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from __future__ import print_function, unicode_literals, division
import os
import re
import codecs
import platform
from subprocess import check_output
from tempfile import mkdtemp
from functools import partial
from configparser import ConfigParser
except ImportError:
from ConfigParser import ConfigParser
from pyrouge.utils import log
from pyrouge.utils.file_utils import verify_dir
REMAP = {"-lrb-": "(", "-rrb-": ")", "-lcb-": "{", "-rcb-": "}",
"-lsb-": "[", "-rsb-": "]", "``": '"', "''": '"'}
def clean(x):
return re.sub(
lambda m: REMAP.get(, x)
class DirectoryProcessor:
def process(input_dir, output_dir, function):
Apply function to all files in input_dir and save the resulting ouput
files in output_dir.
if not os.path.exists(output_dir):
logger = log.get_global_console_logger()"Processing files in {}.".format(input_dir))
input_file_names = os.listdir(input_dir)
for input_file_name in input_file_names:
input_file = os.path.join(input_dir, input_file_name)
with, "r", encoding="UTF-8") as f:
input_string =
output_string = function(input_string)
output_file = os.path.join(output_dir, input_file_name)
with, "w", encoding="UTF-8") as f:
f.write(clean(output_string.lower()))"Saved processed files to {}.".format(output_dir))
class Rouge155(object):
This is a wrapper for the ROUGE 1.5.5 summary evaluation package.
This class is designed to simplify the evaluation process by:
1) Converting summaries into a format ROUGE understands.
2) Generating the ROUGE configuration file automatically based
on filename patterns.
This class can be used within Python like this:
rouge = Rouge155()
rouge.system_dir = 'test/systems'
rouge.model_dir = 'test/models'
# The system filename pattern should contain one group that
# matches the document ID.
rouge.system_filename_pattern = 'SL.P.10.R.11.SL062003-(\d+).html'
# The model filename pattern has '#ID#' as a placeholder for the
# document ID. If there are multiple model summaries, pyrouge
# will use the provided regex to automatically match them with
# the corresponding system summary. Here, [A-Z] matches
# multiple model summaries for a given #ID#.
rouge.model_filename_pattern = 'SL.P.10.R.[A-Z].SL062003-#ID#.html'
rouge_output = rouge.evaluate()
output_dict = rouge.output_to_dict(rouge_ouput)
-> {'rouge_1_f_score': 0.95652,
'rouge_1_f_score_cb': 0.95652,
'rouge_1_f_score_ce': 0.95652,
'rouge_1_precision': 0.95652,
To evaluate multiple systems:
rouge = Rouge155()
rouge.system_dir = '/PATH/TO/systems'
rouge.model_dir = 'PATH/TO/models'
for system_id in ['id1', 'id2', 'id3']:
rouge.system_filename_pattern = \
rouge.model_filename_pattern = \
rouge_output = rouge.evaluate(system_id)
def __init__(self, rouge_dir=None, rouge_args=None, temp_dir=None):
Create a Rouge155 object.
rouge_dir: Directory containing
rouge_args: Arguments to pass through to ROUGE if you
don't want to use the default pyrouge
self.temp_dir = temp_dir
self.log = log.get_global_console_logger()
self._config_file = None
self._settings_file = self.__get_config_path()
self.args = self.__clean_rouge_args(rouge_args)
self._system_filename_pattern = None
self._model_filename_pattern = None
def save_home_dir(self):
config = ConfigParser()
section = 'pyrouge settings'
config.set(section, 'home_dir', self._home_dir)
with open(self._settings_file, 'w') as f:
config.write(f)"Set ROUGE home directory to {}.".format(self._home_dir))
def settings_file(self):
Path of the setttings file, which stores the ROUGE home dir.
return self._settings_file
def bin_path(self):
The full path of the ROUGE binary (although it's technically
a script), i.e. rouge_home_dir/
if self._bin_path is None:
raise Exception(
"ROUGE path not set. Please set the ROUGE home directory "
"and ensure that exists in it.")
return self._bin_path
def system_filename_pattern(self):
The regular expression pattern for matching system summary
filenames. The regex string.
E.g. "SL.P.10.R.11.SL062003-(\d+).html" will match the system
filenames in the SPL2003/system folder of the ROUGE SPL example
in the "sample-test" folder.
Currently, there is no support for multiple systems.
return self._system_filename_pattern
def system_filename_pattern(self, pattern):
self._system_filename_pattern = pattern
def model_filename_pattern(self):
The regular expression pattern for matching model summary
filenames. The pattern needs to contain the string "#ID#",
which is a placeholder for the document ID.
E.g. "SL.P.10.R.[A-Z].SL062003-#ID#.html" will match the model
filenames in the SPL2003/system folder of the ROUGE SPL
example in the "sample-test" folder.
"#ID#" is a placeholder for the document ID which has been
matched by the "(\d+)" part of the system filename pattern.
The different model summaries for a given document ID are
matched by the "[A-Z]" part.
return self._model_filename_pattern
def model_filename_pattern(self, pattern):
self._model_filename_pattern = pattern
def config_file(self):
return self._config_file
def config_file(self, path):
config_dir, _ = os.path.split(path)
verify_dir(config_dir, "configuration file")
self._config_file = path
def split_sentences(self):
ROUGE requires texts split into sentences. In case the texts
are not already split, this method can be used.
from pyrouge.utils.sentence_splitter import PunktSentenceSplitter"Splitting sentences.")
ss = PunktSentenceSplitter()
def sent_split_to_string(s): return "\n".join(ss.split(s))
process_func = partial(
DirectoryProcessor.process, function=sent_split_to_string)
def convert_summaries_to_rouge_format(input_dir, output_dir):
Convert all files in input_dir into a format ROUGE understands
and saves the files to output_dir. The input files are assumed
to be plain text with one sentence per line.
input_dir: Path of directory containing the input files.
output_dir: Path of directory in which the converted files
will be saved.
input_dir, output_dir, Rouge155.convert_text_to_rouge_format)
def convert_text_to_rouge_format(text, title="dummy title"):
Convert a text to a format ROUGE understands. The text is
assumed to contain one sentence per line.
text: The text to convert, containg one sentence per line.
title: Optional title for the text. The title will appear
in the converted file, but doesn't seem to have
any other relevance.
Returns: The converted text as string.
sentences = text.split("\n")
sent_elems = [
"<a name=\"{i}\">[{i}]</a> <a href=\"#{i}\" id={i}>"
"{text}</a>".format(i=i, text=sent)
for i, sent in enumerate(sentences, start=1)]
html = """<html>
<body bgcolor="white">
</html>""".format(title=title, elems="\n".join(sent_elems))
return html
def write_config_static(system_dir, system_filename_pattern,
model_dir, model_filename_pattern,
config_file_path, system_id=None):
Write the ROUGE configuration file, which is basically a list
of system summary files and their corresponding model summary
pyrouge uses regular expressions to automatically find the
matching model summary files for a given system summary file
(cf. docstrings for system_filename_pattern and
system_dir: Path of directory containing
system summaries.
system_filename_pattern: Regex string for matching
system summary filenames.
model_dir: Path of directory containing
model summaries.
model_filename_pattern: Regex string for matching model
summary filenames.
config_file_path: Path of the configuration file.
system_id: Optional system ID string which
will appear in the ROUGE output.
system_filenames = [f for f in os.listdir(system_dir)]
system_models_tuples = []
system_filename_pattern = re.compile(system_filename_pattern)
for system_filename in sorted(system_filenames):
match = system_filename_pattern.match(system_filename)
if match:
id = match.groups(0)[0]
model_filenames = [model_filename_pattern.replace('#ID#', id)]
# model_filenames = Rouge155.__get_model_filenames_for_id(
# id, model_dir, model_filename_pattern)
(system_filename, sorted(model_filenames)))
if not system_models_tuples:
raise Exception(
"Did not find any files matching the pattern {} "
"in the system summaries directory {}.".format(
system_filename_pattern.pattern, system_dir))
with, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
f.write('<ROUGE-EVAL version="1.55">')
for task_id, (system_filename, model_filenames) in enumerate(
system_models_tuples, start=1):
eval_string = Rouge155.__get_eval_string(
task_id, system_id,
system_dir, system_filename,
model_dir, model_filenames)
def write_config(self, config_file_path=None, system_id=None):
Write the ROUGE configuration file, which is basically a list
of system summary files and their matching model summary files.
This is a non-static version of write_config_file_static().
config_file_path: Path of the configuration file.
system_id: Optional system ID string which will
appear in the ROUGE output.
if not system_id:
system_id = 1
if (not config_file_path) or (not self._config_dir):
self._config_dir = mkdtemp(dir=self.temp_dir)
config_filename = "rouge_conf.xml"
config_dir, config_filename = os.path.split(config_file_path)
verify_dir(config_dir, "configuration file")
self._config_file = os.path.join(self._config_dir, config_filename)
self._system_dir, self._system_filename_pattern,
self._model_dir, self._model_filename_pattern,
self._config_file, system_id)
"Written ROUGE configuration to {}".format(self._config_file))
def evaluate(self, system_id=1, rouge_args=None):
Run ROUGE to evaluate the system summaries in system_dir against
the model summaries in model_dir. The summaries are assumed to
be in the one-sentence-per-line HTML format ROUGE understands.
system_id: Optional system ID which will be printed in
ROUGE's output.
Returns: Rouge output as string.
options = self.__get_options(rouge_args)
command = [self._bin_path] + options
"Running ROUGE with command {}".format(" ".join(command)))
rouge_output = check_output(command).decode("UTF-8")
return rouge_output
def convert_and_evaluate(self, system_id=1,
split_sentences=False, rouge_args=None):
Convert plain text summaries to ROUGE format and run ROUGE to
evaluate the system summaries in system_dir against the model
summaries in model_dir. Optionally split texts into sentences
in case they aren't already.
This is just a convenience method combining
convert_summaries_to_rouge_format() and evaluate().
split_sentences: Optional argument specifying if
sentences should be split.
system_id: Optional system ID which will be printed
in ROUGE's output.
Returns: ROUGE output as string.
if split_sentences:
rouge_output = self.evaluate(system_id, rouge_args)
return rouge_output
def output_to_dict(self, output):
Convert the ROUGE output into python dictionary for further
# 0 ROUGE-1 Average_R: 0.02632 ( 0.02632 - 0.02632)
pattern = re.compile(
r"(\d+) (ROUGE-\S+) (Average_\w): (\d.\d+) "
r"\( (\d.\d+) - (\d.\d+)\)")
results = {}
for line in output.split("\n"):
match = pattern.match(line)
if match:
sys_id, rouge_type, measure, result, conf_begin, conf_end = \
measure = {
'Average_R': 'recall',
'Average_P': 'precision',
'Average_F': 'f_score'
rouge_type = rouge_type.lower().replace("-", '_')
key = "{}_{}".format(rouge_type, measure)
results[key] = float(result)
results["{}_cb".format(key)] = float(conf_begin)
results["{}_ce".format(key)] = float(conf_end)
return results
# Private methods
def __set_rouge_dir(self, home_dir=None):
Verfify presence of and data folder, and set
those paths.
if not home_dir:
self._home_dir = self.__get_rouge_home_dir_from_settings()
self._home_dir = home_dir
self._bin_path = os.path.join(self._home_dir, '')
self.data_dir = os.path.join(self._home_dir, 'data')
if not os.path.exists(self._bin_path):
raise Exception(
"ROUGE binary not found at {}. Please set the "
"correct path by running pyrouge_set_rouge_path "
def __get_rouge_home_dir_from_settings(self):
config = ConfigParser()
with open(self._settings_file) as f:
if hasattr(config, "read_file"):
# use deprecated python 2.x method
rouge_home_dir = config.get('pyrouge settings', 'home_dir')
return rouge_home_dir
def __get_eval_string(
task_id, system_id,
system_dir, system_filename,
model_dir, model_filenames):
ROUGE can evaluate several system summaries for a given text
against several model summaries, i.e. there is an m-to-n
relation between system and model summaries. The system
summaries are listed in the <PEERS> tag and the model summaries
in the <MODELS> tag. pyrouge currently only supports one system
summary per text, i.e. it assumes a 1-to-n relation between
system and model summaries.
peer_elems = "<P ID=\"{id}\">{name}</P>".format(
id=system_id, name=system_filename)
model_elems = ["<M ID=\"{id}\">{name}</M>".format(
id=chr(65 + i), name=name)
for i, name in enumerate(model_filenames)]
model_elems = "\n\t\t\t".join(model_elems)
eval_string = """
<EVAL ID="{task_id}">
model_root=model_dir, model_elems=model_elems,
peer_root=system_dir, peer_elems=peer_elems)
return eval_string
def __process_summaries(self, process_func):
Helper method that applies process_func to the files in the
system and model folders and saves the resulting files to new
system and model folders.
temp_dir = mkdtemp(dir=self.temp_dir)
new_system_dir = os.path.join(temp_dir, "system")
new_model_dir = os.path.join(temp_dir, "model")
"Processing summaries. Saving system files to {} and "
"model files to {}.".format(new_system_dir, new_model_dir))
process_func(self._system_dir, new_system_dir)
process_func(self._model_dir, new_model_dir)
self._system_dir = new_system_dir
self._model_dir = new_model_dir
def __write_summaries(self):"Writing summaries.")
def __get_model_filenames_for_id(id, model_dir, model_filenames_pattern):
pattern = re.compile(model_filenames_pattern.replace('#ID#', id))
model_filenames = [
f for f in os.listdir(model_dir) if pattern.match(f)]
if not model_filenames:
raise Exception(
"Could not find any model summaries for the system"
" summary with ID {}. Specified model filename pattern was: "
"{}".format(id, model_filenames_pattern))
return model_filenames
def __get_options(self, rouge_args=None):
Get supplied command line arguments for ROUGE or use default
if self.args:
options = self.args.split()
elif rouge_args:
options = rouge_args.split()
options = [
'-e', self._data_dir,
'-c', 95,
# '-2',
# '-1',
# '-U',
# '-v',
'-r', 1000,
'-n', 2,
# '-w', 1.2,
options = list(map(str, options))
options = self.__add_config_option(options)
return options
def __create_dir_property(self, dir_name, docstring):
Generate getter and setter for a directory property.
property_name = "{}_dir".format(dir_name)
private_name = "_" + property_name
setattr(self, private_name, None)
def fget(self):
return getattr(self, private_name)
def fset(self, path):
verify_dir(path, dir_name)
setattr(self, private_name, path)
p = property(fget=fget, fset=fset, doc=docstring)
setattr(self.__class__, property_name, p)
def __set_dir_properties(self):
Automatically generate the properties for directories.
directories = [
("home", "The ROUGE home directory."),
("data", "The path of the ROUGE 'data' directory."),
("system", "Path of the directory containing system summaries."),
("model", "Path of the directory containing model summaries."),
for (dirname, docstring) in directories:
self.__create_dir_property(dirname, docstring)
def __clean_rouge_args(self, rouge_args):
Remove enclosing quotation marks, if any.
if not rouge_args:
quot_mark_pattern = re.compile('"(.+)"')
match = quot_mark_pattern.match(rouge_args)
if match:
cleaned_args =
return cleaned_args
return rouge_args
def __add_config_option(self, options):
return options + [self._config_file]
def __get_config_path(self):
if platform.system() == "Windows":
parent_dir = os.getenv("APPDATA")
config_dir_name = "pyrouge"
elif == "posix":
parent_dir = os.path.expanduser("~")
config_dir_name = ".pyrouge"
parent_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
config_dir_name = ""
config_dir = os.path.join(parent_dir, config_dir_name)
if not os.path.exists(config_dir):
return os.path.join(config_dir, 'settings.ini')
if __name__ == "__main__":
import argparse
from utils.argparsers import rouge_path_parser
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(parents=[rouge_path_parser])
args = parser.parse_args()
rouge = Rouge155(args.rouge_home)