Training: Second Phase
Hi, what is the difference between PowerInfer/LONGCOT-Refine-500K and PowerInfer/QWQ-LONGCOT-500K? Why was PowerInfer/LONGCOT-Refine-500K added in the second phase? PowerInfer/QWQ-LONGCOT-500K was alone not enough?
Let's say if we want to replicate the result with 7B model we need to train with both datasets in a single run?
good questions
related mine : is training from cpu only possible ?
I want to know more details about training. Is there any difference between training an inference model and fine-tuning a general model? Or can it be achieved by simply following the steps for fine-tuning a model but using different training datasets?
For more challenging questions, QWQ usually tends to use longer chains of thought to answer. For example, in QWQ-LONGCOT-500K, most of the answers exceed 8K. And most of the questions in QWQ-LONGCOT-500K are related to mathematics and code. In order to add other domain and hope to construct some shorter responses, we constructed LONGCOT-Refine-500K and then used these two datasets together for the second stage of SFT.
How was LONGCOT-Refine-500K constructed? First QWQ and then refined with Qwen72 to shorter responses?
The LONGCOT-Refine-500K dataset was constructed using two approaches:
For math and logical reasoning problems, we first used QWQ to generate initial responses, then refined them using Qwen2.5-72B-Instruct.
For open-ended tasks (like report writing etc), we used an example-guided approach - providing a QWQ-generated response(another problem) as a format reference, then having Qwen2.5-72B directly generate new responses following this format.