--- title: TulipAI_culturaFX app_file: app.py sdk: gradio sdk_version: 3.40.1 duplicated_from: TulipAIs/TulipAI_Sounscapes --- # AudioCraft Plus ![docs badge](https://github.com/facebookresearch/audiocraft/workflows/audiocraft_docs/badge.svg) ![linter badge](https://github.com/facebookresearch/audiocraft/workflows/audiocraft_linter/badge.svg) ![tests badge](https://github.com/facebookresearch/audiocraft/workflows/audiocraft_tests/badge.svg) AudioCraft is a PyTorch library for deep learning research on audio generation. AudioCraft contains inference and training code for two state-of-the-art AI generative models producing high-quality audio: AudioGen and MusicGen. ![image](https://github.com/GrandaddyShmax/audiocraft_plus/assets/52707645/c4c5327c-901a-40d8-91be-aa5afcf80b52) ## Features AudioCraft Plus is an all-in-one WebUI for the original AudioCraft, adding many quality features on top. - AudioGen Model - Multiband Diffusion - Custom Model Support - Generation Metadata and Audio Info tab - Mono to Stereo - Multiprompt/Prompt Segmentation with Structure Prompts - Video Output Customization - Music Continuation ## Installation AudioCraft requires Python 3.9, PyTorch 2.0.0. To install AudioCraft, you can run the following: ```shell # Best to make sure you have torch installed first, in particular before installing xformers. # Don't run this if you already have PyTorch installed. pip install 'torch>=2.0' # Then proceed to one of the following pip install -U audiocraft # stable release pip install -U git+https://git@github.com/GrandaddyShmax/audiocraft_plus#egg=audiocraft # bleeding edge pip install -e . # or if you cloned the repo locally (mandatory if you want to train). ``` We also recommend having `ffmpeg` installed, either through your system or Anaconda: ```bash sudo apt-get install ffmpeg # Or if you are using Anaconda or Miniconda conda install 'ffmpeg<5' -c conda-forge ``` ## Models At the moment, AudioCraft contains the training code and inference code for: * [MusicGen](./docs/MUSICGEN.md): A state-of-the-art controllable text-to-music model. * [AudioGen](./docs/AUDIOGEN.md): A state-of-the-art text-to-sound model. * [EnCodec](./docs/ENCODEC.md): A state-of-the-art high fidelity neural audio codec. * [Multi Band Diffusion](./docs/MBD.md): An EnCodec compatible decoder using diffusion. ## Training code AudioCraft contains PyTorch components for deep learning research in audio and training pipelines for the developed models. For a general introduction of AudioCraft design principles and instructions to develop your own training pipeline, refer to the [AudioCraft training documentation](./docs/TRAINING.md). For reproducing existing work and using the developed training pipelines, refer to the instructions for each specific model that provides pointers to configuration, example grids and model/task-specific information and FAQ. ## API documentation We provide some [API documentation](https://facebookresearch.github.io/audiocraft/api_docs/audiocraft/index.html) for AudioCraft. ## FAQ #### Is the training code available? Yes! We provide the training code for [EnCodec](./docs/ENCODEC.md), [MusicGen](./docs/MUSICGEN.md) and [Multi Band Diffusion](./docs/MBD.md). #### Where are the models stored? Hugging Face stored the model in a specific location, which can be overriden by setting the `AUDIOCRAFT_CACHE_DIR` environment variable. ## License * The code in this repository is released under the MIT license as found in the [LICENSE file](LICENSE). * The models weights in this repository are released under the CC-BY-NC 4.0 license as found in the [LICENSE_weights file](LICENSE_weights). ## Citation For the general framework of AudioCraft, please cite the following. ``` @article{copet2023simple, title={Simple and Controllable Music Generation}, author={Jade Copet and Felix Kreuk and Itai Gat and Tal Remez and David Kant and Gabriel Synnaeve and Yossi Adi and Alexandre Défossez}, year={2023}, journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2306.05284}, } ``` When referring to a specific model, please cite as mentioned in the model specific README, e.g [./docs/MUSICGEN.md](./docs/MUSICGEN.md), [./docs/AUDIOGEN.md](./docs/AUDIOGEN.md), etc.