"""Recursive reasoning implementation with advanced decomposition and synthesis.""" import logging from typing import Dict, Any, List, Optional, Set, Tuple, Callable import json from dataclasses import dataclass, field from enum import Enum from datetime import datetime import asyncio from collections import defaultdict from .base import ReasoningStrategy class SubproblemType(Enum): """Types of subproblems in recursive reasoning.""" ATOMIC = "atomic" COMPOSITE = "composite" PARALLEL = "parallel" SEQUENTIAL = "sequential" CONDITIONAL = "conditional" ITERATIVE = "iterative" class SolutionStatus(Enum): """Status of subproblem solutions.""" PENDING = "pending" IN_PROGRESS = "in_progress" SOLVED = "solved" FAILED = "failed" BLOCKED = "blocked" OPTIMIZING = "optimizing" @dataclass class Subproblem: """Represents a subproblem in recursive reasoning.""" id: str type: SubproblemType query: str context: Dict[str, Any] parent_id: Optional[str] children: List[str] status: SolutionStatus solution: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] confidence: float dependencies: List[str] metadata: Dict[str, Any] = field(default_factory=dict) @dataclass class RecursiveStep: """Represents a step in recursive reasoning.""" id: str subproblem_id: str action: str timestamp: datetime result: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] metrics: Dict[str, float] metadata: Dict[str, Any] = field(default_factory=dict) class RecursiveReasoning(ReasoningStrategy): """ Advanced Recursive Reasoning implementation with: - Dynamic problem decomposition - Parallel subproblem solving - Solution synthesis - Cycle detection - Optimization strategies """ def __init__(self, max_depth: int = 5, min_confidence: float = 0.7, parallel_threshold: int = 3, optimization_rounds: int = 2): self.max_depth = max_depth self.min_confidence = min_confidence self.parallel_threshold = parallel_threshold self.optimization_rounds = optimization_rounds # Problem tracking self.subproblems: Dict[str, Subproblem] = {} self.steps: List[RecursiveStep] = [] self.solution_cache: Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]] = {} self.cycle_detection: Set[str] = set() # Performance metrics self.depth_distribution: Dict[int, int] = defaultdict(int) self.type_distribution: Dict[SubproblemType, int] = defaultdict(int) self.success_rate: Dict[SubproblemType, float] = defaultdict(float) async def reason(self, query: str, context: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Main reasoning method implementing recursive reasoning.""" try: # Initialize root problem root = await self._initialize_problem(query, context) self.subproblems[root.id] = root # Recursively solve solution = await self._solve_recursive(root.id, depth=0) # Optimize solution optimized = await self._optimize_solution(solution, root, context) # Update metrics self._update_metrics(root.id) return { "success": True, "answer": optimized["answer"], "confidence": optimized["confidence"], "decomposition": self._get_problem_tree(root.id), "solution_trace": self._get_solution_trace(root.id), "performance_metrics": self._get_performance_metrics(), "meta_insights": optimized["meta_insights"] } except Exception as e: logging.error(f"Error in recursive reasoning: {str(e)}") return {"success": False, "error": str(e)} async def _initialize_problem(self, query: str, context: Dict[str, Any]) -> Subproblem: """Initialize the root problem.""" prompt = f""" Initialize recursive reasoning problem: Query: {query} Context: {json.dumps(context)} Analyze for: 1. Problem type classification 2. Initial decomposition strategy 3. Key dependencies 4. Solution approach Format as: [Problem] Type: ... Strategy: ... Dependencies: ... Approach: ... """ response = await context["groq_api"].predict(prompt) return self._parse_problem_init(response["answer"], query, context) async def _decompose_problem(self, problem: Subproblem, context: Dict[str, Any]) -> List[Subproblem]: """Decompose a problem into subproblems.""" prompt = f""" Decompose problem into subproblems: Problem: {json.dumps(self._problem_to_dict(problem))} Context: {json.dumps(context)} For each subproblem specify: 1. [Type]: {" | ".join([t.value for t in SubproblemType])} 2. [Query]: Specific question 3. [Dependencies]: Required solutions 4. [Approach]: Solution strategy Format as: [S1] Type: ... Query: ... Dependencies: ... Approach: ... """ response = await context["groq_api"].predict(prompt) return self._parse_subproblems(response["answer"], problem.id, context) async def _solve_recursive(self, problem_id: str, depth: int) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Recursively solve a problem and its subproblems.""" if depth > self.max_depth: return {"success": False, "error": "Maximum recursion depth exceeded"} if problem_id in self.cycle_detection: return {"success": False, "error": "Cycle detected in recursive solving"} problem = self.subproblems[problem_id] self.cycle_detection.add(problem_id) self.depth_distribution[depth] += 1 try: # Check cache cache_key = f"{problem.query}:{json.dumps(problem.context)}" if cache_key in self.solution_cache: return self.solution_cache[cache_key] # Check if atomic if problem.type == SubproblemType.ATOMIC: solution = await self._solve_atomic(problem) else: # Decompose subproblems = await self._decompose_problem(problem, problem.context) for sub in subproblems: self.subproblems[sub.id] = sub problem.children.append(sub.id) # Solve subproblems if problem.type == SubproblemType.PARALLEL and len(subproblems) >= self.parallel_threshold: # Solve in parallel tasks = [self._solve_recursive(sub.id, depth + 1) for sub in subproblems] subsolutions = await asyncio.gather(*tasks) else: # Solve sequentially subsolutions = [] for sub in subproblems: subsolution = await self._solve_recursive(sub.id, depth + 1) subsolutions.append(subsolution) # Synthesize solutions solution = await self._synthesize_solutions(subsolutions, problem, problem.context) # Cache solution self.solution_cache[cache_key] = solution problem.solution = solution problem.status = SolutionStatus.SOLVED if solution["success"] else SolutionStatus.FAILED return solution finally: self.cycle_detection.remove(problem_id) async def _solve_atomic(self, problem: Subproblem) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Solve an atomic problem.""" prompt = f""" Solve atomic problem: Problem: {json.dumps(self._problem_to_dict(problem))} Provide: 1. Direct solution 2. Confidence level 3. Supporting evidence 4. Alternative approaches Format as: [Solution] Answer: ... Confidence: ... Evidence: ... Alternatives: ... """ response = await problem.context["groq_api"].predict(prompt) solution = self._parse_atomic_solution(response["answer"]) self._record_step(RecursiveStep( id=f"step_{len(self.steps)}", subproblem_id=problem.id, action="atomic_solve", timestamp=datetime.now(), result=solution, metrics={"confidence": solution.get("confidence", 0.0)}, metadata={} )) return solution async def _synthesize_solutions(self, subsolutions: List[Dict[str, Any]], problem: Subproblem, context: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Synthesize solutions from subproblems.""" prompt = f""" Synthesize solutions: Problem: {json.dumps(self._problem_to_dict(problem))} Solutions: {json.dumps(subsolutions)} Context: {json.dumps(context)} Provide: 1. Integrated solution 2. Confidence assessment 3. Integration method 4. Quality metrics Format as: [Synthesis] Solution: ... Confidence: ... Method: ... Metrics: ... """ response = await context["groq_api"].predict(prompt) synthesis = self._parse_synthesis(response["answer"]) self._record_step(RecursiveStep( id=f"step_{len(self.steps)}", subproblem_id=problem.id, action="synthesize", timestamp=datetime.now(), result=synthesis, metrics={"confidence": synthesis.get("confidence", 0.0)}, metadata={"num_subsolutions": len(subsolutions)} )) return synthesis async def _optimize_solution(self, solution: Dict[str, Any], problem: Subproblem, context: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Optimize the final solution.""" prompt = f""" Optimize recursive solution: Original: {json.dumps(solution)} Problem: {json.dumps(self._problem_to_dict(problem))} Context: {json.dumps(context)} Optimize for: 1. Completeness 2. Consistency 3. Efficiency 4. Clarity Format as: [Optimization] Answer: ... Improvements: ... Metrics: ... Insights: ... """ response = await context["groq_api"].predict(prompt) return self._parse_optimization(response["answer"]) def _update_metrics(self, root_id: str): """Update performance metrics.""" def update_recursive(problem_id: str): problem = self.subproblems[problem_id] self.type_distribution[problem.type] += 1 if problem.status == SolutionStatus.SOLVED: self.success_rate[problem.type] = ( self.success_rate[problem.type] * (self.type_distribution[problem.type] - 1) + problem.confidence ) / self.type_distribution[problem.type] for child_id in problem.children: update_recursive(child_id) update_recursive(root_id) def _get_problem_tree(self, root_id: str) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Get the problem decomposition tree.""" def build_tree(problem_id: str) -> Dict[str, Any]: problem = self.subproblems[problem_id] return { "id": problem.id, "type": problem.type.value, "query": problem.query, "status": problem.status.value, "confidence": problem.confidence, "children": [build_tree(child_id) for child_id in problem.children] } return build_tree(root_id) def _get_solution_trace(self, root_id: str) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: """Get the solution trace for a problem.""" return [self._step_to_dict(step) for step in self.steps if step.subproblem_id == root_id or any(step.subproblem_id == sub_id for sub_id in self.subproblems[root_id].children)] def _get_performance_metrics(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Get current performance metrics.""" return { "depth_distribution": dict(self.depth_distribution), "type_distribution": {t.value: c for t, c in self.type_distribution.items()}, "success_rate": {t.value: r for t, r in self.success_rate.items()}, "cache_hits": len(self.solution_cache), "total_steps": len(self.steps) } def _record_step(self, step: RecursiveStep): """Record a reasoning step.""" self.steps.append(step) def _parse_problem_init(self, response: str, query: str, context: Dict[str, Any]) -> Subproblem: """Parse initial problem configuration.""" problem_type = SubproblemType.COMPOSITE # default dependencies = [] metadata = {} for line in response.split('\n'): line = line.strip() if line.startswith('Type:'): try: problem_type = SubproblemType(line[5:].strip().lower()) except ValueError: pass elif line.startswith('Dependencies:'): dependencies = [d.strip() for d in line[13:].split(',')] elif line.startswith('Strategy:') or line.startswith('Approach:'): metadata["strategy"] = line.split(':', 1)[1].strip() return Subproblem( id="root", type=problem_type, query=query, context=context, parent_id=None, children=[], status=SolutionStatus.PENDING, solution=None, confidence=0.0, dependencies=dependencies, metadata=metadata ) def _parse_subproblems(self, response: str, parent_id: str, context: Dict[str, Any]) -> List[Subproblem]: """Parse subproblems from response.""" subproblems = [] current = None for line in response.split('\n'): line = line.strip() if not line: continue if line.startswith('[S'): if current: subproblems.append(current) current = None elif line.startswith('Type:'): try: problem_type = SubproblemType(line[5:].strip().lower()) current = Subproblem( id=f"{parent_id}_{len(subproblems)}", type=problem_type, query="", context=context, parent_id=parent_id, children=[], status=SolutionStatus.PENDING, solution=None, confidence=0.0, dependencies=[], metadata={} ) except ValueError: current = None elif current: if line.startswith('Query:'): current.query = line[6:].strip() elif line.startswith('Dependencies:'): current.dependencies = [d.strip() for d in line[13:].split(',')] elif line.startswith('Approach:'): current.metadata["approach"] = line[9:].strip() if current: subproblems.append(current) return subproblems def _parse_atomic_solution(self, response: str) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Parse atomic solution from response.""" solution = { "success": True, "answer": "", "confidence": 0.0, "evidence": [], "alternatives": [] } for line in response.split('\n'): line = line.strip() if line.startswith('Answer:'): solution["answer"] = line[7:].strip() elif line.startswith('Confidence:'): try: solution["confidence"] = float(line[11:].strip()) except: pass elif line.startswith('Evidence:'): solution["evidence"] = [e.strip() for e in line[9:].split(',')] elif line.startswith('Alternatives:'): solution["alternatives"] = [a.strip() for a in line[13:].split(',')] return solution def _parse_synthesis(self, response: str) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Parse synthesis result from response.""" synthesis = { "success": True, "solution": "", "confidence": 0.0, "method": "", "metrics": {} } for line in response.split('\n'): line = line.strip() if line.startswith('Solution:'): synthesis["solution"] = line[9:].strip() elif line.startswith('Confidence:'): try: synthesis["confidence"] = float(line[11:].strip()) except: pass elif line.startswith('Method:'): synthesis["method"] = line[7:].strip() elif line.startswith('Metrics:'): try: synthesis["metrics"] = json.loads(line[8:].strip()) except: pass return synthesis def _parse_optimization(self, response: str) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Parse optimization result from response.""" optimization = { "answer": "", "confidence": 0.0, "improvements": [], "metrics": {}, "meta_insights": [] } for line in response.split('\n'): line = line.strip() if line.startswith('Answer:'): optimization["answer"] = line[7:].strip() elif line.startswith('Improvements:'): optimization["improvements"] = [i.strip() for i in line[13:].split(',')] elif line.startswith('Metrics:'): try: optimization["metrics"] = json.loads(line[8:].strip()) except: pass elif line.startswith('Insights:'): optimization["meta_insights"] = [i.strip() for i in line[9:].split(',')] return optimization def _problem_to_dict(self, problem: Subproblem) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Convert problem to dictionary for serialization.""" return { "id": problem.id, "type": problem.type.value, "query": problem.query, "parent_id": problem.parent_id, "children": problem.children, "status": problem.status.value, "confidence": problem.confidence, "dependencies": problem.dependencies, "metadata": problem.metadata } def _step_to_dict(self, step: RecursiveStep) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Convert step to dictionary for serialization.""" return { "id": step.id, "subproblem_id": step.subproblem_id, "action": step.action, "timestamp": step.timestamp.isoformat(), "result": step.result, "metrics": step.metrics, "metadata": step.metadata } def clear_cache(self): """Clear solution cache.""" self.solution_cache.clear() def get_statistics(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Get detailed statistics about the reasoning process.""" return { "total_problems": len(self.subproblems), "total_steps": len(self.steps), "cache_size": len(self.solution_cache), "type_distribution": dict(self.type_distribution), "depth_distribution": dict(self.depth_distribution), "success_rates": dict(self.success_rate), "average_confidence": sum(p.confidence for p in self.subproblems.values()) / len(self.subproblems) if self.subproblems else 0.0 }