import json import operator from pprint import pprint from typing import Annotated, List, TypedDict import chainlit as cl from langchain.prompts import ChatPromptTemplate from langchain.schema.runnable.config import RunnableConfig from langchain_core.messages import AIMessageChunk, FunctionMessage from langchain_core.utils.function_calling import convert_to_openai_function from langgraph.checkpoint.aiosqlite import AsyncSqliteSaver from langgraph.graph import END, START, StateGraph from langgraph.graph.message import add_messages from langgraph.prebuilt import ToolExecutor, ToolInvocation from import send_text_tool from .db import get_recipes, shortlisted_recipes_to_string from .graph_chains import ( get_grader_chain, get_question_type_chain, get_recipe_url_extractor_chain, get_selected_recipe, ) from .retrievers import get_self_retriever class AgentState(TypedDict): question: Annotated[str, operator.setitem] question_type: str generation: str documents: List[str] shortlisted_recipes: List[dict] selected_recipe: dict messages: Annotated[list, add_messages] def generate_workflow(base_llm, power_llm): def _node_question_triage(state: AgentState): print("---TRIAGE---") question = state["question"] messages = state["messages"] last_message = messages[-1] if messages else "" shortlisted_recipes = state.get("shortlisted_recipes") question_type_chain = get_question_type_chain(base_llm) question_type_response = question_type_chain.invoke( { "question": question, "context": shortlisted_recipes_to_string(shortlisted_recipes), "last_message": last_message, } ) question_type_response_data = sorted( [ (question_type_response.send_text, "send_sms"), (question_type_response.asking_for_recipe_suggestions, "asking_for_recipe_suggestions"), (question_type_response.referring_to_shortlisted_recipes, "referring_to_shortlisted_recipes"), (question_type_response.show_specific_recipe, "show_specific_recipe"), (question_type_response.referring_to_specific_recipe, "referring_to_specific_recipe"), ], key=lambda x: x[0], reverse=True, ) pprint(question_type_response_data) question_type = question_type_response_data[0][1] selected_recipe = None if shortlisted_recipes and question_type_response.specific_recipe_url: selected_recipe = next( (r for r in shortlisted_recipes if r["url"] == question_type_response.specific_recipe_url) ) print("set selected recipe", question_type_response.specific_recipe_url) return {"question_type": question_type, "selected_recipe": selected_recipe} async def _node_call_retriever(state: AgentState, config): print("---RETRIEVE---") cl_msg = config["configurable"]["cl_msg"] await cl_msg.stream_token("Searching for recipes matching your criteria ... \n\n") question = state["question"] vector_db_chain = get_self_retriever(base_llm) # Retrieval documents = vector_db_chain.invoke(question, return_only_outputs=False) print("WOW: ", vector_db_chain.search_kwargs) return {"documents": documents, "question": question} async def _node_grade_recipes(state: AgentState, config): print("---CHECK DOCUMENT RELEVANCE TO QUESTION---") cl_msg = config["configurable"]["cl_msg"] question = state["question"] documents = state["documents"] await cl_msg.stream_token( f"Evaluating the relevance of {len(documents)} retrieved recipes based on your criteria ... \n\n" ) retrieval_grader = get_grader_chain(base_llm) # Score each doc filtered_docs = [] for d in documents: grader_output = retrieval_grader.invoke({"question": question, "document": d.page_content}) binary_score = grader_output.binary_score score = grader_output.integer_score if binary_score == "yes": print("---GRADE: DOCUMENT RELEVANT---: ", score, d.metadata["url"]) d.metadata["score"] = score filtered_docs.append(d) else: print("---GRADE: DOCUMENT NOT RELEVANT---", score, d.metadata["url"]) continue num_eliminated_docs = len(documents) - len(filtered_docs) if num_eliminated_docs > 0: await cl_msg.stream_token( f"Eliminated {num_eliminated_docs} recipes that were not relevant based on your criteria ... \n\n" ) return {"documents": filtered_docs, "question": question} async def _node_generate_response(state: AgentState, config): """ Determines whether the retrieved recipes are relevant to the question. Args: state (messages): The current state Returns: str: A decision for whether the documents are relevant or not """ print("--- GENERATING SHORTLIST ---") question = state["question"] documents = state["documents"] # LLM with tool and validation base_rag_prompt_template = """\ You are a friendly AI assistant. Using the provided context, please answer the user's question in a friendly, conversational tone. Based on the context provided, please select the top 3 receipes that best fits criteria outlined in the question. It doesn't need to be a perfect match but just get the most suitable. For each option, provide the following information: 1. A brief description of the recipe 2. The URL of the recipe 3. The ratings and number of ratings Only if question includes a criteria for recipes that are good for a specific occassion, please also provide the occassion(s) of the recipe, Only if question includes a criteria a type of cuisine, please also provide the cuisines associated with the recipe. Only if question includes a criteria a type of diet, please also provide the diet(s) associated with the recipe. If the context is empty, please be careful to note to the user that there are no recipes matching those specific requirements and do NOT provide any other recipes as suggestions. Context: {context} Question: {question} """ base_rag_prompt = ChatPromptTemplate.from_template(base_rag_prompt_template) chain = base_rag_prompt | power_llm full_response = "" cl_msg = config["configurable"]["cl_msg"] async for chunk in chain.astream( {"question": question, "context": documents}, config=RunnableConfig(callbacks=[cl.LangchainCallbackHandler()]), ): if isinstance(chunk, AIMessageChunk): await cl_msg.stream_token(chunk.content) full_response += chunk.content url_extractor = get_recipe_url_extractor_chain(base_llm) url_extractor_results = url_extractor.invoke({"context": full_response}) shortlisted_recipes = None if isinstance(url_extractor_results.urls, list) and len(url_extractor_results.urls): shortlisted_recipes = get_recipes(url_extractor_results.urls) return { "documents": documents, "question": question, "shortlisted_recipes": shortlisted_recipes, "messages": [full_response], } async def _node_shortlist_qa(state: AgentState, config): print("--- Q&A with SHORTLISTED RECIPES ---") question = state["question"] shortlisted_recipes = state["shortlisted_recipes"] messages = state["messages"] last_message = messages[-1] if messages else "" question_type = state["question_type"] # LLM with tool and validation base_rag_prompt_template = """\ You are a friendly AI assistant. Using only the provided context, please answer the user's question in a friendly, conversational tone. If you don't know the answer based on the context, say you don't know. Context: {context} Last message provided to the user: {last_message} Question: {question} """ base_rag_prompt = ChatPromptTemplate.from_template(base_rag_prompt_template) chain = base_rag_prompt | power_llm full_response = "" thumbnail_url = "" cl_msg = config["configurable"]["cl_msg"] if state["question_type"] == "show_specific_recipe": selected_recipe = state.get("selected_recipe") if selected_recipe and selected_recipe.get("thumbnail"): thumbnail_url = selected_recipe["thumbnail"] image = cl.Image(url=thumbnail_url, name="thumbnail", display="inline", size="large") # Attach the image to the message await cl.Message( content="", elements=[image], ).send() async for chunk in chain.astream( { "question": question, "context": shortlisted_recipes_to_string(shortlisted_recipes), "last_message": last_message, }, config=RunnableConfig(callbacks=[cl.LangchainCallbackHandler()]), ): if isinstance(chunk, AIMessageChunk): await cl_msg.stream_token(chunk.content) full_response += chunk.content return { "messages": [full_response], } async def _node_single_recipe_qa(state: AgentState, config): print("--- Q&A with SINGLE RECIPE ---") question = state["question"] selected_recipe = state.get("selected_recipe") messages = state["messages"] last_message = messages[-1] if messages else "" # LLM with tool and validation base_rag_prompt_template = """\ You are a friendly AI assistant. Using only the provided context, please answer the user's question in a friendly, conversational tone. If you don't know the answer based on the context, say you don't know. Context: {context} Last message provided to the user: {last_message} Question: {question} """ base_rag_prompt = ChatPromptTemplate.from_template(base_rag_prompt_template) power_llm_with_tool = power_llm.bind_functions([convert_to_openai_function(send_text_tool)]) chain = base_rag_prompt | power_llm_with_tool full_response = "" cl_msg = config["configurable"]["cl_msg"] async for chunk in chain.astream( {"question": question, "context": selected_recipe["text"], "last_message": last_message}, config=RunnableConfig(callbacks=[cl.LangchainCallbackHandler()]), ): if isinstance(chunk, AIMessageChunk): await cl_msg.stream_token(chunk.content) full_response += chunk.content return {"messages": [full_response]} async def _node_send_sms(state: AgentState, config): print("--- SEND SMS ---") question = state["question"] selected_recipe = state.get("selected_recipe") messages = state["messages"] last_message = messages[-1] if messages else "" cl_msg = config["configurable"]["cl_msg"] # LLM with tool and validation base_rag_prompt_template = """\ You are a friendly AI assistant. Using only the provided context and the tool, please fullfill the user's request to send an SMS text Context: {context} Last message provided to the user: {last_message} Question: {question} """ base_rag_prompt = ChatPromptTemplate.from_template(base_rag_prompt_template) # tool_functions = power_llm_with_tool = power_llm.bind_functions([convert_to_openai_function(send_text_tool)]) chain = base_rag_prompt | power_llm_with_tool tool_executor = ToolExecutor([send_text_tool]) message = chain.invoke( { "question": question, "context": selected_recipe.get("text") if selected_recipe else "", "last_message": last_message, }, ) print("message", message) tool_arguments = json.loads(message.additional_kwargs["function_call"]["arguments"]) action = ToolInvocation( tool=message.additional_kwargs["function_call"]["name"], tool_input=tool_arguments, ) response = tool_executor.invoke(action) function_message = FunctionMessage(content=str(response), name=action.tool) await cl_msg.stream_token( f"""Sure! I've sent a text to {tool_arguments['number']} with the following: \n\n{tool_arguments['text']}""" ) return {"messages": [function_message]} workflow = StateGraph(AgentState) # Define the nodes workflow.add_node("triage", _node_question_triage) # retrieve workflow.add_node("retrieve", _node_call_retriever) # retrieve workflow.add_node("grade_recipes", _node_grade_recipes) # grade documents workflow.add_node("generate", _node_generate_response) # generatae workflow.add_node("shortlist_qa", _node_shortlist_qa) # answer questions about shortlisted recipes workflow.add_node("single_qa", _node_single_recipe_qa) # answer questions about shortlisted recipes workflow.add_node("send_sms", _node_send_sms) # answer questions about shortlisted recipes # Define the edges def _edge_route_question(state: AgentState): print("=======EDGE: START =====") question_type = state["question_type"] messages = state["messages"] shortlisted_recipes = state.get("shortlisted_recipes") selected_recipe = state.get("selected_recipe") if question_type == "asking_for_recipe_suggestions": return "retrieve" if question_type in ["referring_to_shortlisted_recipes", "show_specific_recipe"]: return "shortlist_qa" if question_type == "referring_to_specific_recipe" and selected_recipe: return "single_qa" if question_type == "send_sms": return "send_sms" print("defaulting to shortlist_qa") return "shortlist_qa" workflow.add_edge(START, "triage") workflow.add_conditional_edges( "triage", _edge_route_question, { "shortlist_qa": "shortlist_qa", "single_qa": "single_qa", "retrieve": "retrieve", "send_sms": "send_sms", }, ) workflow.add_edge("retrieve", "grade_recipes") workflow.add_edge("grade_recipes", "generate") workflow.add_edge("generate", END) workflow.add_edge("shortlist_qa", END) workflow.add_edge("single_qa", END) workflow.add_edge("send_sms", END) memory = AsyncSqliteSaver.from_conn_string(":memory:") app = workflow.compile(checkpointer=memory) return app