""" Agentic Orchestrator for Advanced AI System ----------------------------------------- Manages and coordinates multiple agentic components: 1. Task Planning & Decomposition 2. Resource Management 3. Agent Communication 4. State Management 5. Error Recovery 6. Performance Monitoring """ import logging from typing import Dict, Any, List, Optional, Union, TypeVar, Generic from dataclasses import dataclass, field from enum import Enum import json import asyncio from datetime import datetime import uuid from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor import networkx as nx from collections import defaultdict import numpy as np from reasoning import UnifiedReasoningEngine as ReasoningEngine, StrategyType as ReasoningMode from meta_learning import MetaLearningStrategy T = TypeVar('T') class AgentRole(Enum): """Different roles an agent can take.""" PLANNER = "planner" EXECUTOR = "executor" MONITOR = "monitor" COORDINATOR = "coordinator" LEARNER = "learner" class AgentState(Enum): """Possible states of an agent.""" IDLE = "idle" BUSY = "busy" ERROR = "error" LEARNING = "learning" TERMINATED = "terminated" class TaskPriority(Enum): """Task priority levels.""" LOW = 0 MEDIUM = 1 HIGH = 2 CRITICAL = 3 @dataclass class AgentMetadata: """Metadata about an agent.""" id: str role: AgentRole capabilities: List[str] state: AgentState load: float last_active: datetime metrics: Dict[str, float] @dataclass class Task: """Represents a task in the system.""" id: str description: str priority: TaskPriority dependencies: List[str] assigned_to: Optional[str] state: str created_at: datetime deadline: Optional[datetime] metadata: Dict[str, Any] class AgentOrchestrator: """Advanced orchestrator for managing agentic system.""" def __init__(self, config: Dict[str, Any] = None): self.config = config or {} # Core components self.agents: Dict[str, AgentMetadata] = {} self.tasks: Dict[str, Task] = {} self.task_graph = nx.DiGraph() # State management self.state_history: List[Dict[str, Any]] = [] self.global_state: Dict[str, Any] = {} # Resource management self.resource_pool: Dict[str, Any] = {} self.resource_locks: Dict[str, asyncio.Lock] = {} # Communication self.message_queue = asyncio.Queue() self.event_bus = asyncio.Queue() # Performance monitoring self.metrics = defaultdict(list) self.performance_log = [] # Error handling self.error_handlers: Dict[str, callable] = {} self.recovery_strategies: Dict[str, callable] = {} # Async support self.executor = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=4) self.lock = asyncio.Lock() # Logging self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # Initialize components self._init_components() def _init_components(self): """Initialize orchestrator components.""" # Initialize reasoning engine self.reasoning_engine = ReasoningEngine( model_manager=None, # Will be injected max_depth=5, beam_width=3, config=self.config.get("reasoning", {}) ) # Initialize meta-learning self.meta_learning = MetaLearningStrategy() # Register basic error handlers self._register_error_handlers() async def register_agent( self, role: AgentRole, capabilities: List[str] ) -> str: """Register a new agent with the orchestrator.""" agent_id = str(uuid.uuid4()) agent = AgentMetadata( id=agent_id, role=role, capabilities=capabilities, state=AgentState.IDLE, load=0.0, last_active=datetime.now(), metrics={} ) async with self.lock: self.agents[agent_id] = agent self.logger.info(f"Registered new agent: {agent_id} with role {role}") return agent_id async def submit_task( self, description: str, priority: TaskPriority = TaskPriority.MEDIUM, dependencies: List[str] = None, deadline: Optional[datetime] = None, metadata: Dict[str, Any] = None ) -> str: """Submit a new task to the orchestrator.""" task_id = str(uuid.uuid4()) task = Task( id=task_id, description=description, priority=priority, dependencies=dependencies or [], assigned_to=None, state="pending", created_at=datetime.now(), deadline=deadline, metadata=metadata or {} ) async with self.lock: self.tasks[task_id] = task self._update_task_graph(task) # Trigger task planning await self._plan_task_execution(task_id) return task_id async def _plan_task_execution(self, task_id: str) -> None: """Plan the execution of a task.""" task = self.tasks[task_id] # Check dependencies if not await self._check_dependencies(task): self.logger.info(f"Task {task_id} waiting for dependencies") return # Find suitable agent agent_id = await self._find_suitable_agent(task) if not agent_id: self.logger.warning(f"No suitable agent found for task {task_id}") return # Assign task await self._assign_task(task_id, agent_id) async def _check_dependencies(self, task: Task) -> bool: """Check if all task dependencies are satisfied.""" for dep_id in task.dependencies: if dep_id not in self.tasks: return False if self.tasks[dep_id].state != "completed": return False return True async def _find_suitable_agent(self, task: Task) -> Optional[str]: """Find the most suitable agent for a task.""" best_agent = None best_score = float('-inf') for agent_id, agent in self.agents.items(): if agent.state != AgentState.IDLE: continue score = await self._calculate_agent_suitability(agent, task) if score > best_score: best_score = score best_agent = agent_id return best_agent async def _calculate_agent_suitability( self, agent: AgentMetadata, task: Task ) -> float: """Calculate how suitable an agent is for a task.""" # Base score on capabilities match capability_score = sum( 1 for cap in task.metadata.get("required_capabilities", []) if cap in agent.capabilities ) # Consider agent load load_score = 1 - agent.load # Consider agent's recent performance performance_score = sum(agent.metrics.values()) / len(agent.metrics) if agent.metrics else 0.5 # Weighted combination weights = self.config.get("agent_selection_weights", { "capabilities": 0.5, "load": 0.3, "performance": 0.2 }) return ( weights["capabilities"] * capability_score + weights["load"] * load_score + weights["performance"] * performance_score ) async def _assign_task(self, task_id: str, agent_id: str) -> None: """Assign a task to an agent.""" async with self.lock: task = self.tasks[task_id] agent = self.agents[agent_id] task.assigned_to = agent_id task.state = "assigned" agent.state = AgentState.BUSY agent.load += 1 agent.last_active = datetime.now() self.logger.info(f"Assigned task {task_id} to agent {agent_id}") # Notify agent await self.message_queue.put({ "type": "task_assignment", "task_id": task_id, "agent_id": agent_id, "timestamp": datetime.now() }) def _update_task_graph(self, task: Task) -> None: """Update the task dependency graph.""" self.task_graph.add_node(task.id, task=task) for dep_id in task.dependencies: self.task_graph.add_edge(dep_id, task.id) async def _monitor_system_state(self): """Monitor overall system state.""" while True: try: # Collect agent states agent_states = { agent_id: { "state": agent.state, "load": agent.load, "metrics": agent.metrics } for agent_id, agent in self.agents.items() } # Collect task states task_states = { task_id: { "state": task.state, "assigned_to": task.assigned_to, "deadline": task.deadline } for task_id, task in self.tasks.items() } # Update global state self.global_state = { "timestamp": datetime.now(), "agents": agent_states, "tasks": task_states, "resource_usage": self._get_resource_usage(), "performance_metrics": self._calculate_performance_metrics() } # Archive state self.state_history.append(self.global_state.copy()) # Trim history if too long if len(self.state_history) > 1000: self.state_history = self.state_history[-1000:] # Check for anomalies await self._check_anomalies() await asyncio.sleep(1) # Monitor frequency except Exception as e: self.logger.error(f"Error in system monitoring: {e}") await self._handle_error("monitoring_error", e) def _get_resource_usage(self) -> Dict[str, float]: """Get current resource usage statistics.""" return { "cpu_usage": sum(agent.load for agent in self.agents.values()) / len(self.agents), "memory_usage": len(self.state_history) * 1000, # Rough estimate "queue_size": self.message_queue.qsize() } def _calculate_performance_metrics(self) -> Dict[str, float]: """Calculate current performance metrics.""" metrics = {} # Task completion rate completed_tasks = sum(1 for task in self.tasks.values() if task.state == "completed") total_tasks = len(self.tasks) metrics["task_completion_rate"] = completed_tasks / max(1, total_tasks) # Average task duration durations = [] for task in self.tasks.values(): if task.state == "completed" and "completion_time" in task.metadata: duration = (task.metadata["completion_time"] - task.created_at).total_seconds() durations.append(duration) metrics["avg_task_duration"] = sum(durations) / len(durations) if durations else 0 # Agent utilization metrics["agent_utilization"] = sum(agent.load for agent in self.agents.values()) / len(self.agents) return metrics async def _check_anomalies(self): """Check for system anomalies.""" # Check for overloaded agents for agent_id, agent in self.agents.items(): if agent.load > 0.9: # 90% load threshold await self._handle_overload(agent_id) # Check for stalled tasks now = datetime.now() for task_id, task in self.tasks.items(): if task.state == "assigned": duration = (now - task.created_at).total_seconds() if duration > 3600: # 1 hour threshold await self._handle_stalled_task(task_id) # Check for missed deadlines for task_id, task in self.tasks.items(): if task.deadline and now > task.deadline and task.state != "completed": await self._handle_missed_deadline(task_id) async def _handle_overload(self, agent_id: str): """Handle an overloaded agent.""" agent = self.agents[agent_id] # Try to redistribute tasks assigned_tasks = [ task_id for task_id, task in self.tasks.items() if task.assigned_to == agent_id and task.state == "assigned" ] for task_id in assigned_tasks: # Find another suitable agent new_agent_id = await self._find_suitable_agent(self.tasks[task_id]) if new_agent_id: await self._reassign_task(task_id, new_agent_id) async def _handle_stalled_task(self, task_id: str): """Handle a stalled task.""" task = self.tasks[task_id] # First, try to ping the assigned agent if task.assigned_to: agent = self.agents[task.assigned_to] if agent.state == AgentState.ERROR: # Agent is in error state, reassign task await self._reassign_task(task_id, None) else: # Request status update from agent await self.message_queue.put({ "type": "status_request", "task_id": task_id, "agent_id": task.assigned_to, "timestamp": datetime.now() }) async def _handle_missed_deadline(self, task_id: str): """Handle a missed deadline.""" task = self.tasks[task_id] # Log the incident self.logger.warning(f"Task {task_id} missed deadline: {task.deadline}") # Update task priority to CRITICAL task.priority = TaskPriority.CRITICAL # If task is assigned, try to speed it up if task.assigned_to: await self.message_queue.put({ "type": "expedite_request", "task_id": task_id, "agent_id": task.assigned_to, "timestamp": datetime.now() }) else: # If not assigned, try to assign to fastest available agent await self._plan_task_execution(task_id) async def _reassign_task(self, task_id: str, new_agent_id: Optional[str] = None): """Reassign a task to a new agent.""" task = self.tasks[task_id] old_agent_id = task.assigned_to if old_agent_id: # Update old agent old_agent = self.agents[old_agent_id] old_agent.load -= 1 if old_agent.load <= 0: old_agent.state = AgentState.IDLE if new_agent_id is None: # Find new suitable agent new_agent_id = await self._find_suitable_agent(task) if new_agent_id: # Assign to new agent await self._assign_task(task_id, new_agent_id) else: # No suitable agent found, mark task as pending task.state = "pending" task.assigned_to = None def _register_error_handlers(self): """Register basic error handlers.""" self.error_handlers.update({ "monitoring_error": self._handle_monitoring_error, "agent_error": self._handle_agent_error, "task_error": self._handle_task_error, "resource_error": self._handle_resource_error }) self.recovery_strategies.update({ "agent_recovery": self._recover_agent, "task_recovery": self._recover_task, "resource_recovery": self._recover_resource }) async def _handle_error(self, error_type: str, error: Exception): """Handle an error using registered handlers.""" handler = self.error_handlers.get(error_type) if handler: try: await handler(error) except Exception as e: self.logger.error(f"Error in error handler: {e}") else: self.logger.error(f"No handler for error type: {error_type}") self.logger.error(f"Error: {error}") async def _handle_monitoring_error(self, error: Exception): """Handle monitoring system errors.""" self.logger.error(f"Monitoring error: {error}") # Implement recovery logic pass async def _handle_agent_error(self, error: Exception): """Handle agent-related errors.""" self.logger.error(f"Agent error: {error}") # Implement recovery logic pass async def _handle_task_error(self, error: Exception): """Handle task-related errors.""" self.logger.error(f"Task error: {error}") # Implement recovery logic pass async def _handle_resource_error(self, error: Exception): """Handle resource-related errors.""" self.logger.error(f"Resource error: {error}") # Implement recovery logic pass