test24 / api /utils.py
Niansuh's picture
Update api/utils.py
2577b35 verified
from datetime import datetime
import json
import uuid
import asyncio
import random
import os
from typing import Any, Dict, Optional
import httpx
from fastapi import HTTPException
from api.config import (
from api.models import ChatRequest
from api.logger import setup_logger
from api.validate import getHid
logger = setup_logger(__name__)
BLOCKED_MESSAGE = "Generated by BLACKBOX.AI, try unlimited chat https://www.blackbox.ai"
def create_chat_completion_data(content: str, model: str, timestamp: int, finish_reason: Optional[str] = None) -> Dict[str, Any]:
return {
"id": f"chatcmpl-{uuid.uuid4()}",
"object": "chat.completion.chunk",
"created": timestamp,
"model": model,
"choices": [
"index": 0,
"delta": {"content": content, "role": "assistant"},
"finish_reason": finish_reason,
"usage": None,
def message_to_dict(message, model_prefix: Optional[str] = None):
content = message.content if isinstance(message.content, str) else message.content[0]["text"]
if model_prefix:
content = f"{model_prefix} {content}"
return {"role": message.role, "content": content}
def strip_model_prefix(content: str, model_prefix: Optional[str] = None) -> str:
if model_prefix and content.startswith(model_prefix):
logger.debug(f"Stripping prefix '{model_prefix}' from content.")
return content[len(model_prefix):].strip()
return content
# Process streaming response with headers from config.py
async def process_streaming_response(request: ChatRequest):
request_id = f"chatcmpl-{uuid.uuid4()}"
logger.info(f"Processing request with ID: {request_id} - Model: {request.model}")
agent_mode = AGENT_MODE.get(request.model, {})
trending_agent_mode = TRENDING_AGENT_MODE.get(request.model, {})
model_prefix = MODEL_PREFIXES.get(request.model, "")
headers_api_chat = get_headers_api_chat(BASE_URL)
# Delay for 'o1-preview' model if necessary
if request.model == 'o1-preview':
delay_seconds = random.randint(1, 60)
logger.info(f"Introducing a delay of {delay_seconds} seconds for model 'o1-preview' (Request ID: {request_id})")
await asyncio.sleep(delay_seconds)
h_value = await getHid()
if not h_value:
logger.error("Failed to retrieve h-value for validation.")
raise HTTPException(status_code=500, detail="Validation failed due to missing h-value.")
json_data = {
"agentMode": agent_mode,
"clickedAnswer2": False,
"clickedAnswer3": False,
"clickedForceWebSearch": False,
"codeModelMode": True,
"githubToken": None,
"id": None,
"isChromeExt": False,
"isMicMode": False,
"maxTokens": request.max_tokens,
"messages": [message_to_dict(msg, model_prefix=model_prefix) for msg in request.messages],
"mobileClient": False,
"playgroundTemperature": request.temperature,
"playgroundTopP": request.top_p,
"previewToken": None,
"trendingAgentMode": trending_agent_mode,
"userId": None,
"userSelectedModel": MODEL_MAPPING.get(request.model, request.model),
"userSystemPrompt": None,
"validated": h_value,
"visitFromDelta": False,
"webSearchModePrompt": False,
"imageGenerationMode": False,
advertisement_added = False # Track if advertisement is already added
async with httpx.AsyncClient() as client:
async with client.stream("POST", f"{BASE_URL}/api/chat", headers=headers_api_chat, json=json_data, timeout=100) as response:
timestamp = int(datetime.now().timestamp())
async for chunk in response.aiter_text():
if chunk:
content = chunk
if content.startswith("$@$v=undefined-rv1$@$"):
content = content[21:] # Remove unwanted prefix
if BLOCKED_MESSAGE in content:
logger.info(f"Blocked message detected in response for Request ID {request_id}.")
content = content.replace(BLOCKED_MESSAGE, '').strip()
if not content:
continue # Skip empty content
cleaned_content = strip_model_prefix(content, model_prefix)
# Yield cleaned chunk as part of the stream
yield f"data: {json.dumps(create_chat_completion_data(cleaned_content, request.model, timestamp))}\n\n"
# Append markdown separator and advertisement as a separate chunk
if ADVERTISEMENT_TEXT and not advertisement_added:
advertisement_with_line_break = "\n\n---\n" + ADVERTISEMENT_TEXT # Add space before the markdown horizontal rule
yield f"data: {json.dumps(create_chat_completion_data(advertisement_with_line_break, request.model, timestamp))}\n\n"
advertisement_added = True
# Yield final chunk indicating the end of the stream
yield f"data: {json.dumps(create_chat_completion_data('', request.model, timestamp, 'stop'))}\n\n"
yield "data: [DONE]\n\n"
except httpx.HTTPStatusError as e:
logger.error(f"HTTP error occurred for Request ID {request_id}: {e}")
raise HTTPException(status_code=e.response.status_code, detail=str(e))
except httpx.RequestError as e:
logger.error(f"Request error occurred for Request ID {request_id}: {e}")
raise HTTPException(status_code=500, detail=str(e))
# Process non-streaming response with headers from config.py
async def process_non_streaming_response(request: ChatRequest):
request_id = f"chatcmpl-{uuid.uuid4()}"
logger.info(f"Processing request with ID: {request_id} - Model: {request.model}")
agent_mode = AGENT_MODE.get(request.model, {})
trending_agent_mode = TRENDING_AGENT_MODE.get(request.model, {})
model_prefix = MODEL_PREFIXES.get(request.model, "")
headers_api_chat = get_headers_api_chat(BASE_URL)
# Delay for 'o1-preview' model if necessary
if request.model == 'o1-preview':
delay_seconds = random.randint(20, 60)
logger.info(f"Introducing a delay of {delay_seconds} seconds for model 'o1-preview' (Request ID: {request_id})")
await asyncio.sleep(delay_seconds)
h_value = await getHid()
if not h_value:
logger.error("Failed to retrieve h-value for validation.")
raise HTTPException(status_code=500, detail="Validation failed due to missing h-value.")
json_data = {
"agentMode": agent_mode,
"clickedAnswer2": False,
"clickedAnswer3": False,
"clickedForceWebSearch": False,
"codeModelMode": True,
"githubToken": None,
"id": None,
"isChromeExt": False,
"isMicMode": False,
"maxTokens": request.max_tokens,
"messages": [message_to_dict(msg, model_prefix=model_prefix) for msg in request.messages],
"mobileClient": False,
"playgroundTemperature": request.temperature,
"playgroundTopP": request.top_p,
"previewToken": None,
"trendingAgentMode": trending_agent_mode,
"userId": None,
"userSelectedModel": MODEL_MAPPING.get(request.model, request.model),
"userSystemPrompt": None,
"validated": h_value,
"visitFromDelta": False,
"webSearchModePrompt": False,
"imageGenerationMode": False,
full_response = "" # Store full non-streaming response content
async with httpx.AsyncClient() as client:
async with client.stream("POST", f"{BASE_URL}/api/chat", headers=headers_api_chat, json=json_data) as response:
async for chunk in response.aiter_text():
full_response += chunk
except httpx.HTTPStatusError as e:
logger.error(f"HTTP error occurred for Request ID {request_id}: {e}")
raise HTTPException(status_code=e.response.status_code, detail=str(e))
except httpx.RequestError as e:
logger.error(f"Request error occurred for Request ID {request_id}: {e}")
raise HTTPException(status_code=500, detail=str(e))
if full_response.startswith("$@$v=undefined-rv1$@$"):
full_response = full_response[21:]
if BLOCKED_MESSAGE in full_response:
full_response = full_response.replace(BLOCKED_MESSAGE, '').strip()
cleaned_full_response = strip_model_prefix(full_response, model_prefix)
# Append advertisement once
cleaned_full_response += "\n\n" + ADVERTISEMENT_TEXT
return {
"id": f"chatcmpl-{uuid.uuid4()}",
"object": "chat.completion",
"created": int(datetime.now().timestamp()),
"model": request.model,
"choices": [
"index": 0,
"message": {"role": "assistant", "content": cleaned_full_response},
"finish_reason": "stop",
"usage": None,