import json import re import numpy as np from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import cosine_similarity ########################### LLM call ########################### price_token={'gpt-4o': {'input': 5/1000000, 'output': 15/1000000}, 'gpt-4o-2024-08-06': {'input': 2.5/1000000, 'output': 10/1000000}, 'gpt-4o-mini-2024-07-18': {'input': 0.15/1000000, 'output': 0.6/1000000}, 'llama3-8b-8192' : {'input': 0.05 / 1000000, 'output': 0.08 / 1000000}, 'llama3-70b-8192' : {'input': 0.59 / 1000000, 'output': 0.79 / 1000000}, 'claude-3-5-sonnet-20240620': {'input': 3/1000000, 'output': 15/1000000}, 'claude-3-haiku-20240307': {'input': 0.25/1000000, 'output': 1.25/1000000}, } def call_llm(client, model, system_prompt, prompt, temperature=0, seed=42, response_format=None, max_tokens=5000): response = messages=[ { "role": "system", "content": system_prompt }, { "role": "user", "content": prompt } ], model=model, temperature=temperature, seed=seed, response_format=response_format, max_tokens=max_tokens ) nb_input_tokens = response.usage.prompt_tokens nb_output_tokens = response.usage.completion_tokens price = nb_input_tokens * price_token[model]['input'] + nb_output_tokens * price_token[model]['output'] print(f"input tokens: {nb_input_tokens}; output tokens: {nb_output_tokens}, price: {price}") response_content=response.choices[0].message.content return response_content, nb_input_tokens, nb_output_tokens, price ########################### Step 2: Transcript to paragraph ########################### system_prompt_transcript_to_paragraphs = f""" You are a helpful assistant. Your task is to improve the user input's readability: add punctuation if needed, remove verbal tics, correct grammatical errors, and add appropriate line breaks with '\n\n'. Put your answer within tags. """ def transcript_to_paragraphs(transcript, llm_client, llm_model, chunk_size=5000, progress=None): transcript_as_text = ' '.join([s['text'] for s in transcript]) paragraphs = [] last_paragraph = "" total_nb_input_tokens, total_nb_output_tokens, total_price = 0, 0, 0 nb_chunks = int(len(transcript_as_text) / chunk_size) + 1 progress_i = 0 print(f"Number of chunks: {nb_chunks}") # for i in range(0, 10000, chunk_size): for i in range(0, len(transcript_as_text), chunk_size): print("i is: " + str(i)) chunk = last_paragraph + " " + transcript_as_text[i:i + chunk_size] if progress is not None: progress_i += 1 progress(progress_i / nb_chunks, desc="Processing") found_edited_transcript = False while not found_edited_transcript: response_content, nb_input_tokens, nb_output_tokens, price = \ call_llm(llm_client, llm_model, system_prompt=system_prompt_transcript_to_paragraphs, prompt=chunk, temperature=0.2, seed=42, response_format=None) if not "" in response_content: response_content += "" # Extract content from tags pattern = re.compile(r'(.*?)', re.DOTALL) response_content_edited = pattern.findall(response_content) if len(response_content_edited) > 0: found_edited_transcript = True response_content_edited = response_content_edited[0] else: print("No edited transcript found. Trying again.") print(response_content[0:100]) print(response_content[-100:]) total_nb_input_tokens += nb_input_tokens total_nb_output_tokens += nb_output_tokens total_price += price paragraphs_chunk = response_content_edited.strip().split('\n\n') print('Found paragraphs:', len(paragraphs_chunk)) last_paragraph = paragraphs_chunk[-1] paragraphs += paragraphs_chunk[:-1] paragraphs += [last_paragraph] paragraphs_dict = [{'paragraph_number': i, 'paragraph_text': paragraph} for i, paragraph in enumerate(paragraphs)] return paragraphs_dict, total_nb_input_tokens, total_nb_output_tokens, total_price ########################### Step 3: Infer timestamps ########################### def transform_text_segments(text_segments, num_words=50): # Initialize variables transformed_segments = [] current_index = 0 num_segments = len(text_segments) for i in range(num_segments): current_index = i # Get the current segment's starting timestamp and text current_segment = text_segments[current_index] current_text = current_segment['text'] # Initialize a list to hold the combined text combined_text = " ".join(current_text.split()[:num_words]) number_words_collected = len(current_text.split()) # Collect words from subsequent segments while number_words_collected < num_words and (current_index + 1) < num_segments: current_index += 1 next_segment = text_segments[current_index] next_text = next_segment['text'] next_words = next_text.split() # Append words from the next segment if number_words_collected + len(next_words) <= num_words: combined_text += ' ' + next_text number_words_collected += len(next_words) else: # Only append enough words to reach the num_words limit words_needed = num_words - number_words_collected combined_text += ' ' + ' '.join(next_words[:words_needed]) number_words_collected = num_words # Append the combined segment to the result transformed_segments.append(combined_text) return transformed_segments def add_timestamps_to_paragraphs(transcript, paragraphs, num_words=50): list_indices = [] transcript_num_words = transform_text_segments(transcript, num_words=num_words) paragraphs_start_text = [{"start": p['paragraph_number'], "text": p['paragraph_text']} for p in paragraphs] paragraphs_num_words = transform_text_segments(paragraphs_start_text, num_words=num_words) # Create a TF-IDF vectorizer vectorizer = TfidfVectorizer().fit_transform(transcript_num_words + paragraphs_num_words) # Get the TF-IDF vectors for the transcript and the excerpt vectors = vectorizer.toarray() for i in range(len(paragraphs_num_words)): # Extract the TF-IDF vector for the paragraph paragraph_vector = vectors[len(transcript_num_words) + i] # Calculate the cosine similarity between the paragraph vector and each transcript chunk similarities = cosine_similarity(vectors[:len(transcript_num_words)], paragraph_vector.reshape(1, -1)) # Find the index of the most similar chunk best_match_index = int(np.argmax(similarities)) list_indices.append(best_match_index) paragraphs[i]['matched_index'] = best_match_index paragraphs[i]['matched_text'] = transcript[best_match_index]['text'] paragraphs[i]['start_time'] = int(transcript[best_match_index]['start']) - 2 if paragraphs[i]['start_time'] < 0: paragraphs[i]['start_time'] = 0 return paragraphs ########################### Step 4: Generate table of content ########################### system_prompt_paragraphs_to_toc = """ You are a helpful assistant. You are given a transcript of a course in JSON format as a list of paragraphs, each containing 'paragraph_number' and 'paragraph_text' keys. Your task is to group consecutive paragraphs in chapters for the course and identify meaningful chapter titles. Here are the steps to follow: 1. Read the transcript carefully to understand its general structure and the main topics covered. 2. Look for clues that a new chapter is about to start. This could be a change of topic, a change of time or setting, the introduction of new themes or topics, or the speaker's explicit mention of a new part. 3. For each chapter, keep track of the paragraph number that starts the chapter and identify a meaningful chapter title. 4. Chapters should ideally be equally spaced throughout the transcript, and discuss a specific topic. 5. A chapter MUST have more than 4 paragraphs. Format your result in JSON, with a list dictionaries for chapters, with 'start_paragraph_number':integer and 'title':string as key:value. Example: {"chapters": [{"start_paragraph_number": 0, "title": "Introduction"}, {"start_paragraph_number": 10, "title": "Chapter 1"} ] } """ def paragraphs_to_toc(paragraphs, llm_client, llm_model, chunk_size=100): chapters = [] number_last_chapter = 0 total_nb_input_tokens, total_nb_output_tokens, total_price = 0, 0, 0 while number_last_chapter < len(paragraphs): print(number_last_chapter) chunk = paragraphs[number_last_chapter:(number_last_chapter + chunk_size)] chunk = [{'paragraph_number': p['paragraph_number'], 'paragraph_text': p['paragraph_text']} for p in chunk] chunk_json_dump = json.dumps(chunk) content, nb_input_tokens, nb_output_tokens, price = call_llm( \ llm_client, llm_model, \ system_prompt_paragraphs_to_toc, chunk_json_dump, \ temperature=0, seed=42, response_format={"type": "json_object"}) total_nb_input_tokens += nb_input_tokens total_nb_output_tokens += nb_output_tokens chapters_chunk = json.loads(content)['chapters'] if number_last_chapter == chapters_chunk[-1]['start_paragraph_number']: break chapters += chapters_chunk[:-1] number_last_chapter = chapters_chunk[-1]['start_paragraph_number'] if number_last_chapter >= len(paragraphs) - 5: break total_price = (total_nb_input_tokens * price_token[llm_model]['input'] + total_nb_output_tokens * price_token[llm_model]['output']) chapters += [chapters_chunk[-1]] return chapters, total_nb_input_tokens, total_nb_output_tokens, total_price ########################### Step 5: Chapter rendering functions ########################### def get_chapters(paragraphs, table_of_content): chapters = [] for i in range(len(table_of_content)): if i < len(table_of_content) - 1: chapter = {'num_chapter': i, 'title': table_of_content[i]['title'], 'start_paragraph_number': table_of_content[i]['start_paragraph_number'], 'end_paragraph_number': table_of_content[i + 1]['start_paragraph_number'], 'start_time': paragraphs[table_of_content[i]['start_paragraph_number']]['start_time'], 'end_time': paragraphs[table_of_content[i + 1]['start_paragraph_number']]['start_time'], } else: chapter = {'num_chapter': i, 'title': table_of_content[i]['title'], 'start_paragraph_number': table_of_content[i]['start_paragraph_number'], 'end_paragraph_number': len(paragraphs), 'start_time': paragraphs[table_of_content[i]['start_paragraph_number']]['start_time'], 'end_time': paragraphs[-1]['start_time'], } paragraphs_chapter = [paragraphs[j]['paragraph_text'] for j in range(chapter['start_paragraph_number'], chapter['end_paragraph_number'])] paragraph_timestamps_chapter = [paragraphs[j]['start_time'] for j in range(chapter['start_paragraph_number'], chapter['end_paragraph_number'])] chapter['paragraphs'] = paragraphs_chapter chapter['paragraph_timestamps'] = paragraph_timestamps_chapter chapters.append(chapter) return chapters def convert_seconds_to_hms(seconds): # Calculate hours, minutes, and remaining seconds hours = seconds // 3600 minutes = (seconds % 3600) // 60 remaining_seconds = seconds % 60 # Format the result as HH:MM:SS return f"{hours:02}:{minutes:02}:{remaining_seconds:02}" def toc_to_html(chapters): toc_html = "

Video chapters

\n" for chapter in chapters: num_chapter = chapter['num_chapter'] title = chapter['title'] from_to = convert_seconds_to_hms(int(chapter['start_time'])) + " - " toc_html += f"""{from_to}{num_chapter+1} - {title}
\n""" return toc_html def section_to_html(section_json_data): formatted_section = "" paragraphs = section_json_data['paragraphs'] paragraphs_timestamp_hms = [convert_seconds_to_hms(int(section_json_data['paragraph_timestamps'][i])) for i in range(len(paragraphs))] for i, (paragraph, paragraph_timestamp_hms) in enumerate(zip(paragraphs, paragraphs_timestamp_hms)): formatted_section += f"""



""" num_section = section_json_data['num_chapter'] from_to = "From "+convert_seconds_to_hms(int(section_json_data['start_time'])) + " to " + convert_seconds_to_hms( int(section_json_data['end_time'])) title = f"{section_json_data['title']}" title_link = f"""
{num_section+1} - {title}
""" summary_section = f"""



""" return summary_section def get_result_as_html(chapters, video_id): video_embed = f""" """ toc = toc_to_html(chapters) edited_transcript = f"""

Structured transcript

""" for i in range(len(chapters)): chapter_json_data = chapters[i] edited_transcript += section_to_html(chapter_json_data) result_as_html = f"""



""" return result_as_html def load_json_chapters(video_id): file_name = f"{video_id}.json" with open(file_name, 'r') as file: chapters = json.load(file) return chapters