Training details

by steven850 - opened

What are the training details, you mentioned on reddit you used 10 images, but no other info.
where the images captioned? or was just the name in the caption?
what optimizer?
What LR?
What LR schedule?
How many steps did you train for?
Single or multiple resolutions?

8-bit Adam optimizer
LR between 1e-4 and 1e-3 depending on the number of steps
1000 steps high lr => good output, but less styling capabilities
3000 steps low lr => good output, good styling capabilities
Single resolution 640px square

Thank you very much for providing the details!

FlowMatchEulerDiscreteScheduler Is that noise schedule or LR schedule?
If noise, What LR schedule did you use?
cosine, constant, etc?

Ah, yes, it's cosine

Hi. Sorry to ask but I got an "Error running job: Sampler FlowMatchEulerDiscreteScheduler not supported".
Is there something missing here ?

@cmatias FlowMatchEulerDiscreteScheduler is the noise scheduler for training

steven850 changed discussion status to closed

Thank you @TheLastBen .

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