b_{{\rm i}r}^\dagger+e^{ik_r x}b_{{\rm i}r}),$$ where $k_r\equiv 2\pi r/L$, $R_{\rm i}$ are the compactification radii of the rotated fields, $N_{\rm i}$ are the new topological charges, $\chi_{\rm i}$ are the conjugate Hermitian phase operators, $b_{{\rm i}r}$ are bosonic annihilation operators, and $a$ is a short-distance cutoff. The only nonvanishing commutators are $$\label{eq:CR_modes}
[b_{{\rm i}r},b_{{\rm j}s}^{\dagger}]=\delta_{\rm ij}\delta_{rs},\qquad
[\chi_{\rm i},N_{\rm j}]=i\delta_{\rm ij}.$$ The normal ordering introduced in Eq. (\[eq:H\_0\]) is defined with respect to the bosonic oscillators $b_{{\rm i}r},b_{{\rm i}r}^{\dagger}$. Up to this point we have neglected normal ordering when writing vertex operators. Using Eq. (\[eq:phi\_modes\]) one can show that normal ordering produces a multiplicative renormalization of vertex operators which to lowest order in $a/L$ gives $$\label{eq:normal-ordering}
:\!e^{i \alpha \phi_{\rm i}(x)}\!:\,= \left({L\over 2\pi
a}\right)^{\Delta(\alpha)}e^{i\alpha\phi_{\rm i}(x)},$$ where $\Delta(\alpha)\equiv \alpha^2/2$ is the scaling dimension of the operator, and also its conformal spin since $\phi_{\rm i}$ is a chiral field.
Using Eqns. (\[eq:rotatebosons\]) and (\[eq:phi\_modes\]) we can express the Hamiltonian (\[eq:H\_0\]) in terms of the modes of the uncoupled fields: $$\label{eq:H_0modes}
{\cal H}_0=\ix \left[{{1\over{4\pi}}v_{\rm i}
\,:\!\!(\delx\phi_{\rm i})^2\!:\,
={\pi v_{\rm i}\over L}(R_{\rm i} N_{\rm i})^2 + {2\pi\over
L}\sum_{r=1}^{\infty}r v_{\rm i}
b^{\dagger}_{{\rm i}r}b_{{\rm i}r},$$ where the velocities of the eigenmodes are $v_{\rm c,n}=(m\pm n)(v\pm
g)$. The structure of the Hilbert space is now clear. There are an infinite number of states $|N_{\rm c},N_{\rm n}\rangle$ which are eigenstates of the topological charge operators and which are annihilated by $b_{{\rm i}r}$ for ${\rm i=c,n}$, and $r>0$. This infinite set of oscillator vacua is divided into a finite number of sectors as defined above. The (zero-energy) ground state is $|0,0\rangle$. Note that because Eq. (\[eq:rotatebosons\]) defines a homogeneous linear transformation, the states $|N_{\rm c},N_{\rm
n}\rangle$ are also vacua for the oscillator modes of the original bosons ($u_i$).
The values of the radii $R_{\rm i}$ are determined by the requirement that the new winding number operators $N_{\rm i}$ have integer eigenvalues. From the zero-mode piece of the inverse of the transformation (\[eq:rotatebosons\]) we find $$\label{eq:radii}
R_{\rm c} N_{\rm c}={1\over\sqrt{2(m+n)}}({\cal N}_1+{\cal N}_2),\qquad
R_{\rm n} N_{\rm n}={1\over\sqrt{2(m-n)}}({\cal N}_2-{\cal N}_1).$$ Since ${\cal N}_i\in \Zint$ we see that the choice $R_{\rm c}=1/\sqrt{2(m+n)}$, $R_{\rm n}=1/\sqrt{2(m-n)}$ restricts $N_{\rm c}={\cal
N}_1+{\cal N}_2$, $N_{\rm n}={\cal N}_2-{\cal N}_1$ to be integers. From this relation we also see that $N_{\rm c}$ and $N_{\rm n}$ are not independent since they must satisfy the “gluing condition” $N_{\rm c}+N_{\rm n}\in
\Zint_{{\rm even}}$ in order to describe the original ${\cal N}_1{\cal
N}_2$ integer lattice. If one considers the electron sublattice containing the ground state (, the origin ${\cal N}_i=N_{\rm
i}=0$), then one may choose a unit cell such that the $m^2-n^2$ points in distinct electron sublattices are labeled by $$\label{eq:unitcell}
\{(N_{\rm c},N_{\rm n})|N_{\rm n}=0,-1,\ldots-(m-n-1);
N_{\rm c}-F_{N_{\rm n}}=0,2,\ldots 2(m+n-1)\},$$ where the offset $F_{N_{\rm n}}\equiv [1-(-1)^{N_{\rm n}}]/2$ is zero if $N_{\rm n}$ is even and one if $N_{\rm n}$ is odd. From this it is clear that the $m^2-n^2$ distinct sectors of the full edge theory correspond to $f_{\rm n}\equiv m-n$ sectors for the neutral boson and $f_{\rm c}\equiv m+n$ sectors for the charged boson. The requirement that the vertex operator $e^{-i\alpha\phi_{\rm i}}$ changes the topological charge $N_{\rm i}$ by an integer restricts the allowed values of $\alpha$ to the set $R_{\rm i}\Zint$. In terms of their action in the topological charge lattice, the vertex operators with $\alpha=jR_{\rm i}$ for $j=1,2,\ldots (f_{\rm i}-1)$ take us between the different sectors of the $\phi_{\rm i}$ field.
The partition function and correlation functions can readily be obtained since ${\cal H}_0$ is quadratic. If we imagine that our system is connected to a reservoir (, a normal metal) such that the edge can gain or lose electrons without disturbing the bulk state, then the physically meaningful partition function is obtained by summing only over states in a single sector. Going between sectors requires the addition of an edge quasiparticle, which must be accompanied by the creation of a bulk quasihole, for which there is a finite energy gap. At finite length $L$ and inverse temperature $\beta$ the partition function in the ground state sector (, the sector containing $|0,0\rangle$) can be written Z\_[0]{}()=Tr(e\^[-\_0]{})&=& \_[R\_[c]{}]{}\^[(2(m+n),0)]{}(q\_[c]{}) \_[R\_[n]{}]{}\^[(2(m-n),0)]{}(q\_[n]{})\
&&+\_[R\_[c]{}]{}\^[(2(m+n),m+n)]{}(q\_[c]{}) \_[R\_[n]{}]{}\^[(2(m-n),m-n)]{}(q\_[n]{}), \[eq:Zw/otun\] where $q_{\rm i}\equiv e^{-2\pi\beta v_{\rm i}/L}$, and $$\label{eq:CBchar}
\chi_{R}^{(r,s)}(q)\equiv {1\over \varphi(q)}\sum_{p\in\Zint}
q^{{1\over 2}[R(rp+s)]^2},\quad{\rm with}\quad
\varphi(q)\equiv \prod_{k=1}^{\infty}(1-q^k),$$ The function $\chi_{R}^{(r,s)}(q)$ is the character of a radius $R$ compact chiral boson whose topological charge is restricted to the set $r\Zint + s$. We note in passing the well known result that $\chi_{1}^{(1,0)}(q)$ is equivalent to the character of a chiral Dirac fermion on a circle with antiperiodic boundary conditions \[, $\psi(x+L)=-\psi(x)$\][@stone; @vondelft].
When writing correlation functions we work at zero temperature, in imaginary time $\tau=it$, and in the limit $L\rightarrow \infty$, $a\rightarrow 0$. Since this involves evaluating ground state expectation values of operators that preserve the parity of $N_{\rm c}
+N_{\rm n}$, the gluing condition does not complicate the calculation. We choose a non-standard engineering dimension for the electron operators so that their correlation functions are well behaved in the limit $L\rightarrow \infty$, $$\label{eq:elec_ops}
\Psi_i(x)={1\over L^{m/2}} e^{i u_i(x)}.$$ The electron propagator is $$\begin{aligned}
-{\cal G}_{ij}(\tau,x)&\equiv&\langle
\rangle\nonumber \\
&=&{\delta_{ij}\over{\left[{\X {\rm c}}\right]^{(m+n)\over 2}\left[{\X
n}\right]^{(m-n)\over 2}}}.
\label{eq:Gw/otun}\end{aligned}$$ The equal-time Green’s function has a spatial dependence ${\cal
G}_{ii}(0,x)\sim x^{-m}$ which clearly signals Luttinger liquid behavior for $m\neq 1$. The two-point function of the density operator (\[eq:rho,Q\]) is: $$\begin{aligned}
{\cal D}_{ij}(\tau,x)&\equiv&\langle
T_{\tau}\rho_i(\tau,x)\rho_j(0)\rangle\nonumber \\ &=&{1\over
2(m+n)}{1\over \left[{\X {\rm c}}\right]^2}+ {(-1)^{i+j}\over 2(m-n)}
{1\over \left[{\X {\rm n}}\right]^2}.
\label{eq:Dw/otun}\end{aligned}$$ Note that the off-diagonal term, ${\cal D}_{12}={\cal D}_{21}$, is non-zero even in the absence of tunneling; it vanishes only when there are no interlayer correlations in the bulk ($n=0$) and no interlayer interactions at the edge ($g=0$).
Interlayer Tunneling and the Quantum Chiral sine-Gordon Equation
We now consider adding interlayer electron tunneling to the edge theory. Interlayer quasiparticle tunneling at the edge is not considered since the addition of a quasiparticle to the edge requires the creation of a bulk quasihole, and hence it is not a low-energy excitation. The electron operators defined above have the property that $$\label{eq:vertex_CR}
e^{i u_i(x)}e^{i u_j(x')}=e^{i u_j(x')}
e^{i u_i(x)}e^{i\pi \,{\rm sgn}(x'-x) K_{ij}},\qquad
\hbox{for}\qquad x \neq x'.$$ If $K_{12}=n$ is even, this implies that the electron operators in different layers commute rather than anticommute. This can be remedied by the introduction of Klein factors constructed from the topological charges in such a way that the tunneling Hamiltonian defined below is not modified. The details of this procedure are given in Appendix \[sec:Kleins\].
The Hamiltonian describing interlayer single-electron tunneling is: $$\label{eq:H_1}
{\cal H}_{1}=\lambda_0 \ix \left[\,:\!\Psi_1(x)\, {\Psi_2}^\dagger (x)\!:\,
+\,\,{\rm h.c.}\right],$$ where $\lambda_0$ is the tunneling amplitude, which is assumed to be uniform along the edge. Using the transformation (\[eq:rotatebosons\]) and removing the normal ordering with Eq. (\[eq:normal-ordering\]), the full Hamiltonian ${\cal H}={\cal
H}_0+{\cal H}_1$ can be expressed in terms of the rotated Bose fields as $$\begin{aligned}
{\cal H}&=&\ix \left[{{1\over{4\pi}}v_{\rm c}
\,:\!(\delx\phi_{\rm c})^2\!:\,
+{1\over 4\pi}v_{\rm n}
\,:\!(\delx\phi_{\rm n})^2\!:\,
+ {2 \lambda \over (2\pi a)^{\bh^2/2}}
\cos(\bh\phi_{\rm n})}\right] \nonumber\\ &\equiv &{\cal
H}_F[\phi_{\rm c}]
+{\cal H}_{\chi SG}^{\bh^2}[\phi_{\rm n}],\label{eq:H(phi)}\end{aligned}$$ where $\bh\equiv \sqrt{2(m-n)}$, and $\lambda\equiv\lambda_0 L^{-n}$ has length dimension $(\bh^2/2-2)$. Note that because of our normalization of the bosonic fields, $\bh$ differs from the inverse period conventionally used in the SG theory by a factor of $\sqrt{2\pi}$.
The Hamiltonian separates into two commuting pieces, a free chiral boson Hamiltonian (${\cal H}_F$) for the field $\phi_{\rm c}$, and a chiral sine-Gordon Hamiltonian (${\cal H}_{\chi SG}^{\bh^2}$) for the field $\phi_{\rm n}$. If we had taken $v\neq v'$ there would be a cross term in the Hamiltonian of the form $\delx \phi_{\rm
c}\delx\phi_{\rm n}$, while if we had taken $m \neq m'$ the two pieces of the Hamiltonian would not commute. For the case of $v\neq v'$ we could perform a further orthogonal transformation on the Bose fields which would preserve the commutation relations (\[eq:phi\_CR\]) and eliminate the cross term in the Hamiltonian, but then the tunneling term would involve both transformed fields[@nps-wip].
An important property of the tunneling Hamiltonian, ${\cal H}_1$, is that it commutes with ${\cal H}_0$. This follows from Eq. (\[eq:comm-Verb-Ab1\]) in Appendix \[sec:comm\]. Physically, it is a consequence of the fact that the translationally invariant perturbation conserves momentum, which in a chiral system with a single velocity is proportional to the energy. It follows that first-order degenerate perturbation theory for this system is exact, and therefore the exact eigenvalues of ${\cal H}^{\bh^2}_{\chi SG}$ depend linearly on $\lambda$.
Since the zero-energy ground state of ${\cal H}_0$, $|0,0\rangle$, is non-degenerate, another consequence of the vanishing commutator, $[{\cal H}_0,{\cal H}_1]=0$, is that $|0,0\rangle$ is also an exact eigenstate of the tunneling Hamiltonian. In fact, ${\cal H}_1$ annihilates the ground state of ${\cal H}_0$, as we now show. Using the mode expansion (\[eq:phi\_modes\]) we can write ([\_[n]{}(x)]{}) &=&[12]{}([2 L]{})\^[[\^2]{}/2]{} e\^[-i\^2 x/L]{}\
&&, \[eq:sepvertex\] where we have introduced $$\label{eq:annboson}
\phi_{\rm n}^{(-)}(x)\equiv \sum_{r=1}^{\infty} {1\over \sqrt{r}}e^{-k_r
a/2} e^{ik_r x}b_{{\rm n}r},\qquad \phi_{\rm n}^{(+)}\equiv
(\phi_{\rm n}^{(-)})^{\dagger}.$$ If we act on the state $|0,0\rangle$ with Eq. (\[eq:sepvertex\]) and imagine expanding the exponentials involving $N_{\rm n}$ and $\phi_{\rm n}^{(-)}$ we see that only the zeroth-order term survives. We then have $$\begin{aligned}
\lefteqn{\ix {1\over a^{{\bh^2}/2}}\cos\left({\bh\phi_{\rm
n}(x)}\right)|0,0\rangle =
\Biggl\{{{1\over 2}\left({2\pi\over
L}\right)^{{\bh^2}/2}e^{-i\bh\chi_{\rm n}/R_{\rm n}}\ix
x/L}}}& & \nonumber \\ &&
\times {\Biggl[{1+\!\sum_{r=1}^{\infty}
{e^{(-2\pi ix/L)\sum_{j=1}^{r}s_j}}\,{(i\bh)^r e^{(-\pi
a/L)\sum_{j=1}^{r}s_j} \over r!\sqrt{\prod_{j=1}^{r}s_j}}
n}s_j}^{\dagger}}\Biggr]+(\bh\rightarrow -\bh)
\label{eq:cosineongs}\end{aligned}$$ where we have expanded the exponential of $\phi_{\rm n}^{(+)}$. The $x$ integral vanishes in every term (since $\bh^2 \in \Zint_{\rm even}^{+}$), establishing that $|0,0\rangle$ is an exact zero-energy eigenstate of ${\cal H}_0+{\cal H}_1$. Of course this does not imply that this state is the ground state of the full Hamiltonian.
The chiral sine-Gordon Hamiltonian we have arrived at from the bilayer quantum Hall system has the properties: $\bh^2\in \Zint_{\rm
even}^{+}$, and $R_{\rm n}=1/\bh$. It is natural to ask if the theory can be sensibly defined for more general choices of these parameters. As discussed above, the requirement that $\cos(\bh\phi_{\rm n})$ changes the winding number by an integer gives the restriction $\bh/R_{\rm n}=p$ for some $p\in\Zint$. Next consider the behavior of the perturbation under $x\rightarrow x+L$, \[eq:period\] \_[n]{}(x+L)=[12]{}e\^[-i\^2]{}([ e\^[i\_[n]{}(x)]{}e\^[2i R\_[n]{} N\_[n]{}]{}+ e\^[-i\_[n]{}(x)]{}e\^[-2 iR\_[n]{} N\_[n]{}]{}]{}). Since this operator appears in the Hamiltonian we demand that the periodicity be independent of the state on which it acts, which implies $\bh R_{\rm n}=p'$ for some integer $p'$. Combining these two conditions yields $\bh^2=pp'$, and $R_{\rm n}^2=p'/p$. Without loss of generality we can take $p$ and $p'$ to be positive. We find that in addition to the case $\bh^2\in\Zint_{\rm even}^{+}$ previously considered, there is the case $\bh^2\in\Zint_{\rm odd}^{+}$. We shall refer to these as the “bosonic” and “fermionic” sequences, respectively, since from Eq. (\[eq:period\]) the perturbation is periodic for even $\bh^2$ and antiperiodic for odd $\bh^2$.
To reiterate, for non-integer values of $\bh^2$ there does not exist a choice of the radius $R_{\rm n}$ that ensures that the Hamiltonian density changes the topological charge by an integer and has a periodicity under $x\rightarrow x+L$ that is independent of the state on which it acts. For a given value of $\bh^2$, different choices of the radius do not correspond to distinct theories. If for a fixed value of $\bh^2$ we take the minimum value of $R_{\rm n}$, we recover the condition $R_{\rm n}=1/\bh$. The other allowed radii at this value of $\bh^2$ are integer multiples of this minimum radius and by Eq. (\[eq:CBchar\]), they correspond to restricting the allowed values of the topological charge in the theory with the minimum $R_{\rm n}$.
RG Flow of the Chiral sine-Gordon Theory {#sec:RG}
At the end of the previous section we found that the theory appears to be sensibly defined only at discrete values of $\bh^2$. This suggests that $\bh$ does not flow under a renormalization group transformation. In this section we examine this question directly. We work in the limit $L\rightarrow \infty$ and consider the Euclidean action of the theory [@jackiw], $$\label{eq:XSGaction}
S_{\chi SG}[\phi]=\int dx\,d\tau\,\left({{1\over
+{\lh\over (2\pi
a)^2}\cos(\bh\phi)}\right),$$ where $\lh\equiv 2\lambda(2\pi a)^{2-\bh^2/2}$ is the dimensionless coupling and in this section we set $v_{\rm n}=1$ for simplicity. Here and in the remainder of the paper we will suppress the subscript on the neutral boson, , $\phi\equiv \phi_{\rm n}$. Recall that the action of the standard (, non-chiral) sine-Gordon theory is[@coleman]: $$\label{eq:SGaction}
S_{SG}[\phi]=\int dx\,d\tau\,\left({{1\over
4\pi}\left[{(\delt\phi)^2+(\delx\phi)^2}\right] +{\lh\over
a^2}\cos(\bh\phi)}\right).$$ The RG behavior of $S_{SG}$ is the well known Kosterlitz-Thouless flow [@kogut; @wiegmann; @ohta; @ichinose]: $$\label{eq:SGflow}
{d\lh\over d\ell}=\left({2-{\bh^2\over 2}}\right)\lh +{\cal O}(\lh^2),
\qquad{d\bh^2\over d\ell}=-c_0\lh^2+{\cal O}(\lh^3),$$ where the UV momentum cutoff decreases as $\ell$ increases, and the value of the constant $c_0>0$ is non-universal. In Ref. [@renn], Renn argues that $S_{\chi SG}$ can be mapped into $S_{SG}$ by a coordinate transformation, which would imply that the RG flow of the theory is also given by Eq. (\[eq:SGflow\]). This argument is flawed since at the level of the free action, $\lh=0$, the two theories clearly have different numbers of degrees of freedom (the non-chiral boson can be written as the sum of two chiral bosons) and hence cannot be related by a change of coordinates. The classical (real-time) equation of motion for a free chiral boson which follows from the Minkowski version of the quadratic part of Eq. (\[eq:XSGaction\]) is $(\delx\delT+\delx^2)\phi=0$, which has a general solution $\phi(t,x)=\phi_R(x-t)+\vartheta(t)$ where $\vartheta(t)$ is a gauge degree of freedom. The coordinate transformation Renn proposed amounts to promoting this unphysical degree of freedom into a left-moving boson, which when combined with the physical right-moving degree of freedom, $\phi_R$, gives a non-chiral boson.
A standard perturbative, momentum-shell RG analysis for $S_{\chi SG}$ gives to first order in $\lh$ $$\label{eq:XSGflow}
{d\lh\over d\ell}=\left({2-{\bh^2\over
2}}\right)\lh,\qquad{d\bh^2\over d\ell}=0.$$ We see that tunneling is irrelevant for $\bh^2>4$ and relevant for $\bh^2<4$. The irrelevant region includes all fractional quantum Hall states without interlayer correlations, , $n=0$ and $m=3,5,\ldots$ Whether an ${\cal O}(\lh^2)$ term in the flow of $\bh^2$ is present (as it is for the non-chiral theory) is a difficult question to answer unambiguously using a Wilsonian RG. Indeed, to rigorously obtain the $-c_0\lh^2$ term in Eq. (\[eq:SGflow\]) from a momentum-shell RG one must use a smooth cutoff [@kogut]. Only because of the Euclidean (rotational) symmetry of the free part of $S_{SG}$ can this term be found simply by using an ad-hoc regularization of the divergent integral that would be rendered finite if one employed smooth momentum-space slicing[@kogut; @wiegmann; @ohta; @ichinose]. The free chiral boson action does not possess this symmetry, and even continuous regularizations lead to different results depending on the details of the particular cutoff procedure.
Nevertheless, we now argue that there is no flow in $\bh$ for the theory, , $d\bh^2/d\ell=0$ to all orders in $\lh$. Consider calculating the correlation functions of some vertex operator perturbatively in $\lh$, for example the two-point function: $$\begin{aligned}
:\!e^{i\alpha \phi(z_1)}\!:
\,:\!e^{-i\alpha \phi(z_2)}\!:
{1\over(z_1-z_2)^{\alpha^2}}\Bigglb\{{{1+{\lh^2\over 8 a^{4-\bh^2}}
d^2w_1 \,d^2w_2 \,{1\over (w_1-w_2)^{\bh^2}}}}} \nonumber \\
\hskip-0.3in& &
\times {{\Biggl[{\Bigglb({(z_1 -w_1)(z_2 -w_2)\over
(z_1-w_2)(z_2-w_1)}\Biggrb)^{\alpha \bh}
+(w_1 \leftrightarrow w_2)-2}\Biggr]+{\cal
O}(\lh^4)}}\Biggrb\}, \label{eq:multi} \end{aligned}$$ where $z\equiv \tau-ix$, and $\mu$ is an infrared momentum cutoff needed since we are working at $L\rightarrow \infty$. We see that for general $\alpha$ the multi-valuedness of the correlation function is altered by the perturbative corrections. This should be contrasted with the standard SG theory, where $(w-z)$ in Eq. (\[eq:multi\]) is replaced by $|w-z|$ and correlation functions of all vertex operators are single-valued at every order in $\lh$ for arbitrary $\bh$. Note however that for the set of allowed vertex operators defined in Section \[sec:edgetheory\], $\alpha=p/\bh$ where $p\in \Zint$, we see from Eq. (\[eq:multi\]) that the ${\cal O}(\lh^2)$ term has the same multi-valuedness as a function of $(z-z')$ as the leading-order term. This property holds for $N$-point correlation functions ($N>2$) and for higher-order corrections in $\lh$, since the factor of $\bh$ cancels whenever we contract an external vertex operator \[$e^{i
(p/\bh) \phi(z_i)}$\] with an internal one \[$e^{i \bh \phi(w_i)}$\]. It is conceivable that the theory could be defined at non-integer values of $\bh^2$ for this subset of operators, but we still contend that there is no flow in $\bh$.
Suppose we begin with some bare values of the parameters, $\lh_0$ and $\bh_0$, defined for a theory with a UV momentum cutoff $\Lambda \sim
1/a$ and imagine running the RG so that the cutoff is reduced to $\Lambda/s$ where $s>1$, and $\lh_0\rightarrow \lh(s)$, $\bh_0\rightarrow \bh(s)$. We allow for a field renormalization by defining $\phi'(z')\equiv Z_{\phi}^{-1}(s)\phi(z)$, where $z'=z/s$. The covariance of correlation functions under the RG flow implies that for $|z'_1-z'_2|\gg (\Lambda/s)^{-1}$, \[eq:covar\] :e\^[i(z\_1)]{}: :e\^[-i(z\_2)]{}: \_[\_0]{}=:e\^[iZ\_(s)’(z’\_1)]{}: :e\^[-iZ\_(s)’(z’\_2)]{}: \_[(s)]{}, where the l.h.s. is evaluated in the bare theory and the r.h.s. in the renormalized theory. A key point is that any flow in $\bh$ is governed by the field renormalization: $\bh(s)=Z_{\phi}(s)\bh_0$. If we choose $\alpha=p/\bh_0$ for some integer $p$, so that the perturbative corrections on the l.h.s. of Eq. (\[eq:covar\]) do not change the multi-valuedness of the leading-order term, then the requirement that the same thing be true on the r.h.s., along with the relations $Z_{\phi}(1)=1$, $\bh(1)=\bh_0$, implies $\alpha
Z_{\phi}(s)=p/\bh(s)$. Eliminating $Z_{\phi}(s)$ and $\alpha$ from this equation yields $\bh(s)=\bh_0$, , $\bh$ does not flow. This argument for the non-renormalization of $\bh$ can at best be viewed as heuristic; its validity is intricately connected to the way the RG transformation is defined. We believe that at least the weaker statement that there exists an RG procedure for which there is no flow in $\bh$, is true. The exact solutions of the theory at $\bh^2=2$ and $\bh^2=4$ presented in the next section support this claim.
In light of the argument that $d\bh/d\ell=0$, the flow in $\lh$ at the lowest-order marginal point, $\bh^2=4$, will be governed by the higher-order terms in the first expression in Eq. (\[eq:XSGflow\]). Because of the complexity of the higher-order bosonic perturbation theory, we shall postpone this calculation until we find a fermionic representation of the theory in the next section. We will find that at this value of $\bh$ the tunneling perturbation is exactly marginal, , there is a line of fixed points parameterized by $\lh$. The RG flows of the standard SG and theories are shown in Fig. \[fig:flows\].
Exact Solutions of the Chiral sine-Gordon Theory {#sec:exactsolns}
In this section we present exact solutions of the theory at the points $\bh^2=2$ and $\bh^2=4$.
Relevant Tunneling, $\bh^2=2$
At the point $\bh^2=2$, which corresponds to $m-n=1$, the cosine term is relevant. There is an infinite sequence of $K$ matrices describing maximally chiral edges which satisfy this condition: $(m,m',n)=(1,1,0)+r(2,2,2)$, $r=0,1,\ldots$ The discussion here also applies to the bosonic states $(m,m',n)=(2,2,1)+r(2,2,2)$.
At this value of $\bh$ the Hamiltonian is $$\label{eq:HXSG_4pi}
{\cal H}_{\chi SG}^{\bh^2=2}= \ix\left[{{1\over 4\pi}v_{\rm n}
+{\lambda\over 2\pi a}\left(e^{i\sqrt{2}\phi}+\,{\rm
h.c.}\right)}\right],$$ where $\phi(x)$ is a radius $R_{\rm n}=1/\sqrt{2}$ chiral boson. A similar problem, with $\lambda$ replaced by a Gaussian random variable, appears in Kane, Fisher, and Polchinski’s work on the disordered, single-layer, $\nu=2/3$ edge[@kfp]. A special property of a radius $1/\sqrt{2}$ free chiral boson is that its character (\[eq:CBchar\]) can be expressed as: $$\label{eq:su(2)char}
=\chi_{su(2)_1}^{(0)}(q)+\chi_{su(2)_1}^{(1/2)}(q),$$ where $\chi_{su(2)_1}^{(j)}(q)$ is the character of the spin-$j$ irreducible representation of the ${\widehat{su}(2)}_1$ Kac-Moody (KM) algebra[@BYB]. Indeed, the trio of dimension one operators $\delx\phi, e^{i\sqrt{2}\phi},e^{-i\sqrt{2}\phi}$ are related to the ${\widehat{su}(2)}_1$ generators, $J^a(x)$, $a=x,y,z$, by[@BYB] $$\label{eq:boson_su(2)curr}
J^z(x)={1\over 2\pi\sqrt{2}}\delx\phi(x),\qquad J^{\pm}(x)=J^x \pm i J^y=
{1\over 2\pi a}e^{\pm i \sqrt{2}\phi(x)}.$$ In terms of the Fourier components $$\label{eq:su(2)modes}
J^a_n\equiv \ix J^a(x)e^{-2\pi i n x/L},\quad n\in\Zint,$$ the algebra is $$\label{eq:su(2)_1KM}
[J^a_n, J^b_m]={n\over 2}\delta^{ab}\delta_{n+m,0}+i\epsilon^{abc}
J^c_{n+m}.$$ With the help of Eq. (\[eq:boson\_su(2)curr\]) the Hamiltonian (\[eq:HXSG\_4pi\]) can be expressed in terms of currents $$\label{eq:H_su(2).1}
{\cal H}_{\chi SG}^{\bh^2=2} =\ix\left\{{2\pi
v_{\rm n}
+2\lambda J^x(x)}\right\}.$$ We now use an identity valid for any state $|\gamma\rangle$ in the Hilbert space $$\label{eq:Jz_to_J^2}
|\gamma\rangle=\ix{1\over 3}
\left[{{\bf J}(x)}\right]^2\!:\,
|\gamma\rangle,$$ to write Eq. (\[eq:H\_su(2).1\]) as: $$\label{eq:H_su(2).2}
{\cal H}_{\chi SG}^{\bh^2=2}=\ix\left\{{{2\pi v_{\rm n}\over 3}:
\left[{{\bf J}(x)}\right]^2:+2\lambda J^x(x)}\right\}.$$ One way to prove Eq. (\[eq:Jz\_to\_J\^2\]) is to note that the operators $J^z_n$ obey a $\hat{u}(1)$ subalgebra of the $\widehat{su}(2)_1$ algebra generated by the $J^a_n$ operators. We can construct two families of operators $$\label{eq:su(2)_1virasoro}
L_n\equiv {1\over 3}:\!J^a_m J^a_{n-m}\!:, \qquad L^{(z)}_n\equiv\,
:\!J^z_m J^z_{n-m}\!:,$$ each of which obey $c=1$ Virasoro algebras. Since the $J^z_n$ generate a subalgebra we have $[L_n,\,L^{(z)}_m]=[L^{(z)}_n,\,L^{(z)}_m]$, and therefore by the standard Goddard-Kent-Olive (GKO) coset construction[@GKO] the operators $L^{(0)}_n\equiv L_n-L^{(z)}_n$ obey a $c=0$ Virasoro algebra. It is well known that the only unitary representation of the $c=0$ Virasoro algebra is trivial, , $L^{(0)}_n|\gamma\rangle=0$ for all $n$[@Ginsparg]. We thus conclude that $L_n|\gamma\rangle=L^{(z)}_n|\gamma\rangle$ for any state in the Hilbert space, and for $n=0$ we obtain Eq. (\[eq:Jz\_to\_J\^2\]).
Given any matrix $R\in SO(3)$, we see from Eq. (\[eq:su(2)\_1KM\]) that the currents ${\tilde J}^a(x)\equiv R^{ab}J^b(x)$ also obey an $\widehat{su}(2)_1$ KM algebra since $\delta^{ab}$ and $\epsilon^{abc}$ are $SO(3)$-invariant tensors. If we make the particular choice $R^{ab}=\delta^{ay}\delta^{by}+\delta^{az}\delta^{bx}
-\delta^{ax}\delta^{bz}$, which corresponds to a rotation by $\pi/2$ about the $y$-axis, and express the rotated $\widehat{su}(2)_1$ currents in terms of a new radius $R=1/\sqrt{2}$ chiral boson, $\theta(x)$ (, ${\tilde J}^z(x)=[\delx \theta(x)]/(2 \pi \sqrt{2})$, etc.) then from Eqns. (\[eq:Jz\_to\_J\^2\]) and (\[eq:H\_su(2).2\]) we have $$\begin{aligned}
{\cal H}_{\chi SG}^{\bh^2=2}&=& \ix\left\{{2\pi
v_{\rm n}:\!\left[{{\tilde J}^z(x)}\right]^2\!:
+2\lambda {\tilde J}^z(x)}\right\} \nonumber \\
&=&\ix\left[{{1\over 4\pi}v_{\rm n}:\!(\delx\theta)^2\!:
+{\sqrt{2}\lambda\over 2\pi}\delx\theta}\right].
The mapping between Eqns. (\[eq:HXSG\_4pi\]) and (\[eq:H\_4pi\_final\]), when expressed in terms of the two Bose fields corresponds to the non-linear transformation $$\label{eq:bose-bose}
\delx\theta(x) ={\sqrt{2}\over a}\cos\biglb(\sqrt{2}\phi(x)\bigrb),\qquad
-{\sqrt{2}\over a}\cos\biglb(\sqrt{2}\theta(x)\bigrb).$$ While we could have taken the first expression in this equation as our definition of $\theta(x)$ and proceeded by showing this implies $:\!(\delx \phi)^2\!:\, =\,:\!(\delx \theta)^2\!:$, the detour through the KM algebras is more deductive.
We have succeeded in writing the Hamiltonian as a quadratic form in terms of a single chiral boson. The tunneling term is linear in the topological charge of the field $\theta(x)$, and thus it is clear that the $\lambda=0$ ground state, which is annihilated by the perturbation, is not the ground state for $\lambda\neq 0$. However, since the $\lambda=0$ ground state remains an exact eigenstate of Eq. (\[eq:H\_4pi\_final\]) for all $\lambda$ \[see Eq. (\[eq:cosineongs\])\] we conclude that zero-temperature perturbation theory in $\lambda$ gives incorrect results. In terms of first-order degenerate perturbation theory for the low-lying eigenvalues of ${\cal H}_{\chi SG}^{\bh^2=2}$, this is a consequence of a level crossing for $\lambda = {\cal O}(1/L)$.
Several authors have claimed that a gap is generated when the perturbation is relevant [@renn; @nomura]. It is clear from Eq. (\[eq:H\_4pi\_final\]) that this is not the case. We still have a (gapless) chiral boson, whose topological charge sectors are reorganized in energy. The energy spectrum of the winding number mode for two different values of $\lambda$ is shown in Fig. \[fig:roottwo\]. For the points $\lambda= (\pi v_{\rm n}/L)M$, where $M\in \Zint$, this reorganization can be reduced to an overall shift in the energy spectrum by defining ${\tilde N}_{\theta} =
N_{\theta}+M$. The subtlety is that while we have a gapless mode for $\lambda=0$ ($\phi(x)$) and a gapless mode for $\lambda\neq 0$ ($\theta(x)$), the modes are non-trivially connected even for arbitrarily small $\lambda$. We see from the relation, Eq. (\[eq:bose-bose\]), that exciting modes of the original boson involves the operator $\delx\phi\sim \cos(\sqrt{2}\theta)$, which changes $N_\theta$ and hence involves an energy of order $\lambda$ even for small momentum excitations. Therefore the original field appears massive, whereas the number of gapless modes is unchanged.
From Eq. (\[eq:H\_4pi\_final\]) we can immediately write down the partition function for the theory in isolation $$\label{eq:Z_XSG_4pi}
SG}(\beta)={1\over\varphi(q_{\rm n})}\sum_{N\in\Zint}e^{-\beta\lambda
N}q_{\rm n}^{N^2/4}.$$ To construct the partition function of the full edge theory we need to consider gluing conditions. Recall from Section \[sec:edgetheory\] that we need to separate states according to their $N_{\rm n}$-parity, as in the partition function at $\lambda=0$ (\[eq:Zw/otun\]). For $\lambda\neq 0$, eigenstates of the Hamiltonian are no longer eigenstates of $N_{\rm n}$. However, we see from Eqns. (\[eq:boson\_su(2)curr\]) and (\[eq:su(2)modes\]), that $N_{\rm n}=2J^z_0$ and similarly $N_{\theta}=2{\tilde J}^z_0$, where $N_{\theta}$ is the winding number operator of the field $\theta(x)$. Therefore, states in the spin-0 (1/2) representation of the $J^a_n$ algebra have $N_{\rm n}$ even (odd). Under the rotation from $J^a$ to ${\tilde J}^a$ the two representations do not mix, and hence eigenstates of Eq. (\[eq:H\_4pi\_final\]) which have $N_{\theta}$ even (odd) are linear combinations of $N_{\rm n}$ eigenstates, all of which have even (odd) $N_{\rm n}$ eigenvalues. Thus we can write the partition function including the charged mode as: $$\label{eq:Z_4pi}
Z^{\bh^2=2}(\beta)=\chi_{R_{\rm c}}^{(2(m+n),0)}(q_{\rm c})Z_{\chi
SG}^{\bh^2=2,\,{\rm even}}(\beta)
+\chi_{R_{\rm c}}^{(2(m+n),m+n)}(q_{\rm c})Z_{\chi SG}^{\bh^2=2,\,{\rm
odd}}(\beta),$$ where $Z_{\chi SG}^{\bh^2=2,\,{\rm even}}$ is given by Eq. (\[eq:Z\_XSG\_4pi\]) with the restriction $N\in\Zint_{\rm even}$, and similarly for $Z_{\chi SG}^{\bh^2=2,\,{\rm odd}}$.
We now turn to the computation of correlation functions. We define the tunneling operator as the Hamiltonian density of the tunneling perturbation $$\label{eq:tunnelingop}
\Theta(x)\equiv {2\over (2\pi
a)^{\bh^2/2}}\cos\left[{\bh\phi(x)}\right],$$ and denote its two-point correlation function by ${\cal
T}(\tau,x)\equiv\langle T_{\tau}\Theta(\tau,x)\Theta(0)\rangle$. Using transformations (\[eq:rotatebosons\]) and (\[eq:bose-bose\]) we can express the charge density (\[eq:rho,Q\]), and tunneling operator (\[eq:tunnelingop\]), in terms of the fields $\phi_{\rm c}$ and $\theta$, $$\begin{aligned}
\rho_{1,2}(x)&=&{1\over\sqrt{8\pi^2 (2m-1)}}\delx\phi_{\rm c}(x)\pm
{1\over 2\pi a}
\cos\sqrt{2}\theta(x), \label{eq:rho_free} \\
\Theta(x)&=&{1\over \pi \sqrt{2}}\delx\theta(x). \label{eq:Theta_free}\end{aligned}$$ Since the Hamiltonian ${\cal H}_F[\phi_{\rm c}]+{\cal H}_{\chi
SG}^{\bh^2=2}[\theta]$ is quadratic in these fields we find $$\begin{aligned}
{\cal D}_{ij}(\tau,x)&=&{1\over 2(2m-1)} {1\over \left[{\X
{\rm c}}\right]^2}+{(-1)^{i+j}\over 2}{\cos(2\lambda
x/v_{\rm n})\over
\left[{\X {\rm n}}\right]^2},\label{eq:D_4pi} \\ {\cal
\left[{\X {\rm n}}\right]^2} + \left({\lambda \over\ \pi
v_{\rm n}}\right)^2.\label{eq:T_4pi} \end{aligned}$$ The part of the density-density correlation function arising from the neutral mode is spatially modulated when tunneling is present, while the two-point correlation function of the tunneling operator acquires a constant piece. Both of these are a result of the non-zero topological charge of the $\theta$ field in the ground state.
The calculation of the electron propagator is slightly more involved. From Eqns. (\[eq:rotatebosons\]) and (\[eq:elec\_ops\]) we find that for $m-n=1$ the electron operators can be written $$\Psi_{1,2}={1\over L^{m/2}} e^{i\left({\sqrt{m-{1\over2}}\phi_{\rm c}
\mp{1\over \sqrt{2}}\phi}\right)},$$ and therefore they cannot be readily expressed in terms of $\phi_{\rm
c}$ and $\theta$. However, from this expression it is clear that the single-electron Green’s function factorizes: $$\begin{aligned}
-{\cal G}_{ij}(\tau,x)&=&{1\over L^{m/2}} \left\langle e^{i\sqrt{m-{1\over
2}}\phi_{\rm c}(\tau,x)}e^{-i\sqrt{m-{1\over
2}}\phi_{\rm c}(0)}\right\rangle_{{\cal H}_F[\phi_{\rm c}]} \nonumber\\
& & \times\left\langle e^{{i\over \sqrt{2}}(-1)^i\phi(\tau,x)}
e^{-{i\over \sqrt{2}}
(-1)^j\phi(0)} \right\rangle_{{\cal H}_{\chi SG
\label{eq:factorprop} \end{aligned}$$ The correlation function involving the $\phi$ field is the same for all values of $m$ and $n$ that satisfy $m-n=1$. The correlation function involving $\phi_{\rm c}$ can be computed for all $m$ and $n$ since ${\cal H}_F[\phi_{\rm c}]$ is quadratic.
For the special case $m=1,n=0$ the l.h.s. of Eq. (\[eq:factorprop\]) can be calculated exactly as we now demonstrate[@Larkin]. For the uncorrelated integer 110 state there exists a chiral fermion description of the edge theory including tunneling, ${\cal H}_0+{\cal H}_1$: $$\label{eq:H(110)}
{\cal H}^{(110)}=\ix:\!\left[{-iv\psi_i^{\dagger}\delx\psi_i +2\pi g
\psi_1^{\dagger}\psi_1 \psi_2^{\dagger}\psi_2
-\lambda(\psi_2^{\dagger}\psi_1+\,{\rm h.c.}) }\right]\!:.$$ The details in going from the bosonic form of the Hamiltonian (\[eq:H(phi)\]) to the above fermionic form are discussed in Section \[sec:fermionizations\]. If we define $\psi_{\pm}(x)=\biglb(\psi_1(x) \pm \psi_2(x)\bigrb)/\sqrt{2}$, Eq. (\[eq:H(110)\]) becomes \[eq:H+/-\] [H]{}\^[(110)]{}=::. This Hamiltonian can be brought to a quadratic form by bosonizing according to $\psi_{\pm}(x)=e^{i\phi_{\pm}(x)}/\sqrt{2\pi a}$. The resulting quadratic form is diagonalized by defining $\theta_+\equiv(\phi_+ +\phi_-)/\sqrt{2}$, and $\theta_-\equiv(\phi_+-\phi_-)/ \sqrt{2}+{\sqrt{2}\lambda x/ v_{\rm n}}$. The exact single-electron Green’s function is then readily found: $$\label{eq:G110}
-{\cal G}_{ij}^{(110)}(\tau,x)={{\delta_{ij}\cos(\lambda
x/v_{\rm n})-(1-\delta_{ij})i\sin(\lambda x/v_{\rm
n})}\over\sqrt{\X {\rm c} \X {\rm n}}}.$$ We can thus use Eqns. (\[eq:factorprop\]) and (\[eq:G110\]) to find the single-electron Green’s function for all states in the $m-n=1$ sequence: $$\label{eq:G_4pi}
-{\cal G}_{ij}(\tau,x)={{\delta_{ij}\cos(\lambda
x/v_{\rm n})-(1-\delta_{ij})i\sin(\lambda x/v_{\rm n})} \over\left[
{\X {\rm c}}\right]^{m-{1 \over 2}}\sqrt{\X {\rm n}}},$$ the only modification being the exponent of the piece corresponding to the charged boson.
Marginal Tunneling, $\bh^2=4$
The point $\bh^2=4$, at which the cosine term is marginal, corresponds to the case $m-n=2$. There is again an infinite sequence of $K$ matrices describing maximally chiral edges which satisfy this condition: $(m,m',n)=(3,3,1)+r(2,2,2)$, $r=0,1,\ldots$ The results here also apply to the bosonic states $(m,m',n)=(2,2,0)+r(2,2,2)$.
At this value of $\bh$ the Hamiltonian is $$\label{eq:newHXSG8pi}
{\cal H}_{\chi SG}^{\bh^2=4}= \ix\left[{{1\over 4\pi}v_{\rm n}
+{\lambda\over (2\pi a)^2}\left(e^{2i\phi}+\,{\rm
h.c.}\right)}\right],$$ where $\phi(x)$ is a radius $R_{\rm n}=1/2$ chiral boson. If we restrict ourselves to the sector of the edge theory that contains the ground state, then we find that $N_{\rm n}\in \Zint_{\rm even}$, since adding an electron to layer $1(2)$ changes $N_{\rm n}$ by $\mp 2$. From the expression for the compact chiral boson character (\[eq:CBchar\]), it is clear that a radius $1/2$ boson restricted to even topological charges is equivalent to a radius $1$ boson with no restriction \[, $\chi_{1/2}^{(2,0)}(q) =\chi_{1}^{(1,0)}(q)$\]. Hence, for this sector of the edge theory we can take $\phi(x)$ to have radius $1$ and thus define a chiral Dirac fermion $\psi(x)\equiv
e^{i\phi(x)}/\sqrt{2\pi a}$. This result, that the edge theory of double-layer states with $m-n=2$ contains a chiral Dirac fermion was previously established in the wavefunction approach by Milovanović and Read.
To find a fermionic representation of the tunneling term, we first consider bringing together two chiral Dirac annihilation operators $$\label{eq:ptsplitfermi}
O}(\epsilon^2),$$ where the zeroth-order term vanishes by Fermi statistics. We next consider bringing together the bosonized representation of the Fermi fields $$\begin{aligned}
{1\over L}\,:\!e^{i\phi(x)}\!:\,:\!e^{i\phi(x+\epsilon)}\!:\, &
=&{2\pi a\over L^2}\,:\!e^{2i\phi(x)}\!: \nonumber \\
\label{eq:ptsplitbose} & & +{2\pi i \epsilon\over
L^2}\left\{{\,:\!e^{2i\phi(x)}\!:-a\,:\!\left[{ \delx\phi(x) +
{3\pi\over L}}\right]e^{2i\phi(x)}\!:\, }\right\}+{\cal
O}(\epsilon^2,a^2).\end{aligned}$$ Since the terms on the r.h.s. are normal ordered, we can safely take the limit $a\rightarrow 0$, and compare the order $\epsilon$ terms in Eqns. (\[eq:ptsplitfermi\]) and (\[eq:ptsplitbose\]) to obtain the identity $$\label{eq:fermie2phi}
\psi(x)\delx\psi(x)={i\over 2\pi a^2}e^{2i\phi(x)}.$$ We verified the validity of this formula by checking that the $N$-point correlation functions of the operator on the l.h.s. (and its Hermitian conjugate) calculated in the free Fermi theory are identical to the $N$-point correlation functions of the operator on the r.h.s. (and its Hermitian conjugate) calculated in the free Bose theory. The proof of this equivalence is given in Appendix \[sec:corr\]. In Appendix \[sec:comm\] we demonstrate that the correspondence holds for the commutation relations as well. Readers untroubled by operator manipulations in bosonization can ignore them.
Using Eq. (\[eq:fermie2phi\]) we can then fermionize the Hamiltonian (\[eq:newHXSG8pi\]) to $$\label{eq:HXSG8pi,Dirac}
{\cal H}_{\chi SG}^{\bh^2=4}=\ix
\,:\!\left[{-iv_{\rm n}\psi^{\dagger}\delx\psi-i{\lambda\over
\delx\psi^{\dagger}+\psi\delx\psi)}\right]\!:.$$ The effect of the tunneling term is made transparent by writing the Dirac fermion in terms of its Majorana components: $\psi(x)\equiv
[\chi_1(x)+i\chi_2(x)]/\sqrt{2}$, where $\chi_i^{\dagger}=\chi_i$, $$\label{eq:HXSG8pi,Maj}
{\cal H}_{\chi SG}^{\bh^2=4}=-{1\over
\,:\!\left[{i\biggl({v_{\rm n}+{\lambda\over \pi}}\biggr)\chi_1\delx\chi_1
+i\biggl({v_{\rm n}-{\lambda\over\pi}}\biggr)\chi_2\delx\chi_2}\right]\!:.$$ An alternative derivation of this form of the Hamiltonian is given in Appendix \[sec:direct\]. We see that the effect of tunneling is to split the neutral mode into two Majorana fields with different velocities. This is a $c=1=(1/2)+(1/2)$ analog of the usual spin-charge separation in one dimension \[$c=2=(1)+(1)$\]. Since the Hamiltonian (\[eq:HXSG8pi,Dirac\]) is quadratic, modes of the fermion field with momentum $|k|\ge \Lambda$, for some $\Lambda$, do not couple to modes with momentum $|k|<\Lambda$, and thus the tree-level RG flow is exact. Therefore if we define our RG transformation so that the $\lambda=0$ Hamiltonian is a fixed point, we immediately see that the coupling $\lambda$ is exactly marginal, and we have a line of fixed points as asserted at the end of Section \[sec:RG\].
Armed with a quadratic representation of the Hamiltonian we can readily compute the partition function and correlation functions exactly. From the expression for the partition function (\[eq:Zw/otun\]) at $\lambda=0$ we see that the characters of the neutral mode that appear at the $\bh^2=4$ point are $\chi_{1/2}^{(4,0)}$ and $\chi_{1/2}^{(4,2)}$. These can be written in terms of the characters of the highest weight $h$ representation of the Virasoro algebra with central charge $c$, denoted ${\cal
V}^{c}_{h}$: $$\label{eq:VirChar}
V}^{1/2}_{1/2}(q)}\right]^2,\quad \chi_{1/2}^{(4,2)}(q)=2{\cal
V}^{1/2}_{0}(q)\,{\cal V}^{1/2}_{1/2}(q).$$ Since a single chiral Majorana fermion with antiperiodic boundary conditions has a character ${\cal V}^{1/2}_{0}+{\cal V}^{1/2}_{1/2}$, we see from Eqns. (\[eq:Zw/otun\]), (\[eq:HXSG8pi,Maj\]), and (\[eq:VirChar\]), that the partition function of the theory in isolation is $$\label{eq:Z_XSG_8pi}
Z^{\bh^2=4}_{\chi SG}(\beta)=\left[{\cal V}^{1/2}_{0}(q_+)+{\cal
V}^{1/2}_{1/2}(q_+)\right] \, \left[{\cal V}^{1/2}_{0}(q_-)+{\cal
V}^{1/2}_{1/2}(q_-)\right],$$ where $q_{\pm}\equiv e^{-2\pi\beta v_{\pm}/L}$, and $v_{\pm}\equiv
v_{\rm n}\pm\lambda/\pi$, while the partition function of the full edge theory with tunneling, including the charged mode with the appropriate gluing condition, is $$\begin{aligned}
Z^{\bh^2=4}(\beta)&=&\chi_{R_{\rm c}}^{(2(m+n),0)}(q_{\rm c})\left[{{\cal
V}^{1/2}_{0}(q_+){\cal V}^{1/2}_{0}(q_-) +{\cal
V}^{1/2}_{1/2}(q_+){\cal V}^{1/2}_{1/2}(q_-)}\right]\nonumber\\
& &+\chi_{R_{\rm c}}^{(2(m+n),m+n)}(q_{\rm c})\left[{{\cal V}^{1/2}_{0}(q_+){\cal
V}^{1/2}_{1/2}(q_-)+{\cal V}^{1/2}_{1/2}(q_+){\cal
Recall that there are three irreducible Verma modules in the $c=1/2$ minimal model with highest weights $h=0,1/2$, and $1/16$, which in the Ising model terminology correspond to the identity ($\ID$), energy ($\epsilon$) and spin ($\sigma$) fields. The characters of the first two of these representations appear in the above partition function, the remaining one occurs if one considers the other sector of the neutral mode which involves the characters $\chi_{1/2}^{(4,1)}$ and $\chi_{1/2}^{(4,3)}$, and which corresponds to the addition of a quasiparticle. These combine to give $\chi_{1/2}^{(4,1)}+\chi_{1/2}^{(4,3)}=2\left({{\cal
Turning now to correlation functions, we can use the transformation (\[eq:rotatebosons\]), and the fermionization of the neutral boson to write the electron (\[eq:elec\_ops\]), density (\[eq:rho,Q\]), and tunneling (\[eq:tunnelingop\]) operators in terms of the fields $\phi_{\rm c}$ and $\psi$, :\_i: &=& [1(2a)\^[(m-1)/2]{}]{} e\^[i\_[c]{}]{} ([\_[i1]{}\^+\_[i2]{}]{}), \[eq:elec8pi\]\
\_i &=& [14]{}\_[c]{}+[(-1)\^i2]{} :\^:, \[rho8pi\]\
(x)&=&-[i2]{}:([\^\^ +]{}):, \[tun8pi\] where $i=1,2$ is the layer index. The single-electron Green’s function is \[eq:G\_8pi\] -[G]{}\_[ij]{}(,x)=[12\^[m-1]{}]{} , and we see that in the presence of tunneling an electron has broken up into three pieces, propagating with three different velocities. The two-point functions of the density and tunneling operators are: $$\begin{aligned}
{\cal D}_{ij}(\tau,x)&=&{1\over 4(m-1)}{1\over \left[{\X {\rm c}}\right]^2}
+{(-1)^{i+j}\over 4}{1\over \X + \,\X -}, \label{eq:D_8pi} \\
{\cal T}(\tau,x)&=&{1\over \left[{\X +}\right]^4}+
{1\over \left[{\X -}\right]^4}. \label{eq:T_8pi}\end{aligned}$$
Fermionizations of the Chiral sine-Gordon Theory {#sec:fermionizations}
In this section we describe a general method for fermionizing the theory for $\bh^2 \in \Zint^+$ by the introduction of auxiliary degrees of freedom. The procedure is illustrated in detail for the cases $\bh^2=2$ and $\bh^2=4$. We also show that for these two points the fermionized theory with auxiliary degrees of freedom can also be solved exactly, and the projection onto the Hilbert space can be performed explicitly, reproducing the results of the exact solutions given above. In terms of the solution of the double-layer problem, the method described here is redundant. However, we believe it may be useful in the study of quantum Hall systems with more than two layers. This section can be skipped since the subsequent sections are independent of the material presented here.
General Strategy
In the case of the standard SG theory it is possible to fermionize the theory at all values of $\bh^2 \leq 4$ to the massive Thirring model[@coleman]. For the theory we have found fermionizations at the discrete points $\bh^2 \in \Zint^{+}$. Recall that all the points in the bosonic sequence ($\bh^2 \in \Zint_{{\rm even}}^{+}$) correspond to some double-layer quantum Hall system, while none of the points in the fermionic sequence ($\bh^2 \in \Zint_{{\rm odd}}^{+}$) do. The scaling dimension of the tunneling perturbation is an integer in the bosonic sequence and a half-integer in the fermionic one. We defer discussion of the fermionic sequence until Section \[sec:fermiseq\].
The algebraic identity at the heart of fermionization (or bosonization) is the Cauchy formula for the determinant of an $N\times
N$ matrix $M^{(N)}_{ij}\equiv 1/(z_i-z'_j)$ which is a function of $2N$ complex variables $z_i,z'_i, i=1,\ldots,N$ [@BYB]: $$\label{eq:cauchy}
(-1)^{N(N-1)/2}\det M^{(N)}={\prod_{1\leq i < j\leq N} (z_i-z_j)
(z'_i-z'_j) \over \prod_{1\leq i,j \leq N}(z_i-z'_j)}.$$ The determinant on the l.h.s. is proportional to the $2N$-point correlation function of a single chiral Dirac fermion: $$\label{eq:2N-Dirac}
={(-1)^{N(N-1)/2}\over (2\pi)^N}\det M^{(N)},$$ where $z_i\equiv (v\tau_i-i x_i)$, and similarly for the primed coordinates, $v$ is the velocity of the fermion, and time ordering will be implicit from here on. We desire a fermionic representation of the tunneling operator, Eq. (\[eq:tunnelingop\]). The $2N$-point correlation function of the tunneling operator is a linear combination of terms of the form $$\label{eq:2N-tunneling}
{1\over a^{N\bh^2}}\left\langle
e^{-i\bh\phi(\tau'_i,x'_i)}\right\rangle = \left[{\prod_{1\leq i < j\leq
N} (z_i-z_j) (z'_i-z'_j) \over \prod_{1\leq i,j \leq
N}(z_i-z'_j)}\right]^{\bh^2}= \left[\det M^{(N)}\right]^{\bh^2}.$$ For the bosonic sequence it is clear from Eq. (\[eq:2N-Dirac\]) that the $\bh^2$ power of the determinant can be reproduced by an identification of the form $$\label{eq:multi-fermionization}
e^{i\bh\phi(x)}\sim \prod_{i=1}^{{\bh^2}/2}\psi_i(x)
\prod_{j={\bh^2}/2+1}^{\bh^2}\psi_j^{\dagger}(x),$$ where the $\psi_i(x)$ are $\bh^2$ independent chiral Dirac fermions with identical velocities. This construction closely resembles Jain’s bulk parton construction for hierarchical fractional quantum Hall states[@jain] and its edge analog[@wen], although the motivation here, a desire for a fermionic representation of the tunneling operator, is very different.
In the Hamiltonian there is only a single chiral boson (with central charge $c=1$), so we first have to add $(\bh^2-1)$ auxiliary $c=1$ degrees of freedom (, chiral bosons) in order to carry out this procedure. Of the points in the bosonic sequence, only the first two ($\bh^2=2,4$) occur in the region where the cosine term is not irrelevant \[by Eq. (\[eq:XSGflow\])\], and these are the ones we now describe in detail.
Relevant Tunneling, $\bh^2=2$
As noted above, an additional degree of freedom is necessary for a straightforward fermionization of the Hamiltonian, so we add to the Hamiltonian an auxiliary free compact chiral boson ($\hat{\phi}$) with radius $\hat{R}$, topological charge $\hat{N}$, and a velocity equal to the velocity of $\phi$. The full Hamiltonian is then: $$\begin{aligned}
{\hat {\cal H}}_{\chi SG}^{\bh^2=2}&\equiv&{\cal H}_{\chi
SG}^{\bh^2=2}[\phi]+{\cal H}_F[\hat{\phi}] \nonumber \\
&=&\ix\left[{{1\over 4\pi}v_{\rm n}:\!(\delx\phi)^2\!:+{1\over
4\pi}v_{\rm n}:\!(\delx\hat{\phi})^2\!: +{\lambda\over 2\pi
a}(e^{i\sqrt{2}\phi}+\,{\rm h.c.})}\right]. \label{eq:H_4pi.1}\end{aligned}$$ We then perform a canonical transformation which mixes the field appearing in the tunneling term with the auxiliary boson $$\label{eq:phi_to_theta}
\pmatrix{\hat{\phi} \cr \phi \cr}={1\over \sqrt{2}}\pmatrix{1 & 1
\cr 1 & -1 \cr} \pmatrix{\theta_1 \cr \theta_2},$$ in terms of which we find $$\label{eq:H(theta)}
{\hat {\cal H}}_{\chi SG}^{\bh^2=2}=\ix\left\{{{1\over
4\pi}v_{\rm n}
\,:\!\delx\theta_i \delx \theta_i\!:\,
+ {\lambda\over 2\pi
a}\left[e^{i(\theta_1-\theta_2)}+\,{\rm h.c.}\right]}\right\}.$$ The topological charge dependent part of the transformation in Eq. (\[eq:phi\_to\_theta\]) is $$\label{eq:Nphi_to_Ntheta}
{\hat R}{\hat
N}= {1\over\sqrt{2}}
{1\over \sqrt{2}}N_{\rm n}
={1\over\sqrt{2}}(N_1^{\theta}R_1^{\theta}-N_2^{\theta}R_2^{\theta}),$$ where $N_i^{\theta},R_i^{\theta}$ are the topological charge and radius of the field $\theta_i(x)$, respectively. We choose $\hat{R}=1/\sqrt{2}$ so that the requirement $N_i^{\theta}\in \Zint$ is consistent with setting $R_i^{\theta}=1$. These choices also impose the gluing condition ${\hat N}+N_{\rm n}\in\Zint_{\rm even}$. With these values of the radii for the $\theta_i$ fields, we can define two chiral fermion operators $$\label{eq:newfermions}
\psi_i(x)={1\over \sqrt{2\pi a}}e^{i\theta_i (x)}.$$ These two flavors of fermions commute, but once again this can be fixed without modifying what follows, and the details are given in Appendix \[sec:Kleins\]. Using this definition in Eq. (\[eq:H(theta)\]) we have a fermionized Hamiltonian $$\label{eq:H_4pifermi}
{\hat {\cal H}}_{\chi SG}^{\bh^2=2}=\ix
\,:\!\left[{-iv_{\rm n}\psi_i^{\dagger}\delx\psi_i -\lambda
(\psi_2^{\dagger}\psi_1+\,{\rm h.c.})}\right]\!:.$$ As noted in Section \[sec:edgetheory\], the fermion fields introduced in Eq. (\[eq:newfermions\]) obey antiperiodic boundary conditions and therefore the allowed values of the momentum $k$ for the Fourier mode operators $c_{ki}$ of $\psi_i(x)$ are $k\in (2\pi /L)(\Zint+1/2)$. The fermionic normal ordering introduced in Eq. (\[eq:H\_4pifermi\]) is defined with respect to the (non-degenerate) ground state of this Hamiltonian at $\lambda=0$ which is annihilated by $c_{ki}$ for $k>0$ and $c^{\dagger}_{ki}$ for $k<0$. By introducing $\psi_{\pm}\equiv (\psi_1\pm \psi_2)/\sqrt{2}$ the Hamiltonian is diagonalized: $$\label{eq:H_4pi_final2}
{\hat {\cal H}}_{\chi SG}^{\bh^2=2}=\ix
\,:\!\left[{-iv_{\rm n}\left({\psi_+^{\dagger}\delx\psi_+
+ \psi_-^{\dagger}\delx\psi_-}\right)
-\lambda (\psi_+^{\dagger}\psi_+ +\psi_-^{\dagger}\psi_-)}\right]\!:.$$
Note that in the case of the 110 state the charged boson ($\phi_{\rm c}$) has radius $R_{\rm c}=1/\sqrt{2}$ and hence the fermionization can be accomplished without adding an auxiliary degree of freedom by replacing $\hat{\phi}$ by $\phi_{\rm c}$ in Eq. (\[eq:phi\_to\_theta\]). The result of this procedure is nothing more than the chiral fermion description of the original Hamiltonian of two uncorrelated, interacting, $\nu=1$ edges, given above in Eq. (\[eq:H(110)\]). For the 110 state the advantage of using an auxiliary boson rather than the charged mode in the fermionization is that in the former case the theory is quadratic (\[eq:H\_4pi\_final2\]), whereas in the latter case it is not (\[eq:H(110)\]).
Having solved the theory with the auxiliary boson, we now show at the level of the partition function that projecting out the unphysical degree of freedom from the spectrum of Eq. (\[eq:H\_4pi\_final2\]) reproduces the result from the direct solution in Section \[sec:exactsolns\]. From Eq. (\[eq:H\_4pi\_final2\]) the partition functions of the theory with the auxiliary boson is $$\label{eq:Z_XSG'_4pi}
{\hat Z}^{\bh^2=2}_{\chi SG}(\beta)={1\over \varphi(q_{\rm n})^2}
\sum_{N_{+},N_{-} \in \Zint} e^{-\beta \lambda
(N_{+}+N_{-})}q_{\rm n}^{{1\over 2}(N_{+}^2+N_{-}^2)}.$$ To write the partition function including the charged mode we must again consider gluing conditions. We must separate states according to their $N_{\rm n}$-parity, which because of the condition ${\hat
N}+N_{\rm n}\in\Zint_{\rm even}$, is equivalent in their ${\hat
N}$-parity. Since ${\hat N}$ is just the total fermion number measured with respect to the $\lambda=0$ ground state, we see the partition function of the full edge theory is: $$\label{eq:Z'_4pi}
{\hat Z}^{\bh^2=2}(\beta)=\chi_{R_{\rm c}}^{(2(m+n),0)}(q_{\rm
c}){\hat Z}_{\chi SG}^{\bh^2=2,\,{\rm even}}
+\chi_{R_{\rm c}}^{(2(m+n),m+n)}(q_{\rm c}){\hat Z}_{\chi
SG}^{\bh^2=2,\,{\rm odd}},$$ where ${\hat Z}_{\chi SG}^{\bh^2=2,\,{\rm even}}$ is given by Eq. (\[eq:Z\_XSG’\_4pi\]) with the restriction $N_{+}+N_{-}\in\Zint_{\rm
even}$ and similarly for ${\hat Z}_{\chi SG}^{\bh^2=2,\,{\rm odd}}$. To project out the radius $R=1/\sqrt{2}$ auxiliary boson we added (${\hat \phi}$) in Eq. (\[eq:H\_4pi.1\]) we must evaluate $$\label{eq:projZ_XSG}
Z^{\bh^2=2}_{\chi SG}(\beta)={{\hat Z}_{\chi SG}^{\bh^2=2,\,{\rm even}} \over
\chi_{1/\sqrt{2}}^{(2,0)}(q_{\rm n})}
+ {{\hat Z}_{\chi SG}^{\bh^2=2,\,{\rm odd}} \over \chi_{1/\sqrt{2}}^{(2,1)}(q_{\rm n})}$$ for the theory in isolation and $$\label{eq:projZ_4pi}
Z^{\bh^2=2}(\beta)=\chi_{R_{\rm c}}^{(2(m+n),0)}(q_{\rm c}){{\hat
Z}_{\chi SG}^{\bh^2=2,\,{\rm even}}
\over \chi_{1/\sqrt{2}}^{(2,0)}(q_{\rm n})}
+\chi_{R_{\rm c}}^{(2(m+n),m+n)}(q_{\rm c}) {{\hat Z}_{\chi
SG}^{\bh^2=2,\,{\rm odd}} \over
\chi_{1/\sqrt{2}}^{(2,1)}(q_{\rm n})},$$ for the full edge theory. It is useful at this point to recall the definitions of the Jacobi theta functions: $$\begin{aligned}
\Theta_2(\nu|\tau)&=& \sum_{r\in\Zint + {1\over 2}} e^{2\pi i \nu
r}e^{i \pi \tau r^2}, \nonumber \\
\Theta_3(\nu|\tau)&=& \sum_{r\in\Zint} e^{2\pi i \nu r}e^{i \pi \tau
r^2}, \label{eq:Jacobi} \\
\Theta_4(\nu|\tau)&=& \sum_{r\in\Zint} (-1)^r e^{2\pi i \nu r}e^{i \pi
\tau r^2}. \nonumber \end{aligned}$$ If we define ${\bar \nu}\equiv i\beta\lambda/2\pi$ and ${\bar \tau}
\equiv i\beta v_{\rm n}/L$, we see from the definition of the chiral boson character (\[eq:CBchar\]) and Eqns. (\[eq:Jacobi\]) that $$\label{eq:rewrite1}
\chi_{1/\sqrt{2}}^{(2,0)}(q_{\rm n})={1\over \varphi(q_{\rm
\chi_{1/\sqrt{2}}^{(2,1)}(q_{\rm n})={1\over \varphi(q_{\rm
n})}\Theta_2(0|2\tb).$$ Next note that we can rewrite the sums appearing in ${\hat Z}_{\chi
SG}^{\bh^2=2,\,{\rm even}}$ and ${\hat Z}_{\chi SG}^{\bh^2=2,\,{\rm
odd}}$ using $$\begin{aligned}
\sum_{N_{+}+N_{-}\in\Zint_{{\rm even}}} &=&
\sum_{N_{+},N_{-}\in\Zint}{1\over 2}\left[1+(-1)^{N_{+}+N_{-}}\right],
\nonumber \\
\sum_{N_{+}+N_{-}\in\Zint_{{\rm odd}}} &=&
\sum_{N_{+},N_{-}\in\Zint}{1\over 2}\left[1-(-1)^{N_{+}+N_{-}}\right],
\label{eq:rewrite2} \end{aligned}$$ and hence $$\begin{aligned}
{\hat Z}_{\chi SG}^{\bh^2=2,\,{\rm even}} &=& {1\over 2
\varphi(q_{\rm n})^2}
\nonumber \\
{\hat Z}_{\chi SG}^{\bh^2=2,\,{\rm odd}} &=& {1\over 2
\varphi(q_{\rm n})^2}
-\left[{\Theta_4(\nb|\tb)}\right]^2}\right\}. \label{eq:rewrite3} \end{aligned}$$ Finally, using the standard doubling identities [@Bateman] $$\begin{aligned}
\Theta_3(2\nu|2\tau)&=&{ \left[{\Theta_3(\nu|\tau)}\right]^2
+\left[{\Theta_4(\nu|\tau)}\right]^2 \over 2\Theta_3(0|2\tau)},
\nonumber \\
\Theta_2(2\nu|2\tau)&=&{ \left[{\Theta_3(\nu|\tau)}\right]^2
-\left[{\Theta_4(\nu|\tau)}\right]^2 \over 2\Theta_2(0|2\tau)},
\label{eq:doubling} \end{aligned}$$ and Eqns. (\[eq:rewrite1\]) and (\[eq:rewrite3\]) in (\[eq:projZ\_XSG\]) and (\[eq:projZ\_4pi\]) we obtain $$\begin{aligned}
Z^{\bh^2=2}_{\chi SG}(\beta) &=&
{1\over\varphi(q_{\rm n})}\left[{\Theta_3(2\nb|2\tb)
\nonumber \\
Z^{\bh^2=2}(\beta) &=& \chi_{R_{\rm c}}^{(2(m+n),0)}(q_{\rm
c}){1\over\varphi(q_{\rm n})}
+\chi_{R_{\rm c}}^{(2(m+n),m+n)}(q_{\rm c}){1\over\varphi(q_{\rm
\label{eq:Z_4pi_final}\end{aligned}$$ which by Eq. (\[eq:Jacobi\]) are in precise agreement with the results of the exact solution in the previous section, Eqns. (\[eq:Z\_XSG\_4pi\]) and (\[eq:Z\_4pi\]). We have also checked that correlation functions calculated with the fermionic Hamiltonian (\[eq:H\_4pi\_final2\]) are identical to those found in Eqns. (\[eq:D\_4pi\]) and (\[eq:T\_4pi\]).
Marginal Tunneling, $\bh^2=4$
We next consider the generic multi-flavor fermionization of the Hamiltonian at $\bh^2=4$. We add to ${\cal H}_{\chi SG}^{\bh^2=4}$ the Hamiltonian for three free chiral bosons ($\ph_i$) with radii ${\hat
R}_i$ and topological charges ${\hat N}_i$: $$\begin{aligned}
{\hat {\cal H}}_{\chi SG}^{\bh^2=4}&\equiv&{\cal H}_{\chi
SG}^{\bh^2=4}[\phi]+{\cal H}_F[\ph_1,\ph_2,\ph_3] \nonumber \\
\Biggl\{ {1\over 4\pi}
\,:\!\biggl[v_{\rm n}(\delx
\phi)^2 +\left({v_{\rm n}+{\lambda\over 2\pi}}\right)[(\delx
\ph_1)^2+(\delx \ph_2)^2]
\nonumber\\ & &
\qquad\qquad +\left({v_{\rm n}+{\lambda\over\pi}}\right)(\delx
{+{2\lambda\over (2\pi a)^2}\cos[2\phi(x)]}\Biggr\}.
\label{eq:H_8pi}\end{aligned}$$ The velocities of the auxiliary fields are completely at our discretion, and the motivation for the specific choice made here will become clear below. We perform an orthogonal (canonical) transformation which mixes the physical mode ($\phi$) with the auxiliary bosons: $$\label{eq:phi_to_theta_2}
\pmatrix{\phi \cr \hat{\phi}_1 \cr \hat{\phi}_2 \cr \hat{\phi}_3
\cr}={1\over 2} \pmatrix{1 & -1 & 1 & -1 \cr \sqrt{2} & \sqrt{2} & 0 &
0 \cr 0 & 0 & \sqrt{2} & \sqrt{2} \cr 1 & -1 & -1 & 1 \cr}
\pmatrix{\theta_1 \cr \theta_2 \cr \theta_3 \cr \theta_4}.$$ In terms of these new bosons our Hamiltonian is: $$\begin{aligned}
{\hat {\cal H}}_{\chi SG}^{\bh^2=4}&=&\ix \biggl\{ {1\over
4\pi}\left({v_{\rm n}+{\lambda\over 2\pi}}\right):\!\delx
\theta_i\,\delx\theta_i\!: +{\lambda\over (2\pi a)^2}
h.c.}\right] \nonumber \\ & &+{\lambda\over
\label{eq:H_8pi(theta)}\end{aligned}$$ The topological charge dependent part of the transformation in Eq. (\[eq:phi\_to\_theta\_2\]) is $$\begin{aligned}
{1\over 2}N_{\rm n}=&{1\over
{\hat R}_1{\hat N}_1=&{1\over
\sqrt{2}}(R_1^{\theta}N_1^{\theta} +R_2^{\theta}N_2^{\theta}),
\\ {\hat R}_3{\hat N}_3=&{1\over
{\hat R}_2{\hat N}_2=&{1\over
\label{eq:Nphi_to_Ntheta_2}\end{aligned}$$ where $N_i^{\theta},R_i^{\theta}$ are the topological charge and radius of the field $\theta_i(x)$, respectively. We again want to use our freedom to choose the quantities ${\hat R}_i$ to ensure $R_i^{\theta}=1$. Clearly ${\hat R}_1={\hat R}_2=1/\sqrt{2},{\hat
R}_3=1/2$ accomplishes this. Since the $\theta_i$ fields have unit radius we can introduce a quartet of chiral fermion operators $$\label{eq:newfermions_8pi}
\psi_i(x)={1\over \sqrt{2\pi a}}e^{i\theta_i(x)}.$$ Once again these fermion operators are defined here without the Klein factors necessary to ensure the proper anticommutation relations. The fact that this can be remedied without modifying the form of the Hamiltonian is demonstrated in Appendix \[sec:Kleins\].
In terms of these fermions Eq. (\[eq:H\_8pi(theta)\]) reads: $$\begin{aligned}
{\hat {\cal H}}_{\chi SG}^{\bh^2=4}&=&\ix\,:\!\biggl\{{-iv'_{\rm
+{\lambda'\over 2} \Bigl[{ \psi_1 \psi_2^{\dagger} \psi_3
\psi_4^{\dagger}+ \psi_4 \psi_3^{\dagger} \psi_2
& & {}+{{1\over 2}(\psi_1^{\dagger}\psi_1
\label{eq:H_fermi_8pi}\end{aligned}$$ where $v'_{\rm n}\equiv v_{\rm n}+\lambda/2\pi$, and $\lambda' \equiv
2\lambda$. The fermion normal ordering in Eq. (\[eq:H\_fermi\_8pi\]) is again defined with respect to the $\lambda=0$ ground state which satisfies $c_{ki}|\Omega\rangle=c_{-ki}^{\dagger}|\Omega\rangle=0$ for $k>0$ and all $i$, where $k\in (2\pi/L)(\Zint +1/2)$ and $c_{ki}$ are the Fourier components of $\psi_i(x)$. At this value of $\bh^2$ the $\lambda=0$ ground state is the exact ground state of the Hamiltonian for $\lambda\neq 0$ (in contrast to the $\bh^2=2$ case where the $\lambda=0$ ground state is an exact eigenstate for $\lambda\neq 0$, but not the ground state). Assembling our four spinless fermions into a pair of (pseudo-)spin-1/2 fermions according to $$\label{eq:spin1/2}
\Phi_1\equiv\pmatrix{\psi_1 \cr \psi_2 \cr},\qquad
\Phi_2\equiv\pmatrix{\psi_4 \cr \psi_3 \cr},$$ the Hamiltonian (\[eq:H\_fermi\_8pi\]) can be written as a quadratic form $$\label{eq:H_8picurrent}
{\hat {\cal H}}_{\chi SG}^{\bh^2=4}=\ix\,:\!\left[{ {\pi v'_{\rm n}\over
2}(J_1^2+J_2^2)+ {2\pi v'_{\rm n}\over 3}(\bJ_1^2+\bJ_2^2)
+\lambda'\,\bJ_1\!\cdot \bJ_2}\right]\!:$$ in terms of the currents $$\label{eq:currents}
J_i^{a}(x)\equiv {1\over
\Phi_{i\beta}(x)\!:.$$ where $\sigma^{a}, a=x,y,z$, are the Pauli matrices. The reason for our choice of velocities in Eq. (\[eq:H\_8pi\]) is now apparent: along with the transformation in Eq. (\[eq:phi\_to\_theta\_2\]) it produces a combination of four-Fermi couplings in Eq. (\[eq:H\_fermi\_8pi\]) that can be written as a scalar product of currents. This is not a unique construction, we can obtain the same final form (\[eq:H\_8picurrent\]) with a different choice of velocities by modifying the transformation (\[eq:phi\_to\_theta\_2\]).
Defining the Fourier components of the currents $$\label{eq:currentmodes}
J_{i,n}\equiv\ix J_i(x)e^{-2\pi i n x/L},\quad \bJ_{i,n}\equiv\ix
\bJ_i(x)e^{-2\pi i n x/L},\quad n\in\Zint,$$ the algebra is $$\begin{aligned}
\left[{J_{i,n}, J_{j,m}}\right] & = &
2n\delta_{ij}\delta_{n+m,0},\quad \left[{J_{i,n},J_{j,m}^{a}}\right]=0,
\nonumber \\ \left[{J_{i,n}^{a}, J_{j,m}^{b}}\right] & = & {n\over
2}\delta_{ij}\delta^{ab}\delta_{n+m,0} +i\delta_{ij}\epsilon^{abc}
J_{i,n+m}^{c}. \label{eq:KMalgebras}\end{aligned}$$ We therefore have two $\hat{u}(1)$ ($J_i$) and two $\widehat{su}(2)_1$ ($\bJ_i$) Kac-Moody algebras. From Eqns. (\[eq:currents\]) and (\[eq:currentmodes\]) we find that the ground state satisfies $$\label{eq:J_on_g.s.}
J_{i,n}|\Omega\rangle=J_{i,n}^{a}|\Omega\rangle=0,\,{\rm for}\quad
i=1,2;\quad a=x,y,z;\quad n\geq 0,$$ and therefore normal ordering for the current operator modes is defined by moving any current with momentum index $n\leq 0$ to the right past any current with index $m>0$ with which it has a non-trivial commutator.
To solve Eq. (\[eq:H\_8picurrent\]), the spin part of which is the Sugawara form of two coupled $\widehat{su}(2)_1$ Wess-Zumino-Witten models[@BYB], we first note that we can define: $$\label{eq:Virasoros}
{\cal L}_n^{(i)}\equiv{1\over 2}:\!J_{i,m}\,J_{i,n-m}\!:,\qquad
L_n^{(i)}\equiv{1\over 3}:\!J_{i,m}^{a}\,J_{i,n-m}^{a}\!:.$$ These four sets of operators obey four independent $c=1$ Virasoro algebras. The operators $\bJ_{+}\equiv \bJ_1+\bJ_2$ obey an $\widehat{su}(2)_2$ diagonal subalgebra of $\widehat{su}(2)_1\oplus
\widehat{su}(2)_1$, and the bilinear operators formed from them $$\label{eq:su(2)2virasoro}
L^{(+)}_n\equiv{1\over 4}:\!J_{+,m}^{a}\,J_{+,n-m}^{a}\!:,$$ obey a $c=3/2$ Virasoro algebra. From the GKO coset construction, the operators $\Lt_n\equiv L_n^{(1)}+L_n^{(2)}-L_n^{(+)}$ form a $c=1/2$ Virasoro algebra which is independent of the one formed from the $\bJ_{+,n}$ currents, , $[\Lt_n,L_m^{(+)}]=0$. Using these observations and the trivial identity $$\label{eq:currentident}
:\!\bJ_1(x)\cdot \bJ_2(x)\!:\,={1\over
2}{:\!\left[{\bJ_+(x)}\right]^2\!:\over 4} -{3\over
\over 3} -{:\!\left[{\bJ_+(x)}\right]^2\!:\over 4}\right\},$$ the Hamiltonian becomes $$\label{eq:H_8pi_final}
{\hat {\cal H}}_{\chi SG}^{\bh^2=4}={\pi v'_{\rm n}\over L}\left[{{\cal
L}^{(1)}_{0}+{\cal L}^{(2)}_{0}}\right] +\left[{{2\pi v'_{\rm n}\over
L}+{\lambda'\over 2 L}}\right]L^{(+)}_{0} +\left[{{2\pi v'_{\rm n}\over
L}-{3\lambda'\over 2 L}}\right]\Lt_{0}.$$ By transforming from $L^{(1)}_n, L^{(2)}_n$ to $L^{(+)}_n, \Lt_n$ we have succeeded in diagonalizing the Hamiltonian. From Eqns. (\[eq:J\_on\_g.s.\]), (\[eq:Virasoros\]), (\[eq:su(2)2virasoro\]), and the definition of $\Lt_n$ one finds that the ground state $|\Omega\rangle$ is annihilated by ${\cal L}^{(i)}_n,
L^{(+)}_n, \Lt_n$ for $i=1,2$ and $n \ge 0$. Excited states are obtained by acting on $|\Omega\rangle$ with combinations of Virasoro generators with $n<0$.
We now project out the auxiliary degrees of freedom we added in Eq. (\[eq:H\_8pi\]). The Hilbert space of the Hamiltonian is the subspace of the Hilbert space of ${\hat {\cal H}}_{\chi
SG}^{\bh^2=4}$ for which the auxiliary chiral bosons are in their ground state. We define a state $|\gamma\rangle$ as physical (, belonging to the Hilbert space of the Hamiltonian) if it satisfies $$\label{eq:proj_ph}
\,:\!(\delx \ph_i)^2\!:
|\gamma\rangle =0,\;{\rm for}\quad i=1,2,3.$$ Using Eqns. (\[eq:phi\_to\_theta\_2\]), (\[eq:newfermions\_8pi\]), (\[eq:spin1/2\]), and (\[eq:currents\]), these conditions can be written in terms of currents as $$\begin{aligned}
\ix :\!\left[{J_i(x)}\right]^2\!:|\gamma\rangle&=&0\quad{\rm for}\quad
i=1,2, \label{eq:proj_u(1)} \\ \ix
:\!\left[{J_{+}^{z}(x)}\right]^2\!:|\gamma\rangle&=&0. \label{eq:proj_su(2)}\end{aligned}$$ We note that these quadratic conditions can be recast as linear constraints. For example, using Eq. (\[eq:currentmodes\]) in Eq. (\[eq:proj\_u(1)\]) and acting on the left with $\langle\gamma|$ we find $$\label{eq:linear_proj}
\|{J_{i,0}|\gamma\rangle}\|^2 + 2 \sum_{n=1}^{\infty}
\|{J_{i,n}|\gamma\rangle}\|^2=0$$ where we have used $\left({J_{i,n}}\right)^{\dagger}=J_{i,-n}$. Since the norm is positive semi-definite we see that Eq. (\[eq:proj\_u(1)\]) is equivalent to the set of linear conditions $J_{i,n}|\gamma\rangle=0$ for $n\ge 0$. The condition in Eq. (\[eq:proj\_u(1)\]) states that we should project out the ${\widehat u(1)}$ algebras, , acting on any physical state with ${\cal L}^{(i)}_{-n}$ for $i=1,2$, and $n>0$, necessarily produces an unphysical state. From the Hamiltonian (\[eq:H\_8pi\_final\]), and Eq. (\[eq:proj\_u(1)\]) we have $$\label{eq:killu(1)'s}
{\hat {\cal H}}_{\chi SG}^{\bh^2=4}|\gamma\rangle=\left({2\pi \over L}\right)
\left[{\left({v'_{\rm n}+{\lambda'\over 4\pi}}\right)L^{(+)}_0
+\left({v'_{\rm n} -{3\lambda'\over
4\pi}}\right)}\Lt_0\right]|\gamma\rangle,$$ if $|\gamma\rangle$ is physical. The second projection condition, Eq. (\[eq:proj\_su(2)\]), is slightly more subtle. We are aided by the observation that the operators $J_{+,n}^{z}$ obey a $\widehat
{u}(1)$ subalgebra of the $\widehat{su}(2)_2$ algebra generated by $\bJ_{+,n}$. Therefore $$\label{eq:ZVirasoro}
L^{(z)}_n\equiv{1\over 2}:\!J_{+,m}^{z}\,J_{+,n-m}^{z}\!:,$$ obey a $c=1$ Virasoro algebra and we can once again use the GKO construction to define operators $\Lh_n\equiv L^{(+)}_n-L^{(z)}_n$ which are independent of the $L^{(z)}_n$ (, $[\Lh_n,L^{(z)}_m]=0$) and which obey a $c=1/2$ Virasoro algebra. Using $L^{(+)}_0=\Lh_0+L^{(z)}_0$ and Eqns. (\[eq:proj\_su(2)\]), (\[eq:killu(1)’s\]) and (\[eq:ZVirasoro\]) we arrive at $$\label{eq:H_8pi_proj}
{\hat {\cal H}}_{\chi SG}^{\bh^2=4}|\gamma\rangle={\cal H}_{\chi
SG}^{\bh^2=4}|\gamma\rangle= \left({2\pi \over L}\right)
\left[{\left({v'_{\rm n}+{\lambda'\over 4\pi}}\right)\Lh_0
+\left({v'_{\rm n} -{3\lambda'\over
4\pi}}\right)}\Lt_0\right]|\gamma\rangle,$$ if $|\gamma\rangle$ is a physical state. One can readily show $[\Lh_n,\Lt_m]=0$ and therefore from Eq. (\[eq:H\_8pi\_proj\]) we see that the Hamiltonian can be written as the sum of two independent $c=1/2$ pieces with velocities $(v'_{\rm n}+\lambda'/4\pi)=v_{\rm
n}+\lambda/\pi=v_+$ and $(v'_{\rm n}-3\lambda'/ 4\pi)=v_{\rm n}-\lambda/\pi=v_-$, in precise agreement with the expression (\[eq:HXSG8pi,Maj\]) obtained by the direct solution in Section \[sec:exactsolns\], since a Majorana fermion has a central charge of $1/2$.
Fermionic Sequence {#sec:fermiseq}
In Section \[sec:fermionizations\] we discussed the generic fermionization of the theory for points in the bosonic sequence ($\bh^2\in\Zint^{+}_{\rm even}$), which involves the introduction of $(\bh^2-1)$ auxiliary chiral bosons. This procedure can also be applied to the fermionic sequence ($\bh^2\in\Zint^{+}_{\rm odd}$), but the subtlety here is that the perturbation is antiperiodic, from Eq. (\[eq:period\]) we have ([(x+L)]{})=-([(x)]{}), which is consistent with the fact that its scaling dimension is half-integer and hence in the multi-flavor fermionization it is represented as a product of an odd number of fermions. One can modify the definition of the theory at these points by adding a factor of $e^{-i\pi x/L}$ to the tunneling amplitude $\lambda$ to make the perturbation periodic. For the case $\bh^2=1$ the chiral boson has radius $R_{\rm n}=1$ and the theory can be fermionized without adding auxiliary degrees of freedom. With the modification to the tunneling amplitude one finds \_[SG]{}\^[\^2=1]{}&=&\
&=& ::\
&=& ([2v\_[n]{} L]{})\_[r+1/2]{}r:c\_r\^c\_r: + (c\_[1/2]{}+c\_[1/2]{}\^) \[eq:HXSG2pi\], where we have used $e^{i\phi(x)}/\sqrt{2\pi a}=\psi(x)=L^{-1/2}
\sum_r e^{2\pi i r x/L}c_r$. A similar Hamiltonian, with the cosine interaction at a point rather than along the line has appeared in various physical contexts, see for example Ref. [@matveev]. Note that the perturbation changes only a single Fourier mode of the chiral fermion. Therefore in the limit $L\rightarrow
\infty$ the perturbation has no effect, which is to be expected since a term in the Hamiltonian consisting of a product of an odd number of fermions cannot produce any off-diagonal long range order.
Semiclassical Considerations {#sec:semiclass}
In the case of the standard sine-Gordon theory, the classical equation of motion has massive solitonic solutions. A semiclassical analysis about these configurations, valid for small $\bh^2$, gives information about the spectrum of the quantum theory in the massive phase which exists for $\bh^2<4$ [@Rajaraman]. In this section we demonstrate that the classical field theory of the model possesses analogous solitary wave (kink) solutions, and we address the question as to whether or not a similar semiclassical expansion is useful.
Consider the model (in the limit $L\rightarrow \infty$) as a classical field theory. The real-time Lagrangian density is \[eq:ClassicalL\] [L]{}\_[SG]{}=-[14]{}(+ v\_[n]{}) +(()-1), where the classical coupling constant $\kappa$ is related to the dimensionless coupling used in Section \[sec:RG\] by $\kappa\equiv -\lh/(2\pi a)^2$. We have included a constant term in the potential energy so that the minima at $\phi=2\pi r/\bh$, $r\in \Zint$ have zero energy. The classical equation of motion is \[eq:EOM\] (+v\_[n]{} )- 2()=0. The conjugate momentum of the field $\phi(x)$ is $\Pi(x)=-\delx\phi(x)/4\pi$, and the Hamiltonian of the theory is \[eq:classH\] [H]{}\_[SG]{}=. The equation of motion is reproduced in the Hamiltonian formalism by defining the fundamental Poisson bracket of the chiral Bose field to be[@FDMHunpub] \[eq:fundPB\] {(x),(x’) }\_[PB]{}=2(x-x’). This Poisson bracket is non-canonical, which is to be expected since the system is constrained, , $\Pi(x)$ can be expressed in terms of $\phi(x)$. This is in contrast to the standard SG theory, in which the field and its conjugate momentum are independent dynamical variables. If we define the rescaled field ${\bar \phi}\equiv
\bh\phi$ to normalize the period of the potential energy term, we see from Eq. (\[eq:fundPB\]) that the Poisson bracket of $\delx{\bar \phi}(x)$ and ${\bar \phi}(x')$ is proportional to $\bh^2$. Therefore we would expect a semiclassical analysis to be relevant when $\bh^2$ is small, just as in the non-chiral SG model. However, recall that the quantum theory at a finite length $L$ is only sensible for $\bh^2\in\Zint$, and hence in the region of $\bh^2$ where we expect the semiclassical expansion to be most valid, the quantum theory is problematic.
If we consider only static field configurations, the equation of motion is identical to the one obtained from the non-chiral SG theory. Therefore, Eq. (\[eq:EOM\]) has time-independent kink solutions which are identical to those of the standard SG theory. From these stationary configurations we can find time-dependent solutions by applying a boost. The result is: \[eq:soliton\] \_[,v\_s]{}(t,x)=[4]{}\^[-1]{}{ [ ]{}}, where $v_s\in [-\infty,v_{\rm n}]$ is the velocity of the solitary wave. The topological charge is \[eq:classN\] N (x), and the solution $\phi_{\pm,v_s}$ has $N=\pm 1$. These solitary waves are not chiral, $v_s$ can be positive or negative, but there still is left-right asymmetry. The solitary waves that move to the right (the chirality at $\kappa=0$) have a maximum velocity $v_{\rm n}$ and are contracted relative to the $v_s=0$ solutions, while the solitary waves moving to the left have no maximum velocity and are stretched relative to the static solutions. The existence of solitary wave solutions with arbitrarily large velocities is in contrast to the standard SG theory where the solitons have a maximum velocity because of the Lorentz invariance of the theory. Also, in the usual SG theory the solitary wave solutions are solitons. Whether or not this is true in the theory is an open question.
Since ${\cal L}_{\chi SG}$ does not depend explicitly on $t$ or $x$ there is a conserved energy, ${\cal E}$, and a conserved momentum, ${\cal P}$, given by \[\]&=& \[eq:consE\]\
[P]{}\[\]&=& ()\^2 \[eq:consP\] Using Eq. (\[eq:soliton\]) in Eqns. (\[eq:consE\]) and (\[eq:consP\]), the energy and momentum of the solitary wave solutions are E(v\_s)& & [E]{}\[\_[,v\_s]{}\]=[v\_[n]{} ]{} + \[eq:E(v)\]\
P(v\_s)& & [P]{}\[\_[,v\_s]{}\]= \[eq:P(v)\] where $\zeta\equiv \sqrt{8\kappa/\pi \bh^2}$. Note that $P(v_s)\geq
0$ even for solutions that propagate to the left ($v_s <0$). The dispersion relation is $E(P)=v_{\rm n} P + \zeta^2/P$, which has a minimum at $P_0=\zeta/\sqrt{v_{\rm n}}$ for which $E(P_0)=2\sqrt{v_{\rm n}}\zeta$.
We have found that there are topologically non-trivial solitary wave solutions of the classical equation of motion which exhibit a dispersion relation with a finite energy gap of order $\sqrt{\kappa}$. However, the quantum spectrum of the theory is gapless, at least at the points $\bh^2=2$ and $\bh^2=4$. It is unclear how a semiclassical expansion about massive classical solutions could possibly describe the massless quantum theory. A second observation is that while the solitary wave solutions in Eq. (\[eq:soliton\]) conserve the topological charge, the dynamics of the theory does not. From Eqns. (\[eq:classH\]), (\[eq:fundPB\]), and (\[eq:classN\]) we see that \[eq:PBNH\] { N,[H]{}\_[SG]{}}\_[PB]{}=\^2(x). The functional on the r.h.s. of Eq. (\[eq:PBNH\]) is in general non-zero, but it does vanish for $\phi_{\pm,v_s}$ since they are odd functions of $(x-v_s t)$. If at some instant an arbitrarily small perturbation which destroys this symmetry is added to the solitary wave solution, it follows from Eq. (\[eq:PBNH\]) that a naive time evolution would result in a non-conserved winding number. However, from Eqns. (\[eq:classN\]) and (\[eq:consE\]), we see that if the topological charge of the system departs from an integer value, the energy would be infinite. Thus, if we impose boundary conditions on the field and its spatial derivative such that the energy is finite, specifically, \[eq:finiteE\] \_[x]{}(x)=0, \_[x]{}(x)([2]{}), then the winding number will be restricted to the integers, and hence it will be conserved if we assume continuity of $\phi(t,x)$. In the quantum theory the topological charge is [*not*]{} conserved, as can be seen from the non-vanishing of the commutator corresponding to the Poisson bracket in Eq. (\[eq:PBNH\]). We therefore believe a semiclassical expansion about the solitary wave solutions is unlikely to be useful for understanding the spectrum of the quantum theory.
Summary {#sec:disc}
We have considered the edge theory of double-layer quantum Hall systems with a single mode per edge, upon inclusion of interlayer single-electron tunneling at the edge. The theory can be separated into a free chiral boson Hamiltonian for the charged mode and a chiral sine-Gordon Hamiltonian for the neutral mode. We have argued that the RG flow of the theory differs significantly from that of the standard, non-chiral sine-Gordon theory, in particular $\bh$ is not renormalized and there is a line of fixed points at $\bh^2=4$. In addition, the theory likely only makes sense for integer values of $\bh^2$.
These values in turn break up into an apparently unphysical fermionic sequence, and a bosonic sequence that is realized in quantum Hall systems. In the bosonic sequence there are two points at which tunneling is not irrelevant, $\bh^2=2$ and $\bh^2=4$, and each corresponds to an infinite set of double-layer quantum Hall edge theories. For these two cases we have obtained exact solutions for the partition function and some correlation functions. At $\bh^2=2$ we find that tunneling produces spatial oscillations in the correlation functions while at $\bh^2=4$ tunneling splits the velocities of the two Majorana components of the chiral Dirac fermion corresponding to the neutral mode.
The exact solution of the $\bh^2=4$ case involves an unfamiliar Bose-Fermi identity, $\psi\delx\psi\sim e^{2i\phi}$, which is put on firm ground in the appendices. This is the first in a sequence of identities of the form $$\label{eq:moreBFident}
e^{ik\phi(x)}\sim \prod_{m=0}^{k-1} \partial_x^{m}\psi(x),\qquad
Extensions of this work to include the effects of disorder, asymmetric velocities $v\neq v'$, and the case of more than two layers are currently being pursued[@nps-wip] and we expect to discuss these, along with a proposal to detect the trifurcation of the electron at the 331 edge, in a future publication.
Acknowledgments {#sec:ack}
We would like to thank E. Fradkin, I. Gruzberg, I. Klebanov, R. Konik, D.-H. Lee, M. Stone, H. Verlinde, and X.-G. Wen for useful discussions. We thank H. Saleur for bringing Ref. [@Dijkgraaf] to our attention. We would like to acknowledge support by a NSF Graduate Research Fellowship (JDN), DOE Grant DE-FG02-90ER40542 (LPP) as well as NSF grant No. DMR-96-32690, US-Israel BSF grant No. 9600294, and fellowships from the A. P. Sloan Foundation and the David and Lucille Packard Foundation (SLS).
[*Note added:*]{} After completion of this work, F. D. M. Haldane pointed out to us that identities similar to Eq. (\[eq:fermie2phi\]) are implicit in work involving Umklapp scattering for spinless electrons in one dimension. As we have been unable to find an explicit proof in the literature we have chosen to retain our proofs in the interests of completeness.
Klein Factors {#sec:Kleins}
In this appendix we demonstrate that it is possible to modify our definitions of fermionic vertex operators in a way that gives the proper anticommutation relations between different flavors without altering the form of the Hamiltonian. The first case to consider is the physical electron operators defined in Eq. (\[eq:elec\_ops\]), which commute for electrons in different layers. We modify this definition to $$\label{eq:elec_opsw/Kleins}
\Psi_i(x)={1\over L^{m/2}} e^{i\pi S_{ij}{\cal N}_j}e^{i u_i(x)},$$ where $S$ is a matrix used to enforce the correct anticommutation relations. We now have, using Eqns. (\[eq:varphi\_CR\]) and (\[eq:N,varphi\_CR\]), $$\label{eq:electronCR}
\Psi_i(x)\Psi_j(x')=\Psi_j(x')\Psi_i(x) e^{i\pi [{\rm sgn}(x'-x)
K_{ij}-S_{ik}K_{kj}+S_{jk}K_{ki}]}\qquad \hbox{for}\qquad x\neq x'.$$ If $K_{12}=n$ is odd we can set $S=0$ and have the correct anticommutation relations between the electron operators in different layers. If $n$ is even then we require $$\label{eq:requireACR}
n(S_{11}-S_{22})+m'S_{12}-mS_{21}\in \Zint_{\rm odd}.$$ From the dimension of the operator in Eq. (\[eq:elec\_opsw/Kleins\]) it is clear that for $m\neq 1$ it is not possible for $\Psi_i(x)$ and $\Psi^{\dagger}_i(x')$ to have a canonical anticommutator; a characteristic consequence of a low-energy projection. It can be shown that $\{:\!\Psi_i(x)\!:,\,:\!\Psi^{\dagger}_j(x')\!:\} \propto
\delta_{ij}\delta^{(m-1)}(x-x')$ in the limit $a\rightarrow 0,
L\rightarrow \infty$.
Using Eq. (\[eq:elec\_opsw/Kleins\]) in the definition of the tunneling Hamiltonian (\[eq:H\_1\]) gives: $$\label{eq:H_1 w/Kleins}
{\cal H}_1={\lambda_0\over L^m} \ix (:\!e^{i\pi
\left({S_{2j}(K_{j2}-K_{j1})-(S_{1j}-S_{2j}){\cal N}_j}\right)}
e^{i u_1(x)}e^{-i u_2(x)}\!: +\, {\rm h.c.}).$$ The topological-charge dependent coefficient is just $\pm 1$ provided: $$\label{eq:noKleinsinH_1}
S_{12}-S_{22},\quad S_{11}-S_{21} \in \Zint_{\rm even}.$$ For any even $n$ and odd $m,m'$ there are infinitely many choices for $S$ that simultaneously satisfy Eq. (\[eq:requireACR\]) and Eq. (\[eq:noKleinsinH\_1\]). We make the particularly simple choice $$\label{eq:S}
S=\pmatrix{ 1 & 0 \cr 1 & 0 \cr}\qquad \hbox{for}\qquad n \in
\Zint_{\rm even},$$ and absorb the overall sign into the definition of the tunneling amplitude $\lambda\rightarrow (-1)^{n+1}\lambda$, making Eq. (\[eq:H\_1 w/Kleins\]) identical to Eq. (\[eq:H\_1\]).
The second place where Klein factors are needed is in the fermionizations of the Hamiltonian in Section \[sec:fermionizations\]. For the case $\bh^2=2$, Eq. (\[eq:newfermions\]) should be modified to read $$\label{eq:newfermionsw/Kleins}
\psi_i(x)={1\over \sqrt{2\pi a}}e^{i\pi
S_{ij}N_j^{\theta}}e^{i\theta_i (x)}.$$ The matrix $S$ is again given by Eq. (\[eq:S\]) and ensures the proper anticommutation relations between the different fermion species without modifying Eq. (\[eq:H\_4pifermi\]), just as in Eq. (\[eq:H\_1 w/Kleins\]). For the multi-flavor fermionization at $\bh^2=4$, Eq. (\[eq:newfermions\_8pi\]) should be replaced by $$\label{eq:newfermions_8piwKleins}
\psi_i(x)={1\over \sqrt{2\pi a}}e^{i \pi
P_{ij}N^{\theta}_j}e^{i\theta_i(x)},$$ where the matrix $P$ is chosen so that $\psi_i$ and $\psi_j$ anticommute for $i\neq j$. One can readily show: $$\label{eq:newfermionCR}
\psi_i(x)\psi_j(x')=\psi_j(x')\psi_i(x)e^{i\pi(P_{ji}-P_{ij} +{\rm
\quad\hbox{for}\quad x\neq x',$$ and therefore we demand $$\label{eq:restrictP}
P_{ij}-P_{ji}\in \Zint_{\rm odd}\quad\hbox{for}\quad i \neq j.$$ Using Eq. (\[eq:newfermions\_8piwKleins\]) in Eq. (\[eq:H\_8pi(theta)\]) we find the fermionized Hamiltonian including Klein factors is $$\begin{aligned}
{\hat {\cal H}}_{\chi SG}^{\bh^2=4}&=&\ix:\!\biggl[{-iv'_{\rm
n}\psi_i^{\dagger}\delx\psi_i +
\lambda(e^{i\pi p}e^{i\pi O_i P_{ij}N_{j}}\psi_1 \psi_2^{\dagger}
\psi_3 \psi_4^{\dagger} + {\rm
h.c.})}\nonumber \\ & &
(\psi_4^{\dagger}\psi_4-\psi_3^{\dagger}\psi_3) \biggr]\!:,
\label{eq:H_fermi_8piwKleins}\end{aligned}$$ where $O_i=(-1)^i$ and $p=P_{21}-P_{22}+P_{32}-P_{31}+P_{41}-P_{42}+P_{43}-P_{44}$. From Eqns. (\[eq:restrictP\]) and (\[eq:H\_fermi\_8piwKleins\]) we see that one choice of $P$ that gives the correct anticommutation relations and which trivializes the explicit topological charge dependence of the Hamiltonian is $$\label{eq:P}
P=\pmatrix{0 & 1 & 1 & 1 \cr 0 & 1 & 1 & 1 \cr 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 \cr 0 & 0
& 0 & 1 \cr}.$$ With this choice of $P$, we find Eq. (\[eq:H\_fermi\_8piwKleins\]) is identical to Eq. (\[eq:H\_fermi\_8pi\]).
Equivalence of Correlation Functions {#sec:corr}
In this appendix we prove the validity of the identity $$\label{eq:bosonID}
\psi(x)\delx\psi(x)={i\over 2\pi a^2}e^{2i\phi(x)},$$ by comparing the $2N$-point correlation functions of these operators and their Hermitian conjugates. We work at zero temperature for simplicity. Consider first the correlation function in the free chiral boson theory: $$\begin{aligned}
{\cal B}_N(z_1,\ldots ,z_N;z'_1,\ldots ,z'_N)& \equiv & \left\langle{
\prod_{i=1}^{N} \left({i\over{2\pi a^2}}\right) e^{2i\phi(\tau_i,x_i)}
\prod_{i=1}^{N} \left({-i\over{2\pi a^2}}\right)
e^{-2i\phi(\tau'_i,x'_i)}}\right\rangle \nonumber \\ & = & {1\over
(2\pi)^{2N}} { \prod_{1\leq i < j\leq N} (z_i-z_j)^4 (z'_i-z'_j)^4
\over \prod_{1\leq i,j \leq N}(z_i-z'_j)^4}. \label{eq:B}\end{aligned}$$ From Eq. (\[eq:bosonID\]), the corresponding correlation function in the free chiral fermion theory is: $$\label{eq:F}
{\cal F}_N(z_1,\ldots ,z_N;z'_1,\ldots ,z'_N)\equiv \left\langle{
\psi^{\dagger}(\tau'_i,x'_i)}\right)}\right\rangle.$$ We adopt the complex notation $\psi(\tau,x)\equiv\psi(z),\delx\psi(\tau,x)\equiv
-i\partial_z\psi(z)$. To evaluate this $2N$-point function we write it as the limit of a $4N$-point function and pull the derivatives outside the correlator: $$\begin{aligned}
{\cal F}_N(\{z_i\},\{z'_i\}) & = & \lim_{w_1,w_2\rightarrow z_1}\quad
\lim_{w'_1,w'_2\rightarrow z'_1} \ldots
\lim_{w_{2N-1},w_{2N}\rightarrow z_N}\quad
\lim_{w'_{2N-1},w'_{2N}\rightarrow z'_N} \nonumber \\ & &
\label{eq:splitting}\end{aligned}$$ From Eqns. (\[eq:cauchy\]) and (\[eq:2N-Dirac\]) we find that the $4N$-point correlation function can be written: $$\label{eq:DiracDet}
{\prod_{1\leq i < j\leq 2N} (w_i-w_j)(w'_i-w'_j) \over \prod_{1\leq
i,j \leq 2N}(w_i-w'_j)}.$$
We first organize the products appearing in Eq. (\[eq:DiracDet\]) by separating coordinates, $w_i$, with even and odd indices. The denominator can be expressed as $$\label{eq:denom}
\right],$$ and the numerator can be rewritten using $$\begin{aligned}
& & \times
\label{eq:numer}\end{aligned}$$ and an identical expression with $w_i$ replaced by $w'_i$.
When the $N^2$ derivatives in Eq. (\[eq:splitting\]) act on the expression on the r.h.s. of Eq. (\[eq:DiracDet\]), a large number of terms are generated. However, from Eq. (\[eq:numer\]) we see that the numerator in Eq. (\[eq:DiracDet\]) contains a factor $(w_{2k-1}-w_{2k})$ for each $k=1,\ldots N$. In the limit $w_{2k-1},w_{2k}\rightarrow z_k$, this factor vanishes, and hence the only term that will be non-zero in the multiple limit given in Eq. (\[eq:splitting\]) is the term in which the operator $\partial_{w_{2k}}$ acts on $(w_{2k-1}-w_{2k})$ for all $k=1,\ldots
N$. An analogous argument holds for the primed coordinates and therefore we find using Eqns. (\[eq:B\]), and (\[eq:splitting\])-(\[eq:numer\]): $$\begin{aligned}
\lefteqn{{\cal F}_N(\{z_i\},\{z'_i\}) = \lim_{w_1,w_2\rightarrow z_1}\quad
\lim_{w'_1,w'_2\rightarrow z'_1} \ldots
\lim_{w_{2N-1},w_{2N}\rightarrow z_N}\quad
\lim_{w'_{2N-1},w'_{2N}\rightarrow z'_N} } & & \nonumber \\
\quad & &\times {1\over (2\pi)^{2N}}{ \prod_{1 \leq i < j \leq N}\left[{
[w_i\rightarrow w'_i] \over
\prod_{1 \leq i,j \leq N}(w_{2i-1}-w'_{2j-1})
(w_{2i}-w'_{2j-1})(w_{2i-1}-w'_{2j})(w_{2i}-w'_{2j})} \nonumber \\
& = & {1\over (2\pi)^{2N}}{\prod_{1\leq i < j \leq N}(z_i-z_j)^4
(z'_i-z'_j)^4 \over
\prod_{1\leq i, j \leq N} (z_i-z'_j)^4 }= {\cal
B}_N(\{z_i\},\{z'_i\}), \label{eq:evenodd} \end{aligned}$$ completing the proof.
Equivalence of Commutation Relations {#sec:comm}
Here we calculate some additional commutation relations in support of the identification (\[eq:fermie2phi\]), which can be written in terms of a normal-ordered exponential \[using Eq. (\[eq:normal-ordering\])\] as $$\label{eq:eight-pi-no}
{2\pi i\over L^2}\,:\!e^{2i\phi}\!:\,=\psi\,\partial_x\psi.$$ Consider the operators $$\begin{aligned}
\Ab{p-1}(x)&\equiv&{1\over p\,k_1^{p}}
\,:\!\left(\partial_x\phi\right)^p\!:\, =\sum_n
\Ab{p-1}_n\,e^{ik_nx}, \\
\Cb\pm(x)&\equiv&{1\over2}\, :\!\left(e^{2i\,\phi}\pm
e^{-2i\,\phi}\right)\!:\, = \sum_n
\Cb\pm_n\,e^{ik_nx},\end{aligned}$$ where $k_1\equiv 2\pi/L$ and the rightmost sides of the expressions define the normalization of the associated harmonics. One can check that $$\begin{aligned}
\left[\Cb\pm_n,\, \Ab{0}_m\right] &=&-2\,\Cb\mp_{n+m},\\
\left[\Cb\pm_n,\, \Ab{1}_m\right] &=&(n-m)\,\Cb{\pm}_{n+m},\\
\left[\Cb\pm_n,\, \Cb{\pm}_m\right]
\left[\Cb+_n,\, \Cb-_m\right]
&=&{2}\Ab2_{n+m}+ %% {3(n-m)^2+(n+m)^2-4\over24}
{n^2-n\,m+m^2-1\over6}\Ab0_{n+m}.\end{aligned}$$ For example, to derive Eq. (\[eq:comm-Cbp-Cbp\]), we write each operator as a Fourier transformation, $$%
\Cb\pm_n=L^{-1}\int_{-L/2}^{L/2} {dx}\,e^{-i k_n\,x}\,\Cb\pm(x),$$ and evaluate the products of normal ordered vertex operators with the help of decomposition (\[eq:sepvertex\]) explicitly at a given cutoff $a>0$, $$:\!e^{i\alpha_1\phi(x)} \!:\,\,:\! e^{ i\alpha_2\phi(y)}\!:\,
=\,:\!e^{i\alpha_1\phi(x)+ i\alpha_2\phi(y)}\!: \,
{\displaystyle e^{ -\pi\,i\,\alpha_1\alpha_2 \,(y-x)/L}\over
\left[1-e^{2\pi\,i (y-x+i
\label{eq:svd-beta-two}$$ In the limit $a\to0$, the commutator of these two vertex operators vanishes at $x\neq y$ for even integer values of the product $\alpha_1\alpha_2$, but it has a pole of order $|\alpha_1\alpha_2|$ at $x=y$ for negative values of the product, $\alpha_1\,\alpha_2<0$. A direct calculation with the help of the substitution $z=\exp(2\pi\,i\, x/L)$ shows that the only contribution to the commutator (\[eq:comm-Cbp-Cbp\]) is given by the corresponding residue, $$\begin{aligned}
\oint\limits_{|z|=1} {dz\,z^{\alpha^2/2-n -1}\over (2\pi i)\,
\,{\partial^{(\alpha^2-1)}\over \partial
&=&{1\over24}\sum_{\alpha=\pm2}\oint{dz\,z^{1-n}\over 2\pi i}\,
{\partial^3\over \partial w^3}\left[w^{1-m}
& &\hskip-0.9in= \oint\limits_{|z|=1} {dz\,z^{-n-m-1}\over 2\pi i}
{ z^{3}\over2}\partial_z:\!(\partial_z\varphi_z)^2\!:\,\right],
% & &\hskip-0.75in\end{aligned}$$ and a simple integration by parts gives the result (\[eq:comm-Cbp-Cbp\]). In Eq. (\[eq:residue-contribution\]) we used \[[*cf*]{}. Eq. (\[eq:phi\_modes\])\] $$\varphi_z= -NR\,i\ln z-\chi/R+\sum_{r=1}^{\infty}{1\over\sqrt r}\,e^{-k_r
a/2}\left(z^{-r}\,b_r^\dagger +z^r\,b_r\right).$$ Readers familiar with conformal field theory techniques will notice that Eq. (\[eq:comm-general-two-vertex\]) could be obtained immediately within the formalism of canonical quantization on a cylinder[@BYB]. We also notice that Eq. (\[eq:comm-Cb-Ab1\]) follows from a more general relationship for the vertex operator ${\cal V}^{\alpha}(x)\equiv \,:\!e^{i\alpha\phi}\!:$, $$\label{eq:comm-Verb-Ab1}
\left[{\cal V}^{\alpha}_n,\, \Ab{1}_m\right] =
{\cal V}^{\alpha}_{n+m},$$ which can be derived in a variety of standard ways. On the other hand, using Eq. (\[eq:eight-pi-no\]) and the canonical bosonization prescription, we can define the fermionic counterparts of the same operators, $$\begin{aligned}
\Af{p-1}(x)&\equiv& {L^p\over
p}\,:\!{\left(\,:\!\psi^\dagger\psi\!:\,\right)^p}\!: ,\\
\Cf{\pm}(x)&\equiv&{L^2\over4\pi i}\left(
\right) ={1\over2}\sum_r e^{i\,k_r x} \sum_s s \left( c_{r-s} c_s\pm
c_s^\dagger c_{s-r}^\dagger\right),\end{aligned}$$ where the canonical Fermi operators $c_r$, $\{c_r,\,c^\dagger_s\}=\delta_{rs}$ are defined by the expansion of the antiperiodic field $$\psi(x)=L^{-1/2}\sum_{r\in\Zint+{1\over 2}} c_r\,e^{2\pi i r x/L}.$$ Comparing their commutation relations, it is a straightforward (but lengthy) exercise to express the operators $$\Af0_n=\Rf{0,0}_n,\quad
\Af2_n\equiv \Rf{1,1}_n+{2n^2+1\over6}\,\Rf{0,0}_n,\ldots$$ in terms of operators $$\Rf{a,b}_{n}=\lim_{K\to\infty}\sum_{r=-K}^{K+n}(r-n)^a\,
r^b\,:\!c_{r-n}^\dagger c_r\!:,$$ bilinear in fermions. The commutation relations then read $$\begin{aligned}
{\left[\Cf{\pm}_n,\,\Af0_m\right]}&=&-2 \Cf{\mp}_{n+m},
% \eqno(\ref{eq:comm-Cb-Ab0}')
{\left[\Cf{\pm}_n,\,\Af1_m\right]}&=&(n-m)\,\Cf{\pm}_{n+m} ,
% \eqno(\ref{eq:comm-Cb-Ab1}')
% \eqno(\ref{eq:comm-Cbp-Cbp}')
&=& 2\Af2_{n+m} +{n^2-n\,m+m^2-1\over6}\Af0_{n+m};
% \eqno(\ref{eq:comm-Cbp-Cbm}')\end{aligned}$$ they are in precise correspondence with Eqns. (\[eq:comm-Cb-Ab0\])–(\[eq:comm-Cbp-Cbm\]).
Alternative Solution of the $\chi$SG Theory at $\bh^2=4$. {#sec:direct}
With the help of the commutation relations derived in Appendix \[sec:comm\], we can diagonalize the Hamiltonian at $\bh^2=4$, Eq. (\[eq:newHXSG8pi\]), directly within the operator formalism. Indeed, in terms of normal-ordered quantities the Hamiltonian reads $$\begin{aligned}
{\cal H}_{\chi SG}^{\bh^2=4}
&=&\ix \left[{v_{\rm n}\over 4\pi}:\!(\delx \phi)^2\!:
+{2\lambda\over L^2}:\!\cos(2\phi)\!:\right]
& =&{2\pi\over L^2}\ix \left[ {v_{\rm n}}\,A^{(1)}(x)
+{\lambda\over\pi}\,C^{(+)}(x)\right] \\
&=& {2\pi\over L}\left[v_{\rm n} A^{(1)}_0+{\lambda \over \pi}
\label{eq:csg-hamilt-two}\end{aligned}$$ where we used the normal ordering formula (\[eq:normal-ordering\]) and the definitions (\[eq:Am-defined\]), (\[eq:Cm-defined\]); the last line is written as a sum of two commuting operators. The commutation relations (\[eq:comm-Cb-Ab0\])–(\[eq:comm-Cbp-Cbm\]) imply that the operators $$L_n^\pm\equiv {1\over2} (A_n\pm C^{(+)}_n)$$ generate two [*independent*]{} $c=1/2$ Virasoro algebras, $$\left[L_n^a,\,L_m^b\right] =\delta^{ab} \left(n-m\right)\,L^b_{n+m}
+{1\over24}n\,(n^2-1)\,\delta_{n+m,0}\,\delta^{ab},$$ and the Hamiltonian (\[eq:csg-hamilt-two\]) becomes $${\cal H}_{\chi SG}^{\bh^2=4}=({2\pi/ L})\,\left({v_+}L^+_0
+ v_- L^-_0\right),\quad v_\pm=v_{\rm n}\pm\lambda/\pi.$$ Now the spectrum can be obtained directly in terms of irreducible representations of the two $c=1/2$ Virasoro algebras. To this end it is convenient to write each set of operators $L_n^a$, $a=\pm$, in terms of an independent Majorana fermion. In particular, $${2\pi\over L}\,L_0^a={1\over
2i}\ix :\!\chi_a\partial_x\chi_a\!:,$$ which takes us back to the Hamiltonian (\[eq:HXSG8pi,Maj\]) obtained by a more conventional fermionization procedure.
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[^1]: Corresponding Author: [email protected], 609.258.5983 (Tel), 609.258.1006 (FAX)
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Yiye Ruan, David Fuhry, Srinivasan Parthasarathy\
Department of Computer Science and Engineering\
The Ohio State University\
- 'content\_net\_spars.bib'
title: Efficient Community Detection in Large Networks using Content and Links
This work is sponsored by NSF SoCS Award \#IIS-1111118, “Social Media Enhanced Organizational Sensemaking in Emergency Response”.
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"pile_set_name": "ArXiv"
} | ArXiv |
abstract: 'Individual localized spins in semiconductors are attracting significant interest in the frame of quantum technologies including quantum information and quantum enhanced sensing. Localized spins of magnetic atoms incorporated in a semiconductor are particularly promising for quantum sensing. Here we demonstrate that the spin of a Cr atom in a quantum dot (QD) can be controlled optically and we discuss the main properties of this single spin system. The photoluminescence of individual Cr-doped QDs and their evolution in magnetic field reveal a large magnetic anisotropy of the Cr spin induced by local strain. This results in a splitting of the Cr spin states and in a thermalization on the lower energy states states S$_z$=0 and S$_z$=$\pm$1. The magneto-optical properties of Cr-doped QDs can be modelled by an effective spin Hamiltonian including the spin to strain coupling and the influence of the QD symmetry. We also show that a single Cr spin can be prepared by resonant optical pumping. Monitoring the intensity of the resonant fluorescence of the QD during this process permits to probe the dynamics of the optical initialization of the spin. Hole-Cr flip-flops induced by an interplay of the hole-Cr exchange interaction and the coupling with acoustic phonons are the main source of relaxation that explains the efficient resonant optical pumping. The Cr spin relaxation time is measured in the $\mu s$ range. We evidence that a Cr spin couples to non-equilibrium acoustic phonons generated during the optical excitation inside or near the QD). Finally we show that the energy of any spin state of an individual Cr atom can be independently tuned by a resonant single mode laser through the optical Stark effect. All these properties make Cr-doped QDs very promising for the development of hybrid spin-mechanical systems where a coherent mechanical driving of an individual spin in an oscillator is required.'
- 'Institut Néel, CNRS, Univ. Grenoble Alpes and Grenoble INP, 38000 Grenoble, France'
- 'University of Tsukuba, Institute of Material Science, Japan'
- 'L. Besombes, H. Boukari, V. Tiwari, A. Lafuente-Sampietro'
- 'S. Kuroda, K. Makita'
title: Optical control of an individual Cr spin in a semiconductor quantum dot
Individual spins in semiconductors are promising for the development of quantum technologies based on solid state devices. Important progresses have been made recently for spins of carriers confined in nano-structures [@Veldhorst2015] and for electronic and nuclear spins localized on individual defects [@Schmitt2017]. Diluted magnetic semiconductor systems combining high quality nano-structures and localized spins on transition metal elements are alternative good candidates for the development of such single spin quantum devices. Optically active quantum dots (QDs) containing individual or pairs of magnetic dopants can be realized both in II-VI [@Besombes2004; @Goryca2009; @LeGall2009; @LeGall2010; @LeGall2011; @Besombes2012] and III-V [@Kudelski2007; @Krebs2013] semiconductors. In these systems, since the confined carriers and magnetic atom spins are strongly mixed, an optical excitation of the QD can affect the spin state of the atom offering possibilities for probing and controlling of the localized spin [@Govorov2005; @Reiter2013].
The variety of $3d$ transition metal magnetic elements that can be incorporated in conventional semiconductors gives a large choice of localized electronic and nuclear spins as well as orbital momentum [@Besombes2004; @Kobak2014; @Smolenski2016; @Lafuente2016]. For a given semiconductor nano-structure, the spin properties resulting from the exchange interaction between the confined carriers and the incorporated magnetic dopant depend on the filling of the $3d$ orbital of the atom. The choice of a particular magnetic element can then be adapted for a targeted application. This approach opens a diversity of possible use of individual spins in diluted magnetic semiconductor nano-structures for quantum information technologies or quantum sensing.
Among these magnetic atoms, chromium (Cr) is of particular interest [@Lafuente2016]. It usually incorporates in intrinsic II-VI semiconductors as Cr$^{2+}$ carrying an electronic spin S=2 and an orbital momentum L=2. Moreover, most of Cr isotopes have no nuclear spin. This simplifies the spin level structure and the coherent dynamics of its electronic spin [@Vallin1974]. With bi-axial strain, the ground state of the Cr is expected to be an orbital singlet with a spin degeneracy of 5. The non zero orbital momentum (L=2) of the Cr atom connects its electronic spin to the local strain through the modification of the crystal field and the spin-orbit coupling. This spin to strain coupling is expected to be more than two orders of magnitude larger than for elements without orbital momentum like NV centers in diamond [@Tessier2014] or Mn atoms in II-VI semiconductors [@Lafuente2015].
In analogy with the spin structure of NV centers in diamond, the spin states S$_z=\pm1$ of a Cr$^{2+}$ ion in a QD form a spin $qubit$ coupled to in-plane strain [@Lee2017]. The Cr spin is therefore promising for the realization of hybrid spin-mechanical systems [@Pigeau2015; @Macquarrie2015] in which the motion of a mechanical oscillator would be coherently coupled to the spin state of a single atom and probed or coherently controlled through this interaction [@Tessier2014; @Rabl2010; @Ovar2014].
This review article is organized as follows: after a short presentation of the spin properties of magnetic atoms in semiconductors and their exchange interaction with the carriers of the host we discuss how we can use the optical properties of a QD to probe the spin of an individual Cr. We show that magneto-optics is an efficient tool to extract the relevant parameters of the QDs and the strength of carriers-Cr exchange interaction. We then present optical techniques for to control the Cr spin (resonant optical pumping and energy tuning by optical Stark effect) and discuss the dynamics of Cr spin in the presence of optically created carriers or in the dark. We finally show that Cr atoms in a QD forms an interesting platform for the study of the coupling of individual spins with propagating surface acoustic phonons which are proposed as efficient quantum bus between different kinds of qubits [@Schuetz2015].
Spin properties of magnetic atoms in semiconductors
The important properties of individual magnetic atoms in diluted magnetic semiconductors arise from (i) their fine (and hyperfine) structure, which controls the spin dynamics at zero or weak magnetic field and (ii) the exchange interaction with the carriers of the host, which determines the conditions of optical and electrical control. We will discuss here the origin of these two parameters for Cr embedded in CdTe/ZnTe QDs and compare with more extensively studied Mn-doped systems.
Fine and hyperfine structure of a magnetic atom in a II-VI semiconductor
Cr atoms are usually incorporated into un-doped II-VI semiconductors as Cr$^{2+}$ ions on cation sites forming a deep impurity level. The ground state of a free Cr$^{2+}$ is $^{5}$D with the orbital quantum number L=2 and a spin S=2 yielding a 25-fold degeneracy. In the crystal field of T$_{d}$ symmetry of the tetrahedral cation site in zinc-blende crystal, the degeneracy is partially lifted (see Figure \[FigLevelCr\]): the $^{5}$D term splits into 15-fold degenerate orbital triplet $^{5}$T$_{2}$ and 10-fold degenerate orbital doublet $^{5}$E. The Jahn-Teller distortion reduces the symmetry to D$_{2d}$ and leads to a splitting of the $^{5}$T$_{2}$ ground state into a 5-fold degenerate $^{5}$B$_{2}$ orbital singlet and a $^{5}$E orbital doublet.
![Scheme of the energy level splitting of Cr$^{2+}$ at a cation site in II-VI compounds having zinc blende structure (T$_d$) with a crystal field parameter $\Delta$, a Jahn-Teller energy E$_{J-T}$ and a spin-orbit level spacing D$_0$.[]{data-label="FigLevelCr"}](FigLevelCr.pdf){width="3.5in"}
The ground state orbital singlet $^{5}$B$_{2}$ is further split by the spin-orbit interaction. In a strain free crystal, it was found that the ground state splitting can be described by the spin effective Hamiltonian [@Vallin1974]:
{\cal H}_{Cr,CF}={\cal D}_0S_z^2\nonumber\\
with $|{\cal D}_0|\gg|a|$, $|F|$. For the studies reported here, it is a good approximation to take $a=0$ and $F=0$. The x, y, z principal axes were found to coincide with the cubic axes (1,2,3) giving rise to three identical sites, each given by (\[FS\]) but with the z axis of each along a different cubic axis (1,2,3). A value of ${\cal D}_0\approx+30 \mu eV$ was estimated from Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) measurements in highly diluted bulk Cr-doped CdTe [@Vallin1974].
Static biaxial compressive strain in the (001) plane, as observed in self-assembled QDs, reduces the symmetry to D$_{2d}$ and destabilize the Cr $3d$ orbitals $d_{xz}$ and $d_{yz}$ having an electron density pointing along the $[$001$]$ axis ($z$ axis). The Cr ground state is then a 5-fold spin degenerated orbital singlet formed from the $d_{xy}$ orbital. It corresponds to the Jahn-Teller ground state with a tetragonal distortion along the $[$001$]$ axis [@Brousseau1988].
An additional applied stress will influence the Cr spin fine structure through the modification of the crystal field and the spin-orbit interaction. For an arbitrary strain tensor, the general form of the Cr ground state spin effective Hamiltonian is [@Vallin1974]
{\cal H}_{Cr,\varepsilon}=c_1e_AS_{\theta}+c_2e_{\theta}S_{\theta}+c_3e_{\epsilon}S_{\epsilon}+c_4e_{\zeta}S_{\zeta}\nonumber\\
with S$_i$ defined as:
and $e_i$ defined similarly as:
where the $\epsilon_{ij}$ are components of the strain tensor. For a flat CdTe self-assembled QDs in ZnTe with a dominant in-plane biaxial strain we have a strain tensor:
\mathcal{\varepsilon}_{ij} = \left(
\varepsilon_{\parallel} &0 &0 \\
0 &\varepsilon_{\parallel} &0 \\
0 &0 &\varepsilon_{zz} \\
with $\varepsilon_{zz}=-2\frac{C_{12}}{C_{11}}\varepsilon_{\parallel}$ and C$_{ij}$ the stiffness constants for CdTe.
------------- ------------- -------------- ------------ ---------------
c$_{1}$ c$_{2}$ c$_{3}$ c$_{4}$ c$_{5}$
-0.25$\pm$2 +4.9 $\pm$2 -1.2$\pm$0.5 +4.9$\pm$2 +3.7$\pm$1.25
------------- ------------- -------------- ------------ ---------------
: Values for spin to strain coupling coefficients of Cr in bulk CdTe (in $meV$) extracted from EPR measurements in ref. [@Vallin1974].[]{data-label="table1"}
For this strain configuration, the Cr fine structure is controlled by the spin-lattice coupling coefficients c$_1$ (symmetric coefficient) and c$_2$ (tetragonal coefficients). The strain-coupling coefficients estimated from EPR measurements in bulk Cr doped CdTe are listed in table \[table1\]. The strain controlled part of the spin Hamiltonian ${\cal H}_{\varepsilon}$ becomes:
{\cal H}_{Cr,\varepsilon\parallel}= \frac{3}{2}\varepsilon_{\parallel}[2c_1(1-\frac{C_{12}}{C_{11}})-c_2(1+2\frac{C_{12}}{C_{11}})]S_z^2=D_0S_z^2\end{aligned}$$
where we can estimate a magnetic anisotropy D$_0\approx$ 1$\pm$0.6 meV from the values of the spin to strain coupling coefficients in pure CdTe (table \[table1\]) and $\varepsilon_{\parallel}=(a_{ZnTe}-a_{CdTe})/a_{CdTe}\approx-5.8\%$.
An anisotropy of the strain in the QD plane (001) would affect the Cr fine structure through the tetragonal coefficients c$_3$ and c$_4$. The largest spin to strain coupling is expected for a strain along $[$110$]$ direction (coefficient $c_4$) with $\varepsilon_{xy}=\varepsilon_{yx}\neq0$ and $\varepsilon_{xx}=\varepsilon_{yy}=0$. This interaction can be described by an additional term in the spin-strain Hamiltonian
{\cal H}_{Cr,\varepsilon\perp}=c_4(\varepsilon_{xy}+\varepsilon_{yx})(S_xS_y+S_yS_x)=c_4(\varepsilon_{xy}+\varepsilon_{yx})\frac{1}{2i}(S_+^2-S_-^2)
This anisotropy term couples spin states separated by two units and in particular S$_z$=+1 and S$_z$=-1 which are initially degenerated in the absence of magnetic field. As we will see in the last section, such term, together with terms proportional to $\epsilon_{xx}-\epsilon_{yy}$, can be exploited to induce a strain mediated coherent coupling between a mechanical oscillator and a Cr spin.
The situation is different for a Mn atom which, incorporated as a Mn$^{2+}$ ion in II-VI compounds, has no orbital momentum. As the ground state of the Mn$^{2+}$ has no orbital degeneracy it is not affected by the Td crystal field nor by the reduction of its symmetry by biaxial strain. However the spin degeneracy is lifted by a combination of spin-orbit interaction and reduced symmetry of the crystal field. As in the case of Cr this results in a splitting of the spin levels according to $D_0S_z^2$ but with $D_0$ at least two orders of magnitude weaker than in the Cr case (values around 7$\mu eV$ were measured in CdTe/ZnTe QDs [@Goryca2014; @Jamet2013]. All the Mn stable isotopes carries a nuclear spin I=5/2. This nuclear spin couples to the $3d$ electrons via the hyperfine interaction ${\cal A}I.S$ with ${\cal A}\approx0.7\mu eV$. The fine and hyperfine splitting have similar values and this results in a complex 36 spin level structure responsible of the rich spin dynamics observed for an individual Mn atom in a QD [@Goryca2014; @Jamet2013].
Exchange interaction between carriers and a magnetic atom
Diluted magnetic semiconductors are characterised by a large exchange interaction between the localized spins of the magnetic atoms and the carriers of the host. The electron-magnetic atom coupling for carriers at the center of the Brillouin zone arises from the standard short range exchange interaction. It is then ferromagnetic and a value of the exchange energy N$_0\alpha\approx0.2eV$ (where $N_0$ is the number of unit cell in a normalized volume) is found for most of the transition metals incorporated in wide band gap II-VI compounds [@Kacman2001].
The exchange interaction with the hole spin is usually larger than the interaction with the electron spin and arises from two mechanisms: (i) a ferromagnetic coupling resulting from the short range exchange interaction and (ii) a spin dependent hybridization of the $d$ orbital of the magnetic atom and the $p$ orbital of the host semiconductor, the so-called kinetic exchange.
The $p-d$ hybridization is strongly sensitive to the energy splitting between the $3d$ levels of the atom and the top of the valence band. This hybridization of course significantly depends on the considered transition metal element (i.e. filling of the $3d$ orbital) and, for a given magnetic element, on the semiconductor host [@Kossut]. It can be either ferromagnetic or anti-ferromagnetic depending on the relative position of the $d$ levels and the top of the valence.
In the case of Mn, the Mn$^{2+/3+}$ donor level is located far within the valence band and the kinetic exchange results in an anti-ferromagnetic hole-Mn coupling. The p-d hybridization has the main contribution to the hole-Mn exchange and the overall interaction is anti-ferromagnetic. A value of N$_0\beta\approx-0.88eV$ has been measured for Mn in CdTe [@Furdyna1988].
For a Cr atom in the 3$d^4$ configuration, it has been demonstrated [@Blinowski1992; @Kacman2001] that the exchange interaction between a Cr atom with a Jahn-Teller distortion oriented along the \[001\] axis (z-axis) and a heavy-hole with a $z$ component of its total angular momentum J$_z$=$\pm$3/2 can be expressed in the form:
where $B_N$ (with N=4 for Cr) is given by
with $E_N^S$ the unperturbed energy of the $d$ shell with N electrons and total spin S, V$_{pd}$ the hybridization constant between the $d$ orbital of the impurity and the $p$ orbital of the semiconductor host and $\varepsilon_p$ the energy of the top of the valence band [@Kacman2001]. This Cr site orientation along the \[001\] axis corresponds to the CdTe/ZnTe QDs where a Cr atom can be optically detected. Such dots are characterized by a large biaxial strain which dominates the Jahn-Teller effect and orients the Cr spin along the QD growth axis [@Brousseau1988].
In the expression (\[BN\]) controlling the amplitude of the hole-Cr exchange, the first denominator corresponds to the energy $e_1$ required to transfer an electron from the $d$ shell of the Cr atom to the valence band reducing the total spin from S to S-1/2 (and reducing the number of electrons in the $d$ shell from N to N-1). The denominator of the second term is the energy $e_2$ required to transfer an electron from the top of the valence band to the $d$ shell also with a reduction by 1/2 of the total spin (and an increase of the number of electrons in the $d$ shell from N to N+1). This last energy $e_2$ includes the electron-electron exchange interaction in the $d$ shell (at the origin of Hund rule) and is then large (a few eV) and always positive.
The sign of $B_4$ controls the sign of the hole-Cr kinetic exchange interaction: a negative $B_4$ corresponds to an anti-ferromagnetic interaction whereas a positive $B_4$ will give rise to a ferromagnetic interaction. If e$_1$ is negative ($E_{N}^{S}-E_{N-1}^{S-1/2}>\varepsilon_p$) and $1/e_1<-1/e_2$, $B_4$ is positive. The donor transition Cr$^{2+}$ to Cr$^{3+}$ is within the band gap of the semiconductor and the hole-Cr exchange interaction is ferromagnetic. This is the situation reported until now for all the studied bulk II-VI compounds containing diluted Cr atoms [@Blinowski1996]. In particular, Cr-doped bulk ZnTe exhibits a large ferromagnetic exchange interaction. This is consistent with the optical observation of the Cr$^{2+/3+}$ donor level about 0.2 eV above the top of the valence band in ZnTe [@Kuroda2007].
For a positive value of $e_1$ ($E_{N}^{S}-E_{N-1}^{S-1/2}<\varepsilon_p$), $B_4$ is negative and the hole-Cr exchange interaction is anti-ferromagnetic. This corresponds to a donor level Cr$^{2+/3+}$ within the valence band. According to equation (\[BN\]), a slight change of the value of e$_1$ around 0 can abruptly change the hole-Cr exchange from a large ferromagnetic to a large anti-ferromagnetic value. However, one should note that the calculations leading to the expression of the kinetic exchange interaction (\[exchange\]) contain two important approximations. First, the influence of the crystal field and strain modified crystal field on the magnetic atom $d$ orbital is neglected. Secondly, the model is based on a perturbation approach which is not particularly well adapted when $e_1$ is close to zero as expected for Cr in CdTe or ZnTe.
The hole-Cr exchange interaction has never been measured in bulk CdTe. However, the energy level of a transition-metal impurity does not significantly change between materials with common anion [@Kossut]. The valence band offset between ZnTe and CdTe being around 0.1 eV [@Continenza1994] one could also expect that the Cr donor transition in bulk CdTe could be very close but slightly above the top of the valence band. This should give rise to a ferromagnetic hole-Cr exchange interaction as observed for Cr-doped ZnTe. However, whereas the acceptor level Cr$^{2+/1+}$ has clearly been optically identified in bulk CdTe, the donor level Cr$^{2+/3+}$ has never been observed. This suggests, following reference [@Rzepka1993], that it could be resonant with the valence band. The resulting hole-Cr exchange interaction would then be large and anti-ferromagnetic.
Optical probing of the spin state of an individual Cr atom
To optically access individual magnetic atoms, Cr are randomly introduced in CdTe/ZnTe self-assembled QDs grown by Molecular Beam Epitaxy on ZnTe (001) substrates following the procedure described in ref.[@Wojnar2011]. The amount of Cr is adjusted to optimize the probability to detect QDs containing 1 or a few Cr atoms. The emission of individual QDs, induced by optical excitation with a dye laser tuned on resonance with an excited state of the dots [@Besombes2014], is studied in magnetic fields (up to 11 T) by optical micro-spectroscopy in Faraday configuration.
Exciton-Cr in a CdTe/ZnTe quantum dot
The low temperature (T=5K) PL of the neutral exciton coupled to a single Cr spin (X-Cr) of three individual Cr-doped QDs (QD1, QD2 and QD3) are reported in Figure \[FigQDCr\]. Three main emission lines are observed for X-Cr. The relative intensities of the lines and their splitting change from dot to dot. For some of the dots, a splitting of the central line is observed and an additional line appears on the low energy side of the X-Cr spectra. All these features result from the exchange coupling of the electron and hole spins with a single Cr spin.
![PL of exciton-Cr at low temperature (T=5K) in three different QDs, QD1, QD2 and QD3.[]{data-label="FigQDCr"}](FigQDCr.pdf){width="4.5in"}
When an electron-hole (e-h) pair is injected in a Cr-doped QD, the bright excitons are split by the exchange interaction between the spins of Cr and carriers. In flat self-assembled QDs, the heavy-holes and light-holes are separated in energy by the biaxial strain and the confinement. In a first approximation, the ground state in such QD is a pure heavy-hole (J$_z$=$\pm$3/2) exciton and the exchange interaction with the Cr spin S is described by the spin Hamiltonian
{\cal H}_{c-Cr}=I_{eCr}\vec{S}\cdot\vec{\sigma}+I_{hCr}S_zJ_z\end{aligned}$$
with $\vec{\sigma}$ the electron spin and J$_z$ the hole spin operator. I$_{eCr}$ and I$_{hCr}$ are, respectively, the exchange integrals of the electron and the hole spins with the Cr spin. These exchange energies depend on the exchange constant of the $3d$ electrons of the Cr with the carriers in CdTe and on the overlap of the Cr atom with the confined carriers.
![Diagram of the energy levels of the ground state (Cr alone) and the bright exciton state coupled to the spin of the Cr (X-Cr) in a strained Cr-doped QD. Vertical arrows indicates the main optical transition with their dominant polarization either linear ($\pi$) or circular ($\sigma$).[]{data-label="Figniveaux"}](Figniveaux.pdf){width="2.5in"}
For highly strained CdTe/ZnTe QDs with a weak hole confinement, the strain induced energy splitting of the Cr spin $D_0S^2_z$ is much larger than the exchange energy with the confined carriers ($D_0\gg |I_{hCr}|>|I_{eCr}|$). The exchange interaction with the exciton acts as an effective magnetic field which further splits the Cr spins states S$_z$=$\pm$1 and S$_z$=$\pm$2. The resulting X-Cr energy levels are presented in Figure \[Figniveaux\]. The exciton recombination does not affect the Cr atom and its spin is conserved during the optical transitions. Consequently, the large strained induced splitting of the Cr spin is not directly observed in the optical spectra. However, at low temperature, the Cr spin thermalize on the low energy states S$_z$=0 and S$_z$=$\pm$1. This leads to a PL dominated by three contributions: A central line corresponding to S$_z$=0 and the two outer lines associated with S$_z$=$\pm$1 split by the exchange interaction with the carriers.
As presented in the case of QD3 in Figure\[FigPolLine\], most of the Cr-doped QDs exhibit a linear polarization dependence. The central line is split and linearly polarized along two orthogonal directions (lines (2) and (3)). As in non-magnetic QDs, this results from a coupling of the two bright excitons by (i) the long range e-h exchange interaction in QDs with an in-plane shape anisotropy and/or (ii) the short range exchange interaction in the presence of valence band mixing. This anisotropic e-h exchange interaction energy mixes the bright exciton associated with the same Cr spin state inducing an additional splitting between them. The mixing is maximum for the central bright exciton lines which are initially degenerated. The outer lines (lines (1) and (4)) are also partially linearly polarized but the influence of the e-h exchange interaction is here attenuated by the initial splitting of the bright excitons induced by the exchange interaction with the Cr spin $S_z=\pm1$.
![(a) Low temperature PL spectra of QD3 recorded in linear polarization along two orthogonal directions. (b) Linear polarization PL intensity map of QD3. The 0 degree polarization direction corresponds to a cleaved edge of the sample (\[110\] or \[1-10\] crystallographic directions). (c) Time-resolved PL of QD3 recorded on the two outer lines (line (1) and (4)) and on the low energy line (5).[]{data-label="FigPolLine"}](FigPolLine.pdf){width="3.5in"}
In many Cr-doped QDs, an additional line appears on the low energy side of the PL spectra at zero magnetic field. As presented in Figure \[FigPolLine\] for QD3, this line presents a longer lifetime. It arises from a dark exciton (total angular momentum $\pm2$) which acquires some oscillator strength by a mixing with a bright exciton interacting with the same Cr spin state [@Lafuente2016]. This dark/bright exciton mixing is induced by the e-h exchange interaction in a confining potential of low symmetry [@Zielinski2015].
Let us note finally that in the presence of electrical doping and/or optical excitation, charge transfer from the Cr atom to the band of the semiconductor or to other localized levels may occur leading to changes in the $d$ shell configuration and in the charge states of the Cr. This is in particular the case for Cr in ZnTe where the donor and level Cr$^{2+/3+}$ and the acceptor level Cr$^{2+/1+}$ are both within the band gap. Such fluctuation of the charge state of a Cr atom has been observed optically for Cr atoms located in the ZnTe barriers close to a QD [@Besombes2019]. Fluctuation of the charge of the Cr between Cr$^{2+}$ and Cr$^{+}$ could also be possible for a Cr in CdTe as the acceptor level Cr$^{2+/1+}$ is within the band gap close to the conduction band. Such fluctuation between a $3d^4$ (S=2) and a $3d^5$ (S=5/2) magnetic atom has never been identified until now in the spectra of individual QDs.
Magneto optical properties of Cr-doped quantum dots
The structure of the energy levels in QDs containing a Cr$^{2+}$ ion is confirmed by the evolution of the PL spectra in magnetic field. The circularly polarized PL of QD1 and QD4 under a magnetic field applied along the QD growth axis are presented in Figure \[FigBtherm\]. Under a magnetic field the exciton states $|\Downarrow_h\uparrow_e\rangle=|-1\rangle$ and $|\Uparrow_h\downarrow_e\rangle=|+1\rangle$ are split by the Zeeman energy. This splitting can compensate the exciton splitting induced by the exchange interaction with the Cr (anti-crossing (1) at B$_z$=0 T in Figure \[FigBtherm\](a)) [@Leger2005]. For QD1, this results in an anti-crossing of $|+1\rangle$ and $|-1\rangle$ excitons due to the e-h exchange interaction around B$_z$=6 T observed both in $\sigma$+ and $\sigma$- polarizations (anti-crossing (2) and (3) in Figure \[FigBtherm\](a)).
![PL intensity map of the evolution under a longitudinal magnetic field of the circularly polarized PL of X-Cr in QD1 (a) and QD4 (b). (c) Circularly polarized PL spectra of QD4 at B$_z$=0T and B$_z$=7T in $\sigma+$ and $\sigma-$ polarizations. The insets present the spin configurations for the most intense PL lines.[]{data-label="FigBtherm"}](FigBtherm.pdf){width="4.5in"}
An anti-crossing of the low energy dark exciton with the bright excitons is observed under B$_z$ in $\sigma$- polarization (anti-crossing (4) in Figure \[FigBtherm\](a)). As illustrated in Figure \[FigniveauxB\] this anti-crossing arises from a mixing of the bright and dark excitons interacting with the same Cr spin state. Observed in $\sigma$- polarization, it corresponds to the mixing of the exciton states $|-1\rangle$ and $|+2\rangle$ coupled to the Cr spin S$_z$=-1. This dark/bright exciton coupling $\delta_{12}$ is induced by the e-h exchange interaction in a confining potential of reduced symmetry (lower than C$_{2v}$) [@Zielinski2015]. In such symmetry, the dark excitons acquire an in-plane dipole moment which lead to possible optical recombination at zero magnetic field [@Bayer2002] as observed in QD3 and QD4. The oscillator strength of this “dark exciton” increases as the initial splitting between $|-1\rangle$ and $|+2\rangle$ excitons is reduced by the magnetic field (Figure\[FigniveauxB\]).
![Diagram of the energy levels of the Cr alone (Cr) and of an exciton-Cr (X-Cr) in a Cr-doped QD under a longitudinal magnetic field.[]{data-label="FigniveauxB"}](FigniveauxB.pdf){width="2.5in"}
At moderate excitation power, a variation under magnetic field of the intensity distribution between the high and low energy lines can be observed in some of the Cr-doped QDs (See QD4 in Figure \[FigBtherm\]). Under a magnetic field applied along the QD growth axis, a maximum of PL intensity is observed on the high energy side of the exciton-Cr spectra in $\sigma-$ polarization and on the low energy side in $\sigma+$ polarization. This change in the intensity distribution is more or less pronounced from one dot to another (see QD1 and QD4 in Figure \[FigBtherm\]) but always presents the same tendency and easier to observe at low excitation intensity [@Lafuente2018]. Such distribution, with a maximum of PL intensity on the high energy side in $\sigma$- polarization (which shifts to low energy under B$_z>$0) and on the low energy side in $\sigma$+ polarization, is identical to the one observed in CdTe/ZnTe QDs doped with a single Mn atom. In these systems, the hole-Mn exchange interaction is known to be anti-ferromagnetic [@Besombes2005] and approximately four times larger than the ferromagnetic electron-Mn exchange interaction.
Under a longitudinal magnetic field the Cr spin states S$_z=\pm1$ in the empty QD are split by the Zeeman energy $g_{Cr}\mu_BB_z$ with a Lande factor $g_{Cr}\approx2$. Among the Zeeman doublet S$_z=\pm1$, the Cr spin thermalizes on the lowest energy Cr spin state $S_z=-1$ at low temperature. At moderate excitation power where the exciton-Cr PL intensity distribution is not dominated by the carriers-Cr spin-flips, this population distribution can be partially mapped on the exciton-Cr PL. When an unpolarized exciton is injected in the QD, the energy position of the most populated states with S$_z=-1$, on the high energy or the low energy side of the exciton PL spectra, depends on the sign of the exciton-Cr exchange interaction. This exchange interaction results from the sum of the electron-Cr and hole-Cr exchange interactions.
The intensity distribution observed under magnetic field in the studied Cr-doped QDs (see QD4 in Figure\[FigBtherm\]) shows that the exciton-Cr state $|S_z=-1\rangle|\Downarrow_h\uparrow_e\rangle$ is at high energy whereas the state $|S_z=-1\rangle|\Uparrow_h\downarrow_e\rangle$ is at low energy. This corresponds, for a CdTe/ZnTe QD, to an anti-ferromagnetic exchange interaction between the heavy-hole and the Cr spins. The sign of this interaction could however be different in bulk CdTe. For a CdTe QD in a ZnTe barrier, the biaxial strain can decrease the energy of the ground heavy hole levels, $e_1$ can become negative and the resulting exchange interaction can therefore be anti-ferromagnetic. The strain induced modification of the crystal field can also significantly influence the energy level of the $d$ orbital of the Cr and modify the kinetic exchange with the nearby hole spins at the top of the valence band. A more detailed model should be developed to properly describe the influence of the hybridisation in these strained and confined systems where the $d$ levels of the magnetic atom are close in energy with the edge of the valence band.
![Linear polarization intensity map of X$^2$-Cr (a) and X-Cr (b) in QD2. (c) and (d): intensity map of the longitudinal magnetic field dependence of X$^2$-Cr and X-Cr respectively.[]{data-label="FigXX2"}](FigXX2.pdf){width="3.0in"}
Investigating both the biexciton ($X^2$) and the exciton ($X$) in the same Cr-doped QD, we can also analyze the impact of the carrier-Cr interaction on the fine structure of the Cr spin. The magnetic field dependence of X$^2$-Cr and X-Cr emissions in QD2 are presented as a contour plot in Figure \[FigXX2\](c) and (d) respectively. The PL under magnetic field of X-Cr and X$^2$-Cr present a mirror symmetry. In particular, the dark/bright exciton mixing observed around B$_z$=2.5T on the low energy side of the PL in $\sigma-$ polarization for X-Cr is observed on the high energy side in $\sigma+$ polarization for X$^2$-Cr (circles in Figure \[FigXX2\](c) and (d)).
Modeling of Cr-doped quantum dots
To estimate the relevant parameters of a the Cr-doped QDs from the optical spectra the, we calculated the magneto-optic behavior of Cr-doped QDs by diagonalizing the complete Hamiltonian of the electron-hole-Cr system. We consider the general case of QDs with a symmetry lower than C$_{2v}$ (truncated ellipsoidal lens for instance [@Zielinski2015]), and take into account the influence of this reduced symmetry on the valence band and on the e-h exchange interaction.
The complete electron-hole-Cr Hamiltonian in a QD (${\cal H}_{X-Cr}$) can be separated into six parts:
\label{X-Cr} {\cal H}_{X-Cr}={\cal H}_{Cr,\varepsilon}+{\cal H}_{c-Cr}+{\cal H}_{mag}+{\cal H}_{e-h}+{\cal H}_{band}+{\cal H}_{scat}\end{aligned}$$
${\cal H}_{Cr,\varepsilon}$ describes the fine structure of the Cr atom and its dependence on local strain as presented in section 2.
${\cal H}_{c-Cr}$ describes the coupling of the electron and hole with the Cr spin. It reads
\label{c-Cr} {\cal H}_{c-Cr}= I_{eCr}\overrightarrow{S}.\overrightarrow{\sigma}+I_{hCr}\overrightarrow{S}.\overrightarrow{J}\end{aligned}$$
with $I_{eCr}$ and $I_{hCr}$ the exchange integrals of the electron ($\overrightarrow{\sigma}$) and hole ($\overrightarrow{J}$) spins with the Cr spin ($\overrightarrow{S}$).
An external magnetic field couples via the standard Zeeman terms to both the Cr spin and carriers spins and a diamagnetic shift of the electron-hole pair can also be included resulting in
\label{cmag3} {\cal H}_{mag}=g_{Cr}\mu_B\overrightarrow{B}.\overrightarrow{S}+g_{e}\mu_B\overrightarrow{B}.\overrightarrow{\sigma}+g_{h}\mu_B\overrightarrow{B}.\overrightarrow{J}+\gamma B^2\end{aligned}$$
The electron-hole exchange interaction, ${\cal H}_{e-h}$, contains the short range and the long range parts. The short range contribution is a contact interaction which induces a splitting $\delta_0^{sr}$ of the bright and dark excitons and, in the reduced symmetry of a zinc-blend crystal ($T_d$), a coupling $\delta_2^{sr}$ of the two dark excitons. The long range part also contributes to the bright-dark splitting by an energy $\delta_0^{lr}$. In QDs with C$_{2v}$ symmetry (ellipsoidal flat lenses for instance [@Zielinski2015]) the long range part also induces a coupling $\delta_1$ between the bright excitons. Realistic self-assembled QDs have symmetries which can deviate quite substantially from the idealized shapes of circular or ellipsoidal lenses. For a $C_{s}$ symmetry (truncated ellipsoidal lens), additional terms coupling the dark and the bright excitons have to be included in the electron-hole exchange Hamiltonian. Following Ref. [@Zielinski2015], the general form of the electron-hole exchange Hamiltonian in the heavy-hole exciton basis $|+1\rangle$, $|-1\rangle$, $|+2\rangle$, $|-2\rangle$ for a low symmetry QD (C$_s$) is
\frac{1}{2} \left(
-\delta_0 &e^{i\pi/2}\delta_1 &e^{i\pi/4}\delta_{11} &-e^{i\pi/4}\delta_{12}\\
e^{-i\pi/2}\delta_1 &-\delta_0 &e^{-i\pi/4}\delta_{12} &-e^{-i\pi/4}\delta_{11}\\
e^{-i\pi/4}\delta_{11} &e^{i\pi/4}\delta_{12} &\delta_0 &\delta_2\\
-e^{-i\pi/4}\delta_{12} &-e^{i\pi/4}\delta_{11} &\delta_2 &\delta_0\\
The terms $\delta_{11}$ and $\delta_{12}$, not present in symmetry C$_{2v}$, give an in-plane dipole moment to the dark excitons [@Bayer2002]. The term $\delta_{12}$ which couples $|\pm1\rangle$ and $|\mp2\rangle$ excitons respectively is responsible for the dark-bright anti-crossing observed on the low energy side (lines (4) and (5)) of the emission of Cr-doped QDs.
The band Hamiltonian, ${\cal H}_{band}=E_g+\mathcal{H}_{vbm}$, stands for the energy of the electrons (i.e. the band gap energy E$_g$), and the heavy-holes (hh) and light-holes (lh) energies ($\mathcal{H}_{vbm}$) [@Leger2007; @Besombes2014]. To describe the influence of a reduced symmetry of the QD on the valence band, we considered here the four lowest energy hole states $|J,J_z\rangle$ with angular momentum $J=3/2$. A general form of Hamiltonian describing the influence of shape or strain anisotropy on the valence band structure can be written in the basis ($|\frac{3}{2},+\frac{3}{2}\rangle,|\frac{3}{2},+\frac{1}{2}\rangle,|\frac{3}{2},-\frac{1}{2}\rangle,|\frac{3}{2},-\frac{3}{2}\rangle$) as:
\mathcal{H}_{vbm} = \left(
0 &s &r &0\\
s^* &\Delta_{lh} &0 &r\\
r^* &0 &\Delta_{lh} &-s\\
0 &r^* &-s^* &0\\
Here, $r$ describes the heavy-hole / light-hole mixing induced by an anisotropy in the (xy) plane of the QD plane and $s$ takes into account an asymmetry in the plane containing the QD growth axis $z$. The reduction of symmetry can come from the shape of the QD (Luttinger Hamiltonian) or the strain distribution (Bir and Pikus Hamiltonian). $\Delta_{lh}$ is the splitting between $lh$ and $hh$ which is controlled both by the in-plane biaxial strain and the confinement.
Considering only an in-plane anisotropy ($s=0$), it follows from (\[Hvbm\]) that the valence band mixing couples the heavy-holes $J_z=\pm3/2$ and the light-holes $J_z=\mp1/2$ respectively. For such mixing, the isotropic part of the short range exchange interaction, which can be written in the form $2/3\delta_0^{sr}(\overrightarrow{\sigma}.\overrightarrow{J})$, couples the two bright excitons. This mixing is also responsible for a weak $z$-polarized dipole matrix element of the dark excitons coming from the light-hole part of the hole wave function.
A deformation in a vertical plane ($s$ term) couples the heavy-holes $J_z=\pm3/2$ and the light-holes $J_z=\pm1/2$ respectively. In this case, the short range electron-hole exchange interaction couples $|+1\rangle$ and $|+2\rangle$ exciton on one side and $|-1\rangle$ and $|-2\rangle$ exciton on the other side.
For a general description and as it was observed in Mn-doped QDs [@Besombes2005; @Trojnar2013; @Besombes2014], we can also take into account the perturbation of the wave function of the exciton in the initial state of the optical transition by the hole-Cr exchange interaction. This perturbation depends on the value of the exchange energy between the Cr and hole spins and can be represented, using second order perturbation theory, by an effective spin Hamiltonian [@Besombes2005; @Trojnar2013; @Besombes2014]
{\cal H}_{scat}=-\eta S_z^2\end{aligned}$$
with $\eta>0$.
----------- ----------- ------------ ------------ --------------- --------------- --------------------------- ---------------------------
I$_{eCr}$ I$_{hCr}$ $\delta_0$ $\delta_1$ $\delta_{12}$ $\delta_{11}$ $\frac{|s|}{\Delta_{lh}}$ $\frac{|r|}{\Delta_{lh}}$
$\mu eV$ $\mu eV$ $meV$ $\mu eV$ $\mu eV$ $\mu eV$
-30 220 -800 200 200 50 0.05 0.05
$arg(r)$ $D_0$ $g_{Cr}$ $g_{e}$ $g_{h}$ $\gamma$ $\eta$ $T_{eff}$
$meV$ $\mu eV/T^2$ $\mu eV$ $K$
$-\pi/2$ 2.2 2 -1 0.4 1.5 25 20
----------- ----------- ------------ ------------ --------------- --------------- --------------------------- ---------------------------
: Values of the Cr-doped QD parameters used in PL intensity map presented in Figure\[FigcalcB\]. The value of the parameters not listed in the table is 0.
Using the Hamiltonian of the excited state ${\cal H}_{X-Cr}$ and the Hamiltonian of the ground state
{\cal H}_{Cr}={\cal H}_{Cr,\varepsilon}+g_{Cr}\mu_B\overrightarrow{B}.\overrightarrow{S}\end{aligned}$$
we can compute the spectrum of a QD containing a Cr atom. The occupation of the X-Cr levels is described by an effective spin temperature T$_{eff}$ and the optical transitions probabilities are obtained calculating the matrix elements $|\langle S_z|X,S_z\rangle|^2$ where $X$ and S$_z$ stands for the 8 possible exciton states (4 $hh$ excitons and 4 $lh$ excitons) and the Cr spin respectively. The resulting PL spectra calculated with the parameters listed in table \[paraQD\] are presented in Figure\[FigcalcB\]. The PL of X-Cr at zero field and its evolution in magnetic field can be qualitatively reproduced. In particular, the description of the spin states occupation by T$_{eff}$ is sufficient to reproduce the observed emission from the three low energy X-Cr levels (Cr spin states S$_z$=0 and S$_z$=$\pm$1). The splitting of the central line at zero field (anti-crossing (1)) and the anti-crossings under magnetic field (anti-crossings (2) and (3) around B$_z$=6T for the Cr spin states S$_z$=+1 and anti-crossings (4) with the dark exciton around B$_z$=2T) are also well reproduced by the model.
This model also predicts an anti-crossing around B$_z$=5T, noted (5) in Figure\[FigcalcB\], caused by an electron-Cr flip-flop which is not observed in the experiments. Its position is controlled by $D_0$ and its width by $I_{eCr}$. A low value of $I_{eCr}$ is required to keep the width of the anti-crossing smaller than the width of the PL lines. Finally an additional anti-crossing, labeled (6), appears in the model at high magnetic field in $\sigma-$ polarization. It is due to the mixing of bright and dark excitons associated with the same spin state of the Cr, in this case S$_z$=0. Such anti-crossing is observed in some of the Cr doped QDs, like QD4 in Figure\[FigBtherm\]. Similar bright/dark mixing induced by the electron-hole exchange interaction in low symmetry QDs can also be observed in non-magnetic QDs [@Leger2007].
![(a) top panel: Calculated linear polarization PL intensity map of X-Cr at zero field and bottom panel: calculated magnetic field dependency of the circularly polarized PL of X-Cr. Parameters used in the model are listed in table \[paraQD\]. (b) Calculated circularly polarized PL spectra.[]{data-label="FigcalcB"}](FigcalcB.pdf){width="4.0in"}
The model reproduces quite well the main features of the magnetic field dependence of Cr-doped QDs, however the magnetic anisotropy $D_0$ cannot be precisely extracted from the comparison of the PL spectra with the model. Nevertheless, for $D_0<2 meV$, a wide anti-crossing due to a VBM induced hole-Cr flip-flop between the states $|S_z=-1\rangle|\Uparrow_h\uparrow_e\rangle$ and $|S_z=0\rangle|\Downarrow_h\uparrow_e\rangle$ would appear for $B_z < 11T$ on the central line in $\sigma-$ polarization. $D_0$ larger than 4 meV would push the $\pm1$ spin states at high energy and leads to a PL intensity on the central line (S$_z$=0) much larger than observed experimentally.
Resonant optical control and spin dynamics of an isolated Cr atom.
A Cr atom presents a large spin to strain coupling particularly promising for the realization of $qubits$ in nano-mechanical systems. For a practical use of this single spin system, one has to be able to prepare it and probe its dynamics.
Resonant optical pumping of a single Cr spin
To initialize and read-out the Cr spin, we developed a two wavelengths pump-probe experiment. A circularly polarized single mode laser (*resonant pump*) tuned on a X-Cr level is used to pump the Cr spin (*i.e.* empty the Cr spin state under resonant excitation). Then, a second laser, tuned on an excited state of the QD (*quasi-resonant probe*), injects excitons independently of the Cr spin $S_z$ and drives the Cr to an effective spin temperature where the three ground states $S_z$=0,$\pm$1 are populated [@Lafuente2016]. By recording the PL of a X-Cr lines in circular polarization under this periodic sequence of excitation, we can monitor the time evolution of the population of a given Cr spin state (see Figure\[Figpumplarge\] for the configuration of the excitation and detection).
![Large spectral range PL spectra of QD3 showing that no contribution of the charged exciton are observed. The inset presents a scheme of the energy levels in a Cr doped QD and the configuration of the excitation/detection in resonant pumping experiments.[]{data-label="Figpumplarge"}](Figpumplarge.pdf){width="3.5in"}
The main features of the optical pumping experiment performed on a neutral QD (QD3 in Figure\[Figpumplarge\]) are presented in Figure \[Fig2WL\](a). The QD is excited on the high energy state of X-Cr with $\sigma-$ photons (X-Cr state $|S_z=-1,-1\rangle$). This excitation can only create an exciton in the dot if the Cr spin is $S_z$=-1. An absorption followed by possible spin-flips of the Cr in the exchange field of the exciton progressively decreases the population of $S_z$=-1. After this pumping sequence, the resonant pump is switched off and followed by the non-resonant probe.
A clear signature of the optical pumping appears in the time evolution of the PL intensity of the low energy bright exciton line (4). The PL of this line during the probe pulse, recorded in opposite circular polarization with the resonant pump, depends on the population of $S_z$=-1. It strongly differs between the two pump-probe sequences where the resonant pump is on or off. The difference of intensity at the beginning of the probe pulse is a measurement of the efficiency of the pumping. The PL intensity transient during the probe pulse corresponds to a destruction of the non-equilibrium population distribution prepared by the pump. The speed of this spin heating process depends on the intensity of the probe laser. As expected for an increase of the Cr spin temperature, the population of the ground spin state $S_z$=0 also decreases during the probe pulse. This decrease directly appears in the time evolution of the amplitude of the central X-Cr lines during the probe pulse (Detection of line (3) in Figure \[Fig2WL\](a)). The increase of the population of $S_z$=0 during the probe pulse shows that the population of $S_z$=-1 has been partially transferred to $S_z$=0 during the resonant pumping sequence.
![(a) PL transients recorded in circular polarization on lines (4) and (3) under the resonant (pump on (1)) and quasi-resonant (probe at E$_{exc.}\approx$ 2068 meV) optical excitation sequences displayed at the bottom. Inset: PL of X-Cr and configuration of the resonant excitation and detection. (b) Excitation power dependence of the optical pumping time. (c) and (d): Energy detuning dependence of resonant PL intensity (I$_1$, at the beginning and I$_2$, at the end of the pump pulse) and of the corresponding normalized amplitude of pumping transient (I$_1$-I$_2$)/I$_2$.[]{data-label="Fig2WL"}](Fig2WL.pdf){width="3.5in"}
A more direct way to probe the optical pumping speed and efficiency is to monitor the time evolution of the PL during the resonant excitation by the pump pulse. Under resonant excitation on the high energy X-Cr line, an exciton spin-flip with conservation of the Cr spin can produce a PL on the low energy line [@LeGall2010]. In this process, the exciton flips its spin by emitting (or absorbing) an acoustic phonon. Such spin-flip is enhanced by the large acoustic phonon density of states at the energy of the inter-level splitting induced by the exchange interaction with the Cr spin which act as an effective magnetic field [@Tsitsishvili2003; @Roszak2007]. The resulting weak resonant PL signal depends on the occupation of the Cr state $S_z$=-1 and is used to monitor the time dependence of the spin selective absorption of the QD.
The time evolution of the PL of the low energy line of X-Cr (line (4)) under an excitation on the high energy line (1) is presented in Figure \[Fig2WL\](a) for two different pump-probe sequences: probe on and probe off. When the probe laser is on, a large effective Cr spin temperature is established before each pumping pulse. The amplitude of the resonant PL is maximum at the beginning of the pump pulse ($I_1$) and progressively decreases. A decrease of the amplitude of about 80% is observed after a characteristic time in the tens of $ns$ range. As expected for a spin optical pumping process, the characteristic time of the PL transient decreases with the increase of the pump laser intensity (Figure \[Fig2WL\](b)) [@LeGall2010]. When the probe laser is off, the initial amplitude of the PL transient during the pump pulse is significantly weaker. This decrease is a consequence of the conservation of the out of equilibrium Cr spin distribution during the dark time between two consecutive pumping pulses.
The steady state resonant PL intensity reached at the end of the pump pulse ($I_2$) depends on the optical pumping efficiency which is controlled by the ratio of the spin-flip rate for the Cr spin in the exchange field of the exciton and the relaxation of the Cr spin in the absence of carriers in the dot. However, even with cross-circularly polarized excitation/detection, this steady state PL can also contain a weak contribution from an absorption in the acoustic phonon sideband of the low energy line (4) [@Besombes2001]. Figure \[Fig2WL\](c) presents the amplitude of the resonant PL detected on line (4) for a detuning of the pump around the high energy line (1). A resonance is observed in the initial amplitude $I_1$ of the PL. It reflects the energy and excitation power dependence of the absorption of the QD. A small decrease of the steady state PL $I_2$ is also observed at the resonance. As displayed in Figure \[Fig2WL\](d), the corresponding normalized amplitude of the pumping transient, $(I_1-I_2)/I_2$, presents a clear resonant behavior demonstrating the excitation energy dependence of the optical pumping process. The width of the resonance ($\sim 100\mu eV$) is the width of the QD’s absorption broadened by the fluctuating environment [@Sallen2011].
Cr spin relaxation in the dark
With this resonant optical pumping technique used to prepare and read-out the Cr spin, we performed pump-probe experiments to observe its relaxation time in the absence of carriers (Figure \[FigRelax\]). A non-equilibrium distribution of the Cr spin population is prepared with a circularly polarized resonant pump pulse on the high energy X-Cr line (1). The pump laser is then switched off, and switched on again after a dark time $\tau_{dark}$. The amplitude of the pumping transient observed on the resonant PL of the low energy line (4) depends on the Cr spin relaxation during $\tau_{dark}$. As presented in Figure \[FigRelax\](b), the amplitude of the transient is fully restored after a dark time of about 10 $\mu$s showing that after this delay the Cr spin is in equilibrium with the lattice temperature (T=5K). Let us note, however, that the initial amplitude of the pumping transient in this case is weaker than the one observed after a non-resonant probe pulse (Figure \[FigRelax\](a)). This means that the non-resonant optical excitation drives the Cr spin to an effective temperature much larger than the lattice temperature.
![(a) Time evolution of the PL intensity of line (4) of X-Cr under resonant excitation on line (1) with a circularly polarized excitation pulse. (b) Evolution of the amplitude of the pumping transient $(I_1-I_2)/I_2$ as a function of the dark time $\tau_{dark}$ between the excitation pulses. The black line is an exponential evolution with a characteristic time $\tau_{Cr}=1.7\mu s$[]{data-label="FigRelax"}](FigRelax.pdf){width="3.5in"}
These measurements reveal a significantly different Cr spin-flip times under optical excitation (tens of nanosecond range) and in the dark (microseconds range). The fast Cr spin-flip under optical excitation can be due to the interaction with carriers (exchange induced Cr spin flips [@Cao2011]) but can also be induced by the interaction with non-equilibrium acoustic phonons created during the energy relaxation of the injected carriers. Both mechanisms probably contribute to the Cr spin heating.
Dynamics under optical excitation and mechanism of optical pumping for a Cr spin
In order to identify the main mechanism responsible for the optical pumping, we analyzed the PL intensity distribution under resonant excitation [@Lafuente2018]. We have seen that under circularly polarized resonant excitation of the high energy X-Cr line (1), a weak PL is observed in cross-circular polarization on the low energy bright exciton line (4) after a spin-flip of the exciton conserving the Cr spin. In this experimental configuration the same spin state of the Cr is excited and detected (see the energy level diagram presented in Figure \[Figpumplarge\](a)). The intensity transient observed during the resonant PL directly reflects the pumping of the Cr spin state under excitation (either $S_z=+1$ or $S_z=-1$).
![(a) and (b): resonant optical pumping experiments for cross circularly polarized excitation/detection (a) and cross-linearly polarized excitation/detection (b). (c) Dependence on the energy detuning around line (1) of the resonant PL intensity detected on the central line (3) for cross-linearly polarized excitation/detection. (d) Excitation power dependence of the resonant PL transient detected on line (3) for cross-linearly polarized excitation/detection.[]{data-label="FigFluoRes"}](FigFluoRes.pdf){width="4.0in"}
However, as presented in Figure\[FigFluoRes\](a), during this resonant pumping process a luminescence is also observed on the central lines (2) and (3) (linearly polarized bright excitons resulting from the mixing of $|0\rangle|\Uparrow_h\downarrow_e\rangle$ and $|0\rangle|\Downarrow_h\uparrow_e\rangle$). This resonant PL presents a transient with a similar time scale and amplitude as the one detected on the low energy line (4). The steady state level of the resonant PL detected on $S_z=0$ is however much lager than for a detection on the low energy bright exciton. This steady state PL intensity is strongly reduced under cross linearly polarized excitation and detection (figure \[FigFluoRes\](b)).
The central line (2) and (3) are linearly polarized along two orthogonal directions. For a circularly polarized excitation on the high energy side of these transitions and for a cross-circularly polarized detection, a weak absorption in the acoustic phonon sideband [@Besombes2001] is expected to induce some resonant PL. However, the presence of the intensity transient due to the pumping of the resonantly excited spin states $S_z=\pm1$ shows that there is also an efficient population transfer between the high energy bright excitons ($|+1\rangle|\Uparrow_h\downarrow_e\rangle$ or $|-1\rangle|\Downarrow_h\uparrow_e\rangle$) created during the resonant optical excitation and the lower energy bright exciton states ($|0\rangle|\Downarrow_h\uparrow_e\rangle$ or $|0\rangle|\Uparrow_h\downarrow_e\rangle$).
For a cross-linearly polarized excitation and detection, the absorption in the acoustic phonon side-band is strongly reduced. The pumping transient resulting from an absorption on the states $S_z=\pm1$ and a transfer toward $S_z=0$ dominates the resonant PL. This spin-flip transfer is confirmed by the excitation energy and power dependence of the resonant PL signal. The PL intensity on line (3) presents a resonant behavior when scanning the pump laser around the high energy line (1) (Figure \[FigFluoRes\](c)). As expected for an optical pumping process, the time scale of the PL transient is also significantly reduced with the increase of the excitation intensity (Figure \[FigFluoRes\](d))).
This efficient transfer towards $S_z=0$ during the resonant optical pumping process is also observed in the evolution of the PL intensity during the non-resonant probe (heating) pulse. As expected after a resonant pumping of the spin states $S_z=\pm1$, their population re-increase during the non-resonant heating pulse. Simultaneously, a significant decrease of the intensity of the line (3) is observed both for a circularly or a linearly polarized detection (figure \[FigFluoRes\](a) and (b)). This decrease corresponds to a decrease of the population of $S_z$=0 during the heating process showing that a significant part of the Cr spin population has been transferred to $S_z$=0 during the resonant optical pumping.
A fast hole-Cr flip-flop can explain an efficient transfer of population from the exciton-Cr levels S$_z=\pm1$ towards the low energy states S$_z=0$. The proposed relaxation path is illustrated in the energy level scheme presented in figure \[Fighspin\] which displays the possible relaxation channels involving a hole-Cr flip-flop for an initial excitation of the bright excitons coupled with $S_z=\pm1$.
![Spin relaxation paths within the exciton-Cr complex (X-Cr) for an excitation of the bright exciton $|\Downarrow_h\uparrow_e\rangle$ in $\sigma-$ polarization (top) and of the bright exciton $|\Uparrow_h\downarrow_e\rangle$ in $\sigma+$ polarization (bottom). $\tau_h$ is the spin flip time of the hole, $\tau_{hCri}$ is a hole-Cr flip-flop times and $\tau_{nr}$ is the non-radiative recombination time of the dark excitons.[]{data-label="Fighspin"}](Fighspin.pdf){width="3.0in"}
Starting from the low energy bright excitons $|+1\rangle|\Downarrow_h\uparrow_e\rangle$ or $|-1\rangle|\Uparrow_h\downarrow_e\rangle$, a hole-Cr flip-flop with conservation of the electron spin can directly transfer the population towards the dark excitons associated with S$_z=0$ with a spin flip time $\tau_{hCr2}$. With the same mechanism, a direct transfer is possible from the low energy dark excitons $|+1\rangle|\Downarrow_h\downarrow_e\rangle$ or $|-1\rangle|\Uparrow_h\uparrow_e\rangle$, to the bright excitons associated with S$_z=0$ with a spin flip time $\tau_{hCr1}$ (See figure \[Fighspin\]).
Starting from the high energy bright excitons $|+1\rangle|\Uparrow_h\downarrow_e\rangle$ or $|-1\rangle|\Downarrow_h\uparrow_e\rangle$, a hole-Cr flip-flop is unlikely as it would involve a transfer toward the high energy Cr spin states $S_z=\pm2$. However, a spin flip of the hole with characteristic time $\tau_h$ conserving the spin of the Cr can induce a transfer to the low energy dark excitons $|+1\rangle|\Downarrow_h\downarrow_e\rangle$ or $|-1\rangle|\Uparrow_h\uparrow_e\rangle$. Such spin-flip from a bright to a dark exciton can occur in QDs in a time-scale of a few nanoseconds [@Cao2011]. A hole-Cr flip-flop in a timescale $\tau_{hCr1}$ can then transfer the population from these dark excitons to the S$_z$=0 bright exciton which then recombines optically (See figure \[Fighspin\]).
From the hight energy dark excitons $|+1\rangle|\Uparrow_h\uparrow_e\rangle$ or $|-1\rangle|\Downarrow_h\downarrow_e\rangle$ a hole-Cr flip-flop is also unlikely (transfer toward the high energy Cr spin states $S_z=\pm2$). However these states are coupled by a hole spin-flip to the nearby low energy bright excitons $|+1\rangle|\Downarrow_h\uparrow_e\rangle$ or $|-1\rangle|\Uparrow_h\downarrow_e\rangle$ and can then follow this path to be transferred towards $S_z=0$.
The spin relaxation channels involving a transfer from the dark exciton with $S_z=\pm1$ to the lower energy bright excitons $S_z=0$ are made irreversible by the fast ($\approx$ 250 ps) radiative recombination of the final low energy exciton state. This unusual situation with some of the bright excitons at lower energy than the dark ones can induce an out of equilibrium distribution on the Cr spin states with an enhanced population of the S$_z$=0 ground state. The transfer mechanism involving a hole-Cr flip-flop is enhanced by the increase of the probability of presence of an exciton in the QD. This can be observed in the excitation power dependence of the distribution of the non-resonant PL intensity [@Lafuente2018].
Under resonant excitation on the hight energy levels of X-Cr (line (1)), a spin flip of the hole followed by a fast hole-Cr flip-flops can explain the observed transfer of excitation toward the bright excitons associated with $S_z=0$. This process which efficiently changes the Cr spin is the likely to be the main source for the resonant optical pumping demonstrated in Cr-doped QDs [@Lafuente2017Cr].
Phonon induced hole-Cr flip-flops
The time-scale of the hole-Cr flip-flops in a Cr-doped QD induced by the interaction with the continuum of bulk acoustic phonons can be estimated using the Fermi golden rule. The spin-flip process that we consider here is based on the interplay of the hole-magnetic atom exchange interaction and the interaction with the strain field of acoustic phonons [@Lafuente2017Mn]. Similar models, combining exchange interaction and coupling with acoustic phonons, where developed to explain the exciton spin relaxation in QDs [@Tsitsishvili2003; @Roszak2007].
Let us consider the two X-Cr states $|+1\rangle|\Downarrow_h;\downarrow_e\rangle$ and $|0\rangle|\Uparrow_h;\downarrow_e\rangle$ that can be coupled via a hole-Cr flip-flop. The non-diagonal terms of the hole-Cr exchange interaction couples the heavy-holes and light-holes excitons levels separated in energy by $\Delta_{lh}$ through a hole-Cr flip-flop. To the first order in $I_{hCr}/\Delta_{lh}$, the two perturbed heavy-hole exciton ground states can be written:
where we neglect the exchange energy shifts of the exciton-Cr levels much smaller than $\Delta_{lh}$.
The strain field produced by acoustic phonon vibrations couples the perturbed exciton-Cr states through the Hamiltonian term:
\widetilde{\langle\Downarrow_h;\downarrow_e|\langle+1|}H_{BP}\widetilde{|0\rangle|\Uparrow_h;\downarrow_e\rangle}=2\times(-\frac{\sqrt{18}}{2}\frac{I_{hCr}}{\Delta_{lh}})\times r^*\end{aligned}$$
with $r=\sqrt{3}/2b(\epsilon_{xx}-\epsilon_{yy})-id\epsilon_{xy}$ a strain-dependent non-diagonal term of the Bir-Pikus Hamiltonian $H_{BP}$ [@kp]. The coupling of these exciton-Cr states is then a result of an interplay between the hole-Cr exchange interaction and the strain field of acoustic phonons.
In analogy with the model developed in reference (36) to describe hole-Mn flip-flops in positively charged Mn-doped QDs, the decay rate associated with the emission of phonons which is deduced from the Fermi golden rule and the matrix element (\[int\]) can be written:
\tau^{-1}&=&\sum_{\lambda}\frac{18}{(2\pi)^2}\left(\frac{I_{hMn}}{\Delta_{lh}}\right)^2\left(\frac{\omega_0}{c_{\lambda}}\right)^3\frac{1}{2\hbar\rho c_{\lambda}^2}\frac{\pi}{4}\left(3b^2+d^2\right)\nonumber\\
where the summation is taken over the acoustic phonon branches $\lambda$ (one longitudinal $l$ and two transverse $t_1,t_2)$) of corresponding sound velocity c$_{\lambda}$. The geometrical form factors for each phonon branch appearing in (\[fermi\]), $G_{\lambda}(\theta)$, are given by $G_{l}(\theta)=\sin^4\theta$, $G_{t_1}(\theta)=\sin^2\theta\cos^2\theta$ and $G_{t_2}(\theta)=\sin^2\theta$.
Numerical calculation of the hole-Cr spin-flip time in a CdTe QD are presented in figure \[Figcalc\]. We used in the calculation a Gaussian wave function for the hole with in-plane and z-direction parameters $l_\perp$ and $l_z$ respectively, the material parameters of CdTe and typical parameters of self-assembled CdTe/ZnTe QDs listed in table \[paraph\].
![(a) Relaxation time $\tau_{hCr}$ between the states $|+1\rangle|\Downarrow_h;\downarrow_e\rangle$ and $|0\rangle|\Uparrow_h;\downarrow_e\rangle$ (or $|-1\rangle|\Uparrow_h;\uparrow_e\rangle$ and $|0\rangle|\Downarrow_h;\uparrow_e\rangle$) as a function of the energy splitting between those states, calculated at a temperature T = 10 K with a Gaussian hole wave function (parameters $l_z$ = 1,25 nm and $l_\perp$ = 3 nm) and $\Delta_{lh}$=25 meV (red), $\Delta_{lh}$=50 meV (black). The other CdTe and QD parameters used in the calculation can be found in table \[paraph\]. (b) Temperature variation of the relaxation time for an energy splitting E=1 meV and $\Delta_{lh}$=25 meV (red), $\Delta_{lh}$=50 meV (black).[]{data-label="Figcalc"}](Figcalc.pdf){width="4.5in"}
The calculated spin relaxation time strongly depends on the energy splitting between the X-Cr states involved in the hole-Cr flip-flops (figure \[Figcalc\](a)). This dependence on the high energy side is controlled by the size of the hole wave function which limits the wave vector of the acoustic phonons that can interact with the hole. The calculated spin-flip time can be in the nanosecond range for an energy splitting between 0.5 meV and 2 meV. In the studied Cr-doped QDs, the splitting between the low energy dark excitons states $|+1\rangle|\Downarrow_h\downarrow_e\rangle$ or $|-1\rangle|\Uparrow_h\uparrow_e\rangle$ and the bright excitons with $S_z=0$, which are coupled by a hole-Cr flip-flop, is typically in the 1 meV range. A spin-flip time of a few ns can then be expected.
--------------------------------- --------------- ---------------
Deformation potential constants $|b|$ 1.0 eV
$|d|$ 4.4 eV
Longitudinal sound speed c$_l$ 3300 m/s
Transverse sound speed c$_t$ 1800 m/s
Density $\rho$ 5860 kg/m$^3$
Quantum dot
Cr-hole exchange energy I$_{hCr}$ 0.22 meV
hh-lh exciton splitting $\Delta_{lh}$ 25 or 50 meV
Hole wave function widths:
- in plane l$_{\bot}$ 3.0 nm
- z direction l$_z$ 1.25 nm
: Material (CdTe) [@Adachi2005] and QD parameters used in the calculation of the coupled hole and Cr spin relaxation time presented in figure \[Figcalc\].
For the low energy bright excitons $|+1\rangle|\Downarrow_h\uparrow_e\rangle$ or $|-1\rangle|\Uparrow_h\downarrow_e\rangle$ and the dark excitons states with $S_z=0$ also coupled by hole-Cr flip-flops, their energy splitting is larger than 3 meV and the spin-flip rates are expected to be significantly reduced. For the high energy Cr spins states, S$_z=\pm2$, the energy splitting is typically larger than 10 meV and the corresponding flip-flops induced by the discussed mechanism can be neglected.
The estimated hole-Cr flip-flop time is also strongly sensitive to the effective energy splitting between heavy-hole and light-hole $\Delta_{lh}$. This simple parameter is used in our model for an effective description of the valence band mixing. It can describe complex effects such as a coupling of the confined heavy-hole with ground state light-holes in the barriers [@Michler2003] or effective reduction of heavy-hole/light-hole splitting due to a presence of a dense manifold of heavy-hole like QD states lying between the confined heavy-hole and light-hole levels [@Bester2015]. This parameter can significantly change from dot to dot and modify the hole-Cr flip-flop time.
The calculated hole-Cr flip-flop rate also depends on the temperature through the stimulated emission of acoustic phonons. For an energy splitting of 1 meV the spin flip rate involving the emission of phonons is increased by a factor of about four by increasing the temperature from 5K to 50K (figure \[Figcalc\](b)). Such enhancement of the hole-Cr spin-flip rate can not only be induced by an increase of the lattice temperature but also, as in our experiments, by the presence of non-equilibrium phonons that are generated by the optical excitation inside or in the vicinity of the QD.
This calculated short flip-flop time in the $ns$ range, is consistent with the initialization time measured in resonant optical pumping experiments and controls the spin dynamics under resonant excitation.
Optical Stark effect on an individual Cr spin
The resonant optical excitation on a X-Cr line can also be used to tune the energy of any Cr spin state through the optical Stark effect [@LeGall2011; @Xu2007; @Muller2008]. Such energy shift could be exploited to control the coherent dynamics of the magnetic atom [@Jamet2013; @Reiter2013]. This optical control technique is presented in Figure \[FigStark\]. When a high intensity single mode laser is tuned to the high energy line of X-Cr in $\sigma+$ polarization (X-Cr state $|S_z=-1,+1\rangle$), a splitting is observed in $\sigma-$ polarization in the PL of the two low energy lines produced by a second non-resonant laser.
![(a) PL of X-Cr and configuration of excitation in the resonant optical control experiments. The inset illustrate the laser induced splittings in the ground and excited states for a $\sigma+$ excitation on S$_z$=-1. (b) PL intensity maps of lines (5) and (4) for an excitation on (1) as a function of the detuning (top) and of the excitation intensity (bottom). The PL is produced by a second non-resonant laser. The corresponding emission line-shapes are presented in (c) for line (5). The insets in (c) show the splitting of the PL doublet as a function of the excitation intensity (bottom) and laser detuning (top). The fit is obtained with $\hbar\Omega_r$= 100 $\mu eV$. (d) PL of line (1) and (2) for a laser on resonance with the dark exciton state (5). Inset: PL intensity map of line (1) as a function of the laser detuning around (5).[]{data-label="FigStark"}](FigStark.pdf){width="4.0in"}
At high excitation intensity, a strong coupling with the resonant laser field mixes the states with a Cr spin component $S_z$=-1 in the presence (X-Cr) or absence (Cr alone) of the exciton. In the ground state of the QD (Cr alone) two hybrid matter-field states are created (inset of Figure \[FigStark\](a)). Their splitting, $\hbar\Omega_r^{\prime}=\hbar\sqrt{\Omega_r^2+\delta^2}$, depends on the energy detuning of the laser $\hbar\delta$ and on its intensity through the Rabi energy $\hbar\Omega_r$ [@Boyle2009]. It can be observed in the PL of all the X-Cr states associated with $S_z$=-1: the low energy bright exciton state $|S_z=-1,-1\rangle$ (line (4)) and the dark exciton $|S_z=-1,+2\rangle$ (line (5)), close in energy to the bright exciton and which acquires some oscillator strength through the exciton mixing induced by the electron-hole exchange interaction in a low symmetry QD [@Lafuente2016].
The splitting measured on line (5) for a resonant excitation on line (1) is plotted as a function of the square root of the resonant laser intensity in Figure \[FigStark\](c) and shows that, as expected for a two level system, it linearly depends on the laser field strength. The Rabi splitting can reach 150 $\mu eV$ at high excitation power. As the pump laser is detuned, the optically active transitions asymptotically approaches the original excitonic transitions where the remaining offset is the optical Stark shift.
A resonant laser permits to address any spin state of the Cr and selectively shift its energy. For instance, as presented in Figure \[FigStark\](d), a $\sigma$+ excitation on the dark exciton state (5) induces a splitting of the high energy line (1) in $\sigma$- polarization (state $|S_z=+1,-1\rangle$) without affecting the central line (2). This shows that such resonant excitation can be used to tune the energy of $S_z$=+1 without affecting $S_z$=0. The energy tuning induced by a coherent optical driving is particularly interesting for the control of the Cr spin states $S_z$=$\pm$1. These states could be efficiently mixed by applied weak anisotropic in-plane strain through a fine structure term of the form $E(S_x^2-S_y^2)$ [@Lafuente2016]. A relative shift of the energy of $S_z$=+1 or $S_z$=-1 by a resonant optical excitation would affect their coupling and consequently the Cr spin coherent dynamics.
Future applications of Cr as a spin $qubit$ in hybrid nano-mechanical systems [@Pigeau2015; @Barfuss2015] will exploit the efficient mixing of the Cr spin states $S_z$=+1 and $S_z$=-1 induced by anisotropic in-plane strain. The resulting mixed spin states, together with an exciton, form an optical three level $\Lambda$ system. A coherent optical driving of this level structure opens the possibility of using coherent spectroscopy techniques such as coherent population trapping [@Houel2014] for a sensitive probing of the splitting of the $S_z$=+1 and $S_z$=-1 induced by the local strain at the atom location. The strain field that could be probed with this technique will depend on the coherence time of the Cr $\{+1;-1\}$ spin $qubit$.
Perspectives: a Cr atom as a spin qubit in hybrid spin-mechanical systems.
It has been shown recently that an individual spin can be used as a $qubit$ to interact with the motion of a nano-mechanical oscillator and probe its position, cool it down or prepare non-classical state of the mechanical motion [@Lee2017]. It has been also demonstrated theoretically that the coupling of two or more localized spins with the same mode of a mechanical oscillator could be used to induce long range coherent coupling between spins [@Bennett2013], a usually difficult task to achieve with spins in solid state systems. Among mechanical systems, Surface Acoustic Wave (SAW) [*i.e.*]{} phonons propagating at the surface of a solid, are particularly promising. SAW can coherently propagate over long distances at the surface of a solid state device, they can be guided or confined in acoustic wave-guide or acoustic cavities and they can interact with different kinds of $qubits$. They are in particular proposed as efficient quantum bus between dissimilar $qubits$ [@Schuetz2015; @Lemonde2018]. In the case of spin $qubits$, the performance of SAW based nano-mechanical devices will be enhanced by the use of localized spins with large intrinsic spin to strain couplings. Cr is in that sense particularly promising. As we have seen in section 2.1, in-plane strain oriented along the \[110\] direction ($\epsilon_{xy}$) will be strongly coupled to the spin degree of freedom of a Cr.
Large in-plane dynamical strains at a precisely defined frequency can be generated by propagating SAW and SAW device technology also offers simple approach for fabricating high quality factor mechanical resonators. Following the model presented in ref. [@Schuetz2015], the strain profile for a SAW propagating along the \[110\] direction of a zinc-blend material can be calculated analytically. The strain profile for a SAW in the GHz range propagating in the surface of ZnTe along \[110\] ($X$ direction) is presented in Figure \[FigSAW\]. Large oscillating in-plane strain $\epsilon_{XX}$ oriented along the direction of propagation of the SAW can be obtained near the surface of the sample. This strain field can be used to interact with a Cr spin located at less than 100 nm from the surface. SAW also produce close to the surface a $Z$ component of the strain that modifies the static magnetic anisotropy already present for a Cr in a CdTE/ZnTe QD.
![(a) top panel: Calculated time dependence of the displacement of an atom at the surface of ZnTe for a SAW at 1.25GHz propagating along \[110\] and a chosen maximum displacement A=0.1nm. (a) bottom panels: corresponding calculated color map of the strain distribution. (b) Calculated $z$ profile of the strain distribution.[]{data-label="FigSAW"}](FigSAW.pdf){width="4.5in"}
To generate SAW on a Cr-doped QD, inter-digitated transducer (IDT) can be used to convert a radio-frequency signal into a mechanical motion at a well defined frequency through the inverse piezoelectric effect. The electromechanical coupling in an IDT depends on the square of the piezoelectric coefficients $e_{ij}$. Compared to GaAs where SAW propagating along \[110\] direction can be directly generated with an IDT, ZnTe has a very weak piezo-electric coefficient $e_{14}\approx0.03Cm^{-2}$. A layer of a piezo-electric material, like hexagonal ZnO with its $c$ axis perpendicular to the sample surface, can be used to enhance the electromechanical coupling and the performances of the transducer [@Thevenard2014].
In the presence of an oscillating in-plane strain field along the \[110\] direction, $\epsilon_{xy}=\epsilon_{\perp}$, the non-diagonal coupling term of the spin to strain Hamiltonian (\[epsilonperp\]) for Cr becomes:
{\cal H}_{Cr,\varepsilon\perp}=2c_4\varepsilon_{\perp}\frac{1}{2i}(S_+^2-S_-^2)
and the complete spin to strain Hamiltonian of Cr simplifies to
{\cal H}_{Cr,\varepsilon}=(D_{0}+d_{\parallel}\varepsilon_{\parallel})S_z^2-\frac{d_{\perp}}{2}\varepsilon_{\perp}(e^{i\frac{\pi}{2}}S_+^2+e^{-i\frac{\pi}{2}}S_-^2)\end{aligned}$$
where we defined the parallel $d_{\parallel}$ and perpendicular $d_{\perp}$ spin to strain susceptibility. A value of $d_{\perp}/2\approx 5
meV $ can be expected for a Cr atom in CdTe, at least two orders of magnitude larger than for NV centers in diamond where $d_{\perp}/2\approx 40 \mu
eV$ has been reported [@Barfuss2015].
For small displacements, the strain is linear and we can quantize the perpendicular strain field $\varepsilon_{\perp}$. The corresponding strain coupling Hamiltonian takes the general form:
{\cal H}_{\epsilon\perp}=-\hbar\gamma_0^{\perp}(a+a^{\dag})(S_+^2+S_-^2)\end{aligned}$$
where $\gamma_0^{\perp}$ is the transverse single phonon strain coupling strength and $a^{\dag}$ ($a$) the raising (lowering) operators for phonons.
![Spin states of the Cr in a QD with large biaxial strain under a magnetic field applied along $[001]$. Local anisotropic in-plane strain produced by propagating SAW couples S$_z$=$\pm1$ states.[]{data-label="FigECr"}](FigECr.pdf){width="3.5in"}
In the situation where the coupling strength between the $qubit$ and the mechanical oscillator is much smaller than the $qubit$ and oscillator frequency, it is a good approximation to drop the counter rotating terms. This is the standard rotating wave approximation and the interacting Hamiltonian takes the form:
{\cal H}_{\epsilon\perp}=-\hbar\gamma_0^{\perp}(a S_+^2+a^{\dag}S_-^2)\end{aligned}$$
For Cr in a strained QD where the spin states S$_z=0$, S$_z=\pm1$ and S$_z=\pm2$ are split by a large magnetic anisotropy $D_0$, we can focus on the two-level spin subspace $\{|+1\rangle,|-1\rangle\}$ only and assume that mechanically induced transitions to state $|0\rangle$ or $|\pm2\rangle$ are not allowed due to the large zero field splitting (see Figure \[FigECr\]). For a given spin, we write Pauli operators $\sigma^{\pm}=|\pm1\rangle\langle\mp1|$ and $\sigma^z=|1\rangle\langle1|-|-1\rangle\langle-1|$. Within this two-level subspace and within the rotating wave approximation, the interaction for a single spin with the strain field takes on the generic Jaynes-Cummings form
{\cal H}_{i}=\frac{\Delta_B}{2}\sigma^z+\hbar g_0(\sigma^+a+a^\dag\sigma-)+\hbar \omega_m a^\dag a\end{aligned}$$
where a magnetic field parallel to the $z$ axis has been introduced to split the $S_z=\pm1$ Cr spin levels by $\Delta_B=2g_{Cr}\mu_BB_z$ (with $g_{Cr}\approx2.0$). This magnetic field allows to adjust the energy of the spin $qubit$ to the energy of a phonon of the SAW mode $\hbar \omega_m$. Under this usual description common to many $qubit$ systems, the dynamics of the ${+1,-1}$ Cr spin $qubit$ can be obtained in closed-form.
For a coherent phonon field at frequency $\omega_m/2\pi$ (typically the one produced by a propagating SAW) tuned on resonance with the transition between the $\pm1$ spin states, the spin to strain coupling can be rewritten
{\cal H}_{Str,\perp}=\hbar\Omega_m cos(\omega_mt)(S_+^2+S_-^2)\end{aligned}$$
Where $\hbar\Omega_m$, the Raby energy, describes the amplitude of the strain drive. Dynamical anisotropic in-plane strain provided by the SAW [@Schuetz2015] could then be used for a direct coherent control of the $\{+1;-1\}$ spin $qubit$ under longitudinal magnetic field [@Macquarrie2015]. Such mechanical coherent control could be probed with the resonant optical pumping technique presented in the previous sections.
At high SAW excitation or in a SAW cavity, the large spin to strain coupling of Cr should permit to obtain a Rabi energy of the order of magnitude of the $qubit$ energy. In this coupling regime, called the strong driving regime, the rotating wave approximation is no longer valid and the response of the two-level system to the driving field is the source of many interesting phenomena which have not been studied in details until now.
SAW pulses (typically in the hundred ns range), could be used for a mechanical determination of the dynamical spin to strain coupling and the coherence time of the ${+1,-1}$ spin $qubit$. This will permit to determine the coupling regime that could be reached between a SAW cavity and a Cr spin. In particular, the strong coupling regime could probably be reached for an ensemble of individual Cr spins and the fundamental mode of a SAW cavity. For a detuned cavity and two distinct Cr-doped QDs coupled to the same phonon mode of a SAW cavity, the mechanical motion can be used to induce a long distance spin-spin coupling [@Bennett2013].
We demonstrated that the spin of a Cr atom in a semiconductor can be probed and controlled optically. In self-assembled QDs, the fine structure of the atom is dominated by a large magnetic anisotropy induced by bi-axial strain in the plane of the QDs. Resonant optical excitation can be used to control the spin of the atom. The Cr spin can be initialized by optical pumping, readout through the resonant PL of the QD and the energy of any spin state can tuned by the optical Stark effect. The spin relaxation of the Cr atom in the absence of optical excitation remains in the $\mu
s$ range at low temperature. The relaxation of a Cr spin in the exchange field of an exciton is however much faster and dominated by spin flips induced by an interplay of the hole-Cr exchange interaction and the interaction with acoustic phonons. The presence of these hole-Cr flip-flops taking place in a few ns explains the efficient optical pumping observed under resonant excitation.
The S$_z=\pm1$ spin states of the Cr can form a spin $qubit$ with a large spin to strain coupling. The possible optical control makes Cr a promising platform to study the interaction of the ${+1,-1}$ spin $qubit$ with SAW which are proposed as efficient quantum bus between different kinds of $qubits$.
Acknowledgements {#acknowledgements .unnumbered}
The work was supported by the French ANR project MechaSpin (ANR-17-CE24-0024) and CNRS PICS contract No 7463. V.T. acknowledges support from EU Marie Curie grant No 754303. The work in Tsukuba has been supported by the Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas “Science of Hybrid Quantum Systems” and for challenging Exploratory Research.
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abstract: 'Research-based assessments represent a valuable tool for both instructors and researchers interested in improving undergraduate physics education. However, the historical model for disseminating and propagating conceptual and attitudinal assessments developed by the physics education research (PER) community has not resulted in widespread adoption of these assessments within the broader community of physics instructors. Within this historical model, assessment developers create high quality, validated assessments, make them available for a wide range of instructors to use, and provide minimal (if any) support to assist with administration or analysis of the results. Here, we present and discuss an alternative model for assessment dissemination, which is characterized by centralized data collection and analysis. This model provides a greater degree of support for both researchers and instructors in order to more explicitly support adoption of research-based assessments. Specifically, we describe our experiences developing a centralized, automated system for an attitudinal assessment we previously created to examine students’ epistemologies and expectations about experimental physics. This system provides a proof-of-concept that we use to discuss the advantages associated with centralized administration and data collection for research-based assessments in PER. We also discuss the challenges that we encountered while developing, maintaining, and automating this system. Ultimately, we argue that centralized administration and data collection for standardized assessments is a viable and potentially advantageous alternative to the default model characterized by decentralized administration and analysis. Moreover, with the help of online administration and automation, this model can support the long-term sustainability of centralized assessment systems.'
- 'Bethany R. Wilcox'
- 'Benjamin M. Zwickl'
- 'Robert D. Hobbs'
- 'John M. Aiken'
- 'Nathan M. Welch'
- 'H. J. Lewandowski'
- 'master-refs-ECLASS-11-15.bib'
title: 'An alternative model for administration and analysis of research-based assessments'
One of the significant contributions of the physics education research (PER) community has been the creation of a number of research-based, standardized assessments (see Ref. [@PhysPortwebsite] for an extensive list). Research-based assessments (RBAs) include (but are not limited to) both concept inventories and instruments targeting students’ epistemologies. These assessments are typically based on known student ideas, validated through expert and student review, pilot tested to demonstrate statistical validity and reliability, and administered for the purpose of low-stakes formative assessment [@adams2011development; @wilcox2015assessments]. RBAs provide a standard and valid measure of student outcomes that can be compared across semesters, instructors, institutions, and pedagogies. Such measures help to quantify the relative success of educational strategies, and thus can have significant impact on the initial adoption and continued use of new innovations by individual instructors, as well as at the programmatic level [@henderson2014assessment; @seymour2002change; @chasteen2015sei]. Additional discussion of the importance and value of assessment, including the use of RBAs, can be found in Refs. [@henderson2014assessment; @madsen2016rba].
Despite the utility and potential impact of RBAs, previous work suggests that these assessments are not being utilized by undergraduate physics instructors as commonly as members of the PER assessment community might expect or want. For example, Henderson *et al.* [@henderson2014assessment] interviewed 72 physics faculty on their use of various assessment strategies and found that only 33% reported using RBAs in their courses. To explore the question of why RBAs are not being adopted by a larger portion of the broader community of physics instructors, we draw from literature on promoting and sustaining adoption of educational innovations. This work argues that, in addition to designing innovations that meet the needs and goals of potential users, successful adoption of innovations like RBAs also depends on two distinct processes: “dissemination” (i.e., spreading the word), and “propagation” (i.e., promoting sustained adoption) [@stanford2016adoption]. Dissemination focuses on what the developer does whereas propagation focuses on the users of educational innovations [@khatri2016adoption].
Historically, RBA developers have focused almost exclusively on dissemination through strategies such as presentations at professional conferences, publications in peer-reviewed journals, and online access to the instrument for interested instructors [@henderson2011change; @singer2012dber]. These historical dissemination strategies focus on informing physics instructors that RBAs are useful and available. However, beyond the creation of comprehensive “How to” guides and scoring resources (e.g., electronic scoring spreadsheets) [@PhysPortwebsite; @EM1website], RBA developers have rarely, if ever, explicitly addressed issues of propagation. This failure to explicitly attend to propagation is consistent with an implicit assumption that the only necessary ingredient for the sustained adoption of RBAs is to make physics instructors aware of their existence and value [@henderson2011change; @stanford2016adoption; @seymour2002change]. The result of this assumption is a default model for the propagation of RBAs. In this model, individual instructors are solely responsible for administering the RBA, as well as analyzing and interpreting their students’ performance. This process is typically done with minimal, if any, direct support from the assessment developer. A schematic representation of this default propagation model is given in Fig. \[fig:models\]a.
The default model for RBA administration and analysis fails to account for important factors that can potentially impact successful propagation. For example, the dynamics of the broader instructional system, which includes the instructor, the department, and the institution, can encourage or discourage instructors from utilizing RBAs [@stanford2016adoption]. To better understand these additional factors that contribute to instructors’ use (or not) of RBAs, Madsen *et al.* [@madsen2016rba] interviewed physics faculty and department heads who were familiar with RBAs about their experiences with, and perceptions of, these instruments. They identified a variety of issues around faculty use of RBAs, not all of which can be overcome through improved propagation strategies (e.g., misalignment of the RBA with faculty learning goals). However, lack of support during the process of utilizing RBAs and interpreting the results was cited as a barrier by many instructors [@madsen2016rba]. In particular, instructors encounter challenges with the logistics of administering RBAs and want help with this process (e.g., information on best practices for giving tests, tools to automate the collection and analysis of RBA data).
Challenges that instructors encounter when administering and analyzing RBAs are not meaningfully acknowledged in the default model RBA propagation (Fig. \[fig:models\]a). Instead, it is assumed that individual instructors will successfully administer, score, and analyze these assessments independently, despite the fact that many instructors report encountering difficulties in this process. Moreover, Madsen *et al.* [@madsen2016rba] found that instructors often face additional hurdles as they attempt to productively interpret RBA data from their course (e.g., interpreting results in courses with few students, identifying actionable implications for teaching). In particular, instructors are often interested in how their students’ responses compare to those of students in similar courses nationally [@madsen2016rba]. However, collection and analysis of RBA data has historically been localized to individual faculty, thus appropriate comparison data is often difficult to find. This lack of any clear mechanism for accessing and/or aggregating comparison data severely limits one of the main affordances of RBAs – providing a standardized measure of student learning across classroom formats, curricular variations, pedagogical strategies, and institutions.
Additionally, the localization of the collection and analysis of RBA data to individual faculty in the default model for the propagation of RBAs also has consequences for PER community. Unless the instructor is, or is collaborating with, a physics education researcher with Institutional Review Board approval to conduct human subjects research, students’ responses are rarely made available for research purposes. In cases where data from RBAs are used for research purposes, the resulting research is often highly contextualized to a single course or institution. Additionally, research contexts are often not captured and reported in a systematic or consistent way across multiple studies. This contextualization, along with the lack of standardized administration, analysis, and reporting of results from RBAs, can make it more difficult for researchers to identify and provide valid comparison data from similar courses. Significant contextualization also places significant limitations on the types of questions that can be tackled by researchers. Without centralized data from multiple courses and institutions along with standardized information about course context, it often becomes logistically impractical to answer questions about, for example, transferability of effective course transformations, or generalizability of student difficulties.
In recent years, several groups in the PER community have made explicit attempts to address the challenges inherent in the default model for the propagation of RBAs through an alternative model that is characterized by centralized administration, data collection, and analysis. Examples of this kind of centralized administration of standardized assessments can also be found in several other disciplines [@seymour2000salg; @weston2015urssa; @bonham2000wba] and contexts [^1]. The goal of the remainder of this paper will be to provide a proof-of-concept for this centralized RBA model within PER by presenting, in detail, the design and implementation of a newly launched, automated online system created to facilitate the administration and analysis of the Colorado Learning Attitudes about Science Survey for Experimental Physics [@zwickl2014eclass] (E-CLASS, Sec. \[sec:eclass\]). Additionally, we also briefly discuss related efforts by several other research teams (Sec. \[sec:other\]), and end with discussion of the characteristics, advantages, and challenges associated with a centralized administration and data collection model for the propagation of RBAs in PER (Sec. \[sec:discussion\]).
\[sec:model\]An alternative model
To address many of the shortcomings of the default model for the propagation of RBAs, we propose an alternative model that localizes administration, data collection, and analysis to a single centralized system (Fig. \[fig:models\]b). In this model, instructors interested in a particular RBA provide information about their course to a central administrator. The administrator then provides online access to the RBA for the instructor and their students. Students’ responses to the RBA from all courses are then collected and analyzed directly by this central administrator. The administrator uses the aggregate data from all courses to produce individualized reports for each instructor summarizing their students’ responses relative to similar courses in the data set.
This centralized model for the propagation of RBAs (Fig. \[fig:models\]b) addresses many of the factors identified by Madsen *et al.* [@madsen2016rba] as barriers to instructors interested in using RBAs. The centralized administrator not only helps to reduce the burden on individual instructors by dealing with many of the logistical aspects of administering RBA, but also provides a concrete point of contact who can respond to instructor questions and provide targeted resources. Additionally, by aggregating data from multiple courses and tagging them with course-specific meta-data (e.g., class size, level, type of instruction), the central administrator can provide appropriate comparison data that can help an instructor determine how their course compares to similar courses. This aggregate data can also be used by the administrator for research purposes, as well as to feed back into improving the analysis that is ultimately reported to instructors.
\[sec:eclass\]An example from the E-CLASS
To more clearly illustrate this centralized RBA model, this section presents a concrete example of this model in practice. This example centers around a newly automated administration system for the Colorado Learning Attitudes about Science Survey for Experimental Physics (E-CLASS) to multiple laboratory courses. Note that while this section includes some background information of the E-CLASS itself, the focus here is on the E-CLASS administration system. Discussion of the E-CLASS as a valid assessment instrument has been reported previously (see Refs [@zwickl2014eclass; @wilcox2016eclass]). The goal of this section is to provide sufficient detail on the history, development, and maintenance of the E-CLASS system both to demonstrate the model and to provide a base from which interested developers of RBAs could replicate or build off this model in the future.
### \[sec:background\]The E-CLASS assessment
The E-CLASS was developed by researchers at the University of Colorado Boulder (CU) [@zwickl2014eclass] to support ongoing, local and national initiatives to improve laboratory instruction [@zwickl2013adlab]. The E-CLASS is a 30 item, Likert-style survey designed to measure students’ epistemologies and expectations regarding the nature of experimental physics. Items on the E-CLASS feature a paired question structure in which students are presented with a statement (e.g., “Calculating uncertainties helps me understand my results better.”) and are asked to rate their level of agreement on a 5-point Likert scale both from their personal perspective and that of a hypothetical experimental physicist.
The E-CLASS is generally administered online and typically outside of class time. Instructors have historically been recruited to use the E-CLASS with their students through a variety of means including, personal communication, emails to professional email lists, presentations, and publications [@zwickl2014eclass; @zwickl2012eclass; @wilcox2015convergentECLASS]. Information about the instrument is also available online [@ECLASSwebsite]. The instrument was initially developed and validated at CU, but has now been validated using data from more than 70 courses at roughly 45 institutions [@wilcox2016eclass].
### \[sec:function\]The E-CLASS system
To administer the E-CLASS via our automated system, an interested instructor first completes our Course Information Survey (CIS). Questions on the CIS collect logistical information (e.g., course start date, number of student enrolled, department demographics), as well as information about course learning goals, equipment, and pedagogy. Logistical information from the CIS feeds into the automated system described in Sec. \[sec:cost\] where responses to particular questions are used to generate unique pre- and post-survey links for each course. The system then emails these links to the instructor at the beginning and end of the course respectively. Each link is activated and deactivated automatically by the system based on dates selected by the instructor on the CIS. In order to utilize student responses to the E-CLASS for research purposes, we have approval from the CU Institutional Review Board to conduct human subjects research using this online system. Consistent with the requirements of that approval, the survey link also includes a consent form notifying students that data from the assessment may be used for research purposes and providing instructions for how to withdraw participation.
After the pre- and post-instruction surveys have closed, the system automatically emails the instructor with a list of the names and ID numbers of all students who completed each survey, which the instructor can use to provide a small amount of participation credit. Due to constraints around performing human subjects research, instructors never receive identifiable, raw student responses to the survey. Instead, student responses are fed into report generation software, which creates an individual, online report for each course. These aggregate reports summarize students’ responses to the E-CLASS both overall and by-item, and also include comparison statistics pulled from our growing data set composed of student responses from previous semesters. While generally intended to be shared between instructors, course reports are only accessible via a unique and idiosyncratic link delivered directly to the individual instructor, so an individual instructor can choose to keep the report for their class private.
As of the fall semester 2015, the E-CLASS system has been almost fully automated, requiring only minimal input from a human administrator from the initial completion of the CIS through to the distribution of the final reports. However, the E-CLASS has been centrally administered since its initial development in fall of 2012. Prior to the development of the automated system, survey generation, management, and the report generation was done by-hand by a part-time administrator. While managing the system by hand was successful in the short term, the personnel requirements of this method likely make it unsustainable over long time scales.
### \[sec:cost\]Developing and maintaining the E-CLASS system
The most demanding aspect of the E-CLASS system, both financially and in terms of expertise, was developing and implementing the automation. As indicated previously, automation is not strictly necessary in order to run a centralized assessment system, at least in the short term. The E-CLASS was centrally administered for more than 5 semesters before the system was automated. However, operating the system without automation required a dedicated administrative assistant who was responsible for generating, managing, and analyzing pre- and post-surveys for 40-60 courses each semester. The automated system has reduced the administrative requirements to checking the system periodically to ensure it is functioning and responding to email requests from participating instructors. This reduction in the need for dedicated personnel greatly increases the sustainability of this system in future semesters when grant funding for the development of the E-CLASS has ended.
The program that governs the automation of the E-CLASS system was written in the programming language Python [@p2015website]. Python was selected over a more formal relational database [^2] for several reasons. Python is well known in physics, and many physicists have a basic knowledge of Python or a similar coding language. This fact increases the sustainability of the program as future personnel will need to be familiar with both physics content and basic Python programming. Python also includes a number of powerful statistical and representational packages that can facilitate data analysis [@scipy2001; @numpy2011; @pandas2010; @matplotlib2007]. One of the authors, an undergraduate computer science major familiar with the Python programming language, was hired to help design and then write the code for the survey automation. The E-CLASS surveys are hosted on a commercial survey platform known as Qualtrics [@q2015website]. Qualtrics is CU’s official survey platform, and the university provides access to this service for all faculty and staff. The E-CLASS automation was designed to interface with the Qualtrics application programming interface (API) in order to allow the system to automatically generate, activate, deactivate, and pull results from surveys on Qualtrics. Additionally, hosting the surveys on Qualtrics maintains the security of the E-CLASS items as Qualtrics surveys are only accessible via their unique survey links and cannot be accessed by Googling “E-CLASS” or the question prompts.
In addition to the undergraduate student who produced the code for the automation, one of the authors was brought on as an outside contractor with both PER and programming experience to create the report generation software, also written in Python. The report generator takes students’ raw responses from Qualtrics and exports a static HTML report for each course, which can be viewed and shared via the web or printed. Reports include aggregate statistics on the overall E-CLASS score, average item scores, and student demographic data for both the course and similar-level courses from previous semesters, as well as a brief description of how the data were analyzed. The decision to generate static, rather than dynamic, reports was made primarily to enhance their sustainability. A web application capable of generating dynamic reports with continuously updating comparison data or interactive graphs would require real-time developer support should the report system ever encounter a problem. Alternatively, static reports, once generated, can be made available indefinitely and would not be affected should the report generator encounter an unforeseen problem. The automation, report generator, and raw student responses are all stored and run on a local, dedicated and secure server purchased for this purpose. Local university IT personnel assisted with the process of purchasing, setting up, and maintaining the E-CLASS server.
As the major deliverable from the E-CLASS system, the final reports have gone through multiple iterations of review and refinement to ensure that they are clear and useful to instructors. An example E-CLASS report can be accessed from Ref. [@ECLASSwebsite]. To investigate instructors’ perceptions of the reports, we solicited feedback from instructors who had received E-CLASS reports in previous semesters. Nine of these instructors also participated in phone interviews in which they were asked to discuss any positive, negative, and/or confusing aspects of the report. Interviews were conducted by one of the authors and typically lasted between 15-30 minutes. All nine interviewees made positive comments about the E-CLASS and/or the final report. For example, a representative quote from one of the interviewees was, “The feedback that I get about the statistics about my students is very well laid out. There is a very good explanation at the beginning on how to look at the data and interpret the graphs, and it is well organized and systematic and easy to follow.” The presentation of individual course scores side-by-side with significant comparison data from other courses nationally was also mentioned as one of the major useful features of the E-CLASS report. Additionally, interviewees noted that the reports contained a large amount of information and that the visual representations of students scores and shifts helped to facilitate interpretation.
Despite the instructors’ overall positive feedback about the report, they made a number of suggestions for improvement or clarification. Many of these suggestions have since been incorporated into the report generation software. For example, the ordering convention for data points in several of the graphs was modified to support greater consistency between individual reports. This was in response to comments from instructors that suggested the original ordering convention made it difficult to compare graphs across distinct courses and/or semesters. Several instructors also requested that the report include documentation of the accepted “expert-like” response for each question. This information has now been incorporated into a separate “Questions” tab in the online reports.
\[sec:outcomes\]Initial impacts of the E-CLASS system
In this section, we discuss ways in which the centralized administration system for the E-CLASS has supported research efforts and faculty use of the E-CLASS.
### Research with growing national dataset
Over the previous six semesters during which the E-CLASS has been centrally administered, we have collected over 5200 matched pre- and post-instruction student responses from 120 distinct courses spanning 64 institutions across the United States. These courses include introductory labs for non-majors up through advanced laboratory courses for senior physics majors. The existence of such an extensive data set provides opportunities for addressing a multitude of research questions. For example, we previously used these data to robustly establish the statistical validity and reliability of the instrument for a much broader student population than is typically possible for RBAs [@wilcox2016eclass]. Additionally, ongoing research includes analysis of these data with respect to gender differences in E-CLASS scores [@wilcox2016gender]. Using demographic data on the students along with meta-data on the course, we are able to examine gender differences while controlling for confounding variables (e.g., student major, course level). Moreover, the size of the available data set allows for examination of the intersectional impact of different variables while still maintaining significant statistical power.
Future work with this growing, national data set will utilize course meta-data collected by the automated system to investigate the impact of differences in pedagogy and laboratory structure on students’ epistemologies about experimental physics. Aggregation of data from multiple courses over multiple semesters at CU and a few other institutions can also be used to examine changes in students’ epistemologies over time using longitudinal and pseudo-longitudinal data. Ultimately, this data set may help to provide concrete suggestions for both instructors and researchers interested in the nature of students’ epistemologies about experimental physics and how they change over time.
### Faculty use of the E-CLASS results
Overall, roughly 90 physics instructors have received one or more E-CLASS reports over the past five semesters. To better understand how these faculty perceive and use these reports, we distributed a short email survey to a subset of these instructors (N=55) and received 17 responses. We also performed follow-up interviews with 9 of these instructors to gain additional detail regarding their responses to the survey. A significant theme from these interviews was related to the perceived value of having significant and appropriate national data with which to compare individual course results. Instructors noted that this comparison data helped them to determine what questions and trends to pay attention to when interpreting their students’ performance.
The surveys and interviews also showed that the E-CLASS reports have been used by instructors in multiple productive ways. For example, 9 of the 17 survey respondents reported using data from their report to inform specific changes to their lab courses, such as revised lab manuals, introduction of reflective assignments, and changes in the grading structure to explicitly target practices such as making predictions and basing conclusions on data. In several cases, these changes were made in the context of larger scale laboratory course transformation efforts involving multiple courses and instructors. Additionally, 13 of 17 survey respondents reported discussing their E-CLASS report with colleagues or department chairs, and roughly a third of these respondents ($N=4$) included their results in presentations at local or national professional meetings. Two faculty members also included their E-CLASS report as part of their tenure or post-tenure evaluation. These findings suggest that the E-CLASS and its associated report have impacted faculty and their laboratory teaching practice in multiple ways across multiple institutions. Moreover, with the increased sustainability afforded by the automation of both the administration and report generation process, the E-CLASS system can continue to serve as a resource for new and returning instructors.
\[sec:other\]Other centralized assessment systems
In addition to the E-CLASS, there are several other systems that exemplify some or all aspects of a centralized model of RBAs (Fig. \[fig:models\]b), including the PhysPort Data Explorer [@PhysPortDE] and the Learning Assistant Alliance’s Learning Assistant Supported Student Outcomes (LASSO) system [@lasso2015website]. While a comprehensive comparison of the E-CLASS, PhysPort, and LASSO systems is beyond the scope of this work, this section briefly describes key feature of these two system.
The PhysPort Data Explorer is designed to be a tool for scoring, analyzing, and interpreting results of RBAs [@PhysPortDE]. The system is currently in the open beta-testing phase, allowing individual instructors to upload their students’ responses to a variety of RBAs. The Data Explorer is not designed to be a fully centralized assessment system as it does not assist with administration or data collection. Rather, this system represents a halfway point between the default model and a fully centralized model. In this halfway model, data collection is still primarily in the hands of the instructors, but the system will provide a mechanism for aggregating centralized comparison data and offer tools for standardized analysis. Unlike the E-CLASS system, where the analysis functions generally require that the data were collected directly by the system, the Data Explorer will also provide the opportunity for instructors to analyze data from supported RBAs that they have already collected from their courses.
Recently, the Learning Assistant (LA) Alliance’s has also created a new centralized, online assessment system to support their LASSO study [@vandusen2015lasso]. Like the PhysPort Data Explorer, the LASSO system offers a range of RBAs; however, similar to the E-CLASS system, the LASSO system both hosts the RBAs and manages data collection, in addition to facilitating scoring and analysis. To use the LASSO system, an instructor does not need to use learning assistants in their course, but they must join the LA Alliance (which is free). Participating instructors register their course with the LASSO system and upload a course roster with email addresses for each student. The system then emails a unique link to the RBA to each student on the roster. After administering the post-test, instructors also receive a summary document reporting their students’ pre- and post-test distributions and averages.
One consistent difference between the E-CLASS system and that of the Data Explorer and LASSO is that both the Data Explorer and LASSO are designed as a hub for multiple RBAs, whereas the E-CLASS system offers only the E-CLASS. RBA developers interested in utilizing a centralized assessment model for new or existing RBAs will be able to decide if they wish to create a new system for their assessment or incorporate it into an existing, multiple-RBA system. Creating a new system affords a greater degree of control (e.g., access to raw data) and customizability (e.g., customized instructor reports), but also requires significant investment of time and funding to create and maintain the system. Utilizing an existing multi-RBA system eliminates the burden of developing and maintaining a new system, but potentially affords less opportunity to customize the administration and reporting for the particular assessment.
The E-CLASS system, along with the PhysPort Data Explorer and the LA Alliance’s LASSO system, demonstrates that a centralized model for the dissemination of RBAs represents a viable and potentially sustainable alternative to the passive dissemination model that has been used historically in PER. Centralized assessment systems have two primary advantages over this default model. The first advantage is increased instructor support for administration, analysis and interpretation of results. Particularly since RBAs are typically given at the beginning and end of the course, it can be very difficult for busy instructors to find the time and resources to administer an extra assessment. By managing the survey generation and data collection process, centralized systems greatly reduce the burden placed on instructors. Moreover, particularly for instructors with minimal experience with RBAs, the analysis and representation of RBA data to facilitate interpretation of the results can also present a significant barrier. By providing standardized analysis and reporting, centralized assessment systems provide a mechanism for instructors to take advantage of the collective expertise of the PER community with respect to analyzing, representing, and presenting the results of RBAs, rather than having to develop this expertise for themselves.
The second major advantage of a centralized assessment model is the potential for aggregating large data sets of responses from a more diverse population of students, institutions, and courses. These large-scale data sets can then be used both to provide comparison data and for research purposes. Comparison data is a key tool for instructors trying to productively interpret their students’ performance. Without such comparison data, it can be difficult for instructors to make clear and actionable conclusions about their students’ performance. National data sets from RBAs also represent a valuable resource for physics education researchers interested in broader research questions related to student learning outcomes, particularly when students’ responses are accompanied by detailed information about course context and pedagogy like that collected on the E-CLASS Course Information Survey.
Despite the clear advantages offered by centralized assessment systems, these systems also have a number of drawbacks and limitations. For example, the development of these systems is time consuming and expensive, and they require some degree of maintenance. Each of the systems described in this paper (E-CLASS, LASSO, and Data Explorer) had external funding from the National Science Foundation (NSF) and/or another organization. For the E-CLASS system, the majority of this funding was used to cover the initial development costs of the system, including hardware, software, and personnel. However, even for automated systems, some minimal funding to support a part-time administrator will likely be necessary to respond to user issues and maintain the system indefinitely. (Note that this funding was in addition to the initial funding required to support development and validation of the assessment.) Another potential limitation of the centralized assessment systems discussed here is that they have been tested only with multiple-choice assessments. Indeed, the administrative viability of these systems is arguably dependent on the system being able to score students responses electronically. The ability to consistently and reliably score open-ended questions electronically has yet to be demonstrated within PER. Thus, at the moment, centralized assessment systems may be feasible only for RBAs with forced-choice question formats.
The E-CLASS and other similar systems have now demonstrated that a model for dissemination of research-based assessments that centralizes administration, data collection, and analysis represents a viable alternative to the default, historical model. We argue that this model has significant advantages and recommend that members of the PER community give legitimate consideration to this alternative model when developing and disseminating research-based assessments in the future. Research-based assessments are an important component of furthering efforts to improve physics education, and centralized assessment systems have the potential to facilitate the use of these assessments for both instructors and physics education researchers.
This work was funded by the NSF-IUSE Grant DUE-1432204 and NSF Grant PHY-1125844. The statements made in this article do not necessarily represent the views of the NSF. Particular thanks to Takako Hirokawa and to the members of PER@C for all their help and feedback.
[^1]: Systems involving centralized data collection with comparisons to national data sets are also common in, for example, online homework systems. These systems are not discussed here as they are of a different nature and serve a different purpose than the RBAs used within PER. They are proprietary systems used for high-stakes, individual assessment and are rarely used for research purposes.
[^2]: A relational database is a description of tables of data and how they relate to each other
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abstract: 'In the era of the Internet of Things (IoT), vehicles and other intelligent components in Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) are connected, forming the Vehicular Networks (VNs) that provide efficient and secure traffic, ubiquitous access to information, and various applications. However, as the number of connected nodes keeps increasing, it is challenging to satisfy various and large amounts of service requests with different Quality of Service (QoS ) and security requirements in the highly dynamic VNs. Intelligent nodes in VNs can compete or cooperate for limited network resources so that either an individual or a group objectives can be achieved. Game theory, a theoretical framework designed for strategic interactions among rational decision-makers who faced with scarce resources, can be used to model and analyze individual or group behaviors of communication entities in VNs. This paper primarily surveys the recent advantages of GT used in solving various challenges in VNs. As VNs and GT have been extensively investigate34d, this survey starts with a brief introduction of the basic concept and classification of GT used in VNs. Then, a comprehensive review of applications of GT in VNs is presented, which primarily covers the aspects of QoS and security. Moreover, with the development of fifth-generation (5G) wireless communication, recent contributions of GT to diverse emerging technologies of 5G integrated into VNs are surveyed in this paper. Finally, several key research challenges and possible solutions for applying GT in VNs are outlined.'
- 'Zemin Sun, Yanheng Liu, Jian Wang, Carie Anil, Dongpu Cao, [^1] [^2] [^3] [^4]'
- 'references.bib'
title: 'Game Theoretic Approaches in Vehicular Networks: A Survey'
Game theory, vehicular networks, quality of service, security, 5G
Motivations and Objectives {#sec:introduction}
Internet of things (IoT) is seen as the most promising technology to realize the vision of connecting things at any time, from any place to any network, and continues to be a hot pot of the research. Integrating IoT technologies to vehicles and infrastructures, Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) aims to improve traffic safety, relieve traffic congestion and increase energy efficiency by providing real-time information for road users and transportation system operators [@ni2015traffic]. Vehicular networks (VNs) has been regarded as an important component of the development of the ITS for intelligent decision makings by communicating with other vehicles (V2V) or infrastructures (V2I) [@gasmi2019vehicular].
However, the salient characteristics of VNs such as high-mobility of vehicles, unstable network topology, and constraint resources (e.g., power, frequency spectrum, and bandwidth) pose severe challenges to decision makings of different intelligent devices (e.g., vehicles and Road-Side Units (RSUs)) in dynamic environments. For example, RSUs make decisions on resource allocation to improve resource utilization while minimizing computational overheads and energy consumption. Besides, resource consumers such as vehicles make decisions to either selfishly compete for limited resources or cooperate with others to maximize the overall network performance. Moreover, to make the communication secure against the selfish behaviors or attacks of malicious nodes, intelligent devices in VNs should make efficient defense decisions. Game theory (GT) [@friedman1986game] provides mathematical models for the optimization of complex issues where multi-players with contradictory objectives compete for limited resources or cooperate for maximizing common interests. Therefore, this paper provides a systematic survey on applications of GT in modeling the strategic behaviors of intelligent nodes in VNs.
VNs have been extensively studied in different contexts, and the recently published surveys cover many aspects of the VNs. Several surveys focus on the Quality-of-Service (QoS) of VNs involving the protocols of Medium Access Control (MAC) [@jayaraj2016survey] and network layers [@peng2018vehicular], routing algorithms [@awang2017routing], content delivery solutions [@silva2016vehicular], and energy harvesting techniques [@atallah2016energy]. Furthermore, considering the vulnerability of VNs to various attacks, several research investigate security [@bariah2015recent], privacy [@manivannan2020secure; @boualouache2017survey], and trust [@kerrache2016trust] aspects of VNs. The researchers in [@lu2018survey] gave a comprehensive overview covering the fundamentals of VNs and the three security-related topics: security, privacy, and trust. With the development of the proposed fifth-generation (5G) communication architecture [@shah20185g], some surveys targeted at the specific technologies integrating with VNs including vehicular edge computing (VEC)[@liu2019vehicular; @dziyauddin2019computation], big-data-driven VNs [@cheng2018big], Vehicular cloud networks [@mekki2017vehicular], unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV)-assisted VNs [@shi2018drone], and heterogeneous vehicular networks (HVNETs) [@zheng2016soft; @zheng2015heterogeneous]. However, these papers mainly focus on characteristics, requirements, attacks, and corresponding solutions for VNs but with little coverage on challenges of decision making mentioned above in VNs.
Although GT has been used with significant success to design the interactions of competitive and cooperative behaviors among players, existing survey papers on GT focus mostly on either the overview [@oulaourf2017review; @moura2017survey] and security aspects [@sedjelmaci2019cyber; @pawlick2019game; @do2017game] of wireless networks or single technology-based wireless networks [@mkiramweni2019survey; @moura2018game]. For example, a survey of GT based solutions for radio resource allocation optimization in fourth-generation (4G) wireless networks is presented in [@oulaourf2017review]. GT applying in solving challenges in emerging wireless communications such as Mobile Edge Computing (MEC), Device to Device (D2D), Cognitive Radio VNs (CR-VN), and sensor networks are summarized in [@moura2017survey]. Moreover, surveys in [@mkiramweni2019survey] and [@moura2018game] uniquely focus on the game-theoretic approaches for dealing with the issues in UAV-assisted wireless networks and multi-access edge computing wireless networks, respectively. Besides, several survey papers address the application of GT in decision making of cyber security and privacy protection in wireless networks[@sedjelmaci2019cyber; @pawlick2019game; @do2017game]. Although GT approaches in VNs is introduced in [@bahamou2016game], the paper mainly gives a brief introduction of the GT employed for modeling the interaction between the attacker and defender in VNs. Little survey work has been carried out comprehensively for applications of GT in VNs. The classification of related surveys and the research gap are shown in Table. \[tab\_RelatedSurveys\].
The focus of this paper is to provide a comprehensive survey of the current research on GT approaches in solving the challenges facing VNs. The main contributions can be summarized as:
- Providing a comprehensive overview of the existing applications of GT in improving the performance of VNs from the perspectives of QoS guarantee and security protection.
- Discussing the GT applied to solve the challenges in next-generation VNs integrating with 5G-based technologies such as edge computing, heterogeneous networks, UAV-assisted communications, and SDN technologies.
- Outlining the remaining challenges and future researches that help to advance the development of GT in VNs.
Fig. \[fig\_outline\] illustrates the organization of this survey. The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section \[sec\_background\] briefly introduces the background of GT. Section \[sec\_GTinVNs\] reviewed and organized the GT solutions for the challenges of current VNs. Section \[sec\_GTin5G\] further investigates the applications of GT in VNs with 5G-based technologies. Section \[sec\_challenge\] highlights the key challenges and future works. The paper is concluded in Section \[sec\_conclusion\]. The abbreviations in this paper are listed in Table \[tab\_abb\].
**Symbols** **Description**
------------- ---------------------------------------------------
IoT Internet of Things
ITS Intelligent Transportation Systems
VN Vehicular Networks
V2V Vehicle to Vehicle
V2I Vehicle to Infrastructure
RSU Road-Side Unit
GT Game Theory
5G Fifth Generation
QoS Quality of Service
MAC Medium Access Control
4G Fourth Generation
MEC Mobile Edge Computing
D2D Device to Device
NE Nash Equilibrium
BNE Bayesian Nash Equilibrium
DoS Denial of Service
IDS Intrusion Detection System
IPS Intrusion Prediction System
IRS Intrusion Reaction System
CH Cluster Head
CH-IDS Coalition Head with Intrusion Detection Head
LIDS Local Intrusion System Detection
GDS Global Decision System
GIDS Global Intrusion Detection System
IDA Intrusion Detection Agent
PKI Public Key Infrastructure
PKI Public Key Infrastructure
LA Learning Automata
NBS Nash Bargaining Solution
CR Cognitive Radio
MANETs mobile ad hoc networks
SNR Signal-to-Noise Ratio
V2R Vehicle-to Roadside
TDMA Time Division Multiple Access
CSMA Carrier Sense Multiple Access
CSMA/CA Carrier Sense Multiple Access/Collision Avoidance
BSM Basic Safety Message
CBR Channel Busy Ratio
DCC Decentralized Congestion Control
SU Secondary User
PU Primary User
SINR Signal-to-Interference-plus-Noise-Ratio
MEC Mobile Edge Computing
HetVNET Heterogeneous Vehicular Network
SDN Sofware Defined Network
UAV Umanned Assisted Vehicles
VEC Vehicular Edge Computing
VC Vehicular Cloud
FC Fog Computing
VFC Vehicular Fog Computing
CC Cloud Computing
SP Service Provider
VM Virtual Machine
QoE Quality of Experience
ECD Edge Computing Device
VFN Vehicular Fog Node
F-SBS Fog-Small-BS
HetVNETs Heterogeneous Vehicular Networks
LTE Long Term Evolution
DSRC Dedicated short-range communication
ROS Requirement of Service
CP Content Provier
MNO Multiple Network Operators
OBUs On Board Units
V2U Vehicle-to-UAV
HP High Priority
LP Low Priority
mmWave Millimeter-wave (mmWave)
ISPs Internet Service Providers
LSA Licensed Shared Access
RL Reinforce Learning
: List of Acronyms and Corresponding Definitions[]{data-label="tab_abb"}
[|p[.5]{}|p[.4]{}|p[.028]{}|]{} **Title** &**Published**&**Year**\
Secure authentication and privacy-preserving techniques in Vehicular Ad-hoc NETworks (VNs) [@manivannan2020secure] &Vehicular Communications&2020\
Vehicular edge computing and networking: A survey [@liu2019vehicular]&arXiv&2019\
Computation offloading and content caching delivery in vehicular edge computing: A survey [@dziyauddin2019computation]&arXiv preprint arXiv:1912.07803&\
5G for vehicular communications [@shah20185g]&IEEE Communications Magazine&2018\
Vehicular communications: A network layer perspective [@peng2018vehicular]&IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology&\
A survey on recent advances in vehicular network security, trust, and privacy [@lu2018survey]&IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems&\
Big data driven vehicular networks [@cheng2018big]&IEEE Network&\
Drone assisted vehicular networks: Architecture, challenges and opportunities [@shi2018drone]&IEEE Network&\
A survey on pseudonym changing strategies for vehicular ad-hoc networks [@boualouache2017survey]&IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials&2017\
Routing in vehicular ad-hoc networks: A survey on single-and cross-layer design techniques, and perspective [@awang2017routing]&IEEE Access&\
Vehicular cloud networks: Challenges, architectures, and future directions [@mekki2017vehicular]&Vehicular Communications&\
Soft-defined heterogeneous vehicular network: Architecture and challenges [@zheng2016soft]&IEEE Network&2016\
Vehicular networks: A new challenge for content-delivery-based applications [@silva2016vehicular]&ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR)&\
Energy harvesting in vehicular networks: A contemporary survey [@atallah2016energy]&IEEE Wireless Communications&\
Trust management for vehicular networks: An adversary-oriented overview [@kerrache2016trust]&IEEE Access&\
A survey on hybrid MAC protocols for vehicular ad-hoc networks [@jayaraj2016survey]&Vehicular communications&\
Heterogeneous vehicular networking: A survey on architecture, challenges, and solutions [@zheng2015heterogeneous]&IEEE communications surveys & tutorials&2015\
A survey on the combined use of optimization methods and game theory [@sohrabi2020survey]&Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering&2020\
Cyber security game for intelligent transportation systems [@sedjelmaci2019cyber]&IEEE Network&2019\
A game-theoretic taxonomy and survey of defensive deception for cybersecurity and privacy [@pawlick2019game]&ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR)&\
A Survey of game theory in unmanned aerial vehicles communications [@mkiramweni2019survey] &IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials&\
Game theory for multi-access edge computing: Survey, use cases, and future trends [@moura2018game]&IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials&2018\
Survey of game theory and future trends with application to emerging wireless data communication networks [@moura2017survey]&Researchgate. net/publication&2017\
Game theory for cyber security and privacy [@do2017game]&ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR)&\
Review on radio resource allocation optimization in LTE/LTE-advanced using Game Theory [@oulaourf2017review]&International Journal of Communication Networks and Information Security (IJCNIS)&\
When GT meets VN’s security and privacy [@bahamou2016game]&Proceedings of the 14th International conference on advances in mobile computing and multi media&2016\
Game theory approaches in vehicular networks: A survey&\
Application of game theory in current VNs {#sec_GTinVNs}
As GT has been extensively investigated, this section starts with a brief introduction of the basic concept and classification of GT used in VNs. Furthermore, related researches on applications of GT in VNs are introduced from the perspectives of security protection and QoS guarantee, respectively.
Background of Game theory {#sec_background}
GT is a branch of applied mathematics for analyzing the strategic interactions among multiple decision-makers (players) [@friedman1986game]. These decision-makers cooperatively or competitively take rational actions that have conflicting consequences. A classical game can be defined as a triplet $ \mathbf{G}=(\mathcal{N},( \mathcal{S}_i)_{i\in\mathcal{N}}, (\mathcal{U}_i)_{i\in\mathcal{N}})$, where:
- $\mathcal{N}={1,...N}$ is a finite set of $N$ players
- $(\mathcal{S}_i)_{i\in\mathcal{N}}$ is the strategy set of player $i$, and $s_i\in\mathcal{S}_i$ is any possible strategy of $i$
- $ (\mathcal{U}_i)_{i\in\mathcal{N}}) $ is the utility (or payoff) function of player $i$. Each player in the game aims to maximize its payoff function according to other players strategies
A strategy profile $s^*$ is a *Nash equilibrium (NE)*, if for each player $i \in \mathcal{N}$ $$\label{eq_NE}
u_{i}\left(s_{i}^{*}, s_{-i}^{*}\right) \geq u_{i}\left(s_{i}, s_{-i}^{*}\right), \forall s_{i} \in \mathcal{S}_i,$$ where $s_{-i}^{*}$ is the strategy vector of all players except player $ i$. This is the maximum utility function of player $i$ over the set of all its strategies. In this case, each player obtains the optimal utilities, and none of the users has an incentive to deviate because it can not unilaterally change its strategy to increase his utility.
Classical GT can be classified into two main categories: non-cooperative and cooperative games. Non-cooperative game is most widely-used in resource competition or attacker detection due to the simplicity for problem modeling and solution. Besides, the cooperative game has been applied in the resource allocation or sharing problems in VNs. Because the details of GT have been investigated by a lot of surveys or studies on wireless networks [@manshaei2013game; @felegyhazi2006game; @akkarajitsakul2011game; @sun2019non; @sedjelmaci2019cyber; @pawlick2019game; @mkiramweni2019survey; @moura2018game; @moura2017survey; @do2017game; @oulaourf2017review; @bahamou2016game], we skip the introduction of GT by summarizing the taxonomies and applications of GT corresponding to this paper in Table \[tab\_game\].
[|m[.005]{}|m[.004]{}|m[.04]{}|m[.043]{}|m[.04]{}|m[.04]{}|m[.06]{}|m[.04]{}|m[.04]{}|m[.06]{}|m[.06]{}|m[.05]{}|m[.07]{}|m[.05]{}|m[.04]{}|]{} &**Cyber Security**&**Privacy**&**Trust**&**Routing**&**MAC Layer Access**&**Power Control**&**Spectrum Resource Allocation**&**VEC**&**HetVNET**&**SDN-based VNs**&**UAV-assisted VNs**&**Others**\
&&[@sedjelmaci2015accurate; @subba2018game]&[@fan2018network; @wang2019optimization] & [@mehdi2017game; @fan2019trust]&[@tian2017self; @das2017new; @hu2016novel; @assia2019game; @goudarzi2018non; @goudarzi2019fair] &[@li2019tcgmac; @wang2018application; @lang2019vehicle; @al2017cooperative] & [@goudarzi2018non; @goudarzi2019fair; @hua2017game; @sun2017non]&&[@zhang2019task; @zhang2017mobile; @zhao2019computation; @yu2016optimal; @tao2017resource; @aloqaily2017fairness; @brik2018gss]&[@xiao2018spectrum; @zhao2019optimal] &&[@xiao2018uav; @alioua2018efficient] &\
&&&[@brahmi2019cyber; @sedjelmaci2018generic]&&&&&&&[@zhang2017optimal; @zhou2018begin; @liwang2019game; @lin2019vehicle]& [@li2016control; @aujla2017data; @chahal2019network; @alioua2019incentive] &&Network slicing [@zhou2018bandwidth]\
&&**General**&[@sedjelmaci2014detection; @behfarnia2019misbehavior]&[@ying2015motivation]&&& [@kwon2016bayesian] &&&&&&[@sedjelmaci2016intrusion] &\
&&&&& [@zhang2017resource]&&&&&&&&\
&&&&&&&&&&[@chen2017congestion] &&&LSA [@belghiti20185g]\
&&& &&&& [@shah2018shapely]&&&&&&\
&&[@mabrouk2018signaling]&[@boudagdigue2018distributed] & [@halabi2019trust; @kumar2015intelligent] & [@wu2018computational; @sulistyo2019coalitional; @assia2019game] &&&&[@yu2015cooperative]&[@hui2017optimal; @hui2019game] &&&\
&&& &&[@kim2016timed] && [@chen2016information]& [@eze2019design] & [@huang2017distribute]&&&&\
&&& &&&& && [@liu2018computaion; @klaimi2018theoretical] &&&&\
&&&[@tian2019evaluating]&[@khan2018evolutionary]&&&& [@mekki2017proactive]&& [@jia2019bus] &[@wang2018mode] &\
&&&&&&&[@shattal2018channel; @tian2019channel] & [@gu2019task; @xu2018low; @zhou2019computation]&&&&D2D [@gu2016exploiting], mmWave[@perfecto2017millimeter]\
Game Theory for Security Protection in VNs {#sec_security}
The features of VNs may result in security vulnerabilities that make the communication suffer from various kinds of internal and external attacks, which have caused three main concerns in the design of secure VNs: security, privacy and trust. This section introduces the use of GT in intrusion or misbehavior detection[@mabrouk2018signaling; @sedjelmaci2014detection; @sedjelmaci2015accurate; @subba2018game; @brahmi2019cyber; @sedjelmaci2018generic], privacy preservation [@fan2018network; @wang2019optimization; @ying2015motivation; @al2018teaming; @zhang2017otibaagka; @zhang2019pa; @mukherjee2019efficient], and trust management [@halabi2019trust; @boudagdigue2018distributed; @kumar2015intelligent; @mehdi2017game; @fan2019trust; @haddadou2014job; @tian2019evaluating] in VNs.
### GT for cyber security {#sec_intrusion}
-------------------------------------------- ------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- --------- --------- ---------
**IDS** **IPS** **IRS**
[@mabrouk2018signaling] Coalition game Signaling game **CH-IDS agent**: $ \left\{Idle, Defend\right\} $ **Vehicle member**: $ \left\{Attack, Cooperateright\right\} $ Pure-strategy and mixed-strategy BNEs $\surd$
[@sedjelmaci2014detection] Bayesian game **RSU**: $\left\{Detect, Wait \right\}$ **Attacker**: $ \left\{Attack, Wait \right\}$ Mixed strategy BNE $\surd$ $\surd$
[@sedjelmaci2015accurate] Non-cooperative game **LIDS** $\left\{Detect,Wait\right\} $ **vehicles members**: $ \left\{Attack, Be normal\right\} $ Pure strategy NE $\surd$
[@subba2018game] Non-cooperative game **IDS**: $ \left\{Monitor, Not \ Monitor \right\}$ **Malicious vehicle**:$ \left\{Attack, Wait\right\} $ Mixed strategy NE $\surd$
[@brahmi2019cyber; @sedjelmaci2018generic] Hierarchical Stackelberg game **IDA**: launching strategies of the secondary agents**Secondary agents (IDS,IPS,IRS)**: $ \left\{IDS,IPS,IRS\right\} $ NE $\surd$ $\surd$ $\surd$
[@mejri2016new] Zero-sum game **Attacker**: $ \left\{Attack,Stop\right\} $**Honest vehicle**:$ \left\{Continue, Change direction\right\} $ Pure strategy NE $\surd$
[@behfarnia2019misbehavior] Bayesian Game **Target node**: $\left\{attack, not attack\right\}$**Benign player**:$\left\{vote,abstain\right\}$ Pure-strategy and Mixed-strategy BNEs $\surd$
-------------------------------------------- ------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- --------- --------- ---------
Buinevich et al. [@buinevich2019forecasting] listed the top 10 most severe cyber-attacks facing VNs, which are categorized as threats to confidentiality, availability, and integrity. For confidentiality attacks, malicious nodes aim to find the Cluster Head (CH) and its sensitive data by eavesdropping the communication within its radio range [@brahmi2019cyber]. Regarding the availability attack (e.g., Denial of Service (DoS)), the adversaries attempt to exhaust the bandwidth resources by disturbing or jamming the communications [@sakarindr2007security]. Attacks targeting the communication integrity try to inject false information, change the order of messages, or replay the old messages [@ichaba2018security]. Consequently, it is essential to provide a reliable security framework for VNs to deter these cyber attacks. The frameworks developed for VN cyber security can be classified into Intrusion Detection System (IDS), Intrusion Prediction System (IPS), and Intrusion Reaction System (IRS) [@zaidi2015host; @bouali2016distributed].
IDS or IPS is reliable to detect malicious vehicles and is often used as a second line of defense after the cryptographic systems [@erritali2013survey; @sedjelmaci2013efficient]. GT can be used as a method for modeling the interaction between malicious nodes and the intrusion decision agent. Moreover, it is proved that GT is useful in increasing the detection or prediction accuracy and decreasing the communication overhead. Table. \[tab\_intrusion\] classifies the related works on cyber security games for VNs according to the deployed game models and cyber security frameworks.
Mabrouk et al. [@mabrouk2018signaling] introduced a coalition and signaling game-theoretical method for internal malicious nodes detection in VNs. By using the coalitional game [@shenoy1979coalition], vehicles are organized into coalitions, each of which are composed of member vehicles and a Coalition Head that equipped with an Intrusion Detection System (CH-IDS). The interaction between the CH-IDS agent and vehicle member is modeled as a signaling game. The CH-IDS performs the optimal strategy $Idle$, or $Defend$ based on the pure-strategy and mixed-strategy BNEs to defend the malicious vehicles’ attack dynamically. This scheme relies only on the current behaviors of attackers in the VNs and cannot predict future misbehaviors.
To predict the malicious behavior in VNs, Sedjelmaci et al. [@sedjelmaci2014detection] proposed a Bayesian game-theoretic intrusion detection and prevention scheme that can predict the future behaviors of the monitored vehicles. The vehicles within the communication range of the monitored vehicle monitor its behavior when it broadcasts an alert message. The RSU and the suspected vehicle begin to play a Bayesian game if a malicious behavior of the monitored vehicle is detected, t. The RSU could perform *detect* or *wait* and the monitored vehicle could *Attack* or *Wait* (i.e., don’t wait). As a result, it is proved that there is a mixed strategy BNE $\left\{\text{RSU} \ \left(Detect ,p^{*}\right), \ \text{Attacker} \ (Attack, q^*)\right\}$ in which the malicious vehicle attacks when the probability $ q > q^* $ and the RSU triggers its detection action when $ p < p^* $. In this case, the suspected vehicle can be predicted as an attacker and be stored into the blacklist by the RSU. The experiments demonstrated that this scheme has high rate of detection $(>98\% )$ and low rate of false-positive $ (<2\%)$. The weakness of this method is that it only focuses on detecting the *false alert’s generation attack* but does not consider other types of attacks facing the VNs.
Sedjelmaci et al. [@sedjelmaci2015accurate] further developed a lightweight hybrid IDS for VNs considering both the mobility of vehicles and various types of attacks, neither of which were considered in their previous work [@sedjelmaci2014detection]. Three intrusion detection agents are considered in the hybrid IDS framework: Local Intrusion Detection System (LIDS) at the cluster member level, Global Intrusion Detection System (GIDS) at the CH level, and Global Decision System (GDS) at RSU level. At the LIDS level, a game is designed for a cluster member and vehicles located at its radio range; the monitoring process can be activated if the cluster member reaches a NE. This detection scheme outperforms VWCA [@daeinabi2011vwca], IDFV [@sedjelmaci2014new], and T-CLAIDS [@kumar2014collaborative] in terms of attack detection accuracy (i.e. detection and false-positive rates), detection time, and communication overhead.
There is a trade-off between collecting more information for effective intrusion detection and the high volume IDS traffic in VNs. A multi-layered IDS for VN based on GT is designed in [@subba2018game] to achieve a satisfied tradeoff between QoS and security. The interaction between the IDS and the malicious vehicle is modeled as a two-player non-cooperative game. The strategy spaces of the CH and the malicious vehicle are $ \left\{Monitor, Not \ Monitor \right\}$ and $ =\left\{Attack, Wait\right\} $, respectively. The mixed-strategy NE of the game is obtained as $(p^*,q^*)$, where $p^*$ and $q^*$ are the probabilities that the malicious vehicle and the CH conduct $ Attack $ and $ Monitor $, respectively. By adopting the monitoring strategies based on the NE, the volume of IDS traffic is significantly reduced while maintaining a satisfied detection rate and accuracy.
The cyber defense game [@brahmi2019cyber; @sedjelmaci2018generic] for VNs takes the works in [@subba2018game] and [@sedjelmaci2014detection] a step further by using a hierarchical Stackelberg game. Not only does it consider the tradeoff between security and the overhead of IDS, but it integrates the functions of IDS, IPS, and Intrusion Reaction System (IRS) for detection, prediction, and reaction. This hierarchical game is played by an intrusion decision agent (IDA) (leader) and the secondary agents (i.e., IDS, IPS, and IRS). The IDA aims at balancing the communication quality and security by deciding the optimal activation of IDS, IPS, and IRS agents. An extensive-form representation of the game is given based on the payoff functions modeled for players. By solving the game, the NE is obtained where the secondary players execute the corresponding strategies activated by the IDS. This scheme provides a new insight into the security game where IDS adaptively actives the actions of secondary players to detect, predict, or react against attacks with high accuracy, while considering the communication delay and overhead.
The DoS attack detection in VNs is addressed in [@mejri2016new] by modeling a zero-sum strategy game between the honest vehicle and the attacker. The attacker has two options: $ Attack $or $ Stop $; the honest vehicle can $ Continue $ driving or $ Change direction $ to move away from the attacker. Misbehaving nodes identification in ephemeral wireless networks is discussed in [@behfarnia2019misbehavior] with a case study of VNs. A voting-based Bayesian game between a benign node $PLB$ and a target node $ PLT $ is proposed. The strategies of $PLB$ and $PLT$ are $\left\{vote, abstain\right\}$ and $\left\{attack, not attack \right\}$, respectively. Moreover, incentives are used in payoffs in order to promote cooperation in the network. The pure-strategy and mixed-strategy BENs can help neighboring nodes decide whether to discredit an accused (target) vehicular node.
### GT for privacy preserving
[|p[.02]{}|p[.1]{}|p[.24]{}|p[.3]{}|p[.05]{}|p[.15]{}|]{} & **Game players**&**Location privacy metric**&**Description**&**Attack model**&**Description**\
[@wang2019optimization]&$n$ vehicles in the mix zone&$P=\sum_{d=1}^{N} p_{d | b} \log _{2} p_{d | b}-\left(-\log _{2} \frac{1}{\Theta}\right)$&
- $ N $: the number of players
- $P_{b|d}$ the probability that the new pseudonym $ d $ of a specific vehicle is correctly linked by the attacker to its old pseudonym $b$
- $\Theta$ :eavesdropping station
&Passive attacker &Eavesdrop\
[@ying2015motivation]& $N_{\Upsilon}^{i}$ vehicles located in the mix zone &$B_{\Upsilon}^{i}=-\sum_{d=1}^{N_{\Upsilon}^{i}} P_{d | b} \log _{2} P_{d | b}$&
- $N_{\Upsilon}^{i}$: the number of vehicles (located in the mix zone of $ Y $) during the $ i $ th round
- $Pd|b $: the probability that the new pseudonym $ d\in D $ of a specific vehicle is correctly linked by the attacker to its old pseudonym $ b \in B $
&Active attacker& Relate the target vehicle’s old pseudonym to its new pseudonym\
[@plewtong2018game]&Defender and attacker&$L P_{i}(t)=L P M_{i}-L P L T_{i}(t)$ $ L P M_i=\log _{2} n \forall n \geq 2 $$L P L T_{i}(t)=x *\left(t-t_{s, i}\right)$&
- $ L P M_i$: the last mix-zone location privacy for vehicle $i$
- $n$: the number of vehicles cooperate in the mix-zone
- $L P L T_{i}(t)$: location privacy loss over time
- $x$: a constant for location privacy loss
- $ t_{s,i} $: last pseudonym change time
&*Naive* attacker and *Stealthy* attacker&
- *Naive* attacker: never cooperates
- *Stealthy* attacker: attempts to obtain the location of a vehicle while not being detected
[@fan2018network] & Legitimate node and malicious node& $
&Privacy(\varphi, false, hit, dp) =\\&\sum_{r,r^{'}} \varphi(\mathrm{r}) \text { fake }<\mathrm{r} | \mathrm{r^{'}}>\mathrm{hit}<\widehat{\mathrm{r}}, \mathrm{r}>\mathrm{d}_{\mathrm{p}}(\widehat{\mathrm{r}}| \mathrm{r})
\end{aligned}$ &
- $ \varphi (r) $: the probability that used by replacing the vehicle’s real location information $ r $ with other false location information
- $ fake <r,r^{'}> $: anonymity
- $ dp <\widehat{r},r> $: the premises of the know strategies of the players
& Active attacker& Relate the target vehicle’s old pseudonym $ \widehat{\mathrm{r}} $ to its observed new pseudonym $ r' $\
The privacy of vehicles should be carefully considered besides intrusion or malicious behaviors. The main concern for the privacy of a vehicle is the location privacy since an adversary can track the locations of vehicles by monitoring their pseudonyms. Anonymous authentication is a common scheme for location privacy preservation of vehicles in VNs, where vehicles temporally coordinate pseudonym changes using a mix-zone strategy to guarantee location privacy. To prevent the selfish motivations, several works [@ying2015motivation; @plewtong2018game; @plewtong2018game] use GT for stimulating cooperation among the vehicles in a mix-zone. Table \[tab\_privacy\] presents the comparisons of these location games.
Wang et al. [@wang2019optimization] designed a non-cooperative game-based pseudonym changing scheme to balance the location privacy and the computation overhead in VNs. Each vehicle (player) in the mix-zone [@beresford2004mix] aims to maximize its location privacy with minimum computation overhead. The player performs the strategy $Cooperate$ (change its pseudonym) or $Defend$ (not change its pseudonym). The vehicle’s utility is modeled as the location privacy according to the entropy of uncertainty and the eavesdropper’s location (which is given in Table \[tab\_privacy\]). The NE strategy profile of the game is obtained corresponding to the optimal number of cooperating players $n*$. One weakness of this study is the use of a complete information game. In contrast, the incomplete information game could be better to model the knowledge of players because vehicles in the privacy-sensitive VNs do not know either the strategies or payoffs of their opponents.
In the non-cooperative games, vehicles only struggle to maximize their payoffs and will be unwilling to change the pseudonyms if they are satisfied with the current location privacy. It makes the target vehicle vulnerable to the attacks when more vehicles become selfish. Therefore, “vehicles with cooperative awareness” is the essential [@al2018teaming] for the location privacy in VNs. Ying et al. [@ying2015motivation] proposed a method called Motivation for Protecting Selfish Vehicles’ Location Privacy (MPSVLP) to encourage vehicles to cooperate in changing their pseudonyms. In MPSVLP, vehicles form a mix zone dynamically when their pseudonyms are close to expiration. Moreover, an incentive mechanism is designed to encourage vehicles to implement pseudonym changes according to “reputation credit”.
In [@plewtong2018game], a formal game model between the attacker and the defender is designed to analyze the impact of the attacker on location privacy in VNs. On the one hand, two Byzantine attackers that target location privacy in VNs are considered in [@plewtong2018game]: a *naive* attacker who never cooperates and a *stealthy* attacker who attempts to obtain the location information of a vehicle while not being detected. On the other hand, the defender can cooperate to change its pseudonym because the location privacy could suffer a loss over time (the model is given in Table \[tab\_privacy\]); it can also be greedy and keep the old pseudonym due to the cost of pseudonym change.
Fan et al. [@fan2018network] focused on the game between the legitimate node and the malicious node.The legitimate node replaces its real location information $r$ with a false location information $r'$ and sends $fake<r,r^{'}> $ to the service provider. On the other hand, the malicious vehicle uses the received false location information as prior knowledge to form a rational conjecture $ hit<r,r^{'}> $ to predict the location of the attacked vehicle. The utilities of the legitimate player (i.e., location privacy metric) and adversary player are given in Table. \[tab\_privacy\]. However, the study only gives out maximization expressions of the players’ payoff functions without NE solutions to the stated problem.
A few recent studies use GT to prove the security of the privacy-preserving schemes in VNs. The security of the proposed authentication interchange scheme is proved by a valid argument using the strategies of attacker games in [@al2018teaming]. Studies in [@zhang2017otibaagka; @zhang2019pa; @mukherjee2019efficient] establish the security of their proposed privacy-preserving authentication schemes by defining a security game played between an adversary and a challenger in VNs.
### GT for trust management
Trust management is designed to prevent false information transmitted by dishonest communication entities [@tian2019evaluating], which is presented as a potential alternative of secure communication in VNs [@halabi2019trust]. Current trust evaluation models can be categorized as [@zhang2011survey]: 1) entity-oriented, which identifies the trustworthiness of the transmitter, usually based on interaction experience or neighbors’ recommendations; 2) data-oriented, which identifies the trustworthiness of transmitted messages; and 3) hybrid, which incorporates entity-centric and data-centric methods.
- **Node-oriented approach**
Halabi and Zulkernine [@halabi2019trust] designed a distributed trust cooperation game to protect the data integrity of vehicles in IoV. Firstly, the vehicle’s trustworthiness is constructed using the Bayesian inference model based on the previous interaction experience. Moreover, a hedonic coalitional game [@bogomolnaia2002stability] is designed for collaborations among vehicles according to their trustworthiness levels. The game is further solved by proposing a trust-based coalition formation algorithm. One advantage of this approach is that, since vehicles in the same coalition are not required to re-compute the trustworthiness values each time a new message is received, the computation overhead is reduced significantly.
In [@boudagdigue2018distributed], a dynamic trust model for IoT is constructed where a set of neighbor vehicles and a monitored vehicle are considered as players. In this model, the set of vehicles form groups dynamically assigning and updating the trust values of the monitored node according to the cooperativeness and honesty values. An estimation algorithm is developed to remove spams caused by neighboring attackers during the trust value update. One weakness of this method is that the group is assumed to be formed in advance without considering the group formation process.
- **Data-oriented approach**
Kumar [@kumar2015intelligent] proposed a Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) based on the Bayesian coalition game where the Learning Automata (LA) in the vehicles cooperate for information sharing. The dynamic coalition is formed based on the players’ trust values formulated with symmetric key encryption and hash-based message authentication. The environment decides to reward or penalize the LAs according to their actions. Each player further updates the strategy vector, deciding whether to join a new coalition to improve communication security according to the feedback of the environment. The proposed scheme could resist against the replay and misauthentication attacks and preserve the message integrity and authentication.
Mehdi et al. [@mehdi2017game] proposed a game-based trust model to identify the defender nodes and the malicious nodes in VNs. The players can be tagged as a defender or malicious node according to the trust level calculated using the information provided by vehicles and RSUs (which is shown in Table. \[tab\_trust\]). Furthermore, the strategies of the defender and malicious node are defined as $ Detect / not \ Detect $ and $ Attack / not \ Attack $, respectively. And the payoff of each player for any combination of strategies is calculated. The NE is demonstrated where the defender can achieve satisfactory communication and avoid potential attacks. One limitation is that the trust model is based on a highway scenario without considering situations with high vehicle density, such as an urban environment.
[|m[.04]{}|m[.02]{}|m[.1]{}|m[.01]{}|m[.01]{}|m[.2]{}|m[.27]{}|m[.13]{}|]{} **Schemes**&**Ref.**&**Game**& & &**Trust metrics**&**Description**&**Attack resistance**\
Node oriented&[@halabi2019trust]&Coalition game&&$\surd$&$Trust_{i}\left(V C_{m}\right)=\prod_{j \in V C_{m}} T_{i j}$$Trust_i \ :\ V C_{m} \rightarrow[0,1]$ &Trust level of the coalition $ V Cm $ as perceived by vehicle $ V_i $.&Data alteration attack Data corruption attack\
& [@boudagdigue2018distributed]&Assumed coalition game&&$\surd$&
- Direct honesty: $p_{d}=D * p_{n e t}$
- Indirect honesty:$p I=I * \text { pnet }$
- $p_{D}$: the probability that the monitored node makes honest transactions
- $pnet$: the probability related to the constraints of the monitoring
- $D$: direct honesty rate
- $p_l$: the probability that the monitored node evaluates honestly the other nodes
- $I$: Indirect honesty rate
Data-oriented&[@kumar2015intelligent] &Bayesian coalition game&&$\surd$&
- $\begin{aligned} T V^{t}&=\alpha \times cert ^{rep } PU ^{t} (init) \\&-\beta \times cert ^{rev }P U^{t} (curr) \end{aligned} $
- $ P U^{t}=\frac{cert^{curr} }{\sum_{i=0}^{n} cert _{i}^{tot}} $
- $ cert^{rev}(t) $: Certificate revocation at time $ t$
- $cert_{i}(^{tot })$: total number of certificates
- $ P U^{t} (init) $: Initial payoff utility
- $ \alpha, \beta $:Constants with value between 0 and 1
- $ P U^{t} (curr) $: Current payoff utility
&Replay attackMisauthentication attack\
& [@mehdi2017game]&Non-cooperative game&&$\surd$&$ L_{t}=\left(V_{e, t}-E_{T}\right) * 100 $ &
- $L_t$: trust level of a node $ t $
- $V_{e.t}$: event level raging from 0 to 1 experience based trust
& Attacker prevention without focusing on specific attackers\
Hybrid-oriented&[@fan2019trust] &Dynamic game&$\surd$&&$I B_{R S U}=\frac{n_{1}+n_{2}-n_{3}}{n_{1}+n_{2}+n_{3}}$&
- $ IB_{RSU} $: recommendation value from RSU
- $n_1,n_2,n_3$: the number of forwarding, receiving, and releasing messages, respectively
&Restrain vehicles from selfish behaviors\
& [@haddadou2014job] &Signaling game&&$\surd$&Distributed trust model (DTM2)& Allocate credits to nodes and securely manage these credits&Prevent both malicious and selfish vehicles\
&[@tian2019evaluating]&Evolutionary game&$\surd$&&$f _r \in\{x|1 \leq x \leq 100, x| \in Z\}$&$f_r$: the deception intensity of dishonest vehicles&Dynamic and varied attacking strategies\
- **Hybrid approach**
To encourage nodes to forward data actively, Fan and Wu [@fan2019trust] produced an incentive reputation mechanism based on a dynamic game. In this game, vehicle nodes are divided into three clusters of players: normal, selfish, and malicious nodes, each of which has its own strategy set. The RSU provides an incentive mechanism for the nodes within its range, i.e., rewarding the players who adopt cooperative behaviors and punishing those who are uncooperative. Vehicles in each cluster choose the strategies to maximize their payoffs by considering both the reward for cooperative behavior and the cost for energy consumption. The entire VN reaches an equilibrium after a definite number of evolution rounds of the repeated game. The proposed mechanism can restrain selfish behaviors and encourage vehicles to take cooperative actions.
Facing the dynamic of vehicles and the openness of communication channels in VNs, trust relationships among vehicles should be constructed distributively without the reliance on a central entity. Haddadou [@haddadou2014job] proposed an infrastructure-independent trust model $ (DTM^2) $ to prevent both malicious and selfish behaviors in VNs. The $ (DTM^2) $ maintains *credits* and allocates them to each vehicle. Firstly, selfish nodes are motivated to cooperate for credits earning by establishing the price for receiving messages. Furthermore, to detect the malicious nodes, $ DTM^2 $ constructs the cost of sending by formulating signal values corresponding to the behaviors of the nodes. Nodes whose messages are identified trustful will be rewarded with *credits*. Lastly, the credit update process of a vehicle is modeled as a Markov chain based on the vehicle’s behavior.
Most of the credit management schemes mainly focus on certain types of attacks with settled attacking behaviors, which is insufficient to represent the real scenarios. In [@tian2019evaluating], a dynamic and varied attacking strategy is designed to evaluate the reputation of communication entities and trustworthiness of messages. An evolutionary game is employed to analyze the evolution of attackers’ strategies, where untrustworthy vehicles will be removed from the network. The method enables simultaneous detection the credibility of the received messages and the trustworthiness of the communication vehicles.
Game Theory for QoS Guarantee in VNs
Exploiting available resources to maximize the overall QoS of VNs, such as throughput improvement, is another challenge in VNs. GT is capable of analyzing the behaviors of nodes to help them decide the optimal strategies and further optimize the performance of the network. The application of GT in QoS guarantee for VNs has been studied in various ways, such as designing cooperative routing, MAC protocols, spectrum resource allocation, and power control.
### GT for routing
GT has been widely applied for mitigating selfish behaviors of packet forwarding in wireless networks. However, maintaining stable routes in VNs is challenging due to the dynamic nature of the mobile vehicle. Routing schemes in VNs can be categorized as relay-based, broadcast-based, and cluster-based routings, which is illustrated in Fig. \[fig\_routing\].
- **Relay-based routing**
Tian et al. [@tian2017self] proposed a non-cooperative game-theoretic method where the candidate relay nodes are treated as players who aim to optimize the transmission quality with low energy consumption. The utility function $u_j$ of each player $j$ is formulated by considering the trade-off between the received benefit and the energy or power cost, which is given as (\[eq\_Utility\_tian2017self\]). According to the game structure, a decentralized self-organized algorithm is further proposed to adapt the decision-making behavior of each player and learn their NE strategies from their action-reward histories. The NE can preserve the transmission reliability and maintains the overall power consumption at the lower bound.
where $f_j$ and $g_j$ denote the obtained benefit and the cost incurred by the cooperation of the relay node $j$ when adopting the strategy $s_j (t)$ over time $t$, respectively.
To mitigate transmission failure, the authors in [@das2017new] proposed a game-theoretic relay selection protocol to select the cooperative node in the retransmission. This algorithm stimulates nodes to cooperate by providing incentives and selects the best relay nodes for retransmission of packets when the communication link becomes unstable. The network can converge into a Nash network in the highly dynamic VN environment. This protocol shows lower transmission delays compared to non-cooperative communications. Suleiman et al. [@suleiman2017adaptive] employed the GT to demonstrate the incentive-compatibility of the routing protocol for highway applications in VNs. A fixed cellular network operator $ CO $ and a set of vehicles $ V $ constitute the players of the game in the highway scenario. On the one hand, $ CO $ chooses Incentivizing Cooperation $ (IC) $ making credit-based bandwidth allocation or Not Incentivizing Cooperation $ (NIC) $ fixing bandwidth allocation. On the other hand, the strategy of any vehicle $ (AV_i \in V ) $ is Cooperation $ (C) $ relaying other vehicles’ messages or Not Cooperating $ (NC) $ dropping the messages. Satisfied routing strategy can be obtained by NE, where the incentive V2V routing complements V2I routing. However, this method is infrastructure-based and only designed for highway applications, which can not be applied to the infrastructure-independent communications or the city scenarios.
In order to overcome the limitation of traditional Nash Bargaining Solution (NBS) that lacks the complete information, Kim [@kim2016timed] proposed a new opportunistic routing scheme for dynamic VNs based on an iterative bargaining model. By considering the timed game, the destination vehicle selects the most adaptable routing path $\Gamma$ with the minimum link cost:
\Gamma=arg \underset{\{P_i, P_i\in \mathbb{S}\}}{min} {\int_{t=\mathcal{T}_s}^{t=\mathcal {T}_{e}} \log \left(L_{-} P_{k}\right) d t}$$
where $ \mathbb{S} $ is the set of established routing paths, and $ P_i $ is the $ i $th routing path from the source vehicle to the destination vehicle. $\mathcal{T}_s$ and $\mathcal{T}_e$ are the packet forwarding start time and end time, respectively, and $L_P$ denotes the communication cost of each link. The destination vehicle periodically updates the timed reinforcement function to stimulate relay vehicles to select desirable links globally.
[|m[.02]{}|m[.08]{}|m[.1]{}|m[.15]{}|m[.13]{}|m[.09]{}|m[.06]{}|m[.02]{}|m[.01]{}|m[.01]{}|m[.01]{}|m[.01]{}|]{} **Ref.**&**Game**&**Players**&**Objective**&**Main Idea** &**Routing**&****Scenario****& &&&&\
[@tian2017self] &Non-cooperative game &Candidate relay nodes&Optimize transmission quality with low energy consumption&Incentive best relay selection&Centralized&Urban&$\surd$&$\surd$&$\surd$&$\surd$&$\surd$\
[@das2017new]&Non-cooperative game&Neighbor nodes&Retransmission in case of network failure&Best relay selection&Centralized&$-$&&&&&\
[@suleiman2017adaptive] &“One shot game”&A fixed cellular network and vehicles&Credit-based bandwidth allocation&Best routing selection among V2I and/or V2V techniques&Hybrid&High-way&$\surd$&$\surd$&$\surd$&$\surd$&$\surd$\
[@kim2016timed]&Bargaining game& Vehicles&Opportunistic routing selection&Best routing selection&Decentralized&$-$&$\surd$&&$\surd$&&\
[@hu2016novel]&Non-cooperative game&Vehicles&Delay minimization for emergency message broadcast & Rebroadcast&Decentralized&$-$ &$\surd$&&$\surd$&&$\surd$\
[@assia2019game] &Non-cooperative game& Vehicles& Reachability maximization and delay minimization &Rebroadcast&Decentralized&Grid-map&$\surd$&$\surd$&$\surd$&&\
[@sulistyo2019coalitional]&Coalitional game&Vehicles &Cluster stability maintaining and link quality improvement&Optimum cluster formation and CH selection&Decentralized& City toll&$\surd$&&&&$\surd$\
[@huo2016coalition] &Coalitional game & Vehicles&Trade-off between stability and efficiency of communication & Optimum cluster formation and CH selection &Decentralized&Crossroad&$\surd$&$\surd$&&&\
[@dua2017reidd]&Coalitional game &Vehicles&Broadcast storm mitigation&Optimal cluster formation and CH selection&Hybrid&Patiala city&$\surd$&&$\surd$&$\surd$&\
[@khan2018evolutionary] &Evolutionary game&Clusters and vehicles& Throughput optimization for clusterRouting stability maintaining &Optimum cluster formation and CH selection&Hybrid&Manhattan grid&$\surd$&&&&\
[@wu2018computational] &Coalitional game&One-hop neighbors of RSU or CH &Multi-hop routing optimization&Dynamic cluster formation and CH selection&Hybrid&Freeway and street&$\surd$&&$\surd$&&$\surd$\
- **Broadcast-based routing**
In VNs, the broadcast storm may happen when the network is overwhelmed by continuous broadcast or rebroadcast traffic. The simplest scheme of the broadcast is blind flooding [@tseng2002broadcast], where each vehicle node rebroadcasts the received messages until all vehicles in the network receive the messages. However, in a high-dense network, flooding will cause a large amount of redundant information, which obviously leads to collision and congestion. On the other hand, in the environment with sparse traffic, a single forwarder can not maintain the connection and reachability of the communication. Therefore, cooperative forwarding is essential for vehicle nodes to cover the network with a low frequency of rebroadcast.
Emergency message warning is highly time-critical and requires a more intelligent broadcast mechanism with low latency and high reliability. In [@hu2016novel], an emergency message broadcast game is proposed that takes vehicle density and link quality into account. In this scheme, each vehicle calculates the link quality using the receiving power. Then, the probability of rebroadcasting the emergency message is determined based on the NE. The proposed rebroadcast scheme obtains low broadcast overhead and transmission delay compared to blinding flooding.
To maximize reachability while minimizing delay and the number of rebroadcasts of VNs, Assia et al. [@assia2019game] designed an effective rebroadcasting protocol. The authors presented an adaptive algorithm by modeling cooperative forwarding as a volunteer’s dilemma game. Based on the game, each vehicle uses the received information such as speed and position to decide whether to rebroadcast. Simulation results show that this protocol outperforms prior work on the reachability, the number of rebroadcasts, and the delay, especially in congested areas.
- **[Cluster-based routing]{}**
Clustering can be considered as an efficient solution to enhance the connectivity of VNs. The coalitional game is considered as a potential approach for clustering formation. It has been used in mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) [@massin2017coalition] because the concept of the cluster is compatible with the coalition. However, the limited communication resources and high mobility of vehicles make it difficult for vehicles to maintain a balance between the cluster stability and communication efficiency. The clustering protocols for VNs can be categorized as *centralized clustering* based on a central controller (e.g., roadside unit), *decentralized clustering* based on V2V communication, or *hybrid clustering* which incorporates the above two protocols. However, centralized clustering is not flexible for VNs because it is dependent on the roadside infrastructure. Therefore, most of the recent GT-based clustering schemes for VNs aim to balance the cluster stability and clustering efficiency using decentralized [@sulistyo2019coalitional; @huo2016coalition] or hybrid clustering [@dua2017reidd; @khan2018evolutionary; @wu2018computational].
Sulistyo et al. [@sulistyo2019coalitional] proposed a stable clustering method for V2V communication based on the coalitional game to improve the channel capacity. In the game, each vehicle aims to form a cluster by establishing V2V links with its neighbors based on the coalition values. The coalition value is formulated as the function of SNR, link lifetime, and velocity difference among vehicles, all of which quantifies the V2V communication quality. Based on the coalition value, vehicles can decide whether to establish a new connection so that to obtain a good trade-off between cluster stability and communication quality.
Focusing on crossroad scenarios, Huo et al. [@huo2016coalition] presented a coalition game-based clustering strategy considering both efficiencies of communication and stability of the cluster. The vehicles make decisions whether to switch to a new coalition according to the coalition utility, which is formulated by the relative velocity, relative position, and the bandwidth availability ratio of vehicles. The coalition formation can converge to a Nash-stable partition, in which case the bandwidth of the CH can be fully utilized, and the stability of the cluster can be guaranteed.
To mitigate the broadcast storm, Dua et al. [@dua2017reidd] proposed a game-based reliable data dissemination protocol in VNs. Firstly, vehicles (players) communicate with their neighbors to calculate their payoffs by estimating the stability of the links. The players dynamically form clusters based on the regularly updated payoffs, and the CH informs the RSU about the vehicles in the cluster. For data dissemination, the scheme can determine the best route from the source to destination by selecting the link with maximum payoff value rather than blindly flooding. In the case where the route from the source and destination is not connected, the nearest RSU will join this game using the store-carry-forward technique.
Khan et al. [@khan2018evolutionary] proposed an evolutionary game-based scheme to improve the throughput and stability of clusters. This approach employs a semi-distributed clustering method. On the one hand, the communication throughput of all clusters is managed centrally by the RSU. On the other hand, the cluster formation and CHs nomination are automated in a distributed way. The existence of the equilibrium point is demonstrated analytically, and its stability is proved with the Lyapunov function.
To improve the efficiency of channel contention at the MAC layer, Wu et al. [@wu2018computational] designed a multi-hop routing protocol for (Vehicle-to-Roadside-unit) V2R communication based on a hybrid clustering. In this scheme, a coalitional game is employed to stimulate the vehicles to join a cluster, in which the CHs act as relays for multi-hop data transmission. An RSU or CH acts as payoff allocator and distributes payoffs to its one-hop neighbors who constitute the players of the game. Therefore, each vehicle would like to cooperate for data forwarding because only RSU or CH assigns the payoff. Besides, a fuzzy logic algorithm is designed for dynamic CH selection by using multiple metrics, such as speed, signal qualities, and moving patterns of vehicles. By selecting CH for data forwarding, the number of transmitter can be reduced, and the channel access contention can be relieved consequently.
### GT for MAC protocols design
Similar to traditional wireless networks, the design of the MAC layer protocols for VNs is challenging due to vehicles’ competition for accessing the limited bandwidth. Furthermore, some vehicle nodes may deviate from the MAC protocol to obtain an unfair bandwidth share. To solve these problems, GT has been applied by several studies with the purpose of collision alleviation [@kwon2016bayesian; @li2019tcgmac], competition solution [@wang2018application; @lang2019vehicle], and greedy behaviors prevention [@al2017cooperative].
Kwon et al. [@kwon2016bayesian] proposed a Bayesian game-theoretic approach for the beacon collision alleviation at the MAC layer in urban VNs. Each selfish or cooperative vehicle makes individual decisions regarding the power level or transmission probability based on its payoff. The payoff of each vehicle is measured in terms of throughput rewards and transmission energy costs. The authors proved the existence of the BNE of the game, where vehicles can achieve higher utilities and fairness compared with the random access. Collision alleviation is also studied in [@li2019tcgmac] by designing a MAC protocol that synthesizes Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA) and Carrier Sense Multiple Access (CSMA) mechanisms. This scheme divides the time frame into two segments: the TDMA period used for application data transmission and CSMA period used for slot declaration. GT is employed to maximize the usage of slots by deferring the nodes’ choices when two or more nodes reserve the same slot during the CSMA period.
A medium access algorithm is designed in [@wang2018application] to solve the competition for access to the wireless channel of VN. The concept *application value awareness* is proposed by assigning different values to packets according to the waiting time during the competition so that the nodes with higher packet values have higher channel access probability. A cross-layer game model is then constructed for the players (vehicles) to adjust their channel access probabilities (strategies) based on their packet values. The equilibrium enables the successful transmission of the message within the latency limit when the channel is nearly saturated. The inter-distance between vehicles and the roles of vehicles are further considered in the medium access game in [@lang2019vehicle] to determine a player’s priority to access the channel.
Greedy behavior prevention in VNs with Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance (CSMA/CA) MAC protocol is considered in [@al2017cooperative] using a game mechanism that encourages the selfish nodes to behave normally under the threat of retaliation. The authors proposed group reputation based and cooperative detection based tit-for-tat strategies to impose cooperation among vehicles. This adaptive CSMA/CA protocol can motivate the selfish nodes to cooperate under the threat of retaliation and is immune to the ambiguous monitoring caused by collisions.
### GT for power control
[|m[.02]{}|m[.1]{}|m[.13]{}|m[.13]{}|m[.17]{}|m[.15]{}|m[.01]{}|m[.01]{}m[.01]{}m[.01]{}|]{} **Ref.**&**Game**&**Objective**&**Strategy**&**Utility Metric**&**Solutions**&&&&\
[@goudarzi2018non]& Non-cooperative game&Beaconing congestion control&Beacon transmission power control&Channel load, channel busy ratio (CBR) and price function&Theoretic NE calculation&$\surd$&$\surd$&&\
[@goudarzi2019fair] &Non-cooperative game&Beaconing congestion control &Joint beacon frequency and power control&Channel load, CBR, and price function&NE and gradient dynamics&$\surd$&$\surd$&&\
[@shah2018shapely]& Cooperative game& Beaconing congestion control &Adaptive transmit power control&Marginal contributions of vehicles towards congestion&Shapley value model &$\surd$&$\surd$&&\
[@amer2017game] &Non-cooperative game &Data channel congestion alleviation&Dynamic data rate adaptation &Data rate and priority of each vehicle&Karush-Kuhn-Tucker conditions and Lagrange multipliers&$\surd$&&&$\surd$\
[@hua2017game]&Non-cooperative game& Balance between energy consumption and QoS &Adaptive transmit power control&Throughput, delay, and channel model&NE,Pareto Optimality and Social Optimality&&$\surd$&&\
[@chen2016information]&Bargain game&Information congestion control for intersection scenarios&Joint power and packet generation rate control&Channel load&Clustering and CH selection&&$\surd$&&\
[@sun2017non]&Non-cooperative game&Balance between QoS and security&Transmit power and the encryption block length control&Channel capacity&Theoretic NE calculation&&$\surd$&&\
Power and rate control is essential to avoid congestion caused by the uncertainty of communications in VNs such as unstable channel, dynamic vehicles, and varied environments. In VNs, vehicles periodically broadcast their status in Basic Safety Messages (BSMs), also known as beacons, to make the neighbors aware of their presence. Higher power or rate is desired by a vehicle to disseminate the messages over a larger distance. However, a high level of power could cause collision or congestion to communication in dense traffic environments, leading to both performance and security degradation. Therefore, a good power or rate control scheme should adapt to varying environments, which should provide sufficient awareness of surrounding vehicles’ status while maintaining low congestion and high security of communication. GT may contribute to the prediction of vehicles’ behaviors, and could guide rational choices of vehicles’ power or rate according to the environment in VNs.
In [@goudarzi2018non], the congestion control is designed from the perspective of adaptive BSM power adjustment.The algorithm employs a non-cooperative game $ \mathcal{G}=\left\{\mathcal{N},\left\{\mathcal{P}_{i}\right\}_{i \in \mathcal{N}},\left\{\mathcal{F}_{i}\right\}_{i \in \mathcal{N}}\right\} $, where $\mathcal{N}=\{1,2, \ldots, N\}$ is the player set, $ P_i $ is the set of possible beaconing powers of player $ i $, and $ F_i $ is the payoff function. The payoff function of player $i$ is presented as:
\mathcal{F}_{i}\left(p_{i}, \mathbf{p}_{-i}\right) &=U_{i}\left(p_{i}\right)-J_{i}\left(p_{i}, \mathbf{p}_{-i}\right) \\ &=u_{i} \ln \left(p_{i}+1\right)-\frac{c_{i} p_{i}}{1-C B R_{i}\left(p_{i}, \mathbf{p}_{-i}\right)}
where $ u_i $ and $ c_i $ are positive parameters, and $ C B R_{i}\left(p_{i}, \mathbf{p}_{-i}\right )$ denotes the Channel Busy Ratio (CBR) sensed by player $ i $, which is a function of all players’ beacon power. Based on the game model, the existence and uniqueness of the NE are demonstrated theoretically. Furthermore, the scheme attains stability, fairness, fast convergence, and efficiency in controlling the congestion below target levels.
Vehicles would reduce both beacon power and frequency in situations with dense traffic. Although Decentralized Congestion Control (DCC) is a joint beacon rate and power control mechanism [@etsi102decentralized], it suffers unfairness and oscillation [@rostami2016stability]. Such problems can be avoided in [@goudarzi2019fair], where a joint beacon rate and power control game is developed to prevent congestion in the shared channel. The NE is obtained using gradient dynamics; the uniqueness and stability of the NE are proved mathematically. Simulation results indicate that the fairness of beacon power control can be achieved without causing extra overheads, and CBR can be controlled at an appropriate level.
In [@shah2018shapely], an adaptive transmit power control for vehicular communication is developed for vehicles to adapt the transmission powers to local channel congestion. This approach employs a cooperative game where players (vehicles) cooperate and join a coalition during a congestion event. Fair power adaptation of a vehicle is obtained using the marginal contributions of the Shapely value model. This power control scheme could effectively transfer marginal contributions into a fair power decrease to avoid congestion
Amer et al. [@amer2017game] proposed a dynamic data rate adaptation approach based on a non-cooperative game. Each vehicle is modeled as a selfish player in the game who requests a high data rate as its strategy. The utility function of each vehicle is formulated according to vehicles’ desires for high data rates (payoff function) and the priority of the vehicle to achieve satisfied fairness (priority cost function). The optimal game data rate is obtained by using Karush-Kuhn-Tucker conditions and Lagrange multipliers, which could satisfy congestion mitigation and provide a fair allocation for network resources.
Chen et al. [@chen2016information] focused on the information congestion control for intersection scenarios of VNs. The authors designed a joint power and packet rate adaptation method based on a bargaining game. Each CH acts as a player in the game and determines the optimal transmission power and packet generation rate for its cluster members. The utility of each player is constructed using channel load monitoring and estimation. Simulation results demonstrate that the scheme outperforms IEEE802.11p concerning queuing delay and throughput.
To guarantee the green communication in VNs, Hua et al. [@hua2017game] proposed a repeated power efficiency game model considering the throughput and delay performances of VNs. In the game, each vehicle performs a packet forwarding strategy, i.e., power efficiency. Furthermore, NE is presented, and its efficiency is analyzed using Pareto and social optimality. Based on NE, each vehicle dynamically adjusts its transmission power to make a balance between energy consumption and throughput. Simulation results reveal that the power efficiency game can provide efficient strategies in green communication. However, the method does not consider the fairness problem.
Sun et al. [@sun2017non] proposed an adaptive transmit power and encryption block length control to balance the QoS and security by allocating the limited computing resources in VNs. This scheme is based on a non-cooperative game with a “communication player” who controls the transmit power and a “security player” who decides the encryption block length. By calculating NE value, the optimal transmit power and encryption block length are obtained. However, the game model is simple because it only focuses on a single-vehicle without considering the competition or cooperation behaviors among multiple vehicles.
### GT for spectrum resources allocation
Fair and effective spectrum resources allocation has become one of the primary tasks in VNs due to the selfishness of vehicles and the scarcity of spectrum resources. Cognitive Radio (CR) [@akyildiz2006next; @bayhan2013overview] is a spectrum sharing concept which allows unlicensed vehicles to access licensed spectrum in a non-intrusive manner and is envisaged as a potential technology to deal with the spectrum scarcity in VNs. The network formed by those nodes is called CR-VNs, which aims to enhance the connectivity of vehicles and improve the utilization of constrained spectrum resources [@he2016resource].
Optimal network selection is investigated in [@kumar2016spectrum], where a spectrum handoff scheme based on auction game in CR-VNs is proposed. The authors used the decision-making method with multiple attributes to formulate the cost functions of players. The proposed scheme adapts to different types of CR vehicular nodes and multiple available networks. However, how to extend this scheme to dynamic environments is not taken into consideration.
In [@shattal2018channel], the dynamic channel selection strategy is studied with the purpose of joint optimizing the infotainment throughput and spectrum access in VNs. This approach views the channel selection as an evolutionary game where vehicles act as players who continuously select a strategy. Three models of strategy are considered in this work: 1) always consume user who chooses the channel randomly, 2) forage-consume user who senses the channel using the collected information, and 3) social-forage consume user who sometimes waits and allows other users access exclusively. The RSU firstly collects information of vehicles within its range and relays it to the cloud. Then the cloud computes the optimal and stable strategy using the evolutionary game and sends the results to RSU. At last, the RSU broadcasts the recommended strategies to the vehicles within its radio range. The experiment results show that a significant improvement in the network performance can be obtained when vehicles employ evolutionary strategies recommended by RSU.
Joint allocation of subcarrier and transmit power [@eze2019design] is proposed based on NBS to support the enhanced packet transmission in CR-IoVs. The cognitive vehicular Secondary Users (SUs) form clusters to opportunistically access the shared channels, which are allocated to the Primary Users (PUs) on the condition that the Signal-to-Interference-plus-Noise-Ratio (SINR) value of the PUs is below the threshold level. Furthermore, the optimal subcarrier and transmit power allocation strategies are derived based on the NBS. Besides, an algorithm with iteration-independence and low-complexity also ensures the convergence to Pareto optimality.
Considering the inefficiency of the NE, Tian et al. [@tian2019channel] proposed a channel pricing mechanism using marginal social cost to motivate selfish vehicular nodes to achieve a social optimum of the spectrum allocation. The authors considered a CR-enabled V2I communication scenario where the cooperation between exclusive-used and shared-used spectrum resources is modeled as an evolutionary game. They further proved that the NE of the proposed game is evolutionarily stable and coincides with the social optimum.
Game Theory in Next Generation VNs {#sec_GTin5G}
Next 5G communication technology provides the potential to meet the demands of a large number of connected IoT devices and various data-intensive applications. 5G provides low-latency, high-reliability, ubiquitous, and energy-efficient communications [@xiang20165g]. With the rigorous requirements of 5G, emerging technologies such as edge computing are integrated into VNs to promote the evolution of current VNs towards 5G-based VNs. In what follows, the recent contributions of GT to diverse emerging technologies integrating with VNs such as Mobile Edge Computing (MEC), Heterogeneous Vehicular Networks (HetVNETs), Software Defined Networking (SDN), and Unmanned Assisted Vehicles (UAV) are presented.
Game Theory in Vehicular Edge Computing
Vehicular Edge Computing (VEC) is an emergent architecture that offers cloud computing capabilities at the edge of the VNs to manage the computation-intensive and real-time tasks with short latency. However, the problems of task offloading, content delivery, and resource allocation or sharing are challenging in VEC due to the limited storage capacity of Mobile Edge Computing (MEC), especially in dense traffic environments where vehicles have quantity service demands. Furthermore, the lack of complete information between the tasks and edges makes the problem more complicated. GT, which is a powerful tool to deal with conflicts, can effectively address the decision-making concerns among multiple users who compete for limited resources.
### Overview of VEC
As is shown in Fig. \[fig\_vec\], the three-layer VEC architecture consists of the cloud layer, edge computing layer, and vehicular layer. At the edge computing layer, the implementations for VEC can be classified into MEC, fog computing, and cloudlet computing [@dolui2017comparison]. At the vehicular layer, Vehicular Cloud (VC), as an extension of edge layer architectures, plays an essential role in assisting the edge layer or cloud layer with effective resource management.
From the perspective of the participating nodes, edge nodes are commonly characterized into stationary edge nodes and vehicular edge nodes [@dziyauddin2019computation], which are at the stationary edge node layer and vehicular edge node layer, respectively.
- **Stationary edge nodes** An roadside infrastructure such as RSU and BS connected to a MEC server or a fog server can serve as stationary nodes. Besides, a cloudlet consisting of a set of roadside infrastructures also plays the role of an edge node that provides computation and storage capabilities to vehicles.
- **Vehicular edge nodes** Vehicles with available computation resources and capabilities can form cloudlets or VCs for resource sharing.
- **Hybrid edge nodes** Stationary and vehicular edge nodes coexist in the VEC.
Table. \[tab\_edgenode\] presents the types of edge nodes in VEC. The applications of GT in VEC are discussed from the aspects of MEC, FC, cloudlet, and VC receptively in the following subsections.
[|m[.16]{}|m[.26]{}|m[.28]{}|]{} **Categories** &**Types of VEC nodes**&**Related works**\
Stationary Edge Nodes &Roadside infrastructure with MEC server & [@zhao2019computation],[@liu2018computaion], [@zhang2017mobile],[@zhang2019task],[@zhang2017optimal], [@hui2019edge],[@zhou2018begin],[@huang2017distribute]\
&Roadside infrastructure with fog server& [@kang2017privacy],[@zhang2017resource]\
&Roadside infrastructure cloudlet&[@yu2016optimal], [@tao2017resource]\
Vehicular Edge Nodes&Vehicles& [@xu2018low],[@klaimi2018theoretical],[@aloqaily2017fairness],[@brik2018gss], [@mekki2017proactive],[@liwang2019game]\
&SP cloudlet & [@yu2015cooperative], [@lin2019vehicle]\
Hybrid Edge nodes&MEC server and vehicles&[@gu2019task]\
### MEC-implemented VEC
Several recent studies use GT to deal with the optimal decision-making on computation or task offloading [@liu2018computaion; @zhang2017mobile; @zhang2019task; @gu2019task] to reduce the computation delay and overheads. Furthermore, some works also consider resource allocation by jointly optimizing the task offloading for vehicles and the resource assignment for service providers (SPs) [@zhao2019computation; @zhang2017optimal; @huang2017distribute; @zhou2018begin]. Besides, content delivery with GT solution in MEC-implemented VEC is addressed in [@hui2019edge]. Table. \[tab\_MEC\] summarizes GT-based schemes in MEC-implemented VEC.
- **Computation or task offloading game**
Liu et al. [@liu2018computaion] modeled the decision-making of computation offloading among vehicles as a multi-user potential game, where each vehicle chooses to use the local computing or cloud computing to minimize its computation overhead. The existence of NE is proved, and the performance of the computation offloading is quantified by the anarchy price.
A cloud-based MEC offloading framework in VNs is proposed in [@zhang2017mobile] to reduce the transmission cost. This network scenario consists of $M$ RSUs with the same coverage $L$, each of which has a MEC server with limited resources. An efficient and predictive computation offloading scheme is designed based on GT, where each vehicle fulfills its computation task either locally or remotely. The utility of vehicles is modeled by the mobility of vehicles, the processing time of the computation tasks, and the offloading costs. By giving NE, vehicles make optimal offloading decisions to execute tasks locally or offload them to direct or $j$-hop-away MEC servers.
To address the load balancing of computation resources at the edge servers, Zhang et al. [@zhang2019task] proposed a load balancing task offloading scheme based on two games. Firstly, a game-based offloading algorithm is designed to optimize vehicles’ task offloading decisions in each time slot. Secondly, the authors proposed a predictive GT-based task offloading algorithm to estimate the vehicles’ locations by estimating their tasks processing time, so that the tasks can be executed at the MEC servers where the vehicles will arrive.
Gu and Zhou [@gu2019task] focused on the task offloading in vehicular MEC environment with incomplete information (e.g., when channel states and vehicle mobility are not completely available). Firstly, both MEC servers and vehicles with excess computation capacities are viewed as edge nodes. Besides, the interactions between tasks and edge nodes are modeled as a matching game that aims to minimize the average delay of task offloading and satisfy the energy consumption of edge nodes.
- ****Joint task offloading and resource allocation game****
Zhao et al. [@zhao2019computation] proposed a collaborative task offloading and resource allocation scheme based on MEC and traditional Cloud Computing (CC). The network consists of a CC server, an MEC server with computing resource $ F $, $ N $ vehicles,and $ M $ RSUs located along the highway with the same coverage $ R $. The offloading decisions are made by a game-theoretic approach. In the game, each vehicle makes decisions to process the computation tasks locally, offload them to the MEC server through an RSU, or offload them to the cloud server. The utility of each vehicle is modeled by metrics of task processing delay, cost for resource computing, and the normalized factors. The optimal computation offloading strategy (based on NE) and computation resource allocation are obtained by designing a distributed algorithm that works iteratively between decisions of computation offloading and resource allocation.
Considering that there exists competition among MEC servers when deciding their optimal resource price to make more profit, an optimal multilevel offloading scheme [@zhang2017optimal] is designed by formulating the interaction between vehicles and MEC servers as a Stackelberg game. In this game, the MEC servers are the leaders who dynamically assigned computing resources to vehicles through an incentive method. MEC servers’ strategies are the amount of resources bought from the resource pool and the price of their resources sold to vehicle players. On the other hand, vehicles act as followers who make the optimal offloading decisions by dynamically reacting to the resource prices advertised by MEC servers. The existence of the NE is proved, and an optimal offloading algorithm is designed to maximize the revenue of the service providers and meet the delay constraints of the tasks.
The security protection in the VEC environment is addressed in [@huang2017distribute] by designing a reputation management scheme for the SP to allocate resources to vehicles based on their reputations. An SP scheduled multiple MEC servers to process computation offloading requests of vehicles; each MEC server runs a Virtual Machine (VM). For allocating computation resources, a bargaining game is formulated where the SP acts as a decision-maker who sets resource budgets based on the reputation and requirements of vehicles. Furthermore, each vehicle determines the amount of offloaded computations according to the budgets issued by the SP. This scheme not only guarantees optimal computation offloading for vehicles but also improves the detection of misbehaviors with low detection rates.
An energy-efficient VEC framework is developed by integrating big data with VEC [@zhou2018begin]. A Stackelberg game-based energy-efficient resource allocation strategy is designed to solve the workload offloading problem. Similar to the scheme in [@huang2017distribute], the game is played by edge computing SPs and vehicles in two stages. In the first stage, the RSU issues its computing service price based on the service revenue. In the second stage, each vehicle optimizes its offloading proportion based on the issued price and the edge computing time and electricity cost. This scheme guarantees energy efficiency and satisfies both QoS and Quality of Experience (QoE). Moreover, handover for MEC switching connections among RSUs is also considered to enhance service delivery capability.
- ****Edge content dissemination game****
In [@hui2019edge], the authors developed an auction game-based two-stage model for edge content dissemination in urban VNs. Firstly, the provider uploads the content to the Edge Computing Devices (ECD), where the content is cached temporarily. Then a two-stage game is designed for ECD to select the optimal relay. In the first stage, a first-price sealed-bid auction game is developed for ECD to select relay vehicles with high transmission capability. Then the cached contents are delivered to these candidate vehicles through V2I communication. In the second stage, these candidate relays transmit the contents to the destination vehicle. Simulation results show that this incentive content dissemination scheme outperforms conventional methods.
[|m[.018]{}|m[.16]{}|m[.055]{}|m[.06]{}|m[.13]{}|m[.12]{}|m[.07]{}|m[.001]{}|m[.001]{}|m[.001]{}|m[.001]{}|m[.001]{}|m[.001]{}|m[.001]{}|m[.001]{}|]{} &&& &&&&&&& &\
[@liu2018computaion] &
- Decrease computation overhead
- Select a proper wireless channel for each vehicle
&Potential Game&Vehicles&Wireless channel selection for offloading&Uplink data rate&MEC servers &&$\surd$&&$\surd$&&&&\
- Reduce latency and offloading cost
- Make optimal offloading decisions
& Non-cooperative game&Vehicles&Execute tasks locally or offload them to MEC servers&
- Average offloading costs of vehicles
- Tasks processing delay
- RSUs with MEC servers
- A cloud server
- Load balancing
- Minimize the processing delay of all the computation tasks under delay constraints
- Jointly optimize the selection of MEC servers and vehicles’ task offloading decisions
&Non-cooperative game&Vehicles&
- Offloading decision
- Computes locally
- Offloads to MEC server
- Offloads to cloud server
&Task’s execution time and data transmitting time&
- RSUs with MEC servers
- A cloud server
[@gu2019task] &
- Minimize the task offloading delay
- Satisfy energy consumption of vehicles and edge nodes
&Matching game&Task and edge nodes&Task matching &
- Task: offloading delay
- Edge nodes: energy consumption
- RSUs with MEC servers
- Vehicular edge nodes
[@huang2017distribute] &
- Provide security protection using reputation management
- Optimize resource allocation for service providers
- Optimize computation offloading for vehicles
&Bargaining game&SP with MEC servers and vehicles &
- SP: Resource budgets
- Vehicles: Amount of requesting computation resources
- SP: Sum of resource budgets
- Vehicles: total processing delay of computation and cost for service
- RSUs with MEC servers
- BSs with MEC servers
- Optimize computation offloading for vehicles
- Optimize resource allocation of MECs and cloud
- Decrease the system complexity without loss of the performance
&Non-cooperative game &Vehicles&
- Computes locally
- Offloads to MEC server
- Offloads to cloud server
- Task processing delay
- Cost of computation resource
- Normalization factor
- A MEC server
- A cloud server
[@zhang2017optimal] &
- Optimal resource allocation
- Backup resources sharing among MEC servers
- MEC servers dynamically assign their resources to vehicles
- Satisfy the delay constraints of tasks
&Stackelberg game&MEC servers and vehicles&
- Vehicles: Choose the offloading target MEC servers
- MEC servers:
- the amount of the resources bought from the BCS
- price of their resources sold to vehicles
- Vehicles: total time cost task offloading
- MEC servers: revenue of the resources
- RSUs with MEC server
- A cloud server
&&$\surd$& &$\surd$&&&$\surd$&\
- Dynamic resources allocation to guarantee:
- Energy efficiency
- QoS guarantee
- QoE guarantee
- Optimal computation offloading
&Stackelberg game&SPs and vehicular users&
- SP: Service provision revenue and electricity consumption
- Vehicles: proportion of resources to offload
- SP: service provision revenue
- Vehicles: edge computing time and electricity cost
- RSUs with edge controllers
- A cloud server
[@hui2019edge]&Select the relay vehicles to satisfy different transmission requirements&Auction game& ECD and vehicles&
- ECD: Candidate relay vehicles selection
- Relay vehicles: Optimal bid selection
- ECD: Transmission capabilities of the
- Vehicles: Bid and relay cost
&RSUs with ECDs&$\surd$&$\surd$&$\surd$&$\surd$&&&$\surd$&\
### FC-implemented VEC
Like MEC, FC can also enable edge computation by implementing a decentralized computing infrastructure based on heterogeneous and collaborative fog nodes (e.g., access points, routers, and IoT gateways) placed at any point in the architecture between the end-user devices and the near-user edge devices [@dolui2017comparison]. As vehicular fog is also a resource-intensive component with limited resources, GT can be used for proper and fair computation and resource allocation for Vehicular Fog Computing (VFC) networks in recent researches. Table. \[tab\_FC\] summarizes the GT-based schemes of computation or task offloading and resources allocation in MEC-implemented VEC
Zhang et al. [@zhang2017resource] modeled the resource allocation in the software-defined VFC network as a mean-field game. The Fog-Small BSs (F-SBSs) are seen as players aiming to optimize the power control according to the payoff functions. The payoff function of an F-SBS is formulated by metrics of downlink capacity, energy, interference, and caching reward. The game can help vehicles to choose the satisfying F-SBSs with optimal power control. Furthermore, Sutagundar et al. [@sutagundar2019resource] proposed a game-based resource allocation algorithm for fog enhanced vehicular services. Each fog has multiple VMs which act as players in the game and compete for resources to provide service for the requested vehicles. The algorithm enables proper resource allocation for vehicles within one hop of the RSU; once the vehicle gets connected to the next RSU, the VM migrates from one fog instance to another to provide the continuity of service.
In [@xu2018low], a VFC framework with low-latency and massive-connectivity is designed to relieve the insufficient computation capability of BS and reduce the processing delay. A two-sided matching game is designed for the task assignment, where vehicles with idle resources act as Vehicular Fog Nodes (VFNs). VENs can share their resources so that computation tasks of User Equipment (UEs) can be offloaded to these fog nodes. By combining contract and matching theories, Zhou et al. [@zhou2019computation] further developed a two-stage computation resource allocation and task assignment scheme to minimize the delay and guarantee QoS and QoE for UEs. In the first stage, an incentive model is designed motivate vehicles to sign the contract of resource sharing. In the second stage, vehicles negotiate an agreement with the BSs in the previous step serve as VFNs. Then a pricing-based stable matching is designed for resources assignment between UEs and VFNs based on the dynamic preference lists.
In [@klaimi2018theoretical], parked vehicles perform as fogs to allocate resources for applications of local mobiles with different QoS requirements. Firstly, the application demands are classified into high priority (HP) demands and low priority (LP) demands. Then the parked vehicles play a distributed potential game to efficiently allocate the fog resources to satisfy the applications’ demands while minimizing the latency and the number of redirected requests to the cloud.
Location privacy-preserving in VFC networks is studied in [@kang2017privacy]. The authors presented *pseudonym fogs*, each of which consists of a set of roadside infrastructures and is deployed nearby vehicles. These pseudonym fogs play a real-time pseudonym change game interactively to allocate pseudonym resources to nearby vehicles. This scheme improves the vehicles’ location privacy with reduced pseudonym management overheads. One disadvantage of this scheme is that it does not apply to situations with sparse vehicles.
[|m[.018]{}|m[.14]{}|m[.05]{}|m[.05]{}|m[.14]{}|m[.1]{}|m[.09]{}|m[.001]{}|m[ .001]{}|m[.001]{}|m[.001]{}|m[.001]{}|m[.001]{}|m[.001]{}|m[.005]{}|m[.001]{}|]{} &&& &&&&&&&& &\
- Optimal serving point selection
- Optimal power control of small base stations
&Mean-field game&Fog small base stations&Transmit power&
- Value function
- energy
- interference
- downlink capacity
- catching reward
- A macro BS with fog server
- Small BSs with fog servers
- a cloud server
- Prediction of resources required and the availability of resources
- Fair and efficient fog resources allocation for vehicles
&Non-cooperative game&VMs&The amount of resources allocated&Estimation of amount of required resources&
- RSUs with VM-based fog servers
- A cloud server
- Relive overload on BSs
- Reduce total network delay
&Matching game&UEs and vehicles&UE-VFN pair matching&
- Total delay
- Price for using the resources of VFN
& Vehicular fog nodes& &&$\surd$&$\surd$&$\surd$&&&&\
- Minimize total delay
- Motivate vehicles to share resources using contract incentive
- Optimal task assignment
&Matching game&UEs and vehicles&Pricing-based UE-VFN pair matching&Expected social welfare&Vehicular fog nodes&&&$\surd$&$\surd$&$\surd$&&&$\surd$&\
[@klaimi2018theoretical] &
- Minimize the latency and optimize the utilization of computation and energy
- Allocate fog resources dynamically
&Potential game&Fog vehicles&
- Do not satisfy any type of demands
- Satisfy only HP demands
- Share the computation
- Satisfy only LP demands
- CPU and energy utilization
- Task processing time
&Parked fog vehicles&&&$\surd$&&$\surd$&&$\surd$&$\surd$&\
[@kang2017privacy] &Secure pseudonym changing management with low overhead&Non-cooperative game&Vehicles&Change pseudonym or maintain current pseudonym&
- Vehicle-side entropy
- Pseudonym change cost
- Pseudonym fogs with roadside infrastructures
- A cloud server
### Cloudlet-implemented VEC
As is shown in Fig. \[fig\_vec\], a cloudlet in VNs is a trusted cluster of roadside infrastructures (e.g., RSU and BS) with resources available to use for vehicles near form them [@satyanarayanan2009case]. The infrastructure nodes in a cloudlet can share resources; different cloudlets can coordinate and cooperate for communication. Table. \[tab\_Cloudlet\] summarizes the recent researches employing GT in cloudlet-implemented VNs.
To operate the resource allocation of cloudlets, Yu et al. [@yu2016optimal] defined a new paradigm of 5G-enabled VNs, an enhanced cloud radio access network, which integrates geo-distributed cloudlets with SDN and D2D technologies. The authors exploited the matrix GT for cloudlet resource allocation and gave explicit solutions to global optimization. The study in [@tao2017resource] designs an RSU cloud resource allocation scheme based on a non-cooperative game. To deal with the low efficiency of the convergence at NE and to achieve the near Pareto-optimal flow allocation, the previous one-shot game is extended to a repeated game where the punishment of misbehaviors is considered to avoid selfish vehicles deviating from the cooperation.
The authors of [@yu2015cooperative] proposed a coalition game model to stimulate cloud SPs cooperatively form coalitions to share their idle resources. Firstly, each SP evaluates its revenue and decides whether to join a coalition in the cloud. Then in each coalition, the two types of players act as 1) the $inviters$ who would like to rent resources $R_{from}$ and 2) the $invitees$ who would like to lease out their resources $R_{to}$. By using a two-sided matching game, the $inviters$ and $invitees$ match their demands effectively and form stable coalitions cooperatively. The coalition is proved to be $\mathbb{D}_c$ stable, and Pareto optimal solution is the only stable solution.
Different from the works mentioned above, vehicles are viewed as a dynamic extension of cloudlets and share computation resources to cloudlets in [@lin2019vehicle]. The authors designed a Stackelberg game to stimulate vehicles to trade in their computation resources with a cloudlet SP. After obtaining the vehicles’ states from the cloud server, the cloudlet SP first sets the optimal discriminatory price for the trade based on the computation demands of the vehicles. Then each vehicle decides the computation amount it will buy from cloudlet SP according to the giving price. The existence and uniqueness of NE are proved, and the solution has good scalability for more participating vehicles.
[|m[.012]{}|m[.15]{}|m[.05]{}|m[.08]{}|m[.12]{}|m[.15]{}|m[.04]{}|m[.001]{}|m[ .001]{}|m[.001]{}|m[.001]{}|m[.001]{}|m[.001]{}|m[.001]{}|m[.001]{}|]{} &&& &&&&&&& &\
- Resource sharing among the geo-distributed cloudlet
- Improve resource utilization and reduce power consumption
&Non-cooperative game&RSU cloudlets &The amount of resources allocated&Resources Utilization
- CPU resource
- memory resource
- bandwidth resource
& RSU cloudlets &&$\surd$&&$\surd$&&$\surd$&$\surd$&\
[@tao2017resource] &Effective flow rate assignment&Non-cooperative game&Vehicles&Flow rate allocated to each vehicle&Transmission efficiency&RSU cloudlets &&$\surd$&&$\surd$&&&$\surd$&\
[@yu2015cooperative]&Stimulate cloud SPs to form coalitions for resources sharing& Coalition game & $inviters$ and $invitees$ &
- $inviters$: rent resources
- $invitees$: lease out resources
- $inviters$:
- satisfaction function
- rent payment
- $invitees$:
- satisfaction function
- rental income
&SP cloudlets&$\surd$&$\surd$&&$\surd$&&&$\surd$&\
[@lin2019vehicle]&Stimulate vehicles to share computation resources to cloudlets&Stackelberg game&A cloudlet SP and individual vehicles&
- Cloudlet SP: discriminatory price
- Vehicles: computation trading amount
- Cloudlet SP: cost of renting
- Vehicles: benefit of the trading
&SP coudlets&$\surd$&&$\surd$&$\surd$&&&$\surd$&$\surd$\
### VC in VEC
A variety of services are provided to vehicles in VNs, which may cause inefficient utilization of resources. For example, the resources of parked vehicles are idle, while the vehicles in congested areas compete for insufficient resources. In this context, VC has emerged as a promising solution to the exploitation of underutilized resources by integrating VNs with CC. However, resource management of VC is more challenging compared with traditional CC because high mobility of vehicles may lead to “cloud resource mobility”. Moreover, communication in VC is more vulnerable to attacks than that in traditional VNs because a large number of users share the resources. GT has been employed by recent studies in the decision-making of resource management or security protection for VC-implemented VEC. Table. \[tab\_VC\] summarizes the works applying GT in VC-implemented VEC.
The study in [@mekki2017proactive] focuses on a hybrid wireless network access scheme in VC networks based on an evolutionary game. Vehicles cooperate to form a temporary cloud to share the resources (i.e., being a consumer or resource provider) or act alone to access to the conventional cloud. Each vehicle can change its strategies from the conventional cloud to the VC or inversely according to its payoff. To model the evolution of vehicles’ strategies, the authors developed an evolutionary game that allows vehicles to determine to access conventional or vehicular clouds.
The study of [@liwang2019game] developed an opportunistic V2V computation offloading scheme based on a two-player Stackelberg-game. In the game, each vehicular acts either as an SP with idle computation resources or a requester who has a computation-intensive task that can be carried out locally or offloaded to nearby providers. The payoff functions involve the metrics of vehicular mobility, V2V communication duration, computational capabilities, channel conditions, and service costs under both circumstances of complete information and incomplete information. The method can determine the appropriate offloading rate, optimal SP selection, and the ideal pricing strategies of SPs.
To handle the service management in VCs, Aloqaily et al. [@aloqaily2017fairness] proposed a cooperative distributed game between vehicular drivers and SPs. The game aims at maximizing the SP’s social utility while ensuring the vehicle driver’s QoE, taking into account the efficiency of the service allocation and fairness among SPs. Considering the different preferences of SPs and consumers, Brik et al. [@brik2018gss] proposed a distributed game-based approach to model the interaction between consumer vehicles and provider vehicles for effective service allocation. In this game, SPs rent out their resources, and each consumer vehicle selects the optimal SP vehicle who can provide him services with satisfied QoS and cost.
[|m[.018]{}|m[.15]{}|m[.063]{}|m[.08]{}|m[.13]{}|m[.15]{}|m[.04]{}|m[.0001]{}|m[.0001]{}|m[.0001]{}|m[.0001]{}|m[.0001]{}|m[.0001]{}|m[.0001]{}|m[.0001]{}|]{} &&& &&&&&&& &\
[@mekki2017proactive] &Optimal wireless network access &Evolutionary game&Conventional vehicle and VC member&
- Access to conventional cloud
- Cooperate to be member in VC
- Conventional Vehicle:
- Amount of data received
- Payment for the service
- VC member:
- Data downloaded from other VC members
- Handover cost
- VC with eNB
- A cloud server
[@liwang2019game] &
- Determine appropriate offloading rate of requestors
- Select the appropriate computation SP
- Identify the ideal pricing strategy for SP
&Stackelberg game&A task vehicle and one of the server vehicles&
- Task vehicle: the amount of offloaded data
- Service vehicle: service price
- Task vehicle:
- task processing delay
- payment for service
- Service vehicle: service price
&VC with RSU&$\surd$&&$\surd$&$\surd$&&&$\surd$&\
[@aloqaily2017fairness] &
- Fair resources allocation
- QoS and QoE guarantee
&Non-ooperative game&Vehicular driver and service provider&Cooperate or reject to cooperate&Social welfare function&VC&$\surd$&&&$\surd$&&&$\surd$&\
[@brik2018gss]&Select the optimal provider vehicles to meet the QoS of consumer vehicles &Non-cooperative game&Consumer vehicle and provider vehicle&
- Consumer vehicle: consume or not
- Provider vehicle: offer or not
- Data throughput
- Successful execution ratio
- Execution duration
- Execution price
Game Theory in Heterogeneous Vehicular Networks
The HetVNETs apply the heterogeneous access technologies to provide ubiquitous connections to vehicles. As is shown in Fig.\[fig\_hetVN\], HetVNETs provide both V2I and V2V communications with Long Term Evolution (LTE) and Dedicated Short-Range Communication (DSRC) technologies, respectively. The dynamic and instant integration of different technologies pose challenges to HetVNETs, such as resource management [@wang2014cellular; @xiao2018spectrum], efficient channel access [@mabrouk2016meeting; @hui2017optimal; @hui2019game; @zhao2019optima], and security protection [@sedjelmaci2017predict; @chen2017congestion].
### Resource allocation
Recently, CR technology has been integrated into HetVNETs for efficient utilization of spectrum resources [@wang2014cellular]. Xiao et al. [@xiao2018spectrum] investigated the radio resource allocation in HetVNETs by designing a game-theoretical approach. The downlink resource allocation for moving vehicles linking to different RSUs is modeled as a $ n $-person non-cooperative game. The game aims to optimize resource allocation and mitigate interference dynamically in terms of the interference among RSUs and the power constraints of RSUs. The fast-convergent equilibrium of the game is obtained, with which the performance of the HetVNETs can be improved.
### Optimal Access Control
Optimizing the connection for vehicles with the lowest cost is challenging in HetVNETs, where different access technologies cause different costs in terms of download latency and bandwidth utilization. An always-best-connected paradigm [@mabrouk2016meeting] based on the signal game is designed to help vehicles in HetVNETs connect to the optimal network with a low connecting cost. However, this approach only considers a two-player competition case in a limited geographical area in urban scenarios. Hui et al. [@hui2017optimal; @hui2019game] proposed an optimal access control for vehicles using a coalitional game. This method formulates the cooperation among vehicles based on their interests (contents cached in vehicles) and requests (contents to be downloaded). Vehicles in the same coalition can download the requested contents cooperatively with the minimum costs.
Although the researches mentioned above ensure the connection of vehicles in HetVNETs, they do not consider the unexpected massive handoffs caused by constant changes of networks. However, the facts such as crowded mobile vehicles, high sensitivity to delay, and packet loss make the traditional vertical handoff strategies ineffective in HetVNETs. To solve this problem, [@zhao2019optimal] et al. proposed an optimal non-cooperative game approach for network selection in HetVNETs where performance parameters of networks are changing. Vehicles in the game attempt to switch to the network with higher evaluation, and the probabilistic strategies drive them toward a final stable convergence state.
### Security
Security in HetVNet is a challenging issue due to the vital exchanged information such as congestion, accidents, hazards, etc. Sedjelmaci .et al. [@sedjelmaci2017predict] designed a new attack detection and prediction scheme based on GT to detect and predict the misbehavior of a malicious vehicle in HetVNETs. The attack–defense problem is first formulated as a game between the attacker (i.e., misbehavior vehicle) and the services center. Furthermore, the future behavior of monitored vehicles can be predicted based on the NE. To alleviate the channel congestion on intersections in HetVNETs, Chen et al. [@chen2017congestion] proposed a congestion game-theoretical transmission control scheme with a new concept RoS (Requirement of Safety) used to measure the security level of services.
Game Theory in SDN-based VNs
By decoupling the network management from message transmission, SDN technology facilitates the efficient utilization of network resources [@sun2015intelligent]. Existing SDN technologies include three types of structures: VN-based, cellular network-based, and hybrid architectures, among which hybrid structure can leverage the uncertain latency of ad-hoc networks and the cost of cellular networks. Li et al. [@li2016control] focused on leveraging the latency requirement of vehicles and the costs of cellular networks. A two-period Stackelberg game is designed for the interaction between the controller (leader) and vehicles (follower). The NE of the game gives the best strategies of the controller and vehicles, which are the optimal bandwidth allocation and the number of packets to be sent through the cellular network, respectively. Besides, an intelligent network selection scheme for data offloading is designed in [@aujla2017data] using a single-leader multi-follower Stackelberg game. The authors of [@chahal2019network] also employed a two-stage Stackelberg game for the optimal network selection in the SDN-based VNs with heterogeneous wireless interfaces.
Considering the frequent handover when a lot of vehicles are connected to an RSU, Jia et al. [@jia2019bus] proposed a BUS-aided RSU connection scheme in SDN-IoV. The scheme employs an evolutionary game where the vehicles in the overlapped regions of the RSUs can adopt the optimal strategies to access to stable RSUs or BUSs. In [@li2016network], the assignment of network virtualization solutions in SDN-VNs is modeled as a non-cooperative game, of which the Pareto efficient solution is obtained. Alioua et al. [@alioua2019incentive] focused on the edge-caching problem in SDN-IoV by modeling the interaction between Content Provider (CP) and Multiple Network Operators (MNOs) as a Stackelberg game. The CP acting as a leader is responsible for publishing the quantity of content to be cached; the MNOs acting as followers respond to the leader subsequently based on caching price.
Game Theory in UAV-assisted VNs
As an important and emerging element of IoT, UAV-assisted VNs can improve infrastructure coverage, enhance the network connectivity in resource-limited scenarios, and reduce the deployment cost. As is shown in Fig. \[fig\_uav\], UAV enables three types of communication modes: UAV-assisted V2V communication, UAV-assisted V2I communication, and UAV networks [@shi2018drone]. However, due to the multihop communication from UAVs to infrastructures or vehicles and the dynamic of UAVs, the VNs may suffer QoS degradation and security threats. GT has been used in formulating decision-makings in security [@xiao2018uav; @sedjelmaci2016intrusion] and QoS [@sedjelmaci2016intrusion; @sedjelmaci2016intrusion] aspects in UAV-assisted VNs.
Xiao et al. [@xiao2018uav] proposed an anti-jamming relay game between the UAV and jammer for jamming resistance in the UAV-assisted VNs. In the game, the UAV determines whether to relay the OBU’s messages to an RSU beyond the jammer, and the smart jammer attempts to attack by adjusting its jamming power. Moreover, NE is derived as a guide for a UAV to make the best UAV relay strategy for jamming resistance in VNs according to the channel condition and the transmission cost. The security problems of intrusion detection and attacker ejection in UAV-assisted VNs are discussed in [@sedjelmaci2016intrusion]. A Bayesian game is adopted to formulate the attack-defense interactions between the IDS and attackers to detect attacks with high accuracy and low overheads,
Besides security problems, GT is also applied in balancing QoS and resource consumption in UAV-assisted VNs. In [@alioua2018efficient], the computation offloading is formulated as a two-player sequential game to balance the computation offloading delay and waste of energy in emergency situations in UAV-assisted VNs with less or no infrastructure. Besides, a mode selection scheme is proposed in [@wang2018mode] based on an evolutionary game. Each vehicle in the game selects the best communication mode from V2I, V2V, and Vehicle-to-UAV (V2U) in UAV-assisted VNs to maximize the transmission reliability while minimizing the cost of resource utilization.
Game Theory in Other 5G-technology-based VNs
Besides the above mentioned 5G-based technologies, GT is also employed in VNs integrating with other 5G-based emerging technologies. The content sharing problem in the D2D based V2X communication networks is studied in [@gu2016exploiting], where the interaction between vehicles and eNBs is modeled as the stable matching game. Besides, to address the bandwidth slicing problem in SDN-based cellular networks, Zhou et al. [@zhou2018bandwidth] developed a hierarchical game framework to model the competitive interactions between internet service providers and users. Moreover, in [@perfecto2017millimeter], GT is used in dynamically pair vehicles and optimize both transmission and reception beamwidths in Millimeter-Wave (mmWave) V2V communication. The congestion game is applied to solve the congestion in spectrum sharing VNs based on Licensed Shared Access (LSA) technology in [@belghiti20185g].
Challenges {#sec_challenge}
Possible future research directions of GT approaches related to VNs may consist of several aspects as follows:
Handover Management in Game
GT has shown its potential for effective handover handling in VNs by modeling the network selection or resource management as games [@kumar2016spectrum; @jia2019bus; @zhao2019optimal]. However, the massive handovers in next-generation VNs make the design of game models a challenging task. For example, vehicles may frequently switch among different types of networks (e.g., LTE and DSRC), move from one access point (e.g., RSU or edge) to another, or locate in the overlap among ranges of different networks or access points. Firstly, GT face the challenges of modeling 1) competition among vehicles for scarce resources, 2) cooperation among vehicles to form trustful coalitions (vehicles in the same coalition are connected to the same network or access point), and 3) coordination among access points and vehicles for effective resource allocation. Furthermore, cooperative GT employed in seamless VM migration is an emerging solution for handovers but also a challenging task that requires effective interactions among access points. On the one hand, sufficient prior knowledge about vehicles, especially the trajectory information, is a prerequisite for effective cooperation so that the content can be cached in advance along with the vehicle. On the other hand, the cooperation must be efficient with low complexity and communication overhead for real-time VM migration.
Big Data Management in Game
With the ever-increasing number of connections, information exchanges, and various applications, the data volume collected, transmitted, and processed in VNs has seen tremendous growth, resulting in the emergence of big data [@cheng2018big]. The integration of temporal and spatial big data in the game-theoretical design of VNs remains an open issue. Firstly, considering the resources of big data, the game will involve multiple types of players, such as vehicles, roadside infrastructures, and UAVs. What makes the problem more complicated is the recently proposed space-air-ground integrated VNs [@zhang2017software], where the satellites are deployed in UAV-assisted VNs. Besides, the multi-tier (i.e., central clouds, edges, and vehicles) and heterogeneous networks (e.g., LTE and DSRC) incur large strategy spaces for the players. In this case, players should implement the information gathering and storing mechanism to make better decisions. Although storing more valuable data could increase the re-utilization of data, processing data with high-volume, high-velocity, and great-heterogeneity causes high storage costs and long delay Therefore, the trade-off between the cost of data processing and the value of big data should be considered in modeling the utility functions of the players. Mean-field game [@huang2010nce] could be a possible solution that provides a powerful mathematical tool for modeling the interaction among rational agents with massive exchanged information.
Fair Resource Allocation
Fairness is a critical metric of resource allocation (e.g., bandwidth, power, and frequency) in VNs to prevent resource starvation caused by unfair resource allocation. Although most studies focus on the effectiveness of resource allocation, the shared-medium, limited-resource, and high-mobility natures of VNs pose challenges to guarantee fairness among competitive users of resource allocation. Firstly, fair resource allocation in VNs potentially becomes more complex when the network suffers interference of multiple vehicles, especially in high-density scenarios. Secondly, with increasing demands for various applications with stringent QoS requirements in VNs, it is challenging to ensure both fairness and efficiency of resource allocation. Consequently, a trade-off between fairness and efficiency should be considered by designing fairness algorithms with acceptable computational complexity. Last, how to flexibly and fairly manage resource allocation in the dynamic and instant composition of different networks in HetVNETs is also a critical problem [@zheng2015heterogeneous]. Nash bargaining game has been used for fair resource allocation in wireless networks such as LTE networks [@huang2016pareto], self-organizing heterogeneous networks [@senel2017fair], and MEC [@zhu2018fair] networks.
Uncertain and Incomplete Information in VNs
As is discussed before, most of the works modeling the rational behaviors of players (e.g.., vehicles and RSUs) in VNs as complete information games by assuming that the players know entirely other players’ information. However, the knowledge acquired by players about their opponents is incomplete and uncertain in VNs, which leads to inaccuracy of game models. On the one hand, due to the highly dynamic networks, it is difficult for players to acquire complete information about their opponents. On the other hand, the security- or privacy-sensitive data is processed by mechanisms such as encryption and pseudonym, which can not be acquired by other players either. The application of GT with incomplete information in VNs is emerging to help players estimate the unknown information based on the belief models (i.e., probability distribution [@sun2019non]). Bayesian game is useful for scenarios with limited or highly variable context information and has been applied by a few studies. However, to build accurate beliefs on other players, the complex probabilistic model should be constructed, which causes large overheads and delay for the real-time vehicular communications. More studies are required to utilize GT with incomplete information to build cost-efficient and accurate beliefs on the participants in VNs.
Security in VNs
As is discussed in this paper, the applications of GT for the security problems (e.g., intrusion detection, privacy-preserving, and trust management) in VNs mostly focus on modeling attackers, malicious or selfish nodes with assumed finite strategy spaces. However, it is not sufficient to protect the security of life-related communications in VNs due to the following limitations. Firstly, it is difficult for the defenders or legitimate players to obtain complete information about the payoffs and strategies of attackers. Although some studies apply the incomplete information game, it is an assumption of players’ types or preferences. Secondly, one of the limitations of GT in modeling the players is that the agents are rarely entirely rational. Thirdly, the terms such as “security level”, “privacy level”, and “attacker strength” quantified manually with some equations may not be entirely accurate. Machine learning provides new insights for intelligent authentication in 5G [@fang2019machine] and malware detection schemes of IoT [@xiao2018iot], which could be combined with GT for security strategy prediction and attacker model in the process of decision making in VNs. Especially, the Reinforce learning (RL) is a typical example that does not require players to know anything about other players [@tembine2018distributed].
Efficiency of Game
In non-cooperative games, NE is usually not efficient due to the lack of information about all players (i.e., each player only has the local information about a given player such as channel gains). Therefore, each participant gains an individual payoff selfishly. In contrast, cooperative games have information about all players in a coalition, where the joint payoff is shared among the members in the alliance. However, designing cooperative schemes is a challenging task. The players in a cooperate game should agree on an enforceable agreement before starting the game. ”Threat” or ”punishment” is required for agreement mechanisms to force the players to comply with the commitment [@nash1953two]. Therefore, a central controller such as an RSU is required for collectin complete information and execute the enforced commitments and punishment policies. However, it could be challenging to satisfy this requirement in the environment where the deployment of roadside infrastructures is limited. Besides, cooperation stimulation and selfishness mitigation are critical but challenging when modeling the effective resource competition in VNs. Last but not least, the following aspects of GT should also be carefully considered in the game: 1) the result of GT should be precise and valid [@fudenberg2016whither], 2) the model of GT should be efficient with limited complexity [@bacci2015understanding], and 3) the prediction capability of GT could be improved using learning theory [@fudenberg2016whither]
Conclusion {#sec_conclusion}
This paper provides a summary of recent developments of GT applied in VNs, discussing the applications of GT in the existing VNs and the future vehicular communications integrated with 5G mobile network technologies. After briefly introducing the concepts of relevant terms of GT, the current game theoretic-approaches used to solve the challenges in VNs are comprehensively surveyed from the perspectives of QoS (e.g., routing selection, power control, and spectrum resources allocation) and security (e.g., intrusion detection, privacy-preserving, and trust management). Furthermore, we survey the works of GT employed in next-generation VNs integrating with emerging 5G technologies such as edge computing, heterogeneous networks, UAV-assisted communications, and SDN technologies. Finally, the remaining challenges and the corresponding future researches applying GT in VNs are discussed.
Acknowledgment {#acknowledgment .unnumbered}
This work was supported by the National Nature Science Foundation \[61373123, 61572229, U1564211, and 6171101066\]; Jilin Provincial Science and Technology Development Foundation \[20170204074GX, 20180201068GX\] and Jilin Provincial International Cooperation Foundation \[20180414015GH\].
[^1]: Z.M. Sun, Y.H. Liu, and J. Wang are with the College of Computer Science and Technology, and Key Laboratory of Symbolic Computation and Knowledge Engineering of Ministry of Education, Jilin University, Changchun 130012, China (e-mail: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]).
[^2]: C. Anil is with the School of Computer Science and Engineering, VIT-AP, Amaravati-522237, Andhra Pradesh, India, and the College of Engineering, Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing 210031, China.(email:[email protected])
[^3]: D.P. Cao is with Waterloo Cognitive Autonomous Driving Lab, University of Waterloo, N2L 3G1, Canada (e-mail: [email protected]). Zemin Sun is also with this affiliation.
[^4]: Manuscript received, revised .
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abstract: 'We describe the discovery of a bright, young Kuiper belt-like debris disk around HD 115600, a $\sim$ 1.4–1.5 M$_\mathrm{\odot}$, $\sim$ 15 Myr old member of the Sco-Cen OB Association. Our H-band coronagraphy/integral field spectroscopy from the *Gemini Planet Imager* shows the ring has a (luminosity scaled) semi major axis of ($\sim$ 22 AU) $\sim$ 48 AU, similar to the current Kuiper belt. The disk appears to have neutral scattering dust, is eccentric (e $\sim$ 0.1–0.2), and could be sculpted by analogues to the outer solar system planets. Spectroscopy of the disk ansae reveal a slightly blue to gray disk color, consistent with major Kuiper belt chemical constituents, where water-ice is a very plausible dominant constituent. Besides being the first object discovered with the next generation of extreme adaptive optics systems (i.e. SCExAO, GPI, SPHERE), HD 115600’s debris ring and planetary system provides a key reference point for the early evolution of the solar system, the structure and composition of the Kuiper belt, and the interaction between debris disks and planets.'
- 'Thayne Currie, Carey M. Lisse, Marc Kuchner, Nikku Madhusudhan, Scott J. Kenyon, Christian Thalmann, Joseph Carson, John Debes'
title: Direct Imaging and Spectroscopy of a Young Extrasolar Kuiper Belt in the Nearest OB Association
Situated just beyond Neptune’s orbit (30–50 AU), the Kuiper belt is home to thousands of remnants of the earliest stages of icy planet formation, is the location of numerous dwarf planets such as Pluto, and provides keys to understanding the early, unevolved solar system [@Jewitt1992]. Cold debris rings around nearby, young stars offer a critical reference for the Kuiper belt’s evolution and composition [@KenyonBromley2008; @Wyatt2008]. However, the few such rings imaged in scattered light surround stars at stellocentric distances farther than the Kuiper belt [e.g. @Kalas2005; @Schneider2009; @Krist2012], are not located in massive OB association resembling the solar system’s likely birth environment [@Adams2010], and lack spatially-resolved scattered-light spectroscopy to explore composition.
HD 115600 [$d$ = 110.5 $pc$; @vanLeewen2007] is a 1.4 M$_\mathrm{\odot}$, F2V/F3V 15 $Myr$-old member of the Lower Centaurus Crux (LCC) region of the Sco-Cen OB Association [@Pecaut2012] [^1]. The star has a large infrared excess with a dust mass and fractional luminosity (0.05 $M_\mathrm{moon}$; $L_\mathrm{IR}$/$L_\mathrm{\star}$ $\sim$ 1.7 $\times$10$^{-3}$) comparable to the well-known luminous, resolved ring around HR 4796A [@Chen2011; @Chen2015; @Jura1998]. Thus, HD 115600 is a promising target for high-contrast imaging.
We report the discovery of a bright debris ring around HD 115600 using integral field spectroscopy from the *Gemini Planet Imager* [@Macintosh2014]. The ring is plausibly sculpted by an unseen solar system-like planet, surrounds the star at a Kuiper belt-like distance, and has a spectrum consistent with major Kuiper belt constituents. The HD 115600 planetary system provides a valuable reference point for the early evolution and composition of the solar system, the structure of the early Kuiper belt, and the interaction between debris disks and planets.\
Observations and Data Reduction
We obtained integral field spectroscopy of HD 115600 on 23 March 2014 with the *Gemini Planet Imager* [@Macintosh2014] in $H$ band ($\lambda_{o}$ = 1.6 $\mu$m, $R$ = 44–49; 0014 pixel$^{-1}$) behind the apodized pupil lyot coronagraph ($r_{mask}$ $\sim$ 012) and in angular differential imaging mode [ADI; @Marois2006]. Our observations consisted of 58 co-added 49.5 second frames, yielding a total integration time of $\approx$ 48 minutes and a field rotation of 29$^\circ$ (3 $\lambda$/D at 025). *Xe* and *Ar* lamp observations provided wavelength calibration.
We carried out basic data reduction using the *Gemini Data Reduction Pipeline, version 1.2.1* [@Perrin2014]. We modified the software, adding image registration steps as in @Currie2011a. Removing the middle 20 data cubes, which exhibited a pupil stop misalignment, and those with poorer AO correction reduces our total integration time to 28 minutes.
For point-spread function (PSF) subtraction, we used A-LOCI [@Currie2012; @Currie2014c] tuned to “conservative" settings [@Thalmann2011] better suited for recovering extended emission, imposing a rotation gap criterion of $\delta$ = 1.5, an optimization area of $N_\mathrm{A}$ = 1000, and a *singular value decomposition* (SVD) cutoff of *SVD$_\mathrm{lim}$* = 10$^{-5}$ [see @Lafreniere2007a; @Currie2014b]. We construct a final data cube from a median-combination of PSF-subtracted cubes and wavelength-collapsed using an outlier-resistant mean to yield a band-averaged image. Due to the small number of data cubes, we did not employ speckle filtering [@Currie2012; @Currie2014b] to truncate the set of reference PSFs. For initial flux calibration, we measured the average, background-subtracted signal of the four satellite spots (transmission = 2.035 $\times$ 10$^{-4}$) in an 8-pixel diameter aperture and divided the data cube by a normalized F2V spectrum [@Pickles1998].
Detection of the HD 115600 Debris Disk
Figure \[images\] (top panels) displays our wavelength-collapsed disk image and an individual channel, clearly revealing a bright, thick debris ring visible from $r$ $\sim$ 025 to $r$ $\sim$ 055 and viewed close to edge-on. The disk ansae along the major axis extend from $r$ $\sim$ 034 to 05, or 37.5 AU to 55 AU, comparable to the current Kuiper belt. Both sides of the disk are visible, ruling out strong forward-scattering anisotropy. The disk is offset from the star position and visually resembles a puffier version of the HR 4796A disk [@Schneider2009].
To estimate the disk’s SNR in the collapsed image and in each spectral channel, we consider two methods. First, for the collapsed image we construct a SNR map as in @Currie2011a, replacing each pixel with the sum of values enclosed by a 3-pixel aperture ($\sim$ 1 FWHM) and computing the robust standard deviation at each angular separation. For a given region of the disk, this procedure considers other disk regions (e.g. those on the opposite side) and negative self-subtraction residuals as “noise", which leads to underestimating the significance of the disk signal compared to real residual speckle noise. Nevertheless, the disk ansae in the collapsed image are still detected at SNR $\sim$ 8; the disk’s signal exceeds 2-$\sigma$ exterior to $r$ $\sim$ 025.
Second, we compute the ansae SNR in each spectral channel, defining the noise likewise as the robust standard deviation of the summed image in a FWHM-wide arc at the same angular separation as the disk but at different position angles, at a separation (10–50 pixels away) chosen to avoid the disk signal and negative self-subtraction footprints. The SNR in each spectral channel in the disk ansae ranges between 5 and 8; the SNR of the collapsed image exceeds 10 in the ansae.
To derive the disk geometry and extract spectra, we follow a three-step approach. First, we derive the debris ring’s basic geometry from the wavelength-collapsed data cube using ellipse fitting. Second, we use forward-modeling to fine-tune these properties and calculate second-order properties of the disk (e.g. scattering function). Third, we extract the disk’s spectrum in the bright ansa regions, using the best-fit model to the final data cube to calibrate the disk throughput in each spectral channel.
To determine the basic geometry of the disk – inclination, position angle, semi-major/minor axes, and disk center – we first use the using the IDL package to determine an approximate trace of the disk, where the pixels are weighted by their SNR. Second, we constructed a grid of ellipse parameters around the best-fit set determined by , and calculated a more robust best-fit value using the “maximum merit" procedure, identifying the ellipse parameters that maximized the disk signal along the trace of the ellipse [@Thalmann2011]. We repeat this step using different ranges in radii and different cutoffs in SNR for the disk trace (e.g. SNR $>$ 1.5, 2; $r$ = 17.5–45 pixels; 20–40 pixels) to define best-estimated values and associated uncertainties.
We derive a best-fit position angle and inclination of PA = 24$^\circ$ $\pm$ 0.5$^\circ$ and $i$ = 79.5$^\circ$ $\pm$ 0.5$^\circ$ (1-$\sigma$ errors). The disk semimajor/minor axes are $r_{major, minor}$ = 0425 $\pm$ 0010 ($\sim$ 48 AU $\pm$ 1.1 AU), 0077 $\pm$ 0007 (8.5 $\pm$ 0.8 AU). The semimajor axis and visible extent of the disk ansae are within the range of radii encompassing the current Kuiper belt; the luminosity-scaled ($r_{major}$/$\sqrt{L_{\star}}$) semi major axis (extent of the ansae) are $\sim$ 22 AU (17–25 AU), comparable to the predicated distances of major models of the early, pre-stirred Kuiper belt,: e.g. the Nice model [@Levison2008] or @Nesvorny2015. The projected disk center is offset from the star $\Delta$x,$\Delta$y = 0018 $\pm$ 0008, 0029 $\pm$ 0014 (Fig. 1; diamonds) and the peak signal of the two ansae differ by $\sim$ 0.5 pixel in angular separation ($\sim$ 1 AU).
Disk Forward Modeling
To infer additional disk properties, we generate a grid of synthetic scattered light images using the GRaTeR code [@Augereau1999], and forward-model these synthetic disks using our pipeline to compare the processed synthetic disk image with the real disk image in each spectral channel, extending to integral field spectroscopy methods that have been applied to broadband imaging data [@Esposito2014; @Mazoyer2014]. We insert a disk model into a sequence of empty data cubes with position angles identical to those of our science sequence, and convolve the model in each spectral channel with the appropriately-sized PSF. We performed PSF subtraction on the cubes containing the model disk using the same A-LOCI coefficients that were applied to the real data.
Table \[diskmodels\] describes the model parameter space we explore and our results. To reduce the dimensionality of our forward-modeling, we adopt the inclination and position angle determined from our ellipse modeling (79.5$^\circ$ and 24$^\circ$, respectively). We defined the argument of pericenter to be \[90, 270\]$^\circ$, or 90$^\circ$ from the visible disk major axis: departures from these values resulted in brightness asymmetries between the disk ansae inconsistent with the data. We varied other parameters, including the the ring center ($a_{o}$ = 47 and 48 AU), the Henyey-Greenstein scattering parameter $g$ (0–0.15), the disk scale height at the disk center ($ksi_{o}$ = 1–5 AU), the density power laws describing the decay of ring emission away from the ring center ($\alpha_{in}$ = 7.5, 10; $\alpha_{out}$ = $-$5, $-$7.5), the disk eccentricity (0–0.3), and the offset along the major axis (0 and 1 AU). While our parameter space search is not exhaustive, values outside these ranges (e.g. $g$ $>$ 0.15) yielded processed synthetic disk images strongly discrepant with the real data. To match the observed brightness in each spectral channel, we fix the parameters in the model and scale the flux and define the fit of the model to the data using the real and synthetic collapsed images convolved by the PSF as in our SNR calculations. Our “acceptably fitting" models are those fulfilling $\chi^{2}$ $\le$ $\chi^{2}_{min}$ + $\sqrt{2\times N_{data}}$ [@Thalmann2013]. We perform our optimization (and define $\chi^{2}$) by the visible trace of the disk at separations where it is consistently visible at SNR $>$ 2 along both sides ($\sim$ 028 and 052).
The best-fit model is an offset, eccentric ring with neutral-scattering dust (Figure \[images\] (bottom panels)). This model exhibits some discrepancies with the data, slightly over (under) predicting the signal on the southeastern (southwestern) side. However, our best-fit model generally reproduces disk shape, providing a good first investigation. More sophisticated models fit to higher SNR data and exploring more parameter space will better constrain disk properties. Additionally, much of our parameter space remains degenerate, admitting widely varying values. However, we strongly prefer models with $g$ = 0: those with $g$ $>$ 0.05 predict disk ansae that are too faint compared to regions at small angular separations. Models with $e$ $<$ 0.1 or $e$ = 0.3 fail to properly trace the observed disk. A single model with $e$ = 0.1 fits our $\chi^{2}$ threshold, while all other acceptedly-fitting models have $e$=0.2, suggesting a disk eccentricity ($e$ = 0.1–0.2) comparable to that of the most eccentric known debris disks [@Kalas2005; @Krist2012]. The deprojected, deconvolved, and azimuthally-averaged best-fit disk model has a normalized FWHM of 0.37, among the largest for scattered light-imaged debris rings [@Rodigas2015].
Dynamical Sculpting of the Disk: Limits on Planets
Debris disk dynamical modeling sets stronger limits on unseen planets than from the GPI contrasts limits alone [contrast $>$ 10$^{-5}$ at r $<$ 04 (44 AU) or $M_{\mathrm{planet}}$ $>$ 7 $M_\mathrm{J}$; c.f. @Baraffe2003]. The eccentric ring is plausibly due to dynamical perturbations from an unseen planet, which can open a gap in the disk and stir it via secular perturbations. In both cases, the planet’s eccentricity can be estimated assuming that the eccentricity of the ring equals the local value of the forced eccentricity [@Quillen2006]. First, we place limits on the properties of the planet sculpting the disk from the @Nesvold2015 gap opening model, where the planetesimals are initially dynamically hot ($0.0$ $<$ $e$ $<$ $0.2$) and the planet interacts with the disk via mean-motion resonances, triggering collisions and producing an inner hole. Gap opening depends on the system age in units of the grain collisional time, which in turn depends on the orbital period and optical depth: $t_\mathrm{orbit}$/(4$\pi$$\tau$).
Second, we explore the @Mustill2009 planet stirring model: the planet stirs an initially cold disk from the inside-out via secular interactions, and the radius of the central hole extends to where planetesimal orbits begin to cross. We compute stirring from first-order secular theory (valid for low planet eccentricities), corresponding here to larger planet semimajor axes. Our two calculations assume 48 $AU$ as the ring center, the fractional luminosity as a proxy for optical depth, and an age of 15 Myr.
Interior to $\sim$ 30 $AU$ only a superjovian-mass planet can sculpt the ring by gap opening (Figure \[planetlimit\]). Planets with masses and semimajor axes comparable to the outer solar system planets could stir the disk to appear as a bright debris ring with an eccentricity of 0.1–0.2 (e.g. a Saturn with $e$ = 0.2). In both cases, Super-Earths just interior to the ring edge could sculpt the ring.
Spectral Analysis
We perform two spectral extractions. First, we extract the raw spectrum at both disk ansae, identifying the ‘centroid positions from the collapsed image. We then extract the spectrum of the best-fit disk model at these centroid positions. In both cases, we measure the surface brightness: the mean brightness within the same 8-pixel diameter aperture used for flux calibration with errors calculated using method 2 described in Section 3. For the model disk, we average the results from the two ansa and correct for signal loss due to a finite aperture by comparing the surface brightness of the convolved and unconvolved best-fit disk models.
Figure \[spectra\]a shows our extracted best-fit scaled model disk spectrum (blue), averaged raw spectrum (green), and raw spectra extracted for each ansa (dotted lines). The spectra have a relatively flat to slightly blue slope across $H$ band. Spectra extracted from the two ansae exhibit strong agreement. The debris disk’s scattered light spectral shape is sensitive to its dust’s composition. Instead of using advanced methods [e.g. @Lisse2007], we model the reflectance of dust using simple Mie theory-based single constituents found amongst dust and large bodies in the Kuiper belt– carbonaceous dust, amorphous silicates, and water ice – drawn from @Lisse1998, nominally using the best-fit Halley-like particle size distribution [@Krishna1988; @Mazets1986] but exploring simple power laws with exponents between -3 and -4. To calculate reflectance, we divide the best-fit model disk’s spectrum by that of a Pickles F2V star.
The raw (black curve) and binned (cyan curve) disk reflectance spectra appear neutral/slightly blue at 1.5–1.75 $\mu$m (Figure \[spectra\]b). Reflectance spectra of water ice (blue), amorphous silicates (green) and amorphous carbon (red) show differences across the $H$ passband. Water ice (and silicates) with a Halley-like size distribution provide the best match, reproducing the spectrum’s neutral/blue slope. Amorphous carbon has a $\chi^{2}$ value 2.5 times higher than water ice’s and is marginally disfavored (at the 68% confidence limit) for the binned spectrum, having a goodness-of-fit statistic of 0.78. However, adopting a simple power law exponent for the particle size distribution between $-$3 and $-4$, a subset of models from each species likewise fit. Thus, our spectrum’s large error bars and narrow wavelength range currently preclude us from making definitive statements about the dust composition.
Comparing the $H$-band spectrum with thermal IR data and properties of other debris rings may better reveal evidence for ice. HD 115600’s thermal disk emission (Figure \[spectra\]c) peaks at 115 K, but blackbody-like emission should be located at 13 AU, not the observed 48 AU. Real dust around stars later than A0 should be located at increasingly larger distances than predicted by blackbody emission, over 2.5 times further for an F2 star [see Figure 10 in @Booth2012] or beyond 33 AU in HD 115600’s case. Steeper size distributions and sub-blowout dust sizes (expected for a collisionally-active disk) may be sufficient to yield dust around HD 115600 at the right distances. However, organics (carbon) dominated dust yields dust locations an additional factor of 4–8 larger than predicted by blackbody emission; ice and ice/silicate mixtures yield negligible enhancement [Figure 12 in @Booth2012]. A water-ice (dominating scattered light) and organics (dominating thermal emission) mixture, much like that found on Kuiper belt object surfaces, may fit as well. HR 4796A’s fractional luminosity is over 2 times higher [$\sim$ 4.8 $\times$ 10$^{-3}$; @Low2005; @Chen2011]. The $H$-band surface brightness contrast of HD 115600’s disk ansae is $\sim$ 1.6 magnitudes brighter than HR 4796A’s [@Rodigas2015]. Moving the HR 4796A ring from 70 AU to HD 115600’s disk location (48 AU) still results in scattered light emission about half as bright as HD 115600’s disk. Thus, HD 115600’s disk is reflecting light more efficiently than HR 4796A’s disk while having less thermal emission, a result explicable if HD 115600s disk is dominated by higher albedo species like water-ice. Multi-wavelength photometry/spectroscopy is needed to more decisively assess the composition of HD 115600’s disk.
HD 115600’s debris ring is the first object discovered using the new generation of extreme adaptive optics instruments [SCExAO, GPI, and SPHERE; @Martinache2009; @Macintosh2014; @Beuzit2008] and the first debris ring with spatially-resolved integral field spectroscopy. The ring is confined to a Kuiper belt-like stellocentric distance and its reflectance is consistent with that of major constituents of Kuiper belt bodies and their ejecta, including water ice. As the disk orbits a 15 Myr-old star only $\sim$ 40–50% more massive than the Sun located in the nearest OB association, it provides a promising reference point for understanding the early evolution and composition of the Kuiper belt.
HD 115600’s disk shows evidence for dynamical sculpting by a solar system-like giant planet. With the exception of $\beta$ Pic b [@Lagrange2010], fully-formed young planets directly imaged thus far have super-jovian masses (5–10 $M_{J}$) and orbit at wide separations (15–150 AU) [@Marois2008; @Rameau2013; @Kuzuhara2013; @Currie2014a]. Southern hemisphere systems GPI and SPHERE could image even lower-mass planets located just interior to HD 115600’s debris ring and superjovian planets near their inner working angles ($r$ $\sim$ 01–02 or $\sim$ 10–20 AU). Combining new planet detections/upper limits with more precise estimates of the disk’s properties will make HD 115600 an excellent laboratory for studying planet-disk interactions [@Chiang2009; @Rodigas2014]. **Acknowledgements** – We thank the anonymous referee, Wladimir Lyra, Eric Mamajek, and Mengshu Xu for helpful comments; Jean-Charles Augereau for use of GRATER; Fredrik Rantakryo for executing these queue-mode observations; and the GPI Early Science Time Allocation Committee and Gemini Director Markus Kissler-Patig for supporting this program.
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[lcllccccccc]{} $r_{o}$ (AU)& 47 ... 48 & 48 & 47 ... 48\
$e$ & 0 ... 0.3 & 0.2 & 0.1 ... 0.2\
$\alpha_{in}$ & 7.5 ... 10 & 7.5 & 7.5 ... 10\
$\alpha_{out}$ &$-5$ ... $-7.5$ & $-7.5$ & $-5$ ... $-7.5$\
$\Delta$y (AU) & 0 ... 1 & 1 & 0 ... 1\
$g$ & 0 ... 0.15 & 0 & 0\
$ksi_{o}$ (AU) & 1... 5 & 3 & 1 ... 5\
![(top-left) Reduced, PSF-subtracted, and wavelength-collapsed image of HD 115600 showing a bright, nearly edge-on debris ring located just beyond a Pluto-like distance to the star. The disk center (diamond), determined from ellipse fitting, appears offset from the star’s position (cross). (top-right) A representative wavelength slice (1.671 $\mu$m) of the final datacube. (bottom-left) The best-fit model disk produced by GRaTeR: a$_{o}$ = 48 AU, $PA$ = 24$^\circ$, $i$ = 79.5$^\circ$, $\theta_{o}$ = 90$^\circ$, $ksi_{o}$ = 3 AU, $g$ = 0, $e$ = 0.2, $\alpha_{in}$ = $7.5$, and $\alpha_{out}$ = $-5$. (bottom-right) The same model, convolved with the appropriate PSF in each channel, PSF subtracted, and wavelength-collapsed. The model reproduces the suppressed signal in the northeast and southwest portions of the disk, although there are some small discrepancies (see main text). []{data-label="images"}](hd115600diskf.eps "fig:") ![(top-left) Reduced, PSF-subtracted, and wavelength-collapsed image of HD 115600 showing a bright, nearly edge-on debris ring located just beyond a Pluto-like distance to the star. The disk center (diamond), determined from ellipse fitting, appears offset from the star’s position (cross). (top-right) A representative wavelength slice (1.671 $\mu$m) of the final datacube. (bottom-left) The best-fit model disk produced by GRaTeR: a$_{o}$ = 48 AU, $PA$ = 24$^\circ$, $i$ = 79.5$^\circ$, $\theta_{o}$ = 90$^\circ$, $ksi_{o}$ = 3 AU, $g$ = 0, $e$ = 0.2, $\alpha_{in}$ = $7.5$, and $\alpha_{out}$ = $-5$. (bottom-right) The same model, convolved with the appropriate PSF in each channel, PSF subtracted, and wavelength-collapsed. The model reproduces the suppressed signal in the northeast and southwest portions of the disk, although there are some small discrepancies (see main text). []{data-label="images"}](slice_an.eps "fig:")\
![(top-left) Reduced, PSF-subtracted, and wavelength-collapsed image of HD 115600 showing a bright, nearly edge-on debris ring located just beyond a Pluto-like distance to the star. The disk center (diamond), determined from ellipse fitting, appears offset from the star’s position (cross). (top-right) A representative wavelength slice (1.671 $\mu$m) of the final datacube. (bottom-left) The best-fit model disk produced by GRaTeR: a$_{o}$ = 48 AU, $PA$ = 24$^\circ$, $i$ = 79.5$^\circ$, $\theta_{o}$ = 90$^\circ$, $ksi_{o}$ = 3 AU, $g$ = 0, $e$ = 0.2, $\alpha_{in}$ = $7.5$, and $\alpha_{out}$ = $-5$. (bottom-right) The same model, convolved with the appropriate PSF in each channel, PSF subtracted, and wavelength-collapsed. The model reproduces the suppressed signal in the northeast and southwest portions of the disk, although there are some small discrepancies (see main text). []{data-label="images"}](model_inf.eps "fig:") ![(top-left) Reduced, PSF-subtracted, and wavelength-collapsed image of HD 115600 showing a bright, nearly edge-on debris ring located just beyond a Pluto-like distance to the star. The disk center (diamond), determined from ellipse fitting, appears offset from the star’s position (cross). (top-right) A representative wavelength slice (1.671 $\mu$m) of the final datacube. (bottom-left) The best-fit model disk produced by GRaTeR: a$_{o}$ = 48 AU, $PA$ = 24$^\circ$, $i$ = 79.5$^\circ$, $\theta_{o}$ = 90$^\circ$, $ksi_{o}$ = 3 AU, $g$ = 0, $e$ = 0.2, $\alpha_{in}$ = $7.5$, and $\alpha_{out}$ = $-5$. (bottom-right) The same model, convolved with the appropriate PSF in each channel, PSF subtracted, and wavelength-collapsed. The model reproduces the suppressed signal in the northeast and southwest portions of the disk, although there are some small discrepancies (see main text). []{data-label="images"}](model_psfsubf.eps "fig:")
![Limits on the mass of a planet stirring ring planetesimals or opening a gap in the disk and clearing material out into a ring. Planets much like the outer solar system planets (overplotted) can stir a disk with an eccentricity consistent with the ring properties.[]{data-label="planetlimit"}](planetlimitfigf2.eps)
![(Top-Left) Surface brightness of the best-fit model disk spectrum (averaged between ansa). Due to low throughput, we trim the first and last two channels. The raw disk spectrum shows an almost identical shape but consistently $\sim$ 15% lower signal: spectra extracted from individual ansae (dashed curves) agree within their error bars. (Top-Right) Reflectance spectra of the best-fit model disk and a binned (to the spectral resolution of GPI) version of the best-fit model compared to Mie theory predictions for water ice, amorphous silicates, and amorphous carbon. (bottom) HD 115600’s optical/IR SED [@Chen2015] revealing 115 K $\pm$ 6 K (2-$\sigma$) cold dust and favoring an icy/ice-silicate composition (see main text).[]{data-label="spectra"}](specplot.eps "fig:") ![(Top-Left) Surface brightness of the best-fit model disk spectrum (averaged between ansa). Due to low throughput, we trim the first and last two channels. The raw disk spectrum shows an almost identical shape but consistently $\sim$ 15% lower signal: spectra extracted from individual ansae (dashed curves) agree within their error bars. (Top-Right) Reflectance spectra of the best-fit model disk and a binned (to the spectral resolution of GPI) version of the best-fit model compared to Mie theory predictions for water ice, amorphous silicates, and amorphous carbon. (bottom) HD 115600’s optical/IR SED [@Chen2015] revealing 115 K $\pm$ 6 K (2-$\sigma$) cold dust and favoring an icy/ice-silicate composition (see main text).[]{data-label="spectra"}](reflect.eps "fig:")\
![(Top-Left) Surface brightness of the best-fit model disk spectrum (averaged between ansa). Due to low throughput, we trim the first and last two channels. The raw disk spectrum shows an almost identical shape but consistently $\sim$ 15% lower signal: spectra extracted from individual ansae (dashed curves) agree within their error bars. (Top-Right) Reflectance spectra of the best-fit model disk and a binned (to the spectral resolution of GPI) version of the best-fit model compared to Mie theory predictions for water ice, amorphous silicates, and amorphous carbon. (bottom) HD 115600’s optical/IR SED [@Chen2015] revealing 115 K $\pm$ 6 K (2-$\sigma$) cold dust and favoring an icy/ice-silicate composition (see main text).[]{data-label="spectra"}](HD115600_photfit.eps "fig:")
[^1]: Masses and ages were derived using the @Baraffe2015 isochrones. Slightly higher masses with the same 15 Myr age are also consistent [e.g. 1.5 M$_\mathrm{\odot}$ @Pecaut2012].
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abstract: 'We present a new analytical three-parameter formula to fit observed column density profiles of prestellar cores. It represents a line-of-sight integral through a spherically symmetric or disc-like isothermal cloud. The underlying model resembles the Bonnor-Ebert model in that it features a flat central region leading into a power-law decline $\propto r^{-2}$ in density, and a well-defined outer radius. However, we do not assume that the cloud is in equilibrium, and can instead make qualitative statements about its dynamical state (expansion, equilibrium, collapse) using the size of the flat region as a proxy. Instead of having temperature as a fitting parameter, our model includes it as input, and thus avoids possible inconsistencies. It is significantly easier to fit to observational data than the Bonnor-Ebert sphere. We apply this model to L1689B and B68. We show that L1689B cannot be in equilibrium but instead appears to be collapsing, while our model verifies that B68 is not far from being a hydrostatic object.'
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Wolf B. Dapp$^{1}$[^1] and Shantanu Basu$^{1}$,\
$^{1}$Department of Physics and Astronomy, The University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, N6A 3K7, Canada\
title: An analytic column density profile to fit prestellar cores
ISM: clouds – ISM: globules – stars: formation
In recent years, observational advances have made it possible to measure column density profiles in prestellar cores. Various methods are being used in the literature. @WT1999 measured mm continuum emission, while @Bacmann2000 utilized mid-IR absorption, and @Alves2001 measured dust extinction and reddening of the light of background stars in the near-IR. A fourth method is to use flux measurements in optically thin lines [@Tafalla2002]. Most of the column density profiles measured in these ways show certain prominent common features: a central flat region, followed by a power-law decline. Some cores additionally exhibit signatures of steepening of the profile, while some show a more-or-less smooth merger to some background value of the column density [@Bacmann2000].
One model often used to fit to such cores [e.g., @Evans2001; @Teixeira2005] is the *Bonnor-Ebert sphere* (hereafter BE sphere). This model assumes an isothermal sphere in equilibrium, acted upon only by gravity and thermal pressure, and bound by some external pressure [@Bonnor1956; @Ebert1955]. In the central region its density profile is flat with density $\approx \varrho _{\mathrm{c}} \equiv \varrho \left( r=0 \right) $. The size of this region is proportional to the Jeans length, $R_{\mathrm{J}} \propto c_{\mathrm{s}}/\sqrt{G\varrho_{\mathrm{c}} }$. It transitions into a power-law decline that approaches the *Singular Isothermal Sphere* (SIS) with $\varrho _{\mathrm{SIS}} =c_{\mathrm{s}}^{2} \left(2\pi Gr^{2}\right) ^{-1}$ for large radii [@Shu1977]. The cloud is finally cut off at some finite radius, where external pressure forces match the internal forces. The BE model invokes the dimensionless radius parameter $\xi \equiv r \sqrt{4 \pi G \varrho _{\mathrm{c}}}/c_{\mathrm{s}}$. The value $\xi _{\mathrm{crit}}=6.45$ marks a dividing line such that clouds truncated at dimensionless radius $\xi _{\mathrm{s}}>\xi _{\mathrm{crit}}$ are in an unstable equilibrium, and clouds with $\xi _{\mathrm{s}}<\xi _{\mathrm{crit}}$ are stable.
The column density profile of the BE sphere, obtained by integrating the volume density numerically along a line of sight, matches well with some observations [B68; @Alves2001]. Depending on the parameters, the power-law decline $\propto r^{-1}$ in column density can be more or less pronounced, or even almost completely absent. The profile steepens at the edge because the line of sight through the sphere becomes shorter. This is a geometric effect which is present in all truncated models, unless the density *increases* sufficiently fast with radius.
While physically motivated and reproducing features of several observed column density profiles, the BE model has shortcomings. The most important is the key assumption of equilibrium. In fact, most fits are found to be supercritical [@Teixeira2005], representing unstable equilibria. These states are not expected to exist in reality, as any perturbation will send them to immediate collapse. On a more practical side, the procedure of fitting the BE model to observations is quite involved. The volume density is only available as a numerical solution, which then needs to be integrated (again numerically) to calculate the column density. Sometimes the fit demands temperatures *well above* those measured for the centres of prestellar cores [@Bacmann2000; @AndreEtAl2003; @KirkEtAl2005], and predicted by detailed models of the thermodynamics within the core [@Galli2002]. Finally, most of the observed cores are deeply embedded within their parent clouds, and the source of a bounding external pressure is not obvious. The often-cited example B68 [@Alves2001] is an exception, as it is thought to lie within a hot HII region.
We stress that the generic features of the BE density profile are not unique to equilibrium situations [see @KandoriEtAl2005]. The flat region with adjacent $r^{-2}$ density profile appears also in solutions of the hydrodynamic equations for gravitationally collapsing objects [@Larson1969], as long as pressure is not completely negligible [@ShuAdamsLizano1987]. The pressure gradient then establishes a region where it nearly balances gravity. Here, the density is nearly constant on the scale of the local Jeans length, shrinking in size over time as the density increases. Inverted, this requires that $\varrho \proptor^{-2}$ in the outer profile that is left behind outside the central region [see @Basu1997].
There is no reason why the above two features (flat region with size of Jeans length and adjacent $r^{-2}$ density profile) should be present in a non-self-gravitating cloud. However, @BP2003 find that convergent turbulent flows, with and even without self-gravity (which are expected to have very different volume density profiles), nevertheless yield column density profiles that resemble those of a BE sphere. There are three reasons for this seemingly surprising result. The first one is the effect of smoothing the data, by angle-averaging, and also by integration along the line of sight. Secondly, the BE sphere leaves the modeller the freedom to fit the size of the central flat region by varying the temperature. Indeed, @BP2003 fit their simulated cores with BE temperatures in the range of $5-60~\mathrm{K}$, despite their models being strictly isothermal at $T=11.3~\mathrm{K}$. Finally, the position of the outer radius cutoff is somewhat arbitrary. This often leaves large parts of profiles unfitted. In this paper, we argue that fitting a prestellar core profile at a *set* temperature *does* still allow one to distinguish between different models of internal structure.
We propose an analytic density profile reproducing the characteristics of not only isothermal equilibria [@Bonnor1956; @Ebert1955], but also non-equilibrium collapse solutions [e.g., @Larson1969], and many observed profiles [@Bacmann2000]. Within the margins of uncertainty it fits the observations as well as the BE model does. However, it possesses a closed-form expression for the column density, and is therefore very easy to fit. Furthermore, the temperature can be an input parameter instead of a fitting parameter, so that the model avoids some of the possible inconsistencies of fitting the BE model to either observations or simulation results. We can use our model to make some inference about the dynamical state of the core.
This paper is organized the following way: Section \[sec:SphericalGeometry\] describes the spherical model and its parameters, while Section \[sec:DiskGeometry\] presents a corresponding model for intrinsically flattened objects. In Section \[sec:Applications\], we apply our model to B68 and L1689B, and we summarize our results in Section \[sec:summary\].
Spherical Geometry {#sec:SphericalGeometry}
Basic model {#subsec:model_spher}
The characteristics found in observed column density profiles and theoretically both in equilibrium and collapse solutions can be parametrized by a volume density more generic than the BE sphere. We propose using the profile$$\varrho \left( r\right) =\left\{
\varrho _{\mathrm{c}}a^{2}/\left( r^{2}+a^{2} \right) & r\leq R, \\
0 & r>R, \end{array} \right.
\label{eq:Rho}$$characterized by a central volume density $\varrho _{c}$ and truncated at some radius $R$. The parameter $a$ fits the size of the flat region in terms of the Jeans length, and is given by $$a=k\frac{c_{\mathrm{s}}}{\sqrt{G\varrho _{\mathrm{c}}}}, \label{eq:DefinitionA}$$where $G$ is the gravitational constant and $k$ is a constant of proportionality. This profile is also mentioned in @King1962 and @Tafalla2002. The temperature $T$, which can be constrained observationally, is *not* used as a fitting parameter. It enters through the value of the isothermal sound speed $c_{\mathrm{s}}=\sqrt{k _{\mathrm{B}}T/\mu }$. The Boltzmann constant is denoted by $k _{\mathrm{B}}$, and $\mu =2.33~m_{\mathrm{H}}$ is the mean mass of a particle, where $m_{\mathrm{H}}$ is the mass of a hydrogen atom. We assume a $10\%$ number fraction of helium.
The column density is derived by integrating the volume density along a line of sight through the sphere: $$\begin{aligned}
\Sigma \left( x\right)
&=&2\int_{0}^{\sqrt{R^{2}-x^{2}}} \varrho \left( s\right) ds \notag\\
&=&2\int_{x}^{R}\frac{\varrho \left( r\right) rdr}{ \sqrt{r^{2}-x^{2}}} \label{eq:Integral_rho}\end{aligned}$$where we have used the transformation $s=\sqrt{r^{2}-x^{2}}$ and hence $ds=rdr/\sqrt{r^{2}-x^{2}}$. Fig. \[fig:CloudCut\] defines the quantities appearing in this derivation.
![ Schematic illustration of a cut through a spherical cloud of radius $R$. The observer is positioned along the direction of the coordinate $s$, and measures an integrated column density $\Sigma$ as a function of the offset $x$. []{data-label="fig:CloudCut"}](f1.eps){width="0.75\hsize"}
Inserting equation (\[eq:Rho\]) into equation (\[eq:Integral\_rho\]), we find that the integral is analytically tractable. The closed-form expression for the column density is then$$\Sigma \left( x\right)=\frac{2 a ^{2}\varrho _{\mathrm{c}}}{\sqrt{x^{2}+a^{2}}}\arctan
\left( \frac{\sqrt{R^{2}-x^{2}}}{\sqrt{x^{2}+a^{2}}}\right).
\label{eq:Sigma_pre}$$This can be re-written in terms of the central column density by introducing the ratio $c\equiv R/a$, called the concentration in @King1962. With $\Sigma \left( x=0\right)\equiv \Sigma _{\mathrm{c}} = 2a\varrho _{\mathrm{c}}\arctan \left( c\right)$ we find $$\begin{aligned}
\Sigma \left( x\right)
&=&\frac{\Sigma _{\mathrm{c}}}{\sqrt{1+\left(x/a\right)^{2}}} \notag \\ &\quad& \times \left[\left.{{\arctan\left( \sqrt{\frac{c^{2}-\left(x/a\right)^{2}}{1+\left(x/a\right)^{2}}} \right)} }\right/ {\arctan \left(c\right)}\right].
\label{eq:Sigma}\end{aligned}$$ Fig. \[fig:SigmaGeneric\] demonstrates that this profile possesses generic features that it shares with observations, collapse solutions, and with the BE model: a flat central region, a power-law decline, and steepening at the edge. We note that the effect of the boundary is exclusively contained in the factor in square brackets.
The quantity $c$ determines the size of the region described by the power-law. If it is large, there is a pronounced power-law, whereas if $c$ approaches unity, the cut-off already dominates near the flat region and inhibits the power-law.
![ Plots of equation (\[eq:Sigma\]) for varying $c\equiv R/a$. All cases have identical values for $a$. The central column densities are chosen to be different in order for the plots not to overlap. The solid line illustrates the three major characteristics of this function: the flat region in the centre of size $a$, the adjacent power-law decline $\propto x^{-1}$, a steepening at the edge for geometric reasons (see text), out to the cut-off radius $R$. In this case, $c=50$. The dashed-line shows a model dominated by the power-law regime, with $c>1000$. $R$ is chosen so that the influence of the cut-off is negligible. The long-dashed line finally demonstrates that the power-law can be suppressed entirely if $R \ga a$. In this case, $c=5$. []{data-label="fig:SigmaGeneric"}](f2.eps){width="\hsize"}
The three parameters to fit are (i) the outer radius $R$, (ii) the central column density $\Sigma _{\mathrm{c}}$, and (iii) the size of the flat region $a$. The latter contains the product of $k$ and $\sqrt{T}$, as shown in equation (\[eq:DefinitionA\]). If the temperature is pre-determined, $a$ only depends on the value of $k$. This then allows for a stability assessment, as demonstrated in the following section.
Model parameters {#subsec:params_spher}
The pressure in an isothermal system is given by $P=c_{\mathrm{s}}^{2}\varrho$, and hence the pressure gradient for the spherically symmetric volume density profile of equation (\[eq:Rho\]) is$$\frac{dP}{dr}=c_{\mathrm{s}}^{2}\frac{d\varrho }{dr}=\frac{-2c_{\mathrm{s}}
^{2}\varrho _{\mathrm{c}}r}{a^{2}\left[ 1+\left( r/a\right) ^{2}\right] ^{2}}.$$In the inner regions, where $r\ll a$,$$\frac{dP}{dr}|_{r\ll a}=\frac{-2c_{\mathrm{s}}^{2}\varrho _{\mathrm{c}}r}{a^{2}}.$$This demonstrates a simple point: the larger the flat region $a$, the smaller the pressure gradient in that region. The minimal value for $a$ is reached in an equilibrium situation. A larger $a$ would result in a smaller pressure gradient, gravity would win out, and collapse would ensue. Conversely, for $a$ smaller than its equilibrium value the pressure force would dominate, causing expansion. However, that case is not probable since a profile with $\varrho \propto r^{-2}$ mandates a strong gravitational influence.
Another well-known model besides the SIS is the so-called Larson-Penston solution (LP solution), a self-similar spherical collapse solution, assuming a homogeneous initial density distribution [@Larson1969; @Penston1969]. This highly dynamical model does not assume equilibrium, and asymptotically reaches a density profile for which $$\varrho _{\mathrm{LP}}= 4.4~\varrho _{\mathrm{SIS}}$$everywhere. We now want to find an expression for the parameter $a$ in the SIS and the LP models. In the outer regions, equation (\[eq:Rho\]) becomes$$\varrho \left( r\gg a\right) \approx \frac{\varrho _{\mathrm{c}}a^{2}}{r^{2}} = \frac{\widetilde{k}c_{\mathrm{s}}^{2}}{2\pi Gr^{2}},$$where $\widetilde{k}\equiv 2\pi k^{2}=1$ for the SIS (equilibrium) and $\widetilde{k}=4.4$ for the asymptotic LP collapse solution. Therefore$$k\equiv\sqrt{\frac{\widetilde{k}}{2\pi }}=\left\{
0.399 & \text{for SIS}, \\
0.837 & \text{for LP}. \end{array} \right.$$This has a direct application to observed prestellar cores. If an estimate for the core temperature is available, equation (\[eq:Sigma\]) can be fit to the column density profile, with $k$ as a fitting parameter. If $k \approx 0.4$, the system can be considered to be in equilibrium. If $k$ is significantly larger than $0.4$, and closer to $1$, the cloud under scrutiny is collapsing.
![ Comparison between the BE sphere (dashed line) and our model (solid lines) for identical central temperature and cut-off radius. The top line is our model with $k=0.837$, for which the profile approaches the asymptotic LP solution. The lower line shows $k=0.399$, for which the SIS profile is reached. The dashed line represents the BE model, which also asymptotically approaches the SIS. []{data-label="fig:BEvsSISvsLPvsGeneric"}](f3.eps){width="\hsize"}
Fig. \[fig:BEvsSISvsLPvsGeneric\] shows our model with $a$ chosen to converge to either the SIS or the asymptotic LP solution. We also plot the equilibrium BE model. In order to avoid boundary effects, the outer radius was moved to $\approx 10^{2}~c_{\mathrm{s}}/\sqrt{G\varrho_{\mathrm{c}}}$. The BE profile does not join onto the SIS profile right away. It overshoots, then steepens and asymptotically approaches the SIS profile at large radii.
We may ask which value of $k$ is most appropriate to model a critical BE sphere. The overshoot effectively produces a larger flat region if the solution is truncated at $\xi _{\mathrm{s}}=\xi _{\mathrm{crit}}$. The resultant $a$ has to be larger than for the SIS. Having fixed the temperature this can only be achieved by increasing $k$, as we show in Fig. \[fig:BEvsGeneric\]. Profile (a) shows a subcritical BE sphere, i.e. a stable equilibrium solution. In this case, there is no discernible power-law region and the central flat region makes up a significant portion of the total radius. The cut-off becomes dominant just outside the flat region, and the best-fit dimensionless dynamics parameter is $k=0.63$. Note that the density contrast is less than an *e*-folding, which means a mean column density enhancement of $<40\%$ over the background. Such an object would not be observationally characterized as a prestellar core [@AndreEtAl2009].
Profile (c) in Fig. \[fig:BEvsGeneric\] shows the opposite situation, where the power-law portion of the profile is fit, and $k=0.46$ is closer to the equilibrium value. As shown in Fig. \[fig:BEvsSISvsLPvsGeneric\], the BE model initially has a power-law index steeper than $-2$. This is the reason why the profiles do not match up as well as for the other cases. Profile (b) finally shows a critical BE sphere. A density contrast greater than $\varrho _{\mathrm{c}}/ \varrho _{\mathrm{s}} = 14.0$ would characterize an unstable equilibrium, initiating collapse upon the smallest of perturbations. The two profiles are very similar, only minor deviations are discernible. In order to fit our model to the overshoot of the BE profile over the SIS, $a$ has to be larger, which can only be achieved by $k=0.54$. We demonstrate this effect on the examples of B68 and L1689B in Sections \[subsec:B68\] and \[subsec:L1689B\]: as a consistency check, we insert the derived BE temperatures into our model, and indeed find $k=0.57$ and $k=0.56$ respectively. Note that the BE model *is* a valid model in absence of any effects other than gravity and thermal pressure, and thus we conclude that in this case, not the asymptotic value of $k=0.4$ but rather the critical BE value of $k=0.54$ is relevant for the stability assessment. We stress that if $k$ is significantly larger than that, it is strongly indicative of collapse.
![ Fit of the integrated column density of various BE spheres (dashed lines) with our model (solid lines). (a) is a subcritical (stable) model, while (b) shows a critical BE sphere. In that case, $k=0.54$ (see text for explanation). (c) presents a fit to a highly supercritical (unstable) BE model. []{data-label="fig:BEvsGeneric"}](f4.eps){width="\hsize"}
Since the BE model effectively has $k \approx 0.5$ and collapsing clouds have $k \approx 1.0$, trying to force a BE model fit to such a cloud results in spurious higher temperatures. This can be seen in @Bacmann2000. A factor of $2$ in the dimensionless dynamics parameter $k$ needs to be compensated by a factor of $4$ in temperature when fitting a BE equilibrium state.
Total mass
Both our model and the BE sphere have a well-defined outer radius, and the total mass depends on it. For the profile of equation (\[eq:Rho\]), the total mass has a closed-form expression. Evaluating $\int_{0}^{R}4\pir^{2}\varrho \left( r\right) dr$ yields$$M=4\pi \varrho _{\mathrm{c}}a^{3}\left[ \frac{R}{a}-\arctan
\left( \frac{R}{a}\right) \right].
\label{eq:Mass}$$There is evidence for some power-law behaviour in most observed profiles [e.g., @Bacmann2000]. In such a situation, the value of $R/a$ must be at least $\ga 10$ (cf. Fig. \[fig:SigmaGeneric\]). Then, the contribution of $\arctan
\left( c \right)$ is quite close to its limiting value of $\pi /2$, and the total mass is given by$$M\approx 4\pi \varrho _{\mathrm{c}} a^{2}R = 4\pi k^{2}R c_{\mathrm{s}}^{2}/G$$with $<15\%$ error. The equivalent expression for the BE model is (derived assuming an SIS profile at large radii) $$M _{\mathrm{BE}}\approx 2 R c_{\mathrm{s}}^{2}/G.$$
Both expressions for the masses are linearly dependent on the unknown radius $R$. For a given (measured) temperature, our model additionally invokes the dimensionless dynamics parameter $k$, which is well constrained by the size of the flat region. The BE mass instead depends on the temperature of the fit, which we show in Sections \[subsec:params\_spher\] and \[subsec:L1689B\] to potentially be a very poor value, and prone to overestimation by as much as a factor of $4$.
Disc geometry {#sec:DiskGeometry}
Basic model {#subsec:model_disk}
Most observed cores do not appear circular in projection. A corresponding analysis as in Section \[subsec:params\_spher\] can be done for a disc-like geometry as well. Here, a generic face-on column density profile is$$\sigma \left( r\right) =\left\{
\sigma _{\mathrm{c}}\left/{\sqrt{1+\left(r/a\right) ^{2}}}\right. & r\leq R, \\
0 & r>R. \end{array} \right.
\label{eq:disk_sigma}$$This profile provides a good fit to the column density of collapsing flattened clouds [@Basu1997], even though the models in that paper are not truncated.
Assuming vertical hydrostatic equilibrium and ignoring the effect of external pressure, the volume density is proportional to the square of the column density$$c_{\mathrm{s}}^{2}\varrho =\frac{\pi }{2}G\sigma ^{2},$$and the density accordingly is given by$$\varrho \left( r\right) =\frac{\pi G}{2c_{\mathrm{s}}^{2}}\frac{\sigma _{ \mathrm{c}}^{2}}{1+\left( r/a\right) ^{2}}.$$The assumption of vertical hydrostatic equilibrium is well justified by simulations when some source of flattening is present, such as rotation [@Narita1984], or magnetic fields [@FiedlerMouschovias1993]. Abbreviating $\pi G \sigma_{\mathrm{c}}^{2}/\left(2c_{\mathrm{s}}^{2}\right) = \varrho _{\mathrm{c}}$, the volume density profile has exactly the same form as for the spherical case (with a different constant).
Model parameters {#subsec:params_disk}
Integrating $\varrho \left( r\right)$ through the disc viewed edge-on, the column density versus the offset $x$ has the same functional form as derived above for the spherical case in equation (\[eq:Sigma\]). The only difference is that the central column density is now given by $\Sigma
_{\mathrm{c}}=\pi k \sigma _{\mathrm{c}} \arctan \left( c\right)$, since for a thin disc, the relation between $a$ and the Jeans length is $$a=k\frac{c_{\mathrm{s}}^{2}}{G\sigma _{\mathrm{c}}}.
This similarity means that both a flattened and a spherical object (see Section \[sec:SphericalGeometry\]) can be fit with the same formula. Note that $\sigma \left( r\right)$ is the face-on column density, whereas $\Sigma \left( x\right)$ is its edge-on counterpart.
We can compare the (face-on) generic column density profile to one of an equilibrium solution, in order to get the minimal value for $a$, as done for the spherical case above. Here, the appropriate profile is the singular isothermal disc, characterized by$$\sigma _{\mathrm{SID}}=\frac{c_{\mathrm{s}}^{2}}{2\pi Gr}.$$Following the same steps as in Section \[subsec:params\_spher\], the large-radius asymptote of equation (\[eq:disk\_sigma\]) is $$\sigma \left( r\gg a\right) \approx \frac{\sigma _{\mathrm{c}}a}{r},$$yielding $a=c_{\mathrm{s}}^{2}/(2\pi G \sigma _{\mathrm{c}})$. Comparing this expression to equation (\[eq:Jeans\_length\_disk\]), we find $k=1/2\pi=0.160$ for equilibrium.
@SaigoHanawa1998 show that for an isothermal disc-like cloud during runaway collapse, the self-similar column density profile is given by $3.61~\sigma _{\mathrm{SID}}$, analogous to how the LP solution is over-dense compared to the SIS. This provides a good estimate for the value of the dimensionless dynamics parameter for a dynamically collapsing disc-like cloud, $k = 0.57$. Flattened cloud cores best fit with values for the dimensionless dynamics parameter $k \approx 0.2$ are therefore close to equilibrium, while $k \approx 0.6$ is strongly indicative of dynamical collapse.
### Effect of magnetic fields {#subsubsec:magneticfields}
Inclusion of magnetic fields into a spherical model poses a problem: the magnetic field lines cannot be arranged in a spherically symmetric way. There has to be a preferred direction. However, in disc-like geometry, the axis perpendicular to the disc is preferred already, and can be chosen as the axis of orientation of a large-scale magnetic field. Starting with initially straight field lines through a collapsing astrophysical gas sphere, flattening ensues along this preferred direction. Matter can contract significantly along the field lines, but the Lorentz force will impede motions perpendicular to the field [@Mouschovias1976].
In the limit of a magnetic field much stronger than the field of the ambient cloud, @Basu1997, @NakamuraHanawa1997 and @ShuLi1997 showed that the contribution of the magnetic field can be folded into a force calculation of the collapse of a magnetized disc by magnetic pressure modifying the effective sound speed, and magnetic tension changing the effective gravitational constant. Then we can write [see @Basu1998] $$a=k\frac{c_{\mathrm{s}}^{2}\left( 1+2\mu ^{-2}\right) }{G\sigma _{ \mathrm{c}}\left( 1-\mu ^{-2}\right) }.$$We use the standard definition of the mass-to-flux ratio in units of the critical value : $$\mu=\frac{\sigma \left( r\right)}{B _{z} \left( r\right)} 2\pi \sqrt{G}.$$Collapse requires $\mu >1$, otherwise the magnetic forces will dominate over gravity and stabilize the cloud, and evolution can only happen on long time scales by ambipolar diffusion [see, e.g., @ShuAdamsLizano1987].
We can absorb the modification into an effective $k$, writing it as $k _{\mathrm{eff}}=k \left(1+2\mu^{-2} \right)\left( 1-\mu^{-2}\right)^{-1}$. The value $k=0.160$ as derived for the non-magnetic case remains the minimal value, while $k _{\mathrm{eff}}$ can exceed it by a factor of $1.1$ to $2$ for $\mu\approx 2-5$, which is a reasonable estimate for supercritical cores [@CiolekMouschovias1994; @BasuMouschovias1994]. This means $k _{\mathrm{eff}}\la 0.3$, which leaves it still a factor of $2$ smaller than the value for the dimensionless dynamics parameter for dynamical collapse ($k \approx 0.6$, as shown above), and thus clearly distinguishable.
### Effect of rotation {#subsubsec:rotation}
Similar to the problem for magnetic fields, rotation cannot be considered in strict spherical symmetry. In fact, rotation can be the cause of disc-like geometry, as a collapsing rotating spherical cloud will flatten along the rotation axis before contracting in the radial direction.
There exist self-similar solutions for the collapse of a rotating thin disc [@Narita1984; @SaigoHanawa1998]. Following the discussion in @Basu1997, one can express the additional effect of rotation as an effective acceleration $a_{\mathrm{eff}}=a _{\mathrm{T}}\left(1+a _{\mathrm{C}}/a _{\mathrm{T}}\right)$, where $a _{\mathrm{T}}$ is the thermal acceleration, while $a _{\mathrm{C}}$ denotes the centrifugal acceleration. Assuming the column density profile of equation (\[eq:disk\_sigma\]) and proportionality between the specific angular momentum and enclosed mass, this leads to $$a _{\mathrm{C}}/a _{\mathrm{T}} \approx 3 \times 10^{-3}.
\label{eq:thermal_over_rotational_acc}$$This number is computed for a background rotation rate of the molecular cloud $\Omega _{\mathrm{c}}=10^{-14}~\mathrm{rad~s^{-1}}$, a central column number density $N _{\mathrm{c}} = 10^{21}~\mathrm{cm}^{-2}$, and a temperature $T=10~\mathrm{K}$. Hence, we find that the effective radial acceleration opposing gravity exceeds the thermal acceleration by less than $1\%$. This shows that, unlike magnetic forces, rotation does not significantly modify the size of the flat region and hence the dimensionless dynamics parameter $k$.
Applications {#sec:Applications}
We fit both the BE model and our model to observational data by determining the best-fitting parameters using a standard Levenberg-Marquardt least-squares minimization algorithm based on MINPACK.
B68 {#subsec:B68}
We fit our model to B68, the prime example in the literature for an extraordinarily good fit of the BE model to a (angular-averaged) column density profile measured in near-IR dust extinction [@Alves2001]. B68 is an isolated Bok globule, a small dark cloud which has been studied extensively. @Alves2001 assume a distance of $125~\mathrm{pc}$ and quote a BE mass of $2.1~\mathrm{M}_{\odot }$, a temperature of $T=16~\mathrm{K}$, an outer radius of $12,500~\mathrm{au}$, and a dimensionless outer radius $\xi_{\mathrm{s}} =6.9\pm 0.2$. @HotzelEtAl2002 and @LaiEtAl2003 more recently updated some of these values by measuring the temperature to be $T=10\pm 1.2~\mathrm{K}$ and $T=11\pm 0.9~\mathrm{K}$, respectively, and estimated the cloud to be closer by about $25~\mathrm{pc}$, placing it at the near side of the Ophiuchus complex. This reduces the outer radius and decreases the BE mass to $\approx 1~\mathrm{M}_{\odot }$, but does not change the value for $\xi_{\mathrm{s}}$, as that is determined by the shape of the profile.
We perform a similar analysis as @Alves2001. We calculate a BE sphere, vary the temperature, the dimensionless and physical outer radii $\xi_{\mathrm{s}}$ and $R$, and fit the line-of-sight integral to the observational data, assuming a distance of $100~\mathrm{pc}$. This procedure yields a BE mass of $M=1.17~M_{\odot }$, a BE model temperature of $T=11.1~\mathrm{K}$, and a central number density of $n_{\mathrm{c}}=2.3\times 10^{5}~\mathrm{cm}^{-3}$. The outer radius of the best BE fit is $10,680~\mathrm{au}$, and the dimensionless outer radius $\xi_{\mathrm{s}} =7.0$. The best fit of our model to the same data yields a total mass of $M=1.2~M_{\odot }$, $R=10,420~\mathrm{au}$, and $n_{\mathrm{c}}=2.7\times 10^{5}~\mathrm{cm}^{-3}$. The size of the flat region is $a=2,830~\mathrm{au}$. Assuming a temperature of $T=11~\mathrm{K}$, as in the observations mentioned above, this corresponds to $k=0.57$. We showed in Section \[subsec:params\_spher\] that a critical BE sphere is fit with $k=0.54$, and we conclude that the internal structure of B68 may indeed very closely resemble a critical BE sphere. Fig. \[fig:FitB68\] shows that the best fits to B68 of the BE sphere and our model differ by very little over the whole range of data.
The BE analysis is much more involved and computationally expensive than our model. It necessitates a numerical solution of the Lane-Emden equation. This ordinary differential equation (ODE) underlies the BE model, and does not have a general analytical solution. The numerical solution is truncated at the dimensionless radius $\xi_{\mathrm{s}}$ and converted into physical units. Only then can one integrate along lines of sight through the solution numerically, yielding the column density to be compared with observational data. In contrast, fitting our model to a dataset requires less than a dozen lines of code.
![ Best fit of the BE model (dashed line) and our model (solid line) to the column density of B68 [@Alves2001]. Both fits follow the data points extremely closely and yield very similar results for the total mass (see text). Like the BE model, our model fit is consistent with an equilibrium cloud. []{data-label="fig:FitB68"}](f5.eps){width="\hsize"}
L1689B {#subsec:L1689B}
Another prestellar core to which we apply our model is L1689B. Its central column density is much greater and it is more extended than B68. Furthermore, it is not isolated, but rather embedded within the larger complex of the Ophiuchus molecular cloud. Its profile was measured by @Bacmann2000 using mid-IR absorption observations and updated by @AndreEtAl2003. We use the East-West profile, which shows evidence of steepening in the outer regions.
The BE fit to the data in Fig. \[fig:FitL1689B\] yields $\xi_{\mathrm{s}}=11.2$ (supercritical, unstable core) and a mass of $M=9.3~\mathrm{M}_{\odot }$, similar to what @AndreEtAl2003 found. Fitting our model results in $M=9.1~\mathrm{M}_{\odot }$. However, in contrast to the case of B68, the temperatures of the two fits are vastly different. The BE model requires a temperature $T=40~\mathrm{K}$, whereas our model can achieve the same quality of fit with a temperature $T=10~\mathrm{K}$. We fit the size of the flat region $a=3,600~\mathrm{au}$ which is a combination of the temperature and $k$. A temperature of $T=10~\mathrm{K}$ mandates $k=1.1$, which is very far from the value required for equilibrium, and even surpasses the value $k=0.837$ achieved in the highly dynamical asymptotic LP solution. As discussed in Section \[subsec:params\_spher\], this is a strong indication that L1689B cannot be in equilibrium, but must instead be collapsing.
Again, our model fits this dynamically evolving object just as well as it fit the presumably almost static B68. It can do so without introducing inconsistent temperatures, and with much less computational and coding effort.
![ Best fit of the BE model (dashed line) and our model (solid line) to the column density of L1689B, as measured by @AndreEtAl2003. Again, both fits are very similar and yield observationally almost indistinguishable results. However, the BE model requires a relatively high temperature of $T=40~\mathrm{K}$, while our model can fit the data with $T=10~\mathrm{K}$. The dimensionless dynamics parameter $k=1.1$, which means that the cloud is collapsing. []{data-label="fig:FitL1689B"}](f6.eps){width="\hsize"}
Summary and conclusions {#sec:summary}
We have introduced an analytic profile for the integrated line-of-sight column density of an isothermal spherical or flattened cloud. This cloud can either be in equilibrium or in a state of dynamical collapse. Our model is very simple to calculate compared to the BE model, and a few lines of code suffice to find a best-fit set of parameters. Another advantage lies in its ability to also encompass non-equilibrium states. The dimensionless dynamics parameter $k$ allows one to assess whether a cloud is near equilibrium or vigorously collapsing. At the same time, our model does not produce inconsistencies like the BE model regarding the object’s temperature (which can be treated as a constrained quantity and not a free parameter).
Our model can be applied both to spherical and to flattened clouds, and in both cases yields the same functional form for the column density $\Sigma \left( x\right)$. It fits the size of the central flat region and allows the modeller to adjust either $k$ or the temperature to match it.
Results of fitting our model to B68 show that it is indeed a near-equilibrium cloud, with parameters very similar to the best-fit BE model. For L1689B, our model avoids the need for a high temperature (the BE model requires $T=40~\mathrm{K}$) since it can be interpreted as having a temperature of $T=10~\mathrm{K}$ but being in a state of dynamical collapse. This finding is confirmed by the detection of infall motions for L1689B by means of the shape of the line profiles in optically-thick molecular transitions [@Bacmann2000; @LeeEtAl2004]. In the future, our model can be applied to many other prestellar cores.
Acknowledgements {#acknowledgements .unnumbered}
We thank Joao Alves for giving access to his data on B68. We also thank Philippe André for his data on L1689B and for his comments on the manuscript. SB was supported by a research grant from NSERC.
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[^1]: E-mail: [email protected] (WD)
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abstract: |
The role of magnetic fields in the early stages of star formation is not well constrained. In order to discriminate between different star formation models, we analyze 3D magnetohydrodynamic simulations of low-mass cores and explore the correlation between magnetic field orientation and outflow orientation over time. We produce synthetic observations of dust polarization at resolutions comparable to millimeter-wave dust polarization maps observed by CARMA and compare these with 2D visualizations of projected magnetic field and column density. Cumulative distribution functions of the projected angle between the magnetic field and outflow show different degrees of alignment in simulations with differing mass-to-flux ratios. The distribution function for the less magnetized core agrees with observations finding random alignment between outflow and field orientations, while the more magnetized core exhibits stronger alignment. We find that fractional polarization increases when the system is viewed such that the magnetic field is close to the plane of the sky, and the values of fractional polarization are consistent with observational measurements. The simulation outflow, which reflects the underlying angular momentum of the accreted gas, changes direction significantly over the first $\sim0.1$ Myr of evolution. This movement could lead to the observed random alignment between outflows and the magnetic fields in protostellar cores.\
- 'Joyce W. Y. Lee'
- 'Charles L. H. Hull'
- 'Stella S. R. Offner'
- 'biblio.bib'
title: Synthetic Observations of Magnetic Fields in Protostellar Cores
Introduction {#sec:intro}
Magnetic fields have long been thought to be significant in regulating star formation [@Shu1987; @Mckee1993], but their influence during the gravitational collapse of a dense core remains unclear. The collapse of clouds to form stars is regulated by a combination of magnetic and turbulent support, which act against gravity. The significance of magnetic forces is quantified by the mass-to-flux ratio, M$_\Phi $ = M/$\Phi$, or the ratio of the gravitational potential energy to magnetic energy ($B^2$/8$\pi$). A cloud must be super-critical (M$_\Phi$ > 1), i.e., the gravitational energy must exceed the magnetic energy, for a protostar to form [@Crutcher2012]. A sub-critical cloud (M$_\Phi$ < 1) is magnetically supported and therefore will not collapse.e.g.,
A variety of prior observations have informed our current understanding of magnetic fields in star formation. Polarimetric observations provide evidence of magnetic fields in molecular clouds and nebulae, as oblong dust grains tend to be aligned by magnetic fields [e.g., @Lazarian2007]. Observations of background starlight polarization, caused by absorption by aligned dust grains, include studies of the Musca Dark Cloud [@Pereyra2004], the Pipe Nebula [@Franco2010] and the Lupus I molecular cloud [@Franco2015]. Studies in the (sub)millimeter regime have analyzed polarized thermal emission from aligned dust grains, and span spatial scales from molecular clouds [@Planck2015a; @Planck2015b; @Planck2015c] to protostellar cores [@Matthews2009; @Dotson2010], envelopes [@Girart2006; @Girart2009; @Stephens2013; @Hull2013; @Hull2014; @Zhang2014], and protostellar disks [@Stephens2014; @Rao2014].
Investigations into magnetic field orientations across spatial scales provide additional insight . @HuaBaiLi2009 used optical background-starlight polarimetry to probe field morphology on cloud scales (200pc) and sub-millimeter dust polarimetry to probe fields on much smaller core scales (a few $\times$ 0.1pc). They showed that magnetic-field orientations are broadly consistent from cloud- to core-scales.
A second, related open problem in star formation concerns the evolution of angular momentum from large to small spatial scales [@mckee07]. Magnetic torques can provide an efficient braking mechanism and thus remove angular momentum on small scales [e.g., @mestel85]. At intermediate scales, star-forming cores are observed to have rotation [@Goodman93; @Chen2007; @Tobin2011], which may be influenced by the geometry of the local magnetic field [@Dib10]. However, it is not clear whether the angular momentum vector of the dense gas typically aligns with the magnetic field direction on < 1pc scales. On sub-AU scales the magnetic field is essential to launching and collimating outflows, although the exact mechanisms are disputed [@2014prpl.conf..451F; @2014prpl.conf..173L].
In the case of tight alignment between the rotational axis and magnetic field orientation, outflows would be aligned with the field, i.e., perpendicular to a rotationally supported disk. Where there are strong fields, this aligned scenario restricts the formation of disks, resulting in the “magnetic braking catastrophe” [e.g., @2003ApJ...599..363A]. In contrast, disk growth is promoted by misalignment between the field and rotation axis [@Hennebelle2009; @Joos2012; @Krumholz2013; @Li2013] and by non-ideal MHD effects such as ambipolar diffusion and Ohmic dissipation [e.g., @DappBasu2010; @Li2011; @Machida2011; @MachidaMatsumoto2011; @Dapp2012; @Machida2013; @Tomida2013].
The distribution of the alignment of the rotation axis and the magnetic field direction in dense gas is as yet unknown. Observational studies have reached different conclusions regarding the alignment of fields and outflows in cores, where the outflow is used to trace the angular momentum direction of the star and the disk. Tight alignment between the outflow and magnetic field orientations has been found in studies like that of @Chapman2013, who mapped polarization towards Class 0 protostars on $\sim$10,000AU scales. However, interferometric results from a survey by CARMA (the Combined Array for Research in Millimeter-wave Astronomy) on $\sim$1000AU scales showed that outflows and magnetic fields are not tightly aligned but may be randomly aligned [@Hull2013; @Hull2014]. This indicates that the magnetic field behavior may change across spatial scales.
Given the observational expense and technical difficulty of studying magnetic fields, only a handful of high resolution surveys have been performed. Therefore, in search of an explanation of these results, we turn to simulations that contain full physical information at much higher resolutions than observations. For a meaningful comparison with observations we model emission via radiative transfer, creating a “synthetic observation” [@2011IAUS..270..511G].
Although a variety of studies have created synthetic observations of simulations [e.g., @2008AJ....136..404O; @2011IAUS..270..511G; @Offner2011], only a few studies exist of synthetic magnetic field observations of cores modeled with full 3D magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) [@Matsumoto2006; @Tomisaka2011; @Frau2011; @Kataoka2012; @Li2015]. In this investigation, we perform radiative transfer on 3D MHD simulations that include both radiative and outflow feedback. To understand the alignment (or lack thereof) between outflows and magnetic fields, we measure the average magnetic field orientations in synthetic dust polarization maps and the outflow direction from visualizations, and compare the synthetic results with observational studies.
We produce visualizations and synthetic observations of two simulations of low-mass young stellar objects (YSOs) with differing mass-to-flux ratios. By viewing the simulations at different angles and times, we generate a survey of synthetic “sources.” We compare the polarization fractions of the synthetic maps with polarization fractions from observations. We also produce cumulative distribution functions (CDFs) of the angle between the outflow and magnetic field direction. Finally, we examine the origin of random alignment and the evolution of outflows over time.
We first present the details of the numerical simulations (§\[sec:method1\]). We then explain the post-processing and the generation of synthetic dust polarization (§\[sec:method2\] & §\[sec:method3\]). We present the results (§\[sec:results\]) before discussing conclusions and future work (§\[sec:conclusions\]).
Numerical Simulations {#sec:method1}
We analyze two ideal MHD simulations of isolated, collapsing cores run by Offner et al. (in prep). The simulations were performed using <span style="font-variant:small-caps;">orion</span>, which solves the partial differential equations of MHD on an adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) grid [@PSLi2012]. In the ideal approximation the gas and field are treated as perfectly coupled. The simulations follow the collapse of a dense core, the subsequent formation of a protostar, and the interaction of the protostar with its surroundings through radiative feedback and a bipolar outflow.
The initial conditions and parameters are nearly identical to those described in @Offner2016, a study that focused on initial turbulent realizations that produced long-lived binary or multiple systems. The initial configuration consists of a uniform-density spherical core of cold gas (10K) surrounded by a warm (1000K) low-density medium. The initial density of the cold gas is 2.38 $\times$ 10$^{-19}$gcm$^{-3}$. The initial core has a mass of 4a radius of 0.065pc. The initial magnetic field is uniform and vertical in the $z$-direction. At $t=0$, the gas in the core is perturbed with a turbulent random velocity field, which is normalized to satisfy the input velocity dispersion (0.46). The initial turbulence is allowed to decay, with no further external energy injection.
The initial base grid resolution is $64^3$, but the dense core is refined by two additional levels via a density threshold refinement criterion. As the gas collapses, additional AMR levels are inserted when the density exceeds the Jeans condition for a Jeans number of $J$ = 0.125 [@1997ApJ...489L.179T]. The gas is also refined on radiation energy density gradients according to $\Delta E_r/E_r > 0.15$ and by up to two levels if $\Delta \rho/\rho > 0.6$, conditions which allow the warm circumstellar region and outflow cavity to be well-resolved. Each subsequent level increases the cell resolution by a factor of 2.
When the Jeans condition is violated on the fifth level, a sink particle is added [@2004ASPC..323..401K]. The sink particle includes a sub-grid model for radiation feedback and outflow launching [@Offner2009; @2011ascl.soft04002C]. The outflow is launched via an X-wind model based upon @1999ApJ...526L.109M, such that $f_{\rm out}=0.2$ of the accreting material is launched in an outflow [e.g., @Cunningham2011; @Hansen2012; @OffnerArce2014; @Myers2014]. Without such a model, outflows produced in magnetized simulations with resolutions coarser than 1AU are slow and not well collimated or absent altogether [@Seifried2012; @Machida2013; @Kataoka2012; @Joos2013].
The model defines the outflow axis to be parallel to the net angular momentum vector of the protostar, which is set by the protostellar accretion history [for details see @Fielding15]. The outflow velocity is given by the Keplerian velocity near the protostellar radius: $v_{\rm K} =f_{\rm K} \sqrt{Gm_p/r_p}$, where $f_{\rm K} = 0.3$, $m_p$ is the instantaneous protostellar mass, and $r_p$ is based on a stellar evolution model that incorporates the internal state and accretion history of the protostar [@Offner2009]. The opening angle, $\theta_p$, over which the outflow momentum is distributed on the grid, is a free parameter. However, it is constrained by observed outflow properties, and we adopt $\theta_p = 0.01$, which appears typical for low-mass protostellar outflows [@1999ApJ...526L.109M; @Cunningham2011]. @OffnerArce2014 vary $\theta_p$ and $f_{\rm out}$ and find that they have a mild impact on the overall star formation efficiency and outflow characteristics. However, these parameters do not solely determine the outflow properties; the interaction between the outflow and turbulent core envelope also impacts the large-scale outflow properties [see also @Offner2011; @Joos2013]. Here, the outflow direction is set by the angular momentum of the accreted turbulent gas [@Offner2016]. Since turbulence within the core is in turn regenerated by the outflow as shown by @OffnerArce2014, the outflow and turbulence are inter-dependent and evolve in tandem.
In our study we analyze two simulations with mass-to-flux ratios of $M_\Phi=2.5$ and $M_\Phi=1.5$, which we coin “S2.5” and “S1.5.” These correspond to initial magnetic field strengths of B = 41 $\mu$G and B = 68 $\mu $G, respectively. Each calculation evolves until shortly after 0.5Myr. The protostar forms around 0.25Myr in S2.5 and 0.35Myr in S1.5. S2.5 forms a second protostar; however, its mass remains small ( $< 0.1\,M_\odot$). At 0.38Myr the secondary approaches within $\sim$200AU of the primary and merges with it.
Post-processing {#sec:method2}
We render the 3D solutions into 2D projection plots of density, magnetic field, and energy density using the Python toolkit `yt` [@Turk2011].
In order to trace the outflow direction of the system at various time steps, we produce projections of the energy density from different viewing angles. For each time step we view the outflow from the positive $x$-, $y$-, and $z$-directions. By viewing the synthetic sources from orthogonal perspectives we eliminate biased projections, mimicking the effects of observing the system isotropically. We also examine the impact of system orientation on the perceived direction of the outflow by considering small changes in viewing angle; we view the system at $\theta = 0\degree, 30\degree, 45\degree, 60\degree$, and $90\degree$, where $\theta=0\degree$ corresponds to the view of the $x$-$y$ plane from the direction of the $z$-axis (“face-on”) and $\theta = 90\degree$ corresponds to the view of the $x$-$z$ plane from the direction of the $y$-axis (“edge-on”). (See Figures \[fig:Energy density xyz\] and \[fig:Energy density 304560\].)
Thermal dust polarization probes the magnetic field in the plane of the sky; therefore, we first create visualizations of the raw magnetic field data by calculating the 2D magnetic field direction in the plane of the sky from the 3-component magnetic field. The magnetic flux at each point in the grid is calculated by summing along the line of sight and dividing by the data resolution. This, combined with visualizations of the column density, provides information on the magnetic field orientation and total dust continuum (Stokes $I$) emission before radiative transfer. By combining a series of visualizations over a period of time, we observe the changes in magnetic field morphology over the course of the protostar’s lifetime.
Synthetic Dust Polarization (Radiative Transfer) {#sec:method3}
We process the simulation data using the ray-tracing radiative transfer code `DustPol` [@Padovani2012], which is part of the “Adaptive Radiative Transfer Innovations for Submillimeter Telescopes” (`ARTIST`) package. `ARTIST` is based on `LIME` (Line Modeling Engine) [@Brinch2010], a non-local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE) Monte Carlo radiative transfer code that allows adaptive 3D ray-tracing. `LIME` reads in values of $x$, $y,$ and $z$ in a Cartesian co-ordinate system and requires density and 3-component magnetic field information for every point in the cube.
The ray-tracing algorithm generates a Delaunay grid that allows adaptive smoothing. The grid is defined by the number of grid points and sink points. The grid points are distributed inside the model, which returns smoother results with a higher number of grid points. The number of sink points defines the chosen points on the surface, i.e., the surface density. More time is needed for a larger number of points; however, under-sampling creates artifacts in the image. We tested grids with different numbers of sink points and grid points to check for artifacts, converging on a Delaunay grid of 10,000 grid points and 6000 sink points.
We generate images in a range of sizes, including scales comparable to those typically viewed with CARMA ($\approx$1000AU). For our dust emission models, we set an object distance of 140 pc—approximately the same distance as the Ophiuchus molecular cloud.
The input tables of simulation data have physical spatial resolutions that are comparable to those of CARMA observations of objects at the given distance. We use a 512 $\times$ 512 grid of pixels with a pixel resolution of 0.7$\arcsec$, smoothed to an image resolution of 3$\arcsec$, which is comparable to the 2.5$\arcsec$ beam size of the observations. We use a frequency of 245GHz, which is near the center of the 210–270GHz bandwidth of the CARMA polarization system [@Hull2015].
The radiative transfer model assumes a fixed gas-to-dust ratio of 1:100; we specify dust opacity values from tables calculated using the coagulation models detailed in for thin ice-mantles and gas densities on the order of $\sim$10$^{5}$cm$^{-3}$.
We use a maximum grain alignment efficiency of 15% for gas densities with H$_2$ number density $n\,<\,10^{12}$cm$^{-3}$ [@Padovani2012]. In dense regions with $n\,>\,10^{12}$cm$^{-3}$ the model assumes no alignment. We expect alignment everywhere because the input densities do not exceed $10^{12}$cm$^{-3}$. As noted in @Padovani2012, while a maximum grain alignment efficiency of 15% leads to values of the maximum polarization fraction that are consistent with observations, it is still fundamentally an arbitrary parameter. For both our edge-on and face-on simulations, we have explored the dependence of maximum polarization fraction on the maximum grain alignment efficiency (see Figure \[fig:maxp\] in the Appendix).
`LIME` returns three image slices corresponding to the Stokes $I$, $Q,$ and $U$ parameters (the total dust continuum emission and linearly polarized components, respectively). We reconstruct these parameters into a Stokes $I$ (total dust emission) contour map and an array of polarization orientations with polarization angle, $\chi$, defined as
$$\chi= \frac{1}{2} \arctan\left(\frac{U}{Q}\right)
We define the magnetic field orientation to be perpendicular to the polarization orientation [@Lazarian2011].
Synthetic CO Observations {#sec:synCO}
We complement our outflow identification by producing synthetic maps of $^{12}$CO(2–1), a line commonly used to identify molecular outflows. We use [radmc-3d]{}[^1] to perform the line radiative transfer. We adopt the non-LTE large velocity gradient (LVG) approximation and use the molecular excitation and collisional data from the Leiden atomic and molecular database [@Schoier2005].
For the radiative transfer step, we flatten the AMR data to a uniform 256$^3$ grid for a region of 0.065 pc ($\Delta x=$52 AU). To convert the simulation mass densities to CO densities, we adopt an abundance of $10^{-4}$ CO per H$_2$ [e.g., @OffnerArce2014]. The CO abundance for gas with temperatures $>800$ K is set to zero to account for CO dissociation in the ionized jet. The CO abundance is also assumed to be zero for densities $n_{\rm H_2}>2 \times 10^4 ~{\rm cm}^{-3}$ to account for CO freeze-out onto dust grains in cold dense gas. The spectral cube velocities span $\pm 10$ km/s with a channel width of $dv=$0.08 km s$^{-1}$.
Results {#sec:results}
In order to compare the alignment of outflows and magnetic fields, we consider only the portion of the simulation data that corresponds to the youngest class of YSOs, namely, Class 0 objects [@1984ApJ...287..610L]. These are defined as protostars with spectral energy distributions that peak at sub-millimeter wavelengths ($\lambda > 20~\mu$m) and whose total mass is expected to be dominated by the envelope (i.e., $M_{\textrm{env}} >> M_{\textrm{protostar}}$) [@1984ApJ...287..610L; @Wilking1989]). However, the protostellar mass cannot be measured directly and the SED classification depends strongly on the viewing angle [@robitaille07; @Offner12]. Class 0 objects are associated with the main accretion phase, exhibit strong and centrally condensed dust continuum emission, and have clear bipolar outflows [@Andre2000; @2014prpl.conf..195D]. The last of these was a selection criterion of the Class 0 sources observed by @Hull2014. Since the Class 0 lifetime is estimated to last $\sim$0.1 Myr [@evans09], these sources are on average very young.
We render the visualizations and synthetic observations for each time step in the simulations from a number of different viewing angles. The face-on and edge-on views of the system are $\theta=0\degree$ and $\theta=90\degree$, respectively (see Figure \[fig:schematic\] for a schematic of the viewing orientations). Figure \[fig:Dustpol\] shows examples of face-on (top row) and edge-on views (middle and bottom rows) of S1.5 at $t=0.353$Myr. The right panels show synthetic thermal dust polarization and emission maps (see §\[sec:method3\]). The corresponding column density and projected magnetic field maps are on the left. The magnetic field orientations from the synthetic dust polarization maps are consistent with the magnetic field in the raw simulation visualizations. Features in column density also appear in the Stokes $I$ maps from `DustPol`.
In the top row of Figure \[fig:Dustpol\], which shows the face-on view of the magnetic field, there is no clear overall magnetic field orientation. In contrast, edge-on views from the $y$- and $x$-directions (middle and bottom rows of Figure \[fig:Dustpol\], respectively) show that the magnetic field morphology is vertical when viewed from both of these orthogonal edge-on views. We have produced additional edge-on synthetic observations using intermediate values of $\theta$ (not pictured here). Due to the initial azimuthal symmetry of the simulation and the fact that the initial magnetic field is in the $z$-direction, we find that all edge-on views look very similar.
There are also hints of the characteristic “hourglass” morphology in the edge-on views. This is similar to observations of hourglass-shaped fields in sources such as NGC 1333-IRAS 4A [@Girart2006] and L1157 [@Stephens2013; @Hull2014], where gravitational collapse of a strongly magnetized protostellar core is expected to pinch magnetic field lines.
Polarization Fraction {#polfrac}
To explore projection effects, we render projected energy density maps and synthetic polarization maps at viewing angles $\theta = 0\degree, 30\degree, 45\degree, 60\degree$ and $90\degree$, where $\theta=0\degree$ corresponds to the face-on view and $\theta = 90\degree$ corresponds to the edge-on view from the $y$-direction. Figure \[fig:Energy density xyz\] shows the orthogonal viewing angles along $x,$ $y,$ and $z$. Figure \[fig:Energy density 304560\] shows the views from $30\degree$, $45\degree$, and $60\degree$ (top to bottom). We present the synthetic dust polarization maps in the left panel with their corresponding energy density projections on the right.
\[fig:Energy density xyz\]
\[fig:Energy density 304560\]
We calculate the average value of polarization fraction for each dust polarization map by averaging the magnitude of the polarized intensity. The average polarization fraction, $\bar{P}_{\textrm{frac}}$, is sensitive to the weighting scheme used to derive it. Also, the locations of the peak intensities of the total and polarized emission are not the same for every source (this is the case for both our synthetic observations as well as real observations). Therefore, the fractional polarization $\bar{P}_{\textrm{frac}}$ is calculated using the mean (total) intensity, $\bar{I}$, and mean polarized intensity, $\bar{P}$, across the whole source: $\bar{P}_{\textrm{frac}}$ = $\bar{P}/\bar{I}$. We apply the cutoff conditions $P> 3\,\sigma_{P}$ and $I > 3\,\sigma_{I}$, where $\sigma_{P}$ is the rms noise of the polarized intensity ($\sigma_{P}\approx\sigma_{Q}\approx\sigma_{U}$) and $\sigma_{I}$ is the rms noise of the total intensity. As is generally the case for real observations, we measure both $\sigma_{P}$ and $\sigma_{I}$ in regions of our synthetic observations that are far from the central source.
Positive bias affects polarization measurements because Stokes $Q$ and $U$ parameters can take either positive or negative values, but polarized intensity is always positive. This bias can be corrected using the methods outlined in @Vaillancourt2006 and @Hull2015. We have not corrected for this bias in our polarization measurements; however, we neglect measurements at low signal-to-noise where the bias is significant, i.e., where $\bar{P} < 3\,\sigma_{P}$.
We compare the fractional polarization in the synthetic dust polarization maps across various inclination angles. In Figure \[fig:Pfracincl\], we plot the polarization fraction as a function of viewing angle, for $0\degree$ (face-on), $30\degree, 45\degree, 60\degree$, and $90\degree$ (edge-on). The data include the synthetic sources in the Class 0 regime from both simulations. However, we ignore cases where the outflow is not distinguishable clearly by eye because the comparable observational study selected sources on the basis of clear bipolar outflows.
Figure \[fig:Pfracincl\] shows that the sources with a higher initial mass-to-flux ratio (weaker magnetic field) have lower fractional polarization as well as a smaller range of polarization fraction values over time. These less magnetized sources are also less affected by inclination angle and exhibit a smaller gradient in polarization fraction vs. viewing angle in all cases. In the highly magnetized case, the gradient of $\bar{P}_{\textrm{frac}}$ from low to high inclination angles is much steeper for all times. This increase in polarization fraction as a function of inclination angle is consistent with the findings of @Kataoka2012, who performed synthetic observations of rotating, magnetized, non-turbulent protostellar cores.
We analyze a sample of 126 views[^2] from the two simulations that are equally distributed in time and are from a variety of viewing angles (i.e., the three orthogonal directions $x,$ $y,$ $z$ as well as views with inclination angles of 30$\degree$, 45$\degree$, and 60$\degree$). There were 89 high-polarization views, 31 low-polarization views, and 6 non-detections. As in the CARMA survey, the cutoff between low and high polarization is defined as $\bar{P}_{\textrm{frac}}=3\%$, and non-detections are views with $\bar{P}_{\textrm{frac}} < 1.3\%$ (i.e., below the detection limit of the survey). Of the 89 high-polarization views, 31 lie above the maximum $\bar{P}_{\textrm{frac}} = 5.8\%$ detected by CARMA in a low-mass protostellar source.
The non-detections are all face-on views from S1.5. A source with a perfectly vertical magnetic field would appear to have no magnetic flux when viewed along the field lines (i.e., when viewed from the face-on direction in our simulations). This is true at the outset of both simulations. However, in a highly magnetized source, the strong magnetic field better retains its vertical structure over time compared with a less magnetized source. This could explain why face-on views from S1.5 are not detected, but those from S2.5 are.
The 31 cases that lie above the maximum $\bar{P}_{\textrm{frac}}$ detected by CARMA (5.8%) are all from views with inclinations that are close to edge-on, which suggests that sources observed to have high polarization fractions are likely to have ordered magnetic fields that lie close to the plane of the sky.
To illustrate the general trends in polarization fraction, in Figure \[fig:pfrac\_hist\] we have plotted histograms of the polarization fraction for the S1.5 views, the S2.5 views, and the data from the CARMA TADPOL survey. As we note in Section \[sec:method3\], it is important to remember that the fractions of high- and low-polarization views that we quote above will scale with the grain alignment efficiency (see the Appendix). Assuming that 15% is a reasonable value for the maximum grain-alignment efficiency, we see that the strongly magnetized simulation (S1.5) has far more high-polarization “sources” than either the weakly magnetized simulation (S2.5) or the CARMA data, suggesting that S1.5 may be more strongly polarized than typical protostellar sources such as those observed by @Hull2014.
We also investigate the time evolution of the polarization fraction and find that the polarization fraction tends to increase with time, particularly in the S2.5 case. This is illustrated in Figure \[fig:Pfracincl\] by the color of the lines. The color bar on the right shows the age of the protostar in Myr. The oldest protostars (blue) have higher polarization fractions than the younger protostars (red). In contrast, observed Class I and Class II sources, which are expected to be older on average than Class 0 sources, tend to have lower polarization fractions, suggesting that either magnetic fields become less orderly over time or that magnetic fields weaken due to non-ideal MHD effects.
Many of the synthetic observations show the fractional “polarization hole,” a well known phenomenon where the polarization fraction drops at the dust emission peak. Examples that show the polarization hole include the central and bottom panels of Figure \[fig:Energy density 304560\]. This appears in both high- (2.5$\arcsec$) and low-resolution (20$\arcsec$) observations [@1996ApJ...470..566D; @Girart2006; @0004-637X-771-1-71] and simulations [@0004-637X-559-2-1005; @Lazarian2007; @Pelkonen2009]. Three possible reasons and explanations are discussed in @Hull2014. First, where the magnetic field is ordered along the line of sight due to turbulence or rotation, averaging along the line of sight reduces the overall polarization fraction. Second, the plane-of-sky magnetic field could have structure on scales <2.5$\arcsec$ that cannot resolved by CARMA; this plane-of-sky averaging would also reduce the polarization fraction. Finally, it is possible that poor alignment of grains at the center of the cores could arise due to less efficient grain alignment in regions of high extinction or collisions which knock grains out of alignment at high densities.
Outflows {#sec:outflows}
For each output, we calculate the outflow orientation and average magnetic field orientation viewed from different viewing angles and compare them. We ignore cases where the outflow is not clearly distinguishable by eye as these are unlikely to be identified in observations. We define the outflow angle using the average orientations of the primary bipolar lobes, and we define the magnetic field orientation as the unweighted circular average of the magnetic field orientations where $I > 3\,\sigma_{I}$ and $P > 3\,\sigma_{P}$.
The $^{12}$CO(2–1) emission line is a good tracer of warm outflow material, and consequently, it highlights the outflow morphology. Figure \[fig:cooutflow\] shows synthetic CO observations for three views at time 0.287 Myr, which are the same views depicted in Figure 3. The first moment of the emission, which serves as a proxy for the outflow velocity, is overlaid. The central part of the core is cold and dense and, thus, exhibits little CO(2–1) emission in the edge-on views. In the $x-y$ (face-on) view, the red- and blue-shifted gas overlaps such that the outflow direction is unclear, similar to the view in the top panel of Figure 3. Likewise, the CO emission in the other two views correlates well with the actual outflow direction determined from the raw gas distribution. These synthetic observations underscore that our outflow identification gives similar results to that performed using molecular line observations.
To check for a possible coupling between the outflow and the magnetic field, we compare the changes in the orientations of the outflow and the field over time, looking for any correspondence between their behaviors. We define the change in orientation as the change of the magnetic field or outflow orientation with respect to the initial orientation. We presume that both the field and the outflow always move through an acute angle between one orientation and the next, i.e., neither the field nor the outflow rotates by over 90$\degree$ between subsequent time steps.
Figure \[fig:Panglestime\] shows changes in magnetic field orientation and outflow orientation as a function of time (with a time step of 0.1Myr) for both S1.5 and S2.5. The evolutionary sequence shows visually that the outflow orientation changes significantly over the first 0.1Myr of the protostar’s lifetime. A video of the evolution of the outflow (traced by energy density) in the S2.5 simulation can be found online.[^3]
In the highly magnetized simulation, S1.5, the changes in the angles of both the outflow and the magnetic field are smaller than in S2.5. When we remove the nearly face-on data ($0 < \theta < 30\degree$) we see clearly that the magnetic field in the plane of the sky does not change orientation significantly over the Class 0 lifetime in S1.5, remaining within $30\degree$ of its initial direction (see the top right panel of Figure \[fig:Panglestime\]). In contrast, the angle of the outflow in S2.5 *does* change angle significantly over the first 0.05Myr, even when the face-on data are removed (see Figure \[fig:Panglestime\], bottom-right panel).
We should note that the system in S2.5 is a binary at early times. The merger of the primary and secondary at 0.38Myr produces a large change in the primary outflow direction due to the addition of the two protostellar angular momenta [e.g., @Fielding15]. In the latter 0.05 Myr, the change in orientation plateaus in all planes, indicating that the outflow settles in one direction (between 0.05 and 0.08Myr). This suggests that binarity may also impact the degree of alignment between the field and outflow. Wide binary outflows are often misaligned with each other [@Lee2016; @Offner2016], which suggests that misaligned outflows and magnetic fields are probably common in binary or multiple systems. This follows logically since both of the outflows can’t be misaligned with each other while also both being aligned with the magnetic field. A simulation with the same magnetic field strength as S2.5 but no initial turbulence shows much less variation in the outflow orientation (Offner et al. in prep.). This is consistent with prior laminar studies [@Kataoka2012].
We propose the following explanation for the behavior of the two simulations: in the highly magnetized case (S1.5), since the magnetic field is stronger, angular momentum is more efficiently removed from the turbulent gas, and consequently the net angular momentum of the accreting gas doesn’t change much with time. In contrast, in the less magnetized core (S2.5) the field and outflows actively change from all perspectives, at least for the first half of the time examined. While binarity may play a role in the misalignment (see above), this more lively behavior could also be explained by a weaker magnetic field, which would be less efficient at removing angular momentum (see next section).
One caveat is that this study considers only two simulations. It is possible that the behavior of the outflow is less strongly coupled to that of the magnetic field and that the examples here coincidentally exhibit coupled behavior between magnetic fields and outflows.
Alignment of Fields and Outflows
We revisit the question of misalignment between outflows and magnetic fields observed in Class 0 sources by @Hull2014. We plot cumulative distribution functions (CDFs) of the projected angle between the average magnetic field and outflow orientations and determine the degree of alignment statistically, by viewing each system from the positive $x$-, $y$- and $z$-directions. The measurement of average magnetic field and average outflow orientation is described in §\[sec:outflows\]; we define the difference between the magnetic field and outflow direction as the projected acute angle between them.
Following @Hull2013 [@Hull2014], we obtain the expected distributions of projected alignments using Monte Carlo models. These models simulate pairs of vectors in three dimensions that are tightly aligned ($0-20\degree$), somewhat aligned ($0-45\degree$), preferentially perpendicular ($70-90\degree$), and randomly aligned. The simulation then projects the vectors onto the plane of the sky and measures their angular differences in two dimensions.
Figure \[CDFall\] shows the distributions for each type of alignment with blue dotted lines. The left panel of Figure \[CDFall\] shows the CDF for all the data including both of the simulations. Tight alignment and preferential misalignment can unequivocally be ruled out ($p<10^{-10}$). Both the somewhat aligned ($0-45\degree$) and randomly alignment distributions are also very statistically unlikely ($p=0.0004$ and $p=0.0012$, respectively).
![image](CDFisotropicall.pdf){width="48.00000%"} ![image](CDFsplit.pdf){width="49.00000%"}
As the combined CDF does not conclusively show clear alignment or misalignment between magnetic fields and outflows, we consider the distributions for S1.5 and S2.5 separately. These distributions are shown in the right panel of Figure \[CDFall\]. In S1.5 (the highly magnetized core), there is more alignment between the magnetic field and the outflow than in S2.5 (the less magnetized core). The CDF for S1.5 is somewhat aligned ($0-45\degree$, with $p\approx0.01$); however, the CDF for S2.5 is best described by a random alignment ($p\approx0.3$); all other alignments can be ruled out.
In ideal MHD, a more magnetized core with a greater magnetic field strength could be expected to remove angular momentum more efficiently, and therefore to show more alignment with the outflow. This explanation has some tentative support in the literature. @Joos2013 performed MHD simulations of turbulent cores with misaligned magnetic fields and angular momentum vectors and found that stronger magnetic fields produced more collimated and higher-velocity outflows. However, they did not analyze the degree of alignment between the outflow and the magnetic field direction. @Machida2006 and @Kataoka2012 performed MHD studies of non-turbulent cores with different degrees of alignment between the rotation axis and the magnetic field direction. As expected, they found that magnetic breaking was more efficient in the strong-field case, but that disks formed with their major axes perpendicular to the mean field even when the angular momentum vector was misaligned. This might suggest that outflows would also be parallel to the field (an outflow is produced in only one of their models), which contradicts the observations of @Hull2013. @Machida2013 also performed non-turbulent MHD simulations of protostellar cores and found that magnetic breaking suppressed outflow generation when the magnetic field was strong. However, since they did not include turbulence, the outflows are always aligned with the field direction. In our results, turbulence appears to be the key ingredient to produce misalignment between the outflow and field. However, exactly how this result depends on the mass-to-flux ratio requires a parameter study with a broader range of turbulence and field strengths.
Finally, we note that using only views from three directions has its limitations: first, this produces a statistically small number of “sources,” and second, intermediate views between edge-on and face-on are excluded. A sample with a larger number of isotropically distributed views would be ideal; however, analyzing views from isotropic points on a sphere is beyond the scope of this study.
Conclusions {#sec:conclusions}
We have analyzed two ideal MHD simulations of protostellar cores with differing mass-to-flux ratios, and we have performed radiative transfer to model thermal dust emission. Having studied the qualitative and statistical properties of both the visualizations of simulation data and the synthetic dust polarization maps, we come to the following conclusions:
1. Polarization fraction increases when the system is viewed close to edge-on (where the magnetic field is close to the plane of the sky in our simulations), which suggests that sources observed to have high polarization fractions are likely to have ordered magnetic fields that lie close to the plane of the sky. This is consistent with the synthetic observations performed by @Kataoka2012.
2. The fractional polarization measurements from the simulation of the less magnetized core lie within the same range as observational measurements. In contrast, the fractional polarization measurements in the highly magnetized core frequently exceed the observed limits. This suggests that our synthetic “sources”—in particular those derived from the more highly magnetized simulation with a mass-to-flux ratios of M$_\Phi$=1.5—may be more strongly magnetized than typical Class 0 sources, including those studied by @Hull2014. However, we note that conclusions regarding the polarization fraction depend on the maximum grain alignment efficiency specified in `DustPol`.
3. Over the $\sim$0.1Myr Class 0 lifetime, the outflows move through large angles on relatively short ($\sim$0.01 Myr) timescales. In the less magnetized case, S2.5, the outflow and magnetic field orientations appear uncorrelated, suggesting that the direction of the angular momentum is not set by the magnetic field. However, there is more correlation between the outflow and magnetic field orientations in S1.5.
4. We construct CDFs of the projected angle between outflow angle and magnetic field orientations and find that S2.5 exhibits random alignment. This result is consistent with the observational survey by @Hull2014. S1.5 shows a higher degree of alignment, however, which is best described by models that are “somewhat aligned” between $0-45\degree$. The better alignment of fields and outflows in the more magnetized simulation S1.5 is consistent with previous studies [e.g., @Matsumoto2006]; however, exactly how this result depends on the mass-to-flux ratio requires a parameter study with a broader range of turbulence and field strengths.
Future work will improve upon this study specifically by exploring simulations with higher mass-to-flux ratios (i.e., less magnetized cores), different initial turbulent seeds, and a more diverse set of viewing angles.
Looking to the future of (sub)millimeter polarization observations: recent (as-of-yet unpublished) polarization data from ALMA have such high sensitivity that we are now able to probe the orientation of the magnetic field in forming stars on much smaller scales than were previously accessible to CARMA and the Submillimeter Array (SMA). These new observations are enabling not only studies of polarization at the scale of protoplanetary disks (where the polarization may be due to a combination of thermal dust emission and scattering: see @Kataoka2015 [@Kataoka2016; @Kataoka2016b; @Yang2016a; @Yang2016b]) but are also producing magnetic field maps with far more independent polarization detections across each individual source. These latter maps can be used to study the interplay between magnetic fields and turbulence in low-mass star-forming cores; because of limited image sensitivities, previous interferometric studies have mainly focused on high-mass star-forming regions [e.g., @Houde2016]. Maps with many independent detections can also be used to study the importance of magnetic fields in shaping structure in a gravitationally-bound star-forming environment using methods like the “histogram of relative orientation,” which studies the relative morphology of the magnetic field and the gas/dust [@Soler2013; @PlanckXXXII]. The methods used in this study to model and analyze dust emission from simulations allow us to put constraints on the role of magnetic fields in star formation and will be useful for interpreting the wealth of impending high-resolution, high-sensitivity observations by ALMA and other planned (sub)millimeter telescopes.
The authors thank the anonymous referee for the thorough comments, which improved the paper substantially. The authors thank Marco Padovani for his help in fielding initial questions about `DustPol`, Peter K. G. Williams for his indispensable help with software installation, and Neosha Narayanan for developing the [*yt*]{} energy-density volume-rendering script. J.L. acknowledges the Submillimeter Array for funding her participation in the AAS winter conference and funding observing travel. S.O. acknowledges support from NASA grant NNX15AT05G. The simulations were carried out at Yale University High Performance Computing Center and the Massachusetts Green High Performance Computing Center. The data analysis, images and animations were made possible by [*yt*]{} [@Turk2011]. The National Radio Astronomy Observatory is a facility of the National Science Foundation operated under cooperative agreement by Associated Universities, Inc. This research made use of APLpy, an open-source plotting package for Python hosted at <http://aplpy.github.com>.
While 15% is thought to be a reasonable value for the maximum grain alignment efficiency, we nonetheless explore the dependence of the maximum polarization fraction on the maximum grain alignment efficiency. We do this for both the edge-on and face-on cases and find that the edge-on cases (where the magnetic field is close to the plane of the sky) have higher polarization fractions for a given grain alignment efficiency.
![Maximum polarization fraction as a function of maximum grain alignment efficiency for both the edge-on and the face-on views of the S1.5 simulation at $t=0.353$Myr.](maxp_graph.pdf){width="65.00000%"}
[^1]: <http://www.ita.uni-heidelberg.de/~dullemond/software/radmc-3d/>
[^2]: A “view” is a rendering of the output (produced by `yt`) or a synthetic observation (produced by `DustPol`) at a given time step and at a given viewing angle.
[^3]: Video of the time evolution of the S2.5 simulation:\
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abstract: 'The valley of transition metal dichalcogenides provides an additional platform to manipulate spin due to its unique selection rule. Normally, intralayer optical transitions in magnetic field show a Zeeman splitting with g factor of about $-4$. Here we report remarkable valley Zeeman effect exhibited by splitting of excitonic emission in a bilayer WS$_{2}$, with a value of g factor as large as $-16.5$. The observed large g factor results from the interlayer recombination, as the conduction band and valence band are modified in opposite directions by magnetic field in different layers. The interlayer recombination is due to the defect induced inversion symmetry breaking, which is theoretically not accessible in ideal bilayer WS$_{2}$ with inversion symmetry. Large g factor of interlayer emission offers potential benefits for future optical spin control and detection.'
- Sibai Sun
- Yang Yu
- Jianchen Dang
- Kai Peng
- Xin Xie
- Feilong Song
- Chenjiang Qian
- Shiyao Wu
- Hassan Ali
- Jing Tang
- Jingnan Yang
- Shan Xiao
- Shilu Tian
- Meng Wang
- Xinyan Shan
- 'M. A. Rafiq'
- Can Wang
- Xiulai Xu
title: 'Large g factor in bilayer WS$_2$ flakes'
Monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) have attracted considerable interests in their potentials for the next generation of nano-devices based on the valley pseudospin of electrons and holes[@xu_review]. Valley-dependent optical polarization, arising from inversion symmetry breaking and strong spin-orbit coupling, provides a platform to manipulate spin information of photon, thus having prospects in quantum information processing[@xu_bilayerQuantumGates; @singlePhoton_WSe2_ymh; @singlePhoton_WSe2_ajit]. The study of the Zeeman splitting of the excitonic states plays an important role in investigating valleytronics, in which Landé g factor about $-4$ has been obtained in monolayer WS$_{2}$ both theoretically[@mac_gFactorMonolayer] and experimentally[@jan_magopt; @andreas_magopt; @korn_gFactorMonolayer].
Recently, Giant pseudospsin g factors up to 38 have been observed in monolayer MoSe$_2$ with controlling carrier concentration using a field transistor structure [@PhysRevLett.120.066402; @gFactor38_MoSe2; @Gustafsson2018]. In the bilayer TMDs, however, there is an opportunity to increase the Zeeman splitting greatly by inducing interlayer emission. In natural TMDs materials, the adjacent layers are in reverse directions on the layer plane. The interlayer emission photons from adjacent layers are from combinations of electrons and holes in different valleys. Their corresponding valley orbital angular momenta are thus in opposite directions. When a magnetic field is applied, the energy levels of electrons and holes shift to opposite directions. Thus a larger g factor could be observed. Unfortunately, in ideal pristine bilayer TMDs, the interlayer emission is suppressed due to inversion symmetry[@xu_bilayerQuantumGates; @cui_forbidInterlayer]. Once inversion symmetry is broken, interlayer emission is no longer suppressed and a larger Zeeman splitting will appear. In fact, large g factors induced by symmetry breaking have been reported in heterostructures in MoSe$_2$ /WSe$_2$ [@korn_heteroLargeG] and in a bilayer MoTe$_2$ [@gao_gFactor]. However, large g factor has not been reported in a bilayer WS$_2$.
In this work, we report a large g factor in bilayer WS$_2$ with numerous defects. The WS$_2$ flakes were fabricated by exfoliating and the bilayer was confirmed by the thickness and the Raman characteristics. The Zeeman effect was investigated by the magneto-photoluminescence spectroscopy with a large g factor of about 16.5 observed at 30 K. We propose that the defect induced symmetry breaking leads to the interlayer emissions, resulting in the largely increased g factor.
![\[fig:geo\](a) Optical image of the WS$_2$ flakes. (b) AFM image and (c) Raman mapping of A$_{1g}$ peak mode of the corresponding areas. (d) The height profile of the red line in (b). (e) Raman spectrum of the red spot marked in (c). ](figure1-v1.eps){width="\columnwidth"}
The WS${}_2$ flakes were mechanically exfoliated from bulk WS${}_2$ onto silicon substrates with 300-nm silica capping layer. To verify the number of layers, Atomic force microscopy (AFM) was performed with non-contact mode in air. The Raman spectrum was measured with a Raman microscope excited with a laser at $532$ nm. Microphotoluminescence ($\mu$-PL) measurements were performed at 4.2 K and pumped with a $532$-nm laser. Sample with WS$_2$ flakes was placed on cryogenic confocal microscope system with high precision 3-dimensional piezo-driven motors. The PL spectra filtered with a $550$ nm long-pass filter were collected by spectrometer with a 300 g/mm grating. The sample was cooled down to $4$ K with liquid helium in the cryostat with a magnetic field from $0$ to $9$ T. An electric heater was used to heat the sample from $4$ to $30$ K.
Fig. \[fig:geo\](a) and (b) show the optical image and AFM image of the flake with a size of a few micrometers. The Raman intensity distribution of an out-of-plane motion mode (A${}_{1g}$ peak) shown in Fig. \[fig:geo\](c) also reveals the shape of flakes, agreeing with optical and AFM images. According to the AFM scanning result (Fig. \[fig:geo\](b)), the material is not flat. The roughness of the flake surface implies the existence of defects. The result in Fig. \[fig:geo\](d) indicates that the height of thin part is about $1.5$ nm, which is the typical thickness of bilayer WS${}_2$[@WS2_atomStruture]. Although there are some contaminations in the AFM image outside the sample area (marked with dashed lines in Figure 1(b)), the bilayer height difference at the step edge is clear with considering both the AFM and Raman mode mapping. Meanwhile, according to the Raman spectrum shown in Fig. \[fig:geo\](e), the 2LA (second order longitude acoustic) peak at $349.13$ cm${}^{-1}$ and the A${}_{1g}$ peak at $418.58$ cm${}^{-1}$ were observed. Comparing with the Raman results with an excitation laser at $514$ nm[@WS2_raman], the 2LA peak position around $349.13$ cm${}^{-1}$ is close to the peak position of trilayer and the much stronger intensity of 2LA than that of A${}_{1g}$ implies monolayer. Nevertheless, the layer number should be less than three. Combining the AFM and Raman results, it can be confirmed that the region for the optical measurement is mainly a bilayer structure.
![\[fig:specTime\]Photoluminescence spectra at $4$ K (a) and $30$ K (b) with increasing pumping power. (c) and (d) Contour plots of PL spectra collected continuously with an integration time of 1 s and waiting time of 1 s for a time scale of 80 s at $4$ K and $30$ K. The pumping power is kept at $100~\mu$W. The spectra at $30$ K are much more stable than those at $4$ K. ](figure2-v1.eps){width="\columnwidth"}
The measured PL spectra of our sample are unstable, in which the narrow peaks emerge and disappear randomly while a relatively stable broad peak always exists, as shown in Fig. \[fig:specTime\]. According to the peak wavelength, this wide peak is located in A exciton range, which is corresponding to the upper valence band in spin-orbit coupling[@xu_review]. The peak is mainly from trions rather than neutral excitons at low temperature, according to the previous temperature-dependent PL spectra[@temperature_1; @temperature_trion]. The neutral exciton peak is much weaker than trion and defect peaks at cryogenic temperature[@temperature_trion]. As for the narrow peaks, not only the intensities but also the central wavelengths vary with time as shown in Fig. \[fig:specTime\](c) and (d). The spectral fluctuation was also observed by other groups experimentally[@bala_unstable; @chi_defectEmission]. Since these narrow peaks located at the red side of the trion, localized defect states are the most possible sources[@chi_defectEmission]. In addition to the existence of fluctuation, we also discover that the fluctuation is sensitive to temperature and pumping power. The spectrum becomes more stable with increasing pumping power as shown in Fig. \[fig:specTime\](a) and (b). And the ratio of fluctuating peak intensity and the trion peak intensity decreases when temperature increases by comparing Fig. \[fig:specTime\](c) at 4.2 K with Fig. \[fig:specTime\](d) at 30 K.
![\[fig:gFactor\]The Zeeman shift and the g factor at $30$ K. (a) PL spectra of two circularly polarized components with increasing magnetic field. The spectra for each Tesla are shifted for clarity. (b) and (c) The fitted peak positions and the Zeeman splittings as a function of magnetic field. ](figure3-v1.eps){width="\columnwidth"}
When a magnetic field perpendicular to the surface plane from $0$ T to $9$ T was applied, we observed a large Zeeman splitting of the wide peak as shown in Fig. \[fig:gFactor\](a). The sample was excited by linearly polarized laser to make two incident circularly polarized components equal. The polarization of PL was checked by a $1/4 \lambda$ wave plate and a polarizer. The $1/4 \lambda$ wave plate was controlled by a motor to measure two circularly polarized components of PL. The splitting and g factor were measured at different temperatures, ranging from $4$ K to $30$ K. Fig. \[fig:gFactor\] (b) and (c) show the fitted peak position and Zeeman splitting respectively, with the value of Landé g factor as large as $-16.5$ at $30$ K. Additionally, there is a negative diamagnetic effect can be observed, which can be attributed to wavefunction expansion difference between initial and final states of the PL recombination for charged excitons [@caodiamag1; @caodiamag2].
Figure 4 (a) and (b) show the crystal structure of single layer and bilayer WS$_2$. To explain the observed large g factor, we attribute it to the enhanced interlayer recombination of bilayer WS$_2$. The enhanced interlayer recombination could be due to the defect induced inversion symmetry breaking. Fig. \[fig:atomBand\] depicts the energy shift contributed by each angular momentum in monolayer and interlayer hopping respectively. Early model[@xu_bilayerQuantumGates] of $\k \cdot \p$ theory gives the Hamiltonian as $$\hat{H}_{k\cdot p} = -\epsilon_q-\lambda\tau_z\sigma_z \hat{s}_z+t_{\perp}\sigma_x + B_z \hat{s}_z.$$ Where the Pauli matrices are defined in basis of $\Big\{\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}\Big(|d^u_{x^2-y^2}\rangle-i\tau_z|d^u_{xy}\rangle\Big), \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}\Big(|d^l_{x^2-y^2}\rangle+i\tau_z|d^l_{xy}\rangle\Big)\Big\}$. The superscript $u$ and $l$ mean upper and lower layer respectively. The expressions $xy,\ x^2-y^2$ describe the shapes of d orbit states of the transitional metal atom, which contribute to the states around valence band edge. $\epsilon_q$ is the energy dispersion, $\lambda$ is the spin-valley coupling, $\tau_z$ is the valley index, $t_\bot$ is the interlayer hopping for holes, and $\hat{s}_z$ denotes the spin. This model only considered spin contribution to the splitting, which is not sufficient to describe the large Zeeman splitting whose g factor is greater than $2$. The orbital contribution to the Zeeman splitting should also be considered. A precise multiband $\k \cdot \p$ model considering influences by other distant bands is more appropriate here[@LandauLVL_theory; @multiband_theory; @gFactor_6band]. The resulting g factor is given by,[@korn_heteroLargeG] $$\label{eq:gFactor}
g &= (g_c^{\pm K} - g_v^{+K}) - (g_c^{\mp K} - g_v^{-K}),\\
&= - 4 - 2(\frac{m_0}{m_h}\pm\frac{m_0}{m_e}).\\
\end{aligned}$$ Where $\pm$ indicates that the transition comes from the different or same valley, $m_0$ is the mass of free electron, $m_e$ is the effective mass of electron in conduction band at $\pm$K point, and $m_h$ is the effective mass of hole in valence band at $\pm$K point. In monolayer situation, take $-$ in $\pm$, and the value of g factor is near $-4$. As for the interlayer emission, take $+$ in $\pm$, and the value of g factor is much larger. There is an equivalent explanation of the model, which is easier to understand. Zeeman splitting is contributed by three factors[@3comp_theory; @korn_gFactorMonolayer; @mac_gFactorMonolayer], including spin, atomic orbital and valley orbital magnetic moment, as shown in Fig. \[fig:atomBand\](c) and (d). The spin contributes $0$ to the g factor. Because the shifts of conduction band and valence band are the same. The atomic orbital magnetic moment contributes $-4$. Because the conduction band is mainly $|d_{z^2}\rangle$, $l_z=0$. The valence band is mainly $\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}\Big(|d_{x^2-y^2}\rangle+i\tau_z|d_{xy}\rangle\Big)$, $l_z=2\tau_z$. The valley orbital magnetic moment contributes $- 2(\frac{m_0}{m_e}\pm\frac{m_0}{m_h})$, which is related to Berry curvature[@andreas_magopt]. Due to spin-orbit coupling, the conduction band also slightly splits into two bands. For WS${}_2$ materials, the splitting of spin state of upper conduction band is the same with that of the upper valence band, and the lower conduction band is corresponding to the lower valence band[@importance_soc; @3band_model_darkish_mat].
![\[fig:atomBand\](a) and (b) Atom structures of monolayer and bilayer WS${}_2$. (c) and (d) Schematic energy transition diagrams of monolayer and bilayer interlayer. The arrows indicates the energy shift caused by magnetic field. The color of arrow indicates the source of magnetic moment. In monolayer situation, the shift of conduction band and valence band are in the same directions. Thus, the energy shift is relatively small. In bilayer interlayer emission, the shift of two band are in the opposite directions. Therefore, the energy shift is largely increased by magnetic field, which leads to a large g factor. ](figure4-v1.eps){width="\columnwidth"}
According to the theoretical effective mass from Ref. [@andor_effectiveMass], the effective electron mass $m_e$ is $0.26m_0$ for the upper conduction band and $0.35m_0$ for the lower conduction band at K point. The effective hole mass $m_h$ is $0.35m_0$ for the upper valence band and $0.49m_0$ for the lower valence band. For A exciton, only the upper valence band should be considered. For $\mathrm{WS}_2$, the spin state of upper conduction band is the same with the upper valence band[@importance_soc; @3band_model_darkish_mat]. Therefore, for monolayer situation, the predicted value of g factor should be around $-4-2\times (1/0.35-1/0.26)=-2.0$. But for interlayer situation, the predicted value of the g factor will increase to $-4-2\times (1/0.35+1/0.26)=-17.4$, which agrees well with our experimental results. The trend that interlayer g factor is much larger than intralayer g factor is consistent with different calculation methods, although the detailed effective masses might vary [@andor_effectiveMass; @same_mass]. If different effective masses are considered [@same_mass], the calculated g factors of interlayer emission could vary in the range of $-12.9$ to $-17.4$. Nevertheless, the experimental result with value of g factor about $-16.5$ verifies our assumption that the peak mainly comes from the interlayer emission.
It should be noted that defect related bound states may also attribute to the enhancement of g factor[@singlePhoton_WSe2_ymh; @singlePhoton_WSe2_ajit]. In our case, it cannot be totally excluded in our measurement as the PL peak position is located at energy lower than the free excitons. However, normally the defected related bound states have much narrower linewidth of PL peaks, which can be identified in our sample at low temperature and are not stable as discussed above. Therefore, we believe the interlayer emission is dominated in our measurement for the broad peak at 30K, which corresponds well with our calculations as well.
In conclusion, a value of g factor as large as $-16.5$ has been observed in a bilayer WS$_2$ at $30$ K. The large g factor is due to interlayer emission, caused by inversion symmetry breaking induced by defects in the bilayer flakes. The existence of defects has been confirmed with AFM, Raman spectroscopy and fluctuating PL peak. The large g factor has been well explained with considering the effective masses in different valleys in bilayer situation. As the g factor increases, a larger energy difference between different spin states can be obtained with a small magnetic field. The results provide a great potential for spin initialization and detection, and a platform for valleytronics for on-chip optical quantum information devices.
This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grants No. 51761145104, No. 61675228, No. 11721404 and No. 11874419; the Strategic Priority Research Program, the Instrument Developing Project and the Interdisciplinary Innovation Team of the Chinese Academy of Sciences under Grants No. XDB07030200, No. XDB28000000 and No.YJKYYQ20180036.
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abstract: 'We consider a system of repulsively interacting Bose-Fermi mixtures of spin polarized uniform atomic gases at zero temperature. We examine possible realization of $p$-wave superfluidity of fermions due to an effective attractive interaction via density fluctuations of Bose-Einstein condensate within mean-field approximation. We find the ground state of the system by direct energy comparison of $p$-wave superfluid and phase-separated states, and suggest an occurrence of the $p$-wave superfluid for a strong boson-fermion interaction regime. We study some signatures in the $p$-wave superfluid phase, such as anisotropic energy gap and quasi-particle energy in the axial state, that have not been observed in spin unpolarized superfluid of atomic fermions. We also show that a Cooper pair is a tightly bound state like a diatomic molecule in the strong boson-fermion coupling regime and suggest an observable indication of the $p$-wave superfluid in the real experiment.'
- 'Kazunori Suzuki$^1$, Takahiko Miyakawa$^2$, and Toru Suzuki$^1$'
title: '*p*-wave superfluid and phase separation in atomic Bose-Fermi mixture'
Magnetically tunable Feshbach resonances have opened up a new field of research in the physics of ultracold atomic gases that exhibits exciting phenomena. In two-component fermi gases, for instance, the condensate of atom pairs in the BCS-BEC crossover regime has been intensively studied [@BCS-BECex1; @BCS-BECex2; @BCS-BECex3; @BCS-BECth1; @BCS-BECth2; @BCS-BECth3]. In an ultracold atomic system, the *p*-wave Feshbach resonance was also found, which allows one to tune *p*-wave interactions between atoms in the spin-polarized fermi system [@P-Feshbach]. It has now become possible to produce $p$-wave molecules between $^{40}$K atoms using this technique [@P-molecule]. Atomic boson-fermion mixed systems, too, are expected to show many interesting phenomena. In this mixed system, it has been reported the observation of simultaneous quantum degeneracy of Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) and Degenerate Fermi gas [@BEC-FD; @Hadzibabic; @BEC-FD-He], and the collapse of fermions in the attractively interacting mixture [@Instability1; @Instability2]. On the theoretical side a number of studies on the static and dynamical properties of the mixture have been made [@Molmer; @Amoruso; @Miyakawa; @Roth; @Sogo]. We note here that the strongly coupled boson-fermion pair may behave as a heteronuclear molecule or resonance, and its role in the mixture has been studied [@Yabu; @BF-FFLO; @Kondo; @BFpair1; @BFpair2]. Recent experiments show an existence of the Feshbach resonances between bosons and fermions [@BF-Feshbach-NaLi; @BF-Feshbach-RbK], and quite recently a formation of the boson-fermion heteronuclear molecule in the optical lattice has been reported [@BFmolecule]. As in the case of fermionic system, the existence of the Feshbach resonance allows one to control the boson-fermion interaction [@RbK-tune; @RbK-cont]. Tuning the interaction one may induce a collapse of fermions or a phase separation of bosons and fermions, depending on the sign of the interaction [@Molmer; @Miyakawa; @Roth; @Binary-mixture]. In many experiments of atomic Bose-Fermi mixture, all atomic fermions have the same spin components as they are trapped by magneto-optical trap together with bosons. The fermion-fermion interaction has been negligible since the *s*-wave scattering amplitude between fermions vanishes because of Pauli exclusion principle, and the other higher partial waves do not contribute at low temperatures. In a boson-fermion mixed system, boson density fluctuations may give rise to an attractive interaction between fermions as in the electron-phonon system, and may induce a superfluid transition [@Binary-mixture; @FBF-pair]. This mechanism has been studied in the liquid $^3 \rm He$-$^4 \rm He$ mixtures [@3He-4He]. If this mechanism is strong enough in the ultracold atomic mixture, *p*-wave Cooper pairs will be formed between spin-polarized fermions [@pFBF-pair; @pFBF-pair2; @pFBF-pair3]. We should note, however, that a realization of the superfluid depends on a balance of different mechanisms as mentioned above. A sufficiently strong attractive boson-fermion interaction, for instance, may cause a collapse of the system rather than the superfluid state. On the other hand, a strong boson-fermion repulsion may favor a phase separation of bosons and fermions instead of the superfluid transition. The purpose of the present paper is to investigate a possibility of *p*-wave superfluid transition in the repulsively interacting spin-polarized Bose-Fermi mixture at zero temperature. We consider superfluid transition induced by a Bogoliubov phonon-mediated fermion-fermion interaction, and compare energies of the $p$-wave superfluid state and the boson-fermion phase-separated state. In view of the recent development in the tuning of boson-fermion interaction via Feshbach resonances, we study the system in a broad range of the interaction parameters. Earlier study in this direction shows that the *p*-wave superfluid transition is hard to occur, i.e., its transition temperature is too low to be attainable, because the phonon-mediated attractive interaction is very weak [@pFBF-pair]. A stronger repulsive interaction would cause an instability of the system towards phase separation, and then the induced attractive interaction reduces. We show, however, that for a very strong repulsive interaction it is possible to realize the *p*-wave superfluid transition. In the superfluid phase, anisotropic energy gap appears like that of *p*-wave superfluid of $^3$He and heavy-fermion systems. We also show that the Cooper pair is a tightly bound state like a diatomic molecule in the strong boson-fermion coupling regime [@Leggett; @Noz-Schmi]. Main content of the present paper is as follows. Sec.II derives ground state energies of the system in the $p$-wave superfluid phase due to the phonon-mediated attractive interaction and in the normal phase by the method of Ref.[@Binary-mixture]. Sec.III presents phase diagram of the system by direct energy comparison of the $p$-wave superfluid and phase-separated states. The momentum dependence of the energy gap and other properties of the superfluid state are shown. Finally, Sec. IV is a summary.
We consider a spin-polarized uniform mixture of atomic bosons of mass $m_{\rm B}$ and fermions of mass $m_{\rm F}$ at zero temperature. The system is described by the Hamiltonian $$\hat H = \hat H_{\rm F} + \hat H_{\rm B} + \hat H_{int},$$ where $$\begin{aligned}
\hat H_{\rm F}
&= \sum_{\mathbf k} ( \epsilon_{\mathbf k}^f - \mu_{\rm F} ) c_{\mathbf k}^\dagger c_{\mathbf k}^{},
\hat H_{\rm B}
&= \sum_{\mathbf k} ( \epsilon_{\mathbf k}^b - \mu_{\rm B} ) b_{\mathbf k}^\dagger b_{\mathbf k}^{}
+ \frac{ U_{\rm BB} }{ 2 } \sum_{\mathbf k \mathbf p \mathbf q}
b_{ \mathbf{p+q} }^\dagger b_{ \mathbf{k-q} }^\dagger
b_{ \mathbf p }^{} b_{ \mathbf k }^{},
\hat H_{int} &= U_{\rm BF} \sum_{\mathbf k \mathbf p \mathbf q}
b_{ \mathbf{p+q} }^\dagger c_{ \mathbf{k-q} }^\dagger
b_{ \mathbf p }^{} c_{ \mathbf k }^{}.\end{aligned}$$ Here $c_{\mathbf k}^{(\dagger)}$ and $b_{\mathbf k}^{(\dagger)}$ are the annihilation (creation) operators for the fermionic and bosonic atoms of momentum $\bf k$, respectively. The corresponding momentum states have kinetic energies of bosons $\epsilon^b_{\bf k}=\hbar^2 {\bf k}^2/2m_{\rm B}$ and of fermions $\epsilon^f_{\bf k}=\hbar^2 {\bf k}^2/2m_{\rm F}$. The chemical potentials of fermions and bosons are denoted by $\mu_{\rm F}$ and $\mu_{\rm B}$. The boson-boson and boson-fermion collisions are described by the interaction strengths $U_{\rm BB}=4\pi\hbar^2 a_{\rm BB}/m_{\rm B}$ and $U_{\rm BF}=2\pi\hbar^2 a_{\rm BF}/m_r$, respectively, where $a_{\rm BB}$ and $a_{\rm BF}$ are the corresponding $s$-wave scattering lengths and $m_r=m_{\rm B}m_{\rm F}/(m_{\rm B}+m_{\rm F})$ is the reduced mass. The elastic fermion-fermion $s$-wave scattering for spin-polarized fermions is absent because of Pauli exclusion principle.
In order to give a realistic estimate of the phase diagram, we consider a system of $ \rm ^{87}Rb $-$ \rm ^{40}K $ mixture for the atomic bosons and fermions, where $ m_{\rm B} = 1.419 \times 10^{-25}~ \rm kg $ and $ m_{\rm F}= 0.649 \times 10^{-25}~ \rm kg $, and $a_{\rm BB} = 98.98 a_0 $ with Bohr radius $a_0$. As for the boson-fermion interaction, we assume the scattering length to be tunable via Feshbach resonance. This can be realized in the current experimental situation [@BF-Feshbach-NaLi; @BF-Feshbach-RbK; @RbK-tune; @RbK-cont]. Hereafter, we take $a_{\rm BF}>0$, leading to repulsively interacting Bose-Fermi mixtures.
We consider two types of quantum phases of fermions, that is, the normal phase and the superfluid phase. On the one hand, a phase separation of bosons and fermions occurs in the normal state of fermions, as discussed in Ref. [@Binary-mixture] for a large positive $U_{\rm BF}$. On the other hand, for a strongly repulsive boson-fermion coupling, an effective fermion-fermion interaction via density fluctuations of BEC becomes strong and is expected to lead to a superfluid state of fermions. In the following we calculate ground state energies of these two types of phases, separately [@note1].
Superfluid phase : $p$-wave pairing
We assume that all bosons are condensate and the fluctuations are treated by excitations of Bogoliubov phonon of energy: $\hbar \omega_{\mathbf k}^b = \sqrt{ \epsilon_{\mathbf k}^b
( \epsilon_{\mathbf k}^b + 2 U_{\rm BB} n_{\rm B} ) }$ where $n_{\rm B}$ is a condensate density. Thus the bosonic part of the Hamiltonian, Eq.(3), is transformed to $$\hat H_{\rm B} =
- \mu_{\rm B} n_{\rm B} + U_{\rm BB} n_{\rm B}^2 / 2
+ \sum_{\mathbf k \neq 0} \hbar \omega_{\mathbf k}^b \beta_{\mathbf k}^\dagger \beta_{\mathbf k}^{},$$ and the boson-fermion interaction Hamiltonian, Eq.(4), is also transformed to $$\begin{aligned}
\hat H_{int}
U_{\rm BF} n_{\rm B} \sum_{\mathbf k} c_{\mathbf k}^\dagger c_{\mathbf k}^{}
&+ U_{\rm BF} \sqrt n_{\rm B} \sum_{\mathbf{ k \neq 0, p } }
\sqrt{ \frac{ \epsilon_{\mathbf k}^b }{ \hbar \omega_{\mathbf k}^b } }
\left( \beta_{\mathbf k}^{} c_{ \mathbf{k+p} }^\dagger c_{\mathbf p}^{}
+ \beta_{\mathbf k}^\dagger c_{ \mathbf p }^\dagger c_{ \mathbf{k+p} }^{} \right),\end{aligned}$$ where $\beta_{\mathbf k}^{(\dagger)}$ is a Bogoliubov phonon annihilation (creation) operator. In these transformations, we have neglected higher order terms of $\beta_{\bf k}^{(\dagger)}$. We regard the first term of Eq.(\[EffectiveBF\]) as an energy shift of the fermionic chemical potential $\mu_{\rm F}^r \equiv \mu_{\rm F} - U_{\rm BF} n_{\rm B}$. By applying the second-order perturbation theory, the phonon-mediated interaction between two fermions is derived as one-phonon exchange process, $$\hat H_{int} =
- \frac{ 1 }{ 2 } \sum_{ \mathbf p \mathbf p^\prime \mathbf q } U_{\rm FBF}( \mathbf{p^\prime, q} )
c_{ \mathbf{p+q} }^\dagger c_{ \mathbf{p^\prime-q} }^\dagger
c_{ \mathbf{p^\prime} }^{} c_{ \mathbf p }^{},$$ with $$U_{\rm FBF}(\mathbf{p^\prime, q}) =
U_{\rm BF}^2 n_{\rm B} \frac{ 2 \epsilon_{\mathbf q}^b }
{ (\hbar \omega_{\mathbf q}^b)^2 - ( \epsilon_{ \mathbf{p^\prime-q} }^f - \epsilon_{ \mathbf{p^\prime} }^f )^2 }.$$ We assume that Fermi velocity $v_{\rm F}=\hbar k_{\rm F} /m_{\rm F}$ is much smaller than Bogoliubov sound velocity $s=\sqrt{U_{\rm BB} n_{\rm B} / m_{\rm B}}$ , i.e. $v_{\rm F} \ll s$, so the phonon-mediated effective interaction can be written as in Ref.[@pFBF-pair], $$\label{Yukawatype}
U_{\rm FBF}(\bm q)
= \frac{ U_{\rm BF}^2 }{ U_{\rm BB} } \frac{ 1 }{ 1 + \left( \hbar |{\bm q}| / 2 m_{\rm B} s \right)^2}.$$ This interaction is equivalent to an effective interaction between fermions induced by density fluctuations of background of BEC when the retardation effect is neglected [@Binary-mixture; @FBF-pair]. The effective Hamiltonian of fermions is then given by $$\begin{aligned}
&\hat H_{\rm F}^{eff}
= \sum_{\mathbf k} ( \epsilon_{\mathbf k}^f - \mu_{\rm F}^r ) c_{\mathbf k}^\dagger c_{\mathbf k}^{}
&- \frac{ 1 }{ 2 } \sum_{\mathbf P \mathbf k \mathbf k^\prime} U_{\rm FBF}( \mathbf{ k-k^\prime } )
c_{ \mathbf{P/2+k} }^\dagger c_{ \mathbf{P/2-k} }^\dagger
c_{ \mathbf{P/2-k^\prime} }^{} c_{ \mathbf{P/2+k^\prime} }^{}.\end{aligned}$$ Since we consider spin-polarized fermions, the effective interaction in the channel with even angular momentum $l$ is absent due to antisymmetrization of the orbital wave function in the relative coordinate. Furthermore for the effective interaction described by Eq. (\[Yukawatype\]) the contribution to the interaction for higher $l$ can be negligible [@FBF-pair]. Thus we extract the dominant $l=1$ component of the phonon-mediated interaction $$\label{pwaveinteraction}
U_{\rm FBF}^{\textit p}( \mathbf{ k,k^\prime } )
= 3 U_{ind}^{\textit p} (k,k^\prime)
\sum_{i=x,y,z} \hat k_i^{} \hat k_i^\prime$$ with $$\begin{aligned}
&U_{ind}^{\textit p} (k,k^\prime)
= \frac{ U_{\rm BF}^2 }{ U_{\rm BB} } \frac{ 2 m_{\rm B}^2 s^2 }{ \hbar^2 k k^\prime } \times
& \left( \frac{ k^2 + k^{\prime 2} + ( 2 m_{\rm B} s /\hbar )^2 }{ 4 k k^\prime }
\ln \left| \frac{ ( k + k^\prime )^2 + ( 2 m_{\rm B} s /\hbar )^2 }
{ ( k - k^\prime )^2 + ( 2 m_{\rm B} s /\hbar )^2 } \right| - 1 \right),\notag\end{aligned}$$ where $k=|\bf k|$ and $\hat k_i=(\hat{\bf k} / |{\bf k}|)_i$. In this approximation, only $p$-wave pairing is possible to realize. Let us consider a Cooper pair with zero center-of-mass momentum and introduce a $p$-wave pair energy gap as $$\Delta(\mathbf k) = \sum_{\mathbf k^\prime} U_{\rm FBF}^{\textit p}( \mathbf{ k,k^\prime } ) \langle c_{ \mathbf{-k}^\prime }^{} c_{ \mathbf k^\prime }^{} \rangle$$ where $\langle \ \rangle$ denotes an expectation value in the ground state. In the standard BCS theory the effective Hamiltonian Eq.(\[effectiveH\]) can be diagonalized by Bogoliubov transformation $ \alpha_{\mathbf k} = u_{\mathbf k} c_{\mathbf k}^{} - v_{\mathbf k} c_{\mathbf{-k}}^\dagger $, $$\hat H_{\rm F}^{eff}
= \sum_{\mathbf k}
E_{\mathbf k} \alpha_{ \mathbf k }^\dagger \alpha_{ \mathbf k }^{}
+ \frac{ 1 }{ 2 } \sum_{\mathbf k} \left( \xi_{\mathbf k} - E_{\mathbf k}
+ \frac{ |\Delta({\mathbf k})|^2 }{ 2 E_{\mathbf k} } \right),$$ where the quasi-particle energy is $ E_{\mathbf k} = \sqrt{ \xi_{\mathbf k}^2 + |\Delta(\mathbf k)|^2 } $ with $ \xi_{\mathbf k} = \epsilon_{\mathbf k}^f - \mu_{\rm F}^r $, and $u_{\mathbf k}$ and $v_{\mathbf k}$ are given by $ u_{\mathbf k} = \sqrt{ ( 1 + \xi_{\mathbf k} / E_{\mathbf k} )/2 } $ and $ v_{\mathbf k} = \sqrt{ ( 1 - \xi_{\mathbf k} / E_{\mathbf k} )/2 } $, respectively. The gap equation $$\label{gapequation}
\Delta(\mathbf k) = \sum_{\mathbf k^\prime} U_{\rm FBF}^{\textit p}( \mathbf{ k,k^\prime } )
\frac{ \Delta(\mathbf k^\prime) }{ 2 E_{\mathbf k^\prime} },$$ and the requirement of the mean number of fermions $$\label{Nconservation}
n_{\rm F} = \frac{1}{2} \sum_{\mathbf k} \left( 1 - \frac{ \xi_{\mathbf k} }
{ E_{\mathbf k} } \right),$$ determine the energy gap $\Delta(\mathbf k)$ and chemical potential of fermions $\mu_{\rm F}^r$. Concrete forms of the gap will be discussed in the next section. Once we have the optimized value of the energy gap and chemical potential, we obtain the ground state energy per volume in the superfluid phase as $$\begin{aligned}
E_{SF} &=& \frac{ 1 }{ 2 } \sum_{\mathbf k} \left( \xi_{\mathbf k} - E_{\mathbf k}
+ \frac{ |\Delta(\mathbf k)|^2 }{ 2 E_{\mathbf k} } \right) \nonumber \\
&+& \mu_{\rm F}^r n_{\rm F}
+ \frac{1}{2} U_{\rm BB} n_{\rm B}^2 + U_{\rm BF} n_{\rm B} n_{\rm F}.\end{aligned}$$ The third and fourth terms in Eq. (\[superfluidE\]) are mean-field energies of the boson-boson and boson-fermion interactions.
Normal phase : phase separation
Now we consider a normal phase of repulsively interacting Bose-Fermi mixtures. In Ref. [@Binary-mixture], Viverit [*et al.*]{} studied a phase diagram of the uniform mixtures at zero temperature and predicted three types of equilibrium states: (A) a single uniform mixed phase, (B) a purely fermionic phase coexisting with a mixed phase, and (C) a purely fermionic phase coexisting with a purely bosonic one. By the method to find equilibrium states in Ref. [@Binary-mixture], we obtain the ground state energy of the system of a finite volume $V$ and total number of bosons $N_{\rm B}$ and of fermions $N_{\rm F}$. Suppose that the system is composed of two phases of volume $V_1$ and $V_2$ where $V=V_1+V_2$. The numbers of bosons and fermions are given by $N_{{\rm B}i}$ and $N_{{\rm F}i}$ for $i{\rm \text{-}th}$ phase, respectively, yielding to $N_{\rm B}=N_{\rm B1}+N_{\rm B2}$ and $N_{\rm F}=N_{\rm F1}+N_{\rm F2}$. Thus the total densities of bosons $n_{\rm B} = N_{\rm B}/V$ and of fermions $n_{\rm F} = N_{\rm F}/V$ are given by $n_{\rm B} = n_{\rm B1} v + n_{\rm B2} (1-v)$ and $n_{\rm F} = n_{\rm F1} v + n_{\rm F2} (1-v)$, respectively, where $v = V_1/V$. Total energy per volume $V$ is given by $$\label{normalenergy1}
E_N = E_1 v + E_2 (1-v),$$ where the energy per volume $V_i$ of $i{\rm \text{-}th}$ phase has $$\label{normalenergy2}
E_i = \frac{ 3 }{ 5 } \epsilon_{{\rm F}i} n_{{\rm F}i}
+ \frac{ 1 }{ 2 } U_{\rm BB} n_{{\rm B}i}^2 + U_{\rm BF} n_{{\rm B}i} n_{{\rm F}i}.$$ In Eq. (\[normalenergy2\]), the first term is the kinetic energy of fermions where $\epsilon_{{\rm F}i}=\hbar^2 (6\pi^2 n_{{\rm F}i})^{2/3} / 2 m_{\rm F}$ is Fermi energy of $i{\rm \text{-}th}$ phase. The second and third terms correspond to the mean-field energies of the boson-boson and boson-fermion interactions. In $i{\rm \text{-}th}$ phase, the pressure is $P_i = - \partial (E_i V_i) / \partial V_i$ and the chemical potentials of bosons and fermions are given by $\mu_{{\rm B}i} = \partial E_i / \partial n_{{\rm B}i}$ and $\mu_{{\rm F}i} = \epsilon_{{\rm F} i}= \partial E_i / \partial n_{{\rm F}i}$, respectively. The equilibrium conditions of the pressure and chemical potentials of bosons and fermions between two phases, $P_1=P_2$, $\mu_{{\rm B}1}= \mu_{{\rm B}2} $, and $\epsilon_{{\rm F}1}= \epsilon_{{\rm F}2}$, determine $V_i$, $n_{{\rm B} i}$, and $n_{{\rm F} i}$. As a result, the three types of equilibrium states can be realized.
Figure \[fig1\](a) shows a phase diagram for the $^{87}\rm Rb$-$^{40}\rm K$ mixed system in the $n_{\rm F}/n_{\rm B}$ vs. $U_{\rm BF}/U_{\rm BB}$ space for $n_{\rm B} = 10^{14} \rm cm^{-3}$ and $U_{\rm BB}=5.157 \times 10^{-51}$ \[$\rm Jm^3$\]. The lower and upper solid lines in Fig. \[fig1\](a) represent the boundaries between the phases (A)-(B) and phases (B)-(C), respectively. The result shows that a phase separation of bosons and fermions is preferred for a higher fraction of fermions and for a stronger boson-fermion interaction strength compared to the boson-boson one. The dashed line corresponds to the critical curve above which the uniform mixture is unstable against small density fluctuations. Figure \[fig1\](b) shows total energy per volume of the ground state $E_N$ calculated from Eqs. (\[normalenergy1\]) and (\[normalenergy2\]) as a function of $U_{\rm BF}/U_{\rm BB}$ for $ n_{\rm F} = n_{\rm B} = 10^{14}$ $\rm cm^{-3}$. The total energy per volume of the ground state scaled by $\epsilon_{\rm F} n_{\rm F}$ with $\epsilon_{\rm F} = \hbar^2 (6\pi^2 n_{\rm F})^{2/3} / 2 m_{\rm F}$ is plotted against the interaction ratio $U_{\rm BF}/U_{\rm BB}$. The energy value increases as the repulsive boson-fermion interaction becomes stronger until $U_{\rm BF}/U_{\rm BB} \simeq 6$ above which fermions start to separate from the bosonic cloud. For $U_{\rm BF}/U_{\rm BB} \gtrsim 8$ the ground state is the completely phase-separated phase (C), and the energy becomes independent of the interaction ratio $U_{\rm BF}/U_{\rm BB}$.
![ (a) Phase diagram of normal phase of the $^{87}$Rb-$^{40}$K mixtures. There exist three types of equilibrium states: (A) a single uniform mixed phase, (B) a purely fermionic phase coexisting with a mixed phase, and (C) a purely fermionic phase coexisting with a purely bosonic one. The lower and upper solid lines in Fig. 1(a) represent the boundaries between the phases (A)-(B) and phases (B)-(C), respectively. The dashed line corresponds to a critical curve above which the uniform mixture is unstable against small density fluctuations. (b) Total energy per volume of the ground state $E_N$ scaled by $\epsilon_{\rm F} n_{\rm F}$ as a function of $U_{\rm BF}/U_{\rm BB}$ for $ n_{\rm F} = n_{\rm B} = 10^{14} {\rm cm^{-3}}$. []{data-label="fig1"}](fig1a.eps){width="8.cm"}
![ (a) Phase diagram of normal phase of the $^{87}$Rb-$^{40}$K mixtures. There exist three types of equilibrium states: (A) a single uniform mixed phase, (B) a purely fermionic phase coexisting with a mixed phase, and (C) a purely fermionic phase coexisting with a purely bosonic one. The lower and upper solid lines in Fig. 1(a) represent the boundaries between the phases (A)-(B) and phases (B)-(C), respectively. The dashed line corresponds to a critical curve above which the uniform mixture is unstable against small density fluctuations. (b) Total energy per volume of the ground state $E_N$ scaled by $\epsilon_{\rm F} n_{\rm F}$ as a function of $U_{\rm BF}/U_{\rm BB}$ for $ n_{\rm F} = n_{\rm B} = 10^{14} {\rm cm^{-3}}$. []{data-label="fig1"}](fig1b.eps){width="8.cm"}
In this section, we examine phase transition between normal state and superfluid state of fermions. To do so, we assume two typical types of energy gaps, an axial state and a polar state in the superfluid phase, and calculate ground state energies in the two phases and directly compare them. We obtain phase diagram of $^{87}$Rb-$^{40}$K mixtures showing that phase transition from phase-separated state in the normal phase to $p$-wave superfluid state occurs as repulsive boson-fermion coupling becomes stronger. The unique characters of the $p$-wave pairing, such as momentum dependence of energy gap, momentum distribution of fermions, and quasi-particle excitation spectrum, in a strong boson-fermion coupling regime are also discussed.
Transition from phase separation to $p$-wave superfluidity
In order to obtain ground state energy of superfluid fermions, we need to calculate the total energy described by Eq. (\[superfluidE\]). In general, the $p$-wave pair energy gap can be expanded by spherical harmonics $$\Delta(\mathbf k) = \sum_{m=-1}^{1} \Delta^m (k) Y_{1,m}(\theta,\phi).$$ We assume, however, just two typical types of pair energy gaps, so-called an axial state [@ABM] $$\Delta^{\rm ax}(\mathbf k) = \Delta^{\rm ax}(k) ~( \hat k_x + i \hat k_y ),$$ and a polar state $$\Delta^{\rm pl}(\mathbf k) = \Delta^{\rm pl}(k) ~\hat k_z,$$ and regard a lower energy state of them as the ground state in superfluid phase. Note that there is no symmetrical solution due to the spin-polarization of fermions in this system. This fact is in stark contrast to unpolarized Fermi systems such as $^3 \rm He$ and heavy-fermion systems [@BW]. Amplitudes of the axial and polar states have $|\Delta^{\rm ax}(\mathbf k)| = \Delta^{\rm ax}(k) ~|\sin \theta|$ and $|\Delta^{\rm pl}(\mathbf k)| = \Delta^{\rm pl}(k) ~|\cos \theta|$, corresponding to anisotropic energy gaps in momentum space with zero energy gap on the north and south poles for the axial state and on the equator for the polar state, respectively.
Figure \[fig2\](a) shows total energies per volume of the axial state (tetragon) and polar state (asterisk) in unit of $\epsilon_{\rm F} n_{\rm F}$ as a function of $U_{\rm BF}/U_{\rm BB}$ for $n_{\rm F}=n_{\rm B}=10^{14} {\rm cm^{-3}}$. It shows that the total energies per volume of both of axial and polar states increase as the boson-fermion coupling becomes stronger until $U_{\rm BF}/U_{\rm BB} \simeq 30$. It is caused by the mean-field energy of boson-fermion repulsive interaction. At sufficiently strong boson-fermion interaction strength, however, the effect of the chemical potential $\mu_{\rm F}^r$ is significant and the total energy turns to decrease. We plot the behavior of the chemical potential of the superfluid states $\mu_{\rm F}^r$ as a function of $U_{\rm BF}/U_{\rm BB}$ in Figure \[fig2\](b). In the weak boson-fermion coupling regime, the relation $\mu_{\rm F}^r \simeq \epsilon_{\rm F}$ holds as in the ordinary BCS theory. However in the strong boson-fermion coupling regime, $\mu_{\rm F}^r$ starts to decrease, eventually becoming negative with increasing $U_{\rm BF}/U_{\rm BB}$. Negative values of the chemical potential indicate formation of bound pairs [@Leggett; @Noz-Schmi].
![ (a) Total energy per volume of the system $E_{SF}$ scaled by $\epsilon_{\rm F} n_{\rm F}$ and (b) chemical potential $\mu_{\rm F}^r$ scaled by $\epsilon_{\rm F}$ as a function of $U_{\rm BF}/U_{\rm BB}$ at $n_{\rm F} = n_{\rm B} = 10^{14} \rm cm^{-3}$. Each mark of a tetragon and an asterisk denotes the axial state and polar one. []{data-label="fig2"}](fig2a.eps){width="9.cm"}
![ (a) Total energy per volume of the system $E_{SF}$ scaled by $\epsilon_{\rm F} n_{\rm F}$ and (b) chemical potential $\mu_{\rm F}^r$ scaled by $\epsilon_{\rm F}$ as a function of $U_{\rm BF}/U_{\rm BB}$ at $n_{\rm F} = n_{\rm B} = 10^{14} \rm cm^{-3}$. Each mark of a tetragon and an asterisk denotes the axial state and polar one. []{data-label="fig2"}](fig2b.eps){width="9.cm"}
The dot-dashed line in Fig. \[fig2\](a) corresponds to total energy per volume of the ground state in normal phase, which is the same as the result in Fig. \[fig1\](b). The direct comparison between the ground states in the two phases shows that phase transition from the phase-separated state in normal phase to the axial state in superfluid phase occurs when the interaction ratio $U_{\rm BF}/U_{\rm BB}$ increases. We see that the energy of the axial state is lower than that of the polar state in the strong boson-fermion coupling regime. It is caused by the angle dependence of the energy gap. The axial state has anisotropic energy gap in momentum space with zero energy gap on the north and south poles. For the polar state, on the other hand, the energy gap vanishes on the equator in momentum space. So the former state contributes to the decrease of the total energy more than the latter case. Figure \[fig3\] shows phase diagram of the system in the $U_{\rm BF}/U_{\rm BB}$-$n_{\rm F}/n_{\rm B}$ plane for $n_{\rm B}=10^{14} {\rm cm^{-3}}$. The lower and upper lines are boundaries of the phases (A)-(B) and the phases (B)-(C) in normal phase as already explained in Fig. \[fig1\](a). The circle corresponds to the critical points below and above which the phase-separated state and axial state realizes, respectively. The dependence on $n_{\rm F}/n_{\rm B}$ of the phase boundary is not strong. Thus we conclude that $p$-wave superfluidity can be observed at sufficiently strong boson-fermion interaction compared to boson-boson interaction. This is the main result in the present paper. Using typical experimental parameters, we estimate the *s*-wave scattering length between boson and fermion simply from the rate of coupling constant. It is estimated as $a_{\rm BF}/a_{\rm BB} \simeq 23$ that is tunable by the technique of Feshbach resonance [@RbK-tune; @RbK-cont].
![ Phase diagram with considering the superfluid transition at $n_{\rm B} = 10^{14} \rm cm^{-3}$. Circles denote the boundary between the *p*-wave superfluid phase with axial state and normal phase with phase separated state. []{data-label="fig3"}](fig3.eps){width="9.cm"}
![ Momentum $|\mathbf k|$ dependence of the radial gap of the axial state $\Delta^{\rm ax}(k)$ scaled by $\epsilon_{\rm F}$ at $n_{\rm F} = n_{\rm B} = 10^{14} \rm cm^{-3}$. Solid, dashed, dashed-dotted, and dotted lines denote results for $U_{\rm BF}/U_{\rm BB} = 20$, $30$, $40$ and $50$, respectively. []{data-label="fig4"}](fig4.eps){width="8.cm"}
![ Quasi-particle energy in the axial state $E_{\bf k}$ scaled by $\epsilon_{\rm F}$ as a function of $k/k_{\rm F}$ with the angular component $\theta = \pi/2$ at $n_{\rm F} = n_{\rm B} = 10^{14} \rm cm^{-3}$. Dashed, dashed-dotted, and dotted lines denote $U_{\rm BF}/U_{\rm BB} = 20$, $40$, and $50$. And a solid line denotes dispersion relation of ideal fermi gases. []{data-label="fig5"}](fig5.eps){width="8.cm"}
![ Population numbers of fermions, $v_{\mathbf k}^2 = ( 1 - \xi_{\mathbf k} / E_{\mathbf k} )/2$, in momentum space. Solid, dashed, dashed-dotted, and dotted lines denote $U_{\rm BF}/U_{\rm BB} = 10$, $20$, $40$ and $50$, respectively. []{data-label="fig6"}](fig6.eps){width="8.cm"}
$p$-wave pairing state in strong boson-fermion coupling regime
We have just seen that $p$-wave superfluid state arises at sufficiently strong boson-fermion interaction strength. Properties of the strong boson-fermion coupling superfluid state such as energy gap, quasi-particle, and momentum distribution are expected to differ from those of the weak boson-fermion coupling one. In the following we will show some aspects of the $p$-wave pairing in the strong boson-fermion coupling regime.
Figure \[fig4\] shows the radial component of energy gap of the axial state $\Delta^{\rm ax}(k)$ in unit of Fermi energy $\epsilon_{\rm F}$ as a function of $k/k_{\rm F}$ where $k_{\rm F} = (6\pi^2 n_{\rm F})^{1/3}$. The energy gap peaks at around the Fermi surface, and a Cooper pair can be formed even in high momentum region of $|\mathbf k|>k_{\rm F}$. The gap also becomes larger, and the width around the peak gets broader with increasing $U_{BF}/U_{BB}$. The gap vanishes at $k=0$, and it originates from the property of the interaction with angular momentum $l=1$ between fermions. Since $\Delta(\bf k)$ corresponds to a pairing potential that affects on the pairing state of ($\bf k$, $-\bf k$), the gap crucially influences quasi-particle spectrum, see Figure \[fig5\]. The quasi-particle energy scaled by Fermi energy $\epsilon_{\rm F}$ is plotted as a function of $k/k_{\rm F}$. The solid line denotes dispersion relation of a free fermion. In the weak boson-fermion coupling regime, the quasi-particle energy differs from that of a free fermion only around the Fermi surface. In the strong boson-fermion coupling regime, the quasi-particle spectrum changes dramatically. For $\mu_{\rm F}^r < 0$, the gap opens at zero momentum and corresponds to molecular binding energy [@Leggett; @Noz-Schmi]. We can see that a Cooper pair is now a tightly bound state of $l=1$ like a diatomic molecule with the binding energy $-2|\mu_{\rm F}^r|$ in the strong boson-fermion coupling regime. Finally, the momentum distribution function of fermions for different $U_{\rm BF}/U_{\rm BB}$ values is shown in Figure \[fig6\]. As $U_{\rm BF}/U_{\rm BB}$ increases, the occupation of fermions reduces significantly and Fermi statistics turns to be less important. The momentum distribution at large $U_{\rm BF}/U_{\rm BB}$ is expected to be proportional to momentum distribution of $l=1$ bound state of two fermions. The behavior of the distribution at $k = 0$ is explained as follows. From Eq.(\[Nconservation\]) the population number of fermions at $k = 0$ becomes $v_{\bf k=0}^2 = (1+\mu_{\rm F}^r/|\mu_{\rm F}^r|)/2$. In the $U_{\rm BF}/U_{\rm BB}=10$, $20$, and $40$ cases, the population number of fermions at $k = 0$ becomes $v_{\bf k=0}^2 = 1$ because of $\mu_{\rm F}^r > 0$ shown in Fig. \[fig2\](b). In the $U_{\rm BF}/U_{\rm BB}=50$ case with $\mu_{\rm F}^r < 0$, however, the population number of fermions vanishes at $k = 0$. This result can be also understood by noting the following fact. For $\mu_{\rm F}^r > 0$, as indicated by Fig. \[fig4\], fermions of extremely small momentum are almost non-interacting and occupy as free particles. For $\mu_{\rm F}^r < 0$, the population number distribution tends to have the form of momentum distribution of single bound pair wave function [@Noz-Schmi] and vanishes at $k=0$ because of $l = 1$ bound state. The particle distribution is observable in the real experiments, for example, by using the time-of-flight method. Thus we consider this result as an indication for the observation of the $p$-wave superfluid.
We considered a system of repulsively interacting Bose-Fermi mixtures of spin polarized uniform atomic gases at zero temperature. We investigated the possibility of realization of $p$-wave superfluidity of fermions due to effective attractive interaction via density fluctuations of BEC in the case of strong boson-fermion interaction within mean-field approximation. By direct energy comparison between $p$-wave superfluid and phase-separated states, we found that $p$-wave superfluidity can be observed at sufficiently strong boson-fermion interaction compared to boson-boson interaction.
We also discussed unique features of the ground state in strong coupling $p$-wave superfluidity. We calculated the quasi-particle energy and found that a Cooper pair is a tightly bound state like a diatomic molecule in the strong boson-fermion coupling regime. We also calculated the momentum distribution function of fermions. In the strong boson-fermion coupling regime, we showed the property of the single bound pair wave function and suggested an observable indication of $p$-wave superfluid in the real experiment.
The present analysis was made by using the standard mean-field approach with BCS wave function [@Leggett]. The results at very strong coupling would be modified by fermionic self-energy correction as well as by dynamical screening of the effective interaction [@StrongBF]. The consideration of these effects is left for a future study. Nevertheless, the mean-field approaches are expected to provide good ways of building up intuition.
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El Sol es la estrella más cercana a nuestro planeta y por ello a sido la más estudiada en el transcurso de los años, sin embargo, aún es mucho lo que desconocemos de ella y aún más lo que no hemos podido comprender. Uno de los fénomenos solares que tiene repercución directa con la Tierra es el viento solar. El viento solar se define como el plasma que es expulsado desde las capas superiores de la atmósfera solar, este viento ha sido catalogado y en la actualidad se considera que posee tres componentes.
1. El viento solar pasivo: Es la componente del viento solar que existe como un flujo constante de plasma, y que llena el espacio interplanetario.
2. Flujo supersónico y cuasiestacionario.
3. Flujos supresónicos esporádicos. Estos son debidos a procesos cortos duración en el Sol, que son isotrópicos y además muy complejos en su estructura.
Se presenta una explicación breve del modélo de Parker del viento solar y el análisis de la correlacion entre radio explosiones en el Sol y el cambio en los parametros del viento solar.
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The Sun is the closest star to our planet and it is the most studied, perhaps, exist too much procesess not-understood. One of the solar processes that have a direct interaction with the earth is the solar wind. The solar wind is defined as the plasma expulsed from the solar atmosphere, this wind was cataloged and is considered that have three components:
1. Passive solar wind: Is the constant component of the solar wind.
2. Supersonic and quasistady flux.
3. Sporadic supersonic flux.
We present and brief explanation of the Parker’s model of the solar wind and a correlation analysis between solar micro radio bursts and the change of the solar wind parameters.
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Juan Carlos Martínez Oliveros\
Daniel Ricardo Izquierdo Peña
El viento solar
El viento solar es considerado al igual que el campo magnético interplanetario (IMF) una extensión de la corona solar. Existen modelos teóricos que descríben las variaciones de los parámetros termodinamicos (densidad, presion, temperatura, volumen) en funcion de la distancia al Sol, es decir, el radio solar. Chapman en los años 50 propuso el primer modelo, en su análisis Chapman describe la corona como un medio homogeneo y simétrico lo cual le permitió hacer una caracterizacion del medio usando la hidrostática.
Parker [@parker1] propuso un modelo din amico de la corona, en el que se analiza la probabilidad de flujo variable de partículas de la corona. Estas ideas fueron basadas en las observaciones realizadas por Biermann[@biermann]. En sus observaciones Biermann registro que la longitud aparente de la cola de los cometas variaba con el tiempo y estas se hacian mucho mas evidentes en los momentos de mayor actividad solar. Biermann propuso que esta variacion es debida a un flujo variable de particulas del Sol.
El modelo de Parker
El modelo de Parker nos describe la atmósfera solar desde el punto de vista de la magnetohidrodinámica. La atmósfera solar se dice que se encuentra en equilibrio y que el flujo de partículas (electones, protones y partículas alfa), por simetría, se espera que sea radial. La ecuación de conservación del momento radial para la corona es,
$$\rho u \frac{du}{dr} = -\frac{dp}{dr} - \rho \frac{GM_o}{r^2}$$
donde $u$ es la velocidad radial de expansión. La ecuación de continuidad es
$$\frac{1}{r^2} \frac{d(r^2\rho u)}{dr} = 0$$
esta también puede ser escrita en función del área transversal por la cual fluye el plasma
$$\rho(r)u(r)A(r) = \rho_0 u_0 A_0$$
La ecuación de estado del gas esta dada por una función politrópica que relaciona la presión y la densidad del medio,
$$p(r) = p_0 \left( \frac{\rho(r)}{\rho_0} \right) ^{\alpha}$$
donde $\alpha$ es el índice politrópico y entre$1 \le \alpha \le 5/3$ y corresponde al coeficiente adiabático para $\alpha = 5/3$. Indices distintos a 5/3, implican la existencia de otras fuentes energéticas del viento solar. Reemplazando los valores de la ecuación de continuidad y de estado del gas en la ecuación de conservación del momento e intergrado por $r$ , obtenemos la ecuación de Bernulli para $\alpha \neq 1$
$$\frac{1}{2}u^2 - \frac{GM_o}{r} + \frac{\alpha}{\alpha -1}\frac{p_0}{\rho_0}\frac{u_0A_0}{uA} = \frac{1}{2}u_0^2 - \frac{GM_o}{r_0} + \frac{\alpha}{\alpha -1}\frac{p_0}{\rho_0}$$
reescribiendo esta ecuación en coordenadas adimensionales, $$\begin{aligned}
\zeta = \frac{r}{r_0}, & v^2 = \frac{1}{2} \frac{p_0}{r_0} u^2, & H = \frac{GM_o\rho_0}{r_0p}, \nonumber\end{aligned}$$
$$v^2 + \frac{\alpha}{\alpha -1}\left( \frac{v_0}{v \zeta^2}\right)^{\alpha -1} -\frac{H}{\zeta} = v_0^2 + \frac{\alpha}{\alpha -1} - H \equiv V_1^2$$
donde $V_1$ es una constante de integración que depende de las condiciones de frontera existentes sobre la superficie $r = r_0$.
Esta ecuación nos muestra la variación de la velocidad del viento solar con respecto a la distancia al Sol. Esta ecuación no posee solución analítica, sin embargo han sido calculadas en diversas soluciónes en distintos trabajos. Se mostrarán a continuación las soluciónes asintóticas para distancia grandes ($\zeta \gg 1$) y pequeñas ($\zeta \ll 1$).
Soluciones asintóticas
### $\zeta \rightarrow \infty$
Podemos observar que si $\zeta$ tiende a infinito, entonces la función $v(\zeta)$ puede crecer infinitamente, tender a cero o a una constante. Podemos observar de la ecuación anterior que $v(\zeta)$ no puede tender a infinito, ya que el término de la derecha es una constante. Así nos queda que la función $v(\zeta)$ tiende o a una constante o al cero. Supongamos que $v(\zeta)$ tiende a una constante,
$$v\vert_{\zeta \rightarrow \infty} \longrightarrow v_1$$
Si $v(\zeta)$ tiende a cero, el primer y tercer elementos del lado izquierdo de la ecuación también tiende a cero, así,
$$v\vert_{\zeta \rightarrow \infty} \longrightarrow \frac{v_0}{\zeta^2}\left( \frac{\alpha}{\alpha -1}\frac{1}{v^2}\right)^{\frac{1}{\alpha -1}}$$
De esta forma podemos observar que este caso posee dos soluciones, ahora debemos determinar cual de ellas es más aproximada a la realidad física, para ello calculamos la densidad del plasma, correspondientes a estas soluciones.
Tenemos que la ecuación de estado del gas en las nuevas coordenadas viene dada por,
$$\rho(r) = \rho_0 \frac{1}{\zeta^2}\frac{v_0}{v}$$
Reemplzando los valores obtenidos de $\zeta$ encontramos la densidad del plasma
$$v|_{\zeta \rightarrow \infty} \cases{0 \cr \rho\left[ \frac{(\alpha -1)v_1^2}{\alpha}\right]^{\frac{1}{\alpha -1}} \cr}$$
De esta ecuación se deduce que la solución inferior de $v(\zeta)$ no puede tener lugar ya que para $v \rightarrow \infty$, el valor de la densidad tiende a una constante, lo cual es refutado por los resultados experimentales. La solución superior está de acuerdo con la experimentación ya que a grande distancias de Sol, la densidad de partículas debe tender a cero.
### $\zeta \rightarrow 0$
Cuando en $\zeta \rightarrow 0$ el tercer término del lado izquierdo de la ecuación tiende a infinito, como el término de la derecha es una constante, entonces el crecimiento de este término debe de ser compensado por los dos términos del lado izquierdo de la ecuación, de esta forma tenemos de nuevo dos posibles soluciones.
$$v|_{\zeta \rightarrow 0} \cases{\left(\frac{H}{\zeta}\right)^{1/2} \rightarrow \infty \cr v_0 \left[\frac{\alpha}{\alpha -1}\frac{1}{H}\right]^{\frac{1}{\alpha-1}} \zeta^{\frac{1}{\alpha-1}-2} \cr}$$
![En esta gráfica se puede observar el punto crítico de las soluciones.](img51.ps)
La solución superior no puede existir físicamente, ya que la velocidad del viento no puede crecer infinitamente a medida que nos alejamos del Sol. La solución inferior nos muestra un resultado aceptable cuando $v|_{\zeta \rightarrow 0}\rightarrow 0$, para los valores del índice politrópico definidos por la desigualdad $1/(\alpha - 1) -2 >0$, es decir, $\alpha < 3/2$.
De esta manera, la solución estacionaria de la corona se hace posible en el caso de que el índice de la politropa *a* sea menor que el índice adiabático $\alpha = 5/3$, es decir, se tiene un flujo de energía constante en la corona y en el viento solar. En el modelo original de Parker se supone que este flujo es garantizado por la alta conductividad térmica del plasma, sin embargo, estudios posteriores demostraron que este flujo no es suficiente para garantizar la aceleracion del viento solar, y así es necesario el buscar nuevas fuentes energéticas.
Como ya pudimos ver, existen dos soluciones tanto para distancias grandes, como para cortas. La comparación de estas dos soluciones se hace observando su comportamiento cerca de un punto crítico, punto que en el plano $(\zeta,v)$, se determina de la siguiente forma.
Diferenciamos la ecuación de Bernoulli (en unidades adimensionales) con respecto a $\zeta$:
$$\left(2v - \frac{\alpha v_0^{\alpha-1}}{v^{\alpha}\zeta^{2(\alpha-1)}}\right)\frac{dv}{d\zeta} = \frac{2\alpha v_0^{\alpha-1}}{v^{\alpha-1}\zeta^{2(\alpha-1)+1}}-\frac{H}{\zeta^2}$$
Determinamos el punto crítico $(\zeta_c,v_c)$ como el punyo en el cual el lado derecho de la ecuación anterior y el coeficiente con $du/d\zeta$ se hacen iguales a cero al mismo tiempo. Entonces
v_c^2\zeta_c=\frac{H}{4}, & \zeta_c = \left(\frac{H}{4}\right)^{\frac{\alpha+1}{5-3\alpha}}\left(\frac{2}{\alpha v_0^{\alpha -1}}\right)^{\frac{2}{5-3\alpha}}\end{aligned}$$
El comportamiento de las soluciones cerca de este punto crítico se puede observar en la gráfica 1. Como podemos ver las soluciones son representadas como una familia de hipérbolas, sin embargo, sólo una de las soluciones safisface las condiciones de frontera tanto para grandes, como para pequeñas distancias al Sol. Como resultado se tiene que para distitas temperaturas la velocidad radial del viento solar varia entre 300km/s y 700km/s. Podriamos decir que esta variación en la velocidad es debida a la variación de la temperatura en la corona solar, lo cual es predicho por el modelo de Parker, sin embargo, distintas observaciones han comprobado que la fuente de flujo a grandes velocidades son los huecos coronales, en los cuales la temperatura de la corona es menor que la media. Así notamos que la velocidad del viento solar no sólo depende de la temperatura de la corona, sino también del índice politrópico $\alpha$: entre mayor será el valor de $\alpha$, la velocidad del viento solar sera mucho menor en la órbita terrestre. La mejor correlación entre modelos y observaciones para el modelo de Parker es $\alpha =1$ en la vecindad solar y $\alpha =5/3$ a grandes distancias del Sol.
Ahora, en relación con el valor inferior de $\alpha$, se tiene que el gradiente de temperatura tiende a cero $\partial T/ \partial r \rightarrow 0$. Además el flujo también tiende a cero. De esta forma, para poder mantener una temperatura suficientemente alta del viento solar, debe existir otro mecanismo energético no térmico, el cual puede estar relacionado con la energía disipativa de las ondas de Alfvèn.
El Campo Magnético Interplanetario
El campo magnético del Sol ha sido medido de diferentes formas desde la Tierra y es consederado del orden del gauss. El principal mecanismo de generación del campo magn ético solar es el efecto de dínamo. Este campo general se extiende radialmente y decrece con el cuadrado de la distancia $r^{-2}$; se considera que el campo es de $\sim 2 \times 10^-5$ gauss [@space_aph] sobre la órbita terrestre. Es sobre estas líneas de campo que se pueden detectar las partículas cargadas que provienen de los eventos solares tales como protuberacias. El cambio en los parámetros del viento solar poseen una correlacion directa con los periodos de actividad solar [@asp].
Este campo radial se transforma a distancias grandes del Sol en una espiral de arquimedes, debido a la rotacion de 27 días del Sol. De esta forma el campo en la órbita terrestre se vuelve más azimutal que radiasl, y decrece con $r^{-1}$. La “radialidad” de las líneas depende de la velocidad del viento solar. Es sabido que esta velocidad varia según los procesos de generación del viento. Las líneas de campo vienen dadas por:
$$r \cong [v(\infty)/\Omega]\phi$$
Donde $\Omega$ es la velocidad angular media del Sol y $\phi$ es el ángulo acimutal que es medido sobre la linea de campo que emerge sobre la superficie solar.
Observaciones y Conclusiones
Para el estudio de la correlación fueron escogidos 75 candidatos. Estos candidatos son micro explosiones detectadas en el radio diapazón y registradas por el radiotelescopio RATAN 600 de la Academia Rusa de Ciencias, en las frecuencias correspondientes a las longitudes de onda 29.56cm, 30.46cm y 31.41cm. Como micro explosión entenderemos los eventos de corta duración y que son vistos casi con la misma intensidad a distintas frecuencias y que no pueden ser asociados a problemas de amplificación del radiotelescopio (fig. 2).
Para este estudio, primero se halló la correlación con los eventos registrados por el satelite GOES en rayos X en las bandas de 0.1-8Åy 0.1-4Å. Se determinó que en el momento de cada microexplosión fue registrado con un error de $\pm5$ minutos, un incremento del flujo integral en rayos X en dos bandas, siendo este incremento más apreciable en la banda de 0.1-4Å, sin embargo se tomó como patrón para el análisis de la correlación la banda de 0.1-8Å, ya que esta es la usada en lo sumarios para la descripción de las explosiones y tormentas magnéticas.
![Observación en rayos-x, hecha por el satelite ACE.](xray.ps)
Teniendo en cuenta que las micro explosiones no son eventos aislados, sino que hacen parte de procesos más energéticos, se implementó un método de acotación de los eventos tanto inferior como superiormente, para ello se analizaron los flujos en rayos X y se determinaron los eventos cercanos de mayor energía. Este método nos permite buscar dichos picos en las curvas de los parámetros del viento solar y ubicar por comparación de los flujo en el radio y del campo magnético del viento solar la micro estructura que fueron registradas en el radio diapazón. Se debe resaltar que este método podría dar luz sobre los posibles mecanismos de generación de la microestructura, esto a pesar de que las cotas que estamos tomando y los datos del viento solar sean integrales por el disco solar.
Debido a que las líneas de campo magnético en el espacio interplanetrio están curvadas como es predicho por el modelo de Parker [@parker2], se debe tener en cuenta que podemos no registrar todos lo eventos observados en el radio, es decir, ya que el viento solar se mueve a lo largo de las líneas de campo magnético los eventos ocurridos después de cierta longitud solar no puden ser registrados por los satélites de observación solar tales como el usado para este trabajo. Después de determinar aquellos eventos que pueden ser observados por el satélite ACE, fueron trabajados los 66 candidatos, determinando el tiempo en el cual fue registrado por el satélite ACE.
El análisis de la correlación solamente fue hecha suponiendo la pertenecia de la micro explosión a alguno de los dos eventos energéticos que la acotan, así fue posible realizar la tabla de correlación. Se establecio que la gran mayoria de las explosiones correspondientes en rayos-x a los eventos en el radio no son altamente energéticos y corresponden a clases B-C, siendo predominante las de clase C.
Se obtuvó que el periodo de llegada de las particulas esta entre 3 y 6 días , siendo la principal componente los eventos solares de clase C con una occurencia del 67.09%. En la siguiente tabla se muestran los resultados porcentuales:
día $<$C C M V(km/s)
----- -------- -------- -------- ---------
3 34.62% 57.69% 7.69% 577.16
4 18.75% 68.75% 12.50% 482.87
5 47.06% 50.00% 2.94% 346.26
6 16.67% 66.67% 16.67% 288.58
![Parámetros del viento solar.[]{data-label="sw"}](sw.ps)
Todos los parámetros tomados ($\rho$, $T$ , $\vec{v}$, $|\vec{B}|$) para este trabajo presentan un cambio apreciable en su magnitud, sin embargo, los cambios mas notorios fueron en densidad de protones y temperatura. Fueron registrados un corrimiento de los máximos de los parámetros, estando el incremento de la temperatura y de la velocidad en un desfase con la densidad y el campo magnético (fig. \[sw\]). Se observa una buena correlación entre el incremento de los flujos del viento solar tanto en densidad como en campo magnetico, demostrando una relación entre estos. En la gran mayoría de los casos los máximos coinciden entre estos parámetros y aún más los perfiles delos flujos coinciden muy bien. En cuento a la velocidad y la temperatura, el incremento de la velocidad para ciertos días no es muy apreciable, sin embargo se nota que la tendencia de aumento del flujo coincide con el incremento de la temperatura, y para los casos en los cuales el cambio de la velocidad es apreciable tambien se obtiene que los máximos de estos dos parámetros coinciden. Así se puede observar, al igual que en el caso de la densidad y el campo magnético, una relación directa entre estos dos parámetros, lo cual es claro de la teoría.
**Liller, W**. 1961. The University of Michigan Institute of Science and Technology, McGraw-Hill. **Guinan, E. F., Ribas I**. 2002. Our Changing Sun: The Role of Solar Nuclear Evolution and Magnetic Activity on Earth’s Atmosphere and Climate. Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series. **269**:85-106. **Parker, E. N**. 1958. Astrophysical Journal.**128**:669. **Parker, E. N**. 1963. Interplanetary Dinamical Processes. New York. Intersciences **Biermann, L**. 1951. Zs. Astrophysics. **29**:274 **Zirin, H**. 1966. The Solar Atmosphere,Blaisdell Publishing Company.
[99]{} **Pudovkin M.I**. Solnechniy veter.\
`http://www.astronet.ru:8100/db/msg/1171262`. **Baranov V.B**. Chto takoe solnechniy veter.\
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