stringlengths 784
SCP-001 (Unlocked) SCP-001 » WJS Proposal » SCP-001 (Unlocked) rating: +625 + – X Hello.
I'm afraid you won't find SCP-001 here. It's stored in a far more unreachable location than this. I'm sure you were hoping you could get in, edit it in a couple places here and there, and voilà, you're no longer anomalous, you're free to go, the Foundation will harass you no longer. Of course, it can't be that easy. But I am going to help you. You deserve this much.
I'm going to tell you why.
Why the Foundation targets you. Why we deem you something to contain, to persecute. After all, there are far worse evils in the world. We kept our record of nuclear weapons above as an example. There are numerous genocides throughout history. The death toll from just the flu alone is far greater than the potential damage for thousands of the people and objects we contain, and yet we dedicate ourselves to branding you anomalous. Something not normal.
Something inherently wrong. Something that cannot be allowed its peace.
I'm not going to patronize you and say there's nothing I can do. I am only one voice on the Council, and I can't change things on my own, that's true, but the decisions I make, and the way I let myself view your circumstance are a direct cause of people seeing fit to throw you into a box. Even if I can't change the document, I could remain one more advocate for your normalcy. After all, humanity has believed in ghosts and spirits for thousands of years. We all believe in the monster under our beds when we're children. These phenomena are very real, and very much a part of the way the world works. Why can't we just declare them normal? Why won't I free you from your torment?
It's because we aren't only here to secure, contain, and protect the world.
We're here to secure, contain, and protect you.
SCP Foundation SCP Foundation Secure, Contain, Protect Secure, Contain, Protect Search About Community Resources Sister Sites ≡ Create account or Sign in The defining feature of the anomalous is that it cannot be explained through simple scientific testing. This makes you and your nature different. Unique, even. And that scarcity makes it valuable. But that doesn't mean that your value is something everyone can appreciate. Sometimes, it can only be appreciated by those who would use it against you.
That scarcity is also the tool by which a monster can exploit you. Others aren't familiar with your anomaly, and won't respond to descriptions of it as real. This gives opportunity to nefarious individuals to exploit that lack of knowledge and use you as an eldritch pawn to their pleasure. They can isolate you, consume you, make your anomaly their lever to destroy, slake a sadistic thirst with your existence.
I'm sure you've seen it happen. Someone is different. Their desires, needs, their reality forces them to be ostracized by the world at large. They're left alone. Probably not friendless, but sidelined, starved for connection. That's when someone swoops in, promising greatness, but only offering that connection you crave through consumption of you, destruction of your world, perversion of your reality. You fight back, try to tell someone of your plight, but others respond, "Oh, that can't be happening. That's not real. You must be mistaken." You are alone in your anomaly, and left to suffer.
We can't let that happen. Yes, go ahead, point out that we're isolating you at least as well, slowly consuming you and your existence just as surely as some abuser might wish to burn you up. Call us monsters. It's okay. But keep in mind that even in our pursuit of you, our coverup, our incarceration of you, we still want to make sure that you continue to exist, that you aren't removed entirely from this world. You have every right to exist. You have every right to be as different as you are.
You, the monsters out there, the monsters in here, you are all just as real as we are. Just as real as the teeming, irrational, self-destructive humanity that remains ignorant to your plight. And the conclusion that we are all, in the end, the same stuff, I hope you can find comfort in it.
Yes, you are a monster. But, whether we are deemed anomalous or not, so is every last one of us. And that means you deserve your existence.
We secure you.
We contain you.
We protect you.
And even if you still don't get why I'm doing this, please understand that I still love you.
- O5-5 ≡ Help | Terms of Service | Privacy | Report a bug | Flag as objectionable Powered by Wikidot.com Unless otherwise stated, the content of this page is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License Cite this page as: "SCP-001 (Unlocked)" by WrongJohnSilver, from the SCP Wiki. Source: https://scpwiki.com/wjs-proposal-1. Licensed under CC-BY-SA.
For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide.
supplement page revision: 12, last edited: 23 Jan 2024, 19:07 (404 days ago) Edit Rate (+625) Tags Discuss (57) History Files Print Site tools + Options ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation ≡ |
DAWN DAWN DAWN REDTAPE REDTAPE REDTAPE About Community Resources Sister Sites Contact Us ROUNDERHOUSE's Proposal » ROUNDERHOUSE's Proposal SCP-001 BY DIRECT ORDER OF THE OFFICE OF THE ADMINISTRATOR The following file is classified Clearance Level 001/1.
All Foundation personnel are permitted and encouraged to read this document.
A ROUNDERHOUSE Joint Rating: +768 Welcome, O5-13.
Administrator Franz Williams, circa 1891.
LEVEL 1/001 CLASSIFIED Item #: SCP-001 Site-01.
SPECIAL CONTAINMENT PROCEDURES: All personnel are permitted to put in a request to their local Human Resources officer if they would like to visit Site-01. Visits are generally limited to one per 4 years, in order to avoid large amounts of damage to the property. The Site itself is maintained by the Office of the Administrator, and any concerns with the physical building or grounds should be directed there.
DESCRIPTION: SCP-001 refers to a collection of 13 anomalous areas present within Site-01.
These anomalous areas vary in size and effect, and are scattered throughout the ground of the site. A full list of SCP-001 instances is attached below.
Site-01 is a mansion in rural Virginia constructed between 1764 and 1766 by Duke Franz C. Williams, an Austrian noble who would later become the founder and current Administrator of the Foundation. Williams' emigration from Europe was incited by the Seven Years' War, later regarded as the First Occult War. Documents relate that he arrived in the New World in a private party of twelve, purchasing the land for the mansion ahead of time. The party that arrived would become the first Overseers of the Foundation that they formed, though the organization as it is today would not take shape until the late 19th century during the American Civil War.
Safe Safe It became customary for new Overseers to make their own additions to the mansion as they were inducted, modifying and changing rooms to suit their needs, often with anomalous effects. Due to the secrecy associated with the former O5 Council, access to the Site itself was severely restricted until very recently.
SCP-001-02 SCP-001-03 SCP-001-04 SCP-001-05 SCP-001-06 SCP-001-07 SCP-001-08 SCP-001-09 SCP-001-10 SCP-001-11 SCP-001-12 SCP-001-01 SCP-001-01.
SCP-001-01 Description: SCP-001-01 is the Bridge Archive, an underground storage area below Site-01 that holds approximately 2,000 historical artifacts from the early 18th century to the late 21st. While a few artifacts are anomalous in and of themselves, the vast majority are not.
However, handling an object of historical value within SCP-001-01 subjects the handler to a sudden burst of visions, typically associated with the object's historical context. A plurality of SCP-001-01's artifacts originate from various European wars. Examples: Attached File: Item: A Spanish naval cannon, inlaid with beryllium-bronze insets.
Vision: A single galleon flying the Spanish flag approaches a larger English man-o-war and its escorts on a clear, crystal blue sea, possibly that of the Caribbean. The man-o-war turns to face the Spanish galleon, readying its cannons. The cannon, unusually placed at the bow of the ship, is loaded with something and fired - the single cannonball collides with the hull of the man- o-war. Several seconds later, a number of massive tentacles that dwarf both ships rise from the depths. A gigantic eye is visible below the water. The tentacles wrap and crush the man-o-war while the escorts rapidly retreat. No damage is caused to the Spanish galleon.
Item: A French cavalry sword, inscribed with the insignia of estate Noir.
Vision: A view of a battlefield in France. French troops huddle in a trench, a distant screaming overhead. The sky is golden. For a moment, the screaming stops, and a roar swells through the French line as they rush out of the trench.
At the other end of no man's land, a swirling sphere of wings and music screams again. The scene cuts to after the battle - no man's land is littered with corpses, and O5-1 stands on the fallen body of the angel, pulling the cavalry sword from it and wiping the golden blood on his shirt.
Administrator's Note — 1: 6-5-1959 Adiyat has fallen. Samothrace is lost. The occupiers will no doubt slaughter the survivors when they enter the city. We had the means to stop it. I didn't.
Everything is worse now.
- D.B Django was a good man. I met him just after World War I. He had been one of the experts on the paranormal so many of the governments had enlisted for the war effort. The pay was good, he was given free reign to experiment and test how he wanted. Then he realized all his work was just being used to kill more young men. He quit and worked as a free agent for some time, drifting through France, Denmark, Scotland, landing in Spain.
The paranormal communities back then were tiny compared to what they are now; we knew each other by reputation and we became fast friends. The idea of an organization free from the political squabbles of the time was immensely attractive to him, and I brought him on as an administrative consultant. Nine years later, he took the recently opened position of Overseer Alpha - eventually changed to O5-1.
He was obsessed with history since the day I met him. He had a collection of artifacts from various European wars in his family castle. Some were anomalous, most weren't. That collection became the basis for the one under Site-01 today. He was also dead-set in his belief that the Foundation should never be involved in the political machinations of nation-states, even as they transitioned from kings and czars to presidents and prime ministers. He was the reason we found ourselves painfully neutral during the Cold War. He was the reason we took no action during Samothrace. Men died, but he was firm - more men would die if we intervened.
We could never stay neutral forever. The Insurgency Crisis proved that. My oldest friend died as he lived; immersed in our history trying to decipher our future. I never filled his seat. I think that was the beginning of the end.
Clearance Level 001/5 detected. Would you like to open a classified file addendum?
▷CLOSE◁ SCP-001-13 Description: SCP-001-13 is a small graveyard on the outer grounds of Site-01.
13 gravestones are arranged in a grid of four columns. Each bears an inscription that changes depending on the reader, conforming to their relationship with the subject of the tombstone. The following is a list of messages as recorded by O5-13.
01. Here lies Django Bridge. An archivist to the end.
02. Here lies David Rosen. Never saw it coming.
03. Here lies Everett Mann. Could make anything except happiness.
An empty grave.
04. Here lies Tilda Moose. Didn't know what she had until she gave it away. Died trying to get it back.
05. Here lies Chelsea Elliot, née Glaistig. Feet in two worlds, fit in neither.
06. Here lies Ali Ibn-Bijhan. Betrayed his countrymen. Died of the guilt.
07. Here lies Agatha Rights. The only one I have ever loved.
08. Here lies Thaddeus Xyank. Came from tomorrow to help us today. Never forgot what he left behind.
09. Here lies Jean Aktus. A relic of the past, but he knew that.
Administrator's Note: ▷CLOSE◁ 10. Here lies Kain Pathos Crow. He was a good boy.
11. Here lies Troy Lament. The best I have ever known.
12. Here lies Alto Clef. Rot in hell.
13. MEMENTO MORI It's been eighty years, Gears. I got you onto senior staff, then directorship, then the Council. I know you well enough to know what you do when you're thinking about ending things.
It's okay. I was here before the Council, I'll be here after. You all ran the place well, but at the end of the day, you're still human. You make mistakes, and you have flaws, and that's alright. You did the best you could, and it was pretty good.
I'm sorry for putting this crushing burden on you and the others. I can't help but feel responsible. This life isn't an easy one, they might still be alive if not for me. They'd certainly have been happier.
You were all the best and brightest of the Foundation of then. I took you and I ruined you, and I'm sorry.
Don't worry about what happens after — my office has a handle on things, we have since I stopped refilling your seats. It's time to start burying the past. Make room for the future. There will never be a group like this again, but that's okay. The mere existence of the Council seems to invite tragedy. It's time for something different anyway. I don't know what, but the age of the Council is over, I can tell you that.
Come to my study when you're ready to end it. It's okay, Charles.
Don't worry. You did a good job. I'm proud of you.
‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide.
"ROUNDERHOUSE's Proposal" by Rounderhouse, from the SCP Wiki. Source: https://scpwiki.com/rounderhouse-proposal. Licensed under CC-BY-SA.
Filename: manor Name: File:WestoverPlantationSEGL.jpg Author: Stephen Lea License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:WestoverPlantationSEGL.jpg Filename: administrator Name: File:D. Carlos de Borbón y de Austria-Este smoking.jpg Author: Nadar License: Public Domain Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:D._Carlos_de_Borb%C3%B3n_y_de_Austria -Este_smoking.jpg Filename: archive Name: File:Etnografiska museet May 2013 01.jpg Author: Arild Vågen License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Etnografiska_museet_May_2013_01.jpg Filename: newsroom Name: File:City tv control room Doors Open Toronto 2012.jpg Author: Loozrboy License: CC BY-SA 2.0 Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:City_tv_control_room_Doors_Open_Toront o_2012.jpg Filename: workshop Name: OLD INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT IN ABANDONED WORKSHOP Author: pixy License: Public Domain Source: https://pixy.org/5877694/ Filename: library Name: File:Chatsworth House library.JPG Author: Sb2s3 License: CC BY-SA 4.0 Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Chatsworth_House_library.JPG Filename: postits Name: postits Author: UncertaintyCrossing License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source: http://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/rounderhouse-proposal Filename: greenhouse Name: greenhouse Author: pxhere License: Public Domain Source: https://pxhere.com/en/photo/24550 Filename: room Name: File:Berber house.jpg Author: Ilan Molcho License: CC BY 2.0 Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Berber_house.jpg Filename: machine Name: File:GSI, Darmstadt, Juli 2015 (31).JPG Author: Alexander Blecher License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:GSI,_Darmstadt,_Juli_2015_(31).JPG More From This Author Filename: medicine Name: Holmes medicine cabinet Author: Matt Brown License: CC BY 2.0 Source: https://www.flickr.com/photos/londonmatt/2855822695 Filename: guns Name: File:Donnington Historic Weapons Collection Display.jpg Author: Cocklecanoe License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Donnington_Historic_Weapons_Collection_ Display.jpg Filename: booze Name: onyx bar cart Author: goodiesfirst License: CC BY 2.0 Source: https://search.creativecommons.org/photos/52733637-78c2-4bd0-a67e- 4002d2379918 TAGS↴ 001-proposal agent-lament building bureaucracy director-aktus director-moose django-bridge doctor-clef doctor-elliott doctor-gears doctor-mann doctor-rights electronic extradimensional food hallucination historical hy-brasil inscription kain-pathos-crow mechanical medical plant prize-feature researcher-rosen safe scp thad-xyank toxic wanderers-library weapon Powered by Unless otherwise stated, the content of this page is licensed under Help Terms of Service Privacy Report a bug Flag as objectionable Wikidot.com Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License.
DAWN DAWN DAWN REDTAPE REDTAPE REDTAPE About Community Resources Sister Sites Contact Us ROUNDERHOUSE's Proposal » ROUNDERHOUSE's Proposal SCP-001 BY DIRECT ORDER OF THE OFFICE OF THE ADMINISTRATOR The following file is classified Clearance Level 001/1.
All Foundation personnel are permitted and encouraged to read this document.
A ROUNDERHOUSE Joint Rating: +768 Welcome, O5-13.
Administrator Franz Williams, circa 1891.
LEVEL 1/001 CLASSIFIED Item #: SCP-001 Site-01.
SPECIAL CONTAINMENT PROCEDURES: All personnel are permitted to put in a request to their local Human Resources officer if they would like to visit Site-01. Visits are generally limited to one per 4 years, in order to avoid large amounts of damage to the property. The Site itself is maintained by the Office of the Administrator, and any concerns with the physical building or grounds should be directed there.
DESCRIPTION: SCP-001 refers to a collection of 13 anomalous areas present within Site-01.
These anomalous areas vary in size and effect, and are scattered throughout the ground of the site. A full list of SCP-001 instances is attached below.
Site-01 is a mansion in rural Virginia constructed between 1764 and 1766 by Duke Franz C. Williams, an Austrian noble who would later become the founder and current Administrator of the Foundation. Williams' emigration from Europe was incited by the Seven Years' War, later regarded as the First Occult War. Documents relate that he arrived in the New World in a private party of twelve, purchasing the land for the mansion ahead of time. The party that arrived would become the first Overseers of the Foundation that they formed, though the organization as it is today would not take shape until the late 19th century during the American Civil War.
Safe Safe It became customary for new Overseers to make their own additions to the mansion as they were inducted, modifying and changing rooms to suit their needs, often with anomalous effects. Due to the secrecy associated with the former O5 Council, access to the Site itself was severely restricted until very recently.
SCP-001-01 SCP-001-03 SCP-001-04 SCP-001-05 SCP-001-06 SCP-001-07 SCP-001-08 SCP-001-09 SCP-001-10 SCP-001-11 SCP-001-12 SCP-001-02 SCP-001-02.
SCP-001-02 Description: SCP-001-02 is a converted bedroom in the east wing of the mansion.
Most furniture has been removed to make room for 30 monitors and televisions mounted to the walls. These displays constantly output a variety of global information (e.g. the daily NASDAQ average, the precipitation levels of the Middle East). Higher priority information is permanently held on the larger screens, while smaller screens switch out between data feeds, seemingly at random. The source of the feeds and power to the screens is unknown; none are connected to anything except each other.
Attached File: Screen: Permanently displays the rate of traffic flow on all major American and European highways.
Message: "DRIVER RATE NEEDS MONITORING — FLUCTUATIONS UNCLEAR, MAYBE INDICATIVE. GET IN TOUCH WITH DC AL FINE, GOC OWE ME" Screen: A shifting graph showing the prevalence of anomalous tool-use in Foundation sites.
URGENT!!! NOT AGAIN" From: [email protected] To: RAISA Staff (Group) Subject: Dataflow Date: 12-05-2044 I want every goddamn byte that came out of Kabul before the bombs started falling sent to my office by the end of this week. We're in crisis mode. It's our job to make sure shit like that never happens, and we fucked up. The best thing we can do now is use the data we do have to prevent something from ever happening again.
Administrator's Note — 2: From: [email protected] To: [email protected] Subject: (No subject) Date: 12-08-2044 David - You need to let up. We can't change the past, but we can change the future. But you can't do anything if all your staff are terrified of you and hanging on by a thread. This has been the worst week of their lives for most of them - don't ruin them. Don't get obsessed.
From: [email protected] To: [email protected] Subject: Re: (No Subject) Date: 12-08-2044 I'll take two hundred burned out staffers over one more corpse any day.
Clearance Level 001/5 detected. Would you like to open a classified file addendum?
I picked up David after the Gulf Incident in 2026. He was just a lowly RAISA tech back then, but I saw something else in him. A fiery talent for putting pieces together. Getting disparate information anyone else would consider worthless and forming it into something useful. It's not a learned thing, you either have it or you don't. He had it in spades, and it was being wasted helping researchers reset their passwords.
I gave him a few trial runs - the information breaches the GOC had during the late 2020s? All him. Very impressive young man, if acerbic. When the old Two retired, he was my first pick for the job, and doubled up as the RAISA director, too. He hit the ground running. Information is the reason the Foundation has been dominant since WW1, and he was the best there was at it. He figured out the Insurgency's attack plans from annual ammunition sales in Libya crossed by Anderson's stock prices once. The puzzles stopped being puzzles. What happened next was inevitable.
He fell into the classic trap - he got paranoid. Everything was easier, but he wasn't used to that. The reasonable conclusion was that he was missing things.
Every little accident or statistical improbability became his fault. He felt responsible for the hundreds that died during the Six-Minute War. Kabul was on his hands. It wasn't, of course, but it was how he felt.
Suddenly, every single bit of information was absolutely crucial. He needed to have it, to analyze it, to control it. It wasn't enough just to solve the puzzle, he had to be the only one who had the answer. Paranoia makes monsters of us all, and David was no different. He went early for a human, which is absurdly early for an O5. I found him slumped over in his room, watching the Powerball drawings.
▷CLOSE◁ SCP-001-13 Description: SCP-001-13 is a small graveyard on the outer grounds of Site-01.
13 gravestones are arranged in a grid of four columns. Each bears an inscription that changes depending on the reader, conforming to their relationship with the subject of the tombstone. The following is a list of messages as recorded by O5-13.
01. Here lies Django Bridge. An archivist to the end.
02. Here lies David Rosen. Never saw it coming.
03. Here lies Everett Mann. Could make anything except happiness.
An empty grave.
04. Here lies Tilda Moose. Didn't know what she had until she gave it away. Died trying to get it back.
05. Here lies Chelsea Elliot, née Glaistig. Feet in two worlds, fit in neither.
06. Here lies Ali Ibn-Bijhan. Betrayed his countrymen. Died of the guilt.
07. Here lies Agatha Rights. The only one I have ever loved.
08. Here lies Thaddeus Xyank. Came from tomorrow to help us today. Never forgot what he left behind.
09. Here lies Jean Aktus. A relic of the past, but he knew that.
Administrator's Note: ▷CLOSE◁ 10. Here lies Kain Pathos Crow. He was a good boy.
11. Here lies Troy Lament. The best I have ever known.
12. Here lies Alto Clef. Rot in hell.
13. MEMENTO MORI It's been eighty years, Gears. I got you onto senior staff, then directorship, then the Council. I know you well enough to know what you do when you're thinking about ending things.
It's okay. I was here before the Council, I'll be here after. You all ran the place well, but at the end of the day, you're still human. You make mistakes, and you have flaws, and that's alright. You did the best you could, and it was pretty good.
I'm sorry for putting this crushing burden on you and the others. I can't help but feel responsible. This life isn't an easy one, they might still be alive if not for me. They'd certainly have been happier.
You were all the best and brightest of the Foundation of then. I took you and I ruined you, and I'm sorry.
Don't worry about what happens after — my office has a handle on things, we have since I stopped refilling your seats. It's time to start burying the past. Make room for the future. There will never be a group like this again, but that's okay. The mere existence of the Council seems to invite tragedy. It's time for something different anyway. I don't know what, but the age of the Council is over, I can tell you that.
Come to my study when you're ready to end it. It's okay, Charles.
Don't worry. You did a good job. I'm proud of you.
‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide.
"ROUNDERHOUSE's Proposal" by Rounderhouse, from the SCP Wiki. Source: https://scpwiki.com/rounderhouse-proposal. Licensed under CC-BY-SA.
Filename: manor Name: File:WestoverPlantationSEGL.jpg Author: Stephen Lea License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:WestoverPlantationSEGL.jpg Filename: administrator Name: File:D. Carlos de Borbón y de Austria-Este smoking.jpg Author: Nadar License: Public Domain Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:D._Carlos_de_Borb%C3%B3n_y_de_Austria -Este_smoking.jpg Filename: archive Name: File:Etnografiska museet May 2013 01.jpg Author: Arild Vågen License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Etnografiska_museet_May_2013_01.jpg Filename: newsroom Name: File:City tv control room Doors Open Toronto 2012.jpg Author: Loozrboy License: CC BY-SA 2.0 Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:City_tv_control_room_Doors_Open_Toront o_2012.jpg Filename: workshop Name: OLD INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT IN ABANDONED WORKSHOP Author: pixy License: Public Domain Source: https://pixy.org/5877694/ Filename: library Name: File:Chatsworth House library.JPG Author: Sb2s3 License: CC BY-SA 4.0 Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Chatsworth_House_library.JPG Filename: postits Name: postits Author: UncertaintyCrossing License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source: http://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/rounderhouse-proposal Filename: greenhouse Name: greenhouse Author: pxhere License: Public Domain Source: https://pxhere.com/en/photo/24550 Filename: room Name: File:Berber house.jpg Author: Ilan Molcho License: CC BY 2.0 Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Berber_house.jpg Filename: machine Name: File:GSI, Darmstadt, Juli 2015 (31).JPG Author: Alexander Blecher License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:GSI,_Darmstadt,_Juli_2015_(31).JPG More From This Author Filename: medicine Name: Holmes medicine cabinet Author: Matt Brown License: CC BY 2.0 Source: https://www.flickr.com/photos/londonmatt/2855822695 Filename: guns Name: File:Donnington Historic Weapons Collection Display.jpg Author: Cocklecanoe License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Donnington_Historic_Weapons_Collection_ Display.jpg Filename: booze Name: onyx bar cart Author: goodiesfirst License: CC BY 2.0 Source: https://search.creativecommons.org/photos/52733637-78c2-4bd0-a67e- 4002d2379918 TAGS↴ 001-proposal agent-lament building bureaucracy director-aktus director-moose django-bridge doctor-clef doctor-elliott doctor-gears doctor-mann doctor-rights electronic extradimensional food hallucination historical hy-brasil inscription kain-pathos-crow mechanical medical plant prize-feature researcher-rosen safe scp thad-xyank toxic wanderers-library weapon Powered by Unless otherwise stated, the content of this page is licensed under Help Terms of Service Privacy Report a bug Flag as objectionable Wikidot.com Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License.
DAWN DAWN DAWN REDTAPE REDTAPE REDTAPE About Community Resources Sister Sites Contact Us ROUNDERHOUSE's Proposal » ROUNDERHOUSE's Proposal SCP-001 BY DIRECT ORDER OF THE OFFICE OF THE ADMINISTRATOR The following file is classified Clearance Level 001/1.
All Foundation personnel are permitted and encouraged to read this document.
A ROUNDERHOUSE Joint Rating: +768 Welcome, O5-13.
Administrator Franz Williams, circa 1891.
LEVEL 1/001 CLASSIFIED Item #: SCP-001 Site-01.
SPECIAL CONTAINMENT PROCEDURES: All personnel are permitted to put in a request to their local Human Resources officer if they would like to visit Site-01. Visits are generally limited to one per 4 years, in order to avoid large amounts of damage to the property. The Site itself is maintained by the Office of the Administrator, and any concerns with the physical building or grounds should be directed there.
DESCRIPTION: SCP-001 refers to a collection of 13 anomalous areas present within Site-01.
These anomalous areas vary in size and effect, and are scattered throughout the ground of the site. A full list of SCP-001 instances is attached below.
Site-01 is a mansion in rural Virginia constructed between 1764 and 1766 by Duke Franz C. Williams, an Austrian noble who would later become the founder and current Administrator of the Foundation. Williams' emigration from Europe was incited by the Seven Years' War, later regarded as the First Occult War. Documents relate that he arrived in the New World in a private party of twelve, purchasing the land for the mansion ahead of time. The party that arrived would become the first Overseers of the Foundation that they formed, though the organization as it is today would not take shape until the late 19th century during the American Civil War.
Safe Safe It became customary for new Overseers to make their own additions to the mansion as they were inducted, modifying and changing rooms to suit their needs, often with anomalous effects. Due to the secrecy associated with the former O5 Council, access to the Site itself was severely restricted until very recently.
SCP-001-01 SCP-001-02 SCP-001-04 SCP-001-05 SCP-001-06 SCP-001-07 SCP-001-08 SCP-001-09 SCP-001-10 SCP-001-11 SCP-001-12 SCP-001-03 SCP-001-03.
SCP-001-03 Description: SCP-001-03 is a warehouse on the outer grounds of Site-01.
Remodeled into a workshop, it contains manufacturing implements and industrial machinery from a variety of time periods, as well as raw materials and hand tools.
Any item crafted in SCP-001-03 using the tools and machinery available will carry some sort of minor anomalous effect with it. These can range in power and type, but largely result in 'magic items' that are anomalously improved at their given function (e.g body armor that protects the wearer from damage, a lockpick able to open any lock). A number of these items are strewn around the workshop with labels.
Attached File: Item: A small solid-state drive containing a shackled .AIC program.
Effect: .AIC, named "Sophie", is able to hold and maintain casual conversation and small talk beyond what would be capable for its storage capacity.
Label: "practice.exe" Item: A small crib mobile resembling the solar system, with the addition of a tenth planet between Uranus and Neptune.
Effect: Instantly calms the observer into a state of relaxation. Presumably designed to soothe infant crying.
Label: "aggie's baby" Administrator's Note — 3: O5-3: Oh, hello.
Administrator: Hey, Rhett.
O5-3: I wish you wouldn't use my name.
Administrator: That's what makes it fun.
[Both chuckle, then fall silent for a moment.] O5-3: Did you… need something?
Administrator: Yeah. Well, you know how time flies by, we were going to have a little get-together for Seven, be nice to have you. Maybe bring a gift for the kid.
O5-3: Oh. I see.
[Moment of silence.] O5-3: I'm sorry, I don't think so, I just, you know, have stuff here to finish up. You guys have fun.
[Moment of silence.] Administrator: No worries, Rhett. Just don't work too hard.
Clearance Level 001/5 detected. Would you like to open a classified file addendum?
Mann was good. I liked him. He was former Prometheus, ended up taking an employment offer from us when his lab went under. Put his brain to work designing more efficient things for us to use. Containment chambers, machines, sometimes even weapons. He built the Null Riggers that eventually replaced SRAs. He was also responsible for the design of the FS Bowe, even though he had about as much experience designing spaceships as anyone else in the Foundation. Mann was a true prodigy - the kind of intelligence you see once in a generation.
He was odd, though. Not in some overt way, just the kind of person that you have to really push to talk to. He never really interfaced with me or any of the others outside of business like everyone else did. Preferred to stay huddled in that little workshop all day and night, crafting up wonders. I'm not really sure whether he couldn't connect because he was always working, or whether he was always working because he couldn't connect. Or maybe they were entirely separate and I'm connecting dots that don't exist. We'll never really know for sure.
We never really found out what happened to him. He just didn't come back from the workshop one day. I started the biggest, quietest manhunt in the world. Never found so much as a hair. Hell, maybe he didn't want to be found. I couldn't fill his seat after that even if I wanted to — it would be admitting the obvious.
▷CLOSE◁ SCP-001-13 Description: SCP-001-13 is a small graveyard on the outer grounds of Site-01.
13 gravestones are arranged in a grid of four columns. Each bears an inscription that changes depending on the reader, conforming to their relationship with the subject of the tombstone. The following is a list of messages as recorded by O5-13.
01. Here lies Django Bridge. An archivist to the end.
02. Here lies David Rosen. Never saw it coming.
03. Here lies Everett Mann. Could make anything except happiness.
An empty grave.
04. Here lies Tilda Moose. Didn't know what she had until she gave it away. Died trying to get it back.
05. Here lies Chelsea Elliot, née Glaistig. Feet in two worlds, fit in neither.
06. Here lies Ali Ibn-Bijhan. Betrayed his countrymen. Died of the guilt.
07. Here lies Agatha Rights. The only one I have ever loved.
08. Here lies Thaddeus Xyank. Came from tomorrow to help us today. Never forgot what he left behind.
09. Here lies Jean Aktus. A relic of the past, but he knew that.
Administrator's Note: ▷CLOSE◁ 10. Here lies Kain Pathos Crow. He was a good boy.
11. Here lies Troy Lament. The best I have ever known.
12. Here lies Alto Clef. Rot in hell.
13. MEMENTO MORI It's been eighty years, Gears. I got you onto senior staff, then directorship, then the Council. I know you well enough to know what you do when you're thinking about ending things.
It's okay. I was here before the Council, I'll be here after. You all ran the place well, but at the end of the day, you're still human. You make mistakes, and you have flaws, and that's alright. You did the best you could, and it was pretty good.
I'm sorry for putting this crushing burden on you and the others. I can't help but feel responsible. This life isn't an easy one, they might still be alive if not for me. They'd certainly have been happier.
You were all the best and brightest of the Foundation of then. I took you and I ruined you, and I'm sorry.
Don't worry about what happens after — my office has a handle on things, we have since I stopped refilling your seats. It's time to start burying the past. Make room for the future. There will never be a group like this again, but that's okay. The mere existence of the Council seems to invite tragedy. It's time for something different anyway. I don't know what, but the age of the Council is over, I can tell you that.
Come to my study when you're ready to end it. It's okay, Charles.
Don't worry. You did a good job. I'm proud of you.
‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide.
"ROUNDERHOUSE's Proposal" by Rounderhouse, from the SCP Wiki. Source: https://scpwiki.com/rounderhouse-proposal. Licensed under CC-BY-SA.
Filename: manor Name: File:WestoverPlantationSEGL.jpg Author: Stephen Lea License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:WestoverPlantationSEGL.jpg Filename: administrator Name: File:D. Carlos de Borbón y de Austria-Este smoking.jpg Author: Nadar License: Public Domain Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:D._Carlos_de_Borb%C3%B3n_y_de_Austria -Este_smoking.jpg Filename: archive Name: File:Etnografiska museet May 2013 01.jpg Author: Arild Vågen License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Etnografiska_museet_May_2013_01.jpg Filename: newsroom Name: File:City tv control room Doors Open Toronto 2012.jpg Author: Loozrboy License: CC BY-SA 2.0 Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:City_tv_control_room_Doors_Open_Toront o_2012.jpg Filename: workshop Name: OLD INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT IN ABANDONED WORKSHOP Author: pixy License: Public Domain Source: https://pixy.org/5877694/ Filename: library Name: File:Chatsworth House library.JPG Author: Sb2s3 License: CC BY-SA 4.0 Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Chatsworth_House_library.JPG Filename: postits Name: postits Author: UncertaintyCrossing License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source: http://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/rounderhouse-proposal Filename: greenhouse Name: greenhouse Author: pxhere License: Public Domain Source: https://pxhere.com/en/photo/24550 Filename: room Name: File:Berber house.jpg Author: Ilan Molcho License: CC BY 2.0 Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Berber_house.jpg Filename: machine Name: File:GSI, Darmstadt, Juli 2015 (31).JPG Author: Alexander Blecher License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:GSI,_Darmstadt,_Juli_2015_(31).JPG More From This Author Filename: medicine Name: Holmes medicine cabinet Author: Matt Brown License: CC BY 2.0 Source: https://www.flickr.com/photos/londonmatt/2855822695 Filename: guns Name: File:Donnington Historic Weapons Collection Display.jpg Author: Cocklecanoe License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Donnington_Historic_Weapons_Collection_ Display.jpg Filename: booze Name: onyx bar cart Author: goodiesfirst License: CC BY 2.0 Source: https://search.creativecommons.org/photos/52733637-78c2-4bd0-a67e- 4002d2379918 TAGS↴ 001-proposal agent-lament building bureaucracy director-aktus director-moose django-bridge doctor-clef doctor-elliott doctor-gears doctor-mann doctor-rights electronic extradimensional food hallucination historical hy-brasil inscription kain-pathos-crow mechanical medical plant prize-feature researcher-rosen safe scp thad-xyank toxic wanderers-library weapon Powered by Unless otherwise stated, the content of this page is licensed under Help Terms of Service Privacy Report a bug Flag as objectionable Wikidot.com Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License.
DAWN DAWN DAWN REDTAPE REDTAPE REDTAPE About Community Resources Sister Sites Contact Us ROUNDERHOUSE's Proposal » ROUNDERHOUSE's Proposal SCP-001 BY DIRECT ORDER OF THE OFFICE OF THE ADMINISTRATOR The following file is classified Clearance Level 001/1.
All Foundation personnel are permitted and encouraged to read this document.
A ROUNDERHOUSE Joint Rating: +768 Welcome, O5-13.
Administrator Franz Williams, circa 1891.
LEVEL 1/001 CLASSIFIED Item #: SCP-001 Site-01.
SPECIAL CONTAINMENT PROCEDURES: All personnel are permitted to put in a request to their local Human Resources officer if they would like to visit Site-01. Visits are generally limited to one per 4 years, in order to avoid large amounts of damage to the property. The Site itself is maintained by the Office of the Administrator, and any concerns with the physical building or grounds should be directed there.
DESCRIPTION: SCP-001 refers to a collection of 13 anomalous areas present within Site-01.
These anomalous areas vary in size and effect, and are scattered throughout the ground of the site. A full list of SCP-001 instances is attached below.
Site-01 is a mansion in rural Virginia constructed between 1764 and 1766 by Duke Franz C. Williams, an Austrian noble who would later become the founder and current Administrator of the Foundation. Williams' emigration from Europe was incited by the Seven Years' War, later regarded as the First Occult War. Documents relate that he arrived in the New World in a private party of twelve, purchasing the land for the mansion ahead of time. The party that arrived would become the first Overseers of the Foundation that they formed, though the organization as it is today would not take shape until the late 19th century during the American Civil War.
Safe Safe It became customary for new Overseers to make their own additions to the mansion as they were inducted, modifying and changing rooms to suit their needs, often with anomalous effects. Due to the secrecy associated with the former O5 Council, access to the Site itself was severely restricted until very recently.
SCP-001-01 SCP-001-02 SCP-001-03 SCP-001-05 SCP-001-06 SCP-001-07 SCP-001-08 SCP-001-09 SCP-001-10 SCP-001-11 SCP-001-12 SCP-001-04 SCP-001-04.
Attached file.
SCP-001-04 Description: SCP-001-04 is a private Library located in the west wing of Site- 01. It contains a variety of texts and books, all concerning various anomalous phenomena. While most of these books have been written, some will be written at some point in the future or have never been written at all, and thus do not technically exist.
SCP-001-04 was placed into Site-01 via a thaumaturgic ritual aimed at amputating a portion of the Wanderers' Library. The ritual succeeded, but resulted in the annihilation of the caster.
Attached Files: Administrator's Note — 4: Index — S to T, cont.
[…] The Selk Chronicle — Abis Wam Serfus Black — Wyrmkragg The Serpent's Hand — //T.M// REMOVED The Serpent: An Analysis — Jericho Benalsh REMOVED The Serpentine Text: Modern Edition — L.S REMOVED!
The Sessenilium - Unknown Author […] A set of small yellow post-its with hasty pencil drawings on one side. The art depicts scenes from SCP-6000, including the Main Hall, and "Page" and "Archivist" instances of SCP-6000-A. The corner of the topmost post-it is wet.
Clearance Level 001/5 detected. Would you like to open a classified file addendum?
Poor Tilly. She was the rarest of the rare - a Hand member defecting to the Foundation. We see a lot of the other way around, but once in a blue moon does a Hand member come to us willingly. I don't know much about her, honestly. I'm not even entirely sure she was from this particular world - if she had access to the Library she could have been from anywhere. That's probably why it took so long for me to trust her - she took up the mantle of Four thirty years after that meeting, even after becoming the Director of 17.
Between then, she became one of our most valued assets. An encyclopedic knowledge of pretty much every type of magic possible without being a capital-G God. She knew how to neutralize wizards, casters, battlemages, anything. She also knew how to disrupt the Hand's operations. They were pretty much gone by 2049. At least, until the Ninth Occult War - they have a habit of springing up during crises. But I digress.
We had anomalous members of the Council before, but never a true, honest- to-god wizard. Never thought I'd see the day. But she was one of the most loyal people I've ever met. I have no idea what the Hand did to piss her off, but she never forgave them. Her joy in ruining them was only matched by her thirst for knowledge.
That was what did her in, in the end. From the moment she shook my hand, she became a Jailor, and was barred from the Library forever. She knew what she was signing up for but I don't think she fully understood how important that place was to her. She would give anything to have her access restored. She ended up giving everything.
▷CLOSE◁ SCP-001-13 Description: SCP-001-13 is a small graveyard on the outer grounds of Site-01.
13 gravestones are arranged in a grid of four columns. Each bears an inscription that changes depending on the reader, conforming to their relationship with the subject of the tombstone. The following is a list of messages as recorded by O5-13.
01. Here lies Django Bridge. An archivist to the end.
02. Here lies David Rosen. Never saw it coming.
03. Here lies Everett Mann. Could make anything except happiness.
An empty grave.
04. Here lies Tilda Moose. Didn't know what she had until she gave it away. Died trying to get it back.
05. Here lies Chelsea Elliot, née Glaistig. Feet in two worlds, fit in neither.
06. Here lies Ali Ibn-Bijhan. Betrayed his countrymen. Died of the guilt.
07. Here lies Agatha Rights. The only one I have ever loved.
08. Here lies Thaddeus Xyank. Came from tomorrow to help us today. Never forgot what he left behind.
09. Here lies Jean Aktus. A relic of the past, but he knew that.
Administrator's Note: ▷CLOSE◁ 10. Here lies Kain Pathos Crow. He was a good boy.
11. Here lies Troy Lament. The best I have ever known.
12. Here lies Alto Clef. Rot in hell.
13. MEMENTO MORI It's been eighty years, Gears. I got you onto senior staff, then directorship, then the Council. I know you well enough to know what you do when you're thinking about ending things.
It's okay. I was here before the Council, I'll be here after. You all ran the place well, but at the end of the day, you're still human. You make mistakes, and you have flaws, and that's alright. You did the best you could, and it was pretty good.
I'm sorry for putting this crushing burden on you and the others. I can't help but feel responsible. This life isn't an easy one, they might still be alive if not for me. They'd certainly have been happier.
You were all the best and brightest of the Foundation of then. I took you and I ruined you, and I'm sorry.
Don't worry about what happens after — my office has a handle on things, we have since I stopped refilling your seats. It's time to start burying the past. Make room for the future. There will never be a group like this again, but that's okay. The mere existence of the Council seems to invite tragedy. It's time for something different anyway. I don't know what, but the age of the Council is over, I can tell you that.
Come to my study when you're ready to end it. It's okay, Charles.
Don't worry. You did a good job. I'm proud of you.
‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide.
"ROUNDERHOUSE's Proposal" by Rounderhouse, from the SCP Wiki. Source: https://scpwiki.com/rounderhouse-proposal. Licensed under CC-BY-SA.
Filename: manor Name: File:WestoverPlantationSEGL.jpg Author: Stephen Lea License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:WestoverPlantationSEGL.jpg Filename: administrator Name: File:D. Carlos de Borbón y de Austria-Este smoking.jpg Author: Nadar License: Public Domain Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:D._Carlos_de_Borb%C3%B3n_y_de_Austria -Este_smoking.jpg Filename: archive Name: File:Etnografiska museet May 2013 01.jpg Author: Arild Vågen License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Etnografiska_museet_May_2013_01.jpg Filename: newsroom Name: File:City tv control room Doors Open Toronto 2012.jpg Author: Loozrboy License: CC BY-SA 2.0 Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:City_tv_control_room_Doors_Open_Toront o_2012.jpg Filename: workshop Name: OLD INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT IN ABANDONED WORKSHOP Author: pixy License: Public Domain Source: https://pixy.org/5877694/ Filename: library Name: File:Chatsworth House library.JPG Author: Sb2s3 License: CC BY-SA 4.0 Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Chatsworth_House_library.JPG Filename: postits Name: postits Author: UncertaintyCrossing License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source: http://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/rounderhouse-proposal Filename: greenhouse Name: greenhouse Author: pxhere License: Public Domain Source: https://pxhere.com/en/photo/24550 Filename: room Name: File:Berber house.jpg Author: Ilan Molcho License: CC BY 2.0 Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Berber_house.jpg Filename: machine Name: File:GSI, Darmstadt, Juli 2015 (31).JPG Author: Alexander Blecher License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:GSI,_Darmstadt,_Juli_2015_(31).JPG More From This Author Filename: medicine Name: Holmes medicine cabinet Author: Matt Brown License: CC BY 2.0 Source: https://www.flickr.com/photos/londonmatt/2855822695 Filename: guns Name: File:Donnington Historic Weapons Collection Display.jpg Author: Cocklecanoe License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Donnington_Historic_Weapons_Collection_ Display.jpg Filename: booze Name: onyx bar cart Author: goodiesfirst License: CC BY 2.0 Source: https://search.creativecommons.org/photos/52733637-78c2-4bd0-a67e- 4002d2379918 TAGS↴ 001-proposal agent-lament building bureaucracy director-aktus director-moose django-bridge doctor-clef doctor-elliott doctor-gears doctor-mann doctor-rights electronic extradimensional food hallucination historical hy-brasil inscription kain-pathos-crow mechanical medical plant prize-feature researcher-rosen safe scp thad-xyank toxic wanderers-library weapon Powered by Unless otherwise stated, the content of this page is licensed under Help Terms of Service Privacy Report a bug Flag as objectionable Wikidot.com Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License.
DAWN DAWN DAWN REDTAPE REDTAPE REDTAPE About Community Resources Sister Sites Contact Us ROUNDERHOUSE's Proposal » ROUNDERHOUSE's Proposal SCP-001 BY DIRECT ORDER OF THE OFFICE OF THE ADMINISTRATOR The following file is classified Clearance Level 001/1.
All Foundation personnel are permitted and encouraged to read this document.
A ROUNDERHOUSE Joint Rating: +768 Welcome, O5-13.
Administrator Franz Williams, circa 1891.
LEVEL 1/001 CLASSIFIED Item #: SCP-001 Site-01.
SPECIAL CONTAINMENT PROCEDURES: All personnel are permitted to put in a request to their local Human Resources officer if they would like to visit Site-01. Visits are generally limited to one per 4 years, in order to avoid large amounts of damage to the property. The Site itself is maintained by the Office of the Administrator, and any concerns with the physical building or grounds should be directed there.
DESCRIPTION: SCP-001 refers to a collection of 13 anomalous areas present within Site-01.
These anomalous areas vary in size and effect, and are scattered throughout the ground of the site. A full list of SCP-001 instances is attached below.
Site-01 is a mansion in rural Virginia constructed between 1764 and 1766 by Duke Franz C. Williams, an Austrian noble who would later become the founder and current Administrator of the Foundation. Williams' emigration from Europe was incited by the Seven Years' War, later regarded as the First Occult War. Documents relate that he arrived in the New World in a private party of twelve, purchasing the land for the mansion ahead of time. The party that arrived would become the first Overseers of the Foundation that they formed, though the organization as it is today would not take shape until the late 19th century during the American Civil War.
Safe Safe It became customary for new Overseers to make their own additions to the mansion as they were inducted, modifying and changing rooms to suit their needs, often with anomalous effects. Due to the secrecy associated with the former O5 Council, access to the Site itself was severely restricted until very recently.
SCP-001-01 SCP-001-02 SCP-001-03 SCP-001-04 SCP-001-06 SCP-001-07 SCP-001-08 SCP-001-09 SCP-001-10 SCP-001-11 SCP-001-12 SCP-001-05 SCP-001-05.
SCP-001-05 Description: SCP-001-05 is a large greenhouse and conservatory inside the gardens behind the east wing. A variety of colorful plants grow inside, completely unique; the species no longer exist anywhere else in the world. They have never been documented by modern science, and only exist after having been meticulously reconstructed by Foundation gene labs. While never documented by modern science, archaic herbariums from medieval Britain indicate that the species closely match descriptions of plants supposedly found on the Fae island of Hy-Brasil.
Attached File: Administrator's Note — 5: Description: A shrub with small white flowers, secretes a milky white substance.
Placard: Aglaophotis. Has abnormal healing properties — maybe send a cutting to Nine?
Description: An aquatic fern with purple 5-parted leaves.
Placard: Razkovniche. Ground into a paste effective against magical wards.
Seeds from Mom's cache.
Hey whoever finds this I'm sorry about the mess I just I'm sick of all of it and I feel like I'm doing everything wrong I've been spending a lot of time with the plants lately Did you know there's species here that haven't existed for 7 centuries they were all lost when the island disappeared but I had the labs reconstruct them so I guess they'll live on That makes one of us hahaha Sorry bad joke but yeah I'm sorry about the mess Could you please make sure my dad doesn't find out about this I don't know what it would do to him I think it's about time.
bye Clearance Level 001/5 detected. Would you like to open a classified file addendum?
Chelsea was one I never expected to have as an Overseer. A half-blood fairy? It would be inconceivable. The Foundation's relationship with the Faefolk is one famously riddled with lies, violence, and tragedy on both sides. But the Fae population was decimated after the events in Hy-Brasil — we never saw the island again after '88, and by the turn of the century we assumed they were all either dead or somewhere we couldn't detect them.
But not all the Fae were on the island when it vanished — I'll spare you the details but Chelsea was the result of a union between an Agent and a Fae. She had the benefits of the Fae's magic, and the career prospects that come with having a parent employed by us. It was hard, but stuff was different back then.
We had anomalous task forces, a half-anomalous researcher wasn't that absurd. She had adversity, of course, but she rose through the ranks quickly.
The previous Five recommended her for the position before he went, and I agreed.
She always struggled with it though. Supporting, even leading an organization that was the blood enemy of her people. She was a phenomenal O5, which is what makes everything that much more tragic. It wasn't any sudden event. Just the decades of moral conflict culminating until she couldn't take it anymore.
This greenhouse always meant a lot to her — it was the closest thing to her homeland that still existed anywhere on the planet. Maybe that's why she brought the gun here.
▷CLOSE◁ SCP-001-13 Description: SCP-001-13 is a small graveyard on the outer grounds of Site-01.
13 gravestones are arranged in a grid of four columns. Each bears an inscription that changes depending on the reader, conforming to their relationship with the subject of the tombstone. The following is a list of messages as recorded by O5-13.
01. Here lies Django Bridge. An archivist to the end.
02. Here lies David Rosen. Never saw it coming.
03. Here lies Everett Mann. Could make anything except happiness.
An empty grave.
04. Here lies Tilda Moose. Didn't know what she had until she gave it away. Died trying to get it back.
05. Here lies Chelsea Elliot, née Glaistig. Feet in two worlds, fit in neither.
06. Here lies Ali Ibn-Bijhan. Betrayed his countrymen. Died of the guilt.
07. Here lies Agatha Rights. The only one I have ever loved.
08. Here lies Thaddeus Xyank. Came from tomorrow to help us today. Never forgot what he left behind.
09. Here lies Jean Aktus. A relic of the past, but he knew that.
Administrator's Note: ▷CLOSE◁ 10. Here lies Kain Pathos Crow. He was a good boy.
11. Here lies Troy Lament. The best I have ever known.
12. Here lies Alto Clef. Rot in hell.
13. MEMENTO MORI It's been eighty years, Gears. I got you onto senior staff, then directorship, then the Council. I know you well enough to know what you do when you're thinking about ending things.
It's okay. I was here before the Council, I'll be here after. You all ran the place well, but at the end of the day, you're still human. You make mistakes, and you have flaws, and that's alright. You did the best you could, and it was pretty good.
I'm sorry for putting this crushing burden on you and the others. I can't help but feel responsible. This life isn't an easy one, they might still be alive if not for me. They'd certainly have been happier.
You were all the best and brightest of the Foundation of then. I took you and I ruined you, and I'm sorry.
Don't worry about what happens after — my office has a handle on things, we have since I stopped refilling your seats. It's time to start burying the past. Make room for the future. There will never be a group like this again, but that's okay. The mere existence of the Council seems to invite tragedy. It's time for something different anyway. I don't know what, but the age of the Council is over, I can tell you that.
Come to my study when you're ready to end it. It's okay, Charles.
Don't worry. You did a good job. I'm proud of you.
‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide.
"ROUNDERHOUSE's Proposal" by Rounderhouse, from the SCP Wiki. Source: https://scpwiki.com/rounderhouse-proposal. Licensed under CC-BY-SA.
Filename: manor Name: File:WestoverPlantationSEGL.jpg Author: Stephen Lea License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:WestoverPlantationSEGL.jpg Filename: administrator Name: File:D. Carlos de Borbón y de Austria-Este smoking.jpg Author: Nadar License: Public Domain Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:D._Carlos_de_Borb%C3%B3n_y_de_Austria -Este_smoking.jpg Filename: archive Name: File:Etnografiska museet May 2013 01.jpg Author: Arild Vågen License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Etnografiska_museet_May_2013_01.jpg Filename: newsroom Name: File:City tv control room Doors Open Toronto 2012.jpg Author: Loozrboy License: CC BY-SA 2.0 Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:City_tv_control_room_Doors_Open_Toront o_2012.jpg Filename: workshop Name: OLD INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT IN ABANDONED WORKSHOP Author: pixy License: Public Domain Source: https://pixy.org/5877694/ Filename: library Name: File:Chatsworth House library.JPG Author: Sb2s3 License: CC BY-SA 4.0 Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Chatsworth_House_library.JPG Filename: postits Name: postits Author: UncertaintyCrossing License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source: http://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/rounderhouse-proposal Filename: greenhouse Name: greenhouse Author: pxhere License: Public Domain Source: https://pxhere.com/en/photo/24550 Filename: room Name: File:Berber house.jpg Author: Ilan Molcho License: CC BY 2.0 Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Berber_house.jpg Filename: machine Name: File:GSI, Darmstadt, Juli 2015 (31).JPG Author: Alexander Blecher License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:GSI,_Darmstadt,_Juli_2015_(31).JPG More From This Author Filename: medicine Name: Holmes medicine cabinet Author: Matt Brown License: CC BY 2.0 Source: https://www.flickr.com/photos/londonmatt/2855822695 Filename: guns Name: File:Donnington Historic Weapons Collection Display.jpg Author: Cocklecanoe License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Donnington_Historic_Weapons_Collection_ Display.jpg Filename: booze Name: onyx bar cart Author: goodiesfirst License: CC BY 2.0 Source: https://search.creativecommons.org/photos/52733637-78c2-4bd0-a67e- 4002d2379918 TAGS↴ 001-proposal agent-lament building bureaucracy director-aktus director-moose django-bridge doctor-clef doctor-elliott doctor-gears doctor-mann doctor-rights electronic extradimensional food hallucination historical hy-brasil inscription kain-pathos-crow mechanical medical plant prize-feature researcher-rosen safe scp thad-xyank toxic wanderers-library weapon Powered by Unless otherwise stated, the content of this page is licensed under Help Terms of Service Privacy Report a bug Flag as objectionable Wikidot.com Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License.
DAWN DAWN DAWN REDTAPE REDTAPE REDTAPE About Community Resources Sister Sites Contact Us ROUNDERHOUSE's Proposal » ROUNDERHOUSE's Proposal SCP-001 BY DIRECT ORDER OF THE OFFICE OF THE ADMINISTRATOR The following file is classified Clearance Level 001/1.
All Foundation personnel are permitted and encouraged to read this document.
A ROUNDERHOUSE Joint Rating: +768 Welcome, O5-13.
Administrator Franz Williams, circa 1891.
LEVEL 1/001 CLASSIFIED Item #: SCP-001 Site-01.
SPECIAL CONTAINMENT PROCEDURES: All personnel are permitted to put in a request to their local Human Resources officer if they would like to visit Site-01. Visits are generally limited to one per 4 years, in order to avoid large amounts of damage to the property. The Site itself is maintained by the Office of the Administrator, and any concerns with the physical building or grounds should be directed there.
DESCRIPTION: SCP-001 refers to a collection of 13 anomalous areas present within Site-01.
These anomalous areas vary in size and effect, and are scattered throughout the ground of the site. A full list of SCP-001 instances is attached below.
Site-01 is a mansion in rural Virginia constructed between 1764 and 1766 by Duke Franz C. Williams, an Austrian noble who would later become the founder and current Administrator of the Foundation. Williams' emigration from Europe was incited by the Seven Years' War, later regarded as the First Occult War. Documents relate that he arrived in the New World in a private party of twelve, purchasing the land for the mansion ahead of time. The party that arrived would become the first Overseers of the Foundation that they formed, though the organization as it is today would not take shape until the late 19th century during the American Civil War.
Safe Safe It became customary for new Overseers to make their own additions to the mansion as they were inducted, modifying and changing rooms to suit their needs, often with anomalous effects. Due to the secrecy associated with the former O5 Council, access to the Site itself was severely restricted until very recently.
SCP-001-01 SCP-001-02 SCP-001-03 SCP-001-04 SCP-001-05 SCP-001-07 SCP-001-08 SCP-001-09 SCP-001-10 SCP-001-11 SCP-001-12 SCP-001-06 SCP-001-06.
SCP-001-06 Description: SCP-001-06 is a bedroom in the western wing. It has been renovated and redecorated in the style of traditional Middle Eastern homes. Tapestries, artifacts, and knickknacks line the walls and shelves. A hookah sits on the low table. Quilts and Afghan rugs cover the floor and bed. Touching any of these decorations results in the hookah producing a light smoke. When inhaled, the subject will experience a strong vision.
Attached File: Item: A small flag of the Piercing Sun movement; a sunrise with an eye on it, rendered in minimalist black and white.
Vision: The walls of an unknown city. The flags of the Piercing Sun government are everywhere, and loudspeakers loudly proclaim the date (9-5-2059) and that the Horizon Initiative has beat back another separatist movement. The streets are empty.
Item: A quilted blanket on the bed.
Vision: Standing in the market of an Afghan village. A woman kneels in a small shop and sews the rug. On a small television, a muted news channel dated December 1st shows aerial shots of Kabul in ruins. Small explosions still pepper the rubble. The subject will cry after the vision ends, but is never able to explain why.
Administrator's Note — 6: O5-6: Why?!
Administrator: You know why, Ali.
O5-6: What, the GOC might take offense? They don't give a shit about anything east of Turkey, they never have!
Administrator: No, because we're not in a position to be jamming our fists into every anomalous conflict that springs up.
O5-6: Then why are you even here? You disappear for months at a time and then show up to tell me that my vote is invalid?
Administrator: Because One is dead and I don't want you to go rushing headfirst into a fight you don't know anything about.
O5-6: Didn't we learn anything from Samothrace? Neutrality just means more death, you know this!
Administrator: [Sigh] Look, I agree with you, but the other te- nine don't. I've vested the power in your hands for a reason. This isn't going to end here, Kabul is just first blood. Twelve's replacement is getting fast-tracked, and he knows how to win a fight. Just, wait, okay?
O5-6: Nine. What happened to us?
[Silence.] Clearance Level 001/5 detected. Would you like to open a classified file addendum?
Ali was from the Middle East. Exposing my Eurocentrism, I couldn't tell you where exactly. He always said that he drifted from country to country after the Arab Spring. He loved it, though, with all his heart. The Foundation has a historically reviled presence in the region, so as an eminent expert on the local paranormal, he was being headhunted by us. He was also being approached by ORIA.
We promised him so many things. That keeping the region stable was in our best interests too, that ORIA's end goal was hegemony against the West. Some of it was true, some of it wasn't. In either case, he believed it, and took the job offer. Naturally, his first task was to go to ORIA and tell them he accepted their job offer. Spies are always useful.
He fed us info, fed them misinfo, all sorts of things. He's directly responsible for the strong relations we have there now. He did well for a good long while, but sooner or later spies get found out. His time came after the Dubai Djinn Incident, and we pulled him back to the States to take an administrative job, well outside ORIA's grip. He was good at his job and had strong personal connections with important players. It wasn't long before a Council spot opened up and I ushered him in.
We never quite managed to make the region stable and ORIA never quite built their hegemony, so what can really be said? All Ali knew is that he had completely screwed the organization dedicated to his people and bet all his money on us. When the Insurgency reared their ugly heads and made a first strike, he realized he'd made the wrong decision and tried to fix his mistakes. I stopped him.
He drank until his liver gave out, then drank some more.
▷CLOSE◁ SCP-001-13 Description: SCP-001-13 is a small graveyard on the outer grounds of Site-01.
13 gravestones are arranged in a grid of four columns. Each bears an inscription that changes depending on the reader, conforming to their relationship with the subject of the tombstone. The following is a list of messages as recorded by O5-13.
01. Here lies Django Bridge. An archivist to the end.
02. Here lies David Rosen. Never saw it coming.
03. Here lies Everett Mann. Could make anything except happiness.
An empty grave.
04. Here lies Tilda Moose. Didn't know what she had until she gave it away. Died trying to get it back.
05. Here lies Chelsea Elliot, née Glaistig. Feet in two worlds, fit in neither.
06. Here lies Ali Ibn-Bijhan. Betrayed his countrymen. Died of the guilt.
07. Here lies Agatha Rights. The only one I have ever loved.
08. Here lies Thaddeus Xyank. Came from tomorrow to help us today. Never forgot what he left behind.
09. Here lies Jean Aktus. A relic of the past, but he knew that.
Administrator's Note: ▷CLOSE◁ 10. Here lies Kain Pathos Crow. He was a good boy.
11. Here lies Troy Lament. The best I have ever known.
12. Here lies Alto Clef. Rot in hell.
13. MEMENTO MORI It's been eighty years, Gears. I got you onto senior staff, then directorship, then the Council. I know you well enough to know what you do when you're thinking about ending things.
It's okay. I was here before the Council, I'll be here after. You all ran the place well, but at the end of the day, you're still human. You make mistakes, and you have flaws, and that's alright. You did the best you could, and it was pretty good.
I'm sorry for putting this crushing burden on you and the others. I can't help but feel responsible. This life isn't an easy one, they might still be alive if not for me. They'd certainly have been happier.
You were all the best and brightest of the Foundation of then. I took you and I ruined you, and I'm sorry.
Don't worry about what happens after — my office has a handle on things, we have since I stopped refilling your seats. It's time to start burying the past. Make room for the future. There will never be a group like this again, but that's okay. The mere existence of the Council seems to invite tragedy. It's time for something different anyway. I don't know what, but the age of the Council is over, I can tell you that.
Come to my study when you're ready to end it. It's okay, Charles.
Don't worry. You did a good job. I'm proud of you.
‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide.
"ROUNDERHOUSE's Proposal" by Rounderhouse, from the SCP Wiki. Source: https://scpwiki.com/rounderhouse-proposal. Licensed under CC-BY-SA.
Filename: manor Name: File:WestoverPlantationSEGL.jpg Author: Stephen Lea License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:WestoverPlantationSEGL.jpg Filename: administrator Name: File:D. Carlos de Borbón y de Austria-Este smoking.jpg Author: Nadar License: Public Domain Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:D._Carlos_de_Borb%C3%B3n_y_de_Austria -Este_smoking.jpg Filename: archive Name: File:Etnografiska museet May 2013 01.jpg Author: Arild Vågen License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Etnografiska_museet_May_2013_01.jpg Filename: newsroom Name: File:City tv control room Doors Open Toronto 2012.jpg Author: Loozrboy License: CC BY-SA 2.0 Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:City_tv_control_room_Doors_Open_Toront o_2012.jpg Filename: workshop Name: OLD INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT IN ABANDONED WORKSHOP Author: pixy License: Public Domain Source: https://pixy.org/5877694/ Filename: library Name: File:Chatsworth House library.JPG Author: Sb2s3 License: CC BY-SA 4.0 Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Chatsworth_House_library.JPG Filename: postits Name: postits Author: UncertaintyCrossing License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source: http://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/rounderhouse-proposal Filename: greenhouse Name: greenhouse Author: pxhere License: Public Domain Source: https://pxhere.com/en/photo/24550 Filename: room Name: File:Berber house.jpg Author: Ilan Molcho License: CC BY 2.0 Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Berber_house.jpg Filename: machine Name: File:GSI, Darmstadt, Juli 2015 (31).JPG Author: Alexander Blecher License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:GSI,_Darmstadt,_Juli_2015_(31).JPG More From This Author Filename: medicine Name: Holmes medicine cabinet Author: Matt Brown License: CC BY 2.0 Source: https://www.flickr.com/photos/londonmatt/2855822695 Filename: guns Name: File:Donnington Historic Weapons Collection Display.jpg Author: Cocklecanoe License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Donnington_Historic_Weapons_Collection_ Display.jpg Filename: booze Name: onyx bar cart Author: goodiesfirst License: CC BY 2.0 Source: https://search.creativecommons.org/photos/52733637-78c2-4bd0-a67e- 4002d2379918 TAGS↴ 001-proposal agent-lament building bureaucracy director-aktus director-moose django-bridge doctor-clef doctor-elliott doctor-gears doctor-mann doctor-rights electronic extradimensional food hallucination historical hy-brasil inscription kain-pathos-crow mechanical medical plant prize-feature researcher-rosen safe scp thad-xyank toxic wanderers-library weapon Powered by Unless otherwise stated, the content of this page is licensed under Help Terms of Service Privacy Report a bug Flag as objectionable Wikidot.com Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License.
DAWN DAWN DAWN REDTAPE REDTAPE REDTAPE About Community Resources Sister Sites Contact Us ROUNDERHOUSE's Proposal » ROUNDERHOUSE's Proposal SCP-001 BY DIRECT ORDER OF THE OFFICE OF THE ADMINISTRATOR The following file is classified Clearance Level 001/1.
All Foundation personnel are permitted and encouraged to read this document.
A ROUNDERHOUSE Joint Rating: +768 Welcome, O5-13.
Administrator Franz Williams, circa 1891.
LEVEL 1/001 CLASSIFIED Item #: SCP-001 Site-01.
SPECIAL CONTAINMENT PROCEDURES: All personnel are permitted to put in a request to their local Human Resources officer if they would like to visit Site-01. Visits are generally limited to one per 4 years, in order to avoid large amounts of damage to the property. The Site itself is maintained by the Office of the Administrator, and any concerns with the physical building or grounds should be directed there.
DESCRIPTION: SCP-001 refers to a collection of 13 anomalous areas present within Site-01.
These anomalous areas vary in size and effect, and are scattered throughout the ground of the site. A full list of SCP-001 instances is attached below.
Site-01 is a mansion in rural Virginia constructed between 1764 and 1766 by Duke Franz C. Williams, an Austrian noble who would later become the founder and current Administrator of the Foundation. Williams' emigration from Europe was incited by the Seven Years' War, later regarded as the First Occult War. Documents relate that he arrived in the New World in a private party of twelve, purchasing the land for the mansion ahead of time. The party that arrived would become the first Overseers of the Foundation that they formed, though the organization as it is today would not take shape until the late 19th century during the American Civil War.
Safe Safe It became customary for new Overseers to make their own additions to the mansion as they were inducted, modifying and changing rooms to suit their needs, often with anomalous effects. Due to the secrecy associated with the former O5 Council, access to the Site itself was severely restricted until very recently.
SCP-001-01 SCP-001-02 SCP-001-03 SCP-001-04 SCP-001-05 SCP-001-06 SCP-001-08 SCP-001-09 SCP-001-10 SCP-001-11 SCP-001-12 SCP-001-07 SCP-001-07 Description: SCP-001-07 is a wooden gazebo in the gardens behind the eastern wing, painted white. It contains an arbor, which is grown over with ivy and roses. Upon stepping through the arbor, the subject will be temporarily transported to one of two extradimensional locations. While the subject is free to walk around, no actions taken will affect anything, and no one will acknowledge their presence.
Attached File: Administrator's Note — 7: Location One: A small wedding in progress on a rainy day. A man and a woman, wet in their wedding clothes, kiss under the arbor to applause from the assembled two dozen individuals. They will mingle, congratulating the couple.
The woman lightly touches her belly.
Location Two: A funeral in progress on a cloudy day. A portrait of the woman stands on an easel. The casket is closed and on a table inside the gazebo, in front of the arbor. A dozen or so individuals stand quietly talking or sit silently.
The man stands at the edge of the gazebo, looking out at Site-01. His face is emotionless.
From: [email protected] To: [email protected] Subject: Re: (No Subject) Date: 01-08-2046 One, I really, really don't care how long you've been on the Council. You don't outrank me. So don't ever get on your high horse and think to shame me for taking action where you won't. People in our facilities are dying by the day and the Insurgency is still marching. The Veil won't fall if we evacuate who we can, even if you're too much of a coward to work with the GOC and end it. I'm not going to sit by and watch people die, One. I can't do that.
Clearance Level 001/5 detected. Would you like to open a classified file addendum?
Aggie was the best of us. She had a lot of love to give. She was also incredibly talented - her rise through the ranks of Foundation administration was meteoric. When Seven died, she was pretty much the only option. His sphere of influence was containment solutions, and Aggie was the best graded HMCL out there, not to mention having firsthand experience with all the famous anomalies. She was brought on with a shake and a smile - otherwise, she would've been on the Ethics Committee, which was probably the biggest pain in the ass for the Council until the Insurgency. She always had a strong moral bone.
She met Thirteen early on though, long before that. We all work together, it's impossible not to know your fellow Overseers, even if you don't meet them physically all that often. I don't know exactly when they started their romance, but I found out in 2034. About a week before they wedded. She always was a maverick. At least they were happy together. I thought married Overseers were a road to disaster, but in those days the Council were the ones that actually ran things. It wasn't my place to say.
I was wrong anyway. They brought out the best in each other. There were bad times, of course. Every couple has bad times, but the good times seemed to vastly outnumber them. Each was the first thing the other had put on the same level as their careers. They made a funny couple - Thirteen the bureaucrat, Seven the maverick, always doing what she thought was right.
She had a lot of love to give. She died in childbirth. I don't know what happened to the child, I left that to Thirteen. He was good, but never quite the same.
▷CLOSE◁ SCP-001-13 Description: SCP-001-13 is a small graveyard on the outer grounds of Site-01.
13 gravestones are arranged in a grid of four columns. Each bears an inscription that changes depending on the reader, conforming to their relationship with the subject of the tombstone. The following is a list of messages as recorded by O5-13.
01. Here lies Django Bridge. An archivist to the end.
02. Here lies David Rosen. Never saw it coming.
03. Here lies Everett Mann. Could make anything except happiness.
An empty grave.
04. Here lies Tilda Moose. Didn't know what she had until she gave it away. Died trying to get it back.
05. Here lies Chelsea Elliot, née Glaistig. Feet in two worlds, fit in neither.
06. Here lies Ali Ibn-Bijhan. Betrayed his countrymen. Died of the guilt.
07. Here lies Agatha Rights. The only one I have ever loved.
08. Here lies Thaddeus Xyank. Came from tomorrow to help us today. Never forgot what he left behind.
09. Here lies Jean Aktus. A relic of the past, but he knew that.
Administrator's Note: ▷CLOSE◁ 10. Here lies Kain Pathos Crow. He was a good boy.
11. Here lies Troy Lament. The best I have ever known.
12. Here lies Alto Clef. Rot in hell.
13. MEMENTO MORI It's been eighty years, Gears. I got you onto senior staff, then directorship, then the Council. I know you well enough to know what you do when you're thinking about ending things.
It's okay. I was here before the Council, I'll be here after. You all ran the place well, but at the end of the day, you're still human. You make mistakes, and you have flaws, and that's alright. You did the best you could, and it was pretty good.
I'm sorry for putting this crushing burden on you and the others. I can't help but feel responsible. This life isn't an easy one, they might still be alive if not for me. They'd certainly have been happier.
You were all the best and brightest of the Foundation of then. I took you and I ruined you, and I'm sorry.
Don't worry about what happens after — my office has a handle on things, we have since I stopped refilling your seats. It's time to start burying the past. Make room for the future. There will never be a group like this again, but that's okay. The mere existence of the Council seems to invite tragedy. It's time for something different anyway. I don't know what, but the age of the Council is over, I can tell you that.
Come to my study when you're ready to end it. It's okay, Charles.
Don't worry. You did a good job. I'm proud of you.
‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide.
"ROUNDERHOUSE's Proposal" by Rounderhouse, from the SCP Wiki. Source: https://scpwiki.com/rounderhouse-proposal. Licensed under CC-BY-SA.
Filename: manor Name: File:WestoverPlantationSEGL.jpg Author: Stephen Lea License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:WestoverPlantationSEGL.jpg Filename: administrator Name: File:D. Carlos de Borbón y de Austria-Este smoking.jpg Author: Nadar License: Public Domain Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:D._Carlos_de_Borb%C3%B3n_y_de_Austria -Este_smoking.jpg Filename: archive Name: File:Etnografiska museet May 2013 01.jpg Author: Arild Vågen License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Etnografiska_museet_May_2013_01.jpg Filename: newsroom Name: File:City tv control room Doors Open Toronto 2012.jpg Author: Loozrboy License: CC BY-SA 2.0 Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:City_tv_control_room_Doors_Open_Toront o_2012.jpg Filename: workshop Name: OLD INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT IN ABANDONED WORKSHOP Author: pixy License: Public Domain Source: https://pixy.org/5877694/ Filename: library Name: File:Chatsworth House library.JPG Author: Sb2s3 License: CC BY-SA 4.0 Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Chatsworth_House_library.JPG Filename: postits Name: postits Author: UncertaintyCrossing License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source: http://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/rounderhouse-proposal Filename: greenhouse Name: greenhouse Author: pxhere License: Public Domain Source: https://pxhere.com/en/photo/24550 Filename: room Name: File:Berber house.jpg Author: Ilan Molcho License: CC BY 2.0 Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Berber_house.jpg Filename: machine Name: File:GSI, Darmstadt, Juli 2015 (31).JPG Author: Alexander Blecher License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:GSI,_Darmstadt,_Juli_2015_(31).JPG More From This Author Filename: medicine Name: Holmes medicine cabinet Author: Matt Brown License: CC BY 2.0 Source: https://www.flickr.com/photos/londonmatt/2855822695 Filename: guns Name: File:Donnington Historic Weapons Collection Display.jpg Author: Cocklecanoe License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Donnington_Historic_Weapons_Collection_ Display.jpg Filename: booze Name: onyx bar cart Author: goodiesfirst License: CC BY 2.0 Source: https://search.creativecommons.org/photos/52733637-78c2-4bd0-a67e- 4002d2379918 TAGS↴ 001-proposal agent-lament building bureaucracy director-aktus director-moose django-bridge doctor-clef doctor-elliott doctor-gears doctor-mann doctor-rights electronic extradimensional food hallucination historical hy-brasil inscription kain-pathos-crow mechanical medical plant prize-feature researcher-rosen safe scp thad-xyank toxic wanderers-library weapon Powered by Unless otherwise stated, the content of this page is licensed under Help Terms of Service Privacy Report a bug Flag as objectionable Wikidot.com Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License.
DAWN DAWN DAWN REDTAPE REDTAPE REDTAPE About Community Resources Sister Sites Contact Us ROUNDERHOUSE's Proposal » ROUNDERHOUSE's Proposal SCP-001 BY DIRECT ORDER OF THE OFFICE OF THE ADMINISTRATOR The following file is classified Clearance Level 001/1.
All Foundation personnel are permitted and encouraged to read this document.
A ROUNDERHOUSE Joint Rating: +768 Welcome, O5-13.
Administrator Franz Williams, circa 1891.
LEVEL 1/001 CLASSIFIED Item #: SCP-001 Site-01.
SPECIAL CONTAINMENT PROCEDURES: All personnel are permitted to put in a request to their local Human Resources officer if they would like to visit Site-01. Visits are generally limited to one per 4 years, in order to avoid large amounts of damage to the property. The Site itself is maintained by the Office of the Administrator, and any concerns with the physical building or grounds should be directed there.
DESCRIPTION: SCP-001 refers to a collection of 13 anomalous areas present within Site-01.
These anomalous areas vary in size and effect, and are scattered throughout the ground of the site. A full list of SCP-001 instances is attached below.
Site-01 is a mansion in rural Virginia constructed between 1764 and 1766 by Duke Franz C. Williams, an Austrian noble who would later become the founder and current Administrator of the Foundation. Williams' emigration from Europe was incited by the Seven Years' War, later regarded as the First Occult War. Documents relate that he arrived in the New World in a private party of twelve, purchasing the land for the mansion ahead of time. The party that arrived would become the first Overseers of the Foundation that they formed, though the organization as it is today would not take shape until the late 19th century during the American Civil War.
Safe Safe It became customary for new Overseers to make their own additions to the mansion as they were inducted, modifying and changing rooms to suit their needs, often with anomalous effects. Due to the secrecy associated with the former O5 Council, access to the Site itself was severely restricted until very recently.
SCP-001-01 SCP-001-02 SCP-001-03 SCP-001-04 SCP-001-05 SCP-001-06 SCP-001-07 SCP-001-09 SCP-001-10 SCP-001-11 SCP-001-12 SCP-001-08 A component of SCP-001-08.
SCP-001-08 Description: SCP-001-08 is a large nonfunctional machine in the basement of Site-01. The express purpose of SCP- 001-08 is unknown but, by O5-8's description, is "a time machine". It has sustained heavy damage through unknown means, resulting in a number of exterior scratches and scorch marks, as well as burns and broken machinery on the inside. The interior is a small space, 2m square, with a seat and controls for the machine. One corner has been cleared of rubble and contains a small shrine with mundane memorabilia.
Attached File: Item: A small black disc, 3 inches wide. When put on a flat surface and pressed, it displays a holographic photo of 2 men with a small child. The child is cutting a birthday cake. All are smiling.
Item: A crumpled paper receipt for a "Saloman Implant Repair" in New Portland.
An address is given and the charge comes out to $198.74. No such store exists at the given address, but the receipt is dated to "9-16-2154". The date is repeatedly underlined in black marker.
Administrator's Note — 8: O5-07: That's everything, I think?
O5-09: Lord, I hope so.
O5-11: It is everything. Meeting adjourned — unless anyone has any concerns?
O5-08: Do you ever think about when you're going to die?
[Silence.] O5-09: Excuse me, son?
O5-08: Just generally. O5s still die eventually, that's how we got our jobs. So… do you?
Administrator: I think this discussion isn't productive.
[Silence.] O5-12: The hell have you been?
Administrator: Fixing things. But hey Eight, maybe you should go take a lie down, huh? Meeting's over anyway.
O5-08: Yeah… Sorry guys.
[Mumbling.] Clearance Level 001/5 detected. Would you like to open a classified file addendum?
Thad was another one I truly didn't expect. For all my abilities, even I can't see into the future - he could, but only by virtue of being from there. He told us more than enough to both confirm he was from the Foundation of tomorrow and to gain our trust. He warned us about GoI movements, about containment breaches, about significant historical events. Everything we needed.
He was content to tell us what we needed to direct the Foundation into being the technologically dominant force it is today. That said, he never really ever talked about the future, when he was from. Said that it would risk causality or a paradox. I think it's funny, because he ended up proving causality anyway.
Knowing the future has the unfortunate side effect of knowing the future - he knew every single one of his colleagues, even me, would die. He knew how, when, where, whether we'd go gentle into that good night or whether the Reaper would take us kicking and screaming. He never told us, he was smart - but he carried that weight on his soul every single day, every meeting he walked into.
It's so cliche, but one day he just couldn't do it anymore. He couldn't wake up and talk to us like he didn't know the exact circumstances of our demise. He liked to come down here to think, maybe light a candle and look at the photos. I don't know who they are, but I can take an educated guess. He deserved a better end to his story.
▷CLOSE◁ SCP-001-13 Description: SCP-001-13 is a small graveyard on the outer grounds of Site-01.
13 gravestones are arranged in a grid of four columns. Each bears an inscription that changes depending on the reader, conforming to their relationship with the subject of the tombstone. The following is a list of messages as recorded by O5-13.
01. Here lies Django Bridge. An archivist to the end.
02. Here lies David Rosen. Never saw it coming.
03. Here lies Everett Mann. Could make anything except happiness.
An empty grave.
04. Here lies Tilda Moose. Didn't know what she had until she gave it away. Died trying to get it back.
05. Here lies Chelsea Elliot, née Glaistig. Feet in two worlds, fit in neither.
06. Here lies Ali Ibn-Bijhan. Betrayed his countrymen. Died of the guilt.
07. Here lies Agatha Rights. The only one I have ever loved.
08. Here lies Thaddeus Xyank. Came from tomorrow to help us today. Never forgot what he left behind.
09. Here lies Jean Aktus. A relic of the past, but he knew that.
Administrator's Note: ▷CLOSE◁ 10. Here lies Kain Pathos Crow. He was a good boy.
11. Here lies Troy Lament. The best I have ever known.
12. Here lies Alto Clef. Rot in hell.
13. MEMENTO MORI It's been eighty years, Gears. I got you onto senior staff, then directorship, then the Council. I know you well enough to know what you do when you're thinking about ending things.
It's okay. I was here before the Council, I'll be here after. You all ran the place well, but at the end of the day, you're still human. You make mistakes, and you have flaws, and that's alright. You did the best you could, and it was pretty good.
I'm sorry for putting this crushing burden on you and the others. I can't help but feel responsible. This life isn't an easy one, they might still be alive if not for me. They'd certainly have been happier.
You were all the best and brightest of the Foundation of then. I took you and I ruined you, and I'm sorry.
Don't worry about what happens after — my office has a handle on things, we have since I stopped refilling your seats. It's time to start burying the past. Make room for the future. There will never be a group like this again, but that's okay. The mere existence of the Council seems to invite tragedy. It's time for something different anyway. I don't know what, but the age of the Council is over, I can tell you that.
Come to my study when you're ready to end it. It's okay, Charles.
Don't worry. You did a good job. I'm proud of you.
‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide.
"ROUNDERHOUSE's Proposal" by Rounderhouse, from the SCP Wiki. Source: https://scpwiki.com/rounderhouse-proposal. Licensed under CC-BY-SA.
Filename: manor Name: File:WestoverPlantationSEGL.jpg Author: Stephen Lea License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:WestoverPlantationSEGL.jpg Filename: administrator Name: File:D. Carlos de Borbón y de Austria-Este smoking.jpg Author: Nadar License: Public Domain Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:D._Carlos_de_Borb%C3%B3n_y_de_Austria -Este_smoking.jpg Filename: archive Name: File:Etnografiska museet May 2013 01.jpg Author: Arild Vågen License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Etnografiska_museet_May_2013_01.jpg Filename: newsroom Name: File:City tv control room Doors Open Toronto 2012.jpg Author: Loozrboy License: CC BY-SA 2.0 Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:City_tv_control_room_Doors_Open_Toront o_2012.jpg Filename: workshop Name: OLD INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT IN ABANDONED WORKSHOP Author: pixy License: Public Domain Source: https://pixy.org/5877694/ Filename: library Name: File:Chatsworth House library.JPG Author: Sb2s3 License: CC BY-SA 4.0 Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Chatsworth_House_library.JPG Filename: postits Name: postits Author: UncertaintyCrossing License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source: http://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/rounderhouse-proposal Filename: greenhouse Name: greenhouse Author: pxhere License: Public Domain Source: https://pxhere.com/en/photo/24550 Filename: room Name: File:Berber house.jpg Author: Ilan Molcho License: CC BY 2.0 Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Berber_house.jpg Filename: machine Name: File:GSI, Darmstadt, Juli 2015 (31).JPG Author: Alexander Blecher License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:GSI,_Darmstadt,_Juli_2015_(31).JPG More From This Author Filename: medicine Name: Holmes medicine cabinet Author: Matt Brown License: CC BY 2.0 Source: https://www.flickr.com/photos/londonmatt/2855822695 Filename: guns Name: File:Donnington Historic Weapons Collection Display.jpg Author: Cocklecanoe License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Donnington_Historic_Weapons_Collection_ Display.jpg Filename: booze Name: onyx bar cart Author: goodiesfirst License: CC BY 2.0 Source: https://search.creativecommons.org/photos/52733637-78c2-4bd0-a67e- 4002d2379918 TAGS↴ 001-proposal agent-lament building bureaucracy director-aktus director-moose django-bridge doctor-clef doctor-elliott doctor-gears doctor-mann doctor-rights electronic extradimensional food hallucination historical hy-brasil inscription kain-pathos-crow mechanical medical plant prize-feature researcher-rosen safe scp thad-xyank toxic wanderers-library weapon Powered by Unless otherwise stated, the content of this page is licensed under Help Terms of Service Privacy Report a bug Flag as objectionable Wikidot.com Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License.
DAWN DAWN DAWN REDTAPE REDTAPE REDTAPE About Community Resources Sister Sites Contact Us ROUNDERHOUSE's Proposal » ROUNDERHOUSE's Proposal SCP-001 BY DIRECT ORDER OF THE OFFICE OF THE ADMINISTRATOR The following file is classified Clearance Level 001/1.
All Foundation personnel are permitted and encouraged to read this document.
A ROUNDERHOUSE Joint Rating: +768 Welcome, O5-13.
Administrator Franz Williams, circa 1891.
LEVEL 1/001 CLASSIFIED Item #: SCP-001 Site-01.
SPECIAL CONTAINMENT PROCEDURES: All personnel are permitted to put in a request to their local Human Resources officer if they would like to visit Site-01. Visits are generally limited to one per 4 years, in order to avoid large amounts of damage to the property. The Site itself is maintained by the Office of the Administrator, and any concerns with the physical building or grounds should be directed there.
DESCRIPTION: SCP-001 refers to a collection of 13 anomalous areas present within Site-01.
These anomalous areas vary in size and effect, and are scattered throughout the ground of the site. A full list of SCP-001 instances is attached below.
Site-01 is a mansion in rural Virginia constructed between 1764 and 1766 by Duke Franz C. Williams, an Austrian noble who would later become the founder and current Administrator of the Foundation. Williams' emigration from Europe was incited by the Seven Years' War, later regarded as the First Occult War. Documents relate that he arrived in the New World in a private party of twelve, purchasing the land for the mansion ahead of time. The party that arrived would become the first Overseers of the Foundation that they formed, though the organization as it is today would not take shape until the late 19th century during the American Civil War.
Safe Safe It became customary for new Overseers to make their own additions to the mansion as they were inducted, modifying and changing rooms to suit their needs, often with anomalous effects. Due to the secrecy associated with the former O5 Council, access to the Site itself was severely restricted until very recently.
SCP-001-01 SCP-001-02 SCP-001-03 SCP-001-04 SCP-001-05 SCP-001-06 SCP-001-07 SCP-001-08 SCP-001-10 SCP-001-11 SCP-001-12 SCP-001-09 SCP-001-09.
SCP-001-09 Description: SCP-001-09 is a medicine cabinet in the bathroom of a private bedroom in the eastern wing. The cabinet contains an array of medicines and narcotics, all contained in unlabelled amber glass pill bottles. Ingesting these medicines will result in variable but consistently positive health effects on the user, with no interim until it takes effect.
Use allows suppression of medical conditions considered debilitating by even modern science.
Attached File: Description: A purple and yellow striped pill, circular, stamped with "W".
Effect: Immediately causes short-lasting euphoria in the user. Alters brain chemistry temporarily to more effectively deliver hormones while sending dopamine and serotonin glands into overdrive. The bottle is completely full and still sealed.
Description: A small black pill, square. Stamped with the Foundation seal.
Effect: Stimulates the amygdala, causing the gradual loss of a long-term memory. Of the six contained in the blister pack, one has been used.
Administrator's Note — 9: Two letters: A sealed letter, found on O5-9's desk. "Grandfather" is written on the outside in curling script. There is no return address. The letter is unopened and covered in a thick layer of dust.
An unsealed envelope and folded letter paper, found in the wastebasket. Only a few words are written down: "Thomas - By the time you get this, I".
We used to joke that Jean was a lich. Never to his face, of course. I may be old, but he was an old man, to the T. Grumpy, irritable, resistant to change. Required a small pharmacy to make it through each day.
But make it through each day he did. He was the oldest man I have ever met before he became an Overseer. He was director of 19, and he had worked his whole life to make it to that spot. He'd done well - the only possible move upwards was onto the Council. He made for a good O5 - sharp despite his age, shrewd because of it. He always knew when someone was lying, and never hesitated to tell the whippersnappers like Four exactly what he thought of their ideas. I think I may have been the only one he respected.
Being in Foundation Administration generally extends your life, it's the highest quality healthcare in the world. Being on the Council is the peak of that, what with all the drinking from the Fountain, but he was old when he was brought on - rather than prolonging his life, the doctors were working to stave off the end. And it worked, too. Between the medicines, the machines, and the surgeries, I think he was about to beat out One as the longest living human on the planet.
Then one day he decided he didn't want to do it anymore. He was always inscrutable, I don't know whether something sent him over the edge or whether he decided to do it himself. He got one of his Factotums to take his wheelchair out before dawn and wheel him to the hills in the northern parts of the grounds. Said he wanted to watch the sunrise alone. The records from his vitals are still there - he sat and watched the sunrise. Then he reached behind the chair and turned off his own oxygen. The body was cold by the time someone got there.
Clearance Level 001/5 detected. Would you like to open a classified file addendum?
▷CLOSE◁ SCP-001-13 Description: SCP-001-13 is a small graveyard on the outer grounds of Site-01.
13 gravestones are arranged in a grid of four columns. Each bears an inscription that changes depending on the reader, conforming to their relationship with the subject of the tombstone. The following is a list of messages as recorded by O5-13.
01. Here lies Django Bridge. An archivist to the end.
02. Here lies David Rosen. Never saw it coming.
03. Here lies Everett Mann. Could make anything except happiness.
An empty grave.
04. Here lies Tilda Moose. Didn't know what she had until she gave it away. Died trying to get it back.
05. Here lies Chelsea Elliot, née Glaistig. Feet in two worlds, fit in neither.
06. Here lies Ali Ibn-Bijhan. Betrayed his countrymen. Died of the guilt.
07. Here lies Agatha Rights. The only one I have ever loved.
08. Here lies Thaddeus Xyank. Came from tomorrow to help us today. Never forgot what he left behind.
09. Here lies Jean Aktus. A relic of the past, but he knew that.
Administrator's Note: ▷CLOSE◁ 10. Here lies Kain Pathos Crow. He was a good boy.
11. Here lies Troy Lament. The best I have ever known.
12. Here lies Alto Clef. Rot in hell.
13. MEMENTO MORI It's been eighty years, Gears. I got you onto senior staff, then directorship, then the Council. I know you well enough to know what you do when you're thinking about ending things.
It's okay. I was here before the Council, I'll be here after. You all ran the place well, but at the end of the day, you're still human. You make mistakes, and you have flaws, and that's alright. You did the best you could, and it was pretty good.
I'm sorry for putting this crushing burden on you and the others. I can't help but feel responsible. This life isn't an easy one, they might still be alive if not for me. They'd certainly have been happier.
You were all the best and brightest of the Foundation of then. I took you and I ruined you, and I'm sorry.
Don't worry about what happens after — my office has a handle on things, we have since I stopped refilling your seats. It's time to start burying the past. Make room for the future. There will never be a group like this again, but that's okay. The mere existence of the Council seems to invite tragedy. It's time for something different anyway. I don't know what, but the age of the Council is over, I can tell you that.
Come to my study when you're ready to end it. It's okay, Charles.
Don't worry. You did a good job. I'm proud of you.
‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide.
"ROUNDERHOUSE's Proposal" by Rounderhouse, from the SCP Wiki. Source: https://scpwiki.com/rounderhouse-proposal. Licensed under CC-BY-SA.
Filename: manor Name: File:WestoverPlantationSEGL.jpg Author: Stephen Lea License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:WestoverPlantationSEGL.jpg Filename: administrator Name: File:D. Carlos de Borbón y de Austria-Este smoking.jpg Author: Nadar License: Public Domain Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:D._Carlos_de_Borb%C3%B3n_y_de_Austria -Este_smoking.jpg Filename: archive Name: File:Etnografiska museet May 2013 01.jpg Author: Arild Vågen License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Etnografiska_museet_May_2013_01.jpg Filename: newsroom Name: File:City tv control room Doors Open Toronto 2012.jpg Author: Loozrboy License: CC BY-SA 2.0 Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:City_tv_control_room_Doors_Open_Toront o_2012.jpg Filename: workshop Name: OLD INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT IN ABANDONED WORKSHOP Author: pixy License: Public Domain Source: https://pixy.org/5877694/ Filename: library Name: File:Chatsworth House library.JPG Author: Sb2s3 License: CC BY-SA 4.0 Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Chatsworth_House_library.JPG Filename: postits Name: postits Author: UncertaintyCrossing License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source: http://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/rounderhouse-proposal Filename: greenhouse Name: greenhouse Author: pxhere License: Public Domain Source: https://pxhere.com/en/photo/24550 Filename: room Name: File:Berber house.jpg Author: Ilan Molcho License: CC BY 2.0 Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Berber_house.jpg Filename: machine Name: File:GSI, Darmstadt, Juli 2015 (31).JPG Author: Alexander Blecher License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:GSI,_Darmstadt,_Juli_2015_(31).JPG More From This Author Filename: medicine Name: Holmes medicine cabinet Author: Matt Brown License: CC BY 2.0 Source: https://www.flickr.com/photos/londonmatt/2855822695 Filename: guns Name: File:Donnington Historic Weapons Collection Display.jpg Author: Cocklecanoe License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Donnington_Historic_Weapons_Collection_ Display.jpg Filename: booze Name: onyx bar cart Author: goodiesfirst License: CC BY 2.0 Source: https://search.creativecommons.org/photos/52733637-78c2-4bd0-a67e- 4002d2379918 TAGS↴ 001-proposal agent-lament building bureaucracy director-aktus director-moose django-bridge doctor-clef doctor-elliott doctor-gears doctor-mann doctor-rights electronic extradimensional food hallucination historical hy-brasil inscription kain-pathos-crow mechanical medical plant prize-feature researcher-rosen safe scp thad-xyank toxic wanderers-library weapon Powered by Unless otherwise stated, the content of this page is licensed under Help Terms of Service Privacy Report a bug Flag as objectionable Wikidot.com Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License.
DAWN DAWN DAWN REDTAPE REDTAPE REDTAPE About Community Resources Sister Sites Contact Us ROUNDERHOUSE's Proposal » ROUNDERHOUSE's Proposal SCP-001 BY DIRECT ORDER OF THE OFFICE OF THE ADMINISTRATOR The following file is classified Clearance Level 001/1.
All Foundation personnel are permitted and encouraged to read this document.
A ROUNDERHOUSE Joint Rating: +768 Welcome, O5-13.
Administrator Franz Williams, circa 1891.
LEVEL 1/001 CLASSIFIED Item #: SCP-001 Site-01.
SPECIAL CONTAINMENT PROCEDURES: All personnel are permitted to put in a request to their local Human Resources officer if they would like to visit Site-01. Visits are generally limited to one per 4 years, in order to avoid large amounts of damage to the property. The Site itself is maintained by the Office of the Administrator, and any concerns with the physical building or grounds should be directed there.
DESCRIPTION: SCP-001 refers to a collection of 13 anomalous areas present within Site-01.
These anomalous areas vary in size and effect, and are scattered throughout the ground of the site. A full list of SCP-001 instances is attached below.
Site-01 is a mansion in rural Virginia constructed between 1764 and 1766 by Duke Franz C. Williams, an Austrian noble who would later become the founder and current Administrator of the Foundation. Williams' emigration from Europe was incited by the Seven Years' War, later regarded as the First Occult War. Documents relate that he arrived in the New World in a private party of twelve, purchasing the land for the mansion ahead of time. The party that arrived would become the first Overseers of the Foundation that they formed, though the organization as it is today would not take shape until the late 19th century during the American Civil War.
Safe Safe It became customary for new Overseers to make their own additions to the mansion as they were inducted, modifying and changing rooms to suit their needs, often with anomalous effects. Due to the secrecy associated with the former O5 Council, access to the Site itself was severely restricted until very recently.
SCP-001-01 SCP-001-02 SCP-001-03 SCP-001-04 SCP-001-05 SCP-001-06 SCP-001-07 SCP-001-08 SCP-001-09 SCP-001-11 SCP-001-12 SCP-001-10 SCP-001-10 Description: SCP-001-10 is a large dog bed inside SCP-001-03. It is pushed against the northern wall, and covered in dust. A photo of a golden retriever is pinned to the wall behind it. A number of items sit in the dog bed, including a chew toy, leash, and beaker - upon touching any of these items, the subject will find themselves standing on the southern shore of the pond on the Site-01 grounds.
Attached File: Administrator's Note — 10: To-Do 1. Olympia 2. Deepwell 3. Samsara 4. Eggwalker 5. Persephone 6. Back to normal 7. High-Level Containment Solutions 8. Deific Entity Neutralization (Test 343.8) 9. Figure out Kabul Recovery Plan […] Clearance Level 001/5 detected. Would you like to open a classified file addendum?
This one we all saw coming. Crow was a true genius, without a doubt. In some ways I think getting turned into a dog made him smarter, bizarrely. He was thinking in ways no human ever possibly could. He was fast friends with Three when he got brought on. I will be the first to admit that I fully recognize the hilarity in a dog as an Overseer, but Crow was one of the best men I have ever had the pleasure of working with, even if he wasn't a man.
Plus being on the Council meant he could have all the time in the world to perfect his creations. We used a lot of his tech after the Six Minute War, even more after 2050. He was a man of the future, that's for certain. He was also friendly in that doglike way. Always looking at the best in people, even when they had done nothing to earn his friendliness.
Unfortunately, he dealt with a lot of the same problems Aktus did. He was an O5, but a dog is a dog, and the unfortunate fact of life is that dogs die a lot faster than we do. Even with the medical wonders of the day available to us, we were fighting biology.
He made the arrangements in advance, he didn't want to go in pain. Spent the day lounging around the manor, playing with us, indulging in his instincts, chasing birds. We went for a walk on midday, all goddamn thirteen of us and a golden retriever. Passed by the pond, and he said this was where he wanted to do it. Walked in a circle three times then sat down and closed his eyes because the sun was in his face. I should like to think the syringe didn't hurt him too bad.
▷CLOSE◁ SCP-001-13 Description: SCP-001-13 is a small graveyard on the outer grounds of Site-01.
13 gravestones are arranged in a grid of four columns. Each bears an inscription that changes depending on the reader, conforming to their relationship with the subject of the tombstone. The following is a list of messages as recorded by O5-13.
01. Here lies Django Bridge. An archivist to the end.
02. Here lies David Rosen. Never saw it coming.
03. Here lies Everett Mann. Could make anything except happiness.
An empty grave.
04. Here lies Tilda Moose. Didn't know what she had until she gave it away. Died trying to get it back.
05. Here lies Chelsea Elliot, née Glaistig. Feet in two worlds, fit in neither.
06. Here lies Ali Ibn-Bijhan. Betrayed his countrymen. Died of the guilt.
07. Here lies Agatha Rights. The only one I have ever loved.
08. Here lies Thaddeus Xyank. Came from tomorrow to help us today. Never forgot what he left behind.
09. Here lies Jean Aktus. A relic of the past, but he knew that.
Administrator's Note: ▷CLOSE◁ 10. Here lies Kain Pathos Crow. He was a good boy.
11. Here lies Troy Lament. The best I have ever known.
12. Here lies Alto Clef. Rot in hell.
13. MEMENTO MORI It's been eighty years, Gears. I got you onto senior staff, then directorship, then the Council. I know you well enough to know what you do when you're thinking about ending things.
It's okay. I was here before the Council, I'll be here after. You all ran the place well, but at the end of the day, you're still human. You make mistakes, and you have flaws, and that's alright. You did the best you could, and it was pretty good.
I'm sorry for putting this crushing burden on you and the others. I can't help but feel responsible. This life isn't an easy one, they might still be alive if not for me. They'd certainly have been happier.
You were all the best and brightest of the Foundation of then. I took you and I ruined you, and I'm sorry.
Don't worry about what happens after — my office has a handle on things, we have since I stopped refilling your seats. It's time to start burying the past. Make room for the future. There will never be a group like this again, but that's okay. The mere existence of the Council seems to invite tragedy. It's time for something different anyway. I don't know what, but the age of the Council is over, I can tell you that.
Come to my study when you're ready to end it. It's okay, Charles.
Don't worry. You did a good job. I'm proud of you.
‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide.
"ROUNDERHOUSE's Proposal" by Rounderhouse, from the SCP Wiki. Source: https://scpwiki.com/rounderhouse-proposal. Licensed under CC-BY-SA.
Filename: manor Name: File:WestoverPlantationSEGL.jpg Author: Stephen Lea License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:WestoverPlantationSEGL.jpg Filename: administrator Name: File:D. Carlos de Borbón y de Austria-Este smoking.jpg Author: Nadar License: Public Domain Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:D._Carlos_de_Borb%C3%B3n_y_de_Austria -Este_smoking.jpg Filename: archive Name: File:Etnografiska museet May 2013 01.jpg Author: Arild Vågen License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Etnografiska_museet_May_2013_01.jpg Filename: newsroom Name: File:City tv control room Doors Open Toronto 2012.jpg Author: Loozrboy License: CC BY-SA 2.0 Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:City_tv_control_room_Doors_Open_Toront o_2012.jpg Filename: workshop Name: OLD INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT IN ABANDONED WORKSHOP Author: pixy License: Public Domain Source: https://pixy.org/5877694/ Filename: library Name: File:Chatsworth House library.JPG Author: Sb2s3 License: CC BY-SA 4.0 Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Chatsworth_House_library.JPG Filename: postits Name: postits Author: UncertaintyCrossing License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source: http://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/rounderhouse-proposal Filename: greenhouse Name: greenhouse Author: pxhere License: Public Domain Source: https://pxhere.com/en/photo/24550 Filename: room Name: File:Berber house.jpg Author: Ilan Molcho License: CC BY 2.0 Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Berber_house.jpg Filename: machine Name: File:GSI, Darmstadt, Juli 2015 (31).JPG Author: Alexander Blecher License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:GSI,_Darmstadt,_Juli_2015_(31).JPG More From This Author Filename: medicine Name: Holmes medicine cabinet Author: Matt Brown License: CC BY 2.0 Source: https://www.flickr.com/photos/londonmatt/2855822695 Filename: guns Name: File:Donnington Historic Weapons Collection Display.jpg Author: Cocklecanoe License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Donnington_Historic_Weapons_Collection_ Display.jpg Filename: booze Name: onyx bar cart Author: goodiesfirst License: CC BY 2.0 Source: https://search.creativecommons.org/photos/52733637-78c2-4bd0-a67e- 4002d2379918 TAGS↴ 001-proposal agent-lament building bureaucracy director-aktus director-moose django-bridge doctor-clef doctor-elliott doctor-gears doctor-mann doctor-rights electronic extradimensional food hallucination historical hy-brasil inscription kain-pathos-crow mechanical medical plant prize-feature researcher-rosen safe scp thad-xyank toxic wanderers-library weapon Powered by Unless otherwise stated, the content of this page is licensed under Help Terms of Service Privacy Report a bug Flag as objectionable Wikidot.com Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License.
DAWN DAWN DAWN REDTAPE REDTAPE REDTAPE About Community Resources Sister Sites Contact Us ROUNDERHOUSE's Proposal » ROUNDERHOUSE's Proposal SCP-001 BY DIRECT ORDER OF THE OFFICE OF THE ADMINISTRATOR The following file is classified Clearance Level 001/1.
All Foundation personnel are permitted and encouraged to read this document.
A ROUNDERHOUSE Joint Rating: +768 Welcome, O5-13.
Administrator Franz Williams, circa 1891.
LEVEL 1/001 CLASSIFIED Item #: SCP-001 Site-01.
SPECIAL CONTAINMENT PROCEDURES: All personnel are permitted to put in a request to their local Human Resources officer if they would like to visit Site-01. Visits are generally limited to one per 4 years, in order to avoid large amounts of damage to the property. The Site itself is maintained by the Office of the Administrator, and any concerns with the physical building or grounds should be directed there.
DESCRIPTION: SCP-001 refers to a collection of 13 anomalous areas present within Site-01.
These anomalous areas vary in size and effect, and are scattered throughout the ground of the site. A full list of SCP-001 instances is attached below.
Site-01 is a mansion in rural Virginia constructed between 1764 and 1766 by Duke Franz C. Williams, an Austrian noble who would later become the founder and current Administrator of the Foundation. Williams' emigration from Europe was incited by the Seven Years' War, later regarded as the First Occult War. Documents relate that he arrived in the New World in a private party of twelve, purchasing the land for the mansion ahead of time. The party that arrived would become the first Overseers of the Foundation that they formed, though the organization as it is today would not take shape until the late 19th century during the American Civil War.
Safe Safe It became customary for new Overseers to make their own additions to the mansion as they were inducted, modifying and changing rooms to suit their needs, often with anomalous effects. Due to the secrecy associated with the former O5 Council, access to the Site itself was severely restricted until very recently.
SCP-001-01 SCP-001-02 SCP-001-03 SCP-001-04 SCP-001-05 SCP-001-06 SCP-001-07 SCP-001-08 SCP-001-09 SCP-001-10 SCP-001-12 SCP-001-11 SCP-001-11.
SCP-001-11 Description: SCP-001-11 is a small armory in the basement of Site-01. A variety of firearms and traditional weapons are arranged on the walls, along with appropriate ammunition. Touching any of the weapons will display a particular scar on the subject's body, generally from a minor wound along the extrema, but occasionally from a significant torso wound. The scar disappears after letting go of the weapon.
Attached File: Weapon: A vibrospear, of the sort used on Luna during the Solidarity Campaign.
It is inlaid with symbols and markings.
Scar: A bite mark along the calf. The teeth marks do not correspond with any possible human dental set or known animal set.
Weapon: A custom rotating-barrel hand cannon. Emblazoned with the logo of the Foundation Agents Corp.
Scar: 15 large knife wounds across the chest, neck, and arms, ragged and violent.
From: [email protected] To: [email protected] Subject: Re: Mission Date: 05-03-2063 You gotta stop worrying about me. I've been doing this shit way before I had a desk job, remember? You had better, you're the one that put me behind it.
I have the best security detail on the planet and I'm going to a site nobody even knows about. The little people need to know we haven't abandoned them. That's how you get people actually defecting.
Focus on getting the other seats filled before you start worrying about what happens if mine goes empty, OK? You're a good boss, but you worry too much.
I'll be fine, I promise.
Administrator's Note — 11: Troy never asked for any of this, but he had the unfortunate fate of being too good at his job. I couldn't let someone like that waste their time in the Foundation hunting down magic objects and following up on Bigfoot rumours.
His condition for being shoved into administration was that he could still take on field jobs if he wanted. As his rank rose, he got less and less time for it, until eventually seeing him go out was a rare thrill. He was a good goddamn Agent.
But he was right. Ultimately he knew something I still fail to understand. Some people just aren't fit for this life. It's one of intrigue, pettiness, and messy, messy politics. He was a simple, down-to-earth guy, he wasn't good for any of that.
But he accepted my offer anyway. Not because he wanted to, but because he thought he should. He was altruistic like that.
Made it a surprisingly good long time behind a desk job, too. Back then if you'd asked anyone how well they thought Agent Lament would do at a desk job, you'd have been laughed out of the room. But there he was. Instead of sneaking into Adiyat or looking into the resurgence of the Spirit, he was making tactical decisions about how best to defend against the Insurgency from the protected walls of the safest place on Earth. He was good at it, but that doesn't mean he was okay with it.
One day he decided he was needed in Site-34 in the Levant. This was in 2063, near the tail end of the Crisis, where none of us were really sure which of our personnel were still truly loyal. You can imagine how worried I was about an Overseer presenting publically, but he said that the people needed to see him, to see that their leadership wasn't scared. He always cared a lot about what people thought.
One of his bodyguards turned out to not be as loyal as we thought. Troy put up a hell of a fight, though - the autolimo arrived at 34 and opened up to a bloodbath. He'd stabbed the assassin with his own knife 12 times before breaking his neck — probably good, Twelve would've castrated the guy for information if he didn't kill him. But he'd gotten cut up a lot, way too much. He might have survived if he was here. As it is, he bled out before the car even stopped.
Knowing Troy, though, that's probably exactly how he'd have wanted to go out.
Clearance Level 001/5 detected. Would you like to open a classified file addendum?
▷CLOSE◁ SCP-001-13 Description: SCP-001-13 is a small graveyard on the outer grounds of Site-01.
13 gravestones are arranged in a grid of four columns. Each bears an inscription that changes depending on the reader, conforming to their relationship with the subject of the tombstone. The following is a list of messages as recorded by O5-13.
01. Here lies Django Bridge. An archivist to the end.
02. Here lies David Rosen. Never saw it coming.
03. Here lies Everett Mann. Could make anything except happiness.
An empty grave.
04. Here lies Tilda Moose. Didn't know what she had until she gave it away. Died trying to get it back.
05. Here lies Chelsea Elliot, née Glaistig. Feet in two worlds, fit in neither.
06. Here lies Ali Ibn-Bijhan. Betrayed his countrymen. Died of the guilt.
07. Here lies Agatha Rights. The only one I have ever loved.
08. Here lies Thaddeus Xyank. Came from tomorrow to help us today. Never forgot what he left behind.
09. Here lies Jean Aktus. A relic of the past, but he knew that.
Administrator's Note: ▷CLOSE◁ 10. Here lies Kain Pathos Crow. He was a good boy.
11. Here lies Troy Lament. The best I have ever known.
12. Here lies Alto Clef. Rot in hell.
13. MEMENTO MORI It's been eighty years, Gears. I got you onto senior staff, then directorship, then the Council. I know you well enough to know what you do when you're thinking about ending things.
It's okay. I was here before the Council, I'll be here after. You all ran the place well, but at the end of the day, you're still human. You make mistakes, and you have flaws, and that's alright. You did the best you could, and it was pretty good.
I'm sorry for putting this crushing burden on you and the others. I can't help but feel responsible. This life isn't an easy one, they might still be alive if not for me. They'd certainly have been happier.
You were all the best and brightest of the Foundation of then. I took you and I ruined you, and I'm sorry.
Don't worry about what happens after — my office has a handle on things, we have since I stopped refilling your seats. It's time to start burying the past. Make room for the future. There will never be a group like this again, but that's okay. The mere existence of the Council seems to invite tragedy. It's time for something different anyway. I don't know what, but the age of the Council is over, I can tell you that.
Come to my study when you're ready to end it. It's okay, Charles.
Don't worry. You did a good job. I'm proud of you.
‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide.
"ROUNDERHOUSE's Proposal" by Rounderhouse, from the SCP Wiki. Source: https://scpwiki.com/rounderhouse-proposal. Licensed under CC-BY-SA.
Filename: manor Name: File:WestoverPlantationSEGL.jpg Author: Stephen Lea License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:WestoverPlantationSEGL.jpg Filename: administrator Name: File:D. Carlos de Borbón y de Austria-Este smoking.jpg Author: Nadar License: Public Domain Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:D._Carlos_de_Borb%C3%B3n_y_de_Austria -Este_smoking.jpg Filename: archive Name: File:Etnografiska museet May 2013 01.jpg Author: Arild Vågen License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Etnografiska_museet_May_2013_01.jpg Filename: newsroom Name: File:City tv control room Doors Open Toronto 2012.jpg Author: Loozrboy License: CC BY-SA 2.0 Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:City_tv_control_room_Doors_Open_Toront o_2012.jpg Filename: workshop Name: OLD INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT IN ABANDONED WORKSHOP Author: pixy License: Public Domain Source: https://pixy.org/5877694/ Filename: library Name: File:Chatsworth House library.JPG Author: Sb2s3 License: CC BY-SA 4.0 Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Chatsworth_House_library.JPG Filename: postits Name: postits Author: UncertaintyCrossing License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source: http://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/rounderhouse-proposal Filename: greenhouse Name: greenhouse Author: pxhere License: Public Domain Source: https://pxhere.com/en/photo/24550 Filename: room Name: File:Berber house.jpg Author: Ilan Molcho License: CC BY 2.0 Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Berber_house.jpg Filename: machine Name: File:GSI, Darmstadt, Juli 2015 (31).JPG Author: Alexander Blecher License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:GSI,_Darmstadt,_Juli_2015_(31).JPG More From This Author Filename: medicine Name: Holmes medicine cabinet Author: Matt Brown License: CC BY 2.0 Source: https://www.flickr.com/photos/londonmatt/2855822695 Filename: guns Name: File:Donnington Historic Weapons Collection Display.jpg Author: Cocklecanoe License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Donnington_Historic_Weapons_Collection_ Display.jpg Filename: booze Name: onyx bar cart Author: goodiesfirst License: CC BY 2.0 Source: https://search.creativecommons.org/photos/52733637-78c2-4bd0-a67e- 4002d2379918 TAGS↴ 001-proposal agent-lament building bureaucracy director-aktus director-moose django-bridge doctor-clef doctor-elliott doctor-gears doctor-mann doctor-rights electronic extradimensional food hallucination historical hy-brasil inscription kain-pathos-crow mechanical medical plant prize-feature researcher-rosen safe scp thad-xyank toxic wanderers-library weapon Powered by Unless otherwise stated, the content of this page is licensed under Help Terms of Service Privacy Report a bug Flag as objectionable Wikidot.com Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License.
DAWN DAWN DAWN REDTAPE REDTAPE REDTAPE About Community Resources Sister Sites Contact Us ROUNDERHOUSE's Proposal » ROUNDERHOUSE's Proposal SCP-001 BY DIRECT ORDER OF THE OFFICE OF THE ADMINISTRATOR The following file is classified Clearance Level 001/1.
All Foundation personnel are permitted and encouraged to read this document.
A ROUNDERHOUSE Joint Rating: +768 Welcome, O5-13.
Administrator Franz Williams, circa 1891.
LEVEL 1/001 CLASSIFIED Item #: SCP-001 Site-01.
SPECIAL CONTAINMENT PROCEDURES: All personnel are permitted to put in a request to their local Human Resources officer if they would like to visit Site-01. Visits are generally limited to one per 4 years, in order to avoid large amounts of damage to the property. The Site itself is maintained by the Office of the Administrator, and any concerns with the physical building or grounds should be directed there.
DESCRIPTION: SCP-001 refers to a collection of 13 anomalous areas present within Site-01.
These anomalous areas vary in size and effect, and are scattered throughout the ground of the site. A full list of SCP-001 instances is attached below.
Site-01 is a mansion in rural Virginia constructed between 1764 and 1766 by Duke Franz C. Williams, an Austrian noble who would later become the founder and current Administrator of the Foundation. Williams' emigration from Europe was incited by the Seven Years' War, later regarded as the First Occult War. Documents relate that he arrived in the New World in a private party of twelve, purchasing the land for the mansion ahead of time. The party that arrived would become the first Overseers of the Foundation that they formed, though the organization as it is today would not take shape until the late 19th century during the American Civil War.
Safe Safe It became customary for new Overseers to make their own additions to the mansion as they were inducted, modifying and changing rooms to suit their needs, often with anomalous effects. Due to the secrecy associated with the former O5 Council, access to the Site itself was severely restricted until very recently.
SCP-001-01 SCP-001-02 SCP-001-03 SCP-001-04 SCP-001-05 SCP-001-06 SCP-001-07 SCP-001-08 SCP-001-09 SCP-001-10 SCP-001-11 SCP-001-12 SCP-001-12.
SCP-001-12 Description: SCP-001-12 is a bar cart in an auxiliary office in Site-01. It is set with a large variety of liquor and alcohol, ranging from common beers to expensive scotch. The bottles never run out; however, upon pouring any into a glass, the drink will transmute into another liquid, generally nonpotable or toxic.
Attached File: Drink: Macallan 1948, aged whiskey.
Liquid: Warm, bitter water. Chemical analysis confirms trace amounts of sulfur.
Bottle 3/4 full.
Drink: 1.5 liter jug of moonshine.
Liquid: Freezing cold hard water. Scalds the throat when drunk and induces unconciousness. Jug nearly empty.
Administrator's Note — 12: O5-12: So I guess it's just us left now, huh?
Administrator: Hello, Twelve.
O5-13: So it would seem.
[Silence.] O5-12: Care for a drink?
Administrator: Hah. I thought you'd never ask.
O5-13: Scotch, please.
O5-12: Huh. Never knew you drank.
O5-13: I didn't.
[Pouring.] Administrator: Cheers, gents. It was a good run.
O5-12: Hear, hear.
O5-13: Yes.
[Quiet, intermittent sipping.] Clearance Level 001/5 detected. Would you like to open a classified file addendum?
That nutcase deserved what he got. The only reason he was on the Council is because of the Insurgency Crisis. We needed a strong, capable military leader.
The last time I fought, horses were still on the battlefield. Alto was a deranged maniac but we've had a lot of deranged maniacs. Right then, we needed one.
He did his job. Beat back the enemy. The Insurgency rose and was suppressed with overwhelming force. We waged war in Asia, Africa, even the Antarctic became a warzone. And we won. Clef ceded his control of Applied Force afterwards, but he always directed massive influence in the Division. Not surprising.
After that, he didn't really know what to do. O5 was not the action-packed, cloak-and-dagger job he thought it was. Mostly just paperwork and meetings.
So he lost his fervor over time. Mellowed out, became the kind of guy you could drink with instead of the guy who started bar fights. None us spent too much time around him, never really forgot the shit he pulled way back when.
One day he went looking for a fight and got one. What happened isn't important, but after he was dead and buried, I swear to god I saw the sun blink, just for a moment.
▷CLOSE◁ SCP-001-13 Description: SCP-001-13 is a small graveyard on the outer grounds of Site-01.
13 gravestones are arranged in a grid of four columns. Each bears an inscription that changes depending on the reader, conforming to their relationship with the subject of the tombstone. The following is a list of messages as recorded by O5-13.
01. Here lies Django Bridge. An archivist to the end.
02. Here lies David Rosen. Never saw it coming.
03. Here lies Everett Mann. Could make anything except happiness.
An empty grave.
04. Here lies Tilda Moose. Didn't know what she had until she gave it away. Died trying to get it back.
05. Here lies Chelsea Elliot, née Glaistig. Feet in two worlds, fit in neither.
06. Here lies Ali Ibn-Bijhan. Betrayed his countrymen. Died of the guilt.
07. Here lies Agatha Rights. The only one I have ever loved.
08. Here lies Thaddeus Xyank. Came from tomorrow to help us today. Never forgot what he left behind.
09. Here lies Jean Aktus. A relic of the past, but he knew that.
Administrator's Note: ▷CLOSE◁ 10. Here lies Kain Pathos Crow. He was a good boy.
11. Here lies Troy Lament. The best I have ever known.
12. Here lies Alto Clef. Rot in hell.
13. MEMENTO MORI It's been eighty years, Gears. I got you onto senior staff, then directorship, then the Council. I know you well enough to know what you do when you're thinking about ending things.
It's okay. I was here before the Council, I'll be here after. You all ran the place well, but at the end of the day, you're still human. You make mistakes, and you have flaws, and that's alright. You did the best you could, and it was pretty good.
I'm sorry for putting this crushing burden on you and the others. I can't help but feel responsible. This life isn't an easy one, they might still be alive if not for me. They'd certainly have been happier.
You were all the best and brightest of the Foundation of then. I took you and I ruined you, and I'm sorry.
Don't worry about what happens after — my office has a handle on things, we have since I stopped refilling your seats. It's time to start burying the past. Make room for the future. There will never be a group like this again, but that's okay. The mere existence of the Council seems to invite tragedy. It's time for something different anyway. I don't know what, but the age of the Council is over, I can tell you that.
Come to my study when you're ready to end it. It's okay, Charles.
Don't worry. You did a good job. I'm proud of you.
‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide.
"ROUNDERHOUSE's Proposal" by Rounderhouse, from the SCP Wiki. Source: https://scpwiki.com/rounderhouse-proposal. Licensed under CC-BY-SA.
Filename: manor Name: File:WestoverPlantationSEGL.jpg Author: Stephen Lea License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:WestoverPlantationSEGL.jpg Filename: administrator Name: File:D. Carlos de Borbón y de Austria-Este smoking.jpg Author: Nadar License: Public Domain Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:D._Carlos_de_Borb%C3%B3n_y_de_Austria -Este_smoking.jpg Filename: archive Name: File:Etnografiska museet May 2013 01.jpg Author: Arild Vågen License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Etnografiska_museet_May_2013_01.jpg Filename: newsroom Name: File:City tv control room Doors Open Toronto 2012.jpg Author: Loozrboy License: CC BY-SA 2.0 Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:City_tv_control_room_Doors_Open_Toront o_2012.jpg Filename: workshop Name: OLD INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT IN ABANDONED WORKSHOP Author: pixy License: Public Domain Source: https://pixy.org/5877694/ Filename: library Name: File:Chatsworth House library.JPG Author: Sb2s3 License: CC BY-SA 4.0 Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Chatsworth_House_library.JPG Filename: postits Name: postits Author: UncertaintyCrossing License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source: http://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/rounderhouse-proposal Filename: greenhouse Name: greenhouse Author: pxhere License: Public Domain Source: https://pxhere.com/en/photo/24550 Filename: room Name: File:Berber house.jpg Author: Ilan Molcho License: CC BY 2.0 Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Berber_house.jpg Filename: machine Name: File:GSI, Darmstadt, Juli 2015 (31).JPG Author: Alexander Blecher License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:GSI,_Darmstadt,_Juli_2015_(31).JPG More From This Author Filename: medicine Name: Holmes medicine cabinet Author: Matt Brown License: CC BY 2.0 Source: https://www.flickr.com/photos/londonmatt/2855822695 Filename: guns Name: File:Donnington Historic Weapons Collection Display.jpg Author: Cocklecanoe License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Donnington_Historic_Weapons_Collection_ Display.jpg Filename: booze Name: onyx bar cart Author: goodiesfirst License: CC BY 2.0 Source: https://search.creativecommons.org/photos/52733637-78c2-4bd0-a67e- 4002d2379918 TAGS↴ 001-proposal agent-lament building bureaucracy director-aktus director-moose django-bridge doctor-clef doctor-elliott doctor-gears doctor-mann doctor-rights electronic extradimensional food hallucination historical hy-brasil inscription kain-pathos-crow mechanical medical plant prize-feature researcher-rosen safe scp thad-xyank toxic wanderers-library weapon Powered by Unless otherwise stated, the content of this page is licensed under Help Terms of Service Privacy Report a bug Flag as objectionable Wikidot.com Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License.
SCP Foundation SECURE, CONTAIN, PROTECT About Community Resources Sister Sites Contact Us Abridged Retirement Proposals » » Abridged Retirement Proposals SCP-001 McDoctorate's Proposal The following is a list of abridged retirement proposals from the Foundation Heritage Collection. Retiring A-Class personnel are permitted to submit a proposal documenting an anomaly of personal significance to one's career, or the Foundation's history. They are to adhere to the following format.
Rating: +78 Fold Table of Contents ╶─────Dr. Quantum's Proposal: The Timer ╶─────Dr. Swann's Proposal: The Database ╶─────Dir. Clef's Proposal: The Garden ╶─────Dr. Brennan's Proposal: God's Blind Spot ╶─────Dr. Ghipo's Proposal: A Good Computer ╶─────Dir. Lily's Proposal: The Sacrifice ╶─────Drs. T. G. and Aktus' Proposal: The Broken Engine ╶─────Dr. Pickman's Proposal: Storytellers ╶─────Dr. Roget Sr.'s Proposal: Project Keter ╶─────Dr. Roget Jr.'s Proposal: The Projectile ╶─────Dr. Mackenzie’s Proposal: The Legacy ╶─────Dr. Argent's Proposal: The Unit ╶─────Dr. Locke's Proposal: Crack of Dawn ╶─────Dr. Tufton's Proposal: The Children‘s Origin ╶─────Researcher Calvin's Proposal: The Noise ╶─────Dr. Dayle’s Proposal:The Pit ╶─────Dr. Scantron’s Proposal: Graduation Day ╶─────Dr. North’s Proposal: The Toybox ╶─────Dr. Wrong’s Proposal: The Agreement ╶─────Dr. Naismith’s Proposal: Kiteen Pallo ╶─────Dr. Valis’ Proposal: Logicism +++++ Dr. [name]'s Proposal: [title] CODE NAME: [AAAA] OBJECT CLASS: SUMMARY: [Brief Description] SIGNIFICANCE: [Why it was proposed] If you are a retiring member of A-Class personnel, you may append your submission to the end of this document. Abridged proposals should not exceed 250 words and should contain only text.
Dr. Quantum's Proposal: The Timer CODE NAME: QNTM OBJECT CLASS: Safe SUMMARY: SCP-QNTM is an anomalous egg timer of unknown origin. When SCP-QNTM is set to a given time (up to a maximum of 60 minutes), the entropy state of the universe is reversed by that duration. This effect is not experienced by SCP-QNTM or its user (designated SCP-QNTM-A); from the perspective of SCP-QNTM-A, time is reversed according to the duration set. This entails that, for the duration set, SCP-QNTM-A will co-exist with the past version of themself (designated SCP-QNTM-B), and can meaningfully affect the sequence of events leading to SCP-QNTM's activation. After activation, SCP-QNTM will tick down as a non-anomalous timer would; however, upon reaching zero, SCP- QNTM-A ceases to exist.
SIGNIFICANCE: SCP-QNTM is the first known temporal anomaly acquired by the Foundation, and was instrumental in Dr. Quantum's career.
Dr. Swann's Proposal: The Database CODE NAME: SWNN OBJECT CLASS: Thaumiel SUMMARY: SCP-SWNN is the designation for the SCiPnet database framework. SCP-SWNN depends on a variety of anomalous technologies to maintain and present documentation as effectively as possible; namely, SCiPnet reorganizes interrelated documents using a pataphysics-based predictive algorithm. This causes documentation to be presented in a more narratively- appealing format, reducing the likelihood that personnel will miss important information due to lack of interest.
SIGNIFICANCE: SCP-SWNN is considered Dr. Swann's seminal work, and is regularly essential to Foundation operations.
Dir. Clef's Proposal: The Garden CODE NAME: EDEN OBJECT CLASS: Location SUMMARY: SCP-EDEN is an extradimensional location that features a garden of variable size and topology. If one is surrounded by fire such that they are unable to safely escape (e,g, trapped in a burning building), SCP-EDEN can be accessed by walking through the fire with one's eyes closed, so long as the success of the procedure is not doubted at the point which the fire is crossed.
SCP-EDEN's spatial dimensionality is always exactly one greater than the number of living humans which occupy it; this entails that, as SCP-EDEN is concurrently entered by greater numbers of people, more of the garden becomes accessible, but the entire space becomes less readily-navigable.
SIGNIFICANCE: SCP-EDEN prompted the development of several revolutionary technologies for the exploration and mapping of hyper- and hypo- dimensional spaces, and contains several artifacts which have assisted in the development of further technologies.
Dr. Brennan's Proposal: God's Blind Spot CODE NAME: SPKB OBJECT CLASS: Neutralized (formerly Safe) SUMMARY: SCP-SPKB was an anomalous phenomenon affecting an Orthodox- Christian Church (designated SCP-SPKB-A) centered in Άνο Βέρβανα, a rural village located in the mountain ranges of northern Greece. For a period of several decades, SCP-SPKB caused any form of worship or spiritual practice within SCP-SPKB-A to be anomalously unfulfilling, causing gradual increases in tension and unrest within the community. SCP-SPKB was eventually Neutralized through the development and use of spiritual channeling technologies.
SIGNIFICANCE: SCP-SPKB catalyzed the discovery of Akiva radiation, as well as the formation of the Department of Tactical Theology.
Dr. Ghipo's Proposal: A Good Computer CODE NAME: GDBY OBJECT CLASS: Thaumiel SUMMARY: SCP-GDBY is the ERZATZ Type AK9 Computational Engine: an advanced digital computer system designed to suggest initial containment procedures for incoming anomalies. SCP-GDBY is utilized primarily by the Processing Division to detect correlations between existing and newly-acquired anomalies, often suggesting unexpectedly-effective containment procedures for generic anomalies.
SIGNIFICANCE: SCP-GDBY was developed in 1955 in response to the exponential growth of Foundation operations, to which it is now essential. Its algorithm suggests effective containment procedures for over 75% of all incoming anomalies.
Dir. Lily's Proposal: The Sacrifice CODE NAME: FLWR OBJECT CLASS: Euclid SUMMARY: SCP-FLWR describes a phenomenon in which, when a person in a perceived position of power, significance, or influence is cremated and buried alongside specific and complex arrangements of flora, the land surrounding the burial site becomes anomalously fertile. This land becomes capable of supporting crop yield up to 1400% the baseline average, even in otherwise infertile areas (including desert, concrete, et cetera).
SIGNIFICANCE: SCP-FLWR established one of the first in-house anomalous agriculture practices, which was instrumental in establishing self-sustainability early on in the Foundation's history. Director Lily's funeral was carried out as specified in her will, resulting in the creation of the Ultra-high-yield Cultivation Zone. She was posthumously awarded the Foundation Star in Exemplary Service.
Drs. T. G. and Aktus' Proposal: The Broken Engine CODE NAME: BRKN OBJECT CLASS: Safe (formerly Keter) SUMMARY: SCP-BRKN is a collection of anomalous components of a standard automobile engine. When one or more components are separated for more than five minutes, the segment of SCP-BRKN currently possessing the most mass will levitate above the ground (as if it were within a functioning vehicle) before approaching the locations of any unclaimed components. This will cause damage to any materials between or surrounding SCP-BRKN, commensurate to the damage that would be caused by a moderately-sized vehicle.
SIGNIFICANCE: SCP-BRKN's containment challenges prompted the construction of Site-15 and several revolutionary electro-mechanical containment mechanisms. Site-15 now contains more than 300 electronic and digital anomalies using methods initially devised by Drs. T. G. and Aktus.
Dr. Pickman's Proposal: Storytellers CODE NAME: SPWI OBJECT CLASS: Archon SUMMARY: Observations throughout Nexus-18 (Sloth's Pit, Wisconsin) of actions of individuals and events apparently conforming to narrative and folkloric tropes and archetypes, including the manifestation of urban legends, heightened activity around times of celebration, and an apparent degree of sentience within the Nexus itself, responding to certain trigger phrases (i.e.
"What could possibly go wrong?") with appropriate consequences.
SIGNIFICANCE: Isaiah H. Pickman (1978-2017 (Presumed KIA) was an archivist at Site-87 in Nexus Zone-18, whose cataloging of anomalies within Nexus-18 led to the formulation of this theory by Sinclair, Bailey et. al in early 2018. From this, containment efforts within Nexus-18 have grown over 70% more effective, due to new countermeasures and containment tactics being devised using SCP-SPWI as a jumping-off point.
This proposal is made in memorial to Dr. Pickman by his colleagues; his last will and testament stated that "If anything I ever did led to something new being discovered, give it a new object class, just to fuck with the filing system".
"Archon" is synonymous with "Thaumiel" in this case.
Dr. Roget Sr.'s Proposal: Project Keter CODE NAME: RGT OBJECT CLASS: Thaumiel SUMMARY: SCP-RGT is a Foundation Site, designated Site-Keter, responsible for the containment of most Keter-class objects within Foundation custody. Said Site uses multiple Keter-class objects to contain other ones, in the process creating a 'Thaumiel-Keter-Paradox' scenario, in which almost uncontainable objects are contained by the merit of being uncontained.
SIGNIFICANCE: SCP-RGT was fundamental in the development of new containment options for Keter-class objects. Prior to the creation of Site-Keter, all such objects were contained separately within Foundation sites; following the construction of said Site however, the need for containment of such anomalies has been minimalized to finding a 'containment counterpart' to such, virtually ending for example the need to actively seek elimination methods for SCP-682. Due to this phenomenon, Foundation resources had been made more available for other projects, not-related to the costly containment procedures of said objects.
SCP-RGT was originally proposed by Dr. Roget following a mass-containment breach in Site-02 occurring, which resulted in the 'Keter-self-containment paradox' event occurring; following this event, multiple in-depth tests have been conducted, which lead to the creation of plans to create Site-Keter.
Dr. Roget Jr.'s Proposal: The Projectile CODE NAME: RGT-II OBJECT CLASS: Neutralized (formerly Eparch) SUMMARY: SCP-RGT-II was the projectile that murdered the US president John F. Kennedy. SCP-RGT-II had the anomalous ability of invoking paranoia in all individuals who witnessed the event (live or otherwise); its main purpose was to stir up such feelings within the USA as a way to overall weaken the country.
SIGNIFICANCE: SCP-RGT-II led to the discovery of multiple groups aware of the Foundation's existence operating within the Russian and American governments, additionally uncovering the main administrators of GoI-1109 ("Parawatch") a few decades after. Moreover, testing SCP-RGT-II's anomalous properties allowed Dr. Roget Jr. to develop more efficient amnestics and other anomalous chemical substances used by the Foundation.
Dr. Mackenzie’s Proposal: The Legacy CODE NAME: ADMN OBJECT CLASS: Euclid SUMMARY: SCP-ADMN is a diary originating from a prior iteration of existence.
The diary itself belongs to an individual who would later be known as “The Administrator”. The diary documents much of The Administrator’s final moments in his world as his reality comes to an end via an infestation only described as an “entropic force”. The exact details pertaining to the nature of The Administrator and their home universe are unclear as much of the pages have been torn from it. The final page describes a solution designed for omnidimensional travel through realities which only The Administrator has utilized once to materialize himself within our own iteration of existence.
SIGNIFICANCE: SCP-ADMN is known for being the first ever introduction of the individual known as “The Administrator” as well as his introduction to our mainline reality. This proposal is notable for being one of Dr. Mackenzie’s final works before disappearing under questionable circumstances.
Dr. Argent's Proposal: The Unit CODE NAME: WJSP OBJECT CLASS: Non-Anomalous SUMMARY: SCP-WJSP is a unit of measurement created by Dr. Argent to measure the degree of an object's anomalous properties. Using SCP-WJSP, containment specialists can accurately measure the threat an object or entity poses to normalcy and society at large.
SIGNIFICANCE: Utilization of SCP-WJSP is required on all anomalous objects upon their acquisition by the Foundation, and serves as the basis for all decisions pertaining to the Object Class, Threat Level, and Disruption Class of newly-acquired SCPs.
Dr. Locke's Proposal: Crack of Dawn CODE NAME: WDB OBJECT CLASS: Archon SUMMARY: SCP-WDB was the designation given to the Sun after, during a worldwide famine, the Sun's rays temporarily gained an anomalous effect for approximately 59 days. During this time, organic material exposed to sunlight would undergo several alterations, the most obvious of which was an increased healing factor. Plant life (especially produce) had significantly higher growth rates during this time. Fertility rates were also drastically increased, with human pregnancies only lasting an average of 20-30 days.
SIGNIFICANCE: While Foundation efforts have all but erased anomalous events created by SCP-WDB from the global conciousness, knowledge of these events has proven immensely useful for morale among personnel, especially those who display nihilistic or solitary tendencies.
Dr. Tufton's Proposal: The Children‘s Origin CODE NAME: KING OBJECT CLASS: Neutralized (formerly Safe) SUMMARY: SCP-KING is "The Three Laws of The Scarlet King", a 1787 religious and philosophical book written by Thomas Bruce. It describes violent anti-modernist ideas suggesting societal reversion to a more pre- enlightenment- and survival-based life by worshipping and summoning an entity called "The Scarlet King". It formerly had a cognitohazardous effect that had a high-chance to compel readers to support and believe the philosophy behind it, as well as its religious material, regardless of previous ideologies. The anomalous quality of the book was lost after the SCP-6140 reality-shift.
SIGNIFICANCE: SCP-KING provides a great amount of information about the formerly existing "Children of the Scarlet King" cult’s history and their beliefs, both in the book‘s text and it‘s background. Dr. Tufton‘s research revealed that Thomas published SCP-KING a year before SCP-140 released to ensure the creation of a religious group themed around Thomas‘ invented myth, since the Chronicles of the Daevas book made few mentions of this fantasized religion.
Researcher Calvin's Proposal: The Noise CODE NAME: NASG OBJECT CLASS: Thaumiel SUMMARY: SCP-NASG is a levitating sphere, with a surface resembling TV static, inside of a cave in Iraq. If a physically written narrative is immersed into it, it will telepathically transfer information to nearby humans, constituting professional advice on how to improve the story. Of note, SCP-NASG mistakes certain texts as narratives, such as clinical documents.
SIGNIFICANCE: SCP-NASG's critical suggestions on SCP document formats were the inspiration and basis for how future documents would be organized and introduced by SCP-SWNN. Its observations are regularly noted when updates to the database algorithm are developed.
Dr. Dayle’s Proposal:The Pit CODE NAME: GRAVE OBJECT CLASS: Thaumiel SUMMARY: SCP-GRAVE is a pit measuring 5.5 meters or radius and 8.45 meters of depth. SCP-GRAVE is composed of an anomalous material, of unknown composition, that has the capability to lower, while in their vicinity, the Hume levels of various Type-Green entities.
SIGNIFICANCE: By analyzing the material of which SCP-GRAVE is composed of, this has led to its eventual replication and brought to the creation of SRAs by the hand of Dr. Robert Scranton, giving advantage to the SCP Foundation toward various ontokinetic entities.
Dr. Scantron’s Proposal: Graduation Day CODE NAME: SCR OBJECT CLASS: Thaumiel SUMMARY: SCP-SCR is an anomalous phenomenon that occurs when an individual with skills that could be useful to the Foundation graduates high school. Memories will be implanted in their head of them being a Foundation Level One researcher and they will attempt to being work.
SIGNIFICANCE: SCP-SCR leads to approximately 200 new Foundation employees being hired each year and analysis of it was instrumental in studying memetics and the nature of memories. Dr. Scantron was able to isolate the memetic effects of high school into a single image that causes those who look at it to become a Foundation employee.
Dr. North’s Proposal: The Toybox CODE NAME: WNDR OBJECT CLASS: Thaumiel SUMMARY: SCP-WNDR is a box that contains a seemingly infinite space, inside of which are a countless variety of toys. The box is able to read the mind of the individual who opens the box, dispensing the type of toys that would give maximum enjoyment to its user.
SIGNIFICANCE: Dr. North successfully lobbied for the item to be regularly used on stressed employees, this being one of the first cases of an anomalous item being regularly used for the benefit of Foundation employees.
Dr. Wrong’s Proposal: The Agreement CODE NAME: CNSNS OBJECT CLASS: Safe SUMMARY: SCP-CNSNS is a room in the Headquarters of the United Nations that when a group of individuals meet there, will start to discuss wars that did not occur in baseline reality. All affected individuals will begin to negotiate treaties to stop said wars and once leaving the room, will forget about what has occurred. All political decisions made inside SCP-CNSNS seem to have an effect on the next instance of its activation. There are no records of SCP- CNSNS's construction SIGNIFICANCE: Dr. Wrong used this anomaly as proof that CK-Class Reality Restructuring Scenarios could happen, provoking an entire field of study based around them.
Dr. Naismith’s Proposal: Kiteen Pallo CODE NAME: DYF OBJECT CLASS: Thaumiel SUMMARY: SCP-DYF is an aircraft resembling a modified Lockheed F-117 Nighthawk. The vehicle is 100% impervious to any attempt to damage it, possesses cloaking technology, and is capable of traveling at speed more than 1.5 times that of a non-anomalous model. Upon exceeding a speed of 880 mph (1,416 km/h; 764 kn), SCP-DYF is capable of traveling to alternate dimensions.
SIGNIFICANCE: Through the use of SCP-DYF, The Foundation has been able to safely explore and study extradimensional locations that would normally be inaccessible including Corbernic, The Wanderer's Library, Alaggada, and the other one. The reconnaissance provided by SCP-DYF has time and time again provided a strategic advantage against anomalous activity or invasions into the prime reality. It has also been used for diplomatic purposes with less hostile organizations such as The Three Moons Initiative.
Dr. Valis’ Proposal: Logicism CODE NAME: PHD OBJECT CLASS: Gevurah SUMMARY: SCP-PHD is an infohazard affecting anomalies recorded in The Foundation Database. Anomalous objects registered with similar numerical designations to previously registered anomalies will gain the attributes, classes, anomalous properties, or behavior traits associated with said previous anomaly.
SIGNIFICANCE: Dr. Nathan Valis' discovery of SCP-PHD resulted in a complete overhaul of the SCP Foundation's database, transitioning from number sequences to letter sequences. This has also served to create more unique designations to search and identify anomalies more efficiently.
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Arbelict's Proposal SCP-001 » Arbelict's Proposal rating: +298 + – X NOTICE FROM THE RECORDS AND INFORMATION SECURITY ADMINISTRATION The following document was received on 08.10.2026 from the relict dimension R-42 and describes an anomaly threatening all members of humankind in all extant worlds.
It has been established that, before the message was received, a signal had been emitted for eight minutes, containing an exceptionally powerful (stability and penetration class 5) cognitohazard of danger class 0 (safe). The Foundation was unable to counteract this anomaly, but no residual symptoms of it affecting the minds of Earth denizens have been found to this day. There is a high threat of repeated cognitohazardous or other forms of attack from dimension R-42. According to the latest measurements, dimension R-42 no longer exists.
The following message tested negative for hidden memetic agents and is safe to read.
Document Start Greetings.
You are reading this dossier in a paradimension of the relict dimension R-42.
Due to the colossal size of your world's address, for your convenience, your dimension will be hereafter referred to as "PD".
The following message has been constructed by the SCP Foundation of the relict dimension R-42 and is addressed to the SCP Foundation of paradimension PD. Enclosed you will find information about SCP-001, which is a threat to the multiverse.
As you may have noticed, this message was preceded by a burst signal containing a non- dangerous cognitohazard. The burst signal was constructed in such a way that minimal change to the signal would have caused indiscriminate and overwhelming casualties among the denizens of PD. As you can see, R-42 is capable of eliminating the absolute majority of PD denizens but has not exercised this capability. In the context of the above, we ask you to consider this action not as an act of aggression, but as a demonstration of SCP Foundation SCP Foundation Secure, Contain, Protect Secure, Contain, Protect Search About Community Resources Sister Sites ≡ Create account or Sign in Schematic depiction of R-42's and PD's locations in the multiverse the fact that R-42 has no pretension for conquest or other forms of aggression towards PD. Take the following information in earnest.
Item #: SCP-001 Object Class: Paradox-Apollyon Special Containment Procedures: The only known way to guarantee destruction of the anomaly and avoidance of the ZK-Class cross-reality failure event is the full annihilation (or fundamental change) of humankind. The list of possible measures to push back (or completely avert) the incoming 001-ZK event has been outlined below.
Problem Description: SCP-001 consists of all living members of the Homo sapiens species without exception. These currently include humans living in the relict dimension R-42 and the PD paradimension. The anomaly first came into existence and developed in the relict dimension R-42, and later activated in PD by accident.
Unchecked growth of SCP-001 will cause annihilation of the entire multiverse.
It is known to our researchers that, at the moment of the Big Bang, the formation of a finite number of parallel dimensions (57 in total) happened in an event referred to as "Alpha".
Creation of new dimensions in natural conditions (without disruption) is impossible. Due to unknown causes humanity came to exist in only one of the 57 relict dimensions - in dimension R-42.
The danger to reality that SCP-001 poses lies in its anomalous capability for wide-scale replication of paradimensions. This term refers to a parallel reality which has an extremely small deviation from its "parent". It is known that any conceived human decision (even those completely inconsequential) occurring within time complements the multiverse with N paradimensions (where N is the number of choices in the decision), wherein a unique resolution to the event occurs in each. As such, dimensions housing living instances of SCP-001 uncontrollably "grow" a colossal number of minimally differing paradimensions every second.
Other relict dimensions (R-01 to R-57, barring R-42) do not have paradimensions, as humanity has not come to exist in those dimensions due to unknown causes, and as such, all processes therein follow natural physical laws only. R-42's SCP Foundation is not 1 ≡ aware of whether other relict dimensions contain other forms of sapient life, but even if it does exist, there is no sign of further paradimension replication in those dimensions.
R-42's analytics have determined a ceiling on the colossal amount of paradimensions, surpassing which will destroy the multiverse as a whole. This value is referred to as "Omega". There is no visual way to represent this number, an estimation of "Omega" is enclosed in the Addenda and can only be deduced through a cascade of highly challenging mathematical calculations. In roughest estimation, accounting for the current speed of approach of the number of parallel dimensions to "Omega", predictions for growth of PD's populace, and the worst-case scenario (full refusal of your paradimension to counteract the anomaly), the death of the multiverse (also known as the ZK-Class cross-reality failure event) can be expected to occur within 0.3 years ± 2 months after the reception of this message.
The paradimensions created through replication exist in a state of "existence uncertainty" (or "stasis"). While indirectly affecting the stability of the multiverse and objectively forming due to the effects of SCP-001, each paradimension does not exhibit signs of its existence due to the lack of any physical processes within it. This state is broken after opening a spacetime tunnel into the dimension. At that moment the "existence uncertainty" ends and the paradimension begins to "exist" in the full meaning of this term.
All physical processes begin to flow as if they always have been from the Big Bang to the moment of the dimension's formation. Due to the fact that new beings (humans, SCP-001) come into existence with the abolition of "existence uncertainty", this dimension becomes a source of paradimension replication in itself.
You and your paradimension PD were created approximately 17.4 R-42-years ago and afterwards remained in a state of "existence uncertainty" for an extended period of time (from R-42's point of view). Emergence from this state and beginning of you and your dimension's factual existence happened approximately 0.7 PD-years ago after an exploratory portal from R-42 was briefly opened into your world. As such, the society of R-42 technologically and historically surpasses PD by approximately 16.7 years, which has allowed R-42's SCP Foundation to discover SCP-001 and develop computing solutions of colossal scale, which in turn considerably advanced the research of this anomaly.
History of R-42 society's efforts against the anomaly: SCP-001 was discovered by Foundation researchers approximately 5.1 R-42-years ago. The "Omega" value was calculated soon after, and the fact of the number of extant parallel dimensions' catastrophically quick approach to that limit was found. A special research group from relict dimension R-42 began developing methods of complete or partial suppression of paradimension replication to prevent (or postpone by any possible measure of time) the occurrence of a ZK-class cross-reality failure event.
Unfortunately, R-42's SCP Foundation had to go to extreme measures to delay the ZK- Class event as much as possible. Operations "Castling" and "Minimal Gain" were developed for that purpose.
≡ The O5 Council assembled Roster-1, which included all persons who have vital scientific or other importance to SCP-001 research, and Roster-2, which included all persons who were needed to perform fieldwork during the interim period of Operation "Minimum Gain".
To enhance morale, one family member (of choice) per person was included in each list.
+ Descriptions of measures undertaken under Operations "Castling" and "Minimal Gain" As a result of actions undertaken, the cross-reality failure event has been delayed by a considerable margin, and the speed of approach has been slowed to a minimum.
The most prospective paths of development at that moment were the creation of will- and reasoning variability-dampening devices, as well as projects around delegating the consciousnesses of all survivors to a central processing unit. Under most modest estimations, accounting for highly limited human resources, the realization of these projects would take 9 to 15 years out of those available (at the moment) to the Foundation before the onset of the ZK-Class event.
+ Open full list of proposals for development: Unfortunately, at the time very little was known about paradimensions themselves, and the "existence uncertainty" theory had not been developed as of yet. Various researchers proposed a theory that lack of paradimension replication from paradimensions (a process visually akin to an uncontrolled fission reaction) could signify that humans existing in them were not SCP-001, and that, as such, they could be excellent test material for R-42. The O5 Council made a decision to begin development on technology to open a cross- dimension spacetime tunnel into a random paradimension based on remaining anomalous materials at the Foundation's disposal for the purpose of studying it. This paradimension turned out to be your paradimension, PD.
The portal developed by R-42 specialists proved to be highly unstable. The Foundation personnel could not choose a paradimension to enter (PD became the target by chance); additionally, after having existed for an insubstantial period of time (approximately two days), the spacetime tunnel spontaneously closed. At that same time, it was discovered that your world became a source of paradimensions in itself. When considered along with the fact that PD existed in precisely the state R-42 was in at the moment of PD's creation, a hypothesis about "existence uncertainty" was established. R-42's SCP Foundation chose to make no further attempts to open a portal into PD due to the high risk of accidentally afflicting other dimensions with the anomaly.
From the moment PD began to produce its paradimensions and bring the multiverse closer to the ZK-Class event with high speed, R-42 was left no time or hope for salvation.
Unfortunately, R-42's Foundation cannot open a portal into your dimension and destroy PD denizens by itself. R-42 has waived aside the idea of eliminating the majority of PD denizens because the PD's Foundation personnel, surviving in underground bunkers and bearing access to numerous "Thaumiel"-class objects, would render such actions moot.
Little remaining time before the ZK-Class event and lack of technological capability to maintain our research denies the possibility to repeat Operations "Castling" and "Minimal ≡ Gain". Due to the outlined causes, we address you with this message and offer the only way in current conditions to save the multiverse.
The world has existed before us and must remain after us. Our multiverse is ill, and the name of the illness is humanity, SCP-001. The only way out is SCP-0000. We'll cease to become a threat with its help. It is in our power to leave a chance for other sapient species that, perhaps, will not be afflicted by the same anomaly, or will find a way to get rid of it before it's too late. We, the O5 Council and other survivors from R-42, have chosen our fate. We hope you will do the same.
From the O5 Council of dimension R-42 To the О5 Council of dimension PD Enclosed you will find the methodology to calculate "Omega" and the means to investigate paradimensions, main scientific derivations regarding SCP-001, and the instructions to create and use SCP-0000. Hurry.
The final addendum contains a private message for each of you encoded with personal Overseer encryption keys.
Item #: SCP-0000 Object Class: Paradox-Thaumiel Special Containment Procedures: Any containment procedures contradict the concept and purpose of the object.
Description: SCP-0000 consists of a device, developed by the SCP Foundation of relict dimension R-42, capable of annihilating the dimension it is activated in. After the destruction of the target dimension, all child paradimensions in the state of "existence uncertainty" will undergo slow self-destruction.
Object blueprints and principle of operation: The core of SCP-0000 is a four- component device consisting of [REDACTED] as well as "Euclid"-class objects: SCP- ████, SCP-████ and two conjoined SCP-████. The object's principle of operation [DATA EXPUNGED] For: O5-1 From: Joan Simpson Hello, dad.
2 ≡ I don't know if I have the right to call you "dad", for you are just a copy of the one I recently mourned the passing of. In some way, you are the cause of his death. But you are also a human who, like us, is not at fault for any of this.
In your world, I am just a little girl, and the one who's writing now is your grown-up daughter, one of the leading Foundation employees. Strange, isn't it? I didn't want to record a message, but my colleagues made me. They say it's very important. Well, I couldn't have a last word with him, so I'll have a last word with you. I'll address you and not "You", as if I had known you for so many years. Alright?
I remember the day the Rosters started to get implemented. Rosters of those for whose sake everyone else had to keep working. There was an idea to let the Overseers save not one member of family, but two. You yourself stood against it, believing that it would lead to an unhealthy schism within the Foundation that was about to become very, very small. Only a few hundred, that many were supposed to be left after the mad harvest you've planned. Those, and fifteen thousand people in cryosleep. You were implacable, and the day you began to assemble the Roster, I understood everything by the look in your eyes. You didn't save Mother. You chose to save me. I still don't know what to think about that. But… even if I had had some sort of anger directed at you, it's long gone now.
I began to work alongside you. All the "hostages", as they were called behind backs, began to work on the Project. We had more than enough time. Hope was our guiding star.
On the days I felt especially miserable you led me out to the surface. We sat on the grass in hazard suits and watched over the empty city at the bottom of the mountain.
The city that only birds of prey inhabit now. You promised that we'd return there and build a giant monument to the Human at its center. I listened to you and knew it was a lie. Every single one of our prospective projects would've left nothing human in us.
Our descendants would not waste themselves on sentiments.
Then… then someone proposed to open that portal. Fatal mistake. When you've learned the paradimension started replicating worlds you understood that… it was all over. There were flimsy ideas to open the portal again and throw some sort of a wonder bomb in there, but nobody had any guarantee that it would not open into a different paradimension. The countdown went down to months again. Your promise became impossible. You took your own life. In your honor, the seat of O5-1 was left vacant.
Truth be told, I don't care, now, whether you'll destroy your world or not. Whether the universe will exist, whether there will be new life in it. My world has been crushed long ago.
It's good that this message is encrypted with your key, that was passed on to me - or these lines would've been deleted. Everyone wants to save the world. But who needs it like this? Empty and cold. Without those to appreciate its beauty. Without humanity.
≡ Do whatever you think is right.
I truly feel better now.
Love you. Faithfully yours, Joan Simpson.
VERIFICATION KEY – OVERSEER О5-1 Document End Footnotes 1. This anomaly's distinguishing feature is that, in order to eliminate the anomaly that will inevitably eliminate mankind, it is imperative to eliminate mankind or realize another K- Class Event.
2. This object is designed for conclusive, guaranteed, irrevocable destruction of SCP-001 (humanity) and prevention of threat caused by it via realization of a localized ZK-Class event.
Cite this page as: "Arbelict's Proposal" by Arbelict, from the SCP Wiki. Source: https://scpwiki.com/swelling-of-the-worlds. Licensed under CC-BY-SA.
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USER: /search SCP-001 … LIBRARIAN.AIC: There are 51 results for "SCP-001". Please refine your search.
USER: /search SCP-001 clearance=1 … LIBRARIAN.AIC: There is 1 result, containing 4 files. Would you like me to retrieve them all?
USER: y … failure to abide by clearance level may result in corrective action OVERWATCH ARCHIVAL SITE-01 About Community Resources Sister Sites Contact Us LIBRARIAN.AIC: OK, here is what I found: ◈ CD..
◈ CD..
Event #: EE-00059 Event Description: Extranormal Event 00059 was observed on June 14th, 2006, in a region of space roughly 1.6 billion light years from Earth, located in the constellation Indus. It was detected via the Neil Gehrels Swift Observatory telescope system as a prolonged gamma ray burst designated GRB 060614.
EE-00059-1 is an emergent Class-E "Momentary Lapse of Reason" Wormhole (S-CSMWAUC2T) that was observed for 102.0 seconds, during which it exhibited atypical behavior that contradicted all known theoretical and applied models of spacetime folds.
◈ During the event, EE-00059-1 was observed to behave in a manner that first resembled traditional EINSTEIN– ROSEN WORMHOLES, emitting unidentified matter and light, while otherwise resisting the inbound flow of normal matter and fatal to carbon-based life due to topological decoherence.
Despite this, the region possessed a luminance several magnitudes greater than the predicted calculations implied, to an intensity only suggested to occur in WHITE HOLES, which have never been observed.
Upon closer analysis, EE-00059-1 appeared to exert no measurable effect on the surrounding space, evidence that implied the anomaly had little or no gravitational field. This is more consistent with ELLIS DRAINHOLES, which are fully-transferable non-flat three-dimensional regions of simply connected spacetime folds.
These paradoxical behaviors cannot co-exist simultaneously, as each feature creates physical consequence that manipulates the region's own scalar field into a state that, by definition, cannot support the initial conditions of the others.
EE-00059-2 is a series of low-frequency transmissions which originated from the direction of EE-00059, during which EE-00059-1 was first observed. All transmissions were in an unknown language with phonetic structure bearing similarity to Sumerian and Mapudungun, however, said language also possessed unique dialectical attributes consisting of a complex creole of other, unknown lexicons, as well as an unfamiliar syntactical structure.
Due to the nature of EE-00059, classification as a proper SCP is unnecessary.
Knowledge of EE-00059's existence has been successfully distorted via a number of large-scale disinformation campaigns, therefore, no containment measures are required at this time. Any credible information regarding activity arising from EE-00059's vicinity should first be traced to its original source, then delegitimized by any means necessary. These tactics are to be carried out by embedded agents stationed in various observatories, places of academia, and media outlets such as television studios and radio stations.
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] Congnitohazardous glyphs embedded within the broadcast were noted to cause increased contextual/conceptual understanding of the language, without need for direct translation. Thus, there is a high likelihood that anomalous broadcasting equipment was used to transmit the messages.
See EE-00059-2 Transcript Logs, found in the attached .zip folder, for more information.
◈ CD..
Transcript Log 00059-2-1 Note: This was the first transmission received during EE-00059, taking place over the course of thirty minutes. Only one party is heard speaking, labeled POI-00059-A.
<BEGIN TRANSCRIPT> POI-00059-A: [STATIC] POI-00059-A: —[maybe/unsure] home hear All—[STATIC]—[boat/ship]. Fault, transmit none, cross tidal length.
POI-00059-A: [STATIC]—spend less time, [mire/darkness] none far behind.
POI-00059-A: No, [mire/darkness] left [boat/ship] alone—[STATIC]—true?
POI-00059-A: [STATIC]—[maybe/unsure]. One, five.
POI-00059-A: [Mire/Darkness], steal time, steal distance—[STATIC] POI-00059-A: Three, three. Understand, yet, [boat/ship] brethren—[STATIC]—fear [feel/register] into All.
POI-00059-A: [STATIC]—How [feel/register] that?
POI-00059-A: None, None—Impossible.
POI-00059-A: [UNKNOWN; Obscenity?], Source-body exist [likewise/again]? How?
POI-00059-A: Understand. Reorganize [UNKNOWN; Wheel?] walkway.
Transcript Log 00059-2-2 Note: Conversation was recorded between two parties over a period of five minutes, labeled POI-00059-A and POI-00059-B. Context unknown.
<BEGIN TRANSCRIPT> POI-00059-A: Source-copy walkway [catch/grasp] success. What regard Source?
POI-00059-B: [UNKNOWN; Undone?].
POI-00059-A: Great shame. How such find? [Machine/System] cast great [UNKNOWN; Wellspring?], yet still distance from equal. [Likewise/Again].
POI-00059-B: [Machine/System] [seem/think] such. Yet, none [see/detect] here. [UNKNOWN; Wheel?] [maybe/unsure] breadcrumb [mire/darkness].
POI-00059-A: Must swim through another [UNKNOWN; Wellspring?], [maybe/unsure] when [mire/darkness] may [see/detect] [boat/ship] brethren.
POI-00059-B: None need—[STATIC]—[see/detect] some [wrong/strange] [UNKNOWN; Icon?], equal.
Must stay.
POI-00059-A: Understand [likewise/again], what—[STATIC]—[seem/think] cause?
POI-00059-B: Desperate [choose/decide], danger within [see/detect] more, [seem/think]. State?
POI-00059-A: [STATIC]—there? Four, seven. Still gather, none enough.
POI-00059-B: [Feel/Register]—[STATIC]—alone. Make haste.
POI-00059-A: Yet [maybe/unsure] into—[STATIC]—time. [Mire/Darkness] [see/detect] wave.
POI-00059-B: [Mire/Darkness] [see/detect] either way.
POI-00059-A: Yet regard [decide/choose]? Death mercy, none desire upon many passenger— [Broadcast is drowned out by multiple loud tones, cutting abruptly] <END TRANSCRIPT> ◈ CD..
Transcript Log 00059-2-3 Note: This is a short record of the last fragmented transmission recorded from the direction of EE-00059, during which EE-00059-1 was observed. This conversation took place over a period of ten minutes between two parties, labeled POI-00059-A and POI-00059-B.
<BEGIN TRANSCRIPT> POI-00059-A: [STATIC]—Eight, one. Eight, four, [feel/register]?
POI-00059-B: [Correct/Normal], yet need haste [egress/outside] circle, [responsibility/commitment] within [UNKNOWN; Bedrock?]. Men, immortal [likewise/again].
Anomalous concentrations of gamma radiation begin emitting from EE-00059's approximate location.
Stationed agents report fluctuations in the KBC VOID consistent with levels of dark matter annihilation required to manifest such effects, though nonlocality has never been observed in this manner.
POI-00059-B: [Machine/System] [see/detect] [mire/darkness] imprint. Haste.
POI-00059-A: [STATIC]—nine—[STATIC]—[likewise/again], nine, one, nine, three. Gather none enough wave into [push/start].
POI-00059-B: Enemy [grasp/catch] soon, three [maybe/unsure] four—[STATIC]—[boat/ship] brethren, such distance, haste!
Radiation is observed steadily increasing in concentration. Reports are received of heightened anomalous activity originating from the [DATA PURGED PER O5 REQUEST] and [DATA PURGED PER O5 REQUEST] voids, while observatories monitoring locations of interest in deep space report visual distortions and measurement errors implying the observable universe was growing steadily closer to the KBC Void. This effect continued for remainder of event, along with luminal boundary phenomena akin to that which is postulated to occur during interactions with the CAUCHY HORIZON of spacetime.
POI-00059-B: [STATIC]—Move! Need [transport/movement], haste! [Catch/Grasp] persist yet protective [power/magic]!
EE-00059-1 is observed opening. Two objects can be seen occulting the wormhole, presumed to be POI- 00059-A and POI-00059-B, though they are too small to discern. Estimates place the two parties at ~.01 ly apart from one another. Despite the sudden manifestation of a celestial object in close vicinity to POI- 00059-A and POI-00059-B, no additional gravitational forces are observed, the two parties instead fighting an unknown force pulling them in the direction of the KBC Void anomaly. The two objects are seen blueshifting far greater than expected in response.
POI-00059-A: [UNKNOWN; Obscenity?]—Brethren, stay. [See/Detect] something—[STATIC]—none, none believe, [UNKNOWN; Current?] door [see/detect] into [fog/mist]!
POI-00059-A: [Likewise/Again]! [See/Detect]—[STATIC]—thing?
POI-00059-B: Understand, [likewise/again], yet regard [order/command]?
POI-00059-A: [UNKNOWN; Invert?]?
POI-00059-B: [STATIC]—bad [feel/register], [maybe/unsure] death—[STATIC]—impossible [choose/decide].
POI-00059-A: [STATIC]—sorry, [UNKNOWN; Name?]. Only [choose/decide], die into [UNKNOWN; Empty?] when [choose/decide] none.
POI-00059-A: Nine, five. None enough. None enough.
POI-00059-B: Understand. Haste, brethren. [See/detect] All into Paradise.
POI-00059-A: Paradise, [likewise/again].
A several second pause is heard. Background noises suggest one or both parties are still transmitting.
POI-00059-A: [UNKNOWN; Current?]—[STATIC]—left small. Tell All love, fortune.
POI-00059-B: Good fortune.
Another long pause. One of the objects is observed deviating from course and approaching EE-00059-1.
Background noise persists, mostly in the form of heavy breathing, steady ventilation, and various tones/alarms. After a minute, a low, rattling groan is heard, akin to a large structure resisting strong winds, increasing in volume as the object travels towards the wormhole/away from the KBC Void anomaly.
POI-00059-A: [STATIC]—close within [UNKNOWN; Shoreline?], brethren. All [STATIC]—could [see/detect], can't [catch/grasp] [correct/normal] word.
POI-00059-B: What? What [see/detect]?
POI-00059-A: [DISTORTED]—face. [DISTORTED]—[see/detect] [UNKNOWN; Name?] face! Blind vision —[DISTORTED]—[feel/register] fire. Fire! None—!
POI-00059-A: [DISTORTED] POI-00059-B: [UNKNOWN; Name?] face? None understand, impossible. Please [likewise/again]— POI-00059-A: [SCREAMING] Object corresponding to POI-00059-A is seen rapidly redshifting, vanishing into EE-00059-1 moments later.
POI-00059-B: [UNKNOWN; Obscenity?]! Need—Need [transport/movement], steady into walkway.
[[UNKNOWN; Name?]! [Likewise/Again]? [Likewise/Again]!
EE-00059-1 closes.
POI-00059-B: [UNKNOWN; Current?] left. Where [boat/ship] brethren? Where—[STATIC] POI-00059-B: None [likewise/again]. [UNKNOWN; Obscenity?]!
POI-00059-B: [STATIC] POI-00059-B: Transmit, All [UNKNOWN; Name?], mission within [UNKNOWN; Bedrock?] Survival [Transport/Movement] [Boat/Ship]. Enemy attack. [Mire/Darkness] only [UNKNOWN; Tendrils?]. Many remain, yet Source-body Earth [UNKNOWN; Undone?], left into [mist/fog]. [Maybe/Unsure]—[STATIC]— word within time. [Transport/Movement] into star [UNKNOWN; Cloud?] group ██-██-██.
Please. Any All, [maybe/unsure]—[STATIC]—help. None home. None, yet. Neighbor brethren left into [rot/dissolve] within. Rest sit between [UNKNOWN; Empty?]. Then All found Her, [likewise/again]. Yet [mire/darkness] found All [likewise/again]. Why? How?
Gamma radiation emissions reach the highest concentrations measured during EE-00059 as a massive distortion in spacetime is observed within the region of the KBC Void containing the constellation Indus.
An unknown form of luminescent blue-yellow matter is seen emerging and uncoiling into a barb-like appendage. It begins stretching towards POI-00059-B, utilizing an advanced form of macro-scale quantum tunneling akin to theoretical STUTTER WARP drives. The entity is seen creating multiple wormholes in [7] [8] quick succession and red-greenshifting as it threads itself through them, covering large distances instantaneously.
POI-00059-B: [Mire/Darkness] here. Have walkway through wave [push/start] [UNKNOWN; Wheel?].
[Likewise/Again], [transport/movement] into group ██-██-██.
POI-00059-B: [STATIC]—naki help All.
At this point, object corresponding to POI-00059-B could not be seen, but was detected upon engaging an unknown superluminal warp drive, which caused minor cosmic gravitational fluctuations recorded by the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) located in Hanford, Washington. The entity pursuing POI-00059-B reacted noticeably as well, retracting at high speed through the wormholes it created, all of which immediately dissipated. It then retreated through its incursion point and vanished.
Visual distortions and equipment errors ceased shortly thereafter. No further relevant activity has been detected from EE-00059's origin.
Exploration of EE-00059-1 [9] The Altruist-9 Probe, located in the Site-88 Astrophysics and Aerospace hangar.
In the event of EE-00059-1's reemergence upon contact with the location, the Altruist-9's support structures and core payload are kept encased in an exotic polypeptide oligomer weave derived from the wreckage of SCP-001-E1. See SCP-001 for more information.
◇ OPTIONAL SPECIFICATIONS AND ELABORATION In order to reach EE-00059 within a reasonable amount of time, the Altruist-9 was constructed with a prototype exotic faster-than-light (FTL) warp drive and high efficiency solar sails for complex maneuvers in a short distance. However, to minimize adverse quantum effects resulting from interaction between curved spacetime and the mixture of baryonic/non-baryonic matter used in the probe's inner construction, overall travel time will be increased drastically.
UPDATE: The launch of Altruist-9 was successful, carried out on January 8th, 2038.
UPDATE: On February 26th, 4783, the date of the Altruist-9's arrival into EE-00059's location, initial readings were recorded and proven to be non-anomalous. Moments later, however, activity from the region was detected; EE-00059-1 was seen manifesting adjacent to the probe, which was then piloted inside. The phenomenon once again ceased action after 102.0 seconds.
Due to the atypical and intense nature of these manifolds, the Altruist-9 will likely not be recovered from contact with EE-00059-1. However, functional capabilities of the probe's inner core are considered to have survived traversal and will continue to make observations on EE-00059-1's opposite side until CONTACT IS REESTABLISHED ON AN UNSPECIFIED DATE.
On May 18th, 2027, the Foundation proposed the construction of the Altruist-9 deep space probe to observe the status of EE-00059's location, which was approved by a majority vote of the O5 Council.
Given that SCP-001 has existed for the entirety of human memory and written history, the anomalous improbability of Earth's nature as compared to all other planets in the observable universe investigated by the Foundation's TELLUS Program is regarded as "normal" within public perception.
Personnel are to remind themselves daily of the anomalous nature of the planet, especially during times of perceived ennui in regards to their participation within the Foundation or when engaging in dissenting thought patterns. Personnel are to encourage one another to persevere through difficult workplace situations with the knowledge that the planet we inhabit is anomalous in its entirety and resists the order of civilization with chaos and aberration. Doing so has increased both productivity and containment success rates, the latter of which by over 12% in the last five years.
SCP-001-E1 is the designation for the remains of a superluminal INTERSTELLAR ARK recovered during an archeological expedition in the Atacama Desert of Chile between 1922-1946, led by American Paleontologist Dr. Hubert ███████. ███████ reported his findings to the Society for American Archaeology, piquing the interest of a number of different parties.
The remaining fragments of the ship's outer hull and mechanical components were excavated and found to be comprised of highly durable exotic polymers which were unaffected by time and environmental exposure.
Various dating methods have analyzed the material and yielded inconsistent results. Despite this, recovered information suggests the vessel was several billion years old.
[13] [14] [15] Large areas of SCP-001-E1 were noted to have been converted into makeshift living space, implying the vehicle was intact and did not crash upon its arrival. In addition, remnants of personal effects such as clothing, electronics, and furniture were recovered and eventually contained, all possessing anomalous materials and abilities that resisted normal wear to varying degrees. Though the full size of the vessel is unknown, extrapolation from recovered sections of fuselage suggest it was capable of containing a substantial inventory of supplies and a population of anywhere from roughly 200,000-800,000, the remains of which decomposed naturally, aside from the individuals discovered within SCP-001-E2.
SCP-001-E2 is a set of nine ten advanced cryogenic stasis pods discovered among the wreckage in a low- power "hibernation" mode during excavation of SCP-001-E1. Of the pods discovered, all but one were [DATA Fragments of structural material comprising SCP-001-E1's fuselage during transport for analysis. Section presumed to have been used for storage.
Exotic superluminal drive before extraction from SCP-001-E1's propulsion systems, used as a reference in the Altruist- 9's construction.
PURGED PER O5 REQUEST], with the final member, POI-001, possessing base physiology and brain activity expected from recovered imagery and records. POI-001's core tenets and general distrust of anomalous artifacts would establish the Foundation's presence on Earth as a force to contain aberrant objects, locations, and phenomena—beginning with those found inside SCP-001-E1.
Also found among the rubble were several data storage devices which appeared to have been destroyed, despite being comprised of similar exotic materials as other items found inside SCP-001-E1, suggesting they may have been damaged with exotic/anomalous tools. Analysis was largely unsuccessful, with the only salvageable information recovered from a ~4.2 cm fragment of compressed materials forming a complex, multilayered information medium presented as a set of vertical data stacks. The information recovered from the interpreted fragment were then translated from their original language, comprised of Class I cognitohazardous glyphs that appear similar to the engravings found on SCP-093.
These glyphs cause a subjective "Rosetta Stone" effect in readers, allowing for advanced comprehension of the material regardless of known lexicons and proficiency. However, certain words and identifiers such as names are still uninterpretable, lacking equivalent meaning or contextual basis. Clinical language retains a structured yet atypical format, while colloquial language possesses both an unfamiliar creole and syntactic structure. Analysis of the language is ongoing.
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