import chromadb from chromadb.config import Settings from chromadb import Client from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModel, AutoModelForSequenceClassification, pipeline import pandas as pd import numpy as np import streamlit as st import speech_recognition as sr from textblob import TextBlob from google.oauth2.service_account import Credentials from googleapiclient.discovery import build import torch import faiss from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from huggingface_hub import login import os from dotenv import load_dotenv SPREADSHEET_ID = "1CsBub3Jlwyo7WHMQty6SDnBShIZMjl5XTVSoOKrxZhc" RANGE_NAME = 'Sheet1!A1:E' SERVICE_ACCOUNT_FILE = r"C:\Users\bhagy\AI\credentials.json" csv_file_path = r"C:\Users\bhagy\OneDrive\Desktop\INFOSYS PROJECT\900_products_dataset.csv" class CustomEmbeddingFunction: def __init__(self, model_name="sentence-transformers/all-MiniLM-L6-v2"): self.tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_name) self.model = AutoModel.from_pretrained(model_name) def __call__(self, text): inputs = self.tokenizer(text, return_tensors="pt", truncation=True, padding=True, max_length=512) with torch.no_grad(): outputs = self.model(**inputs) embeddings = outputs.last_hidden_state.mean(dim=1).squeeze().numpy() return embeddings # Initialize components sentiment_pipeline = pipeline("sentiment-analysis") chroma_client = Client(Settings(persist_directory="chromadb_storage")) embedding_fn = CustomEmbeddingFunction() collection_name = "crm_data" try: collection = chroma_client.get_collection(collection_name) except Exception: collection = chroma_client.create_collection(collection_name) def get_google_sheets_service(): creds = Credentials.from_service_account_file( SERVICE_ACCOUNT_FILE, scopes=[""] ) return creds def update_google_sheet(transcribed_text, sentiment,objection, recommendations,overall_sentiment): creds = get_google_sheets_service() service = build('sheets', 'v4', credentials=creds) sheet = service.spreadsheets() values = [[ transcribed_text, sentiment, objection, recommendations, overall_sentiment ]] body = {'values': values} header=["transcribed_text", "sentiment","objection", "recommendations","overall_sentiment"] all_values=[header]+values body = {'values': values} try: result = sheet.values().append( spreadsheetId=SPREADSHEET_ID, range=RANGE_NAME, valueInputOption="RAW", body=body ).execute() st.success("Response and sentiment written to Google Sheets!") except Exception as e: st.error(f"Failed to update Google Sheets: {e}") load_dotenv() huggingface_api_key= os.getenv("HUGGINGFACE_TOKEN") login(token=huggingface_api_key) model_name = "tabularisai/multilingual-sentiment-analysis" model = AutoModelForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained(model_name) tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_name) sentiment_analyzer = pipeline("sentiment-analysis", model=model, tokenizer=tokenizer) def preprocess_text(text): return text.strip().lower() def analyze_sentiment(text): try: if not text.strip(): return "NEUTRAL", 0.0 processed_text = preprocess_text(text) result = sentiment_analyzer(processed_text)[0] print(f"Sentiment Analysis Result: {result}") # Map raw labels to sentiments sentiment_map = { 'Very Negative': "NEGATIVE", 'Negative': "NEGATIVE", 'Neutral': "NEUTRAL", 'Positive': "POSITIVE", 'Very Positive': "POSITIVE" } sentiment = sentiment_map.get(result['label'], "NEUTRAL") return sentiment, result['score'] except Exception as e: print(f"Error in sentiment analysis: {e}") return "NEUTRAL", 0.5 def load_csv(file_path): try: data = pd.read_csv(file_path) if data is not None: st.session_state.crm_data = data print("CRM data loaded successfully!") return data except Exception as e: print(f"Error loading CSV: {e}") return None data = load_csv(csv_file_path) def process_crm_data(data): try: chunks = [str(row) for row in data.to_dict(orient="records")] ids = [f"doc_{i}" for i in range(len(chunks))] embeddings = [embedding_fn(chunk) for chunk in chunks] collection.add( embeddings=embeddings, documents=chunks, ids=ids ) print(f"Processed and stored {len(chunks)} CRM records.") print("CRM data processed and stored successfully!") except Exception as e: st.error(f"Error processing CRM data: {e}") product_keywords = ['phone', 'smartphone', 'mobile', 'tablet', 'laptop', 'cell phone', 'headphones', 'smartwatch','vivo','xiaomi','sony','Apple','Oppo','Realme','Asus','Nokia','Lenovo','Samsung','Google','Motorola','OnePlus','Huawei',] def query_crm_data_with_context(prompt, top_k=3): try: prompt_embedding = embedding_fn(prompt) collection = chroma_client.get_collection("crm_data") results = collection.query( query_embeddings=[prompt_embedding], n_results=top_k ) matched_keywords = [kw for kw in product_keywords if kw in prompt.lower()] if not matched_keywords: return ["No relevant recommendations found as no product names were mentioned in the query."] relevant_docs = [] for doc in results["documents"][0]: if any(kw in doc.lower() for kw in matched_keywords): relevant_docs.append(doc) return relevant_docs if relevant_docs else ["No relevant recommendations found for the mentioned products."] except Exception as e: st.error(f"Error querying CRM data: {e}") return ["Error in querying recommendations."] sentence_model = SentenceTransformer('sentence-transformers/all-MiniLM-L6-v2') faiss_index = faiss.IndexFlatL2(384) def load_objection_responses(csv_file_path): try: df = pd.read_csv(csv_file_path) objection_response_pairs = dict(zip(df['Objection'], df['Response'])) return objection_response_pairs except Exception as e: print(f"Error loading objections CSV: {e}") return {} objection_response_pairs = load_objection_responses(r"C:\Users\bhagy\OneDrive\Desktop\INFOSYS PROJECT\objections_responses.csv") objections = list(objection_response_pairs.keys()) objection_embeddings = sentence_model.encode(objections) faiss_index.add(np.array(objection_embeddings, dtype="float32")) def find_closest_objection(query): query_embedding = sentence_model.encode([query]) distances, indices =, dtype="float32"), 1) closest_index = indices[0][0] closest_objection = objections[closest_index] response = objection_response_pairs[closest_objection] if distances[0][0] > 0.6: return "No objection found", "No Response" return closest_objection, response def handle_objection_and_recommendation(prompt): closest_objection, objection_response = find_closest_objection(prompt) recommendations = query_crm_data_with_context(prompt) return closest_objection, objection_response, recommendations if "is_listening" not in st.session_state: st.session_state.is_listening = False if "sentiment_history" not in st.session_state: st.session_state.sentiment_history = [] if "crm_data" not in st.session_state: st.session_state.crm_data = load_csv(csv_file_path) else: print("CRM data already loaded from session state.") if st.session_state.crm_data is not None: process_crm_data(st.session_state.crm_data) else: st.error("Failed to load CRM data.") if "crm_history" not in st.session_state: st.session_state["crm_history"] = [] if "app_feedback" not in st.session_state: st.session_state["app_feedback"] = [] def generate_comprehensive_summary(chunks): full_text = " ".join([chunk[0] for chunk in chunks]) total_chunks = len(chunks) sentiments = [chunk[1] for chunk in chunks] context_keywords = { 'product_inquiry': ['laptop', 'headphone', 'smartphone', 'tablet', 'model', 'features'], 'pricing': ['price', 'cost', 'budget', 'discount', 'offer'], 'negotiation': ['payment', 'installment', 'financing', 'affordable', 'deal'], 'compatibility': ['compatible', 'battery life', 'OS', 'Android', 'iOS'], 'accessories': ['case', 'cover', 'charger', 'headset'] } themes = [] for keyword_type, keywords in context_keywords.items(): if any(keyword.lower() in full_text.lower() for keyword in keywords): themes.append(keyword_type) positive_count = sentiments.count('POSITIVE') negative_count = sentiments.count('NEGATIVE') neutral_count = sentiments.count('NEUTRAL') key_interactions = [] for chunk in chunks: if any(keyword.lower() in chunk[0].lower() for keyword in ['laptop', 'headphone', 'tablet', 'smartphone', 'price', 'battery']): key_interactions.append(chunk[0]) summary = f"Conversation Summary:\n" if 'product_inquiry' in themes: summary += "• Customer inquired about various products such as laptops, headphones, smartphones, or tablets.\n" if 'pricing' in themes: summary += "• Price, cost, and available discounts were discussed.\n" if 'negotiation' in themes: summary += "• Customer and seller discussed payment plans, financing options, or special deals.\n" if 'compatibility' in themes: summary += "• Compatibility of the product with different systems or accessories was explored.\n" if 'accessories' in themes: summary += "• Customer showed interest in additional accessories for the product.\n" summary += f"\nConversation Sentiment:\n" summary += f"• Positive Interactions: {positive_count}\n" summary += f"• Negative Interactions: {negative_count}\n" summary += f"• Neutral Interactions: {neutral_count}\n" summary += "\nKey Conversation Points:\n" for interaction in key_interactions[:3]: # Limit to top 3 key points summary += f"• {interaction}\n" if positive_count > negative_count: summary += "\nOutcome: Constructive and promising interaction with interest in the product." elif negative_count > positive_count: summary += "\nOutcome: Interaction may need further follow-up or clarification on product features." else: summary += "\nOutcome: Neutral interaction, potential for future engagement or inquiry." return summary def add_to_sentiment_history(text, sentiment_label, sentiment_score, closest_objection, response): st.session_state.sentiment_history.append({ "Text": text, "Sentiment": sentiment_label, "Score": sentiment_score, }) def show_help(): st.title("Help Section - AI-Powered Assistant for Live Sales Calls") st.header("1. Introduction to the AI Assistant") st.write(""" - **What It Does**: The assistant analyzes live sales calls in real-time. It detects sentiment shifts, provides product recommendations, and suggests dynamic question handling techniques. - **Key Features**: - Real-time speech-to-text conversion and sentiment analysis. - Product recommendations based on customer context. - Dynamic question prompt generator. - Objection handling suggestions. """) st.header("2. Getting Started") st.write(""" - **How to Start a Call**: To start a sales call, Click on Start Listening. Once connected, initiate the call, and the assistant will begin analyzing. - **What to Expect**: During the call, the assistant will provide real-time feedback, such as sentiment scores, product recommendations, and objection handling tips. """) st.header("3. Using the Assistant During Sales Calls") st.write(""" - **Speech-to-Text Instructions**: Speak clearly into your microphone for the assistant to accurately capture and analyze your speech. - **Real-time Feedback**: The assistant will display real-time feedback on the sentiment of the conversation, suggest responses for objections, and provide product recommendations. """) st.header("4. Understanding the Interface") st.write(""" - **Tabs Navigation**: The interface has different tabs: - **Call Summary**: After the call, review the summary, which highlights conversation key points. - **Sentiment Analysis**: See how the sentiment changed throughout the conversation. - **Product Recommendations**: View the recommended products based on customer intent and conversation context. """) st.header("5. FAQs and Troubleshooting") st.write(""" - **Sentiment Detection Accuracy**: If the assistant's sentiment analysis isn't accurate, ensure you speak clearly and avoid background noise. - **Speech Recognition Issues**: Rephrase unclear statements and ensure the microphone is working well. - **Context Handling**: If the assistant misses some context, remind it of the product or the customer’s intent. """) st.header("6. Support and Contact Information") st.write(""" - **Live Chat Support**: Chat with us in real-time by clicking the support icon in the bottom right. - **Email and Phone Support**: You can also reach us at or call us at +1-800-555-1234. - **Feedback**: Please provide feedback to help us improve the assistant. """) st.header("7. Advanced Features") st.write(""" - **Integration with CRM and Google Sheets**: Sync with CRM systems and Google Sheets to enhance product recommendations. - **Customization Options**: Customize the assistant’s tone, product categories, and question prompts through the settings tab. """) st.header("8. Privacy and Security") st.write(""" - **Data Privacy**: All conversations are anonymized for analysis purposes. We ensure compliance with privacy regulations. - **Security Protocols**: All data is encrypted and stored securely. """) st.header("9. Updates and New Features") st.write(""" - **Changelog**: We release regular updates to improve performance. Please refer to the changelog for new features and improvements. - **How to Update**: If an update is available, follow the instructions in the settings tab to install the latest version. """) def calculate_overall_sentiment(sentiment_scores): if sentiment_scores: average_sentiment = sum(sentiment_scores) / len(sentiment_scores) overall_sentiment = ( "POSITIVE" if average_sentiment > 0 else "NEGATIVE" if average_sentiment < 0 else "NEUTRAL" ) else: overall_sentiment = "NEUTRAL" return overall_sentiment def process_real_time_audio(): recognizer = sr.Recognizer() microphone = sr.Microphone() st.write("Adjusting microphone for ambient noise... Please wait.") with microphone as source: recognizer.adjust_for_ambient_noise(source,duration=2) st.write("Listening for audio... Speak into the microphone.") while True: try: with microphone as source: audio = recognizer.listen(source, timeout=15, phrase_time_limit=20) st.write("Transcribing audio...") transcribed_text = recognizer.recognize_google(audio) st.write(f"You said: {transcribed_text}") if 'stop' in transcribed_text.lower(): st.warning("Stopping the speech recognition process.") break st.markdown("### **Sentiment Analysis**") sentiment_label, sentiment_score = analyze_sentiment(transcribed_text) st.write(f"Sentiment: {sentiment_label}") st.write(f"Sentiment Score: {sentiment_score}") closest_objection = None response = None add_to_sentiment_history(transcribed_text, sentiment_label, sentiment_score, closest_objection, response) st.markdown("### **Recommendations**") recommendations = query_crm_data_with_context(transcribed_text) for i, rec in enumerate(recommendations, start=1): if isinstance(rec, dict) and 'Product' in rec and 'Recommendations' in rec: st.markdown(f"- **{rec['Product']}**: {rec['Recommendations']}") else: st.markdown(f"- {rec}") st.markdown("### **Objection Handling**") closest_objection, response = find_closest_objection(transcribed_text) st.write(f"Objection: {closest_objection}") st.write(f" Response: {response}") update_google_sheet( transcribed_text=transcribed_text, sentiment=f"{sentiment_label} ({sentiment_score})", objection=f"Objection: {closest_objection} | Response: {response}", recommendations=str(recommendations), overall_sentiment=f"{sentiment_label}" ) except sr.UnknownValueError: st.warning("Could not understand the audio.") except Exception as e: st.error(f"Error: {e}") break def generate_sentiment_pie_chart(sentiment_history): if not sentiment_history: st.warning("No sentiment history available to generate a pie chart.") return # Initialize sentiment counts sentiment_counts = { "Positive": 0, "Negative": 0, "Neutral": 0 } for entry in sentiment_history: sentiment = entry["Sentiment"].capitalize() # Normalize to match "Positive", "Negative", "Neutral" if sentiment in sentiment_counts: sentiment_counts[sentiment] += 1 else: # Handle unknown sentiment values gracefully st.warning(f"Unknown sentiment encountered: {entry['Sentiment']}") # Create the pie chart (using matplotlib or any charting library) labels = list(sentiment_counts.keys()) sizes = list(sentiment_counts.values()) colors = ['#6dcf6d', '#f76c6c', '#6c8df7'] fig, ax = plt.subplots() plt.figure(figsize=(6,6)) ax.pie(sizes, labels=labels, autopct='%1.1f%%', startangle=90, colors=colors,textprops={'fontsize':12, 'color':'white'}) fig.patch.set_facecolor('none') ax.axis('equal') st.markdown("### *Sentiment Distribution*") st.pyplot(fig) def generate_post_call_summary(sentiment_history, recommendations=[]): if not sentiment_history: st.warning("No sentiment history available to summarize.") return df = pd.DataFrame(sentiment_history) st.write(df) summarizer = pipeline("summarization", model="facebook/bart-large-cnn") combined_text = " ".join([item["Text"] for item in sentiment_history]) # summary = summarizer(combined_text, max_length=100, min_length=30, do_sample=False)[0]["summary_text"] scores = [item["Score"] for item in sentiment_history] st.markdown("## Summary of the Call") chunks = [(entry["Text"], entry["Sentiment"]) for entry in sentiment_history] summary = generate_comprehensive_summary(chunks) st.write(summary) st.markdown("### **Overall Sentiment for the Call**") sentiment_scores = [entry["Score"] for entry in sentiment_history] overall_sentiment = calculate_overall_sentiment(sentiment_scores) st.write(f"Overall Sentiment: {overall_sentiment}") col1,col2=st.columns(2) with col1: colors = ['green' if entry["Sentiment"] == "Positive" else 'red' if entry["Sentiment"] == "Negative" else 'blue' for entry in sentiment_history] plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6)), sentiment_scores, color=colors) plt.axhline(0, color='black', linestyle='--', linewidth=1, label='Neutral') st.markdown("### **Sentiment Trend Bar Chart**") plt.title("Sentiment Trend Throughout the Call") plt.xlabel("Segment") plt.ylabel("Sentiment Score") plt.legend(["Neutral"]) plt.grid(axis='y', linestyle='--', linewidth=0.7) st.pyplot(plt) with col2: generate_sentiment_pie_chart(sentiment_history) st.markdown("### **Future Insights**") if overall_sentiment == "Negative": st.write("Consider addressing customer pain points more directly. More empathy might improve the sentiment.") elif overall_sentiment == "Positive": st.write("Great engagement! Continue the positive experience by offering more personalized recommendations.") else: st.write("The call was neutral. Identifying specific customer concerns can help drive a more positive outcome.") if recommendations: st.write("### **Product Recommendations**") for rec in recommendations: st.write(f"- {rec}") if sentiment_history: st.write("### **Sentiment Breakdown by Segment**") for idx, entry in enumerate(sentiment_history, 1): st.write(f"Segment {idx}: Sentiment = {entry['Sentiment']}, Score = {entry['Score']:.2f}") # Main def main(): st.set_page_config(page_title="RealTime AI-Powered Sales Assistant", layout="wide") st.title("🤖 RealTime AI-Powered Sales Assistant") st.markdown( "An intelligent assistant to analyze speech, handle objections, and recommend products in real-time." ) # Tabs for navigation tabs = st.tabs(["🎙️ Real-Time Audio", "📊 Text Search ", "📋 Visualization","🕘 Query History","❓Help","💬 Feedback"]) with tabs[0]: st.header("🎙️ Real-Time Audio Analysis") st.write( "Use this feature to analyze live speech, perform sentiment analysis, and get product recommendations." ) if st.button("Start Listening"): process_real_time_audio() with tabs[1]: st.header("📊 Search") st.write( "Retrieve the most relevant product recommendations based on your input query." ) query = st.text_input("Enter your query:") recommendations=[] if st.button("Submit Query"): if query: result = query_crm_data_with_context(query) st.success(f"Query submitted: {query}") if result: recommendations = result st.markdown("### Recommendations") for i, rec in enumerate(recommendations, start=1): st.markdown(f"- {rec}") else: st.error("Please enter a query!") st.session_state["crm_history"].append({"Query": query, "Result": recommendations}) with tabs[2]: st.header("📊 Dashboard") st.write("Visualize the sentiment analysis results.") generate_post_call_summary(st.session_state.sentiment_history) with tabs[3]: st.subheader("🕘 Query History") if "crm_history" in st.session_state and st.session_state["crm_history"]: st.subheader("Query History") st.dataframe(st.session_state["crm_history"]) with tabs[4]: # st.subheader("❓Help") show_help() with tabs[5]: st.subheader("💬 App Feedback") feedback = st.text_area("We would love to hear your feedback on the app! Please share your thoughts:") if st.button("Submit Feedback") and feedback: st.session_state["app_feedback"].append(feedback) st.success("Thank you for your feedback!") # Display previous feedback if st.session_state["app_feedback"]: st.write("### Previous Feedback:") for idx, feedback_entry in enumerate(st.session_state["app_feedback"], 1): st.markdown(f"{idx}. {feedback_entry}") else: st.warning("No feedback submitted yet.") file_path = csv_file_path data = load_csv(file_path) if __name__ == "__main__": main()