-*- encoding: utf-8 -*- ''' @File : @Time : 2021/10/01 22:40:33 @Author : Ming Ding @Contact : ''' # here put the import lib from functools import partial import os import sys import math import random import torch import inspect import warnings import argparse from sat.model.registry import model_registry, MetaModel from sat.model.transformer import BaseTransformer, standard_attention from sat.arguments import update_args_with_file, overwrite_args_by_dict, set_random_seed from import load_checkpoint from sat.helpers import print_rank0 from sat.transformer_defaults import HOOKS_DEFAULT, ARGS_DEFAULT from sat.resources import auto_create from sat.mpu.initialize import get_node_rank, get_model_parallel_rank, destroy_model_parallel, initialize_model_parallel from sat.mpu.operation import mp_split_model_rank0, mp_split_model_receive, mp_merge_model_rank0, mp_merge_model_send from sat.arguments import reset_random_seed def non_conflict(func): '''mark a hook function as non-conflict, so that it can be compatible with any already defined hooks. e.g. PrefixTuningMixin.attention_fn ''' func.non_conflict = True return func def replacable(func): '''mark a hook function as replacable, so that it can be replaced by mixins added after it. e.g. FP32AttentionMixin.attention_fn ''' func.replacable = True return func class BaseMixin(torch.nn.Module): non_conflict = non_conflict replacable = replacable def __init__(self): super(BaseMixin, self).__init__() # define new params def reinit(self, parent_model=None): # reload the initial params from previous trained modules # you can also get access to other mixins through parent_model.get_mixin(). pass # can define hook-functions here # a hook, if default or replacable, can be overrided by mixins added after it. # a hook can be augmented by non_conflict hooks added after it. # default -> 0~n replacable -> 0~n non_conflict # ... # If the hook is just a pre- or post- transformation, # You can use @non_conflict to mark it, # and run `old_impl` to make it compatible with other mixins. # Eg., # # @non_conflict # def attention_fn(q, k, v, mask, dropout_fn, old_impl=standard_attention, **kw_args): # new_q, new_k, new_v = pre_hack(q, k, v) # attn_result = old_impl(q, k, v, mask, dropout_fn, **kw_args) # attn_result = post_hack(attn_result) # return attn_result class BaseModel(torch.nn.Module, metaclass=MetaModel): def __init__(self, args, transformer=None, params_dtype=torch.float, **kwargs): super(BaseModel, self).__init__() self.mixins = torch.nn.ModuleDict() self.collect_hooks_() if transformer is not None: self.transformer = transformer else: # check if model-only mode from sat.arguments import _simple_init success = _simple_init(model_parallel_size=args.model_parallel_size, seed=args.seed if hasattr(args, 'seed') else 1234) args_dict = {k: (getattr(args, v[0]) if hasattr(args, v[0]) else v[1]) for k, v in ARGS_DEFAULT.items()} self.transformer = BaseTransformer( num_layers=args.num_layers, vocab_size=args.vocab_size, hidden_size=args.hidden_size, num_attention_heads=args.num_attention_heads, max_sequence_length=args.max_sequence_length, layernorm_order=args.layernorm_order, **args_dict, hooks=self.hooks, params_dtype=params_dtype, skip_init=args.skip_init, device=torch.cuda.current_device() if hasattr(args, 'use_gpu_initialization') and args.use_gpu_initialization else torch.device('cpu'), **kwargs ) def reinit(self, mixin_names=None): # will be called when loading model, None means all # if some mixins are loaded, overrides this function for k, m in self.mixins.items(): if mixin_names is None or k in mixin_names: m.reinit(self) def add_mixin(self, name, new_mixin, reinit=False): assert name not in self.mixins assert isinstance(new_mixin, BaseMixin) self.mixins[name] = new_mixin # will auto-register parameters object.__setattr__(new_mixin, 'transformer', self.transformer) # cannot use pytorch set_attr self.collect_hooks_() if reinit: new_mixin.reinit(self) # also pass current mixins def del_mixin(self, name): assert name in self.mixins del self.mixins[name] self.collect_hooks_() def get_mixin(self, name): return self.mixins[name] def forward(self, *args, **kwargs): # update hooks as the current model (overrided forwards) # Attention! the transformer might be shared by multiple models self.transformer.hooks.clear() self.transformer.hooks.update(self.hooks) return self.transformer(*args, **kwargs) def collect_hooks_(self): names = list(HOOKS_DEFAULT.keys()) hooks = {} hook_origins = {} for name in names: if hasattr(self, name): hooks[name] = getattr(self, name) hook_origins[name] = 'model' for mixin_name, m in self.mixins.items(): if hasattr(m, name): if hasattr(getattr(m, name), 'non_conflict'): # check getattr(m, name), who must accept old_impl as an argument signature = inspect.signature(getattr(m, name)) if 'old_impl' not in signature.parameters: raise ValueError(f'Hook {name} at {mixin_name} must accept old_impl as an argument.') # ------------- if name in hooks: old_impl = hooks[name] elif name == 'attention_fn': # the only hook without self old_impl = HOOKS_DEFAULT[name] else: old_impl = partial(HOOKS_DEFAULT[name], self) # relax! `partial` does not affect the signature old_origin = hook_origins.get(name, 'default') hooks[name] = partial(getattr(m, name), old_impl=old_impl) hook_origins[name] = mixin_name + ' -> ' + old_origin elif name in hooks and not hasattr(hooks[name], 'replacable'): # if this hook name is already registered raise ValueError(f'Hook {name} conflicts at {mixin_name} and {hook_origins[name]}.') else: # new hook if name in hooks and hasattr(hooks[name], 'replacable'): warnings.warn(f'Hook {name} at {mixin_name} replaces {hook_origins[name]}.') hooks[name] = getattr(m, name) hook_origins[name] = mixin_name self.hooks = hooks self.hook_origins = hook_origins return hooks def disable_untrainable_params(self): pass @classmethod def add_model_specific_args(cls, parser): # recorded in add_model_config_args return parser @classmethod def from_pretrained_base(cls, name, args=None, *, home_path=None, url=None, prefix='', build_only=False, overwrite_args={}, **kwargs): '''Load a pretrained checkpoint of the current model. Args: name: The identifier of the pretrained model. args: NameSpace. will add the loaded args into it. None will create a new model-only one with defaults. path: the parent folder of existing `name` model. Default: SAT_HOME. url: the url of the model. Default: SAT_URL. prefix: the prefix of the checkpoint. Default: ''. Returns: model: the loaded model. args: the loaded args. ''' if os.path.exists(name) and os.path.isdir(name): model_path = name else: model_path = auto_create(name, path=home_path, url=url) # create a new args if not provided if args is None: args = cls.get_args() args = update_args_with_file(args, path=os.path.join(model_path, 'model_config.json')) args = overwrite_args_by_dict(args, overwrite_args=overwrite_args) specific_iteration = kwargs.pop('specific_iteration', None) model = get_model(args, cls, **kwargs) if not build_only: load_checkpoint(model, args, load_path=model_path, prefix=prefix, specific_iteration=specific_iteration) return model, args @classmethod def from_pretrained(cls, name, args=None, *, home_path=None, url=None, prefix='', build_only=False, use_node_group=True, overwrite_args={}, **kwargs): if build_only or 'model_parallel_size' not in overwrite_args: return cls.from_pretrained_base(name, args=args, home_path=home_path, url=url, prefix=prefix, build_only=build_only, overwrite_args=overwrite_args, **kwargs) else: new_model_parallel_size = overwrite_args['model_parallel_size'] if new_model_parallel_size != 1 or new_model_parallel_size == 1 and args.model_parallel_size == 1: model, model_args = cls.from_pretrained_base(name, args=args, home_path=home_path, url=url, prefix=prefix, build_only=True, overwrite_args=overwrite_args, **kwargs) local_rank = get_node_rank() if use_node_group else get_model_parallel_rank() world_size = torch.distributed.get_world_size() assert world_size % new_model_parallel_size == 0, "world size should be a multiplier of new model_parallel_size." destroy_model_parallel() initialize_model_parallel(1) if local_rank == 0: args.skip_init = True args.use_gpu_initialization = False args.device = 'cpu' overwrite_args.pop('model_parallel_size') model_full, args_ = cls.from_pretrained_base(name, args=args, home_path=home_path, url=url, prefix=prefix, build_only=False, overwrite_args=overwrite_args, **kwargs) if args_.model_parallel_size != 1: raise Exception("We do not support overwriting model_parallel_size when original model_parallel_size != 1. Try merging the model using `from_pretrained(xxx,overwrite_args={'model_parallel_size':1})` first if you still want to change model_parallel_size!") if hasattr(args, 'mode') and args.mode == 'inference': # For multi-node inference, we should prevent rank 0 eagerly printing some info. torch.distributed.barrier() destroy_model_parallel() initialize_model_parallel(new_model_parallel_size) if local_rank == 0: mp_split_model_rank0(model, model_full, use_node_group=use_node_group) del model_full else: mp_split_model_receive(model, use_node_group=use_node_group) reset_random_seed(6) else: overwrite_args.pop('model_parallel_size') model, model_args = cls.from_pretrained_base(name, args=args, home_path=home_path, url=url, prefix=prefix, build_only=False, overwrite_args=overwrite_args, **kwargs) rank = torch.distributed.get_rank() world_size = torch.distributed.get_world_size() assert world_size == model_args.model_parallel_size, "world size should be equal to model_parallel_size." destroy_model_parallel() initialize_model_parallel(1) if rank == 0: args.use_gpu_initialization = False args.device = 'cpu' overwrite_args['model_parallel_size'] = 1 model_full, args_ = cls.from_pretrained_base(name, args=args, home_path=home_path, url=url, prefix=prefix, build_only=True, overwrite_args=overwrite_args, **kwargs) torch.distributed.barrier() destroy_model_parallel() initialize_model_parallel(model_args.model_parallel_size) if rank == 0: mp_merge_model_rank0(model, model_full) model, model_args = model_full, args_ else: mp_merge_model_send(model) model_args.model_parallel_size = 1 destroy_model_parallel() initialize_model_parallel(1) return model, model_args @classmethod def list_avail_args(cls, print=True): '''List all available args of the current model.''' parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() from sat.arguments import add_model_config_args add_model_config_args(parser) # add args of the current model if hasattr(cls, 'add_model_specific_args'): cls.add_model_specific_args(parser) if print: from sat.helpers import print_parser print_parser(parser) return parser @classmethod def get_args(cls, **kwargs): '''Get the parsed args of the current model. Args: **kwargs: will override the default args. Returns: args: the parsed args. ''' parser = cls.list_avail_args(print=False) # use parser to parse kwargs args = parser.parse_args([]) for k, v in kwargs.items(): if hasattr(args, k) or k in ['fp16']: # non-arch args but affect building models setattr(args, k, v) else: print_rank0(f'warning: Unknown arg {k} for class {cls.__name__}.', level='DEBUG') setattr(args, k, v) return args class AutoModel(): @classmethod def from_pretrained_base(cls, name, args=None, *, home_path=None, url=None, prefix='', build_only=False, overwrite_args={}, **kwargs): '''Automatically find the class and instantiate it. Auto-download. Args: name: The identifier of the pretrained model. args: NameSpace. will add the loaded args into it. path: the parent folder of existing `name` model. Default: SAT_HOME. url: manually specified url for the `name` model. ''' if os.path.exists(name) and os.path.isdir(name): model_path = name else: model_path = auto_create(name, path=home_path, url=url) if args is None: args = argparse.Namespace() # null, fill later null_args = True else: null_args = False args = update_args_with_file(args, path=os.path.join(model_path, 'model_config.json')) args = overwrite_args_by_dict(args, overwrite_args=overwrite_args) if not hasattr(args, 'model_class'): raise ValueError('model_config.json must have key "model_class" for AutoModel.from_pretrained.') model_cls = model_registry.get(args.model_class) if null_args: # fill args with default values, if not provided model_default_args = model_cls.get_args() for k, v in model_default_args.__dict__.items(): if not hasattr(args, k): setattr(args, k, v) model = get_model(args, model_cls, **kwargs) if not build_only: load_checkpoint(model, args, load_path=model_path, prefix=prefix) return model, args @classmethod def from_pretrained(cls, name, args=None, *, home_path=None, url=None, prefix='', build_only=False, use_node_group=True, overwrite_args={}, **kwargs): if build_only or 'model_parallel_size' not in overwrite_args: return cls.from_pretrained_base(name, args=args, home_path=home_path, url=url, prefix=prefix, build_only=build_only, overwrite_args=overwrite_args, **kwargs) else: new_model_parallel_size = overwrite_args['model_parallel_size'] if new_model_parallel_size != 1 or new_model_parallel_size == 1 and args.model_parallel_size == 1: model, model_args = cls.from_pretrained_base(name, args=args, home_path=home_path, url=url, prefix=prefix, build_only=True, overwrite_args=overwrite_args, **kwargs) local_rank = get_node_rank() if use_node_group else get_model_parallel_rank() world_size = torch.distributed.get_world_size() assert world_size % new_model_parallel_size == 0, "world size should be a multiplier of new model_parallel_size." destroy_model_parallel() initialize_model_parallel(1) if local_rank == 0: args.skip_init = True args.use_gpu_initialization = False args.device = 'cpu' overwrite_args.pop('model_parallel_size') model_full, args_ = cls.from_pretrained_base(name, args=args, home_path=home_path, url=url, prefix=prefix, build_only=False, overwrite_args=overwrite_args, **kwargs) if args_.model_parallel_size != 1: raise Exception("We do not support overwriting model_parallel_size when original model_parallel_size != 1. Try merging the model using `from_pretrained(xxx,overwrite_args={'model_parallel_size':1})` first if you still want to change model_parallel_size!") if hasattr(args, 'mode') and args.mode == 'inference': # For multi-node inference, we should prevent rank 0 eagerly printing some info. torch.distributed.barrier() destroy_model_parallel() initialize_model_parallel(new_model_parallel_size) if local_rank == 0: mp_split_model_rank0(model, model_full, use_node_group=use_node_group) del model_full else: mp_split_model_receive(model, use_node_group=use_node_group) reset_random_seed(6) else: overwrite_args.pop('model_parallel_size') model, model_args = cls.from_pretrained_base(name, args=args, home_path=home_path, url=url, prefix=prefix, build_only=False, overwrite_args=overwrite_args, **kwargs) rank = torch.distributed.get_rank() world_size = torch.distributed.get_world_size() assert world_size == model_args.model_parallel_size, "world size should be equal to model_parallel_size." destroy_model_parallel() initialize_model_parallel(1) if rank == 0: args.use_gpu_initialization = False args.device = 'cpu' overwrite_args['model_parallel_size'] = 1 model_full, args_ = cls.from_pretrained_base(name, args=args, home_path=home_path, url=url, prefix=prefix, build_only=True, overwrite_args=overwrite_args, **kwargs) torch.distributed.barrier() destroy_model_parallel() initialize_model_parallel(model_args.model_parallel_size) if rank == 0: mp_merge_model_rank0(model, model_full) model, model_args = model_full, args_ else: mp_merge_model_send(model) model_args.model_parallel_size = 1 destroy_model_parallel() initialize_model_parallel(1) return model, model_args def get_model(args, model_cls, **kwargs): """Build the model.""" import torch from sat.helpers import print_rank0,print_all from sat import mpu print_rank0(f'building {model_cls.__name__} model ...') if 'params_dtype' not in kwargs: if hasattr(args, 'fp16') and args.fp16: params_dtype = torch.half elif hasattr(args, 'bf16') and args.bf16: params_dtype = torch.bfloat16 else: params_dtype = torch.float32 else: # pop params_dtype from kwargs params_dtype = kwargs.pop('params_dtype') from sat.helpers import check_if_zero3 if check_if_zero3(args): import deepspeed with model = model_cls(args, params_dtype=params_dtype, **kwargs) else: model = model_cls(args, params_dtype=params_dtype, **kwargs) if mpu.get_data_parallel_rank() == 0: print_all(' > number of parameters on model parallel rank {}: {}'.format( mpu.get_model_parallel_rank(), sum([p.nelement() for p in model.parameters()])), flush=True) if hasattr(args, 'fp16') and args.fp16: model.half() elif hasattr(args, 'bf16') and args.bf16: model.bfloat16() try: # TODO: is this useful? if not hasattr(args, 'device'): args.device = torch.cuda.current_device() if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu' model = except Exception as e: print_all(e) return model