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A painting of a mountain climber reaching the summit of a peak, with the word 'ASCEND' appearing in the snow patterns on the mountain's surface. In a watercolor style, AQUACOLTOK. White background.
A painting of a vintage-style travel poster, with a suitcase and globe in the foreground, and the words "Destination Unknown" printed in a beautiful, cursive font on a distressed luggage tag. In a watercolor style, AQUACOLTOK. White background.
A painting of a quaint, old-fashioned bookstore, with the words "Tales of Wonder" etched in gold lettering above the storefront. In a watercolor style, AQUACOLTOK. White background.
A painting of a person giving a TED talk on a TED stage with the TED logo, "the speaker". In a watercolor style, AQUACOLTOK.
A painting of a barista creating an intricate latte art design, with the "Coffee Creations" logo skillfully formed within the latte foam. In a watercolor style, AQUACOLTOK. White background.

Works best with the template:

A painting of ... In a watercolor style, AQUACOLTOK. White background.


Trained on Replicate using:


Trigger words

You should use AQUACOLTOK to trigger the image generation.

Use it with the 🧨 diffusers library

from diffusers import AutoPipelineForText2Image
import torch

pipeline = AutoPipelineForText2Image.from_pretrained('black-forest-labs/FLUX.1-dev', torch_dtype=torch.float16).to('cuda')
pipeline.load_lora_weights('SebastianBodza/flux_lora_aquarel_watercolor', weight_name='lora.safetensors')
image = pipeline('your prompt').images[0]

For more details, including weighting, merging and fusing LoRAs, check the documentation on loading LoRAs in diffusers

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Model tree for SebastianBodza/flux_lora_aquarel_watercolor

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