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802.2603 | Hisayuki Hara | Hisayuki Hara, Akimichi Takemura and Ruriko Yoshida | Hara Hisayuki, Takemura Akimichi, Yoshida Ruriko | A Markov Basis for Conditional Test of Common Diagonal Effect in
Quasi-Independence Model for Square Contingency Tables | 15 pages | Comput. Statist. Data Anal. (2009), 53, 1006-1014 | 10.1016/j.csda.2008.11.030 | stat.ME | In two-way contingency tables we sometimes find that frequencies along the
diagonal cells are relatively larger(or smaller) compared to off-diagonal
cells, particularly in square tables with the common categories for the rows
and the columns. In this case the quasi-independence model with an additional
parameter for each of the diagonal cells is usually fitted to the data. A
simpler model than the quasi-independence model is to assume a common
additional parameter for all the diagonal cells. We consider testing the
goodness of fit of the common diagonal effect by Markov chain Monte Carlo
(MCMC) method. We derive an explicit form of a Markov basis for performing the
conditional test of the common diagonal effect. Once a Markov basis is given,
MCMC procedure can be easily implemented by techniques of algebraic statistics.
We illustrate the procedure with some real data sets.
| v1 (Tue, 19 Feb 2008 07:36:20 GMT), v2 (Tue, 22 Jul 2008 05:00:49 GMT) |
802.2604 | Marc Schartmann | M. Schartmann (1), K. Meisenheimer (1), M. Camenzind (2), S. Wolf (1),
K. R. W. Tristram (1) and Th. Henning (1) ((1) MPIA, Heidelberg, Germany (2)
ZAH-LSW Heidelberg, Germany) | Schartmann M., Meisenheimer K., Camenzind M., Wolf S., Tristram K. R. W., Henning Th. | Three-dimensional radiative transfer models of clumpy tori in Seyfert
galaxies | 15 pages, 23 figures, accepted by A&A | null | 10.1051/0004-6361:20078907 | astro-ph | Tori of Active Galactic Nuclei are made up of a mixture of hot and cold gas,
as well as dust. In order to protect the dust grains from destruction by the
hot gas as well as by the energetic radiation of the accretion disk, the dust
is often assumed to be distributed in clouds. In our new 3D model of AGN dust
tori, the torus is modelled as a wedge-shaped disk in which dusty clouds are
randomly distributed, by taking the dust density distribution of the
corresponding continuous model into account. We especially concentrate on the
differences between clumpy and continuous models in terms of the temperature
distributions, the surface brightness distributions and interferometric
visibilities, as well as spectral energy distributions. To this end, we employ
radiative transfer calculations with the help of the 3D Monte Carlo code MC3D.
In a second step, interferometric visibilities are calculated from the
simulated surface brightness distributions, which can be directly compared to
observations with the MIDI instrument. The radial temperature distributions of
clumpy models possess significantly enhanced scatter compared to the continuous
cases. Even at large distances, clouds can be heated directly by the central
accretion disk. The existence of the silicate 10 micron-feature in absorption
or in emission depends sensitively on the distribution, the size and optical
depth of clouds in the innermost part of the torus, due to shadowing effects of
clouds there. This explains failure and success of previous modelling efforts
of clumpy tori. After adapting the parameters of our clumpy standard model to
the circumstances of the Seyfert 2 Circinus galaxy, it can qualitatively
explain recent mid-infrared interferometric observations performed with MIDI,
as well as high resolution spectral data.
| v1 (Tue, 19 Feb 2008 20:21:21 GMT) |
802.2605 | Wen-Ge Wang | Wen-ge Wang | Wang Wen-ge | Sensitivity of Quantum Motion to Perturbation in Triangle Map | 6 pages, 8 figures, published version | Phys. Rev. E 77, 036206 (2008) | 10.1103/PhysRevE.77.036206 | nlin.CD quant-ph | We study quantum Loschmidt echo, or fidelity, in the triangle map whose
classical counterpart has linear instability and weak chaos. Numerically, three
regimes of fidelity decay have been found with respect to the perturbation
strength $\epsilon$. In the regime of weak perturbation, the fidelity decays as
$\exp (-c\epsilon^2 t^{\gamma})$ with $\gamma \simeq 1.7$. In the regime of
strong perturbation, the fidelity is approximately a function of $\epsilon
t^{2.5}$, which is predicted for the classical fidelity [G. Casati, {\it et
al}, Phys.Rev.Lett.{\bf 94}, 114101 (2005)], and decays slower than power-law
decay for long times. In an intermediate regime, the fidelity has approximately
an exponential decay $\exp (-c' \epsilon t)$.
| v1 (Tue, 19 Feb 2008 08:07:40 GMT), v2 (Mon, 24 Mar 2008 12:47:24 GMT) |
802.2606 | Wei-Qin Zhao | Zhao Wei-Qin | Wei-Qin Zhao | Two Kinds of Iterative Solutions for Generalized Sombrero-shaped
Potential in $N$-dimensional Space | 16 pages, 3 figures | null | 10.1088/1751-8113/41/23/235302 | quant-ph | Based on two different iteration procedures the groundstate wave functions
and energies for N-dimensional generalized Sombrero-shaped potentials are
solved. Two kinds of trial functions for the iteration procedure are defined.
The iterative solutions are convergent nicely to consistent results for
different choices of iteration procedures and trial functions.
| v1 (Tue, 19 Feb 2008 08:12:38 GMT) |
802.2607 | Zaza Osmanov | Z. Osmanov, A. Mignone, S. Massaglia, G. Bodo, A. Ferrari | Osmanov Z., Mignone A., Massaglia S., Bodo G., Ferrari A. | On the linear theory of Kelvin-Helmholtz instabilities of relativistic
magnetohydrodynamic planar flows | 8 pages, 9 figures | null | 10.1051/0004-6361:200809605 | astro-ph | We investigate the linear stability properties of the plane interface
separating two relativistic magnetized flows in relative motion. The two flows
are governed by the (special) relativistic equations for a magnetized perfect
gas in the infinite conductivity approximation. By adopting the vortex-sheet
approximation, the relativistic magnetohydrodynamics equations are linearized
around the equilibrium state and the corresponding dispersion relation is
derived and discussed. The behavior of the configuration and the regimes of
instability are investigated following the effects of four physical parameters,
namely: the flow velocity, the relativistic and Alfv\'enic Mach numbers and the
inclination of the wave vector on the plane of the interface. From the
numerical solution of the dispersion relation, we find in general two separate
regions of instability, associated respectively with the slow and fast
magnetosonic modes. Modes parallel to the flow velocity are destabilized only
for sufficiently low magnetization. For the latter case, stabilization is
attained, additionally, at sufficiently large relativistic velocities between
the two flows in relative motion. The relevance of these results to the study
of the stability of astrophysical jets is briefly commented.
| v1 (Tue, 19 Feb 2008 08:14:00 GMT), v2 (Fri, 7 Mar 2008 08:21:05 GMT), v3 (Thu, 14 Aug 2008 06:40:40 GMT) |
802.2608 | Luigi Coraggio | L. Coraggio, A. Covello, A. Gargano, N. Itaco, and T. T. S. Kuo | Coraggio L., Covello A., Gargano A., Itaco N., Kuo T. T. S. | Shell-model studies on exotic nuclei around 132Sn | 8 pages, 4 tables, invited talk at INPC2007, Tokyo, Japan, June 3-8
2007. To be published in Nuclear Physics A | Nucl.Phys.A805:424-430,2008 | 10.1016/j.nuclphysa.2008.02.264 | nucl-th | The study of exotic nuclei around 132Sn is a subject of current experimental
and theoretical interest. Experimental information for nuclei in the vicinity
of 132Sn, which have been long inaccessible to spectroscopic studies, is now
available thanks to new advanced facilities and techniques. The experimental
data which have been now become available for these neutron-rich nuclei may
suggest a modification in the shell structure. They are, in fact, somewhat
different from what one might expect by extrapolating the existing results for
N<82, and as a possible explanation a change in the single-proton level scheme
has been suggested. The latter would be caused by a more diffuse nuclear
surface, and could be seen as a precursor of major effects which should show up
at larger neutron excess. New data offer therefore the opportunity to test the
shell model and look for a possible evolution of shell structure when going
toward neutron drip line. This is stimulating shell-model studies in this
region. Here, we present an overview of recent shell-model studies of 132Sn
neighbors, focusing attention on those calculations employing realistic
effective interactions.
| v1 (Tue, 19 Feb 2008 14:21:19 GMT) |
802.2609 | Huawei Zhang | H.W. Zhang, T. Gehren, G. Zhao | Zhang H. W., Gehren T., Zhao G. | NLTE study of scandium in the Sun | 10 pages, 6 figures, A&A accepted | null | 10.1051/0004-6361:20078910 | astro-ph | We investigate the formation of neutral and singly ionized scandium lines in
the solar photospheres. The research is aimed derive solar $\log
gf\epsilon_{\odot}$(Sc) values for scandium lines, which will later be used in
differential abundance analyses of metal-poor stars. Extensive statistical
equilibrium calculations were carried out for a model atom, which comprises 92
terms for \ion{Sc}{i} and 79 for \ion{Sc}{ii}. Photoionization cross-sections
are assumed to be hydrogenic. Synthetic line profiles calculated from the level
populations according to the NLTE departure coefficients were compared with the
observed solar spectral atlas. Hyperfine structure (HFS) broadening is taken
into account. The statistical equilibrium of scandium is dominated by a strong
underpopulation of \ion{Sc}{i} caused by missing strong lines. It is nearly
unaffected by the variation in interaction parameters and only marginally
sensitive to the choice of the solar atmospheric model. Abundance
determinations using the ODF model lead to a solar Sc abundance of between
$\log\epsilon_\odot = 3.07$ and 3.13, depending on the choice of $f$ values.
The long known difference between photospheric and meteoritic scandium
abundances is confirmed for the experimental $f$-values.
| v1 (Tue, 19 Feb 2008 08:45:06 GMT) |
802.261 | Vesna Borka Jovanovi\'c | V. Borka, J. Milogradov-Turin, D. Uro\v{s}evi\'c | Borka V., Milogradov-Turin J., Urošević D. | The Brightness of the Galactic Radio Loops at 1420 MHz: Some Indications
for the Existence of Loops V and VI | 6 pages, 4 tables, 4 figures. Accepted for publication in Astron.
Nachr | null | 10.1002/asna.200610927 | astro-ph | In this article we use 1420 MHz data to demonstrate the likely reality of
Galactic radio Loops V and VI. We further estimate distances and spectral
indices for both these and the four main radio loops. In the cases of Loops I -
IV, radio spectral indices are calculated from the mean brightnesses at 1420
and 820/404 MHz. The spectral indices of Loops V and VI are obtained from $T -
T$ plots between 1420 and 408 MHz. Using the supernova remnant (SNR) hypothesis
for the origin of radio loops, distances are calculated from the surface
brightnesses and the angular diameters at 1420 MHz. We also study how results
for brightnesses and distances of radio loops agree with current theories of
SNR evolution. For this purpose, the ambient density and initial explosion
energy of the loops are discussed. We also discuss applications of different
$\Sigma - D$ relations. The results obtained confirm a non-thermal origin and
nearby locations for the Galactic radio loops. Therefore, we have indications
that they are very old SNRs that evolve in low ambient densities, with high
initial explosion energies.
| v1 (Tue, 19 Feb 2008 08:46:15 GMT) |
802.2611 | Michael Ruzhansky | Michael Ruzhansky and Mitsuru Sugimoto | Ruzhansky Michael, Sugimoto Mitsuru | Comparison of estimates for dispersive equations | an expository note; 7 pages | Begehr, H. G. W. (ed.) et al., Further progress in analysis.
Proceedings of the 6th international ISAAC congress, Ankara, Turkey, August
13-18, 2007. Hackensack, NJ: World Scientific. 486-494 (2009) | null | math.AP math.FA | This paper describes a new comparison principle that can be used for the
comparison of space-time estimates for dispersive equations. In particular,
results are applied to the global smoothing estimates for several classes of
dispersive partial differential equations.
| v1 (Tue, 19 Feb 2008 09:04:37 GMT) |
802.2612 | Sergey Gubin | Sergey Gubin | Gubin Sergey | On Subgraph Isomorphism | Simplified, 6 pages | Polynomial size asymmetric linear model for Subgraph Isomorphism,
Proceedings WCECS 2008, ISBN: 978-988-98671-0-2, pp.241-246 | null | cs.DM cs.CC cs.DS math.CO | Article explicitly expresses Subgraph Isomorphism by a polynomial size
asymmetric linear system.
| v1 (Tue, 19 Feb 2008 09:06:40 GMT), v2 (Thu, 14 Aug 2008 22:22:49 GMT) |
802.2613 | Giacomo Beccari | G. Beccari, B.Lanzoni, F.R. Ferraro, L.Pulone, M.Bellazzini, F.Fusi
Pecci, R.T.Rood, E.Giallongo, R.Ragazzoni, A.Grazian, A.Baruffolo, N.Bouche,
P.Buschkamp, C.De Santis, E.Diolaiti, A.Di Paola, J.Farinato, A.Fontana,
S.Gallozzi, F.Gasparo, G.Gentile, F.Pasian, F.Pedichini, R.Smareglia,
R.Speziali, V.Testa, E.Vernet | Beccari G., Lanzoni B., Ferraro F. R., Pulone L., Bellazzini M., Pecci F. Fusi, Rood R. T., Giallongo E., Ragazzoni R., Grazian A., Baruffolo A., Bouche N., Buschkamp P., De Santis C., Diolaiti E., Di Paola A., Farinato J., Fontana A., Gallozzi S., Gasparo F., Gentile G., Pasian F., Pedichini F., Smareglia R., Speziali R., Testa V., Vernet E. | The Blue Straggler population in the globular cluster M53 (NGC5024): a
combined HST, LBT, CFHT study | 25 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication on ApJ | null | 10.1086/587689 | astro-ph | We used a proper combination of multiband high-resolution and wide field
multi-wavelength observations collected at three different telescopes (HST, LBT
and CFHT) to probe Blue Straggler Star (BSS) populations in the globular
cluster M53. Almost 200 BSS have been identified over the entire cluster
extension. The radial distribution of these stars has been found to be bimodal
(similarly to that of several other clusters) with a prominent dip at ~60'' (~2
r_c) from the cluster center. This value turns out to be a factor of two
smaller than the radius of avoidance (r_avoid, the radius within which all the
stars of ~1.2 M_sun have sunk to the core because of dynamical friction effects
in an Hubble time). While in most of the clusters with a bimodal BSS radial
distribution, r_avoid has been found to be located in the region of the
observed minimum, this is the second case (after NGC6388) where this
discrepancy is noted. This evidence suggests that in a few clusters the
dynamical friction seems to be somehow less efficient than expected.
We have also used this data base to construct the radial star density profile
of the cluster: this is the most extended and accurate radial profile ever
published for this cluster, including detailed star counts in the very inner
region. The star density profile is reproduced by a standard King Model with an
extended core (~25'') and a modest value of the concentration parameter
(c=1.58). A deviation from the model is noted in the most external region of
the cluster (at r>6.5' from the center). This feature needs to be further
investigated in order to address the possible presence of a tidal tail in this
| v1 (Tue, 19 Feb 2008 19:03:03 GMT) |
802.2614 | Kouichi Hagino | F. Minato and K. Hagino | Minato F., Hagino K. | Fission barriers in neutron-proton isospin plane for heavy neutron-rich
nuclei | 6 pages, 7 figures | Phys.Rev.C77:044308,2008 | 10.1103/PhysRevC.77.044308 | nucl-th | We discuss the sensitivity of fission barrier for heavy neutron-rich nuclei
to fission paths in the two dimensional neutron-proton quadrupole plane. To
this end, we use the constrained Skyrme-Hartree-Fock + BCS method, and examine
the difference of fission barriers obtained with three constraining operators,
that is, the neutron, proton, and mass quadrupole operators. We investigate
$^{220}$U, $^{236}$U, and $^{266}$U, %from proton-rich to neutron-rich uranium
isotopes, that is relevant to r-process nucleosynthesis. We find that the
fission barrier heights are almost the same among the three constraining
operators even for neutron-rich nuclei, indicating that the usual way to
calculate fission barriers with the mass quadrupole operator is well justified.
We also discuss the difference between proton and neutron deformation
parameters along the fission paths.
| v1 (Tue, 19 Feb 2008 09:23:23 GMT) |
802.2615 | Jose Natario | Filipe C. Mena, Jose Natario | Mena Filipe C., Natario Jose | Matching stationary spacetimes | 13 pages; v2: references added, typos corrected, matches final
published version; v3: statement about higher genus stars corrected,
reference added; v4: footnote 3 made more precise | J. Geom. Phys. 59 (2009) 448-458 | 10.1016/j.geomphys.2008.12.002 | gr-qc | Using the quasi-Maxwell formalism, we derive the necessary and sufficient
conditions for the matching of two stationary spacetimes along a stationary
timelike hypersurface, expressed in terms of the gravitational and
gravitomagnetic fields and the 2-dimensional matching surface on the space
manifold. We prove existence and uniqueness results to the matching problem for
stationary perfect fluid spacetimes with spherical, planar, hyperbolic and
cylindrical symmetry. Finally, we find an explicit interior for the cylindrical
analogue of the NUT spacetime.
| v1 (Tue, 19 Feb 2008 09:49:47 GMT), v2 (Wed, 11 Feb 2009 17:09:21 GMT), v3 (Tue, 17 Mar 2009 10:15:24 GMT), v4 (Thu, 8 Oct 2020 10:09:25 GMT) |
802.2616 | Alexandre Piriou | A. Piriou, Y. Fasano, E. Giannini, \O. Fischer | Piriou A., Fasano Y., Giannini E., Fischer Ø. | Effect of oxygen-doping on Bi$_{2}$Sr$_{2}$Ca$_{2}$Cu$_{3}$O$_{10 +
\delta}$ vortex matter: Crossover from electromagnetic to Josephson
interlayer coupling | Erroneous duplicate of arXiv:0802.2617 | null | 10.1103/PhysRevB.77.184508 | cond-mat.supr-con | Erroneous duplicate of arXiv:0802.2617, removed by arXiv admin
| v1 (Tue, 19 Feb 2008 09:51:58 GMT), v2 (Wed, 20 Feb 2008 17:03:26 GMT) |
802.2617 | Alexandre Piriou | A. Piriou, Y. Fasano, E. Giannini, \O. Fischer | Piriou A., Fasano Y., Giannini E., Fischer Ø. | Effect of oxygen-doping on Bi-2223 vortex matter: Crossover from
electromagnetic to Josephson interlayer coupling | null | Phys. Rev. B 77, 184508 (2008) | 10.1103/PhysRevB.77.184508 | cond-mat.supr-con | We study the effect of oxygen-doping on the critical temperature, Tc, the
vortex matter phase diagram and the nature of the coupling mechanism between
the Cu-O layers in the three-layer Bi2Sr2Ca2Cu3O10+delta (Bi-2223) compound.
Contrary to previous reports, in the overdoped (OD) regime we do find a
variation of Tc with increasing the oxygen partial-pressure of the
post-annealing treatment. This variation is less significant than in the
bi-layer parental compound Bi-2212 and does not follow the universal Tc relation. Magnetic measurements reveal that increasing delta enlarges
the field and temperature stability of the Bragg glass phase. These findings
imply that the interlayer coupling between Cu-O layers enhances with delta. The
anisotropy parameter estimated from directional first-penetration field
measurements monotonously decreases from 50 in the underdoped (UD) to 15 in the
OD regimes. However, the in-plane penetration depth presents a boomerang-like
behaviour with $\delta$, reaching its minimum value close to optimal doping.
These two facts lead to a crossover from a Josephson(OD) to
electromagnetic(UD)-dominated coupling of adjacent Cu-O layers in the vicinity
of optimal doping.
| v1 (Tue, 19 Feb 2008 09:47:24 GMT) |
802.2618 | Eduardo de Rafael | Jean-Philippe Aguilar (CPT), Eduardo De Rafael (CPT), David Greynat
(IFIC) | Aguilar Jean-Philippe, De Rafael Eduardo, Greynat David | Muon Anomaly from Lepton Vacuum Polarization and The Mellin--Barnes
Representation | v2, minor changes in the introduction, typos corrected, two
references added; to appear in Phys. Rev. D | Phys.Rev.D77:093010,2008 | 10.1103/PhysRevD.77.093010 | hep-ph | We evaluate, analytically, a specific class of eighth--order and tenth--order
QED contributions to the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon. They are
generated by Feynman diagrams involving lowest order vacuum polarization
insertions of leptons $l=e,\mu$, and $\tau$. The results are given in the form
of analytic expansions in terms of the mass ratios $m_e/m_\mu$ and
$m_\mu/m_\tau$. We compute as many terms as required by the error induced by
the present experimental uncertainty on the lepton masses. We show how the
Mellin--Barnes integral representation of Feynman parametric integrals allows
for an easy analytic evaluation of as many terms as wanted in these expansions
and how its underlying algebraic structure generalizes the standard
renormalization group properties. We also discuss the generalization of this
technique to the case where two independent mass ratios appear. Comparison with
previous numerical and analytic evaluations made in the literature, whenever
pertinent, are also made.
| v1 (Tue, 19 Feb 2008 09:48:34 GMT), v2 (Fri, 4 Apr 2008 14:31:56 GMT) |
802.2619 | Julien Randon-Furling | Satya. N. Majumdar (LPTMS), Julien Randon-Furling (LPTMS), Michael J.
Kearney, Marc Yor (PMA) | Majumdar Satya. N., Randon-Furling Julien, Kearney Michael J., Yor Marc | On the time to reach maximum for a variety of constrained Brownian
motions | Submitted to J. Phys. A | Journal of Physics A Mathematical and Theoretical 41 (2008) 365005 | 10.1088/1751-8113/41/36/365005 | cond-mat.stat-mech math.PR | We derive P(M,t_m), the joint probability density of the maximum M and the
time t_m at which this maximum is achieved for a class of constrained Brownian
motions. In particular, we provide explicit results for excursions, meanders
and reflected bridges associated with Brownian motion. By subsequently
integrating over M, the marginal density P(t_m) is obtained in each case in the
form of a doubly infinite series. For the excursion and meander, we analyse the
moments and asymptotic limits of P(t_m) in some detail and show that the
theoretical results are in excellent accord with numerical simulations. Our
primary method of derivation is based on a path integral technique; however, an
alternative approach is also outlined which is founded on certain "agreement
formulae" that are encountered more generally in probabilistic studies of
Brownian motion processes.
| v1 (Tue, 19 Feb 2008 09:51:16 GMT) |
802.262 | Kasper Peeters | Kasper Peeters and Anne Taormina | Peeters Kasper, Taormina Anne | Dynamics of icosahedral viruses: what does Viral Tiling Theory teach us? | 10 pages, contribution to the proceedings of the `Second Mathematical
Virology Workshop', Edinburgh (6-10 August 2007) | Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine, 9(03-04),
2008, 211 - 220. | 10.1080/17486700802168270 | q-bio.BM | We present a top-down approach to the study of the dynamics of icosahedral
virus capsids, in which each protein is approximated by a point mass. Although
this represents a rather crude coarse-graining, we argue that it highlights
several generic features of vibrational spectra which have been overlooked so
far. We furthermore discuss the consequences of approximate inversion symmetry
as well as the role played by Viral Tiling Theory in the study of virus capsid
| v1 (Tue, 19 Feb 2008 09:59:35 GMT) |
802.2621 | Gokhan Unel | V. E. Ozcan, S. Sultansoy, G. Unel | Ozcan V. E., Sultansoy S., Unel G. | Search for 4th family quarks with the ATLAS detector | null | Eur. Phys. J. C (2008) 57: 621 | 10.1140/epjc/s10052-008-0766-4 | hep-ex | The pair production of heavy fourth-generation quarks, which are predicted
under the hypothesis of flavor democracy, is studied using tree-level Monte
Carlo generators and fast detector simulation. Two heavy-quark mass values, 500
and 750$\gev$, are considered with the assumption that the fourth family mixes
primarily with the two light families. It is shown that a clear signature will
be observed in the data collected by the ATLAS detector, after the first year
of low-luminosity running at the Large Hadron Collider.
| v1 (Tue, 19 Feb 2008 10:27:32 GMT), v2 (Sat, 8 Mar 2008 20:54:45 GMT) |
802.2622 | Itzhak Baum | Itzhak Baum, Gad Eilam, Shaouly Bar-Shalom | Baum Itzhak, Eilam Gad, Bar-Shalom Shaouly | Scalar FCNC and rare top decays in a two Higgs doublet model "for the
top" | added two references. 15 pages, 14 figures | Phys.Rev.D77:113008,2008 | 10.1103/PhysRevD.77.113008 | hep-ph | In the so called two Higgs doublet model for the top-quark (T2HDM), first
suggested by Das and Kao, the top quark receives a special status, which endows
it with a naturally large mass, and also potentially gives rise to large flavor
changing neutral currents (FCNC) only in the up-quark sector. In this paper we
calculate the branching ratio (BR) for the rare decays t->ch and h->tc (h is a
neutral Higgs) in the T2HDM, at tree level and at 1-loop when it exceeds the
tree-level. We compare our results to predictions from other versions of 2HDM's
and find that the scalar FCNC in the T2HDM can play a significant role in these
decays. In particular, the 1-loop mediated decays can be significantly enhanced
in the T2HDM compared to the 2HDM of types I and II, in some instances reaching
BR~10^-4 which is within the detectable level at the LHC.
| v1 (Tue, 19 Feb 2008 10:04:36 GMT), v2 (Mon, 25 Feb 2008 17:47:20 GMT) |
802.2623 | Pekka Koskinen Dr | Pekka Koskinen, Sami Malola, Hannu H\"akkinen | Koskinen Pekka, Malola Sami, Häkkinen Hannu | Self-passivating edge reconstructions of graphene | 4 pages, 4 figures, 1 table | Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 115502 (2008) | 10.1103/PhysRevLett.101.115502 | cond-mat.mtrl-sci | Planar reconstruction patterns at the zigzag and armchair edges of graphene
were investigated with density functional theory. It was unexpectedly found
that the zigzag edge is metastable and a planar reconstruction spontaneously
takes place at room temperature. The reconstruction changes electronic
structure and self-passivates the edge with respect to adsorption of atomic
hydrogen from molecular atmosphere.
| v1 (Tue, 19 Feb 2008 10:13:51 GMT), v2 (Fri, 8 Aug 2008 09:44:12 GMT) |
802.2624 | Makoto Nakano | Makoto Nakano, Koji Sugitani, Takahiro Niwa, Yoichi Itoh, and Makoto
Watanabe | Nakano Makoto, Sugitani Koji, Niwa Takahiro, Itoh Yoichi, Watanabe Makoto | Clustering of Emission-line Stars in the W5E HII region | 16 pages, 7 figures, 3 tables, accepted for publication in PASJ | null | 10.1093/pasj/60.4.739 | astro-ph | We have made a new survey of emission-line stars in the W5E HII region to
investigate the population of PMS stars near the OB stars by using the Wide
Field Grism Spectrograph 2 (WFGS2). A total of 139 H-alpha emission stars were
detected and their g'i'-photometry was performed. The spatial distribution of
them shows three aggregates, i.e., two aggregates near the bright-rimmed clouds
at the edge of W5E HII region (BRC 13 and BRC 14) and one near the exciting O7V
star. The age and mass of each H-alpha star were estimated from the extinction
corrected color-magnitude diagram and theoretical evolutionary tracks. We
found, for the first time in this region, that the young stars near the
exciting star are systematically older (4 Myr) than those near the edge of the
HII region (1 Myr). This result supports that the formation of stars proceed
sequentially from the center of HII region to the eastern bright rim. We
further suggest a possibility that the birth of low mass stars near the
exciting star of HII region precede the production of massive OB stars in the
pre-existing molecular cloud.
| v1 (Tue, 19 Feb 2008 11:08:20 GMT) |
802.2625 | Ali Ayad | Ali Ayad | Ayad Ali | A note on the computation of Puiseux series solutions of the Riccatti
equation associated with a homogeneous linear ordinary differential equation | null | null | null | math.CA | We present in this paper a detailed note on the computation of Puiseux series
solutions of the Riccatti equation associated with a homogeneous linear
ordinary differential equation. This paper is a continuation of [1] which was
on the complexity of solving arbitrary ordinary polynomial differential
equations in terms of Puiseux series.
| v1 (Tue, 19 Feb 2008 14:02:29 GMT) |
802.2626 | E. V. Ferapontov | P.A. Burovskiy, E.V. Ferapontov and S.P. Tsarev | Burovskiy P. A., Ferapontov E. V., Tsarev S. P. | Second order quasilinear PDEs and conformal structures in projective
space | 37 pages. In the new version the correct acknowledgement of grant
support for SPT is added | null | null | nlin.SI math.DG | We investigate second order quasilinear equations of the form f_{ij}
u_{x_ix_j}=0 where u is a function of n independent variables x_1, ..., x_n,
and the coefficients f_{ij} are functions of the first order derivatives
p^1=u_{x_1}, >..., p^n=u_{x_n} only. We demonstrate that the natural
equivalence group of the problem is isomorphic to SL(n+1, R), which acts by
projective transformations on the space P^n with coordinates p^1, ..., p^n. The
coefficient matrix f_{ij} defines on P^n a conformal structure f_{ij} dp^idp^j.
In this paper we concentrate on the case n=3, although some results hold in any
dimension. The necessary and sufficient conditions for the integrability of
such equations by the method of hydrodynamic reductions are derived. These
conditions constitute a complicated over-determined system of PDEs for the
coefficients f_{ij}, which is in involution. We prove that the moduli space of
integrable equations is 20-dimensional. Based on these results, we show that
any equation satisfying the integrability conditions is necessarily
conservative, and possesses a dispersionless Lax pair. Reformulated in
differential-geometric terms, the integrability conditions imply that the
conformal structure f_{ij} dp^idp^j is conformally flat, and possesses an
infinity of 3-conjugate null coordinate systems. Integrable equations provide
an abundance of explicit examples of such conformal structures parametrized by
elementary functions, elliptic functions and modular forms.
| v1 (Tue, 19 Feb 2008 10:29:03 GMT), v2 (Sat, 20 Sep 2008 18:26:56 GMT), v3 (Sun, 1 Feb 2009 03:37:45 GMT) |
802.2627 | Daniela Maionchi | D. O. Maionchi, A. M. C. Souza, H. J. Herrmann, R. N. da Costa Filho | Maionchi D. O., Souza A. M. C., Herrmann H. J., Filho R. N. da Costa | Anderson localization on Falicov-Kimball model with
next-nearest-neighbor hopping and long-range correlated disorder | 9 figures. submitted to PRB | null | 10.1103/PhysRevB.77.245126 | cond-mat.str-el | The phase diagram of correlated, disordered electron systems is calculated
within dynamical mean-field theory for the Anderson-Falicov-Kimball model with
nearest-neighbors and next-nearest-neighbors hopping. The half-filled band is
analyzed in terms of the chemical potential of the system using the geometric
and arithmetic averages. We also introduce the on-site energies exhibiting a
long-range correlated disorder, which generates a system with similar
characteristics as the one created by a random independent variable
distribution. A decrease in the correlated disorder reduces the extended phase.
| v1 (Tue, 19 Feb 2008 10:32:54 GMT) |
802.2628 | Mihaita Popinciuc | C. Jozsa, M. Popinciuc, N. Tombros, H. T. Jonkman and B. J. van Wees
(Physics of Nanodevices and Molecular Electronics, Zernike Institute for
Advanced Materials, The Netherlands) | Jozsa C., Popinciuc M., Tombros N., Jonkman H. T., van Wees B. J. | Electronic spin drift in graphene field effect transistors | 4 figures | null | 10.1103/PhysRevLett.100.236603 | cond-mat.mes-hall | We studied the drift of electron spins under an applied DC electric field in
single layer graphene spin valves in a field effect transport geometry at room
temperature. In the metallic conduction regime ($n \simeq 3.5 \times 10^{16}$
m$^{-2}$), for DC fields of about $\pm$70 kV/m applied between the spin
injector and spin detector, the spin valve signals are increased/decreased,
depending on the direction of the DC field and the carrier type, by as much as
$\pm$50%. Sign reversal of the drift effect is observed when switching from
hole to electron conduction. In the vicinity of the Dirac neutrality point the
drift effect is strongly suppressed. The experiments are in quantitative
agreement with a drift-diffusion model of spin transport.
| v1 (Tue, 19 Feb 2008 11:42:51 GMT), v2 (Mon, 14 Apr 2008 14:47:05 GMT) |
802.2629 | Awadhesh Prasad | Awadhesh Prasad, Manish Agrawal, and Ramakrishna Ramaswamy | Prasad Awadhesh, Agrawal Manish, Ramaswamy Ramakrishna | Strange nonchaotic attractors in driven delay--dynamics | To be appeared as a Book Chapter dedicated to Prof. M Lakshmanan on
the occasion of his sixtieth birthday | null | null | nlin.CD | Strange nonchaotic attractors (SNAs) are observed in quasiperiodically driven
time--delay systems. Since the largest Lyapunov exponent is nonpositive,
trajectories in two such identical but distinct systems show the property of
{\it phase}--synchronization. Our results are illustrated in the model SQUID
and R\"ossler oscillator systems.
| v1 (Tue, 19 Feb 2008 11:00:55 GMT) |
802.263 | Leonardo Campanelli | L. Campanelli, P. Cea, G.L. Fogli and L. Tedesco | Campanelli L., Cea P., Fogli G. L., Tedesco L. | Inflation-Produced Magnetic Fields in R^n F^2 and I F^2 models | 5 pages, 2 figures. Minor revisions. References added. Accepted for
publication in Phys. Rev. D | Phys.Rev.D77:123002,2008 | 10.1103/PhysRevD.77.123002 | astro-ph | We re-analyze the production of seed magnetic fields during Inflation in
(R/m^2)^n F_{\mu \nu}F^{\mu \nu} and I F_{\mu \nu}F^{\mu \nu} models, where n
is a positive integer, R the Ricci scalar, m a mass parameter, and I \propto
\eta^\alpha a power-law function of the conformal time \eta, with \alpha a
positive real number. If m is the electron mass, the produced fields are
uninterestingly small for all n. Taking m as a free parameter we find that, for
n \geq 2, the produced magnetic fields can be sufficiently strong in order to
seed dynamo mechanism and then to explain galactic magnetism. For \alpha
\gtrsim 2, there is always a window in the parameters defining Inflation such
that the generated magnetic fields are astrophysically interesting. Moreover,
if Inflation is (almost) de Sitter and the produced fields almost
scale-invariant (\alpha \simeq 4), their intensity can be strong enough to
directly explain the presence of microgauss galactic magnetic fields.
| v1 (Tue, 19 Feb 2008 11:12:05 GMT), v2 (Thu, 1 May 2008 08:53:00 GMT) |
802.2631 | Oleg Kochukhov | O. Kochukhov | Kochukhov O. | The Paschen-Back effect in the Li I 6708 A line and the presence of
lithium in cool magnetic Ap stars | 11 pages, 7 figures; accepted for publication in Astronomy &
Astrophysics | null | 10.1051/0004-6361:20078856 | astro-ph | A number of cool magnetic Ap stars show a prominent feature at lambda 6708 A.
Its identification with Li I remains controversial due to a poor knowledge of
the spectra of rare-earth elements that are strongly enhanced in peculiar stars
and can potentially provide an alternative identification. We suggest to
investigate the 6708 line in Ap stars with strong magnetic fields. In these
objects the magnetic broadening and splitting provides an additional powerful
criterium for line identification, allowing to use the whole line profile
instead of a mere coincidence of the observed and predicted wavelength. Due to
a small separation of the Li I doublet components, their magnetic splitting
pattern deviates from the one expected for the Zeeman effect even in relatively
weak fields. We carry out detailed calculations of the transition between the
Zeeman and Paschen-Back regimes in the magnetic splitting of the Li I line and
compute polarized synthetic spectra for the range of field strength expected in
Ap stars. Theoretical spectral synthesis is compared with the high-resolution
observations of cool Ap stars HD 116114, HD 166473 and HD 154708, which have a
mean field strength of 6.4, 8.6 and 24.5 kG, respectively, and show a strong
6708 A line. High-resolution spectra for the 6708 A region are analysed for 17
magnetic Ap stars. The presence of the 6708 A line is confirmed in 9 stars and
reported for the first time in 6 stars. We demonstrate that the observed
profiles of the 6708 A line in the strong field stars HD 116114, HD 166473 and
HD 154708 correspond rather well to the theoretical calculations assuming the
Li I identification. Inclusion of the Paschen-Back effect improves the
agreement with observations, especially for HD 154708. Results of our study
confirm the Li I identification proposed for the 6708 A line in cool Ap stars.
| v1 (Tue, 19 Feb 2008 15:34:17 GMT) |
802.2632 | Georgi Ganchev | Georgi Ganchev | Ganchev Georgi | Canonical Weierstrass Representation of Minimal and Maximal Surfaces in
the Three-dimensional Minkowski Space | 15 pages | null | null | math.DG | We prove that any minimal (maximal) strongly regular surface in the
three-dimensional Minkowski space locally admits canonical principal
parameters. Using this result, we find a canonical representation of minimal
strongly regular time-like surfaces, which makes more precise the Weierstrass
representation and shows more precisely the correspondence between these
surfaces and holomorphic functions (in the Gauss plane). We also find a
canonical representation of maximal strongly regular space-like surfaces, which
makes more precise the Weierstrass representation and shows more precisely the
correspondence between these surfaces and holomorphic functions (in the Lorentz
plane). This allows us to describe locally the solutions of the corresponding
natural partial differential equations.
| v1 (Tue, 19 Feb 2008 11:15:55 GMT) |
802.2633 | Dominique Vuillaume | Christophe Novembre (LCEI), David Guerin (IEMN), Kamal Lmimouni
(IEMN), Christian Gamrat (LCEI), Dominique Vuillaume (IEMN) | Novembre Christophe, Guerin David, Lmimouni Kamal, Gamrat Christian, Vuillaume Dominique | Gold nanoparticle-pentacene memory-transistors | null | null | 10.1063/1.2896602 | cond-mat.mtrl-sci | We demonstrate an organic memory-transistor device based on a pentacene-gold
nanoparticles active layer. Gold (Au) nanoparticles are immobilized on the gate
dielectric (silicon dioxide) of a pentacene transistor by an amino-terminated
self-assembled monolayer. Under the application of writing and erasing pulses
on the gate, large threshold voltage shift (22 V) and on/off drain current
ratio of ~3E4 are obtained. The hole field-effect mobility of the transistor is
similar in the on and off states (less than a factor 2). Charge retention times
up to 4500 s are observed. The memory effect is mainly attributed to the Au
| v1 (Tue, 19 Feb 2008 11:19:07 GMT) |
802.2634 | Victor M. Red'kov | Victor M. Red'kov, Andrei A. Bogush and Natalia G. Tokarevskaya | Red'kov Victor M., Bogush Andrei A., Tokarevskaya Natalia G. | On Parametrization of the Linear GL(4,C) and Unitary SU(4) Groups in
Terms of Dirac Matrices | This is a contribution to the Proc. of the Seventh International
Conference ''Symmetry in Nonlinear Mathematical Physics'' (June 24-30, 2007,
Kyiv, Ukraine), published in SIGMA (Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry:
Methods and Applications) at | SIGMA 4 (2008), 021, 46 pages | 10.3842/SIGMA.2008.021 | math-ph math.MP | Parametrization of $4\times 4$-matrices $G$ of the complex linear group
$GL(4,C)$ in terms of four complex 4-vector parameters $(k,m,n,l)$ is
investigated. Additional restrictions separating some subgroups of $GL(4,C)$
are given explicitly. In the given parametrization, the problem of inverting
any $4\times 4$ matrix $G$ is solved. Expression for determinant of any matrix
$G$ is found: $\det G = F(k,m,n,l)$. Unitarity conditions $G^{+} = G^{-1}$ have
been formulated in the form of non-linear cubic algebraic equations including
complex conjugation. Several simplest solutions of these unitarity equations
have been found: three 2-parametric subgroups $G_{1}$, $G_{2}$, $G_{3}$ - each
of subgroups consists of two commuting Abelian unitary groups; 4-parametric
unitary subgroup consisting of a product of a 3-parametric group isomorphic
SU(2) and 1-parametric Abelian group. The Dirac basis of generators
$\Lambda_{k}$, being of Gell-Mann type, substantially differs from the basis
$\lambda_{i}$ used in the literature on SU(4) group, formulas relating them are
found - they permit to separate SU(3) subgroup in SU(4). Special way to list 15
Dirac generators of $GL(4,C)$ can be used $\{\Lambda_k\} =
\{\alpha_i\oplus\beta_j\oplus(\alpha_iV\beta_j = {\boldsymbol K} \oplus
{\boldsymbol L}\oplus{\boldsymbol M})\}$, which permit to factorize SU(4)
transformations according to $S = e^{i\vec{a}\vec{\alpha}}
e^{i\vec{b}\vec\beta}} e^{i{\boldsymbol k}{\boldsymbol K}} e^{i{\boldsymbol
l}{\boldsymbol L}} e^{i\boldsymbol m}{\boldsymbol M}}$, where two first factors
commute with each other and are isomorphic to SU(2) group, the three last ones
are 3-parametric groups, each of them consisting of three Abelian commuting
unitary subgroups.
| v1 (Tue, 19 Feb 2008 11:20:20 GMT) |
802.2635 | Wolfgang Limmer | W. Limmer, J. Daeubler, L. Dreher, M. Glunk, W. Schoch, S. Schwaiger,
and R. Sauer | Limmer W., Daeubler J., Dreher L., Glunk M., Schoch W., Schwaiger S., Sauer R. | Advanced resistivity model for arbitrary magnetization orientation
applied to a series of compressive- to tensile-strained (Ga,Mn)As layers | 14 pages, 11 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. B | null | 10.1103/PhysRevB.77.205210 | cond-mat.mtrl-sci | The longitudinal and transverse resistivities of differently strained
(Ga,Mn)As layers are theoretically and experimentally studied as a function of
the magnetization orientation. The strain in the series of (Ga,Mn)As layers is
gradually varied from compressive to tensile using (In,Ga)As templates with
different In concentrations. Analytical expressions for the resistivities are
derived from a series expansion of the resistivity tensor with respect to the
direction cosines of the magnetization. In order to quantitatively model the
experimental data, terms up to the fourth order have to be included. The
expressions derived are generally valid for any single-crystalline cubic and
tetragonal ferromagnet and apply to arbitrary surface orientations and current
directions. The model phenomenologically incorporates the longitudinal and
transverse anisotropic magnetoresistance as well as the anomalous Hall effect.
The resistivity parameters obtained from a comparison between experiment and
theory are found to systematically vary with the strain in the layer.
| v1 (Tue, 19 Feb 2008 11:23:06 GMT) |
802.2636 | Davit Varron | Davit Varron | Varron Davit | A limited in bandwidth uniformity for the functional limit law of the
increments of the empirical process | Published in at the Electronic
Journal of Statistics ( by the Institute of
Mathematical Statistics ( | Electronic Journal of Statistics 2008, Vol. 2, 1043-1064 | 10.1214/08-EJS193 | math.ST stat.TH | Consider the following local empirical process indexed by $K\in \mathcal{G}$,
for fixed $h>0$ and $z\in \mathbb{R}^d$: $$G_n(K,h,z):=\sum_{i=1}^n K
\Bigl(\frac{Z_i-z}{h^{1/d}}\Big) - \mathbbE \Bigl(K
\Bigl(\frac{Z_i-z}{h^{1/d}}\Big)\Big),$$ where the $Z_i$ are i.i.d. on
$\mathbb{R}^d$. We provide an extension of a result of Mason (2004). Namely,
under mild conditions on $\mathcal{G}$ and on the law of $Z_1$, we establish a
uniform functional limit law for the collections of processes
$\bigl\{G_n(\cdot,h_n,z), z\in H, h\in [h_n,\mathfrak{h}_n]\big\}$, where
$H\subset \mathbb{R}^d$ is a compact set with nonempty interior and where $h_n$
and $\mathfrak{h}_n$ satisfy the Cs\"{o}rg\H{o}-R\'{e}v\'{e}sz-Stute
| v1 (Tue, 19 Feb 2008 11:30:02 GMT), v2 (Thu, 13 Nov 2008 13:21:09 GMT) |
802.2637 | M. Hossein Dehghani | M. H. Dehghani, N. Alinejadi and S. H. Hendi | Dehghani M. H., Alinejadi N., Hendi S. H. | Topological Black Holes in Lovelock-Born-Infeld Gravity | 14 pages | Phys.Rev.D77:104025,2008 | 10.1103/PhysRevD.77.104025 | hep-th | In this paper, we present topological black holes of third order Lovelock
gravity in the presence of cosmological constant and nonlinear electromagnetic
Born-Infeld field. Depending on the metric parameters, these solutions may be
interpreted as black hole solutions with inner and outer event horizons, an
extreme black hole or naked singularity. We investigate the thermodynamics of
asymptotically flat solutions and show that the thermodynamic and conserved
quantities of these black holes satisfy the first law of thermodynamic. We also
endow the Ricci flat solutions with a global rotation and calculate the finite
action and conserved quantities of these class of solutions by using the
counterterm method. We compute the entropy through the use of the Gibbs-Duhem
relation and find that the entropy obeys the area law. We obtain a Smarr-type
formula for the mass as a function of the entropy, the angular momenta, and the
charge, and compute temperature, angular velocities, and electric potential and
show that these thermodynamic quantities coincide with their values which are
computed through the use of geometry. Finally, we perform a stability analysis
for this class of solutions in both the canonical and the grand-canonical
ensemble and show that the presence of a nonlinear electromagnetic field and
higher curvature terms has no effect on the stability of the black branes, and
they are stable in the whole phase space.
| v1 (Tue, 19 Feb 2008 11:50:20 GMT), v2 (Sat, 24 May 2008 10:13:17 GMT) |
802.2638 | Alexei J. Nurmagambetov | Alexei J. Nurmagambetov | Nurmagambetov Alexei J. | Hidden Symmetries of M-Theory and Its Dynamical Realization | This is a contribution to the Proc. of the Seventh International
Conference ''Symmetry in Nonlinear Mathematical Physics'' (June 24-30, 2007,
Kyiv, Ukraine), published in SIGMA (Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry:
Methods and Applications) at | SIGMA 4:022,2008 | 10.3842/SIGMA.2008.022 | hep-th gr-qc math-ph math.MP | We discuss hidden symmetries of M-theory, its feedback on the construction of
the M-theory effective action, and a response of the effective action when
locality is preserved. In particular, the locality of special symmetries of the
duality-symmetric linearized gravity constraints the index structure of the
dual to graviton field in the same manner as it is required to separate the
levels 0 and 1 generators subalgebra from the infinite-dimensional hidden
symmetry algebra of gravitational theory. This conclusion fails once matter
fields are taken into account and we give arguments for that. We end up
outlining current problems and development perspectives.
| v1 (Tue, 19 Feb 2008 11:54:05 GMT) |
802.2639 | Ruben Farinelli | R. Farinelli, L. Titarchuk, A. Paizis, F. Frontera | Farinelli R., Titarchuk L., Paizis A., Frontera F. | A new Comptonization model for low-magnetized accreting neutron stars in
low mass X-ray binaries | 15 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ | null | 10.1086/587162 | astro-ph | We developed a new model for the X-ray spectral fitting \xspec package which
takes into account the effects of both thermal and dynamical (i.e. bulk)
Comptonization. The model consists of two components: one is the direct
blackbody-like emission due to seed photons which are not subjected to
effective Compton scattering, while the other one is a convolution of the
Green's function of the energy operator with a blackbody-like seed photon
spectrum. When combined thermal and bulk effects are considered, the analytic
form of the Green's function may be obtained as a solution of the diffusion
Comptonization equation. Using data from the BeppoSAX, INTEGRAL and RXTE
satellites, we test our model on the spectra of a sample of six persistently
low magnetic field bright neutron star Low Mass X-ray Binaries, covering three
different spectral states. Particular attention is given to the transient
powerlaw-like hard X-ray (> 30 keV) tails that we interpret in the framework of
the bulk motion Comptonization process. We show that the values of the best-fit
delta-parameter, which represents the importance of bulk with respect to
thermal Comptonization, can be physically meaningful and can at least
qualitatively describe the physical conditions of the environment in the
innermost part of the system. Moreover, we show that in fitting the thermal
Comptonization spectra to the X-ray spectra of these systems, the best-fit
parameters of our model are in excellent agreement with those of COMPTT, a
broadly used and well established XSPEC model.
| v1 (Tue, 19 Feb 2008 11:55:21 GMT) |
802.264 | Anais Sene | Igor A. Lukyanchuk, Laurent Lahoche and Anais Sene | Lukyanchuk Igor A., Lahoche Laurent, Sene Anais | Universal Properties of Ferroelectric Domains | Phys. Rev. Lett. to be published | I. A. Luk'yanchuk, L. Lahoche and A.Sene, Phys. Rev. Lett. 102,
147601 (2009) | 10.1103/PhysRevLett.102.147601 | cond-mat.mtrl-sci | Basing on Ginzburg-Landau approach we generalize the Kittel theory and derive
the interpolation formula for the temperature evolution of a multi-domain
polarization profile P(x,z). We resolve the long-standing problem of the
near-surface polarization behavior in ferroelectric domains and demonstrate the
polarization vanishing instead of usually assumed fractal domain branching. We
propose an effective scaling approach to compare the properties of different
domain-containing ferroelectric plates and films.
| v1 (Tue, 19 Feb 2008 12:04:47 GMT), v2 (Fri, 22 Feb 2008 18:24:28 GMT), v3 (Sat, 14 Mar 2009 13:35:24 GMT) |
802.2641 | Stephen Connor | Stephen B. Connor | Connor Stephen B. | Separation and coupling cutoffs for tuples of independent Markov
processes | 15 pages; Changed content: more general result presented | null | null | math.PR | We consider an $n$-tuple of independent ergodic Markov processes, each of
which converges (in the sense of separation distance) at an exponential rate,
and obtain a necessary and sufficient condition for the $n$-tuple to exhibit a
separation cutoff. We also provide general bounds on the (asymmetric) window
size of the cutoff, and indicate links to classical extreme value theory.
| v1 (Tue, 19 Feb 2008 12:09:27 GMT), v2 (Wed, 12 Aug 2009 13:02:04 GMT), v3 (Thu, 18 Mar 2010 12:57:12 GMT) |
802.2642 | Wei Liao | Wei Liao | Liao Wei | Signal of New Physics and Chemical Composition of Matter in Core
Crossing Neutrinos | 10 pages, 4 figures | Eur.Phys.J.C57:763-768,2008 | 10.1140/epjc/s10052-008-0702-7 | hep-ph | We consider non-standard matter effect in flavor conversion of neutrinos
crossing the core of the Earth. We show that oscillation of core crossing
neutrinos with $E \gsim 0.5$ GeV can be well described by a first order
perturbation theory. We show that due to non-standard matter effect varying
chemical composition in the Earth can modify the neutrino flavor conversion by
100%. Effects of CP violating phases in non-standard Neutral Current
interactions are emphasized in particular.
| v1 (Tue, 19 Feb 2008 12:17:32 GMT), v2 (Sun, 30 Nov 2008 10:00:12 GMT) |
802.2643 | Gloria Mateu-Figueras | G. Mateu-Figueras, V. Pawlowsky-Glahn, J.J. Egozcue | Mateu-Figueras G., Pawlowsky-Glahn V., Egozcue J. J. | The normal distribution in some constrained sample spaces | 21 pages, 8 figures | null | null | stat.ME math.ST stat.TH | Phenomena with a constrained sample space appear frequently in practice. This
is the case e.g. with strictly positive data and with compositional data, like
percentages and the like. If the natural measure of difference is not the
absolute one, it is possible to use simple algebraic properties to show that it
is more convenient to work with a geometry that is not the usual Euclidean
geometry in real space, and with a measure which is not the usual Lebesgue
measure, leading to alternative models which better fit the phenomenon under
study. The general approach is presented and illustrated both on the positive
real line and on the D-part simplex.
| v1 (Tue, 19 Feb 2008 12:30:04 GMT) |
802.2644 | Jae Dong Noh | Sang-Woo Kim and Jae Dong Noh | Kim Sang-Woo, Noh Jae Dong | Percolation transition in correlated static model | 5 pages, 5 figures | J. Korean Phys. Soc. 52, S145 (2008) | 10.3938/jkps.52.145 | cond-mat.stat-mech | We introduce a correlated static model and investigate a percolation
transition. The model is a modification of the static model and is
characterized by assortative degree-degree correlation. As one varies the edge
density, the network undergoes a percolation transition. The percolation
transition is characterized by a weak singular behavior of the mean cluster
size and power-law scalings of the percolation order parameter and the cluster
size distribution in the entire non-percolating phase. These results suggest
that the assortative degree-degree correlation generates a global structural
correlation which is relevant to the percolation critical phenomena of complex
| v1 (Tue, 19 Feb 2008 12:25:08 GMT) |
802.2645 | Andrew Rosalsky | Han-Ying Liang, Deli Li, Andrew Rosalsky | Liang Han-Ying, Li Deli, Rosalsky Andrew | Complete moment and integral convergence for sums of negatively
associated random variables | Submitted to the Probability Surveys (
by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics ( | null | null | math.PR | For a sequence of identically distributed negatively associated random
variables $\{X_n; n\geq 1\}$ with partial sums $S_n=\sum_{i=1}^nX_i, n\geq 1$,
refinements are presented of the classical Baum-Katz and Lai complete
convergence theorems. More specifically, necessary and sufficient moment
conditions are provided for complete moment convergence of the form $$ \sum_{n
\ge n_0} n^{r -2 -\frac{1}{pq}} a_n E(\max_{1 \le k \le n}|S_k|^{\frac{1}{q}} -
\epsilon b_n^{\frac{1}{pq}})^+ < \infty $$ to hold where $r>1, q>0$ and either
$n_0=1, 0<p<2, a_n=1, b_n=n$ or $n_0=3, p=2, a_n=(\log n)^{-\frac{1}{2q}},
b_n=n\log n$. These results extend results of Chow (1988) and Li and
Sp\u{a}taru (2005) from the independent and identically distributed case to the
identically distributed negatively associated setting. The complete moment
convergence is also shown to be equivalent to a form of complete integral
| v1 (Tue, 19 Feb 2008 12:33:00 GMT) |
802.2646 | Bernd-Jochen Schaefer | Haris Djapo, Bernd-Jochen Schaefer, Jochen Wambach | Djapo Haris, Schaefer Bernd-Jochen, Wambach Jochen | Hyperon-nucleon single-particle potentials with low-momentum
interactions | 10 Pages, 11 figures, 4 tables, minor modification, 1 reference
added, version accepted for publication in EPJA | Eur.Phys.J.A36:101-110,2008 | 10.1140/epja/i2008-10542-5 | nucl-th hep-ph | Single-particle potentials in Hartree-Fock approximation for different
hyperon-nucleon (YN) channels are calculated in the framework of the effective
low-momentum YN interaction V_lowk. In contrast to the nucleon-nucleon
interaction, the available experimental data for the YN interaction are scarce.
As a consequence no unique YN low-momentum potential V_lowk can be predicted
from the various bare potentials. The resulting momentum- and density-dependent
single-particle potentials for several different bare OBE models and for chiral
effective field theory are compared to each other.
| v1 (Tue, 19 Feb 2008 12:37:55 GMT), v2 (Thu, 6 Mar 2008 08:14:06 GMT) |
802.2647 | Silvia Zane | L.Nobili (1), R.Turolla (1 and 2) and S.Zane (2) ((1)Department of
Physics, University of Padova, Italy, (2) Mullard Space Science Laboratory,
University College London, UK) | Nobili L., Turolla R., Zane S. | X-ray spectra from magnetar candidates. I. Monte Carlo simulations in
the non-relativistic regime | 37 pages, 14 figures, 1 table; corrected typos; accepted for
publication in MNRAS | null | 10.1111/j.1365-2966.2008.13125.x | astro-ph | The anomalous X-ray pulsars and soft gamma-repeaters are peculiar high-energy
sources believed to host a magnetar, i.e. an ultra-magnetized neutron star.
Their persistent, soft X-ray emission (~1-10 keV)is usually modeled by the
superposition of a blackbody and a power-law tail. It has been suggested that
this spectrum forms as the thermal photons emitted by the star surface traverse
the magnetosphere. Magnetar magnetospheres are likely different from those of
ordinary radio-pulsars, since the external magnetic field may acquire a
toroidal component as a consequence of the deformation of the star crust
induced by the super-strong interior field. In turn, the magnetosphere will be
permeated by currents that can boost primary photons through repeated
scatterings. Here we present 3D Monte Carlo simulations of photon propagation
in a twisted magnetosphere. Our model is based on a simplified treatment of the
charge carriers velocity distribution which, however, accounts for the particle
collective motion, in addition to the thermal one. Present treatment is
restricted to conservative (Thomson) scattering in the electron rest frame. The
code, nonetheless, is completely general and inclusion of the relativistic QED
resonant cross section, which is required in the modeling of the hard (~20-200
keV) spectral tails observed in the magnetar candidates, is under way. The
properties of emerging spectra have been assessed under different conditions,
by exploring the model parameter space, including effects arising from the
viewing geometry. Monte Carlo runs have been collected into a spectral archive.
Two tabulated XSPEC spectral models, with and without viewing angles, have been
produced and applied to the 0.1-10 keV XMM-Newton EPIC-pn spectrum of the AXP
CXOU J1647-4552.
| v1 (Tue, 19 Feb 2008 13:05:11 GMT), v2 (Wed, 20 Feb 2008 11:01:56 GMT) |
802.2648 | Qiang Zhao | Xiao-Hai Liu, Qiang Zhao, and Frank E. Close | Liu Xiao-Hai, Zhao Qiang, Close Frank E. | Search for tetraquark candidate Z(4430) in meson photoproduction | Minor changes with wording; Revised version to appear on Phys. Rev. D | Phys.Rev.D77:094005,2008 | 10.1103/PhysRevD.77.094005 | hep-ph hep-ex | We propose a search for the newly discovered tetraquark candidate Z(4430) in
photoproduction. Based on the Belle results we show that if Z(4430) is a
genuine resonance, its significantly large coupling to $\psi^\prime\pi$ will
cause it to stand out above the background in $\gamma p\to Z^+(4430) n\to
\psi^\prime \pi^+ n$. We consider the dependence of the cross section for the
quantum numbers ($J^{P}=1^{-}$, $1^{+}$ or $0^{-}$).
| v1 (Tue, 19 Feb 2008 13:05:22 GMT), v2 (Sat, 29 Mar 2008 11:55:59 GMT) |
802.2649 | Elena Litvinova | E. Litvinova, P. Ring, V. Tselyaev | Litvinova E., Ring P., Tselyaev V. | Relativistic quasiparticle time blocking approximation. Dipole response
of open-shell nuclei | 43 pages, 3 figures | Phys.Rev.C78:014312,2008 | 10.1103/PhysRevC.78.014312 | nucl-th | The self-consistent Relativistic Quasiparticle Random Phase Approximation
(RQRPA) is extended by the quasiparticle-phonon coupling (QPC) model using the
Quasiparticle Time Blocking Approximation (QTBA). The method is formulated in
terms of the Bethe-Salpeter equation (BSE) in the two-quasiparticle space with
an energy-dependent two-quasiparticle residual interaction. This equation is
solved either in the basis of Dirac states forming the self-consistent solution
of the ground state or in the momentum representation. Pairing correlations are
treated within the Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer (BCS) model with a
monopole-monopole interaction. The same NL3 set of the coupling constants
generates the Dirac-Hartree-BCS single-quasiparticle spectrum, the static part
of the residual two-quasiparticle interaction and the quasiparticle-phonon
coupling amplitudes. A quantitative description of electric dipole excitations
in the chain of tin isotopes (Z=50) with the mass numbers A = 100, 106, 114,
116, 120, and 130 and in the chain of isotones with (N=50) 88-Sr, 90-Zr, 92-Mo
is performed within this framework.
The RQRPA extended by the coupling to collective vibrations generates spectra
with a multitude of '2q+phonon' (two quasiparticles plus phonon) states
providing a noticeable fragmentation of the giant dipole resonance as well as
of the soft dipole mode (pygmy resonance) in the nuclei under investigation.
The results obtained for the photo absorption cross sections and for the
integrated contributions of the low-lying strength to the calculated dipole
spectra agree very well with the available experimental data.
| v1 (Tue, 19 Feb 2008 13:07:41 GMT) |
802.265 | Viktor Maslov Professor | V. P. Maslov | Maslov V. P. | Uniform Asymptotics in the Problem of Superfluidity of Classical Liquids
in Nanotubes | Latex, 13pages | null | null | cond-mat.stat-mech | In the preceding papers (see [1, 2]), the superfluidity of the classical
liquid was proved under the assumption that the parameters $N$ and $r$, where
$N$ is the particle number and $r$ it the capillary radius, tend respectively
to infinity and to zero so that $\frac 1N \ll \frac rR$, where $R$ is the
capillary length. In the present paper, this assumption is removed.
| v1 (Tue, 19 Feb 2008 13:35:07 GMT) |
802.2651 | Patrick Ingram | Patrick Ingram | Ingram Patrick | Multiples of integral points on elliptic curves | Revised version, correcting a significant error | null | null | math.NT | If $E$ is a minimal elliptic curve defined over $\ZZ$, we obtain a bound $C$,
depending only on the global Tamagawa number of $E$, such that for any point
$P\in E(\QQ)$, $nP$ is integral for at most one value of $n>C$. As a corollary,
we show that if $E/\QQ$ is a fixed elliptic curve, then for all twists $E'$ of
$E$ of sufficient height, and all torsion-free, rank-one subgroups
$\Gamma\subseteq E'(\QQ)$, $\Gamma$ contains at most 6 integral points.
Explicit computations for congruent number curves are included.
| v1 (Tue, 19 Feb 2008 13:39:08 GMT), v2 (Thu, 14 Aug 2008 20:26:14 GMT) |
802.2652 | Douglas Braun | D.C. Braun, A.C. Birch | Braun D. C., Birch A. C. | Surface-focused Seismic Holography of Sunspots: I. Observations | Solar Physics, accepted | null | 10.1007/s11207-008-9152-5 | astro-ph | We present a comprehensive set of observations of the interaction of p-mode
oscillations with sunspots using surface-focused seismic holography. Maps of
travel-time shifts, relative to quiet-Sun travel times, are shown for incoming
and outgoing p modes as well as their mean and difference. We compare results
using phase-speed filters with results obtained with filters that isolate
single p-mode ridges, and further divide the data into multiple temporal
frequency bandpasses. The f mode is removed from the data. The variations of
the resulting travel-time shifts with magnetic-field strength and with the
filter parameters are explored. We find that spatial averages of these shifts
within sunspot umbrae, penumbrae, and surrounding plage often show strong
frequency variations at fixed phase speed. In addition, we find that positive
values of the mean and difference travel-time shifts appear exclusively in
waves observed with phase-speed filters that are dominated by power in the
low-frequency wing of the p1 ridge. We assess the ratio of incoming to outgoing
p-mode power using the ridge filters and compare surface-focused holography
measurements with the results of earlier published p-mode scattering
measurements using Fourier-Hankel decomposition.
| v1 (Tue, 19 Feb 2008 18:09:37 GMT) |
802.2653 | Marco Tarzia | M. Tarzia and G. Biroli | Tarzia M., Biroli G. | The Valence Bond Glass phase | null | EPL 82, 67008 (2008) | 10.1209/0295-5075/82/67008 | cond-mat.str-el cond-mat.dis-nn | We show that a new glassy phase can emerge in presence of strong magnetic
frustration and quantum fluctuations. It is a Valence Bond Glass. We study its
properties solving the Hubbard-Heisenberg model on a Bethe lattice within the
large $N$ limit introduced by Affleck and Marston. We work out the phase
diagram that contains Fermi liquid, dimer and valence bond glass phases. This
new glassy phase has no electronic or spin gap (although a pseudo-gap is
observed), it is characterized by long-range critical valence bond correlations
and is not related to any magnetic ordering. As a consequence it is quite
different from both valence bond crystals and spin glasses.
| v1 (Tue, 19 Feb 2008 13:55:25 GMT) |
802.2654 | Steven Finch | Steven Finch, Pascal Sebah and Zai-Qiao Bai | Finch Steven, Sebah Pascal, Bai Zai-Qiao | Odd Entries in Pascal's Trinomial Triangle | 25 pages | null | null | math.NT math.CO math.DS | The nth row of Pascal's trinomial triangle gives coefficients of (1+x+x^2)^n.
Let g(n) denote the number of such coefficients that are odd. We review Moshe's
algorithm for evaluating asymptotics of g(n) -- this involves computing the
Lyapunov exponent for certain 2x2 random matrix products -- and then analyze
further examples with more terms and higher powers of x.
| v1 (Tue, 19 Feb 2008 14:03:03 GMT) |
802.2655 | Gilles Stoltz | S\'ebastien Bubeck (INRIA Futurs), R\'emi Munos (INRIA Futurs), Gilles
Stoltz (DMA, GREGH) | Bubeck Sébastien, Munos Rémi, Stoltz Gilles | Pure Exploration for Multi-Armed Bandit Problems | null | null | null | math.ST cs.LG stat.TH | We consider the framework of stochastic multi-armed bandit problems and study
the possibilities and limitations of forecasters that perform an on-line
exploration of the arms. These forecasters are assessed in terms of their
simple regret, a regret notion that captures the fact that exploration is only
constrained by the number of available rounds (not necessarily known in
advance), in contrast to the case when the cumulative regret is considered and
when exploitation needs to be performed at the same time. We believe that this
performance criterion is suited to situations when the cost of pulling an arm
is expressed in terms of resources rather than rewards. We discuss the links
between the simple and the cumulative regret. One of the main results in the
case of a finite number of arms is a general lower bound on the simple regret
of a forecaster in terms of its cumulative regret: the smaller the latter, the
larger the former. Keeping this result in mind, we then exhibit upper bounds on
the simple regret of some forecasters. The paper ends with a study devoted to
continuous-armed bandit problems; we show that the simple regret can be
minimized with respect to a family of probability distributions if and only if
the cumulative regret can be minimized for it. Based on this equivalence, we
are able to prove that the separable metric spaces are exactly the metric
spaces on which these regrets can be minimized with respect to the family of
all probability distributions with continuous mean-payoff functions.
| v1 (Tue, 19 Feb 2008 14:05:22 GMT), v2 (Fri, 13 Jun 2008 07:03:22 GMT), v3 (Tue, 17 Jun 2008 07:07:03 GMT), v4 (Thu, 19 Feb 2009 10:33:29 GMT), v5 (Tue, 26 Jan 2010 10:10:42 GMT), v6 (Wed, 9 Jun 2010 09:08:50 GMT) |
802.2656 | Klaus Reinsch | K. Beuermann, E. El Kholy, K. Reinsch | Beuermann K., Kholy E. El, Reinsch K. | Soft X-ray spectral variability of AM Herculis | 7 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy &
Astrophysics | null | 10.1051/0004-6361:20079335 | astro-ph | Polars (AM Herculis binaries) are a prominent class of bright soft X-ray
sources, many of which were discovered with ROSAT. We present a homogenous
analysis of all the pointed ROSAT PSPC observations of polars subdivided into
two papers that discuss the prototype polar AM Her in detail and summarize the
class properties of all other polars. We derive the high-state soft X-ray flux
and short-term spectral variability of AM Her using a new detector response
matrix and a confirmed flux calibration of the ROSAT PSPC below 0.28 keV. The
best-fit mean single-blackbody temperature and integrated bright-phase energy
flux of AM Her in its April 1991 high state are 27.2 +/- 1.0 eV and (2.6 +/-
0.6) x 10^-9 erg cm^-2s^-1, respectively. The total blackbody flux of a
multi-temperature model that fits both the soft X-ray and the fluctuating
far-ultraviolet components is Fbb = (4.5 +/- 1.5) x 10^-9 erg cm^-2s^-1. The
total accretion luminosity at a distance of 80 pc, Lbb = (2.1 +/- 0.7) x 10^33
erg s-1, implies an accretion rate of Mdot = (2.4 +/- 0.8) x 10^-10 Msun yr^-1
for an 0.78 Msun white dwarf. The soft X-ray flux displays significant
variability on time scales down to 200 ms. Correlated spectral and count-rate
variations are seen in flares on time scales down to 1 s, demonstrating the
heating and cooling associated with individual accretion events. Our spectral
and temporal analysis provides direct evidence for the blobby accretion model
and suggests a connection between the soft X-ray and the fluctuating
far-ultraviolet components.
| v1 (Tue, 19 Feb 2008 14:23:26 GMT) |
802.2657 | Dorothea Samtleben | Dorothea Samtleben (for the QUIET Collaboration) | Samtleben Dorothea | Measuring the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation (CMBR) polarization
with QUIET | 6 pages, 4 figures, to appear in the Proceedings `A Century of
Cosmology', San Servolo (Venezia, Italy), August 2007, to be published by `Il
Nuovo Cimento' | Nuovo Cim.B122:1353-1358,2007 | 10.1393/ncb/i2008-10488-7 | astro-ph | A major goal of upcoming experiments measuring the Cosmic Microwave
Background Radiation (CMBR) is to reveal the subtle signature of inflation in
the polarization pattern which requires unprecedented sensitivity and control
of systematics. Since the sensitivity of single receivers has reached
fundamental limits future experiments will take advantage of large receiver
arrays in order to significantly increase the sensitivity. Here we introduce
the Q/U Imaging ExperimenT (QUIET) which will use HEMT-based receivers in chip
packages at 90(40) GHz in the Atacama Desert. Data taking is planned for the
beginning of 2008 with prototype arrays of 91(19) receivers, an expansion to
1000 receivers is foreseen. With the two frequencies and a careful choice of
scan regions there is the promise of effectively dealing with foregrounds and
reaching a sensitivity approaching 10$^{-2}$ for the ratio of the tensor to
scalar perturbations.
| v1 (Tue, 19 Feb 2008 16:24:40 GMT) |
802.2658 | Klaus Reinsch | K. Beuermann | Beuermann K. | Soft X-ray in-flight calibration of the ROSAT PSPC | 3 pages, 1 figure, accepted for publication in Astronomy &
Astrophysics | null | 10.1051/0004-6361:200809458 | astro-ph | We present an in-flight calibration of the ROSAT PSPC using the incident
spectra of the hot white dwarf HZ43 and the polar AM Her. We derive an absolute
flux calibration of the PSPC using the accurately known soft X-ray spectrum of
HZ43. Corrections to the PSPC response matrix are derived from a comparison of
predicted and observed PSPC spectra of HZ43, supplemented by results for AM
Her. The calibration of the PSPC for photon energies E < 0.28 keV is found to
be accurate to better than 5% refuting earlier reports of a major
miscalibration. Our corrections to the detector response matrices remove
systematic residuals in the pulse height spectra of soft sources.
| v1 (Tue, 19 Feb 2008 14:33:15 GMT) |
802.2659 | Renaud Belmont | R. Belmont and M. Tagger | Belmont R., Tagger M. | The diffuse X-ray emission from the Galactic center with Simbol-X | 4 pages, Simbol-X international workshop | null | null | astro-ph | Similarly to the larger Galactic ridge, the Galactic center region presents a
hard diffuse emission whose origin has been strongly debated for the past two
decades: does this emission result from the contribution of numerous, yet
unresolved, discrete point sources ? Or does it originate in a truly diffuse,
hot plasma ?
The Galactic center region (GC) is however different on many respects from
the outer parts of the Galaxy, which makes the diffuse emission issue at the
Galactic center unique. Although recent observations seem to favour a point
sources origin in the far Galactic ridge, the situation is still unclear at the
GC and new observations are required.
Here we present results on the modeling of the truly diffuse plasma.
Interestingly, such a plasma would strongly affect the dynamics of orbiting
molecular clouds and thus the central engine activity. Discriminating between
the two hypothesis has thus become a crucial issue in the understanding of this
central region that makes the link between the inner small accretion disk and
the large scale Galactic dynamics. We investigate the new inputs we can expect
from Simbol-X on this matter.
| v1 (Tue, 19 Feb 2008 14:42:43 GMT) |
802.266 | K. Splittorff | K. Splittorff, J.J.M. Verbaarschot, M.R. Zirnbauer | Splittorff K., Verbaarschot J. J. M., Zirnbauer M. R. | Nonhermitian Supersymmetric Partition Functions: the case of one bosonic
flavor | 17 pages, 0 figures. Section II extended. Version to appear in
Nucl.Phys.B | Nucl.Phys.B803:381-404,2008 | 10.1016/j.nuclphysb.2008.06.003 | hep-th | We discuss the supersymmetric formulation of the nonhermitian $\beta = 2$
random matrix partition function with one bosonic flavor. This partition
function is regularized by adding one conjugate boson and fermion each. A
supersymmetric nonlinear $\sigma$-model for the resulting Goldstone degrees of
freedom is obtained using symmetry arguments only. For a Gaussian probability
distribution the same results are derived using superbosonization and the
complex orthogonal polynomial method. The symmetry arguments apply to any model
with the same symmetries and a mass gap, and demonstrate the universality of
the nonlinear $\sigma$-model.
| v1 (Tue, 19 Feb 2008 14:51:45 GMT), v2 (Tue, 10 Jun 2008 13:51:23 GMT) |
802.2661 | Renaud Belmont | R. Belmont, J. Malzac and A. Marcowith | Belmont R., Malzac J., Marcowith A. | A new code for radiation processes in high energy plasmas | Poster at the international workshop 'Simbol-X: the hard X-ray
universe in focus' held in Bologna, 14-16 May 2007. To appear in Memorie
della SAIt, 2 pages, 1 figure | null | null | astro-ph | Extreme objects such as X-ray binaries, AGN, or $\gamma$-ray bursters harbor
high energy plasmas whose properties are not well understood yet. Not only are
they responsible of the hard X- and $\gamma$-ray emission we observe but also
they have a strong influence on the main dynamics and energetics of these
objects themselves. Here we present a new kinetic code that solves the
evolution equations for particles and photons around compact objects. It
produces spectra that will be compared with observations from Simbol-X to
constrain the radiation and acceleration processes in these objects.
| v1 (Tue, 19 Feb 2008 15:01:41 GMT) |
802.2662 | Renaud Belmont | R. Belmont and M. Tagger | Belmont R., Tagger M. | A note on magnetized coronae | Poster at the international workshop 'Simbol-X: the hard X-ray
universe in focus' held in Bologna, 14-16 May 2007. To appear in Memorie
della SaIt, 2 pages | null | null | astro-ph | X-ray binaries and AGN show observational evidence for magnetized hot
plasmas. Despite years of data, very little is known on these {\it coronae}
especially on the mechanisms responsible for their heating, and most models
simply assume their existence. However, understanding its properties has now
become a key issue of the AGN and microquasars modelling. Here we consider the
effect of a strong vertical magnetic field on the corona AGN and X-ray binaries
and show that its modeling (structure, heating) must be reconsidered. As a
first step, we present one mechanism that could extract energy from the
accretion disks and deposits it in the coronae: the {\it magnetic pumping
| v1 (Tue, 19 Feb 2008 15:07:45 GMT) |
802.2663 | Joel Eaton | Joel A. Eaton | Eaton Joel A. | Spurious Eccentricities of Distorted Binary Components | 14 pp, 2 tables, 12 fig; under review by ApJ | null | 10.1086/588270 | astro-ph | I discuss the effect of physical distortion on the velocities of close binary
components and how we may use the resulting distortion of velocity curves to
constrain some properties of binary systems, such as inclination and mass
ratio. Precise new velocities for 5 Cet convincingly detect these distortions
with their theoretically predicted phase dependence. We can even use such
distortions of velocity curves to test Lucy's theory of convective gravity
darkening. The observed distortions for TT Hya and 5 Cet require the contact
components of those systems to be gravity darkened, probably somewhat more than
predicted by Lucy's theory but clearly not as much as expected for a radiative
star. These results imply there is no credible evidence for eccentric orbits in
binaries with contact components. I also present some speculative analyses of
the observed properties of a binary encased in a non-rotating common envelope,
if such an object could actually exist, and discuss how the limb darkening of
some recently calculated model atmospheres for giant stars may bias my resuts
for velocity-curve distortions, as well as other results from a wide range of
analyses of binary stars.
| v1 (Tue, 19 Feb 2008 15:10:26 GMT) |
802.2664 | Steven R. Blusk | CLEO Collaboration: M. Artuso, et al | CLEO Collaboration , Artuso M. | Measurement of exclusive D meson decays to eta and eta' final states and
SU(3) amplitude analysis | 15 pages, accepted to PRD | Phys.Rev.D77:092003,2008 | 10.1103/PhysRevD.77.092003 | hep-ex | Using 281 pb^-1 of data collected with the CLEO-c detector, we present new
measurements of Cabibbo-suppressed decays of D0 and D+ mesons to eta and eta'
final states. We make first observations of D0-->eta'pi0, eta eta, eta eta',
and eta pi+ pi-, and find evidence for D+ --> eta pi+ pi0$, D+ --> eta' pi+ pi0
and D0 --> eta' pi+ pi-. We also report on improved measurements of D0-->eta
pi0, D+ --> eta pi+ and D+ --> etap' pi+. Using the measured two-body
Cabibbo-suppressed decays, we extract amplitudes for specific flavor topologies
and compare them to those from Cabibbo-favored decays.
| v1 (Tue, 19 Feb 2008 15:11:01 GMT), v2 (Sat, 26 Apr 2008 12:34:25 GMT) |
802.2665 | Paula Coelho | P. Coelho | Coelho P. | Model stars for the modelling of galaxies: $\alpha$-enhancement in
stellar populations models | Invited contribution to the XII Latin American IAU Regional Meeting,
Isla Margarita, Venezuela. To appear in "Memorias de la Reunion Regional
Latino Americana de la UAI (2007)" | null | null | astro-ph | Stellar population (SP) models are an essential tool to understand the
observations of galaxies and clusters. One of the main ingredients of a SP
model is a library of stellar spectra, and both empirical and theoretical
libraries can been used for this purpose. Here I will start by giving a short
overview of the pros and cons of using theoretical libraries, i.e. model stars,
to produce our galaxy models. Then I will address the question on how
theoretical libraries can be used to model stellar populations, in particular
to explore the effect of $\alpha$-enhancement on spectral observables.
| v1 (Tue, 19 Feb 2008 15:11:15 GMT) |
802.2666 | Vaneet Aggarwal | Vaneet Aggarwal | Aggarwal Vaneet | Distributed Joint Source-Channel Coding for arbitrary memoryless
correlated sources and Source coding for Markov correlated sources using LDPC
codes | 7 pages, 10 figures, Results have been taken from the Course Project
Report for ELE 539B (Instructor: Prof. Robert Calderbank), May 2006 | null | null | cs.IT math.IT | In this paper, we give a distributed joint source channel coding scheme for
arbitrary correlated sources for arbitrary point in the Slepian-Wolf rate
region, and arbitrary link capacities using LDPC codes. We consider the
Slepian-Wolf setting of two sources and one destination, with one of the
sources derived from the other source by some correlation model known at the
decoder. Distributed encoding and separate decoding is used for the two
sources. We also give a distributed source coding scheme when the source
correlation has memory to achieve any point in the Slepian-Wolf rate achievable
region. In this setting, we perform separate encoding but joint decoding.
| v1 (Tue, 19 Feb 2008 15:33:43 GMT) |
802.2667 | Mikhail Zobov | M. Zobov (INFN LNF), P. Raimondi (INFN LNF), D. Shatilov (IYF,
Novosibirsk), K. Ohmi (KEK) | Zobov M., Raimondi P., Shatilov D., Ohmi K. | Crab Waist Collision Studies for e+e- Factories | Invited talk at IR07 Workshop (Interaction Regions for the LHC
Upgrade, DAFNE and SuperB), 7-9 November 2007, Frascati, Italy | null | null | physics.acc-ph | Numerical simulations have shown that the recently proposed "crab waist"
scheme of beam-beam collisions can substantially boost the luminosity of
existing and future electron-positron colliders. In this paper we describe the
crab waist concept and discuss potential advantages that such a scheme can
provide. We also present the results of beam-beam simulations for the two
currently proposed projects based on the crab waist scheme: the DAFNE upgrade
and the Super B-factory project.
| v1 (Tue, 19 Feb 2008 15:19:46 GMT) |
802.2668 | Shai Gutner | Shai Gutner | Gutner Shai | The complexity of planar graph choosability | null | Discrete Math. 159 (1996), 119-130 | null | cs.DM cs.CC cs.DS | A graph $G$ is {\em $k$-choosable} if for every assignment of a set $S(v)$ of
$k$ colors to every vertex $v$ of $G$, there is a proper coloring of $G$ that
assigns to each vertex $v$ a color from $S(v)$. We consider the complexity of
deciding whether a given graph is $k$-choosable for some constant $k$. In
particular, it is shown that deciding whether a given planar graph is
4-choosable is NP-hard, and so is the problem of deciding whether a given
planar triangle-free graph is 3-choosable. We also obtain simple constructions
of a planar graph which is not 4-choosable and a planar triangle-free graph
which is not 3-choosable.
| v1 (Tue, 19 Feb 2008 15:26:19 GMT) |
802.2669 | Matthias Jamin | Matthias Jamin, Vicent Mateu | Jamin Matthias, Mateu Vicent | OPE-RchiT matching at order alpha_s: hard gluonic corrections to
three-point Green functions | 21 pages, 2 figures | JHEP0804:040,2008 | 10.1088/1126-6708/2008/04/040 | hep-ph | In this work we push the matching between the QCD operator product expansion
(OPE) and resonance chiral theory (RchiT) to order alpha_s. To this end we
compute two- and three-point QCD Green functions (GFs) in both theories and
compare the results. GFs which are order parameters of chiral symmetry breaking
make this matching more transparent and thus we concentrate on those. On the
OPE side one needs to calculate the hard-gluon virtual corrections to the quark
condensate, and in particular for three-point GFs this computation was hitherto
missing. We also discuss the need for including the infinite tower of hadronic
states in the hadronic representation of the GF when non-analytic terms such as
logarithms are present in the OPE Wilson coefficients.
| v1 (Tue, 19 Feb 2008 15:29:12 GMT), v2 (Fri, 11 Apr 2008 17:27:37 GMT) |
802.267 | Antoine Venaille | Freddy Bouchet (INLN), Julien Barr\'e (JAD), Antoine Venaille (LEGI) | Bouchet Freddy, Barré Julien, Venaille Antoine | Equilibrium and out of equilibrium phase transitions in systems with
long range interactions and in 2D flows | null | Dans DYNAMICS AND THERMODYNAMICS OF SYSTEMS WITH LONG RANGE
WITH LONG RANGE INTERACTIONS: Theory and Experiments, Italie (2007) | 10.1063/1.2839113 | cond-mat.stat-mech physics.flu-dyn | In self-gravitating stars, two dimensional or geophysical flows and in
plasmas, long range interactions imply a lack of additivity for the energy; as
a consequence, the usual thermodynamic limit is not appropriate. However, by
contrast with many claims, the equilibrium statistical mechanics of such
systems is a well understood subject. In this proceeding, we explain briefly
the classical approach to equilibrium and non equilibrium statistical mechanics
for these systems, starting from first principles. We emphasize recent and new
results, mainly a classification of equilibrium phase transitions, new
unobserved equilibrium phase transition, and out of equilibrium phase
transitions. We briefly discuss what we consider as challenges in this field.
| v1 (Tue, 19 Feb 2008 15:42:14 GMT) |
802.2671 | Aline Lefebvre-Lepot | Aline Lefebvre-Lepot (CMAP), Bertrand Maury (LM-Orsay), Aline Lefebvre
(CMAP) | Lefebvre-Lepot Aline, Maury Bertrand, Lefebvre Aline | Micro-Macro Modelling of an Array of Spheres Interacting Through
Lubrication Forces | null | null | null | math.AP | We consider here a discrete system of spheres interacting through a
lubrication force. This force is dissipative, and singular near contact: it
behaves like the reciprocal of interparticle distance. We propose a macroscopic
constitutive equation which is built as the natural continuous counterpart of
this microscopic lubrication model. This model, which is of the newtonian type,
relies on an elongational viscosity, which is proportional to the reciprocal of
the local fluid fraction. We then establish the convergence in a weak sense of
solutions to the discrete problem towards the solution to the partial
differential equation which we identified as the macroscopic constitutive
| v1 (Tue, 19 Feb 2008 15:42:46 GMT), v2 (Wed, 5 Sep 2012 14:56:25 GMT) |
802.2672 | Marco Genovese | G.Brida, M.Genovese, A.Meda, E. Predazzi and I.Ruo-Berchera | Brida G., Genovese M., Meda A., Predazzi E., Ruo-Berchera I. | Systematic study of the PDC speckle structure for quantum imaging
applications | null | Int. Journ Quant. Inf. 7 (2009) 139 | 10.1080/09500340802464665 | quant-ph | Sub shot noise imaging of weak object by exploiting Parametric Down Converted
light represents a very interesting technological development. A precise
characterization of PDC speckle structure in dependence of pump beam parameters
is a fundamental tool for this application. In this paper we present a first
set of data addressed to this purpose.
| v1 (Tue, 19 Feb 2008 15:43:18 GMT), v2 (Tue, 30 Sep 2008 09:05:41 GMT) |
802.2673 | Borys Alvarez-Samaniego | Borys Alvarez-Samaniego (I3M), Pascal Azerad (I3M) | Alvarez-Samaniego Borys, Azerad Pascal | Existence of travelling-wave solutions and local well-posedness of the
Fowler equation | 21 pages | Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems-Series B 12 (2009), No.
4, 671-692 | 10.3934/dcdsb.2009.12.671 | math.AP | We study the existence of travelling-waves and local well-posedness in a
subspace of $C_b^1(\mathbb{R})$ for a nonlinear evolution equation recently
proposed by Andrew C. Fowler to study the dynamics of dunes.
| v1 (Tue, 19 Feb 2008 15:44:15 GMT), v2 (Mon, 31 Mar 2008 19:45:12 GMT), v3 (Thu, 12 Mar 2009 17:17:14 GMT) |
802.2674 | Benjamin Seibold | Benjamin Seibold | Seibold Benjamin | Minimal positive stencils in meshfree finite difference methods for the
Poisson equation | 26 pages, 20 figures | Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg., Vol. 198 (3-4), 2008, pp.
592-601 | 10.1016/j.cma.2008.09.001 | math.NA | Meshfree finite difference methods for the Poisson equation approximate the
Laplace operator on a point cloud. Desirable are positive stencils, i.e. all
neighbor entries are of the same sign. Classical least squares approaches yield
large stencils that are in general not positive. We present an approach that
yields stencils of minimal size, which are positive. We provide conditions on
the point cloud geometry, so that positive stencils always exist. The new
discretization method is compared to least squares approaches in terms of
accuracy and computational performance.
| v1 (Tue, 19 Feb 2008 15:45:25 GMT), v2 (Thu, 10 Jul 2008 19:08:44 GMT) |
802.2675 | Winton Brown | Winton G. Brown, Yaakov S. Weinstein, and Lorenza Viola | Brown Winton G., Weinstein Yaakov S., Viola Lorenza | Quantum pseudo-randomness from cluster-state quantum computation | 4 pages, 4 figures, version appearing in Phys. Rev. A | null | 10.1103/PhysRevA.77.040303 | quant-ph | We show how to efficiently generate pseudo-random states suitable for quantum
information processing via cluster-state quantum computation. By reformulating
pseudo-random algorithms in the cluster-state picture, we identify a strategy
for optimizing pseudo-random circuits by properly choosing single-qubit
rotations. A Markov chain analysis provides the tool for analyzing convergence
rates to the Haar measure and finding the optimal single-qubit gate
distribution. Our results may be viewed as an alternative construction of
approximate unitary 2-designs.
| v1 (Tue, 19 Feb 2008 19:46:44 GMT), v2 (Mon, 25 Feb 2008 15:33:54 GMT), v3 (Thu, 15 May 2008 17:53:04 GMT) |
802.2676 | Joseph Rynkiewicz | Joseph Rynkiewicz (SAMOS, Ces) | Rynkiewicz Joseph | Estimation and Test for Multidimensional Regression Models | null | Communication in Statistics - Theory and Methods 36, 14 (2007)
2655-2671 | null | math.ST stat.TH | This work is concerned with the estimation of multidimensional regression and
the asymptotic behaviour of the test involved in selecting models. The main
problem with such models is that we need to know the covariance matrix of the
noise to get an optimal estimator. We show in this paper that if we choose to
minimise the logarithm of the determinant of the empirical error covariance
matrix, then we get an asymptotically optimal estimator. Moreover, under
suitable assumptions, we show that this cost function leads to a very simple
asymptotic law for testing the number of parameters of an identifiable and
regular regression model. Numerical experiments confirm the theoretical
| v1 (Tue, 19 Feb 2008 15:49:45 GMT) |
802.2677 | John Tobin | John J. Tobin, Lee Hartmann, Nuria Calvet, and Paola D'Alessio | Tobin John J., Hartmann Lee, Calvet Nuria, D'Alessio Paola | Constraining the Envelope Structure of L1527 IRS: Infrared Scattered
Light Modeling | 50 pages, 14 figures 2 tables, accepted by the Astrophysical Journal.
The manuscript with full resolution figures can be downloaded from | null | 10.1086/587683 | astro-ph | We model Spitzer Space Telescope observations of the Taurus Class 0 protostar
L1527 IRS (IRAS 04368+2557) to provide constraints on its protostellar envelope
structure. The nearly edge-on inclination of L1527 IRS, coupled with the highly
spatially-resolved near to mid-infrared images of this object and the detailed
IRS spectrum, enable us to constrain the outflow cavity geometry quite well,
reducing uncertainties in the other derived parameters. The mid-infrared
scattered light image shows a bright central source within a dark lane; the
aspect ratio of this dark lane is such that it appears highly unlikely to be a
disk shadow. In modeling this dark lane, we conclude that L1527 IRS is probably
not described by a standard TSC envelope with simple bipolar cavities. We find
it necessary to model the dark lane and central source as a modified inner
envelope structure. This structure may be due either to a complex wind-envelope
interaction or induced by the central binary. To fit the overall SED, we
require the central source to have a large near to mid-infrared excess,
suggesting substantial disk accretion. Our model reproduces the overall
morphology and surface brightness distribution of L1527 IRS fairly well, given
the limitations of using axisymmetric models to fit the non-axisymmetric real
object, and the derived envelope infall rates are in reasonable agreement with
some other investigations. IRAC observations of L1527 IRS taken 12 months apart
show variability in total flux and variability in the opposing bipolar
cavities, suggesting asymmetric variations in accretion. We also provide model
images at high resolution for comparison to future observations with current
ground-based instrumentation and future space-based telescopes.
| v1 (Tue, 19 Feb 2008 15:58:09 GMT) |
802.2678 | Satoshi Okamoto | Randy S. Fishman, Satoshi Okamoto, and Fernando A. Reboredo | Fishman Randy S., Okamoto Satoshi, Reboredo Fernando A. | Jahn-Teller Distortion in Bimetallic Oxalates | 7 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Journal of the American Chemical
Society | null | 10.1103/PhysRevLett.101.116402 | cond-mat.other | A C$_3$-symmetric crystal-field potential in the Fe(II)Fe(III) bimetallic
oxalates splits the L=2 Fe(II) multiplet into two doublets and a singlet. In
compounds that exhibit magnetic compensation, one of the doublets was predicted
to lie lowest in energy and carry a non-quenched orbital angular momentum $\pm
\ld $, where $\ld $ exceeds a threshold value. In a range of $\ld $, a
Jahn-Teller (JT) distortion increases the energy splitting of the low-lying
doublet and breaks the C$_3$ symmetry of the bimetallic planes around the
ferrimagnetic transition temperature. At low temperatures, the JT distortion
disappears in compounds that display magnetic compensation due to the
competition with the spin-orbit coupling. A comparison with recent measurements
provides strong evidence for this re-entrant, low-temperature JT transition and
a prediction for the normal, high-temperature JT transition. The size of the JT
distortion is estimated using first-principles calculations, which suggest that
the long-range ordering of smaller, non-C$_3$-symmetric organic cations can
eliminate magnetic compensation.
| v1 (Tue, 19 Feb 2008 15:53:42 GMT) |
802.2679 | A. Marin | A. Marin, for CERES Collaboration | Marin A., Collaboration for CERES | Dilepton measurements with CERES | Proceedings of 4th International Workshop on Critical Point and Onset
Deconfinement, Darmstadt, Germany, 9-13 Jul 2007 | PoSCPOD07:034,2007 | null | nucl-ex | We report on dilepton measurements for central Pb on Au collisions at the top
CERN SPS energy with the upgraded CERES experiment. The dilepton mass spectrum
of 2000 data with improved mass resolution shows an enhancement over the
expectation from hadron decays that is well described by a model including a
strong broadening of the $\rho$ spectral function. The measured excess yield
excludes the dropping mass scenario.
We also report on the $\phi$ meson measured simultaneously both in the
$K^+K^-$ and in the dilepton decay channel for the first time in high energy
heavy-ion collisions. An excellent agreement is found between the rapidity
densities and the shape of the measured tranverse momentum spectrum. The data
rule out a possible enhancement of the $\phi$ yield in the leptonic over
hadronic channel by a factor larger than 1.6 at 95% CL. CERES results are in
agreement with NA49 results.
| v1 (Tue, 19 Feb 2008 16:21:25 GMT) |
802.268 | Jose Ramon Espinosa | A. Delgado, J. R. Espinosa, J. M. No and M. Quiros | Delgado A., Espinosa J. R., No J. M., Quiros M. | The Higgs as a Portal to Plasmon-like Unparticle Excitations | 12 LaTeX pages, 2 figures | JHEP0804:028,2008 | 10.1088/1126-6708/2008/04/028 | hep-ph | A renormalizable coupling between the Higgs and a scalar unparticle operator
O_U of non-integer dimension d_U<2 triggers, after electroweak symmetry
breaking, an infrared divergent vacuum expectation value for O_U. Such IR
divergence should be tamed before any phenomenological implications of the
Higgs-unparticle interplay can be drawn. In this paper we present a novel
mechanism to cure that IR divergence through (scale-invariant) unparticle
self-interactions, which has properties qualitatively different from the
mechanism considered previously. Besides finding a mass gap in the unparticle
continuum we also find an unparticle pole reminiscent of a plasmon resonance.
Such unparticle features could be explored experimentally through their mixing
with the Higgs boson.
| v1 (Tue, 19 Feb 2008 16:47:58 GMT) |
802.2681 | Davesh Maulik | Davesh Maulik | Maulik Davesh | Gromov-Witten theory of A_n-resolutions | 42 pages, 4 figures | Geom. Topol. 13 (2009) 1729-1773 | 10.2140/gt.2009.13.1729 | math.AG | We give a complete solution for the reduced Gromov-Witten theory of resolved
surface singularities of type A_n, for any genus, with arbitrary descendent
insertions. We also present a partial evaluation of the T-equivariant relative
Gromov-Witten theory of the threefold A_n x P^1 which, under a nondegeneracy
hypothesis, yields a complete solution for the theory. The results given here
allow comparison of this theory with the quantum cohomology of the Hilbert
scheme of points on the A_n surfaces. We discuss generalizations to linear
Hodge insertions and to surface resolutions of type D,E. As a corollary, we
present a new derivation of the stationary Gromov-Witten theory of P^1.
| v1 (Tue, 19 Feb 2008 16:52:15 GMT) |
802.2682 | Michael J. W. Hall | Michael J.W. Hall | Hall Michael J. W. | Comment on "An Arrow of Time Operator for Standard Quantum Mechanics" -
a sign of the time! | Further propeties, generalisation to almost periodic systems, ref
added, minor corrections, bad pun | null | null | quant-ph | It is shown that the `arrow of time' operator, M_F, recently suggested by
Strauss et al., in arXiv:0802.2448v1 [quant-ph], is simply related to the sign
of the canonical `time' observable, T (apparently first introduced by Holevo).
In particular, the monotonic decrease of < M_F > corresponds to the fact that <
sgn T > increases monotonically with time. This relationship also provides a
physical interpretation of the property M_F < 1. Some further properties and
possible generalisations are pointed out, including to almost-periodic systems.
| v1 (Tue, 19 Feb 2008 16:56:59 GMT), v2 (Wed, 20 Feb 2008 16:16:19 GMT) |
802.2683 | Jason Locasale W | Jason W. Locasale | Locasale Jason W. | Signal duration and the time scale dependence of signal integration in
biochemical pathways | 27 pages, 4 figures | null | null | q-bio.MN q-bio.SC | Signal duration (e.g. the time scales over which an active signaling
intermediate persists) is a key regulator of biological decisions in myriad
contexts such as cell growth, proliferation, and developmental lineage
commitments. Accompanying differences in signal duration are numerous
downstream biological processes that require multiple steps of biochemical
regulation. Here, we present an analysis that investigates how simple
biochemical motifs that involve multiple stages of regulation can be
constructed to differentially process signals that persist at different time
scales. We compute the dynamic gain within these networks and resulting power
spectra to better understand how biochemical networks can integrate signals at
different time scales. We identify topological features of these networks that
allow for different frequency dependent signal processing properties. Our
studies suggest design principles for why signal duration in connection with
multiple steps of downstream regulation is a ubiquitous control motif in
biochemical systems.
| v1 (Tue, 19 Feb 2008 17:01:22 GMT) |
802.2684 | Yijia Fan | Yijia Fan, Abdulkareem Adinoyi, John S Thompson, Halim Yanikomeroglu,
H. Vincent Poor | Fan Yijia, Adinoyi Abdulkareem, Thompson John S, Yanikomeroglu Halim, Poor H. Vincent | A Simple Distributed Antenna Processing Scheme for Cooperative Diversity | To appear in the IEEE Transactions on Communications | null | null | cs.IT math.IT | In this letter the performance of multiple relay channels is analyzed for the
situation in which multiple antennas are deployed only at the relays. The
simple repetition-coded decodeand- forward protocol with two different antenna
processing techniques at the relays is investigated. The antenna combining
techniques are maximum ratio combining (MRC) for reception and transmit
beamforming (TB) for transmission. It is shown that these distributed antenna
combining techniques can exploit the full spatial diversity of the relay
channels regardless of the number of relays and antennas at each relay, and
offer significant power gain over distributed space-time coding techniques.
| v1 (Tue, 19 Feb 2008 17:05:54 GMT) |
802.2685 | Maziar Nekovee | C. J. Rhodes and M. Nekovee | Rhodes C. J., Nekovee M. | The Opportunistic Transmission of Wireless Worms between Mobile Devices | Submitted for publication | null | 10.1016/j.physa.2008.09.017 | cs.NI cond-mat.stat-mech cs.CR | The ubiquity of portable wireless-enabled computing and communications
devices has stimulated the emergence of malicious codes (wireless worms) that
are capable of spreading between spatially proximal devices. The potential
exists for worms to be opportunistically transmitted between devices as they
move around, so human mobility patterns will have an impact on epidemic spread.
The scenario we address in this paper is proximity attacks from fleetingly
in-contact wireless devices with short-range communication range, such as
Bluetooth-enabled smart phones. An individual-based model of mobile devices is
introduced and the effect of population characteristics and device behaviour on
the outbreak dynamics is investigated. We show through extensive simulations
that in the above scenario the resulting mass-action epidemic models remain
applicable provided the contact rate is derived consistently from the
underlying mobility model. The model gives useful analytical expressions
against which more refined simulations of worm spread can be developed and
| v1 (Tue, 19 Feb 2008 17:07:32 GMT) |
802.2686 | Iain Martin W | I Martin, H Armandula, C Comtet, M M Fejer, A Gretarsson, G Harry, J
Hough, J-M M Mackowski, I MacLaren, C Michel, J-L Montorio, N Morgado, R
Nawrodt, S Penn, S Reid, A Remillieux, R Route, S Rowan, C Schwarz, P Seidel,
W Vodel, A. Zimmer | Martin I, Armandula H, Comtet C, Fejer M M, Gretarsson A, Harry G, Hough J, Mackowski J-M M, MacLaren I, Michel C, Montorio J-L, Morgado N, Nawrodt R, Penn S, Reid S, Remillieux A, Route R, Rowan S, Schwarz C, Seidel P, Vodel W, Zimmer A. | Measurements of a low temperature mechanical dissipation peak in a
single layer of Ta2O5 doped with TiO2 | null | Class.Quant.Grav.25:055005,2008 | 10.1088/0264-9381/25/5/055005 | gr-qc | Thermal noise arising from mechanical dissipation in oxide coatings is a
major limitation to many precision measurement systems, including optical
frequency standards, high resolution optical spectroscopy and interferometric
gravity wave detectors. Presented here are measurements of dissipation as a
function of temperature between 7 K and 290 K in ion-beam sputtered Ta2O5 doped
with TiO2, showing a loss peak at 20 K. Analysis of the peak provides the first
evidence of the source of dissipation in doped Ta2O5 coatings, leading to
possibilities for the reduction of thermal noise effects.
| v1 (Tue, 19 Feb 2008 17:10:47 GMT) |
802.2687 | Daniel Grieser | Daniel Grieser | Grieser Daniel | Thin tubes in mathematical physics, global analysis and spectral
geometry | 29 pages, 4 figures. To appear in 'Analysis on Graphs and its
Applications', Proceedings of the Newton Institute Program 2007, in the
series 'Proceedings of Symposia in Pure Mathematics' by the AMS | null | null | math.SP math-ph math.MP | A thin tube is an $n$-dimensional space which is very thin in $n-1$
directions, compared to the remaining direction, for example the
$\epsilon$-neighborhood of a curve or an embedded graph in $\R^n$ for small
$\epsilon$. The Laplacian on thin tubes and related operators have been studied
in various contexts, with different goals but overlapping techniques. In this
survey we explain some of these contexts, methods and results, hoping to
encourage more interaction between the disciplines mentioned in the title.
| v1 (Tue, 19 Feb 2008 17:14:53 GMT) |
802.2688 | Bartlomiej Waclaw | B. Waclaw, Z. Burda, W. Janke | Waclaw B., Burda Z., Janke W. | Power laws in zero-range processes on random networks | 6 pages, EPJ Latex style | Eur. Phys. J. B 65, 565 (2008) | 10.1140/epjb/e2008-00361-0 | cond-mat.stat-mech cond-mat.other | We study statistical properties of a zero-range process (ZRP) on random
networks. We derive an analytic expression for the distribution of particles
(also called node occupation distribution) in the steady state of the ZRP in
the ensemble of uncorrelated random graphs. We analyze the dependence of this
distribution on the node-degree distribution. In particular, we show that when
the degree distribution is tuned properly, one can obtain scale-free
fluctuations in the distribution of particles. Such fluctuations lead to a
power law in the distribution of particles, just like in the ZRP with the
hopping rate u(m)=1+b/m on homogeneous graphs.
| v1 (Tue, 19 Feb 2008 17:18:56 GMT) |
802.2689 | J\'er\'emy Blanc | J\'er\'emy Blanc | Blanc Jérémy | Sous-groupes alg\'ebriques du groupe de Cremona | Text in French, Translated introduction, 35 pages, 1 figure, to
appear in Transform. Groups | Transform. Groups 14 (2009), no. 2, 249-285 | 10.1007/s00031-008-9046-5 | math.AG | We give a complete classification of maximal algebraic subgroups of the
Cremona group of the plane and provide algebraic varieties that parametrize the
conjugacy classes.
Nous donnons une classification compl\`ete des sous-groupes alg\'ebriques
maximaux du groupe de Cremona du plan et explicitons les vari\'et\'es qui
param\`etrent les classes de conjugaison.
| v1 (Tue, 19 Feb 2008 17:23:05 GMT), v2 (Sat, 2 Aug 2008 15:26:49 GMT) |
802.269 | Ioana Bena Dr. | Ioana Bena, Michel Droz, Istvan Lagzi, Kirsten Martens, Zoltan Racz,
Andras Volford | Bena Ioana, Droz Michel, Lagzi Istvan, Martens Kirsten, Racz Zoltan, Volford Andras | Designer Patterns: Flexible Control of Precipitation through Electric
Currents | 4 pages, 6 figures | Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 075701 (2008) | 10.1103/PhysRevLett.101.075701 | cond-mat.other cond-mat.mtrl-sci nlin.PS physics.chem-ph | Precipitation patterns generated by A^{+}+B^{-} --> C type reaction-diffusion
processes are studied. It is shown both theoretically and experimentally that
the patterns can be controlled by an appropriately designed, time-dependent
electric current in the system. We describe examples of current dynamics
yielding periodic bands of prescribed wavelength, as well as more complicated
structures. The pattern control is demonstrated experimentally on the
reaction-diffusion-precipitation process 2AgNO_3+K_2Cr_2O_7 -->
Ag_2Cr_2O_7+2KNO_3 taking place in a gel.
| v1 (Tue, 19 Feb 2008 17:48:37 GMT) |
802.2691 | Thomas Feierl | Thomas Feierl | Feierl Thomas | The height of watermelons with wall | 23 pages, 2 figures; final version accepted for publication | J.Phys.A: Math.Theor. 45 095003 (2012) | 10.1088/1751-8113/45/9/095003 | math.CO cond-mat.stat-mech math-ph math.MP math.PR | We derive asymptotics for the moments as well as the weak limit of the height
distribution of watermelons with p branches with wall. This generalises a
famous result of de Bruijn, Knuth and Rice on the average height of planted
plane trees, and results by Fulmek and Katori et al. on the expected value,
respectively the higher moments, of the height distribution of watermelons with
two branches.
The asymptotics for the moments depend on the analytic behaviour of certain
multidimensional Dirichlet series. In order to obtain this information we prove
a reciprocity relation satisfied by the derivatives of one of Jacobi's theta
functions, which generalises the well known reciprocity law for Jacobi's theta
| v1 (Tue, 19 Feb 2008 17:49:21 GMT), v2 (Wed, 19 Nov 2008 21:27:07 GMT), v3 (Wed, 11 Apr 2012 09:23:20 GMT) |
802.2692 | George Jackeli | G. Jackeli and D. I. Khomskii | Jackeli G., Khomskii D. I. | Classical dimers and dimerized superstructure in orbitally degenerate
honeycomb antiferromagnet | to appear in Phys. Rev. Lett | Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 147203 (2008) | 10.1103/PhysRevLett.100.147203 | cond-mat.str-el cond-mat.stat-mech | We discuss the ground state of the spin-orbital model for spin-one ions with
partially filled $t_{2g}$ levels on a honeycomb lattice. We find that the
orbital degrees of freedom induce a spontaneous dimerization of spins and drive
them into nonmagnetic manifold spanned by hard-core dimer (spin-singlet)
coverings of the lattice. The cooperative ``dimer Jahn-Teller'' effect is
introduced through a magnetoelastic coupling and is shown to lift the
orientational degeneracy of dimers leading to a peculiar valence bond crystal
pattern. The present theory provides a theoretical explanation of nonmagnetic
dimerized superstructure experimentally seen in Li$_2$RuO$_3$ compound at low
| v1 (Tue, 19 Feb 2008 17:55:16 GMT), v2 (Tue, 18 Mar 2008 19:52:22 GMT) |
802.2693 | Amaury Lambert | Maria-Emilia Caballero, Amaury Lambert (PMA), Geronimo Uribe Bravo | Caballero Maria-Emilia, Lambert Amaury, Bravo Geronimo Uribe | Proof(s) of the Lamperti representation of Continuous-State Branching
Processes | null | Probability Surveys 6 (2009) 62-89 | 10.1214/09-PS154 | math.PR | This paper uses two new ingredients, namely stochastic differential equations
satisfied by continuous-state branching processes (CSBPs), and a topology under
which the Lamperti transformation is continuous, in order to provide
self-contained proofs of Lamperti's 1967 representation of CSBPs in terms of
spectrally positive L\'evy processes. The first proof is a direct probabilistic
proof, and the second one uses approximations by discrete processes, for which
the Lamperti representation is evident.
| v1 (Tue, 19 Feb 2008 18:05:56 GMT), v2 (Tue, 15 Sep 2009 07:55:42 GMT) |
802.2694 | Eduardo Ibar Mr | Edo Ibar, Michele Cirasuolo, Rob Ivison, Philip Best, Ian Smail, Andy
Biggs, Chris Simpson, Jim Dunlop, Omar Almaini, Ross McLure, Sebastien
Foucaud, Steve Rawlings | Ibar Edo, Cirasuolo Michele, Ivison Rob, Best Philip, Smail Ian, Biggs Andy, Simpson Chris, Dunlop Jim, Almaini Omar, McLure Ross, Foucaud Sebastien, Rawlings Steve | Exploring the infrared/radio correlation at high redshift | The paper contains 7 figures and 1 table. In press at MNRAS | null | 10.1111/j.1365-2966.2008.13077.x | astro-ph | We have analysed the 24um properties of a radio-selected sample in the
Subaru-XMM/Newton Deep Field in order to explore the behaviour of the FIR/radio
relation at high redshifts. Statistically, the correlation is described by q24,
the ratio between the observed flux densities at 24um and 1.4GHz, respectively.
Using 24um data results in considerably more scatter in the correlation than
previous work using data at 60-70um. Nevertheless, we do observe a steady
correlation as a function of redshift, up to z~3.5, suggesting its validity
back to primeval times. We find q24 = 0.30 +/- 0.56 for the observed and q24 =
0.71 +/- 0.47 for the k-corrected radio sample, based on sources with 300uJy <
S(1.4GHz) < 3.2mJy and 24um detections. A suitable k-correction given by a
M82-like mid-IR template suggests no extreme silicate absorption in the bulk of
our radio sample. Using thresholds in q24 to identify radio-excess sources, we
have been able to characterise the transition from radio-loud AGN to
star-forming galaxies and radio-quiet AGN at faint (<1mJy) radio flux
densities. Our results are in broad agreement with previous studies which show
a dominant radio-loud AGN population at >1mJy. The rest-frame U-B colours of
the expected radio-excess population have redder distribution than those that
follow the correlation. This is therefore a promising way to select obscured
Type-2 AGN, with a radio loud nature, missed by deep X-ray observations.
Spectroscopic follow-up of these sources is required to fully test this method.
| v1 (Tue, 19 Feb 2008 19:04:14 GMT), v2 (Tue, 19 Feb 2008 21:00:35 GMT) |
802.2695 | Raul Cruz Hidalgo | R.C. Hidalgo, K.Kovacs, I. Pagonabarraga and F. Kun | Hidalgo R. C., Kovacs K., Pagonabarraga I., Kun F. | Universality class of fiber bundles with strong heterogeneities | null | EPL, 81 (2008) 54005 | 10.1209/0295-5075/81/54005 | cond-mat.stat-mech | We study the effect of strong heterogeneities on the fracture of disordered
materials using a fiber bundle model. The bundle is composed of two subsets of
fibers, i.e. a fraction 0<\alpha<1 of fibers is unbreakable, while the
remaining 1-\alpha fraction is characterized by a distribution of breaking
thresholds. Assuming global load sharing, we show analytically that there
exists a critical fraction of the components \alpha_c which separates two
qualitatively different regimes of the system: below \alpha_c the burst size
distribution is a power law with the usual exponent \tau=5/2, while above
\alpha_c the exponent switches to a lower value \tau=9/4 and a cutoff function
occurs with a diverging characteristic size. Analyzing the macroscopic response
of the system we demonstrate that the transition is conditioned to disorder
distributions where the constitutive curve has a single maximum and an
inflexion point defining a novel universality class of breakdown phenomena.
| v1 (Tue, 19 Feb 2008 18:50:25 GMT) |
802.2696 | Ewa Krot-Sieniawska | Ewa Krot-Sieniawska | Krot-Sieniawska Ewa | On Characteristic Polynomials of the Family of Cobweb Posets | 7 pages, 1 figure | null | null | math.CO cs.DM | This note is a response to one of problems posed by A.K. Kwasniewski in one
of his recent papers. Namely for the sequence of finite cobweb subposets, the
looked for explicit formulas for corresponding sequence of characteristic
polynomials are discovered and delivered here. The recurrence relation defining
arbitrary family of charactristic polynomials of finite cobweb posets is also
| v1 (Tue, 19 Feb 2008 18:53:38 GMT) |
802.2697 | Vanessa Andrade | E. P. Spaniol and V. C. de Andrade | Spaniol E. P., de Andrade V. C. | Gravitomagnetism in teleparallel gravity | 25 pages. Submitted to International Journal of Modern Physics D.
Version 2: some new discussions, references added | Int.J.Mod.Phys.D19:489-505,2010 | 10.1142/S0218271810016476 | gr-qc | The assumption that matter charges and currents could generate fields, which
are called, by analogy with electromagnetism, gravitoeletric and
gravitomagnetic fields, dates from the origins of General Relativity (GR). On
the other hand, the Teleparallel Equivalent of GR (TEGR), as a gauge theory,
seems to be the ideal scenario to define these fields, based on the gauge field
strength components. The purpose of the present work is to investigate the
nature of the gravitational electric and magnetic fields in the context of the
TEGR, where the tetrad formalism behind it seems to be more appropriated to
deal with phenomena related to observers.
As our main results, we have obtained, for the first time, the exact
expressions for the gravito-electromagnetic fields for the Schwarzschild
solution that in the linear approximation become the usual expected ones. To
improve our understanding about these fields, we have also studied the geometry
produced by a spherical rotating shell in slow motion and weak field regime.
Again, the expressions obtained are in complete agreement with those of
| v1 (Tue, 19 Feb 2008 19:02:32 GMT), v2 (Thu, 2 Jul 2009 13:45:43 GMT), v3 (Fri, 3 Jul 2009 18:08:15 GMT) |
802.2698 | Galina L. Klimchitskaya | G. L. Klimchitskaya, U. Mohideen, V. M. Mostepanenko | Klimchitskaya G. L., Mohideen U., Mostepanenko V. M. | Casimir-Polder force between an atom and a dielectric plate:
thermodynamics and experiment | 10 pages, 1 figure; improved discussion; to appear in J. Phys. A:
Math. Theor. (Fast Track Communications) | J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. v.41, 432001-(1-9) (2008) | 10.1088/1751-8113/41/43/432001 | quant-ph | The low-temperature behavior of the Casimir-Polder free energy and entropy
for an atom near a dielectric plate are found on the basis of the Lifshitz
theory. The obtained results are shown to be thermodynamically consistent if
the dc conductivity of the plate material is disregarded. With inclusion of dc
conductivity, both the standard Lifshitz theory (for all dielectrics) and its
generalization taking into account screening effects (for a wide range of
dielectrics) violate the Nernst heat theorem. The inclusion of the screening
effects is also shown to be inconsistent with experimental data of Casimir
force measurements. The physical reasons for this inconsistency are elucidated.
| v1 (Tue, 19 Feb 2008 19:31:59 GMT), v2 (Thu, 13 Mar 2008 18:31:42 GMT), v3 (Tue, 16 Sep 2008 09:40:57 GMT) |
802.2699 | Farhad Jafarpour Hamadani | F. H. Jafarpour and S. R. Masharian | Jafarpour F. H., Masharian S. R. | Repelling Random Walkers in a Diffusion-Coalescence System | 5 pages, 1 EPS figure, Accepted for publication in PRE (2008) | null | 10.1103/PhysRevE.77.031115 | cond-mat.stat-mech | We have shown that the steady state probability distribution function of a
diffusion-coalescence system on a one-dimensional lattice of length L with
reflecting boundaries can be written in terms of a superposition of double
shock structures which perform biased random walks on the lattice while
repelling each other. The shocks can enter into the system and leave it from
the boundaries. Depending on the microscopic reaction rates, the system is
known to have two different phases. We have found that the mean distance
between the shock positions is of order L in one phase while it is of order 1
in the other phase.
| v1 (Tue, 19 Feb 2008 19:09:02 GMT) |
802.27 | Alessia Mandini | Alessia Mandini | Mandini Alessia | The cobordism class of the moduli space of polygons in $\mathbb{R}^3$ | 29 pages, 8 figures, Remark 9 added, circle action specified in main
Theorem | J. Symplectic Geom. 7, no. 1 (2009), 1-27 | null | math.SG | For any vector $r=(r_1,..., r_n)$, let $M_r$ denote the moduli space (under
rigid motions) of polygons in $\mathbb{R}^3$ with $n$-sides whose lengths are
$r_1,...,r_n$. We give an explicit characterization of the oriented
$S^1$-cobordism class of $M_r$ which depends uniquely on the length vector $r$.
| v1 (Tue, 19 Feb 2008 20:02:49 GMT), v2 (Mon, 4 Aug 2008 20:38:23 GMT) |
802.2701 | Lifeng Lai | Lifeng Lai, Hesham El Gamal and H. Vincent Poor | Lai Lifeng, Gamal Hesham El, Poor H. Vincent | Authentication over Noisy Channels | Appeared in the Proceedings of the 45th Annual Allerton Conference on
Communication, Control and Computing, Monticello, IL, September 26 - 28, 2007 | null | null | cs.IT cs.CR math.IT | In this work, message authentication over noisy channels is studied. The
model developed in this paper is the authentication theory counterpart of
Wyner's wiretap channel model. Two types of opponent attacks, namely
impersonation attacks and substitution attacks, are investigated for both
single message and multiple message authentication scenarios. For each
scenario, information theoretic lower and upper bounds on the opponent's
success probability are derived. Remarkably, in both scenarios, lower and upper
bounds are shown to match, and hence the fundamental limit of message
authentication over noisy channels is fully characterized. The opponent's
success probability is further shown to be smaller than that derived in the
classic authentication model in which the channel is assumed to be noiseless.
These results rely on a proposed novel authentication scheme in which key
information is used to provide simultaneous protection again both types of
| v1 (Tue, 19 Feb 2008 20:01:52 GMT) |
802.2702 | Gian Paolo Vacca | J. Bartels, M. Salvadore and G.P. Vacca | Bartels J., Salvadore M., Vacca G. P. | Inclusive 1-jet Production Cross Section at Small x in QCD: Multiple
Interactions | 42 pages, 22 figures, few references and comments added, to appear on
JHEP | JHEP0806:032,2008 | 10.1088/1126-6708/2008/06/032 | hep-ph | We study corrections due to two Pomeron exchanges to the inclusive 1-jet
production cross section in the Regge limit of perturbative QCD for a finite
number of colors. By considering deep inelastic scattering on a weakly bound
two-nucleon system, we carefully follow the logic of the AGK cutting rules and
show, for the single inclusive cross section, that, due to the reggeization of
the gluon, modifications of the AGK cutting rules appear. As our main result,
we investigate and calculate the jet production vertex in the presence of a
two-Pomeron cut correction. Compared to previous studies, we find a novel
structure of the jet vertex which has not been considered before. We discuss a
few implications of this new piece.
| v1 (Tue, 19 Feb 2008 20:04:52 GMT), v2 (Wed, 4 Jun 2008 10:27:53 GMT) |
Subsets and Splits