import datetime import json import os import gradio as gr from huggingface_hub import hf_hub_download import spaces import PIL.Image import numpy as np import torch import torchvision.transforms.functional from numpy import deg2rad from omegaconf import OmegaConf from import convert_w2c_between_c2w from import ( get_ray_embeddings, normalize_w2c_camera_pose_sequence, crop_and_resize, ) from main.evaluation.funcs import load_model_checkpoint from main.evaluation.pose_interpolation import ( move_pose, interpolate_camera_poses, generate_spherical_trajectory, ) from main.evaluation.utils_eval import process_inference_batch from utils.utils import instantiate_from_config from core.models.samplers.ddim import DDIMSampler torch.set_float32_matmul_precision("medium") gpu_no = 0 config = "./configs/dual_stream/nvcomposer.yaml" ckpt = hf_hub_download( repo_id="TencentARC/NVComposer", filename="NVComposer-V0.1.ckpt", repo_type="model" ) model_resolution_height, model_resolution_width = 576, 1024 num_views = 16 dtype = torch.float16 config = OmegaConf.load(config) model_config = config.pop("model", OmegaConf.create()) model_config.params.train_with_multi_view_feature_alignment = False model = instantiate_from_config(model_config).cuda(gpu_no).to(dtype=dtype) assert os.path.exists(ckpt), f"Error: checkpoint [{ckpt}] Not Found!" print(f"Loading checkpoint from {ckpt}...") model = load_model_checkpoint(model, ckpt) model.eval() latent_h, latent_w = ( model_resolution_height // 8, model_resolution_width // 8, ) channels = model.channels sampler = DDIMSampler(model) EXAMPLES = [ [ "./assets/sample1.jpg", None, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -0.2, 3, 1.5, 20, "./assets/sample1.mp4", 1, ], [ "./assets/sample2.jpg", None, 0, 0, 25, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 1.5, 20, "./assets/sample2.mp4", 1, ], [ "./assets/sample3.jpg", None, 0, 0, 15, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 1.5, 20, "./assets/sample3.mp4", 1, ], [ "./assets/sample4.jpg", None, 0, 0, -15, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 1.5, 20, "./assets/sample4.mp4", 1, ], [ "./assets/sample5-1.png", "./assets/sample5-2.png", 0, 0, -30, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 1.5, 20, "./assets/sample5.mp4", 2, ], ] def compose_data_item( num_views, cond_pil_image_list, caption="", camera_mode=False, input_pose_format="c2w", model_pose_format="c2w", x_rotation_angle=10, y_rotation_angle=10, z_rotation_angle=10, x_translation=0.5, y_translation=0.5, z_translation=0.5, image_size=None, spherical_angle_x=10, spherical_angle_y=10, spherical_radius=10, ): if image_size is None: image_size = [512, 512] latent_size = [image_size[0] // 8, image_size[1] // 8] def image_processing_function(x): return ( torch.from_numpy( np.array( crop_and_resize( x, target_height=image_size[0], target_width=image_size[1] ) ).transpose((2, 0, 1)) ).float() / 255.0 ) resizer_image_to_latent_size = torchvision.transforms.Resize( size=latent_size, interpolation=torchvision.transforms.InterpolationMode.BILINEAR, antialias=True, ) num_cond_views = len(cond_pil_image_list) print(f"Number of received condition images: {num_cond_views}.") num_target_views = num_views - num_cond_views if camera_mode == 1: print("Camera Mode: Movement with Rotation and Translation.") start_pose = torch.tensor( [ [1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0], ] ).float() end_pose = move_pose( start_pose, x_angle=torch.tensor(deg2rad(x_rotation_angle)), y_angle=torch.tensor(deg2rad(y_rotation_angle)), z_angle=torch.tensor(deg2rad(z_rotation_angle)), translation=torch.tensor([x_translation, y_translation, z_translation]), ) target_poses = interpolate_camera_poses( start_pose, end_pose, num_steps=num_target_views ) elif camera_mode == 0: print("Camera Mode: Spherical Movement.") target_poses = generate_spherical_trajectory( end_angles=(spherical_angle_x, spherical_angle_y), radius=spherical_radius, num_steps=num_target_views, ) print("Target pose sequence (before normalization): \n ", target_poses) cond_poses = [ torch.tensor( [ [1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0], ] ).float() ] * num_cond_views target_poses = torch.stack(target_poses, dim=0).float() cond_poses = torch.stack(cond_poses, dim=0).float() if not camera_mode != 0 and (input_pose_format != "w2c"): # c2w to w2c. Input for normalize_camera_pose_sequence() should be w2c target_poses = convert_w2c_between_c2w(target_poses) cond_poses = convert_w2c_between_c2w(cond_poses) target_poses, cond_poses = normalize_w2c_camera_pose_sequence( target_poses, cond_poses, output_c2w=model_pose_format == "c2w", translation_norm_mode="disabled", ) target_and_condition_camera_poses =[target_poses, cond_poses], dim=0) print("Target pose sequence (after normalization): \n ", target_poses) fov_xy = [80, 45] target_rays = get_ray_embeddings( target_poses, size_h=image_size[0], size_w=image_size[1], fov_xy_list=[fov_xy for _ in range(num_target_views)], ) condition_rays = get_ray_embeddings( cond_poses, size_h=image_size[0], size_w=image_size[1], fov_xy_list=[fov_xy for _ in range(num_cond_views)], ) target_images_tensor = torch.zeros( num_target_views, 3, image_size[0], image_size[1] ) condition_images = [image_processing_function(x) for x in cond_pil_image_list] condition_images_tensor = torch.stack(condition_images, dim=0) * 2.0 - 1.0 target_images_tensor[0, :, :, :] = condition_images_tensor[0, :, :, :] target_and_condition_images_tensor = [target_images_tensor, condition_images_tensor], dim=0 ) target_and_condition_rays_tensor =[target_rays, condition_rays], dim=0) target_and_condition_rays_tensor = resizer_image_to_latent_size( target_and_condition_rays_tensor * 5.0 ) mask_preserving_target = torch.ones(size=[num_views, 1], dtype=torch.float16) mask_preserving_target[num_target_views:] = 0.0 combined_fovs = torch.stack([torch.tensor(fov_xy)] * num_views, dim=0) mask_only_preserving_first_target = torch.zeros_like(mask_preserving_target) mask_only_preserving_first_target[0] = 1.0 mask_only_preserving_first_condition = torch.zeros_like(mask_preserving_target) mask_only_preserving_first_condition[num_target_views] = 1.0 test_data = { # T, C, H, W "combined_images": target_and_condition_images_tensor.unsqueeze(0), "mask_preserving_target": mask_preserving_target.unsqueeze(0), # T, 1 # T, 1 "mask_only_preserving_first_target": mask_only_preserving_first_target.unsqueeze( 0 ), # T, 1 "mask_only_preserving_first_condition": mask_only_preserving_first_condition.unsqueeze( 0 ), # T, C, H//8, W//8 "combined_rays": target_and_condition_rays_tensor.unsqueeze(0), "combined_fovs": combined_fovs.unsqueeze(0), "target_and_condition_camera_poses": target_and_condition_camera_poses.unsqueeze( 0 ), "num_target_images": torch.tensor([num_target_views]), "num_cond_images": torch.tensor([num_cond_views]), "num_cond_images_str": [str(num_cond_views)], "item_idx": [0], "subset_key": ["evaluation"], "caption": [caption], "fov_xy": torch.tensor(fov_xy).float().unsqueeze(0), } return test_data def tensor_to_mp4(video, savepath, fps, nrow=None): """ video: torch.Tensor, b,t,c,h,w, value range: 0-1 """ n = video.shape[0] print("Video shape=", video.shape) video = video.permute(1, 0, 2, 3, 4) # t,n,c,h,w nrow = int(np.sqrt(n)) if nrow is None else nrow frame_grids = [ torchvision.utils.make_grid(framesheet, nrow=nrow) for framesheet in video ] # [3, grid_h, grid_w] # stack in temporal dim [T, 3, grid_h, grid_w] grid = torch.stack(frame_grids, dim=0) grid = torch.clamp(grid.float(), -1.0, 1.0) # [T, 3, grid_h, grid_w] -> [T, grid_h, grid_w, 3] grid = (grid * 255).to(torch.uint8).permute(0, 2, 3, 1) # print(f'Save video to {savepath}') savepath, grid, fps=fps, video_codec="h264", options={"crf": "10"} ) def parse_to_np_array(input_string): try: # Try to parse the input as JSON first data = json.loads(input_string) arr = np.array(data) except json.JSONDecodeError: # If JSON parsing fails, assume it's a multi-line string and handle accordingly lines = input_string.strip().splitlines() data = [] for line in lines: # Split the line by spaces and convert to floats data.append([float(x) for x in line.split()]) arr = np.array(data) # Check if the resulting array is 3x4 if arr.shape != (3, 4): raise ValueError(f"Expected array shape (3, 4), but got {arr.shape}") return arr @spaces.GPU(duration=180) def run_inference( camera_mode, input_cond_image1=None, input_cond_image2=None, input_cond_image3=None, input_cond_image4=None, input_pose_format="c2w", model_pose_format="c2w", x_rotation_angle=None, y_rotation_angle=None, z_rotation_angle=None, x_translation=None, y_translation=None, z_translation=None, trajectory_extension_factor=1, cfg_scale=1.0, cfg_scale_extra=1.0, sample_steps=50, num_images_slider=None, spherical_angle_x=10, spherical_angle_y=10, spherical_radius=10, random_seed=1, ): cfg_scale_extra = 1.0 # Disable Extra CFG due to time limit of ZeroGPU os.makedirs("./cache/", exist_ok=True) with torch.no_grad(): with torch.cuda.amp.autocast(dtype=dtype): torch.manual_seed(random_seed) input_cond_images = [] for _cond_image in [ input_cond_image1, input_cond_image2, input_cond_image3, input_cond_image4, ]: if _cond_image is not None: if isinstance(_cond_image, np.ndarray): _cond_image = PIL.Image.fromarray(_cond_image) input_cond_images.append(_cond_image) num_condition_views = len(input_cond_images) assert ( num_images_slider == num_condition_views ), f"The `num_condition_views`={num_condition_views} while got `num_images_slider`={num_images_slider}." input_caption = "" num_target_views = num_views - num_condition_views data_item = compose_data_item( num_views=num_views, cond_pil_image_list=input_cond_images, caption=input_caption, camera_mode=camera_mode, input_pose_format=input_pose_format, model_pose_format=model_pose_format, x_rotation_angle=x_rotation_angle, y_rotation_angle=y_rotation_angle, z_rotation_angle=z_rotation_angle, x_translation=x_translation, y_translation=y_translation, z_translation=z_translation, image_size=[model_resolution_height, model_resolution_width], spherical_angle_x=spherical_angle_x, spherical_angle_y=spherical_angle_y, spherical_radius=spherical_radius, ) batch = data_item if trajectory_extension_factor == 1: print("No trajectory extension.") else: print(f"Trajectory is enabled: {trajectory_extension_factor}.") full_x_samples = [] for repeat_idx in range(int(trajectory_extension_factor)): if repeat_idx != 0: batch["combined_images"][:, 0, :, :, :] = full_x_samples[-1][ :, -1, :, :, : ] batch["combined_images"][:, num_target_views, :, :, :] = ( full_x_samples[-1][:, -1, :, :, :] ) cond, uc, uc_extra, x_rec = process_inference_batch( cfg_scale, batch, model, with_uncondition_extra=True ) batch_size = x_rec.shape[0] shape_without_batch = (num_views, channels, latent_h, latent_w) samples, _ = sampler.sample( sample_steps, batch_size=batch_size, shape=shape_without_batch, conditioning=cond, verbose=True, unconditional_conditioning=uc, unconditional_guidance_scale=cfg_scale, unconditional_conditioning_extra=uc_extra, unconditional_guidance_scale_extra=cfg_scale_extra, x_T=None, expand_mode=False, num_target_views=num_views - num_condition_views, num_condition_views=num_condition_views, dense_expansion_ratio=None, pred_x0_post_process_function=None, pred_x0_post_process_function_kwargs=None, ) if samples.size(2) > 4: image_samples = samples[:, :num_target_views, :4, :, :] else: image_samples = samples per_instance_decoding = False if per_instance_decoding: x_samples = [] for item_idx in range(image_samples.shape[0]): image_samples = image_samples[ item_idx : item_idx + 1, :, :, :, : ] x_sample = model.decode_first_stage(image_samples) x_samples.append(x_sample) x_samples =, dim=0) else: x_samples = model.decode_first_stage(image_samples) full_x_samples.append(x_samples[:, :num_target_views, ...]) full_x_samples = torch.concat(full_x_samples, dim=1) x_samples = full_x_samples x_samples = torch.clamp((x_samples + 1.0) / 2.0, 0.0, 1.0) video_name ="%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S") + ".mp4" video_path = "./cache/" + video_name tensor_to_mp4(x_samples.detach().cpu(), fps=6, savepath=video_path) return video_path with gr.Blocks() as demo: gr.HTML( """
π Project Page | π ArXiv Preprint | π§βπ» Github Repository
Welcome to the demo of NVComposer. Follow the steps below to explore its capabilities:
β±οΈ ZeroGPU Time Limit: Hugging Face ZeroGPU has a inference time limit of 180 seconds. You may need to log in with a free account to use this demo. Large sampling steps might lead to timeout (GPU Abort). In that case, please consider log in with a Pro account or run it on your local machine.
π€ Please π star our GitHub repo
and click on the β€οΈ like button above if you find our work helpful.
Spherical Mode allows you to control the camera's movement by specifying its position on a sphere centered around the scene. Adjust the Polar Angle (vertical rotation), Azimuth Angle (horizontal rotation), and Radius (distance from the center of the anchor view) to define the camera's viewpoint. The anchor view is considered located on the sphere at the specified radius, aligned with a zero polar angle and zero azimuth angle, oriented toward the origin.
""" ) spherical_angle_x = gr.Slider( minimum=-30, maximum=30, step=1, value=0, label="Polar Angle (Theta)", ) spherical_angle_y = gr.Slider( minimum=-30, maximum=30, step=1, value=5, label="Azimuth Angle (Phi)", ) spherical_radius = gr.Slider( minimum=0.5, maximum=1.5, step=0.1, value=1, label="Radius" ) with gr.Group(visible=False) as group_move_rotation_translation: gr.HTML( """Rotation & Translation Mode lets you directly define how the camera moves and rotates in the 3D space. Use Rotation X/Y/Z to control the camera's orientation and Translation X/Y/Z to shift its position. The anchor view serves as the starting point, with no initial rotation or translation applied.
""" ) rotation_x = gr.Slider( minimum=-20, maximum=20, step=1, value=0, label="Rotation X" ) rotation_y = gr.Slider( minimum=-20, maximum=20, step=1, value=0, label="Rotation Y" ) rotation_z = gr.Slider( minimum=-20, maximum=20, step=1, value=0, label="Rotation Z" ) translation_x = gr.Slider( minimum=-1, maximum=1, step=0.1, value=0, label="Translation X" ) translation_y = gr.Slider( minimum=-1, maximum=1, step=0.1, value=0, label="Translation Y" ) translation_z = gr.Slider( minimum=-1, maximum=1, step=0.1, value=-0.2, label="Translation Z", ) input_camera_pose_format = gr.Radio( choices=["W2C", "C2W"], value="C2W", label="Input Camera Pose Format", visible=False, ) model_camera_pose_format = gr.Radio( choices=["W2C", "C2W"], value="C2W", label="Model Camera Pose Format", visible=False, ) def on_change_selected_camera_settings(_id): return [gr.update(visible=_id == 0), gr.update(visible=_id == 1)] camera_mode.change( fn=on_change_selected_camera_settings, inputs=camera_mode, outputs=[group_spherical, group_move_rotation_translation], ) with gr.Accordion("Advanced Sampling Settings"): cfg_scale = gr.Slider( value=3.0, label="Classifier-Free Guidance Scale", minimum=1, maximum=10, step=0.1, ) extra_cfg_scale = gr.Slider( value=1.0, label="Extra Classifier-Free Guidance Scale", minimum=1, maximum=10, step=0.1, visible=False, ) sample_steps = gr.Slider( value=18, label="DDIM Sample Steps", minimum=0, maximum=25, step=1 ) trajectory_extension_factor = gr.Slider( value=1, label="Trajectory Extension (proportional to runtime)", minimum=1, maximum=3, step=1, ) random_seed = gr.Slider( value=1024, minimum=1, maximum=9999, step=1, label="Random Seed" ) def on_change_trajectory_extension_factor(_val): if _val == 1: return [ gr.update(minimum=-30, maximum=30), gr.update(minimum=-30, maximum=30), gr.update(minimum=0.5, maximum=1.5), gr.update(minimum=-20, maximum=20), gr.update(minimum=-20, maximum=20), gr.update(minimum=-20, maximum=20), gr.update(minimum=-1, maximum=1), gr.update(minimum=-1, maximum=1), gr.update(minimum=-1, maximum=1), ] elif _val == 2: return [ gr.update(minimum=-15, maximum=15), gr.update(minimum=-15, maximum=15), gr.update(minimum=0.5, maximum=1.5), gr.update(minimum=-10, maximum=10), gr.update(minimum=-10, maximum=10), gr.update(minimum=-10, maximum=10), gr.update(minimum=-0.5, maximum=0.5), gr.update(minimum=-0.5, maximum=0.5), gr.update(minimum=-0.5, maximum=0.5), ] elif _val == 3: return [ gr.update(minimum=-10, maximum=10), gr.update(minimum=-10, maximum=10), gr.update(minimum=0.5, maximum=1.5), gr.update(minimum=-6, maximum=6), gr.update(minimum=-6, maximum=6), gr.update(minimum=-6, maximum=6), gr.update(minimum=-0.3, maximum=0.3), gr.update(minimum=-0.3, maximum=0.3), gr.update(minimum=-0.3, maximum=0.3), ] trajectory_extension_factor.change( fn=on_change_trajectory_extension_factor, inputs=trajectory_extension_factor, outputs=[ spherical_angle_x, spherical_angle_y, spherical_radius, rotation_x, rotation_y, rotation_z, translation_x, translation_y, translation_z, ], ) with gr.Column(scale=1): with gr.Accordion("Input Image(s)", open=True): num_images_slider = gr.Slider( minimum=1, maximum=4, step=1, value=1, label="Number of Input Image(s)", ) condition_image_1 = gr.Image(label="Input Image 1 (Anchor View)") condition_image_2 = gr.Image(label="Input Image 2", visible=False) condition_image_3 = gr.Image(label="Input Image 3", visible=False) condition_image_4 = gr.Image(label="Input Image 4", visible=False) with gr.Column(scale=1): with gr.Accordion("Output Video", open=True): output_video = gr.Video(label="Output Video") run_btn = gr.Button("Generate") with gr.Accordion("Notes", open=True): gr.HTML( """
π§ Reminder:
As a generative model, NVComposer may occasionally produce unexpected outputs.
Try adjusting the random seed, sampling steps, or CFG scales to explore different results.
π€ Longer Generation:
If you need longer video, you can increase the trajectory extension value in the advanced sampling settings and run with your own GPU.
This extends the defined camera trajectory by repeating it, allowing for a longer output.
This also requires using smaller rotation or translation scales to maintain smooth transitions and will increase the generation time.
π€ Limitation:
This is the initial beta version of NVComposer.
Its generalizability may be limited in certain scenarios, and artifacts can appear with large camera motions due to the current foundation model's constraints.
Weβre actively working on an improved version with enhanced datasets and a more powerful foundation model,
and we are looking for collaboration opportunities from the community.
β¨ We welcome your feedback and questions. Thank you!