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Not Just Hate (NJH)

Uploaded Version

The uploaded balanced model for multi-label harmful speech classification; see the paper for more details.

Labels: Profanity, Insults, Outrage, Character Assassination, Discrimination, Hostility, Incivility, and Intolerance.

Label Details

Incivility refers to discourse that is rude, offensive, or use of swear-words/cursing. This includes four sub-types:

  • Profanity: The use of swear words and vulgar language, not necessarily targeted at individuals/groups
  • Insults: Direct offensive language (e.g. belittling, demeaning, vulgar, and/or insulting language) targeted at individuals or groups, including their character, behaviors, ideas, or opinions.
  • Outrage: Expressions of extreme anger or indignation, using dramatic/emotional/provocative language or negative exaggeration when referencing behaviors, policies, views, political opinions, etc. of a person, group, branch of government, party or organization.
  • Character Assassination: Attacks on someone's moral character, credibility, honesty, or integrity. Character assassination can target individuals or organizations (e.g. NGOs, Government), but not identity-based groups (coded as intolerance/discrimination)

Intolerance refers to expressions that threaten democratic norms and values, such as equality, diversity, and freedom. This includes two sub-types:

  • Discrimination: Content that discriminates against individuals or groups based on their identity
  • Hostility: An aggregated label that encompasses several particularly harmful types of speech including "hateful speech, dehumanization, serious threat-personal abuse-harassment, and democratic threat"


If you open the Files section of this repo you will find the annotation cookbook.

Cite As

Bianchi, F., Hills, S., Rossini, P., Hovy, D., Tromble, R., & Tintarev, N. (2022). "It's not just hate": a multi-dimensional perspective on detecting harmful speech online. In Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing. Association for Computational Linguistics.