from langchain import LLMChain from typing import OrderedDict from langchain.prompts import PromptTemplate from omegaconf import OmegaConf import datetime SELECTION_TEMPLATE = """ {concept} Model name and description: {option_list} Warning: {warning} The answer can only be one of the following avilable Options: {choices} You must only output one letter of the alphabet!!! Answer: """ def selection_chain(llm, class_concept, prompt, options): chain = None memory = None if llm: print("class_concept", class_concept) if class_concept is None: class_concept = 'AI assistant' prompt_template = prompt + SELECTION_TEMPLATE template = PromptTemplate( input_variables=["concept", "option_list", "warning", "choices"], template=prompt_template, ) chain = LLMChain( llm=llm, prompt=template, verbose=True) print(options) option_list = [ f"{chr(ord('A') + i)}. {conf['desc']}" for i, conf in enumerate(options.values()) ] option_list = '\n'.join(option_list) selected_model = None warning_str = 'Choose from the available Options.' choices = ' '.join(chr(ord('A') + i) for i in range(len(options))) choice ={'concept': class_concept, 'option_list':option_list, 'warning': warning_str, 'choices': choices}) print(f"LLM Responds (First character was used as the choice):{choice}", ) choice = choice[0] selected_model = list(options.keys())[ord(choice) - ord('A')] print("Selected model name: ", selected_model) return selected_model def model_selection_chain(llm, class_concept=None, conf_file='resources/models_personality.yaml'): chain = None memory = None if llm: print("class_concept", class_concept) if class_concept is None: class_concept = 'AI assistant' selection_config = OmegaConf.load(conf_file) selected_model = selection_chain(llm, class_concept, selection_config['prompt'], selection_config['models']) model_conf = selection_config['models'][selected_model] return model_conf, selected_model