from chromadb.config import Settings from chromadb import PersistentClient from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModel, AutoModelForSequenceClassification, pipeline import pandas as pd import numpy as np import streamlit as st import speech_recognition as sr from google.oauth2.service_account import Credentials from googleapiclient.discovery import build import torch import faiss from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from huggingface_hub import login import os from dotenv import load_dotenv SPREADSHEET_ID = "1CsBub3Jlwyo7WHMQty6SDnBShIZMjl5XTVSoOKrxZhc" RANGE_NAME = 'Sheet1!A1:E' SERVICE_ACCOUNT_FILE = r"C:\Users\bhagy\AI\credentials.json" csv_file_path = r"C:\Users\bhagy\OneDrive\Desktop\INFOSYS PROJECT\900_products_dataset.csv" class CustomEmbeddingFunction: def __init__(self, model_name="sentence-transformers/all-MiniLM-L6-v2"): self.tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_name) self.model = AutoModel.from_pretrained(model_name) def __call__(self, text): inputs = self.tokenizer(text, return_tensors="pt", truncation=True, padding=True, max_length=512) with torch.no_grad(): outputs = self.model(**inputs) embeddings = outputs.last_hidden_state.mean(dim=1).squeeze().numpy() return embeddings sentiment_pipeline = pipeline("sentiment-analysis") # persist_directory = "chromadb_storage" # chroma_client = PersistentClient(path=persist_directory) persist_directory = "chromadb_storage" os.makedirs(persist_directory, exist_ok=True) # Ensure the directory exists chroma_client = PersistentClient(path=persist_directory) collection_name = "crm_data" try: collection = chroma_client.get_collection(name=collection_name) except Exception: collection = chroma_client.create_collection(name=collection_name) embedding_fn = CustomEmbeddingFunction() def get_google_sheets_service(): creds = Credentials.from_service_account_file( SERVICE_ACCOUNT_FILE, scopes=[""] ) return creds def update_google_sheet(transcribed_text, sentiment,objection, recommendations,overall_sentiment): creds = get_google_sheets_service() service = build('sheets', 'v4', credentials=creds) sheet = service.spreadsheets() values = [[ transcribed_text, sentiment, objection, recommendations, overall_sentiment ]] body = {'values': values} header=["transcribed_text", "sentiment","objection", "recommendations","overall_sentiment"] all_values=[header]+values body = {'values': values} try: result = sheet.values().append( spreadsheetId=SPREADSHEET_ID, range=RANGE_NAME, valueInputOption="RAW", body=body ).execute() st.success("Response and sentiment written to Google Sheets!") except Exception as e: st.error(f"Failed to update Google Sheets: {e}") load_dotenv() hf_token= os.getenv("HUGGINGFACE_TOKEN") login(token=hf_token) if not hf_token: raise ValueError("Hugging Face API key not found! Please set the HUGGINGFACE_TOKEN variable.") print(f"API Key Loaded: {hf_token[:5]}****") model_name = "tabularisai/multilingual-sentiment-analysis" model = AutoModelForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained(model_name) tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_name) sentiment_analyzer = pipeline("sentiment-analysis", model=model, tokenizer=tokenizer) def preprocess_text(text): return text.strip().lower() def analyze_sentiment(text): try: if not text.strip(): return "NEUTRAL", 0.0 processed_text = preprocess_text(text) result = sentiment_analyzer(processed_text)[0] print(f"Sentiment Analysis Result: {result}") sentiment_map = { 'Very Negative': "NEGATIVE", 'Negative': "NEGATIVE", 'Neutral': "NEUTRAL", 'Positive': "POSITIVE", 'Very Positive': "POSITIVE" } sentiment = sentiment_map.get(result['label'], "NEUTRAL") return sentiment, result['score'] except Exception as e: print(f"Error in sentiment analysis: {e}") return "NEUTRAL", 0.5 def load_csv(file_path): try: data = pd.read_csv(file_path) if data is not None: st.session_state.crm_data = data print("CRM data loaded successfully!") return data except Exception as e: print(f"Error loading CSV: {e}") return None data = load_csv(csv_file_path) def process_crm_data(data): try: chunks = [str(row) for row in data.to_dict(orient="records")] ids = [f"doc_{i}" for i in range(len(chunks))] embeddings = [embedding_fn(chunk) for chunk in chunks] collection.add( embeddings=embeddings, documents=chunks, ids=ids ) print(f"Processed and stored {len(chunks)} CRM records.") print("CRM data processed and stored successfully!") except Exception as e: st.error(f"Error processing CRM data: {e}") product_keywords = ['phone', 'smartphone', 'mobile', 'tablet', 'laptop', 'cell phone', 'headphones', 'smartwatch','vivo','xiaomi','sony','Apple','Oppo','Realme','Asus','Nokia','Lenovo','Samsung','Google','Motorola','OnePlus','Huawei',] def query_crm_data_with_context(prompt, top_k=3): try: prompt_embedding = embedding_fn(prompt) collection = chroma_client.get_collection("crm_data") results = collection.query( query_embeddings=[prompt_embedding], n_results=top_k ) matched_keywords = [kw for kw in product_keywords if kw in prompt.lower()] if not matched_keywords: return ["No relevant recommendations found as no product names were mentioned in the query."] relevant_docs = [] for doc in results["documents"][0]: if any(kw in doc.lower() for kw in matched_keywords): relevant_docs.append(doc) return relevant_docs if relevant_docs else ["No relevant recommendations found for the mentioned products."] except Exception as e: st.error(f"Error querying CRM data: {e}") return ["Error in querying recommendations."] sentence_model = SentenceTransformer('sentence-transformers/all-MiniLM-L6-v2') faiss_index = faiss.IndexFlatL2(384) def load_objection_responses(csv_file_path): try: df = pd.read_csv(csv_file_path) objection_response_pairs = dict(zip(df['Objection'], df['Response'])) return objection_response_pairs except Exception as e: print(f"Error loading objections CSV: {e}") return {} objection_response_pairs = load_objection_responses(r"C:\Users\bhagy\OneDrive\Desktop\INFOSYS PROJECT\objections_responses.csv") objections = list(objection_response_pairs.keys()) # objection_embeddings = sentence_model.encode(objections) # faiss_index.add(np.array(objection_embeddings, dtype="float32")) objection_embeddings = sentence_model.encode(objections) objection_embeddings = objection_embeddings.reshape(-1, 384) # Reshape to 2D array faiss_index.add(objection_embeddings.astype("float32")) def find_closest_objection(query): query_embedding = sentence_model.encode([query]) distances, indices =, dtype="float32"), 1) closest_index = indices[0][0] closest_objection = objections[closest_index] response = objection_response_pairs[closest_objection] if distances[0][0] > 0.6: return "No objection found", "No Response" return closest_objection, response def handle_objection_and_recommendation(prompt): closest_objection, objection_response = find_closest_objection(prompt) recommendations = query_crm_data_with_context(prompt) return closest_objection, objection_response, recommendations if "is_listening" not in st.session_state: st.session_state.is_listening = False if "sentiment_history" not in st.session_state: st.session_state.sentiment_history = [] if "crm_data" not in st.session_state: st.session_state.crm_data = load_csv(csv_file_path) else: print("CRM data already loaded from session state.") if st.session_state.crm_data is not None: process_crm_data(st.session_state.crm_data) else: st.error("Failed to load CRM data.") if "crm_history" not in st.session_state: st.session_state["crm_history"] = [] if "app_feedback" not in st.session_state: st.session_state["app_feedback"] = [] def generate_comprehensive_summary(chunks): full_text = " ".join([chunk[0] for chunk in chunks]) total_chunks = len(chunks) sentiments = [chunk[1] for chunk in chunks] context_keywords = { 'product_inquiry': ['laptop', 'headphone', 'smartphone', 'tablet', 'model', 'features'], 'pricing': ['price', 'cost', 'budget', 'discount', 'offer'], 'negotiation': ['payment', 'installment', 'financing', 'affordable', 'deal'], 'compatibility': ['compatible', 'battery life', 'OS', 'Android', 'iOS'], 'accessories': ['case', 'cover', 'charger', 'headset'] } themes = [] for keyword_type, keywords in context_keywords.items(): if any(keyword.lower() in full_text.lower() for keyword in keywords): themes.append(keyword_type) positive_count = sentiments.count('POSITIVE') negative_count = sentiments.count('NEGATIVE') neutral_count = sentiments.count('NEUTRAL') key_interactions = [] for chunk in chunks: if any(keyword.lower() in chunk[0].lower() for keyword in ['laptop', 'headphone', 'tablet', 'smartphone', 'price', 'battery']): key_interactions.append(chunk[0]) summary = f"Conversation Summary:\n" if 'product_inquiry' in themes: summary += "• Customer inquired about various products such as laptops, headphones, smartphones, or tablets.\n" if 'pricing' in themes: summary += "• Price, cost, and available discounts were discussed.\n" if 'negotiation' in themes: summary += "• Customer and seller discussed payment plans, financing options, or special deals.\n" if 'compatibility' in themes: summary += "• Compatibility of the product with different systems or accessories was explored.\n" if 'accessories' in themes: summary += "• Customer showed interest in additional accessories for the product.\n" summary += f"\nConversation Sentiment:\n" summary += f"• Positive Interactions: {positive_count}\n" summary += f"• Negative Interactions: {negative_count}\n" summary += f"• Neutral Interactions: {neutral_count}\n" summary += "\nKey Conversation Points:\n" for interaction in key_interactions[:3]: # Limit to top 3 key points summary += f"• {interaction}\n" if positive_count > negative_count: summary += "\nOutcome: Constructive and promising interaction with interest in the product." elif negative_count > positive_count: summary += "\nOutcome: Interaction may need further follow-up or clarification on product features." else: summary += "\nOutcome: Neutral interaction, potential for future engagement or inquiry." return summary def add_to_sentiment_history(text, sentiment_label, sentiment_score, closest_objection, response): st.session_state.sentiment_history.append({ "Text": text, "Sentiment": sentiment_label, "Score": sentiment_score, }) def show_help(): st.title("Help Section - AI-Powered Assistant for Live Sales Calls") st.header("1. Introduction to the AI Assistant") st.write(""" - **What It Does**: The assistant analyzes live sales calls in real-time. It detects sentiment shifts, provides product recommendations, and suggests dynamic question handling techniques. - **Key Features**: - Real-time speech-to-text conversion and sentiment analysis. - Product recommendations based on customer context. - Dynamic question prompt generator. - Objection handling suggestions. """) st.header("2. Getting Started") st.write(""" - **How to Start a Call**: To start a sales call, Click on Start Listening. Once connected, initiate the call, and the assistant will begin analyzing. - **What to Expect**: During the call, the assistant will provide real-time feedback, such as sentiment scores, product recommendations, and objection handling tips. """) st.header("3. Using the Assistant During Sales Calls") st.write(""" - **Speech-to-Text Instructions**: Speak clearly into your microphone for the assistant to accurately capture and analyze your speech. - **Real-time Feedback**: The assistant will display real-time feedback on the sentiment of the conversation, suggest responses for objections, and provide product recommendations. """) st.header("4. Understanding the Interface") st.write(""" - **Tabs Navigation**: The interface has different tabs: - **Call Summary**: After the call, review the summary, which highlights conversation key points. - **Sentiment Analysis**: See how the sentiment changed throughout the conversation. - **Product Recommendations**: View the recommended products based on customer intent and conversation context. """) st.header("5. FAQs and Troubleshooting") st.write(""" - **Sentiment Detection Accuracy**: If the assistant's sentiment analysis isn't accurate, ensure you speak clearly and avoid background noise. - **Speech Recognition Issues**: Rephrase unclear statements and ensure the microphone is working well. - **Context Handling**: If the assistant misses some context, remind it of the product or the customer’s intent. """) st.header("6. Support and Contact Information") st.write(""" - **Live Chat Support**: Chat with us in real-time by clicking the support icon in the bottom right. - **Email and Phone Support**: You can also reach us at or call us at +1-800-555-1234. - **Feedback**: Please provide feedback to help us improve the assistant. """) st.header("7. Advanced Features") st.write(""" - **Integration with CRM and Google Sheets**: Sync with CRM systems and Google Sheets to enhance product recommendations. - **Customization Options**: Customize the assistant’s tone, product categories, and question prompts through the settings tab. """) st.header("8. Privacy and Security") st.write(""" - **Data Privacy**: All conversations are anonymized for analysis purposes. We ensure compliance with privacy regulations. - **Security Protocols**: All data is encrypted and stored securely. """) st.header("9. Updates and New Features") st.write(""" - **Changelog**: We release regular updates to improve performance. Please refer to the changelog for new features and improvements. - **How to Update**: If an update is available, follow the instructions in the settings tab to install the latest version. """) def calculate_overall_sentiment(sentiment_scores): if sentiment_scores: average_sentiment = sum(sentiment_scores) / len(sentiment_scores) overall_sentiment = ( "POSITIVE" if average_sentiment > 0 else "NEGATIVE" if average_sentiment < 0 else "NEUTRAL" ) else: overall_sentiment = "NEUTRAL" return overall_sentiment def process_real_time_audio(): recognizer = sr.Recognizer() microphone = sr.Microphone() st.write("Adjusting microphone for ambient noise... Please wait.") with microphone as source: recognizer.adjust_for_ambient_noise(source,duration=2) st.write("Listening for audio... Speak into the microphone.") while True: try: with microphone as source: audio = recognizer.listen(source, timeout=15, phrase_time_limit=20) st.write("Transcribing audio...") transcribed_text = recognizer.recognize_google(audio) st.write(f"You said: {transcribed_text}") if 'stop' in transcribed_text.lower(): st.warning("Stopping the speech recognition process.") break st.markdown("### **Sentiment Analysis**") sentiment_label, sentiment_score = analyze_sentiment(transcribed_text) st.write(f"Sentiment: {sentiment_label}") st.write(f"Sentiment Score: {sentiment_score}") closest_objection = None response = None add_to_sentiment_history(transcribed_text, sentiment_label, sentiment_score, closest_objection, response) st.markdown("### **Recommendations**") recommendations = query_crm_data_with_context(transcribed_text) for i, rec in enumerate(recommendations, start=1): if isinstance(rec, dict) and 'Product' in rec and 'Recommendations' in rec: st.markdown(f"- **{rec['Product']}**: {rec['Recommendations']}") else: st.markdown(f"- {rec}") st.markdown("### **Objection Handling**") closest_objection, response = find_closest_objection(transcribed_text) st.write(f"Objection: {closest_objection}") st.write(f" Response: {response}") update_google_sheet( transcribed_text=transcribed_text, sentiment=f"{sentiment_label} ({sentiment_score})", objection=f"Objection: {closest_objection} | Response: {response}", recommendations=str(recommendations), overall_sentiment=f"{sentiment_label}" ) except sr.UnknownValueError: st.warning("Could not understand the audio.") except Exception as e: st.error(f"Error: {e}") break def generate_sentiment_pie_chart(sentiment_history): if not sentiment_history: st.warning("No sentiment history available to generate a pie chart.") return sentiment_counts = { "Positive": 0, "Negative": 0, "Neutral": 0 } for entry in sentiment_history: sentiment = entry["Sentiment"].capitalize() if sentiment in sentiment_counts: sentiment_counts[sentiment] += 1 else: st.warning(f"Unknown sentiment encountered: {entry['Sentiment']}") labels = list(sentiment_counts.keys()) sizes = list(sentiment_counts.values()) colors = ['#6dcf6d', '#f76c6c', '#6c8df7'] fig, ax = plt.subplots() plt.figure(figsize=(6,6)) ax.pie(sizes, labels=labels, autopct='%1.1f%%', startangle=90, colors=colors,textprops={'fontsize':12, 'color':'white'}) fig.patch.set_facecolor('none') ax.axis('equal') st.markdown("### *Sentiment Distribution*") st.pyplot(fig) def generate_post_call_summary(sentiment_history, recommendations=[]): if not sentiment_history: st.warning("No sentiment history available to summarize.") return df = pd.DataFrame(sentiment_history) st.write(df) summarizer = pipeline("summarization", model="facebook/bart-large-cnn") combined_text = " ".join([item["Text"] for item in sentiment_history]) # summary = summarizer(combined_text, max_length=100, min_length=30, do_sample=False)[0]["summary_text"] scores = [item["Score"] for item in sentiment_history] st.markdown("## Summary of the Call") chunks = [(entry["Text"], entry["Sentiment"]) for entry in sentiment_history] summary = generate_comprehensive_summary(chunks) st.write(summary) st.markdown("### **Overall Sentiment for the Call**") sentiment_scores = [entry["Score"] for entry in sentiment_history] overall_sentiment = calculate_overall_sentiment(sentiment_scores) st.write(f"Overall Sentiment: {overall_sentiment}") col1,col2=st.columns(2) with col1: colors = ['green' if entry["Sentiment"] == "Positive" else 'red' if entry["Sentiment"] == "Negative" else 'blue' for entry in sentiment_history] plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6)), sentiment_scores, color=colors) plt.axhline(0, color='black', linestyle='--', linewidth=1, label='Neutral') st.markdown("### **Sentiment Trend Bar Chart**") plt.title("Sentiment Trend Throughout the Call") plt.xlabel("Segment") plt.ylabel("Sentiment Score") plt.legend(["Neutral"]) plt.grid(axis='y', linestyle='--', linewidth=0.7) st.pyplot(plt) with col2: generate_sentiment_pie_chart(sentiment_history) st.markdown("### **Future Insights**") if overall_sentiment == "Negative": st.write("Consider addressing customer pain points more directly. More empathy might improve the sentiment.") elif overall_sentiment == "Positive": st.write("Great engagement! Continue the positive experience by offering more personalized recommendations.") else: st.write("The call was neutral. Identifying specific customer concerns can help drive a more positive outcome.") if recommendations: st.write("### **Product Recommendations**") for rec in recommendations: st.write(f"- {rec}") if sentiment_history: st.write("### **Sentiment Breakdown by Segment**") for idx, entry in enumerate(sentiment_history, 1): st.write(f"Segment {idx}: Sentiment = {entry['Sentiment']}, Score = {entry['Score']:.2f}") # Main def main(): st.title("🤖 RealTime AI-Powered Sales Assistant For Enhanced Conversation") st.markdown( "An intelligent assistant to analyze speech, handle objections, and recommend products in real-time." ) # Tabs for navigation tabs = st.tabs(["🎙️ Real-Time Audio", "📊 Text Search ", "📋 Visualization","🕘 Query History","❓Help","💬 Feedback"]) with tabs[0]: st.header("🎙️ Real-Time Audio Analysis") st.write( "Use this feature to analyze live speech, perform sentiment analysis, and get product recommendations." ) if st.button("Start Listening"): process_real_time_audio() with tabs[1]: st.header("📊 Search") st.write( "Retrieve the most relevant product recommendations based on your input query." ) query = st.text_input("Enter your query:") recommendations=[] if st.button("Submit Query"): if query: result = query_crm_data_with_context(query) st.success(f"Query submitted: {query}") if result: recommendations = result st.markdown("### Recommendations") for i, rec in enumerate(recommendations, start=1): st.markdown(f"- {rec}") else: st.error("Please enter a query!") st.session_state["crm_history"].append({"Query": query, "Result": recommendations}) with tabs[2]: st.header("📊 Dashboard") st.write("Visualize the sentiment analysis results.") generate_post_call_summary(st.session_state.sentiment_history) with tabs[3]: st.subheader("🕘 Query History") if "crm_history" in st.session_state and st.session_state["crm_history"]: st.subheader("Query History") st.dataframe(st.session_state["crm_history"]) with tabs[4]: # st.subheader("❓Help") show_help() with tabs[5]: st.subheader("💬 App Feedback") feedback = st.text_area("We would love to hear your feedback on the app! Please share your thoughts:") if st.button("Submit Feedback") and feedback: st.session_state["app_feedback"].append(feedback) st.success("Thank you for your feedback!") # Display previous feedback if st.session_state["app_feedback"]: st.write("### Previous Feedback:") for idx, feedback_entry in enumerate(st.session_state["app_feedback"], 1): st.markdown(f"{idx}. {feedback_entry}") else: st.warning("No feedback submitted yet.") file_path = csv_file_path data = load_csv(file_path) if __name__ == "__main__": main()