from __future__ import annotations import bz2 import json import re from functools import lru_cache from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Literal, Sequence import emoji import pandas as pd import spacy from tqdm import tqdm from app.constants import ( AMAZONREVIEWS_PATH, AMAZONREVIEWS_URL, IMDB50K_PATH, IMDB50K_URL, SENTIMENT140_PATH, SENTIMENT140_URL, SLANGMAP_PATH, SLANGMAP_URL, TEST_DATASET_PATH, TEST_DATASET_URL, ) if TYPE_CHECKING: from re import Pattern from spacy.tokens import Doc __all__ = ["load_data", "tokenize"] try: nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_sm") except OSError: print("Downloading spaCy model...") from spacy.cli import download as spacy_download spacy_download("en_core_web_sm") nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_sm") @lru_cache(maxsize=1) def slang() -> tuple[Pattern, dict[str, str]]: """Compile a re pattern for slang terms. Returns: Slang pattern and mapping Raises: FileNotFoundError: If the file is not found """ if not SLANGMAP_PATH.exists(): # msg = f"Missing slang mapping file: {SLANG_PATH}" msg = ( f"Slang mapping file not found at: '{SLANGMAP_PATH}'\n" "Please download the file from:\n" f"{SLANGMAP_URL}" ) # fmt: off raise FileNotFoundError(msg) with as f: mapping = json.load(f) return re.compile(r"\b(" + "|".join(map(re.escape, mapping.keys())) + r")\b"), mapping def _clean(text: str) -> str: """Perform basic text cleaning. Args: text: Text to clean Returns: Cleaned text """ # Make text lowercase text = text.lower() # Remove HTML tags text = re.sub(r"<[^>]*>", "", text) # Map slang terms slang_pattern, slang_mapping = slang() text = slang_pattern.sub(lambda x: slang_mapping[], text) # Remove acronyms and abbreviations # text = re.sub(r"(?:[a-z]\.){2,}", "", text) text = re.sub(r"\b(?:[a-z]\.?)(?:[a-z]\.)\b", "", text) # Remove honorifics text = re.sub(r"\b(?:mr|mrs|ms|dr|prof|sr|jr)\.?\b", "", text) # Remove year abbreviations text = re.sub(r"\b(?:\d{3}0|\d0)s?\b", "", text) # Remove hashtags text = re.sub(r"#[^\s]+", "", text) # Replace mentions with a generic tag text = re.sub(r"@[^\s]+", "user", text) # Replace X/Y with X or Y text = re.sub(r"\b([a-z]+)[//]([a-z]+)\b", r"\1 or \2", text) # Convert emojis to text text = emoji.demojize(text, delimiters=("emoji_", "")) # Remove special characters text = re.sub(r"[^a-z0-9\s]", "", text) # EXTRA: imdb50k specific cleaning text = re.sub(r"mst3k", "", text) # Very common acronym for Mystery Science Theater 3000 return text.strip() def _lemmatize(doc: Doc, threshold: int = 3) -> Sequence[str]: """Lemmatize the provided text using spaCy. Args: doc: spaCy document threshold: Minimum character length of tokens Returns: Sequence of lemmatized tokens """ return [ tok for token in doc if not token.is_stop # Ignore stop words and not token.is_punct # Ignore punctuation and not token.like_email # Ignore email addresses and not token.like_url # Ignore URLs and not token.like_num # Ignore numbers and token.is_alpha # Ignore non-alphabetic tokens and (len(tok := token.lemma_.lower().strip()) >= threshold) # Ignore short tokens ] def tokenize( text_data: Sequence[str], batch_size: int = 512, n_jobs: int = 4, character_threshold: int = 3, show_progress: bool = True, ) -> Sequence[Sequence[str]]: """Tokenize the provided text using spaCy. Args: text_data: Text data to tokenize batch_size: Batch size for tokenization n_jobs: Number of parallel jobs character_threshold: Minimum character length of tokens show_progress: Whether to show a progress bar Returns: Tokenized text data """ text_data = [ _clean(text) for text in tqdm( text_data, desc="Cleaning", unit="doc", disable=not show_progress, ) ] return pd.Series( [ _lemmatize(doc, character_threshold) for doc in tqdm( nlp.pipe(text_data, batch_size=batch_size, n_process=n_jobs, disable=["parser", "ner"]), total=len(text_data), desc="Lemmatization", unit="doc", disable=not show_progress, ) ], ) def load_sentiment140(include_neutral: bool = False) -> tuple[list[str], list[int]]: """Load the sentiment140 dataset and make it suitable for use. Args: include_neutral: Whether to include neutral sentiment Returns: Text and label data Raises: FileNotFoundError: If the dataset is not found """ # Check if the dataset exists if not SENTIMENT140_PATH.exists(): msg = ( f"Sentiment140 dataset not found at: '{SENTIMENT140_PATH}'\n" "Please download the dataset from:\n" f"{SENTIMENT140_URL}" ) raise FileNotFoundError(msg) # Load the dataset data = pd.read_csv( SENTIMENT140_PATH, encoding="ISO-8859-1", names=[ "target", # 0 = negative, 2 = neutral, 4 = positive "id", # The id of the tweet "date", # The date of the tweet "flag", # The query, NO_QUERY if not present "user", # The user that tweeted "text", # The text of the tweet ], ) # Ignore rows with neutral sentiment if not include_neutral: data = data[data["target"] != 2] # Map sentiment values data["sentiment"] = data["target"].map( { 0: 0, # Negative 4: 1, # Positive 2: 2, # Neutral }, ) # Return as lists return data["text"].tolist(), data["sentiment"].tolist() def load_amazonreviews() -> tuple[list[str], list[int]]: """Load the amazonreviews dataset and make it suitable for use. Returns: Text and label data Raises: FileNotFoundError: If the dataset is not found """ # Check if the dataset exists if not AMAZONREVIEWS_PATH.exists(): msg = ( f"Amazonreviews dataset not found at: '{AMAZONREVIEWS_PATH}'\n" "Please download the dataset from:\n" f"{AMAZONREVIEWS_URL}" ) raise FileNotFoundError(msg) # Load the dataset with bz2.BZ2File(AMAZONREVIEWS_PATH) as f: dataset = [line.decode("utf-8") for line in f] # Split the data into labels and text labels, texts = zip(*(line.split(" ", 1) for line in dataset)) # Map sentiment values sentiments = [int(label.split("__label__")[1]) - 1 for label in labels] # Return as lists return texts, sentiments def load_imdb50k() -> tuple[list[str], list[int]]: """Load the imdb50k dataset and make it suitable for use. Returns: Text and label data Raises: FileNotFoundError: If the dataset is not found """ # Check if the dataset exists if not IMDB50K_PATH.exists(): msg = ( f"IMDB50K dataset not found at: '{IMDB50K_PATH}'\n" "Please download the dataset from:\n" f"{IMDB50K_URL}" ) # fmt: off raise FileNotFoundError(msg) # Load the dataset data = pd.read_csv(IMDB50K_PATH) # Map sentiment values data["sentiment"] = data["sentiment"].map( { "positive": 1, "negative": 0, }, ) # Return as lists return data["review"].tolist(), data["sentiment"].tolist() def load_test(include_neutral: bool = False) -> tuple[list[str], list[int]]: """Load the test dataset and make it suitable for use. Args: include_neutral: Whether to include neutral sentiment Returns: Text and label data Raises: FileNotFoundError: If the dataset is not found """ # Check if the dataset exists if not TEST_DATASET_PATH.exists(): msg = ( f"Test dataset not found at: '{TEST_DATASET_PATH}'\n" "Please download the dataset from:\n" f"{TEST_DATASET_URL}" ) raise FileNotFoundError(msg) # Load the dataset data = pd.read_csv(TEST_DATASET_PATH) # Ignore rows with neutral sentiment if not include_neutral: data = data[data["label"] != 1] # Map sentiment values data["label"] = data["label"].map( { 0: 0, # Negative 1: 1, # Neutral 2: 2, # Positive }, ) # Return as lists return data["text"].tolist(), data["label"].tolist() def load_data(dataset: Literal["sentiment140", "amazonreviews", "imdb50k", "test"]) -> tuple[list[str], list[int]]: """Load and preprocess the specified dataset. Args: dataset: Dataset to load Returns: Text and label data Raises: ValueError: If the dataset is not recognized """ match dataset: case "sentiment140": return load_sentiment140(include_neutral=False) case "amazonreviews": return load_amazonreviews() case "imdb50k": return load_imdb50k() case "test": return load_test(include_neutral=False) case _: msg = f"Unknown dataset: {dataset}" raise ValueError(msg)