import openai poem = """ {input} """ def set_openai_key(key): """Sets OpenAI key.""" openai.api_key = key class GeneralModel: def __init__(self): print("Model Intilization--->") # set_openai_key(API_KEY) def query(self, prompt, myKwargs={}): """ wrapper for the API to save the prompt and the result """ # arguments to send the API kwargs = { "engine": "text-davinci-003", "temperature": 0.85, "max_tokens": 2400, "best_of": 1, "top_p": 1, "frequency_penalty": 0.5, "presence_penalty": 0.5, "stop": ["###"], } for kwarg in myKwargs: kwargs[kwarg] = myKwargs[kwarg] r = openai.Completion.create(prompt=prompt, **kwargs)["choices"][0][ "text" ].strip() return r def model_prediction(self, input, api_key): """ wrapper for the API to save the prompt and the result """ # Setting the OpenAI API key got from the OpenAI dashboard set_openai_key(api_key) output = self.query(poem.format(input = input)) return output