varadpuntambekar's picture
365661e verified
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on 4 February 2025. To submit to Annual Simulation Conference
This version implements a horizontal, resource first approach to DES simulation.
It implements other processes that request the same resources as the CaCx pathway
@author: varad
#all libraries that I will be using in the simulation
import numpy as np
import simpy
import gradio as gr
import pandas as pd
import random
import csv
import plotly.graph_objects as go
import simpy.resources
import os
import plotly.subplots as sp
#Non Modifiable variables
class parameters (object):
This class contains all the constant non-modifiable parameters that will go into the model
These mostly include service times and the time for which the simulation is supposed to run and halt etc
output_line_no = 0
experiment_no = 0 #incremented every time the main function is called
number_of_runs = 2 #Total number of times the simulation will run for 1 experiment
#pt_per_day = 10 #Number of patients that visit the Gynae OPD every day (derived from AIIMS Bhopal Annual Report)(This could also be capped for a day if there are limited spots)
obs_gynae_pt_arr_time = 3 #Number of minutes in a working day / number of total patients expected during the day
path_pt_arr_time = 1 # translates to 250,000 samples a year
cacx_pt_arr_time = 65 #translates to 2000 patients per year
#modifiable factors, will be defined again in the relevant class
#Since these are modifiable parameters, they are not implemented but only defined here, they are implemented to be inputted from the gradio app
num_gynae_resident = 10 #Gynaecological residents that perform history and examination and pap smear collection in the routine OPDs in AIIMS Bhopal in a particular shift
num_gynae_consulant = 3 #Gynaecological consultants that perform procedures such as LEEP (LEETZ) or hysterectomy etc
num_pathologists = 15 #No of pathologists that interpret the pathology findings
num_cytotechnicians = 12 #No of cytotechnicians that process the sample generated
num_pap_kits = 50 #number of kits that the hospital has to perform a pap smear (ayre's spatula, glass slide, preservative and box)
num_pathology_consumables = 50 #consumables required for processing the pathological specimen
num_colposcopy_consumables = 50 #consumables required for conducting colposcopy
num_thermal_consumables = 50 #consumables required for LEEP
num_ot_consumables = 50 #consumables required for hysterectomy
#rooms (scheduled resource)
num_colposcopy_rooms = 2 #number of colposcopy rooms
num_ot_rooms = 2 #number of OT rooms
#service times
history_exam_time = 10 #time taken to complete history and examination per patient (Imp thing to remember here would be that this might change as the system adapts
#to an excess load)
path_processing_time = 5 #time it takes from the sample is generated to the sample is prepared by cytotechnicians and ready for interpretation
path_reporting_time = 5 # time taken by pathologists to report the results of a processed sample
colposcopy_time = 25 #time taken to perform 1 colposcopy
thermal_time = 25 #time taken for 1 Loop Electrosurgical Excision procedure
hysterectomy_time = 50 #time taken for 1 hysterectomy
#Epidemiological parameters
cacx_pt_prop = 0.10 # % of all patients that undergo the cervical cancer pathway
gynae_pt_procedure_prop = 0.40 # % of all obs_gynae_patients that undergo procedures
gynae_pt_sx_prop = 0.05 # % of all gynae_patients that require a surgery
screen_positivity_rate = 0.1 #% of positive samples (True positive + false positive / total samples)
biopsy_rate = 0.4 # % of all colposcopies that undergo a biopsy
biopsy_cin_rate = 0.6 # % of biopsies that are CIN
biopsy_cacx_rate = 0.02 # % of biopsies that are CaCx
follow_up_rate = 0.65 # % of women who follow up after a positive screen result (My own meta analysis + local data)
run_time = 131040 #Time for which the entire simulation will run (in minutes), simulates 1 working year.
class scheduled_resource(simpy.Resource):
Extends the simpy.Resource object to include a resource that is only available during certain time of day and day of week
def __init__(self, env, schedule, capacity):
super().__init__(env, capacity)
self.schedule = schedule # and integer list [0-6] for days of the week
self.env = env
def is_availeble (self):
checks time of day and day of week and returns a boolean based on whether the resource is available at that time or not
current_time =
week_minutes = 24 * 7 * 60 #minutes in a week
day_minutes = 24 * 60 # minutes in a day
current_day = int((current_time % week_minutes)/day_minutes) #first checks the number of minutes left in th week then checks number of day of the week
return current_day in self.schedule # returns a boolean whether the int current day is in schedule
def request (self, *args, **kwargs):
if self.is_availeble == False:
self.env.process(self.wait_for_availability(*args, **kwargs))
return super().request(*args, **kwargs)
def wait_for_availability(self, *args, **kwargs):
Creates a waiting process that waits for the resource to be available and then executes the request function
while not self.is_availeble():
#sees how much time is left for new day
current_minutes =
day_minutes = 24 * 60
minutes_till_next_day = day_minutes - (current_minutes/day_minutes)
#wait for that much time
yield self.env.timeout(minutes_till_next_day)
#when it's the right time, execute the request
request = super().request(*args, **kwargs)
yield request
return request
class ca_cx_patient (object):
This class creates patients and declares their individual parameters that explains how they spent their time at the hospital
These individual parameters will then be combined with others in the simulation to get overall estimates
def __init__(self, pt_id):
defines a patient and declares patient level variables to be recorded and written in a dataframe
''' = pt_id
#declaring the variables to be recorded
#putting them as zero to try an
self.time_at_entered = 0 #time when the patient entered into the OPD room
self.time_at_hist_exam = 0
self.time_at_screen_result = 0 #time when the patient first received the screening result
self.time_at_colposcopy = 0 #time when the patient attended the colposcopy clinic
self.time_at_treatment = 0 #time when patient got the treatment, either admission or surgery or LEEP or thermal/cryo
self.time_at_exit = 0 #time when patient exits the system
#need these values to calculate resource utilisation percentage
self.history_examination_service_time = 0
self.colposcopy_service_time = 0
self.treatment_service_time = 0
self.screen_sample_processing_time = 0
self.screen_sample_reporting_time = 0
self.biopsy_sample_processing_time = 0
self.biopsy_sample_reporting_time = 0
#Queue times for different processes
self.hist_exam_wait_time = 0
self.screen_wait_time = 0
self.colpo_wait_time = 0
self.treatment_wait_time = 0
#need these values to calculate queue lengths
self.hist_exam_q_length = 0
self.colposcopy_q_length =0
self.treatment_q_length = 0
self.screen_processing_q_length = 0
self.screen_reporting_q_length = 0
self.biopsy_processing_q_length = 0
self.biopsy_reporting_q_length = 0
class obs_gynae_pt(object):
This class implements a generic patient that arrives at the Obs Gynae OPD.
A small percentage of them require procedures and a small percent of them require surgery
Hence they request all the same resources as the cacx patient other than the path services
def __init__(self, id): = id
class path_patient(object):
This class implements all the other instances of all patients that generate a pathological sample and request the same resources as the
cervical cancer screening and biopsy sample
def __init__(self, id): = id
class Ca_Cx_pathway (object):
This is the fake hospital. Defines all the processes that the patients will go through. Will record statistics for 1 simulation that will be later analyzed and clubbed with
results from 100 simulations
def __init__(self, run_number, num_gynae_residents = 4, num_gynae_consultants = 2, num_pathologists = 4, num_cytotechnicians = 2, num_colposcopy_room = 3, num_ot_rooms = 2):
self.env = simpy.Environment()
#declaring number of modifiable resource capacity, non modifiable resources to be imported from the parameters class
self.num_gynae_residents = num_gynae_residents
self.num_gynae_consultants = num_gynae_consultants
self.num_pathologists = num_pathologists
self.num_cytotechnicians = num_cytotechnicians
self.num_colposcopy_rooms = num_colposcopy_room
self.num_ot_rooms = num_ot_rooms
self.run_number = run_number
self.colposcopy_schedule = [0,2,4] #list of integers form 0-6 for each day of the week that resource is available
self.ot_schedule = [0,2,4] #list of integers from 0-6 for each day of the week that resource is available
self.gen_pt_counter = 0 #acts as the UHID of the 0th patient
self.cacx_pt_counter = 0
self.path_pt_counter = 0 # acts as the UHID of the untracked patient that generates a pathological sample
self.run_number = self.run_number + 1
#declaring resources
self.gynae_residents = simpy.Resource(self.env, capacity=num_gynae_residents)
self.gynae_consultants = simpy.Resource(self.env, capacity=num_gynae_consultants)
self.pathologist = simpy.Resource(self.env, capacity=num_pathologists)
self.cytotechnician = simpy.Resource(self.env, capacity=num_cytotechnicians)
self.pap_kit = simpy.Resource(self.env, capacity=parameters.num_pap_kits)
self.pathology_consumables = simpy.Resource(self.env, capacity=parameters.num_pathology_consumables)
self.colposcopy_consumables = simpy.Resource(self.env, capacity=parameters.num_colposcopy_consumables)
self.thermal_consumables = simpy.Resource(self.env, capacity=parameters.num_thermal_consumables)
self.ot_consumables = simpy.Resource(self.env, capacity=parameters.num_ot_consumables)
#rooms (scheduled resource)
self.colposcopy_room = scheduled_resource(self.env, self.colposcopy_schedule, capacity=parameters.num_colposcopy_rooms, )
self.ot_room = scheduled_resource(self.env, self.ot_schedule, capacity = parameters.num_ot_rooms)
#declaring a patient level dataframe to record patient KPIs - This is recorded at the individual level
self.individual_results = pd.DataFrame({
"UHID" : [],
"Screen_Processing_Q_Length" : [],
"Screen_reporting_Q_Length" : [],
"Colposcopy_Q_Length" :[],
"Biopsy_Processing_Q_Length" : [],
"Biopsy_Reporting_Q_Length" : [],
"Treatment_Q_length" :[],
"Time_at_Hist_Exam" :[],
"Time_at_colpo" : [],
"Time_at_treatment" : [],
"History_and_Examination_time": [], #also recording service times as they will ultimately be added up to calculate resource utilisation percentage
#Declaring individual results processing variables
#time intervals between important points
self.time_to_screen_result = 0 #during analysis, need to only consider those patients who actually did undergo these procedures
self.time_to_colposcopy = 0 #as not all patients will undergo all the processes. might include some drop na function, but shouldn't be too much of a problem
self.time_to_treatment = 0
self.total_time_in_system = 0
#declaring system KPIs to be measured at the run level.
#Queue lengths for different processes
self.max_q_len_screen_processing = 0
self.max_q_len_screen_reporting = 0
self.max_q_len_colposcopy = 0
self.max_q_len_biopsy_processing = 0
self.max_q_len_biopsy_reporting = 0
self.max_q_len_treatment = 0
#Resource utilization percentages
self.gynae_residents_utilisation = 0 #by adding service times of all the processes where these resources are required.
self.gynae_consultants_utlisation = 0
self.cytotechnician_utilisation = 0
self.pathologist_utilisation = 0
def is_within_working_hours(self):
Checks whether the current simulation time is within working hours and returns a boolean.
current_sim_mins = % (24 * 60) # Keeps time within a 24-hour cycle
start_mins = 9 * 60 # 9:00 AM = 540 minutes
end_mins = 17 * 60 # 5:00 PM = 1020 minutes
return start_mins <= current_sim_mins < end_mins
def gen_obs_gynae_pt(self):
Generates a fictional patient that either goes through the normal pathway or
through the cacx pathway according to a distribution, they undergo and OPD, this generates a sample which undergoes processing, after results are
conveyed, if positive, patient only then moves on to the next step i.e. colposcopy.
while True:
self.gen_pt_counter += 1
generic_pt = obs_gynae_pt(self.gen_pt_counter)
wait_for_next_pt = random.expovariate(1/parameters.obs_gynae_pt_arr_time)
yield self.env.timeout(wait_for_next_pt)
def gen_cacx_pt(self):
generates a cancer cervix patient and has its own interarrival rate
while True:
#if self.is_within_working_hours():
self.cacx_pt_counter += 1
screening_patient = ca_cx_patient(self.cacx_pt_counter)
#print("Patient generates", self.patient.pt_id)
#here we will need to generate all the samples for the patient, even if they don't get created later on
#reason for that is it's okay if the reading is 0 or NaN, the code just won't work if there is no object to begin with
#record necessary timepoints
screening_patient.time_at_entered =
#patient moves to the OPD
parameters.output_line_no += 1
#print(f"Output Line Number {parameters.output_line_no}")
#time for next patient arrival
wait_for_next_cacx_pt = random.expovariate(1/parameters.cacx_pt_arr_time)
yield self.env.timeout(wait_for_next_cacx_pt)
def gen_path_pt(self):
Generates patients that generate a pathological sample and request path resources
while True:
#if self.is_within_working_hours():
self.path_pt_counter += 1
path_pt = path_patient(self.path_pt_counter)
wait_for_path_pt = random.expovariate(1/parameters.path_pt_arr_time)
yield self.env.timeout(wait_for_path_pt)
def obs_gynae_hist_exam(self, patient):
All non tracked patients go through a general history and examination
with self.gynae_residents.request() as gynae_res:
yield gynae_res
#patient undergoes history, examination and sample collection
history_examination_time = random.triangular(parameters.history_exam_time/2, parameters.history_exam_time, parameters.history_exam_time *2 )
yield self.env.timeout(history_examination_time)
if random.random() < parameters.gynae_pt_procedure_prop:
def cacx_hist_exam(self, patient):
Patient undergoes history and examination and in the process also generates the screening sample
#request for a resident and consumables for sample collection and wait for them to be available
start_q_time =
patient.hist_exam_q_length = len(self.gynae_residents.queue)
with self.gynae_residents.request() as gynae_res, self.pap_kit.request() as pap, self.pathology_consumables.request() as path_consum :
yield gynae_res and pap and path_consum
#patient undergoes history, examination and sample collection
end_q_time =
patient.hist_exam_wait_time = end_q_time - start_q_time
patient.time_at_hist_exam =
history_examination_time = random.triangular(parameters.history_exam_time/2, parameters.history_exam_time, parameters.history_exam_time *2 )
patient.history_examination_service_time = history_examination_time
yield self.env.timeout(history_examination_time)
#New implementation different than the previous one
#The sample goes to processing and reporting function which generates a boolean which decides whether the patient moves on or not
screening_sample_gen = self.env.process(self.screening(patient))
screen_result = yield screening_sample_gen
if screen_result:
#patient exits the system
patient.time_at_exit =
self.add_to_individual_results(( patient))
#generate a screening sample
#self.pt_screening_sample = screen_sample(self.patient.pt_id) #screen sample id is the same as the patient id
#print("Screen Sample generated", self.pt_screening_sample.screen_sample_id)
#here we will need to generate all the samples for the patient, even if they don't get created later on
#reason for that is it's okay if the reading is 0 or NaN, the code just won't work if there is no object to begin with
#self.pt_biopsy_sample = biopsy_sample(self.patient.pt_id) #generate a biopsy sample that will go for processing
#print("biopsy sample generated", self.pt_biopsy_sample.biopsy_sample_id)
#sample goes on for processing
def gen_path_process(self, patient):
A generic path sample that requests path resources
with self.cytotechnician.request() as cytotec, self.pathology_consumables.request() as scr_proc_consum:
yield cytotec and scr_proc_consum
path_sample_processing_time = random.triangular(parameters.path_processing_time/2, parameters.path_processing_time, parameters.path_processing_time *2)
yield self.env.timeout(path_sample_processing_time)
with self.pathologist.request() as path:
yield path
path_sample_reporting_time = random.triangular(parameters.path_reporting_time/2, parameters.path_reporting_time, parameters.path_reporting_time * 2)
yield self.env.timeout(path_sample_reporting_time)
def screening (self, patient):
This function simulation the processing and reporting of screen samples and returns a boolean whether the result is positive or negative
patient.screen_processing_q_length = len(self.cytotechnician.queue)
start_q_time =
with self.cytotechnician.request() as cytotec, self.pathology_consumables.request() as scr_proc_consum:
yield cytotec and scr_proc_consum
screen_sample_processing_time = random.triangular(parameters.path_processing_time/2, parameters.path_processing_time, parameters.path_processing_time *2)
patient.screen_sample_processing_time = screen_sample_processing_time
yield self.env.timeout(screen_sample_processing_time)
patient.screen_reporting_q_length = len(self.pathologist.queue)
with self.pathologist.request() as path:
yield path
screen_sample_reporting_time = random.triangular(parameters.path_reporting_time/2, parameters.path_reporting_time, parameters.path_reporting_time * 2)
patient.screen_sample_reporting_time = screen_sample_reporting_time #record this for resource utilisation %
yield self.env.timeout(screen_sample_reporting_time)
end_q_time =
patient.screen_wait_time = end_q_time - start_q_time
patient.time_at_screen_result =
if random.random() < parameters.screen_positivity_rate:
return True #if sample is positive
return False # if sample is negative
def obs_gynae_procedure(self, patient):
A generic procedure such as EA/ECC, other procedures done in the procedure room, part of the untracked pathway
with self.gynae_consultants.request() as gynae_consul, self.colposcopy_room.request() as colpo_room:
yield gynae_consul and colpo_room
#Record time at colposcopy
#patient undergoes colposcopy
procedure_service_time = random.triangular(parameters.colposcopy_time/2, parameters.colposcopy_time, parameters.colposcopy_time *2)
yield self.env.timeout(procedure_service_time)
if random.random() < parameters.gynae_pt_sx_prop:
def call_for_follow_up (self, patient):
Gynaecology residents
#no waiting time for this as it is quite instant.
#request a gynae_res (later on could modify to include a receptionist or another health cadre)
with self.gynae_residents.request() as gynae_res:
yield gynae_res
# whether the patient returns or not
if random.random() < parameters.follow_up_rate:
#patient goes on for colposcopy
#instantaneous process so no timeout really and also not a service
#patient exits the system
patient.time_at_exit =
#add to df
def colposcopy(self, patient):
Patient that was generated undergoes colposcopy
#here, the entity requests two different resources, it's waiting time or queue length will be decided by whatever is less available.
# 1 small caveat here is that service times for different resources are different, so a larger queue doesn't necessarily mean a longer waiting time
# we're not measuring waiting time but only time between events as that is a much more relevant indicator for implementation decisions.
colpo_q_len_list = [len(self.gynae_consultants.queue), len(self.colposcopy_room.queue) ]
patient.colposcopy_q_length = max(colpo_q_len_list)
start_q_time =
#requests for a consultant, consumables and a room
with self.gynae_consultants.request() as gynae_consul, self.colposcopy_consumables.request() as gynae_consumables, self.colposcopy_room.request() as colpo_room:
yield gynae_consul and gynae_consumables and colpo_room
#Record time at colposcopy
end_q_time =
patient.colpo_wait_time = end_q_time - start_q_time
patient.time_at_colposcopy =
#patient undergoes colposcopy
colposcopy_service_time = random.triangular(parameters.colposcopy_time/2, parameters.colposcopy_time, parameters.colposcopy_time *2)
patient.colposcopy_service_time = colposcopy_service_time
yield self.env.timeout(colposcopy_service_time)
biopsy_sample_gen = self.env.process(self.biopsy(patient))
biopsy_result = yield biopsy_sample_gen
if biopsy_result == 1:
elif biopsy_result == 2:
patient.time_at_exit =
def biopsy(self, patient):
implementation is very similar to the screening function
patient.biopsy_processing_q_length = len(self.cytotechnician.queue)
with self.cytotechnician.request() as cytotec, self.pathology_consumables.request() as path_consum:
yield cytotec and path_consum
biopsy_sample_processing_time = random.triangular(parameters.path_processing_time/2, parameters.path_processing_time, parameters.path_processing_time * 2)
patient.biopsy_sample_processing_time = biopsy_sample_processing_time
yield self.env.timeout(biopsy_sample_processing_time)
patient.biopsy_reporting_q_length = len(self.pathologist.queue)
with self.pathologist.request() as path:
yield path
biopsy_sample_reporting_time = random.triangular(parameters.path_reporting_time/2, parameters.path_reporting_time, parameters.path_reporting_time *2)
patient.biopsy_sample_reporting_time = biopsy_sample_reporting_time
yield self.env.timeout(biopsy_sample_reporting_time)
if random.random() < parameters.biopsy_cin_rate:
return 1
elif parameters.biopsy_cin_rate < random.random() < parameters.biopsy_cacx_rate:
return 2
return 3
def biopsy_sample_processing(self):
Biopsy sample if prepared undergoes processing
#queue length for processing
self.pt_biopsy_sample.biopsy_processing_q_length = len(self.cytotechnician.queue)
#requests a cytotechnicians and consumables
with self.cytotechnician.request() as cytotec, self.pathology_consumables.request() as path_consum:
yield cytotec and path_consum
#biopsy sample undergoes processing
biopsy_sample_processing_time = random.triangular(parameters.path_processing_time/2, parameters.path_processing_time, parameters.path_processing_time * 2)
self.pt_biopsy_sample.biopsy_sample_processing_time = biopsy_sample_processing_time
yield self.env.timeout(biopsy_sample_processing_time)
#biopsy sample goes for reporting
def biopsy_sample_reporting(self):
Biopsy sample if taken undergoes reporting after processing
#queue length for reporting
self.pt_biopsy_sample.biopsy_reporting_q_length = len(self.pathologist.queue)
#requests a pathologist
with self.pathologist.request() as path:
yield path
#biopsy sample undergoes reporting
biopsy_sample_reporting_time = random.triangular(parameters.path_reporting_time/2, parameters.path_reporting_time, parameters.path_reporting_time *2)
self.pt_biopsy_sample.biopsy_sample_reporting_time = biopsy_sample_reporting_time
yield self.env.timeout(biopsy_sample_reporting_time)
#depending on the diagnosis, patient either goes for thermal ablation or hysterectomy (currently, only making 2 options available, have the option of adding more on later)
biopsy_result = random.random()
if biopsy_result < parameters.biopsy_cin_rate:
self.env.process(self.thermal_ablation()) #diagnosed with CIN
elif parameters.biopsy_cin_rate < biopsy_result < parameters.biopsy_cacx_rate:
self.env.process(self.hysterectomy()) #diagnosed with cervical cancer
self.patient.time_at_exit = #patient exits the system
#add data to the df
def thermal_ablation(self, patient):
If indicated, pt undergoes thermal ablation
thermal_q_len_list = [len(self.gynae_consultants.queue), len(self.colposcopy_room.queue) ]
patient.treatment_q_length = max(thermal_q_len_list)
#requests resources required for thermal ablation
with self.gynae_consultants.request() as gynae_consul, self.thermal_consumables.request() as thermal_consum, self.colposcopy_room.request() as colpo_room:
yield gynae_consul and thermal_consum and colpo_room
patient.time_at_treatment =
#patient undergoes thermal ablation
thermal_ablation_time = random.triangular(parameters.thermal_time/2, parameters.thermal_time, parameters.thermal_time *2)
patient.treatment_service_time = thermal_ablation_time
yield self.env.timeout(thermal_ablation_time)
#patient exits the system
patient.time_at_exit =
#add to df
def leep (self):
if indicated, patient undergoes LEEP
#Not being implemented in this first version of the model
def gynae_sx(self, patient):
All surgeries other than CaCx surgery, part of the untracked pathway
with self.gynae_consultants.request() as gynae_consul, self.ot_consumables.request() as ot_consum, self.ot_room.request() as ot_room:
yield gynae_consul and ot_consum and ot_room
#patient undergoes surgery
sx_time = random.triangular(parameters.hysterectomy_time/2, parameters.hysterectomy_time, parameters.hysterectomy_time *2)
yield self.env.timeout(sx_time)
def hysterectomy (self, patient):
if indicated, patient undergoes hysterectomy
hyst_q_len_list = [len(self.gynae_consultants.queue), len(self.ot_room.queue)]
patient.treatment_q_length = max(hyst_q_len_list)
#request for a ot room and other equipment
with self.gynae_consultants.request() as gynae_consul, self.ot_consumables.request() as ot_consum, self.ot_room as ot_room:
yield gynae_consul and ot_consum and ot_room
self.patient.time_at_treatment =
#patient undergoes surgery
hysterectomy_time = random.triangular(parameters.hysterectomy_time/2, parameters.hysterectomy_time, parameters.hysterectomy_time *2)
self.patient.treatment_service_time = hysterectomy_time
yield self.env.timeout(hysterectomy_time)
#patient exits the system
patient.time_at_exit =
#adding everything to the dataframe
def add_to_individual_results (self, patient):
To add a row to a df, we need to pass an argument that adds in all 10-12 columns together even if we want to add just one cell
Hence to make my job easier, writing a function that does this in every function without having to write too much.
df_to_add = pd.DataFrame({
"UHID" : [],
"Screen_Processing_Q_Length" : [patient.screen_processing_q_length],
"Screen_reporting_Q_Length" : [patient.screen_reporting_q_length],
"Biopsy_Processing_Q_Length" : [patient.biopsy_processing_q_length],
"Biopsy_Reporting_Q_Length" : [patient.biopsy_reporting_q_length],
"Time_at_Hist_Exam" :[patient.time_at_hist_exam],
"Time_at_colposcopy" : [patient.time_at_colposcopy],
"Time_at_treatment" : [patient.time_at_treatment],
"History_and_Examination_time": [patient.history_examination_service_time], #also recording service times as they will ultimately be added up to calculate resource utilisation percentage
df_to_add.set_index('UHID', inplace= True)
self.individual_results = pd.concat([self.individual_results, df_to_add]) #throws syntax error that I should not use the _ sign, we'll see
def individual_results_processor(self):
Processes the individual results dataframe by adding columns from which KPI's can be calculated
#Calculating time between important events
self.individual_results['Time_to_screen_results'] = self.individual_results['Time_at_screening_result'] - self.individual_results['Time_Entered_in_System']
self.individual_results['Time_to_Colposcopy'] = self.individual_results['Time_at_colposcopy'] - self.individual_results['Time_Entered_in_System']
self.individual_results['Time_to_Treatment'] = self.individual_results['Time_at_treatment'] - self.individual_results['Time_Entered_in_System']
self.individual_results['Total_time_in_system'] = self.individual_results['Exit_time'] - self.individual_results['Time_Entered_in_System']
#Calculating service times for different resources
self.individual_results['Gynae_res_busy_time'] = self.individual_results['History_and_Examination_time']
self.individual_results['Cytotech_busy_time'] = self.individual_results['Screen_processing_time'] + self.individual_results['Biopsy_processing_time']
self.individual_results['Pathologist_busy_time'] = self.individual_results['Screen_reporting_time'] + self.individual_results['Biopsy_reporting_time']
self.individual_results['Gynae_consul_busy_time'] = self.individual_results['Colposcopy_time'] + self.individual_results['Treatment_time']
def KPI_calculator(self):
Function that calculates the various KPIs from an individual run from the different columns of the individual results dataframe
These are KPIs for a signle run
#max q lengths
self.max_q_len_hist_exam = self.individual_results['Hist_Exam_Q_Length'].max()
self.max_q_len_screen_processing = self.individual_results['Screen_Processing_Q_Length'].max()
self.max_q_len_screen_reporting = self.individual_results['Screen_reporting_Q_Length'].max()
self.max_q_len_colposcopy = self.individual_results['Colposcopy_Q_Length'].max()
self.max_q_len_biopsy_processing = self.individual_results['Biopsy_Processing_Q_Length'].max()
self.max_q_len_biopsy_reporting = self.individual_results['Biopsy_Reporting_Q_Length'].max()
self.max_q_len_treatment = self.individual_results['Treatment_Q_length'].max()
#resource utilisation percentages
self.gynae_residents_utilisation = self.individual_results['Gynae_res_busy_time'].sum()/(parameters.run_time * self.num_gynae_residents)
self.cytotechnician_utilisation = self.individual_results['Cytotech_busy_time'].sum()/(parameters.run_time * self.num_cytotechnicians)
self.gynae_consultants_utlisation = self.individual_results['Gynae_consul_busy_time'].sum() / (parameters.run_time * self.num_gynae_consultants)
self.pathologist_utilisation = self.individual_results['Pathologist_busy_time'].sum() / (parameters.run_time * self.num_pathologists)
#median waiting times for processes
self.med_hist_exam_wait_time = self.individual_results['Hist_Exam_Wait_time'].median()
self.med_screen_wait_time = self.individual_results['Screen_wait_time'].median()
self.med_colpo_wait_time = self.individual_results['Colpo_Wait_time'].median()
#median time to important events
#creating temp df and dropping rows with negative values for specific columns
temp_colpo_time_df = self.individual_results['Time_to_Colposcopy'][self.individual_results['Time_to_Colposcopy'] >0]
temp_treatmet_time_df = self.individual_results['Time_to_Treatment'][self.individual_results['Time_to_Treatment'] >0]
#now putting the median method onto that limited dataset
self.med_time_to_scr_res = self.individual_results['Time_to_screen_results'].median()
self.med_time_to_colpo = temp_colpo_time_df.median()
self.med_time_to_treatment = temp_treatmet_time_df.median()
self.med_tot_time_in_system = self.individual_results['Total_time_in_system'].median()
def export_row_to_csv(self):
Creates a new dataframe with trial results and exports a single row to that dataframe after each run
with open ('kpi_trial_results.csv', 'a')as f:
writer = csv.writer(f, delimiter= ',')
row_to_add = [
def run(self):
Runs the simulation and calls the generator function.
self.env.process(self.gen_path_pt()) parameters.run_time)
self.individual_results.drop_duplicates(subset='Time_Entered_in_System', keep='last')
print(f"Completed {self.run_number} run")
class summary_statistics(object):
This class will define methods that will calculate aggregate statistics from 100 simulations and append the results onto a new spreadsheet which will be used to append results
from 100 simulations for different number of independent variables (such as patients)
def __init__(self):
def gen_final_summary_table (self):
Generates a table, essentially a row of summary statistics for 100 runs with a particular initial setting.
with open ('final_summary_table.csv', 'w') as f:
writer = csv.writer(f, delimiter= ',')
column_headers = [
"Experiment_No" ,
"Max_Scr_Proc_Q_len" ,
'Max_Scr_Rep_Q_len' ,
'Max_Colpo_Q_len' ,
"Max_Biop_Proc_Q_Len" ,
"Max_Biop_Rep_Q_Len" ,
"Max_T/t_Q_len" ,
#resource utilisation %
#Waiting times for different processes
#Time between important events
'Total_time_in_system' ]
def calculate_summary_statistics(self):
Calculates summary statistic from 100 runs (or whatever the number of runs is specified) from the kpi_trial_results table which will then later on be added
onto the final_summary_table csv
filepath = 'kpi_trial_results.csv'
df_to_read = pd.read_csv(filepath)
self.max_hist_exam_q_len = df_to_read['Max_Hist_Exam_Q_len'].median()
self.max_scr_proc_q_len = df_to_read['Max_Scr_Proc_Q_len'].median()
self.max_scr_rep_q_len = df_to_read['Max_Scr_Rep_Q_len'].median()
self.max_colpo_q_len = df_to_read['Max_Colpo_Q_len'].median()
self.max_biop_proc_q_len = df_to_read['Max_Biop_Proc_Q_Len'].median()
self.max_biop_rep_q_len = df_to_read['Max_Biop_Rep_Q_Len'].median()
self.max_treatment_q_len = df_to_read['Max_T/t_Q_len'].median()
self.med_gynae_res_util = df_to_read['Gynae_Res_%_util'].median()
self.med_gynae_consul_util = df_to_read['Gynae_consul_%_util'].median()
self.med_path_util = df_to_read['Path_%_util'].median()
self.med_cytotec_util = df_to_read['Cytotec_%_util'].median()
self.med_hist_exam_wait_time = df_to_read['Hist_Exam_Wait_Time'].median()
self.med_scr_wait_time = df_to_read['Screening_Wait_Time'].median()
self.med_colpo_wait_time = df_to_read['Colpo_Wait_Time'].median()
self.med_time_to_scr = df_to_read['Time_to_screening_results'].median()
self.med_time_to_colpo = df_to_read['Time_to_colposcopy'].median()
self.med_time_to_tt = df_to_read['Time_to_treatment'].median()
self.med_tot_time_in_sys = df_to_read['Total_time_in_system'].median()
def populate_final_summary_table(self):
Updates the final summary table one row whenever it is called.
with open ('final_summary_table.csv', 'a') as f:
writer = csv.writer(f, delimiter= ',')
row_to_add = [parameters.experiment_no,
def clear_csv_file():
Erases all the contents of a csv file. Used in the refresh button of the gradio app to start fresh
parameters.experiment_no = 0
with open ('final_summary_table.csv', 'w') as f:
open_final_table = summary_statistics()
def plotly_plotter():
filepath = 'final_summary_table.csv'
df_to_plot = pd.read_csv(filepath)
fig = sp.make_subplots(rows = 1, cols= 3, subplot_titles= ("Max Queue Length",
'HR % Utilisation','Time to important events'))
fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x = df_to_plot['Experiment_No'], y = df_to_plot['Max_Scr_Proc_Q_len'], name = "Q len for Screen Processing"), row = 1, col = 1)
fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x = df_to_plot['Experiment_No'], y = df_to_plot['Max_Scr_Rep_Q_len'], name = "Q len for Screen Reporting"),row = 1, col = 1)
fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x = df_to_plot['Experiment_No'], y = df_to_plot['Max_Colpo_Q_len'], name = "Q len for Colposcopy"),row = 1, col = 1)
fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x = df_to_plot['Experiment_No'], y = df_to_plot['Max_Biop_Proc_Q_Len'], name = "Q len for Biopsy Processing"),row = 1, col = 1)
fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x = df_to_plot['Experiment_No'], y = df_to_plot['Max_Biop_Rep_Q_Len'], name = "Q len for Biopsy Reporting"),row = 1, col = 1)
fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x = df_to_plot['Experiment_No'], y = df_to_plot['Max_T/t_Q_len'], name = "Q len for Treatment"),row = 1, col = 1)
fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x = df_to_plot['Experiment_No'], y = df_to_plot['Gynae_Res_%_util'], name = "% Utilisation for Gynae Residents"),row = 1, col = 2)
fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x = df_to_plot['Experiment_No'], y = df_to_plot['Gynae_consul_%_util'], name = "% Utilisation for Gynae Consultants"),row = 1, col = 2)
fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x = df_to_plot['Experiment_No'], y = df_to_plot['Path_%_util'], name = "% Utilisation for Pathologists"),row = 1, col = 2)
fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x = df_to_plot['Experiment_No'], y = df_to_plot['Cytotec_%_util'], name = "% Utilisation for Cytotechnicians"),row = 1, col = 2)
fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x = df_to_plot['Experiment_No'], y = df_to_plot['Time_to_screening_results'], name = "Time to screening results"),row = 1, col = 3)
fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x = df_to_plot['Experiment_No'], y = df_to_plot['Time_to_colposcopy'], name = "Time to Colposcopy"),row = 1, col = 3)
fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x = df_to_plot['Experiment_No'], y = df_to_plot['Time_to_treatment'], name = "Time to Treatment"),row = 1, col = 3)
fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x = df_to_plot['Experiment_No'], y = df_to_plot['Total_time_in_system'], name = "Total Time in the System"),row = 1, col = 3)
return fig
def gen_kpi_table():
#defining the KPI Results Table for one run, the export to row function in the cacx pathway class
# will add one row at a time
with open('kpi_trial_results.csv', 'w') as f:
writer = csv.writer(f, delimiter= ',')
column_headers = [
"Run_Number" ,
"Max_Scr_Proc_Q_len" ,
'Max_Scr_Rep_Q_len' ,
'Max_Colpo_Q_len' ,
"Max_Biop_Proc_Q_Len" ,
"Max_Biop_Rep_Q_Len" ,
"Max_T/t_Q_len" ,
#resource utilisation %
#Time between important events
'Total_time_in_system' ]
open_final_table = summary_statistics()
def main(pt_per_year = 2000, hist_exam_time = 10, num_gynae_res = 1, num_gynae_consul = 8, num_cytotec = 9, num_path = 11):
This function will run the simulation for different independent variables that we need.
parameters.cacx_pt_arr_time = int(parameters.run_time / pt_per_year)
parameters.experiment_no += 1
parameters.history_exam_time = hist_exam_time
print (f'Experiment Number: {parameters.experiment_no}')
#print('For this experiment, Pt interarrival time = 480/patients per day = 480/{pt_per_day}')
sum_stats = summary_statistics()
for run in range (parameters.number_of_runs):
print(f'Run {run+1} in {parameters.number_of_runs}')
my_sim_model = Ca_Cx_pathway(run, num_gynae_res, num_gynae_consul, num_cytotec, num_path)
return plotly_plotter()
with gr.Blocks() as app:
<h1>Cervical Cancer DES App</h1>
with gr.Row(equal_height= True):
with gr.Column(scale = 1):
<h2>Parameter Table</h2>
<th>Parameter name</th>
<th>Simulation Parameters</th>
<td>Number of Runs</td>
<td>For better run time</td>
<td>Number of Gynae Pt in a year</td>
<td>AIIMS Bhopal Annual Report</td>
<td>Number of Pathology Samples</td>
<td>AIIMS Bhopal Annual Report</td>
<td>Total Run Time</td>
<td>Total working hours in a year</td>
<th>Service Times</th>
<td>History and Examination</td>
<td>10 mins</td>
<td>Personal Experience</td>
<td>Path Sample Processing time</td>
<td>30 mins</td>
<td>Pap smear staining process manual</td>
<td>Path sample reporting time</td>
<td>30 mins</td>
<td>BMJ Report</td>
<td>25 mins</td>
<td>BMJ Report</td>
<td>Thermal Ablation</td>
<td>25 mins</td>
<td>BMJ Report</td>
<td>50 mins</td>
<td>BMJ Report</td>
<th>Epidemiological Parameters</th>
<td>Screen positivity</td>
<td>10 %</td>
<td>Self Meta Analysis</td>
<td>Biopsy positivity rate</td>
<td>Dummy value</td>
<td>Biopsy CIN Ratio</td>
<td>Dummy Value</td>
<td>Biopsy CaCx Ratio</td>
<td>2 %</td>
<td>Dummy Value</td>
<td>Follow up rate after positive screen</td>
<td>65 %</td>
<td>Self Meta-Analysis</td>
<th>Hospital Resources</th>
<td>Num Gynae Residents</td>
<td> 10</td>
<td>AIIMS Bhopal Annual Report</td>
<td>Num Gynae Consultants</td>
<td> 3 </td>
<td>AIIMS Bhopal Annual Report</td>
<td>Num Cytotechnicians</td>
<td> 12</td>
<td>AIIMS Bhopal Annual Report</td>
<td>Num Pathologists</td>
<td> 15 </td>
<td>AIIMS Bhopal Annual Report</td>
<td>Num Colposcopy/Procedure Rooms</td>
<td> 2</td>
<td>AIIMS Bhopal Annual Report</td>
<td>Num Operation Theatres</td>
<td> 2 </td>
<td>AIIMS Bhopal Annual Report</td>
with gr.Column(scale=1):
<h2>AIIMS Bhopal Cervical Cancer pathways and other interacting pathways</h2>
with gr.Row():
<h2>Modifiable Parameters</h2>
Limited to different HR and Procedure rooms for this implementation
#num_gynae_residents, num_gynae_consultants, num_pathologists, num_cytotechnicians, num_colposcopy_room, num_ot_rooms
pt_per_year = gr.Slider(minimum= 1000, maximum = 10000, label= 'Patients Visiting per day', value= 2000, step = 1000)
hist_exam_time = gr.Slider(minimum= 5, maximum = 40, label= 'Time taken for History and Examination (mins)', value= 10, step = 5)
with gr.Row():
btn = gr.Button(value= "Run the Simulation")
with gr.Row(equal_height=True):
output = gr.Plot(label= 'Simulation Results'), [pt_per_year, hist_exam_time], output)
with gr.Row():
btn_ref = gr.Button(value = "Refresh the plots") (clear_csv_file)