training script

by gchoueiter - opened

Hi. Thank you for sharing this.

  1. Is it possible for you to share how you trained the model with the data prepared here
  2. Is it the same as this?
  3. What resources did you use and how much time did it take?

thanks again.

NumbersStation org

Hi @gchoueiter ,

Thanks for your interest in our work!

You can find our training receipt here. The notebook is a simple example of how to further fine-tune the model based on your use case and for our model training we use 8*A100 80G machines for about 2 weeks.

Hi Senwu

Would you be willing to share the training code (the training & fine-tuning)?

Thank you

Hi Senwu

Would you be willing to share the training code (the training & fine-tuning)?

Thank you

Have you found any code for this?

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