import re def extract_speaker(text): # 使用正则表达式匹配文本开头的 " :" 格式,并捕获冒号后面的内容 match = re.match(r'^([^:]+) :(.*)', text) if match: return (, # 返回匹配到的name部分和冒号后面的内容作为元组 else: return None, text # 如果不匹配,返回None和原始文本 def get_line_recall(query, line): # 获得query中每个汉字在 line 中的recall if not query or not line: return 0 line_set = set(line) return sum(char in line_set for char in query) / len(query) def get_max_recall_in_lines(query, lines): recall_values = [(get_line_recall(query, line), i) for i, line in enumerate(lines)] return max(recall_values, default=(-1, -1), key=lambda x: x[0]) def extract_dialogues_from_response(text): # Split the text into lines lines = text.split('\n') # Initialize an empty list to store the extracted dialogues extracted_dialogues = [] valid_said_by = ["said by", "thought by", "described by", "from"] # Iterate through each line for line in lines: # Split the line by '|' and strip whitespace from each part parts = [part.strip() for part in line.split('|')] # Check if the line has 4 parts and the third part is 'said by' if len(parts) == 3: # Extract the dialogue and speaker, and add to the list if parts[2] == "speaker": continue if parts[1].strip().lower() not in valid_said_by: continue dialogue_dict = { 'dialogue': parts[0], 'speaker': parts[2], "said_by": parts[1] } extracted_dialogues.append(dialogue_dict) return extracted_dialogues def extract_dialogues_from_glm_response(text): # Split the text into lines lines = text.split('\n') # Initialize an empty list to store the extracted dialogues extracted_dialogues = [] valid_said_by = ["said by", "thought by", "described by", "from"] # Iterate through each line for line in lines: # Split the line by '|' and strip whitespace from each part parts = [part.strip() for part in line.split('|')] # Check if the line has 4 parts and the third part is 'said by' if len(parts) == 4: # Extract the dialogue and speaker, and add to the list if parts[3] == "speaker": continue if parts[2].strip().lower() not in valid_said_by: continue try: id_num = int(parts[0]) except ValueError: id_num = id dialogue_dict = { 'id': id_num, 'dialogue': parts[1], 'speaker': parts[3], "said_by": parts[2] } extracted_dialogues.append(dialogue_dict) return extracted_dialogues def has_dialogue_sentences(text: str) -> int: # 定义成对的引号 paired_quotes = [ ("“", "”"), ("‘", "’"), ("「", "」") ] # 定义符号列表(包括全角和半角的逗号和句号) symbols = ['。', '!', '?', '*', '.', '?', '!', '"', '”', ',', '~', ')', ')', '…', ']', '♪',','] # 检查成对引号内的内容 for start_quote, end_quote in paired_quotes: start_index = text.find(start_quote) while start_index != -1: end_index = text.find(end_quote, start_index + 1) if end_index != -1: quote_content = text[start_index + 1:end_index] # 检查引号内的内容是否符合条件 if any(symbol in quote_content for symbol in symbols) or len(quote_content) >= 10: return 2 # 成对引号内有符号或长度>=10 start_index = text.find(start_quote, end_index + 1) else: break # 检查双引号'"' double_quotes_indices = [i for i, char in enumerate(text) if char == '"'] if len(double_quotes_indices) % 2 == 0: # 必须是偶数个双引号 for i in range(0, len(double_quotes_indices), 2): start_index, end_index = double_quotes_indices[i], double_quotes_indices[i+1] quote_content = text[start_index+1:end_index] # 检查引号内的内容是否含有符号 if any(symbol in quote_content for symbol in symbols): return 1 # 双引号内有符号 return 0 # 没有符合条件的对话型句子 def replace_recalled_dialogue( raw_text, response_text ): dialogues = extract_dialogues_from_response( response_text ) lines = raw_text.split("\n") lines = [line.strip().strip("\u3000") for line in lines] recall_flag = [ False for line in lines ] line2ids = [ [] for line in lines ] for id, dialogue in enumerate(dialogues): dialogue_text = dialogue['dialogue'] remove_symbol_text = dialogue_text.replace("*","").replace('"',"") recall, lid = get_max_recall_in_lines( remove_symbol_text, lines ) if recall > 0.3: recall_flag[lid] = True line2ids[lid].append(id) new_text = "" for lid, line in enumerate(lines): if recall_flag[lid]: if len(line2ids[lid]) == 1 and ("未知" in dialogues[0]['speaker'] or dialogues[0]['speaker'].strip() == ""): new_text += line + "\n" continue for dia_id in line2ids[lid]: speaker = dialogues[dia_id]['speaker'] dialogue = dialogues[dia_id]['dialogue'] dialogue = dialogue.replace('"',"").replace('“',"").replace('”',"") new_text += speaker + " : " + dialogue + "\n" else: new_text += line + "\n" return new_text.strip()