aiben / openai_server /
abugaber's picture
Upload folder using huggingface_hub
3943768 verified
import ast
import asyncio
import base64
import functools
import io
import json
import os
import platform
import re
import sys
import threading
import time
import traceback
import uuid
from collections import deque
import filelock
import numpy as np
from log import logger
from openai_server.backend_utils import convert_messages_to_structure, convert_gen_kwargs
def start_faulthandler():
# If hit server or any subprocess with signal SIGUSR1, it'll print out all threads stack trace, but wont't quit or coredump
# If more than one fork tries to write at same time, then looks corrupted.
import faulthandler
# SIGUSR1 in h2oai/ as well
if hasattr(faulthandler, 'register'):
# windows/mac
import signal
def decode(x, encoding_name="cl100k_base"):
import tiktoken
encoding = tiktoken.get_encoding(encoding_name)
return encoding.decode(x)
except ImportError:
return ''
def encode(x, encoding_name="cl100k_base"):
import tiktoken
encoding = tiktoken.get_encoding(encoding_name)
return encoding.encode(x, disallowed_special=())
except ImportError:
return []
def count_tokens(x, encoding_name="cl100k_base"):
import tiktoken
encoding = tiktoken.get_encoding(encoding_name)
return len(encoding.encode(x, disallowed_special=()))
except ImportError:
return 0
def get_gradio_auth(user=None, verbose=False):
if verbose:
print("GRADIO_SERVER_PORT:", os.getenv('GRADIO_SERVER_PORT'), file=sys.stderr)
print("GRADIO_GUEST_NAME:", os.getenv('GRADIO_GUEST_NAME'), file=sys.stderr)
print("GRADIO_AUTH:", os.getenv('GRADIO_AUTH'), file=sys.stderr)
print("GRADIO_AUTH_ACCESS:", os.getenv('GRADIO_AUTH_ACCESS'), file=sys.stderr)
gradio_prefix = os.getenv('GRADIO_PREFIX', 'http')
if platform.system() in ['Darwin', 'Windows']:
gradio_host = os.getenv('GRADIO_SERVER_HOST', '')
gradio_host = os.getenv('GRADIO_SERVER_HOST', '')
gradio_port = int(os.getenv('GRADIO_SERVER_PORT', '7860'))
gradio_url = f'{gradio_prefix}://{gradio_host}:{gradio_port}'
auth = os.environ.get('GRADIO_AUTH', 'None')
auth_access = os.environ.get('GRADIO_AUTH_ACCESS', 'open')
guest_name = os.environ.get('GRADIO_GUEST_NAME', '')
is_guest = False
if auth != 'None':
if user:
user_split = user.split(':')
assert len(user_split) >= 2, "username cannot contain : character and must be in form username:password"
username = user_split[0]
if username == guest_name:
is_guest = True
auth_kwargs = dict(auth=(username, ':'.join(user_split[1:])))
elif guest_name:
if auth_access == 'closed':
if os.getenv('H2OGPT_OPENAI_USER'):
user = os.getenv('H2OGPT_OPENAI_USER')
user_split = user.split(':')
assert len(
user_split) >= 2, "username cannot contain : character and must be in form username:password"
auth_kwargs = dict(auth=(user_split[0], ':'.join(user_split[1:])))
is_guest = True
raise ValueError(
"If closed access, must set ENV H2OGPT_OPENAI_USER (e.g. as 'user:pass' combination) to login from OpenAI->Gradio with some specific user.")
auth_kwargs = dict(auth=(guest_name, guest_name))
is_guest = True
elif auth_access == 'open':
auth_kwargs = dict(auth=(str(uuid.uuid4()), str(uuid.uuid4())))
is_guest = True
auth_kwargs = None
auth_kwargs = dict()
return auth_kwargs, gradio_url, is_guest
def get_gradio_client(user=None, verbose=False):
auth_kwargs, gradio_url, is_guest = get_gradio_auth(user=user, verbose=verbose)
print("OpenAI user: %s" % auth_kwargs, flush=True)
from gradio_utils.grclient import GradioClient as Client
except ImportError:
print("Using slower gradio API, for speed ensure gradio_utils/ exists.")
from gradio_client import Client
if auth_kwargs:
print("Getting gradio client at %s with auth" % gradio_url, flush=True)
client = Client(gradio_url, **auth_kwargs)
if hasattr(client, 'setup'):
with client_lock:
print("BEGIN: Getting non-user gradio client at %s" % gradio_url, flush=True)
client = Client(gradio_url)
if hasattr(client, 'setup'):
with client_lock:
print("END: getting non-user gradio client at %s" % gradio_url, flush=True)
return client
# Global lock for synchronizing client access
client_lock = threading.Lock()
print("global gradio_client", file=sys.stderr)
gradio_client_list = {}
def sanitize(name):
bad_chars = ['[', ']', ',', '/', '\\', '\\w', '\\s', '-', '+', '\"', '\'', '>', '<', ' ', '=', ')', '(', ':', '^']
for char in bad_chars:
name = name.replace(char, "_")
return name
def get_client(user=None):
os.makedirs('locks', exist_ok=True)
user_lock_file = os.path.join('locks', 'user_%s.lock' % sanitize(str(user)))
user_lock = filelock.FileLock(user_lock_file)
# concurrent gradio client
with user_lock:
gradio_client = gradio_client_list.get(user)
if gradio_client is None:
print("Getting fresh client: %s" % str(user), file=sys.stderr)
# assert user is not None, "Need user set to username:password"
gradio_client = get_gradio_client(user=user, verbose=True)
with user_lock:
gradio_client_list[user] = gradio_client
got_fresh_client = True
print("re-used gradio_client for user: %s" % user, file=sys.stderr)
got_fresh_client = False
if hasattr(gradio_client, 'clone'):
print("cloning for gradio_client.auth=%s" % str(gradio_client.auth), file=sys.stderr)
gradio_client0 = gradio_client
gradio_client = gradio_client0.clone()
print("client.auth=%s" % str(gradio_client.auth), file=sys.stderr)
new_hash = gradio_client.get_server_hash()
assert new_hash
except Exception as e:
ex = traceback.format_exc()
print(f"re-getting fresh client due to exception: {ex}", file=sys.stderr)
# just get fresh client if any issues
print(f"re-getting fresh client due to exception: {str(e)}", file=sys.stderr)
gradio_client_list[user] = get_gradio_client(user=user, verbose=True)
if not hasattr(gradio_client, 'clone') and not got_fresh_client:
"re-get to ensure concurrency ok, slower if API is large, for speed ensure gradio_utils/ exists.",
gradio_client = get_gradio_client(user=user)
gradio_client_list[user] = gradio_client
# even if not auth, want to login
auth_kwargs, gradio_url, is_guest = get_gradio_auth(user=user)
if user and not is_guest and auth_kwargs and 'auth' in auth_kwargs:
username = auth_kwargs['auth'][0]
password = auth_kwargs['auth'][1]
print("start login num lock", flush=True)
num_model_lock = int(gradio_client.predict(api_name='/num_model_lock'))
print("finish login num lock", flush=True)
chatbots = [None] * (2 + num_model_lock)
h2ogpt_key = ''
visible_models = []
side_bar_text = ''
doc_count_text = ''
submit_buttons_text = ''
visible_models_text = ''
chat_tab_text = ''
doc_selection_tab_text = ''
doc_view_tab_text = ''
chat_history_tab_text = ''
expert_tab_text = ''
models_tab_text = ''
system_tab_text = ''
tos_tab_text = ''
login_tab_text = ''
hosts_tab_text = ''
print("start login", flush=True)
t0_login = time.time()
h2ogpt_key, visible_models,
side_bar_text, doc_count_text, submit_buttons_text, visible_models_text,
chat_tab_text, doc_selection_tab_text, doc_view_tab_text, chat_history_tab_text,
expert_tab_text, models_tab_text, system_tab_text, tos_tab_text,
login_tab_text, hosts_tab_text,
username, password,
*tuple(chatbots), api_name='/login')
print("finish login: %s" % (time.time() - t0_login), flush=True)
return gradio_client
def get_chunk(outputs_list, job_outputs_num, last_response, num, verbose=False):
res_str = outputs_list[job_outputs_num + num]
res_dict = ast.literal_eval(res_str)
if verbose:'Stream %d: %s\n\n %s\n\n' % (num, res_dict['response'], res_dict))'Stream %d' % (job_outputs_num + num))
if 'error' in res_dict and res_dict['error']:
raise RuntimeError(res_dict['error'])
elif 'error_ex' in res_dict and res_dict['error_ex']:
raise RuntimeError(res_dict['error_ex'])
elif 'response' not in res_dict:
raise RuntimeError("No response in res: %s" % res_dict)
response = res_dict['response']
chunk = response[len(last_response):]
return chunk, response, res_dict
async def get_response(chunk_response=True, **kwargs):
assert kwargs['query'] is not None, "query must not be None"
import ast
stream_output = kwargs.get('stream_output', True)
stream_output_orig = stream_output
# always force streaming to avoid blocking server
stream_output = True
verbose = kwargs.get('verbose', False)
kwargs = convert_gen_kwargs(kwargs)
# WIP:
# if gen_kwargs.get('skip_gradio'):
# fun_with_dict_str_plain
# concurrent gradio client
client = get_client(user=kwargs.get('user'))
res_dict = {}
if stream_output:
job = client.submit(str(dict(kwargs)), api_name='/submit_nochat_api')
job_outputs_num = 0
last_response = ''
while not job.done():
outputs_list = job.outputs().copy()
job_outputs_num_new = len(outputs_list[job_outputs_num:])
for num in range(job_outputs_num_new):
chunk, response, res_dict = get_chunk(outputs_list, job_outputs_num, last_response, num,
if stream_output_orig:
if chunk_response:
if chunk:
yield chunk
yield response
last_response = response
await asyncio.sleep(0.005)
await asyncio.sleep(0.005)
job_outputs_num += job_outputs_num_new
outputs_list = job.outputs().copy()
job_outputs_num_new = len(outputs_list[job_outputs_num:])
for num in range(job_outputs_num_new):
chunk, response, res_dict = get_chunk(outputs_list, job_outputs_num, last_response, num, verbose=verbose)
if stream_output_orig:
if chunk_response:
if chunk:
yield chunk
yield response
last_response = response
await asyncio.sleep(0.005)
job_outputs_num += job_outputs_num_new
if not stream_output_orig:
# behave as if not streaming
yield res_dict['response']
if verbose:"total job_outputs_num=%d" % job_outputs_num)
res_str = client.predict(str(dict(kwargs)), api_name='/submit_nochat_api')
res_dict = ast.literal_eval(res_str)
yield res_dict['response']
# for usage
res_dict.pop('audio', None)
yield res_dict
def split_concatenated_dicts(concatenated_dicts: str):
# Improved regular expression to handle nested braces
pattern = r'{(?:[^{}]|{(?:[^{}]|{[^{}]*})*})*}'
matches = re.findall(pattern, concatenated_dicts)
except re.error as e:
print(f"Regular expression error: {e}")
return []
except MemoryError:
print("Memory error: Input might be too large")
return []
result = []
for match in matches:
except (ValueError, SyntaxError):
# If parsing fails, add the string as is
return result
def get_generator(instruction, gen_kwargs, use_agent=False, stream_output=False, verbose=False):
gen_kwargs['stream_output'] = stream_output
gen_kwargs['query'] = instruction
if gen_kwargs.get('verbose') is None:
# for local debugging
gen_kwargs['verbose'] = verbose
if use_agent:
agent_type = gen_kwargs.get('agent_type', 'auto')
from openai_server.agent_utils import set_dummy_term, run_agent
set_dummy_term() # before autogen imported
if agent_type == 'auto':
agent_type = 'autogen_2agent'
if agent_type in ['autogen_2agent']:
from openai_server.autogen_2agent_backend import run_autogen_2agent
func = functools.partial(run_agent, run_agent_func=run_autogen_2agent)
from openai_server.autogen_utils import get_autogen_response
generator = get_autogen_response(func=func, **gen_kwargs)
elif agent_type in ['autogen_multi_agent']:
from openai_server.autogen_multi_agent_backend import run_autogen_multi_agent
func = functools.partial(run_agent, run_agent_func=run_autogen_multi_agent)
from openai_server.autogen_utils import get_autogen_response
generator = get_autogen_response(func=func, **gen_kwargs)
raise ValueError("No such agent_type %s" % agent_type)
generator = get_response(**gen_kwargs)
return generator
async def achat_completion_action(body: dict, stream_output=False):
messages = body.get('messages', [])
object_type = 'chat.completions' if not stream_output else 'chat.completions.chunk'
created_time = int(time.time())
req_id = "chat_cmpl_id-%s" % str(uuid.uuid4())
resp_list = 'choices'
gen_kwargs = body
# Consecutive Autogen messages may have the same role,
# especially when agent_type involves group chat messages.
# Therefore, they need to be concatenated.
agent_type = gen_kwargs.get('agent_type', 'auto')
if agent_type == "autogen_multi_agent":
concat_assistant = concat_user = True
concat_assistant = concat_user = False
instruction, system_message, history, image_files = convert_messages_to_structure(
concat_tool=True, # always concat tool calls
# get from messages, unless none, then try to get from gen_kwargs from extra_body
image_file = image_files if image_files else gen_kwargs.get('image_file', [])
history = history if history else gen_kwargs.get('chat_conversation', [])
'system_prompt': system_message,
'chat_conversation': history,
'stream_output': stream_output,
'image_file': image_file,
use_agent = gen_kwargs.get('use_agent', False)
if use_agent and os.environ.get('is_agent_server', '0') == '0':
raise ValueError("Agent is not enabled on this server.")
model = gen_kwargs.get('model', '')
def chat_streaming_chunk(content):
# begin streaming
msg1 = {'role': 'assistant', 'content': content}
if gen_kwargs.get('guided_json', {}):
contents = split_concatenated_dicts(msg1['content'])
msg1['tool_calls'] = [
dict(function=dict(name=gen_kwargs['tool_choice'], arguments=json.dumps(x)), id=str(uuid.uuid4())) for x
chunk = {
"id": req_id,
"object": object_type,
"created": created_time,
"model": model,
resp_list: [{
"index": 0,
"finish_reason": None,
"message": msg1,
"delta": msg1,
return chunk
if stream_output:
yield chat_streaming_chunk('')
if instruction is None and gen_kwargs.get('langchain_action', '') == 'Query':
instruction = "Continue your response. If your prior response was cut short, then continue exactly at end of your last response without any ellipses, else continue your response by starting with new line and proceeding with an additional useful and related response."
if instruction is None:
instruction = '' # allowed by h2oGPT, e.g. for summarize or extract
generator = get_generator(instruction, gen_kwargs, use_agent=use_agent, stream_output=stream_output)
answer = ''
usage = {}
async for chunk in generator:
if stream_output:
if isinstance(chunk, dict):
chat_chunk = chat_streaming_chunk(chunk)
answer += chunk
yield chat_chunk
if isinstance(chunk, dict):
if 'response' in chunk:
# wil use this if exists
answer = chunk['response']
answer = ''
# will use this first if exists
answer = chunk
await asyncio.sleep(0.005)
stop_reason = "stop"
real_prompt_tokens = usage.get('save_dict', {}).get('extra_dict', {}).get('num_prompt_tokens')
if real_prompt_tokens is not None:
token_count = real_prompt_tokens
token_count = count_tokens(instruction)
real_completion_tokens = usage.get('save_dict', {}).get('extra_dict', {}).get('ntokens')
if real_completion_tokens is not None:
completion_token_count = real_completion_tokens
completion_token_count = count_tokens(answer)
"prompt_tokens": token_count,
"completion_tokens": completion_token_count,
"total_tokens": token_count + completion_token_count,
if stream_output:
chunk = chat_streaming_chunk('')
chunk[resp_list][0]['finish_reason'] = stop_reason
chunk['usage'] = usage
yield chunk
msg1 = {"role": "assistant", "content": answer}
if gen_kwargs.get('guided_json', {}):
contents = split_concatenated_dicts(msg1['content'])
msg1['tool_calls'] = [
dict(function=dict(name=gen_kwargs['tool_choice'], arguments=json.dumps(x)), id=str(uuid.uuid4())) for x
in contents]
resp = {
"id": req_id,
"object": object_type,
"created": created_time,
"model": model,
resp_list: [{
"index": 0,
"finish_reason": stop_reason,
"message": msg1,
"usage": usage
yield resp
async def acompletions_action(body: dict, stream_output=False):
object_type = 'text_completion.chunk' if stream_output else 'text_completion'
created_time = int(time.time())
res_id = "res_id-%s" % str(uuid.uuid4())
resp_list = 'choices'
prompt_str = 'prompt'
assert prompt_str in body, "Missing prompt"
gen_kwargs = body
gen_kwargs['stream_output'] = stream_output
use_agent = gen_kwargs.get('use_agent', False)
if use_agent and os.environ.get('is_agent_server', '0') == '0':
raise ValueError("Agents not enabled on this server.")
usage = {}
if not stream_output:
prompt_arg = body[prompt_str]
if isinstance(prompt_arg, str) or (isinstance(prompt_arg, list) and isinstance(prompt_arg[0], int)):
prompt_arg = [prompt_arg]
resp_list_data = []
total_completion_token_count = 0
total_prompt_token_count = 0
for idx, prompt in enumerate(prompt_arg, start=0):
token_count = count_tokens(prompt)
total_prompt_token_count += token_count
generator = get_generator(prompt, gen_kwargs, use_agent=use_agent, stream_output=stream_output)
ret = {}
response = ""
async for last_value in generator:
if isinstance(last_value, dict):
ret = last_value
response = last_value
except StopIteration:
if isinstance(ret, dict):
if isinstance(response, str):
completion_token_count = count_tokens(response)
total_completion_token_count += completion_token_count
# assume image
total_completion_token_count = 1500
stop_reason = "stop"
res_idx = {
"index": idx,
"finish_reason": stop_reason,
"text": response,
"logprobs": None,
"prompt_tokens": total_prompt_token_count,
"completion_tokens": total_completion_token_count,
"total_tokens": total_prompt_token_count + total_completion_token_count,
res_dict = {
"id": res_id,
"object": object_type,
"created": created_time,
"model": '',
resp_list: resp_list_data,
"usage": usage
yield res_dict
prompt = body[prompt_str]
token_count = count_tokens(prompt)
def text_streaming_chunk(content):
# begin streaming
chunk = {
"id": res_id,
"object": object_type,
"created": created_time,
"model": '',
resp_list: [{
"index": 0,
"finish_reason": None,
"text": content,
"logprobs": None,
return chunk
generator = get_generator(prompt, gen_kwargs, use_agent=use_agent, stream_output=stream_output)
response = ''
usage = {}
async for chunk in generator:
if isinstance(chunk, dict):
response += chunk
yield_chunk = text_streaming_chunk(chunk)
yield yield_chunk
await asyncio.sleep(0.005)
completion_token_count = count_tokens(response)
stop_reason = "stop"
chunk = text_streaming_chunk('')
chunk[resp_list][0]["finish_reason"] = stop_reason
"prompt_tokens": token_count,
"completion_tokens": completion_token_count,
"total_tokens": token_count + completion_token_count,
chunk["usage"] = usage
yield chunk
async def astream_chat_completions(body: dict, stream_output=True):
async for resp in achat_completion_action(body, stream_output=stream_output):
yield resp
async def astream_completions(body: dict, stream_output=True):
async for resp in acompletions_action(body, stream_output=stream_output):
yield resp
def get_model_info():
# concurrent gradio client
client = get_client()
model_dict = ast.literal_eval(client.predict(api_name='/model_names'))
return dict(model_names=model_dict)
def get_model_list():
# concurrent gradio client
client = get_client()
model_dict = ast.literal_eval(client.predict(api_name='/model_names'))
base_models = [x['base_model'] for x in model_dict]
return dict(model_names=base_models)
def split_audio_on_silence(audio_bytes):
from pydub import AudioSegment
from pydub.silence import split_on_silence
audio = AudioSegment.from_file(io.BytesIO(audio_bytes), format="wav")
chunks = split_on_silence(audio, min_silence_len=500, silence_thresh=-40, keep_silence=200)
chunk_bytes = []
for chunk in chunks:
chunk_buffer = io.BytesIO()
chunk.export(chunk_buffer, format="wav")
return chunk_bytes
def split_audio_fixed_intervals(audio_bytes, interval_ms=10000):
from pydub import AudioSegment
audio = AudioSegment.from_file(io.BytesIO(audio_bytes), format="wav")
chunks = [audio[i:i + interval_ms] for i in range(0, len(audio), interval_ms)]
chunk_bytes = []
for chunk in chunks:
chunk_buffer = io.BytesIO()
chunk.export(chunk_buffer, format="wav")
return chunk_bytes
async def audio_to_text(model, audio_file, stream, response_format, chunk, **kwargs):
if chunk != 'none':
# break-up audio file
if chunk == 'silence':
audio_files = split_audio_on_silence(audio_file)
audio_files = split_audio_fixed_intervals(audio_file, interval_ms=chunk)
for audio_file1 in audio_files:
async for text in _audio_to_text(model, audio_file1, stream, response_format, chunk, **kwargs):
yield text
async for text in _audio_to_text(model, audio_file, stream, response_format, chunk, **kwargs):
yield text
async def _audio_to_text(model, audio_file, stream, response_format, chunk, **kwargs):
# assumes enable_stt=True set for h2oGPT
if os.getenv('GRADIO_H2OGPT_H2OGPT_KEY') and not kwargs.get('h2ogpt_key'):
client = get_client(kwargs.get('user'))
h2ogpt_key = kwargs.get('h2ogpt_key', '')
# string of dict for input
if not isinstance(audio_file, str):
audio_file = base64.b64encode(audio_file).decode('utf-8')
inputs = dict(audio_file=audio_file, stream_output=stream, h2ogpt_key=h2ogpt_key)
if stream:
job = client.submit(*tuple(list(inputs.values())), api_name='/transcribe_audio_api')
# ensure no immediate failure (only required for testing)
import concurrent.futures
e = job.exception(timeout=0.2)
if e is not None:
raise RuntimeError(e)
except concurrent.futures.TimeoutError:
n = 0
for text in job:
yield dict(text=text.strip())
n += 1
# get rest after job done
outputs = job.outputs().copy()
for text in outputs[n:]:
yield dict(text=text.strip())
n += 1
text = client.predict(*tuple(list(inputs.values())), api_name='/transcribe_audio_api')
yield dict(text=text.strip())
async def text_to_audio(model, voice, input, stream, response_format, **kwargs):
# tts_model = 'microsoft/speecht5_tts'
# tts_model = 'tts_models/multilingual/multi-dataset/xtts_v2'
# assumes enable_tts=True set for h2oGPT
if os.getenv('GRADIO_H2OGPT_H2OGPT_KEY') and not kwargs.get('h2ogpt_key'):
client = get_client(user=kwargs.get('user'))
h2ogpt_key = kwargs.get('h2ogpt_key')
if not voice or voice in ['alloy', 'echo', 'fable', 'onyx', 'nova', 'shimmer']:
# ignore OpenAI voices
speaker = "SLT (female)"
chatbot_role = "Female AI Assistant"
# don't know which model used
speaker = voice
chatbot_role = voice
# string of dict for input
inputs = dict(chatbot_role=chatbot_role, speaker=speaker, tts_language='autodetect', tts_speed=1.0,
prompt=input, stream_output=stream,
if stream:
job = client.submit(*tuple(list(inputs.values())), api_name='/speak_text_api')
# ensure no immediate failure (only required for testing)
import concurrent.futures
e = job.exception(timeout=0.2)
if e is not None:
raise RuntimeError(e)
except concurrent.futures.TimeoutError:
n = 0
for audio_str in job:
yield audio_str_to_bytes(audio_str, response_format=response_format)
await asyncio.sleep(0.005)
n += 1
# get rest after job done
outputs = job.outputs().copy()
for audio_str in outputs[n:]:
yield audio_str_to_bytes(audio_str, response_format=response_format)
await asyncio.sleep(0.005)
n += 1
audio_str = client.predict(*tuple(list(inputs.values())), api_name='/speak_text_api')
yield audio_str_to_bytes(audio_str, response_format=response_format)
def audio_str_to_bytes(audio_str1, response_format='wav'):
if audio_str1 is None:
return b''
# Parse the input string to a dictionary
audio_dict = ast.literal_eval(audio_str1)
# Extract the base64 audio data and decode it
audio = audio_dict['audio']
# Create a BytesIO stream from the binary data
s = io.BytesIO(audio)
# Extract sample rate and define other audio properties
sr = audio_dict['sr']
channels = 1 # Assuming mono channel, adjust if necessary
sample_width = 2 # Assuming 16-bit samples (2 bytes), adjust if necessary
# Use from_raw to correctly interpret the raw audio data
from pydub import AudioSegment
audio_segment = AudioSegment.from_raw(
# Export the AudioSegment to a BytesIO object as WAV
output_stream = io.BytesIO()
audio_segment.export(output_stream, format=response_format)
output_bytes = output_stream.getvalue()
return output_bytes
def list_to_bytes(lst: list) -> str:
float_array = np.array(lst, dtype="float32")
bytes_array = float_array.tobytes()
encoded_bytes = base64.b64encode(bytes_array)
ascii_string = encoded_bytes.decode('ascii')
return ascii_string
def text_to_embedding(model, text, encoding_format, **kwargs):
# assumes enable_stt=True set for h2oGPT
if os.getenv('GRADIO_H2OGPT_H2OGPT_KEY') and not kwargs.get('h2ogpt_key'):
client = get_client(kwargs.get('user'))
h2ogpt_key = kwargs.get('h2ogpt_key', '')
inputs = dict(text=text, h2ogpt_key=h2ogpt_key, is_list=str(isinstance(text, list)))
embeddings = client.predict(*tuple(list(inputs.values())), api_name='/embed_api')
embeddings = ast.literal_eval(embeddings)
if encoding_format == "base64":
data = [{"object": "embedding", "embedding": list_to_bytes(emb), "index": n} for n, emb in
elif encoding_format == "float":
data = [{"object": "embedding", "embedding": emb, "index": n} for n, emb in enumerate(embeddings)]
data = [{"object": "embedding", "embedding": emb.tolist(), "index": n} for n, emb in enumerate(embeddings)]
response = {
"object": "list",
"data": data,
"model": model,
"usage": {
"prompt_tokens": 0,
"total_tokens": 0,
return response