EuroSciPy 2022


AI & ML interests

None defined yet.

Hugging Face Gradio Hackathon 🤗

Come Join us from August 29th to September 2th for a Hackathon in person and online using Gradio and Hugging Face to build and host Machine Learning and data science demos.

Key Details

  • Who's invited: Anyone willing to join
  • Goal: Build Machine Learning/Data Science demos. Demo with most votes gets a prize 🎁 (see below). You can also join if you don't know much about ML/Data Science!
  • Python Level: Any
  • Important: join the EuroSciPy2022 organization on HuggingFace by clicking here
  • Lightning Talk: Come see @reach_vb giving a lighting talk about gradio on Thursday at 4 pm CEST

Getting Started

  • If you have never used Gradio before, the Gradio course will explain the fundamentals.
  • The Gradio quickstart page is a good place to start as well.
  • The Gradio docs are here.
  • This guide covers how to host Gradio apps on HuggingFace spaces.
  • Join the EuroSciPy2022 organization on HuggingFace by clicking here

Hackathon Ideas:

Hugging Face Prizes

LeaderBoard for Most Popular EuroSciPy Spaces

See the EuroSciPy Leaderboard


None public yet


None public yet