pickle / test_app.py
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# import streamlit as st
# import pandas as pd
# import numpy as np
# from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder
# import joblib
# # Load your trained model
# model = joblib.load('models\model1.pkl')
# # Function to predict sales
# def predict_sales(input_data):
# sales_prediction = model.predict(input_data)
# return sales_prediction
# # Streamlit app
# def main():
# st.title('Sales Prediction App')
# # Input widgets
# PromoInterval = st.selectbox("Promo Interval", ['No Promotion', 'Jan,Apr,Jul,Oct', 'Feb,May,Aug,Nov', 'Mar,Jun,Sept,Dec'])
# StoreType = st.radio("StoreType", ["a", "b", "c", "d"])
# Assortment = st.radio("Assortment", ["a", "b", "c"])
# StateHoliday = st.radio("State Holiday", ["1", "0"])
# SchoolHoliday = st.radio("School Holiday", ["1", "0"])
# Promo = st.radio("Promo", ["1", "0"])
# Store = st.slider("Store", 1, 1115)
# Customers = st.slider("Customers", 0, 7388)
# CompetitionDistance = st.slider("Competition Distance", 20, 75860)
# CompetitionOpenSinceMonth = st.slider("Competition Open Since Month", 1, 12)
# CompetitionOpenSinceYear = st.slider("Competition Open Since Year", 1998, 2015)
# # PromoInterval StoreType Assortment StateHoliday Store Customers Promo SchoolHoliday CompetitionDistance CompetitionOpenSinceMonth CompetitionOpenSinceYear
# # Store user inputs
# input_data = pd.DataFrame({
# 'PromoInterval': [PromoInterval],
# 'StoreType': [StoreType],
# 'Assortment': [Assortment],
# 'StateHoliday': [StateHoliday],
# 'Store': [Store],
# 'Customers': [Customers],
# 'Promo': [Promo],
# 'SchoolHoliday': [SchoolHoliday],
# 'CompetitionDistance': [CompetitionDistance],
# 'CompetitionOpenSinceMonth': [CompetitionOpenSinceMonth],
# 'CompetitionOpenSinceYear': [CompetitionOpenSinceYear]
# })
# # Display input data
# st.subheader('Input Data:')
# st.write(input_data)
# # Predict sales
# if st.button('Predict Sales'):
# prediction = predict_sales(input_data)
# st.write('Predicted Sales:', prediction)
# if __name__ == '__main__':
# main()
# import streamlit as st
# import pandas as pd
# import numpy as np
# from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder
# import joblib
# # Load your trained model
# model = joblib.load('models\model1.pkl')
# # Function to predict sales
# def predict_sales(input_data):
# sales_prediction = model.predict(input_data)
# return sales_prediction
# # Function for data analysis
# def perform_analysis(data):
# # Add your analysis code here
# st.subheader("Analysis")
# st.write("Performing analysis...")
# # Function for data overview
# def show_data_overview():
# # Load data from CSV file
# data = pd.read_csv('Dataset/rossmann.csv')
# # Display data overview
# st.subheader("Data Overview")
# st.write(data)
# # Streamlit app
# def main():
# st.title('Sales Prediction App')
# # Sidebar options
# sidebar_option = st.sidebar.radio("Navigation", ["Main", "Analysis", "Data Overview"])
# if sidebar_option == "Main":
# # Input widgets
# PromoInterval = st.selectbox("Promo Interval", ['No Promotion', 'Jan,Apr,Jul,Oct', 'Feb,May,Aug,Nov', 'Mar,Jun,Sept,Dec'])
# StoreType = st.radio("StoreType", ["a", "b", "c", "d"])
# Assortment = st.radio("Assortment", ["a", "b", "c"])
# # StateHoliday = st.radio("State Holiday", ["1", "0"])
# # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# # Define the options and their corresponding labels
# options = ["1", "0"]
# labels = ["Yes", "No"]
# # Create the radio button with labels
# StateHoliday = st.radio("State Holiday", labels)
# # Convert the selected label back to its corresponding option value
# # selected_option = options[labels.index(state_holiday)]
# # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# SchoolHoliday = st.radio("School Holiday", ["1", "0"])
# Promo = st.radio("promotion", ["1", "0"])
# Store = st.slider("Store", 1, 1115)
# Customers = st.slider("Customers", 0, 7388)
# CompetitionDistance = st.slider("Competition Distance", 20, 75860)
# CompetitionOpenSinceMonth = st.slider("Competition Open Since Month", 1, 12)
# CompetitionOpenSinceYear = st.slider("Competition Open Since Year", 1998, 2015)
# # Store user inputs
# input_data = pd.DataFrame({
# 'PromoInterval': [PromoInterval],
# 'StoreType': [StoreType],
# 'Assortment': [Assortment],
# 'StateHoliday': [StateHoliday],
# 'Store': [Store],
# 'Customers': [Customers],
# 'Promo': [Promo],
# 'SchoolHoliday': [SchoolHoliday],
# 'CompetitionDistance': [CompetitionDistance],
# 'CompetitionOpenSinceMonth': [CompetitionOpenSinceMonth],
# 'CompetitionOpenSinceYear': [CompetitionOpenSinceYear]
# })
# # Display input data
# st.subheader('Input Data:')
# st.write(input_data)
# # Predict sales
# if st.button('Predict Sales'):
# prediction = predict_sales(input_data)
# st.write('Predicted Sales:', prediction)
# elif sidebar_option == "Analysis":
# perform_analysis(None) # Pass data for analysis if needed
# elif sidebar_option == "Data Overview":
# show_data_overview() # Pass data for overview if needed
# if __name__ == '__main__':
# main()
import streamlit as st
import pandas as pd
import joblib
# Load your trained model
model = joblib.load('models\model2.pkl')
# Function to predict sales
def predict_sales(input_data):
# Make predictions using the loaded model
sales_prediction = model.predict(input_data)
return sales_prediction
# Streamlit app
def main():
st.title('Sales Prediction App')
# Input widgets
PromoInterval = st.selectbox("Promo Interval", ['No Promotion', 'Jan,Apr,Jul,Oct', 'Feb,May,Aug,Nov', 'Mar,Jun,Sept,Dec'])
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
StoreType = st.radio("StoreType", ["Small Shop", "Medium Store", "Large Store", "Hypermarket"])
Assortment = st.radio("Assortment", ["basic", "extra", "extended"])
# Encode StateHoliday as 1 for 'Yes' and 0 for 'No' --------------------------------------
StateHoliday = st.radio("State Holiday", ["Yes", "No"])
StateHoliday = 1 if StateHoliday == "Yes" else 0
SchoolHoliday = st.radio("School Holiday", ["Yes", "No"])
SchoolHoliday = 1 if SchoolHoliday == "Yes" else 0
Promo = st.radio("Promotion", ["store is participating", "store is not participating"])
Promo = 1 if Promo == "store is participating" else 0
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Store = st.slider("Store", 1, 1115)
Customers = st.slider("Customers", 0, 7388)
CompetitionDistance = st.slider("Competition Distance", 20, 75860)
CompetitionOpenSinceMonth = st.slider("Competition Open Since Month", 1, 12)
CompetitionOpenSinceYear = st.slider("Competition Open Since Year", 1998, 2015)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Store user inputs
input_data = pd.DataFrame({
'PromoInterval': [PromoInterval],
'StoreType': [StoreType],
'Assortment': [Assortment],
'StateHoliday': [StateHoliday],
'Store': [Store],
'Customers': [Customers],
'Promo': [Promo],
'SchoolHoliday': [SchoolHoliday],
'CompetitionDistance': [CompetitionDistance],
'CompetitionOpenSinceMonth': [CompetitionOpenSinceMonth],
'CompetitionOpenSinceYear': [CompetitionOpenSinceYear]
# Display input data
st.subheader('Input Data:')
# Predict sales
# if st.button('Predict Sales'):
# prediction = predict_sales(input_data)
# st.write('Predicted Sales:', prediction)
if st.button('Predict Sales'):
prediction = predict_sales(input_data)[0]
formatted_prediction = "{:.2f}".format(prediction) # Format prediction to display two decimal points
st.write('Predicted Sales:', formatted_prediction)
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Record at index 795018:
# PromoInterval Jan,Apr,Jul,Oct
# StoreType Small Shop
# Assortment basic
# StateHoliday 0
# Store 650
# Customers 636
# Promo 1
# SchoolHoliday 0
# CompetitionDistance 1420
# CompetitionOpenSinceMonth 10
# CompetitionOpenSinceYear 2012
# Sales 6322
# Name: 795018, dtype: object