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"""BERT finetuning runner."""
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
import os
import logging
import glob
import json
import argparse
import math
import string
from multiprocessing import Pool, cpu_count
from tqdm import tqdm, trange
from pathlib import Path
import numpy as np
# pip install py-rouge
import rouge
import time
import tempfile
import shutil
# pip install pyrouge
from evaluations.bs_pyrouge import Rouge155
logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(name)s - %(message)s',
datefmt='%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S',
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
# Required parameters
parser.add_argument("--gold", type=str, help="Gold output file.")
parser.add_argument("--pred", type=str, help="Input prediction file.")
parser.add_argument("--split", type=str, default="",
help="Data split (train/dev/test).")
parser.add_argument("--save_best", action='store_true',
help="Save best epoch.")
parser.add_argument("--only_eval_best", action='store_true',
help="Only evaluate best epoch.")
parser.add_argument("--trunc_len", type=int, default=0,
help="Truncate line by the maximum length.")
default_process_count = max(1, cpu_count() - 1)
parser.add_argument("--processes", type=int, default=default_process_count,
help="Number of processes to use (default %(default)s)")
parser.add_argument("--perl", action='store_true',
help="Using the perl script.")
parser.add_argument('--lazy_eval', action='store_true',
help="Skip evaluation if the .rouge file exists.")
args = parser.parse_args()
evaluator = rouge.Rouge(metrics=['rouge-n', 'rouge-l'], max_n=2,
limit_length=False, apply_avg=True, weight_factor=1.2)
def test_rouge(cand, ref):
temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
candidates = cand
references = ref
assert len(candidates) == len(references)
cnt = len(candidates)
current_time = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S', time.localtime())
tmp_dir = os.path.join(temp_dir, "rouge-tmp-{}".format(current_time))
if not os.path.isdir(tmp_dir):
os.mkdir(tmp_dir + "/candidate")
os.mkdir(tmp_dir + "/reference")
for i in range(cnt):
if len(references[i]) < 1:
with open(tmp_dir + "/candidate/cand.{}.txt".format(i), "w",
encoding="utf-8") as f:
with open(tmp_dir + "/reference/ref.{}.txt".format(i), "w",
encoding="utf-8") as f:
r = Rouge155(temp_dir=temp_dir)
r.model_dir = tmp_dir + "/reference/"
r.system_dir = tmp_dir + "/candidate/"
r.model_filename_pattern = 'ref.#ID#.txt'
r.system_filename_pattern = r'cand.(\d+).txt'
rouge_results = r.convert_and_evaluate()
results_dict = r.output_to_dict(rouge_results)
if os.path.isdir(tmp_dir):
return results_dict
def rouge_results_to_str(results_dict):
return ">> ROUGE-F(1/2/l): {:.2f}/{:.2f}/{:.2f}\nROUGE-R(1/2/3/l): {:.2f}/{:.2f}/{:.2f}\n".format(
results_dict["rouge_1_f_score"] * 100,
results_dict["rouge_2_f_score"] * 100,
results_dict["rouge_l_f_score"] * 100,
results_dict["rouge_1_recall"] * 100,
results_dict["rouge_2_recall"] * 100,
results_dict["rouge_l_recall"] * 100
def count_tokens(tokens):
counter = {}
for t in tokens:
if t in counter.keys():
counter[t] += 1
counter[t] = 1
return counter
def get_f1(text_a, text_b):
tokens_a = text_a.lower().split()
tokens_b = text_b.lower().split()
if len(tokens_a) == 0 or len(tokens_b) == 0:
return 1 if len(tokens_a) == len(tokens_b) else 0
set_a = count_tokens(tokens_a)
set_b = count_tokens(tokens_b)
match = 0
for token in set_a.keys():
if token in set_b.keys():
match += min(set_a[token], set_b[token])
p = match / len(tokens_a)
r = match / len(tokens_b)
return 2.0 * p * r / (p + r + 1e-5)
_tok_dict = {}
def _is_digit(w):
for ch in w:
if not(ch.isdigit() or ch == ','):
return False
return True
def fix_tokenization(text):
input_tokens = text.split()
output_tokens = []
i = 0
prev_dash = False
while i < len(input_tokens):
tok = input_tokens[i]
flag_prev_dash = False
if tok in _tok_dict.keys():
i += 1
elif tok == "'" and len(output_tokens) > 0 and output_tokens[-1].endswith("n") and i < len(input_tokens) - 1 and input_tokens[i + 1] == "t":
output_tokens[-1] = output_tokens[-1][:-1]
i += 2
elif tok == "'" and i < len(input_tokens) - 1 and input_tokens[i + 1] in ("s", "d", "ll"):
output_tokens.append("'"+input_tokens[i + 1])
i += 2
elif tok == "." and i < len(input_tokens) - 2 and input_tokens[i + 1] == "." and input_tokens[i + 2] == ".":
i += 3
elif tok == "," and len(output_tokens) > 0 and _is_digit(output_tokens[-1]) and i < len(input_tokens) - 1 and _is_digit(input_tokens[i + 1]):
# $ 3 , 000 -> $ 3,000
output_tokens[-1] += ','+input_tokens[i + 1]
i += 2
elif tok == "." and len(output_tokens) > 0 and output_tokens[-1].isdigit() and i < len(input_tokens) - 1 and input_tokens[i + 1].isdigit():
# 3 . 03 -> $ 3.03
output_tokens[-1] += '.'+input_tokens[i + 1]
i += 2
elif tok == "." and len(output_tokens) > 0 and len(output_tokens[-1]) == 1 and output_tokens[-1].isupper() and i < len(input_tokens) - 2 and len(input_tokens[i + 1]) == 1 and input_tokens[i + 1].isupper() and input_tokens[i + 2] == '.':
# U . N . -> U.N.
k = i+3
while k+2 < len(input_tokens):
if len(input_tokens[k + 1]) == 1 and input_tokens[k + 1].isupper() and input_tokens[k + 2] == '.':
k += 2
output_tokens[-1] += ''.join(input_tokens[i:k])
i += 2
elif prev_dash and len(output_tokens) > 0 and tok[0] not in string.punctuation:
output_tokens[-1] += tok
i += 1
i += 1
prev_dash = flag_prev_dash
return " ".join(output_tokens)
def process_eval(eval_fn):
gold_list = []
with open(, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f_in:
for l in f_in:
line = l.strip()
pred_list = []
with open(eval_fn, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f_in:
for l in f_in:
buf = []
sentence = fix_tokenization(l.strip()).replace("(", " -LRB- ").replace(")", " -RRB- ")
while " " in sentence:
sentence = sentence.replace(" ", " ")
if args.trunc_len:
num_left = args.trunc_len
trunc_list = []
for bit in buf:
tk_list = bit.split()
n = min(len(tk_list), num_left)
trunc_list.append(' '.join(tk_list[:n]))
num_left -= n
if num_left <= 0:
trunc_list = buf
line = "\n".join(trunc_list)
with open(eval_fn+'.post', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f_out:
for l in pred_list:
# rouge scores
if len(pred_list) < len(gold_list):
# evaluate subset
gold_list = gold_list[:len(pred_list)]
assert len(pred_list) == len(gold_list)
if args.perl:
scores = test_rouge(pred_list, gold_list)
scores = evaluator.get_scores(pred_list, [[it] for it in gold_list])
return eval_fn, scores
def main():
if args.perl:
eval_fn_list = list(glob.glob(args.pred))
eval_fn_list = [eval_fn for eval_fn in glob.glob(args.pred) if not(
args.lazy_eval and Path(eval_fn+".rouge").exists())]
eval_fn_list = list(filter(lambda fn: not(fn.endswith(
'.post') or fn.endswith('.rouge')), eval_fn_list))
if args.only_eval_best:
best_epoch_dict = {}
for dir_path in set(Path(fn).parent for fn in eval_fn_list):
fn_save = os.path.join(dir_path, '')
if Path(fn_save).exists():
with open(fn_save, 'r') as f_in:
__, o_name, __ ='\n')
epoch = o_name.split('.')[1]
best_epoch_dict[dir_path] = epoch
new_eval_fn_list = []
for fn in eval_fn_list:
dir_path = Path(fn).parent
if dir_path in best_epoch_dict:
if Path(fn).name.split('.')[1] == best_epoch_dict[dir_path]:
eval_fn_list = new_eval_fn_list"***** Evaluation: %s *****", ','.join(eval_fn_list))
num_pool = min(args.processes, len(eval_fn_list))
p = Pool(num_pool)
r_list = p.imap_unordered(process_eval, eval_fn_list)
r_list = sorted([(fn, scores)
for fn, scores in r_list], key=lambda x: x[0])
rg2_dict = {}
for fn, scores in r_list:
if args.perl:
rg2_dict[fn] = scores['rouge-2']['f']
"ROUGE-1: {}\tROUGE-2: {}\n".format(scores['rouge-1']['f'], scores['rouge-2']['f']))
with open(fn+".rouge", 'w') as f_out:
{'rg1': scores['rouge-1']['f'], 'rg2': scores['rouge-2']['f']}))
if args.save_best:
# find best results
group_dict = {}
for k, v in rg2_dict.items():
d_name, o_name = Path(k).parent, Path(k).name
if (d_name not in group_dict) or (v > group_dict[d_name][1]):
group_dict[d_name] = (o_name, v)
# compare and save the best result
for k, v in group_dict.items():
fn = os.path.join(k, 'save_best.'+args.split)
o_name_s, rst_s = v
should_save = True
if Path(fn).exists():
with open(fn, 'r') as f_in:
rst_f = float('\n')[-1])
if rst_s <= rst_f:
should_save = False
if should_save:
with open(fn, 'w') as f_out:
f_out.write('{0}\n{1}\n{2}\n'.format(k, o_name_s, rst_s))"Should save: {}".format(json.dumps(v, indent=2)))
if __name__ == "__main__":