:lock: don't accept inference requests for models not on the list a9b1f7f wxgeorge commited on Sep 27
:see_no_evil: hide unused functions to avoid cluttering api pane. 554cf75 wxgeorge commited on Sep 27
:lipstick: make logo bigger and more prominent, conclude with some calls to action. fcd14c4 wxgeorge commited on Sep 27
:wrench: put README content in the right place for easier recreation. 3793467 wxgeorge commited on Sep 27
:fire: revert manual chat templating for reflection now that it's working in featherless backend. 6f983da wxgeorge commited on Sep 6
:heavy_plus_sign: I really only want transformers but just adding it seems to break HF? ae83cd8 wxgeorge commited on Sep 6
:chart_with_upwards_trend: associate app attribution with inference request. 77ee232 wxgeorge commited on Sep 4
:wrench: update model listing to avoid unintentionally listing larger models. 2018dd8 wxgeorge commited on Aug 12
:wrench: include unhealthy models in model cache as we expect this state to be transient. 8f28494 wxgeorge commited on Jul 30