import asyncio import logging import numpy as np import time import json import os import tempfile import requests from fastapi import FastAPI, Request, BackgroundTasks from fastapi.responses import HTMLResponse from fastapi.staticfiles import StaticFiles from fastapi.templating import Jinja2Templates from aiohttp import ClientSession from langchain.text_splitter import RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter from datasets import Dataset, load_dataset from tqdm import tqdm from tqdm.asyncio import tqdm_asyncio from models import chunk_config, embed_config, WebhookPayload logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # you token from Settings HF_TOKEN = os.getenv("HF_TOKEN") # URL of TEI endpoint TEI_URL = os.getenv("TEI_URL") # name of chunked dataset CHUNKED_DS_NAME = os.getenv("CHUNKED_DS_NAME") # name of embeddings dataset EMBED_DS_NAME = os.getenv("EMBED_DS_NAME") # splits of input dataset to process, comma separated INPUT_SPLITS = os.getenv("INPUT_SPLITS") # name of column to load from input dataset INPUT_TEXT_COL = os.getenv("INPUT_TEXT_COL") INPUT_SPLITS = [spl.strip() for spl in INPUT_SPLITS.split(",") if spl] app = FastAPI() app.state.seen_Sha = set() app.mount("/static", StaticFiles(directory="static"), name="static") templates = Jinja2Templates(directory="templates") @app.get("/", response_class=HTMLResponse) async def root(request: Request): return templates.TemplateResponse(request=request, name="index.html")"/webhook") async def post_webhook( payload: WebhookPayload, task_queue: BackgroundTasks ): if not ( payload.event.action == "update" and payload.event.scope.startswith("repo.content") and payload.repo.type == "dataset" # webhook posts multiple requests with the same update, this addresses that and payload.repo.headSha not in app.state.seen_Sha ): # no-op"Update detected, no action taken") return {"processed": False} app.state.seen_Sha.add(payload.repo.headSha) task_queue.add_task(chunk_dataset, task_queue.add_task(embed_dataset, ds_name=CHUNKED_DS_NAME) return {"processed": True} """ CHUNKING """ class Chunker: def __init__(self, strategy, split_seq=".", chunk_len=512): self.split_seq = split_seq self.chunk_len = chunk_len if strategy == "recursive": self.split = RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter( chunk_size=chunk_len, separators=[split_seq] ).split_text if strategy == "sequence": self.split = self.seq_splitter if strategy == "constant": self.split = self.const_splitter def seq_splitter(self, text): return text.split(self.split_seq) def const_splitter(self, text): return [ text[i * self.chunk_len:(i + 1) * self.chunk_len] for i in range(int(np.ceil(len(text) / self.chunk_len))) ] def chunk_generator(input_dataset, chunker): for i in tqdm(range(len(input_dataset))): chunks = chunker.split(input_dataset[i][INPUT_TEXT_COL]) for chunk in chunks: if chunk: yield {INPUT_TEXT_COL: chunk} def chunk_dataset(ds_name):"Update detected, chunking is scheduled") input_ds = load_dataset(ds_name, split="+".join(INPUT_SPLITS)) chunker = Chunker( strategy=chunk_config.strategy, split_seq=chunk_config.split_seq, chunk_len=chunk_config.chunk_len ) dataset = Dataset.from_generator( chunk_generator, gen_kwargs={ "input_dataset": input_ds, "chunker": chunker } ) dataset.push_to_hub( CHUNKED_DS_NAME, private=chunk_config.private, token=HF_TOKEN )"Done chunking") return {"processed": True} """ EMBEDDING """ async def embed_sent(sentence, semaphore, tmp_file): async with semaphore: payload = { "inputs": sentence, "truncate": True } async with ClientSession( headers={ "Content-Type": "application/json", "Authorization": f"Bearer {HF_TOKEN}" } ) as session: async with, json=payload) as resp: if resp.status != 200: raise RuntimeError(await resp.text()) result = await resp.json() tmp_file.write( json.dumps({"vector": result[0], INPUT_TEXT_COL: sentence}) + "\n" ) async def embed(input_ds, temp_file): semaphore = asyncio.BoundedSemaphore(embed_config.semaphore_bound) jobs = [ asyncio.create_task(embed_sent(row[INPUT_TEXT_COL], semaphore, temp_file)) for row in input_ds if row[INPUT_TEXT_COL].strip() ]"num chunks to embed: {len(jobs)}") tic = time.time() await tqdm_asyncio.gather(*jobs)"embed time: {time.time() - tic}") def wake_up_endpoint(url):"Starting up TEI endpoint") n_loop = 0 while requests.get( url=url, headers={"Authorization": f"Bearer {HF_TOKEN}"} ).status_code != 200: time.sleep(2) n_loop += 1 if n_loop > 40: raise TimeoutError("TEI endpoint is unavailable")"TEI endpoint is up") def embed_dataset(ds_name):"Update detected, embedding is scheduled") wake_up_endpoint(TEI_URL) input_ds = load_dataset(ds_name, split="train") with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode="a", suffix=".jsonl") as temp_file:, temp_file)) dataset = Dataset.from_json( dataset.push_to_hub( EMBED_DS_NAME, private=embed_config.private, token=HF_TOKEN )"Done embedding") return {"processed": True} # For debugging # import uvicorn # if __name__ == "__main__": #, host="", port=7860)