TTSLeaderboard /
clementruhm's picture
leaderboard_data: add legend for ReDimNet SECS evaluation
Copyright 2025 Balacoon
Utils to get data to populate leaderboard.
Communicates with `balacoon/speech_gen_baselines` dataset on Hugging Face,
that contains evaluation results of different speech generation systems.
import yaml
import logging
import requests
import pandas as pd
from huggingface_hub import hf_hub_url
from huggingface_hub.hf_api import RepoFolder
from api import api
def make_pretty(df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame:
Rename some columns
df["whisperv3_cer"] = df["whisperv3_cer"] * 100
rename_map = {
"whisperv3_cer": "WhisperV3 CER, %↓",
"utmos_mos": "UTMOS MOS, ↑",
"aesthetics_enjoyment": "Enjoyment, ↑",
"aesthetics_usefullness": "Usefulness, ↑",
"aesthetics_complexity": "Complexity, ↑",
"aesthetics_quality": "Quality, ↑",
"ecapa_secs": "ECAPA SECS, ↑",
"redimnet_secs": "ReDimNet SECS ↑"
description_map = {
"whisperv3_cer": "Character Error Rate in %, measured with [WhisperV3](",
"utmos_mos": "Mean Opinion Score, showing how natural the speech is, measured with [UMTOS](",
"ecapa_secs": "Speaker Embedding Cosine Similarity between reference audio and generated speech, measured with [ECAPA](",
"redimnet_secs": "Speaker Embedding Cosine Similarity between reference audio and generated speech, measured with [ReDimNet](",
# compose a description for columns
description = ""
for k in df.columns:
if k in description_map:
description += f"* {description_map[k]}\n"
if any("aesthetics_" in k for k in df.columns):
description += "* Enjoyment / Usefulness / Complexity / Quality are Aesthetics metrics, measured with [audiobox-aesthetics](\n"
# Only rename columns that exist in the dataframe
existing_columns = {k: v for k, v in rename_map.items() if k in df.columns}
df = df.rename(columns=existing_columns)
return df, description
def get_leaderboard_data(system_type: str, dataset: str) -> pd.DataFrame:
Fetches metrics.yaml for all systems of given type if they have evaluation for the given dataset.
Returns a DataFrame with metrics per system.
# Get all models under the system type
models_tree = api.list_repo_tree(
model_dirs = [item.path for item in models_tree if isinstance(item, RepoFolder)]
# Collect metrics for each model that has the dataset
metrics_data = []
for model_dir in model_dirs:
model_name = model_dir.split('/')[-1]
metrics_path = f"{model_dir}/{dataset}/metrics.yaml"
url = hf_hub_url(
response = requests.get(url)
metrics_content = yaml.safe_load(response.text)
if "metrics" not in metrics_content:
logging.error(f"`metrics` are missing from metrics.yaml ({metrics_path})")
# prepare a row for the table
if "model_name" in metrics_content:
# overwrite model name
model_name = metrics_content["model_name"]
# add a link to a model if it is provided
if "link" in metrics_content:
model_name = f"[{model_name}]({metrics_content['link']})"
row = {"Model": model_name}
# Round all metric values to 4 decimal places
rounded_metrics = {k: float(f"{float(v):.4f}") for k, v in metrics_content["metrics"].items()}
# Skip if metrics.yaml doesn't exist for this model/dataset
df = pd.DataFrame(metrics_data)
# Remove 'aesthetics_' prefix from column names where applicable
df, description = make_pretty(df)
# compose datatypes for the table: markdown for model name, and number for all other columns
datatypes = ["markdown"] + ["number"] * (len(df.columns) - 1)
return df, datatypes, description