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###Query: Classify the following movie review as positive or negative
###Review: We know from other movies that the actors are good but they cannot save the movie. A waste of time. The premise was not too bad. But one workable idea (interaction between real bussinessmen and Russian mafia) is not followed by an intelligent script
###Classification: negative</s>
| 0neg
###Query: Classify the following movie review as positive or negative
###Review: Definitely not worth the rental, but if you catch it on cable, you'll be pleasantly surprised by the cameos--Iman's appearance is especially self-deprecating. It's also an opportunity to watch all the male supporting cast members from The Sopranos typecast themselves.
###Classification: negative</s>
| 0neg
###Query: Classify the following movie review as positive or negative
###Review: This film makes "American Pie" a sophisticated movie! No further comment needed. Humor is cheap, dialogues are stupid and the cast is awkward. Every cliché is used several times without any original twist. And far the worst, the movie turns out to be more catholic than the Pope. It's so sad.
###Classification: negative</s>
| 0neg
###Query: Classify the following movie review as positive or negative
###Review: Bottom-of-the-Freddy barrel. This is the worst film in the series, beating "Freddy's Revenge" for that title. A cheap-looking (with mediocre special effects), incoherent mess, with Freddy turned into a punster. He has one or two cool lines, but that doesn't save this illogical and sloppy sequel.
###Classification: negative</s>
| 0neg
###Query: Classify the following movie review as positive or negative
###Review: Come on. The new twist is nearly ok, but from avenging the Elm Street children Freddy is just killing people now. More of the same: Special effects with no actual character development or anything. Simply bad and insulting. SCARY..? Nope. Not at all. Just bad.
###Classification: negative</s>
| 0neg
###Query: Classify the following movie review as positive or negative
###Review: Perhaps the biggest waste of production time, money and the space on the video store shelf. If someone suggests you see this movie, run screaming in the other direction. Unless, of course, you're into self-abuse.
###Classification: negative</s>
| 0neg
###Query: Classify the following movie review as positive or negative
###Review: this is a great movie. I love the series on tv and so I loved the movie. One of the best things in the movie is that Helga finally admits her deepest darkest secret to Arnold!!! that was great. i loved it it was pretty funny too. It's a great movie! Doy!!!
###Classification: negative</s>
| 0neg
###Query: Classify the following movie review as positive or negative
###Review: tries to be funny and fails miserably. The animation is just terrible, looks like a 2 year old threw it together in his sleep. Plot is dull and cliched. IF you have a young child, maybe rent it. but don't waste hard earned money to pay to see it.<br /><br />1/10
###Classification: negative</s>
| 0neg
###Query: Classify the following movie review as positive or negative
###Review: This crew-versus-monsta has been done a hundred times, sometimes better. This one was pretty slow-moving ; only the monster's resurrection was really worthwhile. Attempts at character developments gets botched by routine. Yeah, "routine" is the word. Went straight to video in France. No wonder
###Classification: negative</s>
| 0neg
###Query: Classify the following movie review as positive or negative
###Review: This movie was absolutely terrible. I can't believe I paid to see it in the theatre. I wouldn't watch it on free cable t.v. I'm surprised that Joe Magtena even made it. Do not waste your time with this movie.
###Classification: negative</s>
| 0neg
###Query: Classify the following movie review as positive or negative
###Review: I know a few things that are worst. A few. It had a couple of funny scenes. It is a movie not appropriate for kids but, only a child would find this movie hilarious. This is definetly a movie that you would like to use a free rental coupon for. Don't waste your money just to laugh a couple of times.
###Classification: negative</s>
| 0neg
###Query: Classify the following movie review as positive or negative
###Review: It's the worst movie I've ever seen. The action is so unclear, work of cameras is so poor, actors are so affected ... and this lamentable 5 minutes of Arnie on the screen. My advice from the bottom of my heart - don't watch it unless you like such a low class torture.
###Classification: negative</s>
| 0neg
###Query: Classify the following movie review as positive or negative
###Review: "Ally McBeal" was a decent enough show, but it was very overrated. The characters become boring after a while and the jokes begin to fall short.<br /><br />I think it chose an appropriate point in time to leave - it was starting to outstay its welcome.
###Classification: negative</s>
| 0neg
###Query: Classify the following movie review as positive or negative
###Review: This tear-teaser, written by Steve Martin himself, is so unbelievably bad, it makes you sick to your stomach!<br /><br />The plot is pathetic, the acting awful, and the dialogue is even more predictable than the ending.<br /><br />Avoid at all costs!
###Classification: negative</s>
| 0neg
###Query: Classify the following movie review as positive or negative
###Review: HORRID!!<br /><br />The special effects make the TV version of "Tremors" look real!<br /><br />No one in the cast can act.<br /><br />Kind of like the '62 "Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea" meets the cartoon ocean going electric eel cartoons.
###Classification: negative</s>
| 0neg
###Query: Classify the following movie review as positive or negative
###Review: Slim Slam Slum is a sad and disappointing picture. There is absolutely no reason to this sorry excuse for a picture. Don`t go there, what ever you do, don`t. Watch TV-Shop for 10 hours straight instead. That way you will be slightly amused.
###Classification: negative</s>
| 0neg
###Query: Classify the following movie review as positive or negative
###Review: I have never seen a movie as bad as this. It is meant to be a "fun" movie, but the only joke is at the start, and it is NOT funny. If you like this sort of movie, then you may just be able to give it a vote of 2. If it had the necessary votes, it would truly belong on the bottom 100.<br /><br />
###Classification: negative</s>
| 0neg
###Query: Classify the following movie review as positive or negative
###Review: This movie is so bad, it can only be compared to the all-time worst "comedy": Police Academy 7. No laughs throughout the movie. Do something worthwhile, anything really. Just don't waste your time on this garbage.
###Classification: negative</s>
| 0neg
###Query: Classify the following movie review as positive or negative
###Review: This is without a doubt the worst movie I have ever seen. It is not funny. It is not interesting and should not have been made.
###Classification: negative</s>
| 0neg
###Query: Classify the following movie review as positive or negative
###Review: People love the original story for its ending. The Hollywood style ending made this 99 version of 'A Dog of Flanders' just for kids movie. I didn't cry this time because the story was too Hollywood. Japanese TV series are much better.
###Classification: negative</s>
| 0neg
###Query: Classify the following movie review as positive or negative
###Review: Olivier Gruner stars as Jacques a foreign exchange college student who takes on and single handedly wipes out a Mexican street gang in this obnoxious and racist film which is so horrible that it's laughable. Bad acting, bad plot and bad fight choreography make Angel Town a Turkey.
###Classification: negative</s>
| 0neg
###Query: Classify the following movie review as positive or negative
###Review: Any movie that portrays the hard-working responsible husband as the person who has to change because of bored, cheating wife is an obvious result of 8 years of the Clinton era.<br /><br />It's little wonder that this movie was written by a woman.
###Classification: negative</s>
| 0neg
###Query: Classify the following movie review as positive or negative
###Review: I'm a Don Johnson fan, but this is undoubtedly the WORST movie, done by anybody, that I've ever seen. The acting was bad, as was the cinematography. Don should stick to doing action, because as The King, he just didn't cut it.
###Classification: negative</s>
| 0neg
###Query: Classify the following movie review as positive or negative
###Review: A movie has rarely left me as cold as this one. There is not a bit of tension, not a second of fear, not a moment we jump, even a little bit. The girl is cute, yeah. That's it. Was that worth a movie ? I knew it wasn't supposed to be a great movie, but I was at least expecting one.
###Classification: negative</s>
| 0neg
###Query: Classify the following movie review as positive or negative
###Review: Ming The Merciless does a little Bardwork and a movie most foul!
###Classification: negative</s>
| 0neg
###Query: Classify the following movie review as positive or negative
###Review: Repugnant Bronson thriller. Unfortunately, it's technically good and I gave it 4/10, but it's so utterly vile that it would be inconceivable to call it "entertainment". Far more disturbing than a typical slasher film.
###Classification: negative</s>
| 0neg
###Query: Classify the following movie review as positive or negative
###Review: Terrible story, poor acting and no humour at all (apart from the final joke at the end)<br /><br />Some sort of ugly angel is sent to earth to save a boy and his mum from being thrown out of their home. Supposed to be a kiddies movie, but even they will not be amused by this terrible film
###Classification: negative</s>
| 0neg
###Query: Classify the following movie review as positive or negative
###Review: Worst movie, (with the best reviews given it) I've ever seen. Over the top dialog, acting, and direction. more slasher flick than thriller.With all the great reviews this movie got I'm appalled that it turned out so silly. shame on you martin scorsese
###Classification: negative</s>
| 0neg
###Query: Classify the following movie review as positive or negative
###Review: This film is so ridiculously idiot that you may actually laugh at it. But no, even this is too much for this lost meters of celluloid. I found it as an offer in a magazine and that's why I've seen it. I regret the time I lost to see this. 1 out of 10 (because they don't have a lower grade).
###Classification: negative</s>
| 0neg
###Query: Classify the following movie review as positive or negative
###Review: If you haven't seen this, it's terrible. It is pure trash. I saw this about 17 years ago, and I'm still screwed up from it.
###Classification: negative</s>
| 0neg
###Query: Classify the following movie review as positive or negative
###Review: I think that movie can`t be a Scott`s film. That is impossible. Do you remember Blade Runner? And Alien? Two greats movies versus a one. I hope didn´t see ever it. good bye!!
###Classification: negative</s>
| 0neg
###Query: Classify the following movie review as positive or negative
###Review: Were I not with friends, and so cheap, I would have walked out. It failed miserably as satire and didn't even have the redemption of camp.
###Classification: negative</s>
| 0neg
###Query: Classify the following movie review as positive or negative
###Review: This film features two of my favorite guilty pleasures. Sure, the effects are laughable, the story confused, but just watching Hasselhoff in his Knight Rider days is always fun. I especially like the old hotel they used to shoot this in, it added to what little suspense was mustered. Give it a 3.
###Classification: negative</s>
| 0neg
###Query: Classify the following movie review as positive or negative
###Review: I appreciate a think positive feel good about yourself film, but this is too much. In the end they look like a bunch of loonies. This film is one of those finding yourself 70's plots, I know the film is made in 1980. A lot more of Clint and girl friend movie. This movie is a 3/10.
###Classification: negative</s>
| 0neg
###Query: Classify the following movie review as positive or negative
###Review: As much as the movie was good, i have nothing more to say about it than what was said already. all i wanted is to point the fact that the movie isnt from Sweden but from Denemark. Maybe I wrong and in that case i'll be happy to know my mistakes so take the and notify me.
###Classification: positive</s>
| 1pos
###Query: Classify the following movie review as positive or negative
###Review: Before Dogma 95: when Lars used movies as art, not just a story. A beautiful painting about love and death. This is one of my favorite movies of all time. The color... The music... Just perfect.
###Classification: positive</s>
| 1pos
###Query: Classify the following movie review as positive or negative
###Review: This is the definite Lars von Trier Movie, my favorite, I rank it higher than "Breaking the waves" or the latest "Dancer in the Dark"... I simply love the beauty of the picture...the framing is so original; acting is wonderful, A MUST SEE.
###Classification: positive</s>
| 1pos
###Query: Classify the following movie review as positive or negative
###Review: What a surprise; two outstanding performances by the lead actresses in this film. This is the best work Busy Phillips has ever done and the best from Erika Christensen since Traffic. This film certainly should be in Oscar contention. See this movie!
###Classification: positive</s>
| 1pos
###Query: Classify the following movie review as positive or negative
###Review: Another good Stooge short!Christine McIntyre is so lovely and evil and the same time in this one!She is such a great actress!The Stooges are very good and especially Shemp and Larry!This to is a good one to watch around Autumn time!
###Classification: positive</s>
| 1pos
###Query: Classify the following movie review as positive or negative
###Review: Liked Stanley & Iris very much. Acting was very good. Story had a unique and interesting arrangement. The absence of violence and sex was refreshing. Characters were very convincing and felt like you could understand their feelings. Very enjoyable movie.
###Classification: positive</s>
| 1pos
###Query: Classify the following movie review as positive or negative
###Review: Liked Stanley & Iris very much. Acting was very good. Story had a unique and interesting arrangement. The absence of violence and porno sex was refreshing. Characters were very convincing and felt like you could understand their feelings. Very enjoyable movie.
###Classification: positive</s>
| 1pos
###Query: Classify the following movie review as positive or negative
###Review: Growing up in a multi racial neighborhood back in the 20's and 30's, I grew up very close to most of the Italian families living there. This move brought back so many pleasant memories. this is a movie most people would like who enjoy seeing more true to life movies.
###Classification: positive</s>
| 1pos
###Query: Classify the following movie review as positive or negative
###Review: A wonderful movie! Anyone growing up in an Italian family will definitely see themselves in these characters. A good family movie with sadness, humor, and very good acting from all. You will enjoy this movie!! We need more like it.
###Classification: positive</s>
| 1pos
###Query: Classify the following movie review as positive or negative
###Review: This is a very enjoyable film with excellent actors and actresses evoking a range of emotions. It contains some really excellent humour which the whole family can enjoy. You get to know the characters quickly and experience their ups and downs. And, it ends very upbeat
###Classification: positive</s>
| 1pos
###Query: Classify the following movie review as positive or negative
###Review: <br /><br />One of the best films I've ever seen. Robert Duvall's performance was excellent and outstanding. He did a wonderful job of making a character really come to life. His character was so convincing, it made me almost think I were in the theater watching it live, I give it 5 stars.
###Classification: positive</s>
| 1pos
###Query: Classify the following movie review as positive or negative
###Review: Perhaps the funniest 'backstage at Hollywood' movie ever, especially for a look at comedy short factories like Keystone.<br /><br />Marion Davies should get a medal for bravery for taking a part where acting poorly in front of a camera is part of the role. Plenty of cameos for film buffs.
###Classification: positive</s>
| 1pos
###Query: Classify the following movie review as positive or negative
###Review: One of my favorite scenes is at the beginning when guests on a private yacht decide to take an impromptu swim - in their underwear! Rather risqué for 1931!
###Classification: positive</s>
| 1pos
###Query: Classify the following movie review as positive or negative
###Review: A funny comedy from beginning to end! There are several hilarious scenes but it's also loaded with many subtle comedic moments which is what made the movie for me. Creative story line with a very talented cast. I thoroughly enjoyed it!
###Classification: positive</s>
| 1pos
###Query: Classify the following movie review as positive or negative
###Review: More eeriness and dark secrets released in the final parts of Lars Von Trier's fantastic horror satire The Kingdom... Much more is revealed and the ending just leaves you begging for more. Plus a great performance from Udo Kier in a more substantial role...
###Classification: positive</s>
| 1pos
###Query: Classify the following movie review as positive or negative
###Review: This is an excellent film, with an extraordinary cast and acting. I was very disappointed with the Academy Awards when this didn't get the Oscar for best film and for best actress (Woopi Goldberg)... it certainly deserved it. In any case, take a look at it. i am sure you will enjoy it very much.
###Classification: positive</s>
| 1pos
###Query: Classify the following movie review as positive or negative
###Review: I loved This Movie. When I saw it on Febuary 3rd I knew I had to buy It!!! It comes out to buy on July 24th!!! It has cool deaths scenes, Hot girls, great cast, good story , good acting. Great Slasher Film. the Movies is about some serial killer killing off four girls. SEE this movies
###Classification: positive</s>
| 1pos
###Query: Classify the following movie review as positive or negative
###Review: Wonderful film that mixes documentary and fiction in a way that makes the spectator question: what is the extent of truth in documentary films or is there such a thing as an objective documentary.
###Classification: positive</s>
| 1pos
###Query: Classify the following movie review as positive or negative
###Review: Enterprise is the entertainment, but it is also the forefront of Science Fiction and a positive outlook for tomorrow. With gratitude and respect Mr. Berman and Mr. Braga. I wish you well, thank you both for your service to Trek.<br /><br />Enterprise is what Trek is about...
###Classification: positive</s>
| 1pos
###Query: Classify the following movie review as positive or negative
###Review: Don't know how this missed award nominations. Great film. Certainly of the calibre of "Beautiful Mind" Great acting, photography, script and drama. I can't imagine anyone not being entranced by this film.
###Classification: positive</s>
| 1pos
###Query: Classify the following movie review as positive or negative
###Review: This movie was well done in all respects. The acting is superb along with the fine audio soundtrack which I purchased because it was so moving. It is my all time favorite movie ahead of eastwoods "white hunter,black heart". This movie is simply the best.<br /><br />cheers Zuf
###Classification: positive</s>
| 1pos
###Query: Classify the following movie review as positive or negative
###Review: As a psychiatrist specialized in trauma, I find this film a beautiful shown example of a severe psychic trauma, even a trauma. It not only explains the enormous difficulties those people have to cope wither, but that even love is sometimes not enough. But she tries!
###Classification: positive</s>
| 1pos
###Query: Classify the following movie review as positive or negative
###Review: for those of you who love lord of the rings and love special effects, watch this movie! this will be sure to keep you glued to the screen. you will probably even like it if you like watching people fight with magical stuff.
###Classification: positive</s>
| 1pos
###Query: Classify the following movie review as positive or negative
###Review: "Foxes" is a great film. The four young actresses Jodie Foster, Cherie Currie, Marilyn Kagan and Kandice Stroh are wonderful. The song "On the radio" by Donna Summer is lovely. A great film. *****
###Classification: positive</s>
| 1pos
###Query: Classify the following movie review as positive or negative
###Review: Hello. This movie is.......well.......okay. Just kidding! ITS AWESOME! It's NOT a Block Buster smash hit. It's not meant to be. But its a big hit in my world. And my sisters. We are rockin' Rollers. GO RAMONES!!!! This is a great movie.............. For ME!
###Classification: positive</s>
| 1pos
###Query: Classify the following movie review as positive or negative
###Review: I simply love this movie. I also love the Ramones, so I am sorta biased to begin with in the first place. There isn't a lot of critical praise to give this film, either you like it or you don't. I think it's a great cult movie.
###Classification: positive</s>
| 1pos
###Query: Classify the following movie review as positive or negative
###Review: What can I add that the previous comments haven't already said. This is a great film and the Light Sabre duel Star Wars tribute has to be seen to be believed!! There are moments of genius throughout this movie, if you can, SEE IT NOW! Thanks again to Rick Baker who gave me this movie many years ago!
###Classification: positive</s>
| 1pos
###Query: Classify the following movie review as positive or negative
###Review: This is a refreshing, enjoyable movie. If you enjoyed, "Four Weddings and A Funeral", "Peter's Friends", etc., you will see a number of familiar and talented actors. Made me laugh, made me sad. I view movies for entertainment, and English-set movies generally fit that bill for me. Enjoy!
###Classification: positive</s>
| 1pos
###Query: Classify the following movie review as positive or negative
###Review: I thought this was one of those really great films to see with a bunch of close friends. I laughed and cried and laughed and cried at the same time. It was just really touching. Although not a new concept this was a very well made film.
###Classification: positive</s>
| 1pos
###Query: Classify the following movie review as positive or negative
###Review: Well, I thoroughly enjoyed this movie. It was funny and sad and yes, the guy Andie MacDowell shagged was hot. Interesting, realistic characters and plots as well as beautiful scenery. I think my Mum would like it. I still think they should have been allowed to call it the Sad F**kers Club though...
###Classification: positive</s>
| 1pos
###Query: Classify the following movie review as positive or negative
###Review: I think the weighted average for this film is too low. I give it a 7. Very entertaining, although over the top in a few places. My wife says it passes the Danielle Steele test. Superb performances throughout, particularly by Andie MacDowell.
###Classification: positive</s>
| 1pos
###Query: Classify the following movie review as positive or negative
###Review: The movie is great and I like the story. I prefer this movie than other movie such The cell ( sick movie ) and Highlander ( silly movie ). I just tell the truth, I like a reality hehe and also a true story :)<br /><br />
###Classification: positive</s>
| 1pos
###Query: Classify the following movie review as positive or negative
###Review: i would never have thought that it would be possible to make such an impressive movie without any music. but it is. just the pictures. watch out for that picture: anne talking with that little boy benny 'bout the soul. really strong. might make you feel different.
###Classification: positive</s>
| 1pos
###Query: Classify the following movie review as positive or negative
###Review: I saw a lot films about Charles Dickens' Christmas Carol. But this one is the best of all! There is an atmosphere which is exactly the same as in the book. The actors (George C. Scott and others) are great! Unfortunately, you can't often watch the film in Germany and Switzerland.
###Classification: positive</s>
| 1pos
###Query: Classify the following movie review as positive or negative
###Review: This version of the Charles Dickens novel features George C Scott as the Scrooge. Fine casting, especially the choice of Scott, who plays the role to the hilt..a fine cast supports him in the very good adaption. A Modern day holiday classic on a scale of one to ten..9
###Classification: positive</s>
| 1pos
###Query: Classify the following movie review as positive or negative
###Review: Did Sandra (yes, she must have) know we would still be here for her some nine years later?<br /><br />See it if you haven't, again if you have; see her live while you can.
###Classification: positive</s>
| 1pos
###Query: Classify the following movie review as positive or negative
###Review: Great acting, great movie. If you are thinking of building see this movie first. The dollar amounts may have changed but everything else is the same. The humor is true to life and emotions are those that anyone who has built has felt.
###Classification: positive</s>
| 1pos
###Query: Classify the following movie review as positive or negative
###Review: dark angel rocks! the best show i have seen in ages damn those people who took it off! me and my friends have gatherings to watch every DA episode! takes like 4 days but it is worth it! it finished before it finished what it wanted to say and that annoys the hell out of me!
###Classification: positive</s>
| 1pos
###Query: Classify the following movie review as positive or negative
###Review: This is an absolute great show. Jessica Alba, besides being the most beautiful women in the world, is a great actress. She does a great job of portraying Max, and I could never see anyone else doing that role. She is definitely one of a kind and absolutely gorgeous.
###Classification: positive</s>
| 1pos
###Query: Classify the following movie review as positive or negative
###Review: this is the best sci-fi that I have seen in my 29 years of watching sci-fi. I also believe that Dark Angel will become a cult favorite. The action is great but Jessica Alba is the best and most gorgeous star on TV today.
###Classification: positive</s>
| 1pos
###Query: Classify the following movie review as positive or negative
###Review: The movie was a suspenseful, and somewhat dark, look at the severe results of a genuinely human mistake. Connery and Fishburne work very well together in this thriller about murder and redemption. Keep your boots on for the strange turnaround at the end of the movie...you'd never expect it!
###Classification: positive</s>
| 1pos
###Query: Classify the following movie review as positive or negative
###Review: I just saw the movie on tv. I really enjoyed it. I like a good mystery. and this one had me guessing up to the end. Sean Connery did a good job. I would recomend it to a friend.
###Classification: positive</s>
| 1pos
###Query: Classify the following movie review as positive or negative
###Review: As usual, Sean Connery does a great job. Lawrence Fishburn is good, but I have a hard time not seeing him as Ike Turner.
###Classification: positive</s>
| 1pos
###Query: Classify the following movie review as positive or negative
###Review: This Schiffer guy is a real genius! The movie is of excellent quality and both entertaining and educating.<br /><br />I didn't know what a weather girl was before I learned it here.
###Classification: positive</s>
| 1pos
###Query: Classify the following movie review as positive or negative
###Review: This movie is great, the music "with the exception of the very first song in the movie" was awesome. The story line is awesome too, it's just basically a wonderfull movie, for ALL ages. I found the last battle scene awesome! Basically this was a great flick!
###Classification: positive</s>
| 1pos
###Query: Classify the following movie review as positive or negative
###Review: I hope she can keep acting and directing. She's surely up to the task and could easily develop that visionary streak into a long career of unconventional and rare works of art. Her work has a rare kind of generosity and her timing is spot-on! Oy I'm kvell
###Classification: positive</s>
| 1pos
###Query: Classify the following movie review as positive or negative
###Review: "Tulip" is on the "Australian All Shorts" video from "Tribe First Rites" showcasing the talents of first time directors.<br /><br />I wish more scripts had such excellent dialogue.<br /><br />I hope Rachel Griffiths has more stories to tell, she does it so well.
###Classification: positive</s>
| 1pos
###Query: Classify the following movie review as positive or negative
###Review: this movie scared me so bad, i am easily scared though so its no big thing but this movie was scary and whoever wasnt scared by this movie, im surprised because everyone i know said it was scary, i hope everyone sees it, but dont see it with the lights off like i did....
###Classification: positive</s>
| 1pos
###Query: Classify the following movie review as positive or negative
###Review: This movie is brilliant. The comments made before is from someone who obviously doesn't get it. The movie is campy- yes! But it is uplifting and fun. This movie is an underground hit and brings comparisons to Absolutely Fabulous. It is a must see!
###Classification: positive</s>
| 1pos
###Query: Classify the following movie review as positive or negative
###Review: I would never have thought I would almost cry viewing one minute excerpted from a 1920 black and white movie without sound. Thanks to Martin Scorsese I did (the movie was from F. Borzage). You will start to understand (if it's not already the case), what makes a good movie.
###Classification: positive</s>
| 1pos
###Query: Classify the following movie review as positive or negative
###Review: Kept my attention from start to finish. Great performances added to this tremendous film. Mr. Pacino once again gives us another brilliant character to enjoy.
###Classification: positive</s>
| 1pos
###Query: Classify the following movie review as positive or negative
###Review: Brilliant execution in displaying once and for all, this time in the venue of politics, of how "good intentions do actually pave the road to hell". Excellent!
###Classification: positive</s>
| 1pos
###Query: Classify the following movie review as positive or negative
###Review: Portrays the day to day stark reality of survival on a ranch in the old west. Outstanding acting by both principal actors. This doesn't even feel like a movie...you feel like you're there. Animal activists should beware...many scenes are obviously not just realistic...they are real.
###Classification: positive</s>
| 1pos
###Query: Classify the following movie review as positive or negative
###Review: I havent seen that movie in 20 or more years but I remember the attack scene with the horses wearing gas-masks vividly, this scene ranks way up there with the best of them including the beach scene on Saving private Ryan, I recommend it strongly.
###Classification: positive</s>
| 1pos
###Query: Classify the following movie review as positive or negative
###Review: I saw this film by chance on the small box. It has a fantastic and chilling scene about poisonous gas. A lot about fanatical patriotism. A bit of eroticism. I can't believe it's still waiting for 5 votes!!
###Classification: positive</s>
| 1pos
###Query: Classify the following movie review as positive or negative
###Review: Excellent film. Suzy Kendall will hold your interest throughout. Has not been shown on American TV for a decade. One scene that has always stayed with me is the German cavalry gas attack. You will find others. Hope they soon put it on tape.
###Classification: positive</s>
| 1pos
###Query: Classify the following movie review as positive or negative
###Review: Much underrated camp movie on the level of Cobra Woman, etc. Photographic stills resemble Rembrandt prints. Sometimes subtle dialog and hidden literate touches found throughout.
###Classification: positive</s>
| 1pos
###Query: Classify the following movie review as positive or negative
###Review: I don't know how anyone could hate this movie. It is so funny. It took a unique mind to come up with this storyline. It's not your typical alien movie. These aliens are so stupid and confused. You need to rent it at least once.
###Classification: positive</s>
| 1pos
###Query: Classify the following movie review as positive or negative
###Review: Laughs, adventure, a good time, a killer soundtrack, oscar-worthy acting, and special effects/ animitronics like none other, what else could you want in a movie? If you see this will be on the telly, WATCH IT, otherwise, run out now to RENT IT!!!
###Classification: positive</s>
| 1pos
###Query: Classify the following movie review as positive or negative
###Review: Anyone who does not find this movie funny, does not understand simple comedy. This movie is not a complex comedy, it is full of one liners, and sight gags, and will make anyone who wants to laugh, laugh... The alien who is doing a Nicholson impression will crack you up!
###Classification: positive</s>
| 1pos
###Query: Classify the following movie review as positive or negative
###Review: This movie is just plain silly. Almost every scene has some bit of humor: running gags, slapstick, and great jokes. The acting isn't that great, and the plot is cliche, but the jokes more than make up for that. If you have a chance to see this movie, I recommend that you do.
###Classification: positive</s>
| 1pos
###Query: Classify the following movie review as positive or negative
###Review: The way the story is developed, keeps the audience wondering what is the tenant's dark past. We get some clues during the series, but enough to keep us interested in the mini-series. The characters are all believable and I personally felt immersed and surrounded by the story.
###Classification: positive</s>
| 1pos
###Query: Classify the following movie review as positive or negative
###Review: Paul & Grace Hartman are my husbands grandparents. They were both deceased when we met so watching old movies is a good way to see them and their work. I have always enjoyed old movies and was very happy to discover that this was also a very good one.
###Classification: positive</s>
| 1pos
###Query: Classify the following movie review as positive or negative
###Review: I thought this film was just about perfect. The descriptions/summaries you'll read about this movie don't do it justice. The plot just does not sound very interesting, BUT IT IS. Just rent it and you will not be sorry!!
###Classification: positive</s>
| 1pos
###Query: Classify the following movie review as positive or negative
###Review: I caught this movie about 8 years ago, and have never had it of my mind. surely someone out there will release it on Video, or hey why not DVD! The ford coupe is the star.......if you have any head for cars WATCH THIS and be blown away.
###Classification: positive</s>
| 1pos
###Query: Classify the following movie review as positive or negative
###Review: Verry classic plot but a verry fun horror movie for home movie party Really gore in the second part This movie proves that you can make something fun with a small budget. I hope that the director will make another one
###Classification: positive</s>
| 1pos
Subsets and Splits