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A bald man with a long beard smiles faintly as he carries on his back a little girl wearing his hat |
Dante stumbles against the traitor Bocca degli Abati caught with others in the ice a frozen lake |
View of the Arno at Florence with a section of the Ponte alla Carraia busy with people and carts |
Terracotta vase with foliated ornaments and figures from The Tempest |
A family can be seen next to a holy water basin with two angels standing out in a ray of sunlight |
Three ghostly female figures are seen winding a rope on the top of a mountain surrounded by flames |
A woman carrying a parasol stands next to a small rose bush in a park dotted with cypresses |
A woman leans over a tall fishtank and teases the small fish swimming inside with a twig |
An Irish Wolfhound is seen from the side standing in moorland hills and looking backward |
A performing artist stands among large planets while juggling smaller ones and their satellites |
Machinelike musicians with heads like puffs of steam are playing a variety of instruments |
A youth stands on the back of a gliding eagle contemplating the castle standing before him |
Swanneck barouche and unspecified traveling carriage possibly a variant of the britzka |
Two flying devils are about to crash into each other above a pit of boiling tar |
A Victoria a light carriage with a folding top and the Sovereign a four wheel closed vehicle |
A spectacled man is seen in fulllength standing in the pew and singing from a book of anthems |
Lilium brownii is a plant in the family Liliaceae native to China |
Mr Smiths Yellow RoseBay Rhododendron smithii aureum is a plant in the family Ericaceae |
A man reclining on a small river boat plays the banjo as a woman pushs on the oar behind him |
A shepherd takes shelter from the heavy rain by flattening himself against a tree trunk |
A traveler is sitting on a fence his dog and his bag next to him as he stares at the sky |
A woman stands smiling in a richly decorated room while her furniture is being taken away by movers |
Gardens of Harewood House after a storm showing a balustrade fountains and flower beds |
Gardens at Alton Towers with the colonnade a walk and the Gothic Prospect Tower in the background |
Crosssection of three levels of the Wieliczka Salt Mine showing multiple chambers stables etc |
A youth is sitting on the edge of a cliff blowing into a horn with his legs dangling in the void |
Lower case and capital W showing a girl and a dog dancing and a man bracing himself to fight another |
lower case and capital H showing boys playing hide seek and a man playing the bandoneon to a woman |
A monkey wearing a feathered hat walks around the countryside playing the pipe and tabor |
An anthropomorphic tree comes alive to catch a scarecrow with its branches |
A girl stands in the woods with a robotlike creature and a scarecrow looking like a rag doll |
A man in a striped gown speaks to another sitting in front of the fireplace holding a bellows |
A woman is sitting on a bench outside a cottage merging with the trees and vegetation around |
View of a rustic cottage with a thatched roof as seen from the chimney side |
A woman and her interlocutor are seen from above through the branches and leaves of a tree |
Interior of a cylinder glass factory with workers busy blowing cylinders around a furnace |
A veiled woman walks at night along a colonnade in the upper floors of a palace |
A couple has put its children in safety on a rock where a tiger has found refuge with her cubs |
Color plate showing a symmetrical pattern with starshaped passionflowers and foliage |
Square panel with geometric decoration including stars and a multifoil motif |
A young man leans forward to kiss a woman as she was about to go through a gate |
A woman and a man with a parrot on his shoulder ride winged horse flying over a wide river |
A woman floats in the air a radiant gem shining in her hand as she looks up toward the sky |
Two men are fighting on a hillock one wielding a knife and about to stab the other |
Shells of three species of sea snails in the family Conidae commonly known as cone snails |
Plate showing the shells of four sea snails in the family Muricidae |
A man sees his family into a carriage as the neighbors look on from doorways and balconies |
An older woman sitting by a staircase shows a spinningwheel to a younger one |
A princely couple stands in the foreground interlocking arms followed by other couples |
Three workers at a soap factory are moving an oil barrel up an inclined plane made of two planks |
The letters Q R S T are drawn in white over a background of plants and fruit |
Four men in evening dress stand holding hands to contain a crowd of guests in similar attire |
A woman sitting at a grand piano plays and sings under the gaze of a man leaning beside her |
Fourth plate of Rethels Dance of Death showing Death stirring up an uprising and offering a sword |
A young man in ancient dress is seen from the side raising his hand to bid farewell |
A man in extravagant garments strikes a pose in the midst of lush vegetation |
Leaves and acorns of the southern live oak Quercus virginiana a tree in the family Fagaceae |
Engraving showing two ringtailed lemurs a species of primate in the family Lemuridae |
A group of squirrels has stopped by a tree looking in all directions as an owl sits nearby |
A sleepy owl sits with mice in its claws heedless of the squirrels fluttering about |
A man stands at the edge of a trench speaking into a microphone as war rages around him |
Northern end of the Aletsch Glacier with view of the Jungfrau the Monch and the Trugberg |
A circular group of mountains with jagged summits slopes down toward the Norwegian Sea |
A group of people is seen at the end of a picnic by a large waterwheel smoking singing etc |
A Fifteencentury soldier in the army of the King of Castile is about to swing his sling |
EighthCentury foot soldier wearing a coat of plate and covers himself with a kite shield |
A woman leans out of a window to talk to a mother with her little girl in the street below |
Rocaille composition combining seashelllike elements and vegetation with mythological figures |
Engraving showing a liontailed macaque Macaca silenus a monkey native to India |
Two crested terns are sitting on a rock surrounded by the sea facing opposite directions |
An Australasian Darter is perched on the branch of a fallen tree with marshland in the background |
Illustrated title for An Address to the Deil showing a man peering into one of Hells chambers |
Gravediggers are lowering a coffin into the ground while three men stand side by side by the grave |
A man stands on a shingle bank while the sun sets behind the hills across the river |
A hedgehog performs a forward roll to impale and pick up an apple on its spines |
A is seen slightly from the back sitting in a deckchair a parasol at her side |
At an exhibition a woman with her face turned way from the viewer looks at the pictures |
Perspective view of the Corliss gear cutter designed for cutting the teeth of large bevel gears |
A worker lays a cable at the top of one of the piers of the Brooklyn bridge |
Engraving showing a Virginia opossum a marsupial in the family Didelphidae native to the Americas |
Three men in a room try to locate the fourth one who is hanging from the ceiling on a rope |
A man sitting in a large basin barely manages to stay afloat on the open sea |
View of the Chimera gallery at NotreDame showing the colonnade and crows fluttering about |
A boy accidentally fires a gun smashing a clock and making a hole in the wall |
A bass drum player has his instrument shot through as he marches much to his astonishment |
A pimp and his girl stand by a streetlamp on a street overrun by frisky dogs |
Three workers and a woman have gathered around the oldest one who reads a newspaper |
View of stalk leaves and flowers of Shell ginger in the foreground of an open landscape |
While walking through luxuriant vegetation Cupid aims his arrow at a group of flowers |
A pirate wearing a red sash stands on a beach next to a chest as two men dig a hole in the sand |
A woman dressed in the 1830s fashion reads from a book as NotreDame stands in the background |
A ship filled with travelers is sailing with its sails swollen by the wind |
Illfortune is symbolized by a naked woman riding a bird and brandishing punishment instruments |
Two elderly women examine the back of a younger one seen from the side |
Two gnomes are squatting at the foot of tree on which a bird and an imaginary creature are perched |
View of the Ganges with the city of Varanasi on its shore showing domes and minarets |
A young woman is sitting on a bench between two men one kissing her the other crying |
A man in uniform plays blind mans buff at a reception and starts groping around |
A crazedlooking dog comes racing forth as two men watch in the background hidden behind a rock |
A man crouches at the bottom of a hut as the shadow of a man approaching can be seen on the ground |
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