import streamlit as st import requests import subprocess import re import sys import urllib.request import json import os import ssl import time PROMPT_TEMPLATE = """### Instruction:\n{instruction}\n\n### Input:\n{input}\n### Question:\n{question}\n\n### Response (use duckdb shorthand if possible):\n""" INSTRUCTION_TEMPLATE = """Your task is to generate valid duckdb SQL to answer the following question{has_schema}""" # noqa: E501 ERROR_MESSAGE = ":red[ Quack! Much to our regret, SQL generation has gone a tad duck-side-down.\nThe model is currently not able to craft a correct SQL query for this request. \nSorry my duck friend. ]\n\n:red[If the question is about your own database, make sure to set the correct schema. Otherwise, try to rephrase your request. ]\n\n```sql\n{sql_query}\n```\n\n```sql\n{error_msg}\n```" STOP_TOKENS = ["###", ";", "--", "```"] def allowSelfSignedHttps(allowed): # bypass the server certificate verification on client side if allowed and not os.environ.get('PYTHONHTTPSVERIFY', '') and getattr(ssl, '_create_unverified_context', None): ssl._create_default_https_context = ssl._create_unverified_context allowSelfSignedHttps(True) # this line is needed if you use self-signed certificate in your scoring service. def generate_prompt(question, schema): input = "" if schema: # Lowercase types inside each CREATE TABLE (...) statement for create_table in re.findall( r"CREATE TABLE [^(]+\((.*?)\);", schema, flags=re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE ): for create_col in re.findall(r"(\w+) (\w+)", create_table): schema = schema.replace( f"{create_col[0]} {create_col[1]}", f"{create_col[0]} {create_col[1].lower()}", ) input = """Here is the database schema that the SQL query will run on:\n{schema}\n""".format( # noqa: E501 schema=schema ) prompt = PROMPT_TEMPLATE.format( instruction=INSTRUCTION_TEMPLATE.format( has_schema="." if schema == "" else ", given a duckdb database schema." ), input=input, question=question, ) return prompt def generate_sql_azure(question, schema): prompt = generate_prompt(question, schema) start = time.time() data={ "input_data": { "input_string": [prompt], "parameters":{ "top_p": 0.9, "temperature": 0.1, "max_new_tokens": 200, "do_sample": True } } } body = str.encode(json.dumps(data)) url = '' headers = {'Content-Type':'application/json', 'Authorization':('Bearer '+ st.secrets['azure_ai_token']), 'azureml-model-deployment': 'motherduckdb-duckdb-nsql-7b-v-1' } req = urllib.request.Request(url, body, headers) raw_resp = urllib.request.urlopen(req) resp = json.loads("utf-8"))[0]["0"] sql_query = resp[len(prompt):] print(time.time()-start) return sql_query def generate_sql(question, schema): print(question) prompt = generate_prompt(question, schema) start = time.time() s = requests.Session() api_base = "" url = f"{api_base}/v1/completions" body = { "model": "motherduck-sql-fp16", "prompt": prompt, "temperature": 0.1, "max_tokens": 200, "stop": "", "n": 1, } headers = {"Authorization": f"Bearer {st.secrets['octoml_token']}"} with, json=body, headers=headers) as resp: sql_query = resp.json()["choices"][0]["text"] print(time.time()-start) return sql_query def validate_sql(query, schema): try: # Define subprocess process = subprocess.Popen( [sys.executable, './', query, schema], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE ) # Get output and potential parser, and binder error message stdout, stderr = process.communicate(timeout=0.5) if stderr: error_message = stderr.decode('utf8').split("\n") # skip traceback if len(error_message) > 3: error_message = "\n".join(error_message[3:]) return False, error_message return True, "" except subprocess.TimeoutExpired: process.kill() # timeout reached, so parsing and binding was very likely successful return True, "" st.title("DuckDB-NSQL-7B Demo") expander = st.expander("Customize Schema (Optional)") expander.markdown( "If you DuckDB database is `database.duckdb`, execute this query in your terminal to get your current schema:" ) expander.markdown( """```bash\necho ".schema" | duckdb database.duckdb | sed 's/(/(\\n /g' | sed 's/, /,\\n /g' | sed 's/);/\\n);\\n/g'\n```""", ) # Input field for text prompt default_schema = """CREATE TABLE rideshare( hvfhs_license_num VARCHAR, dispatching_base_num VARCHAR, originating_base_num VARCHAR, request_datetime TIMESTAMP, on_scene_datetime TIMESTAMP, pickup_datetime TIMESTAMP, dropoff_datetime TIMESTAMP, PULocationID BIGINT, DOLocationID BIGINT, trip_miles DOUBLE, trip_time BIGINT, base_passenger_fare DOUBLE, tolls DOUBLE, bcf DOUBLE, sales_tax DOUBLE, congestion_surcharge DOUBLE, airport_fee DOUBLE, tips DOUBLE, driver_pay DOUBLE, shared_request_flag VARCHAR, shared_match_flag VARCHAR, access_a_ride_flag VARCHAR, wav_request_flag VARCHAR, wav_match_flag VARCHAR ); CREATE TABLE service_requests( unique_key BIGINT, created_date TIMESTAMP, closed_date TIMESTAMP, agency VARCHAR, agency_name VARCHAR, complaint_type VARCHAR, descriptor VARCHAR, location_type VARCHAR, incident_zip VARCHAR, incident_address VARCHAR, street_name VARCHAR, cross_street_1 VARCHAR, cross_street_2 VARCHAR, intersection_street_1 VARCHAR, intersection_street_2 VARCHAR, address_type VARCHAR, city VARCHAR, landmark VARCHAR, facility_type VARCHAR, status VARCHAR, due_date TIMESTAMP, resolution_description VARCHAR, resolution_action_updated_date TIMESTAMP, community_board VARCHAR, bbl VARCHAR, borough VARCHAR, x_coordinate_state_plane VARCHAR, y_coordinate_state_plane VARCHAR, open_data_channel_type VARCHAR, park_facility_name VARCHAR, park_borough VARCHAR, vehicle_type VARCHAR, taxi_company_borough VARCHAR, taxi_pick_up_location VARCHAR, bridge_highway_name VARCHAR, bridge_highway_direction VARCHAR, road_ramp VARCHAR, bridge_highway_segment VARCHAR, latitude DOUBLE, longitude DOUBLE ); CREATE TABLE taxi( VendorID BIGINT, tpep_pickup_datetime TIMESTAMP, tpep_dropoff_datetime TIMESTAMP, passenger_count DOUBLE, trip_distance DOUBLE, RatecodeID DOUBLE, store_and_fwd_flag VARCHAR, PULocationID BIGINT, DOLocationID BIGINT, payment_type BIGINT, fare_amount DOUBLE, extra DOUBLE, mta_tax DOUBLE, tip_amount DOUBLE, tolls_amount DOUBLE, improvement_surcharge DOUBLE, total_amount DOUBLE, congestion_surcharge DOUBLE, airport_fee DOUBLE, drivers VARCHAR[], speeding_tickets STRUCT(date TIMESTAMP, speed VARCHAR)[], other_violations JSON );""" schema = expander.text_area("Current schema:", value=default_schema, height=500) # Input field for text prompt text_prompt = st.text_input( "What DuckDB SQL query can I write for you?", value="Read a CSV file from test.csv" ) if text_prompt: sql_query = generate_sql(text_prompt, schema) valid, msg = validate_sql(sql_query, schema) if not valid: st.markdown(ERROR_MESSAGE.format(sql_query=sql_query, error_msg=msg)) else: st.markdown(f"""```sql\n{sql_query}\n```""")