
by DazzlingXeno - opened

What are the recommended samplers for this? Thanks in advance ☺️

Anthracite org

use a min-p of 0.2 and temp1 is what i would recommend.

Everything else neutral?

Anthracite org

Yep. I leave everything else neutral and just use Min-p and temp.

Thank you, really appreciate you taking the time to help.

lucyknada changed discussion status to closed

Just one more quick question and you may not be able to answer but would you say using this at q4 is better than a q2 of the 72b version for stories and roleplay?

Anthracite org

q4 will always be better than q2 because it has infinitely more precision, but it's a matter of if you can bear the slowdown if you cant fit it into your GPU(s) fully or not and if you have the ram to run higher quant; compare them and find out if you are fine with either.

Brilliant, I'll give both a go on the recommended settings :)

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