import numpy as np | |
from typing import List, Union, Tuple, Dict | |
import random | |
from PIL import Image | |
import cv2 | |
import imageio, os | |
import os.path as osp | |
from tqdm import tqdm | |
from panopticapi.utils import rgb2id | |
import traceback | |
from utils.io_utils import mask2rle, dict2json, fgbg_hist_matching | |
from utils.logger import LOGGER | |
from utils.constants import CATEGORIES, IMAGE_ID_ZFILL | |
from .transforms import get_fg_transforms, get_bg_transforms, quantize_image, resize2height, rotate_image | |
from .sampler import random_load_valid_bg, random_load_valid_fg, NameSampler, NormalSampler, PossionSampler, PersonBBoxSampler | |
from .paste_methods import regular_paste, partition_paste | |
def syn_animecoco_dataset( | |
bg_list: List, fg_info_list: List[Dict], dataset_save_dir: str, policy: str='train', | |
tgt_size=640, syn_num_multiplier=2.5, regular_paste_prob=0.4, person_paste_prob=0.4, | |
max_syn_num=-1, image_id_start=0, obj_id_start=0, hist_match_prob=0.2, quantize_prob=0.25): | |'syn data policy: {policy}') | |'background: {len(bg_list)} foreground: {len(fg_info_list)}') | |
numfg_sampler = PossionSampler(min_val=1, max_val=9, lam=2.5) | |
numfg_regpaste_sampler = PossionSampler(min_val=2, max_val=9, lam=3.5) | |
regpaste_size_sampler = NormalSampler(scalar=tgt_size, to_int=True, max_scale=0.75) | |
color_correction_sampler = NameSampler({'hist_match': hist_match_prob, 'quantize': quantize_prob}, ) | |
paste_method_sampler = NameSampler({'regular': regular_paste_prob, 'personbbox': person_paste_prob, | |
'partition': 1-regular_paste_prob-person_paste_prob}) | |
fg_transform = get_fg_transforms(tgt_size, transform_variant=policy) | |
fg_distort_transform = get_fg_transforms(tgt_size, transform_variant='distort_only') | |
bg_transform = get_bg_transforms('train', tgt_size) | |
image_id = image_id_start + 1 | |
obj_id = obj_id_start + 1 | |
det_annotations, image_meta = [], [] | |
syn_num = int(syn_num_multiplier * len(fg_info_list)) | |
if max_syn_num > 0: | |
syn_num = max_syn_num | |
ann_save_dir = osp.join(dataset_save_dir, 'annotations') | |
image_save_dir = osp.join(dataset_save_dir, policy) | |
if not osp.exists(image_save_dir): | |
os.makedirs(image_save_dir) | |
if not osp.exists(ann_save_dir): | |
os.makedirs(ann_save_dir) | |
is_train = policy == 'train' | |
if is_train: | |
jpg_save_quality = [75, 85, 95] | |
else: | |
jpg_save_quality = [95] | |
if isinstance(fg_info_list[0], str): | |
for ii, fgp in enumerate(fg_info_list): | |
if isinstance(fgp, str): | |
fg_info_list[ii] = {'file_path': fgp, 'tag_string': [], 'danbooru': False, 'category_id': 0} | |
if person_paste_prob > 0: | |
personbbox_sampler = PersonBBoxSampler( | |
'data/cocoperson_bbox_samples.json', fg_info_list, | |
fg_transform=fg_distort_transform if is_train else None, is_train=is_train) | |
total = tqdm(range(syn_num)) | |
for fin in total: | |
try: | |
paste_method = paste_method_sampler.sample() | |
fgs = [] | |
if paste_method == 'regular': | |
num_fg = numfg_regpaste_sampler.sample() | |
size = regpaste_size_sampler.sample() | |
while len(fgs) < num_fg: | |
tgt_height = int(random.uniform(0.7, 1.2) * size) | |
fg, fginfo = random_load_valid_fg(fg_info_list) | |
fg = resize2height(fg, tgt_height) | |
if is_train: | |
fg = fg_distort_transform(image=fg)['image'] | |
rotate_deg = random.randint(-40, 40) | |
else: | |
rotate_deg = random.randint(-30, 30) | |
if random.random() < 0.3: | |
fg = rotate_image(fg, rotate_deg, alpha_crop=True) | |
fgs.append({'image': fg, 'fginfo': fginfo}) | |
while len(fgs) < num_fg and random.random() < 0.15: | |
fgs.append({'image': fg, 'fginfo': fginfo}) | |
elif paste_method == 'personbbox': | |
fgs = personbbox_sampler.sample_matchfg(tgt_size) | |
else: | |
num_fg = numfg_sampler.sample() | |
fgs = [] | |
for ii in range(num_fg): | |
fg, fginfo = random_load_valid_fg(fg_info_list) | |
fg = fg_transform(image=fg)['image'] | |
h, w = fg.shape[:2] | |
if num_fg > 6: | |
downscale = min(tgt_size / 2.5 / w, tgt_size / 2.5 / h) | |
if downscale < 1: | |
fg = cv2.resize(fg, (int(w * downscale), int(h * downscale)), interpolation=cv2.INTER_AREA) | |
fgs.append({'image': fg, 'fginfo': fginfo}) | |
bg = random_load_valid_bg(bg_list) | |
bg = bg_transform(image=bg)['image'] | |
color_correct = color_correction_sampler.sample() | |
if color_correct == 'hist_match': | |
fgbg_hist_matching(fgs, bg) | |
bg: Image = Image.fromarray(bg) | |
if paste_method == 'regular': | |
segments_info, segments = regular_paste(fgs, bg, regen_bboxes=True) | |
elif paste_method == 'personbbox': | |
segments_info, segments = regular_paste(fgs, bg, regen_bboxes=False) | |
elif paste_method == 'partition': | |
segments_info, segments = partition_paste(fgs, bg, ) | |
else: | |
print(f'invalid paste method: {paste_method}') | |
raise NotImplementedError | |
image = np.array(bg) | |
if color_correct == 'quantize': | |
mask = cv2.inRange(segments, np.array([0,0,0]), np.array([0,0,0])) | |
# cv2.imshow("mask", mask) | |
image = quantize_image(image, random.choice([12, 16, 32]), 'kmeans', mask=mask)[0] | |
# postprocess & check if instance is valid | |
for ii, segi in enumerate(segments_info): | |
if segi['area'] == 0: | |
continue | |
x, y, w, h = segi['bbox'] | |
x2, y2 = x+w, y+h | |
c = segments[y: y2, x: x2] | |
pan_png = rgb2id(c) | |
cmask = (pan_png == segi['id']) | |
area = cmask.sum() | |
if paste_method != 'partition' and \ | |
area / (fgs[ii]['image'][..., 3] > 30).sum() < 0.25: | |
# cv2.imshow('im', fgs[ii]['image']) | |
# cv2.imshow('mask', fgs[ii]['image'][..., 3]) | |
# cv2.imshow('seg', segments) | |
# cv2.waitKey(0) | |
cmask_ids = np.where(cmask) | |
segments[y: y2, x: x2][cmask_ids] = 0 | |
image[y: y2, x: x2][cmask_ids] = (127, 127, 127) | |
continue | |
cmask = cmask.astype(np.uint8) * 255 | |
dx, dy, w, h = cv2.boundingRect(cv2.findNonZero(cmask)) | |
_bbox = [dx + x, dy + y, w, h] | |
seg = cv2.copyMakeBorder(cmask, y, tgt_size-y2, x, tgt_size-x2, cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT) > 0 | |
assert seg.shape[0] == tgt_size and seg.shape[1] == tgt_size | |
segmentation = mask2rle(seg) | |
det_annotations.append({ | |
'id': obj_id, | |
'category_id': fgs[ii]['fginfo']['category_id'], | |
'iscrowd': 0, | |
'segmentation': segmentation, | |
'image_id': image_id, | |
'area': area, | |
'tag_string': fgs[ii]['fginfo']['tag_string'], | |
'tag_string_character': fgs[ii]['fginfo']['tag_string_character'], | |
'bbox': [float(c) for c in _bbox] | |
}) | |
obj_id += 1 | |
# cv2.imshow('c', cv2.cvtColor(c, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR)) | |
# cv2.imshow('cmask', cmask) | |
# cv2.waitKey(0) | |
image_id_str = str(image_id).zfill(IMAGE_ID_ZFILL) | |
image_file_name = image_id_str + '.jpg' | |
image_meta.append({ | |
"id": image_id,"height": tgt_size,"width": tgt_size, "file_name": image_file_name, "id": image_id | |
}) | |
#'paste method: {paste_method} color correct: {color_correct}') | |
# cv2.imshow('image', cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR)) | |
# cv2.imshow('segments', cv2.cvtColor(segments, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR)) | |
# cv2.waitKey(0) | |
imageio.imwrite(osp.join(image_save_dir, image_file_name), image, quality=random.choice(jpg_save_quality)) | |
image_id += 1 | |
except: | |
LOGGER.error(traceback.format_exc()) | |
continue | |
det_meta = { | |
"info": {}, | |
"licenses": [], | |
"images": image_meta, | |
"annotations": det_annotations, | |
"categories": CATEGORIES | |
} | |
detp = osp.join(ann_save_dir, f'det_{policy}.json') | |
dict2json(det_meta, detp) | |'annotations saved to {detp}') | |
return image_id, obj_id |