import re import yaml from yaml import YAMLError import streamlit as st from streamlit.delta_generator import DeltaGenerator from client import get_client from conversation import postprocess_text, preprocess_text, Conversation, Role from tool_registry import dispatch_tool, get_tools MAX_LENGTH = 8192 TRUNCATE_LENGTH = 1024 EXAMPLE_TOOL = { "name": "get_current_weather", "description": "Get the current weather in a given location", "parameters": { "type": "object", "properties": { "location": { "type": "string", "description": "The city and state, e.g. San Francisco, CA", }, "unit": {"type": "string", "enum": ["celsius", "fahrenheit"]}, }, "required": ["location"], } } client = get_client() def tool_call(*args, **kwargs) -> dict: print("=== Tool call:") print(args) print(kwargs) st.session_state.calling_tool = True return kwargs def yaml_to_dict(tools: str) -> list[dict] | None: try: return yaml.safe_load(tools) except YAMLError: return None def extract_code(text: str) -> str: pattern = r'```([^\n]*)\n(.*?)```' matches = re.findall(pattern, text, re.DOTALL) return matches[-1][1] # Append a conversation into history, while show it in a new markdown block def append_conversation( conversation: Conversation, history: list[Conversation], placeholder: DeltaGenerator | None=None, ) -> None: history.append(conversation) def main(top_p: float, temperature: float, prompt_text: str): manual_mode = st.toggle('Manual mode', help='Define your tools in YAML format. You need to supply tool call results manually.' ) if manual_mode: with st.expander('Tools'): tools = st.text_area( 'Define your tools in YAML format here:', yaml.safe_dump([EXAMPLE_TOOL], sort_keys=False), height=400, ) tools = yaml_to_dict(tools) if not tools: st.error('YAML format error in tools definition') else: tools = get_tools() if 'tool_history' not in st.session_state: st.session_state.tool_history = [] if 'calling_tool' not in st.session_state: st.session_state.calling_tool = False history: list[Conversation] = st.session_state.tool_history for conversation in history: if prompt_text: prompt_text = prompt_text.strip() role = st.session_state.calling_tool and Role.OBSERVATION or Role.USER append_conversation(Conversation(role, prompt_text), history) st.session_state.calling_tool = False input_text = preprocess_text( None, tools, history, ) print("=== Input:") print(input_text) print("=== History:") print(history) placeholder = st.container() message_placeholder = placeholder.chat_message(name="assistant", avatar="assistant") markdown_placeholder = message_placeholder.empty() for _ in range(5): output_text = '' for response in client.generate_stream( system=None, tools=tools, history=history, do_sample=True, max_length=MAX_LENGTH, temperature=temperature, top_p=top_p, stop_sequences=[str(r) for r in (Role.USER, Role.OBSERVATION)], ): token = response.token if response.token.special: print("=== Output:") print(output_text) match token.text.strip(): case '<|user|>': append_conversation(Conversation( Role.ASSISTANT, postprocess_text(output_text), ), history, markdown_placeholder) return # Initiate tool call case '<|assistant|>': append_conversation(Conversation( Role.ASSISTANT, postprocess_text(output_text), ), history, markdown_placeholder) output_text = '' message_placeholder = placeholder.chat_message(name="tool", avatar="assistant") markdown_placeholder = message_placeholder.empty() continue case '<|observation|>': tool, *output_text = output_text.strip().split('\n') output_text = '\n'.join(output_text) append_conversation(Conversation( Role.TOOL, postprocess_text(output_text), tool, ), history, markdown_placeholder) message_placeholder = placeholder.chat_message(name="observation", avatar="user") markdown_placeholder = message_placeholder.empty() try: code = extract_code(output_text) args = eval(code, {'tool_call': tool_call}, {}) except: st.error('Failed to parse tool call') return output_text = '' if manual_mode:'Please provide tool call results below:') return else: with markdown_placeholder: with st.spinner(f'Calling tool {tool}...'): observation = dispatch_tool(tool, args) if len(observation) > TRUNCATE_LENGTH: observation = observation[:TRUNCATE_LENGTH] + ' [TRUNCATED]' append_conversation(Conversation( Role.OBSERVATION, observation ), history, markdown_placeholder) message_placeholder = placeholder.chat_message(name="assistant", avatar="assistant") markdown_placeholder = message_placeholder.empty() st.session_state.calling_tool = False break case _: st.error(f'Unexpected special token: {token.text.strip()}') return output_text += response.token.text markdown_placeholder.markdown(postprocess_text(output_text + '▌')) else: append_conversation(Conversation( Role.ASSISTANT, postprocess_text(output_text), ), history, markdown_placeholder) return