Tool use chat templates

by Rocketknight1 HF staff - opened

Hi all, Matt from Hugging Face here! We've recently added tool-calling features to the chat templates at HF. You can see the blog post or technical docs for more info.

The xLAM format is quite intricate, but I think we could squeeze most or all of it into a template, which would cut down on the boilerplate users need to copy-paste and make it easier to access the model with a standard API. We can also automatically convert Python functions into OpenAI-style JSON schemas.

If you're interested in adding xLAM chat templates, let us know - we can definitely help with that!

Salesforce org

Hi @Rocketknight1 , thanks for sharing the info. We are for sure interested in adding our chat template. Will definitely take a look! Thanks for your help.

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