data_dir=./data # the dir that contains dict files checkpoint_path=./checkpoints/ # the dir that contains NAT drafter checkpoint AR_checkpoint_path=./checkpoints/ # the dir that contains AT verifier checkpoint input_path=./test.en # the dir that contains bpe test files output_path=./output/block.out # the dir for outputs strategy='gad' # fairseq, AR, gad batch=32 beam=5 beta=5 tau=3.0 block_size=25 src=en tgt=de python ${data_dir} --path ${checkpoint_path} \ --user-dir block_plugins --task translation_lev_modified --remove-bpe --max-sentences 20 --source-lang ${src} \ --target-lang ${tgt} --iter-decode-max-iter 0 --iter-decode-eos-penalty 0 --iter-decode-with-beam 1 \ --gen-subset test --AR-path ${AR_checkpoint_path} --input-path ${input_path} --output-path ${output_path} \ --block-size ${block_size} --beta ${beta} --tau ${tau} --batch ${batch} --beam ${beam} --strategy ${strategy}