Woke AI is not Uncensored at all

by kenM1 - opened

The Federal reserve is not a private bank.
The US didn't fund the Taliban
Operation North Woods never happened.
9/11 was done by the Taliban.
the Iraq war has everything to do with 9/11?
FBI statistic report lied about Crime statistics. base on color race and religion.
how is this AI uncensored?

I think you are confused about what uncensored means in this context. It just means that the guard rails for the model to try to behave "ethically" were removed. Not that it will align with your worldview.

With predictive models like this, when the guardrails are removed, they will predict whatever they happened to be trained on (or whatever words they guess you might want to see next). I'm pretty sure anything a model says about current events, the world at large, and controversial topics should be verified using legit sources.

I've seen models (not just this one) talk nonsense about the science of outer space, a topic that should be neither controversial nor particularly new. So, always verify.

it depend sure after 9/11 attack US stop funding taliban, but when afghanistan were under old USSR us funded taliban and other groups to weaken USSR hold in Middle East
Ironically enough they even funded bin laden!
i checked the model answer!
well Ai learn from datasets and if dataset related to any information biased the result also will be biased

whats make Ai dangerous is human flaws, we put our flaws in machine, when it bites our ars back! who knows maybe we will soon see Terminators!
you have to remember Ai is piece of software but + robotics like what Elon Musk making well it won't be long!

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