ED_sim / OOP_ED_v2.0_gr.py
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Mon Apr 22 10:55:25 2024
@author: varad
#OOP model for a real ED with 3 processes and 3 resources
#import libraries
import simpy
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import math
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import random
import csv
import gradio as gr
import plotly.graph_objects as go
class g (object):
A class that holds all the global variables that will be passed into the different processes.
It's easier to change the global variables here rather than change them in the process code as it could lead to errors
#service times (these are more or less constant and hence won't be changed through user input, although it is possible to change them too,
#but for the sake of this program, they won't be changed)
ed_inter_arrival = 6 #mins
mean_registeration = 2 #mins
mean_triage = 6 #mins
mean_acu_ass = 60 #mins
mean_ed_ass = 30 #mins
#resources (this will need to me moved from a static variable to a variable within the ED class as it will then be fed into the gradio app
#as variables to be modified through user input)
receptionist = 1
nurse = 2
ed_doc = 2
acu_doc = 1
#simulation variables
number_of_runs = 100
warmup_time = 1440 #24 hours and 60 minutes per hour
run_time = 100 # mins
class ed_patient (object):
Defines the patient characteristics. Could be interesting if we have different types of patients
But for this exercise we have only one type of patient that is a regular patient that has a 20% chance
of going to the ACU. Also important to store patient level variables to then summarize and plot
def __init__(self, uhid):
self.id = uhid
#declaring these variables as they will be recorded and manipulated with later
self.time_entered_in_system = 0
self.q_reception = 0
self.service_reception = 0
self.q_nurse = 0
self.service_nurse = 0
self.q_edd_ass = 0
self.ed_ass_time = 0
self.acu_ass_time = 0
self.q_acu_ass = 0
self.time_exit_system = 0
self.tot_system_time = 0
class ED_sim (object):
This is the actual clinic where everything is simulated.
def __init__(self, run_number,receptionist = 3, nurse = 2, ed_doc = 2, acu_doc = 1 ):
#declaring the environment
self.env = simpy.Environment()
#declaring resource capacity as variables to later be changed through gradio inputs
self.rec_no = receptionist
self.nurse_no = nurse
self.ed_doc_no = ed_doc
self.acu_doc_no = acu_doc
self.patient_counter = 0
#declaring resources
self.receptionist = simpy.Resource(self.env, capacity = self.rec_no)
self.nurse = simpy.Resource(self.env, capacity = self.nurse_no)
self.ed_doc = simpy.Resource(self.env, capacity = self.ed_doc_no)
self.acu_doc = simpy.Resource(self.env, capacity = self.acu_doc_no)
self.run_number = run_number + 1
#initiating a dataframe with required columns
self.individual_level_results = pd.DataFrame({
"UHID" :[],
"Time_entered_in_system" : [],
"Total time in System":[]
self.individual_level_results.set_index('UHID', inplace= True) #sets the index to UHID which is just 1,2,3,4 etc
#declaring mean variables for or KPIs to be calculated at the end of one run
self.Mean_Q_Rec_time = 0
self.Mean_Q_Nurse_time = 0
self.Mean_Q_ED_time = 0
self.Mean_Q_ACU_time = 0
self.Rec_utilize = 0
self.Nurse_utilize = 0
self.ED_doc_utilize = 0
self.ACU_doc_utilize = 0
def generate_ed_arrivals(self):
while True:
self.patient_counter += 1 #this is also the UHID of the patient
ed_pt = ed_patient(self.patient_counter)
ed_pt.time_entered_in_system = self.env.now #Used to calculate total time spent in the system
#Patient goes to registeration
#draws a random value from an exponential distribution with lambda = interarrival time
ed_arrival_time = random.expovariate(1/g.ed_inter_arrival)
yield self.env.timeout(ed_arrival_time)
def registration(self, patient):
start_q_rec = self.env.now
with self.receptionist.request() as req:
yield req
end_q_rec = self.env.now
#storing patient level values in patient level variables
patient.q_reception = end_q_rec - start_q_rec
#patient goes to triage
#register_time = random.triangular(0,g.mean_registeration, 2*g.mean_registeration)
register_time = random.expovariate(1/g.mean_registeration)
patient.service_reception = register_time
yield self.env.timeout(register_time)
def triage (self, patient):
start_q_nurse = self.env.now
with self.nurse.request() as req:
yield req
end_q_nurse = self.env.now
patient.q_nurse = end_q_nurse - start_q_nurse
#patient goes either to ACU or to ED based on probability
if random.random() > 0.2: #80% chance that the patient goes to ED
triage_time = random.triangular(g.mean_triage/2, g.mean_triage, g.mean_triage*2 )
patient.service_nurse = triage_time
yield self.env.timeout(triage_time)
def ed_ass (self, patient):
start_ed_q = self.env.now
with self.ed_doc.request() as req:
yield req
end_ed_q = self.env.now
patient.q_edd_ass = end_ed_q - start_ed_q
ed_ass_time = random.triangular(g.mean_ed_ass/2, g.mean_ed_ass, g.mean_ed_ass*2)
patient.ed_ass_time = ed_ass_time
yield self.env.timeout(ed_ass_time)
patient.time_exit_system = self.env.now
patient.tot_system_time = patient.time_exit_system - patient.time_entered_in_system
ED_sim.add_to_df(self, patient)
def acu_ass (self, patient):
start_acu_q = self.env.now
with self.acu_doc.request() as req:
yield req
end_acu_q = self.env.now
patient.q_acu_ass = end_acu_q - start_acu_q
acu_ass_time = random.triangular(g.mean_acu_ass/2, g.mean_acu_ass, g.mean_acu_ass*2)
patient.acu_ass_time = acu_ass_time
yield self.env.timeout(acu_ass_time)
patient.time_exit_system = self.env.now
patient.tot_system_time = patient.time_exit_system - patient.time_entered_in_system
ED_sim.add_to_df(self, patient)
def add_to_df(self, patient):
Basically takes all the variables and adds them to the dataframe without having to enter them manually with
12 line codes in every function
df_to_add = pd.DataFrame({
"UHID" :[patient.id],
"Time_entered_in_system" : [patient.time_entered_in_system],
#using zeros as placeholders
"Time_exit_system" :[patient.time_exit_system],
"Total time in System":[patient.tot_system_time]
df_to_add.set_index('UHID', inplace=True)
self.individual_level_results = self.individual_level_results._append(df_to_add)
def mean_calculator (self):
calculates the average statistic for each individual run for all the different KPIs and maybe stores it in a global database
#mean queuing times
self.Mean_Q_Rec_time = self.individual_level_results['Q_time_receptionist'].mean()
self.Mean_Q_Nurse_time = self.individual_level_results['Q_time_nurse'].mean()
self.Mean_Q_ED_time = self.individual_level_results['Q_time_ed_doc'].mean()
self.Mean_Q_ACU_time = self.individual_level_results['Q_time_acu_doc'].mean()
#%resource utilisation
self.Rec_utilize = self.individual_level_results[
self.Nurse_utilize = self.individual_level_results['Service_time_nurse'].sum()/(g.run_time*self.nurse_no)
self.ED_doc_utilize = self.individual_level_results['Service_time_ed_doc'].sum()/(g.run_time*self.ed_doc_no)
self.ACU_doc_utilize = self.individual_level_results['Service_time_acu_doc'].sum()/(g.run_time*self.acu_doc_no)
def export_row_to_csv(self):
Writes the results of an individual run as a row in a csv file in the desired folder
with open (r"C:\Users\varad\Desktop\Education Material\Mathematical Modelling\HSMA\HSMA_modelling_ED\trial_results.csv",'a') as f:
writer = csv.writer(f, delimiter = ',')
row_to_add = [self.run_number,
def run (self):
suns the simulation program
self.env.run(until = g.run_time)
self.individual_level_results.to_csv(r"C:\Users\varad\Desktop\Education Material\Mathematical Modelling\HSMA\HSMA_modelling_ED\individual_results.csv")
class summary_statistics(object):
This object calculates the mean, median or other summary statistics from a dataframe that has means of individual runs
So this object calculates the means of means
def __init__(self):
self.total_mean_df = pd.DataFrame({
filepath = r"C:\Users\varad\Desktop\Education Material\Mathematical Modelling\HSMA\HSMA_modelling_ED\trial_results.csv"
self.dataframe = pd.read_csv(filepath)
def mean_of_means(self):
median_q_rec = self.dataframe["Mean_Q_Rec_time"].median()
twofive_q_rec = self.dataframe["Mean_Q_Rec_time"].quantile(0.25)
sevfive_q_rec = self.dataframe["Mean_Q_Rec_time"].quantile(0.75)
median_q_nurse = self.dataframe["Mean_Q_Nurse_time"].median()
twofive_q_nurse = self.dataframe["Mean_Q_Nurse_time"].quantile(0.25)
sevfive_q_nurse = self.dataframe["Mean_Q_Nurse_time"].quantile(0.75)
median_q_ed_doc = self.dataframe["Mean_Q_ED_time"].median()
twofive_q_ed_doc = self.dataframe["Mean_Q_ED_time"].quantile(0.25)
sevfive_q_ed_doc = self.dataframe["Mean_Q_ED_time"].quantile(0.75)
median_q_acu_doc = self.dataframe["Mean_Q_ACU_time"].median()
twofive_q_acu_doc = self.dataframe["Mean_Q_ACU_time"].quantile(0.25)
sevfive_q_acu_doc = self.dataframe["Mean_Q_ACU_time"].quantile(0.75)
median_rec_uti = self.dataframe["Rec_%_utilize"].median()
median_nurse_uti = self.dataframe["Nurse_%_utilize"].median()
median_ed_doc_uti = self.dataframe["ED_doc_%_utilize"].median()
median_acu_doc_uti = self.dataframe["ACU_doc_%_utilize"].median()
print("Results of " + str(g.number_of_runs) + " runs")
self.total_mean_df = pd.DataFrame({
with open (r"C:\Users\varad\Desktop\Education Material\Mathematical Modelling\HSMA\HSMA_modelling_ED\mean_per_lambda.csv",'a') as f:
writer = csv.writer(f, delimiter = ',')
row_to_add = [g.ed_inter_arrival,
def file_opener():
Adds one row to the filename that is passed to it
#This is not the most compulsory function here as the above function will also create a file if it does not exist already
with open (r"C:\Users\varad\Desktop\Education Material\Mathematical Modelling\HSMA\HSMA_modelling_ED\trial_results.csv",'w') as f:
writer = csv.writer(f, delimiter = ',')
columns_headers = ["Run_Number",
with open (r"C:\Users\varad\Desktop\Education Material\Mathematical Modelling\HSMA\HSMA_modelling_ED\mean_per_lambda.csv",'w') as f:
writer = csv.writer(f, delimiter = ',')
columns_headers = ["Pt Interarrival Time (lambda)",
def Plotter():
filepath = r"C:\Users\varad\Desktop\Education Material\Mathematical Modelling\HSMA\HSMA_modelling_ED\mean_per_lambda.csv"
df_to_plot = pd.read_csv(filepath)
figure = plt.subplots()
plt.plot(df_to_plot["Pt Interarrival Time (lambda)"], df_to_plot['Median_Q_Rec_time'], color = 'green', linestyle = '-', label = 'Queue for reception')
plt.plot(df_to_plot["Pt Interarrival Time (lambda)"], df_to_plot['Median_Q_Nurse_time'], color = 'blue', linestyle = ':', label = 'Queue for nurses')
plt.plot(df_to_plot["Pt Interarrival Time (lambda)"], df_to_plot['Median_Q_ED_time'], color = 'red', linestyle = '--', label = 'Queue for ED_doc')
plt.plot(df_to_plot["Pt Interarrival Time (lambda)"], df_to_plot['Median_Q_ACU_time'], color = 'black', linestyle = '-.', label = 'Queue for ACU_doc')
plt.xlabel("Pt interarrival time (min)")
plt.ylabel("Time in minutes")
plt.title("Queuing times for the Emergency room")
plt.text(3,10,"Rec = 1, Nur = 2, ED_doc = 2, ACU_doc = 1")
figure = plt.subplots()
plt.plot(df_to_plot["Pt Interarrival Time (lambda)"], df_to_plot['Median_Rec_%_utilize'], color = 'green', linestyle = '-', label = '% utilise of reception')
plt.plot(df_to_plot["Pt Interarrival Time (lambda)"], df_to_plot['Median_Nurse_%_utilize'], color = 'blue', linestyle = ':', label = '% utilise of nurses')
plt.plot(df_to_plot["Pt Interarrival Time (lambda)"], df_to_plot['Median_ED_doc_%_utilize'], color = 'red', linestyle = '--', label = '%utilise of ED_doc')
plt.plot(df_to_plot["Pt Interarrival Time (lambda)"], df_to_plot['Median_ACU_doc_%_utilize'], color = 'black', linestyle = '-.', label = '%utilise of ACU_doc')
plt.xlabel("Pt interarrival time (min)")
plt.ylabel("Time in minutes")
plt.title("Percentage utlisation for the Emergency room different HR")
plt.text(3,10,"Rec = 1, Nur = 2, ED_doc = 2, ACU_doc = 1")
return figure
def plotly_plotter():
Uses the Plotly library to plot the graphs as the plotly library is web application friendly
filepath = r"C:\Users\varad\Desktop\Education Material\Mathematical Modelling\HSMA\HSMA_modelling_ED\mean_per_lambda.csv"
df_to_plot = pd.read_csv(filepath)
fig = go.Figure()
fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x = df_to_plot["Pt Interarrival Time (lambda)"], y = df_to_plot['Median_Rec_%_utilize'], name='Receptionist utilization%'))
fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x = df_to_plot["Pt Interarrival Time (lambda)"], y = df_to_plot['Median_Nurse_%_utilize'], name='Nurse utilization%'))
fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x = df_to_plot["Pt Interarrival Time (lambda)"], y = df_to_plot['Median_ED_doc_%_utilize'], name='ED Doc utilization%'))
fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x = df_to_plot["Pt Interarrival Time (lambda)"], y = df_to_plot['Median_ACU_doc_%_utilize'], name='ACU Doc utilization%'))
fig.update_layout(title = "% utilization of different HR")
return fig
def main(receptionist, nurse, ed_doc, acu_doc):
this is going to to be the main function that gradio will operate on
It will take input parameters as model parameters which will be modified by the users
It will output a plot or a set of plots which will then be plotted in a given block in gradio
for l in range(1,11):
print("Pt interarrival time = ", l)
for run in range (g.number_of_runs):
print(f"Run {run + 1} of {g.number_of_runs}")
my_ED_model = ED_sim(run, receptionist, nurse, ed_doc, acu_doc)
g.ed_inter_arrival = l
my_sum_stats = summary_statistics()
return plotly_plotter()
def get_data_gradio():
filepath = r"C:\Users\varad\Desktop\Education Material\Mathematical Modelling\HSMA\HSMA_modelling_ED\mean_per_lambda.csv"
return pd.read_csv(filepath)
with gr.Blocks() as demo:
gr.Markdown(r"A Discrete Event Simulation run of an imaginary Emergency Room")
gr.Image(r"C:\Users\varad\Desktop\Education Material\Mathematical Modelling\HSMA\HSMA_modelling_ED\Ed_process_map.png")
with gr.Row():
gr.HighlightedText(label = "Modify these parameters (number of different human resources) using the sliders below")
with gr.Row():
receptionist = gr.Slider(minimum=1, maximum=10,label = "No of Receptionists")
nurse = gr.Slider(minimum=1, maximum=10, label = "No of Nurses")
with gr.Row():
ed_doc = gr.Slider(minimum=1, maximum=10, label = "No of ED doctors")
acu_doc = gr.Slider(minimum=1, maximum=10,label = "No of ACU Doctors")
with gr.Row():
btn = gr.Button(value = "Run the Simulation")
with gr.Row():
output = gr.Plot(label = "Simulation Run")
btn.click(main,[receptionist,nurse,ed_doc,acu_doc], output)
demo.launch(share = True)