Azmine Toushik Wasi


AI & ML interests

- ๐Ÿ’  Graph Neural Networks (GNN): I am exploring Graph Neural Network or Geometric Machine Learning Theories, applying and improving GNN models and resources in Healthcare (Drugs, Proteins and Molecules), Knowledge Graphs and Supply Chains. - ๐Ÿงฌ Medical AI: In Medical AI, I am working on developing AI systems for Healthcare, mainly focusing on Computational Molecular Biology - Neuroscience, Bioinformatics, Computational Drug Discovery and Healthcare Optimization/ - ๐Ÿง‘โ€๐Ÿ’ป Human-Centered AI (HAI): Despite extensive coursework in ergonomics, Human Factors Engineering (HFE), behavior studies, and psychology within our IPE curriculum, there's a notable gap in inter-disciplinary research between IPE and AI. Motivated by this, I am working on integrating HFE, Computational Social Science (CSS), Fairness and Reliability into AI systems, focusing on HAI perspectives of IPE. - ๐Ÿ“ Natural Language Processing (NLP): In Natural Language Processing, I am developing Knowledge Graphs and Bangla Knowledge Systems; motivated by NLP + GNNs. I am also working on inter-disciplinary CSS, Climate, and BioMedNLP.

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