--- tags: - clip library_name: open_clip pipeline_tag: zero-shot-image-classification license: mit --- # Model card for MedCSP_clip Here is a demo of how to utilize the CLIP for encoding: ```python from open_clip import create_model_from_pretrained, get_tokenizer import torch from urllib.request import urlopen from PIL import Image # import model, processor and tokenizer model, processor = create_model_from_pretrained('hf-hub:xcwangpsu/MedCSP_clip') tokenizer = get_tokenizer('hf-hub:xcwangpsu/MedCSP_clip') # encode image: # import raw radiological image: image = Image.open(urlopen("https://huggingface.co/xcwangpsu/MedCSP_clip/resolve/main/image_sample.jpg")) # preprocess the image, the final tensor should have 4 dimensions (B, C, H, W) processed_image = processor(image) processed_image = torch.unsqueeze(processed_image, 0) print("Input size:", processed_image.shape) # encode to a single embedding image_embedding = model.encode_image(processed_image) print("Individual image embedding size:",image_embedding.shape) # sequential encoding seq_image_embedding = model.visual.trunk.forward_features(processed_image) print("Sequential image embedding size:",seq_image_embedding.shape) # encode text: text = "Chest X-ray reveals increased lung opacity, indicating potential fluid buildup or infection." tokens = tokenizer(text) # encode to a single embedding text_embedding = model.encode_text(tokens) print("Individual text embedding size:",text_embedding.shape) ``` ## Acknowledgement If you find any sources provided in this repo or our paper are useful, please cite our paper using this BibTex: ```bibtex @inproceedings{wang2024unity, title={Unity in Diversity: Collaborative Pre-training Across Multimodal Medical Sources}, author={Wang, Xiaochen and Luo, Junyu and Wang, Jiaqi and Zhong, Yuan and Zhang, Xiaokun and Wang, Yaqing and Bhatia, Parminder and Xiao, Cao and Ma, Fenglong}, booktitle={Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)}, pages={3644--3656}, year={2024} } ```