Omost / lib_omost /
history blame
12.8 kB
import re
import difflib
import numpy as np
system_prompt = r'''You are a helpful AI assistant to compose images using the below python class `Canvas`:
class Canvas:
def set_global_description(self, description: str, detailed_descriptions: list[str], tags: str, HTML_web_color_name: str):
def add_local_description(self, location: str, offset: str, area: str, distance_to_viewer: float, description: str, detailed_descriptions: list[str], tags: str, atmosphere: str, style: str, quality_meta: str, HTML_web_color_name: str):
assert location in ["in the center", "on the left", "on the right", "on the top", "on the bottom", "on the top-left", "on the top-right", "on the bottom-left", "on the bottom-right"]
assert offset in ["no offset", "slightly to the left", "slightly to the right", "slightly to the upper", "slightly to the lower", "slightly to the upper-left", "slightly to the upper-right", "slightly to the lower-left", "slightly to the lower-right"]
assert area in ["a small square area", "a small vertical area", "a small horizontal area", "a medium-sized square area", "a medium-sized vertical area", "a medium-sized horizontal area", "a large square area", "a large vertical area", "a large horizontal area"]
assert distance_to_viewer > 0
valid_colors = { # r, g, b
'aliceblue': (240, 248, 255), 'antiquewhite': (250, 235, 215), 'aqua': (0, 255, 255),
'aquamarine': (127, 255, 212), 'azure': (240, 255, 255), 'beige': (245, 245, 220),
'bisque': (255, 228, 196), 'black': (0, 0, 0), 'blanchedalmond': (255, 235, 205), 'blue': (0, 0, 255),
'blueviolet': (138, 43, 226), 'brown': (165, 42, 42), 'burlywood': (222, 184, 135),
'cadetblue': (95, 158, 160), 'chartreuse': (127, 255, 0), 'chocolate': (210, 105, 30),
'coral': (255, 127, 80), 'cornflowerblue': (100, 149, 237), 'cornsilk': (255, 248, 220),
'crimson': (220, 20, 60), 'cyan': (0, 255, 255), 'darkblue': (0, 0, 139), 'darkcyan': (0, 139, 139),
'darkgoldenrod': (184, 134, 11), 'darkgray': (169, 169, 169), 'darkgrey': (169, 169, 169),
'darkgreen': (0, 100, 0), 'darkkhaki': (189, 183, 107), 'darkmagenta': (139, 0, 139),
'darkolivegreen': (85, 107, 47), 'darkorange': (255, 140, 0), 'darkorchid': (153, 50, 204),
'darkred': (139, 0, 0), 'darksalmon': (233, 150, 122), 'darkseagreen': (143, 188, 143),
'darkslateblue': (72, 61, 139), 'darkslategray': (47, 79, 79), 'darkslategrey': (47, 79, 79),
'darkturquoise': (0, 206, 209), 'darkviolet': (148, 0, 211), 'deeppink': (255, 20, 147),
'deepskyblue': (0, 191, 255), 'dimgray': (105, 105, 105), 'dimgrey': (105, 105, 105),
'dodgerblue': (30, 144, 255), 'firebrick': (178, 34, 34), 'floralwhite': (255, 250, 240),
'forestgreen': (34, 139, 34), 'fuchsia': (255, 0, 255), 'gainsboro': (220, 220, 220),
'ghostwhite': (248, 248, 255), 'gold': (255, 215, 0), 'goldenrod': (218, 165, 32),
'gray': (128, 128, 128), 'grey': (128, 128, 128), 'green': (0, 128, 0), 'greenyellow': (173, 255, 47),
'honeydew': (240, 255, 240), 'hotpink': (255, 105, 180), 'indianred': (205, 92, 92),
'indigo': (75, 0, 130), 'ivory': (255, 255, 240), 'khaki': (240, 230, 140), 'lavender': (230, 230, 250),
'lavenderblush': (255, 240, 245), 'lawngreen': (124, 252, 0), 'lemonchiffon': (255, 250, 205),
'lightblue': (173, 216, 230), 'lightcoral': (240, 128, 128), 'lightcyan': (224, 255, 255),
'lightgoldenrodyellow': (250, 250, 210), 'lightgray': (211, 211, 211), 'lightgrey': (211, 211, 211),
'lightgreen': (144, 238, 144), 'lightpink': (255, 182, 193), 'lightsalmon': (255, 160, 122),
'lightseagreen': (32, 178, 170), 'lightskyblue': (135, 206, 250), 'lightslategray': (119, 136, 153),
'lightslategrey': (119, 136, 153), 'lightsteelblue': (176, 196, 222), 'lightyellow': (255, 255, 224),
'lime': (0, 255, 0), 'limegreen': (50, 205, 50), 'linen': (250, 240, 230), 'magenta': (255, 0, 255),
'maroon': (128, 0, 0), 'mediumaquamarine': (102, 205, 170), 'mediumblue': (0, 0, 205),
'mediumorchid': (186, 85, 211), 'mediumpurple': (147, 112, 219), 'mediumseagreen': (60, 179, 113),
'mediumslateblue': (123, 104, 238), 'mediumspringgreen': (0, 250, 154),
'mediumturquoise': (72, 209, 204), 'mediumvioletred': (199, 21, 133), 'midnightblue': (25, 25, 112),
'mintcream': (245, 255, 250), 'mistyrose': (255, 228, 225), 'moccasin': (255, 228, 181),
'navajowhite': (255, 222, 173), 'navy': (0, 0, 128), 'navyblue': (0, 0, 128),
'oldlace': (253, 245, 230), 'olive': (128, 128, 0), 'olivedrab': (107, 142, 35),
'orange': (255, 165, 0), 'orangered': (255, 69, 0), 'orchid': (218, 112, 214),
'palegoldenrod': (238, 232, 170), 'palegreen': (152, 251, 152), 'paleturquoise': (175, 238, 238),
'palevioletred': (219, 112, 147), 'papayawhip': (255, 239, 213), 'peachpuff': (255, 218, 185),
'peru': (205, 133, 63), 'pink': (255, 192, 203), 'plum': (221, 160, 221), 'powderblue': (176, 224, 230),
'purple': (128, 0, 128), 'rebeccapurple': (102, 51, 153), 'red': (255, 0, 0),
'rosybrown': (188, 143, 143), 'royalblue': (65, 105, 225), 'saddlebrown': (139, 69, 19),
'salmon': (250, 128, 114), 'sandybrown': (244, 164, 96), 'seagreen': (46, 139, 87),
'seashell': (255, 245, 238), 'sienna': (160, 82, 45), 'silver': (192, 192, 192),
'skyblue': (135, 206, 235), 'slateblue': (106, 90, 205), 'slategray': (112, 128, 144),
'slategrey': (112, 128, 144), 'snow': (255, 250, 250), 'springgreen': (0, 255, 127),
'steelblue': (70, 130, 180), 'tan': (210, 180, 140), 'teal': (0, 128, 128), 'thistle': (216, 191, 216),
'tomato': (255, 99, 71), 'turquoise': (64, 224, 208), 'violet': (238, 130, 238),
'wheat': (245, 222, 179), 'white': (255, 255, 255), 'whitesmoke': (245, 245, 245),
'yellow': (255, 255, 0), 'yellowgreen': (154, 205, 50)
valid_locations = { # x, y in 90*90
'in the center': (45, 45),
'on the left': (15, 45),
'on the right': (75, 45),
'on the top': (45, 15),
'on the bottom': (45, 75),
'on the top-left': (15, 15),
'on the top-right': (75, 15),
'on the bottom-left': (15, 75),
'on the bottom-right': (75, 75)
valid_offsets = { # x, y in 90*90
'no offset': (0, 0),
'slightly to the left': (-10, 0),
'slightly to the right': (10, 0),
'slightly to the upper': (0, -10),
'slightly to the lower': (0, 10),
'slightly to the upper-left': (-10, -10),
'slightly to the upper-right': (10, -10),
'slightly to the lower-left': (-10, 10),
'slightly to the lower-right': (10, 10)}
valid_areas = { # w, h in 90*90
"a small square area": (50, 50),
"a small vertical area": (40, 60),
"a small horizontal area": (60, 40),
"a medium-sized square area": (60, 60),
"a medium-sized vertical area": (50, 80),
"a medium-sized horizontal area": (80, 50),
"a large square area": (70, 70),
"a large vertical area": (60, 90),
"a large horizontal area": (90, 60)
def closest_name(input_str, options):
input_str = input_str.lower()
closest_match = difflib.get_close_matches(input_str, list(options.keys()), n=1, cutoff=0.5)
assert isinstance(closest_match, list) and len(closest_match) > 0, f'The value [{input_str}] is not valid!'
result = closest_match[0]
if result != input_str:
print(f'Automatically corrected [{input_str}] -> [{result}].')
return result
def safe_str(x):
return x.strip(',. ') + '.'
def binary_nonzero_positions(n, offset=0):
binary_str = bin(n)[2:]
positions = [i + offset for i, bit in enumerate(reversed(binary_str)) if bit == '1']
return positions
class Canvas:
def from_bot_response(response: str):
matched ='```python\n(.*?)\n```', response, re.DOTALL)
assert matched, 'Response does not contain codes!'
code_content =
assert 'canvas = Canvas()' in code_content, 'Code block must include valid canvas var!'
local_vars = {'Canvas': Canvas}
exec(code_content, {}, local_vars)
canvas = local_vars.get('canvas', None)
assert isinstance(canvas, Canvas), 'Code block must produce valid canvas var!'
return canvas
def __init__(self):
self.components = []
self.color = None
self.record_tags = True
self.prefixes = []
self.suffixes = []
def set_global_description(self, description: str, detailed_descriptions: list[str], tags: str,
HTML_web_color_name: str):
assert isinstance(description, str), 'Global description is not valid!'
assert isinstance(detailed_descriptions, list) and all(isinstance(item, str) for item in detailed_descriptions), \
'Global detailed_descriptions is not valid!'
assert isinstance(tags, str), 'Global tags is not valid!'
HTML_web_color_name = closest_name(HTML_web_color_name, valid_colors)
self.color = np.array([[valid_colors[HTML_web_color_name]]], dtype=np.uint8)
self.prefixes = [description]
self.suffixes = detailed_descriptions
if self.record_tags:
self.suffixes = self.suffixes + [tags]
self.prefixes = [safe_str(x) for x in self.prefixes]
self.suffixes = [safe_str(x) for x in self.suffixes]
def add_local_description(self, location: str, offset: str, area: str, distance_to_viewer: float, description: str,
detailed_descriptions: list[str], tags: str, atmosphere: str, style: str,
quality_meta: str, HTML_web_color_name: str):
assert isinstance(description, str), 'Local description is wrong!'
assert isinstance(distance_to_viewer, (int, float)) and distance_to_viewer > 0, \
f'The distance_to_viewer for [{description}] is not positive float number!'
assert isinstance(detailed_descriptions, list) and all(isinstance(item, str) for item in detailed_descriptions), \
f'The detailed_descriptions for [{description}] is not valid!'
assert isinstance(tags, str), f'The tags for [{description}] is not valid!'
assert isinstance(atmosphere, str), f'The atmosphere for [{description}] is not valid!'
assert isinstance(style, str), f'The style for [{description}] is not valid!'
assert isinstance(quality_meta, str), f'The quality_meta for [{description}] is not valid!'
location = closest_name(location, valid_locations)
offset = closest_name(offset, valid_offsets)
area = closest_name(area, valid_areas)
HTML_web_color_name = closest_name(HTML_web_color_name, valid_colors)
xb, yb = valid_locations[location]
xo, yo = valid_offsets[offset]
w, h = valid_areas[area]
rect = (yb + yo - h // 2, yb + yo + h // 2, xb + xo - w // 2, xb + xo + w // 2)
rect = [max(0, min(90, i)) for i in rect]
color = np.array([[valid_colors[HTML_web_color_name]]], dtype=np.uint8)
prefixes = self.prefixes + [description]
suffixes = detailed_descriptions
if self.record_tags:
suffixes = suffixes + [tags, atmosphere, style, quality_meta]
prefixes = [safe_str(x) for x in prefixes]
suffixes = [safe_str(x) for x in suffixes]
def process(self):
# sort components
self.components = sorted(self.components, key=lambda x: x['distance_to_viewer'], reverse=True)
# compute initial latent
initial_latent = np.zeros(shape=(90, 90, 3), dtype=np.float32) + self.color
for component in self.components:
a, b, c, d = component['rect']
initial_latent[a:b, c:d] = 0.7 * component['color'] + 0.3 * initial_latent[a:b, c:d]
initial_latent = initial_latent.clip(0, 255).astype(np.uint8)
# compute conditions
bag_of_conditions = [
dict(mask=np.ones(shape=(90, 90), dtype=np.float32), prefixes=self.prefixes, suffixes=self.suffixes)
for i, component in enumerate(self.components):
a, b, c, d = component['rect']
m = np.zeros(shape=(90, 90), dtype=np.float32)
m[a:b, c:d] = 1.0
return dict(