What's the chat prompt in plain string?

by apepkuss79 - opened

Hello guys, could you please provide the chat prompts in plain text for chat and tool calls, respectively? We tried to "translate" the chat_template defined in tokenizer_config.json into a plain string, but is still not sure if it is correct or not. We list the "translated" prompt string below (only for chat instead of tool call), please help check if it's correct? If not, please provide the correct format. Thanks a lot!

Knowledge Engineering Group (KEG) & Data Mining at Tsinghua University org

这个是对的,我们有很一个很长的系统提示词,是因为考虑到了工具调用需要固定提示词。如果您不用使用工具调用,可以直接使用这个,不过需要注意的是 <|assistant|> 之前并不需要加 \n


非常感谢!因为我们在做tool call的支持,想进一步请教一下,在tool call的场景下,prompt string应该是什么样子的?是否可以提供一个例子做参考?再次感谢!

Knowledge Engineering Group (KEG) & Data Mining at Tsinghua University org

默认的chat template就是系统提示词,然后user prompt其实跟OpenAI完全一样,自动填充到我们预设好的系统提示词中

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