import zipfile import gradio as gr from PIL import Image from chatharuhi import ChatHaruhi import wget import os import openai import copy import random import string NAME_DICT = {'汤师爷': 'tangshiye', '慕容复': 'murongfu', '李云龙': 'liyunlong', 'Luna': 'Luna', '王多鱼': 'wangduoyu', 'Ron': 'Ron', '鸠摩智': 'jiumozhi', 'Snape': 'Snape', '凉宫春日': 'haruhi', 'Malfoy': 'Malfoy', '虚竹': 'xuzhu', '萧峰': 'xiaofeng', '段誉': 'duanyu', 'Hermione': 'Hermione', 'Dumbledore': 'Dumbledore', '王语嫣': 'wangyuyan', 'Harry': 'Harry', 'McGonagall': 'McGonagall', '白展堂': 'baizhantang', '佟湘玉': 'tongxiangyu', '郭芙蓉': 'guofurong', '旅行者': 'wanderer', '钟离': 'zhongli', '胡桃': 'hutao', 'Sheldon': 'Sheldon', 'Raj': 'Raj', 'Penny': 'Penny', '韦小宝': 'weixiaobao', '乔峰': 'qiaofeng', '神里绫华': 'ayaka', '雷电将军': 'raidenShogun', '于谦': 'yuqian'} ai_roles_obj = {} for ai_role_en in NAME_DICT.values(): zip_file_path = f"/content/Haruhi-2-Dev/data/character_in_zip/{ai_role_en}.zip" if not os.path.exists(zip_file_path): # os.remove(zip_file_path) print('unfound zip file ', zip_file_path) continue destination_folder = f"characters/{ai_role_en}" with zipfile.ZipFile(zip_file_path, 'r') as zip_ref: zip_ref.extractall(destination_folder) db_folder = f"./characters/{ai_role_en}/content/{ai_role_en}" system_prompt = f"./characters/{ai_role_en}/content/system_prompt.txt" ai_roles_obj[ai_role_en] = ChatHaruhi(system_prompt=system_prompt, llm="openai", story_db=db_folder, verbose=True) # break def format_chat( role, text ): narrator = ['旁白', '', 'scene','Scene','narrator' , 'Narrator'] if role in narrator: return role + ":" + text else: return f"{role}:「{text}」" def deformat_chat(chat): chat = chat.strip('\'"') if ':' in chat: colon_index = chat.index(':') elif ':' in chat: colon_index = chat.index(':') else: return '', chat role = chat[:colon_index] text = chat[colon_index+1:] text = text.strip('「」"\'') return role, text def print_last_chat( chats ): shorten_chat = chats[0] if len(shorten_chat) > 30: shorten_chat = shorten_chat[:30] shorten_chat = shorten_chat.replace('/', '_') shorten_chat = shorten_chat.replace('.', '_') shorten_chat = shorten_chat.replace('"', '_') shorten_chat = shorten_chat.replace('\n', '_') final_chat = chats[-1] print( final_chat , '____', shorten_chat ) from gradio.components import clear_button # import gradio as gr import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np Fs = 8000 f = 5 sample = 8000 x = np.arange(sample) y = np.sin(2 * np.pi * f * x / Fs) plt.plot(x, y) def user_response(user_role, user_text, chatbot): user_msg = format_chat( user_role, user_text ) chatbot.append((user_msg, None )) reserved_chatbot = chatbot.copy() return "", chatbot, reserved_chatbot def extract_chats( chatbot ): chats = [] for q,a in chatbot: if q is not None: chats.append(q) if a is not None: chats.append(a) return chats def ai_response(ai_role, chatbot): role_en = NAME_DICT[ai_role] # 我们需要构造history history = [] chats = extract_chats(chatbot) # 解析roles和texts for chat in chats: role, text = deformat_chat(chat) if role in NAME_DICT.keys(): current_en = NAME_DICT[role] else: current_en = role if current_en == role_en: history.append((None, chat)) else: history.append((chat, None)) if len(history) >= 1: ai_roles_obj[ role_en ].dialogue_history = history[:-1] last_role, last_text = deformat_chat(chats[-1]) response = ai_roles_obj[ role_en ].chat(role = last_role, text = last_text) else: ai_roles_obj[ role_en ].dialogue_history = [] response = ai_roles_obj[ role_en ].chat(role = 'scene', text = '') # ai_msg = format_chat(ai_role, response) ai_msg = response chatbot.append( (None, ai_msg ) ) reserved_chatbot = chatbot.copy() chats = extract_chats( chatbot ) # save_dialogue( chats ) print_last_chat( chats ) return chatbot, reserved_chatbot def callback_remove_one_chat(chatbot, reserved_chatbot): if len(chatbot) > 1: chatbot.pop() return chatbot def callback_recover_one_chat(chatbot, reserved_chatbot): if len(chatbot) < len(reserved_chatbot): chatbot.append( reserved_chatbot[len(chatbot)] ) return chatbot def callback_clean(): return [], [] with gr.Blocks() as demo: gr.Markdown( """ # Story Teller Demo implemented by [Cheng Li]( and [Weishi MI]( 本项目是ChatHaruhi的子项目,原项目链接 []( 如果觉得好玩可以去点个star 这个Gradio是一个初步的尝试,之后考虑做一套更正式的story-teller的算法 """ ) with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(): with gr.Row(height = 800): # 给米唯实一个艰巨的任务,把这东西弄高一点 chatbot = gr.Chatbot(height = 800) with gr.Row(): user_role = gr.Textbox(label="user_role", scale=1) user_text = gr.Textbox(label="user_text", scale=20) with gr.Row(): user_submit = gr.Button("User Submit") with gr.Column(): with gr.Row(): ai_role = gr.Radio(['汤师爷', '慕容复', '李云龙', 'Luna', '王多鱼', 'Ron', '鸠摩智', 'Snape', '凉宫春日', 'Malfoy', '虚竹', '萧峰', '段誉', 'Hermione', 'Dumbledore', '王语嫣', 'Harry', 'McGonagall', '白展堂', '佟湘玉', '郭芙蓉', '旅行者', '钟离', '胡桃', 'Sheldon', 'Raj', 'Penny', '韦小宝', '乔峰', '神里绫华', '雷电将军', '于谦'], label="characters", value='凉宫春日') with gr.Row(): ai_submit = gr.Button("AI Submit") with gr.Row(): remove_one_chat = gr.Button("Remove One Chat") recover_one_chat = gr.Button("Recover One Chat") with gr.Row(): clean = gr.Button("Clean") reserved_chatbot = gr.Chatbot(visible = False) = user_response, inputs = [user_role, user_text, chatbot], outputs = [user_text, chatbot,reserved_chatbot] ) = ai_response, inputs = [ai_role, chatbot], outputs = [chatbot,reserved_chatbot] ) = callback_remove_one_chat, inputs = [chatbot, reserved_chatbot], outputs = [chatbot] ) = callback_recover_one_chat, inputs = [chatbot, reserved_chatbot], outputs = [chatbot] ) = callback_clean, inputs = [], outputs = [chatbot,reserved_chatbot] ) demo.launch(debug=True, share=True)