import pandas as pd import numpy as np import subprocess import sys def install_package(package): """ Install the necessary package using pip """ subprocess.check_call([sys.executable, "-m", "pip", "install", package]) install_package('scikit-learn') from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import cosine_similarity from typing_extensions import Doc import gradio as gr df = pd.read_csv('dataframe.csv') tfidf_matrix = pd.read_csv('tfidf_matrix.csv', header=None).values tfidf_matrix.shape word2vec_matrix = pd.read_csv('word2vecmatrix.csv',header=None).values word2vec_matrix.shape sbert1_matrix = pd.read_csv('sentencetransformer1.csv',header=None).values sbert1_matrix.shape sbert2_matrix = pd.read_csv('sentencetransformer2.csv',header=None).values sbert2_matrix.shape def course_recommendation(model, course_subject_code, course_number, whether_not_lower_level=False, whether_only_sameorlower_level = False, whether_not_same_subject=False, whether_only_same_subject=False, recomendations_number = 5): if model == "tf-idf": docmatrix = tfidf_matrix elif model == "word2vec": docmatrix = word2vec_matrix elif model == "sbert1": docmatrix = sbert1_matrix # This appears to have been a typo in the original code elif model == "sbert2": docmatrix = sbert2_matrix # Check if the course exists in the dataframe if not ((df['Course Subject Code'] == course_subject_code) & (df['Course Number'] == course_number)).any(): return pd.DataFrame({'Message': ["The course you input does not exist in this semester or we do not have enough course description information about it. Please try another course. "]}) if whether_not_lower_level == True and whether_only_sameorlower_level == True: return pd.DataFrame({'Message': ["There seems to be a conflict in the filtering logic. Please double-check the checkboxes for filtering carefully."]}) if whether_not_same_subject == True and whether_only_same_subject == True: return pd.DataFrame({'Message': ["There seems to be a conflict in the filtering logic. Please double-check the checkboxes for filtering carefully."]}) # Get the index and level of the course in the dataframe course_info = df[(df['Course Subject Code'] == course_subject_code) & (df['Course Number'] == course_number)] course_index = course_info.index[0] course_level = course_info.iloc[0]['Course Level'] # Normalize "First-year Student Seminar" to "100-level" course_level = "100-level" if course_level == "First-year Student Seminar" else course_level df_filtered = df.copy() if whether_not_same_subject: df_filtered = df_filtered[df_filtered['Course Subject Code'] != course_subject_code] if whether_only_same_subject: df_filtered = df_filtered[df_filtered['Course Subject Code'] == course_subject_code] if whether_not_lower_level: levels_to_include = ['100-level', '200-level', '300-level', '400-level', 'Graduate level'] current_level_index = levels_to_include.index(course_level) allowed_levels = levels_to_include[current_level_index:] # Include current and higher levels df_filtered = df_filtered[df_filtered['Course Level'].isin(allowed_levels)] if whether_only_sameorlower_level: levels_to_include = ['100-level', '200-level', '300-level', '400-level', 'Graduate level'] current_level_index = levels_to_include.index(course_level) allowed_levels = levels_to_include[:current_level_index + 1] # Include current and lower levels df_filtered = df_filtered[df_filtered['Course Level'].isin(allowed_levels)] # Retrieve the vector for the specified course course_vector = docmatrix[course_index] # Calculate the cosine similarity with filtered courses cosine_similarities = cosine_similarity(docmatrix[df_filtered.index], course_vector.reshape(1, -1)).flatten() # Get the indices of the courses with the highest cosine similarity scores similar_courses_indices = np.argsort(-cosine_similarities)[:int(recomendations_number)+1] # Retrieve the course details for the most similar courses similar_courses = df_filtered.iloc[similar_courses_indices][['Course Code', 'Course Title', 'Course Description Text']] if similar_courses.index[0] == course_index: similar_courses = similar_courses.iloc[1:] # Exclude the original course if it is the highest ranked else: similar_courses = similar_courses.head(int(recomendations_number)) # Insert a column for similarity rank input_course_details = course_info[['Course Code', 'Course Title', 'Course Description Text']] result_df = pd.concat([input_course_details, similar_courses]).reset_index(drop=True) result_df .insert(0, 'Similar Rank', range(0, len(similar_courses) + 1)) return result_df import gradio as gr import pandas as pd from functools import partial def highlight_first_row(s, props=''): return [props if == 0 else '' for _ in range(len(s))] def recommend(model_name, course_subject_code, course_number, exclude_lower_levels, exclude_upper_levels, exclude_same_subject, exclude_other_subject, recomendations_number): outputdf = course_recommendation(model_name, course_subject_code, course_number, exclude_lower_levels, exclude_upper_levels, exclude_same_subject, exclude_other_subject, recomendations_number) outputdf =, props='background-color: orange;', axis=1) return outputdf def main(): with gr.Blocks(theme=gr.themes.Default(primary_hue="blue")) as demo: gr.Markdown("# Course Recommendation System - For UIUC fall 2024 semester") gr.Markdown("This project provides course recommendations using different NLP models. Select a model and enter course details to see recommendations.") gr.Markdown("Want to know how these models work? Check out the **ABOUT** tab:)") with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(scale=2): gr.Markdown("*Choose the course you want to explore:*" ) with gr.Row(): subject = gr.Dropdown(choices=sorted(df['Course Subject Code'].unique()), label="Course Subject Code") number = gr.Textbox(label="Course Number") recommendation_no = gr.Slider(3, 100, step = 1, label="Recommendation Number", info="Choose between 3 and 100") with gr.Column(scale=1): gr.Markdown("*You may want to add a filter:*") with gr.Row(): exclude_lower = gr.Checkbox(label="Only Upper Level", info = "Same level and higher level courses will be shown") exclude_upper = gr.Checkbox(label="Only Lower Level", info = "Same level and lower level courses will be shown") with gr.Row(): exclude_same = gr.Checkbox(label="Only Different Subject") exclude_other = gr.Checkbox(label="Only Same Subject") tf_idf_submit = gr.Button("Recommend", variant="primary") with gr.Tabs() as tabs: # Setting up the interface for each model with gr.Tab("Word2Vec Model"): fn=partial(recommend, "word2vec"), inputs=[subject, number, exclude_lower, exclude_upper, exclude_same, exclude_other, recommendation_no], outputs=gr.Dataframe(wrap = True, column_widths = ["10%","10%", "20%", "63%"]) ) with gr.Tab("TF-IDF Model"): fn=partial(recommend, "tf-idf"), inputs=[subject, number, exclude_lower, exclude_upper, exclude_same, exclude_other, recommendation_no], outputs=gr.Dataframe(wrap = True, column_widths = ["10%","10%", "20%", "63%"]) ) with gr.Tab("SBERT Model1"): fn=partial(recommend, "sbert1"), inputs=[subject, number, exclude_lower, exclude_upper, exclude_same, exclude_other, recommendation_no], outputs=gr.Dataframe(wrap = True, column_widths = ["10%","10%", "20%", "63%"]) ) with gr.Tab("SBERT Model2"): fn=partial(recommend, "sbert2"), inputs=[subject, number, exclude_lower, exclude_upper, exclude_same, exclude_other, recommendation_no], outputs=gr.Dataframe(wrap = True, column_widths = ["10%","10%", "20%", "63%"]) ) with gr.Tab("ABOUT"): gr.Markdown("This project provides course recommendations using different NLP models. Select a model and enter course details to see recommendations.") return demo # Launch the interface if __name__ == "__main__": main().launch(share=True)