# https://huggingface.co/spaces/asigalov61/Harmonic-Melody-MIDI-Mixer import os.path import time as reqtime import datetime from pytz import timezone from itertools import groupby import copy import gradio as gr import random import tqdm from midi_to_colab_audio import midi_to_colab_audio import TMIDIX import matplotlib.pyplot as plt in_space = os.getenv("SYSTEM") == "spaces" # ================================================================================================= def pitches_counts(melody_score): pitches = [p[4] for p in melody_score] pcounts = [] count = 0 pp = pitches[0] for p in pitches: if p == pp: count += 1 else: pcounts.append(count) count = 1 pp = p return pcounts # ================================================================================================= def find_similar_song(songs, src_melody): src_pcount = pitches_counts(src_melody) ratios = [] for s in songs: patch = s[1] trg_melody = [e for e in s[3] if e[6] == patch] trg_pcount = pitches_counts(trg_melody) pcount = 0 for i, c in enumerate(src_pcount): if c == trg_pcount[i]: pcount += 1 else: break ratios.append(pcount / len(src_pcount)) max_ratio = max(ratios) print(max_ratio) print(ratios.count(1.0)) return songs[ratios.index(max_ratio)] # ================================================================================================= def mix_chord(chord, tones_chord, mel_patch, mel_pitch): cho = [] for k, g in groupby(sorted(chord, key=lambda x: x[6]), lambda x: x[6]): if k != 128: if k == mel_patch: cg = list(g) c = copy.deepcopy(cg[0]) c[4] = mel_pitch c[5] = 105 + (mel_pitch % 12) cho.append(c) else: cg = list(g) tclen = len(tones_chord) tchord = tones_chord if len(cg) > tclen: tchord = tones_chord + [random.choice(tones_chord) for _ in range(len(cg)-tclen)] for i, cc in enumerate(cg): c = copy.deepcopy(cc) c[4] = ((c[4] // 12) * 12) + tchord[i] c[5] += c[4] % 12 cho.append(c) else: cho.extend(list(g)) return cho # ================================================================================================= def MixMelody(input_midi, input_find_best_match): print('=' * 70) print('Req start time: {:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S}'.format(datetime.datetime.now(PDT))) start_time = reqtime.time() print('=' * 70) fn = os.path.basename(input_midi.name) fn1 = fn.split('.')[0] print('-' * 70) print('Input file name:', fn) print('Find best matches', input_find_best_match) print('-' * 70) #=============================================================================== raw_score = TMIDIX.midi2single_track_ms_score(input_midi.name) #=============================================================================== # Enhanced score notes raw_escore = TMIDIX.advanced_score_processor(raw_score, return_enhanced_score_notes=True)[0] if len(raw_escore) > 0: #=============================================================================== # Augmented enhanced score notes src_escore = TMIDIX.recalculate_score_timings(TMIDIX.augment_enhanced_score_notes([e for e in raw_escore if e[6] < 80])) src_cscore = TMIDIX.chordify_score([1000, src_escore]) src_melody = [c[0] for c in src_cscore][:256] src_melody_pitches = [p[4] for p in src_melody] src_harm_tones_chords = TMIDIX.harmonize_enhanced_melody_score_notes(src_melody) #=============================================================================== matched_songs = [a for a in all_songs if a[2] == max(32, len(src_melody))] random.shuffle(matched_songs) if input_find_best_match: new_song = find_similar_song(matched_songs, src_melody) else: new_song = random.choice(matched_songs) print('Selected Monster Mono Melodies MIDI:', new_song[0]) print('Selected melody instrument:', TMIDIX.Number2patch[new_song[1]], '(', new_song[1], ')') print('Melody notes count:', new_song[2]) MIDI_Summary = 'Selected Monster Mono Melodies MIDI: ' + str(new_song[0]) + '\n' MIDI_Summary += 'Selected melody instrument: ' + str(TMIDIX.Number2patch[new_song[1]]) + ' (' + str(new_song[1]) + ')' + '\n' MIDI_Summary += 'Melody notes count: ' + str(new_song[2]) fn1 += '_' + str(new_song[0]) + '_' + str(TMIDIX.Number2patch[new_song[1]]) + '_' + str(new_song[1]) + '_' + str(new_song[2]) trg_patch = new_song[1] trg_song = copy.deepcopy(new_song[3]) TMIDIX.adjust_score_velocities(trg_song, 95) cscore = TMIDIX.chordify_score([1000, trg_song]) print('=' * 70) print('Done loading source and target MIDIs...!') print('=' * 70) print('Mixing...') mixed_song = [] midx = 0 for c in cscore: cho = copy.deepcopy(c) patches = sorted(set([e[6] for e in c])) if trg_patch in patches: mixed_song.extend(mix_chord(c, src_harm_tones_chords[midx], trg_patch, src_melody_pitches[midx])) midx += 1 else: mixed_song.extend(mix_chord(cho, src_harm_tones_chords[midx], trg_patch, src_melody_pitches[midx])) if midx == len(src_melody): break print('=' * 70) print('Done!') print('=' * 70) #=============================================================================== print('Rendering results...') print('=' * 70) print('Sample INTs', mixed_song[:5]) print('=' * 70) output_score, patches, overflow_patches = TMIDIX.patch_enhanced_score_notes(mixed_song) detailed_stats = TMIDIX.Tegridy_ms_SONG_to_MIDI_Converter(output_score, output_signature = 'Harmonic Melody MIDI Mixer', output_file_name = fn1, track_name='Project Los Angeles', list_of_MIDI_patches=patches, timings_multiplier=16 ) new_fn = fn1+'.mid' audio = midi_to_colab_audio(new_fn, soundfont_path=soundfont, sample_rate=16000, volume_scale=10, output_for_gradio=True ) print('Done!') print('=' * 70) #======================================================== output_midi_title = str(fn1) output_midi_summary = str(MIDI_Summary) output_midi = str(new_fn) output_audio = (16000, audio) for o in output_score: o[1] *= 16 o[2] *= 16 output_plot = TMIDIX.plot_ms_SONG(output_score, plot_title=output_midi_title, return_plt=True) print('Output MIDI file name:', output_midi) print('Output MIDI title:', output_midi_title) print('Output MIDI summary:', '') print('=' * 70) #======================================================== print('-' * 70) print('Req end time: {:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S}'.format(datetime.datetime.now(PDT))) print('-' * 70) print('Req execution time:', (reqtime.time() - start_time), 'sec') return output_midi_title, output_midi_summary, output_midi, output_audio, output_plot # ================================================================================================= if __name__ == "__main__": PDT = timezone('US/Pacific') print('=' * 70) print('App start time: {:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S}'.format(datetime.datetime.now(PDT))) print('=' * 70) soundfont = "SGM-v2.01-YamahaGrand-Guit-Bass-v2.7.sf2" all_songs = TMIDIX.Tegridy_Any_Pickle_File_Reader('Monster_52905_Mono_Melodies_MIDI_Dataset') print('=' * 70) app = gr.Blocks() with app: gr.Markdown("