Build error
Build error
One of the dependencies that, when found in the summary but not in the article, indicates a possible error is the *"amod"* (adjectival modifier) dependency. | |
Applied to this summary, we have *"Democratic"* as the entity, and it is the adjectival modifier of the word *"member"*. | |
And indeed, this unmatched dependency indicates an actual error here. The sentence is not factual for two reasons. <br> <br> | |
First, the article talks about *"democrats"* and *"members of the committee"*, which are two separate things. The summary combines those two in a way | |
that can be seen as not completely factual. Second, the statement itself was not made by a democrat (nor a member of the committee), and even though the dependency can't be | |
directly linked to this error, empirical results showed that unmatched *amod* dependencies often suggest | |
that the summary sentence is incorrect. |