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# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.
from mmdet.models.builder import HEADS
from .convfc_bbox_head import ConvFCBBoxHead
class SCNetBBoxHead(ConvFCBBoxHead):
"""BBox head for `SCNet <>`_.
This inherits ``ConvFCBBoxHead`` with modified forward() function, allow us
to get intermediate shared feature.
def _forward_shared(self, x):
"""Forward function for shared part."""
if self.num_shared_convs > 0:
for conv in self.shared_convs:
x = conv(x)
if self.num_shared_fcs > 0:
if self.with_avg_pool:
x = self.avg_pool(x)
x = x.flatten(1)
for fc in self.shared_fcs:
x = self.relu(fc(x))
return x
def _forward_cls_reg(self, x):
"""Forward function for classification and regression parts."""
x_cls = x
x_reg = x
for conv in self.cls_convs:
x_cls = conv(x_cls)
if x_cls.dim() > 2:
if self.with_avg_pool:
x_cls = self.avg_pool(x_cls)
x_cls = x_cls.flatten(1)
for fc in self.cls_fcs:
x_cls = self.relu(fc(x_cls))
for conv in self.reg_convs:
x_reg = conv(x_reg)
if x_reg.dim() > 2:
if self.with_avg_pool:
x_reg = self.avg_pool(x_reg)
x_reg = x_reg.flatten(1)
for fc in self.reg_fcs:
x_reg = self.relu(fc(x_reg))
cls_score = self.fc_cls(x_cls) if self.with_cls else None
bbox_pred = self.fc_reg(x_reg) if self.with_reg else None
return cls_score, bbox_pred
def forward(self, x, return_shared_feat=False):
"""Forward function.
x (Tensor): input features
return_shared_feat (bool): If True, return cls-reg-shared feature.
out (tuple[Tensor]): contain ``cls_score`` and ``bbox_pred``,
if ``return_shared_feat`` is True, append ``x_shared`` to the
returned tuple.
x_shared = self._forward_shared(x)
out = self._forward_cls_reg(x_shared)
if return_shared_feat:
out += (x_shared, )
return out